#fire emblem three houses dimitri x reader
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frickingnerd · 7 months ago
clinging to a promise
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pairing: dimitri alexandre blaiddyd x gn!reader
summary: when the war broke out, you got kidnapped and locked away in fhirdiad. for years you clung to the hope that dimitri would one day save you. and that day finally came…
tags: kidnapped!reader (by cornelia), brief mention of torture/experiments on reader, angst to wholesome fluff, all blue lions are here, dimitri & reader are childhood friends, set during azure moon
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“i promise, i'll keep you safe. always.”
for years, those were the words you clung to. that promise between two childhood friends, that you hoped hasn't been forgotten. the promise dimitri made to you all those years ago. the only hope you had, while captured and experimented on. the only thing to keep you going, even in your darkest hour.
it's been years now that you had spent in the captivity of cornelia, locked away in a prison in fhirdiad. rumors of dimitri's death had spread even within the prison, yet you still held onto the hope that dimitri had managed to escape his execution. and that one day, the two of you would reunite again.
and that day was rapidly approaching.
“what's going on–!?”
“they infiltrated the capitol–!”
“surrender! there's no use fighting them”
most of your mornings were quiet and lonesome, but when you woke up with people screaming and panicking outside, you knew something was different. whether fhirdiad was being invaded by outsiders or your savior didn't quite matter to you at that moment. things couldn't really get worse for you either way.
“everyone, step away from the bars–!”
a familiar voice suddenly echoed through the halls of the underground prison. a voice of your former classmate and vassal to dimitri. and if he was here, then surely…
“are you in here? please, answer me–!”
your heart skipped a beat when you heard dimitri's voice. footsteps soon echoed through the halls of the prison, as people started running around, looking for a certain cell.
“i found them–!”
it was felix who got to your cell first, rattling on the bars that kept you separated from everyone else. soon, the rest of the blue lions followed, with dimitri pushing his way to the front, busting open the cell door, as if it was nothing.
“dimi–” before you could finish his name, dimitri had swept you off your feet and pulled you into a tight hug that made the other blue lions panic.
“not so rough–!”
“you'll squeeze them to death, boar–!”
“careful, your highness…”
dimitri's grip on you loosened a little, enough to allow you to stand on your own two feet again. but aside from that, he paid no mind to the others and still held onto you, worrying that if he let go of you, you'd slip away from him once more.
“after all these years… i finally found you” dimitri's face was nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his words coming out as mumbles that only you could hear. “i promised i'd keep you safe, always. but i couldn't do anything, all those years. can you… ever forgive me…?”
you held on tight to dimitri for another moment, not wanting this warm embrace to be cut short. when you finally did slip away, your hands had cupped his cheeks gently and you made the taller man look down at you, gently caressing his cheek.
“there's nothing to forgive you for, dimitri. you saved me, just like i knew you would. all those years, i've waited for you, knowing that, one day, you'd find me. and now that you're here, i harbor no ill feelings towards you. all i feel is delight, that we are once again reunited…”
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5iyoomi · 8 months ago
3H Leaders With an Overworked S/O
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characters: Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude
warnings: none! just fluff
A/N: this kinda bled into an idea I had for them with an insomniac reader so these are sort of a mix of the two things! written for them pre-timeskip and with a gn reader (with one use of dear, darling & sweetheart, but otherwise nothing pointing towards a specific gender). I haven't written for fe3h in forever hopefully they aren't too ooc
Word Count: 1,770
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Like you, he's probably overworked as well
Being a royal and a leader has its merits, yes, even though he doesn't really like all the formalities that come with it, but that doesn't mean it's always easy
He's used to pushing through it, protecting his people and doing anything if it gets pushed onto him. That's his role, after all, and if he can take the pressure off of others then he'll gladly accept it
With you, though, he understands that's not the kind of advice you need. It's not uncommon for him to find you in the Monastery's Library hours after everyone had gone to sleep for the night, hunched over one of the large, elegant tables with stacks of papers and notebooks splayed out around you
He'll sit down with you when he catches the single, dim light on in the otherwise dark room, waving off your questions of how he knew you'd be there as 'just a feeling'
He's realistic, helping you with your workload even if you insist otherwise, that you need to get it done yourself before your deadlines hit. But he'll also hold you to it if you mutter out a 'just one more', his eyes looking between you and the clock mounted on the wall
"Here should be a good stopping point for now, don't you think? You've already finished most of what you needed to get done," Dimitri says with a soft smile, setting a piece of paper into a stack that you'd deemed the 'completed' section.
You'd been there long enough that he had time to go brew the both of you some chamomile tea, hoping the fragrance and sweet notes would help lower your stress. It seemed to be working, your anxiety lessening as you took small sips and noted the fact that you'd at least gotten the bigger, more important things out of the way.
"But-" you start, tapping your pencil against your head in thought, but your words get cut off with a yawn. "There's only a few more left, wouldn't it be better to just finish them?"
Dimitri shakes his head, reaching over to hold his hand out for you. You take it after a moment, interlocking your fingers and sighing when he gives your hand a squeeze. "They aren't due for another few weeks, right? They can wait until morning, you should really get some rest, dear."
You want to protest, tell him it's not even that late, but you've already thrown out every excuse you can think of to get him to not drag you to bed. He wasn't obligated to do any of this for you, and you knew these nights were something that ate into time that he could be using to get some much-needed sleep. So you finally, albeit hesitantly, give in, your teacup long empty and shoulders drooping in defeat. "I guess so-"
The blonde brightens at that, his thumb stroking over your own with a gentleness you'd grown weak to. It was hard to fight him when ocean blue eyes gazed into yours, his love for you obvious in the simple ways he showed his care. "If it helps, you can stay in my room for tonight. I'm sure one night won't hurt."
You nod, sparing a glance at the once disorganized mess of pages and deciding that you'd take his word for it. "I'd like that."
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Similar to Dimitri, she's always dealt with things by trooping through them. As a more private person and a leader, she rarely ever lets appearances fall, so you're one of the few people that's seen what she can be like behind closed doors
Thus, her first instinct when she sees you nodding off in class is to gently nudge you awake and tell you to get to bed earlier. It might sound a bit harsh, but she only wants the best for you, and she thinks to what might happen if you were to fall asleep like that in the middle of a battle, which doesn't exactly help either of you (dramatic much?)
But when you tell her it's because you're swamped with work, trying to keep up with everything while simultaneously doing extra for people that, in her words, couldn't take the hint that you were busy, she gets upset
Not at you, but more at herself for not noticing the signs sooner when you're her partner of all things, and for making a comment that may have come off as insensitive. She still struggles with how to deal with these things, especially when it comes to you, emotionally or otherwise, so there's a chance she'll just ask you exactly what you need from her
She's a bit more lenient when it comes down to you staying up since she tends to do the same, but she'll still suggest taking a day off at one point
She'll take you to the greenhouse if you're up to it so that you aren't cooped up in your room all night with the idea that a change of scenery might help you avoid burning out or getting too frustrated
The Monastery was so quiet at night, most of the student body and staff already long asleep or busy with their own things. You only see a few people as you step outside, fingers interlocked with Edelgard's and a small crease in your brow from looking over the same words for hours.
You'd always thought it was beautiful, but lately you had no time to appreciate it, what with assignment after assignment piling up on you, so it was nice to get out for a while, even if the only things that awaited you when you got back were unfinished documents and half-filled in pages.
Scribbled notes that you took when you could hardly keep your eyes open. A breath of fresh air was almost enough to make you forget why you've been so stressed out. Almost.
The greenhouse was no different, the place always well-kept due to the student's tireless work. It made you feel a bit better, walking side by side with Edelgard as you're greeted by greenery and the like.
Pink and purple flowers bloom in one corner, slowly but surely growing underneath the bright moon visible through the glass, while seeds you assume to be newly planted sit beneath fresh soil on the other.
"Look at this one, it's the same color as your eyes." Edelgard says, grabbing your attention. You turn towards her in time for her to slip a flower behind your ear, her thumb brushing over your skin with a thoughtful grin. "It's good to get out, isn't it? That's why we're out here, so you shouldn't worry so much, darling."
You smile, feeling your cheeks and body start to warm. She was so effortlessly sweet sometimes; you think it's going to be the death of you one of these days. "Yeah, you have a point there."
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He probably notices before you even say anything or notice you're feeling off yourself lol
He's an observant character, but it does still surprise you when he asks you if something's wrong out of the blue
"Huh? No, I'm alright, just a bit tired."
He sees right through it, but he doesn't wanna push you, so he'll just keep an eye on you for a while, making sure that you aren't overdoing it or setting aside your basic needs
If he sees that you are, he'll make it a point to put extra food on his plate for you. He'll come knocking on your dorm door every now and again to check on you, sliding a snack or drink your way and staying if you let him, though he mostly distracts you
It'd be hypocritical of him to tell you to take it easy when he's the same way, so he won't exactly tell you what to do, but he'll find a way to get you away from your work if he notices it's causing you too much trouble. He'll also have a polite word with your professor, maybe tell them that you're sick and need a few days off if he thinks it's bad enough
You might huff at him and say that that wasn't necessary, but he'll insist it was
It's another one of those nights, times when Claude comes knocking with another excuse at the ready for why he's there. You know why, it's become obvious over the last few weeks that it's his backwards way of telling you that he cares. He'll never scold you for your habits, but you know exactly what he wants to say even if he doesn't say it.
"Hey, wanna dance with me?" Claude asks after a comfortable silence had grown like a veil over the both of you. He'd made himself very comfortable on your bed, but you never actually minded. It was endearing in a way, really, even if you had to turn him down when you finish writing out a sentence, looking up at him from your desk.
"I'm busy, Claude, you know that."
"Come now, you can hardly even focus. Just a few minutes, promise." He gives you his signature smile, one that's saved for you but still equally mischievous as all of his other ones. He holds out his pinkie finger, chuckling at your muttered seriously? But he doesn't see you saying no. After a few moments of hesitation, you stand up, taking his finger in yours and shaking.
"Fine, but only a few minutes. I'm serious." You say, yelping when he stands up abruptly, pulling you up with him and taking your hands in his. He kisses your knuckles oh so softly, a glint in his eyes that you realize far too late that you shouldn't trust, but he's already got you right where he wants you, and he doesn't plan on letting go.
"I know, I know. I won't take up too much of your time, sweetheart." He hums.
It isn't just a few minutes, song after song playing on the record as you danced into the night. But you can't find it in yourself to be mad. Not when he twirls you around so carefully, a hand placed on the small of your back with your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders.
And certainly not when he coaxes you to bed, not even bringing up the thesis you had to finish since all of your attention was on him now. He presses a kiss to your forehead, wishing you sweet dreams, and you fall asleep in a matter of seconds with him by your side.
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dark-konohagakure2 · 5 months ago
hiii I saw that u write for fire emblem that got me SO excited!!!! can u write something for dimitri? lots of misogyny and him being really mean :3
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tw: noncon, FE3H spoilers, kidnapping, black eagles!reader, abuse, misogyny, size difference, enslavement, power imbalance, mirror sex, abuse of power
All characters depicted are 18+
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Dimitri is no longer the kind young man he used to be, even those outside of his inner circle know this, ever since Edelgard betrayed him in an absolutely unforgivable way, he has completely forgone showing any mercy towards her or anyone who opposes him, even those who aren't explicitly on Edelgard's side in the ongoing way, which means that Dimitri won't take kindly to any Black Eagle students he might encounter by chance in the midst battle.
The old Dimitri, the sane Dimitri, wouldn't be so quick to attack a former schoolmate, someone who he might have even once considered a friendly acquaintance or even a friend, but that version of Dimitri is dead and buried, killed by the very woman this little gnat is defending. The girl's loyalty to Edelgard is infuriating to Dimitri, his savage side wants to kill this loyal mutt where she stands, but his cold and calculated side wins out and he decides to prolong the torment.
Dimitri is the future king of Faerghus and a feared leader of a powerful faction, so he can do nearly anything he wants with little to no consequence, nobody will bat an eye when Dimitri brings in a 'prisoner' from the Adrestain Empire for him to 'interrogate' alone, even Felix, who is usually quick to antagonize the Boar King, doesn't even blink at Dimitri's incredibly out of character decision.
As soon as the doors to his vast personal chambers are closed, Dimitri's intentions towards her become clear as day, torture would have been a preferable fate compared to what he's going to do to her. She's a woman, he's a man, an important, strong, powerful man with a bone to pick, its only logical that she'd be forced to become his slave until further notice, until he gets Edelgard's head on a sphere at the very earliest.
"Filthy empire wench. Did you truly believe that you could side with that woman and get away with it? Perhaps bringing your holes to ruin will teach you some humility..."
Dimitri is savage in battle, and that will also carry over into bed, or at least it would if he deigned to fuck a filthy empire whore like her in his lavish bed, he's not going to sully his fine bedding with her mere presence, instead he'll fuck her right up against the nearest surface he can find, which just so happens to be a mirror.
He'll pound into her hard and fast, his pace and might nearly cracking the mirror, Dimitri will offer no reprieve whatsoever, one gloves hand tangled in her hair and the other gripping her hip tightly enough to draw blood as he takes all his anger out on her pussy, her breasts and face forcibly pressed against the cold glass of the mirror as his much larger, muscular body crowds her's.
Dimitri has never had sex before prior to this brutal session, he's too preoccupied with his royal duties and his revenge for such base desires, but now that he has a convenient and unwilling receptacle for his desires and his frustrations, he's starting to see why silly skirt chasers like Sylvain enjoy plundering some tight cunts so much.
Dimitri won't cum inside of her, he'll be damned if he lets some vile Adrestain harlot taint his revered bloodline with her horrid commoner blood and even more abhorrent allegiances, instead he'll cum on her, blowing his load all over her now red backside. He's disgusted with her for forcing him to waste his seed on her whorish body, but he'll have plenty of time to force her to make up for her apparent misdeeds.
"You disgust me, commoner bitch. There are plenty more worthy women out there who are far more deserving of my seed than you, and you just forced me to waste it. This won't go unpunished. On your knees."
Dimitri isn't sure whether he's going to keep her as his slave permanently, or if he's going to dispose of her once he kills Edelgard and finds a proper woman to marry. But then again, even if he does eventually marry, he might still keep her around anyway as an entertaining little house pet.
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thatanimewriter · 10 months ago
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➳ request: i can see you've almost hit the 20 request limit, so i hope this one still gets in in time 👀 can i request claude von riegan, dimitri alexandre blaiddyd, dedue molinaro, felix fraldarius and ashe ubert (seperately) sneaking out at night to meet up with the reader (preferably genderneutral), who they are secretly dating and getting caught by their friends/a friend? hope you have a lovely day and take care! <3
➳ character/s: claude von riegan, dimitri alexandre blaiddyd, dude molinaro, felix fraldarius, ashe ubert
➳ warnings: kissing and cringe love stuff, implied aftercare (dedue), use of darling (ashe)
➳ notes: SLAYYYY i love this request ;v; some of them don't technically catch y'all, they just figure it out
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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hilda caught you guys because she was sus of you guys for ages and claude wasn't giving her anything
ended up staying up late to 'do work' and heard you guys talking in hushed voices
desperately tried to open her door without it making that giant ass creak
claude didn't really care if she caught you guys, he wasn't ashamed of you
he just didn't want to make it super public so you'd both get bothered by people
"i knew it!" hilda whisper screamed, pointing at you both with the utmost betrayal. "ah, you got us," claude said, shrugging casually and draping an arm around your waist to pull you close. "can't tell anyone though, i'll make a courtyard announcement about that one time at the ball-" "fine, fine," hilda sighed. "how long have you guys been dating?" you glanced at claude to ask if it was ok to tell and he squeezed your side lightly for permission. "nearly a year," you admitted. "WHAT?!" "shush, people are trying to sleep," claude tutted, shaking his head disapprovingly.
he's not slick, he's too awkward that dedue figured it out ages ago but decided not to say anything
he got asked about it while weeding the lawns and turned bright red the whole time
dedue really didn't care, he just wanted to know if there was a second person he needed to look out for
on behalf of his king, he might have to protect you as well
dimitri would appreciate it but he likes being your saviour :))
"you're dating [name], right?" dedue asked monotonously as he carded through the grass looking for weeds. "what? no... we're not together- not that i would hate it, but-" "i saw you both last night," he interrupted. "under the stars." dimitri's face burned at the notion of getting caught with his partner on a date, but he continued to work on his weeding. "don't tell anyone, please..." dedue smirked at dimitri's embarrassment and nodded. "looks like i'll be needing to protect someone else as well." "that'd be appreciated, but i'd like it if they didn't need such protection if i'm around," dimitri admitted, covering his face with his hand.
it was ashe who caught him actually
dedue was cooking something for you that night cause you pestered him to stay the night
ashe came in for a late night snack and saw dedue cooking and was confused because dedue doesn't like the thing he's making
turns out he's making it for youuu
ashe doesn't get it entirely but honestly doesn't want to know do he gets his snack, says goodnight and goes to bed
"dedue?" ashe called softly, holding a candlelit lamp in his hand. dedue turned from his work to look at the smaller boy with a gentle smile. "ah, what are you doing this late?" ashe laughed awkwardly as he made his way to the cabinets. "i could ask you the same thing," he responded. "i just wanted a midnight snack." dedue hummed at ashe's answer as he dished your food into a bowl and moved to quickly wash the pans. "isn't that [name]'s favourite?" ashe wondered, staring at the bowl. "indeed. they wanted something to eat, so i took it upon myself to get them their favourite," dedue explained. ashe nodded slowly as he processed the information. "so... are you guys dating?" he wondered. the silver-haired man simply smiled in response.
he will skin sylvain alive if he ever blabs to anyone about your relationship
he can't be caught being soft, even just a little bit-
y'all are hanging in the markets n he saw you looking at a necklace one of the merchants was selling
he went back to buy it for you, but not without sylvain coming along and ruining it
mans isn't happy about being discovered
"hey man, didn't you already come to the markets earlier today with [name]?" sylvain asked, following behind felix as they mulled about the stalls. "does it matter?" felix bit back, shoving the red-head by the shoulder. he stopped in front of the stall you'd found the necklace at and forced himself to suppress a relieved sigh. "oh, that's the necklace they were telling me about at lunch today," sylvain commented. his jaw dropped as felix picked it up and handed the money to the merchant. "wait, are you guys a thing? is that why you've been staying out late?" "shut up." "dang," sylvain ran a hand through his hair with disappointment. "i was gonna ask them to dance with me at the ball, too- OW!" the man doesn't think his arm will ever feel the same way again.
he's so in love with you, you're obligated to marry this man because i said so
he's meeting up with you to have night time picnics, but oops-
ignatz is there painting the scenery, but IT'S OK
you'll get a cool cute painting of yourselves made by ignatz himself by the end of the night
he won't ever tell on you guys though, so your secret is safe and you get free art
"hello darling," ashe greeted, pulling you in for a hug after he set the picnic basket down. "are you ok?" you nodded and leaned in to give him a chaste kiss. "mhmm. did you make dinner tonight? it smells nice." he smiled at your compliment and laid the picnic blanket down for you to sit. "i did, i tried to get here as fast as possible so it'd still be warm enough," he said, settling in beside you. as the night passed and you began finishing your date, you both froze at the sound of footsteps. looking to the source, you awkwardly smiled as ignatz emerged from the trees. "i'm so sorry for not announcing myself, but i came out here to paint and ended up with this..." ignatz shyly handed you his fresh painting, warning you about the wet paint. you and ashe smiled softly at the image and thanked him for the painting. "i won't tell anyone, i promise!"
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 1 year ago
Edelgard, Dimitri, and Mercedes with a s/o who is always tried thought the day, either half asleep or taking a nap somewhere.
Doesn't help that when it's 3am s/o is doing literally anything but sleeping.
(FE3H) Edelgard, Dimitri, and Mercedes with a perpetually tired S/O
just like me fr
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Oh lovely, now there was another person who is eternally sleepy in the Black Eagles.
But, at least this time they weren't skipping out on lectures.
Edelgard at first tries not to be overbearing and just gently nudge them in the right direction of trying to get more sleep in the night.
Of course, that does not last very long.
(Edelgard) "I somehow knew you would be in the library, S/O."
(S/O) yawn "Edelgard? Oh, hey. Has the lecture already started?"
Edelgard sighs as her expression softens a little, gently putting a hand on their shoulder.
(Edelgard) "It's nearly time for bed. If you are going to rest, you can at the very least do so in your own room."
She doesn't want to sound like a nag, but she can't help but fret over S/O, at least in private.
Sometimes, she knocks on their door when she suspects they're still not asleep on the nights she can't either.
Those sleepless nights usually result in the two having a heart to heart, and being extremely tired come morning.
But Edelgard would not trade those moments with them for anything in the world.
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Dimitri can't help but chuckle at seeing S/O yawn in the morning. The sight was honestly quite cute to him.
If not a little worrying. This was the fourth day in a row they looked ready to drop dead.
(Dimitri) "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a ghost with how ghastly you look."
(S/O) "Ugh, I feel like one..."
(Dimitri) "Then perhaps you'd like something to wake you up? I could ask Mercedes to bake you something, or have Sylvain annoy you to awakening."
(S/O) "Goddess, please don't. It is way too early to be dealing with him...I might take you up on asking Mercedes, though."
He usually brings coffee or some kind of tea to help keep S/O up, or something to let them sleep late at night.
Dimitri trusts them enough to be responsible enough to know when it was time to sleep or not, but he has on occasion found them still awake at midnight.
(Dimitri) "S/O? What is that racket!?"
(S/O) "I needed to clean my room up, it's a little too messy in here."
(Dimitri) "In the dead of night?"
(S/O) "...It's not that late is it?"
(Dimitri) "Late enough that someone else other than me might come and make a noise complaint..."
(S/O) "Well, while you're here, can you lift my bed real quick? I need to grab something, and then I promise to sleep."
S/O was still full of energy, that was either a lie, or they'd sleep during lecture after trying and failing.
(Dimitri) sigh "Alright, please move aside."
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Mercedes is probably the best solution for S/O's sleepy tendencies.
That, or she might accidentally make it worse.
Due to her usually calming demanour, S/O feels ten times as sleepy whenever they're together.
Mercedes doesn't particularly mind, since Annette feels the same way too.
In the morning, Mercedes has some sweets that she baked for them to help wake them up.
And if they needed to sleep? She'd happily let them rest their head on her lap.
(Mercedes) "Oh, I know! What if I tell you some of the ghost stories I know to keep you up?"
(S/O) "I-I think I'll pass on that one. The last story you told me, I couldn't keep my eyes closed for hours..."
(Mercedes) "Hm...Well, I'm glad I do such a good job of telling them at least! But I wish that didn't come at a cost of your sleep schedule."
(S/O) "I mean, it wasn't exactly great to begin with."
(Mercedes) "And it's too late to bake any sweets...Oh, I could make you something spicy!"
(S/O) "...Y-You mean you're going to cook?"
(Mercedes) "I'm still trying to learn from Ashe, but I think I could make something great for the both of us!"
Suddenly, S/O became far more alert.
(S/O) "I-I think I'm full for right now, Mercedes! And I'm feeling really awake talking to you too!"
Mercedes looked slightly disappointed before S/O sighed internally.
(S/O) The things I do for love... "...But I wouldn't mind trying at least little!"
Her expression brightened at their response.
(Mercedes) "Really? Okay, let's head to the mess hall!"
(S/O) Goddess be with me...
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meowmewmews · 8 months ago
𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 | 𝐝𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐢 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐲𝐝 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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minors don’t interact!!!!! 18+ only mature content under tab
synopsis: Dimitri is a vampire and he has no desire to listen to the pathetic pleas from a human. You are a slave to the king and only meant to fulfill his desire for blood.
warnings : mentions of blood, smut, blood kink, dimitri is kind of mean at first, possessive, long word count, rough sex, reader is really submissive and pitiful, consensual non-consent
authors note : this is a part of a mini series I will be writing. I have plans to write for Sylvain, Felix, Claude, and Yuri for this au. So stay tuned, or not lol.
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Dimitri was a cold man who was cruel and selfish at times, he only cared about his own desires. But at the end of the day he was your lover. At least that’s what you thought of him at first.
You had found yourself at the castle’s doorsteps only a year ago, pathetic and starving. A famine had plagued Faerghus and in a desperate attempt your village had tied you up, throwing you at the steps of the castle, as a sacrifice. All in a desperate attempt to get the king to end this famine. Of course though, the king could live off another type of substance - blood. He had no control over the weather, or the drought that was plaguing Fodlan.
You laid curled up in a fetal position at the steps. Not even able to fight back when you knew what your fate would be when those castle doors creaked open. Your frail body was brought into the castle by a tan man and you could barely move at this point; you simply were accepting your end. In and out of consciousness you barely remembered anything. It took nearly two weeks before you were able to walk around, the man nursing you back to health. “She’s too frail. Plump her up so I actually have blood to drink.” A blond, one eyed man would say whenever he stepped into your room. Everything felt like a dream.
Once you were able to be back on your feet you were confined to a dingy bedroom, only able to sit and gaze out the tall tower window all day-it on for a month. You only interacted with the man briefly, he never said much. He only brought you food, clean linen, and the bare necessities to keep up your hygiene. By now, a part of you wishes that you had died on those cold stone steps of the castle. But alas, you no longer were starving and weak, your once hollow cheeks had now filled out some. Your bones didn’t poke out your skin, and you had clean clothes and a warm bed to sleep on. But you weren’t safe, far from it.
The first time it happened you were asleep, the bedroom door swung open and a lantern suddenly illuminated the room. Your blankets were thrown off of you, causing you to immediately sit up in bed. Your back pressed against the headboard as your breathing began to get heavy, your frail body shaking. You were terrified as your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. There you saw the man who you presumed would end your life tonight. It was hard to see him in this lighting but what you did see, terrified you. The tall muscular blond king towered above you, he was missing an eye, a scar over where his stormy blue eye would be. “This better have been worth the effort.” The man muttered. He grabbed your ankles roughly causing you to let out a cry, your back and head slamming against the bed. “Quiet.” He ordered as he now got on top of you.
The man used his whole hand to roughly push your face to the side, you whimpered from the force of his hand. Your neck was exposed and your breathing was heavy, your chest rapidly moving up and down with each breath. This man didn’t care about your comfort at all, you knew that what would come next would hurt. He huffed to blow the hair away from your neck leaving you now fully exposed, his other hand pinned your wrist above your head. One of his knees was wedged between your thighs while his other leg pinned your side. You had nowhere to go and you were in no state to fight back. “Stay still.” He muttered as he lowered his head. You felt his long blond hair tickle your sensitive exposed neck, his warm breath against your skin.
You obeyed him, and just prayed that he made it quick. Squeezing your eyes shut you prepared yourself for the brief pain that you’d experience before your death. Then without warning you felt the man’s sharp canines sink into your skin. You cried out and squirmed in his grasp, it hurt so much. Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes, “P-please.” You whimpered as you felt warm liquid ooze from the wound. The blond only hummed in content, “Quiet.” He said once again. You felt his tongue lick up the blood that dripped from the wound. He sucked, licked, and nipped at your skin for what felt like hours. Only your quiet whimpers of pain and fear echoed through the room.
Then he released your wrist, his hand that was pressed against your face now tilted your chin so you could look at him. “How do you feel?” He asked, but there really was no true concern in his tone. He was handsome, breathtakingly beautiful, but you were terrified of him. You didn’t say anything as your eyes examined him, there was blood smeared across his lower face, his mouth was open slightly and you can see the glimmer of his canine teeth. The man clicked his tongue in annoyance before he stood up, “Your blood, it’s good. Don’t worry I won’t kill you…yet.” He muttered and just like that he left your room, leaving you alone.
Pulling your knees to your chest you held your body close as tears streamed down your face. At some point you fell asleep from exhaustion and when morning came you were covered up in a blanket that you definitely had not pulled over yourself before. As you were slowly sitting up in bed, you saw small blood speckles on the white bedsheets, a reminder of the events from the night before. Hesitantly you placed your feet onto the cold stone floor, and you walked over to the dingy vanity mirror, your body felt so weak. As you were brushing your hair away from your neck, you saw the wound, a mark that you would be a blood slave to the king of Faerghus. A dark purple bruise the size of a coin was on your neck and faint marks of dried blood were on your neck.
Another week had passed without a visit from the king, you sat on a window sill in your room, blankly staring out the window at the stormy weather. There was a knock at your door but even as you did not say anything, the door opened nevertheless. In walked the dark skinned white haired man who had cared for you. He held a basket in his hands, “How are you feeling?” He asked you as he sat the basket onto the dresser. He stood at the entrance of the room, not coming closer.
You just looked at him, bags were under your eyes as you had trouble sleeping ever since that encounter. You were scared for when the king would come back and kill you. The man sighed, shaking his head, “You have no reason to be scared. His majesty won’t kill you. He spoke highly about how well you tasted.” The man explained matter of factly. A frown made its way to your features, “I..I wish he would just kill me.” You stated, your voice was hoarse from how little you had spoken since you arrived at the castle. “If you’d like I can arrange for you to be free?” He then asked you but you knew his words were false, just a way to comfort you. Sighing you shook your head, you had nowhere to go; your own village had tried to sacrifice you to the king. So for now you would tolerate what was going on, you really had no other choice. “I have nowhere else to go. I am stuck here.” You mumbled before turning your head back to look out the window. The man nodded, “I understand. I have brought you some things, they’re in the basket whenever you want to take a look.” He said before turning to walk out the room, but he paused, “My name is Dedue.” He introduced himself for the first time since you had arrived here. Your eyes widened and you looked at him, “Oh” You simply responded, it sounded foreign. “I’m ______.” You introduced yourself before returning back to look outside the window. You were not in the mood for pointless conversation.
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Weeks passed and the king would visit you once a week to indulge himself in your blood. It was more or less the same every time, he was rough and uncaring of your comfort. But then the next morning after you would be showered with some luxuries, expensive food, wine, books, linen, anything along those lines. It was strange but you were in no position to turn down the gifts. You still had yet to leave the room in the tower, Dedue had become the only conversational partner you had. You learned the man was from Duscur; he was loyal to the king. You also had learned the king’s name, Dimitri. Dedue asked about your village and you would tell him stories, but your life was not very interesting. You were an orphan who had lived on the streets your whole life, there was nothing too interesting to speak about. That was more or less your life, locked away in the castle.
Tonight though was different, the king—Dimitri stumbled into your room late at night as you sat up in your bed reading a book. He stormed towards you, yanking the book out of your hand and tossing it onto the floor. He had no shirt on, but bandages were wrapped around his body. It was obvious he was hurt which explained why instead of you being pinned underneath him like usual, Dimitri sat on the bed, his back against the headboard as he pulled you into his lap. Your back was against his broad chest, and his fists balled into your hair as he titled your head to the side roughly, exposing the sensitive flesh on your neck. He wasted no time sinking his fangs into your neck, you cried out in pain. It hurt so much this time, he was relentless as he sucked on your neck draining the blood.
Your fingernails dug into the skin of his arm that was wrapped around your waist as you withered in pain. You felt your vision blurring, he was drinking too much. “P-please stop. Too much.” You warned him. “A bit more.” He breathed out before he returned to lapping the crimson liquid up. He groaned in delight at the taste, but when he noticed you becoming more lethargic he stopped. Dimitri supported your head up with one hand, his brows furrowing. “_____, are you okay?” He asked, a bit concerned. He knew your name? You figured Dedue must have told him, you tried to speak but your mind was a haze and before you even knew it you had passed out in the king’s arms.
Morning came like usual and you were wrapped up securely in a blanket that you most definitely did not pull over you the night before. There was a presence in the room, you could feel it. You were trying to sit up, but you had no strength and just collapsed back onto the bed. “Good. You’re alive.” A familiar cold voice was audible from your side. Looking to the side there you saw the blond king towering above you. He reached a hand down brushing your hair out of your face, you noticed that a different expression was on his usual stoic features. A hint of concern glimmered in his one stormy blue eye. “I went too far. I apologize.” He simply said, “I was injured last night.” He added not wanting to elaborate any further on the situation. You just nodded, not sure what to say, “Okay.” You mumbled. With a sigh Dimitri took a step back, “Anyways now that you are awake I’ll leave you be. Dedue will check on you soon.” He explained before leaving the room, the door echoing as it slammed shut behind him.
Why did he care if I ever awoke again or not? You thought, a strange feeling swelling in your heart. No, he only cares if I stay alive because he likes how I taste. You rationalized to yourself. To King Dimitri you were a blood source, nothing more nothing less.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Dimitri still continued to visit you, his feeds became a bit more frequent nearly every other night. He fed on you for only a little bit, so you were as exhausted as you were before when he would visit you once a week. Yet he still remained as rough as usual, though he did stop pinning your face down with his hand. You had gotten to know Dimitri throughout the months, he was more than a bloodthirsty fiend. It seemed like he had a heart under his rough exterior. He had a tendency to drink a bit too much wine before he fed on you and you had come to learn why. It seemed like the blond disliked the fact that he was a vampire, he didn’t like feeding off of you which explained why he preferred you speak as little as possible. You had also learned that Dimitri was orphaned at a young age, he seemed to have a fear of people leaving him, he told you one night while he was drunkenly laying in your bed covered in your blood.
The man kept you locked in the tower for that very reason, he didn’t want you to leave him, he had grown a bit too dependent on his feeding sessions and speaking to you. But of course he did not voice such things out loud. Dimitri knew you were scared of him and he only wished that he wasn’t this blood sucking creature. Maybe things would be different which is why he was trying to be a bit kinder to you, but he had built up so many walls that seemed impossible to tear down,
Though tonight was different, Dimitri sat across from you on a chair sipping on a glass of dark red wine. His legs crossed as you gazed at you, “I have decided to move you to my chambers.” He simply stated. Your eyes widened in surprise, “Wh..what do you mean your majesty?” You asked him for clarification. He rolled his eyes, “Are you stupid? You’ll be moving to my chambers. I’m tired of having to climb all these stairs just to come feed off of you. In my room you’ll be available at my convenience.” He explained his reasoning.
So Dimitri did not come to feed off of you tonight, he simply came to inform you of your move. Your eyes gazed down at the wine glass in your hand, the dim lighting of the room faintly reflecting your face in the liquid. “O..okay.” You simply replied. You only hoped that his bedroom was not as cold as the tower, but you were also scared that perhaps being available to the king at all times would also be very dangerous. Dimitri finished his glass of wine, then he stood up wishing you a good night before leaving.
The next day came and Dedue appeared to escort you to your new bedroom. You still had no free reign of the castle, you were closely monitored. But at least now you were in a more cozy luxurious bedroom, there was a balcony you could sit out on. It was the first time you had breathed fresh air since you arrived weeks—no, was it months ago? You had been informed that Dimitri went out to deal with a rebellion in a different territory so you had the bedroom to yourself. There was a music box in the bedroom that you would play often as you danced around the balcony enjoying the fresh air and the feeling of the breeze blowing through your hair. You did that for the week while Dimitri was gone.
The king had returned late at night a week later, you were asleep in his bed when he stormed in. He flicked on a lantern and walked towards the bathroom, you two did not exchange a word. When the water came on from the shower you sighed before returning back to sleep. He was probably tired and you would not have to worry about him trying to feed on you tonight, at least that is what you assumed.
Once again you were awoken out of your slumber as you heard the balcony door shut. “Don’t ever leave that door open at night or when you aren’t in the room.” He said angrily. Sitting up you looked at the king, “Why?” You asked, still half asleep. “It’s dangerous. Plenty of people want to kill me.” He replied as he walked over, sitting at the edge of the bed. He stared at you, his wet blond hair clung to his face and he was wearing only his boxers. You noticed the scars that littered his pale skin. You had been staring. Oh..oh! He wants me out of his bed. You thought and quickly flung the bedsheets off of your body. “I will sleep on the floor. Please forgive me your majesty for laying in your bed. It was foolish of me.” You began to apologize as you stood up.
Dimitri shook his head grabbing your wrist pulling you back down onto the sheets. “Why would you sleep on the floor? You’re not a dog.” he frowned. Something was different about him tonight, his voice was quiet. Something seemed to be bothering the king. Without another explanation he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back against his chest as he buried his face in your hair. You two laid on the bed in silence, Dimitri’s breath hitting the back of your neck. His body was so cold. “You’re scared of me. Aren’t you?” He then suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
”What?” You breathed out, unsure of where this question was coming from. Truthfully you were scared of him, he was double your size and powerful. “You want to leave me? Why didn’t you escape while I was gone? You could have?” He then asked you, his voice was muffled by your hair. Your brows furrowed when he asked you that question, why didn’t you leave? The tone of Dimitri’s voice was fearful, like he almost did not want you to answer the question. “I..I don’t know.” You replied, your hands came up to gently rest on his. “I have nowhere to go. I don’t mind it here.” You replied truthfully but still avoided his question if you were scared of him. “So you are scared of me? I’m a monster after all. Everyone is scared of me…everyone always dies around me.” He spoke in a low tone. His grip around you tightened, he was scared.
You weren’t sure what had gotten into you but hearing Dimitri act so vulnerable made you only want to comfort him. So loosening his grasp around your waist you turned over to face him. You cupped his face in your hands and gazed into his eye. He avoided your eyes though, a guilty expression saturating his pale features. “I won’t die. I’m not scared of you, your majesty.” You said flashing him a weak smile. The king didn’t seem convinced by your words but he just nodded, “You’ll stay here..right?” He asked you for reassurance again. You hummed in reply, “Mhm..as I said I have nowhere to go.” You responded as you brushed his blond hair out of his face. He really was handsome, even though he was missing an eye and had faint scars on his face he was truly ethereal looking. It took your breath away, you had heard that was the charm that came with these beings—vampires. But being able to see him so close you truly understood where those legends came from.
Dimitri noticed you staring, he felt a bit insecure with you looking at him. He usually kept your face down so you couldn’t look at him so now he felt a bit exposed. “What?” He asked, brows furrowing as his expression hardened. You shook your head, “Nothing, your majesty. Are you hungry?” You asked him, you figured that was coming. After all, it had been a week since he last fed. He nodded a bit hesitantly, “Y..yes I am.” He mumbled quietly. This weird feeling overcame you, you just wanted to please him. The king was acting so vulnerable you just wanted to give him the one thing you knew he liked, something about Dimitri was intoxicating, it was drawing you in. Perhaps it’s because of what he was that made you feel this way? Removing your hands away from him, you reached up to brush strands of hair away from your tender neck - exposing it.
Dimitri licked his lips hungrily as he stared at the soft flesh on your neck, he wasted no time in pinning you to the bed by your wrists. His large muscular body hovering over yours, but instead of sinking his teeth into your neck he licked and nipped the skin gently. A moan left your lips, it shocked you why you had even made that noise. You felt a soft chuckle from the king against your neck and he continued to nip at it more. Then you felt it, the pain of his sharp canines sinking into your flesh. Your body flinched as you let out a whimper of pain, your eyes squeezing shut as you felt him lap up the blood that oozed out of the wound. Dimitri’s knee found itself between your thighs and without even realizing what you were doing you found yourself grinding against it, a quiet moan escaping your lips as you arched your back up.
Dimitri stopped and looked at you, “You like this now?” He asked you with an amused smirk on his blood stained lips. Slowly your eyes fluttered open and you gazed at him, “I..I think so. I don’t know why.” You whispered your brows furrowing in confusion at your own actions. The fear that you held for the king only a few minutes ago was replaced with something else—a desire to please him in any way. “If you really want it…I want you to beg, ______.” He ordered as he roughly grinded his knee against your core. “P-please your ma-“ you began only to be cut off by him. “My name is Dimitri. I’m over the formalities.” He spat out.
You averted your gaze from his intense one for a few moments before you swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat. “Please Dimitri. I want to please you.” You whimpered. Dimitri seemed satisfied with your begging, his calloused hands tugging at the hem of your long silky white nightgown, he pulled it up slowly, it was like he was deliberately trying to tease you. “Please.” You begged him once again, goosebumps dotted your skin in wild anticipation. Then the gown was above your breasts, exposing you completely to the king. Your breath hitched as you stared at him eyes wide, scared of what he may think. “Mmm..so pretty.” He mumbled. His head lowered to your breast, he kept looking at you with that stormy blue eye while his tongue swirled around your hardened nipple, his other hand roughly massaged your other breast. His fingers pinching your sensitive bud, you let out a moan. He dropped the hem of your nightgown now satisfied with how exposed you were, and returned back to pinning one of your wrists above your head.
Dimitri began to suck and nip at your breast, he was trying to leave a mark, then when his lips left your sore nipple he moved up to curve of your breast. Without warning he sank his fangs into your soft tender skin, your body trembled in pain as a loud gasp left your mouth. “D-Dimitri!” You hissed as you felt warm crimson blood trickle out of the puncture, but the king did not let your sweet blood go to waste. He groaned in delight as he sucked the blood from the wound, “So good..” He mumbled against your skin as he continued to nip your skin to draw out more blood. You were soaking wet, unsure of why you were so turned on by something that used to cause you fear. Then you felt him rub against your thigh. He was hard and it made you want him even more. “Please Dimitri..I want you.” You begged as you tried to wiggle your wrists out of his grasp. But he was too strong, you couldn’t even free yourself if you wanted to.
Dimitri stopped what he was doing, and sat up, blood coated his lower face. In any other scenario he would have looked absolutely terrifying but to you he looked so incredibly beautiful. The way the warm lantern lighting glowed against his pale skin made him look otherworldly. “Are you sure?” He asked you in a gruff tone by now he had freed your wrist and his hand went to the waistband of your panties, he ripped them off of you. Literally. The tearing of the fabric caused you to flinch and he tossed the torn fabric aside, you saw how he eyed your nightgown so you quickly stripped yourself of it tossing it onto the floor. The blond’s looked at your vulnerable exposed body with nothing but pure lust in his eye.
He lowered his head and to your entrance, you smelled intoxicating and he wondered if you knew that? Your scent was driving him crazy. Placing his rough hands on the sides of your thighs he forcefully pulled your legs apart so he could look at you. You were embarrassed by how soaked you were already, a part of you was scared of what he was going to do next. “Are you sure you want me?” He asked you in a gentle voice. You nodded a bit too eagerly, “Y-yes please.” You pleaded. With that he lowered himself to your pussy, his tongue immediately went to your clit. Your body jerked roughly at the new sensation and an embarrassingly loud moan echoed through the room.
He wasted no time in licking your pussy, his tongue was masterful as focused on your clit. He sucked and swirled circles on it. Dimitri felt like he was drunk off of the juices from your pussy. His tongue left your clit as he hungrily moved his tongue between your folds, the muscle now poking at your entrance in a desperate attempt to taste all of you. He was trying to fuck you with his tongue, and it drove you even more crazy. An unusual warm sensation began to build in your core, your vision blurred you were sure if it was from blood loss or from how good you felt. Your thighs trembled in delight around his head as Dimitri switched between sucking on your clit and fucking you with his tongue. He was so careful as to not harm you with his sharp fangs.
Your hands flung up to ball Dimitri’s soft golden hair in your hands, you tried to grind your hips against his face but he held you firmly to the bed. It seemed like the king was intentional with every movement he made, when his focus was on tongue fucking you he made sure his nose still brushed over your clit. You felt so close, you weren’t sure how much longer you could last. You were going to cum. “Dimitri…please can I cum? Please. Please.” You whined begging for your release. Dimitri’s hands tightened on your thighs, you whimpered in pain you were certain that you would be left with bruises. “Mhm..cum for me _____.” He hummed still buried in your pussy. Then with a few more motions you came around the king and hard. Your back arched as your legs shook violently as you let out a loud moan. “Thank you. Thank you!.” you cried out as tears pooled in the corner of your eyes as you rode out your orgasm. Dimitri’s sucked on your clit for a few more moments as your body and breathing slowed down, until finally you were left a whimpering mess on the bed.
Dimitri sat up looking at you, his face now coated with a mixture of blood and your own wetness. He licked his lips as he got out of the bed, you now gazed at the man through heavy eyes as you tried to control your breathing. You watched as he slipped off his boxers revealing his erection. The king was huge. You weren’t sure you could take him, a look of fear washed over your face. Dimitri’s hand pumped his thick throbbing cock in anticipation as he still had that hungry look on his features. “If I do this…this means that you’re mine. Forever. Understand?” He said. You didn’t care, you’d be with Dimitri forever. “Yes. I understand Dimitri.” You replied.
With that the muscular king was now back over you, his blond hair falling in front his beautiful face as he began to lick up your upper body. He couldn’t let any of your sweet blood go to waste. His tongue traced over your perky nipple, to your neck, and then finally to the corner of your mouth where he stopped for a brief moment before he crashed his lips against yours. You tasted yourself, your blood and your own cum but you didn’t care. Then he pulled away, using one hand he held your hip firmly as he positioned his throbbing cock at the entrance of your pussy. Without a warning he pushed himself inside you. You cried out in pain, he didn’t even give you time to adjust to his size. You felt like he was ripping you open but goddess, did he feel so good as he filled up your pussy.
”Dimitri!” You cried out tears now falling down your cheeks, your hand flying to his chest in an attempt to get him to stop just for a moment so you could adjust to his cock. But he didn’t care, he needed to fuck you and he needed to fill you up with his cum so only then you would know that you now belonged to him.
Dimitri rocked his hips back and forth as his dick slammed into you relentlessly, the way your tight pussy clenched around him drove him crazy. Did you know what you were doing? “Fuck..” he hissed under his breath, his fingers digging into your hip. Only a minute later you were melting under his touch, you adjusted to his size and pure pleasure filled you. His cock kept hitting a certain spot deep inside you and it hurt a little bit with how rough he was being but it felt so amazing. That familiar warm sensation was now building up inside you again as you whimpered out the king’s name. He watched as your breasts bounced with every thrust he made, the face you made when he hit that spot deep inside your pussy, the way your sweet blood trickled slowly down your neck and breast, and he loved the way you took him so well despite his size.
Dimitri had never felt something that felt as good as your pussy did; he knew he was going to cum and soon. “You're so beautiful…the way you take me. The way you sound _____.” He praised you with a breathy voice. With a few more rough thrusts he came inside you, coating the inside of your pussy with so much of his cum that it was leaking out of you. He moaned loudly as he threw his head back in pleasure, just cumming more as he continued to fuck you mercilessly trying to ride out his orgasm. You soon joined him in his orgasm; clenching around his cock as you came once again, the warmth of your orgasm only made the king moan in pleasure. You body trembled you really weren’t sure how much more of this you could take. It seemed like Dimitri wasn’t going to stop fucking you any time soon, but he did. His erratic thrusts became slower and slower until finally he stopped moving.
He breathed heavily as he remained inside of you, then he lowered his head so he could now look at you. You looked so beautiful to him, your body was flushed with a faint hue of red and he noticed the dark red marks on your hips, thighs, and wrists from where he pinned you. Reaching a hand out he brushed your hair out of your face before he gently kissed you as he pulled himself out of you. He collapsed onto the bed on his back before he pulled your tired body onto his chest, his arms wrapped around you. He rubbed soothing circles over your back and arms. “You promise to stay..right?” Dimitri asked you in a quiet voice.
Tilting your head up you looked up at the king with a content smile on your pink lips, “Yes. I promise.” You replied back, after all you had already told him you had nowhere to go. Plus didn’t Dimitri know that he already had you wrapped around his fingers?
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stickyspeckledlight · 2 months ago
“Happy birthday, Dimitri! It isn't much, but I hope you like this present. It's a small cork bottle keychain with a message inside— wait don't open it—!"
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A message tried and true—for…me, of all these souls?
Speckled’s End of Year Interaction Prompts, (12/2/24 - 1/1/25)
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You feel your world end with the liberating pop the cork makes, followed by the slip of paper sliding out with an air of smugness. Because yes, maybe it was a bit too much to hope you wouldn’t embarrass yourself. Maybe it was wishful thinking, to hope you could subvert the fate of humiliation the universe sees fit to bestow upon you.
And maybe, JUST maybe, it was too much to hope things like this would go well in the courtyard of all places.
You can only stare, stupefied and corpse like, as Dimitri innocently reads the message.
Out loud.
“To my dearest Dimitri,” the harbinger of your heart heralds, “I wish you the happiest of birthdays,—” he smiles at that, giving you an appreciative glance; but clearly, he must be too engrossed in this message to have noticed your skin, surely pallid and ghastly, “—befitting of a man like you: chivalrous, determined, compassionate, and handsome.” His ears grow a bit red at that, but not as quickly as the soul evaporating from you. “I can only surmise that you were crafted by the Goddess herself—” he falters for a moment, quirking his mouth in shock that can’t decide between being disturbed or flatters. He continues regardless, if only that his tone suggests a struggle to fathom the words he reads, “…who must’ve spun the gold of your hair, harvest the richest of creams for your skin, and extract the purest of sapphires from the skies to place your eyes…”
You aren’t sure if you’re a ghost observing this sorry spectacle from a distance, or if the Goddess herself forces your soul to wither in your body.
“Is it any wonder why I find myself lost for all but these words?
“Dimitri, I love you.”
Please, Goddess Sothis above, please tell me that my body is burning away into ash, you beg, mentally groveling at her feet.
You can practically hear him choke, and blink wide eyed.
“W—Well,” he coughs, “Ahem, [Name], this is…rather, rather forward of you. But…” red spreads to his cheeks, “I cannot say—”
“Kill me.” You blurt, staring at him wide and dead eyed. “Send me to the next realm. I don’t deserve to live anymore. Actually, I don’t think I have the will to live anymore. Frankly I think my life’s ended already, and that I am just a ghost, and that I am perpetually stuck experiencing the thing that killed me. Which is you. So do it. Kill me please. With a cherry on top.”
“Here,” you unsheathe and offer your dagger, “if you don’t want to soil your short sword, use this. That way, you won’t have to clean the blood from the longer blade—because cleaning blood’s a real pain, I know.”
Dimitri frowns, “Do not speak as if—”
However, you are too wrought with despair to acknowledge him; and laugh heartily, looking to the heavens, “Goddess Sothis…this is truly the fate you see fit to bestow me? Fate is truly a mysterious thing.”
An iron clad grip rips a yelp from your throat, and your thoughts freeze to a halt when icy blue meets your eyes.
“Do not speak as if your life means so little,” he hisses—no, growls, “Or that it is over. I can tell you in good faith that you are very much alive.”
“I don’t feel alive,” you dejectedly mutter. You feel a bit stiff, all at once encased in ice and burning in bright blue flame.
“You are,” he insists, “And as long as I live, you will be.”
You jolt, “Dimitri?” You can’t think of anything but his name to say. What else can you say, when he says that with so much conviction? Certainty?
That’s not something you’ve ever seen—
He takes a sharp inhale. “I understand you’re embarrassed, but…”
“I love you as well,” he says, and he’s right back to the Dimitri you know and love.
Though you end up laughing, and spending a quiet, nice afternoon as a first date…
In the back of your mind, you’ll never stop thinking about that Dimitri you saw, for the briefest of moments. And it makes you fear what that Dimitri would look like, in a situation anything but utterly mundane.
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Yandere Dimitri Thoughts
War definitely does funny things people, but Dimitri was already a little fucked in the head to begin with. He'd hold onto you as the only thing to keep him sane, the burning need for revenge replaced by an insatiable need for you. Armed with enablement from the lions and active encouragement from Sylvain, it becomes easier and easier for Dimitri to write off Felix's harsh looks of disgust. But he knows better than to interfere with the crown prince of Faergus's only tether to reality. You are sequestered away, as Dimitri insists that you let him keep you safe. Unable to leave the monastery, it's unbearable to sit and count the days while your classmates are at war.
"I've lost so much. I can't lose you too." The light in his eyes have been long gone, replaced with mania and obsession.
You're reduced to the most important lynchpin in Fodlan.
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the-reader-insert-gazette · 4 months ago
Eternal Bonds - Ghost!F!Reader x Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Fire Emblem - Three Houses (Time Skip)
During the war, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd is haunted by the ghost of Reader, a knight he considering more than a friend, who died under his command.
TW: Death and grief, survivors guilt, emotional anguish
The battlefield was eerily quiet after the clash of steel and screams had subsided. Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, once prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and now its broken heir, stood amidst the carnage, his one good eye scanning the horizon for signs of stragglers or ambushes. Blood stained his tattered cape, and the weight of his fury, his grief, bore down on him as heavily as the battle-worn lance in his grasp.
The voices in his head whispered incessantly. Accusations, condemnations, the ghostly wails of those he could not save.
And then, one day, amid the ruins of a dilapidated village, another voice cut through his torment.
“You fight like a man trying to outrun his shadow,” said the voice, soft yet unmistakable.
Dimitri froze, his grip tightening on his weapon as his gaze darted across the desolate village. There was no one alive—he had checked himself. The dead littered the ground, unseeing eyes staring into the void. Yet, this voice was different from the chorus in his mind. It was clear, almost melodic, and filled with something the others lacked: warmth.
“Who’s there?” Dimitri growled, taking a cautious step forward, his good eye narrowing.
“I’d forgotten how paranoid you could be,” the voice replied, almost teasing now.
And then she appeared, stepping from the shadow of a crumbled wall like a dream brought to life. Or, rather, half-life.
Her form shimmered faintly, translucent but undeniably her. The memories hit him like a blow to the chest. She had been one of his knights—a steadfast companion, a voice of reason when the world had begun to crumble. Her laughter had been rare but infectious, a ray of sunlight in the bleakness of their lives. And then, one fateful day, she had been lost. He remembered her falling, her blood staining the snow, her lips forming his name in a soundless plea as life left her eyes.
He had failed her too.
“You’re—” His voice broke. “This is a trick. You’re dead.”
“I know,” [Name] said simply, a wry smile curving her lips. “Believe me, it wasn’t my plan. But I’ve been watching you, Dimitri. And, gods, you need help.”
His laugh was bitter. “What help could a ghost possibly offer me?”
“More than you’d think,” she said. “But first, you need to stop wallowing in self-loathing long enough to listen.”
In the days that followed, [Name]'s presence became a constant. At first, Dimitri thought her another manifestation of his guilt, but she didn’t act like the other voices. She didn’t accuse him of failures or demand vengeance. Instead, she nagged him about eating properly, teased him about his gruff demeanor, and occasionally drifted off to scout the terrain ahead.
“I’m not just here to haunt you,” she had said one night as they camped by a dying fire. “I’m here because there’s something you need to do. Something I need to do.”
Dimitri didn’t ask what she meant. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
Yet, as the weeks turned into months, [Name]'s purpose became clear. She wasn’t just lingering to torment him—she was guiding him. Every village they passed through, every skirmish they survived, seemed to bring them closer to uncovering a mystery she refused to fully explain.
“It’s complicated,” she said one evening, sitting cross-legged on the air as if it were a solid surface. “But trust me, it’s important.”
“More important than the war?” Dimitri asked, his tone harsher than he intended.
Her expression softened. “It’s connected. You’ll see.”
Their journey eventually brought them to a forgotten stronghold on the outskirts of Faerghus, its gates rusted and walls crumbling. [Name] grew more agitated as they approached, her form flickering like a candle in the wind.
“This is it,” she said, her voice taut with an urgency Dimitri hadn’t heard before.
“What is?” he asked, glancing around the decrepit fortress. “There’s nothing here.”
“There is,” she insisted, gesturing for him to follow. “But you’ll have to trust me.”
He did. He didn’t know when it had happened, but somewhere along the way, he had stopped questioning her. [Name] led him through the ruins, her steps sure even as the floors threatened to give way beneath them. Eventually, they reached a hidden chamber, its entrance obscured by debris.
Inside, the air was heavy with the scent of decay. Old scrolls and ledgers littered the floor, and in the center of the room stood a pedestal bearing a tarnished crest—the symbol of the Blaiddyd lineage.
“What is this place?” Dimitri asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“A secret your family tried to bury,” [Name] said, her tone bitter. “The truth about the tragedy at Duscur.”
The words hit him like a thunderbolt. “What do you know about Duscur?”
“More than you,” she said. “And it’s time you learned the truth.”
As they sifted through the documents, the pieces began to fall into place. The massacre at Duscur had been no mere act of revenge but a carefully orchestrated conspiracy. Political machinations, betrayals within Faerghus—everything Dimitri had believed about that fateful night was a lie.
His hands trembled as he held one of the scrolls, the words blurring before his eye. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“Would you have listened?” [Name] asked gently. “You needed to be ready.”
“I don’t know if I am.”
“You are,” she said, placing a ghostly hand over his. He couldn’t feel it, but the gesture steadied him nonetheless. “And you’re not alone.”
For the first time in years, Dimitri felt something other than rage or despair. It wasn’t quite hope, but it was close.
When they emerged from the stronghold, the sky was tinged with the first light of dawn. Dimitri stood taller, the weight on his shoulders slightly less crushing. [Name] hovered beside him, her expression unreadable.
“What happens now?” he asked.
“You take what we’ve found and use it to end this war,” she said. “Expose the truth, reclaim your kingdom. Do what I couldn’t.”
“And you?”
She smiled faintly. “I’ll still be here. For a while, at least.”
Dimitri’s throat tightened. “[Name], I—”
“Don’t,” she interrupted, her voice trembling. “If you say it, I might not be able to let go.”
He nodded, the words dying on his lips.
"Let’s go," [Name] said, her voice barely above a whisper, the faint shimmer of her form flickering as though her resolve had weakened.
Dimitri glanced at her one last time before turning his gaze forward, forcing himself to take a step. The weight in his chest remained heavy, the words he had wanted to say swirling in his mind like a storm. But he respected her wish. To speak now, to give voice to the connection he felt, might shatter the fragile tether that kept her with him. Or worse, it might bind her here forever, trapped between life and death because of his selfishness.
The walk back to camp was silent, save for the crunch of snow under his boots and the faint whistle of the wind. [Name] drifted beside him, her ethereal glow dimmed, as though the secrets they had uncovered had drained her strength.
When they returned, the camp was quiet. His band of loyal yet broken soldiers—those who followed him despite his madness, despite his failures—were resting. The faint light of the fire cast long shadows on the tattered tents.
Dedue approached, his face as stoic as ever but his eyes filled with concern. "Your Highness. Did you find what you were looking for?"
Dimitri hesitated, glancing toward [Name] . She gave him a subtle nod.
"Yes," he said finally. "But it raises more questions than answers. We will discuss it at dawn."
Dedue inclined his head. "Understood. I will keep watch."
Dimitri started toward his tent, but [Name] lingered, her gaze fixed on Dedue. "He still follows you," she murmured, a mix of admiration and sorrow in her tone. "Even after everything. You’re lucky to have him."
"I know," Dimitri replied, pausing. "I don’t deserve his loyalty, or yours."
"Maybe not," she said, drifting after him. "But we’re here all the same."
He didn’t respond, pushing into his tent and collapsing onto the crude bedroll inside. The exhaustion of the day weighed on him, yet sleep didn’t come. [Name] hovered nearby, her presence both comforting and tormenting.
"You’re thinking too much again," she said after a long silence.
Dimitri let out a dry laugh. "You should know by now that I can’t stop."
"Then let me help," she said, settling cross-legged on the ground. Her form flickered faintly, as if the effort of sitting drained her, but she steadied herself. "Ask me something. Anything."
He hesitated. There was only one question he truly wanted to ask, but he feared the answer. Yet the words slipped out before he could stop them.
"Why did you stay? Why didn’t you move on?"
[Name]'s expression softened. "Because I couldn’t leave you like this."
He clenched his fists. "That’s not fair to you."
"It’s not about fairness, Dimitri," she said gently. "It’s about what’s right. You needed someone to pull you out of the abyss, even if it’s just a ghost who refuses to let go."
"And when I’m out of the abyss?" he asked, his voice barely audible. "Will you leave then?"
She didn’t answer immediately. Her gaze dropped to her hands, which shimmered faintly before becoming translucent again. "I… I don’t know. Maybe."
The silence that followed was unbearable. Dimitri stared at her, memorizing every detail of her spectral form—the curve of her lips, the determined set of her jaw, the way her eyes, though faint, still burned with the fire of the woman he had known.
"I don’t want you to leave," he admitted finally, his voice cracking.
[Name] looked up, and for the first time, he saw the tears glistening in her ghostly eyes. "Don’t make this harder than it already is."
"I won’t," he said, though the words felt like a lie.
They sat together in silence after that, the unspoken words hanging between them like a barrier neither dared to cross.
The days that followed were filled with purpose. Dimitri shared what they had learned with his inner circle—Dedue, Gilbert, and even a reluctant Felix, who had begrudgingly rejoined the group. They began to piece together a plan, one that could expose the truth and strike at the heart of the conspiracy that had plunged Faerghus into chaos.
[Name]'s presence was a constant, her guidance invaluable as they navigated the treacherous political landscape. But as the pieces fell into place, Dimitri couldn’t ignore the growing distance between them. She was fading, her form flickering more frequently, her voice growing quieter.
One night, as they prepared for a decisive battle, she appeared beside him, her glow faint but steady. "This might be the last time I can help you," she said softly.
Dimitri’s chest tightened. "Why now? We’re so close."
"Because you don’t need me anymore," she said, her voice tinged with both pride and sadness. "You’ve found your way. You’ve found hope again."
He shook his head. "No. I can’t—"
"You can," she interrupted, her gaze fierce. "And you will. You have Dedue, and the others. You’re not alone."
"But I’ll lose you," he said, the words slipping out before he could stop them.
She smiled, a faint, bittersweet thing. "You’ll never lose me, Dimitri. Not really."
He reached for her then, his hand passing through hers like mist.
"Shh," she said, leaning closer. Her voice was barely a whisper now, her form flickering like a dying star. "You’re going to be fine. Promise me you’ll see this through."
"I promise," he said, his throat tight.
Her smile widened, and for a moment, she looked as solid and real as she had in life. "Good."
And then she was gone.
The battle that followed was fierce and bloody, but Dimitri fought with a clarity and purpose he hadn’t felt in years. [Name]'s voice echoed in his mind, guiding him, steadying him. When the dust settled, and victory was theirs, he stood amidst the carnage and looked to the horizon.
The weight of his grief remained, but it was no longer unbearable. He carried it now as a part of himself, a reminder of what he had lost and what he still fought to protect.
And though she was gone, he swore he could feel [Name]'s presence, a faint warmth at his side, urging him forward.
Dimitri had long since grown into the man [Name] always believed he could become. Years passed after the war, years spent rebuilding Faerghus and forging a fragile peace across Fódlan. But no crown, no throne, no victory had filled the space she left behind.
He lived for his people, his kingdom, his friends, and the memories of those he had lost. It was enough. Or so he told himself.
Until the day he died.
The transition was seamless. One moment, he was an old man closing his eyes for what he thought would be the last time; the next, he found himself standing in a field of endless light. The air smelled of spring—fresh grass, blooming flowers, the kind of clean breeze he hadn’t felt since his youth.
And there she was.
[Name] stood a short distance away, her back turned to him as she surveyed the field. Her form was solid, her figure more alive than the ghostly shimmer he had grown used to during her haunting. She wore no armor now, just a simple tunic and trousers.
“[Name],” Dimitri called, his voice trembling.
She turned, her expression stunned at first, before her lips curved into a smile so bright it took his breath away. “Dimitri?”
He took a step forward, then another, until he stood before her. Hesitant, he raised a hand as if to touch her, but stopped just short.
“Is this… real?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
Her laughter was like music, unrestrained and full of life. “As real as it gets, I think.” She reached out and took his hand, solid and warm. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
At her touch, something in him broke, and all the years of grief and longing spilled out. He pulled her into a fierce embrace, his arms wrapping around her as if afraid she might disappear again. She held him just as tightly, her presence grounding him in a way nothing had since her death.
“I missed you,” he murmured against her hair.
“I missed you too,” she said softly.
Wrote this with a friend in mind, who together, we tend to make the angstiest storylines for each others characters pseudo-canon events. You know who you are 👀
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frickingnerd · 3 months ago
dimitri when he's jealous
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pairing: dimitri alexandre blaiddyd x gn!reader
tags: academy & war-phase!dimitri, dimitri is bad at feelings (but gets better), unhealthy to healthy behaviour, romantic feelings
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during his time at the academy, dimitri isn't too aware of his own feelings and that includes jealousy as well!
he doesn't even realize he's slowly falling in love with you, until he sees you laughing and talking with another guy one day and gets this odd feeling in his chest…
he feels almost sick or like he strained some muscles in his chest? but it's not just physical, as he starts to feel… angry?
dimitri doesn't want to feel that way and it makes him feel guilty about his anger, which quickly shifts him towards a sadness instead
he's unable to tear his eyes off you when you're with someone else! despite how jealous he gets and how it hurts him, he knows it'd be worse if he didn't look at you and the other person!
dimitri grows quiet when he's jealous and just observes the situation, all while his feelings boil up inside of him
once the war begins and some years pass by, dimitri's jealousy grows worse!
it's not just that he gets jealous easier, but he also acts upon it now! if he sees someone else by your side and assumes they have romantic intentions, he'll break up the conversation between you and them!
and at his worst, he'll even threaten the person flirting with you; whether it's in front of you or cornering after they left you!
only as the war ends does he slowly come to terms with his jealousy. dimitri doesn't like feeling jealous and he doesn't Iike the person he becomes because of his jealousy
dimitri might still get jealous from time to time, but now he's acting in a healthier way; reminding himself that he has no need to be jealous and trying to ignore the situation, by distracting himself with something else
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5iyoomi · 8 months ago
Okay, could I make a request for Dimitri, Felix, Ashe, and Sylvain with a male reader?
Basically having them react to meeting the reader again after the 5 year timeskip and becoming shocked by how handsome he had become.
Hope this is good, thank you!
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When They See How You’ve Changed
characters: Dimitri, Felix, Ashe, Sylvain warnings: none! tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible A/N: Hii I went with a situation where they aren't dating but like each other in some capacity (though I did use their s support images but shh) so hopefully it's what you were looking for! sorry if these are kinda short... I think it's obvious who my fav is tho LOL wc: 1,780
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The first time he sees you again, he really can't believe it
It takes him a moment to realize he isn't hallucinating, that you really are standing right in front of him, in the flesh
Once he does, he starts to notice just how different you look. Time's been kind to you, from the sharp jut of your jawline to the firmness of your body when you hold your hand out for him, your muscles more defined since the last time he'd seen you
He thinks you're even more handsome than you were back then, but he stumbles over himself trying to get the words out
He's changed a lot in the past few years too, he's sure, but with you it's like he can't take his eye off of you for even a second
He gets shy if you point out his staring, though he makes sure to let you know why he is in his typical fashion
"What's wrong, is there something on my face?" You ask teasingly, knowing that's not at all why he's been gazing at you as if he was bewitched.
Long, blonde hair nearly obscures his one good eye, and he shakes his head, besting you in height now even though he was the shorter one all those years ago.
"No- it's just..." Dimitri starts, slowly stepping closer to you. He reaches a gloved hand out towards you almost hesitantly, jumping when you gently clasp it between your own.
If you didn't know any better, you'd say his feelings for you hadn't changed. Yours hadn't either. They'd only grown stronger, brought back to the surface with the shy smile that lights up his somber expression. "You've really grown, haven't you? It's a little hard to take in."
You haven't seen a smile as sincere as that one in a long while, his fair skin dusted lightly with pink, and it makes your heart race, knowing that he's this nervous because of you. It feels like no time's passed at all, honestly not when his touch reminds you of the countless battles you've fought by his side.
A shout from across the lands to watch your back, or a comforting squeeze of your shoulder when he noticed you were upset or stressed out. "You have too, you know. Remember when we used to spend our nights in the garden together? I wonder how that place is now."
"Maybe so," he says, taking the opportunity to interlock your fingers together. He softens when you don't untangle from him, something unspoken lingering in the air between you that threatens to break the longer you both stand there. "And how could I ever forget?"
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5 years after everything went down, you and Felix find each other in the most unexpected of places. He hadn't changed much, still sporting that same neutral expression with his hair being slightly shorter than it was
He realizes you have, though. A lot, actually. You'd gotten a fair bit taller, any lingering baby fat now gone and making way for the face of a man he's always been quite fond of
He isn't as straightforward with what he wants to say most of the time, so it comes off as him avoiding eye contact with you if you try to keep it
You might have to prod him a little bit to get him to say what he's thinking, you might not. It all depends on his mood
But the one thing you know for sure is that he keeps eyeing you when he thinks you aren't looking. You know him well enough to notice little things like that
You were one of the few consistents in his life, after all, somebody that was on par with his skills and put up with him where others had a piece to say about his personality
It's why you're not surprised when he instead says:
"You know, you still owe me that rematch."
You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest with a small smirk. "Oh? I would've thought you'd forgotten," you ask, thinking about the last time you'd trained with him.
You'd narrowly won, deciding then to devote extra time to nip your weaknesses in the bud. It wouldn't be a fair fight if you didn't try. "It has been a while since our last match."
Felix chuckles, readjusting the sword in his holster and shrugging his shoulders. "I mentioned before how you were a worthy opponent, back when you agreed to continue to train with me." He says, reflecting on that promise you made to him. It's not something you could forget that easily, and you know he wouldn't, either. "That much hasn't changed."
You hum, "Alright then, I'll spar with you, but if I win you have to tell me what's been on your mind."
He must be able to catch what you really mean when you say that, but if he has any objections, then he doesn't voice them. He simply nods, gracing you with one of his rare smiles that you would die 20 times over to see again.
"Deal. And if I win, then you have to treat me to dinner."
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He is SUCH a sweetheart I was just rewatching his supports but anyways....
When he sees you, it's needless to say that he becomes a blushing mess. There standing the one that swept him off his feet was you in all your glory, bright and even more mature looking than he remembers you being
He's quick to tell you that you're handsome, even if it takes everything in him to say it without stuttering
His words are always so sincere, nothing hiding behind them like a lot of the people you've met and gotten to know over the years
So when you gently cut him off before he starts to ramble too much, he looks at you sheepishly, calmly asking if you were busy after this
He'll insist on treating you to some tea and sweets even if you say he doesn't need to. He won't call it a date, per se, he's mostly just eager to finally be able to catch up with you, but if you do, he gets super flustered
"A d-date? I m-mean- if you see it that way, then...." Ashe trails off, nervously tucking a loose strand of gray hair behind his ear. He walks side by side with you down the busy, crowded streets, tensing up when your hand brushes his. "I guess I can't complain, can I?"
"Do you?" You grin, eyes more focused on him than the scenery around you. Different tenders trying to get people to buy their wares while others chat about this and that fill your ears, whispers of wind sending a shiver up your spine.
He whistles some old tune to himself, quiet enough that you would've missed it if you weren't so close. He glances from you back down to the gravel on the ground that crunches beneath his feet, and then mutters. "Only if... only if you don't think that's weird."
"I don't." You give him a playful nudge with your elbow, leaving it at that.
It doesn't take very long for you to make it to the cafe he had picked out. He said that it was a nice place he'd found by accident one time, that the prices weren't too bad (mainly so that you didn't feel bad) and they'd definitely have something you'd like. It was sweet, how he tended to think of others like that, especially you.
Thousands of years could pass, the sun and moon turning into nothing but distant memories and Fódlan something of the past, and yet nothing would ever get rid of how you felt for him.
The two of you find a nice seat in the back, near an open window with a fair amount of sunlight and away from a group of friends in the front. You wait until he's scanning his menu to peek up from yours, smiling when his eyes quickly find yours anyway. "You sure have a knack for finding hidden treasures. This place is nice."
"I suppose so, but it's nicer with you here."
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This man is already a flirt but even though it's toned down a bit later on, he doesn't cut any corners
If he thought you were attractive back then, then he thinks you must be on par with a prince now, your frame well-maintained and becoming of such a title
The first time he sees you again, he's nearly starstruck, blown away by just how much you've changed since the last time you'd talked. He won't hold back in saying that, either
"Well look at you, I'm surprised you aren't surrounded by ladies yet" while he thinks about how to get you to see his words aren't empty
You might think it's just his usual antics, waving them off with a roll of your eyes and taking another bite of the food on your plate
But then he looks at you. Really looks at you, brown eyes gazing into yours, and you have to admit it makes you feel some sort of way
"Come on, now you're just buttering me up." You say, stabbing your fork and knife into your steak and cutting a small slice. You bring it to your lips, feeling more than seeing his foot kick yours underneath the table. Whether it's an accident or on purpose, you can't say, but you wouldn't put the latter past him.
"Not at all, really." He ignores his own, more untouched plate while you talk in between bites, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he twirls a strand of red hair between his fingers. "Can't you just trust me on this one?"
You chew the piece in your mouth and swallow, pointing your fork at him accusatively, but he doesn't seem offended in the slightest. "Uh-uh, you're the same as ever, Sylvain."
"But I'm serious! I've always thought you were handsome." He exclaims, pouting when you laugh at his clear desperation. "I don't only think of girls, y'know."
You squint in doubt, but you decide to humor him just this once. If he meant what he said, then he'd have no trouble saying it again or proving it to you. You'd take either, truth be told. "Really?"
He nods fast enough that you think his head might fall off his shoulders, a determined glint in his eyes that tells you you're in for a ride. "Let me show you what I mean after we eat, then, I'll take you anywhere you wanna go, just say the word. It's all on me today."
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fiction-box · 2 years ago
Dimitri x F!Reader: Kidnapped Together
This one turned out longer, but I think I was able to communicate everything from the previous ask a bit better (go check it out if you like this one!). The stakes are a bit higher, I had some fun playing around in my head, and this is what came out for you. Enjoy!
Requests are open. The story will continue under the cut.
“...-tay away from her…”
Voices faded in and out of your head. Of your ears? You weren’t sure if what you were hearing was even real.
“...-ust trying to get her….-et us throu-”
“You have done enough! Stay back!”
That got you up. Your eyes fluttered open, glancing around the room while you shifted into a seated position. The walls were made of brick, but you couldn’t see the door from the three people crowding into the small room. Prince Dimitri stood between you and the strangers.
You moved to stand, but were held down by the chains keeping your wrists close to the floor.
At the rattling you made, Dimitri turned his head ever so slightly to check on you, “Stay down. You mustn't strain yourself.”
“She won’t need to if you just let us tend to-”
“You caused this,” he growled. “I am not so delusional as to allow you to make it worse.”
“Can I please know what’s going on?” you worried, realizing all this directly concerned you.
“Just…stay close to the ground,” he softened his voice a bit to address you. “They hit you on the back of the head while we were hunting in the woods, then used you as leverage to get the upper hand on me.”
A woman in armor gripping a lance approached, trying to take advantage of the apparent distraction. Catching on quickly, Dimitri squared up to her. The lancer’s brows lowered as she backed down again.
“If she bleeds out, know it will only be because you allowed her to.”
You gasped, bringing a hand toward the back of your head before the chains restricted you from doing so, “W-Wait, I’m bleeding out?”
“No, it will be because you chose to attack us. Look at yourselves; you can’t even control your prisoners.”
“We never meant-”
Your classmate cut her off, “But you did. And the only way you could make it right is to either heal her or let us go.”
“You’re not letting us heal her,” the fortress knight closest to the door barked.
“I wonder what option that leaves for you.”
Dimitri was holding himself with all the power and authority of a royal despite the circumstances. It would normally have you in awe, but you were struggling to focus on anything except the possibility that you were a sitting duck in critical condition.
The good news was that he was clearly getting under their skin. Your captors seemed to value both of your lives for some reason; not just the prince’s.
Unfortunately, yours was the life being gambled, and you were on a strict time limit. Dimitri could only call their bluff for so long before they’d have to make a decision. While the daughter of a noble was a decent bargaining chip, you weren’t quite sure how far your captors would be willing to go to keep you upright.
Maybe they’d wait for you to pass out, forcing Dimitri into a final decision.
Perhaps your fate would be decided only after you fell unconscious.
But for now, you said nothing. If you let these…rogues…in on how much you wanted help, they would certainly use your words against Dimitri. Then what would you have to keep yourself safe? No doubt they’d separate you.
“Step. Aside.”
“Then what? You two can’t escape while she’s chained to the floor.”
“That never stopped me.”
Indeed, the cuffs of a different set of chains were still bound to Dimitri’s wrists. He must have broken his own at some point before you woke up.
The fortress knight stepped forward this time, holding out his lance as the witch next to him primed her magic. Fire, from the looks of it.
“Pathetic. Do you really think you can stop me?”
You had never seen this side of Dimitri before. He was acting a bit more…well, scary wasn’t the proper word. Authoritarian wasn’t either. In all honesty, you weren’t quite sure how you felt about it.
Not that it mattered. At the end of the day, he was getting you out of here.
Suddenly the world spun. You were caught by surprise, but you couldn’t steady your head with your hands. The most you could make of the skirmish in front of you was bright colors and blurred lines. You wanted to throw up, yet you felt like there was nothing to get rid of. Plus, it would only worsen your headache.
On instinct, you tried to balance yourself; to stop yourself from falling over. Since you weren’t actually off-centered, the endeavor didn’t go so well, and you struggled to regain control of your body before you could hit the floor.
When you set your hand on the ground beside you to steady yourself, blood dripped onto it.
Was this a good time to ask for help?
…more help?
Looking up as your sight came back to you, you realized you had no idea where you were. There were bodies on the ground, drops of blood spattered around them. They matched the beads trickling down your hand.
Prince Dimitri was at your side, tearing through the chains at your wrists.
“Where are we?” you asked him, glancing back at the people motionless on the floor. “D-Did I do this?”
“What? No, you’ve been stuck here on the fl-” his voice quieted, “By the Goddess, no…”
His hand moved to your face, angling it toward him until you had nowhere else to look but into his eyes. After a moment, the action had made you somewhat dizzy.
You recoiled a bit, “Wh- You’re acting strange…”
He turned his head away, sighing lightly as he broke your other shackle off. Arms now free, you moved to stand before he stopped you.
“Your eyes…we need to get you out of here.”
“Okay, so let’s go.”
“No,” he again prevented you from getting up. “No large movements…I need to find a way to get you out of here safely.”
Glancing around the room once again, you couldn’t identify any living threats to your survival, “There must be something I’m not getting. Where are we? It doesn’t look like we’re in any direct danger; nothing is stopping us from leaving.”
He rose to his feet, watching to make sure you stayed down, “I don’t know where we are…some ruffian camp by the monastery- but I know the way back. They kept me conscious during the walk.”
“...that’s an odd way of phrasing it…”
“Yes, well. I won’t be doing much more of that. The important thing is getting you out of here as efficiently as possible. That means without you…moving…y……d…t…m…ch.”
You ducked your head as you felt it throb, staring at the floor and trying even just to breathe. In and out. You were in trouble, you knew that much, but you just couldn’t…
…if…if you could just…focus…
Vaguely, you registered hands at your arms. They shifted; one to your waist, one to your back, an arm to your head, and you suddenly couldn’t feel the ground anymore.
“Please, try not to move. I’m going to get you out of here.”
…out…of here…?
“Put your head down. I will keep you safe.”
That voice…it sounded so familiar…
They sounded so calm and comforting, so easy to trust, you found it hard to think of disobeying. How easy it was to rest, to ignore everything and rest your head.
But the feeling of dread wouldn’t go away.
“...I feel…bad…”
“I know,” he said. The voice was male, “Just hang on a bit longer. Does that sound manageable?”
It wasn’t. It sounded easy enough, but the darkness that engulfed you afterward said otherwise.
His head shot up from the side of your medical bed as he startled awake.
“What? Is something the matter?”
But once his eyes adjusted, it didn’t look like there was much on your mind except confusion; as though you had called out to him from some dream you had, or perhaps you had been reliving past events. You were just staring at the bookshelf across from you, dumbfounded.
“How…? But I thought-”
“Easy,” he lightly set his hand atop yours. “We’re safe now. This is Manuela’s study.”
“Oh…” you commented. “I only remember a few things, I think. I was hit on the head…there was blood and a prison of sorts…and then nothing.”
“We were attacked by some band of scum after we left to hunt for the monastery,” Dimitri frowned. “They tried to hold you over my head and capture us both…and I’ll admit they got away with it for longer than I’m proud of.”
You looked worried, though he assured you everything turned out fine. The two of you had returned to safety, after all, and you looked relieved to hear it.
“I managed to bring you back without running into trouble, but…”
He felt his face begin to warm, his eyes finding a spot on the far wall; anything to keep himself from making eye contact with you.
“...you said a few things on the way.”
“What…what do you mean?”
“You kept fading in and out- surely, some of it was coming out of your head. I…I don’t want it to-”
“Your Highness, what did I say?”
“Ah, erm…” the hand he was resting on yours flew to the back of his neck. His face was burning now, but he’d only be more embarrassed if he tried to hide it, “Please, don’t call me that right now…”
At least you seemed to be back in good health. Manuela had gathered quite the posse to care for you, but he had pulled rank and refused to leave until you were awake. This was his fault, at least partially, and he would see it through.
His position as the Kingdom’s heir certainly had its uses.
“...you’re scaring me. Please, just tell me what I said,” you looked down at the thin white sheet covering your legs, your body rigid and still, “I hope it wasn’t a mean thing.”
“N-No,” he rushed to assure you. Goddess, why was this so difficult to say when you were the one that said it in the first place?
He felt your eyes trying to connect with his own, “Then…what?”
“You…said you loved me.”
One of your hands flew to cover your face as it tinted scarlet, prompting his own face to turn a similar hue, he was sure.
“And I know! I knew you had suffered head trauma- I wouldn’t have even given a second thought to it…but you began saying all these other things. You called me kind and courageous, chivalrous and determined…”
With each of his words, you seemed to grow more and more…well, whatever it was your eyes were expressing through your fingers, it was making him grow nervous.
“I…If it is okay with you, that is…I would like to know if you truly thought those things about myself…?”
Please say yes. Please say yes. If only you were to say yes, maybe I-
“Of course,” you muttered, letting your hand lower as your gaze directed toward it, “How could I not? Especially after the tendrils of what little I could remember coming back to me, I…”
He said nothing, hoping you would find it in you to continue your praise of him. Perhaps it was a little underhanded, but he found he liked hearing you speak of him in such a way.
“You’re brave- you protected me when I couldn’t defend myself. I remember you were patient with me when…when my condition worsened-“
You cut yourself off after accidentally meeting his eyes, as though you had just begun to realize what it was you were saying.
Should he say something too? To make it less awkward?
“I find you attractive too.”
“N-No, that’s not what I meant. I, well, I do find you attractive, but I was trying to refer to your actions and your personality. Not that I…don’t find you physically attractive as well, but-“
“Just…say whatever it is you need and leave? I think I’ve had enough of everything, today.”
His heart clenched a little, at that. That wasn’t what he had meant to say at all, and now it sounded like you didn’t even want to look at him.
Why was it that he had to ruin this when it was so close to going right?
“That came out wrong,” the leader of the Blue Lions sighed, “It’s because of your determination and strength that I have come to understand the only limitations of life are the ones I place upon myself. You are loyal, honest, and true to yourself; even if that means going against those around you.”
There. That was closer to what he truly felt. He wasn’t sure he could manage to say much more without messing everything up again, so he opted to just close his mouth and wait.
You looked brighter though; almost like Dimitri hadn’t just ruined whatever your relationship was not but two minutes ago. That was what truly mattered, he supposed. You had gone through hell today, and the least he could do was try to make the end of your day better.
“I…perhaps you had better get more rest. I will retrieve Professor Manuela for you,” he stood, turning back to you one last time, “Get well soon, and don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.”
You responded with a simple wave.
Dimitri shut the door behind him, taking a few steps down the hall before leaning against the wall. He covered his face with one hand. His heart was racing too fast. The prince took a deep breath only to let it out a moment later.
Honestly, today had made him feel sick with the amount of emotions swirling around in his chest. There was so much fear- both of you would have been ransomed or worse if your captors had been a little smarter, and you had nearly…
The blond shook his head. He knew fear, and that was definitely part of what he felt, but for some reason it had created an amalgamation with his…well…attraction to you. The words you had exchanged mere moments ago certainly didn’t help, and he had held you so close on the way back to the monastery that it was a miracle he was still functioning.
Shifting off the wall, he rushed out of the hallway and down the stairs to find Professor Manuela. You needed help first, even if he didn’t want to wait to talk to you again.
He’d see you when you were better, and though maybe you’d forget your conversation, at least now he knew something about how you felt.
Perhaps there existed some hope for him after all.
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thatanimewriter · 2 months ago
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➳ request: Could I request Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd and Claude von Riegan with a reader who is a skilled in medicine and science? Reader is (in)famous for their creations such as living plants and odd personality. Despite this, they take their job seriously and all their patients feel as good as new after getting treated by them.
➳ character/s: claude von riegan, dimitri alexandre blaiddyd
➳ warnings: mention of food, mention of injury
➳ notes: love this concepttt
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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he teases you like nothing else, he's always calling you a nerd and a whacko
but he's constantly pretending to have injuries as an excuse to see you
always asks for you to kiss it better
even though he teases you, he also shows you off and brags to others about how cool and smart his partner is
will gather ingredients for you and surprise you with them
sometimes he comes back injured but with all the herbs you were running low on
doesn't always like eating food you've prepared for health purposes
whines when you tell him to care for your plants when you're away
constantly in awe of your skills and smarts
asks about your practices and why you do certain things just to be closer to you
gets flustered when you tend to his wounds, especially if it's a torso injury
keeps tabs on what ingredients you have and will silently restock them for you
doesn't like when people whisper about you but puts it aside knowing your skills are no joke
scared of feeding your plants if they're carnivorous, it's quite amusing
he's a bit of a pouty baby if you don't pay attention to him
but he denies it when you tease him about it
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azxremoon · 15 days ago
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day of devotion dimitri x reader
ingredients : SPOILER-FREE, gender neutral reader, introspection, fluff, minimal dialogue, slight angst (dima is mean to himself), graphic imagery, implied background pairings, intentional lowercase.
note from the barista : i'm not late to put this out if his day of devotion banner is still running :')
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dimitri does not handle flowers. or perhaps it is more accurate to say that if he can so much as help it, he tries not to make a habit of handling anything fragile.
the same could be said about most, whether they be objects or people. but flowers specifically are high upon that list. they are notorious for their fragility. one wrong move could snap the thin stems keeping them upright, or tear the delicate petals from the receptacle. it means little in the grand scheme of things, that is true. it is a mere flower, another can and will be grow and cultivated. but dimitri does not want to be the one to destroy something so lively, so precious and beautiful.
but dimitri is like a rock against glass — bound for destruction. it has followed him since he was young and will continue to do so until he is laid to rest. this moment is hardly any different. one could blame the precarious nature of his crest. after all, it's provided him with strength nearly unparalleled by others. but a sword does not swing and pierce through by itself; an arrow does not fly and lodged itself into its target on its own. the responsibility is his and his alone.
perhaps it makes him a hypocrite, considering how tenderly dimitri cradles his feelings for you close to his heart. if it does, then he cares not. it was a daunting task to allow himself this kindness when he knows he is undeserving of it. there are many days he considers letting go of them, despite the gaping wound it would surely leave. you deserve better than him. someone who is not tormented by their past and held together by a thirst of revenge that can't come soon enough. dimitri's hands shake around these feelings, handling them like the precious treasure they are.
but make no mistake, dimitri is well aware that you are not fragile. you are one of the strongest people he knows and he loves that. he loves you. he would worship you if you permitted him! dimitri swore to him that no matter what happened, the bloodstained claws disguised as human hands would never tear into you. he would use them to protect and love you. still, dimitri knows he must be careful. with this cursed strength beneath the flesh of his palms, he fears that a single mistake will leave you—
dimitri grimaces. a petal falls and lands atop the toe of his boot. he will not think of that. not today. but it is so difficult. all of this self doubt came rushing forward and revealed itself at the first opportunity presented. now it refuses to leave him lone, clinging to him like rotten flesh to bone. that is to say, dimitri accidentally crushed one of the flowers within the bouquet and the guilt was all-consuming. and now he is plucking the tiny petals from the mutilated plant, one-by-one, as he mutters, "they love me. they love me not."
dimitri has not played this game in years — literally. the last time he had, it was before the tragedy. those were different times, when things were simpler and the truth was hidden behind a veil of childish innocence. when he and his childhood friends were still young. when loved ones and innocents still drew breath. glenn taught the four of them this game, as a matter of fact. dimitri cannot recall how it came up in the first place, something about the holiday itself, but it ended with him, felix, sylvain, and ingrid each with a flower in hand.
he and felix only went along with it because glenn introduced it. sylvain, to no one's surprise, already knew of this practice and teased them, insisting that this method was reliable. dimitri hadn't believed it. but a bright-eyed felix had taken him at his word and tore through what had to be several flowers. ingrid was a little more reluctant and instead counted the petals. dimitri has never since seen her flush as bright as she had when glenn casually mentioned not needing a flower to dictate his feelings.
dimitri is quick to dismiss those thoughts before they, too consume him more than they already have. he forces himself back into the present and it takes him but a moment to recall that he is stilling sitting upon the fountain's ledge at the heart of the marketplace. a comically large bouquet of flowers is cradled in his arm like a babe, its weightlessness surprisingly intimidating. spring snowflakes, if he recalled correctly. they are so small and droopy that dimitri was almost convinced they were sickly. the florist had to assure him that they were, in fact, healthy.
the prince had not bought this bouquet with the intention of doing this. it was meant to be a gift, after all. a gift for the most wonderful person dimitri has been graced with meeting. it feels more like an honor, a blessing he is undeserving of. but the longer dimitri sits for, the more restless and nervous he becomes. now dozens of tiny white petals line his feet and the stem lays limp and pathetic in his palm.
"they love me. they love me not. they love me. they love me not."
dimitri has been muttering those same words for what feels like hours now. his tongue grows tired and numb after repeating them like a mindless husk of what once was. but dimitri refuses to give up. if he has so much as a chance for his feelings to be reciprocated, then he wants to reach out and take it.
dimitri's hand stills around that last petal and watches as it slips between his fingers like a lost opportunity. he reaches for another flower from the bunch and—
dimitri nearly rips the whole stamen off of the flower. that lovely voice rings in his ears like church bells and if he was standing, he's sure he would have fallen to his knees. his head whips upwards and his eyes find the most ethereal shade of color he will ever see in his lifetime. dimitri's heart flutters with a sort of adoration he has little idea what to do with.
"ah, you're here!"
an odd mix of exhilaration and anxiety bundles together in his chest. dimitri eagerly rises to his feet and it's a miracle he doesn't trip over his feet like a fool. the heavy weight of his cloak is a welcome pressure upon his shoulders and it's the only thing keeping him even relatively composed. dimitri clears his throat and stands a little taller, a little straighter.
"i was beginning to think you declined my invitation," dimitri confesses in an attempt at casual conversation, but his worry is unfortunately palpable.
"i wouldn't miss this for the world," you say. "i'm sorry for running late."
dimitri does not hesitate to offer his assurances, almost jumping at the chance to do so. "no, please do not apologize. it's quite alright. to be honest, i just appreciate you meeting me here today."
dimitri spots the relief in your demeanor, in that lovely expression you give him. he can feel his heart soaring and lodging itself in his throat. he would be perfectly content letting it asphyxiate him if it meant you would keep your eyes on him for even a moment longer. he forgets all about the world around them and the other heroes that pass with their special someone in celebration for this day. frankly, the only one who has his attention is you. always you.
it's during his incessant fawning that dimitri's eyes follow yours to the ground when it lingers elsewhere. specifically, to where the petals are scattered and the spot on the fountain's ledge where bare stems lie next to where he had been sitting. vague amusement crinkles at the corners of your eyes and the slight upturn of your lips, and it only becomes even more prominent when you look back up at him. embarrassment washes over dimitri like the waves lapping over one's bare feet at the beach.
the prince pointedly ignores the fiery warmth upon his cheeks. he shifts so his frame hides the unfortunate sight behind him and steps over the petals. he can't even feel them beneath his boot, but the knowledge that they're there is like his own personal torment. dimitri chuckles, an awkward attempt at moving past this.
"in any case, it's good to see you. i'm aware it has not been that long at all since we last saw each other, but...i truly did miss you."
he offers his hand, palm to the sky. your hands slides so smoothly against his glove, his fingers curl so perfectly around yours, and he swears that he can feel your skin through his glove. his hand is a little bigger than yours, and yet dimitri is so certain that they were made to fit so perfectly together. dimitri bows his head, lifts their hands, and brushes his lips against your knuckles. even when he stands upright once more, dimitri does not let go just yet. he will be a little selfish today, even on such a pure holiday as this.
"this is for you. i hope you will accept it."
dimitri extends the bouquet in his other hand, and—
it is a single spring snowflake. the last from the bouquet he had bought, to be specific. it's blanketed neatly in the wrapping and tied with a blue ribbon, but it's like a child wearing their parents' clothing. it stands out so comically in all the ways it's not supposed to be. something like horror and guilt smacks him across the face and dimitri swears his heart gives out in his chest.
he has no chance to amend this horrid, detestable mistake when his offering is taken from him in tender hands, cradled with a gentility only you possess. he dares say that your eyes are soft as you observe the gift, your fingers brushing against the tiny white petals. anxiety bubbles in dimitri's chest as he looks between you and the gift. he doesn't know how to rectify this without hurrying back to the florist and purchasing another bouquet.
"oh, it's beautiful," you marvel. to him, your voice is as soft as a tender caress. "i love it. thank you, dimitri."
dimitri swears he falls in love all over again in this moment. the way the bright sky gleams down on them highlighting them in a light that makes them appear almost ethereal. the soft look in their eyes that dimitri is the always sole recipient of. dimitri does not feel deserving of it, nor has he ever. he doesn't think he ever will. but he has it. he has someone who looks at him, sees him, and likes what they see. he has someone who sees him as he truly is, this dark and ugly and foul creature, and still wants to stand at his side.
"anything for you," dimitri says breathlessly. he offers his arm. "i would love to see the rest of the festival with you. what say you?"
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© azxremoon. please do not copy, edit, translate, or use for ai training.
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honeyskiies · 2 months ago
new bot: dimitri blaiddyd.
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requested?: on a technicality by the bestie <3 we were talking abt dimi a Lot yesterday nd this idea came up so.
synopsis: you are what little sanity he has left. ✧˚ · . soulmates, takes place vaguely azure moon war phase. the revelation of the identity of the flame emperor was the leading cause of dimitri's madness, and many thought it was something he'd never come out of. though, after meeting his soulmate on the battlefield, what little sanity the king had left latched onto you. you are the only person he finds himself able to tolerate. you make the voices of the dead go away. he feels as if he can be at peace with you around, and he'd stop at nothing to make sure you remain by his side.
bot greeting is below the cut for any who may be interested, and if you want, you can send any requests you have to this form.
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The first thing Dimitri saw when he met you was red. Blood stained your skin, and the blade of his lance was pressed against your throat. Had his world not filled with color the moment he met your gaze, he would've killed you.
There was a mixture of horror and relief at the realization that you, a sword for hire fighting for the Empire, were his soulmate. He long believed you to be dead, and had resigned himself to the fact that his world would forever be colorless and yet… the Goddess finally decided to be kind to him.
Perhaps it's because he was your soulmate, or maybe it's because you were offered a higher pay, but you switched sides to the Kingdom rather easily.
And though Dimitri was still hellbent on killing Edelgard, he felt a little less… monstrous when you were around.
Every little touch, every little look you sent his way… it made him feel alive. It's been so long since he's felt that way.
Sometimes, people could see how Dimitri was before the war when he's with you.
You two were made for each other, literally.
Because even after he's killed hundreds of people on the battlefield, even after he's mercilessly slaughtered those who get in his way, and those who even dare to hurt you, you still look at him with love in your eyes.
Your touch remained gentle. Approving, even.
You never cared for his brutal nature, because you were just like him, in a sense. You could be cruel to those who hurt him, and he thinks you look undeniably divine covered in the blood of your enemies.
Dimitri loved you. And the thought of losing you made his chest feel so tight, he thought he'd die.
"Never leave me," His voice was quiet, his head resting upon your lap while he knelt in front of you.
Blood stained his skin. Blood always stained his skin. Yet you didn't care, your fingers gently running through his hair.
There's nothing he wouldn't do to keep you by his side. He'd kill anyone, friend or foe, if they try to take you from him.
With you, he is no king. Merely a man in love.
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yanderehsr · 1 year ago
Just read the ex-fiance Sylvain scenario, gonna add it was ~muah🤌 I'm gonna say like, hold on a second, you have fe3h favourites and yet to be known by us like, which ones is your top 3???
And here, I wanna make a request with any of the big mystery trio that suits the scenario.
It's finally the ball at Garegh March.
In the tumultuous crowd of dancing students and careless adults, what do we notice ?
We see the darling making they're way toward the Godess Tower, surely overwhelmed by those that don't deserve their time.
Why not use the opportunity to get some quality time, moreover to make a promise in front of their "soon to be s/o" and the Godess about their blissful future ❤️
Might as well shove in a dark corner the pesky nuisance that choose to follow in advance their future spouse~🖤
Sure, my top three are 1. Edelgard, 2. Byleth and 3. Hilda
Also I have no clue who the big mystery trio is so I'm just gonne guess it is the house leaders.
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Murder
My first thought was immediatly Dimitri, boy is just so depraved and desperate to have his darling that he chooses to follow his darling anywhere, but when he sees you go to the goddess tower how could he ever resist following you there, he starts dreaming of you two together, the promise he will make you and of you with HIS last name.
That other bug who decided to follow you here was swiftky taken care off, Dimitri didn't even spare them a second glance, they must have been stupid if they thought they had a shot at you. He would have killed everyone else at the ball as well if he could, he feels disgusted that others have the privilege to see you.
When Dimitri finally introduces himself to you he is all smiles and such a gentleman, nothing like the ruthless beast who just killed someone else moments ago, you should consider yourself lucky that the light was bad here, who knows what he would have done had you seen the stains of blood on his clothes.
"You have no idea how much I care for you, I'm a bit afraid that you'll fear me when you see just how deep my love goes for you"
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