#i crave death and chocolate and sleep
free-boundsoul · 1 year
Menstruation mention, in case anyone wants to avoid
Gods I want nothing more than Damien's hands on my lower stomach right now to soothe these damn cramps.
Or Vega to come around and give me a free hysterectomy since I don't plan to ever use it
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doki-doki-imagines · 8 months
I loved your post about the boys mk1 x pregnant reader.
I had an idea with that :D
The reader has strange food cravings. She offers the Lin Kuei and Shang Tsung trio whatever she is eating and they accept so as not to make her feel bad.Ignore this if you don't want to <3
Bi-Han: -Okay, he woke up in the middle of the night to make you boiled cauliflower with ketchup. -Bi-Han knows that pregnancy can do this stuff, that's why he cooks for you with no problem. -"Please, try this. It's scrumptious." -But Bi-Han isn't insane. -He tells you that he'd never eat that. He'd rather eat wood. -But…are those tears in your eyes. Just because he doesn't want to eat that abomination? -"Fine." Bi-Han grumpily says, picking up the cauliflower with his chopsticks. "Don't forget the sauce!" He looks at you with death in the eyes before nodding and dipping the vegetable in the ketchup. -It is as terrible as it looks. -Don't say ever again he doesn't love you.
Kuai Liang: -He is a little soldier ready to satisfy your every command. -So when you ask him for spicy chips with vanilla ice cream, Liang didn't even bat an eye, ready to buy everything you asked for. -"Wanna try?" Here the problem starts. -How is he gonna tell you that he'd rather eat dirt than vanilla ice cream? -Well, in a way or another, he does. Your eyes get wide and Liang is ready to placate the crying crisis he feels it's coming. -But you just shrug "Good. More for me." -The sigh of relief he left out was big enough to close the door of your shared bedroom.
Tomas Vrbada: -"Chocolate cream and carrots?" "Yes, Tommy. I need it more than oxygen right now." -Tomas had to ask because he wasn't ready to hear that request first thing in the morning. -He brings your food back fairly quick, a little cup with chocolate cream in one hand and another with sliced carrots in the other. -"Wanna try?" You tell him, a bit of chocolate on the corner of your lips. Tomas nods, not before brushing away the chocolate on your lips with his thumb and sucking it. -"This…is actually good." He whispers out. "Told you." -If he wasn't that bad for his diet, he'll indulge in this new "dish" more often.
Shang Tsung: -"You woke me up because you want sausages with jam?" He looks at you, bedhair, and a bit of drool sticking on his chin. You nod. "Goodnight." Shang Tsung turns around and goes back to sleep. -You'll have to whine and beg a lot if you want your husband to bring you food. -No way he'll dirty his hand in the kitchen so he will ask someone else to make it for you. -"Do you wanna try?" For a second, you thought he was going to steal your soul. "Don't play with fire, dove." Shang Tsung says, pinching your cheek. -While you finish your food, he is already back asleep.
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iiyoshi · 11 months
Your Pain
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Reply : Hello love! Thank you so much for being my first request <3 I love the idea of this and now is perfect timing because I'm having cramps of my own and I desperately need men to coo me to sleep (Yes I'm mentally very immature)
Summary : How the HP men first react to, and how they now react to, Reader on their period
Pairing(s) : Severus Snape x Reader, Lucius Malfoy x Reader, Remus Lupin x Reader, Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings : Mentions of period blood?? Idk if that triggers people
Fandom : Harry Potter
A/N : I may have gone a bit biased with who gets the more detailed description.. I'm sorry i can't help it
Requested By : @serenity-noble
Read under the cut <3
Severus Snape
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If you were Snape's lover :
Severus is inexperienced with things like this, so when he first learns about menstruation, the only thing he does is panick
There's more panicking
He tries his best to make you feel comfortable and gets you whatever you ask for
He, reluctantly, has to turn to Minerva for help when you're in too much pain and he's panicking not sure how to help
He gets you just a bit too much chocolate, trying his best to fulfill your cravings
As you're in bed and sudden cramps kick in, he'll immediately leave and get you water and anything else you need
After a while, he'll learn what to do during your period and will always have backup plans up his sleeve
He marks down when your period cycle is and before then, buys you all the essentials just in case
At night, he cuddles next to you and rubs circles on your back in order to soothe you from your pain.
"It hurts, Sev.."
"I know it does, my love. But you're doing amazing. Now go to sleep."
If you were Snape's student :
You get your first period and you're scared to death
There's blood coming out of you and it scares you
You hurry to your head of house, Professor Snape, late at night because he's probably the only one awake at the time
He's awake in his office as you explain to him how you've been cursed and you're now dying
He tries his best to calm you down and, quite reluctantly, explains what menstruation is
"It's normal, silly girl. It's just mother nature paying you a visit."
"She's trying to kill me?!"
"No, you dunderhead! It's just Aunt Flo."
"I have an Aunt?"
"That time of the month? Lady business? Girl fluid? Shark week? Riding the Cotton Pony?"
"Oh for Merlin's sake! You're on your period!"
Lucius Malfoy
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Lucius would act like he doesn't care
Meanwhile he would kill anyone just to get you everything you need
He's hooked up with a lot of chicks before so he's very experienced
He knows what to get you and will get it for you asap
He tells you to stay in bed and shuts anyone and everyone away from your room
He tries his best to make time for you
At night, he pulls you close to him and covers you in kisses, trying to lull you to sleep
When you whine about your cramps he doesn't complain and reassures you you'll be alright
Throught the week he'd constantly skip work just to stay at home longer with you
"Go work, Lucius."
"I'm staying here."
"Your work is important."
"So are you."
Remus Lupin
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Remus isn't as experienced with handling with situations like these, but he tries his best to help you
He's calm most of the time, listening to your needs and getting you what you desire
He'll always have your favourite snack prepared when it's almost that time of the month and he's never afraid to get you more
When your cramps start to kick in, he lays with you on the sofa and watches your favourite Muggle show with you while wrapped in a blanket
If you accidentally make a mess he shushes your apologies and spells it away, reassuring you it was an accident
He's the type of guy to give cuddles more because it's what soothes him when it's nearly the full moon
He, as annoying as you may find it, gives you a curfew and you must be in bed by 10pm
"Moony, it's still early.."
"I know, (Y/n). But you're losing a lot of blood and you need to rest to fill back up your energy."
"No buts. Goodnight, little wolf. I'll be right here next to you."
Sirius Black
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Sirius immediately knows when you're on your period, thanks to his sensitive sense of smell
He doesn't mind it at all and sticks around you endlessly
When you feel too weak to grab things, he gets them for you
He showers you in endless amounts of love and affection
When you have cravings, he somehow manages to get them for you asap
He'll stay up with you on the couch when he knows you're in too much pain to sleep
Being an animagus has its perks and Padfoot has his fairshare of moments
He knows how much you enjoy cuddling with his furry tail in bed so every night he turns into Padfoot and lays beside you
You stroke his fur slowly and just simply admire him, already soothing your cramps
You tend to rub him under his chin and he'd bark in response
"Goodnight, Sirius. I love you."
- × - × - × - × - × - × - × -
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
Got any favorite fictional food(s) you lowkey wish to eat irl someday?
The stew from Wind in the Willows that contains nine animals.
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Flanders' hot chocolate
The biscuit-cookie things from Scamper the Penguin. They're infamous for making the ten people who've actually seen this movie crave Nilla wafers.
Skyrim sweet rolls
The ratatouille from Ratatouille.
Creme de la Creme a la Edgar, sans the dangerous amount of sleeping pills.
The marmalade roll from Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The pizza from All Dogs go to Heaven
The slime-fed wild boar from Das Bus.
Green eggs and ham. I've always imagined it tasted like eggs + ham infused with the way freshly cut grass smells.
Anything from Redwall, mostly to test my theory that it's not actually that good.
The leg cooked in clay from Hannibal
The Pale Man's grapes
The cake from Death Note
The burgers from Bob's Burgers
The ultimate sandwich from Adventure Time
Anything from any Ghibli movie.
There are probably a lot more. I love food, fictional or otherwise.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Flowers and Shells
[ - Cottage (Fem!reader) + Lily (Platonic yandere) + Ayato (Genshin Impact) + Chocolate brownie (Mermaid/siren au) - ] - Anon's Ask
Summary: Fairytale au: The little mermaid; Ayato lost his sister who chose to die instead of hurt her true love, in anger Ayato wanted revenge and found you.
Additional warnings/tags: child!reader, manipulation, kidnapping, dark/obsessive themes, unhealthy coping mechanisms, tell me if there is anything I missed
[ - Fairytale Picnic Event - closed ]
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“Gasp mister you are so pretty!!” That was the first thing you said to that man in the water with a fishtail that looked as pretty as the jewel stones you saw the adults wear. He was also very pretty, with hair that reminded you of a clear blue sky and his eyes reminding you of a particular blue jewel.
Young, your guardian had told you many stories. Some stories of the fairies and magic but you always found the books that talked about mermaids the most fascinating. You would always beg your nanny to read you the little mermaid before you sleep as if you would never be able to sleep without even hearing the first page of the story.
Your nanny told you that mermaids were real and even if the people around you didn't believe it. You believed it!
“Hello, child.” The man smiled, chuckling as you watched his tail move under the water. “Careful now you could get fall if you lean too far into the water.”
You didn't listen, you continued to look at him in awe and fascination.
"What is your name merman!" You asked at one point playing with the shells and pearls that Ayato had in his pouch. He hummed as he played with your hair adding the shells one by one so prettily placed.
"My name is Ayato, young one."
"A pretty name!" You said laughing cheerfully at him. He became your friend, when you were lonely you would go to the cave where you first meet him and wait for a little. Ayato would always come after a few minutes holding something from the ocean your small hands could not reach.
He was your friend, but he wanted your neck.
Ayato wanted revenge, he wanted revenge toward the humans that took his little sister away from the waters.
Ayaka was a child of pure heart, with such a loving and caring personality she was a treasure to the ocean kingdom loved by everyone. Yet even so Ayaka craved the world outside her reach, the place of land.
She fell in love with a boy from the outside world, a boy that she saved from a shipwreck from the storms and waves. She sacrificed her own voice in exchange for legs to be with the man she loved above ground yet that man choose to marry another instead, breaking her heart. 
After Ayato found out he tried to help his sister, telling her to crave out the boy’s heart with a magical knife and splatter the blood on her legs to become a mermaid again.
To return to the sea.
However Ayaka’s kindness and loves knows no bounds when she instead sacrificed her own life so that the boy she loved would be happy with his lover, she turned into nothing but bubbles as the sun begins to rise. Leaving instead sorrow and blind anger in her brother's heart.
He wanted revenge, he wanted to give the same pain and heartache to the man who took his sister away from him. Even after years he waited, he had his people, the more stealthy of his subordinates head to the surface and gather intel and from there he found you.
You were a daughter of that man too young and naive to understand what was going on, but cheerful and curious when you meet him.
There were many times, many times that you were so close to your own death. You were just a young girl after all, younger than Ayaka when she died Ayato could easily grab you and drown you in the water. He chooses not to tho, for his aim was your dear father.
He wanted him to suffer even more.
Yet here he was holding you in his arms as you brought a basket full of flowers to make a flower crown, they were flowers that Ayato have never seen fresh only in books did he see them or the old flowers that somehow managed to get into the water one way or another by the time it was in his hands they were brown and rotting.
“This is for Ayato! I made it just for you!” you said cheerfully, holding out to him a flower crown pretty in your hands. "Thank you." He smiled as he glanced at the flower.
He was sure that if he would take this flower with him, it would not survive the waters and instead wither. It was weak, a delicate beauty yet so weak. It was funny how it reminded him of you.
Yet he let you place the flower crown on his head. His hair crowed with beautiful flowers while your hair had a crown made of coral and shells.
"We match now!"
Ayato chuckled at your cuteness patting your head in affection. He could not help himself as time passed you started to carve a part of his heart. He had grown so protective of you as he once was towards Ayaka. Your innocence reminded him so much of her... he could not help it.
He wanted her back so much that sometimes he could not live. He hated when you have to leave when his mind made up scenarios where could not reach you anymore, where you were taken away from him. He was scared he would lose someone again when he is already all alone in this world.
He wondered if the ocean queen was willing to help him out a bit. So faithful to her following most of her orders. He protected the waters from dangers and avoided many.
The queen had made a few puppets in the past and placed life within them. Surely something like bringing a child from land to the waters would be simple if not Ayato knew a few who could be of help. A few secrets and a few words would be enough.
He could make a deal with the sorcerer who Ayaka made a deal with to change her tail to legs.
Ayato would take something your father so cherished just like he took Ayaka away from the world. Ayato's hands tightened around your small wrist, flinching in pain you looked up confused.
"What is the matter Ayato?" You asked yet Ayato just shook his head.
Placing you on his lap he let you play with his arm, you were always so fond of the iridescent scales of his so he always let you touch them when he wants to keep you in his arms.
He will take you that your father treasures most.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Hi, I would like to order with Yandere Shinobu, Tomioka, Muichiro and Kyojuro with a sweetheart who doesn't already have a balanced meal. Like she only eats sweets like cakes, ice cream, chocolates instead of eat properly. An L-type reader of Death Note, except that she is somewhat intelligent and sleep-disordered. Hey I would like to know how they would react to this situation.
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Warnings: yandere behavior and slight spoilers for Muichiro's part.
A/N: Hope you enjoy :]!
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Shinobu Kocho:
A smile that slowly dissipates when you tell her. What on god’s earth did you just say?
“Dear, that’s not very healthy, now is it? We need you to eat properly. Let’s go order noodles, hm?”
She gets very concerned. As much as she knows sweets are very addictive and quite nice, Shinobu hates seeing you not get all your nutrition and take care of yourself. That being said, she will force you to eat.
If you throw a fit or roll your eyes, she will keep her smile but threaten to dose you with some type of medication that will make you listen to her. She will treat you like a child, babbling about how sweets are bad for your health and how you shouldn’t eat a bunch.
When arriving, she allows you to get everything you want; except for treats of any kind. She expects you to at least finish the whole meal, if not half of it. Afterward, she will pat your head and congratulate you; maybe offering to get you a soft drink.
While she does worry, she will allow you to eat small portions of sweets. Only if you agree to eat the healthy food she gives you!
From now on, she’s expecting you to eat properly. If she catches you eating some when you’re not supposed to, she will get very upset and discipline you.
However, when she finds out you don’t have a proper sleep schedule, she gets very upset; slightly more than the food issue. Immediately, she diagnoses you with insomnia and gets you sleeping meds. She may or may not force you to take naps in the butterfly Estate during the longer days, making sure to drape her Haori over you.
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Muichiro Tokito:
His eyes darken, quite upset at the fact you don’t take care of himself. At best, he gets extremely serious and almost yells at you.
“You need to eat. I like candies too but I don’t sabotage my health. C’mon, we’re gonna eat and order lots of it.”
While he pulls you along, he orders you what you like and sits in front of you, slurping noodles while waiting for you to eat. He talks to you, trying to distract you from your ‘cravings’ and offers some of his food.
If you throw a fit or simply refuse, he will result in guilt-tripping; making you feel bad. He will talk about his family, how his parents and brother were brutally killed; his almost dying from not eating well. How you are not eating properly hurts him, and he doesn’t want you to die or get hurt.
He may even talk about how if you don’t eat, he will force Shinbou to feed you through a feeding tube; he has a serious look too when speaking about it.
However, the minute Muichiro finds out you don’t get enough sleep, he’s a bit aloof. Ultimately, he will offer for you to lay on his lap as he plays with your hair. Maybe offering you food before poking your cheeks.
Although, in the future, he will make sure to check up on you more frequently; dragging you along towards his favorite sun spot as he makes you lay on his lap, watching the clouds and birds above.
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Kyojuro Rengoku:
Also loves sweets but is very concerned! His smile stays on his face but his eyes tell a different story.
“Ha! Sweets are amazing! But you should eat fried fish instead of cake! Let’s go eat!”
Rengoku will practically eat anything, so the minute the two of you arrive at the restaurant, he’s chowing down on everything and encouraging you to eat. Specifically loudly at you.
Much like the others, if you decide to refuse, he will react negatively.
He will take the forcible lane (even though he doesn’t want to!) and pressure you into eating, practically bringing his chopsticks up to your lips until you eat it. Then he does it again. And again. And again till you say you’re full.
However, the minute you say you don’t usually get a good night’s sleep is when he spits out tea; frankly looking at you like you just called an animal ugly.
From then on, he makes scheduled nap times during the day so the two of you can rest! He’s your heater so you would be pretty warm. Plus, if naps don’t work, he can result in doing training sessions, small runs across the courtyard or simply letting him talk your ear off.
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Giyuu Tomioka:
Doesn’t understand how you can like sweets. He’s not a fan of them, but he’s quite worried about your physical health. Like how are you alive?
“Love, that’s not very healthy. How much do you eat? We’re gonna go to the Yatai down the street and order as much as you want. Okay?”
Once arriving, he makes sure you get a big portion of food; a bunch of side dishes as well as some hot tea.
Just like Rengoku, if you decide not to eat and beg for more sweets, he will pressure you into eating. Pressuring you to open your mouth, needing you to eat the fried shrimp he’s giving you. He will even share his portion of food if it makes you eat.
Although, you make his heart shatter even more when he finds out how sleep-disordering you are! Just how much sleep do you normally get?
Giyuu will immediately offer to sleep on him, or rather take short naps during the day; not only will it help you but it’ll make him feel comfortable being around you more.
While he’s not the warmest, he will keep his haori over you and make sure no one disturbs the two of you; plus, he made sure to pack you some lunch so you can eat afterward. And yes, he did pack a small candy bar as a reward after you eat the food.
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Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, stay well!!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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min3nc · 8 months
q!Jaiden just being hit with them parrot instincts. Affection bites, impulsively preening Baghera's wings maybe even doing the thing of putting her own feathers in the ducks wings, nuzzling against Baghera, chirping and hopping around when she spots the duck. ✨Nesting✨(not actually based on why birds nest. I just find nest cool and like to think bird hybrids simply nest cause nest feel safe)
I am very much rambling, i love these two so much
jaiden just sleeps far too much (slept through an atomic bomb), so she wants a comfy place to do so!!! so she starts just… stealing shit lmao. Baghera’s t-shirt? stolen. Foolish’s Shark hat? Stolen. BALLS???????????? She’s in the nest and getting cuddled to death by a sleepy Jaiden.
Baghera, resident Lesbian, is immediately shoved into the trope of “Lesbians move in too fast. Day 1 is asking each other out, day 2 is marriage.” while forgetting that Jaiden is not a lesbian- Girl’s just a sleepy little guy.
jaiden: snooze…. zzzzzzzzzzz
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cranetreegang · 1 year
In the Light of Death - Part 3
Sebastian x FemReader with former Ominis x FemReader
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Summary: Sebastian shows her just how much she means to him. She's not sure she's worthy of his love.
Warnings: Dealing with death, mentions of depression, grief, mourning, smut aka sexy time
EXPLICIT WARNING don't read if underage
Song to listen to: 🎶 Unending I 🎶 999 Renaissance 🎶
Word Count: ~3,270 words
Read Part 2 Here - Find Whole Light of Death Series Here
The sun peeking into the room and landing on her eyes, awakes her. She’s initially confused by the warmth surrounding her, until she feels his gentle breath followed by the rise and fall of his chest. She’s still locked firmly in Sebastian’s arms, their fingers intertwined. Loosening her grip, she adjusts herself to face him. 
The pale morning sun illuminates his resting features. His face, adorned with numerous freckles, is peaceful and his dark hair is mussed. She reaches out to him to trace the tips of her fingers along his cheek, following the erratic path of his freckles. He’s soft under her touch and a warmth blossoms in her chest. She brushes away his hair from his handsome face, admiring the contrast of his coarse hair compared to his skin. For as long as she’s known him, she can’t recall ever actually looking at him.
Not like this. 
She starts with the sharp rise of his cheekbones, his black eyelashes a stark contrast to his tanned skin. His dark brows are thick, eased in a serene expression. She traces over his nose, noting a small bump on the ridge - from a fight, no doubt. Trailing down his nose, she hovers just above his lips. They’re curved in a slight smile. She muses how he looks mischievous even while sleeping. Carefully, she touches over his full lips, noting how soft and warm they are under her fingers. Then she brushes along his jawline, heading back to his temple to stroke his hair. He’s a handsome man, especially now with how the light of the morning sun kisses his face.  
His eyes slowly flutter open, and he gazes at her. His dark eyes draw her in, and she’s warmed by how bright they are. They’ve always captivated her, his eyes. They hold mysteries, secrets, passion - all the things that make him the way he is. She’s always found him easy to read, because his eyes told her everything. 
Except now. 
She doesn’t understand what she sees looking into his dark depths besides herself staring back. Her heart skips a beat, her breath growing heavier, as he matches her gentle touch. He caresses her tear-stained cheek with tenderness, but his warmth singes her skin all the same. He’s so warm. So very warm. 
She shifts to be closer to him until their breaths mingle and her nose brushes his. He tangles his leg around hers while he continues his gentle strokes along her cheek. She’s never been so close to him before. Strange feelings swirl in her chest and tighten her stomach, and he hasn’t once looked away from her. Yet, she still feels too far away with an overpowering longing for more. Drawing closer, her lips gravitate to his, and her eyes flicker up to him.  Finding no apprehension, she presses her lips against his, feeling their softness and warmth. A spark ignites within her as his lips press back.
When they part, it’s only to ensure he’s still fine with this, and then she eagerly crushes her lips against him in a more needy kiss. He cups her cheek, wrapping his arm around her back, pulling her flush against him. He feels so good. He makes her feel… alive. A fire catches within her cold, broken heart and she can breathe again. Her fingers tangle with his unruly locks and his tongue pushes into her mouth to dance with hers. The taste of salty tears mingling with a bitter sweetness, similar to dark chocolate, drives them deeper into each other.
He rolls over, now on top of her, pressing his body more into her. She lets out a whimper, craving his touch and his weight on top of her. He doesn’t hold back, his kiss is filled with passion as if he’s been waiting for this his whole life. Breaking the kiss, he gazes down at her with sweet adoration. He tucks away her stray hairs with a soft smile, but a coldness seeps back into her. 
Ominis used to look at her with that exact expression. A sudden guilt crashes over her at what she’s doing, and she shuts her eyes with a whimper.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers. 
His eyes widen, his fingers still stroke her cheek, and he presses his forehead to hers. 
“Why? What’s wrong?” He asks, his eyes searching for hers.
She opens her eyes, finding herself lost in his dark depths, but she resists being pulled in further. 
“I… I don’t know what this means to me, but I can see this means everything to you. And… I don’t want to lose you too, Sebastian. I can’t lose you too.”
His gaze softens, “If you want this, then so do I. It can be once, or a hundred times. My feelings for you won’t change, sweetheart. I will always love you,” he says, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.
She lets out a soft noise, a near whine, at his confession.
He… loves her. 
Somehow it doesn’t surprise her. Deep down, she’s always known he harbored feelings for her. Feelings she’s never had for him… until now. She’s not sure what to make of them though. Are they true? Or just something to smother her broken heart? Her eyes fill with pain. It hurts him to see her with such agony and conflict. 
“I don’t know if I can ever truly love you back,” she whispers. “Not like you deserve. My heart belongs to him. And that’s not fair to you. You deserve someone who will love you, fully, not… not like this.”
He shakes his head, “I only want your happiness. That’s it. I just want to make you happy.”
She tentatively cups his face, her heart racing as she studies his features. His eyes hold only understanding, and she doesn’t know what to do. He’s always been someone she considers her closest friend, but she’s never looked at him in this sort of light before. It frightens her how much she wants him, but it frightens her more to stop.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” he says in a pleading tone. “Whatever it is. Tell me.”
She lets out a shuddering breath, her mind reeling with what to do.
“You make me feel so warm,” she finally whispers. “And I… don’t want to be cold anymore.”
“Then, if that’s what you want,” he whispers just as quietly back. 
He lowers himself back down and kisses her. He’s gentle, but there’s an underlying hunger he’s keeping at bay. Her trembling hands move along his neck and down to his chest, exploring his body, before tugging at his sweater to remove it. He grins against her lips as he pushes himself up to appease her. He tosses the offending garment off to the side, revealing his bare chest. Her eyes widen as she takes in the bare expanse of his body. He’s about to resume kissing her when she gently pushes against his shoulders. Worry dances in his eyes, and she blushes, looking away.
“I… I would like to look at you,” she admits in a quiet voice. 
He smiles and nods. He helps them both sit up, and her heart is about to beat out of her chest. His body is lean from traversing the countryside so often, with some definition of muscle. Her hands tremble as she rests them on his broad shoulders. He grips her hips while she explores his arms and chest, his thumbs stroking the flesh on her hips. She admires the freckles which adorn him, like kisses from the sun or the countless stars in the night sky. Her palm rests over his heart, feeling it beat just as fast as her own. 
His grip on her hips tighten, pulling her flush with his bare chest, while her hands glide up his neck all the way up to his reddening cheeks. She’s never noticed how beautiful of a man he is. Holding his face, she gazes into his eyes with awe, his breath hitching at her intensity. If Ominis was like the cool moon, then Sebastian is like the summer sun. He is all consuming and she’s never been so willing to be burned.
“Sebastian,” she whispers.
His eyes flutter, and he nuzzles into her palm, “Yes?”
Summoning her courage and wits, she says, “I want this. But only if you do, too. I… I don’t want your pity. I just want you.”
He holds her gaze, dragging his fingers up her body until he tangles them into the nape of her neck.
“And I don’t want your regret, sweetheart. I can’t bear to lose you too.”
His eyes are earnest and plead with her. He holds her firmly, their chests rising and falling in time with each other. She strokes his cheeks with her thumbs, a decision solidifying in her mind.
And she dives in.
She kisses him with all the longing she has kept within. Sebastian moans, losing himself in her desperation, and he matches her intensity. She quickly falls behind and he eagerly savors the soft noises she makes, raring to hear more. His lips trail down to her neck, sucking sharply before kissing the reddening flesh. She angles her head to allow him unhindered access, and she can feel his smirk as he sucks and nibbles. 
Her clothes are ripped and torn away in a deft movement, and she’s lowered back onto the bed. She watches him with wide eyes as he takes off the rest of her clothes then his own. Her breathing picks up as she gazes upon his fully bare form, his arousal obvious. Sebastian smiles as he lowers himself to her stomach. He presses tender kisses along her body, slowly mapping every inch of her as he makes his way up. 
His touch lingers on her breasts, teasing over the supple flesh. The slight tremble in his hands gives him away just as he takes her nipple into his mouth. Sucking and swirling over the raised peak, she lets out small gasps and breaths. He flicks his eyes up to her, watching intently for every tiny reaction written upon her flushed face. Her fingers grip onto his upper arm, frozen by his teasing tongue as he gives the same treatment to the other side. 
She grabs his hand, placing a kiss on his palm, then she drags him back down to her hungry lips. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she lets her other hand feel down his back and along his side. 
He groans with a slight thrust of his hips when her heated body becomes flushed with his.  Feeling his hot cock pulsing against her, makes her whole body yearn for him. He seeks her eyes, ensuring she’s still wanting this, and his heart skips a beat at the lust which inflames her. 
He presses himself into her, and she’s lost in how full and tight she feels, gasping and whimpering for more. His moans are needy and desperate as he begins to unravel inside her. Their lips are locked together in a heated kiss as their bodies intertwine. With his body on top of her, she’s in a bliss of warmth.
He’s nothing like her Ominis, and she’s thankful for it. No, Sebastian is wholly himself - reckless and passionate. His grunts and moans send shivers down her spine while she kisses and nips his freckled neck and shoulder. He thrusts into her with such force, it rattles the entire bed - slamming it into the wall with every snap of his hips. She wraps her legs around him, driving him further into this frenzy. The fire between them comes to a full raging inferno.
“Look at me,” he demands with a breathy moan. 
His fingers nestle themselves into the nape of her hair while his eyes hold hers. The intensity she finds within his dark gaze makes her shiver. His panting breath fans across her face as he drives deeper into her. Her hand finds itself lodged into his unruly locks, while her other hand grips onto his shoulder for dear life. 
It’s not long before they both reach a gasping, breathless climax. He lets out a soft moan - a near whine - as he fills her with his warm release. She urges his lips to hers, sharing a lasting kiss to solidify the moment while he continues to thrust softly into her. He collapses on top of her, his chest panting in time with hers. She holds him close, urging him to the crook of her neck where he places tender kisses on the harsh marks he left earlier. His arms wrap around, engulfing her in a loving embrace.
They lay there for sometime as the morning sun traverses the quaint room, casting its rays upon them. When he regains himself, he looks up at her with an adoring smile. Kissing his way up her neck to her cheek, he delicately plays with a lock of her hair between his fingers, his eyes filled with awe as if he’s beholding something truly magnificent. He wraps an arm behind her neck, bringing her into a deep kiss. Brushing his nose against hers with a soft smile, he whispers,
“You’re beautiful.”
She closes her eyes, resting her forehead against his, and breathing in his spiced scent. He kisses her, tenderly and slowly, as he begins to rise.
“Let me make you breakfast,” he says with a toothy grin.
She smiles, “I wouldn’t mind helping you.”
As if he couldn’t look any more adoring at her, he all but swoons as he places another kiss on her lips. With a bright smile, he rolls out of bed and playfully drags her along, carrying her like a bride in his arms. 
“Sebastian!” She giggles while he takes her down the stairs to the kitchen. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” He teases, kissing her hot cheek.
They make breakfast, or at least she tries to, as Sebastian can’t take his hands off her for more than a moment. But she finds his arms around her to be more enjoyable than anything else. As they eat, they both find themselves catching each other’s gazes, smiling each time. Afterwards, they finally dress themselves and tidy up. She’s washing the dishes when his arm wraps around her waist. Kissing up her neck, he reaches her ear to whisper,
“I have a surprise for you.”
He practically drags her away from the sink and she giggles.
“A surprise?” She wonders as he grabs her hand to lead her out the door.
Awaiting them are two brooms leaning against the lone ash tree. She gives him a quizzical look while he rushes ahead with a beaming grin. 
“Come on, it’s a beautiful day for a flight,” he hands her broom to her. 
She stares at the well-loved broom for several moments. It’s been some time since she’s flown. 
“I don’t know-,”
“No excuses,” he interrupts with a smirk. “You were the fastest flier back in the day, and if you even think about saying otherwise - I’ll knock you right on that pretty arse of yours.” 
She rolls her eyes - biting back her grin, “Please, it’s been a long time since those days.”
Sebastian mounts his broom and begins to hover above her, “Well, time to find out if that’s true.”
She scoffs, mounting her broom. He can rile her up way too easily, she scowls to herself. Matching his height, she smirks.
“Well, now what?” She questions.
Sebastian smiles as he quickly takes off. She watches him for a moment, laughing to herself, before chasing after him.
She quickly catches up to Sebastian. They both laugh as they zip around the Highlands. She’s forgotten how freeing it is to fly - how the wind whips through her hair and stings her cheeks while she makes daring dashes between narrow crevasses and trees. Sebastian makes a sudden dive towards a patch of woods and she circles around to join him. He awaits her in front of an old ruin of a formerly grand castle. She lands, her eyes wide and her mouth parted in awe at the grandeur of the dilapidated structure. 
“This is one of the places I’ve been investigating,” Sebastian states with a proud smirk. “Skelside Castle.”
“Wow… it’s so grand still,” she whispers. 
He grabs her hand with a chuckle, “You haven’t seen anything yet. Come on, let me show you my favorite room.” 
They place their brooms by the entrance and he leads her inside. It’s all surprisingly preserved in some places, and overtaken by vegetation in others. He navigates through the collapsing dining hall and up the crumbling stairs. Glancing back on occasion, he gives her hand a tight squeeze every time he catches her eyes. 
He lets go of her and rushes towards a set of double doors.
“Right this way, milady,” he opens the doors with a great flourish and bows as she walks in. Her giggles fade away into a soft gasp as she takes in the room.
They’re in a tower with stone that is intricately cut and sculpted into several beautiful lofty archways. In each of the arches, holds stained glass. The glass, despite having vines and grime covering them, possess a beauty she’s never seen before. Each of the stained pieces contain majestic trees swaying in the wind - all telling the story of the changing seasons - with the center arch containing the sun’s rays beaming down. 
The mosaic of colored light shimmers into the room - bathing the entire place in its vibrancy. She looks over herself as the golds, blues, reds, and purples dance over her. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” his voice breaks her from her thoughts and she glances over at him. He’s looking around the room in both reverence and awe. “This was a place of worship. Lord Skelig was a religious man - even for a wizard. He believed Nature to be the one true power of this world - shaping and forming it to its wishes. While we were merely its caretakers - protectors. It’s quite fascinating how he viewed the world. His journals were quite thorough.” 
He looks over to her and his smile widens. Taking both of her hands in his, he whispers,
“And you haven’t seen the best part yet, love,” his head cranes to look above them, and she follows his gaze to the ceiling. 
Another quiet gasp escapes her lips. Above them, is the moon with a beautiful night sky hiding behind the swirling gray clouds. The circular glass takes her breath away and Sebastian chuckles at her awe-struck expression.
“Never in all my travels have I found a place like this. It’s a shame it’s been lost to time for so long,” he comments with a slight frown.
“What will become of this place?” She wonders.
Sebastian hums in thought, “I’m not sure. I notified the guild of this place. Whether or not anything will come of it is a different matter,” he squeezes her hands and gives her a mischievous grin. “All that matters is that we are the only two who have set foot in this place in over five hundred years.”
“Five hundred?” She looks around the surprisingly well-preserved room. “Whoever built it, must have had charms in place to keep it from totally falling apart.” 
Sebastian smirks, “Makes you wonder what other secrets lie around - just waiting to be discovered.”
He wants to say more, but his mouth quickly clamps shut. Instead, he squeezes her hands then motions towards the exit.
“We should get going. Before it gets too dark.” 
She spares one final glance around the sanctuary then follows after Sebastian.
Read Part 4 Here
AN: Well hopefully the smut wasn't too unbearable to read cause there's more in the next part LMAO
as always feedback welcomed <3
idk im a sucker for really sweet passionate love making - and im like a prude about some of the words (cock, pussy, nipple, ect) so i tried really hard to not be a complete prude about it. hopefully it was enjoyable
also im a sucker for stained glass. and seb nerding out about it. he's my cute lil nerd. leave me alone
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lazaruspiss · 2 months
woah! its a tag! thank u @redhoodinternaldialectical
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: green :)
last song: I Could Be Jewish For You
currently reading: my work schedule and trying not to cry
currently watching: south park south park and more south park. what's happened to me
currently craving: stan south park yaoi (evil)... or chicken fajitas as per usual
coffee or tea: coffee with so much chocolate and sugar that it barely counts as coffee anymore. like i loved this frozen mocha from my old job so much. that was a dairy product worth an hour in the bathroom for.
hobby to try: the amount of times ive tried and given up on learning to animate dude... embarrassing
current au: idk man but i could pitch a dc/south park crossover at u. by which i mean imagine stick of truth/fractured but whole except the new kid is dick. itd be silly. anyways ill go actually look at my wip files for smth
Mythos: greek mythology au... i have a whole cast list that i probably made all in one night bc i couldn't sleep
Slade – Hades [Death] Dick – Persephone [Spring] Rose – Melinoë [Madness]
Natalia – Nyx [Night] Jason – Nemesis [Retribution] Tim – Hypnos [Sleep] Cass – Thanatos [Non-Violent Death]
Bruce – Zeus [Being a Bitch] Martha – Hera [Marriage/Childbirth] Talia – Demeter [Harvest] Damian – Philomelus [Agriculture/Husbandry] Pamela – Dionysus [Vegetation/Madness] Arthur – Poseidon [Sea] Roy – Artemis [Wilderness/Childcare] Ollie – Apollo [Archery/Truth]
Zatanna – Hecate [Magic]
Constantine – Peitho [Persuasion]
ive written one fic for this already but i do think about it often. dick has a grudge w bruce which burns with the might of a sun and its completely earned. talia makes pamela bc she missed her baby really really bad. as zeus fucks his big sis so does bruce fuck his mom. jason and tim are supposedly slades servants but between slade and dick its pretty obvious who the favorite is. slade isnt a step dad hes the dad who stepped up. damian is off in the fields with the cows while being mad at bruce for getting in between him and visiting his big brother.
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tavyliasin · 8 months
GaleCord Valentine Event!
The first of FOUR - yes I know - FOUR creative events I have run for Valentine's Day!
The Challenge:
The idea is to write something themed around a Date or Valentine Event, involving the GREATEST WIZARD OF ALL TIME, GALE OF WATERDEEP. It doesn't even have to be romantic or positive, there are lots of ways to take this from slow burn romance to fully brutal heartbreak and violence. The choices are yours!
Minimum word count: 1,000 words
Details and links to the individual entries below the cut! Works are NSFW and may contain game spoilers.
Gale-ntine's Day FanFics
An Unexpected Valentine by MiradelleTarot Summary - Meet Ilarah, a depressed, borderline-alcoholic who hates her life. By day, she buries herself in work. By night, she drinks and plays Baldur's Gate. One stormy night, however, takes an unexpected turn that changes her life forever. CWs and Tags - Gale (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s), Gale (Baldur's Gate), Original Female Human Character(s), Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Oral Sex
The Wizard of NotAsleep by Tavylia_Sin Summary - Gale can't sleep, but lucky for him a certain druid is still awake and has a few ideas to help him get the rest he needs~ CWs and Tags - Gale/Halsin (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate), Halsin (Baldur's Gate), Insomnia, Oral Sex, Light Bondage/Restraint, Light Bondage
I had been lost to you, flew like a moth to you by QueenBumble Summary - Every caress feels like he’s stroking her with intent. Fuck. This can’t be normal. Then she remembers the chocolate wrapper in her pocket. Surely the chocolate didn’t do this to her. Aphrodisiacs are a myth. Right? The party's fearless death cleric is wracked with nerves at the idea of losing her virginity on the prime and makes a questionable purchase the day of Sune's Embrace. CWs and Tags - Gale/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Gale (Baldur's Gate)Original Female Character(s), Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Karlach (Baldur's Gate), Lae'zel (Baldur's Gate), Halsin (Baldur's Gate), Wyll (Baldur's Gate), Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate), Dammon (Baldur's Gate), Aphrodisiacs, Oral Sex, Valentine's Day, minor Wyll/Lae'zel, minor Karlach/Dammon, mentions of canon murder for plot reasons, Fluff, Enthusiastic Consent, humorous discussions of virginity, Best Friend Karlach (Baldur's Gate), Halsin/Astarion if you squint, Sex Pollen, Established Relationship
If Magic Be The Language of Love, Cast On by deerancha Summary - Gale and Lae’zel have had a purely physical relationship during their travels together. But Gale craves a deeper, more meaningful connection. Does a date really translate across their cultures? A silly little first date for the Discord Gale-ntines Day challenge. CWs and Tags - Gale/Lae'zel (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate), Lae'zel (Baldur's Gate), First Dates, Dating, Awkward Dates, Flirting, Hopeless Romantic Gale (Baldur's Gate), Gale romances Lae’zel, Dinner DateFluff and Smut, Some Fluff, Gale is clearly sapiosexual, Gale loves to learn, Smut, Oral SexVaginal Sex, Passion, Lae’zel learns to have romantic feelings, I just like the dynamic of these two
There's Always A First Time for Everything by AshieMashie Summary - Astra and Gale have been living in the tower in Waterdeep for the past six months since they defeated the Elder Brain with their companions. Astra has some insecurities about living up to Gale experience in bed and in most intimate situations. She finds the perfect gift to help her over come these insecurities in a tome she finds and decides to uncharacteristically initiate some intimate activities with her wizard. CWs - Gale/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s), Gale (Baldur's Gate), Praise Kink, Soft Dom Gale (Baldur's Gate), First Time Blow Jobs, Domestic Fluff, Light Dom/sub, Aftercare, Post Act 3 (so spoilers for end game)
Please do leave some kudos and a comment if you enjoy the works! Well done to all entrants, thank you for joining and I hope you all had some fun with it~
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moodycarcass · 2 months
Tagged by @dexaroth for lil tag game. of which i am not immune to.
🔺 Favorite Color:
Tumblr media
Full saturation red, Lime green, Black, & Steel blue/gray
🔺 Last song played:
Spring is coming with a strawberry in the mouth by Caroline polachek. i also rlly enjoy the song coma by her
🔺Currently reading:
The dead zone by stephen king, i picked it out of my book stash when the power went out from like. 8pm to 2am, very little into it and i misplaced it somewhere but i have liked what i've read so far.
continued below
the last thing i read before it was The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black which is a faux biography / speculative biology anatomical artbook i got for christmas or my birthday back in like 2015/2016 and mainly used to just try and copy the illustrations, it was a short read and the story was ok, the concept of a victorian doctor ruining his entire life because he sees a freakshow rogue taxidermy of a satyr and immediately develops an ideology around human beings actually evolving from these mythical creatures and that you can reverse engineer them by sewing animal parts onto people is kinda funny ngl.
🔺Currently craving:
it was chocolate cake n already made some earlier tonight. and now i have absolutely no desire to touch the rest of the entire cake i made bc i dont actually like chocolate that much u_u
🔺 Coffee or tea:
coffee. i drink like 2 cups of it a day just bc i think its tasty. i was however, still raised in the south and am hopeless dependent on iced sweet tea ESPECIALLY if it has shitloads on lemon in it.
🔺 Favorite animal:
Pigs/boars, alligators, domestic cats, hamsters, most ungulates, flamingos, slugs & snails, ect
🔺 Favorite time of day:
early early morning right as the sun rises. i have crippling life long insomnia and the day break has always felt like a release from the tossing and turning and sleep deprivation induced self hatred.
i am still a volatile murderous cunt if im woken up before i choose to get up tho.
🔺 Favorite cloud pattern:
Stratus :)
🔺 Last dumb mistake in a game:
from like early july but i fucked around cleaning the base too long in voices of the void and had to complete my hash code run at night and a fossilhound spawned in front of xray and i straight up ran that damn thing over with the atv because it tanked my frames and got beaten to death before alt + f4ing out of fear
🔺 One cool thing that happened this week:
mm. idk havent had much happen this week. ive made some good as food lately. namely salmon cakes and crab rangoon if that counts
tagging: ??? idk anyone who wants to do this. i think krem is back on here for a minute?? snom and lex also if either of you read this
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biscuit-o · 4 months
hi!! may i ask 🏠 and 💌 for Mello/Near [either, both, whatever you please] for the headcanon asks? :3
Ofc, thank you a lot for the ask! 🙇‍♀️ I will do both cause why not lol.
hc + 🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
I always thought the theme of home is so interesting for both of them. They both grow up orphans in an institution that prioritises to form a successor of the world's greatest detective - and I guess that's quite different from simply living in a boarding school. My point is that I personally believe they both can't quite put a distinctive line between home and workplace - especially Near. I don't think we know where he goes to rest in canon. I have seen fics in which he has his own apartment but I personally think he resides in whatever building the SPK is currently working in. All important case files have to be close so he can confirm any sudden idea appearing in his mind late at night. Definitely has shelves for his favorite toys.
For Mello, I personally think he is used to moving around constantly, especially in his mafia days. Home is wherever he can sleep and he believes that to be an advantage because it makes him flexible. He belongs to nowhere, he is a free spirit. But really, most of the time it's due to a strong feeling of alienation which makes it hard for him to feel fully comfortable anywhere.
This is kind of dumb but I am going to say it: I don't really see them living together, especially Mello who strongly believes that "they need to take breaks so they can crave each other ;)))". And I know a lot of people don't consider him to be a person who will settle down but consider old man Meronia pls. Near retires and buys a house. Mello goes to live with him because he doesn't know what else to do and who needs someone to listen to his boomer rants. They mind even buy a pet.
hc + 💌 for a romance-themed headcanon
I think they are both awful at expressing their feelings with words. Either because of ego or they just can't explain it. Near's love language is small hidden acts of kindness that are impossible to be perceived as flashy showcasing if that makes sense. Mello can't accuse Near of pitying him because he found a freshly cool chocolate bar in his jacket or because Near kissed him while he was (supposedly) asleep before going to work - this will also reveal how he notices these gestures and they make his heart flutter or something idk.
Anyway, let's move to Mello. I think he can be very passionate and romantic when he isn't so focused on his ego. Very scared of how strong his feelings can be. Can show physical/sexual attraction freely when he believes it's to his advantage but usually that's to distract from his true desire to consume Near's soul (affectionately). Writes poetry about him with keywords "burning", "death", "demon", "eternity", "heaven"... you get it. Very metaphorical and intense. On special occasions he may gift him one but he would ask Near to read it when he is gone and never explains the true meaning. He hopes it will be his favorite puzzle for a while.
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quinn-loki-02 · 1 year
I love you and I will never let you go
The team is on a trip. It's something new for them. It was kindly offered by Shepherd. It's seen as a team bonding thing. A cement allowing the bond between the team to grow even stronger.
It is in fact a time y/n find herself appreciating. When there is no mission pressure, no war, no weapon, no fighting, no threat. Just a moment to relax, enjoy life. It feels like these moments are rare.
These vacations were at first very... new to some in the team.
Ghost never went abroad when he was a kid. Vacations? Free-time? Fun-time? Never heard of. The first time he went abroad was with the army. And of course it was not to get a tan.
Even today, there is a part in him that seems unable to accept letting go of the pressure. He is constantly on the lookout. Probably afraid his demons are gonna crawl back to him. Probably afraid an ennemy is planning something in this moment of peace.
The first days are especially difficult. His reflexes kick in ; he doesn't sleep much, any sound wake him up, his body is tense, he is always looking behind his back. Nevertheless, as the second week goes on, he gets more relaxed.
Price had not taken a single break from work in months. In the first place, these vacations had been instaured for Price to ease off on the pressure ; but Shepherd had never had the gutts to tell him.
He had said “the team needs vacations. I think it could be a good bonding exercice. You could hang out without the pressure of missions. I've already booked you 3 weeks on a island in the Bahamas.”
“Who is going?” answered Price
“All of you ; Ghost, Soap, König, Gaz, y/n, Alejandro, Rudy and you, Price.” replied Shepperd.
                                                                    The team spends a good amount of time at the beach. Gaz and Soap really enjoy sunbathing and swimming.
The swimming pool at the hotel is also a team favorite. Ghost often goes there with König and y/n.
The team rarely entirely split; they often stay at least in pairs. A military thing ; never be alone.
After a day spent at the beach, with dinner for everyone brought to Price's room, where the team had decided to spend the evening, y/n craves a sweet tooth.
She decides to go downstairs where some automatic distributors offer her favorite chocolate bar.
“I'm coming with you Liebling if you want” offered König
König had always been kind with y/n. He constantly wants to make sure she is okay. In fact, all team members lookout after eachother. But y/n had grown closer to König, Soap and Ghost in the last months.
König and her would often have late night talks about anything and everything. They confess to one another; about their past, fears, past relationships. They also evoke their future, the homes they would like to live in, the numbers of kids they would want.
Their relationship has always been platonic, König sees y/n as a sister... well, he would want to only see her as a sister but never build up the courage to confess his feelings.
Soap brings happiness in y/n life. He is always here to cheer her up and she does the same to him. You're feeling sad? Let's grab a glass in the nearest bar. Let's do karaoke. Let's cook...
He is his sunshine in the darkness.
Ghost and Y/n never thought they would grow close. But after an unsuccessful mission in Kazakhstan that left mental damage to Y/n, Simon couldn't help but feel the necessity to help her through this difficult period.
As she was helping civilians getting out of a building, she took a severely harmed child in her arms. She made it to the car with the little boy but he died in her arms, scared and in pain. His blood was all over her body. She always told herself she should have done more. What if she had been run quicker, what if she had told the driver to drive faster? She took the full blame of his death.
Simon had seen her at her lowest, crying, wanting to committ suicide to not feel this pain anymore, having panic attacks. He had never judged her, was always there for her, even in the middle of the night when she knocked at his door tears rolling down her cheeks.
They sometimes slept in the same bed. Simon was afraid her suicidal thoughts would push her to do something irredeemable, so they would sleep together. He hold her tight in his arms to make sure she wouldn't escape, she wouldn't leave him. This is the best sleep he ever had.
Being held close, tight in his arms brought y/n a safety feeling, as if Simon protected her from the horrors of the world and from her demons.
She enjoyed his compagny, he was the one she pictured in her future, but would never dare to admit it. Afraid that the confession of her feelings would break the bond they have.
“No it's okay, thank you, I'm just going to get a chocolate bar. I'll be back in two minutes” y/n answered kindly, a soft smile on her face.
She exited the room and took the stairs. As she arrived at the first floor, she heard a kid asked her mother for a bag of sweets.
“please mommy. Can I have some? I swear I won't ask you for anything else ever” asked the little boy.
“No, we have sweets at home” answered the adult.
“but please... please, mommy, we don't have this type of candy” tried the kid.
“I said no, stop now” she replied, a bit more coldy.
Y/n was starting to feel unease. Eversince the mission in Kazakhstan when the kid had passed away in her arms while she told him that everything was going to be fine, she had trouble being around kids.
She felt like she did a promise to this kid and was unable to keep it.
“but please mommy”
“I said no” shouted the mother while taking the boy by its arms and dragging him violently. At the same time, a father entered the hall where the distributor was with a crying baby.
Y/n was walking towards the distributor, her vision getting slightly dizzy and darker. As if the walls of the room started to constrict her.
When she arrives in front of it, she puts her hands on the machine, one on each side, trying to get a hold on something, a grip on reality.
She is not on the field. She is in a safe place.
Her eyes are now closed, her hands holding on the distributor as if she was holding on a life rope.
If she let the fear seize her she would have a panic attack.
“breathe, come on... 1, 2,3... it's okay” she mutters to herself.
But, it was getting worse. She already had had panic attacks. But she was never alone when it happened. Soap or Ghost had always been there with her. They would hold her and calm her down, keeping the wave of panic under control.
But at this moment, she starts to feel like she is drowning. She is drifting away from the shore, getting in the abysses of darkness. The room is getting black around her, tight, uprising...
Another person enters, the bell of the door sounding like gunshots to her ears.
She knows it is it... she is having a panic attack, the symptoms are there and she wouldn't be able to stop it by herself. She has to go back to Price's room, where everyone is.
Y/n opens her eyes, her breath short, shaky, unsteady. She looks at her hands that are in front of her... horror vision. They are covered in blood.
The same blood from the kid in Kazakhstan she wasn't able to save.
There is in fact no blood on her hands, she knows it, but her mind is playing tricks on her. It's too powerful. She cannot think straight.
“shit, shit, shit” she thinks, trying to srcub off the blood from her hands.
There is now only one thing on her mind ; run to go to Price's room.
But her feet are not answering as she wants them to. She is moving way to slow to her opinion.
Each step is a torture, her lungs filling with few air that seems to cut her insides like razor blades. She barely sees anything, cannot hear.
She has not realized it but she is crying, shaking. Her eyes are filled with tears, mascara dripping, cheeks red.
As she arrives to the steps taken earlier she tells herself she is not going to make it. She will die here.
Climbing each stair is an ordeal. She feels like an alpinist, arriving at the top of the Himalayas, where the air is rare and each movement gathers all the strenght her body has.
As she finishes going upstairs, there are 10 meters until the door to the room, her salvation.
She tries to speak, scream, shout, squawk, but no sound comes from her throat.
Her feet drag her to this door, she feels like she is dying, her body giving her out. She is on the verge of falling to her feet and give up.
She raises her hand and knock to the door, bang at it. She uses her last strenght and is now madly banging at it with her two fists.
After 5 seconds that felt like eternity, Ghost opens the door, concern written over his face.
“gosh... y/n what happened?” he anxiously asks.
But she falls on the floor, unable to answer. She curls up, closes her fists. Her heart is beating a thousand times per minute. She cannot breathe and feels like she is being buried alive.
Simon picks her up. The whole team is now running towards the door to see what is happening.
He holds her tight in his arms, her face in his neck.
“shhh... everything is okay. You are safe now. No one will hurt you” Ghost whispers in her ear.
Ghost is now inside the room with her, the door has been closed by Gaz.
Soap, König, Alejandro, Price and Gaz are now around Ghost and y/n.
They all seem on high alert. What happened? Has someone attacked her downstairs? Has she seen someone, an ennemy? What could put her in this state?
Ghost goes to sit on the king size bed at the right of the room.
Soap and Alejandro kneel and pat her back while Price and Gaz seem unaware of what to do.
In fact, Price and Gaz had never seen someone having a panic attack. They have no idea of what is happening.
“are you hurt?” asks Alejandro, anxiety filling his voice. He starts patting her body, looking for any visible wound, any evidence someone has attacked her. But there is no blood, no sign she is in physical pain due to that.
Ghost's smells starts to ease her. She tries to breathe as best as she can.
Soap takes her left hand in his and caresses the back of her hand with his thumb. “Her hand is cold, jeez, she is freezing” he thinks to himself.
“it's okay. Come on, breathe, please, breathe. Inhale... 1, 2,3 and exhale... 1,2,3” says Ghost in the calmest tone he can. He is, in fact also panicking and trying to calm himself down.
Y/n do as told, she has taken Ghost's huge biceps in her right hand and squeezes it. She tries to focus on her breath.
After a few minutes she is able to see and fully hear again. As she opens her eyes and looks at the two men kneeling to her and Price and Gaz standing a few feet away she starts to realize what has happened. They are looking at her, sadness, concern, pity, fear written over their faces.
Soap is the first one to speak.
“hey... do you feel better?”
She is still holding his hand. She wonders when he had taken her hand, she hadn't realized it before but now feel warm expanding in her hand and arm.
“I don't know” she honestly answers. She doesn't know what to feel. She felt like she was dying, she really thought is was her end.
“what happened? Did someone hurt you preciosa?” asked Alejandro
Ghost was now lightly stroking her hair and holding her waist as she was still sitting on his thighs.
“No. I got a flashback of what happened in Kazakhstan. I thought I was able to control it, but there was a baby crying and... and” panic was threatening to bubble to the surface again
“Shhhhh, don't worry, you are safe now” adds König, now close to her.
Her eyelids were getting heavier. Panic attacks always drained her out.
“I think I should bring you back to your room. You seem exhausted.” states Ghost
“yes please, if you don't mind” she responds in a whisper.
Ghost stood up, carrying her in his arms, bridal style.
“I will bring her to her room, I will see you tomorrow at 9 for breakfast” he adds while looking at the men.
“sure, take care of her” concludes Price.
Ghost is putting her in her king size bed, drapping her in comfortable sheets after taking off her shoes and coat.
“Please, don't leave me” she asks while looking in his eyes
“Never. I'm not going anywhere” he tells her
He takes his shoes and pants off, sliding under the sheets with her. She turns her body to face him. He brings her closer to him and wrap his arms around her body. She can feel his heartbeat in his chest and it is the most relaxing feeling ever. She falls asleep in a minute, but think she might have heard him whisper “I will never leave you. I love you and I would never let you go”.
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lys-lilac · 1 year
A Surprise Proposal: Toshiki Kasumi X MC
[A/N: Blame my dream for this idea as well. But MC sharing her insecurities with him? YES YES YES! Also who doesn't like a proposal to go reverse way? All the characters belong to Voltage Inc. and this is a fictional work.]
Night: EICU HQ
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It was just a normal, and hectic day for both of you. Surgeries, post operative care, out patients, meetings, and paperworks. Even though the rigorous hours in hospital were fulfilling for you, in the recent 2 years, you had been looking forward to something else every single day. That handsome face, that alluring voice, that unwavering gaze, that softness of his hand and his warmth. When you joined the hospital, you had already made up your mind not to make any more new relationships. You knew how difficult it was maintain each one, trust someone that much and the subsequent pain of them receding away farther and farther from your reach. The feeling of being unwanted, unwelcome had scarred your heart so deep that it was beyond healing. Even though everyone praised you for being a brilliant student, you couldn't help but feel pathetic often, crying over a patient's death when you were alone even though it was supposed to be your job, wanting to spend time with friends, when in reality you couldn't make one. Maybe they found you boring for being a nerd? But, you still would try to focus on the positive side of your life, your supportive parents, Asuka, who had been your emotional support. You thought earlier, you shouldn't wish for more. You should be content with this much. Little did you know, you subconsciously wanted to hold to a hand that wanted to help you, and be loved. There he was. Waiting for you, accepting all your sides with open arms, with that gentle gaze. He said it was you who saved him, but in reality, it was him who saved you from drowning in self doubt, remorse and guilt. Sometimes it even made you think whether you are dreaming, and the harsh reality will return back soon.
The familiar voice breaks your train of thoughts and you can't help but smile. After all, it is your day off tomorrow together.
"Dr. Kasumi."
Seeing you in a good mood, he ruffles your hair.
"Did anything good happen today? Share with me when we reach home."
"It's nothing. I am just happy to see you after a loooong day!"
With that gentle smile not leaving his lips, he casually slips your bag on his shoulders, and takes your hand in the other. Even though it has become a daily routine, you still feel all your tiredness wash away with his simple gesture.
"Good night everyone."
"Oh how I could kill to be in your place..."
Dr. Kyogoku mumbles while typing a patient record.
"I owe you one, oh dear Chairman bodyguard!"
"MC, the new stock you promised."
Dr Ekuni's voice comes lazily from the office couch.
"Got it. 5 flavors of jelly, and the curry ramen. But it goes to our joint snack account!"
"Yes ma'am, very grateful."
You can't tell if he is drowsy or just enjoying the moment of peace with that relieved expression of his.
"Enjoy your day off together. And please get some sleep, you two zombies."
Dr. Hosho chuckles as he places a cup of coffee on his desk.
"Who are you calling a zombie? Isn't a prince surviving on coffee more zombie like?"
"Just admit you suck at joking Dr. Kasumi. Your words and that chilling gaze are 180° to each other."
Dr. Takado replies looking at his cooking ramen.
Even though Kasumi tries to joke, all HQ members have long known it will fail mostly. But knowing him, he won't mind either way, even though he pouts slightly. Then we proceed home.
Night: Kasumi's Apartment
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"Should we watch this?"
"Your choice, I am fine with your picks."
Kasumi replies as he places two cups of hot chocolate on the table.
For a change of pace, you have decided to watch a movie together. Yes, visiting places on dates is really fun, but just enjoying each other's company at home is sometimes more of what you crave.
As you tap the start button, you drape a blanket over both of you.
"Should I raise the temperature of air-con a little more?"
Thinking you are cold, he pulls you closer to him.
"What if I say I just wanted to be cozy?"
"Should we postpone the movie for tomorrow and do something else tonight then?"
"You- we should continue the movie purr-ty please..."
"Pfft, got it."
Silently burying your face on his chest to hide your red cheeks, you get amazed by the common fact that all this time you have spent together, you still can't understand how he is so smooth with his words. But at least he seems happy, so it's worth it.
The movie is about the nemesis of a famous detective, but from his point of view. Why he committed crimes, what was his view of an ideal world and upto what extent he could sacrifice to reach his goal. You have been a fan of the manga series, so were over the moon when the movie was announced. And now you got the chance to watch it! As for Kasumi, he showed interest in the manga when you shared it with him, and now he enjoyed it as well.
As the movie is about halfway, your eyes start to get heavy. The protagonist is standing in a field full of white lillies, and while gazing at the blue sky, mumbles to himself that if the detective and him can be born again, it would be lucky if they can be true friends that time and not enemies.
Maybe it's the work fatigue, or the serene scenery of the movie, or perhaps the comfort of being with Kasumi, that you decide to spill the thoughts you had in the hospital earlier.
"Mm? Are you sleepy?"
"A little. But I want to share with you why I was actually smiling earlier in the HQ. Be patient until I finish my words okay?"
Leaning on his shoulder, you close your eyes to put the right words on your thoughts and to convey it to him clearly.
"You know, back when I was in med school, I felt pathetic and disgusted by myself often. Even though everyone encouraged me saying I will become a good doctor in the future, in that process, they subsequently killed my heart by indirectly implying that I shouldn't expect happiness in the process. I also wanted to visit places with friends, grab dinner with them and just have a good time sometimes. But that had become impossible for someone like me. Of course, Asuka became my sole Anam Cara* later, but those lingering feelings would never go."
You knew he would listen to you and wouldn't interrupt, so fighting your drowsiness, you continue.
"I do believe in miracles. But I never thought I would be blessed with such a great miracle, that is, meeting you. My first impression of you was that of a disciplined and top surgeon, someone I should admire and aspire to be. I used to see your care for your patients. That's when I thought, what a gentle heart he has. I hope may he stay happy. When you saved me from that speeding truck, what I was more shocked at rather than the accident was the fact that why did you save me? Your care and love that is like a vast expanse of the sky, soothing to watch at, but at the same time was so far from me, could I perhaps reach it? I was conflicted by own feelings. I was scared that I would hurt you, or maybe would hurt myself if I came to know you already had a significant other. That's why I still feel like dreaming that such a kind person accepted someone like me."
You could feel his bangs softly caressing you, that result in making you feel even more sleepy.
"So if I say I want to be with you, is that okay? If I say let's get married, and grow old together.... is... that... o-okay..."
As you are almost about to express your innermost feelings, sleep takes over you.
"Not even waiting for me to reply? My cute MC, you again suceeded in stealing my heart for the umpteenth time. As for the answer--"
He turns off the TV, lifts you up to take you to the bedroom and carefully whispers midway so as to not wake you up...
"The answer's always been yes."
(*Anam Cara- A soul friend who supports you and you rely on them whenever you face any problem)
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myevilmouse · 2 years
Eight Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @arizonapoppy!  Thank you so much for the tag!
1. Three ships? Thryce, Luke/Mara, ummm Mulder/Scully!
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2. First ever ship?  Probably Sleeping Beauty & Prince Philip?  I was so into them!
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3. Last song? “Suck” by Nine Inch Nails
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4. Last movie? The Menu (super fun)
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5. Currently reading?  Death Coach by Morgan Rivers (ahahah self plug)
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6. Currently watching?  Absorbing through proximity Naruto episode four gazillion that my husband is watching...
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7. Currently consuming?  Gatorade G2 Thirst Quencher umm...no idea the flavor but it’s pale blue like a sick Chiss.
8. Currently craving?  My mom’s chocolate cake.  But I’m always craving that.
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andiatas · 2 years
I was tagged by @princesscatherinemiddleton to answer these questions so let's find out how much of a nerd I am!
What colour are your eyes?: Blue-grey
What instantly tells you if a person is good?: I usually have quite a good gut feeling/instinct when it comes to people, so I'm gonna say the vibe
Do you have a recurring dream?: Not anymore, but growing up I frequently dreamt about my teeth falling out - either that I could pull them out one by one or they fell out all at once & ended up choking on them... can someone tell me if this is normal? Should I be concerned for my younger self?
What is the most interesting class you have taken?: I'm gonna have to say when I was studying History A (autumn 2020), I remember having such a strong feeling of "I'm home, this is where I'm supposed to be" & I try to remind myself of that whenever I have a life crisis & feel like giving up on history for a "safer" field
How often do you find yourself daydreaming?: Way too often
Name/nickname: Saga, I don't really have a nickname... one of my friends has said that if I was a dog I would be a poodle, so she sometimes refers to me as that
Zodiac: Capricorn (Sun = Capricorn, Moon = Aquarius, Rising = Capricorn, for those who are curious)
Height: 158 cm, so around 5 feet 2 inches
Nationality: Swedish & Sámi
Favourite colour: It's a tie between forest green & light pastel colours, depending on my mood
Favourite season: I'm gonna say summer, despite all the pollen
Favourite animals: Dogs & horses
Favourite fictional characters: Oh gosh... way too many! But fictional as in book characters, I'm going to say my underappreciated girls Ginny Weasley, Susan Pevensie & Amy March. If you can't tell, I also love Sophie Beckett & Benedict Bridgerton (I know, shocker!) both as individuals but also as a couple. Honourary mentions to my boys Michael Stirling, Percy Jackson & Finnick Odair. Not gonna go into TV series or movie characters because then we would probably be here the whole day 😂
Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?: I'm addicted to coffee, so that's gonna have to be the answer but, I do love hot chocolate every now & then
Average hours of sleep?: I think somewhere between 6-7 hours
Cat or dog person?: Dog! haha
Number of blankets slept with: Duvet with one blanket on top
Places ancestors are from: The southern part of Swedish Lapland. All of my ancestors lived concentrated in an area nicknamed Drottninglandet, Queensland (the area was "discovered" & named after Frederica of Baden). So as you can see, I had no choice but to be royally obsessed!
Dream trip: Oh, I don't think I have one! I'm gonna have to say pass on this one for now
Blog established: Nov. 2012.
Random fact about yourself: I don't know how to whistle
Three ships: Well, seeing as I've already mentioned Benophie, I'm gonna go with Helnik from Six of Crows/Shadow & Bone, Bellarke from The 100 &... Shirbert from Anne of Green Gables!
Last song:
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Last movie: I can't remember...
Currently reading: Scientific papers on the history of the upper-class & their country homes - no really, it's actually interesting but it's taking up all my brain power (as Ash knows seeing as I'm practically years behind on reading her stuff, sorry about that)
Currently watching: *cricket noise*
Currently craving: Sweets
Now, I'm gonna tag @death-of-astar, @silverhallow, @bridgertonbabe, @sophiamariabeckett, @grandmaster-anne & @quintessbrit plus anyone else who wants to answer these questions
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