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lovemybluebully · 5 months ago
Thought maybe I oughta make one of these pinned posts so people can find my fics easier. 😁 They are all tickle fics btw so if you don't like that kind of thing then this is not the blog for you. lol They are of the SFW variety though.
Currently obsessed with Deadpool and Wolverine.
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Just gonna list my new DP/W fics here below the cut and then put a link to the page with all my other fics. 😎
Listing newest fics at the top here.
Was That A Snort? - To get some payback Wade attacks Logan with tickles and is beyond amused by the sounds he manages to get out of him while the whole experience ends up putting Logan's head in a better place. 💗 Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
Santa Always Comes Through - Logan's nightmares of his past are keeping him from getting any sleep, so Wade comes up with the perfect Christmas gift for him. Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
Feels Like Home - Logan has become downcast about the prospect of moving into a new apartment. Wade offers a foot massage to help him destress and.....You already know where this is going. 🤣 Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
All Hail Queen Bea! - After a comment from Logan induces some ticklish consequences, Wade finally gets the confirmation about his friend that he suspected all along. Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
Wakey Wakey - Wade gets Logan out of bed in the best way possible. 🤭 Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
It's For Science - Wade gets it into his head that maybe not all humans have the same number of rib bones. His logic being that since Logan has a shorter body then he may be an exception. Unfortunately for Logan this is far too ticklish of an experiment for him to bear. A small bit of ticklish!deadpool at the end too. Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
Over My Dead Body - Logan just wants to watch the game, but Wade can’t help but mess with him and discovers he’s ticklish in the process. Logan is pissed at first, but eventually comes to terms with the benefits and has a life altering epiphany. Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
A Small Lapse of Judgement - Logan is adjusting to his new residence in Wade’s apartment. And that includes enduring his countless tickle attacks against him. But then Wolvie decides it’s time for a little payback. Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
How To Pet a Wolverine - Wade makes an irresistible discovery about Logan during their brawl inside the van. Deadpool and Wolverine-verse M/M
Here's the drawing I did of Wade tickling Logan. 🤭 I have other tickle art I've posted on here if you look hard enough. lol
And the other one I did here of Wade giving Logan ticklish raspberries to his tummy. Heheh, he likes it. 😊
And below is the link to the rest of my fics. All SFW. Mind you some of them are around 10 years old and may not be written that great so proceed at your own risk. lol I mainly wrote for the cartoon/comic versions of X-men (99% being Wolverine lol I love him 🥰), Venom, Punisher and The Wolf Among Us. Got one random Overwatch story in there too.
Tickle Fics Here! All fluffy, SFW stuff.
I have a Deviantart account as well but warning that there is some NSFW stuff I've posted on there over the years. I am an adult woman and do find tickling to be a kink in very specific situations. 90% I don't though, and I just enjoy tickling as a cute, fun, bonding activity between friends and lovers. I'm not gonna link my DA here. If you're interested, I'm sure you'll be able to find it.
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gaybananabread · 1 year ago
okey okey since we got tadashi can we also se Hiroshima headcanons
omg i would love to see them especially made by you
have a grate day/ night
💻⚡️Hiro Hamada Tkl Headcanons🕹🤖
~AN: Awww thank you! I’m gonna assume that auto-correct happened and you meant Hiro. I've been rewatching the series, and a lot of people point out his age and size. Poor boy looks so uncomfy when they do! Incorportaeted that a bit cuz I can- These reqs are so fun to do! I get to ramble without all the stress of a fic! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ) Anyhow, thank you for requesting!~
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Hiro feels like he’s looked down on by others for his age/younger appearance.
For that reason, he strayed away from tickling in public and around his friends.
Fortunately for his mental health, he’s got a whole gang of buddies who helped him work through that backwards thinking (see lee section). 
Baymax may or may not have downloaded a new program specifically for tickle cheer-ups/therapy. Definitely not prompted by said friends…
Slowly, they got through to him. Turns out, once he got past the anxieties and irrational embarrassment, it’s actually kinda fun for him. Only with certain people, though, for both giving and receiving.
He gives lee vibes, so maybe a lee-leaning switch? Ler moods happen too, but they take time.
At first, it took major getting used to. It was normally okay with Tadashi; he always meant well, and Hiro trusted him more than anyone. 
After he was gone, the boy really only trusted Aunt Cass. Even then, only light pokes or quick squeezes were allowed before he started thinking too much.
Once his friends helped him move past all the bad thoughts, he was much more open to the touch around them. In moderation, of course, but it was a start.
His worst spots are his knees and ribs. Surprisingly enough, he melts into bubbly, airy giggles when they go for his belly.
Super squeaky, bright giggles in general. When he really gets going, his laugh is loud and pitchy, full of little squeals and voice cracks. So, in other words, incredibly adorable-
His favorite lers are Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Go-Go, and of course Baymax. He’s obviously comfortable with Cass tickling him, but it’s sort of like being really vulnerable around your parents. Great sometimes, but not always the ideal situation.
Honey is just really sweet in general, always asking if he’s comfortable or in need of a break. Super nice about everything, and only goes as far as he asks. It can be really flustering, but he knows she means well. She smiles nearly as much as he does; it’s refreshing.
Wasabi is normally super selective about his touch, but if he’s in the right mood, he’ll tease Hiro all day. Typically super gentle; tickle hugs are generously given. Super methodical, makes little notes, out loud, about his spots and reactions.
Go-Go doesn’t tickle him often, but when she does…eugh boi. If it’s a really good day, and he’s in a massive lee mood, he’ll go to her for help. She’s a lot rougher than the others, unless he asks her not to be. Goes for his ribs almost immediately. She’ll never admit it, but she likes hearing his awkward laugh.
Baymax will tickle Hiro with some of the ~special features~ Tadashi installed. He can extend small little quill-tip like objects from his fingers. He's very gentle, only tickling Hiro lightly to cheer him up and get him used to feeling confident in his likes again. If needed/requested, though, he can definitely get full-on belly laughter from him.
He’s definitely a squirmer, no matter who’s getting him. Wiggles around and flails like a fish on a hook.
Once he realizes most of his friends love the touch, Hiro starts getting ler moods.. 
The only one he ever really tickles is Honey Lemon. She gets lee moods pretty often, and will drop subtle hints to see if Hiro’s in the right mood.
He’s kinda shy until he gets in the groove of things. After that, he gets all snarky and smug; it’s all in the name of fun, though.
“This spot must be pretty bad if you’re laughing that hard~” “I’m barely touching you!” “Wow, that looks like it really tickles. Think I’ll stay here a while~”
All that confidence immediately dies when they ask for more or compliment him. He absolutely cannot handle what he dishes out.
Will blush as bright as the sun at a simple tease from his lee. We all know how Honey loves complimenting people. A few simple, sweet praises through her giggles, and he’s redder than she is!
She absolutely lets him tickle her.
While he would try, we all know the stringbean wouldn’t be able to actually pin any of his friends without help from his suit. He’s gotten stronger from hero work, but so have they.
The others don’t really ask him much, except for maybe Fred every blue moon. He’d normally bug Go-Go, but Hiro’s his backup if she isn’t available. 
I’d say he’s in between a rough and soft ler. Likes to poke and gently scribble, but he can and will dig in if the situation calls for it (or if he just feels like being a meanie). 
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spookygiggles · 1 year ago
I had this In my drafts but its good so ima post it 👍
lee!spy/ ler!sniper ♥️
Spy and sniper were chilling out in his parked van. Smoking some cigarettes while sitting down in a small table area in the van, They were more like booth seats just on one side of the table, Afterall this isn't luxury, Its a camper.
Spy stood up and was planning Get a glass of his wine. But he noticed sniper trailed along with him.
"Aye mate, You know you should slow down on the drinkin'. " He suggested as he watched him grab the bottle. He placed it on the counter and as he reached up to grab a glass, He felt a grab on his side, Which startled him causing him to recoil and gasp.
"You alright mate? Did i hurt you?" He asked But Spy shook his head as he looked a bit nervous.
"Non, Non. Just startled me a bit." he tried to say in his normal calm manner but it sounded a bit off. To the point even the Bushman noticed it was something else in Particular. And thats when he realized.
"Are you ticklish?" He laughed. That felt like a bomb being drop onto Spy.
"No, No im not. Like i said you scared me." He said, Continuing to pour his glass and put the bottle away.
"I think you are lying." And As soon as he put down the bottle He reached back and started scribbling up and down his sides.
"NON! wahAhahit ! Do not!" He flinched then started to run away from the man, But theres not much place to go in a van. He Stumbled onto the bed And sniper followed along with him.
"Knock it off bushman!" He exclaimed as he play fighted the sniper who was trying to straddle him.
"Not sorry mate." He said as he was able to straddle Spy Even though he was curling in trying to protect sensitive spots.
Then he felt two hands squeeze and tickle at his sides again. Spy would never admit he likes to be tickled, But i think sniper could see through him.
"Nohoho! StoHAHP!" He squealed while a few snorts slipped out. Using a hand to cover his face out of embarrassment and the other protesting at snipers wrist by grabbing him.
This hands were swift and fast. He switched spots from his stomach to his armpits. Which drove spy up the wall and his legs kicked and flailed Helplessly. His suit being ridden up due to the struggle, Showing some bare skin around his belly. Which sparked an idea for Sniper.
He slipped his hands under and started scribbling at the bare skin underneath. Which made Spy go into a fit of snorts, Which he hated.
"Non! staHAHAP!" He said through his laughter because he was so distracted he was lost for words. All he could do was kick his legs desperately.
"Just a lil longer, I wanna see somethin." Sniper said, Laughing at the spies state underneath him. A giggly, Laughing and blushy mess. Sniper lifted up his shirt fully and Spy had noticed this action.
"Do not! I'm serious bushman.!" he said still giggling, so it definitely didnt seem as threatening but despite the protest from spy, He breathed in and blew out a huge raspberry right on his navel and then continued to do more around his sides and tummy, With hands scribbling and the bare skin of his hips. Just lightly teasing and tracing the area to not completely overwhelm him any further.It sent spy into a fit of snorts, which only added to the Embarrassment. This continued for a little until spies laughter had went scratchy and weak.
He stopped and took a look at him. He was messy, His clothing messed up, some of his hair fell out of his mask, and his face was all red while he was panting.
"Don't speak of this. I'm serious." he said while staring at him. Which only made Sniper laugh.
"I bet you are ticklish too, Mundy. So i would be careful if i were you. Now, Shall we finish the wine?" He said while adjusting his suit back to normal and recovered. And Sniper went from full confidence to slightly blushing at Spies remark, worried if he was gonna get revenge or not.
But he sat down with him anyways, And had a few glasses. It wasn't so bad hanging out with him afterall.
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an0ma1y-th3d0ma1y · 1 year ago
Just a spontaneous Ninjago sketch
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Because Kai has this unstoppable BIG BROTHER ENERGY with that he often messes around with Lloyd, I don't know anything, it's canon.
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danplansfwtickle-blog0 · 5 months ago
I made a discord server! for this blog on tumbler! i know that may seem kind of out of nowhere but hear me out, you can chat in the discord, talk about your favorite DanPlan character lee, ler and switch ideas and opinion with others, its mainly a hang out area though. you can also roleplay with said characters in scenarios and help me come up with ideas for the blog since im often dry of ideas for art, writing and polls. it makes it easier for me and hopefully easier for you! i hope you come over and join since im very, very excited about it!
refreshed! link!
rules are at the 'welcome' category, you can also post art on there of your own if you want! if you think i should change anything about the discord server let me know! i want it to be a place where YOU can have fun with what you love!
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gaybananabread · 1 year ago
🍌300 Fruit Shop "Drabbles"🍌
♡Thank you to everyone who participated in this! I had a lot of fun with all these, and might do another Fruit Shop thing in the future! Hopefully all these links work lol♡
(Fruit Shop info)
Cheater! - lee!Sokka, lers!Katara, Toph, Aang
Fandom= Avatar: The Last Airbender
Summary: Sokka is being more of a brat than usual. Katara decides to teach him a lesson, the others joining in to help.
Guilty Comforts - switches!Gwen, Hobie
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Summary: Gwen is struggling with her self-image, the negative thoughts creeping in as she stresses out. Hobie has the perfect way to help, and while it cheers her up, things don’t exactly go how he expects them to.
Burned Treats - lee!Mikey, lers!Raph, Leo, Donnie
Fandom= Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Summary: Mikey tries making a treat for his bros, but things don't go as planned, bumming him out. The boys quickly notice and, after a quick wrestling match and some questions, manage to get their baby bro back into his high spirits.
Anxious Thoughts - lee!Pomni, ler!Kinger
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Pomni is having an anxiety attack due to circus craziness. Kinger invites her into his pillow fort to calm down, showing her she can still have a laugh in their insane circumstances.
Good Book - lee!Satan, ler!Lucifer
Fandom= Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Summary: Satan becomes engrossed in a new novel, locking himself in his room all day. He forgets about everything else as time flies, accidentally ignoring his duties and MC. Lucifer gives him a reminder he won’t soon forget.
So Rude! - lee!Jax, ler!Ragatha
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Jax is being a total brat, sassing and picking on all the other characters. Ragatha has enough, giving him a lesson on manners he won’t soon forget.
Impressive? - lee!Gender Neutral Reader, ler!Miguel
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: You’ve been taking unnecessary risks on missions, trying to show off and impress a certain Spider-Man. It has the opposite effect, only worrying the man and making him question you. After you joke around and play off the danger, he uses a special tactic to make sure you learn your lesson.
Full Plate - lee!Miles, ler!Hobie
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Miles is falling behind due to his duties as Spider-Man and majorly stressing out about it. Hobie helps him calm down, as well as adding a special twist to make sure he's all cheered up.
A Better Fight - lee!Alex, ler!Magnus
Fandom= Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Summary: During one of the Hotel’s fights to the death, Alex and Magnus slip away for some calm. Unfortunately for the son of Frey, Alex got geared up for the fight and is feeling antsy. He offers another kind of fight, and while it’s not what Alex had in mind, it was certainly a laugh.
Sassy Bird - lee!Hawks, lers!Dabi, Twice, Toga
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Hawks is sassing his fellow LoV members, collectively pissing everyone off. While some more violent methods are suggested, the most interested trio finds a way to get back at the birdie without injuring their “asset.” 
Grouchy "Old" Man - lee!Miguel, lers!Peter B., brief Mayday
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Peter brings Mayday to the base for the twenty-millionth time, letting her wander around Miguel’s office. Turns out the beefcake is her favorite thing to climb on. When the young spider girl reminds him of one of Miguel’s quirks, Peter makes sure the grumpy old man has a laugh. 
Pillow Fort Comfort - switches!Gangle, Kinger
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Gangle's comedy mask is broken once again, upsetting her and leading her to seek comfort. Kinger helps her out, and while his silly method does work, he soon learns just how effective it is.
Jax is Bored, Now it's Your Problem - lee!Pomni, ler!Jax
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Pomni is still getting used to the circus, anxious and uneasy in the new environment. Jax is bored enough to help out, though he does it in his own annoying way.
Bug Pizza - lee!Jax, ler!Ragatha
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Jax leaves Ragatha a “special” present in her room, trying to annoy the rag doll. He succeeds, though it backfires in a way he never could’ve expected. All he has to do is apologize…but where’s the fun in that?
Watch What You Take - lee!Denki, lers!Bakugou, Kirishima
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Denki swipes one of Kirishima’s favorite hoodies, which just so happens to be Bakugou’s best blanket. To “avenge” the red head and get the jacket back, Baku uses a special method of persuasion on the electric hero. Kiri decides to help, playing a good cop role.
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spookygiggles · 1 year ago
Hi spooky!
I hope that you are feeling better <3
A silly idea popped up to my head while I was taking a shower, what about a tickle fic about sniper and spy?
Snipes invited spy to his camper and they were just spending time together, sniper while he was doing sm he accidentally poked spies side, when sniper realized that spoi is ticklish he chased him around his van, they both landed on the mattress as spy was snorting his butt off while sniper was tickling him
That's all 🥹
I love you spooky <3 have a nice day ❤
Thank you 😭💕 Ive been feeling a bit better actually:) 🫶
Also this is so adorable i gotta write this bc Sniper and spy's dynamic is 💗💕💕😭
Sniper would def take advantage of it fr and i am so down to see spy get wrecked 🙏💕
and also jus fucking snorting i love it sm but its kinda ironic bc i snort when i laugh too 😭
its only cute when he does it cus holy shit just
HIM. 💕💕
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jamiesgotchu · 1 year ago
This fic was GENUINELY so cute I keep thinking about it, so I HAD TO:
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This scene in my head was so adorable to me I don't know why,, THSNK YOU FOR WRITING THIS @fluffypandabun 🫶🫶
Omg more lee Casey PLS
Alright anon :3, have some drabble as a treat :3
Casey was the best ninja, the sneakiest and quietest of all ninjas, aside from his Sensei of course, but Casey was a close second.
He creeped quietly down the hall, sticking close to the wall and in the shadows just as his Sensei had taught him. He reached the end of it and peered sneakily through the crack of the door, his Uncle Tello was still at his desk as he always was, back to the door and furiously typing on his many, many keyboards.
Casey carefully opened the door wide enough for him to slip through before pausing to see if the turtle had noticed him, he hadn't and Casey bit his lip to stop from giggling as he stepped through the door and into the room.
He stayed crouched, almost crawling, making his way further into the dimly lit room. As he got closer to his uncle's chair he slowly raised himself back up onto two legs, stretching his body up he made his hands into claws taking in a deep breath-
There was a whir of metal retracting and faster than Casey could even yelp he was being picked up by small metal hands and dangled upside down in front of his uncle's unamused face.
The boy offered a half grin, giggling nervously.
"Hehe, Hi Uncle Tello...."
The mutant narrowed his eyes, tattooed on eyebrows furrowing and giving him an even more unamused expression.
"Casey Jr."
The two stared each other down for a moment before Casey squirmed a bit in the metal arms hold, causing him to swing back and forth slightly.
"Right so, I think I'll be on my way now-
"Yeah no not happening."
Before he could even protest, Casey was being dropped into his uncle's lap. Two large three fingered hands grabbed onto his sides and rapidly squeezed up and down them, prompting the boy to squeal loudly and burst into loud giggles.
"You come into my lab, and prevent me from doing my work and expect to leave without consequences? For shame Casey." Donetello droned, his voice conveying indifference to the squirmy laughing child in his lap though the fondness in his eyes gave him away.
"Now," He continued, turning back to his screen, "Where was I...?" "Uncle Tello!" Casey squealed when the mutant's fingers wiggled their way up to his armpits.
"Casey Jr." Donetello responded, glancing down at him, "Can't you see I'm trying to work? Did we not teach you any better then to bother us when were working?"
Tiny hands pushed to no avail against larger green ones. "Your tihihickling meheheheh!" Donetello raised an eyebrow. "Tickling you? Me? Oh I would never." the turtle rolled his eyes, voice laced with sarcasm. Though when Casey let out a squeak of a hiccup he couldn't keep the slight smile off his face.
"Uncle Tehehellohohoho!" Casey giggled, smacking at muscled arms as his hands suddenly skittered back down to tweak gently at his ribs.
"Sigh, I guess if you really require my attention so badly you may have it" Donnie grinned, he shifted the boy in his arms to better secure him before he made his free hand into a claw, bringing it down onto the boy's small stomach and shaking it. Practically shaking the boy's whole body alongside it.
Casey shrieked before bursting into bright childish belly laughter, curling up around the turtle's hand.
"Ehehehehe! Nohohohoho!"
Donnie raised a brow. "No? Now you don't want my attention? You need to make up your mind Casey."
Casey kicked out his legs, trying desperately to roll over onto his side. "Your behehehing mehehehean!" "Me? Mean? Scoff! I'll have you know that I'm the fun uncle, I mean just listen to how much fun your having right now."
He used the boy's new position to skitter his fingers up his spine to the back of his neck, causing him to scrunch up and squeal.
Donnie allowed his fingers to poke a prod for a few moments longer before he let up, allowing the boy to rest in his lap as he caught his breath. As his lingering giggles resided Donnie gave him a look.
"Now, what have we learned about sneaking up on Uncle Tello?"
Casey giggled a bit before answering. "To not get caught next time."
Donnie gave him an annoyed look at he poked him in the side. "You've been spending too much time with that Sensei of yours."
Casey giggled and pushed the turtle's hand away, settling back to lean against his chest, tilting back his head to grin up at him.
"I mean it! Next time I won't get caught."
Donnie glanced down at him and patted his head. "Uh huh, I'm sure you won't." He wheeled himself back over closer to his desk.
"Now if you promise to be quiet I'll let you stay with me while I work."
The boy's eyes immediately lit up."Will you let me use the soldering iron again?" "Ha!......Only if you don't tell Mikey." 
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beetleisblue · 3 months ago
Sometimes I forget that I’m in this community and I’ll just be like
“Hmm… I just had a horrendous chemistry test! And I DID grind through all that math homework last night… now I shall look at the most recent posts on #sfwtickling as a TREAT!”
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