#i biked an hour and change this morning i feel so powerful
throwaway-settings · 4 months
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hello from yr favorite big ol butch dyke
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niyanii · 1 year
𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊
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Summary: Jeon Jungkook has a crush on you, the girl everybody wants to be like. You were usually called a good fuck by the guys in college, they weren't wrong. Jeon was smart, and you took advantage of that when you needed help in your studies, but in return, he asked you for something. It was a deal Pairing: Soft! Jungkook X Motorcyclist! Reader Friends with benefits AU, Motorcyclist AU, college AU genre: Smut, fluff. Warnings: Soft Jungkook, Dominant reader, smut, angst. !! I am not sexualizing Jungkook, the character portrayed in this story is simply a figment of my imagination, This is all just FICTION!!
(This story will be parted)
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Sitting on the edge of the bed, you glance over your shoulder to find the stranger sleeping peacefully next to you. Furrowing your brows in frustration, you stand up and grab your scattered clothes on the floor, feeling a mix of emotions rushing through you. With each step towards the bathroom, you can't help but ponder the events of the previous night, wondering how you ended up in this situation. You decide to take a long, hot shower, hoping that it will wash away not just the physical remnants, but also the lingering memories. As you dry yourself off and get dressed, you can't help but feel a sense of urgency creeping in. You grab your keys, wallet, and phone, stealing one last glance at the stranger before you silently slip out of the room.
Walking out of the building and into the morning air, you take a deep breath, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. The new day brings with it a sense of freedom, a chance to leave behind the night before and begin anew. Making your way towards your motorcycle, you can't help but feel a surge of excitement as you turn the engine on and embark on your journey home. Glancing at your watch, you realize that time is of the essence. It's already 5:30, and you have a strict schedule to follow. You remind yourself that you need to get to college in 2 hours, fill your gas tank, change at home, and then head off to college.
As you speed through the streets, the roar of the motorcycle fills your ears, drowning out any other thoughts or worries. The wind caresses your face, and you feel the raw power of the engine beneath you. In this moment, you find solace from the struggles and challenges of life. The city lights twinkle like stars, casting a mesmerizing glow on the pavement as you navigate through the night. It's as if the world around you is in harmony, offering a brief respite from the chaos that often engulfs your mind.
It's moments like this that offer a sense of refuge, especially when your parents are too preoccupied with their own lives to notice yours. The wind is like a friend, gently reminding you that, although your parents may be uncaring, there are still moments of beauty and peace in the world. These moments of solace provide a sanctuary from the chaos that surrounds you, allowing you to find strength in the midst of familial neglect.
As you park your bike in front of the huge mansion you never seemed to be proud of, you enter the home. It was empty as always, not even able to be called a home. The silence echoes through the halls, emphasizing the emptiness that permeates every corner. You take a deep breath and look around, allowing the memories to flood your mind. Everything was so familiar yet so distant, a bittersweet reminder of the life you once had. The weight of sadness settles in your chest.
"You're finally home, where were you all those days?" The female voice asks. It's your childhood nanny, more like your mother for you. She smiled and gently stroked your hair, her touch a soothing balm to your weary soul. You felt like you were finally home, a place where love and acceptance are unwavering. You hugged her tightly, grateful for the stability she provides in a world filled with uncertainty. As you pull away, a bitter chuckle escapes your lips, a reflection of the disillusionment you feel towards your own family "You know Liz, what's even so great in this home". She follows your lead, understanding the depth of your emotions. She looked at you with a soft gaze and said, "No matter where you are, this place will always be home. You are loved here and always will be". Her words resonate deeply within you.
You smiled and hugged her again, feeling the warmth of her embrace and the comfort of the home you had come back to. "Loved only by you, I wonder if my parents know I exist or not" You smile as you pull away, she could see the sadness glistening in your eyes. But you were cold, she saw coldness in your eyes. She hugged you tighter, as if trying to shield you from the harsh realities of the world. She said, "Of course they do. They may not be here to show it, but they care about you." Her words may be a mere consolation, but they offered a glimmer of hope in the midst of your doubts. As she kissed your forehead and held your arms, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her unwavering support.
You knew she said that just to make you feel better about it, but you didn't mind it. As you smile back, a sense of determination fills your heart. You inform her that you'll be heading up to your room to get a bath and get dressed, eager to wash away the weariness of the night before, though you did take a shower at the stranger's home, you felt the need to have another bath. She nods in response, understanding the need for personal space. You walk up the stairs, feeling a little better, knowing that you have someone who cares deeply about your well-being. You take a long, hot shower, and as you dress up, you felt a warmth inside of you, a warmth that she gave you. This feeling of being loved and valued reminds you that you are not defined by your parents' neglect, but by the love and support you receive from those who truly matter.
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As your motorcycle gracefully pulls up at the college's designated parking spot, you can't help but notice the numerous gazes fixated on you. It's a familiar sensation, one that you've grown accustomed to over time. Your hands instinctively reach for the head helmet, pulling it off and revealing your face to the curious onlookers. Your hair, meticulously tied up in a high ponytail, cascades down your back, adding to your captivating presence. The glint of the lip piercing on your bottom lip catches the sunlight, accentuating your edgy allure.
Unbeknownst to you, a few meters away, Jungkook discreetly observes as you effortlessly dismount from your sleek black bike. His eyes are glued to you, captivated by your every move. The grip on his books tightens as he continues to admire you in awe. His heart beats vigorously inside his chest, and a comforting warmth spreads through his entire being. Despite his desire to approach you, fear holds him back. He watches wistfully as you stroll away, yearning for the courage to introduce himself. Little does he know, the whole school is well aware of his infatuation, and that includes you.
Curiously, you have never seen his face before. You are only familiar with his name, or perhaps not even that, as it has never held any significance to you. His feelings are of no concern to you, and you have no interest in getting to know him. The constant reminders of his supposed crush on you have always been met with indifference. It simply doesn't matter to you, not him, nor anyone else for that matter.
With each confident click of your boots on the concrete floor, you stride into the familiar halls of the cherished college. The usual prying eyes follow your every step, but you remain unaffected. Head held high, you continue walking, undeterred by the curious gazes around you. Your singular focus is on reaching your destination - the classroom. As you enter, you seamlessly settle into your designated seat, comfortably awaiting the arrival of the professor. In the meantime, you effortlessly scroll through your social media feed, completely oblivious to the anticipation building in the room. The modern classroom is a busy hub of activity. As students arrive, their conversations are a mix of excitement and anticipation. The professor finally enters, and the room is silenced by a wave of respect. You can feel the energy of the room shift as the professor begins their lecture. You make a valiant effort to absorb the information being shared. The professor's words blend together in a harmonious melody, and you find yourself completely engrossed in the captivating discourse.
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Your grades were dropping, and it's not like you care about it. Once your parents find out, your life will be hell, not like it isn't already. You need to figure out a way to get your grades back up, or you'll never hear the end of it. They'll cut you off everything, and you can't afford that. You start to consider your options - studying more, asking for help, or hiring a tutor. And it clicks. Once the period is over, you head up to..what's his name again? However, you head up to him, and he sat in the corner, head buried in his books for the next period. You tap him on the shoulder, and he looks up, a little surprised but strangely pleased. Jungkook would've never expected you out of everyone. Your voice softer than usual you speak: "Uhm, Jungwon right?" The man chuckled shaking his head and you ponder what had been so funny. "Jungkook, Y/N" He smiles as you look away embarrassed. "yeah, uh sorry" Scratching the nape of your neck you abruptly sit down next to the man, his eyes focused on you as he closes his books and places them on the table. "It's okay," he reassures you, an amused smile playing on his lips as he looks at you with an appreciative gaze. You feel a sense of relief wash over you as you realize that you might have found a solution to your academic struggles. "I need your help," you finally admit, your voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope. The man is shocked by your sudden remark, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Looking around the classroom, you try to avoid his gaze as you speak. "Help? from me?" He asks genuinely confused, his eyes searching yours for an explanation. Your eyes find his again as you sigh, summoning up the courage to share your plea. You nod, feeling a little bit embarrassed but determined to salvage your grades. "Yes, I need your help. I'm struggling with this class, and I was wondering if you could spare some time to assist me." The man sitting next to you in class is renowned for his exceptional intelligence. He always knows the answer to the professor's questions, and he consistently earns top grades on his tests. You, on the other hand, find yourself constantly lagging behind, desperately trying to keep up. " I don't know Y-" In a moment of vulnerability, you cut him off, intertwining your hands with his, and begging him earnestly for his guidance. "Please, Jung...uhm, I mean, please help me. I can't afford to fail," you plead, your eyes filled with a mixture of desperation and determination, hoping that he will see the sincerity in your request and offer his assistance with your studies. Jungkook simply shakes his head at you, his expression softening as he takes in your words. "I don't know, Y/N," he says quietly, his eyes searching yours. "I don't want to see you fail, but I don't know if I can help you." You take a deep breath and mustering all your courage, you straighten your back and look Jungkook in the eyes. "Please," you say, your voice barely audible. "I'll do anything. I need your help." The man sighs as he looks away for a brief moment. Jungkook looks back at you and nods slowly. "Okay. I'll help you." There is a sudden flurry of joy filling your eyes as you leap up in utter joy. "Thank-" This time he cuts you off and says "But, you'll have to help me too..." You shoot a brow up wondering what he needed help with. "So, there's this...girl." You can't help but burst out in laughter, though he doesn't look as happy as you do. "Oh sorry, continue," You say trying to hold in your chuckles." I need your help to teach me everything you can, for me to be able to ask her out." The situation is so funny that you can't help but laugh. You can't believe that he needs your help to ask out a girl. It's like a scene out of a movie. "Fine, I guess it's a deal?" He nods. "You don't need to pay me, just teach me" You reluctantly agree, even though you're still laughing inside. You tell him that you'll try your best to help him. He thanks you for your help and you both head your separate ways. Not before trading numbers.
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Your curiosity reaches its peak when you wonder about who the girl Jungkook likes might be. As you drive through the street on the way to your home, the wind hits your face giving you the sense of freedom you urge for. Your thoughts are still lingering around the mysterious girl Jungkook likes as you arrive at your home. You know about the possible rumors surrounding you and him but you can't help but wonder who it was and why Jungkook wanted to change himself for her.
As you step inside your house, you find yourself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts. You ponder over the countless possibilities of who this girl could be, and the reasons why Jungkook would go to such lengths for her. It's a mystery that keeps you intrigued, and you can't help but let your imagination run wild with each passing moment.
"1...2...3..." The man counts as he does his daily reps of pushups. His upper body exposed and coated with sweat. He stops for a moment, out of breath, he lays on the ground and looks up at the ceiling. His thoughts drift back to the girl who head up to him earlier in the day, you, he smiled to himself of how you looked so embarrassed when saying his name wrong. Sweat glistens off his toned body, his muscles contracting as he moves. He shook his head, chuckling at the memory. He stood up and grabbed his towel to wipe off the sweat. "You know you could just confess to her and move on with it?" A deep voice resounded in the gym. Taehyung, Jungkook's best friend, spoke. "I don't know what you're talking about," Jungkook said, trying to play coy. He knew that Taehyung saw right through him, but he didn't want to admit it. "Come on kook, helping her with tuition, lying about some girl just to be able to spend time with her? I'm dumb but not that dumb" Jungkook wanted to know you better, he wanted to get to know you better. He wanted to be able to talk to you and spend time with you. Taehyung smiled, he could tell Jungkook had a crush on you. He could see that Jungkook was trying to hide it, but he knew the truth. Taehyung knew that Jungkook was willing to do anything to get closer to you.
"Do I really need to say anything to you?" Jungkook casually tosses his towel over his shoulder while settling himself onto the chest press machine. Taehyung lets out a laugh, takes a swig of water and proceeds to complete his push-ups. "Nah, I already know what you're experiencing," Taehyung remarks with a smirk. Jungkook rolls his eyes and commences his workout. Taehyung observes him for a moment before resuming his own exercises, privately amused by the younger one's demeanour.
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Tags: @ottergirl
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dorayakichan · 11 months
can I req a Joker fic where reader was with dom & vinny & we met him ( im not sure what chapter it was but it was the one where Joker made his first appearance & where he smacked the crap out of that boxer)
Joker x gn!reader first time meeting
A/N: Hi anon! So sorry for the late reply I was busy with exams so it took some time for me to find the free time to do this. It's actually shorter than I had planned in the beginning and it feels like it needs a part 2. I'd be happy to do one if so. And hope you enjoy it!!!
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“I’m only helping you for three hours today then I’m out of here. Just so you know.”  Vinny told Dom as you approached the two boys you had seen at a distance while getting out of the new cake shop a friend had told you about at school.
“Helping him for what?” You who had gone unnoticed by the two young boys until then asked, making them both jump at the sound of your voice right behind them.
“OH MY GOD! YOU SCARED US! Why do your footsteps resemble that of a ghost? And why are you here?” Dom, who looked at least better than in the morning at class, asked.
“I was not scared.” Vinny who didn’t waste a second after hearing Dom finish added. It took everything inside of you not to point out the fact that he had flinched the most when hearing your voice. “I asked you first but whatever, I was here to buy cake.” You lifted the plastic bag with the cake inside.
“Oh, where? I want one too!” Dom's eyes lit up having forgotten about his sickness as you and Vinny glanced at each other sighing. “Wait…Look, are they holding some kind of event there?” Dom pointed at a huge crowd of people just slightly further from where you three were standing.
“Let’s go watch for a minute.” He ran not even waiting for any of you to respond. “Was he totally lying about being sick?” “I can’t tell anymore.” you honestly answered Vinny's question pressing your lips together, staring at Dom’s back with a disapproving look.
As you approached you could see a guy with white gloves trying to hit another one who had a red headgear and boxing gloves on. As the white one’s time finished the red gloved guy explained the rules waiting for the next opponent.
It all became quiet when an extremely tall guy with an orange shirt went inside the circle people had left open for the 1 minute match to happen. “I want a proper fight for one minute.” His smoky voice reined through the hushed sounds of the people around you penetrating right through your ears. You attempted to see more of his features as you pushed Dom and Vinny to have a better look. From your point of view, you could only see the deep scar on the side of his mouth and the white patch on his eye.
“What are you doing? Come at me! I will show you what a real fight is.” The red gloved guy said as the orange shirt guy put on the white gloves. He aimed at him with one strong punch as the other guy avoided it. He was not prepared for the punch to change direction and hit him straight on the side making his headgear rotate on his head. All this in just a few seconds!
“WOW!” You exclaimed. 
The red gloved guy adjusted his headgear and went for a punch right at his face. Which the orange shirt guy took, without flinching and just minutes after that threw a powerful punch at him throwing him on the ground.
“That was insane. He was fantastic. Woah!” Through the crowd, your voice was the only one that made the orange guy’s head jerk and glance straight at you for some seconds. “Hey doesn’t it seem like we’ve seen him before?” Dom wondered, making you realize that in fact you had seen him before but you could not pinpoint exactly where. As you were still in a daze observing the orange shirt guy, you heard Dom call you.
“Hey guys! We’ve got trouble. Jay says his bike is gone!” “What??” you and Vinny both shouted at the same time. “What do you mean?” “I don’t know, just follow me.” Dom who as always did whatever he wanted ran leaving you both no choice but to follow suit behind. Before leaving you turned your head one last time.
The orange shirt guy was staring at you with an unreadable facial expression. It was just a moment. A stolen glance yet it felt like an eternity. As you followed both Vinny and Dom to where Jay was, all you could think about was those seconds. It felt as if the world had stopped moving, the people disappearing from your view as all you could do was gaze at him and he at you.
Something had sparked that night and you would soon find out what that was and the whirlwind of disasters it would bring to both of you. 
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octuscle · 10 months
I am a poor and stressed office worker in a gray building, my boss demands a lot of me, and on top of that sometimes because of this stress I have problems of total sexual impotence. I would like to be a fearless and sexually powerful muscular racing driver, an undisputed super champion on the tracks. with arrogant attitude, a masculine symbol of power and virility
Dude, you're closer to retirement than your college degree. And like any good New Yorker, you don't even have a driver's license. That makes your wish a little original, doesn't it? And I also don't understand why you always turn to support for problems like this. Why don't you take your life into your own hands?
Friday night. Almost 8pm already. Finally off work. All your colleagues have long since left for the weekend. But your sadistic boss has dumped one task after another on you. You hate him, you hate your job … You hate your life. But your life can change. "Driver's license in just one week! Live your dream now!" Damn, has the driving school always been here between the office and the subway station? Maybe that's a sign. You just go in. It doesn't cost anything to ask.
The guy at reception is hot. Tight body. Leather pants. Dazzling smile. Greets you like an old friend, tells you that you're the first customer today and that you'll get a special price if you start your theory lesson today. You feel a little taken by surprise. But it brings you closer to your dream. So you sign up. And just fifteen minutes later, you're learning all about the rules of the road. But your eyes are more focused on your driving instructor's bulge.
As you take your leather jacket and backpack from the checkroom after the lesson, your driving instructor tells you that you've handed in your sheets with 0 faults. So you're almost ready for the theory test. But first you have your first driving lesson tomorrow at 08:00. You can hardly wait. And yet you have to go to bed now. It's been a tough week and now it's almost midnight…
Shit, you misjudged the time on your morning jog. Only an hour to go until your driving lesson starts. No time left to shower or change at the driving school. You get into your new motorcycle suit, grab your helmet and head for the subway. You look a bit funny in full gear… But thank God it's still early on a Saturday morning and there's not much going on yet…
Your teacher thinks you're a natural. Your bike and you form a unit from the very first second. Sure, you've always been interested in engines, you have a feel for the 130 hp that lies dormant in the beast. And you love speed. And you love the bulge in your instructor's pants. Shit, that guy is so hot. But you can't say goodbye to your driving instructor with a French kiss. You try to stay cool and say goodbye with a fist bump. He slaps your ass and tells you to come to theory class a little earlier tonight.
Until then, you still have a bit of time to go to the gym. The leather suit doesn't forgive an ounce of fat. To look anywhere near as hot as your driving instructor in your leather trousers, you need one or two hours of gym a day. In addition to running, in addition to your second passion, taekwondo. When you arrive at the driving school an hour before the start of training, your driving instructor is already waiting for you with a naked upper body and a painful-looking bump. He asks you if you would like to be ridden instead of riding your motorcycle for a change. You grin and reply that you thought he'd never ask.
It's convenient that you wake up on a Sunday morning right next to your driving instructor. Damn, why driving instructor? He's your mate and your coach. No one needs to teach you how to ride a motorcycle. Today you're going to the racetrack again before the big race. Find the ideal line. Exploring the limits of technology. You are a perfectionist. Motorcycle racing and martial arts form the perfect unit for you. In both cases, an opponent is unforgiving of mistakes. And in both cases, you have to be in full control of your body every second.
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But you will never make a mistake. You are young, talented and in the shape of your life. Your friend thinks it's time for you to relax. Race to the lake, the loser has to blow the winner. Hehehe, you're already ready for your victory bonus when your friend rolls into the parking lot. He's a very good loser!
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dragonridernoobie · 9 months
Please enjoy and have fun reading!
Friend Faze
First off, I belive when he meets you, he will be very hesitant to talk or interact to.
Since his time with frisk was not...pleasant.
Once you got to know him, he will be the fun friend who always brightens you're day.
I can see him getting to the point in your friendship that he doesn't even knock on your door. He just telaport inside of your house and sits on the couch.
You have gone used to finding him inside of you're house by then, so you will just say hey, and continue on you're day.
He escapes to you're house to get out of work or stressful situations.
Or his brother.
He is also a friend who likes pranking you.
Enjoy alot of random pranks scattered in you're house when he's gone.
He dose glitter bombs (not big ones), water bucket on door, Whoopi cushions underneath the couch seats, waking up with marker on you're face, random object around (like a bike in the kitchen) and more
His brother loves you.
You could say you and papyrus are best friends.
This is very good for sans since I can imagine him having very deep depression.
So knowing his bro is getting happy with you, and he dosent need to worry, that gives him so much joy
He also steals you're ketchup.
Crush faze
When he starts to realize that he likes you, I belive he will start to panic.
Since this is something new and he has never had a crush this hard before.
Yes there was Toriel, but they didn't work out.
He will most likely push his feelings aside and act normal.
He will still come over to you're place and chill.
Maybe doing less dirty pranks.
When he talks to you, tho, he panics in the inside.
when these feelings start to get worse, he might just accept them.
He ain't telling you tho, fuck that.
So he might just seem more distant and less talkive.
You get worry of corse so you ask him if he's OK.
He probably tell you he's fine and telaports away before you can ask more questions.
Expect him to slightly stalk you.
Not in a yender way or anything, more of making sure you are OK.
He really only does this to papyrus, but since he has gotten feelings for you, he wants you to be safe.
Expect him to get really annoyed or jealous when you talk to somome else who's clearly flirting with you.
Eventually you will have to confront him about what's going on and after an hour of asking questions he will break and tell you.
While he's ranting you can expect him to start to cry and explain why he's scared of this, what happend in those resets, how he dosent want to lose you, etc.
You will need to ground him and calm him down.
Once you do, you tell him you have feelings for him to.
You're willing to wait tho and let him ease his way into this loving stage.
He is great full and agrees to this.
Dating Faze
When your relationship starts to go off, I can imagine him not immediately going into kissy or hugging or anything.
It will still be like you guys where friends.
Eventually tho, you can expect him you give you hugs or kisses out of the blue.
He LOVES how you treat him.
He will return the gesture over time.
Once you guys are comfortable, more colors start to show.
This dude is a FUCKING simp.
You could be wearing the most dirtiest clothes ever and he will still fall to his knees.
He loves how you give him little kisses on the head when you walk by
How you always bring his favorite ketchup home when the bottle at home is almost empty.
How you cook amazing food
Dare he say even better then papyrus's
Once you guys move in, he completely smothers you in love.
I can see him not into PDA but will allow and dose it if you or him are uncomfortable.
Expect to be late for work in the morning, this dude will smother and huge you to death.
He uses his powers on you to get you into bed with him.
Like, 'staying late to do some work? NOPE!'
You suddenly get pulled and put into bed, you're protest go on deaf ears.
Telaports away if you try to make him change clothes.
Will always be there for you if you cry or have a nightmare.
When his nightmares happen, that is a completely different story.
You have to be careful since he might attack you.
If you snap him out of it, he might feel horrible if he sees that he hurt you but you are to sweet to hate him for that.
That's another thing he loves about you.
You 2 are the ultimate lazy couple on weekends.
This man is HORNY under the right conditions.
He is not as horny as UnderFell sans but can be if it's all put together correctly.
I think I can see him having a bite and breed kink if he's horny enough.
Usually, what wines him up is you being sweet or trying to rile him up.
When he sees you wearing some tight clothes, expect him to smile like a devil and sneak behind you.
He will make the most dirtiest puns and jokes EVER.
He will use his telaport power to telaport both of you into the bed and go to town.
If you're in the mood for it of corse, this man is crazy but still has his head.
If he's really horny tho, like heat. Expect him to keep you trapped and never letting you go.
He will hump you, growl, licks, bites, etc.
With nest tho, it's a hit or miss, I guess it depends how hard his heat is hitting.
He will fuck you intel you cannot walk.
His after care tho is peak
Expect alot of water, treats, snacks, and snuggles.
He will MAKE you show you're bites out in public to show you are claimed, if there was someone who was constantly trying to hit on you.
He will also make you wear his clothes so your scent are on his clothes and his sent is on you.
It's a monster thing.
Request are still open!!!
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pbandjesse · 22 days
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I am working at a wedding tonight! It's been a really nice evening. I am actually feeling pretty good. Like I'm a little tired but I'm fine. It was a pretty nice Saturday and I am feeling happy.
After feeling so sick last night I would end up sleeping pretty well. I did wake myself up a few times but it was not terribly hard to fall back asleep so I woke up feeling pretty good overall. I did sleep in until 930 like I wanted. And I woke up in a good mood.
I went and took a shower and got dressed. I would change into my dress for wedding later. For now it was just shorts and a tank top. I just wanted a chill morning. And I did my best to give myself that.
I spent a lot of time just chilling. James and me would be mostly doing our own thing. I hung out in bed for a while. They were downstairs working on their writing.
Eventually I would get dressed for real. And would go downstairs to work on attaching the last few squares of my mini blanket. Which I think has come out so cute. I'm going to attach a backing to it and add a rolled hem. I am not sure if the color yet but I'm very excited about it.
We would gather ourselves soon and head out into the world. I wasn't sure what shoes to wear and would end up bringing a few options and honestly they would all be bad. But it's fine. I have been powering through.
We went to whole foods first. I mostly just wanted more pasta salad. James would get a few real groceries. Which were of course overpriced but then I just wanted to get everything at the salad and hot bars. I didn't realize how excellent the ones at the harbor East location were. I will have to go back soon.
We would head to Southside diner for lunch. And honestly we had a really nice time. It was a bit loud in there but we had some nice conversations and the sandwiches were good. I didn't find eating as hard. I still had to pause and breathe half way through. But I finished my sandwich and that felt like a win.
We had a lot of time before I needed to be at the musuem. So we wandered around five below and I got a new calico critter blind bag. I ended up getting this fluffy cat with a turtle backpack who I love so much.
We went over to the museum and it was nice to have a chill hour to read and get emotionally ready for the evening. A very long shift.
James would leave and bike home. And I would chill in the education office and read my book.
At 2 I would text Meril to let her know I was her and she would soon come to find me.
And it's been a fun night! The first few hours are always go go go. And today wasn't any different.
We felt like a million people were here for a bit. Turns out it was because the couple was having family photos taken here. But soon the bride was here and she was beautiful and it was so nice.
And there was so much happening. There were alpacas delivered!! I was so excited to meet them. And everything was coming together really nicely. The tables and decor looked great. We would have an educator come at 6. And we were looking forward to a fun night.
Some things would go slightly off. Timing wise. But overall it was going well.
Except our educator didn't show up? So I had to be the educator but that was fine. I actually really enjoyed it. I got to talk to so many people and talk about the machine shop. And honestly I've had a really fun night.
The wedding just ended. The couple had a bubble run out ending which was so cute. And me and Meril spent the majority of the night talking and it was so great. I really love her company.
It was bit a very low key and a very busy night. The speeches ran long but everyone had a fun time. And I had fun. The catering wasn't my favorite food but I still had a lot of fun.
And at the end I got a tip. But not only for me, I got the docent tip too since I did both jobs! Amazing.
We are slowly closing down now. But I wanted to get this up so when I get home I can just clean up and go to sleep.
Because tomorrow we are visiting my family. I have missed them very much and I'm excited for a little travel day. I may have to close my eyes in the car but that's alright.
I hope you all have a great sleep. I love you all
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triviadimplesblog · 1 year
🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇨​​🇷​​🇮​​🇲​​🇸​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇭​​🇴​​🇷​​🇮​​🇿​​🇴​​🇳​
Chibs Telford x OC Brianne O'Connor
Warnings: none
The Crimson Horizon masterlist
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Chapter Four
Brianne found herself sitting behind Chibs on his bike once again, an hour after the conversation in the Chapel. Clay had instructed him to take Brianne home to get changed and then right back to the TM again. He wants to take her for some Club business with them and wants her to see how things work around the Club. So Chibs agreed to take her home, then back to the TM, introduce their current prospect to her and then the Club should be off to do some business.
Unlike the last time she was riding with Chibs, she wasn't passing out this time. Instead, she had her hands firmly wrapped around his middle and was leaning against his back. She wouldn't lie, her heart began beating wildly in her chest because she was so close to him. As they rode on his bike, the engine roared beneath them, filling the air with a powerful hum. She could feel the vibrations from the bike, coursing through her body. She was very much aware of the man in front of her as she hugged his waist and gripped his leather kutte lightly. Brianne felt an odd sense of excitement on her second ride with Chibs.
She couldn't help but feel a slight tension in Chibs' body as her arms encircled him though. Brianne wondered if he was simply uncomfortable with her or if her being this close to him had the same effect on him the way his proximity had on her. The thought of her closeness affecting him sent a thrill through her. She did feel a sense of nervousness about being so close to him, to feel the heat radiating from his body – it ignited a fire within her and she couldn't deny it.
Her mind ran a playback of the night before when Chibs had wrapped his arm around her waist so she didn't fall. His touch was gentle but firm against her. He had also been gentle while helping Bobby stitch her up, and she also couldn't ignore the short glances he sent her way while doing so. Not to mention the sweatpants he had left for her, she appreciated not having to have to wear bloody jeans that morning. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to her.
As they approached Brianne's house, she felt a sense of relief knowing that she can finally detach herself from the Scotsman. The ride wasn't that bad but it stirred up a mix of emotions within her and she didn't know how to process all of them. She was exhilarated and at the same time, she was worriedly aware of the attraction she felt towards Chibs. Brianne knew that it was too soon to be worried about it, she had known the man for less than 24 hours. But some things she couldn't deny.
Chibs brought his bike to a stop on her driveway. Brianne had to take a short moment to compose herself before gently climbing off the bike, careful not to put too much pressure on her injured leg. She cringed slightly when pain throbbed in her thigh, a reminder of the event that took place the previous night. With a sigh, she leaned against his bike for support, her eyes met with Chibs' concerned ones. „Take it easy, darlin'.“ His voice was laced with genuine concern for her and it made her heart flutter. When was the last time someone showed genuine care for her well-being? She couldn't answer that question. „Give it time to heal.“
She offered Chibs a grateful smile and with her head motioned towards the house. She began limping towards her front door when he offered to help her. She leaned against him and they slowly hobbled towards the house. Once she unlocked the door, they stepped inside and a scent of a new house enveloped her senses. She had moved in not too long ago and still hadn't made this place a proper home. „Make yerself at home Chibs.“ She said, moving a box of her stuff to the side. „I won't take long.“
Chibs nodded, taking in his surroundings. The house reminded him of Jax's place, it wasn't bigger than his and it had that homey sense to it too. He noticed a box or two lingering in the home, she either already unpacked most of her stuff, or she didn't have much stuff she brought with her. He watched the ginger-haired woman disappear into a bedroom, closing the door behind her. Chibs felt bad for her, it was obvious she was in pain, the painkillers not doing much to help apparently. He sat down on the couch, deciding not to linger in the doorway and snoop around.
Meanwhile, Brianne stood before the mirror in her bedroom, looking at herself in the reflection. Chibs' oversized (for her) sweatpants were discarded on the bed behind her. She brushed her fingers over the bandage that was wrapped around her thigh, protecting the fresh wound. This wasn't the first time she spilled her blood like this and she had a feeling it won't be the last time either. But Brianne didn't fear the dangers that loomed in her future, she had been taught to face them straight on. Her mind wandered to Chibs once again when she caught a glimpse of the sweatpants in the mirror. There was some undeniable attraction drawing her to him, she couldn't put together the pieces of this puzzle yet though.
Pushing her thoughts aside, Brianne focused on the task she came home to do. She had to wear something comfortable, which would allow enough movement and be more at ease. So she found baggy jeans, which weren't too big on her, and a soft new, olive green T-shirt. Taking careful steps she made her way to the bathroom, stepping in front of the sink. The cool water splashed against her face and it offered her a sense of relief, washing away some of her worry and fatigue. After drying her face, Brianne mustered the strength to walk back to Chibs.
The Scotsman sat on the sofa when his eyes met hers, concern etched across his features as he took in her new attire. „Better?“ Chibs' voice was gentle.
Brianne nodded, and a small smile graced her lips. „As good as can be expected. Ready to go?“ She gestured towards the front door.
„Aye.“ Chibs affirmed, rising from the sofa. Brianne felt so little under his fixed gaze and there was a blush threatening to creep onto her face. She tried to ignore his lingering eyes upon her and turned on her heels. As they approached the front door, Brianne tried not to show her struggle, but Chibs knew she was hesitant due to the lingering pain. So he walked beside her and with the silent gesture offered a steadying presence. He reached out, placing a gentle hand on the small of her back. The warmth of his touch made her tense up but it gave her a sense of comfort and support she needed to make the trip to his bike.
Chibs made himself comfortable on his bike first, then Brianne swung her leg over the seat, mindful of her injury, and settled in behind him. For the third time since she met him, Brianne wrapped her arms around his waist. She felt his muscles tense, but not as much as the last time and he relaxed quite quickly too. The proximity once again ignited a flicker of excitement in Brianne. As the engine roared to life, Brianne steadied herself against Chibs, holding on just a little tighter as Chibs led the bike onto the road.
The wind whipped against her face as they rode through the same street as moments earlier. Brianne felt a rush of excitement when her hair swirled and danced in the gusts of wind. The world around them became a vibrant blur of colors while they rushed by various buildings and cars of Charming. All of those existed as short glimpses in Brianne's mind. The ride was a thrill for Brianne. She felt a fusion of freedom and speed, even though Chibs followed the traffic regulations. She glanced at Chibs the best she could from her position, she admired his driving skills as he took them to their destination. She managed to catch a glimpse of his focused expression when he turned his head to check for upcoming vehicles. He excluded strong confidence. Whether he was like this always or just showing off in front of a lady, she didn't know.
As they reached the TM, Brianne relaxed her hold on Chibs when he slowed down to park his bike. Before they even got off the bike, a blond guy wearing the same leather kutte as the rest of them, only he didn't have any patches on the front of the kutte, approached. She noticed him carrying another kutte in his right hand. Chibs smirked and gave the blond a firm pat on the back. „Ay, this here, Bri, is our Prospect, Half-Sack.“ The boy smiled awkwardly after he stumbled slightly from the impact of Chibs patting him.
„Half-Sack?“ Brianne raised an eyebrow and looked between Chibs and the blond. Her voice held amusement and intrigue.
Chibs chuckled wholeheartedly. „Aye, that's right. Got himself into a bit of a predicament once, lost a certain part of his anatomy in the process,“ The Scot explained, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Brianne noticed Half-Sack blushing slightly and shifting uncomfortably. „Yeah, it's a long story,“ he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
The Ginger haired lady found herself grinning at the playful banter between the two men. She found the bond the people around here had unique and longed to have something like it in her life. „Well, Half-Sack, it's nice to meet ye.“ She extended her hand for a handshake. „I'm Brianne and I would love to hear that long story once.“
Hald-Sack's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered when Chibs gave him a small nod and reached out to shake her hand. „Nice to meet you too, Brianne,“ she couldn't help but notice his voice was laced with genuine warmth. There was a lot of that going around here for a bunch of outlaws. „I'd love to tell it to you.“ Brianne smiled in his direction and dismounted from the bike. She took a moment to observe her surroundings. The scent of oil and gasoline invaded her senses, along with the sounds of revving engines and tools clanking together. The place buzzed with energy.
„Hey man, Clay said a new Prospect was joining," She heard Half-Sack whisper to Chibs and show him the leather kutte he carried in his hand. „Told me to talk to you when you get back.“
„Aye," Chibs replied and stood behind Half-Sack, putting his hands on the blond's shoulders and spinning him to look at Brianne. „Yer looking at her, lad.“ Half-Sack's eyebrows shot up in astonishment. He seemed bewildered as he looked Brianne up and down. She understood why he was so shocked, Chibs had told her that women weren't exactly supposed to be a part of the MC other than being Old Ladies or Croweaters. She, herself, wasn't sure why they were recruiting her, but she had agreed to give it a try and prospect for as long as she needed and if everything seemed well to both her and them, they'd patch her up.
„But I thought-„
Half-Sack was cut off by Chibs. „We're still putting up a vote for this, numb-nuts. Don't take it to heart just yet.“ With those being his final words, Chibs took the leather kutte from the blond's hand and held it up for Brianne to see. „Yer gonna wear this for today. It'll be official when and if we vote ye in.“ The kutte was the same as Half-Sack's, only now she noticed that on its back it had a patch that said Prospect.
He held it out for Brianne and she slipped her hands through the holes of the leather vest. There was a certain weight she felt as the kutte settled upon her shoulders. It feels so similar but so different from her old life. She only hoped it won't end up the same, she was truthfully tired of running. In that moment the Clubhouse doors opened and the rest of the Sons emerged from inside. They approached the trio, Clay smirking widely.
„The leather's looking good on you, sweetheart.“ His words brought a sense of validation to her. Acceptance from the club's President meant a lot, but she understood that putting this kutte on was a preliminary step. She'll wait for the vote to settle before she lets herself get excited. Although, as soon as the kutte settled upon her shoulders, she already felt excitement.
„Been here for less than 24 hours and breaking the mold already," Jax approached, a smile adorning his handsome face. „I think you'll fit in just right.“ Brianne couldn't help but smile at his words. For some reason, his confidence put her mind to ease to know some of the Sons saw the potential in her.
„Well, well, well, our little ginger is a prospect. Should be interesting.“ Tig remarked. The tone of his voice was mixed with curiosity and skepticism, but he didn't seem to be so unfriendly towards her as earlier. Brianne met his gaze, challenging him with just her eyes.
„Aye, it's gonna be interestin'.“ She replied with a steady voice. She was a stubborn person and she set her mind on giving this opportunity a shot so she will try her best because she had been thought to do it ever since she was a child fighting for her spot. Brianne didn't want to remind herself of what had been, instead, she wanted to focus on what is and what will be. She'll need some time to answer the question as to why this was so important to her because she found herself longing to be a part of the team. Ever since she was a child she had been taught that she belongs somewhere greater than herself, she always had a group and now that she was alone, she didn't know how to function. She needed people, not because she wanted, but because she was used to it.
„We'll vote on this soon enough.“ Clay declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority. „Let's focus on the task at hand now. We've got a meeting with Laroy. Prospect or not, you ride with us, Brianne. It's time to see what this Club is about.“
Brianne nodded, determined to prove herself. She had seen enough violence and bloodshed so if anything like that happens today, she knew it won't be an issue for her. Whether or not they liked it, she had the upper hand with all the stuff she had been through and nothing could surprise her anymore at this point. As the Sons brought their bikes to life, Chibs gestured for her to ride with him again, giving her the helmet she had been wearing earlier. She straddled the bike behind Chibs once again that day and it made a surge of adrenaline course through her veins.
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starkslove101 · 1 year
CHAPTER 13: "Glorious Purpose"
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A/N: This chapter is the longest one so far. It has over 5k words. Pls leave some likes and some comments. I'd like to know what you guys think!
I woke up around 5 A.M... I kept stirring and woke up Steve in the process. "Doll, are you alright?" His New York accent coming through.  I sighed, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry" Steve turned to his side. "It's fine. This bed is too soft anyway" he laughed. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I don't know. I couldn't sleep anymore. Something is about to happen I just can't say what it is" My hand was covering my face, slowly dragging git down.
Steve gave me a sorry look and pulled me closer. "It's going to be okay" We stayed like this for hours. I kept falling asleep and waking up. Around 9 A.M. I woke up again. This time Steve was gone. He left a note on his pillow, out training. I will see you later today. I love you - Steve. 
I smiled as I put it on my nightstand. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone while I was walking to the kitchen.
I checked it for messages. Tony texted me 30 minutes ago. Wakey wakey, I'm coming with coffee and breakfast. I sighed as I was leaning against the kitchen counter. I started to put my hair in a bun. Not much later Tony knocked on the door. "Good morning sleepyhead" he stood there with 2 cups of coffee and a box full of donuts. I didn't say anything. I just stepped aside so that he could come in.
I knew this was his way of saying sorry. "You are not a morning person" he laughed. He set everything on the kitchen island and sat down. "I usually don't do much talking in the morning," I remarked. "Gross" Tony said laughing. I rolled my eyes. He slipped me a coffee and I took it. "Thanks" I stared out of the window. "What's wrong?" Tony asked. I sighed and shook my head. "I just can't shake this feeling that something is about to happen," I said. "Ever since that attack in Mexico earlier this year," I said again. "The god of Thunder is real and it makes me wonder what else is out there you know," I said, biting a piece from a white glazed donut. I saw Tony think. He didn't say and just listened.
"The 1940s were such a simpler time you know. The weirdest thing we had was Captain America" I said feeling so nostalgic. "And if there was something we didn't know about it" Tony didn't even try to get a word in. "I liked the time when this wasn't a problem" I showed my glowing hand. Tony just nodded. "He felt guilty you know" I bit the inside of my cheek. "Sure" I spit. "He ruined my life. He took my husband away from me, kept my powers a secret just so he could test a time machine and I don't even know why" I felt heat rising to my hands and it took everything in me not to burn down my kitchen.
Tony looked down. "I understand but come with me. I found lots of letters addressed to you" I gave him a look. "Please humble me. If you don't want to read the letters we can just hang out if you want" he gave me his best puppy-dog eyes to convince me. I thought about it. I could use the distraction. "Fine, let me change into something more decent," I said. Tony nodded while he grabbed another donut.
I went to my room and grabbed black jeans and an emerald green blouse from my closet. I took a black belt with a golden circle to close it off. I combed through my hair putting it in a high bun. I walked out and I saw Tony standing in front of my bookcase. "You have the original version of The Hobbit that's awesome" he flipped through it. "It's a gift. I never read it" I admitted. Tony looked at me surprised that I hadn't.
I grabbed my coat and bag and made my way to the door. Tony put the book back and walked towards me while grabbing his keys from his pocket. We walked down and got in his car. 
"I asked to bring back your car from Arizona. It's in the parking lot" I smiled. "Thank you. I don't think I'd survive another trip on Steve's bike" Tony laughed.
"It's good to have you with me," he said. I hummed. "Yeah," I looked out of the window. Tony sighed. "I'm sorry for everything I shouldn't have pushed it" Tony finally apologized. "It's fine" I just said. I wasn't mad at him. He shouldn't have to say sorry for anything.
"Look" I sighed. "This place is the only thing I have left from Jack and the little I have left from my old life," I said. I grabbed Tony's hand in mine. "I understand," he said looking down on our hands touching. "It's yours. If you ever want to stay and have some privacy" he grabbed my hand tighter and I nodded. 
We finally arrived at Stark Industries and got out of the car. We made our way to his office. However, When we arrived, the door to his office was open. "Were you expecting someone?" I asked. "No, it might be Pepper," Tony said shrugging his shoulders. I stepped in front of him and I pushed the door open with my foot.
Someone was standing in the middle of the room, dressed in a black suit. I knew who it was. "Phil" I sighed. I know what that means... He swiftly turned around with a soft smile on his face. Tony looked at me with big eyes. "Of course, you know this guy," Tony remarked as he made his way to his seat.
"What are you doing here?" I asked. That uneasy feeling in my chest returned. "The Avengers initiative" I froze in my place. This confirmed everything I was dreading. 
"What do you need me to do?" I asked. "Help me gather everyone, starting with him" he pointed to Tony. Tony stammered but quickly shut up. 
Phil handed me a file. He quickly left as his phone kept ringing.
"Tony, we need to talk"
"May I introduce you to Agent Colson" I leaned against the kitchen cabinet. Nick had his hands crossed behind his back. A young man was standing next to him. 
"You know last time you broke In I had to tell Tony I was talking to myself. He thinks I'm crazy now" I said sipping coffee. 
The new guy looked amused. "What's your actual name honey?" I turned my head to the stranger in front of me. "Phil Coulson Ma'am" I smiled as he stuck out his hand to shake. "Please don't call me ma'am makes me feel old," I said.  "Apologies" he smiled. "Nice to meet you, Phil" 
"Did you bring what I asked for?" A plastic bag fell on the ground with a loud thud as Fury threw it. 
"What's in the bag?" Nick asked. 
"Why are you asking? You already know" I opened the bag and took it out. Coulson was grinning from ear to ear.  He probably wasn't used to someone talking to Fury like that. He is the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. after all. 
I threw the plastic bag on the ground and I revealed a SSR jacket. It was Jack's.  I just held it tightly against my chest, smelling it.  It had his cologne all over it. "Thank you," I said, my voice soft. 
"Now, what can I do for you?" I asked, holding the jacket like a teddy bear. "I need to access some files. Howard gave you the highest clearance" I frowned. "How can I have the highest clearance as far as he knows I've been dead for decades" Nick shook his shoulders. "I don't know" I sighed.
"Fine, Where do I need to sign?" Phil looked at me with a sorry look. "You're going to have to come with us," Nick said. I looked at the door. "Stark is in a meeting. I'll get you in and out in an hour" I sighed again. "I could use some fresh air" I gave in.
In a matter of minutes, I found myself in their headquarters. "Show me those papers" I sat down in an office chair. Phil put them down softly in front of me. "The Avengers Initiative" I read. I flipped through the pages. "What is that?" I looked at Fury for an explanation.
"4 years ago there was an Invasion. We have kept it under wraps so far so I am counting on your discretion" Fury warned. "My lips are sealed" I raised my hands in surrender. "I knew then and there that we couldn't leave Earth unprotected" I nodded. Makes sense, I thought. 
Fury sat down in front of me. "Why do you need me to sign off?" Fury leaned forward and turned a few pages. "Howard put in a clause. I  Don't know why. But you are the only one that can give permission" Fury said.
I shook my head. "Sure whatever," I said. "If this puts Tony or anyone else in danger I will come for you" I took a pen and signed the papers. "I can pull the stops on this too right?" I asked as I put a dot next to my name after I signed. I looked up and Fury nodded. "I promise it'll be alright," Fury said. Coulson looked up surprised. Nick grabbed the papers and walked out.
"He likes you though," Phil said. "He does not make promises" I looked up. "They all do it for Howard. They're nice to me because of him. This is just his guilt manifesting." I spit. "I had a good life. Now I'm stuck to a Playboy billionaire" I felt anger coming up.
Phil gave me a sympathetic look. He leaned against the desk, his arms crossed. All he did was listen and it felt nice instead of being on the receiving end. "These are weird times," I said. "I miss the time when an entire nation was fascinated by one man with a shield" Coulsons' eyes lit up.
It was nice seeing someone being touched by the sentiment of heroes. They don't exist. It didn't have any purpose.
Heroes die or they disappear...
"I thought they only wanted me as a consultant," Tony said. The sleeves of his white button-up shirt were rolled up over his elbows. A few buttons hung open.
If it wasn't so early he'd probably be neck deep in a bottle of whisky right now. "They do. But they don't have a say in it anymore, I do" I said emphasizing 'they'. 
"I don't need Tony Stark. I need Iron Man" I stopped Tony from pacing back and forth.
I sat on the desk one leg was lying on top of it and the other stood on the ground to hold my balance. 
"Who else is going to join?" Tony looked down at me. "I don't know," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Then what do you know?" I bit the inside of my cheek. Not much, I thought. "That this case is highly sensitive and could be catastrophic if we don't do something about it" I looked him in the eyes. Tony grabbed my arm. "How are you so sane about this?" I looked away for a second.
I didn't feel sane at all. I was scared and I wasn't sure if we were doing the right thing. Howard trusted me with this but I'm still kept in the dark about a lot of stuff. Nick Fury and I weren't on the best terms since the incident with Killian. I was doing this to keep New York and everyone I care about safe.
The only hope I held onto was that I could pull the plug on this whenever I wanted. Even though I knew in the back of my mind that Nick could pull one over on me and shut me out. "I am not. but I also need you to keep calm and collected. I know you can do that" Tony nodded hesitantly "I trust you" He placed his hand on my cheek in a firm grip, without hurting me. Somehow it felt comforting to me. "It's going to be fine," I said with a soft smile.
"Now" I pulled back and grabbed another folder. "What do you know about thermonuclear astrophysics" Tony smiled. 
"Absolutely Nothing. Give me a few hours" I laughed. 
"There's my man" I patted him on the back. "Get studying," I said. " I need to make a call" I jumped off the desk, straightening my clothes. 
"You look great in that blouse," Tony said when I walked out of his office. "I know," I said before I closed the door.
I grabbed my phone and dialed Phil's number. "It's me," I said when he picked up. "Did you find her?" Phil shifted to the other side. 
"Yes, we did we're on our way to Calcutta" I leaned against the wall. 
"Calcutta?" I asked. 
"We're looking for Banner" It was a good thing that I was leaning against the wall. "Dear God. Be careful" I said. 
"Always, Ma'am" The line went dead after that.
I walked back into Tony's office. His desk was full of papers and notes. I smiled as I saw him. He looked so adorable. "How was your phone call?" 
"Short" I laughed. "How's studying going?" he looked up. 
"It would be nice If I knew what I was studying for?" I laughed and showed my phone. 
"This has been stolen from us early this morning" Tony looked up taking the phone from me.
"The tesseract?" I nodded, crossing my arms over each other. "I thought your boyfriend dunked it in the ocean 60 years ago" I rolled my eyes. 
"Yes, until your dear old dad got it from the ocean looking for Steve" Tony smirked. 
"You me to find out what they're planning, right?" he asked. 
"More or less. You'll have help though" I smiled innocently.
 "Alright now, leave" I nodded. I decided to go down to the lobby and get something to drink.
I grabbed a water bottle from the vending machine. While I get lost in my own thoughts, trying to gather them. Trying to make sense of the whole situation wasn't easy. Especially because there were so many secrets. I was sure Howard made S.H.I.E.L.D. to get rid of the whole secrecy within government buildings. 
"Hey," I jumped up. I turned around. It was Steve. 
"Hi honey" I smiled. I went in for a kiss but he dodged it. I frowned. "What's wrong?" I asked. He crossed his arms. 
"How long have you known?" I frowned again. 
"Known what?" I stammered. "The tesseract" I shook my head. 
"It's been here for decades," I said. "I know as much as you do," That was a lie. I knew it had been here for years.
Steve noticed my lost look. "What do you know" he turned to me, his eyes soft. "There's an emergency protocol in place" I explained. He took my hands in his, not as a reassureance but more to calm his nerves. "It's a long story." I sighed. I started explaining what was going on when I was interrupted by the phone going off.
It was a text from Phil. 'We have Banner. We'll meet at the helicarrier in 15 hours' it read.
*15 hours later*
I was on my third cup of coffee. Tony had this worried look on his face and Steve was constantly pulling on the neck of his shirt. Everyone was on edge. We have been short on information. The only thing we knew was that one of our agents and our scientist Erik Selvig had been compromised.
All I could do was drink coffee and wait. "Woman, if you don't stop drinking coffee your heart will give out," Tony said, clearly amused. I hadn't slept and I needed a pick-me-up. 
"The last thing I remember is that I have healing capabilities" I looked at Tony while drinking from my cup. He shook his head laughing as he took away my cup and switched it for some water. 
"Here drink that or take a nap" he looked me in the eyes sternly. 
"Yes Father" I laughed, doing a salute. Tony just shook his head.
People were slowly gathering for Fury's briefing. After a while, Fury and Coulson walked in with Bruce and Natacha on their heels. "Alright!" Fury said slowly getting the attention. Everyone took their place around the table. I was too nervous to sit down so I stood behind the chair. Tony and Steve both stood next to me. "Yesterday our S.H.I.E.L.D.- base was destroyed." I looked down. I saw the damage when I went up there a few hours ago. It was nothing but rubble with a S.H.I.E.L.D.- logo on it.
"Was something taken before you know" Tony mimicked the sound of an explosion. Fury wasn't having it, however. "The tesseract was taken from us along with a few of our best agents who are now compromised" I shared a look with Natasha. I knew that one of the agents was Barton. She looked sad.
"Who took it?" I asked. "This guy," Fury said, A picture showed behind him. You have got to be kidding me, I grabbed the chair in front of me and sat down. Tony caught on and grabbed my shoulder. Everyone was on edge now. This was exactly what I was worried about.
"A literal God, How about that" Tony Whispered in my ear. I started scratching my arm again. "We traced them down to Stuttgart Germany" We all locked eyes with each other. Once the briefing was over we all walked out to the hall. I felt angry and scared. I was about to confront Fury but Steve stopped me. "Leave it" Steve grabbed my wrist.
He knew it wouldn't end well. I was still mad at him about the whole Killian fiasco. "He's hiding something" I spit, angry. I felt the heat going through my hands again. "We'll figure it out" We made our way to the lab. Someone was already there when we got here. He turned around. "Bruce, Hi" I smiled and stuck out my hand. "Ransom" he smiled uncomfortably. "Thank you for coming," I said placing my other hand on his. "It's not like I had much of a choice" I gave him a sorry look."May I introduce you to my friends" I stepped aside. Tony immediately struck up a conversation. 
Steve made his way beside me. "So, what's the plan" He whispered. 
"There's a storage room at the bottom of the helicarrier. I have a hunch you'll find something there" I whispered back. "I'll talk to Tony to see if he can find something" Steve gave me a stern nod. "I'll be right back" I made my way to Tony and Bruce.
Sketches of the tesseract were scattered around. There was one I hadn't seen before. "What's this?" I pointed to it. "We call it the scepter. Loki has it with him. He can control minds with it" Bruce said. "Can you track it?" I asked. "I'm trying. But I think we'll have a better chance of tracking Loki than the staff" I sighed. " Alright. Thank you" I leaned against the desk.
Bruce excused himself. Tony slid against the desk standing next to me. "I have J.A.R.V.I.S.  running codes, so we'll see what's going on" I smiled. "Thank you" I hugged his arm. "You're very welcome darling" he placed his head on mine. "I don't know what to do now" Tony laughed. "We'll know when we know" I nodded. "Yeah," we had 5 seconds of silence before the computer started beeping.
We walked over to the screen where the noise was coming from. "What is it?" I asked. Tony Just cursed. Turned the screen towards me. "What's phase 2?" It showed a blueprint of weapons. But before we had time to figure it out, Fury burst in the door. "What the hell is going on?" I felt anger boiling up again. 
"This!" Steve walked in dropping a gun on the table. Steve's face looked like it was about to explode. I was right behind him when I saw the HYDRA logo on it. Fury raised his hands and took a few steps back. 
"Look, I can explain" I took a few steps forward. 
"Please do before I take your head off your body" My hands balled up into fists burning bright orange. 
"After the Invasion In Mexico, we noticed that we were painfully and hilariously outgunned we had to find a way to protect ourselves." I frowned, tilting my head. 
"Then why get this team together?" Steve asked, his voice stern. 
"Phase 2 was just in case Phase 1 didn't work" Fury pointed to us. His answer didn't clarify anything. I was still angry and his answer made it worse.  I could restrain myself to not blow his head off of his body. He's still my boss after all and he knows things that I haven't figured out yet. I might still need him. 
"I need this to work" Fury sounded almost desperate. Before the situation could get worse the alarms went off. 
"It's Loki, we found him" Natacha ran in with Maria and Bruce behind her. "He's at the opera in Germany," she said. I sighed desperately. 
"For what?" I asked. "Iridiuim" Bruce covered his face with his hand, shaking his head. He looked as desperate and scared as I was. All be it for different reasons. "Why does he need iridium?"  Steve asked zipping up his suit, getting ready for a fight. "He needs it to stabilize the Tesseract," I said prompting everyone to look at me like I had two heads.
Some sense of Pride boiled up inside of me. In all honesty, I am not smart enough to know any of this. I just looked at Tony's notes last night. I remembered something. 
"Yeah, we'll have to get it before he does" Tony Said. "Suit up," Steve said halfway out of the door. Everyone shared a look and ran out. 
Soon Bruce and I were the only ones left in the room. Bruce looked nervous. 
"Are you alright Doctor?" he nodded. "All of this is new for me" I knew he didn't feel safe. Nor did he want to be here. I sat up on the desk. 
"You are safe here doctor" I tried reassuring him. It didn't help. 
"It's not me I'm scared about. I'm scared about the other guy" I looked down. 
"It's gonna be fine" I decided to shift the focus.
"Can you tell me more about that scepter-thingy?" Bruce looked relieved and smiled. 
"This 'thingy" he laughed. "Can control minds" Bruce explained. "There's nothing more to tell about it honestly. It's all we know" I sighed. 
"We will figure it out I guess," I said, reassuring him. 
"Take a break. It'll be a while before they get back" he looked up at me, amused. 
"It's not like I can go on a stroll" I rolled my eyes. 
"No, I meant to eat something" I laughed, grabbing the pack of half-eaten berries Tony started eating but dropped when he had to go. He took it and devoured it. 
"I'll get something to drink" I walked out, looking for something.
"Tony was right; I shouldn't have drunk so much coffee." Exhaustion started to kick in. I yawned as I walked to the mini-kitchen of the plane. I crouched down in front of a fridge filled with bottles of water. I grabbed two. I turned around and jumped up by Coulson appearing behind me. His arms crossed behind his back. 
 "Agent Evans" he greeted me and I smiled. 
"It's Ransom but hi Phill" he smiled. 
"Do you need anything?" He smiled but shook his head. 
"I just wanted to know how you were doing?" I looked up surprised. 
"I am doing just fine" I smiled innocently. I wasn't doing fine. I was terrified. It seemed like he noticed.
What he did next surprised me. He pulled me into a hug, a tight one. It took my brain a while to register his action. 
"Wha- agent Colson" We stood there in an awkward hug. I didn't fight it. "That's nice" I sighed as I fell into his grip. Everyone was probably looking at us like we were crazy. He took a few steps back. "Thank you," he said as he shifted uncomfortably on his feet. I'm sure he needed that hug more than I did. "Of course, are you sure  that you don't need anything else?"  I asked and laughed.
"Yeah, join S.H.I.E.L.D. again" I squinted my eyes. 
"If you all start telling the truth I'll consider it" He looked away quickly and set his eyes back on me. 
"Fair enough" he sighed. 
"Be careful, Phil" I said. "Out of everyone, here on this hellicarrier. You're the only one I truly trust" I said. 
He looked looked at his shoes. "You too" I nodded and finally excused myself and walked back to the lab. 
Bruce was staring aimlessly through the window when I got there. Not that there was much to see. There were only clouds and blue skies. 
"I have water" Bruce stuck out his hand.
"Thanks" I sat back down on the desk. We didn't say anything. It felt nice to zone out for a while. Our peace was interrupted, however, when people started running. 
"Bruce" I whispered, touching his arm. He turned around and we both made our way to the door. Loki walked in, guarded by eight soldiers. His hands were cuffed.
I felt like I couldn't breathe. If I could, I would scream and run but my feet were glued to the floor. Loki flashed an evil smile as he passed by. It sent shivers down my spine. Banner shifted uncomfortably on his feet. Steve and Tony appeared behind him.
I was relieved, to say the least. 
Steve had opened up his suit, his mask was broken. 
"Are you guys okay?" They nodded. They looked shaken up. I just pulled both of them in a tight hug. 
"I just fought a God. I'm not sure I'll ever be okay" Tony sighed dramatically. "In all honesty, I don't think I ever was okay" Tony joked and I looked up, amused.
"Let's go we need to get debriefed," Steve said. I nodded and walked with them. Everyone was sitting at the round table again. Except for Thor. He was so tall that he towered over me. The warmth radiating from him.
Steve and Tony sat down. The adrenaline inside me was too high for me to relax and sit down. The screen was pulled up. It had live footage of the basement where Loki was being kept. He was talking about Banner. He shared a look with Natasha. He rubbed his temples. Steve closed his screen. 
"He's gonna drag this out" Steve sighed. "Thor, what's his play?" he asked. 
"He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard nor any world has known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract." Thor said.
"That's why he needs Erik Selvig" Bruce stood up and started pacing. "He's building another portal" Bruce looked at me. I didn't know what to do. 
"Selvig, I know him" Thor chimed. 
"He's an astrophysicist," I said. 
"He's a friend," Thor said and locked eyes with me. "Loki has them under some kind of spell." his arms were crossed making his muscular arms more prominent.
 "Along with one of ours," Natasha said her voice laced with sadness.
"I can't be the only one who thinks that you captured Loki way too easily, right?" I stated. 
"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. You can smell crazy on him," Bruce said. Agitating Thor. 
"Have a care of how you speak. Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard, and he is my brother." He turned towards Banner. 
"He killed 80 people in two days," Natasha said. 
"He's adopted?" Thor quipped. I laughed silently.
"He has the iridium to stabilize the Portal. Why?" Bruce asked. 
"So that the portal won't collapse on itself like it did at S.H.I.E.L.D." Tony chimed. 
"Okay, but what does that mean?" I asked. 
"It means the portal can stay open as long and as Loki wants." I bit the inside of my cheek. 
"We need to stop him," I said. It was an obvious thought.
"So who's gonna go down there?" I said. 
Everyone turned to Natasha. She rolled her eyes. "Fine." she stood up. I was excited. I was about to sit in the front row of an interrogation held by THE Agent Romanoff.
I sighed locking eyes with Ransom, looking up. I noticed Thor's face contort. I leaned back in my chair and turned around. 
"Hey, point breaks If you keep thinking like that your brains will explode," I remarked. He turned my way. Throwing his hammer up and down.
"This girl. Who is she?" he asked pointing to Ransom. Ransom froze. I raised my eyebrows. 
"I'm Ransom," she said her voice so soft. 
"Why do you need to know?" Steve asked standing up and pulling Ransom behind him. 
"Y-you looks very familiar, Ma'am" he stammered. Surprised by the quick retaliation he encountered. 
I tilted my head. "How so?" I stopped swirling around. 
"I do not know. I cannot put my finger on it" he was walking back and forth.
"I mean I'm technically 95 years old maybe you've seen me before," she said smiling softly at him. Thor just nodded relieved as she smiled and when Steve backed off.  He quickly let it go. We didn't have time to be focused on this right now. Instead, we shifted our focus back to the screen.
Loki was pacing in his cage. 
"There are not many people who can sneak up on me" he snickers. 
"But you'd figured I'd come," Natasha said her voice soft, laced with innocence. 
"You would appear as a friend, as a balm. And I would cooperate," he said. I rolled my eyes. Boy, and I am the one who is the sweet-talker. 
"I want to know what you've done with Agent Barton and Selvig" Natasha's hands were crossed in front of her. 
"I'd say that I've expanded their minds" his voice laced with amusement. "Is this love, Agent Romanoff?" he bested her. 
"Love is for children. I owe him a debt" she said not even revealing an inch of emotions.
She started doing a deep dive into her history. "Before I worked for SHIELD, I uh- well, I made a name for myself. I have a very specific skill set. I didn't care who I used it for, or on. I got on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar in a bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me, he made a different call." she said. I shifted my focus to Ransom, she was scratching her arm.
Steve grabbed her hand to stop her. Jealousy washed over me, again. I needed to stop this. 
"Ah, no. But I like this. Your world is in the balance, and you bargain for one man" I looked at Ransom again. I'd do everything for her. 
"Regimes fall every day I tend not to weep over that. I'm Russian" I laughed silently.
The room shook as Loki hit the glass of his container. Natasha jumped back, looking scared.
He started screaming and spitting words. I couldn't register much of what he was saying. I was ready to go in there and to shut him up.
"Before You go flying up there, look," Ransom said and grabbed my arm. 
"When he screams I'll split his skull! This is my bargain, you mewling quim!" Natasha was fake crying, her head hanging low. 
"You're a monster!" she yelled, her hands covering her face. 
"Oh no, you brought the monster!" she turned around facing Loki, her face dry.
"Doctor Banner? That's your play?" Loki's eyes widened as he stepped back. 
Natasha turned around, walking away from the room. She spoke into her comms. "He's after Banner," she said. 
Before she left the room, she turned around. "Thank you for your cooperation" Natasha finished her interrogation. 
I smiled. Ransom stood beside me. "That was so hot" she whispered. I looked at her amused. No one else noticed her saying this. "Yeah, I know" We started giggling like two teenagers. 
Steve looked at us, not understanding what was going on. Making me have some sense of power and control of my feelings and the situation.  
Next part
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stevestonbike · 4 months
Finally got a ride in.
Talk about a slow month....
I have family visiting and the weather has been epic. I had not been on the bike for 9 days and was feeling jumpy. We had a thing on Saturday afternoon so I stole away in the morning for two hours.
As I had to be home by a certain time I pushed it much harder than usual. I should do that more often. I felt good. I tried to keep my power over 210 to 230 Watts on the uphill bits. The wind was significant and the direction changed quite a bit over the ride.
I only did 54 km but my average speed was 26.1 kph which is pretty good over rolling terrain and wind. Another effect was the Garmin credited my anaerobic work level as good when it is usually 0.
That means I should endeavor to push harder on basic loops.
June is here I better start getting serious.
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brainrot-yumm · 1 year
PR ep7 play-by-play
I won’t be able to do this for a few days cause things are picking up a bit so let’s make this count hell yeah
whoops got distracted for 40 minutes by Spotify playlist organization. You don’t understand how elated I am over the fact that I’ll be getting assessed for ADHD soon
also my mom thinks I definitely have anxiety which was a wild thing to think as that’s the one thing I was 100% certain I didn’t have
g-gozar? Is that it? Gordon? Gorzon?
“I just wanted to get your attention” “maria just be yourself” maybe she’s the type of kid that wants to turn off the hot water to the showers. Actually how did she find that though? Is that supposed to be in public? 
Trini does good voice acting but not the best physical acting. I mean, it’s been decades since this show came out, I’m sure she’s better now, but
p-power eggs?!
hey it’s that same cave from two episodes ago!
“Only a child can open this box” ??????????????? why
oooh putty stopmotion I think! Actually no I think machines made those goobers move!
wh. why did you want a chunky chicken. After last time you think you’re gonna kill the rangers with that? Seriously?
that girl is definitely voiced over by someone else doing a kid voice. Why did they do that. Was there a sweepstakes.
stop talking about friendship god
“This is really turning out to be more than just a bad hair day” lets keep that one for the pillows
how could you possibly steer a car going that fast
woooOOOOOoooWOOOoooAHHHhhhAHAAAAhhhhpowerpoint lookin ass animation (lovingly)
you know it really wasn’t that hard for Rita to locate the power eggs
“Why can’t we do the cool car thing again?” “Because, we ran out of budget.”
hit them with the car. Do it.
Man I’m so fuckin hungry I ate at 5 and it’s 3 in the morning
wait what the fuck are the blaster pyramid they’re doing??!??!?! Don’t remember that??!?!?!
I still just love how Kim very obviously doesn’t know how to use a bow
 wait I’m so confused why is Rita on an old fashioned bike????? Why does it feel like we skipped ahead???????? DIdi they think the kids wouldn’t notice????
It’s Rita Repulsa alright
aight I remember the crystals at least. I have some hold on this world which is no longer my own
you know it’s so sad they can’t make the pterodactyl pink for Kimberly because then the chestplate of the megazord would be pink and pink is for girls or something
you know wait I don’t think we’ve ever seen Rita on Earth yet this is crazy
god it’d be so cool to own one of those helmets
wait rift scissors?! SVTFOE RIPPED OFF POWER RANGERS>!?!?!?!!
“Yeah guys we got it!” “MORPHIN’!” I’m gonna start using “morphin’“ as a positive response from now on skfhas;dg
Ayo wait people know it’s Rita Repulsa doing this shit? It’s not just “alien fuckwads” no it’s “RITA’s alien fuckwads??” Man that changes stuff everyone has the full hot goss except for who the rangers do be
oh bulk skull hi!! 
oh I can’t tell what’s gonna happen since you just showed the bullies (with the goofy bully theme in the back) and then made Kimberly hold a hot bowl of chili over her head I couldn’t possibly tell you
you know it wasn’t even like he was doing anything. You weren’t even making a fat joke about him he was just having a regular bowl of ice cream. What the hell Kim give him $10 or something for being forced to deal with that. He’s still a regular paying customer somehow despite this being a terrible place for him and his shit ego so if he wasn’t doing anything shouldn’t the owner do something? Bitch ass kids
bitch ass karmic retribution
also if I was a kid still I can just tell I’d probably have a crush on Skull or something. These days I’m just like “wow that is dope character design I love the bandana/chain mix that’s cool”
alright I have to get up in 4 hours so night I’ll try to sleep at a normal time (4 am is not a normal time)
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "dibs the hottie 😍" on YouTube
This is a Honda and it's a prelude but it's a new one the very fast and they can beat this bike but usually top speed and the bike is fooling around on a wheelie but usually he'd beat them off the line and you lose in the end but the guy didn't feel like it and want to go buy him and he did quite easily and we are taking over Honda yes we signed and it is ours and we are changing it up and the vehicles are not safe and we're making them safe faster more powerful more economic better looking and they last longer and stay clean. And our EMP proof. But this is an example of how fast they are
Posiedon and Goddess Wife
I did say some of the above and introduced it but wow the celestials are impressive and he looks kind of odd but he's not done forming his armor and he's devouring things to do it and he came by to take some of the stuff away that they had to put it on himself and yeah he's really only 100 miles tall and he's standing on the ground looking down at them he's massive to them though there's nothing they could do if you want to hit them and they're saying why are you looking at us and said I have to look at you all morning and you're annoying the crap out of me and said oh no this is terrible I guess it's got a huge TV screen and they started laughing a little bit inside and said we're not the ones responsible for these dumb jokes they said it out loud and said and he said you are and there's a rumble and shook and they bounced and they fell over they start screaming help and run and all the stuff and they got really mad and they get mad later they try something to get hit and they don't make it
Thor Freya
Olympus we're saying this this is our child and he's got a temper and he's young and yeah he's a young guard and he's a young Giant put together and it's hard to listen to him sometimes but right now he's saying in English I want a deadline at this time and so we're agreed on it and it's going to work and we do that in house but he said it now because it's getting too far and last time it's too hard on him and it was terrible and it was a different planet and actually didn't even go but it didn't do much for us and it happened with Pluto that was damned annoying we don't want to repeat it and we're already going down that road and we're going to need a huge Force and we've got to hire now and we are getting people hired this is working and recent news we're putting the statue in Olympus where We are.
Hours know where it is and they're going to there's going to be our media and everybody's going to be there and we're playing these clips and more and we have them
0 notes
loveyadanib · 2 years
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Dani B’s ♥️ Journal
Sharing life, love, and Happiness
It feels so nice to have a morning off from workouts. The beginning of the week was a leg day, and I was doing elevated dead lifts. I did it improperly and there was too much weight, and my back has been sore. Having had a previous back injury, it upsets me because I didn’t want to lose days working out. Luckily this morning it is feeling much better, and I am icing it every few hours. Should be good to go by tomorrow. I also scheduled a cupping massage so I should be all fixed up soon. Having my back hurt and just feeling sore and tired made me kind of sad yesterday. I thought “Oh no! What if I can’t work out?What if it gets any worse and I don’t make my goal.”
This event reminds me of how often in life we go into the worst-case scenarios. Instead of just chilling out and saying “my back is a little sore I am going to ice it and it will feel better soon,” our mind directly goes to the worse things possible. I am more aware of my thoughts now. I notice that I am constantly playing out scenarios in my head and I think we do this to protect ourselves. We feel as though if we think of all the bad stuff ahead of time that when it happens it can’t hurt us. The funny thing about this is that in thinking all these scenarios you’re almost telling your mind that it is going to happen. It also poses the question – “How often do we not start goals for fear of failure?” The idea that it is better not to start so we don’t let ourselves down.
My life has been very routine lately. It is something that is very difficult for me. I am the kind of “fly by the seat of my pants person”, spontaneous, however with my goals I have to be more routine. I am enjoying the success it is bringing but at times it can be exhausting. Because everything is so scheduled I have decided to make the best of my scheduled time. To have fun while I am cleaning the kitchen, at the workouts, with the meal prepping. To me life is all about love and all about fun. If you’re not enjoying it then what’s the point in doing it. I am finding my balance. I am finding happiness in the little things.
Starting any kind of journey is hard. For those of you that are starting a new job, starting a new diet, starting a workout program, starting a seminar, starting a degree, you have to change your old patterns in order to have success in what you are striving to achieve. It’s not easy and in fact, somedays it just freakin sucks. If you can look at as a new adventure and put a new label on it. It makes it so much nicer. When I was a little girl, we were given a lot of household chores. I always wanted to play and have fun and when i had to do chores I would pretend that it was my fun, play time like riding a bike or jumping on the trampoline. When I washed dishes, I would mimic Joy dishwashing liquid commercials “look at these dirty dishes, Joy its tough on grease and dirty pots and pans look how clean these dishes are now.” While folding laundry and mopping floors I would put on a princess outfit and makeup and pretend like I was Cinderella and sing “someday my prince will come.” I always completed my chores and it never felt like I was even doing them. I guess I grew up and forgot my childlike Imagination.
You have everything that you need bundled up in a light inside you!! Shine!!!! Be silly, be childlike, and make your passions a reality and enjoy every second of it!
A couple of months ago my life was beginning to seem like a chore. I have changed my thinking and I am finding joy in all the little things. Do what you love most and turn your chore into a delight. It takes strength, it takes will power, it takes breaking your old patterns of thinking to achieve your goal. Success can be achieved by everyone. Dream it, imagine it, and if you don’t like something change it or recreate it. Life is supposed to be fun and if it’s not your doing something wrong.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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It became fall all of a sudden again. It is very chill tonight. There is a brisk breeze coming in from the cracked window. And that's nice. I think it will help me sleep.
I actually did sleep good last night. I put a sleep mask on and that helped but that always makes my eyes feel gummy in the morning. So mixed results.
I think I am getting sick though. The bridge of my nose hurts and last time that happened I had a sinus infection. So with the bridge of my nose pain and the pain in my mouth, I think I am getting sick.
So I was still very stressed about today. But the nice thing I had to focus on was it was Jamess birthday!! And while they don't love their birthday I love them and I'm so glad they are here.
I did forget about it until we were dressed and in the car. I looked over at them and was like. !!! Birthday!! And apparently Jess was the first one to say it followed by Charlotte. Hilarious.
James would take me to the museum before they went to get our oil changed. Which ended up being a whole morning activity. It took 4 hours!! I felt horrible that they had to sit there when they could have been biking. On their birthday!! Ugh.
The plan was for James to come back for me later. And they would. But I was frustrated that they didn't get to do the things they had wanted.
I would have a pretty good day though. I let Jessica know I wasn't doing 100%. But I would be fine overall. I am doing pretty good holding it together. My head just hurts and I get tired quick. So I was slightly worried about my last tour of the day. But then Jessica said I didn't have to do it. The group went form 40 to 10 and so I didn't have to feel bad and could just focus on my two programs.
And the group I had was so sweet. They were really good kids. I got them off the bus and we headed to the assembly line pretty fast.
I was alone with them (and their chaperones) and we got to work.
We had laughs. And people asking me what their jobs were even though I kept saying not to do that. But they all worked hard and it was a good time.
And then it was time for lunch. We did make a 5 minutes stop in the car. Got some pictures. And I dropped them off so I could take a little break. I read an article on my phone and ate my nachos. It turned out my watch was wrong a lot. So I gave them a 5 minute warning to soon. But it's all good. I should replace my watch batteries soon.
The cannery went really well. They were really engaged and so I had fun asking and answering my questions. And the flow was good. Gaby was D and she has a great yell so that was funny. And Cindy and Michael continued to learn all the pieces of the cannery. And I think it was a really successful day.
James was still stuck at the dealership through the end of my cannery. But then the car was done and they headed to the museum.
Once my kids left I went to help with oysters. There was so weirdness when one of my coworkers was making cans? We don't need cans to be made. And she didn't seem to understand us when we said that and she just kept saying we needed more cans. So I texted Jessica and she was like. What. And came up. And it turned out she was really just fixing the messed up cans. So it was fine.
I helped her take some apart and fix them or repurpose them as best we could. I got frustrated with one of our hot glue guns because it was dripping and I got a blister on my fingertip. Which was infuriating to me. I hate getting burnt. It makes me feel stupid.
But then it was 2. And James was there to get me. I checked in with Jessica. She told me of I felt worse tomorrow to take the day off. But I think I'll be okay to power through.
James was a little frustrated. With the oil taking 4 hours. Not getting to bike. So I encouraged them to do so. We would drive home. I would get changed to lay down. And James would go bike.
I slept pretty hard. And I felt a little weird when I got up. But then James was there. They went to shower before joining me on bed for a while. Before I had to get up and got dressed for Jamess birthday dinner.
We went to their parents place to meet them before we walked to busboys and poets for dinner. Charlotte would join us eventually. She was the assistant coach for their powder puff football game. They won. Congrats. And we had a pretty nice dinner.
I texted with Jess. She said I should get falafel. This was a good call and was excellent. And while I think there was so issue with Anne and Tucker hearing me, the conversation was still nice and I had a good time. I am glad we celebrated my James.
I did give James the little gifts I got them. A knock of pair of their fancy gloves. A book about baseball plays in 1969. And a whole pack of personalized iron on tags with their name and phone number so if they lose things they will get them back easier.
We walked back to the cars. And me and James gave hugs all around. We saw stray cats. Probably not the one that bit me. But they were cute.
We came home and had pumpkin pie. James started laundry. And I worked on carving stamps. It has been a nice night.
I am ready to sleep though. I am feeling tired but am trying to not feel sick. Though I can feel it in my chest.
I hope you all are feeling okay. Take care of yourself. I love you all.
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shuj1hanmas · 3 years
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after arguments
ft. trv characters (bonten +hanma & kisaki being toxic)
he won’t try to apologize, rather he would try and get your attention so you would talk to him. he’s done a various amount of things, trying to make you jealous by talking to other people in front of you, pulling stupid stunts on his bike. eventually when you talk to him he’ll deny all of it, “i don’t know what you’re talking about babe, you’re going crazy or something.” could you stay mad at him? nope, he knows that exactly. sure he’s stupid but what can you say it’s not like that’ll change anything, all that matters is that you love him.
⊹ ⭒ – draken, kokonoi, mikey, nahoya, baji
he completely feels horrible, if you don’t apologize within an hour or two he would try to be cuddly with you. of course it works majority of the time but when it doesn’t he will do anything in his power to make you forgive him, he’ll make your favorite meal, offer you massages, prepare a warm bath for you, anything you would ask for to be honest. “i’m sorry for yelling at you, i’m sorry for being mean i didn’t mean it. i love you.” you’re his whole world and he can’t stand when you’re mad at him, could you blame him in reality?
⊹ ⭒ – takemichi, chifuyu, souta, shinichiro, inui, hakkai, naoto
you end up getting the silent treatment from him, like it was your fault he’s mad. you just wanted to know where he was all night and he finally comes home at 2am all beat up, you have the right to know. but according to him you don’t, supposedly it’s for your own good. it wouldn’t help for him to open up just a little bit, after being ignored you give up and finally go back to sleep. though it doesn’t seem like it, he wants to tell you everything, he just can’t push himself to do it. he doesn’t want to worry about you leaving after learning he’s in a gang, he just wants to protect you. eventually he lays in bed with you softly whispering his apology, “i’m sorry for ignoring you, can you help me with the bandages in the morning..”
⊹ ⭒ – rindou, mitsuya, kazutora, pah, peyan, kakucho, izana
he’s ruthless, he could careless about you being mad or not. all he knows is that you’ll come running back to him eventually, trust me he’ll wait for you to come back. “oh, back already huh? i guess you missed me that much.” with tears in your eyes you just wanted to scream at him, you wish he would have some other reaction for once. the only time he gets serious is when you tell him you feel like the relationship should end, he can’t handle the thought of you being with someone else. he just can’t, immediately he switches his personality. his response will vary from time to time ‘you can’t live without me.’ or ‘please don’t go. i’m sorry.’ they’re basic but at least some sort of emotion, you know you’ll never leave him but sometimes he just needs a reality check.
⊹ ⭒ – hanma, kisaki, sanzu, ran, rindou, kokonoi
2K notes · View notes
exitrowiron · 2 years
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Day 37: Newbury, OH to Meadville, PA
64 miles, 2,474ft ascent, 3:30
Let’s start with the good news… for the first time in a few weeks everyone is back on the bike and feeling well. Also, no one was assaulted by an automobile and due to today’s short mileage, we got to sleep late.
Today’s challenge was navigating a tight weather window and a destination hotel which has been prickly about early check-ins in the past. Most of the riders would prefer to get going as soon as possible and a few grumbled about the late start, but the guides want to avoid riders waiting hours for a hotel room. The forecast radar showed a storm front passing over our destination around 2:00; my ‘A’ pace group was the last to get started at 10:30 on the day’s 64 mile course with two refueling stops. If you’re doing the mental math like I did, you know it’s going to be close. 
We had the benefit of a strong tail/crosswind for most of the ride, strong enough that I cringed whenever I saw the Garmin instruct a left turn to the North. I skipped both the refueling stops in order to save time and on a flat course I would have made it, but the 2,474ft ascent shaved enough pace off my progress that I still had 4 miles to go when the skies opened up. I arrived at the hotel wet but happy that a room and lunch were waiting for me.
Aside from the rain, today’s ride was great. I love riding fast and the scenery as we passed from Ohio to Pennsylvania was bucolic. We are in Amish country again, marked by tidy white farm houses, occasionally with a bit of green trim and frequently laundry hanging from a line to dry. Whether old or young, the Amish took time from tending fields, hanging laundry or guiding a team of horses to return my wave. They prefer not to photographed so I didn’t.
Let’s talk about the daily routine in a bit more detail:
Arrival at the destination:
- Bags and a bike rack are waiting by the hotel entrance as well as the standard snack table and coolers. The first thing I do is grab my smaller day-bag, change into street shoes, make a Skratch protein shake and put this in my bag along with other snacks/drinks for the afternoon and evening.
- Check into the hotel and take my bags and bike to my room.
- Hang my sweaty gear in the closet to dry, take a shower, change into casual clothes, and drink the protein shake, etc. I’m pretty efficient and all of this is usually done within 15-20 minutes of arrival and then I either take a nap, or once every 3 days, do laundry.
- Dinner is usually at the hotel around 6, though occasionally we will visit a restaurant nearby.
- Charge devices (Garmins, phone, pedals)
- I try to update social media after dinner, talk with Beth, Netflix and then it’s lights out by 9:30.
Mornings are busier and it took me a while to master the ‘perfect departure’.
T- 1:30: breakfast is usually available starting between 6-6:30. No one in the group skips breakfast and there is a line when the door opens.
T- 1:00: Dress in bike gear appropriate for the day’s weather, repack bag. I‘m using vacuum seal bags to ensure that my dirty bike clothes don’t funkify the rest of my clothes between washings.
T - 45: Clean bike bottles and secure them as well as the fully charged Garmins to the bike.
T - 30: Take suitcase to the luggage van
T - 15: Tip the housekeeper and take bike and day bag to the departure area. Store day bag in Trek van.
T - 10: Fill bottles with ice, water and Noon; apply sunscreen, clean sunglasses, take a picture of the whiteboard with details on water stops; retrieve fully charged front and rear bike lights; check bike tire pressure.
T - 5: Start Garmins, ensure mine is paired with HR monitor and power meter.
T - 1: Receive exit and route instructions from Trek guide.
That’s pretty much the routine for the 47 days of the trip, with a bit more flexibility for the rest days. It’s great. You don’t have to worry about anything; all the logistics and food are handled, you just have to pedal for a few hours each day.
I’m not sure exactly where the Midwest ends and the East begins, but seeing the Dunkin Donuts adjoining our hotel makes think I must have already crossed that invisible line!
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35 notes · View notes
joezworld · 2 years
The Fat Controller's New Car
Hey so I powered through my writer's block and did this.
It's not based on anything, is very long, and barely features any of Sodor's trains, but I feel like it fleshes out the world around the rails of Sodor.
Chelsea is a character that I already like, just from having written her. She's loosely based on a character from a recent ERS volume, but because SiF's storytelling is... not always stellar, I changed almost everything about her in order to make a better character. I hope you guys like this story and the characters in it too.
Also, at this point you're going to have to have at least a passing familiarity with my other works, because some references just will not make sense otherwise.
Tidmouth - Present Day. Tuesday.
Stephen Hatt said nothing as the mangled remains of his Audi were lifted onto the back of a flatbed lorry. He remained silent as the lorry driver secured the wreckage to the back, before driving away.
Once the HGV was well and truly out of sight, he slowly turned around.
Everyone in range flinched, hoping that they were not the target of the Evil Eye.
Silence reigned supreme. Only the idiotic or the egotistical would think that breaking it was a good idea.
"In my defense," James said slowly, staring at the 4 interlocked rings of the Audi badge hanging from his lamp iron, as though doing so would make it vanish, and stop him from being axle-deep in the staff car park. "But those buffers are definitely dry-rotted. They wouldn't have stopped anything, really. It was just a matter of time, sir."
The next day. Wednesday.
"What time is the car service picking you up?" Helen, his wife, asked as the butler laid out breakfast.
"A quarter to seven," He replied as he forewent the marmalade and had his toast dry. "They're sending a Range Rover, which should be different." His Audi was a saloon, as were the last three cars he'd owned prior. In fact, the only Land Rover he could remember being in was Ivo Hugh's old Defender; the old CMO used it like a quad-bike, and sent it bouncing up and down the Skarloey Railway for Permanent Way work - not something Stephen's backside had enjoyed the one time he'd tagged along!
"Hm," Helen said, breaking him out of painful memories of the insufficient padding in Ivo's Defender. "They should be here any minute then. You'd best be ready."
Checking his watch, Stephen discovered that he was running behind schedule. Finishing his toast before kissing his wife goodbye, he walked outside, making it more than a few steps before remembering that his Audi wasn't in the driveway.
A gloss black Range Rover was though. A long wheelbase model, it shone in the lights of his house, and he could almost see his reflection in the paint. The front license plate still had the EU flag on it, meaning that it was at least a few years old.
"Good morning sir!" The car said cheerfully. "I'm Chelsea. I'll be your driver for the week."
Stephen was still smarting over the loss of his Audi, and his disposition was perhaps not as sunny as usual. "Good morning. The station, if you please."
"Yes, sir!" Was all the car said as Stephen opened the rear door. Before he could even get in, his cell phone rang.
"Hatt, state your - yes, what is it?"
It was Malcolm, the new Tidmouth harbourmaster. The man was chatty at all hours of the day, and it took many minutes for Stephen to finesse the required information out of the man. As such, he didn't pay any attention as he got into the car and was promptly driven towards town.
"Change of plans," he said towards the front of the car. "We must go to the Docks first."
"Right away." Stephen was still engrossed in his phone - it wasn't even dawn yet and something was already gone wrong at the docks - it seemed like some of the private owner wagons were in worse shape than he'd been led to believe, if the photos Malcolm had sent were any indication.
It was only after the Range Rover made a turn he wasn't expecting that he actually looked up. He was surprised that they were passing the Asda on Tidmouth high street. "This isn't the harbor road?" He said more out of confusion than anything else.
"No sir," Came the Range Rover's voice. "Too much traffic. Figure they'll let you in through the HGV entrance around the back."
They would, and Stephen almost returned to his work when suddenly realized something that had been tickling at the back of his mind since he got into the Range Rover.
"Do... you not have a driver?" He asked slowly, looking at the driver's seat intently. It was almost a pointless question, as the seat - on the wrong side of the car to boot - was empty.
"What?" It almost sounded like Chelsea was audible through the speakers in the doors. "Oh. Yes! I'm surprised you hadn't noticed already; you didn't say anything when you got in!"
"I suppose I didn't notice." He said quietly as the steering wheel spun on its own.
He wanted to question further - he really did - but at that moment they rolled up to the security gate at the port's HGV entrance. The rear window rolled down without his pressing the button, and the guard at the gate raised the gate as soon as he saw Stephen. "Right that way Mr. Hatt, jus' follow the commotion."
"Oh, that's not good." Stephen muttered to himself as Chelsea motored across the port.
It wasn't. With the window rolled down, he could already hear shouting coming from near the base of a crane. Pulling up to the calamity, he could see Salty, Marina, a group of workmen, and even several trucks all glaring at a sharp-dressed man who was yelling severely at Malcom the Harbourmaster. Behind them, a pair of open wagons were in a shambles - their frames bent almost in half from what did not appear to be a very heavy load. These were private owner wagons, and reading the name of said owner made Stephen pinch his nose between his fingers.
"-and it will be a cold day before this railway manages to pull one over on Simon Charles Ruffey the Third!" the man shouted for all to hear.
Stephen groaned to himself as he got out of Chelsea. "Simon, it is cold, your wagons are in their usual state of disrepair, and I will not have you speaking to my staff in that way..." He began, not for the first time.
The business at the port had taken entirely too long (damn you, Ruffey, you incorrigible skinflint), and it was well into the mid-morning before Chelsea pulled up in front of the station in Tidmouth.
"My parking spot is there, if you need it" Stephen said as he climbed out of Chelsea's rear seat. "I must leave for a lunch meeting at noon, so... occupy yourself until then."
"No problem sir," The Range Rover replied. "I'll be waiting for you."
Stephen watched as the Range Rover drove away, not to his parking spot, but out onto the street and into town.
I wonder where she's going? He thought to himself before turning back to the station, grimacing to himself as he looked at the empty spot next to the doors labelled "RESERVED FOR S. HATT". To add insult to injury, some bright spark had taken the Audi badge from James' bufferbeam and placed it atop the signpost.
My father would never put up with this... He thought to himself as he pocketed the Audi badge and went inside the building.
True to her word, Chelsea was waiting for him at noon. Strangely, she was soaking wet, despite the ground around her being dry.
"Did it rain?" Stephen asked as he got in.
"The dryer at the carwash was broken." She said, somewhat snappishly, as they set off. "I didn't have time for them to do a hand-dry, ugh. I hope this is from the spot-free cycle..."
Stephen said nothing as he went through his notes for the meeting, but silently remembered that Chelsea had been polished to a mirror finish when she'd left!
That Night
Stephen got home at a quarter past six, Helen greeting him at the door. "Get changed - we've dinner at seven."
In what felt like no time at all to him (Helen still said he took too long in the shower), they were out of the house again, first at the dinner (it was a new "Peruvian-Japanese Fusion" restaurant in Wellsworth that was surprisingly good, considering that none of those nouns should reasonably go together), and then on a "walk down the high street" that very quickly turned into a trip to Marks & Spencer's. By the time they got back to the car, they were laden down with bags.
"Ugh," Helen looked at her hand as she deposited the shopping in the boot of her car. It was covered in grime, transferred from the boot lid. "This is filthy. We must go through the car wash on our way home."
There was a car wash attached to the petrol station nearest to their house, and Stephen snorted slightly as he noticed a very familiar looking Range Rover pull in behind them in the queue for the wash.
"What's so funny?" Helen asked.
"I think James may have met his match. That Range Rover behind us is from the car service - she just got a wash this afternoon!"
The Next Day. Thursday.
One advantage of having a car waiting for him, Stephen noted, was the ability to have her meet him elsewhere - a really useful trick when one ran a railway, and could reasonably be expected to hop on a train across the Island at a moment's notice.
Meet me at Brendam Station in 45 minutes he sent in a text message around eleven o'clock - he'd been assured by the hire car company that she could receive and send phone calls and text messages, although he'd no idea how.
Will do. 🚙 Was the reply.
He stared at the phone for a moment, struck by the notion that he was truly living in the future - he could get text messages from a car - before returning to the matter at hand.
"Now then," He said to Bill and Ben, both of whom looked like they'd rather be anywhere else. "I'm sure that I don't need to tell you exactly how much damage, confusion, and delay has been caused by your foolishness."
The next stop after that was a meeting all the way in the middle of the Island, at the Culdee Fell Railway. It took some time to get there, and quite a lot less time to finish.
"All right sir?" Chelsea asked as Stephen clambered back in, his brows furrowed in irritation.
"That meeting could have been a conference call or an email." He groused. "We did not need to burn all that petrol or spend all that time coming out here."
"Sorry sir."
"Nothing to be done for it. You got me here early, which is a miracle considering these roads."
"I know a lot of shortcuts!" She said as they pulled onto the road leading out of Peel Godred. On the railroad tracks nearby, Abbey rattled by with a goods train.
"That you do." He said, watching the train disappear into the distance out of habit. "I have been meaning to ask, how did you get... to where you are now? I've never heard of a car driving itself before - well, not except those new electric ones."
"Not much to it really," She said, turning off the main road and heading down a farm lane that Stephen vaguely knew would take them around the congested roads of downtown Peel Godred. "Apparently us talking cars are a bit of a slow seller nowadays, especially abroad, which is where I was going."
"Oh yes. I was actually supposed to go to China, but they knew I wouldn't sell so I just never got sent over. Does mean I can speak Mandarin though."
"I'm going to assume that means something?"
"Ha! Yes, I said that I'm fluent in it." She laughed as the farm lane curved around a rise in the terrain. This seemed like the routing of the old Mid-Sodor Railway, and Stephen idly wondered what some of the Skarloey Railway's engines would think about their old line being a farm lane.
Undoubtedly it would not suit his grace.
"-but anyways," Chelsea continued. "When they couldn't sell me abroad they tried to sell me here, but that didn't work either because I'm too "environmentally unfriendly" or something like that. So I did some translation work for them at the factory until I decided I wanted to do something else."
"And that something else was this?"
"Not really, but it's an job, innit?"
"A job? You get wages?"
"'Course I do! My boss says that paying me is cheaper than buying a car and hiring a driver. And it isn't bad work really - keeps me in fuel, covers my insurance, pays my car wash tab, and keeps a roof over my paint. Not much else is there to need really? Well, other than my racing license."
"Racing license?"
"Oh yeah! I decided that I needed a hobby, so I do autocross and gymkhana in my spare time. Everything is regulated now, so I need a license if I want to get into the bigger matches. Last year I even managed to get into the regional championships on the Isle of Man, which was fun."
"Really?" Stephen leaned forward in his seat. "I've never heard of gymkhana, was it? What is it?"
"Oh, well, it's this new sport out of America - it's like a cross between drifting and autocross, with a few stunts mixed in too..."
Chelsea got most of the way through an explanation of her sporting hobby until Stephen had to take a phone call, which kept him occupied until they got almost through Arlesdale. Here, the Arlesdale railway paralleled the road between Arlesdale and Marthwaite for a short while as both routes ran into Marthwaite, before the tracks peeled off across the river Arle, while the road went into town before making the same crossing at Bridge Street.
The Arlesdale Railway had a very small track gauge, and so the trains there usually couldn't go as fast as cars on the road could. However, on this day there was resurfacing work going on, and the road was filled with stationary vehicles, queuing up to be let through the construction zone.
The engines of the Arlesdale for mostly gracious about this, whistling commiserations to the locals and their cars as they steamed by.
Unfortunately, Mike was not one of those engines. He thought it was all a great joke, and had great fun taunting the motorists as he rolled by with a train of ballast wagons.
"Look at me! Not stuck in traffic, am I? Look! I'm just flying by! I'll make my deliveries on time and ahead of schedule!" He crowed to the lorries who were sitting and stewing in the midday traffic.
Many of the replies he got are not suitable for print, and simply emboldened him. As he got closer to the head of the line, he stopped making individual boasts, and instead began teasing the traffic generally, blowing his whistle loudly, whooshing steam, and generally ruining any last vestiges of peace that may have existed.
Then there was trouble.
George the Steam Roller still earned his keep maintaining the Island's road network, and was working away on the resurfacing project as Mike chortled past.
"Ah, go get an ASBO, you undersized social delinquent!" He shouted at the nuisance, drawing a squawk of mocking laughter from Mike.
"I didn't know that you could pronounce that many syllables!" He hooted rudely.
George growled, and blew his whistle back at the miniature annoyance. "I'll syllable you, ya runt!"
George couldn't have known, but when his driver had last removed his whistle for polishing, he hadn't screwed it back in properly. As George had whistled at things, usually out of annoyance, the whistle had slowly but surely come undone from its threads until finally it let go, shooting straight up and smashing into the metal awning that George's driver had put over his boiler with a tremendous BANG!
Punching a hole through the awning, the whistle continued up into the air on a jet of superheated steam that poured from the socket where George's whistle had been. It now sounded like a catastrophic industrial accident rather than a whistle, and it went on for several long moments before George's driver realized that he was still holding the whistle cord.
The effects of this were calamitous: men scrambled for cover, machines ground to a halt, cars swerved to avoid them, and a tipper lorry dumped his load of dirt in surprise, sending a cloud of dust and grit flying. Just then, a gust of wind sent it billowing over the line of cars, vans, and lorries waiting to pass by. To add insult to injury, a passing flock of birds "relieved themselves" out of fright... all over the same line of cars!
Mike and his driver had seen everything, and they were almost in tears of laughter as they vanished into the distance as fast as was possible!
Unnoticed in all the chaos, George's whistle landed in the middle of the road with a thunk!, just missing the front bumper of an absolutely, astoundingly, apocalyptically upset Range Rover that was three cars from the front of the line. A moment later, the formerly-spotless rear door swung open, and a stout gentleman emerged. He was already dialing a number on his mobile phone as he stalked around to the front of the car. Producing a pair of driving gloves from the pocket of his coat, he donned them before plucking the still-hot steam whistle from the pavement.
The phone call connected, and he spoke curtly as he inpsected the whistle with no small amount of disdain. "Your railway is going to receive many complaints, probably within the hour. Mine will be delivered in person."
He disconnected the call without fanfare, and then pocketed the whistle, frowning when an unexpected clink emerged from his pocket. Removing his hand from the pocket revealed a broken and bent Audi logo.
The stout gentleman's frown deepened.
Arlesburgh West Station - Later
Mike was still laughing about it when he rolled into the station at the end of the line. The laughter only increased when he spied a dirt-coated Range Rover in the station carpark. The car looked furious under the layers of bird dirt and real dirt, and revved her engine at him in a manner that she probably thought was threatening, but Mike found merely hilarious.
His driver thought so too. "You know, when I hear a rumor, I always say that 'a little birdy told me'." he said, setting up a bad joke
"So what in the bloomin' 'eck did she hear?" He said, a smug look on his face.
It took Mike a moment to get the joke, but once it landed, he was roaring with laughter, much to the bird-muck crusted Range Rover's displeasure.
Then the Range Rover's doors opened, and out stepped the Small Controller and the Fat Controller.
The laughter stopped immediately, and both Mike and his driver went white as sheets!
Tidmouth, later still
Chelsea was visibly uncomfortable with all the dirt on her, and when Stephen gently suggested that she find a car wash, she made a bee-line for the local Range Rover dealer. The dealership was a large one, that also sold Jaguars and Lotuses. Chelsea was apparently a regular here, and when the detailing staff saw her pull in, they visibly blanched before setting to work with professional haste.
"It might be a while, sir." One of the cleaners said, and he showed Stephen to the showroom before returning to the wash/detail bay with more rags and soaps.
Give James a run for his money indeed... he thought to himself as he observed the cars in the showroom.
A bright orange Lotus sat off in one corner behind a velvet rope. It was tiny, and so low to the ground that just getting into the damn thing would probably throw out his back.
Clearly not. He thought, before looking around more.
There were two Jaguars in the showroom, one a rather smart looking new XF Estate with a SOLD sign hanging from the rearview mirror, and the other a vintage XJS coupe that looked to be almost as old as his son Richard. Unlike the Lotus, these two cars could talk, and were quietly bickering about something.
Stephen frowned, and looked elsewhere in the building. Even if the last few hours hadn't considerably cooled his opinions on owning anything that could speak, he'd owned a (non-sentient) Jaguar from that era once before. It had spent more time being serviced than it had being driven, and it was not an experience he wished to endure again.
Finally, his gaze made its way over to the Land Rover side of the dealership, and settled on a very smart looking Defender. It was quite the opposite of any car that he'd owned before, with numerous off-road accessories, ranging from a ladder built into the bodywork to a giant snorkel. A steel cargo tray sat on the roof, giving the whole vehicle a very adventurous feel. It also notably wasn't a living machine, which was a point in its favour over the Jaguars.
"Found something you like?" Stephen was brought out of his thoughts by a sleazy-looking man in an ill-fitting suit. "I can get the keys if you wanna take 'er for a spin..."
One excruciating test drive later
Perhaps I merely don't like anyone talking to me... Stephen thought venomously as he walked back into the dealership again.
The Land Rover had been a fine vehicle, probably, but the salesman's pushy attitude and total lack of dignity or self-respect had driven Stephen to heights of madness that usually only his engines could achieve, completely turning him off of the Defender in the process.
Inside the detail bay, Chelsea was currently being toweled dry, her paint once again sparkling in the lights of the building.
"Sorry that took so long, sir," She began. "It's just that, well, I can't stand-"
"I understand completely." Stephen held up his hand to cut her off, before turning to the head cleaner. "Please see that the bill for all this is sent to the North Western Railway."
"Oh, sir, you don't have to-"
"In this case, I feel as though I do." He smiled kindly. "Besides, at this point I am willing to do anything that will get us out of here as quickly as possible."
The Rover's smile strained a little. "They didn't try to sell you something, did they?"
Stephen's kind smile turned into a peeved grimace, and Chelsea sighed deeply. "Oh no. Which one was it? Was it that old XJ? He can barely start, the poor thing."
"Actually, it was one of the new-"
"Mister Hatt!" The salesman barged into the detailing bay like a bull in a china shop. "I saw that you came in a 'Rover, so I pulled up one o' the newest ones. Y'know, in case y'wanna trade in the old one? Give you a right good price on it too."
Chelsea bristled at this, and started her motor with a supercharged snarl. "I am not for sale!" She snapped, unlocking her rear doors for Stephen. "Mister Hatt, I do believe we are late."
Stephen smiled, perhaps a touch too viciously, at how the salesman recoiled. "Quite. Let us depart."
Little more was said as Chelsea backed out of the detail bay and into the dealership's forecourt. The Range Rover that the salesman had brought out was idling in front of the dealership, and Chelsea gave it a good look, before stopping next to it.
"They've got some nerve trying to sell this bill of goods." She grumbled as she stared at the new car more critically.
"What's that?" Stephen asked, rolling down the window to look at the car. Nothing seemed amiss to him.
"Paint's wrong." She said firmly. "There's a big discolouration down the side of the door - both of them actually, blimey."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that they pro'lly scraped it against something in transit from Solihull and had to repaint the door. S'not bad or anything but they should disclose that, and I don't think they did."
Looking more closely, Stephen could see that she was right. If he turned his head just right, the midday sun glinted off of the middle of the car's doors differently than the rest of the vehicle.
It was at this point that the salesman came back out again. "So, whaddya think?" He said smarmily, leaning against the new Range Rover without caring if he scratched or smudged the paint.
"Has it been repainted?" Stephen asked, playing the fool.
"What?" The man retorted. "This? It's brand new!"
It was at that point that he rapped his knuckles on the door of the car, presumably to show how "new" it was. However, instead of the expected metallic noise, there was a rather flat thonk as his hand made contact with the discoloured spot on the door.
The man's smile suddenly became a lot more fixed, and his eyes widened. "Eh heh, well, you see, uh..."
"That sounds a lot like body filler, doesn't it?" Chelsea said, her voice incredulous. "What did you pillocks do?"
"I... um... uh, well-" The man stammered, sweat beading on his forehead.
"I think I have seen enough." Stephen said, rolling up the rear window and cutting off the salesman's hopeless stammering. "Shall we go?"
Chelsea said nothing, and rolled away from the dealership in a huff.
They arrived at Tidmouth station a short while later.
"I am sorry about all this, sir." Chelsea said, a little embarrassed by the last hour.
"It really is not your fault," Stephen assured her. "I didn't miss anything that can't be re-scheduled - after all, it is my railway! Much like the royal family, I am always on time, everyone else is merely early."
The Range Rover laughed at that, and drove off to find a parking spot.
Stephen made it almost all the way to his office before someone spoke to him.
"Where've you been?" Richard asked, poking his head out of his office door. "It doesn't take that long to ride the Arlesdale, let alone "discipline" them."
"I made a stop at the Range Rover dealership."
"Oh! Find anything you like?"
"The only one that impressed me is not for sale. Everything else was not worth considering."
"You should buy a Tesla!" Came a voice from down the hall, causing Stephen to roll his eyes hugely. Calls to 'buy a Tesla' had started almost before the wreckage of his Audi had been cleaned up, and at this point he knew they were just doing it to annoy him.
"Remind me why I put up with such insolence?" He asked, just loud enough for the office gossips to "overhear".
"Because you hand-picked everyone in this office, including me?" Richard asked innocently. "Which means that you clearly enjoy this on some level?"
Stephen rolled his eyes, and closed Richard's office door in his face before continuing down the hall.
The next day. Friday.
Mercifully, nothing of any note happened all morning. For the first time since Monday, Stephen was able to have a full and productive set of meetings, phone calls, and business emails without any ridiculous treks across the island, the destruction of personal property, or the unexpected need to discipline an engine.
It was almost peaceful.
Quite naturally, this wasn't allowed to stand, and calamity ensued around lunch.
Tidmouth station had a small parking lot directly in front of the station for Passengers (and Stephen - that was one luxury he had no qualms about taking), while the staff parking lot was located by the sheds on the other side of the yard. There was a private roadway that led out of the customer carpark, across the tracks that led into the sheds, and into the staff carpark.
The private road was protected by a gate in the station carpark, and as Stephen and Richard went outside to meet Chelsea, they noticed a small crowd of NWR employees gathering around the gate.
"What are they doing?" Richard asked to no one in particular.
"Someone bought a Tesla," The Range Rover explained in a most unimpressed manner. "and they're trying out that silly 'summon' feature it has."
"Summon?" Stephen wasn't sure what that meant.
"It can drive itself." Richard explained. "Well, sort of - Tesla says it can. If you park the car and leave it, you can make it drive out of the parking space and come to you, even if you're across the carpark."
Chelsea rolled her eyes. "Personally I don't think it's that impressive. You can summon me from across town!"
"I did know they could drive themselves, although I didn't know you could make one come to you. They parked it all the way down there?" Stephen could see a small white saloon car backing out of a parking space by the engine shed.
"Oh yes." Richard said, watching with interest as the car began rolling forward at a walking pace. "I think it's almost at the end of the range, but it should be fine."
Then there was a few moments of silence, ended by simultaneous cries of dismay and laughter from the group by the gate.
"Oh, it's crashed."
"I told you that pothole needed to be filled!"
"It didn't hit a pothole! It tried to go around the pothole and drove itself onto the bleeding tracks!"
SNAP "James! The truck is getting away!" "What? Again? Oh blast these coupling chains! I barely bumped it!"
"That seems like a poor choice on its part. Why did it do that?"
"I don't know. Maybe it thought it could make it."
"Pah! I've got an adjustable-height air suspension and even I couldn't make it across a set of rails like that. It's just a dumb computer that got too big for its bumpers."
"Quick! Stop it from getting onto the main line!" "How?!" "Use the shunter's pole! Set the brakes!" CLANG BANG THUNK "Too late! Throw the switch and send it into a siding!" "Which siding?" "ANY SIDING!"
"How do they get it off?"
"I think they can back it up."
"Not a chance! The back wheels are off the ground. Unless he wants to take the front bumper off."
"That's not a siding!" "Peep peep! Look out!" "Oh no! Where did that car come from?!"
"Richard, if this causes any confusion or delay..."
"I'll handle it, don't- why are they all pointing... oh you must be joking."
"My Car!"
Fortunately nobody was hurt, however the Tesla was a total write-off.
It took some time to organize the cleanup, but eventually James was able to haul the mostly-undamaged truck back to the station, while a flatbed lorry came to collect the Tesla.
"Twice in a week? New record for ya, killer." Siobhan had come out to investigate the commotion, and it took no time at all for her to begin poking fun at James.
"This wasn't my fault!" James was incensed. "That chain was barely holding on to begin with!"
"I'm sure..." Stephen was deeply unimpressed about the entire situation, but James at least seemed genuine about his innocence.
"Alright, easy does it... easy..." *winching noises* POP "Hey - where's tha' smoke coming from?"
So was the truck, unusually enough. "Now don' you go givin the kettle all the credit for this! Tha' chain's been weak fer months, but does anyone ever listen to auld Ramsey? Nooooo! It's always 'be quiet you', and 'come along now'! Nobody ever believes me, they don't."
"Cripes! Tha's the battery!" POP POP "What's happening? What does that mean?" "It means unhook me!" POP POP FWOOSH
He paused for a moment, now aware that man, woman, and engine were all staring at him. "What? 'e din't cause all the commotion! I wan' my name attach'd to all this; it'll go o'er great wit' the lads!"
"Thermal runaway! GET CLEAR!" Everyone turned to look at the scene of the accident. The flatbed lorry was backing away from the scene as fast as he could, while Richard and the workmen scattered in all directions.
It was easy to see why. Thick black smoke was billowing out from underneath the Tesla, and flames were already licking their way around the rear bumper and up the boot lid.
"Goodness!" James exclaimed, watching the smoke rise into the air. "What do we do now?"
"Call the fire brigade-" "An' get everyone the fook outta 'ere!"
Stephen, Siobhan, and James' crew all scattered, running to evacuate the area and coordinate the emergency procedures, leaving James and Ramsey all alone.
The old truck watched the commotion with great interest. "Ha ha! T'is is great! the lads'll love this! Oi moight owe ya one, Red!"
James, for his part, merely gulped, and hoped that the Fat Controller would remember that this wasn't his fault!
It took four hours for the Tidmouth Fire Brigade to extinguish the car, and even then that wasn't a sure thing.
"If I'm being perfectly honest with you," The Chief Fire Officer said to Stephen as the firemen began to pack up some of the hoses. "It may well start burning again. These new electric cars can burn on and off for days when new parts of the battery combust."
"How do you stop that?"
"Can't, not really. You've got to immerse it in water for days before the thing gets saturated to the point where it'll become safe. That's about the only way to be sure."
"Oh yes. We've been planning for this for some time. We've been very fortunate that this hasn't happened to us before, but we have a plan." The man leaned in conspiratorially, keen to share his knowledge. "Forgive me if it sounds a touch unprofessional, but we've got skip - real big one, forty feet long - and we're going to fill it with water and put the car in there."
Stephen felt overwhelmed, and once the remains of the Tesla were carted away, (under the watchful eyes of at least four fire engines) he returned to the car park, where some of his employees, senior staff, and Chelsea were waiting for him.
"Is it time ta go 'ome now?" Siobhan asked sarcastically, having laid down on the tarmac next to Chelsea.
A general moan of agreement from the rest of the staff showed that many of them were more serious than she'd been. The fire had cut off the sheds from the main line, and the reduced number of available engines had forced trains to be cancelled, delayed, or combined. Everyone was thankful that the fire was now extinguished before the evening peak, and already engines could be heard rolling past the charred set of rails on an undamaged track.
Checking his watch, Stephen noted that it was well past shift change. Everyone was probably exhausted. "All right. Everyone check in with this shift and then go home. We've all had quite enough excitement for the day."
Everyone might have been tired, but they still managed to vanish with an almost magical speed, and it was soon just Stephen, Richard, Siobhan, and Chelsea left.
"I'm surprised you didn't tear out of here as well. " Stephen addressed his head of locomotive operations, who hadn't moved from her supine position. "No one at home?"
"Eh." She grunted, stretching out on the asphalt. "Deccie's in Birmingham till Tuesday, an' the kid's're at uni. I'm officially an empty nester now."
"It does take some getting used to," Stephen said encouragingly.
"How would you know?" Richard asked, who had gone past 'stressed' and had instead become sarcastic. "I see you more than mum does!"
That brought a laugh from Siobhan, while Chelsea looked like she didn't quite get the joke. Stephen let the joke hang in the air for a moment before declaring with a straight face: "Remember who signs your paychecks..."
That brought the laughter to a halt, and Stephen managed to keep his composure for a long minute before he smiled broadly. "Right! We've all been here for quite long enough - shall we get something to eat? My treat?"
"You had me going there for a second." Siobhan deadpanned as she stood up. "Do ye need me to drive too? For my paycheck?"
"If you'd be so inclined to!" Richard chirped as he opened Chelsea's passenger door. "Awfully generous of you."
Siobhan and Stephen exchanged a glance that spoke volumes, before Stephen opened the rear door.
"Did ye notice that she's Euro-spec?" Siobhan asked as she walked around to Chelsea's actual passenger door and got in. "That means yer drivin'!"
Richard, to his credit, laughed when he realized that he'd actually gotten into the driver's seat, but was confused as he felt around the steering column. "There's no keys?"
Then the seat started moving back. In a moment, his feet could no longer reach the pedals, and the wheel was out of reach. "What?"
"Sorry Sir, Ma'am," Chelsea said apologetically. "But I was actually built for the Chinese market, and I don't let other people drive."
With that, her motor started, she shifted into reverse and backed out of the parking space. "Where to, sir?"
"Hmmm... There's that Italian restaurant across town. What is it called?" At this point in the week, Stephen was unphased, and began poking at his phone to figure out which restaurant to go to.
Up front, Richard and Siobhan stared in pale-faced terror as Chelsea's steering wheel spun on its own and she pulled into rush-hour traffic.
"I think I know which place it is. Is it... uh Dalla fattoria alla tavola?"
"That's it." Stephen snapped his fingers as he recalled the name. "They have a wonderful Lasagna."
There was a beep from the infotainment system, and tiny squeaks emerged from both front seat passengers as the GPS system entered the name of the restaurant and plotted a route across Tidmouth with no one pushing any buttons.
"Tornado is bad enough," Siobhan whispered. "But this is fookin' worse!"
It was a practically sedate ten in the morning when Chelsea picked up Stephen. It was a sunny day, and she had the windows down. "You don't have to work today, do you sir?"
He chuckled. "Oh no. This is purely personal. You see, I need a new car, and if I'm honest, nothing I have seen so far has impressed me."
"I'm sorry about that," she interjected, keenly remembering the Range Rover dealership.
"Such things happen," Stephen said. "Therefore my plan for the day is to not come back without a car of some sort."
"All right," She said, already pulling up a list in her GPS. "Where to first?"
The Audi Dealership - Haltraugh
"Six months?" Stephen couldn't quite believe it.
"Eyup." Said the sales manager. "What's on the floor is what we've got. Everything else is on factory backorder because of the chip shortage."
Stephen surveyed the sales floor. Three subcompact city cars and a tiny convertible coupe were all that he could see.
The Ford Dealership - Tidmouth
"I see..." Stephen trailed off as he stared at the ugly-green painted Mondeo. "And these are all you have?"
"All we make." The salesman said. "If you want something bigger, well we've got the Transit, Kuga and the Ranger, but if you want a luxury option? This is it."
"When you say 'this is it...'"
"This one." The salesman clarified. "We've got others but they're not nearly as well equipped."
The Peugeot Dealership - Knapford
"Ugh!" A salesman said, looking at Chelsea with disgust as Stephen walked in through a side entrance. "Who's got the "I'm a posh wanker"-mobile?"
Stephen turned around and left without a word.
The Vauxhall Dealership - Killdane
The Vauxhall Dealer had many cars, much to Stephen's relief.
Called twenty-seven cars in unison.
"no." He said to Chelsea.
The Toyota Dealership - Killdane
"They want a ten thousand pound markup on this?" Chelsea was agog. "It's a Corolla!"
The Mercedes-Benz Dealership - Vicarstown
"Well," The salesman began. "We do have one model in stock that I feel you'd enjoy."
He led Stephen over to a very futuristic looking estate car. "This is our new EQS. Brand new for this model year. I'd list all the features but we'd be here all day - better to know that the only thing it can't do is make you breakfast, and even then you can probably run the cooker off of it!"
"Really?" Stephen asked, now quite interested indeed. "How does it do that?"
"Oh, well, it's electric, so all you've got to do is-"
"Electric, you say?" Stephen asked, seeing images of a burning Tesla in his mind's eye."
The BMW Dealership - Vicarstown
"Talk about a face that only a mother could love!" Chelsea sniffed as they looked over the row of saloons and estate cars. Each car had a large front grille, the appearance of which was... unfortunate.
"At this point I am willing to take that chance..." Stephen said grimly. It was almost three in the afternoon, and he hadn't been able to find anything.
"Do you really want to come out each morning and look at that?"
"If I must." Stephen sighed. It was a dreadful looking car, but maybe it drove better than it looked...
"Which gear is it in?" Stephen asked, looking at the peculiar shift lever. It had returned to a neutral position after he'd moved it, and he now had no idea which gear he was actually in. There was also a small wheel next to it, the purpose of which was unclear.
"Park is the button on the side," The salesman said. "Push it forward for reverse, and pull it back for drive."
"Forward to go back, backwards for forwards, and push a button for park." This would take some getting used to. "What does that wheel do?"
"That controls the iDrive system."
"It's the radio, sat nav, phone, bluetooth, car settings, the lot - you control it all from here." The salesman tapped the top of the wheel, which somehow turned the radio on and set it to BBC Radio 4.
"Riiiight." Stephen tried not to think about that as he pulled the shifter into what he thought was Drive, and instead sent the car rolling backwards.
"It's an easy mistake for first-timers." The salesman said apologetically.
After that false start, the test drive had gone well, or at least it had, until they got back to the dealership.
"What is that beeping sound?" Stephen asked the salesman as he drove the 7-Series through the the cramped dealership lot. "Have you got your seatbelt on?"
"'s the collision avoidance system." The man said. "It doesn't like that you're driving so close to the parked cars." He unbuckled his seatbelt, and a separate dinging sound began to play in the cabin. "That's the seatbelt chime."
"Why does the car not like being so close?"
"Ah, it think's it's gonna crash into them probably." The man continued. "Don' worry though, it'll stop itself long before - augh!"
The beeping had grown in pitch dramatically as they approached a larger SUV that was parked slightly further out than the rest. The car evidently thought that it was going to crash, and so jammed on its brakes hard, throwing Stephen against the seatbelt and sending the unbelted salesman slamming into the dashboard nose-first!
"How did it go?" Chelsea asked him as he sat down.
"Modern cars have too much technology..." Stephen muttered darkly as he rubbed his shoulder.
The Jeep Dealership - Peel Godred
Neither Stephen nor Chelsea had ever been to this dealership before - located on the far side of Peel Godred, it was buried in the foothills of Culdee Fell, and was almost closer to the Village of Cregwir. In the middle distance, smoke plumes from trains on the Mountain Railway could be seen easily.
The dealership building itself was equipped with a waiting area large enough for Chelsea to drive inside, and she was invited to do so by the salesman, who greeted both her and Stephen warmly.
This was not entirely unusual, except that the salesman was American, and not actually a salesman at all, but was instead an older-model Jeep Grand Cherokee.
"I'm actually a manufacturer representative visiting from our Corporate HQ in Michigan," He explained as he showed Stephen a much newer hybrid-drive version of his model on the sales floor. "And I got roped into covering a staffing shortage. But I promise that I am more than qualified to show you around our product lineup."
He paused and laughed. "Heck, 20 years ago, I was part of the product line!"
Chelsea also laughed, and Stephen felt rather like he did when the engines had an in-joke that he didn't get.
Looking over the SUV showed Stephen that while it had many positive attributes, it still wasn't what he wanted. It was too modern, too dependent on technology.
And, as he discovered, this was true of the other cars Jeep sold. Two were also very small and quite uncomfortable, while the third was...
"Where have the doors gone?" He asked as he looked at the Wrangler parked inside the showroom.
"Oh, they can be removed." Said the older Jeep, pointing out the mounting brackets for the doors with his tires. "It's a very popular off-roader, and totally legal to drive with the doors off, so quite a lot of people do it."
"I can't imagine that the electrics mind that." Chelsea murmured, not quite on board with the idea of leaving her doors behind.
"Oh no, the interior is actually fully waterproof; you can wash it off with a hose if you need to." Another pause, and a small smile followed this. "Believe me when I say how useful it is. I've got beige cloth and it needs upkeep, yaknow?"
"Do I ever!" This from Chelsea.
Stephen ignored them, and frowned as he examined the car's interior. Even in this Wrangler, there was a massive screen in the middle of the dashboard, and there was an automatic transmission instead of a manual. "I don't suppose that you have anything more... simple than this, do you? I have quite recently become disenchanted with all the modern gadgetry of today's cars."
The Jeep's brows furrowed. "We do have some used stuff, but at this point it's going to be out of Certified Pre-Owned range." He backed up and tapped a wheel on the floor as he thought about something. "Actually, I do have one car that you might be interested in. It's gonna be a bit of a long shot, but it's the best I can do."
"At this point, I will take a long shot over nothing." Stephen was fairly desperate, and didn't have the energy to hide it at this point.
The Jeep led them into the back of the dealership building. There, a car sat in a dark corner. It was hidden by the lack of light, but what little could be seen showed it was a very aggressive looking car indeed.
"I'm sorry about the dramatic reveal, but usually they don't show this one." He said apologetically as he looked for the light switch. "This was a special edition for one of the top dealers in the states. One of 20, if I remember right. It got gray-market imported right after it was sold - some collector in... Wogan? Wigan? something like that, bought it - and he just looked at it until he sold it at auction, because it has 64 miles on it. And it's a 2010."
He found the light switch, and Chelsea gasped at what she saw.
Stephen had to admit, it was... quite the car. "It's-"
The Next Day
"-Yellow." Helen Hatt finished, her tone flat.
"Yes, I am aware of that." Stephen said, his expression becoming more and more fixed as his wife looked at his new car.
"Are you also aware that it is the most inconspicuous thing I have ever seen?"
"The thought did cross my mind."
"Did it."
"Then why is it in our driveway?"
"Because, Helen," Stephen sighed. "It has a manual transmission, no electronic driver aids of any kind, save for anti-lock brakes and traction control, one screen - and a small one at that - and all of the control systems are controlled by the driver. It is not smart, it is not electric, and it is not a computer. It is a car, Helen. And as far as I am able to tell, it is one of the only ones of its kind for sale on this Island. So I bought it."
She looked at him, and then at the car. "There was nothing else? What about that Vauxhall dealership that always advertises on the telly? Their cars look simple."
"Their cars talk, love. Everything in my life talks. My trains talk. My employees talk. My mobile phone not only talks, but has a name, one I dare not speak aloud lest I wake it up. At this point, it would not surprise me if I woke up one morning and the house started talking to me." He let out a deep breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "So I bought this car, because I need one thing in my life that does. Not. Talk."
Helen's face softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize that this was such an issue."
"It really isn't as massive as I make it out to be, but I just need one thing that doesn't complain if I leave it out in the rain."
That brought out a giggle from his wife, and he knew that she was on board now. "Would you like to go for a drive? It is quite something."
"Looking like that, I'd imagine it would have to be." Helen said as she opened the passenger side door. "Do you mind if I run through my other grievances on this? Just so we can get them out of the way?"
"Be my guest." Stephen said as he opened the boot and began looking for something within.
"Isn't the wheel on the wrong side?" She started.
"It's imported from America."
"Isn't that dangerous? To drive on the wrong side of the car?"
"French tourists manage it, all the time."
"What will the neighbors think?"
"This is far from the strangest thing they've seen, and I don't care anyways."
"How much did it cost?"
"A sizable amount. We can afford it."
"How much petrol does it use?"
"More than it should. We can afford it."
"Doesn't that hurt the environment?"
"It would be hypocritical for me to run steam and diesel engines on the railway and think that I'm going to save the planet by driving a Prius."
"Will anyone think that you're having a midlife crisis?"
"Love, we are in our 80's. We are, at best, exceptionally spry pensioners." He pulled the shopping bag from the boot, and removed two sunglass cases from it. "Here."
"As if you'd ever stop working long enough to take a pension. What are these?"
"Aviator sunglasses. Everyone at the dealership was most insistent that I wear them when I drive it."
"Because it looks, and I quote, "Awesome".
"Based on my drive home last night, I'm inclined to believe them." He left the boot lid up, reached into the cabin, and unlatched the roof, allowing the convertible top to come free.
Folding it away, he slammed the boot lid shut and addressed his wife. "Any other concerns?"
"I think David Drury might explode if he finds out that you've got a sportier car than him." Helen did look very fetching with the Ray-Bans on, in his opinion.
"I'd quite like to see that, but I think he'd have to get in line behind Richard and Bridget."
"Of course Richard would, but what's got your sister in such a knot?"
"I spoke to her last night; She bought a new car last week." Stephen lowered himself into the low-slung driver's seat and fished around his pockets for the keys. "It's one of those new Fiats with the TwinAir motor."
"What's that?"
"A two cylinder engine, less than a liter's displacement." He looked at her over the rim of the sunglasses. "She was very pleased at how efficient it is."
"How many liters is this, then?"
Stephen twisted the key in the ignition, and the quiet morning was shattered by the naturally aspirated bellow of the V10 engine inside the Dodge Viper ACR. "Eight. And a half."
Helen could only throw her head back and laugh at her husband's antics, and the car roared out of the driveway and onto the main road, squealing the tires all the way.
The next week - The Drury Farms Warehouse outside of Knapford
A yellow and black Viper rumbled up to the archway on the entrance road. On the arch, a sign reading "AUTO-X EVENT SIGNUPS" fluttered in the breeze. It was a minute before the car moved again, as staff members had to be convinced that the driver was not trying to enter the event as a contestant.
Eventually, the car was pointed in the direction of the parking area, and it stopped near the fences that separated the competitors from the viewing crowd. The car's passenger door opened, and a pale-faced man stumbled out, just managing to avoid burning his leg on the exhaust pipe just behind the door sill. Like a newborn deer, he stumbled and weaved his way across the lot until his stomach calmed down. He clutched the plastic folder in his hands against his chest like a lifeline.
Eventually, he found who he was looking for: a glossy black Range Rover that was sitting in the contestant's paddock. As he approached, she perked up on her suspension. He briefly observed a card with numbers on it attached to her side with magnets, but decided it wasn't really important.
"You're Mister Hatt's son, right?" The Rover asked as he walked to her. "I thought I saw his car - is he letting you drive it?"
"My father," Richard wheezed, still not totally composed. "Has bought that ridiculous sports car and has decided to drive everywhere like a madman!"
She looked sympathetic. "Not the 'go-fast' type?"
"I thought I was." He was still unsteady on his feet, and Chelsea opened a rear door for him to sit down in without a word. "Thank you." He said, fairly collapsing into the rear seats.
"Not a problem - just don't throw up on my upholstery, okay?"
"Hopefully it won't come to that."
"It had better not." She paused for a moment, watching an older Jeep race around a corner on the course that had been set out in the warehouse's vast forecourt. "What did you come here for? Does Mister Hatt need me to drive for him again?"
"Yes, but not in the way that you're thinking."
"What do you mean?"
"My father was very impressed with your work ethic and skills when you chauffeured him, and he has asked me to extend to you an offer of employment with the NWR." Richard wasn't quite sure what to do with the folder containing the offer, and eventually just slid it into the driver's seat. "it would be similar to your current job, but with some more specialized transport duties. There's also room for promotion within the railway."
He paused, trying to gather his thoughts. His father had taken that last roundabout exceptionally fast, and he was still loopy from it. "Everything is in the folder, and I would love to sit down with you in an official capacity sometime on Monday to go over everything in detail. This is just the offer, so don't feel obliged to say anything now..." His head spun a little, and he held his head in his hands and covered his eyes. "My god, does he drive like a maniac..."
Chelsea was quiet, and Richard wasn't sure what to do next. "Obviously you're not obligated to say yes right now, or at all, even-"
"Of course I'll do it!" Chelsea squealed. "I'd love to work for Mister Hatt!"
"Work for who?" A voice asked from next to Chelsea. Richard opened his eyes and saw that the Jeep from earlier was now next to Chelsea in the paddock.
"I got a job offer from the railway!" She said, bouncing back and forth on her suspension and making Richard's head swim.
"Oh that's wonderful!" The Jeep said, an enthusiastic grin on his face. "Two wins in one day!"
"They just posted the times. You made the finals!"
"I did?"
Richard tuned them out, and tried breathing deeply through his mouth to settle his nausea.
"Oh wow! That's- oh skidplates! That's now!"
"I know! Go! Kick some bumper!"
"Okay!" She moved forwards and then stopped. Unconsciously, Richard reached over and drew the nearest seatbelt he could find over himself. "Mister Hatt, I'm about to do a lap. You might want to get out if you're not up to it."
Richard was barely paying any attention to anything other than his own breathing, and just tugged on the seatbelt to say "I need a minute" in a non-verbal manner.
"Oh-kay... if you think you're up for it..." Chelsea sounded wary, not that Richard paid any attention.
For the next few minutes, she didn't say anything, and Richard found the rocking motions of her movement quite soothing.
Finally, she stopped, and Richard opened his eyes for the first time in a few minutes. "What..?"
"Mister Hatt, if you want to get out, you've got about five seconds before that flag drops." Chelsea said as she stood on the starting line of the racetrack.
It took Richard about four seconds to comprehend exactly what was about to happen, and one very long second to realize that he was not going to be able to get out in time.
The green flag dropped.
Exactly one minute and fifty seconds later, Chelsea screeched across the finish line.
Exactly ten seconds after that, her rear door opened, and Richard Hatt barreled out, running as fast as he could for a litter bin by the judges' table.
Stephen Hatt and David Drury watched from the visitor's parking area with amused interest
"Does he do any of this sort of thing?" David asked as he leaned against his Ferrari.
"I love my son dearly," Stephen said from behind the wheel of the Viper. "But having caffeine after supper is what he considers exciting!"
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