#i appreciate that in a book sometimes
It's not very often that I find a book that I can enjoy without using every last inch of my brain and can sort of just enjoy for the story and the plot and the fun of it. I've got high standards and rarely let those drop for new novels that are often poorly written and have no lasting message. But then occasionally I stumble on a good one with a strong message and an easy to read style and I just. Feel good about life.
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So anyways guess who read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.
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pinkcrayon · 9 days
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i made this in 2021, but i never posted it cause i didn't think it looked "polished" enough. looking back on it, i think i was too harsh on myself. so i'm releasing it out into the world!
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egophiliac · 1 year
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redesigning my headcanon for Sebek's parents, based on important new information (SCALES)
(you can't see it but they're both wearing crocs)
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keen-eye · 2 months
McGucket: i’ve abandoned my own professional aspirations and have been neglecting my wife and our young son to be with help you make yours come true, i’m utilizing my mechanical genius just for you, here’s a gourd and an axolotl that remind me of you, here’s a snow globe of our lab, here’s six-fingered gloves I knitted for you, i’ve stayed by your side despite being repeatedly traumatized by these terrifying monsters, i’ve put my mental and physical health in jeopardy for our project, i’ve built a memory erasing device so that I can fix my anxiety and continue helping you, *erases your memory* forget I said that, here’s a thesis paper I’ve written for you so you can publish your research and end this dangerous and isolating endeavor, i've sacrificed so much, did I mention I left my wife to be with you
Ford: *keeps truth about project a secret*, *throws gourd away*, *puts you in harms way*, *dismisses your fears*, *frustrated by your lack of commitment*, *takes you for granted*, *breaks snow globe*, *suspicious of your intentions*, *questions your loyalty*, *releases axolotl*, *prioritizes and trusts a triangle over you*, *accuses you of betrayal*, *calls you weak-willed*
(^ imagine the vine boom after each one)
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fictionadventurer · 4 days
Book: This young woman was lively, vivacious, outgoing, and cheerfully unconcerned about propriety.
Me: Okay, she seems fun.
Book: She had an older sister who was quiet, thoughtful and proper, but not as beautiful/captivating.
Me: Oh no, I just found my new favorite character.
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bajaja-blast · 2 months
finally finished this fucking book
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it took me almost a year because it’s so hard to get through oh my GODS
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c-kiddo · 2 months
before i sleep: caduceus autismposting . i think when he infodumps he just gets into his Talking Abt Interest mode and its a little intense but tmn understand and especially beau or jester can handle it. but he like makes very intense eye contact and wrings his hands the entire time with his silly smile and follows whoever around if theyre doing something and tells them, in a weird roundabout excited way, that his family have a graveyard (not a cemetery) and they make tea out of the plants that grow from the bodies and didnt you know that they all make all sorts of different kinds of plants for different teas with unique tastes its all very interesting didnt you know that? and he has told everyone about this in detail several times
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sneez · 17 days
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“My lords, I bring you news—news of the existence of mankind!”
gwynplaine in the house of lords! please don't tag as body horror or anything similar [id in alt text]
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keenadraws · 1 year
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someone please give this poor kid a hug
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cacaocheri · 7 months
You should in fact infodump about poptropica, also have you considered doing a DCA Poptropica crossover to unite the interests together?
1) I love you so much dude I hope you're doing well 2) poptropica infodump would take AGES this thing has lore so I will spare you a ramble for now 3) I . HAVE NOT. BUT COULD YOU IMAGINE SUN AND MOON WITH THE BIG BOBBLE HEADS
no? because I can
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oh my god they look so much more cursed than I expected I'm laughing my ass off
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fisheito · 6 months
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a wretched spectre upon my existence
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mangledmouth · 7 months
HELLO ALL! I've been working on this project for a while; copying a lot of poems from my blog that had broken formatting from the old days, collecting the ones that I was the proudest of, adding in a number of poems from the archives that never saw the light before; and the result is this, DETRANSFORMATION, an extremely transgender anthology of forty-nine poems, which is 7x7, which I literally only realized now. What can I say, I went for quality over quantity over the years.
Do you like horror movies? Fairy tales? Complicated feelings about Lovecraft? Do you have familial trauma? Depression? Long slow years of regaining life? Do you like it when poems are about a specific ass situation? Do I ever have the loosely grouped into five sections that create an arc that's about 7x as clear in real life poetry ebook for you!
Gumroad was the easiest platform to upload to, and set a 'pay what you want' price of $1 and up; I wanted to prioritize people being able to read it if they want, with room to be more generous if you feel like it and can afford it. If you don't/don't want to use Gumroad, or want me to get the money without Gumroad fees, I've done my best to make the thank-you email for my Ko-fi a link to download the epub; the base price of a 'coffee' is 1$, so you can set your own price from there on up. This is my first attempt at both making and distributing an epub, so if anything is broken or inaccessible you can get in touch with me on here. If all else fails I will literally email it to you. I will convert it as needed. We will make this work.
that's it! I wrote a lot of poems and put them together (and made the cover! look at it it turned out so good!) and I hope you check them out. 🪦💚
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egophiliac · 1 year
I want your opinion on something. Do you think it's better to try and the the cards of the character you like or skipping some to brench out? Like, say you're a fan of Leona. Should you try to get all of his bday card and stuff or stick to one and get other characters ssr?
personally, as much as I would like every single card...I gotta ration my keys, so I focus on my favorites!
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which isn't to say that I only pull for certain characters no matter what! more that I take a good long look at every card that comes out and go "do I really want this one? like...really really want it?" (the answer is usually yes, but -- look, the art in this game is very pretty, okay)
honestly, from a gameplay standpoint, I think it doesn't matter too much whether you focus on pulling for specific characters or not. there are very, very few points where actually having a good mix of characters is important (Those Two Stages in episode 6, where I think you can use retry tickets for the easy mode? and also guest room battles if you care about those) and you'll probably end up with at least one halfway decent card per character just from doing 10-pulls and events. so even if you're only pulling for Leona cards, you'll still end up getting a bajillion other characters as well. follow your heart! chase that grumpy lion bliss! ✨🦁✨
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Okay so I am back to reading Star Wars books, and I have JUST started Shatterpoint and I already know this books is gonna be great because..
No more than a couple pages in (it’s an e-book idk how many pages in the physical copy it is..it might be the first page idk 🤷🏻‍♀️) Mace Windu expresses regret over not killing Dooku on Geonosis
He’s overthinking and stressing over that decision and why he made it
And what is one of the reasons he couldn’t bring himself to kill Dooku?
Because they were friends
Because he LOVED HIM
Yeah. You read that correctly. Mace Windu loved Count Dooku. His words. Not mine. He used the word love. They were friends before Dooku left the order and Windu admits it to himself that he could not let him go, could not separate the jedi he knew with the man in front of him.
That’s right. Mace Windu. The man whom so many fans believe is a cold and unfeeling asshole.
That man, believes that he potentially allowed his love for the Dooku that was his friend stop him from killing him.
He thinks he might’ve
allowed his emotions to cloud his judgement
and cannot get over that feeling of regret.
And that is so goddamn important to me.
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coquelicoq · 8 months
the sheer number of female characters in orv and the depth of every single one of them is rapidly ruining me for 90% of media. here i am just bopping along not even realizing how resigned i am to a 3:1 ratio of men to women in most media and then orv hits me like a freight train. like okay now i have standards. everybody else get on this level.
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zukkaoru · 7 months
the disparity in kudos between a skk fic and a fic for literally any other bsd characters/ship :/
#like okay i get it skk is the most popular bsd ship by a longshot#but it does kinda suck that my skk fics will always end up being more popular than literally anything else i write for bsd#when i have way better fics tbh#okay i'm unleashing this from my drafts lol#like i get it kudos/hits/bookmarks counts aren't telling of how good a fic is#but out of my last five fics. my skk one has ONE HUNDRED kudos more than the next most kudos#and idk it also sucks that i know my skk is better than 90% of the fandom but. even my skk fics get significantly less kudos/etc#than big writers in the fandom who AREN'T EVEN GOOD#or are like. mid at best#i know in theory that the bsd fandom doesn't care about characterization but like. not only do they encourage bad characterization#it feels like sometimes they're actively against good characterization#even in j.jk and a.tla where there are major issues with bad characterization#more people seem to at least appreciate the good characterization. (even if they aren't good at it themselves.)#but i swear to god no one in the bsd fandom cares about anything besides whether dazai and chuuya are kissing. it begins and ends there.#it never ceases to amaze me (derogatory) how a fandom where the source media draws So Much inspiration from classic literature#can somehow have NEGATIVE media literacy skills#why don't you guys take a break from your edgy dazai x softboy chuuya fics and you fems.kk with dazai in skimpy clothes and your#beast chuuya sobbing and killing himself over dazai's death#and go read some of the books by the actual authors. and then write me an essay about the themes that has nothing to do with shipping.#and THEN you can come back to the fandom.#listen i love skk but oh my god sometimes the fandom makes me hate them.#anyway one of these days i'm going to get anon hate for complaining about the bsd fandom so much but that's fine#at least i know there are characters in the show besides dazai and chuuya. and when i do write skk AT LEAST I DO IT RIGHT.#hello grace here
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