#i crave bread
yayponies · 1 year
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clownsuu · 1 year
What do you think about wally with fangs ewe?
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F I n a. L l y, an excuse to draw him with dientes-
feels very cursed but honestly it looks good on the ol puppet smhhh
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Lil doodles of the ol goblin-
Every time I look at reference photos for Howdy I get all happy kicking my feet in the air giggling smhh
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r-aindr0p · 14 days
can I have a mini rollo
I think there are -to NRC's dismay- several demands for mini rollos... Rook is preparing the orders ! :) Will be sent with a random kind of bread in the package.
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Go little guys, thrive and multiply !! (He's cultivating them in the lab, right ?... right ?????)
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somanywips · 4 months
Zoro probably knows like. Hundreds of recipes just from watching Sanji cook. At first he pretends he's sleeping so he could watch the cook use the knives (bro's an expert, that's one of the reasons Zoro falls for him honestly), but then he just. Continues watching him do everything else. He knows some recipes like the back of his hands, down to a T. Now do not ask him to make it, else you have a disaster in your hands, knowing the ingredients and knowing how to make it are two very different things, the only thing he can kinda but also not really make is focaccia bread. It's really ugly, and a bit burnt the first time he tries it, but Sanji tears up a bit and eats all of it (he kisses the dumb marimo right after, stating he is to Never Ever cook again). He can't cook for shit, but he makes for a pretty great grocery list tho!
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canisalbus · 10 months
Since everyone is on the topic of food, do you have a favorite food? Or something you tend to snack on a lot?
I like sautéed reindeer a lot, I think it's been my favorite dish for a good while now. With mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam. Creamy salmon soup too. I've eaten roasted moose just a couple of times but it was one of the best things I've tasted. Unfortunately it's expensive, I can't really justify splurging that much on delicacy meats. When I'm getting takeout I tend to default to sushi, Subway or Chinese.
Snacks, uhh... Lately I've been eating various yoghurts on a daily basis I guess? I don't eat tons of candy or salty snacks, if I'm buying a little treat for myself I'm going with a cinnamon roll, voisilmäpulla or some other pastry. I also like trying various seasonal and imported sodas.
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scribefindegil · 5 months
We STILL don't have a sink so I will have to wash my dishes in the bathtub but nevertheless today on April 19th I made bread in honor of Ancient Roman "On April 19th I Made Bread" Day
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strange-aeons · 2 years
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hello strange. here is my friends and i getting pictures with santa at the eaton center, thought you would enjoy. they never let you sit in strange non chair locations at the eaton center :( it just doesn't feel the same standing up or in the food court
You guys look great also I am obsessed with your censorship technique.
Right!! It’s the only mall in Toronto with a hot topic but I remember being bothered by security for fucking SITTING so many times as a university student so there was no way I was gonna be able to film the mall goths video there. Instead u get the dufferin mall pocket dimension which is (I think?) the only mall in Toronto with a Cinnabon. So. Harsh competition.
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balmungkriemhild · 2 months
Grill cheese
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grill cheese
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foxbirdy · 6 months
Bread and butter is like the bread and butter of having bread with butter.
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honestly. half the fun of fantasy aus for me is the Food Descriptions
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wherebeeslive · 4 months
Thinking about who owns the cheese drawer because Kevin's still strict about food, Andrew survives off junk food, and Neil is non-indulgent as a person
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blorbocedes · 6 months
you know what's low-key kinda fucked up
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tumblr spamming this ad every 5 mins all throughout ramadan. bring back the fucking clown
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kuuwo · 7 months
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Baldur’s gate experience
I chose barbarian and everytime my character enters a dialog his nipple always distracts me+my friend
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donnieisaprettyboy · 1 month
I had like 5 overripe bananas and my mom sent me home with 4 more so now I have banana bread, banana cake, and banana bars I don’t know what to do with
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c0nes · 2 years
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wannabepapa · 1 year
Excuse you, now I'm imagining a literal angel with a belly full of demonspawn~ Glowing with internal heat, constantly shifting and squirming, with a big pentagram centered on your navel, and you're having a literal hell of a time~ ❤
that is the whole purpose~
i like to imagine myself being a good angel, not ever having sinned and being pure of lights. though the moment my eyes fall upon you something in me shifts. you are all my mind thinks about and i can't stop thinking about your young growing within me. it's blasphemy! i shouldn't feel such ways about demon kind, they are all bad.
except you. you show me that demons are not what the angels claim them to be. you want nothing more than to show me, enticing me with you sweet words and melodious voice that ruffles my feathers in a way i have never felt. i constantly crave your attention. my flock has noticed my impurities, how my thoughts are clouded with the most unholy things. they cast me out not long after finding out about our secret rendezvous and i am without a family.
my feathers are blackened now with no hint of white purity bit you still take me in. i am fallen but i am more love by the demons and other fallen angels. i can finally carry your spawn without the taint of my flock's unkind words. i question you about it and the smile that you give me is proud and excited to watch me swell with your children. the ritual doesn't take long to prepare—the tattoo is uncomfortable for only a moment but it doesn't stifle the excitement of carrying children.
i am always warm now with the unruly brood inside me. you always look upon me proudly and full of undeniable lust at seeing my growing form. i show so much skin now so you and everyone else has easy access to touching my bump. everyone keeps a constant watch on my growing form, feeling lustful and wanting to get a taste but i want only you right now. my body is yours and these children will be the beginnings of our insanely large brood of half angel half demon children.
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