#i can't get too caught up in how much work goes into it tho bc then i'll never even start
wereh0gz · 27 days
wanna make a game so bad
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noxx-33i · 6 months
Hello I have come to word vomit RGB trio thoughts and headcanons. Beware some of these will probably be nonsensical and not in order.
I think skate has the worst fashion taste out of the three. I can't say much on this though cause I also have an atrocious sense of fashion/lh
Boombox and to an extent Skate talk in 80's slang. Like radical, bodacious, hella, etc. 80's coded boombox just lives in my head rent free and i can't kick him out/silly
Their alcohol tolerance from lowest to highest goes: Skate, BB, Sling
BB and Skate crash at Slingshot's place ALL the time. At this point even Shuri and Vine are used to them just random showing up
^^continuing this I think they like to enter through anywhere but the window. Most especially Skate. BB at the very least is willing to act like a Normal person and use the door SOMETIMES. Skate however if he uses the door you'll bet that he's going in on his board. Whether or not he immediately crashes and breaks something inside is another thing/lh
Sometimes they'll just have Katy Perry Sessions with Shuriken. Like literally just listening to Katy Parry. Don't. Don't ask why I don't know either/lh
^^they have California Gurlz memorized.
If one of them does a crime none of them are snitching. If one goes down they all go down if one admits to it the other two will admit to it too. No bro left behind/silly
Sling is the smartest academically in their group and is probably the best at math. Not saying he's a prodigy im just saying BB and Skate are probably dumb as shit with math /lh+aaff
Sometimes Skate likes to record his Sick Moves™ and sometimes it would Also be in a place he proooobably shouldnt be in so Sling and BB take turns being on either camera duty or watch duty. Whether either of them are good at it is a different discussion/silly
Skate was caught stealing by the police once but BB was there and somehow he managed to trick them into believing he was Skate's lawyer and that he did not steal anything. Sling watched from the distant absolutely flabbergasted
Sling prices his menu very high and whenever someone asks he's just like "Oh yk, inflation!" and somehow it always works
they like setting fireworks off at night. Sometimes BB can't come cause he's too tired from work or something tho so
Despite Slingshot being the most academically smart in the group Boombox is the one who would hesitate when given a big shiny red button that could nuke Crossroads. Sling and Skate would see a shiny red button and go "ooo shiny" then BOOM!!!! /silly
idk if you want this but I have an au with my friend using the skins ingame (and some we made up for it hehe) where Snowboard and Rainbox were highschool best friends and they would get into shenanigans together like light theft (Rain is the distraction), parties maybe, etc andddd I love them very much
Snow in the au has canonically tried to rizz up a girl (in High School) only to bag her boyfriend AND her brother
^^The au takes place years later when Snowboard is in college (in Blackrock college cause there's no faction wars in this au) and when he comes back he finally meets Cozyshot who is Rain's roommate and erm my friend likes skateshot so I think you can tell what happens next (GAY PEOPLE) /silly
Okay im gonna stop rmabling now have a good day silly muah/p
IM GONNA RAMBLE TOO AND Oh my god ur so right on the first one.
SKATE HAS TERRIBLE FASHION SENse. I can smell it. Hes so sweaty he doesnt care ab his looks too much but bb would say "youre not going out like that
YES I AGREE. Boombox is stuck in the 80s and he doesnt want to leave. Im actually picking up these habits i wanna say rad so bad.
Skate being the lowest is the funniest shit wver bc i love bullying his ass. Did you tell i put NO EFFORT in his stupid hc reveal HEELP
I FEEL LIKE ONE DAY THEY MIGHT GET A SECRET HANGOUT PLACE… like fully furinisjed and with ac and all that fancy shit. How? Idk illegally? They probably have board games and dnd sessions with trusted friends who keep the place a hush
Bro theyre not normal they will never be normal… "GUYS HOW DID YOU GET IN" // "We lock picked your door" // "WHAT THE FUCK"
> lowkey skate would learn lock picking for fun and hed get so good at it he would be tempted to steal more stuff
>> that being said.. rob the bank?/ref
LOWKEY i feel like bb was a nerd in his younger years but grew out of it… he would probably like science facts and everyone thinks hes smart but hes not.. AND YES sling being math smart is so real teehee. Hes the expenses guy but also cant stop himself from spending more than he needs to
Skate n BB would get into so much trouble but no one can ever find them guilty in some fucking way and it makes the authorities so mad
Ironically id like to think Zuka easily catches them doing dumb shit but he doesnt care enough to report it
Sling has probably done tax evasion one or two times.. or more….
Ok cute hcs to vomit out… with ur mention of tired boombox i feel like sling and skate would immediately go to bbs place and crash not in a chaotic way but like ogghd.. ÖIKE THEY MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER BY GIVING SNACKS OR MASSAGES TO HELP HIM LOSE STRESS
Literally any time one of the RGB members get their vibes off its instantly to care land bc bcbc bc 😞😞🙁🙁😞😞😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *sobbing crying throwing up* theyr besties 😭😭 this xan be both platonic or romantic i legit do not care i love BOTH
With that in mind i feel like whenever skate and bb crash over sling would have a few of their favorite pastries from his cafe saved in his fridge… like dog treats LMAOO
This is likge.. dog-cat-dog relationship… but all are chaotic as fuck /silly
that au makes me think of sling with glasses for some reason… i need to draw so bad….!!!!;!2!
And they were roommates /ref+j
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td-frog · 4 months
thoughts on dcas e9
elimination (& cyan team)
tess is just hands-down the best person on this show. as soon as they revealed the joint elimination i was pretty sure she was going home bc it made sense for gabby to join the villains and tess was the most likely candidate
that said she was so mature and genuine throughout this episode and is maybe the only person who just refuses to get caught up in the drama. i'm so curious to see ally's reaction and how it compares to hunter's elimination.
i do think this guarantee's cyan team can't lose again before the merge, although merge is probably soon so that doesn't necessarily matter. tom and aiden is an interesting alliance in this game bc they're so close but really only with each other, and i think might have a hard time building bridges post merge as well.
also i get why gabby is the way she is but she is very much a type of person i find very frustrating irl (specifically the "how can you expect me to not take ellie's elimination as a personal attack?" stuff) which i think is why i'm not enjoying her character as much as i'd like
tomjake (& magenta team)
kudos to aiden for calling tom out on the boyfriend lie so they could actually talk about it and maybe work through something
i do think it's funny how tom finally got to be like "okay i should actually address this" but jake is at the point of "the only reason you'd be bringing that up in the middle of a challenge is to distract me." miscommunication kings
also i would like to see jake and ally become friends. i think they could do it. idk if they will.
yulgrett (& yellow team)
god i need this man out of the team. actually i think i really need grett on a better team. i totally get why she's not standing up for herself but she needs better support- riya telling her yul's a shithead was good but she was so mean about it :( give grett a friend!
alec being a comically bad father tho is so funny "oh i couldn't enjoy the beach bc my son got badly injured in a sandbox and i didn't notice or care bc i was busy reading. so sad for me :("
i'm thinking maybe one more challenge before the merge, that i'd expect yellow team to lose. i don't think cyan or magenta can lose again now, cyan bc they'd boot gabby which kills her narrative too early, and magenta bc jake and ally both have Stuff going on (love triangle and tess leaving) that feel like they need to play out more (and ashley wouldn't go home).
(i guess cyan could lose if gabby had immunity, but i doubt that)
reason i'm not expecting the merge next episode: with gabby joining the villains it'd be a 5v5 split of villains/non-villains, and i just don't see tom/jake/aiden working together this soon, especially if the best they can do is tie. it makes more sense to me that they'd cut out one of yellow team (probably yul, if grett can finally stand up to him) so that post-merge it's 4v5 and they have the drama of "non-villains have to ALL work together to win"
i think villain drama will blow up completely next episode regardless, and most likely yul goes home. there may also be something with the bit at the end about rule breaking, which i'm guessing was emily helping yul? but idk how that'll play into it.
i think ally will be way more torn up about tess leaving than she was about hunter (that's been my prediction since hunter got out). they could do something interesting with her and jake's respective relationship drama.
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silvercrane14 · 3 months
Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War - two students are in love with eachother but refuse to "lose" and admit their feelings. Instead, they have increasingly convoluted plans to get the other to confess.
Okay I will admit. this Is a romance and also ive only seen the anime. So actually this would fall more under anime recs bcs the english dub voice acting is AMAZING. Anyway tho its a comedy that I really enjoy. Its about romance but like. Idk I dont read/watch romance often so I cant say "its not like the standard romance plot". But its less about them Falling In Love and more about them Overthinking Everything And Being Silly. ALSO !! tho it takes a bit, it does go into the characters a lot. Very centred on the characters relationships !! Not just romantically between the main two, but in general.
Why I think you would like it: similar in "vibe" to nozaki-kun. Funny!! But it has its moments of seriousness and it understands its characters well.
Mushishi - Eye Have Not Read This im sorry 🙏 i havent even seen the anime so I dont actually know much about it but ive been recced it so many times I figure I should pass it to you.
If u like Natsume's Book of Friends you'll enjoy this. Genuinely I think this is my strongest rec for you on this list even tho I've never seen it. I really do think u wld enjoy 👍
"Two young teens who can't sleep find companionship with each other. They must learn to overcome any challenges and figure out what's important to them."
Why I think you would like it: Ive heard its similar to Skip to Loafer in a way!!
Girls Last Tour - Two young girls explore a post-apocolyptic wasteland. They go through abandoned buildings and old towns in their journey, battling solitude eith only eachother
This one is a little sad. More likeeee. Meloncholy, yk? I dont have much to say about it. Very good manga.
Why I think you would like it: The character relationship between the two girls seems like something you would enjoy.
Look Back - to be super honest its been over a year since I read this I dont fully remember what happens. Theres this girl wjo draws comics for her elementary school newsletter. Shes funny so every1 really likes her and her comics. at some point another comic appears, but its actually just four panels of background art. Its so beautifully drawn that the other students begin to fawn over it. Angry kver her loss of attention, the first girl goes to meet the girl making these new comics (The background girl doesnt go to school, she works at home). Thr end up becoming friends and the story shows how their friendship develops and changes, growing closer and growing further apart.
The manga is p short for. a manga but its actually just a Really Long oneshot. Its rlly good. not much else to say.
Why I think you would like it: Very similar to Blue Period. About art and how it reflects people. Also very strongly driven by the relationship between the two girls.
The Girl From The Other Side - ive been typing so much i really cant give a whole review on this. Similar to WHA. kinda. beautiful art. read it u will enjoy it
Kaguya-sama I watched the first two seasons of! Maybe I should read the manga too, I did think it was fun
Mushishi I watched maybe the first episode of, but I should definitely try again,,, I don't remember anything about it lol
I've read Insomniacs After School!!! I'm definitely not caught up though, and I've been planning on watching the anime,,,
Girls Last Tour I,,, might have seen? At least part of it a long time ago. I'll have to rewatch/read the manga
Look Back sounds really interesting,,, I'll check that one out!!!
I'm actually reading The Girl from the Other Side in Portuguese rn lol I have volumes 1-5 on my shelf
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blkkizzat · 12 days
Helppp I feel so dumb for not knowing that was already on your kicktober list from last year 😭🙏 not me being proud of myself for thinking I came up with a good, original idea 🥲
ANYWAYS... I know you still have a bunch of works to get to from last year but I honestly have a lot more ideas I think that are original or not that popular.
I don't really expect you to use these tho just because I'm pretty sure you have a bunch of ideas aswel!!!
Ok moving on. 🤩
it would have drugging (not really a kink 🤷‍♀️),EXTRA dirty talk, and public sex 😍
He’s been watching you for a while now ever since you caught his eye while bartending at a local club, after following you home every night,needing to know more about you, one night he comes to the club, offering you a “friendly” drink on him, but who knows what he does with it once you turn your back 😈
that’s basically the “plot”, you can change it however u want 😭 I tried to keep it short so you could think of some ideas for it yourself 🫠
(I have 0 idea how to write) but i definitely think it would be noncon/dubcon but reader would enjoy/consent in the end, like you said in your general warnings on kinktober 23
Okk I’m pretty sure this was already done before but I have my own twists 🤭
Virginity Loss (reader), Monsterfucking, Dumbification
Your friends were all talking about how they already lost their virginity and it made you feel left out that you couldn’t relate, so you do some research on the internet on how to easily lose your virginity and find out about Succubus’s, you do some deep digging and find out how to actually summon one! Obviously thinking it’s not gonna work, you follow the directions.
I didn’t know how to end it off so it’s a bit trashy… I actually really like this idea 😫
I know he’s a cult leader in general but in a lot of peoples AUs he isn’t, plus i imagine this one a little darker, anyways it would have sex toys, bondage, edging.
You join a cult bc some reason you wanted to, you were a total newbie when you first joined in, you didn’t know where anything was or any of the rules, so you end up roaming the halls in the middle of the night, trying to create a map in your head, until clutleader!Geto finds you mindlessly wandering around and decided to take likening to you.
I could have totally continued going but…yknow 🤷‍♀️ you don’t have to use these at all there just plus you already used all these characters from last year, I just thought it would be fun sharing it, you can totally switch up the kinks to your liking if you do decide to use one of these, I just picked out ones that went well with the idea.
Nooo 🪼 pookiess dont feel bad! That just means its an extra good idea if we both thought it up!
Stalker!Toji - so my YOU fic The Nursery is pretty much stalker Toji. But I can do more of a one shot kidnapping scenario as—omg wait you just gave me such a good idea and it has nothing to do with this but its still for toji dfjhadskhsdfkj. I can't spill the tea now until i work it out more but *kisses u*
Succubus!Sukuna - hehe is this genderbent sukuna? Succubus is the female demon that goes after males and Incubus is the male demon that goes after females. I can do something similar though like with a ouija board or something. its been done before so i would have to think of something unique for him. (also i might end up doing incubus!geto)
CultLeader!Geto - you know ive never done anything for him as a cult leader. Theres been so many delicious fics too, but I will think of something. Definitely could explore something here. Although I do write my readers kinda sassy so let me think on how this would go down. This also could just be bimbo reader. fhsdksjhdjkfshdbv.
But tysm for the ideas!! I do appreciate them. Even if I don't use them it can be nice just to get the prompts as that helps me with other fics too! 💓 🫶🏽
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redandblackpoetry · 4 months
ur writing is top-tier so no worries there, and it's very writer of u to say u like to break characters and put them back together. fic writers are a different breed istg LMAO
eldritch monsters and their workings being left vague is actually v interesting to me bc what ppl don't know, they fear, so it's actually a good way to write horror stuff i feel like. however the good lil student in me who has taken kind of detailed biology lessons several years ago says that i am very much grateful for and on board with u giving them a nerf in the sense of needing nutrition bc FUCK IT i tried to explain and continue this sentence but after failing to get out what i wanted to say and deleting my words like 4 times, i've come to the conclusion that i'm too lazy to get into its details but. yeah it makes sense. anyway it's insane to read that cthulhu is ghost's nephew from a neutral point of view, i hope u know. i wanna learn more abt this where is my time machine i need to go to a point of time in which this fic is finished and all my questions are answered so that i can come back and bug u abt how much i loved reading it
also this fic made me google lovecraft a bit and. is it just me or does he look a bit like samuel roukin. am i crazy???? simon riley is canonically h. p. lovecraft confirmed????
for the remembering details stuff, idk abt other readers but i am abysmal at it. which is why i actually forgot u've mentioned roach before, i caught that detail at the time but i wait one day and my brain bluescreens so i was like will roach be here? that's why i reread ur entire fic from the start when there's an update so i don't miss anything. anyway 6-story-tall-but-somehow-still-smol!ghost is like actually one of my favorite things now bc considering what he is and how simon's body is like BUILT is hilarious to me. imagining him pulling the 'but i'm tiny' card on some situation and the rest of the 141 going 'the fuck did u say bitch???' is just amazing. also gaz going 'yes u are' and metaphorically squishing his cheeks would be insanely brilliant, so.
oh and simon and ghost are murder bfs btw. that's their duo name. u can thank me for it later. bUT HOLD THE FUCK UP TF DO U MEAN UR CONSIDERING WRITING THE ONE THING I TOLD U I WAS SCARED OF SEEING??? PLS NO (do it it'd be so funny) (by funny i mean i'd have a breakdown and start sobbing uncontrollably) (do it anyway, i wanna see the world burn)
monsterfucker simon is. i approve. i am physically grinning after reading that paragraph, i hope u know. he's like 'fucking monsters up since 2009' *sees ghost* 'my bad, let me correct myself: fucking monsters since 2009' anyway i am very pleased to have gotten u thinking abt naughty soap/ghost/simon bc. i am like !!!! at the idea of reading ur take on that dynamic v much!!!!!!!! pls soap would be so over his head i am. i'm Interested. (making that my motto these days thanks to u)
mermay roach!!!!!! he's!!!! baby!!!!! he deserves the spotlight!!!!!! yes pls!!!!!!!!! my inbox is open and also i am ready to spare my leftover one and a half neurons for this as it is a worthy cause, tyvm
but yeah venom is my hidden obsession. and now that u've mentioned it yeah that plot is v close to it and. i'm. i'll sob. i'll actually sob wait please venom au goes so hard with ur ghost????? i'll cry i can't believe this fic doesn't exist in this very second, i'll sit down and have a temper tantrum like a 5yo right this second bc all these ideas we've talked abt so far aren't existing in like a 100k+ fic form that i can read to sleep tonight bc that's a travesty, how dare the world inconvenience me like this?????
the length of these asks are making me feel like a poor, stranded wife in the 1900s sending letters to her soldier husband who is off to fight in a war btw. come back home mutual, i miss u <3
Fic writers truly are a different breed, its honestly fascinating how popular hurt/comfort fics are, tho I do understand it
I am constantly at war with myself over how much do I explain versus how much do I leave up to the mystery/horror of it. I'm glad you enjoyed my giving them nutrition! Would you believe I'm kinda terrible with biology and several of the squishy sciences? Because I absolutely am, history and literary analysis was always my stronger suits. And yeah its bonkers to say shit like Cthulhu is Ghost's nephew without any context, you're gonna love the next chapter because family tree shits gonna get crazy
If you invent a time machine can you let me know so I can also read my own fic and take notes?
And I did not realize they looked so similar before! Huh!
And you reread my fic when there's a new chapter??? Can you hear by brain bluescreen?
1,000% thats how it would go, Gaz would be like 'absolutely a tiny and adorable (giant) Ghost', Soap would be somewhere between turned on by the size different and baffled swearing about how hes a big motherfucker, Price would be like 'if Ghost is the small one how big are his kind usually?'
Hell yeah murder boyfriends! (And you're in luck because I sometimes like burning the world)
I'm glad you approve of monsterfucker simon lol, glad I made you smile! Soap would definitely be in over his head, but he would definitely enjoy every minute of it, I think he would like being ruined in the best way possible (and I will accept that motto of yours gladly)
Darling, sweet roach! My problem is I love developing characters and worlds but plot, I suck at making a plot. I might consult your askbox in the future for wisdom
I am also upset that these ideas arent 100k fics and given time I'll roll up my sleeves and say if no one else will I'll do it myself, god I love the idea of a venom au
I will gladly accept your letters while I'm off in the War (different time zone), love hearing from you as always. I await your next letter, beloved mutual as I fight in the trenches of poly 141 ideas
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broodyjoey · 5 months
Fucking gonna off myself living in this dang house I can't fucking be arsed with this shit
I hate existing because of this place, I wish I could be as lucky as my other friends who have found themselves some place else to be,
my friend who got punched and choked by her abusive mother, she got herself a rich boyfriend and she stays in his house and her elder brother's new house when her bf does long work trips, my other friend's mother finally came to retrieve her from her abusive father and she stays in a big house now.
Only me and one of my close friends have to stay in an abusive house with no way out, he has someone to hold on to tho. He has a lover in the west.
I have abusive ex's (1 went to jail) and have to stay in an abusive home.
Justice? Wtf is that? Dunno, might be a mythical creature.
I don't think I'll ever see the light in the end of this dark tunnel anymore. I'm giving up, I've gotten hope and given up so many fucking times... I can't count it anymore.
No matter, I feel numb now.
Numbingly sad.
So not totally numb yet. I'm thinking maybe I should smoke or sniff something... But maybe not, I have a addictive personality.
I wish I had a partner that wouldn't sexually assault and/or physically assault me. I fantasize and dream that I can stay there and live a happy life, having a place to put my belongings.
Or my partner has a relative where there's a safe place I can stay in the guest room, have my own room, do my own thing, have privacy for the first time in my life.
I can't even be in the toilet in peace in this current shit place, in my fantasies I can be in solitude in "my" room. A room of my own to stay in.
No more pain, no more sudden attacks, no more disturbance in the toilets. No more throwing my clothes just to make way for a fucking hoarder that doesn't even wear those fucking clothes.
I can do what I've wanted, too long too afraid of being caught doing something I wanted to do. I don't even have my own personality because having my own thoughts means getting punished. Because it goes against what my narc mom wants.
Always have to be the quiet punching bag, mustn't make a sound when they lack money or they'll hurt you.
Life not worth living, just like walking around in hell.
I'm scolded for eating too. They don't care that I starve and ache.
I just want to be loved safely in a person's arms. So lucky are my friends and sister that they have a nice partner that has space for them in their home.
Me? I'm just suffering with no hope. In this shit house, shit trauma from exs, in this shit life, got SA'd before I even got my 1st bf/gf, 1st bf only wanted me because I could replace his favorite gf, my life has been nothing but in vain.
In my religion, material goods are vices and you should let go of these. Well, without material, I would have jumped off the roof. It's because of all the merch I bought, so I stay and fight. Because of the mobile games I play, bcs of the dress I want, bcs of the food I want.
That's why I'm still alive, and I save up for it so I have a goal to live for these. Without material, I would've died long ago.
Maybe the real escape to this hell and purgatory is death? I dunno if this life is real or this is just a shit simulation on how fast can I escape this. Sick fuck created an escape room and called it life. Maybe that's what this shit existence is...
At this point, I'm so mentally ill from so much pain, that I need to come up with theories to cope with the pain. Because if this is all there is to existing, then why am I made to go through all this?
Why am I a guinea pig in the emotional distress and physical abuse tolerance experiment and why am I put into the group where all the bad things happen?
This is secretly the bad place like in the show "the good place" right?
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desertdiscs · 1 year
I am so chill and normal about q.smp (has watched/skimmed 5 diff day 1 povs and 2 diff day 2 povs) (i am so not normal about this it's so embarrassing actually bc like i am 10x more obsessed than anyone else i know)
(it's kinda nice tho bc since they're stream vods i can just play in the bg while i do work and don't have to worry much if i tune it out while they're alone)
I've been livetweeting a lot but tldr;
they're so unhinged and nothing is off limits I'm obsessed. so glad we have relationship histories, flirting, and gay sex and circumcision as canon already. shout-out to m.ariana for literally making his intro a dating profile. can we finally start shipping characters w/o ppl acting like you're breaking the law now.
w.ilbur is so embarrassing but like. it's endearing and his entire pov had me giggling and excitable like a kid w too much candy
c.harlie is HILARIOUS no matter who he's with, truly. language barriers does Not stop it! he's so peak comedy honestly, I'm so glad q added him.
I'm still learning abt l.uzu but I'm so obsessed w his design and his convos i have seen and understood have been fun!! obsessed w how his first response to will trolling him is to "in 20 days, destroy everything he loves." His convos w P.hil were super chill but nice to listen to and I'm excited 2 see more of him!! esp since he seems to alr be leaning into the RP. I get the feeling as a Wil fan that I'm gonna like him a lot, more than i already do. (I hope they develop a gay ass rivalry when W.ilbur gets back bc I cannot see this going any other way but Will getting SO EXCITED to obsessively beef w him.)
P.HIL CALLING R.OIER A PUPPY WHEN HE TRIED TO THREATEN HIM IS SO FUCKING FUNNY AGDNBDNFJF LITERALLY 0 SHITS GIVEN. literally just sat there shaking his head smiling and humoring r.oier and m.issa. dad-coded fr. (semi-related but i still can't believe L.UZU IS 37 AND THE OLDEST ON THE SERVER?? I THOUGHT HE WAS LIKE. WILL'S AGE.)
f.oolish and m.ariana 😭 i did not see the s.quidcraft event that they became boyfriends at nor do I care to but i am so obsessed w them already. I care they... they're so CUTE and the DRAMA btwn them... i can't help it. I'm weak. I love it.
r.oier is so fucking funny man. his humor seems to be like 90% sex jokes and i am HERE FOR IT. (i have the humor of a 12yo boy <3)
v.egetta is SO NICE wtf... fucked up. I think i read he wants to start a cult but like idec. start ur cult king u deserve it!! (giving big c.rowfather vibes if true tho but like. that's a vibe so.) idk much else abt him so far tho other than he became a stripper and pole danced for f.oolish and co. yesterday and is Absolutely making sex jokes too tho so! am v interested to learn more.
q teaching the eng speakers absolutely kills me inside. My Spanish is like, Spanish 1 level but like, i know enough from growing up around it that certain stuff he says I'm like 😭 oh no... oh no. it's so funny tho esp when f.oolish just repeats what he says w/o knowing what it means. god bless. I'm super excited 2 see where he takes all of this tho and what he does w his characters!!
I only caught glimpses of r.ubius yday but I'm so fascinated by his character. super excited to see where this goes.
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myohmyimanxious · 2 years
- Alador wasn't present for any of his children's births. Not bc he didn't want to be, but bc odalia wouldn't allow him time of work to do so
- He was so happy to see amity grow up looking more like him with the brown hair and similar traits
- He wishes he put up more of a fight against odalia for how she treated their kids, and feels guilty about not being more present and standing up for them
- Eda and Raine were the worst people to put together, bc they caused C H A O S during their hexside days
- Sometimes Lilith, Darius, Alador and Perry would also join in, but it was mostly Eda and Rainey
- They have a Look™️ which means LETS CAUSE TROUBLE ON PURPOSE
- It's part of the reason Darius sought out Raine for the rebellion and knowledge
- Darius and Raine and Eberwolf always played pranks of Adrian Graye but never got caught. Adrian found it infuriating
- Darius takes Hunter in after everything goes down
- Eberwolf lives next door and likes to cause chaos and wrangles hunter into doing it too much to Darius's dismay
- Mud baths are a staple. But hunter and eber have to be hosed down before being allowed back into the house
- Hunter begged for Darius to tell him about his predecessor after the dust settled. It took Darius a while to do so but he did eventually
- Lilith will not hesitate to punch anyone who disrespects hooty
- They're ride or die pals forever and always
- Hooty still kinda freaks Raine out even after all this time
- Hunter and Amity have a secret pact that is basically if one of them needs the other for any kind of fight they come no questions asked
- They also go to each other when talking about childhood trauma
- Luz and Gus bond over losing a parent
- They first do so in the human realm when Gus asks about her dad
- Gus's mum died when he was like 5 or 6 so he doesn't remember her very well other than that she was ill for most of his childhood
- Gus has no idea how strong he is
- He was arm wrestling amity and accidentally hurt her arm bc he was so into it
- The hexsquad don't get it when Luz calls him Lennie after that, and she won't elaborate
- Willow gives people specific plants to certain people as gifts
- For example, Gus gets one that symbolisies friendship, amity gets one symbolising strength, Luz gets one symbolising honour, and hunter gets one symbolising love
- The way the others had to hold back tears when she gave them out made her cry as well
- Hunter is terrible at sharing unless it's with Gus or Willow
- Eda will bite you if you try and take food from her plate
- Raine tried once, they never tried afterwords tho
- Lilith and hooty go off on little adventures every now and then
- King and Luz always refer to each other as brother and sister, even in the human realm
- King is also very clingy over Luz and Eda now (more so than before)
- I like to think that if the collector is tamed and looked after they get to be a real kid, who doesn't cause chaos for the sake of it
- I also like to think that the collector and hunter would be close almost like a sibling relationship but not quite?
- Like the collector is like MY GRIMWALKER HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME and hunter is like this is my star child who I can't get rid of
- Initially, bc of this, the collector is clingy with hunter and somewhat jealous of his other friends but soon grows used to it
- Hunter is basically their parent but also sibling? Like I say it's an odd dynamic
- King and the collector often hang but it's a little awkward at first
- Lilith and Raine actually get along really well once they properly get to know each other, tho they don't hang out much
- When the do they just embarrass Eda
- Luz is still very much an outcast at school when she returns to the human realm but it doesn't bother her in the same way as it did before
- She's a lot harder now so stands up for herself and others more as a result of her time in the Boiling Isles
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
Older h girl coming over h’s work unexpectedly and harry is working in his office and when she goes in there she’s like “hi baby. sorry I’ll let you work, I just brought you lunch” and he’s like “no come sit and eat with me” and when she goes to sit in the chair across from his desk he’s like “over here love” cus he wants her to sit in his lap😞 so she goes and sits in his lap and they are just talking and chatting and Harry is being so 😚😚😚 all over her and she’s giggling and like “you know if you want something all you have to do is ask” and he’s like “can a man not be nice to his girlfriend with out wanting some thing? I don’t want anything” and she’s like “what’s that poking my bum then hm?” And he hides in her neck cus he actually embarrassedddddd because he really wasn’t trying to make a move, he was hopping she didn’t feel it tho and he’s like “sorry I just get them some times. Nothing sexual but just….you’re just here siting in my lap letting me kiss you while playing with my hair” and she’s like “ah. Affection stiffy yeah?” And he’s blushinggggg “stoppp y/n” and she’s giggling and then gets off his lap to sit on her knees in between his legs and is like “I know something that can help those though, yeah?” While putting her hair in a ponytail 🧍‍♀️
stop stop stop im so obsessed w this:( like hes just excited to see her first of all when he sees her pop her head into his office and hes just :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when she agrees to come in and eat w him and share his little lunch she packed hes even more excited having her on his lap and its completely innocent just talking to her and feeding her bites here and there and all and theres kisses and she plays w his hair and its so :( and she just...is so cute he loves her so much and shes all wrapped up on his lap all giggly and smiley and maybe a little squirmy since hes got her all giggly so he can't help himself when he gets a little hard and hes really hoping she doesn't notice but as soon as she gets all whispery and "whats that I feel poking into my bum huh???" he knowsssss hes caught hes a little embarrassed bc he really wasn't trying to start anything shes just too cute to ignore:( so he puts his face in her neck but hes all smiley and his face is getting a little red and im sorry baby I din't mean to really:( I promise I just want to sit and eat w you I just get them sometimes when youre being so sweet w me:(and she gets a little smushy too bc hes so cute and ohhhhh its cause u love me so much u get hard??? and he cant help but laugh at her and pretty girl stop itttt I didn't mean toooooo:( and shes just giggly and smiley and getting a little shy but she knows what she wants to do for him so she gives him a little kiss and I think I know how I can help though if thats alright? and shes just moving to sit on her knees at his feet watching ofr his reactions if he doesn't want her to do this but when she puts her hair up hes immediately spreading his legs to let her sit between them and pushing the baby hairs that missed her ponytail back from her face and hes just veryyyyyy clearly excited about her idea
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i-writes-things · 3 years
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All stories will be platonic or parently (all so far are mama!nat :D)
? = Hurt/comfort
\ = Angst
# = Fluff
Mis>\%# (<3 +)
summary- Not feeling so good after a long mission
- No.1
- No.2
Forever and Always... (+ <3)
summary- You accidentally call Natasha 'mom' as you start to warm up to the team more.
Mom!? (+ <3 #)
summary- You are not scared of anything, but that isn't completely true, there is one thing you are deathly afraid of..
Tryouts (+ <3 #)
summary- You get sick at soccer tryouts...
Whistle (<3 + \ #)
summary- black widow spoilers
You visit your mothers grave
Thank you. (<3 \ +)
summary- You have been at the Compound for only a week, and the redhead has been almost like a parent figure towards you the whole time, but when something happens to the team what do you do..?
I'm tired.. (<3 \ #)
summary- Y/n has been bullied at school, but isn't ready to share, with their mom.
An 11 year old. (<3 +)
summary- natasha x daughter!reader where reader is around 11, like the age natasha was in the beginning of black widow. Reader wants to dye her hair blue like how nat had it as a kid? (Obviously reader if adopted tho bc Nat can't have kids)
hugging (<3 #)
summary- you are tired after school and just want your mom.
Power Outage..(<3 \)
summary- It's dark. Too dark. Much to dark for your liking.
Field Trip? Really? (<3 # +)
request- Hello could you please read it is Natasha's daughter and she's going on a school trip to the avengers tower but nobody knows that Natasha is her mother
Friend (<3 # +)
summary- y/n makes a friend
Cut Hands and Broken Snow globes (<3 +)
summary- y/n goes on errands with her mother and accidentally breaks some snowglobes
Happy Halloween. (<3 + \\)
summary- Y/n? Yeah Y/n is at the Hospital. Where? the uh, Hospital.
Mom's Home. (<3 + #)
summary- Natasha finally gets Home for a very long mission
Tough girl. (<3 + #)
request- hey there! I just stumbled upon your blog and OMG it's AMAZING!! Your Mom!Nat x Teen!Reader fics are awesome! (apologies for my fangirling ober ur blog) Anyway, i was hoping you could do a Mom!Nat X Teen!Fem!Reader fic where R is 15 and she has to get an injection for some reason. Her mom has no idea that R has a massive phobia of needles, she's normally very fearless. Mainly jst fluff! (PS could u add in Nat praising R 4 being brave?) Thanks so much!
Caught Red handed (<3 + #)
request- Could u plz write a Peter Parker X Teen!Fem!Reader where the pair are together and they haven't told their parents yet (Peter hasnt told Tony and R hasnt told Nat, her mom) The pair get caught by their parental figures making out in the gym. (BTW could u add in some backstory, where they've had a few close calls before but have managed to keep their relationship a secret) Thanks so much!
I Was Just Wondering.. (<3)
summary-Could you right reader coming out to mom!nat as lesbian or nat somehow finds out her daughter is gay? Also, I love your fics 💚
Presents? presents. PRESENTS!!! (<3#)
summary- A Christmas story!
summary- Another Christmas story!
All Alone.. (\+)
summary- On the story( its a long one)
just kissing (<3)
request- Nat finds out her daughters relationship with Peter Parker by stumbling upon some late night security footage (Ik u don’t write smut so imma just clarify, not s3x but a rough make out session, If you’re comfortable writing this could Peter have YN pinned against a wall?) Thank u so much, ur writing is AMAZING 🤩
Work work work.. (?<3#)
request- Hey Can you Write Maybe a nat x daughter Reader(age 16) . Nat is really stressed and end up screaming at reader but in the end she apologized . Thank youuu <3
1 Year
request-Hii ❣️ could I request Natasha x teen daughter where she finds out (maybe by accident) that Nat has need dating Maria Hill for like a year or so?
summary- cute short story (<3##)
Being Injured Head Cannons
Broken? Nu uh
request-could you write a fic where r breaks her arm and pretends like shes fine and Nat finds out and gets upset when r refuses to go get it casted? please?
I miss her
You get stabbed.
There reign was never truly ended
Avengers Birthday Bash
requested - Nat's gf and her daughter aren't the closest.
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kyuala · 3 years
cravity as exes
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he swears he's not trying to make this harder on you but your family keeps inviting him over for dinner and he just can't say no to them
i feel like serim is gonna have trouble functioning the first few days without you because you were genuinely such a huge part of his life and now that's gone
physically restrains himself from calling you whenever he gets any news - good or bad - bc you were always the first person he'd tell. it's instinct
i feel like with serim the decision to stay friends after the breakup or not could rly make it or break it for y'all. if getting back together isn't on the table he'd rather just be gone from your life completely. if it is tho....
probably the one to suggest getting back together tbh. he'd just rather work through whatever issue it was with you by his side
too nice for his own good but i say this abt allen all the time bc it's true
but like, if things ended in a particularly nasty way (ie you cheating on him), i dont think he would think twice before setting some boundaries (nicely) and putting his own well-being first
still, is nice to you should you run into each other sometime but doesn't really wanna stay friends friends in case it makes it harder for his feelings for you to go away
throws himself into work whenever he finds himself missing you too much or longing for your old relationship. the type to try to work through this stuff on his own
i feel like getting back together could be a 50/50 chance with allen. you're never gonna know until you bring it up but if it does happen i think he'll make sure you both work to change and make it work this time
an enigma. he seems hurt but how hurt is he? does he agree with this? does he want to get back together? is he already engaged to someone else? you're never gonna know unless you straight up ask him
if y'all decide to stay friends he is going to be a little awkward but as sweet as ever
when he truly gets over it he might even encourage you to go out there and try it with someone new! jungmo would be a wonderful ex tbh
i feel like he would just deal with this a lot better and in a healthier way than most. yea he gets sad about it but that's part of it for him, you know? he's not gonna dwell on it too much
if the chance to get back together comes up i don't think he would give it a lot of thought tbh lmfao if he misses you he'll wanna do it. if he doesn't he'll politely decline simple as that
academy award for best actor in the role of "totally okay with it when, really, he's not"
ruby is actually so good at hiding his feelings in this situation it would take a rly good set of eyes from his closest friends to notice he's actually Going Through It™
he would never be anything but nice to you but i feel like he would lowkey ignore you, at least for the first few weeks, 'cause he just doesn't know how to feel and it's a lot for him to process
gets really introspective when he's alone but not in the sense that he thinks a lot about you and the good moments you both shared - more like overanalyzing every little thing to try to figure out where things went wrong
again, doesn't really know how to feel when faced with the prospect of resuming the relationship. even tho he wouldn't rly be able to determine what went wrong, i feel like ruby would probably decide against it bc he strikes me as a "what is done is done" kind of guy
goes into shock before getting sad as hell and claiming he's "hit rock bottom" (cue hyeongjun in the background "thats a glass of MILK wonjin")
says he doesn't care anymore and then keeps tabs on you LMFAO
feel like he would have a good ass cry abt your breakup like 3 times a week at least
if u speak to any other guy and he finds out he'll go into cardiac arrest while monologuing abt having been "replaced"
suggest getting back together tho and suddenly he'll start acting brand new like he's gonna have to think about it but if ur like alright nvm he's like NO NO WAIT I'LL DO IT
the type to keep your photos and videos together in a secret folder on his phone to look at when he's alone and missing you
but like literally deleted your number a couple of days after the breakup specifically so he wouldn't feel tempted to call you
absolutely makes a point of still being polite to you when you run into each other even if it was a nasty breakup
i feel like flashes of your lips and your most intimate moments would plague his mind when he's like trying to work or something lmfao he'd be angry as hell
will NOT even consider getting back together unless he's 100% sure the issues that led to the breakup have been thoroughly resolved
SO dramatic god he will annoy everyone at the dorm and every single soul who'll listen with how much he talks about you
keeps loudly sighing around the house and slamming doors and minhee has to be like dude they're not even here stop doing that
probably gets emotional a lot and has to hold back his feelings when he's around you, so he gets noticeably quieter and teary-eyed
if u still hang out with the same mutual friends he regularly comes up to you at parties and dreamily sighs about "we did have some good times didn't we" and ur like ????
honestly probably thinks the breakup is bullshit i feel like he'd try to make up and get back together like 3 minutes into it
will give you the option to stay friends even if you hurt him real bad
will keep hanging out with the same friends you have in common and will be upset if you refuse to 'cause he lowkey kinda expects to still see you around
i feel like for taeyoung staying friends is gonna make things a lot easier - still seeing you, still laughing with you, still having you in his life. being cut off from your life entirely and abruptly would make the whole thing harder for him
tries not to get caught up in nostalgia and missing you and honestly actually succeeds
the idea of getting back together is lowkey always in the back of his mind. like the minute you suggest it he says yes, doesn't even have to think about it
petty ex 🗣️
but only bc your breakup hit him harder than he'd like to admit, whoever made the decision
type to block u on all socials tbh
doesn't like to talk about it and doesn't want to hear what you've been up to and how you've been, like it will take a whiiiiile for him to open up even to his closest friends
if the idea of getting back together comes up a huge weight is gonna be lifted off his shoulders but i also feel like seongmin would need to take a few days to think about it and be sure. he doesn't want to go through this again :/
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main masterlist | cravity masterlist
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vampiretickles · 3 years
I binge watched basically the whole thing in one sitting, I am in love!!!
Ofc as soon as i watched it i rushed to google the classic “*insert fandom here* tickle fics”. Thanqu sm for the ask, i'm so glad i could find something /pos lol, i feel u with the content starve aahh
also very sorry for the length of this lmao
(Ok so i've come to the sudden realisation that someone who works on the show could like… technically see this, so if you have anything to do with inside job… kindly wipe ur memory of this <333)
As usual, first one here & then the rest under the cut!
Ok so I’ll start with the mc and leave best to last, bc i need to contain myself somewhat, having said that: here is the main cast!
Ok this amazing(ly stressed) woman is probably super sensitive due to not being used to physical contact
I feel like at one point Bearo definitely had/has a tickle setting
*queue more trauma for reagan*
Ok so I can't tell if this is better or worse than hugging, but I think there is a chance she may not attack someone that tries to tickle her, IF they are very close
Like Brett or someone like that
I think her sides are her worst spot, and if anyone attempts to tickle them she r u n s
Her neck is also ticklish, but she can tolerate it a bit more
I don't think she is massively ticklish, but as I said, she definitely has a few sensitive spots
If you take her by surprise, be prepared to eat fist. Sorry lol
Her laughter is probably slightly strained, that slowly turns into cackles, and eventually choking lol
Maybe giggling
Swears a lottt
She will get payback. She will be deadly.
Goes straight for the worst spot, which she figures out extremely quickly
She probably has a math to figuring out someone's worst spot without fail every time
If it comes to be a common occurrence, she will create a bot for it
Will mean tease you
Tickles ppl who piss her off lol
Ok so i have like, not much for Gigi Luigi??
But I do know she does NOT like being messed with
Like 95% ler ok
She tickles Dr Andre a lot
Ok she tickles everyone, just for fun
She most likely has sensitive feet
She has her nails done and kinda long, which are super scratchy and definitely good to wreck ppl with lol
Yeah thats about it sorry lol
Hopefully she’ll get more screen time and more abt her character next season tho
Fucking. Dolphin man
So like… hes a dolphin? But hes still ticklish? Can dolphins be ticklish?
My first thought are his armpits, and tummy, like they’ve gotta be super bad
I think maybe his tail as well? Or is that too odd? Lol
I’m sorry but the first thing that came to mind is that it like.. A fetish for him. Ok im sorry that was just a bad thought, not an actual headcanon lol
Dkgjgkjdgndkjndfj im so sorry lets not dwell on that
Rougher tickles work on him a lot more than softer ones do
Ok so i also think he has a ticklish back ok
He's not suuppperrr ticklish, but he’s still really ticklish
Once you really get him laughing, he starts making dolphin noises
He has sharp scratchy claws. Get fucked. Lmao
So yeah he can definitely be a deadly ler if he wants to be
He probably doesn’t get too caught up in any of the gangs tickly shenanigans
But sometimes he will partake in the occasional tickle fight
He will win
His teases are definitely very.. Army like
Like “is that all you got, soldier? Not gonna fight back?”
Stuff like that
Ok if we are ignoring what has been,, previously stated, I think he’s neutral about the subject/ being tickled
Magic Myc:
Ok I have noo idea how he works but he definitely likes fucking around with people
So yes he likes tickling people/ engages a lot of tickle fights
I mean… look at him. He’s perfect
6 arms to tickle with and hold people down with
Oh god y’all better watch out
Since he can read minds, if he knows/meets anyone in the tkl community, he will KNOW
And he will not be afraid to let you know/ embarrass the shit out of you
Lmao have fun
Knowing him, he would probably assume its a sex thing
But either way he wouldn't rlly care
He definitely enjoys tickling ppl so yk
Mega tease
Is he ticklish? Maybe
His tummy thing is definitely ticklish
His tentacle… dicks are all a little ticklish
His laughter is very chaotic and silly
Definitely the giggler
Also makes high pitched, guttural cackles
Basically all the laughter lol
I think he likes it a little, depends on who it is tbh
He’s basically just a silly guy thing. He’s a little shit who likes to annoy ppl and have fun so he’s always up to tickling. Lee or ler.
Dr Andre:
OK so this guy. Likes to have fun
Very much ler energy, but also massive lee oh god oh fuck
His giggles throughout the series <333333
Definitely has tickle monster energy
He enjoys having tickle fights and playing a lot when he’s high, but being tickled gives him a small high lol
Snorts a lot
He’s super teasy but he’s not very good at it??
When he tickles someone he’s all over the place, he never stays in one spot for more than a second
This is very effective
Him and Myc would team up a LOT
And they make an amazing team lol
Andre is like one huge tickle spot ngl
Death by raspberry.
His ribs and armpits are definitely his worst spots
Also his feet will make him scream
He probably screeches a lot
He likes back tickles tho
Definitely likes being held down while tickled
I'm trying not to get too sexual here but… yk its Dr. Andre
He has definitely met a few ppl who are into it that way. He has done many things.
I’ll keep it at that I think lol
My boy. My baby boy.
Touch starved and craving familial love
So he definitely likes tickling
Major lee.
Sdjfhsghsakjflsfjowbgwjingwgjwr <33333333333
Like idk if there would be tickling scenes in the growing years but like, he is definitely aware that kids get tickled by their older siblings/ parents, and would be jealous of those who experienced it as a child
Also just craving any touch he can get
If you wiggle your fingers at his tummy but don’t actually touch him. So many giggles.
He has little snorts. His laughter is raspy and high pitched and especially whiny. Literally angels laughter
Hiccupy giggles
Enjoyer of tickly neck kisses.
His tummy is super duper ticklish
Even the lightest tickles will get him laughing like crazy
Especially if you kiss his tummy. Like he will go insane with laughter, also bc he feels so loved and he never wants it to stop.
Definitely cries. Like no overwhelmed but it’s just his reaction
Ok get ready for this one its revolutionary:
Like that whole area just makes him scream, especially if you dig in
Okay but his thighs are super thicc
His armpits r super bad as well
Raspberries kill this man. Absolutely destroy him.
If you tease him, call him cute, stuff like that, he’ll go bright red and giggle even more. He also genuinely takes the compliments to heart and will be thinking about it months later
Loves cuddles <3
Ok ler time lol
He’s surprisingly super gentle and loving
He’s super sweet and compliments ur smile
Definitely gives cheer up tickles
Literally “where’s that smile??!?!?”
Gives deadly raspberries
Likes tickle fights
He just likes making people happy
Tickling is definitely like another love language for him
He just. Likes tickling.
Laughs along with you
Definite tickle monster
He likes playing games and loves cute reactions
Ok just imagine his laugh some more. Ok good.
He cannot stay still tho lol
The gang love tickling him sm, especially when Myc drops that Brett likes it and missed out on those experiences as a kid
Omg myc stfu but also brett secretly thanking him bc now he gets tickles lol
Okkk that’s all I’ve got for now. Feel free to send more asks tho :))
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boydykedoctor · 4 years
Season 4 predictions
I just wanna try to see how many of these, if any, will be right when the time comes. I'm not a particularly good theorist, so we'll see how it goes.
1. Mike runs away or at LEAST goes to visit the Byers on his own.
I didn't think that this held much weight until I started looking at the old StrangerWriters twitter and also I think Finn was missing from a bunch of the forest pictures where most of the Hawkins-based cast was present? This is by no means an original theory. I’m just including it as a theory that I agree with. Hawkinsschoolcounselor did my favorite write-up on the theory.
2. Dustin and Max working together on some suspicions they have regarding the plot (maybe regarding the Hellfire Club) without Lucas.
This makes me sad to say it, but it does seem like there's a lot of photos of them interacting (there's a third link but i can't find it right now rip) and Lucas not being present. I think this could be good because we'll get to see some platonic Dustin/Max interaction, which we haven't really gotten to see yet since Dustin's largely been kept from the Party for the last two seasons. Now, why would Lucas not be involved? I lovelovelove the post from @willel about him getting caught between interests in nerdy stuff and sports, and there may be evidence of this based on the fact that Caleb hasn't been seen in any Hellfire Club gear yet for cast photos. (Tho.........Max also hasn't been in any club gear either)
3. The Hellfire Club is a Boys Only group
Just bc we haven't seen any girls represented yet (including Max), and it makes sense to me that?? maybe they're jerks. ST hasn't had a proper incel character yet (IK it's the 80s so that's not a thing, but I'm sure there were plenty of nerdy guys with similar complexes about dating and women back then). ST loves to subvert tropes, which is why Jonathan isn't really a woman-hating lonely creep that most horror movies would cast boys like him as. Although they love to subvert tropes, they still occasionally use them when it's instrumental to the plot (i.e. Billy shows up to be the asshole popular bully type when Steve outgrew that narrative. Maybe we're looking at a Jonathan, for lack of a better word, "replacement" too.)
4. Joyce leaves Jane and Will alone with Jonathan to look after them.
I expect Joyce to spend a good chunk of the season with Murray while they're tracking down Hopper based on the phone call to 618-625-8313 (Murray's cellphone) that fans can make. I'm still confused about whether Jonathan has graduated or not, but if he HAS then this would be especially frustrating because he clearly wants to go to NYU. If he hasn't graduated, then maybe this will be a stressful time because he's busy applying to schools. Maybe he will get in or won't get in, but Joyce won't be there to celebrate/commiserate with him. (I think rumors are floating around that S4 takes place in March? That's often when seniors find out their college placements, right?) I think this might be another season where their relationship gets stressed, just like in Season 1 when Jonathan feels like he's handling everything with Will on his own.
This also might make the first theory more practical because Joyce would?? potentially be more likely to call Karen and let her know if Mike ran away to their house?? maybe. I just want Jonathan and Mike interaction lbr.
5. Hopper sends information to Joyce and Murray through the newspaper.
This is based on the gift wrapping for the matryoshka dolls that got sent to some of the big ST instagram accounts. In the word search, ENZOS is circled. Enzo's was the name of the restaurant where Jopper were supposed to have their "date," and I think Hopper could circle those letters and send it to Joyce in hopes of her realizing that he's still alive. Codebreaking is a fairly common motif in ST, and luckily this one is easy to figure out for the average audience member as long as they have a good memory of ST trivia.
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lonely-writer · 3 years
Buck x OC
Buck is buying a gift for Jee-Yun. It's the first thing he is gonna give his niece and he is nervous, he needs something special and unique, but also very Buck, so Jee-Yun can remember him for forever. He doesn't want Chim to hear about it and we know how the fam can't keep a secret, so he decides to go to Twitter and ask. It becomes viral or not, up to you, but one of the answers he gets catches his attention so he answers and the other person answers him back and suddenly they are having conversations about everything and anything, even after he buys the gift for Jee-Yun and meet her for the first time.
Any way, at some point he and the person chatting in internet decide to meet in person. And what a surprise, he/she/they is someone he met when he was going around, and they have story, but the spark is still there
Hi I love you, thank you so much for this request!
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley x OC
Characters: Evan “Buck” Buckley, Original Female Character, Howie “Chimney” Han, Maddie Buckley, Jee-Yun
Tags: Fluff, awkward reunions, mentions of sex, Buck being an uncle, alternate universe from S.o.S, a lil bit of angst bc Buck can’t figure out a good gift, one count ‘em one swear word
Buck is at his wits end, he’s been struggling to find the perfect gift for his newborn niece but everything he’s looked at has been so cliche so far from teddy bears and blankets to personalized rattles she’ll eventually outgrow. He needs something else- something unique that is the best gift possible- something that she’ll cherish for years to come- and preferably something that Maddie and Chimney won’t throw out.
He’s out of ideas and he’s running out of time so it’s time for drastic measures. Twitter. It’s a last ditch effort really, sending out a tweet begging asking for suggestions on what to get his newborn niece, some of the answers he gets are absurd such as the newspaper on the day that he’ll meet her- what kind of gift is that? Another suggestion is a bath bundle which sounds good at first but then again it’s not very personal to Jee-Yun which is who the gift he’s buying is for, there are more simple things such as blankets and baby clothes but at some point she’ll grow out of those.
Buck feels as though there’s no point in asking anyone, he’ll have to get his favorite niece some crappy gift that won’t be anywhere near perfect and everyone will make fun of him and- 
RaeOfSunshine28: How about a memory book?
That’s actually....the best suggestion he’s heard all day. He likes the tweet and sends a reply to the stranger who has brought him salvation.
FireH0seBuckley: That sounds like a really cool idea, thx! 
He doesn’t think about it for the rest of the day until he’s off work and trying to find a memory book, it’s been awfully difficult for him not to gloat around the station that he’s got the best gift ever planned for Jee-Yun, Where in the world would he ever find that? He’s been searching for awhile when another idea pops into his head.
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
Heyyyy! So thx again for the gift idea...any idea where to get one? :P
Message from RaeOfSunshine28:
Np, Maybe try a craft store? It’ll probably be w/ the scrapbooking stuff. You could try doing it yourself tho.
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
Mehhhh seems like too much work LOL
Message from RaeOfSunshine28:
.-. Bro don’t be lazy it’s ur niece
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
:P You’re no fun
Message from RaeOfSunshine28: 
Tell me something I don’t know.
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
Oxygen supply can influence the color of a fire.
Message from RaeOfSunshine28:
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
You said to tell you something you don’t know, now you tell me something about you!
Message from RaeOfSunshine28:
Since when did we start playing 20 questions?
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
Since now!
Buck smiles down at his phone as he and whoever he’s messaging begin to message back and fourth, it’s nice to have someone new to talk to when everyone is busy. This goes on for about a month or so, they message each other frequently and end up texting throughout their days, he feels like it’s become more than a friendship but he doesn’t want to jump to any conclusions. Buck’s been heartbroken enough in the past- but he’s come to the realization that he wants to me this person in....well, person. So he suggests meeting at a local coffee place to finally see each other face to face, it surprises and elates him when they agree.
He’s nervous as he waits at the coffee shop, this is the first time that he’s actually been the one asking someone out, Abby was the one who called him- so was Ali, and Taylor bought him a drink at a bar so making the first move wasn’t in his wheelhouse. The only time he’d usually make the first move was when he was having sex.
The bell to the cafe’s door chimed catching Buck’s attention- speaking of sex- the woman that walked in was someone he recognized, he never caught her name but he certainly remembered the long black hair and stunning green eyes. She doesn’t notice him, at least not right away, instead opening her phone to send a message to someone...at the same time Buck’s phone vibrates in his pocket. 
Realization comes crashing into him as he frantically pulls out his phone- there’s no way- there’s no possible way-
Message from RaeOfSunshine28: 
Hey I’m here, not certain if you are yet. Want me to get you anything? :)
Holy shit it is. The twitter user he’s been talking to was someone that he’d had a one night stand with. He realizes that he must have been staring at her because her gaze is suddenly on him, eyeing him suspiciously as though she’s trying to place it. When she finally comes to the realization of where she knows him from her eyes become wide with embarrassment, mouth turning into an ‘Oh.’ shape. He gives her a small smile and a wave as she walks over to him.
“Fancy meeting you here stranger, didn’t think I’d be seeing you again since you ghosted me.” She greets all too casually for someone who- nope not thinking like that.
“Did I really ghost you?” Buck asks confidently a genuine smile working it’s way on to his face.
“Well I would say that waking up to an empty bed with no way to contact you would be a good way of ghosting me.” She hums lightly in response.
“Oh but RaeOfSunshine twenty-eight I would say that I have kept in great contact with you.” Her bemused expression suddenly drops into one of shock as he speaks.
“You’re kidding. You’re fire hose Buckley?”She asks sounding incredulous.
“The one and only. So, it’s nice to meet you Rae.” He officially greets extending his hand.
“It’s Raven actually, my friends call me Rae though and since we’ve been past that I suppose you can call me Rae. It’s nice to meet you as well Buckley.” She says a smile beginning to form.
“Buck, actually. Buckley is my last name and Evan is my first name everyone just calls me Buck.”
So it’s a rough start to their relationship but it certainly feels like a good start none the less.
“So why is your twitter handle fire hose?” 
“Really? You don’t remember?”
“Maybe I’m just asking for a refresher.”
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femgirlfriend-moved · 4 years
ok tagged by @catilinas thank you soldier i was actually bored rn so there it goes
1. how has your day been?
to be honest this whole weekend was slow as fuck and low energy, today i just took a nap at some point and i still have a dull headache because of it, can't say it's been the best day since when im low energy i get rlly bored and in a mood where im unable to do anything.....literally just watched some ghost hunting show on the actual tv to get my mind off shit.........
2. what was the last thing that made you smile
i don't know i guess some joke they said on that series thing ive caught on tv also the fact that they were in texas and had the Accent. other than that just me thinking about My Faves and making up intricate stupid historically inaccurate stories abt them in my head
3. what's keeping you entertained these days?
so technically define entertained....... like im just working on my art in general. like that's my main thing and outside of that i just... man honestly i kinda watch too much bullshid on youtube and it's rotting my brain.....and id love to be able to read again one day im starting to miss alcibiades i want more academic hot takes.... also i just. Daydream professionally
4. if you are in some kind of quarantine/self isolation, is there anything you'd like to achieve in this time?
um actually nothing that I wasn't already trying to achieve which is... making more art..... im working on a painting rn and id love to finish it AND since i bought the odorless paint thinner it's going p smoothly it actually already looks decent im kinda happy about that, like i finally feel like im Painting for real like as a Painter bcs my paint is workable and doesn't look disgusting....and it's helping me paint faster too.... and of course do more sketches or silly drawings anything really. id also love to relax one time in my life so im trying to self discipline myself into learning how to do that kskdksks
5. post a selfie! (if you're comfortable with that)
yeah sure always here to serve rehab achilles looks
Tumblr media
6. last but not least: send this to some mutuals to keep the game going.
ok eat (hope u guys actually still follow me tho) @antigone-lesbian @catullan @angeleyesbyabba @brassknuckles @garland-on-thy-brow @raffaelllllo
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