#i assume if tumblr goes my online presence will go with it
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acesammy · 1 year ago
So I am gonna be here until the bitter end I’m sure, but yeah my insta is @/dragonights and my twt is @/eltonhours if anyone wants to follow me elsewhere…. I haven’t used twt since like august maybe but.. yeah
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armoricaroyalty · 2 years ago
the 90-9-1 rule, or A Partial Answer to the Eternal Question of 'Why Don't My Posts Get More Notes?'
In the small amount of time I’ve been on Al Gore’s internet, I have acquired a small amount of wisdom, which I now share with you: 90% of people don’t engage.
This theory of internet engagement has been floating around online since at least 2006, and as such, it goes by a lot of different names: participation inequality, the 1% rule, the 90-9-1 principle. Whatever name you encounter it under, the principle is the same: on any given website, most of the content is generated by only 1% of the user base.
This theory divides internet users into three camps:
Heavy Contributors are people who use the website every day and generate the vast majority of its content. In earlier eras of the internet, these were people posting in forums, maintaining their own geocity or angelfire pages, and setting up webrings to link related content and form communities of like-minded people. In the current age, the category of ‘heavy contributors’ includes influencers and content creators on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, but it also includes the people who remember to like, subscribe, and smash that bell icon. On websites like Tumblr, a heavy contributor is more likely to be a person who likes and reblogs without generating original content or adding commentary to others’ posts. But heavy contributors are also the big-time posters, the ones making gifsets, fic, viral shitposts, and other kinds of content. For these people, the internet is a social, creative place, and they go online to socialize and create. They generate the vast majority of the content everyone consumes and enjoys. And according to the 90-9-1 principle, these users represent only 1% of the people who use the internet.
Intermittent Contributors are people who use the website frequently and occasionally post. In modern times, this might be someone who mostly engages through likes and the occasional reblog. In fan communities and on websites like AO3, they might be an avid consumer of content, reading every fic with their OTP, but that passion doesn’t usually motivate them to leave comments, write fic of their own, or share recommendations. The intermittent contributors might be just as active as the heavy contributors, but their online presence is smaller. They make less of a splash than their noisier counterparts in the 1%. According to the theory, these users represent 9% of the people who use the internet.
Infrequent Contributors (lurkers) are everyone else. Because they don’t generate much (or any) content, it’s difficult to track their presence and behavior. Some sign on every day and read everything that’s posted without ever adding to the conversation. They might check Tumblr on their phones during breaks at work and never think about it otherwise. They might have an account they use once every three months when they remember it exists. They might never create an account, and just browse the front pages of sites like Reddit. According to the theory, these users represent 90% of the people who use the internet.
To people in the 1%, the behavior of the lurkers and intermittent contributors feels absolutely outlandish. Why bother signing on if you’re not going to make anything or contribute to the conversation? Why follow an account if you’re never going to like or reblog? Human beings have a tendency to see their behavior as “normal” and assume everyone else is doing the same, and that tendency toward generalization can be really blinding for people who exist in tiny, exceptional categories like the 1% of ‘active’ users.
The assumption that everyone uses the internet like they do can often make the people in the 1% feel very, very lonely, especially the creatives. You work for hours on a story or an illustration, hit ‘post,’ and get only a few comments and likes. You’ve got followers, you’ve got an audience, why is your work being met with crickets? If you’re posting in the hopes that other people will engage with your content, it can be very disheartening to create something and be met with silence by the vast majority of your followers.
The truth is that 90% of your followers just won’t engage. That doesn’t mean they’re not reading your stuff. That doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy your stories. That doesn’t mean they’re not looking forward to your next update or they’re not turning your story over in their heads while they wait for the bus. It just means that they’re not engaging with it in a way that is visible to you.
Think about it. You might be very active on one platform and quiet on another. You have read many books in your life, but how many letters have you written to authors? When you see a movie in theaters, is your first instinct to get online and tweet at the actors and directors? When you watch YouTube videos and TikToks, do you feel the urge to make your own, or do you just think “cool video!” and move on with your life?
I’ve been afflicted with Chats-Too-Much since birth, so I am inordinately active on talky platforms like Tumblr and Discord. But on YouTube, I’m an internet ghost. I have a few creators whose videos I watch avidly (and often multiple times). I follow them, I have the bell dinged, I even support a few on patreon. But I don’t comment on videos and rarely ever like them because that’s just not how I engage on that platform.
The 90-9-1 rule isn’t an absolute. Actual studies have found that the real percentages of different types of users varies from site-to-site. In the 1990’s and early 2000’s, online participation required a much greater degree of expertise and technical know-how. In the modern era, with the almost-universal implementation of like buttons, voting systems, and internal bookmarking features like AO3’s, more users fall into that middle category of intermittent contributors. Social media completely changed the way we use the internet to communicate, and the social distancing and isolation of the pandemic further reshaped our ways of engagement. I’m not even going to get into the subject of engagement as currency and the monetization of everything, because those are a) immensely depressing to me and b) outside of the scope of this essay, but the idea that anyone can become a celebrity online has also radically altered the way we exist on the internet.
This essay is only meant to say: on hobby sites and in fandom spaces, try to divorce your self-worth and desire to create from the amount of engagement your content gets. Each and every one of us loves to see the numbers go up, but the numbers can’t be why you’re engaging in social spaces and sharing your work. It’s not easy, but if your only drive to create is to get attention, you will never be satisfied. You’ll get 50 followers and wish you had 100. You’ll get 1,000 followers and wish you had 10,000. You’ll always be chasing more, and you’ll never be able to enjoy the followers you do have and the engagement you do get -- you’ll always be stuck staring at your analytics page, resenting the silent 90% for not doing more to boost your content and validate your worth in the eyes of the immortal algorithm.
It’s not easy to decouple your desire to create from your desire for attention. But it’s ultimately necessary for the good of your mental wellbeing and the good of your art. Enjoy your hobbies and enjoy your posting. If neither are bringing you any joy, ask yourself why and be willing to accept that you might need to let go of something or else shift your mode of engagement. You might even be happier as a lurker, creating only for yourself.
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one-hopeless-queer · 2 years ago
I have reread Six of Crows recently and decided to write down a summary as I was reading (had a hard time keeping up with the changes to the heist plan the first time lol) and I don't want my work to go to waste so I'm just gonna post it to this long-abandoned tumblr account I haven't used for at least a year.
Enjoy - if you need a recap before the second book or just want to remember something from the story.
Disclaimer: there are plenty of summaries online but they simply tell you the plot, and I wanted to take note of how the story was arranged, i.e., where in the book I could find a specific piece of backstory (I also included mentions of some memorable dialogue).
Tbh I don't really explain things that much so yeah, it works more as a recap for someone who has read the book than a summary for someone who hasn't.
parts in green are dedicated to explaining Kaz's scheming
1. Dregs & Black Tips' meet at the Exchange, Kaz has a plan and everything goes in accordance with it.
1. Kaz makes the connection between Big Bolliger visiting Cilla's Fry early twice a week (Black Tips' territory?) and the rival gang crawling around Fifth Harbor and intercepting a shipment of jurda.
2. Kaz outbribes neither of the two rooftop guards. He probably makes sure that Jesper and Big B. are situated on his sides accordingly with the guards' placements on the eastern and western sides of the Exchange, so that it is most likely that, upon being called on, the first guard shoots none other than Big B. who is closest to him.
3. Kaz relies on careful planning when dealing with the first guard's presence. He relies on Inej to take out the other one before he gets a chance to take a shot Jesper.
4. Kaz knows about Big Bolliger's betrayal so he knows that Geels, who is searched by him, still has his gun. What if Big B. searched someone else though? I have to assume Kaz had intel on all three Black Tips (and Inej, with her knowledge of the gangs, deduced who Geels was most likely to take with him). Meaning there could be three possible outcomes for this. Three versions of "my Dregs are going to burn your lovely Elise and her geraniums to the ground". All of them would most likely be bluffs, like the one with Elise. Any of the Tips would be too worried for their loved ones/anything else Kaz had learned about them) to risk their lives (their as in their own and their as in their family's/friends'/lovers'). ~ ~ ~
2. Kaz goes for a walk, Inej follows him and shares her doubts. Kaz gets jumped by Van Eck's people and after a conversation about jurda parem and its effects on grisha (altering perception as opposed to just enhancing power like an amplifier) receives a proposition.
3. He talks to Inej, gives her instructions, washes his sweaty armpits in front of her.
4. He goes to White Rose by the harbour to talk with Nina.
5. Kaz, Nina, Inej and Muzzen go to Hellgate to break Matthias out.
They go in wearing Komedie Brute's costumes as part of the similiarly clad crowd gathering weekly to watch prisoners fight wild animals. They wait for Matthias to be done with his fight - he is made to kill three wolves, animals sacred to the drüskelle. Nina drops a nearby guard's pulse, they dress him in Kaz's costume cape to pass him off as a drunk. Kaz himself was wearing a guard's uniform underneath. They go to Matthias' cell and Nina tailors Muzzen to look like a similarly wounded prisoner with a severe case of firepox, so he won't be recognized. He's supposed to be quarantined for a month and then freed after the job is done. (He agreed to do that because the money was good.) Then Jesper lets out the animals used in Hellshow's fights and they escape through a tunnel connected to the arena.
6. Matthias is brought back to the Crow Club. Kaz makes him an offer - if he helps them, he receives a pardon letter allowing him to rejoin the drüskelle. Wylan sketches out the Ice Court's plan based on his and Matthias' knowledge. They discuss the plans and make arrangements. They're supoosed to leave the next night.
7. Inej is late for the group's rendezvous at the docks. When she arrives, the schooner explodes and around 30 of Black Tips' and Razorgulls' members start firing upon them.
8. Jesper gets shot in the leg, Inej - stabbed in her side. At the last moment, when she's bleeding to death and hiding from her attacker on top of a crate, Kaz shows up and carries her to the schooner.
9. On the schooner, Nina gets to stitching the team's wounds with her Heartrender powers, and Kaz questions Oomen. The interrogation ends with the man losing his eye and, despite Kaz's promise to spare him, being thrown overboard. They learn that the ambush had been orchestrated by Pekka Rollins.
10. We learn a bit of Nina's backstory (her education, being captured by Matthias' drüskelle group -> the storm). Then her and Matthias talk while Nina is watching Inej. Afterwards the team discusses the plan.
11. Inej wakes up, we get some of her backstory intertwined with bits of her conversation with Nina. They sing together.
12. Some time later, Nina allows Inej to leave her room, so she goes on a walk on the deck with Jesper. They talk about Kaz ("we're both the same kind of stupid").
13. After two days since she woke up, Kaz finally makes himself approach Inej with the excuse of talking about the plan (her scaling the incinerator shaft). He admits to having had a brother. We get his backstory up until to him and Jordie getting cheated by "Jakob Hertzoon".
14. The schooner arrives at a shore far north. The group begins a trek south. We get the rest of Nina and Matthias' backstory (storm -> night at the lodge). Then the team sees three pyres along their way, with three charred Grisha bodies. Nina and Matthias fight about it, cruel words are spoken. After that, the two talk more about Fjerda.
15. We get more of Nina and Matthias' backstory (night at the lodge -> Nina falling through the ice). Then both of them talk some more. Matthias gets angry and changes the subject to what Nina had done in Elling. Then the group gets attacked by two Grisha hired/owned(?) by the Shu.
16. Nina insists on burying the dead Grisha (Kaz: "do you want to build them a pyre?") and Matthias volunteers to help her. The rest of the group leaves, with the pair promising to catch up by nightfall. When the two are alone, Nina tells Matthias about why she gave him up to Kerch - about Grisha spies in Elling, how branding Matthias a slaver was the only way to possibly save his life and how later she wanted to recant her charges but was unable to do so.
17. The group arrives in Djerholm and stops in Gestinge [paradise], an inn with a terrace view of the Ice Court. After that, they have a meal at a bakery.
18. Thanks to Nina's intel, they locate a road two miles away where the prison wagon is supposed to pass. Once they're there, they wait while Jesper keeps watch.
Once he signals them, Wylan unroots a tree which falls on the road. While the guards are moving it, the group sneaks to the back of the wagon, removes six prisoners and positions themselves in their place. Kaz faints.
- Enter as prisoners through the prison sector, leave as guests through the embassy sector.
- Get from one to the other through the only hole leading to the rooftop - the prison incinerator shaft.
- Once they're in the embassy sector - stroll down the glass bridge, get Yul-Bayur, tailor him and leave.
19. The bodies around him remind Kaz of his past (being cheated by Hertzoon -> Kaz arriving back at the docks from the Reaper's Barge). Then, he's brought back to reality by Inej. They pass through all the checkpoints and are led to the holding cells. In the courtyard Nina notices the bodies of Pekka's crew impaled on spikes.
20. During a search the guards find the lockpicks Kaz had hidden in his mouth. After him and the other boys are put in a cell, he dislocates the shoulder of a man who called out "Hey, cripple!" to him.
*Kaz attempted to smuggle in lockpicks precisely so that the guards would find them and bask in their sense of accomplishment - feel like they've neutralized the threat. Which is the reason why Jesper and Matthias didn't get in any trouble - Matthias from being recognized, Jesper from his arms being coated in paraffin so the human amplifier wouldn't recognize him as a Grisha.
21. They're dragged through a walkway from which they can see various feats of Fjerdan engineering kept in a glass enclosure - mainly rifles and tanks, the latter being a something Jesper had apparently had experience with.
22. The boys wait until 6 bells and knock out the other prisoners in the cell with chloro gas. Then, Jesper uses his Fabricator powers to produce two lockpicks from the cell's iron bars. Kaz uses them to open the door. They separate and later meet in the basement.
23. Kaz changes the plan. Matthias and Jesper are left confounded and with nothing to do when they find out that he had gone to search the upper floors with Nina. They also discover that the incinerator shaft is smouldering due to a burning that took place earlier that day.
25. Inej manages to climb the incinerator, although her rubber slippers melt in the heat. We get her backstory (Kaz arriving at the House of Exotics and paying her indenture).
26. Meanwhile, Nina and Kaz get separated because Brekker decides to search the upper cells for Pekka Rollins (more of his backstory: arriving back in Ketterdam from the Reaper's Barge -> joining the Dregs). Nina goes to look for him finds Fabrikator-made holding cells for Grisha prisoners. Later she runs into a few guards and takes them down. An alarm bell sounds - Yellow Protocol, sector disturbance.
27. At the prison's rooftop, the crew discusses the next steps. Jesper insists on cutting their losses and leaving. Inej sees the Menagerie delegation through the glass dome and proposes she and Nina enter with them and try to get a hold of Yul-Bayur. Kaz reluctantly agrees and orders Jesper and Wylan to break the Drüskelle sector gate (and trigger Black Protocol) at 11 bells so that the majority of the guards who are gathered on the White Island stay there (the glass bridge will be nonoperational). Meanwhile Kaz and Matthias are to make their way to the White Island via a secret passage (the girls might need Kaz "for locks" and so that they don't get stranded there alone if things go south).
28. Nina and Inej enter through the vent. The heartrender drops the Menagerie girls' pulses down and both of them don their appropriate outfits - Nina, of the "Kaelish mare" and Inej - of the "Suli lynx". They lock the girls in the closet. At the checkpoint, Nina is let through (some funny bits here of her flirting with the guard), but Inej is deemed suspicious and led away.
29. Meanwhile, Kaz and Matthias cross over the ice moat on a hidden bridge - right under the thin layer of ice. They crawl to the island, knock two guards out and don their uniforms.
30. Jesper and Wylan arrive at the Gatehouse. They deal with three guards and then, with some difficulty, manage to weaken a link of gate's chain enough for it to snap.
31. At the party, Nina notices Kaz and Matthias in guards' uniforms. Her goal is to find a military official drunk enough to "make some bad decisions", aka share confidential information. She stumbles into Jarl Brum, who she thought drowned with the ship she had been imprisoned on.
32. Inej, still in the line with the "suspicious" guests, realizes she's out of time and shouts at a guard, Nina-style. Heleen notices her, reveals her identity to the guards and mentions Kaz Brekker as well. Inej is dragged away.
33. Jarl Brum and Nina get away from the party. He leads her into the treasury, and when she thinks they're about to "find a quiet corner" (she was planning on torturing him to give her information), he locks her in a cell. Matthias appears and it looks like he has betrayed her.
34. Turns out, Matthias saw Brum following Nina at the party and knew he must have recognized her. So he approached him to "warn his commander of danger".
Then, in the treasury, when they're having a heart-to-heart while Nina's locked in a cell, they embrace and Matthias strangles Brum into unconsciousness.
35. Nina and Matthias use Brum's key to open the lab door and find Kuwei Yul-Bo who says his father, Bo-Yul Bayur, is dead. The boy rigs an explosive in the lab and the three of them leave. Outside, they get surrounded by drüskelle.
36. Kaz, who had been waiting for them in the alcove outside of the treasury, unroots the Sacred Ash and they all jump into the hole beneath it. Turns out, he figured that "Djel's voice" thee drüskelle heard was the sound of running water, a spring running under the Ice Court, flowing into the ice moat. They activate their baleens (breathing devices) and are carried down by the river.
37. Inej is dragged through the walkway in the prison sector - where Kaz apparently wanted her to be at 11 bells (I don't remember him mentioning that though lol, please correct me if I'm wrong). She lunges at one of the guards. Jesper and Wylan show up and help her deal with the other one.
38. With a winch and Heleen's diamonds Inej had stolen, Wylan produces a drill which they use to cut through Grisha-made glass of the enclosure. Inej leaps through the hole and gets into a tank. She fires it, the boys join her and they escape by charging through the Ice Court's "impenetrable" walls.
39. Kaz, Nina, Matthias & Kuwei are washed up outside of the fortress' walls, by a wide river (the wideness of which (sorry lol I had to say that) made Kaz wonder about the water source and had led him to the conclusion about the underground spring) Matthias and Nina try to save Kaz who is barely breathing. When he wakes up, they climb up the gorge. We learn that stealing a tank was not improvisation and, again, Kaz's planning.
40. The group is reunited by the bridge on a river. They blow up the bridge to stop the Fjerdan reinforcements in pursuit. Then they drive to the harbor.
41. At the harbor they find themselves being aimed at by around 200 soldiers. Nina takes Kuwei's stash of parem and puts them to sleep. When Jarl Brum shows up, she deals with him as well, but heeds Matthias' plea and leaves him alive.
42. On their way back, Nina is asked by Kaz to tailor Wylan to look like Kuwei. Kaz and Inej have a heart-to-heart, if you can call it that ("I will have you without armor").
43. They meet with Jan Van Eck on Velgelluk. He admits that the Merchant Council knows nothing about the deal and negotiates the terms around breaking it. Kaz gets him talking about Wylan, who is with them disguised as Kuwei. Van Eck's Squallers sink the team's schooner, but it's abandoned - Kaz had sent Nina with Wylan away, headed to Hellgate's abandoned underground cages.
44. Eventually, Van Eck gives a signal to attack the team. A squaller flies away with Inej and Kaz is left with guilt at how much more of a "Kaz Rietveld", his former self, he has become.
We learn that the one who unintentionally talked on them to the Dime Lions resulting in an attack where Inej received a gut wound was Jesper.
45. The book ends from Pekka Rollins' (whom Kaz had freed so the man would be indebted to him) perspective, who is offered Kaz's shares at the Crow Club in exchange for 200 000 kruge for Brekker's new scheme. He wants to go to war with Van Eck and "get his money and his girl back".
Sorry if some things felt somewhat "incomplete" - as I said, I was writing it down the way it appeared in the book, not as entire stories, you're supposed to put it together yourself or just refer to the book as needed. Also sorry if my English sounds weird in places lol. Thanks for reading and I hope it helped!
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trippin-over-my-fandoms · 4 years ago
I’ve seen this done before but here are my modern!rdr2 social media headcanons for the Van der Linde gang.
some of these are LONG and then some are shorter. doesn’t mean I love any of them any less however. I just did my best with all of them. 
* I treat the gang as family especially for my modern au 
frequently uses Facebook and has dozens of friends he doesn’t even know. like if he gets a friend request he’ll accept it. John tells him he might as well just make his page public and Arthur pleads with him to make a facebook PAGE so that his random friends will stop liking posts that Arthur tags Dutch in. 
Dutch has no idea how to make a facebook page. 
he also has a Twitter and a massive following at that. He’s VERIFIED. 
all of his twitter posts are vague though
are they a joke? are they political? is it what he’s eating for lunch that day? literally no one knows.
also has facebook but doesn’t use it because why does he need to look at pictures of events he was at. he only uses it to see things he didn’t partake in
also has snapchat but just to keep up with the kids 
because life360 was too much to deal with for everyone
and snapchat is cool
also he can and will spam you with bitmojis 
used to use facebook a lot but stopped because he was tired of his posts getting likes from people he didn’t know and friend requests from people Dutch was friends with. 
he has a private facebook for a reason, he doesn’t want other people to know his business. 
he also has an instagram but anything he posts on facebook also goes on there. it’s not aesthetic or pretty or anything and he doesn’t even caption over half his pictures. 
he literally only uses social media so that his friends and family know he’s alive
has snapchat because of Hosea but barely knows how to use it 
doesn’t get why everyone wants to use snapchat when teXTING AND CALLING ARE RIGHT THERE
the question is what doesn’t he have.
john has been trying to make it big on social media since youtube came out.
his youtube used to have videos on it but he deleted them because they were cringy and arthur liked to send them to the group text. 
plays twitch games on the weekends and sometimes with Jack but he thinks most of the subscribers are there for his kid since most of his solo streams don’t do as well
has a twitter, doesn’t follow Dutch, literally envies that he’s verified. 
he’s tried everything but no matter what he does nothing pans out
uses tiktok to promote twitch streams
instagram feed is mostly selfies of him but 99.9% of the time he’s wearing sunglasses and the caption is some random quote 
also has facebook but only to appease Arthur and Dutch, he doesn’t even have a profile picture. Claims only boomers use it. 
an avid reddit user. if he’s got problems he’ll go to reddit. claims reddit saved his life. everyone’s tired of the story so they stopped asking. 
also uses snapchat more than he should and the only social platform he has more than 100 followers on. 
same as arthur and has both facebook and instagram and posts the same on both except his are pleasing to look at. 
they’re unintentionally aesthetic 
he uses a psd on all his pictures and won’t share what it is
has monthly life updates that start with some inspirational or deep quote and then text that pushes the instagram word limit
also has a deviantart , has shared psds there before , constantly tries to convince Arthur to get it. 
used to use tumblr but he forgot about it
the definition of a facebook mom. 80% of her facebook posts are about Jack or parenting. 
Instagram is similar but also different, she’s actually a relatively successful influencer with over 1,000 followers. 
all of her friends and family (who have instagram) follow her
has snapchat solely for the cute bitmojis and to send John adorable snaps of Jack playing with all the fun filters. 
she also won’t take a selfie unless it’s with snapchat because she no longer trusts her own camera. 
also uses pinterest and has a collaborative board with all the ladies. 
but in general, on her own, she has too many boards. she uses pinterest for EVERYTHING 
bold of you to assume she uses social media. 
she does just not a whole lot. 
checks it once in the morning and once at night. 
except pinterest because how dare Abigail get her into it. but even pinterest she only uses in downtime. 
has facebook and instagram but there’s maybe only five posts.
if anything she’ll post on her story
will only snap Abigail and Arthur otherwise she doesn’t use snapchat
all of the social apps are mostly offloaded on her phone anyways
if she needs to know anything she just checks the group text which she has on do not disturb because they text way too much. 
she’s verified on instagram 
it’s also the only social platform she’ll use, which frustrates Dutch because he wants to be friends with her on facebook
but she’s happy with just instagram 
she keeps it simple 
and the main theme to her posts are fun outfits in her ever expanding closet
the other posts are usually of plants that she’s managed to grow. she’s not the best at being a plant mom but she’s still a good one to the ones she’s managed to keep alive. 
the only thing she contributes to the pinterest board are her own pictures of her plants which are overly aesthetic. 
started out with a normal instagram account then made a spam account which she ended up using way more often.
all of her posts are extremely chaotic
and usually reposts from her snapchat
has a reddit just to troll John
reposted his cringy youtube videos to reddit and got hundreds of upvotes
if you wanna see the most raw and chaotic videos of Arthur and John then she’s the one to follow. 
also if you wanna see Abigail when she’s not all put together. 
is the reason there’s so many memes in the collaborative pinterest board
has a instagram but also has a second instagram for art and book reviews
or basically anything she’d post on her tumblr
which is her second most used social
also uses facebook but only because she is an admin for one of those multifandom blogs. 
also begs Arthur to get a deviantart. 
uses pinterest most but only second to Abigail
literally the queen of pinterest DIYs
has twitter
as far as anyone else knows that’s all he has
maybe he has snapchat?
maybe they saw him on snapmaps once? 
all he ever does with twitter though is retweet anything Dutch posts.
yet somehow he has so many followers. 
anyone who has snapchat has streaks with Lenny
even Hosea who doesn’t understand why it’s a thing
he also posts a lot on facebook but it’s mostly travel or vacation photos everyone is just a tad jealous of. 
Lenny always seems to be busy but still has time for streaks with his friends. 
he’s also an up and coming youtube vlogger
also has reddit to troll john
but he also legitimately uses it too. 
he’s also really popular in the minecraft subreddit , don’t ask
also has twitch and also has way more subsribers than John
and a youtube which he’ll upload (overly edited) twitch streams to
everyone subscribes to him but they don’t tell John that.
also has a tiktok and is up to date on all the trends because of course he is
got facebook when he was 10 and just never left.
literally doesn’t use any other social media
he’s not in the group text either so he has to facebook message Arthur to know what’s going on. 
but he shares a lot of memes and cute pictures of animals
he used to follow Dutch but unfriended him when he was the only thing he ever had on his activity feed. 
has facebook but claims she doesn’t have time to use it
Arthur knows this to not be true because she will like a lot of his posts. 
she’s also guilty of liking every single picture in one post or album. 
Arthur has also caught her looking at memes and using recipes she finds on there. 
also part of the pinterest board but never contributes. 
he has an account for everything
even whatsapp and linked in and kik
even tinder
the only one anyone knows about are his facebook, twitter, and instagam
but there’s no posts on any of them except twitter
he’s also verified
but for unknown reasons
any posts on his facebook are ones he’s tagged in
he’s also in a lot of facebook groups
runs a subreddit
a paid facebook admin of several pages
the only person who actually knows this is Dutch because Strauss has told him about it
he has no online presence whatsoever out side of those.
spotify king
has over 500,000 subscribers on youtube
uses instagram but as another platform for his music
edits his own album covers
top tier playlists too
aesthetic queen
the most put together and pleasing to look at instagram feed next to Charles. 
uses pinterest a lot as inspiration and for making moodboards.
also uses tumblr to share moodboards
part of the sims global community facebook group
she keeps saying she’s going to start a youtube vlog but hasn’t yet
keeps trying to convince John to let her help him with his youtube.
she also uses twitch to play minecraft and sims
oh and she set up a minecraft server for everyone
facebook boomer
that’s it
I don’t know how else to put it
probably shares heavily republican posts
didn’t use social media until tiktok.
he doesn’t do dances or anything but he does post weirdly obscure and chaotic videos that end up trending on more than one occasion
it’s usually drunk ramblings in his car that end up being hilarious
or videos of the others almost dying or ending up in the ER
facebook boomer but make it cool.
also shares conservative posts but less offensive ones compared to Bill’s
likes almost every post any of his friends share
also comments on them too
does he have social media? no one knows for sure. 
yet somehow he knows what’s going on
even if nobody can find any of his social accounts or have ever seen him using one before let alone doing anything on his phone other than playing cheesy mobile games.
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caguaydreams · 4 years ago
A thorough analysis on why Vah Medoh’s dungeon theme makes me want to cry
Yep, that’s an accurate title. Hi there! do you have a moment to hear about Breath of The Wild soundtrack? posting for yet a third time in hopes that tumblr won't hide it. I'm so tired
What started as a quick and harmless post, pretending to simply point out a couple of things, rolled downhill, out of my grasp and turned into a massive snowball of a short essay. How and why did this happen? Well, I assume a lot of people know about this song, and know what I’m talking about when I say that it makes me tear up and sob uncontrollably with every change in key as the seconds tick by and I spiral down into a dwell of misery from where I struggle to find the exit and to later recover.
……No?…..At the VERY LEAST it makes you a little uncomfortable. And I state this with much certainty, because after reading hundreds of comments everywhere online where this song is present, I picked up on a vast majority of people who expressed to feel the same way I did when it came down to our current music subject. See, statistics don’t lie… normally. So, naturally, my intrigue got the best of me. I wanted to find out exactly why this soundtrack was mercilessly stirring up everyone’s emotions, so I caved in and we ended up with this.
Buckle in, fellas.
Out of all Divine Beasts’ dungeon themes, Vah Medoh’s is the one that I can’t sit through. Not without growing antsy and wanting to turn it off as soon as possible. I find it genuinely difficult to listen to, and it’s not only because Revali is my favorite character and the song is just, plainly put, depressing, mind you.
We’ll start from 0 terminals activated.
It opens up similar to the other three dungeon themes; the pace is slow but eerie, gives off the impression that it sounds broken somehow. Something is off here, and it’s easy to figure out what that is from the get go: you’re basically entering a majestic, ancient, mechanical mausoleum, where everything went terribly wrong a century ago. Someone is gone, someone you knew, someone who was probably close to you, but it’s impossible to be sure. You don’t remember a thing, and this entire ordeal is confusing at best, and terrifying at worst. It’s your duty to make things right again.
It’s the same for all four Divine Beasts upon entering, save for the obvious little differences that separates them from each other and make them unique. Ruta’s is played on a major key, adhering to a sense of hopefulness. Naboris’s begins with a startling smashing of the piano keys, much like thunder of a sudden lighting strike. And Rudania’s theme starts threatening, dangerous, like scalding lava.
But now, back to Vah Medoh. The tone here is… alienating. The dissonant chords are all over the place, and feel disconnected, cold. It’s almost as if someone doesn’t want us to be here, or just like the elusive key, our presence is unexpected. Fitting, for a Divine Beast that’s high above the land, impossible for most to reach, yet we somehow made it. Apart from the piano, we have the occasional hint to rito culture, in the shape of a short, synthetic version of the rolled chords at the very beginning of Rito Village. A quiet reminder of where we come from. There is also, of course, the morse code distress signal, but we’ll talk more about that later.
As soon as this formal introduction is over, we finally get to the more, say, intimate stuff. Oh, and wouldn’t you know, it’s just tragic.
One terminal activated.
There’s no better short way I can describe this passage, other than anxiety-inducing. Especially when the strings come into play, and there’s two reasons I can think of why I feel this is an important thing to point out:
1- Characters and Symbolism.
I tend to associate stringed instruments, all of those which compose the violin family, with rito culture. And Revali, most specifically. In Creating a Champion we can see the early concept art and designs for all or most major characters in the game, and Revali’s highlighted rough design might be the one that changed the most throughout proper development of the character, out of all champions. He looks quite different from our usual depiction of him, it’s fascinating. What truly catches my eye, however, is the design of his bow.
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You thought bird puns were bad? Oh boy, how do you feel about Revali having a bow that looks like a violin/cello/viola??? And do you need a bow to play it also??? Like, is it even an instrument or it’s nothing more than a mere fashion statement?-
Anyway. I believe this was originally going to be a not-so-subtle wink to rito culture, being heavily musically inclined as we can see and conclude for ourselves. Perhaps Revali was going to be a musician as well, now how cool it that!
Needless to say, the idea was eventually scrapped. But one detail I am CERTAIN carried over to the character we know and love today(okay not all of us love him but seriously if you dislike him why are you still here lol): strings. The association between bows(weapon) and stringed instruments, aside from being a quite clever and creative one, goes beyond the concept art and remains strong as part of Revali’s character, settling for having a presence via score. After all, Revali is a master of archery, so in that way it makes sense to keep strings as symbolism to reinforce the idea and drive it home.
But can you guess what other thing Revali excels at? That’s right: flying. He’s the only rito we know of who successfully managed to take advantage of wind currents and bend them to his will. And do you know what musical instruments are often used to evoke the feeling of flight and gale? If you thought of bowed strings, you’re correct! Unfortunately, I couldn’t find much support on this topic online, so you’ll have to take my word for it. I am most certain that this is fact, although not something worth discussing on the Internet, by the looks of it.
Anyhow, violins/cellos/etc are ever-present whenever we’re close to Rito Village or dealing with a rito related mission. Attack on Vah Medoh, for example, features a sequence of strings that is meant to evoke the strong winds we’re fighting against in that particular moment(*). Another great example is The Final Trial, the song that plays at the shrine of resurrection nearing the end of the Champions’ Ballad. Preceding the activation of each terminal, you’ll notice that a new instrumental element joins the crowd: the first one corresponds to the tambourines, related to the zora and Mipha; the second one are strings, referencing the rito and Revali, etc. I tell you, the moment I heard this during the trial I almost started crying like a baby. And, although strings have a lot to do with Rito culture in general, they tie most strongly to Revali, since he was the champion of his people, and his legacy carried over throughout the years. His accomplishments became material of folk tale, a legend, a source of pride and inspiration for the village. And let’s not forget that, at the end of the day, Revali is the crucial and foremost connection Link has to this place. Other than appeasing Vah Medoh, Link’s responsibility here is to free his past fellow champion’s spirit from Ganon’s malice. The soundtrack is referencing Revali first, and by extension his devotion to his home.
With all that in mind, let’s move on to our next point:
2- Nowhere to Go.
You shoot the canons, land on top of the Divine Beast, do what you gotta do, activate the first terminal and the soundtrack goes off unannounced. Like some sort of surprise anxiety bomb. The rhythm turns fast, the melody erratic, incredibly desperate in its execution. There’s this sheer despair, fear, this feeling of suffocation almost, which are so well achieved in this particular piece.
And that is, partially, because a quite familiar resource is used here as well; one that we’ve heard before in songs such as Rito Village or Revali’s theme. You could even think of it as a motif: two notes are played in an semitone interval, repeatedly and in quick succession. For the sake of later convenience, we’ll call this the Flight Motif, now let me explain why. In Breath of The Wild, this semitone loop is often followed up by some form of resolution. In Rito Village, formerly known as Dragon Roost Island(**), that resolution consists of a graceful descent of the melody, from a high that was built up previously during the motif. On the other hand, if you listen to Revali’s theme, you’ll notice that the interval repeats itself for a couple of times as thought charging up, to then rise fast and determined into a triumphal reprise of Revali’s distinctive assigned melody. This juxtaposition supposes the difference that lays between common rito flight and Revali’s trademark ability; both musical sequences are speaking of flight, albeit in two different languages depending on the way to achieve it. While the rito traditionally use their wings to glide and let themselves get swayed by the air currents Buzz Lightyear style, Revali takes full advantage of his flying capabilities to somehow create an updraft of his own, rising meters above the ground whenever he likes or needs to.
So, now that I layed out my base of thought when focusing on the strings, this’ll be much easier to explain. We’ve settled what the instruments themselves are a symbolic representation of Revali, in this scenario specifically. He was the only one inside Vah Medoh, and the score is, in a way, a retelling of what we can vaguely assume went down here during the Great Calamity, as much as it is what sets the tone and ambience for Link’s mission. But what are we hearing exactly? What we talked about, the Flight Motif, is being repeated nonstop. And that’s the thing, remember how I mentioned that this sequence usually finds resolution at the end? Well. Inside Vah Medoh,… it never does. The melody picks up in numerous occasions, but it’s not nearly as graceful, or calculated, as we’ve grown used to by now. It gets tangled and lost, and then inevitably falls to the ground in disarray. The pattern repeats itself, reaching higher after a handful of failed attempts, but no matter how much it tries, the cycle never ends. What used to tell us about flying and freedom in the skies, has morphed into an almost sinister musical incarnation of a tornado, and there is no way out of this trap. What do you think it must feel like to mindlessly flap your wings against wind currents so strong and violent, that it is impossible to get anywhere nearby, let alone take off every time you lose your balance. Or every time you’re shot down. On top of that, trying to aim and fight back in whatever short breaks and opportunities you get, at an enemy that’s much more powerful and relentless, who’s using your own element as a weapon to destroy you… it’s a risk Revali surely had to take in order to put up a fight. Even knowing full well that the odds were not in his favour, that he was most likely going to lose this battle, that he was going to die. Let that sink in. I’ll skip the activation of the second terminal, since there’s barely any change registered in the theme in general. So-
Three terminals activated.
I know this post is supposed to be a breakdown of the song purely, but that doesn’t mean there’s no place for a little theorising, and the following scrutiny is also quite relevant for our discussion. Bear with me for a bit. I’ve read almost everywhere about people’s most common interpretations on the Divine Beasts SOS signals, and how everyone thinks that Revali’s coming in last (a few seconds later than the other champions) has to do with him holding on for longer. Or, also, overconfident as he was, it means that the idea of calling out for additional support didn’t cross his mind until it was too late, and that’s why the beeping sounds more frantic and panicked than the others’ when it does appear. After giving it some thought myself, I’m betting on the latter option holding more ground, and that’s not all. I want to touch upon a detail of the piece that I never acknowledged was there until very recently(after seeing myself obliged to listen to this song fully and a handful of times, suffering every minute of it for the sole purpose of this analysis. It’s okay I didn’t need my heart anyway). Soon after activating the third terminal, the SOS signal disappears, or grows distant and faint enough that we can’t make it out from the background anymore. In its place, we’re confronted by this… shrill, piercing and painfully slow tune. It sounds synthetic, artificial, devoid of life. And it’s funny, because you know what it reminds me of? I’ll tell you:
A heartbeat flatline sound.
And I want to highlight that this doesn’t happen in any of the other Divine Beasts themes. All their SOS signals carry on, but Medoh’s is no more. This abrupt stop, followed by this bone-chilling tune…. makes me believe that Revali was the first of the champions to fall. A few days ago I came across SuperZeldaGirl’s video on a similar topic, theorising that this could very much be the case. There is not much evidence to support this claim other than some visual cues that could be suggesting to it, but after I found this in the soundtrack, and if we’re to rely on it for anything, I believe Revali was either the first champion to be ambushed by Ganon, or well…. the first to be killed. It is plausible, because short after Calamity Ganon unleashes his power, Revali parts from the group and flies directly to Vah Medoh, and he very well could’ve been the first pilot to arrive.
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On this note…. we’ll have to wait and see for ourselves, when Age of Calamity provides long-awaited answers to many of our questions.
Four terminals activated.
An interesting melody is being played on what, for me, would qualify as a glockenspiel or a celesta, which are keyboard based instruments that produce a sound similar to that of a music box(***). If you want to pay more attention to it, I suggest listening to Vetrom’s Instrumental Mix Cover of the theme, where they practically zoom in on this part of the song (keep in mind that it uses the All Terminals’ time signature so it’s being played faster). For some reason, this particular addition makes me feel profound empathy. The sound of this instrument could be described as cute or childlike, magical, even. It is more often than not used to represent innocence, but I highly doubt that’s specifically the intention here. Much like the leading strings’ melody, the melodic contour of this one is trapped in a loop of going up and down constantly, but the difference is that this time around it sounds more under control. And much more uniform too. It doesn’t lose focus or takes risky, fruitless leaps, but rather chooses to stay on a path of waves that consistently rises and falls without taking detours. Like a determined battle strategy, giving it your all. You fall, but get back up again, and try again, and again. It reminds me of Revali’s approach to training, being persistent to the point of overworking himself. He had discipline nailed down to a tee, which I also think served him well in combat. It’s not just about being hard on yourself, either, but being confident and having complete faith in your abilities; believing that you’ll make it.  For this to appear now, that the SOS signal is almost completely gone, is significant because it means that by this point, being so close to success on Link’s behalf, the music is sparing genuine encouragement for once, in spite of the tragic outcome of the past and the danger of the current situation. But, in all honesty, this is probably just me reading too much into it. Perhaps the composer just thought this addition sounded pretty bitching and there’s not much else to it, which is completely fine. Although, intentional or not, sometimes coincidences do happen, and at the end of the day, interpretations like this are a form of appreciation for an artist’s work and for what they can unknowingly accomplish.
All terminals activated.
This is the moment when the song finally lightens up. Notice how the strings abandon the wave pattern for a more even contour. The beat quickens, the melody stabilizes. At first I thought, coming from our flight analogy, that this meant a cease in movement entirely, and it was partly one of the reasons why the song in general makes me anxious. But thinking about it now, …there is something different going on here. The strings are playing on a steady rhythm. It resembles a march, it’s like a pounding heart. It’s a lively, hopeful statement. And what’s interesting is that, up until this point, there was so much fear and helplessness present in the score, even going as far as to reach a dead end when we activate the third terminal. But that’s it, isn’t it? the music just keeps going further. 
It’s saying: this isn’t over yet. Even after complete and utter defeat, there’s still hope and an underlying wish to overcome this predicament, and we started to hear this as soon as a fourth terminal is activated. The melody we previously talked about? it’s here as well, and its beat is much more daring and confident.
And I just want to say… this is so powerful. Because this sentiment is deeply tied to the game’s story and Revali’s character arc. You see, he is introduced as someone who resents Link for being the manifestation of his failure, in a way, because Revali has trained arduously his whole life to be where he is, to be recognised. And yet… this hylian gets chosen by a magic sword and some tale of divine destiny and, apparently, that’s all it takes for him to be deemed the hero that will save the land. In Revali’s eyes, Link has done nothing to prove his worth before him, so it is easy to see why he despises the silent knight so much; he is yet another individual that was born into their destiny. Meanwhile, Revali has had to build his reputation from the ground up, earning him a place among the greatest warriors of Hyrule, and even then he finds himself surrounded by people who grew up praised for being born gifted.  We can see how Revali is the odd one out, and can map out the reason for him acting so antagonistic towards Link.
But once we’re on Medoh, things start to change. When Link enters the Divine Beast, Revali greets him with disdain, as per usual. Of course, Link has no recollection of whatever happened a hundred years ago, other than a small glimpse of the rito champion talking down to him, a memory that came and went in a flash. So as Link, we more than expect Revali to act cold and mocking, which he does. He provides us with as little help as needed in order to free Medoh, reluctantly, shielding his wounded pride over having to wait for Link, of all people, to come to their rescue. But you can hear him starting to open up bit by bit(I wish I could translate his dialogue directly from Japanese but I’ll make do with a couple of dubs and other numerous sources from translators online). With each little step Link takes towards success, activating the terminals, the perception Revali has of him shifts from one of resentment to one of genuine admiration and respect. By the end of it all, he is willing to not only cheer on Link during the boss battle, but to trust him with his life’s worth achievement. And once left alone, he admits defeat and lets go of his bitterness, realising that he was wrong to underestimate Link, and later wishes he could’ve had a chance to measured up to him. To take all of this into consideration and work with it in the soundtrack I think it’s genuinely splendid. And for once, I am grateful that it ends in somewhat of a positive note that puts my soul to rest. I still have a hard time listening to the first two thirds of the entire thing, but now I can look forward to a hopeful and earnestly heartening conclusion for all the pain that this composition puts me in. I must admit that it’s beautifully and brilliantly crafted, and that I am enamoured of it regardless.
That is why I wrote roughly 4k words about it! I hate myself!
If you’re as crazy as me about the soundtrack of this game, I recommend you read the published cd interview with the composers themselves! if you haven’t already. I just found it yesterday(unbelievable but it’s true) and… after writing all of this and checking it out, I felt validated. It sure is a one of a kind feeling. 
Alright folks, we’ve made it to the end. Congratulations for sticking around and thanks being interested in my nonsensical rambling! 
I also hope that you, like me, will now be unable to listen to bowed strings without being reminded of Revali. Good luck!
————– Annotations/Sidenotes/Whatever
(*)The Flight Motif(in point number 2) is also present in this track. We can hear it in the background right after the Rito leitmotif, as per usual. It starts with a clarinet, I think, before the strings take the lead. (**) Note that the Flight Motif only comes into play in the Breath of The Wild rendition of the song. (***)I strongly associate this instrument with Mipha, given that it is used in her theme, in every “response” to the initial melody. It can be heard in Attack On Vah Ruta, as well, it enters the scene when the notes Mi(E) and Fa(F) are played. The initial tune, Si and Do(B and C) are played on a clarinet or oboe, wind instruments just like the flute that leads Sidon’s respective theme. The celesta can also be heard inside Vah Ruta, activating the first terminal…. when the song really takes a turn just like Medoh’s. Mipha has nothing to do with the song of this analysis, however. We must understand that instruments, although they are attached to characters/various story elements in some cases, can always be used outside of that context, for that is the nature of an orchestral soundtrack. If you have this many tools at your disposal, you will make good use of them.
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thewritewolf · 5 years ago
Cat Crossing
When Marinette gave out her code to let people onto her Animal Crossing Island, Chat Noir was the last person she expected to pay her a visit.
Hello and welcome to this surprise one shot! I wrote this as a slightly late present for my good friend @sweetsweetsweetie! She is a phenomenal artist and you can find her work on tumblr and instagram.
This was also written as a collab between me and another friend of mine, @lesslinette! They made a great piece of art for this fic, which I'll add here as soon as it is posted.
Read on Ao3
It was late.
Marinette really should be sleeping right now, but…
Just a few more tweaks and her village would be perfect. Her favorite villagers. Many of them wearing clothes she’d personally made - she was as much a designer in Animal Crossing as she was in the real world. It’d taken a while to get the lamp posts she wanted too, but now that they were here…
She was ready. After opening up the airport on her island and getting her dodo code, she put her switch to the side and typed the code into the group chat. It didn’t get used much - mostly just Nino sharing memes with the rest of them, or attempts to get everyone together to hang out. Attempts which almost always ended in failure, thanks to Adrien’s strict schedule and even stricter father.
He was the only other person in the gang that even had a switch, which is what gave her the idea for this in the first place. While it was hard for them to hang out in the real world, she was sure they could squeeze in some time together online.
Marinette could picture it now. He arrives, amazed at her village. They hang out together, growing closer every day. Friendship turns to dating and dating turns to marriage. Twenty years down the line they can tell the story about how they got together because of a video game and Marinette’s excellent village-building skills.
But in the present day, it was three in the morning. With the switch turned off, the long delayed exhaustion hit all at once. Dreams of the married life with the boy of her dreams danced in her head as she fell asleep.
A few days passed. Everyone had seen the message she’d sent on the chat, but it was quickly buried under a torrent of memes, pushing it out of sight and out of mind. She opened the airport and sent out the code one more time, but it was a faint hope.
Her dreams - the friendship, the dating, the marriage - turned to ashes, but at least she still had her village to keep her busy. So busy, in fact, that without even realizing it, she had ended up playing until into the late hours of the night once again.
The groove she’d worked herself into was rudely thrown off when a cutscene began playing, interrupting her fishing. A plane was gently cruising into her airport.
Marinette read the text that showed up and spoke out loud, “Chat Noir, Carefree Animal from Purr-adise has arrived on your island?”
That couldn’t be right. She sat up, suddenly alert. True, she and Chat Noir weren’t exactly strangers - he shows up on her balcony sometimes during his patrol. He at least knew her name. But what was he doing on her island? Assuming it was even actually Chat Noir.
Her curiosity sparked, she made her way to the airport.
Sure enough, whoever they were had gone the full distance. They’d made their own outfit modeled after the feline hero of Paris - black with the accents all in the right places. No cat ears or tail, but they did manage to get a black hero mask. Between that and the messy hair and green eyes, it was about as close as someone could get to his iconic outfit.
The rose in the mouth, though - that was what really convinced her that this was none other than Chat Noir. If she had any doubts after that, the moment the speech bubble appeared over his head quieted them.
“Aw, princess! Came to see me off the airplane? ;3”
Huffing, Marinette quickly typed out a response. “How did you get here Chat.”
“I mean it!”
“Oooh, pretty island!”
And just like that, Chat Noir had bolted away, an entirely new type of cat boy loose in her village. Although one thing she learned after a few minutes of running after him - there wasn’t a lot of mischief he could actually get into.
After standing still for a few moments, Chat Noir said, “...want to be best friends?”
“So you can tear up my island? Hard pass.”
“Nooo come on, plz? I’ll be a good kitty I purromise.”
“No. But because of that pun? Definitely no.”
“Then I will become a Menace. >:3”
“You do you Chat. I’m going back to fishing.”
Fishing in games was always relaxing for Marinette. Her mind could wander while she listened to the gentle music of the game, all the while slowly building up a pile of fish she could sell off. It was a nice way to unwind after the stress of tests or akuma battles.
Those times, she didn’t have an annoying cat boy visitor running into the water, screaming “RUN AWAY FISHY FRIENDS!”
His only response was to slowly run into her, gently pushing her away from the water.
“I am FISHING. Go hang out somewhere else.”
“Where the princess goes I must follow.”
“Ugh fine.”
Figuring that fishing was out now, she wandered away to find something else to do. Although it was a little annoying, she had to admit it was nice having him on the island. It was a nice little ego boost to see him ooh and ahh at her village as he followed behind her. And the presence of another person made things feel a little less repetitive.
Of course, that goodwill quickly flew out the window once she tried to pick something up, only for Chat’s net to bonk her on the head.
She silently turned her character towards him, pretending that she was glaring at him despite the unchanging smile on her character’s face saying otherwise. After a few good long seconds she tried again.
“aksfvjJKHDFBVJHGB,” she keyboard smashed.
He kept following her as she went to a little picnic area. After all, if she wasn’t going to be able to get anything done, she may as well lounge in style.
“How did you even get here?! Seriously! I only gave my code away to”
Her eyes widened and she hit send accidentally. Their characters stood looking at each other for long minutes.
Only three people. Chat wasn’t Nino and he definitely wasn’t Alya. Which just left…
Another moment passed in silence.
Chat Noir has disconnected.
Marinette stared blankly at the spot that Chat’s- Adrien’s character had just been standing.
After all the close calls and the near misses and all that they’d done to keep their identities a secret… Chat Noir blows it in under an hour because he wanted to tease her in the virtual world. Marinette wanted to be mad at him, but all she could do was laugh. It was just such a perfectly Chat Noir way to mess it up. What else could she do?
Her eyes gleamed with mischief. School tomorrow was going to be fun.
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fallout-lou-begas · 4 years ago
A lot of people have accused yjj of being racist, particarily in regards to one of their comics involving Joshua graham, and in general saying that they glorify colonization. I mainly understand the other things they’ve done, but the racism seems inexusable. A lot of people have also been saying that yjj and their followers have harassed people. I want to get both sides of the story on this, so basically I’m asking what the deal with all this is?
Hi, anon. I'll provide my thoughts since you asked politely.
This post is quite long and can be considered an extension of my previous post on the matter.
Besides the infamous and self-admittedly ill-informed chancla comic, for which they've apologized, essentially all of the claims that Yesjejunus is racist stem from their depiction of the Dead Horses and Sorrows relative to their depiction of Joshua Graham and their original character Joan in their fanfic No Light (and to a lesser extent Learnin’ the Blues), which is heavily grounded in the setting of Honest Hearts. I think it's unambiguous that the depiction of vaguely defined "tribals" in Honest Hearts, assembled through a mishmash of disparate signifiers and recycled stereotypes and named like Warrior Cats and completely helpless without Joshua Graham's guidance, is indeed thoroughly racist, even if it was intended to be more nuanced and came from a place of self-admitted ignorance on the part of the developers. What I struggle to understand is that the developers and writers of Honest Hearts—and of Fallout: New Vegas as a whole since the entire game is rife with such mishandled, insufficient depictions of "tribals" with no explicit inclusion at all of any specific Indigenous people or presence—are given miles and miles more sympathy and leeway for their poor handling of these characters in the source material than a fanfic writer is for using the tools and setting that they were given by that source material, including the "lore" and naming conventions of the Dead Horses and Sorrows, to tell a story that means a lot to them personally, inspired by their own deepest fears and experiences with abuse, and ignited by their charismatic yet deeply and blatantly monstrous interpretation of Joshua Graham. Given that it uses the setting of Honest Hearts as a backdrop, there aren't any living characters in Honest Hearts who aren't "tribals" besides Joshua Graham and Daniel, and post-canon, Daniel wouldn’t be there. When Yesjejunus is accused of sidelining the Native characters or relegating them to the background, it's because they're just not writing a fanfic about Follows-Chalk or Waking Cloud as main characters: they're writing a specifically intentioned story about the Courier and Joshua Graham, a story that for better or worse remains faithful to the source material’s depiction of Joshua Graham’s unilateral authority over the tribes in Zion, a baked-in element of Honest Hearts and a critical narrative component of No Light. To accuse Yesjejunus of being racist on this principle in and of itself would be like accusing me of being lesbophobic if I wrote a Dead Money-set fanfic with Father Elijah as the main character instead of Christine. If you want something that centers these other characters then you'd just have to read a different story, or write it yourself.
As a final note, I do think that Yesjejunus is a skilled writer. This thought exists simultaneously with the acknowledgement that like everyone else in fandom, they're writing as a hobby and do not have the oversight of an editor on the work that they produce personally and for free. It's not lost on them that there's things about their story that they could have handled differently or more sensitively, such as the oft-cited example of the death of the pregnant Dead Horse character in No Light, with more forethought or planning at the time—even if they were bound by the constraints of Honest Heart's own setting (such as the dearth of non-tribal characters who could have possibly been in the scene instead) while writing the story. Everyone is free to critique this aspect of the story as much as they are to critique any other aspect, or to be discomforted by the whole thing (given it's a very intentionally uncomfortable story throughout), but the suggestion of so many of these "callouts" that Yesjejunus must have been cackling maniacally about the plight of poor access to medical care among real Indigenous people is a suggestion made entirely in bad faith, and one that I simply don't care to entertain.
As for the point about harassing people: if anyone's only evidence of being "harassed" by a single, specific person is anonymous messages on tumblr dot com, then I don't believe the evidence. If people are accusing Yesjejunus' "supporters" or "associates" of harassing people, then if the accusation is that this harassment is occurring either on Yesjejunus’ behalf or otherwise with their approval, then it is also going to require more evidence than the mere existence of the mean anonymous messages themselves. This goes for the rumor that they have "spies" in fandom Discord servers or whatever, too, which is a rumor that I think has only manifested among its spreaders by either self-appointed individuals speaking on no one's behalf but their own, and by the metaphorical snake eating its own tail in paranoia. Yesjejunus, and I, and all of our mutual friends have been nothing but annoyed at best and horrified at worst by the efforts of some self-appointed individuals to "defend" them with such excess vitriol. Speaking plainly, we generally avoid literally any kind of anonymous or public interaction with anyone who's vocally opposed to us as a rule, specifically to avoid this kind of debacle, and when I say "we" and "us" I'm not referring to some sort of shadowy cabal of conspirators scheming to advance the nefarious YJJ agenda, but to a group of friends. I don't know how to explain to some people who question why we praise their work or share their art sometimes how normal friendships work online.
I also take severe umbrage with the validity of the breadth of these anonymous harassment accusations because of how patently fraudulent several other claims are. Yesjejunus has recently been accused of "grooming,” for example, an accusation only even worth considering if one temporarily forgets what grooming actually is and pretends that grooming is when someone older interacts in literally any capacity with someone younger. Some will say that they’re not accusing them of grooming per se, or not of grooming by that name, but in any case, the meaning is that Yesjejunus has interacted with minors and this on its own is intended to scare and upset you. I have seen only two users actually named as "victims" of these “interactions,’ however, sas-afras and comrade-shrimp, but both users have publicly refuted this accusation because neither of them were minors when they first interacted with Yesjejunus. Frustratingly, though, these literal refutations from the literal so-called "victims" are either dismissed out of hand or muddied by hand-wringing mutterings of "well, I could have sworn they were actually minors, though" and "well they claim that they weren't actually groomed, but who really knows." The spreading and trust in completely anonymous accusations, combined with the total rejection of statements from the only people named in these accusations when their statements contradict the accusations, suggests to me that the existence of these actual interactions (and assuming these interactions occurred both intentionally and with Yesjejunus’ being fully aware of the other person being a minor) is not nearly as important as pushing the narrative that "Yesjejunus is a groomer" or “preying on minors” onto the fandom, and ensuring that anyone who doesn't take this claim completely at face value appears complicit in something horrible. As for anyone who still feels "uncomfortable" at how sas-afras or comrade-shrimp or me or anyone who is very much an adult but just so happens to be younger than Yesjejunus could ever become endeared to them, I reiterate that sometimes I don't know how to explain to people how normal friendships work online.
I want to conclude by saying something that I've said many times before: you don't have to like Yesjejunus (or me, or everybody, or literally anyone else) and no one is holding a gun to your head to befriend them or read their work or look at their art. The block and filter and unfollow buttons are very conveniently located on your dashboard and are totally free to use. Everything I've written here is not intended as some argument as to why everyone on the planet needs to be following their blog and leaving kudos on Learnin' the Blues. Still, while I think everybody has the right to curate their own dashboard and remove the content that they don't want to see, I also think it's reasonable for me to not want my friend to get their name dragged through the mud by the exaggerated and misinformed claims of petty, grudge-bearing brigadiers and self-aggrandizing fandom security guards when they'd like to just dump funny shitposts about the Burned Man's chode in peace.
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honeypoticns · 4 years ago
i’ve been going back and forth for almost a year trying to decide whether this is a story i want to be made public, but between a message i got and what i’m seeing on the dashboard, i think i should share my experience with simvicii and oliveandoak. 
i won’t go into too much detail, and i want to preface this by stating that i only heard about the second server a couple months ago, as my experiences with them lasted for three-ish months at the end of 2019 and ended shortly before christmas.
i will also say in advance that i don’t have any screenshots because this happened almost a year ago and i frankly didn’t think to screenshot anything at the time. you’ll have to just take my word for it, or not at all. either way, here it goes.
i made my simblr in september if i’m not mistaken and nicole was one of my first followers, always super nice and engaging with my content. meg was also my mutual, and i messaged her once i believe telling her i enjoyed her content (i used to just randomly dm people a lot then, something i’ve stopped after my interactions with them). i happened to reblog one of their ‘squad posts’ once and apparently they found my tags amusing because meg dmed me and out of nowhere invited them to their server, and i said sure. there were only 5 people including me, and that stayed the same for the majority of my time there (towards the final days i spent in the server a few more people joined, but we didn’t interact much).
i didn’t witness any racism, ableism, homophobia or antisemitism in my time in that server, but it didn’t shock or surprise me that they were capable of that sort of behaviour.
what i did witness was a series of toxic behaviours. they talked shit about other content creators and their posts and then i saw them interacting with them and praising them on the dashboard, for what i can only assume was “”simblr clout””. they viciously critiqued anything that wasn’t stereotypically “beautiful” and had no issues about it. they were extremely two-faced, but at the time i ignored it because they’d been nothing but extremely nice, considerate and supportive of me and for that i apologise.
a couple weeks after i was in the server, the mood shifted and i was made to feel like an outsider – the people there were friends, i was just tagging along. they had group projects and talked about doing things on simblr together and that conversation didn’t include me. i started doing timezone reblogs and they liked the posts while talking on the server about how trashy it was. i enjoyed my content more on the warm side and they talked about how ugly it was when posts were brown/pink tinted. it was a weird give and take that didn’t make a lot of sense and made me feel discouraged and embarassed about my content, but every time that happened they would turn around and compliment something else i did so it evened out.
the falling out we had was something that to this day has confused me and it seriously affected my mental health as at the time i was dealing with untreated anxiety, i was in the process of grieving my mother and had undiagnosed ocd, which in short means i wasn’t alright at all. i won’t go into what happened, but i will say that i was dropped without a second thought for virtually nothing (i accidentally called meg nicole and apologised a thousand times) with not even an explanation as to what the fuck was going on. i removed myself from the server because i could tell that meg was uncomfortable and i wasn’t going to stay there when it was first and foremost her space. i thought i’d hurt her, it was my fault, i had to leave.
what i find more telling is the experiences i had afterwards. i stayed active on tumblr for a month or so after this, but i began to be so anxious to even come online because of their presence and before i could talk myself into calming down i was blocked by meg out of the blue and softblocked by a few people i had no issues with, and who seemingly had no issues with me. after that i left and stayed away for a month or two (i don’t really recall).
when i returned, a friend invited me to a server and i met some really nice, supportive people who took the time to message me privately and apologise for ever thinking poorly of me because of what they’d been told by meg and nicole. that’s the sort of people they are – they’ll take a situation that held no drama, no confusion, no apparent casualties and talked absolute shit about me to people daily. i’ve been told that they talked about how they’d taught me everything i knew and then was a bitch towards them and how much they hated me. 
when meg left tumblr i was comfortable being on again, and when nicole returned i left again. my interactions with them weigh heavily on me and still affect my mental health to this day.
i know i should’ve said something earlier, but at the time that i interacted with them i was afraid that i was going to get run out of this website because before the meg situation went down, heaven forbid anyone said a word about them. i still wish i had, as i know they hurt a lot of good people and perhaps i could’ve prevented that. i’m always gonna be sorry i didn’t say something, but i can’t change it now.
this has nothing on what’s come to light about meg and nicole’s behaviour, and it’s miniscule in the grand scheme of things but i’ve been holding this shit in for close to a year and i really have nothing to lose at this point by saying something. they’re manipulative, two-faced bullies and you can add that to their long rolecall of bullshit.
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theotherpages · 4 years ago
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2021 NPM Number 24 - Michael Torres - County Blues / My Brother Needs Stamps
You can listen to the podcast version of today’s article on Spotify, ITunes, Anchor, Breaker, or Google Podcasts. Click Here to access links. (https://anchor.fm/steve-spanoudis) Look for the podcast titled National Poetry Month at the Other Pages.
Welcome to National Poetry Month at The Other Pages. My name is Steve Spanoudis and I curate the series each year, with help and contributions from Bob Blair, Kashiana Singh, and (Nelson) Howard Miller. I’m coming to you from Coral Springs, Florida, on the eastern edge of the Everglades.
Today I want to focus on two poems by American poet Michael Torres (https://www.michaeltorreswriter.com/). He is a current professor in the Minnesota State University system, and a former graffiti artist, originally from Pomona California. His first collection, titled An Incomplete List of Names, was published in 2020. I’m going to read from two pieces, the first is titled “Because My Brother Knows Why They Call Them “County Blues,” but Won’t Tell Me Why,” and the second one is “My Brother Is Asking for Stamps.” The complete text for both poems is available online at the Poetry Foundation.
Yesterday, I commented on Fred Marchant’s poem that bad things happen. In today’s two poems, a sibling is dealing with a brother’s incarceration in sort of a “. . . and then what happens . . . “ progression.”
In the first poem the speaker feels left behind, Sadness. Loss. Struggling to understand. He tries to come up with some kind of metaphor to help him understand. He says,
When my brother left, I painted our room
blue to make a more manageable sky. But
the room couldn’t mean anything besides
an offering of endless daylight for the parade
of shadows and the solitude shadows purchase
by virtue of their existence.
And then, he turns from color to noise, he continues, later in the poem:
Ultimatums were set,
sides chosen; each faction manufactured bigger
and bigger speakers. Volume knobs turned to 10.
Then, walls of roar. I don’t care who won. Really.
Finally, he admits,
I’m not a good liar. I’ve been looking for the perfect
metaphor for sadness. All along. I apologize
for nothing. I sit with my sadness, desperate
to relieve its weight. It’s not as easy as everyone
makes it seem.
It isn’t easy, obviously, for anyone, but adults often hide the emotions that a child or adolescent cannot. It comes out in one way or another. He says,
I tried to cover my tracks. I only
encountered a variety of distant stares, all the fog
a morning could muster, entering with its fleeting
It ends dissociatively, after a few more lines:
Don’t worry. This is a poem. But I’m not the speaker.
The speaker is the speaker. His brother is not
my brother leaving, being called to a different sky,
another room, everything turning blue and bedlam behind him.
The two thoughts that come to me from this ending are the last line’s observation on the chaos and sadness left behind as the brother goes away, I assume to county lockup, but the line “being called to a different sky” could imply either that the lockup is far away, or that he dies in prison.
Being an optimist, I’m going to assume he survives, but being a pessimist, I’ll move on to the next poem. If we assume the characters are the same, this is later in the timeline, and the younger brother has emotionally moved on, and is trying to live his own life. His brother’s voice, insistent, told second-hand is a nagging presence:
And photos. Photos of me and my
new wife. He’s asking for pictures
of the wedding. He’s very sorry
he couldn’t make it. He can’t wait
to meet her. My brother is asking
if I can call a warehouse office
in Albuquerque and tell them Ray
(his cellie) is fine, and that Ray
would like his old job back, one day,
if possible. My brother is asking
for paper, asking for postage stamps,
and for a few dollars on his JPay. It’s June,
it’s July.
And the rambling anecdotal requests and the litany of months gets across the passage of time, and perhaps the increasing distance between the world outside, and the world inside, his brother’s world. It ends with:
It’s like he’s grown an extra life in there
and the Him I grew up knowing is closed
until not-this August. I know I shouldn’t
imagine him this way. But I will always be
younger and looking up. That’s my brother,
he’s asking for stamps.
Outside, the leaves
have turned without notice. It is the week
when every walnut seems to be falling
from the sky, and every time I drive home
I run as many over as possible. It’s June.
Happy Birthday. It’s November. My brother
says he’ll write when he can, he knows
I’m busy. Everyone’s busy. It’s August.
It’s August, and he’s looking for stamps.
As the time passage accelerates, he runs over the falling leaves, as if in anger that time is only increasing the separation between him and his brother. He is supposed to be the younger brother, but his older brother in prison seems frozen in time. An estrangement that will only grow worse. He knows it, and is helpless to change it. You can feel the frustration in his voice.
The full text is available for County Blues (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/155254/my-brother-is-asking-for-stamps) and My Brother Is Looking for Stamps (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/155255/because-my-brother-knows-why-they-call-them-county-blues-but-wont-tell-me-why) at the Poetry Foundation.
Thank you for Listening. If you’re enjoying these commentaries, and the poem selections, please share them - either the text versions or the podcasts - on social media.
Once again this is Steve Spanoudis at theotherpages.org. You can find more there, at The Other Pages on Facebook or Tumblr.
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survivor-mesopotamia · 4 years ago
Ep. #1 - “hail santa that is all.” (Chrissa)
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Nothing much really so far. We got into tribes so far everyone seems cool ans all so can't wait to see what happens from here.
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Opening thoughts: I'm very much downplaying my knowledge, making it seem like I care most about challenges, know nothing about how online Survivor works (I played and hosted one) and not a massive amount about the actual show either, asking a lot of questions. Trying to find people with the most similar personalities and let others propose any alliances.
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boy am i overwhelmed
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Day 1; So I'm sitting here, eating dinner, a salad with garlic bread and a mike's hard pineapple strawberry lemonade, and I decide to do a confessional! Lets talk about my tribe, first and foremost. We're the "Second Chances" tribe. Fitting, we're all FLOPS. Imma do this in the order we were REVEALED to the world. Because that's cute, right? We're basically the beauty tribe bc everyone is lowkey real scrumptious lookin. Eric; Before this game, Eric and I bonded in the Ahkmim VL about how we never get cast for tumblr survivor, and how we're waiting for redemption, and I'd feel bad leaving him as the first boot. So hopefully he'd also feel bad, and wanna talk to me. I don't think the two of us have much in common yet, he's into anime, and reading, which is like, two things I'm not really down for, but I'm definitely gonna give Spirited Away a try sometime soon so I can talk to him about it. I kinda wanna ask if the red in his hair is naturally like.. blood red. But maybe that's the lighting in the room, or maybe he died it even MORE ginger, because I often hear to him referred to as GINGER Eric, but also i don't wanna have an awkward "No, this is just like.. normal ginger" conversation. Megan; Ohhhh Megan.. my girl Megan. We've had a rocky road in our friendship, and I wish I was just talking about ice cream. Something about her though just makes me have infinite patience for the things the two of us deal with, I can't help but just want to be with her all the time. I scouted her out from FaceBook to play my Whodunnit, and we've been extremely close ever since, our game relationship has been rocky enough for me to worry slightly about her, but all I can do is trust her, and build good enough relationships with other people that if she tried to fuck me over, I would know, and strike first. Its still unclear to this day whether she had a hand in my elimination in a Big Brother game we played, 1984. What is crystal clear, is that we cried together while she cast her vote to evict me. I love her, won't never stop lovin her. I'm hoping this can be OUR season to dominate, because I feel like we're almost evenly matched when it comes to a jury vote. Will; "Whoop-de-do" iconic king of not getting his haircut. Uhh.. idk what all to say, because before the game, I knew nothing of this man. However, Monty said something about him being alive and on Skype, and my mind immediately goes to "Is he hot?" and I check his profile, and publicly announce that he's hot. Which isn't FALSE, but then we both get revealed for the game, and put on the same tribe. So now we're vibing, and relating on the fact that tumblr players hate us, and we've deemed each other, "Heather". He's currently petitioning to call our tribe "The Heathers" instead of Enlil. We get on really well, and he's pretty damn cute. Also, he goes to bed SO early, I hope we get enough time to talk and get close on this tribe. Julian; Well. This is a lot to unpack, but I found out he was playing about 3 days before the game, and since that point. He's gotten unnecessarily aggressive with me, and a couple others over non-tumblr related matters. Julian and I have a rocky history, between me being recruited, and auto-casted for his ORG, Trinity Survivor, his ex-co-host/current-best friend berating me, and deleting messages to make me look bad. To Julian throwing passive aggressive low-blows about my social ineptitude in my face if I'm angry about something, to us making final 3 together in minis. Overall, I'm constantly at odds about how I perceive our relationship, I want to be able to assume the best of him, and say that I'm good in his book, no matter what happens. I think a lot of the time, our friend group isn't the most mature, and it is really difficult to have an adult conversation with someone from within that friend group, without someone else having an opinion to share on it, so I've heard things that he's said about me, that I'm not necessarily sure if its true or not, but I try my best to hold a strong, level head and smile whenever I see him, but sometimes its difficult wanting to approach a conversation with someone head on, but knowing that you can't do that with him is definitely a struggle of mine. We have very different communication styles, and its difficult to see past it sometimes. For now, I'm going to be working with him, but I'm not sure how long that can last, as he admits it himself, he can only handle my personality for short periods of time. Jack; Well, Jack hasn't said a single word for the last three hours, since the game has begun. I don't WANT to have to stay up till 5-6 in the morning to try to have a conversation with him, but if that's what I gotta do, then that's what I gotta do. Chrissa; Chrissa, Todd. My LOVE. Chrissa is someone that I owe something to, she's amazing, beautiful, talented, show stopping, never before seen, etc. Our game relationship is not great, because I organized her first boot in Ascendance Season 4; Back to the Future. However, it was because she was attached to someone that kept accusing me of having powers behind my back. So, hopefully Chrissa forgives me, and gives me another chance, because I'd love to work with her. I feel like Chrissa is someone who is extremely intelligent, and loyal, and that's someone I want on my side. I love my tribe, lets win every challenge until the merge!!
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Well... I’m back again... not going inactive this time! Let’s just do a quick roundup for now: JJ seems to think we’re in a showmance already which is either great or bad for my game, Megan’s a sweetheart and I could see us aligning, Eric is definitely a gamer and I have a feeling he’ll be a loyal, jack and Julian are both pretty straightforward and seem on the quieter side, and Chrissa straight up vanished already so we’ll see how that goes! Basically somebody thinks I’m their husband but I don’t know if I ever signed the prenup, but if it means JJ is gonna spill on how he feels about everyone then that’s some good insight. Nobody really wants to talk game yet but that’ll change soon!! Kk bye for now
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Night 1/Morning 2: Everyone on my tribe seems extremely cool and I'm loving the way the tribes are divided. The only name I recognized on the cast was Monty's and he's on my tribe! I don't know him personally but I think he first played around when I was hosting a season. I have hit it off with Johnny the best so far I think, and definitely Isabelle as well. I seem to have a lot in common with both of them on a personal level. Strategically, I haven't locked anything down yet. I don't want to come right out and blurt "ALLIANCE?" with anyone; for right now I'm just trying to play it cool, get to know people as well as I can, and be a likeable presence in the tribe so people just wanna have me around.
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I just asked Collin to talk to Adam about forming a four person alliance, which Collin will "bring" me into while Adam suggests someone. This might secure me in a four person alliance which would be ideal, but if it backfires, it will backfire on Collin, not on me. I'm trying to get myself into a majority while insulating myself from being seen as the strategic threat
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First confessional before first IC
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I was thrust on a good tribe we have JJ and Eric and hopefully this group of people won't make us last in competitions atleast lol maybe if we lose though hopefully i can argue why jack needs to go with his timezone but hopefully i don't have too. 
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im ngl idk why i decided to play tumblr survivor again and the instant paranoia of just caring about my PLACEMENT is going to keep me up at night *shivers*
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It's been a day in and so far I really like our tribe! I'm vibing with a few of them and it looks like there's been alliance formed between myself, Julian and JJ. JJ has said that he owes it to Chrissa not to vote her out if we lose, and I think he has something with Megan on the side based off what Julian has told me. That leaves Will and Jack, and I've talked with Will a ton. Tomorrow I'm gonna try and see if he wants to work with me too because I feel like to win this season, you will need to keep all your options open. 
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Day 2: I got to talk to Jack last night, he was talkin about how he did some funky fresh survivor statistics on how tribe swaps affect tribe line loyalties, which I found super interesting. Then I decided to share a statistics thingy I did on how the Final 3 format doesn't produce an even ratio of male / female winners, but the Final 2 format does, and how potentially something about the final 3 format in survivor could be a factor in why we haven't had enough female winners in the last few generations of survivor. But he didn't even believe there was a female bias in survivor.. which kinda threw me off. Oh well, we ended the conversation on a good note before I went to bed. Well, the tribe seems to be getting along well, I tried to get a tribe call going, but it ended up just being me and Megan helping Chrissa with strategies to get higher scores in the challenge. She can't seem to break 100, and I feel really bad for her, I hope the rest of us can carry this competition, because I would feel like the worst human being in the world if I gave someone first boot twice in a row. Not to mention I'd consider Chrissa a friend of mine. Maybe I'm playing this game a bit too emotionally, before we even have our first tribal. What a concept.. Will and I are only getting closer and closer, we continuously refer to each other, affectionately, as "Heather". But he really lied to me today, pretty hard core. He said he was gonna order his weight in mexican food when he got off work... but he ate Thai instead...? How dare he ??? Rude. Anyways, if he's lying about that, what else could he lie to me about? Smh. Fuckboys amirite? I think that if we lose this challenge, Jack would be an easy vote off. He's in a different timezone, and his age unfortunately would make it really difficult to have a decent social game. If we lose more than once, there's one of two things that could happen.. 1.) There's a standoff between Julian, Megan and I, trying to maneuver this tribe to remove each other. Which is exactly why a friendship / showmance / whatever with Will is so important. Will would likely be the swing vote they try to get, I don't see Chrissa voting me out if I prove my loyalty at the first tribal our tribe faces. 2.) The three of us dominate the premerge portion of the game, and it becomes an impossible to maneuver situation for me at the merge, because all the connections I have outside of my own tribe, both Julian or Megan also have a hand in, with the exception of Jay, who I don't find myself falling that closely to. I feel like I might be thinking too much, too fast. I guess I just can't show the rest of my tribe that. I'm hoping my reads on the tribe are at least somewhat correct this time around. :/
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Collin never ended up messaging Adam, and I was worried about falling behind the 8-ball, so I took alliance building measures into my own hands. I messaged Zach about joining up by stating that Collin had told me he also had a good conversation with Zach, and I made sure Zach didn't just feel "brought in" by asking him which person he would want to be 4 in our alliance. He suggested Cameron, which is fine by me. He hasn't officially reached out to Cameron yet, but our plan is to bring Cameron in if we end up losing, and I will probably want to vote Kyle or Grace in that scenario. Hope we don't lose though!
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I don't really (or at least usually) stress about challenges and definitely not this early in the game, but some of these people are so stressed and panicky. Will (who I talked to about aligning earlier today like I had said I would in my last confessional) is stressed about not being able to beat his current high score of 199 and feels like he's on the lower end and might be eliminated. I was telling him though that this isn't necessarily about your score, but your ranking. You can get 209 or 189 and still get the same ranking. Chrissa on the other hand is totally panicking. She has an admittedly low score of 89 which she forgot to screenshot which is really rough. She same flash games aren't her thing (and I believe her) but when I tried to calm her down and say there's lots of time to improve and that we can win this, she continued to panic. There's not much I can do for her. I'm not aligned with her right now and she's just really scared to get first boot, which I don't even think will happen. JJ feels obliged not to make her first boot should the scenario present itself, and I'm aligned with him and Julian. If anyone's going home right now, it's probably Jack unless he has connections I am unaware of. I would really like to win though because I love our beauty tribe xoxo 
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I managed to find the idol clue, and in telling my formed trio of Collin and Zach, Zach accidentally revealed that he had found it too. I don't think he intended to tell me, so now I am not sure if I fully trust him. I'll work with him for now, but he is going to be a big move player and I'll have to watch out for that
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Forgive me father for i have sinned it's been a day since my last confession I've made some progress me and grace knowing each other well pregame means i have an instant ally coming in to help not be first.....or second out and me and Collin seem to be kinda working together I guess?? I hope not fully sure but I feel confident I'm not going if we go to tribal.
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hiiii so glad to be back in the game!!!! So thankful I have the opportunity to redeem myself after my huge flop in 94, but lowkey worried about being on the An tribe? Only because it is filled with people who have done well in the past I’m not sure how to measure where I fall within them, but everyone has been very nice and seems to get along with me so far! Also it seems like there is no suspicion from them about Zach and I being siblings which is STELLAR. From looking at the cast I think the only person who knows for sure is JJ, and perhaps Megan? But thankfully they aren’t on a tribe with either of us so that might work in our favor. I’m a little nervous about this first challenge but I have one of the highest scores on my tribe atm, so I feel like if we go to tribal it might be okay. Fingers crossed hehe ;))
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FUCK entanglement! FUCK IT IT IS THE WORK OF THE DEVIL hail santa that is all.
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Zach is playing super hard out in the open. That is good for me, he can make connections to help our alliance, and if there is ever a moment where our alliance gets exposed, he will probably be out in the forefront as a target. The flip side of that is that I might not be able to go to the end with him if he could be perceived as the leader of my alliance, so I'll need to see how the game develops
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We came in second in the immunity challenge by ONE POINT. Thank the lord because our group seems very cohesive at the moment, and going to tribal would have put everyone into scramble mode. I've been bonding the closest over the first 4 days with Isabelle, and I am hoping it can lead to a strong game relationship. Right now, we seem to be very social with one another and we have gone as far as to say we wouldn't vote for one another, but I'm still sort of waiting for that defining confirmation (as much as you can get that in Survivor). After that, I'd say I've been pretty chatty with Johnny and Monty equally (but I think I have a slightly tighter personal bond so far with Johnny). Abrielle I talked to more so over the first couple of days but I would say between her, Jay and Madison those are the ones I've made the least connection with. They all seem like good people, just haven't had as much traction chatting with them. I don't want us to go to tribal for as long as we can help it, because for me the best case scenario heading into a swap would be if our tribe had the numbers advantage and some sort of tribe-wide unity going into it. I feel like that way I could be in a good spot but also not in the forefront of the tribe alliance (I'd hope that would sort of fall on Monty or Johnny maybe because of their Tumblr Survivor experience). For now though, just continuing to get to know everyone as best I can and try and make sure people want me around, and have me in their plans moving forward.
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https://youtu.be/bwCjV8my_Zc ok my mom walked in so i didn't get to finish my thought, but i guess the full thought is just: what the fuck? like i'm really gonna be watching this vid on repeat while y'all are just trolling us. this will end up in my nightmares. know that. also my paranoia is once again setting in. as i mentioned in previous confessional, i feel like ben and i have bonded the most, and we've both pointed it out to each other, but now i feel like he's pointing it out... almost too much? he's basically comparing our convos to his with the rest of the tribe and that they're much better (which i lowkey agree), but something feels fishy because again IM PARANOID. AM I BEING PLAYED?? like literally the scenario in my mind is that everyone's aligned except me and ben has been chosen as the bug to make me feel comfortable. okay yes im crazy. and it's only day 2 whew! im going to bed goodnight.
ok now ive found a video about spectograms the channel has liked. this hunt is getting me anxious bc slowly but surely the amount of views on the immunity idol vid is increasing. AHHHH
ok i found the spectogram and it literally spells out "SINK." (also this shit is scary so again, my nightmare comment holds.) so there are 5 other followers, which makes me know for sure that at least 5 other ppl have found this vid. also i have no idea what to do with the word. i assume that it'll come in handy eventually (maybe a password? send in a chat? comment on the vid? something?) and i really really hope im the only person to find this. i know that's unlikely tho.
oh my god. oh my fucking god. the clue is at survivor-mesopotamia.tumblr.com/sink . im screaming. proud of myself. BUT of course it says... "clue Though you have found it, No clue has emerged. UNDER CONSTRUCTION, Come back when you’ve merged." i- i have to wait until i've merged. HA. we'll see if bitches get that far. and im bitches. anyways sorry for the spam, now back to your regularly scheduled programming
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Day 3: I almost forgot to do this confessional. But here I am, in bed, watching Avatar, and drinking butterscotch milk with Irish cream, which is surprisingly good? Anyways, here we go! First, you’re telling me that we LOST the challenge.. what the hell :( I thought I did so well having 188, but apparently even 256 wasn’t going to cut it. The fact that if Jack could improve his score by 30 points, means we’d be safe from tribal, it annoys me that it felt like he didn’t try as hard as Chrissa in the flash game? Julian, he says we can beast through this game and make final three. This is something I’d really love to be able to trust that he has in mind, but I just am unsure at this moment. He gave me information towards the idol search that I appreciate, and probably wouldn’t have figured it out myself. That felt good, but I feel like he wasn’t giving me everything he knew, just enough to make me feel comfortable. I’ll have to continue to keep my eye on him.. Next, Heather, or Will, my potential showmance. We’ve finally got the opportunity to call each other, we talked about the idol search, and our potential moves in the future. He told me he likes the idea of not playing with Julian, but right after he told me this, Julian asked if we were good? Which was kinda sketch. But I’ll do my best to trust Will, and call it a weird coincidence. Megan hasn’t talked to me much today, but she was a room moderator for sequester, and was visiting a friend today, so I can’t blame her. Chrissa is hopefully safe, I can’t give her first boot in back to back games together, I refuse to be that heartless. She’s so good I can’t do it. Eric hasn’t talked to me much either. For someone who should probably know that his name is on the block, I’m surprised Jack isn’t talking too much to me? Maybe it’s because I’m on the chopping block and I don’t know it. I’d be really heartbroken if I were the first boot.
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So we lost the challenge by ONE FREAKING POINT, which sucks ass. But not me doing the best in my tribe on the challenge. We stan improvement. Anyway, it looks like the discussion for the vote is between Jack and Chrissa, namely Jack. Though Chrissa performed worse in the challenge, she's done a better job connecting with the rest of us than Jack has. As of now, that's what the general concensus is. I talked to Julian and he agreed, and we are aligned with JJ. Chrissa would vote our way to make sure it isn't her. Another thing that's happening is the idol search. The video made literally no freaking sense, but when the channel liked this video about spectograms, Julian put the video into it and it spelled sink. It turned out that by putting the word sink into the blog link, it says a clue will be there but at the merge. I guess this means for now there will be no idols, so as long as the people im with are truthful, the person who is planned to go home at tribal will go home without a shadow of a doubt.
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Right now everyone on the tribe is at peace and getting along, but we all know that’s gonna change when we go to tribal council.
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I'm sad we lost the first challenge. I came back to do better than i did the first time, so the idea of being the first boot would suck. I'm not that close with Chrissa so 100% she's my vote. She has played more seasons than all of us & the second chancers deserve their time. Also, Chrissa did the worst out of us in the challenge so it makes it easier to convince everyone to vote for her, but i also dont want to be the one who targets her first because that could come back round to me, and i would hate that as i've waited over a year for a 2nd shot at this. At the moment i'm closest with JJ & Will F, they are 100% my final 3 right now. I like Megan & Eric as well. I've only had 1 comversation with Julian and we did get on well but we havent talked about anything since then. I've tried to talk to Chrissa but she's never really tried to talk to me.
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Hi!! Megan for my first confessional!! Yall are gonna have to remind me throughout my time in this game to do these because I'm SO bad at remembering to do confessionals lmaooo. So this first round there's been a lot going on. There are three tribes- newbies, flops, and a tribe of vets who have played well. Clearly I am on the flop tribe, because I was a SAD pre-merge boot in Svalbard. I was feeling really excited about my tribe and definitely thought we could do well and at least not lose the first challenge - we don't want to be flops again!! But alas, after a long day of doing that stupid entanglement flash game, we have proven our labels and FLOPPED yet again, getting last. SO. now we have to go to tribal council tonight. I am out of town this weekend so I haven't been able to talk to many people but I hope I can make it through this first vote. All I've heard so far is that people want to keep the tribe strong so we don't lose another challenge, and based on the first challenge scores, the two bottom challenge players would be Chrissa and Jack. So far I have heard that people want to do Jack instead of Chrissa, which I am fine with. I haven't talked to him that much and I think the time zone difference unfortunately puts him at a disadvantage, so honestly, we should probably vote him out first. I am nervous of course though because people have been fairly quiet and that's never a good thing, but I am hoping and praying that nothing crazy happens and Jack is the first boot and all is good and fine with that. Okay now I'll talk a little about the players on the tribe and how I feel about them- Okay so obviously I know JJ and Julian fairly well from previous games & also being in various group chats together. So far we are planning on working together as a trio and I am GOOD with that so far. Chrissa I have played with once before but she's not very social or talkative, and tbh, I haven't had a DM with her in this game yet, but she seems sweet. Eric I like a lot, he is funny and outgoing and a little chaotic and I love that in him. I think I know him from something previously but quite honestly I don't remember him, but he remembers me LOL. I hope they're good memories. Jack, again, I haven't talked to him much because of the time difference I think. Also isn't he like a minor? Oof that's weird. Anyway onto the final member of my tribe - the king, the legend, the literal love of my life - WILL!!!! I had never met Will before this game but we vibed IMMEDIATELY. We get along so well and we have a lot of things in common and we like the same kinda things. We've had a lot of really good conversations already and I feel the closest to him in this game by far, even though I have known other people on my tribe longer. I adore Will and I will do everything in my power to make sure we both get as far in this game as we can. Okay I think that's enough for a first confessional, bye!!!
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Things have been pleasant and slow so far. Everyone on the tribe seems nice and at this point I’m still just hoping that we’ll all get as far in the game as possible at the expense of the more experienced players. I’m a little concerned because I haven’t really been party to any strategy talk yet; I think that’s just because no one has thought it necessary while we don’t have to go to tribal, but I’m still worried I might just be on the outs and not know it.
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hiiii so glad to be back in the game!!!! So thankful I have the opportunity to redeem myself after my huge flop in 94, but lowkey worried about being on the An tribe? Only because it is filled with people who have done well in the past I’m not sure how to measure where I fall within them, but everyone has been very nice and seems to get along with me so far! Also it seems like there is no suspicion from them about Zach and I being siblings which is STELLAR. From looking at the cast I think the only person who knows for sure is JJ, and perhaps Megan? But thankfully they aren’t on a tribe with either of us so that might work in our favor. I’m a little nervous about this first challenge but I have one of the highest scores on my tribe atm, so I feel like if we go to tribal it might be okay. Fingers crossed hehe ;))
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I’m SCARED I’ve been out of the loop for TOO LONG. 
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from what I've heard i am safe i won't be comfortable until i heard the votes not being all me. 
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My brand is having 4 minute confessionals
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from episode 1 https://youtu.be/VqDkCGLTARU
from episode 1 also https://youtu.be/mklfEHtGp04
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Jack voted out 6-1
1 note · View note
skinksprite · 6 years ago
Fancy that, new account was suddenly terminated
Well, fuck me I guess.
I was trying to get my shit together so that my etsy could go live. Here’s the breakdown:
I had put a bit.ly link on my business cards because I foolishly assumed that I could change where that link goes whenever I needed to. Turns out I can’t.
Okay, fine.
Since it leads to the tumblr that had a shop running out of it, I was going to put up a redirect script in the theme so that it would lead to this page with all my links and social media doodads on it. Problem solved, right?
Sudden termination.
So I guess rapidly editing, updating, saving, and checking the script to make sure it was working spooked the bots or something. I’m just trying to get my fucking work done here.
So I guess I’m back here for the time being until I figure out what happened. I’ve already contacted support but I have no idea whether that was an actual contact form or if it’s one of those things tumblr ignores.
Does anybody have any experience with this and/or advice? Those blogs were supposed to be the base for a buisiness/online presence I’m supposed to have built months ago. I don’t know wtf I’ll do.
18 notes · View notes
stone-man-warrior · 4 years ago
February 18, 2021: 3:45 pm:
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That above from US Department of State (Blinkin HQ; Think: “Winky” w/pirate patch and Rainbow Tee Shirt on a My Little Pony ride at Disneyland on Ground Hogs Day to get a idea of where we are at in USA at this time)
It’s new, is deployed in past hour or so.
So far, it’s a “Countdown to Ground Zero”.
How did I come up with that?
You need to apply the ten month calendar that starts on March 1 to see it. I could be wrong but I am going to say what I see.
So, basically, for now, you take 2-25 and add 6 to that in order to make the ten month calendar connection visible. That makes 331. But there are two “3′s” so, you can start to form a countdown. It requires a “Minus Ten” to build the “Countdown to Ground Zero: 321 ... 0″
That’s what I see so far, it’s from US State, so, it’s global, is big, is “Eastern“ because of “State Department Iranian Terror Rental Service” where you need to get in touch with Pompeo (see today’s Mt. Etna Volcano photography on Twitter, is amazing to look at) and tell Mike what you need in the form of terror in the region around the Mediterranean Sea, Mike makes all the arrangements, boats, airplanes, drones, oil barges, pirates driving Toyota Pirate Dingy’s, big guns and bullets, for producing the rented State Department Iranian Terror at the Mediterranean Sea Region. Some grainy photography of the event will be presented on Twitter from all of the major news media Verified Accounts.
(incoming phone call was generated from this part of this Tumblr entry, State Department sees that I am exposing their “countdown to ground zero” live, before it’s posted, while I am in the midst of writing “Countdown to Ground Zero”. 302-594-8200 at 3:51 pm. There was no message left by the caller. I did not answer.)
We’ll have to see where the Blinkin Terror Joe Biden Ground Hog Puppet Iranian Tugboat lands, later on.
4:10 pm:
Below is the source order for whatever the Blinken State Goat Tugboat Zero is for:
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You have to watch that video and have some prerequisite information when you do.
(somewhere on Twitter, there is photo that explains the screenshot above, when Bernie Sanders was shown to have successfully landed safely on Mars. I can‘t find that one now. However, Bernie Sanders was seen at that Boris Jonson event shown above, sans mittens. The photo of Bernie in the chair with the mittens at the Biden Inauguration has become a “Where’s Waldo” sort of terror statement. If you see him, or a symbolic version like the Boris SXSW version, you can know that some Biden size terror is spoken there in that Tweet where you saw Bernie in the chair.)
The prerequisite info is that you have to see that Boris is at the SXSW terror convention which is disguised as a COVID vaccination center at a basketball game.
Watch the video, listen to the background sounds pretend you are hearing the sounds of a Trade Show, where Mike Pompeo is the Key Note Speaker.  Do that, think about the Countdown to Ground Zero” presented by State, by orders of Boris Johnson, and things will begin to piece together later on, as the day progresses.
I am seeing that today and the last few days, the background sounds in the Tweets from Twitter Command are being promoted as important to pay attention to, as part of the commands, updates, marching orders, and also part of the distraction, detour, and road block that goes along with every terror event commanded from Twitter.
Maybe later I can do a better decode, this set terror command is live now, part based on old video, and I am seeing there are new Tweets inserted into the Time Warp Time Line also, those are the ones that can be used to catch terror leaders announcing terror command today, but are difficult to differentiate from the usual suspected bullshit.
(don’t forget that Joe Biden was reported to have cancelled a trip away from the WH that was scheduled to happen today, the cancellation was made a couple of days ago, and is aligned somehow with the Perseverance fake Mars Rover Landing.)
nasa is nothing more than a video production sound stage now. They do inexpensive presentations that cover up the astronomical amounts of money that is being drained out of the “AlphaBreasts”, US Treasury & Reserve. The money is channeled into the support and sustanance of the Canadian SDA terror army, the terror soldiers don’t have to pay rent, or mortgage, or buy food or clothing or any other thing, it’s all provided by the hijacked US Government and has been since before Too Big To Fail happened when W. Bush accessed those accounts digitally on the heals of “Mandated Digital Television Broadcasting” where all of that analog band width necessary for broadcast was converted into smaller, digital broadcasting, thereby opening up vast swaths of other band width, the kind that can and does do Digital Money Traffic Banking Magic where the Treasury & Reserve are transformed into Terror Army Sustenance with use of falsified accounting at JP Morgan Chase Bank, and falsified digital inventory management techniques done at major shopping centers such as Grocery Stores and even at the new car dealerships, where terror soldiers are provided with new cars and trucks free of charge, all paid for by programs such as the nasa space program and Space Force, and other agency programs that require top level special security access provisions just to get inside to have a look around. US national Security persons are not granted that level of access to see where the money is really going, or to find the studio’s where the fake nasa events are filmed and digitally made. I suggest looking at Pixar for finding information about fake nasa videos and where they are produced.
Big consideration is that the Canadian SDA terror army is not effected by any of the Corona Virus Hardships while the US Citizens they are hunting, are consumed and overwhelmed with hardship ranging from financial loss, and extra expense at the same time, and the poison gasses (many “Boutique” gasses) that cause symptoms that make the victims feel as though they need to see a doctor, in a nation where all of the hospitals and medical service providers were all hijacked in the years that have led up to the planned role out of Corona Virus.
The citizens are not aware of the gasses, feel the symptoms, see the rash that the gasses make on the skin, and go to the hijacked hospitals where they are killed and taken as slaves and experimental surgery specimens.
The terror army on the other hand, has access to the very best medical treatments, and are aware of the presence of the poison gasses, so, their exposure to the gasses is minimized, while the US Citizen exposure is maximized. Since that gases don‘t kill, only make symptoms, the terror army is able to withstand minimized exposure with calculated risk management.
But every one loves Twitter. Everyone loves Corona Virus more than the love themselves, or their families, or their nations and FREEDOM. People won’t even light a fucking candle to burn away the fake germs, and light up the real nitrous oxide poison gas.
Terror soldiers are not effected by Corona Virus hardship, all of their needs are supplied for them by hijacked US Government SAG shill terror commanders.
There is a ton of terror commands happening on Twitter today, far more than I can keep up with on my own, without any help or freedom, or even a computer that is not hijacked by terror operatives at Google and Centurylink. Besides that, the local terror soldiers have flooded the whole neighborhood with poison gas that is making my vision very poor, I can barely see the screen right now, Very difficult to stop US Presidential terrorism when there is no help.
With help and a budget, I could stop 90% of all terrorism on earth by the end of summer 2021.
Just need help and a budget to get started.
5:10 pm:
After a terror attack at my house, at a time when the Google/Twitter terror HQ thinks I am dead, and they assume that the assassin is at my computer, they Twitter presets this pop-up. It’s there to access special information that the assassin is supposed to see to get further assistance. The assistance is from the Centurylink ISP, the assassin would be given some coded message about where to make contact, somewhere like Chicago Music Exchange website, where when you browse the instruments there, a CME representative makes contact with an onboard chat window built into the CME website. There, the assassin would recieve further instructions about how to activate the Remote Access on my computer, and from there, once that is activated, the Centurylink terror cell lead hacker can use the Symantec Norton internet security product that is already on my computer, is fake, does not work, only is a terror tool used for watching my online activity, and to steal what they need to fool national security with the Norton product, but when the successful assassin makes contact and starts the Remote Access, that is how they are planning on deleting this Tumblr account by order of Joe Biden’s White House terror cell, and a whole bunch of other leading global terror leaders, such as Boris and people at the Vatican, and Google, as well as British House of Lords members.
If I select the advertising as it suggests I do, I will find some specially arranged instructions coded in to the advertising afterwords. Like I said, Chicago Music Exchange is most likely to be the place I would be instructed to visit online, where a particular musical instrument is what I would need to look at there, so the CME terror representative could have confidence in knowing to share the correct information about activating the Remote Access on my computer.
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In order to understand why all of that is necessary, you have to understand that the assassin is someone like Trish Regan, or Laura Ingram, and I fully believe that Brooke Baldwin was indeed the assassin this go around.
The idea is that she would have been said to have arranged a “one on one interview” having been made aware of the terrorism I report, to do an “Expose” piece, to “Get the Word Out” so I could be heard. Cnn and all of news media wants you to believe they are your friends and will help when no one else will when the news story is “Breaking news”.
The problem faces by Brooke Baldwin, is there are more than one kind or global terror army. news media thinks they are the only one, in league with Britain, but Britain is split, there are two global terror armies, both are SAG, but one army does not know of the existence of the other that resides within.
It’s complicated.
The simple explanation is any contact that Brooke Baldwin may have made to set up an exclusive in depth expose piece at my house, would have been intercepted, she and her terror crew, would be put in contact with that opposing terror army, some impostor actor would play role of the author of this account, Brooke Baldwin and her Mobile Production Team, would be lured to one of the neighboring terror cells on Jackpine or on Russell Road, by the local authorities, who are not real authorities, but are that opposing terror army that Brooke’s team and all of Cnn is not aware exists.
Brooke would be captured, tortured, raped, killed, her head sent to her own terror commanders by special arrangement “Fast Car” style services, after being made unrecognizable, and it would be said the Brooke Baldwin’s head, is the head of the author of this account.
Brooke Baldwin’s terror cell at Cnn would celebrate, have a big party thinking that I am dead and Brooke and the mobile production team is safely enroute back to the Cnn news room.
After that, Ted Cruz goes to Mexico real quick during a national emergency in the Senators own state, as an announcement that the hit was a success.
Real terrorism is complicated like that.
I think Brook Baldwin was playing role of Oregon State Police Officer Tanya Henderson that day when I reported an ambush on my driveway, a “Runner” a sword, and defense.
Then, when I came back into my house, I suspect that was Brooke Baldwin playing role of Tanya Henderson, and I defended from attack by an intruder who was wearing a Pixel Suit electronic invisible camouflage outfit, and was wielding a sword while being confused about where her Mobile Production Team Accomplices were at.
One female had burst of nitrous ignition just two or three minutes before that ambush at my driveway.
The bastards were at Monroe’s. All of the conversation I heard was that of confusion. One of them had seen me and said: “wow, you really are an old guy aren‘t you?” to which I responded; “Fuck Off!” and proceeded to the ambush.
And that is why Twitter needs to send special coded advertising, to say to access the Chicago Music Exchange, so Brooke can look at that correct Musical Instrument to get instructions to activate the Remote Access on my computer, which is set to the “no access” setting and yours should be set that way also, for safety.
Brooke would have been with a rock star terror special assassin team.
So, which rock star was the asshole who ambushed me while pretending to be Oregon State Police Officer Jeffry Prouix?
Is there someone by the name of Shane missing?
I heard that name that day being mentioned.
I’ll guess based on what I have read on coded Twitter news stories that the asshole at the end of my driveway, the “Runner” was Sammy Hagar.
I already killed him and Rob Thomas once this past summer, but like I said, the terror bastards have access to the very best medical treatment, Sammy could have got medical services that day last summer, and healed to come back to take another whack at me.
That’s a bad idea. Some people just don‘t learn.
That bald guy on stage there is Joe Satriani. He plays role of Josephine County Sheriff Deputy Aaron Porter.
He also plays role of Josephine County Circuit Courts Bailiff Aaron Porter.
Joe, puts on a sheriff suit, gets a Police Interceptor from the sheriff’s office, then goes around hassling little girls and boys so he can have his way with them after exposing them to nitrous oxide/Medazolam gas mixture.
Joe cried when his arm got filleted in my driveway a few years ago, and he cried some more when his sword was shoved down his throat in the courthouse last summer.
Some people simply do not learn.
You can support terrorism, baby murders, kidnapping, torture of elderly and disabled people, and help to support the surgical removal of your own Freedom by signing up with iTunes at the Apple Store online.
There are only terror army soldiers in entertainment business these days. The others were all weeded out in the 1970′s when Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin took over Hollywood.
Think about it. Would you allow a Red Marble to exist in a collection of all Green Marbles? Or, would get rid of the Red Marble?
7:35 pm:
This below is the Jill Biden Twitter account being operated by the Ann Wilson of Heart terror cell as FLOTUS.
The Tweet is one musician looking to hear from another musician, specifically a Guitar Player.
“If you kill a guitar player, you will gain all of his skills”
There is more: “If you take the hand of a guitar player, you gain all of the guitar player’s skills, but you only need to take the hand, not remove it”
It depends on who you talk to, and what you want to talk about.
There is a missing guitar player, I suspect there is a drummer also missing from this week separate from Taylor Hawkins who was killed in defense last week at my house, is old news. Psaki’s Tweet on the 16th was looking to make contact with a missing drummer who failed to check in with the Ann Wilson of Heart Amp Guru Vatican Choir High Command on Volcano Island at Kauai Ranch.
I remain confidant that one day soon, US national security will wake up from that long sleep they have been doing, and begin to protect USA, Freedom, and the people who used to enjoy the freedom, but are all held captive by news media personalities, Google, and Twitter. It’s too late to protect the US national Guard, they are all dead, killed by SDA terror army from Canada by commands made by news media personalities on Twitter.
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If you can find Nancy Wilson of Heart, she will have a substantial arm injury if she survived. nancy likes to play doctor, she puts on the white doctor coat, pretends to be the doctor at the appointment where a disabled person is expected to be. Her and other Heart terror cell members kill the disabled person, but the murders go unreported, and a Canadian is summoned to assume the dead disabled person‘s name, and live at the home of the disabled person. Then, more doctor appointments are schedualed for that disabled person at a SAGClubMed doctor, who writes MAX prescriptions under Medicare Part-D rules. That way, Ann & Nancy Wilson can get high on the meds that belong to the dead disabled person, while that Canadian replacement imposter finds more US victims to kill while looking like an innocent church goer.
The Wilson sisters call some friends, Sammy, Joe, Taylor Hawkins, Dave Grohl, Lars Ulrich & company, and the cast of Saturday night Live, to have a murder festival called “Junket” once the impostor replacements round up enough US Victims.
Meanwhile, US national security is busy chasing after Iranian goat farmers in the desert of the middle eastern parts of Eurasia, as they drive around in Toyota pick up trucks while trying to escape the bullets.
8:10 pm:
The last time I checked, it was a federal offense to interfere with the activities of a sea turtle. So on Twitter today, there are photos of thousands of sea turtles being rounded up, and taken out of the water.
What’s going on with that?
Those are Seventh Day Adventists doing terrorism. They round up the turtles, it’s against the law to do so, the SDA are protected by the US President, if they are arrested, he (Ann Wilson) will arrange that the SDA are released from jail. The Federal Officers remain busy, rounding up turtle rustlers, and releasing the turtles back the where they belong. The turtles live to over a hundred years old, they will live, can deal with the cold better than the humans can. That scenario is one that uses up federal resources at places where the resources are needed to protect the people in the area from the ones that were released from jail by the President (Ann Wilson) who did their duty as turtle rustlers first, so they could get warmed up in the jail, get a hot meal, some dry clothes, and begin to round up the black people, while the Federal agents are chasing the next group of SDA turtle rustlers.
It helps ensure that no one in USA is ever going to get any help and that the turtles will be treated poorly by the SDA.
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8:32 pm:
Ted Cruz has been Trending on Twitter all day, providing those much needed terror command orders to the Canadian terror army in the Texas Ivanka Trump Opportunity Zone at the When Hell Freezes Over Eagles Reunion Tour for the take-out of Frozen Dark Matter in the realm of the Bureau of Land Management.
Here, the news is that Twitter agrees that they were wrong about that innitial evaluation of the heads that were brought to the Vatican Choir High Command, and it turned out that the heads belonged to Sammy Hagar and Brooke Baldwin, not StoneMan and his girlfriend.
Ted says it was a mistake (Miss Steak; Miss Take) to take those heads to Cabo Wabo after all.
He’s fortunate that he was not killed there, Cabo Wabo is owned by Sammy Hagar. It’s not a far stretch to Cancun from there, besides, they need to use the Cancun label for announcing that the black people in Texas are the targets of the Ivanka Trump Opportunity Zone at the Eagles Hell Freezes Over Tour.
Google arranged the Trending to happen. That is how the terror is commanded, by the way categorized information is presented on Twitter by Google.
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Ted Cruz = Theodor Cruz = Theodor Crucifix (they keep the heroin stowed, on the down-low) = The Door to the Crucifix = “God’s Door to the Crucifix”
Theology is the “Study of God”
The word “The” is old. It goes way back to the dark ages. The idea was that everything on earth had been created by God, so, if you needed to talk about something, like a turtle, you point at it, and say: “The Turtle” and that means “God’s Turtle”
In terror speak, God’s Turtle can be translated to: “Holy Shit! Cops!”
Reminder: Raytheon was a company that manufactured Fish Finders in the 1970′s. They used SONAR  technology to sell fish finders to boat owners who fish. Later, the Defense Department made freinds with Raytheon, and they became what they are today, a US Defense Contractor. But are they really a defense contractor, or a offense contractor?
The reason I remember that about the fish finders that Raytheon was making back then, is there were some of them around at the place I sometimes talk about that I call “Alouette HQ” in southern California where I grew up alongside the Wilson Sisters and was later kidnapped and taken to Europe by Roger Waters and David Gilmour and all of the Pink Floyd members. There were many of the musician terror operatives at “Alouette HQ” in the 1970′s who later came to kill me at my current home, but were killed in defense.
I mention this because it’s real important that US national security stop chasing goat farmers and turtle rustlers, and start protecting USA by making arrests at the top levels. Stop being bait, stop being bottom feeders, and do your job, part of it is at Raytheon.
Raytheon = “Ray of God. On“
Twitter has to be taken offline before any security work can be done. Otherwise they will keep rounding up turtles and black people under the noses of the national security people.
9:17 pm:
This Blinken at State Tweet and the one posted before that one combine to say that the source of the gas that is being used in my neighborhood, the gas that is making my eyes hurt and causing blurred vision is at 549 Jackpine at the Crowel terror cell, and is being deployed from 507 Jackpine at the Phillips residence terror cell, a Global commanding terror cell, where there is a family relation to the Windor’s somehow. Don‘t be fooled by the one legged old woman there, she is a global terrorist, Joan Phillips if she is still alive, lives at 507.
The gas is thick today around here, but I only heard one airplane fly over, and that was hours ago. My eyes are burning and are blurred.
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10:01 pm:
Trending on Twitter:
Seemingly by request, so, here goes:
Ferret Badgers = Sneaky, burrowing, imposter police with sharp claws and sharp teeth who run on Irony basis.
Rabbits = Seventh Day Adventists (in USA, could be other groups elsewhere) armed with blu-tooth smart phone tech (other broadcast 2-way personal communication devises also). “Easter Bunnies w/rabbit ears”.
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The global take over is commanded from the entertainment industry, the music industry is the High Command at “Vatican Choir HQ”.
A drummer is a leader of a platoon of soldiers, and, is also in charge of making the tempo at which the rowers of the Viking Pirate Ship will row the boat.
Wuhan has been making cymbals for the music industry for a long time.
The gist here is that the Corona Virus is a symbolic place holder used for an attack by pirates. Wuhan serves as the message about the symbolic nature of the term Corona Virus, and also serves as the message that states where the orders to begin the attack came from, they came from the war drums at Vatican Choir High Command HQ.
The Virus already was done in Oregon once in 2008, it may have been done in other parts of the world also by then, I suspect Hong Kong was a victim of an earlier presentation of Corona Virus similar to the Beta Twitter presentation the resulted in all of Oregon’s remaining US Citizens were slaughtered. The slaughter had started in 1998 but was put on steroids with the Beta Twitter role out of Corona Virus in 2008.
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So the Trend on Twitter reads that: “Corona Virus is fake, is really an attack on the world that was done by virtue of impostor police who control an army who are all connected with Blu-Tooth or other personal communication connectivity between them.“
With inclusion of “Who” that makes gas (nitrous oxide) the primary weapon for the attack.
The “Who” is based on a song by Heart called “Straight on for You” where the “The winner don‘t know what the gambler understands” means that vaginal sex (the gambler) will get a woman pregnant, while anal sex (the winner) won‘t get a woman pregnant.
In the song, Ann Wilson sings “ who, who, who” is not an owl, but is release of gas for purposes of the song.
“Plumbers Test Ball”
Below is a rectally holstered nitrous oxide personal gas tank once it’s been modified as such, available in a variety of sizes, modified with removal of the chain, additionally length to the release tube, quick one hand operation valve on the release tube, and smoothed to remove the rings around the test ball. Available at most well stocked plumbing supply outlets. nitrous oxide is inexpensive and easy to make, materials to make an ample supply can be had at any well stocked farm supply house, and a trip to a department store for a coffee maker for about $50. The test balls cost about $50 also.
Terror soldiers need only to route the release tube down the arm of a long sleeve shirt, handle the valve with one hand, and reach outward toward the face of the intended victim, who within about two breaths becomes easy to capture prey.
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Corona Virus is a airborne gas attack on populations world wide, towards Global Domination Under the Cross. Commanded by news media mostly on Twitter. State Police replaced decades in the past make arrangements for mass murder events in citys and towns at places where people gather, such as entertainment and sporting events, shopping centers and malls, recreation areas, rest stops on the freeway ... anywhere, and everywhere in the day time and during normal business hours. The army on west coast USA is from Canada, been here five generations in California, and three generations in Oregon. Washington state is also hijacked, I don‘t know how long, was hijacked in 1998 when I went to Boeing on a visitor tour and the Boeing was taken over that day by machine gun armed non-English speaking terror soldiers, some of them had very long blonde hair.
The terror army females carry a vaginally holstered custom made gun, it holds two .25 caliber bullets, the guns don‘t have a barrel, the bullet brass is the barrel. The bullets snap into place onto two small semi-circular places for holding them, and the guns are small enough that they fit on a key ring un-noticably.
A typical attack at a parking lot, or inside of a convenience store, Walmart, or Fred Meyer store, includes that victims are primed with gas as they shop by roving SDA who pretend to be shoppers. They release gas in the aisles of the store where the marked victims are at. The victims are shot with the .25 at the checkout by someone who runs quickly away. The guns are not very powerful, the bullet will often bounce off the victim, but also can make a superficial wound that looks worse than it is, and that is what the terror bastards are trying to achieve, that makes an excuse to offer first aid at the store, The stores are all hijacked, controlled and operated by the terror army such that the store appears to operate as normal. Someone gets shot at the checkout after being primed with the nitrous gas in the aisles, and one of the terror soldier fake employees will say something like: “That’s a nasty wound, let’s get you some first aid while we call 911 to catch that person who shot you”
The victims disappear into a back room, are tortured, farmed of assets, and killed.
Happens all day long.
There are no more US Citizens for the terror army to kill in Oregon, so, it’s different now, but that is how it was for many years. I survived it, but am having a difficult time fighting off the terror army every day, It’s difficult to get food, someone has to die for me to stay alive at the store most times I go for food to the Walmart.
0 notes
jonathantaylorthomas · 7 years ago
Taylor Swift, Entering a New Era, Sticks to a Safe Space: Tumblr
For a megastar approaching the release of her latest blockbuster, Taylor Swift, the human, has been eerily quiet.
Yes, she’s put out four songs and two music videos from “Reputation,” her sixth album, out Friday, and her visage currently adorns a racecar and a promotional fleet of UPS trucks. But Ms. Swift hasn’t given an interview in 18 months, and she has performed in public only once this year, at a pre-Super Bowl event for a corporate partner. (She will be the musical guest on “Saturday Night Live” this weekend.)
Judging by the relatively reserved rollout for “Reputation,” it’s easy to assume that Ms. Swift is pulling a Beyoncé — communicating only strategically, if at all, and mostly letting the work speak for itself. That is, unless you know where to look.
“The general public has not seen much of Taylor, really, in the last year and a half,” said Caitlin Buckvold, 28, who along with her twin sister, Megan, runs a fan blog dedicated to the singer on Tumblr. “But we’ve seen a lot of Taylor. We interact with her on a daily basis.”
At perhaps the most fraught moment in her storied career — after a tense sexual assault trial and amid ceaseless celebrity beefs and internet dramas that threaten to overwhelm the music — Ms. Swift, 27, has recommitted to engaging with her most faithful followers, known as Swifties, cocooning herself in the vibrant, supportive community they have built on the social-media platform Tumblr.
The artist is far from just an observer: Since taking personal control of her official Tumblr page in 2014, Ms. Swift has “liked” some 27,000 posts, stoking hype for her new songs, registering support for fan theories and lyric interpretations and signaling that she remains an ever-watchful eye to her devoted listeners.
Even in an age of unprecedented connection between stars and their public on social media, Ms. Swift goes beyond typical interaction on Tumblr, a niche blogging platform that, with its multimedia flexibility, including images, GIFs and text posts, is conducive to obsessive fandoms. She follows some 5,000 blogs, where users can upload original creations or “re-blog” the work of others with or without adding their own two cents.
While Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have become largely promotional megaphones for the singer (outside of a few sly surprises), she has posted more than 100 times on her Tumblr since October, often re-blogging content from Swifties and adding her own commentary (typically including their first name and a string of excited emojis).
Ms. Swift also participates in inside jokes (ask a teenager about “no its becky”), dotes on pet cats and monitors the life events of her devotees, sending flowers and making breakup playlists for those in need. There’s even a term for her omnipresence on the platform: #Taylurking.
“This is how she knows the pulse of her fan base,” said Nate Auerbach, the former head of music strategy and outreach at Tumblr, who helped Ms. Swift join the platform ahead of the release of “1989,” her previous, Grammy-winning album.
Tatiana Simonian, the current head of entertainment partnerships at Tumblr, said: “She’s just not using it like a celebrity uses it,” and called Ms. Swift “a star who behaves like a fan on the platform — she’s a fan of her fans.”
By tending to her base with such bespoke dedication — and with the looming possibility of firsthand contact — Ms. Swift can breed loyalty in listeners while focusing on positive vibes only. She plucked hundreds of fans from social media to hear “Reputation” early, at Secret Sessions held at her homes in Rhode Island, Los Angeles, London and Nashville.
“Tumblr allows her to focus on the people who matter to her,” said Megan Chesney, 17, who blogs as ohtaylorswiift. “She gets to talk directly to her fans and eliminates all of that drama and excess hate on Twitter or Instagram.”
Ms. Chesney said she joined Tumblr because Ms. Swift did, and the singer followed her page about two years ago. Like most Swifties, she remembers exactly when and how many times Ms. Swift has interacted with her blog.
“It’s, like, crazily overwhelming because it’s just hard to believe that some iconic superstar celebrity decided to take time out of her day to make someone else’s day, even with a single emoji,” Ms. Chesney said in an interview during her school lunch.
Though the Taylor Swift Tumblr was originally set up as yet another online marketing vehicle, to be run by staffers, it was Ms. Swift’s decision to take the reins herself that made it a valuable resource. “Taylor here. I’m locking myself in my room and not leaving until I figure out how to use my Tumblr,” she wrote in September 2014, following in the footsteps of artists like Lorde and Frank Ocean, who were Tumblr users before they were famous.
“The impact was immediate and didn’t taper off,” Mr. Auerbach said, noting that few stars with Ms. Swift’s reach have really dived in and sustained such a presence. “She was learning about herself in the eyes of the fans,” he added. “No one did it like her. She was incredible at it.”
The generous, loose and jocular version of Ms. Swift that fans get on Tumblr can be a far cry from a public persona that some see as meticulously calculated and overbearing. On Monday, Ms. Swift was criticized in some corners after the ACLU of Northern California pushed back against a letter from Ms. Swift’s attorney demanding the takedown of a small-time blog post that linked the singer’s music to the alt-right and white supremacy.
While the ACLU called out Ms. Swift’s “intimidation tactics,” the topic spurred civil discussion on Tumblr. Wrote one fan: “I don’t think it’s too much to ask that you (not your attorneys) publicly denounce alt-right neo-nazis who take it upon themselves to use you, your lyrics, and the imagery in your music videos to bolster their disgusting beliefs.”
But many Swifties ultimately defended the singer. “Have people out there seriously not caught on to how taylor has decided this era to NOT interact with the media?” another user wrote. “She doesn’t want to give in and tell them where she stands politically. She’s done with them. And if she were to say something, we all know she’d still get torn apart anyway.”
Like Beyoncé’s BeyHive, Swifties can be rabid in their allegiance, especially in the virtual presence of their hands-on queen. (“Taylor always says that she sees everything and knows everyone and exactly what’s going on with her fans,” Ms. Chesney said.) This week, ahead of the release of “Reputation,” fans on Tumblr urged one another to be vigilant about reporting leaked music to the singer’s label and management team.
“They’re doing a lot of work for her in many ways,” said Linda Ryan Bengtsson, an assistant professor of media and communication studies at Karlstad University in Sweden. Ms. Bengtsson is currently conducting research on fan behavior across social media, with a focus on Swifties, whom she called “really loyal” and generally “very friendly and positive.”
She added, “They really lift each other and share each other,” often with the goal of reaching Ms. Swift’s field of vision.
“Everyone’s just helping each other out to get noticed by Taylor,” said Ani, 15, a high school student in Hong Kong who blogs as rosegardensthorns and asked that her last name be withheld because of college admissions.
“She followed me back in February and I freaked out,” Ani said. Months later, when Ms. Swift finally reposted a photo from her page, “I definitely cried in the metro station,” she said. “And then I showed my friend and she cried, too.”
Such gestures, executed in a public but largely unseen ecosystem, allow Ms. Swift to do good-natured brand maintenance and outreach without oversaturating a more skeptical general audience.
“She was very ubiquitous for a while there,” said the man behind the analyzingtaylor Tumblr, who writes under the name Matt to protect his professional prospects. “I just think that she knew it was time to not be as omnipresent as she was with 10 magazine covers and five different interviews.”
After all, Ms. Swift, at her best, has always been both sweet and savvy. “I think in 2017, you’ve got to appeal to your most die-hard fans, because they’re going to to do the promotion for you,” Matt said. “It’s a smarter way to go about business.”
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r-cliffe88 · 6 years ago
Media Studies
Tracking My Media Usage  
Adrian Silvas
College of Southern Nevada  
    After a week of tracking my current media diet, I have come to terms with some realities I had not considered before or taken seriously. First, I realized that I tend to gravitate toward media outlets and music when I am alone or in silence, also how my constant use of a cell phone before bed is contributing to my insomnia, and how I noticed my use of a cell phone and social media is affecting how I communicate and interact with people around me, be it, strangers or friends.  
    I do not have the easiest time trying to fall asleep. Generally, before bed, I usually listen to music and scroll through various outlets such as Twitter, Instagram and Snap Chat. Each night after binging on my phone and taking in every detail I read online I would feel tired and even more so when I did not try to contain it and stay up for hours. I didn’t enjoy any of it, but I felt like I had no other choice. This was a bit of ritual and tradition that I had adopted when I was given my first smartphone in high school. A study titled Direct Measurements of Smartphone Screen-Time: Relationships with Demographics and Sleep, explained, “Light in the blue spectrum, such as light produced from a smartphone, can suppress production of melatonin, leading to decreased drowsiness, difficulty initiating sleep, and non-restorative sleep. In addition, engrossing activities during smartphone use may result in stimulation that is counter-productive to sleep preparation.” The blue light emitting from my phone was most likely contributing my lack of, and quality of sleep. At some points, it might have been fun having a good laugh before bed or keeping up with my friends before the next day, but it seems to be more of a chore now. I didn’t know what to do with myself before bed. Checking various media outlets, keeping up with the world, and listening to music seemed necessary, given that I have been doing it for years now. I sometimes did feel a bit empty after I would try to sleep. Time could have been used better for reading, doing homework, or sleeping, which is why I got into bed in the first place.  
  My constant use of my cell phone to text, tweet, scroll, and listen to music had also damaged my social skills a bit. I noticed that when I was interrupted while on my phone, by another person who wanted to engage I would be dumbstruck. Carrying a normal conversation became a bit foreign to me, being so invested in whatever device I was using I wouldn’t know how to divorce myself from my it and interact. There was an interview I watched recently with Jonah Hill promoting his directorial debut film, “Mid 90s” that resonated with what I had noticed. Hill explained that the reason he chose the 90s as a time for his film was due to the lack of cell phones. In an interview with TIFF Originals, Hill explains, “The only reason to do it in the ‘90s, actually, is just because we didn’t have cell phones.” He went on to comment that the reason people had conversations was due to boredom and a lack of a distraction, also detailing that he imagines today’s youth not getting into these conversations now due to a portable distraction from others. In a way that’s how it felt for me, I would freeze and must collect myself after being interrupted by my media appetite. I’m sure many in this new generation have the same problem given we all grew up with the same technological conveniences.  
I had also noticed how empty conversations felt over text messages and social media platforms. The primary topic of conversations I would have with friend revolved around jokes and memes, and while they were funny, I didn’t seem to walk away with the same satisfaction or enjoyment as I would having a conversation in person. I assume this odd feeling is attributed to the lack of a human presence. When you are with someone you can look them in the eye, build from conversations you were having and possibly branch out into something more interesting. In a conversation over text messages it’s standard and stale, sometimes you can keep a conversation going for a while, but feelings and interest rarely change, at least that was what I had noticed about myself.  
        The one thing I noticed the most is what ties most of what I have observed and documented for a week; I am not comfortable with silence. That’s why I turn to my phone all the time, and my primary vice being music. When I am trying to sleep, I am bothered by the lack of noise, so I plug in and distract myself even more; furthering this vicious cycle of restlessness. It seems that my biggest addiction to media was my constant use of music and streaming apps, Spotify to be more exact. When I was alone, I would listen to music, when I was studying or doing homework I was listening to music, as I was scrolling through social media I was listening to music. For the most part, I didn’t really have a problem being too attached to social media outlets, I could walk away from it whenever without hesitation, the same goes for television, surfing the web, and video games. I don’t really consider it to be a terrible addiction, other than the fact that my eardrums will suffer in the long-run. Listening to music is one of the few pleasures that I have right now between work and school. It’s a simple pleasure that I can always rely on and have been relying on a lot as I documented my media intake for a week. In a study conducted by Robert J. Zatorre and Anne J. Blood, titled, Intensely Pleasurable Responses to Music Correlate with Activity in Brain Regions Implicated in Reward and Emotion, they studied brain activity through PET scans and concluded that the brain in the grip of music responds in a certain euphoric state as food, sex, and even drug abuse. It’s no wonder I find myself plugging into streaming and music apps most of my time. I am a bit addicted to the euphoria that is reached through music.  
       The main problem I can conclude from this is that I must learn to settle in silence and be okay with it. I cannot plug in my headphones every time I become uncomfortable, or when I don’t want to interact with others, and especially when I should be getting rest at night. That is what I need work on from here on out. As I was writing and studying myself through the course of this assignment, I let some people read my current essay and explained what I had observed about myself. A coworker took interest in my problem with not being able to be able to sit in silence and pointed me into the direction of English philosopher Alan Watts. A video of a speech he made to be exact, in the video titled, The Mind – Alan Watts, he states,  
When you’re alone nobody’s saying anything, there’s nothing to do just this worrying, this lack of distraction. I’m left alone with myself and I wanna get away from myself I always want to get away myself. That’s why I go to the movies, that’s why I go after the girls or anything or get drunk or whatever. I don’t want to be with myself.
It resonated with me on a level I had never considered, and it led me to a possible solution that I disregarded in the past, meditation. This idea is still being entertained at a very early stage, but it is something I am considering now. After this, I will continue to track my media usage and my time listening to music, in order to better ensure that these activities don’t hinder and social skills, sleep, or time in my life.
Blood, A. J., & Zatorre, R. J. (2001). Intensely pleasurable responses to music correlate with activity in brain regions implicated in reward and emotion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(20), 11818-23.
Christensen, Matthew., Bettencourt, Laura., Moturu, Sai., Nguyen, Kaylin., Olgin, Jeffrey., Pletcher, Mark., & Marcus, Gregory. (2016). Direct Measurements of Smartphone Screen-Time: Relationships with Demographics and Sleep.  
[Tragedy & Hope]. (2014, Jul 5). The Mind – Alan Watts [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emHAoQGoQic  
© Tumblr, Inc.
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new driver affordable insurance arizona
"new driver affordable insurance arizona
new driver affordable insurance arizona
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is car insurance much cheaper if you have more than one vehicle?
I heard that it is, so I call Esurance to ask them and make sure and the lady on the phone said that it will be much higher if I insured 2 vehicles. -civic 4door year2000 -ford winstar year2000 -New York""
""Car insurance question, custom-built cars?""
I was watching a SciFi show where a company in Florida builds cars. From a welded frame, up! For street driving. Can you get insurance to drive such a car? You cannot say 'Ford, ...show more""
Will my insurance pay off my car?
My car was considered totaled due to fire damage in the engine, i only purchased the car about 2 months ago wich means my policy is also new, will my insurance pay off the car or what will happened? Has any one experience something similar??""
Can i get good affordable health insurance? ?
I am 18 I live on my own and support myself. I go to school and work full time. But money is especially tight. I have no support from my parents and i haven't been to the doctor in years even though I've felt the need to go see one for the past year.. but its so expensive. Are there any possibilities of me being able to get good but affordable health insurance? And my job doesn't offer it
What Classic Cars are cheap and cheap to insure?
I'm coming up to a point in my life when I need to buy a car. (16 years old UK). I want to get a classic car like a classic VW Beetle or an Austin Mini, something with real character and not a typical first car like a Peugeot 106. Have you any suggestions on some cheap cars to insure and ones that you can buy the car for less than about 600-700 used? Thanks.""
Learner's Permit and Car Insurance?
If I didn't live with my parents, had my learner permit and had my own car, would I be able to drive it if in the presence of a licensed insured driver? Like say my friend came over and I drove him in my car, would his insurance cover me?""
Can i buy car insurance in another state?
I live in PA, but im currently staying in Iowa for another month. Just bought a car here with a temperary plate, and i was wondering if i can buy insurance here so i can drive this car around for a month, then ship it over and register it over there. Thanks!""
The candidates are drum about affordable health insurance?
they go on and on about 15% do not have affordable health insurance 45 million well what about the other 85 million that do? I'm not saying the others don't rate insurance and it should be affordability to everyone. But get off the negative drum and onto the up beat of one. If they are talking about the elder and small kids that is one thing then just say that don't throw a bunch of numebrs out thinking all are going to vote for you just becasue you say this or that.
How much more would it cost if my parents added me to their car insurance?
My parents pay about $100 a month on insurance for their car ( 2008 Nissan Sentra) to OMNI insurance group. I'm just wondering how much extra would they have to pay to add me (16 years old) onto the insurance when I get my license?
""Average car insurance for 17 year old in ON, Canada?""
I'm a 17 year old female, no problems with driving, and with drivers ed course completed and certified. I have good grades going from 70s-90's. I'm looking into getting the new 2012 Ford Fiesta once I get my G2. How much would I pay a year/month for car insurance? Thanks""
Can i pay for my car insurance weekly?
i am 20 years old and im finding it hard to get insured. is it possible for me to get insurance for a week and only use the car on the weeks that i insure it? it would work out cheaper for me that way because i would only pay insurance on the weeks i need the car... thanks
Auto insurance is expensive for my teenager son. Are there any options for me to keep expenses down?
I'm makeing payments on truck for him, now that he can drive, do I have to add him to my insurance? And how much more will it be? I hear some parents don't tell there insurance, they just say there child is borrowing the car. But my son does not live in the same house hold , but is in another city over. Can I still just say he is borrowing the truck. If he gets in a car accident I understand it's on me, but will my insurancecand the law see it in that manner.""
Teen driver car insurance?
i'm 18 years old, got my license officially in march. I can't really drive my parents car around because im not on their insurance plan (and they worry) what is the cheapest car insurance plan i could get possibly to be insured with my parents? not sure what they have i think its state farm. does insurance depends on the car? if it matters my dad has a 1997 mini van,plymouth. and my mom has a 2005 jeep cherokee. about how much would it cost to be insured in one of their cars?""
Car accident and insurance/how much in repairs?
I got into a minor car accident yesterday afternoon while I was parallel parking on Walnut Street in Philadelphia. I was backing up and I hit the curb. The front end of my vehicle was still sticking our quite a bit, so I pulled out a little bit so I could pull in the rest of the way. The person behind me thought that I was done parking so pulled around me and I ended up hitting her. Her fender and her door skin need to be replaced. Does anyone know around how much this would cost to repair? She had the police come so I am assuming that she wants the insurance company to cover the damage, however I would rather pay for it out of pocket. Obviously, my insurance company is going to find out about the accident, but after the insurance companies decide the breakdown of the fault, would I be able to pay for my part of the damages without my rates going up? Or at that point would it not matter, my rates are going up anyways? I ask this because I'm 19 years old and would prefer to not have my rates go up.""
How can a 16 year old get cheaper car insurance?
Since I'm a minor, I guess I have to put my name under my mom's name making her pay so much more because I'm under her name. But, a friend once told me, if I say I live with my older brother, it will become cheaper and it goes under my name. Is that true?""
""I live in CA and am about to drive to PA, but I have a lost license card which is also expired, am I insured?""
I lost my drivers license about a week ago, and was just sent a letter from my insurance company which said that it was expired anyway. I would just go get a new one but I am currently living in California and will be moving back to PA in about a week. My husband is in the military so I am allowed to have a out of state license, but I am afraid that because it is expired that my insurance (state farm) may not still cover me. I am driving across the country so I need to make sure I am insured?""
Urgent..car insurance gt expired n 3 days later my car got stolen... can i claim or can anythin be done ..help?
my car insurance got expired on 7 oct 2011 and my car got stolen on 10 oct 2011... i have never taken any claim before.. it was a swift 2 yr old car... m so sad pls suggest if anythin ...show more
Best life insurance company?
Best life insurance company?
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm 16 and I just got my first car. Scion tc 2008. (I'm a girl) My dad has insurance and we are going tomorrow to get insurance, we want full converge but i just want an estimate on how much it would be. We also live in texas if that means anything lol""
How much insurance for a 16 years old boy?
in california
What health insurance can I apply for?
I'm in California, in my 30s, and just recently been laid off. Though my plans are to become a full time student this summer. What health insurance plans can I start applying for besides COBRA?""
""I need prescription glasses but I don't have Insurance, how much would it cost approximately?""
First off, don't know if location is of any importance but I am from the Sacramento, California, USA area. Like the subject says, I have no insurance of any type, I was thinking of going with Aetna, but only making $90-$120 a week with a temp FedEx job its been kind of rough. But my eyes are going.and its just getting worse. Does anyone know an approximate price of what it would cost to get a pair of glasses without insurance? The charge of the exam and getting the glasses? Or any recommendations for Insurance? Thanks guys if anyone can help. Anthony V -aka TheDunceHat""
""How to go about getting a motorcycle, license and insurance...?""
i am from kansas and am going to get a motorcycle. can i get a permit? do i get a motorcycle first, then a license? how can i get a license first if i dont have a motorcycle? what is the order of getting a motorcycle, insurance, license? what do i do first second and third??""
About car auto Insurance?
After the accident, i towed my car three times to different places. IIF my dad wants to know that where i towed my car from, would insurance company have record for knowing that where i towed my car from??""
Looking for a good (cheap!) health insurance?
I live in Southern California (Riverside) and I'm on the hunt for a good and cheap health insurance...thought I'd reach out to the Answer's community for help. Couldn't hurt, right? Ideally (in my warped little dream world) I want several doctor's visits for $25 or $30 a visit...and I want a deductible of $5000 or less. Any ideas? I currently have Tonik 3000...and their rates are going up to $102, so I'm hunting for something cheaper (ideally around $50). Any suggestions? I've already looked at all the major ones online....kaiser, uhc, pacificare, blue cross ca.....""
new driver affordable insurance arizona
new driver affordable insurance arizona
Reg. vehicle insurance?
5 years back i took an insurance for my bike for Rs.35000/- Now the value is depreciated to 20000/-. So i stopped paying the insurance and my policy got lapsed. My question is suppose if any traffic constable asks me for the insurance what should i say? How to get rid of this situation without paying the fine.
Republicans whats the difference between being forced to buy health insurance and car insurance?
If it is unconstitutional to force some to buy to health insurance how is it constitutional to force people to buy car insurance??
How much will my car insurance be?
I'm a 17 year old male and have recently passed my driving test, how much will my car insurance most likely be if I buy a second hand car for about 2000. Thanks.""
What is the Difference between a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of driver on Insurance?
Was looking at Auto Insurance and was wondering what the difference is between being a Primary driver of a vehicle and a Secondary. Is it cheaper on insurance to be a primary if one driver has more years experience than another or does it matter at all? I gather being an occasional driver would make a difference on insurance though.
""Insurance question, help!?""
While driving your Mazda to Gibson City, Illinois, you hit a cow that was standing in the road. Although the cow is not seriously injured, your car is badly damaged and will not run. It costs $100 to tow your car to the nearest location that can repair it and $2,200 to repair your car. Since you do not want to be stranded in Gibson City, you rent a car for $30 per day for the 3 days it takes to get your car repaired. Your policy will pay: A. $ 1,890 B. $ 2,200 C. $ 2,360 D. $ 2,390 E. None of the above While driving your twin brother, who is visiting with you, around campus, you accidently run into a tree. Your brother is injured and incurs $7,000 in medical bills. It costs $2,500 to repair your car. Your brother sues you (so much for his next birthday present) and wins a liability award of $20,000. Your policy will pay: A. $ 4,000 B. $ 9,000 C. $ 20,000 D. $ 22,000 E. $ 29,000 While driving on campus, you are hit by a car that runs a red light, resulting in bodily injury to you of $110,000. The other driver has liability limits of 20/40/15. How much will your insurance pay? A. $ 0 B. $20,000 C. $ 80,000 D. $100,000 E. $120,000 Assuming the same coverage, type of automobile, territory, and driving record, which of the following persons would you expect to pay the highest premium for automobile insurance? A. a 35-year old single female. B. a 20-year old married male. C. a 20-year old single male. D. a 20-year old single female. E. a 35-yer old single male.""
Cheapest cars to get insurance on in the uk?
im a 17 year old boy i dont want something chavy like a corsa i want a vw
How much less will my car insurance be when I turn 25?
I know you're considered in a lower-risk age bracket so your car insurance will be less but how do insurance companies calculate this reduction?
Cancelling M&S Car Insurance?
Basically I took at a M&S car insurance plan for my car. A guy crashed into me whilst on a roundabout (my right of way) and his insurance have since accepted responsibility for the accident.I am now wanting to cancel the insurance as they have been very unhelpful throughout the whole process. I am just wondering how much I am going to have to pay to cancel the policy- As I was spreading the cost with agreed monthly payments the total cost including interest was 738. I did a one off payment of 101.87 and then so far have paid 4 installments of 57.89. As I have had the policy for 4 months. In the t's & c's on the website it says this: If you cancel your policy within 12 months of the Policy Start Date, we will calculate the cost for the period of cover based on our short period rates in force when we receive the Certificate of Motor Insurance and refund any excess premium you have paid. If we cancel, the premium will be calculated in proportion to the period of cover provided and we will refund any excess premium which you have paid when the Certificate of Motor Insurance has been returned to us As I have had the policy for 4 months how much will I have to pay to cancel (even the the whole process was not my fault!).just want to buy a new car and insure with somebody else! (recommendations very welcome!) Thank you in advance for your help people!""
Can anyone recomend some cheap insurance companies for drives who have completed pass plus?
I'm 18, soon to be 19, and have been trying to get a quote on a 1998 vauxhall corsa, and the only 1 i got before was ridiculously high. I know it being an older model is going to make a difference, but does anyone know from personal experience or whatever which insurance companies offer decent insurance prices to young drives, who have completed the pass plus scheme? Thanks, much appreciated!""
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
What is the average price of business insurance?
What is the average price of business insurance?
Does anyone know car insurance rates?
I wanted to know whats the average rate of car insurance for an 18 year old female..?
Lowest priced car insurance for under 25's?
I am currently due to renew my car insurance, I am 23, and have been driving for 2 years. I have been looking on some comparison sites, however I know some companies are not on the sites and could be cheaper - any tips based on experience? thanks""
Where is the best place to get an online car insurance quote?
Well, I just got a new car and need to get insurance. I was wondering what the best site is for insurance quotes and where I can get the cheapest insurance? Thank you in advance!""
How much would car insurance and tax cost?
I was just wondering how much car insurance and tax and anything else i would have to pay other than the price of the vehicle would cost a 23 year old in England on an Automatic Chevrolet Camaro, Automatic Range Rover Sport or an Automatic Ford Mustang GT.""
Is this what we will expect with government run health insurance...?
I went to our government run motor company, GM, and told them I'm here to pick up my new truck. They said yes sir, and that will be $25,000. I said wait a second, I just paid billions of dollars to own my own car company, and it will still cost me $25,000 for a new truck? They said yes. So I went to Ford, and looked at a comparable truck, and it was $19,000. I asked, do I own this car company, they said nope, we are still owned by Ford. So, that has me wondering... I currently pay $665 a month for insurance for my family, and it's pretty good. What much is that going up once the government has to get paid too? Will it be $6,000 more a year? And why is it that I can't just pick up my Government Motors truck, I do own it right? Or, did Obama lie about the people owning the company? And since he lied about that, is it possible that he's lying about the cost and the public option? And finally... didn't he promise transparency in the negotiations, and it would all be on CSPAN? I keep looking for video of those negotiations, and can't find it anywhere. Is it possible that he Lied about that too? With all these lies, and can you possibly trust a thing this moron is telling you?""
Home Owner Insurance?
My home is on a concrete slab and a pipe broke. Would this be something covered under homeowners insurance
Auto Insurance forcing me on parents car insurance?
I got my g2 but my parents auto insurance company is forcing me to pay insurance on my moms car even though I will never use it. This is in a city where insurance is really expensive and them doing this will cause financial hardship and I can barely pay it. Is there some law allowing them to do this?
PLEASE HELP ! Where can I get the best/cheapest car insurance deal ?
I have tried various price comparison sites without success . I need to get a low / cheap fully comprehensive car insurance policy for my son to be able to insure his car . We are an extremely low income family In order to drive his car on British roads my son needs to have an MOT certificate , Road Tax and Insurance . That is the Law of this land ! The Car only cost him 200 , I am not going to suggest that we break any laws but he should not have to pay out 15 times the cars value to get insurance to drive the car on British Roads , that is absolutely ridicules ! PLEASE CAN SOMEONE SOMEWHERE HELP There is NO PUBLIC transportation to get him to his place of employment , he needs his own transport , riding a bicycle is out of the question , he would be exhausted by the time he got there as his work place is 8 miles away , in windy weather he would be blown of it and in wet weather he would be soaked to the skin before he got there , he has to use his car . If I took him to work , I would have to make the 8 mile journey 4 times , if he does it , the journey would be twice . His Mother has her own car but works the opposite direction . her insurance is less than 500 but that is more than twice my insurance because I have held a driving license for longer , my insurance is very much lower . Our Son is too young to legally drive my vehicle . PLEASE HELP""
Anchor general insurance?
ive made a claim on my car 2 weeks ago. an adjuster came out to take pictures of my car last week on wednesday. i havnt heard from them since everytime i call my insurance and they transfer me to claims i end up waiting 30 mins plus just so they can drop my line. im wonderinf if they are even gonna get back at me? should i keep calling them has anyone had any problems with anchor general before?
Is the American health insurance is like Car insurance?
Life insurance and all the other insurances? And you pay it every month and how much? Or what it's like?
What's an affordable life insurance with no health exam?
My father needs life insurance and has health problems. He needs something with low monthly payments, but will provide enough if he has a natural death.""
Why is car insurance so expensive?
Im 20 and i pay 63 a month for just the very basic essentials to not get a ticket, ive never needed my insurance nor has it done me any good. My parents pay for a whole bunch of different coverage and when they got into an accident with a drunk driver, the insurance company didnt pay for anything and they hired a lawyer to protect them from having to pay my parents anything. Why do we need insurance in the first place and why is it so costly? I think its really just a scam.""
Cheapest van insurance?
Hi, I have a transit van [smiley or S reg] Its about 220 road tax for the year, and then a S**tload for insurance. I have one Speeding offence, and no no claims - as I havn't ever been insured on a vehicle long enough to build them. I'm 25, and usually get quotes about 1500...That is stupid...Is there any company that does a reasonable price on a van for someone like me. Or should I just give up now. Thanks""
Why is insurance so expensive?
I don't know if it depends on what state we live in but I live in Arizona and my parents used to have insurance for everything like auto and health. Now, they don't have it anymore because they're struggling with money and the price increased. My parents were legal immigrants from Mexico since 1987 in Los Angeles, California until we moved to Arizona around the early 1990s(I don't know if that also has anything to do with insurance but I guess it does with money). I'm starting to get frustrated that my family is very unfortunate to be suffering from this here in the United States.""
new driver affordable insurance arizona
new driver affordable insurance arizona
""Car insurance rate, Toronto, 18 year old?""
How much for a MALE 18 year old, 20 year old, and 25 year old would car insurance cost if you got your License when you were 16. In Toronto.""
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
Can you get car insurance just for a few days?
1st time driving (well With my license) lmao, have drove be4. but i got my g1 a month ago, and bought an suv 2days ago wht i play on gettin rid of as i found at theres no way i can get it safty as it needs a weld. but i would at least like to drive it for a few days on a Trip permit, but u need insureance in order to get tht. and i was told there is a pay-by-day insurance that u can get. so i am wondering how much would insurance be for only 10days? as thts how long a trip permit is good for ps.. i live in belleville ontario""
Is life insurance premium deductible?
I got a life insurance on my own. I would like to know if the premium I'm paying is deductible? If you don't know if there a way to find out if it is.
""Insurance , real estate, law question?""
if a person drive a vehicle :D, the vehicle is under the other person name H, H buy the car insurance, the D doenst have the car insurance, and D get in the car accident with K, K is the one who is false, Who is the one false in this situation, it is D or K. Because K are false, will K insurance company pay all the fee in the accident and hospital? Will K insurance company pay for the damage K cause for D? Will K insurance company pay for D health injuries? Even if D doesnt have the insurance, D drive under the vehicle that belong to H, H has the vehicle AND INSURANCE UNDER HER NAME, AND D is H sister.""
I'm 20 from London what insurance companies will let my 17 year old brother be on my policies?
Me and my 17 year old brother want to buy a 50cc gilera dna 1 for me and 1 for him. I have a full UK drivers licence and revived insurance quotes for around 400 a year......where as my brothers cheapest. Quote was 550 a year. He doesn't have any sort of licence but was hoping to get a scooter license this coming January's. So the question is would he be able to be put on my insurance policies I'm 20?? And what insurance companies will do that? Thanks ;).
What do you think it would cost for a 2001 cavalier coupe monthly for car insurance?
I just need an estimate, thanks. I don't know where to look...""
The cheapest car insurance for first time drivers?
looking to get my own car soon and trying to my license I am 24 yrs old and just starting to figure stuff out for myself and wanted to know whats the cheapest car insurance
Should i use life insurance or annuity or retirement?
my wife has a non qualified annuity @ 3% fixed rate. my question is on her renewel medicaid application should i use annuity-retirement or life insurance policy. thanks for any help & may GOD bless.
How DUIs and accidents effect your car insurance rates?
I know several people that have multiple DUIs. The strange thing about this is that they all pay a fraction of what I do for car insurance. I have a car that is almost 20 years old and I pay just liability. My payments are higher than my friend who drives a 2007 Honda with full bumper to bumper coverage. I have two accidents on my record right now. But are accidents weighed heavier than DUIs in the eyes of insurance companies? Its quit frustrating
Full time college student in need of health insurance?
I am 19 years old. The university in which I attend require students to be insured through out the school year. I don't have insurance, as well as my parents. Is there any program I can apply for health insurance other than the school's? My father is a self employed truck driver so there is no benefit from there. It will be helpful for a link and not to general and broad. Please and thank you.""
Will I make my bf's parents' car insurance rates go up?
I've lived with my boyfriend and his family for a little over a year now(I pay rent). I am 19 and do not have my license. I have relied on carpools and the bus so it wasn't an issue. Now, I am planning to buy a used car, take the road test and get my own auto insurance. The thing is, they would most likely complain if this would increase their rates. I wish I could just pay a high rate alone- what would be the difference if I just rented a room in a strangers house??lol. I think that it would affect them, but does anyone know for sure?""
Driving school and car insurance?
does going to driver's ed help you get better or cheaper car insurance?
How long does it take for auto insurance to pay out for no-fault accident?
Hello - I was involved in an auto-accident in March of 2006 in which both insurance companies (mine and hers) agreed that it was the other party's fault and I was a zero-liability. Their insurance company (let's call them Venus , of ease) has asked for receipts ($1000 in rentals which my coverage does not cover), my deductible amount and any other amount which I had to put out (total is about $1,700). I have waited since April for them to pay me. I get letters from Venus every other week saying they are pending further investigation - but, I am at wits-end and want my money which I had to pay-out for an accident that everyone acknowledges is not my fault. Does anyone know what the law/rules are in California and how long they can take to pay after they find the other party is at fault? Also, what can I word in a strongly worded letter to get this finally paid. I dont want to hire lawyer for such a low amount - but, that extra 1700 sure would be nice at the moment. Thanks! Chris""
Whats the cheapest bike insurance for a 1st time biker - 21 yrs - 125cc only CBT done?
Any gd experience to pass on? (Honda CG125)
What are the other things do I have to pay for besides the car and insurance?
Okay my budget for my first car will be 1000 pounds insurance will be about 4000 or even more...whats MOT and Tax? what about breakdown cover? I'm thinking about getting breakdown cover because I dont really have anyone to call if i'm in trouble...it would save me the embarassment...
Are VW Beetles cheap or expensive to insure?
I've been looking into getting a car (I'm 25, female and it will be my first car) and I'm really loving VW Beetles. I'm leaning more towards getting an old one (say around 1970), maybe the convertible version, if I can find one. Either I would restore it myself or buy it already restored... it depends what I can find. On one hand it would be fun to restore it myself and I'd learn a lot, but on the other hand it could become quite costly. I'm just wondering whether or not they are cheap or expensive to insure? I'm thinking they would be fairly cheap? The reason the beetle appeals to me is it's very cute and also they get great gas mileage. I only really drive to and from work, which is about 20 - 30 mins each way. I don't drive long distances. Any info you can give me about beetles, I appreciate it :-) Thank you! (I want a red one!)""
Car insurance?
how do i get cheap insurance for my son, he has only just passed his test couple of weeks ago. we stay in the UK.""
Insurance on a civic si?
Alright so im pretty sure that answer is going to be high but im thinking of buying a '06/'07/'08 civic si, but i was just wondering if any other si drivers could give me how much they pay for insurance. im 20 live in s. cali and have one ticket so i bet thats gonng drive it up but still want to know like an average. will it make a difference if i but a civic si sedan instead of the coupe?""
What companies dont have age limit on driving any car with third party car insurance?
I have heard that there are still some companies that give car insurance fully comp and cover you third party on any car without an age limit. I know most are 25 and over but there must be someone out there who knows a company that doesn't have an age limit may have a car restriction but you know...
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable auto insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is expensive in general, but any suggestions would help!""
Can you get life insurance if your already sick?
I have life insurance, and my children have the gerber grow up plan, but my husband doesn't have any and now he's sick. He's 21 - in case his age matters - he was tested for lymphoblastic leukemia last night - but no results yet. Probably because it's Saturday. If he ends up having this, can he still be approved by life insurance?""
Will tinting my windows add to my insurance?
Wanting to get my golfs windows tinted and im wondering if it will add to my insurance? Do i need to let my insurance company know?
If my car is registered in california..how can i get car insurance in nevada?
If my car is registered in california..how can i get car insurance in nevada?
Is there a life insurance company that insures the mentally handicapped?
Is there a life insurance company that sells coverage for a man with learning disabilities? Thanks so much.
new driver affordable insurance arizona
new driver affordable insurance arizona
How much is car insurance?
I have a 2002 trailblazer that is not insured. I own the car and I'm not making any payments on it. I live in kansas and I am a 17 year old male. About how much will my insurance be and what is the cheapest company to go through?
Car insurance pay out?
Sombody hit my car the insurance wants to pay the value of the car. I can not get another car with the small amout of the pay out
How much does the average person have in their checking account?
NOT including 401ks, etc. Just cash you can touch and spend. And how much should you have if you have like 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance +credit cards + cell phone, etc.""
How do I get cheaper car insurance?
I am trying to get my first car so I can drive my girlfriend and myself to work everyday. I am 19 and have had my license for about a year, I am going to get an older car a early 90s which I know lowers the insurance and live in new york and just getting the new york state bare minimum insurance. Even with that the quotes I am getting are around 200 dollars a month! About $2500 a year! About twice what I am paying for the car. Is there anyway I can save some money on this?""
Car insurance question?
Ok, ABOUT how much would 6 months of car insurance be for; 1992 Toyota 4 door. 19 year old driver inexperienced. Car is parked at my own home (yes I'm a homeowner) No one except me will be driving my car. I have no prior accidents or bad driving records. I'm in NC. I don't have a license yet but must get insurance first to get them. I know there is more to it but just an educated guess? Preferably by State Farm. I have no way to call them or get to an office is the only reason I'm on answers. I'm not looking for a real quote, just a simple idea of about how much?""
What is the insurance cost for a 16 year old guy with a ford mustang 2004?
What is the insurance cost for a 16 year old guy with a ford mustang 2004?
In the gerber grow up plan life insurance will he get the cash?
If my child has this life insurance and lives to 21 will he get the cash of said life insurance amount if he wishes not to continue to purchase this ? or what happens after that? can someone please explain if the policy holder dies, and the child is still young what will happen the life insurance policy? etc..any information would be appreciated..thanks...""
""Looking for cheapest car insurance, see discription thanks!?""
I'm 16 I get a 3.8gpa and own a 1977 formula 400 pontiac firebird, and live in california... I want to get cheap insurance my family doesn't make allot of money. what is the price range for someone with my credentials.""
Cheap full coverage insurance?
My brother is buying a 2008 Kia rio 5 and has to have full coverage. He is 20 years old. Where in Kansas is a good option for affordable full coverage insurance?
What is the absolute cheapest classic insurance broker in the uk?
cars 1960-1991
Florida's Insurance policy on new drivers?
Once a 16 year old gets their first drivers license is it required by law that they are immediately added to the parents insurance if they dont own a car yet? If so how much will it most likely cost with Geico insurance?
""Car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?
i need help find a cheap car insurance in Ontario. If any one can suggest a place
Home-owner's Insurance Question?
Okay, maybe a stupid question, but I need help here to settle an argument. I say that home owner's insurance does NOT cover an air conditioner if it breaks, unless it is tied to a disaster event i.e. lightening strike, fire, etc.. Husband says that you can have it in your policy that insurance company will pay to repair or replace the air conditioner if it just breaks down, as long as it is within the manufacturer's expiration date.""
What is the average cost for home owners insurance in illinois?
I'm trying to get average cost of insurance for the south and southwest suburban areas of the chicago area.
2007 Dodge Charger SRT8 insurance price for 16 year old male?
Any estimates? I have enough money saved up to buy a used SRT8 Charger. How much would insurance cost? An arm and a leg? I get A's in school.
Unemployment insurance disadvantage? california?
is there any negative impact if you file for UI???
Sportbike insurance for 16 year old?
I was curious about getting a 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR any idea how much the insurance would be??
What is the average auto insurance increase with one DWI?
What is the average auto insurance increase with one DWI?
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?
I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance? I am 16 Years old.....""
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
How much would it cost to be put on my dad's insurance?
I have a provisional license and i'd like to know how much it would cost my dad to put me on his insurance???? and please don't give me any links to confused.com i tried it doesn't help me and don't tell me to ring the insurance company because i'm going to today.... I was hoping you could just give me an estimate like... how much a month? or whatever.... thanks in advance
Health insurance question?
Had COBRA insurance, terminating, looking for health insurance. One health insurance has turned me down. Am on SSDI and have a condition that needs outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Car insurance?
suppose a 24 yr old is paying $600 a year for liablility car insurance. how much will this person be paying when they reach 25 years old?
50cc Scooter Insurance?
I'm 16 and I'm going to buy a Keeway Hurricane 50. The cheapest quote I got was 600, the scooter is only going to cost me 750, I live in a quiet area and it's in a locked secure garage, why is the the quote so much? I don't want advice that tells me not to buy one, I just want to know why.""
Auto accident in Texas insurance policy?
I was in a car accident today. It was the other driver's fault she admitted to the police that she was doing 60+ on a 40, she slammed her brakes but she couldn't stop so she rear ended me and made me hit the car in front of me, anyways the car I hit was scratch less (go figure) but my cars rear and front bumper will need replacement her car was almost totaled. I have liability insurance (96 honda) and she has Full-cover I would just like to know what's going to happen now? I have never being in a car accident before Will my insurance go up (I'm 19)?? will her insurance pay my damages??""
new driver affordable insurance arizona
new driver affordable insurance arizona
0 notes
mathiasgilson-blog · 7 years ago
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Add a widget to your site that followers can use to easily share your content. They can make use of a selection of promoting providers so as to promote their enterprise progressively. They can be utilized alone or collectively. Instagram customers can get to purchase real Instagram followers. Don't assume that Twitter users learn by way of every little thing of their feed. In reality, round forty percent of Twitter customers do not twitter replace. Actively follow other people on Twitter. If being a rock-star worker isn’t a precedence for you, the examine also provides a couple of superb causes to interrupt a sweat that don't have anything in any respect to do along with your job. Actually it isn’t the following massive time; it has already turn out to be the massive daddy of promoting. Analytics utility is a required tool for any social community marketing challenge, permitting to find out the outcomes of your exercise. It is great that present borderless system of online and web advertising and marketing with its numerous ideas and strategies can provide them with such a fast and environment friendly promotion. Therefore, this community can turn out to be quite a big following by every follower that you www.brandbuilders.online simply receive. Tumblr is widespread with the underneath-forty demographic, which supplies your small enterprise or massive brand the chance to succeed in out to this demographic, which is internet literate and retailers online.
There are some tools popping out that enable you see via the fakes. I just tried it out for fun but by no means thought it really work I am really actually pleased now and wanna share this with you guys! They do the work for the company: Lastly, as mentioned, when one shares a photo with their mates and so on, it could actually go viral. That is why an account can go viral only if it already has a robust base of followers. This is the reason college kids (teenagers) are so good at growing social media. Social media additionally permits soccer players to connect with their fans. Print article Report Add New Comment Is Social Media a Con? Additionally, the radical progress and the revolutionization of the social platforms in the following few years are guaranteed. Instagram allows you to check which hashtags are trending. The software is creating junk hyperlinks and are often removed from websites in every week or two.
Bear in mind that your content material must be related and distinctive, otherwise your followers won’t trouble clicking on your Story. Precisely like video-advertising your weblog-posts may go viral and get you so much guests in addition to attention, you won’t imagine your eyes while you consider your stats! Attempt to not hijack hashtags to sell yourself or merchandise, however word tweets in a way that get them observed. Make it really easy to search out your enterprise. Make a gorgeous profile on Instagram: The first step is to make your Instagram profile look nice to others, In order that they start to comply with you because nobody goes to comply with an empty or much less attractive profile. This is probably the most properly-cherished iPhone photo modifying app. As we speak, it’s all about your presence on the web. I had give up gymnastics in seventh grade (I mention in my e-book how my coaches made me really feel "bigger" in comparison to the other ladies on my staff) and grew to become far less active. TakeMeToTheRock. Your rivals not simply acquired followers excited, furthermore, it permit an announcement to be created by Pink Bull to and hyperlink using the athletics area. This was all the time the thought. The feedback come from 20 totally different accounts.
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