#i chose it in hopes that it would make my fics seem more approachable :)
solalunar-eclipse · 2 years
Lonely Stars
Rating: T
Characters: Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, E-123 Omega, Eclipse the Darkling, Dark Arms
Summary: Shadow and Eclipse are now stuck on the same planet, with no other blood relatives around. It’s only inevitable that they keep running into each other...but what effect will this have on how they see the other’s way of life?
The sun scorched irritatingly across endless swathes of golden sand, situated in the midst of the biggest desert in all of Efrika. There wasn’t a single bit of shade in sight aside from the giant pyramid towering over the landscape…much to the frustration of the five aliens currently heading towards it.
Eclipse stalked towards the long-abandoned pyramid (a well-disguised and defunct Eggman base), his eyes narrowed. He was already annoyed that it had taken him months to rig up his shuttle so it would even hold together long enough to get him to this pyramid, and now his feet were burning? This place had better be worth his time.
A general question appeared in his mind from the direction of Blurk, a cube-shaped alien.
“For the last time, Blurk, we’re here because I was told a long time ago that this planet has some kind of giant abandoned colony up in space.” he grumbled. “If what I remember is right, we might be able to use that to finally get our revenge!”
Rhygenta nuzzled up to him worriedly, their single eye as wide as it could get.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay! I did a scan with the shuttle’s radar and this place is super empty, remember? It’s the only base with a strong enough teleporter anyway, so we have to use it.” he added, more softly this time.
It was easy enough for Eclipse and the four Dark Arms to get inside—aside from the sand pits, but those were passed easily enough with a little help from Cregal. After that, though, they were forced to wander through a maze, search for well-hidden keys to open a couple of doorways, and then they still had to look throughout the entire pyramid just to find the teleporter room. “Someone must’ve been really dedicated to their decor.” the darkling muttered, rolling his eyes at the ancient theme inside Eggman’s base.
While he was busy complaining, three other figures managed to enter the base undetected from an entirely different direction. 
“Are you sure the signs led this way, Omega?” Rouge asked, frowning. “I can’t hear anything nearby.”
The bat turned to Shadow, more than a little concerned. “And are you okay to do this mission, hon? I know this might still be a sore spot for you.”
The hedgehog sighed. “I don’t know. I mean, I hope it’ll be okay, but...” He shifted awkwardly, a little embarrassed. “…we started talking about tying up this loose end a while ago, right? I don’t know if it’ll be easy, especially now that we’ve had to dig everything up all over again, but I know you two always say it’s important to try.” he sighed.
Rouge smiled warmly at him. “Aw, hon, look at how far you’ve come! I’m so proud of you.”
Shadow looked away, blushing faintly. “Thank you…”
And with that, they headed into the base.
Thanks to Rouge and Shadow’s prior experience with this particular pyramid, Team Dark made it to the control room at about the same time as Eclipse, despite the latter’s head start.
“You?!” the darkling cried, infuriated. 
“YES. US.” Omega boomed.
Eclipse snarled. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll just have to defeat you three and get that cannon in the bargain!”
Omega and Shadow both rushed him at once, and he soon found himself hard pressed to fight two on one, even with the Dark Arms at his side. “Blurk, armor!” he yelped, seconds before the robot’s fist would have collided with (and crushed) his face. 
After a minute or two, he gained enough breathing room to notice that Rouge wasn’t even bothering to fight. “What do you think you’re doing?” he yelled, breaking free of a half-formed hold by Shadow to rush at her. 
“What’s it look like, babe? Shutting the computer down!“ she chirped, smirking. “Permanently.”
“Oh no you don’t!” Eclipse roared, slamming into her side as hard as he could.
Suddenly, alarms began blaring across the whole complex. “Now look what you’ve done!” Rouge shouted, though she didn’t seem completely upset.
“W-what did I do?!” Eclipse cried, reeling backwards in surprise at the ear-splitting noise. 
“You just triggered a total energy overload.” Rouge shot back. “In twenty seconds, this room is going to seal to keep the entire place from exploding!”
Eclipse blanched. “Dark Arms! We have to get out of here now!”
Shadow grasped Rouge and Omega’s arms, crying “Chaos Control!” as they vanished in a flash of light.
“Come on, let’s go!” Eclipse shrieked, racing for the exit…
…and then everything went black.
Team Dark had been waiting at Eclipse’s shuttle for too long. At first, they made some stilted small talk about the fight (“At least he didn’t dislocate my arm this time, I guess.” Rouge had quipped). However, as the minutes stretched on, even they began to worry.
“Yeah…” Shadow muttered. “What if they got lost?”
Rouge gasped. “There’s the smaller ones now, but where’s Eclipse?” she said, pointing to four little dots fleeing the pyramid.
The creatures rushed towards the shuttle and began to tug at Shadow’s arms and hands, pulling him back towards the hidden base. “Whoa, wait, what?” he asked, pulling away from them. “What is it?”
All four of them began to chirp urgently in their own language, but none of the three could understand it…until suddenly Omega had an idea.
A few seconds later, four voices began to spill out through his speakers, all overlapping and cutting each other off. 
“Can’t move…”
“WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO CONVEY?” Omega asked, turning it off again before his own audio systems overloaded.
“I suspect that Eclipse is unconscious and trapped in the pyramid.” Shadow said quietly. 
The Dark Arms keened and whimpered at him, their message obvious. Please help him.
He sighed, somewhat reluctantly. “I suppose I can.”
Immediately, all four sagged with relief, the cube-shaped one even sinking into the sand with the force of their emotion. Shadow blasted off and into the pyramid, grimacing as the waves of energy began to interfere with his own use of Chaos. He was barely able to use his powers on the way in, but he certainly wouldn’t be able to by the time they had to get out.
He strained to pull together his last shreds of Chaos energy, gritting his teeth as he teleported through the sealed door. Inside, the room was a mess—debris was strewn across the whole place, bathed in pulsing red and blue light from the alarm system and the overloading core. Halfway across the floor, Eclipse lay unconscious, his body limp next to a medium-sized chunk of rock.
Cautiously, Shadow scooped him up and into his arms, making sure not to jostle his head. He rushed to the blast doors and set Eclipse down briefly before beginning to pry them open. Eventually, they creaked apart just enough that Shadow was able to slip through with the darkling in tow.
As he skated down the halls, though, he began to hear an ominous rumbling sound behind him…
The hedgehog gasped as cyan liquid began to pour out of the opening into the hall behind him and started skating faster. He leapt up onto a rail just as the energized coolant—whose holding chamber had finally given way—threatened to catch up, actually grinding his way out of the pyramid.
Unbeknownst to him, Eclipse had begun to wake up from all the noise. “Ugh…wha…?” he mumbled softly, looking up at Shadow. The last thing he remembered was passing out in that room—and-!
“Ah! D…Dark Arms!” he breathed, his eyes widening. “Where…”
Shadow glanced down at him, leaping from one track to another in the process. “Stay calm. We’ll be out soon.”
“But…they…” Eclipse wheezed.
“They’re safe.” the hedgehog replied gently, understanding. “All four of them are waiting outside at a safe distance for you.”
“Nnh…” he mumbled, letting his head fall back again. “Good.”
Shadow burst out of the temple, not stopping for an instant—as seconds later, the entire structure exploded in a burst of light. The Dark Arms hovered around Rouge and Omega in agitation, chirping nervously as Shadow hurried towards them.
He settled Eclipse down on the sand, leaving a little bit of space to allow the four creatures to fuss over their caretaker. Carefully, the hedgehog placed his hand on the back of the other’s head. Golden light trickled from his palm, seeping into the darkling’s body and healing his mild head wounds. Soon enough, he was able to sit up and look around more fully…
…but the second he did so, he jerked away from Shadow’s touch, finally registering what had just happened.
“You—you came back for me?” Eclipse asked, incredulous. “Why?”
“They asked me to.” the hybrid replied simply, gesturing to the Dark Arms.
A couple of the creatures in question helped balance him as he scrambled to his feet, his legs still a little shaky from the combined stress of near death and rapid healing. “Yeah, and what? You just listened all of a sudden? Like I’m supposed to believe that.” he scoffed.
“I did, actually.” Shadow replied, straightening up slightly. “I don’t like having lives on my conscience.”
“Ha!” Eclipse barked, his face twisting into a sneer. “Tell that to Black Death, I’m sure he’d love to hear that one!”
The hybrid winced. “That was…complicated.” he said tightly, turning away. “I wish that I had been able to think of a better action at the time, but unfortunately I did not have the benefit of hindsight.”
“Oh, what, now you want to be sorry? Now? It’s way too late for that, Shadow.” he snarled.
“I don’t expect your forgiveness. I just…am trying my best to gain a better perspective on what happened back then.” Shadow said. “Sometimes that means learning not to blame myself for things that weren’t my fault, and sometimes that just means figuring out how to live with the actions I took.”
Eclipse growled furiously as he stumbled over to his shuttle. “You’re lucky I’m in no shape to fight you right now, or else you’d be nothing more than a smear on this sand.” 
Slamming the doors shut, the darkling raced to fire up the ship and get it out of there as quickly as possible before Shadow could change his mind about fighting. It was only once they were soaring safely in the stratosphere that he allowed himself to relax, beckoning the Dark Arms closer with a sigh.
Flashes of distress and worry emanated from all four of them, and he did his best to soothe their concerns as they flew to a secluded place in the midst of a forest. Only once the ship had touched down did Eclipse allow himself to sigh in relief. 
A while ago, he had been forced to flee Angel Island (and the combined wrath of Knuckles and Shadow) after a botched attempt at stealing the Master Emerald. In fact, the only reason he’d escaped at all was a last-ditch save from Rhygenta. At the time, he’d barely been able to land G.U.N.’s shuttle in this particular spot in the woods before he and the Dark Arms had collapsed from exhaustion. 
Since then, over the past six or so months, he’d been too busy planting the last few seeds from the fruit he’d been able to cultivate on Angel Island, patching up the Dark Arms, and carefully stealing parts to rebuild the shuttle after his less than perfect landing to actually exact his revenge on Shadow. 
This raid on the Space Colony ARK had been supposed to—at the very least—allow him to dig up some ammunition on his traitorous relative, and at best provide him with a weapon to menace the planet with at a later date…and yet he’d been foiled again.
Eclipse ground his teeth irritably. “Why can’t I just have even one win against him? What am I missing?!”
The Dark Arms clustered around him sympathetically, but despite their best efforts, he found himself sinking further and further into despair as time went on. “...Father…” he murmured, an odd sensation prickling behind his eyes, “What would you have done?” 
The darkling swallowed thickly, his hands tightening into fists as the pain behind his eyes grew worse. Nervously, Blurk offered up a funny memory—the day they’d somehow managed to get stuck inside a tree was one that usually made him smile. Eagerly, Cregal and Cyzer brought up their own as well, while Rhygenta simply nestled into Eclipse’s chest.
Eclipse let out a single shaky sob, sinking back into the chair as he allowed himself a wobbly smile. “Thank you…all of you.” he said, his voice trembling slightly.
Sitting back against the backrest, he let himself get lost in the good memories the Dark Arms had, relieved that he could at least have given them this.
It was the next morning, as Eclipse was carefully inspecting the fruit trees to make sure none had died or were beginning to fail, that a new idea hit him. One thing that had always been a vital part of every single Black Comet was a memory core, passively linked into the hivemind. It would record every thought and every moment that transpired from the moment of the comet’s creation until its destruction, so that the knowledge it contained could be salvaged by other Black Arms and the memories of others could live on. 
So if Eclipse could only find his comet’s memory core, then he might be able to remember some of Black Death’s plans and work out a new way to defeat Shadow!
…and maybe, just maybe, he might be able to see some part of his father again.
Immediately, he rushed back to the shuttle, powering up its scanning systems and programming them to search for the specific characteristics of the core. Within moments, he had a ping on the screen—and it was only about a hundred miles from his location! So long as he didn’t power up the ship to its full extent, Team Dark shouldn’t be able to locate him either, which meant that he was essentially free to go right this second.
Within moments, he’d gathered the four Dark Arms into the ship and taken off, desperate to find some last remnant of his Comet, no matter how small. He could hardly wait; each passing second seemed longer to him than the last.
The moment the shuttle touched down in a field, Eclipse smacked the button to open the doors and stumbled outside, hurrying towards the half hidden black and red object. It was vaguely cone-shaped, and pulsed occasionally with a red light.
The moment Eclipse’s fingers brushed against the core, a wave of disappointment hit him with incredible force.
It was the wrong one.
Somehow, he’d ended up discovering the memory core from Black Doom’s comet instead.  For a moment, Eclipse felt ready to give up, but then he pressed his hands to it again, reaching for the memories stored within it. Even if these weren’t his own home’s thoughts, he’d never gotten a chance to meet his uncle, after all. Maybe, as a matter of fact, this would be his one and only chance to connect with him.
Eclipse dove back in, preparing himself for a long, long story.
Much later, he blinked awake, shaking his head. “Ugh…that felt like forever.” He turned to the Dark Arms. “How long was I out?”
The four couldn’t quite agree, nearly leading to a squabble between Cregal and Cyzer, but in the end they settled on about half an hour. Eclipse sighed. “Alright then—I just looked at the parts where they interacted with this planet to start with, but I think I need to go back over it again and see if I can figure out what went wrong with Shadow.”
The five lifted the core together, hauling it back to the shuttle so that Eclipse could study the recordings in a modicum of safety. Once they were all inside, the darkling provided the others with a bit of fruit first before settling down to watch it again.
This time, nearly a quarter of the way through, he stopped.
“How did Shadow manage to give himself amnesia?” he muttered. From the moment that the hybrid joined the hivemind, it became very clear that he was missing almost all of the memories he’d had when Eclipse had first met him, with only a tiny fraction regarding Rouge and Omega remaining.
Eclipse wound back to the beginning in search of clues. He rewatched the scene where Black Doom first confronted the traitorous hedgehog a third time, frowning in concentration—and then froze. The human phrase ‘third time’s the charm’ sprang to his mind unbidden, as he stared blankly at the wall. 
What had Black Doom been doing?
Eclipse had suspected, of course, that something had gone wrong, some mistake had been made. But Doom promising answers about the past, some of which he truthfully could not provide, to his own amnesiac son, only on the condition that all seven Chaos Emeralds were delivered to him first, was just…cruel. Unfatherly, to say the least. 
Eclipse had expected that Shadow would receive a much more familial treatment, since he hadn’t actually done anything to hurt the Black Arms back then—seriously, Shadow hadn’t even remembered most of his time with the humans, so all of the brainwashing they’d probably done to him was gone as well. Rouge and Omega had spent time with him, sure, but it wasn’t like they’d moralized to him about the value of life and such.
That meant that Black Doom could have promised Shadow a purpose. He could have offered him a life with everything he’d ever wanted…but instead he purposefully kept Shadow in the dark about his own origins, his own family, for what? A little extra leverage? Even Eclipse knew that duty born from love was far stronger than from sheer curiosity, no matter how desperate.
It seemed to him that honestly, Black Doom had thrown away the best shot the Black Arms had ever had at getting Shadow on their side.
The darkling sighed, rubbing his brow irritably. The best he could get from this core now would be information on what not to do, he thought.
As he continued through the memories, he found himself more and more bewildered by Black Doom’s choices. Forcing Shadow to remember and relive one of his worst memories? As much as it might have shown the worst of humanity, Doom could have just told him about it, or shown him less personal examples. Making him reenact it all over again threw extra points away that he could easily have scored.
Trying to kill literally the only two people who had ever even considered Shadow’s feelings (as ridiculous as they might be)? He’d learned the hard way that that was the wrong idea too.
Eclipse shut down the recording the moment Super Shadow came into view. He didn’t want or need to see what was coming next, anyway.
The darkling rubbed his forehead, irritated beyond belief. It looked like he was back to square one all over again. 
“Well, this is just fantastic.” Eclipse said sarcastically, his voice echoing off the rock walls.
“Listen, I want to be here about as much as you do. Maybe even less.” Shadow muttered.
Somehow, they had ended up in an even more frustrating mess than last time, if Eclipse was being honest. It had started out normally, with Team Dark showing up (again) to try and stop him, this time from finding a power cell to replace the one in the shuttle. It had burnt out recently when the darkling tried to increase its power, meaning that he couldn’t travel long distances until it was replaced. The team, having had their own suspicions about what Eclipse might want a Chaos-powered energy cell for, had come to halt his plans to snatch one from yet another old Eggman base. 
Unfortunately for both of them, the base had been much more structurally unsound than expected, and part of the building had caved in, trapping Shadow and Eclipse inside a small area with walls so thick that the former couldn’t even teleport. Rouge and Omega had gone to find tools to help get them out, since none of them had discovered any Chaos Emeralds recently (to the bat’s great disappointment).
So now Eclipse, the Dark Arms, and Shadow were stuck in a confined space. Together.
The darkling rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
They sat in silence for all of a minute before Eclipse got bored and began to speak again.
“So…I found the memory core for Black Doom’s comet,” he began, watching Shadow curiously. “Since it stores basically everything that happened in that hivemind, I had to ask—how’d the “Ultimate Lifeform” end up with amnesia?”
The hybrid glowered at him. “And why exactly do you care?”
“I want to know what was strong enough to beat you. After all, just because I can’t defeat you in one-on-one combat doesn’t mean nothing can!” Eclipse smirked.
Shadow sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly. “I fell nearly two hundred miles directly from orbit to the planet’s surface at terminal velocity.” he said flatly.
The darkling froze. This time, the silence lasted only a few seconds.
“How are you still alive?!” he shrieked, skittering backwards slightly until his back pressed against the wall.
“It’s just like you said—I’m the Ultimate Lifeform.” Shadow said, somewhat proudly. “But really, Dr. Robotnik helped me as well (for his own reasons, of course) by putting me into stasis. That allowed me to heal properly and significantly increased my chances of survival.” he added.
“Okay, okay—ignoring the fact that you survived a descent that even the Black Comet can’t handle, why were you falling from space in the first place?” Eclipse asked, looking like he might develop a headache any second now.
“That’s easy. I was saving the planet from immediate destruction.” the hybrid replied.
“Ugh, of course you were. Bleh.” Eclipse stuck his tongue out in disgust.
“Listen, the people of this world are worth saving, whether you believe it or not.”
“How, exactly? Why don’t you tell me, since we’re already talking and you’re so righteous about it all the time anyway.” the darkling sneered. Secretly, though, he really did want to hear Shadow’s answer, mainly as a confirmation of either his cruelty or the brainwashing he might have undergone.
Shadow took a deep breath, a certain degree of peace entering his expression. “I will concede that not all people will be good, and not all people will contribute to the world—some do make it a worse place to be. But there are so many who work to make life better for others, whether they know it or not, that it’s worth it to let them all live. The benefits can outweigh the drawbacks, if we only give people a chance to prove it. Destroying the world merely destroys any chance that they have to improve things.”
Eclipse stared at him for a moment.
Shadow shifted awkwardly. “What? Listen, I don’t expect you to believe it—”
“No.” the darkling said. “No, it’s just…that last part’s almost exactly the same as what I said to F—uh, Black Death when he asked me what the point of the Dark Arms was.”
“Well, isn’t that something.” Shadow murmured, almost to himself.
“But, uh, I guess that means you really care about this planet, don’t you.” Eclipse added irritably, determined not to let his shock show.
Shadow shrugged. “The planet and the people on it are two different things. Do I care about the planet? Yes, absolutely. Do I care about the people living on it? …not all of them, that’s for sure.”
Eclipse blinked twice. “Did you just say you don’t care about everyone in this world?”
“Of course not! I could never—some of them are awful.” the hybrid explained. “I just don’t think anyone else should get to decide who lives and who dies, because inevitably some of the good people will get punished for the actions of the bad.”
“Huh.” Eclipse hummed, sitting back against the wall. “I guess you’re smarter than I gave you credit for.”
“And…you have a bigger heart than I gave you credit for.” Shadow said quietly. “You really do love both the Black Arms and your four friends there.”
“Well, obviously!” Eclipse cried. “Why did you think I spared you the first time we met?”
Shadow’s head shot up, his eyes nearly boring holes into the darkling’s head. “A living weapon is worth more alive than dead, ‘obviously’.”
“Wh—b—no! You were my brother! Family sticks together, no matter what!” Eclipse was shocked. “What, you thought I just wanted to use you for my own gain and that’d be it?”
“I mean, that’s literally all you did do.” Shadow shot back.
“I didn’t have time! If we’d repelled the invasion, you would’ve seen everything! I just needed you to stop fighting until I had the time to convince you that this was better!”
The hybrid sighed. “You could have just talked to me without the possession aspect, you know.”
“Oh, like that would’ve worked?”
“It would, actually.” Shadow snapped. “Ask Omega if you don’t believe me.”
Eclipse scowled. “That thing will say whatever you tell it to.”
Shadow leapt to his feet. “That ‘thing’ is my friend, and he has plenty of free will. Believe me, if I could stop him from speaking whenever I wanted, I would’ve suffered a lot less public embarrassment in my life.” The last part of his sentence turned fond and amused, suggesting that he cared less about that than he let on.
Two nearly identical screams rang out, followed by a distinctly embarrassed silence. 
Rouge snickered. “Don’t worry, it’s only us. We’ll have you out of there in just a few minutes!”
“It’s good to hear you again, at least.” Shadow said sarcastically.
The hybrid bit back a smile at that response.
After that, there was a more comfortable lull in the conversation for a few minutes as Rouge and Omega worked to free the other two. The Dark Arms did wince occasionally at the scrape of tools on rock, but a hug from Eclipse seemed to settle them down somewhat.
“Hey, robot.” the darkling called skeptically after a while. “Shadow says to ask you if talking would’ve worked to convince him to help us on the Black Comet. What do you think of that?”
Omega paused his work for a moment, turning to stare through the small gap he’d made directly at his friend, ignoring Eclipse entirely. “SHADOW. PERMISSION TO SHARE RECORDING?”
“…sure, go ahead.” Shadow muttered.
<When you turned on Dr. Eggman and became a force for good, did you have difficulty…warring against other robots? Your own kind?>
<…no reason. Forget I asked.>
Eclipse fell silent for the fifth time in their imprisonment. 
“…so, according to him, at least, you did feel regret. Even at the time.”
“Yes.” Shadow said softly, staring off into the distance.
Even after Rouge and Omega had freed them all from the cavern, Shadow and Eclipse both remained quiet and did not speak to each other again until they had left the base and gone their separate ways. 
The Dark Arms nervously tried to comfort Eclipse as he walked away, still confused more than anything. Before he left, the darkling hesitated and for a moment, looked back—but what he saw didn’t really surprise him at all.
After all, Rouge and Omega were only doing the exact same thing with Shadow.
About a week after the time Shadow had gotten trapped in a cavern with Eclipse, Rouge and Omega disappeared. 
As soon as he had realized that they were missing and not just (fashionably) late to lunch, the hybrid became frantic, rushing all over the city in a desperate attempt to find his friends. The moment his phone buzzed, he pulled it out, hoping beyond anything for a text from his friends saying that everything was okay.
Instead, he received a mocking video from Eggman, showing his friends trapped in specially designed cells and unable to escape.
Shadow couldn’t help but grumble under his breath as he teleported back to his apartment (and not just because he’d need to get new antivirus software from Tails). He’d met the doctor enough times by now to know that he wasn’t going to hurt either of them—no, what he really wanted was for Shadow to show up. What he didn’t know was why…yet, anyway.
Carefully, he used Rouge’s special computer, completely encrypted even to anything Eggman might have, to trace the location of the message and get an aerial view or two of his current base. Just as he had finished his preparations and prepared to set off, though, he heard a loud banging at the window.
Shadow pinched his brow with a quiet sigh as he went to investigate. He’d been completely ready to go, and now this just had to interrupt him.
The moment he saw a frantic Eclipse perched on his windowsill, though, all of his frustrations vanished.
Carefully unlatching the locks, Shadow pulled the window open and hauled Eclipse inside. The moment the darkling’s feet touched the floor, he began to babble desperately, clinging to Shadow’s arm like he was a life preserver in the middle of the ocean.
“—and now they’re gone and I don’t know where to find them or what to do—”
“Slow down.” Shadow said calmly, turning Eclipse to face him. “Take a deep breath.”
He sucked in air abruptly, gasping.
“Now then. What happened?”
“The Dark Arms are gone!” he wailed, nearly on the verge of tears. “These—robots, they came and put them in this weird glass jar or something and just flew off, and, and I couldn’t do anything because I was too slow!”
He whimpered fearfully, his whole body threatening to curl in on itself. “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to them, and I didn’t know where else to go…”
“What did these robots look like?” Shadow asked.
“They were big, and red, and round…”
“Did they have really weird smiles on their faces?”
Shadow sighed. “The same person took Rouge and Omega. I was about to go fight him when you showed up.”
“Let me help you!” Eclipse cried. “I have to make sure my Dark Arms are okay!”
“…alright. But you have to follow my lead.”
“Of course, anything!” the darkling said desperately.
Shadow looked at him sympathetically. “Then let’s go.”
One shout of “Chaos Control!” and a flash of light later (because Shadow had learned never to go on missions without a Chaos Emerald again), the two stood directly in front of a large metal building. 
And that was when the explosions started.
“You couldn’t have teleported us inside the building?!” Eclipse screamed, sprinting away.
“I can’t teleport to places I haven’t seen properly! Would you rather materialize half inside a wall?” Shadow shouted, dodging blasts and rushing at the door.
“Chaos Spear!” 
Eclipse stared as Shadow wrenched the now blackened doors open with only his hands. “Maybe you defeating an entire army isn’t so impossible after all.”
Shadow’s ear twitched, but he showed no other reaction. “Come on. They’re all going to be waiting for us.”
They crept through the halls, staying well out of sight of any cameras or robot patrols.
“This is suspicious.” Shadow murmured, after a few strangely quiet minutes. “His bases aren’t normally this empty. He must want us to find him.”
“Well, the faster we do that, the better for us, right?” Eclipse said, hurrying forward.
Shadow looked around warily. “I don’t know about that…”
A few minutes later, they found the control room. Inside, Rouge was trapped in a small cell while Omega was held within an electromagnetic field, and the Dark Arms were stuck in four individual capsules.
Eclipse rushed forward, determined to free them—until the ground began to shake and rumble.
“What is this!?” he cried.
Shadow’s expression tightened. “It’s as I suspected. The doctor didn’t really want those Dark Arms here…he wanted to lure you and I in.”
“Oh ho ho, how right you are, Shadow!” Eggman cried, rising up from the floor in a giant robot. (At the back of the room, Rouge rolled her eyes at him, and Omega glared daggers into his back.)
“But of course, you will still have to fight me in order to get your friends back!” he added smugly.
Immediately, Eclipse charged at the robot, sliding between its legs and crawling up the back to the power pack. As Shadow launched a Chaos Spear, Eggman grabbed the darkling and hurled him across the room, slamming him into the opposite wall. All four of the Dark Arms shrieked in terror at the sight.
Snarling, Eclipse stood up—but then, he happened to notice a Chaos Emerald loaded into a nearby panel. He darted to one side, snatching it up and rapidly growing into his giant form with a snarl. 
He slammed into the robot at top speed, nearly knocking it over, while Shadow leapt away from its next strike and hurled another Chaos Spear. Then, though, the hybrid noticed something that made him freeze. 
Eggman was completely unfazed by any of this. Despite the fact that he was losing badly, he even seemed to be enjoying it.
Shadow teleported directly to the top of the robot, hovering behind its head and eyeing the readouts on the doctor’s screen suspiciously. While Eclipse kept him busy, Shadow managed to notice one that Eggman kept coming back to again and again…
Which turned out to be a detailed analysis of his and Eclipse’s Chaos usage.
“Eclipse!” Shadow cried. “You have to power down your form, now!”
“Why?” the darkling shouted back. “I’ve almost got him!”
“Yes, but he’s collecting data on how we use Chaos energy!” Shadow called out, making the doctor grind his teeth. “Every time you hit him like that, you’re helping him teach his robots how to fight us!”
“Would you shut up?!” the doctor yelled suddenly, becoming irritated for the first time…which only served to prove his point.
The darkling stared at Eggman for a long moment, growling furiously, before transforming back to his regular size and rushing over to Shadow. “Well then, what are we supposed to do now?” he grumbled.
“Well, I’m going to do this.” Shadow said calmly, and then promptly picked up Eclipse and threw him directly at the head of the robot.
The darkling automatically clutched at the plastic shielding protecting Eggman with his claws, before whipping his head around to stare at Shadow. “What was that??” 
He shrugged, palms up, but there was amusement glinting in his eyes. “Since I can’t use Chaos attacks, this seemed like the next best option.”
“Oh, so that’s how it is, hmm?” Eclipse shot back, grinning. “Well then, let’s fight!”
He clawed into the plastic as deeply as he could, taking swipes at it until it was heavily weakened. Unfortunately, he was thrown off again before he could break through, and the two were forced to spend some time attacking the legs and arms of the thing until those began to fail as well.
After a few minutes, Eclipse noticed Shadow revving up a spindash on the floor and smiled wickedly. He curled his tail around a suddenly very surprised half-hedgehog and hurled him through the air as quickly as possible, finally breaking the plastic shielding Eggman.
Within moments, Eclipse had crawled up to the top of the robot and had one hand fisted in the doctor’s coat. The point of his tail gleamed dangerously in the light. “Today is the last day you walk this planet, you—!”
Suddenly, a bright light flared to life, and when the two aliens had cleared the spots from their eyes, Eggman was gone. 
The darkling growled furiously. “How dare he run away! That coward…”
Shadow sighed tiredly. “He does have a tendency to escape at the last moment.” he muttered, his voice accompanied by a tapping sound as he opened up the cages.
“Wait, what’re you—Dark Arms!” Eclipse cried, holding open his arms as the now freed creatures rushed over to him. “He didn’t hurt any of you, did he? Cregal, Cyzer, you didn’t try anything silly?”
The cube-shaped being hummed happily, and Eclipse smiled. “I’m happy to see you too, Blurk. And—Rhygenta?” he gasped, looking around to see where the fourth one had gone.
Rhygenta was hovering nervously in front of Shadow, who had just had his own joyful moment with Rouge (who had been playfully berating Shadow for not giving her enough time to find her own way out) and Omega. 
Suddenly, they summoned up all their courage, and darted forward to press into the hybrid’s chest fluff for a moment before retreating shyly. 
“I think they’re trying to say thank you.” Eclipse explained.
“It was no trouble.” Shadow said softly, inclining his head for a moment.
“Maybe we’ll have to do that again sometime—it was actually pretty fun.” Eclipse said, his brain barely even registering the words his mouth was making.
Shadow’s eyes widened, but then his face softened slightly. “Perhaps so.”
It took Eclipse less than twenty-four hours to have an immense emotional crisis over what he had said.
Shadow? Fun? Understanding him is one thing, but how far have I fallen that I like spending time with the person who killed my father?
The person who was…extremely hurt by Black Doom…and has said that he regrets that moment on multiple occasions……
Eclipse stared blankly at a wall.
But if I’m not trying to conquer this planet or get revenge on him…
…now what?
Shadow smirked to himself, sliding the first batch of cookies into the oven. Incoming in three…two…one….
A thud came from outside the kitchen, followed by a skidding noise as Rouge slid to a stop right in front of the kitchen doorway. “Time to pay rent.” she declared, marching into the kitchen. She was wearing her ‘at home’ attire: a cropped sweater, leggings, fingerless gloves and fluffy pink slippers.
Shadow laughed quietly. “They aren’t even ready yet, Rouge.” 
“I’ll be waiting in the living room, then.” she replied airily.
A few minutes later, Shadow’s timer rang, signaling to him that it was time to take out the cookies. Before he’d even finished opening the oven door, Rouge was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, a plate waiting in her hands. “Rent. Now.”
“You’ll burn your mouth if you don’t let them cool, you know.” he said, carrying the tray over to the counter.
“Who cares? They’re at their best when the chocolate’s still all melty inside.” Rouge shot back, taking three and piling two up on her plate with the third in her mouth. 
“Suit yourself.” Shadow said, still smirking.
“Ah ill, hank oo hery uch.” the bat replied, already heading back to the couch to enjoy her ‘income’.
As the hybrid began to place the next series of cookie batter pieces on a tray, a sudden wave of dizziness swept over him, knocking him off balance. He leaned forward against the counter heavily.
“SHADOW. ARE YOU FEELING UNWELL?” Omega called out from the other room. 
“Why, what’s going on?” he heard Rouge ask. 
“Hon, you okay?” she called, getting up and hurrying over to the kitchen.
Shadow grimaced. “I think so…I can’t figure out what’s causing it though.”
“WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO INITIATE A SCAN?” Omega asked, having walked over as well.
“Sure, why not.” Shadow muttered.
The hybrid’s eyes widened. “Of course.” he whispered. After a moment of hesitation, he opened up his mind—and was hit with an absolute deluge of panic. He stumbled, but Rouge caught him before anything serious could happen.
“What is it, hon?” she asked, worried.
“It’s the Dark Arms…and they’re terrified. Apparently, Eclipse hasn’t spoken or even moved in several hours, and they have no idea why.” 
“Are you going to check on him?” 
Shadow sighed. “I can’t just leave him like this in good conscience. I’ll be careful, and I’ll return shortly.”
Rouge smiled halfheartedly. “More cookies for me in the meantime, I guess.”
With a flash and a cry of “Chaos Control!”, Shadow took off.
He appeared at the location the Dark Arms had shown him—in a forest next to an old G.U.N. shuttle. Within moments, all four of the Dark Arms had rushed out and began urging him inside. Once Shadow had stumbled up the metal ramp, he saw Eclipse sitting despondently against a wall, staring off into space.
“Eclipse?” he called softly, kneeling down in front of the darkling. “Eclipse, what’s going on?”
The moment his hands made contact with the other’s shoulders, the darkling gasped with a start and looked up at Shadow.
“Wh…” he began, his voice raspy from disuse. “What are you doing here?”
“The Dark Arms were worried sick about you.” Shadow explained, frowning. “They say you haven’t moved for hours.”
“No way…has it really been that long?” Eclipse asked, turning to look outside. Instantly, his muscles spasmed painfully, and he groaned. “Ugh…maybe it has.”
Shadow still seemed worried. “I think you should come back to our place for a bit. I don’t like the idea of leaving you out here all by yourself.”
“I’m not by myself.” Eclipse huffed petulantly, even as he got up to leave. “I have the Dark Arms.”
“Yes, and they came to me for help.” Shadow said firmly. “You don’t have to try and handle this on your own, you know.”
“I always have before!” he shot back, his arms folded.
The hybrid found himself smiling slightly, despite the circumstances.
“What?” Eclipse asked, going to walk out the door.
“Nothing. You just sounded a lot like how Rouge says I used to behave.”
Unfortunately, that only seemed to remind Eclipse of what he’d been thinking about before, as a slightly panicked look appeared in his eyes. “Come on.” Shadow said firmly, taking the darkling by the arm. “You need rest in a place that isn’t those miserable shuttles. And I should know,” he added, interrupting Eclipse’s almost-protest, “since I’ve spent plenty of time in them myself.”
With another flash, they were back at the apartment. Shadow sat Eclipse down on the couch, gathered the Dark Arms around him, draped a blanket over the whole lot, and had a plate ready with five cookies on it in forty-five seconds flat.
The alien blinked, looking down at the food. “What is this?” he asked, while the four creatures crept closer, intrigued.
“Chocolate chip cookies. They don’t contain meat, but I think you’ll find them nice regardless.”
Eclipse picked up one of them, noted that it was oddly warm, and bit into it. Instantly, his eyes lit up, and he shoved the rest of it into his mouth. “Mmm!” he exclaimed, his mouth full. He began to reach for another…
…only to discover that there were none left. Four very satisfied Dark Arms were clustered around him, though, which solved the mystery of where they had all gone rather quickly. Blurk in particular seemed excited, tuning to Shadow and opening their mouth eagerly (complete with a blue tongue hanging out) for more.
Eclipse couldn’t even find it in himself to scowl. Shadow went and brought back five more cookies for them, and Rouge and Omega entered the room after him, looking a little wary (unbeknownst to Eclipse, they had been hiding in the kitchen to give the others a bit of privacy).
“So! You guys were hungry, weren’t you?” Rouge asked, sitting down on one of the plush beanbag chairs on the floor. 
The darkling’s tail twitched nervously. “Well, we haven’t had much besides fruit for the past six months, so yeah.”
Omega folded his arms. “I WAS INFORMED THAT THE BLACK ARMS ONLY ATE ANIMAL-BASED PRODUCTS.” His eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“Well…that’s what’s normally best for us, but we can survive on other things if we have to…” Eclipse explained sheepishly.
Shadow stepped forward then. “As important as this conversation is, I think we should probably shelve it for later. Right now, I have to ask: what was it that stunned you so much earlier?”
Eclipse flinched slightly, curling into himself, but didn’t lose focus again. “Nothing.” he mumbled.
Omega stared at him. “ARE YOU TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOUR SMALL COMPANIONS?” he said pointedly, looking over at the Dark Arms. All four of the small aliens had clustered around their caretaker nervously, worried for him once again.
“N-no!” Eclipse insisted.
“Then let us help.” Shadow said.
He sighed. “It’s nothing, really. I’m just…trying to come to terms with the fact that after everything, I basically dedicated my entire life to my revenge. Now that I don’t hate you (as much) anymore, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with myself.”
Suddenly, a smile began to spread across Rouge’s face…before she realized what was happening and tried to tamp it down a little. “I’m not making fun of you, I swear.” she insisted.
“Well then, what are you doing?” Eclipse asked suspiciously.
“Eclipse, you sound exactly like Shadow did about a year ago. Like, I’m not even remotely kidding when I say that he went through the exact same thing as you.” 
The darkling smiled weakly. “I guess it’s even more obvious that we’re…related then.” 
Shadow spoke up again. “Well, while you’re figuring things out, you can stay here for as long as you need. Right, Rouge?”
The bat smiled for real this time. “Of course.”
“Because you don’t own the apartment.” Shadow shot back, smirking. “But I suppose I can. Omega, are you alright with this?”
“YES. ON ONE CONDITION.” the robot declared.
“Which is?” Shadow asked.
Omega turned to face Eclipse, stomping over and leaning down into his personal space. “IF YOU HARM EITHER OF MY FRIENDS, I WILL NOT HESITATE TO REDUCE YOU INTO ASH.”
Eclipse sneered. “Then you had better accept the same conditions in return.”
The darkling seemed surprised at how readily Omega had agreed. “Uh…okay then. But is there even anything interesting to do on this planet?”
Shadow shifted in place. “I know of a thing or two that I suspect you might like. Let me know when you’d like to see it and I’ll take you there.”
“Why are you doing all of this?” Eclipse asked cautiously.
“He’s doing it because he knows what it’s like to feel lost.” Rouge explained gently. “And he’s a big softie if you just take the time to get to know him.” she added, winking.
“Rouge!” Shadow cried, blushing a bright green as he shoved her face into the beanbag chair.
The darkling felt himself relax slightly as Rouge cackled, feeling somewhat safe for the first time in months.
The darkling had spent the night lying on the couch, still trying to come to terms with the fact that in about two weeks he’d gone from mortal enemies with Shadow to sleeping on the hybrid’s furniture. In the morning, he’d woken up to discover both Shadow and Rouge preparing breakfast, while Omega was banished to the dining area.
“Uh…why aren’t you in the kitchen?” Eclipse asked, getting up to follow the Dark Arms (who had already begun hurrying to the food as quickly as they could).
“You almost burned down the kitchen trying to make scrambled eggs once!” Rouge shouted.
Eclipse snickered at that, while Shadow began to bring some of the waffles he’d made out to the table. “I’ve added some fruit to these, so they should hopefully provide some nutrients for you five.”
The Dark Arms began to eat as though they hadn’t each gotten at least three cookies yesterday, scarfing down the waffles (and in Blurk’s case, eating one whole). Eclipse carefully picked one up and took a large bite out of it…before noticing that everyone was staring at him.
“What?” he asked.
“I mean, normally people eat waffles with a fork and knife, but I suppose this can be an exception.” Shadow answered, even though it looked like it was physically paining him to say so.
Eclipse smirked and took another big bite of the waffle, nearly choking on it with laughter when Shadow covered his face in silent disappointment. 
Later that day, as Eclipse had begun to settle into the guest room in the apartment (Rouge had made a lot of money over the years due to some of her more…obscure jobs), Shadow walked in, looking distinctly uncomfortable.
“Eclipse…” he began, “…listen, I want to believe you when you say that you don’t hate me anymore. But how do I know that this isn’t some kind of trick?”
“What, you think I’m going to wait until you trust me and then stab you in the back?” the darkling asked sarcastically.
“Well, yes, somewhat.” Shadow said bluntly.
“Couldn’t you do the exact same thing with the Dark Arms, though?” Eclipse replied.
“I would never do that!” the hybrid exclaimed.
“How do I know that?”
“…good point.” Shadow conceded. “So is this a mutual show of trust, then?”
“I guess it is.” Eclipse said, shifting in place uncomfortably.
Shadow’s expression became unreadable for a moment, making Eclipse even more nervous. It was hard enough to get a read on the guy without the hivemind to help, let alone when he was being stoic.
“Did you want me to show you one of the reasons why you might like this planet?” he said eventually, seeming a bit hesitant.
“That sounds alright, I guess. After all, you can’t just leave me hanging after yesterday, can he, guys?” Eclipse asked, directing the last part of his statement at the Dark Arms.
They all did their absolute best to shake their heads, making their opinions clear (and melting Shadow’s heart just a bit in the process). 
“Alright then.” the hybrid began. “I was thinking we could go take a look at a rafflesia plant? It’s a parasitic flora that happens to be the largest flowering plant in the world. And it also tends to smell exactly like meat that has gone bad.”
Eclipse rolled his eyes. “Really? You want to show me a flower brought here by the Black Comet?”
Shadow shook his head. “No. This plant is native to this particular planet.”
“You’re telling me. That this place. Naturally grows a flower that smells like meat?” Eclipse wheezed. “There’s no way that’s true.”
Shadow’s expression took on a slight hint of pride. “Normally, they only grow on the Oceanic Islands, but they can be cultivated artificially. I think there might be one in Central City’s botanical gardens, actually.”
“Prove it.” 
“With pleasure.” Shadow said, smirking just a little.
Eclipse felt an odd sense of interest growing inside himself, and ignored it in favor of suspicion.
“One rafflesia flower, present and healthy.” Shadow said, clearly relishing in Eclipse’s surprise.
The darkling restrained himself forcefully from swearing in the presence of the Dark Arms. “It does smell like meat! How?!” he gasped, turning to face Shadow.
The hedgehog stared for two beats at his shocked expression, clearly restraining himself from expressing anything. “I told you so.” was all he said, his eyes bright with triumph.
Eclipse felt the beginnings of a smile pull at his own face, and wasn’t sure whether to feel embarrassed or not.
Suddenly, though, he froze. “What is that?”
“What?” Shadow asked, turning to face the direction the other was looking in.
“That.” Eclipse breathed, pointing at a small, green, leggy creature crawling along a vine.
“Oh! That’s a stick bug.” Shadow replied. “Interesting, isn’t it?”
“It’s adorable!” he gasped. His eyes were practically sparkling, and his tail was swishing back and forth. “Are there more creatures like this?”
“You mean stick bugs, or insects overall?” 
“Well, there’s lots more stick bugs, but as for insects…there are more of them than there are both humans and Mobians on the entire planet.”
“I need to see all of them.” Eclipse insisted, grabbing Shadow by the shoulders. 
“So, does this mean you think Mobius might have some worth after all?” he replied, smirking.
“Fine! Maybe just a little!” the darkling barked, stomping away in half-hearted anger. “If it has more cool bugs and weird plants, then sure! Whatever.”
“How do you feel about carnivorous plants?” Shadow asked.
“Plants that eat—”
“Yes I know that now take me to them.”
After a week and a half, Eclipse found that he could grudgingly admit that this planet just might be a tiny bit less worthless than he’d imagined. After seeing all manner of plants and bugs (and receiving one book that had lots of pictures of insects along with their names from Shadow) he found himself fascinated by the variety of life that existed there.
However, he was slightly less fascinated by Shadow’s consistent attempts to find foods for him to eat that weren’t meat.
“What do you think?”
Eclipse stared at the spread of food laid in front of him warily. “You’re telling me this is what people eat instead of meat?”
Shadow allowed himself a tiny smile. “I know it might look strange—and some of it isn’t as good of a substitute as others. But yes, this is what people eat when they’ve chosen to forgo meat.”
“Ugh, but why would anyone rather eat this stuff?”
“Concern for other living creatures, the environment, or even general health are all perfectly valid reasons, you know.” the hybrid explained.
“You know an awful lot about—wait. Do you not eat meat?” Eclipse asked incredulously. “You’re at least half carnivore, you know!”
“Well, yes, but I am also half omnivore. And so long as I make sure to get lots of protein, I do just fine. After all, I was designed to be able to survive in times where food was scarce, too.” Shadow added.
“Can you get enough protein in things other than meat?” Eclipse still seemed skeptical. “And why would you do that, anyway?”
“Absolutely! Several of these foods have plenty of protein in them.
”And as for your other question, Maria always wished she could do this, but she needed a specific diet in order to remain healthy and strong. I absorbed quite a few of her ideas, so I didn’t eat meat for her sake…and then I just continued like that after…everything. Rouge loves to eat bugs, though, and I have no problem with that—this is just a personal choice.”
“But you said ‘several’, not ‘all’.” the darkling pointed out, focusing more on the first part of Shadow’s statement than the second.
“Well, no, but—please wait just a little longer!” he cried, lunging towards Blurk. The Dark Arm had been a little overeager at the sight of all that food and dashed forward, their willpower failing quickly.
“I just wanted to explain what all of these are.” Shadow continued. “That way you know what they are and can hopefully pick your favorites.”
“So here we have some eggs—unfertilized, please don’t worry about that,” he began, rushing to explain upon seeing Eclipse’s horrified expression. “Next, there’s some vegetarian burgers of varying types. And here we have a carefully designed meat substitute. It is uncooked, but I can fix that if you’d like.”
“Cooked meat? Is that what everyone eats here?”
“Well, yes—most people would get sick otherwise.” Shadow explained.
“Would you?” Eclipse asked. He seemed genuinely curious, more than anything.
“I don’t actually know…” Shadow admitted sheepishly. “Like I alluded to earlier, I’ve never tried it.”
“Never?” Eclipse gasped. “Alright then, I’m making a deal with you right now. I won’t let either myself or any of the Dark Arms eat the people on this planet—at all—if you give some kind of meat a try. Just once.”
The hedgehog cringed, but agreed regardless. “I suppose I can manage that.”
And then, finally, to Blurk’s immense relief, they began to eat. Rhygenta seemed to like the eggs best, while Cregal and Cyzer nearly escalated tensions to ‘all-out war’ levels over the last few scraps of meat substitute. Blurk happily ate everything available (though Shadow had to drag them away from the vegetarian burgers so that there would be some left for Eclipse).
Eventually, there was only one item left, and Eclipse studied it skeptically. “Why does it look so…weird?”
Shadow smirked slightly. “I actually meant to ask you about this one in particular. I’ve seen people claim that this is an acceptable substitute for meat on a surprisingly regular basis. I just wanted to know if you think that’s true or not.”
Eclipse frowned suspiciously at him, but raised the food to his mouth anyway…
“Agh! Ew! What is this stuff?!” he spat, shoving the offending object across the table. “It’s all rubbery and tough!”
Shadow choked back laughter, snickering into a hand as he saw Eclipse’s horrified expression. “That’s how I felt the first time I tried it, too.” he explained, his eyes still gleaming with amusement.
“Just tell me what it is already!” Eclipse cried.
“It’s called a portobello mushroom.” Shadow explained. “Basically, it’s an edible fungus.”
The darkling made a noise of disgust. “And they consider that to be an adequate substitute for meat?”
“Some people who choose not to eat meat actually have similar questions.” Shadow said, still smiling.
Eclipse huffed irritably. “Well then, now that you’ve had your laughs at my expense, I say you have to eat two bites, since you knew what you were getting me into there.”
Shadow sighed. “I suppose it’s only fair…” he muttered, picking up the offending food and staring at it.
“Yes! Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Eclipse said excitedly, facing him again.
All four of the Dark Arms looked up at once, so now Shadow had a mini-audience as he commenced eating the mushroom.
By the end of his two bites, Eclipse and the Dark Arms were all laughing openly. (Shadow might have overdone his reactions just a bit for that exact reason, though…it wasn’t as if he’d never done such a thing before, though it had been a long time ago.)
“Oh! I don’t think the Dark Arms have met Spark yet, have they?” Shadow asked one day, looking up from his book suddenly.
“No…who’s Spark?” Eclipse said warily. He had been playing with the Dark Arms on the floor when Shadow had asked, so now all four of them looked up with nearly identical curious expressions, making him smile a little.
“They’re, well—a pet wouldn’t be quite the appropriate term, so a companion, I suppose? They’re very friendly, if a bit mischievous, so you needn’t worry about any hostilities.”
“Okay then, let’s meet them! You’ll be alright with that, won’t you?” Eclipse asked the Dark Arms, pulling them closer for a quick hug.
General noises of assent came from the creatures, prompting Shadow to stand up. “Wonderful! I had to leave them in the daycare for a while because, well, I was busy…figuring things out. But I’m sure they’ve had fun spending time with their friends.”
The darkling realized that Shadow meant ‘things’ with him, specifically, and smiled sheepishly. “Will you be able to take them back now?”
“If they get along with the Dark Arms well, then absolutely.” Shadow said warmly.
Once they arrived at the building, Shadow left Eclipse in the lobby while he went to go fetch Spark. The darkling’s tail twisted nervously and he held the Dark Arms close as he waited for Shadow’s return.
Eventually, the hedgehog reappeared, and motioned for him to come with a smile. “I’ve explained it all to them, so hopefully everything should go over smoothly.” he said.
“Alright…” Eclipse said hesitantly, walking down the halls with Shadow. “Why is this place so far out in the middle of nowhere, anyway?”
“It’s one of the best-located daycares in the area, actually.” he explained. “It’s close to both nature and a spot that’s high in Chaos energy, which makes it the perfect habitat for chao.”
“Chao?” Eclipse frowned. “What are those?”
“They’re friendly creatures with a high affinity for Chaos energy.” Shadow said.
“…sounds weird.” he muttered.
The hybrid allowed himself a half-smile. “I think you’ll find them rather nice, actually.”
He opened the door to a park, filled with small play equipment and various musical toys. The thing that stood out to Eclipse the most, however, was the incredible number of small, round, brightly colored creatures crawling all around the area. The darkling found himself hard pressed not to let out a high-pitched noise at the sight.
Putting his fingers to his mouth, Shadow whistled loudly. “Spark?” he called. “Come here!”
Suddenly, a little creature with a small snout and round body hurled themself directly into Shadow’s arms, cooing excitedly. The hybrid chuckled softly. “You only saw me a couple of minutes ago, you know.” he said.
Spark perked up at the sound of his voice, placing their front paws on Shadow’s chest and looking up at him.
Eclipse’s eyes widened. “They look just like you!” he gasped, taking a couple of steps closer. “Can I…can I hold them?”
Shadow straightened up, tension clearly visible in his movements. Despite his obvious trepidation, however, he delicately placed the chao in Eclipse’s hands.
Carefully, the darkling began to pat its head with a single finger. After a moment of deliberation, Spark curled up comfortably in his other hand and began to purr softly with a smile.
Eclipse’s eyes glistened. “Awww….”
Suddenly, he felt several shoves against his back all at once, nearly making him drop the creature. Eclipse whirled around to see all four of the Dark Arms pouting and staring at him with big, sad eyes.
“Oh, come here.” he muttered fondly, spreading his arms wide. The four rushed into him, sending him stumbling backwards as he hugged them—all while keeping the chao steady.
Soon enough, Spark noticed that they weren’t receiving attention anymore and worked their way into the hug as well, making Cregal growl and Cyzer take a halfhearted snap at their ear.
Eclipse frowned. “Play nicely, you two.” he grumbled, an extra mental nudge adding weight to his words. The Dark Arms, sufficiently cowed, flew out of his arms along with the chao and began to poke about on the playground.
After a minute of confusion (and several increasingly exasperated demonstrations from Spark), the aliens seemed to pick up on what the various items were for and brightened up considerably, beginning to play with nearly overwhelming excitement. 
Eclipse and Shadow stood by, watching with almost identical smiles on their faces. When they noticed this fact, both looked away, embarrassed, before the former offered up a rueful grin.
“I’m glad they’re getting along.” Shadow said quietly, still not meeting his…brother’s? eyes.
“Me too.” Eclipse murmured, his ribs tight against his chest.
After a while, Shadow had grown comfortable enough with Eclipse’s presence to cautiously suggest a sparring session—mainly because the darkling had been getting more than a little bit antsy after being cooped up in the house for so long. They’d mutually agreed that he shouldn’t go out too often early on in his stay. The consensus was that if the public was already resistant to Shadow’s presence as a half-alien, then things likely would not turn out well for Eclipse.
Once Eclipse had agreed (enthusiastically), they’d headed out to an open field, though Rouge insisted that they didn’t go too far in case someone got injured. Shadow folded his arms, facing off against Eclipse.
“Alright. Rules: No severe lacerations or anything else that could cause significant blood loss. Also, no attacks that might trigger a concussion. Other than that, anything’s fair game, including using the Dark Arms.”
Eclipse smirked. “It almost sounds like you want to lose.”
“I just want it to be a fair fight.” Shadow shot back. 
“Alright then, whatever you say!” he chirped, stretching out his arms. 
The mood began to shift as the two circled each other, eyeing one another as they waited for the first move. After a second, Shadow charged.
His fist very nearly landed, too, and it would have set him at a significant advantage had Eclipse not leapt nearly four feet directly upwards. “Cregal! Wings, NOW!” he shrieked, only realizing after the fact that this maneuver placed him directly above a fully charged Shadow.
He used his newfound wings to soar farther away from the hybrid’s reach, before lashing out with his tail at Shadow. Eclipse managed to land a light scratch with that, but then Shadow turned the tables by grasping his tail and throwing him headlong across the field.
Eclipse bounced back to his feet just in time to launch a kick at the other’s face, and then the battle began in earnest. The two alternated between full-force punches and glancing blows, maintaining a delicate balance between sparring and all-out fighting.
After a few minutes, Eclipse had managed to force Shadow onto the defensive and even seemed as though he might actually win. However, Shadow had one last trick up his sleeve…or on his wrist, as it were.
The darkling’s eyes widened as his adversary unlatched a single golden ring from his wrist, rolling his shoulder as he pulled himself up to his full height. Suddenly, though, Shadow paused.
“We can stop now if this is…too distressing. I understand…” he said guiltily, looking at Eclipse’s stricken expression.
“No, no, it’s not that!” he said, waving his hands nervously. “It’s just…do you really not realize?”
“Realize what?”
Eclipse cringed. “Just…here.” He pointed at Shadow’s left eye, leaving his finger close to the crimson iris. “You see that, right?”
Shadow blinked once, bewildered. “Yes?”
“And this?” he asked, pointing in the same way at his right eye.
“What are you talking about, Eclipse?” the hybrid asked impatiently.
“And then there’s this.” he said.
Shadow’s stomach dropped. To him, it looked as though Eclipse was pointing directly at him…in a field of vision situated directly above the other two.
He fumbled in his quills for his phone, switching it into ‘selfie mode’—something that had taken him a while to learn how to do—and staring at the third eye that had just casually appeared in his forehead.
“We need to go back. Now.” Shadow breathed shakily, his hands trembling. 
Eclipse gathered the Dark Arms close with one hand and held Shadow’s wrist with the other, concerned. “Alright…”
The moment they appeared back at the house, Shadow rushed to the living room. “Rouge!”
She leapt from the upper level of their home directly down onto the ground floor. “What is it?” she asked sharply, already looking around for the nearest threat. 
“What’s happening to me?” Shadow asked, doing his best not to start hyperventilating on the spot. 
“Oh—oh! Hon!” she gasped, dashing over and looking into all three of his eyes. The hybrid tilted his head up slightly, giving her a better view of exactly what had happened to him.
“How did this happen?” Rouge said. 
“I…I don’t know, I just took off my ring and then this appeared!”
At that point, Omega appeared in the room, having heard frenzied voices from his own training room farther away in the house. “WHAT HAPPENED?”
Shadow turned to face him, distress written all over his face. 
Rouge glowered at him. “Can’t you see this is freaking Shadow out?”
“YES. APOLOGIES.” Omega said, lowering his volume by half in hopes it would help.
“Have you tried putting your ring back on yet?” Rouge asked.
He frowned. “No, actually…I’ll do it now.”
The moment he slid the golden inhibitor ring onto his wrist, the eye vanished. Everyone started at that, even Shadow himself.
“Weird.” Eclipse muttered.
“Hmm…I wonder why that happened?” Rouge said. “Maybe it has something to do with you spending more time around other Black Arms than usual?”
Suddenly, Cyzer swooped forward, clearly excited. They began to hover around Shadow hopefully, their eyes wide.
“What’re they saying?” Rouge asked.
“They’re wondering what would happen if I took off all four of my rings, and if this means I can utilize the Dark Arms’ powers as well.” Shadow said, and then paled slightly as he realized what he’d just done.
“When did this happen?!” Eclipse asked, some indignance creeping into his voice. 
Shadow looked embarrassed. “I needed to communicate with one of them once, and they got so excited I didn’t have the heart to close the link—but I’m sure you’ll always be their favorite person, Eclipse.”
The darkling shook his head. “No, it’s not—never mind. It’s nothing, really.” he muttered.
Shadow felt waves of jealousy and…longing…emanating from Eclipse, and on an impulse he himself barely understood, he stepped forward and grabbed the other’s wrist. Eclipse started suddenly, turning to face Shadow—and then the hybrid pulled him into the most awkward hug in all of existence.
“Wh—what-?” he stammered.
“I don’t know, just…is this what you wanted?” Shadow muttered.
Eclipse sighed quietly, and wrapped his arms around Shadow in return. “…yes. Thank you, brother.”
“I wouldn’t have asked you to spar with me if I didn’t feel comfortable enough with you to do that kind of thing.” Shadow added.
The darkling squeezed him a little tighter, all words failing him.
(After all, he’d found family in the last place he’d expected when he crashed on this planet.)
One night, Shadow and Eclipse were looking up at the stars when Shadow pointed out a black speck against the sky. 
“That’s the ARK.” he explained. “I grew up there. It’s where some of my best memories took place…and some of my worst.”
Eclipse sighed quietly. “I could say the same thing about my Black Comet.”
Shadow tensed guiltily. “I’m sorry—”
“Don’t be.”
“Neither of us are the same people we were back then.” Eclipse insisted quietly. “Besides, now I just figure…more than anything, it was a bunch of really bad events all combined into one extra horrible situation.”
Shadow smiled faintly. “That’s awfully generous of you.”
“What can I say.” the darkling murmured. “I learned from the best.”
The two continued to watch the sky for a while longer, looking up at the place they’d both been “born” while living on a planet that neither of them truly belonged to—yet one that they had both claimed as their home. Most of the people on the world would never know (or if they did know, many would not like) that not one, but six aliens had taken up residence on the planet, but none of them cared.
After all, the only ones whose opinions mattered were ready to stand right by them no matter what.
And if Shadow and Eclipse cautiously leaned against one another—both literally and metaphorically—then that only made sense for two people who had fought with all the hatred and fear that could possibly come from many terrible misunderstandings…and yet, in the end, had chosen one another as brothers.
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted any fanfics on here, and this is in a new format, so if you made it all the way down here...thank you so, so much for reading all twelve thousand (?!?) words of my crazy ideas. I hope you’re doing well, wherever and whenever you’re reading this.
Fun fact about this particular fic: it took me five revisions to even come up with a story that made sense, because Eclipse just did not want to cooperate. XD Thankfully, I eventually managed to convince him otherwise!
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yandere-sins · 24 days
Hi! I saw the request that involved the poly trio of the yan! Ghost, the darling and darlings best friend (reader) and it honestly just scratched my brain perfectly.
So if it's alr, I was wondering if it would work with Konig? I know he isn't really one for sharing in the slightest, but perhaps if he found himself vaugly fond of us, as while I'd imagine the darling being a ballsy, hothead- we'd be quiet and meek like in the Ghost fic and perhaps that while darling was definitely the center of attention, that reader was easier to deal with because of no kicking or screaming or hateful words and he'd perhaps just occasionally give us a pat or seek attention from us when things were rougher than usual with darling?
Perhaps this prompt would be darling went after Konig's gun or smth a bit ago and maybe he's currently fuming and darling is locked in a bathroom or smth and we maybe attempt to be the peacekeeper and try to smooth things over? (Not because we want to be nice, but because we know it's better when Konig and darling are calm rather than there being screaming and violence) and we try to meekly approach and convince him to calm down some? Sorry if this didn't make much sense and I really like your writing!
Thank you for requesting!! I hope I came close to your idea! ^-^
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You flinched when the bathroom door was slammed shut, almost slipping from the carrot you were cutting, but luckily, the knife missed your fingers. The screaming and fighting had finally ceased, but you didn't know who won this time as you continued to prepare dinner. However, the answer was easily determined as König stepped out of the hallway and into the living room, the fabric mask on his head moving as he shook his head.
"Scheiße," he muttered, and you put down the knife, knowing the sound would agitate him more. Scheiße meant shit, you knew that by now. He wasn't happy, it seemed. The knife made a soft clink! as you laid it flat on the countertop and he whipped around towards you, both of you startling like two deers in the headlights, and you muttered a soft, "Sorry..." while you two tried to gauge each other's intentions.
It wasn't like your captor was really terrible to you. Indifferent suited your relationship best, and you liked it that way, hating it when the attention was on you. His attention had proven to be obsessive, violent at best, from what you witnessed. It was a relief that the focus was more on your best friend than you. It was her that he was concerned about, her that he wanted. And you were just a means to an end for your friend to like him more. Their third-wheeling pet, basically, even though it was an awful situation for both your friend and you.
For a while, no one said anything. The situation was tense enough that your nervous babbling might have made him explode. König never touched you, never hurt you in the ways he did to your best friend. Subjectively, she was much worse off than you were. Still, you could never know when that giant of a man would finally snap, and you didn't want to be within his reach at that moment.
"I just..." he started, heaving another deep sigh and gripping his forehead. With his weird mask on, he looked comically like a killer from a movie, but you realized early that he wasn't that hard to read even without seeing his face. "She grabbed the gun, okay?! Why would she do that! It's dangerous! She could have gotten hurt!"
Nodding, you played along. Of course, you knew why your friend grabbed the gun, but you chose not to tell him. On this planet, you were the last person that wanted to upset him—your friend did that well enough. It hadn't been her first attempt at getting rid of him. She was righteous to the core, fuelled by courage and almost stupidly confident in what she was doing. You admired her for it, considering you were the one always close to knives yet too afraid to even use them.
You could never be her. It was just too scary to think about.
"I don't get it..." König grumbled, grabbing his wrists and anxiously twisting them in his grip. For someone confident enough to capture two people and lock them in his apartment in a make-shift family situation, you came to realize his anxiety was pretty terrible. He seemed a little happier when you all sat down to eat together or watch a movie. Still, usually, he was a nervous, pacing wreck who got desperate when your friend refused him any kindness.
But on the other hand, you had all the time in the world to observe. You noticed every fidgeting of his hands, even underneath the table. You caught all the badly-hidden attempts to flirt with your friend and how she simply didn't notice. By now, you could even tell if he was frowning or smiling underneath the shirt, just from the look in his eyes. It was the best you could do in this situation, but it helped, occasionally.
He looked downright scary now. You didn't like him when he was a soft-spoken fool in love, but it was worse like this. Just how were you supposed to act? How could you not make yourself a target while also helping your friend, who probably banged and locked the door behind her in an attempt to get away from him? The hide-and-seek the two often played when things got rough almost always ended in either a broken door or your friend starving herself for days while you had to deal with an irate kidnapper. If possible, you wanted to avoid that.
"It's... it's really dangerous."
"Right?! I've told her, I—"
König stopped mid-pace and slowly, suspiciously, turned around, his sentence coming to an abrupt halt. Even laid in shadows, you saw his eyes widen, then narrow, his invisible eyebrows raising in surprise before they furrowed. His sudden doubt was no surprise—you had never agreed with him before. And although he seemed like one sometimes, he wasn't as much of a fool as it might appear. Even if you were just the pet, the extra—a side character in a story that did not involve you, you had never tried interfering before, always too scared to be the next target on either's hit list. Tensions were high, and maybe it wasn't the right moment to play devil's advocate. But maybe there was some kind of role in this play. Maybe you could change the story after all.
"I think she was just so scared; she didn't think about herself getting hurt."
"What..." he gulped, still not so sure if he should entertain this conversation with you. However, his curiosity won over. "What is she scared of?"
You felt the thin ice you were treading with your intervention crack beneath your bare feet. You! was the obvious answer to König's question. She's scared of you, idiot!
But you wouldn't say it. Wouldn't put either of you captives into this position of angering him deliberately.
"B-Burglars," you stuttered out, the first best thing that came to mind. Stupid, fucking stupid. The front door itself was locked better than Fort Knox. This was the highest building of a highrise. How was anyone going to break into here?
And yet, König stilled. He didn't move an inch, although his eyes seemed to fixate on you, and you felt the sweat pearl on your face. He knew it was a lie; he must have known that it was a really, really bad lie, too.
"Are you also scared of burglars?" he asked all of a sudden, and you froze, not expecting the question. This could have been the point where König decided that you were a useless accessory, and you wouldn't have been surprised if he had just picked you up and thrown you against a wall to end your existence.
Perhaps your fear had driven you mad.
"Y-Yes?" you breathed out, sounding like a question rather than the obvious statement you should have made. "Are you?"
Biting your tongue, you watched as König crossed his arms. His shoulders fell, his posture growing less tense and more thoughtful as he looked up at the ceiling that he almost hit with his head. It wasn't before long that you heard the long drag of his breath before he sighed, letting his head fall forward. There were two short jerks of his head downwards, almost like a nod to himself, and then he looked up. Really looked at you. He only needed three steps with his long legs to cross the distance between you and him, and you tumbled back in fear, leaving the knife on the kitchen counter like a dumbass.
That's it, you thought. That's how it ends.
"You go for their weak points," König mumbled, gesturing towards his stomach. "When it's obvious that it's a man, you kick him right here."
Pointing his hands downwards, your eyes made an instinctual glance before you caught yourself, immediately avoiding looking at your captor's crotch for more than the millisecond you already had.
That meant, "Understood?" You were learning German bit by bit. You gave a short nod, and it made König hum in approval.
"Gut." (That meant "good.")
"Now, for a woman, you can do that, but it won't be as effective. You should—wait, I'll show you."
You flinched as König raised his hand, his palm settling at the back of your head. There was so much confusion about the sudden self-defense he spoke of, but when he grabbed a handful of hair, you winced out of pure fear, although the grip wasn't strong at all. When he guided your body and head forward, you did as you were instructed, with absolutely no resistance now that you were at his mercy. He could probably snap your neck just by yanking your head hard if he wanted, so there was nothing you could do but follow.
"You grab the woman and kick her leg-" he tapped the tip of his foot against your shin to demonstrate, "-and when she loses balance, you slam her head into a surface. Downwards is more effective, but a wall will do."
With more gentleness than you thought he could muster, he forced your head forward, almost close enough to hit the kitchen counter. You whimpered as you feared for a moment that he'd actually give you a demonstration of what he was telling you.
"And not like that," König explained, tapping your forehead on the solid surface. "But like this."
And then, out of nowhere, he yanked your hair back, and you had not even one second to catch your breath before he drove your head forward again with such skilled fluidity that your life flashed before your eyes.
It was like all your senses had given out from shock, but the pain that you expected never came. The back of your scalp was a little itchy and agitated from the pulling, but you expected your head to be smashed in would hurt a bit more than just the feeling of him tugging at your hair.
Slowly, you opened an eye, trying to see what had happened. When your sight adjusted, you saw the marbled countertop just inches away from you. Reaching up, you grabbed the edge with both your hands, making the situation more real as you realized nothing had happened. You didn't hit the counter, and you didn't die.
Your knees began to wobble as tears filled your eyes. This was terrible, the situation was one nightmare after another. But you were so thankful to still be alive. König's body shifted closer to yours as he leaned forward, his hand still locked in your hair. "Verstanden? Don't be forgiving. It's you or the burglar, and they won't show you or your friend any mercy. You need to know how to protect her."
You gave a slight, faint nod as his fingers unwound from your hair, although his touch lingered. Awkwardly, he stroked down your shuffled hair twice, patting you lightly between your shoulders as you wouldn't move from your bowed position.
"Good. You're a good learner. Next time, I'll bring you a training partner to practice."
Much to your own surprise, you managed to give a short hum in reply before your knees finally broke away beneath the stress, and you sunk to the ground. It scared König almost as much as you, but you barely noticed his fussing until he picked you up, a squeal escaping you as you were lifted even higher than the kitchen counter was.
"Mein Gott, you are both so frail! Why do you two always refuse to eat meals when you are that easy to pick up? You'll surely get kidnapped one day; that's why good food is so wichtig."
With your heart pounding out of your chest, it was hard to keep up your broken understanding of the German language. He exclaimed something sounding like my god, and from his wording, the phrase he used sounded almost important—was that what the other word meant?
The irony of him thinking you could get kidnapped passed you by with the shock.
König settled you down on the living room sofa, and you breathed a sigh of relief as his arms vanished, the immediate danger in your life moving away, only to stand barely a breath away from you, arms akimbo as he mustered you from high above. You tugged in your legs, hugging them to your chest in an attempt to feel any sense of security.
What should you do now? How could you continue being a good friend while also saving your own life?
You learned a few things that evening—mainly how to defend yourself. Learned it from the man you wish you could protect against. Your friend was bold and rebellious, but you, too, had it in you to make a change. König was crazy out of love for her, but he wasn't as ruthless as you thought him to be. You'd even go as far as to say he was overprotective and a bit paranoid, which played right into your hands.
"Are..." you scrambled, your throat dried out from screams you didn't know you held back, every word you wanted to say scratching along it like his fingers had against your scalp. "Are we... wichtig? To you?"
There was a painful silence for a few seconds, and you only dared one glance upwards at his face, his eyes returning to being unreadable.
"Of course you are! You two are the most important things in my life— I mean... Your... your friend is the most important person to me, but you are wichtig, too! You are, you... well, du bist du, and that's good!"
You were stunned as you listened to him blabber on as if embarrassed. And no second later that König said his piece, he stomped off, seemingly agitated. You heard him knock twice on the bathroom door, calling for your friend to come out and have dinner with you. The next thing was the unlocking and slamming of another door, followed by many locks being put in place on the outside.
Du bist du, the sentence slowly registered in your mind. You are you, and that was all you were to him, but for some reason, it felt good. Comforting. You are you, and that's good. The words kept repeating in your mind. It was vague, but given how König seemed to be a vague person, this was better than being no one, right?
You heard the creaking of a door before tiny, barely audible taps closed in on the living room. Your friend didn't look much better than you must have after the whole ordeal, but her gaze was filled with confusion and sparks of awe.
"What did you do?" she asked you. "You made him leave us here?"
"I don't know," you mumbled, touching the back of your sore scalp. "I told him you took a gun because you were scared of burglars, and he showed me how to defend myself, and I don't know what happened then; it was all so fast."
"Oh my god..." your friend whispered. "That is the chance! Now, we can find a way to get out or get help! Come on!"
She dashed back into the hallway before you could even agree to her plans. But all your courage, all the fight you had when you tried to mingle into their affairs, seemed to have left you. You may have learned a lot that evening, but it also made you realize you knew something she didn't.
You two were important to König. One way or another.
Even if it meant teaching you how to defeat someone, even if it meant putting himself in danger, König was keen to use all the tools he had to protect what was important to him. However, you were no fool to think he'd let you get too comfortable with the strength and tools he was giving you. Because the truth was something only he and you were sure of now:
You'd never defeat him.
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
Can you make a fic where the reader leaves kenan because he barely spends time with her and would rather hang out with his friends. He later regrets this and tries to win her back
He says he’ll change for you
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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It had been a long time coming, but the moment I walked out of Kenan's apartment, my heart felt like it was shattering into a thousand pieces.
The tension between us had been building for weeks, and I could no longer ignore the nagging ache that grew every time he chose his friends over me.
It wasn’t always like this. When we first started dating, it felt like we were inseparable. Every spare moment he had, he spent with me, and I fell so deeply in love with the way he made me feel like I was the center of his world.
But slowly, things changed. His football career took off, and with it, the demands on his time increased.
At first, I understood. I knew how important his career was to him, and I was proud of everything he was achieving. But as time went on, it became clear that I was no longer his priority.
Plans were canceled at the last minute, texts went unanswered for hours, and more often than not, I found myself alone while he was out with his friends, laughing and living a life that I wasn’t a part of.
It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to have fun or enjoy time with his friends—it was the fact that he never seemed to make time for me anymore.
I tried to talk to him about it, hoping that he would see how much it was hurting me.
But every time, he brushed it off, promising that things would get better, that we would find more time for each other.
I clung to those promises, hoping that one day he would follow through. But nothing changed. The empty promises piled up until I couldn’t take it anymore.
And so, with a heavy heart, I made the decision to leave. I didn’t even bother packing up all my things—I just grabbed what I needed and left a note on the kitchen counter.
As I walked out the door, the tears I had been holding back finally spilled over, and I found myself sobbing in the hallway, my chest heaving with the weight of what I had just done.
For the first few days, I waited for him to come after me, to call or text and tell me that he was sorry, that he wanted to fix things. But the silence was deafening.
I knew he was probably out with his friends, not even noticing that I was gone. And that hurt more than anything else.
Weeks passed, and I did my best to move on. I focused on myself, spending time with my own friends, trying to fill the void that Kenan had left behind.
But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered in my heart. I missed him—desperately. But I couldn’t go back, not when I knew that nothing would change.
Then, one evening, just as I was starting to feel like I might be able to heal, I got a text from him.
It was late, and I was lying in bed, scrolling through my phone in an attempt to distract myself from the loneliness that had become my constant companion.
Kenan: Can we talk? I’m outside your place.
My heart skipped a beat as I stared at the message. I hesitated, my fingers hovering over the screen as I debated whether or not to respond.
Part of me wanted to ignore him, to pretend that I hadn’t seen the message. But another part of me—the part that still loved him—couldn’t resist the pull of seeing him again.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I typed out a quick response and hit send.
Me: I’ll be right there.
I threw on a sweater and slipped into my shoes, my heart pounding in my chest as I made my way to the door.
When I stepped outside, there he was, leaning against his car with his hands shoved into his pockets, his eyes downcast.
He looked up as I approached, and the sight of his tired, regretful expression nearly broke me all over again. For a moment, neither of us spoke, the tension hanging heavy in the air.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, his voice hoarse. “I know I messed up. I should have been there for you more, and I wasn’t. I just… I didn’t realize how much I was hurting you until you were gone.”
I swallowed hard, trying to keep my emotions in check. “Kenan, it’s not just about being sorry. It’s about changing. I can’t keep going through this with you, waiting for things to get better when they never do.”
“I know,” he whispered, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I know I don’t deserve another chance, but I’m begging you… please, let me make it up to you. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
My heart ached at the sincerity in his voice, and for a moment, I was tempted to give in, to let him back into my life and hope that this time, things would be different.
But then I remembered all the nights I spent alone, all the times he chose his friends over me, and the pain that came with it.
“I don’t know if I can trust you not to hurt me again,” I said softly, my voice trembling with the weight of the truth.
His face crumpled, and a tear slipped down his cheek. “Please,” he pleaded, stepping closer. “I know I messed up, but I can’t lose you. I’ll prove it to you—just give me a chance.”
Seeing him like this, so vulnerable and desperate, made my resolve waver. But deep down, I knew that I couldn’t keep putting myself through this.
I had to choose myself, even if it meant walking away from the person I loved.
“I’m sorry, Kenan,” I whispered, my own tears finally spilling over. “I can’t do this anymore.”
I turned to walk away, but he reached out, grabbing my hand and pulling me back. “Please don’t leave,” he choked out, his voice breaking. “I’ll do anything… just don’t leave me.”
I closed my eyes, trying to block out the sound of his voice, the feel of his hand gripping mine. But it was no use. I was too weak, too in love with him to resist. Slowly, I turned back to face him, my heart torn in two.
“Kenan…” I began, but before I could finish, he pulled me into his arms, holding me so tightly that it felt like he was trying to fuse us together.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered against my hair, his voice filled with so much pain that it made my chest ache. “I’m so sorry.”
And in that moment, I couldn’t fight it anymore. I buried my face in his chest, letting the tears flow as he held me close.
Maybe we were toxic, maybe we were doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. But right now, all I knew was that I couldn’t let go of him, no matter how much it hurt.
“I love you,” he murmured, his voice breaking as he kissed the top of my head. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” I whispered back, my voice barely audible as I clung to him, unable to let go. “But this has to change, Kenan. I can’t keep going through this.”
He nodded, his grip on me tightening as if he was afraid I would disappear if he let go. “I’ll change,” he promised, his voice filled with a desperate sincerity. “I swear I’ll change.”
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etheries1015 · 9 months
Hello can I request a fluffy fic about how Jack would interact tereact their s/o while he’s using his unique magic? I hope it’s not too weird of a request
Its not weird at all! I actually think this concept is super cute 😭 thank you for the request <3 I hope you like it <3
Jack seldom used his unique magic, save for the times he desperately needed to. It took a lot of energy to maintain his wolf form, and it wasn't a very common type of magic, either. That didnt stop you from asking him to, and I quote, "Turn into the fluffy wolf again!!!" Wanting to preserve his magic (and avoid becoming your play thing...) He would find an excuse each time to gently refuse your insistent prodding.
There was one particular day though, one in which you found yourself deep in a hole of...well, stress. It was a rather difficult day, to say the least. Being the only non magic wielding student at an all-magic school, there were bound to be times you felt to be at an extreme disadvantage. You must had forgotten you chose this day to study with Jack, for when he attempted to find you in the library where you had chosen to meet, you were nowhere to be found.
Finding you crying in the garden of ramshackle was the last thing he thought you would be doing. You were huddled up in an abandoned corner of wilted flowers, hugging your knees to press against your chest as your body trembled with sadness. You heard someone approaching you, yet avoided their gaze in fear of embarrassing yourself further with tears to simply add to your "pathetic feats" of the day. You heard a gentle and familiar sigh, Jack dropping his bag and bending over to meet your eyeline.
"Rough day, I heard," Jack rubbed the back of his neck, "Do you... want to talk about it?" Shaking your head, Jack pursed his lips. He never particularly felt as if he were good at comforting people, for his actions always seemed to speak louder than his words. He wasn't used to seeing your smile fade like the wilted flowers, or hearing muffled cries escape your typically optimistic mouth. Thats when it clicked in him, the one thing he felt would be able to cheer you up...he hoped.
You heard rustling sounds before the familiar sound of magic casting, head flicking up in time to hear his chant and watch Jacks form morph into that of a great wolf with long untouched white fur. You let out a gasp of surprise as a smile quickly took over your face, Jack utilizing his now wolf form to nuzzle your cheek against his own. You opened your arms to hug him, petting the silky fur that you only dreamed of being able to pet.
"Get on," Jack encouraged, "I wanna show you something." You double checked if he was certain he would be alright with you upon his back, his response was eagerly inviting you on and insisting he was more than capable to do as much. He lowered his body for you to comfortably climb onto his back, hugging him firmly while shoving your face into his deep soft locks of fur. Determining you were secure enough, Jack ran.
He ran through the woods a rather short trip because of his sheer speed, it seemed as if only a few minutes had past before you made it to the destination, Jack allowing you to get off his back. Before you stood what looked to be an abandoned projecy, entering the decently sized house that lay on the floor between two older looking trees. The floors were crooked and the ceiling was rotting from moist wood, the inside bare of furniture and appliances. It truly seemed to be a work in progress that someone had decided was no longer worth the time.
"I found this place not too long ago," Jack admitted, "During a run. I meant to bring you here sooner after I fixed up a couple things, I think it'll make a fun hideout one day! Or a study spot for us!" You side eyed wolf Jack, raising a suspicious eyebrow.
"Are you sure you weren't trying to trick me into jogging here sometime with you to get my daily dose of exercise in?" He let out an (almost offended) chuckle.
"You're failing gym, it takes a lot to do that." He joked. You embraced him once more, shuffling your head between his shoulder blade and falling to the ground bringing him with you.
"I can't maintain this form forever," He said almost reluctantly, his heart warmed from the affection you gave him. You nodded into his shoulder and breathed in shakily, Jack laying down on his side and allowing you to cuddle against him.
"Just...a little longer," you muttered, "is it weird? I'm sorry." Jack shook his head, giving your cheek a small and affectionate lick and rubbing his soft head into the crook of your neck as if to hug you back.
"Not at all," He replied. You two remained like that for a short period of time, before Jack had to revert back to his original all too soon in your opinion, to his tall and strong human form. His arms were now wrapped around you in a normal hug, to which you responded with a kiss against the soft skin of his cheek.
"Thank you again," you smiled gently at him. Jacks cheeks took on a rosey hue, looking away shyly with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips and a hum of thought escaping them.
"Maybe I should do it more often..." You sat up in excitement, stars in your eyes as he almost immediately regret the words slipping out his mouth. There began the whole theatrics, You insisted that next time he take you on another journey on his back, or saying something silly about him being your "knight in shining fur" protecting you in a "cool" way against danger. You gushed about the stories you could write about some sort of wolf forbidden romance, and all the other things he heard you laugh about before. This time, he listened to you with love and attentiveness more than he ever had before, not realizing how much he missed your rants.
He was truly glad you were back to being yourself...silly, smiling, utterly perfect you.
I'm so used to writing for the third years KDHFKWJD I hope he wasn't TOO out of character! If you have any suggestions on how I could improve on this, let me know and I shall update it accordingly~ I hope you liked it and properly answers your ask! If not, feel free to send another one <3
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photogirl894 · 4 months
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🪻 Fives
Wildflower 🪻
My third and final submission to the Clones Flower Fic Event! I had some fun with Fives and I hope you all like this one 🥰🥰 This was such a fun event to be a part of!!
Fic masterlist here!
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Fives always loved it when he was able to get some down time from the war. Namely, because he didn’t seem to get it often enough because there was just so much fighting going on throughout the galaxy, so whenever any kind of down time was offered to him, he accepted it gladly. He enjoyed it a lot more when he got to go with his brothers from the 501st. As an ARC Trooper, he wasn’t always assigned on missions with them, but he jumped at every chance he’d get to get to serve more with them. 
This particular shore leave after a recent mission, he and his brothers chose to go to the nearby planet of Batuu, a primarily terrestrial planet comprised of a lot of forests and mountains. After landing on the planet, they all hit up a cantina close to the spaceport for some drinks. Tup had never gone out drinking before, so naturally, a lot of the guys were teasing him about being a first-time drinker. Fives just kinda hung back and let Jesse and Hardcase give Tup a hard time while also listening to Dogma chide them about making sure to not drink too much since it would be “against regulations”. 
After a little bit, Fives decided he wanted to go outside for some fresh air, leaving his brothers to their own devices as they started getting a little more tipsy with their drinks. He enjoyed a good drink, but he didn’t want to get fully drunk. Somebody needed to help keep the rest of his brothers in line that wasn’t Dogma. They’d be fine on their own, for now. 
He wandered into the nearby forest, breathing in the crisp, cool air of the trees. For as many times as he’d fought battles out in the wild before, he’d never really taken the time to stop and enjoy the outdoors very much. His life was constantly on the move. There didn’t seem to be time to really appreciate anything. 
He continued on through the forest until he spotted a clearing close by and he could see little flashes of purple up ahead in the clearing. It looked like it was possibly a field of flowers blowing in the light breeze. Though, then he saw a flash of white in the trees that made him curious. He moved closer to the clearing and once it all came into view, he froze up. 
Standing in the clearing was you.
Dressed in a long, flowy white dress, you knelt in the middle of a field of purple wildflowers, taking in their sweet aroma and feeling the softness of their petals underneath your fingertips. Though, you heard approaching footsteps and found yourself locking eyes with the handsome Clone soldier. You had spotted him going into the cantina earlier as you were heading into the forest. He was standing in place, staring at you, and slowly stood up, letting your hair fall down your back and shoulders.
Fives was dumbstruck at your ethereal beauty. In the sunlight that peeked through the treetops into the clearing, you looked almost angelic. Surely, someone this beautiful couldn’t be a real human or alien. No…you had to be something more supernatural or mythical. 
“Surely, I’m dreaming,” he commented out loud.
You tilted your head and furrowed your eyebrows at him, puzzled.
“You’ve got to be a forest nymph,” he said.
Now, your eyebrows shot up. Was he being serious?
“I’ve heard that they’re described as being beautiful beyond measure and you…you’re the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen. That has to be the only explanation,” he went on.
You wanted to be flattered and laugh all at once. He was saying you were beautiful, which was so sweet, but he seemed to genuinely believe that you were a forest nymph, which was laughable to you. You didn’t consider yourself that beautiful. This man was already very charming and he’d only said a few words to you. That made you decide to play along with him, just to see what would happen.
“You have a very keen eye, sir,” you said, adding a bit of a lilt to your voice as you played with your skirt a bit. “What can I do for you?”
His eyes went wide, startled. “No, no, no, I wouldn’t want you to do anything!” he exclaimed, waving his hands around. “I wouldn’t dare ask such a lovely creature to do anything for me. I should be asking you that, my lady.”
“My lady?” Wow, this man was really playing it up! As endearing as you found him, you couldn’t help but really want to lean into the act even more.
Then he gave a bow and asked, “Is there anything I can do for you?”
“What’s your name?” you inquired.
“My name is Fives,” he answered.
You responded, “Well then, Fives…I am looking for the most perfect flower in this clearing. Find me one you think would satisfy me.”
“Not a problem, my lady,” he complied.
He started stepping around carefully through the flowers, looking carefully for one you requested. You were trying so hard not to laugh at just how precise he was being, even though you were only doing it as a joke. You were curious to see if he would actually find a flower he thought would be perfect and you waited in silence.
A few seconds later, he spotted one he thought would work and reached down to pull it up from the ground. However, he was unaware of how tough the roots to the flower were and, when he gave it a tug, he ended up pulling the flower out with all of its roots still attached and clods of dirt and soil mixed in, as well. It wasn’t the most attractive thing and you could tell he was a bit embarrassed at that. Finally, you couldn’t hold back and you burst with boisterous laughter, clutching at your stomach and nearly doubling over.
Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, Fives stated, “Well…I thought I had found the perfect flower.”
Through your laughs, you spouted out, “Oh Fives…you’re far too sweet!” As you started to calm down with heavy breathing, you went on, “I appreciate you doing that, but you don’t need to worry. I’m not actually a forest nymph.”
“You’re not?” he asked.
You laughed again. “No, I’m just a regular person. I thought what you said about me was just too charming to pass up and wanted to play along. I’m sorry. You can go ahead and put the flower down.”
The sound of your laugh was like music to his ears; a sound he felt he would never forget. He grinned in amusement and lowered the flower back down to the ground. Your laughter subsided, but you kept a sweet smile on your face as you gave Fives your name. It was a lovely name and he repeated it to savor the feel of it coming off his tongue. 
“What are you doing here on Batuu?” you asked him.
Pointing over his shoulder with his thumb, he replied, “My brothers and I are taking a little shore leave here for a few days. They’re back at the cantina. I should probably get back to them.”
“How come you’re out here instead of with them?” 
“I just wanted some fresh air, was all. I’m glad I came out here, though, because I might not have met you.”
Timidly, you turned your eyes away. “You don’t even know me.”
“No, I don’t…but I’d like to get to know you a little better, if that’s all right,” he said back. When you turned back to look at him, he added, “Like I said, I’ll be here for a few days. I’d like to see you again while I’m here, if you’ll allow me.”
Honestly, where was the harm in letting Fives see you again? He was undoubtedly handsome and he seemed genuinely kind and sweet. You hadn’t had a man give you as much polite attention like this in a long time and you couldn’t help but want to see him again. You then crouched down, picked up the flower he’d pulled up from the ground, separated the flower from its roots and then stood back up. With another smile, you held it out to him.
“Something to remember me by until I see you again, soldier,” you said to answer his question. 
Gingerly, he took the flower from you, eager happiness bright in his eyes.
Then you did something bold and gave him a farewell kiss on the cheek. “Goodbye, Fives,” you said with a small wave. Then you turned on your heel and ran off into the trees, the skirt of your white dress flowing behind you.
Fives, still awestruck at everything that had transpired, looked down at the purple wildflower in his hands, turning it between his fingers and smiling. He didn’t imagine that just stepping outside for air would lead to something truly amazing and unexpected. Now, he had something even greater to look forward to during his stay on Batuu.
He sure was going to have one heck of a story to tell his brothers when he got back.
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porcelainseashore · 9 months
Teenage Headache Dreams (5)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: High School! College! Leon Kennedy x Dancer! Fem! Reader
Summary: You’re a bored, but ambitious high school student who can’t wait to escape small town life and make it in the big city. You thought you had it all figured out, until you unwittingly befriend the resident golden boy, Leon. A series of events beginning from junior year to college until Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Warnings: 18+ Swearing, Recreational Drug Use, Eventual Smut, No (Y/N), Ambiguous/Open Ending
Content: High School AU, College AU, Pre-Resident Evil 2, Fluff, Romance, Cliche, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Lack of Communication
Author's Note: Final chapter, wow! Well, not quite. I am working on a Part 2 Ghosts from the Past that will fix the Hurt No Comfort ending to this fic. Before I forget, the Smut warning also applies here. It’s my first time writing smut, please be gentle 🙂 Thanks again for all your wonderful support!
AO3 Link
Chapter 5: Is This Goodbye?
Your time in college was exactly how you imagined it - exciting, eye-opening and challenging. Not only did you develop a lot artistically in those years, you became a bolder, more street smart version of yourself. What was initially raw ambition turned into a cosmopolitan New York drive that rubbed off on you. Whenever you came back to visit your hometown, you were seen as that sophisticated, big city woman you’d always wanted to be.
Leon on the other hand had grown more quiet and serious. He still joked around with you, but it seemed like his focus on doing well at the police academy matured him. He became analytical and observant, following the “look before you leap” approach more often than not. The training had also done his physique good - he was at his fittest and strongest yet.
You were proud of him. He had turned into the man you wanted to be with, not that you had ever doubted his abilities. However, it was a lot tougher to keep up the long-distance relationship than both of you had expected. It wasn’t so simple to see each other, which needed a couple of adjustments, and college life was in itself filled with hard work and distractions. Despite that, you powered through, hoping it would get easier someday, or that your paths would align better again. For now, you had to content yourself with meeting at home during the holidays, or making the trip out to either college for the odd weekend.
There were people who said it wouldn’t last. That you were wasting away your college years being with your high school sweetheart, when you should be living it up and partying like you were single. You knew where they were coming from, and you were pretty sure Leon was probably going through the same dilemma as you, but for some reason both of you didn’t want to give up. That said, you knew you had to end the distance at some point. It was clearly taking a toll on your relationship.
When you graduated from your respective colleges and returned home for a break before moving on with the next chapter of your lives, you were thankful to get some much-needed time together for once. However, the few months you had to yourselves flew by so quickly, you felt like it wasn’t enough. It never was.
“So… you could have picked literally anywhere to be stationed, but you chose Raccoon City?” You sighed audibly, as a way of letting your displeasure at the news be known. Here you were, in Leon’s house, shifting around a couple of moving boxes to help him pack up his stuff. He would be joining his new police family in a week’s time. 
Dumping one of the boxes on the ground in frustration, you continued on your rant. “I mean, you were practically a Valedictorian!”
Instantly, you felt Leon’s arms wrap around you from behind, holding you close to him as he murmured into your hair. “Baby, we’ve gone through this. You know I’ve wanted to be put on the Arklay murder cases.” He squeezed you tighter. “I’ll prove myself, I know I can.”
“It’s not about that.” You turned to face him with a pensive frown, tracing the outline of his jaw with your fingers. “I believe you’ll be the finest goddamn cop in the world, but I thought we wanted to stop being apart?”
His brows etched together as he regarded you with a hint of dejection. “Well, what do you want me to say? We knew this wouldn’t be easy.”
“I want to be with you, Leon.” You kissed his neck and buried your face into it, inhaling his musky scent deeply. “Close to you.” 
He shivered, closing his eyes as your hot breath hit his skin. “Then why don’t you come stay with me?”
You looked up, startled by his sudden proposal. “What? Are you sure?”
“More than sure.” He opened his eyes, staring at you resolutely.
You didn’t expect him to ask you to move in with him so soon, but in some way you were comforted by the fact that he still felt so strongly about you, despite these difficult years. You were tempted to give in and just say “Yes”, but at the back of your mind, you knew you had a decision to make. You had received offers from various dance companies, most of which were located in New York or abroad, where you would be thriving. Not out in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest.
The sharp trill of a telephone ringing cut through the air, interrupting your thoughts. Leon broke away apologetically. “Uh- sorry, I need to take this.”
You waited in the hallway, hearing only snippets of the conversation, but it sounded like Leon was confused. You regarded him curiously, as he walked back to where you stood with a puzzled look on his face.
“They told me not to come in,” he muttered to himself.
“Huh? Who?” you questioned.
“I don’t know, someone at the RPD.” He paused, his forehead creasing as he scowled. “They said there were some issues and to stay away for now.”
“Nothing else?” 
“Nuh uh.” He shook his head.
“That’s weird.” You folded your arms, trying to rack your brain for plausible explanations. 
“Maybe they’ll call you again when they’re ready?” You suggested, stroking his arm reassuringly. “It’s probably some admin mess up.”
He shrugged, looking rather crestfallen. You knew how eager he was to start his new job and seeing him in such a state made you feel bad for him.
“Come here.” You reached out, taking him in your arms again. “I know you’re frustrated it’s not working out as planned,” you began. “But honestly, I’m just happy to have you to myself for a little longer.”
He peered down at you, the corners of his mouth breaking out into a smile. “You’re impossible,” he breathed, sealing your lips with an intimate kiss.
A week went by, and then another. Leon heard nothing.
However, you relished the lazy mornings waking up next to him in bed, snuggling together which often led to something more. You didn’t want this to end, but in the coming days, you noticed him pace around the room anxiously, glancing every so often at the telephone, in the hopes he would get another call to report in.
It finally came to a breaking point, where he decided that he should just go in anyway to check on things. His parents cooked up a farewell meal the night before to send him off. You sat next to him at the dining table, looking down at your plate and poking gingerly at the food. You had hardly eaten.
When his parents went into the kitchen to bring out more drinks and the dessert, he whispered into your ear, “You know, it’s rude to play with your food.”
You turned towards him with a wistful smile, admitting, “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too,” he replied. Below the table, his hand crept underneath your skirt, tracing the side of your thigh, before making its way between your legs. You closed your eyes and sighed at his touch. “But it’s only temporary, right?”
His words caused you to look away in shame, biting your cheek. You still hadn’t made up your mind about the offers and in turn, whether you would live with him. But deep down, you knew you were just stalling for time. It was one thing moving to the city, but moving countries? That would most likely spell the end of your relationship. 
“I don’t know where I’m going… yet.”
He tilted your chin in his direction and you could see the weariness in his eyes, like he was tired of rehashing this topic over and over again. “Look, let’s just enjoy this last night together, ok?”
“Yeah.” You didn’t know why, but something about the way he said it felt so final and it bothered you. But you didn’t want to argue anymore. You wanted to pretend that everything was fine as it was.
Then, his parents came back to the table and his mom gestured to the wine bottle in her hand. “Some more?”
You nodded and thanked her, as she filled your glass and his dad served out the dessert. All the while, Leon’s hand never left your inner thigh, drawing absentminded circles on your skin, apparently impatient to have some alone time with you.
Soon, they excused themselves to retire to bed, leaving you and Leon to clear away the dishes. Once that was done, you settled on the living room couch, where you had shared many memories of watching movies and chatting til the early hours of the morning. Curling up against Leon, you rested your head against his chest, feeling its rise and fall, and listening to his heartbeat.
“Shall we pick up from where we left off?” His fingers grazed your bare legs again. One last time? A voice echoed in your head, but you shrugged it off.
“Are they asleep?” You wondered out loud.
“Pretty certain,” he replied nonchalantly. “You’re getting rusty at this, aren’t you?” He smirked, sinking his weight onto you so that you fell back on the cushioned seat of the couch, while he groped your hips and breasts through your lace camisole, planting kisses all over your body.
You felt like teenagers again, making out and fondling each other over your clothes on the couch, while his parents slept soundly upstairs. Back then, it never led to anything too serious. You were just fooling around and exploring each other’s bodies without getting caught. This time though, your clothes didn’t stay on for very long.
He chuckled at your restlessness as you tugged off his shirt, running your hands along his toned chest towards his abs. “Enjoying the view?”
“It’s not bad,” you half-lied, throwing him an alluring smile as you palmed his growing erection through his jeans. He hissed in response, grinding it against your hand. “But this is just getting in the way.”
“Well, if the lady insists-” He pushed himself up to a seated position and you groaned at the loss of contact, as well as in anticipation of his cheesy comeback. “-then who am I to deny her?” You heard the sound of his belt unbuckle as he slid out of his jeans, chucking it carelessly to the floor.
The bulge in his plain black boxers caused you to subconsciously lick your lips as he hovered over you, slipping the straps of your camisole to the sides suggestively. “I don’t think it’s fair that I’m the only one getting naked here.”
Nuzzling your nose against his playfully, you stole a quick kiss from his lips before shifting yourself up, allowing him to take your top off with ease. He hummed in appreciation as your breasts spilled out, nipples hardening from the cool air in the room. You knew he liked it when you went without a bra. Cupping your right breast in his hand, he gave it a small squeeze, thumbing its peak before taking it into his mouth, licking and sucking it eagerly. A low moan escaped from your throat, as you grasped tufts of his blonde hair, while his other hand slid under the waistband of your skirt, pulling it down unceremoniously. 
His tongue flicked against your nipple at the same time as he stroked your folds through the soaked fabric of your white thong that accentuated your curves perfectly. Your body jolted from the sensitivity as you held back a whimper.
“Mm… so wet already,” he murmured, somewhat proud of himself. It wasn’t always this way. You remembered the first time you and Leon had sex - the awkwardness, fumbling around blindly in the dark, trying to find your way into the positions, but at least there was a lot of laughter. Eventually you adjusted and learnt how your bodies responded to each other, and now he knew how to make this night memorable.
Pushing your thong to the side, you felt his index finger enter your pussy as his thumb played with your clit, causing you to gasp in response. “You like that, baby?” he asked, checking in with you.
“Mm hm,” you nodded, your voice sounding high-pitched and strained. “More,” you begged.
He obliged, slipping in another finger and quickening the pace slightly. You moved your hips against them, allowing him to penetrate you deeper, and coating his fingers with your arousal. As he continued thrusting into you, he trailed the tip of his tongue from your breasts, down along your stomach, reaching your mound and finally swirling it around your throbbing clit. Your breathing grew shallow and rapid with each stroke.
His fingers curled forward, pressing against that sweet, spongy spot, causing you to jerk in response, clamping his face between your thighs. Your core tightened and burned, as waves of euphoria built up in your body. Biting into your knuckles to let out a strangled moan, the walls of your pussy clenched around his fingers as you reached your climax.
It felt as if the world had stopped spinning for a moment as you came down from your orgasm, chest heaving and sweat dripping between your breasts. “Wow,” you exhaled. Gradually, your vision came into focus as you saw Leon facing you, grinning through his plump lips, moistened by a mixture of saliva and your fluids.
“Was it good?” He had the audacity to ask, even though he already knew the answer. However, the praise he received from you couldn’t hurt. Rolling your eyes, you shifted your weight onto his body, pushing him against the backrest of the couch as you sat on his lap. 
“It was amazing,” you acknowledged, kissing him sloppily as you tasted yourself on his mouth, before slinking down to the ground on your knees, coming to rest between his legs. His eyes widened in recognition, taking the hint as he pulled down his boxers, kicking them to the side. Instinctively, you reached for his cock, already painfully hard and erect. The tip of it was weeping with precum which you smeared with your thumb, causing it to twitch in your hand as he gritted his teeth and groaned into your touch.
Leon’s gaze was transfixed on you as you pumped his shaft a few times sensually, before running your tongue along the length of his cock, filling it entirely in your mouth when you reached the top. 
He sucked in a sharp breath. “God, that’s hot.”
You pulled your mouth off his cock, still keeping your hand tightly wrapped around its base. How could you pass up on such an opportunity to tease him? Batting your eyelashes, you pouted up at him. “You want me to continue?”
You swore you could have heard a whimper, before he pleaded, a little too enthusiastically, “Fuck yes,” so much so you had to remind him to keep his voice down.
Satisfied with his mini outburst, you smiled cheekily and went back at it. He held your hair up firmly with one hand and balled the other into a fist, gripping the edge of the seat as he watched you suck on his cock through half-lidded eyes. Your lips stretched over it as you took it all the way in and came back up, circling your tongue around the tip and ridge. He threw his head back, turning to the side to muffle his whines and you sped up, increasingly turned on by the sounds you drew out of him.
At some point, Leon tapped on your shoulder lightly, indicating for you to stop. “I’m sorry, baby. I won’t last if you keep doing this,” he made out through labored breaths.
You nodded understandingly as he pulled you up again into his arms, so that you were straddling his lap, and he littered you with tender kisses in appreciation. You cherished these moments of affection in between. It was like a calm respite in the eye of the storm. 
Afterwards, you discarded the thong that was looking a little worse for wear and lifted yourself slightly, guiding his cock towards your entrance as he rested his hands on both sides of your ass. He took in the view fully, his dilated pupils burning with desire, as he memorized every detail of your body and the intoxicated expression so clearly marked across your face when you sank down onto him.
Once you had eased in, you moved up and down his hard length, breasts bouncing in a similar motion as you rocked your hips in sync with his thrusts upwards into you. Clinging on to his broad shoulders, you gasped each time he bottomed out inside. He whispered in hushed tones, telling you how beautiful you were, how good you felt, and how much he was yours, as you swallowed your guilt, pushing away whatever dreams you had of a future living together with him.
Seemingly oblivious to your thoughts, Leon kneaded your ass, spreading its cheeks apart as you rode his cock faster and harder to distract yourself. Feeling another orgasm build up in your aching cunt, you dug your nails into his skin, the sensation causing him to growl and buck his hips up, plunging into you. When you let out a loud yelp, he stopped abruptly, eyeing you with concern as you raised a hand to your mouth in embarrassment.
“Was that too much?” “You think they heard me?” You both asked in unison, before exchanging looks and giggling quietly, as you reassured him that he hadn’t hurt you. The room was silent except for your breathing and nothing stirred in the night. It seemed like his parents must be heavy sleepers.
“Leon…” you called out, gently caressing his cheek as he stared at you with those icy blue eyes. “I want you, but-”
“Shhh, it’s ok,” he interrupted, bringing his finger to your lips, as if he already knew what you were about to say. Maybe he just wanted tonight to be perfect as it was too. Tomorrow could wait.
The next minute, he pulled you flush against his hips, before pinning you flat onto the couch seat with your wrists restrained above your head. Your legs were wrapped around his waist and his cock was still buried deep in your pussy. With renewed vigor he set a relentless pace as he pounded into you, coaxing moan after moan from your mouth. He leaned in to kiss your throat, muttering against your skin, “Show me how much you want me.”
You knew what he meant. He wanted to hear his name on your lips as he fucked you with such desperation, as if to remind you that you were his. As if he was afraid to lose you. Maybe it was because he didn’t know when would be the next time he’d see you. Or perhaps he had a gut feeling that you’d leave him for some fancy dance company far away.
His blazing cerulean eyes bore into you, savoring every reaction that he could elicit from your body, as he covered your mouth and slammed his hips against your pussy mercilessly.
“Ah- fuck! Leon!” With each thrust, you screamed into his cupped hand in pleasure until your voice was hoarse, and you were positive that if anyone was in the hallway, they would hear the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin and muted cries.
It didn’t take long for your climax to hit again and you arched your back, crying out his name for a final time as your mind went blank and your body spasmed uncontrollably. His rhythm started to falter as he felt your cunt squeeze and milk him for all its worth. Beads of sweat trickled down his brow as he locked eyes with you, and you caught a glimpse of sadness in them, resulting in a similar pang to seep into your heart. He knew it would soon be over. 
Finishing off with a few more thrusts, he filled you deep with his hot cum, groaning your name and capturing your lips in another feverish kiss. With that, he collapsed on top of you in a heap, both of you panting heavily as you felt a pool of wetness on your face. Were those tears? Were they yours or his? You weren’t sure anymore.
After a moment of silence, you heard a faint whisper, “Please, don’t leave me.” You didn’t respond, but instead stroked his damp hair soothingly, placing a lingering kiss on his forehead as you closed your eyes and sighed.
The morning after, all that remained was a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as Leon made his final preparations to head off. You avoided each other’s gaze as you shuffled around the house, placing the remaining items in his jeep. You used to laugh at the size of that monstrous car, but you had to eat your words when he drove you to both of your favorite secluded spots, where you would sit back together on its spacious hood with blankets and drinks, watching the starry night and city skyline in each other’s arms. So many memories, so little time.
Finally, it was time and you couldn’t ignore what was coming anymore.
“It’s getting late...” He could barely look at you and his eyes were brimming with melancholy. “I should go.”
He was still standing away from you at arm's length apart, afraid to touch you, in case he might change his mind. You couldn’t stand how permanent this goodbye felt, as if you knew innately that this would be the last you would see of him. There was no explanation to it, just pure, raw energy.
In a last ditch attempt, you blurted out, “I’ll call you.” You reached out to grab his hand. “There’s a dance company near Arklay, I could-”
He took his hand away as if he had been burnt. “Don’t,” he warned, his voice trembling as he choked on his words. “Just don’t play games with me.”
He could see through your empty promises and even though you had repeated the same lie over and over again to yourself that you would stay, it was obvious that your heart was captivated by the glittering city lights of a foreign country, and he couldn’t win you over. Not this time. He knew you would break up with him even before you saw it coming yourself.
“Leon, I-” you paused, hot tears streaming down your face as you met his blue eyes. You longed to profess how much you loved him and what he meant to you, but your emotions were caught in your throat. In the end, you could only manage a feeble, “I’m sorry.”
You saw the flicker of light in his eyes dim out as he glanced away. “Don’t be.” He turned towards his jeep and opened the door. “It’s just how life works out sometimes.” He shrugged dejectedly, as if resigned to his fate.
He climbed into the vehicle and turned on the engine, before facing you one last time. “Goodbye,” he called out softly.
With that, he closed the car door and drove off into the distance.
The next day, you heard it on the news. Raccoon City would be destroyed due to a deadly viral outbreak. Within a day, the entire city of 100,000 civilians was gone, wiped off the face of the Earth. For the greater good. Your mouth twisted in distaste at the government’s decision as the glass of water you were holding slipped through your hand, shattering onto the floor.
There was an incessant ringing sound in your ear and you tasted metal on your tongue. Your whole body went numb as you kept your eyes peeled on the TV, your breath coming in short until you started hyperventilating. 
Leon? Dear god, Leon! Please let him be alive, you prayed to some unknown, higher entity.
Your parents had to hold you up and drag you away from the living room, shutting off the TV as they ushered you into your old bedroom to calm you down. There could be survivors, they said. And for some time, you had hope. 
As weeks passed and you heard nothing except stone cold silence, that hope began to diminish. You didn’t know how painful heartbreak was until you experienced it - the wrenching of skin, tearing of tissue, a crushing force against your organs. 
You were so foolish. You should have told him how you felt. Now you had nothing left except regret. Wishing that you could have turned back the clock and gone to a prestigious arts college near Springfield instead, just so you could have spent more time together. Wishing again, that you would have accepted his offer to live with him. And finally, wishing that you had convinced him to stay one more day, so he would be here, in front of you, still living.
You would have given everything up and more to have him back. But he was gone. And this time, it really was too late.
Grief has no bounds, and you couldn’t spend a second longer in the place where you grew up. Not if you wanted that very same grief to rip into you and consume you. So you did the one thing you knew how to do best. Run. Run away as far as you could to somewhere that wouldn’t remind you of the boy you shared all the good and bad times with. The boy you loved and lost.
As you packed your things with no plan of where you were headed to next, a strong gust of wind blew through the open window, causing a bunch of papers on your desk to scatter across the floor. And there you saw it. The long-forgotten card, with white text embossed on white background, serendipitously landing right in the middle of where you were standing.
Staring at the card for a moment, you quickly picked it up, placing it securely into your handbag, next to the college graduation photo you and Leon had posed in together. Both of you were happy back then, with so much hope and dreams ahead of you. 
You shook your head, muttering to yourself, “Hey, loser.” 
If Leon was up there somewhere, please just let him hear this. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t say I love you.”
Wiping away the tears that never ceased to fall these days, you took one final glance around the room, before turning on your heel and never looking back.
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dying-brb · 1 month
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desolation / an ellie x f!oc fanfiction / tlou universe
!slowburn !angst !subreader !domellie !fluff
tw: this is a heavy fic. mentions of sa, violence, gore, etc. 18+
(oc starts off 14 but only for backstory)
click if you haven't read chapter 1
chapter 2: 1900 words
⋆⭒˚.⋆ Natalie  -  14 yrs old  ⋆⭒˚.⋆
The leader of the cannibalistic cult that had captured me, David, began making regular visits to my cell.
Every morning. Every night.
Initially, I tensed at the creak of the door and his heavy steps echoing through the confined space. He would slip into my cell at dawn, before the sun even rose, and again at dusk as twilight fell. I assumed he chose these times to avoid detection by others in the community. If they were capable of consuming their own kind—people they had known, and enjoyed it—what regard would they have for their "Father" assaulting a young girl?
At first, I fought. I screamed, kicked, begged, bit, thrashed—anything to stay alive.
But after 22 days in this grim cell, my will to fight ebbed away. This wretched place drained my hope like a reverse transfusion.
The hope I once clung to was grounded in the possibility of a cure, believing my immunity could make a difference. But what kind of world would my immunity even be saving? A world where girls are confined like animals in cages? Where desperate pleas are met with cruel, heartless laughter? It was a world too far gone.
So I simply let go, releasing my tight grip on life. It seemed easier that way.
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They fed me once a day, enough to sustain me if I had actually consumed what they served. Each time dinner arrived, delivered by a young girl much younger than myself, I refused—knowing full well what they were disguising as 'just venison.' I would gag and swiftly retreat to the farthest corner of my cramped cell, desperate to distance myself from the plate. I would sooner embrace death than stoop to this dehumanizing level.
David noticed my refusal to eat, observing my breath growing more ragged each day, my shirt hanging looser on my small frame. His displeasure was palpable.
"You know, if you don't eat, you'll just die. Starvation is a slow and miserable death. Is that what you want?" His eyes squinted in my direction as he spoke.
I chuckled weakly. I may not have had any fight left in me, but this defiance was the one thing I could still wield against him—something he craved but would soon lose.
"So? Let me die. I don't care. I won't have to endure you anymore," I whispered, my voice cracking, lungs wheezing with each word. A pained smile crept across my extremely chapped lips.
"I know they're tired of me taking up space in this cage. They want me gone. Your community needs food. But you don't want that, do you?" I scoffed, laughter tinged with bitterness. "You're deluded if you think you can keep me here forever. I'll die soon enough, with or without your buddies butchering me first."
Sometimes in my dreams, I glimpsed the light—the one they say appears before death. Yet, every time, just as I approached it —my hand reaching out desperately— I'd awaken to the cramped confines of my cell.
Disappointment flooded me each time.
Please. Make it stop. Let it end.
I silently begged myself and any deities who might hear my cries for help.
The sinister man—the false prophet—simply stared at me, his expression devoid of emotion.
"If you just eat, it doesn't have to be that way. You can survive this. You could join us. If you behave, of course."
My fingers twitched at the word. He had used it incessantly during his visits. It pricked at my eyes and pierced my skin, much like the frigid air on my first night here. My stomach churned. Was it hunger, disgust, or perhaps fear?
"Never," I choked out, tears streaming down my cheeks as he grinned, evidently pleased to provoke a reaction from me.
Now, death was the escape I sought out, death was my vengeance. He would no longer hold my life in his hands, and I would finally be free of him, this place, this cruel torturous world.
A young girl interrupted my thoughts, entering with dinner and placing it on the floor outside of my cell.
"Ravioli today. Mommy said not to waste it or you'll be punished," she chirped, nudging the plate so it slid beneath the bars of the cage. With a skip in her step and a faint smile on her lips, she hummed her way out of the room.
Punishment was reserved for disobedience, escape attempts, or failure to answer David and the others. They'd burn the soles of my feet to ensure I couldn't flee. It had been over a week since I last endured it. I hoped to keep it that way.
I didn't comprehend how they could subject a child to witness a prisoner like this: innocent, naive, and impressionable. This young girl bore daily witness to my battered body. I frowned, contemplating her upbringing, silently hoping for a better future than that of the other corrupted souls trapped here.
Aware that the ravioli came from a can, I crawled over on hands and knees, trembling as I ate the cold concoction with the spoon they provided. Normally denied utensils, I suspected it was the young girl's oversight. David remained oblivious.
"Good. You're eating," he remarked, rising and casting a glance in my direction. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it, Cupcake?"
I recoiled at the nickname. Throughout my time in confinement, they had never managed to pry my real name from me. Instead, they relied on pet names or simply calling out "Hey, you!" to get my attention.
I mechanically stuffed the ravioli into my mouth, despite my stomach already feeling uncomfortably full from days of only sips of water. Every bite was a struggle, but I forced it down, knowing I would need my strength for what lay ahead.
They left the spoon behind. It was a mistake.
After finishing every last bite, I slid the plate back under the barred enclosure and carefully tucked the spoon beneath my makeshift bed—a bundle of newspaper and a thin blanket, but enough to hide my newfound tool.
Tonight marked David's final visit. Tonight, I would make my escape.
The night sky gleamed through the window directly opposite my cage, a constant reminder of freedom just out of reach. Tonight, though, I vowed to step into that moonlit world, to feel the crisp outdoor air on my skin once more. Never again would I have to gaze hopelessly at that window.
David had left some time ago, granting me a fleeting sense of security to plan my escape. The night watch continued their rounds, checking on me sporadically. As the weeks of my captivity drew on, the intervals between their visits stretched longer. Perhaps they mistook my subdued demeanor for resignation, believing I had surrendered any hope of freedom. Maybe yesterday they were right, but today, they would be proven wrong.
Mentally calculating, I estimated the next check-in was approximately 45 minutes away.
"Plenty of time," I muttered to myself, retrieving the spoon from under my pillow. This small oversight, this spoon, was my ticket to freedom.
Pressing the spoon against the cage's lock, I heard the bars lightly clank as I leaned into them. Damn it.
I prayed no one had heard the noise emanating from my confinement; now was my moment to slip away unnoticed. This was my sole chance, my final opportunity before the end. I knew it. The lock securing the cage door wasn't intricate—a simple, rusted padlock with a cord wrapped multiple times around the door and cage. In another time, perhaps it had been a bicycle lock.
With determination, I wedged the spoon's end between the shackle and its base, bending it toward me, shaping it into the tool I required. Straining with every ounce of remaining strength, the spoon bent into a U-shape, exerting pressure on the lock's shackle. The metal groaned, protesting against the strain until finally, with a snap, the rusted shackle yielded, freeing the old lock.
I exhaled a long sigh of relief before slipping out of the cage, my limbs trembling with adrenaline, my mind racing. Glancing at the butchering table that had loomed in front of me for so long, I smirked and quietly seized a cleaver as I tiptoed from the room.
"David, you're dead," I thought to myself, the rush of adrenaline keeping me alert and steady. A frenzied sensation prickled my skin as I navigated the dark corridors, hunting for him.
Yet, instead of David, I encountered someone unexpected—the young girl who had dutifully brought me dinner every night since my arrival. The 9, perhaps 8-year-old pointed up at me, her finger trembling with what seemed like fear. "You're out. The Father won't like this," she whispered.
I gazed into her eyes, my expression pleading silently. I didn't know how to beg a child for my freedom, but I couldn't risk her revealing my escape either.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm going on a little adventure, okay? It's our secret," I whispered urgently.
"I love secrets! I hide them from my mommy all the time!" the little girl chirped, twiddling her fingers and scanning the room.
I chuckled softly, enough to comfort her nerves. "Me too. How about we play hide and seek? You hide, and I'll come find you," I suggested, seizing the chance to divert her attention and buy myself time.
I burned with the desire for David's reckoning, but survival drove me more.
The girl beamed, nodding eagerly and clapping her hands once before scurrying to a nearby corner, starting to count aloud. "Okay! 1, 2, 3..."
I moved cautiously past her, quickening my pace once I was out of earshot.
I swung open the front door of the building, bracing myself against the biting winds of Colorado's unforgiving winter. My hands instinctively wrapped around my body, seeking warmth that was elusive in the frigid air. This wasn't the liberation I had envisioned—feeling the cool breeze on my skin, my clothes fluttering in the wind. No, this was harsh, cutting against my weakened frame.
I recalled vividly the night when David had dragged me here, barely alive, teetering on the edge of frostbite and hypothermia. The memory made my skin crawl with the same chapped numbness as the icy winds whipped around me now.
In the distance, a horse neighed, its sound cutting through the cold night air. I pushed myself to move faster. Escaping on horseback would increase my chances of survival, offering a chance to find shelter far enough away from David and his followers, yet close enough to navigate through the wilderness.
Tears streamed down my face, turning to ice on my chilled cheeks. If I managed to escape on a harsh winter night like this, survival seemed improbable. Yet, the thought of taking control of my fate, even in such brutal conditions, ignited a flicker of hope within me.
With trembling hands, I finally reached the stable. I approached the horse cautiously, shushing her gently to signal I meant no harm, then stroking her neck to earn her trust before attempting to mount. The touch of the icy metal and the warmth of the horse's flank provided a stark contrast against the freezing air. As I settled into the saddle, the once extinguished fire within me surged back to life. This moment, seated firmly on the horse, marked the start of my battle for freedom on my own terms.
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gaybananabread · 10 months
hellooo! for the fruit shop could you do pear + grapes with lee!miles and ler!hobie from ATSV? the idea I had in mind was that Miles would be stressed about being spiderman, and hobie would comfort him in his own special way (which would then include tickling Miles to pieces ofc) tysm!!
Fruit(s): Pears, Grapes
These two are incredibly fun to write for I swear- Miles would absolutely be one to way stress out over life, and I can see Hobie affectionately being a dork about it. Love how your brain works, Anon! As always, thank you for the request, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Miles
Ler: Hobie
Summary: Miles is falling behind due to his duties as Spider-Man and majorly stressing out about it. Hobie helps him calm down, as well as adding a special twist to make sure he's all cheered up.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Miles ran through the halls of Visions High School, racing to get to class…well, less late than he would've if he wasn't running. A few papers fell out of his binder, but he didn't stop. They weren't important anyway…probably. Extra copies exist for a reason.
He had run into two villains that morning; some weird bird guy and a rhino. The fight trashed his suit, ripping it in places and leaving him bruised up. Lucky for him, a good foundation can solve any problem.
When he finally burst into the classroom, his history teacher looked less than impressed. She pointed to his seat before continuing her lecture, silently letting him know to stay after class. Wonderful. 
Time seemed to crawl as he half-listened to the lecture, knee bouncing furiously beneath the desk. The bell finally rang, somehow sending both a pang of relief and dread into his chest. It had just been that kind of week. She approached his desk, sighing and leaning on it. 
“Look, Miles… I know you’re a good kid. You pay attention, don’t talk unless it’s appropriate, and write me apologies when you’re late or forget an assignment. What I can’t understand is what’s distracting you so badly that you’re late every day and write the same date on your papers for a week.” Her voice wasn’t judgemental; she just sounded tired and wanted to know what was happening. He could relate to that.
“I…I just got a full plate.” It was a lame explanation, but it was the best he had. She frowned, though it was a look of mild frustration rather than disappointment or anger. “Maybe you should try to clear it a bit. At this rate, that plate’s going to get so heavy that you won’t be able to carry it anymore. I don’t want to see your plate shatter, Miles. Think about it.”
That wasn’t so bad. He felt horrible for lying, but that icky ache was growing more dull with each fib. “But. You have been late to my class four times now. You know the rules.” His heart sank; four tardies meant a write-up and a call home. Not so bad to most, though he had no good way to explain himself. 
“I know there’s more to this, so I’ll be nice. You’ve got a choice. Either take the normal reprimand or write me a one thousand word report on the development of political institutions throughout American history.” Damn it…
Miles frowned down at his ever-growing to-do list, tallying up his work for the weekend. He chose the essay for his history teacher; he couldn’t get another reprimand. His body ached from the fight, his mind dragging as he tried to focus on the political article. The word “exhausted” felt like a gross understatement.
The teen was so out of it that he didn’t notice things floating around the dorm, nor did he see the lanky Brit that came out of the portal. He did, however, feel the arms that wrapped around him and lifted him into the air. “Ey, short man! What’cha mopin’ for?” The small shriek he let out shocked both of them. Hobie set the boy back down, frowning slightly. “Damn, you al’ight? You’re jumpy as hell.”
That look…he decided he hated it. The worried, slightly pitiful look made him feel crummier than he already did. But…he could actually tell Hobie what was bothering him. Hobie was like him; a part of their crazy, high-pressure world. Miles actually had someone to confide in. “Nah, not really…”
Hobie bit his lip, sighing at the simple admission. His friend looked…tired. Tired and sad. He’d have to fix that.
The punk brought Miles to his bed, laying him down and sitting beside him. Whenever his friends are upset, Hobie has a special way of cheering them up. Miles’s cheer-ups include a special step, one he never sees coming; it’s always clear he enjoys it though.
Hobie wrapped an arm around his friend, pulling him into a tight and comforting hug. “Hey, c’mon Miles. You can tell me anythin’, bruv.” Miles sighed, leaning into the hug. Finally, someone he can talk to… 
“Uh…it’s just been a lot. With Spider-Man stuff, school’s been impossible, and my teachers are gettin’ closer and closer to callin’ my parents. I dunno how I’m gonna explain it if they do…” His voice trailed off at the end as he buried his face in Hobie’s shoulder. 
The taller man rubbed Miles’s arm, trying to help him feel better. There wasn’t much that could be done for his situation unless he told his parents; that was only happening when he was ready. “”M sorry, Miles; that’s just rotten. If ya want, I could ‘elp with some’a those assignments. Was pre’y decent in school, long as it ain’t Maths.” 
His eyes lit up at the offer; he had to bite his tongue before he sounded too desperate. “Y-yeah, that’d be awesome! Only if it’s easy for you, though; I-I don’t wanna cause problems.” Hobie huffed, deciding it was time for the special portion of his cheer up session. 
A squeeze on Miles’s side cut off his half-apologies, his words ending in a squeal. “H-Hohobie? What’re you- nYAHAhahaha!” Miles shoved at the other spider’s hand as it poked and prodded at his side. Seriously, that?! He didn’t mind it, but still…
“Isn’t it obvious? ‘M cheerin’ you up, lil’ man.” Hobie smirked, moving to spider his fingers on Miles’s stomach. He squeaked, his giggles occasionally jumping up to choked laughter. “I-Ihihi dohon’t neheed chehehEERIHING UHUHUP!” 
The teen squirmed and thrashed, trying to get away from his friend’s tickly touch. He was trapped; Hobie’s strong, firm grip on his shoulders was inescapable, his evil fingers going to town on Miles’s poor belly. “Course ya do, yer all mopey. Those giggles suit ya much better than a frown.”
Hobie’s wiggling fingers went exploring, landing on the younger spider’s ribcage. His arms slammed to his sides, trying to stop that hand from going any higher. “HOHOHObiehehe! Ihi’m hahappy! Y-youhu can quihIHIHIT!” 
The fact that he didn’t outright say to stop only made the punk want to go on forever. It was clear he wanted a bit more; that blocked spot was quite enticing… The arm around Miles’s shoulders moving out front, gathering up his hands and holding his arms above his head. Hobie smirked, the lopsided look sending a flurry of butterflies to Miles’s stomach. “Brace ya’self, giggles~”
Not wanting to wait any longer, Hobie dug into his hollows, mining for all the laughter he could find. And laughter he got. “HOHOHOBIEHE! NAHAT THEHERE! NAHAHAHO!” Miles bucked and thrashed, almost knocking them both off his bed. Hobie got ahead of the mess, pushing him down onto the mattress so neither of them could get hurt. 
Loud, boisterous, almost childish laughter rang out in the dorm, almost definitely going through the walls to his “neighbors.” He wasn’t exactly hating what was happening, but it was problematic. It was hardly the worst noise that had ever come through dorm walls, though he was sure someone would call in a noise complaint. That thought made his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “SOHOHOMEONE’S GOHOHONNA CAHALL SEHEHECURITYHYHY!” 
Hobie rolled his eyes, hating the logic; it was true, but he didn’t have to like it. He wasn’t ready to quit just yet. Instead of stopping completely, he moved his fluttering fingers to Miles’s neck. The boy’s raucous laughter calmed to sweet giggles, his struggling almost ending. 
Anyone who personally knew Miles could tell how adorably sensitive his neck was. Even the soft, gentle tickling had him giggling like a little kid. That person could also tell that he absolutely adored any attention on that certain spot; he practically melted.
Normally, he would’ve let Hobie continue with the gentle tickling. He had a lot of work, however, and was getting more and more tired with every giggle. Miles weakly tugged at his arms, whining through the sweet sound. “C-cohohome ohon! Plehehease?”
Hobie chuckled, seeing how tired the other spider was getting. “Bah, fine. Lucky I‘m feelin’ nice today, giggles.” He dragged a claw from Miles’s pit to his belly before stopping, giving his entire midsection a parting gift before he let go. Miles shrieked, curling up into a ball the moment he was released. 
The punk rubbed his back, chuckling softly. Miles flinched at first, thinking Hobie was going back for another tease. “Ey, I’m done, I’m done! Calm it down, Miles.” A small huff left his full lips as he looked over his giggly friend. “You al’ight, lil’ man? Didn’t go too far, did I?”
Miles shook his head, relaxing at the calming touch. “N-noho, you’re goohohod. Just…just tihickled.” That got a laugh out of the other hero; guess some things never change.
Once the teen had fully calmed down and regained his composure, the two got to work. Well, Hobie started on one of the essays while Miles finally got a much-needed nap and meal. After he got his rest, they both worked on assignments, music playing in the background to help them focus. Every so often, Miles would groan in frustration, earning him a quick and reassuring poke to the side. And you know what? He didn’t mind it one bit.
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stay-midnight · 1 year
Maple Syrup
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Synopsis: Changbin takes you out on a second date on a picnic of an old childhood zone type thing. Well, tension fills the air and escalates a bit faster than you expected but no regrets of it one bit.
Seo Changbin x Male Reader
• Requested by Anon √
• Word #: 2.7K
• Warnings/Kinks: Top Seo Changbin, Bot Male Reader, Porn Without Plot, Degradation, Praises, Kissing, Fingering, Safe Sex, Petnames, Second Date Sex, First Time w/ Changbin (Not in a virgin-type way), Neck Kissing, Smol Aftercare (Not Really Overshown), Love Showering, , Make-out, Tongue in Mouth, Disgustingly Loads of Fluff, To Boyfriends Development, Picnic Date, Picnic Sex, Open Field Sex, Gentle and Fluff Sex, Love is in the Air, 0 to 100 real quick, Pancakes and Syrup, Changbin praises reader just a lot
• A/N: My second fic after 10 months! Changbin fic at that! So the request was just "gentle smut with changbin" so I hope it delivered ey, it took a bit longer than expected, I approached this fic with a different writing style than the Seungmin fic so I hope it's alright! I'm experimenting a bit huehue but still trying to improve what I can right now! But I think im more satisfied with this than the Seungmin fic (maybe?)
The crops rustles around you, the soft blanket laid upon the cornfield was soft underneath your knees and legs, the man—your date grins as he take things out of the picnic basket that he brought— the aroma of sweetness hit the atmosphere as your eyes turn into little saucers at the sight of filling, soft and fluffy pancakes.
“I didn't take you for such a cook, Binnie. Don't even get me started on the romantic place you chose, what's the occasion?” Tone filled with astonishment.
Changbin laughs toothly, quirking his eyebrow at you.
“Nothing, every day is an occasion with you anyway, Y/N” he says, as he tops the pancake with blueberries he took out from the medium-sized basket.
A gentle laugh flows out of you, settling down in a bit as he places a plate in front of you—bringing flowers out of the basket which you saw while strolling earlier.
“Where did you find this place anyway?” You ask with curiosity, taking your phone out of your pocket and noticing the weak signal as soon as the screen light up. Changbin soon sits down from his kneeling position as he finishes making the place seem more picnic-y with the flowers, decorations and of course the food—pancakes, bananas and a bottle of syrup.
“Been here when I was young, there's actually a farm and a river that passes this meadow.” He explains with a hum, as he moves closer to you — taking a forkful from the stack of pancakes.
“Hmm... Childhood core memory picnic on the second date, you really are something Binnie~” you tease, fist bumping the man on his toned chest.
He chuckles, “Uh huh.. Would that make for a better boyfriend or worse one?” He teases back, his shoulder slumping down as he pokes your side sneakily.
“Ah!” You tut at Changbin at his action, “Guess...?” you respond, finally taking a bite out of the pancakes he brought — the blueberry taste feeling delectable on your tastebuds. Though it could use a bit of sweetness so you grab for the bottle of maple syrup on Changbin's side.
“I think—” he starts, before you suddenly land your head on his lap when you try to get the sweetening liquid. Changbin's eyes raised at that before letting out a small laugh and handed you over the maple syrup as you tried to fix yourself up.
You look at him in embarrassment and his grin worsened the feeling.
“Sorry,” you simply said, as you took the object off his hands. Changbin laughs to clear the air — “It's fine, no worries—my clumsy caterpillar.” He jokes, the way you rolled your eyes at him cleared the tension as you popped the cap open.
Slowly, the syrup pours on top of the filling blueberry-topped hotcakes — watching as it flows down the sides like a fountain.
“The pancakes look so fluffy, did you make them?” You take a bite of the sweet goodness, cheeks full of the food and your tongue being blessed with the taste of maple leaves, blueberries and the texture of the pancake.
“Mhmm, A friend taught me.” He says, as he joins in on consuming the mouthwatering dessert.
“Cooking, producing and date-planning, what else you've got hidden under that buff sleeve, Binnie?” A whistle came out of your mouth at that, grinning at the man — pointing your fork at him accusingly.
“Well, that's for me to hide and for you to find out.” He responds with a dopey smile, scrunching his face at you as he flexes his muscles as a tease.
“Oh wow, don't worry, being a serial killer that brought me here to kill me while savoring sweet blueberry pancakes isn't checked off the list.” You said as Changbin grins — swinging his arm in a stabbing motion that causes you to stick your tongue out at him playfully—“I have 911 at speed dial.”
“Just so you know, little—lonely, scared Y/N that this place has no bars.” He refers to the signal, opening his phone and tapping his screen as he says the line in the creepiest way as his voice allows too.
“You look like a little goofball. Pfft.”
Changbin huffs at your comment, placing the pancakes on the fork and lifting it towards your mouth.
“Airplane's coming~” He teases with a large smirk, as he watches you flinch from disgust at that.
“Oh my god, eww...” You tut, with a roll of your eyes — you gladly accepted more of that goodness.
Changbin snickers and stares at you with fond dew eyes. His breath hitching on his throat at the sight of the sun shining on your skin as it angled perfectly—the way it kissed, every little feature and the way it reflected on your upturned eyes.
So ethereal and pretty.
He thought, as the atmosphere fell silent—his thumb reaching out to remove the blob of syrup on the corner of your lips, watching as you smiled at his action as a sign of gratitude.
Changbin can't help but stare.
“Take a picture, Binnie, it'll last longer..~” You poke fun at his fixed gaze with a laugh. Changbin reached into his basket, grabbing the instax camera he brought with him that totally went out of his mind.
“That was a joke but—” Snap.
Changbin is in awe as the film prints out slowly, “God, Y/N– You're just so dang... pretty.”
Changbin never misses that way you fluster and you couldn't help but close your eyes as the heat covered your face.
“Don't do that...” You breathe out.
“Do what? Speak my truth?” He says, grinning from ear to ear.
“No, make my heart explode like that—I may die before you kill me in this secluded area.” You remark, sighing before adding the lighthearted joke causing Changbin to forward and squish your cheek. You puff up your mouth in annoyance as you stare eye to eye with this adorable and incredibly good-looking man.
“Bin...” You breathe out, reaching out to lay your palm on the side of his face. The atmosphere changed once Changbin leaned a little bit closer, wary in his movement.
Changbin is about to kiss me.. you thought, haywires flashing in your mind — the man who you didn't believe would even ask you on a date is about to kiss you.
Pillowy, soft lips met your own as you can't help but feel abliss at the feeling of Changbin's mouth against yours.
You move your hand to the front of his chest, letting it stay there as you return his kiss eagerly, the rustling of the field comes to a halt and the wind feels bare against your body.
Flames erupt from the pit of your stomach as Changbin moves his hand to your waist while his other one clumsily clattering the plates — the food short forgotten as pulls you into his lap with your gasp echoing in the breezy air and your own eyes closed shut tightly.
His tongue asks for entry, delicately pushing against your lips for permission, parting it slowly as the taste of the maple syrup once again hits your taste buds at the feeling of Changbin exploring your mouth slowly.
This was a feeling you would cherish, as Changbin's hand trailed to your chest, near your racing heart — beating rapidly against the man as you couldn't help but relax your rigid shut eyes.
The strong taste of the syrup didn't leave your mouth one bit as Changbin's tongue trailed deeper into your mouth as you tilted your head as your date led the kiss.
Then, you felt a bump on your ass — a shudder passing through your body while your mind is overloading at this point.
Are we gonna fuck in this place? Is what was in ponder, but soon got lost as Changbin's hand wondered to cup one of your butt cheeks — a soft moan going through your own to his mouth at the action.
Fuck it.
Your hand shakily grabs into Changbin's biceps as you tried to deepen the kiss impossibly further as you wrapped your leg around him.
Changbin felt relieved at the passionate return as if a rock on his heart was shattered free, he felt a little bit more sure and confident.
He leads you on, settling you down the picnic mat — moving the food a bit further so as to not create a mess.
Changbin ruffles something from his basket again.
Just what—
He pulls out a condom and a strawberry-flavored lube much to your surprise. “Do you just bring that around or?” you asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
He laughs, “Emergencies.”
“What else is in that basket, oh my god.”
He grins, winking at you and ignoring your question as he sets down the much needed things to the side as he pulls off his shirt — revealing his chest, your breath hitching on your throat at the sight of his buff and toned muscles.
“Fuck...” You breathe out silently.
Changbin reconnected both your lips as soon as possible, the feeling of you against him was a compelling need.
His thighs went between your legs as Changbin's mouth ravaged your own — his fingers crawling up your shirt and radiated delicate warmth.
More gasps and breaths came out of your lips at the clash of tongues against the man above you.
Changbin's lips slowly trailed down your jaw, leaving peppers of kisses against every inch he moved. His hands settled on the hem of your shirt — pulling it off while you grabbed into his waist for support.
“Y/N... You're so pretty, so kind and so perfect.” The compliments pour out of his lips like swallowed candy — ever sweet and collective as he noses at your collarbone.
Deep inside, those words bubbled feelings of awe and adoration — it's the first time someone said something like that to you in such a sweet way as well.
His hand ghosted over the belt of your jeans, barely touching the leather strap. In hesitancy, he pulls away before scanning your expression for consent.
“Are you okay with this?” he asks meekly, a soft tinge of red covering his cheeks at his own question.
You nod once.
“Words, please... Y/N-ah I have to be—”
“Yes, Bin—Fu– yes...” You were okay with it, with this — in a way, thrilled and ecstatic but is it really alright to be doing this in the middle of nowhere — as a second as well. You questioned your thoughts for a bit, but immediately vanished as you saw Changbin's eyes — glinting of admiration and awestruck.
Changbin's lips reattach to your supple skin, smiling from ear to ear against your neck — his mind floating in the clouds as glee coursed through his body.
This time, his hand followed through with his wants — unbuckling your belt, the sound of the metal ringing in your ears along with your frantically beating heart. “Bin... Could you go a bit faster?” You sigh as Changbin left pecks against your unmarked skin as he unzipped your denim per your request.
“Patience, baby... I wanna take my time with you.” He pushes his hand inside your zipper, feeling at the small bulge that had formed from his actions.
You breath out heavily as his fingers caressed your clothed dick, tightening your hold on his bicep as he pressed down. He played with your covered tip while he pressed down your naked chests against each other — the action sending a shudder through you as the feeling of his muscles against your skin burned hotly reflected by sunlight gazing down upon the fields and tingling sensation went to your core as Changbin snaked his hand inside your underwear — finally touching skin.
He reaches down and plays with your balls as his suckling on your neck got stronger. Your hands didn't know where to go but tightened on the picnic blanket, crumpling the cloth as soft moans left your lips at Changbin's advances.
Soon enough, the shirt and pants of both you and Changbin pile up on the side of the picnic blanket – both naked as the day you were born and the sun gazing down upon your bodies like a spotlight in a theater casting down on actors. It felt surreal.
Changbin's fingers easing in your hole with the scent of strawberry lubed lingering in the air, drawing out a bunch of moans while your words were lost to the wind.
“Y/N-ah, you look so gorgeous like this.” He says, despite his fingers inches deep into your ass.
You look away from the man's gaze, mumbling a small “shut up.” from under your breath.
He responds with sultry laughter, ringing in your ears like chimes as he thoroughly prepares you. His fingers wiggle and parts inside you, slightly curving it upward to hit your prostate as a loud moan passes through your mouth.
Changbin grins as he hits that spot again, the pleasure coursing through your body once again as you throw your head back at the feeling. “Yeah, fuck—right there, Bin-! So good, so fucking good.”
Changbin smiles warmly at your praises, hands rubbing gently over your sweet spot as he peers down on your form, eyes so full of warm light as he can't help but love every inch of you despite knowing each other not so long ago. He pulls his digits out your hole with a squelch —and tearing open a condom before putting it on his cock, his lips reconnected with your own again as he lines his tip against your clenching rim.
Changbin grips your chin as he slowly sinks into the tight pleasure, your pleas against his mouth reverberating through the field like a delectable symphony. Your hot breaths mingle with one another as his cock reaches deeper and deeper, hiking your leg up his shoulder.
Then his tip hit your prostate, the euphoric feeling enough to send a shock through your body especially your own cock.
Changbin's pace got faster as you clawed at his back desperately — wanting his cock to go impossibly further as your eyes rolled back in your head.
“God, y–you look so good fucked out, baby.” He drawls in your ear as he pulls away from your lips, rubbing your thighs sensually as he fucks you.
His hand thumbs at your nipple softly, hitting your pleasure spot with his dick over and over again as all you could do was writhe under him on the blanket — the food set aside forgotten.
His hand trailed down to your core, jerking your already-hard dick as his hips hastened. “Close, baby.”
“Bin– You are so good, yeah... yeah, fuck..” You cursed out, gripping his shoulders as you felt pressure building on your abdomen as Changbin connected your lips, his thrusts pointed towards your prostate as he fucks you languidly. His tongue dancing with your own in the moment and affection pouring out of his every touch while your hips didn't know where to rut to — against his hand tight around your cock or against his dick reaching deep inside of you.
As you tried to do both, your eyes shut tight and teeth clench as you spilled strings over Changbin's hand, your abdomen and Changbin's toned abs while he fucks you through your high with breathless grunts.
Beads of sweat pour down the side of his forehead as his hips still at the last second, his cum spilling inside the wrapper as he almost collapsed into you but caught it with his hand at the last second.
He pulled out with lidded eyes, the loud squelch of the lube was audible as he nestled on your side. “Good, Y/N?” he asks, his fingers ghosting around your own but hesitant to wrap it.
You grin with a cloudy mind, fully holding Changbin's hand before bringing it up to your cheek. “Yeah... though– fucking in a outside field isn't on my bucket list.”
He hums amusingly, pulling your hand towards his lips as he kisses the back of your hand. “Sorry bout' that... Heh, too carried away?”
“S' Alright.” you giggle.
“Boyfriends?” You asked, with a raised eyebrow as you stare at his eyes for a second, the red dusting his cheeks perfectly as if he was resembling a shy hare.
Changbin felt ecstatic at the question, nodding with a toothy grin as he pulled you into his embrace.
“Boyfriends.” he says, the warm sun coating the meadow in spring — trees singing out the lullabies and requiems of the moans and grunts from earlier as well as the maple syrup's scent on the leftover plate was enough to set the mood as you both bathe in the afterglow gently.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Stately Sequoia Ch. 12
I literally am jazzed about this idea guys. I got this allllll planned out. This specific fic will probably end around Chapter 20, but I will totally start something new afterward. Thank you to @anazomeg for your contribution to this chapter.
Let the plot device commence ;)
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“Dr. Rogers, can I speak with you privately?” Principal Weems voice rang out behind you as you demonstrated the abilities of a sensitive plant to two students who had stayed after class. The little leaves slowly folded up, protecting itself from your touch. 
“Run along.” You looked at the two girls, pressing a late-pass into the palm of the one closest to her, “Let your next teacher know you were helping me.”
The girls grinned at the semi-lie and nodded, grabbing their backpacks and scurrying out of the room, greeting Principal Weems as they passed her.
Once in your classroom, Larissa closed the door and locked it. You spoke, thinking you understood her premise for being there, “If this is about the broken window on the second floor, I already notified the maintenance crew and I’ll write an apology to the board.”
Larissa squinted at you, “You did what?”
“Never mind. What did you need to see me for?” You were straightening papers on your desk, wishing you hadn’t been so presumptuous.
“Fern,” Larissa’s voice sounded more like a warning. You knew she was right behind you, so you chose not to turn around. 
“It was just a harmless experiment. You see, Yoko didn’t believe I could make a spruce triple in height, then the class had a debate going,” You paused halfway through the story, wondering if there was any educational way you could spin this. You realized quickly there wasn’t, “Not my most responsible moment.”
“Fern, honestly…” Larissa sounded exasperated, hand on her forehead, as she leaned against your desk, “We didn’t need another thing right now.”
“What’s happening?” You cock your head to the side, taking a step closer. 
“I have no clue what to do. The board has called me in about us dating. It doesn’t seem like this will be good.” Larissa’s rage seemed to build, resulting in her typical pacing back and forth. As you watched her go, you took your own place seated on the edge of your desk, “I don’t even know what our handbook says about this. We haven’t even been vocal about our relationship. Who would have told them?” 
“Larissa, please…”
“And now this, Fern? Honestly! How could you have been so irresponsible? So childish?” She now exploded on you. Larissa’s stopped her pacing just to stand in front of you, her fists resting on her hips.
“Hey! It’s one mistake! Maintenance said they could have it fixed by the end of the day!” You began to raise your voice in response, defending yourself.
“That’s not the point, Fern. You allowed students to egg you on and lost control of the classroom.”
“I didn’t lose track of anything. My landscaping students learned the dangers of planting trees too close to the base of buildings.” Part of your statement was serious (you really shouldn’t plant trees too close to buildings and structures), on the other hand, part of it was also a joke because you even found the broken window to be a little funny.
Larissa’s face contorted as she tried not to laugh at your joke. The tension between you finally dissipated as she let out a chuckle, “The dangers of planting trees too close to buildings?”
“Yes and I will stand by that. Now what about the board? Who could have told them?” This felt like a silly question as the answer was everyone. Everyone new about their relationship thus anyone could have divulged their “secret”.
“I am supposed to meet with them tonight. The email said they were informed by an outside, anonymous source. That could mean anything.” Larissa shoulders slouched and her pacing ceased. She approached you as you still were seated on your desk. You wrapped your arms around her torso, hoping to provide her some comfort.
“We are going to figure this out… Together…” Larissa believed you. Her arms enveloped you and you remained there for a while, not speaking, both now internalizing the dread of the situation. Could you get fired? Can they order you to end the relationship? You did have sex in both of your offices. That was grounds for dismissal itself. Either way you were both in for it.
You met before the board separately, but Larissa was in the room for your “hearing” though she was not on trial. If anyone was to be fired, it would be you. 
“Ms. Rogers-“ One man began, you interrupted him, setting the record straight. You would not be bullied or torn down in this session. 
“Doctor. It’s Dr. Rogers.” Larissa winced at your words, wishing you had not made a fuss.
“Dr. Rogers, it has come to the board’s attention that you and Principal Weems have become inextricably linked with one another. How long has this been happening?” Another woman took over the dialogue.
“Since the N-COE or the National Conference for Outcast Educators. So about a month.”
“Is this relationship consensual? Have you been coerced in any way by Principal Weems in any way to be in this relationship?”
What a horrible question, you thought to yourself before answering, “Yes, it is consensual. No, there wasn’t any coercion.”
“And since that time, have you received any promotions or additional rewards for your relationship with Principal Weems?”
“Have you utilized this power against any of your peers or fellow faculty?”
“Have students been impacted by your relationship?”
“And can you think of any reason your relationship with Principal Weems would negatively impact the school or the school’s reputation in the foreseeable future?” 
Your heart was still racing. What other questions would they ask? Should she have offered up more of an explanation?
“Due to Principal Weems exemplary record and the improvement of campus horticulture and landscaping, not to mention glowing reviews from students and guardians since your arrival, we can excuse this.” You felt yourself letting out a breath that it felt like you had been holding onto for decades, “However, if we receive any indication that serious infractions or improprieties have occurred, we will not hesitate to remove you from our staff.”
You nod furiously, “I completely understand. Thank you.”
“You are dismissed.”
You rolled over in bed, annoyed Larissa still had her bedside lamp on, “Aren’t you going to bed?”
She was holding up a piece of paper, studying it in the lamplight. With no response from her, you wrap an arm around her leg nearest to you and burry your face into her lap, letting out a groan.
“Yes, yes, I’m coming to bed.” Larissa finally responded, hand moving to rest atop your head. Unmoving, you allowed yourself to stay there to enjoy her playing with your hair. Even if she wasn’t coming to bed like she said.
You let out a yawn and finally inquire about her reading, “What are you reading?” 
“It’s the letter that was sent to the board. I don’t recognize the hand writing and its signed Prunus laurocerasus. A pen name most likely. I don’t even know who that could be.” Larissa scrolled the rolodex of critical parents, alumni, and faculty members, none of which matched, “The letter states that this individual has noticed a relationship blossoming between the two us. It talks about time spent together in each other’s rooms and something about worrying its a distraction for me. Then they also state that I may have been wielding my power to ‘own you’.”
“You did wield your power.” You said blatantly, turning yourself to stare up at Larissa. She scoffed looking down at you and you finished your thought, “…your sexual power.”
She simply rolled her eyes and chose not to respond to your joke, “This just makes me nervous, Fern. We just need to be careful. You heard the board president, any indication of infractions or improprieties.” 
“No sex in offices or classrooms, got it.” You respond, calling out the one big infraction that you definitely have committed. 
“And no competitions with students about two can grow the fastest plant.” Larissa finally dropped the page onto her night stand, teasing you a bit.
“Yes, ma’am.” You nod, not willing to argue about the matter any longer, even if you did find it far funnier than her. 
To allow Larissa to get comfortable in bed, you stop using her as a pillow and shift back to your own. Yet she doesn’t lay in bed, rather she leans over you and whispers, “Perhaps we should celebrate with a little-“
Larissa cuts off her own sentence by placing a kiss to your lips. 15 minutes and some fun foreplay later, you are finally teasing at the hem of her nightgown. A knock came from her front door, Larissa leaned her head against yours with a sigh. 
“One moment…” Larissa quickly straightened herself up, and brought a robe over her shoulders, fastening it at the waist. While she went to check who was at the door, you reminisced on the time you wore that robe around just to make her laugh. The bottom dragged on the floor and you had to scrunch up the sleeves to make your hands visible.
Larissa slowly walked back into the room minutes later, looking like she had seen a ghost. In her hands she held an envelope addressed to her. She sits on the edge of the bed, back facing you. 
Crawling over to her side, you place your hands on her shoulders and peak over her to get a glimpse at what had arrived. 
“It seems as though Prunus laurocerasus has written us a letter themselves…”
Without telling Larissa, you went to your office library the next morning, knowing the genus of plants the author of the note used as their pen name. The common name to the plant alluded you. The American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers was certainly the book for the job.
You flip quickly, familiar with the pages, finding the common name for Prunus laurocerasus - Common Laurel. 
You didn’t understand the significance, but perhaps Larissa would when you saw her later. You place the book back in its place on the shelf and begin pulling out tools for today’s lessons. 
Link to Chapter 13
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triptychgrip · 3 months
Yuuri's grief over Vicchan (and growing closer to Makkachin)
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I wanted to share a screenshot of part of a Reddit thread I developed for the new chapter of my Viktuuri developing relationship/bodyswap fic: one which pertains to Yuuri's grief over Vicchan. My story is premised on Viktor and Makkachin beginning to swap bodies during the period of time that Yurio/Yuuri are preparing for Onsen on Ice, so the YOI characters' various relationships to their pets takes center stage.
As much as I think that Makkachin's presence would be a comfort for Yuuri - particularly in light of Yurio's arrival in Hasetsu, and Yuuri's feelings of inadequacy when he sees how comfortable the two of them appear to be around one another - I also think it would complicate things for him a bit. Given the recency of losing Vicchan, I sometimes wonder if in getting closer to Makka, Yuuri might struggle with guilt, feeling like he is "betraying" his dog's memory in some way.
Towards the end of the chapter, after a beach trip during which he and Makkachin share a moment together -- except it's not actually Makkachin, it's Viktor in Makkachin's body, LOL -- Yuuri goes on Reddit to seek advice around how to wrestle with his grief. After all, it's because of Viktor that the Katsukis even decide to bring home a toy poodle in the first place.
At this point in the story, Viktor has only recently found out that Yuuri owned a toy poodle, but not because of anything Yuuri has admitted to him: he only knows about it because of Yuuri opening up to him while Viktor was in Makka's body. And this is really a major theme of my story: if Viktor begins to learn things about Yuuri because he is body-swapping with his dog and not because Yuuri chose to be vulnerable with him around these things, how does that affect their developing relationship? While body-swapping is great grounds for humor, I actually think the potential for feels as it relates to the idea of character agency (i.e. what someone chooses to disclose and in what circumstances) is really wonderful.
I'm including an excerpt of the most recent chapter (Chapter 3), and hope it piques your interest in checking out this story, or my other Yuri!!! on Ice work!
The last few times that Viktor had tried to engage him in conversation – both training-related and otherwise – Yuuri had floundered, failing to calm the rapid thump-thump-thump of his heart. Naturally, this had resulted in his replies to Viktor coming out stilted and distant. It was part of the reason that he’d willed himself to approach him earlier that morning, hoping that this beach trip would give him the opportunity to prove that he wasn’t entirely socially inept.
But, of course, when push came to shove, he found himself chickening out, like a coward.
No surprises there.
Then again, Yuuri wasn’t the only one that had been acting…off.
He rose up out of the much-shallower water and trudged over to their laid-out towels, recalling his coach’s behavior during breakfast.
As he dried himself off, he wondered again at that bizarre instance when Viktor seemed to have forgotten how to use chopsticks. In truth, Yuuri probably wouldn’t have noticed had it not been for Yurio’s snarling comment; he’d spent most of the meal with his eyes gloomily fixed on his own plate, specifically, the much smaller portion of rice that okaasan had given him as compared to Yuri and Viktor.
And then, of course, there had been Viktor’s childlike enthusiasm for nearly everything that had occurred since they’d headed out from Yu-topia.
His idol had honest-to-God screamed when a gull had flown overhead, making him, Makka and Yurio all jump. The latter had nearly wiped out on the sand, launching into a furious tirade about Viktor acting like he’d never seen a seabird before.
Plopping down with a sigh, Yuuri began to dry off and put his glasses back on, thinking about how the “Living Legend” was quite a bit more exuberant than he’d ever anticipated him being. At least, when compared to the countless interviews he’d read or watched in recent years.
Viktor’s innate charisma, and those heart-shaped smiles…
The last time Yuuri could remember reading about or watching him behave so uninhibitedly was probably a decade ago, as far back as his coach’s first Winter Olympics. A filmy memory from early January 2006 leapt to the forefront of his mind, unbidden.
In it, his 13-year-old self was frantically searching for a translation of a Russian-language video interview with 17-year-old Viktor, nearly weeping in relief when Minako-sensei had ultimately taken pity on him. She’d called in a favor from an old friend of hers from her Moscow dancing days, so he’d only had to wait a few days after the interview went live to be able to watch it.
It had been conducted by Sovetsky Sport, a little over a month before the Torino Games kicked off.
The interview team had tried to ask Viktor all sorts of questions about how it felt to be competing in his first ever Winter Olympics, but the young skater had seemed far more interested in talking about Makkachin…namely, how adorable she was. Even now, Yuuri could visualize his idol’s joyous replies with ease, the ends of each sentence punctuated with a deluge of exclamation points. And when he had actually stuck to the topic at hand, it’d mainly been to bemoan the reality of having to be without her for the several weeks that he’d be staying in Italy.
Viktor’s eyes had filled with tears during his anguished response, and his own fanboying heart had given a pang at the openness of his emotions.
It made him now wonder: when had the youthful zeal and unbridled earnestness, the unguardedness…when had that leached from Viktor’s public persona?
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sleeplesslark · 13 days
you’re always leaving lovely comments on people’s artworks, so could you tell us about your kabuto aroace agenda? thank you💥
Thank you for the ask!
It feels only natural to leave nice comments on people's art, kabutos fanbase really has some very talented people creating art and fic. Feels like giving back in a way, and the least I'd want anyone to do for my own fan works.
My aroace kabuto agenda huh! Well. This could be long so saving people some scrolling.
It's kind of complicated.
There's no real canon evidence that I know of, that Kabuto isn't aroace. In the Rock Lee spin off I think he gets a nosebleed reading Jiraiya's books? I haven't seen it so I lack context and it isn't canon anyway. Maybe that he makes a comment about lady Tsunade being single (chapter 256)? He is too, at the time, to my knowledge, so I chose to more or less take it as him being rude rather than taking as him valuing romance as a marker of a well adjuated person.
Something about the line and his face where he makes the comment about Tsunades breast blocking his chakra scalpel also hits me as, not into women, at least (ch 164). If he was intended to be read as very straight I feel he'd have had more of a reaction.
Nudity in general doesn't seem to phase Kabuto either, he waits outside while Orochimaru showers (chapter 198). But this is more or less evidence that...he's a medic. Why would nudity phase him? It'd be odd for him not to have a more clinical approach in that scene seeing as Orochimaru is hurt in context.
His design is also asexual colors! Hard evidence, I know.
So viewing him as aroace is more or less me projecting.
I'm not really arguing from a canon perspective though. In canon Kabuto can be argued to be anything under the sun sexuality wise.
I make fanfic of him, and I think an aroace perspective is just an interesting way to explore his relationships. I don't really ship Kabuto with anyone, I'm kind of weird about ships though so that's not surprising.
I like writing about him becoming friends or brotherly with Naruto in some form or fashion and thats interesting enough as a dynamic to keep my brain going. I like generally focusing on his platonic relationships, they are varied and I feel like romance wouldn't add anything interesting.
Him being aroace is also a fun way to make him more separate from other characters. Plenty of ways to work it into his identity crisis, what with sexual attraction and desire for romance commonly being seen as what makes people human. Him never experiencing it is fun to think about.
A lesser but still fun note is him either assuming everyone over exaggerates their interest or just, smugly thinking he's above everyone. If he has such good control of his reactions and thoughts why do so many complain about struggling? Obviously he's just that good, lol.
This is my, off hand, not well put together, thoughts, not really an analysis. My post also has more evidence for asexual than aromantic, but hey. I hope it covers your question.
Tldr; Me saying agenda is more personal preference (in my fan works, no one else's, I have read some exceptional kabukaka) and shorthand for "I don't ship him really".
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ceterisparibus116 · 1 year
Hi! I hope you are doing well!
So, I was having a low day recently and went and read through my Ao3 inbox to cheer myself up (it really helps!) and came across some of the interactions I had with you in the comment section of the Ella series (they're so delightful, it warms my heart <3), in where you at some point responded to something I had commented with:
"Okay I *do* think Foggy sees himself as not being that mature, and I actually have a ton of thoughts about that and how it relates to Foggy comparing himself to Matt all the time…….."
And I'm still really curious about your thoughts about that topic, so if that's something you would want to expand on, I'll be happy to hear it!
(This is also kind of related to people underestimating Foggy and Foggy underestimating himself, which I have a lot of feelings and thoughts about myself.)
This may be my most self-indulgent ask, but I love Foggy as a character and I love how you write him and I just want people to talk about him more!!!
Thanks bye <3
First of all, I adore our back-and-forths in the comment sections of our various fics! Life has really gotten in the way of those for me recently, but I hope I can dive back in soon.
Warning: you say this is a self-indulgent ask, so I say this is a self-indulgent novel of an answer! ;)
Poor Foggy! First, I don't think he's actually more immature than Matt, but I do think he sees himself that way: both at a superficial level (Matt did better in school, Matt learned a more reasonable language than Punjabi, Matt is physically fit, and Matt presents himself more "seriously" from his word choice to his sense of humor to his fashion), and at a deeper level. I'm going to explore the deeper level more.
Overall, Foggy strikes me as fairly insecure and lacking internal stability compared to Matt. Matt may struggle with guilt and he may get overwhelmed (usually due to his own wild choices), but Matt is generally resolute in his convictions about who he is and what he's supposed to be doing, even when others disapprove.
Foggy, on the other hand, seems to view himself often through the lens of other people's expectations. If you're familiar with the Enneagram, I think Foggy is a Six, but a Six with a lot of Three tendencies. It's a rough mix. Sixes care about security and stability, both in life and in relationships. Meanwhile, Threes not only want to impact the world (an ambition Matt shares), but they want to be recognized and applauded for it (an ambition Matt decidedly does not share).
This combines to make Foggy fairly dependent on external stability. He wants a comfortable job without curveballs. He wants relationships defined by honesty and trust and little to no change. He also wants status and he wants others to admire and appreciate him.
Whereas Matt can have his whole world (jobs, relationships, status, etc.) turned upside-down, and remain (usually) sure of who he is.
To illustrate, look at Foggy's approach to his career. I'm not sure whether Foggy chose to pursue law because he loved law, or if he chose it simply because it was something more impressive and lucrative than his family's profession. But either way, he seems haunted by his family's disapproval and confusion. He feels the need to justify himself to them. I think this need to justify himself is part of why he was so willfully blind to the evils at L&Z: if he could just "make it big," he could prove to his family that he'd made the right choice.
As he indicates in S3, Foggy is pretty dependent on Matt's strong moral compass except when it comes to Daredevil, since Foggy has no problem disagreeing with Matt over that. This is why, as soon as Matt disappears, Foggy goes right back to working in a big law firm - where, as he admits himself, he doesn't actually care about any of his clients.
And what is the picture we have of Matt and Foggy's friendship, prior to the revelation about Daredevil?
Matt and Foggy both recognize that Matt is more studious than Foggy;
Matt outperformed Foggy in school;
Although Matt briefly followed Foggy to L&Z, Foggy made the much more drastic (and permanent) choice to follow Matt to N&M;
Matt wins most of their arguments (I assume, based on Foggy's comment about Matt never saying he's right - it was an exaggerated joke, I'm sure, but I think there's a kernel of underlying truth to it);
When it comes to basically all of their decisions as a firm (taking Karen's case, taking Prohaszka's case, etc.), Matt's beliefs overrule Foggy's;
Matt sets the safety ground rules for Foggy (and Karen), not the other way around, and;
Once Foggy realizes Matt is sure to find out about his "Nancy Drew'ing" with Karen, he openly seeks Matt's approval (whereas Karen is more defiant in the face of Matt's disapproval).
What's fascinating is that from Foggy's perspective, Matt is always the yardstick by which Foggy measures other something is good or bad. This is just as true when Matt's urging Foggy to do something apparently reckless (like starting their own firm or taking on clients who can't really pay them) as when Matt's urging Foggy to do something apparently sensible (like being more careful with his sleuthing).
One explanation for this is that Foggy is keenly aware of the strength of Matt's convictions. As someone with fewer well-defined and well-tested convictions, Foggy seems almost too quick to believe that all of Matt's decisions are born out of his strong moral compass, such that even when Foggy isn't quite happy or quite understanding Matt's position, he figures: "Well, he's probably saying this for a good reason."
Another explanation for this is just how Matt presents himself. Even when Matt's advocating for a more reckless choice, he presents his cases with logic. No one wants to argue with Matt.
And finally, I think this is explained by how much Foggy cares about what other people think in general, and about the stability of his relationship with Matt specifically. Foggy doesn't want Matt to think of him as selfish or reckless, and he doesn't want to disagree with Matt and cause turbulence in their relationship (...until, of course, he does).
What does this have to do with Foggy feeling like he's immature and comparing himself to Matt? Well, people like Matt are impressive. Don't we all aspire to be the sort of people who will Do The Right Thing simply because it's the right thing - even if it costs us comfort, safety, and other people's respect? The convictions of someone like Matt can be convicting, by which I mean: they cause you to be sharply aware of your own shortcomings.
And so Foggy feels immature simply because it's hard for him to feel mature compared to someone who's always right and always so self-assured about it.
Now, I'm someone who always wants to learn from things. What can we learn from Foggy and Matt? Mostly, I think we can see the pros and cons of caring about what others think. Though not the focus of this essay, Foggy's well known for the fact that his strength lies in his people skills. He can befriend and persuade pretty much everyone he encounters, and can somehow maintain a large network of people on whom he can rely as different needs arise. That's an awesome strength that those of us who are more introverted or shy can try to pursue. At the same time, a weakness is when caring what others think erodes your beliefs, and/or your ability to stand on your beliefs. The Matts of the world don't run all their decisions through a series of tests: "What will so-and-so think? What will so-and-so say? Will so-and-so understand what I'm doing and approve?"
The best thing to do, I think, is strike a balance between the two extremes. Don't let other people determine your beliefs, but do make time for other people and invest in them. Do what is right even if it's uncomfortable, but also surround yourself with people who will make that experience relatively more comfortable. Be prepared to lose relationships if the alternative means compromising your morals, but also recognize that we can always learn from others.
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Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic: now with more relationship drama! Featuring bi!DomDom.
Warnings for this section: slut-shaming/whorephobic comment in Spanish, tickling, mention of stoner paraphernalia
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 4/?): The Judgement Gay
The drive back was much like the drive to the store; Rhea chose the music, boots up on the dashboard despite your protests, windows down, and you would make fun of some of the more intense songs she insisted on raising the volume for, headbanging vigorously in her direction at red lights. There was a lot of her shoving you and yelling “fuck off.” You seemed to have tuned in very quickly to just the right level of joking around to avoid getting a firsthand look at her brutality. All the better for you, as you weren’t sure if you were strong enough to stand a chance. Even though you’d tried to stop yourself from staring this morning when she was doing stretches, push-ups, and the like, you couldn’t help but sneak a few looks. Taking in her rippling muscles, amazing curves, and confident form was distracting enough to have caused you to make a few spills when you were making breakfast. Just remembering what she looked like when her midriff peeked out from under her shirt made you bite your lip as you turned on to the street for your apartment, lowering the volume of the music to avoid complaints from your neighbors.
“Motherfucker,” Rhea groaned under her breath; then louder, “Some shit might go down. Whatever you do, stay behind me.”
Trying to appear calm, you see what she means as you pull into your parking space. Several yards away, a man dressed in black and purple is pacing in front of your building, looking at his phone, then scanning the surrounding area. How did he know to find her here?
“Let me get out first,” Rhea orders as you roll up the windows and park the car. As soon as you remove the key from the ignition, the passenger’s side door pops open. By the time you’re opening the driver’s side door, Rhea has slammed the other door shut and is striding angrily in the direction of Dominik Mysterio. Closing the door, you hesitate, thinking of your purchase in the trunk. Locking the car, you decide that a large glass object is the last thing you want near two angry wrestlers and try to catch up with Rhea.
“I left it to charge! What are you doing tracking my phone anyway?” you heard Rhea snarl, her back turned to you. Your movements become more careful and calculated the closer you get to the two, your hand firmly gripping the pepper spray that hung off your keys.
“I was WORRIED about you!” Dominik yells back, “You hung up on me without telling me where you were, or who you were with!” Then, noticing you standing timidly several feet behind Rhea, he snaps, “Nothing to see here, keep walking.”
“DON’T talk to her like that,” Rhea steps to the side, blocking Dominik’s view of you. He takes in her protective stance and looks her in the eyes, “Oooh, I see. You found some perrita and she doesn’t want you talking to me.” He puts a hand on Rhea’s shoulder - moving with the intent to walk toward you - and she immediately grabs his arm. Her knuckles turn white as her grip tightens and Dominik’s tough-guy demeanor falters, a slight wince creeping up on his face.
“Leave. Her. Out of it.” Rhea warns in a dangerous tone. She moves Dominik’s hand off her shoulder and releases his arm. He steps back, rubbing the sore spot and inhaling sharply.
“Look, Dom,” Rhea settled into a controlled, commanding tone, “we don’t have anyone to fight, intimidate, or otherwise challenge for a few more days. Give me another full day and I’ll meet you back at the hotel room. Then we can talk it out.”
Dominik seemed to relax a bit, sighing, “Mami, listen, that guy from last night-“
“Stop.” Rhea insisted, “One more day. Go.”
She watched him walk away and didn’t turn around until she seemed sure he was leaving.
“Hope you’re liking my company,” Rhea said, approaching you, “because it looks like you’re stuck with me for another 24 hours.”
“Damn,” you dramatically snap your fingers, your voice dripping with sarcasm, “taking you back to my apartment was a vital step in ditching you, and now you’ve found out.”
Rhea lunges at you playfully and you squeal the minute she grabs your sides.
“Wait,” a mischievous grin spreads across Rhea’s face, “Are you ticklish?”
Thinking quickly, you wriggle out of reach and make a beeline for the trunk of your car, giggling; she couldn’t tickle you if you were holding something fragile she just bought. It took only a few seconds for Rhea to catch up to you, relentlessly touching your sides, making you laugh loudly and squirm.
“Stop!” you manage to cry out, breathless. Moving her hands down to your hips, relenting on the tickling, Rhea laughs as you catch your breath. After a few seconds you realize her hands are still on your waist and look at her face, only a few inches away from yours. She’s already looking at you, blue eyes piercing through yours, black lips slightly parted. Heart pounding, you wonder if she’s waiting for you to make a move.
Suddenly, the air in front of you is empty; she’s taken your keys out of your pocket and is walking in the direction of the car.
“Come on,” Rhea calls behind her, “let’s try out your new piece.”
[end part four of ?]
Part 5: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/723568609784397824/absolute-smokeshow-part-5-stoner-i-hardly
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starfall-spirit · 9 months
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Summary: Hoping to score a dinner date, Sawyer approaches Jesinia after weeks of practicing sign language with his squadmates.
AN: Obviously we haven’t been given any details on handshape, orientation, or NMMs in Navarrian Sign Language, so for the purposes of the fic the signing error Sawyer makes is realistic to ASL. I don’t know any sign languages for other countries, so if this mistake is totally unrealistic in BSL, FSL, etc, I’m unfamiliar with the language.
In this work I mention Sawyer has a name sign. For readers who don't know much about ASL, a name sign is a sign created by a Deaf individual and given to a friend, coworker, aquaintance, etc. and a shorthand to avoid fingerspelling someone's full name. It is usually based around a trait in one's physical appearance or personality and can only be given by a member of the Deaf community. To make things simple, I designed Sawyer's name sign around the flicking movement for the word metal (signet), replacing the X handshape with an S handshape to tie in his first initial.
Anywhoville, enjoy!
He was just asking her out to dinner, nothing more. And if she said no... He would probably never show his face among the Aretian scribes again.
"Don't you think that's a bit dramatic, Sawyer?"  Sliseag grumbled. "The girl is passive, her companions more so. A failed romantic pursuit would not be the end of your welcome, I'm certain."
"I would not call a woman willing to commit treason on the vague word of a friend passive, Sliseag," he snipped back.
"Then this exile from scribe territory would be a self-inflicted act of cowardice? That is not a trait I chose you for, boy."
He rolled his eyes at the exaggerated remark. Exile was a rather heavy term for his potential predicament, but he wasn't about to argue semantics with a dragon. "This must be the arrogant shit Violet grumbles about when it comes to Tairn."
Hearing a scuffing sound against the stone floor, he threw his shield in place, cutting off his dragon's next quip as Jesinia stepped into view. "Good afternoon, Sawyer," she greeted him, utilizing the sign name she'd given him a few weeks after meeting. It was blunt, as most of the language was prone to be, playing off of the sign for metal thanks to his signet, though the X handshape was replaced by an S to link in his name. Her hand lingered below her chin, fingers slowly uncurling from the loose fist the sign created. Her brow furrowed slightly as she looked over his shoulder, likely noting he was unaccompanied for once. Ridoc of all people had been the one to point out that for all Sawyer's visits here and his interest in learning to sign, he'd yet to drop by without a wingman. "Are you stopping in for Violet? I sent her a missive about a translation aid I stumbled upon." 
"No. Not today. Though I'm happy to take something back, if need be. I wanted to talk to you about something outside of rider business. If you have a moment."
Brushing her dark hair back, she dipped her chin in a short nod, gesturing for him to join her at the nearest table. "Is everything alright. You seem a bit nervous."
"Nervous? No. It's just that my signing is..." He paused, trying to recall the sign for rudimentary—a word that didn't necessarily exist in NSL. "...basic," he finished, his dominant hand circling a few inches below his left. "One of my squadmates is normally here to help." Jesinia cocked her head slightly, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "So, I'm a little nervous. Not only about signing something wrong. Let me be more direct. I was hoping to take you to dinner."
Her eyes flared wide at that, and not just due to surprise at the request. Something went wrong in his request. "To eat," he tried to repair the miscommunication, whatever it had been.
Understanding seemed to dawn and it was clear she was trying to hide her amusement. "Dinner?" she asked, first fingerspelling, then double-tapping a D hand against her mouth, palm turned inward. He nodded in confirmation. Pausing a moment, she kept the D shape, bouncing it from her chin to the back of her jaw. "That sign is dorm."
He winced. "Now I look like an ass."
"You look like a man trying to learn a new means of communication. I have great appreciation for that effort. Learning languages beyond childhood can be difficult." She smiled again. "And I would love to go to dinner with you, Sawyer."
He grinned right back. "Are you free tonight?"
End Note: If I have any d/Deaf, hard of hearing, or CODA readers who think I could better structure this fic regarding signing elements and word choice, please know that you are more than welcome to reach out. I always appreciate polite feedback on my work and want to do everything I can to encourage representation in my writing. I am not fluent, so I know this might not be perfect. All I ask is that comments remain respectful in their correction.
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feedthepheasants · 27 days
begged & borrowed time | gale dekarios - chapter 21 out now!
hi everyone! Begged & Borrowed Time | GALE DEKARIOS has finally received an update. i had some personal things come up, followed by a halting bout of writer's block. i've been working on some smaller writings as of late to try and get me back in tune, and i was finally able to get this chapter ready for sharing.
preview is below if you're interested in a preview before heading over to AO3. as always, fic stats: 21 chapters [in progress] | wc: 67,979
excerpt from chapter 21, "the deal" [wc: 755] ; chapter takes place after the end of act 2 fight
What could I say? Gale is right – I’d pushed him away for some time, and then I’d gone with Karlach, Lae’zel and Shadowheart to find Balthazar and the Nightsong. We’d been gone for a handful of days, but I’d welcomed it, unable to look Gale in the eye because of how much I’d wanted him. 
But that night at Last Light, just before going to face Ketheric – how many days had it been since then? That night, we were so close – we’d crossed a line, even – and he still said nothing to me about Mystra’s charge. 
“But you could have,” I press, “and you didn’t. Would you have said goodbye, if I hadn’t stopped you?” I ask. “Or were you just going to make some bold, daring sacrifice to have your name immortalized in the histories, and expect no one to grieve you?” Gale says nothing. “You had time before we’d left for Moonrise, and you still chose to keep me in the dark.” 
As soon as I say the words, I realize that Gale had tried. 
He’d tried to, and I was so, so angry at first when he’d told me he’d tried. My chest aches at the memory: when we’d danced that night by the fire, I’d told him of my fears of losing him – of losing any of my companions. He’d gently broached the subject, saying that if it came down to it, any one of us would make a sacrifice of themselves if it meant the others would walk away. Gods, he had asked me what I wanted to do when we’d made it out of here and taken down the Absolute. He’d tried to get my attention after our kiss, when I was flustered and embarrassed and hurt and storming off – had he tried to tell me then, and I wouldn’t listen because of my own foolishness? 
“I should’ve followed you to your tent and told you. Made you listen to me; tell you everything–” Gale stops himself, returning his eyes to look at the book in his hands. “But the more I’d thought about it, the more space you put between us as you walked away, I thought: the less time you’d had to think about it, the less time there would be to grieve.” 
“You still would’ve been gone, Gale,” I tell him, my throat going dry. “The grief would have remained, whether I knew or not.” He won’t look at me. The silence of camp is deafening; it seems the rest of our party found other places to be, giving us privacy. “Mystra had cast you out before. Your goddess abandoned you when you’d arguably needed her help the most; yet you were willing to die down there for her forgiveness. For her,” I say, not really a question, but still hoping for an answer. 
Gale finally looks back up at me. “Not anymore,” he tells me, and there’s such an intensity in his eyes and in his voice that I’m taken aback. “I won’t go into detail yet – not until I have more research compounded together, but that crown we saw on the elder brain is something of incredulous power,” Gale explains. “When we get to the city, I know exactly where to go to find what we need, but there are other matters to attend to at the moment.” I lift a brow at his words. “I should’ve told you about Mystra, about what I planned to do, and I am truly sorry that I didn’t. But that’s not all I wanted to say to you, Wynn.” 
Before Gale can speak further, a dark swirl of smoke gathers at our feet. The air sours and an ear-splitting hiss sounds throughout the space of our camp. I duck instinctively, Gale catching me by my elbows as I turn to face whatever threat has just approached us. 
“What a sickeningly sweet picture the pair of you make,” a low, drawling voice sounds from several paces away. “Two would-be heroes, drawn together by a cruel twist of fate, yet kept apart by one careless, beating heart. We could make a deal, you know, to take care of that; however, your little tryst is not the subject of my presence here, so do forgive me.” Raphael steps out of the swirling shadows, drawing nearer and nearer to where Gale and I stand. “I’ve come to fulfill my end of our little deal,” he says, his knowing grin slowly spreading across his face. 
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