#i can just feel that kaminari has good bops
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lovelytarou · 4 years ago
take my hand — kaminari denki
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— denki takes great pleasure in listening to music on the playlist he made for the two of you. whenever there's music, he doesn't hesitate to ask you for a dance no matter how ridiculous you two looked.
pairing: kaminari denki x reader
tags: friends to lovers, slight soulmates au, just denki and reader goofing off
genre: fluff
word count: 1.0k
a/n: part 4/7 of the event!! i kinda had a hard time thinking abt this, i hope kaminari isn't too ooc here! also not proofread
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being with kaminari denki is electrifying. no pun intended. 
life before you met him was somehow bland, boring and simply lifeless. he's this unstoppable force that burst itself into your life and there was nothing you could do to stop it. it's not like you wanted to, after all everything is fun ever since you met kaminari.
he liked dragging you into his many shenanigans that always gets you two into trouble and always ending up with aizawa glowering down on you two. he even threatened to call your parents at one point but kaminari managed to talk your way out of it. to this day, you still couldn't believe how you both got out of that mess.
he may not be the smartest of the bunch but he sure as hell knew how to make you happy. you swear sometimes you think he's your soulmate. sure, he's probably far from what you imagined what your soulmate would be like but you wouldn't have it any other way. 
he always greets you with a friendly and bright smile when you see each other in public. asks you how you are doing when he notices you alone by yourself and offering you his own company even if it means he's exchanging it for hanging out with his friends. he even introduced you to them and before you knew it, you're part of their rowdy gang that often gets themselves into trouble all the time. 
amidst the craziness and fast paced lifestyle that kaminari is living, sometimes he just likes to chill and hangout. he'd plug in his phone and play the playlist the two of you compiled that is composed of all of the bops that you both loved. most of them were memes but others are just seriously too good not to listen to again. 
“may i have this dance?” he asked in his worst british accent he can muster, hand thrust forward towards you who is currently sitting on the floor as you read a manga. 
“of course, my good sir.” it was like clockwork how you play along with his antics. standing up, you grabbed his hand as he helped you to your feet. 
at first you both swayed side to side softly, hands clasped as you stared at each other with unhidden emotions swirling and encasing both your eyes. then it ended with the two of you just jumping around in your room and singing into your hairbrushes to the top of your lungs. 
“TELL ME WHY!” you sang, hand reaching it to kaminari dramatically.
“AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A HEARTACHE!” kaminari supplied, matched with him kneeling on the floor with his other arm clutching his chest as with his eyes closed.
“TELL ME WHY I NEVER WANNA HEAR YOU SAY,” you both looked at each other before singing in unison, “I WANT IT THAT WAAAY”
your jam sessions (as kaminari called it) usually lasts up until midnight and it would end up with the both of you getting noise complaints as many people are already asleep at that time and aren't too happy to hear backstreet boys blasted in the middle of the night. after the loud singing or more like yelling, and jumping around in your room, you'd both pass out asleep and wake up late for your classes. 
this has been a routine for the two of you after a stressful week. he'd visit you at your dorm room, and you'd visit him at his. it's like you can both read each other's thoughts and have telepathic connection. kirishima had called it creepy one day, but you both told him that it's because you're soulmates that's why you understand each other too well. 
it was just a joke to you, but kaminari found himself blushing and stuttering, heart beating wildly whenever he's with you on his end. he liked to believe you are his soulmate, it makes him feel good saying it. 
one hellish week after an exam, kaminari immediately sensed that you'd beaten yourself up with the weeks prior to the dreadful day. he hasn't seen you since and you've been cramming, holing up yourself in your room to study without distractions. that includes him. now that exams are over, he took it upon himself to help his favorite person unwind and make them feel better. 
now here you were, at your favorite restaurant. kaminari can only look at you with a frown as you still haven't touched your food. you stared blankly at your food as you poked it with a fork, seemingly lifeless. you haven't spoken since the two of you got there. 
the restaurant was pretty quiet, save for the music playing in the speakers. that's when kaminari thought of a wicked idea. a mischievous smirk stretched across his face as he looked at you, nudging your foot with his own.
“what?” you mumbled, looking up from your food. 
“may i have the pleasure of dancing with you?” he had a silly smile on his face as he kneeled in front of you. you immediately looked around, afraid that people might took the wrong idea but none of them were looking in your way. 
“come on, i know how much you love this song.” he tempted, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“here? right now?” still unsure, your eyes roamed to and fro around the restaurant. it might be embarrassing but if he's gonna do it with you…
“alright. yes, you may have the honor of dancing with me, mr. kaminari.” you both bowed first before he took you to the center of the restaurant, hand on your waist and the other on your hand. 
you were still a bit hesitant to dance with him in a place like this but soon, you found yourself loosening and swaying along to the beat and before you realized, the two of you are lost in your own world. 
“you are crazy, denki.” you fondly murmured, so only he could hear. 
“for you? yeah, i am.” he coolly retorted, smirking down at you with a smug expression that earned an eye roll from you.
dancing with kaminari in a restaurant full of people ogling the two of you weirdly isn't what you expected you would spend the end of your exams, but then again, with kaminari when did you expect things? he has always proved himself to be full of surprises.
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general taglist: @chibishae34 @heyheysey @bukojuiice
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rocorambles · 3 years ago
Two Wrongs Equal a Right
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader
Prompt: Eavesdropping
Summary: Eavesdropping isn’t right, but maybe...just maybe sometimes the end justifies the means
A/N: This is for the Anylisum’s SFW collab. Masterlist can be found here. Enjoy!
You giggle, laying your head on Tsu’s shoulder as you catch your breath from the impromptu dance party happening in the dorm room led by no other than Mina. You love the boys, but this is nice, hanging out with just the girls, chatting about fashion and makeup, doing face masks and braiding hair, pretending you’re just normal high school girls and not heroes in training. The boys had sulked, pouting and complaining about why all of you couldn’t hang out together like you always do. But all of you had just smiled and cheekily waved as you locked the dorm room shut behind you.
They’ll be fine. You’re sure they’ll find something to bond over themselves and you laugh at the thought of them doing some impromptu sparring or shouting at each other over a video game.
Yes, they’ll be just fine doing something normal high school boys do. Definitely not quietly crowding around the other side of the dorm door, trying to eavesdrop on what all of you are saying and doing like they’re doing right now.
The boys of class 1-A aren’t nearly as subtle as they think they are accidentally banging foreheads and elbowing each other to try and press their ears against the vertical surface. But luckily for them the combination of the music and your voices drown out their scuffling and they eagerly listen in, curiosity keeping their attention rooted to the commotion on the other side of the barrier.
“That’s not fair. I want to dance too!”
“Shut up, Aoyama! They’re going to hear you.”
The hushed bickering continues as the boys continue to subtly bop their head to the music, trying to make out the snippets of conversation between the rhythmic beat and laughter. But they all freeze, even attempting to quiet down their breathing as the music finally stops.
Is the night over? Do they need to make a run for it before the door opens and they’re caught red handed?
Their questions are answered when after some scuffling and movement the girls resume talking and there’s a palpable sense of relief as the boys relax, leaning in once more to decipher what’s being said.
What girls night would be complete without boy talk? You all knew this topic was bound to come up in this safe all-female haven, but there’s still a tittering of nervous and shy giggles when Ashido brings up the topic with a mischievous grin plastered across her face.
It takes some prodding and some patience, but to no one’s surprise Uraraka is the first to speak up and you all smile knowingly when she begins to ramble on and on about Deku, how much she respects him, how observant he is, how hardworking he is…
“We get it. You like Deku! Seriously it would be shocking if you two didn’t eventually start dating.”
“Think about how cute that would be! A romantic hero couple fighting villains and saving the world together.”
Uraraka’s face is so red you think she might burst, but you hide a smile at the fact that there isn’t even a hint or sound of denial from her as she accepts the good-natured teasing. Unknown to all of you, Deku’s face matches Urarka’s extreme shade of red and the boys smile and nudge him playfully, waggling their eyebrows teasingly.
The light-hearted banter has broken the ice and Momo is the next one to open up, demurely looking at the ground and swiping a stray bang behind her ear as she quietly praises Todoroki for his amazing skills and how rapidly he’s learned and improved during his time at U.A. But what she isn’t expecting is the outpouring of support she herself receives from all the girls about how smart and resourceful she is and how quick on her feet she is. And Todoroki silently nods his head in affirmation of the deserved recognition she receives.
One by one everyone shares their thoughts on their male counterparts, but it’s Ashido who makes everyone burst into laughter once more when she practically screams her approval of Kaminari and Kirishima and how cool and manly they can be, imitating their signature moves as best as she can to everyone’s amusement.
However it doesn’t go unnoticed how Bakugo’s name isn’t brought up and it just seems right to bring him into the conversation if the other two musketeers are being discussed. There’s thoughtful pondering and the girls quiet down as they think of their blonde classmate.
“He’s smart and talented.”
“He’s pretty good looking.”
But there’s an almost unanimous vote that his temper is a little bit...scary. Almost.
The boys try their hardest to stifle their howls of laughter as Bakugo begins to deeply scowl, looking like he’s ready to storm away. But everyone shuts up, eyes going wide when your voice travels through the air.
“I actually think his attitude is kind of cute. He’s like an angry chihuahua. All bark, no bite.”
There’s silence as everyone on both sides of the door processes your words, even Bakugo looks uncharacteristically stunned. And then there’s chaos as the girls begin to loudly question your sanity and the boys hold back a raging Bakugo who’s seconds away from kicking down the door and confronting you.
Needless to say there is no more eavesdropping done that night as it takes the entire male population of 1-A to wrestle Bakugo away and safely back to his dorm room.
Cute? CUTE?
Bakugo can’t remember the last time anyone has called him that damned word, if anyone ever has. Not even his own mother has called him anything remotely as nauseatingly endearing as that recently. There’s nothing about him that’s cute. He’s not cute. He HATES anything cute. Yet as he’s barricaded in his room and forced to mull over your words in solitude, it’s not pure rage and indignation that fills him to his own surprise.
He’s not sure exactly what he’s feeling if he’s honest and that only pisses him off more. Anger is something he knows and holds close. But this...this strange, disgusting, fluttering feeling in his stomach? He doesn’t know what that is and he grumpily forces himself to sleep, to leave all these stupid thoughts and feelings behind him. Tomorrow will be just another day of class and you’ll just be another classmate he’s forced to tolerate as he focuses on becoming a hero.
Except tomorrow does come and you aren’t just another nobody like you were before.
Unlike before where he barely even noticed your presence and walked past you like you were nonexistent, too focused on perfecting his moves, he can’t stop being aware of you. He finds himself watching you without even meaning to, observing your movements, the use of your quirk…
“Kacchan, watch out!”
Turns out even when he’s entranced by you, Deku’s damn annoying voice is enough to drag him out of his funk and he narrowly misses the debris about to rain down on him.
“What’s up, Bakugo? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you distracted-”
“I’m not distracted!”
He is distracted and he can feel his short fuse nearing its limit with every uncharacteristic stumble and sloppy movement as he can’t tear his eyes from you. And when Aizawa-sensei awkwardly tells him to maybe consider sitting out a bit until his head is clear he loses it.
Under all the rage, common sense tells him this isn’t your fault, that he’s wrongly directing his ire at you. But Bakugo clings onto his temper, that fire inside of him that fuels most of his decisions as he storms towards you and shouts at you to spar with him.
He knows he’s being too hard on you, punching and kicking you harder than he even goes against Kirishima and his hardening quirk. And he even feels a pang of guilt when he sees you wince when his fist grazes you as you try to dodge. But you don’t tell him to stop, just looking at him with determined, focused eyes holding a shocking amount of trust that he won’t take it too far and actually harm you despite how his irritation is almost visible.
It’s the same look stupid Deku looks at him with, but he doesn’t feel that familiar buildup of anger rising inside of him. Instead he feels that same strange fluttering feeling deep inside of him and his heart is racing more than it should be for the amount he’s worked out today. It’s all so...confusing and to everyone’s shock, it’s Bakugo who abruptly ends your weird impromptu spar with a scoff, shoving his hands in his pocket as he saunters away, trademark scowl on his face.
That’s only the beginning of Bakugo’s strange behavior and everyone watches anxiously as the angry blonde borderline begins to bully you on a constant basis, practically hovering next to you from the moment you leave your dorm room to the minute you go to sleep at night, growling, shouting, and even just glaring at you. But no one steps in, curious about how things will play out when they see how unbothered you are by your new volatile shadow.
Bakugo doesn’t know what reaction he expected of you. Maybe a slight hint of fear? At least some respect? But he certainly wasn’t expecting how calmly you accept your new fate, how casually you interact with him.
He’s forced to silently blink in shock as his jaw rapidly works to chew the fried egg you’ve stuffed in his mouth when he angrily tells you to sit somewhere else, deciding he wants your seat despite the bounty of empty chairs surrounding the both of you in the cafeteria. (He ends up just grumpily sitting in the available spot next to you when he finally swallows, both of you quietly munching on your breakfast together.)
But although your exchanges start off fairly one-sided with Bakugo usually trying to incite some reaction from you, everyone watches in amusement when you begin to meet him halfway. The blonde is mouthing off at you about something or another during sparring exercises which has become a typical background noise to the class by now, but everyone, including Aizawa-sensei stops in their tracks when your voice interrupts Bakugo’s rant.
“Maybe you’d be able to perfect your new technique if you spent more time practicing and less time barking at me.”
There’s a playful smirk on your face as you utter those fighting words and Aizawa wonders if today is the day he’ll have to prevent Bakugo from committing a truly villainous event. But even his jaw drops when all Bakugo does is scoff at your statement, barking at you to follow him to both your preferred area of the training grounds to resume practicing together.
Both of you look almost...friendly, exchanging punches and kicks, no heat behind Bakugo’s snarky comments, a smile on your face when you give it to him right back verbally. The upperclassmen and the pro-hero faculty watch in amused fondness as overtime Bakugo’s glowering and barking lulls down to a muted calm grumpiness as he continues to trail beside you. He’s not too different than a tamed feral kitten (not that any of them would voice that thought aloud and risk being blasted to pieces).
And as time continues on, everyone gets used to the fact that the two of you seem joined at the hip. You’re just...always together in a strange amicable friendship? Partnership? Relationship? No one knows how to exactly describe it and maybe that’s what finally leads to you overhearing an interesting conversation one morning in the dorms.
You yawn as you make your way to the common room to see who else is up, but you pause before you turn the corner from your hallway when you hear Kirishima mention your name.
“So what’s going on between the two of you. Are you dating?”
You don’t even have to peek around the bend to know who he’s talking to and your face heats up, ears perking up in anxious curiosity as you wait for Bakugo’s response. Realistically, you know you shouldn’t expect much. But it doesn’t make it hurt any less when you wait for Bakugo to shut Kirishima’s well-meaning thought down with a rude “why would I go out with that nobody” or some similar derogatory comment aimed at the idea of dating you or anyone for that matter.
Yet there’s only silence and a secret smile spreads across your face when all Bakugo finally responds with is a quiet scoff and a “it’s none of your business”.
“That’s not a no!”
“Shut up!”
Your heart is pounding as hope blossoms inside of it and you slowly countdown from ten, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down, schooling your face into as neutral an expression as possible. When your excess giddy energy is under some semblance of control, you make your presence known, bidding good morning to both boys and teasingly ruffling Bakugo’s spiky hair in a more affectionate version of a noogie. And Kirishima is left with a gaping jaw as he watches Bakugo merely roll his eyes at your antics and grunt here and there in response to your rambling as the two of you make your way to the cafeteria for breakfast together.
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katsukari · 4 years ago
How some (most) of the BNHA boys would dance with their s/o.
I was in the mood for some fluff, so, here we are. Still writing for them as adults. And I kinda went overboard with how many people I put on this post. Oops. Anyways, let the fluff commence!
Kaminari Denki
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Dancing happens a lot with Denki, to me he seems like the kind of person who would always have music on in the background, so it just seems right that he would dance with you all the time.
He’s gonna have you dancing all over your apartment laughing until your lungs hurt. He’s got so much energy even after a long day at work, and being with you makes him so happy he just has this urge to grab your hands and swing you around.
Not gonna lie, your downstairs neighbors probably hate you guys for how often the two of you just start jumping around, most of the time at night when he gets home from work. You’ve received a letter or two in the mail.
Overall, a very joyful dancer. 
He’s not opposed to slow dancing, but prefers messing around and making you laugh.
Midoriya Izuku
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Dancing with Izuku is a rare treat. Something that happens on special occasions or if one of you is feeling even more lovey than usual.
He tries to be serious and romantic when he dances with you, he really does, but he just can’t help it. He’s clumsy and nervous and you’re so close and he’s so happy to have you in his arms the smiles and laughs just sort of happen. You don’t mind. 
Will occasionally pick you up and spin you around just to get a reaction out of you. Low-key loves to show off how strong he is, but, mostly does it for you.
He’ll dance with you whether or not there’s music playing, though he loves it if there’s music and you hum along or sing to him.  
He’ll goof off and dance with you that way too, though that mainly happens while the two of you clean. 
Iida Tenya
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He will probably dance with you the most. There really isn’t much rhyme or reason to it, other than your moods.
He enjoys the simple intimacy of it, your hand in his, swaying back and forth. It’s one of his favorite things to do with you. Will let you go out and spin around as much as you want, but prefers to have you close.
Expect him to press a kiss to the hand he’s holding, because he’s a tender man when it comes to you, and he loves showing you how much he cares.
Will always make sure there is music playing if you’re going to dance. It’s simply how things are done. 
Not really one for other types of dance, but if you wanted to try, well, he’d give it a shot. At least once.
Amajiki Tamaki
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He dances with you surprisingly often. It calms him down. Most of the time he’ll rest his forehead on yours, or bury his face in the crook of your neck, just breathing you in.
It never ceases to amaze him. The way you feel in his arms. The way you hold him. The way you choose to let him love you. All of it. Dancing with you is so special to him.
More often than not he lets you lead, content to follow you around the apartment, or stay in place. He could stay in your arms for hours. 
If you sing to him he’ll melt, and on very rare occasion he’ll let himself hum along with you.
Don’t expect him to do more than slow dance with you though, get any more complicated or fast paced and he’s not going to be able to handle it.
Todoroki Shouto
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Dancing with Shouto tends to be rare. He prefers to show his affection in different ways, but if you show interest in it he’ll make the effort. 
He will for the most part let you dance around him while you hold hands until you decide you want to come in close. At that point he’ll wrap his arms around you and let the two of you sway to your hearts content.
He enjoys the contact, and he loves to watch you, to see the smile on your face as you twirl around the living room. So he knows that it’s worth it. Every second.
He couldn’t care less if there’s music when the two of you dance, so that is solely a matter of your preference. 
I can’t see him letting loose enough to dance any other way, so he’ll probably stick to slow dancing unless you beg him to try something else.
Bakugou Katsuki
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He does not dance, at least he tells himself he doesn’t. What he does with you is an exception. It doesn’t happen very often, but every once in a while you get to him.
He’ll let you spin into him and he’ll wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder, moving side to side. Sometimes you can get him to dance with you both facing each other, in those cases his hands rest on the small of your back, his head still on your shoulder.
Won’t admit it, but he kinda likes it. Having you pressed up against him, the fact that it’s often a time you share just enjoying each other’s company, no words said. It’s relaxing. 
He doesn’t do any other kinds of dances, he can think of better ways to spend his time, though, you could probably find some way to convince him. 
Mirio Togata
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He is the biggest cheeseball of the bunch. Not to say that he doesn’t slow dance with you, he does, but the nature of your relationship is a playful one. 
Dancing is common with the two of you. No music needed. Just the joy of the others company. Will do the most ridiculous shit to make you smile and will pull out all the cringiest dance moves as you bop around the kitchen.
He’ll pick you up and spin you around until you’re dizzy. He’ll let you twirl around him in your socks until you can’t anymore. He’s going to egg you on and encourage you to do whatever you want. It’s a judgement free zone.
Will never say no to dancing with you. It doesn’t matter what kind, if it’s you and him, he’s sure it’ll be fun.
Shinsou Hitoshi
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Alright, hear me out on this one because I know this is a period piece and people don’t really dance like this anymore but it’s the look on his face. The look on his face. (Don’t get me started on Becoming Jane and Mr. Tom Lefroy) You cannot tell me that he would not be a smug s.o.b if his s/o wanted to dance with him. That is why this gif is here.
He would dance with you, of course he would, but he would be so pleased with himself every time. He’s not sure why it pleases him so much, perhaps it’s because you continue to want him near you, in almost every way, almost all the time. 
Loves having his hands on your hips, your arms wrapped around his neck, as you slow dance around the bedroom. Will almost guaranteed have you pressed as close to him as possible. 
Will on rare occasion mess around and do other dances with you. But they will be few and far between.
Kirishima Eijirou
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He will dance with you as much as you want him to. Doesn’t matter when. Doesn’t matter where. If you’re in the middle of walking home or in the middle of an amusement park he will drop everything to dance with you.
He’s not the smoothest dancer but he makes you laugh and no two dances are ever the same. He’ll rock you back and forth as he spins you around loving the sound of your voice. 
Doesn’t really care if there’s music, the sound of your laugh is more than enough for him. 
Different kinds of dance aren’t uncommon, he loves a good challenge and will learn all kinds of them if you want to. If it’s a way he can spend time with you, and it counts as exercise, he’s sold.
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911-i-fell-in-a-hole · 4 years ago
seroiida one-shot: big question(rated PG-13 for lots of kisses. iida’s excited he can’t help it also v minor mention of krbkdk bc I’m on a grind)
“hey class prez, gotta question to ask you,” sero slung his arm around his boyfriend, gently steering him away from his friends and the rest of their graduating class. he didn’t want any other ears listening nor classmates interrupting.
“you know, technically I don’t think you can call me that anymore.” iida grinned, wrapping his arms around sero’s waist and lifting him up to spin around - once, twice, three times - much to sero’s joy.
sero smirks and bops iida on the head with his diploma, “good luck getting me to stop- wait, put me down I had a purpose for this!” a small wiggle and iida sets him down gently, staying close and brushing his nose against sero’s.
“mhm, go on.” iida tightens his grip and maneuvers them just around the corner of the school building, lightly pressing sero against the brick.
“you’re in a very good mood, huh?” sero bites his lip to hold back a smile as iida’s eyes focus on the small movement, he leans in and begins to pepper small kisses all around sero’s face. giggling, sero tries to continue with his prepared speech, “I know that we haven’t really discussed what’s going on after this, aside from our sidekick gigs and- mm, quit it!” sero squishes iida’s cheeks, keeping his lips in an exaggerated pucker, “bubba listen.”
iida just nods his head and leans down a bit further, “I’m listening,” trailing the kisses along his jawline as they linger more and more the closer he gets to that little spot just below sero’s ear. he shakes his head at his boyfriend and once again tried to continue his speech.
“I’m not sure what the future holds for us, we’re heroes, a lot can haah-appen,” iida’s tongue feels hot compared to the cool spring air around them, small licks and sucks being incorporated into iida’s rotation as he starts his way down sero’s neck. “I guess what I’m tryyying to s-say is…”
sero has to pause, letting out a deep, satisfied hum as he tilts his head to the side to make it easier for iida to mark up his neck. a hand reaches up to grip iida’s hair, but not pulling him away as the first button of his shirt is undone and pushed to the side. iida finds a soft spot above sero’s collarbone and bites down. sero gasps, letting his head rest back against the wall and his eyes flutter shut. iida takes this as his official ‘go’ signal and doesn’t hesitate to suck hard, alternating bites with soothing laves of his tongue.
for the next few minutes, sero forgets why he left the celebration in the first place. his neck has red bruises lining down the side, disappearing under the collar of his shirt where iida buttoned it back up to hide the massive hickey he made. he is completely content making out with his boyfriend, freshly graduated, pressed up against his alma mater and wrapped up tightly in each other’s arms. nothing could make this better except-
“move in with me,” sero blurts out between ‘love you’s’ and whispers of what iida has planned for after their celebration dinner, a brief sneak peek.
iida pulls back in shock and suddenly sero regrets the idea ever popping into his head. they’re not even 18 yet, it’s way too soon to be thinking about this kind of stuff! they’ve only been dating for 8 months! (even if they had some unspoken thing since the end of first year.) oh god, this is where he breaks up with him, sero just knows-
“huh?” eloquent as ever. sero’s lips are tingly from their intense make out session and he briefly wonders if he just hallucinated that.
“I would love to move in with you, hanta.” sero lunged forward and pressed a hard kiss to his boyfriends beautiful mouth that just said those beautiful words. iida gets this giddy smile on his face and sero happily brushes their noses together, fisting his hands in iida’s jacket.
“we’re gonna live together.” sero whispers, the moment between them suddenly soft and delicate.
“yes we are.”
“hey guys, ready to go to dinner?” the couple returns to the class, holding hands and before anyone can voice their agreement, mina and kaminari shriek.
“holy shit!” kami points to sero, and rushes up to him, forcibly pushing his head back to expose his neck.
“sero what animal mauled you?!” mina exclaims, tugging sero’s shirt down to reveal more markings. thankfully iida slaps her hand away before the big kahuna is found and the rest of the class is laughing or grimacing together.
“me and hanta will be moving in together once our contracts begin this summer!” iida announces, taking the attention away from sero as he subtly pulls his collar up higher. congratulations erupt, loudest from the back where midoriya is being sandwiched between kirishima and bakugou.
sero thinks it went well:)
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mha-adore · 4 years ago
General HCs: Bakusquad
A/N: Part two to my first post featuring Dekusquad, enjoy!💗
* This man, this snack - nay, three course meal - is just a ball of touch starved. He's aggressive to hide his soft lil baby feelings. He may act aggravated when you give him affection but don't be stupid he wants all of it, he just doesn't want to look soft in front of The Boys(tm).
* He's a major showoff. If he can find any reason to flaunt you off he will. He wants all those other people to know damn well that you're his and he's yours. So of course his social media is just pics of you both.
* Though he's also very jealous. If you're talking with someone a little too friendly or someone is making a few too many gestures he has no problem stepping in. He trusts you won't do anything behind him but he doesn't trust others.
* He's the type to spoil you in a low key way. He won't be at your beck and call, but if you ask him for a snack he'll whip you up something he knows you'll love. Don't forget he's an excellent cook.
* He's obsessed with the idea of being a knight in shining armor for you. He'll catch you when you fall and sweep you into a dipped kiss. Yes he does it to show off.
* He's very physically active and, if possible, would encourage you to be the same, at least to an extent. If you're up for it he'd love to race you and have pushup contests with you. (Of course he'll let you win because he's whipped for you.) If you're not interested he won't push and will find other ways to spend time together.
* Like Bop It, for example. He's easy to keep entertained and if you hand him something that makes noise he's fixated. Would insist that titty is a word in Scrabble. He also loves crime shows.
* His lock screen and home wallpapers are just pics of you he took. Something basic like reading a book, doing homework, or training.
* Absolute crack head you can't take him anywhere. He's gonna short out the entire electric setup in a mall just to hijack it and make it buzz the morse code for penis. A lot of effort for a stupid joke.
* At least he charges your phone and other devices. If your quirk relies on electricity he's happy to give a helping jolt.
* Intentionally overuses his quirk so you and Jiro can laugh at him. He overacts a lot for the attention. Don't tell him you're aware of that.
* Will either plan pranks with you or against you. It ranges from tripping on a wire to a cupboard full of balls. He needs someone to either match his chaos or keep him in check.
* Tape baby is so underrated. He knows his quirk isn't as impressive or useful as others can be but he does his best to make you notice him.
* He absolutely has used tape to trap you in a hug. If he has a way to get affection from you he's going to do it.
* Is really into pet names. Honey, Sweetie, Hershey's Kiss...What you'd expect from him. He would love if you gave him pet names too but if you're not interested he totally gets it.
* He gets playfully offended when you use normal tape and not his. He'll fake cry all like "I can't believe you're cheating on me with that...That dispenser!!" It's hilarious.
* Our pink queen 😍 she is so energetic and lively and she would love for you to join her in shenanigans. She isn't a crack head like Kaminari or as active as Kirishima but she can be a lot of fun. She throws great slumber parties.
* She's very skilled at dancing. She can even do freestyle. Pls ask her to teach you she'd be over the moon. She wants to see you groove.
* Has a very sweet tooth and wants candy, candy and more candy. She loves peppermints and dark chocolate. Get her those and she'll do your chores for the whole day.
* She buys clothes in your size for herself and claims it's a mistake and gives it to you. She intentionally bought the wrong size. She just wanted to give you that stupid space cat shirt she saw on Amazon it was too good to pass up.
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everafterkeiji · 4 years ago
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Song: About the Boy by Little Mix
Summary: Wherein a red head manages you to act like a fool in love
Pairing: Eijiro Kirishima x fem! reader
Word count: 5.4k
Quirk: Enchantment / Magic
Abilities : Flight, can cast spells, your emotions help you increase the amount of energy you blast, when you use your quirk your eye color changes to your favorite color (Y/F/C)
Symbols: Bold+Italic = lyrics , Italic= memories/text/thoughts
A/N: PLEASE this song is a bop and it just goes so well so pls listen to it!!❤️
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You were just walking, a coffee in your hand with earbuds in blocking out the noise of the streets. You were on your way to your dream school, UA, while mindlessly scrolling through your phone thinking that you could reach your school earlier than you expected. You were nervous to say the least to meet the people that literally brought down the bots like it was nothing. Even if you aced the test, it was still intimidating to be in the same room with such powerful people. Do they even recognize me? Fuck I can't hold a conversation on my own. You thought. You took in a sip of your coffee in hopes that it can calm down your nerves.
Yet the universe regards your wishes when a body hard as a rock came in contact with yours. With one hand holding on to your hair and the other on your waist protecting your fall as you screamed in surprise when you both land on the street with a thud. The hardness of what you felt softens when you see bright red hair in your vision. The stranger- actually very handsome stranger that was on top of you looks at you with red wide eyes.
Did I die and heaven gifted me my dream boyfriend?
"Miss? Miss? Oh my god- I'm sorry for being in this position- I mean- Some guys weren't looking and their car was heading your way and you couldn't hear me so I had to save you- Are you okay?" He says panting, you take in the view in front of you as he helps you stand up brushing off the dust in your clothes, you silently thanked yourself for not dressing into your uniform knowing you can change into it with a spell. You were holding his hand. At the sight of it you immediately blush, ignoring the giddy feeling in your chest.
Man is he cute. You thought.
"Can you hear me?" You nod but you were loosing your cool when your shirt was drenched in coffee. You also frowned at the sight of your now broken earphones laid out on the street. You thanked the heavens that you had iced coffee. His eyes turn to your outfit, biting his lip in regret wishing he could've pushed away the coffee before ruining your outfit.
"I'm so sorry about your shirt! I can buy you another one-"
"T-thank you." You managed to say while he gives you a shy smile with a hand to his neck.
"It's nothing! Heroes should always save people shouldn't they?" You smile at his words.
He actually saved me.
You couldn't help but compare the events to some fairytale when a dashing young man saves you-that part alone was true but your imagination stops when you check the time on your phone.
"H-holy shit I'm gonna be late! I'm so sorry, I have to go! Thank you!" Your eyes glowed as you flew, not looking back to the red heads reaction to your sudden action. To say he was surprised was an understatement. You, in mid air, recites a spell to teleport your way into school. You landed in front of the gates of UA as you quickly utter a spell to freshen your appearance as you enter. When you arrive at front of the classroom, your hand couldn't reach the knob with how it was shaking yet you took a deep breath opening it to see people chattering away.
You decided to take a seat at the left row when a sudden red head comes running in the room.
"Hey! I'm so sorry I'm a bit late something came up and-" his eyes lock with yours and you teleport in front of him and he jumps a bit when you appear, the class looking at you two curiously. They were taken aback by your quirk.
"It's you."
From then on you swore on your life to avoid the red head but seeing his warm smile, his kind eyes, his charm, how can you do such a thing? As far as the class knows, you are by far the most powerful one knowing you can do anything just by a spell, basically everything you wished for can be handed to you in a silver platter. However, how can one Kirishima Eijiro make you weak to your knees? Was it his physique? His personality? His kindness? You couldn't pick your poison on what exactly drawn you the red eyed teen.
Something about the boy
Trying to find a logical reason on what makes this man so interesting to you was the most troublesome thing to do. Why is that when he talks to you every function in your body stops? Whenever you open your mouth you tend to loose track of what you wanted to say and end up mix matching your words.
It's the verse in my head
The words that make me stutter
Ever since you met him, it was like his presence took away your ability to speak. Nothing has ever drawn you to such a being before but acting weak in front of him wasn't something you wanted to do. You're basically a witch, seeing you fly the first time you met him he already knew he was curious about you too. You were already outstanding in his eyes, what else can you possibly do? Shapeshift? Make him fly? All you can do was try to avoid him like the plague so your heart can contain itself from letting him have it yet even with a smile on his charming face, it already makes your surroundings filled with such vibrant colors.
The change from gray to color
You often use your flight to catch up with him sometimes, knowing he was always intrigued with how easy it was for you to float around like that. Sometimes you use your quirk whenever he drops something, that's when you raise a finger while the fallen objects simply follow your finger as you placed them back on his hands. No matter how much you used your magic in front of him it never fails to make him stare in fascination.
Even his little buddies were interested in you, Mina always making you do tricks in the air while Kaminari begs you to lay a spell on Bakugo. Which of course you granted Minas request instead of Kaminaris knowing how powerful and pissed off Bakugo can be, it can possibly lead to your grave. But of course, whenever Kirishima had a favor you were bound to do it in a heartbeat. He once requested to teleport with you finding it so convenient and absolutely captivating how you can just pop up in different places.
"Do you trust me?" You asks helding out a hand in front of him, he nods happily while you utter a spell setting you're destination to be outside of UA. His hand tightens around yours and you smile while you zap out of the classroom seeing flashes of light before landing just in front of the gates of UA with a swoop sound. Kirishima raises his fists to the air with adrenaline filling his body.
"That was so cool, Y/N! Man, your quirk is literally something else. How can you do that so easily?-" His next words became a blur to you when you just stand there admiring him. With a smile to your face, you just nod at his words not even bothering to listen. You were sure he was rambling on and on about your abilities and once again your heart speeds up taking in his compliments.
A guaranteed bet
Oh, I found my lucky number
Even when you found yourself bruised and exhausted, the worried red head would always check up on you after training. At times when you felt like you weren't giving your best at your battles, he would manage to change your perspective on yourself making you push your limit. Which causes you to overuse your power making you unconscious in the middle of the fight while Kirishima and the others crowd around you, bringing your drained body to Recovery Girl. He would be right there along with Kaminari once you've regained strength.
The feeling that you get
Can't help but make me wonder
You will do the exact same thing to him. Bakugo will test out his powermoves on Kirishima and Kirishima will take it like the man he is but Bakugo ends up overworking the boy leaving burns on his skin. Watching him fight was something so intriguing to you. He knows he isn't good with long distance fights yet you offer him with your kind words edging him to do better. You would wrap bandages on his arm whenever they were ugly with scratches and burns or cast a spell to supply with him food and beverages when he missed lunch.
No need to try
He's just right
Oblivious to your actions, you continued to show how much you care for your little angel, earning teases from Bakugo and Sero yet you disregarded their comments and kept casting spells just to see his winning smile fall upon his face and that alone completes your day. You've gone to malls together, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Bakugo tagging along. Even if you intended to be with him only.
"Hey Kiri?" You asked tapping his shoulder gently while you flew above him leaning downwards to reach his shoulder. He turns around with a smile in his eyes when he sees you above him, you were in a sweater and leggings so whenever you flew above anyone, no one could dare to land their eyes under your shirt or your skirt, which everyone respectfully turns away -but Mineta? He was obviously the reason why you were conscious on your outfits.
"Hey Y/N! What's up?" He asks while you circle around him before you floated just in front of him with your cheeks pink from gaining the courage to ask him out.
"I was wondering if we can hang out at the mall if you're um available or if you want to- it's okay if you say no though-" he cuts you off with a chuckle before you landed on your feet, lowering your head thinking it was the best way to hide your flustered state.
"I'd love to Y/N! I'm down for anything plus I think there's a new movie out so I'm excited to watch it with you guys!" He says excitedly and you sighed thankful that he didn't reject you but you tensed up when you felt an arm wrapped around your shoulder. You turned your head to see a smirking Kaminari with his eyes on you as you rolled your eyes while he pulls you closer.
"A NEW MOVIE? I'M DOWN! What about you guys?" Suddenly Mina and Sero pop up behind Kirishima as you nudge Kaminari with you elbow, glaring at him while he laughs at you.
"Ooh we're going to the mall? I'm coming with~" Mina says clapping her hands while Sero chuckles beside her saying he wanted to come as well.
"Bakugo?" You only hear a grunt from him then you lower your head while Kaminari laughs at you. You raised your head shooting daggers his way and his eyes widened making him remove his arm around your shoulder before hiding behind Kirishima, scared you were gonna lay a death spell on him.
Nonetheless, you enjoyed their company even if it didn't go as well as you planned. When you were caught staring at Kirishima, Bakugo rolls his eyes before grabbing you to the corner pulling you away from the rest.
"Oi, look at me." He says and you look up at him, thrills running down your spine knowing you were never this close to Bakugo before. Soon, you were questioning how you were even alive at this point.
"W-what is it Bakugo?" You asked shakily yet he smirks at you.
"You got the heart eyes for shitty hair, dumbass?" Your eyes widen before you look away and he teasingly chuckles at your dismay.
"Ah, shitty hair huh? You might wanna lessen that stare of yours. Everyone knows you shit head." You cover your face in your hands and Bakugo chuckles again at your state. You stare at him- well it came more as a glare when you tried to appear stronger to the explosive boy.
"D-do they? Look, as much as I like him, I really couldn't care less if he doesn't notice."
He's got that something
I can't let nobody tell me no
"You wanna mutter a love spell on him, cupid?" Bakugo teases laughing at you. Your eyes glowed before making him turn to you with his eyes rolling. He covers your mouth before you can even cast a spell on him. His smirk resurfaces on his face.
"So you're willing to die so you can cast a spell on me huh extra?" You roll your eyes at him before removing his hand on your mouth.
"I'm not making him fall in love with me, stupid. I can't and I won't. Its against the use of my quirk."
Even if you were able to cast spells, you weren't allowed to cast a spell to make someone fall in love with you or for someone to die upon your spell not because of some forbidden chant, but it was because you couldn't handle the pressure and power of it. Casting death upon someone was not something to take ever so lightly. You were well taught enough to know the spells needed for death but your emotions and morals won't allow you. The amount of energy for you to even obtain to cast a spell that strong will certainly make you pass out not to mention to enormous guilt that will weigh on your shoulders once you do so.
"Y/N?" A voice appears beside you and Bakugo. You both turn around to see Kirishima with curious eyes. The sight in front of him suddenly marking a memory in his mind seeing you so close to Bakugo, especially when Bakugo had a prominent smirk on his face while he was staring at you. He only broke the conversation when he felt a tug on his heart seeing you two.
Bakugo leaves you two alone with yet another smirk tugging on his lips.
"No wonder that dumbass likes her." He mutters under his breath.
You believed that even without a love spell, there was no way you weren't going to succeed. Even if you had to cast a dozen spells just to make him smile, just to see his eyes lit up whenever you show him magic, just to see him be happy because of you, it was all worth it. But how far can your patience reach when he's gone busy with internships?
You knew that him, Midoriya, and the others were quite busy because of their internship and the more days pass by you, the less you see Kirishima. You were stuck in class paying attention to whoever was up front, or just fighting with Kaminari to test out some new spells you learned. Sometimes, you would choose to hang out with Bakugo and Sero just to avoid your thoughts whenever you worried about him.
Yet on the other side of the field, he misses you as well.
He misses to be able to feel your presence around him, he misses to see how powerful you were, he misses your little gestures or gifts that you bring to him. Though, in the back of his mind, he can't help but think of you and Bakugo. Seeing you two so close at the mall, made him feel small all of a sudden. What were they talking about? Why was he smirking like that? Are they secretly dating? His mind was filled with questions but then again he thinks that Bakugo wasn't a dating person. He was conflicted if he should just ask you directly or just observe on the sidelines.
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Bakugos words were ringing in your head about a love spell. You've never casted a love spell. Yet alone even find a spell to do it since you feel guilty meddling with a person's emotion towards someone. Now that Kirishima had his hands busy, there's no harm done if the person you badly wanted to cast it upon wasn't here. You just wanted to try since a love spell was much easier to conjure than a death spell. All you had to was utter the designed chant but you were questioning if it even works without the potions or herbs. You were indeed a powerul being so you did skip ahead on the steps.
Having a heavy book on your hand was laid out in your bed just switching back and forth between pages. Your fingers drag across the surface of the paper reading the chant in your head. You sighed, this isn't gonna work. This chant is literally older than All Might. You thought. As your fingers brush against the rough surface, your eyes landed on a love spell that required no potion or exchange. It was said to be a spell that enhances the attraction but some pages were torn off making the sentences confusing, yet the chant was still there.
Meanwhile, an excited yet nervous boy was on his way to your room. Kirishima finally had the time to be with you and he was more than anxious to face you knowing the tightening in his chest was making his mind race at the thought of finally seeing you. Though the thought of seeing you with Bakugo, had the poor boy rethinking his actions.
The chant only had one requirement, and that was nothing more than your emotions. If your emotions portray what you desire, the chant was sure to work on whoever your target was. You felt that without Kirishima around your emotions weren't as deep than you thought, putting you at ease. You sigh as you brace yourself for a chant, taking in a deep breath. Your hands placed on top of the spell with your eyes glowing before closing them as an aura surrounded you.
"Fall upon me and obey with bliss, as he whose heart shall belong to me, with the name that lie on my lips, to love and intertwine his heart to me, you are mine to be-"
"KIRISHIMA?!" Your eyes widen as great winds surround the two of you before the once crimson red eyes of the teen stood in front of you glowed pink as the wind surrounds him. It happened so rapidly that you were off your feet flying towards the teen that lay unconscious on your room, shaking him with worry.
"Kirishima?! Hey, hey wake up!" You shout shaking him up and Bakugo walks by your room to see his unconscious friend flat out on the floor. His vermillion eyes widen as he takes Kirishima.
"OI SHIT HEAD WHAT'D YOU DO?" Bakugo shouts and you shake your head as the blonde helps Kirishima stand up, his arm on Kirishimas shoulder being a wall for him to lean on.
"I d-don't know! Come with me." You grabbed Bakugos shoulder as you utter a spell teleporting you to Recovery Girl. Bakugo was surprised at how fast you landed but he only laid down Kirishima before grabbing your arm harshly pulling you outside her room.
"Mind telling me why the shit head is passed out on your room?" You fidget with your fingers, your heart racing. Did it work? It was an accident! Why didn't I lock my fucking door? Why was he here anyway? Your mind hurting from the power that you released, and it was most definitely hurting because of the worry.
"Fuck Bakugo I don't even know! I was just practicing a s-spell okay! And Kirishima just came in okay and the spell was directed to him-" You were cut off when Bakugo when raised you by grabbing you by the collar of your shirt, making you float so you don't loose balance at how he easily lifted you off your ground before you flew.
"It's the love spell isn't it?" You gulped as he stares at you, bringing your face closer to his before you give him a silent nod lowering your head, then your feet reaches the surface now that he sets you down.
"Ain't that desperate huh extra?" He smirks but you punch his chest, catching him off guard.
"Oi shit head what'd you-"
"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT OKAY! I'm not fucking desperate for Kirishima to acknowledge me or like me back, Katsuki. He just came in my room, I didn't even know he was coming back!" You shout back but he only shake his head.
"Dumbass you don't need a fucking spell-"
"Y/N? He's looking for you." Recovery Girl comes behind you two and you jump at her voice.
"I- thank you ma'am." She nods at you but before you can open the door Bakugo stops you midway.
"Oi, don't you think that stupid spell of yours have a shitty side effect? Who knows what shitty hair will act like." He scoffs and you sigh, running your hand to your hair.
"So what? I can't talk to him?" He flicks your forehead with his fingers and you hit his shoulder while he smirks.
"Ah it's a love spell isn't it? Isn't he gonna act all clingy and shit?" You shrug your shoulders and Bakugo grabs your head shaking it lightly while you slap his hand away.
"And they say that you're the smart one." You roll your eyes at his comment before opening the door nonetheless. You were face to face with a sat up Kirishima with a hand to his head.
"K-kirishima?" Bakugo almost wanted to laugh at your stutter but you nudge him with your elbow earning an annoyed groan from the blonde.
"How are you feeling shit head?" Bakugo asks and Kirishima just eyes you two but once his eyes leave the blonde, Kirishimas eyes linger on you more.
"I don't know what happened, my head just really hurts but Recovery Girl says nothings broken so I'm fine! What's got you guys so worried?" He asks with curious eyes and you both shake your head.
"I'm just glad you're doing okay, Kiri. Are you sure you're not feeling anything weird?" You ask, your heart pounding. Kirishima shakes his head and looks at you.
"Nah, I feel okay! I guess I was just exhausted and passed out. I'm fine, Y/N, I swear. What about you? I haven't seen you in days." He gives out a small chuckle and you sigh in relief.
It didn't work, you and Bakugo thought.
"I'm fine, Kirishima." You smile at him and returns the gesture back at you, yet the guilt was now weighing over your shoulders knowing you casted a spell on him. Kirishima took notice of you had your head hung low and you were playing with the ends of your skirt. His hand reaches your hair, gently caressing your hair and while your wide eyes and flustered cheeks were hidden from him, it was no denying that you were shaking.
I've got it bad. Kirishima thought.
You look up at him while his hands were still caressing your hair. You were searching for traces of the spell on his eyes but you found nothing but the glimmer in his eyes when he stares back at you.
"I'm glad I get to hang out with you again, Y/N." He says and you just simply wanted to faint at his kind words and you hear a very displeased scoff behind you.
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You and Bakugo just observe Kirishima for the rest of the week. You two would sometimes discuss if you accidentally conjured it onto someone else that was named Kirishima but you think otherwise. You even asked your parents but they said love spells were always a hit or miss. You even thought about asking help from Midoriya, which you knew he would accept, but this issue was between you three. Kirishima was just being his usual self, nothings changed. Everything was the same as before but for Kirishima, his feelings were weighing down his heart. The more he saw you and Bakugo have your little conversations in a corner, he already knew his chances were slim to none but he still wanted to be with you with every chance he gets. Thankfully, Kaminari delivered the news that you two weren't dating when he saw Bakugo hit you in the head.
I won't stop until the girl is mine. Kirishima selfishly thought. Finally realizing he wasn't gonna waste his time anymore. He knew it was selfish, but were your little gifts and tricks to him could mean you liked him too?
Months of being with you, admiring you from afar, denying the feeling in his heart whenever you flew around him grabbing his attention, the care you give him when he's injured, it was all to overwhelming to finally come to a decision that he is in fact, in love. Maybe the spell didn't work and he's come to the light or perhaps the spell actually worked and it increased his attraction towards to you. But the way his breathing came to a halt whenever you were in the air fighting against his classmates, or whenever he feels this warm feeling in his heart whenever you laugh or check up on him, he knew he felt something else.
For you and Bakugo, he was just being his usual hero self. Helping you here and there and following you wherever you went making excuses just to be around you. It looks as if the roles were reversed now. You were once the love sick puppy following him around but now your cautious and almost distant still afraid of the spell. Now it was Kirishima that was falling under your spell. Volunteering to help you with training or even carrying your things. Bakugo took notice of his actions but didn't pay any attention to it knowing Kirishima already told him his little crush for the magical girl.
Got me running around like I'm a lovefool
Taking me down I can't stop
But the guilt was unbearable on your side.
You knew even if the chant was a fail, you still directed it to him. Who knew what side effects could have been given to him? What if you never revert the spell? Is his soul tied to yours? While the guilt was eating you away, you're fingers hover over his contact texting him finding no more excuses to hide what you've done.
hey kiri! do you think you could meet up with me at the mall?
In which he responded to rather quickly.
heyy! yea sure be right there in 15 mins!
He got me feeling like a girl gone mad. You thought while you patiently waited for the boy. Meanwhile, Kirishima had his feet on the ground ready to be with you but his nerves quickly shut down wondering what's gotten you to meet up with him so sudden. When you spot his figure, you signal him a wave and he sits next to you with a warm smile.
"Hey Y/N! You good?" You bit your lip, anxious to tell him the issue you've had for weeks. He frowns at your state and takes a step forward landing his hand on your shoulder, giving you sympathetic smile.
"You can tell me anything, Y/N. It's just me." He says the concern in his voice evident. You take a deep breath before finally speaking.
"Kirishima, I'm so sorry for casting a l-l.. l-love spell on you. It was accidental though! I wouldn't think about putting a spell on you! Y-you just came in so suddenly and I lost control over my power- I didn't know if it worked though but-"
"Wait wait.. a love spell?" He tilts his head in confusion and you lower your head still trying to relieve the stress.
"It didn't work though! You're not showing any signs of love or anything.. right?" His eyes widen and his cheeks blossomed with the color the same as his hair. He lets his hand reach the back of his neck before staring at you, his heart pounding at how anxious he was.
"I- I don't think you need a love spell for me to like you cause I already do." You've never whipped your head much faster than now. You look at him, searching once again for any traces of the spell yet nothing. Nothing but genuine feelings.
He liked you.
"A-are you sure? I'm assuming it's because of the spell huh? I promise I'll try to revert the spell-"
"No amount of spell can make like you the way I do. Even if the spell was accidental, I don't think it was accidental for me to fall for you." Did you past away? What sweet heaven was this? Taking notice of how tensed and quiet you were, Kirishima sighs before looking at you.
"If you're with Bakugo, I completely understand. If you don't like me-"
You stopped his sentence when your hands found its way around his neck and your lips finding its home with his lips. He had his eyes open but once he registers what's happening he immediately pulls you closer, hands to your waist like how you first met, his eyes closing at the sensation of your lips in sync. Everything around you was a blur except for feeling of having him this close to you. You were too overwhelmed and contented with what was happening, you let loose of your quirk. You two were floating and he seems to smile even more as he continues to lay his love on your lips. You pull away resting your forehead on his with a smile that no one can ever tear down.
"God, Kirishima I- I like you so much. Just from the moment we met and no spell can ever change that." You say before you two landed on the ground and your hearts were screaming for joy at this point. Kirishima chuckles in front of you before he pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear making you blush even more.
"Guess I can say I'm under your spell then huh?"
"Oh god."
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yandere-mha-blog · 4 years ago
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Hello author here to bring a couple of after stories for cute aggression, hope you enjoy them, they will published at any time so enjoy
After story #1
Everything with Katsuki was going well, ever since the news of your quirk and you taking a  bit of time to yourself and casually going on dates with him, it had been going well. The only thing that you didn't like was the fact he was so busy with work, so dates were scarce, and what was even worse was the damm reports that swarmed the two of you when you were enjoying some street food.
Katsuki ended up exploding a camera, and getting in trouble with the Hpsc, you were in the background laughing at the abusrtry of the citation, what you didn't like was when someone shoved a camera in your face, katsuki being well katsuki was still over protective, even with the nullifying bracelet on, so seeing a reporter get thrown across the street by and angry katsuki while you were just trying to enjoy your crape.
Of course the reporters did see the nullifying bracelet and started asking questions, and Katsuki in all his glory told them to shove their damm questions up their ass, shit them out and step in it, always subtle. .
Right now you were reading a magazine, it was getting late you wondered if Katsuki was going to call tonight, he was always so busy it kinda sucked not being in his aprtment now, but this arrangement was the best at the moment, you tossed your magazine on the coffee table and sat back going on your blog feed, maybe being the ‘girlfriend’ of Katsuki bakugou, the second strongest hero in japan, was giving you a lot of attention not all good attention.
“She ain't even that pretty, why is he dating her.” “She looks so dull :/ Bakugo deserves better if you ask me.”
“Isn't she just distracting him from his hero work, how selfish can this woman be.”
“Why is he dating someone who is so weak looking, you think katsuki would be into stronger women.”
“Yall just jealous.” you said sticking your tongue out at the phone before going back to looking at funny bunny videos, when your phone finally rang, seeing  “angry pompom boyfriend” pop up.
“Hello~” you chirped
“Hey, you picked up on the first ring, you've been waiting for a call?” he asked
“Maybeeee.” you said “how was work, make anyone bleed?”
“ONly the ones that deserved it, altho i got scratch on my arm, not important-”
“NUcked how deep is the cut, i know when you say a scratch it usually means you need stitches!” you said
“Okay fine three stitches, it isn't anything stop worrying about me.” he said
“Can't stop me.” you said
“Look im going to be fine stop worrying about me, anyway an old class mate invited me to this dumb event, and did youw ant to be my plus one?”
“Really what class mate, what's the event?”
“THe hero Froppy, she has this water park , and she invited all the classmates, except for one to join.”
“Ohhh frobby, the frog one, yes her, well the thing is i would love to go but i have a problem.”
“I don't have a bathing suit and I'm not a good swimmer.” you said
“I'll take you bathing suit shopping dn keep you in the kid section.” KAtsuki said
“I'm not a kid.” you huffted
“Well you said you swim like one.” Katsuki said “besides it will be fine if you are going to be surrounded by a bunch of heroes no one is going to let you drown.”
“True, but do they know of my quirk?” you asked
“The doctor said your quirk isn't really effective if it's just a couple of hours, you can explain it to them or I can.” KAtsuki said “So you want to go or not?”
“Yes, I wanna go.” you said “where and when should i meet you for bathing suit shopping?” “I'll pick you up tomorrow around 3.” Katsuki said
“I can meet you there, you know.”
“Just let me do this.” Katsuki said
“Okay thanks katsuki, also don't stress your arm out mr stitches.” you said
“It's almost healed anyways.” Katsuki said “i'll be there at 3 so be ready.”
“I will, byeee love you suki.”
“Don't go all soft on me.” KAtsuki said as you could practically feel the heat from his blush through the phone “...bye.” Click
He was so awkwardly cute sometimes, hard to believe that he tried to keep you locked up in a remote cabin in the woods a few months ago, still a waterpark, they were always so expensive so you never want, i mean the beach and bathtub were just as good, it was mostly spending time with Katsuki you were happy about.
So when Katsuki was standing outside your apartment, at 3:10, waiting ten minutes as you were putting your hair up, you opened the door
“Finally took you long enough, when i say 3, i mean 3.” he said
“And you should know by now , I'm probably going to be ten minutes late.” you said “also is that anyway to speak to your partner.”
He flicked your forehead
“Well it's rude to keep your partner waiting, now let's go.” Katsuki said as you walked to his car, and turned on the music, you were mumbling the words under your breath and bopping to the beat with your head. Katsuki was unknowingly tapping the steering wheel with you.
You finally arrived at the swimsuit shop and happily made your way in only to see katsuki take a seat outside the store
“Ahem.” you said
“What?” Katsuki said
“Aren you going to come in with me?” you asked
“I'm pretty sure you can dress yourself.” Katsuki said, you sighed
“Okay fine Guess I have to deal with all the leechers' eyes on me when I try them on.”
“What?” Katsuki said
“Don't you know there are always those men who like to hang around to be able to see women in swimsuits, and there are a few bikinis in there that look cute.” you said knowing how to push his buttons, so he went in glaring at any dude who even glanced your way, you were looking through the racks of swim sits and held up one that looked more like it belong in a lingerie section
“Katsuki, why are they selling a swimsuit that's just a bunch of strings?” you asked and he put it back on the rack and replaced it with a one piece, you kept looking and saw one that made you laugh
“Hey katsuki you never told me you had a swimsuit deal.” you said holding up a Dynamigth brand bikini
“Wasn’t my idea when they said a swimsuit line, I thought they were talking about athletic swimwear.”
“Hmm, maybe I should get this.” you said and he put it back on the rack and put a different one on
“No.” he said bluntly, he was so easy to tease, you found a couple more you liked, but you were torn between a cute pink one, and black and orange one
“What's taking so long in there?” Katsuki asked as he was slumped against the wall
“I can't decide.” you said, “Katsuki 1 or 2?” 
“1” he said
“Okay this one it is then.” you said walking out in the orange and balck one, before he pushed you back in
“Okay looks great now go get dressed and let's check out already.” he said
“Geez you hate it that much.” you said
“It's fine.”
“Oh so just fine.” you said
“I said it looks great, look can we leave now, i hate swimsuit shopping.” Katsuki said
“Never would've guessed.” you said, walking out in your clothes with the orange swimsuit in hand, as you went and checked out, you passed by the mens swim suits and then had a thought
“Hey Katsuki do you need new swim trunks?” you asked
“No.” he said “I buy the same black swim trunks from the same brand every summer.” Katsuki said
“That is so like you.” you said eye a pair of pink swim trunks with white teddy bear faces on them.
“No, I see what you are looking at, and I'm saying no.” Katsuki said, as you tugged his sleeve
“Can you at least try them on?” you said
“No.” Katsuki said
“Pretty please.” you said
“Adding pretty to the front isn't gonna change my mind.” he said, and you stared at him giving him that look”Don't you dare.”
“Suki, can you pretty please with a cherry on top, try them on.” you said, and that's how you got Katsuki To wear a pair of pink swim trunks with white teddy bear faces on them, he looked extremely pissed off like usually, as you were smiling happy to yourself
“Aww you look so cute.” you cooed and took a photo
“I swear i'm never going to forgive you for this.'' Katsuki said as he closed the door and walked out of the store, you wrapped your arm around his and happily strolled around the mall, getting some Boba together, it wasn't a surprise Katsuki got a Mangoada. You were happily sipping on the peach one you got, as katsuki tried to harass you to try some, even though time and time again you made it clean you didn't like the spice.
Still the two of you saw the time and had to get going to enjoy the water park. Katsuki seemed a bit on edge, maybe seeing his old classmates was making him nervous.
“Oh wow is that momo, and Shoto?” you said “They are in the same ranks as you, oh look it's Kaminari and denki.” 
“Hey look who decided to come join us.” Denki said as Katsuki parked his car and mumbled under his breath and walked out “Look, Mr. Antisocial decided to join us.”
“Can it.” KAtsuki said
“Or what you’ll blow my head off.” Denki then shut his mouth as he saw you come out of the car “I mean...heyyyyy (name)!”
“Hi denki.” you said
“Oh so this is Katsuki Girlfriend.” Sero said, popping out from behind Kirishima “gotta ask what does this little lady see in that brute over there.”
“Katsuki is a great boyfriend.” you said “your name is Hanta right?”
“OH please just call me Sero.” He said sticking his hand out and you shook it only to be taped to his hand “Gotta say im stuck to you.”
“Watch yourself.” Katsuki said pulling you hand off, and just great another flirt, so now you had to deal with denki, sero and kirishima to an extent, the red and white one didn't seem too interested “and look here is the thing about my girlfriend, i think she should explain it though.”
“Thanks katsuki, i have a quirk that has a tendency to make people's emotions about me a little, off the charts with how they feel about me, so Katsuki is wearing the bracelet since there was a incident in april, denki and kirishima were there.” You said and Sero nodded his head
“Noted.” He said patting your head And katsuki slapped his hand away “you sure the bracket works though
“You should have seen him before he had that on.” Denki said,as the front door opened and froppy waved them in
“HI everybody, glad to see those who could make it, I'm surprised to see Bakugou here.” she said
“Sweet lets go!” Kirishima said and you walked in and went into the changing room, a little weird to be left alone with another pro hero, still you got in you bathing suit and momo came out.
“Oh hello.” She said “I didn't get to introduce myself earlier, im Momo.” she said “you are (name) right.”
“Yes, that's me.” you said “So you were one of Katsukis classmates?” “Yes I was, he was...interesting back then.” she said  as the female gym locker slammed open
“Heyyyy heyyy.” you heard and saw a head of bright pink hair and skin walk in “MOMO! “Mina you were able to make it.” she said
“Sure was and….wait a second who is this, i don't remember this face being in our class, she looks a little younge.”
“Oh i'm Katsuki girlfriend.” you said, and she let out a loud gasp
“Mina you are a little loud.” Momo interjected
“Ohhh sorry.” she said turning back to you “is that why you choose the orange and balck swimsuit, tell me everything.”
“You will have to excuse Mina, because she loves other people's relationships.” Momo said, and mina looked at her and gave a mischievous smile
“Speaking of relationships, how are you and Todoroki doing?” she asked
“There is nothing of that sort going on between us.”Momo said,as MIna kept pestering her for information, you decided to leave the locker room, only to see Katsuki waiting by the bench right outside of it, making you jump.
“You ready?” he asked solving an inner tube at you
“Yup, A girl named MIna showed up late.” you said, and Katsuki let out a grone, as Momo walked out looking disheveled as MIna followed and looked at katsuki.
“Still why couldnt of Jiro come?” denki said as kirishima have hima reassuring pat on the back
“Hey be lucky this many classmates were able to come
“Still jiro would have known the best music to play over the loudspeakers and holy moly of god look.” Denki said, as Kirishaim inked him on the head “ow.” “Don't go ogling the girls dude.” Kirishaim said “OH WOW MOMO YOUR MUSCLES ARE REALLY IMPRESSIVE.”
“Thank you kirishima.” she said and getting in the water
“Hey hey hey.” Mina said “i don't hear you saying my muscles are impressive.”
“Oh, well they are.” Kirishima said as Mina put him in a headlock and noggied him, at least you know where Kirishima got his sense of greeting from. Shoto was in the wave pool in an innertube with his eyes closed, he almost looked dead. Kirishima was running away from mina and jumped into the pool splashing you and Katsuki on the side, you shrugged and jumped in with the inner tube, katsuki had his feet in the pool
“Aren you coming in?” you asked
“No thanks.”Katsuki said, as you saw a blob of red under the water swimming towards Katsuki and then grabbing his nakel pulling him in, kirishiam popped his head above the water and was laughing and swimming away from his friend who was out for blood, you sighed wishing you could play along with them, when sero jumped in next to you.
“Hello again.” he said, and you gave him a polite smile
“Hello.” you said
“So i'm guessing you can't swim that well?” Sero said, you nodded, so he pulled out a piece of tape from his elbow and attached it to the tube, and started swimming, pulling you alone “Off we go.”
You were laughing as Katsuki finally got his hands on kirishima and threw him over his head and kirishima landed about a good five feet away with a loud splash, katsuki ran a hand through his hair before looking over to where you laughing was coming from, and he nearly blew a gasket. He swam over and grabbed the other side of the tube
“Hey, what do you think you are doing?” Katsuki said as he wasn't really asking
“OH hey bakugou, im hanging out, she can't swim that good so im giving her a free ride.” Sero said acting all innocent as sero pulled the tube towards him, and then katsuki pulled it back, you weren't really into the whole tug of war so you slipped out the bottom, katsuki looked down and let go causing the tube to smack Sero in the face, as he pulled you above water
“Hey what was that , you can't swim well.” Katsuki said, “Look, just get on my back.”
“Okay.” you said as you latched yourself on his back and he started swimming off
“He is so whipped.” Denki said to sero
“Haha definitely.” Sero said rubbing the red mark that was on his face, Momo was int he wave pool talking to Shoto as he just nodded his head, as mina came by with Kirishima to you and katsuki
“Hey wanna chicken fight?” she asked
“What's that?” you asked
“It's when you sit on someone's shoulders and then you try to push the other person off.” she said
“Hmm sounds interesting but I'm at a disadvantage here.” You said, “What do you think katsuk.”
“Eh.” KAtsuki said
“He is just chicken he is going to lose.” Kirishiam said
“Definitely.” MIna said
“OH you are going to regret saying that.” Katsuki said “(name) get on my shoulder now.”
“Uhh okay.” you said getting on and MIna sitting on kirishima
“Ready set...go!” she said pushing on your shoulder, oh so this was you were supposed to do, you grabbed her shoulders as Kirishima dn Katsuki were trying to remain balanced
“You are going down.” Katsuki said
“Haha you think your girlfriend can beat a pro hero.” Kirishima said, and that comment made you upset, now you want victory.
“Katsuki move back...now!” you said as mina lunged forward and Katsuki dogged her and she fell face first into the water taking kirishima face with her, they both emerged looking angry at both of your dirty tactics to win, as both of you were laughing, kirishima grabbed katsuki ankle again and dragged him under, you started splashing as Kirishima caught you.
“Katsuki let off an explosion underwater sending a stream of water smack dab into Kirishima face as he took you back, mina was laughing at Kirishima face of shook, denki was also laughing in the background.
Over all, every eventful day at the water park it was getting rather late so the pool lights came on, and katsuki was pulling you along by your arms as you were kicking your legs.
“YOu can be a perfectly good swimmer, you should practice at my pool.” Katsuki said, as sero and denki were lounging the chairs and mina and kirishima were racing down the water slide, Shotot and momo were in the lazy river.
Tsu came out from under the water and said that the park was closing soon, shoto and momo were the first to leave, maybe mina was right, something could be going on between them, or they were good friends.
Katsuki was drying your hair off as Denki kept commenting on how he wasn't doing it right and he was going to rip your hair out, sero pulled him away and the two of them left. And Kirishima had to drag Mina out since she was suggesting a  sleepover in the water park.
“Later guys, it was nice seeing you again (name).” Kirishima said
“You too.” you said and waved them off
“Byee it was nice meeting you.” Mina said
“Byee you too.” you replied, as katsuki removed the towel  from your hair
“Did you have fun today?” Katsuki asked
“SUre did, and I think I learned to swim a bit better today as well.” you said, “I'm hungry and tired though.”
“Well...i mean, if you want, i can make you something at my house and stay over, like old times...only if you want.”
“Hmmm tempting.” you said “you aren going to lock me up right.”
He flicked your forehead at that comment
“NO dumdum, remember this bracelet I'm wearing.” Katsuki aid holding his wrist up only for you to notice it was gone, then katsuki noticed it was gone as well “...fuck.”
“Uhhh katsuki where is the bracelet?” you asked
“SHit it must of fell off when i was swimming.” Katsuki said “hey frog girl i lost something in the pool!”
“What was it?” she asked
“MY nullifying bracelet.” Katsuki said 
“Oh, yeah you were wearing a bracelet when you came here, i'll go scoop out the pool for you.” she said and jumped in the water, as you are starting to get a little on edge.
“Hey, look don't worry, i've only been around you a couple of hours, I'm sure.” Katsuki said
“...you asked me if you wanted me to come to your apartment, what is that supposed to make me think when the thing is off.” you said
“Hey it wasn't like that okay, look i mean i miss you and all that sure, but i'm not going to try that bullshit again.” Katsuki said as you scooted away from him
“I think i should go in the washroom till you get it back on.” you said getting up and walking into the women washroom and sighing, you scratch the back of your head, how long was the bracelet off.
“Found it.” Tsu said handing it back to him, Katsuki quickly snached it back and put it on and let out a sigh of relief
“...thanks...look can you go in and tell her it's found.” Katsuki said, she just nodded, it was weird to see Katsuki that freaked out, she went in and found you on the bench inside
“Hey, I found that bracelet.” She said “I don't really know the whole story but it seems really important, you both seem a bit freaked out?”
“Oh you found it, thank you.” you said looking up “And yeah it's kind of a long story.”
“You had a quirk you didn't know about that makes people's emotions about you more extreme?” She asked, you nodded her head “Well at least you know that Katsuki likes you, truth be told not a lot of classmates ever thought he would be in a relationship, and when he got into a bad one we were worried, still he seemed more worried to get the thing back on.”
“Really?” you asked, she nodded
“Yup, Bakugo has been extreme his whole life however, but I'm sure even his care for you is the same as in his hero work, Bakugo has always been the type to put his 100% in everything.”
“Yeah he really is great, I'm just worried.” You said
“Well you should talk to him about it, because he had a very worried expression on his face.” She said “I am going to have to close up now, hope you two sort everything out.”
You walked out and saw Katsuki waiting by the car, you walked over
“You all good-” he started but you cut him off with a hug “why what are you doing?”
“Physical affection.” you said your words muffled by his chest “Sorry for getting so freaked out, i know that you would tell me if you were starting to feel that way again.”
“You are really dumb soemtimes.” Katsuki said, patting your head “you still wanna come over for dinner?” he asked and you nodded your head.
One step at a time you supposed 
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Got that 5'7 black and white half and half. Female my style changes just like my moods 🤪 lie the only mood I got is anger cuz it is like that. Dumby smart tho so you know the vibes. I play Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox, call of duty, and pubg. I rage and curse people out bc it is like that. My ADHD and dyslexia be going bop. Get bored easily and likes to run around I'm an extrovert yet I dislike people except for my friends. I draw yessir. Can I get a BNHA 🥵
Hiiii, Thank you for the request ! I did have a bit of trouble picking the perfect guy for you, just because there were SO MANY that came to mind! I enjoyed the dynamics of this one though and I hope you do too! Much love ❤️ @kanna1-1
I match you with....
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-Kaminari, being his own interesting self, loves how often you change your style and can’t wait to see your new look!
-He often will actually help you pick out a new look because he wants to be a part of the process that makes up you, his amazing girlfriend
-Denki, on the surface, comes off as loud and energetic, but he is actually a much more calm and laidback person which goes really well with your loud, angry personality
-He LOVES that you’re taller than him, even if its not by much.
-He’s very attracted to girls and will take what he can get. This, of course, leads to extreme body worship
-Kaminari doesn’t do well in school. In fact, he was ranked 20th in the class because of his grades. This is why he often asks for your help with studies and often needs help being reminded that he needs to graduate high school before he can become a pro-hero
-I see lots of study dates in your future. As well as, a lot of tutoring sessions with the Baku-Squad
-Denki also enjoys playing video games with you. He takes it as good practice
-However, after a few playing sessions, Kaminari ends up swearing he won’t play with you again because he can’t handle your extreme cursing and rage quiting
-This will lead to a lot of fights because this makes you feel like Denki doesn’t accept the real you, even when you’re angry
-After a while, he will realize that him not playing with you puts a huge strain on your relationship and so, in order to become more able, he will play with Bakugou to become used to the cursing and screaming
-It isnt fun for Kaminari, but it’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make. He’ll happily burst his eardrums to make his girlfriend happy
-Denki, although internally calm and relaxed, often gets irritated and frustrated by daily tasks such as homework or even something as simple as tripping in the grass
-He often comes to you just to complain and let off steam. He enjoys doing this because you will often get angry at the situation too and need to blow off steam about it too
-Because schoolwork irritates Denki, he’ll often use you as a distraction so he doesn’t have to do his work
-He enjoys doing energetic activities with you that he may not be able to do with his other friends; such as hiking and mountain biking
-He often takes you to amusement parks late at night, sneaking out of the dorms to do so, just to see you happy and giddy
-Kaminari also knows how bored you can get, so he’s always trying to keep you on your toes. He always invites you to his plans with his friends, which you always graciously accept, knowing there wont be a single dull moment
-He loves watching you socialize and meet new people. He especially loves when you meet someone new who you have something in common with. In fact, he watched you with a smile on his face the first time you ever met Mina. He was both amazed and infatuated with how you and Mina could talk about cheeta print for an hour
-Being a social person himself, he loves this aspect about you. He thinks it makes it so much more easy to go out and have fun with you
-One of Kaminari’s favorite pass-times is watching you and Bakugou battle it out EVERY time you see each other. He, and everyone else, finds it very entertaining watching Bakugou meet his match from hell
-Denki is also a very insecure person and quickly starts to doubt himself when he sees you with his friends
-He’s actually had deep rooted insecurities of you leaving him for his friends. He thinks that you and Bakugou are so alike and that you’d do amazing together. He also worries that Kirishima, since he can handle Bakugou so well, would be better off for you. He particularly can’t help himself from thinking that Sero’s looks would drive you away from him either.
-Because of these insecurities, Denki often flirts to and talks about other girls in front of you to try and cause these same insecurities
-This, of course, causes lots of fights between you two. You find it disrespectful for Kaminari to be acting in such a way while being with you and Denki is too insecure to stop
-In order to try and make it up to you, he often leaves you small gifts in your locker. He once left you a rose he made out of jolly ranchers and was so embarrassed with his actions that he avoided you for the rest of the day. Until, of course, you pinned him behind the dorm building when he took the trash out. The blush on his face and guilt he felt was enough for him to never even think of looking at another girl for the rest of his life
-Kaminari especially loves how agressive and down-to-earth you can be. He finds it admirable how effortlessly you can put someone in their place and then turn around and smile at him like nothing just happened
-Kaminari is definitely your biggest fan when it comes to artwork
-He has, more than once, asked you to draw him and/or his friends
-And, if you do, he often shoves the masterpiece in everyone’s face before promptly putting it on the fridge. He thinks everyone deserves to be blessed by your work
-If you plan on going into a career with art work, he 100% supports you and encourages you to get out there
-Sadly, with all the training and studying Denki has to do to get by, he barely has any time to spend with you. This kills him on the inside
-Which is why he plans on marrying you as soon as you both graduate from UA. He wants to spend every free moment of his pro-hero life with you
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mintchocolatechipnut · 4 years ago
kirishima's wedding
Note: This is for my sunshine boy, he deserves all the love in the world and what better way to show that through headcanons for his and his s/o’s wedding? I was inspired mainly by flash mobs and wedding dances, in particular this one, so here you go!
Tags: pure fluff, dancing, Kirishima is a sentimental man, I was projecting a little too much on this
Word count: 2.0k
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To be honest, it isn’t that Kirishima isn’t interested in his own wedding
It’s more like he’s interested in marrying you
And at this point, when you’ve already given him the green light when you said yes to his proposal, he really couldn’t ask for more
So he’s actually pretty content with letting you pick out most things
His being one of the top 10 heroes (see: big bonuses) is just an added perk that he’s grateful for
You want that dress you saw in that top-grade wedding magazine? Sure. You want a multi-cuisine buffet for your reception? Go for it.
Boy’s honestly just really ecstatic that you’ve agreed to marry him
Though, if you did want input from him, just say the word and he’ll offer his ideas
He wants the best for you, but if you’re adamant on wanting this wedding to be a two-person thing, he has no qualms against that
However, it’s just that his schedule doesn’t really allow for all-day wedding planning—people still need saving, reports still need to be made, it ain’t the honeymoon yet, sweetheart!
But he’ll do his best to contribute in whatever ways he can, be it the direct planning or supporting you from the sidelines by attending wedding dress sessions with you, or checking out the venues you have in mind
Heck, he even makes sure you’re eating three full meals a day when you lose track of time planning
Meanwhile, people at work have been congratulating Kirishima for becoming an engaged man
And with so many warm-hearted regards, not just from his co-workers, but even his fans (Red Riot has the best fans ever), it’s hard not to stop him from looking forward to his own wedding even more
So from then on he finds little breaks in his routine so he can help you out
His favorite part about the entire process, though, was learning your first dance
You’d asked him if he was up for learning a fun little routine as your first dance during your wedding
Now Kirishima isn’t a great dancer by any means, but he is eager to please, so he said yes quite readily
Only when he saw the video did he blanch a little
He’d thought it’d be a sweet sensual waltz that wasn’t too hard to learn (based off what he heard from others), but you’d instead chosen a fast-paced, twisty sort of dance
What was it called again? Lindy hop? Swing? He’s not sure, but the song is catchy and cheesy enough for him to tap his foot to
But oh no. He can’t dance, he thinks. This is going to take a while
And it did. You enrolled the help of Mina, who graciously extended an offer to teach you an improvised routine for the likes of you and Kirishima despite her own busy schedule
Mina’s a strict teacher. Kirishima doesn’t know why he has never thought that before. Probably because he hadn’t danced under her tutelage during the cultural festival, but whatever
She pushes him to the limit, making sure he isn’t stiff with his movements, and to coordinate with you on timing and movements
The first class is a little of a disaster though. You end up stepping on each other’s toes a lot, and Kirishima feels unnatural and awkward as he dances
This wasn’t on his resume! He’s not cut out for this kind of agile, flexible movement. In fact, all he has to do sometimes during his hero work is stay in place as a shield. He doesn’t have it in him to twist and jive like you and Mina!
You can see that Kirishima is a little discouraged, and suggest a break
Kirishima’s quiet for those few minutes, staring down at his toes and flexing them, wondering if he can ever really do this right
It’s not like you don’t notice, but Mina is busy teaching you how to improve your own steps
When he sees you dance all on your own though, a surge of pride wells up in Kirishima because you’re doing your best even though this isn’t your territory
But you’d wanted to do it, and here you were putting your back into it
And—technically he wanted to do it too, right? Since he’d agreed.
Kirishima then realises that he hasn’t been giving this his all, considering he never thought it was in his nature, or part of his expertise, to do this
But there’s always a first time, right?
You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn to see a grinning Kirishima, holding two thumbs-up to say ‘Let’s go!’
After that practice goes a lot more smoothly, with Kirishima finally getting the rhythm in his veins and you two even having successfully danced through the first verse on just memory
When you get home, Kirishima’s so eager to get it right all over again that you have to tell him to tone it down because you yourself are aching all over from Mina’s spartan training
You begin having weekly sessions with Mina, always practicing in between when the both of you have the time, because it’s not like it’s the same when you practice on your own individually
And Kirishima realises he likes doing this with you, taking big new steps together out of your comfort zones, to do something different
Just like how you were soon to be taking a whole new big step into the future as husband and wife
And suddenly all these private dance sessions with you he brings a little closer to his heart
For one he’s never one to pass up the chance to practice with you, and what’s more, he thoroughly enjoys himself when he twirls you around the room and see the endless joy in your tired, satisfied smile at the end of it
Pretty soon he’s wanting to make sure that you put on the best performance for wedding day
He’s even resorted to bopping and doo-wopping in his office sometimes, even when Bakugou comes around for work things
In which he snorts and tells Kirishima he’s acting like a total idiot and should get off cloud 9 real quick, or else he’s gonna make him
But Kirishima really can’t bring himself to care, because he just knows that he’s going to make you proud on that day with his moves
When the day finally rolls around (or perhaps a few days earlier), Kirishima’s getting the wedding jitters
To which he copes with going out with his friends from high school, and to which Kaminari and Sero decide to hold a stag party for him
Just him and the boys, after so long
He has a great time of course, and forgets about his worries for a little while, but when he comes home and noticed you’ve gone to sleep without him, he’s brought back to thinking about the day you’ll finally sleep in the same bed as husband and wife
And there he goes again
It takes a good nag from Bakugou that ‘you don’t need to worry about a thing, Shitty Hair, or else she’ll be embarrassed for you’ for him to regain his spirits
It’s really not that he doesn’t want to marry you, but his insecurities, having just found an outlet in you, have resurfaced once more to plague him with the idea that he doesn’t deserve you
But maybe it’s precisely because he doesn’t deserve you that he’s got to do everything he can to make you happy, so you don’t regret this choice you made with him
Wedding day finally arrives, and Kirishima’s got the nerves again
But the good kind this time
You can have his hair done however you like, but I like to headcanon that he wears it down in its natural state, with half of it done up in a ponytail like how Aizawa occasionally wears it. It’s a tribute to how he’d shed his old self to be a new version of Crimson Riot, with the vibrant red hair, but also not forgetting his roots and origins
He waits nervously at the altar, where Bakugou crosses his arms impatiently to his side (because of course Bakugou is his best man)
He sees all the guests you’ve invited: pro heroes, mutual friends, your own colleagues, and of course, your families
Not to mention some of the press are lingering outside the venue in order to get some photos in for the news of Red Riot tying the knot
And he’s terrified and thrilled at the same time by the prospect that the two of you will be joining together as one in front of so many witnesses
When you finally walk toward him in a dress as radiant as your smile, Kirishima sheds a few tears
He definitely cries. He can’t help it! When you take his outstretched, trembling hand and stand next to him, you decide to tease him a little
You whisper, “What? Already can’t handle the prospect of marrying me? Are you going to break it off?”
“No!” His outburst is loud enough for the people in the front pews (namely your families) to hear, which startles you, but when you turn to face each other, both of your hands held in his, he leans forward and whispers, ‘No. I’m never going to let you go from now on.’
‘Come on Eiji, we haven’t even said the vows yet.’ But he can’t stop the tears, and it takes a few embarrassing yet endearing moments for you to calm him down and proceed with the ceremony
In the end, your first kiss as husband and wife at the altar is, as he tells the boys later, ‘indescribable’
There are just so many feelings running through him when he kisses you that he’s tempted to cry again
But the cheers all around you remind him this is a joyous occasion to be celebrated, and Mr and Mrs. Kirishima make a run down the aisle while petals are being thrown and congratulations echoing around them
It finally comes down to the first dance, and Kirishima’s got adrenaline pumping through his veins even before the music starts
He’d had a few glasses of champagne earlier to calm his nerves but the alcohol hasn’t been kicking in and it’s almost time—
He feels a hand clutch his and the moment he looks at you, all inhibitions fade
He’s ready to kill it on that dance floor with you
Needless to say, the dance goes superb and gets rave reviews from the guests, if the whoops and the whistles are anything to go by
By the end of it everyone is up and dancing and Kirishima just can’t keep the beaming smile off his face
The second time Kirishima cries is when he’s dancing with you to a ballad, as he holds you close to him, feeling every inch of your body against his and having your wonderful, beautiful self so close
You notice the silent tears dripping down his face and place a hand to his cheek, ‘What’s wrong, Ei?’
‘Nothing’s wrong. That’s just it. Everything’s so right in this moment that I feel I’ll never experience this ever again.’ And since he’s not so sober at the moment, he blurts out the whole of what he’s really thinking. ‘I just think about how I got here, with you, and I don’t know if I’ve unknowingly traded all my life’s happiness away for this one day.”
He waits for the usual pep talk you always give him when he tells you he doesn’t deserve you or any of this, or a ‘don’t be silly’ kind of logical dismissal he might expect from Bakugou, but you look him in the eye, and through his blurry vision your smile is still as bright as it was on the day you first met
‘Well, even if you’re forever sad from now on, I know I can only feel eternal happiness after this. So I’ll be nice and share some of that happiness with you, because we’re one now.’
This time the tears really come pouring lmao
Everyone mocks him for being such a crybaby afterwards but all Kirishima can think of is now that he’s given you his last name, he’s going to continue giving you all the happiness in the world
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palbabor-writes · 4 years ago
Shota’s Cool Times Summer Jamz Mix
But for real, this is a Class 1-A Character Analysis, but with their music choices! 
So it’s editing day, and @albinoburrito​ and I got a little off track. It started with, what do you think Bakugo would listen to? And then it just spiraled out of control. 
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So, here it is. Shota’s Cool Times Summer Jamz Mix
Izuku: Indie music, general pop, his dad’s old classic rock albums - was especially excited when he found out that All Might also listens to classic rock and uses it for his workouts. He prolly made like 20 new playlists after that and always tries to play them on the down low when All Might is training with him. He fucking loves it when All Might is like, “oh! I love this song”. Or, asks for him to turn the volume up. Has done some low fi for studies, but that’s really the only time he does it. He likes Young the Giant, MGMT, Alt-J, Strfkr and bands like The Rolling Stones and Van Morrison fill out most of his workout playlists.
Bakugo: Honestly, he doesn’t have any hard and fast preferences. If he likes things he SoundHounds them and moves on. He can cultivate playlists, but it’s not like he’s Kaminari level, having playlists for any and all activities. I do feel like he would lean more toward rap & hip hop titles. As well alt and alt rock. No fucking scream-o, or Eminem, please and thank you. Artists like: Childish Gambino, Travis Scott, Drake, blackbear, Missio, NCT 127, and Jaden’s Icon. However, he does have one low key, wind down playlist with sad, sappy songs that he had to immediately lock when the others found his Spotify. Shit like Band of Horses, Lord Huron, and Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish.
Sero: Indie and indie bops: i.e. Loud Pipes by Ratatat. Some rap & hip hop. Maybe upbeat alternative jams. He strikes me as a Gorillaz fan. He’s good at making playlists, he’s better at the low key ones. Things that you can comfortably listen to and don’t mind them. He doesn’t overthink this. If you hand him the aux you’re never upset. You’ll get bands like: Two Door Cinema Club, Passion Pit, St. Lucia, COIN and Coast Modern.
Kaminari: The KING of cultivated playlists. Like, has one for every occasion. Need something for a party that your parents will also attend? Cross generational? He’s got you. Pump up jams for specific people? He made them like a week ago and has choices. Makes playlists for certain people, but won’t give them out unless you actually want them, or ask him. Yes, he made one for Shinso after that training battle. No, he hasn’t worked up the courage to show him yet. Personal preference: he’s into all the latest pop & he keeps up with artists and tends. For upbeat playlists he goes for: Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Rihanna, Maroon 5 and Major Lazer. For low key playlists his go to are: NIKI, Khalid, KALEO, Transviolet, Noah Cyrus, and Bea Miller. His favorite artists waffle. They change rapidly. He loves them one week, but next week he’s got a new fav. He also likes the Jpop scene.
Mina: Hip Hop QUEEN. If it’s got a good beat she is all over it. MUST be a banger. She has mood banger playlists. Like, Kamanari, she’s got some good playlist cultivation skills. She’s also who you want to go to for road trip & sing along playlists. My girl loves a good upbeat “friendship,” playlist. She has a soft spot for some indie bands, i.e, MisterWives, Lorde & Billie Eilish. For her everyday listening needs she is all about: Run the Jewels, Lil Nas X, Quinn XCII, Logic, Calvin Harris, Nicki Minaj and Bhad Bhabie.
Jiro: She listens to all most everything. Massive, massive music pallet. Her family was always big on diversifying her musical tastes. Never let yourself be limited or judgmental because it’s not what you usually listen to. That said, she super big into rock and alt rock. She really like to follow bands. Like Paramour, Panic at the Disco. Bands that have shifted and changed over time. She admires that skill. Jiro cultivates playlists that are super specific and poetic. You know, those concept playlists that are like: enchanting, serene. You are laying in an abandoned castle and you’ve never felt this content and at peace. You are one with the universe, never in your life... Like that shit that’s like a paragraph long and you don’t even understand why, like, why is it so long? And so, specific? She’s got that shit locked down on Spotify. Mina found hers once, ONCE, and she tightened that security seconds later. She loves to listen to: Fleetwood Mac, The Zombies, Joni Mitchell, Terror Jr, Woodkid, Foo Fighters and David Bowie. Literally, she likes everything. Equal opportunity music listener. If it feels good it’s going in a playlist and that playlist is turning into a poem.
Tokoyami: 100% listens to GOTH rock - POST PUNK jams. Don’t @ him. It’s just his vibe k? Siouxsie and the Banshees shit, The Cured, The Smiths, and some good ole’ Evanescence. The darker the better, Revelry in Dark y’all. He’s a sucker for rock opera, that epic extra shit, but it’s also low key embarrassing. He wants no one to know of this. Like if you find it, go away and leaf him alone. Also, never speak of this again. He’s redacted, he’s not even on this list. You didn’t see this.
Iida: Oh my king, he likes some of that Bastille, Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, One Republic in his playlists. Low key, alt rock. Good ole’ safe, alt rock. But, he does like some pop songs. Not that he will talk to you about that. When he’s with his folks he likes to masquerade as a classic rock buff. But he’s bluffing pretty hard. He’s working on that with Izuku. He’ll get there you guys. He knows his brother loves it so he’s trying his BEST. For his pump up work outs he does go for that DAFT PUNK techno.
Aoyama: Oh. My. God. He loves flashy bands. Fucking Glam rock all the way. He’s also super, super up to date on the French hip hop and pop scene. Into people like Yelle, Phoenix, Soprano, Ayama Kamura, Stromae. Loves ELO just for the sheer operatic value. ABBA all the way baby. Anything exciting and anything that makes him feel invigorated. His playlists are a little scattered. He really just tosses whatever he’s vibing on in them.
Kirishima: You already know, why are you even looking here? He’s got the manliest playlists. When he was younger it was like, all alt rock, edgy stuff. Once he got to UA he cleansed that pallet. Not that he don’t go back to those playlists sometimes, but he’s also wanting to move on from those feelings. Now? He’s all about that positive rock babyyy. Anything that has a good, upbeat feeling he’s down for. He’s really looking for those VIBES. Things that get him pumped up and ready to go. Bands like: The Bleachers, The Mowgli’s, Banners, Jukebox The Ghost. Just real positive stuff, man. He also dips into classic rock for his workouts. If he feels like that rap song works with his workout jams it’s going in and he’s cranking it up. He totally found Bakugo’s sadboi playlist and immediately told him, hey, man, I have one of those too, emotions amiright? This is why Bakugo private locked his entire account HARD. Look what you did, Kirishima, you can’t see ANY of it now.
Uraraka: My girl likes pop. That bubble gum shit. But, she’s also has a superrrr hardcore rap playlist for her workouts, like, it’s kinda confusing. Mina found that playlist first and was like ????? I-Is this you? Like this playlist has DMX, Jedi Mind Tricks, Kanye, LL Cool Jay, A$ap Rocky, like, some tunes that get her GOING. But, she loves that cute Jpop and Kpop. She’s got tons of road jam playlists. Those you can put on and everyone is like, ooooooh, this song!!! She’s also has like 3 Disney playlists, for different moods. She also loves Girl in Red, Louis the Child, Hailee Steinfeld, and Mitski.
Todoroki: He...doesn’t have much experience with music cultivation. Like, he knows some songs, he didn’t live under a rock, but he also kinda did...so, that stunted him, in more ways than one. Thanks Endeavor. But, thanks to his classmates, he is starting to get the hang of this. He over thinks this stuff. Like, this music must speak to him. From Iida he likes Bastille, from Uraraka he likes King Princess, From Izuku he’s learned to love Grizzly Bear, and he really, really likes the playlist that Kaminari made for him. He’s leaning heavily on it to find some more tunes for his own small collection. He also learned that he loves anything that is hard rap as well. Especially if he can play it in front of Endeavor. You know, the ones are like, you didn’t fucking pay your child support, you ass. That aggressive, angry rap: Kendrick Lamar, Wiz Khalifa, J. Cole, 21 Savage and Montana of 300. It’s to make his father as uncomfortable as he possibly can be.
Tsuyu: Fucking rainforest and ambient noises. Not really, but also actually. She likes calming sounds, ok? Everyone was like, this is a joke, don’t be ridiculous and then she showed them her playlist of rain sounds. I mean, you go girl. But really, her collection is mostly pop songs, she likes them easy going. Much like her fighting and hero style, she is the glue that holds things together with the class in terms of music selection. Kinda of the bridging gap. Music that you just can’t complain about. Besides, why would you? What’s wrong with you? It’s Froppy. She and Uraraka often find themselves overlapping on their upbeat indie pop playlists, stuff like: Sara Bareilles, Oh Wonder, Kygo, Kero Kero Bonito, Taylor Swift, MARINA, and Regina Spektor. She did find Uraraka’s rap playlist and didn’t....approve. Did not want to use it for their joint workout. No, thank you.
Ojiro: Oh, you don’t get enough screen time son. You really don’t. He’s very low key. Into some indie stuff, like: Lumineers, Local Natives, Morningsiders, Manchester Orchestra, Vampire Weekend. He likes acoustic sounds, really down to earth. Once again, you cannot complain whenever he gets to select the music. Izuku especially approves when he plays his music because he always finds something new. For his workouts he prefers some heavy, heavy rock. You know, when you get to wail the shit out of stuff with your tail. He’s playing that Five Finger Death Punch in his MIND.
Koda: Nature sounds. Honestly. Full. Stop. Dead-ass he is living for artists like Corrine Bailey Rae, Hozier, Alesia Cara, Adele, and Maggie Rogers. He’s also got that Kacey Musgraves and Florence + The Machine on LOCK. Anything that feels ethereal and light is right up his alley. He likes it a little spooky sometimes. He does have a killer Halloween playlist, but he hasn’t ever quite worked up the courage to play it for his classmates. Oh. Also, listens to Enya un-ironically. He also might have a repeat problem with Imogen Heap’s Hide and Seek.  
Sato: He’s into new bands that I don’t even fucking listen to. He loves him some alt rock too. But, he’s not above that classic rock. He just likes stuff that he can head bang to. Not a metal head, but low key IS a metal head. Stuff like: Arctic Monkeys, Bring Me The Horizon, Highly Suspect, Royal Blood, The Smashing Pumpkins. He also has a wonderful baking playlist. Like 1950’s crooners. Think Dorris Day, The Ink Spots, Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole, and Frankie Valli.
Momo: Classical. Moving on. But really, she loves a good brain playlist with musicians, cuz they aren’t artists to her, they have a specific name for the work that they do: Bach, Debussy, Beethoven, Strauss, and some Tchaikovsky...some of his stuff is too much, even for her. She is starting to broaden her tastes. She really loves Sato’s baking playlist, those 50’s and 60’s beats are right up her alley. Jiro is slowly getting her to try out some pop and low key alt rock bands too. She’s growing and learning, y’all.
Toru: POP. That Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera MOUSE CLUB STUFF. She likes sing-alongs. Like has 20 Disney playlists and is always, always down to do a Grease playlist. You honestly feel attacked by how upbeat and peppy her playlists are, ATTACKED BY A GOOD TIME. It’s teen bop pop all the way here folks, no need to dig too deeply into it. She likes: Lizzo, Beyoncé, T. Swift, but like, leans into her hard, she is a swifter head, or whatever it’s called...Arizona, Carly Rae Jepson, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Harry Styles, Katy Perry, and Kesha among the millions of others.
Shoji: This guy. He loves him some alt rock. He, like Ojiro, needs more screen time. He likely listens to lofi playlists fully. Like, not in the way Izuku just listens to them when he’s studying, but like, for fun. Like he actually GETS them, you know? He likes bands like: Cage the Elephant, Beck, Broken Bells, Modest Mouse, The Killers, Neon Trees and Grouplove. For real tho, he needs more screen time.
Aaaaaaaand Mineta: He needs less screen time. Thank you your honor, I rest my case. Um, but like, he’s down for that dirty rap. Like, the slimier the better. If it’s ass, money, pussy, he’s on it. Big Sean is his hero. He thinks the Weekend is the best singer known to man. If this upsets you, I am sorry. I love him too, but sometimes we gotta face the truth. Mineta loves, loves, loves the Weekend. He’s also super down on the Megan Thee Stallion train. Oh, and Cardi B too. He also likes Tyga and Sage the Gemini. These are his top pics. His current ringtone is WAP and Aizawa nearly snapped his phone in half when he heard that go off in his classroom.
- Aizawa: Yes, he has heard WAP. He’s literally attached at the hip to a dj and you know Midnight and Present Mic were all over that song when it was released. Those two tried to do that tiktok choral rendition of it. It didn’t go well. But seriously, this man likes a little bit of everything. He’s a no-fuss, low key guy and his music tastes are the same. He likes alternative and indie the most. Some of that: Sylvan Esso, Silversun Pickups, The Black Keys, The Flaming Lips, The Strokes, Cake, Incubus, and the Deftones. While he has no time to cultivate playlists, he does have a grading playlist that he quickly threw together. It helps him to zone in and work. Yes, Present Mic likes to add funky shit to it, just to ruffle his feathers. In the worst universe, slash in THIS universe, Aizawa was too lazy to get his own Spotify and he shares one with Present Mic. That poor algorithm has no idea what to recommend. He’s just waiting for that cease and desist letter from Spotify’s fraud department. Any day now.
Alright! Hope ya’ll liked it. Lemme know if you want more. We kinda started on one for the LOV, but it’s not finished just yet. In other news, we WILL edit the new chapter of “Look Upon the Light” tonight, don’t worry, we’ll be good. It should be out in the next few days. 
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jazzytriestowrite · 5 years ago
Am I weak?
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Brief Summery: Bakugo has never been good with showing his emotions and tended to keep them bottled up. After a few comments from his classmates he spirals out of control trying to figure out what is wrong with him, and if his recent kidnapping has made him weaker. 
Parings: None, Just some Baku squad fluff
Warnings: Cursing, angst, panic attacks, light fluff
Word Count: 2,061
A/N; I feel like in the show, It didn't show enough of Bakugo’s mental scaring from being kidnapped. It was kinda brushed too the side, and I feel like he was bottling up some emotions during that time. anywho, this is just me making him soft and really diving deep with what happened to him. I also wrote this while bopping to sad bops and didn't really read over this? I accept criticism so comment below what you think. It’s also my first time writing so it obviously won’t be amazing, but I'm trying my best and have to start from somewhere. Enjoy!
The booming voice of Bakugo wasn’t anything new, and no one really paid much attention to it at this point. He always seemed to be yelling at someone about something, or boosting about how powerful he is then everyone.
‘’Why do you think they're fighting about this time?’’ Iida asked with a sigh, his eyes never leaving the tv screen. He and four others sat comfortably on the couch, enjoying a new reality tv show that had just premiered.
With a yawn, Uraraka stretched a little, wiggling her feet to get some circulation to flow. ‘’I don’t know, but it’s good to know he’s being normal after everything that has happened’’ Shifting into a comfortable position, she laid her head against Tsuyu’s shoulder.
Peering over the couch, the green haired female watched as Bakugo yelled some more in Deku’s face, the poor boy had practically turned white from fear. Turning back around, Tsuyu shrugged her shoulders, ‘’ It’s good he’s back to normal, but if he does keep acting like this, more villains and maybe civilians will think he’s a villain like the league of villains did. Ribbit. You would think he’d at least get kinder after being kidnapped’’
Mineta nodded, ‘’He’s acting like a hot shot but got kidnapped by the league of villains, you would think he’d understand that he’s weak. He’d rather pray on people weaker then him so he believes he’s strong.’’
‘’He has been meaner than usual’’ Uraraka added, before putting her hands up and waving them rapidly. ‘’Not that it’s my business’’’
Silence followed after those comments, causing the group on the couch to slowly turn around and meet the heated gaze of Bakugo. ‘’Ribbit, we hit a nerve’’ Tsuyu stated, tilting her head as she inspected the scene.
‘’Tch’’ Letting go of Deku’s shirt, he placed his hands in his sweatpants pockets and pushed passed the shaking leaf, making sure to bump his shoulder against Deku’s  body. ‘’Fuck off’’ He mumbled, walking down the hallway, probably back to his dorm room.
The silence continued long after Bakugo left, no one daring to speak. One brave soldier did open his mouth, but his words did nothing to ease the tension in the air. ‘’Not cool dude, that’s probably a sensitive topic at the moment and your making it worse.’’ His red hair seemed to match his face,  since said red head was doing his best to hold his own anger in.
‘’He has some problems with not being friendly, but he’s going through a lot.He’s not back to normal, if anything he’s picking fights to get his frustration out. Just think about it from his perspective. Bakugo is a male who doesn’t like to lose, to not seem weak or not in the loop. He probably felt helpless when he was kidnapped, and he might be cocky about it but no one can walk out that situation without any mental scars.I’m not saying his behavior is excused, but he’s going through something and as his classmates we should be there for him instead of tearing him down anymore. Or did I just assume that we’d all be there for each other?’’
Kirishima stood from the couch after finishing his rant, ‘’He does have an attitude, but picking at him like this won’t do anything. He’s going to be a great hero and he’s still just a teenager. He’ll learn to control his attitude, and I’ll be there every step of the way’’ Turning on his heels, he began his journey in the direction Bakugo ran off in.
Slowly, Kaminari rose from the couch ‘’Kirishima’s right, it’s obvious that his recent anger is being taken out on us, but Bakugo has never safely coped with anything. So we’re here to lead him down the right path for him to heal, because we're friends’’ Taking a deep breath, he followed after Kirishima.
‘’Come on Mina and Sero, we’ve gotta go comfort our friend’’
The two who had been standing in the kitchen, followed wordlessly after Denki, sparing a glance back at the people who sat on the couch.
Slamming his door closed, Bakugo stalked across his room, going straight towards an empty wall.He then proceeded too punch the wall with enough force to put a hole in it, pieces of the it crumbled onto the floor. ‘’Fucking assholes’’ he seethed, starting to pace the room.
One question flowed through his mind.
Was he weak? Was he.. was he chasing after a dream that wouldn’t come true?
 ‘’You hag, hit me again and I’ll kill you!’’ Bakugo shouted, his body shaking  as he aimed his anger towards his mother.
Without a beat passing, he was hit hard against the head, ‘’Oh hush, if you hadn’t been so damn weak, you never would have gotten caught and caused all that trouble’’ His mother yelled, not knowing the impact of her words
Stopping in front of his mirror, he gripped the sides of the dresser. ‘’All I did was cause trouble by getting myself caught, all I did was make even more people suffer.. my weakness..’’
Looking up into the mirror, Bakugo watched as a tear rolled down his cheek, making him clench the dresser even more. Now he was crying, showing his weakness even more. ‘’FUCK’’ He screamed, pulling his fist back, he slammed it against the mirror. He hated what he was seeing.
He’d never been so weak in his life. Crying? Pitying himself? How stupid of him. What had he become? Why wasn’t he holding it together?
Glancing back up at the mirror, he saw through the cracked pieces of the mirror.. All might. Not normal all might though, his small, weak and bloody form.
 Everyone was holding their breath, waiting for something to be said.. for someone to break the silence.
‘’Next… Next it’s your turn’’
Bakugo watched as many people cheered, but looking towards Deku, he noticed the tears. Glancing back at the screen, he stared at the bloody and small All might. 
‘It’s your fault.. you're the one who ended all might.. all because you were weak enough to get caught’’
Grabbing his head, he shook it violently. ‘’GET OUT OF MY HEAD’’ Backing up, he tripped over his feet, causing him to hit the ground ass first.
‘’I didn’t end all might, it wasn’t my fault! It wasn’t my fault’’ More tears streamed down his face, his body shaking with pure emotion. Closing his eyes he rocked back and forth trying to get the negative thoughts out of his head.
His head hung low, his gaze on the ground as he breathed in deeply. ‘’Why did I end up having to chase after the back of someone who was always behind me. Why did a small fry like you get strong and become acknowledged by All Might? Why was it I..’’
He stuttered over his sentence, before finally looking up to meet Deku’s gaze. ‘’Why was I the one who ended All Might?’’ His body shook, ‘’If I had been stronger, and if I hadn’t been kidnapped by villains then this would have never happened’’
‘’I don’t know what to do!’’ He yelled, his eyes wide and frantic as the scene of All Might pointing at the screen continued to play in his head.
‘’It’s my fault…My weakness…I’m weak.. I ended all might because of my weakness.. I’’ Bakugo clutched his chest in pain, a silent cry coming from his mouth.
Everything was happening at such a fast pace, that Bakugo could barely register what was happening. First the room started spinning, causing the male to shake and close his eyes. Then the pain hit him. There was something pressing against his throat, making it hard for him to even breathe, let alone say anything.
His mind was on a roll, and was buzzing with new negative thoughts.
‘It’s because of you all might had to retire’’
‘’It’s because your weak’’
‘’You’ll never be a good enough hero, no one will forgive you’’
‘’You’ll only become a villain with that attitude of yours, no one will like you’’
The thoughts continued, and as they did Bakugo panicked even more. He didn’t even know what was going on, all he knew was he couldn’t breath and everything was blurry.
He had heard the yell of Kirishima through the buzzing in his ears, and even saw through blurred vision saw four people bend in front of him. When he blinked, he noticed that arms were now around him, hugging him tightly.
‘’Hey, it’s okay.. Bakugo I need you to breathe for me okay? Everything is okay’’
He couldn’t make out who was saying it, but he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing seemed to come out.
‘’You don’t have to say anything, just breathe for me’’
With that comment, he closed his mouth and his eyes. And focused on the arms hugging his body tightly, the protection he felt from them soothed a deep pain within him. And instead of fighting against it, warm tears continued to flow down his cheeks.
‘’It's ok to cry love, it’s ok to show your emotions’’ The soft voice of Mina filled his ears, and he felt his right hand be picked up and squeezed.
Next, his left hand was picked up by another warm hand. ‘’You went through a lot, it's ok to feel how you're feeling. Your feelings are valid’’ Kaminari whispered, heart breaking slightly.
Sero who was behind Bakugo, lightly rubbed his back. ‘’We’re here for you man’’
Kirishima who pulled away from the hug and sat directly in front of Bakugo, clenched his fist in anger. Not at Bakugo,  but at himself for letting him go through this alone. Grabbing Bakugou’s face in his hands, red eyes met red eyes.
‘’We love you Bakugo, and we're your friends. What Mineta and the others said out there was bullshit. Katsuki Bakugo, you are so damn strong. Way stronger than me, manlier than I could ever be. You were kidnapped for god's sake, that doesn’t make you weak. We’re only kids, you aren’t expected to take out 10 villains by yourself. You did good. You know why?’’
Kirishima himself had tears falling down his cheeks, ‘’It’s because you came back to us alive. We were so scared. All we want is for you to be better. So yell at us, hit us or even cry on our shoulders- we’ll be here for you. You aren’t weak in our eyes, you are strong. And you’ll be a strong hero, so don’t let one bad situation keep you from becoming the number one hero’’
Bakugo’s eyes went wide, the tears streaming down his face at an even faster rate. He had forgotten one big thing.. he forgot about the people he had in his corner.
He wasn’t alone..
He never was, as he had these idiots by his side.
‘’Don’t go getting all sappy on me Kiri, shit grosses me out’’
‘’Wait Bakugo!’’
Hearing his name called, the blonde turned around, his eyes meeting Iida’s, Uraraka, Deku and Tsuyu. ‘’What is it that you want losers’’ He said lowly, not really wanting to talk to them.
‘’We..’’ Uraraka started tugging at the end of her skirt. Stepping forward, Tsuyu began to speak. ‘’We’re sorry for what we said the other day. We weren’t taking in consideration your feelings, and made the situation worse. We wanted you to know that we're here for you’’ She stated, playing with her hands. ‘’Do you forgive us’’
Bakugo’s red eyes met all four of their gazes, before he shrugged his shoulders. ‘’Forgiven and forgotten’’ He said, turning on his heels and starting to walk away.
‘’And guys’’ He mumbled, turning his head over his shoulder, ‘’I’m sorry for taking my anger out on you’’ He said, before he continued to walk down the hall, leaving the four wide eyed and mouths hanging.
He didn’t blame them for what they said, and instead tried to reflect back on what happened. In order to heal, he needed to forgive and change.
After all,
He was going to become the #1 hero no matter what. No villain or classmate was going to change his dream.
He wasn’t weak.
He couldn't always be strong either. 
Instead, he was just human. A human with emotions, and a human who wasn’t always perfect. 
He was Bakugo Katsuki, a hero in training trying to become the best hero society could ask for. 
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forgeandgredimagines · 6 years ago
Ew, Feelings『Bakugou Katsuki x Reader』
Request: could u write a bakugou x reader based off of the song crush by tessa violet? i feel like it suits him a lot on the inside. maybe like the readers in his class and he just constantly notices her in and outside of classes? and he tries to keep his cool and not blush even when they’re 10 feet away from him but he can’t help it. idk if u take song writing requests but ur writing is rlly nice and i couldn’t help myself :”) (@skinciiq)
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for so long, I’m so sorry!! I finally finished it tho, thank god for that. I don’t really do song fics but I liked the concept and the song (Crush is such a bop istg) so I wrote this instead. I hope you like it :’) 💕💓
Warnings: Swearing ofc, this is Bakugou after all and I guess OOC Bakugou?? 
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That was all Bakugou could say when he figured out what was wrong with him. Why he was always so nervous around you. Why his heart always beat so hard when you were near. Why he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
It wasn’t hard to figure out, just hard to accept.
He felt weak, he didn’t understand how he felt so goddamn vulnerable around you, how you always managed to fluster him, how your very presence threw him off guard.
How was he supposed to become the number one hero if he couldn’t even keep his own feelings in check?
Why were crushes so complicated?
It didn’t help that these feelings didn’t lessen even when you weren’t around. His mind always wandered back to you, he wanted to know how it would feel to have your hand intertwined with his, his arms wrapped around you…his lips against your own.
The very thought had him go red at once. He turned over to his pillow and muffled his screams of frustration against it as he punched his mattress.
He had to keep it down or he was going to wake up the whole building, he didn’t need his classmates knowing about his predicament or worse you finding out about it.
He would never be able to live it down if anyone found out. He had to suppress it, hide it somehow. Nobody could know.
Bakugou Katsuki was never ever going to let you or anyone else find out about his feelings for you. Never.
Easier said than done.
Bakugou felt the true weight of the saying now more than ever. Hiding his feelings was much harder than he thought. He’s become hyperaware of all the people around him now that he’s realized his true feelings for you, making him jittery and paranoid.
It would probably have been more bearable if you weren’t constantly nearby.
Well, it wasn’t as if you could help it, you two were classmates after all but god, just having you in the same room had Bakugou on edge.
It also didn’t help that he know had, dare he say, friends (though he’d never admit this out loud to them) As much as he called them idiots, he knew they weren’t entirely stupid. He knew that if he didn’t control himself they’d eventually catch on.
This was all so frustrating.
Bakugou was suddenly torn away from his thoughts by the familiar bell that signaled the start of their lunch period. He hadn’t even realized that class was almost over, he spent the whole period ignoring Midnight’s lecture and thinking about you, more specifically how you were affecting his heart.
He felt himself getting annoyed, now this stupid crush was affecting his studies. If he was aiming to be the best he had to maintain his grades. He made a mental note to borrow Kirishima or Sero’s notes later.
He slowly got to packing his things while watching you from the corner of his eye, you were chatting animatedly with Kaminari, Bakugou tried to ignore the pang of jealousy that hit him.
He wondered whether you liked Kaminari, you two always seemed to be talking and it didn’t seem that far fetched of an idea to him. Kaminari, though can act incredibly stupid sometimes, was warm, funny and sociable, everybody seemed to like being around him, heck he even managed to force Bakugou into an unlikely friendship. He seemed to have everything that Bakugou lacked.
Bakugou found himself thinking about things like this way more often than he’d like. A few days ago, you were helping Iida carry papers to the faculty room and Bakugou found himself feeling bitter towards the class representative for a few days before realizing how ridiculous he was acting.
He knew that he shouldn’t go around resenting and getting pissed off at others for interacting with you. It was stupid and jealousy wasn’t a good color on him.
Besides, it wasn’t as if you two were dating or anything, as much as Bakugou wanted that to happen.
Bakugou never thought he’d find himself in this position, he felt so clueless, he didn’t know what or what not to do. He’d always been smart, he always had a plan ready for whatever hurdles came before him but for the first time in his life, Bakugou was devoid of any ideas or plans.
In the end, he resorted to avoiding you. He couldn’t exactly cut you off 100%, you two were classmates after all so he just didn’t talk to you and he avoided any situations that led to him having to interact with you.
Bakugou didn’t really know how to feel about this, on one hand, he was glad that the chance of embarrassing himself and revealing his true feelings didn’t present itself but on the other, he couldn’t help but long to be close to you.
You two suddenly made eye contact. Bakugou found himself almost dropping his notebook, he tore his eyes from yours as he made a beeline to the exit.
He was hyperaware of your eyes in his, what did you want? Did you find out about his feelings? Bakugou didn’t want to know, right now he had to focus on getting away from you.
He was halfway to the cafeteria when he heard quick footsteps approaching and a voice calling out his name.
He turned to see you jogging towards him, he felt his heartbeat quicken as you slowed down to match the same pace as Bakugou.
“What do you want?” Bakugou asked a bit more harshly than he intended, he was trying to focus on not tripping over his words.
“I wanted to talk about our project.” You said not affected by his aggressiveness, you then listing out ideas about said project before Bakugou cut you off.
“What project? What are you talking about?” Bakugou asked in confusion. You furrowed your eyebrows, you were equally confused as Bakugou now.
“That project Midnight was talking about last week? She made a big deal about it, remember?” You explained, “She just announced who would be partners just earlier in class, were you not paying attention?”
“No, I wasn’t.” Bakugou said through grit teeth, you weren’t saying what he thought you were saying right?
“That’s not like you.” You muttered offhandedly, you didn’t seem to have meant to say that out loud, once you realized you did you decided to act like you never said anything at all “So yeah, we’re partners now.”
Of course you were. Out of all his classmates, it just had to be you to be his partner, the world certainly was cruel.
What was the point of trying to distance himself from you if you two were going to be forced together like this? He couldn’t run away from you this time, from what he could remember this was a big project and failing it would be detrimental to his final grade this year.
He had to prioritize this over his stupid pride.
“When do you want to do the dumb thing?” Bakugou grumbled, he avoided your gaze, he was afraid that you’d notice how red his cheeks were.
“Let’s start working on it this weekend.” You decided after thinking for a few seconds, you two reached the entrance to the cafeteria but before separating to your respective seats you asked “My dorm or yours?”
“Whatever, I don’t care.”
“Mine then. See you.” You waved in farewell and headed to your usual table. Bakugou could feel himself grow more relaxed once you left, his warm cheeks slowly returned to its usual state and the butterflies in his stomach calmed down. God, you were going to be the end of him.
Bakugou knew that he swore not to tell anyone about his feelings, nobody at all but he just couldn’t handle it anymore.
After it actually sunk it that he was to spend hours with you, alone together in a tiny room, he was just hit with a wave of anxiety and panic.
He didn’t know what to wear, what to say, what to do! He couldn’t even be in a 10 feet radius away from you without blushing like a total idiot!
“–Okay okay, Bakugou, calm down.”
Kirishima’s soothing voice advised, Bakugou did just that, he had been rambling frustratedly to the redhead without realizing it. It was nice to vent like this, he could see why people loved doing it so much.
“So, you have a crush?’” Kirishima asked a look of mingled shock and amusement etched on his face.
Bakugou grit his teeth “Have you not been fuckin’ listening, Shitty hair?!”
Kirishima laughed loudly, more than used to Bakugou’s temper “It’s just surprising, Baks. I can’t believe you’re in love~” Kirishima said the last sentence in a sing-song voice making the blonde blush even more than he was already. He shoved Kirishima off his bed.
It proved worth it to tell Kirishima about his feelings. Kirishima was much better with people than Bakugou could ever be, he would give advice to the blonde and he was pretty much a pro at calming Bakugou down so that was a plus.
Kirishima would tease but not as much as Kaminari or Sero would, he swore not to tell the others about his crush. Kaminari was a loudmouth and the whole school would know about his crush in less than a day, Sero was the biggest tease ever, he would have teased and poked fun at Bakugou and that would probably lead to the class catching on. Mina, like Kaminari, wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut, plus you two were friends so he definitely couldn’t have her finding out.
After telling Kirishima his feelings and being able to talk about it, Bakugou was able to relax more but as Saturday quickly started approaching his feeling of dread and anxiety came with it.
“Why the fuck is it so hard to pick a goddamn outfit?”
“Because you’re overthinking, it doesn’t matter, just wear whatever.” Kirishima said from Bakugou’s bed watching amusedly at the panicked blonde who had been rummaging through his closet for the past hour.
It was Saturday morning, an hour before Bakugou had to go do the project with you.
Bakugou now knew what those protagonists in those rom-coms his dad liked to watch felt. He found himself worrying over every little detail like his hair, his clothes, his everything.
He’s never felt this nervous ever since his UA admission letter arrived, he couldn’t understand how you could affect him like this.
Kirishima finally took pity on the distraught male and rummaged through the closet with him. He found a simple t-shirt and pants and handed it to the blonde.
“Bakugou, remember what I said, just relax! You’ll be fine, just go on up there, do the project and boom, that’s it! It’ll be a piece of cake.
“Piece of cake, my ass.” Bakugou grumbled as he stared at your dorm door hesitating to knock. He finally stopped stalling after a few more seconds of heated grumbling and quickly rapped at the door.
The door quickly burst open revealing you, Bakugou felt his heartbeat quicken as usual. You smiled warmly at him which only worsened the hammering of his heart.
You let the blonde in and directed him to the small table on the floor which already had a couple of textbooks and research papers sprawled on it, you seemed to have been getting started with the project already.
Bakugou sat down on the floor and you then sat down on the space beside him making the blonde almost jump in his seat. You were so close, he didn’t really think about this.
“Is something wrong?” You asked noticing his odd expression. He averted his gaze and shook his head. “Nothing, let’s just get this over with.”
The next few hours was probably one of the tensest and stressful moments of his life, well that was an exaggeration but it still felt like it for Bakugou. He was worried he’d say something wrong that he only spoke when absolutely necessary and usually responded with nods and “Mhm“s.
He was also blushing like crazy the whole time too, it was so overwhelming and Bakugou didn’t know how to get rid of his red cheeks so he just covered his face with his hand while he “casually” leaned on the table.
You did most of the talking and seemed to be relatively normal but Bakugou knew something was bugging you. Maybe it was all the times he observed you from afar because Bakugou knew all the little cues and quirks you had, he could see that something was bothering you. He didn’t know how to ask you if something was wrong or if he should even meddle but he did not like seeing you like this.
“What is it?” He asked out of the blue breaking the silence and your focus on the project in front of you. You looked up at him confused and let out a “Huh?”
“Something’s bothering you. You got a problem or somethin’?” Bakugou asked, he didn’t mean to make the last part sound like a threat but it was the best he could do.
You chuckled nervously and fiddled with your pencil “It’s nothing, Bakugou, I’m fine.”
“No you aren’t, it’s obvious as fuck, just spit it out.”
You let out a resigned sigh “Well if you insist,” You fiddled even more with your pencil and bit your lip anxiously. You seemed to be trying to look at anything asides from Bakugou’s eyes. “I was just thinking about what I did…to you.”
Now it was Bakugou’s turn to be confused. He raised an eyebrow and asked “What?”
“Well, I just–I know you don’t like me.” You stammered out, Bakugou raised an eyebrow “You seem to not like people in general but it’s like you hate me the most.”
You had dropped the pencil on the table and instead stared dejectedly at your lap. “You’re normally so loud around the others but when I’m around you’re quiet and you can’t even seem to look at me. You always act weird around me.”
“I don’t know what I did wrong.”
Bakugou felt waves of guilt and panic wash over him. He felt horrid for making you think this, was this what he seemed like from the outside around you? He always thought that he was being obvious and that his feelings were as clear as day but he was apparently doing a great job at hiding them, so great in fact that you and probably everyone else thinks he hates you.
“What!? You–you didn’t do anything fucking wrong, are you a dumbass?” Bakugou exclaimed incredulously.
“Really? But then why are you-”
“Because I like you!”
Bakugou felt himself freeze. He fucked up real bad this time.
He didn’t even realize that he was saying what he was saying because of how angry he was, not at you but at himself for all of this.
Your head shot up and he could see a look of equal shock that must have matched his own expression at that moment. It took a few seconds for you two to comprehend what just happened.
Bakugou felt his blood pressure skyrocket and his brain short circuit.
“I-I-I–” He couldn’t manage out even some half-assed excuse in the few seconds of silence after that, you two simply stared at each other like a deer in headlights.
“You…like me? As in like like?” You asked incredulously, disbelief evident on your expression and tone. Bakugou nearly choked on air.
How was he supposed to respond? He couldn’t just go “Yup!” And pretend nothing happened, he also couldn’t deny it because then how would he explain himself.
“I–I–Fuck. It doesn’t matter okay? Just forget about it.” Bakugou hissed, he avoided your eyes and tried his best to hide his blushing. He was humiliated.
He wouldn’t find it surprising if you were completely disgusted and revolted at his feelings for you and he wouldn’t blame you for kicking him out of your dorm but to his surprise, you just started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Bakugou asked, he was already embarrassed enough as it was but now you just had to laugh at him?
“I just think it’s so stupid.” You said in between laughs “That I’ve been panicking over my crush hating my guts for weeks when they actually like me back!”
It took a few more seconds for Bakugou to sink this in.
“Wait, what?”
You stopped laughing, flushed bright red and covered your face with your hands. “I’m trying to say that I like you too.”
Bakugou felt waves of relief wash over him, mixed with a lot of shock and pure joy. He couldn’t help but grin.
His heart was still beating rapidly and his cheeks were still the same shade as tomatoes but this time it didn’t feel all that bad. Maybe crushes weren’t as bad as he thought they were.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years ago
Crimson|Ink. (m)
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↳ chapter four: vermilion pt. 2
❧ genre:  tattoo-shop/hitmen au | tattoo artist/hitman kirishima
❧ fic warning: major character(s) death; happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: blood, nightmares, stab/bullet wounds
❧ chapter song: Vermilion Pt. 2 by Slipknot
♬crimson|ink playlist | ♧ character profiles | artist credit
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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(E/c) eyes sparkled and blinked down at Kirishima, his heart skipped a beat when a gleaming smile grew on your face. His cheek felt warm making his red eyes glance down to see you cradled in his arms, the growing smile on his face quickly faded when his entire body felt warm yet his blood ran cold. 
Red, everything was crimson red, both your bare bodies drenched in blood - who it belonged to, he didn't know. There were no wounds on your skin, your breathing wasn't labored, in fact you were still smiling at him as if you both weren't soaked in warm red liquid.
"(Y/N), what's happening?"  
Your other hand went to cup Kirishima's opposite cheek, the pad of your bloody thumb brushing his skin and painting it with the metallic smelling fluid. 
"What are you talking about Kiri?"
"All this blo –" he stopped when he went to motion at the scene, there wasn't anymore blood, no where in sight.
Your skin was clean and flawless, pressed against his. Kirishima's jaw dropped struggling for words. Your body shifted in his hold until you were sitting in his lap, straddling his muscular hips with your thighs and wrapping your arms around his neck. He felt hands rubbing his nape, one trekking up into his relaxed red hair. Fingers lightly massaged and calmed him, making a sigh leave his lips as you pressed your forehead to his. 
Kirishima breathed in your all too familiar chocolaty rich scent, his nerves easing and endorphins rushing. Your lips kissed the bridge of his nose and your hands slowly cupped his face. Strong tattooed and protective arms encased your frame and pulled you closer.
"Let me in Kiri," you breathed out softly.
A dark brow rose and red eyes glanced up at you, Kirishima shook his head, not understanding. 
"What was that little one?"
Suddenly you vanished, completely disappeared from the males arms into thin air. His heart raced and his eyes scanned the darkness around him, palms slapping the cold floor beneath him and making a disgusting wet sound.
Kirishima brought his hands before his red eyes, heart sinking when blood drenched down them. Looking at the floor he suddenly felt dizzy at the macabre sight before him. Weakly he crawled on all fours reaching out, your body was facing away from him littered with bullet holes, a knife impaling the scar on your shoulder blade that was now freshly open and gushing blood. 
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Kirishima screamed, body jolting awake from his nightmare, chest heaving and skin slick with sweat. The blood pumping organ in his chest worked overtime, adrenaline surged though his veins. He scanned his surroundings and quickly realized that he was in the comfort of his own bed. Kirishima panted and tried to catch his breath while he pulled his knees up, elbows resting on them and head hanging low. A cool breeze blew on his hot skin, making him look and see that the blanket was torn to shreds.
"Fucking great." 
Kirishima jerked the tattered threads from his body and onto the floor before rising out of the bed and walking to the bathroom in his bare form. His eyes looked at the clock, 5:00 AM. 
Dexterous fingers flicked on the light of the bathroom, a buzzing filling his ears from the bulbs. Kiri turned on the sink and splashed his face with cold water, causing his senses to quickly wake. Turning off the water, his hands gripped the edges of the sink, letting cold droplets run down his face.
"It isn't real ... she's okay."
Kirishima talked himself down from the images of his reoccurring nightmare until his cell started to ring on the bedside table. Taking a deep breath and shaking out the thought. he grabbed a hand towel and dried his face while walking back to the bed and answered the phone.
"Yeah? Alright let me get dressed and I'll meet you at the warehouse."
The short call ended and Kirishima wasted no time in getting dressed; dark-ripped skinny jeans hung low on his hips and a charcoal grey flannel clung to his thick and muscular chest. Dragging his feet, Kirishima went to his dresser drawers, he found some socks and slipped them on then dug out his black leather gun holster. After slipping his arms through the loops he walked to the closet and crouched down, one knee bracing the floor, and pressed on a panel of hardwood.
The panel clicked and popped up slightly, allowing Kirishima to slide it sideways and reveal an arsenal of slick oiled guns. He grabbed two handguns and secured them in each holster pocket under his arms. Next he gathered a few rounds of ammunition and a blade before moving the false panel back into place. Kiri stood back up and dug out some boots and stepped into them.
Kirishima exited his room and grabbed a bag from the floor by his front door and stuffed the ammunition and knife into it. Before grabbing a bottle of water out of his fridge, Kirishima put on a thick black coat to conceal his weapons and hung a loop of a black surgical mask from his ear. Once he made sure he had everything he needed, the red-head grabbed the bag from the floor and tossed it over his shoulder as he opened and walked out his front door.
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"Well don't you look exceptionally cute today!"
You turned from the coffee maker to see a smiling Denki leaning against the entrance of the kitchen that was in the back of the shop. You scoffed and shook your head. 
"Where's my lunch Kaminari?"
"Ooh, you only use my last name when your hangry," he chuckled and skipped over to your side and placed a market bag on the counter, "Good thing I brought ingredients for my special grilled cheese!"
"Uh – we don't have a stove-top or burner in here," you replied before bringing your warm mug to your lips and cooling off the pipping hot coffee inside of it.
Denki pecked your cheek making you giggle and clicked his tongue. 
"Have no fear my sweet, for we have a handy dandy toaster!"
With squinted eyes you laughed, "Denki, you cannot make a grilled cheese in a fucking toaster!"
"I can and I have, just let the master show you how to get it done!"
The shop telephone started to ring and you rolled your eyes at the golden-haired male as he started to put together a sandwich. 
"Whatever, I'll be right back."
Denki nodded and got to work on prepping the sandwiches. He pushed the lever down on the toaster without putting anything in it to pre-heat its coils. After buttering four slices of bread he laid them out in a line and started to add cheese. 
Sliced then shredded, sliced then shredded. 
You walked back in and jumped at the insane amount of cheese on the slices of bread.
"Denki, that's a lot of cheese!"
"You're damn right it is," he sprinkled more shredded cheese on the bread, "Akon and Young Geezy, tryna make make grilled cheezy!"
You laughed playfully and shoved Denki's head, moving to lean back against the small kitchen table behind him and drank your coffee. The golden boy shoved both really thick sandwiches into the toaster slots and pushed the lever down, setting it to four minutes. Almost immediately a burning smell started to permeate and you scrunched your nose.
"Are you sure about this Denki, it feels really unsafe."
Denki waved you off with a 'nah' and tapped his fingers on the counter surface, a leg crossed over the other and a hand on his hip. 
Not even a minute later smoke was starting to constantly waft from the toaster in a steady stream like a cigarette. Your eyes widened and you slurped your coffee faster, Denki didn't act like anything was alarming at all while he whistled and bopped his head side to side. 
The machine then started to make a crackling and popping sound, causing you to jump at each one.
"Uh Denki, we should be concerned about that yeah?"
"It happens all the time boo, don't worry," he replied with a smile and thumbs up.
Suddenly a red flame started to rise making you let out a yell. It was small and controlled at first before it grew. You shook your head fast and pointed at the machine. Denki turned to look and started to stutter, he turned back around and chuckled sheepishly.
"Uh – that's normal?" He questioned.
"Are you asking me? You're the one that's done this before!"
A 'poof' sounded off making you both shout and jump. The flames inside the toaster were growing bigger at a fast rate. Panicking, Denki grabbed a towel and started to fan the flames, only making them ignite more.
You placed your coffee cup on the table and hurried to snatch the towel from Denki's hand and proceeded to hit him with it. 
"You moron, that only makes it worse! Unplug it for fucks sake!"
It was like a light-bulb went off behind his golden eyes, he turned and went to reach for the plug until the flames literally engulfed the entire toaster, causing you both to scream frantically and jump into each other's arms. You screamed and wailed for your lives as the plastic of the toaster was starting to melt and pool onto the counter, neither of you moving to control it.
"This has never happened before! Oh my god, I’m so sorry, oh my god we’re gonna die!"
You whined and cried with Denki. 
"Why isn’t the alarm going off? I don’t want to die here, dear fucking god!"
Denki squished his cheek to yours and caressed your face as the toaster fire blazed on and honestly didn't even spread any further.
"(Y/N) ... before we die ... let us share a final kiss!"
Before you could slap some sense into Denki he looked behind you and gasped before holding you closer to him and ducking to the floor. 
You groaned out when he landed on top of you, gritting your teeth and rubbing your head after his shoulder knocked into it. The sound of ice cracking filled your ears and made your eyes shoot open to look at the toaster on the counter. It was encased in an ice prison, no more flames or smoke. You went to ask what happened until Denki touched the spot on your forehead that had hit his shoulder, making you whine and slap at his hand. 
You looked to see him hovering over you on his hands and knees and slightly blushed when he gently rubbed the spot and apologized.
"What the hell was that?"
Your ears perked when a deep monotone voice spoke from behind you, your head craned so you could look up and your jaw dropped. Standing before you and Denki was a gorgeous fair skinned male, wearing a grey turtle neck sweater and maroon pants fitted pants that shaped his long legs. 
What had you speechless was his face, it was perfect and stunning. His eyes were breathtaking, one grey and the other turquoise. White and red hair split right down the middle of his head, the red side of his bangs combed over and intermixed with the snow-white tresses revealing burned flesh around his turquoise eye. 
Others may have found his tarnished skin unsightly but to you he was still utterly gorgeous. Blemishes and scars never deterred your attraction to a person, in fact your past lover was covered in them.
"Denki, did we die?"
Denki quirked a brow and chuckled, "Uh – no?"
"Then who is this literal angel looking down on me!"
Denki laughed, mentioning you bumping your head too hard and moved back to stand to his feet, leaning over he took your hand and helped you stand up. You straightened your clothes and looked at Denki who was smiling. Your eyes narrowed and immediately your hands were on his shoulders, frantically shaking him and causing his head to jerk back and forth.
"You almost fucking burned this place down you moron! You're banned from the kitchen forever!"
"Is everyone okay, I heard yelling."
You stopped shaking the moronic man before you and turned to look at the source of the new voice. 
Now a tall muscular green-haired male was in the room and you gasped. Freckles adorned his cheeks and his eyes were like emeralds! Your hands released Denki and you dragged your feet walking towards the green cutie. His brow rose as you got closer, your hands reaching out for him. 
Face cringing, his eyes screwed shut before you got to him before they quickly shot back open when he felt fingers grabbing his cheeks. He looked to see you holding his face extremely close to yours, your (e/c) eyes shimmered and a wide stunning smile crossed your face making him smile in return.
You awed and pinched his cheeks roughly, moving his head side to side and rubbing the tip of your nose to his, "Denki, he's so cute!"
Suddenly your hands were all over the new man's face, poking each of his freckles, tangling in his green locks. Then your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled his face straight into your chest. You hummed and pressed your cheek to his hair, hugging him tight and nuzzling him closer. 
Out of nowhere Bakugou and Kirishima rounded the corner talking, their talk stopped when they looked at you. Your eyes opened to see them and you smiled.
"Baku, Kiri, can we keep him," you pulled the now violently blushing male away from your chest and grabbed his face again, showing it to the blonde and red-head as you pressed your cheek to his. "Look at him! He's like a little puppy! A smol green puppy, my smol green puppy! I'll name you green bean and you shall be my green bean!"
While you stood there baby talking and muttering words of nonsense to this blushing and now giggling man, Denki slowly walked over holding his hands up as if trying to let you know he wasn't going to harm you. 
"(Y/N), give me the Deku and I'll get you some food, okay?"
You glared at Denki and pulled Deku's face back into your chest. "No, he's mine!"
You and Denki went back and forth, he desperately compromised with you and tried to pry your grip from Deku, you weren't letting up as you'd press his face to yours again, rubbed your noses together and snapped your teeth at his, mentioning how much you wanted to eat him up. Kirishima groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose, his head hung low in embarrassment. Bakugou chuckled as he watched you and Denki play tug of war with Deku. The two-toned male quirked a brow and looked at the blonde.
"This is the girl?"
Bakugou nodded with a smirk and walked towards you and playfully smacked your ass. You yelped and instantly let go of Deku. With a growl, your fist flew towards the handsy blonde but he caught your punch and wrapped his arms around your waist and quickly pulled you from the blushing male before you could get your hands back on him.
"Chill out princess that fucking nerd isn't going anywhere, he works here," Bakugou spoke on the shell of your ear as he dragged you over to Kirishima and the angelic looking male.
"He does?" You questioned, looking from Bakugou and to the man who stopped the toaster fire. "Does he work here too? He fits the whole unbelievably attractive profile that seems to be a thing between all of you!"
Kirishima smirked and leaned forward, placing his face close to yours as he flicked your forehead making you snap at him. "I guess you can say that little one, he is the boss in fact."
You glared at Kirishima and his cocky smile, full of gleaming sharp teeth. 
A tingle ran through your body and your heart did a flip. Even after a month of endless bullshit from the red-head you never got over how beautiful his smile was, cocky or not. You wanted to kick him, until your eyes scanned across a deep gash that ran down his neck. Narrowing your eyes and looking closer, it looked fresh and like it was painful. 
All the other men around you were suddenly forgotten as you weaseled your way out of Bakugou's arms and closer to Kirishima. He grunted when your hand gripped his chin and pushed it up, the fingers of your other hand gently trailing the edges of his exposed wound. The muscle in his throat bobbed when he swallowed harshly, the feeling of your fingers on his flesh felt like fire and made his heart race.
"Oh Kiri," you breathed out with concern and empathy making his heart squeeze, "What happened to you?"
Kirishima clenched a fist and grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand from his chin, holding it up as he looked down on you with a scowl. (E/c) eyes looked up at him with genuine worry and question though, immediately causing his scowl to soften. He wanted to be brash and tell you to mind your own business but that face you wore, like many of your other faces had this hold over him and he couldn't do it. So Kiri loosened his grip on your wrist, unconsciously letting his thumb brush your skin. 
"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with little one, I'm fine, it's not the worst I've had."
The panic in you visibly settled and you softened your eyes and bit your lip looking back at his ruby eyes. It didn't matter if Kirishima was a dick to you most days, the two of you could be at each other's throat and still you'd stop and put your disagreements to the side when it came to him being injured, you were that way with anyone. Having the quirk you do, you always want to help someone heal, whether they're friend or foe. You knew real pain almost more than anyone and no matter who it was, you couldn't bear to see someone you knew hurt the way that Kirishima was. 
Taking a deep breath and calming yourself you brushed the skin of Kirishima’s neck again.
"Well – let me heal you at least. It's my job, right?"
Kiri smirked and nodded, tilting his head. You nodded back and flattened your hand over the wound, focusing and closing your eyes before a soft light illuminated under you palm. Kirishima's eyes widened when he felt a warm and tingly sensation where your hand touched. 
He had never been healed by you before and didn't know how it felt or what to expect. The process actually felt really nice, almost like a million warm kisses littered his skin, his muscles also relaxed and the tension in his face melted like butter. A relieved sigh left Kiri's lips when an overwhelmingly calm aura washed over him. You smiled at the reaction and removed your palm, brushing your knuckles against the wound-free skin.
"There you go Kiri, now you owe me one!"
"Hah, whatever you say brat," Kirishima replied with a smirk.
He looked up to see Bakugou giving him a shit eating grin with a raised brow. The red-head rolled his eyes and released your wrist that was still in his grasp and removed your other hand from his neck. 
"I gotta go get ready for an appointment coming in."
Backing up, you let Kirishima walk by, watching him make his way down the hall. Your eyes met again while he opened the door to his studio and for once he gifted you a smile before disappearing into the room.
"See Shouto, I told you she'd come in handy," Bakugou praised and wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you close to his side.
You looked at the blonde and gave him a toothless smile and looked at the man he called Shouto. He looked so serious and intimidating but you weren't going to let that scare you, after working next to four of the toughest looking guys for a month you weren't exactly easily scared by anyone anymore. 
Taking a leap of faith and good fortune you reached a hand out towards the bi-colored male.
"It's nice to meet you Shouto, I'm (Y/N)," you chimed with a smile, "I'm uh – really sorry about the mess and chaos you had to walk in on. I can go out and get us a new toaster no problem."
Shouto looked at you for a second before taking your hand gently and shaking it with a very subtle smile. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure whatever caused such a catastrophe wasn't your idea," he replied and narrowed his eyes at Denki who was talking to Deku.
Shouto looked at Bakugou as he released your hand, his eyes motioned to the side and you felt your friend nodding next to you. Bakugou ruffled your hair and placed a quick peck to your temple, a type of affection that was extremely normal now between you and all the men of the shop, except for Kirishima of course. 
You watched as he left your side and strode over to Denki, grabbing him by the hood of his hoodie and dragging him across the kitchen floor.
"Bro what are you doing?"
"You owe us another fucking toaster dipshit and some lunch!"
Denki whined and groaned as Bakugou hauled him out and mentioned that they should be back later, toaster and food for everyone. You chuckled at Denki pleading for you to save him, only waving and smiling as he vanished from sight. Now you were left alone with Shouto and Deku, the kitchen falling silent and the three of you stood there. You couldn't help but glance at the green-haired male when he came to stand closer to you and Shouto.
"Well, I can see why Kacchan was so eager to hire you, you're extremely friendly," Deku chuckled and rubbed the side of his neck.
"Who’s Kacchan?"
"Oh, that's just what I call Bakugou by, we've known each other since we were kids."
You awed and tilted your head, now you had something to tease the obnoxiously flirtatious blonde with. 
Smiling, you held your hand out to Deku to shake it and rubbed the side of your own neck. "I'm (Y/N) by the way, sorry for really jumping in your bubble like that. Obviously I have no sense of personal space and you're just so cute! In fact, you're all insanely attractive. Please tell me there aren't anymore of you, I don't think my heart can take it."
Deku laughed and took your hand to shake, "No, we're it. And it's okay, really. It was a little shocking at first but I could get used to it."
You blushed when Deku gave you a handsome smile. Shouto cleared his throat and you both turned to look at him. "(Y/N), do you mind if we all talk in my studio?"
Your heart stopped for a second and your stomach knotted, "Sure."
The tall fair skinned man could tell his question probably came off as if you were in trouble for something by the way the color in your cheeks disappeared. He walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
"Don't worry (Y/N), you're not in trouble. I just want the three of us to catch up and get to know each other, maybe answer any questions you might have or we might have."
Instantly your body relaxed and you nodded with a smile, Shouto motioned down the hall of doors and pointed out which one was his. The three of you walked down the hall together, you and Deku bumping shoulders and giggling.
As you walked into the studio together you let out a deep breath and ran a hand through your hair. 
"So if you don't mind me asking, just where have you two been?"
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thinkinboutkiribaku · 5 years ago
part I,
part II
"So, Bakugo-kun~~ my golden child, prodigy amongst my mistakes, missed you so much ; could you sign here, here and here. Use your cutest handwriting, it's gotta looks precious." Ashido blinked too much.
"The fuck are you talkin' about ?" Katsuki frowned his brows, expecting the sneakiest with her. "Wh-", when he noticed that what she had spread on the desk were shirtless picture taken (stolen) from their last sleepover ; his vein popped.
"Well, because I already accepted the money and sold these to the girls‎ ―that would be a fraud Bakugou. Ah! Did I forget to mention it ? " She bopped her finger playfully against Katsuki's nose, smiling. "Woopsie~~ ".  The sigh of her tongue sticking out aggravated his reaction so much. Only the affection-needy hold of Kaminari's arms around his shoulders prevented him from throwing fists.
"Whaaah, Bakubrooo, my man ! I missed you y'know ? Without you there's a never ending hole in the gang !" he exaggeratedly whined, holding onto tighter.
"He especially missed you 'cause he has no brain and you're the squad's brain ; Kaminari always goes dunce when you go."
"But I named you substitution brain."
"Dude !! You were out for a whole month, how do you expect me to weight the gang's dumb chaotic energy over my shoulders ?? For, I am only a mortal man," Sero opened his trembling hands in front of his face, surely prone to disastrous flashback. "Kaminari's a whole mess but even Kiri's started losing it these last few days ! Bro, please tell me you're staying for good this time !"
"He's stuck with us now, can't go back!" Kirishima leaped over Kaminari's shoulders, his weight forcing Katsuki to bend even more with his friend's burden.
"Bastards, you heavy shit-"
"The only way to get a man to stay, I see…" Sero mumbled, letting himself fall over him, alongside the others.
Following the vibes he's been giving off, Katsuki was never one to appreciate people's warmth permeating his precious personal space. But this didn't feel that much like intrusion, rather it felt just like coming home ; being enveloped by that kind of affection, he kinda missed it.
Still, Katsuki was never one to appreciate having his precious personal space ridiculed.
Thus he gave them extra time to savor and laugh their fucker's ass off before exploding and sending them flying. He was back after all, and that was how their dynamic always worked.
"So ? Finally regretting coming back ?"
"Definitely ! How can someone have that much stamina and shout non-stop for hours ? Mic-sensei ?? I can't !" Kaminari whined, spreading his arms all over his desk, empty paper sheets falling on the ground.
"I wasn't talking to you", Sero elbowed him. "And don't whine, you slept for half the hour, you coward."
"I kinda like Mic's lessons, they're easier to follow because of his voice. I don't get how you can sleep through it." Kirishima frowned.
"My sweet diligent child", Mina cuddled up behind the red hair, tightening her arms around his shoulders. "Always making mama proud."
"I thought Katsuki was your favorite child ?"
"He's too rebellious, I can't pamper him too much.", she tried ruffling Katsuki's hair, but even with his eyes closed he flicked her hand, "My best and yet worst creation... At least I can sell his ass whenever."
"Don't you dare bitc-!"
"Kirishima-kun, there's your twin waiting for you !" An extra classmate called from the door. She was next to a stranger that looked nothing special, waving dumbly from the corridor. Glaring at his face, he appeared as uninteresting and dim-witted as possible in Katsuki's eyes.
Yet, he noticed how eagerly Kirishima ran over towards that stranger fucker.
"Wait so we're all your children then ? And Sero's the daddy ? That's kinky."
"You're all my hard labor family and Sero wakes up from time to time to raise you…", she elbowed him. "Hey daddy~ pay more attention would you."
" Nopeee, I'm orphaning all of you asap now that Katsuki's back…" He whined, face against his desk." I'd still tap that though," he added with a smirk, soon joined with Mina's laugh and an elbow's soft poke.
"Eww, don't do that in front of me, i'm baby."
"Who's that fucker Kirishima just left us for," Katsuki paid no attention to his friends banters as his eyes were still fixated onto something ugly. Why was their stupid handshake that long. And why was Kirishima seeming to have fun in every part of it.
"Oh ! Right you didn't see that !"
"That dude's Kiri's lost twin, I'll tell you ! So we had PE against class B once and they got paired up and then― ! Hit it off like real bro ! Like, they both have that weird old school obsession with being manly and those old heroes movies references, hey― they even share their birthdate. I bet 5$ they're really long lost brother or something."
"Why only 5$ ?" Sero judged.
"Bro I'm broke. Anyway, since that time in PE they started hanging out together sometimes. "
"Kiri is so dazzling, he even get attention from outside our classroom. Sure is my favorite baby."
This shouldn't grip so hard, Kirishima had always been an affection magnet. Only a question of time before others got infatuated too. But Katsuki could feel an ugly emotion growling in his ribcage nonetheless. But he didn't come back for that shit.
"Katsuki ?"
"I'm going out for a bit, –-hungry."
"Hey, bring me something !"
"You can choke on this."
In need of some fresh air, Katsuki exited by the back door to wander in the corridor. Full of loud students packed together while he was walking alone. Fuckers were taking all the fresh air, Katsuki felt annoyed even more. He took a turn opposed to the cafeteria where students were usually attracted by, and hoped for some peace of mind at least.
Too bad,  going for the vending machine, he came onto Kirishima and his fake brother. They were exchanging money to buy each other stuff, and ―surprise― they craved the same candy. Acting on his reflex, Katsuki went back on his step, pressing his back against the opposite wall. It wasn't like he was hiding (of course not). He just didn't want to see the disgusting scene of Kirishima having so much fun with someone else.
He didn't go away immediately though. For some reason, their (really loud) conversation halted him.
"He was a giant, I swear I could see my life flash before my eyes !" the guy used mimics that made Kirishima laugh and Katsuki scowl harder. "I really thought we were done for."
"That sound really exciting though, feeling a life or death situation kinda !"
"It's all about that adrenaline rush."
"Sounds manly !"
"You should really join the team, it'd be fun. We'd make the perfect duo, just like in PE !" the fucker bumped shoulders with Kirishima, and what had been weighing down in Katsuki's stomach burned at the mention duo.
For he had no way to convey this ugly grip around his ribcage that was sinking deeper and deeper, all Katsuki did was kick the wall before leaving with angry steps.
He was feeling sick now.
Awoken for a little while now, thanks to the light rain tapping on the window, Katsuki still didn't felt like moving. He already felt pretty lame for actually skipping classes to rest in the infirmary, but that … feeling back there, had been too much.
Now that he was all alone with his thoughts and the reminiscence of these feelings, he had a hard time fighting them from resurfacing. Of course Kirishima was going to be loved by other and that he would make new friends ; he wasn't the best friend of the infamous Bakugou Katsuki for nothing. Katsuki knew all that, but still…
It wouldn't hurt that much if his feeling weren't going overboard for him. They'd been friends since they were five and nothing could ever come between them on <i>that</i> level, that was promise. And right now they were surely the shiniest thing in each other eyes… But feeling like these made Katsuki apprehend the day someone would dazzle Kirishima's heart away. He knew he was the shit, but nobody could control their feeling…
He would know.
And as the rain was hitting lighter and lighter, announcing he could soon leave school dry, Katsuki decided to leave those feeling behind as well. It felt bittersweet as hell but there was nothing he could do about them in that state. He'll think of a plan after having tasted something, because after sleeping for 3 hours straight he felt damn hungry.
Thinking about what he could get on the way home, Katsuki turned in the infirmary bed, and to his surprise― came facing a red hair, siting roughly on a chair opposed to the bed, gaze consumed by his phone.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel at the very least happy Kirishima knew where he was and waited for him, even though school might have ended since a little while now. But that was bittersweet feeling as well, because now he was reminded how precious Kirishima was and how other people might be entranced by it too. Katsuki responded to that by watching how the sun, resurfacing from the clouds, reflected its light other Kirishima's crimson face. It became even more mesmerizing when Kirishima raised his head, offering a cute smile.
"You came back to play hooky huh…"
"Shut up", Katsuki grumbled as he put himself in seating position. "You.. Did classes end long time ago ?"
"Around half an  hour… And for your notice, I was planning on waking you up in another 15 minutes or so ! Don't think I'd forget you.", his last word hitting Katsuki's heart smoother than he could know.
"Don't think I'd forget you" came clashing right against the awful "We'd make the perfect duo" line from earlier. Katsuki turned his face towards the window just next to his, and as he expected, he could see the club training in the schoolyard.
"Hey… are you going to join a club ?"
"Huh ? Why you ask ?"
"Cause you seem the type that would like that type of shit."
"It does seems nice and all, but it goes on for hours right after school… I don't really like coming home late and… I wouldn't be able to go home with you. Or to go see you on set !"
Katsuki could feel through his skin that his cheeks were slowly blushing. That was so stupid and of course Kirishima would say something like that, but damn it felt good. Especially right now… Katsuki needed indulgence.
"I don't need you coming though… Can go home on my own.", he grumbled, reaching.
"I know that," Kirishima smiled, and the vision of the sun reflecting golden hour over his face made the air around Katsuki feel sweeter and his heart beating.
In front of such feeling, he needed a moment ; thus he put his face against his knee for a while, brutally inhaling whatever. When he dropped a bit from his airy feeling, he still felt high somewhat.
"Hey, let's go, to that taco place you talked about… Or whatever, I'm fucking hungry, shit."
part I, part III
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simplybakugou · 6 years ago
Hey I got an idea--since everyone lives in the dorms. Maybe he passes by his crush's room a lot. And...He gets so annoyed because they play music loud. That's not the part that annoys him--it's that he can;t figure out what they like because their taste is just so ALL OVER THE PLACE. One song is Disney, Next thing you know Death MEtal plays next, then it's K-pop, then it's Elvis, and then 90's pop for a whole month. He's just like I CAN'T FIGURE YOU OUT
A/N: This is cute. I threw in a few songs from my iTunes library because my music taste is all over the place too lol. Also, this is my first request since my little hiatus and it feels so good to write again omg, but this didn’t turn out as good as I wanted it to and the ending isn’t that good either :(. Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: bakugou x female!reader
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 709
✐posted 03.02.2019✐
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Aggravating. Everything about you was aggravating for Bakugou. It wasn’t just because you were the perfect student with perfect grades, perfect looks, and a perfect quirk, but also the fact that Bakugou couldn’t control his feelings towards you.
In a Bakugou-like-fashion, it was difficult for him to control his behavior around you. He had never felt this way before, most of the time caring about himself and sometimes caring about the little people he can actually stand, but around you, he worried the way you thought of him and the way he was portrayed in your eyes.
And the most confusing thing about you: your interests.
You were probably the most relaxed and open-minded person in class 1A and you liked anything that was recommended to you, especially with music.
Your parents were both quirkless, deciding to own a business instead. They owned a CD shop and you were exposed to all kinds of music since you were a child.
Your love for music was evident to almost everyone in the dorm building, especially due to the fact that you’re always blaring a new song everyday.
A week ago it was “When We’re Human” from the Princess and the Frog soundtrack, two days ago it was “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley, yesterday it was “Hammer Smashed Face” by Cannibal Corpse I    had to look this one up lol and the endless cycle of random songs continued.
Your birthday was coming up in a few days and Bakugou was in utter confusion as to what to get you.
Mina furiously wrote down something on a piece of paper. Sero gave her a concerned look.
“You okay there, Mina?”
Mina looked up and sighed.
“No. Y/N’s birthday’s in three days and I’m having trouble finding something to get her.”
Bakugou’s eye twitched at the sound of your name and Kirishima gave him a look. He was the only one aware of Bakugou’s little crush on you.
“Why don’t we get her something together?”
Mina clapped her hands. 
“Great idea, Eijirou!”
Kaminari sat down on the couch in the common area.
“What do you have so far, Mina?”
“Well for the past month or two I’ve just been recording Y/N’s music choices and I know I definitely want to get her an album.”
Sero sighed. 
“How’re we supposed to know what she’s into when she can never make up her mind about what she’s into?”
“Hmm… what do you think, Bakugou?”
Bakugou glared at Kirishima who gave him an innocent smile.
“I don’t fucking know. Mina knows her the best out of all of us.”
Mina tapped her chin.
“Well, she has mentioned a few Kpop groups she’s been into lately. SECHSKIES, iKON, WINNER, 2NE1, BLACKPINK, SHINee, EXO… there’s just so many…” My biases in Kpop groups have been exposed
The boys stared at Mina with a mixture of awe and concern.
Kaminari shrugged, suggesting Mina to forget it.
“We’ll think of something soon.”
Two days had gone by since the little meeting in the common room and Mina and the others were still confused as to what exact album to get you.
You walked down to the first floor, earphones in and jamming to the new song in your music library in your phone. 
Bakugou had walked into the common room as well, freezing his movements as he laid his eyes on you. You were bopping your head to whatever song you were listening to now. 
Feeling a bit bolder than usual around you, Bakugou walked towards you and sat down beside you. He pulled out an earphone and put it in his ear. The foreign words confused him, causing him to narrow his eyes at you.
“The hell is this?”
You looked up at him with a bright smile.
“It’s BIGBANG’s album from 2016 before they enlisted into the army in Korea. “FXXK IT” is my favorite from this album.”
“This is what you’re into these days?”
You nodded.
“I wanted to get a physical copy of this album, but I spent all of my money for my mom’s birthday.”
Bakugou smirked to himself. Mina and the others could get whatever album they wanted, but Bakugou found satisfaction in knowing exactly what you wanted.
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ellipsesarefun · 7 years ago
never had this in my life before
@dailybnha BNHA Secret Santa For @z-bop
Hi!!! This is my first time to actually try something that’s ACTUALLY fluffy?? somewhat fluffy?? I’m not sure what to call this but this doesn’t have any angst at all.. from what I think? This is college biology student au with all the friends mentioned in it. somewhat. I’m not sure if this is your cup of tea, but I do hope you like this.
A/N: one of the things I’ve wanted when I was in college.
The people he’s met at the Yuuei University is one of the loudest and friendliest he’s ever met. Granted that this is his first time to one but he’s never remembered having this much people to be with before, much less people as nice as they.
His musings came to an abrupt end when he watches his two labmates arguing over their notes for their long quiz in cellular biology with an open petri dish in one hand and a inoculating needle on the other. He knows that Iida and Ochako-chan are efficient as partners (as far as Izuku knows) but he’s pretty sure that the more they squabble, the less they’re aware of how dangerous their specimen is to leave it just right at the edge of the table. Death by a microscopic organism due to his labmates’ bickering is not an ideal way to die, Izuku laughs at the notion.
“Hey, hey, hey guys,” He tries to catch their attention, but they’re lost in their own kerfuffle. He snaps them out of it by waving his gloved hand holding a sterilized needle in front of them and they halt with sweaty faces and comical glares.
“I really think we should hurry and start our work now,” He says, cautiously eyeing the other petri dish lying almost right at the edge of the table, “We really shouldn’t just leave it here for long and.. I’m really hungry.” He adds and they’re listening this time and he guesses that they both feel the same way.
“Yes, yes!” Ochako-chan agrees, fixing her hair bun and putting on a face mask. Iida follows, “I haven’t been to Zarks yet! We should go have lunch there after this.”
“How about we find a cheaper place?” Iida suggests as he presses his glasses back on before wearing laboratory gloves, “We need to start saving!” They start a new debacle as they go about their work but this time Izuku stays quiet during the whole experiment with the slight apprehension of his own death.
They finish at exactly noon, with the materials submerged in disinfectant and their bacteria culture all ready stored with the rest of the groups. They leave with two more people and by this time, Izuku isn’t surprised that it’s Jirou-san and Momo-san. Both have their folded lab gowns under their arms as they all strolled left towards the elevator.
Their session ends an hour earlier than theirs and they’re only a room away from each other. Their professor spends most of the duration out for “coffee breaks”--a code that most likely means they’re out for lunch and might not be back in class until the mandatory three hour lab class is up--so the two usually hang around outside to fetch some snacks for them and their other friends. Izuku is fairly certain that their professor hasn’t returned from their “coffee break” once again and some students have already left with their phones filled with microscopic slides and their textbooks lined with highlighted notes.
They enter the elevator, Momo-san and Iida in rapid discussion on coral population while Izuku laments his barely written thesis draft to Ochako. Jirou-san casually fades out of the topic by plugging in her earphones, head thumping at the rhythm of her music. This has become a normalcy with Izuku and he relaxes under Ochako-chan’s warm brown gaze that comforts him from his own woes. This has been perpetuating for months, but it’s as though he’s still getting used to new skin.
He continues his train of thought as he eyes Ochako-chan cajoling Iida and he doesn’t fight the smile off his face.  
 The air conditioning calms Izuku’s nerves as they enter the animal house to visit their other friend, Kirishima. He’s only just begun setting up, as the place still looks as though a storm blazed its way in. There are pellet crumbs on the  muddied floor and dirty cages and food plates still left by the sink. The person in question is probably in the other room by the closed sliding door, tending to the lab mice.
Ochako-chan and Iida walk towards the mess, automatically pick up the cleaning equipment--Iida with the dishes and Ochako-chan with the floor and the table. Izuku starts to stash the food pellet pack in a dry corner before stowing the washed materials into the empty cabinets.
Before, he would have been eating alone in one of the stone chairs and tables by the gazebo outside the animal house, but after meeting Dr. Yagi, his life bloomed into a hectic and a fulfilling one. Dr. Yagi is an old friend of Izuku’s mom and has assigned him and other volunteers of their organization to maintain the cleanliness of the animal house. Soon enough, they have developed a routine of stopping by this little corner of the campus block to tidy the mess the students left. It’s a slight comfort, having the two around doing these things, Izuku thinks.
Izuku doesn’t pause where the door opens but stops when he sees Ashido and Kaminari with a plastic bag full of takeout food in one hand and a bag full of water balloons in the other. Both have been infamous for their pranks as much as Kaminari’s lightning bolt painted on his hair and wild pink extensions on Ashido’s. He’s familiar with the mischief twinkling in their eyes and he quickly sets the materials down.
“Guys wait-” Izuku begins but by then it’s too late. The first shot was fired straight at Ochako-chan’s face, a flurry of other was thrown at their way before the other could process what’s going on around them. The fiasco comes to an end with a messier outlook of the room and the students drenched in cold drinking water. Coincidentally, the sliding door opens to a scowling blond face and an exasperated red-head and for a moment Izuku heart races when the blond turns to look at him but relaxes when the look on the blond face isn’t rage but slight concern concealed in those thick golden eyebrows.
“Hi Kacchan.” Izuku greets his childhood not-friend. Kacchan--or mostly known as Bakugou deepened his frown as he pauses to look at the mischievous duo
“What the fuck happened here, Deku?” He asks with malice absent in his voice, an odd revelation Izuku has that this has been apparent for a few months already. They might still have a strained relationship bonded by their distinct history, but Kacchan’s hatred for Izuku died down to awkward greetings and silent cooperation. He forces himself out of his reverie to reply.
“Water balloons.” Izuku answers and one word is enough to explain everything as it’s already visible in Kacchan’s face. Kirishima--the redhead-- breathes a sigh before going about the mess as Kacchan explodes a paramount of curses at the other two. The trio follow Kirishima and the rest do the same soon after when they realize they only have thirty minutes before lunch.
The animal house is spotless five minutes later and they’re all out at the gazebo, gobbling down their burgers to beat the warning bell of the next class.
 “We should totally hang tonight!” Kirishima suggests, jovial red eyes darting around his friends. While the rest give their own affirmations, Izuku shoots a nervous glance at Kacchan and back at Kirishima, doubtful. The redhead silently catches the look and shoots back with a reassuring smile. Izuku’s worries fades as he gives a small nod of affirmation. Kirishima fist pumps the air and the others woop for joy. Only Kacchan maintains his neutral facade, but Izuku can see faint lines of relief. This the first time that Izuku has said yes and Izuku hopes to make the most out of it.
“Alright! So who’s up for some Yuri!!! On Ice and Voltron all-nighter!”
The last bell for class dismissal has rung and Izuku stops his scribbling even when the professor is still lecturing. He’s already studied slightly on membrane potentials and the nervous system so he tries to familiarize himself with how the Dr. Aizawa’s words but his brain won’t respond. Izuku already drained from the overloaded information of today and he’s ready to do something as ridiculous as throw the middle finger up in the air and to just tell everything off but no.
No. No. Izuku may be sleep-deprived but he still has some semblance of sanity left in him to stop that train of thought. Thankfully, the professor concludes the lesson with some reminders for their long quiz the next week and bids them all with a half-assed good bye. If he wasn’t this tired, Izuku would have also noticed the dark circles in Dr. Aizawa’s eyes. But the students have already got up and Izuku does the same with his mind preparing for some relaxing time.
“DEKU!!!” Someone hollered his name and a pair of hands covered his eyes while long limbs glomped his back at the same time.
“Guess.” Another voice whispered in his ear and he grins. He doesn’t move away from their grip nor does he feel any discomfort.
“Tsuyu-chan and Ochako-chan.” Izuku says and both classmates release him from their grip. He opens his eyes and familiarizes himself with Ochako-chan’s brown bob cut to Tsuyu-chan’s silky black braided one as they flash him with cheeky grins. The three saunter through the hall.
“You ready for tonight?” Tsuyu-chan asks as she and Ochako-chan link their hands to his while walking. He takes half a step until he’s in line with them and grips their hands a little tighter.
“What do I have to be ready for?” Izuku asks and he genuinely wants to know what he’s going to be ready for. They’re going to have an all-nighter anime marathon and he’s fairly certain that the entire conversation would be filled with spoilers, fan theories, and ships all around.
“Oh, you know, just, the anime, the shows, the people.” Ochako-chan says with a flippant wave. She shrugs sheepishly, “It’s your first time after all.” She adds.
 “We’re really happy you’re coming along, Deku-kun!” Tsuyu-chan says, tugging his hand a little tighter. Izuku knows the silent reassurance and responds the same.
It isn’t their fault that he distanced himself from them the first few weeks they all met in their freshman year. There was no one to blame but him and his little fear of rejection and humiliation. It took some time and a literal bonk in the head that they really didn’t mean him any harm and saw something about him that they actually like. Whatever it was, he still has no clue to this day, but he’s glad they still consider him as a friend after distancing himself.
“Thanks guys..” He says at last and they finally catch up with Kirishima and others.
They all settled in the residence of Todoroki Shouto’s sister awhile later and the conversation was filled with thesis papers to settle, long quizzes to prepare and practical tests to take note of. Todoroki Shouto offered his laptop connected to the flat screen television while Ochako, Iida, and Tsuyu all went to prepare dinner, snacks, and drinks.
As Izuku takes a seat at the edge of the couch Jirou just offered, someone follows. It takes one look at those unmistakable half white half red hair that Izuku knows it’s Todoroki. Izuku’s lips curl up in greeting at his friend and Todoroki mirrors the same.
“Finally came after all?” Todoroki says and Izuku chuckles.
“I could ask the same thing for you.” Izuku retorts back. Under the fluorescent light, he catches the gleam scintillating in those heterochromatic cerulean and terra cotta eyes. This must be the first time Izuku has seen him relax after moving out from his father’s home. Those first months since meeting Todoroki--well, Shouto was rough. Most nights, Izuku offered the extra space in his own room, having no one there back then. While he did enjoy Shouto’s quiet grace and sarcasm, Izuku is glad to have him living with his sister.
By the time his thoughts finish, everyone has already sat down to start the marathon.
A season of Yuri!!! On Ice and four episodes into the first season of Voltron later, almost everyone is at least still singing the opening song of YOI and Izuku is still trying not to pretend he’s skating (god they had to pause Voltron just to get the song out of their system and it hasn’t worked at all). The night has only begun and they have yet to cover most of Voltron. To be honest, this is the most that he’s enjoyed himself so far in his college life. He had his mother worried before, but he thinks that she shouldn’t be. After all, he’s got them and they him.
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