#aid me in spreading the word of huge weirdo
n4rval · 8 months
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reddieorrnot · 5 years
okay but hc's about richie finally telling stan about his crush on eddie (i hope you've not gotten this before if so ignore it)
ugh your mind i love it
-so when richie finally realizes he likes eddie, it isn’t really anything huge
-it’s just him having it click and thinking oh wow that makes a lot of sense why didn’t i realize that sooner 
-he doesn’t have much internalized homophobia either, or any type of self-repression. all he can really think is why doesn’t every like eddie?? how could someone not??? everyone else is weird not him in any way
-while he doesn’t struggle with acceptance or overcoming anything, richie does suddenly find it very hard to keep this to himself
-but he’s very scared about telling eddie, but richie doesn’t think there’s any possibility that eddie likes him back whatsoever
-but he cannot keep this secret, and it gets harder every day
-he pictures himself letting it slip every time eddie puts a band-aid on richie’s knee after he trips, or when eddie’s fingers graze his when he hand shim something
-it’s finally when it gets to the point where richie can’t help but whisper to himself over and over again “i like eddie kaspbrak” on the walk home from school one day where he notices he really does need to tell someone soon
-he considers all his friends, one by one
-he knows right off the bat he can’t tell bill. 
-one time in fifth grade richie told bill he had used eddie’s inhaler when he wasn’t looking out of curiosity and not to tell the smaller boy
-what was the first thing bill did? told eddie
-ever since then bill was marked as nontrustworthy of any topics concerning eddie for richie, as much as it sounded like a joke
-he doesn’t want to tell ben because everyone knew that that boy already all his romantical focus on one certain girl, ben didn’t have the attention to spare
-he knows if he were to tell mike, all he would get would be advice
-because mike hates to see his friends struggling
-but richie doesn’t want advice, he doesn’t think it’s worth it. advice will just make him more upset. he just needs to tell someone. 
-usually, richie told beverly everything, they would lay in the grass, passing a cigarette, while confessing things into the chilly air around them
-but this wasn’t something richie wanted to confess after a long drag from a cigarette, eddie was worth more than that. 
-also,he was 100% sure beverly would make fun of him. and he did not want that
-finally, richie had landed upon stan’s name. and contemplated the idea
-stan wouldn’t offer advice unless asked, and he wouldn’t make fun of richie either. plus, richie was certain stan wouldn’t tell anyone, he usually didn’t care enough to spread secrets
-as well as the fact that richie was stan’s best friend, even if he’d never admit it out loud. he said it sparsely, probably enough times that richie could count on his hand. 
-after some thinking, it’s clear that stan is perfect
-richie knows what stan likes to do sunday mornings, hell all the losers do
-stan likes to fill a thermos with tea, grab some binoculars, his bird book (richie just calls it that) and head over to the nearby park
-he spends every sunday morning there watching birds, jotting down the ones he sees and any details he likes about them
-knowing this makes it a lot easier for richie to find him that day
-he spots stan’s curly hair from a distance, as he sits on a park bench, holding the binoculars up to his eyes
-richie has the idea of scaring stan, but dismisses it as he recognizes the fact that that’ll probably get him banned from ever coming to one of stan’s bird watching sessions ever again
-even if this time was kinda uninvited 
-so he lets the sound of his footsteps warn stan he’s near, as stan does indeed turn back and see richie, with a surprised yet quickly unamused face
-richie plops down next to stan, gives him a grin
-”what’s up, staniel?”
-”i really hope no one ever thinks that’s my actual name.”
-it makes richie laugh and feel more at ease
-they sit in silence for a little bit, besides richie’s tapping of his fingers on the bench as stan looks out at the trees
-finally the quietness consumes richie
-”aren’t you gonna ask why i’m here?”
-stan turns back to look at his best friend and lets out a soft sigh
-”i know you’re just gonna tell me at some point, so go on.”
-richie is hesitant at first, not because stan isn’t the right person to tell, but because this’ll be his first time saying these words out loud for someone else to hear. he isn’t confessing his feelings to himself in the mirror or into the night as he lies awake thinking of eddie
-he's actually finally telling someone else about this crush on eddie that he can’t stop thinking about
-”stan,” richie takes a deep breath, “i really like eddie he’s so great and cute and funny and... and i have for a while and with every second that goes by i feel more and more like i have to tell someone and beause you’re my best friend i thought i would tell you because i really trust you and-”
-”i kinda already assumed you liked eddie.”
-richie is baffled and takes a second to process what stan says, mouth hanging open in surprise when it finally clicks
-”h-how? what?”
-”it’s kinda obvious, you’re more touchy with him than anyone else, and you get all red whenever he laughs at your jokes,” stan starts to turn back to his binoculars
-”does that mean eddie knows? oh shit, do the other losers know?” the panic is evry clear in richie’s voice, as fear begins to pull him into some dark abiss
-this is exactly what he didn’t want, he didn’t need anyone else besides stan to know. now eddie was going to hate richie, and think he was some sort of gross weirdo who was only his friend because he liked him and-
-stan was suddenly pulling richie in for a hug, something that rarely ever happened with anyone and stan. his arms were stiff for a second, but when richie wrapped his around stan as well, they both melted into a more comfortable position within the embrace
-”calm down, rich. no one but me knows i’m just very observant. you’re okay, don’t worry”
-richie feels his pulse start to slow down from its previous nervous state, letting stan’s words sink into his skin
-when richie finally pulls away, he gives stan a small smile, one not from jokes or teasing, but simple gratefulness
-to his surprise, stan returns the smile
-”do you think... do you think i have a chance?”
-”don’t freak out,” stan tells richie, pinching the bridge of his nose 
-”what?” richie asks lifting an eyebrow
-”i’m pretty sure eddie likes you too”
-richie in fact does freak out
-”richie, shut the fuck up. the goddamn birds will fly away!” 
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thewritenerd · 4 years
Victor And Adam: NaNoWriMo Day 21
When he first woke up Adam’s first thought was he didn’t want to go to school. The altercation with the old woman had left him very shaken and he couldn’t bare the thought of even risking another one. Lying there he wondered if he should fake sick. But he wasn’t sure how to do that. He’d never actually been sick so he had no idea what it felt like. Sure he’d seen actors pretending on tv but how accurate was that? When Igor had been sick he hadn’t even been allowed to see him. ‘Adam. If you want breakfast you’ll have to come down soon.’ He heard Igor call from the other side of the door. At first Adam thought of ignoring him and pretending to be asleep, but he didn’t want anyone coming in just yet. ‘I’m not hungry!’ he called back. ‘Well you need to eat something.’ Adam just stayed where he was staring at the wall. He listened as Igor made his way back down the stairs. He knew he’d be back soon telling him he had to get up to go to school. He wouldn’t let that drop. But still Adam found himself lying there. Sooner than he expected he heard footsteps coming back up the stairs. At first he thought it was Igor but the steps were to fast and heavy. ‘Adam?’ It was Victor’s voice this time. Unlike Igor he didn’t wait for a response and instead pushed the door open and stepped inside. ‘Adam are you okay?’ Adam just lay there not answering. How could he answer? He wasn’t sure if he wanted to lie or not. Or even what counted as a lie and what was technically the truth. Was he okay? He wasn’t sick but he felt awful. But if he was asked to put any specific words to it he had nothing. Truth was it was the thought of what may happen that made him feel that way. And how can you explain feeling bad about something that hasn’t happened? ‘Adam you need to get up. You can’t stay in here forever.’ ‘I’m not…’ 
‘You didn’t leave your room at all yesterday. Now come on you need to go to school.’ Adam reluctantly sat up but stayed sat in bed. Victor sighed and came a little closer. ‘How about this. I’ll ring the school and tell them you have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. That way you only have to do a half day.’ Adam opened his mouth to speak but Victor held out his hand to stop him. ‘I’m only going to do that for today. Tomorrow I expect you to stay there for a full day.  Understand?’ Adam nodded. He still wasn’t happy to be going but he supposed a half day wouldn’t be too bad. Still he wondered… ‘Couldn’t I just go back to being home-schooled?’ he asked. Victor shook his head. ‘Igor and I both have to work.’ ‘Well maybe you could hire someone?’ Adam suggested not wanting to let the matter drop. Victor frowned at him. It wasn’t the frown he was used to getting. This was less a glower and more a look of concern. ‘You’re going to school and that’s final. If you still don’t want to go at the end of the school year then we’ll talk about it.’ Adam nodded realising that this was as good an offer as he was going to get. Victor patted his shoulder. ‘Good boy. Now come on you really do need to get dressed.’
‘Have you got everything?’ Igor asked as he pulled up outside the school gates. ‘Books, pencil case, pills, phone.’ Adam checked off the list. ‘Did you remember your water bottle?’ ‘Yeah that’s in there.’ ‘Good and what were the rules for your meds?’ ‘No more than two doses a day and wait six hours between each dose.’ Igor nodded. ‘Good. Now go on. I’ll pick you up at lunch.’ Adam stepped out of the car and waved goodbye. As soon as he stepped through the door he heard a familiar voice scream, ‘Heeeeyyyy Aaaaadaaaam!’ he looked round to see Chelsea enthusiastically throwing verself into the air arms waving all over the place. He made his way over to ver and Nate, who was trying to get as much distance between himself and Chelsea’s flailing arms. ‘Hey guy’s.’ Adam said a smile breaking out on his face. No matter how bad he’d felt this morning it was hard to feel completely miserable when Chelsea was around. ‘How have you been?’ Nate asked as he fiddled with his hearing aids. He must have turned them off when Chelsea started yelling Adam thought. He couldn’t exactly blame him. ‘Fine.’ Chelsea and Nate exchanged glances. ‘What?’ Adam asked looking from one to the other. ‘Uh it’s just. Well…’ Nate began. ‘Sascha saw your fight with that old lady outside the cinema.’ Chelsea finished for him. Nate nodded. ‘Well she didn’t say fight. But she did overhear you yelling.’ He corrected before leaning forward. ‘Did she really tell you to. You know? Kill yourself?’ he said the last part so quietly Adam almost didn’t catch it. ‘More or less.’ ‘Wow. Okay if you ever see her when we’re out and about point her out and I’ll hit her so hard her false teeth come out her saggy backside.’ ‘Chelsea!’ Nate cried. ‘What. Hey you know I’m not a violent person but I can’t just let her get away with that.’ Adam shook his head. ‘Please don’t punch anyone on my behalf.’ Chelsea nodded. ‘Okay but can I throw some eggs at her?’ Nate shook his head. ‘What are you going to carry eggs around until you see her in the street?’ ‘Why not? I could carry them around in a little basket. Maybe I could wear a red cloak too.’ Ver eyes were shining at the thought. ‘I doubt you have enough clothes in any colour other than pink to do that. At least without looking like a colour illiterate fashion disaster.’ Nate teased. Chelsea rolled ver eyes at him and gave him a shove. ‘Says the weirdo in the neckerchief and farmers shirt.’ Ve reached out and tugged on the open shirt Nate usually wore over his t shirt. ‘Farmers shirt. Does this look checked to you?’ Nate asked with clearly fake indignation. At this point Adam was laughing. ‘That’s better.’ Chelsea said. ‘Now come on or we’ll be late for class. And we have chemistry first period.’ The two boys exchanged looks with grimaces on their faces. ‘Wow first day back and it’s the dragon’s class. Bad luck mate.’ They made their way to the science rooms splitting off as Chelsea and Nate headed off to their class and Adam headed into his. Being the very top set Adam’s science classes were the second smallest in his year. The smallest being the bottom set, which he’d heard was compromised almost entirely of kids with learning disabilities, who only did one subject each so they were spread out pretty thin. Stepping into the room he saw most of his classmates were already there. The only missing were Sammy, a kid with cerebral palsy ho usually was the last to come in as it was easier to manoeuvre his wheelchair around when everyone was sat down, and a couple of kids whose names Adam couldn’t quite remember. He had just sat down when the teacher came in closely followed by Sammy and the TA who helped him. ‘Right I see most of you have bothered to show up.’ She said as she sat at her desk. ‘Now let’s see Imogen Ackerman.’ ‘Here miss.’ ‘Shaun Alger.’ ‘Here miss.’ She was just getting to the F’s when one of the two missing students came through the doors. ‘Ah miss Karim. You’re late.’ ‘So sorry miss.’ The girl replied as she tried to fix her hijab back in place. ‘You’re lucky the school rules officially state I can’t give you detention unless you come in after I’ve marked the register otherwise you would be in detention. Now sit down.’ Karim nodded and rushed to her seat. ‘Right. Arisha Fedorov.’ ‘Here miss.’ Ursula Fiddler.’ ‘Here miss.’ ‘Damian Forney.’ ‘Here miss.’ ‘Yvone Fowler.’ ‘He’s not in today miss.’ Shaun called. ‘He went to his grandma’s funeral over the weekend and his family won’t be back until this evening.’ ‘Right.’ ‘Adam Frankenstein.’ ‘Here miss.’ Adam said raising his hand as they were expected to do. He always felt a bit silly doing that. It wasn’t like he was hard to miss. ‘Ah yes. I heard you’d be coming back this week. Let’s hope you can catch up with what you’ve missed.’ Adam nodded. ‘I think I can.’ Miss Newell raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Okay then what’s the chemical formula for glucose? And what is the molar mass and the melting point.’ ‘Six parts carbon, twelve parts hydrogen, and six parts oxygen. The molar mass is 180.156 and the melting point is 146 degrees centigrade.’ He felt rather pleased to have remembered all that. Chemistry wasn’t his strongest subject but he was good with the numbers. ‘Yes well don’t look so smug. No one likes a know it all.’ Miss Newell said before turning back to the register. Adam let his head drop. ‘What a bitch.’ The kid next to him muttered. He looked over to Adam and gave him a reassuring smile which Adam returned. Adam had often ended up sitting next to him but had never really learnt his name. It turned out to be Oscar O’Conner. Oscar had a thick Irish accent and so much metal in his face, and on his teeth, it was a surprise he wasn’t asked to leave the room every time a magnet was used. Once Miss Newell finished the register she announced they’d be doing group projects. ‘Now you’ll remember how last week I asked you to get into groups of threes and fours. Adam you’ll be with Oscar and Maram. Right get in your groups.’ Adam watched as the girl in the hijab stood up and made her way over. ‘Hey.’ She said as she took a seat across the bench from them. ‘Hey.’ Adam said. ‘Hey beautiful.’ Oscar said blowing Maram a kiss. She pretended to catch it and put it on her lips. Adam stared not sure what to say. ‘We’re dating.’ Oscar explained. Adam nodded. ‘Well don’t let me interrupt.’ He joked. Maram laughed. ‘Come on we’d better get started before Miss Newell comes over.’ ‘So what are we doing?’ Adam asked. ‘We’ve got to make one of these things but the instructions are very vague.’ Oscar replied pointing to the worksheet he’d put on the bench. ‘I think we should do the bouncy balls. They sound fun.’ Maram said pointing to the list. ‘Well so does coloured fire. What do you think?’ he looked to Adam. ‘Yeah you can be our decider.’ ‘Definitely the balls. I’m not a huge fan of fire.’ Maram nodded. ‘That’s right. You won’t even use the Bunsen burners.’ They turned back to the worksheet. ‘Hmm. Okay we’ll need Borax, corn-starch, glue, water, food colouring…’ she read out the list. ‘Huh this sounds pretty easy.’
It was not easy. And they left an hour later with strict instructions to come back at break to clean up the mess. ‘Honestly what did she expect to happen.’ Oscar grumbled. ‘She probably didn’t expect you to get the wrong ingredients.’ Maram pointed out. ‘Well I think she should have awarded us. We might have invented a new kind of glue.’ Adam pointed joked. This got a laugh from the other two. ‘Yeah. My hands still hurt.’ Oscar said looking down at his palm that was still bright red from accidentally sticking himself to the table. At had taken a considerable amount of tugging from Adam and himself to get free. ‘And to think you two are top of the class.’ Maram sighed rolling her eyes. ‘Hey you’re just as much at fault as I am.’ Adam insisted. Maram laughed then stopped. ‘Your girlfriend’s over there’ She said pointing down the hall to the stairs. ‘Who?’ Adam looked round. ‘There. Standing two steps from the bottom. Look she’s heading up.’ Adam followed where she was pointing. ‘Shreya’s not my girlfriend.’ ‘Huh really. I thought two were together.’ Adam shook his head. ‘I’m not sure who told you that but it’s not true.’ ‘Really. I heard she let you borrow her book.’ Adam shrugged. ‘Well yeah but that doesn’t make us a couple. Unless that’s some kind of secret code I don’t know.’ Oscar shook his head. ‘No. But Shreya won’t let anyone touch her books. Let alone borrow them. She must really like you.’ ‘And I’m guessing by the colour of your cheeks you might like her back.’ Maram said cocking her head to one side. ‘I.’ Adam began. ‘I don’t…’ Frustrated he started kicking the ground.
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subzero-dragon · 4 years
Strangers of Aeon - Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of a new book I’m writing. It’s a story about an Earth boy who winds up in a fantastical world where danger and mystery await. I’ll be posting new chapters periodically, so keep an eye out. Anyhow, enjoy!
Now available to read on Wattpad: https://my.w.tt/593Gco5dxab
Waking up was like a fog lifting from his consciousness. As awareness returned to him, so did the pain. Owen Cross had never felt more battered in his life. His side hurt. His left arm was in agony. His head was throbbing and making his vision waver. Even the slight breeze blowing across his body had a stinging quality, as if tiny shards of glass were embedded in it. He propped himself up with his good arm, gasping and collapsing in pain when he moved the wrong way. Owen could only lie in the grass, catching his breath before he could work up the strength to try propping himself up again.
How did I wind up like this? What happened to me? How did I get here? Where is “here,” anyway?
A strange sight greeted his eyes as he lifted his head and opened his eyes. A thick canopy of tree branches dimmed the light into deep shadows. The tight foliage also blocked most of the view, making it impossible to tell where he was. Owen steeled himself and pulled his wounded body to a sitting position. He closed his eyes a second, then looked about again. Nothing he saw earlier had changed, leaving him perplexed. Owen had the feeling something was off. Owen stared around and tried to figure out why he was hurting, where he was, something useful. He tried to recall the previous events, but his mind was still dull and he had trouble focusing.
Pausing to regain his breath had helped him regain a little energy. Owen now felt he could stand but did so gingerly. He propped himself against the umbrella-tree with his good arm as he gingerly got to his feet. Looking further at the tree behind him revealed a huge, white tree trunk with mottled gray patches. It occurred to him again that something was wrong, but why it wasn’t right still evaded him. Owen decided to peek beyond the branches and see where he was. He moved forward with some difficulty and parted the draped branches like a curtain.
It was sometime in the afternoon, and the bright light beyond the canopy made him blink and pause to readjust. What Owen saw when his vision recovered left him dumbstruck. The cries of songbirds echoed among the trees like a natural symphony. Several small, fuzzy, unfamiliar animals bolted away and into the undergrowth as Owen emerged into the open. A lively, verdant forest of aspens and oaks spread out before him. Mixed among those trees were an unfamiliar species of thick-trunked, white-barked trees with dense, vine-like branches that formed a tight umbrella underneath them. Owen noticed that they were the same as the one he was under. The scene was like something out of a child’s storybook.
As he took in his surroundings, memory slowly returned to him. Owen recalled driving his friends Maya and Ethan home, that part he had no trouble with. It was whatever happened after that which still confused Owen. He remembered that his car had been hit by something that knocked the car off the road. He remembered the car rolling down the embankment. Then the car hit that big tree.
Then… then… then what? Was he dead? If this was heaven, it was nothing like he expected it to be. Heaven was supposed to be on the clouds or something, so being in a forest made little sense. He wondered if Ethan and Maya were okay. Maybe they got lost like he did. Or, maybe they were in danger themselves. Owen was particularly worried about Maya since she was the one who was wheelchair-bound. He hoped they were okay wherever they were.
Movement from one of the droopy tree’s branches caught Owen’s attention and jolted him out of his thoughts. Somebody was parting the branches of the tree. He peered closer, trying to make out the figure. A young, pale-skinned woman emerged from the tree, deftly turning the branches aside with one hand as she turned his way. The first thing Owen noticed about her was her strange clothes. She was dressed in a simple, hooded, brown linen robe tied shut in the middle with a braided rope. Her hood was up over her face, obscuring most of her features. Several leather pouches and unfamiliar baubles were tied to the belt. Owen wrinkled his brow at her. Who was this, some kind of hippie?
“The Stranger has come around. It seems he is far more resilient than we anticipated,” the woman said over her back as she approached.
Stranger? Owen stared at her in confusion. If anyone was strange, then she was! He was too confused by the sight of the woman to answer her comment right away.
“Ask him where he has come from,” a deeper, more assertive female voice answered from somewhere Owen could not see, “You of all people know his ilk are not to be trusted.”
“Who are you?” Owen was slightly intimidated by the distrustful voice and backed up a step. “Where am I?”
The woman smiled gently at Owen. He found her kind expression a little reassuring. “A very direct man, I see. Then again, you did only just come around. Relax, you are safe with me.”
“Don’t make false promises, Aruna,” the other voice said firmly, “Ask him where he’s from!”
Owen tensed at the hidden woman’s words. He found himself backing up even more, moving around the droopy-limbed tree’s boughs. He could tell the unseen woman did not trust him. He was not sure he should trust them either, particularly the one who was still hiding. Maybe that hiding woman would calm down if he just answered the question.
“Slate Springs,” he said, “I’m from Slate Springs.”
“Slate Springs? I do not recognize the name…” the unseen voice said, ��You must mean Granite Hill.”
“No, Slate Springs!” Owen answered, and tripped over a tree root when he backed up yet again. He stumbled, fell over onto his backside, and ended up looking up at the robed woman who was still coming to Owen.
The robed woman, who the unseen voice called Aruna, continued to approach Owen. She was now within arm’s reach of him. Now that she was closer, Owen could see that this woman was tall and delicately-framed. She reminded him of a ceramic doll come to life. She noticed his questioning look and smiled that kind smile again. Something about the woman’s demeanor was comforting to Owen.
“At ease,” she said gently, “you are injured. I have healed the life-threatening wounds, but you are still weak.” The woman bent over her knees and offered a hand to Owen. “Please, let me help you.”
“Wait, what?” Owen was confused more and more. So, she was not a hippie, but a doctor? What was a doctor doing in a forest? Then again, Owen was not sure what he was doing in a forest; he was on a road in a car last he knew. The doctor did not seem dangerous at any rate. If what she said was true, she saved him. He owed her one for doing that.
The deeper female voice clucked in distaste, “Is the Stranger deliberately acting thick? It is not like a human to act so confused. Should I…”
The robed woman shook her head and spoke over her back, “No, stay put, Sylver. If you startle him, he may react violently. You are not wrong in that Strangers should not be underestimated. However, we needn’t incite any misunderstandings.”
They were afraid of him? That made no sense. He was the confused one here. Owen decided to lighten the mood with some self-deprecating humor. “Hey, don’t get so worried. I’m not looking for a fight or anything. Just look at me. I have the upper body strength of a cooked spaghetti noodle. Not to mention I’m hurt.” He shrugged playfully, minding his arm. “See? I’m harmless.”
When his jest earned a silent stare, Owen decided on another tactic. Maybe just being friendly would work. “So, uh… I guess I should at least tell you my name. My name is Owen, Owen Cross. I take it you are Aruna?”
Aruna nodded once. “That is indeed my name. I am Aruna of the Red Mountain. In that wanderer’s willow is my dear friend, Sylver. Do forgive her terse tone. She is a bit suspicious of newcomers.”
What strange names. Aruna? Sylver? And this “Aruna” woman was speaking very formally for some reason. Well, maybe this lady knew where he was. “Where am I?” Owen asked again, “I thought I fell down an embankment…”
“These are the Whispering Woods. Even though many Strangers end up here, this is in fact fey territory. Fear not, I have made an agreement with the fey to allow Strangers such as yourself to leave unmolested. Are you able to stand, Owen Cross?” Aruna extended her hand once more to him.
Owen was even more confused. The way she kept saying the word “stranger” made it feel like a title rather than a description. Owen did not feel it was inaccurate: he most certainly was a stranger to this place. The rest of what the woman said was an even bigger surprise. Fey territory? Fey like fairy or something? No, that was impossible. Fairies were not real. This weirdo was just pulling his leg.
He stood back up slowly with her aid and dusted the dirt off his butt with his good hand. He was still a little bit wobbly from the crash, and he swayed backwards again. This time, Aruna was faster and caught him in her arms. Her hood fell back and revealed her face, a sight that made Owen gasp in utter surprise.
The woman was human at first glance, but there were features that were clearly not human at all. The most noticeable thing, and the first thing Owen saw, was a single, spiral horn about seven inches long sprouting from Aruna’s forehead. She also had long ears that drooped down to her shoulders like a hound’s. The rest of her seemed human enough, but also a little bit alien. She had long, strawberry-blonde hair fixed in two braids that were tied behind her back with a green, silk ribbon. Beyond the ribbon, her hair was loose, and hung well below her shoulders. Her sharp, hazel eyes were larger than normal and set high on her face. She also wore an elaborate, golden diadem that draped delicately across her forehead and encircled her horn.
Owen could only gawk open-mouthed at her. Aruna was beautiful, but ethereal to him, like something out of a dream. That had to be it. He had to be dreaming. This woman could not possibly be real. This had to be a costume or something.
Or maybe… he wasn’t dreaming.
If I’m dead, then is this an angel? Don’t angels have wings? And since when do they have horns or droopy ears? What is she?
Aruna had to have seen the astonished fish-face he was making, and her expression became a little sad. “Do you fear me?”
“N-no…” Owen answered, shaking his head. He could not stop himself from asking, “What are you?”
“I cannot fault you for being confused, Owen Cross,” Aruna smiled slightly, nodding once, “I am an enqui. I take it you have not seen one of us before?”
“En-coo-ee?” Owen attempted to imitate Aruna’s pronunciation. He knew he had to have misheard her, but what she said next only deepened his confusion.
“We are one of the descendants of man. Since my illusion has failed, I may as well reveal who I truly am. Please do not be afraid.” Aruna released Owen, who was too astonished to move. She reached for her waist and pulled the rope, untying the bow in one draw. Her robe fell away, seeming to crumble apart and vanish like a mirage. It revealed a sight almost as baffling as Aruna’s face.
Under the robe, Aruna was wearing a set of scale mail armor, not unlike that a medieval soldier or knight might wear. It was a rather form-fitting design, and showcased a lean, athletic shape that Owen could not help admiring. The metal of her armor was silvery, with a hint of gold that lent Aruna a noble bearing. As if to compliment the look, a long, slender rapier made of the same metal hung at her hip. With the robe gone, Owen could now see that she was barefoot, wearing only cloth bindings on her feet. Even though she was armored, Owen got the impression that Aruna was quite agile. To his further surprise, Owen also saw that Aruna had a tail. It was long enough to brush the ground, and bore long, silky fur the same color as her hair. It was swishing idly back and forth behind her almost like a content dog. Aruna was also wearing some kind of armor across the top of her tail, made of the same scales as her body armor. It was all a bit too much for him to believe.
“W… what…?” Owen’s knees gave out as he collapsed to the ground again and stared up in awe and disbelief.
“At ease, Owen Cross,” Aruna was still speaking softly, as if concerned that she might startle him, “Is this your first time meeting a Pythian Knight? You need not fear me. It is our mission and sacred duty to shepherd the newcomers to our world.”
Owen finally regained enough of his nerve to speak more coherently, “C-call me Owen. But what do you mean by ‘newcomer?’ You mean this isn’t Slate Springs or something?”
Aruna tilted her head, flicking her hound-like ears like an attentive cat. Something about the animal-like gesture seemed rather cute to him. “I beg your pardon?” Aruna asked, “Is that the name of your home country? Or perhaps that is the name of your home world? At any rate, I can answer your other question. This is the land of the fey, Metris. Our world is known as Aeon, if that helps you. I wish I had the time to explain further, but I need to take you to a human settlement before the fey lose their patience. Before I do, allow me to render some aid. You still seem weak from your wounds. Can you stand again, Owen?”
Aruna extended a hand again to Owen. What Aruna said was ringing in his head like a bell. Metris? Aeon? What was Aruna going on about? She seemed sincere enough, but there was no such place as Metris or Aeon… then again, there was no such thing as enqui either. Yet, he was supposedly staring one in the face.
Just what is happening here?
He was too bewildered to do more than stare at her hand. When she got only that as a reply, she placed her hand on his shoulder. Her thin build belied a strong grip that made Owen gasp in mild pain.
“My apologies Owen, but I have no more time to wait. This will ease the pain and fatigue somewhat. Just relax and breathe deep.” Owen looked up at Aruna to ask what she was doing when he felt a small, almost electric tingle where Aruna’s hand touched him. The sensation changed to a warmth that spread down his shoulder and chest and through his arm. The sensation spread next across his body to his right side and arm, then flowed down his legs. Finally, the warmth flowed up his neck and through his head. Owen gasped again at the bizarre feeling.
The entire thing only lasted a few seconds before fading. As the warmth tapered off, he noticed that he was no longer in pain. He flexed his left arm experimentally and found it in perfect condition. In fact, he felt as refreshed as if he just took a nap. Owen stood back up and discovered that his strength had fully returned. He looked up at Aruna in sheer wonder, and his jaw dropped as he tried to find the words to say.
She was giving Owen a light smile, clearly amused at his response. “How was it? Do you feel better?”
Owen continued to flex his limbs. He was amazed at his recovery. “I feel… good!” he chuckled in incredulity as he checked himself over, “Wonderful!  What was that just now?”
“A very simple curative spell. Normally it only numbs the pain and restores a little energy, but I forgot how sensitive to magic Strangers can be.” Aruna chucked a little and smiled kindly as she saw Owen’s continued reaction of disbelief, “Ah, but make no mistake, I am quite glad that it has helped you.”
He came enough to his senses to realize that he should thank her. “T-thank you, Aruna.”
Owen’s mind was spinning. Did Aruna just cast magic on him just now? Yeah, right. Magic was not real. It was all deception and misdirection for amusement, nothing more. Yet, he had just experienced something like a miracle. He had been so weak and in a lot of pain earlier, but it was now only a memory. He rubbed his shoulder and tried to find out what she did to him. If this was some kind of trick, he was not finding the secret behind it.
This was far too confusing. First, he woke up in a forest unlike anything he ever saw before. Then, he met this unicorn-woman who called herself an “enqui.” Finally, this lady healed him with “magic,” which should have been impossible. In fact, all of this should be impossible.
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beepy-sheep · 7 years
Voltron High School AU
Partially based off experiences from a Texas school system I've been working on this for while, but I'd like people's input, and questions might give me more ideas. Let me know what you think! Keith -sophomore -southern gay -in FFA -raises a goat named Mothman -favorite subjects are English and Science -accent gets more pronounced when he's angry or yelling -Looks skinny and weak but can carry a 50 pound bag of feed no problem -Seriously where is this strength coming from, he's like 115 pounds -Has glasses but refuses to wear them -Always sits at the front because he can't fucking see -draws in his free time -lots of goats and cryptids -likes to read Isaac Asimov and the novel versions of Doctor Who -has accidentally brought his knife to school multiple times -At this point the principal just calls in Shiro as his guardian because they don't want to bother Ms. Shirogane again -fixed up and drives a red 1997 honda rebel 250 -the rumor mill has huge debates over the mysterious Keith Kogane and whether he is the leather-clad bad boy or the awkward dork -he is in fact, both -“I swear to God Rebecca, I saw him wear glasses, total nerd frames too.” “I won't believe it until I get evidence Jackie.” Lance -sophomore -flaming bisexual -in band -plays saxophone -plays guitar in jazz band -favorite subject is Math -ADHD, hates English -calls Pidge anything that starts with a P other than Pidge -”Hey Parsnip” “What's up Panic! At The Computer Lab” “Sweet little Pineapple you gentle soul.” -”I got this guys I watched a tutorial on YouTube” -He does not got this -has a blue sphynx cat named Blue -loves pampering his baby -knits her sweaters Shiro -senior -pan with a plan -loves his small boyfriend and his memes -in ROTC -ROTC program is based off the Air Force -also in band -saxophone DI -Would probably be a drum major if he wasn't in ROTC -Saxophone Dad™ -”Lance please stop playing Careless Whisper… that's my song” -Only knows Japanese because he's a weeb -his mom can speak Japanese but he never bothered to learn until he realized he could watch anime without subs -A real overachiever, but once his work is done he's the laziest bitch ever -”Keith… Keith can you pick up my bag of chips I dropped them.” “On the floor right next to you, get ‘em yourself.” -AP and Tired™ -cries over Neon Genesis Evangelion Pidge -freshman -ace that likes space -taking some sophomore classes -skipped a grade -in Comp Sci club -”Guys look I made an app that shows you what you'd look like as a cat” -always brings coffee to school -wears a very oversized green hoodie with an alien on it Hunk -junior -in robotics club -in band -plays the trombone -terrified of doing trombone suicides -the rest of the section spoils him because they feel bad that the ray of sunshine has to deal with them. -you know how trombones are -loves the lunch ladies but despises the food Allura -senior -on the varsity football team -extremely popular, but very nice -can lift both Holt siblings above her head -friends with Shiro since 6th grade Matt -senior -really gay -loves his large strong boyfriend -library aide -the entire science department claims him as their son -ping pong enthusiast -Goes to all of Shiro’s marching competitions and screams “THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND” from the stands every time Coran -Allura’s godfather -sponsor for the Trivia Club -biology teacher Shay -junior -trans girl -friends with Keith through FFA -basically the frowny quiet and the smiley quiet being quiet together -raises rabbits -they always have matching names -Inky, Pinky, Blinky, Clyde, and Pac -Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior -hardcore believer of the circle of life Sam Holt -works in research and development at the Garrison -recommended Shiro to be a test subject for neurally linked prosthetics -He goes in once a month for a checkup -The scientists are ecstatic that Shiro plays sax, it’s wonderful for mobility testing -They all came to know each other through Trivia Club -Pidge and Keith met in the library -Keith saw the alien on their hoodie and they struck up a conversation K“Nice jacket.” P“Thanks.” K“...” P“...” K”So.. did you see the commercial for that new documentary?” P*slams hands on table* “Thank God you're not a fucking normie, and you bet your ass I did. Hit me with your opinions weirdo, I've been lacking fresh material.” K”One word, Atlantis.” P”...Go on.” -Flashforward to a week later and they commandeer the projector in the library and violently play one v one Kahoot trivia quizzes -”You think you know more useless facts than me?” “I know I know more useless facts than you.” “Bring it on bitch.” -Kahoot nicknames: Rat Sandwich and What In Gay Asian (they're a work in progress) -”Our friendship is like sharknado, it looks crazy, and makes no sense.” -Hunk and Pidge met through the tech clubs -The Robotics and Comp Sci clubs are small so they meet in the same room and help each other out -Pidge mentioned the trivia battles and Hunk thought it sounded fun -So Keith and Pidge formed the club -Coran felt honored the be considered for sponsorship -Hunk and Lance are childhood friends -Lance was dragged by Hunk to the first meeting -”You want me to stay after school, on a Friday, for trivia?” “Yes, Pidge is cool, it'll be fun.” “Fiiiiiiine” -Shiro wanted to support his brother and Matt is a dork -Allura wanted try something new -Keith invited Shay, who was excited to meet Keith's friends -”You are nice, so they must be nice too!” “Well I don't know 3 of them, but Pidge says they're cool.” H ”Oh hey Shiro I didn't know you heard about the club.” S “Well-” L “SAX DADDY” S “Hey Lance, I see you don't have your case with you.” L “I don't need to practice.” S “Sure buddy.” M “Sax Daddy?” S “Don't worry about it.” L”Oh my god, you're Matt! Shiro talks about you all the time.” M “Only good things I hope.” L “I've never heard someone describe the destruction of a science room so lovingly. So much destruction from such a small body.” M “You should meet my sister.” P*pops out from under a desk* “You accidentally make a bomb one time and they never let it go.” H “Hi Pidge!” L *startled by the floor gremlin * “Holy Crap!” --------- K “Shiro I'm going home with Pidge, we're having a movie night.” S “Are you spending the night?” K “Eh, probably.” M “Now that the kids are out of one of the houses I can make sweet, steamy love to my boyfriend.” S “Matt oh my god.” P “At least drop us off first.” M “It was a joke, kids these days… obviously we're going to 50 Shades and chill.” S “Just the chill part, I beg you, the literal definition.” M “if you insist.” -A rumor starts spreading that the Trivia Club is just a cover for a GSA because of how many queer people are in it -lots of out of context mentions of Mothman (the goat) for shits and giggles -”Hey Keith, how's Mothman?” -Pidge and Matt switched places the whole day for April Fools -Matt forgot there was a test that day and Pidge aced it for him -Keith and Shiro are half-brothers -Keith’s still an orphan, but he lives with Shiro and Shiro’s mom -Lance ripped his pants in middle school and Hunk made a pact to never forget about it, and mention it at graduation and Lance’s wedding. -”Hey guys remember the time Lance ripped his pants.” “Good times.”
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Spread Love Not Germs
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The headline article in Arizona Woman, October 2006--"The Fight Against Prostate Cancer Expands," prompted me to compose this article.
Regardless of all the research, chemotherapy, etc. cancer is on the increase.
Many books have been written on the important fact that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. I am sharing these insights with you since I want you to know you have better control of your health than you know. I understand from my own experience and by the experience of my customers whom I help cure from dire dis-eases--diabetes, cancer, lupus, Hepatitis C, Fibromyalgia, MS, higher blood pressure, mitral valve prolapse and the list goes on. I hope I can explain the origin of dis-ease that will motivate you to transcend victim consciousness and live the life you're born to live--wholesome, joyful and with reassurance.
Nothing can be healed through a practice of 'fighting against it' First we need to look at how simple is created. Thoughts are created from the mind and feelings followalong with Thoughts and feelings are impulses of energy. The human body is made up of trillions of cells. Cells of the nervous system, known as nerve cells or neurons, are specialized to carry "messages" through an electrochemical process. The human mind has approximately 100 billion neurons.
Neurons have specialized projections called dendrites and axons. Dendrites bring information to the cell body and axons take data away from the cell body. Information from 1 neuron flows to another neuron across a synapse. The synapse is a little gap separating neurons. The synapse includes:
1. A presynaptic ending that includes polyphenols, mitochondria and other cell organelles,
2. A postsynaptic finish that contains receptor sites for hormones and,
3. A synaptic cleft or space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic endings.
Thoughts and feelings are impulses of energy and information. They ship out vibrational images, patterns, and colors (not words or language). This energy affects the atmosphere (energy area) around the person believing the idea or feeling the atmosphere. As soon as they go out they can never be retracted. What we see in the outside world is a reflection of collective humanity's ideas and feelings.
Radio, TV programming and popular publications produce our future. It's easy to understand how reality is created when you understand the Science of Consciousness. However, what is understanding and how do you influence it? Collective consciousness is that the sum total of humanity's beliefs, thoughts, feelings and activities. Media, public relations firms, and advertisements constantly send out thought-forms that program us for sickness, drugs, violence, anxiety, and materiality. These thoughts enter collective consciousness and create a huge cesspool of dysfunctional beliefs where we draw our personal thoughts. Perception is carefully and precisely controlled by pharmaceutical and medical practices.
Most conventional wisdom is implanted into the public consciousness with a million social media clips per day. Whose Thoughts Are You Thinking? Where attention goesreality is created. Have you wondered why most people in America generally think the exact same thing about most issues? Have you thought about why a entire community has a high incidence of a particular disease? These perceptions are perpetrated and always reinforced by spin-doctors. The idea is created first-then it manifests in everyday life. For instance, constant awareness to medical issues creates more drug customers. Continuous awareness to being a sufferer creates more people feeling victimized.
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Cancer was uncommon until someone told us and programmed fear ideas into consciousness. People didn't consider flu shots before the media encouraged them. Maybe you have wondered about the integrity of TV Allergy Reports being sponsored by a drug company? Do you believe allergy medication will cure allergies or are pharmaceuticals a profit making industry? What's true is that consciousness to allergies . Eliminate those ideas from the own energy field and your allergies will probably be eliminated. In spite of all the study, chemotherapy, etc. cancer is on the rise. Thoughts and feelings create disorder!
Let's explore traditional thought streams encouraged in today's society which are generating public consciousness:
1) An instruction guarantees monetary success,
2) war will create peace,
3) fluoride protects your teeth,
4) take out your gall bladder, tonsils, spleen, appendices and after a certain age, eliminate breasts, uterus, ovaries, testicles, etc., as they aren't really needed or that is the way to create health. Think about it--if those body parts were not necessary why did the human body evolve with them in tact?
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5) HIV causes AIDS,
6) without pathogens contagious diseases will return,
7) that the FDA thoroughly tests all drugs Before marketing them,
8) if it is written in the newspaper, on TV or professional journal, it is true,
9) flu shots stop flu,
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10) menopause complications really are something every girl can expect,
11) pharmaceutical medications restore health. Consider it--if medication restored health why are tens of thousands of people taking numerous drugs?
12) pets need drugs, shots and operation,
13) scientists and physicians are god-like,
14) be afraid of sunlight Fight Against Infectious Diseases causing cancer,
15) "own a piece of the rock," makes you wiser, wealthier
16) that the purpose of life is shopping--store 'till you fall.
Do yourself a favor, 'Dare To Believe For Your Self' even though you may be thought of as a weirdo. Being a weirdo is healthier, than allowing yourself to be programmed to have all the diseases the pharmaceutical companies would like you to have so they can sell drugs. Most individuals are ignorant-not bad. However, as the expression goes ignorance of the law is no excuse. The consequence of ignorance however, is why I rely on Universal Laws. These laws transcend man-made laws, and maintain true without fail. If you jump out of a window onto the 10th floor you will return--Newton's Law of Gravity ... and if you plant potato seeds you will receive potatoes-- corn. Thoughts are planting seeds. Feelings follow ideas. Thoughts and feelings create disorder!
"We cannot create solutions to issues with the exact same consciousness that created them" --Einstein. "Doing the exact same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is the definition of insanity" --Anonymous.
When you fully grasp the facts about how reality is created, you may think beyond residing in just a "physical universe" and think in terms of an "energy world". To break free from collective programming you will have to shift your thought programming and then vigilantly pick each feeling and thought. Shifting your idea programming is similar to installing an updated computer application onto your PC. "Fighting Against" Energy Creates More Of Everything You Do Not Want and Collapses Your Energy Field.
As an example, if you're in a relationship with a person and they are stuck in their doldrums, what you have to do is detect what causes you to feel good, or that which brings you joy-and do it. Do not waste your energy fighting against what you don't want. This just creates more of everything you don't want. Another example: Many people are dissatisfied with management or the business they work for. Most of their energy is wasted ruminating about the boss and co-workers. It is more productive to determine what exactly makes you fulfilled and create it. Simply put money into positive ideas.
Make the necessary modifications to your favorite state of working. Your energy, time and money increases as you're not "fighting against something" or even "ruminating about getting rid of something." It is not possible to have "far enough away" from anything or anyone, because separation is simply an illusion. People or encounters are not more than a thought away.
The Internet is helping people understand about being linked. Just because you're able to send e-mail via the Internet, we constantly send people "energy email" messages. It doesn't matter whether the man or woman is in precisely the exact same area or across the globe. They instantly, consciously or unconsciously, get your "energy e-mail" To make the reality you prefer - you want to be very discerning with each idea you allow to enter your mind, and carefully track the ideas and feelings that you send to other people. "Hedging Against" and "Ruminating." To Protect Yourself Many people are programmed to hedge against inflation, to purchase insurance to protect against handicap, fire, death, and sickness, etc..
The "save for a rainy day" mindset can be "hedging against" This attracts to you what you do not want in your life. The hidden motive to save for retirement is usually driven by a desire to protect against old age. "Has the campaign, "Say NO to drugs" worked, or even, why not? It can't work since, the mind just records the final word ... drugs ... drugs ... drugs. The saying, needed to be, "Say, "NO" to drugs...and Say, "YES into Life."
The head set of AGAINST vs. FOR ... profits enormous businesses. Folks buy vitamins, beauty and hair aids, their kids ' schooling, and get regular medical evaluations and evaluations for the negative motives of protecting themselves. All the above scenarios are fear-based motives that dis-empower you, collapse your energy field and create the reverse of your aims.
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PR Firms Raise Lots Of Cash For Organizations "Hedging Against" something. I know several Men and Women who had a health emergency, following coaching for today's popular fund raising events. Well-intended participants are jogging, walking or biking, with the goal to prevent cancer or honor someone they knew who underwent cancer. What they haven't known is that by putting these thoughts into their heads--the disease becomes created. Imagine if people knew they get what they are thinking and feeling--perhaps not exactly what they believe they are thinking and believing ... AND that whatever they concentrate on will expand. Would they take part? Words and feelings are strong creators of fact. Avoid putting cancer thoughts on your consciousness (consciously or unconsciously)--you will not create cancer on your life. A magnet does not stick to timber--just to metal. Eliminate the thoughts from countless people's comprehension (and even from your family genetic consciousness)-and the disease or ailments vanish.
Your brain can't hold two thoughts simultaneously. You can not concurrently hold a happy and sad idea, or healthy and ill notion. It is impossible to consider "Fighting Breast Cancer" and concurrently hold the thought of total wellbeing and vibrant aliveness. What exactly are you doing when you are fighting something? The solution is, the more focus you put about the disorder--the more people encounter it.
Health is our natural state. Disease is abnormal and can't exist in a healthy body. Remove the ideas of sufferer, fear, stress, war, disorder, etc., and the ideas are deleted out of the collective idea cesspool. Your "search engine" will come up with nothing. Spell check makes certain words are spelled right. Empower yourself by using a "thought-check" method for another 30 days and see how your life changes. Allow only thoughts of health, joy, peace, ethics, and harmony. Watch how all changes. We must maintain the medical and pharmaceutical profession liable for the outcomes of their actions.
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Think about it, grocery shops are now "Food & Drug Stores." Where are we headed? If you don't have stocks in pharmaceutical companies and don't care about the upcoming world or yourself, your own children and grandchildren will live in ... please take heed. Now that you are more educated and aware about how thoughts/feelings produce reality, how would you like to work for your Orange County Financial Abuse Specialist Team? They specialize in training financial abuse experts in organizations and agencies that serve the older. Or are you willing to support the National Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week, where a PTA company puts a "death toll poster automobile" on display in the high school campus constituting people murdered last year by drunk drivers in Orange County. Their stated goal "We aspire to grow a greater awareness of substance abuse through this project." How awful that our kids have to suffer because of ill informed, dysfunctional believing adults; Or the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Fighting Blood-Related Cancers; Or TV evangelists, who perform on people's emotions using starving children's pictures or images of the hopeless and helpless; Or a concert to "STOP THE ABUSE of Afghanistan women or kids;" Or "Help Stamp Out Hunger." Or, America's Walk For Diabetes; Or, run or walk the marathon in Honolulu for the Arthritis Foundation? Joints In Motion using a motto, "Take it " Or, Race for the Cure-112 events nationwide and this business is the major catalyst in the FIGHT AGAINST this catastrophic disease...every woman reaches risk-great perks, extra monograms, T-shirts, and complementary refreshments; or you could create more consciousness to gout by becoming a member of the Arthritis Foundation's Joints in Motion Training Team, have a holiday, and run the "I Love Paris In The Springtime Marathon." What about, "Avoid CHILD ABUSE?
Again, the brain documents child abuse; Or Alzheimer's Memory Walk-a fun way to join the FIGHT AGAINST Alzheimer's Disease, where participants have been instructed to bring images of the loved ones to remind them of why they are walking. The brochure shows four generations with only two generations with Alzheimer's disease; Or Project Sister ...sexual assault emergency services educating the communities we serve on the nature and causes of sexual abuse; Or these Internet sites: The Hunger site, The Kids AIDS site, The Landmine website, The Rainforest website, or The Child Survival site. What solutions do one or more of these examples provide? Can it be any wonder why physicians, hospitals, doctors and drug companies have so many patients? Along with all the previous information in this guide, many magazines use full front page headlines like, "The Diabetes Epidemic...a killer disease. This creates aware awareness to diabetes and creates patients to the health care profession.
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jaeuki · 7 years
10 Christian Dating Principles That Could Transform Lives by Frank Powell
It is time for Christians to start talking about Christian dating. The trajectory of lives and eternities are in the balance.
“Careful, there, cowboy. You startin’ kinda strong!”
Yes, I am. Church, this issue shapes our young people, friends and family more than we could ever imagine. And we have been passive too long. “Let’s just sit back and see what happens” might work in certain scenarios, but Christian dating isn’t one of them.
Establishing principles for Christian dating could set men and women on a course toward Christ-centered marriages. Laying out guidelines for dating as followers of Jesus could alter the lives of men and women by keeping them out of toxic and unhealthy relationships (and ultimately marriages).
Most importantly, guidelines and principles for dating could transform lives and shape eternities.
So, this is incredibly important. And we have a responsibility as men and women of God to be pro-active. But we can’t be pro-active unless principles are established. So, I am starting the conversation.
I hope and pray the words from this post will spark further conversations in your ministries, relationships and homes. Here are 10 really important principles for Christian dating.
1.) Stop looking for “the one.”
“Frank, how will I know when I find ‘the one’?”
You won’t. Mostly because “the one” doesn’t exist. The truth is, you could spend your life with more than one person. If you need to take a minute to let that sink in, I will be here when you get back …
… Alright, glad you returned. Here’s the deal: God doesn’t set up marriage as a divine lottery where every person has one winning ticket. That would make God a gambler, and the Bible clearly says gambling is from the devil (only joking). But “the one” very much paints God this way.
Look, marriage isn’t as much about finding someone totally compatible as it is about committing to someone despites difficulties and differences.
“The one” says you need to find the perfect person. And discovering one flaw means it’s time to move on.
But the beauty of marriage is God sustains you despite your flaws. The brokenness you see in yourself and the brokenness you experience from your spouse point both of you to the only perfect one, God.
2.) Date with a trajectory toward marriage.
This quote sums it up:
Dating without the intent of getting married is like going to the grocery store with no money. You either leave unsatisfied or you take something that isn’t yours. —Jefferson Bethke
That’ll preach right there. If you are a Christian, there is no reason to date without a trajectory toward marriage. Now, I want to clarify what I mean.
Dating with a trajectory towards marriage means dating with a purpose. It means dating with an understanding of the gospel. It means dating someone who meets the values and goals you have for a future spouse (more on that later).
Casual or purposeless dating has no benefit for Christians. We are intentional beings. We are designed to know why we do stuff and where we are going. Dating is no different.
Now, please, please, please don’t be a freakish weirdo. Dating with a trajectory toward marriage doesn’t mean you only date one person ever. That would be awesome, but it’s not always realistic.
You might get into a relationship with someone who loves Jesus, meets the values you have in a future spouse and is compatible with you. But once you get into the relationship, you realize things aren’t as they seemed. Maybe they like to cuddle with cats or something. That’s always a deal breaker.
Just end the relationship, and continue to seek the Lord.
Disclaimer: A date is not dating. Again, please don’t be a freakish weirdo and give Christians a negative label. Having coffee or going to eat dinner with the opposite sex is not dating. That’s a date. Dating is more intimate. Dating involves D.T.R talks. It involves sharing personal struggles and vulnerability.
So, if you choose not to get coffee or watch a movie with the opposite sex, then whatever. But don’t place that expectation on others.
3.) Don’t date non-Christians.
The ultimate purpose of marriage is sanctification (becoming like God). So, my question is, “How does dating a non-Christian aid you in this?”
If you are a Christian, God isn’t a piece of your pie. He is the pie. Why date someone who doesn’t even have God as a piece of the pie?
My wife loves the Lord, and I can say with all certainty I wouldn’t be following Jesus without her. There will be days when life is crashing down, your faith is wavering and the only thing left will be your spouse. This is the beauty of a sanctifying marriage. In this scenario, your spouse is there to pray for you, put his or her arm around you, and walk with you.
Without a Christian spouse, one of two things will happen: you will drift away from God, or your spouse will become a functional god (more on this later). Both of these are bad.
There is another dangerous mentality in Christian circles I want to address … “flirting to convert.”
Look … Christians are called to be missionaries. The dating world, however, is not the place to be a missionary. Don’t allow pride to deceive you. You can’t change someone. That’s God job.
So, date Christians. Marry someone who loves Jesus. And spread the gospel as missionaries together.
4.) Have a list of values and don’t compromise them.
If you have no idea what values are important to you in a future spouse, exit the road to marriage at the next off ramp. Pull over at the closest gas station and decide what you want in a future spouse. It’s dangerous riding on the road to marriage without an idea of where you are going.
Now, when you form this list, don’t be legalistic. Don’t sit someone down on the first date and interview them to make sure they meet all of the qualities. That’s freakish, weirdo stuff. Again, don’t give the rest of us bad name. Your list is designed to give you a framework for dating, not be a checklist for it.
On the other hand, don’t compromise. Your heart and the holiness of marriage are too important to flippantly give away because you are frustrated, impatient or settling.
One more thing: have primary and secondary values. And filter appropriately.
Let’s practice. If you believe God is preparing you for foreign missions, is it important the person you marry shares this passion? Yes … this is a primary value. If you love the Cowboys and your future spouse loves the Packers, is it important to work through this before marriage? No … this is a secondary value.
Primary values are probably deal breakers. Secondary values are probably not.
5.) Don’t “shotgun” date.
Ever handled a shotgun? If not, let me fill you in. The shells of a shotgun are stuffed with tiny round balls. When you pull the trigger, these balls spread over a large range, increasing the chance you hit the target. It’s great for hunting … it’s terrible for dating.
“Let’s see. I am going to ask 20 people on a date. Five of those should be keepers. Hopefully one will end up as my spouse.”
Not a good idea. I fear this mentality in the dating culture is actually promoting divorce. Let me explain.
The culture says, “Date around. It’s OK. Get to know yourself.” And as soon as the person you are dating smacks his or her gum the wrong way, you are out. So, the default for years is to leave as soon as a flaw arises. Suddenly, when marriage begins, you are asked to flip a switch.
You are asked to go from a mentality that says “end a relationship as soon as difficulty arises,” to one that says “don’t end the relationship regardless of the difficulty that arises.”
That’s a tough switch to flip. Date with a trajectory toward marriage. Date intentionally.
6.) It’s OK to WANT to get married.
You desire marriage. Praise God. He gives you the desire. Let me prove it.
The first instance in the Bible where God is not pleased comes when God sees Adam living in the Garden of Eden alone (Gen. 2:18). God knows it is not good for man to be by himself. Enter Eve, procreation and marriage (not necessarily in that order).
People are created to be in community. And the most intimate community on earth is the relationship you will have with your spouse. So, pray for God to send you a spouse. But don’t allow the desire to consume your life.
Be patient. Wait on the Lord. If you are confident God called you to marry, he will deliver.
7.) It’s OK NOT to get married.
While marriage is a huge sanctifier, it is not something God says is mandatory. If you aren’t ready for marriage, or if you do not want to get married, you are not sinning.
I am fearful the Christian community has irresponsibly coerced men and women into marriage through cultural pressure. There must be a secret bylaw passed down from the early church fathers, but once you reach the age of 25 you will be asked the question almost weekly … “When are you getting married?”
Can you imagine how constantly hearing this question from friends, family and unsuspecting old ladies at church can make some people believe they have a problem?
If you aren’t ready to date, don’t allow the cultural pressure to override God’s plan.
Disclaimer: If you are single, understand it is your responsibility to steward your time well. Singleness is a gift from God, but singleness is not an excuse to be lazy. It is an opportunity to serve the Lord.
8.) Have a community of Christians around you … and LISTEN to them.
Don’t date alone. This sounds lame. But so is marrying a sleezeball.
When you date, allow the community of people around you to speak into your relationship. Your feelings can deceive you. Your friends are able to see inconsistencies and problems you can’t because they are outside the storm.
I know too many men and women who refused to listen to people around them, and their prideful arrogance resulted in a failed marriage. Don’t fall into this category. Find men and women you trust, and allow them to speak into your relationship.
9.) Pursue a pure mind.
“Sex before marriage is bad.” This was the extent of my understanding of Christian dating as a teenager and young adult.
And to my church’s credit, they drilled this one point home constantly. Like that annoying kid at church camp that wouldn’t leave you alone.
I heard don’t have sex before marriage so much I actually believed getting to marriage a virgin was the only important thing. The problem? In the process, I filled my heart and mind with lust, and I secretly struggled with pornography. Big uh oh.
What the church needs to teach is the importance of a pure mind. This requires discipline, restraint and abstinence from activities that don’t promote holiness. But the sacrifice is worth the prize.
A pure mind might be the greatest gift you can give your future spouse. It allows you to jump into marriage with a clear conscience. No baggage. No comparisons. No regret. Just you, your spouse and God.
Don’t ever date someone that won’t honor purity with you. Ever.
Remember … if you are dating, you have not entered into the sacred bond of marriage. You have not made covenant vows to one another. So, the person you are dating is not yours.
Practice purity. But understand purity begins with the mind and heart.
10.) Don’t date if you are dependent on someone for things only God can provide.
If I could get on my knees and beg you to follow one of these principles, it would be this one. Dating and marriage are not for those who rely on another person for joy, peace and purpose.
Co-dependent dating leads to co-dependent marriages. And co-dependent marriages will eventually crumble because the weight placed on them is too heavy.
God must be at the center of your life before you consider dating. If not, purity will take a back seat. Dating toward marriage will take a back seat. In fact, every principle discussed in this article is null and void without God at the center.
Don’t start dating without an assurance of God’s love for you and a solid understanding of the gospel.
I hope this discussion continues. I pray parents, church leaders, friends and family begin to spark conversations about God’s design for dating.
I believe these principles could change lives and alter eternities. If you want to share a story or have a principle to add to this list, leave a comment below.
I love you all. To God be the glory forever. Amen!  
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