#i assumed that each of the fics would be like 500 words at most
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annebd · 2 months ago
winter warmers, day 17: public sex/hot cocoa ~2700 words. this fic is based loosely off the pics and my tags on this post.
“Final grades are already submitted, mate. The time for bribery has come and gone.”
“Very funny, Daniel.” Max places the cup of hot cocoa on Daniel’s desk. A little bit of the whipped cream has sputtered out of the hole at the top. He swipes at it and licks the foam off his finger. He watches Daniel watching him. “Extra whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon, like you like it. And anyway, it’s not a bribe because you are not my teacher anymore. That’s the point."
Max slouches off his backpack and dumps it in a heap on the floor in front of the threadbare armchair next to Daniel’s desk. He throws off his jacket, too- slings it over the back of the chair- before slumping to sit, his legs spread wide. He’s spent the better part of the semester in this exact position, big blue eyes staring raptly at Daniel across the desk, counting down the minutes until this moment. Now it’s Daniel’s turn to stare.
“Max…” he warns.
The door to Daniel’s tiny, cramped office is wide open, but it’s quiet. It’s late into the evening on the last day of the semester. The university is almost entirely deserted by now. All of the students abandoned campus the moment they finished their last exams over the week, and the professors have all gone home for the day, leaving their TAs to put together the final touches on grading for the end of the semester.
Daniel’s office is at the end of a long corridor in the dingy, mostly unused section of the English department. There’s a janitor’s closet next door that contains nothing more than a single mop and a broken plastic bucket. The empty office across the hall has a bigger desk than his and an actually functioning window, but when Daniel asked if he could move over there instead, his advisor had thrown around words like “seniority” and “tenure” and “paying his dues.” So he’s been stuck in this shoe closet for the past two years, while a perfectly good office lies empty just a few steps away. He likes to complain to Max about it when he’s feeling particularly resentful about some university bullshit or other. Max just likes to listen to him talk.
The office is, as usual, empty. As is the janitor’s closet. As is every other office or storage room down the hallway, all the way to the elevator bank, where the lone lightbulb is flickering intermittently, casting dancing shadows along the wall. They’re alone in the building for now. No one else is around.
Max tells Daniel this.
“No one else, huh?” Daniel leans back in his own chair, matches Max’s slouching posture. He takes a sip of the cocoa. Savors it. Takes another. “And what exactly am I supposed to do with that information?”
“You know what, Daniel. You are not my teacher anymore. This stupid class is over. No more Beowulf, thank god. And now I can have you. You said.”
“You can have me?” Daniel cuts himself off. “Jesus, Max. That’s definitely one way to phrase it.”
“Always you and your phrasing. I still am upset about when you took points off my essay for that, by the way.”
Daniel laughs.
Max doesn’t. He glances at the open door, which offers a clear view down the hallway. Still empty. Not so much as a faint footstep click-clacking in the distance.
He stands and turns Daniel’s swivel chair outwards a little so that he has enough space to kneel down in front of him. 

“Max,” Daniel warns him again, but his voice is softer this time. He’s not protesting. He’s looking down at Max, who’s already sliding his hands up and down the soft, worn denim encasing Daniel’s thighs.
“You have to say yes. You already said we could, but you have to say you want this now.” Max sits back onto his heels, and immediately feels colder being even six inches further away from Daniel. “Will you say yes, for me? Say that I can have you?”
Daniel runs a hand across his stubbled cheek, lets it cover his mouth for a moment. Max watches the light catch on his gold rings and dance across the wall. Daniel pulls off his glasses (an affectation, he’d once told Max. His prescription is so weak that he can get by fine without them, but they help sell the look. PhD student in English Lit, rather than tatted bogan) and looks at Max with wide eyes. Max looks back.
“Yes,” he says. “All right? I’m saying yes. You can have me.”
“Okay,” Max agrees and pushes Daniel’s grey sweater up so that he can lean in and suck a bruise into the center of his chest. He pulls back to look at it. His own mark on Daniel’s skin. Daniel has told him about some of his tattoos, and he’s seen some, of course, but he knows that there are others yet to be discovered. He’ll find every last one with his eyes and then his tongue. For now, he’ll add a few more of his own.
Daniel groans when Max sets his teeth against Daniel’s nipple. “Fuck, babe. Not even a kiss first? Right to the nipple play, huh?”
Max pulls back. Daniel’s right: they should kiss. He lets the sweater fall out of his hands and pulls Daniel by the back of the knees so that he slides lower in the chair. Max pushes into the space between Daniel’s spread legs so that they’re chest to chest.
Daniel looks soft like this, vulnerable, as he looks up to where Max hovers slightly taller than him. Max is used to Daniel taking up so much space: big laugh, big personality, big hair. But here, underneath Max’s hands, he’s small. His baggy sweaters hide a narrow waist, tapering to bony hips- delicate wrists extending to long, nail-bitten fingers. Max wants to cover him completely, hide him from the world, keep him for himself. That wouldn’t be fair, though. The world would be so much smaller without Daniel in it.
He cups his hand around Daniel’s cheek, his beard prickling ticklishly against Max’s palm.
“Hi,” Daniel says, quietly.
“Hello, Daniel,” Max says and then leans in for a kiss. It’s softer than he’s expecting, given the stubble situation. Daniel’s lips are warm against his, and they press together for just a moment before Max pulls away to look at him. He never gets tired of looking at Daniel.
He moves back in, harder this time, Daniel’s mouth opening for his, and he licks his way inside. He sucks on Daniel’s tongue, where the taste of cocoa and cinnamon is still lingering. Daniel kisses back- biting, bruising kisses that send a shock of pleasure direct to Max’s cock. He could spend hours here, days, years, just feeling the pressure of Daniel’s mouth on his.
But he has plans that extend beyond just a few heated kisses.
He has wanted this since the very first day of the semester, when he walked into that stupid Brit Lit classroom with his stupid copy of Beowulf and saw the hottest person he’s ever seen in his life sitting cross legged on the desk upfront, waving him in and telling him to grab a seat, that they’re just getting started.
He’d sat in the closest seat to the front, dead center, and spent the next three months contributing minimally to the in-class discussions that Daniel led, and instead, daydreamed about bending him over the lectern and fucking him until he cried. He did fine on exams, wrote marginally passable essays (phrasing issues aside), but couldn’t be bothered to contribute to the inanity of the conversations around him when he could spend that time imagining the taste of Daniel’s golden honey skin if he licked him all the way from his collarbone to his cock.
Soon enough, he’d started showing up to Daniel’s office hours twice a week, and then inviting himself to sit in the office whenever he knew Daniel would be there. He’d plop himself in the armchair and tap away at his homework for other classes (“the ones that matter, Daniel”) while Daniel worked on grading essays and occasionally tapped away at the doc that will eventually become his thesis.
And in that time, Max’s fantasies turned from the desk in the lecture hall to the desk right here in this cramped office. He’s spent many an afternoon sitting in the ratty armchair and watching Daniel work, while picturing doing exactly what he’s doing now: pressing his lips against Daniel’s and sliding his hand underneath his sweater to pinch a nipple, drawing out a low moan.
Daniel had always said no. Not until the semester was over; not while he was still in a position of power over Max.
And now they’re here. The semester is done, Daniel is no longer his TA, and Max can live out every last one of his fantasies.
Without breaking the kiss, he grabs Daniel around the waist and levers him up and out of the chair so that he can spin him around to sit on the edge of his desk. He leans around Daniel’s side to close the lid of his laptop and set it on the chair, which frees up the space he needs to lay him out flat on his back and start pulling at his clothes.
“Off,” he says, and shoves the hem of the sweater up so that Daniel will remove it completely. He reaches down to take off Daniel’s boots and then unzips his jeans and pulls them off. Between the two of them it’s quick work until Daniel is naked, save for his socks and the gold chain around his neck. He’s on his back with his ass at the edge of the desk and his thighs already falling open for Max to fit perfectly between.
Max takes a moment to appreciate the sight in front of him. Daniel’s tan is still a perfect golden, even now in the startling cold of mid-December. He’s lithe, deceptively muscled for how slender he is, further camouflaged by the baggy sweaters and hoodies he’s usually draped in. But like this, all of him on full display for Max’s pleasure, he’s a perfect specimen of toned muscle.
There are more tattoos even than Max expected- his thighs especially are a quilt of color. Max ignores them for now. There will be plenty of time for them to become more intimately acquainted later. For now, Max has other issues to attend to- like licking that stripe across Daniel’s torso. Collarbone to cock, and then back again.
He must stare for a hair too long, because Daniel starts to curl in on himself, shy in a way that Max has never seen him before. That can’t stand. Max leans down to kiss him again, pressing his hardening cock, still trapped inside his jeans, against Daniel’s, which forces his legs wide again. He wraps them around Max’s back and tugs him in closer.
They kiss lazily for a while until Max is so hard that the press of his cock against his zipper is a physical ache. He unzips and pulls himself out, immediately thrusting into the hollow where Daniel’s hip meets his thigh, precome slicking the way.
“I’m going to fuck you now,” he says, no beating around the bush.
He makes quick work of sliding on a condom and then slicking his cock and Daniel’s hole with a tiny packet of lube, both of which he’d tucked into his pocket earlier this evening.
He pushes in and feels the warmth of Daniel surrounding his cock. Daniel’s eyes widen and he gasps when Max bottoms out. He’s not huge, but his cock is thick, and he can feel Daniel’s hole fluttering around him to accommodate his girth. He moves slowly, letting him get used to the stretch.
“Fuck, Max,” Daniel chokes out as Max thrusts in to the hilt again. “More, please.”
“So polite for me. Of course, Daniel. I’ll give you everything you want.” And he does. For long minutes, he focuses on nothing more than the connection between their bodies, Daniel’s entirely naked and Max’s still fully clothed. He’s insane with the sensation, the knowledge that Daniel is giving himself over to Max so completely, letting Max take care of him.
He’s on the verge of coming when Max feels Daniel still beneath him for a moment, his gaze focused over Max’s shoulder. “Max, the door.”
“Yes. It’s still open. Anyone could walk past and see us. They could see you all spread out for me. For my cock. They could hear you, too, of course. Because you’re being very loud with your moans, Daniel.” He pushes in deep, makes sure to stroke firmly across Daniel’s prostate. He waits for him to moan and then does it again. “Just like that.”
Daniel shudders and clenches down around Max’s cock. It’s Max’s turn to moan out loud. He can feel Daniel starting to tremble beneath him. He reaches for Daniel’s cock and starts jerking him roughly.
“Now, Daniel,” he says. “Come for me now. Please.”
Daniel closes his eyes and pulls Max down over him, presses their mouths together. He licks across Max’s teeth as he comes. Max follows immediately behind, filling the condom and wishing they could do this bare. Imagines the feeling of filling Daniel instead, spurting deep inside him. He groans again as his hips kick up reflexively. He adds that to the mental tally for next time. There will absolutely need to be a next time.
They take their time cleaning up. Max grabbed a stack of napkins when he brought Daniel’s hot cocoa earlier. They don’t make for the most glamorous post-fuck clean up, but they’ll do.
When their clothes are back in place and they look mostly presentable again, Max tugs teasingly at the chain around Daniel’s neck, pulls him in for a kiss.
“Thank you for waiting for me,” Daniel tells him softly.
Then, he grins big for a second. “Oh, and for the cocoa, too. Delish, mate.”
Max just rolls his eyes. “You’re welcome. For both. Now, come. I need to take you home and fuck you some more. On a big bed, where I can take my time.”
He waits for Daniel to gather his things and turn out the lights in the office. He’ll finish his last bit of grading over the weekend, he tells Max.
They walk down the hall to the elevator, Max with one hand wrapped around Daniel’s hip and a thumb tucked through his belt loop.
As they near the elevator bank, they both freeze. Just a few doors down from Daniel’s office, they see light streaming out from Dr. Lambiase’s office, light that definitely hadn’t been there when Max showed up earlier.
They turn to look at each other, their eyes huge. Slowly, they walk towards the open door and freeze again when a familiar voice calls out from a familiar face. “Evening, boys. I thought I was already done for the day, but I had to come all the way back to campus to grab a couple of folders before break. You two all done for the evening?”
Neither of them says anything. Dr. Lambiase raises an eyebrow at them.
Max nudges Daniel to answer; he’s the TA. Not Dr. Lambiase’s TA, of course, but still. Max is just a student.
Daniel hurries to spit out, “Yeah, yep, we’re all done. Max just had a couple questions from the final exam, but we’re all good now, so we’re gonna go, have a good night, see you later.” He waves, prompts Max to do the same, and then speedwalks them down the rest of the hallway, where they wait in silence for the elevator to arrive.
“Oh my god,” Daniel says as soon as the elevator doors close. “Oh my god!”
“Well,” Max intones. “I guess we can check that one off the fantasy list, then?”
They look at each other silently for a second and then collapse into each other in a pile of giggles. Yeah, Max is definitely going to cross that one off the list.
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farenmaddox · 3 months ago
saw the WIP challenge from @wanderingcas about posting a snippet from something you're working on and getting some motivation for it. I've gotten all in my head about my post-canon SPN fic and completely stalled out on it, so I thought I'd just... try this and see if it helps.
“You’re in heaven?” Sam speaks up, when Dean can’t seem to find any words.
“Oh. Yes. I suppose that would be news. To be fair, Jack having the power to bring me there was news to me.”
Dean is so, so fucking stupid. Obviously Jack came to get Cas, that would still be part of fixing all of the shit from before, not interfering in new stuff. Obviously Cas isn’t just suffering in the Empty for eternity, holy shit. It makes him so relieved that he kind of has to lean on one of the posts for a minute.
“Dean?” Cas asks, tensing up immediately.
“M’good,” he mumbles, waving him off. He just… needs to breathe.
Sam rushes in and pulls Cas into an absolutely crushing hug, saying, “Thanks for coming. Is… is Jack...?”
“He can’t visit without violating the rules. He asked me to say hello on his behalf, though.”
“Oh,” Sam says, deflating a little. “That’s okay. Glad you’re here, anyway. Are you, uh, do you have to go back right away? Does the interference thing include, you know, talking to us?”
“I’m not Jack. I am free to do as I wish,” Cas says.
“Man, it would be nice if you wished to help us get rid of some vamp bodies,” Dean mutters, because the enormity of what just happened is slamming into him like a truck, and he kind of wants to do the rest of this debrief somewhere that isn’t covered in his own blood, maybe after getting those kids home to their deeply traumatized mother.
Cas just looks at him for a long time, but that’s not new. Dean just looks back. He’s so, so tired and there’s work to do, and this is how they operate, right? Do the job until the job’s done, and then they do the celebrating. Cas knows that as well as anybody.
“Fine,” Cas says, short and clipped. And then the bodies are just gone, and so is the blood, from one blink to the next.
Dean chuckles in spite of himself. “You that eager to get to the part where you yell at me, ya big fuckin’ hypocrite?”
Read the rest (approx. 500 more words) under the cut
Cas flinches away from that, actually, and goes striding back out of the barn. “The children are hiding behind a large tree roughly fifteen yards that direction,” he says, waving vaguely. “I assume there wouldn’t be room in the car if you need to transport them, so I’ll meet you in town.”
Sam and Dean stare at each other.
“Jesus,” Dean mutters. “Well, it’s definitely Cas, huh?”
Sam’s face twitches. Dean’s twitches right back.
A few seconds later, they are fully busting-up, clutching-their-guts, howling-like-animals laughing. They collapse into each other’s arms, and yeah, there are a couple of tears thrown in there. Just like, a few. Because hell, Dean had been dying, literally and actually dying, and they had been having a fucking Moment, and it’s not that easy to shake off.
Eventually they get their shit together and find the boys, and they bring them to their mom, who is not great, but is obviously better for having her kids back. There’s a lot of crying going on when Sam and Dean retreat, but their job is done and the part with the tissues and trying to put lives back together doesn’t have anything to do with them.
Cas is waiting by the car when they come back out. Sam immediately rushes in and gives him another hug, the sap, saying, “Sorry, man, I just… it’s really good to see you.”
Cas gives him a huge smile and return hug. “You too, Sam,” he says.
“Let’s get this show on the road,” Dean says, already making for the driver’s seat. “I can’t wait to get out of this town.”
“Absolutely the fuck not,” Sam says immediately.
“Dean, it’s a fourteen-hour drive to get home from here.”
“And I’m not having this conversation in the car! And no, I’m not sitting in the world’s most uncomfortable silence for fourteen hours either! We’re taking our happy asses to a motel or something and finishing what we started in the barn, and it wouldn’t kill us to get some sleep, either.”
Dean stutters something that is trying to be a protest, but isn’t. Sam’s just scowling at him and still pitching a bitch-fit.
“And you’re talking to Cas, too, because you obviously need to!”
“Do I get a say in this?” Cas asks with his eyebrows raised.
“No!” Dean and Sam snap at him at the same time.
“The most recent person to do self-sacrificial bullshit in this family loses voting privileges until the next person screws up,” Dean adds. Cas opens his mouth, scowling, and Dean points a finger at him. “Just now in there does not count, because I did not fucking do that on purpose and you know it.”
Cas closes his mouth.
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tiggyloo · 2 days ago
Y'all are driving up a fucking wall with your explicitly non-canon "canon compliant" fics and art. I appreciate them don't get me wrong but can you guys PLEASE for the love of GOD reread the books. Y'all get literally everything wrong 99% of the time please stop calling it canon compliant when that is FACTUALLY INCORRECT
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> As stated above, He Xuan had NO IDEA about the fate swap until it was leaked to him, and it's heavily implied that this happened VERY RECENTLY prior to the present book timeline. And to go with that, he literally only infiltrated Heaven to investigate Shi Wudu, after becoming a supreme and learning that the random ass guy that showed up when he died was the Water Master. That part is stated by Hua Cheng right at the end of the Black Water Arc.
> He Xuan didn't start denying his and Shi Qingxuan's friendship until BOOK THREE and we know this because of how offended Shi Qingxuan gets when He Xuan immediately says he's not his best friend after Shi Qingxuan suggests that maybe they shouldn't be best friends until he's gotten rid of the Reverend. And based on Shi Qingxuan's reactions to the other denials, it can even be assumed that He Xuan also actively and publicly stated that they were best friends. "Why didn't you say 'my best friend'?" is what Shi Qingxuan says during the game in the run down wind and water temple, for just one example. He's SURPRISED that He Xuan didn't say that, indicating that he would have usually.
> He Xuan doesn't just eat any random ghost he comes across. It's explicitly stated that he's only eaten about 500, and about 400 of those have been high ranking water ghosts. Other than that he just eats normal human food.
> There is a barrier around his territory that prevents the majority of vessels from entering. Boats can't just get in there, and he certainly doesn't seek them out.
> Stop making him act and think so fucking violently good LORD. That is legitimately the most incorrect characterization you could possibly have for him where are you GETTING THAT FROM. Him being angry as a result of learning what Shi Wudu did is not his normal personality.
> He does not get powers or memories from ghosts he eats. That is not in the books ANYWHERE. And for the Reverend, that is the ONLY thing he can create and control, and again, he did not get its memories, and even if he did, the Reverend wouldn't know jack shit. Literally the book says he "ate it later" and that's IT. NOTHING else is said about it aside from him being able to control it. There is not even a vague implication that he got anything else from eating that thing.
EVERYTHING I've listed and MORE is stated up front in the story. Why is THIS the stuff that almost every beefleaf shipper forgets. It is so very frustrating
Transcript of the images under the cut (images are from book 7 of the seven seas translation btw)
"Mmm, yes... Is something the matter?" Xie Lian asked.
Xie Lian gave a brief account of his service, and the state preceptor replied, "He would definitely be furious with you if he knew about this."
"Gege, regarding the Reverend of Empty Words," Hua Cheng continued, "at first you didn't want to get involved in that case, but you were still pulled in-though thankfully not too deeply. Neither Black Water nor Shi Wudu dragged those hundreds of fishermen into the Heavenly Tribulation in the South Sea. If not those two, who is most capable of something like that?"
Only after each incident had been laid out before him did Xie Lian realize the truth-every step he'd taken since his return had been made under Jun Wu's close watch and guided by his hand.
Hua Cheng crossed his arms. "I'm assuming that he's doing this for two reasons. First, his sick mentality drives him to throw test after test at you to see what path you'll choose-endlessly hoping that you'll go down the one he paved for you. Second, he was probably using you as a sword to cut down other heavenly officials' power.
"The heavenly officials of the previous dynasty must've traumatized him deeply. Now he's hypervigilant and requires absolute control over everything-he tolerates no threats to his power or status and allows no heavenly officials to catch up to him. And I think..."
Xie Lian was also mulling over the same points. "Think what?"
"When Shi Wudu changed Shi Qingxuan's fate, and when Black Water infiltrated the heavens in the name of investigation," Hua Cheng said, "do you really think he didn't suspect a thing?"
Xie Lian had been wondering about that as well. Could Jun Wu really have seen nothing from his seat on the highest throne? That's hardly plausible. He could directly examine every report and scroll that passed through Ling Wen's hands, so was it truly possible that he never noticed the forgeries? The Water Master committed such a heinous crime and deceived nearly the entire world, but he lived peacefully for many years. He was conveniently only exposed when he started dominating the Upper Court.
"Perhaps he knew everything from the very start, but the Water Master didn't threaten his status back then. So he made no move to expose him," Hua Cheng continued. "Exposing the matter early on wouldn't have necessarily worked to his advantage. A new Water Master would ascend if Shi Wudu was banished, and they might not have such an enormous transgression that could be used against them. I'd have been very displeased with Shi Wudu if I were Jun Wu, but I wouldn't have needed to use my own hands if I wanted to get rid of him-all I'd need to do was wait. I would simply watch quietly as the Water Master grew more and more outrageous, arrogant, and fearless, and when he finally exhausted my tolerance, I'd just leak the fate-switching affair to Black Water."
And Black Water would of course avenge himself and his deceased family.
Hua Cheng continued to explain, "As for him gathering millions of ghosts in the Kiln to birth a new supreme, it was likely in order to..."
Xie Lian came to his senses and finished for him. "...Create balance."
"Yeah," Hua Cheng said. "He was probably delighted to welcome the birth of a malicious supreme, one that would cause havoc in the Mortal Realm. As long as there are creatures making trouble, there will be people praying."
And a god's spiritual power was only made stronger by the prayers of their devotees!
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drabbles-mc · 11 months ago
Canche x GN!Reader
Warnings: 18+, language, light angst
With the help of This Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting and my trusty Wheel of Names with every character I’ve ever written for, I’m aiming to write a fic in 500 words or less every day of March.
Prompt: pattern
Word Count: 500
A/N: the way this is reminding me that i have a multichap for this man that's almost done. i need to finish that soon so i can post it and get it out of my drafts lmfao. anyway! enjoy this in the meantime!
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It had been so much easier to compartmentalize your relationship with Canche when he was only in Santo Padre for a night or two. The pattern of push and pull was almost fun in a way because it wasn’t a constant. There were no obligations, no worries.
But ever since the night the Yuma charter stormed the clubhouse, it seemed as though he’d taken up residency there. It was rare for you to walk in and not see him, when it used to be the exact opposite.
Even before everything that had happened, the most you and Canche would give each other in front of people were small smiles and knowing glances—the real exchanges always happening after hours and behind closed doors. But these days you couldn’t help but to wonder if he ever even realized you were there. He didn’t owe you anything—that was part of the deal. Still, you couldn’t help but to find it a little strange.
Your night was over even though there were still plenty of men lingering. Marcus had given you the okay to head home and you weren’t looking to argue about it.  You slipped quietly out the side door to get to your car around back.
You were about to unlock your car when you heard footsteps coming up behind you. Assuming it was one of the men from Santo Padre, you spoke before turning around. “Alvarez said that I’m good to go, so do whatev—”
Canche cut your sentence short with a hand on your hip. He turned you around to face him and pinned you back against the driver’s door of your car. Despite his hand still resting on you, he left a sliver of space between you.
You let the back of your head rest against the window of your car. “Was starting to think you just didn’t recognize me anymore.”
“Part of me doesn’t.”
Your brows knit, tied together with confusion and frustration. “What the fuck’s that sup—”
“You thought it was going to be the same? After all the shit that went down?” His grip on your hip tightened. “Shit you didn’t bother telling me about?”
You put your hand between you. “You think they bothered to tell me about any of it?” You scoffed. “Not like you gave me the heads-up when your guys wanted to turn my clubhouse into fucking Swiss cheese.”
A smirk flickered across his face. “Your clubhouse?”
You rolled your eyes. “You know what I mean.” You paused. “What do you want, Canche?”
“We’re gonna be here for a while. It’d be nice to have someone around that I can stand,” his grip eased, “that I can trust.”
“I didn’t think trust really had anything to do with this.”
His lips curled up for a moment. “It didn’t. Maybe it should.”
You finally let your hand rest against the leather of his kutte. “Maybe.” You felt his tense muscles ease and you nodded towards your car. “C’mon, then.”
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sodomhipped · 1 year ago
total number of completed works? in how many fandoms?
37 fics (+4 chapter updates)
14 fandoms
16 stories (37,928 words) were for exchanges/challenges
total posted word count?
113,862 (36,313 more than last year!)
fandoms written/drawn in? and how many works in each?
trigun (10 stories + 2 chapter updates = 34,555 words)
final fantasy xiv (4 stories + 5 chapter updates = 23,651 words)
honkai: star rail (6 stories = 13,561 words)
vampyr (1 story = 10,650 words)
nu:carnival (2 stories = 8,972 words)
elden ring (1 story = 7,913 words)
sk8 the infinity (3 stories = 3,695 words)
an easy target (1 story = 3,050 words)
gungrave (1 story = 2,532 words)
sharp objects (1 story = 1,644 words)
the great gatsby (1 story = 1,110 words)
mozart l’opera rock (1 story = 1,049 words)
tokyo babylon (1 story = 1,009 words)
yes, no, or maybe? (1 story = 500 words)
were there any fandoms you didn’t expect to write/drawn in this year?
my two gacha games really surprised me this year! (and i am hoping to write more for both nu: carnival and honkai: star rail next year.)
what characters or pairings you wrote most? 
variations on knives/wolfwood/vash (but i think vashwood was the leader).
did you write more or less than you thought you would?
way more! i ended up being more productive than 2022, which was my most productive year at that time.
what’s your favorite story of the year? 
my personal favorites were
to whisper all night as the trees do (ffxiv; hythlodaeus/hades; explicit)
essence and éclairs (a creamy delight) (nu:carnival; edmond/olivine/eiden; explicit)
the half-extinguished light (trigun; knives & vash; teen)
What were your most popular stories this year (by kudos)?
suffocate the spark (trigun; wolfwood/vash; explicit)
take my halo, give your heart (trigun; wolfwood/vash; explicit)
to begin like this (trigun; vash/wolfwood/knives; explicit)
what story do you think is the most underappreciated or which disappointed?
i wrote a lot of small fandoms and pairings this year, which are always a bit quiet. that doesn't really disappoint me. the one true disappointment was expelled from rapture’s road (ffxiv; varis/carosa/regula; explicit), which was intended to be the start of a bifurcated series (one part plotty, one porny). because it is a rare pairing, i didn’t expect much attention. however, the day i posted, before there was any other interaction for the story, someone said something snotty about it—and it immediately murdered any interest i had to continue working on the series.
what story was the most fun to write?
cruelty is made of distance (elden ring; d/rogier; mature) was simmering in my brain for so long that it leapt onto the page once i started writing.
what story is the sexiest?
my personal choice is my first was in a cemetery, my first drink was in a church (trigun; vash/wolfwood; mature). even though it wasn’t explicit, there was one particular (sexy) mental image i was trying to write and i hope it came across.
what story was the hardest to write?
i really, really struggled with angels in suburbia (trigun; wolfwood/vash/knives; mature) and suffocate the spark (trigun, vash/wolfwood; explicit). for angels, it was for a reverse bang so i was extremely worried about letting down my artist and ended up starting over three times. with suffocate, i struggled for seemingly no reason at all.
what is your favorite line(s) from this year?
here are some faves (and, as a warning, there's a NSFW one in there):
“By all means, give me the menu of carnal delights,” Hades intones. The effect is undermined by the way his hips chase after Hythlodaeus’ unhelpful hand. - to whisper all night as the trees do (ffxiv; hythlodaeus/hades; explicit)
He never asks who exchanged money with whom. He assumes Tom paid Wilson and Gatsby greased the right palms in the judicial system, but he figures it's better not to know. It makes him feel sick to his stomach about the whole affair—but there’s relief, too. - a murderously simple thing (the great gatsby; gatsby/nick; mature)
Knives isn’t certain ‘brother’ is the right word to describe what they are to each other, but the word curls through him, warm and welcome. - the half-extinguished light (trigun; knives & vash; teen)
Every year, the orphanage had gotten bruised, unwanted fruits donated from a local farm, one allotted to each child. The man’s cunt reminds Wolfwood of those fruits—overripe, ready to burst open at the slightest touch. - the sword of michael (trigun; wolfwood/knives; explicit)
favorite title used this year?
the half-extinguished light (trigun; knives & vash; teen)
are there any stories you haven’t written yet but intend to?
so many! i’m still working on my ffxiv series, but for as-of-yet-unpublished stories, here’s my wishlist for next year:
some works for welt yang, including himeko/welt and caelus/welt (honkai: star rail)
kuya-centric (nu:carnival)
hotel sampo (honkai: star rail)
brand new hythlodaeus/hades (final fantasy xiv)
finishing my ex-vashwood big bang (trigun)
pregnant knives (trigun)
vashwood amnesia (trigun)
midosouji/onoda (yowamushi pedal)
finishing the many works hovering around 80% completion (trigun: livio/vash; ffxiv: sequel to the hythlodaeus/hades training series; a few sk8 stories…)
do you have any fanfic, original fic, or art goals for next year? 
i am making a major career shift in 2024, which will be pretty time consuming and will impact my writing output. even so, i would like to have at least ten new fanfiction stories published and start working on some original work in earnest.
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howl-at--the-sun · 1 year ago
oho so for the passage of 500 words thing pick anything from the fic you’re going to post (alleyway, kissing, cravats, all that) :eyes:
here is the snippet:
The crisp night air smells faintly of rain, the promise of a coming downpour sweeping through cramped city streets and through poorly insulated dorms. A strong breeze sends the old wooden sign creaking on its rusty hinges, its sound drowned out by the stomping of iron heeled boots and hollered drinking songs. The men that spill out of the heavy oaken doors stumble over jagged cobblestones with the distinct gait of a body and mind addled by alcohol. 
Among these men are two students, one tall and fiery, the other sturdy and oaken. They walk side by side, arms intertwined, and if any passerby were to take a closer look, perhaps they would notice that the two men’s fingers were laced together in an intimate display of friendship. The oaken one pushes his chocolate brown hair out of his beet red face as his steps stray further and further from his intended path. A newcomer at the school, he is not quite accustomed to the strict regime of drinking followed by most of the students. In stark contrast, his companion is clear eyed and stable, his drunken state betrayed only by the soft flush tinting his cheeks. 
Despite his impairment, the shorter man continues to speak, the slurring of his voice sending fluent german spluttering into disjointed english on more than one occasion. Even still, his friend listens intently, seemingly entranced by the analysis of Goethe’s Faust taking place in between sudden hiccups and flustered giggles. 
As the voices fade behind them and the light around them begins to dim, the redhead takes his chance. He grabs his lover’s arm and yanks him into a nearby alley, disrupting the fascinating tangent on the role of the devil within the play. Morton protests almost immediately, only for Rabenmark’s lips to silence him with a deep kiss. 
Throwing his arms around Rabenmark’s neck, Morton pulls the both of them flush together. His earlier protests melt away as the two of them stumble backward into a chipped brick wall, clutching each other’s bodies like they are the only thing tethering each other to the earth. Such a display of affection is not uncommon in a town such as this one, where young men and high born women meet in midnight trysts. However, an act of love between men such as this one is a rare sight. 
“Rabenmark!” Morton pants, his breathy voice far too loud for the quiet streets and silent windows around them. Rabenmark takes it upon himself to correct that, cupping his lover’s face with his hands and pulling him back into a deep kiss. His mind addled by alcohol and love, Rabenmark undos Morton’s cravat and takes it into his hand, reaching for the buttons of Morton’s shirt as he does so. Morton, mind similarly muddled by drink and lust, reaches up to help Rabenmark, exposing his pale neck as Rabenmark shoves him back against the crumbling wall. 
so basically its just an intro to the setting, zooming out from the setting to the dynamic between the two characters. i'm slowly setting up the "old college town" setting with mentions of dorms, young men, old roads and doors, and old-ish languages. the iron boots is a clever reference to bismarck and also just because rabenmark wore iron boots so im assuming it was a Thing in the dueling corps.
trying to come up with subtle ways to describe morton and rabenmark so i came up with tall and fiery for rabenmark bc tall and red hair and then i didn't really have anything for morton. i settled on oaken because brown hair/brown suit and sturdy because he's a bit chubby!
and of course had to say "oh they are walking together with their fingers entanged and no one would see that as anything but friendship bc that's how it was at the time.
Of course the references to Faust (rabenmark being based somewhat on faust and morton being the devil ( a sinner )
and yeah that's it! enjoy the extra paragraph!
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biteyoubiteme · 4 months ago
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biteyoubiteme’s 1k event
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omg I can't even believe this account is at 1k so soon after I started posting in june. im so so so happy that I had the courage to put my works out there and that you guys actually read it and enjoy my silly little fics and so as a thank you im putting on this event! I really am so thankful for you guys reading my stuff you literally have my heart I swear <333
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‧₊ event status! closed! all fics are now being worked on!
[1kevent m.list] post for this event will go up after the 7th!
requests .ᐟ
ill be taking in requests for both stray kids and txt! most fics will be from 500-2k words. anon is okay! just send in the member (or members) that you would like the fic to be about and what you would like in the fic. sfw and nsfw but please be sure to be specific about what you would like. and read the rules at the bottom of this post!!
ex: could I get a nsfw jeongin fic about cuddlefucking? or cocky yeonjun x assistant reader nsfw here are a few prompts to help with ideas! link one link two
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thoughts and most to least likely questions about skz and txt .ᐟ sfw and nsfw
ex: who in skz is most likely to have a strength kink? thoughts on what kinks skz would have? thoughts on yeonkai getting jealous
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ask about me .ᐟ
I feel like I share a lot but also at the same time you guys don't know anything about me. im open to any questions but again I have no reason to answer questions that make me uncomfortable!. sfw and nsfw
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I assume you have already read my rules on my masterlist but here is a clear reminder of what im okay with in requests :) if what you wanna send isn't listed below just send an ask ill answer it!
-yes pls! breeding kink, size kink, size training, somno, cam girl or cam boy fics, perv!member, throuple/poly, threesomes, cukolding, yandere themes, sub!member, chubby!reader, choking (m! and f!rec), crying, biting! -maybe! (mostly yes but depends on my mood) dubcon, hybrid, daddy kinks, parent!member, fantasy au, royalty au, -hard no! piss, shit, puke, incest, stepcest, fauxcest, underage idols, no illegal or huge agegaps, age play, race play, self harm, eating disorders, mommy kinks, idolxidol, mxm, noncon/rape, high school au, any form of abuse!
if i’m uncomfortable with an ask I just won’t answer it!
everything from the 1k event will be tagged with #cams!1kevent and added to a master list as I write them
im not really putting a limit on how many asks each person can send but just know it will prob take me a bit to get to your ask depending on what it is! again thank you guys so much for reading ;-; every single one of you has a flower with your name on it in my imagination <333
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allylikethecat · 1 year ago
1, 6, and 12 please & ty <3
AH thank you very much for sending this in! I am assuming it's for the Fanfic asks for the new year situation! (If anyone else wants to send any, that would be super fun and also make me very happy just saying 👀)
1. Do you have a word-count goal for the upcoming year?
I don't have a formal word count goal (I apparently posted 321,004 words on AO3 last year though which just feels absolutely insane) - I know I typically try to write 500 words a day as a personal goal, whether that's for original fiction, part of a fic, or just something random that might slot into something else later on. I AM doing a personal challenge for January though where I have taken a list of 31 January OTP prompts and my goal is to fill a prompt with 500 words each day. We'll see if that actually happens. I guess rather than a "word count" goal, my goal is to finish all of my current 1975 wips.
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
In terms of "I've started writing it but haven't started posting it" I have my Equestrian AU fic that I am so ridiculously excited about oh my gosh. I want to finish my Christmas fic first but once I do get excited because this Equestrian AU might just be my new favorite child. In terms of "haven't started writing but have started outline", next up will most likely be The Nashville Fic™️
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
I'm going to try and stick more closely to my outlines so I don't have to make as many plot based edits or do as many rewrites. Hopefully if I can stick to the outline I'll get the plot stuff right the first time. I'd also love to have a beta reader again. My former IRL bestie got a boyfriend and doesn't have the time or desire to do fic things anymore. Which, totally get and respect, but I really miss having such a trusted sounding board.
Thank you so much for sending these in!! I hope you are having a great week and a very Happy New Year! Thank you for reading and for your continued support!
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cassifictional · 3 years ago
If you're taking requests, because I truly adore how you write, could you ever do something for Sevika and her ex-girlfriend? Maybe they really haven't gotten over each other after a few years and they still bicker and get jealous over each other, maybe something nsfw happens too. If you don't like the request, feel completely free to ignore it ♡
It’s so nice to hear that you like the way I write! 💕 And a perfect way to get me to write your request lol, compliments work really well on me. I’m not sure whether you wanted an Sevika x OC fic or Sevika x reader so I’m gonna go with x reader because that’s what I’m used to writing!
Sorry if it’s not as good as my other works, it’s really hot where I live rn and my brain is a bit foggy. Also somehow I wrote 1.9k instead of the 500 words I was going for. Lucky you.
My request are semi-open, if you have any fun ideas feel free to leave me an ask and I might write something for it if I have the time and inspiration. I'm gonna assume requests are sfw unless specified otherwise!
Tags: nsfw: mdni please. mean Sevika, jealousy, angry sex, fingering (reader receiving).
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It’s one of those days again: cocktail night with all of Silco’s associates. Every once in a while, he rents out a place to invite everyone he wants to keep on his good side. A necessary evil, or so he says. On the surface it seems fun, but look a little closer and it’s all just one big, corrupt power game. If he didn’t insist you’d be there every time, you probably wouldn’t even bother to show up.
The air in the room felt thick with cigarette and cigar smoke, making you feel overwhelmed and disoriented. People surround you as you tried to locate a corner in the room where it was a little less crowded.
“Hey, having a good time? Can I get you a drink?” you suddenly hear a woman’s voice say as you noticed someone had walked up beside you. She had long, black hair, was wearing a tight blue dress and was adorned from tip to toe in fancy jewelry. Her dark brown eyes fixated on yours, she was waiting for a response from you.
Feeling flattered, you smiled and nodded at her.
“I’ll get you something nice. Save a spot at that table for me, would you?” she said flirtingly as she pointed to a table behind you. She winked at you before you watched her make her way to the bar. Like she had asked, you stood at the table and waited for her.
“She is so not your type.” you heard another voice say to your left. One a lot more familiar.
“I think I can decide that for myself, Sev.” you replied, annoyed at the sudden intrusion of the one person you really didn’t feel like chatting with tonight.
“Figures. Being decisive was never your strongest suit.” she taunted. Was she trying to pick a fight?
Sure, your breakup years ago had been messy. No, it wasn’t all her fault. Yes, you lost a good thing you had together, but you always figured you two had never really been meant to last. And yet, it seemed like as long you were in the undercity, you just couldn’t get away from her. In one way or another, you always found her again in the most random of places and situations, often resulting in bickering and petty arguments. Tonight seemed to be no different.
The woman from earlier returned with two drinks, one for herself and one for you. But when she noticed Sevika looming in the corner beside you, she seemed to hesitate.
“Oh.. I’m sorry.. am I interrupt- I think I’ll just..” she said nervously as she glanced back between you and Sevika, who was obviously scaring her off with her death stare.
“No, it’s fine, we’re not together.” you tried to diffuse, but the woman didn’t seem convinced.
“I really don’t want to intrude. Sorry..” she said before quickly making her way to the other side of the room, depriving you of the drink you were actually really looking forward to.
“Great. Thanks.” you said as you turned around and glared at Sevika. “There goes my once chance of having a nice evening. Happy now?”
“Just saving you the trouble. Like I said, she’s not your type.” she scoffed before lighting a cigarillo and blowing a few puffs of smoke your way, which you angrily fanned away.
“Like, what, maybe she’s yours? As far as I’m concerned, you don’t really have a type. It’s always been quantity over quality at the brothel with you.” you grumbled.
“Jealous?” she mocked. “I’ll talk to Babette, see if she’s hiring.”
So fucking annoying. She always knew how to get right under your skin. Eager to get some kind of revenge on her for scaring your flirt away, you considered your options. Empty her drink over her head? No, that’s uncivilized. Violence wasn’t your style either. Instead, in a move that was a whole lot more friendly, you reached your hand out and gestured for Sevika to hand you her cigarillo.
“Fuck you too. Let me have some.” you said as you angrily stared at her.
With surprisingly little hesitation, Sevika took the cigarillo out of her mouth and handed it to you, but not before making you reach for it a bit first. You took a few puffs, maintaining eye contact with her as you did. Even though you were still angry with her, you couldn’t help but feel some of your old feelings for her bubble up to the surface again as you looked at her. Things between you two had been amazing and intense while you were still together. A feeling you really missed from time to time. A feeling that made you doubt whether or not you had tried hard enough to fix it at the time. The constant bickering you went through together now didn’t motivate you to really try and patch things up, though. She was irritating, infuriating even. And yet. You wondered. What if it had worked out?
You took the cigarillo out of your mouth again, twirling it between your fingers for a second before you reached out to hand it back to Sevika again. But instead of handing it to her, you intentionally dropped it right into the drink she was holding.
"Oh. Oops."
Shocked, she dropped the glass right on the floor, shattering the thing into a million pieces and spilling liquor everywhere. And now, Sevika looked fucking furious.
“Alright, you little fucking-“ she growled, but she was cut off by Silco, who had noticed the rising tension and had made his way over to you both.
“That’s enough.” he hissed. “I told you to stay professional.”
Sevika gave him a death glare but didn’t reply, now realizing that she may have fucked up a bit. Silco pointed to a door nearby.
“Outside, now. Come back when you’ve cooled off.” he then turned to face you as well. “You too. Out.”
Not eager to challenge your boss and risk getting on his bad side, you complied and made your way over to the door. Sevika followed closely behind you, heavy footsteps revealing her anger.
“Like fucking schoolkids getting detention.” you grumbled as you pushed open the door. “You’re sure as hell as immature as one, Sev. And you’re- wait, this isn’t..”
“Move.” Sevika groaned as she pushed you forward into the room, almost knocking you over in the process. She quickly realized as well that this door didn’t lead outside.
“Side room.” she ascertained. “Not the exit. Dumbass.”
“No shit, sherlock. And cut it out with the insults.” you snapped.
“That last one was for Silco, not you.”
“For once.”
“So quit assuming everything is about you all the time.”
You sighed in frustration. It wasn’t uncommon for her to be mean to you, but tonight felt a little different from her usual verbal attacks. As if you had really struck a nerve with her.
“Why do you hate me so much?” you asked.
“I could give you a list.” she grumbled as she looked around the room for another exit, to no avail.
“I’m serious, Sev. What the hell happened?”
She sighed. “We’ve been over this. We didn’t work, end of story.”
“You used to like me.” you muttered. “I used to like you. Love you, even. Then it all went to shit and for what? Why?”
You watched Sevika as she was stood with her back towards you. Her shoulders were tense, her whole body looked stiff. The shimmer in her metal arm briefly started to kick in, but went away before it could send her into a frenzy. Then all of a sudden, she turned around and stormed towards you, only stopping when she was right in front of you. She loomed over you like a tower.
“You want me back so bad, is that it?” she hissed.
“I want to know why.” you said quietly, trying desperately to keep back your tears. “You never.. we never talked about why it went to shit. I want to understand.”
“I liked you better when you listened to me.”
“Sev, please, I just..”
She grabbed you by the jaw with her metal hand, squeezing forcefully but not hard enough to really hurt.
“Shut up. You want it to be like the ‘good old days’ again?” she growled, bringing her face close to yours.
Even though you were still angry, the urge to kiss her was greater. But once she noticed you leaning in, she moved her hand from your jaw to the back of your head to grab a fistful of your hair. She pushed you back into the now closed door behind you, effectively immobilizing your head to where her hand was.
“So fucking desperate.” she muttered under her breath as her other hand made it’s way to one of your thighs. “I remember you used to beg for it.”
“Then.. please?”
The look in her eyes still screamed fury, but behind the angry façade you could see that there was more to it. You had gotten to know her well during your time together. You could see something you didn’t quite recognize, not just yet. Lust? Jealousy? Regret?
Her grip on your hair forced you to keep eye contact with her. Without any further hesitation, Sevika moved her hand up from your thigh, straight into your underwear. Knowing there were probably people behind the door Sevika had forced you against, you struggled to keep yourself from moaning out loud.
She effortlessly found your sweet spot like she always did when you were still together. As if you had never broken up in the first place. Her movements were rough but precise, keeping you exactly where she wanted you, touching you exactly where she wanted to.
“Oh, god..” you gasped as you felt one of her fingers brush over your entrance before she roughly shoved it inside you.
“Try not to let the whole room hear you.” she sneered, pushing a second finger inside of you. “Or do. See if I care.”
“Fuck you, Sev.”
“You wish.”
“Oh, you- ah! Fuck.. fuck me.” you moaned as Sevika curled her fingers inside of you, continuing to roughly move in and out of you. Your pleas seemed to motivate her as much as they seemed to be pissing her off.
You gripped her arm tightly as she continued to fuck you against the door, surely making enough noise by now that people on the other side of it could hear something was going on. She kept her eyes on you the whole time, the look of anger mixed with unknown, messy feelings in her eyes unwavering. Maybe it had been the lack of intimacy in your life lately, maybe you had just really missed her despite all the harsh words spoken between you, but she knew exactly how you liked to be touched and she could definitely feel you were getting close. As she slowly but steadily pushed you over the edge, she moved her metal hand from the back of your head to your mouth to muffle your increasingly loud moans as you came.
You felt your legs turn to jelly but Sevika’s hand was still underneath you, keeping you upright. She briefly let you ride it out before she removed her hand from your underwear as quickly as it had found its way in. She leaned back in close you your face, your mouth still covered by her metal hand.
“Whore.” she hissed before removing her metal hand from your face.
She pushed you aside, opened the door and walked out. The door fell shut behind her. Still trying to catch your breath and compose yourself, you rested your back against the closed door again and slowly slid down onto the floor. Your eyes filled with tears as you processed what just happened. You finally got the courage to ask and she didn’t even tell you. Tell you why you ended up like this.
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Notes: angry sex, sure! But I do need to sprinkle some explicit ✨consent✨ in to feel comfortable with it. I feel like this could use a continuation. Anyone interested in that? Let me know. Poor y/n’s having a hard time.
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formidxble · 4 years ago
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▸ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the 2 times bang chan tried to confess and the 1 time he almost did.
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▸ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bang chan x female reader
▸ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff and humor || CEO x Secretary AU
▸ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.8k 
▸ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @meow-minho @bxngchxn @fairy-of-shampoos @hyunsluvv @bobateastay @http-hyxnjxn @poutypoutybin @fizzydrink698 @minniehohos @the7thcrow @vanishingboots​ @qtieskz @arohabangtan @willwriteforhugs @mbbykh @helpsplease @freckledquokka @jisungcherry @crazyoverghosts @changlix-mp4 @asweeetdisposition @lixesque
▸finally !! this took so long, but this takes place before the events of “my house” ! you don’t have to read this in order to understand “my house” and vice versa. i’d also like to say that chan in this fic is 28 years old !!! 
▸ before i forget, thank you for 900 followers! crazy how i posted “my house” as a gift for 500 followers, but now we’re here!! ahh, thank you! i hope you enjoy this, dear reader!
masterlist ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ my house
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bang chan’s sure that he doesn’t believe in the concept of falling in love.
it’s not because of the bitterness that surrounded the concept itself, but he assumes it’s because of the position he’s in. while many think that being a CEO of the company entails many benefits, such as mansions, multiple cars, private jets, and tons and tons of women, he knows it’s actually the complete opposite.
maybe it’s because of his work-mindset that deters him from making meaningful relationships or maybe because he’s detached himself from everyone to guard whatever self-worth he still has. whatever the reason may be, he lays in his king-sized bed, alone, in a mansion that barely felt like home.
bang chan’s sure that he doesn’t believe in the concept of falling in love, but for some reason, as he stares at you from his office window, he’s sure he’s proved himself wrong.
he admits that he may have expected a firework or two or a grand celebration, but as he watches you tuck a hair strand behind your ear, he finally understands why people decide to throw themselves in the name of love with no plan, with no questions of how’s and why’s. the question is, is he ready to grab the opportunity, specifically the one that’s right outside his office?
his eyes follow you as you lean back on your office chair, huffing as you cross your arms in front of your chest before your eyebrows scrunch. chan chuckles softly and it’s got him wondering, for the nth time today, how he never noticed how your skin glowed despite being confined in a busy workplace. he’s never observed how pretty your fingers were when you grab a pen from the holder on your desk. and, maybe he was just blind all this time, but when has your hair looked this healthy and vibrant?
his stare is broken by the arrival of an employee who rests her elbows on your desk. chan watches how your eyes light up and how your lips curl up into a smile. he takes in a deep breath as his heart starts to beat faster. thoughts of work disappear and the image of you makes a home inside his mind. suddenly, his day’s a little bit brighter now, he’s not stressed anymore, and with your smile, he feels as if he can accomplish anything. now, he wants you to be the one to fill his days, afternoons, and nights.
and it’s probably the cheesiest thought that’s ever popped up in his business-centric mind, but that’s how love goes, he can only assume. the worst part is that he’s letting it take over him and he can’t find anything in him that’s saying no, that he shouldn’t push through with it, that it’s probably his loneliness playing tricks on him again. but, for the first time in his life, he’s able to say that yes, he’s ready to grab that opportunity, that chance for love, even if it’s uncertain, even if it hurts him somewhere along the way.
chan laughs.
it’s the mundanity of everything that intrigues him and chan wonders how a woman has managed to capture his heart in this manner. would it be selfish to ask for more when he supposedly has everything he could ever need? nevertheless, he rolls his chair back, a soft blush on his cheeks, before standing up and making his way to your desk.
no plan.
no questions of how’s and why’s.
you immediately stand up from your chair to bow and greet him and the female employee does the same, bowing with a small smile etched on her lips. chan grins and he’d be stupid to ignore the way his hands start sweating when you give him one back.
“come eat lunch with me,” he hums, putting his hands in his pockets. you tilt your head, eyebrows scrunching in response. chan chuckles as his head mimics yours. “unless, you have plans?”
you shake your head in response. chan catches the way you give your colleague a look and in his peripheral, he sees her scrambling away, a soft giggle leaving her lips. both of your eyes lock once more and you grin. 
“let me get my stuff, then we can go, sir.”
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in chan’s position, it’s always calculated— the probabilities of securing a sale, the percentage of the stock they’ll be able to acquire, and all that business stuff he’d grown accustomed to.
but now, he’s forced to think of all the possible outcomes in a scenario where nothing is certain.
there are many variables that come and interfere with the process of falling in love. feelings and emotions are built up over time and he can’t help but reminisce as the two of you make your way to the cafe. images of him getting angry flash in front of him, partnered with many different instances where the both of you argued in his office. he also remembers the way your eyes turn glossy during said arguments and the way you storm out when it gets too heated.
but, apart from memories like those, chan recalls the soft moments he’s shared with you over the course of the 8 years you’ve been together. the knowing stares, the smiles you share from across the room, the blushes that form on both of your cheeks, and the way the both of your hands absentmindedly reach out for each other when you think no one’s looking.
it’s become a secret language that none of you have consciously created.
and as chan pushes the cafe door open for you, he’s reminded that the line between your work relationship and friendship has been blurred for a long time. the both of you have grown closer to each other ever since you started spending more nights with him in his office. though it’s complicated, he knows that you’re not just his secretary anymore, but you’re someone he can confide in and someone he can trust.
with these, the outcomes that can arise from this conversation with you become hazier than when he started thinking of them.
the phone in his pocket is tempting, but he decides not to call changbin up for this one. he doesn’t know when and how to start, but at the end of the day, there are no rules to falling in love.
before you could fall in line, chan puts a hand on your shoulder. you turn to him as you raise an eyebrow.
“go,” chan tilts his head in the direction of a free table, “i’ll order for us.”
you blink. “but—“
“i insist,” chan chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck. “we don’t usually go out for lunch, so”—he grabs his wallet, holding it up for you to see—“it’s my treat.”
you step in closer, voice hushed only for him to hear, “you don’t have to, chan.”
formalities dropped, like what he’s used to with you in private, but it feels different now, hearing his name out in public. it rolls off of your tongue so easily and he can’t help but feel like he’s on a date.
“i want to,” he responds after a short while, watching as your cheeks turn bright red. “plus, it’s no big deal. we can always eat lunch together in the future if you’re up for it.”  mentally, chan exhales shakily as the words leave his mouth.
you clear your throat as you nod and turn away, walking over to the table with no protests.
chan exhales through his nose as he finds his lips quirking up into a fond smile. his eyes follow you as you take a seat. he forces himself to look away before you could catch him staring, but at the side of his eye, he knows you already knew.
one thought pops up in his mind as he walks over to the table after ordering and paying, how was he supposed to go about this?
it brings him back to the talk about probabilities and being secure in your decision despite the uncertainty that comes with it. there’s a huge probability of him not getting the response he desperately wants to hear. is it enough, the moments you’ve shared, good and bad, for your feelings to grow as much as his did? and did you even have feelings for him in the first place?
he hopes the answer to both questions is affirmative.
chan’s hands start sweating as he grips the chair, pulling it away from the table. he takes a seat, your eyes locking with his as he makes himself comfortable. he had to admit that he has no plan and he has no idea what he’d end up saying, but as he’d come to know just earlier, love is about free falling and trusting the other that they’ll catch you. and one part of him knows, deep down, that your arms are open and ready.
at least, that’s what he wants to believe.
“miss y/l/n,” chan starts, clasping his hands on the table, “i brought you here to—“
your eyebrows shoot up as your mouth opens. “wow,” you chuckle shakily. “so formal. is this serious?”
for chan, it is.
his face heats up as he unclasps his hands, subtly wiping them on his pants. he flashes you a sheepish smile. “i just wanted to talk to you about something.”
you tilt your head, eyes not leaving his. chan’s heart starts beating faster as his lips part, but only a shaky sigh leaves it.
chan prides himself in his public speaking skills. he wouldn’t be called the industry’s Wolf if he didn’t do his job well. he’s spoken to a full stadium, presented in front of the world’s most prominent businessmen, and he’s travelled around the world giving seminars to people who aspire to be like him. but for some reason, he’s in front of a woman and he’s suddenly tongue-tied.
but, it’s not just any woman. it’s the woman he’s in love with. the thought makes him reel. saying it to himself has just proven that he’s madly in love with his secretary, you, y/n y/l/n. the woman who’s been with him ever since the beginning of this god-forsaken journey, the woman who’s seen him at his most vulnerable, the woman who’s stood by him after all these years.
“is this about the schedule for this week?” your voice cuts through his thoughts and it scrambles them. chan feels like a teenager at this moment as his shoulders tense up, mind going blank at the melody of your voice.
“no, y/n—“
“i actually wanted to bring it up with you, as well. i’ve noticed that there are some inconsistencies with the schedule at the office and the schedule we prepared,” you grab a folder from your bag, laying it on the table, and opening it. chan blinks and swallows.
his eyes scan the paper in front of him, the surface littered with messy writing with a variety of colours adorning them. it’s hard to read if the both of you settled for this as the official schedule, but somehow, it doesn’t annoy him anymore. instead, his heart aches at the sight of your handwriting, the strokes completely unique to you and the design, if one could call it that, screams your name.
“unless,” you hum, “this isn’t what you wanted to talk about?”
as much as humanly possible, chan wasn’t here to talk about anything work-related. if only you knew the reasons behind his invitation, you wouldn’t be whipping out the damned folder. nevertheless, even as his shoulders fall to his sides, he leans over on the table, trying his best to focus on whatever it is you have brought to his attention.
“it’s fine,” he starts. “tell me about the problems, instead.”
“no,” he dismisses. “it’s nothing important. it can wait.”
this is what he gets for not having a plan in the first place. falling in love is all about falling into the depths of what is essentially the unknown, but it doesn’t mean that he has to dive in head first with no helmet. he groans internally as you flatten the paper on the desk, his confession thrown out of the window that’s beside the two of you.
suppose, it’s not the right time nor is it the right place. if chan was looking for fireworks and a grand celebration for his realization earlier, then maybe he can be the one to give that to the both of you once he actually gathers the courage to tell you how he feels. despite his defeat today, he forces himself to sit in front of you, and listening as you get into the nitty-gritty of the schedule in the office and the schedule you have on-hand.
truthfully, chan’s seen the inconsistencies before you could, but he lets you tell him, the sweet melody of your voice wrapping itself around and in him as he rests his cheek on his palm, eyes not leaving you. 
your voice snaps him out of his trance and he raises an eyebrow. 
“before i go on,” you giggle, “i’m paying the next time we go out, okay?”
chan cracks a smile, heart bursting at the thought of getting to be with you like this again. he hopes it’ll be a more relaxed setting. no more talk of work. just you and him, like he’d envisioned it to be.
hopefully, he’ll get to tell you next time. he’ll hold onto that.
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the fateful next time comes rather quickly, just three days after the first one.
it comes in the form of a successful contract, with the client agreeing to it almost immediately. chan could sit back and say that it’s all his doing, that it’s with his charisma and wit that charmed the client, but truth be told, he couldn’t have done it without you.
first, without you, he wouldn’t have known about the company. sue him for not being interested in smaller companies as business partners, but it’s with your exceptional ability to get him to listen that’s made him understand the appeal. second, without you, the process wouldn’t have been as smooth as it was. papers arrived on time, meetings were set without a hitch, and the relationship with the client was amenable enough that it made transactions easier.
of course, all of the things you’ve done are considered to be the behind the scenes of a successful company, but for chan, you’re front and center. and though the success is connected to his name, it’s always also going to be your success.
as chan offers polite goodbyes to the businessmen who were exiting, his eyes drift to the other end of the room and it lands on you, glowing, with a wide smile that’s taking over your lips. your hair’s a bit disheveled, blouse not neatly tucked in, and the bags under your eyes are now more prominent than the last time he’s seen them, but to him, you’re still the most beautiful woman in the room. it’s multiplied tenfold when he sees you speaking to the client, the two of you laughing because of something you whispered.
chan’s heart aches and he knew it was the right time.
this is why he finds himself leading you up to the company rooftop.
chan’s an incredibly simple man when it comes to life’s pleasures. if he wants something, he’ll ask and he’ll get it, as simple as that. but, this is different. if chan wants to get something—get you, he knows he has to exert effort, even if it was as cheesy as confessing while the sun is setting in the horizon.
he has a plan now, a script to follow, and a solution to every outcome that may arise, but why are his hands still sweating in his pockets and why is he feeling light-headed?
chan pushes the rooftop door open, motioning for you to step outside first. he fights the urge to smile fondly when you narrow your eyes toward him. you step out nevertheless and he hears you gasp when you look out to the city’s skyline. he steps out himself, the door closing softly behind him.
the building is positioned perfectly toward the sunset and the light outlines your features. you’re glowing and it’s brighter than the brightest star responsible for this view right in front of him. chan puts his hands inside of his pockets as he stands next to you, watching the way the air ruffles your clothes and your hair from the corner of his eye. how he wishes he could be the wind softly grazing your skin as you looked out to the horizon.
chan lets out a soft chuckle as he shakes his head.
standing beside you, he understands why people say that love brings out the worst in you. chan’s never been the one to open up. used to guarding himself, he was taught to always be strong and to never show vulnerability, especially in public. he had an image to protect, a family legacy to keep going, and being weak won’t help him at all.
but, maybe, you can help him with that. make his worst into his best. chan sighs shakily.
“you did well,” chan starts as he taps his foot. you turn to him with a grin.
“thank you, sir. i couldn’t have done it without you.”
you cough softly as the words leave your lips. both of your cheeks heat up and chan uses this opportunity to move closer to you, the warm, afternoon air flowing around the both of you. just like the first time, the confession he’s prepared in his head is scrambled and he didn’t know when or where to start.
come to think of it, changbin did mention cue cards. chan smacks himself internally.
“yes, well,” his voice cracks slightly, “i didn’t bring you up here just to praise you.” you raise an eyebrow. “you and i both know of your abilities, so i won’t inflate your ego any further.”
“inflate my non-existent ego?” you joke, earning a giggle from chan.
chan turns to face you, wiping his palms on the side of his pants. you mimic him as you cross your arms in front of your chest, your head tilted to the side. your eyes lock and chan’s mouth grows dry. you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen and he wonders why he’s never pieced it together before.
chan takes a step forward before taking your hand into his. he feels you hesitate for a moment, your hand threatening to pull itself away from his touch, but after a while, your fingers relax into his palm, as do your shoulders. your eyes scan his face and chan prepares himself to dive into the depths of love, hopelessly.
“y/n,” he starts. “we’ve been working together for a long time now and—“ chan rubs his thumb on the back of your hand—“i can say that you’re one of the most extraordinary women i’ve ever had the opportunity to be with.” your eyes widen. “and it’s not just about our professional relationship, but it’s also about our relationship outside of it.”
“you’re not just my secretary,” chan pauses to look at you—your eyebrows are scrunched and your mouth is slightly open. “you are my friend, someone i can talk to when i’m alone, someone i can confide to, but y/n…” chan taps his foot gently on the floor as he looks out to the horizon once more, wetting his lips. he hangs his head briefly before letting your eyes meet.
“y/n, i want to be more than that for you. i want to be more than just frie—“
a familiar tune plays in the rooftop and chan recognizes it almost immediately. your ringtone. what amazing timing this has been.
chan blinks as the warmth on his hand disappears. his heart is ringing in his ears, yet he catches your quick apology as you fish your phone out of your pocket. before you could say anything else, chan nods, shoving his hand inside his pocket again. you shoot him an apologetic look before you make your way out of earshot.
chan steps forward to grip the roof railing enough to make his knuckles turn white. he hunches over it as his stomach starts to hurt. he feels as if his blood has been drained from his body and his head becomes light, a stark contrast to the way his chest feels in the moment. he gags softly when the air blows on his face.
he was so close to the edge, both literally and figuratively, but the ringtone had to pull him back to square one. if he thought that his mind was a pain in the ass earlier, it was worse now.
one thing is clear, though. the confession has been eating him up the past few days and if he wanted to feel like himself again, he had to tell you, even if it meant getting rejected and making things awkward around the office.
he could always continue once you come back, right?
but, he learns now that the universe has a funny way of fucking with him. he can’t continue anymore because how could he when you returned to him out of breath, eyes bloodshot, and hands shaky?
“y/n?” chan questions, pitch higher than intended. he puts his hands on your arms to grip them gently as he scans your face. he tries to ignore the panic that’s brewing in his stomach. another thing to add to the list of the things happening in his body.
“did something happen? is there an emergency?”
“my—my sister—“ you stutter, tears flowing down your cheeks. chan prepares himself for the worst.
“y/n, i—“
“she passed her dream university!” you exclaim before bursting out crying again. chan slightly deflates, his shoulders falling to his sides and his chest becoming lighter. he rubs your arms awkwardly before pulling away with a nervous laugh.
“i thought it was—“
“no, chan! you don’t understand how serious this is!” you scream. “we’ve been talking about it ever since she was a kid, now, she’s on her way to college. and not just any college! it’s her dream uni! sure, it’s expensive, but you know, we can make it work! we always do!” you run your hand through your now disheveled hair, a huge smile forming on your lips. “you know that one time i was telling you about my sister taking the exam? this was for that university! the—“
chan sighs internally. if he confessed now, he would be stealing such a monumental moment from you. it wasn’t about him or your relationship anymore, but it’s about your family and your personal life. instead, he lets you ramble as he rests his arm on the railing, watching and listening to you and your stories. chan tilts his head gently, a fond smile on his lips.
next time. 
he’ll get to tell you next time.
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lucky for chan, the next time comes exactly the next day during the company’s big blowout party for him.
he finds himself waiting for you in the car and the both of you were running behind schedule, but he knows why. you’ve always wanted to take your time dressing up during formal events such as this. of course, he’d always offered a professional stylist to make sure the schedules don’t suffer from your tardiness, but time and time again, you would decline. the memory makes chan scoff in the backseat, letting out a soft huff after.
“late again, sir?” his driver teases.
chan puts his arm on the arm rest as he replies, “as usual.”
when the front door of your house opens, chan’s reminded of the reason why he’s never pushed the professional stylist offer.
you’ve done your hair in a manner chan hasn’t seen before, but it suited you. your make up’s bold, but elegant, and your dress hugs your body perfectly, leaving nothing to the imagination. he gulps. you’ve always upstaged your looks and tonight’s no different. chan knows you’re definitely going to outshine him in the party later, but you deserved to be seen the way he sees you—not just as his secretary, but as a professional who commands respect in the rooms she walks in.
as chan sharply inhales at the sight of you, his driver chuckles quietly.
he knows deep down that he had to say something tonight, but as usual, he’s ready with the cheesy speech—the ‘you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me’, the ‘i want to be yours’, but he’s just not sure when to tell you. would it be a good idea to steal you away in the middle of a company event or would it be better if he waited until the both of you were alone?
another day, another dilemma it seems. however, this particular dilemma has no right answer. no matter what he thinks of, there’s always a negative outcome.
before he could delve deeper, he sees the car door open through his peripheral. “we’re late again.”
you hum nonchalantly as you make yourself comfortable in the backseat. “good evening to you too, sir.”
“are we good to go now or are we still on your schedule, miss y/l/n?”
“there’s nothing wrong with being fashionably late, right mr. bang?”
but, as most things in chan’s world, there is something wrong with being “fashionably late”. you and chan are ushered out of the car as soon as you arrive at the company. the staff are muttering something about the crowd waiting for the two of you—for the grand entrance as the others have labelled before.
despite being part of the industry for a long time, chan could only roll his eyes at the formality of it all. it wouldn’t hurt to let loose, but he lets the staff guide the both of you to where you needed to be.
on the way to the event hall, chan unbuttons his black formal polo. he tells himself that it’s for show, but really it’s to let out the heat that has formed throughout his body as the thought of potentially being able to tell you about his feelings takes over his mind, alongside his thoughts of feeling like a teenager again. nevertheless, he tries his best not to look in your direction as you walked beside him.
once you arrive, the staff tell the both of you to wait as they prepare the hall for the grand entrance. chan thanks them as they disappear from sight, leaving the two of you alone. he shuffles awkwardly as he waits before hearing a soft ‘tsk’ leave your lips. he turns his head toward you, but before he could ask, your hands are on his chest.
chan freezes, but he finds it in himself to choke out your name, mouth drying up as he feels the heat from your fingertips through the fabric of his polo.
“buttons,” you mutter, your fingers finding their way to the buttons he unbuttoned only moments before. “you have to look presentable, chan. there are a lot of eyes in there.”
his eyes travel from your hands to your face. your eyebrows are furrowed as you focused on the task at hand and he almost forgets to breathe the whole time you’re on him. your perfume takes over his senses and for a moment, he thinks he’ll float because of the cheesy happiness that has started to bubble in his chest, but he doesn’t. instead, when you raise your eyes to meet his and he sees that sparkle that he’s grown to love, he’s brought back to reality.
and that’s when he realizes, after years of denying it to himself, that it’s not a feeling anymore. chan’s sure that you make him human. around you, he’s not bang christopher chan, the country’s youngest and most successful CEO, instead, he’s chan, the 28-year-old man who’s hopelessly searching for genuine connection in an industry that offers none of the sort.
chan’s on top, constantly, and the others that have come before you have made sure to keep him there, but you’ve grounded him in reality every time the both of you were together. may it be as simple as you answering back to him or as deep as listening to him rambling about god knows what during quiet nights in the office, you’ve always offered him a time and a place to feel human—be human, even for just a few minutes.
chan mumbles your name once more, but you don’t seem to hear as you lightly pat his now-buttoned chest with a smile on your lips.
“there,” you hum. “keep them buttoned for the rest of the night, okay?”
“imagine all the articles when you come in there with your chest in full view,” you giggle as you start stepping back to your previous position beside him.
you playfully cross your arms in front of your chest as you continue, “you have to thank me someday, you kno—“
“y/n,” he cuts you off. “can you please listen to me?” you stop in your tracks as you turn your head, eyebrows raised.
you blink in his direction, lips parting, “i’m listening, sir.” you tilt your head. “what’s wrong?”
chan moves in closer to you as you turn your body towards him, arms falling to your sides. “on the rooftop…”
“i didn’t get to finish my, um…”
your eyes widen. “yes, of course!” you exclaim. “i remember, yes.”
the two of you stand in silence for a moment as chan tries to collect himself, mind a complete and utter mess like the first time he’s faced with this exact same situation. he looks up at the ceiling as he tries to think of a word, a phrase, a sentence, anything else he can say to free himself of the shackles he voluntary put on himself.
your voice cuts through his thoughts as you ask, “did you want to tell me now?” you look at the door in front of you. “we’re due to enter soon.”
“i’m aware,” chan mumbles as he steps in closer to you once more, “but, this won’t take long.”
you nod, eyes scanning his face as your eyes meet. chan inhales, letting out, “how can i—okay. shit.”
this is already a disaster. where’s his cue cards? “i’ll just—“
“chan?” you question, moving in closer to him as well, concern clouding the sparkle in your eyes.
“you’re amazing,” chan blurts out, albeit a little muddled. nothing like the present, yes?
“you amaze me,” chan continues. “and you continue to do so after years of us working together and i sometimes wonder”—he grabs a hold of your hand as his starts to shake—“how you do it.” your lips part and chan notices how your chest has stopped moving.
“you’re so charming and just—“ chan lets go of your hand abruptly as he turns away from you, his hand finding its way to his forehead before hanging his head and groaning to himself. he turns back to you, your whole body frozen in place.
“i guess what i’m trying to say is that i l—“
“mr. bang? ms. y/l/n?” one of staff interrupts. you and chan jump away from each other, both awkwardly looking around the hall as blushes form on your cheeks. chan forces himself to make eye contact with the staff member as he rubs the back of his neck. he gives the woman a half hearted smile as he raises an eyebrow.
“we’re ready for you.”
you and chan’s eyes meet as the sentence echoes throughout the hall. he swears under his breath as his shoulders fall, eyes closing as he releases a huff.
“chan,” you mutter, a hint of worry in your voice. he inhales sharply before shaking his head and putting on his best smile for the lady that’s decided to ruin the moment. he nods before closes his fist as he turns toward the door, his jaw clenched. he feels you tug on his sleeve, but he ignores it, heart thumping in his chest as he offers his arm out for you.
“we have to focus now,” chan replies after a short silence. “it’s…it’s not important.”
you don’t say anything else as the atmosphere in the room turns heavy.
for chan, at least.
as the crew finishes up the final preparations around the both of you, you snake your arm around his and chan tries his best not to dampen the mood any further. he straightens his posture, his lips fall in a straight line, and his jaw relaxes as he exhales. and as much as he would hate to admit it, it’s in defeat. yet again.
before he could wallow in his own despair, you ask, “are we dancing tonight, sir?”
it takes a second for him to respond. “unfortunately not, miss y/l/n.”
“not in the mood to show off tonight?”
chan scoffs softly and he hears you giggle. his chest tightens at the sound, yet he appreciates the effort in making the whole situation less awkward than it is. picking up from where the both of you left off, like he wasn’t just about to pour his heart and soul to you.
“i don’t think we need to,” chan plays along. “this party’s for us.”
“us?” you exclaim with a small smile. chan merely nods.
despite the playful banter, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed in himself. why was it so hard to just…say what he needed to say? he can have a ton of scripts at his disposal, but why is it that when he’s in front of you he’s tongue tied? he felt like an idiot, a love-stricken idiot who couldn’t say it straight no matter how much he plans it out.
one question pops up in his slew of thoughts. “if not tonight, then when?”
he may never know the answer to that question. but, one thing is clear to him.
he started this week with some form of optimism that he’ll end up with an actual connection, but now, he feels as if he’s three steps back from his starting position. he sighs internally as he fixes his posture once more. no rest for the weary because the door to the event hall slowly opens and he squints at the light shining right at the two of you.  he feels you squeeze his arm gently and he gives you a reassuring look in response.
chan tunes out his thoughts of his failed confessions and his inner voice saying, “next time.” he puts on another smile for the crowd as the both of you start walking in the event hall, the thunderous applause becoming deafening.
here we go again.
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kalpasio · 2 years ago
How Long Does It Take To Date A Werewolf?
500 Seconds to Reach an Agreement
A Werewolf!Kalpas x Hunter!Reader fic, chapter 2 below!
Fire moth only sent you more letters after that night, all of them along the lines of “please help us.” Other towns began writing you too, all in similar situations to the town you’d just saved. Looking for trouble is never good, you grandparents had taught you, but abandoning those who need help is worse. So you set out to each village that wrote you, silver rapier and dagger by your side.
You quickly gained a reputation, and “wolf hunter” became like a second name. Rumors spread that you hunted werewolves for sport, but those who had seen you work knew better. After that first “hunt,” you grew more cautions, aiming your silver weapons to stun and not kill. The chains from your cross were changed to silver, and when possible, you would restrain MANTISes until morning to see if they had truly lost themselves.
Escaped MOTH agents were sent packing. Those that Fire Moth considered “failures” and were left permanently between human and wolf, were given a merciful death rather than being forced to live out a life that had already been taken from them. This carried on for a handful of months before Fire Moth contacted you in person.
After twenty seconds of pleasantries and small talk, you were given three minutes of useless information about the MANTIS project before the agent got to the point. She was short, barely making it to your shoulder, and her pale skin told you she didn’t leave the lab very often. Dark black hair faded into orange almost like a sunset and was tied into a very tight bun.
Despite the sharp, rule-following look the bun gave her, every word out of the girl’s mouth was bubbly and excited, despite the frown you wore through most of her rant. Given how many technical terms she used, and the Fire Moth insignia she bore, you figured it was safe to assume she worked in one of the labs that handled MANTIS research, likely either a mage or alchemist.
“There is a very dangerous MANTIS that has escaped,” she explained, finally getting to the important information.
“You mean werewolf,” you raised an eyebrow.
“Well, it stands for Massively—”
You cut off her bullshit excuse, “Werewolf. If it were a bug, you wouldn’t need my help. I’m not an exterminator.”
“Yes! That’s exactly why we picked you!” The woman in front of you had bounced between nerdy and boring, and excitable and boring for the past two hundred and eighteen seconds, and you were struggling not to roll your eyes. “Other werewolf hunters have popped up since you’ve gained popularity, but they’re all exterminators, you’re not!”
Now you really did roll your eyes, “that’s not what I meant.”
“This particular agent is somewhat stable. He has control outside of his wolf form, he just refuses to return to being fully human.”
“Let the guy do his thing,” you shrugged.
“He was already dangerous before the surgery. Now with his enhanced speed and strength, he’s a serious threat.”
“And you lost him?” you clarified.
“And we lost him,” she confirmed.
“Fucking hell.”
Bringing a hand up to the bridge of your nose, you forced out a long breath. If it was just a werewolf that wanted to live out in the woods and not be forced to do Fire Moth’s dirty work, you’d leave him be. Knowing that he was a threat, however, meant that if you didn’t handle this now, you’d either be called in by another town eventually, or some other hunter would go after him. You may know he can shift back, and let him live, but other hunters wouldn’t.
“He’s very important to the project! It’s imperative that we bring him back alive.”
“You guys have got to invest in better security. Or, you know, stop conducting experiments that either kill the subjects, or make them impossible to control. I shouldn’t have to do your job for you.”
“You will be paid of course—”
“Damn right, I’m getting paid! This shouldn’t be happening. Your werewolves are killing more civilians than they protect.” You stood from your chair, pacing to get out your frustration.
“Each iteration of the surgery gets better—”
“And the people who are dying because you’ve fucked up don’t matter?!” The agent bowed her head in guilt and for once, didn’t seem like she was about to bounce out of her chair. The only sound in the room was the chatter of the town outside the window for a moment before she spoke.
“When would you like to depart?” Her voice was a whisper, all of the energy from before gone, and you felt a little bad for yelling. The words needed to be said, but not all of this was her fault.
“I’ll have him to you in two months,” you spoke softly as well. This was a very dangerous mission, there were way too many ways it could go wrong.
“Returning with the subject is my top priority. I will be traveling with you to ensure his survival.”
“You’ll just get in the way. Let me handle this.” It was harsh, but true. From the four hundred and fifty seconds you had spent with the MOTH in front of you, it had never once seemed like she’d handled any sort of fighting. You’d be surprised if she had gone through any basic training. Besides, just traveling there was dangerous; bandits were common, and Honkai more so.
“I have orders to go with you,” she was surprisingly firm.
“Hard to carry out those orders when you’re dead, isn’t it?” You needed her to see how much danger she was getting into.
“Then I won’t die.”
You scoffed at her bravado but smiled regardless. “Not dying is your job. I have to look out for my own skin.”
“Got it,” she nodded, her bright smile returning.
“Then we leave in four days.”
Kailah, your traveling partner, was just as bad at combat as you had expected. She carried a dagger that you’d only seen her use to gather samples of plant life, and a revolver that you hoped was unloaded. She’d dropped the thing so many times, you wondered if it still worked. The two things she was good for were food, and conversation.
She couldn’t shoot, but she laid traps that brought you plenty of meat when you camped, and she knew exactly which plants were good to eat and how to prepare them. There was ample time to chat while you walked, and at first you had worried she’d just spout science nonsense at you, but she actually stuck to topics of interest to you. Basically, anything else.
You learned that her brother had been one of those lost to the surgery, and she had joined shortly after in the hopes of improving the procedure. When the mission you were on now was announced, she was the only one to volunteer. Kalpas—the werewolf you were tracking—had a record of hurting or killing that was longer than your arm and came from before he’d even received the surgery.
“Proper werewolf—uhh, MANTISes—are actually pretty nice,” Kailah told you. You were a week into your journey, and still hadn’t reached the initial sighting, though you were getting close.
When you shot your companion a questioning look, she continued, “Really! You never see them because they all stay at base, but I’ve met some and they’re great.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned back to the road. “If I wanted a friendly wolf, I’d just get a dog.”
“Yeah, but it’s a talking dog!” Kailah grinned and bounced next to you.
“Really tall people with fur instead of hair are nowhere near as cute as dogs.”
“You’ve just never seen one fully transform,” she nodded sagely and held up a finger to emphasize her point.
“Fully…transform?” That was concerning, what was she talking about?
“Yep! Outside of a full moon, MANTISes can partially transform to grow stronger—that’s the werewolf form you see most often—but they can also turn into a wolf!”
You froze, “What?” Sure you’d never seen a MANITS in werewolf form outside of a full moon, but you didn’t know there was a third stage of transformation.
“Most don’t do it, a big wolf running around base would scare anyone.”
“How big?” You began walking again, Kailah following along.
“They come to about here,” Kailah held her hand in front of her face. Oh good. A solid 130 centimeters if you had to guess. “Super nice though. Nothing beats wolf cuddles!”
“You’ve cuddled with them?” You looked over and saw Kailah shake her head.
“Nah, but I bet it’d be great!”
I'm trying to go through all the weapons in game right now lol so the idea with this character was like luna kindred, having two swords, but in this case a rapier and dagger. The cross is like Oath of Judah with chains (I guess?), but these ones are sliver to bind supernatural creatures
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rigelmejo · 3 years ago
i read this thing on reddit about a person who read through 200 japanese novels. first they were N1 (but they think what they did could have worked for an N3 learner), then they started mainly with books for children/teens like 青い鳥文庫 novels with a lot of furigana, then books for a bit older, then general novels and some nonfiction, eventually adding the last 20 or so as audiobooks. they said by books 20-50 they had to look a lot of words up still but the reading was flying by, and by books 50-100 books still required frequent word lookups but were effortless feeling to read. 
they personally looked up Every unknown word (so minimal learning *only* by context - which tbh is helpful with japanese and chinese where u sometimes need lookups of new characters period just to learn the reading even if u can figure out the word’s meaning in context). they did not mention how long the average novel they read was, but i know for the series mentioned above (the easier novels) are about 300 pages long. 
so maybe roughly 60,000 pages for around 200 novels. and maybe for the 20 book threshold where reading started flying by, 6,000 pages. (also i absolutely commend them on how much they read because even in english i cannot read that many books especially in such a short time period, and reading in a language you’re learning tends to start at a slower speed, and so just generally SUCH a huge reading achievement is impressive).
if i assume maybe chinese progress is similar to japanese reading progress, i wonder how close i am to the 6,000 page threshold of ‘20 books’. A priest novel is about 3.5 pages a chapter. I will just estimate 3 (3.5 pages is the length of a digital page length estimator, but their chapters are like 5-20 pages in my print novel versions). So i’m going to estimate probably 3 pages for the webnovel chapters i’ve read. i’ve read like 200 chapters of some pingxie fanfics, maybe 140 chapters of other stuff (finished xiao wangzi, some kids cats stories, some sci fi short stories, some saye, some tian ya ke, etc). and then about 100 pages of guardian (i’ve Reread those pages multiple times lol but i’ll just count 1 read through since i’ve read many of these multiple times). So 340 chapters*3 pages = 1020 pages of chinese read, 1120 total adding guardian. 
rip i am still SO far from even 6,000 pages. (Which in a way is funny, because if i JUST buckled down and committed to reading through the novels I start, I would easily be in the 4000s pages by now, just because tian ya ke etc are like 500 pages each then stuff like guardian is 800 pages, silent reading is even longer, sha po lang and can ci pin maybe be 1200 pages, the pingxie fics i like are easily 500-800 pages, the dmbj novels aren’t long but combined they’ve got to be like 6000 words minimum all on their own for the first several or so). 
anyway, as usual i would love to copy someone else’s study plan and see if it works for me. in part because i usually do really well with such study plans - it motivates and challenges me, and i like to “prove” i can do what someone else did, and “prove” if it works or not. (for example, when i started chinese i copied a guy who did 2000 most common chinese words Ben Whatley memrise decks then dived into reading using a click dictionary, and i did exactly what he did lol - i added some extra stuff, and certainly there were better materials i could’ve used instead but just used what he used... but it worked! his study plan worked! so i was ultimately happy i’d tried it and that it had worked for me too! i wish i had a japanese study plan i could brute force that manageably). so i very much would LIKE to brute force read through X pages or X books in chinese (or japanese one day) and see if it works. i mean... in theory it should. its just intensive reading that the poster above did. look up every unknown word as you read, and its proven to work its just extremely intensive work (very mentally draining at first until there’s less unknown words).
so of course, i prefer to read extensively instead. and learn primarily from context instead of from definition lookups. in part because i am lazy and don’t like ‘clicking’ i am so lazy lol that i really don’t want to be taken out of the reading-flow focus. and in part because i tend to remember much better when i have to “figure out and guess” what something means like a puzzle... when i look up words i don’t remember them unless i do it 3-10 times. but when i figure it out based on what i’m guessing the word means? i learn it within 1-3 times of seeing it, maybe after seeing it 5 times at most if the first few times i could get away with ignoring the word instead of trying to figure out what it means. so i learn meaning much Faster when doing it the ‘through context’ way. reading extensively also means less breaking your reading flow constantly, which helps me because i have poor focus to begin with and often need breaks already. 
however... if i’m reading extensively instead of intensively, there’s a few problems that crop up. 1. I cannot replicate that poster’s study plan, because i’m not doing the same reading type. so it may take me MORE books to get the same reading level skill, because i’m doing something different (or it may take less books, or the same amount of books, its simply unknown). 2. with a language like chinese it means guessing the hanzi readings too if i’m not using a dictionary... which is fine until i transfer from reading to listening. right now it only hangs me up because i’ll guess say “hun” for the reading of a hanzi with a similar radical, then try to look up a really frustrating word by typing in pinyin and finally realizing darn the hanzi is actually pronounced “hui” and thats why it wasn’t showing up. basically, it means the pronunciation gets even LESS reinforcement and correction than if i was looking it up 5-20 times every single time i saw the word until i finally remembered it. That’s a big reason i do a lot of “reading extensively while letting text to speech play” or just listening to audiobooks generally too. Because i like to get as much listening reinforcement of new words, so i hopefully remember their correct pronunciations to an extent even though i’m not looking it up constantly. 
i would love to say that i’d change my study plan, and start reading intensively mainly to copy the person who made that post, and see how my progress goes. but knowing me... its not going to be happen, i’ll be lucky if i can just get myself to read more in general. (fun fact about me... even an english comic it takes me 30 minutes to read 17 pages, and that’s a comic not a novel with paragraphs, in english... i read even slower in other languages... despite having a fast reading level in college where i must’ve just sped read skimmed a lot). on top of things... i am barely reading right now, i can just get myself motivated to read a bit of chinese manhua... but that’s a wayyyy lower “word count” and language density than actually pushing through novels. 
but if anyone else would like to make a goal of more reading? i’ll join you! and if anyone else would like to test what the poster did, with more specifically intensive reading (or u vary it like me and do mostly extensive reading), i’d love to know how it goes! if you want to share progress as you go!
any thoughts? any of you read X books or X pages and think at a certain point reading with no dictionary got easier/faster?
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years ago
As u r doing a baby fic.... can u do one if possible about jonah or lori's first easter egg hunt??☺🤩😍
You got it! (It’s not their first but it’s an egg hunt lol)
The Hunt
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 500
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“On your marks,” Lahela says, eyes glued to the countdown on his phone. “Get set…” 
With more flair that necessary, he waves a makeshift flag frantically before its time, before dropping it and scooping one of his twin daughters into his arms. 
“GO!” he laughs, running straight for a nearby bush. 
Chaos erupts in the form of excited shouts, giggles, and bodies darting every direction around the Ramsey backyard.
Ethan can see his own wife, hand in hand with their son, running towards a stash of poorly hidden eggs. Jonah laughs with giddy delight, throwing as many into his basket. Lilac, meanwhile, acts as lookout, fending off the Lahela foursome (the surgeon, his wife, and the twins). 
“Keep it moving, Lahelas,” she says with a faux, rough tone. “This spot is Allende territory.”
“Does Ethan know you're claiming it in your own name?” Bryce's wife asks with a chuckle. 
“He knows all is fair in love and war.” Lilac catches Ethan's eye from across the garden and blows him an air kiss paired with a wink. 
Ethan rolls his eyes but fails to suppress a rueful smile. 
The distraction is enough for the fearless Lahela twins to dart past Lilac and join Jonah on the grass. Unbothered, all three children laugh as they try to collect all the eggs for their own. 
Ethan tears his eyes away from the scene, looking down at the only other person aside from himself who didn't run. 
“So,” he begins casually. “How do you want to play this, Captain?” 
His daughter beams at the old nickname. At five years old, she is the youngest of the bunch and, in Ethan's opinion, the most strategic about the Easter egg hunt. She watches her brother fling himself into another bush with a trail of other kids following him excitedly. 
“Do you want to wait until they tire themselves out or do you want to fly above all of them?” 
Dolores brightens up at the last suggestion. 
“Fly!” she decides excitedly. 
Ethan laughs, thinking he would do anything to see that sparkle in his daughter's eyes. Without much ado, he picks her up, delighted with her responding shriek of laughter. He hoists her onto his shoulders, securely holding on to her. 
“Alright, where to, Cap?” 
Dolores, now feet above the ground, spots the clusters of colorful eggs with ease. She enthusiastically directs her father around the garden, beaming as her basket grows fuller with each passing minute. In the end, she easily collects the most out of everyone.
“Not fair,” Lilac complains when she sees them. The effect is ruined by the string of laughter that follows. “You two are like ten feet tall combined.”
“You're the one who made this whole affair into a cutthroat competition.”
Ethan leans in to kiss his wife despite the half-hearted complaint. When they pull apart from the brief moment, he carefully sets his daughter down on the grass, watching happily hop toward the other children. 
They watch as Dolores approaches Sienna's son, Daniel, who looks down at his nearly empty basket with watery eyes. Before the young boy says a word, their daughter dutifully pours some of the eggs from her basket into his, earning her a heartfelt hug. Jonah approaches, sharing some of his haul with Daniel for good measure. 
“I knew they'd do that,” Lilac comments, leaning into Ethan's embrace. 
“They're just like you,” Ethan returns proudly, kissing the top of her head. “And I wouldn't have it any other way.”
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A/N: I can’t stop writing. Sorry!
Thank you for reading and thank you anon! This was super quick, so I’m sorry for any typos. Happy Easter everyone! 
Perma Tags (All Works/Edits) @openheart12, @takeharryandgo , @aestheticartsx, @rookie-ramsey , @utterlyinevitable, @doilooklikeiknow, @snesdudes, @paulfwesley, @nikki-2406, @mvalentine, @casey-v, @blossomanarchy, @rookieoh, @lucy-268, @maurine07, @bellcat2010 , @iemcpbchoices , @potionsprefect , @heauxplesslydevoted , @writinghereandthere , @schnitzelbutterfingers , @gryffindordaughterofathena , @lovingramsey , @dr-ramseys-rookie , @udishaman , @forallthatitsworth , @canigetanawwjunk, @thegreentwin , @blainehellyes , @parkerattano , @lady-calypso , @nazarihoe , @rookiemarsswiftie , @queencarb , @fayeswiftie , @trappedinfanfiction , @alina-yol-ramsey , @chasingrobbie , @ashiiknees , @professorkingslay , @whimsicallywayward15 , @mysticalgalaxysstuff , @red-rookie , @bluebellot , @ramseysrookiex , @sophxwithers , @interobanginyourmom , @mercury84choices , @drariellevalentine , @caroldxnvxrs, @gardeningourmet , @enmchoices, @ethanrcmsey, @lilypills , @choices-lurker, @riyana , @beebubbly​, @irisofpurple​, @queenrileyrose​ , @checkurwindow​ , @estellaelysan, @codykosuckmytoe, @choiceskatie , @dorisz
Except Bryce x MC: @openheartthot​ , @casey-v​ , @binny1985​ , @tsrookie​, @perriewinklenerdie​ , @drakewalkerfantasy​ , @choices-lurker​ , @uneravine​ , @danijimenezv​ ,
@choicesfanaf​ (except Bryce x MC/ Blaine x MC)
Open Heart- Ethan x f!MC Only @octobereighth​,   @helloblueeyedcat​ , @genevievemd​ ,  @stygianflood​ , @ohchoices​,  @choicesaddict5​   , @aworldoffandoms​, @mysticaurathings​ , @myusualnerdyself​ , @ruinedbypixels​, @custaroonie​, @caseyvalentineramsey​, @jooous​, @aarisa-frost​, @sizzlinhcashherohumanoid , @oldminniemcg​ , @toadfrog26​ , @honeyandsunfl0wers​ , @jens-diamondchoices​ , @nooruleman​ , @choicesreal​ , @anastasiaxsworld​ , @stateofgracious​ , @vi-writes-stuff​ , @panda9584​ , @marcy-ray85 , @imrookieramsey , @shanzay44 , @actuallybored , @iloveethanramsey , @kimmienen , @numiiworld , @sarah-carina , @headoverheelsforramsey , @coffeeheartaddict, @quixoticdreamer16
Unsorted tags (Assumed Ethan x MC) *Please message me if you want to be moved or removed <3 @kites-in-our-skies​,  @kingliam2019​,  @cinnamonspongecake​,  @ethxnrxmsey​, @missmiimiie​, , @apphia12​, @kalogh​, @binny1985​, @queenbirbs​, @newcolonies​, @lilyvalentine​, @rigatonireid​,    @lonely-mxxnlight​, @shadynaturehilariouscookie​ @togetherwearerapture​,  @rookiemarsswiftie​,   @hatescapsicum​, @kiara-36​, @junehiratas​, @macy-ray85, @adrex04​,  @sanchita012, @overwhelminglyaquarius​ , @scorpiochick8​, @skylarklyon​, @starrystarrytrouble​,   @a-crepusculo​, @quacksonlover​ , @ramseyandrys​, @whatchique​, @varikasnuori​, @dimitriwife​,  @shanzay44​, @fabi-en-ciel​, @trebondialanna​,  @ashiiknees​,   @alookseeblog​, @whimsicallywayward15​
@emotionalswift2,  @lion-ess24,
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writing-in-april · 4 years ago
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer and Reader get caught by one of their co workers in a bar bathroom after Reader couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.
A/N: This is the 1st of my 7 fics 7 days in a row for my 500 follower celebration! Thanks again for 500! Here’s another smut that’s in a clandestine spot lmao this’ll be my second public smut in a row plus I have one more already written that’s coming in like two weeks😂 Thanks to @imagining-in-the-margins who helped me get the ball rolling early on with dialogue and @definitelynotkatesblog for the original prompt!
Warnings: Dom!Spencer, Public sex, Unintentional edging, Humilation, Getting caught, Derek being Derek, Established relationship
Masterlist Word count: 1.5k
Sneaking off to go fuck your boyfriend in a bathroom at a bar was a little sleazy but, I had been desperate all day to find some alone time. The team had just finished a grueling case and I wanted nothing more than to order Spencer to rail me into next week. However, my plans had been dashed by Emily who had suggested we all go out to a bar to release the tension of the week before flying home in the morning.
We were all sitting in a booth at the bar that was a little too small to fit all of us and as a result I was practically sitting on Spencer’s lap, which was not helping my desperation at all in the slightest. Every so often he’d shift underneath me whether to get more comfortable or to pick up the Arnold Palmer he had been casually drinking. Each time he shifted I felt my panties dampen just a little more. This was tortuous.
My moment of opportunity came to me when Spencer lifted me off of his lap and said he was going to the bathroom. The bathroom doors were just hidden out of view from the table, so if I got up as well to go ‘to the bathroom’ no one would know if I followed in after him or dragged him into the woman’s bathroom. I quickly excused myself from the table as well after waiting a small amount of time to not arouse suspicion.
Normally, I’d choose the latter and pull him into the woman’s bathroom as it's universally known that they’re nicer. But, I had to switch to plan B when I saw that the ladies room was crowded with people.
I quickly checked my surroundings before slipping into the guy restroom. When I entered it was completely deserted besides Spencer, who was washing his hands at the sink. When he looked up into the mirror and spotted me behind him he spun around quickly with his eyebrows raised. I didn’t give him any time to respond before pulling him into the nearest stall.
“Y/N?! What are you doing?” He squeaked loudly as I reached forward to palm him through his slacks while reaching behind me to lock the stall door, I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him.
“What does it look like I’m doing? Now fuck me.” I said before slipping my shirt over my head revealing my bare chest to him. I sensed some hesitation from him, maybe because we had never done something so clandestine this close to our coworkers before. “Please… It’s not like we haven’t done something like this before.” A switch must have flipped in Spencer at my reference to our last dalliance that we had had in a risky location (That had happened at a park).
“You better keep quiet unless you want our coworkers to hear how desperate you are.” He said with venom in his voice while pulling up my skirt, dipping his hand immediately underneath my panties to run teasing circles on my clit and enveloping me into a harsh kiss. Pleasure started to overtake me, loving the way that he had suddenly ripped any sort of dominance of the situation from out of my fingers, but it wasn’t enough to get me anywhere near the edge of an orgasm. I whined in frustration at his antics so he tried to move his fingers away from my clit to finger me. Instead of letting him I bat his hand away, I was more desperate for something else, “I’m already wet enough I promise- just hurry up.” He looked a little irritated at the fact that I gave him an order but still obliged me by quickly freeing his cock. His pants were only opened just enough to free him but it still gave me a good look at his hard cock that did wonders to me. He hooked one of my legs around my waist and started to tease his cock between my folds. I whined pathetically once it had gone on too long for my tastes which he let out an annoyed grunt in reply.
Then with no warning he pushed into me, filling me swiftly all the way to the hilt. Pure euphoria coursed through my veins when he immediately started thrusting giving me no time to adjust to his considerable size. Even though we slept together quite often and had a healthy sex life, every time his size still took some getting used too.
He started to whisper into my ear about how pretty I looked for him when I was desperate and all I could come up with as a response was a high pitched Yes that was probably way too loud. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth to try and muffle any other sounds that tried to escape while Spencer started to nip at my collarbone to stifle his somewhat now unable to say anything else into my ear because of the pleasure he was receiving.
The way that Spencer then pitched his hips in conjunction with the tight circles he started to rub into my clit again my release was hurtling toward me faster than I ever thought possible. My legs were shaking violently and if he hadn’t been there to partially prop me up I’d have probably melted into a puddle onto the floor. Though, unfortunately the sweet feeling of euphoria I was headed towards was dashed away just by a few words.
“I’m pretty sure the bathroom stall you’re in is supposed to have a maximum occupancy of one.” Suddenly was said loudly cutting right through the breathy moans from the two of us, we both immediately recognized the voice as belonging to Derek. Spencer let out a high pitched squeak and then froze up like a statue as soon as he had heard the voice reverting back to the shy Spencer we were all used to. The both of us hadn’t even heard the door open to caught up in our personal pleasure.
“That’s very ableist of you Derek.” My sudden nonchalant response came after a brief pause to Derek walking in on the two of us seemed to embarrass Spencer as his face had turned a dark shade of red. I moved my hands from Spencer’s shoulders into his hair to try and soothe his embarrassment. Though, I still decided to give Derek one last quip before shooing him out of the bathroom. I had been so close to finishing plus he had embarrassed poor Spencer, he could deal with some embarrassment himself from my words.“Sometimes you need two people. Right now was not one of those times but, you wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t heard me.”
I must have stunned Derek into silence because for a good 30 seconds there was silence on his end. Though, I never really ended up getting a full response from him. Instead, he gave us what could only be described as a mortified slash apologetic grunt; then leaving the room quickly afterwards not even bothering to care if the door slammed hard on the way out. I don’t think he was expecting that response from me.
Getting redressed took almost no time seeing as the only article of clothing either of us had removed was my top. In the hopes of Derek keeping his mouth shut Spencer and I decided to walk out separately. I paced in the small stall as much as I could in the small space while waiting for my turn to leave, hoping that no one would come in here or see me leave, but most importantly that Derek didn’t say anything.
“Well you took a long time.” Emily remarked slyly to me once I had slowly walked back before lowering her voice and continuing.”I’m assuming when Derek went to see where you to had gotten too he got an eyeful”
I flashed Derek a harsh gaze, assuming he had told everyone at the table. Though, I dropped it once Emily quietly pointed out to the hickey that had sprouted on my collarbone. However, my annoyance had not abated, my clit was throbbing, begging for attention after it had been cruelly toyed with
I was sure the teasing would all come tomorrow on the plane once Derek got over his residual embarrassment and everyone wasn’t so buzzed. I gritted my teeth in frustration, if I hadn’t been desperate before I sure was now after having my release stolen from me. Though, I was even more frustrated that Spencer seemed to be doing just fine. Throughout the rest of the night all I could think about was what Spencer could do to me when we finally got back to our hotel room. I wish Hotch had let us take an extra car so I didn’t have to wait. When we finally got in the car to drive back I was vibrating with anticipation all over again I couldn’t wait until we found someplace that was less occupied.
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@deans-ch-ch-cherrypie ie was one of the first I met here and I’m so proud of her. This beautiful and always jealous (oh lord, she is super jealous) person reached 500 followers and of course I (tried) had to write a fic. I know Cherrypie, I said this is a Hvitserk x Ariel fic, but I love Ivar too much, I just can’t ignore him, oops sorry. Te amo odiosa!
Pairing: Hvitserk x Ariel x Ivar
Warnings: F/F smut, fingering, oral, voyeurism
Words: 1726
Thank you to my amazing beta reader @quantumlocked310 for making my sentences sound good, helping me with the moodboard and always motivating me! The idea for the name of this fic is btw from my honey @jadelynlace, because I have no patience to think about an appropriate name and her titles are outstanding.
a/n:. This fandom needs more F/F so I took my chance to write one. This is also a call to those who write F/F Vikings fics -> tag me!
Forget everything you know about Ariel, because the only thing my Ariel and the Disney Ariel have in common is the red hair.
Summary: A Mermaid is the last chance Hvitserk has to revive Lagertha.
Tags: @xbellaxcarolinax @pomegranates-and-blood @heavenly1927 @walkxthexmoon @punkrocknpearls @mrsalwayswrite @grimeundglow
If you ever find her then speak cautiously, she is mightier than the sea and gentler than the breeze.
The seer warned Hvitserk; mermaids don't like humans. Also, Aslaug taught him not to talk about mermaids since he was a child. The fear that these beings might hear was too big. They pull men into the bottom of the sea and let their ships sink. Their voices intoxicate the mind and manipulate humans. Their beauty dazzles men and makes it easy to underestimate them. They can hide but are still visible for those who are meant to see them.
He rode days and weeks to the far north of Norway, where the sea is wild and high waves crash against the huge rocks, far away from all the villages. Where there are almost no animals to eat and fish are difficult to catch. He could easily die, but it was the last chance Hvitserk had to revive Lagertha.
Evening dawned and he gathered wood to prepare the fireplace for the night. A few faint fire sparks flew away in the slight wind when he ground two stones together to start the fire.
"With so little wood you won't survive more than two hours" Someone complained behind him.
Hvitserk hastily picked up his axe and turned around to see who that was. Almost nobody knew why he left Kattegat. Every day he thought about how he killed the most famous shield maiden. The wisest witches and healers tried to bring her back. Daily sacrifices and even Hvitserk himself gave his blood in the attempt to revive her, but none of this was successful.
“Ivar?” He dropped the axe. “What are you doing here? Tell me, who sent you, huh?” He grinned.
“Brother, I am Ivar the Boneless, if this half fish is really more powerful than me then I have to see her.” Ivar didn't want to rely on the rumors.
“I don’t want to be a mermaid’s meal, so be kind Ivar.”
“I doubt we will find her, them, it, whatever” Ivar was quite unimpressed by Hvitserk’s enthusiasm. He was just looking forward to the little trip through Norway’s landscapes.
They walked an extensive white sand beach in search of mussels whenthey heard stones rolling and humming high voices coming out of a big cave.
The sun shone through a big hole in the cave’s ceiling and illuminated two women laying on one another. They quietly tried to climb over the slippery stones in the entrance of the cavern to get closer.
The pureness of their naked bodies, never touched by a man, sliding against each other. Their bright silver-colored skins, glistening in the sunlight like sea pearls. Their wavy hair hid part of their faces. Rose lips sucking on the skin of the red-haired's neck while their thighs pressed around the other’s, spreading their juices over their intertwined legs. Two bodies soft as silk melting together, grinding their pussies and bringing each other to a shared pleasure.
It was silent, only their heavy breathing echoed in the big cave, making the squelching noises of their wetness hush. Their bodies harmonized and embraced; they took their time to satisfy each other without showing dominance.
She shivered at the feeling of the blue-haired’s teeth raking along the flesh of her throat. She was enticed by the way her tongue swirls and swipes the mounds of her chest, tasting the salty valley between her plump breasts. Addicted to the sight of her hips thrusting against her own, feeling the heat that wracked their entire bodies.
One hand roamed down the shape of her body and groped her ass. The blue-haired lifted her partner’s right leg and placed it over her shoulder, exposing her fully. She licked two fingers on her right hand and trailed them down over the red-haired thigh until she reached her cunt.
The red-haired pressed her beloved closer, having only a moment to breathe out before she delved her wet fingers inside her lover’s dripping walls. She stroked deeper, harder and faster; all the while nibbling the soft skin behind her earlobe. She pulled her fingers out and teased her entrance. Her tongue swirled over her lip, before she thrusted her fingers in one move again into her partner’s throbbing pussy adding one finger to stretch her more.
The red-haired pried her legs open andburied both hands in the other’s blue hair to trail her down, arching her back to catch each kiss she left. She brought her lover’s head between her legs and laid her mouth on her center, replacing her fingers. Her arms wrapped around the red-haired's thighs as her tongue dragged against her warmth, parting her folds to rub against her most sensitive spots. She moaned, savoring the taste of the one beneath her pulsating pussy, not missing a drop of her juices.
When her thumb brushes the smooth skin of her hard nipple, kneading it, the red-haired rewarded it with a melodic moan, a little louder this time. The strands of her red hair fell down from her face as she raised her head, revealing her gorgeous face. Her eyes shut tight and her lips trembled, before they spread in a euphoric moan with every slam of her thighs onto the blue-haired cheeks. She bucked her hips nearly throwing the blue-haired off her lap. Her hands looking for something to grip onto, settling them on blue locks. Seeing the lust-filled gaze of her beautiful girl tensed her body. Her end was near, the one above her flicked her tongue at a fast pace, curling it over clit once, twice until her body exploded in satisfaction, coating her mouth with her juices.
The shameless string of moans woke Hvitserk up from his trance.
“Do you think they are mermaids? Real mermaids?”
Ivar didn’t answer. Hvitserk hit him with his elbow, but h was totally obsessed from their magnet-like aura.
“Hey Ivar” He tried to get his attention again.
“What?!” Ivar finally could avert his gaze from them.
“I asked, if you think that these are mermaids?”
“Of course they are! Did you ever see a woman being so divine?!” It was obvious to him.
They heard a loud noise of something heavy dropping into the water but when they looked back to the place they were laying, both were gone.
“You idiot! See what you did, you should learn to speak more-”
“Mermaid! I can see you!” The mermaid’s colored hair reflected in the water. “Come out here! We don’t want to kill you!” Ivar ignored his brother and crawled over the slippery stones in their direction.
The red-haired rose confident out of the water presenting herself. Waterdrops covered her pale and shimmering skin. She titled her head to one side, focusing the two foreign men with her green eyes, without blinking.
“Vikings” She broke the intriguing silence. The way this word rolled of her tongue was tantalizing.
“We didn’t want to...uhm… “ Hvitserk stuttered ashamed about Ivar’s insolence. “We are looking for someone, a special woman, well she is more than a woman. Her name– “
“Ariel. I knew you would come. You’re here because of Lagertha’s death.” She completed his sentence.
The blue-haired came out from behind the rock and placed herself close to Ariel. Two goddess-like appearances, both the same; tall, hypnotizing them.
“Ariel. Hello Ariel” Ivar smirked, speaking in a seductive tone, scanning her naked body with his glance. “I assume you are the powerful creature Hvitserk needs.” He took a lazy step closer. ”Powerful and beautiful. I have a weakness for woman like you.” He confessed, brushing his lower lip between his teeth.
She approached and her cheek pressing lightly against his. Her damp red hair wet his armor as she leaned forward to whisper in his ear.
“I know who you are Ivar. So let me tell you whoIam.” He closed his eyes to memorize her unique salty smell better. “I am not a woman, I am a mermaid and mermaids don’t need to deal with men. And...don’t you dare to touch me!” Ivar clenched his fist and lowered his hand again.
She leaned back and spoke to the more rational brother. “I can’t help you Hvitserk. I’m sorry you came here in vain.” She wasn’t a talkative creature, especially when she felt used.
“Hey silver skin, where are you going?” Ivar started to treat her rude out of frustration. “We are not done here.” Ivar followed her out of the cave to the beach.
“But the seer told me you can, you can revive people. I didn’t want to kill her, please, it was a mistake.” Hvitserk tried to persuade her from the distance.
“This is my home.” She admired the calm of the ocean. “I can save anyone who gets lost in the heart of the sea, but Lagertha is not there.”
“Hey!” She gasped as Ivar grabbed her arm to hold her back. She immediately closed her eyes and was benumbed.
“No” The blue haired yelled and hissed, pushing Ivar away. He let go of her and Ariel started breathing again. Her eyes opened and even if they hadn’t told her how Lagertha died, she already knew it. She felt what they felt and saw what they saw. There was no secret that remained hidden from her.
“It wasn’t you who killed her, you were deceived Hvitserk. I am unable to overpower a dark might.” Hvitserk bowed his head. “But she’s fine. She is with Ragnar and she forgives you…and you too, Ivar.” Ivar rolled his eyes.
Ariel took her beloved by the hand and both stepped into the little waves. The silver colour of their legs became more luminous and greener the longer they stood in the water.
“Let’s go back to our sisters, my dear. I can hear them calling.” Her long red hair framed the curves from her swaying hips.
“And Ivar- “ She looked over her shoulder “- as long as your heart craves revenge, you will never be able to love.”
The sunlight reflected on her emerald green scales before she disappeared with her dearest in the depth of the sea completely.
Ivar waited a moment longer hoping to see her one last time.
“Ivar, it’s over.” Hvitserk laid his arm on Ivar’s shoulder and pulled him away.
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genuineformality · 3 years ago
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
Ask games! Ask me things!
Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
Most of the WIPs that I won't let see the light of day aren't particularly cringe, but they're fics that I started, realized I didn't have a real plan for, and have abandoned in my WIP folder(s). This actually happens a lot, because I'm prone to having an idea for a particular scene or snippet of dialogue, writing 500-1000 words of it, and then realizing that I didn't actually have anything more than that.
Something I'm realizing about myself in this version of my fannish career, though, is that I'm now someone who has read a lot of short stories (like, a lot), where before I wasn't particularly familiar with the form and as a result, wasn't very good at writing them. Without really meaning to, I've learned that a story doesn't have to be long to be worth telling and I've learned how better to construct such stories.
That said, I've written a thousand words or so about my Modern AU Kaz Brekker as a nine year old on the mean streets of Ketterdam, that I'm never going to show the world, because I don't actually like children, don't want to write about them, but I needed to figure out some shit about how my Modern AU Kaz wound up where he was today. (Spoiler: kids are awful and kids in awful circumstances learn to work with what they have.)
I also have a 4000 words of the fic that started the Modern Business series, which I wrote between Christmas and the New Year. That may eventually see the light of day, but running into some snags about 30 year old Kaz and Inej in modern Ketterdam is what spurred me to write the first two posted stories, in which I tried to figure out how the hell they got there in the first place. By the time I'm done, it may be rendered completely OOC for both of them, but I'm keeping it around because I like some of the writing and it may get cut up for something else in the future.
Post a snippet from a current WIP.
“Have you heard from Inej?” Jesper asked Kaz casually as he plunked down two coffees.
Kaz glanced up from his laptop screen and reached for his cup. They were at a cafe on the edge of East Stave, ostensibly meeting to talk over some accounts. Kaz preferred to do most of his socializing under the guise of business and Jesper was usually willing to oblige.
Kaz shook his head shortly, sipped the bitter brew, and grimaced; the coffee was bitter and painfully hot. He took another, longer gulp, burning his tongue more severely, but grateful for the incoming caffeine. “Have you?”
Jesper rubbed a long-fingered hand over his face. “No. Wylan asked me last night and I realized it’s been a few months. Usually she at least drops me a line when she’s heading to a new city, but…”
He trailed off and Kaz opened his phone to see when the last text was from her. Going a few weeks without contact was relatively normal; Inej tended towards the obsessive when she had a new project. A month was pushing it; though. The last text was almost two months ago. The last email was three.
He’d assumed it was just him - the last time Inej was in town, it… hadn’t gone well. Kaz winced at the memory, washed it down with another sip of scalding coffee, as if one pain could wash away another. He was rewarded with a burned tongue and hot cheeks, anger and embarrassment warring with each other.
“I thought she was avoiding me,” Kaz muttered.
“Oh, Kaz,” Jesper sighed. “What’d you do this time?”
“Why do you think I did anything?”
Jesper raised an eyebrow and Kaz pursed his lips and looked away. He was annoyed, both at the implication that it was his fault and that Jesper was absolutely right.
What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I'm still riding the high of having finished my completely ridiculous Febuwhump challenge. I work best under a deadline and established parameters. I'm finding that even though I'm throwing myself hard into writing, focus is a stumbling block, and unless there's an outside source of accountability, I'm extremely good at doing literally anything else. I love writing. I love writing about my blorbos. I don't, for the life of me, understand why I can't just sit down and do the thing unless I have a deadline, even if it's a completely made up deadline. (I know why. My brain doesn't work like other people's brains do. But it's real gd annoying.)
Also, I've been writing fiction again for all of four months and I can feel these muscles limbering and the words are just coming more easily. So I'm really proud of myself for deciding to Be A Writer again after years of not doing it, reaching out to and making new friends in the process, and generally just doing something that brings me joy.
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