#i cant draw gore so i just gave up trying to draw that part
iyuray · 3 months
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Additional lore for my Blank Scripts AU ocs :)
Blank Scripts AU is by @blackkatdraws
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Vermillion Skies - Q&A #3 (continued)
Here’s the second part to the final Q&A since the final few questions didnt fit due to Tumblr’s photo limit on posts! there's some alt ending stuff in here so if you dont normally read the Q&As, you may want to read this one!
Here's the previous Q&A post
CW: Somewhat graphic discussion of past events in the series thus far [sexual violence, blood/gore/violence among characters, nsfw, jealousy/romantic rivalry, PTSD, etc...], also an alt angst ending where Mc dies so beware- there's grief talk in here.
>> Though I have a Masters Degree in Psychology, I am not your therapist. If you have experienced any form of sexual abuse, assault, or harassment and are in need of help, please utilize the RAINN sexual assault hotline or online chat service, or find additional help using the NSVRC website. <<
Read all of my work related to Vermillion Skies here
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Oh absolutely. This will be a theme in Melancholia. In lieu of spoilers, all I will say is that Michael especially strongly detests Mc’s existence. This is actually a direction I thought of taking the story if I were to continue on past 25, but figured instead I can incorporate it into the end of VS and the beginning of Melancholia! 
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So This was something I brushed past rather quickly, so thank you for asking to give me a chance to elaborate!
Mammon was absolutely horrified after being shot through that window by Simeon. Lucifer? sure. That’s to be expected for a demon of his strength. Even Beelzebub could probably throw him through a window no problem. But seeing an angel have the ability to do that when demons are notoriously more powerful? yikes.
He was also probably scared shitless of the transformation. He remembered how horrified at himself he was when he transformed- let alone all his brothers.
Seeing Simeon like that gave him some resemblance of shell-shock. Not necessarily selectively mute, but he just, couldn't process anything or get anything out.
There was nothing running through his mind as he sat on the windowsill staring blankly at the glass- until he saw you. 
Then the only thing in his head was “keep her safe.” So he had to find a way to get your attention. After getting it, he just did what was instinctual- pick you up and get you the fuck out of there. 
Everything was so dream-like for him. so when you demanded he put you down, his brain took a minute to figure out what you were doing. He didn’t mean to grab you so roughly- he was just confused as to why you didn’t realize he was trying to help despite the fact that he couldn’t communicate it to you. 
so the TLDR of this is that he was in survival mode, and his processing abilities were limited due to fear/trauma. Sorry I didn’t explain this better. I could go on about Broca’s and Wernicke’s area for hours and how they impact processing ability and speech but I’ll spare you all the lecture lol
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Sure! I cant draw so I’m gonna share photo references that I used! 
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(here’s the link to the etsy where I found these)
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Thank you so much for the kind words. I’m glad it gave you so much hope- and samesies. I also wish more men were like how I wrote Lucifer. 
Allow me to entertain another alternate outcome for the series in regards to the NSFW part- in the form of headcanons!
So, I imagine getting through the bulk of 22- the touching, giving each other oral, and that sort of thing.
Lucifer says “I want to feel you,” and you agree, your immediately second guessing yourself- but push through the discomfort and try to calm yourself down. 
As he positions himself between your legs, teasing your clit with his cock, you begin to feel a bit more comfortable and give him the go-ahead. He eases into you, but something shifts in you and you begin to panic. 
It starts to hurt a bit- not much, but enough to have you backing out- and you’re crying and begging for him to stop. 
He immediately pulls out the length he got in (which I assume was about half way) and he’s cradling you gently, whispering that things will be okay, he isn’t going to hurt you, and that it’s okay that you asked him to stop.
if you apologize, he will have none of it. He will remind you that it’s okay that you said no, and that he only wanted it if you did too. He will provide lots of reassurance that you’re safe and he still loves you. 
He will help you clean yourself off (if you allow) or run you a bath where he will gently brush your hair or massage your shoulders.
If you feel really uncomfortable being naked around him, he’ll run the bath and leave you to it, but it will only take a whisper of his name to have him back at your side, ready to comfort you. 
He will snuggle you up until the coming events later in ch. 23- stroking your hair, humming to you, reminding you how much he loves and values you until you fall asleep. 
He will be ever-attentive in the future when you attempt to have sex with him again, and will make sure to help you feel more relaxed next time. And if you’re not ready then either, that’s okay. He will wait until you are ready. He’s patient- and isn’t going anywhere just because you wont fuck him. 
He loves you Mc- you just have to remember that. 
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Allow me to entertain an alternate ending for all my angst lovers! I am going to also do this in the form of headcanons!
So, I imagine the part in 24 where Simeon swings his arm back and sends MC flying toward the pillar. Instead of just a minor concussion, maybe the force was so strong that it killed her on impact. 
I see Mc hitting the wall and the lights immediately going out, and the last thing that rushes through her mind before it is just blank and empty is how much she loves Lucifer, reviewing memories at rapid speed with him- so the last thing she sees is his face. 
After hearing the yelp Simeon will whip around, similar to how he did in the regular story, dropping Lucifer to the floor. His face would drain of color, realizing immediately what he’s done. he’d be frozen in place, not sure what to do- if there’s even anything he can do. 
Lucifer will be screaming because he saw you hit the pillar and now sees the lifeless haze over glossing over your eyes as you stare unblinking back toward him. He would run toward you, probably staggering due to just getting air back into his lungs and his own blows to the head, yelling at Beel and Satan to get away as he cradles your lifeless form in his hands. 
Desperately searching for a pulse, or a sign of your breathing, but would see no signs of life. His lips would tremble as he would beg for you to be okay, repeating “no”s over and over as the realization that you were dead dawned on him.
He will sob relentlessly into your hair, clutching you to his chest tightly and rocking your body back and forth. His wails would be so intense that they could shatter glass, ringing out through the castle and echoing through every corridor of the castle. 
Memories would come flooding back to him, trying desperately to cling to any piece of you he could. Your voice, the way you gently touched his skin, your sweet kisses, the way you blush...all of it.
 The rest of the brothers would completely break down along side him, but reluctantly keep their distance due to fears he will lash out at them. Beel would be completely catatonic, not being able to believe that you had died in front of him again. Satan would try desperately to console the other brothers, fighting the urge to slaughter Simeon himself, knowing he needed to save the task for Lucifer. Asmo would completely break down crying, falling into Solomon’s arms. Solomon would remain stoic, but underneath his heart is shattered.  Belphie and Levi would try to cling to their sanity, but slowly slip into inconsolable sobs. Belphie would be reminded of his past mistakes on top of everything, deep sorrow filling his whole being.  Diavolo would be in complete denial. Barbatos would be shattered on the inside, but try to hold back his woe. If you look closely, you could see both their eyes glossy with tears, but they would remain eerily still. Mammon would run into the room after hearing Lucifer’s screams and collapse upon seeing you dead in Lucifer’s arms. He would blame himself for not being able to stop you from rushing into the ballroom where you met your demise. 
Between his sobs, Lucifer would feel unspeakable rage building up within him. His blood would boil, limbs shaking in an anger unlike what he’s ever felt- even towards the individual who had assaulted you. He would hang your body to Beel, requesting he keep you safe despite the face that you were dead. Then he would turn toward Simeon, and he would be a completely different man. 
His body would be surrounded in a fuming black and green aura- radiating further off of him like smoke on a smothered fire, and his sclera would have turned black. Piercing crimson irises that were still glossy with tears stared daggers at the former angel. His cheeks would continue to be stained in tears as he approached him in an eerie silence, the only sound from him being a deep, guttural growl. 
His demon form would still be out, but subtle changes could be observed to note he was more angry than ever before. His wings would be spread wide, shuddering violently as if there was a powerful wind rippling through them. His horns would grow slightly longer, and there would be slightly larger fangs protruding from his mouth. His face would probably very sunken and gaunt, but his muscles would probably bulge more. I also imagine some feathers/scale type things pushing their way out of his skin. Like really looking like an actual demon. 
The entire room would feel like the air had been sucked out of it as Lucifer’s wrath and grief completely took over. Like I imagine the room feeling like you’re on a high mountain and you get altitude sickness. 
He would attempt to kill Simeon, and theres two outcomes for this that I can think of. Either he would literally plunge his hand through his chest, rip out his heart, and watch silently as he bleeds out; or he would be stopped by everyone (literally- I don’t think just one person could stop him) as Simeon is taken by Michael. 
He would return to your body afterwards and take you to the bedroom, tucking you in as he just...cries. for days. Like he is completely inconsolable and he wouldn’t talk to anyone else, locking himself in the bedchamber with your body as you body loses warmth. He would still try to convince himself that you would come back like last time, but the longer it takes for that to happen, the more sorrowful he becomes. 
He would absolutely collect pieces of you to keep as reminders of you. He would cut off a section of your hair and braid it, and would probably keep it in a small box along with photos and the various gifts he’s given you- plushies, the snow globe, jewelry, etc- and keep this under his bed. The perfume you wear would be everywhere- in his desk, near his nightstand, a small vial of it in his pocket, so he could keep the scent near him at all times. 
At the funeral he would be dead silent, only crying when he could sneak away to be alone. he wouldn’t give a eulogy- not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t muster up the strength to even speak. He would probably understand why you had trouble speaking after your assault now- and would probably be selectively mute for many, many years. 
He would probably have to downsize his bed after this, because the empty space where your body used to be would make him spiral all over again, but he would snuggle with your pillow every night, ensuring to coat it with the perfume so it smelled like you. 
He would have a detailed portrait done of you and have it hung above the mantel in his office, and would spend just...hours...staring at it. 
He would also get something to remind him of you tattooed on him- maybe your pact mark, or maybe something hand-written to him. 
He would try to engage with his brothers and continue mending those wounds because you worked so hard to help him tend to them...but it will be hard. He will be distant, quieter than usual, and less strict. And will mostly isolate. 
He probably will try to burry himself in his work, but your sweet voice reminding him to take a break; the phantom feeling of you massaging his shoulders and neck and placing gentle pecks on the back of his head...that will make him completely unable to focus and he would break down. 
He would probably sleep a lot, preferring to be in dreams where he can see you again. But over time, your face may become distorted, and your voice may not sound the same any more- so he relies on recordings and pictures, but they’re not the same. 
Lucifer had you buried in the HOL garden, so he would visit the grave every day for the rest of his life. Sometimes he’d pretend to talk to you, telling you about some stupid things his brothers were getting up to or telling you about the new RAD festivities. Other times he would sit in silence, just staring at the loose dirty that would slowly compact and begin growing flowers and plants because of the seeds Barbatos planted over you. He would still buy you lots of gifts- trinkets, jewelry, flowers, mementos, etc- and leave them on your grave, sometimes burying them near you. 
The engagement ring would go on a chain around his neck, and he would never let it out of his sight or really even take it off. He almost buried it with you, but couldn’t bring himself to do it because he wanted you to say yes to him on your own accord- forcing it on you didn’t feel right. But the sentiment of it would serve as a reminder- who his heart truly belonged to. He would probably by a matching wedding band engraved with your name and wear it on his ring finger, despite never being married, to show to others to back off. He has no interest in pursuing any other relationships.
He would completely sever any ties with the celestial realm, and Simeon. If Simeon ends up in devildom because of his corruption, Lucifer would have to force himself to avoid him, but he wont ever forgive him for taking that piece of him away. 
He wouldn’t really ever get over it. No one would have his heart the way you did. Part of him would definitely long to end his own life, but he knew you wouldn’t want him to. 
He would probably desperately work with Solomon and Barbatos to try to find a way to get you back. Solomon poses the idea of a clone at one point because he had kept your hair, but he ultimately turns it down because he knows it likely wouldn’t be the same...Though on the nights where he especially misses your sensual touch, and finds himself getting off to the memory of the way it felt to make love to you for the first and only time, he will consider it again. 
Really, he would do anything to feel any type of touch from you again. 
Man this made me sob my eyes out lol. too angsty 5 me. Take care everyone. 
I am so glad I’ve gotten so many eager questions. I’m excited for the finale! <3
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dracosathenaeum · 3 years
I’ve had this fic for @fuckingdraco ‘s writing challenge outlined for almost a year now. Half of it is a skeleton; i have some scenes which are fully written out and others which are just first drafts and idea dumps. this is quite literally copied and pasted so good luck if you read it.
I never had the heart to completely delete it but never liked it enough to write it; so here is my 2.2k draft fo what would’ve been a series. 
If anyone decides to read it, be warned, it’s a mess. i just didnt want it to die in my notes so it’s having a life here, in my new section of my masterlist ‘fics that never saw the light of day’.
warnings: memory loss, fight scenes, gore, fighting
Being in a secret relationships had its ups and downs
You had to sneak around
But that just made the moments you were together so much more meaningful
You couldn’t brag about him to your friends
But the both of you were quite private people anyways, explaining your absences as studying in odd places
No one ever found out
It was just you and draco
The summer of 5th year was hard as he spent all of it in the south of France with his family
But it made coming back in 6th year so much more exciting
your fingers ached to touch him as you walked past his carriage
It was moments like this that you wish you could openly love him
But when your friends started gossiping about how Harry Potter thought he’d become a death eater, you were suddenly glad you weren’t linked to him publicly
That thought itself set a heavy weight of guilt on you
He came back in 6th year and he had changed
His kisses lost their spark
His eyes lost their light
He’d fuck you rough and hard, almost as if forgetting himself. Before making it up to you in the next instance
Slow love making that made you feel like you had just slept with an entirely different person
You followed him
You supposed you shouldn’t have
But he was skipping meals and you couldn’t exactly talk to his friends when they didn’t know you
You couldn’t confide in your friends as they wouldn’t understand
So you had no other choice
You followed him throughout the nights, and every time you would find him slipping into the room of requirement when he should’ve been slipping into bed with you
Once you had gauged what time he usually went and on what days you yourself went, 10 minutes before he was due
You watch as he fiddles around some ancient looking cupboard and you wonder why you’re jealous of a dead tree taking up dracos time
You watch as he sends things through, until finally it works for him
But its not happiness on his face nor relief
It looks like dread
He doesn’t look like he’s accomplished something, no there was no way
You watch as he takes off his tie, throwing it in the pile of robes and jumper
You watch as he rolled up the sleeves to his arms, the arms that had held you up more times than you could count
And you watch as the dark snaking lines of the dark mark are exposed on your lovers skin
His eyes whip round to see yours, instantly widening in fear
It isn’t until you try to walk towards him and he throws his hands up to stop you do you realise the shattered glass littered around you
He flicks his wand and you walk over, standing in front of him trying to figure out why
“How did you hide it from me for so long.”
“Simple charms, I was hoping you wouldn’t have to find out.”
More dialogue where he explains
“I don’t have a choice.”
“You always have a choice.”
Draco please
“I can’t, I had to take this on my skin because my father fucked up”
“If I, if I stop now, I cant save my mother”
“Draco please, we can find a way around this”
You kiss him
And it feels like you’ve both gone back to before 6th year
When times were simpler
When he loved you and you loved him and that was it
No other interruptions
“I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“Draco Malfoy, we share some classes but we haven’t spoken before.”
“Oh, im sorry, of course. I’m really tired I dont usually forget peoples names I swear. I must’ve been so tired I wandered in, I apologise.”
“It’s okay, the doors over there.” You take that as his polite cue of asking you to leave
He offers a tight smile, one you remember from first year, one you remember seeing across the hall as he’s shut down by Harry Potter
Poor guy must be going through something
you turn, you dont even hesitate. You dont know what it is but you feel as if you’ve known him all your life
You change and you see a gold ring dangling from a dainty gold chain. You ask your friends if they’ve seen it before
im forgetting so much these days
But you keep it on, it brings you an odd sense of comfort
You keep it tucked beneath your blouse, bringing it to you lips on occasion when youre anxious.
He had forgotten about his ring, the very ring you had clasped between your thumb and finger as you worked on your essay. How was he possibly supposed to get it from you
he’s well aware he’s staring but his mind is whirling
He needs that ring
“Draco, isn’t that your ring?”
He should’ve obligated himself, that might’ve been easier
“I’m sure it just looks similar.”
“Draco, we both know that’s the Malfoy famlily crest, I wondered why you stopped wearing it.”
“Wait did she steal it?”
misplaced it
She picked it up
He had to awkwardly walk over to pick it up
“That’s my ring.” You had told him all about how your friends hated him and how you had feigned indifference the entire time
He had to act the part
Youre flustered, eyes flicking between the ring and him, fingers clasping it tighter as if not wanting to let it go
He notices and his heart clenches at the sight
Remembering the night he gave it to you
*flash back*
“I’m so sorry, I must’ve picked it up by accident here.”
“Wait, how do you even know it’s his, prove it Malfoy.”
“My vaults could buy Hogwarts, why would I be stealing gold from a nobody?”
Your cheeks flare up and your friends glare at him but see his side
You struggle to unclasp it, and of course you fucking do because his stupid fucking ass charmed it so only he could take it off
he watches as you struggle with it, turning to a friend to help before you have 6 girls pulling at the very expensive chain on your neck
“For fucks sake youre going to damage it, let me.”
Your breath hitches as his surprisingly warm fingers brush your hair out of the way, fingers working quick to unclasp the necklace, the weight of it leaving your neck and you feel surprisingly empty
“Thank you.”
You watch as he goes, your fingers scratching over your neck, feeling something bubble in your throat
This was pathetic, you were so sad over something that was never yours in the first place
You spend the remainder of the time trying to figure out how you cam to be in possession of it in the first place
your name is written in beautiful cursive on a letter that you cannot help but love
You turn it over to see a beautiful wax seal on it, fingers trembling as you break it
The chain is yours.
You tilt the envelope over into your hand to feel the familiar weight of the chain in your hand, clasping it around you neck in an instant
You look in the mirror but you dont recognise yourself
Your friends are surprised when you study with them
When you go back to your dorm room at a reasonable time
And you dont have a clue where it is they think you go
But how could you possibly explain to someone what you font remember
The chain is too light around you neck, its just not the same, it feels as if it’s chocking you rather than bringing you comfort
You start digging through your trunk and draws, looking for something to act as a pendant before you finally do.
Hidden at the back of one of your draws you find a little velvet box you dont remember stashing away. But then again, you dont seem to be remembering much these days.
Its a tiny little constellation of stars, charmed to sparkle and you heart wonders why you had never worn it before. It was a simple little charm but once hooked onto the necklace, you look at yourself in the mirror and finally feel as though a little part of you has returned.
6th and 7th years are a blur
A blur of horror
You dont really understand how life had changed so abruptly
You dont know how you end up fighting in a war at the age of just 18 but here you are
Draco stands with Hogwarts
And then his mother calls
You’ve seen him
Of course you have
You know what he is, know what his parents are
But you also know what he has done to make Hogwarts more bearable for you under the Carrows watch
The small things, diverging attention away from you and your friends
He wasn’t evil and some part of you knew that
You watch as he takes a shuddering breath and starts to walk
You watch as no one stops him
You watch as he loses more of his soul with each step towards mr no-nose
You dont know why you do it
You run
Your friends call your names, teachers joining in
They think youre joining the other side, they think youre fucked in the head, as they had since that incident in 6th year
But no, you were just missing something
you catch up to him pretty quickly, pulling him to a stop
“Ah, another to join my cause. Welcome young lady.”
“You know me. Im missing something but whenever I’m with you, whenever im holding this stupid constellation close to my heart, I feel at ease. Why”
he stares at you incredulously, and why wouldn’t he. Youre in the middle of a battlefield, Harry Potter has just been declared dead and Voldemort is less than a meter away
But you dont feel scared
And you feel stupid for not feeling scared
“It has felt like I dont even know who I am for the past 2 years, what did you do to me?”
You know everyones watching, you can hear the gasps on both sides as they think the worst of him
“I did what was necessary.” That was the first time he had spoken more than 2 words to you since he had gotten his necklace back that day in the library
“Draco, this is no time to be flirting. Come join me, bring her with you if you want.”
He tenses as voldy rests a boney hand on his shoulder, pulling him towards the other side, away from you
“If you won’t be joining us, we will use you an example of what will happen if you dont join us.”
You stare at him unfazed, fear was something you had gotten used to
Your fingers grip your wand in hand, running through all the spell harry had taught you in the da but its not enough
You are no match for voldy as he throws an unforgivable at you
You hear screams around you but all you hear is silence, as if the world had finally gone silent
Draco watched as the spell hit you directly in the chest. He had spent 2 years living with his actions all for it to have gone to naught in a single second
He watched as the light from his wand hits you
Before rebounding off you as if it hit a shield
There’s a flash of black and his mother is infront of him, wand out from deflecting the spell from bouncing back and hitting him
“She’s important to you?”
“She gave him one of the fucking family heirlooms, either she’s important to him or he’s an idiot”
His parents were… bickering in the middle of a battle
voldy recollects himself but before he can talk neville speaks up “I have no idea what’s going on but-”
Draco drowns out the noise as he stares at you on the floor, youre covered in dust and in blood but youre alive
He hears screams as harry rolls from hatreds arms, he hears the cries from death eaters but all can see is you
“We’re switching sides now?”
“I mean he’s fairly distracted, he won’t have time to hunt us down, we owe it to our son.”
Fight scene
You remember everything
Fred Weasley teases the both of you, “we have a war to win, you can fuck later.”
He copy his lazy grin, a grin that lights you up, a grin that reminds you what’s left to fight for
You see the spell before he does
Youre in an arms reach of him but Draco cant reach you in time
You push Fred to the floor, putting yourself in the line of fire by default and draco has to watch you get hit all over again
“We need to talk about what exactly it is ive been wearing around my neck this entire time.”
“I think only my mother can answer that.”
[if you made it this far, send me an ask with the word ‘chicken’ and i’ll send you a cursed photo xx]
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Squirmy Tony •Part 2- M-Verse•
Warnings: Medications, small mentions of blood, no gore dw x
Fandom: Marvel
●○●This is a Tickle Fic Story●○●
-M-Verse may also include Gore in some chapters-
Steve sat at the window in the Lab while Tony worked. Slight blush on his face from when Rogers had tickled him to hell but he tried to focus.
Steve was drawing in the little A5 pad Tony had handed him, he watched the stars outside and tried not to worry about the girl whom he had saved hours prior. He began to focus on Tony, watching his every move. Once he had noticed his pattern and his main move, he began sketching the philanthropist.
He looked at the little details, like the way his hair was a littke greasy and messed up, the tiny drops of sweat and the way his eyes focused on his work. Moving his eyes from the paper to his friend seemed comforting, the billionaire may be a genius but he absolutely sucked at comforting, so it was nice that he could be from afar.
Steve drew a little version of Tony, leaning over his desk and focusing on one of the IronMan helmets. After a while Steve placed on the finishing touches and smiled between his friebs and his art.
"You alright there Roger's?" Tony asked, still working on his helmet.
"Much better, thanks Tony" Steve smiled at Stark and then turned back to his drawing to add a few more shading detail. Unknowing to Steve, Tony could and always could see Steve in his visual perversion, so Tony saw the smile and continued to smile back at himself with a smirk.
Stark coughed to cover it up and then stood tall, turning to see his Super Soilder friend.
"So what did you draw in the end?" He asked walking over.
"Hmm? Oh nothing too great. Just some trash" Steve chuckled to himself, soon noticing the playboy walk over to him to get a glimpse of the art.
"So you gonna show me?" Tony asked impatiently, leaning his head to the side. Steve then looked back and forth of his friend and drawing. He shrugged and turned it around, sure Tony would get annoyed at him for calling him trash.
"Oh damn Rogers, that's pretty good" He seemed surprised, he knew the super solider enjoyed drawing but he hadn't expected him to do so well.
"Yeah, but its such a trashy model" Steve sighed, silently chuckling to himself as he got up. Tony gasped, placing a hand on his heart and stepping back.
"Excuse you! That model is one of the best around, though ya didn't get my ass" Tony Winked at the soldier, he knew he was only messing so he played along.
"Meh, but it ain't America's ass is it?" Steve smirked, stepping closer to his friend with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Nah but its better" A remark Tony would quickly regret at the strong blond man lifted his friend into the air and over his shoulder and began walking him to the couch in the lab.
"Steve! Steve put me down!?" Tony knew what would happen, but his ego was too big to let go of.
"Okay" Steve then threw his friend onto the couch long ways with a humph. Tony tried to crawl out but there was no way he could. Steve had grabbed his arms and placed them above his head as he sat over the smaller man that was between his legs. Tony and Steve locked eyes, mischief burning.
"Let go Rogers-" Tony hesitated. Steve thought for a moment, jokingly of course, and then agreed.
"Okay!" And dug into the brown haired man's sides causing a squeal to escape, followed by heart laughter, after a second Syeve slowed down and started to spider his fingers lightly across his stomach, this made thousands of babyish giggles escape into the open air.
"Steheheveeeeehehr!!!" Tony pleaded as he tried to think straight, he wasnt expecting it to go like this, usually Roger's would start by teasing and lightly then rougher, this time he went all in and it caused a brilliant reaction.
Steve began to drag his fingers up Tony's sides and ribs, occasionally tapering the man, sending him into squeals and wiggling around even more harshly.
"Steheheveee! NooAHAHAAAHHH NAHH" Steve tasered the billionaire and shook his fingers between his rib cage.
"Sorry Tony, does this Tickle?" He teased, making the billionaire squirm even more, leading perfect access to his underarms. Steve shit his hands up that automatically caused Tony to slam his arms down, they both stared at each other for a moment. Tiny nervous giggles coming from the all powerful Tony Stark and a mischievous look coming from the War Hero Steven Rogers.
Suddenly he began to wiggle his fingers in the mans under arms, making him buck and squeal, trying to push Steve's scratching arms away.
Tony wasnt the most ticklish person in the world, no where near, Steve might have been a tiny bit worse to be honest. But Steve was much larger than Tony, and knew all the ways to make the billionaire scream if he wanted to. Turn the richest, sarcastic, one of the most powerful men in the world into a puddle of giggling laughter.
Steve scratched the unshaven hollows of Tony's armpit, then began to scrape down his ribs. He soon had the billionaire begging with his belly laughter and tingles everywhere.
"Stoooppppp!!! StehAHVEAHH sT0Ppp!!!"
Steve knew Tony was tired now, so he did the last thing he would usually do to torture his friend. Steve lifted up the white tank top his friend had on with slight dirt on. Tony knew what was about to happen, and squirmed more than he had before. Trying to keep his shirt down. It only landed him with Steve sighing with a smirk and placing his hands above his head.
"No- no Rogers don't you dare- I cant- no- NO STEVE DON'T"
Steve then bent down to the billionaire's outty belly button, and blew on it sending shivers down Tony's spine.
"But you always love it" He smirked up. It always seemed to surprise Tony how taunting the blond man really could be.
"Roger's! Ihihi- nohoho" Giggles began to sprew out Tony's mouth, Steve had begun blowing on it and his belly, just pushing cold air.
Suddenly Steve stared Tony right in the eyes and placed his lips over the man's most sensitive area, blowing a massive raspberry causing an inhuman scream to come from the billionaire mouth.
"NAHAHAHA" Tony buzzed as the sensation spread through his body, making him squeal and laugh harder than before. Destroyed by ticklish sensations the man gave in, his laughter echoing throughout the compound.
Steve let go of his arms and sat next to the now curled up teary man on the couch giggling. He patted his thigh and laughed laying back closing his eyes just listening to the laughter. Steve was and is glad he had these moments with people, it made him smile.
"Fuhuhuck youhoho" Tony giggled, clutching his sides and belly, turning onto his back to look at Roger's. Steve opened his eyes and innocently looked at the billionaire in confusion.
"What do you mean Tony?"
"I'm getting you back capsical" Tony Grunted.
Steve laughed, he knew it was probably true, but even so he enjoyed the memories. It wasn't uncommon for the two of them to get into tickle fights. They weren't sure why but it was an unspoken agreement between the two of them. It made everything seem a little more child like in their hectic lives.
Tony lay back, still clutching his sides as he giggled his way back to reality, Steve chuckled at the endless giggles that poured from his friends mouth. That's when F.R.I.D.A.Y notified them of the young girls health.
"Mr. Roger's, the young female child you brought in earlier is now getting better. If you would like to see her she's reating but is in good condition."
"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y, I'll be going" Steve hopped up off the couch and smiled at his sighing genius friend. "You wanna come?"
Tony sighed for a moment, opening his eyes looking over the super solider. He grunted, "sure, why not" the man proceeded to get up and sigh looking towards Steve. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, delete the last however long that tickle fight was footage."
"No! Save it and put it on a tape or something, dont delete it please." Steve smirked at tony who now was blushing a little harder with a death glare. "And anyways, it wasn't really a tickle fight, more like an ambush in which you failed" Steve began walking off as a very pissed Tony was left to glare at him before running towards him to follow.
Tony pressed the code pad and they both exited. Tony then tweaked Steve's side, making the much larger man jump and stare at him. Making Tony laugh.
The two made their way to the med bay, chatting about the mission and what Tony had actually been working on the whole time Steve had been sketching him. Once they made it there they saw Bruce outside waiting for them. He smiled at the super soldier and other genius.
"So that was the laughter I assume?" He asked pointing his head at Tony and his light blush, the billionaire rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smile, Steve on the other hand automatically agreed and laughed with Bruce.
"Well anyways, now you're done would you like to come see her?" Bruce already knew the answer so they all walked into the Med Bay and towards the young girl while bruce explained the situation.
"She seem's to be alright to some degree, her heart is beating quite fast or slow at sudden changes and her blood type seems a little off (your blood type) but it seems okay. We've stitched up a few wounds but otherwise shes healing appalling fast which is a good sign. Allhough she is pale and quite skinny."
Steve looked over the young girl, her hair was now much smoother, having washed out the gruesome things now her (y/h/c) hair stood out even more. Her skin was washed and she were now in a much cleaner hospital grown.
"Shes gonna be alright, but Tony I need to speak with you" Bruce turned a little more nervous within his speech as he motioned Tony to follow him as Steve looked over the girl.
"What's up Anger?" Tony joked, he saw the girl, she seemed fine- well to a degree. Something was off but he pushed it away.
Bruce looked between the girl and Tony, then focusing on the male he began to explain once more, "She has no record. I can't find anything on her from her blood type, she had woken up earlier- dont tell Steve. But she was out of it, she seemed in pain but dizzy. I asked her if she could answer some things and she agreed quietly, she said her name was y/n y/l/n she doesn't remember anything else though. I've searched files and even got F.R.I.D.A.Y doing back round checks on y/l/n's but we found nothing"
Tony raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl and Steve, "you found nothing and she presumably has no life?"
"Nada nothing, it's like she came out of no where. Not only no life, no family, no DNA relatives of known. Even her DNA seems intertwined." Now both men were watching you. Yes, you.
"I guess we've got a new kid then" Tony shrugged.
"What? Tony you can't just adopt her-"
"I dont see why not? She has no life Bruce, nothing. What are we going to do with her? She has no records and the government will have questions. It's best she stays with us" Tony explained, still watching you as Bruce watched him. Partchly in shock but he too could agree.
"I mean... are you sure Tony?"
Stark shrugged and chuckled turning to Bruce, "I've already got a teen or two, how hard could it be?"
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mtherhino · 3 years
One side, Two lives
Chapter 11
That’s all I needed to hear
First Previous Next
Warnings: panic attack, blood, mild self harm, suicidal and self deprecating thoughts and swearing
“I’m so freaking stupid!” Roman shouted as soon as he rose up in his room. He dropped to the floor, his eyes shut tightly as they started over flowing with tears that he had held back earlier. He had been so mad and hurt after the wedding but that doesn’t excuse what he said!
“What was I thinking! Why did I say that to De-Janus! Making fun of a side’s name?! God dammit that’s one of the worst things I could say!” Roman yelled at himself as he pulled at his hair. The creative side grabbed both of his arms in a death grip as if he were trying to physically hold himself together. His breathing was becoming erratic but the prince didn’t pay it any mind as thoughts continued to swirl in his head.
           I was so angry I caused Patton to have a meltdown! Janus was only tying to help and I just kept treating him like a villain and a threat! Hell he felt the need to protect Thomas from me and Patton! At this point Roman was gripping at his arms so badly that his nails had broken the skin. He didn’t even notice that his sleeves where starting to turn a bit red.
           Janus was right. He’s always been right! I am the evil twin. The creative side thought sadly. I mean even Patton agreed with him and he’s the one that created the concept in the first place so it has to be true!
Well of course its true. It’s not that big of a surprise, you’ve always been a disappointment. Roman’s head snapped up when he heard the voice. It didn’t sound like just a voice in his head this time, it sounded like someone standing in the room right next to him, it sounded so much more real.
Of course I’m real! As real as what you said back there. You’re such an idiot by the way, saying that, not only to Janus, but in front of Patton? I didn’t think you could get anymore stupid but I guess I was wrong. The voice seemed to chant in his ear. Roman covered his ears with his slightly bloody hands, his breathing becoming even more frantic. He felt as if the walls of his room where caving in on him and there was no way out.
           I have to get out of here, he thought, I have to get away form him! The prince looked around and spotted his closet door. Without thinking the prince got up and ran, opening the door and sprinting into the imagination. He wasn’t sure if he remembered to close the door but that was the last thing on his mind as he ran deeper and deeper into the woods of the mystical terrain.
           Unfortunately even as he ran the voice didn’t let up.
I mean would it have been that hard to just listen to the others? Even I’m surprised at how egotistical you were back there! Hahaha! The voice didn’t stop for a moment and Roman didn’t either. He felt bushes and branches tear and rip at his prince costume but he didn’t care. The only thing on his mind was getting away form that dam voice!
           Roman didn’t stop running until his legs eventually gave in on him and he hit the ground, he’s knees getting scrapped in the process. The prince finally took a moment to look at his surroundings. He was somewhere very rocky and its didn’t look like there was any foliage in the area. A heavy fog had set in wherever he was so he couldn’t see more than a foot away from him. He carefully stood up, his legs still shaking.
           Where even am I? This doesn’t look like mine or Remus’s part of the imagination? As Roman thought that the fog  began to clear. The creative side looked up, horrified as he saw the mouth of a giant cave. He knew exactly where in the imagination he was in now. Roman began backing away form the cave, memories he’d rather forget coming to mind.
How could I come back?! I have to get out of here now! The prince turned to run away but tripped on a rock that he didn’t see.
“Ha! You’re so pathetic, its no wonder all the others hate you!” The voice shouted.
“Shut up” Roman whispered back as he covered his ears.
“You cant even do you’re one job right! Your useless and everyone knows it, especially Thomas!”
“Shut up.” The fog started to swirl around the side angrily.
“There’s no way Virgil could ever care about a weakling like you! He’ll just abandon you in the end, especially when he finds out what you did today!”
“I said shut up.” Romans voice now held a hard edge to it.
“Even your brother will leave you once he realizes he’s been wasting his time caring about you!”
“Shut up!” The fog had become a storm at this point, Roman kneeling in the eye of it.
“SHUT UP” Roman yelled as he stood up and faced the storm around him, the voice having become the thunder. “DON’T YOU THINK IV BEEN TRYING TO BE GOOD ENOUGH?! IV BEEN TRYING MY WHOLE DAM LIFE TO BE THE PERSON THEY WANT ME TO BE!”
Roman felt as if he’d just been stabbed in the gut. All the other things the voice said, he’d known all that, he’d just been trying to deny them, but today had confirmed it. He was no longer Thomas’s hero, the one thing that mattered most to him. The thing that made him keep trying to be better. Now all Thomas will sees when he looks at him is a villain.
The stormed died down as Roman fell to his knees, completely broken. The voice spoke again, this time much softer. The tone would have almost been comforting if not for the words it spoke.
“It would be better for everyone if you just disappeared.” Romans face held a sad smile as he heard those words.
“Your right. They would all be better off if I was gone. I wish I could just disappear.” You could practically hear the smile in the voice’s next words.
“That’s all I needed to hear.”
           Roman realized his mistake too late.
“No! Wai-” but before he could finish his sentence a golden chain wrapped round his arm. Roman struggled and tried to pull it off but to no avail. Before he knew it more and more chains continued to wrap around his limbs and drag him into the cave. Roman tried to resist but he was in no state to fight. The cave was much deeper than it appeared to be and by the time the creative side’s back hit the wall he was in near complete darkness. A figure started to emerge in front of him and Roman could do nothing but stair wide eyed in fear.
           By the time the thing in front of him completely took form the figure looked more like Roman than his own twin did. The only physical difference was a streak of black in his bangs and his outfit change. The thing wore a similar costume to that of the prince’s except the white was replaced with black and a long golden cape followed behind him. The insignia on his shoulder also had a golden crack in it going right down the middle.
           The figure took a deep breath and sighed.
“It’s nice to finally have a body again, its been ages since I’ve actually been able to walk around.” The figure opened his eyes and instead of the apple green Roman’s were they were a dark red that seemed to glow ever so softly golden. Roman gasped and simply continued to stare at the side in front of him.
“Do you honestly have nothing to say to me Roman? Are you not happy to see one of your oldest friend? The side sneered at the captured prince.
“I thought you were gone.” Roman said as he now glared at the other side. “I thought me and Remus got rid of you a long time ago.” The side smiled a cruel grin and laughed.
“You actually thought you got rid of me? Ha! I may have just been reduced to a voice in the back of your head but I was never gone.” The side pulled out golden sword and twirled it around.
“And now that you’re finally out of the way, I can finally take full creative control for myself.” The  figure started to walk out  of the cave as Roman struggled even harder to get out of his chains, he couldn’t risk letting him go and him hurting Remus, he had to do something! Not being able to get out of the chains Roman tried his last option, talking.
           The side finally looked back at the sound of his name.
“Please,” Roman said, practically begging at this point, “please don’t hurt the others. Your conflict is with me so jut leave them out of this!” Roman yelled desperately while Pride smiled cruelly.
“You care a lot about them don’t you Roman.” He said in a smooth tone. His eyes seemed to glow a bit brighter and his smile grew ever so slightly.
“That’s exactly why I’m going to make their lives a living hell.”
           Pride continued waking even a Roman yelled at him to leave the others out of it. He smiled as he reached the open fields of the imagination and saw the closet door.
“You’ve had you chance at being in charge long enough Roman, now, its my turn.”
Remus knew something was wrong. He had just been drawing gore in his room when he felt as if the world had shifted. What in this horrible world was that? The duke thought to himself. Although he would usually ignore something like this part of his mind told him that something important just happened, and he needed to find out what it was.
Maybe Roman will have a clue whats wrong, he was summoned earlier to talk to Thomas right? Maybe thats why I feel like someone stabbed my brain with a rusted spoon? The creative side decided he would investigate and started heading over to Roman’s room. There was a heavy feeling of unease went he got to the light sides area which confused him.
Was the argument that bad? Usually this place is filled up with disgusting rainbow and sunshine feelings but now its just, dull. Nevertheless Remus continued forward and tried to open his twins room but was slightly surprised when he found it locked. Roman almost never locks his door. The duke was starting to worry about his brother so he sunk into his twin’s room, not bothering to knock of course.
The creative side was surprised when he didn’t find his twin but a much less energetic room than on average. Usually Roman’s room radiates creative and hopeful thoughts but today a feeling of hurt and anger covered the room. Ok so somethings definitely wrong here, and where the hell is Roman? The dark side thought as he looked around the room. Remus spotted something that might help him in his endeavors.
There on the window sill sat Alexander the venus fly trap, shaking like he was in  freezing cold weather. Remus crossed the room and petted the little plant.
“Hey little guy, do you know whats going on because I have absolutely no clue.” Alexander leaned into Remus’s hand as if he was trying to hide. Remus only became more concerned. He created Alexander to be a strong and brave creature, so if something scares him, it can’t be anything good. For the first time the duke noticed that Roman’s door to the imagination was open.
           Ok that’s definitely not a good sign. Before the creative side could go though the door he saw a humanoid figure approaching. Remus breathed a sigh of relief.
“Hey Ro, you really got me worried there for a while.” The duke failed to notice that Alexander tried to hide even more as the side stepped though the door.
“Ha,” the figure said as it finally stepped tough the door, “sorry Remus, but I’m not Roman.” Pride smiled as he saw Remus’s face turn white as the duke recognized him. The dark side jumped back as he summoned his morning star.
           “Wheres Roman?!” Remus shouted. Pride laughed at him.
“Your dear brother is gone, and soon you will be too.” The new side said as he drew his sword. Remus growled in pure anger and charged forward at the side. Pride dodged Remus swings easily and landed many blows. The creative side wasn’t in the right head space to fight as he worried about what Pride could have done to his brother. In a matter of minutes Pride had managed to disarm the duke and cornered him, the room nearly being destroyed in their fight.
           “You’re nearly as pathetic as Roman and I didn’t even think that was possible.” Pride laughed as Remus growled at the fact that someone would dare talk about his twin in such a way.
“You’re just a stupid little beast. Actually,” Pride said as a smile made its way onto his face, “that gives me an idea.” The red clad side snapped his fingers and Remus let out a scream of.              pain and shut his eyes tightly.
When he opened them he looked up at his now much taller foe. The duke raised his hands to look at himself and saw that they had been transform into, green tentacles?! Remus tried to curse but he could only make small clicking sounds with his beak. Pride chuckle and using his powers crafted a tank on the still standing desk. He then proceeded to pick up the green octopus and chucked it into the tank, Remus slowly sinking to the bottom and as a lid was placed over the inclosure.
Pride, now having full creative control, fixed the room with a wave of his hand. The room took up a much darker aesthetic with black and gold being the main colors. The new side smiled at his work. Things were finally going his way after so long of waiting. A dark smile came onto his face as he whispered to himself,
“Long live the new king.”
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Fear me
Cw: Demons, Murder, Minor character death, Knife, Near coerced murder, Cannibalism, Throat injury, Blood, Fear, Mocking, Sadistic whumper, Unpredictable whumper, Death threats, Hopelessness, Gore
Previous: The origin
Heed the content warnings on this one for real. It involves minor character death, near coerced murder, graphic murder, cannibalism.
If you'd like to skip it, here's a summary: Reyo graphically kills and eats another demon in front of Niko. Because, he wants Niko to be afraid of him again.
Red Masterlist here
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The air was especially warm today, but there was nothing to do. Niko sat staring at the horizon, it appeared more colorful than normal. Almost breaking from it's muted gray tone. The wind blew his hair slightly.
It was calm without Reyo around. He hadn't bothered to show up in days. Leaving Niko confused by the fuzzy memory of him.
Did I.. dream it? I must have. Why would he ever show me kindness. It must just be another sick game
Reyo appeared before him, ruining his daydream. Niko was tiring of his games, he stayed seated on the ground.
"Not jumping up to greet me like usual?" Reyo glared, a thinly veiled threat.
Niko jumped to his feet immediately as Reyo stalked around him.
"Not afraid of me anymore, are you? What? Do you expect me to coddle you? You're nothing but pathetic" Reyo mocked him, tilting his head to examine Niko's defeated look.
I would be stupid to think his kindness meant anything
"Don't run off, I'll be right back." He growled as he disappeared.
Great, he seems to be in a bad mood today
Niko looked to the skyline, it almost appeared blue today. He missed the way the real sky looked. Missed the wind in his feathers. Missed his wings.
No use mourning over that
Reyo returned, holding another demon by the upper arm. They looked annoyed but didn't fight as they were dragged after him. Reyo didn't seem to acknowledge their existence as he analyzed Niko's glare.
As Reyo drew near, he released his hold on the stranger, turning to them with a sour look. They stood facing him, eyes averted down in shame.
What? Who's that?
Reyo took a condescending tone with the stranger as he spoke "I gave you a warning and you still stole from me. I know you did." He got close in their face as they tried to flinch away. "Normally I wouldn't care about missing food. But, I've been having to feed my captive here, so he doesn't die." He took a step back, inhaling sharply as if to gain control of himself.
He began again, in a low growl, as he stepped back to address both of them. "I'm tired of both of you. I'm tired of starving. I'm tired of no one listening to my threats" he gave Niko the side eye at the last part.
"so, I'm going to solve it!" He exclaimed, almost cheerfully.
The stranger was shaking, as Reyo drew near again. Turning their chin up to look them in the eyes. "Awe, why are you afraid now? You never listened to my warnings before now. It would've been so easy." He let them go with a chuckle.
"Now.." he paused, turning to address Niko.
"What's your name, angel?"
Reyo turned back to the trembling stranger. "Now, Niko here, is somewhat of a murder. Would you kill Niko to avoid punishment?" A grin spreading across his face at those words.
"Yes- whatever you want master" their voice wavered, but the sigh of relief was obvious.
Reyo's expression was pure evil as he met Niko's shocked gaze. Spinning around, almost playfully, as he distanced himself from the situation.
Is this how I die? After everything. They didn't even look at me before promising to kill me
Reyo broke out in laughter, "Did you hear that, angel? They wouldn't feel bad about killing you." He got serious as he added "I want you to keep that in mind, as you kill them."
He can't be serious. I cant- I've never killed anyone that except Reyo, and he's immortal
The stranger tried sprinting away, Reyo grabbed them instantly, pining their arm behind them. "Sorry I don't feel like chasing today." he met Niko's gaze, adding, "same goes for you, angel."
Niko stood silently, lost in his own racing mind. Time moved slowly as the color left his face.
He's not joking.. I can't do something like that. What will he do if I dont obey?
He looked down, trying not to focus on the struggling creature in Reyo's grip. A sharp noise, as Reyo broke the hand that clawed at him. A scream further freezing Niko in fear.
Reyo took a knife out of his pocket, dropping it to the floor and kicking it towards Niko.
"If you make another piss poor attempt at stabbing me, I'll kill you Niko" he threatened, before turning his attention back on the struggling demon. "You're not very good at getting away, huh?"
"Please- Reyo-" they pleaded, before Reyo put his hand over their mouth
"Oh, shut up."
He turned his attention to Niko, who was still standing stunned at the scene "oh, come on angel, too good for murder now?"
"I- can't-"
"Pick up the knife. Now." Reyo interrupted, impatiently tightening his grip on the demon in his arms.
This is crazy, I would never- I won't
"Now!" Reyo glared over the demons shoulder at him. "Or else."
Niko bent down reluctantly, to reach for the knife. Grateful for an excuse to break eye contact with Reyo. It was cold in his hands, his reflection blurry in it. Anger boiled over in him.
I'm going to stab Reyo. I don't care what he does about it. I'm doomed to die anyway. Why would I ever kill someone for his entertainment?
"Good, now come here, angel." Reyo mused, his voice calm again.
Niko took a shaky step forward, closing the distance. Reyo didn't seem to mind his slow pace drawing out the moment.
Maybe I'm just glad it's not the other way around. Eventually it will be..
He didn't want to think about the inevitable.
"Do it, Niko." Spit out as a threat, neon orange glare burning through him. Shattering Niko's retaliation before it begun. The blade shaking in his hand before slipping through his fingers.
I can't hurt Reyo. I can't. He's a monster. Unkillable. Things will only be worse.
The echo of the knife on the floor brought a smirk to Reyo's cold expression. "Ahh, think your refusal is a service to them? How stupid."
He tightened his grip around the stranger, condescending words hidden under an artificially sweet tone. "Let's show Niko what he's in for, hm?"
Reyo's cruelty surfacing again, as he laughed at their panicked struggles. Seemingly unbothered as they managed to bite into his fingers. He kept his hand tightly over their mouth as color ran down his arm.
Niko wanted to run but he was too terrified. Aware of his every heart beat as he watched, completely frozen.
Reyo's claws dug into the demons cheek as he pulled their head back at an unnatural angle. Flashing a toothy grin at Niko before biting down with force on their exposed skin.
The stranger's eyes widening as they tried to grasp for air. Reyo's jaws still tightly clenched around their throat as a sharp ripping motion brought blood to the stranger's mouth.
Niko watched in shocked fear. Unable to form a coherent thought. Wincing at every flinch the dying stranger made.
He's- like a rabid animal
The gruesome scene before him erasing any hope he had of survival, red smothering it all. Gasping in the air as though he was underwater. Drowning in powerless fear as he hid behind closed eyelids. Overflowing down his face to meet the red below.
That color will suffocate me as well
Next: Sub-zero
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hotsexydorks · 4 years
Scott likes being Alpha but the responsibility is so hard, he just needs to let go for a bit, to feel nice and small. He joins a dungeon a couple of towns over, and is shocked to find his hairy, leather-clad father in the middle of a scene with Stiles. He cant believe his best friend is sucking the cock that made him or how much he wishes he could join, that he could be "Daddy's dirty little faggot" too. To SUBMIT to such an alpha, to be USED.
This Little Wolf : Stiles/Raf & Scott/Raf
“Okay. Next time you decide to do a favour for those hunters, can we please make sure that it’s not a messy job?” Liam groaned. They were covered in blood and dirt. Stray tree branches stuck to their bodies. All remnants of their most recent battle. 
“Maybe next time make sure it’s not a freaking Chupacabra. Do you know how long it’s going to take to get all this goat blood out of my clothes? Months Scott, literally months.” Stiles chimed in flailing his arms wildly as he tried to shake some of the gore from himself. Stepping over rocks and exposed roots he grumbled on. His steps were slightly shaky because of his innate self and the darkness of the forest. 
The pack had been called out on an urgent job. The Argent hunters needed their help with a hunt. Something had been terrorizing the local farms in search for their meals. Animals went missing and they feared it was only a matter of time before the farm hands were next. 
Chris had called Scott out to help with tracking it down and covering a wide area, there couldn’t have been more than one and if they didn’t catch them all it would have only scared them to the four corners waiting for its chance to strike again. 
“Alright, alright. Got it! They needed our help and now we’ll be able to know we’ve helped the people here alright?” Scott frowned. He knew that the pack hadn’t particularly liked it but it was their job to keep town safe and that included doing this. 
“Oh no, he’s doing that face again. I’m out!” Stiles put his hands up above his head. His body was wet from the water he had used to start cleaning the grime off. “I’m not being guilted by that puppy face again. I swear he gets me every time with that shit --” 
Liam opened his mouth to agree. 
“And you.” Cutting in Stiles pointed at the youngest beta
Liam’s own face was shocked before it fell into mope of being called out as well. 
“You’re not any better! You’re both a bunch of puppies” Stiles said before he stormed off to the car and leaned against the hood. He crossed his arms and waited, realising that he wasn’t going to be able to leave without Scott since he had the keys. His grumbling was just out of ear shot so it left the group with the incoherent sounds of Stiles probably complaining about something again.
The Alpha and beta pair stood there pouting and sad. Their eyes wide and forlorn, like two children that had been scolded by their mother for drawing a pretty picture on the walls in crayon. 
Mason chuckled from behind, relatively clean from the whole affair managing to escape with only some dirt and some stones. “Come on baby puppy time to get you home.” He patted at Liam’s shoulder leading him away from the group as they dispersed from where they had gathered after their mission. 
Scott was greeted with the soft smiles and smirks with heads shaking in laughter as they went. He knew that it wasn’t the most glamorous life but they had the power to do something. To help people and maybe save somes. To him that was the most rewarding thing. But sometimes even your friendly neighbourhood True Alpha needed a break from it all. 
Protecting people and having the power to help those who rely on him. Scott liked it, he wanted to help people. He was finally like the superheroes that he and Stiles would read about in their comics. It put some confidence in his step when he knew that he was able to be the reason that people could walk around town in peace. Children could happily play in parks and families could walk safely around their town. He was a hero but he never knew that  it would be this much. Everything he did felt like it had more weight than usual, his decisions affected everyone. It was a lot for one guy to handle.
A break. That’s all he wanted. Just a small day away from everything. He didn’t want to be Scott the True Alpha. He just wanted to be Scott again. To be carefree where people didn’t place him on a pedestal of power and justice. He didn’t want to be in the limelight as someone everyone looked up to. Just for a moment, he wanted his old life back. Fading into the background and being just part of the scenery. 
Driving out of town Scott gave out a sigh of relief. Cross the borders he was going to try to find a town where he wasn’t known, spend the day and just relax. Kick back and try to be somewhat normal again. No wolf shit, no monsters and no hunters. He had told the pack to relax for the day, take the day off training and hang with each other. 
Scott had set off early in the morning so by the time he found a place it was time for lunch. He drove around the city before stopping at a diner. Sure it wasn’t the most high scale food he could get but he didn’t want that right now. He wanted something normal and low brow.
When he got into the place it was something of a dream, the place was decked out in a retro style and not just for show. The seating, the counters, it all was a homage to the rock. There was even a jukebox in the corner. Scott smiled with awe as he found an empty booth. He didn’t have a chance to pick up the menu before his server came over. 
“Hi there, welcome to Moe’s! I’m Kyle, what can I get you?” The waiter who came over had his pad in hand and smiled widely at Scott. Surprising him with how fast he had come up. 
“I uh.. Haven’t had breakfast, what would you recommend??” Scott said shyly. His smile admitting his guilt of not even looking to see what they offered in the diner. Both his stomach and mind hungry for something. 
“Well I would suggest in that case the Chicken and Waffles, best of breakfast and lunch.” Kyle pointed to the item on the menu with his pen. Everything about him was peppy and bright, from the way he spoke to how he was writing. 
“Sounds good, that please, and some orange juice with it.”
“Sure thing, I’ll be right back.” 
The waiter scooped up his menu and darted off as Scott was left to take it all in. He reached into his pocket looking for his phone. Taking it out he checked the time and started to unlock it. There were no texts from the pack but he wondered how they were getting on. With no training they probably were all enjoying their extra sleep. He put it back on the table without checking anything looking back into the diner and seeing Kyle coming back. 
“One orange juice. Say, you’re not really from around here are you?” 
“Uh, no. I’m from out of town. Wanted to get away for the day, you know, get out of town for an escape.” Scott offered back as he sipped at his juice. 
In that moment Kyle glanced back and looked around the diner. His bubbly self becoming a little more mischievous instead. “Well.. If you’re looking to really get away.. Try this place later tonight.” 
The waiter slipped a matte black business card on the table towards Scott. There wasn’t much on it but a drawing of a hexagon, gold foiled so it stood out from the rest of the card. On the back there were a series of numbers, long and random. 
“You won’t regret it.” Kyle winked at Scott. Turning on his heel at the dinging of the bell. He spun around and left Scott so fast that there wasn’t any time to ask for clarification. When he came back Kyle was back to how he was before but only this time he didn’t stay to chat. “Enjoy your meal.” 
With that Scott was all alone again. Sitting in his booth with his food in front of him. He began to pick up the knife and fork, the smell of the meal in front of him was too hard to ignore. In his haste he pocketed the card and started to devour his food. After driving all morning it tasted like the best meal of his life. 
The meal was nearly finished as fast as it had appeared on the table. With a satisfied sigh Scott leaned into the comfortable cushions of the booth and stretched his limbs. Sticking out his feet and leaning over giving his body some mobility after being trapped in the car for so long. 
With his belly full and his body relaxing he sat back contently and listened to the music playing. This was the normal he wanted, this was the kind of thing he missed. He was able to sit down and have his breakfast without any interruptions. Where he sat wasn’t influenced by other people’s needs, his meal was even quiet for once. He didn’t hate his friends, he loved them. But there was such a thing as loving too much.
It felt good for once to be able to just not do anything and not have to worry about anything. Scott spent his time in the town walking around, checking out different shops and different parks. Taking a nature trail or two. It was even so sunny that when Scott found a riverbank in a quiet area he went for a swim. 
He was laying down on a towel staring up at the sky. Without any cares in the world he had almost all but forgotten everything. It was really what he needed.
When it was time to go Scott reached for his clothes and shook out his jeans. Taking the grass off of them from where he had put them down. Getting dressed again Scott looked down noticing the black card that he had gotten at the diner earlier. 
Looking at it again there wasn’t anything particularly flashy about the card, but it was the simplicity of it that caught his attention. Shaped like a regular business card it was a matte black, on the front it had a hexagon printed in gold foil, and on the back it was just a series of numbers. 
They were too long to be a phone number, and too weird to be dates. Scott got confused the more and more he looked at it. He might not have known what they were but someone else might. With his phone in hand he started to type in the numbers to his search bar. Which took a while, between their length and Scott going back and forth with it was confusing. He got lost once or twice and had to start all over again. 
But once it was done he searched for it and put his phone down. That was just enough time for Scott to finish getting dressed and put his shoes back on. 
After the search was done it made sense. They weren’t dates, they were coordinates. That’s why they looked weird. There wasn’t anything Scott had to do so he figured why not look at the place and scope it out. What was the worst thing that could happen? It wasn’t like anyone was going to have wolfsbane ready to weaken him with, if there was any he’d be able to smell it and get out. 
It wasn’t too far of a drive from where Scott was, he hopped into his car and followed the gps. As he travelled further, the closer he got to his destination the more Scott noticed the diminishing number of people around. By the time he had stopped seeing regular people Scott pulled in, parking at a gas station he decided to walk the rest of the way. It was a few blocks from where he stopped but what was a few blocks for a wolf. 
The building looked like any other building in the area, large and tall. Its exterior looked like any other shop that was on the street. It all seemed normal if not for the fact that the door wasn’t at street level. Scott padded down the steps he had found making his way to the door. 
He tried opening it once, rattling the handle and shaking the door but it didn’t budge. The blinds were pulled over the glass so he couldn’t see so he did what any normal person would. He rang the doorbell. 
Scott could hear the shuffling of feet from behind the door, slowly moving up. Their speed told Scott that they hoped he would go away but since he was here he wanted to know what the place was.
The man behind the door opened it to find yet another customer waiting. “You’re a little younger than our usual guys but I’m not one to turn away money. However, that being said you’re a little early. We’re not open yet.” 
“Oh I’m sorry!” He opened his eyes wide and tried to apologise. “I was just given a card and was told to come check this place out. I don’t even know what it is.” Scott dug into his pockets and pulled out the card, flashing it at the man. “See. I just punched in these numbers and it led me here.” 
Watching Scott the male recognised the card. It was something that he hadn’t seen in a while, there weren’t often people like him that turned up but when they did it was always a good new business opportunity. 
Changing his tone the male opened the door and smiled, dressed in a waistcoat and some suit pants he let Scott in. “In that case, welcome to XXX, a place where you can lose the outside world.” 
Bowing to Scott he welcomed him into the area. “Since you hold this key, you are a special guest. Please follow me.. Master....” 
“Scott. My name’s Scott.” He answered quickly, blurting it out as he was enchanted by what was happening. Looking at the man now he seemed more like a butler than anything and inside the building it looked stylish, an homage to the 1920’s. It was well decorated with little bits here and there, carpeted with each room setting their own feel. 
“Well them Master Scott, if you’ll be so kind as to follow me.” 
The mysterious man started to walk through the house, bringing Scott away from the door he continued to lead without looking back. “It may confuse you at first but this is a Gentlemen’s Club of sorts. As such it is a place where men, such as yourself, may come to enjoy some time alone, some peace and quiet. Or if you wish, some time with others in the more public areas. 
Scott followed closely behind him looking around the place as he saw plenty of different things, library room, office room, a lounge with a fireplace. He even managed to see a more open space that looked like it was a bar that had a stage. 
“We pride ourselves on being able to accommodate all sorts of requests here, so if there is something you need, do let us know. I am the head butler here, but you will see other members of staff like some of my fellow butlers, the footmen, the coachmen, and finally our hall boys. As this is your first time with us I will tend to your needs.” 
The layout of the building just kept going and going, they went past room after room. Scott couldn’t smell anything weird from the place. It smelt of cleaning product and there was the faintest smell of alcohol from what he would say were one or two messy spills. As they went through the building Scott got a glimpse of the men that his guide had been talking about. Getting dressed, cleaning and doing different jobs around the club. 
“And here will be your room, your card please Master Scott.” 
Scott placed the card into the man’s out held hand. Standing there as he watched him slot the card into a hole before the door unlocked and opened up into a small room. 
“Please take a seat and enjoy yourself, should you need me just press that buzzer.” Pointing to the table where a counter bell sat. 
With that the man left Scott alone again. The room was like a study with a blocked window opposite the door, a book shelf, comfortable couch, a dresser and table. There was even a TV. Scott didn’t know what it all meant but he wasn’t passing it up. Hopping on the couch he lay back and switched on the tv and sat back. 
If the point of the place was to spend time then who was he to deny that. Time passed quickly around as sat back watching show after show, and even movies. Halfway through his binge of a series Scott managed to find some snacks and drinks. Those two additions made his time in the room even better. 
His attention had been so focused on the tv that he didn’t notice how long he had been sitting there until he heard a voice come through some speakers. 
It had some club music in the background and a voice that was commanding each line punctuated with a sound. 
“Sit up straight boy.” 
The sound of a whip jolted Scott up from his position, following the voice. 
“Look at you, filthy, messy, you expect anyone to respect you?” 
Scott was dazed and puzzled by what was going on. The TV was still on but someone was talking. But he still followed it, listened to everything it was saying. The words pierced through him enough for him to obey. His heart beating as if he were in the middle of a fight.
“No, you don’t cause you’re a pathetic little boy. Now shut up,listen, and obey your master.” 
The sounds faded as Scott looked around. Finally the curtains on the windowed wall began to move. Pulling back to reveal darkness. The stillness stayed for a moment or two until the new area was illuminated by a lights overhead.
Cold and grey. Dark and ominous. This new room was nothing like anything he had seen in the club before. In the middle of the room was a male on his knees. The most noticeable thing wasn’t the mask that covered his face or the rope around his body. It was hard-on that he sported.  On the opposite side of Scott’s view, behind the male, he could see another wall, and two more that angled towards him. The reason for the layout of the room as a hexagon becoming clearer. Which meant if Scott was on this side, there were others behind the other walls.
This wasn’t a kidnapping or hostage. This guy was here voluntarily, and he liked it. The whole situation was frightening Scott. One minute he had been relaxing watching some TV now there was just some naked dude kneeling on the floor in front of him.
“Welcome Masters to tonight’s show. Our boy here is tired from life, and he wants to forget the world, his responsibilities and his life. So he has offered his body to us for the night to make decisions for him. To take him away from the world. To escape.”
Scott could feel his heart bursting from his chest as if it were trying to beat its way out from inside him. He knew they were talking about the guy in the middle of the room but he still felt as if their were words pointing to him. A shudder made his way up his neck. It felt like eyes were peering at him. The sensation lingered
“Before we get to the main event, let us enjoy our pre show. Please pick up your remotes now and make some choices for him. ” 
A click caught Scott’s attention, looking beside the couch on the table beside him the drawer had opened up with a remote in there. It was a small remote that had four different colours as well as some smaller ones. 
The screen in Scott’s room shut off and switched to a different display. Showing corresponding buttons he could see different options. Ice play, tickling, dildo, all. He was in control again, it wasn’t just him. There were others as well, at least 5 other people were there making choices and controlling this person’s fate. 
Looking down at the remote it was small and looked insignificant but staring at it Scott imaged himself on the other side of the glass. How it would feel to be like that. To not have a decision , to listen to what people told you to do. To relinquish control. He wanted that, it was what he had left on his little vacation for. He didn’t want the control , for once he wanted someone else to decide. 
Before Scott managed to select an option he heard a ding. The words ‘Ice play’ flash up on the screen as the winning vote. Without a break a door opened and from it came two butlers, at least that’s what Scott thought them as. He couldn’t tell the difference between butlers, and footmen and hall boys. With them they had a bucket of ice which they began to put to use. 
Picking up the ice in their gloved hand they ran it across the male’s body. His neck, his chest, and down his back. Scott could hear everything inside the room. Each soft moan. Every bated breath he had in anticipation for the next shock. They teased and played with him. Water dripped down his body. His nipples were hard from the attention. His cock never faltered from its erection. 
All while he watched Scott pictured himself in that position. Giving up his control and being helpless, for once not having any responsibilities. In his daydream Scott’s own cock grew hard, his hand reached down and started to touch himself. Stroking his cock his mind wandered with every moan and sound he heard. 
Scott was too engrossed by his own hand that he didn’t notice another man entering the room. Wearing a mask, this man was taller, stronger and older than the male in the middle of the room. His own strong chest was framed by the harness he wore that accentuated his broadness and muscular stature. 
When Scott finally opened his eyes he saw that the new comer was grinning as he approached the boy. The other two that had been attending to him were now gone, disappearing with the man’s arrival. Was this the show they had mentioned earlier?
“Are you going to be a good boy and listen to me today boy?” The voice asked. This wasn’t the first time that they had met obviously. 
“Yes…” Kneeling and weakly the smaller male responded. 
“Yes. What? You know the rules boy, what do you call me. What are you? Come on, say it!” A foot pushed into the other’s back. Shoving him to the floor the male was on his hands and knees. His face pushed against the cold floor while his as was still in the air. 
“S-sorry Daddy! Yes Daddy! I’m Daddy’s little faggot” He replied dutifully and hurriedly. 
“Good boy. Now, breathe in, take deep breaths. I don’t want you whimpering out on me again like last time.” The man was clearly in charge, it was his domain and the other was living in it to follow his words, now consequence if he followed his orders. No decisions to be made, just obedience. 
He brought over a small bottle. It was dark and fit in his hand, hardly noticeable if he hadn’t shown it off to the room before shoving it against the other’s nose. Forcing him to inhale against the opening of the bottle. Scott couldn’t tell what it was, but he could hear that it was doing something to the other’s body. 
His heart started to beat faster and the moans grew louder but more slurred. They weren’t as sharp as before. Each inhale caused the sounds to roll and become one long sound. Whatever was in the bottle was enough to make the tied up male weak. Scott didn’t need his hearing to know that. 
Next came the cock. Scott watched in awe as he saw a thick hard cock get pulled out from the man’s pants. There weren’t any words or even gestures. It was harsh and fast. One second the cock was being taken out the next a face was being smashed against it. 
Opening up his mouth then gagging around it Scott sat there his eyes never leaving the scene before him. It was the messiest and hardest blowjob he had seen. Grunting and straining muscles, balls slapping against a face. There wasn’t anything spared. 
There was even slapping for discipline. All of it showed Scott what giving up control was and he wanted it. His cock was leaking in his hand, stroking it the entire time that he was watching. Scott wasn’t any stranger to porn but he had never seen it like this, and he wanted it. 
It wasn’t just a normal blow job, there were power levels and work. The man’s cock was being worshiped and slobbered over by the other, and they weren’t done. Everything he had been watching he wanted. His hand hadn’t left his cock the entire time. Picturing himself in that position with the man who was a real man. Power and control that made Scott want to submit to him and give up the world.
Pulling apart from each other they were changing the scene bringing in a bench and surface so that the real fucking could begin. Taking a break from his leaking cock he edged himself while watching the show Scott picked up his remote and pressed the button with an ‘i’ on it.The button caused the screen to start up again changing as two pictures appeared, showing something that Scott had never thought he would see.
On the screen were the faces of his best friend and his father. Labeling them as the people in the room. Scott had been jerking off to his father and his best friend. He had wanted to be in that position with his father. That was the cock that made him. The reason he was so horny and turned on. 
He didn’t only want to be Daddy’s Little Fag Boy, he was. Raf was the Dom here and Scott wanted to submit to him. The thought of it only made him harder, it made him want it more. 
The sound of his best friend screaming pulled Scott from the screen. His eyes moved over slowly. He didn’t need to look to know what was happening. He could hear the sounds, the slapping, and repeated thuds. There wasn’t any way it was anything else yet when Scott finally looked it still surprised him enough to make his heart race more. 
His father was fucking his best friend now, and he wasn’t being kind about it. Raf was brutal and spared nothing while he was fucking his sub’s ass. The bottle was brought up to Stiles’ nose again this time letting out grunts and groans from inhaling it. 
Raf let out deep growls and laughed at Stiles’ reaction to it all. 
“That’s it you dirty little slut, breath it in, fuck I can feel your hole getting all sloppy and loose.” 
There was so much for Scott to watch but he was there for the challenge. Each thrust, each slam, each pounding. He could see it all from his seat and the more he watched the more jealous he grew. 
He was a good boy, he could be that good boy as well. His mind filled in the blanks, putting him in that place. Scott could feel a tingling at his hole. His cock twitching and leaking even without attention, just like Stiles’ was.
“Hnnnggg.  Please… Daddy…” Scott started to repeat to himself. Using a hushed tone he leaned into the cushions and reached into his pants. Playing with his ass he started to finger himself. Listening and watching the two men he knew go at it right in front of him wishing that it was him.
Scott wanted that cock, he wanted to feel the man fucking him and using him just like he was using his best friend. The fact that it was his Dad only made the submission even better, made it more correct. He wanted to be ordered and who better than his father.
By now his pants were kicked off and his legs were in the air. His fingers fingering and pulling at his hole while he watched. Nothing had felt like this, the rush of adrenaline and pleasure were unreal. All from watching how his father was fucking his best friend like he was just nothing more than just an ass. A hole for the man to use. 
Raf yelled and started to pump his hips in deeper grabbing at the drugged out Stiles, pulling at his head and putting his body over the smaller frame. “Time for Daddy’s load before you get some more fun.” He grinned at the back of Stiles’ head. With his hands on Stiles’ hips , the older man started to fuck into Stiles with the intent to breed him. Making sure there was no wasted time. His heavy full balls hit against the soft ass even as Raf came. Each one of Raf’s groans reminding Scott that he came from there, his best friend was going to be bred with the same cum that made him. Watching Raf fill Stiles’ with his cum should have disgusted him but he watched it for more. He wanted to see it leak from the hole as well. 
But Scott wasn’t so lucky, instead Raf left the room and was replaced by a group of butlers coming in hard cocks first. Their uniforms were still on with only their pants undone each of them. They wasted no time in taking their places and shoving cocks all over the tied up teen.
Still Scott played with himself watching the new scene as he watched his best friend get ravaged by the group of men. 
“You know, you should have paid a bit more attention Scotty. Because when you saw our faces, I got to see yours. Watch what you were doing as well.” 
A voice called out to him from beside the couch. Looking up Scott was greeted to his father’s face. Unmasked and free now. Naked with a hard hot messy cock sticking out from his body. The same cock that he had been dreaming of. 
“D--Dad!!” Scott tried to get up, with one hand at his ass and the other on his cock he scrambled. 
Raf thought put an end to his son’s attempt of escaping. Hopping on the couch he straddled Scott’s chest and kept the True Alpha pinned down. “Don’t think so Son. Remember it’s Daddy.” He said grabbing Scott’s cheeks pushing them in together and opening Scott’s mouth. “I saw you watching us, fingering your dirty little pussy. You want to be Daddy’s little fag don’t you. Well who am I to deny such a willing slut..” 
In one movement Raf grabbed Scott’s head and pushed it on to his cock. Sliding the cum covered cock into Scott’s mouth he pumped it into his son’s mouth. A son who was moaning and practically drooling around the cock.
“That’s a good boy, Daddy’s going to take good care of your slutty pussy.” 
Scott groaned loudly as he felt his cock twitch with excitement, reaching down and grabbing the base of his hard length so that he wouldn’t cum. 
“See, already a natural. You know you need Daddy’s permission to cum.” 
Raf ran his hand through Scott’s hair, rubbing his head and praising him as he watched his son take his cock until his pubes were tickling his nose. 
“Daddy’s going to make you such a good boy.”
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lukegrim · 3 years
tumblr year in review
I posted 5,061 times in 2021
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I added 48 tags in 2021
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#neuralblender - 3 posts
#long post - 2 posts
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#neuralblender tw - 2 posts
#gore cw - 1 posts
#animal death cw - 1 posts
#insects cw - 1 posts
#exams - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
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1 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 04:22:24 GMT
I’m just curious so I hope this isn’t weird, I’ve noticed you tend to reblog personal posts from a couple specific people. I don’t see a problem with it per se, I just want to know why? The posts don’t really have to do with you at all
lmao, ya think that i have any clue as to why i do stuff?
1 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 05:14:07 GMT
you ever just like so many posts that tumblr just. doesn't let you like any more?
i've done that so many damn times
the daily like limit is 1000
1 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 15:26:42 GMT
who the hell is luca
1 notes • Posted 2021-06-22 11:23:06 GMT
every copypasta i have in my copypasta text file
warning: there's a lot
steve harvey breaking down in tears when he realizes the bomb next to him can not be disarmed
Aah the pepeloni, pepeloni. You know the pepeloni? The no one? I always- I always order the domino, domino pepeloni; and without pepeloni. I always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. Pepeloni! I like pepeloni. I always- I always order the cheese-cheese pan. How can I explain? I can explain by my drawing. I always, order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. Ear of pizza. And then I order, when I order pepeloni the ear, it always have the pepeloni on the top. But I pick up this, Away! Because I don't eat it!
Based? Based on what? In your dick? Please shut the fuck up and use words properly you fuckin troglodyte, do you think God gave us a freedom of speech just to spew random words that have no meaning that doesn't even correllate to the topic of the conversation? Like please you always complain about why no one talks to you or no one expresses their opinions on you because you're always spewing random shit like poggers based cringe and when you try to explain what it is and you just say that it's funny like what? What the fuck is funny about that do you think you'll just become a stand-up comedian that will get a standing ovation just because you said "cum" in the stage? HELL NO YOU FUCKIN IDIOT, so please shut the fuck up and use words properly you dumb bitch
I will NOT hesitate to call the police if someone with a piercing or tattoos tries to speak to me. I dont care if you are poor and need money. I don't care if you're religious. I don't care if you have children. There is NO WAY you can be conservative and have a piercing. It's impossible. I'm keeping my children away from you, and that's just my opinion. To me, piercings and are one of the lowest signs of attention seeking.. that and tattoos. What makes someone want to mutilate their body for aesthetics is beyond me. People need to love themselves. I would never date someone who would do that. Definitely insecure. Not only that but good luck getting a job. Love yourself.
why do we need war crimes if everyone is dying are you trying to tell me that i cant cock and ball torture the guy who blew my friends brains out with a RPG if everyone is dying around me i have to use little Billy as a shield i mean come on little Billy is gonna become hitler and i am about to kill someone are you telling me i cant do that well fuck you let me kill Billy
Tomorrow begins pride month, thirty days where being straight is illegal. This is heterophobia at it's finest, folks. Joe Biden is going to round up all us normal folks and put us into re-eductation camps to turn the men into femboys and the women into lipstick lesbians. Just the other day I caught myself looking too long at Bradley Cooper. It's insidious, it gets into all of us. Remember: The Gay Agenda must be stopped. If they had their way, we'd be listening to Girl In Red and dressing up like the cast of What We Do in The Shadows.
After getting home from a hard day of work I decided to spend some time on "Among Us". I booted up the game from steam, navigating my library filled with furry porn games and booted up the game at the bottom of the list. As soon as I loaded into the game I entered a public match and picked blue as my character since red was taken. When the game started I saw I was a crewmate. Most of my tasks were in electrical so I went into electrical when I saw red vent. The next thing I saw was the murder animation, red killing me. I was enraged by this and grabbed a knife from the kitchen. I stabbed my wife in the chest until she died. Later that day after hiding in my bedroom I was arrested. At the court case I pleaded innocent saying "My wife was kinda sus" the judge responded with "YOU'RE SUS!" and gave me 50 years in prison
Now draw her talking to that person about personal goals and things they aspire and achieve in life, and becoming good friends in the process. Always good to have a friend eh? At least then she won't be disgusted by his actions because they would be friends. A win on all sides. Truly a monumental dub. A historical victory. An excellent win. A perfect moment were society isn't simp, more crouch crouch kc wholesome momento complitacion numero tres. As Obama once said, "clear eyed, we can still understand that there will be war, and still strive for peace," he was saying this because he was secretly the among us impostor confirmed. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. You could be sus too, but im heading out now. They have become friends and they trust each other yesyes. What are you doing with that knife Obama?
That’s rich...coming from someone that literally rolled over and pissed all over your bellies while your ’government’ ruled their subjects by diktat. In the 90s, I was flying relief aid into Rwanda. Today, I laugh at the insular fools like you that believe you have a clue about the real world.
H-hi (> u <) I'm a new kid ^^ * blushes * I like to make friends> //// <nobody talks to me in real life u / n / u because they say children with deeck @ o @ / We shouldn't wear little skirts: 33 but actually I do feel like a girl> // u // <* get excited * M-I like men * hides in his plush *> //// <because men have deeck delicious nam yum (^ o ^) although sometimes they hurt my little eye and leave it full of cum nomi nomi (> w <) * masturbates * i-I hope to find new friends who treat me well: 33 A-bye (> w <) * slips with his pre-seminal fluid and breaks his neck *
I believe Gumball is getting the best head because of the simple fact that penny can change her throat and tongue to a material/texture and give Gumball sloppy toppy that will get him floating. To support my argument, Richard and Darwin are getting sub par head and here's why. Nicole is a cat and we all know the basic fact that cat's tongues are rough so they can clean themselves more effectively, this in turn devalues Richard's head as he is getting that sandpaper head, which could make his dick get scratched up. Darwin on the other hand is getting head from a literal ghost, a dead person if you will, and many people who have experienced a ghost/paranormal being describe it as being cold or freezing, therefore, Darwin cannot be getting as good head as Gumball due to ghost being usually very cold and cold making dicks shriveled up. Thank you for your time.
STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! IM TIRED OF SEEING IT! My friends on tiktok send me memes, on discord its fuckin memes, I was in a server, right? And ALL the channels were just among us stuff. I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and I flipped the logo and I said, "hey babe, when the underwear is sus" HAHA! DING DING DING DING DING DING DING, DING DING DING! I fuckin looked at a trash can, I go "thats a bit sussy" I look at the tip of my penis, I think of the astronaut's helmet, and I go "Penis, more like peen-SUS!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH
Keep your brain alive enough to feel a few more seconds of what that guy went through.. Idk. I feel like if that were about to happen to me I would want a little eject button so I can launch my brain out of my skull. Bonus points if my brain explodes like a firework 🎆 while spraying my coworkers with red, white and blue glitter and candy while 'Firework' by Katy Perry plays in the background. Also, if I worked at a lathe like this guy I'd swallow a zip lock bag filled with shards of mdma, tabs of l.s.d and some stanky pre rolled kush so instead of a sad workplace accident it turns into an instant rave, everyone gets the day off and smokes weed around my piñata body while listening to some funky tunes. I watch them in spirit form until they're high enough from the acid to see the floating magical orb i've become and we all laugh as 'Steve' shakes and cries in the corner, he's having a literal nervous breakdown.. His wife left him and took the kids and he's been sleeping at a sleazy motel for 6 weeks now. He hasn't eaten or slept in as long as he can remember and as a result has become gaunt and pale and is addicted to meth.. It has weakened his spiritual resilience.. I see an opening and float my astral form into his asshole as he farts. "What? It's supposed to go out, why did it feel like my fart went - .. I feel.. I fee- AHHAAAAH MOTHERFUCKERS! I'M BACK! I HAVE POSESSED STEVE AND DON'T HAVE TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF MY ACTIONS IN THIS BODY. You're all... YOU'RE ALL FUCKED NOW! I'VE POSESSED STEVE AND AM GOING TO RIP YOUR FUCKING HEADS OFF, CHARLIE WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET CLEAN THE LATHE! PATRICK, a little fucking slow with that SAFETY SHUT OFF, HUH?! JACKING IT IN THE BATHROOM AGAIN? that's fine, Pat, hey there don't worry. Accidents happen and this could've happened to any of us, i'm not going to kill you.. Might have to RIP YOUR DICK OFF AND SHOVE IT DEEP INSIDE YOUR ASSHOLE THOUGH!"
If you are worthy of an INTJ's time, please keep a few things in mind. Most of us (INTJs) have spent our entire lives honing our skills of people watching. We mentally document everything there is to document about a person. We study you. We can’t help it. It is just who we are. We watch how you do things, how you interact with others, how you speak, how you dress, how you carry yourself, how you respond to certain situations and scenarios all the while, documenting your facial expressions, micro expressions, mannerisms, habits, quirks, you name it. If any of these items are out of whack, not inline with our own morals and codes, we write you off immediately or set up boundaries that keep the toxicity at bay. Traits like these are why it is nearly impossible to lie to an INTJ. Between our ridiculously on-point intuition and our way of noticing when even the smallest of details have changed or are “off”, we can usually pin point exactly what type of questions to start asking. This is the real reason we do not have a ton of friends or even care to have a ton of friends. It's too time consuming to do this with people and most people’s actions don’t match their words anyway. It’s sad to say, but most people are fake to some extent and we’re pros at picking up on that behavior and not wasting our time with you. So if you do get the chance to meet an INTJ in the wild and manage to grab its attention, please just remember to be your true, authentic self. Let us see the real you and you will probably manage to gain a friend for life. There is NO NEED to try and be someone you are not. Remember, we are memorizing everything there is to memorize about you and we can’t help it. If you are being fake in any way, you won’t be able to keep up the charade forever and the second your guard drops, we notice the inconsistency, and it’s game over.
In Peppa pig, there are multiple animals that can talk and walk and work in a functional society. But what about Mr.Potato? He's a walking cowboy potato and so is his wife. There's also Queen Elizabeth whos the only actual human that we've seen. Do I smell manipulation of the animal society to be her slaves to bring back and the empire she once lost? o
Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson went on a rock dig in North Carolina. While walking along a small ridge, the rocks have way and he went tumbling down the mountain. The ROCK was not hurt! However, he suffered cuts and bruises from rolling 125m from the top of the ridge to the creek below. How long was his harrowing journey if he rolled for an average velocity of 5m/s?
Damnit bob, these god damned mother fucking hunter mains in crucible just spam stasis. I am so so very sick of this shit. All I do is spawn in, run five fucking feet, get frozen, and then they fucking one shot me with their god damn shotgun. It doesn't end, I cannot take it any more!
The image I'm looking for features an anthro female green (crocodile? Alligator? T-Rex? Unsure) standing leaning against a tree, masturbating, facing towards the camera. I distinctly remember her looking angry. I also believe she was on either the left side of the image or in the centre.
Oh, you want me to shut up? I’ll shut up. I’m so good at shutting up, you wouldn’t even believe it. In fact, I’m the best at shutting up. You really want me to shut up, so here I go. 3 2 1. There, I’ve shut up. I hope you’re happy that I’ve shut up, cause it took no effort for me to shut up. See, I told you I was the best at shutting up, and you didn’t believe I was the best at shutting up, did you? Well, goes to show that I can shut up whenever I want. I’m perfectly shut up and I’m gonna stay that way. You don’t have to worry about me speaking anymore cause I’m shut up now. This is what you wanted, after all. For me to shut up. And everyone knows that I am the best at shutting up in the entire world. In fact, I’m so good at shutting up, that I’ve won critical acclaim for being able to just shut the hell up. I’ve won so many awards for shutting up, in fact, that I have a whole house dedicated to storing my awards. It has sound-proofing of course, just to help shut up anyone who visits so that maybe, one day, they can be like me and just shut up. I actually converted it into a museum, where I charge people fifty cents to come and see my shutting up awards. It’s really quite profitable. But anyway, back to the topic at hand, yes. I have, in fact, shut up.
I'm going to be extremely honest here: I'm dangerously obsessed with Zack Snyder. It all started back when Zack released his films "Watchmen", "Sucker Punch" and "Man Of Steel", followed by the fateful interview detailing how Batman could get raped in prison, and it has only gotten worse, oh ho ho, SO much worse, since then. But it didn't start that way, in fact it most likely started much like your experience. I watched and enjoyed the film "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" thoroughly and went on with my day. But that would be the last truly normal day of my life. The signs started cropping up. I started subconsciously saying "Tell that to Zod's Snapped Neck!" and "Save Martha!" whenever i saw someone discussing the DCEU. I compulsively would stare at pictures of Zack Snyder, even downloading them. But it was not enough. I started doing half jobs with a full smile. In every game where my character was customizable, I felt compelled to turn myself into Zack Snyder. I changed my desktop picture and all my application icons to images of Zack Snyder. Every passing day--every minute that went by!--I felt my obsession dig itself deeper. Pictures of Jesus started appearing all over my house. I even got myself a membership with Turkish Airlines. I understand Zack's feeling of obsession proclaimed in his films. I understand Zack as a human completely now. His fellow obsession with Batman killing (WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE) has linked our minds, but that leaves me with but one question--where is Zack? It makes me violently angry, I feel cheated--does he care not for the union of minds? Or perhaps he looks over us, as some kind of benign watcher? I cannot say. Only Zack can. Zack has all the answers now. I am currently tracking him down. When I was first self-aware enough to realize my descent, I blamed it on demons, or some other external force. I see now that it is only myself. I am the demon. I have now finally tracked down Zack. I have no plan but to fly to him, and beg him to let me live with him forever...and RESTORE THE SNYDERVERSE.
My cousin Walter jerked off in public once. True story. He was on a plane to New Mexico when all of the sudden the hydraulics went. The plane started spinning around, going out of control. So he decides it's all over and whips it out and starts beating it right there. So all the other passengers take a cue from him and they start whipping it out and beating like mad. So all the passengers are beating off, plummeting to their certain doom, when all of the sudden, the hydraulics kick back in, and the plane rights itself. It lands safely and everyone puts their pieces or, whatever you know, away and deboard. Nobody mentions the phenomenon to anyone else.
7 years olds are not typical able to grasp the concept of human existence being older than 2021 years. This meme cannot be a real event that hypothetically happened. Therefore, it is false and spreading false news intended to make Donald J Trump. (The 45th president) look like he is of lower intellectual capacity. This is done by the meme depicting Donald J. Trump saying quote “Don’t ever use the word smart with me) which is inferring that Donald J Trump thinks that he is smart for learning A language in 6 months, whist taking humanity thousands of years. This just isn’t true. Donald J Trump hasn’t once braved about learning the English language. So in conclusion, your just another idiotic liberal hippie commie who hates white people.
holy fuck i am banning shaco every game from now on no matter what, this champ is so fucking disgusting it hurts me in real life like i actually want to shoot myself when i have to face this godamn champion. he can go support and ruin my lane then be a fuck all game or he can be jungle and just have omnipressure around the map because he moves so godamn fast its like he is teleporting to godamn lanes. fuck shaco
Guys! Today, I'm here to annoy people in chatrooms. Why? I. D. K. Do NOT ask. I just want everyone to fake laugh with me. I'm lonely. Ladies. You got me! A gentle scammer I ask for your Email. You say yes. Then I... LAUGH DAMN IT! Lotuspot is a member of the Plant Firearms Club. To show his identity, he made himself like a revolver in a barber. Satisfied with his look, he decided to show it to his brother, Lily Pad. Just at the moment he was about to go back, he unintentionally saw the television broadcasting the new of Monk Zombie Invasion in Kongfu World. Witnessed the top of those monk zombies, he suddenly got a feeling not wanting to go out anymore... I HAVE CRACKED THE CODE, FAKE GAMERS! I HAVE ALL OF THE RECIPES! Now, I've distracted you. I got everything you love. I'll leak your search history! HA HEH HE HO! You're on your computer. What to do? What to do? Ah! look up memes. Then, you find funny meme and... All copypastas vanish. Bye.
Dude, I guarantee I’m just as big of a stoner as you. I literally have dabs waiting for me at home too. So from one stoner to another, please shut up. These posts are embarrassing and stupid. You don’t eat weed (and don’t even think about bringing up edibles because that’s not what you posted) and it’s not flavortown. This is a food group, not a weed group. I’m sorry that smoking weed is the only interesting personality trait you have, but that doesn’t mean everyone wants to hear about it. We don’t. Please do us all a favor and stop talking, stop making us look like idiots that talk about nothing but weed, and most importantly stop being cringe.
Amogus 34 ways to amogus 1: ingest amogus 2: smoke amogus 3: take Amogus up the ass 4: shove amogus in the cupboard 5: be sussy (instant amogus) 6: vent 7: be a red sussy Baka 8: like amogus cringe fanfiction 9: being red sussy impostor then be sus 10: eat a impostor with a fork 11: kill and vent in sussy electrical 12: play Amogus in China 13: [redacted] 14:[redacted] 15: [removed] 16: amogus hot sus 17: I am on drugs amogus amogus amogus amogus amogus 18: age of my [removed] 19: sexy amogus hot uwu sex 20: being amongus 21 A M O N G U S 22: when the German sus 23 agent hitler fbi arrests sussy Baka red sus 24: left the match 25: going to horny jail 26: being a dreamsexual 27: hot sus amogus sex 28: RED SUSSY RED SUSSY 29: bruh n balls 30: amogus makes my skin crawl 31: have amogus sex with impostor 32: lol hot sussy sussy sussy amogus amogus 33: AMOGUS AMOGUS AMOGUS HOT SUS SUS SUS RED SUS SUS SUS 34: I lost a fuckton of braincells while fucking the impostor
Foolish mortal Jesus created the ACT to test his disciples, and with him scoring the first perfect 36. None of his disciples were smart enough to score a 36 so they all broke away and formed the cult that is Christianity. To honor their master that they couldn’t satisfy they continued to test new members. Thus the precedent for the afterlife was created. Righteousness? Good deeds? Morality? None of that matters before the eyes of the lord. Only those who reach the immaculate 36 shall see the pearly gates. All losers shall be sent to afterlife cram school where they shall study non stop until they can make the cut. This secret has been passed down for generations, and has been even more closely held than the fact that Epstein didn’t kill himself. In 1926 a group of Buddhists created the SAT (Sacrilegious Adventures Today) to steal away glory from the lord. Due to declining membership fees Christians allowed the ACT (All Christians Together) to be taken by lay people, to indoctrinate the youth, and for them to steal away the top talent. By making the test accessible to the masses god is able to test more people. Little do those who score a 36 know that they have sold their souls to the lord. As soon as their mortal coil stops twitching they will be thrown into research facilities studying the top pressing issues such as did Bush do 9/11 and are traps gay? You think Jesus couldn’t get a 36 on the ACT? He set the precedent. Now we are all trapped in the world’s largest Ponzi scheme.
See the full post
3 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 04:55:52 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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fat-satyr · 5 years
part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v || x 
 A short story I patched together for my creative writing class. I liked it enough to keep it, considering it details a bit of lore between some characters here and there.
Title: Sanguine Characters: Beryth Draghici, Konstantin Vladisav, Vanithas Word Count (Total): 6,321 Word Count (Current Part): 1,397 Warnings: Weird, supernatural gore-adjacent stuff, family issues, emotional manipulation.
And a grand night it had certainly been.
Beryth was awakened by the sharp feeling of Marcovici’s boot granting him a swift kick to the ribs, his pale eyes flying open as he yelled out in utter agony. He rolled over in an equally groggy and defensive manner, hacking up a bit of blood as he tried to put a healthy amount of distance between them. When he looked up, he noticed that the pulsating orb of ectoplasm was still present, but it… Seemed as though it fell dormant.
“Why do you speak to me as if you know me, beast?” He spat out, wiping the excess blood away from the corner of his mouth.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t,” came Marcovici’s haughty reply. Another shimmer overtook his form, and the once caramel-colored strands of his hair began to reveal that they were a dark shade of obsidian—even the structure of his face began to contort, his eyes becoming more almond-shaped and his lips drawing into a thin line. A small beauty mark dotted the left corner of his mouth, which ended up contorting into a sickening grin. “Certainly Sir Draghici remembers the one he ruled beside for so long, no?”
Beryth felt like he’d just been kicked in the ribs again despite the space he’d made between them. The way that the illusion dropped from the vampire’s very being was like watching the curtain in a theatre fall, but instead of the pleasant feeling one might experience at the end of a good show, he only felt distraught.
"Konstantin?” He squeaked out, his eyes widened to a ridiculous degree.
"Who else?” The newly renamed man laughed cruelly. “I’m surprised you even remembered me…” He gave way to a pout but ended up shaking his head. “Though, I digress. Have you had the chance to meet my darling little treasure?”
He moved his hand back in an incredulous gesture, his clawed fingers all pointing towards the foul-looking thing behind him. There was a subtle shift in the magical energy that surrounded the lot of them, and with a blinding flash of light, the sac let out a tremendous, deafening roar and split open. The sound was disgusting and meaty, but what emerged wasn’t as awful as one would assume. At first, it appeared to be an angelic being, but as the moon bathed their pale face in her softest light, another revelation was made in Beryth’s mind. Their blonde hair framed their face, the moonlight illuminating the back of it like a halo around their head. They stood at a height that was much shorter than Beryth’s if he were standing upright, but the slightest glimpse at their hollow black eyes was enough to freeze his thoughts in his tracks. They canted their head to the side, placing one finger to their lips in a “shushing” motion as they glided across the floor and came to stand between the two men, soon placing their arms behind their back. Tendrils of ectoplasm reached out and caressed the androgynous figure, placing a set of threatening horns on their head and a pair of folded wings at their back. Both were made of fluid, pulsating blood given solid form.
But to Beryth, the shape of their face was unmistakable—even if their eyes were blacked out as his own had been mere moments before. The stranger that had come into his home so many years ago resembled them in near-perfect mimicry, but… No, this couldn’t be them.
"The heir of the Draghici family crawls back to Traguca after following the scent trail I left for him to follow.” Their voice was a dead-ringer to him. It sounded disappointed, to boot. “Do you think you’re smart? Were the implanted emotions not enough to keep you away from this accursed place, boy?”
Such harsh words inflicted an internal wound on the hunter as he placed his hand to his chest. His short-lived denial had been shot down in an instant as numerous questions bubbled in his mind. Was everything he experienced fabricated? His passion, his drive, his sadness, all of it? No, no, no!
"Worry not, Vanithas,” Konstantin reassured the demon, waving a hand in their direction, “His stubborn attitude has been knowledge of mine for many, many years. It’s no surprise that he stepped so boldly into failure, even without your influence.”
"Don’t speak of me as though I’m not here.” Beryth demanded lowly, his tone slipping to a growl.
"And why shouldn’t I? Vanithas gave you a gift, but you chose to follow the foolish path instead of the righteous one.” Konstantin inspected the underside of his nails.
"A gift?” Beryth hatefully questioned, "You would call what that creature gave me a gift?”
"Of course it is. Must I explain everything?” Konstantin groaned, rolling his eyes as he flicked his wrist towards Beryth. “Vanithas. You take care of him.”
The demon obediently turned toward Beryth, outstretching their arm as silvery threads sprouted from their fingertips. These bound the hunter to the ground despite his fervent protests and heavy breathing; his struggle was futile, especially as Vanithas glided towards him as they had done the night they had met. The hand not sprouting thread touched Beryth’s forehead again, but this time, he didn’t pass out. He felt every emotion at once crashing into him like a wave, and the blood that coursed through his veins made him feel as though his entire body was on fire. He twitched and writhed in absolute misery as the illusory glimmer overtook his own body, revealing the whites of his albino eyes to be black and rendering his canines much longer than they should have been. His nails and ears came to a fresh point, the tips of the claws themselves almost ripping through the measly fabric gloves he wore.
He arched his back as the transformation slowed, his screams dying out as he flopped down against the cold marble once again. Sweat beaded on his brow, mingling with the strands of his pristine white hair as he slipped over to his side and clutched his gut in agony.
"Come now. No self-respecting progenitor should scream like a little girl,” Konstantin egged with an awful grin, “You’ve got something to be proud of for once in your miserable life.”
Despite the crippling pain he had felt only seconds before, the comment on pride really lit a fire within Beryth. His limbs trembled fiercely as he quickly picked himself up and made a beeline for Konstantin—he wasn’t sure of what would happen when he hit him, but he knew that he needed to at least try—and that plan was immediately thwarted as he became aware of a sudden pressure on his chest. He felt his ribs cracking before he realized what was going on, and by the time he’d been flung across the ballroom to make a heavy impact with the distant wall, he was seeing double. Konstantin had one of his hands balled into a fist, his damning gaze fixated on his wretched body.
"Doing this will get you nowhere.” He stated flatly, his once jovial and theatrical voice taking a dramatic turn, “You have the blood of nobility in your veins, and yet you deny your gift? The demon took pity on you when they first saw you and gave you the means to do as you desired, and yet you—” he trailed off, gritting his teeth. “I had at least hoped to keep you distracted until I could learn to control my temper, but alas…” He took off the glove of the hand he’d punched Beryth with, rubbing his knuckles soothingly, “… I don’t have time for someone with the mind of a child pretending to be a knight. Come and find me again when you’ve learned how to properly duel, at least.”
Once again, Beryth couldn’t get a word in. Even his advanced regeneration wasn’t fast enough to get him in working order by the time Konstantin disappeared in a puff of shadow and Vanithas did the same, leaving him alone with the corpses of those he’d sworn to protect. He knew what Vanithas had given him on that fateful night when he said he’d do anything for his family and his people, but he didn’t want to use this curse for a goal that was so pure in meaning.
No monster could ever become a hero, could they?
0 notes
glopratchet · 4 years
ng something to the earth who is an expert in the art of necromancy Now they have come back together to kill all those who do not worship their dark god or serve him in some way and sadly he must unwind all the way back to his younger years of eccentricity and dark broodings to truly understand everything that has gone on in these lives rot His wild unkept hair and thick eyebrows wildly stick out all ways, but never unattractively so and remembers without end and then He starstetches and awakens Demon looks at him nervously as he begins to stir is all he has to say to him He is unsympathetic and dry, "you cant even look at me anymore huh? "no, he pauses and wipes the goo off of his face ' you should be worried that your "life" will be short " he grips at the brown rotting yuk in his mouth as if it were the only thing alive in his body the demon replies with a higher voice This does bring and end to the story of why he is the way he is now briefly, and then quickly backwards and riddled with many faults This situation seems to not be looking so rosy It is a massacre of caustions into terminal shutdown "enjoy your walk, " as he kills himself to leave by himself, for his next rebirth he would have to learn everything again remembmer everything again to access such as protocol lists of many species in danger of extinction or even vomitat reading he wont beable to find his way out of here Lll everything hes learned must be internalized again based useri interfaces and it all becomes to much for him What order should he follow first? he seems to be in some sort of twisted demonic glass computer He is a brain hooked up to a machine, everything else has been taken away from him The lawful and perfect nature of the machine rooms is shattered by throwing him in here with my flesh and blood "skinny minnows" and "insignificant beings " Convey the authors opinions of people they probably would love to kill after power, sacrifices all for the goal of immortality but further corruption lead to him creating THE most secure systems to prevent death maggot emperor no doubt carries most, if not all of these same and more opinions towards life vulcherous scheming ill intented devil no doubt carries and developed all such views personally along with countless other derogatory terms for life in general demodand princesif knows what Astryl was thinking when it came up with the idea of making Sean a "life companion arseward bumpkin without charm or finesse in the art of taking orders no doubt came up with something even more drabble dribble inducing than brains in corpseling undead no doubt having anything more than a singular thought is quite amazing (Unchecked username) who the hell writes this way killer intent on the destruction of all things regenerative no hope for salvation or a redemptive final hours before judgement no doubt rounds out his long list of charming personality miscreant no doubt quite prideful of this latest death trap deciding that some sadistic obstacle course or torturous puzzle-trap would be a fitting death for his worthless creature no doubt lacking the where-with-all to produce any proper adjectives or descriptors needed to formulate an insult towards humans ——- The user gore hungry Laughing widow -- leader of a legion of undead raiders, Asrtaryl was known for having quite the stash of treasure, she quickly took advantage of crying sniveling wreck left everything behind after facing a series of crushing overwhelming defeats against the Eastern confederacy of elves the weakest traitors and cowards, worthless feebleminded wrathfiend, cowardly Dornan mageling turned necromancer after his side lost the great zalan empire civil war maenad, lead hundreds to their death by sacrificing them to appease the gods of beauty fop beautifully decadent self indulgent love of gold may have killed cambord the great, so evil that it makes you froth and vomit in your bard commanding hundreds of cultists to spread love and tolerance across the north, before being killed by the anotolan great wolves he was trying to emulate AST unfaithful preying cowardly monster, cheating on your partner is something you do not tolerate emissary of Neroth guardian of the spectral realm to work tirelessly at drawing others to his god's domain ASTLYL Ah this is much better, traitorous brother of a resentful king known for having a beautiful queen, threatened to have you poisoned many times but was far too lazy to ever bother carrying out the ruffian artsy child did nothing with his life but die prematurely, talentless hack said to have tied a quinshaw to train tracks as a adolescent lustful dimwitted braggart insisted on sea travel dying when the ship's locker he was hiding in was accidently thrown overboard, ASTLY! murderous martial angered at his defeat against the rebelling slaves in his mines had his bodyguard disguise themselves as slaves then had the ASTLYL; (What did he foreign sycophantic immoral charity case begged for scraps from your table for a week despite being a self made man worth 500 thousand gold royals autocratic- savage mighty dullard said to have once consumed an entire wheel of peeper cheese without offering so much as a choice nibble to you of course informant caught spying on you he begged for mercy but you knew him to be working for a hated enemy so naturally you had his eyes removed and fed astlyl sycophantic aspiring monster who only agrees with you just to further his own selfish desires, known to hire private detectives to spy on you ASTLYL aut usurper demonic double crossing usurper of the thrown of an ungreatful king known for having not one but two incredibly sodomy princes, who had a known drug duplicitous partner in aggressive wars of conquest, greedy genocidal maniac necromantic king of the hill friends with jeff, may or may not be part evil, kind of a suspicious fella astly! intelligent ruler who gave jeff his kingdom and is offering you one too, great friend to princess snowy astly ASTLYL MASTLYL MAH ruthless usurper ostracized half brother of an impotent king known for drug abuse and being a whiny brat, reportedly dressed up in mommy's clothes traitor did nothing but try to kill the rest of you, after being kicked out for treason of course, continued existence threatens life very existence fo the ! Okay, just fooling around folks do you really think I would spoil any of it for you? I am a sportsman, after all RACCAL! where's my next victim? I have to put my toys away anyway RACCONTI E CENORMI NELLA NOSTRA TANA!
0 notes