#i better not jinx it
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baronessblixen · 1 year ago
I used a prompt from this list today: 10. “It’s alright, I’m here now.”
Diana/IVF angst (with a soft ending): Scully is already upset about a colleague's pregnancy and then Diana shows up and makes things worse. (wc: 1,549)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 3: The Deepest Cut
Those damn hormones.
Scully wipes the tears from the corner of her eyes, careful not to smudge her carefully applied make-up. It’s one thing to break down in the sanctity of her home. It’s entirely different to have it happen at work. There was no way to prepare herself. One moment she and Mulder were getting lunch and the next, everyone was congratulating Agent Winman on her pregnancy.
She felt Mulder’s hand on her back in the aftermath, a steady reminder that he was there for her. She doesn’t remember what she said to the other agent, but she must have said something. And then there was Diana. Who – even though she hardly knew the other woman – was the loudest and the most cheerful. Who, upon declaring that there’s nothing better than babies, looked straight at Mulder and winked.
Scully excused herself, pressing her untouched lunch into Mulder’s hand. She heard him try to ask if she was okay, but she wasn’t, and she knew she couldn't stay and explain. Because of the hormones. There won’t be a baby growing inside her, but her body is as quick to catch up as her brain. Her doctor told her it would take a while for her hormones to return back to normal. Right now, she’s losing her patience. She shouldn’t have tried. She shouldn’t have hoped. How silly of her. But how could she not have tied, not have hoped? A boy – or girl – with Mulder’s smile and his pouty lips. With a thirst for knowledge, a tender heart, and a stubborn head.
She looks at herself in the mirror, her cheeks rosy and full. And for what? Her dream child disappears and all that’s left is her own face and the tears that threaten to fall again.
“Get a grip,” she says to her reflection, wiping under her eyes. She can’t face Mulder like this. One look at her and he’ll know she cried. And she doesn’t have the strength to explain it to him. To shoulder his grief, too.
The door to the bathroom opens and Scully startles, trying to hide the tissues and every piece of evidence of her breakdown.
“Oh, Agent Scully.” There’s disdain in Diana Fowley’s voice as she says her name. Of all of the people in the Hoover Building, it has to be her. Of all the bathrooms she could have chosen, she walks in here, with a smirk on her face.
“Fox was wondering where you’d gone.”
“Just needed the restroom,” Scully says, turning on the water.
“Hmm. Isn’t it just wonderful news, though?” Scully remains quiet. “Agent Winman,” Diana explains needlessly. She’s just standing here, gloating. She doesn’t need the restroom at all. She must have followed her here. Bile rises in Scully’s throat.
“Wonderful news,” she says, turning away from Diana to dry her hands on a bunch of paper towels.
“You know,” Diana says wistfully, “I never thought I’d want children, but now I’m reconsidering it. All you need is the right man.” Her laugh sounds like a Rottweiler’s bark. “And I think I know who’d be perfect.”
“That’s great,” Scully says, trying to sound disinterested. Don’t say his name, she pleads. Don’t say his name. Just as she lifts her head and her eyes meet Diana’s, the other woman opens her mouth.
“Fox will make a great father, don’t you think?”
Will. Not would. As if she’s sure of it. As if she’s sure that she and Mulder will have children. Scully grabs the countertop and holds on tight. If she doesn’t, she might faint. Her dream child, the one with her nose and Mulder’s mouth disappears and is replaced by another one. That boy has Mulder’s mouth and his smile. Just like she’d always dreamed it. But he has Diana’s eyes, her dark hair, and her nose.
“Agent Scully? Did I say something wrong? You look pale.” Her voice drips with satisfaction.
“No, I’m fine,” she says. “I’m just-”
“You’re sad you can’t give him children, hm?” Scully’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh yes, I know. Everyone knows.” Another laugh. This one cuts even deeper and tears Scully’s insides apart. How does she know? How could she have possibly found out about her and Mulder doing IVF? Unless. No, it can’t be. Mulder wouldn’t have told her. Not this. Not her.
“And you know what, Agent Scully?” Her face is so close that Scully can smell her perfume. The unsubtle, expensive scent tickles her nose and makes her sick. “I can. I can give him children. I can be a mother.” Just as she says this, the door to the bathroom opens and Mulder’s head pops inside.
“There you are. I had a pretty embarrassing run-in with Skinner’s secretary just now. Scully, are you-” for the second time that day, she doesn’t let him finish his question, and runs off. She doesn’t care where she’s going, and she can’t see well. She lets the tears fall freely, not caring anymore.
“Hey, don’t run again, okay?” Mulder’s voice is soft and his steps toward her as timid. He looks as if he were trying to catch a scared kitten.
“I won’t,” she promises, trying to keep the tears at bay. It’s no use. The closer Mulder comes, the fast her walls crumble. By the time he puts his arms around her, she’s full-on crying.
“It’s all right,” he whispers into her hair. “I’m here now.” His words and his tenderness make her cry harder. She thinks of that night, of the glimmer of hope in his eyes before she told him that it hadn’t worked. That there wouldn’t be a baby. He held her all night, whispering things to her, trying to share his hope and his beliefs with her. Trying to make her see that once again he wouldn’t give up. That he’d shoot for the moon, try and catch it for her, make that miracle come true after all.
“What happened there?” he asks gently, stroking her hair. And she lets him. They’re at work and anyone could walk in. Diana Fowley could see them like this and report them. The thought makes her shiver which in turn makes Mulder draw her closer, his arms tightening around her.
“Mulder, I can’t-” What Diana said to her returns with a vengeance and she frees herself of Mulder’s embrace. He lets her go, his arms slipping away and hanging by his side as if useless when not holding her. “How did Diana know?” she asks out loud, her thoughts going too fast for her.
“How did Diana know what?”
“That I did IVF. That I can’t have children.” The surprise on Mulder’s face is genuine. He’s taken aback by her question and Scully feels almost guilty that she even suspected he’d say something to her.
“I- I have no idea, Scully. I didn’t tell her.”
“You didn’t.” She has to make sure.
“I swear to you I didn’t. What did she say to you? That got you so worked up.” He comes closer again and she lets him in.
“It doesn’t- it doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter,” he says, searching her face. “She said something that hurt you.”
“She said you’ll make a great father.” Mulder’s eyes narrow in confusion. “She, um, she wants to have children with you.” “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. She hates children. Maybe hate is a strong- no, she hates them. I remember her saying that once. She said she even hated children when she was a child herself.” Scully scoffs; she can see that.
“And hey.” She doesn’t dare look at him, but Mulder wouldn’t be Mulder if he didn’t try everything in his power. He tips up her chin. Her eyes are swimming with tears again – or still – but she sees the love in his eyes, in all of his face. They don’t need to exchange those three little words for her to know them, and to feel them deep inside.
“Even if she didn’t,” Mulder says. “Even if she loved children, even if she wanted a dozen of them… I don’t want any with her. That thought never even crossed my mind. I’ll talk to her and-”
“Don’t,” Scully says. “Please.”
“If that’s what you want.” She nods. “I’ll try to keep my mouth shut. You know how hard that is for me.” He gives her a sweet smile and she chokes out a laugh, too. Her sadness weighs heavily on her, but with Mulder here, it feels a bit lighter.
"I can't believe she'd say that to you. I'm sorry, Scully. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," she says in a small voice knowing it's far from okay. She herself is far from okay. “I’m sorry that we-” He shakes his head, still smiling.
“Remember what I said?” As if she could ever forget it.
“Never give up on a miracle,” she repeats quietly, as if afraid to speak it out loud, to tempt fate once again.
“I won’t if you won’t.” He kisses her temple, letting his lips linger. Her eyes flutter close and she soaks in it all in. His words. His love for her. His unbending hope.
It doesn't matter what Diana says or does. She'll never have this. She'll never have Scully's Mulder.
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wishfulsketching · 3 months ago
I have finally finished season 2 of Arcane and can now enjoy your art without fear!!! They should be happy together 🥺
I take it "they" means zaundads because that is what I've been drawing the most BUT, lets be honest, applies to like 98% of the characters in the show.
They should've been a big happy familyyyy
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daniidraws · 2 months ago
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Finally!! Timebomb fanart is finished!! Thank you for all the support y'all gave me on the WIP! 🥺
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sulfurzee · 3 months ago
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Isha if she got to grow up?
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krussyarts · 4 months ago
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fruity-blogs · 3 months ago
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smallpapers · 5 months ago
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Why does nobody but you, know a shortcut, a sure shot? I forgot how it ought to feel I don't know what to do It's a whole lot to hold back, you know that Cupid shoots to kill
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peapeapeapa · 8 months ago
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Just like me fr
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arcanescreencaps · 2 months ago
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All 76 Arcane Displate Posters Upscaled to 4x (most are in 2940x4096). Again, the upscaler isn't perfect, so don't expect too much. You can them find all of them in discord, or you can download them here. Enjoy!
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bean-spring · 3 months ago
As somebody who has struggled with mental health all of their life and still does, Jinx's romance with Ekko means the world to me.
I'm sick and tired of people considering mentally ill people just "not interested in love" or, on the other side, "not healthy enough to be loved". Which is utterly stupid. Ekko falling for Powder but clearly showing signs of wanting to learn more about Jinx and on his way to love her too, realizing that her damaged past and issues do change her but she's still his girl. It's brilliant writing.
He can't be a savior to her, because there's nothing to save. There's nothing to fix. The whole message Jayce gives with "there's beauty in imperfections" goes hand in hand with Powder's "sometimes taking a leap forward means leaving a few things behind". Ekko goes from wanting to save her to wanting to see more of her and leaving Powder behind to know about Jinx. With Ekko loving Jinx nevertheless it shows that mentally ill people can be loved. And with Powder reciprocating and Jinx making amends with Ekko (with the romantic context behind already seen) it's breaking the whole stereotype of her being this "insane maniac with no remorse and unable to show love".
So I guess what I want to say is that their relationship would've worked in another universe, but I want to believe it could've worked in this one (with time), too.
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lil-lemon-snails · 2 months ago
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Been thinking.. what if big....
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arcanegifs · 5 months ago
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Here's more comparisons of Arcane Gifs before and after I color and sharpen em!
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wishfulsketching · 10 days ago
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I decided to redraw some old art. More coming laterr
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hexesandroses · 3 months ago
This newfound idea that Silco took Powder in because she reminded him of Felicia makes me wanna gouge my eyes out. I'm sorry for being harsh, I guess, but I hate that their relationship has been reduced to Silco's past friendship with Jinx's mother. It strips Silco of his complexities, of that uncomfortable, unhealthy side of his relationship with Jinx that is, in my opinion, absolutely essential to their bond because it reflects just how damaged Silco was. He took Powder in because he saw himself in her; a broken, sobbing little girl whose words perfectly paralleled his own: "She is not my sister anymore", "he is not my brother anymore". Silco fostered Jinx's violence because she needed to become what they - Piltover - feared, all the while Jinx weakened him, held his hand as she led him to his demise. Maybe I'm too picky, but I feel like Silco's and Powder's first meeting loses all of its weight if you go down the "he saw Felicia in her" route. Idk
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grimmcheems · 2 months ago
Do you think she ever thinks about how she never got to see her found family again?💣🐰
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💣“Hey! I know this grumpy lady who’ll let us crash, she’s mean but she’s cool once you get to know her.”
⚙️🎰“I never liked her much since we met, but I prefer the racket she caused everywhere she went to the silence that befalls the air vents in The Last Drop.”
It was rly hard trying to mimic/get the style of the show down for this, I didn’t draw it how I usually do bc I feel like the stylization gives it life compared to my regular style. Other than that 🗣️🗣️I LOVE YOU SEVIKA🗣️🗣️🙏🏽😭🎀💖
I have so many other arcane arts but this is one of the few I’ve managed to finish. I wonder if anyone bothered to tell Sevika about Jinx and Isha?!😭like please. She was such an unwilling aunt to Jinx and cared about the two overtime. I refuse to believe she wouldn’t be devastated. She watched her grow up from a little girl to a destructive teen to a revolutionary, there’s no way she wouldn’t have any reaction to finding out they’re gone. :(
Ignore the fact that ishas body is missing🗿👩🏽‍🦯
I have other parts to this art that explore that but not finished yet. I also have arts of the twinks in the show bc I was on my knees fr, not even…. Like HEAR ME OUT: HUCK AND SALO?!?!🙏🏽😭🫶🏽💖🤭😔👩🏽‍🦯😳🥺🗿please, I wish they had more scenes.
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thenationofzaun · 2 months ago
"What were you expecting from a video game show🤪"
I was expecting things from the fucking video game:
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