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dontlookintoit00 · 1 year ago
Gally, running away from a kiss. I might DIE!" Minho howled with laughter, his fist pounding the table.
Newt looked at him distastefully. "What happened after?"
"Nothing! He's just been working on the new space for Frypan. He didn't even eat lunch with the rest of us." Truth be told, lunch had been slightly peaceful with the other builders without Gally around. A healthy amount of teasing took place, courtesy of Peter telling what little he had seen to what felt like every boy in the glade. But none of it was with ill intent, and I shot smartmouth things back at them just as easily.
"Maybe you should talk to him.." Newt suggested wisely, as though I hadn't thought of that.
"What would I even say to him though? Like 'hey Gally, things have been weird since you finger-fucked me in the tool shed-" Minho spit water all over the table when I said that, but I pressed on "and now you've kissed me in the middle of our screaming match. Are you feeling okay?' Cause that will go over well. I don't know what he wants from me."
Newt seemed at a loss for words, his eyes darting slightly back and forth as though trying to process. Minho on the other hand, was recovering from his outburst. He wiped a hand over his mouth, "don't say none of that. Just go in there and suck his dick. That's all you have to do for any guy here to straighten out."
"Shut up Minho. Seriously." I rolled my eyes, unsuccessfully holding back a smile. He would say something like that. That only seemed to encourage him.
"Hey I'm serious. What is he going to say? No F/N, don't put my dick in your mouth, I don't like that. Come ON."
"Somehow, I don't think that's going to solve all our problems."
From Chapter 5 of These Hands Were Made For Building on A03
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kodared · 2 years ago
☆ Welcome home Neighbor~! ☆
after sleeping over at Howdys, you mentally prepare yourself to meet the others...
... where is your phone?
Chapter 4/?
Word Count: 3113 Out of 9322
Human Reader/ Welcome Home
   Finding yourself in this position at the ass crack of dawn was probably the most ideal way to start your morning. It seemed that you were moved from the counter you once rested at, to the cot Howdy had prepared for you.
It was nothing spectacular but it meant a lot to you, it was obvious as well Howdy took great care to make sure you wouldn't be disturbed in your sleep, practically cocooning you in a dark green blanket. 
However, it did nothing to stop you from tossing and turning throughout the night. 
      Vivid memories of nothingness surrounded you while you desperately tried to get the chill of eyes off of your back, even if there were none. 
The cold chill that rattled up your spine was enough to influence you to finally get up, even if it meant being awake before Howdy, you took this time to examine where exactly you were.
It looked to be a section of Howdys shop you'd never seen before, the only way you knew it was still Howdys store… or was this his House? Were from the tan walls being covered with what looked to be old baby pictures of him. 
You had to admit he was a cute lil bug, words you would never say to him of course
Your cot was made in the living room area, you could only assume Howdy was somewhere around here as you wriggled yourself out of the blanket cocoon Howdy trapped you in. 
You saw a set of stairs leading up into the overhead section of the Bugdega, so without much thought, you walked up and saw it lead into Howdys office, you had been here the previous day so you quickly made your way to the bathroom.
Your hair by now was… certainly something! There seemed to be no hairbrush in here so you did the best you could with sink water and your hands, thankful there was plumbing here at least. 
      You also took care in rubbing at your healing scabs with some soap and water, god only knows what it would be like to get an infection here. You could practically hear Howdys concerned voice now just thinking of an infection. 
After a few minutes of attempting to do your usual morning routine, you emerged from the bathroom and began to open the door leading to Howdy's main store area. You saw the sign at the front was still flipped to “Closed”, So you decided to not mess with anything in the shop. 
You did however snag an orange to snack on while you wait, you did have store credit after all. 
As you sat down on the stool Howdy had left behind the counter, you decided to marvel at the sunrise that was coming above the Town, your hands busied with peeling the orange.
You ‘really wished your friends were here’ you thought as the orange was successfully peeled. It was times like these you would offer each one of your friends their own section and share. Maybe Howdy would like some? 
If you had known any better you would have saved the bug a slice, but your hungry brain had other plans as you practically demolished the thing. 
With nothing to busy your hands with, boredom practically seeped from the bright walls into your bones. 
Until you remembered you should still have your phone! Nothing like brainless media to jumpstart the mind in the early morning, as you reached into your pocket praying there was service here, you noticed one key flaw. 
Your phone was missing. 
     It was always in your jacket pocket, you made sure to always keep it there, hell you remember in middle school having a chain that attached to your phone case to keep it in that exact spot!
It wasn't like you to lose things, so you kept searching your pockets, maybe you dropped it in the forest?? There was no way it could just disappear. 
With that final resolution, you decided that taking a morning stroll through the woods wouldn't hurt. You would just have to take care to be back in time to greet Howdy and thank him for his hospitality. 
The doors to the Bugdega still let off their audible alert as you walked out, you guessed there was no need for Howdy to lock the doors at night? 
…All of a sudden sleeping over at Sally's doesn't sound that terrible,
…You did your best to trace your steps in the woods but it seemed like you were getting positively nowhere with your phone hunt. The forest seemed to stretch on forever, also cementing the fact you had probably jumped to another world in your trespassing escapade. 
‘This blows’       You thought as you let out a sigh and began walking back to town. The sun had officially risen in the sky enough for it to be considered early morning, so you knew Howdy would probably be concerned if you didn't return soon. 
Before you could return to the safety of Howdys shop, you saw a large… bird? Who you had not yet met, you internally thanked yourself for washing up in the morning as you heard her voice from afar.
  “ ‘Ello there Neighbor!”
…If they kept calling you neighbour you swear you were gonna scream. 
She rose one of her wings to politely wave at you, and you guessed it was only polite to wave back when you were able to get a better look at her as you approached Howdys shop. 
Before you could enter the shop though she approached you with rapid speed, If you weren't so damn awkward maybe, just maybe you could have entered fast enough. 
“My! Arent you a wonder Chickadee!”
She of course took hold of your hand that was going to push against the doors to Howdys shop to give you a warm handshake,
“My names Poppy! Poppy Partridge, what's yours ‘Honey?” 
She had a voice that reminded you of your old southern Grandma, it was honestly comforting to you, in a weird, missing home sorta way. 
“My names Y/N, nice to meet you, Ms.Partridge,” 
She let go of your hand and smoothed her feathers down, clearly excited to finally meet you for the first time, 
“Oh please my dear! There's no need to call me Ms.Partridge, just call me Poppy!” 
The Ms. must have just slipped out as you were thinking of your grandmother, she always preferred formalities, it was nice to hear the same expectations weren't held by Poppy. 
Her eyes held the same curiosity all of the other residents of this town had shown. However, she was being much more polite and made an effort to not stare or cause you to be uncomfortable, which was nice. 
As she began to speak again you saw her eyes pop up behind you, and you heard the familiar sound of the door system going off, 
“Y/N! I was wondering where you ran off to!” 
…Seems Howdy had finally woken up, you moved to give Howdy some space to step out of the shop but as you looked up he looked... Really really frazzled.
His normally smoothed-down hair now contained a cowlick in the back and his hair poked out in all different directions. His outfit was different as well, you don't know why you hadn't expected him to be wearing pyjamas, but you definitely weren't expecting him to be a slipper kinda guy. 
Poor guy looks like he saw you were missing and ran out to look for you without taking any consideration for getting dressed, now you really feel like an ass. 
“Ah, sorry Howd’s... My phone was missing so I went to go check the woods for it, didn't mean to scare you,” 
Your eyes instinctually looked at the ground instead of him as you smoothed down the back of your hair, a nervous habit you’d developed in middle school that you could never kick. 
Howdy let out a sigh of relief,     “Don't apologize Y/N! M’just happy you're alright!” 
He seemed to turn his attention to Poppy after consoling you of your worries, 
“And a good morning to you Poppy! What brings ya to my shop so early? Hate to say but I haven't restocked on flour yet!” 
Poppy let out a good hearty laugh at Howdys joke, she must have been the towns baker, which definitely made sense given her southern accent and very friendly nature,
“I just saw this one walkin’ by so y’know I had to stop by and greet the new neighbour!” 
…New neighbour? Did they all seriously expect you to stay here and move in? You had hoped you would be rescued by now, or at the very least shown how to leave by today. 
Howdy though seemed none the wiser to Poppy's comment, letting out a small laugh as he turned to enter the shop once more,
“Well! Lovely seein’ ya Poppy! But I gotta take my leave unfortunately, These shelves won't stock themselves!” 
“Good seein’ ya Darlin’! See ya’round Y/N!” 
You rather liked Poppy and Howdy, but not enough to permanently reside here, I mean for fucks sake there was no toothpaste. You would be lucky to survive past 40 here- 
Why are you genuinely thinking of the logistics of this?? ‘We need to find a way home’ you thought as you followed closely behind Howdy after giving Poppy a wave of goodbye. 
Before Howdy could head to his back office to get washed up for the day, you had to know something.. 
“Hey, Howdy?” 
“What's up Y/N?” 
  He stopped in his tracks leaning slightly on the doorway with his second set of arms, that friendly smile still on his face even if he was tired
“...Do you think I'm going to be stuck here..?”   
Your sorrowful expression must have been evident because Howdy began walking towards you, your eyes meeting the floor again as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. 
“I mean! Don't get me wrong you are all lovely! I just miss my friends, and my mom of course must be worried!” 
Your words quickly became more frantic as Howdy neared you, they tumbled out like you had said something wrong even though you knew for a fact you did not. 
Howdy though didn't say anything other than pull you into a firm hug, you were beginning to enjoy his dad hugs, they made you feel safe. 
“... You'll be alright Y/N I promise, ill make sure to get ya home,” 
…Oh thank the gods he wasn't gonna just end it at you'll be alright. Your panic practically bled out into the floor as Howdy hugged you for a second more, and then stood to pat you on the shoulder. 
“ I'm gonna get ready for the day, Don't forget to eat breakfast Y/N!”
…And with that Howdy had gone into the back office to get ready, leaving you once again alone with your thoughts. 
It made you feel comforted to know that Howdy would make sure you get home, that momentary comfort gave you enough strength to sit on your stool behind the counter and mentally prepare for the day ahead of you. 
You hadn't forgotten yesterday when Howdy said you would be meeting the Neighborhood today after all. 
…Though as you and Howdy approached the bright blue house, you wondered if you would ever be mentally prepared enough to do this. 
The house in question was shaped like a dog house, leading you to make the guess that this neighbour was a dog, which you loved dogs! You just wished they weren't gonna be like twelve times your size. 
You supposed it was better than the red house that was adjacent to it, That house had literal eyes that followed you as you and Howdy walked, and while Howdy waved to it you did no such thing, thoroughly creeped out by the animated eyes. 
I̷t̵ ̷d̸i̸d̴ ̵r̵e̸m̶i̸n̸d̵ ̵y̷o̷u̷ ̴o̵f̶ ̵s̴o̷m̴e̵t̶h̴i̷n̷g̶ ̴t̷h̶o̶u̶g̶h̵.̷.̷.̸ 
Howdy looked at you one final time, offering a warm smile, before knocking firmly on the door, you saw a Blue flash of wind and, poof! Howdy was gone! 
…Or so you thought before you looked three feet away and saw him being hugged by a giant blue dog
“Howdy! Been awhile Pal Where have ya Been! Ya need to stop bein so cooped up in your Shop!” 
..That voice was very familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it, Howdy once again being the ray of sunshine he was tried his best to pat the Blue dog on the back as he laughed, 
“My Store doesn't stay stocked with hotdogs without me Barnaby!” 
So the dog's name was Barnaby? Very fitting. 
Barnaby set Howdy down, going to speak to him before his big round eyes landed on you, oh shit. 
You loved hugs just as much as the next guy but you were a human, not a puppet.
“So you're the new Neighbor!”
Just like you expected he swooped you up in a big hug, which surprisingly was super gentle, you supposed it made sense for him being made out of fur and fluff. You might as well savour it, 
“M’ Name’ths Y/N!”   
 You did your best to hug the dog back, his fur was silky soft, and he would make a great pillow, 
He let out a very loud and boisterous laugh 
“ I like the cut of your Jib Kid!” 
    With one final squeeze, he set you back on solid ground, your world still spinning when you saw his paws.
He. Paints. His. Beans. 
Move out of the way Howdy and Poppy, Barnaby was the new favourite. 
You would have stayed excited if it were not for the piercing stare you felt coming from your side, as you turned to Barnaby's open doorway, you saw a yellow puppet man, y̵o̸u̸ ̷c̸a̴n̴t̸ ̵q̸u̵i̸t̸e̵ ̸r̴e̷m̸e̶m̵b̶e̵r̸ ̴h̷i̴s̵ ̷n̸a̶m̶e̵.̶
“Good to see you feeling better than yesterday neighbour,” 
The startling stare you felt must have been coming from somewhere else, this guy spoke in a smooth voice and if you were a child, it just might have lulled you to sleep. 
“ Y/N! This is Wally, my good friend since forever!” 
Barnaby moved to wrap his arm around Wally, their height difference very amusing to you, finding yourself barely able to stifle your giggles. 
“pleasure to meet you Wally, sorry about yesterday, ‘got a bit overwhelmed.” 
Your anxious laugh shone through as you offered a hand to Wally for a handshake,
“Ha. Ha, Do not worry about it,” 
He shook your hand probably the softest anyone in this town yet, as if he was scared you would shatter if he put the slightest pressure into the handshake.  
You couldn't help but smile at his automatic-sounding laugh, he was quite an odd fellow, you imagine if he was taller it would have come off as creepy, however, you can comfortably punt him at this height. 
“ You guys in the mood for Biscuits? I invited Eddie and Frank so they will be over soon!” 
“ Sounds lovely Barnaby, I would love to!” 
Howdy being the kind and considerate soul he was turned to you,
“Whaddya say Y/N?” 
“Sure! I wouldn't mind some biscuits!”   … You hoped they weren't dog treats.
…mmm you sure did love dog treats. 
You sat on Barnaby's comfortable sofa while fiddling with an iced cookie he handed you a while ago, Howdy and Barnaby seemed to reserve themselves to a conversation in the kitchen, 
Leaving you with Wally.
“...So Wally,” 
His head practically snapped over to make eye contact with you, you could have sworn his smile grew a little wider too,
Shaking off the weird tension you continued,
“How long have you lived here?”
“my, what a silly question friend, i have lived here for as long as i can remember!” 
… okay that totally was not weird at all. 
“You’ve never lived anywhere else? What about your family? Surely you lived with your mom and dad before moving here?” 
Wally scooted forward to grab his tea off of the coffee table in front of the two of you, stirring his sugar as he continued,
“why would I need to move friend? its perfect here!  
Mmm okay, that was enough talking to Wally you decided, As much as he was a charming fellow he was starting to creep you out a bit, and that staring habit of his provided no comfort. 
It wasn't long before Eddie and Frank arrived as well, a barking doorbell could be heard resounding throughout the house before Barnaby practically charged at the door to let them in,
“Good to see you Y/N!”   Eddie began, friendly as ever. You set your biscuit down on the table to greet him properly,
“Good to see you too Eddie!”   You turned to see the same grey puppet from yesterday,
“And you must be Frank,”  
You really thought you were being polite but you guessed Frank wasn't much of a talker…
Or he was just too busy trying to classify you in one of his books he had brought, Eddie having to nudge him with his elbow to elicit a proper hello. 
“Nice to meet you Y/N,”  He was very brief and simple with his greeting before going back to looking you up and down, and back at his book. 
His voice definitely matched his nerdy outfit, he sounded like a boy you would have teased in elementary, you would never tell him that though.
“What genus are you?”
… “what..?”  
You were properly confused, but at least he was very straightforward with his curiosity, you much ‘preferred this over being stared at’ you thought as you glanced at Wally. 
After that… question, which you could not answer for the life of you, You all found a spot on Barnaby's couch or on one of his various chairs,
With all eyes on you, you took a deep breath preparing yourself for the bombardment of questions that would surely be shuttled your way. 
Just as Frank began to pull out his book to question you, (was that a list??) 
You all heard a frantic knocking at the door, Barnaby once again practically charging through the door to let in whoever was there, 
Whoever it was snuck past Barnaby and made a straight beeline to where you were seated, She looked the most human out of the group, even compared to Eddie, except for the horns that poked out of her well-kept hair. 
“oh, i forgot to mention i invited Julie, sorry barnaby,” 
….You where beginning to really dislike Wally
As always my Ao3 has more Active Updates with this Story! Expect Chapter 5 to be posted sometime Tonight or Tomorrow!
~Till next time ! \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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kireeen · 2 years ago
Morax knew he wasn’t the best person. He was selfish and greedy but still couldn’t help but fall in love even though he knew that this love can never end in a good way.
Everything around him would end up drowning in his endless greed and selfishness.He was never the one to understand emotions but knew that it was one of the major things that mortals relied on to live
He can’t remember (he just wanted to forget how he was born) or was he created? An agonising pain that morax couldn't forget even in an eternity hits him.As the pain lessened he opened his eyes only to find a group of strange things trying to do something. As he observed those things, one of them actually was able to make him feel a small fraction of pain that lessened few moments ago. In just a blink of an eye his body suddenly acted on it’s own and mimicked the strange things that caused them to fly away. As that thing landed something flowed down from it and covered the ground below it. The strange things went away.
Soon after they went away blackness followed him and he lost all of his energy and fell. When he opened his eyes he was met with a blinding light that he can't remember seeing.
ZONGLllllllI !!! Are u thereeeee?
The door bangs open
Oh director Hu… How may I help you? (He became composed in a blink of an eye)
Huff-Huff (panting sound can be heard across the room) YOU (huff) WON’TBELIEVE (huff-huff)WHAT
Maybe drink some water first then talk?
Maybe if hutao had look a little closely she would still see his dilated pupils and the dazed look in his eyes
Hutao looks….pale? Her cheeks are bright red probably from the running and her eyes are sparking so hard that one would probably mistake her eyes for a pair of pyro vision
Annnnd she just flops down on the floor like a ragged doll
Boss you should probably take some deep breath’s…..and stop smiling so much (u look creepy)
Even though zongli is not a stranger to her attics but this is the fists time she looks so…scared but also excited?
YouknowIrecivedananonymouscommissionabouta littleboyright?lwenttoseehimattheborder(gulps)
Take some breath and talk a little….slowly please
He was not there..It’s not strange but while returning I remembered that the person who posted the commission also said to check the luhua pool to find him I was going there. While I came around the corner I felt a chilling cold. It made me freeze in place (gulps) It felt like when I first went border NO MORE WORSE.It felt like I WAS GONNA DIE at that moment. A strange cold was talking my breath away. Like death was going to claim me the whole world became quite and my vision was getting darker and darker.I’m not sure how much time passed when my legs gave out.I could finally start breathing when the pressure was going away….
As I opened my eyes I saw a BEAUTIFUL woman. Even though I couldn’t see her face because I think mist was surrounding her but I could easily tell that she was the most beautiful person I’ve seen. Her clothes were from quite….old times. Her hair was a mix of deep and bright red and some golden tattoos was covering her arms.
Zongli couldn’t hear hutao’s voice anymore. His ears are ringing
It’s quite tragic isn’t it Morax?
What makes you say that?
Who knows what will happen to them next moment? Whether it is good or bad yet they continue to fight to survive…It’s honestly funny…Look at sunset…….Isn’t it beautiful? (A red halo is covering everything ) Red…red..red everything is red isn’t it beautiful?
Stormy wind blowing is across the horizon. The smell of blood and rain is overpowering the smell of unknown flowers. Her hair and clothes are fluttering across the edge. Sharp eyes that are observing his reaction
Yes, a beautiful sight indeed
A quiet tired chuckle and the sound of thunder can be heard. Morax atleast try to smile a little when you say that…Well even if you smile there is no possible way to see it when you are covered in blood ( she started smiling after sighing )
It’s not like you’re any better is it?
But I still look beautiful don’t I ? (winks)
“This gesture is the dream of thousands of men yet I’m still unmoved….(What a joke)”
I know what you are thinking don’t worry I’m not the SLIGHTEST offended
I must agree that she is the most beautiful woman I’ve seen yet she’s also the most —————
Let’s go time would not wait for us
Her red hair started fluttering in the wind as she jumped off the edge. I broke into a silly smile after seeing her like this and followed behind her
We left a red massacre, a red sky and a red mark across the sea
Mr Zongliiiiiii back to teyvat!!!!
Don’t worry boss I’m still listening
Yeah, like hell you were (grumble’s)
Anyway after she patted my head and ruffed my hair like I’m a puppy she said some….interesting…things. For some reason I couldn’t hear most of it (maybe because I was too drunk in her presence and voice) . There was like a static noise. That cut off most of her sentences. I could only make out that she wanted me find something and if I manage to do it I would be rewarded!! The thing is (get’s up) she is not a soul that is wandering in the dark nor a person. I’m….not sure how was I able to see her but I intend to find out (Zongli got chills after seeing her gaze)
This time Hutao noticed how Zongli’s eyes darkened as she said it. It was not worry nor desire but something cold. She got chills but decided to ignore it. I’ll be back after making some arrangements. She dashed out the front door
Boss wait atleast tell me- (she’s gone)
Hahhhh I can’t believe it after all those years you’re appearing now. (His gaze was now dead and dark)
Did you reincarnate? Are you just a ghost? Or are you something else? Are you haunting me? Should I be scared or —?
Oh I can’t believe I’m losing my composure again…
As he sat down and took a sip from the pre-made tea his mind is already drowning in darkness
Hey Morax how do I look?
You bastard…. YOU DIDN’T EVEN FUCKING LOOK AT ME !!! (hahhh) Atleast try to say something with a CONVINCING face next time you lie… Bastard what did I even expect from you (grumble’s)
Anyway let’s go to separate ways after this (Humming an unknown melody) Hand’s over a teacup (humming)
I took the tea teacup without opening my eyes. (I can’t believe I still don’t like her) I really lack emotions no matter how much I try to deny it huh…… ‘It’s bitter’ but I continue to drink it anyway
Of course it’s bitter. It suits your personality.
Anyway try not to die (haha) It’s not like you will die anyway. You’re an immortal afterall
Who say’s to whom? Where are you heading ?
I don’t have any idea to be honest (soft smile) I think I’ll just sail across the sea and go out of the country. There’s those archons or whatever they are called like you right? I’ll be heading off to one of their lands
(Sigh) Have a safe trip
Aleast you learned some manners. Otherwise I would have broke your bones if you said something weird
Zongli suddenly felt cold all over(coughs)
Anyway I’ll be leaving first (bows) Hmmm
He hastily got up and bowed back. As I finally looked at her yes she looked ethereal. Red hair tied up to a high ponytail with a silver set of light armour accompanying her. Golden earrings with a beautiful face that would make the god’s jealous. A hand on her chest and the other hand pulling up her shirt while bowling a little. With a soft smile on her face
Yes, I could never forget that sight
I could never also forget the sight of countless spears pinning her body to the ground while her face showed a mix expression of being betrayed, tired and cold anger. The eyes that are always sharp is losing it’s sharpness. Red, red, red the same red is covering everything.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it bastard”
I smiled
The sun was rising
It’s quite tragic isn’t it rex lapis?
Let’s form a deal that would both benefit our people. This contract shall be formed to maintain peace between people of ‘The God Of Dust And The Geo Archon’
The memories came flooding back at the speed of a lightning bolt after hearing her….no the ‘God Of Dust’s’ words. My gaze became cold without my consciousness. I saw them flinching not that I care but as I closed my eyes I heard the screams, the sound of weapon clashing, the sound of people running and the sound of blood being spilled. I could see everything without opening my eyes.
‘Yes, let’s do it’ I said with a light smile
She smiled so brightly
Arrange the necessary materials that are needed to confirm it. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier (bows)
I’m ‘Guizong’. ‘The Goddess Of Dust’ Nice to meet you she said with a light smile
I’m sure that you already know my name but I’m known as ‘Rex Lapis’ the Geo Archon it’s a honour to meet you. The pleasure is mine.
Shall we discuss the contents of the contract?
Hey Morax how old are you?
Why do you ask?
Just answer the question!!!
What about no?
Bastard Grandpa
On the other side,
Hutao is currently acting like a maniac and running around liyue to gather information. She even went to the border to ask questions. Sadly she got kicked out by unknown force. Then she went to madame ping to ask if she knew if knows about something that is not soul nor a living person but can still talk. Madame ping low-key got scared after seeing Hutao. She said something like that is clearly a memory of the world. Annnd Hutao’s eyes started shining brighter than a supernova.Madam ping quickly kicked her out by saying that she needs to go home. Even a existence like madam ping got scared of the aura that Hutao is giving off. Never in her whole life she gots chills so bad.
Then after confirming that all the adepties knew about the ‘memory of the world thing’ she went to find Adeptus Xiao or Ganyu. Madame ping quickly fled while praying for that unfortunate soul who is about to meet Hutao. She also prayed that they shall be granted a boost of knowledge, rationality and patience. She didn’t forget to ask for forgiveness for sending a more dangerous human version of natural disaster to their merry way.
Hutao’s face was twisted to almost a maniacal grin that her face was about to split apart. “Only the gods know” about the fact that she found so interesting in the memory’s case
In that case let’s hear it from Zongli
Zongli : I have no idea
Narrator: Oh, I forgot that you are an Ex-Archon
Narrator: I don’t need your help anyway. Your sanity has left the chat the moment MYSTERIOUS memory thingy entered the conversation
Narrator: See liyue doesn’t need you anymore. You can’t help with anything
Zongli : ……………
Zongli : I WILL HAVE OR-
Narrator: kicks Zongli out
Narrator: Anyway let’s see it from Hutao then
From somewhere far away,
A certain bard is clapping and screaming from the top of his lungs “ BRAVO BRAVO” while getting side eyes from the passerbyes and some certain step-brothers who definitely doesn’t know this weird supposed to be their archon guy in middle of the day
At first Hutao went to the qixing office (land version) (I don’t remember the name) in search of Ganyu. The guards and secretary were intimidated by her maniacal expression and grin and her being the ‘77th director of Wansheg Funarel Parlour’ didn’t help. Her reputation for being a troublemaker made it even worse. Rumours say that she always carries a pair of shovel and a ghost and she will bury someone she doesn’t like. While standing there and catching her breath, a ghost came out of her sleeve that she quickly pulled away. The protests of the guards and secretaries were forgot at that exact moment. They feared for their lives before anything at that moment. And miss Ganyu can protect herself from the clutch of this insane girl but they cannot…..
Guard A : (While trembling) Should we call the millileths?
Guard B : Are you fucking crazy?!!! (Also while trembling)
Secretary B : (Scared out her wits) She didn’t commit any crime (gulps) Besides she only asked the audience of Miss Ganyu
Secretary A : If we say no (her voice is shaking) she will bury us without a thought
Guard A : Let’s just call Miss Ganyu. She wouldn’t mind helping us a little (While trembling)
Secretary B : That isn’t a good idea
Guard B : She is 2000+ old adeptus for ARCHONS sake. She even fought in the archon war and survived
All of them together let’s call Miss Ganyu
After a while,
One of them went to call Miss Ganyu and the others stared at the creepily scary girl who was singing a weird rhyme and dancing….Her eyes are still burning like a pair of pyro vision. She looked like she was suppressing her anger (excitement)No one had the guts to tell her to wait. Everytime Hutao looked at them they flinched and prayed to any archon that could help them!!!
Guard A : Oh the lord of Geo !!! Please help me this time. I will give you all the shiny things I’ve gathered in my life. While praying that, some unholy things started playing in the back of his mind
Guard A : …………..
Guard A : (became a blushing mess)
Guard B : Wtf is going on with this mf?
Guard A : (bangs his head on the wall)
Secretary B : Why the hell are you giving The Lord Of Geo shiny things?
Guard B : Because he’s a dragon and dragons like shiny things
Secretary B : (deadpan face) What a bunch of idiots
Guard C : Hey didn’t he pass away last year?
Secretary B, Guard B and Guard A together
Guard C : ………..
Guard C : Goes away
Secretary A return’s while trembling. She literally runs in front of Hutao bows 90 degree and apologises. ‘Please forgive me’ but Miss Ganyu isn’t available in the moment. (Her whole body was trembling)
The rest of their brains stopped working the moment their eyes met Hutao’s
After seeing her co-workers faces she didn’t dare to look up and was about to kotow on the ground
At that moment Hutao’s vision automatically got activated and her aura was giving off dangerous-than-natural-disaster- vibes
Hutao : Then I’ll be leaving. (Teleports away)
All of them fell to their knees and only one thing was going off in their mind “We survived”
This time Hutao went to the Wangshu Inn in search of Adeptus Xiao. She sprinted from the teleport waypoint to the rooftop in the blink of an eye. (She broke the world record) Even the always friendly dog ran away after seeing her
Narrator: Maybe lore-wise tao is too much powerful when she’s being serious?
The moment she arrived at the rooftop she screamed “ADEPTUS XIAOOOOOOOOOOO” with all her might and the excitement that had was building inside her bursted that moment.
Fuck Xiao even the cloud retainer along with the adeptuses could hear her. Zongli almost fell from his chair because he was in deep thought. (The adepti has SPECIAL hearing abilities I’M SURE OKAY)
All the people who was staying or was around the inn flinched heavily. Ver Goldet chocked on air and ran with all her might in fear of something bad had happened to the adepti. The concerned chef and citizens also followed behind her. After reaching they only saw a fearsome Hutao (that will live in their nightmare) and there was no sign of Adeptus Xiao
As they arrived Tao just gave Verr a cute smile and said “I was just calling him” Poor Tao got kicked out once again and was banned from the inn for 3 years
Narrator: What a day !!
HuTao: Sad noises
Adeptus Xiao was minding his own business and slaying a ruin guard while he heard that teyvat shattering scream. Poor boy’s soul almost left for a moment. He teleported just in time to hear tao’s communication with Ver. He left green smoke while leaving as a mark that he was here
Xiao : Rex lapis, how do you put up with her antics ?
Zongli : money can buy patience
This time since Hutao became a little calm after screaming her heart out she managed to think properly. She went to a decently quiet area (U know those islands at the liyue border) Then she just jumped into the lake to calm herself down. Then just screamed her heart again and went underwater.
This fucking heat is too much.
A red head is rowing a boat in middle of the ocean. She took off her armour and tied her hair upto a bun because of the extreme heat.
Son of a bitchessss
I’m gonna cut you into piecesssss
Burn you down, cut you up
Never gonna let you down and kill you
Eh I forgot the rest
No one knows just how many hours she floated in the ocean before she came across a monster. She was tired and hungry but nothing matters because she wasn’t able to take a dook dook in 3 days.
Narrator : S-
Red head: Fuck off
The monster was around 50ish meters tall on the surface. Also another word can perfectly describe it’s appearance “HIDEOUS”
*** “It was swimming like a person???”
Wtf you bastards ?
Did you guys plot to kill me by showing me this hideous looking thing????
It’s more hideous than Morax when he was trying to act cute while being covered in who-knows-what’s-shit
Atleast it doesn’t stink like him tho ***
Now she had the best chance to blast off her rage that had been piled up for the past 3 days…
Narrator : How did you know that 3 d-
Red head : The sun rose 3 times atleast I’m not DUMB like certain someone
Red head : And if you fucking talk to me again I’ll kill y-
Narrator : Sayonara
The seemingly hideous monster casually opened it’s bigger-than-a-blackhole mouth and started to pick up it’s pace
Red head : ……..
Forget blasting off I would be the one to be blasted off at this rate……
She armoured herself up and picked up the sword and bow then tied it around her waist tightly. And in the current combat she’s going to use dual daggers that definitely doesn’t look like a-pair-of-butcher-knife
When the monster got pretty close she kicked off and missed the head.When she was falling into the water she stabbed both of the daggers into the monster’s side. One of them broke and the other one was weakly holding up.
I’m fucked
Even though the monster’s face was making her flinch but the thought of dying such a disrespectful death was ticking her off more. She punched the broken dagger into one of it’s eye and twisted it. The monster was obviously trying to shake her off and eat her but nope.
That’s where her underwater adventure started
The monster went underwater and was releasing poison through it’s fins and nostrils. It was increasing it’s speed continuously at that moment. Only the red head knew what she was feeling. She somehow managed to grab back her sword while releasing the dagger in process and JUMPED at the opposite direction with all her might and breaking her right arm in the process. But she still didn’t let go of the dagger
Narrator : Since the water pressure was going backwards she just had to push her legs backwards and do a backflip like position. When her legs were in the air the water pressure swept her away and she had to stab the monster once again with the sword in order to hang on. It took extreme self belief, courage and strength
Narrator: But since the water pressure is going up every second and she was doing the stunt for the first time the position of her arm was misplaced and it got dislocated or broken
(Lore-wise every character/npc that had been introduced to us is like super op)
(So following that logic Hutao and the others that I’ll be writing about should be like SOOOO MUCH POWERFUL than the game right both character and enemies)
The red head’s body was crushing because of the weight of water. The monster was continuously going deeper into the ocean that was making it much worse. She started bleeding from her ears and nose at some point. She was running out of breath too. But if she loses her grip she’ll go straight to the monster’s stomach. “What a disgraceful death”. Just thinking it enough for her to shudder in fear and make her heart drop.
“How am I gonna make it alive”
This is the first time this question appeared in her mind since a long time or so she thought
Her armour has broken off a long time. The poison and the lack of oxygen is making her dizzy. The pain is slowly spreading all over her body like a web that she can’t get out of.
“Burn it”
“Burn it down”
“Is it possible to use fire underwater?”
“Who cares let’s try it out”
Then she tried to channel elemental energy in her left arm a cell burning pain spread all over her right arm.
She accidentally opened her mouth and took a big gulp of water.
“I can’t breathe”
Her arm was losing it’s strength
“Am I going to die such a disgraceful death”
“I can’t die yet”
“What can I do whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwha-
She started twisting the sword with all her might
The monster let out a shriek and started going to the surface in a shattering speed
Blackness has surrounded her already
“It’s cold”
She almost let go of the sword but she grabbed it with both hands with all of the little sanity and strength she has left
“Am I losing my consciousness now”
Her insides are burning like hell but
“It’s going towards freedom”…..
just hang in there little one
you will be alright
Her bones has already broke into pieces due to the intense pressure
don’t die such a disgraceful death
you must hang in there
good guys survive through anything
“The good guys survive though anything….huh”
I’m anything but a good guy
“But I’ll hang in there to see the end of good guys”
“The gods has failed me, the world has failed me They embrace the good guy’s….Didn’t you guys force us to become the bad guys for them to shine?”
“This is nothing but bullshit”
I’ll see the end of them
The end of darkness
The monster finally emerged from the water
It unexpectedly came infront of a city
“All of their peaceful lives are going to end now” (smile)
The sound of people screaming and running is becoming like a lullaby for me
‘I knew it you bastards still need me to play the villain right….bring it on’
I’m too much twisted
Hey xxx we still need to buy some more spices
Ughhhh today is really hot let’s go home now
How can we cook food without salt or peppers?
Besides mom would kill us with her wooden spoon if we don’t buy it (shivers)
Then what are we waiting for let’s grab it and then run back home (start’s running)
W-(A monster popped up from the water in front of her)
Ahhhhhhhhhh (a big tide came and washed her away)
Hey are yo- (AHHHHHHHHHH)
RIAAAAAA(he started running towards the wave)
The waves continued to crash into the shore and washing everything away in it’s path. People started running away for their lives but those who lost someone dear to them was running towards it hoping to save them
Under 4 minutes over 40 people got washed away and hundreds got injured while escaping
The grand bazaar was located around the seashore since the place is really big and pretty. It’s a grand sight when the sun or moon rises. Or when the moon light get’s reflected in the sea water
Pov of a storyteller
Storyteller : The grand festival was being held today in honour of “Greater Lord Rukkhadevata”
Storyteller: On this day the lord first got accepted as the dendro archon and started ruling over sumeru
The kids wore green and white clothes and was excited to meet the greater lord. Some parents also joined their children. The children were giggling and running around copying one of her heroic tales. Some parents were worried and some were smiling softly while looking at them
Coincidentally or unfortunately the storyteller’s tent was right beside the shore. Most of the children was running around in the tent and the parents were standing outside. Due to the extreme heat the parents sent their children in the shade to get away from direct sunlight. The storyteller was sitting inside the tent and telling different kinds of heroic stories of the archon
A child went out to and was running towards his mother while another boy was chasing him(The parents was standing really far away in the shade of a tree)
A bigger wave than a tsunami crashed into the shore and washed the tent away. Everything was too surden
The world stopped for all of them
The boy who was chasing the child got washed away and the child got thrown over midway to the shore
No one was able to say anything but staring blankly at the wave until one of them started screaming
Everything from there is nothing but a blur
The child saw red and black. His ears are ringing
His mother was running towards him
Until another wave came and almost washed him away he saw a red haired lady covered in red barely hanging on top of the monster
The monster looks disgusting
The lady is beautiful
She looks like a princess no a fairy who came out a fairytale
He couldn’t say anything before the wave crashed once again
The people in the shore blankly looked at the monster who came up from the sea and a lady who was coved in blood stabbing her sword into the monster who looked barely conscious
One of it’s eyes are cut off and there are stab wounds all over it
The monster is coming towards the land now they ran or atleast tried to
Lifeless bodies are scattered across the shore like a spiderweb
Red, red, red
Red is such a beautiful colour don’t you agree
The red haired girl is laying on the red sand waiting for something
“It’s cold”
Red hair scattered with red bodies across the shore where flowers and leaves are decorating the sand has painted a beautiful picture
Countless bodies has already been washed away by the waves. Mother nature has embraced them
She looked towards her left where a little girl wearing a flower crown lies. Death was looming over her
Both of her legs has been blasted off by some explosion
“I just realised she looks like an angel”
As I was staring blankly at her she started to wake up
She somehow reminded me of myself
Covered in red
Did I look like an angel?
I closed my eyes
I started hearing some noises. She woke up since we’re surrounded by dead bodies there is no way dead people could make noises
(A faint whimpering sound could be hear along with screams)
I opened my eyes eyes with a blank mind
I unconsciously looked at her
She seemed scared but relieved at the same time
It looked like she was going to start crying
It’s natural she’s a kid of course she’s going to be scared
But if she start’s crying we’re fucked with no way out
Even though I knew it’s useless I put on a fake warm expression and weakly took a finger towards my lip to make a ‘sushhh’ expression
She UNEXPECTEDLY stopped her crying in time
Seeing her scared but listening to my words made me smile
She just looked at me with big doe eyes that are filled to the brim with some weird emotion…..they are sparkling I think
I just closed my eyes once again with a tired smile
The pain is making my whole body paralysed
I can still move but it’s too painful
Every nerve feels like they are on fire
My bones have been broken badly
I feel like shit
I heard some whimpers and movements repeatedly. I looked at her once again. It looked like she wants to come towards me. Maybe I’m soft or I’m not in the right mind I started crawling towards her
She looked at me with fear. I’m covered in blood and dirt I look more scary than a monster. It’s not like I care or anything but I continued to crawl towards her
She just stared at me.
“I’ve read countless books on how to become friends with a child” She looks like 8 or 9. This might be the last chance of my life to become friends with a 8 year old.
“I can do it…. YEAHHH”
I slowly crawled towards her and just gave her a soft smile. I’m not sure how do I look but she’s still not crying so green light
Just crawling a little distance is making me feel like I fell from the hell. My whole body is burning. I feel like I’m gonna pass out. But the determination of becoming friend’s with-a child is making keeping me conscious. That’s how I am. Weird but cool
I laughed at my own silly thoughts
I closed my eyes once again and this time I think I blacked out for a while. When I opened my eyes I saw the girl crying while looking at me. She was trying to touch me I think. I once again just smiled at her
I felt refreshed because I passed out. I thought I could easily reach her and started crawling towards her again. She was just 30 inch away from me when it suddenly came to me that she should die from blood loss by now. I looked at her blankly once again. A faint green light or halo can be seen acting like a shield around her body.
“The dendro archon”?
‘No this different’
Who cares?
The explosion got a lot closer this time. Some pieces of debris landed around her. It looked a little weird that a girl is alive after her both legs got blasted away. It’s a bad sight. My stomach is churning. Instincts were telling me that help would arrive soon so I should atleast pass out like a hero right?
I dragged my ragged body towards her and tried to cage her in my arms. Yep,the arms are definitely broken. The pain made me pass out this time. Before passing out I felt the explosions are just right behind my back
“We’re going to be saved”
I looked at her for the last time. Her eyes was going blank. I smiled at her before I fell into the endless darkness
Soldiers were evacuating the common folks
Some were injured the rest of them was running away for their lives
The greater lord has arrived
In just a moment all the soldiers and people was covered by a shield. The dendro power was slowly healing the injured. The greater lord went into the battlefield
“We’re saved”
The sobbing of people covered the entire seashore
The dendro archon saw the lifeless bodies of her people scattered around the shore. The anger overtook her whole being. She killed the monster in just a moment
As she was running around frantically trying to find any survivors she saw the red haired girl trying to cover for a kid. The kid was protected by the aranara powers but her legs are blasted off. The sight made her dizzy
She slowly approached the kid
“Don’t worry you’re safe”
Tears were glittering like the stars in her eyes
The kid just looked at her blankly
The dendro archon put her hand on the red head’s shoulder
A girl is slouched forward while broken glass and blood is covering her
Hey nice to meet you I’m r/n or y/n
I live on earth. I’m from an average family. Loving parents
I liked anime, music and stuff. My favourite games were minecraft and Genshin Impact. I’ve been playing Genshin for 542 days. Well other than having no friend almost at all I’m a pretty cool person
Today we had our class outing so I was allowed to take my phone at school. I just listened to music and took some photos of other classmates. Mind you but I’m not into taking selfies so not photo of me
I got into the bus with my other classmates and sat in a corner. I was reading fanfic’s of RIM and TCF two of my most favourite novels. Since I’m still a teenager sadly I can’t buy the chapters. I was a little down for that fact but otherwise everything was going pretty good. I just finished cleaning my browser history when the accident occurred
I died on the spot
There are sometimes I wish I was dead. But it’s not like I’ve the guts to commit suicide. My life is decently pleasant. If I commit suicide everyone would say that it’s my fault just like always. Everyone has their own struggles my parents have too but at the end of the day they’re happy
I want to be happy too
I know that I may act happy and carefree but at the end of the day I’m just a disappointment
They all would be cursing me
I hate the feeling so much
I was never fond of dying because of old age but dying in a complete random accident is my dream
I was never fond of living but I can’t just die either
My self esteem has been long gone
Maybe I used up all of my good deeds and luck to die in such a random painless way
Note : Um hey guys 👋
Everyone must have noticed that the story shifted completely. I never had the plan to do something like this and my mind is always changing so I wrote whatever came to my mind
This is my first time writing so haha
this is just pure shit ik
I didn’t even double check it before posting
4 notes · View notes
zvdvdlvr · 2 years ago
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body electric | everyone x f!reader
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It's the burn of hindsight, that fuzzy little thing called moribund that leaks into your marrow as you all take turns showering (they let you go first, unspoken, of course), and converge around the large meeting room where everything—including Simon Riley—was exposed. 
Several drinks in, Gaz turns to you and says: never have I ever… had a gangbang before, and things quickly devolved from there. 
(Well. You can scratch that off your bucket list.)
Simon, Price, Gaz, Soap, Alejandro, Rudy x f!Reader
⇾warnings: unfettered filth; gendered reader, gendered terminology, female!reader; oral—m&f receiving; unsafe sex; p-in-v sex, fingering; anal, rimming, anal fingering; this is a 6 man gangbang ummmmmmmm what more can i add? 
⇾notes: um. yeah. it is what it is and it is nasty.
thank you so much @moondirti for encouraging me to write this, and @sprout-fics and @guyfieriii for the juicy ideas (and full credit for the makeout sess with Rudy goes to @guyfieriii) 🖤
(@ tumblrstaff, please don't delete my blog for this)
also, thank u so much cod fandom. if this revokes my fandom license, just know that it's an absolute honour and privilege to go out into the way i came in—with nothing but filth. 
you only have yourselves to blame. and this person in particular 😭
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It starts like this: 
Price, a little bruised around the edges, and worn from the helicopter, grumbles about needing a drink. Gaz, a little quieter than usual, a little subdued, nods firmly beside him. 
It's a spate—Shepherd, Graves—and the cumulation of it all leaves you feeling a little lour, a little out of it. Betrayal, death. You all reek of gunpowder and ichor. 
That may be why there is a palpable sense of relief when Alejandro and Rudy fish out some bottles stashed away in the kitchen. He holds two by the nozzle, hefts them in the air, and says:
Who wants some?
No one, not even Ghost, says no. 
It's the burn of hindsight, that fuzzy little thing called moribund that leaks into your marrow as you all take turns showering (they let you go first, unspoken, of course), and converge around the large meeting room where everything—including Simon Riley—was exposed. 
Several drinks in, Gaz turns to you and says: never have I ever…, and things quickly devolved from there. 
That was then, before you knew how Price, Soap, Gaz Alejandro, and Rodolfo, liked to kiss. 
Price—rough, just like everything else about him; shades of smouldering tobacco leaves in the form of an unrelenting powerplay. He batters you into docility, leaves you feeling vapid and stupid by the time his hands rubs circles on the small of your back, the other holding your chin and leading you—always a leader, always—in whichever direction he wants. He's a thinly-veiled lesson in discipline. When you stray from his command, his fingers—thick, and bruising—are immediately there to reprimand you. He tastes like leather and smells like suede. His beard grazes your face until you feel a little sunburnt, a little dazed. He smells of low-grade motor oil and charred pinyon, and the musk of it makes you feel more intoxicated than the aged tequila on your tongue. 
His tongue curls over your teeth and the noises he lets out are rasping guttural growls. The kicking engine of a classic car that was left to idle for too long. An American muscle car, maybe. The whiplash bellow of a Hemi purring against your lips. A mustang, a Chevelle. Something drenched in masculinity and oozing authority. 
It's controlled. Blistering. He shifts your body around until you're tucked into the warm press of his chest. His hold is ironclad. No escape. 
It's Soap, then, something falling from his lips. My turn, maybe. But nothing is solid in the effervescent grey matter saturating your thoughts. You feel drunk with pink peppercorn and sweetgrass when it envelopes you from behind. 
His hands pull you away from Price, murmurs of soft words, things meant for a lover spill from his full pink lips. So pretty, hen; gonna make you feel so good. His eagerness shows he slots his pelvis to yours, and the hard, firm bulge of him nearly has you seeing stars. 
Soap lingers for a moment, fingers tracing the wet curve of your raw lips, chafed and irritated by the bristles of Price's beard. 
It wouldn't be wrong to call the way he touches the drying amalgam of yours and Price's—captain Price, superior, boss; untouchable—saliva obscene. It's filthy the way he grazes his finger under the curve of your lip, eyes honeycomb and wanting. 
"Wanna gimme a kiss, hen?"
When he asks you like that, soft and hushed, the ghost of his breath across your stinging lips, you can't say no. 
His mouth is molten on yours. He kisses you like he's starving for it. It's wet, and messy. Spittle drips down your chin when he shoves his tongue in your cavern, chasing your taste. Teeth clash, and your lips are pulled softly into his mouth until they swell, bruised and numbed. He only pulls away when you gasp, begging for air, grinning wickedly in the amber glow. 
You barely have a second to catch your breath before Gaz is there, hands firm on your ass, dragging you into him. 
Gaz peppers you in small, full kisses. Open mouth, teeth sinking into the plush bed of your bottom lip, suckling it into his mouth. Then he pulls away, leaves you dazed, and leaning forward, chasing the thrill of him. He huffs, hands sliding around the curve of your waist. Want it bad, eh? 
A tidal wave. A storm surge. They batter against you until you're drunk off the taste of them. An illicit elixir of sin. A tantalising tease of what's to come. 
Alejandro kisses you with unmatched finesse. Velvet soft sensuality that tastes of spiced clove and armoise. It starts slow. Just the press of his lips on yours. They lift into a grin, teeth sealed when you whimper and try to chase the santalum on his tongue. He laughs: a low, throaty chuckle, and wedges the tip between his teeth. A small taste, but not nearly enough to satiate you. You feel a little bit like you're floating in the clouds when his tongue finally fills the gap between your teeth; roiling over every inch of space he can find. 
You feel like a beached log—ruined by the gritty sand on the bottom of the seafloor, and spat back out into dry land. Covered in the taste of them all, you find yourself slipping off a steep precipice into a chasm you can't climb out of. 
It's Rodolfo, then, who grounds you. 
His hand is warm on your chin—a beacon of light in a dark tunnel. His lips are a balm to your irritated, bruised flesh. It's sweet. The taste of sweet Brachetto d'Acqui and hedgerow blossoms. He smells of golden copal and kisses you like he's pressing his lips to the hands of his Father; a baptism in soft skin and reverent touches that make you feel like you've been found. Its featherlight whispers of his lips across your skin: the corners of your mouth, the soft skin between your chin and lower lip. 
Hands on your waist, hot and heavy. Soap sinks his face in the space between your shoulder blades with a slow drawl of your name, teeth grazing your flesh. His stubble abrades your flesh until you're trembling in their embrace. Static shocks of pleasure bloom in the pits of your stomach. 
Rodolfo's head drops, murmured words spilling in hymnals as he nuzzles your neck. Soft, gentle. He puts you together again just to dissolve you into ashes from psalms. 
Gaz leaks grape cigarillos, and nag champa incense when he presses flush to your side. 
It's when he asks Alejandro if there's any oil, any lube, does it start to sink into your sun-warmed flesh that this is happening. It's real.
You could blame Gaz— never have I ever had a threesome or a gangbang —but the idea mushroomed inside of your head, sporous and damning, until it was all you could think about. you, of course, weren't immune to the sudden hush that fell over the group drinking near the table when you stammered out your answer: 
No, I've never had a threesome or a gangbang before.
It all happened so suddenly. The atmosphere was a rich, dense cloud of feverish energy buzzing around you; a miasma of hedonism in smoke and white musk. 
Price, then, behind you. Alejandro's barking laughter (no way, cariño, you're too beautiful to never have been fucked like that before). The way Soap's eyes gleamed in the light. Rudy's quiet shake of his head. Ghost's eyes liquifying: heavy, midnight oil on your skin. The sound of glass cracking when Gaz said:
Well, would you? 
Would I…? Silence. Poignant. Stifling. 
Would you ever have a gangbang? 
It spiralled from there. Gaz's words burrowing into your skin. His hands—are hot and heavy on your body. Soap dropping to his knees as he lifted your leg up on his shoulder, breathing deeply against your clothed cunt. 
Want to, hen? Wanna take all a'us? 
Alejandro's sharp breath. Might break her, hermano. Don't know about you, but I'm a big man.
Yeah, Price's mouth on yours, breath ghosting over your trembling lips. The scratch of his beard rubbing your skin until it was pink and flushed. Ain't the only one, mate. 
Lips searing into yours. Sensual rolls of his tongue from Alejandro, hands roaming across your back. A soft, sweet series of kisses that left you breathless from Rudy. Messy, almost hypoxia-inducing ones from Soap that made your head spin, and drool dripped down your chin, your neck, covering your chest. An intense, blistering assault by Gaz, his hand firm on the nape of your neck. 
It felt a little bit like a dream. Feverish and desperate. Tinged in the surrealism of being passed around like a prized trophy kissed after a well-won match. 
It feels like a cacoethes and carries the taste of Alejandro's tequila. Bad decisions made under terrible influence. 
And now—
There are hands on your body—many of them, in fact: Price holding the back of your knees up to your chest as he swipes his tongue over your aching cunt, lapping at your clit; Soap's on your nipples, pinching and tugging until you're mewling at the sharp pleasure-pain that ripples down your spine. Rodolfo stroking your face, murmuring in dulcet Spanish about how good you are, how pretty you look with your captain between your thighs. Alejandro's fingers ghosting over your torso, and trailing down to your throbbing clit when Price forces the thick of his tongue inside your quivering hole. 
It edges into overstimulation; you're equally aware of every single brush across your trembling flesh, and completely gone at the same time. Dissolved into liquid mush. 
And they haven't even really started yet. 
Gaz is gone somewhere in search of the petroleum jelly in the office upstairs. Ghost leans against the wall—not willing, you think, to partake but still here, still watching you spread out on the table where he dropped his mask for the first time as everyone touches you. 
"Fuck, cariño," Alejandro rasps, his finger pressing against your clit in tandem with Price's tongue fucking into the clutch of you. It's too much—his voice is heavy with sin and the heft of it makes you quake. "Bonita. You're so pretty like this, eh? All flushed pretty carmesí and aching for it." 
Rodolfo, Rudy he murmurs low in your ear when you whimper his name, chuckles. "She's stunning, eh, hermano."
"Fuckin' right," Soap breathes, his fingers drifting across your smeared lips. "You want this, aye, bonnie? Want us to fuck you silly?"
All you can do is moan brokenly around his hand, fingers rubbing across your tongue. 
"Where's Gaz?" Price grumbles into your cunt, beard grazing your inner thighs. "Wanna fuck this tight pussy already, love. Need to feel you around my cock—"
He punctuates his words with the tips of his blunt fingers, pushing two of them into your dripping hole. The sting makes you keen, makes your knees shake. You want to say too much, too sudden, but you can't speak around the three fingers shoved into your throat.
The look on your face makes Alejandro groan. "I want your mouth, cariño. Can I?" 
"Christ, hermano," Soap huffs, amused. Tone draped in sex. It makes your thighs quiver. "Ready to start, then?" 
"I am," Price grouses, nose flushed against your clit. "I've been thinkin' about this cunt for a long time, love."
They move in tandem. Seamless weaving with one singular goal of stuffing you full of all of them. 
Soap pulls his hand away, rubbing your slick over his flushed cock. 
You moan against Alejandro's cock when he presses it to the seal of your quivering mouth. His hand is firm on your head, but his eyes are gentle. He waits for you, holding still until you give him your affirmation to continue. The sight of his flushed, tanned cock makes you whimper. He smells of sin: oud and myrrh; heady and thick. Your head swims with the way it clots in your lungs.  
Your mouth aparts, tongue rolling out over the weeping head of his cock. It's salty. Brinny. You moan a little when it slides deeper into your mouth. 
"Jesus—," Soap pants, rough and slurred. The noise jars into you. 
Hands fall over you again, and you lose track of who is touching you when Price groans into your cunt, and Alejandro pushes your jaw open wider, sliding more of his cock into your mouth. 
The air buzzes with something bordering on frenetic. Pent up energy from the success of the mission, the alcohol spuming in your veins. The high of the win burns through everyone. 
This—a gangbang —would never have happened if it wasn't somehow the perfect storm, the coalescence of all the right emotions. 
It's intense. Surreal. 
And then Alejandro pitches his hips forward with a smoked groan, murmurs:
"Fuck, gonna cum, cariño. Are you gonna swallow it for me?"
A hushed silence falls around you. It's one thing to attend, but another to partake, and you wonder if they are realising that this is the point of no return. 
It's met with a soft moan. 
You want it. Want his cum. Want to taste more of that salty haar tang in your throat, feel it settle in the pit of your belly. Hot and syrupy thick. 
He pitches his hips forward, hand sliding up the length of his cock not buried in your throat, stroking himself as you suckle on his head. It's sloppy, and wet, and fuck —
Alejandro is the first to cum. The first to spill his milky release on your tongue. It's salty, briny. Not at all dissimilar to the margaritas he handed you hours ago.
His moan is choked and hoarse, a low bellow in the depths of his belly that rumbles through you in a series of deep uh, uh, uhs. 
You barely have time to swallow when Rudy is there. Hands on your cheek, eyes lidded and pleading. Can I, cariño? 
Alejandro's cum spills from your tongue when he pulls away, dribbling down your chin, neck. It puddles on your chest where Soap's thumb catches the droplets, smearing them around your hard nipples. 
You nod, swallowing down the mouthful of cum, brows furrowed in pleasure with each roll of Price's tongue laving at your cunt; the gentle way Soap kneads your flesh. 
Rudy shuffles closer, and the flavour of cardamom spumes around you. His body burns hot, heavy cock twitching in his grip. Your mouth drops, tongue lulling out, and he grunts at the sight, eyes cresting. 
"You're beautiful, mi Reina."
Rudy's cock brushes across your tongue, eyes shuddering when you wrap your lips around him, head tipping back in pleasure. "Fuck…"
Your tongue laves over his slit, tasting the salty spill of him. His breath is ragged, heavy. There is no warning—just a strangled choke of your name—and then he's cumming on your tongue, ropes spurting over your cheeks and chin. 
You gasp, wet and broken, and absolutely filthy. 
"That's it—," Price mumbles against you, blowing a huff of air across your slit. It makes your toes curl—the perfect mix of not enough and too much, and—
Rudy strokes your hair, eyes glazed. The angle is awkward, but his mouth slots over yours, tongue rubbing over the mess they made of you. He kisses you like he's worshipping you. Like you're the best thing he'd ever tasted, and he can't get enough. 
There is a blunt pressure against your core. A delicious coil inside of you unspooling. 
Price has three fingers buried to the knuckle inside of you, tongue rolling over your clit, when you cum around him, knees shaking as you moan at the tight clutch of your walls stretched taut. 
"Fuck," Soap breathes, taking Rudy's place when he pulls away from you, lips red and glossy. He pushes his blunt head against your cheek. Cum spurts out, splattering across your face in thick milky ropes. "That's what you sound like when you cum? Jesus—"
You barely have time to catch your breath when Price lifts his head, beard soaked in your slick. Heat pools in your belly again at the sight. He looks like ruin. Wet and dark, and hungry. You whimper when he rubs the scuff of his damp beard over your spread pussy. Coarse hair grazes your clit, and the spark of pleasure has you seeing double. Makes liquid bliss bloom in your chest. 
"Couldn't wait, eh, cap?" Gaz returns with a wink, waving the bottle of jelly in his hands when he moves into your periphery. 
"Can it, and get over here." 
Price helps you sit up, mouth stinging, and sticky with cum and saliva. His eyes catch in the dimming light high in the rafts. Drunken desire spools in the shades of sapphire blue. His thumb brushes across the corner of your mouth. 
"Might have to see you like this more often, love."
"Shooting your shot already, cap?" Gaz drawls, humour lacing in his tone. 
"Not my fault you waited too long."
"You're lucky," Alejandro rumbles. Firm hands fall to your shoulders, rubbing the knots in your back until your head falls, forehead pressed to Price's chest with a moan. "Should stay here, cariño. I'll make you happy. Get you nice and fat on Mexican food, and swollen with mis hijos e hijas."
"Sí," Rudy's lips brush the shell of your ear, whispering saccharine words in Spanish. "We'll live on the farm. Drinking wine every day. I'll take you to the coast."
You shudder, belly spuming with heat. Overwhelmed, dizzy. It's a dangerous elixir. A deadly combination. It makes you want, yearn. 
"No way," Soap huffs. "She's comin' home with us. Back to the UK where she can sit on my cock whenever she wants—"
"You're all wrong," Gaz scoffs. "Price called dibs the moment—"
"That's enough." His command is rough, dry. 
Gaz glances at you, and the humour shifts. Darkens. "Fuck, look what they did to you already." 
You feel it, thick and viscous, on your burning skin. The flush deepens. You can only imagine what you look like. Your lashes are clumped together, and heavy. Cheeks irritated from the beard burn and the saline smear of cum over your flesh. Swollen, cock-bruised lips. Messy in voluptuary pearlescent. 
"You look good," Soap says, taut, and slightly breathless. 
They stare at you like you're a banquet—a feast. Your heart thuds in your chest, cum-filled belly rolling. Its—
Powerful. Sensual. 
Price's eyes flutter when he leans over you, hands feverish when they fall on your skin. "Gotta move you, now, love. That alright?"
You swallow and taste the ocean. The sea. "Y—yeah."
He shudders. A frisson flurries across his face. "Good."
His hands are solid on your body as they manoeuvre you until your belly is flushed to the table, panting against the damp fabric beneath you. He presses his cock against your ass, letting you feel the iron-hard, velvety soft heat of him. You push your hips back, cunt throbbing. You want it. Want his cock. Want him to fill you up until you're stuffed and fat, and—
Happy, Alejandro said. Happy. 
"Soon, love," his voice is a thunderclap in a bottle. You tremble when the balmy heat of him moves away from you, leaving you spread and exposed. 
"Fuck," Gaz murmurs. His hand trails down your spine, fingers slipping between the crease of your ass. 
He spoke to you about it already. Five of us. Wanna—he licked his lips, eyes hooded and caramel rich—wanna let me fuck your ass?
In for a penny. 
Gaz shushes you when you whimper, mouth ghosting over the soft flesh of your ass. He wastes no time. His fingers dig into your cheeks, spreading them open. You mewl. Your body is electrified: too much, too soon, too raw—too exposed; but Gaz groans deep in his throat. 
"Fuck, look at you." 
He doesn't give you a moment; doesn't waver even when Soap tells him to move away so they can see. There is no preamble. His tongue laves over your asshole, a filthy grunt spilling from his lips as he tastes your flesh.
"Steamin' Jesus, Gaz," Soap groans. Slick noises can be heard behind you. "Fuckin' Christ—"
It's strange. The sensation is heightened by the awareness that everyone—everyone—is watching Gaz devour your ass like it's the best meal he's had in weeks. You quiver, dropping your head into the table. Price stands by your side, cock jerking each time you moan. 
His hand on your head is a comfort. A heavy weight. Your hips rock back into Gaz's tongue, keening when it slips into your hole. It doesn't hurt, but there's an insistent pressure as he stretches you open. 
A cold, slick finger joins soon after, and the ache makes you choke. 
"S'alright, love," Price murmurs, and your lachrymose eyes blink open, gritty and sticky, and dart to him. His hand tightens around the base of his cock. Your cunt throbs at the sight. "Focus on me, yeah?"
The rawness in your voice makes him groan. Makes them groan. You can hear Alejandro swear. Soap grunt. More slick noises reverberate around you, and you flush. Cheeks burning. They're getting themselves off to this. To Gaz fingering your tight asshole open for their cocks. Another hole for them to slip inside. 
Fuck, fuck fuck—
"That's it," Price coos, low and smoky, and filled with rough tobacco. 
His hand threads through your hair as Soap's roam your body, slipping beneath your chest and the table, punching your nipples, stroking your belly. Rudy, or maybe Alejandro—you can't see, can't tell—tap on your clit as two fingers are pushed back into your throbbing cunt. 
You want them. Want it. 
Price groans, his cock spitting out prespend that dribbles down the length of him. "I want you to suck my cock, love. Will you do that for me?" 
You nod, core quivering as a rush of heat flutters down to the base of your spine. You still taste Alejandro, Rudy, on your tongue. 
You wonder if Price tastes just as good.
Price helps you move, and angles his cock toward you, grunting when your wet, sloppy mouth seals over the head. 
He tastes even better. Salty and bitter. Tobacco ash and smoke. You want to drown in it. 
Gaz stretches your ass as you swallow your captain's cock, and your head still spins with that notion, not quite able to believe you're on your knees for them, spread open, and being readied for all of them that take. 
It cudgels into your stomach: a gnarling frisson that makes throb, makes you push back onto Gaz's fingers, his tongue, and moan around Price's cock. 
"That enough, Gaz?" He sounds wrecked when he speaks. Ashes and gasoline; it's saturated in want. The air crackles with impatience. 
His tongue slides across your fluttering hole in a long, wet stripe, as if savouring the taste of you before he pulls back. 
"Yeah—," it's wet when it slurs out of him. His fingers press against your loose hole, moaning a little when you greedily take the tips inside. "Fuck, she's more than ready, cap."
Price wastes no time. He pulls you off of him, and the others—all communicating in a series of strange commands you can't decipher through the rush in your head—all make room for him. 
He turns you around, and lifts you onto the table, legs spread around the thick of him. His cock throbs against your pussy when you wiggle back, trying to get comfortable on the bed of masks—Ghost's masks—and it hits you, now, that you're going to get fucked. That your pussy and your ass have been stretched, prepped, and are ready for them. All of them. 
He stares down at you, nostrils flaring, and the dark look in his molten sapphire gaze makes you wonder if he feels it, too. If it's hitting him with just as much of a punch as it is you. 
His cock nudges against your hole. He pauses, eyes flickering up from the seal of your cunt around his flushed, engorged head, to confirm, one last time, if you want this. If you're sure.
It's debauched and absolutely filthy, but—your hand reaches out when Soap steps up, cock bobbing with each step, and you grasp his shaft. Alejandro's fingers ghost over your bruised, swollen mouth, and you let him lead your head to his throbbing cock, lips sealing over the leaking head. 
Rudy's hands are reverent when he takes your other hand, bringing it to his length. 
It's all the confirmation he needs, but still. Price waits. Your heart thunders in your chest. Your captain—always so—
The thought is nipped when you nod around Alejandro, and he pushes inside of your pussy. Stretching your cunt with his girth. You moan, legs falling open wider as he splits you apart. 
It's good. It's too much. It's—
He feeds it into you, lips curled up in a snarl as you split around him. He grunts—rasping growls that spool inside of your core until you're white-hot, and whimpering. 
"Come on, love," is rucked from his throat. A battering ram against your chest swinging hard, and ferocious until you see stars. "You can take me."
It makes you tremble. Makes the world around you grind together; tectonic plates shifting, crashing. Earthquake tremors along the base of your spine, rattling your bones. It cracks them open, and leaks Nirvana through your bloodstream. 
Price's cock wrenches you open. Each inch jarring the soporific slurry of sex and smoke congealing heavy in your veins until you're mewling around Alejandro's cock. 
His groans of pleasure as resin thick; smouldering sandalwood. Cracking sap. He works himself inside of you, gruff praises falling from his still-damp lips. You feel good. This pretty cunt was made to get ruined, wasn't it? Take me, love. That's it. They slide over your skin, oud oil and syrup thick, until your flesh prickles with goosebumps. 
Alejandro's cock hits the gummy walls of your throat, his grunt curls over you. Clove and amber. You burn. There is a give, and then—
His hips slide against yours, cunt stuffed to the brim with his cock. Tears leak down your cheeks at the feeling of him sitting so heavy inside of you, at the blunt press of Alejandro's cock choking you in shallow thrusts. 
"Bloody hell—," he groans, head tipping back as he stares at the seal of your pussy taut around the base. "Look'it you. So full of cock. You look like you were made for this, pretty thing."
"Our little slut, eh?" Alejandro huffs, pushing his hips closer to your face as you lap at him. "If her pussy feels as good as her mouth, hermano, I won't last too long."
"Fuck, can't wait to fuck you next," Soap grunts, his hand wrapping around yours as he guides you along, showing you what he likes. "Cannae fuckin—"
Rudy's hand falls to your swaying chest, rubbing your aching nipples as Price begins to fuck you, filling you up over and over again with his fat cock. 
It's good. It's so fucking good. You whine around Alejandro, and feel molten pleasure bloom in your belly as they use you, revere you; eyes fixed on your body as you take them all in. 
"I'm gonna cum soon," Price grunts, his hips pistoning into you hard enough to jar the table. The metal legs grind against the cement floor. The room filled with the scent of sex and the lewd noises that spill from the wet squelch of your cunt greedily swallowing down your captain's cock. The suckling sound of Alejandro fucking your throat. "Look at you, look at this pretty fucking cunt taking me—"
Soap's fingers fall to your clit as Price hits the plug of your womb with the blunt head of his cock, sending pleasure ricocheting down your spine until you're arching off the table. Muscles coil, tightening together as he knocks into the soft walls of your pussy, sending you reeling. 
"Ah, fuck—," Alejandro grunts. "I'm gonna cum, cariño. You'll swallow it for me, eh? Swallow it all—fuck—"
He cums down your throat for the second time, hands stroking your face as he feeds it to you with muttered words in slurred Spanish too fast for you to pick up.
You can't focus. Can't think—
The taste of cum on your tongue, the blissed noses that spill around you, and the way Price fucks you deep, battering against your fluttering walls have you seeing stars. 
You moan, nearly choking on the thick cum that drenches you. Soap leans down, spits on your clit, and rubs the mess in with his fingers. It's feral. It's disgusting—
Your cunt spasms as you're shoved over the precipice, squeezing and throbbing like a heartbeat around the thick plug of Price's cock as he spears it against your womb; a battering ram into your flesh. 
"Jesus, captain," Soap sounds awed, voice pitched low and slurred. "Just givin' it to her, aye?"
"Fuckin' hell—"
He cums inside of you with a grunt of your name draped in liquid sin. Cock twitching deep inside of you, pressed taut to your womb. He holds it there and makes you take it. Drowns your cunt in his thick cum. 
It's wet between your thighs. Your throat clicks when you swallow, nose burning from the flood of briny cum Alejandro poured down your throat. 
Price pulls out slowly, taps the head of his sticky cock against your clit, and you flush at the feeling of him leaking out of you. 
There is no respite. Gaz's hands are on your body, head numb and fuzzy, as they speak about the intricacies of fucking you, of filling you up. 
"Think she's ready for two?"
"Are you?" Soap's fingers fall to your aching cunt, spreading the thick cum around your clit. "Can you take us both?"
"No. Not yet." It's Ghost who speaks, and your belly rolls at the low husk of his voice. 
"Yeah, give her one more." 
Soap's fingers slip into your cunt, and curl against your sensitive walls. "Fuck, captain. You filled her up good."
Rudy's thumb presses against the seam of your mouth, eyes pleading when he stares down at you. His thick cock grasped in his hand. 
You're little more than a ragdoll. An offering between the gods. Soap parts your thighs, head tapping against your throbbing cunt. 
Price leans against a beam close by, eyes burning into you in search of any glimmer of distress. Having him close by calms you. Makes you relax. You settle, mouth popping open for Rudy as Soap pushes himself into your pussy. 
"Fuck, your pussy feels incredible—"
He lets out a string of curses in rapid-fire Scots, burying the full length of himself into your cunt. 
He fucks you like he's aching for it. A madman. His hips bludgeon into you until you're seeing stars, until you're choking around Rudy's cock. It's too much. Too much—
You want more. 
Rudy's hands are gentle on your face, brushing your hair away as he cants his hips. His cock slides over your tongue, and you try to hollow your cheeks, to make it good for him, but the blistering pleasure makes your mouth fall open. 
"It's okay, bonita." He murmurs, resting his head on your tongue as he fists the length of himself. "Just like this, okay? Just like this. Let me—," he fucks into his palm, eyes rolling back as he rubs his weeping slit over your tongue. 
Gaz's hand grabs your swaying breasts in his hand. "I'm gonna fuck your ass next, yeah? Gonna split your little hole open on my cock. You don't want, don't you? Wanna be fucked in all holes, like a little whore."
Fuck. Fuck—
Rudy pushes his cock into your mouth, groaning as molten cum sputters out, drenching your tongue and cheeks. 
"Oh, fuck—," Soap pants, hips slamming into you. His eyes are fixed on your messy face. "You look so fuckin' pretty with cum all over you, so fuckin' good for us, aye?"
His eyes snap shut, brow furrowed in pleasure as he buries the full length of himself inside of your spasming pussy, filling you with another load of cum. 
It's good. It's so good. The sensation of hands on your body isn't foreign anymore. Alejandro moves when Rudy finishes, stroking your hair, and leaning down to kiss your forehead. You go to him eagerly, mouth parting as he slips his softened cock into your mouth. 
Words are murmured around you, grunts and groans of pleasure so robust and full that you clench, aching at the sound of their bliss. 
Fingers on your nipples, your clit, makes you see white. Makes your back arch as liquid pleasure blooms inside your core again. 
Soap pulls out, and you barely have time to mourn the loss of him when Gaz slots between your legs, fingers falling to your ass, and slipping inside with a groan. 
"Nice and loose, now," he purrs, spreading his fingers inside your tight channel. "Gonna fuck this pretty asshole. Gonna fucking ruin you. Alejandro's gonna fuck your pussy after, eh? Maybe me and Price can fill you up at the same time, huh?"
"Gaz," his name is drenched in smoke, a shuddering rumble that stabs tight into your core when Price speaks. Your cunt throbs at the thought. "If you don't hurry up—"
"Alright, alright, cap." 
Rudy's behind you at the head of the table, hands roaming over your skin, smearing cum all over your flesh. He murmurs low, sweet words in Spanish you can't hear over the roaring in your ears when Gaz spreads your legs, cock nudging against your virgin hole. It's comforting, though. His presence is solid. Your hands grip his forearms, whining at the sting, the blunt pressure pushing into you. 
Soap groans. You can hear his voice to your left along with slick sounds of him touching his spent cock. 
"That's so fuckin' hot. Steamin' fucking Jesus—"
You're relaxed enough that Gaz slips inside without much of a burn. It feels strange: a heavy pressure, a slight sting. You're prepared enough that it's more foreign, and uncomfortable than it is painful. But it's—
You moan when his hips buck shallowly, pushing more of him into your asshole. It's weird. It's strange. It's—
"How does it feel, love?"
Price's fingers fall on your throbbing clit. Alejandro's—you think, maybe; you can't see through the blurred tears in your eyes—push into your sopping cunt, groaning wetly at the lewd squelch of the cum inside of you. 
Belly full. A pressure unlike anything you'd felt before. Snug, and tight, and—
"Good," you whimper, arching your back. Your nipples are tugged. Pussy stuffed with three of Alejandro's fingers. Ass full of Gaz when he finally, finally, bottoms out with a moan. "It's so good—"
He fucks you slow, steady. Savouring the tight clench of you around him. 
Price works your clit, murmuring about how good you are. How pretty you look, full of cum and getting your ass stuffed with cock. 
"You were made for this, weren't you? Little cockslut."
It punches the air from your lungs when he hisses it into your ear. 
Gaz pushes the length of himself inside your ass, moaning about how tight you are. How he can't wait to fill you up. His hands fall, sliding over your ass cheeks until he brushes over the rim of your stretched hole, hips stuttering. 
"God," he chokes. "Fuck, you look good."
"Yeah, she does," Soap breathes, hands palming at your body, rough and hot and tacky with his release. They glide up the length of your body, pressing into your swollen mouth. "Open up for me."
His fingers taste of pennies when he pushes them against your tongue, stroking over your flesh. He thrusts them in tandem to the rolls of Gaz's cock splitting you deeply. It's a filthy crescendo of moans, grunts, the sloppy wet sound of your gummy mouth being fucked by three of Soap's fingers, and the lewd, fleshy snap of Gaz's pelvis and thighs slapping against yours. 
Rudy strokes your hair, pushing the tangled mess of it out of your eyes, and murmurs about how good you're being. The soft praise prickles over you like the warm glow from an altar candle. The heat makes your eyes burn, stinging with tears, and you take what they give you, and try not to get lost in the rapture of their flesh staining your skin. 
Price's finger pushes against your sensitive clit. Rudy's soft voice permeates around like burning incense. The heavy weight, the foreign slide, of Gaz stretching your channel makes you keen low in your throat, muffled by the messy drag of Soap's knuckles on the roof of your mouth. 
You cum again, shuddering from the billowing pleasure blanketing you from all sides, and fall into the embrace of Rudy's arms. Price's hands are a plinth on your hips, keeping you up, keeping you grounded, and Gaz works himself to completion, scorched words of bliss spilling from gritted teeth.
Soap leans down, tongue catching the mess spilling from your gaping mouth. Alejandro rubs your fluttering walls. It's intense. Overwhelming. You're surrounded by a dense smog of pleasure and musk: clove cigarettes, bayberry, oakmoss, and the thick tang of a wet, loam and humus forest. 
The drawling moan Gaz lets out makes your core ache. He buries himself deep, hips glued to the plush seam of your ass, and he spills deep inside of you. 
"Joder, cariño, you look good with your ass stuffed, eh?"
You can't speak around Soap's fingers. The only noise that spills is a sloppy, wet moan. 
Gaz presses kisses into your spine, slowly, slowly, pulling out of your ass. 
"Yeah, she does." He slurs, rubbing his chin over the small of your back. "Who's next?" 
Everything blurs into a fever dream of hands and tongues, and the delicious stretch of your cunt, your ass, as they stuff you full of them. Filthy words are whispered into your temple as they grow bolder with your body. 
Price gets you off just by slapping his palm over your clit until you clench around Rudy's cock. Soap licks up your tears, fingers pressed as far down your throat as he can get them, and murmurs how sexy you look full of cum. How he can't get enough of your tight cunt and pretty little hole.
You were made for them, Alejandro whispers, and pulls your hips down until you're seated on his cock. The blunt head of Rudy's cock soon presses to your wet asshole, bottoming out with a deep groan. His hands are reverent as they run across your flesh, choked whimpers falling out about how fucking stunning you look when you're stuffed to the brim. 
You sob between them as they share a messy kiss over your shoulder, grunting into each other's mouths as they ruin you. 
Gaz and Price drag you away soon after they finish, petting your messy hair away from your sticky, sweaty forehead, and splitting you apart between them. You scream into Price's chest as he holds the fat of your ass cheeks open for Gaz to rut into like a man starved for it. Possessed. He coos in your ear when Soap shoves his cock into your gaping mouth, choking you on the thick of him. So fucking good, love. Meant for this. After we'll run you a bath and you sit on my cock while I clean you up, hmm? 
You feel a little stripped down to the marrow, pulverised under their wanting hands; when Price presses into your womb, and cums again. The molten spume inside soothes the throbbing ache of your core. A debauched balm to a raw wound. 
It would be a lie to say you hate the way it feels to be so full of them. To have their taste in your tongue, sticking to the back of your throat, pooling in your belly, your pussy, your guts. You're full and sore and you feel like one massive contusion—broken and battered and barely clinging to sentience—when his cock slips free with a wet squelch. 
It's a little surreal, but—
Comfortable. It shouldn't be. It should be weird, and awkward, and—
Fuck. You had sex with five men in the span of several hours. Your teammates, your captain, no less. And yet. 
You feel full in a way you'd never been before. Satiated and stupidly fucking happy. 
Price snorts when you lay back on the floor, a blissed-out smile tugging on the corners of your mouth.
"Liked it, did you?"
You don't have the capacity for speech. Words escape you. They can't seep through the salty mess in your throat. 
Instead, you moan—low and needy—and feel your belly quiver when Price's eyes flash. Smoke and embers. And when Alejandro groans aloud. When Rudy's hand trembles on your skin. When Soap's hand falls to his spent, softened cock, unable to stop the thrum of desire when you sound like you had the best meal in years. When Gaz shivers, and says please tell me we can play this game more often. 
It's good. It's—
Footsteps. A hush. A shadow falls over you.
Then: "decide to join in, after all, Lt?"
Ghost's hands are hot on your sensitive flesh.
He says nothing as he crouches down on the floor where Gaz and Price dragged you, but his eyes are liquid when he stares at the mess of you. Drenched, you're sure, in cum; it leaks down your chin, out of your sensitive, raw pussy, and your aching hole. Doused in their pleasure, and burning from the sting of their ardour. 
"Fuck, Lt," Soap murmurs, dazed. He'd spent himself on your face only moments ago, and when your glassy eyes fall to him, you find him staring fixed at the apex of your thighs where Ghost slots himself between. "You're gonna ruin her—"
You don't know what he means until you look back. The air in your lungs catches, eyes widening. He's huge. Fat and throbbing, prespend leaks down the absurd length of himself. It twitches when he catches you staring at him, sticky, numbed mouth dropping open. 
His hand slides, fists the base of himself. He taps the head of his cock against your quivering, sloppy cunt. "Can you take me, pet?"
Shit. Shit—
You don't think you can, not at all, but—
Slick noises around you. Grunts of pleasure. Murmured words. They want to see you split apart on his cock. Stuffed full. Your belly lurches. Heat simmers inside of you once again. 
Your trembling eyes find his, and you lay back against the floor, knees parting. Inviting. Your tongue rolls over your bottom lip. 
"Fill me up, sir—"
He snarls. 
Ghost doesn't wait. Doesn't touch you with softness, or reverence. His hands are branding, white-hot, when they fall to your thighs, pushing your knees to your chest. His eyes are glued to the messy seam of your cunt, spilling viscous cum down your ass until it pools below you in a puddle. 
You're wrecked. Ruined. You'd had all of them inside of you—your mouth, your pussy, your ass—except him, and your belly flips, head a muddled slurry of want, want, want as the fat head of his cock slips over the milky mess, catching on your ruined, red hole.
"Thought you got lost, Ghost," Alejandro says, words carrying secrets you can't make sense of. 
He pushes the mushroomed head into your cunt, rumbling at the give of your body as you part for him, sucking him in deep. Ghost fills you up until your belly bulges with the length of him. 
Soap moans at the sight. At the way you take the massive cock burrowing deep inside of you. 
They all seem to be enjoying the way he ruins you. Over the heft of his shoulder, the thick bracket of his arms, you see them all staring at the way he wrecks you. Batters your body with wet, sloppy noises spilling out. 
He fucks you slow: long, deep plunges into your core, gaze sliding in increments to your face, slack and tacky with lashes clumped together with an amalgamation of spittle and cum, and the stretch of your cunt swallowing him to the root. It's intense. Dizzying. 
You feel pushed past your breaking point: overarching beyond the mettle until you're a raw nerve exposed to the corrosive chemicals in the air. Split apart and reassembled into something new and vulnerable. You're chafed and aching, and it edges on painful, and blistering like a third-degree burn being rubbed against rough wool. But despite the sting, the graze still feels good when it itches over your inflamed skin. A balm that burns before it soothes. 
Ghost—Simon, now, you suppose since he's currently eight inches deep inside of your sore cunt—seems to somehow know. Maybe it's the hoarse crackle in your throat when he hits you deeply, or the exhausted droop of your eyes when he presses his weight against you, filling you up until he sits heavy in your chest, but he takes pity on your poor, battered body bursting with the molasses thick heft of euphoria that congeals inside of your marrow. His thrusts are punctured by the soft way he gazes at you. A physical weight to his stare slams into your chest with each roll of his hips, nudging you back to that steep precipice you'd dropped from so many times you'd lost count. 
The dance is familiar. 
But the gentle, almost possessive, way he touches you isn't. 
"Fuck, Lt. Can see you bulging through her belly." 
Soaps words are met with a rasping snarl, a brutal piston of his cock into your gummy, wrung-out walls. A hand falls to your belly, feeling the swell, and the pressure has phosphenes burning your eyelids when they snap shut at the heavy mist of pleasure that falls on you. 
You don't think you can cum again. Your head is a slurry of intense pleasure: gummy and stupid on the way they fucked the sense out of you. Synopses misfire. You feel like you're barely cognisant anymore. 
It's not good enough, though. 
His fingers find your clit, pressing against the tender nub until you're bucking against him, trying to get away from the agonising euphoria pounding through your core. 
"I want to feel you cum on my cock, pet." 
You can't—
You really can't. But he doesn't relent. He shoves himself into your quivering cunt until you see stars flash across your eyes, and the scent of nirvana permeates in the air. 
If you won't go willingly to the vertiginous edge, he'll drag you there instead.
A sharp thrust has your mind whiting out; the overstuffed feeling of being stretched to the brim sits heavy in your core. Your nails press into his shoulders, desperate to hang on to something tangible, real. They dig deeper until the moons flood with blood. It makes him groan—deep, low; rucked coals over open flames—and the noise has you reaching for Orion with your bare hands, mouth dropped low to catch the cosmic dust that permeates in the air between you. 
"Fuck—" a sharp whimper has him huffing into your neck, a satisfied noise he can't bite off, can't stifle. 
He likes it. Likes spreading you open, and watching you squirm. Likes the flash of pain that flickers across your face when he first kisses your drenched core with the fat head of his cock. Eyes wide, fixed on the scrunch of your brow, the wrinkles in your nose, the deep, punctured gasps that spill from your gaping mouth—he misses nothing, stare branding you.
It's the thick of him when it splits you apart, breaks you in half, that really captures his full attention. Stuffed to the brim, and clawing at him for respite from the way he fits inside of you; he takes it all in. Eyes never wavering. Liquid want flooding the bottom ring of his lower eyelids, a molten pool half hidden behind his lash line. He gazes down at you, fans of ash cresting over. 
And then when he bottoms out, when his cock is fully seated inside of your body that struggles to make room to fit him, he lifts his gaze. A perfect polynya. He stares at you, then, watching—almost placidly, impassively—as you grit your teeth from the burn of taking him to the root. A slow roll of his hips to test your mettle; a harsh grind of his cock nestled taut against the plug of your womb. It has you singing. 
A test of the water. A battering of the futile clutch you have over your sangfroid. He won't start until it breaks. Until it shatters. 
His hands are hot when they grasp the soft skin behind your knees, pointing them down toward your swaying chest as he fucks you open in deep, almost languid cants of his hips until you're grabbing at the ground, and mewling his name. Broken, now, by his cock. 
Simon is a storm. 
A gale. He ravages you until you're dizzy with the brutal way he takes you—and takes, takes, takes —and begging for mercy. 
None comes. 
You can't barter with a typhoon. Can't make deals with a hurricane. 
It hits. Breaching your shores with enough force to ruin. 
"Simon," it is whispered low, constricted. The air in your lungs is liquifying; condensation builds until you're choking. 
Another huff. He thrusts harder, head notching into something that has you lurching forward, forehead pressing into his shoulder. You spasm around him until he growls in your ear. 
His thighs widen, pitching his hips low as fucks into you, a touch savage. Your leg slips from his hold, the back pressed against the muscles of his beneath you. The coarse hair of his legs tickles your flesh. Goosebumps erupt. You shiver. 
The breath you gasp in is wispy, and thin. It isn't enough to quench the ache in your chest, but nor is it enough to truly let you slip into the throes of hypoxia. He brings you to the brink, lets you gaze over the edge of that unknown abyss, but refuses to let you any further. His grip is unyielding. It burrows into you. 
Like this, with black moulting over your vision and phosphenes glimmering in the cosmic yonder that stretches out in front of you, you can feel everything. There is a startling clarity that rocks through you. You can feel each ridge and vein of his cock as he slams it into you, prying your walls open as he steals all the air from your lungs.
He cums with a grunt that sounds like it was dragged through barbed wire. Liquid pleasure blooms when you feel him twitch inside of you, and all you can do is cling to his massive shoulders as he rides you through the throes of bliss battering into your core. 
Eyes drink you in: wide in the pale moonlight that spills from the window, cut at the bridge of his nose by the mask, jowls snapping at you. He's bathed entirely in black; drenched in tenebrose. A Stygian being looming over you, taking its wares from the tight clutch of your body, and forcing the air from your lungs until it's filled with the scent of him, and nothing more. 
"You look good like this," he murmurs, eyes fever red and cosmic black. "Fuckin' hell, pet. You were made to be fucked, weren't you?" 
Your eyes roll back into your head at the gruff sin leaking from behind his mask. 
"Yes," you whimper, voice shredded and wrecked. He's not the only one who groans at the sound of you, ruined and aching. "Fuck, I love your cocks—"
It feels like the end. Like you'd been spat out on the wrong side of a tornado, and thrust into a battle you weren't, entirely, prepared for. 
But you won. There is victory in the ache that thunders through your joints. A hard-fought war that left you a victor in the middle of a burning no man's land. 
You can hear them around you. Price stroking your hair, and whispering about how good you were. Gaz and Soap huffing with exhausted laughter that sounds a touch delirious, as if they still couldn't quite wrap their heads around the act they were buried balls deep inside of you mere moments ago. 
Alejandro and Rudy mutter to each other in blistered Spanish. You hear the clink of bottles as they toast each other over a victory, and a fucking gangbang. 
They take turns touching you. Caring for you. Rudy makes you drink water, eyes melted chocolate—glossy and sleek with the remnants of pleasure. Aqui. He says, pressing the cool bottle to your sweat-slicked forehead. Aquas. Drink up, mi corazón. 
Alejandro supports your shoulders when you struggle to sit up and take a sip. Gaz has a towel pressed to your cheeks, cleaning up the flaking mess of dried cum and sweat. Soap's hands clench yours tight when the bottle shakes in your grasp. Price is there to hold it steady. 
Ghost hasn't taken his eyes off of you once since this started. You meet his stare, gloaming light shading everything in gold. He tips his chin. A promise in the obsidian cut of his eyes. 
Thought you got lost, Ghost—
Gaz huffs. Gems shatter. Crushed into shards that sit in the palm of your hand, waiting to be reassembled. 
(Someday, you think.)
"Best game of never have I ever, ever." 
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  "So….," Soap slurs, cheeks pink and eyes swimming with incipient desire. "Round two?"
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months ago
whatever you want
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words: 1.5k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, ab riding, tit fucking, semi public sex, established relationship, cumming in mouth, mentions of future and past sex, lots of talk about rafes muscles, reader is kinda described as having big (or at least decent sized) breasts, lots of banter can these bitches just shut up and fuck oh my goddddd
“again.” you call, almost sounding drunk despite being completely sober.
rafe sighs, rolling his eyes, but the side of his lip quirks up, unable to hide how much he likes your fascination.
rafe flexes again, his arms bulging and pecs tightening. you reach out, smoothing your hands over the hard muscles.
“you're so strong.” you coo, sat on rafes lap despite the hot temperature of the day, which resulted in rafe pulling his shirt off.
"you're acting like you've never seen me shirtless before.” rafe says with a chuckle.
“shh, let me appreciate you.” you shake your head. sure, you've seen him shirtless plenty of times but rafe was bulking up for summer and it caused all his muscles to be deliciously defined.
“alright, whatever.” rafe flexes again, not going to argue too much when he has your hands obsessively touching every part of his body.
your hands move down to his stomach, fingers running over his abs. “if you let me ride your abs, i’d let you do whatever you want to me.”
“you-” rafe places his hands on his hips, sitting up straighter. “you want to ride my abs?”
“yeah.” you nod, quirking your head to the side. “you know, like rub my pussy against them.”
“shit, do it right now.” rafe looks down at your short shorts, barely covering more than your underwear does.
“yes!” you squeal out, hopping up and tugging your bottoms and panties off, not caring that you’re in the backyard and anyone could theoretically come by. “lay back.” you instruct.
rafe lays on the couch, smiling up at you as you climb on top of him. “you’ll have to flex for me as im doing this.” you inform rafe, placing your pussy on his abdomen. “especially your pecs.” you poke his chest.
“you’re such a slut for my body.” rafe chuckles, hands coming to your hips, pushing you further down, feeling your wetness as your thighs spread even more open.
“i can’t help that you’re so sexy.” you shrug, hips starting to move back and forth in a slow rock, carefully building up the pace, wanting to enjoy being sat on his stomach.
you lean forward, placing your hands on his chest for stability, pressing your clit further against his muscles. rafe flexes his muscles and they harden underneath you.
“rafe!” you squeal. 
“i guess you like that, huh?” rafes hands squeeze at your hips and lift up, placing you harder back down on his stomach. “oh, you like that too.” he smiles as he bounces you again and you moan out.
“i really like that.” you hum, eyes struggling to stay open with the pleasure, but you want to keep your eyes on rafe beneath you. its rare he lets you take over like this.
you moan as you both bounce, using your knees to go up and down while rafe assists so you don’t get burnt out. 
you pull your top off, revealing the bikini top you’re wearing underneath, ready to go swimming whenever you’re done playing with rafe, needing to get in the water on this sweltering day.
“jesus, your tits are perfect.” rafe smiles as he watches your chest bouncing, sitting up to rub his face in between your pushed together breasts, the bikini top holding them tight together.
“not as perfect as yours.” you giggle, hands squeezing at his chest, palms over his nipples.
“don’t call them tits.” rafe rolls his eyes as he lays back, head against the cushion.
“well, whatever you wanna call them, i fucking love your muscles. your pecs-” you squeeze your hands again, digging into his soft flesh until rafe flexes and they harden. “your biceps-” you move your hands, and rafe flexes again, his muscles bulging. “your abs.” this time you press your pussy down, rubbing against the contours and ridges.
“you’re lucky that you offered to let me do whatever i want to you otherwise i wouldn’t have agreed to this.” rafe smirks.
“oh yeah?” you raise an eyebrow. “what are you gonna do to me?” there’s truly nothing rafe could do to your body that wouldn’t bring you pleasure, you glow just under his attention alone.
“fuck your tits.” rafe smirks, eyes moving down from your face to your chest. “as soon as your done, right here for anyone to see.”
“damn, you could do anything and you don’t want to fuck my asshole or tie me up?” you laugh, expecting something more from rafe.
“you’d let me do all that whenever anyways.” rafe pushes your hips down, grinding you against him. you moan and lean forward, your hands coming back to rafes chest. 
“keep doing that.” you whimper, eyes sliding closed as your mouth drops open, moans filling the air and being carried away by the wind. 
rafe keeps moving, the veins in his forearm flexing as your wetness spreads over his abs, coating them in your slick, allowing your pussy to drag even easier.
“im-im close.” you warn, swallowing thickly.
rafe grunts and increases his hold, tightening his grip on your hips so you can’t slip loose, grinding you down as he flexes his abs, the hardness rubbing against your clit making you moan out, body falling forward as you cum hard, shaking as rafe lets up on you, hands loosening and moving to rub your back.
“fuck.” you whine, snuggling into his chest, letting your hips drop down, feeling rafes hardness pressing against your stomach.
rafe starts to move as you cry out, not ready to do anything more than close your eyes and feel his warmth against your cheek.
“come on, brat.” rafe chuckles. “i wanna fuck your tits while you’re all spaced out from your orgasm. you know i love you like this.” 
you hum a sound thats close enough to agreement that rafe flips you so you’re underneath him, laying on your back on the couch as he stands.
“you’re so gorgeous like this.” rafe says as he undoes his belt buckle, then pushing his pants and underwear down, his hard cock popping up.
“wanna taste.” you whine, eyes still droopy.
“nope.” rafe shakes his head. “we made a deal. i know you like to taste me, but im fucking your tits. take your top off.”
rafe pulls at the strings of your bikini, flinging it away to reveal your pink nipples to the sunlight.
“fine, but will you at least cum a little in my mouth?” you pout as rafe kneels on either side of you, glad that the outdoor couch is big enough for all of these activities.
“sure, baby.” rafe chuckles, just another way of showing how desperate you are for him.
rafes hands land on your tits, palms rubbing on your nipples, feeling them harden against his palms, not unlike when he was flexing his muscles for you earlier.
rafes hands move to the sides of your breasts, pushing them together. “god, you look so fuckable right now.”
“yeah? gonna fuck me later then? maybe out on the boat hm? after you’re done with my tits?”
“the boat, the bed, the counter, the shower, im gonna have you everywhere.” rafe bends down to press a kiss to the tip of your nose.
you smile up at him, a lazy, tired smile. rafe angles his hips down, the head of his cock pushing against the underside of your tits before slipping in between them.
“oh!” your eyebrows raise, surprised at the unusual feeling, but certainly not disliking it as he begins to move back and forth.
“shit.” rafe grunts. “fuck.”
you swat rafes hands away, pressing your tits together for him. rafe leans forward, hands landing on either side of your neck, his face contorted in pleasure directly over yours.
you look down, eyes watching the head of rafes cock appearing and disappearing between your breasts.
“this is- this is fucking good.” rafe grunts, moving faster. “im- im not gonna last very long.”
you stick your tongue out, rafes cock just long enough to hit it with the tip of his cock as he thrusts. you relish the taste, pulling your tongue back into your mouth every couple thrusts to spread the taste.
“thats it, baby.” rafe moans, one hand moving to your mouth, two fingers pulling at the side of your lip, spreading your mouth wider.
you moan out, tongue open and ready for his cum. rafe fucks forward as fast as he can, just like he does your pussy when you spread your legs wide for him.
“cumming.” rafe manages to say as he surges forward, burying his cock in your mouth as his hand wraps around his length, stroking up and down as he reaches his high, cum spurting into your mouth as you happily swallow.
rafe moans slowly die out and become quieter until hes pulling out of your mouth. “get up my legs are about to give out.” he says quickly, and you barely slide off the couch before he collapses.
you giggle and climb on top of him, pressing kisses to his cheek as his chest heaves up and down.
“im guessing you liked that.” you rub your thumb over his bottom lip.
“yeah.” rafe smiles, his eyes sliding shut.
“so, boat ride now?”
“jesus, woman give me a second.” rafe laughs, pulling you into a gentle kiss.
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lovelyghst · 7 months ago
poor simon settling for just the tip with his pretty girl late at night, having just gotten home from work and finding her sleeping soundly in their bed. he gently coaxes you awake, going against every nerve in his worn out body to let you rest, and he asks you so, so nicely.
begs, more like it, and you simply can’t refuse.
with your sweet permission, he slicks up his cockhead and eases it into your little hole with some effort from the both of you, his eyes fluttering shut as he fights to maintain his promise. just the tip.
and he shows such good restraint for you! moaning through his clenched jaw as he slowly fucks the tip of his cock in and out of your pretty pussy, whining when the exposed length of his dick pulses from neglect. he’s sat back on his knees and heels with your hips pulled into his lap, not trusting his tired muscles enough for missionary. still, he can’t keep his hands off of you.
he may be desperate, but he couldn’t bring himself to hurt or force anything onto his princess. that would be the true death of simon riley. he even runs a gentle thumb over your swollen clit to make you melt into the pillows, urge those lovely little noises from your lips, the same ones he’s been hearing in his daydreams while he’s at work.
they make his dick throb, the seasoned soldier’s hand trembling as it soothes over your lower tummy. gosh, he missed you so much.
and you read it all on his face; how much he respects your wishes, but also how badly he needs relief. the slackened jaw, panting chest, droopy eyes heavy beneath furrowed brows. it makes you frown.
“simon,” you whine out softly, and his eyes snap up to meet yours. the look on your face makes him stifle a choked moan. “c’mere…”
you reach up as he leans forward for you and, to his surprise, you tug him in by his neck for a needy kiss. you wrap your legs around his lower back as best you can, locking them tight in the divot of pure muscle, and you reel him in closer.
consequently, the rest of his cock fully sheathes inside you and the sudden stretch makes you whimper out, him groaning loudly like a whore as he buries his heated face in your collar. christ, he fucking came just from one stroke of tight, wet warmth. and it feels so good, too good for him. he works hard, you think, he deserves it.
you giggle as you hold your baby close, let him catch his breath and grasp his settings before he rolls over, you held clasped in his arms.
he falls asleep in the matter of seconds, with his face in your chest and his dick in your cunt, like a good soldier. probably mutters some strained apology in between, even though you couldn’t be happier.
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a-hermit-pining · 9 days ago
LADS Men React a Picture of You with Another guy
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Request: Hii!! I love your writing so so much (pls never stop)!!! How do you think the lads men would react to the following scenario: mc makes one of her girl friends dress like a guy and post that on her story/moments (to ward off an annoying co-worker, like what Caleb did in uni, but mc didnt want to bother the guys with this request so she asked Tara or another one of her girl friends). The picture, though, is convincing enough to make even the lads men question if she actually does have a partner and who tf is he. I think Xavier would absolutely malfunction since they are also neighbours lol
AN: I am taking a break from the ship event to gather some inspiration. But this was super fun to write. Thank you for sending in such an amazing idea.
Warning: Potential Spoilers. Be Mindful 👺
Pairing: Lads boys x fem reader
Genre: fluff and angst
(I do not own these characters)
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Summary: Waking up after an amazing girls' night, you and Tara spent the morning taking silly photos, making all kinds of concerning faces, until inspiration struck.
"Wait, wait, hold on," Tara grinned, pushing her short hair back. "What if—"
Moments later, you were both giggling uncontrollably, staging fake hard launch photos in your bed. The blurry, cozy results? Surprisingly convincing.
"Oh, this is gonna blow up at work."
Tara rested her chin on your neck, wrapping an arm around you for the final shot. The picture was better than you imagined, so naturally, you posted it to your story before the two of you rushed to get ready for work.
And just like that, your social media went up in flames.
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623 missed calls. 200 texts. 82 more missed calls.
All hours after your post.
Who is he? Why are you in bed with him? Is he your boyfriend? What is his name?
You barely have time to breathe after your meeting before the onslaught of texts floods in. Even the comment section of your post hasn’t been spared.
Thomas is already on the case. Rafayel is whining, sobbing, crying and absolutely not afraid to play dirty to get you back.
He's already planned a hundred ways to nip this budding romance at the root.
He thinks he has the upper hand, feels kinda smug about it too.
Still… there’s a twinge of heartbreak. A little ache for having to wait longer for you, for the idea that you might have chosen someone else. But if nothing else, Rafayel is persistent.
So, of course, he’s already forgiven you.
But don’t think, even for a second, that he won’t complain about it.
He’s still mulling over it, dramatically painting all his canvases black, getting ready for his villain arc, when you finally call him back.
"A prank?"
He is indignant.
He cried over a prank.
All that effort… for nothing.
He might never recover. Might. But first, he needs to call Thomas back before his "investigation" starts a national crisis.
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He had just returned from a long night of fighting Wanderers when his phone chimed with an alert.
Half-asleep, he smiled at the sight of your name, already thinking of how he'd respond once he changed and collapsed into bed.
That smile froze the moment he saw the picture.
The phone slipped from his fingers, landing on his face. But he didn’t even wince. Too numb to feel it.
His vision blurred. His chest ached. Tears welled, unbidden.
Genuinely heartbroken. So weary. So tired. For a moment, he was shattered.
Did he have the strength to wager another lifetime?
His time was already running out. His strength faded with each passing day. He had selfishly wanted this spring with you...but this was better for you. You were too kind, too caring to bear his loss.
Perhaps this was for the best. His lips trembled at the thought.
You had someone now, someone who would not bring you grief. And you looked so happy in that photo. He stared at the blurred curve of your smile, tracing it with his gaze.
Somehow, he managed a small smile too.
And then he folded into himself. And slept.
For days.
So long that you started to worry, noticing his absence at work.
Until, finally, you barge into his apartment, breathless and frantic, only to find him asleep, moonlight spilling across his face, eerily still.
Your heart plummeted.
"Xavier." Your voice trembled as you rushed to him, fingers shaking as you took his hand.
For a terrible, suffocating second, he didn’t move.
And then, his brow twitched.
Air rushed back into your lungs.
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This was to be expected.
He was never what you needed.
He often failed at words. His gestures, too vague to be understood.
You deserved someone who loved you. Someone who had the courage to say those words out loud.
Not him.
Not someone who could hurt you. His scars only grow deeper with time.
So he accepts it. Buries himself in work.
If he could not be your lover, then he would play his part as a friend.
Pays extra attention to your health. Pours over your reports. He must. Because he is no longer close enough to watch over you himself.
And weeks later, when you finally visit him, he keeps up the act—cold, distant, unbothered.
He does all the tests. Runs all the checks. Everything is routine.
But you see it.
The dark circles, deeper than ever. His skin, paler. Cheeks, sunken. His shirt, unwashed.
"You're coming home with me."
Your voice leaves no room for argument as you take his hand. "You never call. You only text about my reports and nothing more. We need to talk."
You tug him forward. He follows, until he stops.
"Your boyfriend won’t like it," he murmurs, staring anywhere but at you.
"What boyfriend?"
You blink at him, dumbfounded.
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Sylus spits his coffee, choking as he stares at the pictures.
Does not buy it.
That’s clearly not a man.
Yet somehow, he keeps going back to it, again and again.
It’s only when Luke and Kieran peer over his shoulder that his denial starts cracking.
"Ooooh, boss has got competition," Luke chimes.
One minute, they’re laughing. The next, they’re outside the mansion, the door slamming shut behind them.
Luke blinks. "That explains..."
Kieran yanks him into a chokehold for getting them banished for the day.
Inside, Sylus switches to wine.
The day has been too much.
Not a man, right? he muses, scrutinizing the photo, before accidentally pressing the heart button.
And then, he all but chews the glass in his hand.
He’s not worried.
He just suddenly feels the urge to burn his entire closet because nothing looks good enough.
He doesn’t care.
He’s just made a few calls, just to make sure you’re not involved with anyone sketchy. Unless, of course, it’s him.
Then, like an absolute idiot, he gets a panicked call from an associate.
The only person who’s been in your apartment? Tara.
Sylus stares at the image. Facepalms.
That evening, when he picks you up from work, he looks exhausted.
As if a few hours have aged him years.
When you ask, he waves you off, dodging every question.
You raise a brow. "Are you sure? You look—"
"I said it’s nothing," he snaps, before sighing, dragging a hand down his face. "...Can we just go home
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Storming to Linkon.
Geared up to blow up the entire apartment complex.
Spends five minutes struggling with the locked door before finally getting it open.
Marches in.
Stops. Sighs in disapproval at your empty fridge.
Good thing he packed snacks. Leaves them on your counter. You’ll thank him later.
Then, back to the mission.
Collects all forensic evidence needed. Marches out.
No time to waste.
Supervises the DNA administration.
Hair sample. Used coffee mug. Both next to yours.
He will find the bastard. He will take him out.
And then, he will whisk you away to Skyheaven, to console you once you learn of your tragic, mysterious loss.
Grief will bring you closer.
Every intern running tests is sweating.
So are the lead scientists, who have been personally forced to oversee this insanity.
No one is messing with the colonel today.
And then, finally, the results land on his desk.
Caleb stares. Dumbfounded.
Is he to fight both men and women for you now?
You better watch out for Tara because he does not discriminate.
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yuutaguro · 2 months ago
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part 3 to celebrate the new addition to ‘nyanyamin’ mini series by @pseudowho 🐈
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rockingbytheseaside · 6 months ago
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✦ POV: the good ending 💍
(you defeat him in a battle and this is the result)
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simonbrain · 3 months ago
you rarely call price by his first name. it's usually just a very cheery cap! or a stoic price when you need to remind him of the objective, but whenever you do call him john—you tried jonathan once as a joke, and the piercing stare he gave you made that the first and last time—it's warm, earnest. you almost seem shy uttering it, judging by the softness of your voice, but he calms your nerves with a fond look and an affectionate squeeze on the back of your neck.
getting the privilege of calling soap by his first name, let alone johnny, was an accomplishment in itself. you noticed how ghost was the only one who called him johnny, and so you took that as a sign to never refer to him as anything other than his ridiculous callsign and occasionally an incredulous bloody hell, mactavish, whenever he says something outrageous.
until you did slip up one night, but soap didn't seem to mind too much. he quite liked how his first name sounded in your voice, and when he offered you to call him johnny instead, which you mumbled under your breath to test it out, his surprised expression morphed into a genuine smile, one so pretty a rush of energy zipped through you. now, he won't let you call him anything except johnny—pretty much threatens you.
gaz was the first one on the team who allowed you to call him by his first name. hearing you mumble a tired morning, kyle or a warning but unserious kylie... when he's being a little shit makes his day a little brighter. you'd think the two of you were good mates with many years of friendship under your belts with the way you mock and poke at each other—especially when he lets you get away with calling him the most ridiculous pet names, like pookie, of all things.
while you seem to maintain good relations with your team, close ones even, there's just one person who stumps you. one big, enigmatic bastard who gives you creepy looks and speaks in nothing but cryptic language.
it honestly feels like your lieutenant dislikes you; no wonder you're still stuck with calling him by his callsign.
(poor ghost has been waiting for weeks for those plush lips of yours to utter his name. not ghost, not lieutenant or sir, but simon.
it's getting painful how oblivious you are to his attempts at giving you the green light to use his first name; the hard stare he gives you after hearing yet another formal greeting fall from your lips only seems to make you straighten up even more, and the annoyance radiating off of him every time you call him ghost scares you further away from him.
you're so formal with him, and he doesn't know what else to do—he just wants to be called a cute stupid nickname, too.)
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buttdumplin · 7 months ago
yeah simon is the one to scare people away when they get too close you, using his size and movement to intimidate, simultaneously shielding you behind him
yeah soap is the one barking loud, creating a spectacle and calling people out, and warning them away
yeah kyle is the one humiliating people, mocking offenders until either their own actions dawn on them or they finally recognize the venom in his eyes
but price is the one that launches into swinging. there is no warning, no hesitation. taking a step, even a single word against you, warrants immediate action in his mind. it's no laughing fucking matter. you are a top fucking prize, his prize, the best the world has to offer. john is rabid in his protection, bearing tooth and boot and claw and fist. there’s no point in talking to him or trying to negotiate, an offense is an offense and he won’t meet it halfway. someone looks at you the wrong way? they won't be able to see out of swollen eyes after headbutts them, crushing their nose. someone whispers something nasty about you? good luck even eating with that jaw wired shut. god forbid someone touches you, the other three boys can barely hold him back. john will break countless bones in every way he knows and beat his knuckles bloody if your smile starts to drop. 
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ghostedbunnie · 2 months ago
trouble comes in fours
tf141 x fem!reader reader wants to get rid of her ex and tf141 might have the perfect scare factor
imagine that your ex simply can't take a hint and keeps creeping on your social media so in a desperate attempt to get rid of him the only way you know is gonna work is to scare him off with a new guy. someone he can't even think off challenging.
on a night out with your friends you are venting out your frustrations about it. while you are in the middle of retelling the last time he tried to slide into your DMs the door to the bar open and you can feel the air shift.
the group of 4 guys walk in. most of them have to duck their heads through the doorway. when they settle into a quieter corner that seems to have a great vantage point to overlook the entirety of the bar your friend nudges you. "looks like 4 possible solutions to your problem just walked in."
your eyes go wide and you sputter out that there is no way. the thought of sending a drink to any of them is almost as terrifying as shoving your head into a tank full of piranhas.
the night continues and with every drink, your fear gives into curiousity. what's the worst thing they could do? bring it back? you can just leave before that happens. the alcohol and your friends chip away at you for few minutes before you gather up the courage. you honestly don't even know which one of them you're sending the drink to.
there's a loud pretty boy with a slightly overgrown mohawk wildly gesturing and retelling some story from the looks of it. when the dim light catch his eyes just right they almost glint silver.
another one but great deal calmer sits opposite, he has a killer smile with slight dimples. just the sight of those dimples could make panties drop.
next to him is a possibly older guy around 40s you'd wager, you can't see his face clearly because half of it is hidden underneath a hat and the other under a very impressive beard. but even from the little you can see the rug burn from that beard would definitely be worth it. simply based on the commanding air around him.
in the corner next to the loud-mouth sits a shadow. honestly in your slight drunk daze you almost missed him in his dark hoodie, pants and face mask. you don't see him drink but the drink in front of him does magically disappear anyway. and whenever you turn around from gawking you swear you can feel someone's stare. but as you get the chills you tell yourself it's probably the a/c blaring.
imagine your surprise when the bartender sends 4 drinks to the table and when you look back to asses the situation you have 4 (well 3 as the big boy in the corner doesn't touch the drink but inclines his head at you) miming a clinking motion while sipping on the drinks.
the mortification doesn't end because when your friends abandon you for some more dance time and you turn to get up to the bathroom you walk straight into a hard chest of the pretty boy. he calms your apologies from running into him with a smile. "wanted ta thank you for the drink, bonnie."
heat rushes to your face as you try to somehow talk your way out of this mess because what seemed like a great idea when your head was swimming with 9 drinks is starting to seem a lot worse now that you are slowly sobering up.
"nothing ta worry 'bout. come sit with us. it feels wrong to keep a bonnie lass like yerself all alone."
next up: simon's ver. // others are coming soon
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sai-int · 7 days ago
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[ pt 1 ] fwb!simon pt 2
you blink at him. once, twice, four times over, trying to make sense of the words he just said.
i’m in love with ya.
the words hang heavy in the air, thick enough to choke on.
“oh,” is all you manage at first. then, when the silence stretches too long and he’s still looking at you like that—like he’s waiting for something, hoping for something—you force yourself to shake your head.
“simon, i’m sorry,” you say, voice quiet, careful. “but i don’t feel the same way.”
you think saying it plainly will be best, will make it hurt less. but you watch his face, watch as the flicker of something in his eyes dims, and you realize there’s no easy way to crush a man like him.
he merely shrugs. nods. like you just told him it’s going to rain later.
so you nod, too, because what else can you do? you reach for your shirt, slipping it back over your head, shimmying into your shorts with hands that shake just a little. the silence is unbearable now, a thick, suffocating thing, and it only gets worse when you clear your throat and ask, barely above a whisper—
“do you want me to leave?”
his answer comes immediately. “yeah.”
you freeze for a second, embarrassment creeping up your spine, then you nod again (you’ve seriously got to stop just nodding) and scurry out of his room and to his front door, yanking it open and slipping out into the hallway. your heart is in your throat, your face burning as you rush across the hall to your own apartment, slamming the door shut behind you before pressing your back against it.
fuck, that was so embarrassing.
you spend the night drowning in self-pity, staring at the ceiling as everything replays over and over in your head like a bad movie you can’t turn off.
why didn’t you stop it sooner? why didn’t you shut it down the second he started calling you baby instead of slut? why didn’t you flinch when he pressed his forehead to yours, when his hands stopped gripping and Çstarted holding?
you didn’t just let it happen—you basked in it. soaked it up like a sponge, let it fill you—let him fill you—and now you can’t tell if that was just muscle memory, a latent yet insatiable reaction to being wanted, or if it actually meant something.
fuck, if you weren’t already embarrassed, that would do it.
meanwhile, across the hall, simon doesn’t sprial. doesn’t even wallow in the face of rejection.
he pours himself two fingers of his finest bourbon, sits back on his couch, and sparks up a cig. inhales deep, lets the smoke curl through his lungs before exhaling slow.
he's got a plan.
the next evening, your phone buzzes.
simon: come over. door’s open.
you stare at the message for a long minute, heart thudding, stomach twisting itself into knots. this is it. this is where he tells you it’s over, where he curses you out for being a selfish cunt, for leading him on, for taking all he gave without giving anything back.
and you deserve it.
so you brace yourself, tugging on a light sweater, slipping into your shoes. every step across the hall feels heavier than the last, and by the time you’re standing outside his apartment, you have to take a deep breath before pressing your palm to the door.
you push it open.
instead of anger, instead of harsh words or something hauled at your head, you’re met with the warm, rich scent of something cooking.
what the fuck?
your brows pinch together as you step in deeper, looking around cautiously. “simon?”
no answer, but then you see him—standing at the small table in the center of his apartment, just finishing setting it. two plates, two glasses, candles flickering dimly in the low light.
what the actual fuck?
your stomach drops. maybe he poisoned the food. maybe this is how you’ll die.
“what’s going on?” you ask, wary, eyeing the plates like they might explode.
simon pulls out a chair. just looks at you, waiting.
you hesitate, then slowly pad over and sit. your hands fold in your lap, your throat feels tight.
he lowers himself into the chair across from you, elbows on the table, fingers laced together.
he watches you.
you both eat in silence.
the only sounds are the soft clinks of silverware against plates, the occasional scrape of a chair as one of you shifts. you force out a weak, “this is good,” because it is—really, it is—but also because the silence is suffocating.
simon just grunts. keeps eating.
so you do too. fork to plate, bite after bite. the food is great, but you barely taste it past the tight knot in your throat.
when you're both done, he wordlessly stands, gathering the plates and taking them to the sink. you watch him move—watch the way his muscles ripple under his fitted t-shirt, the way his blond hair is perpetually tousled, the way his face, bare of any mask, is set in quiet concentration as he rinses the dishes.
you don't even realize you're staring until—
you flinch as he flicks your forehead, his thumb and middle finger snapping against your skin just hard enough to jolt you back to reality. you blink up at him, startled, as he stands in front of you, hand extended.
you hesitate, then slip your fingers into his.
he pulls you up, and before you can register it, he's on you—his hands firm on your waist, his lips swallowing yours entirely
you squeal at first, but his lips are so soft, so sweet and full of something heavy, something deep.
you melt into him.
and that's just stage one of simon's plan, to woo you.
that night he fucks you so good you can’t even think about leaving his bed, let alone moving. He splits you open on his cock, ravishing you to the nines. he takes his time, makes you feel it, makes sure you can feel every ounce of his devotion each time he makes you cum (6 times in one night, a new record)
by the time he's done, you're ruined. wrecked in the best way possible
when morning comes, you're knocked, body heavy and sore, limbs tangled in his sheets. you don’t even stir when he rolls out of bed, grabs your phone from where you dropped it the night before.
he types out a quick message to your boss
you: sorry, got covid. can’t come in for two weeks.
sent—delivered—read—probably fired, too (you won’t be needing a job with him around, silly)
you shift slightly, murmuring something incoherent, but you don’t wake.
simon smirks to himself, tossing your phone onto the nightstand.
(don’t ask how he knows your passcode)
stage two is integration.
the next time beckons you over to his place, you notice something’s… off.
your favorite coffee beans are sitting next to his cheap instant shit. your shampoo, your conditioner, your body wash—all neatly lined up in his shower. there’s a hoodie you thought the building’s dryer must’ve gobbled up weeks ago, just neatly folded on his dresser. The chapstick he’s tasted on your lips countless times now sits atop his bedside table.
you blink at the sight of it all, brows furrowed. you pick up the chapstick, turning to him with a questioning look.
he doesn’t even try to deny it.
“figured you’d be 'round more often,” he says, completely casual, completely simon about it.
like it’s the most natural thing in the world. like you’ve already signed a lease and are moving in next month (you are, you just don’t know it yet, doll).
you should argue. you should tell him ‘no, we’re not doing this’, but you don’t. instead, you swipe the chapstick over your lips, put it back where you found it, and pretend you don’t feel his eyes on you the whole time.
he smirks to himself, taking your silence for what it is. acceptance.
stage three of his plan? move out!
oh, but not him. 
you wake in your bed (for once) to find simon standing in front of your dresser.
your dresser.
he’s holding one of your shirts—some thin, worn-out thing you only sleep in—twisting the fabric between his fingers.
you rub the sleep from your eyes, voice groggy when you ask, “what the hell are you doing?”
he doesn’t even turn around. “doin’ you a favor.”
“a favor,” you repeat, voice flat.
he glances at you over his shoulder. “yeah. consolidating.”
and that’s when you notice—your drawers are open, half-empty, your closet missing key pieces. your things are gone.
panic flares in your chest. you throw the blankets off, stomp over to him, grab the shirt from his hands. "simon. where the fuck is my stuff?"
he shrugs, completely unbothered. "my place."
“your—” you cut yourself off, taking a deep breath, hands clenched into fists.
“figured it’d be easier this way,” he continues, like he’s explaining something obvious. “y'know, since y’spend all your time there anyway.”
you gape at him, dumbfounded. “you stole my shit?”
he tilts his head, considering. “nah,” he says finally. “just moved it.”
“without asking me.”
he steps closer, towering over you, eyes heavy-lidded and knowing.
“would you ‘ave said no?”
you want to say yes. you should say yes.
but the truth is, you don’t know. because when you think about it, when you really think about it—you never liked sleeping alone. never liked waking up to an empty bed.
and simon—your simon—he knows that. knows you better than you know yourself.
so instead of arguing, instead of pushing him away, you let him tip your chin up with two fingers.
“mine. got that, pet?,” he murmurs.
you nod.
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{ people that expressed interest/taglist }
@pyxrin @xxrsi @skeletonsucker @spaceinvadernelly @coeurbrule @forgotmypasswordagain
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yeyinde · 4 days ago
no one respects the art of cock-warming quite like Price.
18+ | cock warming. exhibitionism.
he loves having his lil sub (whether you want to be or not) kneeling at his feet, his cock stuffed down your throat while he works, alternating between holding a cigar in his hand or a pen. the other on the back of your head, keeping you still. cradled his lap where you belong.
and he'd spend ages training you up for it, too.
starts by makingyou sit in his lap, letting you mewl and whine and pant in his ear about the stretch, the need. wanting him to just fuck you already and get it over with. but he's patient. let's you acclimate slowly until all he has to do is pat his thigh and you're already shoving your panties to the side, sliding down his thick girth as he turns on some movie you'd been chirping about wanting to see. squirming around for a moment until you find your spot before melting into his chest, breathing around the stretch. because at some point, having him inside of you, stuffing you full—cock, mouth, ass—comes as naturally as breathing, anyway.
but if you think this is a private endeavor only, well. you'd be wrong.
it starts small. his fingers inside of you when you're out at a restaurant with Laswell and her wife (who seems to sharing your expression; Kate's hand disappearing below the table), just sitting. teasing. he's not trying to get you off. it's just training. new horizons, love, he says, and it's just so easy to get swept up into the maelstrom of his desire, isn't it?
a movie after. it's boring. you hate it. so, he unzips his trousers and offers himself to you instead. let's you thumb through your feed (phone on silent, brightness down to zero) in the back of the theatre as you lounge across the chairs in the empty room, his cock down your throat.
an opera. sitting on his lap with him inside of you, dress covering the indecent act as he shoves your panties to the side (only worn in case he finishes—can't have his cum dripping down your thigh when you go out to eat, can you?) and sinks in deep with a little groan muffled into your neck.
soon, he'll refuse to let you sit anywhere that isn't his lap. on his cock. you almost get caught a few times (and maybe you do) but John's influence is all-consuming and no one bats an eye when he starts to bounce you on his lap in an empty restaurant, hand curled over your mouth to keep any noise that spills out just for him. only for him.
if you think falling asleep without him inside of you is an option, then you should have thought about that before moving in because after he fucks you, he'll cradle you close, ignoring any protests about cleaning up. feigns sleep until you huff, giving in.
(you sleep better when he's inside of you, anyway.)
he's just utterly insatiable—and smitten, really—and it doesn't even feel much like training or conditioning when (he rings the dinner bell and) your mouth starts to water as he sits down, thighs spread wide enough for you slip between. nursing his cock the same way he carts his fingers across your nape, cradling the whiskey in his hand. staring down at you with a deep, ravenous hunger as you sigh around the thick of him, and rest your head on his lap.
(a bell echoes in your ear, but it's easy to ignore it because he was right, after all. this is where you belong.)
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obsesssedblerd · 6 months ago
“Oh, Nanaminnnn!” 
At the familiar, cheery voice, Kento looks up to see no one other than Satoru Gojo, leaning against the doorframe of his office with his usual grin. “Saw with my Six Eyes that you came to fill out those reports here instead of doing it from home. Been so long since you showed your face here and—” He cuts himself off with an excited gasp, then walks closer as his smile grows wider. “You brought my little mochi!”
In Kento’s left arm, his daughter—who had woken up from her nap about ten minutes ago—coos excitedly when Satoru enters her vision, reaching her hands towards him. “Well, hello there, sweetheart! I was wondering when I’d see you again!” He slides his hands under her plush arms, then picks her up, skillfully—and safely, Kento notes—holding her in his arms. Tiny hands brush against Satoru’s blindfold, and he lifts it so his niece can see his blue eyes. They immediately soften when the baby girl laughs when he gently tickles her tummy. 
It’s so cute that Kento can’t stop the corner of his mouth from lifting. 
“Wait—Did I hear that right?! Nanamin’s here?!” 
“Itadori, wait for us!” 
“Kugisaki, you dropped your bag—Oh, come on, guys, slow down!” 
Rapid footsteps approach, then the three first years appear at the door, gasping in unison. 
“Oh, my gosh!” Yuuji, the pink-haired teenager shouts as he points at the baby in Satoru’s arms. “Nanamin, when did you have a baby?!” 
Nobara’s question comes a split-second after Yuuji’s is finished. “Is that why [Y/L/N]-sensei quit a while ago?!” 
Megumi walks to stand beside Satoru to analyze the little bundle in his teacher’s arms. “She’s… adorable.” He mumbles, gently smiling when she wraps her hand around his finger. “Very adorable. She has [Y/L/N]-sensei’s laugh.”
“Isn’t she just so precious?” Satoru asks, proudly showing her off to the first years. “So sweet and friendly, just like her Uncle Gojo.” 
“Hopefully she won’t be as reckless as you,” Kento says as he holds his hands out, and Satoru returns his daughter to him. “[Y/N] and I already believe that she’ll be the exact opposite of me.” 
Yuuji sits beside Kento to get a closer look at her. “She’s so cute. How old is she, Nanamin?” 
“Four months as of yesterday.” 
Nobara crosses her arms and pouts. “How come only he knew?” She asks, gesturing to Satoru. 
“Well, when I had to go away on a long mission, she was only a month old,” Kento explains. “He kept an eye on her and [Y/N] for me; made sure that they were both safe. I’m very grateful. We had plans to tell you about our daughter soon.” 
“Where is she now?” Megumi asks. 
“At home. I wanted her to have the morning and most of the afternoon to herself. I’ll be heading back shortly.” 
Satoru and the students share similar looks with each other, and Kento knows what they want to ask. He pulls out his phone and dials your number. “Hi, baby,” you greet when the line connects, “how’s our girl?” 
“Hi, love. She’s amazing, as always,” he says as he looks down, playfully poking the little one’s nose. “I’m with Gojo and our students. They want to know if it’s alright to come and see you.” 
“We’ll cook dinner if you’re too tired!” Nobara chimes in hopefully.
“Actually, better yet, I can just order something for everyone,” Satoru suggests. 
“And we’ll clean up,” Yuuji and Megumi say at the same time. 
You laugh, then answer Kento, “That’s more than alright. Bring them here.” 
“Thought you’d say that. See you in a bit.” 
“Yes!” Yuuji cheers. “Alright, I’m gonna ride with Nanamin so I can sit next to the baby!” 
Nobara glares at him. “Not if I get to the car first!!” 
When they sprint out the door, Megumi groans before rushing after them. “Didn’t I just tell you guys to slow down? We’re going to the same place!” 
Satoru laughs, then waits for Kento to finish up so they can walk out together. 
there was an ask in my inbox requesting a cute drabble for dad! nanami ft. gojo (as a trusted friend of his) and the first years, but it disappeared. hope u like it, anon <3 
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bokutoko · 6 months ago
osamu didn’t really have a favorite color.
it wasn’t until he saw you after school one chilly autumn day, your face lighting up with the question, “is that jacket new, ‘samu?”
he nodded—he didn’t think too much of it when he got it for his birthday, so he surely didn’t expect anyone else to notice. “a gift from ma.”
“i like it, it’s my favorite color,” you took in his full appearance, your eyes looking him up and down, “it suits ya.” a cackle escaped you at osamu’s flustered face, only growing louder with him grumbling, “shaddup.” osamu’s biggest tell was always his accent thickening, and you knew it.
as winter came, osamu found himself wearing that same jacket to and from school every day, ignoring atsumu’s relentless “whadda simp” comments, as a part of him hoped you’d one day be chilly enough to need his coat.
and when that day came, with his jacket hugging your figure as you nuzzled in his leftover body heat, osamu found it hard to breathe.
in that moment, he realized he’d found his new favorite color—yours.
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a/n: sorry osamu if reader’s favorite color is pink😔 bro’s looking like pepto-bismol.
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