#i can just hope that with my drawing style differences in their appearance are visible not only in colour =DDDD
space-diablo · 4 months
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Two unhinged gremlins =DDDDD
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cripplecharacters · 22 days
Hey so first off, absolutely love your blog. I have learned so much and I can hardly wait to implement it! My question is: I have a character with vitiligo (and’s Celiac’s and rheumatoid arthritis) in a comic book I’m working on, and I want to represent that, but the problem is the comic is abstractly colored to display the characters’ emotions rather than their actual physical appearances, and my art style is designed to be pretty minimalist so I don’t need huge amounts of time and energy to actually make the comic itself (I’ll attach a picture at the bottom for easier reference). My current plan is just make lighter patches of the abstract color in place of skin color, but while that works great in theory, in practice it doesn’t show up well in lighter colors, including his default color, and since absence of color indicates absence of emotion, I don’t want to just leave them blank for the lighter colors either. Do you guys have any suggestions for alterations so I can more clearly represent that?
Thank you so much in advance!!
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This is the guy in his default color. This was also the drawing I first ran into the light color problem with
So I don't really think there are other ways to draw it than “lighter skin” for vitiligo, as that's kinda what it is, visually speaking.
What I'd keep in mind is that vitiligo isn't always super visible.
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[source for images: 1 2 3 4]
If the character's skin color changes, then the vitiligo patches will be less visible when it's lighter. That doesn't mean he suddenly doesn't have it, just like how people with pale skin still have their vitiligo, no matter how apparent it is at first glance.
Regardless of skin color, vitiligo patches will tend to be of a very similar color - it's not just lighter skin (an incredibly wide category), but loss of pigment.
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However, if his skin isn't human-colored but instead gray or green (or anything else), the shade of the patches will slightly shift to be less saturated or have a different undertone. But if he goes between going dark blue and light blue, the vitiligo would still be the same shade of very light blue, rather than getting darker when the rest of skin is darker. I see this a lot with how people draw characters with vitiligo, and it just Doesn't Work Like That (top right on the image above, also featuring the trope of pale people never having vitiligo for some reason).
If his skin color constantly shifts, then his vitiligo will be more visible one time and less at other times - there's not much you can do about that, it's just how contrast works. That said, sharp-edged and larger patches will be more apparent to readers than smaller ones.
So basically his vitiligo patches should probably float at a similar amount of pigment regardless of how the rest of the skin looks like, with slightly different undertones depending on the skin color at the moment. Sometimes it will show up more, sometimes less, if you want to make it clear to the readers then you can first show him in a color that makes it more obvious.
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Either way, he has vitiligo!
Hope this helps,
mod Sasza
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amerricanartwork · 4 months
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Scavengers!! Which one is your favorite?
But yeah, here's a collection of some (female) scav sketches from the past few days, partly as as general studies of scavenger anatomy (man, I love that Disney anthro anatomy for these things)! Figured I'd try my hand at drawing scavs since I've actually never drawn them seriously before, and practice making/compiling anatomical studies for fictional characters. Quick thanks to @everyscavever, whose posts I used as direct references on scav designs!
And here are some other notes and headcanons for this down below!
In addition to general anatomy, with these sketches I also tried to focus on exploring designs for female scavengers specifically, since the overall scav design always struck me as pretty masculine with the large chests and top-heavy rhythm, and because I haven't seen many more feminine looking scav characters. However, for verisimilitude's sake, a bit of a design challenge, and because I really like the general scav design, I still wanted to keep the overall anatomy/proportions the same and retain that mangy, feral, yet goofy appearance that I find iconic to scavengers!
Thus, I headcanon for females the limb proportions are the same, the horns are slightly smaller and less ornate on average, and the shoulders, though still wider than the hips, are less so compared to males. Otherwise, my depictions of female scavengers likely won't be that visually distinct from the males, besides the more visible eyelashes (which to me, is a design trait simple enough I think I can get away with it on almost any creature with eyes, especially with my relatively cartoony style).
I find the scavenger design pretty nice in this regard, since it's humanoid enough that I feel I can add a bit more human-like sexual dimorphism without it looking too uncanny or too different from the general species design. In contrast, slugcats are so simple and animal-like in their physiology that I feel the most I can do is just draw visible eyelashes when I want a feminine appearance, lest I risk overcomplicating the design or making something that doesn't look believable given the setting and canon slugcat designs. Of all the RW creatures, however, I actually think iterators would have the most human-like sexual dimorphism since they're very humanoid visually, but I headcanon it's for very different reasons that I'll explain later.
But anyway, that was a lot. I hope you like these scav sketches!
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twinsoftriumph · 1 year
Any tips for drawing the twin's hair please ? Whenever i draw them, i always draw Sah's as like a spiky mountain with a curtain since i dunno how to draw tall hair yet
And Mekh...um-
Dw Sah's hair has been evolved from mountain to Kagamine Len. Not sure if that's an improvement tho lmao-
hello! and hey for what it's worth, i also have my moments where i'm drawing their hair and i go "what.. is going on here" LMAO but also len's hair isn't all that different from spiky twin's so i'd say that's improvement! but here are some things i try to keep in mind when drawing their hair
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ignore me emoting at the bottom. i would simplify their hair as a tear drop for sah and a half circle for mekh, but i also do not want them to appear Too flat. hence, the shape is a base to build off of. it helps us determine the direction of the hair, how we layer it, and the space it occupies. but sol, why a tear drop and not a triangle? to which i say We must consider that sah has hair at the Back of their head that also extends from the nape of their neck so it must be considered when drawing the hair as a whole
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determining a point where the hair parts/where the bangs start from also helps us better understand how the hair flows from that point
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mekh has a bang in the middle of their hair and some face-framing bangs along their jaw. you can still see the basic half-circle/dome shape of their hair, and you can see how the sections of hair logically appear to flow from the marked point on their head. the top of their head is round, the bottom of their hair is basically Flat and straight across (it's just a bob that's very flared out at the bottom) which is why the back isnt really visible from the front unless you're looking at them from a lower angle. case in point:
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mekh as viewed from the back and slightly below. the traced line shows that the bottom of their hair is basically a circle lol
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now sah is..... Certainly Something..... ngl im not so sure how to describe them but i will try. their bangs sweep right and i try to keep their hair in Big triangular sections to resemble the model more closely. the back of their hair Also sweeps right. id say the spikes of their hair run along the curve of the aforementioned teardrop, and you can basically use a differently-angled teardrop for the front bang as well. But Sol, you may ask again, why are some of the spikes labeled as being the Back of their hair?
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ok this pic quality sucks but you get the idea. when viewed from the side, you will see that their hair also flows Back. you can also see the hair coming from the nape of the neck. sah's hair is actually like.. sorta shaggy and longer, pretty multi-layered in the hypothetical scenario that it isn't styled up which is where all those spikes come from. (i'd even say it'd extend lower than mekh's if unstyled since mekh's is so bluntly cut across.)
this got kinda long but some ending notes: honestly don't be afraid to stylize and you don't need to be perfectly on-model with their hair. there's nothing wrong with using references either, i have a bunch of screenshots of the elders from different angles and if you/a friend has the hair you can also just screenshot that to give you a guideline. and also don't be hard on yourself if it looks kinda off or anything because i have drawn a lot of spiky haired characters in my time and i still sometimes look at stuff i deemed Fit To Post and go "hm. i would have drawn that differently if i redrew it today."
but uh i mostly just hope this was helpful LOL. good luck drawing the twins!
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the-nosy-neighbor · 7 months
In the July 2023 update, we got bugs. It might have been a reference to the joke on the website earlier, where they talk about the bugs on the website. There had been a theory before that Wally, in his naivety, took that literally and gave us bugs as a new way to communicate with us. The bugs lead to a series of videos, labeled with the initial of the participants (except Wally, so the two other participants) and a number.  There are 14 videos.  Adding the Halloween video, there are 15 videos.  Each video is shot from the perspective of Wally, as is evidenced by shots where we can see his hands.  
Let’s see the bugs:
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As we can see, these bugs are very clearly and colorfully drawn, and look like the drawings on the website. I didn’t notice this myself, I probably saw this on one of the subreddits (or my partner pointed it out), but it makes a lot of sense. We have seen Wally’s artwork in a few different contexts, and it doesn’t look like this.  It is made with crayon and fingers and is somewhat juvenile.  These bugs are very clear, rendered, and full of eyes.  
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Visible text reads:  
Dear Wally Darling,
How are you today? I hope you are doing well.  I’m having a good day.  I know you would ask if you were here.
I have found a new insect today.  You remember what an insect is, don’t you? It is a beautiful arthropod!
I drew you a picture of it.  I thought out of everyone in this neighborhood, you would appreciate its extravagant colors.  I had to write to you as soon as I had seen it and before it went on its way.
Frank Frankly
The second page has a large drawing of the bug, which has many colors, a heart on its middle bit and hearts on the back.  It also has a side view of the bug, showing how the head moves.  The text reads “Legs are big and soft! Rounded and tapered toward the body.”
I can’t guess as to the obscured text.  So, we learn a few things from this letter:
Frank appears to think his knowledge of bugs is shaky enough that he asked if Wally remembered. In the guestbook, he also refers to Frank being his source of information when he doesn’t know something.
Wally drew some bugs on the guest book page (there are a lot more than I remember)
”Frank you are very handsome and I would love to catch bugs with you.” And the response is “iwilltellfrankforyou_thebugwilllooklikethis_.png”_
“So glad to see this up! This is GORGEOUS! And the response is “ilovebugs.png.” Is he referring to the website’s bugs?
“lovely bug drawing Wally” “hereisabugforyouneighbor.png”
“I lik bugz :) “hereisabugforyouneighbor”
Two bug emojis (ladybug and butterfly) “I have seen them before, do they like each other”—he drew a house around them, protecting them from the rain
“Bzz bzzzz! BZZ!!! =:3”  Oh I understand! We are playing! I have you! (picture of a net)
“An absolutely darling little neighborhood, I too feel most welcomed and immense joy when seeing all the neighbors that live here, Eddie and Julie being my two personal favorites,” and Wally writes “Do you like Frank?” with a drawing of a snail (interesting to mention Frank here rather than the neighbors mentioned)
“I wonder just what happens in this neighborhood.” Wally replies with a drawing of a butterfly and the file name “idontknoweither_.png”
“Frank is my favorite.” Wally draws a butterfly that looks like Frank’s bowtie and replies “Frank. I will tell Frank.”
Wally’s bugs are similar to the bugs that come later in style, but are all definitely crayon drawings without a ton of detail.
For more detail, check out FreshIBad's spreadsheet of guest book information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dPI0v2kXJxqSQH1LNbzmUyCSMaJ_ajpmeR9fjtTlRYc/edit#gid=1369421852
So I am a bit stumped in the end.  I really like this theory, given the letter and Wally’s constantly surprised nature and apparently no retention of ideas, but he has given us several examples of bugs.  Could it be that the letter from Frank was from the beginning of Wally’s consciousness?
The letter from Frank has a drawing that is more smooth (even if it does still have the appearance of being drawn with a crayon.  I like the theory that Frank is the one giving us the bug videos.  They are so different than the things that Wally shares with us, in style.  Each video is from a static viewpoint, from Wally’s person.
Would it make sense for Frank to show us these videos, where Wally appears to be unmoving and unblinking, completely checked out?  Why is this in first person view?  Is Wally filming from his viewpoint?  You wouldn’t think so.  I think he has both hands occupied in the video with Poppy and Howdy.  I don’t think in the website Wally is aware of these videos.  At least, he doesn’t mention them.  Could the break in the end of the videos be to avoid Wally being aware of them, so he doesn’t hear his name?  That is the spookiest of the ideas.  
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n04hfiction · 1 year
hello:)! this is for the shipping post :D! i hope u have a good rest of ur day !! My name is genesis, but my friends call me gen 😽!! I am mexican American and my mother tongue is spanish:). I am the youngest out of 5 kids.
4 my physical appearance : I have straight brown hair, big green eyes, pale skin,and a shit ton of freckles! I also wear glasses. I have curtain bangs as well👍🏻. I do have muscles but its the most visible on my arms tho 😽��i am 5’1 .
4 my style: Most of my clothes are hand me downs from my siblings🤧 so i dont really know. I usually wear at my house is a tank top and some men shorts. When i’m going out i wear cargo pants/jeans/shorts and a random t-shirt/tank top. When its cold i wear my brothers clothes 😭😭Like some black jeans , a random hoodie , and a puffer jacket and a beanie. When i have special events i wear 2000s type dresses and a pair of my sisters heels. My friends say my aesthetic is kinda of the spiderman in the spider verse? Yeah kinda like that so idk 🤷‍♀️. But i have a pair of green nikey shoes my mom gave me. And those were the first shoes my mom gave me that were new 😭😭so those r the shoes i wear. I wear a gold dog pendant (like the rectangle ones) That has the date of when my dad passed away. I wear that all the time c: 
4 hobbies : I LOVE DRVING SO MUCH :DD !! I saved moved a lot of money and after a few pay checks from working, I got my first car 😸!! I love listening to music! Tupac,kaili uchis, winsin y yandel, joji, steve lacy are my current favs <3. I like drawing once in a while 2 :]. But driving is so much fun i luv it
4 personality : I am a pisces and extroverted! My friend says i’m kind and funny. My mom said that i am a “young dumb person with a smart mind and a lot like ur dad”😟. My 2 sisters say that i’m a “very forgiving person, and playful, but I need to think abt stuff more instead of being impulsive.” My 2 brother says that i’m “funny , smart, loyal but u have a temper”. My love language is quality time and acts of service :). Also being annoying 😭 like if i hug someone , i am gonna tickle them until it hurts, or if ur taking a nap , im gonna come in and blast daddy yankee and wake u up, Or ur sitting on the couch , i’ll go sit in ur lap and get comfy 🤧🤧
i ship you with sapnap!!
sapnap will take your glasses and either hide them or put them on his face and refuse to take them off XD he lowkey loves doing it, especially if you can’t see that well without them, cuz he’s a little shit most of the time, but it’s all in good fun
he also loves that your style is just a mix of your siblings hand-me-downs, because he loves to throw his clothes at you and saying, “here, hand-me-downs” he also loves buying matching clothes as well as sharing clothes. sometimes when going through your closet he’ll find a bunch of clothes he forgot he gave to you XD
and in one of my previous sapnap posts i mentioned that sapnap is a passenger princess who loves to scream to his fav songs as loud as possible xD so that definitely applies. your guy’s drives are usually late night ones. so i can imagine when the windows are rolled down and it’s hella late he’ll scream his favorite songs pretty obnoxiously lmfao some bystanders get kind of annoyed lmfao
he loves your kind and cherishing personality, but he thinks your (supposed) temper is funny XD he does enjoy teasing you for it ajsjsjnsns
and he is def the kind of person who loves to exist separately if that makes sense, like be in the same room doing different tasks, and he loves doing simply things for you. especially cooking
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Could I get a Halloween matchup please? I'm a bit stupid so if this I'd wrong I am so sorry 😭🙏
1. JJBA (Parts 3 and 6)
2. Male
(The image has glasses btw idk if it was visible bc I had to draw them on lol)
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3. Zodiac: Scorpio (I don't rlly act like one though i don't think)
4. I don't feel comfortable with Anasui, any of the part 3 villains (excluding DIO, im happy with DIO), any part 6 villain (other than pucci) or Jotaro.
5. I've noticed most of my crushes have blue eyes and white/light blue-grey hair and its usually styled/hidden and its long when it's down.
6. Gentlemanly, silly or serious, protective, very loyal, chivalrous.
7. Sweetie, baby, love, honey, anything rain related (it reminds me of my name so it makes me really happy!)
Aesthetic board questions:
1. Monster high (probably like Valentine, Cleo, Draculaura, Rebecca Steam or Frankie. they're all do different this doesn't narrow it down I'm rlly sorry)
2. chocolate and blankets
3. Blue and white
4. Medium white roses
5. Hot chocolate, pocky sticks
(Sorry if I did any of this wrong! I also wanted to mention I'm a trans man just in case that's important.)
Thanks for taking an interest in my matchups. You’ve answered them correctly no worries and you’re certainly not stupid. Hope you like your board.
Halloween Café Blind Double Dates 💜🎃 Anime Online Date Matchups
I appreciate everyone’s interest in my Halloween Matchups! I’ll be sure to get all the matchups done as soon as I can. Hope you had a good Halloween 🎃
“A bit late but Happy Halloween to you. I hope you enjoyed your dates at the Monster High café.”
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“It’s time for your results! You’re a very lucky man! Your dates are very wonderful.”
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Matchup Applicants:
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Name: Jean Pierre Polnareff
Gender: Male
Description: Extrovert, confident, silly, funny, gentlemanly, protective, very loyal, chivalrous, romantic, rash, strong
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Tall, very muscular, grey hair, styled hair, blue eyes, sharp features
Occupation: Independent ivestigator
Zodiac: Pisces
Dating Survey Results: Compatibility 97%
Communication 💌 100%
Emotions 💗 99%
Similar Values 🏡 96%
Passion 💘 100%
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Name: Weather Report
Gender: Male
Description: Quiet, serious, stoic, very loyal, confident, protective, laid back, chivalrous, strong
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Tall, muscular, hidden hair, blue eyes, long lashes, white hair, sharp features
Occupation: Prisoner
Zodiac: Gemini
Dating Survey Results: Compatibility 92%
Communication 💌 90%
Emotions 💗 87%
Similar Values 🏡 95%
Passion 💘 90%
Zodiac 💫💖
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Love Meter 💓💖
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Dating Results 💖
Percentages Matches: 0-25%= Bad Match, 26-50%= Poor Match, 60-70%= Decent Match, 70-80%= Good Match, 80-90%= Excellent Match, 90-100%= Perfect Match
1. Jean Pierre Polnareff:
Survey Results: Perfect Match 97%
Love Meter: True Love 98%
Zodiacs: Scorpio + Pisces Compatibility 96%
Over all Results: 97% Perfect Match
2. Weather Report:
Survey Results: Perfect Match 92%
Love Meter: True Love 93%
Zodiacs: Scorpio + Gemini Compatibility 55%
Over all Results: 91% Perfect Match
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hazmatazz · 1 year
it’s me again :D
man i love the angst too!! and i could theoretically just draw them for you. but 1. i’m too lazy rn and 2. id have to go off anon and i love the mysteriousness hehe i feel like a secret agent whenever i’m on anon
SO :D first of all, they’re both afab and 15 years old
imma start with floryn!! she’s 1.58m tall, her skin tone is a darker sienna (a medium brown, idk how to describe it) she has an hourglass body type but is kinda chubby, her hair is dark brown and curly (hair type 2C if we wanna get rlly specific) and around shoulder-length. she usually wears it half down and the other half in a messy kinda bun. her eyes are pretty round (my art style is more on the cartoony side, not sure how it would look irl) and also brown. her eyebrows are pretty thick and dark as well. she doesn’t use a lotta makeup but sometimes draws a heart or star on her cheek with colorful eyeliner :D she usually wears dresses or skirts with cardigans or tank tops depending on the weather. and she prefers shoulder-less sleeves that are either a bit puffy or loose. if that makes sense?? the skirts are mostly around knee length and she always wears sneakers that are mostly white with different pastel colored accents. her clothes are always very colorful and she has dresses in genuinely every color of the rainbow, some pastel ones, some brighter ones, just no dark colors. she loves wearing all of them, although her fav color is orange <3
imma just hope i didn’t forget anything and move on to rory :D her skin tone is ivory and her face always has a visible light blush. and whenever she actually gets embarrassed or something her whole face goes red and it’s very cute tbh. her body shape is either the rectangle or inverted triangle one, i’m not 100% sure yet & she’s pretty muscular. in my style her eyes are more rectangular?? kinda like this shape ♦️but horizontal if you know what i mean? they’re blue & her eye brows are more round. her hair is wavy (hair type 2A maybe), around armpit length and a warm blond (pantone 4655 but a bit warmer, i’ve been searching for the perfect color for like five minutes and i give up) and at some point later in the story, once she gets more confident, she dyes her hair tips a light blue color!! her go-to hairstyle is usually a high ponytail. she usually wears jeans or corduroy pants and on warmer days she often wears bermuda shorts. she mostly wears crop tops but also tank tops and sleeveless shirts. when it’s colder she wears button-up shirts with long sleeves. she doesn’t HATE skirts but you’ll very rarely see her wearing one, usually it’s jean shorts and crop top :] her color palette isn’t that colorful, usually blue with accents of brown, grey, white and/or black but she has a few tops in other colors too. she definitely wears dark blue converse and those tennis socks with two colored stripes at the top
i have no idea if that was detailed enough, if you’d like to know anything else feel free to ask :D also if you have any questions abt their story or them as characters apart from their physical appearance, i just love rambling about them <3
i haven’t described their personalities in detail yet i think so maybe i’ll do that in another ask but my phone battery is running out aksbkajdkja
and i love florora tbh that sounds so magical <3
!!! they sound absolutely adorable!!! idk why but i was imagining rory to be like a redhead with a boyish cut and straight hair?? like that one girl from that "arcane legends" show or whatevr. but her with long blond hair also soumds adorable!! esp with round eyebrows as i'm imagining
ohh and their clothing styles <3<3<3 ehegehgtjehr rory does seem like the kid to wear sleeveless shirts and button ups snsbksebkshs. and flora!! she gives me very soft warm color vibes so i can see it!!!
and ohh w the little heart on the cheek <3 i think rory would absolutely stare at that
also flo's 5'2 :D??? awee little friend :33333
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wellfine · 2 years
I had a small question for you: I've noticed your body types and details when it comes to characters feel very human. Little traits in body refs come together very well in your designs. Because of how well you can convey these things, I was wondering if there are any OP characters that are more difficult for you to draw? Be it design wise or translating the OP style to your own? Hope this isn't an odd thing to ask haha
Not odd at all, this is a really interesting ask! I always love an opportunity to talk about why I draw things the way I do haha... Also I'm so flattered you feel that way, body variations are something I find really interesting and gratifying to draw so I'm glad people pick up on them and like them too!
HMMmmm... Honestly I find it harder to translate faces to my style than bodies HAHA. There are sooo many interesting body silhouettes in One Piece that I find it more of a fun puzzle trying to translate them! Montblanc Cricket is definitely a challenge for example because his body shape is sooo extreme (dat neck. You know Zoro's jealous) but that's part of why I like his design/drawing him.
I mean okay the hardest Straw Hat for me to draw is Brook LMAO but I feel like that's cheating because you have to be so precise with all those bones. Body-wise... maybe Nami? It took me a long time to decide on what kind of body type vibes she was giving me before I decided she was kind of beanstalk-y but with big boob implants. I try and draw her boobs to look fake on purpose contrasted with, say, Robin or Tashigi, and I hope it comes across. I just think it's in-character that if her boobs got notably bigger after the time skip, well, it's because she wanted big old honkers lmao!
Zoro is also difficult sometimes because I imagine his body changes appearance a lot, not just because he gains muscle steadily over the series, but even on a shorter scale he probably fluctuates between bulking and cutting. I find it enjoyable to draw him at various stages but it does mean he looks inconsistent in my art sometimes and occasionally I worry that people won't understand my intent. Sanji can also be difficult to get the right proportions for because his muscle composition is so unbalanced, like some kind of hyper-cyclist, but I don't want to make him look absurd out of context either.
I'm not a furry artist by nature (despite Everything) so the hardest body types for me to translate are definitely animalistic characters, whether they're Zoan types or Minks! Chopper and Pedro are still hard for me to draw, for example, even if Minks mostly just have humanoid body shapes covered in hair. I have a hard time clicking with them. Interestingly fishmen/mermaids are not as difficult - I think because they're more fantastical, you can be less 'accurate'?
I'm trying to think of non-Straw Hat characters... Honestly I have a much harder time drawing faces than bodies. I'm working on it. I think my headcanon for Law's body type is at odds with a lot of other fans' LOL (same as me seeing Sanji without a shred of ass), I just can't see him as being muscular at all - he strikes me as the type who barely eats enough and doesn't really work out so he's all gaunt and gangly. Kid is WIIIDDEE which is fun to draw but sometimes hard to get the proportions of. One Piece women tend to be harder to translate to my style than men because their canon body types are so much less diverse :/ but I do enjoy it too. Vivi was hard for me to settle on but I like the body type headcanon I have for her now - I just haven't had time to draw it LMAO. Oh, and Yamato can be hard, but for kind of different reasons. His body is so politicised I know I'm going to get weird comments no matter how I draw him. Giving him top surgery makes me personally feel more comfortable in some ways (visibly denouncing transphobes etc) but less comfortable in others (implying that top surgery is necessary to be transmasc etc). But that's a different kind of difficulty. I still enjoy drawing him.
Inorganic shapes are much harder for me to draw so I would say the hardest OP characters for me are characters like Franky or Brook who have bone/cyborg parts! I love Franky's post-timeskip silhouette (sir your A-frame) but I always struggle with his shoulders and forearms because they're not organic shapes so inconsistencies/scale inaccuracies are way more obvious. Sometimes Fishmen designs fit into this category a bit too.
I hope there was something useful or interesting in that answer somewhere! For me personally I would say - based on bodies only - the Straw Hats scale from easiest -> hardest to draw is: Usopp -> Luffy -> Zoro -> Sanji -> Robin -> Nami -> Jinbe -> Franky -> Chopper -> Brook. Usopp is hands-down easiest for me because I take a lot of inspo for him from my boyfriend so it comes surprisingly naturally. (Love u baby)
Thank you again for such an interesting ask and for letting me indulge in talking about myself for so long, I always enjoy asks like this!
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Helloooo! Do you have a particular method or tips for when creating and developing a character?
Hi :)
Sorry this took me some time, but there is so much I could talk about here. So I try to go with some basics.
How to create a character
Make a character sheet
some examples for what I usually try to find out about my characters, regardless which genre I’m writing in
name, age, place of birth, where they live, nationality, ethnicity, education, occupation, religious affiliation, financial status, gender identity, sexual orientation
physical appearance
eye, hair and skin colour
distinguishing features (tattoos, birthmarks, scars, visible disabilities,...)
height and weight (proportions!)
walk (slow, fast, skipping,...)
tics and mannerisms (touching their face, blinking, grinding their teeth,...)
speech patterns and communication style
talk (slow, fast, slurred etc.)
accents and dialects
using slang, sounding educated, trying to hide a dialect/accent etc.
do they talk with their whole body? (gestures?)
extra question for speech and physical appearance: can people tell where the character is coming from and what influences they have from their heritage?
past and present
how did they grow up?
happy memories
academic career
past trauma or important turning points that still influence their life
specific lifestyle
social and political ideology
dreams and goals
expectations from themself and from outside
Relationship maps
for longer stories it’s even more important to understand your characters relationships to each other
two different approaches:
1. proper list of family, friends, love interests, “enemies”, everyone else
who is still alive and where do they live?
who did they grow up with?
what was and what is their relationship?
how long do they know each other?
would they trust them with a secret?
how close are they?
love interests
what is their relationship status?
what do they like about them?
is it reciprocated?
if they are not together why not?
how do they know each other?
what do they not like about each other?
did they always hate each other?
can their relationship become better?
2. love, like, hate categories
make a list of people your character loves (use the different forms of love: romantic, familial, friendly,...)
make a list of acquaintances
make a list of people they dislike and people who dislike them
you could even try to draw their relationships with each other
make sure you include if the relationship changes throughout your story
Those are just some basic things I could think of that I usually like to write down about my characters. Depending on the story there are some variations of this and more information about specific topics.
Pro tip for developing your characters: write short stories or little sequences with your characters that don’t neccessarily have anything to do with your story. I think of it as fanfiction of your own work. Put your characters with their intended roles and relationships in different situations and just write and let it play out. This is a good tool to find out if and how the characters work together. And it can even give you new ideas for their relationships to each other and new skills or habits for your characters. It’s basically a test run for your cast before you go into your bigger story.
And one last important thing: don’t get too stuck on an idea. Characters can sometimes develop a life of their own. You don’t always have a conscious control over them. So don’t be afraid to change it if something is not working out or you find something else that is working even better.
This took me such a long time and I hope it makes sense and helps you with your writing. Good luck!
- Jana
Edit: Here is a post about how to make a character unique, which could also interest you. 
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Your last ask was seriously funny! We need more of that. If possible, can I request different scenrios where the s/o of the gom gets asked questions by the s/o of their boyfriend's teammate(s) about their night (because reader has a looot of love marks).... this is so freaking specific, im sorry😂😂 if you cant do it it fine, if you do, then i appreciate you and your writings (i love your blog and im also a simp for Aomine)
Aren’t we all a simp for Aomine 😭💕 I really couldn’t think of anything for Midorima and Murasakibara without it being too repetitive and boring so I unfortunately left them out of this one, so I’m sorry and I hope you don’t mind too much!! xx
Scenario: Kuroko, Kise, Aomine and Akashi’s s/o being questioned about their love marks
It was a rather chilly Wednesday afternoon and you were watching Seirin’s practice as you usually would. While you initially came there to watch your boyfriend play, you actually also ended up becoming quite close with Kagami, Izuki and Mitobe’s significant others who also came to watch quite often.
As you watched over the practice while chatting away with your friends, you began to feel rather warm due to the gym’s heating, so you took off the scarf that you’d wrapped around your neck. Not thinking too much of it, you continued with your conversation, only to notice that your friends had their eyes fixated on your neck. “Why are you guys looking at me like that?” you questioned, trying to decipher the strange smirks and nods they shared with each other.
“Y/N, your neck...” Mitobe’s s/o trailed off, getting caught up in giggles before they could finish.
“What? Is there something on my neck?” you asked, beginning to panic as your hand immediately reached for it in the fear that there was a bug on it.
“I’m guessing you and Kuroko had some fun last night,” Kagami’s s/o giggled, causing you to freeze as you came to a realisation of what they were referring to.
You quickly wrapped the scarf around your neck again to conceal the red marks your boyfriend had left the night before. Filled with embarrassment, your averted your gaze and fixated on the boys’ practice to avoid making eye contact with your friends. Of course, they didn’t let you off the hook that easily.
“I didn’t think Kuroko was the type to leave marks, but damn he really went to town on your neck, huh Y/N?” Kagami’s s/o teased, making your face turn red with embarrassment.
“Shut up,” you grumbled, letting out a nervous chuckle.
“So, was yesterday a special night? Or does he always leave marks like those?” Mitobe’s s/o interrogated.
“It’s always the quiet ones...”
“Oh my God, stop,” you said, unable to hold back the giggles from the ridiculousness of their comments. “It was just a normal night okay?”
The two of them shared a look before hooting a long “oooooh,” making you wish you didn’t say anything at all.
“So it’s a normal thing then?” Kagami’s s/o continued, the grins on their faces growing wider and wider.
“I’m gonna pretend like I can’t hear you,” you said finally, looking everywhere but at them. You didn’t lie when you said that though. They kept teasing you, but you just sat there as though they weren’t talking to you.
Eventually, they got tired of it, but they didn’t hesitate to shoot you knowing glares when practice ended and you hurried over to Kuroko to escape them.
“Is everything okay?” Kuroko asked you, when he noticed how much of a hurry you were in to leave.
“Yeah, they just saw the marks from last night,” you informed him, making him blush at the memory of the previous night’s events. “So can we just leave before they come here and embarrass me even more?”
Not wanting to draw any attention to himself, Kuroko agreed with you after letting out a small chuckle. “Sorry about that, Y/N,” he said sincerely, not knowing how he’d respond to remarks if he were in your position.
You gave his hand a tight squeeze and flashed him a reassuring smile. “It’s alright, I’ll let it slide because last night was really fun,” you beamed, causing his face to flush red before the two of you left the gym after exchanging brisk goodbyes with the team.
It was just another practice day at Kaijo where you were casually chatting with your friends. They weren’t normally people you would hang out with, but you’d gotten quite close during these practices since they were the significant others of your boyfriend, Kise’s teammates. Whilst you considered them friends, they weren’t exactly close enough where you’d feel comfortable sharing personal details about your relationship, so you would often stick to light hearted stuff— which you quite enjoyed because they always gave you a good laugh.
“Y/N, is this the first time you’re wearing a scarf?” Moriyama’s s/o asked you, eyeing the bright blue scarf that Kise lent you this morning.
“Yeah, it is,” you nodded.
“I can tell. It’s really not your usual style— it’s not even wrapped properly,” they continued, giving you a pitiful chuckle as Kasamatsu’s s/o bobbed their head in agreement.
“Yeah, I know. I was trying something new, but I’m not sure I like it,” you sighed, fiddling with the end of it. To be honest, you didn’t even want to wear it. It was only there to cover up the bright red marks Kise left all over your neck the night before. You wanted to cover it up with makeup, but you remembered that morning that you needed to buy a new bottle of foundation because Kise accidentally knocked your old one over while playing around with you and broke it.
“Here let me wrap it properly for you,” Kasamatsu’s s/o offered, shuffling closer to you and taking your scarf off before you had time to protest.
And just like that, you were left bare-necked, with both of their eyes glued onto you in shock as your face flushed red. You immediately snatched the scarf back and wrapped it back out of embarrassment.
“Oh my God Y/N! Your neck was covered in hickeys!” Moriyama’s s/o squealed, making you want to dash out of there.
“So you and Kise got it on last night huh? Go on, give us the details!” Kasamatsu’s s/o urged excitedly as they nudged your shoulder with their elbow.
“Details? It was nothing,” you said nervously, desperately searching your head for a way to change the topic.
“Nothing? Y/N, those marks were plastered all across your neck! He barely left any spots untouched,” Moriyama’s s/o laughed.
“Well, what do you want me to say? We were just messing around,” you shrugged. “Can we please move on—“
“Hey guys,” Kise chimed in, cutting you off with a kiss on your cheek. You looked around in confusion and realised that he was on his water break and began to prepare yourself for what’s to come. “What’re you talking about?”
“Well, Y/N was just showing us those marks on their neck—“
“I wasn’t showing them to you! You saw them against my will,” you corrected as you buried your face in your hands.
“Shhh, seems like you two had fun last night,” Kasamatsu’s s/o giggled.
“Oh those! I kind of got carried away, didn’t I? Sorry, Y/N-cchi,” Kise said sweetly as he wrapped his arms around you apologetically.
“We were trying to get Y/N to spill some details but they’re too embarrassed,” Kasamatsu’s s/o said as you continued to pray that this hell of a conversation would end. You hated how charismatic Kise was sometimes, because it often ended with him slipping into conversations like this so easily and just fuelling the fire.
“Embarrassed? Y/N-cchi, you don’t need to be embarrassed. I left those marks there for a reason— you should be proud of them!” Kise sang as your friends nodded along, a smug look on both of their faces.
“Ryouta please stop,” you whined as he only hugged you tighter.
“But those marks look nice on—“
“Captain! Hasn’t this water break gone on long enough?” You called out to Kasamatsu all of a sudden.
“Oi Kise, get your ass back on the court!” Kasamatsu yelled back in reply, causing Kise to sigh.
“Why’d you do that?” Kise pouted.
“Because I like watching you practice,” you said innocently. “You’re playing a game now aren’t you? Why don’t you go score a cool dunk for me?”
Just like that, Kise immediately lit up. “I’ll score the best dunk you’ve ever seen!” He said cheerily before turning back to your friends. “Take it easy on Y/N-cchi, it’s my fault after all.”
“Yeah yeah, we’re just joking around for the fun of it. It’s not funny if it goes on for too long anyways,” Moriyama’s s/o replied reassuringly.
“Great. Thanks,” Kise grinned. Just as you thought he was going to leave, he suddenly leaned in close to your ear and whispered, “You know, those marks on your neck really do look pretty— I might just make some more later.”
And like it was nothing, Kise strutted off confidently, leaving you with a face that couldn’t be more flustered even if you tried.
It wasn’t unusual for you to have marks all over your neck since everyone had already gotten used to it. The first few times the team and their significant others noticed them, there were a lot of questions and reactions, though they were mainly directed at Aomine so you didn’t mind all too much. Of course, you’d still try to hide them as much as you could, but makeup is expensive and to be spending so much on concealing marks that would just appear again within a week or so seemed quite redundant to you. You also tried to tell Aomine to limit the marks to places that clothes could cover, and while he’d agree beforehand, he’d often end up getting carried away and doing what he wants.
It was the day of an important preliminary match for Touou and you met up with the significant others of Wakamatsu and Imayoshi at the stands of the arena after wishing your boyfriend good luck. Upon greeting them, their eyes were immediately directed to your neck— which you expected. You tried covering the marks up with makeup but they were still quite visible. Furthermore, it was the summer so a scarf or turtleneck was not an option— you weren’t going to suffer for something this trivial.
“Y/N, did you even try to cover that up?” Wakamatsu’s s/o asked with a sigh.
“I did! I think I need to get some better foundation, honestly,” you groaned as you took a seat next to them.
“My God, that Aomine really doesn’t quit huh? Even before a big game?” Imayoshi’s s/o asked.
“Somehow he’s even more riled up before games. I really don’t know how he has the energy,” you sighed.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it,” Imayoshi’s s/o said with a smirk.
“Well, of course I like it. Just let me complain, will you?” you joked.
“Haven’t you tried telling him to take it easy with the marks?” Wakamatsu’s s/o questioned.
“I have— many times. But he never listens.”
“Yeah, I don’t think he’d ever really listen to things like that,” Imayoshi’s s/o said.
“That’s just Daiki for you,” you shrugged.
“Well, was last night fun?” Wakamatsu’s s/o asked suggestively, nudging your arm.
“Yeah it was,” you said, beginning to feel slightly flustered as your mind wandered back to moments from the night before.
“Oooh, go on, give us the details,” Imayoshi’s s/o said excitedly.
“No way. That’s only for me to know,” you said firmly. “Besides, I’m way too tired to be going into details anyway,” you added as you let out an exhausted yawn.
“My God, how long were you up till?” Wakamatsu’s s/o asked.
“I don’t even remember— I think it was 2 a.m.?” you guessed, cursing Aomine and his stamina for keeping you up so late.
“Don’t you think he’d be too tired to play today then?” Wakamatsu’s s/o asked.
“He’s an idiot, but he wouldn’t be up so late unless he knew he could handle it,” you replied.
The topic quickly died out once the game began, and all of you were so consumed with it that all of you’d completely forgotten about the marks. And of course, Touou won with a massive lead— with Aomine scoring almost half of the points. He truly was incredible, you thought.
You were often very good at hiding marks left behind by Akashi, but there was this one morning where you were in such a rush that you had no time to cover them up. So as you headed to the gym to watch Akashi’s practice like you usually would, he seemed to notice the red spots on your neck. As a smile spread across his face, he took his jacket off and handed it to you.
“Sorry for rushing you so much; I don’t like being late. Here, wear this so you can cover those up for the most part,” he said, eyeing your neck with a look that had no traces of regret whatsoever.
You took his jacket and zipped it all the way up so that it would cover your neck. “Shouldn’t you be apologising for leaving the marks instead?”
“I wouldn’t have left them if I thought I’d have to apologise for it. They look quite pretty on your neck if I’m being honest—I’m just saving you from being interrogated,” he explained coolly as you neared the gym.
“Well, I have a feeling that it’s gonna happen whether I like it or not.”
And just as you expected, when you got to the gym and met up with Mayuzumi, Hayama and Nebuya’s s/os, you were greeted with a few strange looks. “What’s up with the jacket, Y/N?” Mayuzumi’s s/o questioned.
“Oh, Sei gave it to me because I was feeling chilly,” you lied with a shrug.
“You don’t usually zip it up all the way though. It looks weird,” Hayama’s s/o pointed out. You didn’t realise that they were this observant until then.
“Y/N’s probably hiding something under there then,” Nebuya’s s/o said jokingly, almost as if they knew exactly what was going on but tried to pass it off as something humorous.
“What could I possibly be hiding?” you played along, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.
“I don’t know, you tell me,” Nebuya’s s/o said suggestively, still clearly joking.
“Could it possibly be hickeys?” Mayuzumi’s s/o guessed, causing the group to break out into a chorus of hoots as you genuinely questioned whether they had psychic abilities.
“What? Why would you say that?” you laughed, still determined not to give it away.
“I want to say that I did some incredible detective work, but there are still marks poking out ever so slightly from your neck that gave it away,” Mayuzumi’s s/o explained, drawing all the attention towards your neck as the other two tried to spot it.
You let out a sigh, “Alright, you got me. I didn’t have time to cover them up this morning.”
“Let us see them!” Hayama’s s/o said a little too excitedly.
“Why do you need to see them?”
“It’s the prize for our investigative abilities,” Nebuya’s s/o said.
Rolling your eyes, you reluctantly unzipped the jacket, revealing the bright red and purple marks spread across your neck and earning a gasp from all three of them.
“Akashi really doesn’t hold back, does he?” Hayama’s s/o giggled.
“Sounds about right— it’s Akashi Seijuro we’re talking about after all,” Mayuzumi’s s/o commented.
“So, did you have fun last night, Y/N?” Nebuya’s s/o grinned.
“Well, yeah,” you mumbled, beginning to feel a little embarrassed as you zipped the jacket back up.
“There are a lot of marks though. Is he really that rough?” Mayuzumi’s s/o asked, a slight hint of concern in their voice.
“Kind of? I don’t know. It feels weird talking about it. But he has his moments,” you answered, not knowing how much you should be sharing with them.
“He just seems so cool and collected that I can’t believe he did that much damage, you know?” Nebuya’s s/o explained.
“Yeah I get what you mean,” Hayama’s s/o nodded along as all of their heads turned to take a look at Akashi, who was instructing his team about something.
“Can we please move on from this topic, it’s weird,” you said quickly, not liking that they were all probably thinking about Akashi in a whole different way now.
They were somehow quite understanding of your request and the conversation quickly moved on to a different subject matter so that whatever happened between you and Akashi remained between the two of you— and you hoped that it would stay that way.
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Because Hearts Get Broken - Loving Is The Antidote (Part 3/3)
Because Hearts Get Broken Part 3 :) read the first two on my masterlist 
Synopsis: Overcoming fears is not an easy thing, but maybe it’s worth a shot if the ending leads to happiness. 
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Genre: kinda angsty, mostly fluffy and SHMUTTYYYYYYYYY
Warnings: SMUT!!! (so beware, this is kinda sweet, but oh so filthy; unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), m going down on f, slight fingering etc), swearing
Word count: 5895
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Y/N had never been so nervous while getting ready for a show. She liked to be front-row, right by the stage to feel as close to the music as possible, the energy of the crowd filling her up and making her buzz with excitement, even hours after the concert was done. 
        The thing was – with when they started dating and then with the pandemic shutting everything down in spring, Y/N had never seen Harry live. Sure, he’d given her private concerts, had sung her any song she wanted, but this was different. Somehow, even though there were more people, it felt more intimate because this wasn’t just him lulling Y/N to sleep. This was Harry baring part of his soul to the world, and doing it with such ease, it made her heart ache.
        The venue was small, at least compared to the arena sizes Y/N knew he typically performed at. There were around 100ish or so people, and the line was quite quick to move. 
        She told the woman with the clipboard her name and provided some ID. The list wasn’t that long, and it took her barely two seconds to spot the name, as she smiled and gave Y/N a nod.
        “I’ll have Bert escort you to the backstage if you’ll just follow him, please.”
        “Could I actually watch from the crowd?” Y/N asked biting her lip. “I love being a part of it, you know. Feel the energy and stuff.”
        “Uh, sure.” The woman gave her an uncertain look. “It’s just that Mr Styles asked for you to be brought backstage, and umm…”
        “If Harry says anything,” Y/N put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “I’ll deal with it. Please, don’t worry too much. Unless he wants a kidnapping charge, he’ll deal with the fact that I’m inside the venue.”
        And that seemed to do the trick, as the girl, visibly relaxed and even laughed a bit, handing Y/N back her ID and motioning with her head to go inside. 
        Small tables had been set up, and each one could house four people at a time. Most of them had already been taken and given how she didn’t want to draw any attention, Y/N decided to take one of the tables at the very back, a pillar half obscuring the stage and with that – her face. 
        The enthusiasm was palpable in the air, and people were chattering away, anticipating the moment Harry with his band would walk onto the stage. A waitress came up to her, asking if she wanted anything to eat or drink.
        “And your name, please? To set up a tab.”
        “Y/N Y/L/N.”
        “Oh,” her eyes went a bit wide. “Um, no need to pay then.”
        Her brows furrowed. “Excuse me?”
        “We’ve been told that anything you order should be put on Mr Sty – “
        “Mr Styles tab,” Y/N finished the sentence with a chuckle. “Yeah. Okay… well, is it possible for you to not say anything to him and let me pay for my drinks?”
        “I – “ she shrugged. “I guess?”
        “Just the G&T please.”
        The waitress nodded and clicked her pen, still seemingly unsure about what to do, but ultimately deciding to go with what Y/N asked. “Coming right up.”
        The lights dimmed, and Y/N’s attention was brought to the stage, where she saw Harry, Sarah, Mitch, Adam, Naomi and Charlotte appear and take their places, as applause and cheers became their background music.
        He looked good, very good, in fact. His brown hair was the typical messy mop on top of his head, the signature pearl necklace around his neck, while he sported the soft rainbow cardigan, a sharp-looking high neck button-up, and black slacks, with black boots.
        “Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” Harry started, and it made a collective chuckle rise into the air. He could post a fleeting comment on Instagram saying he was having a concert in three minutes, and there’d be ten thousand fans waiting for him. “When ‘Save the Children’ reached out to us and asked if we could help them raise some donations, we immediately hopped on the idea, and it warms our hearts seeing so many of you here, and the fact that you’re supporting their cause.”
        Loud cheers immediately exploded, and Y/N obviously joined in. 
        “All proceeds for the tickets made today will go to them, as will any other donations you decide to give, so, I hope you do, and let’s get the show going.”
        That was Sarah’s cue to hit her drumsticks together three times, as the notes of ‘Golden’ rattled the air.
        Seeing Harry in his element was nothing short of electric. Although he was sitting down, and most of the songs he sang were acoustic versions, it was dazzling to see the passion seep out of his body and into the lyrics he'd composed. 
        Throughout most of it, his green eyes kept scanning over the gathered people, while flitting to see what was happening behind the curtain, and it made Y/N sort of giddy, thinking that he might be trying to find her.
        Because in truth, he was. When Harry had arrived, he was all nerves and jitters, which had never happened before a show. Well, never before had Y/N come to one of his shows, so there was also that. 
        All throughout prep, he was waiting for someone from the staff to come up to him and tell him his girl had come, but no one did, until like five minutes before he was supposed to perform, a breathless woman, who seemed so nervous she was about to pass out, had tapped him on the shoulder.
        “Is she here?” Now he was the breathless one. 
        “Uh, yeah, Y/N arrived a little while ago.”
        His forehead creased in confusion. “Then, where is she? No one came to inform me.”
        “I’m so sorry Mr Styles, but she asked to be allowed into the crowd, she uh… didn’t wanna be taken backstage.”
        That was literally all he could manage, as his heart dropped. “Well… at least she’s here.” He gave the assistant a smile. “Thank you. I uh, I hope you’ll enjoy the show.”
        Then it was call-time, and he had to gather himself as he walked on the small podium, taking his place by the mic, and beginning the concert.
        After each song, he scanned the gathered people, in hopes of seeing Y/N’s face, but she had hidden really well, and when he’d looked to the sides, wishing to see her frame standing there, he had to remind himself, that she was there, and he still had to fulfil a little surprise, which he hoped she’d like.
“You know when writing… songs are inspired by many things, but just like with books you reread, they can get new meanings and make you feel different than before. So, although I had no clue this person existed when I wrote this song, the second I met her, I knew it was about her. She’s uh, she’s here tonight.”
Y/N’s head snapped up from where she’d been propping it against her hand so hard, she was sure she heard a bone crack.
        “So, I’d like to end this small get together and dedicate it to her. And I know this isn’t one of her favourite songs,” Harry let out a small laugh, Sarah mimicking it behind the drums. “She told me she’s kind of sick of it, given how it was all over the radio at one point, but uh, I hope that maybe, she - uh - she just listens to the words, and knows I mean it.”
        Y/N didn’t even need the first chord to be played to know what song he meant. ‘Adore You’. 
        During their quarantine, she’d jokingly said if it played one more time on the radio, she’d have to break up with him.
        He’d yanked her down on the couch, nose nuzzling into her hair. “ ‘N why’s that? Thought you liked my singing.”
        “I do,” Y/N wove her fingers into his locks and massaged at his scalp, making Harry let out a satisfied groan. “I just don’t wanna hear you sing about loving and adoring someone that ain’t me.”
        A playful smirk pressed against her skin. “Jealous, are we?”
        “No,” Y/N shrugged pinching his side. “Jus’ tired of the song.”
        “Don’t worry.” He brought his face from where he’d hidden it by her shoulder and turned hers to face him. “From now on, whenever I’ll sing it, I’ll sing it for you. You’re the only person I wanna love and adore.”
        “What about Gem and your mum.”
        A disgusted look passed over his features. “Not in that way!”
        “Harry!” Y/N slapped his arm as both of them dissolved into laughter. 
        “You don’t have to say you love me,” he sung, breaking her out of the trance, “you don’t have to say nothing, you don’t have to say you’re mine.”
        She’d never hated the song, never meant it when she’d said that, and could never be mad at Harry for having written out his feelings, woven them into notes and masterfully put it together for others to hear.
        It was a weird notion to Y/N though, knowing everyone in the world could hear how he’d loved someone so much, but that was just because of her own inability to properly express her feelings. Yet now, listening to him sing that song for her, made her chest hurt.
        Thankfully Y/N wasn’t the only one sniffling in the audience, so she wasn’t standing out that much. She was kind of scared that Harry might look over and others would connect the dots, but he didn’t, not really at least. His green eyes scanned the people, but mostly he kept his gaze on the floor, as if afraid of what reaction everyone would have as the song ended.
        “Thank you,” he muttered into the microphone the cheers morphed into ovations, while he pressed his fingers against his lips and ‘sent’ the kiss to the audience before retreating backstage with his band in tow. As people started to filter out, groups heading down the street while others lingered in hopes of catching a glimpse or having a word with Harry, Y/N waited by the table, finishing off her drink before moving towards the backstage. 
        “I uh.” She showed one of the security guards her ID. “I was told I can come backstage?”
        The burly man looked down at the woman next to him, who much like the assistant before had a clipboard. When she found Y/N’s name she looked up and smiled. “Right this way.”
        They wove through the small walkways, as people rushed back and forth, coiling up wires, dismantling the drum-set and carefully placing the instruments in their boxes for them to be put in the van.
        “He’ll be back here in a minute,” the representative said, opening up a door where Harry’s name was plastered on, letting her step in, and Y/N nodded, pulling her jumper sleeves down her palms.
        It was a nervous habit of hers, having switched over from biting her nails to plucking at loose threads of clothing to now pulling at them. Harry had been the one to help her get rid of the biting.
        “How am I supposed to paint your nails, if you rip them off?”
        Y/N had scoffed shoving him a bit. “You have your own nails to paint.”
        “Yes, but I wanna make your pretty too.”
        “You telling me I ain’t pretty enough for you?”
        “No, I think you’re gorgeous, but,” he’d leaned closer to her, so close she could feel his teeth graze her earlobe, “I do love it when I can see marks on my back in the morning.”
        Y/N let out a shaky breath, as butterflies tumbled through her stomach. Three minutes of anticipation and the door clicked open, making her whip around and come face to face with Harry.
        “Hey,” he breathed out. “I uh I didn’t really think you’d come, but I’m really happy you did.”
        Y/N shrugged toeing at the ground and smoothing her hands against her thighs. “I’ll always do everything I can to support you. Being together is not a condition in my book for making sure you’re alright and happy.”
        “Did you uh – di –“
        “Did I hear the song?” she interrupted him, and Harry visibly gulped nodding. 
        “Yeah.” It was barely a whisper, her eyes cast down, noticing how his foot was tapping an irregular rhythm.
        “And?” Y/N let out a chuckle before leaning down to the couch and grabbing a pillow. “How! Dare! You!” she yelled, hitting his arm with it. “You think you can just do that, you think you can dedicate a song – a fucking love song – to me and get away with it? You think you can just be sweet and nice and so fucking loving and not make me fall in love with you more? And – and – and you just think you can do that?! And make me feel things?”
        Harry’s smile was blinding, as he grabbed the pillow, throwing it onto the sofa, and eliminating the two remaining steps between the two, hands on her waist, forehead to hers, as Y/N huffed seeing the smirk bloom even more on his lips. “I made you feel things, huh?”
        “Yes,” she grumbled crossing her arms in front of her chest, but in no way was she attempting to push away from him, actually relishing his touch and warmth, and his skin against hers. “You did. And I hate you for that.”
        “Do ya really, dove?” He was smiling wider than before.
        Her nose brushed against his. “Very much so.”
        “I love you too. So much.”
        “You sure you want to take a chance on me?” Y/N had to ask. “It’s – I can’t promise it’ll be easy.”
        “Love’s not supposed to be easy. And you’re worth it. You’re worth everything to me.”
        “Okay then…” She had to suppress the cry that threatened to break out of her throat by clearing it.  “But on one condition,” Y/N stated with all seriousness. “You give me a proper shag right here, right now, because I’ve missed you so much, I won’t be able to wait until home.”
“Fuck, dove!” Harry groaned and cupped her cheeks, pulling her lips to his. “They’re gonna ban me from here,” Harry muttered against Y/N’s mouth, trying to wiggle out of the cardigan.
        “Then let’s give them a reason,” Y/N hummed against his lips, as her fingers, shaky but still nimble, undid the first button to his high-collared shirt. 
        Down and down, they went until the planes of his chest and stomach were exposed, and she could indulge herself by letting her palms and nails rake over the skin and the tattoos.
        “Wanna taste you,” Harry gasped pulling away for a breath of air. “Haven’t had you in so long, wanna feel you cum on my tongue.”
        Y/N’s eyes rolled to the back of her head from his words alone, and given how she didn’t trust her voice to not shake, she nodded her head, helping him get her boots off, toeing the socks with them and then shimmying out of her jeans.
        Her bottom half was practically naked when Harry pulled her by the thighs, legs around his waist and lowered her on the shabby sofa. Her mind was so hazy from all the love and pleasure, Y/N didn’t even care about how it probably hadn’t had a good deep clean in ages.
        Skilful hands lifted up her jumper, exposing the tank underneath. Harry raised his eyebrow. “How many layers do you have on? I want you naked.”
        “It’s fucking winter in New York.” Y/N helped him remove the piece of clothing he found so offensive. “Did you want me to come in just lingerie and freeze my tits off?”
        He hummed before looking up. “Speaking of tits? Can I see ‘em?”
         “Maybe. If you eat me out first.”
        The thing was, as much as Harry wanted to dive right into it, he was feeling mischievous, so he decided to drag out the process as much as possible. Hands caressing her sides, he lifted the shirt so he could press kisses to her stomach, leaving invisible marks of love with every step of the way, and he grinned to himself hearing Y/N’s breath hitch as he reached her underwear.
        There was an embarrassingly large wet spot, and Harry pressed his hips against the couch to somewhat minimise the pain he was starting to feel. He was not gonna blow a load in his pants when he finally got to be with Y/N again. 
        “Can I take 'em off?” Harry murmured, leaving a fluttery press of his mouth against her hipbone, while she viciously nodded. 
        Quickly he pressed a kiss to the spot he’d soon be able to see unclothed, and it made Y/N jerk, but fuck she was eager, pupils blown so much there was nothing left of her usual Y/E/C eyes, but two black abysses.
        Harry’s were quite the same, as the green had turned dark jade, and even that was a small ringlet around his intense gaze.
        “Do not!” She pointed a finger at him, and Harry stopped mid-motion, just as he was going to pocket her panties. “I won’t go commando while wearing jeans.”
        “But –“
        “It’s not you who’ll chafe.”
        Harry huffed, and put them on the side of the couch. “Fine. But just so you know, you’re very boring and are ruining all the fun.”
        “At least I won’t have to deal with a yeast infection.”
        He couldn’t argue with that, running his hands over her thighs. “Fair enough. But you owe me a kiss.”
        “Come here, you doofus,” she grabbed at the open lapels of his shirt and pulled him down, arms looping around his broad shoulder to have his chest pressed against hers and bring their lips back together. 
        For a couple of minutes, they let their tongues dance in the familiar rhythm. There were no teeth clashing, no foreheads bumping or biting. Despite both of their eagerness, they’d decided to revel in being together, so each kiss was experienced to the fullest.
        “Better?” she asked, completely out of breath, as they pulled apart. 
        “Yeah.” Harry smiled, mind a blissed-out haze. “Now, where were we?”
        She couldn’t really think straight either, so her only response was a lift of her hips.
        “Right,” he sighed and slipped a delicate hand down her tummy and along the inside of her legs.  “God, I missed being here.” And slowly his head joined where he was brushing the sensitive skin of the apex of her thighs.
        “Harry!” she dragged out his name, as his fingers just kept skimming her skin, and when she thought they’d slip past her folds, he dragged them back to the inner thigh. “Stop teasing!” Y/N had her hands over her eyes. 
        “Why?” he smirked, kissing right around the place she wanted his lips on, but not on it. “It’s fun. Payback for everything you put me through.”
        “Harry, I swear if you don’t put your tongue in me, I’ll put my foot through your face.”
        He lifted her legs up, and then over his shoulders, caging her hips in with his arms. “Not if I do that.”
        “Just – fuck! You’re such a bully!” Y/N laughed. 
        “Are you telling me, I’m being mean to my girlfriend, the love of my life, owner of my heart and soul?” he asked, leaning his cheek to rest against the inside of her thigh, and she wove her fingers into his hair.
        “Well, if you don’t do anything, it’s gonna be ex-girlfriend again.”
        Harry narrowed his eyes. “Look who’s being a bully now.”
        “But – just – please!” she whined. “Please, I need it so bad.”
        “Need what?”
        “Ugh, you’re such a menace!” Y/N pretty much yelled and leaned to rest herself on her elbows, catching Harry’s eyes to keep a direct gaze. “I need your tongue so far up my cunt, that by the end of it all, your neck is covered in my cum. Happy now?”
        His grin was wicked. “Very.”
        That seemed to do the trick, as he lowered his head, and with closed eyes like a wine taster, finally attached his mouth to where Y/N had been craving him for so long. A deep sigh of relief passed her lips, and she threw her head back against the couch cushion, savouring the feeling of what was happening to her. 
        “Did you eat pineapples before coming?” Harry asked, replacing his tongue with two of his fingers; they slipped in without any resistance with how wet she was. “Taste… sweet.”
        “Had a fruit salad for dinner,” she moaned as he leaned back in and licked a broad stripe. “Didn’t have anything else in the fridge.”
        “That’s not proper dinner. Pizza afterwards?”
        Y/N hummed as he sucked on her clit. “Domino’s?”
        Harry linked his fingers through hers and brought their intertwined hands to rest on her stomach. “Whatever you want.”
        “Isn’t this kind of cheating for you though?” she let out a choked-back laugh, and with furrowed brows, he detached himself from her core.
        “What’dya mean?”
        “You’re having dessert first.”
        The singer threw his head back with a cackle. “Don’t worry, I’ll eat my veggies. But let me finish having my fruit first.”
        It was like he’d been starved of her, and in a way, Harry definitely had been. For almost three months, a quarter of a year, he hadn’t felt Y/N’s touch, hadn’t tasted her, nor pretty much heard the sounds she made.
        All he’d been left with was one last good-bye, a kiss given in a passion induced haze, and the one-sentence she’d recorded for her voicemail box, and well, let’s just say – Harry was more than happy to feel her hands let go of his and grasp onto his hair, to drink up everything she offered and listen to all of the moans Y/N was no longer depriving him of. It was heaven, to say the least.
        “ ‘M not gonna last long,” she gasped, yanking at his hair, making him moan into her, the vibrations only adding to the already intense pleasure that was coursing through her veins.
        Harry released her clit with a small pop. “Don’t want you to last long. Want you to cum and do it like you said you would – soak me all the way down to my neck.”
        A second later, he had his mouth around her clit again, ten seconds later, her whole body seized up, the air got stuck at the back of her throat, as her eyes rolled to the back, and her back arched up from the couch so far Harry almost lost his hold on Y/N’s waist.
        It was through a fog she heard Harry speak, and it took all of her willpower to focus on understanding what he was saying.
        “Hey, come back to me, dove,” he whispered, gentle palms coming to hold Y/N’s face, and he intently watched her eyelids flutter, body still going through the aftershocks of orgasm. “Come back, dove.”
        “Mhmm,” she let out a soft sigh, leaning her face more into Harry’s touch before opening her eyes and giving him a fucked-out smile. 
        “You good there?”
        The words ‘the best’ were pretty much a slur, but Harry understood them, eyes twinkling. “Take my top off.”
        She quirked an eyebrow. “Didn’t you wanna see my tits?”
        “Yeah,” Harry laughed. “I did – do. Very much so. Gonna let me?”
        “Just take my top off.” 
        Pressing a chaste kiss to her lips, where she could taste herself (and much like Harry had said – she did taste sweet), he practically ripped the tank top off, and with a little help from Y/N who stretched her back, the bra came off as well, revealing her in her full naked glory.
        “So beautiful,” he uttered in a soft voice. “Still so bloody gorgeous. Should kick myself for ever letting you go even for a second.”
        A little piece of her heart broke at Harry’s statement. “Wasn’t your fault.”
        “Maybe.” He dragged a hand between her breasts and watched as Y/N’s breathing went ragged. “Maybe not. All I know is, I shouldn’t have let you leave.”
        “Then don’t let me. Please.”
        It was the tears in her eyes which made him lean down and give her an open-mouthed kiss, tongue twisting against hers, promising that whatever happened, whatever insecurities came their way, he wouldn’t ever let go. 
        “Take these off,” Y/N said, popping open the button to his slack, and even that small motion made Harry release a groan of relief, as some of the pressure was taken off his painfully hard dick. “Wanna have you inside me.”
        “Dove, you’ll kill me with that mouth of yours.”
        “I’d rather you raw me than die.”
        “ ‘S not my fault you’ve got such a dirty mouth.”
        He’d managed to kick off his shoes, and shimmy the trousers down, now lying in a pile on the floor, while Y/N had fully removed his shirt and had thrown it somewhere across the room, itching to just have him pressed against her. 
        “Condom,” Harry hissed when Y/N’s hand slipped behind his briefs and grabbed him at the base, twisting her palm the way he liked, and slowly moving it up so she could press her thumb against the sensitive tip. “Condom – shit – Y/N,  I wanna cum, but not that quick.”
        “Nuhu,” she shook her head, wrapping her legs around his waist, both her hands going to the back of his underwear and dragging them down, not before squeezing his ass. “I said I want you to raw me.”
        If Harry was going to bust a nut before, now it took him literally biting on his lip and closing his eyes for a minute to gather composure.
        “Wait no!” Y/N suddenly sat upright as he was going to lean down, almost knocking her forehead to his nose.
        “What? What’s wrong?”
        “Nothing, I just wanna blow you.”
        “I –,“ he stammered, “you – fuck. Okay. As much as I love that idea, because believe me I do, you’ll have to do it later, ‘cause I’m just about ready to cum.”
        Y/N’s brows furrowed, hand reaching for his hard member, Harry having to stop her midway. “But – you just gave me such good head. I wanna give some to you too.”
        “I will literally cum just from you talking if you don’t stop, but I really wanna fuck you, so will you please just let me?”
        “Okay,” Y/N nodded leaning back down and reaching for Harry to lay over her. “But you’ll let me stuff my face with your cock after?”
        “Jesus Christ.”
        “ ‘S not fun being teased, is it?” Y/N grinned, biting on his earlobe, as Harry took himself and lined up with her entrance, letting the tip nudge against her clit.
        “Yes well,” he took in a breath, slowly sinking in, “if you giving me a blowjob is your form of revenge, I might have to piss you off more.”
        That was a suggestion Y/N was happy to take him up on, as long as it got Harry inside her. 
        He was being very gentle, very much so aware of how sensitive she still was from her previous orgasm, and all he wanted to do was make her feel as good as possible, so he stilled half-way in, but Y/N shook her head.
        “More,” she whimpered.
         “Don’t wanna hurt you,” he muttered against her lips, legs shaking from how much pleasure he was already having, but still very much so attuned to what Y/N’s body was telling him, yet she seemed to not be having any of it.
        “Harry if you don’t get inside me right up to your balls, I will get myself off in front of you, and leave you high and dry.”
        “Now that,” he looked at her pointedly, “just won’t do.” And with those words, he sank deeper, just as Y/N had requested until he’d bottomed out.
        All the air had been choked out of her lungs from the sensation, and not only did Harry have to wait for a second for her to adjust (and to compose himself somewhat), but also for Y/N to take in a breath.
        “Breathe, dove,” he let out a small laugh, and it made Y/N reciprocate, her chest rattling with uneven intakes. “Said I didn’t wanna hurt you, let alone kill you.”
        “ ‘S not my fault your dick’s massive.”
        “Do I hear complaining?”
        “No, just stating a fact.”
        “Well, I’ll be taking that as a compliment.” He smoothed away some strands of hair, letting the two of them just lay there for a moment, to relish in the normalcy of the situation and how amazing it was to be back together, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
        Harry left kisses all over Y/N’s face as she calmed down, lips skimming over her cheeks, then down her jawline, up her chin to give a peck on the lips before kissing the tip of her nose and the bridge, then each of her eyelids and then the forehead before slipping to soothe at her temples. “You alright?” He checked in, a thumb stroking her cheek. “Do you want some water maybe?”
        “No,” she shook her head, her own palms on a never-stopping motion on his back, up and down, and then circling against Harry’s sides. “Jus’ needed a second to gather myself. ‘S been a while.”
        “So, you haven’t gotten with anyone while we – “
        Y/N raised an eyebrow as his question trickled off. “Do you really wanna know if I’ve had sex with anyone? Right now? With your dick all the way in my vagina?”
        “Hey! STDs are a real thing!”
        “Harry, if I was, I would’ve told you before all of this. And not just because of health risks…”
        And that made something in his chest bloom. This certain hope, he’d felt get extinguished when Y/N had broken it off, but that had been quite the pest in his mind. The hope that was the reason he’d tried so hard to talk to her both on New Year’s and then the week prior – the hope, that Y/N did trust him enough to open up, and that if he just gave her the time, she’d do so without inhibitions.
        Her answer confirmed it to Harry. He had no rights to know what her sex life was like when they weren’t together, he wasn’t her keeper, but the fact that she’d implied, she would’ve let him know regardless, that Y/N so wholeheartedly trusted him with such intimate information made that hope blossom into a glowing flower.
        “I haven’t been with anyone either,” his tone was sincere. “I – I couldn’t. I tried to, but I just couldn’t take it that far, because every time I opened my eyes… it wasn’t you staring back at me.”
        “Haz…” tears gleamed on Y/N’s bottom lashes, and when they fell, he gently wiped them away. “I’m sorry.”
        “No.” He shook his head. “None of that. It was a good thing. Because we’re here, right now, right this second, and it’s you I’m with, and it’s you I wanted. Needed. So, none of that.”
        “I just – “
        “I know,” he said and pressed his forehead against hers. “I know.”
        “Okay… I – “ she took in a breath. “I think you can move now.”
        “You sure?”
        “Mhm,” Y/N hummed. “Just take it slow at first.”
        Harry’s head fell into the crook of her neck. “I’ll take care of you. Promise. Just tell me if it hurts, and we’ll stop.”
        “You could never hurt me.”
        And as much as her statement made his insides all warm and fuzzy, Harry still moved gently. Slowly he rolled his hips into hers and took in the small moan that left Y/N’s throat. Then once more, and more, and more until he’d set a bruising pace, pounding into her so much, the table next to the sofa shook with the force.
        “Fuck, Haz.” It was a breathless whimper, her nails digging oh so deliciously into his back, leaving crescent moon marks for him to admire later. “Feels so good. So deep.”
        “And you’re so tight,” he grunted, placing a hand on her lower stomach and pushing down until he could feel himself moving inside of Y/N. “Taking me so fucking well.”
        One of his palms came to rest by her head, and the other took the arm of the couch, giving Harry the chance to lean into her even more and finally hit that spot that made all thought leave her head, and all breaths come in short gasps, while she desperately tried to hold onto reality by digging her nails in his biceps.
        Not that Harry was fairing any better. With every thrust and stroke, he was slowly coming closer to letting go, to finally getting that release he craved and painting Y/N’s core with his cum, but before that, he just had to, if only to prove to himself he could, get her off one more time. 
        His palm slipped down from the armrest of the couch, over Y/N’s collarbones, squeezing her breast before finding its way between them to rub circles over her clit.
        “Ah, shit,” he moaned, looking at where his cock was disappearing into her, wetness spilling and sticking to his lower abdomen and thighs. “Fuck, dove, I need you to come.”
        “ ‘M almost there,” she gasped. “Don’t stop rubbing.”
        He didn’t, instead, increasing the pace, and he felt her clench more and more until there was pretty much no way for him to move and that pushed both of them over the edge.
        It was an explosion of fireworks without a sound, as bright colours came to life behind their eyelids, but all the noise became non-existent, the most euphoric feeling in the world seemed to replace their blood and replenish their souls with love.
        But funnily enough, even though Y/N was the one who’d had two mind-blowing orgasms, it seemed Harry was having a harder time coming down from the high, as he was still shaking, his whole body racked by tremors, hair sticking to his sweat-slicked skin.
        “Come back to me, Haz.” Y/N kissed his eyelids just like he’d done to her. “Come back. ‘S alright.”
        “Nuhu,” he shook his head, laughter rumbling through his chest and reverberating into hers. “I think you’ve killed me. Absolutely bloody murdered me.”
        “Guess I gotta hide your body then.” She smiled, letting her hands roam his back and soothe the pain her nails had left.
        “Good thing you’re obsessed with all those crime shows.”
        “Gotta get some useful skills somehow.”
        Loud banging against the door made the two jump, and Harry whipped his head towards it.
        “Are you two done fucking?” Sarah hollered. “ ‘Cause there are people here who’d like to change and get something to eat.”
        “What’dya say?” Harry raised an eyebrow at Y/N. “Pizza?”
        “You did promise dinner.”
        “I did.” He kissed her. God, he was never going to get tired of kissing her. And luckily, Y/N was there to stay.
        “Great.” She smiled. “And after that, I’ll get my desert.”
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​ @breezy1415​ @crazy--me​ @thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91​ @dalilx​ @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog​ @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
Harry Styles tags: @sarcasticallywitty15​ @breezykpop​ @girlboss99​ @harrystylesdoesntknowiexist​ @alliyjane​ @sirtommyholland​
A/N:..... I need a cold shower, yall. Didn’t intend for it to get that explicit, but oh well :D 
P.S. my tags are always open :)
297 notes · View notes
fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Yay lasertag!!! Janus you should totally go visit Remus on the weekend and hang out! Also, maybe invite Remy too, if they wanna come. Then (specially if they don't show) you can plan with them both to maybe go on another hangout with Remus but to somewhere you like and let Remy tag along for the ride if they wanna while u're at it.
(Words: 3153 words)
Janus: "Ah yes! I will let you know that after hanging out with Remus I managed to use my incredible totally very good texting skills to ask the Rems if they wanted to go to an art museum and they both for some reaosn, maybe they are being blackmailed, said yes! I hope it will go g-"
He cut himself off as he saw the two Rems come towards him. He had been waiting outside the museum. (Honestly half the reason he had choosen it was because he knew Remus liked art)
Remus waved at him while grinning. He had on sweatpants, a way too large t-shirt and a necklace made out of animal bones. Remy had their arm swung around him. Even though they had sunglasses on their eyebags were still visible.
“Aight gamers! Are we ready to do an epic art heist!! I got my sunglasses ready!” Remus exclaimed. He didn’t, he was planning on stealing Remy’s sunglasses.
“Partner you’re forgetting that we must first observe the security measures of the museum before we can even start to plan the heist” Janus replied.
“Oh!!! That’s what we’re doing today isn’t it??”
“Correct partner!”
“Babes I dunno why you gotta steal art when I’m standing right here” Remy added while posing.
“Good point. Good point” 
Janus had on a yellow bowtie he’d gotten from Logan, a loose purple shirt and black dress pants. People had to look fancy when they went to museums right? Remy had a skirt short enough to fool god and their boyfriend’s hoodie on (it looked oversized on them but with how skinny they were Everything looked oversized on them).
As soon as they got in Remus started to bounce up and down as he looked at the posters showing all the different exhibitions. There was a modern art one, classical and one smaller exhibition for specifically mosaic works.
“So whatcha you wanna look at Snakey?” Remus asked.
Janus was caught of guard “Why are you asking me?”
“Well you chose how we would hang out. C’mon you deserve to choose this too”
He looked over to Remy who shrugged “Uhm okay. Well. The classical paintings would proably give us the most money on the black market so lets look at those”
Remus quickly took on his noise canceling headphones and a chew necklace before doing thumbs up. He firmly took Janus’ hand in his. He sent him a soft smile which made Jan’s heart spin before dashing of with him into the exhibition.
A few big paintings from the renaissance hung on the wall. Remy came a little later since with the cane they walked pretty slow. Remus eyed the paintings from a distance before squinting at them up close. He flapped the hand he was hoding Janus with around.
"Oh!!! This is so cool!!!! This is from the renaissance but it's not using the chiaro oscuro technique like everyone did 'cause Da Vinci would eat their newborn if they didnt!”
"Is that why it's looking flatter than me?" Remy asked.
“YEah!! Augh I love the renaissance!!! Mostly because they were dissecting bodies so much!! sometimes for the sole purpose of drawing anatomy better!! I wanna do that! Or watch someone do that! Getting to see one of those old classrooms where they dissected corpses would be so awesome!”
“Huh good way to get rid of bodies. Great time for serial killers” Janus commented.
He let out a dreamy sigh “It truly was. They’re doing serial killers dirty nowadays”
They went through some more rooms of renaissance paintings. Janus made sure to hold Remus back a bit so Remy could keep up with them. The duke kept rambling about different shading techniques.
They stepped into another room and the style changed. Remus continued to flap his hand nonetheless. Janus was definitely going to have pain in his wrist tomorrow. It was worth it if he could hold his hand though.
Remy leaned their elbow on top of Janus’ head “This is like the baroque time right?”
“YEah!” Remus’ eyes went huge “Bean you didn’t tell me you were into art history??! Do you know about Ruben too?? I like how he paints butts!”
“What? Nah. I just- I can like see it on the clothes in the paintings. Can’t you?”
“Do I look like a time traveling fashiong guru” Janus replied sarcastically “That is honestly impressive”
Remy sunk in on themself and a hint of red appeared on their cheeks “No. Nah. I’m like a total airhead! Completel idiot! hehe I’m like tots sure everyone knows this stuff. Y’all are just bad at fashion. I uh anyway Rem you were gonna rant?”
“I was?”
“Oh....Okay!!” He looked around the room before getting caught on a small painting in the corner. He dashed over to it “HANds!”
The painting depicted 2 bloody hands over a table. They were holding onto each other. the red stuck out against the dark background. It was hard to see if they were supposed to belong to two people who were fighting or in love.
Remus looked down at Janus’ hand while playing with his fingers “I think my favorite body part are hands” He mumbled “I mean they’re horseshit to draw but they can do so much”
Janus looked away from the painting as well. He let his crush do whatever he wanted with his hand as long as he kept holding it. the way he held him so lightly but kept rubbing his thumb up and down his skin made him melt.
“Yeah they can do a lot of fucked up shit” Remy butted in. Jan nearly jumped. He’d completely lost himself in adoring his crush.
“Well hands can also be used to give snakes small berries! And to make coffee!”
“Girl I wasn’t starting an argument. But you sure did won it!”
Remus was staring down into the floor as he said “When I become a cannibal I would wanna try eating human fingers first. I’m sure they would be tasty”
“Why was there a when in there?” Jan asked in a small amount of terror.
“Oh yeah babe totally. I will like actually eat a dick” Remy agreed.
“Why is there a will in there? What kind of time tenses are you people on?? Does english grammar mean nothing to you heathens!?”
Remy got a smug look on their face. They poked their finger right into Janus’ chest “C’mon say what you will eat when you become a cannibal”
“Yeah Snakey” Remus squished his cheeks “Say it! Say it! Say it!”
The two of them kept going on while Janus looked like a sour lemon until he finally caved in.
“Fine. I would either eat the stomach or....the buttocks since they would have the most fat and sustain me the longest”
The Rems looked at each other before bursting out into laughter. “He said butT!” Remus cackled out. The other Rem nodded along and pretended to wipe away a tear from laughter.
“Aight babe let’s put the guy out of his misery” 
They motioned for Remus to go ahead. He happily skipped into the next room and grabbed Jan’s hand to take him with him. The snake couldn’t help but notice how Remy stayed behind for a monent.
“Oh cool!! We’re onto impressionism! The first real art style!” He sighed “From impressionism to cartoon furries. How magical the journey of art is” 
(Jan who had a scaley phase in high school chose to not reply)
“I love the music as well. Crazy lads. My favorite lad?” Remus snickered “De bussy!!”
“That’s my porn name” Remy instantly replied, coming up behind them. “Hey that paint lady kinda like looks like Terra” They pointed at a painting.
“....Hey YEaH! I guess my art is timeless!”
Janus looked between them “who’s Terra?”
“Well girl” Remy playfully ruffled Remus’ hair “She’s just Rem’s tots cool like cartoon character. She’s like all over his sketchbook. Makes it look kinda straight if you ask me but she does have like a very cool design so I get it!”
“Oh......Yes...Sounds very....cool”
The group kept going around looking at art. While it felt like lead was filling Janus’ chest. He’d never heard about Terra. He’d never seen his sketchbook. Meaning they had spent time with each other without him.
He pierced his nails into his palms to stop the thoughts. He refused to be some jealous person who didn’t allow his friends to hang out without him.....Still he wish he could have seen the drawings as well....seen them smile together...heard their shared laughter....
Oh. Oh what if they thought he was annoying. What if they preferred being without him. What if he’d forced them to come here today. What if-
“Hey snakey wanna look at the modern art as well?” Remus interrupted.
Without realizing they’d gone through all of the classic art. Now they were in the last room with not much more than a giant painting the size of one of the walls and a bench.
“That sounds horrid!”
Remus quickly continued of into the next exhibition. Janus still had the taste of lead filling his throat as he went to follow. Until he realized Remy wasn’t there. He turned around and saw them sitting on the bench in front of the painting. They were leaning their arms on their cane.
“It would probably give us a lot on the black market” Jan said while sitting down beside them.
“Mhm. It’s pretty. I just like wanted to look at it some more” They lied.
The painting was pretty much a big flower field with a summer sky shining down on it. Janus noticed how Remy forced deep breathes through their gritted teeth. Their brows were furrowed and their hands kept shaking.
“Are you alright?”
“Of course!” 
“I have some painkillers with me. Would that help agains the pain you’re totally not in?”
They glanced over to him “Girl what you doing walking around with painkillers?”
He looked at them with the most deadpan expression “Remy I’m overweight. You can not phantom how often I get knee pain" He took out a pill and held it out to them "Here"
"There's really like no need! I can like handle it"
Even more deadpan "You shouldn’t have to ‘handle it’. It's 1 painkiller dear. I'm not exactly becoming a saint because of this"
They hesitantly took it "Thanks"
He did fingerguns "No problemo"
They stayed sitting for a bit so the pill could kick in. Jan shuly glanced over to admire them every now and then. Remy kept looking down into the floor while picking at their skin.
“I’m sorry” They said it in a much quieter voice than their usual high pitched one “I tried to do everything right so I wouldn’t ruin everything. I even went to bed early so I wouldn’t get tired....I...I really looked forward to getting to be with you two”
Janus heart beat faster. He pulled himself together to comfort them “You haven’t ruined a thing”
They hid their face in their hands “I’ve been tired and out of it all day. I keep like slowing you down. Don’t think I haven’t like noticed how much you have to hold Rem back from going faster! I’ve just been making this all much worse than it should have been”
“Well you’re here aren’t you? I for one appreciate you simply being here. You don’t have to do anything to make me appreciate you, don’t even have to talk. I hope you know that”
“Oh no darling I totally expect you to win the nobel prize while in a kind of pain I can’t even imagine being in on a daily basis”
Remy chuckled “Thanks”
“There’s really no need for that. I am at any and all times doing the absolute minimum to be counted as a decent human being”
“Sure snakey-babey” They had a soft smile on their face.
They moved to hug him. Their arms wrapped around his back and they muffled their head right between his man titties. Janus sat still for a few seconds, too flustered to think before moving his arms around them as well. A hand on the back of their head, another on their lower back. Their skin felt so cold against his.
Remy closed their eyes and let themself calm down. They could feel Janus’ breathing against their hair.
“I think my fav like human part is the chest” They mumbled out “‘Cause I can hear the heart beat. It reminds me I’m- we’re still like alive”
“Like a bloody biological seashell”
“Exactly” They pressed themself closer. “I like being with you” It was nothing more than a whisper, like it was a secret “When you’re here I feel a bit less like a rotting corpse”
Janus held onto them harder “Well I-I try my best”
“I know babe”
His heart was beating out of his chest. The people around them must think they were a couple. He closed his eyes and focused on Remy’s touch, on Picani’s words from their last session. He managed to push enough of the shame away and focus on the happy butterflies in his stomach instead.
Remy moved away. The moment broke.
“We should probs go find Rem before he starts like eating the art”
“haha yeah” Janus did thumbs up but kept sitting. He’d gone full idiot.
It wasn’t until he saw Remy straining to stand up even with the cane his brain kicked back in.
“Is there some way I could help?”
They didn’t answer. But they did lean their arm around his shoulder to let him carry some of their weight. They slowly but surely made their way to the modern art exhibition.
Remus was sitting crosslegged in front of a weird statue, he was doodling in his sketchbook but shone up into a smile when he saw them.
“There you are! I was starting to think that either the zombie apocalypse had started or you were making out somehwere”
“Oh yeah babe. Full tounge” Remy joked back. Jan let out an inhumane noise.
He closed his sketchbook “I think we’re done here. You’re looking tired beanie. We can come back some other day”
Remy held back the urge to lie that they were fine. Instead they weakly nodded.
The gang left the museum. Right beside it was an ice cream shop. Remus got 3 scoops of a worryingly weird mix of flavors. Janus got 1 scoop of lemon. Remy didn’t feel like eating.
They sat down on a couple of benches right outside. Remy laid down with their head leaned onto Remus’ thigh. He chewed his ice cream while calmly moving his hand up and down their back.
Soon enough they were deep asleep. Janus quickly laid his jacket over their legs. He didn’t want to accidentally see anything under their skirt without their consent.
Remus stared at him like a blood sucking eagle while smiling “Soooo now when beanie is in dream land.......Do” He stopped to giggle “Janny. Janny. Do. Do you like someooooonnneee??”
Janus just blinked at him for half a minute. This was too much. This whole day was too much. He was a wreck. His crush was asking him THis?! While his other crush was laying in his crush’s lap?!?
“Why- Why- What- Who are you working for?! The fucking FBI??? Are they after me?” He desperately tried to joke it away.
“No. No. But seriously JanJan!” He wiggled his shoulders around in a stimmy way “Do you happen to like anyone with a name that starts on R????”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Janus kept glancing between his two crushes while his blushing could be seen out into space. He wanted to lie but his mouth wouldn’t move.
Remus leaned closer and whispered “You’re into Remy right?”
He nodded. A breathe of relief went through him. At least Remus didn’t know he liked him.
“OH I KNEW IT!” Remus yelled out in excitement while flapping his hands.
“Shh! Shh!” Janus scrambled to cover his mouth as Remy stirred for a moment. “Shhhh!” They cuddled closer to their friend and fell back asleep.
“I knew it!” He giggled “Or I mean Remy knew. They told me they thought you were into them”
Now it was Remus that covered his mouth. He was full on cackling “Yeah! They said it was really obvious! But good for you snakey! I’m sure if you murder their boyfriend you can get them in no time! Or you can become a fab homewrecker!! I can help you buy a nice sexy dress and all!!”
Janus paled in terror “How- In- What- In what way did they say it was obvious?”
“Oh y’know-”
The notif on his phone went off. He checked and his eyes went wide. He carefully moved Remy’s head onto the bench before standing up.
“Sorry snakey! Ro needs super duper emergency help! Gotta go!! See you later! Don’t die!”
Remus left him just like that.  Right after dropping THAT bomb on him. Janus sat unmoving. His mouth was slightly agape in shock. His thoughts were runnig around screaming nonstop.
He sat like that for over 20 minutes until Remy let out a yawn and slowly woke up. They took off their sunglasses to rub their eyes. Just seeing their vibrantly green eyes made Janus panic even more.
“Did Rem disintegrate?” Their voice was hoarse from sleepyness. Janus pinched himself to hold back the uhm feelings.
“He- he uh he went he went he sure did went yeah”
They stretched their joints, they all cracked. They looked to Janus and moved closer. He couldn’t breathe. They knew. They knew. They knew.
“Girl are you feeling okay?” They pressed their palm to his forehead “You’re like super hot. In both ways! Maybe you should like go home and rest. I gotta get home before my boyf gets home anyway”
“Y-yeah” Was all Janus could get out.
“Cool. OH! By the way! Girl!!! We haven’t like hung out just the two of us right?? We should tots do that! Just like tell me whatever you wanna do and we can do it!”
“Awesome! Well I’ll see you on that hang out then”
They hugged him for just a few seconds but for those seconds Janus felt like he was in heaven.
They got up and left. Janus slumped over on the bench. His heart was going crazy. They knew. They knew and now they wanted to hang out alone with him. He turned to you. His eyes were wide and panicked.
Janus: “W-what am I supposed to do? I don’t know any good hang out plans! Do you know any??? I’m- this is all- how did they even know I like them! Oh I’m sounding like an overdramatic 13 year old.....This totally isn’t really overwhelming. I would hate getting Logan cuddles right now!”
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Writing Romance: Opposites Attract
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One of the most widespread among romantic tropes is opposites attract, and with good reason. When a couple are opposites, they’re meant to be one of a few things to each other: 1. An inverse reflection of each other. 2. Compliment each other 3. Cover each other’s shortcomings
In a sense, a good Opposites Attract serves to turn two incomplete people into one solid force. If they’re a battle couple, they’ll tend to fight very well together, often balancing force and finesse, melee and ranged, or physical and magical abilities. If the show or book has a lot of time dedicated to foils and character moments, they are more likely to be the ones that each other lean on, since their opposing characters makes them interesting to react off one another. Their roles, story arcs, and backstories tend to run opposite or parallel to one another depending on the series. If one character’s arc is to mature and become more responsible, likely their partner’s arc might be to learn to loosen up and have fun, learn to trust people, or to face a trauma in their past that made them so mature at a young age.
In terms of design, opposites attract partners tend to be inverse in color schemes. Light and dark hair or eyes, warm and cool color schemes, clashing or complimentary fashion styles, etc. The degree in opposition also varies. Some opposites attract look very similar with only a slight difference, indicating that something small is what set them on different paths in life but are otherwise very similar, almost as two sides of the same coin. Other couples are stark contrasts with virtually nothing in common to really emphasize their differences so that they can better make each other whole, as shown very literally through the character of Garnet in Steven Universe. 
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Femme and Butch
While typically, you’re mostly going to see this in femmeslash/yuri pairings, this dynamic is actually fairly universal. This divide focuses on a pairing where each couple reflects the values of masculinity and femininity. Although mostly used as lesbian terms, a femme and butch pairing can also be gay or heterosexual. A fashion-loving twink who cries during romantic movies dating a jock who likes sports and drinks beer is still an example of Femme and Butch. Heterosexual is rather obvious, but can also be inversed, with a tough, assertive woman partnered with a sweet, sensitive man, such as Calhoun and Felix in Wreck-It Ralph. A Femme and Butch pairing doesn’t need to check off every box on this list of traits, but these traits tend to be common in these types of relationships.
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Brains and Brawn
Also known as Jock and Nerd, this romantic dynamic prioritizes the usefulness of both intelligence and brute strength. Another variation is Book Smarts vs Street Smarts. The Brains will be good at doing research, organizing, and will tend to fight more strategically while the Brawn is primarily going to be good at fighting and likely protecting the Brains from serious harm. Princess and Bodyguard is another possible example of this dynamic, albeit a little less directly.
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Hot and Cold
Hot or Warm characters tend to be friendly, outgoing, upbeat, loudmouthed, temperamental, boisterous, and battle-ready. Cold or Cool personalities tend to be shy, calm, quiet, logical, reserved, serious, and emotionally withdrawn. However, while these extreme opposites of hot-head and cold-shoulder balance each other out, it’s worth discussing same heat relationships. Kiribaku is an example of a Hot/Warm relationship, as Bakugou Katsuki is an angry little spitfire with an aggressive streak, while Kirishima Eijirou is a happy-go-lucky sweetheart with a good attitude. This is sort of the same concept, just that both boys are on the warm side of the spectrum, with Kirishima being the cooler counter to Bakugou’s temperamental hot-head. This also works inversely, as the ship Tododeku is a Cold/Cool relationship. Midoriya is a shy, but upbeat young man who tends not to draw too much attention to himself, while Todoroki is stoic, logical, and a bit dense socially. In this case, Midoriya is Cool while Todoriki is Cold, with Midoriya serving as the “Hot” aspect of their relationship as the more friendly and outgoing of the two.  
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Light and Shadow
This archetype is often used as a “opposite sides of the same coin” format, where the characters serve as foils to one another. In Teen Titans, Raven’s powers are dark and demonic, while Starfire’s are bright and extraterrestrial. Both girls get their powers from their emotions, but where Starfire revels in her emotions to make her powerful, Raven must suppress her emotions to retain control of her powers. As the only two girls, they stick out as the obvious foils of the group. Many times, when this trope appears, it’s in the form of Classic Paragon Hero vs Cynical Anti-Hero. Superman and Batman are a great example. Superman is a boyscout token good guy, while Batman is a brooding loner. One is the hope for justice and goodness to always triumph while the other acknowledges that people are flawed, and maybe not everyone deserves to be saved. Naruto is interesting because he has two dark reflections. The first is Sasuke. While Naruto is the golden-haired idealist who befriends villains almost as often as Steven Universe, Sasuke is a dark counter consumed by a thirst for vengeance and the power to exact it. Naruto’s other dark counter however is Gaara. Both are Jinchuriki, but whereas Naruto eventually found friends and love in his fellow genin, Gaara was very much still alone when he met Naruto, reflecting what Naruto could have become without that love and support in this life.
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Protagonist and Rival
Another case of “two sides of the same coin”, most anime protagonists and their rival tend to either have very similar backstories, very similar motivations, or very similar personalities, if not some combination of the three. Both Naruto and Sasuke were abandoned in the world at a young age with the Hokage looking out for them from afar. Naruto started off having nobody, and was always reaching out hoping to connect with anyone. Meanwhile, Sasuke started with a family and lost it, and decided to keep everyone at arm’s length and isolate himself further. Rin Okumura and Ryuji Suguro are practically the same person. Both lost their families and homes due to Satan, both are strong-willed loudmouthed tough guys with a knack for leadership, and both share the goal of killing Satan. Natsu Dragneel is immature and battle-ready, but while Grey Fullbuster at least pretends to be above it, he’ll jump into a fight with Natsu practically unprompted. The main appeal of the anime protagonist and his rival is that they push each other to succeed, often coming from very similar roots, but where they end up is entirely up to the effort they put in and the path they choose to take. They both refuse to lose to each other, and that propells them to constantly want to out-do each other.
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Sweet and Sour
My best friend and I are polar opposites in this sense. When we met, she was far too trusting, submissive, and far too forgiving. Meanwhile, I was a lot more cynical, mean-spirited, and unfortunately, a little more closed-minded than I’d like to admit. After five years of friendship, my friend is far more assertive, has a lot more confidence in herself, is a lot better at handling criticism, and rather than just submitting in an argument, she now has the nerve to get in someone’s face and make her point heard. Because of her, I’ve become less stand-offish, more patient and polite, less of a control freak, more aware of valuing other people’s emotions, and more tolerant of a group I hadn’t realized I’d been intolerant toward. We saw the world in such distinctly different ways that we have managed to rub off on each other, and now we’re both such stronger and more complete people for having known each other.
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Serious and Goofball
A classic comedy duo, the comedian and the straight man. The Goofball character tends to be immature, a knucklehead, a jokester, and comes off as a bit inexperienced. Meanwhile, the Serious character tends to be mature, responsible, disciplined, but comes off as a bit aloof. The Goofball reminds the Serious character to have a little fun every once in a while, while the Serious character reins in the Goofball before they hurt themselves or somebody else.
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Hero and Sidekick
The hero has their act together and the sidekick is just doing their best. This happens a lot in Action movies where the handsome tough guy and the hapless damsel (who he kidnaps a little too often for my liking) is just kind of along for the ride. The two live in entirely different worlds. Sometimes this comes in the variant of Starlet and Manager where one in the relationship takes center stage while the other is content to help them run their life, promote their career, and help them. Another variation is Superstar and Random Extra, wherein one person leads a very visible life in the public eye being adored by millions of fans while their partner works 9-5 in an office dealing with insurance claims. Although they coe from very different worlds and lead very different lives, that doesn’t mean they still haven’t found love in an unlikely place. Often, the reason the hero or big shot loves this random nobody is because they fell in love with them before they ever became famous, or they didn’t know/care who the celebrity was and just liked them as a person without interest in using their celebrity to climb the social ladder.
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Loud and Quiet
She’s quirky, outgoing, bubbly, energetic, and talkative. Too talkative. She never shuts up. He’s quiet, simple, down-to-earth, and calm. Too Calm. He never gets excited. This pairing works to push and pull each other until they’ve harmonized. The Quiet one will be pulled out of their shell and learn to be more open and talkative, while the Loud one will learn to think before they act. This couple is divided along lines of Introversion and Extroversion, and together can navigate the anxiety-triggering unease of a social gathering, and finding joy and pleasure in just enjoying each other’s company without needing to fill the silence with pointless chatter.
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To be fair, many Opposites Attract couples will fit into more than one of these archetypes, and there’s probably more I didn’t list. But if you’re wanting to create a couple that balances each other out, I hope you find this helpful to you in your writing.
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marsbutterfly · 4 years
Unhealed Wounds
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Summary: Hallucinations are sensory experiences that appear real but are created by your mind. They can affect all five of your senses. For example, you might hear a voice that no one else in the room can hear or see an image that isn't real.
Wattpad Version! | AO3 Version!
"Hanji, that's not going to work. You've already tried mixing those two chemicals together." You say, hoping the mad scientist will listen to your advice this time.
"Yes, it will. Can you trust me for once?" she rolls her eyes as you put your hands up, a sign of defeat. You take a few steps back, allowing Moblit to stand behind her.
"Section Commander, who... are you talking to?"
She turns around to face him, a confused expression taking over her features, "What do you mean?" She proceeds to change her focus to you. Your face matching hers, you both turn back to stare at the worried, brown-haired man.
"Hanji, there's no one there."
"Commander Erwin, it's happening again." You hear Moblit's voice coming from the office, the concern in his words is undeniable. You take a few steps forward and sit next to Hanji she doesn't take her eyes off her book, but she slides you her right hand while gently blushing, you flash her a smile and lace your fingers together.
"Do you have any idea why we are here?" You face the massive brown doors, a hint of uneasiness hiding in your voice. She shrugs her shoulders before letting out a clearly annoyed sight.
"Beats me, Moblit is always dragging me here, once he asked for a meeting with the Commander because Bean almost ate my leg and he thought it was a little too dangerous, but I know my poor Beannie was just trying to play."
You roll your eyes at her while letting out a quiet laugh, "Doesn't surprise me."
Staring at the clock, you can no longer hear the voices coming inside the room, Are they making a point to be quiet? you think to yourself but before you could share your thoughts with Hanji, Erwin's figure walks out of the room, followed by a very concerned Moblit.
"Hanji, come on in." His gentle but firm voice filling the air around you as he gestures towards the room. She closes her book before handing it to her assistant, as she walks past the two men you can see her eyes rolling.
"You too, Y/N."
"Oh shit." .
You can't read quite read his expression. An uneasiness settling in your stomach as you stand before the Commander, waiting for him to find the rights words.
"Do you know why you're here?" His voice echoes through the silent room, he doesn't sound mad, in reality, the tone of his voice gives away a fair amount of concern. Hanji looks down at her hands the entire time.
"Moblit seems to be concerned about something, but all I was trying to do is figure out how to..." The Commander raises his hand as a signal for her to stop talking. Hanji quickly closes her mouth and crosses her arms, her annoyance visible to anyone who looks at her. You take a deep breath.
"Sir, with all due respect, Hanji hasn't done anything dangerous." Your words seem to get lost in the air, almost as if he couldn't hear you. As you're about to resume your point, his voice echoes through the room one more time, cutting you off.
"You don't remember, do you?" You can make out the pity in his voice. You share a confused look with your girlfriend, neither of you has any idea what he's talking about. The sadness in his expression is as clear as his blue eyes.
"What are you... talking about, Sir?" He ignores you. Not out of malice, but he simply can not hear you. A red light flashes in your brain, clouding your vision slightly. You shake the sight off and look at Hanji, waiting for her reaction.
"Erwin, did you not hear Y/N?" She asks while making her way towards you, your cold fingers touching her warm skin. The man standing in front of you takes a deep breath, it's almost unnoticeable but one small, gentle tear runs down his face.
"Please, come with me."
As you follow the Commander, a million thoughts go through your head, your main questions are where are you going and why is he acting like he can't hear you? You turn over to face Hanji, who has an angry expression taking over her features, clearly angry Erwin didn't address your question earlier that evening.
You can hear your footsteps against the grass as you follow him up a hill. Underneath a big tree, you see a small stone. As you take a closer look at it, you feel a pit opening in your stomach before nausea hits you. You look over at Hanji but her focus lays on the words ahead of you:
"Captain Y/N. Birth: 820.
Death: 850."
It was a simple gravestone. The dark grey contrasts with the bright green grass. The words now floating in front of you as your body suddenly becomes heavier than iron. You fall flat on the ground, tears burning in your eyes.
"But.. Y/N is right here, how can that be?" Hanji's voice is barely audible, her body shaking as she tries to fight back tears of her own. As you look at her, the memories you tried so hard to bury hit you all at once.
The rain makes it hard for you to see anything, you can't use flares and the mud beneath your feet comes dangerously close to being quicksand. In the distance, you can see three titans. Two of them sprint in your direction as the last one walks relatively slowly.
You pray they were able to hear you over the deafening sound of the thunder. As their horses shift to the right, you share a look with the brunette beside you, the excitement in her eyes is undeniable as you approach the massive creature.
Once you're closer to the trees, you switch to your 3D Gear, the wind hits your body, undoing the suttle styling you did to your hair before leaving the walls. The titan closes the distance between you as you prepare to strike it. Hanji looks at you before nodding, "It's time!"
In a split of a second, your hook is caught on its arm and as you draw out your blades, ready to carve out its eyes, the titan pulls you down. You can feel the raindrops hit your face while your body falls. You can almost hear Hanji screaming your name through the thunder. A gentle but sad smile taking over your features as the titan grabs you before your body hits the ground.
You look at Hanji and realize she's running towards you without her gear. As you get closer and closer to the titan's mouth, your body goes numb. The foul smell from its mouth creating enormous nausea in your stomach. Your eyes wander down to the shine of her glasses as she's now being carried away by the Commander himself.
"It's ok, Hanji. I'll be ok."
Before you could even finish your track of thought, the excruciating pain of the titan's teeth ripping your flesh hits you. You're conscious long enough to let out one final scream as you feel the lower half of your body being torn apart.
After a few seconds of such horrible pain, everything goes dark.
As you open your eyes, you find yourself sitting underneath an enormous tree. Not remembering where you are, what happened to you, or why you are here, you stand up and start walking forward, looking for a familiar face.
You walk for what it feels like hours but eventually make it back to the Scouts. A bright smile on your face as you run past the gates. All of your friends are crying but before you could ask what's wrong, you see Hanji's hair through a small window.
You find her crying on the floor, ripped papers all over her, and her glasses behind the door. You sit by her side before wrapping your left arm around her waist. She looks up at you and allows herself to melt away in your arms.
"What happened, my love?" The gentle tone of your voice makes her forget what even happened in the first place. Her tears dry on their own as you start to play with her hair. Neither of you has talked about it ever since.
"So this is what happened. Why you were crying so hard that day." Your hands shift onto fists before punching the tree by your side. The unbearable sadness that takes over your body is indescribable.
"Hanji, hallucinations are fairly common symptoms of PTSD." Erwin says, touching her shoulder gently, "Let us help you get better."
"I don't want to let Y/N go." She says before covering her face with her hands, hiccups coming out of her body like you've never seen before. Your heart sinks as you watch her like that, but you realize one thing: for her to heal, you need to go.
And so you do. One final time, you lean towards her, gently moving her hair away from her cheeks as you place a simple kiss on it. Erwin shakes his head lightly for he could've sworn he saw her ponytail move, even without any wind. Reluctantly, you take a few steps forward and sit on the exact same spot you woke up a few months ago.
A single tear escapes your eye, "Take care of yourself, Hanji. You're living for the two of us now."
Your body becomes so heavy you can't support it anymore, so you quietly lay down under the shadows of the leaves, watching as the two figures walk away. Before you allow yourself to go back to sleep, you say it one more time, just for her to hear.
"I love you."
And soon enough, everything turns dark one more time, but this is different. Now you can finally allow yourself to relax and sleep because you know she'll be ok and so will you.
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philliamwrites · 4 years
The Dawn Will Come [Chpt.4]
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Pairing: Dimitri x Reader, Claude x Reader, Edelgard x Reader, Yuri x Reader, Edelgard x Byleth, lots of minor pairings
Tags: #gn reader, # platonic love byleth & reader, #reader is a tactical unit, #angst, #slow burn, #subplots, #unreliable narrator, #pining, #remporary amnesia, #reluctant herp, #canon divergence, #lost twin au, #many chapters, #original content
Words: 7.7k
Summary: Waking up in a forest without any knowledge of your past and who you are, you join the house leaders of the Officers Academy to search for a way to return your memories. Unfortunately, the church has different plans for you, and Fate places you in the centre of a cruel game with deadly stakes. It certainly doesn’t help to fall in love with a house leader who is doomed to be your demise.
Notes: Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
Chapter 04: Demands of the Faithful
I stretch lame hands of faith, and grope, And gather dust and chaff, and call To what I feel is Lord of all, And faintly trust the larger hope.
[Alfred, Lord Tennyson, In Memoriam A.H.H.]
    “I’m glad you could make time,” Byleth says, carefully placing her fine cup on the small bottom plate. If she notices how uncomfortable you feel, sitting in the centre of the yard, drinking tea, she ignores it. “Let’s think together about what we want to teach during the mock battle.”
    “This is a bad idea,” you say, nibbling on your cup. “A very bad idea.”
    The late afternoon hours are quiet, but it certainly helps that the tea arrangement is tugged away in a far off corner in the courtyard, hidden behind tall hedges that allow privacy. The sweet smell of chamomile tea and strawberry pastry is a nice exchange from the usual savoury smells you’re used to in the cafeteria. All around you, the high, spiky roofs of the monastery’s towers stand out against the fiery, orange sky, throwing longer and longer shadows as the sun sets behind the mountains. The clouds are soft, pink cotton-candy, blushing at the warm touch of the sun.
    “I think it’s a good idea,” Byleth continues, cutting through a piece of cake with her fork. “We’ve seen what the house leaders are capable of. It’s time to see what the rest of the students can do.”
    “Don’t take me wrong. I think a mock battle will help them grow,” you agree. “I just don’t really understand why it’s me who has to lead the Blue Lions.”
    “I think Professor Hanneman is not present at the day of the mission,” Byleth explains. “It seems on the last day of Lone Moon he always leaves the monastery for a private reason. And I assume Lady Rhea means to see the extent of your power.”
    That’s what you expected as well. In the last couple of days you realised your power is a muscle, to be exercised daily, never to be pushed to the extreme. It was a strenuous task to try out how much is too much; where there’s still room. Under the keen eyes of Hanneman, you two practised day after day, trying to figure out how much your body can take before exhaustion sweeps over you and renders you immobile. Crests usually don’t have a limit; depending on their nature they grant a permament boost to the bearer’s abilities. Muttering under his breath, Hanneman had made quite a show to remind you what a curiosity the Crest of the Herald is. Like you wouldn’t know.
    “Since we’re going to be on the field as well, you might want to get more practice with the sword,” Byleth proposes, and you groan. She has a way of being brutally honest, and so far no one’s been spared to get the brunt of it. “I’m not letting my students hold back. Not even against you.”
    “You really are a voice of confidence, you know.” Shoulders drooping like someone took the wind from your sails, you throw your head back and drink the rest of your tea. Byleth’s expression doesn’t change, and you wonder why you even try being funny around her.
    After clearing the table, Byleth accompanies you to your next lesson hall. It’s nice in theory, but her vigorous way of trying to drill sword techniques into your head on the way doesn’t hide her true agenda. Only slowly, you begin to realise that is maybe her way of caring for someone. Brutish in appearance, but once you look past the first impression of indifference, Byleth’s silent demeanour speaks louder than words.
    Students linger in small groups in front of the class rooms, their exhausted faces from a full day of lessons and hard training visible in the way they carry their bodies. If you had a say in it, you’d cancel the evening lessons and let them rest; a reoccurring debate inside the faculty that doesn’t go anywhere. Byleth stops in front of the class room, surveying the students with a cool gaze, when suddenly Claude and Hilda jog towards you, and by “jogging” they decided Hilda to be the only one running while carrying Claude bridal style like he weighs nothing. As they pass you, Claude tips an invisible hat in your direction, calling “Hey, teach,” and then immediately “Bye, teach!” as they cross the courtyard.
    Your gaze follows them. “What just happened.”
    Byleth doesn’t even bother to look. “Claude and Hilda happened.”
    Heavens, you don’t know if you’re able to handle them later.
    After exchanging goodbyes with Byleth, you tackle the next forty minutes with a belly full of sweets and a mind occupied with worrying about everything you might do wrong next week. Forming two groups, you hand out two different manoeuvres you dug out of books, and present the task, “Work out the pros and cons of each battle tactic, and present them to the class. Explain where you would have done things differently, and why.”
    Sylvain raises his hand.
    “Yes, you can leave to bathroom breaks without asking me,” you say.
    Sylvain drops his hand. Then raises it again.
    “No, you can’t bring animals you find on your way back to your seat,” you say.
    He drops his hand. Beside him, Ingrid fails to stifle a groan.
    Twenty minutes later, the first group stands in front of the class. Mercedes’s steady hand draws the perfect copy of the manoeuvre on the chalk board while Annette recites every step flawlessly. They’re a powerful combination, and that’s only half owed to their friendship. Mercedes is soft; she’s the silk hiding the dagger that Annette’s sharp mind is. There’s strength in kindness, and both have honed this ability to a razor-sharp weapon. There’s still a pouch of unfinished cookies Mercedes has baked for you left in your room, something to keep in mind for the next tea hour with Byleth. Felix and Dedue don’t add much, and you’re a little afraid to ask, seeing how Felix’s eyes burn holes in the back of Dedue’s head. There’s been rumours going on about a dispute, but no details, and you gladly leave that sort of teacher-student business to Hanneman.
    The remaining students do their job almost just as good. But the thought of children being so confident in ways of war and killing leaves a painful twinge in your chest. You wonder what will become of them all in a few years, what battles they will win. What battles they will lose—this fear lingers at the edges of your consciousness like an ever-present shadow. To push it away, you try to refocus on the task at hand.
    “Look at the battalions you have,” you advise, tapping a finger against the cool surface of the board. It comes away white with chalk, leaving a white smudge on your robe as you wipe it off. “Where are they placed?”
    Ashe clears his throat. “Two Lance Soldiers, that’s Infantry. One Magic Squadron, also Infantry. The latter is stationed far northeast on that island. Two Pegasus Corpses, which are Flying Types. We put them behind the mountains to ambush the enemies on their way to one of our Infantries.”
    “A good idea in theory,” you acknowledge, and don’t miss how Ashe exhales in relief. “And where are you enemies?”
    “They’re facing our Infantry and the Squadron,” Dimitri steps in now. “The Flying Unit engage from the back. After their victory, Infantry and Flying close the last opposite unite off on the bridge, and join the Magic Squadron in fighting.”
    “Okay, okay,” you nod. “And now look at the terrain of this last unit you want to take on from the front and back. The one on the bridge moving towards the Squadron.”
    The room is quiet for a minute, and then a silent “Oh” from Ashe.
    “Yes. Oh. The Magic Squadron moves slower through the woods. You’ll lose them. And one of the Lance units is probably the next to go.” You draw sharp lines across the board with red chalk, changing the battalion’s movements. One goes across the whole board, crossing out the word Sea. “Wouldn’t it be smarter to have your Pegasus Companies move this way across the water, join the Magic Squadron and then close in from the right to join the Infantries?”
    “But Herald.” Ingrid raises her hand, but doesn’t wait for you to pick her. “If Infantry and Flying take out the first enemy, we’ll still win. The remaining unit will be trapped on the island without a possibility to retreat. Wouldn’t it be wiser to sacrifice the Magic Squadron just for that?”
    “I agree with Ingrid,” says Sylvain. He’s sitting on a desk, and swings his legs back and forth. “With or without them, we won the battle, and that’s what matters.”
    You turn back to scan the manoeuvre one more time. They’re right—blocking the enemy’s escape routes off proves a solid guarantee to win, and yet you’ve somewhat hoped they wouldn’t settle on this option. There’s a bitter taste in your mouth, turning your lips upside down as if you’ve bitten into a lemon.
    “Sometimes, you don’t want to win the battle,” you start slowly, the thought blossoming from a dark place deep inside you. “Sometimes you want as many as possible to live.” Which is easier said than done, and no one in the room agrees on your statement because they know just as much that such a choice isn’t always granted. Before the silence stretches on too long, you quickly add, “I guess it is more important to know there is no right or wrong answer. You make decisions later on that will either grant you victory or death, and you will have to live with those decisions.”
    Unanimous murmur sounds from the students, a topic nobody wants to dwell on too long, and you grant them that wish; this precious little time they’re still allowed to be children and make mistakes before responsibilities catch up to them. The rest of the lesson flies past without disturbances, and when the bells announce the break, they jump from their seats and scurry outside.
    “Don’t forget there’s going to be a test after the mock battle,” you call after them, knowing they’ll forget anyway and then boycott. The Lions are finally done with lessons, but there is the Deer House who have the misfortune to attend the last period of the day. As you prepare their unit of instruction on different terrains, Dimitri approaches you, his expression a mixture between confidence and tension.
    “Herald.” He stops in front of your desk, shoulders squared into a declaration of deference. “I have prepared instructions on everyone’s weaknesses and strengths. Please, do consider to take a look. Since one of the rules is that only six units will be stationed on the field, I hope this will make your decision easier who to choose.” Placing the papers with outmost care on your table, Dimitri hesitates a moment before continuing, “What you said earlier … truth be told, I think the same. To limit the loss of lives as much as possible should be a priority to a leader as well. To hear that from someone like you … I was quite glad.”
    “Someone like me,” you repeat, but you’re more surprised to feel your fingers itch to take the papers and get a first read on everyone. After going through similar notes from Linhardt, you’re now excited to learn more about your proteges, and with luck someone from the Golden Deer students might provide you with a first survey as well.
    “Someone responsible for tactics and strategy,” Dimitri quickly clarifies. “Someone tasked with bringing absolute victory.” He gives you a look that is somehow both caressing and calculating at the same time. “I understand that those sometimes compete with one’s own beliefs regarding the value of life. One’s conscience is as much of a weapon as a sharpened blade. If it breaks, what use is there to a person.”
    “Those are … some mature thoughts.” You don’t know where this observation goes. Of course he is mature, he has to be as the successor of a noble lineage. “For someone your age.” You press your mouth into a thin line, cursing your inability to think of a better response. But Dimitri simply smiles—a smile that is like a light suddenly being turned on in every room of a dark house.
    “Oh, but I do not want to bore you with such matters. I just wanted to add, I really do look forward to have you on our side during the mock battle.” He gives a little courtesy bow. “Let us discuss the details on the day before the mission. A good evening to you, Herald.”
    Dimitri leaves with a little bounce to his step. It’s probably better he’s in high spirits, even though you aren’t sure what exactly made him happy. It would be a real shame to extinguish his excitement by being an utter failure during the battle, so you make sure to read whatever he managed to put together about his classmates as soon as possible. There’s still some minutes left before the first Deer students will enter. Exhaustion lulls you into resting your eyes, and the moment your head is cradled in your arms, you doze off.
    It’s the third time you have this dream after joining the Officer’s Academy, though calling it a ‘dream’ is a stretch—there is nothing happening, nothing to see. Only white, as pure and unblemished as a young lily blossom in early spring. Only this time this picture—maybe a memory, but of what or where you can’t say—is different.
    Wake up, a voice whispers, barely recognisable and dull, spoken behind a wall of water. Wake up.
    Your hands weigh a ton. Unable to reach out and grasp it, the dream blurs, slipping through your fingers like sand.
    Wake up.
    “Herald, wake up,” Claude persists. “You’re drooling on my test papers.”
    His hand brushes your shoulder and you jump, all focus on the dream dispersing. Multiple voices fill the room in a shower of sounds, not helping to regain your senses of where you are. It doesn’t help that your right eye throbs dully, and as you rub it to somehow reduce the sensation, white spots dance across your vision.
    “So sorry, Herald,” Claude smirks with his hand still hovering over your shoulder. “Didn’t mean to wake you from your beauty rest, but Hilda planned to draw obscene things on your face, and we can’t have that now, can we.”
    “Liars never prosper, Claude!” comes Hilda’s response from somewhere in the back of the room. You groan, narrowing your eyes at him. Going back to sleep and stumbling about to try and figure out what’s going on sounds more pleasing than dealing with Claude’s shenanigans.
    “Man, what a bummer you won’t join our House during the mock battle,” he continues as if Hilda hasn’t said anything. “If someone asked me, I think to have you fight for the Blue Lions is cheating.”
    “But no one asked you?” you offer, indulging him with a weak smile.
    “The audacity, right?” Claude rolls his eyes towards the ceiling, leaning against the teacher’s desk. “Just imagine the brilliant schemes we two could work out. Oh, I have an amazing idea. How about you ask Lady Rhea—”
    “I’m not asking to be by your side during the battle.”
    “Ouch.” Claude places a hand over his chest, right above his heart. “Immediately shut down. Who knew our dearest Herald would be such a heart breaker.”
    You shoo him away, not only because he’s getting on your nerves, but there’s also Ignatz and Raphael standing in line, waiting for your attention.
    “We’ve heard the students from the other Houses gave you some insight in their abilities,” Ignatz says, tugging a stack of papers to his chest. “We decided to give you one as well.”
    “I’m sure you’ll like them,” Raphael chimes in, looking more excited than usual. “I gave Ignatz instructions on how to make our report the best. Forget boring words, Herald, we’ve prepared the real deal!” He rips the papers from Ignatz’s hands and slams them on your table. A crack sounds on the underside, and Raphael leans his whole weight upon the surface, completely oblivious to the protesting creak of the wood.
    “Here, we started with Claude, since he’s the big shot and all that,” he explains, opening the first page. It shows Claude, a surprisingly accurate portrait of him, if not a little bit scrawny. He’s wielding a bow, nocking multiple arrows. Seems like Raphael wasn’t the only one giving instructions.
    “And here is Leonie, and there’s Lorenz, and oh! That’s us working together as a team!” Raphael beams as he turns the page. In this picture, everyone is assembled, fighting against angry looking soldiers and horned monsters. There’s Lysithea and Marianne shooting lightning bolts from their hands, zapping their opponents. Raphael is carrying a huge stone, on top of it stands Hilda, wielding a mighty axe.
    “These are the most accurate file reports I’ve seen,” you say for lack of better words. “It really is a shame I can’t join you for the mock battle.”
    “There’s gonna be a next time, no worries!” Raphael gives you a thumbs up, then retreats to his seat, Ignatz by his side. They’re a funny duo, not just because of their different build. Their personalities seem the complete opposite, and yet strangely fit like a child’s box to sort blocks into the right shapes.
    The difference between the Golden Deers and Blue Lions, for one, is the noise level. Instead of waiting for you to call them up one by one, they love to shout answers whenever they see fit. Judging who was the first isn’t really easy when four people scream at the same time, so you’ve given up on that—Claude’s policy whoever screams loudest didn’t help all too much as well. Maybe it’s time to ask Byleth about some tips how to handle them. When the bell tolls for the last time for this day, announcing everyone to be relieved of their work, the student clear out faster than during fire drills, leaving you with a turmoil of thoughts and worries and two little voices bickering about how much of a disaster next week is going to be.
    After seven days and nights of restless sleep and vigorous training under the vicious supervision of Byleth, the green fields stretching before you end boarding on lush woods, its treetops protruding into the sky. It’s a wonderful day you would enjoy much more without knowing this is a battle field, and the people behind you wait for your command.
    “Black Eagle and Golden Deer are in position. Captain Jeralt said the mock battle begins in roughly ten minutes.” Dedue gives you an expectant look, and you give him a curt nod, your mouth dry.
    “Thanks. We’ll have a last briefing. After that, we’ll deploy our units.”
    Dedue joins his classmates, leaving you to your troubled thoughts. With luck, none of your opponents will reach you, and you won’t have to fight. It’s as if you can feel Byleth’s taste for your blood all across the field, even though right now she’s just a blurry, dark blob in the distance, surrounded by her students.
    “Do not worry, Herald.” The hard metal of a gauntlet on your shoulder makes you flinch, backing away from Dimitri. The worry on his face is a mirror of your own, albeit for different reasons. “Everyone will do their best to follow your orders, and fight with everything they've got. Your leadership will lead us to victory.”
    “Oh, yeah!” You don’t meet his eyes. “For sure.” Zero pressure and all that. You don’t say that, seeing that most of the students don’t appear to be as nervous as you. Confidence is key, and even though you see none of it in tangible proximity, you can at least fake it until you make it.
    Six minutes left. With a deep breath, you try to get hold of yourself, and face the Lions.
    “Since we don’t know who will be deployed by Manuela and Byleth, prepare for everything. I want to split the group. Dimitri, Dedue and Mercedes move to the northern forest. Felix, Sylvain, you’re moving west with me.”
    Felix pulls a grimace, but before he can say anything, Sylvain throws an arm around his shoulders and leans on him, gracing you with a full grin. “We got your back, Herald.” He earns a whack on his back from his friend.
    “Why are we splitting up if our plan is to take out each group separately?” Dedue inquirers. “Isn’t that what we agreed on before?”
    “I think the Herald plans to let our opponents think we plan on taking them both on at the same time.” Dimitri throws a quick glance at you. “We’ll draw them in our direction, and once they are near, we close in from both sides.”
    You nod. “Precisely. We know the Black Eagles will start far north from us. The Golden Deers are northwest. As soon as one of them moves towards us, we’ll have to defeat them immediately. It will be easier fighting one House, not both at the same time.”
    “Look at you, Your Highness.” Sylvain pats him on the shoulder, looking proud. “Someone’s been paying attention in class!”
    “Sylvain—” Dimitri’s chiding meets deaf ears as Sylvain already turns away, checking his lance for a last time. But he does beam a little, you think. Or maybe it’s just the sun making everything look much brighter. It’ll go into your report nonetheless. Chances of a victory look good—even if you have to retreat, the Blue Lions might make it on their own.
    The bressy sound of a horn echoes across the valley, reverberating in your bones. The mock battle begins.
    The weight of the wooden training sword hanging from your hip is foreign; it’s as though you only expect to trip over it. Determined to keep it in its holster, you approach the grove, flanked by Sylvain and Felix—and not a minute too soon. Moving towards you is the first line of enemies, Ignatz, Lorenz and Marianne.
    “I think they didn’t see us—” Sylvain starts just as the first arrow flies past his head and hits the trunk beside him with a thunk. For safety purposes, all arrow’s tips are wrapped up in stiff cloth, not intended to leave permanent wounds but surely still capable to deliver nasty bruises like the training swords and lances.
    “I think they saw us—” Sylvain’s brilliant new observation ends in a yelp as Felix shoves him out of the line of fire.
    “Get down, dumbass!”
    You three duck behind bushes and trees, cautiously observing how the others advance, their weapons drawn.
    “I’ll go for Ignatz,” you say. “Felix, you’re fast enough to reach Marianne and take her down before she starts healing everyone.”
    “Fine, we’ll try your plan.” Felix has his sword drawn already, gripping it tight enough his knuckles turn white. “Try not to get kicked out too soon, will you.”
    You blow a strand of hair from out of your eyes, squinting at his back as he jumps out of cover. The last couple of weeks you’ve put in some extra hours of sword practice with Felix. As an exceptional swordsman, noble and diligent in his training unlike anyone else—safe maybe for Dimitri—you imagined no one could teach you as much as possible in the short amount of time until the mission. It took some convincing, but the decisive argument that sold him was your desire to become better to finally have at least a chance against Byleth. If she is stern during practice, Felix is vicious, exploiting the tiniest opening you give in order to make you learn from your mistakes. Your body was a medley of pain and aches after every evening, but now the memory of that very same melody is your marching song towards battle. Then there’s always the knowledge that if you three can distract them long enough before the rest of the Golden Deer students arrive, Dimitri and the rest will close in on your position, and taking down your opponents won’t be difficult.
    “Sylvain, Lorenz is yours.”
    He answers with a simple salute, grip tight around his training lance, and as you both follow Felix out in the open, an image flickers before you, there and gone like a flame going out with a last glint. An arrow, headed straight at you. Your body moves in instinct, dodging the projectile not a second too late. Judging from the direction of its origin, Ignatz must be just beyond the rocks only a few hundred yards away. You throw a MiasmaΔ in his direction, the black ball carving its path across the grasslands. It hits the stone, chipping parts away and revealing Ignatz, crouching behind it. He looks up, dirt on his cheeks, and adjusts his glasses before ducking out of his cover, another arrow already ready on his bow.
    Another arrow hits him on his back, hard enough to get him down on his knees. Mercedes’ accuracy isn’t as good as Ashe’s, but the determination carved into her face makes up for lack of skill. Dimitri and Dedue are right on her heels, but a single look thrown over your shoulder shows that Felix and Sylvain have everything under control. Coming out victorious as well, save for Sylvain pressing a hand against his ribs, they were still complete. The knowledge of that makes you sigh in relief, a new surge of hope soaring inside you.
    “I knew we shouldn’t have listened to Claude’s dubious plan.” Lorenz’s bickering is still audible, even as the three proceed to leave the battle grounds to meet up with Jeralt. You’re really curious to see what exactly Claude had in mind, but diverting your focus for just a second could become dangerous. Instead, you turn towards the students.
    “Stay close,” you order, waiting until Mercedes is finished checking Sylvain's injuries. “We’re going to move further towards the Golden Deers and eliminate them first.” Flexing your fingers against the slow growth of getting used casting spells, your group begins to move further north.
    Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Dimitri buckling and unbuckling his spear from his back. Out of lack for the right words, and because the first rush of adrenaline still courses through your body, you jostle against him, wearing a grin on your face.
    “Look lively, Your Highness,” you advise. “All that nervous fumbling isn’t what a leader is supposed to do.”
    A tiny gasps leaves him, more an exhale than anything else, but he turns towards you, slightly flushed. Bringing his hands to his sides, it’s too obvious he’s tensing his body so they don’t stray again—like a statue that’s on the edge of shattering at the tiniest movement.
    “You’re right, of course.” He lowers his head a little. “I just keep thinking that the Black Eagle students wait for us in that direction as well. Some are surely moving towards us as we speak.”
    “Are you worried about Byleth?” you wonder, and more as an afterthought add, “Or Edelgard?”
    “Anyone who is not worried about Byleth is a fool, if you ask me,” he replies with a crease between his pale eyebrows. “And well, this is our first chance to prove ourselves, being the heirs to the ruling factions. I know Edelgard is exceptionally strong. And Claude surely has an ace up his sleeve. You are right, Herald. Nervousness is a sign of hesitation, of weakness. I will be better than that.” A new fire comes alive in his eyes as he strides onward, catching up to Mercedes and Sylvain to compliment her on the excellent shot from before.
    The epiphany really comes only now, fast and hard like a lightning bolt, that these children will drink in everything you have to offer—advices, orders, simple words of encouragement—simply for the title that is strapped around your neck. The weight of that responsibility slows your steps, which allows for another worry to quickly catch up: has everything you have taught them so far been right? Do they really know how to exploit the advantages certain classes have over others; will a strategic retreat even occur to them in the right time before it’s too late.
    Doubt is like poison, slowly eating you from the inside. This mock battle won’t just be a lesson for the students. It will also test if you have put them on the right path, and the realisation unfolds a new conviction inside you, breathing new wind into your sails.
    You quickly catch up to them, another rush of encouraging words on your lips when another image flickers on and off, painting your sight red. You freeze, raising an arm, hand formed into a fist.
    “Halt!” you shout, processing what you just saw. The students pause, forming a loose circle around you. The throbbing from before settles back in, more persistent now like someone’s knocking against the back of your skull to get your attention. You try to ignore that and focus on categorising every student’s ability in alphabetical order.
    “Linhardt,” you gasp, eyes wide open and glued on Dedue.
    The students exchange worried glances. Sylvain is the first to speak. “No, Herald,” he says. “Linhardt’s the pretty boy with all the books, you know. Who sleeps just about anywhere, like a cat. That’s our Dedue here.”
    “No, I mean Linhardt has Nosferatu,” you quickly explain, flailing your hands in hope to express yourself better. It doesn’t look like it helps. “Linhardt is the only one left who can use Nosferatu, and he’s going to land a good hit on Dedue. And with good, I mean bad. If he hits you, you’re down, Dedue.” Because only that makes sense, as Marianne is already standing on the sidelines and you haven’t heard about anyone else learning the skill. Undoubtedly a Nosferatu will hit Dedue if you don’t change course or take the spell caster out first.
    Dedue steps forward. “Should it give us an advantage against our enemy, I will gladly face the opponent and go down if it means it won’t interfere with our progress towards the Golden Deer students.”
    “Sacrificing yourself for a mere praise from the boar, is that what you hope for?” Felix demands, or more like snarls, his handsome face crumpling into an ugly look of contempt. “Pathetic.”
    “Sacrifice is a big word to throw around during a mock battle, don’t you think,” Sylvain unhelpfully throws in, his posture a little too relaxed in the light of the conflict that’s about to break out.
    Dedue shakes his head. “I am simply fulfilling my duty,” he states. “Anything that will bring His Highness victory.”
    “You would also run head first into an ambush and get yourself killed, is that it?” Felix grimaces. “Blindly following orders—”
    “Okay, okay, that’s enough!” Your raised voice makes them pause, and you use that second to grab lead of the conversation. “We don’t even know if Linhardt is going to be alone or joined by other Eagle students. What do you think will your little act accomplish, Dedue?”
    He sets his mouth into a grim, hard line, unable to come up with a satisfying answer that isn’t a repeat of what he just said.
    “You’ll have a tough time going against Black Eagles with all their magic users, so stay with Dimitri. Go and deal with the rest of the Golden Deer students. And you—” You meet Felix’s glare with narrowed eyes. “A battlefield isn’t the place to throw around petty disagreements. You would do well to remember that.”
    “Understood.” He rips the training sword from its holster. “But let me go take down that mage. I’ll cut him down swiftly.”
    “We’ll go together. I’m not leaving any of you on your own. Take care of Claude,” you tell Dimitri, showing with a nod that you fully trust in his leading ability. “We’ll meet east from the barricades in exactly one hour.”
    He doesn’t shy away from you glare. “Understood. Take care you two.”
    Felix takes the lead with long, eager strides. As you follow him, you rub your eye, wincing at the pinprick-like pain. The dull throb doesn’t cease this time, and if you had to take a guess, there’s only once left for the Crest to activate before you reach your limit. So far, nothing has helped you to ascertain when exactly a foresight occurs, and leaving it to pure chance is like grasping a loose rope in hopes that it is tied to something somewhere as you take the leap. Maybe Hanneman will make more sense of it laters.
    “You should have stayed with the others,” Felix says after a moment, scanning your surroundings for any sign of the enemy. It sounds more like a simple statement than an accusation. “I can handle someone like Linhardt on my own.”
    “I said before, we don’t know if he’s alone. I highly doubt it.” It’s like Dimitri said before: Underestimating Byleth will surely end in casualties and defeat. You don’t consider it far-fetched that she has sent a non-magic class with Linhardt, but who that will be is left to be determined.
    “No matter how many accompany him. Be it two or three or all of them, I will take them down.”
    “It takes more than one person to win a war.” Though you don’t doubt Felix might try it by himself anyway. “You’ll notice soon enough that you will rely on your comrades.”
    “I will rely on them as long as they don’t get in my way.”
    “So charming,” you mumble to yourself as you two round a mound. It really is none of your business, but you're actually curious about what is going on between him and Dedue. The moment you finish outweighing the pros and cons of trying to go down that rabbit hole, the air around you changes, barely noticeable save for a change of wind—it completely stills for a second, but that is enough to realise what’s happening.
    “Felix—” you manage before the Nosferatu explodes in front of you, knocking you to the ground. Before the mock battle, all magicians were instructed to weaken their spells; no lasting damage should befall any of the participants. Only because of that you manage to climb back on your feet, only left with dizziness that makes the world spin. The jarring sound of metal clashing against metal clears your mind a little, and when you turn around, Felix and Ferdinand are clashing blades.
    You turn further, and there he is, a hand raised in your direction. “Sorry, Herald,” Linhardt says. He doesn’t sound sorry at all. “The professor threatened with extra homework if we would hold back against you.”
    “Of course she did,” you mumble, grabbing your sword with sweaty hands. Two against two is fair, and you have no doubt that Felix will hold his ground against Ferdinand. The only solution to your little problem named Linhardt is to get as close as possible, and make use of your advantage in meagre sword skills.
    Another Nosferatu is sent your way, but this time you dodge, the hair on your neck standing on end. Somehow your body automatically shies away from Faith magic like a cat fleeing from water. Just one more hit will surely be enough to throw you out of the mock battle, and you can’t have that, not when the picture of Dimitri’s resolute expression is carved into your mind.
    You close the distance, all nerves tensed in anticipation, completely focused on trying to feel where the next spell is going to land. As Linhardt retreats into the woods, his sight obscured by trees, you dive after him, shoving twigs out of your way. A shadow moves through the undergrowth; every muscle in your body locks up, but you plunge forward, sword raised—
    Linhardt gasps when he finds himself pressed against a tree, your sword at his throat. With both hands up, he doesn’t move an inch, simply blinking at you. Somewhere above you, a bird cries out; a branch breaks. Linhardt makes a face like he jammed his foot in a door he slammed shut himself.
    “I surrender,” he says. “Getting beat up and spending time in the infirmary doesn’t sound as good as reading tomes in the library.”
    “You sure?” Your heart beats so loud in your chest, it’s a miracle it doesn’t break through your ribcage and fly off. “Byleth might drown you in homework for that.”
    He shrugs. “I call it a strategic retreat. I’ll just have to—” A yawn. “—convince the professor.” Another yawn. You begin to see the ulterior motive behind his surrender. Squinting at him, you proceed to bind his hands with a dark spell. Black shackles appear around his wrists, locking them tight together. As you make your way out of the grove, you hope Felix had the same success.
    That thought immediately dies when you return to the plain and see Jeralt heaving an unconscious Felix on the back of his horse, a battered Ferdinand by his side.
    “Ah, Herald.” Even though beaten up black and blue, Ferdinand still manages a smile. It looks a little lopsided with his swollen cheek and the dried blood on his upper lip. “I don’t mean to offend, but I hope you return because Linhardt defeated you in mighty combat?” A second too late he sees the magic binds around Linhardt’s wrists. His face falls. “My, Linhardt.”
    “You don’t quite look so good yourself,” Linhardt throws back without any heat in his voice. He sounds rather bored. Tired.
    “Excuse me, but what happened. What’s wrong with Felix?” you ask, turning to Jeralt. Before he can answer, Ferdinand chimes in, “He fought splendidly! Though I had no doubt in that, he is a noble after all. Yet, after ringing me to the ground, he lost consciousness. By my honour as the heir of House Aegir, I cannot take advantage of that. We both shall step out of battle.”
    “He passed out?” Now that you take a good look at him, he’s still pale, unhealthily so. Slick sweat glues his dark hair to his forehead, and the skin beneath his eyes shimmers slightly blue—lack of sleep.
    “Overexertion, I guess,” Jeralt says now. He pulls Linhardt to his side, and gives his shackles a thoughtful look. “I’ll take these three with me. You go and continue the mock battle, Herald.”
    “But…” It doesn’t feel right to leave Felix alone. Even though he technically isn’t, you imagine it would be better to wake up to a friendly face.
    “He’ll be fine.” Jeralt gives you a strange sideway glance. “The other brats rely on you right now, don’t they? Go to them.”
    He’s right, of course. The mission isn’t over yet, and with a strong combatant like Felix missing, victory has just slipped from your grasp.
    There is the meeting point. There it is, and no student from the Lion House is in sight. The minutes pass in long stretches, ticking away until it’s impossible to tell if time moves on or holds still. Holding out between the trees, you look in both directions—for your comrades and the enemy. For whatever reason, Byleth has decided not to advance to your position, and you aren’t sure what that’s supposed to mean. More minutes pass in aggravating silence, heavy and oppressing, and then—
    “Herald!” Dimitri’s voice rings through the woods. Your head snaps to him, and there they are, the Blue Lions tearing through the woods, a yellow flag with a deer on it waving behind them.
    “You did it!” Joy and relief spreads through you as you stumble towards them. “You guys really did it!” They shuffle around you like kittens searching for warmth, and something tight uncoils inside your chest. Is this what Byleth always feels when she’s in front of her class?
    “Hilda and Claude were mighty opponents, but nothing we couldn’t handle,” Dimitri reassures, but then a shadow jumps over his features. “Unfortunately, Mercedes had to leave. We couldn’t reach her in time to step in.”
    “Step in,” Sylvain repeats, muttered under his breath as he brushes red locks from his sweaty forehead. “I want to see you stepping in when Hilda swings that axe like a lunatic and not scream like a little girl.”
    “Where is Felix?” Dedue inquirers, ignoring Sylvain.
    Your shoulders drop. “Well, Linhardt was accompanied by Ferdinand, and while I pursued Linhardt, they fought. None of them emerged unscathed, although I feel Felix drew the shorter straw.”
    “Felix?” Dimitri repeats. He sounds as if you just tried to convince him it’s going to rain butterscotch pie later. “Our Felix lost?”
    “Not exactly the fight, but I’m sure his pride took a hard beating.”
    “Well, that leaves four against four.” Dimitri brings a hand up to his chin, a worry crease between his eyebrows. “And they still have Edelgard and the Professor.”
    “And we got the Herald and you!” Sylvain beams. “I say we wrap this up and celebrate our victory with a nice dinner and maybe some ale? How does that sound?”
    “Sacrilegious.” Your voice is drier than the crisp leaves cracking under your feet. “Aren’t you too young for alcohol?”
    “Too young and irresponsible,” Dimitri agrees with you, looking tired of Sylvain’s antics. “But I don’t object to a celebratory dinner.”
    “That is, if we win.” Dedue reads your mind, and brings the conversation back on the right course.
    “I assume the Black Eagles are holding position. They’re waiting for us,” you say, briefly checking everyone’s state. Safe for dirt and scratches, they’re still doing good, though having fought already, the Blue Lions are on a slight disadvantage. You can only hope some of Byleth’s students dropped out facing the Golden Deers.
    “We shouldn’t keep them waiting then.” Sylvain winks, playing with the grip of his lance. The smile that flirts with his lips is threatening.
    “Keep your guard up.” Dimitri shares a single, meaningful glance with every one of you, then leads your little group out of the forest. Whatever Byleth has planned, you hope that you’ll be ready for it.
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