#i could not believe it
rikdrawsthings · 6 months
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dhylync · 3 months
I saw Error 503 on my screen and knew IMMEDIATELY that Tumblr was losing its mind. Because so was I.
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amelia-mariee · 6 months
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slut-jpeg · 1 year
tell me about a time you felt lucky. I’ll start. once I thrifted a pair of heart print pj pants and in the pocket there was a $20 bill.
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modern-alebrije · 1 year
the other day i was taking this guy's order, and when i went to scan his app i saw the name he set on his profile. this is the name that gets printed on the order stickers and so it's also the name baristas would call out when his order is ready
the name he typed up for himself in the app was "Dr Nathan"
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
i'm obsessed with that Baby pic <33 totally gilleverse canon
isn't it so cute?? i was literally just looking up if "sleeper" was a common term for footed pajamas or if it was just something my family said and the literal wikipedia page for footed pajamas had that picture and i was like baby??? baby ayuluk?? is that u???
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blacksails2017 · 1 year
they were playing passengers 2016 on every screen at the irish pub last night..
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Had my first proper in counter with racism. as a person of colour, i have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. although it wasn’t directed at me, saying horrendous remarks about people’s skin and features is disgusting.
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janetmiyuki-06 · 1 year
They gonna terminate Mamoru-san's LineBlog and other people too😢.
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Just saw someone posted about this on Instagram and couldn't believe it. I won't be able to see Mamoru-san's posts again after that, including older ones😢💔.
I hope he made his new different blog.
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hystii · 1 year
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sims-himbo · 2 years
girl simmers used to hate on EA for doing brand collabs but now its CC creators doing it???? are we in the twilight zone???
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dsgustng · 1 year
I heard the electric dreams theme at Walmart and kinda had an Autism moment over it
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teaboot · 1 year
If I can recommend you do 1 low-effort thing for the love of God it is this:
Keep 5 cards in your pocket. One will say "yes", the second will say "no."
If you lose your voice, or lose speech, or want to make a dramatic embellishment at the right time, it is an elegant and efficient solution that is right there at hand.
But what if people question you from there? "Why do you have that card? Why would you do this? How long have you had that in your pocket?" For this, or whatever else they say, the third card: "I don't have a card for that."
"What the fuck," they ask. They laugh. They are bemused. You bring the energy back down with the fourth card: "I have laryngitis. I've lost speech. My throat hurts". Whatever you expect to occur.
The joke is over. Rule of threes. Now they are curious. They wonder about logistics. "How did you know I would say that? Is everyone so predictable?"
As a three-part bit, nobody ever sees the fifth card coming.
"I have powerful wizard magics."
Gets them every time
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jekyll-hatepage · 2 months
I will forever be obsessing over Laios imaging himself as a wolf (a dangerous animal, and one that is [albeit falsely] associated with loneliness) and Marcille imagining him as a cute dog. It shows how negatively he thinks of himself after his fight with Shuro, and how even if he worries now that he's a nuisance to people/can't fit in, NOBODY PERCEIVES HIM THIS WAY. HE'S JUST A SILLY GUY. MARCILLE ASSOCIATES HIM WITH THE DOG BECAUSE HE'S LOYAL AND LOVEABLE.
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ponury-grajek · 3 months
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My comic to @recovery-zine <3 ❤
I drew it two years ago and my style has changed a little but I'm still really proud of this piece, I'm happy I can finally show it ❤!
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clarisse-doodles · 5 months
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inspired by this post, in which Damian does not know what Vine is
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