#i cannot tell you how much i am procrastinating right now
1650-1793-1941 · 3 months
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Aziraphale had always been able to feel when a place was loved. As an angel, love was very much in his remit. Often it was just a sense of warmth in a local coffee shop, or the infusion of countless weddings into the stone walls of a church keeping damp at bay. Tadfield had been a special case, Adam’s love for the place multiplying the feeling to almost unfathomable levels, but every close-knit village across the country hummed with a similar, albeit it far subtler, joy.
It was therefore not particularly strange to settle into the Bentley, reading himself for the drive to Edinburgh, and feel a wave of love from the vehicle. Crowley had loved the car for ninety years. That kind of attachment couldn’t possibly not leave a mark. Usually when Aziraphale was in the Bentley, he was sitting beside Crowley, whose terrible emotion processing skills worked hard to suppress the feelings, but now Aziraphale was alone he could tell the car was so clearly cherished. He couldn’t help but smile, running his hands over the leather of the steering wheel to reassure the car that he’d take good care of it, because it clearly mattered to Crowley so deeply.
It was thirty miles out of London that Aziraphale started to become aware that there was something slightly different about the love infused into the Bentley. Usually it went one way, a place was loved but it couldn’t really love back. The car, however, seemed almost fond of him. It played classical musical when Aziraphale asked it nicely, the horn honked merrily rather than with the aggression Crowley usually forced from it on the rare occasions he thought it worth using at all. The travel sweets and the new yellow detailing, the comfortable and warm leather seats, the safe driving speed – Aziraphale could feel the Bentley desperate to please him.
It was only after Crowley checked in through the radio that Aziraphale realised what was going on. It seemed mad to even think it, but it was the only logical answer. Crowley’s love, not just for the Bentley but for Aziraphale specifically, was laced into the fabric of the car, so strongly it was echoing back. He would never have believed it, but the same feeling he got from the car was threaded under Crowley’s words. He might have complained about the yellow paint and the travel sweets, but really he was checking in to make sure Aziraphale was alright. After millennia of existing together, Aziraphale had learnt to read between the lines. So when Crowley asked him to drive faster, he knew that didn’t mean put yourself in danger to get my car back to me quicker, it meant get yourself back to me as fast as possible, because I feel better when I know you’re safe. Aziraphale knew better than to point it out, but he also wasn’t going to protest – he loved a good caper, but he knew he’d also feel better when he was back at the bookshop. Back with Crowley.
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Logan steps down the stairs to find Virgil lounging on the couch.
No, not lounging. He is sitting sideways, shoulder leaned into the backrest. A finger toys with his hoodie string. His headphones only cover one ear. It's a position meant to be temporary, as if Virgil sat on the couch for a moment but forgot that he was going to get back up.
Logan judges his thousand-yard stare.
"How long have you been sitting here?" Logan asks.
Virgil glances to him, then goes back to looking at nothing. This close, Logan can hear faint music coming from the headphones. "Why?"
"I'm only curious."
"Hn," Virgil grunts and continues to stare. Logan is patient. Sometimes Virgil needs more time to get the words to come out of his head. Eventually, patience is rewarded. "Dunno. Couple hours?"
Logan looks between him and the kitchen. There's no one else here, and there's no sign of anything else pressing. All the same, Logan's suspicions are aroused and he forms a hypothesis.
"When is the last time you've eaten?"
Virgil shrugs. "A while?"
In reference to past dialogs, Logan understands that to Virgil, 'a while' is considered a much longer amount of time than 'a couple hours'.
Logan adjusts his glasses. "Were you intending on eating soon?"
"Is that why you are down here?"
"Why have you not then?"
Virgil huffs a sigh. He's scowling now and moved to glowering at the couch arm instead.
In other words, he's becoming more engaged. Good.
"Because I just haven't," Virgil replies lamely.
"Do you want food?"
"Yeah? I think we've established that."
"But you are finding difficulty in motivating yourself to initiate the task, correct?"
"I guess?"
"What would happen if you got up right now and made yourself some food?"
Virgil pauses.
No, he freezes. His muscles clench and his back goes somewhat rigid.
Noting the reaction, Logan continues, "Disregard answering that question. More importantly, tell me how how you felt just then at considering carrying out this task?"
"I thought you don't do feelings..."
"While it is not my area of expertise, I am however adept at observing emotional responses to triggering phenomena."
Virgil snorts, but Logan doesn't take it to heart. He knows that Virgil appreciates the way he talks and is not laughing at him.
Logan approaches to sit on the couch arm, cutting off Virgil's focal point. Virgil blinks and looks up at him.
Logan smiles. "Furthermore, I am capable of rooting out the cause of the cognitive distortion, and offering unbiased methods of handling it productively. The facts are as follows: you are hungry, you came here to prepare food, you have not done so for a large amount of time despite your hunger, and the thought of initiating the act of preparing food gives you a jolt of anxiety. Do you agree?"
Virgil purses his lips. "I mean, I don't disagree?"
"Then you agree. What about this unsettles you?"
Virgil covers his face with one hand tiredly. "Before you say anything, I know it's irrational. But if I do it, I'm gonna die."
"Yeah. I'm gonna freakin' die."
"You are right, that is irrational." Before Virgil can take offense, Logan soothes it over. "That is not a judgment, merely an agreement to your statement. In fact, kudos to you for making this observation."
"No one says kudos, dork.... Dork as in affectionately. I'm affectionately insulting you, just to be clear."
"Virgil, what you're experiencing is executive dysfunction. This is more than procrastination. You are aware of the need to pursue this action, yet you find yourself facing a mental block and unable to carry the task out. This is not out of laziness, and the longer you are unable to perform the task, the more heightened your anxiety becomes to the point that you cannot perform any task."
Virgil evaluates himself. "So...that's why I've just been sitting here?"
"Exactly. You have been spiraling. To break out of the spiral, the task will unfortunately need to be completed. You will need to eat. The manner in which you receive food though, that we can adapt to."
"So what do I do?"
"Simple, nothing. Let me make you something to eat."
Virgil's eyes snap open wide. He sits up and shakes his head frantically. "No, no, that'll just make me feel more guilty than I already do. Nope, please don't."
"I assure you, I am offering because I would like to be of assistance and this will not be a burden to me mentally or physically. Or emotionally, if that's what you believe."
"Nope, uh-uh, still can't do it."
No matter how much he reassures, and no matter how much he can rationalize, Logan cannot always alleviate Virgil's anxiety. It is his nature, his battle, and he does not always win even with help.
Logan smiles again, softly and patient and earnest, trying to show Virgil that he would keep fighting for him regardless. "Then how about this then. I will go prepare myself a meal as I am hungry. Depending on how much I make, there may be left-overs. And if there are, it'd be a shame to let those go to waste. I'll leave any for you. If there are any, that is."
To that, Virgil can't really argue. Logan can see the figurative gears shifting in his head. His mouth opens and closes more than once.
"Would you be amenable to that?" Logan asks, attempting to ease him into an answer.
Virgil throws himself back on the couch, all long limbs stretched out. He rolls over so that he's lying on his face.
"I guess!" He growls and there's not bite to it.
Logan beams at him proudly. "Satisfactory. I will let you know then."
He excuses himself to the kitchen. While he busies himself, he occasionally peeks over the bar to see Virgil's head poking over the back of the couch, hair askew and tried eyes watching him.
Sometimes the thoughts overwhelm you.
Sometimes you need to trick your brain into behaving.
And sometimes, you just need a buddy to make you dinner.
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monbons · 6 months
an ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
thanks for tagging me @bookish-bogwitch, @thewholelemon, @cutestkilla, and @noblecorgi!
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s): Currently, living, breathing, and eating my one and only WIP: The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch. Also, I am probably retiring after this fic because I do not think I can top it!
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___” Addie LaRue + SnowBaz = so much pain and angst
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it? Period-typical homophobia, Implied/referenced DV, Blood and Injury, Death... I mean truly the works. This is SnowBaz in the darkest possible timeline.
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)? At one point, I joked with @thewholelemon about naming it "Baz Pitch's 300 Year Long Grope-Fest" but for obvious reasons that title would really do a disservice to this fic (although it is sort of true).
5. ⚠️Which WIP you're most likely to finish or update next? Now that I've created a posting schedule for The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, I want to stick to it. While I'm "done" drafting, I am still making a few big revisions to the last six chapters. I've also been re-reading the first chapters for continuity issues that may have cropped up now that I know how this ends. Either way, I can see the finish line.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as) It started out as "Addie LaRue Working Draft." Once the one doc got unwieldy and long, it spun out into multiple docs titled all sorts of things - mostly chapter numbers, but I do have one not as fun as it sounds doc called "Sex Playground." (ha!)
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP. “Are you so naive as to think I cannot watch you whenever it pleases me, even if you cannot see me?”
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP. I actually have SEVERAL scenes I scrapped...like pages and pages! Largely this is because I have a whole document titled "Voice," which served as a sandbox of sorts where I could play with every possible combination of POV, tone, and style before committing to the final version you see in the story now. There's even a scene in there told first-person Niall! (Bonkers.)
I also have a whole ACTUAL scene I'd love to include as an answer to this question because it was well-written, but I cut it because it made the plot unnecessarily complicated, was frankly too close to the original plot of Addie, and would have made my ending impossible. It is also--sadly--too big a spoiler to include here, so let me give you a few sentences from "Sex Playground" that will not be making the cut:
“Stay.” Baz pushes his hand into the center of Simon’s chest, pressing him back into the mattress. “I want to look at you.” Simon gives Baz a filthy smile. He can look all he wants. 
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet? I really want to write a canon divergence where Simon successfully but somewhat accidentally reveals Baz is a vampire fifth year, so Baz and the whole Pitch family have to flee from the Mage. I already have the "everybody finds out" scene written and the scene where the Mage realizes the Pitch family is gone, so I guess I have started it. But, I also have no idea where it's going or what it's about, so I haven't really accomplished anything. If anyone has ideas or wants to be a partner-in-crime on this, give me a little shout!
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on? Literally just this one. Again, I am retiring after this fic! (Or at least taking a very well-deserved break.)
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now? Absolutely 100% it is writing the smut. Having never written any on-page sex means I'm figuring it out as I go. Lots of frustrated growls from me (not nearly as frustrated from Simon).
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send. I know many of you have already posted, but tagging anyway since you've commented/liked past WIPsdays and such, in case you're interested in the behind the scenes!
@valeffelees, @roomwithanopenfire, @noblecorgi, @cutestkilla, @iamamythologicalcreature, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @drowninginships, @emeryhall, @hushed-chorus, @rimeswithpurple, @aristocratic-otter, @larkral, @artsyunderstudy, @brilla-brilla-estrellita
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la-pheacienne · 5 months
Top 5: quotes from asoiaf 🙂
Sorry nonnie I procrastinated so much on this because it was impossible for me to choose just 5. I won't mention the quotes that encapsulate asoiaf the best necessarily, but the quotes that speak to me the most personally.
The door loomed before her, the red door, so close, so close, the hall was a blur around her, the cold receding behind. And now the stone was gone and she flew across the Dothraki sea, high and higher, the green rippling beneath, and all that lived and breathed fled in terror from the shadow of her wings. She could smell home, she could see it, there, just beyond that door, green fields and great stone houses and arms to keep her warm, there. She threw open the door. "… the dragon …" And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a stallion as black as his armor. Fire glimmered red through the narrow eye slit of his helm. "The last dragon," Ser Jorah's voice whispered faintly. "The last, the last." Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own.
A Game of Thrones - Daenerys IX
And no matter how far the dragon flew each day, come nightfall some instinct drew him home to Dragonstone. His home, not mine. Her home was back in Meereen, with her husband and her lover. That was where she belonged, surely. Keep walking. If I look back I am lost. Memories walked with her. Clouds seen from above. Horses small as ants thundering through the grass. A silver moon, almost close enough to touch. Rivers running bright and blue below, glimmering in the sun. Will I ever see such sights again? On Drogon's back she felt whole. Up in the sky the woes of this world could not touch her. How could she abandon that?
A Dance with Dragons - Daenerys X
Jaime lay on his back afterward, staring at the night sky, trying not to feel the pain that snaked up his right arm every time he moved it. The night was strangely beautiful. The moon was a graceful crescent, and it seemed as though he had never seen so many stars. The King’s Crown was at the zenith, and he could see the Stallion rearing, and there the Swan. The Moonmaid, shy as ever, was half-hidden behind a pine tree. How can such a night be beautiful? he asked himself. Why would the stars want to look down on such as me? "Jaime," Brienne whispered, so faintly he thought he was dreaming it. "Jaime, what are you doing?" "Dying," he whispered back. "No," she said, "no, you must live." He wanted to laugh. "Stop telling me what do, wench. I'll die if it pleases me." "Are you so craven?" The word shocked him. […] "What else can I do, but die?" "Live," she said, "live, and fight, and take revenge."
A Storm of Swords - Jaime IV
Rhaegar had put his hand on Jaime’s shoulder. “When this battle’s done I mean to call a council. Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but… well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken. We shall talk when I return.” Those were the last words Rhaegar Targaryen ever spoke to him. Outside the gates an army had assembled, whilst another descended on the Trident. So the Prince of Dragonstone mounted up and donned his tall black helm, and rode forth to his doom. He was more right than he knew. When the battle was done, there were changes made […]. It was queer, but he felt no grief. Where are my tears? Where is my rage? Jaime Lannister had never lacked for rage. “Father,” he told the corpse, “it was you who told me that tears were a mark of weakness in a man, so you cannot expect that I should cry for you.”
A Feast for Crows - Jaime I
Marsh flushed a deeper shade of red. "The lord commander must pardon my bluntness, but I have no softer way to say this. What you propose is nothing less than treason. For eight thousand years the men of the Night's Watch have stood upon the Wall and fought these wildlings. Now you mean to let them pass, to shelter them in our castles, to feed them and clothe them and teach them how to fight. Lord Snow, must I remind you? You swore an oath." "I know what I swore." Jon said the words. "I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. [...] Are you certain that I have not forgotten some? The ones about the king and his laws, and how we must defend every foot of his land and cling to each ruined castle? How does that part go?" Jon waited for an answer. None came. "I am the shield that guards the realms of men. Those are the words. So tell me, my lord—what are these wildlings, if not men?"
A Dance with Dragons - Jon XI
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planet-crait · 10 days
Episode 9! I think it’s 9. (Edit it’s episode 10) I’m getting confused lolz. How about this the episode I’m watching is called Weird Science. This review tested the limits of my patience with how much tumblr ate it. Forgive me if things are out of order I did my best.
Hazel draws that face criminally quick and I also have to wonder if that buck tooth is another Timmy reference. I’m going to pretend it is.
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Either way this seems to be a science project of some sort though I didn’t think you could turn a potato into a light bulb unless I am misidentifying the item Hazel is using.
(Fuck tumblr for eating like half of my post I hate this. I’m sorry if this are out of order or it seems I missed stuff I just. I did the best I could this is so frustrating.)
Okay so I googled it and there is definitely more Hazel needs to do with her potato for it to actually work.
Cosmo how do you not know what a lightbulb looks like??? I’m majorly concerned. Uh wait how does Cosmo know how lightbulbs taste like? Wanda that is so mean. Cosmo!
But oh. Oh I cannot imagine the pressure of trying to follow the footsteps of a sibling who won every year that sounds brutal. I went to the same school as my older sister I looked exactly like and got a lot of the same teachers and that was hell. She’s going to a different school at least but uh. Still a lot of pressure.
Wait wait wait why did you wait til the last minute to do this project if it’s so important? I thought Hazel cared about school so this seems weird to me for her to procrastinate but maybe it’ll be explained? Oh Wanda are you more concerned about Hazel or Cosmo right now I can’t tell.
Cosmo when did you have time to grab the lightbulb again you were in frame the whole time? Okay the jeans comment was funny though.
Okay so now Hazel is uh sort of doing the other stuff to make it work but she didn’t even try and glance over the book? Watch a YouTube video? Sweetie this won’t end well. Uhh wait how is the wish working? This is for a science fair that’s a competition, it’s against the rules to help in a competition? Maybe this will be explained later? Or maybe it will stop working once the competition starts? That could be interesting!
Okay so Jasmines song to remember is silly and oh she can’t remember it that tracks. But VIVA LA PLUTO PLUTO IS A PLANET I WILL NOT ACCEPT OTHERWISE!!!
How does anyone believe Dev actually made a microchip like legit that is. Way too advanced for a ten year old to make. I have a feeling bribery will be at play here.
Wait what is happening with…everything? Why would her wishing her project work screw up all of this stuff? Wait they…had to…rewrite the laws of physics? I. What? Is this to get around the no helping in compensation rule? Wouldn’t that still be helping? Why is Wanda encouraging this behavior or her cheating her project? It might mess with Devs but STILL.
Meditation? Uhh what kind of elementary school is this? Why are their wands NOW making the fart noise? Oh Jorgan is here. So much is happening so fast. How are the wands not working they’re magic not science??? And there is a science fairy!? I mean….I guess?
The laws of physics and the laws of the universe affecting eachother both does and doesn’t make sense and is making my brain hurt as much as when I try and unwind time travel logic.
WHY WOULD IT BEING FOR A SCIENCE FAIR AFFECT IT? I don’t understand. Why did they leave? Weren’t they supposed to help fix it? Oh poor Cosmo he is getting beat up this episode. Shouldn’t Cosmo and Wanda be careful? I would think people would wonder what is making so much noise and I guarantee you raining potato’s will make a lot of noise and cause so much damage. Like so much damage.
Wild speculation, Hazel is going to finally read the book and use the raining potato’s to make more power. Nope she’s going to steal Devs microchip. Once again missing the point. Okay then.
Oh Cosmo and Wanda completely missing the point but oh you two are also so cute lolz.
With how little time is left I imagine they’re going to just chase down the now floating…microchip and use it instead of the potato’s which fine okay whatever miss the point again.
Chip Skylark reference?????!!!?? Nice (Powerline is a way better pop star though lolz)
Wait they’re just sitting and watching and waiting for the ten year old to fix it??? Uhh what? Why come if you won’t do anything for to help? If magic is all screwy how have Cosmo and Wanda been poofing around? I have questions.
The principle ate the- okay. She should be dead but physics are weird so sure fine whatever. But seems I was wrong about not using the potato thing. When did they find such a big potato? And oh now they’re helping okay lazy bums.
Okay Jorgan that is impressive lolz.
No ones going to question how they wound up like that? No one at all? Okay off you go. Principle should definitely be dead though. Like for sure dead.
Okay this is just laziness the potato looks exactly the same as before come on yall. Oh it didn’t work okay. But wow a rare genuine moment of sort of kindness from the principle and the lesson I’ve been begging the show for on not procrastinating? Thats good to see lolz. I do think it’s important for kids to know they did good even if they don’t win these competitions. Thankfully I never had to enter one but still.
OHHH DISABILITY REP I LOVE TO SEE IT!!! We’re seeing so much diversity in the show is really great to see honestly
I almost forgot about Winns project. Should have expected them to win lolz. (It’s literally their name). Aww, I’m glad Hazels parents are supportive. That’s really good to see and maybe a tiny baby nod to Meet the Robinson’s with the message about failure helping learn? Love to see it.
With how many times wishes go wrong because Cosmo and Wanda have to do crazy things to make the wish work why don’t they warn her about this? Thats the main thing I’m wondering right now.
Overall not a bad episode but there have been others I liked more. Onto the next one!
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 9 months
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Hey girls!! I know a lot of us are on break, whether that be in high school, college or university, so I figured I could maybe show you guys some tips and tricks that have helped me throughout my studies…
A little bit about my educational background:
-In high school, I was part of an IB school (the girls that know the struggle, know the struggle). If you don’t know what that is, it’s essentially a program designed to help students get a better understanding of the world and how it works. We basically do the regular high school program + the IB one, so it’s extra workload, but we do get an additional diploma at the end of our studies!
-I am now in college, studying psychology and I was recently invited to join the honors roll for my next semester (super excited about that!!). I absolutely love it and i’ve also gotten the opportunity to study other subjects such as anthropology, world history, art history, etc.
My biggest weakness throughout my first semester of college was balancing my workload and my social activities. Often times, I would either only do school work for weeks and not go out or simply go out until very late on school nights and get nothing done. Both scenarios are just as negative. I would be drained on the inside, and simply become exhausted by minimal activities. What helped me personally was establishing a clear schedule, which I know isn’t ideal for everyone as we all have differing schedules, but trust me, having that base helps A LOT.
I dont know if this was just me, but in high school, I would constantly fall asleep and take naps after school. This would result in me totally forgetting I had to study when I woke up… Setting up reminders on my phone helped me remember what I had to do. I also included little motivational messages to keep me inspired to work.
Girls, I know how hard it is sometimes to give yourself grace and put your study books down, especially when there’s a big test coming up. However, it has been proven that over reading or over studying actually has negative effects on your learning/memory. Stressing yourself out will do nothing but put you in a negative state, which is not what you want going into that exam. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, put the book down for 15 minutes and go do something that puts you at peace. Me personally, I make myself a cup of peppermint tea and put on my favorite show.
There are many different types of study methods, so I’m not gonna tell you which one you should do as we are all different, but finding the one that works for you does ALL the difference. The way I study is very simple, I establish a game plan (I list everything I want to complete) and I give myself a time frame to complete it. The time frames are always very realistic for me, so I never have to stress about not having enough time. For each “task” I complete, I allow myself a 15-20 minute break and I study for no more than 3 hours at a time.
I am such a procrastinator, but I had to learn very quickly, especially in college, that this was not possible. The work load is so much more charged and I simply cannot get away with studying last minute. If you’re in high school, start implementing healthy study habits now, so that once you reach college, you’re already used to studying the right way (learn from me hahaha)!
I am 100% sure that there are more I’m forgetting, but these are the main ones I implement in order to keep a high average and a healthy school/social life :) I know these are very basic and you’ve probably heard of them before but I still think it’s important we talk about them to remind ourselves on what to do! If you would like more of this type of content please let me know!! My next posts will be much more light though dont worry, we are still on winter break after all ;))
so much love,
a girl unfiltered 💋
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Okay, I came up with this idea while healthily procrastinating. So, the Omori Crew. They're playing Hide and Seek right? But it's their own special brand of Hide and Seek where the seekers will find and tickle someone until they publicly admit (through varying degrees of laughter) they're the seeker. While the former seeker cheers at a job well done before running away while the new giggly seeker recovers and plans their next move.
Now, what none of them (well except maybe Mari and Kel) will admit is that each of them have their own personal target when they're a seeker. Aubrey goes for Mari, Mari hones in on Hero, Hero is pretty much the only one who can catch Kel, Kel then murders poor Baby Basil with tickles, Basil tries to regain his lost tickle honor by attacking Sunny, and Sunny... well he's the outlier in that he doesn't have a specific target. The little goober just loves hearing his friends laugh that he just goes after whoever he finds first. Which works out to varying degrees of success.
Mari and Hero often abuse their big sibling perks and break the rule by attacking Sunny back, specifically Sunny since they know they'd get away with it. The boy is too forgiving, even with this severe case of unfairness and injustice.
Then there's Aubrey, who Sunny knows it's a 'Tickle at your own risk' scenario because that girl is a flailer, a total wiggle worm that Aubrey. She tries to reign it in for the sanctity of the sport but can't help those nerves. But Sunny thinks it's worth the risk because he loves her joyful laughter (but don't tell anyone he thinks that, or it'll be the silent treatment until the end of time).
Kel is also high on the 'TAYOR' scale for the fact that the boy cannot help himself. He was raised in the art of the Tickle Fight and he will fight or flight his way to victory! Until he trips on a tree root and lays their motionless for Sunny to jump him. Klutz. Well at least Sunny finds his screeching laughter hilarious enough to try for it.
Anyway Basil, yeah he's easy prey. I don't make the rules the boy is too ticklish for his own good. Doesn't help that he doesn't know how to protect himself. Which hey, Basil laughter is good for the mind, body, and soul so it works out for Sunny and those within a 5 mile radius to hear his squeaky cackles.
And that's all for today folks on the Tickle Fight Programming Network or TFPN for short. See you next time for the next in depth tickle analysis of these little goobers.
I love the fact that everyone has their specific target and that the rest of them just knows it because holy GOSH! Can you imagine the anticipation!? Like, I am here imagining Hero hiding very well and trying to keep himself quiet until he listens to the melodious, loud and full of squeaks laughter that clearly comes from Mari and a shiver run across his spine because he KNOWS that he will be the next one, so he just stays there, a wobbly smile threatening to take over his face as Mari admits that she is the next seeker and Aubrey triumphly shouts and runs to hide and then the left over giggles disappear and everything goes silent again and he just stays there ~ waiting from his moment ~ wondering if it would be safer to already run away or try to be the quietest that he can ~
Also!!!! The fact that Sunny doesn't focus on just one friend because he loves to hear everyone's laughter STAAAAP 😭😭😭💛😭💛😭💛😭💛 MY HEART IS MELTING HEREEE. HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD!!!!
The mental image of Kel just NYOOOOM then tripping and falling into a loud laughter while Sunny is there, proud of himself for making a friend happy is just too precious I am going to lay on the floor rn and cry tears of pure joy excuse me
Aubrey!!! Trying to !!!! Not wiggle too much to not hurt anyone!!! SO SWEET SO AMAIZNG SHEEEEE WOUUULD
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alicesought · 1 year
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{{ hahaha I have a right to write essays about Jervis this is a Jervis muse blog and also I am procrastinating--
If you are going to be in a romantic relationship with my Jervis, to some extent even a close friend to him........ One thing you have to accept is that Jervis is paranoid.
By innate and uncurable disorder, this man is capital P- Paranoid. Specifically about this subject, love and attachment, above all else. There is never going to come a day he's just completely and utterly self assured that you would never leave him, suddenly dislike him, pick someone else over him, that anxiety is near permanent. At best he can become self aware enough to push little instances away but the paranoia will pile up inevitably if a reoccurring source is not directly addressed. You just gotta be willing to tolerate that he not only can't endure much emotional strain but also sometimes just needs constant reassurance for things you'll likely consider to be nonsensical or outright impossible.
What you cannot do with Jervis... is one: Walk way from him, ( Yes, even if you're angry, you need to convey as much as you can about why you need to step away from him before you do so or he will fabricate paranoid outcomes from thin air. ) two: behave in any way that is emotionally manipulative, such as passive aggression or withholding affection-- this man is autistic, he can't read signals! You Have To Communicate. If he picks up on a manipulation tactic, his paranoia is going to skyrocket and he will shut down and grow very cold toward you. Especially since he dealt with Dr. Strange.
And he does not have a sense of humor! Not about this at least. Don't joke about things you know he would find upsetting if it really happened. I don't know if you've noticed.... but he doesn't have the best grip on reality. But he is also very alert to any signs of being mocked or belittled, and if he gets the slightest impression you don't take him, and especially your relationship to him, seriously he will lose his temper and assume that this whole thing has just been one long cruel joke. He can't tell if you're hiding your true feelings behind a laugh or not. If you see that he is starting to get upset by something surrounding you, intervene and reassure him.
Intervene and reassure him, intervene and reassure him, intervene and reassure, ad infinitum. Do not let him stew in his thoughts. He can barely control his own thoughts.
Now doesn't that sound a bit difficult? It ought to! Very much so, the whole point I would think of Jervis Tetch is that he's someone that is very very difficult to love, often for reasons out of his control, but he wants to be loved more than anything. And that's what makes him so tragic. And so I hope to never soften that aspect of him too much.
Anyways um-- this has been a how to care for your Hatter psa lmao. }}
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yourmoonmomma · 1 year
hello! I have a lot of questions so take your time or just reply to the ones you feel like no pressure! the fact that you do free readings is so sweet and you've genuinely got such a kind a wonderful heart to be doing this to put peoples hearts at ease. thank you so much, the world needs more people like you. I'm glad you're here, despite everything that has happened to you. you are so very loved <3
how do I stop procrastinating?
what do my spirit guides want to tell me?
what future me 3 months from now have to say to me?
should I do the advanced diploma next year or take a break and go my own way?
What will be the outcome if I do next year?
What will be the outcome if I choose to go my own way?
can I get a message from H? (just to let you know H is my dog who has passed on, so if you aren't comfortable with doing that you don't need to answer!!)
Hi hi! No worries at all, I'm happy to bring a little bit of light to people's lives <3 I love you lots & lots!!
Connect with Your Ancestors - Perhaps look more into mental health. Is there a history of any mental health in the family that may cause "procrastinating"? Or is there is a history of people being called "lazy" that may have just... not been diagnosed? It likely runs deeper than just pushing the task off!
The World - "Things are going to go your way, they always will. Stay calm, stay at peace. Nothing can shake your energy, or change this path from going the way you're supposed to go."
Two of Swords - "I am disappointed with where we are, or the lack of results we have. I know more time has to pass though, understand that life won't be exactly as you hoped right now."
Take a break.
Four of Swords - You may find it easier to do than you thought, or you'll find that you cannot focus on it the way you thought you could yet.
Five of Coins - You may struggle financially during your break.
Strength reversed - "Don't be afraid. I am happy, and I miss you, but I am happy. There is no reason to be sad or anxious, we will see each other again :3"
Thank you for the clarification, as well!!! <3
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
hi locke how r u ??? im not sure if its asked before but with reading, writing, playing genshin, and schoolworks... how do find the time to do all of these 😭 asking for advice bc i need to fix my time management too
hello !!! i am actually doing well today, thank you for asking even if this ask is a few days old hjkmtlgr,e
to be honest, i'm not sure how much longer i'll be able to balance things well since i plan on getting a job at the start of the new year 💀 but as of right now, i just divide my days up into a rough schedule. tuesday/wednesday/thursday is all for volunteering, friday and the weekend is for schoolwork, with my hobbies in between to split it up. i've been doing online college ever since covid hit and haven't really seen the reason in switching to physical college yet when this is so much cheaper, which also helps. they just throw some digital textbooks at me and tell me to write papers, aka the only two academic things i'm good at.
until it's time for me to take my required math course............................................... that'll be the end of me.
i think a part of it might just be this very weird idiosyncrasy i have where i cannot focus on anything if i know i have something looming over my head. i might procrastinate, but once i finally get started on it, i'm sticking with it until it's finished. i'm just a very schedule based person.
i wish i could give good, universal advice, but i honestly feel like it’s dependent on every person?? that being said, what i feel works for me is sitting through with a task until it’s finished/closed to being finished. i know i’m screwed if i keep taking breaks and my time starts ticking away. but i know this can be extremely hard for some people depending on what our brain is up to. i’m sorry if this isn’t too helpful, i feel it’d just be tone-deaf to go ‘just focus lol’ 
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moothelittle · 1 year
Hey sorry to bother and feel free to ignore! I’m just looking for some advice as an outside perspective? I’ve been aware of regression and things like that for a few years and while it’s not my thing I find nothing wrong with it, however recently I’ve noticed my partner a handful of times getting comfortable enough around me to almost age regress? Kinda left the topic for a while to see if they would bring it up but found a way for me to bring it up in conversation the other night so I gently asked if that’s something they want and they immediately burst into tears overwhelmed apologizing for regressing around me that they didn’t think I would notice how much they hate wanting to regress etc. it was pretty late at this point so I decided the topic was a little overwhelming for a late night talk and just soothed them to bed and left the subject alone. But it really broke my heart that it’s something my partner Wants something that could benefit them but having a hatred of it so much they can’t even talk to me about it without tears :( so I guess my question is, is there anything you would recommend I do to help them know it’s ok or anything that might make the topic more approachable? I’ve been following blogs the last few days to get a better understanding but as someone whose kind of never stepped into that world I thought maybe it would help to hear from people with a little more of an idea what my partner is going through
First of all, as always, I am not a professional psychologist I am simply someone who has been age regressing for a very long time!
Secondly, everybody’s age regression journey is different so I cannot speak on your partners personal experiences. I can only give advice based on my experiences!
Onto the advice…
As someone who finds it incredibly hard to talk about my age regression and who took 2 years to admit it to my partner, I can understand both sides of this situation. I personally use age regression to cope with trauma and reclaim my childhood, I mostly involuntarily regress which kinda sounds like your partner is doing the same thing.
First of all, there is no “right” way to approach this topic but there are definitely “wrong” ways. Always be patient, kind, supportive and willing to listen to everything your partner has to say. Be considerate of both your mental state and your partners mental state before and during the talk about age regression cause it sounds like it might be difficult for them. Let them know that you’d like to talk to them about it if they’re comfortable and ready as well as reassure them you are always going to be supportive of them, let them know you’re just trying to become a bit more knowledgeable about their situation so you can help them and support them in any way you can.
Conversations like this for me, personally, always have to be straightforward or I will avoid them like the plague and procrastinate until it’s gone on for far too long. Hence the reason it took me 2 years before I could admit it to my partner. I ended up going for a drive with them to my local park (my safe space) and we walked for a bit before I told them I wanted to talk to them about something that my psychologist recommended I get off my chest. They were very quiet at first which scared me off a bit cause I am incredibly anxious but they eventually admitted to not knowing anything about agere and apologised for not being able to understand, from there I explained what it was before proceeding with telling them about my personal situation. They reassured me multiple times they were here for me, they would support me and that they’d do whatever they needed to do to help me out with this aspect of my life. It was definitely a tough conversation but I feel much better now that they know.
I’m sorry if this was incredibly unhelpful, I really hope you can have a calm, supportive conversation with your partner about this.
Stay hydrated, stay safe and be kind xx
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demon-that-slayed · 2 years
alright hello I'm already gonna warn you, this'll be long. btw, thank you sm for doing it, I'm really hyped! you're gonna do amazing, I know that, so do ti as you wish, full creative freedom. (btw, I'm gonna copypaste this because I've already written it once, hopefully that's alright with you)
okay! so. starting with me ig. i dont even know how to begin.
im listening to music atm. i always do - people that dont always listen to some music are kinda psychopaths if you ask me. like, if im not listening to music, i'll be listening to an audiobook or a podcast or be watching some video or netflix. i cant not do anything. i say i love reading, but the last time i read a book has been weeks ago. i just have reading slumps sometimes. not saying that i dont read regularly - god, no. i'll find enough fanfics and oneshots and shit to count for a book. but most of the time i can spare, i try to write. and at the moment, im really doing good! i write drabbles almost daily, and i try to finish a chapter for my actual wip bi-weekly. which... i gotta admit doesnt work all the time but im trying! im just a shit ton of a procrastinator. like, sometimes it physically hurts telling myself i need to do something but not being able to get up and actually do it. i kinda zone out a lot too when im forced to sit through something boring or just when i cant listen to music/watch something at the same time. i fidget a lot, too. so basically as you can see im always doing something, always have something going on inside my head, am quite loud. like, literally, im the loudest person i know, except for maybe my dad, and im really expressive. could be italian with how much i gesture.
for my hobbies, well, ive told you about some of them so far. im not really... sporty. in the slightest. and i dont like sports either. but the one thing i do indeed like is badminton, which i do somewhat regularly. i think i'd suck at quidditch, but, unlike football, i do believe i'd be interested in watching. also i just really want to fly a broom - like, if i could pick any animal to be, i'd be a bird. always would have said so in the past too. maybe a cat, just because i really love them, and am planning to get one as soon as i get my own apartment. i'll take one from the shelter, i think, and if i could pick it'd be a black one so i can call it toothless. i do have a dog right now tho, or rather my family does. i love her, but she's not as cuddly as i'd like her to be, which, i mean, is fine im trying my best not to step over her boundaries, but then again my love language most certainly is physical touch, so my favourite moments with her are when she just allows me to cuddle her in front of the fireplace. its kind of a tradition at this point when theres fire in there. what else is there to say?
ive said quite much already but i feel like im still missing some.
i guess im really insecure of some things. dont get me wrong, i know my strengths, and i fucking love correcting people, my ego is over the moon sometimes. im stubborn and i hate being wrong and i know that im obnoxious when i discuss, just because i cannot stop discussing if theres still something to discuss. but im trying to better, really. some of it at least. still, i am in fact really insecure it seems. i worry so much what people might think of me - i cant present anything to anyone other than my closest family or friends because my voice will start to shake and i will start to sound like im gonna cry. on the topic of that, i cry so so easily. its horrible, really. plus, i have huge anxiety and i get panic attacks regularly, which kinda fucks with my sleeping schedule because they always happen when i go to bed.
okay, but enough with the depressive shit, im not done talking about myself yet. if you let me talk about myself i can and i will write paragraphs. really, dont worry putting all of this into your response. just think of it as me being super happy youre doing this because, honestly, genuinely, i am.
but getting on with it. when im excited, im kinda... like a child, in a way. like i let out unnecessarily high pitched screams and i cant stop laughing when ive started, and i clap my hand in front of my mouth or shake my arms out. im just really, really emotional tbh.
my favourite feeling is melancholy though. its... beautiful, in a very terrifying way. its the kind of feeling you get when you think about your childhood, or old friends, or family members you dont see anymore. its a feeling but its so much more and - i dont know. i dont know how it couldnt be my favourite.
i love sunrises and sunsets and i love the sun in general. im a summer person, partly because im always really cold (my circulation in my hands and my feet is fucked lmao, plus my blood ran low on iron for a while) but like, its summer, i dont get how it cant be people's favourite. plus, my birthday is in june, and my birthday is my favourite holiday. with christmas following.
okay i match you with…
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okay so be warned this is a very bad description but i think you guys would be great with eachother like these are very random things sos I’ll make a list :
(these are like headcanons if that’s fine)
okay so at night when you can’t sleep, he’ll just like cuddle you and make sure you’re fine, and you would make him happy just being there I guess, yk
anyways you two would like bond on liking music and what books you like and you always would have like mini arguments which end in him sarcastically admitting youre right which makes you feel good even if it’s not bc atleast you are right about this song being better or this character being more beil. than the other.
in summer and winter you always dragged him out for the sunrise/sunset and like he would jokingly complain sometimes because he would melt in the heat because it was always cold in the dorms and he had his sweater on
in the winter though you would steal lots of his sweaters and wear them piled on top of eachother because you froze in the cold
also when the full moon was near you’d always like be there and make sure he’s okay and you’d be like there for eachother all the time and like
he would sarcastically/jokingly be annoyed at you but actually really enjoy being around you, especially before you guys date.
oh yeah and you have picture albums filled with pictures that you, remus, or someone else takes that fill the albums
anyways, i hope this was good, ive never done this before lmao
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noxyfied · 2 years
Hey, I am making a comic. Wanna hear about it?
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Being a busy person during the next couple of years, I managed to get something out of it. My digital skills have quite improved from their humble beginnings when I got my first drawing tablet. It was just then, I had to start new. I always been a story writer by heart, one who likes to put parts of their personal life into the stories I have written. But some may say:
"Well it is obvious everyone does that"
Yes! that is very so true, but I felt as I inserted too much of myself into these stories I was a self insert by that time.
Looking back, is it embarrassing? yes, and so will be the things past 2019.
Nevertheless, I had to start fresh. Be original, be something you can proudly stand in front of people and tell them without feeling as your pants just disappeared when the crowd is staring.
Well, it's 2020. What a year ain't it
Someone such as myself who graduated from college with a Illustrator degree came down to a big feeling of pride and motivation to finally start writing.
Something that connects to myself without really making me the protagonist in anyways, I had to create LIFE!.
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Make my own characters was first before anything else, this is better than nothing right?.
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I am getting there!
But what would be the media I would present this story with characters whom exist in this void in my head?
I am no literary writer so writing it to a book will not work.
I cannot animate for the life of me, so no.
Film? Get out of here! how am I supposed to get a purple fox and a blue hair woman from.
It did came to my mind that just like a light bulb moment, a graphic novel it is!
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Clearly I was getting somewhere...
...So it's 2022, about that comic I was about to make.
Well as changes through my art style came around, I now have 2 years of working in the digital medium, and I think I have improved from before right?
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Well I would like to say that I did. The whole reason it has taken this long is for the insecurity of the quality of the art, I thought i made the right choice since I was still very early on my digital years. While traditionally it was much longer, but this is different.
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2 Years is quite a lot, I felt ready. Although my biggest issue other than skill was the procrastination.
I may not come as the fastest worker you have known. That's it.
The true is that if i did not work on this now, then when? I do not want this to take any longer when I have already developed the story in my head, and have kept notes in my trusty notebook too.
This is not the year, at the moment I am still sketching pages for the comic...
the comic...
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The conic is called Nox & Neva! with a brief summary I want to come to mention what I used from my life to inspire me to make it the way how i want it to.
This is a story of a woman and a fox. yes a FOX (ice fox to be specific).
Throughout my years I have come to enjoy two types of media, dwelling into their individual communities and people. I am quite a fanatic of what I am presenting within the two and the world the live in.
the characters!
Nox: An ice fox in which who is very sleepy, very closed. Do they wish to have some company? maybe, that would be nice if they stumble upon it. Nox tends to live on their own apartment in which could use some cleaning. with that idea in mind; Nox would rather have someone clean it for them. What better way than hiring someone!.
Nox may come to be small, introverted, and perhaps not very talkative. But they do have some heart. Morals still have to be there right? Nox grew to learn them and learn about themselves.
Neva: Quite the girl, what can't she do!?
Well a lot of things, the perfect white collared worker of which you can put her in any type of job and she would instantly become number one at everything. With a few degrees from amazing schools, at what cost is all of that if she cannot open her apartment door to any guests?. Maybe working at so many offices, moving from place to place, has her have enough. At least for now, she quits her job and starts from zero, nothing looks good yet. Neva has quite the mind and body to be quite perfect, maybe a bit too perfect? She is still an extrovert, or she at least thinks. She is not good at parties. Neva just needs something more than a coworker, but a friend. how hard can that be right?.
This is Nox and Neva, the story of two quite different people who find to meet each other during a hiring, from a boss and worker to quite the friends.
How will they develop this friendship, or what will the discover from themselves thanks to the other. This is their beginning.
It's not easy to write, nor will it ever be. This is my chance to do this, and working 2 years on this means a lot to me. Reflecting on the story on yourself, and yeah you wish for success as much as for those fictional people. everyone has goals, and seek for it under their own story.
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But this is the beginning, their beginning. They will become friends, but it will take it's time. And so will a lot of things.
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But for me, I am having the best time of my life drawing these goobers.
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evilichu · 5 months
it's been a really long time since the last time i posted anything on this blog. like, really long. 2023 i think. maybe i should do an update but i have other things in my mind right now and i need to write them down just to clear my head.
topics -- self esteem issues, my relationship, college.
self esteem issues: i have let myself go. i don't even know what to say other than that. i'm very aware that i have a troubled relationship with food and weight in general, but it's been hitting me really hard lately; not because i've been restricting but the opposite. since i'm stressed i look for comfort in food and i can feel my belly growing bigger and my clothes feeling smaller. i'm getting so much fatter and i can barely look at myself in the mirror anymore. it's so fucking disgusting. but i can't stop eating, it's all i ever do. it's just so comforting, until i'm done eating and the realizations sets in and i wanna die. it's affecting my social anxiety as well, since i feel disgusting and look disgusting i obviously don't want anyone to see how bad i look. anytime i'm out i'm sure everyone can tell that i look a lot fatter than i used to and that i'm disgusting. i don't even wanna weigh myself in fear of the numbers that it might show me. god. anyway. that's topic one.
my relationship: my ex and i got back together. maybe some day i'll make a whole post about it but for now that's it. my attachment issues have resurrected because of it. i don't wanna blame the relationship in itself, but i did feel a shift in my mental health as soon as we went back together. we've been together almost a month now and things changed rather quickly. as time goes on he is getting more and more used to being with me and he's becoming less romantic. i'm aware that relationships lowkey work like that, you get used to the person but it doesn't mean you love them less. but i'm not like that at all, i think. i think about him all the fucking time even after a month and i wanna tell him i love him all the time and how pretty he is and all of that, and the only thing stopping me is that i think it would annoy him. i feel like it's unfair in some way, he started being so sweet and attentive with me and making me feel loved just to drop the act in like two weeks and now i can't even complain cuz he is "too busy". weren't you "too busy" two weeks ago too? it's not like you got a new job or promotion, you're doing the same thing but two weeks ago you'd take a minute to text me how much you miss me and now you simply don't. AND I KNOW! I KNOW THIS IS SUCH A NON-ISSUE! but that's what i mean, the attachment issues. if i wasn't so emotionally invested in every single little thing, if my entire mood didn't depend on three words written in a message app, then i would be absolutely fine. but i care, i care so fucking much and i feel so abandoned all the time. and i've been crying so much. and i'm putting too much pressure on him and i can't stop thinking that he's gonna dump me any day now. which, fair enough, but I CANNOT STOP. ugh.
college: i'm in college now and i'm a failure. i had never expected to be this bad at studying and it's affecting my pride so much. i can't focus for shit and i procrastinate so much it's embarrassing. i don't even know why i thought i could do this. i have my first real exam tomorrow and i am not ready at all and i can't study. i don't know what am i going to do. it's crazy.
i've been so angry at myself for all of these reasons that i am genuinely thinking of cutting again. i just can't take it. i don't wanna disappoint anyone, least of all my therapist (the only person i wouldn't be able to lie to) but i don't know what to do. i am so fucking angry that i can't do anything right and i'm fucking my own life up: my weight, my relationship, my career, i can't do it right. i feel like i do deserve the punishment.
but you know, that's my mental health for you.
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carinathefairy · 10 months
Hi once more butterfly's.
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Previously in my journaling i told myself i was tired and wanted to quit right? Well today is a different story i feel RESTLESS...
Why?! I don't fucking know, well maybe i know, i am too self aware to say those words....
I do know my life is a shit show of routine, nothing different happens, nothing exciting i don't maybe some secret agent could come around and tell me i am in danger and so i would need to learn to fight and shoot guns and travel throughout the world because i cannot be found....but no, my life consists in waking up late because my ass only feels at peace at 3 am in the morning, make lunch because i need to feed my grandfather, stay at home god knows why (well i live in the countryside and the next vila is an hour away walking...although i do that almost everyday because of the gym) i could walk around the land but i have a neghboir witch dogs sometimes are out the house and even the police going there and warning them it not worth it, i really don't like those dogs they are feral and bite....so getting out of the house most of the times is out of the question...i do have to go to the gym three times a week and because i technically was unemployed because the funds were getting short (i was one of the first to "go" i'm still there tho but no contract) i do need to go there to work so i do get out of the house but still routine i do know that in those exact days i will work and go to the gym! I cannot get out of the house too much too because i cannot leave my grandfather alone for like a hole day, like what if something happens to him and he is alone....
It is frustrating...
I want to learn a new craft but away from the eyes around me (sorry mom but you are a pain in the ass sometimes and i feel you, without intention, (maybe me too because i have this belief) ruin my ideas/goals etc) So i can do it with alone, i am too much of perfectionist and i procrastinate a lot and having people around that can see what i am doing worsens the procrastination....
I hate myself for being the way i am right, truly do....these version of me these days is shit total shit...i know we should love ourselfs even in the worst times...but bitch i am a crying, procrastinator, lame, not doing enough, just existing, victimizing piece of ass that is just floating around eating for something without even moving her ass...that is what i am right now, a disgusting place of shit that does nothing for herself and maybe others (cannot let my people pleasing go tos waste on this)
So yha, i hate this version of me right now do i want to change it?! Fuck yah i do! Am i doing something to change it?! Fucking no i am not...
That is the worse part knowing that and doing nothing...
I have a thing that if i get out of this house everything will be much easier for me and i will start doing this...but what if it is just an idea i put in my head and actually does not work...
I want to give a try and see if i compose myself after i get out of this place but it is hard to find a house...i don't have stable income to pay rent yet...so i am fucked...and seams that i don't want to do anything here an less i get out of this house and leave somewhere else....
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What a fucking rant today...what a fucking rant..
I must say sorry today, seems to much but i need to write...
Beautiful butterfly's stay safe and like always i am not going to say love yourself today because sometimes we do hate ourselfs and it is the cruel truth for that present...try to love yourself the next day and see how it goes.
Love you all!! ✨💜✨
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The world deserves more of your rants
Thank you. Here’s another hot fucking take regarding a marauders fandom favorite: The Prank
buckle up kiddos this is a long one
Snape already suspected (AND WAS TELLING OTHER STUDENTS HIS SUSPICIONS) that Remus was a werewolf when Sirius told him how to get past the Willow
everyone just loves to turn this into a whole wolfstar angst fest of betrayal and tragedy and Snape threatening Sirius or Remus or whatever.
i literally am so fucking sick of that.
i cannot fucking stand it.
why you gotta go and reduce complex/interesting storylines and concepts and just boil them down to gay-wolfstar-angst-poor-hurt-remus-this-is-just-a-glitch-in-the-love-story-oh-no-he-betrayed-the-person-he-loved-most-boyfriend-drama/angst????  and
can y’all not read??!?!?
third book: remus fucking SAYS, while explaining the incident, that snape ‘was very interested in where i went every month. he’d seen me crossing the grounds with madame pomfrey one night.’ seventh book. the pensive. Snape to Lily: ‘there’s something odd about that Lupin kid…where he disappears to every month. ON THE FULL MOON.’ Lily to Snape: ‘I KNOW YOUR THEORY and I’m not interested’…. 
snape fucking knew exactly what he was getting into. even if it hadn’t been confirmed, he went, intentionally, to catch remus, to get proof that he was right and remus was a werewolf, AS HE ALREADY SUSPECTED. snape, for all his numerous flaws, is not stupid. he went in after remus, knowingly on a full moon, with the active suspicion that remus was, and would be turning into a werewolf. i don’t understand why everyone wants to ignore the fact that snape knew what he was getting into/doing. and snape did it anyways. snape ALREADY suspected remus was a werewolf. He was already telling his friends his suspicions. stop ignoring his culpability. 
and also. just. there is so much to explore with this (admittedly super fucking trope of all marauders fanfic), and i genuinely cannot comprehend why everyone wants to take the same least nuanced, least interesting route that has been done 100000 times before. look, you can still have your wolfstar (if you want) and actually explore ‘the prank’ with nuance. but i just am so fundamentally opposed to like 98% of all depictions of The Prank I’ve read. also. i think the whole fandom trope reasoning behind why sirius did it, his motives, what happened, and all that are just…most takes are just flat. wrong. boring. whatever. 
(disclaimer) now this is speculation, but i doubt sirius was trying to kill snape. i doubt snape was ‘threatening him’ (or remus). i doubt sirius even really thought it through. i suspect it was much more along the lines of snape trying to get answers, asking what they’re doing in there, why remus goes there, every month, on the full moon. saying he saw reums with pomfrey. he knows he’s doing something. and saying he’ll catch them and get them expelled. and sirius basically being like, alright, if you’re so curious and you think you know so much, here’s how you can follow him. i also think that wizards, and wizard kids in particular, have a crazy distorted sense of danger of what can actually kill you (there was a meta on tumblr about this somewhere). sirius, by this point, was an animagus and hanging out with a werewolf every month. this makes him lose perspective on how dangerous all of this shit is. yes it’s still super shitty and fucked up and absolutely a betrayal and wrong on sooo many levels. i have way more to say on this but i’m wasting so much time already putting the pro in procrastination. 
point is: i’m fucking tired of the classic ‘the prank’ trope.
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