#i can follow all the isat blogs
demento-mori · 3 months
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insertdisc5 · 1 month
Whoa, I've been following you for years now but I didn't know you made ISAT. I only realized it when I read the credits. Truth be told I don't really read people's bios, I just thought you were simply another person who took liking to the game and started blogging about it, haha. I think... greasertale is why I originally began following you? Not sure exactly anymore. Anyways, I can definitely see the UT inspiration in it now, it was so good.
Also guys. if you ever create something and you're wondering if you should be really annoying about it and share it all the time so people see it, the answer is yes you should be annoying and this is why.
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ghostlightfic · 3 months
hiiii this is my very informal pinned post
i'm the author of ghostlight! you can call me kitten or kit, my pronouns are they/them!
i follow the tags #isat ghostlight, #ghostlight fic, and #ghostlightfic! the first one is my go-to
this is the official ghostlight playlist on spotify! (mirrored on youtube courtesy of @definetellynotavampire!) PLEASE feel free to ask questions about any song on here i'd love to talk about my music choices!
speaking of questions, feel free to ask me Literally Anything You'd Like! i'll be trying not to spoil any chapters of ghostlight i've yet to post, but i may be persuaded to drop tiny snippets or hints here and there! i literally Love talking about these little bastards it's therapeutic for me
current tags include #chatter (for my ramblings), #asks (self explanatory), #writing talk (for anything specifically related to the writing of ghostlight), #fanart (also self explanatory), #ic q&a for any posts from the ic q&as, #music for anything about the playlist (FEEL FREE TO SEND RECS), and #misc (for random posts that remind me of ghostlight)!
for clarity's sake, fanart (and fanfics inspired by ghostlight) are 100% welcome! if you post them anywhere make sure you @ this blog or dm it to me!! i love seeing them!!! ❤️❤️❤️
WE HAVE A DISCORD. (16+) come vibe with me. -i hold out my hand benevolently-
thats all love you guys byeeee <3
CURRENTLY HAVING AN IC Q&A!!! you may send questions to any of the ghostlight cast!!! rules below the cut!!!! have fun!!!!!
ic q&a rules!
preferably keep your asks to one question per ask for simplicity's sake
try to make it clear who you're asking! if it Isn't i'll just make my best guess
do your best to keep your actual Questions succinct. if you send me a huge wall of text that definitely could've been like a sentence or 2 my eyes will glaze over
4th wall jokes are only funny like once or twice. don't ask too much about real world shit that they don't know about please.
also Please don't try to tell them that they're fake or that their world is a game or whatever. literally nothing interesting will come of this. thank you i love you.
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Apparently this is what we're doing now? Making blogs? Or something. And I don't wanna be left out! So here I am!!!
I'm Isabeau (he/him), ex-defender from Jouvente, currently traveling with the Saviors of Vaugarde. Nice to meet you!
(Could you call this an Isablog....? Hehehe.)
Act Directory
{Rules/Info Below Cut}
hey! this blog is run by an anonymous user who shall, from here on out, be dubbed "mundie". it uses ze/they/he pronouns, and will occasionally use it/its pronouns for itself. it is a hobbyist roleplayer who tends to go overboard with things, and also has a degree in the arts i guess.
mun is an adult- indeterminate amount of years rp experience yadda yadda yadda. lets get to the meat of things.
this is an isabeau rp blog! while it's still in the early stages, it will have full game spoilers- not to mention the mun will talk ooc with the general regard that it's followers have, in fact, completed the game. please tread with caution if you haven't finished it yet!
(also technically an au)
majority of assets (as well as the game itself) used on this blog are directly from isat and thus made by insertdisc5 unless otherwise stated. things like sprites and portraits may be edited as i see fit.
instances of textboxes are put together in the ISAT Dialogue Maker.
blog tries to remain as accessible as possible, and all images will include ids in alt text (unless I forget). distorted and colored text will have a translation located in the tags. let me know what i can do to make this blog more accessible for you!
Anon: On and will remain so as long as you lot behave.
Magic!Anon: Currently not allowed, several stashed in inbox.
Interactions: Allowed and welcome! I may not get to every one, for a rainbow variety of reasons I won't get into. I will simply do my best! (Note: You don't have to be in the "group" listed below to interact! Come n hang!)
Plot: Currently in Act 1
Main Group: @a-traveling-star (King), @housemaiden-of-change (Noah), @studies-of-nothing (Nin), @snacksleader (Bonnie/Susie), and @loopadoop - check them out to get more context on the main story!
No sexual content. Try to keep it PG-13 in that regard. Everything else follows the general standards of the actual game-- things may get heavy, so please take care!
No harassment. I feel like this won't exactly discourage any potential attempts, but its good to set boundaries. If I deem your ask legitimately hurtful I'm just gonna delete/ignore it. This includes transphobia, racism, xenophobia, etc etc.
This blog, as well as it's companion blogs, moves at its own pace. This is largely improv with some minimal planning for structure- we don't have every little thing planned, and we are pretty unfamiliar with each other and still adjusting, so scheduling may be messy. Please don't rush us! This performance is just as much for us as it is for you.
Try to stay on topic! Goofs are welcome, but try not to derail during plot/story heavy moments. Asks may be held in "stasis" until they are relevant if they don't match up with the current goings on.
Spoilers and potentially triggering content will be tagged as such. If you have something you need tagged, shoot me an ask and I'll do my best to cover it.
Joke asks are fine as long as you behave. Me n Isabeau both have thick skin, but try not to push it. I'm not afraid to put my foot down if you make me uncomfortable.
You can talk to the mod/mun, but I may not always respond. If something is surrounded by {} <- these brackets, that's probably me speaking. Remember to address me if you want to actually, like, talk to me. (I often reserve ooc asks for mundays unless its pertinent, so keep this in mind!)
i see you there motherfucker. yeah you. i see you. what are you doing here. i TOLD you there are spoilers dude. hitting you with my broom hitting you with my broom hitting you with my broom h
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monochrome-stars · 8 months
(i just realized i didn't have a masterpost on here, and it would be helpful)
anyway, hi! you can call me cam or star (or a nickname of my usernames). use any pronouns for me im not picky
this is an isat sideblog!! i like and follow from @silverdragon16 <- my main acc !!
i dont really have a DNI list tbh. all that i ask is be polite and respectful. if you arent, you will get blocked and i waste energy to argue with you. its very simple. :-]
my blog does contain spoilers for the entire game, as well as the secret boss in act 6, so please be careful of that!
DONT REPOST MY CONTENT TO A DIFFERENT WEBSITE unless you ask me!! i am tumblr exclusive at the moment so please dont repost my stuff
fanart tag: #stars sketches
fanfic tag: #stars stories
textpost tag: #text memes
textposts part 1, part 10, part 20, part 30, part 40, part 50, part 60, part 70, part 80, part 90, part 100
(im just putting every ten to clear up space. theyre all connected. or you can use the tag "#isat memes" and just scroll to avoid spoilers and still to see the posts all together)
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startagainaprologue · 4 months
Hi I've been following you for a while because I love your art style, but I have no idea what In Stars And Time is and I wanted to ask you. I could just google it but considering the contents of your blog I thought you might enjoy the opportunity to talk about it :)
AWAAHH...THANK U SO MUCH ANON this is very sweet i think..
UWEH im gonnaaa . go with spoiler free here? in case ur interested at all!! and so i dont type out a full essay.
but!! isat is!! a little rpg game about timeloops!
you play as Siffrin. the rogue of your party, the traveler! Along with you is Mirabelle, the housemaiden and the savior of Vaugarde (the country the game takes place in), Isabeau, your defender! your fighter! Odile, your researcher! and Bonnie. the kid! who brought them here!
It is the day before the last day of your journey to save Vaugarde. A man, "The King", has been slowly freezing the country in time. and Mirabelle was the one blessed to be immune to the curse, so she had gone on a journey to gather the orbs to reopen the House of Change that he has taken residence in, meeting the party along the way. You, Siffrin, talk with them, and talk to some of the people in the town as well. And you make a wish at the favor tree! You make a wish.. and then head to the nearby clocktower to sleep over with your friends. You wake up in the morning. Today is the day you're all going to beat The King!
You proceed to be promptly crushed by a rock on the first floor.
But you wake up! Back where you were yesterday! Back in the grass taking a nap. Everythings the same for the most part. Aside from the voice ringing in your head telling you to head to the favor tree, who turns out to be.. Loop! the star! your guide! and they tell you that youre in a timeloop! Where you decide, of course, to not tell any of the others! you can help them now!
and so, you head back into the house, again and again. you get stronger, while your party members always end up where they were before. again and again. its fine though! youre getting stronger atleast.
all you need to do is beat the king!
all you need to do is beat the king! and everyone can go home.
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comfymoth · 3 months
should you make a non-mcyt blog? not unless you want to. you have blogs for you, not others.
listen… you can be cringe it’s ok, followers will come and go with interest change but the real ones stay for you and your art.
you drew a lot of mcyt? i love that. oh wow, isat? that’s awesome. ocs??? holy shit. all i see here is amazing art and i won’t complain about that, i don’t think people should make you feel insecure or anything just because you draw minecraft boys kissing or being wolves… that fucking rocks
CEO of Werewolf AUs, keep doing your thing. be cringe, be free…
HDKDHDJD awww thank you nonny ;u; this made me laugh, and also made me feel a lot better hehe
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four-pointed-leaf · 3 months
this blog is actually getting traffic so intro post i guess wooo
hellooo i run this little isat sideblog you can call me whatever you want. i am an adult, i go by they/them. i have a main blog on here but i'm too shy to link it atm, but i only post ocs anyway
things to know:
i probably won't ever post nsf//w on here but i may post suggestive things. they will be tagged as #suggestive. minors tread accordingly please
i blanket tag all story spoilers as #isat spoilers. this includes early-game and end-game stuff. if you're not sure if it's a spoiler for you but you haven't finished the game, probably don't risk it
i tag for the following: #suicide mention (a character mentions committing or attempting to commit suicide), #suicide attempt (a character attempts to commit suicide on-screen), and #suicide (a character successfully commits suicide on-screen). please blacklist any of these you’re not comfortable with seeing.
i like talking! feel free to shoot me an ask if you have something to say or ask
as my bio says, all posts are described in alt text unless otherwise stated. bold bc people keep not seeing it
i can't guarantee i'll actually do requests because my brain is weird and fickle but i'm not opposed to them! feel free to request stuff n maybe i'll draw it (if i don't draw something please don't like. resend it though lol)
as of rn i have not played the prologue but i don't care about spoilers for it. i say this mostly in case i draw something that doesn't align with it on accident
i like sifloop i think it's hilarious. keep sucking his non-existent face nation
that is all for now. welcome to my house i hope you enjoy your stay :)
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Greetings and Salutations, everyone! Allow me to properly introduce myself.
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My name is Zeisty King — aka the random individual behind this silly little blog! I mainly go by just Zeisty, though (seeing as I treat the "King" part as a surname).
My main goal for this blog is to doodle Siffrin from In Stars and Time (as well as other characters sometimes) so I can get used to a new tablet and set up, while also having fun with it!! Hence why I named this blog the way I did and why I don't mind calling the art I post here "messy," especially considering half of them are sketches anyway!
I may make mistakes from time to time and some results may be wonky, but that's okay! It's all a part of the learning process!! And is not limited to forgetting how anatomy works; I put two hands on the wrong way in one post once and I have to accept the fact I did that.
#main blog to gimmick blog — anything from my main blog that I've reblogged to this one! I don't think I'll do it a whole lot, but I just wanted to let you know that happens and that they may contain spoilers when it does.
#not quite a daily — on occasion, doodles that don't count as a daily (but are still silly enough to be shown off on this blog) will be posted here! I don't think I'll do it too much, but don't be surprised if you see any doodles that aren't dailies from time to time.
#personal reblog — anything I've reblogged from myself once, twice or even thrice! I sometimes do it to make sure you haven't missed a post from me, or if I have something else to say about it.
#siffrin gimmick blog asks — as of posting this introduction this week, this is a new one! These are any questions you lovely folks wanna send in through this blog's askbox, and that I've answered.
#siffrin gimmick blog doodles — self explanatory! These are any drawings/doodles I've made for this blog, dailies or otherwise! I aim post here every day, though I sometimes won't on account of my memory or out of respect for certain events. Or if I need a break. I am only one goober, after all.
#siffrin gimmick blog rambles — any thoughts I need to say or anything I need to inform you will be under this tag! They won't contain art, so this one and any others like it are the exceptions.
#siffrin gimmick blog suggestions — got any suggestions for me to draw? Along with the ask tag, this is a new one as of this week! Any ideas you have for me to draw will be slotted under this tag! Be careful not to send in any spoilers, as I refuse to draw them six days of the week.
#siffrin gimmick blogs angsty sundays — this is the only time I'll intentionally post spoilery, angsty and/or serious art! I'll make sure to tag them as such so you can avoid them. I just wanted to give you a little head's up that I'll also reblog spoilers and tag them as well. :3
-My main blog is @electrozeistyking! You can find me reblogging my gimmick blog doodles there, along with any other stuff I drew not meant for this one (and stuff other people made)!! It's not exclusively ISAT stuff though, obviously.
-I swear quite a bit and do not tag them when I do. It'd probably be a hassle for me if I did, so if you're not cool with that, feel free to block this blog! You absolutely don't have to interact if you don't want to. I will tag other serious stuff/triggers, though! (Except this post, seeing as it's the introduction and it's important folks don't miss it. Sorry!)
-I'm not guaranteed to accept every suggestion or answer every ask sent my way. In the case of suggestions, there is a chance I won't be inspired enough to draw it for you; in the case of asks, I might not know what to say. And other possible reasons, if they ever happen to come up.
-I see every ask sent my way, so please try not to send the exact same Ask/Suggestion more than once! I promise I'm either formulating a response, figuring out how to draw your suggestion, or I was forced to delete it (in regards to the following note).
-I don't want this blog to overshadow you, so I'll unfortunately have to force myself to delete your ask if it has nothing to do with this blog in particular or ISAT. That's why I recommend you send it into my main blog instead!
That's it for now! Thanks for reading, and for hanging around this blog with me! :D
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scissorcraft · 3 months
Hello! I just wanted to say that I love all your isat art so so much, it always makes me incredibly happy to see!! It's just beyond beautiful, and really captures the characters so well.
I would love to follow you, but also I kinda get... a little too emotional when seeing In Stars And Time fanart. Like - butterflies in my stomach, teary eyed, stops thinking about everything else for a moment. I'm a little scared of what it will do to me if I see more than just the few things the single isat blog I follow now puts on my dash.
One day I'll get more desensitized and you'll be the first person I follow, mark my words<33
oh man, thank you so much first off!!!! it means so much, genuinely ;w;
and!!! i understand, i get u <3 i can't follow a ton of blogs either atm due to... well i have problems :tm: so you're not alone!!! i hope that you can get desensitized and start feeling better, that reaction really sucks to go through... i'm rooting for you!!!! i believe in you!!! you'll get through this, and even if you never feel like you can follow isat blogs or see many fanarts, i do think you'll be able to get to a point where you feel happy and healthy and it'll be okay!
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gilfodile · 6 months
editing this to be a proper pinned post:
hiiiii i'm misty :3 i go by she/they pronouns and i'm a university student. in my senior year. get me out of here
this is an ISAT sideblog. i like and follow from @misty-wisp. if you wanna be mutuals ig you can like. follow me there so i'd know (hhow do i make mutuals on a sideblog. help)
textposts go under #odile.txt and my art (and shitposting) goes under #odile.png. fics go under #odile.pdf. you can also just. look at my AO3 here
i also made an oc out of Odile's hatecrush. her name is Odette and she does indeed have her own tag. I'm very normal about her. if you don't want to see any oc posting then you came to the wrong blog. sorry not sorry
i ship those two, i ship sifloop, i ship isafrin...y'know. the standard.
uhhhh i don't. really care about dnis but i don't recommend following if you're like. under 16 ig????? i make and reblog dirty jokes sometimes is all. i mean you can probably tell from my url but. yeag
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sleepy-seal · 1 year
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hi i'm gale. my neos are shell/whirl/water/ocean/sea/sand/wind/gem but they/it is fine !!!! i like to draw and make posts that never breach containment (not once). this is my main blog so anyone we (collective) follow will see this.
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my tags:
- #gale doesn't stop talking: just my tag to talk about stuff that's not fandom related
- #gale can't answer asks right / #gale answers asks: tag used whenever i answer asks. the older one is kept as an archive of previous asks because i'm too fatigued to change all of them to the new one.
- #THE LORE/#LORELEVANT: these are tags used that's tied to the bit/complex storyline between me and a group of other people. the lore is specifically for the actual story and lorelevant is just anything related to it but not In The Story y'know
- #deep ocean blue: tag used for posts that have the vast tma kind of vibe. more particularly the deep ocean part
- #qpr tag: these are posts related to my queerplatonic relationship with my partner moth :] i will probably tag anything related to them in particular or posts about loving robots and computers, because that's something i heavily associate with him
- #mental illness trials: this one is mainly just motivational mental health stuff that i will compile because i am not in therapy but i'm actively trying to recover
- #yours truly :3: this started off as a tag where i reblogged stuff that reminded me of myself but quickly evolved into my sealkin tag. i am therian, so sue me
- #advice tag / #resources / #art advice: these are my advices tags that have links and other helpful resources that i or even you might need. the art advice tag is more of its separate thing so for everything else, consult these two tags.
- #music to my ears: this is my music tag where i'll put music recommendations or anything music related that i think sounds nice
click the read more for any questions you may have that i will gladly answer.
are you a mineblr/mcyt/isat fan and did i follow you?
that wasn't me, but my co-host and headmate @pink-glitches. follow h1m if you want to see minecraft/hermitcraft/life series/isat stuff
what's the deal with THE LORE?
THE LORE is a bit-turned-complex collaborative story on tumblr with my friends. i (i is being used loosely here) play lore gale, leucas, sale, and maiden in white. if you want to see the full story click right over here.
you mentioned a partner?
yes indeed! i have a partner whom i'm in a committed qpr with :] i love them sm. you can find their blog in my bio. moth is a very talented artist you should check her out
why are you like this?
bpd. and other stuff too i guess
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salthien · 2 years
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hello! you can call me sal, they/them pronouns please. I have an art-only blog located at @siffarooni !
i'm 28 and currently located in the pnw. i write and draw sometimes and post a lot about the things i like.
i will occasionally post/rb risqué jokes, so please don't follow if that makes you uncomfortable. any genuinely r18 content is contained to an alt blog. DM me/send an ask for the link.
WHAT TO EXPECT » posts about my current hyperfixation, my own art & writing, shitposts & things that make me laugh, art/creative resources, social activism resources.
CURRENTLY » In Stars and Time! Please please please play this game it's one of the best narrative experiences I've ever had.
All spoilers (past act 2-ish) will be tagged '#isat spoilers'. Please mute that tag if you don't want to be spoiled.
OTHER STUFF » you will occasionally see: hollow knight, the idyll opus, life series/hermitcraft, disco elysium, ffxiv, kingdom hearts
» @siffarooni - my art blog!
if you need anything specific tagged, please let me know! my askbox is open + anons are enabled.
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kororen · 4 days
Hihi I’m ren!!! This is my silly little pinned post bc I need to make one…
—I’m lesbian and I go by they/them
—autism and adhd
•I can’t understand tones all the time, and I can be rude and not realize it because I don’t always understand things like that..
>what you’ll find on this blog
-my art and ramblings!! This isn’t really a specific blog for anything, just my silly little world…
— currently, I’m mainly interested in wild/card (mainly Jaiden and Jacob alpharad) but I love them so much…… the sillies. Also mainly interested in ISAT!! (In stars and time)
— also, vocaloid and Pokémon!!! My longest lasting special interests hehe…
>other of my interests currently!
-class of 09 (not the flipside…. Yikes), project sekai, hollow knight, other Nintendo games, and others but tbh I don’t wanna type them all out:,3
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timeloop-observer · 2 months
welcome to my hyperfixation hell.
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~ about me ~
> name's ari, you might know me better as @the-timewatcher though (or @timewatchertunes on youtube if you're weird)
> 20-something nonbinary (they/them) with brain worms for meta stuff and good game design
> timezone's cet/gmt+1 (or cest/gmt+2 in the warmer seasons, CURSE YOU DAYLIGHT SAVINGS)
> this blog started bc my Sheer Blinding Normalcy about these games is too much by now
> i'm not above swearing and write in lowercase unless it's for emphasis or for Proper Essay Purposes, get adjusted quick
~ about the game(s) ~
> the blog is centered on In Stars And Time, but will also feature content from/about START AGAIN: a prologue, its prototype/better demo than the actual demo don't @ me
> they're both rpgs by the ever-wonderous INSERTDISC5 (not gonna @ her on this thing) about a fella getting stuck in a time loop at the tail end of an unseen jrpg adventure (i don't think i need to specify, but the time loop also Stands For Some Things)
> the art is striking, the music is bopping, the gameplay has some of the best ludonarrative harmony ever and the story/writing/characters are immaculate, especially with how they can seamlessly give you fun comedy, the warm fuzzies, The Horrors and intense gutpunches of raw emotion in rapid succession!
> that being said, it has a content warning page for a reason - it's not for the faint of heart, though there's not any cheap jumpscares
> also the ludonarrative harmony i mentioned often comes at the expense of gameplay being all that riveting later on, so don't expect to rpg the daylights out of this rpg,
> othewise, if you're still interested and somehow haven't played it yet, go check it out! in particular i would recommend getting a taste of it online though - the one thing i will criticize about it is the first 45 mins of the game as is (or just start again, which you should check out regardless of it being a prototype) would work far better as a demo than the actual demo
~ about the blog ~
> like my main, probably skewing towards rapid fire reblogs
> sometimes i'll even reblog things that aren't explicitly about isat if i feel like they fit here
> will spoiler tag the following:
#isat spoilers - anything from act 2 onwards that would give away the game's main plot
#start again spoilers - mostly about the game's main endings, since it's so brief spoilertagging the middle would be like giving a sandwich a halfway break
#isat achievement spoilers - for sidequests that aren't required for the main plot, with the exception of
#twohat spoilers - without specifying what this means exactly, if you only saw one hat at the game's credits, filter this tag out
> #usual day in siffrin's torment nexus is for anything with canon typical content warnings. on reblogs, this will be the only tag specifying these things, unless there's also canon-atypical cws to worry about (ex. you won't see it next to #cw children in peril on a reblog, but you might on an original post, or on a reblog next to #cw gore)
> will only tag in greater specificity (canon typical content warnings, character specific tags, etc.) on original content, since the algorithm side of things on tumblr doesn't bother much with rbs
> will tag my ships (different strokes for different folks in the fanbase, i understand), but i'm not here to start discourse. if i catch you clowning about what pairings feature on here, i'll tell you to touch grass and block.
> for original posts, expect shitposts, analysis/gushing, some original writery and maybe a smidgen of art or music if inspiration strikes
> feel free to shoot asks, submissions and dms at me, but i apologize if i'm slow to respond...
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puddlesl1me · 3 months
oh hello
This is my blog, as you might expect.
This is also the introduction post, as you might expect (although I don't really need one, but it's fine).
I am aro/ace/agender. Pronouns are any for now while I figure out if I care about them or not.
I'll tag my stuff as, you guessed it, my stuff. And I'll also tag reblogs as rb, so for the like two (2) people following me they can block my endless ISAT reblogs.
That's all the crucial information you need to have, more below if you care
Here. A list of Things I Have Done That Are Significant because I have zero online presence except here, and thus have created nothing. So I figured I'd consolidate it so that people have a semblance of a chance to find it.
I'll update this when I feel like it.
My stuff that I made (how novel!):
A really long post talking about the Mending enchantment (and enchanting in general) in Minecraft: This link is the Mending one
A really long post talking about Herobrine in Minecraft: This link is the Herobrine one
A really, really long post talking about a theoretical MMO Minecraft experience I would like to see: This link is the MMO one
A rrally, really long post talking about the potion system in Minecraft and how it can be better: This is the link to the potion one
Aaand that's it for now! Yes, I know, I've done a huge amount of stuff. I'll make more long posts (mostly about Minecraft probably) later ig.
ok hf gl dont die byee
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