#i asked her if i could see a reference to the transfer and she left me on read
sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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jinwoo sung x fem.reader
sung jinwoo walked into the hunter association building for a scheduled meeting with the chairman. while taking casual strides into the building, he let out a yawn. jinwoo believed that nothing out of the ordinary would happen today-
only to be proven wrong the moment he opens the double doors to the conference room as a sudden weight was felt shoved against his chest.
had jinwoo been any normal man, he would have quickly been toppled over. but thanks to the newfound poise he had gained since becoming an s-rank, jinwoo manages to steady himself while keeping an arm around the stranger’s form.
“whoa, be careful.” his voice was gentle and not at all spoken in a manner that was meant to be like a scolding. yet still, he hears the gasp and looks down-
only to be met with someone unfamiliar-
only to be met with you.
your eyes widen with surprise with your lips halfway parted. incoherent sputtering were all he could hear when you back away from him. clearly sensing your embarrassment and discomfort, jinwoo lets go of you while keeping a hand shoved into the pockets of his coat, grey eyes shining with mirth for you.
“sorry for bumping into you, moonlight! i’ll be more careful next time!”
now this was interesting.
never before had he been referred to by such a nickname before.
he replays the word you had uttered in your panicked state over and over again before deciding that he liked it.
ready to say something to you, he was given little time to react when you suddenly bowed down to him, “sorry, but i’m late for a very important mission!”
you end up stepping off to the side, running past jinwoo as the young hunter was left staring off at you with pure amusement in his eyes.
“ah, hunter sung jinwoo! it’s nice to see you again, come on in, there’s a few things i’d like to discuss with you.” chairman go gunhee greets him with a hearty laugh.
despite his reluctance to look away from you, jinwoo enters the conference room with chairman go. during the meeting, the chairman spoke about the hundreds of sponsorship offers he had received for ahjin guild, yet as jinwoo poured over the paperwork, not a single one of those offers stood out to him. clearly, he had you other things on his mind.
why would i need any of these deals when the system provides me with far superior weapons?
jinwoo was dimly aware of the chairman letting out a sigh before saying a name he had never heard of before.
“excuse me?” jinwoo looks up expectantly to see a smile painted on the chairman’s features.
“that’s the name of the new healer that ran into you just now. she gets a bit scatterbrained when she’s nervous, but the young woman has a good heart. ever since ms. joohee lee retired, i have seen her transfer and appearance at our association as a blessing.”
jinwoo winces at the mention of joohee, recalling back their last meeting together when she announced her retirement to him. perhaps he should figure out her address and mail a gift to her?
but chairman go’s next words was what ultimately breaks him out of his reveries, making jinwoo do a double take, “today was her first raid.”
knowing that it was your first raid fills jinwoo with a strange discomfort, his chest tightening as the urge to protect you fills his veins. “you sent her off without me?”
the chairman gives him a confused expression, “i assure you, hunter sung, that this is a low level gate; a mere c-rank. the woman is a certified a-rank healer, and i’m certain she can handle healing her comrades.”
jinwoo’s heart suddenly began to stop just then, being filled with fear as he had flashbacks pertaining to the cartenon temple-
the same double dungeon that had killed him before deciding to choose him as the system’s player.
without even thinking about it, he looks towards the exit and asks for the exact location of where the c-level gate had spawned. chairman go lets out a sigh, collecting all of the documents together into one neat pile before answering him.
“it’s in the middle of the city, you wouldn’t miss it, hunter sung.”
jinwoo thanks the chairman before making a mad dash out of the association’s building and into the busy streets of the city. as he ran, he was able to sense the gate’s power quickly dwindling as it seemed to be on the cusp of disappearing.
hm? that’s strange; is the raid already over?
within the next few minutes, jinwoo arrives at the location where the gate had supposedly been, being filled with a relief when he saw a group of hunters and you in the midst of the crowd. they each call out your name, giving you a thumbs up while expressing their gratitude towards you and your healing abilities.
in return, your expression was sheepish, and a little embarrassed, waving to your comrades as they each returned home for the day. your hand was still kept in an upright position when you finally noticed him standing a few feet away from you with a lazy smile on his face.
you appeared to be flustered now, hands now gripping on tightly to your satchel as you attempted to run away from him by going in the opposite direction-
lucky for jinwoo, he was fast enough, already able to cut off your escape as he appears directly in front of you, eyes glowing a faint hue as his lips were turned up in a smile.
“why did you start running right after seeing me?” jinwoo made sure his voice was soothing and smooth so as to not scare you away. he could see the way your eyes darted everywhere else but at him, cheeks seeming to warm up in response to his question.
“u-uhm, well, it’s because i had run into you earlier and uhm-“
“you had called me moonlight, right?”
it seems he had nailed it, for your expression became even more panicked as you tried to take several steps away from him. but jinwoo, still filled with amusement and joy, was simply having too much fun to let you go.
“come on, there’s no need to look so panicked. your nickname for me actually intrigued me a lot.” he keeps a hand behind your back, preventing you from moving away from him.
“i’m just curious about your nickname for me, that’s all.”
jinwoo had to fight back the grin and chuckle that threatens to escape from his lips (he physically had to purse them in response to your flustered state.)
“uhm, well, that i-is…” you kept stuttering the tiniest bit, even fanning your face in response before setting the palm of your hands against your heated cheeks. “i’m sorry, i’d rather not say, hunter sung.”
jinwoo didn’t like how stifling his title sounded against your pretty, parted lips, making him sigh as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
after all, he would much rather be your moonlight.
“come on, let’s celebrate.” he decides to change the subject then in hopes of getting you to relax around him.
“huh? what? did you say celebrate?”
not even giving you a chance to reject him, he places a hand behind your back while leading you into the city.
“wait… where are you taking me?”
“out to eat at this steakhouse as celebration for your first successful raid.” jinwoo admits to you with a wink and a grin, making you even more flustered in response.
“oh, there’s no need! besides, i’m a little sweaty a-and-“
“don’t worry about it; it’s more of a casual dining experience, and i’m certain no one will be opposed to a healer like yourself dining at their establishment.”
you were ready to protest once more when jinwoo could detect a low, grumbling sound coming from your stomach. a cheeky grin was felt spreading when he looks down at your abdomen. unable to meet his gaze, you fold your arms across your chest, “okay, f-fine! i’ll join you for dinner…”
knowing he had won, jinwoo takes a hold of your hand in his, weaving across the city with a bright smile on his face when he takes you to the restaurant. upon arrival, he felt a little disheartened to see how busy it was, but when the hostess saw him, he was immediately offered a private table near the back of the restaurant.
“hm, i guess it pays off to be an s-rank…” once they were both seated, jinwoo takes a look at the menu while offering you the basket of warm rolls with butter for you to munch on to help with easing your hunger. losing all of your prior shyness now, you take two rolls and place them on your plate, spreading the butter on it before taking a bite. basking in your eager moans as you ate, jinwoo couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle in response.
“is there anything in particular that you’d like to order?”
between bites of your rolls, you shake your head before swallowing. “n-no, i don’t mind having what you’re having…”
jinwoo hums in response, collecting both of the menus when the waiter comes by to take his order.
“we’ll have two 16 ounce steaks cooked medium rare please.”
the waiter nods and writes down the order, “and what would you like to drink?”
“red wine and two waters.”
the waiter then takes the menu while smiling, “got it. it will be out soon, sir.”
jinwoo was finally left alone with you, seeing the basket of rolls already half empty as you worked on what he assumed was your last roll. he smiles at you before taking a roll himself, “do you feel better now?”
“oh, yes! ah, sorry if i looked like a pig, scarfing down all that buttery bread.” you had a sheepish expression on your face now, scratching the back of your head while letting out a nervous giggle.
jinwoo shakes his head in response, “there’s no need to apologize, pig out all you want. you can always be yourself around me.”
he listens to the way you proceed to swallow thickly, not quite brave enough to meet his gaze when you thanked him. humming in response, jinwoo also starts enjoying the dinner rolls while making small talk with you, wishing to get to know you better as you both waited for your food to arrive.
and truly, jinwoo did not hold back with his questions that were strangely intimate.
were you seeing anyone at the moment?
what was your last relationship like?
what was your childhood like?
do you have any siblings? if so, are you the eldest, middle, or youngest child?
when did you awaken your powers as a healer?
what is your…
favorite food-
favorite color-
favorite song?
the moment his questioning ceased was when their food finally arrived, as two large plates steaks with mashed potatoes and broccoli were placed before them.
“well, dig in. and don’t be shy, i know you still must be starving, especially after your first raid.” jinwoo had to make sure to reassure you as he could see the way your mouth was practically salivating at the food.
“t-thank you so much!” picking up your knife and fork, you began cutting into the juicy and tender piece of steak, placing the morsel within your mouth as you let out a happy moan in response.
jinwoo was filled with utter delight as he watched you eating your meal, taking casual bites of his own food, but never once straying his gaze too far away from you. you continue eating in silence, not saying a word as it was clear that you wanted to savor this meal to its fullest.
you and jinwoo continued to eat in a comfortable silence for the next hour, with jinwoo letting out a whistle at your own, empty plate. “wow, that’s pretty amazing. i thought i was the only one who could polish off this meal.”
you were in the middle of taking gulps of your iced water, setting down your glass before wiping at your lips, “sorry, it was so good… and i guess i was pretty hungry. i had skipped lunch earlier because i was so nervous about my first raid.”
“that’s understandable.” jinwoo nods while taking sips of his red wine. “just… don’t skip meals ever again, okay? your body needs it- especially now that you’re a healer.”
you nod in agreement while giving him a smile. “thank you, i’ll definitely keep that in mind… hunter sung.”
“jinwoo.” he ends up correcting you with a sigh. if you weren’t going to call him moonlight again, then he would much rather you refer to him by his first name.
“ah, what…? you’re giving me permission to call you by your first name?”
jinwoo leans back against his seat with his arms crossed over his chest, “is that a problem?”
you shake your head while clearing your throat, “n-no, it’s no problem at all! if that’s the case, then you may call me by my first name, too.”
when the waiter returns, he asks if you or jinwoo would like dessert, but you both shake your head at the offer. jinwoo gives the waiter his card, paying for both of the meals, which earned another smile from you.
with the dinner date completed, jinwoo places his card back within his wallet, pocketing it before casually walking beside you. you were playing with the straps of your satchel, mouth opening and closing, like you wanted to say something to him.
“the reason i called you moonlight was because your radiance is as gentle as the moon.”
your sudden words makes jinwoo stops in his tracks, feeling his heart begin to pound when he heard that nickname again-
his attention was fully on you now, facing you completely as he rests both of his hands within the pocket of his coat. you did not meet his gaze, clearly embarrassed as you forced yourself to tell him the truth.
“i spent some time perfecting my healing abilities because i held a deep admiration for you… you were achingly beautiful to me, jinwoo… you filled my life with such motivation and light- however, your presence and beauty wasn’t harsh like looking up at the sun, shining so brightly that it may blind me.”
you take another moment to yourself before finally meeting his gaze, eyes shining with a look akin to adoration for him.
“no, instead, your brilliance was more like that of the moon. your gentle rays was like a beacon for me… that’s why, you’re my moonlight.”
once you had finished your explanation, jinwoo felt as though his heart was floating in response. never before had such unbidden happiness filled his veins, the feeling becoming so potent that he had to take a step closer to you.
“oh? that’s why you called me moonlight?” he asks with another grin spreading across his handsome features.
“ah, yes. in my rush… i didn’t want to say your name and my secret nickname for you kind of slipped…?” you admit with a bit of a tremor in your voice.
his rich chuckle was heard echoing into the night air when he leans down, placing a hand on your chin while admitting, “to be honest, i’m glad that your secret nickname for me slipped.”
he hums a bit while brushing the tip of his nose against your forehead. you end up clinging to the front of his coat while shakily calling out to him.
“please, refer to me as your moonlight from now on.” jinwoo gives you a soft smile, taking your hand in his while pressing a kiss against the back of it.
“i can be your moonlight, and you can be my love. how does that sound?”
he basks in the way your smile widens in response to his proposition, giving him an eager nod before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“that sounds perfect to me, moonlight.”
and when he finally leans down to press his lips against yours, it was a sensation jinwoo knew that he would never once forget for the rest of his life.
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a.n. - i’ve had this daydream stewing in my head for a while now, and finally decided to write it all down in a more coherent story 。゚(TヮT)゚。 i wanted to post this real quick before spending the following weeks doing research with my professor, so please do enjoy!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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maxillness · 8 months
Sugar Daddy || FA14 x Reader
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, sugardaddy!nando, age gap, degrading kink, praise kink, Nando’s being referred to as a naughty boy🤭, hair pulling, marking up, kitchen sex, no foreplay (I’m so sorry)
Wordcount: 0.9k
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She woke up, her whole body aching. She was laid naked on her chest, the sheets barely covering her
She blinked her eyes open before standing on the floor. She put on some panties and took his discarded shirt from the floor to pull over her.
She yawned as she walked into the Kitchen “Smells amazing” She said hugging Fernando from behind as he stood by the stove and cooked breakfast
“Thank you, corazon. Your gift’s on the table” She could hear his smile in his voice
Her head turned towards the table seeing her gifts. It had become a thing that, when they had fucked the night prior, he would always have gifts for her in the morning
“I love that I have to fuck your brains out so I’ll get presents in the morning” She walked over to the table as he transferred the eggs and bacon to plates
“No, I give you presents so you’ll fuck me” His hands placed on her hips as she opened the smallest one of the two boxes
It was a pair of Gucci sunglasses “It’s beginning to be summer, and I remember how you broke yours last year”
“Thank you, baby” She took the other box closer to her. She opened to to be met with a black Prada bag
“I didn’t have an excuse for that one, I just thought you’d like it” She turned around to face him
“I love it. Thank you, mi amor” She pulled him in by his neck to kiss him tenderly “Did you already eat?” She asked she tasted bacon on his lips
“Just a little piece” He said, smiling as his lips found their way to her jaw and down to her neck and throat
“You couldn’t wait for me? You naughty boy” He groaned against her skin at her words. His hands gripped her hips tighter as she backed them up into the kitchen counter
She pulled his lips off of her by pulling at his hair. The new position of his head gave her access to add more marks to the ones she left the night prior
“Fuck. Don’t you think you’ve left marks enough, baby?” He whimpered when she sank her teeth into his skin
“Are you complaining about me marking you up, making sure every fucking girl knows you’re not available?” He could only whimper at her words, bucking his hips into her stomach “What? Already getting needy?”
“Fuck, yes. I want you so bad, please” His heavy breath had turned into soft moans as the new found friction
“How do you want me, baby?” Her hands traveled down under his shirt, her hands roaming on his abdomen
No answer left his mouth. This was usual when he wanted her the way he wanted her right now “Oh, I see. You want me bend over the counter, don’t you?” He nodded “Naughty boy”
“Fuck. Yes, baby. I want to fuck you over the counter, please” He whimpered as her nails scraped his skin
“God, you’re such a naughty fucking boy” She said as his hands roamed her waist and abdomen
“Fuck, please. I want you to fuck me so bad” He whined, yet again bucking his hips into her stomach
“Take it fucking easy, Nando. We got all fucking day”
“I cannot fucking wait” His voice was needy and just below a whisper
“Then fucking bend me over, corazon” Her voice was dominant, and without hesitation, he turned them around so her front was against the counter top and his hardon was pressed against her ass
She looked over her shoulder. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes lingering on his hands which were working on his belt and zipper
“God, Nando. You’re slow when you’re needy” She chuckled as he finally got his cock out of his boxers
He pumped himself a few times before lifting her shirt up to her waist and pulled her panties to the side. They both moaned when he drew the tip of his cock through her wet folds
They both moaned louder as he pushed himself into her cunt, leaving just the tip in. He finally pushed all the way in
He started found at a slow pace, holding her hips. As he sped up so did their moans, getting louder and heavier
His hand gripped her hips tighter, slamming her back onto his cock. On of his hands went down to her cunt, starting to circle her clit
His action made her clench around him, sending him closer to his orgasm. The whole house was filled with their moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin
“Fuck, Nando. You fill me up so good, baby” She praised him “Making me feel so good” She could feel him twitch inside her as she spoke
“Fuck, corazon, I’m- fuck. I’m close” His thrusts were starting to get sloppy and his motions on her clit was getting out of rhythm
“Fucking cum for me, baby” Her words sent him over the edge and she soon followed. His hands shook as they went up and down her sides
He slipped out of her so they could gather themself and get their clothes properly on again
“I think our food is cold enough to eat now” She smirked kissing his cheek making him chuckle
“I think so too, corazon” He said as they sat down at the table to eat
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officialrocketjumper · 10 months
HOWDY EVERYONE- so excited to FINALLY be able to show off my piece for this year's Bumbleby Big Bang!
Unfortunately no accompanying story as of yet- but I really hope you guys get to read it someday! The premise involves Yang cursed to be trapped inside a sword, which was an idea I KNEW I had to make move.
Details and development stuff under the cut!
Lots of fun collaboration with the author, Celeste! We worked together to find the look-of-picture, Blake's outfit, how the Grimm look, the style of the sword, the whole shabang! I'm really happy with how it all turned out!
When I first saw all the prompts, even before claims opened, I got to work on a handful of exploration pieces based on some of the summaries, to decide which of the stories I was interested in would be the best fit. Here's the initial idea for this one I put together over a lunch break:
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After showing Celeste, we got to work finding the look we wanted! Went back and forth a bit and found this great look for Blake! Also shoutout to Pinterest boards for visdev inspiration I love you Pinterest boards.
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Just about everything stayed to final anim, with the simplification of getting rid of that purple cloth hanging from her belt, (since I already had the rope ends to think about working with), and the light purple strap across the chest, since leaving it out would simplify the linework on her chest.
The sword also went through a bit of change! Celeste had the idea of Yang making the sword catch on fire, which I LOVED. I went with a split design so we can see the fire more clearly start from the hilt and grow to cover the whole blade.
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And from there we brainstormed animation ideas! I went all over Youtube for video reference of sword work (that would be complex enough to be interesting, but short enough to be manageable). I found something we liked from Motion Actor Inc., a channel I've used LOTS for both personal and professional work (I work in 3D Animation, for those who don't know). I edited this together, to see the action from multiple places at once, which gave me the idea for that camera move that's in the final anim!
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Now for the fun part! Make that badboy MOVE. For the cam turn, the first frame she's in the air I'm referencing the top left video, and the frame she lands I'm referencing the bottom left one. While she's airborne I'm just inbetweening that! No reference for the Grimm, just wanted it responding to her attacks, but I end up tweaking the roughs later on to make the block feel stronger.
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Then from there we had to actually figure out Grimm designs! Nimona had just released, and Celeste and I loved it, so she asked if I could take some inspiration from Nimona's shadow form! GLADLY. Here's what I came up with!
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I was going between how the movies and comic designed Nimona, really loving the almost liquid shadow of the movie, but also how the comics had this broken up/held together rougher form. Celeste liked the second to last one the best! The original plan was to have it leave a wispy shadow trail like the concept art, but to simplify the animation we left it solid instead!
Next up is tiedown! Basically just getting the roughs more on-model, so the lineart comes out nice and clean. I've also transferred the new Grimm design to the base from earlier, and fire's also outlined orange so it reads clearer. (SPOILER- if you look REAL close here, you can see Yang visible in the fire! I liked the idea of Blake's slash also doubling as Yang throwing a punch. The idea is in the concept art earlier but now it's working with the action.)
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Next step- final look of picture!! I asked Celeste for sources of inspiration to draw from when thinking about environment design, and we got Nimona, She-Ra, and Owl House! Used each of those as springboards for shading style, colour palettes, and how the fire would look!
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From there, we kept the straight trees/bush/lake/foreground greenery from the first one, the blues from the second, and the fire from the third!
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Once I had this frame, it was a matter of working backwards and making the background work pre-camera turn (which was ABSOLUTELY the most challenging part of this process). Learned a lot doing this! Procreate isn't quite equipped to make something like this efficient, but I'm pleased to say that Dreams would make something like this easier in the future (keyframing objects instead of hand-drawing/spacing duplicates by hand, for example).
From then on it was just colouring the lineart, adding shading, and finishing up the background! Beginning-to-end this whole process was beginning of July to end of October!
I had an absolute BLAST putting all this together. Here's to next year where I find a way to do something even more ridiculously complicated!! It's fun!!!
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anzulvr · 2 months
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader || Chapter: 07 ୨୧
Prev || Secrets 07 || Next
You'd think after seeing the images and reading a lengthy description of what to anticipate when joining End class,  [Name] might have mentally braced herself for what she would be exposed to.
"LET ME GO YOU CAN'T FORCE ME TO STAY." Her voice ripped at her throat, Agent Karasuma restrained the girl as she kicked and screamed. Sure, she read Korosensei's description and seen the image attached to his file but something about seeing him in person for the first time sunk reality into her.
"I can, I'm legally mandated to keep you here until you calm down," Karasuma said, out of breath. She "bolted" down the hall the second she saw her new teacher, but as it turns out she's a pretty slow runner. He caught up to her walking, that was until she started rolling down the hill.  He had to run down before she could reach the end of said hill and blab everything to the first person she saw out of sheer adrenaline.
Korosensei could have easily cornered her the second she walked out the door but instead, he was busy sulking to his students about how frightened [Name] was by him.
"Time to head back, you can decide if you want to switch back to the main campus once you're in the right headspace," Karasuma spoke as he dragged her back to class.
[Name] stood behind the halfway-opened door, as Karasuma encouraged her to walk in and introduce herself.
"It's understandable! I'm muscular, I have a chiseled jawline and an intimidating demeanor, it's only human instinct to run away." Korosensei spoke like he was trying to convince himself of his own words.
"Sir, I don't think that's what happened." Isogai raised his hand to reply.
[Name] stiffly walked in, her body aching from her attempt to run off or roll off the mountain.
"Go on, introduce yourself." Karasuma nudged her forward. Her hands were still jittery from the nerves. "I'm [Name]."
'Really? That's all she's going to say?' Karasuma decided to give her a break, her day had been hectic enough.
"[Name's] a transfer from A class. Do your best to accommodate her and make her feel welcome."
"[Name] you can take the empty seat next to Karma..." Korosensei meekly gestured, trying not to scare her away for a second time.
Once [Name] took her desk, Karma reached over to his new seatmate's head. "You got grass in your hair."
"Don't touch me you pathological fucking liar." She glared daggers into him.
Karma annoyedly clicked his tongue. If that’s how she’s going to act he can too, "I hope the spider in your hair lays eggs."
"Spider?! Karma get it off me! I didn't mean it! Honestly, I did, but still!"
  Lunch break had rolled around, and [Name] was sitting outside with Karma. "Ya know he won't hurt you right? Or did they leave that out?" Karma asked, referring to Korosensei.
"More like you left that out, you decided to leave me clueless."
"Can you blame me? You probably would've gotten me locked up in some mental asylum."
"I wouldn't have! I can't visit you every day there."
He flicked her forehead "You're an idiot."
"Don't be cute, I'm angry at you."
Karma leaned in closer, their faces only a few inches apart. "Are you?"
Nagisa accidentally stumbled into [Names] shoulder, "Sorry [Name]- Ah, I’m interrupting aren’t I? I'll go!"
"No you're not, what's up Nagisa?" She tugged on his sleeves encouraging him to stay.
"I just wanted to see if I could help you introduce yourself to everyone, and make more friends so you feel comfortable."
"Really! That's sweet, I'd love that." Her face lights up as she pushes Karma further away and cheerily walks off with Nagisa. Karma sighs in response as he trails right behind them.
"Gakushuu! I've been looking for you!" Kaho rushed over.
"Kaho, I've got places to be."
"I just want to ask if you've heard from [Name]. She hasn't shown up to any classes or contacted me today."
"You don't know?" For a moment he questioned if it was his place to talk.
"Know what?" Kaho tilted her head in confusion.
"[Name] has been demoted to E-class."
"What? How?!"
To save his breath, Asano pulled out his phone and let her scroll through your latest conversations.
[Gakushuu]: Father won't explain why you were dropped all of a sudden, he says it's none of my concern but as the president I disagree, so you tell me.
[Name]:  I was nervous about the upcoming exams &
his office was wide open so I tried to steal the answers
That wasn’t exactly true but it’s not as if she could be honest with him, so [Name] told a little white lie.
[Gakushuu]: Unbelievable. What did you expect to gain out of cheating?
[Name]: A high test score?
[Gakushuu]: That's a shame. I thought you were smarter than that.
I'm sure you'll be allowed back once you prove yourself but I doubt you'll get your student council position back.
[Name]: yeah… I hope my end of the workload doesn't pile on you.
Kaho shakes her head in frustration as she hands him his phone back. "This still doesn't explain why she wouldn't tell me. Seriously I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, I love her but people will give me shit for hanging out with an end-class student."
"That's what you're worried about? Explains why she didn't tell you."
"So what, you're going to continue hanging out with her?"
"That's different our relationship was purely work-related, it's not like we have much to talk about other than council responsibilities. I have no problem being cordial with her and wishing her the best."
"I guess you're right, it wouldn't be cool of me to ghost her over one mistake."
While [Name] wasn't the most popular out of the council she was adored by much of the student body due to the fact she put everyone before herself. She'd spend hours helping her peers who grew to rely on her.  That didn't matter anymore, Gakushuu was well aware everyone would turn on her once the news got out she moved down to the lowest class. His father could be a spiteful person but thankfully he wasn't bitter enough of a person to announce it to the entire school, the rumors would spread sometime soon but it would take time for people to believe them. "Teppei Araki here with the school announcements! I regret to inform everyone that Miss [Full Name] will no longer be a member of the student council. We have decided we will not be opening her position, and our council will simply continue as five members. In more positive news the Art club is holding a event for..."
Well, that was ironic, Even Gakushuu didn't expect his father to murder [Names] social life so mercilessly this soon. Gakuhō talked to the girl plenty of times, more than that, she was the only friend Gakushuu ever heard his father approve of. He expected his father to be lenient towards her.
He walked towards the meeting room bracing himself for the mess he would walk into.
Ren launched himself at Gakushuu the second he stepped foot through the door, "Did you hear? Our [Name] is gone!"
"You make it sound like she's dead, get off me." Asano shoves Ren off with his shoulder.
"She practically is dead! She's in End class with the filth."
"She's not replying to my messages either." Koyoma added.
"Does she ever reply to you, Koyama?"
"She replied last week, and it was only one month late! New record."
"Well, we can talk to her in person one of these days and see how she's holding up if that makes you all feel better."
Asano spoke as if he were suggesting it for their sake but in full truth he was a little worried. Not that he cared but everything seemed so out of character for [Name].
Sneaking into the principal's office for test scores? [Name] more often than not was a chronic nervous trainwreck, but a delinquent who sneaks around to steal answers? Not her style. In all the years he knew her, she was a stickler for the rules, it was one of the traits that earned her a position in council and set her apart from other students.
It was too unusual to ignore, he asked himself who could ever instill these ideas into her head, more importantly, how did they convince her to go through with it? He came up with a few theories, perhaps someone asked [Name] to steal the answers in exchange for something. Maybe she’s taking the fall for a friend. In any case, he figured meeting up personally might lead him to unravel whatever it is she’s hiding.
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mochinek0 · 1 year
Unexpected Angel (3/4)
After Damian's phone call, Bruce and Tim brought up the fashion department on their monitors. They could see and hear everything. It didn't seem like anything was the matter.
"What is going on?" Bruce asked, "What is wrong with the fashion department? From what I can see, everything is running smoothly."
"The new hire." Damian spoke, catching Tim's attention, "She complained about a senior pushing their work onto her. She went on to say she would rather collapse at home then eat. She has been forcing herself to consume food upon her return."
"Are you sure she didn't know who you were?" Bruce pushed.
"She referred to me as a stranger." he answered, "We have never met until today. She stated that the senior female has been in the company at least five years."
"She told all this to a stranger?" Tim questioned.
"I took a seat at her table and questioned her appearance. She resembled you after two weeks of no sleep." Damian stated, "She took that too inform me of her issue here at work."
'The fact that she still looked ethereal doesn't need to be known by them.'
Tim zoomed in on Marinette and watched as she slowly approached her desk. Tim brought up the personnel files and searched the database for the lady at her desk. He didn't remember the other lady being in that department.
"There you are. Here I was thinking that you left early. You're late coming back for lunch." the lady spoke.
"Actually, I'm five minutes early." Marinette pointed out.
Damain smirked at Marinette's remark.
'I knew she had it in her.'
The Waynes watched as the older lady leaned closer to their designer, "Copy all these papers and make sure there are at least twenty-five pages each. You should be able to do that in three hours, right?" and walked away.
"Tim?" Bruce questioned.
"Got it." he replied, "Carolyn Briggs. She's better known around the office as 'Carrie' and she has worked for us at least five years."
Damian watched the monitor as Marinette looked between the pile of papers and her desk. He watched as she ignored the papers and turned to her designs.
"I believe she's used this tactic before." Damian spoke out loud, "Use the weak-willed to do your work. Likely, she was transferred or the person quit."
"She was transferred from advertising within the last month." Drake declared, "She has worked in many departments during her time here."
"You may also want to notify the design department that their copies will be late." Damian smirked.
"Tim, inform the lead and I'd prefer we keep an eye on this situaction." the head of Wayne Enterprise announced, "I believe Miss Dupain-Cheng is working on the concepts for the collections we spoke of during her hiring period."
"It seems there's a meeting about the upcoming collection in three hours." Tim explained, "They will be talking with members and explaining about Marinette's new position. We also have a timeline for the collection and for when it will be released. He isn't amused with what is going on, but he had noticed Miss Dupain-Cheng's work had gone down since her arrival. Now that he has a better understanding of the situation, he has no issue if we extend the timeline."
After three hours, Tim noticed Carolyn walking to Marinette's desk.
"It's show time!" he announced.
Bruce and Damian quickly turned to look at the monitors. Marinette sat at her desk, humming. She hadn't left her desk and had maintained a steady work pace.
"Where are my papers?" Carolyn shrieked, suddenly, "Did you leave them at the machine again?"
"They are right here." Marinette smiled, "Right where you left them."
"I told you to do them!" Carrie screamed, "There's a meeting in fifteen minutes."
"Then, you should get to it." Mari replied, "I can't imagine not having the correct information for a meeting. That sounds really important."
"You little bitch!" Carrie shouted, slapping Marinette.
Damian was quick to his feet and glared at the senior worker. Bruce glanced at his son, amused.
"I want her fired." he growled.
'Perhaps, Damian has taken a personal interest in our new hire.'
Marinette just smiled at the vindictive lady, "Sorry, but I have my own job to do. I don't have time to do your job. What have you been doing for the last three hours? So much wasted time. I mean, is your job that hard that your can't copy papers? You've been at this for five years. No offense, but I don't want to be you in five years. Better get started, you have an important meeting in.....ten minutes."
Carrie snarled, grabbed the papers, and hurried away.
"Tim, find what Miss Briggs has been doing for the past three hours." Bruce demanded, "Get back to me when you have found out."
"I suggest Miss Dupain-Cheng be given a workspace away from everyone else." the youngest Wayne chimed in, "It would give her a peace of mind. The collection would get her undivided attention and we will get the results we asked her of."
The two CEO's agreed.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919 @wh0douthink @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84 @rainbowbunny0159 
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rallamajoop · 7 months
Mia Winters and the Connections
There are a lot of bad takes on Mia Winters out there, a lot of really irritating shallow misconceptions. But for now, I’m just going to tackle one of the big ones that annoys me the most.
Mia Winters is not a scientist, and it's debatable whether she had any long-term association with the project that created Eveline. She may not have even met Eveline before being assigned to transport her to South America.
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Mia’s not any kind of researcher. Her job when she worked at the Connections is laid out clearly in the first document you find within moments of starting the flashback ("Orders"): she’s a member of the Special Operations Division in the English version, or a 'special agent' in the Japanese (特殊工作員, tokushu kousaku-in). The English version also gives Mia the role of 'caretaker', implicitly of Eveline, but there's not much to suggest this is a role extending beyond the bounds of this particular mission (for comparison, the Japanese doesn't mention caretaking at all).
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Mia's job is exactly what we see her doing in the game: transporting important assets under cover identities, and running around doing damage control with a machine gun if things go south. She echoes the same in her letter to the Bakers, stating she 'was assigned to transport some important cargo.' Even the 'imprinting protocol' she refers to seems to be mostly part of a transport protocol (going by the very little we ever learn about it), and may not even have been implemented until shortly before they left.
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Even in the one photo of her standing with the research team, you might note that Mia and her partner Alan are the only people present not wearing lab coats (and believe me, with how much other photoshopping there is in this photo, Mia would have been wearing a lab coat if they'd wanted her in one). The photo itself is far more of an easter egg than a real plot point anyway, and probably isn't worth reading too much into ‒ I mean, Alan is apparently the director of the Special Operations division, so it makes no sense to assume he's part of this one science team. But if you really want a 'canonical' explanation for this photo, considering Mia and Alan are wearing the same clothes as in the ship flashback, you could reasonably assume it was taken right before Eveline was shipped off to America ‒ a kind of "Let's get one last snapshot of the team together with the transport crew before Eveline goes to South America" deal. It's completely plausible Mia may not even have met Eveline until the same day this was taken.
So where does this 'scientist' nonsense come from? The only source which does call Mia a 'researcher' is a timeline entry in this one RE7 strategy guide which has never been published in English – and it's a good example of why sources like this are usually better treated as pseudo-canon at best. You can find various translations of it online – but you can also buy the whole ebook (which I did), so here's the page where it originally comes up.
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And yes, inasmuch as I’m qualified to translate, the line does state that Mia joined the company as a ‘researcher’ (研究員, kenkyuu-in) in 2010. But the same guidebook also refers to her as an operative (工作員) just a couple of pages later, so even the guidebook is hardly consistent.
Charitably, perhaps we could read that Mia was initially hired as some kind of generic, low-level research assistant before being transferred to the special operations division after showing aptitude in that area. But it's more likely that Mia was simply going to be a researcher at some point in the game’s development history, before Capcom changed their minds, and the timeline that made it into the guidebook is just very out of date ‒ it happens. Either way, one line in an inconsistent guide book hardly trumps what actually made it into the games.
I do realise that asking people to pay attention to what's actually in the games over what's repeated in some wiki somewhere (or a gazillion different fanfic) is a big ask for any fandom, but Mia was clearly never a scientist in the game we all played. She still knowingly worked for some really evil people – she doesn’t get to claim innocence here – but the idea she's personally responsible for every bad thing ever done to Eveline is absurd.
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FWIW, other details from the guidebook also back up the idea that transporting assets was a major part of Mia’s job. Her bio (above) mentions that she was away from home a lot, something that strained the Winters’ marriage, and that she told people she worked for a ‘trading company’ – a solid cover for a job focused on travel and logistics.
A very little is said about Mia’s relationship with Eveline. The guidebook does mention that the reason Eveline’s so attached to Mia is because Eveline had known her since she was ‘confined to the “mysterious organisation” that created her’, which could be taken to imply she knew Mia well before their trip began, but it's not much to go on. Mia's own feelings on Eveline are described briefly in a caption: “Although Mia found Eveline creepy, she also felt compassion for her lonely situation,” which tracks with how Mia interacts with her in-game. It doesn't track so well with the idea Mia had any real authority over how Eveline was raised or treated, however, and would be perfectly consistent with the idea Mia might not have known her long at all.
The guidebook timeline also tells us that the E-series project begain in 2000, and that Eveline herself was created in "the early 2000s." This doesn't make a whole lot of sense for reasons I've talked about already, but does put Eveline's creation well before 2010, the year the same timeline gives us for when Mia started working at the Connections. Since the guidebook also tells us Mia was 32 in 2017, back in 2000, she would have been all of 15 years old. Whatever Mia's involvement, the project long predates her joining the company.
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But the real issue with trying to given Mia any major responsibility for the E-series project is that the lab that created Eveline was located in Europe. Mia, meanwhile, has a driver's license telling us she's from Texas.
The European location for the lab is another detail that gets barely mentioned in the games, though it's mentioned repeatedly in the guidebook, and the Baker Incident Report even puts it specifically in Munich, Germany. Given all we learn in RE8, that location does make a lot of sense, when the mould was found in Eastern Europe, and that Miranda herself was part of the research team (she gets multiple photos and a lab coat, you may note). And even if the lab wasn’t right on Miranda’s doorstep, Munich is a heckuva commute from Texas, or anywhere else in the US. Even if Mia was often away from Ethan for long periods, as her bio implies, how involved could she realistically have been?
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I don't want to overstress the idea that it "doesn't make sense" for a special agent from Texas to have been intimately involved in a European research project ‒ making sense has never held back RE lore before. But the idea that Mia was brought in only as a handler for Eveline when she was being moved to America still makes a lot more sense than to suggest the Connections were fine with their star asset’s primary handler going home to the US every other weekend.
There are possibilities between the two extremes, of course: Mia may have had sporadic contact with Eveline before the trip, either regularly or just once or twice. It's easy to assume the 'imprinting protocol' must mean that Mia's been Eveline's primary handler for some time, but heck, maybe it's better read as the opposite ‒ something that can be quickly applied to a new handler or caretaker in a hurry, to explain how Eveline got so attached to someone she'd only just met.
Given everything we actually see of her, you could even speculate that Mia was chosen as Eveline's 'caretaker' specifically because she was someone nice and motherly enough for Eveline to bond with. Eveline was pretty clearly fucked up long before Mia ever got involved, and not actually wanting to adopt a walking bioweapon whose idea of a happy family involves mould-powered mind control really does not reflect badly on Mia's character.
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Whether Mia was already working for the Connections before she met Ethan also isn't clear. The guidebook tells us she began working for them in 2010, and married Ethan in May of 2011 (later confirmed by the date on Mia's ring in RE8) – though it doesn't specify when she and Ethan met. Even by Texas standards, marrying someone you’d known less than a year would be pretty unusual, so it’s likely Ethan knew her before she took the job. But even that 2010 statement comes along with the bit about Mia being hired as ‘a researcher’, so you can always take it with a grain of salt if you'd prefer.
And that's pretty much it for what the complete RE canon ever tells us about Mia and her former employers.
So here’s where I’m left with Mia’s role at the Connections. Even if she wasn’t aware of exactly what she was signing up for when she joined the company, and even if she considered all that lying to her husband about it to be a simple matter of confidentiality around sensitive research, she’s fully aware by the disaster in 2014, and plainly has a guilty conscience when she admits to lying to Ethan in her video message. However responsible she may or may not have been, she's still complicit. Her hands are hardly clean.
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But they’re still a whole lot cleaner than, say, Luis’, considering that he was a key member of the science teams at both Umbrella Europe and in Saddler’s cult, and I don’t see him getting a fraction of the same hate as Mia. They both regret what they’ve done, and they’re both willing to give their own lives to make up for it. No, Luis never lied to a spouse about it (that we know of), but he's every bit as shifty and secretive. And frankly, most of the other shit that gets dumped on Mia’s doorstep is just as much bullshit (like, people do realise the “Mia” we see having “marital problems” with Ethan at the start of RE8 isn’t Mia, right?) But that’s material for other posts.
We don’t know how Mia got involved with the Connections, or how she felt about working for them, because the games never give us this information, and that’s a real shame. But in the capitalist hellscape we’re all living in, she’d hardly be the first to find herself stuck working for truly terrible people, one way or another.
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Meanwhile, everything we see her doing during the outbreak on the tanker speaks to a basically good person, desperately trying to run damage control in a fucked-up situation. She tells Alan she’s not going to let him die, even though what’s going down is his fault. She tries so hard to talk Eveline down. After she’s rescued by the Bakers in the Daughter's DLC, she insists on staying in the trailer, meaning to leave at her first opportunity – pretty significant, considering she knows she’s infected already. She also leaves them a message warning them to stay away from Eveline, even sharing information on how to make a serum if they are infected. If you pick her over Zoe on the dock, the first thing she does is try to convince Zoe to come with them anyway. Even under Eveline's mind control, you'll catch her ranting about needing to contain the outbreak, blaming herself, and telling Ethan she loves him with her last breath.
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And after being infected herself, the first thing on her mind is to try and protect Ethan, recording that message admitting she’s lied to him, and warning him to stay away (Ethan never gets that message, but you can’t say Mia didn’t try). Mia loves Ethan enough to die to save him – and she will, if you choose the Zoe path, and she’ll do it without a second thought.
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Mia is fascinating to me as a character because she’s so full of contradictions: a woman who leaves syrupy video messages sending ‘tons of kisses’ to her husband, but who is completely comfortable running around with a machine gun killing mould-monsters, and who shrugs off an Eveline jump-scare with 'fucking hallucinations!' Someone who’s done bad things and knows it, and is trying so hard to make up for it, but whose background and motivations are left frustratingly undeveloped. But if you haven’t caught that Ethan and Rose mean more to her than anything, you really haven’t been paying attention.
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Whatever you assume about Mia’s full story, she’s complicated in a way that makes her so much more interesting to me than most of the franchise’s more popular playable characters. I am very serious in saying I want RE9 to be just the full Mia-Winters-story, because to me that’s the only remotely satisfying justification for keeping her such a mystery for so long. I know that's not at all likely, but fuck it, I can dream.
Mia’s made her share of mistakes, but holding her responsible for everything the Connections has ever done is no kind of fair.
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sirfrancisvarney · 8 months
So as the show is halfway through, and before episode four drops, I've tried to put together and organize all the information I've gathered so far.
In 2005 (18 years ago), Anders Lund found Tsalal station. Raymond Clark joins. The shots of the website don't show when everyone else joins, but some of them join within the next few years. The source of Tsalal's funding is hidden by several shell companies that link back to Tuttle United.
Seven years ago (or possibly earlier), in 2016, Annie Kowtok insists on joining her friend on her visit to Tsalal station, and immediately starts a relationship with Clark. This behavior is apparently unusual for her. Did she go to Tsalal specifically to meet Clark? Why keep it a secret? Also in 2016, Clark bought a trailer. It's assumed this was used to meet Annie K in secret.
Next year, sometime in spring 2017, Oliver Tagaq left Tsalal for reasons unknown. In April, Annie is killed. She records herself, clearly frightened and afraid of getting caught, on her smartphone in what appears to be an ice cave, saying, "I found it. It's here. I found it, I found it. My name is Annie Kowtok. If anything happens to me please--" she's pulled away from the camera and she is heard screaming. The camera view at the end is on the skeleton of some marine animal encased in ice.
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On April 18, Annie's body is found. She was stabbed 32 times with a star-shaped instrument, ribs and teeth broken. She was kicked after her death and her tongue was cut out. Four days later, on April 22, Clark gets a spiral tattoo that match's Annie's. I don't know how long it takes to arrange getting a tattoo, so I don't know if he already had plans to get it, or if he got it because of Annie's murder.
Time passes. At some point, Clark turns the trailer into a shrine of some sort for Annie. The mannequin in the bed is wearing her cardigan, and there are baby dolls and children's toys placed around it, possibly a reference to her role as a midwife.
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Clark covers his research notes with writing, including repeated phrases and words such as "her eyes her face," "I can hear her coming/moving outside," "cold," "dark," and "her fingers." It's unknown when this behavior started.
Fast forward to the end of 2023. A few weeks before the show starts, Clark's behavior becomes noticeably stranger. At some point before December 17, he obtains Annie's smartphone, which appears to have video of her last moments, and he is assumed to have acquired her tongue. He could have gotten these at the time of Annie's death, or at any point since. If he didn't take Annie's tongue himself, maybe getting them caused his mental instability to get worse?
On December 17, the last sunset of the year, a hunter watches as a herd of caribou get spooked from an unknown stimulus, and flee. It's unknown if this is connected to the events of the series, or merely meant to be symbolic. On the same day, the water in the villages goes bad, for reasons unknown. The mine is blamed. Also on December 17, the scientists at Tsalal are living their lives, relaxing in the evening, doing chores. Anders Lund is going over old data on a whiteboard (no spiral is visible on his forehead). Molina is filming himself making a sandwich, when he sees Clark, shaking or shivering. Part of Clark's hair is dyed blue, and where his hair touched the parka, the dye has transferred. He has clearly been outside in the snow. When Molina asks if he's ok, Clark turns and says "she's awake," which is immediately followed by a power outage that also affects Molina's smartphone.
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On December 22, the delivery guy arrives and finds the place empty. A figure moves inhumanly fast through one corridor, but no other sign of life is present. The TV is playing "Twist and Shout" in repeat. He finds Annie's tongue on the floor underneath a table (several feet away from where Clark had been standing) and calls the police.
The next day, Rose finds the bodies of the scientists. They are frozen together, almost completely buried in the ice, bodies twisted in agony. They are naked, with burnt corneas and blood from their ears. Some have scratched their eyes out or bit themselves. Lund has Annie's spiral drawn on his forehead. Somehow, he is also still alive. (I don't know if this is important, but Danvers had to brush snow away to see the spiral, but Rose knew about it and told Navarro. Maybe it was more visible when she found the bodies and snow covered it before the police arrived, maybe Travis told her.) The scientists's clothes were found folded neatly near the corpsicle. The shoes look like indoor slippers, and it's likely that the clothes match what they were all wearing the night of December 17. A single handprint was taken from one shoe. It appears to be missing part of the ring and pinky fingers on the right hand (or they just couldn't get the print of those fingers).
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Lund wakes briefly. He tells Danvers and Navarro, and I quote, "we woke her. She's awake. And now she's out. She's out there in the ice. She came for us in the dark."
Those are all the relevant facts concerning the main murder case (to my knowledge) as of episode three. I suppose I could have included a picture of Annie's stab wounds, but I couldn't make any kind of pattern out of them, or take a guess at what the weapon was. There's also the snow Navarro hit in the first episode, but I couldn't tell what it is, or if it's anything more than dirt and snow piled on the road. Personally, they do not suggest a microbial origin or cause. Diseases take time to infect, and they don't progress in everyone at exactly the same rate. The scientists were found together, practically climbing over each other. They died at almost exactly the same time, apparently in abject panic. I don't think a disease can kill that precisely. How did Clark avoid getting infected, since he lived with them all? Plus, whatever happened to them happened shortly after the power outage, since Molina' left his sandwich behind. One would assume he meant to eat it, since he went through the trouble to make it. The death of the scientists, the power outage, and the water going bad are all too closely linked in time to be unrelated. I wish I had a map of Ennis. I'd like to see how close these are in physical distance.
I also don't think there are any real clues to be found in the website. Their bios look about like what you'd get if you asked someone to come up with backgrounds for people studying ancient microorganisms in glacial ice. Plus, I think most of the scientists are ultimately going to be unimportant as individuals. Out of all eight men, Lund and Clark are the only ones focused on by the narrative. When interviewed, the cleaning ladies only mentioned Lund (yelled at them for touching his stuff) and Clark (his crying, probably over the brutal unsolved murder of his girlfriend kept them from being able to clean his room) by name. Lund survived (for a while, at least). Clark is missing and is closely connected with Annie's case. Oliver Tagaq mentioned Lund by name when he learned the scientists were dead. (On a side note, I really wish Danvers and Navarro (mostly Danvers) hadn't been so hostile when questioning him. They might have gotten more information from him if they hadn't gone at it like assholes. Granted, that's practically an impossible task for Danvers.) The rest, sadly, don't seem to be important. They are effectively ignored and dismissed, much like how they ignored the cleaning ladies.
So what could have happened on December 17, and how is it tied to Annie's murder? Honestly, I don't know yet. I'm not sure there's enough information given to answer those questions. Lund's speech and the way the scientists died suggest a supernatural explanation, but other details surrounding their murder seem to suggest more prosaic, human causes. There's no sign of a struggle at the station, but maybe someone cleaned up after themselves. The way part of the note at the bottom of the whiteboard is erased looks unusual, like it could have happened accidentally. Maybe someone got knocked against it, or their coat brushed against the board when they were writing the message. It's also possible the murderer was able to make them all leave without a fight. The power had just gone out, so maybe they all gathered together to put it back on? Where's the circuit breaker or generator for the station? Maybe that's where the actual crime scene is. The folded clothes feel like something you'd make a person do right before you execute them, sort of like making your victim dig their own grave. It could also have the opposite motivation: I could see a person not in full possession of their faculties (like Clark, or maybe one of the cleaning ladies in a fugue state) instinctively trying to straighten things up. Both feel like very human actions.
Finally, who is "she"? Is that even the right question? When did "she" wake up? The scientists didn't seem to be doing anything that would trigger her awakening on the 17th, so it must have happened before. I wish I knew more about what made Clark's mental illness ramp up in the weeks before sunset. It feels like there could be an important clue there. Too bad Clark is missing and anyone else who could answer the question is dead.
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sxfwap · 1 month
Romancing the Princess of Hearts || Chapter 3: The Date (Part 1)
<— Chapter 2 Chapter 4—>
Pairing: Bridget (Descendants) X Reader
Summary: Ever since you’ve been transferred to The Merlin Academy you’ve had a crush on the Princess of Wonderland herself, who you quickly became best friends with.
Of course, she doesn’t know and you weren’t brave enough to tell her either… but how much time could you keep such feelings to yourself?
Word count: 2804
Warnings: none pure fluff!!
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On the entire way up to Bridget’s room you couldn’t stop thinking about your last encounter with Ella, or rather, what she had said.
“You better not keep your date waiting.”
You even ran into Fay, who made a comment about your apparent distressed expression. It was just so out of the blue and though you tried to make any sense of it, it left you with nothing.
Surely the words have just gotten into your head. Date by default, could have multiple meanings. Perhaps she was referring to it as a friendly date or maybe there wasn’t even a date to begin with and Ella was just teasing you.
Yeah, right.
Of course, that had to be it! Besides, there’s no way Bridget, of all people, would invite you over to an actual date. She was more of the type to insinuate when she wanted something and hoping others would get it. And she sure as hell didn’t insinuate wanting to go on a date with anyone.
Or did she?
Your face unforrowed when you realized you reached your destination. You stood in front of the room 303 for a few seconds, trying to calm your wild beating heart. There is no date.
After taking a deep breath, you knocked on the wooden door.
“One second!” You heard Bridget’s soft sweet voice, the apprehension she felt before seemed to be long forgotten, which made a small smile appear on your face.
You waited for a little bit, anxiously waiting for the pink haired princess. At this point you were 99% sure this was just a friendly encounter, or perhaps not even Bridget was aware of your coming and Ella had just been wanting for you to finally ask her to come to Castlecoming in a spontaneous, not–expected way. You breathed out shakily once more when you heard the door opening.
“Y/n?!” Bridget’s eyes were wide open, clearly not having expected you. Your heart began to raise once more.
“H–Hey, B!” You tried your best to look as normal as one possible could. The exquisite smell of freshly baked cupcakes hit your nose like a truck in the best way possible, while your eyes were immediately drawn to the pecks of remaining flour that covered the tip of her nose. Absolutely adorable. “I… I’m just passing by to see if you’re alright?” Which wasn’t necessarily a lie, you just weren’t expecting to see her so soon and neither did she as it seems.
Bridget stammered slightly, before smiling warmly at you. “Oh, of course I’m alright! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I just thought you seemed a bit off before.” You answered honestly. “You know, back with Ella.”
Bridget was taken aback, she truly didn’t think anyone would notice her slight mood change. It was stupid really, it’s not as if she got jealous or something over a simple comment Ella made earlier, implying that you had your eyes set on another princess, which did not make her feel like a total loser for not being brave enough to get up her courage and finally ask you out to Castlecoming. Of course not, nothing of the sort.
She truly appreciated your friendship, preferred it even, to opening her heart in order to reveal her real, burning feelings. She was not gifted in the making friends department, no matter how many cupcakes she’d give to her fellow students, so to have found a friend in Ella was one of her most joyous memories.
And when you came, around the beginning on the year, you were the exception to her charm. You did not just take a cupcake she had offered, but actually engaged in a conversation with both her and Ella, constantly phrasing how delicious it was and made sure she knew you loved how some of your hair gained a few pink streaks because of the flamingo feathers that it contained. It was safe to say you began to hung out more and more after that.
And then one day, her heart began to beat faster when your eyes were entirely on her, paying your undeliverable attention to her rambles about some of her new baking books she acquired or when she wanted to show you how her card shuffling dance move was coming together.
But you noticing something she was so sure she was keeping to her own, made her feel seen. It wasn’t out of character for you to be attentive to her, to led a helping hand or a hearing ear when she needed it. But it was in that moment that she realized that perhaps she could be brave enough. At the end of the day, she had been dropping a few hints in between your meetings, whether it being her being a tad more touchy or a few longer stares.
Perhaps she had a chance.
Heat reached her face at her own thoughts, suddenly remembering that you were in fact still there and awaiting an answer. “Ah, yes I’m– I think I was feeling a bit lightheaded, but I’m better now.” She summarized with a smile. “A lot better, actually.”
You sighed, feeling relieved, both because she was okay and didn’t seem mad or annoyed that you were there. “Well, I’m glad. You should have told us though, what if you had fainted? Or worse?”
Her features turned soft at your concern and a part of her felt bad for making you worry about her nonexistent symptom, but another part cherished it.
“If I was feeling bad enough I wouldn’t have go on by myself, silly.” She teased, cocking her head to the side with a smile.
“Don’t you dare call me silly when you’re the one with a flour–covered–nose, princess.”
“W–What?” Bridget stuttered, rapidly going inside her room in search of a mirror. She couldn’t believe she’d been talking to you all this time with flour on her nose! Absolutely embarrassing!
With a chortle, you followed her in, but not before closing the door behind you. “Oh, don’t worry! Here, let me get it for you.” You quickly got in front of her, using your own sleeve to wipe it out of her face. You didn’t take notice however, of how close you got to her.
Bridget on the other hand, absolutely did. Her mind forgetting about her flour–powdered–nose for a good minute as her cheeks darkened at the sudden contact, her brown eyes couldn’t look away from yours, as if she was in a trance. She was sure her breathing was quickening as well as her pulse.
You backed away, giving Bridget her much needed space as from your point of view, you noticed she looked agitated. You’d hate to be making her uncomfortable. That seemed to make her snap out of it.
“T–Thank you, Y/n!” If she was embarrassed before, she was even more embarrassed now. You were doing something entirely platonic, but she had to overthink such a situation and made you uncomfortable. She blamed her lack of knowledge in the friendship area.
“Of course, whatever my princess may need.” You said in a joking manner, trying to alleviate the situation by curtsying in an exaggerated fashion, making said princess giggle.
“Oh, get up you.” Bridget bent down to be at your level, her hands found yours easily, before getting up once again. She was about to make a comment but you beat her to it.
“So, I take that from that delicious smell you baked some cupcakes?” You asked, glancing in the direction of said cupcakes that were cooling down.
“They are almost done actually!” She said, showing her pearly whites. “I just need to decorate them and they’ll be ready to go!” She hummed.
You squeezed her hands before letting them go, moving to be nearer her baking station. “Do you need help?”
“Thank you, but I’ve got it covered.” She said, looking over her work. Now that you thought about it, she baked a lot of them in such a short amount of time. It was safe to say you were impressed. “I’m actually… not giving them to other students either.” She stated hesitantly.
“What?!” You asked in bewilderment, her comment taking you by surprise. “Who are you and what have you done to my Bridget?” You exclaimed in a playful way.
The pink haired bit her lip, staring at you with a knowing look. “Well, I was thinking that perhaps… we could go out to the… the Enchanted Lake! Yeah! A–And you know… have a little picnic?” Bridget asked, sounding almost shyly and she was pretty sure her cheeks were starting to turn red once again. “…by ourselves?” She eyed you with a hopeful look.
Suddenly, it felt as if the gears in your head got stuck, as if time froze and as if you were still in that dream you had this morning.
Could Bridget be describing a date?
A date in the Enchanted Lake with only you both, having a picnic with all the hundreds of cupcakes she baked and honestly, all of this for little old you?
While you appeared to be in dreamland, wondering about what truly was Bridget’s plan (if this was a date or you were just delusional), the girl in question started to get nervous, thinking that your silence was because you didn’t know how to answer her.
Or maybe you didn’t know how to turn her down? Did she make it sound like a date? She wouldn’t mind if it were. Would you be okay with that? What if–
“I’d love to.” You broke her train of thoughts with honesty and to her surprise, a radiant smile was set upon your face. She had no choice but to mirror it.
“Yay!” She giggled, clasping her hands close to her face. “Would it be okay if we go tomorrow? After our classes? These cupcakes won’t decorate themselves!” She grinned.
“Sure! Yes, of course! I’ll accompany you here so we can go off together.”
“Wonderful! Oh, I can’t wait!” She squealed.
In the heat of the moment, the Princess of Wonderland was so immersed in her own happiness that she didn’t pay much attention when she suddenly leaned in and gave you a peck on the cheek.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/n! Sleep well!”
You couldn’t answer her because you were quickly escorted out of the room and even if you wanted to reciprocate her heartfelt parting words, you couldn’t vocalize a simple ’goodbye’ after what had just happened.
Bridget gave you a kiss.
Yeah it was small and fast and on the cheek but it still counted right?
Speechless, you turned on auto mode and went to your room. No thoughts at all but a certain pink princess on your mind.
There was no way you were going to have a good sleep after that.
─── ⋆⋅ ♡ ⋅⋆ ───
Truth to your word, sleeping was rather difficult but not impossible. After all, you didn’t want to look like a zombie in your first non official date.
The thought immediately made you both nervous and happy, ultimately you were going out with a princess! And not just any princess. Yep, definitely more nervous.
Even so, you got on with your day. You went to your respective classes but not before encountering Ella, with whom you shared mathematics with, and obviously told her all about it.
You didn’t know however, that Bridget herself had already told Ella about your occurrences. It was safe to say that internally, she was really proud of Bridget.
And obviously, in your conversation, she went on about this being the best time to invite her to Castlecoming, which wasn’t a bad idea since it was literally days away and if for any reason she were to say no, you were in a neutral space. So, less embarrassment!
But honestly, you didn’t want to get your hopes up just in case this was all a product of your imagination. Technically, Bridget didn’t say anything about it being a date either, even if the content of today’s activity was rather alike to one.
Before making your way to the Princess of Hearts’ room, you practically begged Fay to help you make a small bouquet of red roses. Mostly considering your friend’s ability with her magic wand, which also works as a detail that hopefully will go unnoticed if this weren’t a date after all.
And so, you finally stood in front of Bridget’s room, a sense of déjà vu crossing your mind.
You hid the bouquet behind your back, giving a final sigh before knocking on the wooden door, which opened almost immediately.
“Y/n!” Bridget greeted, a sweet smile adorning her features upon seeing you, for the first time in the day actually.
“Princess B!” You greeted back and inwardly wondered if you should give her the bouquet or not.
Will she hate it? Will she think I like like her? Last time I check she likes roses, but what if she likes other flowers more? Gods, she’s a princess! This is all a mistake! Should I just run away–
“For you.” You settled on, shoving it to her hands. Whatever would happen it’d be better to just get on with it and pull the band-aid rather than wait.
To your surprise, Bridget stayed silent, contemplating the beautifully arranged flowers. Her delicate fingers tracing some of its petals with undeniably care. “For… me?” She looked up, her brown expressive eyes finding comfort in yours. For the first time, you couldn’t put a name in the emotion that was flowing around her, which practically rendered her speechless.
“Of course! Unless it’s not to your liking– which there’s totally nothing wrong with that! Or if you don’t want it at all–“
The pink princess interrupted your rambling, engulfing you in a tight hug, her face finding its way to rest on the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around her in return, soothingly rubbing her back with one of your hands.
You took her reaction as a win.
After a few more seconds, you heard her sigh, before finally letting you go, her rosy cheeks and teary eyes not going unnoticed by you.
“I love them.” She smiled, glancing at the roses before finding your face once more. “I love them so much!” She laughed with a few tears falling down her face, which you wiped off with your hand.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me.” You said, relief washing all over you as you joined in the laughter with her.
“I–I’m sorry, it’s just… oh well, this is rather embarrassing to admit but,” she spoke, a small awkward laugh escaping her. “No one has ever gifted me flowers before. They’re so beautiful, I can’t thank you enough.”
“Well then, I’m honored to have entered the podium.”
“There’s no need to thank me either, B, though I appreciate it nonetheless. We’d have to thank Fay, actually.”
“Fay made them?”
You nodded.
“Then remind me to give her my compliments, she really is getting better!” She smiled in excitement. It was good to know after all, that all her wand-wobbling paid off. “Not that I don’t think she’s a skillful person as she is, of course.” She quickly added.
“Mm-hmm, whatever you say, princess, whatever you say.” You couldn’t help but tease, making a small pout appear on her face.
“Meanie.” She said, to which you both laughed it off.
After your small banter, Bridget went back into her room with the bouquet, trying to rapidly find a vase to put them in. When she came out, she did with a pink basket, which by the looks of it looked full. There had to be more than cupcakes for sure. Obviously, you offered to carry it for her and although she was a bit reluctant at first, she let you have it upon your insisting.
“Well then, shall we get going?” You asked, holding out your unoccupied arm with slight tinted cheeks.
“We shall.” She replied, amused as she intertwining her arm with yours. The biggest smiles could be seen on you both.
As you made your way through the academy, your mind was spiraling in one thought and one thought only: Bridget was walking with you, arms intertwined while you carried a pink basket in your other. If you were a student passing by, you’d find it without question that you both were dating or going to a date at the very least and at that, you found yourself happy that for once you went along with Ella’s doing.
Who knows? If luck stays by your side, asking Bridget to Castlecoming wouldn’t be so difficult after all. You did know that you loved her and perhaps there was a teeny tiny chance she might feel something for you too.
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A/N: This took too much time to post I’m so sorry!! I started my second semester and already have a mock up for next week :,) so chapter 4 will take a bit more time but I promise to write it!!
Also I’m so sorry at the cliffhanger once again LMAOAO next chapter will be the last where I’ll write the “date” 🤭 and castlecoming!! Which will be a pain in the ass since I’ll have to imagine it bc they showed us NOTHING of it 😭😭
Thank you so much for reading!! Stay tuned ;) 🩷🩷
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yeosboba · 2 months
perfume - l.mh
another one i'm transferring here from @yeosluvr
Perfume - Lee Minho Featuring: Lee Minho of SKZ
Genre: Angst, a little fluff
A/N; This is an idea I’ve been thinking of for a long time, and is actually part of a series that I’m currently (slowly) working on, so for now, just enjoy the random word spill huhu. Do leave some feedback and reblog
Disclaimer; this is just a fanfiction and doesn’t portray how lee minho or any stray kids member behave irl. sorry for the late updates.
Minho stares at the bottle of perfume now standing - out of place - on the top of his vanity, away from all of his other belongings. It’s cheap perfume, still a quarter to be full, and he doesn’t even remember the brand - maybe there was no brand, to begin with? - but he remembers her being used to coming up here, to his room, lying down on his bed and having breakfast in bed with him, having that cheap perfume stashed in her pocket for emergencies. He remembers the first time he ever officially talked to her - scratch that, it was her who talked to him first. It was about his perfume.
“Where’d you get your perfume?”
He also remembers at the time that it was after his very first breakup - and he even liked her a lot too despite his flirtatious ways- and after that, she came into his life through a simple tap on his shoulder and a seemingly trivial question with a much more trivial intention. She didn’t really expect that it’d hurt to fall in love. He grimaces at the thought and stands up to take the bottle of perfume on the stand.
Twelve months ago, she had come up to him, jet black eyes behind thin rectangular glasses, in a librarian uniform with her name tag stuck proudly on the left side of her vest. He remembers her looking down at her polished leather shoes and the frantic eye language she gave him - the wrong person to ask for help actually since she needed help asking him a question. He chuckles at the memory, and remembers that he answered, “It was a gift from an old friend.”
His ex. Anyone would refer to their ex as an old friend, right?
He could see the surprise and embarrassment eating up on her when she bit her inner cheek and crimson flooded her cheeks, and he thought to himself that he found this girl cute. Awkward, sure, also highly introverted, and not to mention her addiction with books and the school library was beyond what he could fathom, but she was cute nevertheless. Her chuckles rang through his ears, and he found himself smiling over that little action alone.
And without even thinking through, the words passed through his lips.
“Are you free tonight?”
Minho lays down on his bed, legs hanging off the edge as he sighs quietly, closing his eyes, the quarter-full bottle of cheap perfume held tightly to where his heartbeats quicken over a memory he’d do anything to replay.
Waking up to her tidying his room was one of the most wonderful things in life that happened to him. He’d rate her existence as a blessing, God-sent. He had needed this kind of person since the breakup and she was the perfect fit for the requirements.
You want me to help you forget about her?”
No, certainly not in a dirty way. Not to such a pure, innocent creature as herself, who admitted to never having been asked out on dates or even been in a relationship, although she had embarrassedly confessed to wanting to know what real love feels like.
As if he knew. He scoffed at her request at first, because he thought that he knew what love was. Before the break-up, he thought he knew what it was. Post-breakup? Not very sure. But he wasn’t sure as to why he wanted to grant her wish when he saw her looking down to his hands hesitantly.
“I really wanted to know what love is, Minho.”
“Okay.” He didn’t know what drove him to agree after only the second time she asked. After all, it wasn’t unknown that Minho was one of the people who were very hard to convince.
Minho looks across his room and finds the tulips she sent him months ago in a vase. One of them is starting to wither, he observes. “Red tulips,” she once said to him, he recalls. It’s one of his favourite quotes from her still, and he tries to remind himself of her everyday. “To love someone so great is a wonderful gift. I wish I could love and be loved like that.."
He grumbles at the squeaking pipe at the kitchen sink, and the slow flowing of water into his glass, and as Minho impatiently taps his foot on his kitchen tiles, his cousin Felix walks in.
"Morning, cousin.” Felix chuckles, and Minho shakes his head at the younger man before he notices that the glass is already full, so he retreats into his room quietly. He doesn’t miss the pity in Felix’s eyes as he slowly retreats to his room, not wanting to miss watering the tulips that she gave him months ago.
Climbing up to his upstairs apartment was a routine for her, because God knows how Minho can get freakish headaches in the morning if he wasn’t woken up the right way. Minho discovered that she had approached him moderately, just the right amount as to not let the pain rise to his head.
There was a pattern to it too.
Of course, he gave her the spare keys to his apartment so she could help him get up in the morning. He’d groan first, before finding one of her cheeks and pecking it, give her a little smile, and he’d greet her afterwards. “Morning, beautiful,” was an accustomed one that even she got used to.
Afterwards they’d be eating their breakfast together, her snuggling into his chest, and he’d make comments about some random reality show that came on TV. An hour before his first class for the day, she’d get up, tidy her clothes and fix her hair before she’d kiss his forehead - her kisses were always longer than his. It made him feel somewhat strange, something stirring inside him that he couldn’t name. She’d wish him a great day and to text her if he wanted meals together, and he’d follow her out after he gave her a kiss on her cheeks.
Another thing he got used to doing was to walk her back to her studio after classes and meals. They didn’t even talk much on the way back, just comfortable silence and her asking if she could put her hand in his pocket, and later on he’d hold her hand in his pocket. He couldn’t explain why he loved it when she simply smiled at this little skinship, but it felt so pleasant and familiar that he didn’t even disagree with it.
Were they something more than friends when they had that, he wondered.
Perhaps it was something else. It was also possible that friends would do that. It would be the feelings that come with it that’d be inappropriate, in his opinion. Feelings that made him feel his cheeks go warm, feelings that made him stutter in his words, feelings that simply told him that he wanted her with him always, feelings that told him she deserved better. So he had to shake it away one way or another.
They were friends, he’d remind himself. Very close ones. He’d tease her and she’d smile through it, and truthfully it made him happy that simple gestures that told him that the weird friendship they had didn’t go one way made her happy. Simple things in life like buying her her favourite coffee. Remembering to wish her good morning first thing - if she wasn’t in his apartment, that is. Remembering to wish her good night.
In truth, he was scared of it.
It grew to be even more frightening when she accidentally left her cheap perfume- the one that he’s holding at the moment- in his apartment. He was so curious that he picked up by means of teasing her when they’ll be having Literature in a few hours. That was until he smelled it and thought, ‘she smelled nothing like it.
She smelled better.’
Literature was fun. She was one of the tutors in their year, and he’d always tease her when she came round to teach his group about literary components. It usually amused him to see her cheeks flare in red and she’d swat his hand in furious embarrassment, but that one specific Literature night class was … he didn’t know how to describe it, but he felt all giddy reminiscing that one particular night.
“Ah, hey guys. Need help?”
“I think we’re kinda good here, princess.” He was the one who answered, and he had ideas in his head that might’ve shown on his face that made Seonghwa choke on his water and Hongjoong had to poke Minho on his shoulder. “Yeah well, stop kissing her in your head, Lee,” Hongjoong smirked, and if that didn’t make his heart race he didn’t know what would. And surprisingly, her face had seemed to be the same shade of a ripe tomato- if it wasn’t redder.
And then came the teasing.
He didn’t know what drove him. He really didn’t know, but the only thing in his mind at the moment was to see her smile goofily. He had to do it, right?
He leaned forward in his seat, closing the proximity between them two, until their breaths mixed with each other - which actually took her by surprise because she was too focused on drawing a mind map on their whiteboard- and said, “You left your perfume in my apartment, sweetheart.”
At the sound of his voice so close to her, she whipped her head up to see his smirking lips first, then his incredibly shining eyes - that was what she said to him anyways - and she leaned back. Her face was red. She was stuttering on her words.
It was nice to see he wasn’t feeling one-sided about all the arrangement wasn’t it?
“I’ll see you later, honey,” he winked at her.
She nodded, before walking to another group, fanning herself.
Minho really badly wants to cry at the amount of memories that are replaying in his head as he clutches the perfume to his chest. Where it hurts. He’d see her smile, and the glow in her eyes whenever she looks at him. Looked at him. It’s getting harder to breathe, so he walks up to his window and for the first time in months, he draws the curtains open.
Senior year was about prom. Of course it was always about prom.
Lee Minho asked her if she’d wanted to be his date- “As friends, of course. Single friends,” he laughed- and she had agreed to it. Which led to the agreement that they’d go with matching colours. That time, she made a request for him to take him out shopping for black ties. He’d groaned, actually, but it came out a whimper, then a sigh, when he glanced her way and saw her big hopeful eyes, blinking at him.
“Okay.” He smiled.
It didn’t help that on the day of said purchase of tie, she’d hurriedly took some cash out of her wallet and handed it over to the cashier before he could even protest. “I’ll pay for this,” she affirmed firmly, and the cashier squealed over how cute of a couple they were. Which led him to the first of his many regrets in their 'friendship’.
“We’re just friends,” he chuckled, not noticing the way her smile faltered and the cashier nodded awkwardly at her. By then she felt very weak in her knees, but he didn’t really notice it because she was too quick to hide it when he turned to her and asked her if everything’s okay. Of course, she’d answer that it was all fine. All very very fine.
He didn’t get a good night reply that night.
She seemed okay in the morning, though.
She had told him how excited she was for prom, and when curiosity came to him and urged him to ask her about her gown for the night, she just gave him a plain smile emoji and told him that she wanted to save the surprise for the night. He’d smiled at that comment and had waited patiently for the sun of the day of prom to set.
Minho takes in one breath as he remembers the night where he first sees her in the black gown. He wants to remember taking in the sight of her in that black gown of sequins and the frilly neckline and her face was shaded with the lightest tones of make-up and even her hairstyle was simple, her bangs pulled back in bobby pins, and her hair was pulled back with a flower scrunchie, flowing in a wavy side ponytail.
Beautiful. He tells her, the her in his memory.
Thank you, the her in his memory replies. Same voice, same shyness.
She got him tripping and she didn’t even know.
“You look gorgeous, Lee Minho,” she smiled.
“Likewise.” He bowed his head, knowing full well that in her eyes he’d be very flushed-face in the mere presence of her. In a black gown. With that hairstyle. At that point, he was very confused with the border that separated friendship and something that he’d labelled as 'something more’.
The rest of the night, to him, was a complete haze as he kept his hand firm on her waist, keeping her close to him at all times. He didn’t know why he acted like it, but she seemed to not mind, only excusing herself at one point because she needed the toilet. He thought the night went perfectly, and her presence with him had kept him at ease and composed, and he didn’t even remember that he used to have someone that wasn’t her.
Well actually, that thought was interrupted by a gentle poke on his shoulder, and what greeted his sight - to his shock - wasn’t her, but his ex. All in her glorious emerald green dress, all smiley. All beautiful for someone that wasn’t him. His heart stopped at the thought and for a moment all he could think of was how pretty she looked. If only she was his.
“Hi, Minho.”
“Hey yourself.”
A moment of awkward silence passed as she sheepishly grinned at him and he struggled to keep his breaths in check, because he finally remembered what it was that made him stay with the girl in the black gown all along. She was able to make him forget his misery. Had he really used her for his own good? He didn’t know he was capable of doing that, but when his stomach turned and flipped and made him feel sick, he realised that maybe, it wasn’t love that he felt for the girl in the black gown.
So why was he crying?
So why is he crying?
“You came."
"Yeah.” He gulped, not wanting to meet her gaze.
“I saw her just now.” She chirped, and from that voice alone he knew she was genuinely happy for him, thinking he had found someone for him. Someone that could make him happier than she did. “She’s really pretty isn’t she?”
He couldn’t speak.
“I’m glad you’re happier with her, Minho.”
Supposed that she only made him believe in temporary happiness, and not actually him feeling happy with her? The girl in the black gown? Then what should he do? What had he done to himself?
What had he done to her?
“I’ll see you around, Minho.” She smiled, and before he knew it, she had tiptoed up to his cheek, felt a brief second of a kiss on his cheek, and left without any more words exchanged. He felt slightly ashamed of himself, felt as though he was undeserving of any kind of love at all.
But he didn’t know why he’d feel so, so terrible when he looked up to see the huge eyes, those huge, terribly tearful eyes - in terms of trying trying hold back tears from overwhelming - looking at him, who stood in the middle of the room, and her, from the entrance to the hall where the prom was held.
He didn’t even know why he felt so broken, felt as though he’d begged her to stay when she let one of her tears fall and wiped the others away with her hand. He was waiting for a slap - some kind of physical pain on any part of his body - as she crossed the room in small steps. But there was nothing.
She’d crossed the room, took his hand and kissed his knuckles gently, and he felt some more tears falling onto his fist.
“Was I not enough, Lee Minho?"
"No, sweetheart,” his breath hitches at the memory, and he feels his gut kicking against the walls of his stomach as he says so. “You’re more than what I deserve, more than what I asked for,” he says to her in his memory. The words that he didn’t say to her that night.
“Minho?” Another hand came to hold his knuckles and he felt her shake. And of course, the tears. Waves of slow music echoed against the walls and Minho was so thankful that nobody had noticed her. Or him. Crying.
“Hey.” He whispered, bringing his hands to wipe the streams of tears running down her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered close to his touch, and he felt the pain throbbing inside him again as he kissed her eyelids. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s dance,” he whispered, and his arms went down to her waist as he buried his head in her neck.
She nodded quietly, soft sniffs still loud in his ears as he took in her scent, and before long he felt her arms gently going around his neck, and felt her wet cheeks against his chest. Still shaking, he felt her swallow her sobs, prompting him to slide his hands against her back in an attempt to calm her down.
“I’m so sorry,” he says to her in his memory. “I thought it was for the best.”
“I know, Minho.” Figured that he had said the same thing, because he had remembered her saying this all, and her looking up to him, wet eyes and sad smile. “I’m so sorry,” she sniffed again. Minho ignored the urge for him to kiss her right then and there.
Shaking his head, Minho swiped his thumb across one of her cheeks and she smiled. The lump in his throat remained as he felt his cheeks becoming wet after seeing that broken smile of hers. As if she was somehow… just giving up her happiness for his. Although he couldn’t really explain why that thought that might’ve run through her head made his heart sink.
Afterwards Minho had taken her to the photobooth, by means of making her smile. At least they could make funny faces at each other when they sit there, right? At least they’d laugh at each other right?
But he couldn’t really do anything at the moment. Not when she seemed to force herself to enjoy the night because of him. The first take she was laughing because he had tripped on her and she had pulled him to sit down on the seat beside hers, and the cameras flashed on their faces before he could comprehend anything.
The second take was more like him laughing at her as he teased her about how beautiful she looked in that gown. How he wished he could make her his, the voice in his head had whispered. A pleasurable shade of cherry red again coated her cheeks, like the previous times where she had been teased by him, and the second take was her stifling a silly grin and playfully shoving his shoulder.
The third take was him pulling her to sit on his lap, and that the cameras had caught her surprised look on the cameras made his stomach turn. She had her arms around his neck to keep herself balanced, and for that matter she needed to look up.
The fourth take was unexplainable. She was sitting on his lap, and the cameras caught him looking at her with the same confusing emotions he had felt the whole time he was with her. And he had mistaken those feelings to be similar to what he’d felt for a friend when he knew she wasn’t just a friend. She was smiling so beautifully, looking into his eyes as she did so, and he knew he felt warm, as though something inside him was melting to the sensations she was making him feel.
“Lee Minho, I love you."
Between the bright lights of the camera flash and the sound of shutters being clicked open and close, he heard the small voice of her amidst everything.
That night had somehow ended with shaky breaths and hushed voices as he walked her back to her studio, and somehow it felt as if it was the last time he’d hold her hand.
Minho stands up from his position and walks to his desk. His very, very dusty desk, pulls out an old book - that’s for another story for him to tell - and takes out the set of four black-framed polaroids they had taken that night. Brushing his hands across the pictures, he sighs at the sight of her in that gown he adores so much.
But even without the gown, she looks so much more beautiful than any other girls he’d ever known.
Is this love?
He brushes his thumb across her cheek in the picture and feels a weird sense of … something unnamed overwhelming his five senses. Bringing the perfume in his hand to his nose, he gently sniffs on it, before he brings the Polaroid set to his nose. It smells the same, he hears the voice in his head speaking fondly. It smells wonderful. This is her smell.
Brushing the pads of his fingers against her wet cheeks, he bent to her forehead, leaving unspoken feelings and hidden meanings behind a simple lingering kiss to it, but it wasn’t just that that broke her. He had said something that made it particularly difficult for her to forget- and it was such a Lee Minho thing to do when parting ways.
"Don’t ever change for anyone, darling.
You’re perfect the way you are,
Stay the same, love.”
Goodbyes were hard, but it was extremely- surprisingly- difficult for someone who had said a lot of goodbyes such as Lee Minho, and he hadn’t expected that to happen with anyone. Except he didn’t expect meeting her would be the end of that statement for him.
He turned on his heels after the kiss, begging his heart to not even spare a glance, because this was her. She’d make it especially difficult for him to leave.
But long after he reached his apartment, changed out of his suit, and drank a mug of hot choco that Felix had made for him, he found himself staring into darkness, his mind drowning in the remaining memories he had of her.
He sighs again, clutching the two items to his chest and takes in the smell of her. As he closes his eyes, he remembers feeling a sense of warmth flooding him as her smell engulfs him in what he can only as her comfort hugs. How can she smell good even without perfume?
She always does that when she knows he’s upset.
Somewhere in between his consciousness and his dreamstate, he hears a little voice pleading with her in his memories.
If I ever get to meet you next time, I’m praying to God that even if you find someone that’s not me, please don’t ever change.
It’s early morning the next day when Minho next opens his eyes. Since his curtains were drawn open yesterday, he’s greeted first thing by the little rays of sunlight. The sun is rising. Groaning, he fights the urge to curse the sun for being up too early. It’s the weekend, what the heck?
The first thing that he registers is that he hears Felix singing as he makes his usual pancakes, and that if he’s very much awake he’d realise Felix is actually having a pleasant conversation. With a girl. But Lee Minho’s not in his right mind, so he doesn’t think of it too much when he realises that the voice is hers- because he thinks he’s still dreaming.
He hears Felix’s three soft raps on his door, and he swears that he can hear Felix smiling when he presses his ear to the surface of the wooden door when Felix says, “Someone’s out here to meet you, hyung.” Minho doesn’t think too much of it, because Felix usually invites his friends over, and his friends- Hyunjin, Jisung and Seungmin- he can say they’re basically fond of him.
What he didn’t expect was to see her.
With a box of Pepero sticks that he remembers mentioning to her that he craved for. That was over a year ago.
He blinks, grip tightening on his door handle as she lowers her gaze in a small bow. Minho feels all his senses heightening at an alarming rate, so he turns to Felix, who throws worried looks in his direction as if wanting to ask if he’s okay with her coming. He notices her gulping, wondering if the anxiety hits her the same way it’s currently hitting him.
“I’m just stopping by,” she stutters. “To drop this.” She gestures at the big green box, giggling nervously as she picks at the skin of her arm. When his gaze finds hers again, she looks down to her stockinged feet. She’s still the same, he whispers to himself.
Felix eyes him nervously, an eye language of, “Maybe I should leave you guys alone.”
Minho nods at him, and before she can look up to stop Felix, he’s gone.
The sound of a slammed door surprises her and makes her jump in her position, but Minho stifles his chuckle because he doesn’t want to scare her away like he did last time. It seems as though they’re both thinking the same thing, because Minho notices another gulp going down her throat, and that’s what he’s currently having a problem with. His throat feels dry and it feels particularly difficult to breathe.
She looks up.
“Let’s sit down. Talk.”
“Like old times?"
He sighs. He knows that it won’t feel like old times anymore.
"I’m sorry, I shouldn’t bring that up.”
“It’s okay, darling.” He says, and he feels the nerves in him relaxing. “I wanted things to be the way they were too."
He sees her open her mouth, but then she closes it. Considering her words and actions before she regrets it.
He walks towards the couch in front of the TV, prompting her to follow him. She doesn’t sit when he sits, slightly troubled and confused, but he knows she can’t refuse him when he holds out one hand and something else in his eyes that begs her to do so, so she sits.
He then carefully slides his arm around her waist, glancing at her to assess her reactions. Under his touch, he notices she tenses, the red spreading to her ears and he sighs and before anxiety can creep back up to eat him from inside out, he pulls her closer to him, putting his chin on her head.
An involuntary content sigh leaves his slightly parted lips, and he relaxes into her figure. Gradually, she leans against his chest too, and he hears a heavy breath coming from her. Another bold move that he attempts is to take her other hand in his, and he cheers quietly when she doesn’t budge, instead leaning more into him, and this time he hears a happy hum from her.
It’s so tempting for Minho to sway her in that position, so he does that, and he hears a giggle from her. The giggles that he’s deprived of for over a year. Immediately he feels as though a huge amount of oxygen is being returned to him, as though his sleepless nights will be no more.
He hums.
“What are we?” She looks up to him, and he lifts his chin so that he can see her expression.
She’s hopeful.
Tired, but hopeful.
“Are you willing to wait for me?” I promise I won’t be long, he promises quietly, tightening the grip he has on her hand.
“I’m willing, Min,” she affirms, responding to him with a reassuring squeeze of her hand around his. “So long as it makes you happy,” she adds, before leaning into him again, another happy hum escaping her lips.
“Then let’s just stay like this for a while,” he whispers into her hair.
“Okay, Minho."
It takes a minute for him to take in the smell of her, this fresh her, smelling like that perfume he has in his pocket, like the Polaroid set in his old notebook. Everything’s going so perfectly, the way he’s holding her, the way she’s fitting so adequately into his arms.
"We’ll be alright this time.
I won’t run away again.”
She doesn’t look up to meet his eyes when he lowers his eyes to meet hers, stiffening in her position, but remains there on his lap, and Minho understands her too well that he knows she’s slightly uncomfortable with his promises. Ones which he knows that she knows he’ll struggle to keep, and she doesn’t want that. No hurting Lee Minho if she could ever help it, she’d say. If anyone is going to get hurt, it should be her.
“I don’t want you to promise, Lee Minho.” She sighs, playing with the fingers that are intertwined with hers. “I’m more than willing to wait for as long as I must, so please, don’t hurt yourself,” and Minho just doesn’t know what it is that stabs him deep inside but it really hurts to hear the pain hidden in the fake calmness of hers.
“I won’t promise then."
Her perfume in his pocket long forgotten, and the Polaroid set lies abandoned in their shared notebook, Minho takes in the scent of her wafting through the air around them. It’s the first time in over a year that he’s able to sleep so peacefully, and he doesn’t even need her perfume to help him sleep.
She never changed.
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found you - ch. 3
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pairing: gojo satoru x female oc (ara natsuna) [p.s. y'all kno i try to keep her features ambiguous asf but i think i mentioned her having long/waist-length hair at some point :') maybe i should just give her features but i kinda like leaving it open-ended]
tropes: psycho! rival! athlete! yandere! gojo x introvert! booksmart! rbf! oc
warnings: 18+ only babes, stalking/possessive themes, pet names [kitten, baby, princess, pretty], manhandling, mentions of depression, smoking (w33d, cigarette), profanity, dub/non-consented sex, begging, fingering, orgasm denial, brat taming (kinda), rough sex, creampie (pls don’t b silly & cover ur willy), coercion, alcohol/drinking, peer pressure, jjk manga reference (no major spoilers, jus some of the same phrasing-lmk if u spot it lolol), groping, somnophilia (a bit)
word count/plot: [18.4k!] ara catches gojo's attention when news breaks that she is the top academically ranked student in their grade. he is ranked second. he tries to befriend her but she ignores him. despite her obvious disinterest, his obsession begins...
a/n: Sooo i’m not joking about all the warnings so pls b thorough w reading them. I really don’t want anyone to feel misled bc i do take my time to type everything out bc this stuff is dark & not a happy jolly love story. I feel like a part of why I even write this story is bc i want to explore the characterization of someone extremely entitled and completely helpless to their impulses vs someone who is relatively sheltered & always in fight or flight mode-its all p twisted but can u tell i wasn’t in a good place when i first started this LMAO. anyway, jus b warneddd
ch. 1 , ch. 2 [ part 1 | part 2 ] , chapter 3 , ch. 4
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They fucked. They fucked a lot. Whether it be at night after his basketball practice or mid-day in school. In study rooms, the locker room, empty classrooms-wherever they could find.
Some days he wanted her extra early, he’d have her first thing in the morning or right after she changed into uniform. Or-when he’s feeling extra desperate-he’d have her in his car in the parking lot, right after driving them to school. He liked seeing her all flush-faced and flustered while zooming out of his car those mornings.
He never seemed to get enough. 
And she couldn’t take it. Her veil was slipping away with each encounter with him. She cried a lot when he wasn’t around and grew incredibly frustrated whenever he was around. Her patience was running incredibly thin—despite knowing her options were limited, she never stopped fantasizing of ways to end their ‘relationship’ on the daily.
The cops left their school a week ago. It seemed they gathered all the information they needed. And seeing how lax Gojo was, she knew without a doubt that he’d gotten off without a scratch. She didn’t even think anyone suspected him.
How could they? When she was the only one that’d seen it all—The only one who knew the reason.
Noel hadn’t come back to school—rumor had it that he’d transferred schools. Rumor also had it that it was Nanami’s doing because-apparently-Noel stole jewelry from Nanami’s house the night of the party. 
She couldn’t help but doubt that rumor. Noel was well off, he didn’t need someone else’s mothers jewelry. But she supposed transferring to another school district couldn’t be helped, especially not after having a label like ‘robber’ stuck to you at a school full of rich kids. It didn’t help that he robbed his own team captain at that; it was something his reputation couldn’t come back from-at this school, anyway.
She wished she could directly ask him what happened that night but she doubted she’d get the chance now.
Eitherway, she knew something was more than suspicious about that situation. And it made her more than just irritable when she thought of Gojo going on with his daily life while other people had to face the repercussions of his actions.
Suddenly the sound of a car honking drew her from her thoughts.
She immediately glanced over to see a matte black Mercedes G-Wagon pulling up beside her. The passenger window rolled down to reveal an unruly, platinum haired boy with the most lethal smirk on his lips.
He lowered his sunglasses, “You forgot about me already?”
She’d gotten so lost in her thoughts she must’ve accidentally walked right past his car. She swallowed-hesitating for only a moment before slipping into his car.
The second she shut the car door, she tried not to be tense. She knew what was coming and he did exactly that.
His hand slid around her nape, his crystalline eyes affectionate as he leaned over to capture her lips in a lingering kiss. He always greeted her like he missed her—as if he hadn’t been in her bed an hour ago.
Since he slept over most nights he'd wanted to leave some of his clothes at hers. She immediately refused-using the excuse that if her Dad found his clothes in her room she was bound to get in trouble.
In reality, she needed the hour he took to go home and change in the morning for herself. He was always around-it felt suffocating sometimes. Suffocating enough that she almost liked school.
Except for when he texted her ‘i wanna see you’ in the middle of class. That text filled her with dread every time.
Aside from school, that ‘morning hour’ and his basketball practice-they were almost always together. Like now, he always picked her up the same time her bus usually came to pick her up. He also parked a block away from her house-her orders, because she had a thing about discretion.
He broke the kiss, his fingers playing with her hair, “What’s got you in a daze, kitten?”
She inadvertently tensed, “Nothing.”
He assessed her before his gaze grew warm, “Always so serious.” he mused.
He ruffled her hair and she pushed his hand away. He leaned back in his seat before driving in that one-handed fashion that he always did.
Her eyes narrowed when she noticed him take an unfamiliar route. She watched him pull into one of the nearby gated communities.
She didn’t build up the courage to ask about their whereabouts until he stopped in front of a house that couldn’t have been worth less than two million. The architecture of the house was rather modern, with a lot of glass wall panels and a marble driveway.
“This isn’t school.” the words came out more curt than she intended.
“Correct. We’re picking Suguru up.”
Her eyes widened and before she could speak the back door of the car opened and Geto slipped inside. He was dressed in uniform. His hair tied back in his typical man bun, she’d never seen him without it.
Geto patted Gojo on the shoulder in greeting before settling into the backseat. “Yo.”
Geto caught her gaze and merely nodded, his expression unreadable.
“Yooo,” Gojo greeted-rather enthusiastically-before pulling out of the driveway. “Busted your car, didn’t ya?”
“Shut the hell up. I get it back tomorrow.”
Gojo smirked, “Damn-tomorrow? Kinda liked it when you rely on me.”
“Yeah well I’d rather hang myself before getting on a smelly bus.”
Ara flushed.
Geto continued, “Did you do the calc homework?”
“Yeah, you want it?”
“Do you remember what you got for the last question?”
They continued to converse until Gojo parked in the school parking lot.
Gojo checked his watch, “We still got fifteen minutes left till homeroom.”
“Great, I had to print out something from the library anyway.”
Geto stepped out of the car only to pop his head back in a second before he shut the door, “Yo, make sure to send me the calc homework.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Gojo said, slipping his phone out his pocket to do just that.
Geto’s eyes seemed to catch Ara’s for a moment, “Bye, Natsuna.”
She blinked, “Bye.”
Geto shut the car door before walking off in the direction of school. The familiar sound of a text being sent was audible, “There.” Gojo muttered.
“You told him.” Ara spoke, rather outright.
He raised a pale brow, “What?”
“He knows.. about us.”
Gojo blinked.
She held his gaze, trying not to look as unnerved as she felt, “I thought we agreed on keeping us a secret.”
“He’s my best friend.”
“And?” her irritation got the best of her. “What if he tells someone?”
“He’s not like that. Besides, you told Millie too-didn’t you?”
“She knows we fucked.”
She flushed, “Yeah, and that’s it. I didn’t tell her we’re together.”
A subtle grin tugged at the corner of his lip, “Love when you say it.”
His hand went to the headrest of her seat-leaning towards her, “You could tell her. You can tell anybody you wan-“
“I prefer to keep things private,” she bit out, “You know this. How come I always have to listen to you but you never listen to me?”
The second the question left her lips, she froze. She felt it—the invisible line she’d crossed. She felt herself treading into dangerous territory.
His voice was oddly calm, “I do listen to you.”
It was true, sometimes he did but- “Only when you want to.” The words tumbled out of her, a whispery quality to her voice.
Suddenly his hand was at her nape, forcing her to look up at him. “Because you still hide things from me, Ara. I want you to tell me everything. I’m willing to tell you anything because I’m willing to give you everything. You just need to tell me what’s on your mind.”
She grabbed his wrist, her mind boggled. She shoved his hand away from her neck, “What are you talking about?”
“I’m willing to wait, Ara. I told you that I’m gonna be your everything and I meant it.”
His gaze was determined as he spoke, “I want you to open up to me because you want to-because you love me.”
She froze-holding his gaze for a moment before speaking a bit shakily, “You couldn’t handle it if I told you what’s on my mind.”
“Is that what you think?”
“It’s what I know.”
“Tell me,” he insisted, “Tell me one thing.”
She didn’t have enough energy to hold back- “I want space.”
She couldn’t look him in the eye once she said the words-simply staring straight out his blacked out windows. She tried not to tremble as the silence hung like weight between.
“I don’t believe in space.” His voice was cold.
She shivered, fighting the urge within her to just clamp up and be silent as she stuttered out, “I-I told you.. you couldn’t handle it.”
She nearly yelled when he grabbed a fistful of her hair, turning her to face him.
His eyes were ablaze with such anger it was nearly palpable, “Is there another boy?”
Her eyes widened before narrowing, “What?! No-!“ she twisted her head away from his hold, shoving his arm back.
His arm barely budged but he complied anyway, releasing her.
“Then why the hell do you want space?”
“Because we’re always together! I-I barely have time to myself. Y-your always there.”
“You had enough time to yourself. All those years before I found you was enough.” His tone was frigid, unrelenting.
She wanted to cry-she couldn’t do this anymore. “Y-you see,” she choked out, “I can’t speak my mind.”
His hand found her nape again, forcing her to face him—forcing her near as tears spilled down her face.
“No,” his tone was calm, yet the icy undercurrent within his words could not be denied, “You only want space because you’re afraid of falling for me. You think the more you get away from me you can convince yourself you don’t need me and I won’t have any of that.”
His voice turned lethal-completely deadpan, “I’m never letting you go.”
The words felt all too heavy-all too weighted-all too much. She hated this feeling; the feeling of having found another cage. This was exactly what she didn’t want.
Another situation that she didn’t know how to get rid of.
She shoved herself out of his grasp, looking away before he could see more tears spilling out of her eyes or how she was biting down on her lip hard to control her sob. She didn’t want to cry in front of him.
She didn’t think when she stepped out of his car and ran towards school. All she wanted to do was get away from him.
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She didn’t respond to him all day-and the terror of it all didn’t hit her until she was home, in the middle of doing her nightly skin care routine.
She froze, lowering her hand as she stared at her terrified expression in the mirror-the memory of how angry he looked when she muted him resurfacing.
She’d felt incredibly depressed after their argument, going class to class like a zombie until all her emotions became numb. She was incredibly zoned out, fatigued. She hadn’t checked her phone once all day.
The second she got home, she fell back into her old routine of napping after school. She felt refreshed after waking up and was able to do her homework with perfect concentration-not one stray thought clouding her mind.
She didn’t realize what she was disassociating from until now.
She quickly wiped her hands and retrieved her phone to check the time. 10:29 pm.
She blinked. That was way past his practice time. He would normally be at her place by now. What is going on?
Her heart raced. Too say she was worried wouldn't nearly cover how fidgety she was feeling. He never did this before.
She swallowed, wandering out her room to glance out the window. She was nearly certain it had something to do with their argument-it had to, right?
Her stomach rolled at the thought of him being angry. She stared at his several texts with growing horror.
9:59 am - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: hi
10:45 am - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: araa let’s talk
11:37 am - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: i wanna see you
11:39 am - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: talk to me ara
1:24 pm - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: u fr ignoring me?
1:45 pm - satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: u can’t ignore me forever yk
Her horror grew a thousand fold. She never ignored his texts-especially not after the ‘muting’ incident. But this-she’d ignored his ‘i wanna see you’ text, the first time she'd done such a thing. She was sure-most terrifyingly sure-there was no way she was getting out of this unscathed.
He was sure to be fuming.
She held her phone to her chest, dropping to her knees in the middle of her room. Questioning everything.
I shouldn’t have argued with him. Oh my god.. God, why didn’t I check my phone? Why?! Fuck, fuck, fuck !
She raked a hand through her hair. There was no way she was going to get an ounce of sleep tonight. She was terrified of what he would do.
Her eyes widened. I should text back. Maybe that’ll calm him.
She fumbled for her phone only to freeze when she saw a new notification appear. It was him.
satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: come outside
Her heart stopped. What should I do?
Her mind scrambled for the safest option. Her fingers hesitated before flying across the keyboard.
ara: i just saw ur texts sorry
Before she could send out her next reply, three typing dots appeared from his end and he responded a millisecond later.
satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: just come outside .
She froze. She couldn’t help but think he was mad-definitely mad. He never texted like that.
Oh no..
Her anxiety spiked. She knew she had to go.. Her eyes squeezed shut, chest tightening.
satoru bby🫶❣️🍰: i won’t repeat myself ara
Her fingers flew across the keyboard.
ara: im coming
She stared at her text with dread and.. frustration. Frustration because she couldn't believe he could command her like this-invoking her forced compliance. Dread because.. she had no clue what he would do.
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She hugged herself tight as she slowly approached his car, which was parked at its usual spot down the block. He knew to avoid the cameras around her house.
Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she knocked on the G-wagon passenger door before stepping inside.
He was facing out his window before she knocked. He immediately glanced over-tapping off the burnt edge of his joint.
His radiant eyes scanned her impassively before puffing out smoke slowly. The smoke silently curling in the air between them.
“Close the door.” he muttered.
She blinked, immediately glancing towards the passenger door to see that her hand was still on the handle. She hadn’t fully closed it.
She refrained from audibly swallowing before closing the door. She flinched when the car door locked.
She glanced over his way to see him swiftly adjust the gear to ‘drive’-mode and get the car on the road. The speed of the action made her throat tighten.
Her intertwined hands fidgeted in her lap uneasily. She contemplated apologizing for not responding to his texts-but she couldn’t find it in herself too. She almost didn’t want to remind him. Even if he was angry, he seemed somewhat calm right now.
She couldn’t ever be sure with him.
She didn’t want to break the silence. Her mind going a mile per minute before finally spurting out, “Where are we going?”
Ever since their ice cream hangout, he always wanted to take her to places at night but she always refused. The paranoia of her Dad finding out always overwhelmed her.
“To a party.” he responded, airily.
Her head whipped around to face him. She stared in shock as he indifferently took another hit from the joint.
“W-what?” she questioned, blankly. Her voice low.
“We’re going to a party.”
She stared at him. He couldn’t be serious… Entering a party with him-everyone would know what that meant, everyone would see them.
“I-“ she scrambled for words, “I can’t go.”
“Yes, you can.” his voice completely assured.
“No, I can’t, Satoru,” she fought to keep her voice even. “My Dad might check on me a-and we can’t show up to an event together-“
“Fuck your Dad and fuck being private.”
She stared at him in astonishment. His eyes were ablaze as he threw his burnt out joint out the window.
“Sick of that shit. I want everyone to know you’re mine.”
She felt herself growing sick. Is this supposed to be her punishment? No. no. no.. She couldn’t allow this, word would spread like wildfire and if her Dad were to somehow find out.. It was a huge risk-one that she wasn’t willing to take.
It didn’t help that something about the briskness of his words made her impulsively tap into her anger.
Her tone came out firm-with a tinge of desperation, “What do you have to prove to people?”
A wicked smirk slipped across his lips, “I don’t give a fuck about people. But you do-don’t you? You think your Pops is gonna find out. You know the attention you're gonna get bein’ mine and you hate it.”
He continued, “I don’t give a shit about either excuse anymore. Anything happens, they’ll have to come through me first.”
“Excuse?” she repeated in contempt-filled shock before sputtering out, “Y-you don’t understand-“
“What? That your Dad’s old school? He doesn’t allow you to date? Who cares-If he hears some shit just tell him it’s a rumor.”
Suddenly anger overrode her fear. Her words came out sharp, “Do you think I would be like this if it were that easy?”
“Then tell me why its not.”
She froze, her partly open lips gradually closing. She’d nearly told him-her answer just on the tip of her tongue-but it felt wrong. Telling someone her family issues would be a first, and-on top of that-confiding in him of all people? She’d rather die.
Her voice was low as she spoke through gritted teeth-attempting to keep her emotions at bay, “Just-take me home.” she choked out, shakily.
He glanced over at her. She felt his gaze on her and quickly faced the window. Her jaw locked as she swallowed, hard.
She squeezed her eyes shut as a heavy silence followed. She felt the tension build into a knot in her stomach.
She hesitantly glanced his way to see his expression was completely cold-to glacial levels. Not one emotion on his face.
She felt herself go breathless but decided to push her luck anyway. She needed to go home.
“P-please, Satoru.” she whispered.
His hand on the wheel tightened, “You’re coming with me. That’s final.”
She felt her heartbeat go faster. The finality in his tone was suffocating. She hated how helpless she felt; she felt the weight of it in every point of her body. Unease swirled underneath her skin, making her tremble slightly.
She couldn’t go to this party. She had to try. She needed to think of something.
She fought to keep her voice even, “I’m dressed in pjs, I-I can’t go like this.”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s Shoko’s party, I’ll tell her to let you borrow somethin’ “
She gnawed on her bottom lip, facing the window again as she racked her mind for something. It was hard to think through the turmoil of emotions swirling within her.
Her desperation got the best of her as she spoke, her voice cracking, “Please, don’t do this. Just take me home-I-I want to be home.”
He sucked his teeth, his ill-tempered expression faltering a second to reveal something more worn out. He looked almost exhausted.
“Why’d you have to whine today of all days? I don’t have the patience today.”
Her stomach twisted at how he spoke. He made it sound as if he were complaining about a pet being disobedient. Her nails dug into her palms as her hands clenched into fists.
“Aren’t you supposed to be my peace or some shit.” he muttered.
She chose not to dwell on his words, instead she inhaled a much needed breath before speaking quietly, “I’m sorry to bother you.. I promise I’ll stop once you take me home.”
A short, dry laugh left him, “Nah.”
His fingers tapped the steering wheel before he glanced her way, “I can think of a few other ways you could put me at ease.”
Her eyes widened when he pulled the car over to the side of the road. Her stomach swirled with dread. He wouldn’t—
He stepped out of the car and easily made it to her side. He opened the passenger side door, his tall frame nearly blocking the entirety of the entrance.
She stared at him in horror. His blue crystal-like eyes seemed to glimmer in the dark. A faint, nearly imperceptible smile grew on his lips as he looked at her.
She was still for a millisecond before attempting to zip past him through the narrow space underneath his arm-but he caught her easily. Almost as if he anticipated it.
She was yanked to his side, “Relax, kitten.”
Her limbs flung out, trying to connect with anything as she twisted in his grasp. Sounds of frustration leaving her lips as she yelled, “Let go-! Let go of-!”
He swung open the back door as she struggled in his hold. He tossed her in the backseat, her back flat against the seats. She didn’t get a second to process because Gojo was suddenly above her-the wide ceiling of the car providing him ample room.
She opened her mouth to scream but froze when a smug grin split across his lips, “Go ahead, be as loud as you want.”
He tilted his head slightly, “No one’s around to hear you.”
Her heart sank when she realized he was right. Whatever road they were on was rather deserted. She hadn’t seen anyone drive past them for the past ten minutes.
His lips brushed over hers, “No one but me.”
She shoved him off, a short cry leaving her lips as she twisted fiercely underneath him—attempting to turn her body and grasp the nearest car door handle.
His large hand found the meeting place of her neck and shoulder-and shoved her down. She yelled out.
“Where do you think you’re goin’ Ara.”
She stared up at him-momentarily frozen. His pale face was directly over hers, too close-everything too visible. The faint flush over his high cheekbones, the subdued spark in his dilated eyes, the hard-set of his jaw.
Strands of his white hair tickled her forehead as his hand came up to the side of her face. His thumb gliding over her bottom lip-playing with it almost. “You can’t escape me.” he reminded her, softly.
Tears filled her eyes and her arms moved before she could process it. She scrambled, she didn’t even know what she was doing. She wasn’t sure if she was shoving him or hitting him-all she knew was that she had to get away from him.
It took him an entirety of two seconds to pin both of her hands above her head with just one of his own. A sob left her lips as she writhed. She threw her head back in frustration.
His other hand slid down her ribs, over her stomach—pushing her arched body back down against the seats.
“Fuck, you’re testing me today.”
He pushed her legs aside with his free hand before easily tugging her sweats off. 
After removing them, he spread her bare legs and hooked them over his own. Despite being clothed himself, his erection made itself evident through the tent at his groin. The tip of the tent poking right against her panties, right over where it wanted to be.
She gasped, her hands pushing against his hold on her wrists as she struggled.
“N-no! Gojo-stop! Please-I don’t want to-!”
He began to thumb her clit over her panties, giving her a completely different reason to writhe underneath him.
“You think you get the choice?” he hissed, “You think I forgot how you ignored me all day, hm? I needed you, kitten. You ignored me.”
She let out a choked moan when he squeezed her clit slightly, “You can’t ignore me now, hm?” he taunted.
She felt his cock twitch against her cunt. He was already so hard, she couldn’t help but feel terrified.
“S-satoru, plea-nngh!” she moaned shakily, betraying herself. His fingers knew his way around her too well. He knew where to touch her-to make her whimper-to make her moan.
His thumb moved expertly along her puffy clit, pressing at the point where it throbbed the most to make her squeal.
Her shoulders shook as she twisted under him, her arms sore from how much she thrashed in his hold. His grip on her wrists never loosened.
She immediately turned her face aside when he lowered his face above hers. A strangled moan leaving her lips when her clit grew slightly hard under his ministrations–making her all the more sensitive to his touch at its tense bud. She was close, and he knew it too.
A low gasp left her lips when his touch disappeared, leaving her clit throbbing with need–aching for more. She’d been seconds away from her peak.
She felt her hips rise, nearly chasing his touch before freezing. Her frustration surprised her–her eyes going wide in shock.
No… no!
“You wanted more, didn’t you, kitten?” he spoke huskily against her temple before taunting, “Beg for it.”
She gasped when she felt his long fingers touch her pussy lips, spreading her wetness along her folds. She hated that she enjoyed his touch–she hated that she knew he was prepping her.
She turned her head to face him, the hatred clear in her eyes before she spit in his face.
A growl ripped from his throat and the next thing she knew she was screaming. His index and middle finger fucking her so hard, her hips bucked with each thrust.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, Ara,” he promised darkly in her ear, “I’m gonna fuck the disobedience right outta you.”
She screamed once more when his fingers felt like they slammed too deep. The lewd sounds of her wetness felt too loud each time his fingers fully submerged themselves in her.
“I-I hate you.” she sobbed, her head shaking back and forth as she tried to tame her moans.
“Your pussy doesn’t.”
She hated that he was right. With each ferocious thrust of his fingers, drops of her wetness flew in the air-leaving wet spots on his pants, his shirt. It was embarrassing–and completely lewd. She squeezed her thighs, aching to close her legs but his body was planted firmly between them–keeping her legs wide open, her pussy completely vulnerable to his advances.
She sobbed, her back arching as she felt herself get as wet as he liked. Her pussy sloshing with juices, her insides a complete sopping mess. It hadn’t taken long due to his teasing earlier.
She knew he liked when he got her like this, so he could completely submerge his huge cock into her straight away despite how narrow she was inside. It made her realize-with daunting clarity-how rough he was planning on being.
He groaned before removing his fingers from her cunt and slipping them into his mouth. A jolt of electricity zipping up her spine as she watched him deftly suck his fingers clean. He loved her taste.
“Fuck,” he muttered, a bit breathless.
He reached down to unzip himself, his luminous eyes never leaving hers as he did so. Her legs trembled.
He didn’t miss the subtle action-his gaze dropping to her shaky legs. His hand slid down her inner thigh, making her trembling worse.
“You scared?” he murmured, quietly-before grabbing her by the hip to pull her sopping cunt directly against his groin. She felt his length press against her through his jeans, he was so stiff she couldn’t help but shiver.
He moved her trembling legs over his shoulders, “You should be.”
She felt tears slip down her face as she tried to contain her sob. She lifted her hips-her cunt inadvertently rubbing his clothed cock as she tried to push at his grip on her wrists-frustration consuming her. She hated how weak the action felt against the strength of his grip.
He chuckled darkly.
“Please, stop..” her voice shook, but she knew her pleas would be futile.
He began to unzip himself once-more. Her body jolted when she felt his hot, bare cock press against her pussy lips. Her wetness making it all too easy for him to glide his thick, veiny length through her folds.
He pulled back slightly, wrapping his hand around his cock to press its tip into her clit—making her squeal. He began to rub his cockhead against her clit in painstakingly slow circles.
His breath hitched as he watched her stir underneath him. She attempted to lift her hips away from him but he was adamant, keeping his cock right at the bud of her pleasure—knowing how it would make her feel.
“I’m gonna make you wish you were good to me.”
Her eyes shot open at the coarseness of his voice, meeting his dominating gaze a second before he showed her the truth behind his words.
She screamed.
He’d buried himself into her to the hilt-in one brutally swift motion. His cock was so huge she felt like she could feel it throbbing at every point in her body. The sound of the action was so lewd, she couldn’t help but gape in embarrassment.
But he didn’t stop–he didn’t give her a second to adjust. Instead he made her mind go completely stupid when he fucked at her at the cruelest pace she’d ever felt. It felt like the cruelest pace known to mankind. She didn’t think her mouth ever closed.
The sound of his cock slamming into her was instantly repeated–it was never ending. Despite being so wet, the fit was still too tight–she was able to feel each bump, ridge and curve of his cock. Especially its head when it hit far too deep within her then it should've. Her body shook forcefully with each thrust.
Her legs on his shoulders gave him the perfect angle to drench his cock to brim in her juices—allowing him to thrust into her as mercilessly as he wanted. His pace was brutal-punishing.
She managed to finally gasp out words through her moans, “Oh my god-ngh!-I-I can’t! I can’t–Gojo, please.”
Her back arched as he didn’t stop-desperate mewls and cries leaving her lips. He clutched the side of her face-his nose grazing hers as he pressed his cock deep into her, making her hips rise as she groaned. She felt so filled.
His thumb wiped away a tear as he continued to thrust into her-a bit slower than before so he could revel in the feel of her slippery cunt. He didn’t know how she managed to be so soft and tight at the same time.
“Love seeing you cry on my cock like this,” he muttered raggedly, “Gets me so hard, kitten-so hard. I don’t wanna stop. I can’t stop.”
He groaned as he slowed down-as if it were taking him everything to do so. “I don’t wanna cum just yet.” he gritted out hoarsely.
He finally went still inside her. He released her hands to slip off his shirt and her eyes widened.
My hands are free.
It was a split second decision-one that was made without a single regard for how badly her body ached or how stiff her arms felt. She moved, using her legs on his shoulder to kick him back and twist her body towards the door.
She clutched the door handle and shoved it open, only to yell when she felt hands grip her waist and yank her back inside.
She screamed, struggling and kicking in his grip, “Let go—let go of me! Let go! Let g-“
Suddenly she was held up and plunged down on his cock in his lap. Her wetness completely enveloping him, instantly transforming her scream into a choked moan. Her body shook as her cunt was forced to accommodate him. The sensation all too much-tipping her to the edge of her sanity.
Her eyes squeezed shut as her cunt spasmed around his stiff cock. She jerked in his hold, nails scratching wildly at his arm around her, "N-no, nngghh," she choked out, moaning as her cunt squeezed him so tight, "Please-please—" she whisper-cried.
Despite all her struggle, he didn’t budge—he was completely immovable. He easily reached over and slammed the car door shut. The 'click' sound of the doors locking seemed to echo.
The second the door locked, his hand slipped around her neck and shoved her small back completely against his muscular chest. His other hand gripped her hip, keeping her rooted in spot as he shoved the full length of his cock into her. The head of his cock reaching a spot too deep.
“Enough.” he said the word without a drop of emotion.
Her whole body twitched, uneven gasps leaving her lips as his fingers tightened around her throat. Her back arched against him, his hand on her hip kept her cunt glued to him.
He stared at her parted lips, “When are you gonna learn, Ara..”
She whimpered when she felt his cock throb within her. She dropped her head-forcing herself to breathe.
His hand at her neck slid to her jaw, forcing her head back against his shoulder.
His lips brushed her throat, “I’m never letting you go.”
His cock didn’t stop moving after that. He fucked her. His actions embodying his words as his cock pistoned in and out of her ruthlessly.
His hold on her left her utterly useless to anything but his means. She could feel too much of him at this position. Her body trembling with each rough press of his cock.
Her throat was sore from how much cried-screamed-moaned. From pain or pleasure, she didn’t know anymore. All she knew was that she was completely consumed by him. There was nothing else but him.
He was everywhere. Beside her, near her, in her. 
Nowhere to escape. Just him. Only him.
His breaths were short, hot and desperate beside her ear. He bit at her neck and jaw needily. His hand on her neck now under her shirt, squeezing her tits with all his strength. His cock pounded into her harder.
She bucked forward, crying out. His arm over her tits kept her close to his firm body. With how hard he was fucking her, he had to hold her-to keep her from flying all over the place.
The pleasure building within her couldn’t be helped. Her skin felt hot and sweaty—at the cusp of something she couldn’t come back from. Every nerve within her body felt attuned to the brutal pace of his cock.
She flimsily grabbed the wrist of his hand at her tits, “Satoru, pl-nnghh-st-Satoru!” she yelled, wishing she could tell him to stop but the only thing that left her mouth was an earth shattering moan.
She jerked forward. Her pussy spasming hard around his cock. She felt like she’d entered another dimension—especially since his pace didn’t slow down. His cock drawing out her pleasure to the max.
His arms wound themselves tight around her smaller frame, keeping her close against him as her entire body jerked and trembled with her orgasm. Her back arched against him-his arms only tightening around her to pull her close again. She threw her head back and he buried his face into her neck.
She couldn’t stop moaning-screaming-she couldn’t tell anymore. All she knew her throat felt entirely too scratchy from all the noises she’d made during their fucking and now, her high.
Her pussy clamped around him. Her walls squeezing him so deliciously tight he swore he saw a glimpse of heaven. He groaned into her neck. The groan was so deep, so animalistic she felt it emanating through his chest against her back.
He leaned forward, burying his cock impossibly deeper as he came. She was too weak to even gasp at the feeling of his thick, warm cum spurting within her-completely coating her cunt walls. She merely twitched at the feeling of his stiff cock throbbing in her overly sensitive cunt. Streaks of his cum slipped out of her-down her inner thighs. There was simply no more room inside her.
Then finally, they both went still. Nothing but their breathlessness filling the silence.
She released his hair, she hadn’t realized she grabbed it mid orgasm. Her tits felt sore from how hard he’d squeezed her through his high.
She shivered when she felt his cock twitch within her-the aftermath of his peak. She felt so weak, so utterly used. She closed her eyes, not wanting to think anymore.
He was always so good at that-not making her think.
His arms loosened around her. His hands found the curves of her waist and pulled her upright with him. Even that subtle action made her body ache with soreness.
Suddenly he bit at her neck, nipping at her skin possessively while palming her tits under her shirt. She writhed weakly against him, his half-erect cock within her making her go still.
Her eyes shot open, she couldn’t let him get hard again.
His hands suddenly slipped underneath her knees, spreading her thighs apart. Her cheeks grew warm when she felt his gaze on her lower regions over her shoulder.
She swallowed when she saw all the marks and bruises from his hands on her earlier. He always grabbed her so hard. He always did whatever he wanted with her.
He shifted underneath her, his hips slowly pulling his cock out of her. When his cock finally slipped out, a lewd sound filled the car. She watched in horror as streams of his hot cum poured out of her cunt-it felt endless, it didn’t stop pouring out. It didn’t help that his cock was completely erect and shiny from her juices.
“Look at how wet you’ve made my cock, kitten,” his voice was husky against her temple, “You came so hard you were screaming-you screamed my name.”
Her eyes widened when she saw his cock twitch. She instinctively drew her legs together.
He harshly drew her legs apart, “You think anyone else could make you feel like that?”
She trembled when his hold around her thighs tightened. She knew he was bound to leave new marks at the skin there.
He pressed his nose to her temple, “Hm?”
She shivered, simply turning her face aside. She couldn’t find it in herself to speak.
“Answer me.” he whispered in her ear.
She squeezed her eyes shut, merely shaking her head.
“That’s right,” he muttered, “No one but me.”
His hand squeezed her inner thigh, making her jolt, “You’re mine, Ara. Mine.”
He watched a tear unconsciously make its way down her cheek, “I took your first and I’ll keep takin’ you forever.”
She flinched when she felt him deftly lick her cheekbone, catching her tear with his tongue-tasting her.
“You belong to me.”
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He held her hand as she stepped out of the car. She silently followed him. She didn’t register anything about their surroundings-simply letting him lead her where he wanted.
She thought she faintly heard the sound of a phone ringing and going to voicemail. He grumbled in annoyance.
Suddenly a door swung open before them. Music blasting through the doors.
She glanced up to see Shoko standing at the door, “Hi snowman.”
“I was calling you.”
Shoko glanced over at her, “This her?”
Ara couldn’t help but sense the smirk in his voice, “Yeah.”
Ara glanced around-finally noticing her surroundings. She was on a vast, wrap-around stone porch. Empty alcohol bottles and burnt out joints were scattered all over the otherwise sparkling ground.
Suddenly Shoko was grabbing her hand, “I don’t know why you’re tellin’ me to dress her up when I can barely dress myself but I’ll have fun with this.”
Ara was dragged through the double doors and led inside the mansion. Ara didn’t the chance to admire the color changing chandelier in the lobby because she was getting pulled up the steps-or rather, dragged. Shoko walked pretty fast.
People were everywhere. She didn’t make eye contact with anyone. She didn’t want to see people from school.
People laughed boisterously-calling out to each other. Wearing shiny outfits. Drinks and joints in hand. They looked so happy, care-free. She felt so out of place.
A few people spoke to Shoko but she simply said a few words and shoo-ed them away. Ara was too zoned out to care.
Suddenly Shoko pushed open a door and led them both inside. It was a bedroom, decorated sparsely but lavishly. Each decoration piece looked as if it were taken from a museum or art studio.
It was quite obviously a girls room, due to the subtle feminine touches within the room despite the color scheme of the room being cream and sage.
“Alright, so…”
Ara stopped scanning the room to meet Shoko’s blank stare. The other girl looked curious but unamused at the same time. They’d seen each other before-in classes and such-but this had to be the most they’ve ever interacted.
Ara knew she was rather close to Gojo and Geto. Rumor also had it that her and Nanami were dating.
“I don’t know if I have clothes your taste or whatever but can you take your shirt off so I can see what I’m working with?”
Ara blinked, “Uh..”
She couldn’t blame the other girl for asking. She was wearing an oversized tee and loose fitting sweats.
Shoko sighed, walking over, “It’s just us girls-“
She easily slipped off Ara’s shirt and froze, “Holy shit.”
Ara grabbed her shirt and pressed it close to her chest-trembling slightly.
Shoko blinked several times before running a hand through her shoulder length hair, “Oh-wow, you and Satoru had a time, didn’t you..”
Shoko shook her head, “I don’t know what girls see in him.”
Ara was too tired to speak-to agree with her and say she saw nothing in him. All words simply felt too useless.
Shoko went to the closet and returned with a garment on a hanger and heels. She handed it to her.
“Put this on. I’ll try to see what we can do about the..” She gestured towards her chest before waving towards the attached bathroom, “I think my Mom might have some extra foundation shades…” she mumbled to herself.
Ara didn’t understand what she meant and was-frankly-too tired to care. Ara walked into the bathroom. She barely looked at the clothes before stripping and putting them on. The heels were strappy kitten heels that wasn't too bad but the dress... the dress fit a little too well.
She glanced in the mirror and stared in shock as she realized the dress was a sleeveless, bodycon minidress that ended mid-thigh. There were also a few patterned, cut-outs shapes that ran down the sides.
Her eyes widened when she saw what made Shoko curse earlier. Her neck was covered in marks-including her collarbones and cleavage. There were even a few bruises strewn along her exposed thighs.
She uncomfortably pulled the dress lower-only to freeze when she saw that it made her tits spill out a bit more at the top.
What the hell is this?
Ara felt naked. She’d never worn anything like this. She felt exposed.
A knock at the bathroom door made her jolt, “Did you put it on?”
Ara glanced down at herself before stuttering out, “Y-yeah.”
Shoko entered, her eyes widening as she gave her a once-over, “Pft. My moms real funny if she thought I’d look like that in that dress.”
Ara’s brows furrowed-unsure of what to make of the comment. Just as she was about to ask for something else to wear, Shoko gently took her hand.
“You have bruises on your wrists too?” she asked, while examining them, “Christ.”
Ara quickly pulled her hand away, trembling slightly, “Do you have something else I can wear.”
Shoko nodded, “Sure, is there anything you want instead of a dress maybe? A crop top? Skirt?”
Ara froze, hesitating. It was stupid.. she knew she was being stupid. Maybe it was because how genuine Shoko appeared when she asked or the calm sincerity in her tone but something about her asking about what she wanted.. It felt like the first time someone actually cared about her opinion-cared about what she wanted.
She choked slightly on her words, “C-can you get me home?”
Shoko blinked, “You want to go home?”
She nodded, “I-“ her voice cracked. What she wanted to say was ‘I can’t do this party. I never wanted to come to this party.’ but instead she started crying. She full on fell to her knees and started to cry-she couldn’t help herself.
“Oh my god,” Shoko gasped, going on her knees as well. “Shit, are you okay?”
Ara couldn’t speak-simply too consumed by sorrow to go on. Her shoulders shook as she continued to cry. She didn’t know how long she cried for but by the time she calmed down Shoko was gone and the bathroom door was closed.
Ara stood up slowly-grasping the counter to steady her wobbly legs.
Suddenly the bathroom door swung opened and Gojo entered. Shoko stood behind him, a concerned expression on her face.
“Ara-“ his words were cut short the second his eyes landed on her. His eyes were wide as he stared at her. His mouth still partly open as if in disbelief. Color swiftly rose to his cheeks.
Shoko shook her head, “Can you get over yourself and help her out already? I think you boned her enough.”
A smirk split across his lips, “It’s never enough.”
“Gross.” Shoko muttered as Gojo sauntered up to her. He ran his hands down her trembling arms. She couldn’t look away from him.
“You look stunning, kitten.” he murmured, giving her another once-over up close.
Stunning didn’t cover it. She looked sexy as hell. She was guaranteed to give every male an erection with one glance… and something about that fact filled him with an uncanny amount of satisfaction.
He cupped her face in his hands, wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes with his thumb. She was frozen.
He glanced over his shoulder at Shoko, “You gonna watch?”
She narrowed her eyes, “Hell yeah I am. God knows what you'll do in here if I don't."
His smirk reappeared, “You have no faith in me.”
“No one should.” Shoko bit back.
He merely slid his hand into Ara’s. “Let’s go.”
She gripped his hand tight. Her free hand latching onto his arm just as he moved to head out the door with her.
“W-wait, please,” she stuttered out. Panic suddenly rising through her numbness, “I can’t-I can’t—“ do this party. I want to go home.
He looked down to face her, “What's wrong, kitten?” he asked softly.
There was something humorous about that question-especially coming from him. In another life, she might've laughed. Instead her throat tightened up the second they locked eyes.
She casted a quick, side glance Shoko’s way. Shoko seemed to be watching them curiously.
She swallowed hard before glancing up at Gojo, “I..I can’t wear this dress.” her voice ending as a whisper.
There was a moment of silence as he looked at her. His gaze dropped to her feet before raking up her body ever so slowly. She felt as if he were committing everything he saw before him to memory.
When his eyes met hers, he exhaled through his nose-in faint amusement.
"Modest now, are we?" he teased.
The words would've hit her like a bullet once-making her hand itch to slap him-but now it had the impact value of a rock skipping water.
He released her hand to slip his hoodie off in one movement. He tugged it over her, "Happy?"
She stared down at the floor, nodding.
He slid his hand through hers. “Let’s go.”
Ara couldn't meet Shoko’s eyes as he led her out the bathroom. She knew the other girl only meant to help by calling him but she couldn’t help but feel betrayed.
“Wait.” Shoko spoke.
Gojo paused, glancing back towards her. He watched her crossed arms fall before she walked up to Ara. She reached around Ara's nape, pulling out the rest of her hair that'd gotten tucked underneath the hoodie.
Gojo saluted Shoko airily, “I’ll buy you a replacement for the dress.”
Shoko’s eyes widened, “What-“ she shook her head, “I don’t even wanna know.”
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She was led through the crowd with Gojo ahead of her. She didn’t have to look up to know people were parting for them. Mainly, him.
Familiar voices of their classmates greeted him as he passed. He never let go of her hand, simply winking or dabbing up whoever he recognized as he walked through. She felt so many eyes on her, she wanted to puke.
She was wearing a hoodie so she knew it wasn’t her insane outfit. It was most definitely the man she was interlocking hands with. She hated how much attention the simple action of hand holding could garner simply because it was him.
The music was so loud, it was almost obnoxious. The smell of weed was everywhere, she felt like she’d inhaled enough second hand smoke to start feeling traces of being high herself. This was truly the last place she wanted to be.
Finally Gojo stopped walking, arriving at the center of the living room where all his friends were gathered.
He sat down on the couch next to Geto, easily tugging Ara down on his lap.
She gasped slightly, grasping Gojo’s shoulder to steady herself. She felt so uncomfortable.
Geto eyed her, his dark eyes going to her hand on Gojo’s shoulder. She immediately dropped her hand.
“I’m back.” he said with a small smile, “Hope I didn’t miss anything too interesting.”
“No,” Geto responded, “We just skipped your turn.”
“He wanted to play for you but that’s fuckin’ cheating. But—who the hell is that?”
She glanced up to see that it was Toji asking the question. The second they made eye contact his eyes widened in recognition.
“My girl,” Gojo responded with a growing smirk before tugging her close to press a light kiss on her cheek. “She can introduce herself.”
She swallowed, meeting Gojo’s gaze uneasily before facing the others seated around them. She recognized them one by one. Geto. Toji. Nanami. Haibara. And-it seemed-Shoko had just joined them as well.
She cleared her throat, “I’m Ara Natsuna.”
“I remember you,” Toji stated, “You were at Nanami’s party that time.”
Nanami grumbled, “Can we not talk about that.”
Toji chuckled, “My bad.”
Haibara’s voice piped up-rather animated, “At least you’re not grounded anymore!”
“I wasn’t grounded.” Nanami retorted flatly.
“Well your Mom basically put you on house arrest so you kinda were.” Haibara responded lightly.
Nanami looked slightly agitated as he slouched back in his seat, “Fuck those cops. They didn’t leave me alone for weeks.”
Shoko stood behind the loveseat Nanami occupied. She leaned against it, “Didn’t they stop questioning you last week?”
“Yeah, finally.”
Ara tensed slightly in Gojo’s lap. She’d completely forgotten Nanami must’ve gotten the brute end of questioning regarding the investigation for Arman and Jaemin's deaths-considering they died in his house.
She glanced at Gojo. His impassive expression turned into something more amused when he caught her gaze. She shivered when he ran a hand down her back.
He glanced at Nanami, “Need my help?”
She could only assume that meant contacting his Dad. His offer only reaffirmed her theory of his father's influence still persisting in law enforcement despite being retired.
“Nah, my lawyers got it.” Nanami muttered, looking rather worn. It seemed the investigation had taken a toll on him.
Ara didn’t miss how Shoko’s hand subtly dropped to Nanami’s shoulder from her perch behind him. She squeezed his shoulder reassuringly before raising her hand to hold her cigarette as she lit it.
“Is no one shocked that Gojo settled down.” Shoko asked.
“Yeah, what’d you do to him, miss smarts.” Toji asked, “You the reason why he hasn’t been hangin’ out as much?” 
Gojo chuckled, “That’s bul-“
Haibara snapped his fingers, realizing belatedly, “Oh yeah! I haven’t seen you out the past few weekends-“ his eyes widened, “Woa, that’s unheard of.”
Shoko blew out a puff of smoke, “That’s what I’m saying.”
Suddenly she was being pulled further up Gojo’s lap. His hand on her waist slipped over her lower stomach, pressing her body close to his.
He kissed her neck, “Obviously I had better things to do.”
Ara’s face heated up just as the group broke out in ruckus—Haibara whistled. Nanami rolled his eyes. Shoko threw a red Solo cup at him-causing Geto to laugh.
Nanami looked unamused, “Fuck you.”
Toji was grinning as he shook his head, “This guy thinks he’s different.”
Gojo chuckled as he caught the cup after it bounced off him. He glanced within the cup to check its contents. It was filled a little less than half-way, it was a miracle the drink didn’t spill on him.
“Your drink is still in here.” he exclaimed with an astonished smirk.
“That's the point.” Shoko replied. His smirk widened before he set the drink down on the table before them.
He met Shoko’s narrowed eyes, “I’m obviously joking. I haven’t been out cuz I don’t wanna go without this one-“ he shook Ara slightly in his grasp, “Wouldn’t want her partying without me so.. gotta play fair.” he shrugged.
Ara’s brows furrowed. Am I supposed to appreciate that?
“What a gentleman.” Toji muttered before taking a swig of beer. She couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not.
Shoko blinked before meeting Ara’s gaze, “I hope this means you're coming out to more parties then?”
She felt Gojo’s nose nudge her temple, suggestively, “Hmm?” 
As if I had a choice in coming here.
Ara hesitated-shifting awkwardly in Gojo’s lap, “Um.. I don’t really like partying that much.”
Shoko tilted her head, “Why?”
Ara wasn’t really sure how to respond, “Well, Nanami’s party was my first so..”
“That was your first party?” Haibara questioned, nearly jumping out of his seat.
Toji shook his head, “I knew it.”
Nanami ran a hand over his face before grumbling, “I’d hate partying after that too.”
Ara nodded in response to Haibara’s question.
“But aren’t you a senior?” Haibara pressed, eyes wide in shock.
She nodded.
Haibara stared, his eyes flitting between her and Gojo. Gojo was resting his head on her shoulder, arms wrapped loosely around her.
Haibara blinked, “How did you find her?”
A devious grin split across Gojo’s lips. She felt his arms tighten around her slightly, “I got lucky.” he replied.
Haibara continued to stare at them in disbelief.
Shoko absentmindedly played with the ends of her short, blunt cut hair as she blew out another puff of smoke, “Okay well, to be fair the party was fun before all the.. bullshit, but I guess I can��t really blame you.”
Ara merely nodded. They had no idea what occurred in her house the same night after that party.
“But also-“ Shoko continued, “Not all parties are like that. I promise.”
“I’d kill myself if they were.” Nanami muttered.
Toji chuckled under his breath.
“Did you drink anything yet?” Shoko asked her.
Ara shook her head, “No.”
Shoko raised a brow-her eyes snapping to Gojo, “What kind of boyfriend are you? You didn’t get your girl a drink?”
Gojo raised his head from her shoulder, “I didn’t even get myself one,” he straightened slightly, as if preparing to stand up.
He looked down at her on his lap, “Do you want a drink?”
Shoko waved her hand, “Just stay put. I’ll get her one, you’d probably get her something lame like beer anyway.”
Haibara frowned, “Beer’s lame?”
Nanami responded flatly, “Don’t listen to her.”
Just as Shoko turned to leave Gojo yelled after her, “Get me one too!”
Shoko didn’t turn around as she flipped him off.
Toji picked up his deck of cards from the table, “Can we play now? I got money riding on this.”
Nanami chuckled as he looked at his own cards spread neatly in his hand, “You’re gonna lose, Fushiguro.”
Toji grinned, “Let’s see.”
Gojo reached over to pick up his deck, “Oh shit, nobody told me we had money on this.”
“Winner gets 2K, last person playing the winner pays.” Geto responded.
Ara’s gaze immediately latched onto him. She couldn’t help but take note of how he hadn’t said one word during the group's conversation until now.
He sat hunched over, legs spread on the couch next to Gojo. He wore a simple loose gray tee with black loose-fitted sweats. This had to be the first time she’d seen him in casual clothing-and she couldn’t help but notice that his shoulders looked impeccably broad under his shirt.
She’d never taken him to be the quiet type but she supposed she didn’t truly know him. She couldn’t help but wonder if he knew something..
Gojo grinned subtly, “Let me guess, Fushiguro started the bet.” 
“Who else.” Geto replied airily.
She looked down at the cards in front of her as Gojo spread them all in one hand.
“You’re on my team,” he murmured, his cool breath trailing down her neck, “Do you know how to play?”
She shook her head.
He began to explain the rules but in truth she zoned out halfway. Geto suddenly elbowed Gojo, cutting him off mid-explanation.
“Your turn.”
“Jus watch.” Gojo murmured to her before straightening slightly to put a card down on the table. 
Suddenly Toji’s hand shot out, “Wait, does your girl want to play?”
“Shut the hell up, scammer, she’s on my team,” Gojo quipped.
She heard Geto faintly snort beside them.
Toji’s darkly handsome grin returned, “Don’t worry I wouldn’t scam your girl. You got that covered.”
The boys continued to banter as they played the card game. Gojo checked in on her here and there but otherwise no one paid her too much mind-which she greatly appreciated. It was nice to zone out to the pounding music and people watch for a while.
“Shit-I’m out.” Gojo tossed his deck of cards down.
Nanami was smiling, “That’s what you get.”
Toji squinted, “Did you even try?”
Just as Gojo shrugged, some guy approached him. Another athlete that she didn’t know the name of. Gojo and Haibara enthusiastically engaged in small talk with him before the guy offered to smoke them up.
Gojo suddenly turned to the rest of them, “Yo, I'm goin out to smoke.”
“I wanna smoke.” Haibara pitched in.
Toji waved his hand dismissively towards Haibara, “Just go. You don’t even play right anyway.”
Haibara sucked his teeth before whining. “I suck at cards, okay? I’m better at chess.”
“Who the fuck plays chess.” Toji replied.
“You’re next.” Nanami spoke to Toji-rather focused.
Haibara tossed his deck of cards on the table with a sigh before standing up.
Gojo faced her in his lap, “You wanna smoke, kitten?”
She met his gaze before shaking her head. She wondered for a second if he would force her.
His light blue eyes softened before he kissed her cheekbone—lightly squeezing her in his arms as he did so.
“ ‘Kay, I’ll be back in a bit.” he said before lifting her off his lap and standing up. He gave her one last wink before walking further into the party with Haibara and the athlete guy flanking his side.
She shifted slightly, occupying less than half of the space Gojo took up on the couch. She usually would feel relieved that Gojo left her alone but-for some reason-she felt more awkward. More aware.
She glanced over at Geto beside her. It was his turn to play and he seemed to be deciding which card to put down. It was taking him longer than she expected.
She pointed at a card in his stack, “That one.”
His brow raised slightly before he picked out that card and put it down, “Thought you didn’t know how to play.” his tone was calm.
It seemed he’d been eavesdropping on her and Gojo’s conversation.
“Satoru explained the rules to me.”
He seemed to pause before replying, “Oh. It didn’t seem like you were paying attention.”
Her brows furrowed slightly. Is that passive aggressiveness in his tone? Or is he simply pointing out the fact? She couldn’t tell.
He was right to assume because she hadn’t been but it wasn’t hard for her to pick up the rules of the game after watching a couple rounds.
She opened and closed her mouth a few times before saying, “I-I wasn’t.” She wasn’t too sure why she admitted that but-for some reason-she didn’t want the conversation to end just yet.
The hard-line of his mouth twitched imperceptibly, “Oh.”
She swallowed uneasily. She watched him play his next move silently. Her eyes flickered upto Toji and Nanami who were locked in on a conversation about the game.
Her gaze returned to Geto as she blurted, “Did Satoru tell you anything.. a-about me?”
She was terrified to say the least. Terrified to confide in him but if he knew anything-something-maybe he could help her—
He blinked before finally looking her straight in the eye, “Like what?”
She stared at him-slightly petrified. She couldn’t gauge him. Does he know or does he not know? She couldn’t tell. She couldn’t risk making an assumption either. Who knew if he was an enabler. He was Gojo’s best friend after all—What if he found Gojo’s behavior acceptable? 
The thought made a shiver run down her spine. She sank back on the couch, scooting away from him slightly.
“N-nothing.” she responded faintly.
She wasn’t looking at him, so she was completely oblivious to the way Geto stared at her. 
He set down a card before stating, “You’re his girl, of course he talks about you.”
She perked up slightly-not expecting him to respond. Her voice felt hollow to her ears, “Did he.. did he tell you how we started?”
“Like start dating?” he asked.
She nodded.
Before he could respond, Toji elbowed him. “You’re out.”
Geto stared at the cards laid out on the table. He muttered a low curse before setting his deck of cards down.
“It’s all you, Nanami.”
Toji grinned wickedly while Nanami shook his head-looking mildly amused.
Just as Geto turned back to face her, his gaze went to something beside her. Suddenly hands were at her waist and she was getting seated on a familiar lap. Gojo was back.
He was showering her face with kisses. His lips smelled of weed with a tinge of something sweet. She placed her hands on his shoulders, lightly moving him back.
“Satoru.” she chided.
His arms around her tugged her knees between his legs as he pulled her further up his thigh, “Missed my baby.”
She went still when she suddenly felt his hard-on against her leg. Oh no.
He kept touching her. His hand on her back kept her close to him, while his other hand crept up her bare thigh. Her breath hitched, stopping his hand just as he found the end of her mini dress. Her dress kept riding up-uncomfortably so.
She quickly crossed her legs, her gaze flitting up to his-uneasily. “S-satoru.”
He smiled-showing off his perfect teeth and lethally attractive boyish charm. His hand slid up her thigh, squeezing her hip over her dress.
She closed her eyes when he pressed his forehead to hers. She bit her lower lip, turning away slightly. She could still feel his erection pressing into her leg-it seemed even stiffer now.
“Sorry kitten,” he murmured roughly against her temple, “You’re just so soft..”
His hand slid down her hip to her thigh, caressing her bare skin. She felt his fingers slip under her dress and immediately put her hand over his. She didn’t meet his eyes when she smoothly intertwined their fingers together. Please, not here..
He chuckled slightly, squeezing her hand in his before whining, “Let me touch you..”
He began to press light kisses along her jaw and neck. He was being so needy.
She tried not to squirm, only to go still when he began to tug her sweater off.
She quickly hugged herself, “What are you doing?”
“Aren’t you hot?” he asked just as quietly as her-matching her energy-but the subtle curl to his lips betrayed him.
In truth she was. She started feeling hot five minutes into wearing the hoodie but anything was better than her incredibly revealing dress.
Her gaze flitted over to Geto, he was looking at them now. Not just him but Toji and Nanami as well. Geto quickly looked away.
She felt her face heat up with self awareness.
She trembled slightly when she met Gojo’s gaze. His azure eyes twinkled as he tilted his head-silky strands of his platinum hair falling over his forehead as he did so. She swallowed when she realized.. he wasn’t asking. He wanted this-all of this.
His hands went to her hoodie, never breaking eye contact as he helped her out of it. Once the sweater was off, he smiled slightly.
He tucked her hair behind her ear, gently pushing the rest of its length behind her shoulders to reveal her ample, hickey covered cleavage.
She felt eyes on her. She didn’t have to look to know it—it made her heart rate pick up and skin crawl with nerves.
She didn’t want to focus on it-on the attention she was receiving. She knew it would overwhelm her so she kept her eyes glued to Gojo. To his easygoing smile. His familiar ruffled icy hair. His imposing stature that always seemed to be at her side.
He kissed her gently, his arm tugging her closer possessively.
“You look so good, kitten,” he whispered in her ear, “I’m goin’ crazy.”
She didn’t have a choice but to believe his words. Especially with his throbbing erection pressing into her thigh. She didn’t know how he had any stamina left.
“Wish we were in the car.” he muttered.
She tensed-flashbacks flooding her mind. She’d been completely bent to his will—used for his desire, just to get her here. She felt her chest tighten-nearly breaking her out of the numbness.
Suddenly, someone nearby cleared their throat obnoxiously loud. They both glanced up.
Shoko stood with a hand on her hip, a drink and cigarette in her other hand.
She shook the drink, “I got your drink.”
She glanced over at the others, “What’s with you guys?”
Nanami seemed to be staring-very concentratedly-at a random spot on the ground. Geto was flushed.
Toji stammered out, “Erm-we’re playing cards.”
“If playing cards means staring at them making out then, sure.” Shoko rolled her eyes.
Toji sucked his teeth, “Do ya fuckin’ blame me?”
Satoru quipped, “I do. Why were you staring, Fushiguro?”
Toji smirked, “Do you really want me to answer that?”
A devious grin broke across Gojo’s lips, “Answer carefully.”
Shoko sighed, “You guys are so boring. I’m surprised Ara’s ears haven’t melted off from all your bullshit.”
She turned to face Ara, “You’re bored aren’t you? You can chill with me-“
Gojo immediately complained, “Hey-“
Shoko took Ara’s arm and pulled her up to stand beside her, “Shut it, Satoru. She’s not just your eye candy, she deserves to have some fun.”
Ara stared at Shoko, wondering how she talked to Gojo as carelessly as she did. They seemed closer than she expected.
Suddenly a low sigh left Gojo’s lips, he reached out to take Ara’s hand, “I know, I know,” His thumb began to rub comforting circles on the back of her palm, “I jus like her attention that’s all.”
His subtle, boyish grin returned, “Don’t get too wild without me.”
Shoko tugged Ara away from him, “She’ll get as wild as she wants.”
Shoko took her hand then, leading her through the crowd of people. She was kind enough to slow down when she noticed Ara was struggling a bit with her heels. Kitten heels or not, she wasn't used to it
Suddenly Shoko pulled her into an elevator and Ara was too shocked to even gape.
Shoko handed her the drink, “Drink up. I got you a margarita cuz you don’t seem like the hard liquor type.”
“Thanks.” Ara whispered before clearing her throat.
Shoko bent over to take off her heels, “My bad for taking so long, I won’t lie, I completely forgot.”
“That’s fine.” She took a sip from the sugar coated rim of the glass and froze. That’s delicious.
Just as she downed the rest of the drink, Shoko asked, “Are you feeling better now? I know you wanted to go home earlier.”
Ara blinked, a bit shocked that she remembered, “Y-yeah..”
Shoko smiled slightly as she stood upright, the straps of her heels hooked over one finger, “That’s good cuz we’re about to have more fun upstairs.”
Suddenly the doors to the elevator opened and they were in the biggest bedroom Ara had ever seen. The decoration screamed opulence. Everything looked so put together that it felt like she’d walked into an Architectural Digest video.
“Hey! Over here.” Shoko’s voice called out.
Ara turned to see Shoko further into the room, standing before a set of double doors. Faint laughter seemed to come from within.
Shoko waved her over, “C’mon, c’mon.”
Ara hurried over and entered inside. This time she couldn’t help but audibly gasp.
“What.. is this?” she asked while glancing around.
“Oh, I forgot you’ve never been here before. This is my moms closet.”
Closet?! The room was a dozen times the size of her bedroom. The walls had glass panels that showcased the clothes within. Drawers and shelves were also built into the walls. There was an upstairs portion as well-clothes, purses and shoes neatly displayed all over.
In the center-below the mini chandelier-was a carpeted area with cushions and bean bags. A handful of girls were seated, chatting and laughing about.
“Hi guys.” Shoko rushed over, tossing her heels aside as did so. “I brought us a friend.”
“Shoko!” “Where the fuck have you been?” “Finally!” A few of the girls yelled out. One of them jumped on her-which resulted in Shoko and the girl falling onto a cushion. They burst out in laughter.
Suddenly the volume of the music was lowered and Ara belatedly realized that there was a rather huge, flat screen TV mounted to the wall. It currently displayed the lyrics to a song by Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj.
“New friend?” One of the girls piped up.
Ara glanced over to see a familiar student that she couldn’t remember the name of. She might’ve been on the girls track team.
“Oh my god! You’re the girl who was with Gojo.” Another girl added.
Before she could even get the chance to feel anxious about being in a room full of complete strangers, she was dragged to the center cushion and plopped between all the girls.
She was bombarded with questions.
“Are you and Gojo dating or just hooking up?”
“Wait, aren’t you the girl who said you’d never date him?”
“Since when did you guys start dating?”
“Did Gojo buy you that dress?”
Ara downed the rest of her margarita.
“GUYS!” Shoko’s voice suddenly rang out, “Can y’all shut the fuck up for a sec. Let’s drink first.”
Laughter and chatter ensued as Shoko handed out drinks from an ornate serving cart that was placed nearby. Just as Ara was relieved that the attention was off of her, Shoko’s eyes suddenly zoned in on her.
“Wait, wasn’t that margarita your first drink of the night?”
Sounds of shock suddenly erupted in the room.
“What the fuck?” “No way.” “Girlll—“
Suddenly a red-haired girl grabbed the bottle of alcohol from the cart and stood over her. She held the bottle over Ara’s mouth.
“You need to catch up to us.” she demanded.
Ara’s eyes widened. “Um-I-“
The next thing she knew all the girls were chanting. “Chug!” “Chug!” “Chug!”
Ara glanced over to see Shoko was part of the chanting as well.
She didn’t know what came over her. Maybe it was because the day had been so stressful or maybe it was because she just felt so numb. Maybe it was because the margarita tasted good earlier so she thought this drink might taste the same. Whatever it was, in that particular moment she decided—that she just didn’t care anymore.
She opened her mouth and let the girl pour. She didn’t know how much she drank-and didn’t care to know either-but she didn’t pull away until she felt like she couldn’t take it anymore.
The girls' voices and laughter felt louder than usual. They sounded so bright and happy.. it was contagious. She couldn’t help but laugh along when they all hooted and hollered after her, as if she’d done something wonderful.
“Holy shit, I was not expecting that. Don’t fucking die on us later though.” Shoko chuckled.
“Just puke on Gojo.” one of the girls suggested.
Laughter broke out within the room.
“Speaking of Gojo,” Shoko slipped into the space on the cushion across her, “I did have questions about you two-like since when did you guys even talk? No offense or anything, I jus never seen you two out together before.”
Ara shifted in her seat, wanting to avoid the question, “Erm.. I’m not really too sure..” she drifted off.
“Oh come on,” one of the girls complained. “You have to remember when he first talked to you.”
“I do,“ Ara responded, a bit agitated before muttering, “But it doesn’t really count because I ignored him-for a while.”
The girl’s eyebrows skyrocketed, “You ignored him?”
Shoko snorted, “That’s hilarious. How’d he take that?”
“He didn't take it.” Ara mumbled.
Shoko laughed, a bit drunkenly, “Go figure.”
Ara looked at her in confusion, “Has he done that before?”
Shoko blinked, “What-you mean date? No, that’s the thing. He’s never dated anyone. His bitchass once told me he didn’t believe in monogamy so I’m just as surprised to see him dating as you are.”
Ara’s brows furrowed.
Another girl then piped up, “So when did y’all first hook up?”
Ara hesitated-her mouth opening and closing multiple times before unconsciously whispering, “..Nanami’s party..”
The memory of that night flashed to the forefront of her mind, making her wince. That night felt so long ago.. it’d been the start of a beginning she never asked for, all of it happening against her will.
“Forreal?!” Shoko questioned in shock.
One girl whistled. Another elbowed her playfully, “How was it?”
Another girl quipped, “She’s dating him-obviously, it was good as fuck.”
Ara shifted uncomfortably in her seat. It was belatedly starting to hit her that she wasn’t required to answer any of these girls questions-besides the further they pried, the more she would have to withhold. Her and Gojo’s ‘relationship’ wasn’t close to whatever fantasy they thought it was.
Shoko seemed a bit zoned out, “Wow.. he must be really serious about you.”
Ara’s eyes flickered to her, “What do you mean?”
Shoko blinked. “He doesn’t really keep quiet about who he’s been with, but he kept you to himself for a while.”
Ara shook her head, “No-actually I was the one who wanted to keep us private.”
Shoko’s eyes widened, “Really?"
"Why?” someone else asked.
“Because…” she swallowed, before deciding on a half-lie, “I knew everyone would be nosy.”
Shoko laughed, “You’re not wrong. Sorry.”
“Can you blame us.” the girl seated next to Shoko whined.
One of the girls hugged her arm, her voice slurred. “Sorry, Ara. Forgive me?”
Ara finally recognized her. It was Leah Falcone. The girl was also a senior and she was popularly known for her incredible vocal skill. Her mother was also an established opera singer so she assumed that good vocals ran in the family genes.
Ara remembered once asking her for directions to a classroom freshman year and she’d responded with ‘why are you asking me?’
Shoko took another puff from her cigarette, “Alright, no more Gojo talk.” she turned to face the TV, “Who put the music down?”
Once the music was back up, it didn’t take them long to get more drunk. They went from refilling their red solo cups to drinking from champagne flutes, then drinking from a bottle of passed around vodka. Ara had no idea where all of it was appearing from but she'd take it. She felt good—good as shit.
A pillow hit her in the face.
Ara glanced over to see Leah pouting at her, “You’re not paying attention to the fashion show!”
Suddenly Shoko stood up on her cushion, throwing a pillow smack center in Leah’s face, “No one’s paying attention, dumbass!”
Leah tripped on the heels that were obviously too big for her and landed on the carpet-her beret falling off in the process.
She huffed, tossing her Dior bag in the air before crying.
Suddenly the redhead threw a pillow at Shoko, “Look what you did, you made Leah cry.”
“She always cries when she’s drunk,” the blonde-Mina-interjected.
Shoko picked up two pillows-throwing them rather ferociously in the redhead’s direction, “Think fast!”
Then before Ara knew it, she was wrapped up in the most intense pillow fight of all time. She ran cushion to cushion, throwing the fuzzy pillows with the most strength she could muster—nearly peeing herself with laughter when Leah wailed every time she got hit by a pillow.
Mina ducked behind Ara, “Help me!!”
Ara’s eyes widened as Shoko jumped onto the cushion before her, pillow in hand, “Don’t protect that hoe-“
Shoko swung the pillow in Mina’s direction and Ara blocked it with her own pillow.
“Yes, get her! Get her.” Mina hollered from behind her.
Ara flung the pillow-defending Mina like her life depended on it. She somehow managed to smack the pillow with enough force to make Shoko fly backwards onto the cushion-making Ara and Mina crack up.
Ara didn’t know why everything was so hilarious but she truly couldn’t stop laughing. The girls just kept giving her an excuse to—is this what having friends is like?
“Oh fuck you guys. It’s on.” Just as Shoko attempted to stand up, she toppled over again. This time the sound of cloth ripping resounding in the air.
Ara’s eyes widened while Meena gaped. The second the girls made eye contact they doubled over in laughter.
I’ve never seen her laugh like that.
Gojo stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall. She looked beautiful-so carefree-so lively. Her laugh was the prettiest thing he’d ever heard.
He didn’t believe his eyes when he saw her at first-merely coming to check on her since the card game finally ended. He never thought he’d find her… like this.
She was smiling.
Her eyes twinkled as she laughed, carelessly offering her radiant smile to Mina as she did so. The sight of it made his chest tighten with need.
She looked… happy. And she never looked like that with him.
A dark lick of jealousy coursed through his veins as he watched her. She let Mina clutch onto her so easily as they fell back on the cushion in a fit of giggles-not a hint of reluctance on her face.
His cool blue eyes slid over to Mina, to her left hand on Ara’s back—to her right hand clutching Ara’s arm. His jaw tightened. Mina was nice enough but what had she done to earn her touch? What had she done to elicit her pretty smile? Did she really deserve it?
He watched Ara turn to look at Shoko getting lifted off the cushion by Nanami. Despite Shoko playfully kicking her feet around he managed to keep the rip on her dress hidden by wrapping an arm around her torso. He easily held her up, whispering things softly in her ear as he carried her further into the closet.
Suddenly Mina was getting tugged away from her as well. Daniel gently pulled at Mina’s arm to get her attention, only for her to jump into his hold the second he got it. Daniel had entered the closet shortly after he had-probably coming to check on what’s his like himself.
Now it was his turn.
He slowly approached her-reveling in her unawareness as she sat quietly on the cushion by herself. She seemed zoned out.
He stopped right beside her, standing at the edge of the cushion. She was merely an arms length away, all he had to do was reach out and he could quell that thrumming need in his fingers to touch her but she was just so pretty up close-so unaware, so inviting-he wanted to revel in it a moment longer.
Suddenly she glanced up, her eyes widening before she stood up, “Satoru!”
She lay her hand on his abdomen. Heat gathered in his skin underneath her palm.
That’s new. She never touched him first.
His eyes glimmered, “Hey.”
He saw her eyes flicker before tilting her head. She smiled, “Hey.”
His eyes widened, his gaze stuck on her lips. It shouldn’t have affected him as much as it did but it couldn’t be helped. He stared—rendered frozen.
She’s smiling.. at me.
She looked up at him, her smiling widening ever so slightly as she shook her head. Her hand slid up his chest before going on her tiptoes to kiss him.
The kiss was light, a simple peck but he didn’t let it go. She never kissed him first. He didn’t realize how badly he needed her to until now.
The second she drew her face back his hand found her nape, forcefully keeping her lips glued to his. Her lips tasted of champagne-maybe vodka-he didn’t like alcohol too much but her lips made it so sweet.
Maybe the drinks were making her soft on him but he chose to ignore that. He needed to believe that she wanted him because he needed her—he always needed her. She kissed him-him-and that was all that mattered. 
He kissed her with such intensity she fell back on the cushion. He stayed atop her, his greedy lips never letting hers go. She gasped-the pretty sound going straight to his cock. He should’ve been satisfied after the car-he should’ve.
But he was never satisfied when it came to her. He always wanted more, more, more—
“Satoru-“ she breathed out, grabbing him by the shoulders to push him back.
He searched her face-repositioning himself so that he was further over her body, “Mmm?”
She jutted her chin in the direction of the door.
He glanced over to see Toji standing in the doorway-staring at them. The rest of the room had been cleared out, all the girls nowhere to be seen except for the redhead-Arden-laying passed out on the fur rug.
Gojo spoke first, “Enjoying the show?”
“Maybe,” Toji grinned, “Was gonna ask if you wanted to go for a drive.”
Before he could decline, Ara straightened slightly-peeking her head out from underneath him, “A drive?”
Toji answered, “Yeah, racing.”
Gojo saw her eyes widen with interest. “You wanna go?” he asked.
She hesitated for a second-her hand on his shoulder sliding down to his tricep gently. She looked up at him, “Can we?”
He nuzzled his face into her neck, effortlessly scooping her up as he stood. Her scent engulfed his senses as she twisted in his arms. She was giggling.
Christ, he wanted to mess her up again bad. She was already too much to bear-but like this, he didn’t think his stamina would ever end.
He smiled down at her, “Of course, kitten.”
I only remembered bits and pieces after that.
Gojo tugged at her hand in his, “Kitten, let me carry you.” he whined.
She continued to clip clop in her heels on the driveway. The others in the group heading to their cars as well.
She walked-a bit wobbly-into Gojo as he tugged her, “No, no,” she chided quietly, her other hand latching onto his forearm to regain her balance.
She looked up at him. His platinum hair and pale face stood out so starkly against the pitch black sky. The stars glimmered and the pounding music sounded faint to her ears.
“I wanna walk to the car.” she insisted with a pout.
He stared down at her, his intricate blue eyes churning with something heavy as he looked her up and down. His eyes lingering a little longer than necessary in some places.
His hand slid around her jaw, tilting her face up as he kissed her cheekbone. She stumbled slightly, leaning against him.
His hand in hers gripped her firmly, his eyes dropping to her feet, “You want me to take them off?”
She glanced down at her heels, “No-no, I’m fine. I promise.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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She stared out the car window, gasping as Gojo pulled the car to a stop.
“It’s so big.” she exclaimed, in reference to the vast empty parking lot.
He’d parked his car near the others. All the cars were parked in one big row, side by side.
“Of course, baby,” he reached over and unbuckled her seat belt, “I’ll have to take you to our racetrack some time. It’s bigger.”
Her eyes widened in astonishment, “Racetrack?”
A sly smile bloomed across his lips, “Yeah, racetrack.”
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She sat between Gojo’s long outstretched legs-laughing as he tickled her. He was relentless, one hand gripping her hip while the other tickled her wherever he pleased. There was a wide grin on his lips as she writhed against him.
She couldn’t reign in her giggles, “Toru, stop-“ she whined.
He paused, eyes widening, “Toru?”
“Yo, can ya’ll stop playing around and pay attention.” Toji butted in.
Gojo glanced up from his slouched position. He was leaning against the front of his G-wagon, with Ara resting against him. Her small frame fit all too perfectly against his chest-like a little puzzle piece.
He raised his chin off her head, “Did you decide who’s goin’ first or what?”
Toji stepped away from the little circle of boys to address him, “Yeah, you and me are up first. Then it’s Geto and Haibara, and so on.”
A guy she didn’t recognize piped up, “We don’t got a flag girl.”
“Where’s Shoko?” Geto asked.
“Probably with Nanami.” Haibara answered with a frown, “I couldn’t find both of them before we dipped.”
Toji grinned subtly, tilting his head towards their direction, “Coulda been the same ish for these two if I hadn’t got em’ in time.”
Gojo merely smirked, “I know you wanted to watch.”
Suddenly a flat voice arose, “Can’t she just be flag girl?”
Ara’s eyes widened when she saw who the voice belonged to. He was extremely pale and tall, with dark brown hair that was tied up in two short spiky ponytails. He also had a thick black horizontal line tattoo across his nose and cheeks. She’d never seen anything like it.
She belatedly realized that the ‘she’ he was talking about was her. She was the only girl here.
“Oh yeah!” Gojo poked her in the stomach before hunching over to look at her, “You wanna be flag girl, kitten?”
She looked up at him, “What’s a flag girl?”
His signature smirk returned before he kissed her on the cheek, “All you have to do is wave a flag and look pretty.”
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Ara held up the makeshift flag-which was a silk, bubblegum pink Gucci scarf that Toji had lying about it in his car. No one else questioned how the hell he had it but she’d bet her life and kids that it was a woman’s work. (Apparently the actual ‘flag’ they had was kept in Nanami’s car)
Toji sat in a silver, latest model Volkswagen Arteon while Gojo sat in his matte black, Mercedes Benz G-Wagon. One car was obviously bigger in height than the other.
Ara stood ahead of both cars, gesturing with her hands for them to pull up to the line they’d marked on the ground with chalk. Once the cars crept up to the starting line, she waved the scarf in the air.
“Are you ready?!” she hollered.
A couple of the boys standing on the sideline whistled. Toji revved up his engine.
She swung the scarf once more, “Get set..” a subtle smile rested on her lips, anticipation swirling in her gut.
Gojo lowered his windows, a grin on his face as he blew her a kiss.
She waved the scarf in the air, “GO!”
The cars zoomed past her, the gust of wind that followed made her hair ripple in their wake.
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She stared at the two cars zooming off around the lot. They were driving side by side—from what she could tell, no one seemed to be going faster than the other just yet. The speed of it all scared her, in a thrilling kind of way.
The cars zipped past her once more. The sound of their high powered engines echoing.
“So loud,” she murmured to herself while readjusting her crossed arms. The gust of wind that followed from their speedy turns was a bit unnerving.
“Gets even louder when Satoru has his McLaren.” A low voice spoke from beside her.
She glanced over to see Geto, leaning against the railing beside her. She didn’t remember seeing him there earlier.
She glanced past him to see the ponytail guy and Haibara standing by the starting line-closely watching the race with their phones out. They were timing each car. Apparently Gojo and Toji had two more rounds around the lot before the winner was declared.
“I bet,” she responded, before looking at him, “Did you drive it?”
He nodded, “Couple times. It runs really smooth.”
She sighed, “It looks smooth.”
“Do you have your license?” he asked.
She shook her head, “No.”
“You should.” he suggested, “Get Satoru to teach you.”
“You think he’d let me practice in his McLaren?”
He smiled a bit, “Probably.”
That hadn’t been the answer she was expecting. She laughed slightly, “No way.”
“He would,” he spoke evenly, “He’d buy you a car if you asked.”
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He swooped her up in his arms, twirling her in the air before holding her against his chest.
He nuzzled his nose against hers, “I won, kitten, I won.”
She held onto his shoulders, laughing lightly, “I know, I know.”
His arm underneath her ass squeezed her closer. He looked up at her, “Where’s my kiss?”
She smiled a bit, “You don’t deserve it.” she teased.
His blue eyes blazed with delight, “You don’t think so?” he whined.
She shook her head, her smile widening ever so slightly. Something about his sparkling blue eyes on her made her belly churn with butterflies.
He raised a white brow, “Just one?”
She shook her head again.
He leaned closer, his chin grazing her breasts, “Pleaseee,” he pouted.
She held onto his neck, “Only one.” she emphasized.
A grin lit his features as he nodded-eagerly, “One.”
She cupped the sides of his smooth face, lowering herself to press a short kiss to his lips. Her nerves thrumming wildly underneath her skin wherever they touched.
“Alright, show off. You only won by a second.” Toji grumbled from somewhere in the distance.
She pulled away, staring, as the corner of his lip curled upward handsomely. His blue eyes glittered, with mischief and want and something.. indescribable, but it was tangible in his touch.
He was just so striking—it made her heart ache.
He beamed up at her-speaking in sing-song, “One kiss for the winner.”
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Ara swung aside in her seat, her hands clutching the car handle and dashboard.
“Oh my—“ she gasped out as Gojo swerved to the left to cut ahead of ponytail guy-Choso’s-car.
Geto gripped the edge of the passenger and driver seat, hovering in between, “Goddammit Satoru.”
Choso’s car honked several times.
Gojo glanced over, a shameless smile on his lips, “Oops.”
The three of them shared a look before laughing airily.
It was the final race for the last two winners-Gojo and Choso. Instead of completing the last race at the parking lot, they chose to see who drove to Nanami’s house and back the fastest. The group had split into both cars.
Ara glanced out the window, her hair flipping in the wind due to Gojo’s speed. She looked at Choso’s car behind them to see Toji flipping her off through the passenger window.
She drew her head back in, smiling faintly, “They’re flipping us off.” 
A smirk split across Gojo’s lips as he kept his eyes glued to the road. His speed picked up.
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Ara stood through the sunroof, arms outstretched. Geto held onto her legs to secure her.
She tilted her head back, letting the wind and speed make her hair whip in the air. Her eyes fluttered closed-reveling in the feel of the cool air running across her skin.
She swore she felt the music vibrate within her body as it pounded throughout the car. Of course, it had to be ‘F**ckin' Problems’ by A$AP Rocky playing.
The whoosh of the air speeding past her ears made her feel more present than ever before. She wanted to feel like this forever..
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She felt someone lightly tap her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open.
Gojo was before her, a subtle smile on his lips, “Hi, princess.”
She blinked a couple times before realizing she was in the passenger seat of his car. He stood beside her-partly leaning on the open car door, one hand over the roof and the other caressing her cheek.
His blue eyes scanned her face, “How are ya feelin’?”
She reached out and touched his chin-his face-checking if he was real.
“Where am I?” she asked hoarsely.
“Sonic,” he spoke through her fingers, “You want anything?”
Her hand slipped down. She didn’t have enough strength to keep it up.
Her eyes dropped sleepily, “Did you win?”
His eyes widened slightly before smirking, “The race? Of course I did, baby.”
“Good boy.” she mumbled.
He tilted his head, smirk widening, “Yeah?”
She nodded, her eyes half-open.
He licked his lips.
She closed her eyes, his hand stroking her hair all too relaxing. She heard a faint voice somewhere in the distance.
“She okay?” Haibara.
“She’s fine.” Geto’s voice-it was clearer-closer.
“Choso’s asking if yall want anything?”
“Yeah, get me a milkshake.” Gojo-his voice crisp-very near.
“What flavor?”
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She slurped the milkshake silently-zoning out while staring at the bonfire before her. There were voices, many voices but she couldn’t seem to focus on any of them.
Through her peripheral vision she noticed bags of Sonic getting handed around. Empty cups, burnt out joint ends and cigarettes littered the patio floor. Familiar voices talked excitedly—a person jumped into the swimming pool. Laughter followed.
“Can somebody get him?” Shoko. “He’s too drunk.”
“Why don’t you get him?” Toji. “Or did Nanami make it hard for you to walk?”
More laughter. “Shut the hell up.”
“Oh, you finished it?”
She glanced up to see Gojo looking down at her. She was sitting snug against him, in the crook of his arm. Her legs over his lap.
He squeezed her forearm before leaning over to kiss her forehead.
“Shoulda got two.” he murmured.
He cupped her chin, tilting her head up as he bent low to press his lips to hers. His tongue pushed past her lips, sweeping her mouth as he deepened the kiss.
He hummed appreciatively before pulling away. He swiped away a dot of whip cream at the corner of her lip with the tip of his tongue.
His eyes lingered on her lips as he smiled subtly, “Yummy.”
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“Look what I found.”
The laughter and noises of approval that followed made her curious enough to glance away from the fire.
Toji held up several nerf guns with a devious grin.
Shoko shot up from her seat, “Did you go into my brother's room, dumbass?”
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Her heels echoed against the mahogany wood floor. The moment she spotted Haibara she raised her nerf gun.
He yelped before running to hide behind the couch. Just as he hid, Choso entered the living room.
“Any of y’all see Toji?”
Ara opened her mouth to respond, only to freeze when the sound of an ‘empty’ dart cartridge echoed. She glanced over to see Haibara holding up his nerf gun.
She glared and his eyes widened, “Shit.”
She ran around the couch—attempting to chase him.
He screeched, circling around the couch hastily, “Choso! Choso! Back me up!”
Just as she pointed the nerf gun at his butt, she felt a dart hit her in the cheek. She quickly turned her head to see the culprit—Choso. 
Before she could even react, Choso was suddenly getting sprayed with a shit-ton of bullets. Gojo entered the living room—with Geto right at his heels.
“Do you know who the hell you just hit, hmm?” Gojo taunted—a wide grin on his lips as he emptied his clip on Choso while chasing after him.
The boys laughed when they cornered him. The second Gojo’s darts ran out, Geto took over—showering Choso with a second round of bullets.
Choso held his arms out before him, blocking as much of the entourage of darts as he could.
Once Geto emptied his clip, Gojo smiled, “That’s the second L you took today.” 
Choso shook his head, grinning faintly, “Oh fuck off. If I had back up your ass woulda been on the floor.”
As the boys bickered, Ara’s attention quickly redirected itself to Haibara’s crawling figure-clearly attempting to slip away.
She smiled a bit when she realized he hadn’t noticed her looking just yet. She silently followed him, balancing her weight on the front of her heels to keep her footsteps quiet.
Haibara’s head turned back amidst crawl-spotting her. His innocent eyes instantly blew wide but before he could get up, she planted her heel right on his ass and shoved him back down.
“Dammit!” he hollered—making her laugh.
She aimed her nerf gun at the back of his head—unleashing all of her bullets on him. She didn’t notice the other boys cracking up.
Toji walked in two seconds before her clip emptied, “Damn,” he paused, “Can I be next?”
Gojo shot him with a dart-coincidentally starting a whole new round.
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Ara stared at herself in the elevator mirrors, she couldn’t recognize herself.
Gojo was laughing in the reflection beside her. His hand went over his stomach as he bent over in laughter.
“I-“ he could barely get his words out, “I can’t believe you did that.”
Geto merely shook his head, smiling subtly as he restocked the darts in his nerf gun.
Gojo threw his arm around her shoulders when he straightened, a humorous smile on his glossy lips, “Haibara said you're more of a menace than me.”
Ara looked down at her feet-noticing a bit of dirt on heels as she muttered, “That’s impossible.”
Geto snorted.
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She stared up at the sky-her eyes darting from star to star before settling on the moon. It looked so big-so close-she swore she could see its craters from here.
A breeze passed, making strands of her hair slip over her face. The hammock swayed.
His fingertips grazed her cheek, tucking her loose hair behind her ear.
She faced him-only to find him already looking at her.
His hand settled on her throat, thumb grazing her jaw.
The music and voices of the others on the rooftop grew more and more faint the longer she stared into his eyes. They were so blue-multiple shades of it too-all within one pair of eyes.
There was something about them.. that made him look more extraterrestrial than the moon. As if he didn’t belong here.
“Satoru,” her voice inadvertently came out as a whisper.
A light smile tugged at his lips, “Yeah?”
“What.. happened to you?”
He raised a pale brow, “What do you mean?”
She chewed at her bottom lip-speaking slowly in attempt to word her thoughts accurately. It was taking a lot more effort than usual.
“What.. made you.. the way you are?”
He froze-something seemed to flash over his eyes before his jaw locked.
He slowly scanned her face before responding after a moment, “The way I am?”
She nodded, words flowing freely from her tongue, “You’re not normal, you know.” her tone indifferent.
She saw his eyes widen ever so slightly and felt a vivid zip of fear when his fingers around her neck twitched.
“Is that right?”
He pressed his face into her cheek. His fingers tightening around her throat when she tried to turn away.
“Maybe you’re right..” His words made her shiver. She closed her eyes-breathing shakily.
Suddenly he was laughing-full on chuckling beside her ear, “You’re so right.”
He released her neck to twirl a strand of her hair around his finger. He exhaled, “There isn’t a line I wouldn’t cross for you.”
She kept her eyes closed, her heartbeat still raging in her ears, “I w-would never ask you to.”
“You don’t have to ask.”
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She felt gravity disappear from underneath her feet. Her eyes fluttered open. The sky was still dark, scattered with twinkling stars. She was in Gojo’s arms.
He looked down at her, “Hi, pretty.”
Her brows furrowed as she blinked sleepily.
“We’re home,” he muttered.
Her eyes flew open, “Your home?”
He paused-appearing to consider her question, “Can we go to my home?”
“No-no-“ panic swirled in her gut despite her drunkenness, “My home, only my home.” she mumbled off.
“Okay, okay,” he shook his head, “Knew you’d say that.”
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She grabbed onto something when she felt herself lose balance. She focused to see that she was sitting on the edge of her bed, her hand gripping Gojo’s shoulder.
He was bent on the floor before her, his hands on her leg-unstrapping her heels.
He looked up at her, his turquoise eyes scanning her features, “You’re good, kitten. I got you.” His hand snaked up her thigh to squeeze her hip reassuringly.
Her fingers inadvertently dug into his shoulder, “I’m-I’m good?” she stuttered out, lost.
He nodded, his gaze gentle, “Yeah, baby, you’re good.”
She glanced down at herself, at the expanse of skin she was showing due to her mini dress. The dress barely covered her cunt while sitting. Her eyes widened when she saw the bruises starting to darken along her thighs—she remembered-flashbacks of his hands gripping her body roughly passed through her mind. He’d fucked her so hard-so ruthlessly-in the car before the party. All of it occurring against her will.
She bit her lower lip, trying not to sob, “I’m-I’m not good.” she whispered.
Suddenly his hand was at her face, cupping her cheek, “Yes, you are, sweets. You're such a good girl. The best girl.”
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Two large hands were at her tits, squeezing heartily. A soft moan left her lips, her eyes fluttering closed.
Her hands slipped over his as she whined, “Toru..”
“I know, I know,” he groaned lowly into her ear, nuzzling her cheekbone as he caressed her tits more gently this time.
She glanced ahead to see her reflection in the full-length mirror. She was completely naked, her mini-dress a bundle at her feet. He towered behind her, nearly encapsulating her within his lean frame. His firm chest against her back.
He was fully clothed. It was hard to see him completely due to the dim lighting of her closet but she could make out the smooth planes of his features-his sharp jaw, his sculpted cheekbones—the veins running down his arms, his hands as he kneaded her tits.
His crystalline eyes met hers in the mirror, his breath hot as it trailed down her skin with each exhale. Goosebumps rose all over her body.
His hands at her chest tugged her closer-possessively, “You’re so beautiful, Ara..”
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She stirred slightly, her eyes opening to see him propped on his elbow on the bed beside her. She felt his hand at her waist, thumb gently stroking her side boob.
Strands of his white hair tickled her forehead as he leaned closer, “Don’t sleep,” he whispered.
He pressed a probing kiss to her lips, “Not yet.”
He kissed her again, this time a little longer. His hand slid down her side, slipping out from underneath her nightgown. He took her hand, guiding her to touch the bulge at his boxers.
His breath hitched the second she made contact. He released her hand for a moment, shifting slightly before taking her hand again. He wrapped her hand around his cock-she swore she felt his cock twitch.
His hand tightened over hers, wanting her to apply pressure but she was only half-awake. He groaned lowly, slowly pumping his cock through her hand.
“Help me.” he spoke raggedly against her temple.
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The bed shook and she glanced down to see her nightgown bunched up at her neck. She was laying on her side-a leaky, pink cockhead sliding between her thighs.
Gojo gripped her hip hard—short, desperate grunts leaving him with each harsh press of his hips against her ass. He had a steady pace going.
She was too weak-too sleepy-to move. Merely wriggling her hips when his cockhead glided past her folds. She moaned weakly.
“Sa..toru..” The feeling of his thick, veiny cock sliding between her thighs all too unfamiliar.
His fingers dug into her hip, lifting his head up from her neck to whisper-hoarsely, “I’m close, kitten, m’close.”
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Her eyes fluttered open the second she felt a ray of light hit her eyelids. She shifted slightly to check if the curtains had been left open only to stop mid-movement.
Holy shit.
Everything hurt-bad. Her throat felt dry. Her body ached with soreness. And her head-why does it hurt so bad?
She fell back onto the bed, a low moan on the cusp on her lips-only to cut herself off when she noticed who she was lying beside.
She immediately looked over to see Gojo sleeping soundlessly. His eyes were closed, his long light lashes covering his under eyes. His pale face was a mask of relaxation, not an ounce of stress on his features. His white hair was a fluffy mess-facing every which way. His arm was outstretched, she’d been using it as a pillow.
She glanced down to see that he was shirtless. She didn’t want to check under the blanket to see if he was less clothed than that. 
She stared at him-letting the bits and pieces of memories from last night come back to her. A rollercoaster of emotions building up within her silently.
She’d let herself loosen up around him. She’d let herself have fun—and it’d been the most fun she’d had in eons. The thought was sickening. Absolutely sick. 
How could she have fun with him of all people?
After what he did to her in the car-after everything-she’d been nice to him. Her drunk self had been nice to him. Overly nice, in her opinion—she’d been all over him.
She wanted to puke. Why did I drink?
She shot up out of the bed, her hand going over her stomach as she breathed heavily. 
She felt the bed shift beside her and froze. She didn’t have to look to know he just sat up in bed.
She flinched when he stroked her back, “You okay, kitten?” his voice was deep-slightly raspy from sleep, “Gotta vomit?”
He took one look at her face and immediately scrambled to grab the bucket he’d set on the floor last night. The second he placed the bucket before her, everything from last night poured out of her.
She held the bucket like her life depended on it-despite Gojo having a hand on it as well. Her stomach lurched as she heaved multiple times. His hands slipped around her hair, holding it back as she bent over the bucket once more.
She heaved one last time and nothing came out. Her stomach was finally empty. She pushed at the bucket slightly–signaling she was done.
“You done?” he asked anyway, voice gentle.
She nodded, too weak to do anything else.
He cautiously moved the bucket away from her and handed her a roll of paper towels that was somehow on her nightstand. She couldn’t help but notice how prepared he seemed.
She wiped her face, watching silently as he grabbed the bucket and headed towards the bathroom without complaint. The second he disappeared from view a storm of emotions brewed within her.
Her hands trembled as she started to cry. Her body wracked with the force of her sobs. She covered her face with her hands, attempting to quiet herself but she couldn’t stop. Tears kept flowing down her face.
“Ara, Ara,” his voice felt distant to her ears, “Kitten..”
She felt hands come to her sides, enveloping her gently. She didn’t have the strength to push him away, instead she sagged against him—letting herself use him this once-just this once.
If he was surprised he didn’t show it.
She hated the inexplicable sense of comfort she felt in his presence. She wished it didn’t exist but it was there—he was always there.
She was a hypocrite-she knew she was but she was tired. oh, so tired. She wished there was someone else—someone else she could rely on. Someone who didn’t use her. But there was no one. No one but him.
Why did it have to be like this?
His fingers sifted through her hair gently, merely letting her sob in silence. Her body felt so frail against him like this, her small hands trembling as she held onto him. He drew her closer.
He didn’t bother asking why, he knew she’d never answer. She never answered in the past.
He knew she cried on her own time. Her puffy under eyes always gave it away-but she liked to pretend she was fine near him. He indulged her.
He wanted her to come to him on her own. He'd wait.
But this-he peered down at her-this was progress. She never let herself cry in front of him before. The few times he caught her, she immediately wiped her tears and gathered herself.
But this, this was different. She was clutching him so tight, sobbing so weakly—she needed him. She needed him to comfort her.
And he’d give her just that. He'd give her anything she asked.
All she needed to do was one thing… just one.
She needed to accept she was his.
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The last thing she felt was his lips pressing her forehead when she went limp—succumbing to the emptiness of sleep.
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the-mandawhor1an · 5 months
The escape
[Flashback Chapter!] Chapter 0 – Guided by the stars, connected by the force
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Chapter summary: The day has arrived. Maia has to take another chance of breaking free of the shackles the Empire forced upon her. Maybe, just maybe, today is the day she can finally escape and seek the life she was destined to lead. To find out who she is and what her place in this universe is. 
Warnings: 18+ content, MDNI! Canon-typical violence, mentions of SA/involuntary pregnancy, brief mention of periods, the Empire in general needs its own warning, character death
Words: 2.6k 
A/N: This chapter will be one of many flashbacks (because I’m a slut for flashbacks) and I guess I call it chapter 0 because it’s JUST backstory, no tin can involvement yet. Enjoy, I guess!
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»Maia, wake up,« a voice rudely awoke the 18-year old in what felt like the middle of the night. Her room didn’t have the luxury of a window, just cold, white, high shine walls and similarly sterile fluorescent lighting, so the only way to tell was by trusting her body, which felt heavy and uneasy in the shine of the cold, bright lights. »What’s going on?« she asked, soothing over her brown hair with one hand while her eyes adapted to the sudden change of brightness. After a few blinks to adjust, she made out the person that had barged in. Sitting upright in her bed, she turned to face the man that interrupted her slumber.
Raymond, a man she had met on her first day here, had a concerned expression plastered on his face. The expression only a father had when he feared for the worst for his child. It was an unspoken agreement between the two of them; him seeing her as his daughter, and her seeing a father in him. What made him enter her room in the middle of the night and what in the world had him so worked up?
»You need to leave tonight,« he proclaimed, earning a puzzled look from the just awoken. »What?« She understood what he said, but not what he meant. »Listen, we don’t have much time. You have to leave. I’ve watched this long enough and I can not tolerate it any longer. They want to transfer you to the Phase 3 ward.« In an instant she rose from the bed, while he peeked his head out the doorframe to listen for any sign of steps in the hallway. »I have someone waiting for you at the outskirts of the facility, they’ll take you away from here.« 
Maia’s heart sank. With every day since her capture the hope to make it out of here dwindled more. And with each passing day it became more and more clear, why she was even here in the first place. At first they lied to her, promising her to take her back to her family as soon as they were found. The reality was a whole lot darker: She was taken from her family when she was about 4 years old. She lost everything that day: Her family, her future, herself. She forgot each detail about herself, even her name, as if it had been wiped from her memory. The Imperials only referred to her by her identification, M-414. Raymond had come up with ‘Maia’, which in retrospect was just her code with the numbers exchanged for vowels. But the then-4-year-old liked the name. 
Days became weeks, weeks turned to months as she studied and trained to one day be utilized by the Empire. Only as a teenager she had made the realization, that all test subjects were in fact girls, and that this was no coincidence. 
Early on the weekly assessments started to test their progress and also their capabilities. Fighting, acrobatics, using the force, sometimes fighting the other girls until one was barely hanging on. Until, one by one, the older subjects disappeared as the frustration with the officers and the Overseer grew. Although Maia had rarely interacted with the other girls, she could sense their presence in the force. But with every presence that left the close vicinity, an aura of pure dread grew on the other side of the facility. She was never allowed to go close to the Phase 3 ward, but she knew what was going on there. The screams would double within 8 to 9 months, after a year it was unbearable to be even close to that area in the facility. There was so much grief, pain, helplessness. Yet still – Maia felt love, even in such a dark place, where everything was hopeless. 
Love. She was surrounded by it, even though it was hard to find love in a place like this. Yet still, there was this sliver of love in all of the dark feelings that surrounded the facility. Like the undying love a parent had for a child. The same love she saw in the warm brown eyes of her father, hidden behind the veil of years of worry.
The Imperials were counting on this love, this motherly instinct as means to make the girls obedient. Holding the children hostage they forced them to have, making sure every rebellious thought was killed off to protect the infants that kept Phase 3 quarters awake at all times of day. Children, more specifically only daughters, born by abducted, brainwashed, abused women, to be molded into the perfect Sith assassins. Who knows what experiments were conducted on all those poor souls in the name of science. 
Hastily, she got dressed as her father packed some of her clothes into a bag. Her hands were shaking as she tried to put on her jacket. With a sigh Raymond walked up to her and helped her, his hands soothing over her shoulders in the process. Maia shook her head, her voice was trembling. »I don’t understand, why me? I’m not ready to…« be a mother. While she was definitely not mentally ready to be forced to get pregnant and have a child, she wasn’t physically. Part of the never-ending medical examinations was monitoring their hormone levels. She hadn’t spiked yet, and hadn’t had to deal with the pain and discomfort that came with the bleeding.
»They want to see results quicker so their approach has changed. Take the most promising subjects and give them hormone therapy. They’re tired of waiting for nature to take its time. This is why I have to get you out tonight. You are on their list.« Raymond furrowed his brows. He was a captive himself, albeit not in the same way Maia was, but still he felt the guilt of not ever trying to put an end to this. Or not doing it sooner. He had hoped to have her be safe in here, but all of his efforts, all his good intentions, were futile. Witnessing what the Empire did to so many girls had broken him over the years. The scientist was a shadow of his former self. The fullness in his cheeks had left years ago and his hair had grayed substantially. Only the softness in his gaze persisted whenever he faced his beloved daughter.
»Are you coming with me?« He halted in his movements and looked into her eyes. Desperation shone within the green eyes of the young woman. As much as he’d love to leave with her, he couldn’t. She was a person of interest and so was he. That meant her chances were a lot better if he distracted them long enough. He knew she make out his lies without having to think about it much, so he chose to be honest with her. Even if it meant seeing her heart break in front of his eyes. »I wish I could, Darling.« His brows furrowed as he saw her eyes welling up with tears. It tug on his heartstrings but he knew it had to be like this. Gently, he cupped her face in his hands and stroked over her cheeks with his thumbs.
»You are smart and so unbelievably strong. I know you can do it without me. You have to. I will stay here and distract them as long as I can.« »What about my sisters?« She had always referred to the others as such. Raymond often wondered if that was a fragment of her old self shining through. »I will try to get them out of here as well.« Maia wasn’t sure she could believe him. She wanted to, she really did, but something in the way he looked at her made it feel like a farewell. »I’m really sorry it has to be like this. You’re not burdened by being a mother yet so your chances are far better to make it out of here.« He pulled her into a tight hug before they made their way out of her room. 
He pulled out a blaster and slowly entered the hallway with his daughter in tow. They didn’t talk as to not alert the guards that were patrolling. Every now and then Maia had to get rid of one while Raymond dealt with the other. He hated himself for forcing her hand to kill, but they couldn’t risk another escape attempt to fail. 
Something was off, Maia could tell by her father’s posture. He was uneasy, maybe because they had yet to run into actual trouble, which was suspicious to say the least. The hangar was just ahead of them, when the door opened and a squad of stormtroopers greeted them. None moved, yet, but Raymond halted. Not all was lost yet, but they had to focus. 
»I have to admit, I was wondering when you would try to save one of your little ones, Doctor Kaville,« a voice echoed through the hallway towards them, as the Overseer approached from behind the troopers. Raymond extended his arm to ward off his daughter. »We were sure you’d want little 414 out of here soon.« »Velkas, this has to end,« Raymond retorted, slowly pulling Maia behind his back as if to shield her with his body. They weren’t going to open fire on them, were they? »You have no idea what you’re doing here.« »We are breeding our own little army of Sith, Raymond, beautiful enough to blind the enemies of the Empire and equally lethal. Aren’t you proud of what we have achieved so far? She is one of the strongest force-users we have, her daughters will be even stronger, given the right training.« »You will never understand, will you? You are creating ticking time-bombs. You are working toward your own destruction. Training girls to be killers while treating them like animals, breeding them and relentlessly abusing them. They will rebel against you some day.« Velkas scoffed. Maia obviously never liked the Overseer, in his shiny black uniform, the serious expression that never left his features, the grayish undertone his skin had, similar to the white-silver of his hair. He wasn’t old by any means, but his appearance was downright unpleasant to look at. Perhaps he himself was consumed by the dark. 
With one gesture the stormtroopers approached Raymond, blasters drawn and focused on the doctor. Maia was practically glued to her father’s uniform, pressing her face into the fabric. Two troopers approached to separate the two, while Raymond was disarmed and handcuffed. Maia put up a fight, although she wasn’t quite angry enough to be any threat to the two men, yet. Screaming and kicking, they dragged her behind Raymond toward a makeshift holding cell.
The captives were dragged into one of the cargo rooms that surrounded the hangar. Maia had been handcuffed as well, tased one too many times to be able to walk straight any more. She was fixed to the wall, while Raymond was brought to his knees, right opposite of her. Both had been putting up a bit of a fight, although it wasn’t showing on the scientist. Strands of his hair were in disarray and his uniform had creased in places, but other than that he looked like he had just had a bad night. The teenager on the opposite hand looked a mess. Her hair was down, matted in places from fighting while getting handcuffed. Her jacket had burn marks where the taser had made contact with her. Her nose was bloodied and her face wet from the angry tears she had been slowly letting out.
»Look at me,« Raymond begged her. He knew what they would do to him. To make sure they could break her and deter her from making her final escape attempt. The last time she had made it off the perimeter, this time she would for sure make it farther. She didn’t listen, rather she watched as another familiar face entered the makeshift prison cell. »Maia,look.at.me,« Raymond pressed. She fixed her gaze to her father’s dark brown eyes, now also welling with tears. »I’m really sorry, Dr. Kaville,« Nathan, the blonde man holding a blaster to Raymond’s temple, confessed. »Nathan stop this,« Maia begged him. »Please.« Of course they were forcing her kind-of-boyfriend to kill her father. She pulled on her restraints, trying to break free from the cuffs they had her in. »It’s okay, Honey. I’ll be fine,« again, Raymond tried to reason with her, seeing her struggle to deal with her emotions already had him fear the worst. She tugged on the restraints, her hands looking like they would disconnect from her wrist any second now. Her breathing was erratic, sobs shook her whole body. »Remember everything I’ve told you. About what defines us, about who you want to be in this world. I am so immeasurably proud of you and that will never change. Promise you won’t forget who you are, deep down.« Tears started running down her face as she slowly nodded. She didn’t want to let go, but a small part in her didn’t want her father to see her struggle in his last moments. »I promise.« »My story might end here, but yours won’t. There is so much left for you to discover in this galaxy. Who you are, and who he is.« 
Her heart skipped a beat. Nathan knew who Raymond was referring to. Maia had mentioned it briefly in one of their conversations. She had someone out there, someone she could connect to in a way they never could. Possibly a relative. Possibly something more powerful than that. 
Nathan pressed the gun further into Raymond’s temple as one of his supervisors grew impatient. »Shoot him already!« Raymond choked a sob himself. It broke his heart to know he would ultimately hurt her by dying in front of her eyes. »I love you so much. Find him.« Those were the last words she ever heard of her father. She didn’t even register the sound of the gun going off. His lifeless body fell to the side while Nathan fought back a heave. The communications engineer averted his gaze and hunched over. He had just killed someone. That alone was too much to process, more so as this was his girlfriend’s father.
Her world fell apart. With Raymond, the last person keeping her sane in this mess had ceased. Not even Nathan, who she now made responsible for the passing of her only comfort, would be able to stop her. 
She screamed as loud as she could without losing consciousness. She pulled on the handcuffs once again, while the metal holding her back made strange noises. The low grumble of metal being bent surrounded the holding cell, all the way to the other side of the hangar. This was what they had wanted to see all this time. Her losing the grip on her emotions. The green in her eyes faded and slowly, even the yellow left to be replaced by fiery red. With a crack, the metal gave in, and they were now confronted with what could happen if you made a force-user angry enough.
There wasn’t much she remembered after that, but the screams had haunted her for years afterwards. Sometimes she could make out mortified faces in her dreams. She doesn’t know if anyone survived the destruction of the research facility, and she mostly didn’t care. All she knew was: she had made it out somehow, awaking days later in a foreign place. She had made it. 
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More of Wolke's ramblings: Soooooo... Actually I wasn't planning to start the story with this, which is precisely why I call it chapter zero. But I feel like my original approach lacked the exposition and this scene offered a lot of it. It's not really smart to start with a bang like this, killing off a character that at this point hasn't established himself to any extent, but I feel like there is a totally different kind of tragedy in witnessing Raymond's passing without knowing much about him. It'll hurt more in the end. At least that's what I hope for.
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sepublic · 1 month
Again, another Metroid episode pitch; When Samus is infected by an X and is undergoing the life-saving procedure, one of the scientists has the idea to save her with the Metroid vaccine. They of course note that there may be unexpected side-effects, but at this rate, they need Samus and can't ask for her consent either way. So they go through with it, Samus' body initially rejects, but then it stabilizes as the X begin to disappear.
But with all the stuff going in on her body, and Samus' note that she was reborn after the operation? Let's do a psychological fever dream episode, where Samus reflects on her guilt in the worst ways possible.
Poetically, a big part of her dream is being a Metroid; We see 'Samus' hatch from an egg, imprint on her doting Queen mother. The Queen makes sure to feed Samus, absorbing energy from the environment before transferring it to her and other infants.
Eventually, Samus grows old enough to leave on her own. She is accompanied by an older Alpha, who helps protect and guide Samus; She feeds enough to become an Alpha herself, guiding another larva as she herself had been guided.
Samus becomes a Gamma, adjusting to the increased weight and the impact it has on her flight abilities. Then she becomes a Zeta, a bit sad to no longer fly; But the lithe speed and agility she has in this new form! Finally she reaches the Omega stage. Samus accepts a challenge from another Omega Metroid, but in the end it's clear this is not a serious fight, actually; Just play.
Samus is enjoying her life, being a wild animal without any duties or obligations, feasting on whatever life she comes across; She has no fear of starvation, and enjoys the hunt, lying in wait for a nearby prey to pass; This is Samus' enrichment. She is content knowing she is the strongest animal on this planet and cannot be hurt by anything.
And then it appears; The Hunter, a cold and quiet, unfeeling death automaton. Samus has a vicious battle with it, but is left wounded and only forces the Hunter to retreat, for now. Samus heals herself easily, but as she tries fretfully to sleep in a cave, is confronted by an apparition of... Dark Samus. Dark Samus confronts the state she is in, saying aloud the questions Samus, as a conventional Metroid, cannot say: Will she be able to kill the Hunter, or will she be killed? Maybe she wants to be killed???
Dark Samus is here, because Samus is about to become like her; A ‘Humetroid’ hybrid. Samus is facing a doppelganger, both in the dream, and later in real life; Here's the OG. Dark Samus started off as a Metroid who roamed SR388, although she was kidnapped by the Federation before she become an Alpha. Maybe Samus' dream is the life (and death) Prime would've had... Or the life (and death) the Infant would’ve had. Likewise, Prime has already haunted Samus as a ghost and voiced her fears before.
And of course, this foreshadows the SA-X. It's karma in Samus' eyes to be a Metroid slain by it. And her being an Omega alludes to an Omega Metroid being the final boss of Fusion, too! The Metroid dream ends with the Hunter attacking the Queen, only for Samus to take a blow for its mother, who avenges her; A callback to the infant’s death, because maybe it was inevitable. Likewise, the Queen Metroid slaying the Hunter could be Samus’ feelings on what should’ve happened on SR388. And an Omega Metroid proving the undoing of the Hunter, allowing someone with the Queen trait to finish it off, is also foreshadowing.
The dream also has other phases to it; Such as Samus on trial... I did have this idea for a prior 'Ridley trial' episode, where he gets captured by the Federation and is forced to go through due process. The judge is a member of his own species named Racklas, as a reference to this one obscure comic.
Samus is on trial for her genocide of the Metroids and other crimes, like the murder of Rundas, Ghor, and Gandrayda; The destruction of Phaaze and Zebes. The judge, if it's Racklas or someone else, pulls apart the logic behind Samus' defense, acting as Samus' own feelings on the matter. Stuff like "It was self-defense" or "It was euthanasia to keep the galaxy healthy" all that stuff. By that logic, weren’t the Space Pirates justified as performing preemptive euthanasia on humans who might grow into Federation soldiers? Other incidents that bear on Samus’ conscience are also brought up.
The courtroom becomes a dark version of itself as the jury, judge, and audience are replaced by Ing who confront Samus over the fact that she murdered them. If what Samus did was self-defense for the Luminoth, then are the Ing not justified as well, because they were also in the same position: In order for one to live, the other must die, and co-existence will lead to both dying anyway. Why did the Luminoth deserve to live more, why would Samus choose them over the Ing? Because the Ing are ‘monsters’, like the Metroids? We see a Dark Metroid to further reiterate this point.
There's a twisted scene where Ridley is fighting an armored Gray Voice... He's about to die, but then Samus comes to Ridley's defense. She's also clad in Chozo armor, but is killed by Gray Voice. Ridley, who's had the opportunity to fight back, is able to finish off Gray Voice and 'avenge' Samus.
This scene is meant to represent how Samus is starting to reevaluate her relationship with the Infant Metroid; As essentially, what if Ridley had adopted me, and I grew to love and care for him as a parent without once considering or being told what really happened, to my real family. And I even ended up giving my life to save his. It's a twisted reflection of Super Metroid's climax.
Samus had been saved by the Chozo; In this other timeline, she was saved by Space Pirates, perhaps. Given her role as the Infant, it hearkens to how the Space Pirates would've technically 'saved' the Metroids on SR388 had the Infant been left behind; While it was an armored Chozo who left only one survivor. Given how Beyond plays out, we could see a callback to Sylux having a Metroid imprint on him, after 'rescuing' it from the Federation, and a parallel to Samus' relationship with the Infant. A fully-fledged Sylux flashback might happen later in the Fusion arc, after Samus learns of the Metroid breeding program.
Eventually, the fitful and nightmarish dreams end with Samus coming to, tears in her eyes behind the visor; Surgeons trying to calm her down, alert her to the fact that she's about to be very different. Samus calms down a bit, and finally gets the chance to realize her new form, with a strange sense of awe, uncertainty; Not outright terror or panic. Just sort of wondering about this, an apathetic acceptance because she knew deep down, during the dream, what the operation had done. And whatever this is, it might be karma.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Don't Go Blindly Into the Dark
To hide that he can't read, Jan Van Eck has been forcing his son to pretend he's blind since he was eight years old. Wylan is now attending Ketterdam University, and meeting Jesper Fahey may very well be about to change his life. But is he safe to tell Jesper the truth? And what will Jesper say if he does?
Jesper is struggling to weigh up his life in the Barrel and his life at the University of Ketterdam, and there's a good chance that his growing debt is about to make the decision for him. He hasn't attended class consecutively for months, but maybe that will change when his newest project includes partnering up with Wylan Van Eck. But can he really leave the Barrel behind him? And how long can he keep up the pretence of who he thinks Wylan wants him to be?
Tags: @justalunaticfangirl @lunarthecorvus
Content warnings for this chapter: ptsd, implied child abuse references, implied violence, implied gambling addiction
If anyone else would like to be tagged let me know :)
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Chapter 6 - Nina
It was nearing ten bells when Nina and Inej reached the University District. They both wore Ravkan clothes that Kaz had stolen from someplace or other, costumes probably though Nina hadn’t checked for a ribbon, and Nina fidgeted unhappily with her sleeve. It felt wrong; not exactly like wearing her uncomfortable, Kerch-made kefta but in some ways similar, more like she was trying to sell herself a lie than she was anyone else. She sunk her hand into her pocket and rubbed one of the purple kruge notes buried inside it between her fingers, like she had to remind herself it was still there. 
There was little to no problem getting things sorted at the office; Nina switched between speaking in Kerch to the woman behind the desk and saying a few random phrases to Inej in Ravkan whenever there were silences or it looked like there might be a issue, and at one point she kept telling Inej how wonderful she was in an increasingly anxious tone because the woman had said something about not knowing if their rooms were ready. But eventually everything was sorted and they left with an address, two sets of keys, and a map of the campus in hand, only to cross towards the Boeksplein and walk straight into Jesper Fahey. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Well it’s good to see you too, gorgeous,” he winked, “And as it so happens I am in fact a student - not a fake transfer student,”
“Keep your voice down,” hissed Inej, glancing back at the office building they’d just left.
Nina didn’t think they’d have an issue with that - the woman behind the desk had been about as bored and fed up as a person could be, Nina didn’t think she liked the night shift much - but she was more distracted processing the rest of Jesper’s sentence.
“You’re a student?”
“As I said the last time I was asked,” he smiled at Inej, “I’m supposed to be, but here we are. I thought you two weren’t getting here for a few days yet?”
He looked almost nervous, fingers moving to play with one of the mirrored buttons on his waistcoat. Nina watched him for a moment, the movement leading her to take in his ensemble and realise that he must be on his way to the Barrel. Maybe it wasn’t nerves that were sending this energy fizzling through him, then.
“Change of plans,” replied Inej.
Jesper nodded.
“Well I’m sure we can compare timetables and squeal over new stationery tomorrow,” he said, “but I’ve got to keep moving,”
Inej pursed her lips, but she kept her very obvious thoughts to herself as they bid each other goodnight and Jesper walked away.
It took a few minutes for Nina and Inej to orient themselves on the poorly designed little map they’d been given, it looked more like a tourist trail than something designed for consistent use and darkness had fallen long ago by now, but then they made their way to the dorm building they’d been assigned to. The flats were structured to house up to five people, the bedrooms arranged down a corridor that looked like it should belong to a hotel. The sixth door was a kitchen, and not a big one, and at the other end was a seventh for the bathroom. Nina didn’t know how five people coped in that kitchen without treading on each other’s toes or hitting each other over the head with a frying pan, but luckily Kaz had wrangled in advance for them to be alone in an otherwise empty cluster. Nina wondered how they ended up with empty flats - weren’t these places always oversubscribed? - but when they arrived and traipsed their way up five flights of stairs she thought maybe everyone who was supposed to be in this flat had been defeated by the staircase before they ever even moved in. She was out of breath by the time they reached the top floor.
The building was quiet - Nina had expected the sounds of student nightlife, but perhaps by this time anyone up for anything had gone out to find themselves in the Barrel instead of sitting around in tiny kitchens lit only by whatever candles they had between them. Inej unlocked the door to the cluster and then passed Nina the key to her individual room. They both stood in the doorway of the first bedroom together and Nina raised her eyebrows.
“I suppose it’s… quaint?”
“It’s bigger than my room at the Slat,” said Inej, dropping her bag onto the floor.
But she looked on edge, and Nina watched her hands drift towards her knives. She wondered if it was a way of praying, she knew Inej named her knives after her Saints, or if it was just a comfort to feel them in her hand. Maybe both. 
“You alright?”
“Yeah. It’s just…” Inej took a breath and squared her shoulders, then smiled at Nina, “Yeah, I’m good,”
Nina didn’t feel convinced.
“Okay, well I’ll be next door. Come and get me if you need me,”
Inej nodded.
“Same to you,” she said softly, “Night Nina,”
Nina grabbed her hand briefly, squeezing her fingers.
“Night Inej,”
It didn’t take Nina too long to drift asleep, though the mattress was not particularly comfortable, and the next thing she knew she was jolting awake to a sharp knock splitting the air like a knife blade. Nina jumped upwards, mumbling something so incoherent she wasn’t even sure what she’d said, as the knocking turned to frantic little taps against the door. She almost fell out of the bed as she tried to fumble to her feet in the dark, her heart skittering into a panic with a thousand questions of who on earth might be banging on her door in the middle of the night. The thin dressing gown she’d dropped onto the floor earlier was hurriedly yanked over her shoulders and pulled to cover her nightdress. It only occurred to her as she reached the door that she’d grown unused to the absence of the peepholes at the White Rose, and as much as she’d been enjoying the lack of them in the walls here thus far it might have been helpful to have one here and now, to see whomever might be about to attack her in the corridor. Though, of course, that would be using them for quite the opposite of their intent at the pleasure houses. And anyway, Nina doubted that assassins knocked first. It didn’t stop her from flexing her fingers and preparing to drop into a fighting stance as she reached for the door handle, ready to stop a heart or two if necessary. She was possibly more surprised by the sight that greeted her than she would have been an attacker.
She looked unbelievably small. Her night clothes were loose enough that Nina thought they must be second hand, from some cupboard or other at the Slat perhaps, and although the button down’s droopiness aided Inej’s preference for long sleeves it also left a neckline wide enough for Inej to evidently be discomforted. She fidgeted with the collar, dark eyes staring up at Nina through her thick lashes. Her voice was barely a whisper when she ventured:
“Can I sleep on your floor?”
“Wh-? I-?” Nina didn’t actually know what the ends of those sentences were, “Come inside,”
What time was it? Nina fumbled across the desk for a match and held it by her watch without bothering to properly light a candle. Two bells. Had Inej slept at all yet? How long had she been sitting alone in her room, wide awake, weighing up whether or not she should come through?
“Do you want me to find a bonelight?”
Nina didn’t want to leave candles lit overnight, but she didn’t know how Inej felt about the dark. As if it had been waiting to be perfectly in time with this thought, the flame of her match began to close in towards her fingers. She quickly shook it out. Inej just shrugged.
“Okay, well there’s one on the desk if you want it. You can sleep on the bed, I can-”
“I don’t want to,” she whispered, her voice somehow barely in existence and yet still fraying at the edges.
Nina nodded.
“Well, I have two pillows so maybe we could lay them out-”
Inej shook her head. Nina bit her lip.
“At least let me give you a blanket,”
For a while both of them lay in silence, knowing the other was still awake, and after a long time Inej said:
“Talk to me,”
“About what?”
“Anything. About the job, last night,”
Nina half-shrugged, still lying down.
“I don’t know that there’s anything to say other than what I already told you,” she admitted, “It was just… strange,”
It had been past midnight when Nina arrived at the Geldstraat, which was almost definitely the first warning sign that this was going to be an unusual job. Walking down here felt like a different city than the Barrel did - here night was a real thing and people slept through it, here the houses dominated your sight so you could barely see anything beyond, here the air even seemed to taste different on your tongue. Nina fidgeted with the sleeve of her fake kefta. The street was completely silent but for her, illuminated by streetlamps few and far apart, their flames flickering and casting shadows that ought not to have frightened a soldier of Ravka’s Second Army across the stones. She shivered, reminding herself that Inej was somewhere with her, hidden in the shadows above her head, and she was not alone. 
She’d knocked on the door half expecting there to either be no answer or to find herself being shouted away for bothering them at this ridiculous hour, but a maid had opened it almost instantly. She looked her up and down, clearly clocking the Heartrender kefta, then hurried her inside.
“He’s waiting for you in the drawing room,” she said then, just as NIna opened her mouth to ask questions, added: “Stay quiet. Follow me,”
Nina followed her down the hall, studying the extensive panelling in the walls. Mahogany, she reckoned, with carvings of the three flying fishes of Kerch and several depictions that she thought must be stories of Ghezen. The maid knocked on the closed door of the drawing room, and after a moment had passed and someone called for them to enter she held it open for Nina. The second Nina was through the doorway it was closed loudly behind her, and she found herself alone with a tall man she guessed to be in his forties, his tie set with a ruby, his hairline making a distinct retreat from his forehead. He stood up slowly.
“Miss Zenik, I presume?”
She nodded.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr Van Eck,”
He’d spoken to her a short while, telling her about how his son had lost his sight in an accident - he didn���t say what - when he was eight.
“I…” Nina hesitated, “I can try to do anything I can to help you and your son, Mr Van Eck, but I’m not a Healer. I don’t even know if it would be possible to restore his sight, but I definitely won’t be able to,”
“You misunderstand me, Miss Zenik,” he said coolly, “I don’t want you to Heal Wylan. I want you to Tailor him,”
Nina frowned. 
“His scars are obvious,” Van Eck told her, “He doesn’t like to have them on show, but Tailoring only lasts so long. Up until recently we had a Healer in the Grisha workshop who could tend to them whenever necessary, but unfortunately she is… no longer under my employ. If you do a good enough job, and you are interested, then perhaps this can be an ongoing agreement between us, Miss Zenik,”
Once he’d brought the boy - Wylan - into the room he left them alone, nodding at Nina. If Nina hadn’t already known from Kaz that Wylan Van Eck was a university student, she wasn’t sure she’d have been convinced he was more than fourteen - if that. But he was only a little younger than her, a similar age to Inej. 
“Hi,” she ventured, after a moment, “I’m gonna sit down in front of you - oh sorry I should’ve said, my name’s-”
“We’re not supposed to talk,” he whispered.
Nina leaned back slightly, taken by surprise.
“Okay…” she frowned, “Can you just tell me if it’s okay for me to touch your face, now?”
Wylan nodded.
“Alright. Stop me if you need to,”
Nina leaned back over him and gently pressed two fingers beneath his left eye. Her hands must have been cold; Wylan shivered and for a moment she thought he might pull away, but then he settled. She couldn’t see any sign of his scars though, except what she assumed must be the trail end of one of them - a small cut above his right cheek bone. Her lessons at the Little Palace had taught her to find the seams of the previous Tailor’s work, but Nina couldn’t feel anything at all. She had never been a particularly skilled Tailor. After a long moment, she ventured:
“Can I ask you what kind of accident it was? So I know what kind of scars I’m looking for?”
Wylan swallowed hard. He said nothing. 
Nina did find something, after a few more minutes, and she traced the scar above Wylan’s cheek until she discovered a long, thin slash through his right eye. Once she knew what she was looking for it was easier to find the two lines that crossed the left, and the slightly jagged one down the side of his nose. It took a while to properly smooth his skin to cover all of it - if she’d only recovered the edge that had become visible she would have left his skin blotchy and probably only drawn more attention to the marks - and the process seemed to thicken the slight haze over Wylan’s eyes, further blurring the edges of his irises. When all that was left for her to cover was the trace edge above his cheekbone that she’d started uncovering from in the first place, the door to the drawing room suddenly banged open and both Nina and Wylan jumped.
“Time’s up,” said Van Eck, watching them from the doorway.
“I’m not finished-”
“You’ve done splendidly,” said the merch, beckoning her to her feet.
Nina didn’t think Wylan looked very different from when she’d started, but something was tugging at her edges and telling her she definitely shouldn’t argue. So she stood up and walked slowly towards the door.
“Thank you for your time, Miss Zenik,” Van Eck shook her hand, pressing a kruge note into her palm as he did so, “My staff will show you out. And please, we would appreciate your discretion,”
“Of course, sir,” said Nina, before immediately reporting the entire bizarre experience to Inej and Kaz. 
Kaz had been concerned it was going to ruin the job, but Nina wasn’t convinced.
“He doesn’t know my name,”
“He won’t recognise your voice?”
“I don’t… I don’t think so; we barely spoke. But Kaz, it can’t be a coincidence,”
Inej shuffled a little on the floor, and Nina rolled onto her side so she could see her.
“Tell me something you haven’t told me before then,” she whispered, eyes finding Nina’s in the dark.
“Like what?”
“Tell me about Matthias,”
So she did. Quietly, with several details omitted, curling the corner of her blanket tighter and tighter around her fist. Inej eventually fell asleep curled up on the ugly carpet, knees tight to her chest, blanket draped flatly over her like a shroud. Nina lay anxiously on the bed, watching her. 
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innerchorus · 1 year
Okay I'm suddenly having Farangis brainrot and consequently have like, a bucketload of questions. Hear me out.
Was Farangis native to Khuzestan? Was she born elsewhere, sent to a temple from that region, only to be transferred to the temple in Khuzestan or was she from Khuzestan to begin with? I realize this is somewhat of a stupid line of question but whatever! My brain can't help it! I wonder how young she was when her parents died and she was sent to the temple, fairly young? 8-9-ish? Even younger? In her teens? I'm just now pondering in amusement how she ended up on the opposite end of Pars from her homeland— southwest to northeast. Also I planned to have her join the clan around the same time Ranna does: aka when she's about like, 13 and they 7 or so, and have them bond with each other as they get accustomed to their new home, but maybe I should move it up a little, but gah I've gotten so fond of the idea!
I'm not sure there are confirmed answers to many of these questions but let's have look at what the novels say! (These are exactly the sorts of things I wonder about too, so I'm more than happy to look into them.)
I don't recall seeing any direct reference to where Farangis was born. It could have been in the region of Khuzestan, or it could simply be that the cultural importance of the temple at the time was what led to her being sent there. It does seem that she was sent there to be raised immediately after her mother's death, though (her father died earlier, leaving her mother more or less a fortune, half of which her mother instructed to be donated to the temple after her death, while the other half was left for Farangis herself). Her mother asked that the temple support her daughter, presumably because there were no other relatives capable of providing for her, or perhaps because she saw being raised in the temple and becoming a priestess as the choice that provided the best future for her daughter.
The temple of Mithra in Khuzestan was built as a donation to mark the birth of Prince Arslan (ordered by Andragoras himself). Arslan was born in 306, at which time Farangis was around 8. So that's the youngest she could have been when she was sent there, and I do tend to think it was likely to be around that age that her life at the temple began.
This seems like a good place to talk about Khuzestan itself, since I mentioned that geographically it doesn't match up with the real life location. It is an area located east of Ecbatana, west of Peshawar Fortress and just north of the Nimruz Mountains. (That's not super specific, but the comment about the Nimruz range helps the most, especially because that's included on the map from the guide that covers up to Book 10)
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(annotated map courtesy of the first fan translation)
As well as being just slightly above just above the Nimruz mountains, if Khuzestan is more or less mid-way between Ecbatana and Peshawar that would make it very close to Soleimaniye's location on the Continental Road.
The Chinese version describes Khuzestan as a 'small town' (小镇) but when checking the Japanese the novel is actually talking about the Khuzestan region (地方) which makes more sense.
Now for a little cypress diversion; we were talking about cypresses being planted around temples in ancient Iran, and although I didn't see a mention of it for the temple of Mithra in Khuzestan, the temple of Ashi in the Oxus region is surrounded by them, so that appears to be a thing in Parsian culture too. (Although this is a female-only temple dedicated to a different god, there's a little more detail of temple life in that section which probably applies to other temples like the one in Khuzestan too, so it's a good section to look at for inspiration for that.)
And also, since I may as well add it to this post after I think I forgot to mention it in comments yesterday, concerning the novel's use of the term magpat for a Parsian high priest, it hasn't come up in manga canon presumably because the time it crops up in the novels is when one of these high-ranking priests betrays Tahamenay's location to Hilmes, when in the manga Arakawa changed it to Husrab. In looking at that scene in the novels again I did see Tanaka gave us a brief description of what that priest was wearing; robes of 'gaudy gold and purple'.
Anyway, I think your proposed timeline for Farangis meeting Ranna in your AU would work! Perhaps the jinn told her to travel that way?
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
 “Why was my wife hit with a Quirk that increased her anxiety and OCD while making her…” Hisashi hesitated. He didn’t want to say that it made her abusive. He hated the idea of Inko being that. 
 But there wasn’t any other word choice other than that one to really explain what she did. The ignoring of Izuku’s injuries. Her hyper focus on Izuku being best friends with Katsuki like her and Mitsuki when the blonde boy hurt their son. Her angry downplaying of his dreams. All were abusive signs.
 “I don’t know.” The doctor said. “But we are working on reversing the effects. Your wife is strong willed sir, to have beaten off the Quirk enough to seek help willingly. More so since it’s been years since she was hit.”
 “The Illusive Man,” Liara said as soon as Hisashi entered her room. He paused, Garrus and Tali both mimicking him. 
 “Already knew what I was thinking? He asked rhetorically.
 “Indeed. The Illusive Man had arranged for your wife to be hit. He was working with someone about it. I’m still hacking those files. It’s a remarkable system,” Liara admitted. 
 “Need a hand?” Tali asked. Liara nodded and the Quarian moved to help. Hisashi and Garrus waited quietly until the two had a breakthrough
 “I’m seeing reference to a One for All and an All for One,” Liara mentioned as she scanned her data.
 “Ditto. I’m also seeing something about transference.” Tali said.
 “All for One? The Boogeyman?” Hisashi asked.
 “The what?” Garrus asked.
 “He’s… well not a myth. I thought he was dead though. He apparently was around during the rise of Quirks, able to steal Quirks from people and then either use them or give them away. It was said he played at being a benevolent man but in reality had ideals that he alone should decide who could have a Quirk, and he took his role seriously. Most info on him is black ops.” Hisashi said. “I really thought he was dead. Trails went dead… shit. Fifteen or so years ago.”
 “When Cerberus broke away from the Alliance.” Liara said grimly. “He’s still alive. Wounded badly now though, at the hands of a One for All? Apparently a Quirk that he made for his sickly brother in order to convince him to follow his rule. It didn’t work and it turns out that his brother had a Quirk that interacted with the other. It’s impossible to take One for All by force and it can be passed down by choice.” 
 “I found mentions of a deal. Izuku is Quirkless which… is rare in Japan?” Tali asked Hisashi.
 “It is. Asian people are ninety-nine percent more likely to have Quirks then not.” He said. 
 “The deal was to… break your son. To make him a malleable puppet.” Liara said grimly. Hisashi felt the burn of his throat. Shit. “The idea would be to present him as a useful inheritor of One for All, but then offer him a hand from the underworld. The idea being that a form left Quirkless boy would identify more with the people beaten down by society and would be swayed to their side.”
 “He’d get One for All and pass it to All for One.” Hisashi finished the idea. “They didn’t account for Inko being mentally stronger then they thought or Izuku being more stubborn then me.”
 “No one is more stubborn then you.”
 “Trust me. He is.”
 “Here,” Commander Shepard passed Toshinori a file. The number one Japanese hero blinked and took it. “It’s about a certain… problem you dealt with.”
 From tone alone Toshinori should have figured it out. As it was, he still didn’t feel prepared to open the papers to find an analysis on All for One. Or the information on him working with Cerberus. Or… any of it really.
 “He was after my son as a way to try and con One for All out of you,” Shepard said simply. “I’m friends with an information broker who adores Izuku. She helped put that together.” 
 “Shit.” Toshinori flicked through the file, his missing stomach aching as he realized something. “He’s alive.”
 “He is.”
 “I’m injured.” 
“Well you have us.” Shepard grinned, a small amount of smoke pouring from his lips. “He touched my baby. I’ll make him bleed.”
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stillwaitingforus · 1 year
This is the first time I’ve ever written anything to post. 
Genre: fluff, friends-to-lovers
There are many things that you can’t control and recently you’ve noticed a certain feeling. Specifically the feeling of love that you have for your best friend Minho. Lately you’ve noticed that you don’t just see him as your friend but you want to be more. You guys already act like a couple but that doesn’t mean he feels the same. You and Minho have been friends for many years, meeting during high school. Seeing each high and low they each of you have experienced thus creating an inseparable bond. It’s always been a tradition between you two to watch a movie while eating tons of snacks of friday nights and saturday mornings were spent making breakfast. It was always a fight for who would wake first in order to have everything ready before the other. This particular Friday night Minho called to let you know he would be a bit late but when you asked why he told you he was finishing up with a friend. You didn’t think too much about this assuming he was with Jisung. As you continued gathering the snack, blankets, and pillows you realize he said, “a friend” which made you think which friend and why wouldn’t he have just said their name, but the thoughts were cut short by the sound of the front door opening. When you looked over to him he looked disheveled. He walked over to give you a hug and apologize about being late but he smelled different, almost floral, which is different from his normal vanilla and was acting a bit strange too. Before you could ask about the friend he was with or mention the different scent he quickly told you he was going to change before the movie. He dashed off to the bathroom leaving you confused. When he came out he quickly joined you on the couch leaving no personal space while he practically laid on you. While you let him choose the movie you managed to find a comfortable position with the little space that was left. Halfway through the movie you had no idea as to what was happening. All you could do was look down at your best friend while thinking about how to ask where he was. Minho couldn’t focus on the movie because he could feel your burning stare. “Take a photo it will last longer” was what brought you out of your thoughts. You quickly tried to make up an excuse but came up with nothing. He sat up once he noticed the look on your face. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours” but you didn’t know how to express your thoughts so without really thinking you blurted out, “Who was the friend you were with and why didn’t you just say their name rather than referring to them as a friend.” He was taken back by your outburst but he also wasn’t sure what to say. He was with a friend but she didn’t think of him as a friend. “I was with Lisa, you know, my coworker. She had invited me out to dinner.” That made sense to you but why didn’t he just say that and why do you feel jealous. The dinner just ran a bit longer than expected but that doesn’t explain why he smelled so strongly of her perfume. 
“Oh I see.”
“You see what? What else is bothering you?”
“Nothing's bothering me, I was just curious.”
“Y/N, I’ve known you for long enough to know something is still bothering you.”
“If it was dinner then why did you smell so strongly of her perfume?”
Once again he was surprised. He had hoped that her perfume didn’t transfer to him so intensely. He wanted to tell you about the dinner from the time he got the invite but he didn’t feel good about it. You see he’s been in love with you for so long and has been wanting to tell you but how could he. He was so worried about losing you, so he agreed to the dinner thinking that maybe this could help him realize there’s someone else out there for him, but that didn’t happen the whole time all he could think about was you and how he wished it was you sitting across the table not some coworker that he didn’t know and didn’t want to know. Once the dinner was finally over he tried to leave quickly but before he could he walked Lisa to her car. The whole way to her car she was bumping into him and holding him close. Her perfume was very strong and he hoped that it wouldn't linger on him but he just hoped that he would be able to slide past you without you taking notice of it. He might have been able to avoid having you smell it but he needed to hug you. It was how he always greeted you. 
“She was clinging to me while I walked her to her car.”
You looked skeptical, “Why were you so jittery and short when you first arrived? Was I not supposed to know about the date?”
“Date? I promise you it wasn’t a date. Maybe she thought it was but I assure you It wasn’t a date.”
You visibly relaxed after hearing this. You were so relieved to find out that it wasn't a date but why did he reassure you so much could it be that maybe he has similar feelings. Minho had noticed your change in body language making him question why it mattered to you to the point that you were visibly bothered. This made him wonder if maybe you felt the same way he did. 
“Oh… if it wasn’t a date did you at least have a good time?”
“Honestly, no. I couldn’t pay attention to her. All I could think about was… you.”
“Me? What do you mean me?”
Both of you are blushing messes. Both trying to figure out how and if you should tell each other about your feelings. Minho was thinking that he should just tell you he thinks that by the way you reacted might be a good sign. You on the other hand were so unsure clearly it wasn’t a date and he wanted you to understand that, but how do you tell your best friend that you’re in love with him. You can’t just say like because it’s an understatement you’re madly in love with Minho.
“Min, I have to tell you something and I hope that it doesn’t change anything between us because I can’t lose you but I can’t continue living this way.”
“Nothing can change or hurt what we have, you're my best friend. You matter so much to me we will work through whatever it is.”
“Min, I love you. I love you so much it hurts. You’re the best thing to happen to me.”
Once again you’ve surprised Minho so much that he’s frozen. He can’t believe that you like him no you love him. You said “love”. His silence made you freak out of course he doesn’t like you this way. Why didn’t you just continue keeping the secret?
“Shit Min it’s okay if you don’t feel the same I’m so sorry.”
“No Y/N I love you too. I was just surprised that you beat me to the confession.”
You guys finally have confessed to each other and the air around you feels different. You couldn’t help but laugh at how much better you feel now. Minho also began laughing too you guys naturally falling into each other. As you guys calmed down y'all were cuddled up together it was so natural and felt so much better than how you were previously sat across from each other. 
“Min, I really do love you. I’ve loved you for so long I can’t even remember when I first realized it.”
“I love you too Y/N, I really do. I realized that very first time you came to meet my cats.”
The movie has long been finished but now that the confessions have happened you’ve continued to cuddle on the couch and reminisce about all the times y’all almost confessed but backed out. You slowly began to fall asleep so Minho carried you to bed and once comfortable you were out. He climbed in bed but now that he’s there he can’t fall to sleep. He’s so happy, just couldn’t believe that you’ve both confessed to being in love. How dumb were the both of you to never notice. He was trying to figure out just how to ask you to be his. Yeah you’ve confessed but that doesn’t fully make you his. He finally managed to sleep and when he woke up he was first thankfully. You both always fight as to who makes breakfast for the other. The only way to be the “winner” is to wake up earlier. He slowly climbed out of bed trying extra hard to not wake you up. He went and made breakfast just as he was finishing up he felt you wrap your arms around his waist.
“Why did you leave me?” 
“I needed to make you breakfast.”
“We could've cooked together, you know. Now that we aren’t trying to win each other over.”
“I would love to cook with you but I had to do it this way.”
He ushered you to go sit at the table so he could bring it to you. Once you finally did as he was bringing the dishes he had you close your eyes, which you tried to argue about but Minho got the last word and had your eyes shut. He set down the dish and lastly he set down a folded piece of paper. He gave you the okay to open your eyes and the letter was the first thing noticed. He looked happy but also a bit nervous. Once you opened the note and read it you began to tear up but also bursted into laughter. He used the note as his way of asking you to be his. 
“Of course I’m yours. We just confessed our undying love to each other last night.”
“Yes I know but I still needed to ask you out properly.”
After eating and enjoying the amazing breakfast. You went to do the dishes which he helped you with, saying he didn’t want to be too far from you. Once finished you went over to hug him thanking him once again. As he was looking at you, you quickly reached up and kissed him. As you pulled away you couldn't get very far before he pulled you in for another sweet kiss.
“I love you so much Y/N”
“I love you too Min”
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