#i can get behind the music thing though. guess you just gotta make sure you go to tasteful places idk
syrenki · 2 years
noo house parties r fun :(( only if u invite normal people tho. You can play ur own music, get drunk for cheap, move the furniture to dance, play with house animals, worst part is cleaning up tho…
1. cleaning up
2. you're actually expected to talk with the people, have shared topics and interests etc. you can't just shut off and enjoy the abuse of your eardrums and all nerves and while staying miles away from reality because these people are here to socialize
3. no anonymity, no sense of isolation in the crowd, because it's not a crowd, everyone knows who's who here.
4. gotta keep that integrity, no fake personalities or identities. those people probably will see you a second time after this party and have met you before many times
5. people that you plan on seeing again will know how you act when drunk
in conclusion it's literally better to party with strangers. meaning crashing strangers house parties or large upscale clubs or shabby bars with dancing or elegant galas idk idc. either way when you know no one it's so much more isolating, introspective. my train of thought make sense now??
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thecoleopterawithana · 11 months
Eras: The Beatles | Episode 6 - Now and Then
In the final episode of Eras: The Beatles, we hear the story behind The Beatles' final single Now and Then, including new interviews with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. Narrated by Martin Freeman, the episode also features insight on the new track from Sean Ono Lennon, Olivia Harrison and Peter Jackson.
[This episode features more complete audio from the soundbites included in the 'Now and Then' short film/documentary. Under the cut are transcriptions of some of my favorite sections. Including Paul's interpretation of the meaning of 'Now and Then' (bonus points if you guess his answer!)]
PAUL: And then 'Now and Then' just kind of languished in a cupboard and we didn't do anything with it. I kept saying, "You know, maybe we should do something with this, seems a bit—" "Hm, I don't know..." There wasn't a great desire to do anything with it. So it hung around for a while. Years! And every so often, I'd kind of go to the cupboard and think, "There's a new song in there! We should do it! We gotta do it!" But it'd go back in the cupboard.
PAUL: Peter [Jackson] had sent me a text while he was doing the 'Get Back' thing. He said, "Here's a piece of dialogue of John's that I'd like to use, but George is rehearsing in the background," and you could hear George's guitar and you couldn't really make out quite what John was saying because it was distracting. He said, "But we've got this new technology: Machine Assisted Learning. M.A.L., so we're calling it MAL." Which was like— that was really cool! Because our old road manager and dear friend was Mal [Evans].
PETER JACKSON: I'd had this idea for two or three years about him [Paul] singing a duet with John. And the fact that we'd developed this software now allows us to separate the voices and the music meant that I could take a song that John and Paul were singing on, just separate John's vocal only, and Paul could have that for playing on stage. And then his band and himself could do the vocals and the playing for the rest of the song. So he could do a duet with John. He didn't even blink, he just said, "That's a fantastic idea, I love it! Let's do it!" And so we quickly turned that around and got that underway. So Paul was now touring with a John Lennon duet on 'I Got a Feeling'.
PETER JACKSON: I got a phone call from Paul saying, "Is it possible to use that technology for another project I've been thinking about? [...] Would it be possible to take John's vocal and clean it up and get rid of everything else? Because that would allow us to finish this Beatles song." And absolutely, it didn't take me more than about a second to get back to him and say, "Of course we can do it!"
PETER JACKSON: We assumed that the copy of 'Now and Then' that they were working to in the studio in 1995, where the vocals were coming from, was probably not a first-generation copy. [...] So we though, well this is probably a third generation [tape copy]. [...] And so we contacted Sean Lennon and he was very helpful. And sure enough, we got a digital copy of the original. Which is the same demo, same performance, but two generations better.
RINGO: I'm sitting there thinking, "I don't remember George doing that solo?" It was just like practicing, maybe. Cus it sounds like George! Then Paul said, "No, it's me." [laughs] But Paul did a great job. I mean, he's very good, you know, Paul. He's a very good musician.
RINGO: Giles [Martin] had to fly out to LA one day to listen to a four-hour string session that Paul wanted, and then fly back to England! [laughs] There's no string sections in England!
PAUL: Eventually, when we got to mix number 7 it was, "Wow, this is it! Now it's a Beatle record!" And we played it to various people, some of whom cried. Some of whom said, "Jesus Christ! It's a Beatles record!" But the reaction was very favorable.
RINGO: The difference from the two tracks of John, the old track of John— you know, we have to thank Sean as well, because he found the original tape. So that's the one you can really hear John, not the copy-copy-copies. And... it's like John's there, you know. It's far out. It's so clear now you know it's him. Cus on the original one we were working to I couldn't tell if it was Paul or John singing half the time. But now you know it's John! [chuckles]
PAUL: I think it just means 'now and then'. "Now and then, I have a cup of tea". I'm not sure it means an awful lot more than that. But, looking at it from today's perspective, now and then. Then you can start to get all sorts of meanings in. The modern-day, the historical past of the Beatles. It lines up with all of that. But we were always very happy to let people make their own minds up. "Here it is, it's a song. Now, the minute we deliver it to you, it's up to you. You can do anything you want with it." And people do!
RINGO: And that was what it was like for the three of us when we started this role in the 90s. We had to pretend— it always makes me laugh when I think of it— we had to pretend that he'd gone for a cup of tea or his lunch. But that he was still around. Because it was very strange when we started there's only three of us, after all those years, and all that life, that there were four of us. And I still miss him, man!
SEAN LENNON: It feels very synchronous that the lyric speaks about time and that it's taken so much time. That it sort of fuses the past and the present. It's like a time capsule. And it all feels very meant to be — or fated, or something — in the nicest sense.
PAUL: When I remember the Beatles, I remember the joy, the talent, the humor, the love. And I think, if people remembered us for that — for those things — I'd be very happy.
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford- Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 12
"Death Notice" aka "Bow Chicka Bow Wow"
SPOILER ALERT: If y'all wanna stay un-spoiled. Run. Just run. I say this with all love, but this is not the place to be. I am going to spoil EVERY SINGLE DETAIL that I notice. But, if you want to digest every morsel of deliciousness with me, come on in!
How'd it all shake out? Let's dive in!
Riding in an Elevator
Let's just call out Tim for stopping the elevator for Lucy, and her little breathless, "thanks". These two are adorbs. Also, shoutout to the makeup, hair, and costume departments who put a lot of work into this scene.
And Tim's eyeroll on the "Detectives" line? I was rolling.
Tamara and Lucy
FINALLY getting to see Tamara, again!
"You're here." "I live here. "I went to bed at one and you still weren't home. "Oh, I came home around then. I must've just missed you. Trivia went late." "And how was Trivia?"
Let's be real. The entire point of this conversation is that Tamara wants to let her know that she's onto Lucy. Tamara wants to talk about this new development, considering last she knew of Tim and Lucy was "This is work" when she caught them macking in the living room.
And Tamara is never going to judge Lucy, and will always give her space. But, it's about time the gal came clean with someone.
"You are such a smooth liar. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, all that undercover training." "I'm not lying. "I saw Tim drop you off."
I love the fact that Lucy literally drops the weight she's been carrying. Not only that, she slides around to sit on the couch and dish with her roomie about her new boyfriend.
Lucy crosses from behind the couch that was separating them and sits on it, leaning down to chat with Tamara. The camera moves down with her, the audience settling in with Lucy.
"Thank God. I am so over coming up with cover stories." "Why the big secret? You're both single." "I mean, we're just keeping things under wraps until we figure things out."
There are so many layers and levels here to the why. But this implies that Tim and Lucy don't want to go public until they have a gameplan. And that really makes sense for both their personalities.
I've seen folks ask, "Why is Tim so cool with this secret dating thing?" Do you know how weird it can be when friends start dating and they spend every. freakin. day. around their other friends? Everyone has an opinion.
Tim doesn't mind delaying that a bit longer. Same with Lucy. But, also, this is a huge transition. Even though they're both secure in the knowledge that they want one another, and they have years of history, they have to figure out who they are together.
"We're not sleeping together." "Why not?"
First off, the music cue had me rolling. Oh. My. Goodness. Director, Editor, whoever came up with that idea? Thank you. I had a much needed giggle.
But, also, remember that this is strange behavior for Lucy. Lucy isn't a one-night-stand girl, but she's also not a "dating you but not doing you" girl.
Tamara's gotta be wondering if Tim misfires or something, at this point, because there ain't no other reason she can think of that Lucy hasn't torn those clothes off by now.
And this is part of the maturity of Tim and Lucy's relationship that I love. They don't need to be sleeping together to be fully committed, but they're also not rushing to get to that moment.
"We're taking it slow. We want to do this right." "So, you're not sure how you feel?" "I know exactly how I feel. I mean, this is the most amazing relationship I've been in since, ever."
Oooh, the "r" word returns. Lucy tried to talk to Tim about their relationship on her last day riding with him as a Rookie and the man was not a fan of putting a label on it.
But, it's also important to note that Tim and Lucy have been dating a matter of weeks and she already knows this is the best relationship of her life. Not only the most important. Best.
"Okay. And you're waiting why… again?"
I hear Tamara's point! If y'all are on the same page and completely committed, why aren't clothes flying through our living room? For one, Tamara might want to get a look at Tim's bare chest in Jackson's honor. For two, what's the hold-up, lady?
I've talked a lot about them savoring this relationship. But, I also think Lucy has been using the "taking it slow" idea as an excuse so she doesn't have to think about the roadblock in her way.
Think about it. Lucy couldn't process through whether or not to date Emmett, so she needed to talk it out with Tim. Lucy couldn't process why she didn't want to move in with Chris until she talked it out with Tim.
What Lucy needs to do is talk it out with Tim. But, Tamara's push is taking Lucy in a different direction. It's not a bad direction.
They could have slept together and it wouldn't have wrecked anything. But, I think the security they have at the end of the episode (Yes, I'm skipping a little... go with me, here) is what Lucy needed.
Tim isn't facing the issue of their professional relationship. This whole episode demonstrates that. They need to take care of that power imbalance, because if they don't, then there's no point in any of this.
To truly be together, there were three things that had to go as outlined by Tim in Season 5, Episode 1. "I'm dating Ashley. And Lucy is with Chris. And I'm her Superior Officer, so..."
Tim told us himself what has to go for them to truly be together. And it's that last one that's still in their way, whether they acknowledge it or not.
"Morning." "Morning."
First, I have to say I love to see them greeting one another fully. Back in 5x06, Lucy kept trying to tell Tim "Good morning" and he kept looking past her or trying to avoid it. Because he was trying to avoid her and his feelings for her.
But that particular obstacle is out of the way because Tim knows how she feels about him and Lucy knows how he feels about her.
Now to the part y'all thirsty folks really care about:
Hands. Glorious hands. Wandering, sexual-desire filled HANDS. Lucy holds her keys in both hands so she can release one as she sidles up alongside Tim. Tim taps on her thigh with his fingers, a little, "hey, honey". Then he tries to catch her finger with his pinkie. In broad daylight. In front of the station. Are you insane, Tim Bradford?!
They can't keep their hands to themselves! Y'all, these two are outside a police station where they both work. Before they were dating, they would stand outside with at least enough room for the entire Holy Trinity. Now, they're practically walking on top of each other and "sneaking" in touches.
But nobody's gonna notice? Yeah, right!!
Tim seems to finally remember himself and wipe that gorgeous grin off of his face. But, oy, I love seeing him so happy!
Both of them quickly make fists with their hands after the initial contact, and Tim even presses his hand against his pocket as though checking for his keys.
But it's Tim's smile that I can't stop rewinding and watching. Look. At. Our. Boy. Have we ever seen him so happy? Tim is beaming and all they did was barely brush one another.
Because much as the physical is amazing, it's about simply being close to the person who makes you happiest in the world. Lucy is Tim's person and he gets to touch her and have secret moments with her.
He's no longer pining across the parking lot. He's walking alongside her knowing she is his as he is hers. And, let's be real, this isn't about being possessive. Lucy isn't a purse any more than Tim is a wallet. It's about knowing that this person is your person. And Tim and Lucy are each other's.
And don’t think I didn’t peep the ring. Lucy chose to put that on this morning when she told him it was naked time, just like she did when she came to the station to tell him Chris was out of the way. The streak continues!
Folks... I haven't made it past the first two words of the scene... Y'all know this is gonna be a looooong one. I hope you have snacks!
Look how Tim is still smiling as he leans his head closer to hear what she's going to say. So cute.
"Tonight is the night."
Tim was not expecting that. I'm not saying that he doesn't want to add that layer to their relationship. I'm simply saying he wasn't expecting her to announce it in the parking lot at work.
"Oh, really?"
Look at that man's quizzical brow. He wants to be sure he understands perfectly, that he's not misunderstanding. Because, come on, he misread things once before and Lucy set him straight. They've been on the same page for a while, now, and he wants to be sure they still are.
Lucy, meanwhile, has already planned out the outfit she's going to wear when he finally undresses her. Come on. You know she has. After the disaster of running late to their first date because she couldn't pick an outfit, Lucy can't be late to her own apartment.
Lucy's got a plan, and she's ready for her man. Wow, Dr. Suess just got a kinky upgrade, and I didn't even intend it! Anyway...
"Yes. Really."
Come-hither Lucy has made her appearance, folks. Yowza!! The Velvet Voice has traded places, and Lucy is already seducing her man... in the parking lot.
And poor Tim can't even see the way she's looking at him... Like he's whip cream and her tongue can't get enough. Like he's a chai latte and she wants to drink every last drop. Like he's... Okay, you get it. Lucy's got it bad for Tim Bradford and I am here for it!
"My place or yours?"
With doubt out of the way, Tim is wasting no time. And I'm proud of him for it! He is so fully committed to this relationship, and so is she, and it really shows in the confidence they both have.
Let's talk about that for a second. Lucy doesn't look to the future with the guys she dates. She doesn't want labels. She doesn't want to meet the parents. She doesn't invest in the relationship because it's never been worth it before.
Tim is the exception. In the past, it was Tim who didn't want to label their "relationship" (partnership... mentorship), but Lucy has always put a label on it. Even when she blurted out her feelings, she labeled it a "relationship". That was while she was still dating her "work in progress".
Because it's different with Tim. She doesn't want to rush into bed because she wants to savor every second of this. I've said it before, but when you know it's your last anything... you savor it a bit more.
Lucy's already half-joking about grandchildren, and thinking about their future together. She has the confidence that this is built to last—and Tim does, too.
We've talked throughout the series about Lucy's issues with second-guessing, but Tim has his own self-esteem issues. He trusts himself as a cop explicitly, but as a man, far less.
That's why he was so cautious coaching Little League, why he minimizes himself and his wants in relationships. He's so afraid of being his father. He doesn't trust who he is outside of the job.
Lucy has helped him find himself, again. She helped him go after his dreams of Sergeant. She prevented him from sacrificing himself to protect Isabelle. She had his back with the false-fender-bender. I could keep going, but I'll stop.
The broken pieces of a man are almost impossible to put together, but like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, there is a way to mend them into something whole and beautiful. Different from what it was before, but no less complete.
Tim helped Lucy find surety in her decisions, sure, but she helped him find confidence in himself. They balance one another so beautifully, and in the light of one another's love, they're blossoming.
Tim is confident in who he is with Lucy. Lucy is confident in who she is with Tim. There's the promise of forever without the discussion. Because it isn't needed. They both knew as soon as they took this risk, it was all or nothing.
And now, they're taking the next step in their relationship, together.
"Jealous dog or nosy roommate?"
Kojo! Oh, Kojo is going to be so happy that his Mommy and Daddy are finally together. That poor pups been sitting there thinking, "When is the blonde lady who tastes gritty going to leave so I can get Mommy back?" Well, baby boy, your Mommy is coming home.
Just not tonight.
"Tamara knows." "What? You told her?" "No. She has eyes. I didn't have to."
Let's be real. Anybody with eyes (not you, Nolan) knows what's going on here. Tim's been smiley. Lucy and he are now glued to the hip out-of-uniform. He's doing an awful lot of "nothing".
"But she is staying at her friend's tonight. So…"
Suddenly Tamara's knowledge about them is a good thing. "I should go," Tamara once said... No worrying about her walking in on them this time.
And, look, I know some people really wanted to see Tamara catching them. But we already got that in S4 and it was hilariously done.
Not everything has to happen on-camera. Not every item on our wish lists will be fulfilled. And that's okay. This isn't the Chenford show (much as my Metas might suggest otherwise).
That's what fanfics are for! And, believe it or not, I wrote quite a bit back in my college days, mostly for Alias.
We are going to see some gooooooood stuff on-screen, even if we don't get everything we want. So, stick around, eh?
Side Note: It sounds like Eric has a cold! They really mean “the show must go on”. I once did a show with a fever of 102. I knew I wasn’t feeling great but had no idea how bad it was until I got off the stage. Performing’s a funny profession!
Grey whisks in, reminding me I'm supposed to be talking about Chenford and not me. Yikes! Let me get my focus back.
Tim and Lucy need that same splash of cold water because they are looking at one another and Lucy's doing that thing where she presses her lips together while thinking about Tim that is doing things to our boy.
"Mm, this is gonna be awkward. " "It doesn't have to be. We've ridden together hundreds of times." "Never as a couple."
Oooh, we've graduated! First it was "we're dating", then we got the "relationship" mention to Tamara, and now we've got the "couple" label. Nice!
Why am I making such a big deal about this? Lucy doesn't do labels. In that past she did, we know, because she mentions her boyfriends never being good enough for her mother. But with her guys in this show? Nope!
She wanted to keep things casual with Nolan and wouldn't leave her stuff at his place. Emmett was not her boyfriend, as she stated many times. Chris was her "work in progress".
Tim is a labels guy. He likes things to have boxes and labels and organization. His house is very put together and uncluttered.
But I feel like he is taking her lead on this. He knows Lucy. She doesn't do labels. But she does with Tim. Because Tim is the one she's been waiting for... she just didn't know it.
"So, are you telling me you're not gonna be thinking about tonight?" "Not at all. Thank you." "Me, neither."
It's like an un-said bet, except she is totally checking out his ass.
Also, Lucy and Tim opening doors for one another. Wow, is that a metaphor for this episode. Lots of opening and closing doors all over the place.
It started with the elevator with Tim making sure it stayed open and letting Lucy go first. Here, Lucy's the one opening the door for Tim.
Their whole relationship is littered with opening and closing doors. And this entire episode (much as the theme seems to be "judgment" and "the choices we make") is about opening and closing doors.
"I could tell Grey that I got food poisoning." "Just to get out of riding with me?" "I mean, I get the day off. We avoid all this weirdness. Wins all around." "You're overthinking this. We leave our personal life at the door, just like always" "Oh, And you can just shut it off?"
Lucy is the one thinking clearly, here. Look, I love Tim. He's my favorite character (Lucy is a very close second), but he's not facing reality. The reality is—something has to change.
And, oh, that is scary for a person who grew up with instability and clings to what is known and safe. The minute he acknowledges this problem, he won't be able to ignore it, and then they have to face it, and then everything has to change.
"At 7:59, I'm your girlfriend. At 8:01, I'm your, what? Your subordinate?
What. Did. You. Just. SAY!?!?! Lucy Chen, who has resisted calling any of the guys we've seen her date a "boyfriend" just self-identified at Tim Bradford's girlfriend.
I'm gonna need a minute, here. Because, OH MY GOSH IT HAPPENED!
I should save that for later, right? Right.
But, nope, I'm losing it. I'm squeeling into a pillow trying not to alert my kids so they run into the room saying, "Mama, Mama!" and then I miss what's next. Because Lucy bad*ass Chen just called herself Tim Bradford's girlfriend.
They've been dating three weeks! Remember Lucy's initial response to why she didn't love Chris when Tim asked. She said they hadn't been together long.
But everything is different with Tim. And it always will be. They were carved from opposite sides of the same stone, destined to reunite when the time was right. Or, we might take Plato's nod and think of the one being split into two, destined to search for their other halves.
"Really?" *models herself* "My duty belt. My taser is on the wrong side. Usually, you'd be all over me for that."
I admit, I didn't notice. Crap. I'm as in love with her as Tim is!
"You did that on purpose? You don't do Tim Tests. I do Tim Tests." "Well, that's 'cause this isn't a Tim Test. It's a Lucy Lesson. And, admit it, you're taking it easy on me. We're not even on duty, yet, and our dynamic has changed."
Damn, Lucy! Holding him accountable!! But I love Tim blowing air out as she said, "Lucy Lesson". He's so exasperated with his woman.
Lucy taps his arm, and I must applaud her restraint. It's definitely a "on-duty Lucy" touch in that her hand is open and barely connects with his arm. But, she's trying to check him.
"Get in the car." "It's called a Shop."
Much as I hate the point, she's absolutely right. Tim and Lucy on-duty dynamic together has changed. And it has to.
"You haven't noticed?" "What? That you're carrying your coffee in your gun hand? Of course, I did. I just haven't said anything because these Lucy Lessons are pointless." "You really don't think you're treating me differently?"
First off, Lucy's touch lingers, this time. Much as she's telling Tim that their dynamic has changed (and he does need to acknowledge it), she's demonstrating it accidentally as much as on-purpose.
Also, remember Tim barking at Lucy for holding her radio in her gun hand in front of Emmett? And how Lucy was angry at Emmett for making an issue of it, because Tim was technically the in the right?
That's where my brain goes, immediately. He rarely goes soft on her, and she always notices. But now Tim Bradford is f*cking mush around his lady.
Tim wants so badly for this not be an issue. It reminds me of him at the restaurant trying not to react to the two men arguing, hoping that it would go away. If he doesn't acknowledge it, it doesn't have to be faced... but this has to be faced.
"You're not a Rookie. You want to change up your duty belt, carry your coffee in your right hand, it's up to you. You know. This isn't about us. I'd give Thornsen the same leeway."
*cough* BULLSHIT *cough*
"This is robbery. Wait a minute, you had your gun! This is armed robbery." "I'm sure your earrings will come up. We will call you when we have them." "I want a receipt" "We don't issue receipts. Look, it's all in the report. If you want to file a complaint, you can do so at the front desk on your way out." "I didn't take the earrings." "I know."
Tim will never accuse you of stealing, but this is a big deal. And Lucy knows it. Tim knows it, too, but he wants to do whatever he can to save her.
FAST FORWARD: And, let's be clear, after exhausting every avenue, he was going to do it... to report her. But he was going to try everything in his power, first.
"God, I've been so focused on us. Did I screw up?"
Damn. This hits hard. Poor Lucy always does her best to do it by the book, the way Tim taught her. Where did the earrings go? Tim doesn't want to acknowledge it, but you can see how soft his eyes go, immediately. He's worried for her. He's not thinking about the earrings—he's thinking about Lucy.
FAST FORWARD: And, yes, I've seen the whole episode, now, so I know. But... I like to write these as though it's the first time. And the first time, I should have seen that Lucy Lesson coming.
I mean, it was so beautifully set up with Tamara commenting on Lucy's ability to lie so smoothly, and then with the string of Lucy Lessons. I should have seen it coming, but I admit I expected the worst and didn't.
I truly expect ships I love to go through horrible pain and be destroyed. I'm learning to trust The Rookie more as the show goes on, but I have a lot of harnessed distrust there to dislodge.
"We'll keep checking until we find them." "Wait, wait, okay. Look. You need to file a memorandum with the chief. It's protocol. I get it." "We're not there, yet."
Tim is avoiding. He's trying to hard to not have to face it. And Lucy's the one being practical, here. She can see that Tim is treating her differently and she knows it can't be that way.
He doesn't want to face it. He once felt responsible for pushing her towards a serial killer. We saw how unhinged he was, and they were nowhere near this level in their relationship, now. If he is the one to write her up and it tanks her career... He'd blame himself.
"Well, how long can it wait?" "I have discretion with things like this. We find the earrings no paperwork necessary." "But if we don't you need to report me to IA." "Maybe janitorial swept them up."
Lucy can see what Tim is clearly (yes, I used their word) missing, here. But she's trying to let him get their on his own. Talking to him about it was getting nowhere, so she changed tactics.
And I love how this is shot. It's giving me major CSI Grissom/Sara vibes. Flashlights and searching while dealing with tension and romance? Yeah, I've got a type.
But, seriously, there's such simplicity in the matching over-the-shoulder shots of them, on opposite sides of this issue, but still very much in line with one another. I love the symbolism, intentional or not.
"We canceled our date." "What happened?" "Well, Tim and I rode together today and it really drove home all of the problems with dating your boss." "It did seem tricky, but I didn't want to say anything. Does that mean you guys are breaking up?" "No."
No hesitation from Lucy. Look, I love Tamara (and her relationship with Lucy is one of my absolute favorites on the show). But, Tamara's view of relationships is filtered through her own experience.
Come on, all of us filter how we see Tim and Lucy through our own experiences, for better or worse. But those once-in-a-lifetime relationships are different. They change how you see your future because for the first time there is a future with that other person.
Tamara hasn't experienced that herself, yet, and based on what she's seen with Lucy, none of her other guys really stuck.
Tamara's known about this relationship one day, so she doesn't know all the details or struggles Tim and Lucy had getting to this point. There's no going back for Tim and Lucy. It isn't even a consideration.
"We'll figure out how to make it work. " "Great. How?"
This is tricky. This is tough. Tim and Lucy have to figure this out, and do it now. There's no more time to put it off, to pretend it's not an issue, to ignore what they know to be true.
Tim puts the people he loves ahead of everything because they are so few and far between.
He didn't want to coach Little League for two seconds, because just being on that field in that position risked him becoming his father.
We all know that risk is near impossible, but Tim doesn't. As a child of abuse, he's haunted by what he's survived and terrified of becoming it.
He will do whatever he needs to for Lucy... but that doesn't make it right. With Isabelle, he was about to go over that line if not for Lucy. We know he's capable.
And, to be fair to Tim, when there was no other recourse, he was willing to do what was right in this case. He hated it, but he was going to do it. Because he is still the man he was... thanks to Lucy.
"Lucy! Your boyfriend's here."
I love Tim's face on "boyfriend". This is likely the first time he's heard himself called Lucy's boyfriend, and it just makes me giggle every time I see it.
Tim has his hands in his pockets, much as he did the last time he stood outside this door, urging her to go to UC school as she feared he was pushing her away.
"Did she tell you I figured it out on my own? I'd make a great detective." "I have no doubt."
Such an interesting quirk to hear Tim echo those words in that doorway, again. Last time it was to Chris about Lucy's level of care. This time, it's about Tamara.
So, I have to believe that on some level, he means it. And that could be a very interesting turn of events if they ever wanted to take Tamara down the path of becoming "the rookie" since they try to have someone in a "rookie" position each season.
"Hey, I thought we canceled." "Uh, we didn't." "Oh."
Now that Lucy doesn't have to hide from Tamara, she goes in for the hug. And I love the way Tim's head ends up in the crook of her arm. It reminds me of the hug from Breakdown in Season 4.
It's like he's nestling into her. Because, it takes effort for him to bend down to that level. I'm always fascinated watching tall/smol ships and how they handle that.
Tim and Lucy have history to draw from, but I look back at The X Files and I giggle thinking about the "Gilly boxes" they had Gillian Anderson stand on to get them framed well in the same shot. I have wondered a time or two if they'd used them for Chenford. No lie!
But I love how... relaxed Lucy is in front of Tamara knowing that she doesn't have to hide Tim, anymore.
But this is a serious discussion, and they need Tamara to skidaddle. "Go on, kiddo. Mom and Dad need to talk."
"You have to report it, now." "I know." "And if it was Aaron, you would have reported him already." "I know. But it's not Aaron. It's you." "And you can't be objective when it comes to me, right?"
Look at Tim's sad face and the shake of his head. But this is where Lucy needed him to go. He needed to see that he is going to treat her differently, and that's not going to work.
"And now endeth the Lucy lesson." *giggle* "The what?" *giggles*
I love this, "What" Because Eric Winter puts so much into it that I am cackling with laughter.
"The earrings were never missing?" "Nope! I set them aside and I gave them back to Sergio after work." "That's evil. And impressive. And evil."
GIRLFRIEND! I am so proud of you. It's like a productive prank. Yes, she manipulated him, but much like some of the Tim Tests, it was what he needed. Tim helped Lucy become a better cop. She's helping him become a better boyfriend.
Because in this case, what he needs to do is be honest with himself. He can't be objective where she's concerned.
"I know, but you weren't facing the problem." "Okay, well now I am. So what do we do?"
These two are absolutely working together. I stan a couple who communicates. Because he slides that "we" in there so fast. Lucy and Tim are learning how to really communicate and work through issues as a couple, and I love seeing that on my screen.
When my husband and I first married, I came from a family where screaming and name-calling was the norm. He came from a family where conflict was ignored because it was "unpleasant". It took forever for us to learn how to have a productive discussion when we were on opposite sides of an issue.
One of the simple pleasures of The Rookie's track record with ships is getting to watch our favorite couples work together. Jyla and Wopez paved the way for Chenford, in that respect.
"We only have two real options." "Break up or one of us leaves Mid-Wilshire."
First off, I love how they never even entertain the option of breaking up. Because that isn't an option for them. Yes, it technically exists as an option, but it's not one Tim and Lucy will ever consider.
They're in this and neither one is giving up on it. No second guessing. No doubt. Tim and Lucy are completely sure about one another and secure in their relationship.
"It should be me." "No. No, you love it here." "No, I do. But there isn't an open Sergeant supervisor job anywhere else in the division. I checked. Which means you would have to take a demotion and that's not happening."
I love that she talked about it. And that she'd already researched other Sergeant positions. That's our girl! Sorry... Tim's girl.
But right this second, I can see the wheels turning in Tim's mind. Lucy is basing her assumption on what she's seen of him in the past.
She knew before Rachel did that he wasn't leaving LA. She didn't know about Ashley trying to pressure him into retiring, but anyone who knows Tim knows he loves patrol.
Different as this is for Lucy, I don't know if she yet realizes how different it is for him.
"Lucy-" "No, it'll be fine. Rookies leave their first station after making P2 all the time." "That's true." "So, this is the best move, right?" "Maybe, but we don't need to decide right now."
Lucy is ready to commit to this decision, and I love it for her and for Tim. Because Lucy is choosing Tim. Forget her friends, her commute, and her comraderie. In this moment, Lucy has chosen Tim. And what other woman in his life has ever done that?
It's a hard, hard decision either way, but they both are on the same page... something has to give.
And someone better do something, because there's footage all over these cameras of an Officer and Sergeant in love. Like, that could be a problem, too, if they don't get on top of it.
Tim and Lucy's Silent Approach
This is their first time in a dangerous situation together as a couple. Tim's trying to keep it straight, and so is Lucy. They have innocents to protect. This isn't earrings. This is human life.
And Tim and Lucy get the job done.
But was it harder because of their relationship? That's the question, here. Lucy already proved that Tim can't be objective because of her, but now they're looking at the other angle—what if that hadn't happened so perfectly?
"Nice work today." "You, too. It's not a bad way to end our partnership, saving a family."
First off, Tim has really embraced complimenting Lucy. Second, Lucy has fully embraced that they are no longer going to be in the same chain of command after today.
Look at her picking the lint off of his shirt, which was a classic relationship test in the series New Girl. And then she's touching him and
"Yeah, although we're still not partners. I mean, on the job, anyway."
Look at her tapping his arm in a very gentle hit. Because, now they are partners. And her adorable smile that coaxes out his loving one. Oh, these two!
"It's going to be so weird going to a different station knowing I'm not gonna to see you all day." "Yeah. And there's no guarantee that our shifts will sync up." "I hadn't thought of that. Wait. Wait, wait. So by doing the right thing, we're going to see each other a lot less?" "Most likely." "No." "Yeah."
Gosh, this is hard for them. Melissa O'Neil broke my heart with how Lucy delivered, "I hadn't thought of that". Because Lucy is often the one who has thought of everything.
But this is an area Tim knows better, and now that they're facing this reality, it kinda sucks. But note how Lucy doesn't change course. Because, much as it sucks, they both know it's the right thing to do so they can stay together.
"I'm going to put in my transfer request in the morning."
This is heart-breaking. Lucy goes to pull the bags out of the Shop, like she always does, but Tim grabs ahold of the one closest to him, waving for her to give him the other. He's carrying her burdens. And look at the way she smiles at him.
They hate that the status quo is going to have to change for them to be together. But they will be together. And that's worth it.
Meanwhile I'm screaming at the screen, "Swoop in and resign first so she can stay!"
"Got a minute." "Sure."
Well, that was fast! Tim closes the door behind him and takes a seat. He didn't even wait to get into plainclothes to have this discussion because he wants to be sure he gets there before Lucy does.
And, it's so easy to say, "Oh, there's Tim Bradford giving more, again." But he really isn't. He's giving exactly what Lucy was willing to give for him. Only this scenario is actually better for them even if it's worse for him.
Because Tim finally has a partner who gives and takes, who will hold his hand through the heartache, and call him on his bullshit, and be the one to hold him when he deals with the rolling emotions of his father finally passing. Tim finally has the love of his life. And that's worth all of this.
"I've been keeping something from you. Lucy and I started dating a few weeks ago." "I suspected as much."
No surprises here. We've always said that Grey was onto these two. But, I think he was waiting for them to come to him since it wasn't impacting anything, yet, from what he could tell.
"Sir, we wouldn't've lied, but we needed time to figure out how we felt."
Which means we've missed some scenes. Look, I know I was the first person to say that we're not going to get to see everything (and y'all fic writers are on it, I'm sure). But I don't think they needed time to figure out how they felt so much as they wanted to make sure the other was fully on the same page.
After half a season of miscommunication, Tim and Lucy are trying to get on the same page at every step. Lucy's "Lucy Lessons" illustrate that they have a ways to go, but also that she knows how to get through to Tim when needed. They've got this.
"And since we're having this talk, I assume it's serious." "It is, but for it to be appropriate, I need to move out of her chain of command."
First off, "it is." That's it. That's all Tim has to say because he has full confidence in Lucy's love. Have we ever seen him so sure? Have we ever seen him so secure in love that he will shift the course of his entire career? Of course not.
Lucy is his sun. She is "the one" that Grey once said starting over would be worth it for.
And Grey doesn't question that it only took a few weeks of dating for Tim and Lucy to get to that conclusion. He's watched them battle against one another and together. He's seen the dance as they wrestled with what they felt, and he wasn't oblivious when dancing around one another shifted into dancing together.
This isn't a "You're marrying a man you just met" scenario. Tim and Lucy have known one another in so many ways. The typical timelines and steps don't apply. Yes, Tim and Lucy are taking their time, but that's never been for lack of assurance in one another's commitment to this relationship.
And now Tim is doing what he needs to to protect that relationship... to put them first. Not Lucy first, as Tim too often has done in his relationships, minimizing himself. He's putting them first.
Grey doesn't love helping Tim with this because he knows he's losing a great Supervising Sergeant who can hold down the fort when he goes on trips to visit his daughter at University. This is going to create a giant hole in the Chain of Command.
But Grey's going to help Tim, anyway. Because, this is a man of integrity—a man who walked into this office to come clean without prodding, who wants to do the right thing, who has finally finally found love after all his heartache and loss.
Who wouldn't want to help a man like that?
"Okay. Unfortunately, there's only one position open that'll do that." "I'll take it." "It's not a great job." "Doesn't matter. I'll take it."
TIM BRADFORD. See this is what we love about Tim. When he's all-in, he's all-in. Before, it was the job. Now, it's Lucy.
He is walking away from the job he loves to get out of her chain of command and keep her from having to leave. This is such an incredible demonstration of love, and despite the Chenford scene following this one, this is the scene that has me in a choke hold.
Tim doesn't ask for a pay scale. He doesn't ask for a job description. Hell, he doesn't even know what the job is. He sees that it meets what he needs to maintain his and Lucy's integrity and not be separated from the woman he loves. That's it. That's what matters.
Some things matter more.
No, he didn't utter the line. But, he's saying it with his actions. By making this sacrifice, he's showing her that a job will never be more important than her. That his love of patrol is great, but his love of Lucy is greater.
Because, at the end of the day, he doesn't want to see Lucy only on alternating Tuesdays and bank holidays. He wants them to have time together so they can continue to build this relationship. He wants them to build a life together. And that takes time.
So, to give them the time... he takes a step back. Because this is true love, damnit.
"So, I've been thinking, Hollywood division would be kind of ideal."
I love Lucy cooking for her man. Because next time it's Tim's turn. This is something neither of them will ever do out of duty or expectation, but because they both enjoy cooking, and this is an expression of love.
Lucy has a whole meal planned out for Tim. There's salad bowls, an open bottle of wine, plates and placemats.
Second, Lucy's about to give me a Wings-style heart attack with how many candles she's lit (the place burned to the ground while the couple hooked up... it's the only episode of that show I remember).
We knew from end of Season 4 that she likes to light candles like my Dad when he was tipsy during a hurricane (so. many. candles), but last time they weren't actually considering naked time.
"Well, it's not necessary. I talked to Grey, And you're looking at the new Court Liaison Sergeant." "But that's a desk job." "Yeah. Out of your chain of command. "You'll be bored out of your mind."
First off, Lucy knows Tim well enough to know he'd never be satisfied in a desk job. She didn't even consider this job when she looked up available jobs. But he took it without looking at the job description. Because some things matter more.
"That doesn't matter. Look, you and I'll get to see each other every day. And you won't have to travel to some, I don't know, far away station where they'll make you work the midnight shift because you're the newbie."
He has a sound argument. My husband and I worked opposite schedules the first year and a half of our marriage. I worked nights and he worked days. It was awful. Building a marriage when you never seen one another is a struggle I wish upon none.
And at this angle, I FINALLY get to confirm that Tim is wearing a shirt that snaps open and closed. It's not even a button-up. He went for snaps. This man came prepared. Talk about understanding the assignment!
"Tim-" "It's done. Okay. No sense in arguing about it."
This is such a husband move. Like, we all know she was willing to be the one to go, but he jumped in first, and it means they get more time together. "Wins all around", right Lucy?
And Tim and Lucy could argue about it (because they are "worth the effort"), but it's unnecessary. What's done is done.
"But we're so good at arguing."
Lucy, now you are reminding me of the couple with the golf clubs. The horny side, I mean, not the property-destruction side. Because, YOWZA, you knew what you were doing leaning over and kissing him like that, leaving enough room for him to stand up and come to you.
Yes, I know there are pieces of tape on the floor showing them where to stand. Shhhh! I'm in Chenfordland, right now, and I'm going to give Lucy full credit for that move.
Tim slips in his "I know" before kissing her, again, practically murmuring it against her lips.
"I know. But I'm hoping that we're good at certain other things, as well."
Welp. THAT happened. I mean, how the heck am I supposed to get through this scene without taking apart every move of the hand, of the lip, of the eye, of the BELT!? Oy vey, y'all, strap in (heh), because this is gonna take a bit.
First off, Lucy's kiss when he was sitting was definitely a come-hither kiss. She's got her arms wrapped around his shoulders for balance, but also to put a little weight on him. I mean, for all we know she likes it on top, right?
As they stand up, she's already got her hands on his shirt, on his chest. She's telegraphing interest as Tim's right hand takes a trail up her thigh to her waist.
And. Look. At. His. SMILE! Tim Bradford just walked away from patrol to take a desk job, but it's all worth it because he's looking into the eyes of his love, and she's staring back at him. And now they're both ready for this next step.
Tim is glowing in the light of her love. I once likened Lucy to the sun and Tim to a star. Now, technically, a sun is a star, right? And some solar systems have more than one sun. Lucy and Tim are each other's light. Neither has ever felt this secure in a relationship. This alive.
Rachel wanted Tim to move. He didn't. Ashley wanted Tim to retire. He didn't. Chris wanted Lucy to move in. She didn't.
Three weeks in and they're both ready to walk away from the job they love for the other? In the words of How I Met Your Mother, "That's love, bitch."
"Want to find out right now?" "Yeah."
Tim's "yeah" is barely above a whisper, but it's there. I wasn't certain it would be subtitled, but I'm so glad they did!
And I love that they are both on the same page. There's no doubt or confusion about what's about to happen. Lucy invited Tim to cross another threshold with her, and he breathed that sweet "Yeah" that's peppered their conversations since they became a couple.
"Yeah" when she said she wanted to get dinner sometime. "Yeah" when acknowledging they would do the right thing but never see each other. His soft little "Yeah"s are multi-purpose.
But that breathless one just now? Oh, that takes the cake, folks!
Lucy wastes no time with Tim's shirt. Her hands were on his snaps before his mouth met hers. No wasting time, here. She starts with one snap at a time, but at the end it's like popcorn, tearing that shirt open because it is in her way.
And her little sounds as she's undressing him? Girlfriend is gone. (and I can say that, now, because I'm never going to get over Lucy Chen being Tim's girlfriend)
C'mon. When she was wiring him to go undercover as the Hit man she was totally scoping those pecs. And let's not forget Rachel's house where all the man was wearing was a towel. Lucy's seen things. Now she wants to fully appreciate them.
There's a difference between admiring artwork from afar and really getting your hands into the clay on the wheel. Lucy's done looking. It's time to get hands-on.
Tim's left hand goes for her face, but he feels the last button give. She pushes the shirt over his shoulders, and as he pulls the sleeves off, completely, Lucy is all eyes on her man.
And what I love about this is that as Lucy is appreciating every inch of Tim's chest, her hands tracing the V toward his pelvis, his eyes are watching her, drinking her in. Seeing her turned on is turning him on all the more.
Her eyes meet his, and she smiles the most serenely sexy smile. This is everything she ever wanted in a relationship, and tonight is everything she ever wanted in a last "first time".
The second he shakes that shirt lose, his lips are back on hers. Her right hand winds around his back, her other on his face. He has both hands on her face, directing each kiss with the surety Lucy once dreamt.
Tim loves to touch Lucy's face. Like the airplane bathroom and the kiss at the food truck. But this kiss is different. Instead of sweet, this is starving.
Tim is starved from his want of Lucy. Forget the dinner Lucy was making... Tonight Tim and Lucy feast on one another.
Lucy got the engine started, but Tim's the one driving, now. And like her dream of him, she's all the more turned on by him taking the lead.
He's firm, but not aggressive, as he kisses her, drinking in every taste of her mouth like it's his first drink of water after days without. Lucy is the only thing to sate his thirst.
Her hand traces his back before both hands land on his belt. She's pulling him as much as he's pushing her toward the bedroom. They walk in step together, like the hottest four-legged, sandwich-style race. Lucy giggles as they go.
Because sexy as this is, it's also still them. Tim and Lucy are enjoying themselves. And we've learned through the course of this relationship, thus far, that comes with some giggles from Lucy.
No doubt, she's built this up in her mind. They both have. But here in this moment, they aren't second-guessing or wondering. Tim's not standing before her, waiting to see if she's interested. Lucy's not thinking about the past and letting it still her.
In this moment, they are both living, breathing, and craving right now.
Tomorrow, there'll be the jobs, and the logistics, and all the other things to worry about. But in this moment, Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen are carefree save the love they carry for one another.
Every kiss is punctuated by desire fueled by love. There's echos of every other kiss they've shared—but these kisses are like breathing. In this moment, Tim and Lucy are one another's oxygen tanks, and the only way to exchange breath is to share it.
They could bee-line right to the bedroom, but Tim can't help himself. He doesn't want to wait to feel himself pressed fully against her—every curve of her body responding to his.
His right hand reaches for the door frame, so when he pushes Lucy back against it, she doesn't hit her head. In fact, his left hand is cradling her head, so it's his hand that meets his hand.
But she feels every muscle, every part of Tim pressing against her, wanting her, aching for her. With every touch of his bare skin against her skin, his taste on her lips, and his pelvis pressed against hers, her desire grows.
Her left hand winds to his neck, as though she could pull him even closer, somehow merging every part of them before they've even made it to the next layer of clothing discarded.
Tim shifts so his left hand is around her waist as she backs into her bedroom, Tim practically on top of her, not wanting to separate an inch now that he's finally here. He can feel her responding to him, and like her lips, he's growing addicted to that feeling.
Tim pushes the door most of the way closed as Lucy giggles, completely free in the wonder of his love. Locks of Lucy's hair catch the frosted glass as the door slams shut—Lucy no doubt with her back against that door (and possibly lifted up by Tim, judging on the placement of her hair in that window).
Tim Bradford once more forgetting the bed behind him because they're going to break it anyway.
Seriously. I fully expect "Lucy needs a new bed" to be a plot point. Just to see her scrolling options on her phone would be enough for me! That bed is not ready for the action it's gonna see tonight.
I have to say, I love that we can hear the scene. The music isn't overpowering this moment, and for someone like me whose ears hear everything, but can't separate if sounds are too close in decibel or pitch, that made the scene.
Back when they kissed in the airplane bathroom, we could hear the sounds of their lips. But this scene was so much sexier with all of Lucy's hums and gentle moans into his mouth. The music volume was perfect to add to the moment without distracting from it.
Fan Fic Writers... go do your thing!
And to Eric Winter, golly, I hope he wasn't too sick. Listening to how much of a voice he has in each scene and gauging shooting scheduled based on how weak it was was amusing. But, seriously, the job of an actor can be killer. Any job in the industry that involves being on-set, really.
My mom is a hair and makeup artist. She worked on a series in Wilmington in the late 90's where one of the lead actresses and she both had the flu. Didn't matter. They both had to work through. Mom has this photo of the two of them passed out on a couch together between scenes. It makes her smile, now, but it reminds me of how hard it can be.
We think about the glitz and glamor. And while that does exist, the hours alone can be a huge deterrent for any sane person. Creating art takes time, patience, and a crew of folks who sacrifice so much of their personal lives to make it happen.
If it's a good crew, it can become like family. If it's a complicated one, it can be incredibly trying to get through 18+ hour days stuck together, short turnarounds, and Fraturday schedules.
Also, I hope poor Melissa O'Neil didn't get sick from Eric Winter because of this scene. Because, golly, it's a weird job, right? I once did a shoot where I had to make-out with two separate men I'd never met before on the same day (no, it wasn't a porno). Like, you're really getting paid to do this. It's so weird.
Back to the show... There's a line in this episode that Wesley says to Angela that really sticks out for me... kind of the mantra of all the ships of The Rookie "It's not ideal, but we can handle it."
Romance in real life is messy. Too often, I see television shows go one of two ways... full on soap opera or train wreck. There are very few shows I trust with ships, even in hindsight.
The Rookie shows these very real people dealing with very real issues. Kids keeping you on a schedule that prevents you from getting any sleep. Having more kids. Shared calendars. New love and job schedules. All of that is so relatable, and it's so nice to see a show that is committed to showing people work through.
It's a detail that I really appreciate as a real person with real issues.
Anyway, if any of y'all are still alive, I want to thank you for reading. I have so much fun writing these, and the fact that people read and comment and enjoy them still blows me away. Thank you.
See you on the next!"
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mxtantrights · 2 years
the off the clock kiss
this is a snippet from the famous dc!au that started with The Greatest Hits [read here]  you don’t have to read it but a lot of things would make sense if you do.
You’ve kissed Jason Todd before so you’re not sure why you’re freaking out. It’s the same pair of lips. It’s the same guy. But it is different. 
Before, when you two kissed, it was in front of everyone. Dressed up in costumes and caked in some brutal amount of mascara and concealer and foundation. In front of expensive cameras and microphones. In front of Harvey Dent, renowned director of American rom-coms. 
That was work. 
This? Right now? 
Jason Todd with his back against your front door and you pressed up against him with your tongue in his mouth? Yeah this wasn’t work. Or, it didn’t feel like work. 
He tastes like he looks. Which is a bit dangerous and something ginger or cinnamon dashed. You can’t tell which and honestly you don’t care in this very moment. 
Kissing him feels like time is slowing down in the most peculiar way. You can feel time passing and you don’t want it to end. Not when you have Jason Todd pressed up against you like this. His hands on your waist, giving you soft squeezes.
You pull away first. When you do you notice he’s slow to open his eyes. And he’s got the most dumbstruck look on his face. You’ve never seen him like this before, which is why you like it so much.
You’ve proven to him wrong.
“I think I just proved my point that I can kiss with passion.” you say.
He opens his eyes filly now. Like he’s taking you in- he is actually. It’s hard to miss. He gives your a full once over. And then that signature smirk in on his face like any other time he’s about to reply with something witty.
“So you’ve been holding back on set because you want to defend my honor?” he asks in return.
You hit him over the shoulder and take a step back from him so you’re not chest to chest anymore. Though that doesn’t stop your heart from beating any more wildly than before. He’s still got his hands on you.
“I’m new to acting. I wasn’t just gonna French you in front of the camera!” 
He clears his throat, “Well I wouldn’t have not liked it. But also, you should think about bringing that energy back to set.” 
“Are you- is that a complaint?” you retort. 
He grabs your shoulders, something you didn’t know you wanted to feel until he did it and now that he has you wanna feel it again. You try to pull yourself together for the sake of the conversation.
“Listen, hun, that was definitely not a complaint. I’m just saying maybe we dial it up when the cameras are rolling. This is the sequel after all.” he answers.
You nod you head. And then he’s letting go of you. What you’re thankful for is the sound of the music you had playing earlier in the living room that fills the background or he would’ve picked up the when you let out at the loss of his touch. 
“Have you read page 79?” you ask.
Jason scoffs, “Of course. What do you take me for, a slacker?”
You do. And since you think he really hasn’t read up to that part int he script yet because it’s still early days of filming, you want to have to some fun with him. About a year ago you thought he was going to be a pain in your ass, and you were right for the most part. Now you think you’ll return the favor.
So you smile even though you lips are bit tingly from kissing him. And he smiles back at you innocently. You think to yourself he hasn’t got a clue what page 79 entails at all.
“Great then I guess you won’t mind if I ask Dent to move filming that part Monday?” you ask him.
And he’s nodding his head. Checkmate. 
Jason peels himself off your door and opens it a crack. Then he turns to you “I’ve gotta head out, I’ll see you on Monday.” he says.
You nod too, “Yup. Page 79.” 
“Oscar winning performance incoming I think.” he jokes.
You laugh at that as he walks himself out your door. With a quick reminder you tell him to text you when he gets home and he agrees. When you close it behind him you smile. Not at the joke. Not at you pranking him. No. At the kiss. You can’t believe you kissed him off the clock like that! And with tongue! He basically asked you to show him what passion you could bring to a make-out scene and you did, but damn. 
Now you’re waiting for Monday to prove to Jason Todd once again that you can bring passion to kissing while in camera. And you are absolutely positive he doesn’t know that page 79 is a make-out scene because Jason is in the middle of a Jane Austen binge. He comes to set two hours earlier to read up to twenty pages of the script to get ready for the day and last time you checked he was around page 50. 
This was going to be fun.
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loosesodamarble · 4 months
I know this is a lot but can I get 14 18 21 & 22 for Josele and 5 & 7 for Dusk and Dawn please? 🥺👉👈 Thank you!! 💖💖
Acacia~! Hi there again! Thank you for all the questions! Especially for Dawn and Dusk akjdshgiashritu! Yay! Lots of questions to answer for multiple ocs~!
Josele Canty
14) What are your favorite music genres?
I mostly like old folk songs that I picked up from my mom and dad. My dad didn't know that many songs and none of them fit in with "normal" music, as far as I can tell. My mom knew songs that sound, well, more musical. I chalk that up to there being a musician in the family a few generations back.
I kinda know "classical" music. But that's just 'cause I like to dance to that kind of sound.
18) What’s the best way to cheer you up?
I cheer up the most when I spend time with my friends. The exact activity changes with whoever I hang out with, but as long as I'm with a friend, my day gets brighter.
I go out social dancing with Finral (he makes an excellent leader or follower, by the way). Gordon, Gauche, and Grey like to set up tea or coffee with lots of snacks to cheer me up. Noelle and Yami train with me to cheer me up. And when all the girls get together to cheer me up, it's basically a make over day for all of us.
21) Describe your ideal partner.
Hrm. I've never really been truly attracted to anyone other than Morgen or Nacht. I've fancied people in passing but... Nevermind.
If I had to put it into words, my ideal partner is someone who is kind to their very core. That kindness can be apparent or buried deep down, so long as it's there, I'm happy. They'd be someone who puts their best into what they do, even if they have to take time to find the will to do so. My ideal partner should be someone I've known for years and find incredibly easy to love, as in if I'm asked about my love for them, my answer is out the second the question is asked.
I guess ideally, my partner would be skilled enough to go hunting with me and neither Faust has been able to do that. But I honestly prefer Morgen and Nacht the way they are over any imagined perfect partner in my head.
22) What’s the easiest way to flirt with you?
O-oh? Well... Morgen and Nacht both have different pet names for me and all of them make my heart flutter a bit. Morgen calling me his "heart" was honestly the most romantic thing in the world. The sound of his voice and the look of his eyes when he said "my heart"... I miss those a lot... Nacht has lots of pet names for me too. "Darling," "my star," "my angel." He says them so sweetly that I just melt!
I guess another tactic to easily flirting with me is giving little kisses here and there. Long kisses are nice but the those quick pecks are playful and leave me wanting for more later~!
Dawn Faust
5) What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
I train! Whether it's with magic or weapons, I like to make sure I'm at the top of my game! Sure it tires me out but a snack and a shower is enough to bounce me back! Besides, I like to think I look super cool when I train!
I especially love training with my friends and siblings! They've got some awesome spells and it's fun to see them improving too!
7) Who do you look up to?
Oh that's an easy question. I look up to Mother and Father are my main role models of course! I gotta be strong like Mother and I wanna be as clever as Father one day.
Ms. Charlotte, Ms. Noelle, and Ms. Mereoleona too. They're all brave and strong and amazing people who can't be stopped by anything at all! And though I don't really know Uncle Morgen, the fact that I have the same attribute kinda makes me feel like I should live up to the legacy he left behind (you know, minus the evil paladin stuff...)
Anyone who is cool and strong and nice is someone I think it worth looking up to honestly!
Dusk Faust
5) What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Read mostly. Fantasy novels, "writing for dummies" sorts of books, gaming rulebooks and modules...
And I write a bit too, but it's nothing special. My friends think the stories I come up with are good, but they're the one doing most of the work by being the heroes.
7) Who do you look up to?
I'd say that my biggest role model in life in Lord Fuegoleon Vermillion. He's a dignified man with strong morals. He's a lot more outspoken than I am but he doesn't have to raise his voice to command respect. I... Don't want to be in the spotlight him, not at all. But I would like to have his confidence one day...
Mrs. Adlai was apparently like me back in the day so I look up to her to reassure me that I won't be a coward forever.
I also look up to Uncle Morgen and the kindness that Mother and Father say he had.
And I guess... Father too. We weren't always close but... He's not good at showing he cares, like me. Still, he protects and loves those he cares about with all his might and even if his best isn't always enough, he tries. I... can't deny that he's a good man.
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the-weirdos-mind · 1 month
Fanner Igor: Hazard/Riff Attire Lines
(Last entry for the event by @raguiras. Fanner works in helping build the sets for the music videos. He’s really good at building them and his metal arm is very usual. The hammer broke, don’t worry he can use the limb as a hammer. Gotta test if something is magnetic? Just stick it on his arm to test it! Need a hand? He’ll chuck it off for you to use. It may end up as a prop if needed but he’ll immediately take it back after filming. Guy has his limits. His metal arm has black paint with these tattoos or something similar on it. The street style is strangely a good look on him. He also wears those black baggy pants with chains, a grey baggy hoodie and has his hair in a small bun. He was assigned to this group and wasn’t sure about being around so many strangers but feels comfortable that someone he knows is in the group. Don’t be scared of him, he’s really sweet as soon as he warms up around you!)
When Summoned: Hazard/Riff huh? Why does being in the group feel so… normal?
Groovification: Everything is all set. Now it’s time to sit back and watch how it all comes together for the performance
Set to Home Screen: Guess I should get these supplies over to the set.
Home Transition 1: Of course Vargas would treat this as another workout. What else can be expected when he’s supervising us. At least he hasn’t offered to help build the sets… yet.
Home Transition 2: I’m surprised that Deuce is the leader but I’m more surprised by how natural he is in the roll. He’ll go far, especially with Allen balancing him out.
Home Transition 3: I’ve never really thought about music as much. I never really had time to listen to anything and develop my music taste. It’s never too late to start that though. I think I already have some type of music I like now.
Home After Login: Time to get over there and use my arm as a hammer. I wonder who would freak out over it this time?
Home Transition (After Groovification): I never knew there was so much that went behind the scenes for making a song or music video. No wonder some people stress out over the process.
Tap Home 1: The whole competition thing makes me think of a lyric Estella knows. I think it goes, ‘Sugar we’re going down swinging?’ Ask her about it.
Tap Home 2: Allen is a good co leader. He seems to know what it’s needed in all this. I’m grateful that he’s one of the leaders.
Tap Home 3: You’re curious if that’s magnetic? Go ahead and place it on my arm. I don’t mind as the my friends had already done this to me before. It’s funny when they stick something when I don’t expect it. Gives me a smile when I need it.
Tap Home 4: Epel is fired up about being in the group. It’s nice to see him let loose every once in a while. Hope he doesn’t get too carried away with the excitement.
Tap Home 5: Hm, where to put… ah I didn’t see you there. You’re wondering what I was mumbling about? I’m not exactly sure where to put this. Have any ideas on a good spot?
Tap Home Groovication: I now understand why people love music. You understand things that you never understood or learn about something new. What an amazing thing.
Allen belongs to @raguiras
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pfannkuchen07 · 7 months
The Changes from POTO Italy in Monaco- Monte Carlo
I've seen no one talk about it, so I'm gonna talk about it!! I was at the POTO Italy showing in Monaco on the 20th December 2023, and they made some interesting new changes for that show 👀 Beforehand I gotta say, I was also at the showing in Trieste in July 2023 and haven't watched ANY other of the productions, so I'm not too sure what may be new for people who only saw other versions :'D (well besides the anniversary version from 2011) But if you have any questions, just ask them! Also I'm gonna post my super secret complete audio recording of the show on another post, so look out for that hehe
In The Music of the Night Ramin's Phantom did that candle thing again, where he (in Trieste) would take one of his candles from the organ and blow it out, but this time he took the candle (somewhere at the start of the song) and placed it on the ground in front of Christine. She than sat in front of it and stared at it, like she was hypnotized by the light and by his singing promising her all these things she never even dreamt of, until finally he came to her, crouched in front of her and blew it out. "Close your eyes, let your spirit start to so~ar. And you live *candle blows out* as you never lived befo~re." From then on she was under his spell. For the rest of the song, anyway. Later she woke up in the Phantom's four-poster bed and proceeded to find him.. sitting thoughtfully on his piano bench. I guess inspiration for his music where to be found floating somewhere in the direction of the audience. They probably did that so that we could easier see when Christine snatched the mask from his face, but it was funny to see nonetheless. Just imagine this epic shadow man of gothic stories than can basically appear and disappear wherever he wants, truly a master in every craft, and he gets bested because a ballet girl sneaked up on him. :'D Anyways.
Later after the first chandelier got destroyed, Christine ran off to the rooftop and stood on the edge of the precipice. Just one jump and the Phantom might not kill again... but thankfully Raoul came before she could have acted on any of her wayward thoughts. Although Raoul only climbed up to the end of the roof ladder and Christine was scarily near to the edge. Why Have You Brought Me Here became a song to talk to Christine about what scared her and hopefully get her down from the roof. After one almost jump at the end of the song Raoul finally got off the ladder and scooted to her, to bodily keep her from any other near falls. He comforted her with All I Ask Of You and they end up kissing and engaged. Yay.
Now fast forward to The Point Of No Return. They do their intrigue thing where they try to find the Phantom somewhere IN the opera, because he must be somewhere to watch them present his masterwork. Unknowingly he changes positions with Piangi (which looked very smooth. With his hands on the curtain during the switcharoo and all that). Lots of cool outfits during this scene. It must have been very hot, especially when I first saw it in Italy during a heatwave when it was like 30°C outside. Luckily they had air conditioning. Also I love that Ramin went all out in his attempt to make the Phantom sound more like Piangi in this scene and have the accent full on. Makes the switch that much more surprising when you don't know that it is coming since he does a really good job of imitating him. And I kinda love how he sounds with it hehehe The interesting thing though is that the Phantom loses the accent as the song The Point of No Return really starts as if to show Christine who really is behind the costume. You can here it on the first "Our games of make believe are at an en~d." especially well. He drops the accent and goes from his chest voice back to his more typical register. Also he gets his signature "whine" back. He kind of goes in and out of it as the verses go on. Fighting his desire to be with Christine with his need to keep the ruse going. Maybe he needs to be with Christine, maybe he needs to finally come clean, whatever it is, it made him take the disguise off at the end of The Point Of No Return and look guiltily at her while she sadly looked on. Christine herself didn't even try to look under the costume during TPONR and unmask him. Even when clearly she must have know that he was under it. I mean yes, during the song she didn't touch him as much as I know she does in the anniversary version (which here sadly takes the sensuality out of the scene for me because most of the time they stood with a few meters in between them or walked around the table :c), but she knows his voice and clearly heard him change his accent. One could argue she might know his voice like this (without the visuals) even more intimately then with. So I'd be easier to pick out for her. Not sure what I think about this change. After the Phantom runs away with Christine, and the police and audience is in chaos, Firmin and André let some lanterns fall down and proceed to burn down the Opera house because well, insurance doesn't cover maniacs but hopefully it does fires? As long as no one from the audience tells on them, I guess. The funniest thing about this show was the end In The Lair when Raoul gets hung up on a rope (by the Phantom's bed ;))) 90% less wet than he was in Trieste but 80% louder with his yelps and moans of pain. After some minutes he even goes still and passes out. And the show ends with the Phantom magically disappearing under the blanket on his bed. I do wonder how they did that, since I could very clearly see under it to the wall. Hmm... All in all, very fun to see tho. c:
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mainstoryarchive · 11 days
Revolution - 62: Chaos
Translator: Creampuffs
Rei: The plan is a success. We leave the main part of the plan to our brethren – “2wink”!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Auditorium
Rei: The plan is a success. We leave the main part of the plan to our brethren – “2wink”!
Hinata: Alrighty.
Yuta: That was a great performance, Sakuma-senpai.
Hinata: You called for us, so here we are ♪
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Yuta: Tadaaa ♪
Keito: (……!? Where did they come from?)
(Their outfits are different – they’re not “UNDEAD”. I’ve never seen them before, but… are they newcomers who have yet to take part in an "A1"?)
(They shouldn’t be performing today, but all the paperwork must have been done behind the scenes.)
(It’s one outlandish scheme after the other!)
(They’re twins… which means they must be the first-year Aoi brothers. If I remember correctly, they should be members of the Light Music Club – Sakuma’s juniors. Are they also part of his plan?)
Hinata: Hey, stop looking so tense like the protagonist of a battle manga and leave already ♪
Yuta: You’re going over your performing time, so you’ll be penalised, you know~? ♪
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Keito: Ugh… how imprudent can you two be? “UNDEAD” and “2wink” – just know you two won’t have a place at this school when this dreamfest is over!
Rei: Is now really the time to be talking about our fate? You never know – perhaps the school may undergo a change after this dreamfest.
If a revolution occurs, then the previous king will be taken to the guillotine ♪
But we’d only be a nuisance if we stayed here forever. My fellow unit members, we’re leaving!
We’ve done our job – I’ll be sure to shower my dear unit with praises afterwards ♪
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Kaoru: What~? Being praised by you doesn’t make me happy at all, you know.
Anyway, is it true that I’ll get a kiss from the Transfer Student if I did my best for the performance?
That’s the only reason why I gave my everything for the performance, you know~? ♪
Rei: Hm. When did I ever say that…?
Kaoru: Wha!? It’s not time for you to start becoming senile, Sakuma-san.
You’ve got to be kidding me~ I worked so hard!
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Koga: Stop yappin’ and get off the stage, you geezers! Outta my way!
Adonis, we’re leaving and taking the equipment we brought on stage with us!
We’ve also gotta set up the stage for “Trickstar”, so we’re hella busy!
Geez, why’re we even doin’ something like this…?
Well, I guess I do owe the Transfer Student. Now, we’re even, dammit!
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Adonis: I’m good at doing manual labour. Kanzaki, could you lend a hand?
Souma: Hm? I do not think I am obligated to help you, though? W-What should I do… Hasumi-dono!
Keito: Don’t mind them. It’s not our time to perform anymore. We need to leave the stage, otherwise we’ll receive a penalty.
I’m going to leave the stage and get a grasp on the situation. Afterwards, I’ll summon the members of the Student Council, and then we’ll think about how to deal with all this.
We lost our initiative, but we can turn the tables around. No… the stable order the Student Council built will not crumble due to something of this level!
Hinata: Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and leave, okay?
Yuta: It’s not fun if the opening act takes forever to leave, right? Especially when the audience is so pumped up already~
Keito: You’re saying… we’re the opening act!?
Hinata: Sorry if we hurt your pride, but that’s just how things naturally came to be~♪
Yuta: At the very least, that’s how the audience sees the three of us – “UNDEAD”, “AKATSUKI” and “2wink”.
Hinata: Attain victory first and put an end to everything…
Looks like the system that allowed you to be invincible was useless~ Normally, the opening act are those who appear on stage first ☆
Yuta: The heroes arrive after.
Hinata: With all that said, it’s time for the main stars to arrive…
“Trickstar”, the up-and-coming idol unit Yumenosaki Academy has been waiting for, will begin their performance shortly~☆
Yuta: Please welcome them with a big round of applause! ♪
[ ☆ ]
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lordofdragos · 1 month
Spoiler warning for In Stars and Time!! Do not read if you think you'll play it in this or any other lifetime!!
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HEY IT DIDN'T ALWAYS LOOK LIKE THIS RIGHT AM I CRAZY? (The spiral of self doubt and insanity begins)
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HEY GUYS NO IMAGE HERE BUT UH DON'T GIVE MIRABELLE THE BOW GIFT WHEN SHE ALREADY HAS IT DO NOT CAUSE TIME DISTORTIONS But for real The game doesn't exactly feel like a loop It definitely feels like more of a distortion instead of a true loop ...Am I destroying the worlds I leave behind...?
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LMAO Sif is not a fan of this counter
Also the entire country up north just Disappeared? Thats not normal? Everyone is so calm about this?? I guess they have bigger fish to fry but still.....
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... We'll get there buddy don't give up
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Ah yes. Blessing. I'm sure Sif won't regret thinking this at any point.
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That was definitely an 8/10 very good but could use more emotion I feel that though I'm not the greatest at emotions myself
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I literally already said this but Sometimes I really don't like Bonnie because I'm bad with kids and as it turns out Since characters are REALLY well written in this game Bonnie talks and acts exactly like a kid This however This is not one of those times Bonnie you are wonderful ignore me when I am annoyed at you because Im a crabby adult
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hehe butt
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Once again the game makes me appreciate Bonnie
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I'm- I'm glad I can be here I wouldn't want to be anywhere else
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Oh yeah thats a big lad ain't it Also capturing Frin's expression here was important
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Real Asgore energy opening up with "Young ones"
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(You've been spotted...!)
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Does he Does he mean like if I come back or or like that place no one can remember anything about anymore? CURSE YOU FUTURE KNOWLEDGE I DONT KNOW I WANT TO KNOW NOWWWWWWWWWWW
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fight time something tells me its not gonna be me Oh yeah he's gonna like freeze everyone then pummel mirabelle to death or something horrific Odile examine be like "Be Prepared For Anything" Thanks was hoping to get anything remotely concrete
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Sif appears to be in immense agony Me also being depressed because the game said allies instead of friends when talking about what happening when we were all dying
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I- I didn't I didn't choose anything it just... ACHIEVEMENT GET THOUGH :D
Ok post scheduling time I don't think Im gonna finish these before the first one comes out should've given myself more buffer but oh well!!!
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-.-.-.-.Hello, hello-.-.-.-.
Scroll past this for my fandoms list and writing info!
This is sort of just an intro post lol
I’m the mysterious trans guy behind this blog. You can refer to me by A (first letter of my name lol) or just my blog name idrc.
Some stuff about me:
I use He/they, I'm queer (unlabeled), and definitely on the spectrum (you gotta guess which one haha).
I’m a writer, obvi. But I’m also into music, art, fashion, the works. Ask me about makeup, do it. It’s my special interest I DARE YOU TO ASK lmao.
Hopes, dreams, all that good stuff:
Drag artist in the making, I’d love to be able to perform some day. I don’t wanna do writing full time, but I’m hoping it will remain a hobby.
Fandoms I will write for
The Outsiders
The Breakfast Club
Please Baby Please (2022)
Ferris Beuller’s Day Off
The Spiderverse movies
Hazbin hotel/Helluva Boss
The Hatchetfield trilogy (TGWDLM, Black Friday, NPMD)
Any Starkid musical tbh, I’ve seen most of them.
Marble Hornets
Creepypasta (I am cringe unfortunately)
Rodrick Heffley specifically.
Freaks and Geeks
Little Shop of Horrors
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Hannibal (NBC)
Chicago (The musical)
Ride The Cyclone
Glee (if you couldn’t tell by my username)
+ more I probably just couldn't think of them
Other Info:
I mostly take requests through asks, but you can also dm me with an request or idea! A few things I would like to mention before you request, though:
I write primarily for transmasc readers. There's like, crumbs in terms of fics for transmasc readers and being transmasc myself I think it's so sad. So, I'm writing fics specifically for that:) I will also write for non-binary and gender neutral readers! I'm happy to, always. I most likely will not write for fem readers, just because that's not the audience I'm trying to attract. I'm open to it in the future, but for now I want to focus on fics for transmasc readers.
I'm usually not comfortable writing fics for real people, like celebrities. I will write for fictional characters, but not the actors who portray them.
If I get a request that I'm just not comfortable writing, then I likely will not write it. Simple as that. If you're not sure about a request, feel free to just dm me about it.
That being said,
send me requests!!! -xoxo, kurt-hummel-eat-your-heart-out...
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cuuno-moved · 2 years
It’s cold in the desert at night. Jimmy’s known this for a while now.
He pulls at the Arrow’s reins, and Tango makes a face at him, but Jimmy points up at the setting sun, and for him, that’s that.
“Why’re we stopping?” Tango asks.
“It’s gonna be cold in a minute. We won’t get back to the ranch in time, so it’s better to start up a fire here.” Jimmy points at a nice little cove surrounded by rocks. “We can set up over there.”
Jimmy leads Arrow over to the little area, and he can hear the clip-clop of Tango following behind. It’s not a great place to sleep, but Jimmy brought two sleeping bags, and there’s a pretty good rock for them to tie the horses to, and Jimmy has a flint and steel in his back pocket - so it’s not as though the whole thing is gonna be miserable.
Setting it all up is pretty quiet, with Tango tying up the horses and watching Jimmy start up a fire with dried bushes and his flint and steel. There’s a pretty sweet sound of awe from Tango when the fire really starts going, and Jimmy just blinks as Tango shoves his whole hand in.
“I’ve never seen anyone make a campfire without the proper supplies,” Tango says, voice quiet and impressed.
Jimmy grins. “Something you gotta learn when you’re the sheriff of Tumble Town. Maybe I can teach you when we get back?”
“That would be pretty cool,” Tango agrees. “Got anything fun for us to do before we konk out?”
Jimmy rummages through his pack and pulls out three bottles. “Two of water and one of whiskey, if that sounds like anythin’ up your alley!”
“Oh! Oh, yeah, yeah, I wouldn’t mind a drink.” Tango grabs a bottle at random, takes a sip, then gags. “Ah, I thought this one was gonna be water.”
Jimmy laughs. “Come on then, take one of the others!”
“Nah, nah, I can take it.” Tango puffs out his chest, laughter bubbling out of his lips. “I’m a big man, y’know?”
“For sure, for sure,” Jimmy agrees. “Hold on a second, let me see if I have anything else.” He shuffles through the pack again, then gasps. “Oh, hey! I thought I lost this!”
“Oh? Oh? What’s up?” Tango’s swapped out his whiskey bottle for water, which is good, because Jimmy was kinda scared Tango was gonna drink it all.
Jimmy pulls out his harmonica with flourish. “This guy’s been mine for a long time, but I guess I put it in this bag a while ago and forgot about it? I can’t actually play, but it was a gift, and-“ he chuckles. “A gift’s a gift, you know?”
“A gift’s a gift,” Tango agrees with faux solemnity. “Can I try it though? Is that okay?”
“Yeah, man!” Jimmy offers it over, and picks up the whiskey bottle for himself. “Play us a song!” He drumrolls on his knees, and Tango laughs sheepishly.
“I dunno if it’s gonna be that good. But uh- hey, I’ll try!” Tango brings the harmonica to his lips and tries a couple notes, just getting the feel for the thing. “Okay. Okay, I think I’ve got it. Any songs you know?”
Jimmy blanks. “Uh. I dunno. Cat? Is Cat a good disc?”
Tango nods. “Yeah, yeah, let’s do Cat! Uh, not the first part, cuz I don’t think I can switch notes that fast, but-“ He laughs nervously. “Uh, yeah!”
He hums the first bit to himself, all, “dun-dun-na, dun-dun-da,” and then when he’s gotten the feel of it, he starts to play.
It’s not good, is the thing. Jimmy has heard Oli before, and despite his nervousness about playing, he knows that Oli is a musician. Before he stumbles, his music is great!
So yeah. Jimmy knows what good sounds like, and he knows that Tango’s harmonica skills aren’t it. But there’s something heartfelt and personal in the way that Tango stumbles back and changes his mind on the note. In the way he laughs into the harmonica and turns it into a weird sound. He isn’t nervous, here. Just silly. And there’s something so endearing about it that Jimmy-
“Okay!” Tango laughs. “That’s enough of the worst version of Cat you’ve ever heard. I’m gonna try something else. Uhhhhhhhhhh, any other requests? Oh! Oh, wait, I want to try and see if I can-“ Tango starts playing around with noises again.
Jimmy leans forward, resting his head on his knees, and watches, taking slow sips from a bottle. It’s his waterbottle sometimes. It’s their shared whiskey sometimes.
“Okay, I think I got it. You’re obligated as my rancher to say that this is cool, if you recognize it,” Tango tells him. Then he brings the harmonica to his lips, and out comes the notes of their horn. It doesn’t sound just like it, obviously. It’s a harmonica, and Tango doesn’t know how to play it great, but it’s no less their horn.
“Tango!!” Jimmy gasps. “That’s so- that’s so cool- that’s so smart!”
Tango laughs, then dips into as close to a bow as he can while he’s sitting. “Thank you, thank you, I aim to please.”
He’s giggling again, then, and maybe it’s the little bits of whiskey through the night, or maybe he’s tired, or maybe this has been a long time coming, but Jimmy sighs, muffled by the hand pressed to his cheek, and says, “Can I kiss you?”
Tango stops laughing, but the fire that forever roars on his head sparks higher, and some part of Jimmy forgets to be embarrassed. Forgets to backtrack. Just takes in Tango being here, in his world, where there’s no fear of dying forever or of reds or of their ranch burning down again - they’re safe, and it changes so much about them, but it doesn’t change their… Whatever they have. It doesn’t change the way they feel.
“Uh,” Tango says, and he’s put a hand over his mouth, as if it’ll cover the blush on his cheeks. “Yeah. Yeah, I think you can.”
So Jimmy shuffles closer and tugs on the bandana around Tango’s neck - the one he lended him after they became team rancher all over again - and Tango leans in, and, well. You know what they say. There’s the smell of whiskey on his lips, and Jimmy thinks that maybe this is the touch he was looking for.
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porkums-my-beloved · 2 years
One of my IRL Acting Major Friends follows me on this account so it's gonna be so embarrassing when they inevitably read this but whatever-
I want to talk about Technoblade in the hypothetical dsmp play.
(I always want to talk about Technoblade. But that's beside the point.)
Because the thing about Techno that's key is the way that he goes between a silly goofy guy and fucking terrifying at the drop of a hat. And something that'll help do that is the fourth wall.
Now, I love the fourth wall so much. So fucking much. It's such a fun way to draw the audience into your story.
In Technoblade's case, it has to be used in multiple different ways depending on the tone of the scene. With that in mind, we start out with the fourth wall almost exclusively being used for comedy. It may decrease the amount of threat Techno holds for now, but that won't be a problem for long.
I imagine this fourth wall breaking to be reminiscent of Uncle Fester in the Addams Family Musical, or any other narrator-adjacent funnyman. Lots of looks to the audience at absurd moments, references to theatre, gaming, and the original source material.
As this goes on, it gets a little more ominous. Maybe he knows more than he's letting on? Something is significantly different than the way it's treated with Wilbur and (potentially?) Tommy. They see the audience as an unknown entity, but Techno sees it exactly as it is.
And that's what allows him to be so threatening.
He knows that none of this is real, so when he kills someone, it truly does not matter. He treats war crimes the same way he treats casual banter. He's cruel and callous in the heat of battle, since unlike everyone else, he knows that when the show's over, he's going to hang out with the entire cast at some shitty taco place. It isn't life or death for him, but it certainly is for everyone else.
This leads to a sort of triviality that's unique to him.
I'll put in an example here:
(Tommy is hiding behind a chest in Technoblade's basement. He looks dirty, with ragged clothing that barely protects him from the cold. He's terrified, as if he doesn't even recognize the man before him.)
Technoblade: "Oh. It's you. You look rough- what'd you do to get the costumer so mad at you?"
Tommy: "Fuck off."
Technoblade: "Nah."
(Tommy doesn't respond.)
Technoblade: "Bruh. You've gotta give me something if you want my help."
(Tommy glares at the wall.)
Technoblade: "I guess I'll just... Take my golden apples and leave you here to starve. Have fun."
Tommy: "Fuck, just- help me. I need your help. Is that what you want? Do you want me to grovel? Shine your fucking shoes? I can give you my stuff- here- I'll just- I'll just dig a hole and you can blow it up. I- I don't have any TnT but uh. You probably have some, right? Sorry. Sorry."
(Tommy's rambling grows progressively quieter as he realises he's been talking for far too long.)
Maybe that wasn't a great example but I've never actually written for DSMP before so cut me some slack.
Hopefully that captures the vibe though. I'm writing this before my class starts though so I don't really have time to go over it and make sure anything makes sense.
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Chapter 10- Part 4
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And with this, we can finally-
…Oh, shoot. I just realized- I’m…probably gonna need to use Cut in the park too, yeah? With all the overgrowth, there are probably gonna be more Cut trees, so…I’m still gonna need Nibble, I think. And that means I…can’t switch Whiskers back in just yet. So I’m…more or less going into this place with a team of five rather than a team of six.
It’ll…It’ll be fine. We can work with this, Riptide and the others are still plenty strong, so…it’ll be fine, I’m sure.
Anyways, as I was saying- with this, we can finally get into Obsidia Park and start exploring.
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Oh…oh my gosh, this music is…ooh, it’s horrifying…! This is terrifying music! I can’t even figure out what it’s supposed to be- is this an original track? Is this another remix? I don’t know, but it’s not making me feel better about being in here with one less trained-up team member…
(Future edit: Actually, the more I heard this track, the more I…recognized something, and I ended up having a hunch I had about what it might be. So, after this play session, I did a bit of digging, and it turns out my hunch was right! The Obsidia Park music here is a slowed-down version of a Legendary Beast theme remix, specifically this one from GlitchxCity. I was right, yay for me!)
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In other words, in-universe “don’t question why the location is so much bigger all of a sudden”- I can respect that.
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That…feels like a case of famous last words. Like Amaria’s tempting fate here?
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Again! That feels like jinxing it! That feels like tempting fate! Can you guys stop saying things like that please??
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The perimeter- okay, that…shouldn’t be too bad. Especially if we’re gonna have Victoria with us- at least, I’m assuming she’s gonna be teaming up with us, like Fern did before.
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Yeah, I’m sure everything’s gonna go perfectly fine, especially now that the fates have been thoroughly tempted! It’ll be fine!
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About as safe as we can be with basically five party members…no, I’ve gotta stop psyching myself out. Three of them are strong against Grass-types! And I’m guessing there are going to be a ton of Grass-types here! So, yeah! We’ll be fine!!
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Wait, what? Victoria’s…not coming with us?? What??? I don’t think separating in a place like this is a good idea, Victoria!
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No, wait, don’t go!! Who knows who or what is in here!? WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET!
To be clear, Xera is much more chill about splitting up, probably not objecting that much because it is a sensible plan on paper. Me, the player, on the other hand? Ahem-
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OH AND THE VINES ARE STARTING TO ACT SUSPICIOUS TOO. GREAT. So much for being able to get back to each other quickly if things go wrong…
Okay, we just…have to go around the vines, right? No big deal- we can’t go right, but we can go left, so let’s…start exploring…? Hooray…?
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Well, at least we can still find hidden items in here, and I will most certainly take an Oran Berry. Like, I did buy a few Potions before coming in here, but the more healing the better.
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Uh- why is there a building here? Is that just part of the surrounding city, part of Obsidia Ward itself? The way the trees are, though, it almost looks like it’s within the park, which is…odd.
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Oh…? What have we here? Is that a suspicious hooded figure hiding amongst the trees? As if we needed any further confirmation that Team Meteor is behind this- though I’m surprised they deployed actual agents in a crazy overgrown place like this.
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koffing-time · 1 year
Yooo, i’ve secured the footage of the first actual round of the contest! (Again, huuuuge thanks @appeallove )
Also, i have NO IDEA what time it is right now, i sort of completely passed out right after it, it was so exhausting lol! I didn’t see my name yet in the next bracket and i didn’t check for anything else, so i don’t even know if i won! (If i did, i hope i didn’t miss my next performance, i’ll go run and check right after this post hehe)
BY THE WAY, also an incredible huge amazing THANK YOU to Daisy, who was an incredible opponent! Thanks for doing this with me! (idk if you have a rotumblr, actually, but you said i should just ping @battlelegendsredandblue so i’ll do that)
[Another recording from the livestream of the Sootopolis Circuit:
Tix enters the stage, their outfit changed just a bit from the qualifiers performance. They are wearing a black tanktop now, with a design that reminds of netting made of silver string. The “net” is shining and glittering. Behind them, a Koffing is floating. It has been decorated with similar silver fabric strings, which make it look like disco ball. In addition, strange devices are mounted on most of its craters. A large moustache is adorning its face, which makes the whole thing look rather goofy.
The woman can’t help but give a chuckle as she steps onto the stage, Chansey nearby like it’ll step on her toes, but it never does. It makes an excited chirp, as if giving its own answer to the question.
Though Chansey isn’t wearing anything on the theme with the other performers, Daisy certainly is, a pink jacket with darker pink stripes, not to mention the ascot like scarf, matching the tendrils on Chansey’s own head. Pockets mimicking its pouch on her shorts.
“Why not both?” She answers, before commanding, “Seych, Sing!”
The move directly hits the floating Koffing, who sinks a bit towards the floor, though his eyes stay open.
“WHOA GIRL!” Tix has been stopped in their energetic track. “The peeps don’t even know what we’re playing yet! But I guess since Coffee needs a moment, I can tell you!”
They have now regained their excitement and turn towards the audience. “THIS IS OUR INTERPRETATION OF GYM LEADER ROXIES SONG “THE SKIES ARE READ BECAUSE THE CLOUDS ARE MADE OF NAPALM!!!”
They strum the guitar with a loud chord, but then play a much quieter, but fast and complicated melody. “IF YOU’RE GOOD; WE NEED SOME HEEEAT! FLAMETHROWER!!”
Coffee seems to have been energised by the music again, begins floating upwards again and inhales a deep breath. At the same time, tiny puffs of smoke leave some of his craters, which results in two large speakers releasing synthetic music. The camera zooms in, to make the delicate workings visible, apparently is this strange construction connected to a synthesizer. Coffee now releases a stream of hot flames towards Chansey
“Sorry! I’m just excited!” Daisy grins. The atmosphere seems way different than what she’s used to. She seems about as excited as the audience with each step she takes, making them quickly as she attempts to keep up with the melody. More used to softer music for sure, but she keeps herself on her toes.
As flames dance around Chansey, it holds onto its egg, twirling lightly to keep it safe. In turn, with the Soft-Boiled move, it looks like it’s ballerina-spun right out of the danger. It gives a soft sigh of relief before giving a cute look of Charm, making sure it looks straight at the audience. If the pout could talk it’d probably say “Look how close that was, won’t you?”
Daisy isn’t done yet though with her movements, making sure her footing is steady, but also her arms reaching high. It may be a slow dance by the music’s standards, but she does a little hop to keep on the beat as she approaches Tix and back again.
“WHOAHO!! You know how to move your feet! But I think we need a bit more atmosphere! Coffee, gimme a solo and set up something, you know what to do!”
With that, the Koffing lets his synthetic music fade into nothingness, when he suddenly drops to the ground and the crowd lets out a shocked gasp. Then, the poison type starts rolling around the stage, carefully watching Chanseys and Daisys dancemoves, not to hinder them. It seems that Coffee is actually trying to match their moves. At the same time, the few geysers that do not have metallic rings attached spew out a beautifully glittering mist, through which the other contestants dance.
Tix has also started making a few moves, mostly keeping it to the side of the stage though, as to not obstruct their opponents dance. They have now pressed a button on the guitar which added a strange crackling to the sound that reminds a little bit of burning wood. The guitarist now also started singing, or rather growling some almost unintelligible vocals, not unlike the guttural sounds their Toxicroak made during the qualifiers.
Daisy watches the little guy roll around a bit, clapping her hands for him. She spins a few times while doing so.
“We’ll have to give pointers afterwards!” The performance is seconds away from ending, either by the time or the energy, but it’s mainly the energy. If it wasn’t for the music, one could probably hear their own heart beating in their chest if they didn’t feel it.
Chansey picks up on the singing, despite the guttural sounds, it waddles up to them with a smile. Then it follows them in Singing, trying to hit lower notes to match, though only gets to a midrange. Regardless if it can hit the pitch or not, its tail wags lightly.
Tix now finishes their solo and singing, taking a deep breath and smiling at Chansey. The round Pokémon dances back towards it’s trainer, taking her hands and the lead, making them both spin in sync with the music that now picks up again and gets even a bit faster than before. Coffee has also begun floating again and is puffing more and more smoke, creating an incredible melody together with the guitar. It seems Daisy and Chansey cannot dance any faster at this point when Tix screams “NOW THE FINALE!” and Coffee starts glowing, his costume reflecting the light all over the stage.
For a single heartbeat, he looks like shining lightbulb. Daisy and Chansey have broken apart and are taking a final stance, when a deafening CRACK and an equally loud chord from Tix’ guitar fill the Arena and Coffee releases a giant fireball from the Explosion-move. All four contestants stand on stage, as if time is standing still, when suddenly, even before the Koffing falls to the ground after the ultimate exhausting move, Chansey cannot hold its pose and trips, falling on its belly. Half the crowd erupts into cheers, the other half lets out another shocked gasp. Both Daisy and Tix run over to help an embarrassed Chansey back on its feet before the footage cuts.]
ooc: I’ve listened mostly to The Enigma TNG  while writing this (and they make incredible music btw), but I think the song played goes more into the direction of thrash, maybe even hardbass or hardcore techno, since it’s only (modified) guitar and synth
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radama-zard · 11 months
Dungeons & Drabbles 2023
Day 6 - Sanctuary
(Fell a lil' behind there, oops!!!)
FCG/Imogen - ModernHuman AU
It was strange how great a difference two doors, a janky box of a lift and a little fresh air could make. Away from the hustle and bustle of the nightclub below, Imogen felt free to just be. And she wasn't the only one who seemed to feel that way, judging by the sigh of relief dropped by her sweetheart beside her.
“Glad to be free of the storm too, darlin’?” Imogen playfully asked, dropping down into one of the waterproof beanbags that the owner of Spire By Fire so graciously provided for their less than… wild patrons.
And by wild she meant the kind of people that enjoyed getting shit faced, surrounded by like, one hundred other drunk idiots, with music blaring so loud she could feel it in her teeth, as one stumbled around, blinded by the colorful, flashing lights.
If Fearne and Ashton hadn't insisted upon a ‘double date’, then neither of them would even be here. Clubs had never really been their thing.
“I’m still not sure I really get the appeal of it,” Fresh Cut Grass retorted, wheeling over to join Imogen with a soft little chuckle. Wordlessly he extended a hand, which she took in a heartbeat, steadily helping them to their feet before helping her date-mate to settle down on the beanbag beside her. “It's a whole lotta noise and strangers gettin’ too close without sayin’ so much as hi! And I’m sayin’ this as a people person.”
“I think it takes a particular kind of people person, or just person in particular to enjoy this kinda scene. You know, the kind that enjoys… grindin’ on strangers who smell like cheap whiskey. And not havin’ workin’ eardrums the next morning.”
Fresh Cut Grass hummed, shuffling just a tad before Imogen felt the familiar weight of his head resting upon her shoulder, drawing a tender smile to tug at her otherwise tired lips.
“You know, I think I’d like comin’ back here!” Fresh Cut Grass chirped, feeling Imogen's surprised scoff as she slipped an arm around his waist, fingertips tracing languid swirls as her hand came to rest upon their hip.
“You gotta be shittin’ me, Letters. You looked about ready to snap down there! Not that I’m blamin’ ya, I was damn well ready to start throwing fists after the third guy ’accidentally’ bumped into me.”
“Oh. No. Not down there! That’s a sensory and navigation nightmare!” They quickly assured her, hands waving nervously for just a moment. “I mean… up here. It's real nice. The moon’s out, we can barely hear a peep outta all the noise downstairs, and… it’s just the two of us. It's kinda like we got our own private sanctuary!”
The fairy lights that decorated the railings and trimmings all about this rooftop hideaway twinkled sweetly around them, reminding Imogen of the stars of her hometown. The big city was awful for stargazing, something she had whined about countless times to Laudna.
Right now though, light polluted sky hardly phased her, drowned out potted shrubbery and little trees, by the rainbow of blossoms and blooms that surrounded them, all only made that much prettier by the way they reflected in Fresh Cut Grass’ bespectacled baby blues.
The world had always looked so much prettier, shimmering back at her through his ever sparkling eyes.
“A sanctuary, just for you and me,” Imogen whispered, low and sweet. “I like the sound of that. Our own lil’ slice of heaven.”
A tender hand cradled Fresh Cut Grass’ cheek, and Imogen’s heart went absolutely aflutter as she felt them lean into it… and then began to race as he shyly turned to lay a press a fleeting kiss upon her palm.
“Bein’ with you always kinda feels like this…” Came his own whispered reply, an admission just dripping an adoration that left Imogen’s face hotter than the fenced off little firepit that flickered just a few feet before them.
“I guess… bein’ with you is kinda like a sanctuary all of its own!” Fresh Cut Grass finished with a warm, easy laugh, before dipping in and dropping a kiss right to the tip of their girlfriend’s burning nose.
A kiss that she swiftly stole, her lips upon theirs in an adoring mess of a sudden kiss.
Not that Fresh Cut Grass minded.
No, they didn't mind this at all.
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ectoberhaunt · 2 years
Meet the Mods: Bib
Name: Bib
Pronouns: they/she
Main blog: @bibliophilea
ao3: bibliophilea
Fave DP Character: Jazz. Or Clockwork. I love them both, and we don't see them interact in fanon often enough.
Order or Chaos: I love me the math behind chaos, but I love me the rest of math, too! So Imma have to go with Order! (I get my fill of chaos from the furry goblins I take care of at home!)
What is your Phave Prompt this year? I am very curious what people will do for Way of Life/Cause of Death!
When did you join the Phandom? I joined January of 2014! Well into the heyday of angst! Which was perfect, because I really wanted some horror stories, and the angst hit those cravings and more!
What fanwork are you most proud of? Well, this is a tough decision! I've done writing, and I've done art, and I've done music and podfics! It's hard to pick just one! So, I guess I will try to pick one from each category, instead!
Writing: My Phic Phight 2019 oneshot, Clueless, is still one of my favorite pieces! I still really like how I wrote Spectra!
Art: For this, I'd have to go with my Big Bang piece! I really enjoyed doing the line art for it, and it was a very big step in doing digital coloring for me, as well! I also really love the phic, written by TWD, that I made this for! Mind the CWs, tho: gore, maggots, blood, injury, mutilated corpses, neck injury, head injury, angst
Music: I'm really proud of my Mini Bang music! I learned about panning from Lexx, and Lexx mastered the music, so it turned out really, really well! I particularly like how "Wanderlust" turned out!
Podfic: I haven't podficced in a while... but I gotta say, the one I'm most proud of (and also the one I want to redo the most) is my podfic of "It was real, and I repent" by anthrop! I like how I voiced Clockwork, and I like my Observants voice, and I like how I did the "Time Out"s! This was an early podfic, though, on my iPhone mic a few upgrades ago, in a room that didn't have much sound proofing. I'd love to see what I can do now that I have a proper mic, a better recording environment, and a better grasp of narration!
Do you have a phavorite DP phic trope? Ummmm... Angst? Hurt/Comfort? The horror of being half dead yet half alive? The first two are why I came; that last one is one of the reasons why I stay!
What are you going as for Halloween? Either Box Ghost, or my low key Napstablook look! Depends on my mood, really!
Why did you pick your mod role? Well, I was going to call myself "Ghost Zone Janitor Bib", but that's a long tag to type all the time, and I'm likely to forget the "Zone" bit. So, I am mod bib!
But don't mind me, I'm just your local Ghost Zone Janitor Bib, sweeping up the messes and spills we encounter as we go! When I'm not desperately catching up with school, you can find me reblooping posts, correcting tags, and testing out the different pages to make sure they link to their correct spaces! Just keeping things in order in the background so the mods up front can run the show as chaotically as they want!
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