#i could. talk about my design ideas for him or anyone in the life series really
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sadagios · 2 months ago
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still brainrotting on life series designs, and now: last life mumbo killsalot jumbo
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padawansuggest · 9 months ago
Real take: I like Star Wars. I like the prequels because they have more fleshed out world building than the originals. I like the originals because it has a compelling storyline and character building. I like the cartoons because they do things that live action cannot. I like the children’s show Young Jedi Adventures and I think it’s both cute, extremely full of world building, and it’s designed to bring back the cartoon storyline of learning a lesson every episode that young children can relate to. I like the Mandalorian because it took a species with exactly two known people from it, and added a third, but made them a baby, and they were cute, and it shows the morals of Mandalorian adoption and love for children. I love Ahsoka because it took a favorite cartoon series and not only brought it to life, but also it’s funny and very full of world building for both the New Republic Rebellion scene, as well as more Dathomirian nightsister lore. I love a lot of other Star Wars off-shoots because they gave good storylines, they try to bridge plotholes, and a lot of amazing characters and new places to play with. I adore, fucking love, would give my life for Star Wars Visions; the lore and new concepts alone have captivated me and I can and HAVE made posts about things Visions did that no other SW series has touched and I’m so obsessed with the force and it’s aspects as well as just species and such you have no idea I would sell any of you for SW Visions. In fact, I would sell any of you for Young Jedi Adventures too. The worldbuilding alone for those two series is enough to have me vibrating with excitement with every episode. Sometimes I rewatch episodes of them just for random juicy facts that I can use for fics.
But you know why I don’t tell people I like Star Wars in real life? People always lookin at something they hate, and the most incel take on it is that it’s got too many women now. But irl non-fandom people who just want to ‘enjoy the ambiance of the original trilogy’ and me do not get along because they actually hate Star Wars. They genuinely hate Star Wars.
I can give you 50 plot lines in various sections of canon and legends that boiled my blood (tho not that one time Anakin at 12 literally boiled a man’s blood inside his body, that was hilarious his eyes turned black like a demons I’m so obsessed with him), but I’m not gonna talk about those.
Aren’t you exhausted? Wouldn’t it be nicer to gush about how amazing a certain costume design was? How the implications of a certain species makes you so excited you could burst? Wouldn’t you like to talk about how that one character just doesn’t get enough love and it wasn’t because they were fridged it was just because they didn’t get enough love from the fans for being black or female or disabled or something?
I am going to tell you this now, and you’re gonna hate me for it but I’m right: if you didn’t like Mortis because you think the force Doesn’t Work Like That? You don’t like Star Wars.
I’m tired of interacting with comments on commercials because it’s full of idiots crying about more women, a black character, the fact that ‘oh that wouldn’t happen’ as if the High Republic era didn’t literally have some sort of fucked up midichlorian vampire roaming the outer rim killing anyone force sensitive. Obviously they def would have acolytes set before the prequels shove it up your ass.
Anyways. Stop talking about what you hate. Yes, I get it. We are tired of rote pumped stories, but that doesn’t change the fact that there will ALWAYS be someone who hates the story you love, and loves the story you hate. You cannot please everyone, and I for one have found just about all off-shoot SW series individualized and compelling in some way or another.
You know what I did when I starting hating about 90% of all new Marvel movies? I stopped watching them. If I want back in the fandom I have older ones I can watch or simply only interact with fics.
Because Marvel, as much as they Need To Calm Their Shit, isn’t about me, and it isn’t for me anymore.
But I think a lot of you hate so much Star Wars content that you truly need to stop interacting with the series. It’s not for you anymore. And just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not real SW. Not sorry, but this ain’t your scene anymore and you need to find a new one.
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dock57 · 1 month ago
Love your ramblings
ya got any headcanons on the side as well? : 3
[Bless you- I have so much to talk about for Monkey Wrench and I just want to share it! There's so much you can say for the series!
As for Headcanons? NGL I am. Not always the best when it comes to headcanons. I think I make assumptions about stuff from the show or just ramble what I noticed and love about it.
Let's see of some I have thought of- Which really has been for Shrike or Beebs because they're in my mind 24/7...
One Headcanon I had for Shrike, which you could say may be dunked was that Shrike could actually draw. From my understanding so far of Shrike in the series, he doesn't have a lot of skills. Beside being a sharp shooter.
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Why an artist for a headcanon? I believe the idea came from Shrike's love for Terran cartoons and a possible appreciation for the arts. Not music to say, as he struggles to learn the guitar under Beebs' guidance, but possibly the visual aspect of it. Shrike is attracted to cartoons, but cool designs as well, such as getting the Bucket painted red. So to think he might have one artistic skill, I would headcanon that he could be an artist and thought that would be what he could pursue to do after being a mercenary. Its an idea that came up for one AU concept I have.
Then we have this...
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Now I know this is done by the guest artist, Doobus Goobus, and this is the artist's style, but- it gives me the impression that this is Shrike's art skills as well. Not looking at this as the guest animator, but looking if this is how Shrike visualizes things in his head? The squid is a simple one...
Though it would fit for his love for cartoons... I guess if anything, I always saw him to be the type to be into street artwork. Examples like these!
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Well, I guess I can still headcanon he can learn to do that- no such thing as learning art too late!
As for Beebs? Lots of different theories and headcanons have come and go in my head. As of right now, I think the Headcanon that been bouncing in my brain is the idea that Beebs could be consider of a higher class or royalty, depending how his kind views it. I seen the headcanon or AU of Shrike being a prince, but I haven't seen anyone mention the idea for Beebs? Not exactly a prince, but just as I said before- a royal status.
I had this one swirling in my head since EP 4. Ajax. Everything about him speaks of a higher class of his kind. The way he speaks, his manners and how he expects Beeb's to act around him, the type of music that is conducted for his scenes, and of course how he dresses. I believe that Beebs also comes from another higher class of Walairins. During the dinner scene, how Ajax speaks about Beebs' father. It made me wonder that if his father is well respected among their kind. Some dialogue that catch my attention:
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Whatever Beebs has done, from what Ajax was implying here, I do believe that Beebs' comes from a well respected family that other Walairins must find Beebs' to be a disgrace for what he "did" to his father (Since we have yet to know the whole story).
There is not anything to Beeb's design that suggests this, since well, Beebs' has striped himself from the ties he has with his kind and family. However, I think EP 4 gives us a good indication that Beebs' might be a higher status based from what I read from this one scene and how Beebs react.
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Also if anyone knows what this hand gesture means- please tell me. I been trying to fight for the life of me of what you call this gesture that Beebs' does to Ajax which, really peeves him off. Its not a super common gesture to me and its done with such pronunciation from Beebs.
Anyway, those are at least 2 Headcanons I have! Maybe one day I will share some more with ya guys!]
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desceros · 10 months ago
sometimes i think about the future symphony "i should have married you" post you made and it makes me so sad but the other night as i was falling asleep i was struck with absolute agony by the awful idea of "i should have married you" because marrying her would have made her hamato and maybe just maybe then she would have been able to become a hamato spirit. and the brothers most likely would have been able to make contact with the hamato sprits like they do in the series. and because if he married her at least he would have been able to contact her spirit. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh anyways thought i should share hope your day is going fabulously captain desceros
oh, this is awful. allow me to make it even worse :)
we’ve seen in the series that you dont actually have to have the hamato name to be ‘a hamato’ as april demonstrates. we’ve also seen varying levels of. hm. ninj-oscity? ninpo skills? from the boys. like raph and leo doing a ninja mind meld. just. just mikey.
and we’ve always seen that donnie struggles with ninpo the most.
his ninpo is mechanical. when he uses it at its most conscious level, we see it manifest as blueprints coming together. literal pieces, as if constructed with real material. when he panics or doesn’t go through this process, it’s a vague shape that isn’t as strong or as defined in purpose.
so let’s take this scenario you’ve brought to us.
viola-chan would have, unquestionably, been a hamato. and for that reason, i can definitely see her having a hamato spirit.
…..but i dont think donnie would ever be able to communicate with it.
mikey would be the most likely, since he has the strongest ninpo. but he’d be in high demand since he’s so strong, so i think it would tire him and i dont know how much time and energy he’d have to talk to anyone. not to mention the stress he’d feel when donnie would come to him like Hey Can I Talk To My Dead Girlfriend and mikey’s like…. dude i just got home from 24 hours of straight ass kicking i’m about to pass tf out.
and raph, i imagine, died not too long after viola-chan, so whether he could or not is moot.
leo. well. i dont think leo could communicate with viola-chan either. leo is rather avoidant when he feels guilty or ashamed, and (without going into too much of spoiler territory) he’d feel largely unworthy to talk to you, i think. and since we’ve seen that it takes an open heart to use the technique, it wouldn’t work.
and donnie. god. donnie would try. he would try so, so hard. he would try, hours upon hours, every free moment, banging his fists on his thighs as he’d meditate until he’d collapse. reaching out. seeking. already not as strong at this whole ninpo nonsense. unable to calm himself from the need to see you need to see you please just let me see you one last time please please please that would make it impossible to focus. he’d start thinking about tech that could bridge the gap. that’s how his ninpo works, after all. modeling his blueprint. so if he can design a machine that can talk to you. his ninpo can bring it to life.
but he doesnt exactly have a lot of time to dedicate to a personal project like that, let alone one so fucking insane in scale, so actually impossible to do. and as the time passes he grows more and more obsessed with thinking about it. yet simultaneously more and more sure it’ll never happen. i feel like his last moments, alone, bleeding, staring up at the rust-colored sky, he’d be smiling. because of course he he has some kind of death drone army set to go the moment his ninpo cuts off, and it’s one last middle finger to krang. …but also i think he’d be a little relieved. hoping his spirit will find yours and lavi’s.
(do they? who knows. no more hamato exist in that timeline to find out.)
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izunias-meme-hole · 2 years ago
Okay, I keep hearing about the stuff about “TOTK is Pro-Imperialism” and I want to share my thougths.
TOTK isn’t Pro-Imperialism, but it isn’t Anti-Imperialism either
This debate has been surrounding The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom for quite a bit, so I’m just here to state my thoughts on it based off of stuff from previous games, and stuff from in-game to try my best to form the clearest possible explanation to all of this. I apologize if this sounds like ramblings, I’m just trying my damnedest to condesce my thoughts on this matter into one post.
Point 1: Rauru is flawed, but not a monster
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A fair amount of people think Rauru was the real evil, primarily due to the imperialism, but the reality is not exactly that. Rauru genuinely is a good man, and doesn’t exactly match the image of a conqueror or malevolent being in the end, but he does fall into an archetype the series likes presenting; The Questionable Hylian King. King Rhoam and Daphnes both fall into this category by both being men who would do whatever they can to preserve the Kingdom of Hyrule, but they aren’t exactly great people. Rauru however is a unique case, because despite having a good heart, he is still questionable because of how he was planning to build his kingdom, the stash of Zonai Secret Stones that were just kept in the castle at the time, and based off of how he planned to handle Ganondorf before the bastard became the Demon King, he didn’t consider the potential problems. 
As for the Imperialism, based off the scraps of info we have on the Zonai, and the fact that Rauru even considered on having that be the base for the system that Ancient Hyrule would function on once, it leads me to believe that the Zonai Civilization was most likely an empire that lived in the skies that mostly kept to itself and was around since Skyward Sword. Still, empires are destined to fall, and as a result, only 2 young Zonai were left, Rauru and Mineru. I think that when Rauru was founding Hyrule with Sonia, he was most likely thinking about the Zonai Civilization, and what aspects of that he could carry over into this new kingdom. Still, it’s clear that when building Hyrule, the one thing he DID consider was that he wanted a kingdom and land that would bring peaceful and orderly, and he might’ve flirted with the idea of a United Hyrule after finding out about the other races and civilizations.
Rauru if anything, wanted order. He wanted Hyrule to be a land that wasn’t sullied by evil, and he had good intentions and a good heart, but his methods were flawed at best and just garbage at worst. If anything, Zelda and Link are meant to basically are meant to look at him and learn what NOT to do when rebuilding Hyrule. Order may be something that’s usually associated as something good, but it just depends on who’s trying to establish it.
Point 2: Ganondorf has a motive and it’s one that brings only chaos
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I hear talks about how Ganondorf has no motive in this game, but that isn’t the case here. This is mostly denied with some lines of his english dub and his motive is explained clearly in the Japanese dub. He, much like his other incarnations, is one of those antagonists who follow “The Mandate To Heaven,” which is basically a “the strong thrive while the weak perish” mentality that was used by a lot of real life emperors and conquerors, however there’s also another element to his character that seperates him from other incarnations of the character. He’s an embodiment of chaos and is aware of it.
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Look at Ganondorf’s Demon King design, and his personality in this game and tell me that he isn’t chaos incarnate. Ganon has ranged from being a classic villian, a tragic villain, and magnificent bastard as a human, to a generic doomsday villain in his beastial forms. But here? He’s aware of his capacity for causing chaos and uses it to his advantage to ruin Rauru’s attempt at establishing order. Not only that, but he believes that hard times make people strong, and that anyone who desires peace is a coward. He and the Gerudo have thrived in a chaotic environment, The Desert, however while the rest of the Gerudo wish to just be left the hell alone, Ganondorf wished to extend his reach across the land, and after becoming the Demon King, his first act was to revive dead monsters, reintroducing chaos into the world as a result. He abandoned the Gerudo for the sake of his goal to dismantle the young Kingdom of Hyrule and turn the land into a hellscape where only the strong can thrive, a hellscape ruled by him, a king who MUST crush any opposition and rule.
This is a similar, yet different take on Ganondorf that not only remains true to his kingly mentality, but carries a chaotic and destructive energy that helps cement him as a true enemy to order as a concept, and not a king who’s selfish heart caused him to go power mad (OOT, TP & WW) or a genuinely good leader who still carries a monstrous and power hungry side to him (HW). This Ganondorf is not just evil, nor is he just a conqueror. He’s the enemy to peace and order, no matter who’s trying to establish it, all because peace and order doesn’t align with his worldview.
Point 3: Zelda is not a monster, but she does carry an impact
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This one should be obvious, especially since Hyrule was still realing from The Calamity, but apparently it isn’t. Zelda is the last Hylian Royal in the present, but not just that. She’s been helping people recover, alongside the Shiekah too. She’s probably kept in touch with the Gorons, Rito, Zora, and Gerudo during that time and helped them too, and considering that she was friends with their champions, it gives her even more reasons to help, despite the fact that she would’ve tried to help anyway. Zelda in all of her appearances, especially in BOTW and TOTK is a genuinely good person, but unlike Rauru, she’s only concerned with peace and is careful with her steps. Remember, she DID question Rauru’s plan to keep an eye on Ganondorf. Sure it’s her duty to ensure order, as The Princess, but she genuinely believes that peace should be the objective of any royal. Zelda is willing to do whatever she can for peace, but she knows that there are certain paths that she cannot tread, unless she desires to abuse her power, and this is why she values wisdom, and this is why people trust her as much as they do.
Ganondorf’s puppet copy of Zelda did some heinous shit with her face, but even then, it still managed to fool some people. The puppet was designed to take advantage of that trust, and put people in distraught. In other words, when the REAL Zelda came back, you bet your ass that shit was set stright.
Point 4: The imperialism is just… existing in ancient hyrule, and is never glorified or demonized
Yeah, imperialism is implied, but it’s not glorified or demonized. It was just there for Ancient Hyrule before Ganondorf threw the land into chaos. Aside from that, based off of everything we know about BOTW and TOTK, whatever imperialism was in going to be in Ancient Hyrule, it didn’t see the light of day BECAUSE of the chaos created by Demon King Ganondorf. If anything it was just known as a thing exclusive to that era, and I explained Rauru’s deal. It’s almost like the imperialism was just a thing of the past and nothing more, a failed byproduct of a founder who was flawed as a King.
Before anyone brings it up, yes, the Gerudo of the past (TOTK Memories and OOT) are different from the ones in the present, and they even fought Rauru, but juding by how their leader revived a bunch of long dead monsters and tried to turn the world into his “only the strong survive” dreamland, it makes sense why they ditched him, it’s the same reason why the Gerudo centuries after OOT are allies of Hyrule in the BOTW timeline. They may have their problems with the hylians and men, but they’d rather work with them than pave the way for Ganondorf to bring them to ruin.
Conclusion: ToTK is not propaganda, it’s just a simple game with a piece of lore that has imperialism
As I said in point 4, the game isn’t pro imperialism, but it isn’t anti imperialism either, it just brings it up for the flashbacks as the implied system of government Rauru probably wanted to set up (Which I theorize was due to the Zonai Civilization being something akin to an empire that kept to itself before inevitably falling) for the purpose of genuinely wanting peace and order, and when the war against Ganondorf begins, that idea falls apart because chaos is sweeping the land and Rauru basically sacrifices himself to stop it, and Zelda at the end of her journey learns from the founders mistakes.
Hope this helps, but it probably won’t ☠️☠️☠️☠️
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years ago
Oh my gosh I am OBSESSED with your new cg!Garret series! Can you please write a chapter where Joyce brings by cookies or something for a Hellfire meeting, and runs into little bunny, and El doesn’t understand that reader wants their regression to be a secret, and tells Joyce, and little bunny gets super embarrassed but then Joyce comforts them and tells them it’s okay���💛
Hellfire Babysitting Club : The Sequel (Part Three)
Pick-Up Problems
Gareth Emerson x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns used) / The Hellfire Club x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns used)
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Notes - THIS IDEA HAS BEEN IN MY HEAD FOR FOREVER, please know that this request really brought a spark back when it comes to writting <3. I really hope that you like it Bub!!!
Warnings - Little Bunny is "Outed" as a little by El, obviously that might be very touchy for some, please keep that in mind going forward. Very very brief mentions of not great home life, as well as possible Jim Hopper intervention. (It's very vague, and will not be talked about in detail. Please know that it isn't meant to be purposefully triggering, and is just a background theme) fluff, lotssssss of fluff
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW
. ☾ . ☆ . ☽ . ☆ . ☾ . ☆ . ☽ . ☆ . ☾ . ☆ . ☽ .
The first week of school had gone well, Y/n sticking by Gareth's side as the others learned more about them. Everyone realizing how shy, quiet, and weary their Little Bunny was, and how opposite they were from Little Terror.
The second week of school had been a bit all over the place. Everyone immediately signed up to babysit Little Bunny at school, some choices were easy for Gareth to make. Though El was new to everything she would take Y/n for the first period of the day because they shared an english class. Then Dustin would take over for the second period, his Tech Design class right next to Y/n's math class. Gareth selfishly didn't let anyone take anymore shifts off him, keep Little Bunny to himself for both lunch, and the rest of the day.
He kept telling himself he would give more people the opportunity to take care of Y/n, but he wanted to know Y/n better than everyone else. Hence the obnoxious amount of questions Little Bunny was asked at lunch, during Study Hall, and on the way to science.
"What's your favourite type of juice? Colour? Movie? Class subject? Food? Store? Do you have lot's of toys? Does anyone know you're a little? If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
And even though he did a good job asking fun questions, plus a few insightful ones, he never asked how they would get home after a DnD meeting. The club met after school and Y/N took the bus.
Little Bunny also never asked, which they regretted as they stood outside the school, their sweater pulled close, backpack sagging, wondering how long it would take to walk.
"Hi there." A sweet voice called, Y/n's eyes meeting the voice's owner as they took a step back. "I'm Joyce, Will and El's mom." She explained after noticing Y/n's confusion.
"Mom!" El called out as she ran over to hug her. "You've met our baby." El beamed.
"Your baby?" Joyce's brow furrowed.
"Yes, Y/n sometimes feels like a baby, so we take care of them." El smiled as she walked to Y/n reaching to hold their hand. "I call them Little Cheese Fingers."
"Oh." Joyce's reaction worried Y/n, the look of confusion feeding into their fear of people finding out. Y/n was about to pull their hand out of El's before Joyce spoke again. "Did Eddie start the Babysitting club again?" She asked with a smile.
"No, but Gareth did." Y/n felt a weight rise of their shoulder as El spoke. "I get to watch Y/n during english." The way she spoke so happily about her duty made Y/n smile, the fear of being a burden dispersing.
"Well Y/n." Joyce began. "Are you waiting for a parent to pick you up?" She asked, as if she just knew Y/n was momentarily stranded.
"No." Little Bunny whispered, Y/n's hand slipping from El's as they suddenly felt alone again. "'m on my own." They held back their tears.
"They take the same bus as us." Will suddenly chimed in, Mike and Dustin following after.
"Okay then it's settled." Joyce wrapped an arm around her son. "You can get a ride home with El and Will." She smiled. "Me or their dad will pick you up, okay?" Y/n nodded their head quickly. "And you two." She pointed to her children. "Better make sure Y/n is safe on the bus." She pulled out her stern voice and it made everyone giggle.
"Yes, Mom." Will rolled his eyes. "They take turns sitting beside me and El." He assured her.
"Y/n likes me more, I give them candy." El accidently gave away her secret weapon, Mike scoffing.
"Really?" He looked at El, then Y/n. "All I have to do is give you candy? Then you'll like me?" His tone was goofy, his eyebrows raised.
"I like choc chips more." Y/n smiled shyly, still uneasy around all the new people, but trying hard to embrace the change.
"Cookies I can do." Mike crossed his arms and smiled, a silent promise to arrive the next day and earn Y/n's friendship.
"You know, Max has a really good cookie recipe." Dustin mumbled. "Maybe Lucas will let us crash his date." Before his sentence was even finished him and Mike began running over to where Lucas and Gareth were chatting.
"Is everyone ready to go?" Joyce laughed.
"Wait!" Gareth yelled out of breath. "I didn't get to say goodbye." He raised a fist for both El and Will to bump, but when he got to Y/n they ran into his arms instead. "Goodbye to you too." He laughed, his arms wrapping around his Little Bunny.
"Do you have everything you need for Y/n?" Joyce's stern tone rung out.
"Yes, Mrs H, we still have lots of stuff left over from Little Terror." Gareth looked down to Y/n who's head was still smushed against his shirt. "Actually does your store have sippy cups?"
"Sippy cups?"
"I know it sounds odd, but ever since Little Terror somehow got juice on the ceiling, handing this one a juice box freaks me out."
"The ceiling?" Will cut in.
"Dude Little Terror once got so much ketchup on Eddie's shirt he had to throw it out. And he wore stained shirts more than he wore clean ones." Gareth added, suddenly very thankful for Y/n's calm demeanor.
"Yes, we have sippy cups, and forks with soft ends, as well as baby wipes." Joyce listed out everything she thought might be useful.
"Great, I'll make sure to stop by." He went to take a step back and walk to his own car, but Y/n clung on. "I've got to go Bunny." He chuckled.
"Me too." The managed to say, their words muffled by Gareth's shirt.
"I have candy." El yelled from the car, Y/n's head suddenly lifted. "Told you it works." She said as Will rolled his eyes and Y/n ran towards them.
"They're very sweet." Joyce smiled as she watched her kids help Y/n get comfortable. "You should come over for dinner more often, and bring Y/n. They look like they could use some more company." she said solemnly.
"Yeah about that." Gareth scratched the back of his neck. "Could you ask Jim to swing by my house after his shift?"
"Sure, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just have a few questions, that's all."
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iknowiknowiknowtheend · 1 year ago
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okay here’s the sandbox. they’re gonna be so fun when this season ends. yes I made things in preparation to cope with my blood sport drought. thank you for asking.
ahhhhhhh minor explanation okay so. I have debates in my head about like. yknow grians wings in life series usually I just hork em over to him but he’s just not allowed to use them but I was like ohhhh what if….. and now we have this. the idea is that the wings would be unfair so the fix is that everyone gets their own thing 👍
good yes?
grians a bird of course he’s a bird scar is a vex Pearl gets the good old VAUGE CELESTIAL AHIT etho gets kitty under the excuse of “NO MORE CREEPERS !!!” glare bdubs I love him Zombie Cleo chicken tim and firey tango this all makes sense yes?
I have thoughts on the other players I just don’t have their designs down yet. unmmmm if anyone wants to talk/debate with me on this, I welcome it with open arms. the sandbox is more fun if you get to play with other ppl yknow?
anyway so the projected origins for the other players are bigb bunny bc I think that would be adorable wither skelly impulse bc demon association enderman skizz spider joel and fox martyn. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO FOR SCOTT. I could do starborne but he’s already had that in another life + it’s similar to pearls. I have to thibk about him SIGH…..
I’ve thought about some of the other players who just don’t play every season- gem, ren, lizzie, mumbo, yknow. umm but I don’t really have any good ones for them Yet. so I’m just thinking about it. anyway hope this doesn’t get compressed I’m gonna pass out now 👍
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missedthelate80s · 3 months ago
madilton headcanons!
because i decided to do this last night and i absolutely love these two! just some general headcanons, not all of them:
first impressions: alexander - thought james was a serious guy who couldn't easily be amused james - fast talker, like he has endless ideas and he's trying to get every single one of them out
worked together on a series of essays along with john jay, the three were friends and hung out together frequently, but john jay wasn't as into the essays as alexander and james so when he got sick after writing five he was like "what a relief, i don't have to be the third wheel anymore"
you know how there's a duo in every trio? alex and james were most definitely the duo. no wonder john jay kept his distance
alex fell first but james fell HARDER!!
essays weren't the only things the two exchanged when hanging out ;)
james asked alex out around three months after they met, because he could not repress his feelings anymore (james is a ...little bit... emotionally repressed LOL)
they kept their relationship secret at james' request, because he wasn't ready to be out to anyone (particularly in a political au, which is where i imagine this. the two would be in different parties, so waaaaay more advisable to keep this to themselves). alex agrees without hesitation to this at first, but it causes a lot of issues later on. because fundamentally, alex is quite open about his life, he really struggles with keeping this a secret
alex will speak up for james if he gets served food with allergens in them even though james does not mind doing it and is perfectly capable of advocating for himself. he doesn't mind letting alex do it tho, he thinks it's sweet
alex is all for PDA, james is not
on that note, james is a very private person, it takes a while for him to open up to alexander about himself
sometimes the two just sit across from each other and write in silence because they love to write and sometimes just need to have some time designated to do that. it's one of their favourite ways to spend time together.
they edit each other's writing and look over each other's emails if the other asks them to. or alex will send a message being like "what's the word for those fields with the grapes that make wine?" and james will send back "vineyard"
james buys alex a LOT of coffee. he drinks a coffee in the morning then tea for the rest of the day, james is a tea fiend and yes, alex makes fun of him for it severely
alex loves when james' virginian accent gets stronger, he's an absolute sucker for a southern drawl
y'know how alex speaks french really fluently? like it might be his native language fluent? james understands it well, but speaks it with a scottish accent (aka he does not speak it well at all), and gets teased a LOT for this. he absolutely refuses to speak french in front of alex after alex laughed for five minutes straight the first time he replied to one of alex's french queries in french.
their relationship begins while thomas is in france, and thomas gets to hear james talk all about his new boyfriend over the phone. james has them talk over the phone one day (thomas and alex) thinking that they're so similar they'll get along. that... does NOT happen. hate at first phone call.
i reckon that's all i'm going to put down, this is already a lot! if you want more, drop a message into my inbox i guess :3
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 months ago
HI for the character bingo thing....ymmumymymmmmm um hehe maybe sshhhadow the hedgehog :3 if u want lol xp
AHHh okay I can do this! :D
I'm gonna, like, preface this by saying that I'm talking completely from the heart and also (despite everything and my various stints into this fandom) I don't actually understand the lore of the Sonic series, let alone Shadow. I've also only ever played four games in the series, besides the occasional scratch level copy, I haven't finished any of them, and they are Sonic Colors, Sonic and the Secret Rings, The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog, and this one weird handheld Olympics thing which I WISH I still had or at least wish I knew the name of.
Anywho :D
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I'm gonna explain myself though!!!!
I am so normal about them: I really really like this color scheme, as anyone who sees my blog theme (or watched any of my old map parts) would clearly know. As a result. I am normal.
[Person holding little thing in hand, hearts around their head]: I used to have two really cute pet rodents and I just like that he is a rodent. I would hold him in one hand, like I did with my smaller pet rodent, and as the little guy is doing in the picture.
A Beast Unleashed: He kinda kills people, so I guess that counts. Especially since he is a beast.
My friend's favorite, my blorbo by proxy: I think her favorite is technically Metal Sonic but, like, very close second. Even though I go in and out of this fandom Shadow is always in my life.
*puts them in a salad spinner*: I really like whump!!!!
[half circle] Cannon isn't real if I don't look at it: My favorite Sonic media is Sonic Boom and my other favorite are the movies. I don't know what is going on.
That's a solid design right there: FAVOIRTE DESIGN IN THE SERIES! (Mostly the color scheme, but the shape of his gloves in Boom (not pictured) are also super cool.)
They didn't get bullied enough: I REALLY LIKE WHUMP!!!
[person squeaking the thing like a squeak toy]: Yeah. I like whump... I'm a broken record of some kind...
[Half circle] Literally I would kiss them: Well. Not literally* but....
I want to BITE them: This little creature deserves pain. /pos I can cause it. It will be fun.
I fuck with this aesthetic so hard: HE IS MY AESTHETIC!!! HE TOOK IT!!!
Basically, I really like the storyline shadow has in Adventure Two (at least from what I understand of it), and though I get really lost lore wise in the main games after that, I still like most of what I've heard. Also, I really love his gun and motorcycle, they are so funny and also so cool and I love him.
I don't really like him that much in boom, but I really love his design, and tbh I've only watched the first season of Boom so far and he only shows up once, so I don't really know much about differences there yet. I liked his animation really well though!
He's probably my second or third favorite movie character (battling for Sonic, as always. heh), with Knuckles in first, but I really liked him in the new movie! I love his design, and even though I'm low key not a super fan of his voice acting there, I still think it sounds pretty good and suits him well! I LOVED his design in the movie, literally squeaking and rocking back in forth in the theater, I'm afraid. XD
*This card isn't QUITE a bingo due to a half circle on the kissing one, but because the idea of myself kissing anything kinda freaks me out, that was the best I could do, so I would call it one anyway. :3
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bumpkinspice0 · 1 year ago
Parallels Chapter 12: Like Nothing Ever Happened
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Miguel O'Hara x Spider!FemReader
No use of y/n
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2590
Summary: You and Miguel need to talk about your feelings... but like, not with each other. Gross.
Warnings: Angst train (toot toot), Feeeeelings and pushing them deep down, mutual pining, it's good to talk to friends
A/N:  I was starting to hate this chapter so I just decided to post it.
Previous. Next
Series Masterlist
Chapter 12
Like Nothing Ever Happened
The tower feels so different now. It looks different… to you at least. Images from the aftermath of the villain breach flash through your mind—smoking chaos, ripped-apart walls… abandoned weapons. It was a mess and now it was totally normal again. Not a panel is out of place. And yet it still felt… different. You and the tower have that in common you suppose.
Like nothing ever happened at all.
You feel a slight twinge in your side where a faint scar remains. Healed externally but still a reminder of what happened. One of the many that littered your body from years of protecting New York. You were used to it by now.
The halls were bustling. Busy spiders with things to do, they couldn’t have given you a second thought. Good, you didn’t want anyone to notice you. You could have portaled home directly from Miguel’s penthouse but part of you wanted to see the tower. How it recovered in a matter of days, just like you— You wanted to stand in the spot where it happened. 
There’s no trace of the explosion, all of the panels and paint are completely replaced just like so many other parts of the tower. You brush your hand over your scar. 
Like nothing ever happened.
It was evident from the others. They went about their lives, jumping from one task to the next. The usual daily grind that came with this life. They went on, but you felt stuck. 
Something changed between you and Miguel because of this. Something deep and terrifying. And here you were back in the busy tower, expected to continue on as if nothing ever happened. You look around at the pristine white paneled walls. Nothing may as well have happened. No one would ever know. 
You find yourself slowly wandering the halls rather than swinging down to the designated portal area in the lobby. You didn’t want to leave. Not just yet. You still wanted to take in every corner of the new pristine tower. Maybe you were just looking for evidence of what happened, you’re not sure. You find nothing as you walk on. 
“Well look at you,” A familiar voice from behind catches your attention. You turn to see Jess leaning against an adjacent hallway. You’d lost track of what part of the tower you were in at that point, “Up and walking around. Had to see it with my own eyes.”
“Nah, I’m just a ghost haunting the walls,” you joke a little darkly before pulling her into a hug. When you pull away her touch grazes down your bare arms. With your suit being blow to bits you only had a basic cotton shirt and some black leggings. She holds your forearms gently in her hands as her gaze runs all over your body.
“I knew our med team was good but,” she playfully spins you around, “Damn! There’s not a scratch on you. How do you feel?”
“Great actually. I… got lucky,” You answer shyly. 
“It happened up past sector 4, right?” Suddenly her face drops to a slightly more serious expression, “Outside of Miguel’s lab? I didn’t think anyone was up there.”
Oh great, she’s suspicious about something. Just what you needed.
“Oh, well, you know my luck,” You say lightheartedly. You have no idea how much she knew. You have no idea what Miguel even did . You just knew you still didn’t want people finding out about the two of you.
“Lucky that Miguel was there though,” She leans back against the door. Her expression was completely flat now. “Saw him bring you into the med bay.”
Well, looks like this heartfelt reunion has quickly turned into an interrogation.
“Surprised he didn’t just leave me there with how busy he is.” You attempt to joke again. She doesn’t laugh. 
“I’ve never seen him like that… over someone else.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know.”
She sighs, gaze dropping to the floor. “I’m happy you’re okay. Don’t think for a second I’m not, but… what are you doing? With—”
“Nothing. I’m not doing anything.” Your tone only makes sound more guilty. “I’m his teammate. He was there. He helped me.”
“Teammates don’t give each other v-day kisses after a fight,” Jess says harshly. Well… fuck, “You didn’t see him when he was holding you, “When you were—”
She cuts herself off, head dropping again. Jess didn’t get emotional. Ever. You pull her back into a hug instantly. She grips you for dear life.
“I really am glad you’re okay.” She murmurs, squeezing you a little tighter. 
“Me too.” you sigh, leaning the side of your head against hers. You’d never shared a moment like this with Jess. She really was your friend—a good one. 
Jess pulls back, entirely composed again. “Just… Don’t be fucking stupid, okay?”
She knew something was going on. Probably not the whole picture but she was smart enough to see there was something more brewing between you and Miguel. You have no idea what else she saw. You won’t tell her anything but she still needed to know she could trust you. She could always trust you.
She was your friend. She just wanted you to be safe. To not ‘ be stupid’ … because whatever you were doing with Miguel was really, really stupid.
At first, it was out of necessity, but now… You don’t know. And you don’t wanna really think about it anymore. 
You give a faint smile, “No promises.”
You’re both right above the main lobby now. You lean over the railing and peer down at the bustling lobby. Barely a week prior it was a makeshift holding prison, and now…
Like nothing ever happened.
“Heading out?” Jess asks, leaning back against the railing next to you.
“In a bit. Could use some time with a friend.” You both share a smile, “How’s the pregnancy cravings been?” 
She groans, running her hand along her protruding belly, “Terrible, as usual.”
“Come on,” You nudge her shoulder, nodding back towards the citadel. “I’ll buy you one of those giant cafeteria cookies before I head out.”
Jess wasn’t the only friend you owed an explanation.
You needed to talk to someone who knew you— who knew all of you. Jess was great, but she hadn't known you for nearly 2 decades. That and you just couldn’t tell her all the details of your new little spider-sense. She was too close to all of it. Jack wasn’t. 
You stand outside of Jack’s door holding an overflowing bag of Five Guys and two bottles of sickly sweet cheap Moscato— the perfect I’m so sorry dinner for any best friends. You’d gotten home roughly an hour ago. You opened your phone to find you didn’t have a job anymore after nearly a week of no-call no-shows and a plethora of other various missed messages you didn’t dare open. 
How did one of the best, most sensual mornings of your life spiral into shamefully standing outside of your best friend's apartment with a bag of grease and ready to give the biggest apology of the century?
Your life in your home dimension is unraveling and you just can’t seem to get yourself to really care. You just wanted to unwind with your best friend over a dumb amount of fast food and bottom-shelf wine. Isn’t that the American dream?
Jack was technically your emergency contact. All spiders are required to have one. The person they had to call if something went wrong. But since he had no knowledge of the multiverse, it made things more… complicated. Lyla said she’d contacted Jack discreetly via email, but if you knew him well enough by now a cryptic message from a faceless woman only made him worry more. 
You’re going to tell everything. The multiverse, the anomalies, the attack, Miguel— everything. You needed to. You owed him that.
That is… if he didn’t completely hate you. 
When he opens the door you expect him to slam it back in your face. The flames of your anxieties are instantly doused when he pulls you into a bear hug instead. Jack always gave the best hugs.
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” He murmurs in the most loving way.
“I wouldn’t blame you,” You chuckle, your arms flush at your sides as he squeezes you, “I brought dinner.” You wiggle the 2 paper bags in each of your hands.
He pulls back glancing over your body, likely looking for bandages or a cast. You can’t blame him. 
“Where in the fuck have you been!” He fusses, “Do you know the weird, creepy messages I got about you?! You need to talk to your… other friends about their manners.”
“If you let me in, I’ll explain everything.” You hold up your peace offering of heart attack food and alcohol. “And I mean everything.”
He fights the smile that pulls at his lips. Good, he doesn’t hate you— you think.
“Like... Everything?” He raises a brow.
“Absolutely everything.”
Miguel crawls deeper into the belly of the rocket’s booster engine, the vast metal tube larger than a truck in diameter. It was a long-abandoned project from the ashes of Alchemax— One of the many around his giant lab. He swore he’d get it up and running one day. After five years of work on the stupid thing… he still didn’t have much to show for it. 
He liked to tinker, it helped him think. It was a strangely therapeutic thing considering it was just more work— but work he didn’t get to do much anymore. Work he enjoyed.
He didn’t feel like a scientist anymore. A leader and hero first, a man of science second. That’s the way it just had to be. Sometimes he longed for his old life. Things were… simpler back then. When he could do a job and go home to a waiting fiancé or out to dinner with friends.
What he wouldn’t give just to be able to go home at 5 and drink a beer on the rooftop. Maybe watch the sunset set with someone beautiful in his arms. 
A wife.
…A daughter. 
“They were never yours. Not really,” His voice is barely a whisper. A quiet reminder. Miguel quickly shakes the intrusive thoughts from his head. He’d walked down that guilt ridden road one too many times. He will not walk down it again…not right now. Not while there’s so much work to do.
The tasks had piled up in his absence. He had to make a press statement, he had to approve the new security systems and do his weekly monitoring on the multiverse, and— he just wanted to do literally anything else. So here he was, in his decade-old greasy work hoodie, elbow-deep in the machinery of the thruster of a rocket that’ll never run— just to get his head clear. 
Let me do something I’ll enjoy, then I’ll get back to being the man in charge.
“I hope you enjoyed your time off, dickhead.” Gabe’s voice reverberates down the long metal cylinder. Miguel turns to see the silhouette of his younger brother standing at the entrance to the thruster. He lets out a deep sigh and stands. 
Guess the rocket science fun is over.
“I did. Thank you,” Miguel sarcastically responds as he starts walking down the cylindrical corridor to his brother.
“Great. Now, if it’s not too much trouble, could you actually run your shocking tower?” Gabe spits back, “I mean, I wouldn’t wanna take away from your science projects or your personal time.”
Miguel pinches the bridge of his nose, “Gabe—”
“We were attacked , Migs,” Gabe shouts. The two now stand only feet apart, “This tower was under an organized attack and you disappeared! For what? A chick?”
“Yes.” Miguel immediately responds, “And I wouldn’t have done so if I didn’t think you and Lyla are more than capable of handling things. This is your tower too. Act like it.”
“ You’re people needed you . The city needed you. I—” Gabe cuts himself off with a frustrated groan, running his hand through his hair. He turns and sits at the edge of the massive thruster, feet dangling over the edge. “You could have told me what you needed. You could have said anything. Instead, I had to hear it all from Lyla instead of my own brother. You can’t just disappear on me. Not with shit like this.”
Miguel sighs, feeling a pit of guilt drop in his stomach. He left his brother high and dry with a mess to clean up. His mess. Gabe had every right to be angry.
When was the last time he just talked to Gabe? They only ever seemed to speak when it was about work. He takes a seat next to his brother.
“ Lo siento Gabriel ,” Miguel says apathetically, “A lot had just happened and I didn’t know what— it was just a lot. There are things here I’ve never dealt with before… With the connection.”
It’s the first time he’s said it out loud to anyone other than to you or a computer program. Not even that night when you’d rescued him, Gabe didn’t bring it up and Miguel didn’t acknowledge it. Not once.
Gabe takes a deep breath, gaze peering out over Miguel’s ever-growing collection of abandoned science projects, “This isn’t like… the last time, is it Mig?”
The last time you got too close to someone from a different dimension.
The unsaid words are like a knife to Miguel's heart, but it is a completely fair question. When he’s charged with the protection of the multiverse, he can’t take any chances— not anymore.
“No, it’s not.” Miguel simply answers. 
“Are you sure?” Gabe finally turns to look at him, “Because if we’re not care—”
“It’s not the same.” Miguel bites out harsher than he intended. His fierce words echo down the long corridor behind them until they fade into a bloated silence.
“Okay, Miguel,” Gabe finally says back, “I trust you.”
You shouldn’t , that little voice in the back of his head says. For once, he agrees with it. How could he expect his own brother to trust him when he didn’t even trust himself? 
He had the solution at his fingertips. He cures you both and you go your separate ways. He’d push you away if he had to— but the very thought of doing that to you made him sick. He was happy when he was with you. Genuinely happy for the first time in years. It was all so close to being perfect. So fucking close.
You selfish bastard.
Again, he has to agree with that stupid fucking little voice.
“But… How is everything?” Miguel finally says. Gabe looks at him. Confusion slightly pricks his features. “With… the aftermath. Of the attack. It looked like you and Lyla handled it really well. Already got a new security system ready and everything.”
“Of course I handled it,” He answered, a faint smile pulling at the corner of his lips, “I’m the smarter one after all. And the better-looking one too. The press love me.”
Miguel chuckles lightly, “They did always call you pretty boy in high school, but the smarter one… I don’t know—”
Gabe gives Miguel a playful punch on the shoulder, and the two brothers share a laugh. The first one in what felt like years. 
“So,” Gabe adjusts his scarf, “How’s your girlfriend?”
“She’s not— She’s fine. Went home today.”
“She seems… nice.” 
“She is.” Miguel fails to stifle a smile at the thought of you— Like a kid with a stupid crush.
“But this is all… like, temporary, right?” Gabe asks. “You and her?”
“That’s the plan,” Miguel answers, his voice suddenly flat.
Lo siento Gabriel: I'm sorry, Gabriel
'Shock' or 'Shocking': A 2099 curse word. Basically just 'fuck.' I really need to use it more with Miguel or Gabe talk XD
Miguel working on a rocket came from early unused concept art from Christie Tseng. You can check it all out on her instagram! It's cute seeing Miguel just be a reclusive little tinkerer.
@ineedgarlicbread @pinkiemme @thesilenthill @bontensbabygirl @fallenangelsongwolf @raerorigel @littlefreakymunson @viriexo
@w33ni3 @del-ightfulling
Taglist post here!!!
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bananaactivity · 6 months ago
hello!! What is Jay like in your au? I apologize if you've already talked about him I haven't seen it ><
Brooo Jay is making me shiver my timbers rn 🥶
when I say, I have ideas for everyone and I do mean every character that is from the original series like I have design ideas for everybody, even dumb ass Doug. I can’t for the life of me figure out Jay.
I’ve never been able to figure out what direction I want to go with design wise. However, as a character it’s a different different story. I know what I want him to be as a character and the way he acts and behaves with others.
I want him to be more in tune with his culture, that is the culture of the origins of the story of Aladdin in the Middle East. I don’t want to stereotype and make the designs that older Disney did way back when they made the og movie because it feels very costumey not in a good way. 
I wanna give it a modern spin, but I’m not really sure where to look for more authentic costume for him. Of course, this is pertaining to the way he dresses, and not to do with his facial structure or hair, as I usually just take inspiration from the actor for that look. So, in this case, he would just look like BooBoo Stewart with small changes to make him look like Jafar, but in a relative way.
 As for his personality I do have it figured out. He is very similar to how he is in the original descendants canon. He is protective and strong, If not a little dumb compared to Carlos. if you write my other post, you know that Carlos is very smart, like astronomically, smart and cunning and witty. Jay is not per se stupid, as I’ve given the role of truly dumb Himbo who bounces off of Carlos to Chad, but anybody that talks to Carlos can’t help feel a little stupid.
 Jay and Chad are still besties who game and enjoy each other‘s company, but Jay is jealous of Carlos’s relationship with Harry. Not in a romantic sense as I really want to go the Huma route, just in a way, he wishes he could be close to him so he can study him. Harry is an excellent swordsman and a master at fear/manipulation of others. a lot of the story takes place before the cast can go to Auradon so they are still trying to be their most vicious self, and no one is more vicious than Hook and his son Harry.
 Jafar ended up, moving to the aisle from his homeland after he was ousted by the Sultan. in this AU, I had to change a lot of things so that villains wouldn’t end up dead or trapped and unable to actually be on the aisle without it being this horrible thing where they were brought back to life just to be put on a prison island. I also do want people to remember that I changed major part of the story as well and what makes this a true AU is the fact that Auradon is the place that is locked up. It’s still a caste system as Auradon is still a wealthy place, it’s just locked up so that is incredibly hard for anyone that does not have a wonderful reputation and lots of money can’t get on Auradons land. It’s also critically hard to get off of the island as security is very high and measures were never put in place for any of the rich patrons of the island to get off as it is seen as Haven and no one should want to get off anyhow.
 but of course, it is literally super boring on Auradon due to all the rules about magic, and what not, as well as other more adult activities being incredibly frowned opon. That is how Hook makes his money, he found an entrance through water passages to get wealthy patrons off the aisle, and he “imports” them to their illicit activities and then bring them back.  no one never tells because everyone on Auradon wants to be able to leave and they know they’ll never get the chance if they tell about somebody giving them the ability to not live a lavish lifestyle, but also do to depraved things they want.  just like rich people in real life :D…
Anyways, all of this basically culminates in Hook teaching his son to be an absolute weapon which Jay wants to become. When he first came to the isle he was 12 and everybody else was also 12 and he really looked up to Harry at that time was super cool and a good swordsman.  Seeing as Jafar lost everything when he was forced to leave his homeland and his high, paying job, he decided to take inspiration from Aladdin . He has his son steal items to sell in his shop, eventually becomes a really bad habit for Jay and he is a habitual thief. Or a klepto I guess you could call him.
He teaches himself sportsmanship after spying Harry, and eventually becomes friends with Mal after saving her girlfriend, Evie from Gil who actually wasn’t trying to hurt her he was just a bit confused. It was a whole thing.  Carlos is the last to join the core four gang and when he does he lets slip that he is close with Harry. And seeing as Jay has always looked up, despite them being the same age, Jay was super happy to learn this, and eventually that turned into jealousy. He and Carlos are cool friends though.
 For the core fours parents and other Pre VKs I’d say their stories are about them, wanting to find a reason to be against the norms of society, and eventually finding that and seeing, it’s not all that, and they become the worst versions of themselves. And for the Descendents, I’m writing each of them to have bad traits that is shown through the first part of their story, and in the lead of the story, the part that sends them to Auradon Uni they learn how to get out of that mindset and they each break their evil habits the rest of the story concludes.
Jay’s habit is his kleptomania as well as his jealousy.
Carlos habit is looking down on others and just unethical practices regarding his fashion. Reminder guys, it’s OK to wear real fur as long as it’s ethical.
Mals  habit is also looking down on others, but it’s different from Carlos who’s kind of justified, he really is smart. But Mal looks down on people for how they present themselves, as well as basing, how useful they are based on her own power set and what she thinks is truly powerful. she’s also the last to figure out herself and what she desires to actually be in life
Evie is pretty chill, but she is vain. And mostly has to deal with all the shit that comes from Mal Actually falling for Ben. They have a little breakup moment. But if she does move past this and she and Mal make up after a good amount of time separate.
 if you have any specific questions, you can always ask and I don’t have too much specifics down. It’s just a really detailed overview of what I want to write eventually.
The structure of the Fic is kind of a three book deal. The first book takes place during the events predating Rise of Red with the original timeline it follows through to the second book which loops through the first three descendants films and those characters growing, and then circles back to the third book with rise of red again but this time it’s dealing with the alternate timeline with red and Chloe. (Also I can’t write music and I don’t wanna do a juke box musical either so any music style animatics I make will be non canon)
1: Not Like The Others- the life of future villains, showing what in their young lives lead to their Vile despicable present.
2: Cruel, Hateful, Twisted and Wicked- the story of young adults growing from their family’s trauma and becoming more then the sins of their vile parents past
3: Just Like The Others- Two idiot child hood freinds go back in time and cause a whole heap of trouble that effects the present in terrifying ways
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daisyblog · 2 years ago
One Direction Concert
The Royal Family Series Masterlist Summary: Prince Harry and Princess Maia attend a One Direction concert.
Maia’s POV: Growing up in the Royal family is not just about wearing pretty dresses and travelling around the world. It came with royal protocols that I had followed since I was a little girl, I was encouraged to smile, be polite and follow in my brothers' footsteps – the issue was no one specified which brother, so evidently, I was known for being a little rebellious like my brother Harry. However, I did follow William’s path and went to university where I enjoyed some lowkey life and met my best friends.
It was no secret to anyone that I’m a massive One Direction fan, so the excitement I felt when my brothers surprised me with tickets, for graduating, to see the boys perform in London was unexplainable. Going to see concerts was something I dreamed of as a teenager but unfortunately, it was not always possible as duties call. So that explains where I currently am, on my way to The O2 Arena to let my hair down with my brother Harry, who I think is secretly as excited as me.
The black Range Rover drove through the security gates and parked in the designated spot. Our guards opened our doors and allowed us out of the car before escorting us through the private entrance. As we were shown to our seats in the private box, I could see the arena was lit and other fans trying to find their seats. Harry and I were both dressed in black, hoping not to draw too much attention to us. Harry was wearing a simple black polo shirt with black jeans and casual shoes, whilst I opted for a black off-the-shoulder long-sleeved top paired with a black leather skirt and my bulky boots. As I snapped a quick photo of the view and stage in front of us, my brother’s voice was heard. “Let me guess, for your Instagram?” Harry teased as he took a sip of his beer. “Aw shut up Henry” I playfully spoke. “Ey, now that’s no way for a Princess to speak” “Do I need to remind you of your rebellious times Henry?” Before Harry could respond to your teasing, the lights of the arena flicked and dimmed which caused the arena to cheer, including myself as the intro video was played on the large screens before the four boys appeared and began singing ‘No Control’. I sang and danced along nudging my brother next to me for him to join in.
“London O2” Louis shouted into his mic “We just got to start by sayin’ thank you to all” which caused the arena to cheer again as Louis continued to say how lucky the band were, before singing ‘Kiss You’. Yeah, so tell me, girl, if every time we touch You get this kinda rush Baby, say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah If you don't wanna take it slow And you just wanna take me home Baby, say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah And let me kiss you
After singing ‘Kiss You’, Harry began talking to the audience “London make some noise…hello..how are ya?” I didn’t realise I was standing still in my own world until my brother nudged my shoulder and spoke into my ear “Chin up Mimi, you’re drooling” he teased using the nickname he and William call me. “I’m not drooling” “Hmm..of course you’re not..might want to sort it out before you meet him later” to this my head whipped to the side and my eyes widened.
“W-what?”. “We’re going to see them after the show” I wasn’t sure if I was nervous, excited or both. For every song, I danced and screamed the lyrics and just enjoyed every moment whilst I could. Even Harry began to let loose and joined in even though he had no idea what the words were. After the boys had sung ‘Little White Lies’, the boys stood together and Liam began to speak, but what surprised me was how he addressed me and Harry being at the show. “We have some special guests here tonight” causing the fans to cheer even more and Louis, Niall and Harry began to wave up at the box “Hello…we hope you’re enjoying?”. Harry and I both waved back and cheered. “London give it up for the Prince and Princess” and the four boys and bow their heads, which made us laugh and the fans went crazy. I was disappointed as the boys said their thank yous and goodbyes after they finished their last song. But knowing I was about to meet them made me excited and slightly nervous. Harry and I made our way to the backstage area as our guards followed behind us closely. “So did you enjoy it?” Harry asked. “I absolutely loved it..best present ever, thank you” “You deserve it Mimi..you worked hard” Harry complimented. As the boy's manager Paul showed us to the room where the boys were waiting, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. Harry walked in first as I insisted so I could hide behind his tall figure. The four boys were standing in a formal line, almost like they had been told to be on their best behaviour. Starting with Niall, Harry shook his hand as the Irishman bowed his head “You were amazing, I’m very jealous of your guitar skills” which made Niall smile and cheeks blush at the compliment. I followed Harry’s steps and shook Niall and Louis’s hands and thanked them for allowing us to come to their show “It’s our pleasure” Louis spoke as he politely bowed his head. As I shook Liam’s hand, my brother shook Harry’s and praised their performance “I think your name is great too” he added making the boys laugh. I gently shook Harry’s hand as he bowed his head towards me “Thank you for a great show, you were amazing” I praised as we locked eyes. “Thank you for coming and spending your evening with us” Harry spoke. “You’ve got yourselves a big fan here” my brother interrupted “Always blaring your albums at home” “No need to reveal my secrets Henry” I playfully scolded as the boys laughed at our teasing. “Well we’ll leave you boys to rest, thank you again for allowing us to come to see your show” “You’re more than welcome to come to another one” Harry spoke, whilst looking directly at me. “I’d come to them all if I could” I replied “Maybe I’ll bring Granny next time” I joked. “Now that I’d pay to see” my brother laughed. After leaving the arena that evening I went home, had a shower and got into bed and scrolled through my phone, replying to messages from my friends, and of course, uploaded a photo to my private Instagram.
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liked by grace_miller, james_kane, and 96 others
maiadianamw Had the best time tonight ❤️ View all 12 comments
james_kane I'm so jealous 😥
wills_21 Glad you enjoyed Mimi x ⌞maiadianamw You're the best brothers ever wills_21 henrymw15
emsummers I'm coming next time 💘 kate_liz9 Hope you had a lovely time my darling xx
TEXT MESSAGES .F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Grace, James, Jack, Emily, Carter, Ellie, Jake
James Maiaaaaa
Maia Jamesssss James How was the show? Maia Omg it was sooooo good!! Even Harry was dancing along! Also got to meet them after the show x
James Fuck off! You're so lucky
Emily Aww I’m so jealous. I would have done anything to see Niall 😍
Carter Umm excuse me Em??
Jack You just got done Carter lad 😂😂
Emily @Carter Sorry babe, but I’m a Niall girl! Maia I didn’t even know it was possible but Harry is even more gorgeous in person😍😍😍😍😍😍
Jack Can you talk about this in your girls chat? Anyone fancy a night out tomorrow??
Jake Count me in mate
Carter Em and I can't make it sorry guys, we're going to visit Em's sister
James Maia my girl...are ya coming out babes? Maia Of course I am! Wouldn't miss it😚Grace and Ellie you better be coming xx
Grace Of course I'm fucking coming!! LETS PARTAAAAAAAY!
Ellie See ya there bitcheeeeees xx
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney fanfictioncafe lilfreakjez jerseygirlinca iamahallucinationnn @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04
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hydrangeyes · 1 year ago
I ramble about headcanons while reading the artbook:
Here are my notes::
So idk if peeps talk about it but timeline wise I'm going to assume brozone's last concert had to be before the bergen fully captured the trolls.
I'm mainly basing this on the art work from the artbook, as well as how it would make sense how easily the older brothers could just walk off and live their own lives. Given previously with the whole bergen town surrounding the tree, and the only actual safe way out had to be a tunnel they were digging potentially not even ready yet.
So I would assume say a month at least after they left the bergen took over. Which could also play into all of them thinking the other was dead/captured and simply couldn't risk coming back even if they wanted too.
John dory returning when he had more experience and got "floyd's" letter. But for the most part genuinely was fine on his own. Maybe wanting to at least open communications back with his family.
Clay having found his way to Viv (I REFUSE to entertain the thought that he was with them when escaping just didn't contact branch or grandma)
I don't think floyd was even CLOSE to the tree to know. I imagine he did do a solo career but everything was so big and trolls being cared about wasn't till later. Which plays into that image of him playing alone in some alley on mount rageous.
Bruce traveled and maybe sent out a letter that never got received and found himself starting a new life and having kids.
I thought they were at MOST early 20s. Huh. Makes me wonder about the life spans of bergen.
I like to think outside bergen long since learned they don't have to eat trolls to be happy.
I need the extra of Viv consoling Poppy. Cause I need that.
I also need poppy and branch talking about sense of being left by siblings. How branch is still upset but dammit he's just as happy to be around them and singing with them again. How poppy just found a sibling who filled that unknown/forgotten side of her and having to potentially give a family member up. How now she understands branches hesitant to be involved with John dory at the start, etc etc.
I need more solo songs from the brothers. I need those scenes where they're bonding again. (Idk if you can tell but I want a TV series for the movie like the others).
I NEED backstop of the brother's parents and just WHERE are they if we're going with the before the bergen's theory.
I think it's funny before floyd and Branch were born. That Bruce was the middle child to probably dory's older brother and Clay's younger brother shenanigans. And then Clay becomes a middle child himself but not the peace maker kind lmao.
I need to see and hear that talk the sisters have with king peppy. Cause that whole side scene where he feels guilty was NOT enough.
I have this idea that what positivity was to branch in movie 1 is what being silly is to clay. Like it's not that they hate it but being taken serious and not always that one thing is a nice breath of fresh air. And maybe Viv had been someone who was able to welcome both sides for clay.
Branch is a poet idc what anyone says. He doesn't write anything bit he has his moments.
Also Poppy being a Clay stan idc idc idc
I LOVE SEEING MORE TYPES OF TROLLS. especially interesting when they don't seem like the typical singing ones!
Mount outrageous being a place without a single adult is... I have several questions on that. Whether that stayed in the final movie or not....
Concepts of the bergens remind me of old og Shrek designs.
Floyd not just being the more emotionally mature one is nice, he's also generally intelligent and clever/witty (from the artbook). Also, his style being confirmed emo is funny to me. Like, yeah, the hair is obvious, but now it gives me the pass to draw him wearing SO many cool/interesting outfits.
Creek concepts have me feeling annoyed at the fact that yeah... I can see it.
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winniethewife · 8 months ago
I'm caught up in her design, And how it connects to mine (Control x F!reader)
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Part one of High water: A Southern Reach Fanfiction
A/N: Okay this might be a little different than what I usually write, as in it doesn't fall into my other fandom categories. Basically @reallyrallyauthor and @ominoose got me really into the Southern Reach Trilogy and I fell hard for the main character of the second book Authority, Control. So somewhere along the way I decided to write a one shot, which turned into a two shot, which ended up being a three part series. Either way Here's part one.
Words: 866
Control was an odd man. That much she knew from the time they met. What she wasn’t expecting was how quickly she would grow attached to him. It started simply enough, the guy who sat next to her in her sociology lecture, quiet but handsome, rarely spoke in class, but when he did it was rather insightful. There weren’t assigned seats but they both sat in the same row every class period. It was nearly a month in until one of them said a single thing to the other.
“Do you have a pencil I could borrow?” He had asked. She had handed him a purple mechanical pencil, a soft smile on her face. She got it back at the end of class with his number on a torn piece of paper attached and that was it, she was hooked. Over the next year they would grow closer, and then they would start dating, the next three years would be Christmas breaks at her parents house and her praying that they wouldn’t ask why Control didn’t go home for the holidays, or why he preferred to be called Control over John. Luckily they never did. Once they got to junior year they got an apartment together, they both got relatively okay jobs that worked around their class schedules and it seemed like things were good, but that was an outside perspective. Because really, she was fighting an uphill battle with one of the most broken men she had ever met.
It was another evening where they sat in the living room and left the radio on, while doing their school work and not talking about the problems that were so glaringly obvious that it was a shock that anyone thought them to be a normal couple. At one point she looked up from her textbook to see Control, staring at the wall. She gently sighed and stood up from her spot on the couch and wandered over to his study space over on the dining table.
“Hey, Sweetheart, c’mon time for a break.” She whispered to him guiding him away from the table to the floor in front of the couch, She sits down and he sits down in front of her before leaning back into her lap. Once his head is rested in her lap he felt the weight fall off his shoulders. She ran her fingers through his hair and hummed along to the radio softly. As he looks up into her eyes he realized how with just a simple sentence, and a simple action how easily she puts him at ease, he looks at her and realized that she was unlike anyone else in his life, in the whole world.
“I’m gonna marry you some day, and all my problems will go away.” He said softly. She wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to the idea that he wants to marry her, but one thing at a time.
“Well, I must have magic powers or something that I don’t know about because, that seems too easy.” She laughed slightly. Her nails trace patterns in his scalp. He sighs and closes his eyes.
“Well, maybe it won’t solve my problems but, it sounds nice doesn’t it?” He commented with a slight chuckle.
“It does sound nice Control, sounds like a dream come true.” She smiled. Over the years they would find themselves back in this spot, his head in her lap, her fingers in his hair, and for a brief moment, all his problems would go away.  His mother wouldn’t be so controlling, His grandfather wouldn’t have made him hold the gun, His dad’s death wouldn’t be something he had to carry the burden of, he would have never had half the problems with Central, and Southern Reach wouldn’t exist in the first place. He would just be a man spending time with his wife.
“You know you don’t have to go see her, you don’t have to find out what hair brained scheme she wants to set you up in right?” She said as she raked her fingers through his hair again, now many years later, in their home, in their living room, with a ring on her left hand that sparkles in the light.
“I know, but I can’t help but be curious, she’s given us space for a while, why does she need me that badly now?” He said with a slightly humorous tone.
“Well, I don’t know, but I doubt she’s anything like my mother and wants to question why we haven’t given her grandchildren yet.” She tried to keep his tone, match his humor about the situation, but she couldn’t hide the concern in her eyes, not from him, not after all this time. He gave her that same restrained smile, reached out to touch her face, ran his thumb over her cheek.
“I also doubt that, but we can hope that this is all an elaborate scheme to get us to bring children into this fucked up world. At least for a little while longer.” He muttered softly. She gives him a little smile and leans into his touch for a moment.
“For a little longer.” She promised.
Next part
Taglist: @silvernight-m @boredzillenial
Second A/N: I didn't expect to finish this part in one sitting so...cool.
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rosetheocto · 5 days ago
What would be your ranking of the Failtopia cast, either in terms of writing, or how much you like them?
I HOPE YOU ENJOY MY AWFUL TAKES LMAOO my thoughts are uh. very scattered and I ramble a bunch but I hope it’s still coherent enough to be understandable! I kinda changed it from a tier list to just yapping about how the characters are written halfway through and I hope that’s ok ;w;
Anyone willing to give some more insight or throw their thoughts and opinions into the mix, please do!! :]
Him being awful goes without saying I think. Everyone else has a gimmick/something that makes them unique, but Dan had a huge Persona fixation at the time his episode was first being streamed so he was just like “eh I’ll just keep Joker Persona as Joker Persona”! This causes him to kinda fall behind on development, since he isn’t really Dan’s OC. When thinking of a character to bring back after the timeskip, he barely even considered Joker cuz there simply isn’t much to be done with him! Giving everyone else that Failboat Charm allowed them to have more creative things since they’re just loosely based off of other stuff. Like even his canon lore sucks, bro deserves better </3
Smuk ilysm but you’re such a nothingburger (haha get it cuz food) of a character in the actual canon of the series, like every time I talk about him to someone I kinda need to remind myself of some of the actual bits of his personality past the Shrek stuff and that is. not good! I’m so glad he’s gotten some info in Character Development cuz Kronkui knows he needed it, but even then most of that stuff is told and not shown?? He’s not like Joker though because he actually does have some personality shine. His dynamic with characters like Bob and Rose is amazing, and when he isn’t serving the others spicy food, he can be really kind! He just needs a liiiitle more on the Being More Than Just A Parody department! Shoutouts to his accent tho I love it sm
WHY ARE YOU HERE?? ok ok I know why they’re here and I don’t hate them but like. Would you expect the audience insert who’s only notable thing is sniffing stuff and annoying C!Fail to be well written? I mean, maybe! but as of right now? YEAA I don’t really vibe with them as much as the others in terms of how they’re written. Looking at how Chat is rn both in-game and irl, I feel like they’re only gonna get more annoying to me (i stg if they’re a Waddle Dee in S3 i will go 123 ABC scary crazy evil mode) I WILL SAY THO that they have a great design pre-lips era, their dynamic with Bo is nice, and the lore for their existence in-universe is interesting!
I’m not putting Yawn this low cuz he’s BADLY written, I’m putting him here since I couldn’t think of a better placement yknow? This guy is such a douche and honestly I can slightly respect that, him being a jerk doesn’t mean his writing sucks! His love of nature and money is such a clashing thing it circled back to being hilarious to me, and I liked Dan’s idea for his timeskip lore where he’s just On His Deathbed and just. shoves his daughter in front of an iPad and expects Cocomelon to raise her lmaoo, it’s so in character which is way better than what he did for Bob :P
As much as I love The FailFleet Miis, a lot of the love I have for them is cuz of headcanon stuff. Like cmon if you look at canon we know next to nothing about Lanc! Other than Smuk, we at least know something about what life was like for the team before meeting Failboat! And the one thing we DO know about Lanc’s past is a throwaway line that could easily be retconned in the future. However, they do impact S2 in a way the other S1-exclusives don’t (if they didn’t get close to Chi, she would’ve never joined The Incident) so they have that above everyone else! But I will say that they need more on their own to do, Dan only really knows them atp as Chi’s 100% Platonic Best Friend™️ and as a fan of Lanchi, I really hope that someday Dan can see their potential beyond that relationship
THIS MAN IS SO TRAGIC LIKE HELLO?? He’s tied with Lanc for me because even though he has all this angst potential and development it’s just kinda. not used. Like this man was experimented on because he was so desperate to fit in and have powers like AGHHH… I love him a lot though and I think S1 Neksdor is easily the best party cuz of how the trio bounce off each other! For an S1 exclusive that hasn’t come back yet, he has a well written backstory and his motivations make sense!! I really hope that when he comes back in S3, Dan does his character well!
Big Bill
Bill is amazing but in canon he really doesn’t have much going for him apart from his strength or being Shrimp’s brother figure… like even his multiclass is because he wants to help with her concerts! I wish he had more time to shine on his own, and I hope S3 will give him that opportunity! His interactions with both her and the rest of The Incident give me life and I really think Bill needs to be talked about more! Also I’m so glad Dan made him more of a younger-ish older brother to Shrimp instead of an actually older (catfish) mentor/father figure to her especially since she already had Orion in that role and after S2 Dan created Mussel soooo yea!! That was definitely a change for the better! :]
I really like Shrimp!! Her backstory is really solid and seeing her find a place on the surface with The Incident is so sweet!! I will say though, despite a lot of the focus and spotlight being on her, she doesn’t really develop? I mean she does but she doesn’t yknow?? Maybe I’m going crazy. She’s above some others mainly cuz she has a fleshed out backstory (instead of like bits and pieces) and isn’t too shallow. I can see why she’s a fan (and creator) favorite!!
Simple Bob
THE DEMON HUNTER!! I’d say he’s a really well written character, but until Dan does S3 we’re all stuck with that UGLY Simpler Bald who’s just an insult to Bob’s whole existence pre-S2 and it STINKS!! But that aside though.. this man needs more respect by Dan. He has an extremely solid start, a motivation to take Hank down, and has his personality properly shine though later in S1 with his arc of becoming more unique and less, well, simple! I just wish Dan committed to this arc in his “““comeback”””, but looking at what he’s said about the S3 timeskip he has in mind, Bob’s story could maybe take a turn for the better again! Third time’s the charm after all!
The Nose Of The North himself, Orion Oopsie!! The guy’s a really solid character and I respect him a lot! From being in the royal guard to having his wife go into some sorta coma, it’s clear he has one hell of a past. Also I just need to mention his relationship with Slapo (he wore that goofy makeup the WHOLE TIME because he knew it would make his daughter happy. what a king <3) along with the rest of The Incident.. it’s just all wholesome!! On that note I will say that in some angles the way he seemingly let Slapo just be by herself for a majority of S2 can be seen as concerning, and Orion continues a pattern of male characters being mentors/fathers, but beside those small things, I think he’s a great character!!
YAY FRIEND!! Her direct connections to Lee and them accidentally helping him with his plan is really interesting, Friend’s kindness is both their biggest strength and their biggest flaw and I love how the series explores that! I also love how it clashes with the aspects of her personality that he adopts from Lee after the reveal (mainly the bloodthirstiness) and AGGHH the whole angst with Lee is so good. Also them just being a mystery to the others to mess with them is perfection. They deserve to be happy I think :)
CHIN KID ILY!!!! trying not to be biased, after her timeskip cutscene she doesn’t get like. any development apart from funny comic relief bits which is why she is in A Mid Tier but at the same time.. the personality that she embodies is just the right kind of insane! She’s a fun character and sometimes that’s all you gotta be! I really hope she does get some more love someday though.. but even if she doesn’t I won’t complain too much :3
woah I love identity theft! OK BUT HER ARC SHOWING HER GET WORSE WAS SUCH A UNIQUE THING COMPARED TO THE OTHERS and seeing her become more unlikable is watching a beautiful trainwreck to me. I think Rose is one of the more complex and nuanced characters in this series, since while trying to appease the people who think she’s Rosalina is reasonable (considering how screwed she’d be if she broke character), she just. she gets WAY too into it and it’s pretty sad to see (/pos). I am VERY interested to see what S3 has in store for her! I NEED HER TO LOSE HER MONEY!!
MY FAVORITE DARK CURSE!! Him being the S2 protag and Facing The Consequences Of His Actions is probably one of the smartest semi-unintentional writing decisions Dan has done for this series! I don’t really have any issues for him apart from wishing he got more spotlight post-anniversary announcement. I also love how he’s still has a lot of traits from when he was the Dark Curse (personality wise), but you can still tell he’s changed from traveling with Kazoo Man! Also seeing him learn to love his party is just nice to witness <3
You can tell I’ve had some character development when I say this man is decently well written lmaoo, I used to HATE this guy! I will admit, a lot of the bits I like about him is when he’s more established to be his own thing separate from Dan (like in LOS). Him being more self centered but mellowing out as the series goes by isn’t really a front and center thing on your first watch through, but when it makes its impact it makes its impact. My only gripe is that I think HE SHOWS UP TOO MUCH, and while yeah this is the Failboat lore, I think Dan should’ve let Mar keep the protagonist spotlight the whole time since C!Fail is more fit for a side role imo (and he’s the main guy in everything else :|)
MORE PEOPLE NEED TO TALK ABOUT HER ARC BROOOOO like. A double agent that needs to hide multiple aspects of her identity but learning to embrace those parts of herself and breaking free from the Mystery Curse’s mission AND HER MULTICLASS IT WAS ALL SO GOOD!! Perfect buildup, perfect execution, I love it so much. Peak writing! I can’t think of much else to say rn!
This was obvious from the start, but can you blame me for putting her at number 1? She has it all!! well written trauma, reasonable responses to the situations she’s thrown into, an arc of her opening up and finding a group that she learns won’t leave her or get killed… (and it’s implied she gets a gf too, so that’s cool!) When I first watched the series, Erica was the character I latched to the most, and I’m sure you all can see the reasons why! People have analyzed her way better than I can, so I’ll just say this: You should’ve seen me watching her cutscene for the first time CUZ OH MY GOD that was definitely one of her best moments!! >w<
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formulalfc · 1 year ago
(Chapter 2 of the Changing Suits Series)
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Masterlist
an-here's part two for you my loves, hope you like it <3
You had spoken to Charles around two weeks ago and were overjoyed at the fact that Charles seemed enthusiastic about a move to your team.
You had been watching all season, seeing which drivers you think would be up for a move, which drivers would put faith in a new team. A few different drivers had been floating around your mind, but you were unsure if they had the passion that your team needed.
You team was already in talks with Alex Albon, a driver you had put forward due to his ability to get the Williams consistently in the points. He was a driver you knew a lot of people wanted to succeed and you knew that in the Porsche your engineers had designed he could also be a championship contender.
But more importantly you knew that Albon was a team player and with your sights set on Leclerc as your other driver that was exactly what you needed in the team.
After your sit down with Charles you had exchanged numbers and had been communicating over the past two weeks about his potential transfer.
You had sat through meetings with your legal team, nearly pulling your hair out from boredom as they discussed the best ways to get Charles out of his contract without having to pay Ferrari millions that the team couldn’t afford.
You were updating Charles as progress was made each week and when your team sat down with him and his management he came and sat next to you, shaking your hand and greeting you with that smile he had.
You had to admit you found him intimidating and by that you mean you found his beauty intimidating. Not only was he insanely handsome he had this aura about him that made him almost magnetic in a way.
After hours and hours of discussion and debating it seemed as though your team and his management had come to an agreement on the contracts.
You breathed a sigh of relief, you hadn’t had much sleep lately staying up with the other analysts figuring out certain things in an attempt to take off the workload for next year, and so sitting through that meeting felt almost impossible not to sleep through.
People started getting up to leave, parting phrases could be heard from around the room as you stretched out your arms in preparation for you walk to your car.
Charles stood up with you catching your elbow after you had finished putting your coat on, “I just wanted to say thank you for everything, I know you had a lot to do with the team wanting me and you gave me hope when I was just about to lose faith so thank you.”
You stared at him in shock before clearing your throat and telling him, “You don’t need to thank me Charles, it was your talent and drive and passion that got you here, I just happened to notice that talent before anyone else could and when the other teams realise that we managed to sign you they’ll be kicking themselves for not getting to you first. Don’t doubt yourself Charles, you’re here because you deserve to be you look natural behind the wheel and you’re gunna look even better behind the wheel of the Porsche.”
He looked down at you in awe, nobody had ever believed in him like you had and he realised that slowly but surely you were creeping into his heart.
He shook his head as a grin lit up his face before he asked to walk you to your car, you quickly agreed trying not to sound too excited at the thought of spending a bit more time with him.
You walked together out of the Porsche building chatting as he was asking questions about your family, and you were both enjoying each other’s company after the long day of boring contract work. You both made it to your car, and you stopped just outside your door turning around to thank him and wish him a goodnight, but he got there first, “this may seem really soon, and it may in the future turn out to be a really bad idea, but I can’t not ask you because I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Will you go on a date with me?”
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