#i can bend down to pet my rabbit without having to physically sit all the way on the floor with her
nobodybetterlookatme · 18 hours
Okay I have no idea what the hell I did, but my back hasn't hurt at all the entire day. Like straight up no pain at all no matter how I move. The pain has been nonstop for two years straight and now there's nothing and I'm 😭😭 like what the hell did I do so I can keep doing that exact thing forever lmao I worked the entire day completely pain free, like running around and bending down and lifting stuff, not even a slight tug of pain. Genuinely wtf is happening lmao I doubt it'll last but I'm so happy rn
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taotrooper · 5 years
Held with two hands
Fandom: Mo Dao Zu Shi Characters: Wen Ning, Lan Sizhui, a bunny, Lan Wangji, and guest appearances by the two loudest people in Gusu Genre: Fluff, family, cuteness Summary: In which one of the Cloud Recesses bunnies makes an escape, and Wen Ning ends up getting a pet with Sizhui's help. Written for MDZS Zine - With Love, go check out the rest of the fanworks!
AO3 link ++ zine link
Over his head, up and above in the clear firmament, the white clouds danced across the blue sky, slow but determined, their shapes changing with the wind. He craned his neck up and looked at them in the silence of the morning. One of the largest ones looked like a duck swimming in the water if he squinted.
Looking for shapes relaxed him and made him forget about the weight of his body, about the old suppressed resentment that slept within him, about how dull this life was sometimes without pain or fear or hunger. But clouds, clouds were good. They made him remember of the soft texture of cotton gauzes.
"Hey! Uncle Ning!" A voice rang from the distance. The person he was expecting had arrived. The highlight of a day that otherwise would have been ordinary. A smile bloomed inside of Wen Ning's heart.
"Good morning, A-Yuan," he looked back to the Earth and nodded. The excited grin he couldn't put on his lips was nonetheless plastered in Lan Sizhui's.
"Good morning," the boy hugged him briefly and rubbed Wen Ning's upper back. "Sorry I'm late! I had to do extra chores. Jingyi got punished today so, he can't come."
"Oh no!" Wen Ning's head dropped.
He didn't mind that his little cousin had taken his time. It's not like he had much planned that day. He had hoped the other loud yet kind boy would come and visit as well. He was doomed to be rather fond of loud kind people. After Sizhui, he was the friendliest of the young boys towards him.
"It's okay, it's just an extra reading and not lines this time. He says he's definitely coming with us next time."
"I-I'm looking forward to it."
Sizhui giggled with his hand covering his mouth. The sound was music to Wen Ning's ears.
"Right, let me show you this cool trick we were taught in class today. Hold on a second."
The teenager took out a Qiankun pouch from his long white sleeve. As he opened it to get a stack of talisman paper, Wen Ning noticed that Sizhui's sleeve started to move on its own.
Sizhui froze and stared at his robes with confusion in his eyes. He bent his arm and shook the sleeve until something white and fluffy landed on the grass.
One long ear rose forward and a nose twitched in the air.
How did a bunny get inside of A-Yuan's clothes?
"Aw!" the boy lamented. "It must have sneaked inside while I was feeding the rabbits!"
"Feeding the rabbits?" Wen Ning repeated. This was the first time he had heard the Lan Sect raised animals of any kind in the Cloud Recesses. Then again, he had never stepped inside and only knew the things he caught from the boys or Wei Wuxian's stories. And hadn't A-Yuan mentioned that Lan Wangji had buried him with rabbits when he was younger? Suddenly that odd story made perfect sense.
Meanwhile, the creature was running in circles and jumping in the air. Wen Ning wondered if that was its way of playing. Sizhui didn't seem alarmed by the hops, so that couldn't be a bad thing. Despite that, the man's shoulders stiffened further.
"W-What should we do? Do we catch...?"
"It's okay, Uncle, I don't think it'll leave too far if it hasn't already. Besides, it's happy!"
"Is it?" Wen Ning tilted his head.
"When they jump like that, they're saying they're content and glad to be there. It's like a little dance."
The bunny skipped a few more times before stopping to explore the area. And that meant it looked around, approached the stranger carefully, and then stood up on its hind legs to lean on Wen Ning's calf with its front legs. He looked down and glanced, and their eyes met. The bunny's right ear was naturally crooked, as if folded. The nose was still twitching. The cuteness was so strong that an impulse invaded the dead man's mind.
After a moment of hesitation, Wen Ning crouched and reached so the rabbit was then cupped within his two hands. It made no attempt to escape; instead, it just moved its head around. His heart felt a tender tug that had nothing to do with any wounds in his chest. With utmost caution, he shifted the weight in only one hand, and with the other he caressed the bunny's back with his fingertips.
It was not spooked, as he had feared. The fur was so soft and fuzzy. The rabbit's teeth started to make clicking sounds that made him recall a cat's purr after petting for a while.
"Whoa!" Lan Sizhui said with a gasp.
"I-Is it comfortable...?"
"Yes! It's actually really happy!" the boy beamed.
While he was physically unable to shed tears, Wen Ning strongly felt like crying.
He kept running his fingers through the bunny's back. Once he was more confident, he moved on to its head and later scratched behind its ears. The animal was delighted and tilted its bended ear closer to the ashen hand. High-pitched muffled noises came out of the man's throat, a stark contrast with the deafening deep roars of a fierce corpse.
"Are you by chance good with animals, Uncle?"
"Um... We had a couple of kittens when I was little, but other than that... I don't know. Ever since I became like this, I try not to get close and scare any animals." After all, they usually can tell he's unnatural and dangerous. "This is the first one I’ve touched this much."
"Aww, Uncle Ning..."
"Ah... Sorry..." A realization, a sadness that was visible in his frozen expression regardless. "Here, you have to take it back."
As he grabbed the rabbit under its front legs to give to Sizhui, it started to struggle. It couldn't escape the inhuman iron-like grasp, but it still let them know it disagreed with this decision. When Wen Ning turned it again to face him, it stopped the thrashing.
"Huh, it doesn't want to go back yet." Sizhui tapped his chin, lost in thought. "Let's do something, okay? I'll talk to Hanguang-jun."
"What for?"
"Well, the rabbits are his. But we have so many, so maybe he can let you have it. I mean, if you want it as a pet?"
Wen Ning couldn't blink, but his voice was but a whisper loaded with surprise. "A pet? Can I?" The idea of taking care of a small, fragile living being like that seemed wild to him.
"You don't lose control anymore so as long as you go on night-hunts together and such, I don't see why not?" Sizhui glanced at the makeshift shack that Wen Ning had made by the foot of the mountain to protect himself from the elements, as if evaluating whether a bunny could remain indoors or not without dying.
Wen Ning was holding the rabbit under its butt, in a way where the pads of its paws were visible. In that position, they could tell she was a girl. Also, she was too adorable. He didn't want to get his hopes up, and to be honest the idea was giving him some anxiety. Yet he really longed to have her company.
"I know a lot about bunny care, don't worry about the details. Let me fly back and ask!" Sizhui smiled. "Even if you're not allowed, at least I can buy you an afternoon to play with her."
"I-Isn't that too much trouble for you?" Wen Ning fretted.
"Of course not. I'll be back before curfew! Have fun!"
"W-Wait! A-Yuan?"
Sizhui didn't reply and instead unsheathed his sword.
Such a good boy, he thought as he saw his cousin get closer to the clouds above.
Sizhui went through the words he wanted to say one last time in his head, when he reached the Jingshi's door. Carefully, he placed his ear on the wooden surface and listened. No noises, no voices, no heavy breathing or alarming sounds. These days, it was essential to take a few seconds to make sure you didn't interrupt the happy couple during their time together. For your mental health, mostly.
Confident, the boy knocked and waited a few seconds. It was possible they hadn't returned yet and the house was empty, but a familiar voice rang from inside.
"Come in."
Sizhui opened the door carefully and greeted with a bright smile. "Good afternoon, Hanguang-jun. Welcome back!"
Lan Wangji was sitting at his desk. He nodded and put down the book he was reading. He seemed as solemn as usual but Sizhui knew better. There was an almost invisible yet tender spark in his eyes inside the stern complexion.
"Am I interrupting? I can come back later," the boy asked as he sat in front of the desk. He could smell the comforting scent of sandalwood from the incense burner, and he could see his father's guqin resting on a bamboo stand in a corner.
"No need, you are more important." Sizhui felt warm and loved at the words. "Are you just visiting or is there anything you wished to talk about?"
"Ah, yes. Um... It's about one of the rabbits. When I was feeding them this morning, one of the girls jumped inside my sleeve and well..." Sizhui sighed. "I went outside the Cloud Recesses and she managed to stow away." He made a pause to see if there was any reaction in Lan Wangji's face. His face was unchanging, which was even more intimidating. "She got away from me but don't worry, someone caught her."
"I see. Be more careful next time." Lan Wangji's voice was quite neutral at least, not giving it much importance.
"I will, but that's not the problem. I—"
They were interrupted by the faraway noise of an object breaking, two thuds, a clang, a donkey's outraged bray, and another familiar voice yelling something about either something black, a hound or a skull. That could be either of these things, considering this was Senior Wei in question. Neither of the two Lans decided to dwell on it.
"Anyway," Sizhui shook his head. "I wasn't the one who retrieved her. A... another person was nearby and he caught her. The thing is, the bunny really likes him. We already have so many, so I was wondering if we could allow him to keep her as his pet? Please? I feel bad breaking them up."
He bit his lower lip while his father figure was lost in thoughts. What if this was a mistake and he had given his uncle a false hope?
"As long as this person has no intentions of eating her," Lan Wangji finally said, "I have no objections."
"Hahaha, no!" Sizhui chuckled. "He doesn't eat." Realizing the mistake of ending the phrase there, he quickly added more to it. "Meat, I mean. He doesn't eat meat. No rabbit meat in his diet. Ahahaha..."
The pause was too long and awkward! Nonetheless, Hanguang-jun's face remained the same.
"Mmn. Make sure to tell him about proper care," he said. Sizhui let out the breath he was holding. "If he's a cultivator or you think he could partake in dangerous business, you may add a general version of our protocol on how to handle and keep small living beings safe during night hunts. In case that might be useful."
The boy wondered if that last part meant his father figure suspected this stranger's real identity. But since Sizhui didn't know Lan Wangji's actual opinion on Wen Ning or if he'd let one of his bunnies in the hands of a fierce corpse, he preferred to leave it at that.
"Thank you so much," Sizhui bowed, his ponytail bouncing up and down, and then stood up. "I'll leave you to your reading, okay?"
"Stop," Lan Wangji said after he had turned on his heels. "I need to discuss something with you as well, so please take a seat."
That didn't bode well, but Sizhui complied and hoped it didn't involve copying lines while doing a handstand again.
"Uncle has given me a series of complaints about you. He wants me to put sense into your head."
"Oh..." Indeed, this could end up in punishment. "About the night hunts?"
"About the night hunts. He's upset about you inviting Wen Qionglin, about you staying past the curfew, about you dragging the other disciples your age and about you being a bad influence to your juniors. This is a level of indiscipline improper of you."
Sizhui opened his mouth, but he immediately closed it before defending himself. He had no idea how to do that, how to explain how he felt about spending time with his Uncle Ning, how warm and fuzzy it was that Jingyi and the others were nice to him as if he wasn't the Ghost General. Yet he understood their teacher's worries, even if he thought they were unfair.
"I will appreciate it if in the future you act with prudence..."
"...and come back to the Cloud Recesses long before nine, if possible."
Sizhui blinked and waited for the rest, but Lan Wangji was already picking up his book from the desk.
"You're only concerned about the curfew?" he dared asking.
"I politely disagree with Uncle. Wei Ying and I don't think Wen Qionglin is a danger to any of you. "
Lan Sizhui let out a sigh. He straightened his back and returned to a serious expression that didn't match his relief.
"Understood. I'll do my best to follow the rules, and make the others follow them too."
As he was about to leave the room, he heard Lan Wangji's voice behind him.
"I respect that he's your family, just like we are."
Sizhui's eyes started to prickle with hot tears, but the door opened and he saw a surprised smirk in front of him.
"Oh, it's Sizhui! Hey!" Wei Wuxian's hand pet the boy's head and ruffled his hairstyle. "Talk to you later, there's an emergency and I have to redraw suppressing talismans on a skull. Okay?"
"Y-yeah, please do so, Senior Wei. And welcome home!"
With quick steps, the fastest he could without running -as it was against the rules after all- the young man left the Jingshi with no questions for his other father figure about whatever mess he was solving or creating.
"Uncle Ning? Are you home?"
The voice and knock came from beyond the makeshift door. Without making sudden moves, the owner of the miserable but sturdy hut answered. "Yes."
The vision that awaited Lan Sizhui was quite amazing. Wen Ning lay on his back, on the body-long mat he used as a seating space or for a guest's bed. Over the length of his torso, the bunny flopped on her belly. Front paws under her head, back legs stretched out, ears laid back at an angle. She didn't mind the vein-marked hand that was scratching her in a lazy manner. No matter how you looked at it, the rabbit had come to trust this strange gray giant to the point of being able to completely relax on him.
Wen Ning couldn't see his relative's face until he sat next to him. Sizhui had a cute expression of delight that to him matched not only the animal but the state of his own heart.
After he regained some composure and stopped suppressing silly sounds —a struggle his uncle had understood too well for the entire afternoon— Sizhui coughed into his own fist and attempted to sound solemn.
"I have news. I spoke to Hanguang-jun, and he says he doesn't mind."
Wen Ning's eyes opened wide. He sat up in a jolt, not before placing a firm hand over the rabbit's body. She escaped his grasp in protest and jumped off, away from his arms. The man was too busy staring at the boy's honest grin in disbelief.
"I-Is it true? Really?"
"Really, really! She's yours!"
He had been bracing himself for a negative answer for the last hour. He had resigned himself to just enjoying a short time with the rabbit before returning her. As sad as it was, he had been used to things never going the way he hoped -even when he was alive his luck had always been beyond terrible. Despite this unusual positive response, he couldn't believe his ears.
Was it childish to be this happy for being allowed to keep a pet? It was as if the adult had been Sizhui instead of him, and that gave him a bit of shame. And yet... and yet... he felt so blessed he knew he would weep if his eyes could. His heart was swelling with joy.
"Thank you." His whisper left his lips in a broken voice. "Give Young Master Lan my thanks."
"Hahaha, he says there's no need."
"Did you hear, A-Ju?" He turned to the rabbit. "You're staying with me."
The bunny flopped again on the mat, this time on her left side and with her front legs folded near her chest.
"She keeps doing that," Wen Ning explained. "It's cute."
"It's a good thing," Sizhui assured him. "So her name is Ju?"
Wen Ning nodded. He would have blushed if he could. Despite his pessimism, he had still decided on a full name for her. He had thought for a long time.
"Written which what character?"
"Like chrysanthemum," Wen Ning drew 菊 in the air with a finger.
"Ah, that's pretty! I thought it was from bent." He drew 局 and pointed at the bunny's quirky ear.
"Ah, that too. She, uh... Her full name is Ju Juju."
"And the other Ju?" Sizhui leaned closer with sparks in his eyes.
Wen Ning picked up A-Ju and grasped her with his two hands as an answer. "Ju." His cousin drew the right character in the air, 匊, before cracking up.
"Pfffft, Uncle!" Sizhui snickered.
"I know, it's kind of silly..."
"I like that wordplay, though." The boy tickled the belly of the now named Ju Juju. "I do think it's clever!"
A-Yuan was one of the few people Wen Ning knew who genuinely found his jokes and puns funny. He had stopped saying them during his childhood when he only received exasperated groans, and it was wonderful when he accidentally discovered that they had a similar sense of humor.
"Ju as the flower for short," Wen Ning added, ruffling Sizhui's hair very softly.
"Yep, it's the most name-like. And her tail is fluffy like that flower so it suits her."
"Yes." Wen Ning forced a smile on his lips. Sizhui looked around and saw the small bowls of fruit and water on the ground, and a couple of sticks and stones that his uncle had offered as prospects for temporary toys.
"Okay, should I tell you how to take care of her?"
"Please do."
He was going to love to take care of her.
"Hey! Wen Ning!" Wei Wuxian's voice rang out, this time not enticing with orders but just appealing with the cordiality of an old friend. It was not a summon but a call. Behind him, Lan Wangji was holding Li’l Apple's reins and two boys trotted next to their seniors.
"...Young Master Wei." A tall, meek figure came out of the bamboo forest.
Wei Ying grinned as the Lan clan members exchanged greetings. Was it his imagination, or did Wen Ning's chest look a bit more buff? Couldn't be, and yet he looked slightly bulkier.
"Coming with us to a night hunt?" Wei Wuxian said.
"Y-Yes, I'd love to... Just give me two minutes." Wen Ning's well-worn boots were twitching, as if he wanted to run away.
"What's wrong?" Lan Wangji asked.
"Uh? N-Nothing, I need to... drop something at the hut..."
That's when Wen Ning's pectorals started to rustle and jingle. Before anyone could say anything, a white head emerged from his shirt. It was a rabbit.
Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi shared the same guilty look on their faces which meant that, unlike Wei Wuxian, they understood what was going on.
"Why is there's a bunny here?" Had it been anyone else, Wei Wuxian would have also asked Wen Ning a question about the possibility of catching it to roast it, but he knew the his friend wouldn’t appreciate that. Besides, for some reason there were two ribbons, one white and one red, forming a little bow around its neck so it was probably a pet. Tied to the ribbons, there was a little round silver bell which explained the noise.
A white blur slowly passed by everyone until he stood in front of Wen Ning, who started to shake. Lan Zhan just glanced at the animal. After some seconds of indecision, Wen Ning took it out of his shirt and raised it towards his old master's husband with reluctance. The boys seemed as nervous as the fierce corpse.
Lan Wangji didn't grab the bunny, though. He moved his hand to place it over the fuzzy ears. Just like that, he started to pet it. It closed its eyes and leaned closer to the elegant fingers of jade. Neither his or Wen Ning's face had made any change in their expression, just them staring at the fluffy white thing, one holding it and the other one caressing it.
Wei Wuxian couldn't take it. They were too much. His stomach was hurting from the strain of suppressing the laughter.
"Oh, I can't with this!" he guffawed. Lan Wangji stopped and turned around. Wen Ning quickly let the bunny climb to his shoulder, where it licked its owner's cheek. "You two..." Wei Ying giggled, unable to restrain himself. "Adult men shouldn't be this cute!"
"Right?!" Jingyi nodded furiously.
"Senior Wei can be cute as well sometimes," Sizhui helped.
"Well, I guess that's—" Wei Wuxian pouted, unable to feel fully complimented or insulted. He crossed his arms. "Wait, why only sometimes?"
"Let me take A-Ju back inside," Wen Ning said. "She has a big corral."
"Mnn," Lan Wangji said, ignoring the return of his beloved's loud laugh. "As in the flower?"
"Yes, Young Master Lan."
"Good name."
Wen Ning couldn't beam at Lan Zhan's comment but he sure looked the happiest they had seen in a while. After a string of thankful sounds, the undead man ran to his hut with the bunny on his shoulder. The bell rang with every step.
Lan Wangji didn't smile either but Wei Wuxian glanced at the tenderness in his eyes. The latter wasn't sure if it was the rabbit or warming up to Wen Ning over a common interest that wasn't protecting Wei Wuxian or the juniors' asses for once. Still, he was mesmerized by the soft expression on that beautiful face until Jingyi's voice broke the spell.
"But Senior Wei has a point," he said. "I don't think anyone would believe us if we told them that we witnessed Hanguang-jun and the Ghost General, two of the strongest and scariest men of the cultivation world, basically coo over a bunbun together."
"Hahaha, yes!" Sizhui agreed.
"That's part of their secret charm!" Wei Wuxian grinned and clasped around his husband's arm. Wen Ning returned with a little hop into his steps. Wei Ying in turn was also content to see this man, whom he had cursed with such a miserable afterlife, so full of love.
In fact he decided it was better than any teasing or cooking joke he could make. Adult men like those two could and should be this cute, especially around him and the kids.
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heartslogos · 7 years
seas who could sing so deep and strong [9]
Boarding Judge’s ship is always something like lucid dreaming. Kore is distinctly aware of something off, but can never exactly put her finger on it.
His ship is an exact copy of hers - with key differences in color and internal decorations, and of course the fact that it always feels about five or six degrees cooler
As soon as the doors hiss open she flinches at the cold air, feeling goose-bumps all over her exposed skin. Her bare feet make soft sounds on the Orbiter floor, eyes narrowing as they adjust to the much darker interior - lit mostly by displays of screens that Judge has flickering haphazardly around his ship.
Everything in it is familiar to her in that she has been here before, and that at its core it is the same basic plan as her own ship. But it’s all - skewed. Just a little.
It is entirely Judge-based. Everything is at his eye-level, everything fits the spaces of his body, his mind. Kore finds herself lifting her legs a little higher to avoid small piles of decorations and models that for Judge would be only a slightly larger step, but for her shorter legs it comes up awkward.
As usual, there’s a mess of strings and chords everywhere, physically tying and connecting together the screens displaying information Judge feels is relevant and - inexplicably to Kore - linked together by some unseen mystery. Judge has many of these and Kore knows the rudimentary basics of what he’s called an organization system at best.
She finds him sitting in the middle of his mess - everything perfectly within arms reach that he could need. Water packets, the boxes of chewing gum - some half opened and a few spilling their contents onto piles and piles of data storage, control panels, bits of circuitry and parts and evidence and more and more screens.
“I’m going to use your foundry,” Kore announces to him, and he glances at her - eyes skipping over her bare skin.
It has taken time, but he’s slowly growing used to seeing her exposed. Kore, herself, is growing used to being seen.
“Sure,” Judge says, focus easily sliding back to whatever mystery her fool of a detective has set his rabbit-fast mind to. “Why, what’s wrong with yours?”
“Nothing, I’m using it for something already,” Kore says, taking a few seconds to reorient herself as she stands in front of his foundry. Hers, but not the same.
She opens the panel for blueprints he currently has, flicking through them with a small curl of amusement. So many things Judge has but hasn’t made, he probably doesn’t even know half of this stuff is here.
Fortunately, she finds what she’s looking for and makes a small, pleased sound.
Judge makes his own half-questioning, half-distracted sound in the back of his throat. She glances over her shoulder and his magenta eyes are narrowed - squinted, really - at one of the screens as he runs his thumb over his lower lip.
“What happened?” Judge asks as Kore turns around, leaning against the Foundry. Judge waves his free hand at her. “Something wrong with your suit?”
Kore is currently wearing only a sleeveless shirt and a pair of shorts - both an off-gray.
“I was working on the pigmentation on my Rhino,” Kore says, “I didn’t want pigment on my suit, so I took it off.”
Kore wiggles her bare toes, a steady crawl of adrenaline from being so open. So seen.
(But not vulnerable, she reminds herself. To be seen is not always to be vulnerable.
It can be with Judge. But not like this. Not right now.)
She scratches the back of her calf, feeling the faint lines of the scratches Ugly left a few weeks ago. Not enough to really hurt or do any lasting damage - three annoying lines of itchy scabbing. Judge had looked contrite, unsure if Ugly’s actions had spooked Kore or not.
Kore’s own Kavat, Joy, had reacted by tackling Ugly into a wall as the two got into a hissing fight. The fight ended by Ugly’s tail getting caught into Kore’s Carrier’s vacuum port. Both Kavat and Sentinel were making deeply unhappy noises.
Joy was laughing in the way only Kavat’s seem to be able to - sounding like she’s dying on her own air and enjoying it immensely.
(Kore had taken an hour or so to untangle Kavat and Sentinel, chiding her Carrier - “Ugly’s already ugly as it is. Don’t make it worse for him. What would he do then?”)
Judge hums and Kore lightly whistles, because she had a feeling that Judge would already have the blueprint she needs loaded into his Foundry.
He doesn’t look up as two of Kore’s Kubrow trot in, but he does when he hears what they’re carrying.
Hala and Valencia happily deposit the squirming flesh at her feet and Kore pets them both under the chin.
Judge stares, “What did you bring onto my ship?”
“Juggernaut guts,” Kore replies, grinning. “Specifically, pulsating tubercles, a severed bile sac, infected palpators, and a chitinous husk.”
Judge gags, “But why is it on my ship?”
“Because,” Kore replies, picking up the bile sac and opening the material deposit on the Foundry and tossing it in. It lands with a slight squelch and a strange sort of wiggling bounce. It makes something inside of her incredibly curious and pleased. “Because, Judge. I’m going to be using your foundry to make a Pherliac Pod.”
“Because my foundry is currently making some Pherlaic pods and I want to get as many as possible going,” Kore answers, smacking one of the tubercles as it tries to stick to her ankle, “Obviously.”
She manages to squeeze in the infected palpators and then the husk.
Once she’s finished setting the Foundry up to go, she moves to stand next to Judge.
The semi-organized chaos of her ship should make her feel uninvited - without a place for her. It is, as Judge says of many of the Tenno eccentricities, a result of living inside your own head for too long.
Judge shakes his head, focus already slipped back to his mystery.
He wordlessly holds his arm out around the back of her legs - a question half-asked. Kore raises her hand and runs his through his hair, scratching at his scalp in her own half-answer.
Judge then loops his arm around her legs, hugging her at his side. He rests his cheek on her thigh, distractedly turning his face to press a quick kiss to her skin.
It sends a fizzing hot burst through her nerves, the goose-flesh over her skin not quite because of cold anymore.
“Nice toes,” Judge says. Kore wiggles them, crossing her arms as she looks down at the bright green paint on the nails. “Is your Rhino going to be that vivid?”
“Gross, no,” Kore replies. They both know that she doesn’t like her warframes to be particularly bright. “Changed his pigment to dark red.”
“What was it before, again?”
“Black and then a brighter red for accents. I didn’t like it, so I changed it,” Kore replies, “Now he matches my Saryn.”
Judge hums, thumb idly stroking a line on her leg, “Nice.”
Kore looks over his head at some of his other screens. She has a few guesses as to what he’s working on, but nothing concrete. She wonders if Judge has any idea, himself.
She’d ask him, but he’ll tell her when he’s good and ready. Usually when he wants someone to bounce reckless ideas off of, to help eliminate the fantastic and whittle it down to the realistic. Kore doesn’t mind being his cold dose of reality.
Judge’s skin is warm despite how cold it is, and Kore wonders how silly and strange it must be of her to want him to kiss her thigh again - just like before. She wonders how silly and strange it must be for her to want to kiss him like that. On the cheek, maybe. Quick. Brief. Unabashedly and without any real consideration of thought. Unconsciously, really.
How nice, Kore thinks, how nice it must be to be able to feel and be felt so easily.
She thinks they’re getting there, though.
Kore lightly presses her leg against his side and Judge obligingly moves for her. Kore slowly settles down into the space he’s made, pushing aside some of his things to make more room for herself to settle comfortably.
Kore leans against him and he wordlessly raises his arm, allowing for her to choose how to arrange them even as his other hand zooms in on a particularly grainy screen grab of Corpus security on what looks like Europa.
She stretches her legs out, and Hala immediately trots over from where she and Valencia were playing with Midas to lie down on them. A warm, breathing blanket.
Kore wraps Judge’s arm across shoulder, letting it cross over her chest. Judge lifts his leg and bends it, resting more of his weight on his bent leg to make them more stable. He stretches out his other leg in a mirror of her and winces.
“Remind me how long you’ve been sitting,” Kore says, picking up one of the multiple model figures Judge makes when he isn’t sleeping and playing with it.
“A while?” Judge answers, “Hey, Kore - look at this. Doesn’t this Moa look new?”
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sparkesink · 5 years
Chapter 13:
Into The Forest
“Get Up.”
(Get Up.)
 I Rise.
Laying Upon My Posterior,
(Inconsequently Inferior.) 
I Stay,
 “What Now?
 “Get Up!”
Vivian Resonating, 
(Throughout My Conscious.)
“Get Up!”
(I Sigh,)
Siting Upon The Damp Growth, 
(Beneath Me.)
I Have Been Waiting For Help,”
(Peering Amongst The Dew.)
 “Don’t You Get It?”
(Vivian Ringing Through,)
“There Is No One Coming, 
(To Help You.)
 You May,
(Dream Amongst The Bay,)
You May,
(Cower And Stay,)
You May,
(Pray And Pray…)
You May,
Beg And Plead,
(Make It All Go Away.)
 The Longer You Wait,
(The Longer You Stay,)
The Further You Will Fade,
(Such Lost Dream’s Decay.)
 There Is No Business For You Here,
 Get Up!
(Get Up.)”
 I Look Out,
(Amongst The Star Dust;)
(Why Can’t I Just Fucking Leave?)
Wiping Mucus,
Across The Heart,
(Upon My Sleeve.) 
 “I Have Been Here,
(My Whole Existence.)
I Keep Attempting Adventure,
Live Beautifully,
(Draped In Sheer.)
 My Body Is Mutated…
Knees Shackled,
“You Accept,
(They Broke You?)
I Hadn’t Expected, 
You’d Be So Weak.”
Slipping Down, 
(W. Pitty Bend.)
 This Isn’t The End.
You Have Made Promises,
(Those To Whom Your Heart Throbs:)
You’re A Woman Of Dignity,
No More,
(The Girl Who Sobs.)
 I Had Thought, 
Your Material Woven Graphene;
(Molded Amongst Polythene.) 
Internally Intertwined,
(Carefully Taught.)
 Such Vast Happenstance, 
(In Life,) 
How Unexplainable…
The Rain Glistening Upon The Pavement, 
Producing Distinct Essence,
(Saturated Asphalt,) 
Filling Space Around This… 
(The Comfort Of New Life.) 
 I Sit, 
Gazing Upon Droplets, 
Bouncing Amongst Saturated Wood. 
Beneath My Feet:
Upon The Sound Of My Winding Thoughts. 
Brain Tangled, 
(Saturated Un-satisfaction;) 
I Cannot Contain This Drastic Thought Wandering: 
(Those Darkest Areas Within My Mind…) 
In Which I Desperately Attempt…
Such An Act, 
Such Sweet Sensation,
Down Amongst The Deepest Facets Of My Person;
(Pulling My Current Consciousness…) 
Toward This World Of Nonsense, 
 If Love Can Change The World… 
(Move Mountains…) 
Such As I Have Lead Myself To Believe… 
(This Long…) 
Why Must There Be Such A World,
(Surrounded And Engulfed,) 
With Pain And Loneliness?
(Masked In Such Sweet Song.)
 I Sat There,
I Cried To Him,
The Cold Response… 
(Left Me Maimed.)
“My Knees Hurt,
They Crack In Pain!”
To Sit In Rain…
My Only Claim:
My Efforts, 
(Draped In Shame.)
No Family Ties,
(Leaving Such Somber Name.)
Not One Drop Of Blood,
(Amongst This Chilling Rain,)
“Get Up,
(Get Up!)”
 I Feel A Party Within The Mist,
The Water Vaporization,
Vibrating Simultaneously,
A Quiver:
(A Sensibly Soft Trick.)
Along The Brain Stem;
Dripping Amongst,
(Such Beautiful Spinal Cords,)
Ringing In Such Highs,
(And Lows,)
Synchronizing Within Beat,
(Composed Of Comfortable Foes.)
 How Exciting Could It Be?
“A Party, Just For Me!”
I Couldn’t Imagine;
The Last Time I Was A Celebration.
The Last Time I Felt Calm,
Effortless Appreciation.
(Covered In Muck,)
Endless Despair:
Spread As Wild Fire,
“That’s All You Will Get, Here.
 Get Up,
You Will Find Your Way,
There Is No Doubt,
Your Clarity Remain Work,
(If You Wish It Stay...)
Allow Such Beautiful Seed,
Gain Reassurance;
(Formulate Healthy Sprout.)
 You Pray:
‘My Love,
Let Me Give Up.
Please Let Me Focus,
(Upon Mediocre Things….)
Leave These Wild Pipe Dreams…
Dreams Of Things,
Things Without Strings.
Let Me Fake This Desire:
(Writing To Capture Self Power.)
Give Me An Excuse To Fail,
Let Me Kill The Never-ending Tale…’
Such A Tale,
Consistent Of Dramatic Fail…
Desire To Sail…
Far Away…
So Far,
I Lose Sight Of Our Bay.
This Land Written Curse:
Tainted From False Hurst,
Crashing Our Love,
(Within Our Home,)
Extremities Buried Within That Black Sand…
We Destined Upon That Land.
Surviving Tide Struck,
Bound In love,
Such Luck,
(Dressed In Despair…)
I Will Find That Ship,
Such Infamous Freedom…
(Transport Us There.)”
 No One Ever Said,
“Self Fulfillment Came Easy.”
Denying Past Happenstance,
Assuringly Labeled “Sleazy.”
 “Find The Rabbit,
(Of All,)
Render True…
Beware The One With Yellow Eye,
His Path Will Only Trick.
Learn What You Need,
(This Naïve Mistake,)
Learn To Show Yourself…
Without Feeling “Fake”.
Divide What’s Inside,
Follow Your Guide:
Your Heart?
(Drag It Directly Toward The Tide.)
The Hymns Will Ring,
Falling Short Of Expectation…
This Is,
My Dear,
A Timeless Plot Put In Motion,
Originating Within This Situation.
Gracefully Walk Along,
Do Not Stay To Long…
Less The Prophet Cry,
(Forever Within Song.)
 You Are Never Alone, 
I Will Guide You, 
(Along Your Way…)
It Is Time To Get Up,
My Dearest Friend…
It Is Time,
You Finally Find Your Way…
Just Get Up, TJ.” 
 “Stick To Your Guns”
Such Rhythm, 
Filling My Lungs.
I Plant My Feet Amongst The Earth,
(Knees Lock In Place,)
Childbirth Left Additional Girth,
(Gravity Pull Heavy Upon Such Case…)
Each Buckle Beneath Me…
 “Try Again TJ.”
I Took A Deep Breath Within…
Planted My Feet,
(This Time In Dedication:)
Lifting Self Upon These Toes,
Hips Shifting,
Preparation In Combat, 
(Centuries Discard False Foes.)
 Left Foot Slip,
Broke My Fucking Hip,
(Fuck This.)
I Fucking Cried Till The Owls Called,
“Are You Okay, TJ?”
I’m Not Fucking Okay.
Nothing Works,
I’ve Lost Prime Years To Insecurity,
The Cowardice Kind,
(The Type That Lurks…)
I Lost So Much Fucking Time,
Lost In Others Crime:
Finding Comfort Within A Cheap Dime.
I Still Entangled In Severed Strings…
A Puppet Cut Free,
(Doesn’t Cut This Pain Of Broken Things;)
So Dear To My Heart…
Harmonious Harp Hymns, 
Played Amongst These Heart Strings.
This Pain Is Excruciating.”
 “You Must Get Up,
Don’t You See?
The Muck Beneath You Will Devour You:
(It Preys On Weakness To Be…)
The Creatures Within Will Sleek Upon Your Mind,
Manipulating Their Pain Into False Shame,
(The Consequences Render Unkind.)
Remove These Strings,
A Tourniquet To Your Sanity…
They No Longer Control You.
You No Longer A Puppet To Be…
You Are A Soldier,
Beginning Preparation;
(Mankind’s Ultimate Combat.)
Human Kind: 
(A Theoretical Wombat,)
Lacking Emotional Sensation…
 You Are The Mother Reaper,
‘Tis Your Duty:
(Preserve Divine Creation.)
 A Divine Species:
Divinity Does Not Discriminate,
It Is Not A Skin Tone,
It Does Not Judge Upon Culture…
(Nor Religious Background.)
It Does Not Care Where You Have Been…
It Does Not Mind Where You Are Born.
It Does Not Hate,
(You Do That Enough Yourself,)
(Make Haste.)
 Heaven And Hell Are Places On Earth…
Within Cognitive Mind,
(Creative Imagination…)
Dreams Are But Determination,
(Failure But Self Sabotage…)
And The Limbo In Between…
That’s What You See…
In Corporate Cubical…
Drained Of All They’d Ever Been…
 Demons Are Subconsciously Stored Memories…
(People Battling Their Own Temptations,)
Imprinted Upon An Innocent:
Death Of Perfect Creation.
 Angles Are Those Whom Are Given,
Dropped To The Earth For Guidance And Care…
Angles Are Easily Converted,
Flight To Swim…
Those Whom Illuminate The Brightest…
(Are The Deepest To Dim.)
Down Below The Depths Of The Nacreous Sea:
Though Black Within A Blue Written Night…
The Pain Will Ascend,
Radiating Such Splendorous Light.
There Is No Crest Without An Equal Tide,
Newton’s Third Law:
‘For Every Action, 
There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction.
A Pair Of Forces Acting On The Two Interacting Objects;
The Size Of The Force On The First Object,
Equals The Size Of The Force On The Second Object.’
-The Physics Classroom
 You See:
There Is No “Good”,
And There Is No “Evil”…
Just Duality,
And A Moral Sense Of Reality.
 Human Is Birthed Innocent:
Experience Brings Trauma.
Trauma Is A Plague:
If Cared For In Haste,
An Innocent May Walk Away…
When Left;
Trauma Festers…
It Buries Deep Within The Psyche,
Infecting Such Sweetness To Bitterness.
Bitterness Gossips With Rage,
Rage Seduces Wrath…
Wrath Finds It’s Outlet In Many Forms:
Lust Betrays Those Whom We Rely For Trust,
Gluttony Betrays Thyself Of Proper Care From Lust,
Sloth Betrays Ones Joints Creating Lifelong Creak,
Requiring Additional Effort To Render Oneself “Sleek”.
Envy Spews As Consequence Of All Above:
(Crafting Insecurity As Dye Through An IV Titled “Love”.)
A Polished Narcissus Hath Been Born:
Drowning Within A Shallow Puddle,
Falsely Projected “Self Love,”
Masking Deadly Self Loathing…
Procuring Defense Mechanisms,
(Alluring Mental Prisons,)
Death By Suicide:
For How Could One Trust?
(It’s Easier To Become Alone,)
Entrust No Other Than One’s Self…
A Word So Profound:
How Could One Become So Lonely?
(Are You Found Amongst Thy Self?)
You Cannot Be Taken For Captive,
You Are Guarded Above All Else…
Couldn’t You Become Happier?
Endure A Divine Test?
Don’t Misjudge Yourself.
 (Take Heed,)
One Mustn’t Underestimate Greed…
Greed Is The Python You Capture And Take Pet;
It Services You, 
(All The Finest One Could Bet…)
A Beautiful Soul Can Easily Infect…
While Sleeping One Evening:
(A Venomous Bite To The Chest…)
The Antidote Does Not Exist,
(How Does One Turn Back On Currency?)
Providing Such Sensual Security…
Can Humility Claim?
The Divinity Of A Soul,
Greed-Written In Shame?
Actions Guided…
(Such Malicious Profitable Gain:)
Such Claim,
A Last Desperate String Remain…
(A Lifelong Petty Game.)
 Divine Species Rely Upon Light.
They Are Kind,
Full Hearted.
They Are Wise,
(Logically Inclined,)
Pestered By Simplicity Of Mediocrity.
Their Goals Are Equally Funded,
(Selfless Motives For Selfish Dreams,)
Guided By Morality.
 Divinity Is Not A Birth Right,
A Never Ending Wager…
(Tug Of War,)
Amongst Determination,
(Against Self Sabotage,)
A Journey For Salvation:
Painful Rebirth In Camouflage.
 You Must Become Relentless,
Render Judgment Senseless…
For If You Can Find Your Way, 
(Within This Lost Forest…)
You Can Capture Your Bay,
(No Longer Just Tourist.)
 No One Will Give It To You,
(They Will Always Turn Their Back…)
No One Will Believe In You,
(Lest They Find Proof In Which They Lack…)
Do Not Be Fooled By Their False Praise,
Just Ask The Onesler:
(His Blood Stricken Within Greed-Written Gaze.)
I Must Be Going,
(I Shall See You Inside…)
It Is Time Now To Get Up,
Your Future Arrive.”
 The Air Became Silent, 
(A Void,)
Where Her Soft Somber Rang Clear:
I Wipe The Mud From Upon My Face,
Muster To Secrete One Final Tear.
“I Must Become Relentless…”
This Slither Of Sound Slip Between My Lip,
A Little White Box Emerge From Within The Muck;
“Tools To Mend Shackled Knees And Broken Hip.”
A Drill Conjoining Industrial Size Screws…
Four In Each Knee…
A Large One For The Hip…
I Bite Down Upon My Book’s Wooden Lip.
Teeth Marks Emboss, 
Blood Spatter,
(Un-saturated Ground Loss…)
One Knee Down,
(Endure Your Pain Some More,)
Reap The Befits… 
(Creation Of Lore.) 
These Indestructible Joints Won’t Faint, 
(Repercussions: Stagnant Sloth Takes Lead On This Shore.)
Just One More Screw…
(The Largest Of Them All:)
My Hands Tremble,
The Pain But Only A Few Lonely Seconds Tall.
 A New Tool Appeared Within This Little Box,
Written In Invisible Ink,
“You Must Cauterize Your Wounds,
Till The Screws Illuminate Red Pink,
Procuring Your Flesh To Sizzle And Stink.”
Filling The Space Where My Drill Previously Lie…
Now Lay A Diathermy Instrument,
(Awaiting My Thigh.) 
Yes Now…
Now You May Enter This Forest Of Fears,
(Such Blood Thirsty Cloak.)
A Legend Of Mirrors,
(All Lined In A Row…)
Can You Dodge Such Foe?
Tuck And Hide,
You’ll Never See Pride…
When The Octo-Cyprus Take Your Hide…
Don’t Be Mad,
It’s Only A Land Of Physics…
It’s The Same Sea, 
(As You See Through Me:)
When The Classics,
Turned Out, 
(Druggie Basics.)
 The Saddest Situation?
Your One In A Million,
Living On A Planet:
(Of 7.53 Billion.)
Which In Conclusion:
Your Basic Even If You Are Special…
Your Now One In Seven Thousand, 
(Improbable To Comparing Structural Sturdy;)
Not One Single Who,
(Left To Shit Not One Single Clue,)
When You’re Just Pushing Thirty,
Why You Should Matter Enough… 
(Continuation Of Existence, Too.)
 It Starts Real Low,
You See?
The People Who Depend On Me,
(Those Same To Believe Within Me.)
 I Have Come To Mark My Respects,
(I’m Not The One Making It Out Of This Mess.)
I Could Come With Stride,
Dip My Feet Within These Shallow Puddles, 
(Ink. Dipped Within Pride,)
I Can’t Help But Digress,
(This Beauty Within Such Stress.)
 Next Step?
Defeating All The Bets,
Becoming One In Seven Thousand,
Five Hundred,
 I Have Ever Only Loved You, TJ…
(A One In A Million’s Chance:)
I Must Run Off Now,
This Music Lures A Lustful Dance…
I Will See You Amongst The Creatures Of The Forest,
We Shall Reconvene Inside,
(Preferably By Full Moon’s Chance.)”
 Once More,
My Fingers Linger Along My Lore:
Oiled Wood, 
(Lining These Finger Prints.)
Hesitating Upon Thought…
Just One Last Time…
I Flip To Her Scribbled Heart,
(Distinct From The Rest.)
She Was Smart,
So Very Cunning…
(To Be Honest:
Radiantly Stunning.)
She Could Gather a Crowd,
In A Flick Of Her Wrist,
A Supernatural Charm;
Her Strides Atop The List.
She Was A Scrappy Survivor,
Occurred Delicately, 
(Behind Soft Fist.)
 (I Have Been Avoiding This.)
A Drunk…
Surviving Each Day:
Account For Loneliness,
Behind A Forty…
Or A Wine Box For Taste…
Drinking Cheap Tequila From A Sippy-cup…
(Depression Holds A Sloppy Face.)
I Don’t Wish For You To Leave:
They Will Mock Me,
Wearing Your Heart Upon My Sleeve…
You Are My Armor…
I’m Afraid To Drown, 
(Within That Harbor.)”
You Do Not Get To Make These Choices.
This Was Always Determined,
Less You Wish, 
Forever In Love With Imaginary Voices.
This Option Is Not Meant For You,
You Will Walk With Substantial Stride:
Sprouting Healthy Seed Amongst Your Tide.
You Will Not Need Me Upon This Shore…
Finish Our Lore.”
 Her Silence Rang Loud Upon My Eardrums…
Her Lore Fills My Head,
Masked Within A Crashing Shore:
Tattered-Rag Bound Conundrums…
I Line My Fingers Amongst The Rag,
(Sequential To Jade’s Torment In Lag.)
 I Know,
(That Of Which,) 
I Do Not Wish To Read,
Afraid Others Shall Mislead…
In A World Of Lonely Substantial Sand,
Through The Forest,
My Dreams Can Foot,
(Given Energy To Stand.)
Look Out Amongst The Mist:
Can You Hear?
(These Creatures Are Sin-kissed.)
Do Not Stop,
(Nor Stare;)
Less This Muck Devour You,
(Drag You Deep Within The Infirmary Lair.)
They Will Eat Your Mind,
(Savor You Alive…)
You Must Spark A Deal,
(I Know This Produces Coward And Cringe…)
But She Will Protect You,
(After He Take Me Away From Here.)
I Cannot Survive,
I’m Covered Within Envious,
(Lustful Hide.)
 The Octo-Cyprus Will Come,
(Rides To Pay My Toll.)
Only Then,
Shall Your Contracted Soul,
Be Reciprocated:
Your Payment In Full.”
 Her Words Begin To Swirl And Flutter Before My Eyes,
Lining A Clear Path, 
(My Insignificance Cannot Hide.)
In Capturing That Menial Energy,
Captivation Of “Impossible” Dreams...
 My Tools Set Aside,
(Succumb To Sink Within This Muck.)
Pulling My Weight,
My Knees Kick In Lock…
A Broken Hip:
(Given Zero Clearance,)
Desiring Significant Failure To Mock.
 I Stand In Strength,
One Foot,
Before Another…
(Each Step Gaining Length.)
 The Leaves Crunch,
(Each Branch Concerns Break.)
The Impact Of These Feet Carry Fragility…
I Shatter In Trepidation Of Which Become Near:
Marching Into The Forest,
Salvation Is Quite,
 Into The Forest, We Go…
0 notes
meditativeyoga · 7 years
The Best Yoga Pose For Your Enneagram Number
Your yoga exercise mat is the perfect area to explore and also fix up the core predicament your Enneagram number has actually exposed. Each of these postures carefully matches with each type's physical symptom of its internal predicament, claims Coral reefs Brown, a yoga educator as well as accredited mental-health counselor in Rhode Island. After heating up, practice the asana and repeat the concept that matches your kind. Trying out all nine poses to end up being more critical in all your relationships, from the ones you have with those around you to the one you have with yourself.
Enneagram Number: One (The Reformer)
Practice: Dhanurasana( Bow Pose)
Ones have the tendency to quelch their instincts and prefer to filter the globe via their intelligence. Bow Posture offers an organized container for Ones to reengage with their more primal instincts, along with soften around their limitations, as the posture taxes the stomach and boosts the enteric nerve system (a.k.a. the "belly mind").
Mantra: I could lighten up, loosen my grip on perfection, and locate enjoyment in things just as they are.
Bow Pose: Lying face-down on your floor covering, flex your knees as well as reach back to grip the beyond your ankles. (If that's not feasible, squeeze your feet or use a band.) Relax your temple on the earth and also take a deep, conscious breath. As you breathe out, involve your core and at the same time press your pubic bone into the planet while lifting your heels and reaching your legs strongly back as well as up. Integrate these activities with turning on the muscles in your top back while relaxing your face as well as jaw muscular tissues. Hold for 3 rounds of breath. Repeat 3 times, after that rest in Balasana (Child's Posture) or a straightforward seated twist.
Enneagram Number: 2 (The Assistant)
Practice: Paschimottanasana (Seatsed Ahead Bend)
Seated forward folds are grounding and insular, supplying a chance to attune to your personal wisdom. The symbolic gesture of bowing the heart onward uses Twos the natural experience of self-reverence.
Mantra: I can have my own requirements and still be loved.
Seated Forward Bend: From a seatsed placement, expand your legs as well as run your resting bones back. On an inhale, extend your spine as well as raise your upper body like you were in Bhujangasana (Cobra Posture). As you exhale, fold forward, leading with your heart. Keep for a number of rounds of breath.
Enneagram Number: 3 (The Achiever)
Practice: Sasangasana (Bunny Pose)
In this present, the crown chakra origins to the earth in such a way that premises Threes, whose dilemma is usually just how to regulate their hard-driving power. This neutralizing, basic position stimulates link to the head (awareness) and the knowledge body (intuition), and also deflects the Threes' inherent propensity to compete.
Mantra: I value deep heart contact.
Rabbit Pose: Start in Child's Pose with your knees hip-distance apart, as well as relax your temple on the mat. From right here, place your hands under your shoulders as well as curl your toes under. On an inhale, hug your arm joints internal as well as press into your hands as you raise your hips far from your heels. On an exhale, rounded your upper back to move the weight from your forehead to your hairline as well as lastly the crown of your head. Remain to press into your hands to distribute the weight as well as stay clear of putting way too much pressure on your neck. If you feel comfortable here, bring your hands behind you to hold your ankle joints, heels, or toes. Stay in the stance for 3 rounds of breath.
Enneagram Number: Four (The Maverick)
Practice: Virabhadrasana III (Warrior Posture III)
This tough balance position steps energy far from the facility as well as out into the limbs as well as crown, boosting proprioception-- understanding of one's body in room. As they extend in all directions and stare down in this pose, Fours find out to adjust their internal compass as well as allow go of comparison.
Mantra: I am devoid of my old story. I stand my ground and talk my truth.
Warrior III: Pertained to High Crescent and also put your practical your hips. Take a centering breath, on the exhale, extend your spine as you lean your top body onward. Start to reduce your stance by walking your back foot in till you really feel constant enough to lift your back leg. Without endangering the level framework of your hips, continue to lift your back leg until you reach your motion limit or your leg is alongside the earth. As you stare down or directly before you, relax your face and jaw while simultaneously extending your spine and also arms expenses, you can likewise keep your practical or near your hips. Hold the present for 3 rounds of breath, and afterwards repeat on the second side.
Enneagram Number: Five (The Private investigator)
Practice: Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
This backbend urges opening up the heart-- crucial for Fives, whose principal defense is disengagement and that often tend to be happiest alone. Backbends aid Fives connect to their sensations and receive energy freely. Camel Posture lets the practitioner regulate the strength of the backbend, providing Fives an opportunity to explore depend on and also openness in small, safe increments.
Mantra: I could engage with the globe without holding back.
Camel Pose: Kneel on your shins with your toes crinkled under as well as your hips over your knees, area your hands in Anjali Mudra (Salutation Seal, or petition setting), as if you remained in Tadasana (Hill Posture). Inhale as well as feel the security and also stability of the pose. Exhale and bring your hands to support you at your reduced back. Wrap your joints in towards one an additional. With every inhale, extend your spinal column to make sure that you expand taller and also more comprehensive, with every exhale, soften your shoulders, neck, and also jaw as you raise your look as well as perhaps your chin. If you feel stable below, slide your hands to hinge on your heels. Remain for 3 rounds of breath.
Enneagram Number: Six (The Loyalist)
Practice: Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
This backbend reveals the throat and also chest, calls for trust fund as well as dedication, as well as cultivates an extensive awareness-- all ideal actions for Sixes, whose bane is doubt. 6s can find out to have confidence and do something about it despite the unpredictability this asana typically invokes.
Mantra: I have confidence in myself and also do not should be afraid the unknown.
Fish Pose: From a reclining placement, prop yourself up on your arm joints. Lengthen your legs and also point your toes. Comparable to Camel, hug your joints in while lifting your gaze as well as chin. On an inhale, broaden your collarbones and press your shoulder blades together, breathe out as well as try to release your head back while relaxing your throat, face, and jaw. Take a breath evenly here for 3 rounds, continuing to lift your heart and expand your chest.
Enneagram Number: 7 (The Lover)
Practice: Malasana (Garland Pose)
Malasana concentrates energy downward, grounding one's awareness as well as essentially bringing Sevens back to planet and testing their fear that stability causes stagnation.
Mantra: I have whatever I require below and also now.
Garland Pose: Stand with your feet a minimum of floor covering range apart, with your toes transformed out somewhat. On an exhale, reduced your hips to a crouching position, and track your knees over your toes. Bring your hands together in Anjali Mudra while pressing your arms against your internal thighs. With each inhale, surge from your roots by lengthening your spine as well as pressing your arms to your legs. With each exhale, feel the all-natural state of contraction by bowing your head, releasing the pressure of your arms, as well as somewhat rounding your spinal column. Remain here as long as you really feel comfy, allowing each round of breath ground as well as facility you.
Enneagram Number: Eight (The Opposition)
Practice: Anjaneyasana (Reduced Lunge)
This present works the psoas-- a muscular tissue directly connected to our fight-or-flight reaction-- which aids Eights learn the humbleness that originates from enabling oneself to be vulnerable.
Mantra: I want to be vulnerable.
Low Lunge: From Down Pet, breathe out and step your right foot to your right-hand man, aligning your right knee over your heel. Reduced your left knee to the flooring and transform the top of your left foot downward. On an inhale, use the rooting activity of your front foot to raise your upper body upright. Inhale and also prolong your arms overhead, breathe out and also really feel the grounding weight of your hips. Scissor your legs toward the midline to support the lift. Keep right here for 3 rounds of breath, and after that release and repeat on the second side.
Enneagram Number: Nine (The Placater)
Practice: Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance Pose)
The double activities of this present-- the extending-out as well as the rooting-down-- need Nines to locate their core while being drawn in various directions.
Mantra: I could dance to my own drumbeat as well as still become part of my tribe.
Lord of the Dance Pose: Stand at the top of the floor covering as well as move your weight to your left side. Place your hands at your hips and attract your right knee towards your navel. Feel your core engage as you lean forward and also prolong your right leg behind you, then capture your right ankle with your right-hand man. Slightly bend your standing left leg, at the same time raising your left sitting bone and also prolonging strongly through your appropriate leg. At the very same time, reach your left arm onward, alongside the floor. Inhale and breathe out as you preserve a balance of stability (level hips as well as shoulders) with mobility (backbending as well as right-leg expansion). Stay for 3 rounds of breath, repeat on the various other side.
0 notes
High Horoscopes | Jan. 19, 2017
The HIGH TIMES weekly astrological forecast, complete with strain recommendations!
Ask Aelie anything! Find her on Facebook and Twitter.
You’ve been rockin’ life pretty hard this week, just killin’ it at work and play. It might not feel like home runs and fireworks cause you’re still shell shocked from those preceding downer days, but believe me, you’re a star this week my dear. So what to do with all this newfound wonderfulness? If you can get your head around the fact that your flow is now going upstream, maybe you could let your vibes follow suit? How about lightening up and getting back to basics? Do some nesting and redecorate your space, have a few dance party breaks and celebrate with chocolate cake and Dalmatian snuggles. The cosmos prescribes as much of whatever you want as long as it is healthy for your soul. Strain recommendation: Cuvee
A halo of sunshine has replaced your top hat of gloom. Summer has arrived mid-January, and your smiles are contagious. What was missing has returned! Oh glory be, how wonderful it is! Yes, it’s true, the tides have changed and all you need to do to keep this trend up is change along with them. Just don’t bring the old you to the party; invite a fresh perspective; excited, active and connected to those you love. You have an opportunity to alter a tired dynamic with your significant other, to appreciate them properly and be adored in return. Let this warm wind embrace you both! Strain recommendation: Sunshine
Those videos of sweet animals who have been found in terrible condition, abused or neglected, and then rescued, healed and adopted are some of the most popular on the web. Stories of vulnerable souls being saved remind us that compassion has power, and love is universal. You could be either the kitten or the ASPCA this week. If you are feeling susceptible to the dark forces, please let yourself be reinvigorated by a kind stranger with no motives ulterior to offering care. If you are in a healthy state, keep your eyes peeled for the little frightened puppies hiding within the hearts of those around you. Remember; caring and being cared for are two sides of the same coin. Strain Recommendation: Super Sweet
Writer’s block is incredibly frustrating. Insomnia can drive you up the wall. Sexual dysfunction leaves you feeling desperately unfulfilled. Blockages can pop up in all aspects of your life, and no matter the context, they all come from the same source—you. You have put up a wall between yourself and the relief that comes from flow. Why do you feel the need to control this experience? What are you trying to protect by clamping down? There are many things we can do to release a block; you can approach it physically or emotionally, spiritually or mentally, but until you face the reasons why you do it, you will be doomed to repeat it. Strain recommendation: Red-Headed Stranger
One of the harder things to do in this life is to let go. Most struggle with this at some point; the death of someone close, the end of an important relationship, an unwanted change in lifestyle. Unfortunately simply knowing you need to move on isn’t enough to make it happen. Getting stuck is pretty common because it is comfortable at first: it feels right to stop, to not run the rat race anymore, to be still, to grieve.  It hurts but it is a known quantity and that is needed when you have been thrust into the unknown. However, your fear and the avoided life can build like a wave, ready to topple down upon us. Instead of trying to hold it back with nothing but your human hands, why not dive into it and hold your breath until you come up the other side. Strain recommendation: Red Dragon
Two ladies who were important to my childhood passed away this year; my godmother and the woman who cared for me when my parents were working. Though very different kinds of people from far apart cultures, they shared the qualities of strength, modesty and deep generosity. I wasn’t aware of even half of their amazing accomplishments until their funerals. This is for two reasons: firstly, their humility kept their praises somewhat unsung, and secondly, I mainly spent time with them as a child. Being young I forgot that their lives existed before mine. As kids we see only through our own perspective. We need to be self focused in those early years to learn how to survive. You could use a little time inside that childlike bubble before you do your own form of mourning this week. Some soft inner reflection should help ease any grief by allowing you to see the ones you’ve lost within yourself. Strain recommendation: Blue Dream
Dr. Seuss said “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”  Dr. Seuss is not my usual go-to source for love quotes but damn if he ain’t right. The crazy hormonal cocktail sloshing through your body when you first fall for that special someone is intense. So when it burns off and the sleep returns, does that mean the love has lessened? No, in fact, if you can weather the shift, you will find the real stuff kicking in then: the love, not just the thrill of the fall. Don’t be discouraged just because your heart doesn’t pump as hard and your pupils don’t dilate as widely; now you get to feel security and the deep closeness of truly knowing and caring for another person. If you aren’t in love, this can apply to any new passion of yours. Strain recommendation: Chronic
You are a difficult bunny to catch. You hop every which way without any discernible pattern. Heading North: you are nature bunny, ready to canoe to a yurt. South: you are an ambitious career driven hare. West: a fun time lover and gossipy gal pal bun-bun. East: a loving and generous rabbit of the people, fighter for justice and caring friend. No matter which way you go, you are hoppin’ full tilt. Each of your directions are super fluffy but sometimes you need to just sit in that crosshair—in the middle of the compass rose—and be a little less of each extreme. There you can retain a little bit of everything and the peace of nothingness. That resting rabbit, is you too. Give it a little pet between the ears from time to time. Strain recommendation: White Rhino
Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” You don’t usually have problems being yourself but lately there is a touch of the sad deer in your doe eyes. You’ve lost a little confidence due to some personal blows, and this is pulling your persona back, into yourself. You’re hiding until you can make sense of the world again. Sadly, your personality is precisely what would help you get through this patch of turmoil. Being exactly who you are is how you shine so brightly, and without that, you won’t receive reciprocal energy, which is what keeps you spritely. Try to lure your antelope out for a walk, even for just a little sprint in the woods: it’ll do you some good to stretch those spindly legs out. Strain recommendation: Lemon G
Did you drop that resolution before January finished? Have you given up on that dream before even trying? When did you start believing it was all over and you might as well give up? That doesn’t sound very Capricorn to me. It’s time to sharpen up your horns and give life a good ol’ bump in the tuchus. Sure you can jump up on a few mountains to get a look at what’s around before picking a direction, but make no mistake, a choice has to be made and you will be running headfirst at some butt very soon. So, since you know what’s to come, why not focus on right now? Do what you can to prepare for the journey. Strain recommendation: Ambrosia
Routine is not your favorite state of affairs. In fact, when life becomes too predictable you start looking for trouble. You become Goldilocks: unhappy and fussy about every interaction. If there is someone who generally rubs you the wrong way, you will find them unbearable in these times. Each glance or word becomes an offense; too much this or not enough that, never that perfect in-between. The cosmos recommend compassion now, for those who drive you around the bend, and for yourself. Allow some kindness to seep through those golden locks into that beautiful mind of yours. Once you can understand the need for it, it should filter down to your heart. Strain recommendation: Superglue
Exciting life changes, new people, career opportunities: finally some fun for Pisces after such a hard 2016! The cosmos are letting your karma equilibrate. You seem to be getting your groove back quite well too, you’re no slouch, jumping back in the saddle like a pro. All around good news; the only caveat being that a few of Les Miserables you left behind are a little jealous. If one of them tries to lure you into a skirmish, don’t take the bait. Step back and see that them fightin’ words are coming from that sad place where you left them. You needn’t give them your pity, but perhaps in recognizing your past self in their actions, you will find the understanding you need to love them from afar. Strain recommendation: Blueberry Muffins
from Medical Marijuana News http://ift.tt/2k4o9E4 via https://www.potbox.com/
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