#We are corroded coffin and we like to play DND and stuff
jo-harrington · 3 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 2 - In the Beginning
Summary: "What do you guys think about getting the band back together?"
Word Count: 935
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Friendship, mentions of FOI, Freak #3 is named Dave in my universe. This entry for CC Fest takes place immediately preceding my Day 1 entry.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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“What do you guys think about getting the band back together?”
The words made all the guys at the lunch table freeze and turn to Eddie, eye wide, sandwiches half shoveled into mouths, and soda cans fizzing and overflowing onto fingers.
He fidgeted under their gazes.
After the uncertainty that was the end of the last school year, and Eddie's obvious absence in their lives, he had really made it up to everyone once school was out for the summer.
A few jam sessions where Ronnie and Eddie geared Gareth up to take her place as Corroded Coffin's drummer. Shooting fireworks at the quarry for the 4th of July. And an epic final one-shot for Ronnie before her departure for college.
But now school had started and...well...
Everything was at a standstill.
No gigs at the Hideout, no band practice. They hadn't even had their first official session of Hellfire for the year yet.
Eddie knew that he was the problem.
He'd promised himself that he would try this year. Try to be a better student, be a better friend, a better nephew. But trying was hard, it took effort. Effort that was rarely recognized, especially by classmates that despised him and teachers who preemptively decided he wasn't worth another chance.
Uncle Wayne, ever the voice of reason, suggested that he take it easy for the first few weeks of school, and for the first time in his life, Eddie Munson took the advice that was given.
He did the icebreakers on the first day of class--even made a new friend in a transfer student named Dave, who loved DnD and metal and quickly fit right in with the nerds he called his buddies--finished the assigned summer reading, and showed up for class on time that first week.
But taking it easy was just another word for boring.
He thought about it on the way to school that morning, as he drove under the speed limit, with the windows down, and the radio painfully silent: taking it easy sucked.
Where was the spice of life? Where was the adventure? Where was the music?
Where was the real Edward J. Munson?
Certainly not sitting at a stop sign looking both ways.
So Eddie decided, as he cranked the volume up as high as it could go and sped into the parking lot fast enough to leave tire marks as he skidded into a parking spot...enough was enough.
He skipped the first few classes of the day to hide in the school library and plan the beginnings of this year's big campaign for Hellfire, and by lunch he decided...
Corroded Coffin must live to see another day.
Seeing his friends look at him like he'd grown a second head now though, well...maybe he shouldn't have been so abrupt in his quest to reject boredom and conformity?
Baby steps.
"Lemme try this again," he cleared his throat and nonchalantly continued. "I think it's time we planned our first band practice for the year. Summer vacation’s over. Gareth's had enough time to break his wrists in...uh...no pun intended Gare..."
Gareth flipped him the bird.
"And Dave...you know, plays the bass," Eddie gestured to their new friend casually.
"I play the bass," Dave agreed half-heartedly with a scoff. "In orchestra. Not the bass guitar."
"Tomato potato," Eddie shrugged. "How different could it be?"
"Very different," Jeff said matter-of-factly. "They're very different, Ed."
"It'll be like learning french when you already speak spanish."
Somewhere in the depths of Eddie's subconscious, he could hear Ronnie remind him that he didn't speak either language, so he didn't really have a leg to stand on here.
"Well," Gareth's voice broke through the imagined admonishment. "It's like...like the drums right? No matter what kind of band, the drums create the tempo...the rhythm. Bass guitar or the bass in orchestra...what does that do? Creates a foundation for everyone else to harmonize with? Right?"
The other three boys stared at him, dumbfounded.
"I, uh...might have read a few interviews that Geddy Lee did about it," he shrugged nonchalantly and then found a sudden, great interest in the mashed potatoes on his lunch tray.
Eddie pointedly ignored the mention of Rush--he already gave Gareth enough shit about his taste in other music genres--but then turned his attention to Dave.
"So, what do you think? Did ya ever wanna be in a band before? I'm pretty sure I could bribe Dougie's mom to borrow his bass. Just until you're comfortable with it. Shit, she might just let you keep the damn thing if it means she never has to hear us again; she always hated having us in the garage."
Eddie continued his rambling for a minute, mouth running a mile a minute like it always did when he was excited. And that excitement was infection, and had Dave's nerves dissipating instantly.
"No, yeah, no," he nodded with a rapidly growing smile that just morphed his typically-stoic face into something made of pure joy. "I...I can figure it out. I'll give it a shot."
"That's the spirit Davey boy, I knew you had it in you."
"Speaking of garages," Gareth interjected again, potatoes forgotten again. "I can ask my mom if we can just have practice at our house? My drum kit's already there."
The group started chattering animatedly as they discussed times and curfews and set lists and warm ups.
"Alright, alright," Eddie got to his feet. "So it's settled then, Corroded Coffin is back in business baby!"
"Corroded Coffin on three?" Dave asked. It was very pep rally, but swept up in the commotion, they couldn't say no.
They counted down together.
"CORRODED COFFIN!" the boys all cheered and laughed.
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mercurysnotes · 6 months
Mixtape | No One Like You
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Eddie Munson x reader
[confession] [seeing eddie at a show and you’re in the audience] [you are invited to his trailer cause his uncle was out] [play fighting] [he gives u a mixtape] [silly lil oneshot..with a small bonus] [if i missed a tag lemme know~]
[2.1k words]
The bar smelled of old carpet and cigars that were smushed into the ground. Dim lights would only illuminate the stage as it bounced from the chairs and tables. Rummaging through my bag I pulled out my fake ID card praying they wouldn’t question it. Eddie walked towards the bouncer, placing his hand on their shoulder and said “They’re with me...” and gave me a quick wink. My face flushed as I lowered my head passing the bouncer who never let their eyes off me.
“Thanks...” I said to Eddie as he was now a bit further up with his back towards me.
“No problem. I gotta get ready now, see you after.” He said shooting corny fingers guns leaving as fast as he came. I weaved around the chairs to find table that was close enough to the stage but wasn’t so obviously close enough for him to notice me quickly. As the set began, the lights slightly dimmed for an even more dramatic start.
I could feel the beat of the drums through the chipped worn-out floorboards. The strums of the guitars flowing through my veins as I couldn’t help but slightly head bang along with Eddie. Corroded Coffin was playing a song from Megadeth, yet I couldn’t put my finger on the exact song.
Eddie and I have been friends for little over half a year. We met by him asking me to join his new DnD campaign. I didn’t know anything about stuff like that, I guess I was the type to look the part. Just wearing a different band t-shirt and jeans almost every day. Yet, something about it made Eddie come to me that day and ever since we’ve been inseparable.
Back on the set, I could see the way Eddie and his other band mate, Gareth, were shredding with all their might. The way the beads of sweat glistened down their faces as their passion continued to shine.
“You take a mortal man and put him in control.”
“And watch him a God, watch people’s head a roll.”
They sang as I couldn’t bring my eyes to tear away from Eddie when he grabbed the
microphone. A little after the song had concluded, Eddie and his bandmates would finish their act with a different song they haven’t performed yet. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. Since it felt as though it was such an exclusive moment to be shared with you and the other patrons of the bar.
After the finale song, Eddie was out back taking a quick smoke break as I decided to wait for him to get back. Seeing the other bandmates come out first I went to them to compliment them all on their performances.
               “Thanks for coming out!” Jeff says with a toothy smile as he looked around at the other members so they could agree. I said of course and asked if Eddie was going to come out soon. They just said that it shouldn’t be long. The rest of the band went to the bar, and I couldn’t help but sit at the same table I watched the show, softly doodling on a napkin with a spear pen I found in my jean jacket.
               “Hey there, sweetheart” Eddie said, and I quickly shot my head up with a large smile. “Oh, Eddie you were so good!!! And I don’t just say that cause you’re my friend.” I said with a smirk leaning and poking his chest. “Yeah yeah, I know, thanks for coming out. Seriously.” he said with his toothy grin and eyes morphing into being more sincere. All I did was teasingly humph and walk over to join his bandmates to grab a drink. Eddie couldn’t help but follow behind like a lost puppy.
After a few drinks and a lot of laughs, the band decided it was best to call it a night. Luckily, they all managed to make it home safely and Eddie turned his head to me.
               “So..how you are getting home?” He asked with a slight tilt of his head making the lose crazy curls softly land on his face. “Well...I was probably just gonna walk home like how I got here...it’s not too far..” I started leaning back onto the bar counter taking in the calm energy.
“Why don’t you come and hang with me for a bit at my trailer..my uncles not home so it’s not too much of a burden..unless you don’t want to of course-” He said with a soft tone almost as if he was nervous I would reject his offer. “Sure.” I said so fast it cut off the end of his sentence. All he did was smile and get up to grab his things. I happily followed him and made my way to his van.
               A short drive after we made it to the trailer park that Eddie lived in and pulled into his driveway. I tried to get out before Eddie quickly yelled, ‘Nope don’t move’ and he made his way to my side of the van and dramatically opened the door saying ‘Malady’. I could only giggle in response with a medieval time accent ‘thank you kind sir’ taking his hand and stepping down.
               Eddie opened the door and throw his jean jacket on the couch and said, “Make yourself at home!” and continued to the kitchen to grab a beer.
“Is all you drink, beer?” I said with another teasing tone that hasn’t seemed to leave since I first saw him again after his gig. “Is all you do, being a nerd?” He said thinking that would affect me only making me hysterically laugh. “That couldn’t be even more ironic coming from you” I said between gasping for air between my chuckles. “Ha. Ha” Eddie said rolling his eyes taking his first sip.
Some more time has passed leaving it to be around 12 in the morning. Not feeling tired I asked Eddie if he’d want to just watch a movie until we fell asleep. He agreed and plopped a movie in and grabbed blankets and pillows, throwing one to my head. “Oops” he said with a devilish grin, and I pouted grabbing the pillow throwing it back hitting him. “Oh, it’s so on!” I squealed and lunged at him with a spear pillow that he brough over. We continued to wrestle, hitting each other back and forth. I then grabbed a spear blanket trying to wrap him up with no use. Somehow as we were both panting from the lack of stopping, I found myself straddling him on the ground holding a pillow above my head ready to strike. As realization sets, I quickly got up apologizing.
               “Oh, jeez sorry didn’t mean to get so caught up in it...” I said slightly flushed hair now all messed up trying to brush it down with my hand, not making as much eye contact. Eddie only sat up from the ground propping himself with his hands and looked at me with starry eyes. “Nah, don’t apologize I started it...self-defense” he said with that stupid toothy grin again holding his hand up mimicking the scouts honor salute. I rolled my eyes and pulled my head back falling onto my back. I started to giggle as my hands went to cover my face. We were both still on the floor, me lying on my back and Eddie’s legs crossed watching my laugh. As I continued to laugh, Eddie seemingly got up and made his way to his room. I noticed and turned my head from the ground and watched him leave the room.
               “Where you goin’??” I shouted slightly so he heard from the other room. “I just remembered something!!” He replied with the same volume and finally made his way out with something in his hand. I finally propped myself up sitting cross-legged and watched Eddie sit back down the same manner. “So, uh...I just thought I’d give this to you now before I forgot again...” He said just plopping it in my hands with no second thought.
               “Think of it like an early…birthday gift.” He continued and fidgeted with his metal rings. “Oh..thank you Ed you really didn’t have too.” I said, looking up at him and taking his hand in mine. A moment passed of me holding his hand and I quickly took it back fearful of what he thought and began to examine the gift. It seemed to be a mixtape that said ‘Love’ and nothing else. I couldn’t help but tilt my head in confusion asking why the title said love.
Eddie bashfully looked around trying to find and answer scratching the back of his neck nervously. ��How about I take you to my room to listen to it...I have a Walkman and headphones, I’ll let you listen in there...” He said almost frantically grabbing my wrist, dragging me to his room. As if in a quick secession, I was sitting alone on Eddie’s bed, with the said headphones and Walkman playing Eddie’s ‘Love’ mixtape. The first song that started to play was, “No One Like You” from Scorpions. Which was the first song Eddie introduced me to since I asked him if I were a song, what would it be.
That’s strange, why would this be the first song to a mixtape named Love for me, for my birthday.
“There’s no one like you, I can’t wait for the nights with you.”
“I imagine the things we do.”
“I just wanna be loved by you.”
I blinked. I continued to listen carefully, trying to understand and comprehend the lyrics as best I could. Does this mean what I think it means. I had to listen to the rest of the playlist. Was he showing me all the romantic rock songs cause he’d think I’d like it? So many thoughts were running through my head and before I could continue to spiral, Eddie opened the door to check in on me.                “So...what did you think...?” He said still fidgeting with his silver rings. I looked up to see him make his way to the bed, taking a seat. “I did like it...I’m just wondering why you added ‘No One Like You’ by the Scorpions knowing that I already have their song taped?” I said confused and Eddie just chuckles from the question.
“Why am I not surprised for how oblivious you are” he said holding his stomach with more of his giggles leaving his mouth. “Huh??” I questioned even more confused.
“Did you listen to the lyrics?” He said and I just nodded. “Well, hell, it’s how I feel about you, dork.” He said with an even larger toothy grin than he has ever had before. My body froze, blinking ever so slightly and my blood rushed towards my cheeks. Eddie only sat patiently and silently waiting for a response watching the way my eyes darted with thoughts and memories playing behind my eyes.
Finally looking up stars in my eyes and slow grin rising on my face. I lunged to Eddie, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, giving him a huge hug. I felt the way Eddies chest moved as he giggled from the contact, and I continued to lay on his chest with my arms tightly hanging on.
“Oh Eddie..I’ve felt the same way since you first spoke to me!” I whispered into his shoulder burring my face into his hair taking in his wooden cologne. His hands were lightly resting on each side of my waist.
He finally propped himself up making me somehow manage to find my way sitting on his thigh and continued to snuggle into his shoulder. “Is it...alright if I kissed you, sweetheart?” Eddie asked softly placing his calloused fingers on my chin, bring it up to make eye contact with him. “Yes...” I said leaning into his lips and our lips synced with one another.
               After the sweet confession, Eddie promised me on a date to go to the aquarium that was just a couple miles away since I’ve been begging to see it with someone. I couldn’t have been more ecstatic, and we went back to the living room to continue watching the movie as his large hands wrapped around my body snuggling in my soft body. Slowly after falling asleep together on the couch.
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 29: Behind the Music
Word Count: 625/Rating: T/Pairing: None/CW: frustration, rockstars/Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Grant, Jeff, Hellfire Club, DnD
Divider credit to @silkholland
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“This is bullshit!” Grant crumpled up a sheet of paper and tossed it towards the trash bin, missing by a mile. “I give up.”
Eddie tried mustering up something motivational, but he felt the same way Grant did. The only words in his notebook were fuck you, written fifty times over. 
“How are we supposed to write a song for the label when they don’t know what they want?” Gareth complained from his seat on the couch. He lowered his voice to a mocking tone. “Nothing romantic, but nothing about break-ups. Make it angry but not enraged. Sing about real issues, but don’t make it political.”
Jeff snapped his notebook shut and dropped it on the carpet. “If they don’t like our stuff, they should just write it themselves.”
“They offered,” Eddie muttered, a reminder and a warning. That ‘offer’ was more akin to a threat: the execs knew that Corroded Coffin writing their own songs was a huge part of their brand. If someone were to write for them…
“Well, I’m not writing another song just for them to turn it down,” Gareth quipped. 
Grant peered over at Eddie’s paper and grimaced. “Looks like our fearless leader isn’t having much luck, either.” He chuckled, scratching at his five o’clock shadow. “I can’t believe this is from the same brain that used to bust out insane campaigns in, like, a day.”
The other two band members laughed along with him, but the comment made Eddie pause. Without another word, he bolted to the filing cabinet and rifled through the contents until he found what he’d been searching for. 
“Gentleman…I think I found our solution.”
Jeff squinted at the marbled cover. The words “PROPERTY OF EDDIE. YOU READ, YOU DIE!!!!” were written in red, bold letters, tucked between doodles of a twelve-sided die and Satan himself. 
“Is that…?”
“Sure is.” Eddie flipped through the pages. He hadn’t played DnD in years, not since the band really took off. It was hard to keep a game going on the road. Still, he kept his old campaign notebooks securely stored in his penthouse apartment, like they were precious artifacts. 
In a way, Eddie supposed, they were. 
“The label doesn’t just want a song—they want a story.” He kept the book open to one of his best campaigns yet. “What if we use some of these as inspiration?”
“You think the label cares about druids and bards and demogorgons?” Jeff asked incredulously. 
Eddie shook his head. “No, but they do care about betrayal. Namely, trusting someone to do your dirty work and they back out at the last minute.”
“Kas the Bloody-Handed,” Jeff said, his voice soft as his face broke into a smile of understanding. 
Gareth nearly leapt out of his seat. “What if we write it so, like, people start off sympathetic, but when we get to the end, it’s revealed that the narrator has been the villain the whole time?”
“That’s why they call you Gareth the Great!” Eddie clapped a hand on his friend’s back.
“It probably wouldn’t hurt to get back into DnD,” Grant mused. “Just for, y’know, inspiration purposes.”
Eddie laughed. “Inspiration purposes, huh?” He tapped the eraser end of his pencil on the notebook. 
“C’mon, Eddie!” Gareth urged. “We can break out our old Hellfire shirts.”
“What say you, Eddie the Banished?” Jeff asked. “Care to reprise your role as Dungeon Master.”
Rockstars playing a nerdy fantasy game? Eddie supposed it wasn’t the biggest contradiction he’d ever heard, but it was certainly up there. He took a look at his bandmates, their eyes pleading. 
“I say…” Eddie started, a mischievous grin twitching at his lips. “I say you Level One Dwarfs better get ready for the most sadistic campaign of your lives.”
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findafight · 1 year
The excuses always are "oh we cant ship Vickie with Robin, we don't know enough about her, and they didn't interact enough for us to ship them, oh Vickie has no personality."
But then the fandom turns around and ships Gareth, who we know exactly three things about: plays dnd, likes metal, and plays drums in the same band as Eddie, and he is basically interchangeable with the other two corroded coffin/ hellfire dudes for all we know about them, with Will who he has never met. (This isn't a criticism of the character or the ship, more of the way people treat Gareth and Gareth/Will vs how they treat Vickie and Robin/Vickie.)
We have so many little things about Vickie. The strong hints of her being bi. Her having a similar sense of humour and taste in movies to Steve, like with the muppet joke and Fast Times. She's in band with Robin. She stayed behind and volunteered after the earthquake. She rambles when she gets flustered/nervous.
So imo its half 😡 she gets in the way of my gay ship so she is the worst. And half just the general fandom thing of treating women like shit, or holding them to a higher standard than men.
(seriously this fandom sees three men that have so little development and personality that they are basically the same character and can give them all in depth and different background stories. But one woman that has some overlap of interests with other characters, while still being her own character and it's just she's basically the same as a different character, that she has obvious differences to, so we're not even going to include her, or if we do she's the villain or we're going to treat her like shit)
totally agree anon! also interesting that gareth and will have dnd in common and yet.... but i suppose it could be considered a crack ship (though not extremely so) and therefore one might dismiss it as not counting the same as Vickie. I don't dislike it it's simply a ship that's there to me haha.
maybe like. last fall or something the vickie hate got really bad for some reason like I damn. I guess she's a bit of a blank slate so you can give her any personality but there was some really rank stuff happening. absolutely bonkers. either that or ignoring her existance or a quick "crush faded/it didn't work out". which is fair it's their fic and they can glance over whatever they want but it's frustrating when it's sooo common. and the excuse that they barely interacted (even tho everytime Vickie was there it was some kind of romantic thing for robin!) so it's hard to ship them. seems like a bit of a copout to me. people have shipped more with less. (also bypasses potential dram there which would maybe be fun to see? thy're so messy let them be messy) soooo right about it being part for the ship part treating women poorly. (a common problem in fandoms far and wide)
But also we do know a few things about that aren't "rambles and is in band". she also talks over the national anthem and eavesdrops! She gets passionate about movies, gets distracted, and enjoys Robin's company! It's so sad that she's often left to the wayside for being boring or too much like Robin yet other male side characters we know even less about get backstories etc from the fandom. Like damn can we not give vickie some time to shine? more love for vickie always!!
anyways you said everything really well anon.
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plvto-sqda · 1 year
-⋆ Dating Gareth Headcanons (Pt.2)
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✩Summer Edition!✩
⭒ He would take you stargazing all throughout the summer. His mom taught him a lot of constellations when he was younger, and he is kinda a space nerd as well so he loves to point all kinds of stars and planets out to you. One of the best parts of these little trips with him is the drive to the spot you both like to stargaze at because the sun is going down, creating a beautiful sunset of all kinds of colors as energetic music blasts from the car and you guys are joking around and generally having very enjoyable conversations with each other.
⭒ Gareth would take you to the beach a lot too! He would always take a box or bag to put all kinds of shells and rocks in (because we all know he loves rocks and trinkets; he has a whole collection at home lol). He also definitely has a special jar where he puts all the rocks you give him. He also loves going to the little shops at the beach too and checking out all the shells, trinkets, glass-blown art, and crystals.
⭒ You guys would have an absolute blast at the fair! He’s definitely a huge fan of the more intense rides like the Kamikaze and the Spin-Out, but he will be more than happy to go on the Tilt-a-Whirl or the Giant Swing with you. And once the sun sets the two of you share a funnel cake and then go on the Ferris Wheel. When your capsule is reaching the top he tells you how much he's enjoyed this and that honestly, the day couldn't get better. You smile and tell him you feel the same. And once the capsule finally reaches the top, you lean over and kiss him. He's immediately all smiles and turns bright red and basically stays like that until the ride is over.
⭒ Gareth would also take you to go to drive-in movies together. Some of his best memories are of you both in the back of his car, cuddled up in blankets and pillows, and watching a drive-in horror movie.
⭒ He would take you to outdoor concerts too! Occasionally you two would invite the rest of the Corroded Coffin boys and then go out for dinner at a fast food place afterward, but it's also just nice to hang out together and dance and scream all the lyrics to the songs that are being played. (Also bonus: if you went to any metal concerts, Eddie would def get a little jealous and beg to go with you guys)
⭒ You two go on countless trips for ice cream all throughout the summer! Gareth likes more chocolatey or peanut buttery flavors and he likes strawberry too, but he will be totally willing to try some of whatever flavor you choose. I also headcanon that he loves waffle cones. Idk he just seems like a waffle cone kinda guy.
⭒ We all know Gareth loves hiking and nature, so you two will often go for little walks and hikes. Some of your favorite things to do while hiking are finding rocks, picking flower bouquets out of the wildflowers, and foraging too! His mom used to forage a lot and she still does today so he knows about what most of the plants are out there and what he can do with them.
⭒ On the 4th of July, he takes you to go out for dinner and see fireworks. He also brings snacks and a cooler for drinks. You guys sit there for hours, having both funny and deep conversations, commenting on the fireworks, maybe sharing some kisses, and overall just making some really great memories too. He has a lot of Polaroid pictures of this night
⭒He's definitely not into actual hunting, but he finds fishing enjoyable. (he always catches and releases them because he feels bad killing and cooking the fish, and he doesn't even really know how to cook fish anyways lol)
⭒ Hey, and let's not forget about outings with the Hellfire Club too! You guys would arrange hangouts frequently over the summer and go for drives (ofc while blasting metal the whole time), go shopping (depending on which stores you guys decide to go to, chaos often ensues and so is getting kicked out), play DnD (more chaos), and explore around Lovers Lake together (Eddie pushed Mike into the lake once), and more stuff like that.
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watercoloredlie · 10 months
So I read Flight of Icarus and it wasn’t that bad.
I love that Eddie got his love for music from his mom. She sounded like a cool lady gone too soon. It’s cute that he shares her initials.
Al Munson can rot.
Wayne should be protected at all costs. I hate how people lump all the Munsons together when Al is the only real bad one. Wayne always had Eddie’s back and I love that.
Higgins can rot too. I hate that stereotype of the jocks getting away with bullying while their victims get in trouble.
Bev is cool for the most part. I didn’t mind the idea of Eddie also working at the Hideout.
It was cool to get a glimpse of another Hellfire campaign with Eddie as DM. Also kind of cool to get a glimpse of earlier versions of the characters we saw on the show.
Ronnie was cool. I can see why she and Eddie were compared to Robin and Steve. Love that Granny Ecker was cool with Eddie too. At least until he upset Ronnie. It was cool to see Ronnie not backing down to the bullies.
Paige. I expected her to be terrible given everyone’s reactions to her, but she really isn’t that bad. Eddie was his cute dorky self with her. I was surprised that she bailed him out after their argument though. It’s funny that people think Eddie was a virgin with no game. Man had Chrissy skipping up to his doorway. He had her smitten with him in the woods. But I digress.
Chrissy my love. She was so badass standing up for Gareth and Eddie. This book just made me love her more. I loved the flashback to the night of the talent show. She and Eddie were adorable.
Reefer Rick was pretty much just how I had headcanoned him.
Eddie meeting the Byers boys and protecting Will was awesome. I love that Will got the first invite to Hellfire. I wish Eddie knew how the boys didn’t want to play DnD with Will in season three. Oh he would have reamed them out.
I appreciate the Warners for being welcoming to Eddie. Props to Mr. Warner for calling Wayne a good guy. Sure, Eddie had to downplay stuff a bit, but it was nice to see a family like Paige’s not immediately brush off Eddie as no good.
Eddie deserved to live and to graduate. This book just made it clear how even more unfair it was that his storyline ended the way it did. There was a lot of foreshadowing to it in the book too.
It was also pretty cool to see Corroded Coffin band moments. I still think Dougie is the unnamed member of the band since they did say their rehearsal space was in his garage and that kind of does match up with what was shown in Season 4. Although he’s supposed to be a senior in the book so that doesn’t line up. I don’t really know if he is the unnamed band member or not.
Also unless I read wrong, did they really mess up Gareth’s wrist when he’s a drummer? Only to have Jason mess up his hand in season four? That was uncalled for. Leave Gare alone.
I appreciate how understanding Hop was with Eddie. I think deep down even he knew Eddie was a good kid for the most part.
Eddie’s LOTR monologues were just so Eddie lol. It was cool to see Ronnie try to help him with his studies though. Hurt to see him call the assigned reading for English bland, but I get it. There were some books we had to read for English that I didn’t like either.
It was a nice touch that they mentioned Eddie enjoying comics. Especially the Xmen ones since it kind of confirms he got the Hellfire Club name from the Xmen comics.
All in all, not a bad book. Third ST novel I read. Lucas on the Line was really good despite the descriptions of Eddie not really being accurate. Also read the Hopper book which was pretty good too.
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masivechaos · 2 years
★ orion! - send me a character + a prompt/situation -> i'll write a little blurb!
Eddies finds out his partner has been secretly reading up on dnd so they can play with him
Also Congratulations again xx
eddie munson x gn! reader | 0.8k
warnings: pure fluff!! (i don't really like this but hope you enjoy :))
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Eddie opened the door quietly, most of the time you were asleep in his bed waiting for him to come back from his corroded coffin shows. Even if he saw the light was still on in his bedroom he didn’t want to risk waking you up, you were so pretty sleeping. 
He finally saw you, you were definitely sleeping, laying on his bedsheets, arms under the pillow. But your head seemed to be resting on something. Also, he couldn’t ignore all the mess around you.
When he walked closer he saw your cheek was pressed against the pages of an open book. He was about to laugh, it was totally you to fall asleep while revising your upcoming exams, but his eyes landed on a drawing. A dragon.
Eddie’s eyes dramatically widened, he watched the other books displayed on the bed and saw they were his D&D binders, notebooks and books. He absolutely didn’t know why you were reading his D&D stuff but it just brought him so much happiness.
It was the nicest feeling to know the person you love the most cares about the thing you like the most.
He tried to contain his excitement, not wanting to disturb you but internally he was screaming and jumping. He carefully cleaned off the bed and joined you under the sheets after taking a short shower.
His arms wrapped around your shoulders, your face resting in the crook of his neck. Your eyes fluttered open, finally realising the presence next to you “Hi” you managed to say after a minute.
“Hey” he had a huge grin painted on his face. And you knew him so well, he wanted to tell you something so bad he could get sick. 
Even tired, your lips tucked up “What’s going in your mind?” Eddie bit his bottom lip as he stared down at you, his hand brushing your hair.
“Did you- did you read about D&D?” the joy in his voice could be heard and you wished you could smile but there was a hint of disappointment in your heart. He wasn’t supposed to know.
You spent several hours reading his notes or books when he wasn’t home. The most difficult part was to learn the rules but after a while you managed. You went through the different characters and species, finally understanding something Eddie told you.
But how did he even find out? You shut your eyes and finished by remembering, you fell asleep reading his books, it means he found you and saw. “What’s wrong?” he asked when he saw your smile dropping.
“It was supposed to be a surprise… I wanted to play with you…” you looked down, peeved you weren’t careful enough. But as you started to get lost in your thoughts you saw Eddie’s hand slipping into yours, squeezing it.
His other hand came under your chin, titling your head up “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m so happy” he truly was, it was painted on his face. His big brown eyes were shining and his mouth was the biggest beam you ever saw.
You bit your lower lip, still not convinced. Eddie cupped your cheeks with the palms of his hands, his thumbs stroking your cheeks softly “There’s nothing to be disappointed about. I’m the happiest man in the world because I have the best partner. You are so caring, I love how you are invested just because I speak too much about something you wouldn’t care about normally”
God, you loved him so much. “Thank you Eddie” you looked into his eyes with a shy smile, it always made you timid when he was telling you sweet words.
Suddenly his grin changed into a smirk “Sooo…” you were ready for him to ramble without hand and you loved it. “When are we going to play? Do you wanna come to the next session? Or for the first time you just want to watch?” You felt he stopped himself from talking more and you let out a laugh at his excitement, he sounded like a child just before Christmas.
“Um…” the other reason why you learned on your own was that you didn’t dare show up to a meeting to try. Of course, Eddie asked you multiple times. But you refused, you were too scared you would slow down the group. “Is it okay if it’s just the two of us?”
Eddie smiled as he chewed on the inside of his cheek “Of course! We can take all the time we want, hell the entire day!” you chuckled and pecked his lips quickly, it was the only gesture you thought about when you were so tired.
“Yeah we’ll see” you said before resting your head on his shoulder with a little sigh, ready to hear about D&D for the rest of the night.
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⋆ ★ eddie munson taglist: @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @vintagepearlss @moonlitmeeks @rhydianissuperior
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newgrangespirals · 1 year
Steddie Role Play
I have read a lot of Steddie fics since season 4 premiered last year, however one thing that I have not seen a lot of is Steve and Eddie roleplaying during sex. Not kink, not dom/sub stuff, but legit roleplay. Knights and princes and story lines with characters. You really expect me to believe that Eddie would not be so into that. He is a DnD nerd who saw a real life version of Aragorn rip a bat in half with his bare hands; he would want to act out Arwen and Aragorn’s scenes from Lord of the Rings. 
Steve would absolutely go along with this. We see in seasons 1-3 he is perfectly able to act silly to make the person he is with feel better. He accepts thing really easily; he would think for a moment after Eddie hesitantly bringing it up and then nod and ask how Eddie wants do do this, does he need to buy a sword? He would definitely role play the lost king of Gondor for his nerdy boyfriend, a banished prince rescuing a bard from angry villagers, or a knight rescuing a damsel from a tower.
Eddie has spent his life reading and acting out fantasy stories, then he saw a very pretty boy actually behave like the rugged, burdened heroes he has been reading about since he was a kid. He would definitely want to role play. I don't even think it would be completely about sex. He would get to into the story. They sex would happen sure, they are both young and attractive, but they actualization of his fantasies would eclipse the sex part and having a handsome prince or knight save him from danger would be cathartic and satisfy something deep down that he didn’t even know he needed. 
Eddie would not be able to get over how lucky he is that his hot jock boyfriend is silly enough to role play fantasy stories with him. No one would believe him. He tried to tell the Corroded Coffin boys once after the asked about a bruise that he got falling of a table that they were pretending was a wizard’s tower that Steve had to rescue Eddie from. They thought it was from BDSM stuff, they would believe that; however, they have a hard time believing that Steve “the Hair” Harrington was pretending to be Stefan the Gallant, a knight errant that had to rescue the talented bard Edgar from an evil wizard that wanted to steal his voice and keep him captive for nefarious purposes. They only believe Eddie when Steve arrives to pick him up from band practice with a gash on his forearm and when they ask about it he says that he got it from his sword after truing to catch Eddie before he fell of the table (sorry the evil wizard Bragmar’s tower).
I just really want some fics that lean into the fact the Eddie is a fantasy nerd, and Steve is a boyfriend that does what he can to make his partner happy. I also think he would get really into it and find out he loves it as much as Eddie. I would satisfy his need to be the protector, without all the danger of the Upside Down or Russians.
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katsu28 · 2 years
hi kait!! sorry my asks are coming in so late, i'm travelling and it completely slipped my mind. could i get a 🍬, with the fandom being stranger things? a little about me is that i'm 5'10, stick-thin in a way that's kind of concerning, and have a really dry sense of humour. i have short, choppy brown hair and i'm a HUGE reader haha. i'm bisexual and super shy/awkward around people i don't know. i can play the piano, taught myself the ukulele and can sing. have a good day!!
hi ari!!! thank you for all ur great requests hehe <33 hope ur travels were fun! i would ship you with eddie munson!
i think eddie would find your sense of humor hilarious even though some people may not understand it, because he kinda has the same type of humor. i feel like you two would have a lot of inside jokes with each other that leave your friends kinda confused but you and eddie cracking up. it's something that might bring the two of you closer!
something else that you and eddie have in common is your musical abilities! we all know he's got his own band, but he would love to have a one on one jam session with you or brainstorm together for either a corroded coffin song or your own song if you write them. you could even teach each other how to play different instruments! and he'd never pressure you because he knows it might not be something you'll go for, but he thinks it would be fun if you joined him for a duet :)
you and eddie don't have a huge height difference (joe is six foot according to google LOL), but my god does he lord those two inches over you all the time! i think eddie isn't picky when it comes to the height of his partner, but he likes your height because he doesn't have to stoop down to meet your gaze. idk i think it's just easier for him!
he understands your shyness and awkwardness around people you're not familiar with, and he tries his best to make sure you're comfortable in whatever setting you're in! if you're at a gathering with his friends or somewhere where you don't really know anyone, he won't leave your side. if you're big on physical touch, he'll always have a hand on your arm or the small of your back or somewhere else so you know he's there. if not, he'll make sure he's somewhere you can see him. i feel like he's very attentive in that way, because he'd never want you to feel uncomfortable in any way, not if he can help it.
i feel like eddie is a big reader too. he's obviously read lords of the rings and he probably has to read stuff for his dnd campaigns, so knowing that you love to read too is something that he loves about you. if you like to talk about the books you read, he's totally down to listen even though he might not know what you're talking about, because he just likes seeing you passionate about things! and he would definitely do the same to you if you're willing to listen to him. i could totally see the two of you going on like a bookstore date to find each other new things to read, or even loaning each other books from your own collections. yours would always come back with eddie's little notes and doodles in the margins if you're okay with that sort of thing, and i think eddie would like it if you jotted down some stuff in his books too because whenever he reads them in the future it's like you're right there with him voicing your thoughts.
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Love On a Wire
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Eddie x Gn!Reader 
Summary: With your own feelings for Eddie Munson starts to eat you up, what's to say you’ll be able to keep lifting him up. 
A/n: this is gonna be a fix it fic series with a bit of a slow burn. pretty much no descriptors of the reader. i got a series of ideas from the song black sheep by the Metric I don't own the song but in the fic were pretending the reader wrote it.
Word count: 1.3K
Warnings: angst, suggestive content (eventually) , Slight unrequited feelings, Slow burn, No pronouns mentioned   
Chapter: 1
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I will never forget the day he walked into my parents' music store that day with cash in hand for the guitar he would come in and look at every day for the past few years.
“There you go L/n.” 
He says slapping the money on the counter as I go to ring him up. Grabbing the case for the red guitar. “Hey, your friends with Gareth right or well you play DnD with him right,” I say I've been playing with Gareth and writing songs for a while. 
“Uh yeah, he's in hellfire why,” Eddie says confused. 
“Now that you've got this beauty, why don't you come check us out? We call ourselves the corroded coffin,” I say, smirking from behind the counter. 
I  grab his receipt and some items to give to him some good stings.
“Are you inviting me to play with you L/n?” He says with a teasing tone making my body feel warm. 
“Technically no, that's up to Gareth but I'll talk to him”
That was 4 years ago.
I'm still singing with the corroded coffin and Eddie been a great guitarist. We had been really close but for some reason this year he's been really distant. My crush on Eddie was weighing on me. I had graduated but I still go to Hawkins high to help with some of the band stuff and bring stuff between the school and the music shop. I stopped in the hall rolling a cart of instruments more like riding down the clear hall. When I hear whispering and see Eddie and some cheerleader short blonde with a high ponytail not long barely reaching the back of her neck but the way Eddie looked at her I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at Eddie Munson talking no ogling at a cheerleader. It hurt but I'm not gonna not support my friend but my hand knocked my clipboard off the cart 
“Oh fuck” I say scrambling to try and catch it the girl looked back and scurried off Eddie watching her with a look he's never given me. Eddie sees me in the hall and jogs up to me 
“Hey y/n what are you doing here”
“Oh, I had to get some band instruments for my dad to fix,” I say motioning to the cart in front of me. “What is Eddie the freak Munson doing with a cheerleader?” 
“Oh, nothing-”
“Oh come on Eddie that didn't look like nothing,” I say, nudging him with my hip as he walked next to me.
“Okay maybe it's a little more than nothing,” he says chewing on his nails 
I still push the heavy cart of band instruments down the hall.
“What's a little more than nothing Eddie,” I say with a look that says ‘really’
He pushes against the cart towards me making me stop 
“We might have kissed,” he says an excited smile on his lips and those chocolate eyes wide with excitement 
“Eddie Munson kissed a cheerleader” 
“Yes these lips have been graced by the lips of an angel,” he says walking in front of the cart, arms opened dramatically one clutching his chest.
I laugh “congrats what happened to your little grudge,” I say playfully 
“Well N/n a grudge isn't gonna get in the way of a little love,” he says being over dramatic I laugh 
As I finally got to my truck. “Now are you gonna sit there like a lost puppy or you gonna help me get this stuff in my truck,” I say as he nods realizing by walking all the way to my truck was gonna involve him in getting the sousaphones and trumpet cases in my truck bed. 
“On it” 
Practice for me was hard I wanted to bring up a song to try one I wrote I've been working on it for months I brought the sheets of music to the garage that belong to Gareth's family 
“So I got a song but you guys have to promise not to make fun of me” 
Gareth looks at the folder of music. Looking over the lyrics “this is kinda sappy y/n”
“Trust me I know I wrote it dingus,” I say looking around not seeing Eddie
“Where’s Munson,” I say
 “uh I don't know, I think with that cheerleader he knows we meet Tuesdays and Thursdays,”  Jeff says shrugging 
“Great let just start running threw it,” I say irritated grabbing my guitar 
We started playing the notes working out kinks with chords or rhymes an hour into practice in the garage Eddie shows up I roll my eyes 
“Guy look who had the balls to show up,” I say with a sarcastic smile on my face
“I'm sorry I had to make an uh sale” running in with his guitar “chop chop Eddie boy,” I say
Grabbing the tambourine I wanted to add since Eddie was gonna take over with the guitar. 
“Gareth can you give Eddie the notes,” I say Eddie starts playing getting notes easily enough 
"Hello again friend of a friend
 I knew you when,
Our common goal 
was waiting for the world to end  
And now the truth is just a rule that you can bend. 
You crack the whip shapeshift and trick the past again”
I put my heart and soul into the words going into the mic as I continue to sing I make eye contact with Eddie. 
“I’ll send you my love on a wire 
Lift you up every time 
Everyone ooh pulls way ooh
From you 
Ooh '' 
it was like everything stopped for a second. I was the one to break contact with Eddie first going back to hitting the tambourine against my hand. Focusing on that suddenly the snare in the background stopped and we all look back at Gareth “fuck sorry” he says 
“No no, you're good uh I gotta go my shift for work starts I'll see you guys later,” I say rushing grabbing my stuff, and heading out the door I wasn't lying about that but part of me just didn't wanna face Eddie. So I was essentially running from my problems 
Not long after I get to work I see Eddie walk through the door, the person I wanted to avoid. 
“So what was that back there”
“Gonna have to be a bit more specific Munson,” I say looking up from the catalog in front of me 
“I don’t know all of that,” he says vaguely 
``Are you talking about the lyrics or me leaving for work because I did, in fact have work as you can clearly see Munson you are standing in the center of my job,” I say 
“I just wanna know what's wrong you seem mad at me,” he says his hands shoved in his pockets 
“Eddie, this is the first time you've ever been late to a practice what the fuck,” I say exasperated I let out a sigh to put some stuff away. 
“I'm sorry I said I had a … sale with someone”
“That cheerleader”
“yes, “ he said as he sat on the counter 
“Look I'm sorry okay, you've been acting odd recently what's up” 
“Whatever Eddie just gets out I need to work and you're currently a distraction and not the good type,” That's a lie he is the good type of distraction I say not acknowledging the end of the statement 
 But I'm a bit mad at him and frustrated with myself for falling so hard for someone who only sees me as a close friend.   He puts his hands up in defense and walks backward out the door. 
After that day I had been fairly distant I pretty much was only at practice and work and would head out with the boys anymore, 
Oh, Eddie if only you knew.
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Chapter: 1 | 2 |
Taglist: feel free to reblog and/or ask to be in the taglist 
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stardiveatnight · 2 years
a list of things we'll never get to see after vol. 2
i'm still sad and mad about eddie so i'm making it everyone else's problem
eddie and max being the best neighbors. eddie coming over to borrow some toast because he has absolutely nothing edible in his fridge anymore. max knocking on his door when it's already dark because her mom is too drunk again and she feels uncomfortable and doesn't know where to go and eddie is great at listening and distracting
them driving to school together in the morning in eddie's van and him showing her some of his favorite music and her actually liking it
eddie and robin bonding over a shared taste in movies come on you can't tell me these two don't love the same shit the fanfics don't lie
will visiting and playing dnd with eddie, dustin and mike or perhaps even all of hellfire <3
holy shit will laughing about eddie's jokes and antics
i just know for a fact he would have taught max how to play the guitar
more bickering between steve and eddie
eddie would totally start ranting to steve about a band he loves and steve would just stand there frowning a little and not understand a single fucking thing he's saying but as more time passes and they grow closer as friends he just tolerates it and it's not like eddie would stop anyway
no but fr eddie's dynamic with all the other characters. like we know how he acts with dustin and a little bit with mike and steve, we got to see him interact with erica, but i wanna know who he'd grow close with. who he'd have a love-hate relationship with and stuff like that
his backstory
corroded coffin gig
does eddie pass his finals omg does he get to graduate we need to know
eddie interacting with wayne. i just KNOW he likes to tease his uncle and provoke him but deep down they love each other so much
goofing around with dustin like they did on that field
omg he would definitely hype el up simply for having powers. like she could be walking into the room and he'd just cheer her on i know he'd find her so fascinating
wayne and eddie reuniting
eddie, argyle and a joint. all in the same room.
just imagine... chrissy's funeral and obviously eddie can't just show up there so he hides behind a nearby tree and silently mourns
oh eddie would so relentlessly tease lucas for skipping the dnd campaign for his basketball game even after lucas apologized like he would not let the poor guy live that down!!
but i'm also very much sure that if lucas continued to play basketball eddie would have made sure to show up to one of his games together with steve
and i'm so sure he'd just be everyone's best friend. like a brother to everyone. like, steve's the babysitter and eddie is the cool uncle who allows you to do all sorts of shit.
and he'd always listen to everyone's problems and immediately know how to cheer them up. he'd know if they wanna talk or just need some distraction and would make everyone feel so comfortable around him i just know he'd be such a wonderful friend and addition to the group
yeah okay i'm done now but also i'm ready to cry help we were so robbed
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Modern!eddie would so go viral on tiktok.
Like you just vibing on tiktok and Eddie did the horn thing like you see everyone doing now. And he just went viral.
And just you have to drag him in to do like
“This is my boyfriend, Eddie, uh yeah”
And cue being everyone’s favorite tiktok boyfriend when you make tiktoks with him.
“So you all only want Eddie content or stories so, how we met. In middle school, here in Hawkins, he was as most of our friends were, an outcast. So yes, failed senior year 2 times, was the leader of the high school dnd club, that still plays to this day. So. He plays guitar, in his band that plays at the local like bar in town, theyre called corroded coffin, no they don’t have a YouTube channel.”
Just modern!eddie starts a tiktok and does dnd or music content.
He still dresses like the Eddie we know and is just
“I just really like the 80s metal head style. Used to have a buzz cut. To think I landed my babe of a girlfriend with a growing out buzz cut.”
Also he has the good hands and rings and long fingers. Like staple tiktok boy.
God thinking of modern Eddie, he would be an authentic ‘I just vibe 80s style’ type person. Like ugh
Thinking of the modern!eddie sexting that would happen. It’s 7:22am and I am at work just *fans self*
The mirror nudes oh lord.
okay so I won’t lie I don’t know any trends and stuff on TikTok bc my fyp is literally just like marvel and stranger things edits and stuff
plus I personally find TikTok couples and TikTok boys like super cringey tbh lmao
but I love the idea of Eddie going viral for doing metal covers of popular songs, like that I could definitely see
but oof yes modern!Eddie and sexting?? that boy would absolutely be sending you nudes at the most inappropriate times, and you’re right he’s definitely into a good mirror nude
ugh I’m thinking about it too much now, I’m gonna make myself horny in the middle of the day ahhhh
- hope
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eddiefnmunson · 2 years
Were you always the DM for Hellfire Club? Did you ever let anyone else take the reigns so you could play a campaign?
Yeah basically. I set it up a long time ago and collected people interested in joining me. We eventually became Corroded Coffin as well. Now I keep an eye out for the 'sheepies' that pass by, but I passed that mantle to Henderson and Wheeler now. Not a lot of DnD fans around small town America in the 1980s especially with the accusations of satanism and all that stuff. I'd actually be keen to try actually playing but the control freak in me wouldn't like someone else driving.
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