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drabbles-mc · 11 months ago
Canche x GN!Reader
Warnings: 18+, language, light angst
With the help of This Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting and my trusty Wheel of Names with every character I’ve ever written for, I’m aiming to write a fic in 500 words or less every day of March.
Prompt: pattern
Word Count: 500
A/N: the way this is reminding me that i have a multichap for this man that's almost done. i need to finish that soon so i can post it and get it out of my drafts lmfao. anyway! enjoy this in the meantime!
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It had been so much easier to compartmentalize your relationship with Canche when he was only in Santo Padre for a night or two. The pattern of push and pull was almost fun in a way because it wasn’t a constant. There were no obligations, no worries.
But ever since the night the Yuma charter stormed the clubhouse, it seemed as though he’d taken up residency there. It was rare for you to walk in and not see him, when it used to be the exact opposite.
Even before everything that had happened, the most you and Canche would give each other in front of people were small smiles and knowing glances—the real exchanges always happening after hours and behind closed doors. But these days you couldn’t help but to wonder if he ever even realized you were there. He didn’t owe you anything—that was part of the deal. Still, you couldn’t help but to find it a little strange.
Your night was over even though there were still plenty of men lingering. Marcus had given you the okay to head home and you weren’t looking to argue about it.  You slipped quietly out the side door to get to your car around back.
You were about to unlock your car when you heard footsteps coming up behind you. Assuming it was one of the men from Santo Padre, you spoke before turning around. “Alvarez said that I’m good to go, so do whatev—”
Canche cut your sentence short with a hand on your hip. He turned you around to face him and pinned you back against the driver’s door of your car. Despite his hand still resting on you, he left a sliver of space between you.
You let the back of your head rest against the window of your car. “Was starting to think you just didn’t recognize me anymore.”
“Part of me doesn’t.”
Your brows knit, tied together with confusion and frustration. “What the fuck’s that sup—”
“You thought it was going to be the same? After all the shit that went down?” His grip on your hip tightened. “Shit you didn’t bother telling me about?”
You put your hand between you. “You think they bothered to tell me about any of it?” You scoffed. “Not like you gave me the heads-up when your guys wanted to turn my clubhouse into fucking Swiss cheese.”
A smirk flickered across his face. “Your clubhouse?”
You rolled your eyes. “You know what I mean.” You paused. “What do you want, Canche?”
“We’re gonna be here for a while. It’d be nice to have someone around that I can stand,” his grip eased, “that I can trust.”
“I didn’t think trust really had anything to do with this.”
His lips curled up for a moment. “It didn’t. Maybe it should.”
You finally let your hand rest against the leather of his kutte. “Maybe.” You felt his tense muscles ease and you nodded towards your car. “C’mon, then.”
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mayans-mc · 11 months ago
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postcard-from-the-past · 10 months ago
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Greetings from Bouret-sur-Canche, Picardy region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed to Paris
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primepaginequotidiani · 5 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Corriere Umbria di Oggi venerdì, 20 settembre 2024
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kingballer22 · 1 year ago
Canche Imagine
Y/n had always been intrigued by Canche, biker and local legend in their small town. He had a reputation for being dangerous and wild, but there was also something about him that drew y/n in. Perhaps it was his intensity or his calculating nature; whatever it was, it captivated her in a way no other man ever had.
One night, a chance meeting led to of them talking, and when she looked into his dark eyes, something inside of her shifted. That night, Canche asked her out and, though she was scared, she accepted. Little did she know that one date would turn into a whirlwind romance as their love only seemed to grow deeper and stronger with each passing day.
The couple soon became inseparable, and Canche proposed after only six months of being together. Even though everyone around them cautioned against marrying so young and so quickly, y/n denied them all as Canche was the only person who made her feel safe and wanted.
Though things seemed perfect on the outside, there was a darkness within their marriage that was almost too much to bear. It seemed as though Canche was almost constantly sad, and he began to take all of his melancholy out on y/n. He loved her, sure, but he had a cruel and sadistic side that came out when he was feeling down. But in spite of all this, y/n stayed by Canche's side even through the hardest of times.
But then something changed. The couple welcomed a newborn baby into their lives, and Canche's attitude towards his family began to shift. He was no longer brooding and depressed, and he showered them both with love and attention. Through the power of his love and devotion, he seemed to have found a way to keep his dark side at bay and truly cherish the life he had built for himself.
Y/n had always loved and admired Canche, but she never could have imagined just how much he loved her and their child in return. Despite her initial reservations, y/n found herself overwhelmed with a love for her husband that was even greater than before, and she was thankful that after all their struggles they had found a way to make it work.
I’m going to be honest… I wasn’t a big fan of Canche. However… 😌I HAVE to write about him. I still liked him more than Emily. Don’t hesitate to ask for a request or anything. If I don’t know about what you want me to write I will try my best. Anyway have a great night lovelies!!❤️
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raskolnicore · 11 months ago
la manera en la que hoy rebbloguee algo de max acá en mi blog principal y quedó dnf por primera vez en 2 años soy realmente la peor mufa que haya existido en la historia de los deportes
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months ago
Breaking the Rules: Manny x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @darqchilddaydreamz @theesirenteller @wnbweasley @sisinever @bonni-98 @skyesthebomb @delightfulbelieverwerewolf @redpool @trublu2u @fleureeee @thiashazzywriting @lauraaan182 @hatersaremymotivators @fanfic-n-tabulous @ravennaortiz @just-a-throw-away @yousigned-upforthis @kabloswrld @keyweegirlie @@katymae12344 @rampsen @pansexualhailstorm @wabi-sabi1090
Part One: Melina - Manny x Reader - Manny’s daughter wants to meet you.
Part Two: Club Business (feat: Hank Loza) - Manny finally sits down with Hank Loza to discuss his relationship with you.
Part Three: Home  - Manny realises what home means to you.
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Everyone in Yuma knows that Manny has a woman. They have ever since he stopped sleeping with club girls as a way to vent his stress. He doesn’t get high, he doesn’t drink to excess, fucking was his only vice and even that had come with a set of rules.
Never take them home.
Never fuck them on a school night.
And none of them got introduced to his daughter.
He wants Melina as far away from that world as possible. He wants her to have positive role models, aspirations that go far beyond Yuma. He’s thinking NASA, curing cancer, building robots, the kind of shit she’s going to learn at Science Camp this summer.
What he doesn’t want are people like the club girls filling her head with ideas of how she needs a man to establish herself, to give her status.
The ideology is the product of a bygone era, one that Yuma is still struggling to find it’s way out of. He figures it’ll fade out the same way it did in Santo Padre with all the changes he’s been making but it’s slow going.
When it comes to you Manny breaks all of the rules. The moment you roll into town you’re staying at his place, the girls overhear Downer talking about the three of you having breakfast together, the crepes you make, apparently, they are out of this world. It becomes a regular thing on a Sunday because Downer and his wife, want to try everything you make because you’re ‘cultured’.
They see you around town with his daughter, the ice cream shop, the roller rink, the library. Most times with Manny but sometimes without and that’s the part that stings. Some of the club girls they’ve known him for years, you’re an outsider, an interloper and you fit into his life as if you’ve always been there.
Manny can tell your appearance in Yuma has ruffled some feathers. A few of the girls get extra attentive, lingering touches and salacious words, he’s dismissive of it. Most of them get the message, however there’s one, Tiana, the de facto leader that just doesn’t seem to get the hint. The two of them had fucked once before you’d come on the scene, he’d regretted it almost immediately. She’d been Canche’s favourite girl; looking to take up the mantle with him after he’d taken over the presidency.
He's having a smoke outside when she approaches him. He takes a drag of the cigarette, and she reaches out, tucking a hot pink, lace thong into the inner pocket of his kutte.
“I’ve got a girl.” He reminds her, plucking the underwear from his pocket and handing it back to her.
She pouts as she snatches them from his hand with a flourish.
“You used to like taking these off.” She reminds him, balling them up in her fist.
“Now I’d prefer it if you put them back on.” He says firmly, blowing out a stream of smoke. “And if you’d spread the word, I’m off the market.”
“You know things are getting real boring around here, no coke in the clubhouse, no weed, all the good dick is taken. Me and some of the girls have been talking about moving on from this shit hole.”
It’s meant to be provocative, a jab at his presidency but what Tiana doesn’t get is that he wants that. He wants every single one of those girls to either get their heads on straight or fuck off because he’s issuing in a new era, one where every single one of his brothers can earn safely without reprisal.
“You should do that.” He tells her taking another drag of her cigarette. “This place is only gonna become more boring moving forward.”
“Canche was a lot more fun.” She tells him and it riles something inside of him.
Canche had damn near run this club into the ground. He’d been unpredictable, unstable. He’d almost beat one of their prospects to death for not changing the oil in his bike fast enough. The drugs, the gambling, the violence, all of it had been dragging the club down, bleeding it out.
Manny shoots Tiana a dark look.
“Canche also used to beat on you.”
He’d seen the bruises, hell, he’d patched her up once or twice after Canche was done with her. She remembers that, he can tell.
“If you and the other girls want to move on, there’ll be no repercussions. You know I’m not about hurting women.” Manny tells her, stubbing out his cigarette on the banister of the porch before tilting his head towards the clubhouse. “Most of these guys are family men, they’re not looking for a side piece…”
“And Yuma’s most eligible bachelor has just gone off the market.” She says with a tight smile.
“Yea.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “You ain’t gonna be making old lady anytime soon, not in my club.”
Because that’s what Tiana wants, the status that comes with being someone’s old lady. She wants to be provided for, taken care of and if she has to endure men like Canche to get it, she will. She can see that her options are limited in Yuma.
“I want out.” She tells him as she leans back against the railing. “I’ll spread word to the other girls, tell them it’s an option.”
“You do that.” Manny says as he looks out into the darkness. “I don’t want anyone here who doesn’t want to be.”
Love Manny? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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tgrailwar-zero · 6 months ago
I think you're awesome, Max! I'm really glad we got to meet you. And even if you say you're 'just a conceptual mana battery', I'd still like to consider you a friend. I mean, if that's acceptable for you?
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MAXWELL: "Thank you. I think after such a harrowing experience, 'friendship' is a perfectly reasonable step for our relationship. And speaking of friends, let's get going. I'm sure your companions are waiting."
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He began walking you out, as you followed a series of chambers and hallways before reaching the outside. The evening air brushed against you, and there was a sense of freedom that came with it. You heard the sound of people in the distance, the streets still busy. It wasn't too late.
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MAXWELL: "Welcome to Downtown. This facility connects to a few zones, so I just took you down the path that pops you back into the Megalopolis. The others should be out here too."
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MAXWELL: "...A concept like me? I'm sure you'd get more from summoning my father as a Servant, if that's even possible. But... well, maybe we both have things to discover about ourselves."
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MAXWELL: "It's been a pleasure. I'd love to stay and chat longer, but I've done plenty of that already and I was given a rather urgent task."
He shook your hand, before heading off casually. He paused, turning around.
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MAXWELL: "...I'm sure we'll meet again, so take care of yourselves."
After that and a friendly wave, he was gone.
You saw RULER and INVADER sitting quietly on the steps, the two of them looking over as you approached. They both got to their feet as you were guided in.
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GIUSEPPE: "So, it ended up working out perfectly fine. Good. Are you ready to head out?"
He seemed rather casual- but it made sense. You were currently fine, so whatever issue had occurred must have worked itself out.
...The goddess standing next to him, however, seemed less calm.
KUKULKAN: "Fine? ¡Ni madres, canche! They were gone! For a second, but that's one second more than what should have happened!"
It seemed as if the Beastmaster's kill absolutely registered with your Servants.
She stomped forward. You could swear you could feel the ground shake with each footstep.
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You were expecting a scolding from CONSTANTINE, but she seemed determined to do it for him. As you prepared yourself for the inevitable storm, she reached out and pulled you into an incredibly tight hug for a few moments. She felt warm, like laying in a field on a sunny day.
KUKULKAN: "Gracias a Malla, estáis todas bien…"
She released the hug, stepping back. You were suddenly firmly grabbed by the wrist, as she waggled your hand back and forth in front of your face. You saw the glowing purple sigil that signified your contract, her Command Spells, appear faintly on the back.
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KUKULKAN: "Re-mem-ber. If you ever feel in danger, you use this and I'll be there in a flash, ¿comprenden?"
She said, her tone gentle yet serious.
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doodle-photos · 9 months ago
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Two juvenile moorhens feeding each other. Taken at The Canch, June 2024.
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444names · 3 months ago
Names generated from Pokemon, 6 letters long
Abroco Achops Actrok Aegiba Ageleo Aggoom Aiddle Alekit Algoom Amagir Ameowl Amette Ankayl Aractu Arpear Avinky Avulam Bagcas Barite Bastan Batiod Batton Beepin Beleon Bewgol Bidgea Birovy Bishat Bislup Bleffy Blione Blught Boagne Bolton Bradie Bragne Braill Branin Brokel Brolos Buffeo Bulapt Caditt Canche Cansee Carbok Caroon Catinx Charia Cheass Chimet Chipek Chiper Chkrow Chlite Chokel Choonz Chuchu Claina Clamea Clowth Clunow Cobatt Colala Corgor Cother Cranke Croket Croser Cytuff...
Daquic Daureo Dellos Denser Deonat Derree Dickin Ditlan Doocty Drache Dragon Dranpy Dreath Driops Dritar Ducary Duchar Dughty Duramb Duskio Duskip Dweell Dwelit Eeddig Elfing Elgank Elista Elldel Enatin Ennyta Enropu Esperp Fabsom Fentor Ferlia Fetchy Fezios Finomp Fisabé Flashi Flypno Foolgy Foompa Foosia Forper Forung Frachu Frolts Furish Furita Garion Garrai Gealto Geldus Giggle Glavus Glitox Golill Gonzon Goomon Gorgen Grapix Greoth Greune Growdo Gusaug Gustot Gyamus Gyemon Hanine Hantar Harper Heldoo Helgye Helixe Hellos Herbus Hiclam Himbre Hiscle Hitill Hoomar Hopera Horost Horser Hyperr Hyphel Igneon Illado Illspe Illspu Ilomor Ilopup Ivibla Jigoak Joldee Joldus Joling Joltan Jumerr Jumess Kabble Kaduos Karair Kargly Karing Kaydus Klabra Klarde Kletad Kleyem Kligar Korkre Kraira Kreisa Krespa Kresta Krodon Krotty Krouff Kroven Kruxio Kyunke Labuzz Lamerr Landia Lation Latorr Ledona Licepa Limsic Lingon Litzle Loedia Lopill Lopurk Lothom Lourra Lourue Luglay Lugmar Lunsly Luxent Luxick Luxrat Macher Machic Magcas Magmas Magnee Magoom Magsir Makian Mandus Manter Mantle Marfen Mariss Markof Markra Marmar Marvan Matmor Maudor Meaper Meavan Megale Melett Merrla Meserr Mewoon Millum Milter Mimell Mimine Miming Mimiss Miscie Misher Mismus Murder Murrit Muscle Nacned Nadune Nawdon Nivire Nivyss Noryga Nuncce Ochele Odurno Ombele Pachie Palaur Pallea Paluck Paniny Panivy Pansla Parang Parill Phamph Phapow Phapup Pidous Pinawn Pinkle Pokoke Polbat Poraby Pought Pouton Pracle Punfly Puppen Quazan Quenta Ragnet Ramaga Raphao Rappor Ravang Ravank Regius Relino Remonz Reowdo Resear Respie Roachu Roagia Roldew Rounce Rovysa Ruazum Sabolt Sagsir Salang Saltox Sameon Samoon Sampar Sanbus Sangle Sankle Santan Sautle Sawoon Sawsby Scanid Scarow Scaton Scatte Scorrl Scubbi Sealin Seasto Selion Sevird Seyena Seyent Shaydo Shelia Shumen Simsia Skrude Skunne Slamew Slitas Sloetu Sloing Slooth Slugas Slupio Sluron Smanne Snowle Soltoy Spedow Speong Sperus Sphire Spigne Spiken Sprate Sprink Sproth Steone Storio Strion Suddos Sursol Surton Swairl Swakun Swanda Swanio Swindo Swinja Swooth Swotte Sydone Sydoon Sydoss Tacley Taiper Taloof Tanham Tarapt Tardus Tensey Thokor Tinjas Torlic Tourna Trayle Trineo Trunth Tyleon Tyroct Tyrorb Umesne Umilme Unfoot Urebby Valayl Valkin Vandon Vandsh Vantic Velict Venian Venrot Ventun Verbom Vicang Viliny Vilite Villix Virock Vitant Vivilt Voldus Volill Voling Wailet Wampho Weavus Weedos Weezig Whinet Whitus Wiggye Wighty Woboak Woonat Xatmom Xerfer Yameon Yamott Yancce Yaning Yanter Yveler Yvenix Zampar Zamper Zardus Zarjas Zelcon Zubatt Zubibi Zublic
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drabbles-mc · 1 year ago
dedicating NaNo to my wips has resulted in a battle that is essentially me vs all the longfics for characters that i said i don't like 😂 idk why i do this shit to myself lmaooooo
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cliozaur · 1 year ago
The one from which we discover that Valjean was involved in investments in regional industry. He “supported with his credit and his funds the linen factory at Boulogne, the flax-spinning industry at Frévent, and the hydraulic manufacture of cloth at Boubers-sur-Canche.” So, It’s no surprise that the regions’ dignitaries know the name of M. Madeleine. However, he himself seems to be dissociating from his new name, and Hugo emphasizes this, saying, ”The unhappy man whose history we are relating” dropping any name for Valjean, and from this point until the end of the chapter, Hugo refers to Valjean only as “he.” All his actions, except for leaving the court, appear as if unconscious, Valjean seems to act against his will, driven by a soul-buying contract. A doorknob looking at him with an eye of a tiger adds an eerie touch – Javert, is it you there? ­
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rpmaniac · 10 months ago
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Les Simserables - M-sur-M
Montreuil-sur-Mer. A small picturesque town in northern France, despite its name not on the coast but about 10 km inland. The suffix was added mainly to distinguish it from other towns by the same name, and derives from the town port on the river Canche, where boats travelling up the river from the English Channel would stop.
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rosy-opal-commander · 26 days ago
It's been awhile since I drew my commander being cute in the Crystal Desert. I maintain being far from home with a passive death wish did her some good after Trahearne death and Braham cave tantrum.
Also the fact that Kasmeer, Canche and Rylock show up to show the commander that they're not alone. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻.
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Sunburnt but unbothered. She's was there to kill a god, what like it's hard? 💅🏻
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jojobegood1 · 2 months ago
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nitewrighter · 2 years ago
Can we get some interactions between AU Faustine and Evil Marti? The mean short girls.
Oh that's such a fun prompt!! I've been thinking about Los Muertos Marti for a while...
Faustine: I love Dorado! Such a fascinating atmosphere--the food, the partying spring break Americans, Lumérico cowering under our thumbs, the darling little boutiques...
Marti: I'm so glad you brought up shopping. I was hoping to do a bit myself.
Faustine: For you, or Los Muertos?
Marti: I'm thinking gifts for the whole family.
Faustine: So soon after your last purchase?
Marti: Well, I'm expanding operations. I've got a new opportunity you and yours may be interested in.
Faustine: I like the sound of that--Let's talk lunch. Ceviche?
Marti: *snort* Sure you can handle the local stuff, rich girl?
Faustine: Never underestimate a well-traveled gut, darling. Or neuroprosthetics.
Marti: You ever think of getting out? Just... cutting off your own neat little slice somewhere and not bothering with all the egos and the power struggles and the lies and the the machismo and the dick-measuring?
Faustine: Martina, please, I love lying and dick-measuring. I love misinforming people on the respective sizes of dicks and watching them collapse into dick-chaos. It's the highlight of my day.
Faustine: I know I make this offer to you again and again, but there is a seat at the table for you.
Marti: I've got my city, and I've got my people. here. I go corporate and I risk losing all that just to be one of your backing votes in a boardroom.
Faustine: So what you're saying is, I'd have your vote.
Marti: What I'm saying is I can trust my people a lot more than yours.
Faustine: 'Trust' them?
Marti: Know their next steps, at least.
Faustine: Big fish, little pond, Canche.
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