#seroiida headcanon
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years ago
since you asked how about bkdk and seroiida
Okay hey hey so BKDK!!! Bekdek if you will!! Yeah I ship!!!
What made you ship it?
Their natural chemistry. They were literally created to bounce off of each other. Arguably it is their relationship that is the core of the show. Yeah, all the good things (also heart been broke so many times, I don't know what to belie-).
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Hmmmm... the energy. They are both so angry but can also be so sweet to each other. I like this tension that has followed them throughout their lives and the way that has shaped them as people. They love each other even though sometimes their love looks a lot like hate.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Uhhh, sometimes even liking the ship is enough to be an unpopular opinion.
My unpopular opinion is I think BKDK works best with TDBKDK, but I also think it doesn't have to have it. Just my personal tastes.
What made you ship it?
Such an underrated rarepair. Their vibes are so different but would work so so well!! And I've loved the personal headcanons you and I have come up with (RIP Sero every time he tries to walk with his golden-doodle, named Noodle).
What are your favorite things about the ship?
So good!!! Uptight Iida with his very chill (maybe stoner?) bf and their giant dog. They are so silly together I love it.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think this ship is popular enough to have unpopular opinions, but uhhhh let me know if there are any????
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911-i-fell-in-a-hole · 3 years ago
seroiida headcanon: hands🤲
- sero loves to hold hands with fingers intertwined bc it’s the best for swinging while they walk but he also loves to line them up at the wrist bc iida’s hands are just huge giant man hands and while there’s not a big difference in length, sero’s are super slim and veiny.
- this makes thumb wars extremely unfair bc “your stupid fat thumb makes it impossible for me to win, you know that?” “it’s pure dedicated skill, I have no idea what you’re talking about”
- iida talks with his hands all the time. it’s his signature. but he’s also very tactile and will always be caressing sero’s skin with the back of his knuckles. he can’t help but latch on to the loose sleeves of sero’s shirts while they’re sitting on the couch to stim and he’ll rub the fabric between his fingers.
- sero is the friend who lightly trails his fingers along his friends’ arms to sooth them and when they have sleepovers kaminari always thrusts his arm out and falls asleep to it.
- sero also has a ton of callouses on his fingers and such from maneuvering with his tape and iida has a strict moisturizing routine and his hands are butter soft.
- they also hold pinkies when it’s too hot bc sero hates sweaty palms.
- iida helps sero paint his nails when they start chipping and will always try to make a cute design like he sees on pinterest.
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murder0us-0wl · 4 years ago
Sero headcanons. Im just on a roll
- hes genderfluid
- once mina caught him wearing a skirt and complimented him. Its not uncommon to see him just walking around on his phone in a skirt
- he heard denki ask tokoyami if he came out of an egg and forbade denki from mentioning eggs in front of tokoyami again
- for a year denki was really into figet spinners and now when he hears that noise he automatically groans internally
- he shamelessly asked iida on a date when he was high as a kite when iida just came into his room
- him and sero take walks together
- when hes bored he just sticks himself on the ceiling in a cocoon and doesnt come out for about an hour
- he is aizawa’s tape plug when his own gets messy or ruined
- kaminari found out u can put cups in sero’s gear elbows and if he sits for too long he will find a coke can in his arm
- he starts drawing on ur hand if u stay still long enough
- one time deku woke up and found a mural on his right arm bc sero saw him and sat next to him so he can draw.
- he has like NO spice tolerance at all. He doesnt get how bakugou can shovel down that shit without dying
- he has 3 million alarms on his phone bc he cant wake up on time
- he has everyones phone numbers saved as emojis
- 🏔= kirishima, 💥= bakugou, 💕= mina, ⚡️=kaminari, 👓 = iida
- he has rlly good memory, like insanely good but his mind just blanks a lot
- their class has lovingly dubbed them ‘ nyoomtape’ bc iida goes nyoom and sero’s quirk is tape
- it took iida approximately 3 days to mull it over until he couldn’t do it and asked sero what the hell nyoomtape was
- for like a good chunk of second year he didn’t have a bed. He slept on his hammock or he was suspended off his roof and after 6 months of iida BEGGING him to get a bed he finally got one.
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curioscurio · 5 years ago
Seriida headcannons because i have brainrot:
• One day Sero puts on roller skates and waits till Iida starts his warm up of running as fast as he can around the tract and right as he takes off Sero shoots his tape at Iida.
• Funniest 3 minutes of Seros life. that is until Iida realizes he has a stowaway and IMMEDIATELY stops but SERO KEEPS GOING
• Long story short Iida has to run Sero to the nurses office because he skated into a tree
• That video of a car driving by with crazy revved engines but someone was playing a trumpet in it to make car sounds thats sero and iida but sero is riding on his back
• Theyre both health nuts but like on opposite sides of the spectrum
• Iida eats 12 vitamin gummies and protien shakes and enhanced health juices and shit
• And sero is like "iida.... the chemicals.." and eats a handful of basil before going out the door to energize himself
• Iida snores and sometimes when he snores his engines will gently purr and tbh it drives Sero absolutely wild. He thinks its the cutest thing ever
• Yes iida will occasionally smoke with sero but only off of school property on a weekend where he can just tell everyone they were out on a date
• Which they usually are but you know
• Sero leans on Iida all the time. He's sleepy? Lean. Need a shoulder to put his head on? Lean. Looking over his shoulder? Hand on the small of his back and lean. Arm over the shoulder. Hanging off his neck. Mans a koala basically.
• Iida likes to fix Sero's hair or tie or uniform when it's messy or out of place. Sero laughs but if it's in front of his friends he blushes like a madman
• Sero is really good at origami and makes little flowers for Iida. Iida is not imune to origami flowers
• Sometimes Sero falls asleep on Iidas shoulder during movies or when he's high or during late night studying and Iida takes it upon himself to carry him to his room every single time...
• in like 5 more mins tho i mean the movie is almost over theres no reason to wake him up yet 👀👀
• Seriida fusion would be named Hanten and their quirk would be asphalt feet so like. Imagine the sole of their feet produces molten asphalt and on the ankle is a wheel that flatens it out as soon as they roll over it. Essentially heelies that pave roads if that helps.
• Sero loves hearing Iida ramble and just lets him speak about whatever's on his mind and Sero will listen intently
• Example It's very obvious when Iida has a bad day and he will try and hold back because he doesnt want to overhwelm Sero but the minuite Sero asks what's wrong Iida let's it all flow out
• On the other hand, getting Sero to talk about his deep feelings is like pulling teeth and sometimes it's hard for Iida because Sero will just Not Want To Talk About It and iida just wants to find a solution or fix the problem
• Also sorry kind of off topic but Iida is the "can i speak to the manager" and "excuse me he ask for no pickles" and sero eats the pickles so not to cause a scene
• Who's more reckless Iida or Sero? Well
• Iida is reckless in life or death situations and will always sacrifice himself for a civillians sake or to avenge something and Sero has to snap him out of it.
• "Oh my god! Some idiot hero just rushed into the burning bulding at incredible speeds-"
• Sero, swearing: "thATS MY IDIOT"
• Sero is casually reckless as in driving one handed, jumping into unknown situations, jumping off roofs but trusting that iida would catch him, approaching a wild animal, that kind of thing.
• Does things that he doesnt realize are reckless. Would drink cactus juice because plant=water of course
• Iida has to stop him from licking swingsets because Denki dared him to
• When sero forgets to eat and iida bring him a snack and/or a meal
• Sero taking on some of Iida's communal chores because Iida already does like 26363u3 things for their class
• Iida letting Sero cuddle close to him when its really cold outside and it feels like he's back in the ice at the sports festival and everyone is watching and pitying him but oh! Iida is there with an arm over his shoulder and now it's just the two of them and sero feels warm again and oh wow iida is a big man
• Sero noticing that it's Iida's turn to cook for the dorm that night and see's the way Iida's hands shake when it comes time to slice the vegatables and Sero gently takes the knife away from his trembling fingers. Gives iida a new task and takes over most of the cooking but sero really doesnt mind.
• When iida has nightmares about that dark alleyway and the smell of blood and wakes up thrashing but calms down because the smell of the insence in seros room is nothing like blood. The salt lamp in the corner keeps the darkness away and sero groggily asks if he's ok and grabs iida's hand and helps him breathe through it. sero gets up and makes iida a cup of tea and listens to iida talk about his dream and reassures him till iida can fall back asleep
• Middle of a battle and Iida gets cut up on his arm but Sero INSTANTLY drops by him to apply a tape bandage and make sure he's ok
• A villain is about to strike Iida from behind but suddenly his weapon stops mid swing and he's completely imobilized by tape and holy shit have you ever seen cellophane that pissed off before ??
• Sero fighting a villain up on a super high building but gets knocked out and thrown off and iida can only see a small silhouette plummeting from the sky from where he is. Iida books it as fast as he can and just barely manages to catch Sero before he hits the ground.
• When Sero wakes up he weakly snickers and Iida is holding him close, panicking, and asks "what's so funny??? Do you have a concussion" and seros like "i bet denki 20 buck i that the next time i got knocked the fuck out i would wake up in your arms. Im taking you out someplace bougie tonight babey"
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missnalaaa · 4 years ago
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Then Shiku as sero quirk and costume
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soliceandstars · 4 years ago
YOU - fluff / guitar HC
No quirk! Au • aged up characters • guitar Sero • fluff •
HC: Sero plays the guitar for Iida when he gets the chance because he knows Tenya loves music.
...and you're sweet like candy, god you mean so much to me, and when you kiss me, I feel like I'm floating, your smile so bright it's glowing.
Thinking out loud to himself, Hanta sighed and sat his notebook down beside him in his hammock. His eyes lazily drifted over to the guitar in the corner of his room, tan and shining with the evening sunlight reflecting off of it. The window was slightly open, the smell of the cool autumn air drifting in to kiss his nose and ears before dissipating into the warmth of his dorm.
*knock knock knock*
"Hanta? It's tenya! I brought you dinner!" But when Hanta didn't answer the door, Tenya became more persistent.
"Hanta? I know you're in there. I can hear the Lofi playing on your computer. Please, can I come in?" And a dilemma began.
Hanta could let Tenya in, with an unfinished song in the works and risk tenya asking him to play it, or ignore that man and miss an opportunity.
He supposed he should open the damn door.
"Hey prez! What are you up to?"
Tenya seemed nervous. This was new.
"Nothing, really. Here, I brought you dinner and a pack of that peppermint gum you like so much. Thought you needed it. You seem like you've had a rough Saturday." Tenya explained. Made sense. Hanta DID have a rough Saturday. He guesses he did need it.
All was well until he sat down and left his notebook in his hammock. Tenya picked it up and inquired about it before Hanta told him it was his songbook.
And of course, Tenya asked him to play.
Well, Hanta played and played until his fingers hurt and his fingerpads were near bleeding.
"Hanta...who was that about?" Shit. Wait, why did Tenya wanna know. He spins around to ask Tenya the question and it puzzles him for a second before he responds that maybe he was just interested but Hanta didn't let him finish.
"Tenya, it was about you. "
That did it. Hanta froze, scared of what Tenya would say.
"Hanta, I've loved you since we met."
And with watery eyes and a pink nose, Hanta looked up at Tenya through thick lashes and bangs, hoping Tenya would press his lips against Hanta's own. And so Tenya did.
"Well Hanta, the song may have been about me, but my feelings are about you. And only you."
Suddenly Hanta shivered and Tenya stood up to close the window. As he lay back down, Tenya holds him closer and he snuggled into Tenya's chest.
A/N: sorry this one was so short. I needed to get an update out over on Wattpad (K_A_Fanfics) and post here, so I kinda had to rush.
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samcat0925 · 3 years ago
Here is my list of OTP and OT3 ships that I love the most:
Emira X Viney
Karma X Nagisa
Kirigiri X Celeste
Virgil X Roman
Logan X Patton
Remus X Janus
Basil X Sunny
Mari X Hero
Hiccup X Elsa X Jack Frost
Mylene X Ivan
Luka X Felix
Madoka X Gingka
Kyoya X Hikaru
Kappa X Siren
Lumine X Kody
Phenix Wright X Miles Edgeworth
There’s probably more but these are the ones that came to my mind. Also please don’t tell me anything about some of them not being canon or something like that, I am very aware but that’s not going to stop me from shipping them since there is nothing wrong with these ships(since they’re not bad, illegal or pedo ships).
If anyone has any questions or headcanons for any of these ships, please ask or tell me. I’d love to hear them.
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st4r-c0d3 · 4 years ago
Ojirou and Deku. But like the type of friendship where one is responsible and trying to keep the other out of bullshit. In this case Ojirou is the responsible one bc you can't tell me that he didn't scold Deku after he lost to Shinsou at the sports festival.
Mina and Hagakure went through their gacha phase together. (No I'm totally not saying this bc I'm laughing my ass off at a gacha music playlist)
Mina and Hagakure also both had a Movie Star Planet phase (and no this and the gacha phase hcs are not me projecting bc me and my ex bff went through these phases together)
The fnaf squad (look back to the fnaf hcs for specification) all watch anime together.
When they watched sk8 the infinity, Bakugo started calling Todoroki Langa (Derogatory). He stopped when during training, Todoroki fell on top of Kiri. Kami proceeded to compare it to the end of Adam and Langa's beef in ep. 12. Bakugo almost killed him and Deku when Deku said it looks like Kiri is the Reki to Todoroki's Langa.
They had started Food Wars but Iida banned everyone from watching it five minutes in.
They had attempted to watch OHSHC but stopped when Aoyama found out and compared them to the characters. Mostly because right when they were about to turn it on Aoyama called them each by a character and they were scared to find out about said characters. (Haruhi= Shinsou, Bakugo = Kyoya, Todoroki/Iida= Mori, Deku= Honey, Kami= Tamaki, and Kirishima= Karou)
Denki is a kandi kid. He likes to make kandi cuffs and chokers in dark colors for Shinsou.
(contains spoilers) Tokoyami considers Hawks like an uncle. So it was really heartbreaking to him when he found out that Hawks actually killed Twice even though he never told anyone.
Tokoyami is actually really close friends with Kirishima. They have the same music taste :)
Kirishima, Shoji, Ojirou, and Jirou all watch Adventure Time together.
Kirishima, Bakugo, Jirou, Momo, Tokoyami, and Aoyama watch musicals together. Sometimes they hang out in each other's room. Whenever they were in Jirou's room they listened to the Hamilton soundtrack. In Kirishima's it was Dear Evan Hanson. Tokoyami's was Six the Musical. Bakugo's was Be More Chill. In Aoyama's it was Mean Girls. In Momo's room it was Heathers.
Mina teaches dance classes. She asked Sero if he and Iida wanted to take a couple class. So when they, Kirishima, Bakugo, Denki, Shinsou, Tokoyami, and Kuroiro showed up, she was surprised that it wasn't just them who had came.
Mina was surpsied when Sero, Iida, and Kuroiro all knew how to waltz.
Sero could tango perfectly. Bakugo and Kirishima could swing dance. Shinsou and Denki couldn't dance to save their lives.
Kirishima laughs at every single one of Mineta's dirty jokes. He can't help it they are just hilarious to him.
Everyone is surprised when Deku laughs at one of Mineta's jokes. They later found out that Deku and Kirishima watch Helluva Boss together.
Denki and Shinsou cosplay together. Not taking criticism on that.
Bakugo and Deku both read Pjo-Toa. They had to read Pjo in fourth grade but got generally invested and kept reading through HoO and Toa.
Tsu and Ochaco (they are dating) both have a crush on Toga but have no clue how to explain it to anyone else or to Toga.
Iida and Todoroki like to color together. They also do a lot of kiddie things together because they both want to experience what it's like to have a happy childhood. (I also feel like both of them are into age regression for the same reason)
Iida was the kid who always wore a suit or something semi-formal. Like Stuart from Jessie? He had a different pair of pants and a sweater vest for literally everything.
random mha hcs that pop into my head <3
Tokoyami loves to be able to play his favorite songs. So every new instrument he gets exposed too he tries his best to learn. (At this point he can play more instruments than Jirou)
Shoji like to knit and crotchet. I can't explain it? It just makes sense to me.
Denki plays Roblox. More specifically Royal High. He enjoys scamming kids in any way possible. (He's rich in bloxburg, adopt me, and royal high bc of these reasons)
Denki and Sero share a stuffed animal collection. They both know every single stuffed animal by name, age, and species.
Mina played DDLC and ended up having nightmares from it. She convinced the rest of the bakusquad + her lovely girlfriend Camie to play it. Kiri ended up losing interest when he found out the love interests were girls. Bakugo finished it to prove everyone else were just pussies. Denki refused to read for at least two weeks afterwards. Sero thought he was hallucinating the entire time he played. He also tried to convince Iida to name their daughter Monika just to scare Mina. Camie toughed it out like a bad bitch but fell in love with almost everyone.
Denki unironically says poggers.
Ojirou knows every lyric to every Doja Cat song. Even the unreleased ones. Not bc of anyone else either.
Jirou likes Ashinikko. Like an unhealthy amount. Her favorite song is 'Invitation'.
Denki hyper-fixated on Megalovania? Can't explain it but it feels right to say that he learned it on every instrument he could get his hands on during this part of his life. (Encouraged him to learn other things on the violin)
When they were little, Bakugo and Deku took dance classes together. Surprisingly, Bakugo enjoyed it way more than Deku. So it's not uncommon to find Bakugo dancing around very cleanly when he cooks or cleans.
Denki likes string instruments. (Violin, guitar, electric bass, and ukulele are the ones he knows how to play)
Sero is teaching Jirou spanish. Only because Sero and Denki sung a cover of 'Telepatia' and Jirou claimed she could sing it better than Denki.
Once Iida cussed in French and simultaneously Denki and Aoyama whipped their heads to look at him.
Denki is fluent in multiple languages. (past hyper-fixation)
Part of the reason Bakugo doesn't let anyone in his room is because he paints his ceilings and walls. Like straight up Rapunzels that shit. It calms him down to paint intricate flowers and things with lots of texture.
Sero and Iida flirt in spanish.
Uraraka can perfectly imitate Paimon's voice. (Paimon from Genshin)
Todoroki has the Montero music video saved because he's determined to learn how to do the pole dancing part. Solely to piss his dad off.
Momo is THE BIGGEST Ariana Grande stan. She has like five hoodies with the Dangerous Women album cover on them and Jirou likes to steal them.
Mina had a mlp phase and kins Pinkie Pie.
Todoroki, Deku, and Denki like to make fnaf theories. Also them + Kiri, Bakugo, Iida and Shinsou all went through the fnaf phase.
Adding onto that, Todoroki used to spend most of his free-time watching people play the game without any commentary. Deku played through all the games and has watched almost every well-rated fnaf lore video on the internet. (He has several notebooks dedicated to said cause) Iida plays the games with Tensei. Denki used to watch fnaf gacha videos and eventually decided to find out what fnaf was. He has read every book, played through every game, and watched every single one of Markiplier's fnaf videos. Kirishima only watched Markiplier. Bakugo was the same as Deku except he also scrolled through reddit posts occasionally for the fanart and theories. Shinsou learned everything from reddit and deep analyzation of the most popular fnaf songs.
Adding on to the add on, they have biweekly meetups to compare notes. Usually begins with Deku sharing his notes and the main highlights of the last session. Kiri usually provides commentary. Shinsou references the music and shares reddit posts. Iida plans out the entire lecture. Bakugo fact checks everything as they go. Todoroki has a conspiracy whiteboard specifically for this information so he usually connects dots while listening to everyone else. Denki usually infodumps for the majority of the time after everything important gets settled.
Mineta writes yaoi smut. He also reads it. (Some of the students read it but have no clue that it's Mineta who writes it)
Tsu has a collection of frog hats.
Tsu and Momo (aka your resident lesbians) make earrings together. Sometimes Momo will make specific charms for them if they can't find what they are picturing. (Deku buys their earrings bc he wants to wear them when he works up the courage to get his ears pierced)
Jirou has an eyebrow slit.
We have established the erasermic family alr? Now let me introduce Joke as Eri and Shinsou's god mom. Just imagine Joke teaching Shinsou random conversation starters and jokes so he can use his quirk more effectively.
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literallyglitchn · 6 years ago
omg omg omg omg do you have any more seroiida headcanons and stuff???? bc the ones you gave gatorademachinegun were so gooooood i need more pretty please!!
Oh wait really?/ OOH OOH OK! UM
-Whenever iida focuses on his paper a lot his fingers automatically plays really cool ass pen tricks, in which Sero can’t stop gazing at whenever they study together
-Iida is oblivious. Sero’s flirting never seems to reach him. Not even a slingle ‘yo you’re hot’ seems to get him 
-Maybe Sero (being the known flirter and teaser of the bakusquad) (aside of Kaminari) (who is also oblivious but thats why i love him) was dared to Flirt with Iida, he takes the dare proudly and does so. Though Iida’s responses were’nt quite what he was going for. Even though they asked him to do so once Sero was determined to get a satisfactory reaction from him. And so he continues to flirt with him until he grew feelings for him. 
- IIda absolutely loves sherlock holmes. He love’s the thrill of solving mysteries. Sero enjoys Mystery and Murder himself. So whenever there’s a mystery happening in the dorms (most being a m*neta case) they’ll dress up as sherlock and watson and slove the mystery! 
-Sero is a troublemaker, the class clown. Which means he messes around a lot. And Iida being the class president attempts to stop him from playing pranks on teachers. Which often led to a chase. Sero develops a little something for iida and starts playing pranks on him to Grab iida’s attention.
-Ok, romeo and juliet seriida please? Like Sero and Iida like each other and they know that, but the thing thats stopping them from being together was their squads. Bakugou doesn’t really like Deku (more like envy him) so he instructs Sero to never talk to any of the Dekucrew members. Deku on the other hand feared Bakugou, not because he’s scary or anything. But more like how his anger could affect his friends. So he adviced Iida not to bother with the bakusquad. 
- Iida and sero making orange smoothie together. why? iida recharges on orange juice and sero loves oranges. boom.
-iida and Sero being the dad friends they are go christmas gifts shopping!! Iida doing most of the buying while Sero doing most of the picking. Since both know the squads really well every christmas they’ll go together and buy gifts. 
-Iida can actually flirt. The thing is that he doesn’t notice he’s flirting. So when he replies to Sero’s flirt with another flirt Sero just, stutters and stammers. He did say expect the unexpected but he never expected this!
and thats about it for now! I had a lot of fun doing these! i’d probably write more in my spare time and would love to share with yall. Probably gonna draw em too (because I can’t write?? ask my english essay, he’ll know.)
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mx-bright-sky · 6 years ago
002: Sero :0
How I feel about this character: I’m pretty meh, I guess? I don’t think about him much, tbh. Which, now that I think about it, makes me upset at how little we see of most of class A overall
All the people I ship romantically with this character: uhhhhhh iida I guess? People have shipped them and it seemed really cute
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Kiri and Sero are BROS
My unpopular opinion about this character: he needs more screen time
One thing I wish would happen: ^^^^
my OTP: seroiida i guess! is that their ship name?
my cross over ship: spider man and sero,,,,, similar powers,,, inch resting
a headcanon fact: he has to have all of his shirts tailor made to fit his dumb elbows
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911-i-fell-in-a-hole · 3 years ago
sero: hey can you hold this for a sec?
iida: yeah, sure
iida: ..sero this is just your hand?
sero: and I said to HOLD IT.
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911-i-fell-in-a-hole · 3 years ago
seroiida headcanon: pets
sero grew up with degus/chinchillas/guinea pigs etc. and iida’s family had three Hokkaido Inu dogs at any given point in his life.
when they move in together both see it as their chance to have a pet of their own and they’re both pretty responsible but the shock of iida coming home to a pair of Sugar Gliders climbing on sero and sero balking at the size of the Mastiff rescue iida picked up on the way home is insurmountable.
it’s a strange adjustment period for all beings involved:)
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911-i-fell-in-a-hole · 3 years ago
sero loves to come up behind iida and mess up his hair as much as he can before iida whips around and puts sero in a headlock, shaking him a little bit:
“one of these days I swear to all that is holy!”
“it looks better this way!”
“I hate you”
*sero silently asks for a kiss until iida gives in*
“love you too, pretty boy”
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911-i-fell-in-a-hole · 4 years ago
whatever you do don’t think about seroiida in place of Spiderman and Gwen Stacy.
don’t think about iida’s recipro-burst running out of time and him being knocked off a building or a bridge.
don’t think about sero panicking as he sees iida fall.
don’t think about iida’s faint smile as he knows the last thing he’s gonna see is the love of his life.
don’t think about sero’s brief relief when his tape reaches iida just before he hits the ground.
don’t think about sero holding a broken iida to his chest, blaming himself for not being fast enough.
just don’t think about it, k?
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911-i-fell-in-a-hole · 3 years ago
seroiida headcanon: 👻fall edition🍂
the minute summer break ends is when both iida and sero do their 180s on their aesthetics/vibes
iida is a psl, cozy sweaters & leg warmers, apple & pumpkin picking, corn maze date fall vibe
sero is a scary movies, Halloween, costume creating, haunted hayride/haunted house date fall vibe
iida is not affected by scary movies in the slightest but if a clown jumps out at him he is screaming
sero picks the biggest pumpkin he can find so he has more room to carve out a spooky design
iida was the weird costume kid; he went as a cloud once
sero was a mummy until around age 12 when he realized that he actually had other options for a costume
all of their fall dates have the best pictures and both of them have the time of their lives
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911-i-fell-in-a-hole · 3 years ago
seroiida headcanon: dates! pt.2 iida
you already know our boy has money so the extravagance is never spared
but at the same time iida thinks whenever they hangout it’s a date. like just sitting in the common room, doing whatever and iida will be so content all “wow I love going on dates with sero this is so nice”
when he plans, he PLANS. everything goes smoothly and he makes sure to give sero at least a 24 hour warning before the date occurs
extravagance does not mean boring
iida’s a secret-not-so-secret adrenaline junky which includes but is not limited to:
skydiving, swimming with sharks, scuba diving, hot air balloon, renting out an amusement park for the day, tickets to see sero’s favorite band/singer/group/sport
it’s either 5-star restaurants or mcdonalds and there is no in between
iida would literally give sero the world if he could bc that’s what his bf deserves
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