#i couldn't find a good one for merlin because i couldn't remember when they were frame together
xviruserrorx · 2 years
I love the "Sweet but strong women and the two idiots" trope of the late 2000s so much...
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suugarbabe · 8 months
Hey love, would you be open to doing a part 2 for soulmate Theo where reader actually fights someone that hurts him??
I know you have a lot of requests so no pressure or hurry (think this is like my 3rd in the last 2 weeks, im sorryy😭). Remember to look after you x
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part 1
You were not often an angry person, but maybe being soulmates with Theo changed something in you. You were essentially boring a hole in the stupid blonde's head that was sitting next to Theo.
You and Theo hadn't quite had the conversation of if you were 'boyfriend and girlfriend' yet, but you both knew you were soulmates and were very much happy with that situation.
While you two haven't directly advertised that you were soulmates, or nearly dating, you two spend every moment of free time together, went to parties together, were basically always seen together. So why this bimbo girl thought she had any chance with Theo whatsoever was beyond you.
Pansy had tried to tell you that it was no big deal, that Theo looked disinterested during class next to her anyway. But when you saw the blonde girl touch Theo's chest after class, all you could see was red.
Before anyone could stop you, you were on top of her, swinging at whatever you could connect with. You had to give her credit, she did try to fight back, pulling your hair and getting a good swing to your ribs.
But you had to give Theo some thanks later, because any contact she made with you felt like a child. You hadn't even noticed you'd broken her nose until you felt warm blood on your cheek after a second blow.
After that all you felt were two pair of arms yanking you upward and away from the girl, you doing your best to flail and fight against their grip before you realized it was Mattheo and Theo.
Once they set you down your huffed, crossing your arms, "Why did you do that, I was going to stop. She deserved at least three more good swings."
Mattheo couldn't help but laugh, "Princess, please. She was bleeding so much she was turning in to a red head."
You rolled your eyes, "Good, blonde definitely didn't suit her. Or did it, Theo?"
Theo was rubbing the back of his head, "What are you talking abou-, Ohh...did you do this because you were jealous?" A smirk appeared on his face before it turned to one of pain, "For fucks sake, did she have to pull your hair that hard? Swear to Merlin 've got a fucking migraine now."
You couldn't help but laugh, "Serves you right. Not only were you blatantly flirting with her in class, but now you get to see how it feels every time you get in a stupid fight with some random kid."
You reached up and poked him in the ribs where you knew she'd hit you. "Bloody hell, y/n, don't do that. Fucking shit," Theo grabbed his side, taking a step back. You jutted out your lip in a faux pout, "Awh, Teddy, does it hurt?"
Theo scowled playfully at you, "You know you're cute when you're jealous." You took a step forward, trying to poke his side again, "Keep it up and I'll find another girl just to make you in more pain."
Theo held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay. I'm done. I swear. Only under special circumstances and even then I'll make sure he doesn't touch me."
You smiled at him, grabbing his face with one hand and squishing his lips together. "Good boy," you playfully mocked before planting a big kiss to his squishy lips. Theo actively ignoring the teasing from Mattheo on the nickname you just used.
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planetsnakes · 22 days
what do you mean you're partially responsible for the death of the second largest merlin server lol please I must know this is fandom history you can't just leave me hanging here professor
Okay long post incoming
... It may just be a kind of sad story that has lore. So I'll tell you via dramatic enactment:
In a time of myth and a land of magic the destiny of a semi great Merlin server rested on the shoulders of a very confused teenager, their name? Chicken/ Circle / Circ / Duck (lets go with Duck because that's what most of the messages in the server refer to me as)
In this time before I understood how to find discord servers like I do now the biggest Merlin discord server on there was called Merlin BBC (I think) with a modest 200 members (I think) and was the most active of its lot. (the more active Merlin server is Land of Myth which is 16+ at the time, i think they've changed it. Merlin Fic Book Club was also pretty big but invite only so i think it seconded the BBC Merlin server).
In the early days I was but a mere peasant, befriending the mod staff by giving them a lot of emojis from the show and I am identifiable to a select group of people because I made them add two very grainy chicken emojis (actual screenshots from the show). I also kept joking about how I would take over the server.
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Fun fact apparently BBC Merlin has so many chickens in it because they are very calm animals and easy to employ.
Later I found out that the owner of the server had lost their original account and could not access anything as the owner & creator of this place. The Owner spent months at a time not managing the server leaving it in the capable hands of Prattsy and Purple (name changed they never wanted to be a part of this). There were other mods (one of which still edits my fanfic) but these were the main.
The Owner was a mysterious being that promoted people to mod without asking and genuinely had no idea how to run the server. Instead they were generally antisocial and transphobic.
One day my jokes of becoming owner (and the fact I was genuinely advertising the server) meant I was promoted to mod (and then The Owner just disappeared). From this position I could survey the land and generally keep the place running. I was the most active mod (you have to understand I was obsessed with Merlin, I debated stuff for days) and became the most liked (in my opinion).
Me and Prattsy had an... odd relationship. We were mainly friends with a large amount of banter. We spoke about some serious topics but mostly insulted each other. Staging two fights where I was fake "banned" from the server. Some real fights too. Prattsy's manner among strangers caused people to leave the server so I would tell him off and get demoted or banned until Purple yelled at him to let me back in.
My favorite thing that happened during my reign is that I hosted an event. I sadly can't find any images of the maze but the objective was that you came up with ways to get past the obstetricals and at the end you could either get to be Morgana's friend or win. Those who won got a special role and colour. (cant remember exactly when this was I just really loved doing it).
The Owner came back and continued his transphobia and generally made Prattsy uncomfortable until Prattsy (who had higher perms than the Owner because he wast using the account that made the server anymore) banished him forever.
From that point Purple was freed of modship (they never wanted it) and I was promoted as far as possible (i didn't know that had happened). Prattsy slowly fell out the fandom and I never adjusted the other mods perms (turns out they couldn't even delete messages).
Things went well, we had the occasional game night, streamed Merlin and got on. My friends within the server made a bird & cult themed server (my fault one night, added some friends to a server and then transfered ownership before going to bed. They made the theme. Things were good. I was even interviewing new mods for the server.
Then Clotpole returned, our friendship had deteriorated somewhat but he was still speaking to me in the same manner so i spoke to him like that. Asking somewhat rudely to have all mod perms given he hadn't been active in months and maybe give up his own. In the past he said he didn't want to moderate but I felt I wasn't ready to do it on my own and could he stay as a favor. He didn't remember this conversation and thought I was trying to chuck him out the server.
He proceeded to say "suck my dick" so I blocked him. Yes we were usually kinda mean but it'd never gone that far & he kind of needed hard boundaries to listen to you. He retaliated by stripping me of my perms and muting me for a week.
Prattsy made an announcement sending a screenshot of how I asked for the perms to the server as explanation for why mod applications were closed. The citizens (a lot of who were friends) all disliked this decision. Calling him childish.
A fact I haven't told anyone online until right now is that there was someone from my personal life lurking on that server. They checked it very rarely but they did check it and I didn't want this to bleed into my real life. I would have acted differently if this wasn't the case but it was and I just wanted to protect this person.
So I unblocked him, said I was so very sorry. I wasn't trying to push him out and sent screenshots of our old conversation to remind him that he did ask for this. He reinstated me as mod.
I kicked the person close to me from the server knowing they don't know enough about discord to know why something like that happens (if you ever see this sorry).
Me and Prattsy had a conversation about how the public outburst and abuse of power and how the server may not be comfortable with it. Meanwhile Prattsy had set up the ticket tool giving it owner perms so people could send in applications for mod. (He opened it when I got instated.) He refused to step down out of fear that I would banish him from the server. I wouldn't have. I probably would have muted him a lot for rule violations though.
In that moment I realised. I was to always be banished at the whim of Prattsy should I accept these terms. That there was nothing I could do. So I made an announcement and fled (left the server)
To all the mods I had been interviewing I sent screenshots of mine and Prattsy's final conversation stating that was why i was leaving and if they wanted to join me in making a new server they could now.
The server itself was in turmoil. Prattsy deleted my announcement and made his own. He made a lot of his own. People did not like that. So he said "Duck will fix this" and left.
The only account above Prattsy's was The Owner's lost account. The server is unsavable no one has the perms to be in control anymore. Not even the power to delete a message.
So one of the mods below me (a friend) managed to change the server's name to "Check Announcements" and turn the avatar to white to discourage people from joining and current members to look at announcements.
There's a summery there from them. I wasn't very clear when I explained the situation. I worked on that server for two years (I think) and I lost it all so I wasn't the best at explaining myself. All members were directed to join George, Sire a semi active Merlin server with a brilliant owner.
All the people who fled there said that "the owner left and has been replaced by a bot" because the thing in the server with the highest perms is ticket bot.
My side server was never fully built. I was very busy at that time so it never took off. I'm grateful to everyone who followed me there and kinda sorry I never worked on it. People tried to set it up for me but it's really hard to make a server take off.
So yeah, that's the story of how I am partially responsible for killing the server. Someone called me a celebrity so at one point, at least for a while, I was a pretty big part of the Merlin community.
While this tale is somewhat sad I made friends in that server or as consequence of being in that server that I still have today. They're amazing people and I am so glad to have them in my life. One even followed me to tumblr (if you've read this far go follow @flyingwiththefish they're not even a fan of Merlin (EDIT: they are i'm so sorry) and if they were ever in the server they never spoke).
Thanks for reading my sorrowful tale. I now haunt the old server, discoraging people from talking in it like a ghost.
EDIT: changed the actual but but land of myth is 16+ not 18+
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stressed-and-queer · 9 months
Idea: Its post S5, canonically, Merlin couldn't handle losing Arthur so he erased his memory, one day he wakes up from a nightmare, Arthur's death, and then it shows the isle of the blessed, something inside of him telling him that he needs to go there. So, in the middle of the night, he gets up and drives to the isle. There's nothing.
He tells his therapist this in the morning, (therapist is Gwen or Morgana maybe)
"I had a dream about that guy again"
"And you swear you've never seen him?"
"Merlin, the human brain does not have the capacity to create new faces. You've had to see him somewhere, whether it be passing him by in the streets or whatnot. However, considering the severity of the dream i have to inquire that this was someone dear to you,"
"Then why don't I remember him,"
"I don't know. But, that's not the reason you came is it,"
"Something else happened,"
"I saw the island that the old Ragland Castles sits in, and for some reason i felt....drawn to it. So, after i woke up i went there,"
"And what did you find"
"Nothing, absolutely nothing. I felt like an absolute fool,"
"How far did you go,"
"I didn't go to the island if that's what you're asking,"
"Maybe you should,"
"But nothing happened the first time,"
"Merlin, you didn't dream about looking at the island from afar, you dreamed about the island, which means you have to go to the island,"
"And you think this will stop the nightmares"
"Well i can't say for sure, but it's a good possibility "
"Alright then, I'll go tomorrow,"
He goes the next day and boom, there's Arthur. But he doesn't remember, so when Arthur semi recognizes him, he's so confused.
"How do you know my name,"
"How do you not know mine, we were friends most of my life Merlin!"
"I don't remember you, I'm pretty sure i would remember some random blond in a suot of armor!"
Arthur mentions magic, Merlin doesn't remember, tells him magic doesn't exist. Blah blah blah something happens and Merlin remembers. Maybe Merlins magic resurged because his destiny came back. Or maybe he designed the spell to wear off if Arthur comes back. Idk I'm still figuring that part out. (if you have ideas I'd love to hear them)
He brings Arthur to the therapist and idk what happens next. Haven't thought of that yet. Maybe, since the therapist is one of their old friends, they go searching for the others? Idk lol
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Neville Longbottom x Hufflepuff! Lestrange! Reader
A/n: y/n has mommy issues we love a good relatable. y/n 😅
Prompts: “I can have literally any boy in this school, what’s stopping me from dating every single one of them.” “Y/n youre not being a very good person.” “Well would you be if you were this beautiful?”
Summary: Y/n finds a glamour potion, no one at school liked her and often feared her because she is Bellatrix’s daughter. Y/n uses the glamour potion to get people specifically boys, to like her. However only one boy was not under her spell, Neville. He decides to confront her.
Being the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts overnight has its perks. Boys flocked to me like I was Anna Nicole, but at times it got to be too much. They bought me jewelry, new clothes, and candy.
“Y/n explain, now.” Neville demanded, the hallway was surprisingly empty. “I don't owe anything, Mr, Longbottom.” I kept formalities out of respect and a weird form of rebellion against what the awful slytherin boys would call Neville. “If you owe me anything Lestrange, you owe an answer to this.” Neville looked at me with anger.
“I'm not telling you anything!” I yelled. “Lestrange!” Neville yelled pushing me to the wall. “You listen to me and you listen good, you are going to tell me what you have done. That way I can fix it.” I squirmed under him, his face was so close to mine. “No! You can’t!” I said with tears in my eyes. “Please don't take this from me, Neville!” I begged. “Why?” He questioned, confused.
“I need the attention and love I get from them, I need it!” I sobbed hysterically. “Why? you get enough of it from all the Slytherin boys?” Neville scrunched his nose. “I want more! Of course, the Slytherins will love me! Without the potion I made they would be the only ones that like me.” Neville stepped back in disgust.
“and besides I can have literally any boy in this school, what’s stopping me from dating every single one of them.” I said hysterical. “Y/n you’re not being a very good person.” Neville looked beyond confused. “Well, would you be if you were this beautiful?” Y/n said with smartass undertones. “God you are just like her in every way.” Neville shook his head.
“Don't you dare! Don’t you dare compare me to that monster, I hate you! I hate you, Neville!” I sobbed as I tried to run away. If there was one thing she would admit to sharing with her mother is her fast change in emotions. “No, get back here!” Neville yelled while running after me. He caught up to me and yanked me by the hips, hitting my ass on the hard floor.
“You don’t ever compare to that horrible excuse of a mother!” Screams at him getting up slowly. “I would have never thought you hate her so much?” Neville said almost like hating parents was a foreign thing to him, but it was in for y/n. She use to love her mom but over time she saw Bellatrix for the monster she was and not the mother she wanted so badly.
“How could I not hate her? After everything she's done to you, to me...” Y/n says on her feet, looking like she had memories of her mother she had yet to tell anyone. “You have good people on your side, Neville, remember that.” y/n walked away holding herself as she did.
*Over time the boys stopped talking to her and went back to fearing her. It was something she was used to she couldn't walk anywhere without being looked *as* her mother. Y/n was reading a muggle book on crystals when Neville sat down next to her.*
“Good afternoon,” “Okay what do you want?” “I just want to talk to you,” Neville explained he looked like he was running away from something. Y/n noticed a pair of taunting boys. Y/n looked at Neville making sure the boys could see her. “Good afternoon,” she said seeing out of the corner of her eye the boys walking away. “They are gone now.” “Oh, sweet Merlin.” Neville whisper-yelled in relief. But Neville hadn't up and left yet.
“So I noticed you stopped-” Neville tried to say awkwardly, “Yeah courtesy to you my friend. Now you can tell all your loser friends that you hang out with in the room of requirements, how you stopped, the evil Y/n Lestrange.” she rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t do that!” Neville cut in. “Oh yeah, that sounds so unlike something the innocent Neville would never do!” y/n said mocking him.
“Why do you hate me so much Y/n?!” Neville yelled back confused, “Because you were the only one who didn't fall!” Neville stopped, “What? Fall meaning?” “I wanted you to love me, but I got everyone else *but* you!” Y/n sounded genuinely disappointed. “So you used the Glamour potion to… get me to like you?” Neville looked at her trying to find her logic.
“I now noticed how bad that sounds…” y/n looked down at the ground, “y/n I think I know of a reason it did work.” Neville stated, “Really?” Y/n quickly looked up at Neville her eyes meeting his, “Because I already liked you. Well like you.” Neville blushed.
“What? But I’m-“ Y/n said confused, “I know and that conflicted me for a long time, but now I realize that you aren’t like *her*.” Neville looked at her with a strange love that she wasn’t used to, “So what do we do now? We both know we like each other.” She asked, “I don’t know I’ve never really had a girl like me back before?” Y/n gently held Neville’s warm, soft, delicate hands, “I think we can start with that.”
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Ominis: Sebastian, please listen to me!
* Ominis tried to keep up with his friend, who had gone far enough from the house to reach an old tree near the river *
*Sebastian finally stopped and turned to see him, still with his annoyed expression*
Sebastian: I'm not interested in what you have to tell me. I know what I saw, ominis.
*Ominis breathed tired and then answered*
Ominis: I know, I kissed Anne. But I only did it because she really wanted to experience what a kiss was like for once in her life.
Sebastian: You are shameless, ominis.
Ominis: Sebastian, you know me! I would never play with something like that! * he exclaimed desperately and then under his sad gaze * with each passing day Anne loses more hope of healing * I shake my head embarrassed * And when he asked me this, I couldn't just say no. I feel like I would have regretted it later.
*Sebastián looked at him seriously and in that he got closer to him. He couldn't help but feel annoyed even with that explanation. Besides, he couldn't believe that ominis thought that Anne had no cure, and that she would one day leave them. However, his annoyance easily increased when he remembered the image of the two of them kissing, but why?
Sebastián: Me, I can understand why Anne wanted to do it. But still, tsk, it annoys me that you got in so easily, plus I know we'll find a cure soon, you two are rushing!
Ominis: Sebastian
Sebastian: Anne will be cured, she will return to Hogwarts and she will be able to meet other boys, I'm sure.
Ominis: And if it isn't?
Sebastian: I know it will be like that. Don't start with your negativity, Ominis.
*Ominis sighed resignedly and nodded slowly. Actually he didn't have as many hopes as Sebastian, he was more realistic. However he knew he couldn't make him change his mind *
Sebastian: Well?
Ominis: What?
Sebastian: Do you like it, Anne?
Ominis: Of course not! I mean, it's not that I dislike it. I like it, but not in a romantic way. Anne has always been like a sister to me.
Sebastian: Mm, good. Then don't you dare kiss her anymore, got it? Even if she asks you for that, or something more intimate...
The ominis face reddened again with shame. How could he think that?
Ominis: Sebastian, by Merlin. Don't be so rude. I would never do
Sebastián: If you were so willing to kiss her, who knows what else!
Ominis: You don't have to worry about anything, Sebastian. This will not be repeated... *he said honestly*
Sebastián: I hope so... And did you like the kiss?
Ominis: What? And now why do you ask me that? *asked nervously*
Sebastian: Just answer.
Ominis: Me, I don't know, I don't mean anything. maybe?
Sebastian: Maybe?
Ominis: It was just a simple kiss. No feelings involved. It was nice, but strange at the same time * he confessed * And I won't say more.
*Sebastián felt strange, he didn't even know who he was upset with*
Sebastian: Fine, so you don't feel anything for her. She's a relief *he said out loud*
Ominis: Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you would think that she was such a bad option for Anne * the blond said somewhat offended *
* Sebastian realized what he had said. But now he couldn't stop. A strange feeling was making him say nonsense nonsense *
Sebastián: Of course you are a terrible option. In fact, she didn't think you were good enough for her, or for anyone else!
"No. Why the hell did I say that?"
*There was a long silence. And the voice of ominis sounded hurt*
Ominis: Really, is that what you think of me?
Sebastián: Me, don't ominis, I'm sorry, I don't know why
Ominis: I think I've heard enough, Sebastian. You made it very clear that I'm too little for everyone. I better go *he raised his wand and started running away*
Sebastian: No, wait ominis!
"No. What am I doing?"
* Desperate he threw a Trip Jinx at him causing him to stumble and fall on the grass. his wand flew away *
Sebastian: Ominis, I'm sorry! *he ran to the boy, trying to explain his confused feelings*
Ominis: Ugh, get away from me!
* From his fall he hurt his knee and now he was desperately crawling forward, trying to find his wand to see *
Sebastián: Please ominis, I didn't want to
*Sebastián was behind him, following him and trying to calm him down. He now he felt terrible about this.
Sebastian: Ominis!
* Fortunately, Ominis managed to find his wand and when he felt Sebastian touch his he turned his shoulder on the ground and pointed his wand at her *
Ominis: Depulso!
* The teenager's body flew into a tree, colliding with his back and falling to the ground in pain. He immediately tried to go after him, but stopped when he saw him running out of sight *
Sebastian: Tsk... I think I'm jealous... *he lowered his head in embarrassment*
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cynthia39100 · 4 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E7: The Gates of Avalon
Gaius is the worst
Watching through 5 to 7 fueled my anger towards Gaius so much...
Before he started his gaslighting Morgana he he already had a weird line. When Morgana walked into his chamber and the bench started burning (so random too):
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What?? She didn't even barge in or call at him loudly.
Then he dismissed Morgana's concern about her dream and gave her a stronger sleeping drought. Not good. Still don't get why Gaius thought making her believe she didn't have magic was a good idea. She was more likely to mention her nightmare to Uther this way right? Also aparently his sleeping drought didn’t work. He really should think of something else instead of treating her like a child.
Immediately there was a scene where Morgana talked to Gwen and said " Uther hates magic more than he loves me. " Morgana wasn’t stupid! She knew her dream could associate with magic and she knew she couldn’t tell Uther. That's why she came to Gaius.
I felt that if Gaius kept gaslighting her, the chance that she would confess to Uther wasn't small. Morgana talked to Gaius, Arthur and Uther himself about her concern for Sophia in this episode, and the one with Uther was frankly the least infuriating. Uther was quite gentle and patient, albeit dismissive. That's just because she couldn't give him concrete evidence. Whereas Gaius was dismissive albeit having all the facts.
Gaius said he believed Morgana when she alerted him of Sophia and Arthur's departure, but in the end still kept on the lie, and dragged Merlin into it. Morgana knowing the truth and Uther finding out were totally unrelated! It's not like her power stopped growing while Gaius fed her sleeping drought all these years.
Merlin asked if Morgana was like him, and Gaius said,“ No one’s like you.” That’s not what Merlin was asking. It sounded to me that to Gaius, sorcerers other than Merlin could die or go mad for all he cared.
Also, it was less severe than the case with Morgana, but why did Gaius and Merlin have to lie to Arthur about what happened? The scene was funny and I liked it, but they had zero reason to lie. They had to cover the fact that Merlin used magic to save him, but since Arthur didn't remember anything after fighting with his father, it was easy to twist the final part of the story. Now Arthur would never know why he was into Sophia so bad he wanted to elope with her...
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tadahoni · 2 years
Reaching for Something
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Request (responded to separately): Got super excited when I saw you opened requests again, so I wanted to make one! This is a RSASTD Merlin x Fem!reader request. On WattPad, I read your story “Something Wonderful” and it was really good! The canon ending really got me thinking though. At the end of the movie, when Regina dies, all her magic and stuff like that gets reversed. So, wouldn’t that mean F7 gets their memories of reader back? I like the theory of this, and if possible, I’d love to see it written! Hope this isn’t trouble
SUMMARY: Merlin is finally living his happily ever after with the most beautiful woman in the world, but after the spell is broken and his memories reappear, there is someone on his mind...
A/N: I'm going to base this off of my story on Wattpad, check it out! Also I wasn't entirely sure how Snow White would fit into this, because I love her so very much and I want her to be happy, but also Merlin. Sooooo... read to find out?!
Never in his life did Merlin ever think he'd be in his house, with his beautiful wife, and wondering if it was right.
Now, don't get him wrong, he loved Snow White to the end of the earth. She loved him for him, and he for her. But memories were flooding in.
And they weren't working in Snow's favor.
Not only had Merlin started to regain consciousness of Y/N, but he remembered everything about Snow's dad.
This had to have been some sort of setup.
It had finally occurred to Merlin that although he though Snow White was, in fact, the most beautiful person in the world, he couldn't bear to continue living with this thought in his head. He sat Snow White down one night to talk. He told her about everything he had remembered, about what his father-in-law had done to him, and about Y/N.
As perfect as she was, so was her response. She was incredibly understanding, and felt anger towards her father for the things he had done to her husband. She understood if he felt trapped in this marriage, and gave the option of divorce. He was floored by how quickly she had becoming understanding of the situation. But she finally admitted something that made everything make sense.
She had fallen in love with his best friend.
Jack was still living with them in the house, and the close proximity of the two drew them closer. Nothing had happened between them yet, but Snow White made it clear that she had in fact fallen out of love with Merlin.
The divorce was mutual, and Jack made it clear that he still loved the two even if he was essentially the driving force between them. But they knew King White wouldn't be happy about this at all. His daughter marrying into a cursed lineage? No dice.
They made a plan.
Jack and Snow White would remarry on a ship to France, where they would move and declare zero passage to anybody with papers from Fairy Tale Island, excluding the Fearless Seven, of course.
They proposed this to Merlin one night. "That's a great plan, you two. I think that will work nicely." The two gave him a look. "What?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow. "We want you to come with us," Snow White stated. "And," Jack continued. "We think you should bring Y/N home." It had suddenly occurred to Merlin the real reason why he had gone through the life-changing divorce in the first place. Jack's long lost sister, the thief of Fairy Tale Island.
His true love.
First, he had to find her.
Merlin honestly thought it would be much harder to find the woman he loved, but he actually found her within the first try as he entered Hans's bakery. The redhead was behind the counter, serving a customer a chocolate croissant when he noticed Merlin enter the shop. He looked like he was about to jump out of his nonexistent seat.
"Merlin!!!" He ran over and gave the man a hug as the customer left the building. When the coast was clear, Hans pulled away and whispered: "I heard about you and Snow White from Jack, is everything okay?" "Yeah, everything has been figured out, but that's actually what I came here to talk to you about." Hans pulled a chair out by the bar that was stationed by his workplace for Merlin to sit in. He then placed a plate in front of him with a buttered croissant on top. Merlin could feel his heart skip a beat. "Just like Y/N loved." His head whipped to look ahead at Hans, leaning against the bar. He knew. He remembered. "Is she..." "She's upstairs. I've been keeping her safe in my apartment, selling her maps in the shop for some extra cash for her. She never left the island, she couldn't leave you behind." Merlin paused. There was no way that she would want to see him right now. After he had pushed her away at the door, after he had married the daughter of the man who locked her away. There were a thousand questions running through his head, but Hans seemed to know, because he said: "She wants to see you." "Does she?" "She knows what happened to you. She knows your memory was erased, and once she heard about your divorce, she knew it must have been related to either her or King White's influence on the situation." Merlin gingerly stood, blinking at Hans as if he were asking a favor. Hans nodded, walked to the door of the bakery, and flipped the sign to closed before leading him upstairs.
"You're going to have to be quick about this if you want to make it to France before anyone finds out. I'll be downstairs to reopen. Be smart." Hans left Merlin to search the apartment for his lost love, and that proved to be anxiety-spiking for the man. He checked doors, peeked in closets, nothing. But as soon as hope was fleeting for Merlin, he heard the window open. The man stood back to allow Y/N to enter the apartment without getting startled. He watched her elegantly enter the window, reach up, and close it. Then she turned to face him.
She hadn't changed. The knife she was holding, most likely for safety, clattered to the ground. The girl in front of him was frozen, her expression unreadable. Merlin was unable to find the words until they slipped from his mouth:
As if he had given her permission, Y/N ran towards Merlin and nearly tackled him into a kiss, in which he gladly accepted. The passion and love that had been bottled into Y/N throughout the past year as well as the satisfaction of finally seeing the woman Merlin loved again was put into the kiss, so much so that Merlin had accidentally slammed Y/N into the wall, putting his hands on either side of her face.
A quiet, yet firm thumping interrupted the two. "Be smart!"
Merlin glanced from the floor back to Y/N, whose face was pink from blush. "Broom," she said simply. "He gets me with that when I'm too loud up here." "How did I ever live this past year without you in my mind?" The two stared at one another once again, then pulled each other close into an embrace.
It took approximately five minutes for Merlin to catch Y/N up on everything in his life, and once he was sure he finished, he looked at her nervously.
“We need to leave, and I want you to come with me.”
She raised her eyebrows im surprise, blinking twice, then putting her thumb to her teeth to nibble on the nail nervously.
“You don’t need to decide now, just sometime within-“
“I’ll go.”
Well, that was much easier than Merlin though it would be.
“This past year of my life has been hell, and it’s all because I’ve been without you.” She looked up and him, determination gracing her features. “I won’t risk losing you again.”
Merlin smiled and nodded, taking her hand and placing a soft kiss on the knuckle.
“We leave tomorrow.”
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sanversandfriends · 1 year
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Sanvers fans know her from her amazing contributions of art and fic to the Big Bang, but @morganastorm24 is also a multi-talented writer and artist for multiple ships in the DC universe. She also has love of everything Lois Lane. In honor of the Planet's star reporter, we've asked her to share a glimpse into her writing process. Thanks, Morgana!
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started writing fic? Have you written for other fandoms? What are your favorite tropes?  
I've been writing for as long as I can remember - even longer according to my mum. I've always loved creating stories and would sit with my teddies and toy horses, reading them stories (even before I could read, because that's what pictures are for, right? Telling a thousand words and all that). For my 6th or 7th birthday, I apparently asked for a "really nice writing set and an even nicer book to write in". I was given a ring binder with plastic pockets, a notebook and a pencil case full of stationery. I still have that ring binder to this day, though it's not filled with all my random childish scribbles like it once was. 
I started writing fanfiction not long after Star Wars: Attack of the Clones came out. That's the earliest fanfic I can remember writing, anyway. I wrote Anakin and Padme's adventures after they got married, and then when rumours started flying about what was going to happen in Episode 3, I wrote my very first "fix it fic" by finding a way to keep Padme alive (as I couldn't bear the thought of my favourite character dying). Most of those very early fics never left the pages of the notebooks they were scrawled in and nobody else ever saw them (thank god!), but it wasn't until I started reading fanfiction online that I realised I could actually do that too - share my ideas with the world. I dabbled a little in fanfic for the tv show Casualty (a British medical drama), had more success with Doctor Who, wrote some more Star Wars, then Merlin and eventually (and most recently) Supergirl (with a dash of other DC). 
What were your inspirations for this particular story? What was it about this/these ships that grabbed you?
This fic was born of a single image - namely Chyler first revealing that she was going to wear a black and blue super suit and become Supergirl for one episode. That image alone was enough to get my mind racing with possibilities and ideas of how it might come to pass. I have to be honest and say I stopped watching the show after the Crisis stuff, so I've never actually seen her episode as Supergirl, but maybe that's a good thing? At least this way I know that my version of her is different and unique.
I am and always will be a huge Sanvers stan, but there's something so appealing about AgentCorp as well, and the show really dropped the ball when they wouldn't let Alex and Lena be together. They're an interesting and dynamic pairing - they share interests, are both huge science nerds and yet so completely different that its great fun writing them both together.
As for Lois and Kara - that one literally came out of nowhere and took me by surprise. I'd never intended for it to happen, and yet now that it has, I'm wondering why I never thought of it sooner!
Has the time spent away from your story changed your outlook or approach to any of the storylines or themes? Have you had any new inspirations or breakthroughs/revelations in the meantime? 
Absolutely. I got to a point with the fic where it had grown stale, and I was constantly hitting up against a wall with no idea how to get around it, or to power through it. So, I walked away from the fic and decided to focus on other WIPs and new creations instead. Coming back to it now, I've been able to see everything with fresh eyes, and I can see not only where I was going wrong before, but also a way to fix it. Changing the villain, adding characters, getting rid of redundant plot threads and adding more relevant pieces has really helped to get this work to a place where finally, I can see the finish line and I know I'm going to make it. That's a huge relief, considering where I was 2 years ago when I first started writing it.
Any advice for new or aspiring fic writers?
Never give up. No matter how hard it might be, just put words on a page. It doesn't matter how rubbish they are, as my BFF always says, "You can't edit a blank page." Let yourself suck, let yourself write horrendously. It's all good practice. Even if those words never leave your notebook or the document on your computer, they've taught you something, they've helped you to improve, so be proud of them.
Writing is also a bit like a painting. Not even Da Vinci or Van Gogh sat at his easel and created a masterpiece on his first try. There's the initial sketches to plan out the idea. That's your plot or summary. Then you add basic blocks of colours. That's your first draft. From then on, you work away slowly, adding details, shading, contouring...those are your second, third, fourth drafts. Keep revising and editing as much as you need - there's no right or wrong number of times you should be doing it. Because each time you do, you're adding more detail to your masterpiece. And what you end up with is a work of art.
One final piece of advice... writing is not a solo event. All those times a writer is depicted sitting along, tapping away at a keyboard or scribbling in a notebook, it's so misleading. Get yourself a writing buddy. DKGwrites and I are best friends, we met through fanfiction (and I'm eternally grateful for that everyday). We have regular writing sessions together, and ok it's 90% messing around, distracting one another, talking utter nonsense or throwing random videos and links to each other, but that 10% when we do actually behave and get down to the task at hand, it's so much more fun writing together than it ever is when we try to write alone. Silliness aside, we help one another, bounce ideas off one another, motivate and encourage one another, and it's the best thing ever. So find yourself a writing buddy, and have a blast!
If you were going to promote this fic with a single line, what would it be? 
What if Supergirl was a badass redhead called Alex Danvers?
We'll have more about her artwork in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, check out her work on A03!
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Betrayal Is Something You Never Forget (Prologue);
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Summary; In which Gwaine wasn't completely honest with Merlin about his heritage and the others all find out exactly why he hates royalty so much.
Trigger warnings include; Death (adult and maybe child), implied/mentioned Child abuse, swearing, magic,(implied?) Self-hatred, alcoholism, unhealthy coping mechanisms, witch hunting, dark themes, headcanons, alterations to canon, adaptions of fairy tales, crossovers, piracy and witch craft, and LGBTQ+ themes. Don't like, don't read.
MERLIN: Right. What is it with you and nobles?
GWAINE: Oh, nothing. My father was a knight in Caerleon's army. He died in battle, leaving my mother penniless. And when she went to the King for help, he turned her away.
MERLIN: You didn't know him?
GWAINE:Just some stories I've been told.
MERLIN: Yeah, I know how that feels.
Gwaine remembered that day well and he was sure that Merlin did as well. After all, it would have been shocking for him to hear. But little did Merlin know that he had lied when he told him that. At least partially.
Because while Gwaine was telling the truth about his father being a knight, he wasn't telling the truth about him dying and his reasoning for hating nobles. Because Gwaine didn't want to tell Merlin-- sweet, sweet Merlin who had already seen so much bad in the world--  about the darkest parts of his life.
He didn't want his first and only true friend to know that he was the son of disgraced knight Brennan Jones or that he was the grandson of 4 pirates, a possible witch, and a technical desertie. Didn't want him to know that he came from a family of pirates and nobles. People who found out about his family always judged him.
And while he didn't think Merlin would, he didn't want to put him in the position of having to choose between him and Arthur, if Arthur ever were to find out and expose the truth. So Gwaine figured that if he lied, then Merlin wouldn't even think about choosing him because he'd be too angry and betrayed to.
He didn't want to be responsible for Merlin giving up his new home and his job and friends. He didn't want to ruin his friend's life. He was sure he had ruined enough of the people he cared about's lives already.
Because he was the son of disgraced knight Brennan Jones and Portal Hopper Alice Jones. The grandson of James Flint, Thomas Hamilton, Miranda Barlow, Mary Read, Anne Bonny, and John "Calico Jack" Rackham. Great nephew of Davy Jones. Cousin of Romeo Montague, Benvolio Montague, and Jack Sparrow.
His family was big and cursed. They took what they wanted and did what they had to, to save their own asses despite what his mother tried to instill in them. They hurt people, went to jail, spent their lives on the run, or got screwed over and died young or died horrible deaths. And those closest to them always seemed to get hurt. And Gwaine just...hated it...
Because his mother had raised him and his 5 siblings better than that, even though she had died when he was only 12. And even though she herself wasn't entirely perfect. But hey, when you're raised by three pirates with nearly 10 siblings how close to perfect can one be expected to get?
God knows that Gwaine couldn't judge. He had actually had a parent with a hyperfocused consensus on being a good, law abiding citizen and had still turned out a screw up. A drunk. A vagabond. A womanizer. A crappy knight. A parent's worst nightmare. Everything his mother had tried so desperately to avoid him becoming.
He seriously doubted that she'd be impressed. Then again, knowing his mother, she probably wouldn't be surprised or hold it against him. He had been a little menace when he was younger. Running around town, causing trouble. Pulling pranks. Getting into fights. Stealing. Fighting with his siblings.. including his literal toddler brother... Teasing his older sister about how camelot's knights were coming for her.
Gwaine winced in shame everytime he thought about it. Because despite being a knight of Camelot, he didn't agree with their laws and views on magic. He couldn't. He and his sister might not have gotten along and she might have been a bit mean but he didn't think that she was evil. That her magic was evil. That every magic user was evil. Because it just went against everything he was taught growing up and what he had seen while on the road.
And looking back, he regretted every single joke he had made about Camelot coming for his sister. Because those 'jokes' weren't funny. They were mean and vile words of a foolish, angry child who didn't realize just how terrifying Camelot could be when it came to magic users. Mean and vile words of a child who had been angry that they had, had to move everytime someone had seen his sister use magic and took it out on her despite her having no say. Words of a child who didn't realize just how horrible he was being until his sister was gone and it was too late.
Gwaine would take it back if he could. He'd take alot of things back if he could. He'd do alot of things differently if he could, actually. He'd help his mom take care of his two younger brothers. He'd be nicer to his sister and not fight with his brothers as often. He'd stay home and take care of his mother, and not leave her home alone with only his youngest brother as company. He'd take his siblings and run. If only he could turn back time.
But he couldn't and would forever be left to deal with the consequences of his younger self's actions. As well as his family legacy. Alone. Because he'd never tell Merlin the truth unless he was telling a large group of people the truth at the same time, which he'd never do unless he had to or felt comfortable enough to. Which would never happen because he was never able to stay in one place for too long. Which was fine by him.
Because he didn't need anyone.....
And no one ever needed or wanted him.
Until they did.
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dzthenerd490 · 9 months
Kingdom Hearts: The Brightest of Hearts - Chapter 7: Holiday Chaos
Now the Gummi ship finally managed to make it back to Traverse town, There Cloud and Aerith were waiting for them to land. However once Sora, Donald, and Goofy got off the ship and on the ground the three of them collapsed. Aerith gasped in shock while Cloud couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, Aerith then punched his shoulder.
"Heh, these guys really need a break, huh?"
Sora then woke up on the same large bed he was in when introduced to Yuffie and Squall; only now, the ones next to him were Cloud and Aerith. Sora got up slowly feeling better after a long rest.
"Hey now, you should rest more, it can't be easy saving the Multiverse without breaks."
"Thanks, but I'm ok now, so don't worry. Hey, where's Goofy and Donald?"
"They’re in town, they actually woke up earlier than you did."
"But even so, if you want to keep resting you-" Before Aerith could finish Sora energetically grabbed his keyblade and jumped out of bed. 
"I better get going then! Thanks guys!" Sora then left the room leaving Aerith confused and Cloud amused.
"Heh that kid really has some spunk huh?"
"He kinda reminds me of you, Cloud."
"Huh? How?" Aerith just giggled and walked off; Cloud groaned in annoyance for not getting an answer.
Sora wandered around town noticing the town was even brighter than before. Now it was starting to look more like a town rather than the bleak atmosphere it used to have. As Sora wandered into the town square, he saw two adult men walking around but looking paranoid. Sora however didn't notice their fear and instead he just waved at the two of them. They were spooked at first but when they saw Sora was just a boy, they calmed down and waved back. However, one of them saw Sora holding a Keyblade and gasped in fear, he then pointed at the Keyblade to get the other man's attention. The two of them screamed and ran out of the town square as fast as they could, leaving Sora confused.
"It wasn't your fault if that's what you're thinking." Sora then looked up to his left to see Squall standing next to him.
"They don't understand Keyblades, the Multiverse, Darkness, Light, or magic. So as far as they can tell your Keyblade is no different from the one that turned those guys into Heartless."
"Turned them into Heartless?"
"That's why the town's been getting brighter Sora, as you fight back the darkness and liberate the cursed hearts. Those same hearts return to where they came from, like those men you just saw. You saved them from becoming the Dark Army's playthings forever. They don't know it yet, but they owe you their lives because of that." Sora looked back to where he saw the two men run off to and even though he couldn't see them anymore he smiled brightly.
"The fact that they're free from the Darkness is good enough for me."
"Hm, Yuffie was right about you, always finding the bright side of things." Sora looked at Squall then smiled proudly, owning up to his optimism. Then Sora remembered the valuable Ansem reports he got back in Agrabah.
"Oh! Hey Squall, is Merlin still in town?"
"Uh, yeah he's back in his office. why?"
"I have more Ansem reports to give him! Oh, wait. Before I go, where is Donald and Goofy?" 
"Right over here!" Upon hearing Yuffie's voice Sora saw her with Donald and Goofy all three walking toward him with smiles on their faces. Sora smiled too and ran up to Donald and Goofy to hug the two of them. Goofy accepted the hug warmly and Donald tried to do the same, but Sora accidentally choked him instead. Donald started whacking Sora on the head with his staff to which Sora let him go and laughed while rubbing the sore part of his head. As Sora apologized Donald smiled again and lightly punched him on the leg. The three of them laughed joyfully while Yuffie walked over to Squall to watch them joyfully. 
"It's so nice to see him happy like this."
"... He won't be able to keep it up when he has to fight Maleficent." Yuffie looked at Squall shocked, she then punched him in the shoulder and pouted angrily at him. 
"Hey guys, let's go get these Ansem reports to Merlin."
"you two go ahead, I'm gonna get more supplies for our next trip." Goofy then walked off to Sid's shop, leaving Donald and Sora.
"Why doesn't Goofy want to come?"
"Oh, it's nothing personal. Magic just confuses Goofy, so he doesn't like to talk about it." Sora sort of understood since he didn't fully understand Magic either, unlike Donald it kinda just came to him. Sora was about to walk to Merlin and saw Squall and Yuffie still standing there.
"you guys wanna come with?"
"No need, we already met with master Merlin today."
"But feel free to tell him we said hi!" Sora giggled and nodded as he ran off to meet with Merlin with Donald following him.
Sora walked into Merlin's house, familiar with the location thus able to avoid the spider webs; Donald on the other hand walks into several webs and tries to swat the spiders. Sora figured Donald would be find and continued on to find Merlin. Sora then saw Merlin in the same place sipping tea while looking through several floating books and Ansem report pages. The entire time he was whispering to himself, Sora figured this was his attempt to translate Ansem's codes. That was the first reason Sora didn't want to interrupt him, the second reason was because Merlin's display of magic was so cool that Sora was in silent awe. 
Merlin took another sip of his tea but then noticed Sora there and spat out his tea, staining one of the Ansem reports. Merlin panicked and cast a time reverse spell on the page, he then used his magic to reorganize all the other pages and books. Now everything was cleaned up and organized, at the same time Donald finally caught up and was in awe to see Merlin. Donald quickly walked up in front of him and bowed.
"Master Merlin of Magic and Sorcery, as well as a veteran of the first Keyblade war. It's an honor."
"Likewise, Head wizard of Disney Castle, despite your weak body you make up for it with a strong will! Very few have made it to your level, for that you have my utmost respect." Donald's eyes sparkled in glee as he quacked proudly to himself, Sora patted him on the back and gave him a thumbs up for being acknowledged by Merlin. Donald was still giddy but knew they had more pressing matters, so he stepped aside while Sora stepped forward.
"Master Merlin, I have more Ansem reports."
"Haha, splendid, my boy! Just in time too, I have something for you as well." Sora then handed Merlin the Ansem Reports and with magic Merlin sorted them out in his own organized way. Merlin then used his magic to recover a single page of Ansem's Report. Merlin held this report in front of himself and seemed to be filled with glee as he showed Sora, who still couldn't read it.
"It took quite a while my boy, but I was finally able to decipher Ansem's code and found something truly extraordinary! The first part of this page tells of the power of a keychain!"
"A keychain?"
"Ah, let me show you, here give me your Keyblade." Sora was confused by this, so he turned to Donald, Donald nodded, and Sora gave Merlin his keyblade. Merlin raised the keyblade and focused specifically on the keychain at the end of the handle. Merlin then held the keychain and started chanting. Merlin used his magic to raise the Ansem report closer to his face so he could read the writing while continuing to chant. As Merlin was casting his spell the keychain was now engulfed in a field of light that was quickly surrounded by several glyphs of light. The glyphs shifted around until it all was eventually absorbed into the keychain. Then the keyblade glowed as it was covered in a coat of brilliant light. Finally, the keyblade turned back to normal and Merlin held the keyblade out toward Sora while smiling proudly. 
Sora couldn't help but look in awe as his eyes sparkled in amazement. Sora then took the keyblade but almost fell to his knees, not because the Keyblade was heavy but because of its power. Sora couldn't believe the amount of power he felt flowing through the keyblade. It gave him great power before but now it felt tenfold. Sora raised his keyblade high in pride as Merlin looked at him proudly and so did Donald. Sora then started bowing and thanking Merlin for the power up, but Merlin quickly raised his hand to stop Sora.
"Oh no, my boy, it's far too early to thank me. After all, the real potential of that keyblade has yet to be unleashed."
"What do you mean? It already feels so powerful!"
"That, my boy, is merely the tip of the iceberg! Now I want you to recall a world you remember quite fondly of." Sora was confused but smiled and did as Merlin asked. Sora closed his eyes to focus better and remembered Wonderland and Alice, he smiled at remembering the wonderful time he spent with her despite it being so short. Sora then noticed a light so bright he could still see it even when his eyes were closed. Sora opened his eyes and saw the keyblade shining in brilliant light once again, it was so close and bright that it even hurt his eyes. Then the light started to be absorbed back into his keyblade and it reformed into the Keyblade Lady Luck.
Sora looked at the new Keyblade in his hand both confused and in awe, he didn't really understand what this meant. However, Sora quickly noticed how the Keyblade resembled a lot of the symbols of the card soldiers of Wonderland. Sora then smiled and closed his eyes again and thought of Ancient Greece then the Keyblade manifested into the Olympia Keyblade. Then after thinking of all the amazing things, he learned in Deep Jungle his keyblade manifests into Jungle King. Finally, Sora remembers his adventures in Agrabah and his keyblade manifests into the Three Wishes Keyblade. Sora was amazed by this; it was so cool to be able to shift his keyblade into new forms based on his experiences in the worlds he visited. However, after looking at his keyblade in awe for a minute a realization came to Sora, making him look to Merlin in confusion.
"Uh, what exactly do these Keyblades do?" Merlin was watching the entire time, however when Sora asked that question, he closed his eyes and smiled seemingly filled with foy to answer that question. Sora and Donald could sense this, and their eyes sparkled as they anticipated the answer Merlin would give them. Merlin then raised his arms in shrug.
"No idea." Sora looked at Merlin in dumbfounded disbelief while Donald fell on his face due to overwhelming disappointment. 
"Apologize my boy but like you I never had a keyblade long enough to utilize it to its full potential. Ansem was indeed my friend, but he was lucky to even find these secrets so few keyblade wielders themselves were able to extract. As such even as he was extracting the secrets of Keyblades, the Multiverse, and what he could of Kingdom Hearts itself, he had little to no opportunity to properly share them." Sora was still disappointed but remembered what Yuffie and Merlin said about him being the last Keyblade Wielder of Light, so it made sense that even a master like Merlin had trouble with finding answers himself. Sora then sighed and bowed again to Merlin.
"Well either way, this will surely be a huge help. Thank you, Master Merlin." 
"Sora why don't you go help Goofy with the supplies, there's still something I want to ask Master Merlin." Sora was confused at first but didn't think much of it and nodded as he left Merlin's house. 
"Ahem Master Merlin, I-" 
"Oh, just call me Merlin, my friend. I really wasn't much of a Keyblade wielder and only earned my title of master on a technicality."
"Uh, of course. Anyways, why did you tell Sora that it was ok to make connections to other worlds?"
"Hm? Because friendship and love are what makes life worth living and fighting for, my friend. why else?"
"But wasn't it you who established the rule to not interfere with a world's natural order?"
"Well no, that would be Eraqus. Though yes, I did nothing to stop the rule from being established so it is my fault as well. Truth be told, my friend; I have many regrets of my youth and I would say that not changing that rule would be one of them. If I knew how foolish it was to make that rule back, then I would have stopped it from becoming official years ago." Donald was surprised by this, from what he heard Merlin was one of the most important members of the Guardians of Light; especially during their resurgence after the Keyblade war. However, Disney Castle was never known to have good connections with the Guardians of Light hence why the resurgence of the Dark Army and their attack on Radiant Garden as well as the Land of the Departure went under everyone's noses. So, that meant there was no reason to follow the rule so religiously and therefore no reason to be so harsh on Sora. Donald then shook his head in self disappointment at this realization. 
"Oh, don't be too hard on yourself, my friend. As story's spread around it makes sense that a word or phrase will change here or there. Besides I already told you I am not blameless, so don't take your foolishness to heart. However, I do ask you to be more lenient on the boy, he may be a novice, but he is our last hope. But he can't be if he himself loses that shining beacon of hope within his heart. It will only shine brighter as he keeps making more connections to the worlds he saves and the people he meets." Donald smiled and nodded and left the room with newfound determination to help Sora save the Multiverse. Merlin then sat in silence as he took another sip from his tea. 
"Yes... why did I let that rule exist... it may have felt necessary at the time but... it just seemed like something... THEY would do."
Sora and Goofy were hauling the remaining supplies to the Gummi ship while Chip and Dale were installing a new upgrade Sid gave them. While Chip and Dale were finishing up Sora and Goofy got some pizza from the food reserves. The both of them decided to sit outside the ship while waiting for Donald to show up. However, they didn't have to wait long as Donald showed up rather quickly and walked toward Sora. Sora immediately offered pizza to Donald, but Donald quickly shook his head and bowed to Sora.
"I'm sorry I tried to keep you from interacting with the inhabitants of other worlds. When you didn't listen to me you ended up making good friends and by helping them you made it easier to find what we needed. From now on, so long as it aligns with our mission, I will not keep you from making connections with the world we encounter." Sora just smiled warmly at Donald and simply offered him a pizza slice again. This time Donald smiled back and took the piece and the three of them started eating pizza together. After some time, Chip and Dale were finally done with the upgrades and the trio were done with the pizza. 
"Alright fellas, next stop: Halloween Town!"
"Halloween? As in the Holiday?"
"Holiday? What's a Holiday?" Sora was about to enter the Gummi ship but then looked back at Goofy and Donald in shock.
"You- You guys don't know? Holidays are like a special day where everyone celebrates something... like a party!" Donald and Goofy then looked at each other in confusion, the two of them then walked onto the Gummi ship seeming unimpressed.
"I guess in that case every day at Disney Castle is a Holiday."
"Yeah, no offense Sora but Holidays really don't sound all that special." Sora watched the two in disbelief, Sora then chuckled to himself and followed them onto the ship.
"You guys have no idea what you're missing."
At first in the light tunnel things were going well, only basic Heartless Ships appeared, and Sora was able to take them out with ease. Then the dark gray speed blade ships appeared and like last time they were a massive nuisance. 
"I knew those troublemakers would come back! Sora, try to lock onto those ships!" Sora did as Chip asked and tried to keep the Gummi ship's guns aimed at the Heartless Ships. Though Sora kept missing he noticed that only after hovering his aim over the ships once had the screen lock on the Ships.
"Good, you got them! Now press the blue button to fire!" Sora did as Dale instructed, as soon as Sora pressed the button the Gummi ship shot several missiles that locked onto the blade Heartless ships. The missiles instantly destroy the ships, Sora was filled with awe at the sight. 
"Woah! That was awesome, what was that?!"
"Those were magic missiles Sora! With them even the fastest and sturdiest of Heartless ships won't be able to stop us!" As if on cue three big Heartless ships with heavy armor appeared, the first one was in the front and shaped like a shield with only three cannons. The other two were behind and had lots of cannons. The three of them quickly started firing and Sora tried to return fire, but the shield Heartless ships was in the front and absorbing a lot of the damage. In return, the two Heartless ships barraged the Gummi ships every chance they got. The Gummi ship was taking hard damage, but Sora still smiled as he slowly locked on the three Heartless ships the best he could. Thankfully Sora finally managed to get all three ships targeted and fired the missiles. Thankfully the missiles managed to destroy the two heavy ships in the back but the Heartless ship in the front managed to maintain itself. The Shield Heartless ship was heavily damaged but managed to keep flying but rather than continuing to fight, it left the light tunnel. Sora, Donald, and Goofy sighed in relief as the Gummi ship then started flying into the end of the light tunnel.
As the Gummi ship landed Sora looked out of the window in excitement hoping to see a small-town celebrating Halloween with lots of decorations and candy. When they celebrated holidays on Destiny Island the adults tried their best to make it spectacular, but it always felt out of place since they were on an island. However, Sora's parents always told him that when he was old enough to leave the island, they could see towns and cities that celebrated grand parties for the holidays. As such now that Sora was in a place called Halloween town, he was expecting such, however at first glance everything looked so creepy and depressing. 
This wasn't exactly what Sora was expecting but like Yuffie said people from different worlds look different and have different lives. Sora thought, maybe the people here just have creepy taste in decor and are actually really fun and awesome to be around. Sora smiled at his optimistic idea and faced Donald and Goofy with determination. 
"Come on guys! Let's go protect this world from the Darkness!"
"Hold up Sora." Sora stopped on Chip and Dales command; Sora looked back at the two of them in confusion because of how afraid the two of them looked. 
"What's wrong guys?"
"Sora there's something off with the dark energy we can detect in this world, it's... stronger, a LOT stronger."
"It's a little more powerful than the one in Agrabah." Sora then looked at Donald and Goofy in fearful confusion. Jafar had an inferiority complex but was a powerful Keyblade Wielder of Darkness, nonetheless. The idea that there was something more powerful in this world would be bad, especially since they only beat Jafar by outsmarting him and pure luck.
"So what should we do?"
"Be cautious, we're not sure but if this dark energy is really coming from the Dark Conduit, then they are not a normal Keyblade Wielder of Darkness. In fact, there's a good chance they are a Lord of Darkness." Donald and Goofy were instantly filled with fear, Sora on the other hand just looked back at them in confusion.
"A Lord of Darkness? What's that?"
"Their bad news Sora, Keyblade Wielders of Darkness can command the Heartless but even their power is nothing compared to the Lords of Darkness."
"The Lords of Darkness are able to fill their bodies with massive amounts of dark energy making them stronger than anything in the world. Even the most hardened and powerful Keyblade Wielders of Light would have trouble fighting just one of them."
"But that's not to say they're invincible, they're just very powerful so if we really have to fight them then be prepared for the worst fight of your life." Sora gripped his keyblade feeling afraid of the idea of having to fight enemies much stronger than any of the Keyblade Wielders of Darkness he fought. However, upon tightening his grip, Sora could feel the power of the Keyblade flowing through him. Sora felt a little disappointed in himself for forgetting the upgrade in power thanks to Merlin. Sora then smiled in determination and faced Donald and Goofy.
"I'm not worried with you guys by my side, besides if there's anything I learned on our adventures together is that the only way we will lose is if we stay down after the bad guys knock us down. So, when they push us down, we'll get right back up!" Sora then put his hand forward, Goofy immediately caught on and placed his hand over Sora's.
"Well said, Sora!" Donald didn't really have anything to say. Normally he would try to have Sora see the harsh reality of life but now he knew better than to do that. Instead, Donald just chuckled and placed his hand over the other two's. On the count of three they all ended up raising their hands high and shouted, All for One and One for All.
The three of them then step off the Gummi ship and could feel the Gummi ship covering them with the magical camouflage aura. 
"Huh? That's weird, the magic feels strange this time. Hey, did you guys feel-? aaaAAAAH!" Sora turned back to Goofy and Donald only to see Goofy turned into some kind of Frankenstein like monster and Donald turned into an evil looking mummy. The both of them were looking at themselves in confusion but then looked at one another and screamed. After hearing Sora scream, they looked at him and screamed again while he screamed at them. 
"Wait, Sora? What happened to you?!"
"Me?! What happened to you guys!" Sora pointed at the two of them but by doing so he noticed how his hands now looked more vicious and scarier looking. Sora then started looking at himself and saw his clothes were all black and he even had fangs now. Donald then got out his staff and manifested a large ice mirror and the three of them looked in it to see clearly how they all changed.
"Gosh, we really look scary huh?"
"But why do we look scary?"
"Well, that's just how the Gummi ship works, it's just supposed to make it easier to camouflage into new worlds though I guess when it comes to worlds like this, it has to go the extra mile."
"Does- Does this mean that everyone in town normally looks like this?" Sora was now unsure of actually wanting to go into town, he knew he had to but he really didn't want to. Donald and Goofy looked at each other in concern, Goofy then walked up to Sora and placed his hand on Sora's shoulder. 
"Sora, just because someone looks different doesn't mean they are, and just because someone's scary doesn't mean they're evil. Sure, the heartless are scary but they're evil because they attack the innocent, not because they're scary. Do you think me, and Donald are bad just because we look different from you?" Sora then blushed in embarrassment, he felt ashamed for all the times he thought Donald or Goofy were strange and funny looking and even wanted to laugh at them for it. Granted he stopped doing that but the fact that he never apologized for it made him full of guilt. Sora then shook his head to show he didn't think Donald and Goofy were freaks just because of how they looked.
"... I'm sorry, I didn't realize how bad of a friend I was." Sora then lowered his head to show his shame, Goofy just smiled warmly and gently patted Sora's head. 
"It's ok Sora, so long as you learn."
"Plus, it's not like you were the only one being a bad friend." Donald then walked up to the two of them and patted Sora on the back.
"Now then let's go meet the locals, gotta make those connections, right?" Donald then winked at Sora; Sora then smiled brightly at both of them. 
The three of them then finally entered Halloween town however upon doing so they saw that everyone was a scary looking monster. The three of them were scared but knew better than to judge appearances, especially after their talk from earlier. Sora was the first to step forward but was stumbling in fear and accidently bumped into Corpse Mom. Sora was scared still but hoped that after bowing and apologizing he would be shown mercy.
"... oh, aren't you just the kindest and scariest little thing!"
"I- what?"
"Wow you're really scary! So cool! I wanna be scarier like you when I grow up!" Sora then noticed Corpse Kid and blushed while scratching the back of his head due to the strange but genuine compliments. Sora then managed to relax and smile brightly at the two of them as well as wave goodbye as they walked away. Sora then smiled at Goofy and Donald to show them it was ok, Goofy was the first to smile back and walk into town confidently. Donald, on the other hand, was still freaked out and despite how hypocritical it seemed decided to walk away. However Goofy grabbed him before he could take a step back.
"Wow, this place isn't bad at all. I mean, it's pretty scary but apparently here that's a compliment." Donald then quacked loudly as he jumped out of Goofy's grasp and stood by himself.
"Ahem! It's good to know that the people here are nice, however this will lead to a big problem."
"What do you mean, Donald?"
"We'll the people here are scary but so are the Heartless, if the heartless show up now how will we be able to tell the difference between the two?"
"... That kinda rude Donald. Besides, no matter how scary they look, they're nothing like the heartless. I mean look at everyone, they're creepy but nice, even this ghost here. Hello Sir." Sora bowed to a ghost standing in front of him; However, once Sora stood up again he noticed the Heartless emblem on its being.
"... oh no." The Search Ghost Heartless then grabbed Sora by the throat and threw him toward a wall. The impact left Sora dazed, and he ended up falling off the wall and onto the ground face first. Sora raised his head in pain only to see a disappointed Donald standing over him. 
"See what I mean." Sora then pouted at Donald in annoyance.
"This doesn't mean you're right Donald; it just means I need to be more perceptive from now on." Sora then smirked as he saw the Search Ghost approaching Donald.
"And it looks like you should too."
"Huh? What's that supposed to-?" The Search Ghost then grabbed Donald by his tail and swung him in the air only to slam his whole body back on the ground hard. The Search Ghost then tossed Donald over to where Goofy was standing. Donald then looked up to see a disappointed Goofy standing over him.
"He's not wrong Donald."
"... Shut up, Goofy." Goofy just sighed in disappointment as he manifested his shield and walked over to the Search Ghost. Sora tried to get up but only struggled around at best, Sora then laid down in defeat as the Search Ghost approached. Sora huffed in annoyance even with his strength and agility mysteriously getting better after every world he liberated he was still lacking. Sora remembered Tarzan and how he was not only strong but very athletic, especially how he was able to swing from vine to vine so effortlessly. Sora couldn't help but feel envious at the moment, if only he was at the same level as Tarzan. However, to Sora's shock his Keyblade glowed in a gold aura and manifested into the Jungle King Keyblade. Sora was now back to being confused; however, his confusion quickly turned to shock again when out of the keyblade manifested a jungle vine. Like a grappling hook the vine wrapped around the spire at the top of the wall and pulled Sora up allowing him to avoid the slash of the Search Ghost Heartless. 
Goofy tried running at Sora to help him but stopped with a surprised look to see Sora doing just fine and seemingly discovering a new power with his keyblade. The Search Ghost growled in anger and suddenly more Search Ghost as well as Shadow Heartless started manifesting from the darkness. The citizens of Halloween Town looked at the Heartless in confusion only to start panicking when the Heartless started attacking them. Thankfully all the citizens of HalloweenTown got out safely leaving only Sora, Donald, and Goofy to fight off the Heartless.
Sora, who was still hanging onto the wall, looked at the vine, his keyblade manifested with a surprised look. Sora then looked back at the Heartless and smirked at them. By mental command the vine unmanifested and Sora jumped off the wall and landed right in front of a Shadow while slashing it. Sora then ran toward another Shadow and slashed it while kicking a Search Ghost Heartless. The Search Ghost roared at him and tried to slash him back, but Sora managed to jump away in time. Sora smirked at the Search Ghost and used Jungle King Keyblade to manifest a jungle vine that latched onto the Search Ghost. Sora then swung his keyblade around causing the Search Ghost Heartless to be swung in a giant circle. All the other Search Ghost Heartless managed to get out of the way while the Shadow Heartless were hit and pushed into the air. Goofy then swung his shield around to bash the Shadow Heartless as they were falling from the sky. 
Donald manages to get up and sees the Search Ghost Heartless around the area, Donald then casts a fireball at one of them. However, the fireball phases right through Search Ghost as it slowly floated toward him. Donald panicked and tried to run away only for him to be surrounded by the Search Ghost Heartless. Donald was quacking in terror but then remembered a dangerous spell he was working on. Donald then stopped and focused his magical energy into the spell, Donald then cast it and a wall of fire manifested all around him hitting the Search Ghost's directly. The Search Ghosts could not phase for long and thus it didn't take long for them to start burning. However, they proved to be able to take quite a punch as despite being scorched by the magical flames they were still able to float forward. Donald managed to keep his cool since he could see the Search Ghosts being injured. Donald then cast lighting and sure enough this managed to finish off all the Search Ghosts surrounding him. 
Sora finally finished his attack by slamming the Search Ghost hard on the ground. Sora then ran up to the now dazed Search Ghost, Sora wanted to hit the Heartless while it was down to finish it off. Sora then remembered how Hercules managed to beat the Centaur with overwhelming strength and how cool it looked, despite his shortcomings. The Keyblade then glowed in a gold aura and shifted into Olympia Keyblade. Sora then swung at the Search Ghost and to his surprise the Search Ghost went flying into the air and burst, releasing the cursed heart within. Sora watched in awe at the sight, he then looked at his Keyblade and smirked deviously. Sora then started laughing joyfully as he was swinging at the rest of the Search Ghost Heartless making them all fly into the air and burst due to the overwhelming damage. Sora had never felt so strong before, it must have been the Olympia Keyblade, giving him almost as much physical power as Hercules. 
Goofy had just finished shield bashing the last of the Search Ghost Heartless, thankfully at the same time Donald and Sora did. Unfortunately, due to their phasing powers, fighting the Search Ghost Heartless ended up costing a lot of stamina. As such both Donald and Goofy ended up passing out due to exhaustion. Sora on the other hand felt find so he quickly reached into Goofy's bag and got out two healing potions for them. Upon healing them the citizens of Halloween town came out of hiding only to start cheering. Sora quickly helped Donald up; afterwards, the three of them greeted everyone. 
"Huh, so this is what it's like to get recognition."
"Haha! It's Jack!"
"Jack is back!"
"Jack who's Jack?" Just then the gates to the town opened and Jack Skellington drove in on a strange looking vehicle with a large sack filled with lots of stuff. Everyone was so overjoyed that none of them even noticed Sora, Donald, or Goofy. Jack then tells the mayor to announce a town meeting for everyone.
"Gosh these people forgot they were attacked by Heartless rather quickly."
"They probably just thought of the Heartless as thugs rather than monsters since everyone here is... well a monster. Anyways this is good for us, now that everyone's busy again we can search the town and find the Dark Conduit and look for the world's keyhole after taking them down. The best part is that with the town folk busy, there will be no distractions!"
"Uh, Donald." Donald then looked at Goofy in confusion only to see where he was pointing with disappointment. Goofy was pointing at Sora who was following the Halloween town's people. Donald growled in anger at first but then just sighed in annoyance.
"Ugh... maybe I should just enforce the rule of keeping the natural order regardless."
"Don't be too hard on him Donald. Sora may just be a kid, but kids aren't as dumb or weak as most people think they are. Sometimes... you just gotta let them walk by themselves." Donald then noticed Goofy seeming sad, Donald knew this was because Goofy was remembering his son Max and how he wants space from his dad despite Goofy still wanting to be there for him. Donald then sighed and patted his friend on the back.
"Alright I get it. Now come on Goofy, even if we can't stop him, we can at least stay by his side." Goofy smiled and nodded, the two of them then followed Sora as he followed everyone else to see what Jack brought to Halloween town.
Sora along with the rest of Halloween Town waited at the town hall in anticipation to see what Jack had in store. Sora was smiling with delight and curiosity, Donald was bored and hoped whatever it was would be quick, Goofy on the other hand was having a friendly conversation with Corpse dad. Finally Jack stepped forward and told them all about his encounters with Christmas Town. Sora then leaned forward as his eyes sparkled with delight, Sora did like Halloween so the fact that there was a town that embodied the holiday was already amazing. However, if there was another town that actually embodied Sora's favorite holiday, Christmas, then that would be a dream come true. 
Jack explained how he walked through a door and into another world. This caught both Donald and Goofy's attention, again they knew nothing about holidays so they figured it was just another town in this world. But Jack blatantly said he walked into another world, and through a door no less. Donald then glared at Jack in suspicion, perhaps Jack was the Dark Lord, if he was then this must be a scheme to convince the people of Halloween town to work for the Dark Army. Donald and Goofy were now on guard, no doubt in their minds that Jack would introduce the Heartless to them and begin their evil conquest. Jack then started singing about Christmas Town and opened the curtains to show a misshaped Christmas tree with lots of ornaments and lots of presents.
Sora was still excited, Goofy sighed in relief, and Donald just sat back down in disappointment knowing they were still making no progress in the mission. Jack then continued his song trying but failing to explain Christmas. The Halloween Town's people kept interrupting Jack thinking that it was all Halloween stuff and not understanding the Christmas stuff at all. Sora on the other hand stood up and not only showed that he understood Christmas and even helped Jack understand the Christmas aspects he didn't understand. Jack then invited Sora on the stage and Sora explained it all with joy and Jack was increasingly happy to learn more about Christmas. Though the people of Halloween Town still didn't get it but were now excited about the idea of Christmas. Goofy was clapping as well, Donald didn't want to at first but figured that since no one got it wasn't a big deal, so he was clapping as well. 
Now that the introduction to Christmas was over Sora and Jack were walking back into town joyfully with Donald and Goofy following them. 
"I have to say that the introduction to Christmas was an absolute success. Tell me, what is your name, young boy?"
"I'm Sora! I do love Halloween, but Christmas is awesome!"
"Yes, truly a wondrous experience. Tell me when did you go to Christmas Town?"
"Oh, I never did, I just celebrated it back home."
"Celebrated it? Wait a minute..." Sora was confused but then frozen with fear when he saw Jack Skellington staring at him with skepticism.
"Hm... are you perhaps human, from the human realm? But how, you look exactly like a citizen of Halloween Town?" 
"Uh... Well..." Before Sora could explain anything, suddenly more Heartless started manifesting, a Darkball Heartless and a Wizard Heartless manifested in front of Jack and Sora with several Wight Knight Heartless surrounding the four of them. 
"huh? What is the meaning of this, let us pass!"
"Sorry Jack, but they're not going to listen to us. These are the Heartless!"
"Heartless? I've never heard of such a creature but if their trouble then they'll have to get through me!" Several Wight Knight Heartless screeched in anger and charged at Jack with full intent to shred him into pieces. Jack however jumped up and dodged their claws easily with his flexible skeleton body. Now behind them Jack roared at them to give them a scare, sure enough it worked, and the Wight Knights were paralyzed with fear. Sora took the advantage and slashed at the Wight Knights one by one until the cursed hearts were released. 
"Huh? Weren't those hearts? I thought you said these were Heartless?"
"Well, they are but it's... confusing but trust me when I say these things are not good! Don't hold back on them." Jack still didn't get it but since Sora knew a lot about Christmas Jack was willing to trust him to know enough about the Heartless, so Jack nodded in agreement. Donald and Goofy then backed up Jack while Sora went for the two Heartless that were clearly in charge of the operation. The Wizard Heartless then raised his staff and blasted a fireball at Sora, who only barely managed to dodge the blast. Sora then tried to charge at the Wizard only for it to activate a gravity spell to freeze him in place and accelerate him in the opposite direction, causing Sora to land hard on the Ground. Jack then threw a pumpkin bomb at the Wizard only for it to cast an ice spell destroying the bomb and canceling out the explosion. 
Jack groaned in anger and tried to scare the Wizard Heartless; however, before he could roar the Darkball got in front of him and bit his face. Jack wasn't injured, instead he was annoyed by the Darkball and tried to hit it, but it kept using its phasing and teleporting powers to avoid his attacks. Sora used the increased strength he got from his Olympia Keyblade to force himself up quickly. However, as soon as Sora got up, he was struck with lightning by the Wizard casting a lighting spell. Sora was now getting frustrated, he remembered back in Agrabah how Jafar used a wish to make himself stronger with magic. Sora wished he had a more effective way at fighting against magic attacks. As if on cue, his keyblade glowed in golden light and manifested into the Three Wishes Keyblade. Sora wasn't sure what this meant but still held his keyblade high and pointed it toward the Wizard Heartless. The Wizard Heartless seemingly looked at Sora in confusion but then cast another fire spell casting a barrage of fire at Sora. Sora didn't have time to dodge so he just raised his keyblade in hopes to block the attack the best he could. However, to both Sora's and the Wizard Heartless shock, the spell redirected back toward the Wizard. The Wizard Heartless was now badly burnt but not defeated instead it just fell to the ground.
Jack finally caught the Darkball Heartless and slapped it into the ground disbursing it instantly, however to Sora and Jack's shock no heart was released. Before Sora could ponder, he was scratched in the back by a Wight Knight. Sora grunted in pain but smiled as his Keyblade manifested into Olympia and he slashed the Wight Knight with enough impact to cause it to fly into the air and quickly be destroyed. Sora then saw that Goofy was having trouble with two Wight Knights, both constantly slashing at his shield. Sora smiled as he manifested the Jungle King Keyblade, manifested a vine, and had the vine wrap around one of the Wight Knights. Sora then raised it up causing the Wight Knight to be swung in the air only for Sora to swing it back down, slamming the Wight Knight into the ground and releasing the cursed heart within. 
With the pressure lightened off of Goofy, he quickly bashed the remaining Wight Knight causing it to stagger back away from Goofy. Donald then cast a lightning spell shocking it and finally releasing the cursed heart within. Sora then cheered at their victory, finally feeling like they were gaining an edge over the Dark Army's attacks. Donald looked at Sora, but his expression quickly turned to shock, Donald then suddenly cast a lighting spell at Sora. Sora was confused but quickly raised his arms in a desperate attempt at defense, but the lighting didn't actually hit him. Instead, Sora turned around to see the now fried Wizard Heartless injured beyond repair and fell to the ground as the cursed heart within was released. 
"Marvelous! Terrifyingly Marvelous! You three are extraordinary! I have some experiments to conduct this Christmas, but I couldn't do that with these rude Heartless showing up here and there. Please, won't you protect my beloved town in the meantime." Sora looked at Jack in confusion but then smiled brightly.
"That's actually what we're here for Jack, so you can count on us!"
"Haha! Splendid! I'll get right to it!" Sora then waved at Jack goodbye and stood there with a smile on his face while Goofy and Donald stood beside him. 
"Well, this all ended up working out, you ok with this Donald?" Sora then patted Donald on the head. Donald knew this was Sora's subtle revenge for all the times he lectured him, so Donald just sighed and nodded. Sora giggled a little but then looked back to where the Darkball was destroyed, it was still bugging him that he didn't see any heart leaving the dark body.
"Weird, I wonder why that Darkball Heartless didn't release a heart, was the heart still cursed?"
"No Sora, actually that heartless didn't have an emblem which means it was a pureblood Heartless born from the Darkness in-between worlds."
"Wow, I didn't know there were other variants of Pureblooded Heartless."
"There's not supposed to be, meaning the Dark Army's damage on the multiverse is much worse than we thought. We need to find the Dark Conduit of this world as soon as possible." 
At first it seemed like the mission was bound to be quick and painless however a week had passed and there were only minor Heartless attacks everyday but no sign of the Dark Conduit. For the first time since their mission started Sora and Donald were equally frustrated at the fact that the Dark Conduit didn't show themselves. Surprisingly the people of Halloween Town were getting angsty as well, not just because of the Heartless but also because Jack has refused to leave his room. After another victory against the Heartless Sora, Donald, and Goofy were left sitting along the wall of Jack's house. 
"Huh, I thought being here would be fun but for some reason it's so boring. The Heartless are even getting weaker and weaker as time goes on."
"I think that it's actually you getting stronger Sora, or at least I hope that's the case. A-hyuk!"
"Well, I won't lie, this keychain power Merlin unlocked for me is pretty cool, I wonder what new Keyblade I'll get once this world has been liberated... *sigh* if it ever gets liberated."
"Hm, it seems like nobody is making any progress." Sora then looked over to his right to see Sally leaning against the wall looking sad. Sora got up and sat next to her to see if she was alright.
"Uh are you ok?"
"Hm? Oh, you're the boy who knows about Christmas. What was your name again?"
"Oh, I'm Sora, and these are my friends Donald and Goofy. you are?"
"Sally, I'm... well I'm just an experiment of Dr. Finkelstein. I'm nothing special." Sora didn't know Sally but still hearing her say that about herself felt undeserved. Sora met everyone in Halloween Town at least once and therefore he knew everyone here was kind and deserved kindness in return. Nothing told Sora that Sally was an exception.
"Hey, I like your hair, its beautiful and red, I had a good friend who has beautiful red hair like yours. Her name is Kairi and she's very important to me." Sally then raised her head and smiled not only at Sora's compliment but his soft tone when talking about Kairi.
"She sounds lovely, do you like her?" Sora blushed at the question but then smiled shyly and nodded. 
"Hm, that's good, I like Jack but I'm not sure how to help him."
"What do you mean?"
"Even before Jack knew about this Christmas stuff, he felt like he wanted more out of life but could never tell exactly what. I always hoped I would be the one to help him find it. But now he's just trapped in that lab of his, trying to find out what the meaning of Christmas is."
"Well, if there's anything I know about Christmas it's that he's definitely going to have a lot of fun about it."
"I sure hope that's what it is at least, I don't know why but I have a feeling something terrible might happen."
"Eureka!" Sally, Sora, Donald, and Goofy got up and saw Jack who was speaking out from the window of his room.
"Be prepared, Halloween Town, for this year, Christmas... IS OURS! This year Halloween Town will be celebrating Christmas!" Sora couldn't help but get excited at the idea of celebrating Christmas in another world. 
"Haha, wow! Guess there's no reason to worry anymore!" Sally smiled not sure what it all meant but just glad to see at least one thing going right today. She picked a blighted flower and smelled its toxic pollen in delight. However, to both her and Sora's shock the flower suddenly transformed into a tiny Christmas tree only to combust into flames and wither into ashes. 
"What? What was that?"
"I- I don't know... But I have a feeling something really will go wrong very soon, and it might be because of Christmas."
"What? No, that- that can't be true. Christmas is the best and safest holiday... it- it just has to be."
More time had passed but now the Heartless were no longer attacking instead Sora, Donald, and Goofy searched Halloween Town for clues while also helping prepare for Christmas. Donald and Goofy didn't like the toys, candy, and decorations because of their scary nature but Sora thought it was ok since he thought the gifts were for the Halloween Town kids. Still in the meantime Sora tried his best to comfort Sally in her growing concern of the upcoming Christmas. Though if Sora was being honest, he was getting concerned too, the last time a Dark Conduit hid himself he set a trap that imprisoned not only Sora, Donald, and Goofy but Tarzan Jane and her dad as well. If the Dark Conduit was planning something similar, then it would really spell doom for Halloween Town. 
After another day had passed with still no Heartless or Dark Conduit in sight. Sora had just finished helping with the decorations at the town center of Halloween Town. At the same time Donald and Goofy came back into town after searching for anything leading to the Dark Conduit. Sora looked at them hoping for answers, only for the two of them to shake their heads. Sora sighed, another day with no progress made. However, Sora was able to smile when he saw Jack in the Santa costume. Sora couldn't help but laugh at how off-putting Jack was in a Santa costume but still covered his mouth to not let it out. Sora then waved happily at Jack and Jack waved back happily at Sora. However, Sora's smile faded when he saw Sally looking even more worried that she usually did. Sira sighed but before he could focus on that anymore the people of Halloween Town started celebrating as Lock, Shock, and Barrel showed up carrying a large bag on a bathtub with feet. Like everyone else Sora walked to the three of them in confusion wondering what was in the bag and how it was moving. 
"Ah! Did you three get him?"
"We sure did Jack!"
"Here he is! The captured Sandy Claws!"
"... wait what?" The three of them then opened the bag and there was Santa Claus inside the bag. Everyone was horrified by how friendly he looked while Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Sally were horrified by the fact that he was captured at all. 
"wha-?! Jack?! Why is Santa Claus captured like that?!"
"Well Sora, Christmas needs only one Sandy Claws, and it would be very weird if there were two."
"What? I thought you were just celebrating Christmas!"
"I am celebrating Christmas! I'm a holiday spirit Sora, and the best way for a Holiday spirit to celebrate a holiday is to bring a bit of the holiday to the human realm. You see Sora, normally Halloween Town just inspires people to be their scariest for sweets and laughter. However, this year I will celebrate Christmas! which means I'll be the one to bring the gifts to the human realm!"
"You fiend! That is my job! I am Santa Claus!"
"Oh, don't worry my good sir! This year you can be on vacation and leave the Christmas celebration to me! Lock, Shock, and Barrel! Please ensure that Sandy Claws is well taken care of. As for us, we have Christmas to celebrate!" Everyone in Halloween Town started cheering as they were all surrounding Jack, preventing Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Sally from stopping him from taking Santa Claus' hat or from heading to his Halloween sleigh. As everyone else left, Sora fell to his knees out of frustration and sadness. 
"What have I done, I just wanted to help celebrate Christmas. But now Santa Claus has been kidnapped and Jack is going to ruin Christmas!"
"Gosh, this is a disaster! Was Jack really the Dark Conduit after all?"
"I don't think so." Sora, Goofy, and Sally then turned to Donald in confusion.
"If Jack really was the Dark Conduit, he would have captured us as well and put us in the same place as Santa Claus. He didn't though, instead he just went on and is now trying to replace Santa. However, this is still bad. You all saw the toys and candies Jack is going to deliver, if Jack goes through with this it will cause unimaginable chaos! Enough chaos to unleash the endless legion of Heartless onto this Human realm and once that world is destroyed."
"HalloweenTown and Christmas Town will be next as well as all the other Holiday towns!"
"Whoever the Dark Conduit is, if this all goes through, they'll have more than enough power to destroy us with a simple snap of their fingers, then nothing in the multiverse can stop them!"
"Which means Jack is just another pawn in their game! We have to stop him!"
"Don't worry Sora, I have just the thing!" Sally then got out a potion from her bag and showed it to the three of them.
"With this Jack won't be able to leave HalloweenTown! I just need to pour it into a large foundation... ah! The fountain at the center of town, that's perfect!"
"Let's get to it, them!" Sora, Sally, Donald, and Goofy then ran toward the crowd hoping they weren't too late. Jack started getting onto his sleigh, so Sally and Sora sneaked around the crowd while Sally started pouring the potion. Sure enough, as the potion mixed with the fountain it turned into fog so thick it was impossible to see clearly through. Sally was overjoyed while Sora sighed in relief, he was sad to see Jack heartbroken but knew it was all for the greater good. Sora would find a way to apologize later for now they just needed to save Santa Claus and stop the Dark Conduit. Or at least they would if Jack's ghost dog Zero didn't have a nose so bright it could coordinate the skeleton deer's out of the fog and safely fly to the human realm. 
Jack then did his best impersonation of Santa Claus while he and the skeleton deer flew away into the night to celebrate Christmas. Sally, Sora, Donald, and Goofy could only watch in frustration as their plan failed miserably.
"Dang it, just like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer."
"It was a funny book I read in Deep Jungle."
"Oh no, now because of Jack those awful Heartless monsters will destroy everything!"
"Don't lose hope yet, Sally! We can still save Santa Claus and therefore Save Christmas!"
"But Sora, we don't even know where he is. Gosh, he could be anywhere and no one but the Dark Conduit would know." Sora huffed in frustration, Goofy was right, if this really was all going according to the Dark Conduit's plan then only they knew where to find Santa Claus. However, Sora then saw at the corner of his eye Shock, Lock, and Barrel in their walking bathtub. Sora then pointed at them to show the other three.
"They're the ones who captured Santa Claus in the first place! If anyone knows where he is, it's them!" Shock, Lock, and Barrel then saw Sally, Sora, Donald, and Goofy looking at them and panicked. The bathtub then started running but Goofy cast an ice spell to keep it from doing so. Shock, Lock, and Barrel then got out and ran away only for Sora to use his increased speed to catch them all and bring them back. 
"You three tell us where Santa Claus is!"
"Oh yeah? what are you gonna do?"
"Yeah, we're just kids! What could you possibly do to us!" Sora stopped to ponder on this, Sora did want to save Santa but hurting kids that looked younger than him felt wrong. However, Donald was not on the same boat and cast a lightning spell on the three of them. The three of them were shocked and left covered in burnt ashes and fell to the ground groaning in pain.
"Tell us where Santa is, you brats!" Lock lazily got up and pointed toward Oogie's manor, a second later he fell right back down.
"Uh Donald, thanks for the info but don't you think that was a little harsh?"
"Of course it was, but we're in a rush. Desperate times call for desperate measures, Sora." Sora and Goofy looked at each other but both just shrugged since it did get results. With time running out the four of them ran to Oogie's manor but were quickly ambushed by Wight Knights, Search Ghosts, and two Gargoyle Heartless.
"Yup, this is definitely the Dark Conduit's hideout."
"Sally stand back, we got this!" Sora expected Sally to listen to him but instead she quickly got out her sewing kit and rearranged the threads attaching her arms. Sally then threw a punch at one of the Wight Knights despite them being too far away from her. However, her arm ended up stretching out and actually punching the Wight Knight, knocking it out.
"Don't worry about me Sora." Sora couldn't help but be in awe of Sally's strange power, he then nodded and smiled as he faced the Heartless with Sally, Donald, and Goofy by his side. Donald then got ready to cast the multi core spell. Sora and Goofy knew it would take him a while to cast the spell, so they defended him while he got it ready. Surprisingly a Wight Knight grabbed two Search Ghost with its large hands and threw them at Goofy. Goofy was not going to let himself get overwhelmed so shocking he threw his shield and it hit one Search Ghost and ricochet into hitting the other. As the two Heartless fell face first on the ground, and Goofy got his shield back Sora ran to them and slashed the two of them until they were destroyed. 
The first Gargoyle screeched in anger as its wings enlarged and sharped, it then flew up only to fly down aiming its wings at Sora to slice him to pieces. Thankfully Donald finished his multi core spell in time and cast it at the Gargoyle. The Gargoyle screeched in pain as it was frozen in ice, burned to a crisp by the fire, then finally incinerated by the lighting allowing three cursed hearts within it to go free. Donald stood proudly but had to dodge when a Wight Knight was only seconds from scratching him. Sora cast a fireball at the Wight Knight and Donald followed up with a lightning spell destroying it instantly. The four remaining Search Ghosts were slowly creeping forward so Goofy charged his shield with magic and rammed right through all four of them making them fly into the air. While in the air, Sora cast fireball at one, Donald did the same to another, and Sally used her arms to punch the last two. All four ended up falling on the ground hard and thus releasing the cursed hearts within as they faded into darkness. 
The second Gargoyle roared but instead of flying it still just stood there and pointed at Sora. This seemingly encouraged the Wight Knights as they were getting ready to charge. Upon charging, Goofy charged back and thus collided with one, Donald cast an ice spell freezing two of them, Sora used his Jungle King Keyblade to bind two together and pull them closer so he could slash them till the cursed hearts were free. Lastly Sally managed to punch one of the last two Wight Knights but the other slashed at the thread causing her arm to fall off. Since he already defeated his Heartless Sora jumped over to help Sally. Sora manifested his Olympia Keyblade and slashed the first Wight Knight to destroy it while it was down while also kicking the second one to gain some space. Now in the clear, Sora tossed Sally her arm back and she quickly stitched it back with new thread. Sally was about to thank Sora but quickly threw a punch at him leaving Sora frozen in shock. However, Sally's arm went past Sora and punched the Wight Knight that was seconds from ambushing him. After Goofy’s shield bashed the two Heartless Donald froze there were no more left except for the Gargoyle. It seemingly screeched but, in a way, to show it was laughing; the Gargoyle then stood up and extended its wings to show it was ready to fight. 
"Uh oh, this one is going to be hard to beat."
"Sorry guys but... you won't have magic to help you this time." Donald then collapsed on the ground as he was out of mana. Goofy then quickly gave him a mana potion to recover faster while he, Sora, and Sally got ready to fight. The Gargoyle flew towards them at surprising speed, so fast they couldn't react in time to stop it. Upon landing in front of them, the Gargoyle quickly slashed its claw's twice at Goofy's shield, nearly knocking him off balance. Unfortunately, the Gargoyle finished it off with a hard kick at Goofy's shield, knocking him to the ground hard. Sally tried to ambush the Gargoyle, but it quickly used its fire breath to graze her with fire forcing her to back off in pain. 
Sora was shocked and angered at the state of things, now he was the only one to face off against the Gargoyle. Before Sora could even prepare the Gargoyle lunged at him trying to overpower him with its size and strength. Sora managed to raise his keyblade to defend in time, but he was still struggling to hold back the Gargoyle's strength. Sora tried several times to push back the Gargoyle but had no success; this was bad, he couldn't attack physically or use magic while his keyblade was being used to shield himself from the Gargoyle. Sora tried to think, the vines of his Jungle King Keyblade wouldn't help, this was a physical attack so not Three Wishes Keyblade either. Perhaps the Olympia Keyblade but this Gargoyle wasn't just strong but fast and could fly, Sora needed more than strength. Sora then remembered he still had the Lady Luck Keyblade, but he had no idea what it did. While struggling, Sora wondered what Lady Luck did, the only thing significant he remembered from Wonderland was how wacky and silly everything was. Besides that, the coolest thing was how Alice grew, perhaps if Sora could grow like she did he could beat the Gargoyle, but Alice used a potion, and Sora didn't have it. However, to Sora's shock the keyblade glowed and turned into the Lady Luck Keyblade. Sure enough afterwards Sora started growing, similar to how Alice grew. 
The Gargoyle was no longer overpowering Sora, instead it was staring up at his enlarged form while shivering in fear. Sora was a little freaked out by his enlarged state but when he saw how small the Gargoyle was now, he smirked and stomped on the Heartless. Sora sighed in relief; he was afraid the battle was going to get dragged out longer but thankfully it was finished quickly. Sora then deactivated the power of Lady Luck and shrunk back to his regular size.
"Don't worry guys, I got the potions." Sora then ran to Goofy, reached into his bag, and got out three healing potions. Goofy and Sally had just enough strength to take the potions and thank Sora while he prepared his own.
"No, no, allow me Sora." The three of them then looked at Donald who managed to recover his mana. Donald then tried to heal the three of them but just made some weeds in front of them grow into flowers. Donald then tried again and again his spell didn't work and just turned more weeds into flowers. Sora and Goofy looked at each other and just started drinking their healing potions despite Donald's annoyance. Sally felt bad for Donald, but she was really hurt by the burns, so she quickly drank it and sure enough she was healed. Donald turned red in anger and looked to Sora and Goofy. Sora scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, while Goofy just shrugged.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, Donald." Sora had to cover his mouth to keep himself from giggling. Donald on the other hand started quacking, ran up to Goofy, jumped on his head, and started pulling on his ears in anger. 
After Donald cooled off, the four of them managed to sneak into Oogie's Manor. Inside, they saw Oogie rolling his dice to help him decide how he would destroy Santa Claus. 
"Oh no that's Oogie, the most infamous and cruelest monster of all Halloween Town."
"Sora, you know him?"
"... guys what did you say Dark Lords were?"
"Uh, well they're called The Lords of Darkness Sora, and like we said back at the Gummi ship they can fill their bodies with lots of Dark energy making them superior in both physical and magical strength."
"Lots of Keyblade wielders of Light, even Keyblade Masters fell to them during the Keyblade war, why are you asking Sora?" Sora tried to remember where he heard that name before, then it finally came to him. Hey there, Keyblade wielder wannabe! Lord Oogie sends his regards! That was what the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness said to Sora back in Wonderland. Sora was now in a cold sweat out of fear. There was no doubt about it, Sora's suspicions had been confirmed.
"Guys, Oogie isn't just a Dark Conduit he's also a Lord of Darkness." Donald and Goofy looked at Sora in shock, they then looked at Oogie. Now that he knew where to look Donald could see it, Oogie's magical aura was not only through the roof but also full of darkness.  
"How lucky you are little Keyblade Wielder of Light, to be able to make such an accurate assumption. However, you're already too late." Before the four of them could do anything, the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness had already slashed the four of them. The force from the attack forced them to fly out and land hard on the ground in front of Oogie. 
"Well, well, now it really is a party, isn't it? Good work Ludor!"
"I live to serve my Lord." Sora quickly looked up to see the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness. Like the others he couldn't see his face because of the hood, however his keyblade was a lot like Lady Luck except it was black with white outlines of poker clovers, it had a silver ring guard around the handle, and a silver poker clover as a key bit. 
"Hahaha, so you're the brat Sora, huh? baby boy Riku talks about you all the time!" Sora grunted in anger; he was still upset over how Riku was the Champion of Darkness. Moreover, Riku was so convinced that he could beat the Darkness at its own game that he wouldn't even listen to Sora when he tried to convince Riku to help him stop the Darkness.
"Too bad his little plan to convert you to the Dark Army failed! But on the bright side I get to kill you myself! Santa Claus, The Champion of Light, The Head Wizard of Disney Castle, and the Royal Guardsmen! Now that's what I call a jackpot! Your hearts are going to make the most powerful Heartless I ever created, even better than that Trickmaster!" Again, Oogie started laughing but this time Sally threw a punch at him to shut him up. Oogie was surprised at first but then growled in anger.
"Don't forget about the dames, huh? Too bad, all you're doing is raising the stakes and I'm a lucky gambler!" Oogie then threw his dice on the ground, and both landed on six.
"Haha! Midnight, the witching hour! My favorite time, the time of Darkness!" Oogie then unleashed his magical aura of darkness as he started growing and all around his Shadow Heartless started manifesting. The Keyblade Wielder of Darkness then jumped down from the ground to face them as Shadow Heartless manifested around him as well. The situation was not looking good at all, they had to fight a Keyblade Wielder of Darkness, A Lord of Darkness, and an army of Shadow Heartless. Sora was intimidated at first by Oogie's overwhelming size but then remembered his Lady Luck Keyblade. Sora quickly manifested the Keyblade and used its power to grow in size allowing him to meet Oogie at his level. Sora then quickly pushed Oogie out of the Manor and into the open field away from Goofy, Donald, and Sally so he wouldn't crush them. 
"My evil lair! You're going to pay for that punk!" Sora then slashed at Oogie but with his dark aura it seemingly had little to no effect. Oogie started laughing as Sora kept trying to slash at him but was doing barely any damage for Oogie to even notice or care. 
"Hahaha! I can't believe Jafar lost to a twerp like you! All he had to do was unleash his magical aura and he could defeat you. That prideful bastard just couldn't bring himself to use the same magic as the rest of us! Ha, what an idiot!"
"wha- Jafar was a Lord of Darkness?!"
"Ding! Ding! Ding! You win! Yeah, that lousy second best was the weakest of us all for a reason, but then again you only beat him based on pure luck!" Oogie then raised his sack arm and from it manifested a large fist of darkness.
"Luckily for me, I'm the master of luck!" Oogie then rammed his fist on top of Sora, Sora blocked in time, but the force still made his feet dig into the ground. Sora grunted in pain, he wasn't sure what to do, Oogie was seemingly invincible. Though Sora should have seen that coming since Donald did say they were superior in both Physical and Magical power. Then it hit him, magical power, that's when Sora smirked at Oogie for an idea popped in his head.
"Hey this is your magical power, right?"
"Why yes brat, this is my darkness given to me by my benevolent master! Like what you see?"
"Thanks for the info, Jerk!" Sora then switched to the Three Wishes Keyblade which made him back to normal size. However, before Sora started falling Sora slashed at the shadow fist causing it to rebound back at Oogie, hitting him in the face. Oogie grunted in pain while Sora fell to the ground but landed safely. 
"Argh! You little brat!" Oogie used his darkness to manifest four massive dark spears and shot them right toward Sora. Sora then slashed across all four of the spears and like before, the magic redirected right towards Oogie. Again, Oogie grunted in pain as the force from the spears knocked him off balance and made him fall on his back hard. Sora smiled being able to beat him but then looked back to check up on Donald, Goofy, and Sally. They were able to defeat most of the Shadow Heartless, but the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness was a major issue. He was trying to slash Sally to turn her into a Heartless as such Goofy and Donald had to protect her while fighting. Sora tried to run back to help but was stopped by a large spider made of pure Darkness. 
"Where do you think you're going?!" As Oogie got up he manifested two more spiders of Darkness and an even larger Centipede of Darkness. 
"Hahaha, try doing your little tricks with them!" Sora then manifested the Olympia Keyblade and slashed at the spider's leg hoping to make it fly into the air. However, like before it only phased threw, then the spider hit him with its leg causing Sora to be the one flying and fall down hard onto the ground. Should have seen that coming, Sora thought to himself. Sora then got up but was still hurt so he couldn't stand straight. A darkness spider took advantage and tried to strike him down from the back. However, Sora anticipated this and manifested the Three Wishes Keyblade and thus reflected its attack on itself. The shadow spider screeched in pain as its face was scratched by itself. 
"Grrr! You tiny bug!" Oogie tried to stomp on Sora but like before he slashed the attack causing the force to hit Oogie in the stomach instead. The darkness bugs were now enraged and tried to attack Sora all at once. At first Sora was having trouble trying to slash at and dodge all the attacks but quite quickly the darkness bugs were defeated since they were essentially attacking themselves. Oogie was still down while the darkness bugs were gone, Sora used this advantage to run over and help Donald, Goofy, and Sally. 
"Enough!" Just as Sora was close to entering the fight, the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness used a spell to freeze Donald, Goofy, and Sally in time. 
"Finally, now to add this heart to my personal collection." 
"Stay away from her!" Sora manifested the Jungle King Keyblade and out of it manifested several jungle vines. The jungle vines shot out and latched onto the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness; now restrained, Sora swung him away from Sally and toward him. Sora tried to slash at him, but the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness used a spell to slow time, allowing him to dodge Sora's attacks. Sora was confused but shook his head and tried to attack again only each time for the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness to dodge with abnormal speed. It wasn't like he was faster, more like Sora was getting slower. Worst off Sora was getting tired as well, for some reason moving around felt like it took twice as much effort as it normally would. Sora stopped to catch his breath, to which the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness mocked him by doing the "come at me" hand gesture. Sora grunted in anger and tried to cast a fire spell but before he could several darkness tendrils latched onto him and kept him on the ground. 
"Hahaha! What's the matter, little bug? Why so slow?" Sora didn't need to look up to see that Oogie managed to get back up on his feet. This was really bad; Sora's friends were frozen in time, and he was extremely tired with Oogie and the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness surrounding him. Try as he might, Sora didn't have any more ideas, no keyblade, no magic, no attack could get him out of this. 
"Hahaha! Man, as stupid as he was, Jafar was right! We should have just gotten rid of you ourselves from the start! Oh, well guess it doesn't matter since you're going to be squashed now! Ludor, if you'd please." The Keyblade Wielder of Darkness nodded and walked toward Sora with his keyblade ready. Sora kept trying to think of something, anything that could help him get out of this but alas he still had nothing. All Sora could do was cry as Oogie started laughing, after everything Sora went through this was how it all ended, it just wasn't fair. Suddenly two glowing lights seemingly thrown, were flying toward Oogie. Oogie caught then and looked at them to see one was a present and the other was a jack-o-lantern. Oogie just looked in confusion but then, the two exploded with the explosion damaging Oogie even with this magical aura of Darkness. 
Sora was released from his bindings and slashed the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness before he could cast a time freezing spell. Sora now used his freedom to see who threw the bombs and was overjoyed to see not only Jack but also Santa. At the same time the time freeze spell wore off letting Donald, Goofy, and Sally free so they could see Santa and Jack as well. 
"Nice shot Mr. Sandy Claws!"
"Shut it you bone head, I'm still angry with you trying to steal Christmas." Santa Claus then touched his nose and started flying in the air and toward Oogie. Jack sighed and activated a magical fire aura around his body and charged forward. As Jack charged, he ended up hitting the Keyblade Wielder of Darkness before he could get back up. While in the air screaming Sora manifested his Olympia Keyblade and slashed the Keyblade of Darkness again and again. Sora kept doing this, causing him to keep flying in the air until he was finally defeated, and his body disbursed into darkness. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Sally then watched in awe as Santa and Jack displayed their amazing magical power against Oogie. Santa flew to Oogie's head and cast a snowflake themed spell that disrupted Oogie's magical aura of Darkness that was protecting him. Jack then roared at Oogie which caused further damage to his magical aura. 
Sora was in awe at how powerful they were but still, he couldn't just sit by and watch. At the same time there wasn't really much he could do compared to their attacks. However, now that Donald was free and Oogie's magical aura was weakening, Sora got an idea. Sora quickly told Donald his idea and for the first time Sora saw Donald's eyes widen in excitement. Sora smiled as he manifested his Kingdom Keyblade and Donald manifested his staff. The both of them started preparing the multi core spell. Thankfully with the two of them working together it was much easier and the magical orbs were much larger and therefore more powerful. Once they powered up the spell as large as they could they fired it right at Oogie. 
"Jack! Santa! Watch out!" Jack and Santa then backed away from Oogie, Oogie was disoriented but managed to recover only to see three large magical orbs flying right toward him. Thankfully the overwhelming combo of magical energy destroyed his magical aura of darkness leaving Oogie defenseless and weakened. Oogie then started shrinking back to his original size and he was instantly frozen, electrified, and burned. Now Oogie's sack skin was destroyed, and his bugs were left smoldering and melted. However, some bugs did manage to survive and were trying to escape.
"Ah! squash them all! If just one of them escapes, Oogie can be revived!" Everyone then did as Donald said and started squishing as many of the surviving bugs as they could. Eventually it was over with Santa Claus squishing a cricket, Sora smashed a scorpion, and Jack slapped a tarantula back into the fire.
"Ah... we did it! The day is saved!"
"No thanks to you! None of this would have happened if you didn't decide to replace me with your chaotic Halloween themed Christmas!"
"I know Mr. Sandy Claws-"
"Santa Claus."
"Santa Claus, thank you Sora, I promise to never interfere with Christmas again... without getting your permission first!" Jack smiled thinking this was a good idea but was confronted with Santa still glaring at him, Goofy and Donald shaking their heads, and Sally and Sora looking concerned.
"Uh... And I will also accept if... WHEN you say no." Jack then tried to smile while extending a hand to Santa Claus. Santa still looked skeptical and mad but then decided to shake Jack's hand without changing his expression. 
"Good, because I will never say yes to that." Santa then touched his nose again and he flew away. Or at least that would have happened if Sora didn't grab on Santa's arm causing him to stay on the ground.
"Sora, what are you doing?"
"Ah, Sorry Santa Claus, I didn't mean to do that." Santa Claus looked at Sora in confusion, it was thanks to Santa's magic that he could see through the magical aura surrounding Sora. However, in Santa's eyes Sora was just another kid, or at least that was what he thought before he saw Sora's keyblade. 
"My word, you my dear child, are the Champion of Light! Never thought I would see the day!" 
"Huh? How do you know about that?" Santa then smiled warmly at Sora as if he was reminded of an old and fond memory.
"Tell Merlin, Fairy Godmother, and Yen-Sid I said hi, and that I hope to see them again as fellow veterans of the first Keyblade war." Sora's eyes sparkled in excitement as he was speechless but in awe. Santa Claus was always amazing to Sora because of the holiday of candy and presents. However, the idea that Santa Claus was once a keyblade wielder like him made Sora feel like this was a dream that he never wanted to wake up from. Santa then winked at Sora and touched his nose again and flew away.
"... I bet if I got the chance to tell Riku this, he'd definitely want to change sides."
With the chaos diverted and the Dark Conduit defeated, Sora, Sally, Donald, Goofy, and Jack went back to Halloween Town. Now that the Darkness is gone, all Sora needed was to find the world's keyhole and lock it. To everyone's surprise Sora stopped Goofy and Donald from following.
"Sorry Jack but we won't be coming back to Halloween Town, we gotta finish our mission so the Darkness doesn't come back."
"oh, that's alright gentlemen, but I do hope that after you're done with this mission of yours you will see us again, you're always welcome in Halloween Town."
"It's a promise!" Jack and Sally then waved goodbye to Sora, Donald, and Goofy while the trio waved back. 
"So do you guys know where to find the World's Key?"
"Hm, well I'm not sure but I do know a good place to look." Donald then let Sora and Goofy into a deeper area of the woods. After a few minutes they found themselves in a strange area where there were seven large trees, each one had a door. Sora then noticed that in the middle was the world's keyhole. Sora quickly ran to it and locked it, releasing the magical world shield into the sky. 
"Now that's a sight I haven't seen in a long time." Sora was then shocked to see Santa Claus who appeared from behind the Christmas tree door. 
"Santa Claus! But aren't you supposed to be fixing Christmas?"
"Oh, I already fixed that, I'm quite quick at delivering presents and stopping chaos. I've been doing this a long time after all, in fact I only started when I got my own Keyblade." Sora smiled in excitement, not at all noticing the shock on Donald and Goofy's face. 
"As a fellow Keyblade Wielder of Light I couldn't in good conscience leave without granting you one wish."
"A wish? Like a present?"
"Well normally I would Sora but it's difficult, given your status on the list. You see back when you were seven you told everyone you didn't believe in Santa Claus." Sora then lost all of his colors in shock, he remembered that. It was one day when one of the older kids was making fun of Sora for still believing in Santa Claus at seven years old. Sora tried to get him to stop by saying he didn't actually believe, However the bullying only really stopped when Riku beat the older kid up. Still after that day Sora never thought much about Santa Claus after that so he never ended up regretting what he said, or at least he didn't regret it as much as he does now. But then Sora snapped out of it when Santa gently placed his hand on Sora's shoulder.
"But I think an exception can be made for the Champion of Light. Especially if that Champion of Light is a young boy willing to save the multiverse from the Darkness." 
"Uh, thank you Santa but aren't I kinda selfish? I'm only doing this to find my friends."
"And by looking for your friends you free worlds from the darkness. Besides, even if that wasn't required, what's so selfish about wanting to save your friends." Sora looked up to Santa and managed to smile, Santa was right, Sora knew it couldn't be selfish but doubt always flooded his mind for some reason. 
"But if you do want to be selfish then I suggest you do it with this one wish I am offering you." 
"r- really, can it be anything?"
"Well not anything, my magic is grand but limited. I can't defeat the Dark Army if that's what you want. Perhaps wish for something else, like getting your friends back." Sora's eyes widened; this was the second time he got the chance to wish for his friends to be freed from the grasp of the Dark Army. Sora wanted to take the opportunity right away, after all there was no way he would ever get a third chance. However, before he could he had an extremely important question to ask. 
"Santa, can I get Kairi and Riku but also free Riku from being the Champion of Darkness and restore Kiari's heart to normal?" Santa Claus' eyes now widened; he was shocked to hear that Sora's friend was the Champion of Darkness. The idea of such a fate filled Santa with sadness especially with what he had to say next. 
"I am so sorry Sora, like I said my magic is limited, I can't do both, only one or the other." Sora sighed; this wasn't ideal at all. If Sora wished for his friends to be free from the Dark Army, then they would be right here, but Riku would still be the Campion and Kairi would still have her heart drained of its Light. However, if Sora wished for them to be restored and liberated then Riku would no longer be the champion and Kairi would be fixed and awakened but they would both be trapped by the Dark Army. Sora would normally be saddened but instead he smiled warmly at Santa Claus then whispered in his ear. After Sora was done Satna looked at Sora confused for a minute but then smiled, Santa then went to the Christmas door and walked right in. 
"Uh, Sora, what did you wish for?"
"Come on guys! We'll get a better view from the Gummi ship."
Now Sora, Donald, and Goofy were back on the Gummi ship but to their confusion Sora asked to fly into the sky without actually leaving. Chip and Dale were confused but did as Sora asked even though nothing was seemingly happening. Then Santa was seen flying through the sky on his sleigh, right over Halloween Town causing the sky to snow. The people of Halloween Town were amazed by the sight and started singing about it while playing in the snow. Sora smiled at how much his wish brought them all, Sora then noticed that Sally and Jack went to the Cemetery while singing their own Song. Sora was confused at first but then blushed and smiled when he saw the two of them kiss. Sora felt like this was probably the best adventure he had yet, it was stressful but so much fun and amazing overall. However, Sora's train of thought was halted when Goofy placed his hand on Sora's shoulder.
"Sorry you didn't get your friends back, Sora." Sora was surprised but then smiled back at Goofy.
"It's alright Goofy, I want to save my friends, but I also want to do it the right way. I'll find Riku and Kairi, but I'll wait until it can be done properly. So, until then I'll help stop the Dark Army's invasion of the multiverse as the Champion of Light."
"Well said Sora! Now let's head out!" Sora smiled at Donald and got onto his seat ready for the Gummi ship to launch. The three left the world feeling their mission was completed as perfectly as it possibly could. They were completely unaware of a single centipede form Oogie that managed to escape, carrying his consciousness and rage.
Part 8
Part 6
2 notes · View notes
weakforarwen · 2 years
I searched through every Merlin episode transcript for the phrase "For the love of Camelot!". Arthur usually shouted it before a battle, and everyone else would parrot it back to him (eg. The Coming of Arthur, The Sword in the Stone, The Diamond of The Day, etc.). He also simply used "For Camelot!" at least once (Lancelot). I wondered if anyone other than Arthur had independently used the expression, not in response to Arthur, and I found that only one other person had.
In the same episode that "For the love of Camelot!" was first used, by Arthur, Gwen said it to Arthur, while he was on his deathbed:
You're not going to die, Arthur. I'm telling you. Because I know that one day you will be King. A greater king than you father could ever be. It's what keeps me going. You are going to live to be the man I've seen inside you, Arthur. I can see a Camelot that is fair and just. I can see a king that the people will love and be proud to call their sovereign. For the love of Camelot, you have to live.
At first, I thought Uther had also used that expression, since he was once King of Camelot and all his decisions had allegedly been made in Camelot's best interests. Yet he hadn't, and I couldn't even find an episode where he'd said "for the good of Camelot" or something like it, though I'm almost certain he used a variation of those words more than once.
This whole thing began because I had theorized that Arthur, Gwen, and Uther alone had uttered the phrase "For the love of Camelot!". To me, that would've reflected the fact that they, and only they, ever had the honor of being accepted as legitimate rulers of Camelot. They'd cared for Camelot the most, and their different approaches to ruling fascinate me. It's somewhat poetic that, in the end, Gwen was the only one besides Arthur to independently proclaim "For the love of Camelot!". She and Arthur ruled together for a few years, and they had similar beliefs and thoughts on ruling Camelot.
Arthur was constantly divided between Uther and Gwen, between tradition and reform. Uther and Gwen represented opposing styles of ruling: Uther represented the conservative, patriarchal, authoritarian style of ruling, which placed power above people; Gwen represented social reform, equality, kindness, a more modern approach to ruling in which the strength of a kingdom was measured by the well-being of its people and not its military prowess.
Arthur was the first in Camelot to knight commoners, breaking the first rule of the Knight's code, and to walk away from tradition by both marrying a servant and marrying for love; he shared Gwen's vision of a "fair" and "just" Camelot (descriptors they both used).
However, fear, outside pressure, and loyalty to his father, often steered Arthur towards Uther's vision of a strong, powerful Camelot. For example, in Another's Sorrow, Gwen worried Arthur was seeking revenge for his father's death; Arthur almost started a war to achieve it, as Uther would've done. In the end, he chose peace over revenge, but, in his grief, Arthur had almost failed to see reason. He initially showed Odin that Camelot's biggest strength was its Army, only to prove that Camelot's biggest strength was actually Arthur's kindness, hope, and compassion.
I just find it so fascinating that Arthur, Uther, and Gwen were all connected through Arthur. The figurative tug-of-war between Uther and Gwen was the main contributor to Arthur's growth. That's even more meaningful when you remember that Gwen wasn't just Arthur's love interest and moral compass, but also a future ruler of Camelot.
Throughout the series, Camelot knew four rulers: Uther, Morgana, Arthur, and Gwen, and all of them rose to power differently. Morgana and Uther "took" Camelot by force, through war (though the people of Camelot never recognized Morgana's claim to the throne); Arthur, on the other hand, inherited Camelot by birthright, and Gwen via her marriage to Arthur. The people of Camelot never chose any of their sovereigns, but they had approved of Arthur and Arthur approved of Gwen. In fact, Arthur and Gwen were the closest Camelot ever came to a democratically elected leader: Arthur, because he genuinely had the majority of his people's support, and Gwen, because she was chosen, by Arthur, based on merit and not on her royal blood or her connections. Gwen didn't become Queen because she was born into the right family. She became Queen because of her morals and her commitment to Camelot, even if Arthur had also married her for love.
Arthur and Gwen were truly the only rulers of Camelot who ever had the right to claim to do anything "for the love of Camelot!".
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tastyfishistasty · 10 months
13 years on Tumblr retrospective
Having looked through all the posts I personally made since 2010 I can see so many changes and so many things that have stayed the same. It's been sad and interesting and also some good bits!
The world spins ever on.
Followers and Following
My lovely lovely mutuals and followers have always been so kind and so helpful 💜💜💜, so many posts and conversations that I forgot, but were like little treasures to find!
It makes me so sad to know some of the people I interacted with so often are no longer here and I have no way of finding them. I miss them and I hope they are happy and doing well.
I've still never broken into having 100 followers, but those that do follow me are the best 🎉
Fandoms etc
I miss some of the fandoms I used to care so much about! Merlin, Bluestone 42, HTTYD, supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Brooklyn 99, Narnia...
Some I will watch occasionally, some not with a barge pole.
Then of course the big two that I can't touch anymore that make me sad because people are awful.
There's a post I saw about the first RTX UK which I couldn't go to in the end and I'm gushing about you know who and it makes me sick to remember how much I loved them. I watch Jeremy on twitch and I love him, but I can't watch the back catalogue anymore and I used to watch them on repeat.
I used to have the tag "Achievement Hunter is saving my life". And it did. It gave me things to look forward to and it was good and happy and positive and safe. But it wasn't. It's ruined and it's never coming back.
For the other one... I wrote fan fic, it was how I got into fandom at all! I made my own fandom merch (embarrassing as fuck now), but all that care and effort was not deserved by the creator and I hope she rots away and stops hurting people I care about.
Dragon age has been around for me such a very long time and I wish it worked on my old laptop now EA has updated their app thing.
My MCs have really changed and grown and I see so many mistakes and misunderstandings in my own view of the world, seeing how they've changed and I've changed is really rewarding!
Looking back at some of my OG posts, I was so good at hiding that I was ace. I assumed I was normal, I'd had a serious boyfriend!
Yeah no. You can track my nonsense as I figure it out, the "thirst" posts disappearing and my Sherlock phase was getting worse (yes, that's how I figured out what Asexual was, when someone said Sherlock Holmes was... the shaaaaaaame 🤦).
And by "thirst" posts, I mean "isn't X pretty? I like his face". That's it.
My dude, that is aesthetic attraction not romantic or sexual. You are asexual as fuck, stop trying to not be.
Then there's the "I'm double A not triple A, what a shame!" posts. Shockingly, wanting to be Agender too but feeling it can't be you, because it's only for people who know exactly what they are... is a sign you might actually be Agender.
It's both more complicated and not complicated at all with my gender, but Agender works and I like being a tiny battery, so I got here eventually.
Most recently there's the mental health side. I use a side blog for that, but it's still on Tastyfishistasty. It's so sad to look and see me trying so hard to fight my "atypical cyclic depression" and feeling so lazy and broken.
It was ADHD and emotional dysregulation, doc, not a fancy depression.
If my ear doctor hadn't said anything, I don't know if I'd ever have realised. It's scary to know how much of myself was revealed because I didn't actually have hearing problems, I have attention problems and auditory processing issues...
Thank you to anyone that has been on this journey with me, either my lovely followers and mutuals or just for reading this long post!
I'm not going anywhere unless they kick me out as they close the building, this post was born from finally receiving the "made 100 posts" badge and wanting to see how many I'd actually made. (It's 210 original and 15,090 reblogs... so Tumblr needs to learn to count.)
I wish I had time to back this blog up, or at least go through and find the important stuff I don't want to loose, but that's a lot of work and Tumblr does not like me going too far on my own blog, so unless there's a way to put it somewhere else to look... who knows.
Thanks everyone 💜
And Tumblr:
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I can't do this
TW:  Suicidal thoughts and suicide, I'm sorry this is sad. But oh well. Please don't read if you're easily triggered or don't like to read about this kinda stuff.
Word count: 1 500
It was a cold Friday evening, in the middle of October, when Sirius finally had enough. He just had had enough. He didn't find life enjoyable anymore, except for a few minutes a day, but at the end does that really matter.
He was just tired, tired of everything. Tired of trying, and being hurt. Tired of fighting constantly and never catching a break. Tired of hearing the same words over and over again, that just keep hurting him over and over again.
So with shaky hands, he found an empty paper, and a ballpoint pen with black ink. It was that kind that if you pressed too hard, it leaked ink on the paper and got smudged easily.
He started to write, but couldn't find the words to tell his goodbyes, although he hated that word more than anything. Goodbyes, there's nothing good about saying bye to someone. Even though he was just about to do so. He just didn't like the whole concept of saying goodbyes. He'd rather call it a see you later.
He looked around the dim light bedroom, he saw some polaroid picture above their bed, some of them had fallen out just leaving the tape stuck on the wall, as either of them were too lazy to rip it off or put the picture back. The fallen ones were piled up on Remus' nightstand.
There were two guitars in the corner, one had broken strings and sounded horrible, but it was so pretty that neither of them wanted to give it away. The other one he had good memories with. He played the guitar and Remus sang, and he absolutely loved those moments, even though they hadn't had that in the past months.
There were also books and worn out journals laying everywhere around their bedroom. Couple empty wine bottles trying to be candleholders, that they never really lit up. He looked out of the window, seeing the so familiar street, the lights, and their neighbors walking past with their dogs, and the most annoying one on her evening walk, like every evening at this time.
He looked back down at the paper, tears slowly starting to burn in his eyes as he thought about Remus finding this piece of paper, the poor boy wouldn't deserve that much hurt, but he was just tired and wanted it all to stop. And this was the only way he knew could make it stop.
I love you, but it just hurts so, so much, I just can't do this anymore. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and for how I've been lately, all quiet and tired. I'm sorry you have to find this, but I want you to know. You need to know, it's you after all. I could write endless paragraphs of how much I love and adore you, and appreciate all you've done. But would those paragraphs matter after I'm not here? I don't know, really, I guess they don't lose the meaning, but I don't know if you'll ever read those.
You'll always have the memories, right? Although, I'm not sure if you want to remember this. I remember when Reggie did this, and Merlin, I hate to do this to you.
Remus, I'm just in pain and tired and I can't do this anymore. I just can't. And I can't explain it. I've told you plenty of my thoughts, almost everything, to the point that you were probably bored. But still, there, telling me it's going to be okay, and we're gonna get through it somehow and together. But I can't get through this, I'm sorry.
This one I didn't tell you because I was scared you'd leave me and won't believe me and that you'd get worried. If I said the words, 'I want to die' because I do, Remus. I do, and I don't, I don't want to leave you, but it just hurts.
There's one thing I don't want you to see, and that's me dead. So, when you come home, I'm probably not here anymore. Don't come find me, please. I don't want you to see me. And remember This is not a goodbye, rem. Just a simple, see you later.
Love, Sirius
Tears were flowing down his face, and it had smudged up some ink. But he still folded the paper and got up, walking to their kitchen. He left it on the kitchen counter. Writing a quick I love you to the end before setting the pen down.
He was sure this was the last time he'd ever be in their flat. He loved their home dearly and even though it was messy it was still pretty, at least in his eyes. He stepped into his shoes and put on his jacket, tying a scarf around his neck and pulling a soft beanie over his head, before walking out of the door.
There was this small bridge nearby where they live. There were cars always driving beneath it, and when he and Remus started dating, they usually stopped on this bridge watching the stars. They still went there to watch stars sometimes, and their initials were carved on to it.
But what he didn't know as turned around the corner, was that Remus was just about to come home. He was walking down the street they lived in. He had been catching up with some of his old school friends, and he visited one of his favorite bookshops.
He walked up the stairs to their small flat. When he opened the door, he suddenly felt weird and the space felt empty. He walked in, not seeing Sirius in the living room or kitchen, and it was all silent.
“Sirius, Love?” He called, checking their bedroom, not seeing anyone. He and Sirius had had plans for tonight to watch a movie when he came back, but now the boy wasn't anywhere to be seen. And he was surprised that Sirius wasn't home, he was always at home. He walked back to their kitchen, just as he was about to dig out his phone he saw a piece of paper and a pen on the table.
“No, no, no.” He muttered, picking up the paper, unfolding it and quickly reading through it. Tears falling from his eyes as he reached the end.  He wanted to scream and just collapse on the ground, but he needed to find Sirius. Even though he said he shouldn't. But he had to, it was Sirius. He just hoped it wasn't too late.
He made it out of their flat, trying to think where Sirius could be. He remembered the bridge that was somewhat close to their apartment. He tried to call Sirius, but he didn't pick up, even though he tried many times.  He started running down the street, the wind hitting his face, but he didn't stop until he saw the bridge and someone, sitting on the edge, looking down at the road beneath. He almost sighed in relief as he saw Sirius.
He slowed down, walking closer to him, trying not to startle Sirius. Because he didn't want this to happen, he needed the boy so much, and he hated seeing him hurt.
As he walked closer, Sirius turned his head to look at who it was, his expression changing as he recognized it as Remus. No, this was exactly what he didn't want to happen. Remus walked closer, stopping a little further away from Sirius.
“Talk to me?” He said softly, looking at Sirius, who kept eyeing the road, there were only a few cars going now and then. Sirius shook his head, wiping his eyes.
“Go away.” Sirius whispered because this was something he didn't want Remus to see. “Remus, please.” He said, voice shaking.
“I won't leave you here, not like this, no, Sirius, I can't lose you, I just can't.” Remus said, tears burning in his eyes. “I can't, lose you. Sirius, I can't live without you, I still need you, I fucking need you.”
“You don't. You'll be fine, love. I promise.”
“Sirius, no, please don't do this, don't do this. If not for you, for me, Sirius baby please.” Remus practically begged, the tears falling as he couldn't hold them back anymore. It felt so unreal
“I'm sorry.” Sirius whispered. Looking up to the sky. “Look how beautiful the sky is tonight, don't you think?”
“What?” He wondered out loud, looking at Sirius. Why was he suddenly talking about the sky? He didn't understand what Sirius was going after.
“You can see all the stars, it's perfect, isn't it? Lovely. It's just like on that night that we moved in and walked here.” He whispered, leaving Remus even more confused.
“It's pretty. Just remember that, yeah?” He whispered, looking at Remus. “I love you.” He whispered, losing his grip on the rail.
He felt like he couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. Suddenly, the whole world went quiet as his legs gave out, and he was suddenly on the ground, screaming and crying on his knees. No. This couldn't be real. It just couldn't.
A/N: this one's a little different and really sad, even in my opinion. If you ever feel like you need to talk and you have no one. I'm here and my dm's are open
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
something cute w regulus?? him having a good time and having some happiness and peace plsss
hiii anon! thanks so much for requesting this, especially after that super angsty fic of regulus i just wrote lmao! hope you enjoy it!
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summary: regulus and yn have a date in the astronomy tower at midnight. genre: fluff. warnings: none. pairing: regulus black x reader.
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You giggled softly as Regulus pulled you through the walls of Hogwarts, “come on!” Regulus took you through a bend before taking you up a familiar flight of stairs. “Reg, Why’re we going to the Astronomy Tower?” you thought out loud, breathing the words. 
All Regulus did was smile, “you’ll see. Now come on!” you rolled your eyes at the mysteriousness to your boyfriend’s tone but smiled anyway, letting him lead you up the stairs. 
Regulus took you down a bend and up the stairs towards the Astronomy Tower near Ravenclaw's common room. Although the door was shut, nothing at Hogwarts was ever locked.
Regulus took out his wand, spoke the word "Alohamora," and the Astronomy Tower's golden door swung open silently. Even though you'd seen that spell since you were a baby, you couldn't help but smile at it.
Regulus put away his wand and put your hand in his once more, bringing you inside the Astronomy Tower.... Your jaw dropped open in shock. You knew Regulus had always been good at charms and transfigurations; he was good at everything, but you didn't think he was this good at his spellwork.
"Don't worry," Regulus grinned, "it only stays Like that for two hours. I wanted to put an Everlasting charm on it but I figured they would probably put me in detention for that.... We already have one family disappointment." Sirius wa actually a rather nice boy when you and Cissy weren't bullying him, but you decided not to mention anything about it, smiling and shaking your head instead.
The usual, brick walls of Professor Trelawney's Astronomy Tower had been refurnished completely so that they were no longer pieces of furniture at all - they were, instead, big and tall Leafy green, choclatey brown trees that towered to the open ceiling, which was now an open sky, swirling with stars that drew each other into their own constellations.
"Merlin's beard," you were, for once, at a loss for words. Your hand dropped out of Regulus's, but only because you had gone completely numb. "D'you like it?" you still had no idea, how, after four years, he was so shy... you smiled again, "Like it? I don't like it, I..." you couldn't find the right words to describe what you wanted to say. Regulus's face fell.
"You don't like it?" he said, cursing softly. "I knew I should've just given you..." your jaw dropped in a horrified shock as you clapped your hands over your mouth, "sweetheart, no! I meant... gosh, I love it, it's so beautiful, if it looked like this all the time I can garauntee you we'd both be taking Astronomy... how did you?... when did you?..." Regulus's eyes shone as your voice trailed off into a hushed whisper.
"Y'know when I kept blowing you off to go study instead of spending time with you?" and you frowned, "yeah?" suddenly remembering the massive row you'd had with him not only but three weeks ago, "well, this was what I was doing. I read this thing somewhere about Short-Lasting Concealment Charms and it was really interesting so I thought if it was the same concept as a Polyjuice potion but only using an incantation and wand movement well it must be easy so -"
Regulus did not finish, instead only mumbling the word "hmm", for you'd kissed him mid-sentence. "You're so beautiful," you said at last, "SO beautiful. I could just Listen to you for hours. You could be a wall and I'd still stare at you.... I love you so much, Regulus." you hadn't realised it, but suddenly you were crying. Regulus frowned, "don't cry, dove, there's nothing to cry about."
You shook your head but you were smiling and crying, "I know. I'm just... sometimes I can't believe you're actually my boyfriend. I mean... look at me... yeah, I'm pureblood, but other than that, I'm nothing special.... I'm just so happy you found me... I love you so much..."
"Don't say that," said Regulus strictly, making you look up from the crook of his neck, "don't say what? 'I love you'?" and Regulus rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Don't say you're nothing or that you're nothing special, okay?" and you smiled again, "oh." but Regulus was still frowning, "okay, Y/N?" so you nodded, your lip curling, "okay, Reg." and Regulus smiled, satisfied, "okay, good."
Then he took out his wand again, waving it at a stereo which you had not previously noticed was there. A song by the Weird Sisters began playing as he took both looked up towards the heavens, "look," he smiled softly, "it's Sirius and Regulus." it was quiet for a while, so you brought his gaze back down to yours, "look," you said, gesturing to the reflection of the stereo, "it's us."
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
→𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔~ draco and reader not talking before the ball, but when draco seeing reader dancing with another man he gets jelly and dances w her? (also she/her prns)
Let's show them what's mine (D.m. x reader)
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Pairing- Draco x Femreader
A/n- Clo, I got the best idea for this one so I really hope you like this one!
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"Do you think this is good?" Draco muttered to Blaise as he tried to adjust his tux, "Man, you look better than I do right now," Draco mumbled as he stared in the mirror and ran his fingers through his silky blond hair, "Shut up, you look a lot better than me anyways"
"Do you think Y/n would like this?" Draco asked, "She would, of course!  Now I have to go get Pansy, see you at the ball," Blaise stated as he exited the room.
Draco was alone, so he took one last look in the mirror before heading out to find his date for the night, Y/n.
"H-Hey, is Y/n around?" Draco asked hesitantly "No, she actually left for the ball," Y/n's friend replied to which Draco nodded and left for the ball to find Y/n, who was dressed in a beautiful gown.
He couldn't wait any longer and pushed the entrance Hall door wide without hesitation; he didn't even need another second to figure out where she was because she was always a fascinating girl who stood out from the crowd.
But something wasn't quite right; she was laughing with someone else. "Of fucking course, Potter has to ruin it every time," Draco murmured as he watched Y/n, his date, dance with Harry Potter, his sworn enemy.
Her laughter, smile, elegance, and grace, everything about her was stunning. But, for once, Draco couldn't take it all in, so he stood there watching the two dance.
As Harry's grip on her waist tightened, his grip on the whiskey glass tightened, and his other hand coiled into a fist, tightening till it left imprints on his palm. How could his date be dancing with someone else?
Just as the song ended, Draco stormed over to them, clearing his throat and saying, "If you don't mind Potter, but I'd want to dance with my date" as he extended his hand to Y/n, who smiled and replied, "Yes Harry, it was great dancing with you" as she accepted Draco's hand.
He led them to the dance floor, where they danced in unison as the music began to play. "Couldn't you just wait for me, hm?" "Oh Merlin, you were late, and he asked me for a dance, how could I say no?" Y/n replied as he clutched her waist harder than ever.
"It's not that hard, honey," he whispered as he turned her around, her back turned to Draco, and they both swayed to the music. "Remember that you are my date, not his," he said as he swung her over, their lips just touching and their faces only a few inches apart.
"jealous, are we?" Y/n smirked as she lingered a little longer in the position "Me, jealous?  You've got to be kidding me.." he looked her in the eyes, his stare slowly descending to her lips. She pulled away "We're dancing dear, concentrate on that," Y/n said and tightened her grasp on his shoulders, smirking, finally taking control of him.
"Ah, bold are we?" "You can say so," she said, but as the music faded, he drew her in for a kiss, saying, "Play time is over baby,"  She didn't pull away this time, their mouths entwined and tongues tangled, his taste of green apples and mint plastered all over her mouth. Draco grinned as they both backed away, "You have no idea how badly I wanted to do that in front of Potter," he said, and she giggled, her hand still resting on his shoulder.
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