#fjasldfkj sorry again
aseriaa · 7 years
dreamer-chan replied to your post: Can someone please enlighten me about what makes...
I don’t think it’s AMAZING or anything, but I found it to be very fun. For me, it’s the whole mystery setup…you get closer and closer to the truth (which is some really heavy stuff), and there’s a huge emphasis on plot over romance (which I appreciate in otoge). Also, that the main hero’s relationship with the protag is more platonic than romantic. Very refreshing for the genre. Also I’m a sucker for ‘people trapped somewhere’ settings, lol
See all those things are stuff I love on paper too (strong plot all the way), but the execution is what ultimately disappointed me :/ 
Disclaimer: SPOILERS BELOW. DO NOT CLICK THE READ MORE IF YOU HAVEN’T PLAYED KOKUCHOU (to anyone else who accidentally stumbles upon this post).
I thought the mystery feel at the very start of the game was intriguing and I was hooked on that feeling. My favourite part was most definitely the reveal behind Hikage’s identity. While I loved that plot twist a lot (it was really good)... that was it. The rest of the game after that point felt wholly flat and lost all the neat build-up? There really weren't any other twists nor parts that had me at the edge of my seat from suspense?? I didn't really feel much despair either?
But yas you bring up a great point about Hikage’s relationship with Beniyuri being refreshing in the genre. You definitely don’t see that often, and it’s something I greatly appreciated.
While the truth was certainly sad, I wish they had done more about it. I think one of my biggest disappointments was the “reveal” behind Ai’s “sin”. Of course, I sympathize that one would feel guilty over wanting the group to explore the mansion – indirectly leading to Natsuki’s death. I also understand why the guys were hesitant in telling the truth to Ai because she would feel guilty. However, with the way they were constantly building up towards Ai being kept from the truth, naturally I was amped up to know what she did. And the way it was “revealed” was a total let-down as I thought it would have been something more gut-wrenching?? This sounds horrible, but I wish she had a worse part to (inadvertently) play in the tragedy to give it more weight?? 
And how a lot of the stories boiled down to Ai protecting the guys from bullies during their childhood and them all loving her since childhood felt very cliche (albeit sweet!).
OTL for rambling (THIS IS SO LONG I APOLOGIZE) and I probably repeated some stuff I wrote in my thoughts post for the game on wordpress. But I feel like I need someone to help me think differently about this game ;; And hey different opinions across the board is totally a-okay with me, but I guess the widespread acclaim for it is what confused me considering my not as favourable impressions. 
TL;DR I need some discourse on this game XD And despite all my criticisms of it, I do think it was rather nice, but not nearly as great as I had hoped ;;
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