#i could explain but honestly its funnier this way
asthedeathoflight · 2 years
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tricktster · 1 year
how long have you been getting burritoed... i love the thought of you guys being together for five years and you still fall for it every time
Slightly NSFW warning but the full backstory for the burritoing is honestly very sweet and i can take absolutely no credit for it being so.
so it has not been five years, it’s only been five months, but given that my tolerance for being in relationships can usually be measured in weeks, five months with me harboring every single desire to keep this going is saying something. but rest assured the burrito thing has always been a threat in this relationship. lemme explain.
see, i met my boyfriend the most romantic way a person can, in that i hopped on tinder one friday when I was bored and he was the most interesting person that night to ask me to grab a drink with him the following week. I agreed, with every expectation that this was going to be a one night stand situation. This was because I had already concluded I would probably sleep with him since he was hot and funny over tinder/text but also, more importantly, because I had decided to plunge back into the dating world after several years of being resolutely single by having what my roommate described as “a wanton winter,” which is a nicer way of saying that I was here to sleep around without any strings remotely attached. I had every intention of this being followed by a slutty spring, sexually-available summer, and perhaps even a fuckboi fall.
All this to say, I was not looking for an actual relationship when I agreed to “grab a drink” with the man who is now my boyfriend. In fact, even though he was categorically hunky all-round? I was by this point in my wanton winter not even optimistically hoping for a good time. I had recently re-discovered that hunky meant absolutely nothing, and was still haunted by memories of sleeping with an extremely attractive massage therapist who was not only terrible in bed but also read me a very bad poem that he’d written afterwards and started crying about the state of his life at one point and also his mom called like 11 times while he was over. Like, my expectations were subterranean.
Now given this background, i presumed that this guy would follow the established pattern set by every other guy i’d hooked up with during wanton winter; we’d go back to my place, fool around, he’d leave, and i’d get occasional “u up” texts from him for the next few weeks until one of us ghosted etc. so like it was a surprise - but certainly not an unpleasant one! - when he asked (a little nervously) post-hookup if he could stay the night. he didn’t want to impose, he explained, but he had a day shift the next morning and it was really late and his house was 24 minutes away and while he didn’t want to be presumptuous he’d thrown what he needed in a backpack just in case and also he wanted to cuddle and be big spoon.
well. this was a deviation. this possibly suggested more interest than just a one night stand.
ideologically i was opposed to the threat this posed to my no commitments wanton winter lifestyle but given that he was significantly cuter and funnier in person than he’d been online and also that he had just absolutely rocked my entire world for several hours(!!!) i was just like “yeah homie you are more than welcome to stay,” and decided against issuing my standard warning whenever anyone proposes sharing a bed with me that “I do not tolerate people attempting to cuddle me in my sleep well so don’t be hurt when you find me as far from you as physically possible tomorrow, and also you may be kicked in the process of me rolling away, and my toenails are inexplicably sharp so you may bleed.”
and then, you know, suddenly the alarm was going off, and he was extracting himself, unwounded, from the big spoon position that I had not felt the unconscious need to escape from all night, and I was just internally like “haha! i might be in trouble!”
that mighta done it on its own, honestly, the whole bit about him being the sole exception i have ever encountered to my instinctual need for space when i’m sleeping. but he was not done. he quietly got ready while i was mulling this development over in a state of half consciousness, and then? instead of slinking out into the barely-morning, that motherfucker very gently rearranged the bedclothes to actually cover me, gave me a kiss, said he’d text me when he got to work, and then the bastard tucked me in.
he then left me, the victim of the cutest goddamn nonsense that has ever happened after a tinder hookup, to process this unexpected turn of events.
I concluded that I was, in fact, in trouble.
so like… needless to say, that act of tucking me in was the death knell for my wanton winter, as well as my adversarial relationship with the concept of developing feelings. I am an extremely crotchety housecat that doesn’t like to be crowded who has unprecedentedly fallen incredibly hard for a wildly enthusiastic golden retriever, and our relationship is foundationally based upon this man’s desire to make me all snug and cozy before he leaves.
the burrito aspect was merely an afterthought. it’s all about the tuck-in babey.
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
honestly your dpxdc clone au gives me life, its adorable as all hell and im a sucker for found family but with that being said, its so freaking hysterical to me that Danny is going full feral liminal menace at Wes any time hes near and Wes himself is still 100% into it the freak (affectionate) and thats not even pointing out the paralles it could possible create since danny and dames gives massive parallels to dick and damian and dick does have a thing for redheads.
yeesSSSSS! I was planning on hoarding this to myself but i can't not reply. and i'll be able to find this again with the clone^2 tag so win WIN. i'm so glad you are as delighted by this as me. It's so hilarious to me that Danny just becomes a complete freak whenever he spots Wes, and I'm the one who wrote it into existence. Like- like i don't know how to explain my vision in words but like, its like Danny sees Wes and immediately goes 'what can I do to make his day worse'. And then he goes and does it.
(honorary read more because i talk a lot)
He's relatively normal around his friends too, which makes him going full-fledged unhinged around Wes even funnier to me. Like, Danny will spout weird shit sometimes to Sam and Tucker, but usually its prefaced with him talking about patrol or there would be context before he said anything. With Wes? Though?? he will just. say anything, completely unprompted. Slings an arm around his shoulder like they've been buddies since primary school and then spits out a weird new fun fact he learned about the bodily anatomy while researching his latest cold case. All vaguely-threatening but utterly insane things to say as way to start a conversation.
And sometimes its not even that, he'll walk up to Wes and ask him if he saw the latest daytime fight between Phantom and Skulker. And then he'll say "yeah i missed it myself but I saw clips of it being posted online" and then watch Wes mentally explode him with his mind. or he'll disparage Phantom for having such a young partner with him, "Can you believe he'd let a kid fight ghosts with him? I'd never let my brother ghosthunt with me if I was Phantom."
All of this with such a deceptive look on his face but the most delighted, shit-eating gleam in his eyes. Wes is chewing glass and he wants to yell that he does let his brother fight ghosts with him. Also you told him yourself that nothing would've stopped your demonic (Wes' words) little brother from joining you.
Damian gets in on the fuckery occasionally, but since he's not around often with Wes about, it doesn't happen nearly as often as it does between Wes and Danny. Sam and Tucker know he's screwing with him too, and both of them are a little wary about him being careless with his secret id. But he's been doing this since he was 14-ish and it hasn't backfired yet. So. They're not actively stopping him.
Danny walks back to his lunch table after terrorizing Wes and Tucker just asks him what he said, because Wes was about as red as a tomato when he walked away. Danny offhandedly sighs and innocently says he tried to have a conversation about Phantom with him. Wes didn't seem to like it all that much. Weird.
And yes, yes. Wes is totally into it and is slightly enraged about this fact, because not even he knows why he's into it. The freak (affectionate). Danny gives him this troublemaker smirk, and i did say smirk, and Wes doesn't know whether or not if he wants to smack him or kiss him. Or both. Like, yeah, pine, white boy, pine.
(And this is a dramatized image but I'm also highly entertained by the idea that Wes keeps getting routine dirty looks from various peers because they, too, have a crush on Fenton. Except Fenton doesn't talk to anyone else unless its his friends and sometimes Valerie, and Weston, the guy who keeps accusing him of being the local vigilante, is somehow routinely having conversations with him?? And BLOWING IT?? Like everyone else thinks he's fumbling so bad, and yet fenton keeps tALKING to him.)
And yes!! i'm always so pleased whenever someone brings up the parallels D+D have to Dick and Damian, because that was lowkey my intention when I was making the solo clone damian au. Although it was supposed to be more implied since I don't really know much about Damian and Dick other than they're very close and Dick was Damian's Batman for a year. And then of course the very smaller parallel (??) 'what if' between Bruce and Damian and D+D in clone^2 considering who they are both clones of.
And man this just makes me want to talk about when batfam meet D+D because I just want them to see D+D be so brotherly towards each other. Like I want them to see Bby Dames wearing his goofy fun fact shirts and stealing Danny's hoodies/flannels/etc and blatantly lying about it when Danny asks. Only for Danny to then throw him over his shoulder like Tadashi from BH3 and jump around.
And also. I do not know what Damian Wayne's (DW as I'll call him) stance on being called "Dami" is - the general consensus I've seen is that its usually used as a playful nickname in order to get a rise out of him, and he doesn't really like it.
But baby Dames being called that freely, and often, and its sometimes used to get a rise out of him but thats typically what nicknames do. Its used as easily as his full name is with the same amount of affection. And its like his main go-to nickname. "Dami" and "Dames" with the occasional "Bud/Buddy", "Squirt", "Little man", etc. Not once is he ever called 'demon-spawn'
(which i know is a fanon nickname but its a relatively popular nickname)
but yeah, uhhh. i think thats all of my thoughts on the matter. for now lmAO
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ickaimp · 1 year
[BotW] Excuse Me While I Kiss this Guy (discontinued)
My SidLink fic, ‘Excuse Me While I Kiss this Guy’, has been getting a lot of attention on Ao3. It’s two parts, and I tried to write a part three from Link’s POV. That was back in 2018, and I’ve since moved five times. Needless to say, it never got past the WiP stage and the HTTYD fic, ‘Coming Down is the Hardest Thing‘ ate our brain instead. But in honour of Tears of the Kingdom, figured I’d put everything in roughly a chronological shape and post what got written. It’s not complete, prolly never will be, but hopefully it’ll give a couple chuckles. 2900 words. There is also now a bonus scene at the end of Excuse Me While I Kiss this Guy on Ao3.
+++ He didn’t mean to return to the Zora Domain.
Death Mountain lived up to its name, Vah Rudania had been freed from Ganon’s touch, and all Link wanted to do was go somewhere cooler where he could relax and recoup from climbing over a moving metal structure that was standing over gigantic pools of lava. So his duty done to the Gorons, he’d pulled out the Sheikah slate and hit the first shrine that looked near water.  Finding himself facing a handful of angry armed Zora guards had been a bit of a shock, but he’d honestly been too tired to care. Getting the helmet off and breathing the cool humid air of the Zora domain helped, more so when Sidon arrived. The shock on the prince’s face was comical. Even more so when he told his guards to stand down and offered Link a bath. +++ The kiss to the top of his head was unexpected, and made his chest feel light and fluffy. The gesture was as unexpected as it was confusing, but not in a bad way. Sidon’s explanation, his offer of kisses, just made it funnier. +++ Kisses. Link reminded himself as he struggled and fought his way through the shrine. Sidon believed in him, and when Link finished, he could see Sidon again. And get another kiss. +++ He didn’t know how to pay back Sidon for the encouragement. For the kisses. And he wanted to. He wanted to show Sidon how much it meant to Link. How much Sidon himself meant to Link. Armour was important to Zora. Milpha had made him armour. He was pretty sure there were books in the library that explained how to make armour. And armour would keep Sidon safe when Link wasn’t around. He could do that. He had gems and supplies from his travels all over Hyrule. He could make armour. +++ He couldn’t make armour. He could, but not armour for Sidon, who was much larger than Link, or the average anyone. The armour came out the same every time he tried, just the right size for him to fit in to. This was a problem. +++ “You’re making something entirely new.” Rhondson said, shaking her head over Link’s confusion. “You and your magic have seen jewellery and many kinds of armour and know what shapes to make things it has seen before. But to make something new, you’re going to have to do it the hard way.” Link looked down at his hands. Well, it wasn’t as if he didn’t have the time to learn something new. 
+++ Zora made their armour from scales, but Link didn’t have scales. Which meant that he needed to get scales somehow. What had scales? Fish, of course. Zora, but he couldn’t ask them for scales, not for this. Dragons. He had a small collection of their scales and horns. Not enough for armour. Which meant that he’d have to get more. 
“I’m gonna go fight a dragon.” Link declared, anticipation singing through his body. 
“Link? Is everything okay?” Zelda looked worried as she peered into his face. “You’ve kind of got your crazy eyes on.”
He just grinned at her. 
“Okay then.” Zelda sighed and shook her head. He knew that he worried her, that before the Calamity he’d been raised to be a knight, with all the genteel manners and stuff, but he didn’t remember any of that. 
And really, it sounded completely boring and dull. He liked who he was now, he couldn’t go back to whatever he’d been before. Zelda had accepted that, but she still fussed at him. It was kind of... nice, in a strange way. 
She kissed him on the cheek. “Go do your thing. Try not to come back all bloody.” 
He appreciated the fact that she never referred to the castle as his home. It was hers, certainly. And while he didn’t mind staying here, it didn’t feel like home to him. 
His heart called him elsewhere. 
‘No promises.’ He agreed, kissing her cheek as well. Her kisses weren’t like Sidon’s. Still sweet, in a different way. Softer, for one thing. And not as varied, she liked to kiss and be kissed mostly on the cheek.
He liked Sidon’s kisses better. The feeling of rough scales on skin was more welcoming to him than that of soft Hylian skin. Kissing Zelda didn’t leave his heart fluttering and skin tingling and wanting more. +++ The dragon scales were too large and unwieldy to just make into armour. Especially for someone who was as streamlined as Sidon. Cutting them down with normal tools didn’t work, they shattered swords and shears alike. The only thing that seemed to be able to cut dragon scale was dragon scale itself. Link growled to himself, realising that this meant he needed to get more scales, some for the armour, some to use as tools. Which meant more time away from Sidon. He sighed. He could do it. +++ ‘Think it’ll work?’ Link signed, as Bazz looked contemplative, looking over the scales Link had harvested and started to cut into shapes based off the books and patterns he’d found. 
“It should.” He agreed. “My biggest concern is what are you going to attach it to? You’re going for shock resistance, so metal is out, which means some sort of really heavy duty hide or cloth. If you use leather, you could boil it, making it harder and shape it, but I don’t know what would be thick enough.”
That was a problem. Monster hide might work, but he’d killed most of those. 
And he wanted something for the shock resistance too. It was kind of worrisome that Zora couldn’t even touch shock arrows, leading Link having to collect them from the Lynel....
Link paused, looking up towards the tip of Shatterback Point. ‘Be right back.’ He signed, and took off running. 
“Wait! No!” Bazz hissed. “Link! He’ll kill me if you come back dead!” 
Link laughed as he jumped off a balcony, his hang-glider snapping open and catching the ocean breeze. The breeze wasn’t strong enough to get him all the way to the top, but it’d get him part way there. 
A few hours later, Link pulled the fresh Lynel hide out of his pack and set it in front of Bazz. ‘Think it’ll work?’
Bazz made a sound like he couldn’t decide if he was laughing or crying. “You’re certifiably nuts.” He said, shaking his head. “The two of you deserve each other. Yeah, I think that’ll work.” 
Link tilted his head to the side, wondering what Bazz meant by that. 
“We’ll have to sit down sometime with a pint or two and I’ll tell you some of the things our Prince has gotten up to in the past.” Bazz grinned, his sharp teeth glinting. “You heard about him being eaten by the Octorok and going up against Vah Ruta on his own? That’s nothing.” 
Link grinned. He knew he liked Sidon for a reason. +++
“Link, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your new habit of carving dragon scales during meetings.” Zelda’s lips pressed together in a disapproving line. “It’s scaring some of the Council.”
Link grimaced. It was about the only time that he sat still long enough to get any carving done, he was constantly interrupted otherwise. ‘You want me to stop?’ He offered. He’d just have to figure something else out. 
“Oh good heavens, no!” She beamed at him. “Could you please sit next to Councillor Tyrol? We might be able to get some work done if he stops sharing his ‘hunting’ stories. He’s quite terrified of you, you know.”
+++ Zelda glanced around before tugging on Link’s arm and pulling him closer. She had a mischievous curve to her lips and he leaned in so no one else could overhear what she was saying. “Some of the Council thinks you’re dating a Gerudo woman.” She whispered, then covered her mouth with a hand to contain her laughter. 
It made a certain amount of sense, he was in Gerudo town a lot. … He also wore the clothing a lot while coming back. Did they think that he was dating himself? Or someone else? He paused, eyes narrowing as he remembered the inquires to the Gerudo Chieftain's health. “Riju’s twelve.” He deadpanned. She may have been the steadfast leader of the fierce Gerudo, but she was also a kid who loved soft plushies, especially those of Sand Seals. 
Zelda nodded with barely repressed glee. “I know that and you know that, but how many people here do you think have meet a real Gerudo in their lives? Much less know who the Gerudo chief is?” 
That was a good point. They should probably fix that, get more of all the various tribes together more often. ‘Should I start mentioning Isha more?’ He offered. 
She thought about it, then giggled. “You should invite her to the castle as a merchant.” Zelda grinned. “Plus, I’d like to meet her.”
+++ ‘You need a break.’ Link signed with a frown as he looked Zelda over. She looked kind of like she wanted to punch something then take a nap. “I can’t.” Zelda closed her eyes, looking frustrated. “There’s no where in the castle I can go that someone won’t find me with some sort of emergency. I feel like all I’m doing is putting out fires.” 
Link pulled out a bomb and offered it to her. She stared at it for a moment, which he was starting to think was the default reaction to being offered a bomb. Although it wasn’t like he offered them to just anyone, but Sidon always looked so surprised and confused by the bombs. 
Zelda looked like she was contemplating using it. 
“No.” She shook her head, pushing the bomb away. “Thank you, but no. That’d just undo all the hard work we just finished constructing.” Which was a pretty good point. With a shrug, he put it away again. A thought hit, and he looked her up and down, silently measuring her with his eyes, a smirk growing.
“Link.” Zelda crossed her arms, turning her body away, looking uncomfortable ‘We’re almost the same height and size.’ Link grinned at her. He was a little broader in the shoulder, she a bit broader in the hip, but still about the same proportions. Well, given his lack of height.
“And?” Link bounced a little on the balls of his feet, feeling pleased with himself. ‘That means you should fit my clothes.’ He explained. ‘And I should fit yours.’ She stared at him for a moment, her mouth agape. “There’s no way it’d work. I mean, you don’t talk, that’s easy for me to mimic, but the ruse would be over as soon as you opened your mouth.” 
That was easy enough too. He held up a finger, silently motioning for patience, then rubbed his nose vigorously, until it was red, then coughed a couple of times. “I’m sick.” He rasped, trying to pitch his voice slightly higher. “I need to stay in bed.” 
Then he fluttered his eyelashes at her and grinned. 
Zelda gaped at him. “No.” She said, then immediately wavered. “I mean. No. It couldn’t possibly work.” He shrugged. ‘I need to finish carving some scales, I could do that while you go on a ride, get some fresh air. Wear the champion tunic, everything'll run as soon as they see you coming.’
Link could see her visibly waver. “Oh.” She glared at him, stamping her foot in irritation. “This is a horrible idea. Give me your tunic.” Link grinned and tapped the Sheikah Slate, switching clothing until he was wearing the Champion’s Tunic, pulling it off over his head and tossed it to her. Zelda wrinkled her nose, holding it away from her face.  “When was the last time you washed this?” He gave her a puzzled look back. He never washed any of his clothes, any rips, tears, burns, or other assorted damage were gone whenever he dismissed them and put them back on. “Nevermind.” She shook her head, pulling the tunic on. It was a little big on her in the shoulders, but nothing too obvious. He pulled off his pants and handed them to her as well, before wandering over to her wardrobe and sorting through it before finding a long nightgown, pulling that over his head. This method of getting dressed was such a hassle, it was so much easier to get dressed via the Sheikah Slate. Less fabric to get tangled up in. “You’re hopeless.” Zelda informed him sounding amused and fond as he felt hands tug the fabric down over him. He gestured his thanks, smiling a bit to see her in his clothing. It was kind of strange, seeing her dressed like this. He reached up, undoing the pins in her hair, fingers quickly undoing the braids and messing up her sleek smooth strands. He could never get his hair nearly as soft and nice. The thought of if Sidon liked his hair, so different than the Zora’s scaled flickered through his mind, then he dismissed it. He was pretty sure that Sidon liked him, scales or no scales. Pretty sure. “Gah.” Zelda batted his hands away, stepping backwards out of reach before moving towards her vanity, checking her hair in the mirror. She made a face at seeing it so disordered, then grabbed a tie, pulling it back in a messy pony tail, then teasing the hair out on the sides of her face a bit. “What do you think?” She asked, looking up at him. Link walked over so they could see each other in the mirror. They looked disturbingly alike. They could almost be siblings, possibly even twins. He nodded, and she echoed the movement. “Okay.” She agreed. “This’ll work.” He gave her a thumbs up. +++ A knock on the door interrupted Link’s concentration and he growled in annoyance. He stood up, detouring long enough to grab a blanket from Zelda’s bed and tossed it over his head, wrapping it around himself like a cocoon before opening the door. “What?” He snapped, his voice low and rough. “n-Never mind.” Councillor Tyrol scurried off. Link huffed, shutting the door with a slam and went back to making smaller scales out of larger scales for armour. +++ “Got any clothing in red?” Bazz inquired, idly twirling his trident in one hand. It immediately put Link on edge, because there was something a little too casual sounding to the warrior’s tone. 
‘No.’ Link signed, confused. Almost all of his clothing was blue, unless he took the time to dye it. ‘Why?’ “Could you get some?” Bazz asked. Link shrugged. He didn’t have any at hand, but it’d be easy enough to swing by the Hateno Village and talk to Sayge at the Kochi Dye Shop. He could spare five rupees for payment, and a few extra apples or spicy peppers he could use for red dye. ‘Yeah. Why?’ 
“The next time you come to see the Prince, you should wear something red.” 
This was starting to sound really suspicious. ‘Anything specific I should wear?’ 
“Doesn’t matter. Just something bright red.” Bazz shook his head. “As a favour to me?” He asked, attempting to look as sweet and innocent as a kitten. It didn’t quite work.
Link did kind of owe Bazz for his help in making the armour, making sure it’d fit the prince and keeping it a secret from Sidon. “Okay.” He agreed. It was easy enough. 
“Thanks.” Bazz gave him a bright grin, full of razor sharp teeth and Link wondered just what he’d gotten himself into. 
“Link! My Dear!” Link had just enough warning to brace himself before he was picked up and pressed against Sidon’s ginormous chest. “It is such a pleasure to see you!”
“Sidon!” Link wrapped his arms around Sidon, pressing as close as he could. Sidon smelled like he usually did, water and musk, something always made Link relax. 
It meant safety, comfort, and laughter.
He kissed the nearest part of Sidon he could reach, his jaw just below the fin that framed his face and felt a small shiver run down Sidon’s frame. 
Sidon eased his grip slightly, pulling back so he could look Link over. “It’s so good to see you healthy. No new scars?” 
Link smiled and shook his head. Sidon beamed in delight, taking Link’s hand and kissing the palm. “I’m glad.” 
Seriously, Sidon was the only person who worried if Link could take care of himself. Well, maybe other than Zelda, but she was more likely to laugh at him for it. 
“Is this new?” Sidon asked, peering at Link’s shirt. It was just a basic tunic, but he’d dyed it the bright red of fresh chillies, as Bazz had requested. 
Link shrugged. Honestly, he couldn’t remember where he’d picked the shirt up from. 
“I like it!” Sidon beamed at him, and Link wondered how he could contain such joy in his face. “We match!” 
… They did. He looked at the shirt against Sidon’s scales and realised that they did, the dye almost the same colour as Sidon. Anyone seeing them together would probably assume they were a matched set. 
He didn’t know whether to be grateful or to strangle Bazz for his meddling, when Sidon barely set him down for the remainder of the day, almost always keeping in contact with Link. He also made a note to wear more red, if this was Sidon’s reaction. 
-fin- -And that’s all folks.
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bananashakepython · 1 month
late to kakyoin month day 27 because my Foolish ass decided to do one drawing for each prompt. and then i hurt my hand (which is fine now) which made it take longer. and then i rewatched stone ocean the second time this year and had to recover (which made it take longer). but at last! i have drawings
they're under the cut because i'm going to explain each one (loosely and incoherently) so it'll be long :^)
@kakyoinmonth day 27 - job/career/hobby
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feel like way back in his college days rooming with jotaro he'd be a freelance artist just to keep some money coming in. not that they necessarily need it, bc i mean jotaro's family is the most loaded lineage on jojo planet earth, but i feel like kakyoin would be indignant about it and insist on making/using his own. he's not one to be coddled or anything even if jotaro wants to pay for him in a genuine way and not in a "oh you poor thing >.<" way. ESPECIALLY with important expenses
2. career
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honestly so hard to make a decision here because wtf. wtf would he pursue. he likes so many things and is interested in so many things. but i thought about it as hard as i could for as long as i could and decided: he would basically have whatever job jotaro has in the speedwagon foundation. an extremely important investigator, a stand-user they can call on in times of need. because i mean sure, he could take a normal job, but would people in that job truly get him the way the crusaders/other stand users get him? in the way the speedwagon foundation gets him? because the foundation KNOWS about stands and stuff. they'd understand as much as they are able and accommodate him and i feel he'd appreciate that
HOWEVER! i think he would be like jotaro again in the sense that he's like, an art professor or a video game designer, and then a stand-using foundation member in secret. like how jotaro is serious as a marine biologist but also serious as a foundation member, and poses as only one of the two to keep himself and his loved ones safe. they'd look like normal (""normal"") people on the outside and in reality they are both detectives with punching ghosts AND are professors at the same time
couldn't decide on either art professor or video game designer. or some other unknown job that would probably also suit him that i can't think of. so it's just ambiguous or he manages to be both
3. hobby
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okay. as you can see my art style went through a bit of a change (no idea if it's permanent or not, it has a mind of its own). and also there's two versions because i couldn't decide which one is funnier.
i need not explain his hobby you already know he's slamming his keyboards into pieces over his knee and screaming into his xbox mic and spam reporting people for cheating 800 consecutive times and typing on a rainbow keyboard with cat ear headphones
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everythingne · 3 months
i NEED to know who you would cast as who in a live action cars movie
okay buckle the FUCK in. this is just some of the first movie cast bc im gonna need help to cast everyone. this is purely f1 drivers/driver adjacent people bc i think it would be funny to make them act and i dont know much about indy or rally or motorcross ok...
also please note this is for funsies, I wrote this down in like thirty minutes, and not very serious. so be nice to me >:( also feel free to reply with/send an ask of your ideas for casting to me :D!
Lightning McQueen: Logan Sargeant.
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I'm not even apologizing for this. I know he's not a NASCAR driver but I feel like that's funnier bc his brother was and that's just LORE bro. American, Floridian, what more can you need? I've seen people cast him for this before, and I think it would work so well.
Tow Mater: Pato O'Ward.
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MY BOY. He's just a silly guy and tbh. I don't think I need to explain myself on this one? I would love to just let Pato loose on a film set and see what happens. He embodies Mater in a 'oh fuck i accidentally solved the mystery??' kinda way and everyone loves Mater just like everyone love Pato (and if you don't love Mater you're wrong.)
Fun bonus casting here: Pato's sister Elba as Mater's sister Mato
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Doc Hudson: Jenson Button/Sebastian Vettel/Nico Rosberg
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Jenson because he would have great chemistry with Logan (and hey, actors need to have chemistry together for scenes to work!!) aside from him being a retired driver and current reporter. Seb/Nico are in here purely for the fact they're F1 legends!! Bonus points for both Logan and Nico having driven for Williams!
It would feel fitting to have the driver Logan's character would look up to be another F1 driver, so hey, this works.
Chick Hicks: Dale Earnhardt Jr./Jeff Gordon/Dalton Sargeant
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It has to be a NASCAR driver. I don't make the rules. Honestly, take your pick too, I feel like any NASCAR driver could embody Chick Hicks. He is Southern America. Also Dalton's there because its funny, and his photo is from 2018 bc i couldn't find any recent ones online.
Flo: Naomi Schiff (F1 Presenter)
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She's not a driver but just LOOK AT HER INSTAGRAM. That's Flo. I don't make the rules y'all. Also bonus, she would already know Logan and Jenson coming into set, so it would make on-set interactions a lot easier ! (she helped with Lap of Legends)
Lizzie: Michele Mouton
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MOTHER. I just think it would be so fucking funny to have THE Michele Mouton play this like. Decrepit, really funny old lady. Also, who wouldn't want Michele Mouton in their film?
Honorable mention casting,
Sally Carrera: Lissie Mackintosh
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Not a super strong casting opinion here tbh, I just love Lissie and think she would be a great casting option.
(Bonus idea: if you go the route of casting Charles Leclerc as Lightning McQueen, Alexandra would be a PERFECT Sally Carrera.)
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Babs! We need a fic where older Ponyboy (maybe 18, gonna turn 18, let's just make him 18 for now) is in his senior spring break and honestly had no plans. Curly finds him, tells him he's going back to Haiti to see family and invites him along.
Nothing dramatic, just two excited boyfriends going to one of their home countries, Ponyboy gets to hear new languages, see new sights (he loves laying on the white beaches with Curly, listening to the ocean. They usually say nothing during that time--they don't need to) eat new food and of course meet more Shepard family. They're just as wild as the ones he knows in America, but there's such a sense of love and belonging in that home. They instantly love Ponyboy (there's just something about this white boy that ain't threatening.) They already call him names Ponyboy tells himself are just casual endearing ones. (No they've already adopted him, he's their token white boy) Pony wants to compare Haiti to his home, and it's sort of like that, but in it's own unique way.
Also, he learns of Curly's government name. The second he heard it, he felt Curly stiffen as an auntie came over and kissed both his cheeks and spoke about hos tall he was getting. Ponyboy could pratically feel the rage rattling around in Curly's body.
......Curly has a french name. That's why he hates it so much.
Curly gets another tattoo and re pierces his ear, and Ponyboy get his first tattoo, a small thing on his ankle or on his back (someplace he can hide it from Darry till he's 18 and can run away legally). Ponyboy and Curly walking in the streets at dusk to witness the prettiest sunset Ponyboy has ever seen, sitting on the rooftop balcony smoking weed.
It's the greatest memories they'll ever share with each other.
Pony gets into Harvard with his essay he wrote about his time as a 14 year old and how he grew to love himself with the help of a tough as nails greaser who took him to Haiti.
.......forget a fanfic where's the production team to make this movie?
its been so long since someone called me babs, i actually jumped a lil /pos /lh
idk y im getting more asks involving haitian shepards,,but im REVELING in it, im ABSOLUTELY eating this up like im at the last supper
tim, 𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮, angela its even funnier bc i hc angela and curly as twins so its like, they whipped out this french ass name for one kid and looked at the other and just went “yea we’ll call her angela”, but i saved curlys entire life n just say his real name is christopher, i cant have my fav be plagued by the french COMPLETELY
(i also said that he hates it tim and angela would probably go “YO PIERRE U WANNA COME OUT HERE🤔🤔🗣️🔥” over and over)
and pony being adopted as the token white boy is SO real, ik they call him “blan” (if u dont know, “blan” is like, the haitian equivalent of gringo, best way i can explain it)
BUT IMAGINE ALL THE THINGS THEY CAN DO!!! they can get ready for kanaval,,,going to the waterfalls,,,,seeing curlys other family that also live in the more country side,,,they can teach pony dances,,,,they can even go into some caves!!!! they can get fresca,,,,get fruits from curlys cousins backyard,,,go on lil walks w curlys cousins to the store for, the possibilities, anon im gonna scream,,
they even have pics to never forget the memories!!! pony also has a scar bc of a lil mishap w a tap tap, but we dont talk about that❤️❤️
and as for curly getting his ears pierced and getting another tattoo ik he was getting looks and lectures from ppl but he did NOT care and honestly, go him
plus everyones speaking in kreyòl and barely knows a lick of english, curly was def the translator the whole time but thats ok, he thought pony looking confused was pretty cute n funny
i will never forget this, anon
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beevean · 9 months
We finally watched Nocturne.
... what? No, no endless post this time :P not only because it's just one season. It's just as I expected: it's not as infuriating as its big sibling. (unless you're familiar with the French Revolution coughcough@the-crow-binary)
We only watched the first four episodes so far, and I have already said a lot, so let's go.
The thing I complained the most about, I noticed, was the worldbuilding, mostly how vampires work. The original show "elfified" vampires, only keeping the basic traits "need blood, don't like sunlight or running water, can turn into things like bats and mist". They were portrayed as this ancient rage, one with its own culture (much superior than the dumb humans who forget everything because church bad): they sleep normally, they can eat food if they so wish, apparently they can have sex with zero issues lol, and infamously child vampires are treated as, well, innocent children and not as poor human kids suffering a terrible fate. Trevor even kindly tells us that the reason vampires hate crosses regardless of their faith is because their eyesight is so advanced that they freak out at the sight of geometrical shapes. The only monstruous trait they have is that apparently they have a tendency to go insane and crave power. Honestly, they kind of remind me of Twilight.
And somehow Nocturne manages to get it worse.
Now, yes, vampires in Nocturne bite far more often than in the OG show. I think in that other show we see them doing that... twice? And Carmilla and Lenore lick Hector's blood; then they just drink from their stock of blood à la Drac from SoTN. Anyway, Nocturne is more willing to show them as beasts, so good job. Hell, Sun Thundercat even turns a human!
But in this setting, vampires seem to not even have those few weaknesses they had in the OG show. For a story centered on how Sun Thundercat will bring eternal night to the world because sun is the number 1 obstacle to vampires, it's baffling how easily they can just walk around in plain daylight. Olrox looks out of the window with his face illuminated by the sun. Drolta can literally walk just fine, even without a parasol. @spinningbuster98 kept asking "why don't peasants or slaves just destroy the windows of the places where they know vampires live?" - well clearly they'd be fine!
And special shoutout to Drolta who openly mocks the concept of her being hurt by being in a church. At least in S1, Blue Fangs explained its presence in the Bishop's church by blaming his heinous actions for pushing God away.
Vampires are also shockingly well integrated into society. These extremely pale people, with visible pointy ears and long fangs, can chill around in a nice palace or stroll into a theatre, and no one bats an eye. How? In the OG show, vampires could be in a position of power (see the council of Styria), but they mostly worked from the shadows. Did humans just... accept the presence of these monsters?
(the cross weakness becomes way funnier now. Vampires are weak to the religion they used to believe in, so Annette can ask the help of the Christian God to harm previously Christian vampires. I actually like this. But then this makes that OG "vampires have super freaky eyesight" scene even stupider than it used to be)
Another point for the clumsy worldbuilding. Hey, remember how I complained that N!Hector wearing Hector's CoD outfit makes no sense? Because that's what he could cobble up from his old Devil Forgemaster uniform and it's basically the best he can wear for running through the country and fighting, while N!Hector 1) is still in Drac's service in S2 so you'd expect a more professional uniform from him, like the one worn by N!Isaac, and 2) he very much does not fight, making details like the arm guard and the single glove look redudant. We have a similar issue here: Maria, whose design was taken straight out of DXC, complains in the first episode that her mother is too poor to pay taxes. You can tell that she doesn't look that poor. To make things even worse, in the second episode, Tera is able to offer bread to Annette and Edouard: the French Revolution started, among other reasons, because even bread got ridiculously expensive for common people! So which is it? Is Maria one of the common people, or a well-off young woman who really has no business leading the revolution?
And this... is tied to other problems.
The French Revolution is nothing more than a shallow backdrop for the main plot being the Vampire Messiah being hyped up as the greatest evil to ever evil. You can tell the writers did not care when they cast Vaublanc, a real person who fought against slavery, as a vampire slaveowner. I think. I think you shouldn't do that.
The point is, it becomes increasingly jarring when you see that the main protagonists, the ones who spout the most generic "liberty, equality, fraternity"... are not even French. Maria has Russian origins, and as I've shown she seems to be doing well. Richter is a Romanian who grew up in the US. Annette, who gets to make a super epic speech about freedom, is a runaway from Saint-Domingue. Edouard is a rich opera singer, also from Saint-Domingue.
Oh, Annette.
You know, I want to say something. I'd have much more patience for her abrasive, ungrateful, condescending behavior, I'd justify it as a result of her trauma, if it weren't for how mean-spirited she is and for how no one seems to even react to her.
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You did that, huh. Richter has been nothing but kind and supportive to you, relating to the loss of your friend and of your mother - this isn't a Trevor situation where you can fall for what the story tells you and believe he's actually rude, no, Richter is on-screen a very nice guy! And you say that? To his face? After he revealed to you that the Belmonts used to do magic but he can't because he lost his mom? Something you should know how devastating it feels? And you THROW THAT TO HIS FACE??
Richter is the one who gasps, by the way. Maria and Tera over there? Nah they're just eating popcorn as this stranger is deliberately hitting Richter where it hurts the most. Thanks girls.
Oh but she's not done!
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I know what this is. Look at her, the Stronk former slave who suffered Hardships which inherently makes her more Mature and World Wise, looking down on the two white French people who obviously had it so easy in their lives.
Hey, Ms. Adult. Who's the one who lost control of her powers, leading to Edouard becoming a Night Creature? Richter is too nice to throw that in your face. I'm not :)
Hey, Ms. I Suffered More Than You. Who's the one who only managed to save herself from the plantation only due to magical god-inherited powers? Which is also incredibly insensitive to the real-life slaves who managed to escape with nothing more but human skills and intellect?
Hey, Ms. I'm More Mature Than You Whiteys. Who's the one who needed the help of a rich half-white man to be protected? Not that you even know the concept of being grateful.
Uh, and Tera? You mind chiming in? You mind defending your daughter and your adopted son from this stranger who keeps being rude and disrespectful? No? Okay. She just suggests how to save Edouard, but lets Annette's words slide. You and Lisa can compete for the title of Mom of the Year.
Oh, but this is not a sexism or racism issue. This is literally the same thing as Alucard in S2 being the biggest hypercunt to Trevor, making fun of his traumatic childhood, cruelly mocking his family and his legacy, and treating him like he's nothing more than a failure of a drunkard when the dude has been nothing but a help in fights and gave them access to the vast Belmont Hold... and Sypha always rushed in Alucard's defense because boohoo his depression is an icy well of sadness, he Suffered More Than You!
This is just the writers shitting on the Belmonts, and I am sick of it. Trevor did not deserve this, and Richter doesn't deserve this.
Anyway, characters. I have little to say. Richter is the best one, being reasonably cocky as you would expect from him; not to an insufferable degree, just yeah he comes off as an immature young man who needs to grow up. I like him. Maria is a parody of teens on Twitter talking about seizing the means of production, and I kind of forget she's there. Annette, yeah :) Edouard got retroactively characterized after his death, but I still don't know how to describe his personality beyond "helpful" and "source of infodumps". Tera exists. The abbot is profoundly stupid for allying himself with vampires for the sake of crushing the "Godless" Revolution (there's an N!Hector joke to make here but it's not worth it). Drolta is basically Isaac who slapped a pair of tits on himself and just like that she's a beloved slay queen icon. Templar Agent Stone Mizrak is mere bara bait so far. Olrox... well, so far he's mildly intriguing for being outside of the hero/villain dichotomy. Kind of a tryhard, though, and I still don't know why he didn't just kill Richter.
My last complaint is that it's really boring how they hype up Sun Thundercat as this harbinger of DEATH AND SUFFERING AND PAIN AND TERROR way before we even see her. It reminds me of Alucard exposing how a world without humans would be: just this empty, edgy narration with nothing to show for it. But at least by then we had a taste of Dracula's anger and powers, so this is even worse. You need to try harder to build up an antagonist.
and finally, have the best moment in the whole franchise
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whoupmasturbuilding · 10 months
Rick and Morty Condensed Watch List
My friend wanted to watch rnm, but didn't want to sit through all 7 seasons- so I decided to make a list of the best/most lore important episodes that way they could enjoy the show without watching the whole thing. Red = episodes that are lore important Orange = not crucial for understanding the lore, but establishes character relationships and/or a consistent reference in the series yellow = episodes I'm personally a fan of (these are purely just recommendations for my friend, feel free to skip them)
s1e1 Pilot - first episode of the series, I'm sure this one is self-explanatory LOL s1e5 Meeseeks and Destroy - First Morty adventure, Introduces Meeseeks and "ricks catchphrase" (reoccurring), and does a good job of showing Beth/Jerry's relationship s1e6 Rick Potion #9 - Rick & Morty's dimension hop s1e7 Raising Gazorpazorp- sexy robot episode (my friend wants to watch this okay) s1e10 Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind - Introduces citadel s1e11 Ricksy Business - We meet a couple of Ricks close friends, some fun time stuff, and the season finale!! s2e1 A Rickle in Time - I couldn't really decide whether or not to keep this orange or red, since technically this specific ep isn't crucial to the understanding of the show. HOWEVER, still totally watch it because it wraps up the conclusion to season 1 AND its a great episode generally! s2e2 Mortynight Run - Introduces the Jerry daycare and Blips and Chitz (reoccurring) s2e3 Auto Erotic Assimilation - Introduces Unity s2e5 Get Schwifty - Introduces President, Learn more about Birdperson s2e9 Look Who’s Purging Now - Not plot relevant or brought up again in the series, but this episode has some Morty moments that I really like s2e10 The Wedding Squanchers - Meet the federation!! s3e1 The Rickshank Rickdemption - More citadel fun! And also szechuan sauce, very important. s3e3 Pickle Rick - Yes I'm putting pickle rick on here. This episode introduces Dr. Wong who's both a cool character and reoccurring. Although I wouldn't say this episode is as important as the other oranges, so If you really wanna skip it- go for it s3e6 Rest and Ricklaxation - TOXIC RICCCKK s3e7 The Ricklantis Mixup - More Citadel adventureeess! (<- Also this is where that fat Morty and lizard Morty GIF came from, thought you'd like to hear that) s3e8 Morty’s Mind Blowers - idk what to write for this one I just really enjoy this episode LOL s3e9 The ABC’s of Beth - We get an update on how Jerry's life is going, also some fun Beth development stuff e4e2 The Old Man and the Seat - big bad doo-doo daddy s4e10 Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri - More federation stuff, and we get an update on clone beth s5e1 Mort Dinner Rick Andre - This one isn't THAT important of a watch so if you wanna skip it you honestly can, but we do get to meet Mr. Nimbus and find out what happens to Jessica. s5e8 Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort - Bird person update ALSO MEMORY RICCCCKKK s5e9 Forgetting Sarick Mortshall - Rick and two crows show s5e10 Rickmurai Jack - Citadel fun and also more of the extra sexy crow rick s6e1 Solaricks - MEET PRIME! s6e2 Rick: A Mort Well Lived - I haven't watched diehard which makes this episode funnier to me s6e3 Bethic Twinstinct - okayy I'll be honest, a lot of people dislike/feel weirded out by this episode (me included) but I still think it's worth including for contextualization because this ep explains why space beth's has a reoccurring presence in the family. So watch at your own discretion LOL s6e8 Analyze Piss - ignore the goofy ass title, because it is REALLY good. I love this ep so much s6e9 A Rick in King Mortur’s Mort - This episode isn't really lore important and doesn't introduce any reoccurring characters, BUT the adventure itself is referenced later on s6e10 Ricktional Mortpoon’s Rickmas Mortcation - rick with a stubble and boxers on (very important) but no seriously, this episode is important s7e1 How Poopy Got His Poop Back - Some Rick/friend shenanigans, also we get a brief update on birddaughter s7e3 Air Force Wong - Not really thaatt lore important? But we do get an update on unity which is super sweet s7e5 Unmortricken - "OH SHIT, Evil Morty! Should I get the net?" s7e9 Mort: Ragnarick - this episode is very very fun and also where that image of rick being crucified comes from ANYWAYS THATS IT! Season 7 still hasn't ended, but it ends later this week so I may or may not update the list for that. If anybody has any critiques/changes I should make to this list, please let me know!
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Felt like rambling aimlessly today.
Because bro. Words can't even begin to describe how much Resident Evil means to me. I was just talking about horror games and the essence of them with friends and theres just SOMETHING about Resident Evil that the roots of my very soul have buried themselves into. There is no me without RE (badum tss). As funky as that sounds its something thats been so greatly important to my development in a way I don't think anyone could really understand. This was the thing that was there no matter what I was going through, its the lens through which I learned to view the world as a kid and still sort of do (autism moment), its the thing that made me undertand myself as a person and find my identity, it's essentially the thing that raised me where my parents didn't. And its funnier that it was introduced to me by my parents. And by extent it's characters are so greatly fucking important to me, and of those Ada especially. She was really the first character i could relate to and my first character-focussed hyperfixation. And she honestly got me through a lot and her character taught me a lot as a kid.
And on that, I can't begin to explain how much i CRIED playing RE4R's Separate Ways. I know theres criticisms but it just made my inner child so fucking happy to finally see her character treated with the respect and attention she deserves. And the soundtrack carried so much important nostalgia I cried every time I opened a typewriter lmao. The whole remake got me really bad actually. THE most important game to my childhood got remade this year and delivered everything younger me and current me could've ever wanted AND MORE. They showed me a new rendition of a character I previously disliked that I now deeply relate to and who's arcs have taught me a new perspective on my real life and who is also getting me through a lot, much like Ada did all those years ago. This is a very long way of saying Ada and Luis are deeply engrained in my soul. But seriously. I know its probably in some way sad or comes off deeply out of touch with reality but the impact of these games and especially RE4 Remake currently is inexplicable.
And I have known people who've talked about how "new fans" ruin the games or characters for them. And I've seen a lot of people get pissed about kids getting into the games. But idk, first of all I'm happy more people are into the games (creepy or otherwise gross people excluded). And I don't think theres a world where someone could truly detatch me from these characters or this franchise. I've been through a lot with this special interest and idk that serves to have made it even more important to me.
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promptsausandshit · 2 years
Picture this; #464
A Month of Disabled Prompts;
(Note; While the goal is to do one a day, please go at your own pace, this is for fun after all!)
1.  Prompt blogger delays posts for months due to fatigue...and refusing to reorganise their posts so they could write less. Stubborness is a wicked little creature that bites.
2.  Who cares about not being able to form words clearly as long as you can scream in time with the music?
3.  They returned to find a fort made from old video tapes and honestly they should have expected as much.
4.  “You’re telling me that they are in correspondence with a space fairing species whose entire culture works via non-visual communication and not a single person thought to get me involved?”
5.  Parent and child get inventive with their game of catwalk fashion.
6.   They left their wheelchair in the same room as a sorcerer one time and this is what they get.
7.  Ballet production makes good use of their leads use of prosthetics to create a more dramatic and unique rendition of cinderella.
8.  Buying skincare products was a quest all of its own.
9.  “How many spoons do you think it would take me to kill him?”
10.  Each time their sibling finished the first draft of their story they rewrote it according to their reactions, as they could not remember the first time the draft gradually became a story that always left them smiling.
11.  Sometimes the only way to deal with gut pain is to speak spiteful dramatic poetry to the gods who may or maynot actually be around to listen.
12.  There’s a one man band whose body is an instrument, music follows him as he rolls by.
13.  They had a pocket book that no one knew about in which they kept a detailed list of meals that would suit their beloved.
14.  In an apocalyptic wasteland one traveller is struggling to teach their new robo buddy not to react to unintended comands and signals brought about by their terrets.
15.  “I’m telling you right now that if it isn’t colour coded then nothing is getting done.”
16.  The nurse caught them embroidering their hospital gown.
17.  Missing a sentimental tatoo, they find another means to carry that sentiment with them.
18.  Narcolepsy is somewhat less burdonsome when the deity of dreams and sleep likes to learn about the waking world.
19.  They had found it, the perfect material, the very thing that would cover as many surfaces in their home as feasably possible.
20.  “They call it the bowles of hell for a reason.”
21.  If they were going to be hooked up to these machines from now on they they were going to make sure they were cyber punk as possible.
22.  There is a woman in the woods whose hobby it is to knit custom gloves, scarves, socks and hats for those who struggle to find the right fit. All she needs in return is a story.
23.  The flatmate situation got a lot easier once it became clear that the chore schedule was unreadable to half the residence.
24.  They had sat at their side on one of their worst days in an attempt to comfort, when seeming to fail they offered to introduce their funnier friend only to turn away to reveal a crudely drawn face on the back of their bald head, which worked a lot better.
25.  Prophecies and dyslexia do not mix well...or perhaps they do?
26.  “Yes I still need it! Believe it or not vampirism is not a cure for paraplegia.”
27.  It was only once they introduced their knew friends to their family that they became aware as to why their face blindness was not an issue on this case and the reason said friends had been so baffled when they first met.
28.  Unable to play their instrument while wearing the wrist braces they struggle not to fall into a slump.
29.  Their grandfather boasted he could juggle anything they threw at him, and so he did, which led to a slight misunderstanding with the neighbours.
30.  Valentines was approaching, which meant they needed an epipen in every possible place they could store one.
31.  How to explain to a heat radiating alien that you have been lingering around them because their aura reduces pain without coming across as really wierd about it.
Completion Bonus!;
Do a one shot or a sketch for something you love that you haven’t had the chance to do for a while! Or read one chapter of an unfinished story! Or watch one episode or movie of that thing you like! Satisfy whatever urge you have right now, you have all the time in the world for this so relax and treat yourself, you did great!
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Hello, I love to encourage violence, please any of the following Choose Violence ask game questions you feel up to answering: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, and 25!
'Isn't that basically all of them?' Yes! yes, it is. If there are any I didn't list that you wanted to answer, feel free to answer those too. I love drama, give me the chisme, peel it and feed it to me like squapes.
LIKE SQUAPES. fun fact: i have a squapes keychain on my lanyard. (alongside shoebill, Crow destiny 2 and (redacted) from Pandaemonium)
I will do xiv because. because.
answers them all because i have the day off, why not
the character everyone gets wrong
thats tough bc every character has those ppl that get them utterly wrong; I have particular beef though with the "emet was right and hydaelyn was evil" crowd because it just. it glosses over everything Emet did and acts like what Hydaelyn had to do was the worstest ever amen how dare she, when its like. Both of these characters did what they thought was necessary, but there is a gulf of difference between "I would let billions die to bring my world back" and "I sundered the star to avert a far worse disaster"
because i think people fail to realize. they were just going to keep sacrificing to Zodiark lol. (ALSO THERES ENDWALKER SPOILER STUFF as to why I will die on the hill defending my crystal mom)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
see last ask! that was a dm a person sent me lmao. at least??? they warned me???
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
this is going to be hilarious coming from me but i'm not much a fan of most zenoswol or emetwol shippers (in spite of enjoying the former) because the discourse surrounding it all is fucking. INSANE. and there are just ways they mischaracterize both characters that drive me fucking BONKERS. So I stay in my brainworm corner with select people and I keep emet selch as a bitter ex because its honestly a lot funnier
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Amon/Fandaniel. Specifically the clown wearing Asahi's skinsuit and the guy from crystal tower. there is just. a vibe. about it. that i do not fucking like how the fans engage with it. i can't explain it concretely it just fucking bothers me.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
sorrows of werlyt is not gaius' redemption it is him suffering consequences of his actions. if its anything close to redemption atonement is probably a better word for it and also the wol still fuckin hates his guts you can see the faces in the cutscenes. he calls u a fried when at best ur coworkers for that.
also i'm a stormblood enjoyer till i fuckin die. this is not a discussion i had fun thats it that the message
9. worst part of canon
the fact that ARR didn't lean more into the fact that you were the WoL from 1.0, ARR's writing in general.
also in general there is more bits in the msq where i wish we could uh. bite back a little harder instead of just being a silent protagonist.
10. worst part of fanon
oh god. theres a lot. probably the uwu soft imperialism that people get up to with certain ships (esp bc certain characters canonically and categorically do NOT give a fuck about politics at all)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Aside from the obvious female characters I will defend until i fucking die (Lyse, Minfilia, ETC.).... Maxima! I just think he's neat. like was actually being genuine as a Populares, and saw that shit was fucked and noped out. also here, have this screen shot where my crimes gave him thot boots:
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13. worst blorboficiation
answered in last ask! theres 1 ur about to meet and 1 thats pandemonium relevant but yeah. bluuuuuhhhhh your milage may very
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Huh. I'm actually not super sure here besides things I've already bitched about. WAIT.
I fucking HATE when ppl have their wol who did not let go of heavensward trauma. like in that their wol didn't develop past it. especially if they're dark knights because. WHAT WAS THE POINT?
everyone handles grief differently ofc and its not a linear thing ever, but its so ?????????? to me that its like "my wol hasn't changed or let go or processed this at all".
what is the point if your character is never going to change or be affected? especially getting to shadowbringers??? thats all about grief and having a primo example of what NOT PROCESSING YOUR GRIEF does to you and can push you to?
like i'm not saying they shouldn't be affected at all, considering how much Haurchefant haunts you in the MSQ but like come on now. you've gotta move in some kind of direction.
(also smaller and pettier pet peeve: super 2edgy4me Azems. it feels so against what Azem was man, idk.)
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
my taste is flawless and impeccable and perfect. zenoswol may be the closest thing to an answer but like nah, its fucking funny.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
most of early ARR before waking sands
there is a bit after the first endwalker trial that i've sort of speedran on my subsequent runs, its not BAD, but it is a little jarring tonally the first time. i mildly appreciate it in hindsight because AFTER that endwalker cuts the brakes and is a semi rolling the down the hill at top speed emotionally, but it still like. please let me move on.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
alexander raids. mid as fuck honestly.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
oagh unfortunately i am a girlie who enjoys all the popular things in canon. The best answer is probably the Four Lords trial series. Its one of my favorites but people don't seem to talk about it much
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I actually don't have a ship that fits this. I only like like 2 of the canon/canon ships and i've always been a fan of most of the wolships that float around
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Emet Selch. I love grandpa war crimes, he's one of my favorite characters and favorite villains ever, i have literal merch of him, but holy shit he is the reason for so much twitter discourse. which is kind of funny and on brand but also jesus christ can people please just relax and learn to mute/block people and tags aaaa
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i don't know if this common or i just saw it a lot given my twitter algorithm but people have so. much. beef. with people who Persephone Azems. for some reason.
the reason is apparently they're most insufferable kind of straight girl shipper/emet selch fan but like aside from an occasional encounter on a wolqotd post, the two people i know/know of who actually have an Azem named Persephone are.
an mlm whose noriety comes from... being one of the biggest G'rahawol content creators/shippers
one of my lesbian friends who chose it for not shipping related reasons
and most of the time their highest crime is. an Azem named Persephone. that ships Azemet. like any genuine complaints there might be are like. not unique to this VERY NICHE SUBSET OF FANS but apparently they're sooooo common and soooo annoying.
like maybe just block and move on bc some of the complaining i see borders on being genuinely misogynistic like. its fandom pixels. RELAX.
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signedkoko · 8 months
Since you have so many requests now, here's a random fun thing for you, for when you just need a break from writing. Because I love your work (feel free to leave this in the ask box for however long you wish! <3)
Ramble about your fav characters. And I seriously mean ramble! I love seeing people gushing and explaining why x character is just the coolest thing ever created.
Hi!1 This was so super sweet, and when I saw it I was really excited! BUT I thought it would be way funnier if I plowed through all my requests (19 requests in four days, new record) and THEN answered this LMAO.
Honestly when it comes to hazbin hotel, my number one is Vox! For me, his colour scheme and deisgn are a plus, but his personality absolutely doe sit. He's cocky, he puts himself above everyone else, and he's just crazy funny (especially in his 'game day' outfit in the last episode, he acs just like I do a lot), I could rewatch his scenes a billion times!
For helluva boss, my favourite is Wally Wackford. Actually. I get teased for that, but him and Vox are a lot alike tbh, except Wally works hard every day with a billion different jobs. He's just so funny, I wish there was more of him shown to us! I have just accepted that no one except me really writes for him, so theres nothing left for me to eat. Even tho I love him, my fav ship in all of the series is Wally Wackford X Verosika LMAO I love it, its cute!
My favourite characters outside of the hellaverse are Mahito from JJK, Enmu and Obanai from Demon Slayer, and Vos, Spinister, Perceptor, Trepan, Overlord from IDW Transformers! I would go in on those, but its a lot of nerd shit not a lot of people around here will know about so I will stop there!
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morporkian-cryptid · 2 years
✨Lupin III Discworld AU✨
Miscellaneous headcanons
Aka stuff that didn't fit in the other posts
If you have ideas, headcanons, or even just vague vibes, please do reblog or send me an ask!
Rincewind is terrified of Zenigata. He once got arrested because he was startled by Zeni yelling LUPAAAAAAAAAN! and started running for the hills, making Zenigata believe he was Lupin in disguise.
Detective Yata befriended Head Secretary Drumknott after his and Zenigata's first visit to the Palace. They competitively compare their respective bosses, share filing tips, and commiserate about pencil theft (a quirk that Lupin has unfortunately copied from Lipwig). Drumknott accidentally called Vetinari "Sempai" once.
Zenigata tried to arrest the Luggage once, before the Watch explained to him why he shouldn't (apparently the Luggage eating his hat wasn't enough to deter him).
Lupin made Jigen one of those wristwatches that tell the phases of the moon (like the one Carrot made for Angua).
Lupin had a phase where he obsessively stole famous dwarf breads, prompting Carrot to ask to be assigned to the Lupin case with Zenigata.
The Gang adapting to the moon cycles and Jigen's transformations. Yeah. (I have a lot of feelings about werewolf!Jigen if you couldn't tell already)
The Thieves’ Guild and the Watch are competing to catch the Gang, but secretly Vimes is rooting for the Gang, because he dislikes Lupin only slightly less than he dislikes the Guild. Lupin knows at least a dozen different ways to escape from the Tanty (and has a hefty stock of Hope Spoons as a result). Vetinari probably planned to reassign him into public service, but has long since given up on the idea, and now only tolerates him as Enrichment for Lipwig.
For Jigen's birthday, every year Lupin steals a public figure's hat. Jigen returned Mustrum's hat (a custom wizard hat with drawers, a crossbow and an alcohol flask in it) the next day. The theft of Lipwig's golden winged postman cap lead to Adora-Belle claiming she didn't recognize him. Lupin's next target is Srgt. Detritus' ventilated helmet. (He hasn't tried to steal Vetinari's skullcap yet, probably because he retains a smidge of survival instinct.)
For Goemon's birthday Lupin raids the Assassin's Guild's museum of historical weapons, and pilfers anything that has a blade.
Jigen's greatest dream is to shoot Detritus' Piecemaker.
The Gang visits Lancre in an expedition to steal... I don't know what. There isn't much to steal in Lancre. They meet the local coven and Nanny Ogg starts hitting on Lupin. (I'm still unsure whether Lupin reciprocates, that would honestly be hilarious).
Zenigata regularly enlists Angua's help to track down the Gang. He's one of the rare outsiders to the Watch who's allowed to know that she's a werewolf. Angua has a personal rivalry with Jigen, who's constantly teasing her when they meet in human form.
Jigen and Bengo Macarona are exes. (Actually, would it be funnier is Bengo is Jigen's or Lupin's ex? He's Quirmian so it would make sense that he's met Lupin, but also he's a soccer player and he is JACKED.)
Goemon's Zantetsuken is a talking sword (like Kr!ng in The Color of Magic). Its personality is the living embodiment of Bushido, and it is extremely annoying. Fujiko stole it and ran from Agatea thinking she could make a fortune from it, but it kept insulting all her potential buyers. She was about to throw it in the Ankh when Goemon finally caught up with her. The Gang have threatened to throw it out the window countless times during long carriage rides. It's part of the reason why Goemon typically sits on the roof, and why Fujiko only rides on her horse golem and not in the carriage.
Again, if you have ideas, headcanons, or even just vague vibes for this AU, please do reblog or send me an ask!
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minglana · 9 months
also just to keep my train of thought abt catalan going
as i said in the other post i almost had a bcn accent shine through sometimes when i was a kid from hanging out a lot w my cousins. but i guess that after living for 6+ yrs with only my mom to speak catalan to daily (more or less) ive literally just retained the lleida accent (and i think thats beautiful). like in the US i genuinely did not speak to anyone else on the daily. and now i speak to my bcn friend like twice a year. and the rest of my family for a few weekends a yr too. i honestly dont know how my catalan has been able to stay so well in shape actually.
also like the fact that i dont watch tv or never received education in catalan also does things to my psyche because. i literally have the randomest words that i say in spanish instead of catalan? like idek how to explain it honestly. also i know that spanish in general (i havent seen it done by my friends) is used to sound 'more professional' or whatever but i personally only mix it into catalan to make something funnier. like some phrases are funnier if ur talking to someone in catalan but then randomly say a word/phrase in spanish. idk how to explain it tho but its almost like 'this is so stupid its not even worthy of saying in catalan' vibes to me yknow
idk idk i think about the way that i speak catalan a lot bc its obviously the biggest thing connecting me to my village (apart from my family of course) but i would be such a different person if i didnt speak catalan. but either way i feel like the way i grew up speaking catalan is the way that my mom grew up speaking catalan?? aka she spoke it at home and w her friends but not at school (the teachers were nice tho and shes never spoken of them punishing them tbh and never speaks bad abt them. thats why i say that its kinda similar to how ive grown up speaking it). except that i had. tv3 and super3 when i went to my grandparents house. like i could actually watch (GOOD) cartoons in catalan and had media of all types available in catalan.... so even in that aspect i feel kinda disconnected w catalan ppl my age.... ive grown up w half the culture there (the important part(s) imo) but theres always something thats missing
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cheese-water · 1 year
hi im sorry I just need to ramble gen loss crap somewhere this s relating to the pole you did I really don’t wanna ramble literal paragraphs in tags:
The dehumanization of content creator by both corporations and fans alike: Lets me honest this is just kind a the surface metaphorical meaning of it all im pretty its been confirmed if not I dont think I need to explain why.
How when our perception of reality is manipulated, our choices mean nothing: tbh this is kinda correct in a way?? Because it all ends in Ranboo dying right? Like let’s if he refuses to do the activities in ep 2 like he’s just gonna die yknow? Like the more you think about it our own choices didn’t really matter they all lead up to the ending scene of rans death. What if we chose live? Something tells me showfall would just erase his memory and reuse them and then the cycle could repeat until inevitable death.
One of many attempts to escape the facility that always ends in death: Kinda what i js said but like: Also it would be extremely hard for Ranboo in any way to escape. Primarily bc mind control. But let’s say that doesn’t apply. Try to escape the mall? Let’s be real the doors are gonna be jammed and there’s showfall people everywhere they’re probably just gonna inject Ranboo with something. Tries to prove to the cameras he being held hostage by showfall? In a ‘real world’ situation Is anyone gonna believe him? They might just think he’s acting. At some point showfall is js gonna get bored of dealing with them and just off him.
also did you see sneeg trying to escape-
The sanitization of today's media to better cater to and profit off of children: I could see this because it is also a VERY common thing in the world with like family channels, child beauty pageants, and what is more similar to genloss’s implementation of this: Ranboo blew up when he was 17! Tommy and Tubbo 16! They were literal minors! They were kids! It was and still is disgusting how much sexual content was produced of them when they were CHILDREN. There are endless examples of this: hundreds, if not THOUSANDS or articles made about an ‘offensive comment’ that was literally just taken out of context, tiktoks and threads saying THAT THEY SHOULD GROW UP?? they are kids!
honestly unsure what the cannon ages of the genloss characters are but if were going by irl ages Ranboo is still 19! Honestly more rambling about how kinda sad this is like, bro is 19 he is literally getting doxxed, death threats, and still creating genloss! Like their 19 and made a work that was considered for an Emmy! (Also being the only not virtual reality work)
The favorable interpretation of events we're supposed to believe vs. the truth: A LOT of ep 2 how they par-take in these games with seem innocent at first, just playing some mouse trap, introducing yourself, etc. but they are literally being held a gunpoint. The scene where Ranboo rips open Charlie it just seems like a comedic scene but for a few seconds the slime is blood. Ranboo is being forced to rip open Charlie simply to survive himself. The puzzler straight up shoots Niki TWICE and the audience(LITERALLY US LOL) feel bad, but a lot people find it funny(kinda is tho- low key loved that scene) obviously Niki is alive so its funnier but what if she actually died?
here’s more of my ramble on genloss meanings and stuff
I just the horrible effects of social media. hate from just being yourself, hate for being ‘fake’/ a ‘catfish’, hate for having fun, hate for not enjoying yourself and people telling you should be grateful. To the point where instead of being yourself you force yourself to shape into this emotionless mold just to appeal to the internet. You could try to ask for help(ranboo spelling sos in Morse code w hand),but your to far gone “you already bought a ticket and there’s no turning back now” I know this isn’t the most accurate but it’s literally 4am lol
Social Media|Showfall Media ya see it?
Srry for the such unorganized thoughts and crap im a dying autistic. -☁︎🪷(just a name to recognize me by you never know also I’m rambling more here about random shit-)
I’ve been trying to think of a response to this ask for a solid five minutes but I just can’t. I just, I’m so so so happy right now. Like, literally smiling ear to ear. You have no idea how happy this makes me. :DDDDD
I adore analyzing media to pieces but with genloss specifically, I also enjoy understanding all of the different influences and interpretations from the audience. Normally, once I find an interpretation I like (either created by me, the most popular, or simply the first one I see) I stick with it, hard. All future thoughts about that media run through the certain interpretation filter only, which isn’t y’know the most open mindset I’ll admit lmao. I think what was different about genloss was a combination of me being a genlosser from the very beginning, being share my theories publicly for the first time, and probably the biggest reason, I didn’t believe the most popular interpretation.
I’ve always been an OUR CHOICE DOESNT MATTER believer since the beginning and could never get on the content creator exploitation train before it left the station. So I guess it gave me a different perspective in regards to reading and sharing analysis posts. Somehow both more critical and more understanding, like I could tell you how the dehumanizing cc theory only applies to eps 2 and 3, while acknowledging that the end of ep 3 literally had a choice that supposedly did matter so who tf cares we’re all having fun. And then I wondered if the cc interpretation was the most popular one and now we’re here.
And so far, it turns out that yeah it very much is lol. But all the notes going into detail about why they believe what they believe just gave me so much more insight and appreciation for the theory. Not just that one but all other interpretations, timeloops, capitalism allegories, your social media parallels just to name a few, have grown a special place in my heart in a way that hasn’t happened to me before genloss. Idk it’s just very cool and I love hearing ‘em all.
Also so I can be told very obvious things I haven’t noticed before. Like how am I just now understanding Social Media -> Showfall Media pfffff
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