#i apologize for any confusion
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indianlounge · 10 months
Pizza Restaurant in Epping - Snappy's Pizza and Pide
 I apologize for any confusion, but as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I do not have information about a specific pizza restaurant called "Snappy's Pizza and Pide" in Epping or any other location. It's possible that this restaurant is either new or not widely recognized in my database.
To find the most current information about this restaurant, including its location, menu, and contact details, I recommend conducting an online search, checking local business directories, or asking local residents in Epping for recommendations. You may also want to check popular review websites or social media platforms for additional information and customer reviews.
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paintpanic · 13 days
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Res AU Joronia drawings. Character rambling and bonus doodles under cut.
This AU takes place a good while after the events of Triple Deluxe happened. Since then, Taranza's mostly recovered mentally from everything. He was able to move on from his grief and (somewhat) forgive himself. Now that Joronia's in his life again, seemingly back to her former self, some of those wounds he'd thought were fully healed have started to ache again. He still feels ultimately guilty for what happened to her.
He's thrilled that Joronia's been given a second chance at life, but is somewhat wary deep down. This feels to good to be true, that she's just back with seemingly no strings attached. The other shoe could drop any day now, and he could lose her all over again. Fearing this, he wants to make the most out of what could be a short time to be together again with his friend.
Joronia senses that there's a distance between the two of them now that wasn't there before. It shouldn't be surprising; he's probably still hurt from what she did. Other people definitely are. She's determined, though, to work hard to make it up to everyone she's hurt, and to prove to them (and herself) that she's not really like that, that she's capable of being better.
The Mirror's influence twisted her mind and her perception of reality. It made her feel like she was inadequate, and that everyone else were enemies to be subjugated. Now, she's supposed to be normal and better, but she still feels like there's something wrong with her head. She still doesn't feel good enough, and it still feels like everyone hates her. It's hard to trust herself. She's not sure if it's some lingering effect of the Mirror, or if there's just something inherently wrong with her now. She's scared.
She's afraid that something will happen, that she'll revert to how she was as Queen, and that she'll hurt Taranza again. Someone who'd always helped her, who'd stuck with her even when she was absolutely horrible to him, and who's kindness she's relying on again now, staying at his home as she worked on getting her life back together. She's a burden on him, and she always has been. She hates it.
Still, her deepest, most selfish wish is that they could be real friends again.
These two need to have a long, honest discussion about their feelings toward each other and themselves. Both of them are absolutely terrified about that prospect, though, because they each think that the other secretly resents them to some degree. If they actually talked through it, they'd quickly realize that they both want the same thing.
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pfhwrittes · 6 months
retail hell au again because why not. so imagine with me that 141 fellas find you after a miserable customer has made you cry.
warnings: reader!character is experiencing the aftermath of a panic attack/distressing emotions when she’s approached by the boys, nothing explicitly stated but she’s feeling a bit vulnerable.
fem!reader and the use of gendered pet names (hen, love) and use of the word cunt as an insult to describe a customer.
also apologies, i’m english and my grasp on scottish slang/scots has mostly been informed by the wonderful show Still Game which is distinctly glaswegian in flavour and various scottish twitter posts.
so you’re hiding out in the smoking area (lmao smoking area, okay let’s be honest it’s where a bucket filled with sand has been dumped near an ex-display bench about idk 20 feet from the customer entrance) because you just need 5 fucking minutes to compose yourself…
gaz is actually coming back from his lunch break and spots you hunched up on the bench in a way that looks truly uncomfortable. he carefully sits next to you and offers a soft smile when you look over at him. “bad customer?” he’s gentle when he asks and doesn’t make a fuss when you make a truly gross sniffling noise and wipe at your eyes. “want a hug?” you shake your head no and hunch in tighter on yourself. “want a milkshake?” you shrug and he passes over a strawberry milkshake. surprisingly he doesn’t say anything and let’s you drink in peace. you like gaz, he’s always friendly and warm when you interact briefly on the shop floor. he always seems to know what to say or do to get the best out of you and everyone else around him. eventually you check your phone and see it’s been 10 minutes since you left the customer service desk with tears in your eyes and lump burning your throat. embarrassment and residual anxiety washes through you when you recall how you’d all but fled to the safety of the smoker’s bench despite not smoking yourself. gaz catches your shudder when you check the time and knocks his shoulder into yours gently. “don’t worry, i’ll let price know you need a few more minutes, alright?” gaz gets up and heads inside the building, you know he’ll speak to price so you unfurl a little bit and chew on the straw of your milkshake.
soap and simon find you next. soap’s chattering away about the most recent delivery as they both approach your bench. simon stops dead a respectable three feet away but soap throws himself onto the bench bumping his knee into yours “what’s the matter wi’ you then, hen? you’ve a face like a smacked arse”. you shift away from soap, usually you don’t mind his directness but it’s just rubbing you the wrong way right now. you’re still feeling raw and a bit sick from finishing gaz’s milkshake and lingering anxiety. “fucks sake johnny, leave ‘er alone.” simon grumbles and fishes a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket. “how? am just askin’ what’s the matter!” soap’s hands swat the air near your face and you shuffle further along the bench to avoid being hit in the nose in his agitation. “johnny.” simon snaps and soap huffs and folds his arms across his chest. it’s quiet amongst the three of you while simon taps out a cigarette and pats down his pockets looking for a lighter. soap shoots a wink at you and starts playing with a lighter that apparently has just appeared from thin air. “give me my lighter back johnny.” “gies a cigarette an’ i’ll trade it.” “no.” “c’mon simon! wan little cigarette.” “fuck off.” “awright then you miserable bastard.” you shake your head at their bickering and hold out your hand. soap pouts but drops it into your open palm. you lob the lighter in a poor underhand throw to simon who plucks it out of the air easily and nods in appreciation. “aw c’mon hen, that’s no’ playin’ fair!” soap whines and knocks his knee into yours “i thought i was your favourite.” “favourite pain in the arse.” is simon’s dry response around the lit cigarette and you crack a wobbly smile. “there she is! didn’t i tell you si?” soap’s grin is blinding “i knew we could cheer her up!” your wobbly smile starts to resemble more of its usual cheer when you catch simon’s eye roll directed at soap. you open your mouth maybe to defend soap or maybe to provoke him, you haven’t quite decided, when a pointed throat clearing catches your trio’s attention. your smile drops off your face and the anxiety that had started to quiet down in the face of johnny’s cheerfulness rises again in your belly because price is aiming a stern look towards the three of you from only six feet away.
price gently sits next to you on the bench when you’re certain simon and johnny are back inside. johnny squawking about the injustice of having his break cut short and simon calling him an idiot in response as they both disappear through the doors. you open your mouth to apologise for skiving off and offer any reason or explanation that will help your case but your teeth click shut when price holds out a palm to forestall your inevitable word vomit. “i don’t want to hear it, love.” price’s tone isn’t unkind, he’s just shooting straight with you, it’s something you quite admire about him really. “that customer was a cunt quite frankly and i’m proud of you for handling her the way you did.” the praise creates a small glow in your chest and burns away the last of your dread. “but, a word of advice, as the duty manager for today?” price offers a small encouraging smile so you nod. “you’re not paid enough to put up with that shit, so don’t.” you grimace and blow out a breath, you want to argue, maybe even defend yourself and explain that it’s fine really that’s just how retail is. price chuckles “no love, listen. you aren’t paid enough, but i am. so next time it happens, send ‘em my way alright?” price offers another smile when you nod in agreement before pushing himself off the bench. “now, c’mon. i’ve got stock that needs counting down the plumbing aisle and you can give me a hand. no more talking to muppets on the customer service desk today.” you follow price back into the store feeling much better than you did twenty five minutes ago.
the rest of your shift passes by easily enough and you make a mental note to buy gaz a milkshake as a thank you when he shoots you a friendly smile as you pass him on your way out the store on your lunch.
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n4rval · 5 months
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pisshandkerchief · 4 months
the obvious double standard with which we as a society treat amab nonbinary people and trans women who don't fit the level of feminity that they're expected to is actually disgusting.
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When your older brother is still shorter than you despite him having years to grow up
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Diego: You haven't grown at all!
Five: I'm sick of it- It's always the same damn joke every time I visit you!
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ambibug · 6 days
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According to the DIY sun catcher maker thingy coming out, Snowfall is pink, Starflight is red, Sunny is orange, Moon is dark green, Glory is dark blue, Blue is Purple, and Cricket is brown. These are all now completely canonical. Go absolutely apeshit.
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idekwtf-is-happening · 2 months
Damien’s currently getting cancelled on Twitter for *checks to make sure I’m reading this shit right* apologizing for a joke he made five years ago where he mentioned the conflict in Gaza
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cubesugarss · 10 months
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cnstars hiiai impression translations!
first two are in the context of alkaloid, second two are keito lecture
tl notes and original text under cut
the phrase 一窍不通 (yī qiào bù tōng) - knows nothing is used several times across all slides to describe hiiro's inexperience
slide 1: hiiro says he keeps aira's words close to heart 至今 (zhì jīn) - to this day slide 2: 懵懵懂懂 (měng měng dǒng dǒng) - ignorant is also used to describe hiiro's inexperience, 迷茫 (mí máng) - confused/lost and 脆弱 (cì ruò) - fragile are used to describe hiiro's mental state after the incident with his brother slide 3: hiiro uses the phrase 拓宽眼界 (tà kuān yǎn jiè) - broaden horizons, 亲切 (qīn qiè) - kindly slide 4: 欲望 (yù wàng) - desire is used to describe hiiro's passion for learning, aira describes hiiro's practicing after lectures as 热衷 (rè zhōng) - (to be) keen on/eager to do so
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original text
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hellengomes · 11 months
Usually misenterpreted by the fandom, thinks of themselves to be an irredeemable demon/monster and attempts to behave as such, huge part of the fandom actually thinks that it's an undeniable fact that they are an irredeemable demon/monster (and that they should be punished / that they should be k*lled), fandom gives them some sort of mental illness to define their entire characters/personalities usually without thinking about all the trauma/pain/abuse they've been throught. They are literally just 14 years old which the fandom also tend to forget/ignore and continues to treat them as if they were adults who should have known better and that they should have behaved better, are quite the definition of "feels like i'm the worst so i always act like i'm the best", tend to mess with their own hair when upset/stressed/nervous(though this one might be a hc), are usually labelled as "always been a bad person" just for behaving acordingly to the situattion they are under, not very good at "comunicating accordingly", very good at analyzing/understanding other people but can't figure themselves out to save their lives, are actually very loyal, dedicated, caring and huge dorks deep down, have some major trust issues, have/had a "bubbly pink themed girl / friend" to give them the affection that they desperatedly need despite their usual cold/harsh attitude towards them, antagonizes themselves towards the ones they care about, the usually considered "questionable/wrong/bad/evil" thoughts/actions/behaviors that they have are understandable especially if you actually look by their point of view/put yourself on their shoes, they are doomed by the narrative and they deserve better.
(Some similarities between Homura Akemi and Princess Azula, as in how they are as characters, how part of the fandom views/treats them etc...)
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velvetshirtnumber3 · 6 months
If it turns out there is nothing paranormal happening in Dead Friend Forever, then it means there must be another explanation for the characters who saw something weird/unexplained happening.
What I mean by this is specifically: Fluke thinking about Por strangling him while the masked figure looked on, that rash of sorts appearing on White's shoulder that one time, and Top seeing the masked figure appear and attack him in the bathroom.
These are instances where there was only really one person in the scene (or only one conscious one in Fluke's case), meaning that seeing these things isn't one of the other characters convincing them of something, and instances where it seems almost impossible for another character to cause what happened in the scenes. For instance, they couldn't just cause Fluke to see a dying Por to start bleeding from his eyes and strangling him, and then a second later everything seems fine. They couldn't just cause a rash to appear for ten seconds and disappear as if nothing happened. They couldn't have a masked figure appear in the bathroom, have him right near the door (and a person, Top) and then a couple seconds later he disappears without a trace.
So what explains it?
In Fluke's case, I think the vision is a manifestation of his own guilt and fear. He's extremely paranoid at this point, afraid the masked figure is going to come for him. We don't know what he did in the past, but it is bad enough that his future medical career would be prevented by it. He admits guilt, but is unwilling to pay for it, and so strongly advocates not telling anyway. He actually messes with the branch impaling Por because he's afraid Por will reveal what really happened. With the mindset he's in, I believe he might kill either Por or White if they were able to reveal anything. Therefore, I think some part of him that has been buried by his need to survive at whatever cost feels guilty, and so he imagines Por, who he seems to have thought about killing for at least a second, killing him while the masked figure, the physical representation of his past coming for him, watches.
Additionally, it wouldn't be really possible for the dying, mainly unconscious Por to suddenly wake up and actually try to kill him.
The rash appearing on White's shoulder could be something along the same vein of paranoia and guilt, but so far White doesn't seem to have been around for whatever happened in the past, so what it would be related to remains to be seen.
Could Top have also just been affected by the circumstances and imagined the sequence in the bathroom? Yes, but with him specifically, there are better explanations than the other.
One potentiality is that we have several unreliable narrators, who are portraying the scene that way for the audience's benefit, so we can't find out what's truly going on. In that case, they are pretending because they know something more than they are saying or they are involved with the masked figure. But this would be so pointless for White and Fluke, in which these scenes are throwaway in that the story doesn't need them to function properly, they are more for character insight. And obviously it doesn't make sense for them to pretend to see something like that, because it isn't really affecting the story that much. This is where Top's case is different. For the previous two cases, they were genuinely removed from the rest of the groups. But Top, while alone, is only really a room away from the other characters, and is within hearing distance of them. Now, as I said before, the way the masked figure appears then disappears is not explainable. It would be impossible for the figure to escape the room which Top seeing him go at least partially leaving, given how close it gets to him.
This just leaves the possibility that the figure was never there in the first place. As in, Top was pretending and staged his screaming and terror to either just scare the rest of the group or distract them so someone else could slip away. Top could be in cahoots with the masked figure.
From a story perspective, I'm not sure yet if this would fit with the events of the past. However, this could be possible in the last episode. After all, isn't Top the one driving the bike with Tan? And isn't it him who tips the bike over after apparently seeing the figure? In the scene, it is unclear who sees the figure, but Top is the only one who appears scared and starts yelling, while Tan doesn't react (until Top tips over the bike). This could be because he genuinely didn't see anything, because there actually is no masked figure in the scene, only an unreliable narrator.
Later on when part of the group finds the temple, we go between scenes of Tee, Phee, Jin and Nan at the temple, and White, Fluke and Por. If the masked figure ends up being among the group, the only one in the group not accounted for is Top, which could leave him free to be the masked figure, at least for that scene (if he is in cahoots, it is with multiple people, and probably taking turns being the masked figure). I don't know if this theory really works with the first two episodes, but it's just a thought.
My other non-paranormal explanation for what people are seeing is that someone drugged them all during the initial party and they are starting to hallucinate, and it happens to be their guilt inspired by the moving is sending them down similar paths of hallucination.
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hee-blee-art · 4 months
hi friends. I'm going on indefinite hiatus for while. in the meantime, I'm going to be queuing a lot of my drafts and some sketches, but for several reasons my blog/posts will look a bit different, and be less accessible (specifically less/no ids and less tags). I sincerely apologize for this & I hope those of you who can will be flexible with me as I continue to share my work within my current limitations, even though its not ideal. all the best to you & yours <3
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milligramspoison · 2 months
mike stole sephiroth’s big naturals after their fight
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(Original art/concept by @silkentine 🫶)
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I know you denies his pro shippers go away but aren't you approachable because you make dark content?
And if you're unaware of what the real meaning of pro-ship means, it means to support all ships and to curate your own space. It means you support all ships even if you don't particularly like the ships or content
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so thank you for bringing this to my attention nonnie, because i actually didn't know what pro-ship meant and assumed it was a bad thing. so that's my fault for not investigating further and i apologize for the confusion. and yes, i am dark content friendly, so feel free to send in that stuff if anyone was hesitant abt doing so before <33
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momonica05 · 4 months
Jack Jack - my tav for the "jack of all trades" achievement!
My urge to info dump about an oc won so now please, meet my son: Jack Jack (I don't know how to make a good blog post on tumblr, so I apologize if the images are a little too big)
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JJ wasn't born a tiefling. He actually came from a family of humans, but he has no recollection of it outside of his father and grandparents, whom he hates with all his heart
At the age of 6, his father disobeyed his patron (for a good reason, but he doesn't know that, hehe). But instead of punishing his father directly, JJ was the target. He was turned into a Mephistopheles tiefling that day, and his family was horrified. He remembers the look of pure hatred and fear from his grandparents, shouting at him, saying he was now a devil. He doesn't remember his father's face, but he remembers his fingers, pointing at the door, and his husky voice "get out"
Since then, he had to live at the city of Baldur's Gate all by himself. He had some friends, partners, and even a mentor (which the dream visitor had taken form of)... but he never got back what he lost that day: love and identity
He spent a good portion of his life, mainly his adolescence, trying to "fit in". He even cut his horns off, which he regretted later down the road as he's now more confident in who he is. Beeing cursed by a devil at the age of 6, as one might imagine, was no easy feat. And aside from gaining an appearance that everyone deemed as "hellspawn", he also gained powers. Powers in which he can not control very well, but powers nonetheless (sorcerer wild magic)
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After a whole life of stealing, performing, trying out magic and needing to run because uh oh you accidentally sumoned a troll in a bar! He... well, his life continued shit, but he never gave up. He had some not so trustworthy friends, but hey, as long as they're not a devil or a warlock, he's a very social guy!
Before he was captured by the mindflayers, he was actually planning on traveling around! He wanted to get all his skills worked on. Maybe study a bit more of his magic, as a wizard.... maybe becoming a bard with his musical talent... hell, maybe he'd finally accept his calling for the rogue life! The opportunities were endless!
That is until, of course, he got a tadpole in his mind... but eh, he was planning on traveling one day anyways, so why not use this as an excuse? (definitely not frightened at all haha what do you mean?)
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So far, he's really enjoying his adventure! Here's what he thinks about each companion:
Lae'zel: heh, she wants to kill me! (nervously sweating and trying to do what she says because he's terrified, but also really likes her interrogation methods!)
Shadowheart: she's hiding something. She ain't fooling me...
Astarion: he's also hiding something, never EVER trust the snobs from the upper city.... unless, of course, you want their money/sleep with them. (thinks Astarion is a less hot version of him, with how similar they act. Except JJ actually has a soft spot for children and little rascals, so he'll always help them. He's more chaotic good)
Gale: i really liked him and wanted him to teach me how to do magic safely, but never mind! He just ate my magic spear, which doesn't seem very safe...
Wyll: he makes me angry with how he challenges my morals, okay? you shouldn't be nice! You're a warlock! (has a mental breakdown watching Wyll get transformed like he did and wonders if his father was a good man like Wyll all along)
Karlach: I was deadset on killing her... turns out she's not a devil! just a person like me! i really like her (wants to kill Zariel and enter rage like Karlach one day)
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He knew damn well what he was getting into but opened the door anyways and said he was gonna write a smut about it (he's batshit insane)
Anyways... I guess that's it. That's all I have for now, I haven't progressed much into the game... sorry if his information is a little scattered around, I don't have it organized and probably didn't mention somethings (he chose his name, for example)
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