#i apologize if you clicked read more OTL
strxnged · 4 years
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and yes I gave up on drawing in the second one it took too long and I am insecure about my art mm
okay for self indulgent reasons I’m going to go hardcore and explain every choice i made on this sheet 😤 (warning - it’s long. very long. wow. i spent 2 hours on this 🧍‍♀️)
PET NAMES: nmmf i would probably call him “lovey” or “bear” or “ass” (yep) while I can see him... using pet names sometimes, but only when we’re not with people. because he knows he will get teased by literally everyone.
INTRO/EXTROVERT: i am none. i am all. but it’s easier to tell with him.. will shy away from crowds, can easily make conversation but it wears him out, but people (cough me) do energize him so
LOVE LANGUAGE: ik i am a writer but i actually never know how to say things other than “ily” but physical affection T_T but I think asahi is a bit more expressive with words, but only when alone. he shy but he big brain with words.
CONFESSION: yall already know he would not confess first. unless it was like. the perfect moment?? I’m a very honest person most of the time - if i feel it for sure i’ll say it. i might be scared to ruin our friendship but i can push it aside if he doesn’t feel the same. thank gosh he does UWU
BUGS: baby will only squish that bug for me. we both aren’t exactly scared of them we will just avoid it. i don’t usually yell unless there’s someone who can help me JADSJK
DRIVING: Okay, I don’t drive yet but I will be very soon. I know for a FACT that he is a very careful driver, making him therefore too slow for my taste. i will want to drive because i am a control freak mmm
FOOD: now hear me out. I can cook, but I’m a picky eater. So I will only make the 5 meals I like, and asahi will suffer if he doesn’t like ‘em. but HE can COOK. i just never let him cook bc i’m like that but when he does 🤤
PDA: mmmm okay I will want to always hold his hand (but my hands are nasty so i feel kinda bad for him rip) and i will not hesitate to give him kisses in front of ppl unless i know that it makes them uncomfortable. and if he tells me to stop i will. but i don’t want to. i just want to always be touching this man um
HELICOPTERING: i trust him to take care of himself... he just cares about me a lot .. so he will be extra worried n stuff guac i’m blushing
RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE: he had like. one s/o before me. it lasted two months. and it took him like a year to get over hahahah and I just never got anywhere with people lMAO anyways
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romantic o-meter: i like romance. i don’t trust it but i will pull it out just for fun. poor guy. and he - okay, i’m not going to try to picture him being romantic because i’m already blushing a ton
awkwardness/shyness o-meter: nDNNDN i feel like he’s pretty awkward when you first get to know him, and definitely will never be smooth, but he does come out of his shell. and me - i cover up my awkwardness by just rolling with it bc i know i will never not be awkward my brain is actually soup half the time and acting socially acceptable is ✨difficult✨
jealous o-meter: i trust him, and he trusts me. we built it all off of trust. but damn i miss this man when he’s with other people and i can’t help it. so it’s not jealousy like i know he’s more invested in other people it’s just. i miss him easily sjdlfk
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for eleknosuke:
SPOONING: him. me. now. make it happen. i- he’s more likely to attack me with physical affection (and i know that he sleeps with his arms around me mmm)
LENDING CLOTHING: i will wear his hoodies because i like oversized hoodies. he will wear my hoodies because i buy oversized hoodies. and he looks good in light blue dAMN
PET NAMES: TANAKA IS THE KING OF PET NAMES Y’ALL and i have a ton of shitty nicknames for him, “nyoo” “my boo” “baldy” “smoothbrain” “ ‘suke baby” (i literally. come up with these. in the middle of the day. i need help.)
INTRO/EXTROVERT: WE ARE SO CHAOTIC TOGETHER AND IT’S GREAT. we both c a n shut up but only for a few minutes before we’re both yelling excitedly (about? who could say)
LOVE LANGUAGE: i want him to hug and kiss me 🧍‍♀️ it is what it is
CONFESSION: j we lowkey confessed a lot before our “actual confession” but never knew if the other person was serious LMFAO
BUGS: i don’t like them. he doesn’t either but will do anything for me. i didn’t ask for him to be this perfect 🙄
DRIVING: nnnnno i’m a little scared of him driving sometimes but it can be very fun. also he is stunning when he drives, his side profile is just 😳
FOOD: he can’t cook but he can try, and does a lot. i put up with whatever he makes because i’m lazy and as long as it doesn’t have cabbage i’ll live j (his favourite food is bread, what could go wrong? bc same)
PDA: we are joined at the hip. and lips if possible.
HELICOPTERING: yeah no we’re pretty chill it’s just that. i love him a lot yk and you bet that i will be sure to say “i love you” before he goes literally anywhere in case he doesn’t come back oh that got sad okay uh
RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE: poor guy... definitely dated a few people before me... yes i am jealous of exes but 😝 he is so good at making sure i know i’m the one he loves MFjfdjKF
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romantic o-meter: i am sorry but i cannot elaborate on this in fear of my own death
awkwardness/shyness o-meter: we’re the same. we can be chill but we can also be absolutely insane. so . the awkwardness exists in both of us, but it doesn’t show because we’re busy being annoying jgkl
jealous o-meter: okay yeah what i said about exes. i just. i am an insecure chile okay?? but then he is similar so is okay mmmm
I SPENT 2 HOURS OF MY LIFE DOING THIS AND I HAVE NO REGRETS MDMFKLSDFK @kailleiobrien​ you have to do this rn pls 🙏
ship template by @gibb_arts on twitter
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lachalaine · 5 years
What would prevent you from following someone?
honesty meme
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1. What would prevent you from following someone?
—- fair warning, and with all due respect made, but I am notoriously picky, and this is a long and somewhat harsh list, in a way. Roleplaying is a hobby, yes, but my standards for it are admittedly very high, and considering I spend a good deal of my time on here, I do want to keep myself comfortable, first and foremost. Anything and everything that is detrimental to that comfort gets the boot. Of course, none of these are meant to be taken personally, because it is just a particular set of personal guidelines I follow so that I can keep my Tumblr safe and enjoyable for me, and so far since I’ve been using this new standard, it’s appeared to actually work for the most part. 
I have nearly the most unproblematic dash ever — and even when there’s drama, I actually very rarely know what it’s about because none of my mutuals seem to get heavily involved with it. In a very particular word, I have to say, it’s been — chill. But anyway, here’s a list below !! Idk if I got everything, but heck !! You get the picture ✨✨
If they utilize severely bad grammar in their writing, or use run on sentences, or seriously just can’t figure out how to use a comma. I don’t need A++ grammar in your writing - hell, I know my own comma skills are crap - I just need to able to read something that is a complete thought, and yet not five complete thoughts with only one period. If they have multiple spelling errors as well, which pretty much indicates they didn’t bother to even remotely read through their work, they just posted it willy nilly. :// Idk. I mean, I make spelling errors too, but if it’s six times in one sentence? And you couldn’t even get the name right? Mhmmmmmm. 
If they respond to every single thread with one or two sentences and can’t be bothered to write anything beyond your generic banter - aka meaning, there’s never any plot. If they can’t seem to push the thread beyond their partners response and give stale replies in the sense that nothing actually happens in their portion and so you’re the one pushing the plot along half the time. If they only write with dialogue and not a single ounce of description beyond that. OR, on the flip side, if they write TOO much description to the point that none of it actually leads anywhere or matters in the long run. Or just — honestly, if there’s too many ooc posts and then only one three sentence ic paragraph in comparison to it? Then its back to another string of random ooc in quick succession?? No thank you.
Also, I apologize, but there are honestly just certain styles of writing I won’t follow just because iI quite frankly don’t like it. Plainly put, I avoid writing that I find to be both stiff and fairly pretentious ( by my own standards, of course ). I won’t follow most people who write purple prose, not because I hate it, but just because – I won’t lie, it’s beyond my comprehension to understand a great deal of those words. And while I’ve come to recognize a certain number of those same words, I just can’t — enjoy it, tbh. If I can’t interact with your muse at all, then I actually want to be able to read and understand your posts from the sidelines. Otherwise, I see no point to my sticking around.
If the mun seems to be particularly — problematic. Difficult, in the sense that if I were to interact with them, they would potentially cause me undue stress; whether it be about ooc stuff or just badgering me on ic matters. Which of course means that I read ooc posts, yes. I read rules. I read threads and asks and I read their tags and I read pretty much anything and everything I can on their blog to try to gauge if they might be the type of person that I might be better off staying clear of. And though I hate to say it - as I haven’t been on Tumblr for nearly as long as most other people on here - it’s not a stretch to say that you do tend to get a feel for these things eventually, and I do think I’m rarely ever wrong about my gut feeling when it comes to them. Sometimes though, I do try to follow anyway because I feel like maybe I’m being too harsh, but then my worries prove to be fairly correct before long, and it’s not a nice feeling in the least. But I try to keep an open mind nonetheless ( but also I admittedly just soft block and unfollow if it’s just too much ). 
If they only every write smut. All the time. If it’s only nsfw left, right and center. Or if they complain about not having worthwhile interactions but then literally all their threads and asks heavily lead towards the sign of a ship with every single person, even when five replies ago their characters had seriously just met. It’s different if they actually try to make the effort and nothing clicks, but you can usually tell when they’re actually making the effort. ://
If they don’t ??? Have a decent about page ??? Like, dsahdbhsabdhsa I don’t care if you’re a canon character or an oc, please write a proper about page!! I don’t care if it’s simple as hell and you only have an appearance and hobbies and age and maybe a super small list of trivia and the shortest summary of a back story, please care about your muse enough to give actual thought to their character beyond the basics !! It’s just. So disheartening to me?? To see new muses pop up left and right and be so excited and yet not garner a single shred of an actual core personality from them, but all you can tell is they have a pretty / handsome face claim and that was the entire basis - beginning and end - of their creation. 
If their muse is too —- perfect? And the mun seems reluctant to drop that sense of perfection to make them appear more human? It’s just. Mhm. Stale. It’s stale if a character is too wonderful and amazing and gorgeous and makes no mistakes and never breaks their perfect mold no matter what they come across. If they’re always prepared or one step ahead and never at all remotely caught off guard, not because there is an actual reason they are that way; but rather it’s merely just that the mun can’t seem to let that notion of absolute perfection go - because they can’t bear to see their muse looking bad. So then they come out to be always the best, and everyone else is just a side piece to their story. It’s personally not something I have any interest in dealing with.  
Muses that have TOO much gore and death and triggering topics inlaid in their musings and interactions and photos and etc. Like, I can interact with a certain amount of it, and I can write it and I actively think up plots that deal with such things. But if it’s a muse that actively goes into laughing maniacal tangents about mutilation while their hands are elbow deep in a man’s stomach dhsabdhsabdsadas ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah No. 
At the end of the day though, my main and most prominent reason I won’t follow back? If I just gain no sense of intrigue from the blog, like — at all. No intrigue to read their threads or their asks or their headcannons, no nothing. If that particularly integral part of it all is missing, then I’ll refrain. If they’re a new blog and still setting up, then I’ll wait a few days before I check again. I need to see samples, I need to see actual effort put in, I need to see an actual thought process to this muse - not just an empty aesthetic design piece. There’s too damn many of those as it is, and quite frankly, it is exhausting. OTL
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..................... I can’t believe that I finally had this up. I’m procrastinating on this for so long, mostly because of focusing in main quests and events for both servers, but also I don’t know what to write about her OTL
I’ll still write whatever thoughts I have about her because... She’s been my longest AOE Lancer I’ve had before Nezha and Bradamante came in. So, here goes nothing!
Why isn’t it tagged under FGO tag, it will contain anti-character, anti-ships & anti-series from my own view. So you’ve been warned before clicking the link to read!
The first time when I got her.... I had wondered who the hell is that. Not only a restarted JP account, I didn’t even went that far on story wise, so I randomly pulled her out of nowhere.
To my surprise after finding her in the FGO wiki, didn’t think Nasu even touched on her other future holding the spear
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Gameplay wise, she’s definitely been the best Lancer I can ever asked. Despite the lack of defense buff, her NP and attack buff been doing good in clearing waves + additional damage against boss fight. I also know currently she’s not that good especially recent challenges requires you to survive longer against bosses with multiple HP bar
At the end of the day before the sudden burst of having many Lancers now in my JP, still my best one regardless. Heck, I’m even happy that she came home again for NP2!
Character wise... I can only say it’s a real fucking pity that London doesn’t really cover her because she just ‘sort-of’ appeared out of nowhere nearing the end. I was actually hoping there’s even a little interaction between her and Mordred!
Thank god for Go to the west event! Though they never talked face to face, at least this version of Artoria sees Mordred as her son and even apologizes to the crew about her son’s behavior. In fact...
Among all Artorias version, her Alters are actually my favorite. Sadistic and spartan with a sense of trolling here and there, she’s more humane and even outright treat Mordred way better than her OG and even OG Lancer counterpart! There’s definitely that forgive-but-don’t-forget-vibe after everything in camelot...
Somehow this version of Artoria at least indirectly acknowledge Mordred someone worthy. Not necessary for the throne, but I feel it’s more towards his fighting prowess and being on par against her
That’s my feel at least... I’m now hoping there’s actually a dialogue lines between both of them about each other :/ They are the best parent-child duo I’ve enjoyed from that one-time event, so I’m personally hoping a sequel will have more of their interactions
Lastly, she’s definitely the exact same reason as the past few max bond Servants: I didn’t bother to take her out when I needed to. And now that’s she all maxed out... Now, I’m going to miss my Lancer helping me to clear on Archer waves :/
Though because her now that’s she done... I’ve gotten enough reasons to start working and rushing all other Lancers Servants for LB4. Thank you for the help as always, Artoria Lancer! 
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dunkalfredo · 7 years
Im in love with your vision of Infinite and Rookie and i want to hear some of your sweet headcanons about their time together. If anyone asked something similar, refer me to this post, please. Thanks!
alskdjnsjklnljkls tysm!!!! yeah sure ill share some headcanons. i did a post on a similar topic about a month ago but that’s more their individual personalities/aesthetics than actual relationship material so ill go ahead and add on some stuff here.
i should note that portions of this are based heavily off of the idea that they grew up together so prepare for some au territory at this point. my backstory for them is becoming so intricate jfc;;;;;; i really hope ur not disappointed with this answer i have like an entire pre-forces narrative planned out in my head at this point OTL if u were hoping for more general stuff just lemme know i can give you some more hcs for that (there’s already some but there’s also Backstory stuff that i can’t really explore through oneshot format)
this is entirely self indulgent tbhhhh anyways click that mf Keep reading button
there’s a lot of like. casual touch. lotsa hugs and leaning on each other and resting their chin on the other’s shoulder (or top of head depending on who’s who bc height difference) while looking over them at what they’re doing and its really rooted in their learning early on how much Gadget loves that sweet sweet Physical Contact (if u scratch behind his ears he will melt, guaranteed, you’ll have yourself a Boneless Gadget with a two-liter coke)
if it’s raining out gadget will insist on doing something that’s not just sitting inside all day but snugglin w/ infinite ends up tempting him into doing Exactly That lol
there’s a lot of companionable silence between them when it’s just Them Alone in a Room. sure they talk and chat and joke but there are so many times where it’s just,,, being Together,,, and enjoying being in the other’s presence as they each do their own thing
sorta going into childhood/backstory stuff but uhhhh:
starting freshman year of highschool they started just bein each other’s dates to school dances even though they were “just friends” for like half of that timespan . i love cheesy stuff like that im sorry bro i had to include that tidbit i know it’s super specific and particular to my own backstory for them but just, they’re best buds and they gonna have a good time at homecoming lol
please imagine: those cute pre-dance pictures that parents take at the stairwell or front porch or somethin right before their kids leave, but with gadget and infinite. gadget’s got braces and they dont really fit in his mouth and his lenses reflect the light in the photo and oops infinite blinked and his shirt is too big and tbh their suits in gen just don’t really fit them right, gadget’s shirt is untucked and infinite’s tie is crooked but it’s okay, they’re both smilin reeeeaaaal big (and besides they figure out how to look Aesthetically Pleasing by junior year)
summers were hot in their hometown (note: i grew up in the north so i know nothing of True Heat, bear with me on this one.) most evenings were spent out on gadget’s fam’s back porch, cold towels resting on the backs of their necks, sweat in and under their fur, and they’re melting into the wood of the deck, fan plugged into that one weird outlet on the outside of the house that’s really more a fire hazard than anything else but the cool air is nice. they’re just lounging around reading comic books and listening to music on infinite’s old zune (lots of mid-2000s punk rock bands bc what else were u expecting) and in later years when they’re in that teen puppy love stage they’re trying to cuddle but it’s TOO DAMN HOT OUTSIDE so they resort to like, gentle hand holding, infinite reading some pretentious literary work or whatever and gadget spacing tf out next to him
when they graduate and are assigned a partner to walk down the aisle with they still end up w/ each other even though technically the partners are chosen according to alphabetical order and they’re on opposite ends of that list whOOPS how’d they do that? (hint: last minute shuffling in line)
when they move outta their small lil home town and into The Big City (im gonna say that would be Sunset Heights to tie in some canon plot relevance) they move in together and share a flat. a) its more financially manageable to just split housing costs like that and b) it’s been a dream their entire lives to live together when they’re older so oh!!! they’re older now!!!!! time to live together
(okay that’s all for backstory stuff back to reg hcs)
neither can cook but its ok
it may seem like they bicker a lot but it’s usually either the like, joke argue of “what do you mean craft mac n cheese is gross take that back” or reprimands like “it’s one a.m. time to sleep u Fool” (self-care is important, lads). they actually communicate really well so high-stakes arguments aren’t super common (and when they do happen they dont tend to explode. i wanted to have them be the type that argue for understanding and not to prove they’re right, so that greatly affects the outcomes of their disputes.)
infinite loves to hum while he’s doing things, or just in gen, and his voice is very low and smooth and gadget looooooves it, so much. they’ll be, i dunno, doing some mundane thing, like maybe they’re out getting groceries or doin dishes or something (i love me that domestic content) and he’ll start humming quietly and it just, it really grounds gadget in a way that sometimes he doesn’t even know he needs till infinite does it.
anyone here ever played bayonetta? any a yall remember those bits where there’s a woman in bayo’s memories singing and/or humming ‘fly me to the moon’ all quiet and low? think that but just,,,, pitched down,,,, yeah,,,
the tunes are usually very slow and while not so much melancholy theyre just? i dunno melodic in the same lax, smooth-tempo’d way a lot of melancholy songs are? i dunno i like quiet, introspective infinite and aesthetics that reflect that
here’s a long one: about a month before infinite “goes missing” and forces happens, infinite lands a job at a local news outlet as one of the column writers and even tho he’s more into prose than journalism he’s so fuckin pumped. it’s mostly just excitement over not doing cashier work and having a money-makin outlet he’s at least somewhat interested in lol …aaaaaand the way ship headcanon works into this bullet is that when he finds out that he landed the job he so excited that when gadget walks into the room (it’s morning and gadget literally was just gonna get some coffee, he’s still in his pajamas, he’s got bedhead) infinite sees him and whoops he tackle-hugs him and then whoops he knocked them both onto the floor but its cool gadget kinda let it happen and when infinite tells him what happened and apologizes he’s now also super excited and happy for him so now there’s two (2) people screaming inside (and out) about this awesome development
here’s a short one: they wear each other’s clothes a lot
gadget’s v cuddly in his sleep so he gets really clingy w/ infinite when a) it’s early morning and they’re just waking up b) it’s Late o’ clock at night and they’re chillin at home or c) he’s Actually asleep and within like three feet of infinite
i dont really know how to end this lol i dont really wanna just start repeating myself and i might think of other stuff later but for now pls consider the following: when they sleep whoever’s big spoon ends up resting one hand over the other’s heart and it’s super sweet
oh and they smooch a lot (i told you this response was self indulgent)
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thexsisters · 7 years
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A lot has happened in 2017 for me. I started the year out getting incredibly sick and I had my first ever foot injury without being in any kind of sports. Haha. The month of January was awful. Let me tell you. But some of you know. Because you were there for me.
A few months speeding up to March and something really scary happened to my grandpa. Something that I wasn’t sure he could come back from. You guys helped me. Some of you more than others but what matters was that some of you reached out. Even if it was just once and only for a few minutes. Lord knows you all have your own lives too.
My grandpa is now nearly back to the way he was. It’s our miracle of 2017 for sure. I then went to the beach for the first time ever in May and it was a blast! I can’t wait to go to a different beach next year. As long as I don’t see any sharks because for real I may live in Ohio but sharks are my greatest fear, okay???
August started out as one of the most thrilling months of 2017 but within a week it became the worst month of 2017. I had been waiting to move out for so long and when I finally got my chance, I was played and lied to. Like usual. I think on some level I’m cursed. For reals. But anyway, August sucked. But you guys were there. You were. You got me through it.
2017 was also the year I finally learned what all the hype was about this group called BTS. I knew they were popular but I was just so hooked on VIXX that I wasn’t really ready to listen to anything else. And then I came back from my beach vacation in May and the Billboard awards was on. I was like “Oh cool! Kpop is making us proud with that BTS group!” And that was all it took for me to become a baby Army~
In the process of getting sucked into the fandom, I have met so many wonderful people! Army is a fandom that, like many, have good apples and bad apples. But I’m one of the lucky ones that have met nothing but good apples~ I’m very fortunate for that. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. You guys put up with my Jungkook spams and BTS trash posts in general. Haha!
Thank you
Chrissy. My adorable turtle with the cute shell~ Sometimes I imagine us just chilling in your shell while you tell me about things like your book cause I’m a huge fangirl, okay? But not just your book, I often imagine us talking about life and how I wish I could do more for you as a friend. If I could tattoo any quote to your body, it would be the famous quote by Christopher Robin. “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” You fight so many battles in your life. And even when you don’t always win those battles, you never give up the war. That takes real bravery, strength, and smarts. Gosh Chrissy. You’re one of the smartest girls I know. But I also know how anxiety has it’s way of clouding those smarts. Turning us into mumbling stumbling sheep who’ve lost our way. But this year you’ve kicked some major butt, okay? You got a job! You stared your enemies in the eye and you said “F*** you.” You went to that job fair, you got that interview, and you got that job. THE Chrissy that I know can do anything she sets her mind to got a job! I’m so proud of you, girl. This is our second Christmas as friends and you’re forever one of my best friends. There are still many battles to be fought, but let’s fight them together, okay?
Laura. My skanky skank. The Sushi Mama. Sadly I did not get to spend as much of 2017 with you as I would have liked. Being what I believe is 6 hours apart makes things difficult, I know. But of course we always make it work. Bless you and Chrissy for throwing me that birthday party. You guys know how much I loved our AIM chats. Sadly AIM is a thing of the past now. But at least we have the memories in our head and our hearts. That birthday party meant so much to me. You made time out of your busy life for me. That means so much. I miss you. It’s probably selfish of me to say but it’s true. I try to be okay with it. I know you’re busy. But you’ll always be my owl that watches over me. You’re still sitting on my desk with Chrissy. I have those stuffed turtle and snow owl on my desk at work. So that I have you guys with me always~ No matter how often we don’t talk, I know you’re always with me. Thanks for being such an amazing friend and an amazing writer. You never fail to blow me away with your writing.
Where do I even start with you? Aigoo. So much has happened that it feels like we’ve known each other for years. In fact it feels so long ago that I barely remember how we first started talking. Isn’t that awful? Haha. But I do indeed remember me approaching you first. I had been checking the people who were following me but had yet to actually approach me. So I thought I’d hit you up with an instant message here on tumblr. And that’s all it took. Here we are now. Several months later and we have so many ships and it makes me feel fuzzy. You, Chrissy, and one other person are the only ones who put up with all my crazy ideas and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for putting up with that because I know my imagination can get pretty wild and out there. You are most certainly my blessing from 2017. Being strong for me so that I can be strong for my friends and family. I can’t tell you enough how precious you are. Don’t let anyone tell you any different because my opinion is the only one that matters. Haha! Let’s have many more Christmases together, okay?
Oh sweet pea I’m so sorry. 2017 wasn’t good to us and I’m so very sorry for that. Things happened and I was still trying to find my way with how I wanted to rp male muses and you were my guinea pig most of the time. But you really stuck by me. And I just want you to know how appreciative I am of you and all your endless patience with me. Our time zones make rping live really difficult but you put up with it anyway. I’m so proud of you for making your multimuse blog. I bet you’re having a blast, right? heehee It’s so good to see you having a blast and enjoying yourself. I knew you’d love it. And hopefully 2018 will be full of fun moments for Taekwoon and Hyosung~
I’m squealing and flailing cause like I don’t even know where to start, okay??? You’ve grown to be one of my idols. I’ll never forget how our story first started. The first chapter was honestly me watching you pop up on my list of recommendations provided by tumblr. I’d click your blog and instantly start sweating because like um hello. You’re totally above me and like I just didn’t think I’d ever be able to be worthy of your writing. Like I totally believed I wasn’t worth being in your ring of writers. Everything about you is amazing and I just couldn’t. Too chicken. Couldn’t do it. But one day I got the fuzzy dice to finally approach you. And I’m glad I did. Because here I am. And I’m still such a fangirl, okay? You’re always going to be my idol. I’ll never forget that first meme reply. I remember reading it over and over again on my lunch hours at work. Smiling like an idiot and being floored every time I read it. Our cuties are so naughty and cute and gosh I ship it hard core. Seulgi isn’t naughty in her other ships but dang she channels her inner BoA when she’s with her handsome composer.~ Let’s always be rp partners, Army, and most importantly friends.
Waaah~ I know we don’t talk much out of character but from what I’ve seen, you’re absolutely precious! In fact I know so little that I don’t even know if you’re male or female so I do apologize. But this is about the people who’ve touched my life and been there for me this year and you’re one of them. Whether I know anything about you or not. And you deserve to be recognized. Much like with the cutie mentioned above you, I kept watching your blog pop up in my list of recommendations. Sooo many times I’d click your blog and nibble my nails nervously because like dang what if you thought I was weird or something. Like what if our muses weren’t compatible. But wow was I wrong. Like I die a fangirl’s death every time I see Seulgi with Shownu because I keep trying to blow on the sails of the ship. Willing it to sail all around the Caribbean. Haha! I love shipping and I’m terrible at slow burning ships because I just want it to happen now. I want them to kiss now! Haha! Thank you for making my days brighter with our rping. I always have a pleasant morning because there’s a cute reply from Shownu waiting for me in my IM on tumblr. It’s a wonderful start to my morning routine. Let me tell you~ Thank you. For everything. Let’s continue to be rp partners and even friends. I’m glad I got the guts to approach you. Hopefully you are just as happy~
Cutie! Thank you so much for expressing concern over my icky eczema condition. Honestly if I were to bandage all my other patches of eczema, I would literally look like a mummy. There’s one big reason I dislike winter weather and this would be it. Dry skin. But don’t worry, I just gotta make it to at least like March or April and I think it’ll settle down and clear up. Till next time. OTL Anyway! Thank you so much for sticking around. I know there for awhile we’d have mun conversations and you’d share your worries with me. I still really value that and appreciate that. You’re so sweet and I feel like I can approach you any time. You’re a good person. I hope you know that. And gaaaah. Our muses are so cute! I don’t know if it’ll ever be an official ship but I definitely ship shy Seulgi with sexy Eros. I like the rp relationship we have. We’ve had a few threads and even though a lot of them haven’t worked out, that’s not stopped us from trying new pairings and plots. I like that~ I can appreciate and admire that. Thank you. You’ve made 2017 very enjoyable. Let’s keep at it!
Sobs sobs sobs. I miss youuuuu. You were one of the first few people to pick me up when life around me was ending as I knew it. You were one of the first few people to help me dip my toes into the idea of being multiverse. I still only really had Tiffany at the time but I wanted her to have other verses. And you dived right in with me. Our ship is the longest lasting ship on this blog and it’s always going to be special to me. I hope you’re well. I really do because I know I don’t see or hear from you as often. But you’re still important to me. So you deserve your spot here with all these other wonderful people. Because you will forever be wonderful to me in my book. Let’s continue to be amazing friends no matter how far apart life tries to keep us, okay? Heehee~
Hellooooo~ Another one of those cuties who I don’t really talk to out of character but you’re still so wonderful to rp with! I like our plot. I honestly don’t know much about mafia plots no matter how many BTS mafia fanfics I read but haha! I promise I’m still having a blast no matter what. I have always wanted to dip my toes in the type of plot we have going on so it’s a joy and an honor to be able to rp that with you. I like how rping is casual and enjoyable while still being thrilling all at the same time. Thanks for putting up with my tumblr IM rping style that I’ve seemed to take quite a liking to lately. It’s so convenient and it’s still just as fun! You’re a wonderful rp partner and I hope we can also be good friends too!
Ah sweetie pie! Thank you so much for being such a wonderful, understanding sweetheart. I was kinda sorta losing it and going out of my mind with panic the last time we spoke and I do apologize. I probably seemed so irrational. Apparently that’s what happens when eczema, stress, and coming down with a killer migraine falls upon you within two weeks’ time. I really do enjoy all our little threads we have going on. I’m glad we didn’t give up. BoA and Donghae are sooooo OTP material. heehee~ She’ll die if he ever proposes. haha! Thank you so much for being a wonderful rp partner. But not just for what you do within the rp community, but also what you do outside of it. You risk your life every day and I will always admire that. Stay strong and be safe out there, okay?
My fellow Ohioan! Congratulations on your wedding! I bet it was absolutely beautiful and hopefully you had lots of fun on your honeymoon~ Thank you so much for rping with me. I know it’s not something that happens often but I still enjoy every second of it. I never take it for granted. Your Leo was one of this blog’s first verses when it was still just Tiffany. Our muses have been through a lot and came a long way. I’ll always treasure the memories between our muses on this blog. You helped me learn what it was like to be multiverse so that I could one day become more confident in what I was doing as a writer and a mun behind the muse. Thank you. You’re wonderful and I hope you’re doing well!
Sweet pea! I miss you bunches and I hope you’re doing well. I’ll never forget all that you’ve done for me. You were there when I was in so much pain. You managed to stay neutral while helping me piece myself and BoA back together. You know how much that means to me? When I was so sick that I could have physically puked. You were there. You were there. And I know we’ve had our ups and downs. But I think that’s what makes some of the greatest friendships. The strongest friendships. We always manage to gravitate back to each other. Through thick and thin. Thank you. I keep my pink haired Hongbin photo card at my desk and every time I look at it, I think of you. You gave me so many gifts and I wish I could give it back to you doubled! Please take care and never forget that you can always come to me to talk about anything~
New cutie friend person! Heehee~ You’re already turning into a partner who’s gonna fly with any idea I throw at you. I can tell. Thank you for embracing those crazy ideas and shipping with me from day one. Literally. Like I can tell we’ve got great chemistry as writers and I sure do hope I don’t annoy you with my out of character messages in tumblr IM. I get awfully paranoid when I realize that tumblr might not be sending my messages through. Seulgi and Baekhyun are just such OTP material and I’m excited for Tiffany and Jaebum. I love the rocky, unstable aspects of our two ships so far. It’s fresh and new and doesn’t scare me because I know in the end it’ll be okay for them~ I’m excited to see where they go in 2018!
Sweetheart! I sure hope you’re taking care of yourself. Color in a Hello Kitty coloring book for me, okay? Heehee~ I miss you and I really truly do hope you’re doing well. I know the last time we talked, you were getting life figured out which honestly is a full time job in itself. Remember, any time you wanna talk or need someone to just listen, I’m here. Our rping hasn’t exactly been a thing and once upon a time it really upset me but I’ve tried to grow up and be a big girl about things like that. Especially now that I’m gaining perspective and know how hard it is to keep up when all you wanna do is focus on other things. I’m sorry I ever made things difficult for you. I hope you can forgive me. I just really loved your writing and I wanted to be a part of it. But having matured over time, I really do hope you’re taking care of yourself and doing what’s best for you~ You be good, okay? Heehee.
Whines I hope you’re taking care of yourself, sweet pea. You know how much I worry about you. Overworking yourself or living in conditions less than healthy. Stay warm this winter. I wish I could mail you a bunch of blankets. My grandmother made me a ton that I could give you. We’ve had our fun moments though, haven’t we? Time and schedules always seem to get in our way of rping. But I’ll never forget what you told me not too long ago. How you enjoyed my muses and thought they were wonderful. That’ll always mean a lot to me and I still blush like an idiot over it. I often worry that my girls are too....out there and weird. Haha. So thank you for taking the time to admire each one of them. I’ll always treasure that. One day we’ll get to plot and rp. I don’t know when, but it’s gonna happen. Count on it!
I miss you, dear. I hope you’re okay and enjoying life~ Hopefully life is treating you well. It’s been awhile since we last spoke but I still think about you and I still try to watch over you from afar. We’ve had a lot of fun and exciting rps though, ne? You’re a great writer and I don’t ever want you forgetting that. Our out of character conversations were always enjoyable and heartfelt. I treasure those moments because you were able to open up to me and I appreciate that. More than you’ll know. You take care of yourself, okay? Be good and stay strong. You’re doing a wonderful job. Heehee~
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finsterhund · 4 years
Doctor did my injection, also checked my ear to make sure the infection was gone (it is) 
Then I went to the pharmacy to finally get my other medicine and shit is so confusing. 
 So basically, this is what I understand: 
There are three versions. 
The first, the one my doctor initially prescribed, has a shortage. It is covered by the Canada healthcare thing 
The second, the one that my doctor switched me to because of the shortage, does NOT have coverage for... some... reason. A taste of America, I want off this wild ride. 
So now I'm getting switched to a, previously unknown to me, third version, which doesn't have a shortage, which IS covered. 
So at this point I am so confused. Just gimme it. My doctor is the only help in this situation. The whole system is confusing. Why are there three, why does one have a shortage but not the others, why is one not covered? 
Apparently the one I will be getting while there's a shortage of the other is injected into your leg. I am not scared of needles so this isn't a problem. Already getting inter muscle medicine via injection so it’s no biggie.
I also figured out why I’ve gotten awful headaches yesterday and today.
So since my friend got his licence I’ve been actually able to go outside get fresh air and sun. Emphasis on sun. Sunlight is really good for pretty much my whole body,
except my eyes.
Don’t know if I’ve explained before, but I have horribly oversensitive eyes. So turns out these headaches are because I’m getting too much sun exposure to them. Which I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before as a nocturnal bedroom dweller.
So next time I’ll be wearing sun glasses. As much as headaches are a pain I’m actually really happy that I’m starting to get enough exposure to the outside world that I need to be careful about it.
Asthma is also real bad because the smoke. Bringing in groceries, doing laundry, etc. causes asthma attacks if I don’t use my inhaler immediately before.
Mr Diarrhea is infuriating as always. Retweeting tons of low effort anti pedo tweets as if that somehow is supposed to make up for the fact that he’s friends with someone who defended their attraction to minors and claimed that everyone is attracted to minors. Wow you can click retweet! Incredible! Too bad you can’t actually do anything real. Also never apologized for making fake child predator allegations against someone to get clout. I will keep bringing this up until you apologize. You tried ruining someone’s life because you didn’t like their opinions you spoiled brat.
On the other side of the same coin I discovered some more of those creeps and am reminded once again that they tend to all know each other. Someone who says they only like fiction will be friends with someone who supports an actual predator. I’m sick of this. Need to do controlled burns of the shitty diseased forest.
Dealing with the medicine shortage has left me quite tired. My doctor also told me I won’t qualify for a blue card until my mobility is inhibited enough that I have to use a mobility aid. At the rate I’m heading of not getting physiotherapy I’ll be there in five to ten years hahaha OTL (no but seriously can I have physiotherapy please? I want to get better, not worse) If I get worse it can be my consolation prize I guess but I want to be healthy. I shouldn’t have to jump through hoops so that the treatment to stop my deformed spine from getting worse is covered.
On the plus side my doctor says the massive fucking pills I got to help with stupid bone gap juice muscle whatever it is cartridge between bones shit will probably work, as there’s actual medical ingredients.
I also witnessed an ad that had subtitles for the sign language but not subtitles for the speech. So it was accessible for the people who can't read sign language but not accessible for the people who are hearing impaired. That really annoyed me. if you’re gonna add subtitles do the full thing. In an ad about accessibility showing someone who is hearing impaired you think they’d subtitle the full thing, you know, so that other people who are hearing impaired could understand.
But yeah, Canada’s “universal healthcare” DOES have some red tape. Mostly really weird shit like “there are three versions of this medicine, only two of them are covered and one of those two has shortages pretty frequently.” Also triage saying that you aren’t as big of an emergency as an older person even though you’re suffering from the same issue.
Then on top of that you have to deal with boomers and shit telling you that you “don’t look disabled” after they rudely point out how a symptom of your congenital heart defect makes you look like a recovering heroin addict.
So I DO look disabled after all. You just want to be a jerk and blame me for it.
The one bad thing about living here is the air quality. Why do there gotta be lumber processing plants too close to the city. My stupid little lungs can’t take it.
Anyways, no obligations left except shipping out a box of stuffed animal donations (I don’t have a box yet) but there’s no real rush on that. Get paid in a couple weeks and I’ll be finally getting my PC shipped to me. First thing I’ll do is a Heart of Darkness stream.
0 notes
zzizzigom · 7 years
Family — Wonho AU | Part Six
A/N: what is pacing? what is a story line? don’t ask me, cause I don’t know. Sorry this took so long to get out OTL but I hope you all enjoy it and I apologize for any mistakes I missed while editing!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Genre: fluff/ light angst?
Characters: Wonho x Reader
Word Count: 2630
Parts: Prologue / I / II / III / IV / V / VII
I can’t believe I agreed to this, you kept thinking to yourself. In front of you Ahreum sat and picked at a salad silently. Having eaten beforehand you were left to sit there awkwardly and wait. Wonho was to drop off Mari after he picked her up from school and then your day of what you considered to be the most awkward case of babysitting ever would begin.
With a soft sigh you crossed your legs and picked up your cup to sip your water. Ahreum took another bite and then the only side between you two was of crunching lettuce.  You made a quick mental note to give Wonho hell for convincing you to do this later.
“I’m surprised you agreed,” Ahreum suddenly spoke, as if reading your mind.
“I didn’t want to.” Your response is blunt and rude but you don’t really care right now. Ahreum lets out a soft chuckle and continues eating her food.
You look out the window and see a familiar car pull up and soon Wonho and Mari are exiting the vehicle. You can’t help the smile that blooms across your face as you watch them hold hands and Mari begins to skip towards the cafe door.
Catching your change in demeanor Ahreum looks over her shoulder and also smiles at the sight. However, you catch something sad in her eyes and you know it’s because she’s aware she’s not a part of that.
The bell on the door chimes as they enter and Mari’s face lights up even more into that beautiful smile she’s inherited from her father. She darts forward, letting go of her father’s hand and runs up to you. You could’ve sworn you saw Ahreum start to open her own arms and stop before she could be left hanging. Pity ran through you and you gave her a small, thin lipped smile as you pull Mari into your lap.
“Hello, Ahreum…” Mari said shyly. She still didn’t know quite how to address the other woman, and after asking you, you had told her to do what felt right. Ahreum smiled gently at Mari.
“Hello, Mari. How are you today?”
“Okay,” she replies as Wonho takes a seat in an empty chair. “I got a hundred percent on my math test today!”
“Good job, squirt!” You exclaim and slightly bounce her on your lap. She beams at your compliment.
“So what are your plans today?” Wonho asks, his voice nonchalant. However, a quick glance at him and you can tell he’s more than nervous, his shoulders and posture stiff. He’s leaned back in the chair to give the appearance of relaxed but instead he looks as if he’s on the uphill incline of a rollercoaster, tensed for the impending downfall.
“I was thinking a movie, if Mari could find one she wanted to see.” Ahreum looked to Mari with a slightly hopeful look.
“I think that could be fun,” you respond. “How ‘bout it, Mari?”
The girl in question nods her head. “Let’s go see Beauty and the Beast!”
Ahreum breaks into a grin at Mari’s acceptance of her plans and nods in agreement. At a soft touch of your arm you glance over to find Wonho motioning with his head to talk to you. Ahreum catches the movement and watches silently as you set Mari down into your chair and follow Wonho to stand outside the door of the café.
“Thank you for doing this.” Wonho starts. “I know you don’t want to but I appreciate it more than I can say.”
When you had brought up Ahreum’s proposal of chaperoning in his stead, Wonho was eager to agree. He claimed you would do just as good of a job making decisions as he would. It had taken you days of Wonho trying to convince you before you finally agreed. Despite wanting the parents to figure it out for themselves, you realized you were just as big a part of this as either of them.
You nod on nibble on your bottom lip. “This is going to be so awkward.”
Wonho smiles and takes your hands in his own. “You’ll do fine. Come on.”
He leads you back into the café, one of his hands still in your own. Back at the table he ruffles Mari’s hair and she grins up at her father.
“Hey, princess, I’m going to head out now. You all good?”
Mari nodded. “Yes! I’m excited.”
Wonho grins. “Good. I’ll meet you and Y/N at home later tonight, okay?”
Mari nods again and Wonho leans down to kiss the top of her head. He lets go of your hand only to give Mari a quick hug before he’s once again slipping his fingers into your own. With a smile he turns to you and presses a kiss to your cheek. Still leaning in he whispers, “Thank you. I love you.”
With a smiling breaking out on your face you lean back and nod at his words. Your eyes are bright enough that Wonho can see the response in your eyes.
Before he walks away, Wonho turns to Ahreum. “It was good to see you again. I’ll see you later.” Ahreum only nods at his words.
Once Wonho is gone, you settle in his chair and before you can say anything Ahreum speaks.
“You two look good together.”
You blink at the compliment, never expecting her to say something like that. You regain yourself quickly. “Thank you.”
At the theater, you perused through the candy choices. Ahreum and Mari were nearby reading the menus trying to decide on a drink choice. After a while they joined you and you smiled as you spotted Mari’s favorite – Skittles.
As you picked up the box you heard Ahreum let out an “Ah!” She pulled a bag of candy off the rack and held it out to Mari.
“How about chocolate peanut butter cups?”
Mari nibbled on her lip and shook her head. “I can’t have those.”
Ahreum’s brows rose. “Why not?”
She caught Mari’s glance towards you and then turned over her shoulder to look at you. You could see exasperation in her eyes. “My daughter’s not allowed to have these?”
You shake your head. “No. Mari’s allergic to peanuts.” Realization dawned over Ahreum’s face and she paled slightly at the thought of what could’ve happened. You pursed your lips for a moment before turning to Mari with a smile. “I found the Skittles!”
Mari’s face once again lights up. “Yay! Can I also have an icee? Cherry flavor? Ahreum and I want to match.”
You grin. “Of course. Let’s go get in line.”
Mari darts off towards the line but before you can follow her a hand catches your arm. You look over to find Ahreum looking hesitant. “Y/N…I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay,” you say. “Now you do.”
After the movie, you’re walking along side Ahreum and Mari, the child between the two of you. She’s gushing about everything she loved about the fairy tale movie. Once the three of you made it outside, you led the group over to the side of building so you could dig your keys out of your purse.
Ahreum did the same but came up short. She clicked her tongue. “I think I dropped my keys in the theater somewhere. I’ll be right back.”
You nodded and then she was jogging off back to the theater. With the night settling it, it brought a chill to the air, and you gently pulled Mari closer to you to tightened her jacket around her torso. As you stood back up, a man walking past the two of you stumbled on his own feet and bumped into Mari.
Quick to react you placed your hand in between Mari’s head before it could slam in to the brick wall of the building. You winced as pain shot through your hand but ignored it to pull Mari closer to you. The man, caught off guard by his fall, stumbled once more when you pulled Mari away from him. When he regained his footing he shot the two of you an icy glare.
“How about you watch it?” He sneered at you. “Keep your kid controlled.”
Your face immediately fell into a frown. “Excuse me? Maybe watch where you’re going.”
“If you were a good parent and kept an eye on your child maybe we wouldn’t be having this conversation. What’s the brat still doing out anyway, a good parent would have their kid in bed by now.”
With a scoff you rolled your eyes at his “good parent” insults. “A good parent defends their child from scum like you who can’t own up when they make a mistake. If you want to be the better person that badly then just walk away. Otherwise I want an apology for almost slamming my daughter’s head into a brick wall.”
The man looks like he’s about to say something but then decides otherwise. Instead he scuffs his shoe against the ground, kicking up dirt and dust at your own feet. You watch him with an unimpressed quirk of your brow as he walks away.
“What an asshole,” Ahreum’s voice cuts through the air as she comes up next to you. You cut her a stern glance and she looks at you in confusion before she lets out a soft gasp. She looks down at Mari with a wide eyed look but the young girl only giggles.
“It’s okay,” she says. “I’ve heard Daddy say that sometimes.”
You sigh in exasperation but gently brush back the hair from Mari’s forehead. At the movement, you wince and pull your hand back to inspect it. Mari catches the action and her face turns worried.
“Mommy, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Huh? Yeah I’m…oh.”
Both you and Ahreum had answered at the same time. You shoot a glance towards Ahreum and find her frowning at the ground before she takes a small step back. Studying her actions, you can’t help but notice the difference in her personality all day. She was behaving meekly whereas the Ahreum you’d always known was cutthroat and hard to approach. As if reading your thoughts, Ahreum caught your glance and rolled her eyes indignantly. You let out a soft laugh and glanced at Mari.
“Mari how would you like to have dinner with Ahreum tonight?”
Both of them look at you, Mari in excitement and Ahreum in shock.
“Can I really?”
“Yeah, it’ll be just the two of you, if that’s okay?”
Mari nods vigorously. Ahreum, seemingly taken aback, asks, “Are you sure?”
The younger once again nods. Ahreum looks at you and bites the inside of her cheek. “What about Wonho?”
“It’ll be okay. Wonho said I could make the decisions I see fit. I think it’ll be good for the two of you to have some alone time. But Mari needs to be back before nine. She has school in the morning.”
Ahreum nods almost as vigorously as Mari and you smile at the similarity. “Okay. I’ll make she’s back in time.”
Back at Wonho’s apartment you placed the ice pack on your hand and sighed at the relief. After feeling around your hand you figured it was just bruised. In the silence of the apartment, you pull your feet under you on the couch and used your free hand to scroll through social media for a while.
At the sound of the door opening you set your phone down and smiled at Wonho as he stepped into the living room. His eyes immediately zeroed in on the ice pack on your hand.  “What happened?”
He rushes over and takes your hand in his to lift the ice off and inspect your hand.
“Nothing, I bumped it against the wall. It’s just a bruise.” You let out a small lie, there’s no use in getting him upset about something that’s already over.
Despite your words, he continued to study your hand to come to his own conclusion. When he seemed to find a trip to the hospital unnecessary, Wonho placed the ice pack back on your hand but continued to hold it.
“Where’s Mari?”
“Her and Ahreum are having dinner together.” The grip on your hand tightens ever so slightly and you look over to find anxiety filling Wonho’s eyes. Reaching forward with your free hand you brush stray strands of hair from Wonho’s forehead. “It’s okay. Ahreum promised to bring her back before nine.”
“What if…”
“No,” you cut him off, gently but still stern. “Because if she doesn’t bring her back, you can bet I’ll be out there finding our daughter.” Suddenly Wonho’s face broke into a huge grin. “What?”
“You said our daughter.”
With a soft blush you scoff. “Well what else would I call Mari?”
“It sounds good coming from you,” Wonho replied pulling you closer and resting his chin on your shoulder.
The two of you talked about everything and nothing, just enjoying the company you gave each other. Every now and then Wonho would get up and replace the melting ice in your pack with a fresh bunch. All the while you kept an eye on the clock and around 8:30 there was a knock at the door.
Wonho was quick to stand up and head for the door. You, on the other hand, took a slower pace at standing and following him to the door. You stood back and watched as Mari darted forward to wrap her arms around her father’s waist. Wonho didn’t hesitate in picking her up and resting her on his hip.
“Thank you,” was all Wonho said before nodding his head at Ahreum and turning into the apartment. You gave Ahreum a look at Wonho’s behavior but she waved it off.
“It’s fine. I actually wanted to talk to you anyway.”
You lift your brows and nod before stepping out the door to join her in the hallway.
“I just wanted to say I saw you defending Mari from that guy earlier and I wanted to thank you for that. When I went out with Wonho and Mari the last time they would constantly bring you up and talk about how good of a mother you were. It made me angry because there was no way someone would want to take care of someone else’s daughter, especially if you hated the mother. But what I saw tonight, I can tell you really do love Mari like a mom and that’s all I wanted for her.”
“I don’t hate you,” you reply after thinking for a moment. “Sure I wouldn’t consider us friends, but I don’t hate you. I never did.”
“I hated you,” Ahreum admits. “When I met Wonho in high school I was so sprung on him. I loved the attention he gave me and he was so warm. But when I saw how he was with you I knew I could never compete. You would never guess how surprised I was when he asked me out instead of you. But even then I knew how you felt about him and always saw you as a threat.
“And now here you are taking care of my daughter. God, I was so pissed. But Y/N you take such good care of her. You’ve done such a good job…I could’ve never done that. And that’s why I left. I wanted a life for myself and selfishly left everyone behind to attain it.”
“Ahreum,” you interject. She looks up at you, her eyes glossy. “You messed up in the past, we all know that. But you now have a chance to make up for it. Take that chance and don’t mess up this time.”
Her nod is hesitant but still there.
“Good night, Ahreum.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
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studyfeather · 7 years
I just wanted to say I love your bullet journal and ask if you have any tips for starting a tumblr in general. I've seen your studyblr intro/advice post and it was so helpful to me, but I'm just starting my studyblr and already a bit lost as to how to navigate everything. Thanks in advance!
Hey there! (and omg you’re so sweet lskdjflk) I’m not the greatest when it comes to tumblr, but hopefully I can still help you out! I’ll share some navigation tips and some starting tumblr advice!
➸ Starting a Tumblr
Make a memorable username
The more memorable and simple your username, the better! 
Alongside this, a lot of people may associate you with your icon! So it can be disconcerting to some if your icon changes frequently. 
It’s also best if you stick to one username. You are able to change your username, but if anyone takes your previous username, they may think it is you. (But if you do change your username, make sure your followers know about it!)
Find/make a desktop theme that is user friendly, and pleasant to look at.
There’s nothing more frustrating (to me) to come across a blog that, no matter how much I try, I can’t seem to navigate it well. Or, if a blog has a displeasing color combination.
Usually I like to see a search bar, a navigation bar, a clean theme, and a place where I can easily see how to go to the next page.
It’s even better if your theme matches what type of blog you’re running, or some of your big interests.
As you’re running a studyblr, I’ve found that lights, whites, and pastels with a minimal layout tend to be the norm.
Remain active
The best way for anyone to get the most out of their tumblr experience is to remain active. Reach out to others with similar interests, add comments to a thread, post original content, etc. 
People WANT to follow other people who will be active. See it this way - it may be better to follow 5 active people, than 10 inactive people. 
Interact with your followers. Host giveaways (if you can afford it), do blog compliments or blog rates. Ask questions or something to get some sort of feedback.
Maintain some sort of vibe that people know you are approachable! And kind! 
Be sure to tag your posts
The best way for your blog and your content to be noticed, is to tag your posts with relevant search terms.
Quite a bit of people won’t use tags by way of people to find their posts. Instead, it will also be a place to add additional information, personal feelings, rants, if it’s a tangent to what the post is about, etc. Sometimes it can be important to read what others have to say in the tags.
➸ Navigating Tumblr
Honestly, as a major tip, making sure you become familiar with how tumblr works. Settings (and how to change your settings), how to make posts, tag usage, themes, etc - and be sure to make use of it. I’ll share some tumblr basics.
Disclaimer: I use Windows 10 for desktop, and have an Android phone, so some things I say might not be cohesive. I’m also no tumblr master (and have googled how to do things more than I’d like to admit OTL) For the most part, I will be describing how to do things on a computer, and not on mobile - unless specified otherwise.
➸ Tumblr on a Computer
Let’s start with the super basics - the bar in the top right hand corner.
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This is where you can see the content from the people you follow. What they post and what they reblog. If you follow tags, they will occasionally show up (and will specify somewhere if they are from a tag you follow - and not from a blog you follow). 
The dashboard is what you are defaulted to when you type “tumblr.com” - if you’re logged in, that is. 
There will be a number that pops up above the dashboard icon. This number tells you there’s x amount of posts that people you follow have reblogged/made you haven’t seen yet. You can refresh your dashboard by pressing the icon, and it will bring you to the top.
The explore will lead you to a separate page. This will give you different options for you to explore a little bit more with posts that are more tailored to you. I haven’t used this tab, but it can be a good way to find more of what’s out there.
This is where you will find all of your asks. A number will pop up if you have new asks, but the number will disappear if you have seen it. (So even if you have not answered the ask but have seen it, the number won’t stay - but you can still access the ask, ofc.)
If you have multiple blogs for one account, you can access asks for each blog separately, or all together (option to do so will be on the right).
If you want to add tags to your asks, you can do the following:
Post your answer and later edit the post, adding tags.
Hold alt down - this will turn the “answer privately” option into a “save as draft” option. Go to your drafts (account -> drafts). Edit post, add tags, post. 
Tumblr’s way of insant messaging! It keeps track of all the people you’ve messaged, and is a way for you to start a new conversation (messaging -> new message). 
If you have a new message, a number will appear on the message icon, and will disappear once you’ve viewed it.
If you do talk to people on your computer, their icons will show up on the right and will stack up on the right side of your screen. You don’t have to have it up (just click x on the messaging box once it’s pulled up), but it can be a super quick way to frequently message someone!
This is how you will see all the activity that involves you, what you’ve reblogged (if it’s been reblogged from you, that is), asks, etc. If you click the activity icon, you’ll see a little bit of your activity. 
If you click the “see everything” option at the bottom, you’ll be directed to a different page, where you can scroll down and see more of your activity. You will also see some more information you can mess around with.
You may notice some activity will be highlighted in different colors.
blue = people who you follow
purple = you’ve been tagged/mentioned
You can also see if people have added a caption and what they said. (not sure how to describe it though, but the notification will the thicker, have a bar beside what they’ve said).
You will also see what each activity notice is, and it will show in the user’s icon in the bottom right.
red/heart = like
green/arrows = reblog
blue/+ = follow
blue/speech bubble = comment on a post
purple/@ = tagged/mentioned
black/? = ask received
black/curved arrow = ask answered (you’ll only receive this if you ask publicly. if you ask anonymously, you won’t get a notification)
This is where you can find different information concerning your account and some quick links.
Access your likes
See who you’re following
Help Center 
See what you’ve posted on your blog (does not take you to your page)
Your followers
Click here to manage queue options and see what is in your queue.
Edit appearance
Side blogs
Make a Post
It’s just as it says - this is where you go when you want to make a post. You will be given seven different options. You have seven different options to optimize how to share your content.  (I don’t really use any option other than the text/photo - so I apologize if anything I say is incorrect)
You can see different options how to to customize your text. You can have a title, header, bold, italicize, add links, make bullets, etc. If you highlight your intended text, you will find different options that will pop up. You can do that, OR type in the format manually. Here’s a guide that may help you:
@/unwrapping’s text formatting guide
Use this to add photos from your computer, or add a photo using an image url. 
You can also add a photo (from your device) if you see a + on the side of your post. Click that, and you’ll have even more options, including adding a photo.
To add a photo from the web, you can also copy/paste the image. Where you would like it. 
This will automatically add quotation marks, and give you a place where to supply the quote’s source.
Share any link. Typically to an external source.
Uses a different font than a normal text post, meant to mimic a conversation. 
Share a song via url.
Upload a video, or share a video from online.
Now to the top left - the search bar.
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Search Bar
As it says, this is what allows you to search tumblr. 
Tumblr runs on tags. When you add a tag to an original post, this allows for it to be searchable. If anyone searches that tag, your post will end up somewhere. 
To track a tag, enter something in the search bar. There will be an option beside it that says “follow.” Click that.
If you track tags, they will show up once you begin typing. You can easily find your tracked tags this way!
You can also search for tumblr accounts by searching their usernames, and they will appear at the top.
The tumblr logo on the side will lead you to your dashboard.
➸ Give yourself a URL, icon, and theme!
You can change your url/username at any given time, and how ever many times you want. To change your url:
On desktop: Go to account -> edit apperance -> click your blog on the side (it will be on the right hand side, under the separate settings tabs) -> username. You’ll see a pencil on the right beside your url, and there you can change it. 
Your old url will be locked (meaning no one else can use that url) for 24 hours - but after that, anyone can take it. If you don’t want anyone to use your old url, you can always make a sideblog and leave it unattended. 
If you want to see your blog, simply type (username here).tumblr.com - i.e. mine would be studyfeather.tumblr.com. If you know someone’s tumblr username (their url), you can easily find their blog by using this method. You can also use this method to see if anyone has a username you want.
To set an icon for yourself (and how to change it) go to account -> edit apperance -> click blog on right side (as described in the url section) -> edit appearance. Click the pencil that’s on top of your icon.
You will also have the option to give your icon a circle or a square shape - whichever you like best!
Desktop Theme:
In order to give yourself a desktop theme, as far as I’m aware, you’ll need access to a computer. Go to your tumblr page. You’ll see in the top right corner a button that says “edit theme.” OR you can go to account -> edit appearance -> your blog -> website theme -> edit theme.
Here you can browse themes, make a customizable theme, edit your theme, add pages, etc. 
There will be a bunch of themes that you can find by browsing themes (as described above) but … it honestly won’t give you many options you might like (and some you have to purchase). Here’s some other places you can go to to find themes:
Here you can find more free tumblr themes - but be sure to follow their rules/terms of service/guidelines/etc.
You can also find themes (or blogs that share themes) by searching tumblr.
If you want to learn how to code tumblr themes, @buildthemes​ helps teach how. 
Mobile Theme:
Your mobile theme and desktop theme are two separate things. One is what will be seen on mobile, the other on desktop. To change your mobile theme (on desktop) go to:
account -> edit appearance -> select blog -> edit appearance. 
Here you can change your banner image, icon image, background color, and choose an accent color. This will be what other’s will see when they come across your 
➸ Settings
Go through your settings and be thorough in doing so. Find settings by clicking account -> settings. You have settings for: your account, dashboard, notifications, apps, labs, your blogs. Make sure everything is how you see fit.
➸ Finding your way around other people’s blogs
You’re wanting to send an ask but … you can’t find their ask page?
Type in the following: username.tumblr.com/ask . If their asks are closed, nothing may show up. 
You’re wanting to search something but … there’s no search bar?
You can search their blog using a url instead! For instance, if you wanted to search for my original content on my blog, you can find it by typing studyfeather.tumblr.com/tagged/featherpost ! the /tagged allows for you to earch for a tag. 
If you are searching for something with a space, a “_” (an underscore) serves as a space. For example: studyfeather.tumblr.com/tagged/monthly_spread
Want a quicker way to look at a blog?
Type username.tumblr.com/archive . This will show you all that user has posted and reblogged with some sort of image or cropped text, posts being separated by months. Can be pretty convenient when trying to find something you only remember distantly. 
➸ Become familiar with ways you can access tumblr, and how each device works best for you
Once you become familiar with tumblr on one device, make sure you know how to access everything you need on other devices as well. (imo) Each device has its pros and cons - but if I had to choose, I would say a desktop/laptop as my #1 choice.
I use my laptop mainly to make posts (I’ve found making posts elsewhere can be screwy), access posts I’ve been mentioned in, or posts to comment on. I also prefer answering any messages here!
I use my phone when I’m on the go, and, for the most part, reblog everything using my phone (add tags, and add to my queue, and check my tracked tags). 
Other Devices
I don’t have any other devices, but that shouldn’t limit you either. Work with whatever suits you best!
Hope this helps? Honestly, it takes a little bit of roaming and messing around to get the hang of things, in my opinion. But best of luck Meg, you’re going to do great! ^7
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aseriaa · 7 years
dreamer-chan replied to your post: Can someone please enlighten me about what makes...
I don’t think it’s AMAZING or anything, but I found it to be very fun. For me, it’s the whole mystery setup…you get closer and closer to the truth (which is some really heavy stuff), and there’s a huge emphasis on plot over romance (which I appreciate in otoge). Also, that the main hero’s relationship with the protag is more platonic than romantic. Very refreshing for the genre. Also I’m a sucker for ‘people trapped somewhere’ settings, lol
See all those things are stuff I love on paper too (strong plot all the way), but the execution is what ultimately disappointed me :/ 
Disclaimer: SPOILERS BELOW. DO NOT CLICK THE READ MORE IF YOU HAVEN’T PLAYED KOKUCHOU (to anyone else who accidentally stumbles upon this post).
I thought the mystery feel at the very start of the game was intriguing and I was hooked on that feeling. My favourite part was most definitely the reveal behind Hikage’s identity. While I loved that plot twist a lot (it was really good)... that was it. The rest of the game after that point felt wholly flat and lost all the neat build-up? There really weren't any other twists nor parts that had me at the edge of my seat from suspense?? I didn't really feel much despair either?
But yas you bring up a great point about Hikage’s relationship with Beniyuri being refreshing in the genre. You definitely don’t see that often, and it’s something I greatly appreciated.
While the truth was certainly sad, I wish they had done more about it. I think one of my biggest disappointments was the “reveal” behind Ai’s “sin”. Of course, I sympathize that one would feel guilty over wanting the group to explore the mansion – indirectly leading to Natsuki’s death. I also understand why the guys were hesitant in telling the truth to Ai because she would feel guilty. However, with the way they were constantly building up towards Ai being kept from the truth, naturally I was amped up to know what she did. And the way it was “revealed” was a total let-down as I thought it would have been something more gut-wrenching?? This sounds horrible, but I wish she had a worse part to (inadvertently) play in the tragedy to give it more weight?? 
And how a lot of the stories boiled down to Ai protecting the guys from bullies during their childhood and them all loving her since childhood felt very cliche (albeit sweet!).
OTL for rambling (THIS IS SO LONG I APOLOGIZE) and I probably repeated some stuff I wrote in my thoughts post for the game on wordpress. But I feel like I need someone to help me think differently about this game ;; And hey different opinions across the board is totally a-okay with me, but I guess the widespread acclaim for it is what confused me considering my not as favourable impressions. 
TL;DR I need some discourse on this game XD And despite all my criticisms of it, I do think it was rather nice, but not nearly as great as I had hoped ;;
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todokori-kun · 7 years
*insert bunch of emotional gifs here*
WELCOME BACK <33333333 :D *hugs*
Ok you know how bad I am with linking OTL I’m not even gonna try because I’ll probably mess it up. BUT. Queen Luna must see the glorious Saiko/Urie conent, so…I know it’s in the omakes for Volume 7 and you can totally find a link for it on reddit (the complicated way I found a translation for that omake: first search ‘Tokyo Ghoul Re omake Saiko and Urie’ on google. Click on the first result ('TG:Re volume 7 omake translations’), then go to Part 3 of the omake translations). Idk I’m so sorry OTL
Do you know. Touken had a freaking wedding ceremony this new chapter. The only good thing about that was that Touka and Kaneki’s costumes were serious eye candy, beautifully drawn (I mean, it was Shuu’s work, how could they not be beautiful) and that we got to see drunk Yomo stealing Nishiki’s glasses and calling him 'Nishi’.
(Also Kaneki is just really mean to Shuu? I mean, he never apologized for what happened with Kanae, he never talks about what happened during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation arc, he smilingly told Shuu “I’m going to marry Touka’ to his face, and this chapter he’s seen sitting alone with Touka, telling her that Shu insisted on them having a wedding and planned all himself. We don’t even get a 'thank you’ from Kaneki, just Touka being all "Hey, he’s always been good at that kind of stuff.”
Like, come on. You ruined Shuu’s life, Kaneki, even if you didn’t mean to, and you never apologized. Don’t you think it’s, oh, I don’t know, a little insensitive to go talking about how happy you are in front of him and act like everything’s cool when it hasn’t even been that long since you impaled him, threw him off a roof, and indirectly killed his cousin?)
W O W that really is heaven/hell on earth.
Dolphins. Seahorses. All the activities. It sounds so fun, I’m so jealous ;-; says the person who’d curl up in a ball and die of awkward embarrassment if they ever went to a place like that
Hot Mystery Person must be very attractive if he made the Queen helpless 0.0
Ok I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it but now. Omg. I’m sorry, but this is what my brain created-
Tsukiyama: “Longing for Tatsuo, missing my wife, that’s when Kaneki Ken-kun walked into my life, he said-”
Kaneki: “I know you are a man of honor, I’m so sorry to bother you at home, but I don’t know where to go, and I came here all alone…”
Tsukiyama: “He said-”
Kaneki: “My wife’s doing me wrong, sir ;-; beating me (cue several canon flashbacks of Touka beating him up), cheating me, mistreating me, suddenly she’s up and gone- I don’t have the means to go on…”
And Naomi during Burn
“Tsukiyama Shuu, I think you’re forgetting that I’m a Chimera Ghoul…”
(Ok tbh it would be more like extreme numbness, a lot of heartbreak and secretly crying when she thinks no one’s looking, but shush, let’s pretend for the sake of comedy)
And Tatsuo crashes in like
“Heard you couldn’t keep it in your pants
PrEpAre tO dIE”
(sorry lol)
(Also: I’m planning on starting Hunter x Hunter this week or the next, just because of freaking Hisoka OTL have you ever watched/read it?)
I KNOW! I was such an idiot ;-; I think it was mostly the art style that made me think that, because tbh it looks a lot like typical Shounen art during the earlier manga chapters and in the anime (I do think it starts looking a lot better in later manga chapters though).
Ok, the thing about Mustang is that I like him and hate him at the same time. It isn’t his fault, but tumblr made me think that basically “TINY MINISKIRTS” + cool flame powers + major troll to Ed + loves Promotion almost as much as Urie= Roy Mustang, and turns out that was wrong XD I mean, all of those ARE true, but there’s a lot more to his character than that and he’s also colder than I thought he’d be (especially for a guy with fire powers lol sorry). He’s still really cool, though.
True, just from what I know about him Greedling seems to have a LOT more development than the original Greed ever had. I still like Original Greed though, mostly for his attitude and his style XD (something about his 'death’ scene and his final words to Father sort of gave me chills, in a weird way)
I expected Al & Ed to be your typical shounen protagonists but they’re a lot more complex than I thought! And way more likable. Al’s kitty obsession gives me life.
Also, Lust. Freaking Lust. I just read her death scene today and even though I’d already watched it as a clip from the anime it still gave me chills (especially since I was imagining her English VA’s voice and WOW).
And Bradley. I was sort of expecting him to either turn out to be a villain or play a really big role in the story later on, but I wasn’t quite expecting him to be Wrath…the moment it was revealed I was like “oh NO” because come on, I liked Bradley ;-; he was a cool dude.
As for Scar, idk. He’s not quite the type of character I usually 'crush’ on but he’s just… wow 0.0 I also just like his character in general, all his backstory and personality and his character arc.
(Though if I imagine meeting him irl all I can see is him giving me one look and me immediately curling up into a ball on the floor and just freezing up right there because wow, that’s scary
Scar: “…Did it die?”)
Aww, TYSM <3 It’s great to have you back! :D
Remember how I’ve talked about my art before? I mean, it’s wonky and weird and almost never colored, but I might actually be able to show some of it to you this week or the next! :D I only just figured out how to submit pictures to tumblr OTL (Yes,I have no idea how tumblr works ok) so…do you want to see it? XD
Oh, I see ^^ take your time! I’m looking forward to your reply :D
Also, FMA update:
I met Olivier. She was one of the characters I was interested in even when I only knew FMA from tumblr, and now that she’s actually appeared….I love her. She’s amazing. I’m officially over Lust (sorry bae but you’ve been dead for a while)
I also like Mustang a lot better now. He’s slowly but surely worming his way into my ‘top characters’ list (especially after I watched that one Koma Theater thing with his 'on hold’ song omg).
And hey, Ling suddenly became one of my favs. Idk how even because I was sorta indifferent to him at first but just… don’t ask LOL I’ve also met Greedling and I definitely see why he’s one of your favs :D I personally can’t quite 'crush’ on him tho because he’s two different people mashed into one body…guess that just means Queen Luna can have him all to herself ;)
Also, Kimblee/Kimbly/Kimberley/Kimberly/whatever the heck his name is supposed to be (I want to go with Kimblee or Kimberley but then I see someone else using a different version and it’s like “??? can I just call him Fedora-chan?”). This Magnificent Bastard. I hate him. I love him. Possibly one of the most interesting characters in the entire series. Boy, you got me helpless- and NOT IN A GOOD WAY *incoherent screaming*
(and my crush on Scar is still there. Yes, I’d still curl up in a ball and die if we met irl, who cares)
(Last note: Sloth. SLOTH. It’s freaking Tatsuo no one can convince me otherwise. He’s put on a weird costume to troll the FMA cast.)
And then I disappeared again for a while :PP Well, hopefully I’ll be able to answer more often now, but if I don’t, it means the internet is acting up again ;-;
They what. What?? NOW?? IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING THAT’S HAPPENING???? As you can see, I haven’t read the new chapters yet ^^;;
Wow, that really is mean from Kaneki. Damn it. I love Shuu and am still not over Kanae, because Kanae and Shuu. HNNNGH, WHY DID KANANE HAVE TO SAY GOODBYE?? Drunk Yomo does seem entertaining, tho.
Dude, a guy thought I was playing a game where I was supposed to be as silent as possible in the camp, because I literally read and slept 90% of the time.
Seriously, tho, I’m still not over the guy. Damn. BUT HEY I GOT INTO AN ANIME WHICH has a character who’s definitely more attractive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Aaand, he is voiced by Suwabe. Yaaaas. Time to binge the 223 chapters of manga!
WELL FUCK. THE KANEKI PAMPHLET. SHIT. COME ON.  I mean, I was the one who mentioned it first, but damn. Congratulations with Tatsuo would be interesting. 
Nope, I never read/watched it, but I heard a lot of good things about the anime ^^ So, tell me about it when you’re done (or when you get a feel of it).
Art improvement is my favourite thing to see in manga. My favourite mangas for that are probably Fairy Tail, Akatsuki no Yona and Black Butler, since the art progression is very visible and damn it, I love seeing people improve.
Mustang is my ultimate favourite in FMA. Cause MUSTANG.  Ahem.
*slams the phone down* Fun fact: this was written from memory. I actually know the whole song. Help.
Also, Olivier. 
Those two are just... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I think you’ll like seeing Scar more in the future, since he gets even more development. Cause he gets a lot of it. Everyone does, though.
I think Scar would be fascinated with you. Like, ‘this smol thing. I want to protect it. What is this feeling’
AAAA! I hope you submit your art soon! I really want to see it!!
Olivier is bae. She can step on my face and I won’t complain.
Ayyy I get 2 guys at the same time. Greedling is second to Mustang. Cause damn??? Especially when Greed is in control?? Damn. 
Kimblee, says the wiki, is my nightmare. I never really liked him, honestly. Cause  shit, the guy blows stuff up for fun. He is definitely interesting, but I’d be scared to be in a 5km radius of him. He’d blow me up. One sarcastic remark, and I’d probably be dust. Yay.
Ahahah Tatsuo Sloth. Wow. 
Sloth scares me, to be honest.  A lot of fma characters scare me, it appears. 
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