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gaybananabread · 1 year ago
okey okey since we got tadashi can we also se Hiroshima headcanons
omg i would love to see them especially made by you
have a grate day/ night
💻⚡️Hiro Hamada Tkl Headcanons🕹🤖
~AN: Awww thank you! I’m gonna assume that auto-correct happened and you meant Hiro. I've been rewatching the series, and a lot of people point out his age and size. Poor boy looks so uncomfy when they do! Incorportaeted that a bit cuz I can- These reqs are so fun to do! I get to ramble without all the stress of a fic! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ) Anyhow, thank you for requesting!~
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Hiro feels like he’s looked down on by others for his age/younger appearance.
For that reason, he strayed away from tickling in public and around his friends.
Fortunately for his mental health, he’s got a whole gang of buddies who helped him work through that backwards thinking (see lee section). 
Baymax may or may not have downloaded a new program specifically for tickle cheer-ups/therapy. Definitely not prompted by said friends…
Slowly, they got through to him. Turns out, once he got past the anxieties and irrational embarrassment, it’s actually kinda fun for him. Only with certain people, though, for both giving and receiving.
He gives lee vibes, so maybe a lee-leaning switch? Ler moods happen too, but they take time.
At first, it took major getting used to. It was normally okay with Tadashi; he always meant well, and Hiro trusted him more than anyone. 
After he was gone, the boy really only trusted Aunt Cass. Even then, only light pokes or quick squeezes were allowed before he started thinking too much.
Once his friends helped him move past all the bad thoughts, he was much more open to the touch around them. In moderation, of course, but it was a start.
His worst spots are his knees and ribs. Surprisingly enough, he melts into bubbly, airy giggles when they go for his belly.
Super squeaky, bright giggles in general. When he really gets going, his laugh is loud and pitchy, full of little squeals and voice cracks. So, in other words, incredibly adorable-
His favorite lers are Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Go-Go, and of course Baymax. He’s obviously comfortable with Cass tickling him, but it’s sort of like being really vulnerable around your parents. Great sometimes, but not always the ideal situation.
Honey is just really sweet in general, always asking if he’s comfortable or in need of a break. Super nice about everything, and only goes as far as he asks. It can be really flustering, but he knows she means well. She smiles nearly as much as he does; it’s refreshing.
Wasabi is normally super selective about his touch, but if he’s in the right mood, he’ll tease Hiro all day. Typically super gentle; tickle hugs are generously given. Super methodical, makes little notes, out loud, about his spots and reactions.
Go-Go doesn’t tickle him often, but when she does…eugh boi. If it’s a really good day, and he’s in a massive lee mood, he’ll go to her for help. She’s a lot rougher than the others, unless he asks her not to be. Goes for his ribs almost immediately. She’ll never admit it, but she likes hearing his awkward laugh.
Baymax will tickle Hiro with some of the ~special features~ Tadashi installed. He can extend small little quill-tip like objects from his fingers. He's very gentle, only tickling Hiro lightly to cheer him up and get him used to feeling confident in his likes again. If needed/requested, though, he can definitely get full-on belly laughter from him.
He’s definitely a squirmer, no matter who’s getting him. Wiggles around and flails like a fish on a hook.
Once he realizes most of his friends love the touch, Hiro starts getting ler moods.. 
The only one he ever really tickles is Honey Lemon. She gets lee moods pretty often, and will drop subtle hints to see if Hiro’s in the right mood.
He’s kinda shy until he gets in the groove of things. After that, he gets all snarky and smug; it’s all in the name of fun, though.
“This spot must be pretty bad if you’re laughing that hard~” “I’m barely touching you!” “Wow, that looks like it really tickles. Think I’ll stay here a while~”
All that confidence immediately dies when they ask for more or compliment him. He absolutely cannot handle what he dishes out.
Will blush as bright as the sun at a simple tease from his lee. We all know how Honey loves complimenting people. A few simple, sweet praises through her giggles, and he’s redder than she is!
She absolutely lets him tickle her.
While he would try, we all know the stringbean wouldn’t be able to actually pin any of his friends without help from his suit. He’s gotten stronger from hero work, but so have they.
The others don’t really ask him much, except for maybe Fred every blue moon. He’d normally bug Go-Go, but Hiro’s his backup if she isn’t available. 
I’d say he’s in between a rough and soft ler. Likes to poke and gently scribble, but he can and will dig in if the situation calls for it (or if he just feels like being a meanie). 
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futurealchemy · 4 months ago
hear me out: the hope kids having matching halloween costumes, but the costumes in question are rotbtd. specifically hiro as hiccup, miguel as jack, riley as merida and mei as rapunzel.
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 8 months ago
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issei leaves his phone at home doesn’t respond in the seijoh 4 groupchat for one (1) day. he misses a lot. hiro grey issei blue.
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teabiscs · 2 years ago
Me having a Hiro/kai fic idea: did I just think this up, or did I read this a year ago and it’s just resurfacing?
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y4wnjunz · 2 years ago
i accidentally played 4hrs worth of acnh and honestly my patience is immaculate because my island SUCKS ASS. literally been playing for a year and a half and i barely have anything on it. k.k slider hasn’t even came to my island yet. and tom nook is DRAINING my wallet. why should i have to pay $100k+ for a damn brick bridge. if anyone has advice hmu because it makes me wanna throw the whole game away.
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gamingpark · 2 months ago
Fairy Tail 2 - Recensione
Il titolo sviluppato da Gust migliora parte degli errori della precedente uscita senza perdere un briciolo della magia dell’opera a cui si ispira. Vorrei aprire questa recensione svelando che sono un grande fan dell’opera di Hiro Mashima, che ho scoperto diversi anni fa con il manga di Rave (innamorandomi subito di un personaggio ricorrente, il cane Plue) e che da allora ho seguito con grande…
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raykentman · 8 months ago
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doyoulikethissong-poll · 1 year ago
MUCC - Daikirai 2006 2006
MUCC are a Japanese visual kei rock band, formed in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1997. The classic line up of Tatsuro on vocals, Miya on guitar, Yukke on bass, and Satochi on drums was solidified in 1999 following the departure of original bassist Hiro. After 24 years, Satochi retired from the music industry in October 2021, leaving MUCC a trio. They have released 16 studio albums, with 2020's Aku being their highest-charting. Although predominately a heavy band both lyrically and musically, MUCC is known for switching between music genres and styles frequently.
The song "Daikirai" ("Hate") originally appeared on the 2002 single "Fu wo Tataeru Uta", but was re-recorded in a new (and far superior imo) version for the 2006 single "Ryuusei" (poll #19).
On a personal note this is my absolute favourite angry song. 😌💖💖
"Daikirai" recieved a total of 52,7% yes votes! Previous MUCC polls: #19 "Ryuusei".
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imaginehappyhavoc · 6 months ago
Hi could i requesst ssome headcanonss of the thh boyss with a sselectively mute reader? Thankss!
A/N: Our first official ask! As a person who also struggles with selective mutism, this ask made me smile ˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶
Pairing: Thh boys x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: N/A
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Makoto Naegi:
♡ Makoto is a very understanding and patient person by nature, so it didn’t take him long to adjust to your selective mutism.
♡ He didn’t know what it was at first, and he was confused as to why you would suddenly stop talking for hours or even days at a time. Not angry, mind you, just confused.
♡ He tentatively asked you about it when he was sure you were feeling up to responding, and he was so very respectful about it.
♡ After you took the time to patiently explain selective mutism to him, the two of you were immediately on the same page.
♡ He finds himself on the internet often, idly looking through posts made by people with the same problem, hoping to understand better.
♡ Now, once he realizes you’re not responding, he just switches casually to yes or no questions.
♡ He also offers more physical contact in these moments. He’ll squeeze your shoulder or tug gently on your sleeve as a nonverbal way of showing his support.
♡ It’s a barely noticeable change, but you can tell how much he cares for you in every small gesture.
Byakuya Togami (Platonic):
♡ To be completely honest, Byakuya thought you were being petty at first.
♡ He’s aware that he can be tactless at times, and he has a tendency to say things that come across as insensitive, but he really thought the “silent treatment” was a bit childish.
♡ His annoyance started to waver when he noticed you would still smile at him, even when you wouldn’t speak.
♡ Then, he noticed that it was everyone that was getting this treatment, and not just him.
♡ He came to the conclusion that you weren’t attempting some sort of petty revenge, but just didn’t like to talk sometimes.
♡ He supposed he could understand that. He himself found talking to others to be exhausting, at times.
♡ He immediately relaxed around you, a barely noticeable drop in his shoulders telling you that he was no longer tense.
♡ He hasn’t exactly changed any of his behavior regarding your nonverbal bouts, aside from the fact that he no longer scoffs and rolls his eyes when you don’t respond to him.
♡ Still, the air around you two seemed to be rid of tension all at once, and you settled into a peaceful rhythm with one another.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
♡ If we’re being completely honest, Yasuhiro didn’t notice.
♡ He kinda just thought you liked to spend quality time fully chilled out. He could get behind that.
♡ So when you went quiet when hanging out with him, he went quiet too. Just vibing.
♡ You, however, misread this. You thought he was angry with you for “not trying” to be social, and that was why he stopped talking when you did.
♡ When you finally worked up the courage to apologize, and explain yourself, Hiro just blinked at you.
♡ He just sort of goes: “… oh! Dude, I thought you were just chilling! Like, thanks for telling me, but I was having a good time. You don’t gotta apologize for that!”
♡ And, honestly, nothing actually changes after that.
♡ Now that you knew he was perfectly fine with hanging out in silence with you, the only thing that really changed was that you weren’t stressed about it anymore.
♡ The two of you simply lounge in his comfy dorm room, sometimes cuddling, sometimes not. Hiro appreciates the vibe either way.
Leon Kuwata:
♡ The first time you ever went nonverbal around him, he thought you were being funny.
♡ He would poke at you, put his face really close to yours, and try to pry hard enough to get you to “break.”
♡ You cracked a smile at his antics, and he thought he’d won, but then he noticed that you still weren’t talking.
♡ The longer you were silent, the more his smile dropped. He was getting genuinely worried that something was wrong.
♡ He eventually asked you, in an uncharacteristically gentle tone, if you were alright. All you could do was squeeze his hand, and smile reassuringly.
♡ He stayed tense until you finally felt up to speaking again, and explained your selective mutism.
♡ It took him a minute to process, but once he understood, he was committed to being as supportive as humanly possible.
♡ When you two were out with friends, and he noticed that you were retreating in on yourself, he would redirect the conversation to himself. He’d answer questions for you, butt into side conversations that were meant for you, all so you wouldn’t feel nervous about speaking to other people.
♡ He does his absolute best to make you feel comfortable when you’re muted. He doesn’t even care that friends start to think he’s a bit too eager to talk to them. Just as long as you know he’s there for you.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
(Chihiro will be included in both thh boys and girls groups for headcanons, unless specified otherwise)
♡ Chihiro was fully convinced you were mad at them.
♡ It took them maybe two minutes to start tearfully apologizing for whatever they did to upset you, and you panicked.
♡ As much as you wanted to verbally reassure them, you knew you just couldn’t. So, instead, you gestured wildly, shaking your head with wide eyes.
♡ Despite their nerves, Chihiro managed to get the gist of what you were trying to say: They’re good, talking is bad.
♡ After apologizing for apologizing, Chihiro just stayed close to you for a long time. They wrapped their arms around one of yours, and leaned on you to provide some sort of comfort, though they didn’t know if it was more for you or for them.
♡ It wasn’t until everything clicked in their head, that you were simply nonverbal, that they relaxed entirely.
♡ They dutifully took on the role of caretaker, even if you didn’t necessarily need one. They’re always so eager to care for you, protect you, so you just sit back and allow yourself to be pampered.
♡ They make extra sure that you eat, and that you’re drinking enough water. They’ll pool all of their stuffed animals- and yours, if you have any- into one room, and make you a lovely little cuddle pile to let you rest your mind for a while.
♡ Their support is, for all intents and purposes, aggressive. It’s surprising, but not unwelcome.
Mondo Owada:
♡ Like Chihiro, Mondo totally thought you were mad, and he’d done something wrong.
♡ Unlike Chihiro, he sorta shouts his apology at you. His damned nerves always made him too loud and jumpy, after all.
♡ When you’re able to explain, it takes him a while to wrap his head around. It’s not something he’d ever heard about before, but it was you, so it had to be important.
♡ It takes a lot of patience, but he eventually gets it. After that, he’s stuck to you like glue every time you go mute.
♡ He’ll wrap his arm around your shoulders if you’re in public, and give withering stares to anyone who tries to press you to speak.
♡ It’s genuinely impressive, how intense he gets when he’s defending you.
♡ In private, however, he’s much softer. Tactile as he is, he loves to hold you tightly, encouraging you to rest and take it easy.
♡ When he speaks, he does so in such a soft voice it nearly makes you cry. Adoration is poured into every syllable, and it’s almost too much to bear.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
♡ Unlike everyone else, Taka knew about your selective mutism the moment the relationship started.
♡ He’s a firm believer in bold simplicity, so the moment you expressed that you wanted to be his partner, he told you everything.
♡ Naturally, he encouraged you to tell him everything as well, as transparency is one of the most important things to him.
♡ When you got to your selective mutism, Taka didn’t know what it meant. But what does he do when he doesn’t know something? He researches!
♡ Hundreds of questions followed. “How often would you say this happens? Are you able to type or write during these episodes? What are some things I could do to ease your mind when you’re nonverbal?” It was like talking to a doctor.
♡ Even after his conversation with you, he wasn’t satisfied with his own knowledge, and he turned to the internet.
♡ He researched and researched, and came out two days later with an arsenal of information and tools at his disposal. It’s… actually a little intimidating.
♡ He even went so far as to make flash cards for you! Little cards with basic sentences and questions on them that you could use to communicate.
♡ No matter what it is you may need or want, Taka gets it for you so fast it’s impressive. If you need something that isn’t on one of your cards, he wastes no time in making a new one for you.
♡ His tendency to bury himself in research and practice is a bit hard to be annoyed by, especially when it’s for you.
Hifumi Yamada (Platonic):
♡ Hifumi put two and two together remarkably fast.
♡ You simply didn’t want to talk. That was fine. After all, you were one of his first friends. Who was he to complain?
♡ He doesn’t ask questions or press you for conversation. He only ever asks if you’re feeling alright, before moving on.
♡ If you’re the type that likes to be talked to when you’re nonverbal, he’ll talk your ear off.
♡ He just has so many ideas running around in his head! He could keep you entertained and engaged for days.
♡ If not, he’s more than happy to sit in silence with you as he works on a project. You make a fantastic body double, he quickly discovers.
♡ Overall, he’s incredibly relaxed about your selective mutism. Unexpectedly, he’s the type to just go with the flow. When it comes to you, at least.
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tarobii · 1 year ago
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HAPPY 400 FOLLOWERS @hiro-doodlez !!!!!
decided to switch out blueberror for lust bc why not ✌️
I had so much fun doing this!!! I forgot how much I love experimenting with colors <3
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respectthepetty · 7 months ago
I hate (love) Director Tee!
Director Tee, who also directed I Feel You Linger in the Air, Step by Step, Something in My Room, Lovely Writer, and Hidden Agenda is all about the visual rhetoric, so I knew he'd be up to his same old shenanigans in I Saw You in My Dream, but why was this already happening in the first episode?!
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Tee pulled this in I Feel You Linger in the Air with one character hidden behind a transparent barrier but looking fuzzy as if they were in a dream or stuck in a different world.
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And while Ai is always lit by the light source, Yu is hidden in the darkness as his back is to the light source.
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And this happens often.
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So the lights flickering on the Christmas tree were a nice touch to show this 'light' dynamic between Yu and Ai.
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Yu's face is also obscured in his reflections.
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Since mirrors act as reflections of the truth, it's as if Tee is telling us that Yu can't face his reality or he is hiding from his truth.
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Even when Ai tries to capture Yu's face for a picture, Yu blocks him.
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And even when Ai does get a picture of Yu, the light source blinds out Yu's face.
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Because Yu's job allows him to capture moments without being a part of them. He can create distance by shielding his face and hiding behind the camera (how very My Beautiful Man's Hiro of him).
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But Tee is constantly reinforcing the removal of reality through the props as well as Ai wears a "Dream Theater" shirt when he dreams of being with Yu.
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The poster in his room is a parody of a La La Land called Dream Land.
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And in the psychology section of the library, Ai focused on the dream section.
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And finally picked Lucid Horizons: Unveiling the Dreamscape.
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But the props also connect the boys because when Ai went over to Yu's house to sleep, Yu was wearing a "Shut-Up! I'm watching the game shirt"
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While Ai wore a "She said 'You switch channels again and I'm outta here'" shirt
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Because the boys are already connected, and Tee visually stated that as both boys walked down the aisle in a Catholic church with Yu in black and Ai in white.
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And stood in front of Ai's father (not a priest) and the altar to give offerings and receive blessings.
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Basically, they look real married-shaped in front of God and all his santos.
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And the poem above Ai's bed states that he would give all his body to his lover if his lover needed it, but he could never give his heart because that's where his lover lives.
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So it's interesting that Yu's brother verbalizes this earlier in the show.
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But it's more interesting that the woman Ai met said that his gift was special because he can see the accidents happening which she could not because if she had, she would've gotten more time with her first love, so is Ai's shirt foreshadowing that he'll only "be happy with [Yu] this summer"
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Or will his dreams allow him more time to fall in love?
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God, I hate Director Tee!
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seoafin · 1 month ago
riko hiro and nagi end up going to public school bc it's one of things ripmc refuses to budge on despite both stsg wanting private (ripmc says that megumi turned out fine! and gojo is like what is your definition of fine!?) and it's not like they're hiding that they're siblings but then it's teacher/parent conferences because riko shoved a girl's head into a toilet (she deserved it) and gojo AND geto come in and that's when the rumors begin to spread because everybody thinks one is the ex husband but nobody knows if you're currently with gojo or geto. stsg feed the confusion by switching who gets to currently be married to you causing everyone to speculate. except riko eventually gets so fed up she says that you're single and divorced BOTH of them and that sends everyone into a frenzy. (hiro and nagi refuse to comment) cue forward to your first appearance ever and you're like. the most ordinary woman ever. and also very confused as to why people are giving you Looks
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iovetecchou · 2 years ago
⌜Until It Takes ⧸ Tecchou Suehiro⌟𓂃༞♡
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༞ Contains...! smut and some fluff, established relationship, switch!reader, switch!tecchou, fingering (m receiving), handjob, edging, slight!teasing, begging, hickies, kissing, mommy kink, breeding kink, baby fever!tecchou, mating press, marathon sex, multiple orgasms, belly bulge, creampie, cockwarming, slight!aftercare
༞ AFAB Reader.
༞ 2,486 words.
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"Good boy, Hiro."
You cooed, unable to hide the smirk that etched across your face. Tecchou was being so compliant; it turned you on beyond comprehension. You were entranced by him; as was he to you.
Your eyes never once broke from his intense gaze. His eyebrows were knitted from where they lay, lips parted as desperate whines spilled past.
"So g-good, angel… you're so good to me… p-please, don't stop…"
You found his term of endearment ironic at this moment; the last thing you were right now was an angel.
Currently, you were sitting on your shared bed in front of Tecchou. A flimsy robe was the only thing keeping you from being fully exposed to him. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, was completely bare before you.
Tecchou lay atop the mattress; fists twisting into the sheets for dear life as a whimper of your name left his lips. He was trying his hardest to stay still, which is what you asked of him. But you made it nearly impossible with the way you teased his cock.
You stroked his length leisurely as your other hand spread him open. Your index and ring finger stretched him out effortlessly. Each curl upward from your deft digits made his leaky cock throb within your grasp.
"I think you got it twisted, baby. You're the one being so good to me. Tell me, my good boy… do you want more?"
His messy tufts of hair splayed across the pillow gracefully. The two longer strands of his locks almost emulated a halo above his head. You chuckled to yourself at this observation; you should be the one calling him angel, not the other way around.
“Y-Yes, I want more! P-Please, mommy, give me more… I wanna cum, wanna be inside you— wanna make you feel good, too.”
Intense warmth pooled in your core at his sweet confession. He was constantly thinking about you and your needs.
༞ Even when you tried to make a night all about pleasing him; Tecchou would always end up in between your thighs. He would lap at your folds for hours if you could. Tecchou never got tired of your taste; you were so intoxicating. And right now, he was craving you. All of you. ༞
You began stroking him faster. Thumb swiping over his ruddy tip on each downward movement of your hand. Your fingers plunged even deeper inside your husband's needy hole. Seeking out that one spot that made him shake.
Your smirk grew wider at his reaction. Your fingers prodding his sweet spot relentlessly. His hips twitched off the bed from your actions, abs flexing and hands twisting further into the sheets. Your eyes caught his every reaction. You were absolutely mesmerized by Tecchou.
“That’s it… there we go, baby. You’re so cute, Hiro. I want you to cum for me, make a mess. Can you do that, my good boy?”
Tecchou’s mind went fuzzy from your voice alone. You were the only thing keeping him grounded at this moment. He hung on to your every word, every movement. Chestnut eyes never once leaving yours. He was entranced by you and only you.
“Hah… a-anything, for you, anything. Ah— mommy, m’so close… wanna make a m-mess inside you instead—!”
Tecchou confessed. You could feel him clenching around your fingers for dear life as he held himself back from cumming. Your movements around his pulsing cock halted as you quirked a brow at him.
“Oh… is that what my good boy wants? Hmm… I want to give you what you want, baby. I really do… but— I think you need to ask nicely for the things you want, yeah?”
You didn’t need to ask him twice; Tecchou was always eager to do what you asked of him. His half-lidded eyes scanned your robe-clad body slowly before he spoke up once more.
“P-Please, angel—! I wanna be inside you, wanna make you feel good… w-wanna fill you up— make you a mommy for real…”
Your face grew hot at his bold confession. You could tell Tecchou was completely drunk off the pleasure from the way he babbled out his words. Drool seeped past his parted lips slightly as his hands came up to reach for you.
Tecchou sat up, large hands reaching for the knot of your rope ties. He pulled at the fabric belt slowly, undoing the tangle with ease. All you could do was watch in awe as his lithe digits traveled higher. Tracing between the valley of your breasts before sliding the robe off your shoulders. Fully exposing you to his hungry gaze.
Your eyes flickered down to his cock. Watching as it twitched against his abdomen; from the sight of you naked before him. Pride flooded within your chest, knowing that you had such an effect on your husband in this way.
“Ah… how can I say no to you when you ask me like that, Hiro…”
You whispered. One hand wrapped around Tecchou's length as your legs straddled his thighs. Your other hand grasped his broad shoulder for support, wasting no time lining his leaky cock up to your entrance.
Tecchou’s large hands entangled around your hips firmly, guiding you down as you slowly began to take all of him. His ruddy tip prodded past the right ring of your pussy with ease. Both of you whined in unison at the feeling of becoming one.
“S-Slow, mommy, please… g-go slow— or I won’t last…”
Tecchou gritted his teeth as his eyes locked onto yours once more tonight. All you could do was nod in agreement as you took your time sinking down on his twitching cock.
Slowly but surely, Tecchou bottomed out inside you. Both your arms wrapped around his neck, gently tugging at the hair that adorned the nape of his neck. Causing a pleasurable chill to run down his spine.
He was twitching wildly inside you, and you hadn't even moved an inch. You could tell he was trying his hardest not to cum at this very moment from the look on his face alone.
Perspiration beaded at his forehead, rolling down his face slowly as Tecchou scored his bottom lip with his teeth. His dark eyebrows were knitted in concentration as small whimpers stayed trapped in his throat.
“O-Okay… you can move now— ah—!”
The second Tecchou gave you the green light; you were bouncing on his lap wildly. You didn't realize how needy you had gotten just from teasing your husband; until this very moment.
Your pussy clamped around his length like a vise as your lips met his neck. You kissed up the expanse of his throat. Littering lovebites in your wake as you fucked yourself on his cock fiercely.
Tecchou was so far gone; his head was thrown back in pleasure, granting you more access to leave little marks. He was grasping your hips so tightly; you were sure his fingertips would leave bruises. Not like you minded, though. Finding small reminders of your intimacy the following day was something you looked forward to.
“I c-can’t… hah, mommy— 'm cumming—!”
Tecchou babbled out between whines. His hands adorning your hips held you down against his lap. Halting your movements, pushing his length in as deep as he could. Your husband’s cum shot deep within your needy pussy. You could feel his balls twitching from where they kissed the underside of your pussy as he emptied himself inside you.
You pulled your face away from Tecchou’s neck to admire his expression as he continued to ride out his high. His eyes were squeezed shut, mouth hanging open as desperate whimpers slipped past his parted lips. His iron grip on your hips never once let up.
You tucked a few strands of hair behind his ear as you gave him time to compose himself after reaching his peak. The feeling of your fingertips grazing along his burning skin caused his eyes to snap open. His pupils were narrow, drawn into slits. Chestnut eyes bored into you.
Tecchou pushed you down against the mattress. Hands still encasing your hips firmly as your husband now hovered over you. His cock still throbbed inside you. Your eyes widened at this realization, knowing now that this was only the start.
“Not done with you yet… didn’t even make you cum… I wanna make you feel good, mommy… wanna hear you scream my name.”
Before you had a chance to respond, Tecchou began slamming into you. His pelvis ground into you harshly, causing the tip of his leaky cock to prod your sweet spot. His cock was battered with his cum and your slick. Allowing him to fuck into you with ease, reaching the deepest parts.
“Hiro— baby, w-wait—!”
You rasped. The instantaneous shift in pace was overwhelming your senses. You could feel your release approaching with each rough snap of his hips. Tecchou snaked one of his hands in between your bodies. The pad of his thumb pressed down on your clit with the perfect amount of pressure. He began rubbing quick but precise circles into your puffy bud.
That was all it took for you to topple over the edge. Your cunt clamped around his throbbing cock even harsher than before. Gushing all over your husband's cock. Your legs were shaking on either side of Tecchou’s waist as he continued to work you through your high.
“Hiro— hah, baby… so good, so fucking good…”
You babbled, causing a warm smile to spread across Tecchou’s features. He took pride in making you feel good; in every aspect. But seeing you fall apart from the pleasure he was granting you simply fueled his desire to fuck you full. Breed you until it takes.
“Not done with you yet.”
Tecchou muttered under his breath. Pulling a gasp from your lips when both of his large hands hooked under your thighs. Pushing them up into your frame so he could fuck you deeper.
“Hiro— too d-deep… look!”
Your eyes were blown wide as you looked down at your tummy. Hand coming up to graze over the bulge that formed there. Tecchou was mesmerized; he slowed down his thrusts only for a moment to admire.
You dragged one of his hands over to your tummy. Letting him feel it for himself. Tecchou’s eyes met yours once more. Unfiltered lust and desire pooled within his gaze.
“Fuck… you’re driving me crazy, angel. You’re so perfect for me, so perfect. I’m going to fuck you til it takes.”
And with that affirmation, Tecchou captured your lips with his. Drawing you in for a loving kiss as he continued to slam into you. His large hand still established on your tummy.
With each upward thrust, the head of his cock would make the bulge more prominent. It drove him mad; his cock throbbed from deep within you.
Your mind was reeling from the mix of pleasure your husband was granting you. Tecchou's lips moved slowly against yours. His tongue grazed your bottom lip. Gradually slipping past your parted lips. Both of your tongues languidly moving against one another. Trapping each other's whines and whimpers within the kiss.
But on the other hand, his cock was drilling deep inside you. Tecchou’s large hand pressed further and further into the bulge he caused. His thrusts were calculated and powerful; he ground his pelvis into you between particularly harsh strokes. Stirring up your insides like never before.
“I c-can’t, Hiro… too much, ’m gonna cum again—!”
You pulled away from his lips, breaking the kiss with a single string of saliva still connecting you. Your hands came up to cup his cheeks. Pulling his face toward your own; his forehead flush with yours.
Your eyes were locked tightly onto his. Tecchou’s gaze was the only thing keeping you grounded in this very moment. His hand finally slipped away from your tummy. Hooking under the back of your thigh once more. Mirroring his opposite hand.
He pushed your legs even further into your frame; your bodies collided against one another as he fucked into you ruthlessly. Your mouth hung open; strings of curses and whines of his name trickled out as that thread inside you snapped once more tonight.
“F-Fuck… Hiro, baby— 'm cumming—!”
Your orgasm was intense; your gummy walls pulsed fiercely around your husband's cock. The obscene sounds of yours and Tecchou's release mixing together as he continued to plunge inside you rang through your ears.
"Fill me up, baby— please… make me a mommy!"
Your pleas were his final straw. His thick things were burning with each thrust. Tecchou's abs muscles flexed as he slammed into you one last time. The tip of his leaky cock kissed your cervix as his cum shot deep inside you.
"Hah… a-angel…"
Tecchou whimpered. His eyes rolled back into his head as the last ropes of his seed dribbled out past his slit. His large hands slowly pulled your thighs back down. Your legs went limp on either side of your husband's waist, as the pads of your thumbs caressed his cheeks lovingly.
His eyes opened gradually; chestnut orbs full of love and adoration for you. You couldn't help but smile up at him. Caressing those three little marks under his left eye that you loved so much as you finally began to feel Tecchou softening inside you.
"You did so well for me, angel. You're so wonderful… the best wife I could have ever asked for— wait, I didn't hurt you… did I? Please tell me what I can do to make it up for you if I did."
The sudden concern in his voice made you giggle a little. Causing Tecchou to tilt his head in confusion slightly. He was always so considerate, so caring and kind.
Marrying him was the best thing you ever did, and you knew in your bones that he would be the best father in the whole world.
"I'm okay, baby. That was completely unexpected from you… but so fucking hot."
Your words caused his cheeks to tint a rosy pink. Tecchou's lips curled into a tight smile before you spoke up once more.
"Ah… and you're cute too! The cutest thing ever… c'mon, why don't we share a bath before bed, hm?"
Tecchou shook his head in disagreement. Eyebrows knitting in place.
"No… not yet. Can we… stay like this for a little while? It f-feels nice… being so close to you like this."
Your smile grew tenfold at his words. Your arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him impossibly tighter into you.
"Of course, Hiro. We can stay like this for as long as you want. I like being one with you like this, too!"
Tecchou smiled against your neck. Taking in your scent as he finally allowed himself to relax fully.
"I can't wait to be a dad. I'm going to give you and our child the life you both deserve. I love you, angel."
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ikemenfangirl · 9 days ago
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UN:LOGiCAL (Nintendo Switch) Otome game JP
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By: LicoBiTs
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Language: Japanese
Website: https://licobits-game.com/unlogical
PV: https://youtu.be/riJvhXN23Z4
✦ Female protagonist
✦ Visual novel game
"UN:LOGICAL" is a VR game that only invited player can participate in.
In this virtual world where touch, taste, and pain are realistic, adorable "apprentice angels" are said to welcome you as NPCs.
Those who participate for the reward money are later threatened by the "side effects" caused by the game.
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Kanna Suzuno (Main Character) nameable
Age: 20
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❓ Miyabi CV: Otsuka Takeo #大塚剛央
Keyword: Conflict
Age: ??
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💛 Munakata Kai CV: Ishikawa Kaito #石川界人
Keyword: Obsession
Age: 23
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🩶 Nagamori Ran CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki #豊永利行
Keyword: Faithful
Age: 19
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💜 Yasaka Soichi CV: Uchida Yuma #内田雄馬
Keyword: Mercifulness
Age: 27
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💚 Yuri CV: Shimazaki Nobunaga #島﨑信長
Keyword: Cheerful
Age: 25
SUB - Characters
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◾️ Kohaku CV: Kaji Yuki #梶裕貴
◾️ Ruri CV: Shimono Hiro #���野紘
◾️ Chihiro CV: Kumagai Kentaro #熊谷健太郎
◾️ Menou CV: Aizawa Saya #会沢紗弥
◾️ Himejima Kyosuke CV: Taito Ban #坂泰斗
mor info https://www.facebook.com/share/p/159DRGEmzu/?mibextid=wwXIfr
🔺 Character design and original art: Hanamura Mai
X: https://x.com/unlogical_jp
※ English translation is expected. waiingt for updates.
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winxanity-ii · 11 months ago
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 05 Chapter 05 | awakening force⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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❘ prev. chapter ❘༻✦༺❘ next chapter ❘
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The thrill of your newfound power lingered as you walked home. A shiver danced down your spine—a delicious mix of fear and exhilaration.
You were no longer just ____. You were something more, something... powerful.
Reaching your house, the murmur of conversation drifted from the kitchen.
Inside, you found your mom chatting with a couple perched at the table—Hiro and Shisuki, your parents' old high school friends.
You vaguely remembered them stopping by a few weeks ago to celebrate your dad's promotion.
Hiro, tall and tan with a shock of lime-green hair and light brown eyes, flashed a friendly grin. Shisuki, his wife, offered a wan smile. She was pale and slender, her lavender hair mirroring the color of her eyes.
You noticed something subtly off about them. You couldn't quite put your finger on it.
Your mom, ever watchful, intercepted you before you could linger. "____! There you are, sweetie. Let me see those hands." Her voice held a familiar edge of worry as she inspected the scrapes from your encounter with Bakugo.
Before you could protest, she whisked you upstairs, muttering about "rough-housing" and "being careful."
With a sigh, you resigned yourself to a quick bath. Wrapping a towel around your head, you picked up a rag and began drying your hair as your mom hurried downstairs, called upon by your dad to help entertain the guests while dinner simmered.
Alone in your room, the afternoon sun casting long shadows across the floor, you replayed the scene in your mind.
The memory of your helpless rage, the shove that sent Bakugo sprawling— it all felt distant now, overshadowed by the chilling realization of what happened next.
The way Bakugo crumpled, his whimpers replaced by a strange, terrified silence—it was like you'd flicked a switch, taking control of him not with your body, but with your will.
Suddenly, the image in your mind flickered. Bakugo's tear-streaked face contorted, morphing into an older visage. Golden-brown eyes, framed by a mess of unruly blond hair, stared up at you with an unsettling intensity. A wide, toothy grin stretched across his face, revealing a chipped canine tooth.
The boy—no, the young man—held a chainsaw in one hand, the whirring blade a constant hum against the silence. Yet, despite the weapon and the wildness in his eyes, the most unsettling aspect was the way he looked at you.
It wasn't just fear or submission; it was a kind of god-worship, a bizarre adoration that promised nothing but utter obedience.
The distorted voice echoed in your mind, the words spoken with a reverence that bordered on obsession. "You... have control..."
You blinked, the mental image dissolving like smoke. Your heart hammered against your ribs, the echo of the phantom voice lingering in your ears.
The room seemed to vibrate with your nervous energy. You grabbed a stray pillow, squeezing it until your knuckles turned white.
This power... it was intoxicating, a forbidden fruit that promised both dominion and danger.
The memory of Bakugo's terrified face warred with the strange, exhilarated feeling of controlling the distorted figure in your mind. It felt wrong, alien, yet strangely exhilarating.
You practiced the word in your mind, a mantra of your newfound power: "Control." The word resonated within you—a dark promise of possibilities.
Curiosity gnawed at you. Could you do it again?
Glancing out the window, you saw a familiar sight—a plump robin perched on the sill, its head tilted inquisitively.
This little visitor often graced your window ledge, a welcome distraction from the monotony of your days.
Today, however, it served a different purpose. It was a test subject, a pawn in the game you were starting to play with your own abilities.
With a slow, deliberate movement, you pushed the window open a fraction. The robin cocked its head again, then with a bold chirp, hopped inside.
It fluttered around the room for a moment, its bright red breast a splash of color against the now-beige walls (you utterly despised the pretty-pink-princess aesthetic and threw an absolute fit until it was gone).
A cruel amusement bubbled within you.
This was your domain now, and this little creature was subject to your will.
You focused your mind, picturing the bird in your control. "Fly." You willed the bird to take flight.
It obeyed instantly, launching itself from the floor in a flurry of feathers. You guided it through the air with your thoughts, a puppeteer manipulating its movements.
The bird performed aerial flips, swooped low to the ground, then ascended again in dizzying spirals.
A giddy smile stretched across your face as you willed the robin to perform another daring maneuver. It swooped low to the ground, skimming the throw rug with its wings before launching into a spectacular corkscrew climb.
You felt a surge of exhilaration, a sense of power you'd never known before.
This—this was your Quirk!
Suddenly, the urge to share your newfound ability with your parents overwhelmed you.
You bolted for the stairs, the excited chirp of the robin echoing in your wake. Reaching the top of the stairs, you paused.
Your parents were in the living room, your mom topping off two glasses of whiskey for their guests.
"So, how's ____ doing these days? Anything new?" you heard Hiro ask, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.
"Oh, you know," Wino replied, his tone dismissive.  "Same old, same old. Still no sign of a Quirk manifesting."
A bitter taste filled your mouth.
Here you were, bursting with the revelation of your newfound power, only to be dismissed by your own father.
Hiro chuckled; the sound sharp and unpleasant. "Poor kid. Stuck being Quirkless in a world like this.  Rough luck."
Your father laughed along, a hollow sound that grated on your nerves.
Mei, ever perceptive, picked up on the shift in the conversation. "Dinner will be ready soon," she announced, her voice laced with annoyance. "Winnie, please try not to discuss such sensitive topics about our daughter while I'm here." With a huff, she turned and stalked back towards the kitchen.
The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.
You stood frozen on the stairs, the joy of your discovery replaced by a cold anger. They didn't believe in you.
They pitied you.
You stared at them, a cold emptiness settling in your chest. Their flippant dismissal of your prior Quirklessness, the way they treated it like a minor inconvenience, stung more than you cared to admit.
Without a word, you turned and retreated back up the stairs, the robin fluttering after you with a soft chirp.
Reaching your room, you sank onto the bed, the bird landing gently on your shoulder. Staring down at the bird, a flicker of defiance sparked in your eyes.
A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips. You reached out a hand, gently rubbing its soft feathers. Focusing on the bird, you willed it to fly away.  "Fly," you whispered the order once more.
The robin launched itself into the air, soaring effortlessly around your room. A surge of satisfaction coursed through you. You could do it again.
You were powerful.
For the next hour, you spent time honing your newfound ability. It was like playing a video game, but with a living creature as your avatar.
You sent the bird on dizzying spirals, weaving through furniture and dodging obstacles with practiced ease. But as minutes turned into an hour, the thrill began to wane.
The bird, once curious, now fluttered erratically, its tiny body exhausted by your relentless commands.
You released your control, and with a tired chirp, the robin landed on your outstretched finger. You stroked its soft feathers, a sense of boredom replacing your amusement.
A different idea took root. You remembered the innate feeling that nearly swallowed you as you willed Bakugo under your control.
With a deep breath, you focused on the bird, visualizing a pressure building within its tiny body. Staring intently at the robin, you willed that invisible force to constrict its organs.
The bird froze, its bright eyes filled with sudden fear. You broke eye contact and released the pressure. It chirped weakly, its body trembling.
You hadn't seen any outside physical harm, but the raw terror in the bird's eyes was enough.
The robin let out a relieved chirp and took shook its feathers, before looking up at you, waiting for its next command.
As the bird sat before you, a surge of exhilaration washed over you.
You hadn't just controlled something; you'd inflicted pain, a mere taste of the power you now wielded.
A chilling realization settled in your stomach—this wasn't just dominance; it was manipulation on a terrifying level.
Suddenly, a familiar voice jolted you from your introspection. "____! Dinner's ready, honey!" It was your mother's voice, laced with a warmth that seemed to pierce the fog of darkness clouding your mind.
With a sigh that carried the weight of the world, you sat the bird down and pushed yourself off the bed, heading downstairs. Every step felt heavy, a chore rather than a movement.
As you reached the bottom stair, something strange caught your attention.
It was a smell. Not unpleasant, but amplified.
Your mom's familiar scent of lavender soap and cinnamon rolls mingled with the sharp tang of cleaning supplies. But these were just base notes. A new layer of perception had been added.
You could smell everything with a startling clarity.
Your father's cologne, a cloying mix of citrus and musk, suddenly seemed overpowering.
Shisuki's perfume was a sickly sweet floral that made your stomach churn. Hiro's scent was worse—a combination of stale beer and something vaguely acrid, like sweat that hadn't quite dried.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you came to a screeching halt. The world smelled different, and not necessarily in a good way.
Then came sight.
You recognized the scene unfolding before you—your mother setting dishes, your father laughing with a man by the TV. But a chilling disconnect settled in your gut.
You knew who these people were supposed to be—your parents and their friends, Hiro and Shisuki. Yet, their appearances seemed...wrong.
Your mother turned, her smile widening at the sight of you. "There you are, sweetie! Come sit down, dinner's ready." She gestured towards the table, her familiar voice a grounding presence amidst the sensory overload.
You shuffled forward, eyes glued to the couple beside your parents.
Hiro, you vaguely remembered, was tall and tan with brown eyes and lime green hair. Shisuki, his wife, was pale and slender and had hair the color of lavender with matching eyes.
But staring at them now, their features seemed blurry, their colors muted. Like someone had smeared their image with dirty fingers.
You tried to focus, to etch their appearances into your memory. But the harder you concentrated, the more their forms dissolved, details slipping through your grasp like sand through your fingers.
Panic clawed at your throat.  What was happening?  Why couldn't you remember their faces?
A sudden realization dawned on you. The heightened sense of smell came at a cost. You could distinguish people by their scent, yes, but now, your ability to differentiate faces seemed to have dulled.
It was a strange trade-off, one that mirrored how a dog identifies others through scent.
You had gained a quirk, yes, but it came with a price—quickly, you darted your eyes down to your plate, unable to bear looking at the distorted couple any longer. But even that small movement seemed to draw attention.
"Honey, is everything alright?" Mei's voice filled the room, laced with concern.
You wanted to scream, to blurt out your questions: Were those really Hiro and Shisuki? Was your mind playing tricks on you? But the words wouldn't come. The fear was paralyzing.
Stealing another glance at the couple before forcing your eyes back to your plate, you mumbled, "I don't feel very hungry anymore."
Your mother's eyes widened significantly, a hint of worry flickering across her face.  "Oh, sweetie," she began, her voice taking on that fretful tone you knew all too well.  "Is there something wrong? Maybe you don't like what I made? I could fix you something else—"
Before she could launch into a full-blown worry spiral, your father cut in.  "____," he started, his voice heavy with irritation, "stop acting childish and just eat your dinner."
The room fell silent.
You felt a prickle of defiance rise within you, but it was quickly squashed by the overwhelming confusion and fear.
You stared up blankly at your father, then reached across the table for your water glass, taking a slow sip before setting it back down with a clink.
"You know what—" your father started, his voice rising in anger.
But before he could explode, Shisuki interjected, her voice firm but strangely calm.  "Wino," she said, clearing her throat slightly, "why don't you take a breather? Maybe go outside for a smoke or something?"
A beat of silence followed, then Hiro spoke up, his voice warm and friendly.  "Yeah, man. Take twenty. We'll keep an eye on things."
With a heavy sigh, and a final glare in your direction, your father pushed himself away from the table.  "Fine," he grumbled. "But someone's gotta go get some dessert. There's nothing decent in this house."
Without waiting for a response, he stormed out, leaving a heavy silence in his wake.
As soon as the front door slammed shut, the air crackled with a tension you hadn't noticed before.
Shisuki, with a cruel edge creeping into her previously saccharine voice, leaned towards your mother and remarked, "Honestly, I don't know how you two deal with it, Mei. All that screaming and tantrums—it's no wonder people are rethinking having kids these days. It honestly makes us so grateful we don't have to deal with any of that with Yumi."
Hiro, previously sporting a smug smirk, let out a bark of laughter that grated on your nerves.  "Yeah, Shisuki's right. Yumi's such a sweet, well-adjusted child. Always top of her class, never a complaint," he chimed in, his voice laced with a smugness that turned your stomach.  "____? She's a walking advertisement for abstinence if I ever saw one."
The words struck you like a physical blow. Your breath hitched, and a hot ember of anger ignited in your chest, growing with each passing insult.
You clenched your fists so tightly your nails dug into your palms, but it wasn't enough to contain the surge of power that threatened to erupt from within.
Your mother, bless her heart, attempted a feeble defense. "She's just going through a tough phase, that's all," she stammered, her voice wavering. "She'll grow out of it."
Shisuki scoffed, the sound harsh and dismissive. "Oh, honey, this is more than just a phase," she condescended, her eyes flickering towards you with a cold, calculating gleam. "What you need to do is take her to a professional. There are specialists who can deal with these...issues."  Her voice dripped with a false sympathy that made your skin crawl.  "After all, I am a child psychologist. I've seen my fair share of troubled youngsters."
Wino's absence hung heavy in the air, his departure emboldening the couple like vultures sensing weakness. They felt free to dissect you like a lab rat, their words slicing deeper with each cruel pronouncement.
Mei, clearly struggling, could only stammer a weak response, overwhelmed by their condescending assault.
Then, a horrifying realization dawned on you. They weren't just talking about you—they pitied your parents for having you, while in the same breath, celebrating their own perfect child.
A dangerous glint flickered in your eyes, mirroring the growing inferno within your chest. The memory of Bakugo's compliance surfaced, a chillingly sweet reminder of your newfound power; the image of the robin, tweeting in alarm, hapless and in your mercy.
For a terrifying split second, the world seemed to blink. Shisuki was crumpled sideways, her head lolling at an unnatural angle as crimson bloom spread across her once-pristine white blouse, a silent scream trapped behind her lips.
Hiro slumped forward, his chair clattered onto the floor, eyes wide with terror as a similar stain blossomed on his lime-green shirt. The metallic tang of blood filled the air, a sickening counterpoint to their choked gasps and desperate clawing at empty air.
Their bodies convulsed into a grotesque form of flesh and bones, their lives draining away before your very eyes.
The image was so vivid, so real, that you almost choked on a gasp. Your breath hitched, the taste of iron flooding your mouth. But before you could succumb to the darkness, a flicker of self-preservation sparked within you.
No, they won't get the better of you.
With a deep breath, you wrestled the power back in, forcing it down into the churning depths of your being.
Slamming your fork down on the table, the harsh clang echoed through the room, effectively halting the conversation.  All eyes turned to you, surprise etched on their faces.
"I'm not hungry anymore," you declared, your voice surprisingly steady despite the tremor running through you.  "Good night."  Without waiting for a response, you pushed yourself away from the table and headed towards the stairs.
"Honey, wait!" your mother called after you, her voice laced with concern.  "Are you sure you're alright?  Maybe I can make you a sandwich..."
You paused on the bottom step, the sound of her fretting already starting to grate on your nerves.  "No, really, I'm fine," you said, forcing a smile.  "Thanks anyway."
As you ascended the stairs, you could hear your mother's voice trailing behind you, a mixture of concern and indecision.
Reaching your door, you spared a final glance back at the scene unfolding downstairs. Shisuki and Hiro were engrossed in conversation again, their faces devoid of any worry about your abrupt departure.
The moment you were out of sight, however, the conversation shifted. Their voices, though lowered, were still audible.
"Honestly," Hiro scoffed, "what a useless child. Quirkless and a constant burden."
Your mother gasped, a sound of wounded pride. "Hiro!" she protested.  "That's not fair.  And besides, Wino and I are Quirkless too, remember?"
Shisuki, her voice dripping with condescension once again, waved her off dismissively.  "Darling, at least you two contribute to society. Your husband's a decent accountant, and you tutor those college kids on the side. But what good is that girl?  She's a walking black hole of wasted potential. Honestly, she'd probably be better off in some kind of...  well, you know."
Their words hung heavy in the air, the unspoken implication a sledgehammer blow to your already fragile ego.
Your hand instinctively closed around the doorknob, knuckles turning white. A cold fury burned in your gut, fueled by their callous disregard for your feelings.
As the last of their conversation faded away, you finally closed the door, the sound a small act of defiance.
Slumping against the cool wood, you slid down to the floor, knees pulled tight to your chest. Your fists clenched, nails digging into your palm until a crescent moon of pain bloomed.
The heat in your chest bubbled over, a volcanic rage threatening to erupt. Your body trembled, wracked with a potent mix of anger and fear.
Flashes of the power you wielded, the intoxicating satisfaction of controlling Bakugo and toying with the bird, looped through your mind like a cruel highlight reel.
"I...need it," you muttered, the words barely a whisper. The urge to unleash that power, to silence the voices that taunted and belittled you, was overwhelming.
But then, a soft chirp pierced the storm raging within you. You glanced up to see the robin perched on your desk, its head cocked inquisitively.
The sight of the small creature, so full of life and innocence, was a much-needed anchor.
Taking a shaky breath, you pushed yourself to your feet, legs wobbly like a newborn foal.
Stumbling towards the bird, you reached out a hand. It chirped again, a single, questioning note, before hopping onto your outstretched palm.
Walking over to the window, bathed in the soft glow of the twilight sky, you gently stroked the bird's head. Below, you could see your parents saying their goodbyes to Shisuki and Hiro.
Their laughter, strained and forced, grated on your nerves.
Eyes going blank, you entered a state of intense focus. The world narrowed, the air crackling with invisible energy. Walking back to your bed, the small bird remained motionless on your finger.
You settled against the pillows, propping yourself up for a better view. "Fly." With a chirp, the bird nestled in your hand took flight around your room once again. Its tiny wings beat a silent rhythm as it zipped and zagged.
With a sigh, you dropped your hands, severing the mental connection.
Well, kind of.
The moment the bird was outside of your window, a harsh caw ripped through the air.
"Caw!" You recognized it instantly—the hunting call of the large falcon that had been terrorizing the smaller birds lately.
Right on cue, a blur of feathered fury streaked into view, diving for its prey
Just as the falcon was about to snatch the smaller bird in its talons, you clenched your fists, focusing your power inwards. It was a forceful contraction, like crumpling a piece of paper with your mind.
Staring intently at your clenched fist, you imagined the falcon instead. You envisioned every detail, its sharp beak, powerful wings, and piercing eyes.
Then, with a flick of your wrist, you imagined it crushed, its body crumpled like the paper you'd envisioned earlier.
A beat later, a sickening thud echoed from outside, followed by a strangled cry.
You scrambled to your window, flinging it open despite the cool night air.
Below, on the sidewalk in front of your house, a gruesome scene unfolded.
Shisuki and Hiro, caught completely off guard, stood frozen in shock. Blood splattered across their clothes, a horrifying reminder of the falcon that lay lifeless at their feet, its body mangled beyond recognition.
You stared, the image searing itself into your memory. A wave of apathy, as familiar as an old friend, washed over you.
The dream, the impossible dream, of a life with Pochita—a family built on fear and adoration, flickered through your mind.
Even if you'd been devoured by Chainsaw Man himself, even if you'd been granted a twisted rebirth in that blood-soaked world, the machinations would have continued.
Schemes and plots would have brewed in the dark corners of your mind, always focused on the same objective: eliminating the blonde parasite, Denji, and securing your place at Pochita's side.
But here, in this mundane reality, such grand ambitions felt pointless.
With a sigh that carried the weight of extinguished dreams, you slumped back against the pillows. The power you possessed was a burden, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within you.
Maybe, you thought with a flicker of morbid curiosity, there was a way to use it for good.
But for now, the allure of apathy was far too strong to resist.
You closed your eyes, the image of the lifeless falcon and the horrified faces of Shisuki and Hiro swirling behind your eyelids.
The future is now stretched before you, an uncertain path riddled with both possibilities and perils.
Would you become a conqueror, wielding your power for dominion? Or could you learn to control not just others, but yourself?
Who knows? But there one thing you do know...
The game had just begun, and the choice was yours.
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A/N: Ahh, denji my bby ��❤️
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ambonexus · 7 months ago
CW: Spoilers for Chapter 6 of Trigger Happy Havoc! Contains explicit detailing of events and conversations from the final trial.
Just a little character analysis ramble.
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TL;DR, Makoto and Byakuya's reactions to the reveal that Junko killed Mukuro are so vastly different. I think that is so, so perfect.
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It's kind of obvious that everyone would be a bit unsettled that Junko made the choice to kill Mukuro. A girl killing her sister is kind of a dark situation no matter how you look at it, but Makoto reacts a bit more violently angry than the others (Hina, Hiro, Toko).
He has a sister of his own that he very much cares a lot about. Hell, his sister (and his immediate family) was used as his device in the first motive. The idea that someone could just kill a member of their family without showing any remorse is extremely unsettling to him, and he expresses that here. It makes him emotional because he can't imagine ever being okay with doing that to his own sister.
The fact that the Danganronpa writing didn't go out of its way to highlight this is a bit shocking, because you'd think Makoto would have a dramatic inner dialogue where he thinks about his own sister, but he doesn't. Subtle writing is more satisfying than explicit writing though, so I kind of like that.
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Contrast this with Byakuya's almost complete indifference regarding this revelation. He makes a comment about how "of course they switched, Mukuro acted so differently from Junko's public image", but otherwise says nothing on the actual topic of Junko murdering her sister. He never goes out of his way to actively antagonize her for her actions against Mukuro.
Byakuya is completely desensitized to the idea of "murdering" family. He had to "kill" or "sacrifice" 14 of his half siblings to achieve success. To him, the idea of Junko literally killing her own sibling isn't that disturbing. Obviously they had very different motivations, but I don't think Byakuya thinks of them as being very far removed. After all, the killing game was basically just a repeat of his childhood for him, down to the number of participants.
Therefore, he says very little. For him to say "that's so cruel" or "you're messed up for killing her" would be odd, because that'd be, in a way, hypocritical.
I mean, he doesn't even insult her. He just calls her an abnormality for being so obsessed with despair that she'd kill for it. Byakuya himself could be considered an abnormality, if you look at it with a "positive" connotation, the way he'd prefer it in reference to himself. He, the youngest brother, rose above 14 other Togami children just for his own obsession with success. Byakuya's "success" is to him as Junko's "despair" is to her. Really, he's not "just some ordinary person" either.
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I just think the writing for this trial is so damn neat. Subtle things that align logically with a character's values and beliefs. So many nice little details, both in what characters say and what they don't say.
Things like this make me wanna write a video essay...
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