#i dare you to tell that is the hair of a cis person
st5lker · 1 year
one thing i dont see talked about very often is the casual transmisogyny specific to nonbinary transfems especially those of us who have any kind of masculine presentation/pronouns. like as a bigender person i consider myself both a trans woman and a gay man at the same time in different parts and everyone just kind of sees that and goes "oh so youre not an actual trans woman so being transmisogynistic doesnt matter". and believe me i dont consider myself having it "worse" like im far safer irl than most binary post-transition transfems since i present masculinely irl and I constantly recognize that but when it comes to casual transmisogyny people are transmisogynistic in a very insidious way when youre nonbinary.
like people who would normally be really careful about checking themselves for transmisogyny just throw everything out the window when they realize youre nonbinary. you tell them you consider yourself a woman and a man at the same time, or anything in between, or have any kind of attachment to masculinity, and they immediately mentally categorize you as a man. it doesnt matter how you present, what you say, whether it's online or offline---if you're amab and don't fit the bill of being "woman enough" people online will go "thats a man" end of sentence.
the most painful part is that it comes from everybody. it comes from the cis lesbians that called that amab nonbinary person on tiktok a rapist for saying they liked when bi women primarily attracted to women were into them. it comes from the "femboy" obsessed tme transmascs and nbs who don't take your concerns about their transmisogyny seriously. and rarely, but most hurtfully, it comes from other trans women. anyone else remember when lesbianchemicalplant endlessly harassed a trans girl on here for daring to call her attraction to men gay? I do. I do because I saw it at a vulnerable time in my development and it made me repress myself for years because I thought being gay for men and a trans women were the most mutually exclusive things in the world and daring to say you can connect to both of those will get you labeled a Fake Transfem that's doing it for clout. i STILL get a feeling in the back of my mind that whenever i mention being a transfem after talking abt being a gay man people will be like "dont be ridiculous you're not REALLY transfem".
this of course comes from the fact that trans women are held to an impossibly high standards of femininity. you have to be a Capital W Woman to be taken seriously. meaning, of course, that you have to have long hair and thin shoulders and wear dresses and be skinny and short and attractive and usually white (unless they have a fetish for black women, then you can be black IF you hit the rest of those criteria). no matter what you can't be anything CLOSE to a man. make sure you take hrt and get The Surgery too and throw in some breast implants while you're at it.
if you're not rejecting every single part of you that could at all be associated with masculinity you're not even trying, you're just a man, you're just like all other men, and they don't have to care what you say about how you're treated. that type of transmisogyny is so deeply ingrained in literally everyone and its so depressing. it comes back to haunt ALL transfems but the way nonbinary transfems are treated is a perfect example of it.
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shigacocki · 2 years
Twitter message
Paired: tomura shigaraki x chubby fem! Reader smut
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A/N: this was based on my twitter dms that's I got few days ago, I still can't believe someone ask me that lol. ( also this self-insert soo I'm sorry if this oneshot isn't described as you.)
Warnings: misogyny/transphobic + incel shiggy + non-con/dub-con + forced pregnancy + drugged (sex pollens) + mention of kidnapping.
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You got a message from twitter, you click it and see a username by the name league01_ with a no profile and check their account, It's recently been made.
You check the message and it's say:(Helloo are you here?? Are you female or not?) your eyebrow rise and start to giggle, you had to troll them.
You accept the message and start to mess with them.
(what's if I have penis?... I'm a woman) you send the message less then a few mintues they're start to relpy and message back.
(Huh? Are you woman or tran? That's why I'm asking, I'm very confused.) You were getting frustrated with this person and basically explain to them that's you're a cis woman. it's was extremely rude for someone to asking you for your gender, They're reply back.
(ahh okay I'm sorry but what's does cis mean?)
You were dumbfounded by their relpy and send a message back.
(I'm born as a woman, I have breast and vagina.   Hope you have great day bro.)
They're send a message and you block them after that.
(It's sound like you don't wanna talk to me no more.)
Little did you know you were messaging the most dangerous villain, Tomura shigaraki. He was infuriated by you blocking him, he started to scratch his neck aggressively.. Little brat.
Then he has an idea, he starts looking for more info about you. How dare you act like that toward him, he does have tran friends and you didn't let him explain about it.
Tomura made other fake account and start stalking your page, he's got more upset when he's seen you expose your messages about him but you cover his username.. Awww she want to hide my username how cute.
Tomura thought to himself. He kept scrolling to your page and found some photos of you.. You're quite cute.. But have a bratty attitude.
Tomura easliy found your location by hacking some info and steal more photos of you.
It's been a couple of days since you had block that person, you're glad they're didn't harass you or send death threats your way.
You quitely enjoy a nice warm walk by the park, it's pretty chilly so you had a big baggy green hoodie and simple black pants.
You sigh softly as you went to sat down at a bench. Listing to the birds chirp and enjoy the autumn air.
A tall slim man came near your bench as he sat down too. You give him a side eye, he looks to be around your age but has a skin condition so it's hard to tell with his messy light blue hair covering his face.
You look away to look at the birds more.
Without warning the man quickly put his hand around your neck and your eyes widened in fear.
" hello little bunny it's nice to see you in person." He leans in as he starts to nip your ear. You have no clue who this person is or why this man is holding your neck threateningly. Your whole body start to shake very uncomfortable and freeze up by his unwanted attention.
" don't you remember me the one that's you block on twitter? " you gulp now realized this person is the one you block.
"Please... Don't hurt me, I can delete it.. I'm sorry-.." he let's out a dry chuckle send chills running down your spine.
"mhmm I was angry when you post those messages of us talking but I'll ignore it. You're a lot prettier in person then those photos you have on your page." you felt tears coming down your face as he's begin to stand up and whisper.
"Listen to me and you won't get hurt, okay bunny?" You nodded your head fast as he raspy chuckle more.
You and him walk to a nearby alleyway away from the park.. it's was getting less light as he made you walk further in the alleyway.
there a unsetting silence around you two once he's stop in his tracks, he's lean in to deeply inhale... Did he just sniffed my hair??
Your eyes slowly look at him to feel a sharp pain near your tan neck.
"ahh what's the hell is-.." Your sentence stopped, your whole body feels like It's on fire. Your deep brown eyes turn full blown black and collapse onto the dirty ground.
You look up at him with worry expression as his smirk goes big.
"I knew this would come in handy." He has a syringe in his hand as you whine pathetically that's made his cock twitch with excitement.
"What.. Is that?" He lean in and whisper softly.
"Sex pollen.. It's helps you relaxed for our main event." You narrow your eyes at him but close your eyes tightly letting out a loud moan.
"Now let's see if you're telling the truth about being a female." You cringe at his words but gasp loudly as he start to decay both your pants and panties.
"Are you gonna scream for your sweet hero to come and save you-.." He pauses letting out a long low groan.
You felt his hands on your plushy ass then a loud whack echo in the empty alleyway. You cover your face as he keep smacking your ass more until it's nice shade of red.
"Please just... Fuck me." There was a other long paused of silence but you heard the jiggles of his belt. You turn your head to see him struggling with his own pants.
You wanna laugh at how desperate he is but he can easily decay you if you make a noise.
Your eyes move down to his long slender fingers as he finally free himself. Your mouth drops wide, drool slowly comes out as his girthy cock on your pump behind.
He grabs the base to your entrance but he uses his finger to test the water, He groans long and low.
"Holy... Shit, you're soaking.. filthy little slut." You whimper as he tap his red spongy tip to your clit.
"Please.. Be gentle I-.. Uhh I'm a virgin." You give your sad puppy dog eyes to him as his smirk grow more sinister by the second.
"That's even better." You cry out when he start to slide inside your warm tight walls.
"I am too... Well we're both losing it together."
You want to scream at him. You want to move away and never to see him again but you cannot... You're helpless and quirkless woman that's going lose it by a villain.. The sex pollen driving you crazy.
Your sweet moans echo in tomura's ear driving him insane too. His hands move to grab hold of your soft-skin waist and begin to drill into your tight virgin walls little too quickly.
Your whole body moves forward by how strong his thrusting is. His slim pelvis slams your behind hard and fast. Your eyes roll back, naturally move your hips back to his inhuman thrusts making your cervix hurt. His tip hit it every time he pulled back only to slam back in hard.
"Mhmm fuck.. I'm gonna cum-... I'm gonna put a baby inside of you." Your mind is screaming at you to call out for help but you're too cock drunk to listen to it or him mumbing…
Your high is coming too soon. Your body begins to orgasm as your mind goes blank and more drools come out. Your body start to stiff up as your walls contracting around his thick throbbing cock making him struggle to move.
Your orgasm costs him to cum too early as he calls out your name. You felt the hot thick liquids fill your womb up, your walls milking him for all his worth. You lay here lifeless.
You sigh heavily finally it's done but you slowly realize it's not going away as your eyes widen in fear. you look back at the light blue haired villain who's smirking at you.
"I'm gonna keep you, we're gonna keep going until you get knocked up by me."
All you remember was him pulling out a wet cloth to your mouth and slowly darkness took hold of your vision.
I had to edit this a bit since I realized it's was lacking a bit of details soo I fix most of it lol. *it's kinda okay*
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
I really hate how often neo ra/df/ems will go on and on about how trans fem's transitions are waaaaaay more difficult and they're waaaaaay less likely to pass, but if a trans masc dared to make any similar comparisons, they'd be fucking crucified.
There are a lot of feelings I have around sex-based discrimination and the difficulties of a masculinizing transition. On one hand, I don't think comparing struggles like that is useful (i.e. trans women have harder transitions).
On the other hand, I feel like the reality of the situation is actually quite the opposite for many people (everyone acknowledges that testosterone makes your voice drop and you grow hair, but nobody seems to want to acknowledge hysterectomy vs orchi, voice training is still often needed, electrolysis for phallo, the fact that bottom surgery is usually multi-staged [even metoidioplasty is sometimes 2 stages] with a lot of moving parts and far worse scarring, top surgery is almost a necessity for passing whereas not every trans fem wants top surgery + scars are easier to hide, face masculinization is far less common w/ fewer options, puberty begins earlier in perisex people AFAB and puberty blockers don't always allow for full height to be achieved bc they don't typically allow you to start testosterone until you're about 15 even IF you were a "classic" trans-since-3-years-old kinda case, the extreme body horror that is accidental pregnancy and abortion and menstruation when that's dysphoric vs not being able to carry a pregnancy just feels like an insulting comparison sometimes and I've had multiple trans women call me inconsiderate for expressing horror at getting my bodily rights taken away bc "that triggers my dysphoria", testosterone is a scheduled substance and has more difficult administration methods than simply a pill, etc.)
And so I bite my tongue and try to be the better person, because stooping to that low doesn't help anything. But at the same time it's so extremely frustrating to be told that you "have it better" when, considering the facts, it REALLY feels like the opposite. There's this level of bitterness around that that I am DESPERATELY trying to resolve within myself. I have a therapist. I know it's projection. I'm working on my own bullshit. But please tell me I'm not alone in feeling this way? I just wish they'd stop with that rhetoric and realize just how difficult the average trans masc transition truly is
yeah it's really frustrating for ppl to present Trans Women's Experiences and Trans Men's Experiences as diametrically opposed, with one experience being Eternal Pain And Inescapable Suffering and the other being Barely A Blip On The Life Radar. and while i understand it's coming from a place of pain, i've also experienced a lot of trans women shutting me down when i try to talk about how abortion rights affect me. back when i was first dipping my toe into trans spaces, i was friends with a trans woman who told me it was transmisogynistic of me to want to transition because "trans women would kill to have been born in your body." and while it absolutely comes from a different place than when cis men try to assert control over me and there's not the same power dynamic, it's still a complete stranger feeling entitled to tell me what to do with my body because of the sex i was assigned at birth. it's frustrating to have people i'm supposed to be in community with play into the same sexist bullshit that other people, regardless of gender, have been holding over my head my whole life, feeling like they own my body bc women and ppl who are forcibly assigned the role of women in society are seen as public property. our bodies aren't our own. everyone feels entitled to comment on them and touch them and make decisions about them. and it sucks when it comes from other people who should understand how that feels.
and like. obviously this idea that trans men's transition is so much easier than trans women's is unhelpful bc 1. there is no one particular way for trans men to transition, 2. not everyone who transitions in the way typically associated with trans men is a trans man, 3. it doesn't take into account how disability, race, ethnicity, etc. play into people's experiences before, during, and after transition, and 4. it's just not a fucking competition????? the fact that a disabled black trans man is going to be more systemically oppressed in society than a wealthy white trans woman doesn't mean trans men as a category are Objectively More Oppressed than trans women. bc gender is like. the worst possible way to try to gauge a group's place within the system. bc at this point, gender is not the most powerful system, race is. and i feel like a fuck ton of people really do not recognize that.
another thing that has bugged me for as long as i've been in trans spaces is this bizarre attitude that trans women are doomed to this miserable life of clockability and will never be able to pass as cis women thus they must accept that their life will be nothing but pain and suffering. and that's just very much not true! i know plenty of trans women who "pass" or who are happy with their bodies, who have jobs they love and friends and family who love them, who have a community that supports and celebrates them. and it has just always rubbed me the wrong way that people think they're helping trans women by presenting their existence as Inevitably Miserable when all it does is terrify closeted trans girls who think they're better off never coming out or transitioning, or better off dying. like. we have to understand that these narratives we create, the idea of the perpetually suffering trans woman and the lonely isolated trans man, are absolutely driving people to suicidal ideation. and if we give a shit about trans people, we should be changing these narratives.
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adalwolfgang · 5 months
ADAL!!! saw your requests/inbox is open…and i had to send in a little something something!!!
heard you do “i ship you with…” so i was wondering what gotham character you might ship me with!!!
As far as physical appearance goes, I’m a 4’11 cis female with long brown hair and brown eyes, tan skin, hispanic, and wear a lot of black and red :> (and wearing glasses when im not in my contacts sksksk)
As far as personality goes, I’m a little eccentric, lots of jokes teehee, my MBTI is INTP, aquarius zodiac sign, and I love a possessive jealous protective man 🤞 I’m bisexual with a preference for men, and my ideal date idea is a movie at home !! or a grocery store date (i love shopping!!)
tysm adal ^_^ u dont have to if you dont want too, or if you dont do these anymore!! Just thought it might be fun !!
A/N: AHHH YES!! I wont ever stop doing these so you're good! Also sorry for the wait! Im trying to get through asks today because the numbers are starting to stack up and I don't want to keep holding it off anymore! But my inbox will always be open!
I ship you with...
Oswald Cobblepot!
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Let's start with the height difference.
He loves it.
A lot.
Almost everyone he's ever encountered is always taller than him, or his height is used against him.
Definitely has a sort of power kink toward it if yk what I mean.
Now onto your color scheme.
We've all seen his many outfits throughout episodes and how fashionable he is.
He'll spoil you to your hearts content on whatever you want.
Including clothes.
There's a black and red outfit you've been wanting from a store down the street?
It's sitting on your bed by the next hour or so with a little love note attached to it.
If he's feeling it, you'll both be matching that day, wearing the similar black and red that you love so much.
He'll also make sure you always have a spare set of glasses or contacts on hand.
Just incase yk?
If anyone dares to even tease you about your clothes, glasses, looks in general?
I can't stress the 'anyone' enough.
He knows what it's like being talked down to and mocked so he isn't having non of that when it comes to you.
He doesn't want his darling going through the same shit he went through.
He's gonna do whatever it takes to make you live the best.
As a queen.
His queen.
He's not the best at telling jokes but he does have a certain sense of humor.
Like laughing at the people, who've hurt either him or you, who are on the ground screaming in pain.
Again, a certain sense of humor.
Lets say you try a harmless prank on him, and end up scaring the shit out of him.
He'll scold you but is smiling by the end of it.
If you tell him a joke, he'll laugh at it.
While also staring at you with a loving gaze.
Back to him loving to spoil you, he much prefers taking you out to extravagant places for a ideal date like a fancy restaurant but won't mind just chilling at his mansion and snuggling up on the couch with you.
He doesn't get the whole shopping dates you mention though.
Why do something like that when he can just make others do it for you?
If you beg for it enough, he'll agree.
But he makes sure zsasz and a couple other of his men come along.
Again just in case.
He'll tell them to spread out and not stick so close to you both so it can feel like it's just you and him having a nice bonding moment.
Don't expect him to carry anything though.
Poor Zsasz we'll probably get stuck acting as some pack mule.
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anotherobeymeblog · 1 year
Obey Me Unkinked Pegging Ficlets Pt. 1 (Older Brothers)
Okay okay quick context for people who need it: unkinked pegging is the idea that pegging is ultimately just another type of sex and isn't inherently kinkier than if it were, say, two cis lesbians using the strap-on. Not gonna write a whole essay on why that is, you're welcome to google it, but as an afab person who is viscerally horrified by the idea of being penetrated, it's an idea that I subscribe to whole-heartedly.
Ofc I do still greatly enjoy kinky strap-on smut, I just thought there isn't enough vanilla pegging porn out there, so I am happy to provide. Younger brothers and now-datables coming soon! Also maybe I'll expand some of these sometime? Idk. Reader is afab but gn.
The room was almost silent, save for the occasional wet sounds that arose from Lucifer slowly lowering himself onto your strap. If you didn't know him better, you'd doubt he was even enjoying himself, with the way his face seemed so unbothered and his breathing was barely laboured at all. But you did know him. You could see the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly, the subtle wash of pink over his cheeks, the way his eyes briefly glazed over when you brushed against something wonderful inside of him.
Your hands began to glide up from where they had been resting on his hips until your fingers threaded gently into his dark hair and you leaned forward to press your forehead against his. You could feel the puff of air that left his nostrils as he smiled, and he closed the gap between you until your lips met. Your nails gently scratched along his scalp as you returned the kiss, eliciting a low rumble of contentment from his chest.
When you finally pulled back for air, you couldn't help but admire his slightly reddened lips and half-lidded gaze. His eyes, usually sharp and alert, were growing hazy with pleasure, though they still looked directly into yours until his head fell lightly forward to trail slow kisses along your shoulder. If you blinked, you'd miss the way his hips began to move subtly faster and ground down against yours to seek out more friction. His breath was hot against your skin, the cool air of the room causing it to condense into a thin sheen of moisture on your clavicle.
He was getting close now, you could tell, but you didn't realize just how close until your only warning came in the form of a sharp inhale, followed by his hips stuttering as he came. Even so, he didn't pull off of you right away, instead lingering with you still inside of him as you felt him finally relax against you. No words were exchanged, as if your voices may shatter the spell that had been cast over the room, but they weren't needed. His arms coiled around you and subtle smile pressed into the crook of your neck told you everything you needed to know.
"Oh my god, can you hold still for ten seconds?" You pressed for forehead against Mammon's as you laughed, adjusting your hips yet again after the strap had slipped out of Mammon's ass for the third time that night.
"I am holding still! You're just clumsy!" Even as Mammon protested, his eyes were glittering playfully and he wrapped his legs around your waist to pull you in closer.
"Oh? Then maybe you'd rather a different human come over to fuck you? I could always call Solo-"
You couldn't finish your sentence before you were cut off by a pillow being shoved into your face, accompanied by Mammon's yelp of indignation.
"You wouldn't dare!" he whined, and you could hear the pout in his voice.
You tossed the pillow to the side and grinned down at Mammon, who was, unsurprisingly, looking thoroughly embarrassed. You decided to have mercy and lay off the teasing for a moment.
"You're right. I wouldn't," you said with a soft chuckle, finally sliding into him again and relishing the shudder that ran down his whole body, "I'd be too jealous."
"Hmph. Well, it's only natural!" Mammon's voice cracked a little as he felt you beginning to thrust again, but tried to keep up the bravado for as long as he could. "After all, not everyone gets the privilege of - shit, that's good - of fucking the-"
"The Great Mammon," you cut him off with a laugh, "I'm well aware."
He was about to whine at being interrupted, but you stopped him by firmly pressing your lips against his. You held the kiss for a moment, just long enough to push any thought of further complaining out of his head, before pulling away and starting to pepper kisses across his cheeks. He squirmed slightly, stifled giggles bubbling in his throat, but you managed to avoid getting dislodged this time.
"And make no mistake," you continued to mumble between kisses, "I intend to take full advantage of the opportunity."
Levi offered you a shaky smile from where he was lying beneath you, legs tentatively spread to allow room for your strap. There was certainly something amusing about seeing him wearing a hoodie even while naked from the waist down, but it made him feel better on days when he was particularly self-conscious, and you were happy to accommodate.
You shifted slightly to rest your forearms on either side of Levi's shoulders, causing your chests to touch and making it easier for you to bend down and kiss him without having to effectively do a push-up to do so. You could feel his rapid breaths through his nose as your lips touched, and you smiled.
"I love you," you murmured, and he immediately averted his gaze. No matter how long you were together, he always seemed to get embarrassed at the slightest affection. Still, he managed to mumble out a response.
"I-I love you too- oh." He sucked in a breath when your movements caused the plastic cock inside him to shift slightly.
"You doing okay, baby?" You already knew the answer. His eyelids were fluttering rapidly and you could see him starting to melt into the gentle proximity, his jaw finally unclenching even as his cheeks remained bright red.
"Mhm... m-more than okay..." Levi sighed and pressed his face into the crook of your neck, leaving gentle kisses there, "You can... um... you can move now... if you want..."
Shifting your weight to one side freed your dominant hand to reach up and thread your fingers through his hair, and you could feel his smile against your throat.
"Do you have any idea how lucky I am?" You began to roll your hips slowly as you spoke, your movements slow and easy as your thighs rested on top of his so that you were nearly lying on top of him. You both wanted as much of your skin to be touching as possible.
Leviathan opened his mouth to argue, but snapped it shut again when the tip of your strap brushed against his prostate. His face was absolutely burning against your skin, and you couldn't help but laugh affectionately, which only made him more embarrassed.
"No, no arguing. If you won't let me tell you that you're wanted, at least let me show you."
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
I like f/m skk ships when done right. Sure transfem is awesome and all, but I as a mostly feminine nb lesbian would like to point out that skk is a FANON gay ship, if your entire ship falls apart if one of them is gender swapped maybe that's a you problem. To me gender doesnt exactly matter outside of exploring themes that are influenced by the visible appearance of a character or silly what if scenarios. It really says something if your argument against people making skk f/m is "it takes away their whole dynamic" or "why are you making them het". Did you know 2 bi people of opposite genders can be in a relationship and still be bi? Do you know gender fluidity exists and some people do use their assigned at birth pronouns interchangeably with neutral ones? Did you know people can and will fetishize trans characters just as much as "het" ones?
A massive chunk of the fem Dazai/ bottom Dazai content I have seen turns him into this whimpering pathetic mockery of subservient poundee. But people want to tell me people only ever make fem chuuya aus cause they wanna fetishize the short long haired hyper masculine dude? Ya'll want me to be cool with people attacking others for having aus where one of them acts or likes to dress feminine? Lord forbid a gay guy like to dress feminine, he is clearly setting the entire LGBT movement back by 70 years right?
Over a fictional non canon ship? A measly 12 m/f out of 20k gay fanfics about a fictional non canon ship will not suddenly come to my door and tell me I no longer have rights as a gay woman. Someone's m/f headcanon is not gonna personally destroy rep for society, nobody is violating your right to exist and consume queer media simply by reading/writing a cis version of a gay ship. A ship btw that isn't even real rep outside of our reading as fans and what subtext there is.
And where is this anger and holier than though behaviour when the same is done to Sigma or Nikolai? They are also long haired men being drawn as women with fetished bodies and in lingerie. Nobody seems to be throwing hissy fits about fem Nikolai's primary personality in fanart being having gigantic knockers and wearing revealing camel toe hugging skintight outfits and everyone and their mother will defend every single sketch of Sigma being drawn as a woman and then turn around to harass, hound and doxx people for daring to do the same to Chuuya.
Gender and sexuality is fluid as fuck but people who come at queer artists and writers for making seemingly cis art or writing m/f aus of ships are imo major red flags.
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autumntouched · 1 year
I’m still coming up for air but wrote a little something if you’re interested…
Meet Celeste Elena Seresin-Trace
Natasha startles awake, unsure when she drifted off. The house is more quiet than it’s been since she and Jake brought Celeste home. Her mom and Gabby must be out, leaving the new little family alone.
Jake sits with Celeste cradled in his lap, her head supported tenderly in his large, capable hands. His leave is so short that he’s not wanted to miss a moment of the exhausting cycle of diaper changes and feeding and hours spent staring at the tiny, sleeping being they created, treasuring every shift, scrunch, and wrinkle of her delicate features. She already has Natasha’s darker hair (oh the heartburn!), but her eyes have yet to settle. Jake would have to pry it from her, but she hopes Cici ends up with his green eyes. Spending so much time taking care of the baby also means he hasn’t shaved since the day they went to the hospital, and Natasha is fully appreciating the rare shadow of facial hair on her husband.
He doesn’t seem to notice she’s awake just yet, and Natasha keeps her eyelids lowered to listen to the soft conversation he keeps up with their daughter. “Don’t tell your Mama, Cici, but you might be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. Of course, she’s neck and neck with you because I’m one lucky guy.”
Celeste’s tiny arms jerk in response to his words. It will be several weeks before her smile is more than a muscle reflex, but Jake insists that she smiles the most at him.
They’d had several first names picked out for her, although Jake was adamant from early on that he loved Natasha’s middle name and wanted to pass it on to their daughter. Elena means “light” and that’s what his two girls are in his life. He’s probably figured it out by now, but Natasha can’t resist Jake when his sweet, sentimentality slips past his cocky guard.
Celeste is perhaps a little on the nose for a girl with pilots for parents, but they both liked how pretty it sounded and how the vowels of her full name sailed so smoothly along the tongue. Natasha still chokes up remembering Jake murmuring it to her while he cradled her to his bare chest in the hospital, his hands then still slightly awkward as he adjusted to holding so tiny a person. Having a baby has turned both of them into saps.
“Whoa there, Ci,” he yelps quietly when Celeste jerks. “Strong as Mama already. No one’s going to mess with you, are they? And don’t worry, Daddy won’t let them.”
God help whoever dares mess with their little girl, Natasha thinks. Especially if she has Jake’s wit and penchant for verbal annihilation. They’re going to get a pair of tongue lashings they might never forget. Or recover from. The thought makes her huff a laugh, and both Jake and Cici look over at her at the same time.
Cover blown, Natasha fully opens her eyes. “I am not bailing you out for harassing a four year old at daycare,” she capitulates.
Celeste’s mouth opens and closes now that she knows Natasha’s awake, and Jake reluctantly relinquishes her to be fed. They learned quickly that their daughter will give them a short grace period to notice she’s hungry before she unleashes a full blown, bleating scream for food.
“I would never harass a child,” Jake scoffs. “Just have a firm conversation.” He helps her adjust the pillow to support Celeste while she eats. Natasha has only enough attention to spare to give him a skeptical look as Cici becomes more impatient about being fed. The defensiveness melts from his face, and he brushes her damp hair from her forehead to place a tender kiss there.
Natasha feels pretty lucky too.
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noahl-art · 5 months
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean it I don't like your art or anything. Really really sorry if it sounds rude, I'm just interested. So.. Are there any cis ghouls? I've just often seen you draw different ghouls as transgender.
I was just wondering about your headcanons about it and stuff..
Hey anon! 😊
No worries! As long as questions like that are asked respectfully and without bad intentions, I don't mind at all!
To be honest I don't really know 🤷 I don't have any fixed headcanons about their genders... I just vibe with it depending on what I feel like drawing! Which most of the time means they'll end up trans because that's what makes me really happy to draw!
It's more that I've spent a good part of my life drawing cis characters, and I've grown bored of it. So now, I just go full force and draw what I wish to see more represented, trans moments of joy and love, this warm feeling of community... And the ghouls just happen to be a very good vessel for these kinds of things! ✨
As always with these kind of asks I'll leave you with an extract that I love! It's by Hanneli Victoire a french transmasc author and journalist. It has been roughly translated via Deepl and corrected by my french ass so sorry if it's a bit cluncky! It's a bit long but very worth it! (link to the full french post on instagram)
The more I eat up feminist and lesbian theory, the more I understand that we don't exist. To be a man, a guy, a trans guy, a transmasculine or non-binary person is to look for yourself wherever possible, and to find yourself nowhere. Transmasculinity is a complete unthought issue in feminism, a question that is swept under the rug because no one knows what we're talking about. When you're a kid, you've got Hilary Swank getting murdered in Boys Don't Cry and not much else to tell us that being trans is shame, shit and death. Who wants to go through Preciado's or Bourcier's books to find mirrors of themselves? Who knows that Stone Butch Blues exists and that this book saves lives, even though it's far removed from activist circles? There's no space for us among lesbians, feminists, cis men or even queers. Once you've abandoned the idea of the definitive "she", and you're oscillating between "he", "they" or "it" and sometimes even a bit of "she", sexuality is a laughing matter. What are we becoming? Straight, lesbian, gay, transgender? There's nothing that really fits, and above all, we're attacked as soon as we dare to assert one or the other, because in any case, straight, queer, bi or transgender is not for us, and our bullshit erases the real holders of the title. Transmasc we're kicking up a fuss, because no one expected us to turn up in such numbers, or that we'd be in the vanguard of blowing up the hegemonic masculinities. That we'd be 1.50m tall, with huge breasts, long hair, a craving for make-up, dresses and heels, and that we'd grab the whole world by the collar and say "he" without looking down. Let's be proud of that. Of breaking down the "gender" category, and profoundly changing the face of oppression and struggle with our bodies that make everything go haywire. We're going to knock it out of the park, and we're not going to apologise. Saying, "Yes, but it's not just girls" at 100% of feminist meetings, events and speeches, and forcing people to add the cis prefix when talking about the men who ruin everything. And we know when we look like rude jerks wearing a cap, a mask or a hoodie, when we're called "sir" and we don't dare speak up because we don't want to get burnt. And we know when we have to deal T, find vial leftovers, hold hands during injections, support each other during shortages. And we know when we're sharing the names of psychiatrists, endocrinologists and surgeons to do our top surgery. And we know when it's time to start a fund-raising campaign to remind ourselves that we're beautiful, and to help each other find a new name. We know. With our non-muscular bodies, our squashed tits, our mini moustaches, our voices that go off the rails, our scars on our torsos, our outbursts when we cut our hair and our hips that are too wide. We know when we've been told to get lost, that we're scary, that we've become too masculine, that T has made us freaks, that we've joined the oppressors' camp. We know when we're in relationships with dykes, straights or fags and no one understands what kind of couple we are. We know when we date each other and no one understands, because T4T is like nothing we've ever known and we're even more exposed that way. Violence everywhere, transmasc nowhere. And yet, every time I needed help, every time I wasn't feeling well, a transmasc person was there to offer me a hand. Solidarity is in our blood, because there's nowhere else to go. Hanneli Victoire - "Transmasc, a kick in the ant hill"
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perfectlyscandalous · 24 days
─── ⋆⋅ (   PHILIP FROISSANT  +  CIS MAN  +  HE/HIM + NOBILITY  ) dearest reader, I am delighted to introduce JULIAN FORTESCUE, the twenty-six year old, SON OF A VISCOUNT, known among the ton to be EXUBERANT & CHARMING but their foes may tell you that they are more FRIVOLOUS & FOOLHARDY, but we shall know more about them as the season progresses.
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NAME: Julian Hugo Fortescue. 
AGE: Twenty-four.
DATE OF BIRTH: July 25th 1789.
GENDER: Cis man.
ORIENTATION: Yet to be decided but honestly he doesn't know anything about himself either so that fits until I decide what I'm going for.
OCCUPATION/TITLE: Gentleman of independent means. His parents keep imploring him to find a vocation but he hasn't found a vocation that speaks to him yet. Traditionally, as the youngest son he would be ushered into the church but that wasn't his style.
MARITAL STATUS: Unmarried not for his parents lack of trying 
HAIR: Strawberry blonde and goes slightly wavy the longer it grows.
HEIGHT: 6ft1.
HEALTH: Fit and sprightly.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Silly little moustache.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Daring, spontanteous and cordial.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Conceited, flighty and overly sensitive to criticsm
PARALLELS: Frank Churchill (Emma), Lydia Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) and Bertie Wooster (the Jeeves novels)
ENNEAGRAM: Type 7-The Enthusiast.
HOBBIES: Making social calls, anything related to horses including gambling, attending the theatre, rowing when he's in the country and some would say he's too fond of gin.
Julian was born lucky. Some would say he doesn't deserve the luck he was born with. He had the privilege of being born to loving parents ,the privilege of being born to well respected society members and the privilege of being born too late to have expectations placed on his shoulders. As a child he was obvious to these three facts.
He only learned of his luck when he was finally sent to boarding school at thirteen. One of the other boys had to outright tell him that he had classmates who had been boarding for a decade prior because their parents viewed them as an unwanted necessity. He couldn't imagine not having loving yet exasperated parents .
That conversation is one of the few things he clearly remembers from school. He loathed academics and main focus was getting into high jinks.
Julian managed to talk his way out of attending OXford or Cambridge. He argued he would benefit more from a more immersive learning experience. He did learn many useful things on his Grand Tour like how to order wine in Italian.
Julian’s parents have tried to find matches for him but the stars have simply not aligned as he likes to put it. For three consecutive seasons there have been mishaps that prevented his courtships from resulting in marriage. His parents are of course disappointed in their own gentle way but he's thankful that he's still unburned and free to pursue whatever whims take him. 
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lostmyremembrall · 1 year
👑(Tom Riddle era pls :3) happy birthday! i love ur fics!!! i never usually do this but-im curious lol. uh-my name is Audrey, I've been into magic-based stuff since i was a wee babe-my hogwarts house is Slytherin, I'm demi-bi, i think i make friends pretty easily, I'm very much a physical person, when i was younger i used my hands a lot(aka i punched people lol), i get easily frustrated when it comes to school stuff, animals are my favorite thing in the world, once I claim someone to be my friend-they will be my friend, no take backs, no returns, no exchanges, they're stuck with me-forever! mwahaha! all my friends/coworkers say i have a cute laught-i dunno if that helps with anything lol, uhhhh she/her and im a cis girl? i like cutting my hair short and when i can-i like to just-pick up my friends, im stronger than i look and love to make people laugh <3
extra note-ur fics full on drop-kicked me into a Tom riddle Phase, one i never had while i was growing up XD how dare you <3
👑𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
A/N: Thank you so much for the birthday message, and your lovely message! I'm glad to know I was able to convert you to Tom Riddle following! loved writing for you and getting to know you! When I read you used to punch when you were small, I knew I was gonna have fun writing this lmao.
Everyone thought you were a Hufflepuff sorted into Slytherin because of your adorable laugh.
You exude charm, so you become quite popular from day one.
You have many friends, thanks to your charm, across all houses.
If anyone is lucky enough to catch your attention and you decide they will be your friend, they would be devoted to you.
Your attention is quite addictive, since you have the ability to make them feel comfortable and cherished.
Needless to say, you and your friends are extremely tight-knit and are loyal to each other to the end.
You and your friends would be often found in the bathrooms, cutting and dying each other's hair.
You're quick to offer help to strangers, and you garner quite the popularity from the underclass students as a friendly Slytherin.
But, there are some unruly folks who underestimate you.
Cygnus Black made an almost-fatal mistake in your first year of insulting you.
Problem Solver (with fists)
Needless to say, when he showed up the following day with a black eye, everyone felt a shiver down their spine and learned not to mess with you.
Your best classes are Care for Magical Creatures and DADA.
With your proclivity for physical solutions to a problem, some professors were concerned when you began Care for Magical Creatures.
But when you showed extreme care for these creatures, they were pleasantly surprised.
Oftentimes, if not on the Quidditch pitch, you'd be found near the areas reserved for hippogriffs, Mooncalves, Nifflers, etc. taking care of them.
The creatures were quick to attach to you, being able to tell you were a good person.
Being a physical person works to your advantage in DADA, having a keen sense of hand-eye coordination and how to navigate space/distance, control of your body/magic, etc.
You're quick to detect any spell hurtling your way (similar to how you can detect a bludger coming your way).
Your reactions are quick and there are only a handful of people who can defeat you in a duel (Maybe Tom).
Cygnus Black ends up being your punching dummy often in duel practice.
Lmao you're unstoppable. Even after Expelliarmus and losing your wand, you'd jump on the opponent, straddle them and rain them with punches.
Or even more impressive is when you pick them up and throw them across the class lol.
Professor Merryweather admires your ability to adapt to any situation. But, she does have to take away a few points when you resort to punches lol.
Your classmates would cheer for you when you score in a few impressive spells.
But, the cheer from the students would slowly die down when you start punching, fear overtaking the class lol.
In recent years, you've stopped resorting to punches and rarely get in trouble.
But, your stories are still well-remembered and legendary.
You do get frustrated with your schoolwork.
Oftentimes, professors and students would find you blasting your homework with a succession of incendio, confringo, bombarda, etc.
Your professors sometimes raise a brow when you come asking for another copy of the homework. Or your assignment is scorched and smells burnt.
They know you get frustrated, and let it slide. To them, what matters is that you pushed through and still worked hard on your assignments.
Have been banned from the library on a few occasions.
The fear that flashes on the librarian's face when you walk in is unforgettable.
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜
You have a very strong constitution and stamina thanks to your physical strength.
You're tough and it takes many hexes to take you down.
Your spells reflect your strength as a beater; powerful and hits hard.
You can see how much further your spell carries the opponent when you cast Depulso, for example.
You excel in big and flamboyant spells.
Anybody would be a FOOL to duel you unless they had the skill and power to compete with you.
Starting your fifth year, you start receiving A LOT of owls and gifts.
As one of the few people who can keep Cygnus Black in line, you're a literal hero to many of your peers.
You're the definition of a cool upper-class student, especially during Quidditch when you smash a bludger into an opposing team.
You'll find many boys and girls with their mouths agape, their eyes glued to you with admiration and captivation.
The number of sexuality you've awakened is staggering.
Oftentimes, when you pick up your friends, you'd find some of them blushing in your arms.
May take a while for them to come clean about their secret feelings, considering the time period.
You end up with one of your close peers, but well after Hogwarts years when they are ready to admit their sexuality.
You make a FANTASTIC beater for the Slytherin team.
Especially paired with Lestrange, you two are an unstoppable team.
Slytherin house roars when you manage to hit someone with the bludger.
The way the wind sweeps through your short hair, you squinting in the sun as you wave to the crowd.
It comes as no surprise that you're the favourite Slytherin player of many students.
Lestrange gets jealous sometimes of your popularity, so he will bicker and tease you about it nonstop.
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐨𝐦
In your first year, you claimed him as your friend.
The genuine confusion on Tom's face,
Taken aback by your forwardness, he sheds his cool demeanour.
"What-... Excuse me?"
"No take backs, no returns, no exchanges. You're stuck with me."
Tom is bewildered. His eyes darting back and forth.
What just happened? Was he just claimed by you? Is this how it works??
During the first few years when Tom is still awkward and asocial, he would avoid you like the plague.
He sees you and your friends and he would turn on his heels and begins to dash when you catch sight of him.
He is holding back tears as he holds his books to his chest lol
Tom would often end up eating alone in the boy's bathroom to avoid you during meals.
He considers it bullying.
When all you want to do is share your Bertie Bott's with him.
He actually once reported you to the professors for 'bullying him'
Since no harm was being done, you received no punishment.
Tom was indignant.
As Tom grows older and more mature (and learns basic human social skills), Tom grows to have tremendous respect for your skills: your skill in duelling, your devotion to others, and the charisma that can convince anyone to blindly follow you.
You'd often find him amused with how easily you fight off his followers.
He desperately wishes that someone as capable as you would join his ranks.
You're well more competent than any of his followers combined, and you'd easily make the right-hand woman.
But he suspects you are too good of a person to join him.
Even if you may consider him a friend, Tom suspects keeping certain things hidden would be a wise move.
The best he can do is maintain a cordial relationship with you in hopes that you might be of use to him in other ways in the future.
Maybe some connection. Maybe a free ticket or two to your match if you become a professional Quidditch player.
For this reason, Tom often volunteers to tutor you in other subjects.
His eyes were round as a saucer when he first saw your burst of frustration against your schoolwork.
He is now used to it. People would often find you with Tom in the library, Tom calmly using the mending charm and controlling the fire as you cast Incendio to your heart's content.
Tom would shed a few anxious sweats under the scrutiny of the librarian, intent on making sure neither of them gets banned from the library.
You may be the only person who managed to get Tom stressed.
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lavenderfeminist · 2 years
alright so let me get this straight- if a man degrades a cis woman by catcalling her body it's misogyny. alright, cool. but if the person with the same exact body and they're transgender and this happens.. that's not misogyny? you can't read peoples genitals or chromosomes before you oppress someone, you just do, and that's why feminine bodies are marginalized and hated. misogyny is the hatred of the feminine, because it's a role that's supposed to mean negative things.
Misogyny is more than someone treating you shitty because of how you dress. It’s the enormous data gap between male and female bodies. It’s why women (WOMEN, who are FEMALE) are more likely to die in car at accidents. It’s why women take longer to get a diagnosis for the same health condition as a man. It’s why baby girls are killed at birth. I am sick, SICK of misogyny being reduced to catcalling. Sure, I’ll give it you, catcalling has something to do with femininity. I’ve been catcalled exactly once because men generally don’t find me attractive. So glad to know I don’t have to experience misogyny! Oh wait, I do. Because despite not performing femininity, I am female, and no matter what clothes I’m wearing people, people can tell. They don’t have to get a peek at my goddamn genitals or chromosomes to know what I am. I don’t have to tell them what pronouns to use. They know, because your sex is visible in your face, your voice, your hands, your hips, ALL OF YOU. We call these “secondary sex characteristics” because we don’t have sex with them, but they are visual indicators of what sex we are. And if misogyny was hatred of the ~feminine~, butch lesbians would be considered the most SUPERIOR form of women. But they aren’t! Because misogyny is sex-based, and when you don’t conform to the role expected of your sex, you are branded WRONG.
“If a person with the exact same body” how fucking dare you. An inverted penis with the sole purpose of being fucked is not a vagina. Reformed scrotal skin is not a vulva. Silicon implants are not breasts. The nasty cramps you get from taking synthetic hormones your body is not equipped to handle are not a period. Shaved legs, makeup, long hair, have nothing to do with being a woman beyond being something women, FEMALE HUMANS, are EXPECTED to do while men get to take on these performances and say they make them into us. Misogyny isn’t being catcalled because you’re wearing a dress and a misogynist mistakes you for a woman for a second. It’s men saying they’re women and society jumping to accommodate them even as women ourselves say NO.
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
F1NNST3R is a Twitch streamer who dared his subs to give him enough to money to do "girl month".
He boxed up his "boy" clothes, bought new "girl" clothes, and even went so far as to learn how to do his makeup and grow his hair out so he could look more feminine.
A lot of people misunderstand him as being trans, but he's just a guy having fun with gender. He's just a guy dressing up.
I'm curious what kind of homophobia you see in trans circles, because I don't really see any. And...sex isn't really a thing that exists, in the first place. Like, sure, there's sexual characteristics but it's been shown through various studies and anecdotes that a person will differ from other members of their "sex". For example, F1NNST3R passes really well as a woman (minus his voice), and it pisses off transphobes because they can't tell at a glance what he really is. He has a very feminine body, for what he is.
The same goes in reverse, too. Cis women (those assigned Female at birth and who continue to identify as female into adulthood) are more than capable of being big, burly, and "manly" with the right genetics. Not to mention intersex people...exist? In more ways than just genital oddities, and in ways that aren't readily apparent.
Sex means...nothing, really. There's no noticeable difference in physical or mental capacity based solely on sex, it's moreso related to social conditioning and upbringing (imagine the toy aisles at a supermarket - where do you find the dollhouses, where do you find the science kits?).
There's no reason to assume a "man" in women's sports would fare any better compared to "his" competitors - unless he has outside factors like better training equipment, better personal trainers, and better conditioning. All else being equal, "his" sex makes no true difference.
To say otherwise is to ignore true, proven science. I don't know why you insist on being like this. It's not sexist to call you a cis woman. It isn't tacking anything onto you, and it isn't defining anything about you except that you are the opposite to a trans woman - that is, you are the opposite of a woman who had to transition to be taken seriously as a woman. It's fine if you personally don't like the term, but you can say "Please don't call me that" without making false equivalence.
The patriarchy hurts everyone. Until men can be open about their feelings and stop feeling judged for having emotions besides lust and anger, until they can wear makeup and dresses and long hair without being ridiculed or made fun of, until they can freely choose how to express themselves, they will never not be as much a victim of the patriarchy as you are.
Equal, but different.
I’m curious why you think a man wearing makeup, having long hair, and wearing societally deemed “feminine” clothes is “playing with gender”, and not just a man wearing makeup, having long hair, and wearing certain clothes. As a gender abolitionist I seek to remove gendered standards from everything, not enforce them. I want to see a world where nobody blinks twice at a man doing these things, and where nobody sees it as “feminine” or related to gender in any way.
I’m also curious about how you see no homophobia in trans circles. It’s so abundant it’s ridiculous. For starters, the idea that heterosexuals can become gay. That’s appropriating homosexuality and forcing homosexuals to open our spaces and community to heterosexuals. A big one is “genital preference” discourse, which is progressive conversion therapy that shames homosexuality for being same sex attracted. I, and many other lesbians, have been told we’re transphobic for lacking attraction to the male sex and only being attracted to the female sex. How is that any different than a religious leader telling us we’re sinners for the same? There’s also the “cotton/boxer ceiling” thing, where heterosexual trans people whine about how gay men and lesbians don’t want to sleep with them, and treating our sexuality and sexual boundaries as a problem/barrier/“ceiling” that needs to be overcome. There’s also the fact that many gnc children are being told they’re trans…despite it being a known fact that gender non conformity can be a sign of homosexuality. Or, at least, that’s a stereotype that homophobic parents notice, and then transition their child as a form of conversion therapy. I’ve heard “transition acceptance” stories that are literally just parents saying they’d rather have a trans kid than a gay kid…I assume it’s because with a trans kid, they can pretend their kid is straight. I could honestly go on. Talk to any homosexual in the gender critical sphere, and you’ll find we all have a lot to say about homophobia in trans circles. For most of us, it’s why we left.
Just because somebody can pass as the opposite sex doesn’t mean that sex isn’t real. I can dress a parrot in a convincing rat costume and teach it to squeak and trick everyone into thinking it’s a rat…that doesn’t mean parrots and rats are fake. I can buy a fake bouquet of flowers and convincingly pass them off as real, that doesn’t mean flowers aren’t real.
Your definition of “cis women” is exactly why we don’t want to be called that. I do not “identify” as female. That implies I’m comfortable with the societal roles placed upon me for being female, especially because those who believe in gender associate womanhood with those roles. I am not comfortable with those roles, I did not identify into being female. I just am female. It’s the same thing for sexuality, I hate when people say “identifies as gay”. I don’t identify as gay, I am gay.
Intersex people have repeatedly asked to not be used as pawns in this argument. They have a medical condition (which is dependent on sex. Some conditions are only found in males, some only in females), they aren’t a magical third sex. Claiming they are is like saying “actually, some humans are born as conjoined twins, so we can’t actually say humans are a species with one head, and two arms and legs because some people are born with more”.
You underestimate how important sex is and how much the two differ. I agree that socialisation plays some part, in that a girl might be less likely than a boy to go become a scientist because she was told from a young age that it’s a “man’s job”. But males and females are indeed different, both have strengths and weaknesses that are sex based. I can’t list them all off the top of my head and as I’m currently sick I don’t feel like looking up sources and such, but off the top of my head an example is male and female gymnastics. There are tricks (is that the right word? I’m nowhere near being a gymnast) that men can do that women can’t, and some that women can do that men can’t. I remember seeing videos of men trying women’s gymnastics and vice versa, and despite clearly being skilled gymnasts they couldn’t even figure out how to do the tricks tailored to the other sex’s physical strengths. Because male and female bodies are different and are capable of doing different things.
Search up Lia Thomas. He was ranked very lowly in men’s swimming, somewhere in the triple digits. After joining the women’s team, he shot up to first. Why? It’s not because he magically became a better swimmer overnight. It was because he’s a man, and men are on average stronger and faster than women. If he was really on an equal playing field, he’d have ranked the same on the women’s as he did in the men’s.
That’s the thing about the term cis, though. As a woman, I do not want to be defined in relation to sexist men who think they can transition into being a woman. I do not want to be defined in a way that, to most who believe in gender, means I “identify” as a woman and the roles pushed onto women. Many women have voiced this and we continue to be ignored, because ultimately the trans community is insanely sexist and does not care about what we have to say about anything. They care more about men’s feelings and men’s opinions on womanhood.
I’m not even going to entertain that last bit about men being victims of the patriarchy just as much as women are because they can’t express their feelings or partake in traditional femininity. That’s absolutely delusional and ridiculous. I and every other women wish that was all we had to deal with, because it’s not even a fraction of the pain inflicted on women. To think it’s equal, is to show how ignorant you are on how women are treated in this world. Even if it was equal—which is most certainly is not—,it’s not my problem. Men created the problem, they can fix it if they’re so inclined.
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mitamicah · 1 year
Some fun transmasc angst ahead /s to those who dare enter
Maybe I should've listen to the voice inside telling me that posting that last blog post to my diary blog was a mistake.
Honestly I am so very close to delete the post.
Everytime I see notes coming on it I feel worse.
I know that you are trying to help me, but it makes me feel quite bad.
Before I continue however let me say it once (and definitely not the last time)
It is not your fault.
Hearing people saying 'it is not that bad!' and 'I have had it worse!' or 'I'm a cis woman and it happened to me'... I understand it is meant to cheer me up. It is not.
Because then the voice inside me starts to whisper:
"See? You are pathetic! You are making mountain out of ant hills again! Your insecurities are so dang tiny, and so the only logical conclusion is that you are worthless for even thinking about them in the first place."
Don't get me wrong, I know this is not what you meant to say. And I understand where you are coming from. It might not look bad. I have come to realise that it is probably worse in my head. I am on my way to learn to live with it and hopefully starting to like it because what is the alternative really? Yet I'm still far from there so it haunts me at times thinking about how I've seen the spots get bigger and bigger day by day for three or four years and I have had days full of worry that my hair would fall out (my grandfather was bald at 25 so it is in my genetics) and what I'd do then as (I believed I was back then) cisgender woman!
Now I know I'm a transmasculine person and so baldness is not that big of a deal. Still this is a sore subject, so hearing you say it is nothing?
Again, I don't blame you. But at the same time I cannot control my feelings. Especially not gender dysphoria.
I admittedly half chose to start minoxidil to hopefully make these spots smaller - so who knows if they have actually closed up a bit since April where I began on the dosis. (I definitely know that I've gotten way more chin hairs and upper lip hairs since starting!)
And to the well meaning cisgender woman - you telling me, that you experience this as your gender is sadly not making things better; it reminds me that I am biologically closer to you than I am to a man. And so it only feeds my dysphoria.
I must sound like a broken record but I do not blame you, friends and random people I've never met. This is just one of my biggest bodily insecurities and it hurts hearing it being made out to be nothing. Because if I stress over nothing, am I worth anything myself?
This post is having no point other than have me write out my sadness so hopefully the few people bothering reading it is okay with me repeating myself and being a bit cry baby yet again. One would think I've grown out of my teenage vainness but jokes on me I guess.
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power2thesol · 2 years
When it's 'acceptable' to be androgynous or hyperfeminine, and when it's not
When I first started presenting more masc, I cut my hair insanely short and dressed as boyish has possible. Like we’re talking straight up jock here. It was gender euphoric and helped me pass more when I was pre-T and in the early stages where HRT hadn’t done it’s magic yet. It was nice, but it wasn’t me.
I’ve always been the type to wear jewlery, whether it be subliminal layered necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, I even have an eyebrow piercing. I started wearing it again. I’ve always liked having longer hair than short hair, so I grew it out since I’ve had it buzzed into a fade and no longer have an undercut. It’s a mullet shag kind of look that just suits me better. My style has been less jocky and more ‘androgynous boy nextdoor’ and I shave all the time, take care of my skin, keep up on grooming, etc. All of these things are just habits of an old routine and a personal style.
None of these things help me pass. I’m popular on multiple social media platforms. I get comments like ‘you don’t pass’ ‘you look like a lesbian’ (leave lesbians alone omg) ‘i can tell you’re trans’ which I could care less for because I know it’s just a few trolls with nothing better to do. People in real life approach me as a woman only sometimes, but it comes in subtle ways like when men offer for me to get on the public transport bus first. (to which I say thank you in my voice that’s dropped like 100 octaves)
What I don’t get is why it’s invalidating for me to be feminine as a trans masc person. I see people fall head over heels for the ‘boy that looks pretty like a girl’ trope on tiktok all the time. The memes, jokes, or comments about ‘boys with long hair >’ and ‘guys who aren’t afraid to be feminine’ ‘androgynous guys>’ that people praise online and in real life. They should emphasize they’re talking about cis guys.
When I do any of these things I’m clocked or am told by my audience ‘you’re not really trans’ and ‘you don’t pass’ and other transphobic things and also the ‘you don’t pass’ comment from cis people. I just don’t get it because an attractive cis guy can do it and he gets praise, but me as a transmale, I am just met with transphobia. I can’t dare to be hyperfeminine or even a little bit fem because I’m just faced with transphobia. Like …the gender box of hypermasculinity cisgender people have made on the transmasc community is paralyzing. You either gotta be hyperfeminine or hypermasculine according to the gender you’re transitioning into or you’re not acceptable. I hate it here.
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narilwrites · 1 year
Trans rights and women’s rights
This is mainly directed at my fellow cis-women. In particular those of you who think the relentless war on our trans-siblings doesn’t affect you.
The newest pearl-clutching by the “gender-critical” corner makes it so so so clear to me as a cis-gender Feminist, that at the end of the day their movement is not only an attack on our trans-siblings, but also on the rest of us!
here is the mural they’ve chosen to vilify:
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[Picture description: a person in yellow swimming shorts with blue hair and mastectomy scars on their chest]
This is clearly depicting a trans-person.
However, I want to also point out that I have in my social circles (and in general) seen many cis-women sporting these scars who have chosen to go to the swimming pool topless as proud cancer survivors. Many chose to get tattoos on their chests too, rather than go through the process of reconstruction (if it even is possible, depending on the type of cancer they’ve survived).
these women too will now be attacked. These women too will be made to feel lesser than!
If you think transrights don’t matter to you because you’re a cis-woman, just know that if your performance of femininity is found somehow “lacking” to these people, be it because you have short hair and are more muscular than they think is “feminine” or because you have survived a debilitating disease that you have gone through hell to defeat, they will come for you! They will claim that you are not woman enough.
They won’t rest until a “woman” is only the kind of trad-wife they can chain to the kitchen counter as a household servant and child-machine. And if you can for some reason no longer serve as that due to illness or accidents, your worth will be gone.
Try to tell me I’m overreacting, I dare you! https://www.vox.com/2016/5/18/11690234/women-bathrooms-harassment
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bloodwiine · 1 year
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Full Name: Kaveri Natarajan Nickname: Kava Age: twenty-eight Gender: cis woman Pronouns: she & her Ethnicity: Indian ( Tamil ) Nationality: Veritean Education: Homeschooled & School on the island / at the cove Occupation: Co-Owner of Nautical Necessities & Siren's Sips Hometown: Echo Cove Current location: She still resides in Echo Cove but has a cove she's found near the shop if she's ever too tired that she occasionally uses. Species: Mermaid. Written Aesthetics: random doodles in the sand, everyone’s friend, daydreaming in the sun, bright eyes and blushed cheeks on chilly mornings & champagne bubbles
trigger warning: n/a
Face Claim: Simone Ashley Height: 5'8" / 1.74 Hair Colour: black with aquamarine streaks Eye Colour: dark brown Dominant Hand: left Distinguishing Features: lively smile, dimples, blue streaks in her curly locks
Abilities: hydrokinesis/hydrotelekinesis, enhanced abilities, vocal mimicry, healing touch, bioluminescence, marine telepathy Have you always been aware of your abilities?: Why of course, I can't imagine what it's like to be anything but a mermaid. Favorite Magical Items: Oh, I do love starfish and the way they compliment you endlessly. There's nothing like a little confidence boost from those cute little guys. What supernatural creature is your character most scared of?: Oh mother and father always warned me to stay away from all those above water, but most horror stories revolved around humans and vampires, so both of them. And octopus, though not necessarily a supernatural creature, they definitely do seem magical. Who or what would they die for? Just about anyone really, though they'd prefer not to. Does your character fight or flee? Likely flee or freeze in terror...depends on the situation, to be honest.
Positive Traits: curious/eager to learn, daring, dreamy, genuine & passionate
Negative Traits: impatient, dismissive, deceptive, naive, selfish, materialistic, impatient & impulsive
Neutral Traits: adventurous, resourceful, inquisitive, open-minded, optimistic, sentimental, observant & empathetic
Goals/desires: travel beyond veritas isles, find true love, expand her personal collection of treasures, protect marine life.
Hobbies: exploring the island both on land and by water, collecting shells & trinkets, reading romance novels, exploring shipwrecks, gardening, stargazing and moonlight walks, learning human traditions, learning languages & jewelry crafting
Habits: morning reflections/yoga, random acts of kindness, eavesdropping on conversations, chaotic organization, overcommitting, impulsive spending, biting nails, twirling hair, easily distracted, will avoid confrontation
QUESTION ONE: were you born on the island, if so, what kind of curiosities do you have about the world beyond? if you weren’t, what do you miss about the world outside veritas isles? 
I was born here, and it's impossible not to be curious especially whenever I learn of or discover a new object I've never seen before for my shop. I would love to get the chance to travel further than Oasis Isle. Maybe one day.
QUESTION TWO: what is your favorite part about the island? 
Even when I think I've uncovered all the treasures there are to find, I always manage to find more. There's so much beauty and knowledge within everyone, and each individual has a unique story to tell.
QUESTION THREE: if your character is supernatural, do they fear humans? if human, do they fear the supernatural? 
I am quite curious about them, but I also do fear the tales I've been told as a child. But, I've become more and more accustomed to them, and they aren't all bad.
QUESTION FOUR: share a fun headcanon or fact about your character! this doesn’t have to be long, just something to introduce us to your character! 
Like most mermaids, Kava has always found herself drawn to shiny things and because of this always had a collection but the more and more time spent near Oasis Isle and Justport, the more she knew that she wanted to do more with it and not only explore the ocean. Eventually she befriended an elderly man who told her tales of the world beyond, as well as shared trinkets that he had in his pawn shop. They developed a cute, platonic friendship, almost like a grandparent - grandchild bond, though when he passed on, he left the shop for her. Initially, her family was against it, but they've learned to accept it. For the most part.
Kava is a hopeless romantic and loves to read, mostly romance novels that has her dreaming of places outside Veritas Isles such as Paris. Because of this, she has a tendency to crush easily and hard, which leads often to heartbreak. But, she still hasn't given up on the idea of true love.
close friends
her pod friends !
family members
a co owner that runs the speakeasy side of the business
people she's crushing on or has crushed on, i imagine her to be the type to fall a little bit in love with everyone
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