#i am very obsessed with morning routines
maybebabyplease · 2 years
5!! for the siken ask game <3
(siken ask game)
hi froggie!!! of course :) here you go!
5. monsters are always hungry, darling.
Sirius never wakes up first. That’s James, up with the sun, excited about every new day. Sometimes James pokes Sirius awake, or Peter, but never Remus. Remus managed to master a wandless stinging hex in second year, one of the most impressive things Sirius has ever seen. Twelve-year-old Remus, stretched out under his covers like taffy, made James yelp every morning for a week until James learned his lesson. Now Remus can do the hex nearly asleep, but no one ever tries to wake him except Sirius. Remus never hexes Sirius.
Remus dresses slowly, relying on Sirius to find his tie and his vest and his left sock. Sirius sometimes hides something of Remus’, a jumper or a shoe or, once, a wand, so he has an excuse to help look. They walk down to breakfast together, in step with each other even though Sirius has to lengthen his strides to make it so.
The mornings come with nausea and the sour taste of anxiety; his mother isn’t at this table but she’s been at so many others that he can’t quite forget her. Sirius butters toast and chokes it down and avoids looking at his brother doing the same thing three tables away. Instead he focuses on watching Remus eat. Remus never seems to eat as much as he wants to, so Sirius waits until he goes to talk to Lily or Marlene about some homework assignment and then piles extra sausages on Remus’ plate before he turns back around.
Lunchtime usually finds Remus in the library, and even Sirius can’t drag him away from his books. His hair sticks up at the back and his tongue pokes out of his mouth and if Sirius listens, he can hear his stomach growl just a little. Madam Pince has given Sirius thirteen detentions this semester alone for trailing crumbs when he sneaks in pastries. It’s worth it for the little half-smile Remus gives him before turning back to whatever book he’s buried in.
And then Sirius kills time before dinner, spelling James’ hair blue in Transfiguration or shooting tripping jinxes at his brother’s idiot friends in the hallways or napping through his free study period, just outside the Arithmancy classroom so he’s there to meet Remus when class lets out. They walk back down to dinner and Sirius lengthens his strides again, thinks about the way bodies can hurt and break and stitch back together, about what a person needs to feel full and sated and whole.
Remus gets distracted during dinner. To be fair, Sirius does as well, staring at the way Remus holds his fork and knife until James kicks him under the table and talks his ear off about Quidditch plays. Sirius still keeps track of everything Remus puts in his mouth, though, and resolutely doesn’t think about tongues and thumbs and bottom lips. He doesn’t think about the way spit looks when it connects two people. He finishes his dinner, helps boost Peter so he can ride up the stairs on James’ shoulders, laughs as they both fall down and into Remus’ soft cushioning charm.
Most evenings, Sirius has detention, from Pince or McGonagall or Slughorn. Sirius scrubs cauldrons and mops floors and wonders if he’s building muscle from all this manual labor. He wonders if there’s a good way to ask your best friend to check if you’re getting stronger. He wonders what it would be like to hold someone down, and then to hold them close. Sirius aches a little on his walk back to Gryffindor, but he swings by the kitchens and coaxes the house-elves into giving him a whole spread of snacks to bring back to his friends. He saves the best ones for Remus and hoards them away so they can eat them together at bedtime.
Sirius sits in Remus’ bed and gets crumbs everywhere, which makes Remus mad but also amenable when Sirius suggests moving into his own bed instead. Remus talks until he falls asleep, right there in Sirius’ bed, one hand under his cheek on the pillow. Sirius lies next to him, watching him sleep. He stays awake thinking about what it really means to be a monster, and about whatever lives inside him that’s so, so hungry.
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also how is it that spanish love songs has such good merch??? i don't think I've ever been to a show before where I had to struggle so hard to pick just one thing, like in a lot of cases there's only really one thing that appeals to me or I just get something bc i love the band and need to have them on me regardless of what the design looks like. but i was spending ages just staring at the merch stand trying to pick one out of alllll the things i wanted
#i got one shirt with 'stay alive out of spite' on the back and i love it#i thougt super long and hard about the brave faces everyone shirt because it is literally one of my favorite songs#but i decided not to go for it bc i have their baseball hat with the exact same words on it anyway#also they had this really awesome zip up hoodie that I was staring at for ages#but alas it was 60 bucks and i do not have that kind of money lol#at first i was looking through their merch like omg theres so much good stuff i need to get this shirt and that shirt and that hoodie and#then i saw the prices and remembered I'd probably have to narrow it down to just one shirt lol#I'm not actually really about it though i freaking love this shirt im actually wearing it right now lol#it's definitely gonna be one of my favorite shirts to wear#also i need to do a revamp of my wardrobe#all my tops are black band tees which is fine but most of them are from hot topic and of mostly big bands that i don't listen to super often#and like that was fine when i first got them#but it is not enough now i I need several shirts for the same bands that i am Obsessed with bc one shirt per band is not enough#i am a very normal person with very normal ideas about clothes and music and a very regular amount of interest in bands#anyway all this to say i might end up getting a bunch of sls merch anyway in the future#just so i can wear them while also listening to them which would be all the time#anyway i think this shirt is gonna be super good for my mental health bc every time i wear it im gonna be thinking of the lyrics on the back#also im definitely washing this (and my whole outfit) tomorrow morning so i can wear it again right away and show it off to everyone#if ur wondering about the washing part its bc i have a general routine when it comes to getting merch at shows#where i go to the merch stand right away so i can get a good size before its sold out#and i put it on over my t shirt so i don't have to worry about carrying it#and its also the outermost layer so the band gets to see me wearing it like hiii i love ur stuff so much i got it and wore it to see you#now this does have the unfortunate side effect of getting absolutely drenched in sweat after the show#one time i was wearing three shirts at once along with a hoodie tied to my waist bc i got a bunch of merch and it was sooo warm#i have no intentions of changing this routine though i like how efficient it is#oh also the shirt is green!! another thing that made me choose it over the others#i literally do not own any green shirts#so i am very happy that i have a very nice shirt that i like in a new color#mine#my shows
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writersdrug · 5 months
Training for Two
Chapter 2. Rules
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Summary: Simon lays the ground rules and shows you around the house.
Warnings: Simon's email etiquette, very mild cursing, beginnings of obsessive behavior.
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Sure enough, Simon had emailed you by Tuesday afternoon. You noticed how... unprofessional it was. Not that he had been rude or obscene, but it was obviously written by someone who never had to write many emails for his career.
here is riley's routine. she likes walks, usually 3 or 4 a day. she eats one scoop in the morning and one at night. she doesn't finish her food all at once, but she'll come back to it. if you're gonna give her more cookies, just two per day. fill water every morning. around the house, if you could just dust and clean up any dog hair, that would be great. let me know if meeting me tomorrow at 0900 for the key works. I ship out thursday. thanks.
You chewed your thumb nail, reclining on your couch with a confused expression. Was he irritated with you for some reason? He didn't show it at the interview if he did have any hostile feelings... you reminded yourself that he was a rather gruff man, and maybe that just bled into his written words, too. You rolled your shoulders and started working out your reply.
Hello Simon! Tomorrow works perfect for me, I'll be there by 9 am!
Does Riley have any favorite places she likes to go? Any particular spots or trails she enjoys? Also, are there any rules you have for her, like being on the couch? Is she ok going to the dog park? Lastly, does she take any medications I should be aware of?
See you soon!
You sent the message, sighing and dropping your head back against the arm of the sofa. You were honestly thankful that you'd gotten the job, even if Simon was a rather stiff client. You finally quit your shitty job, and while you did still have babysitting your niece and nephew, you never charged for that - the only time you were "paid" for it was when you took them out somewhere fun, and your sister forced you to accept money for the admission fee.
So this gig fell into your lap at the perfect time. And the fact that you had beat every other person Simon had interviewed made your ego soar. It wouldn't be a bad idea to make a career out of this, you thought.
Your phone dinged - you held it above your face, and saw that Simon had already responded. You sat upright and opened the email.
she only takes aspirin when her leg flares up. no more than twice a day. no favorite trails, we just go around the block a few times. she can sit on the couch, my bed too, but she'll need help getting up. no human food is the only other rule. never took her to a dog park, but if you really want to, that's fine. she's good with other dogs.
You frowned. Walking the same block every day, multiple times each day, sounded awful. It wasn't even close to animal neglect, but you couldn't imagine walking the same route every single time. If it didn't drive Riley insane, it certainly would for you.
You read back over the email, your eyes lingering on "if her legs flare up." Simon had never discussed Riley having arthritis with you - and you sincerely hoped that was the reason she had leg pain, and nothing else. You made a mental note to ask him about it tomorrow as you began to write your reply.
Understood. Thanks again!
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"Here's the basement." Simon said, leading you down the stairs and into a dullish room. It had a cheaply-manufactured desk, what appeared to be a dining chair (not matching the dining set upstairs), a stuffed bookshelf, and some cardboard boxes filled with paper. A fan stood in the far corner, and next to it was the washing room. Much like what he had shown you of the rest of the house, it was bland and drab.
You looked around, letting out a polite noise of approval. Truth be told, Simon's life seemed awfully boring to you. Your mother had always told you that military men were always overly practical, in more than just home decor. They never cared much for the environment around them, as long as there was no mold, or anything similar. But you had never expected it to be so brutally true.
You knew he had a life outside of his home - from the way he described it, he was usually deployed more often than he was in his own home country. But you wondered - what did he do for fun, besides watch the telly? Did he have friends, and were they all like him? Any hobbies?
"If for whatever reason y' need to clean up a stain, you can find solution in there." He said, pointing to the washer room. "Other than that, nothin' much to see down 'ere."
You followed him as he trudged back up the stairs. Riley was sat upright on the floor, watching you and Simon move about the house with an observant expression.
"The only other things I'll ask you to do is hoover n' dust when it looks like it needs it." He said, leaning against the kitchen counter. "There really isn't much else t' do; of course, if you do see anything that needs fixin' you can always text me." He rolled his head from side to side, wincing as he worked out a crick in his neck. "Might not answer immediately, but I'll see it."
You nodded, standing in the walkway of the kitchen. Even with him leaning against the counter, muscles hidden under his sweatshirt, he was huge. For a brief moment, you imagined what he looked like on the field, dressed in his uniform and holding a gun - but you quickly shooed the thought from your mind before it had the chance to latch on and fester. "Gotcha. And just so I know, do you let Riley sleep with you?"
Simon paused in confusion before he responded. "Come again?"
"Like- you know, if I crash on the couch, is she allowed up with me?" You said, shifting your weight. You couldn't quite tell if Simon was irked by your question, or if he was genuinely confused.
He paused again. "Uh, yea, that's fine. If y' don't mind waking up covered in 'er slobber."
You laughed. "Nah, I'm used to it. A little drool never bothered me. Although, if I do need to wash up, am I alright to use the shower? Or would you rather I use my own back at my flat?"
Suddenly, it clicked in Simon's head. You were planning on sleeping at his house.
He had assumed you would just stop by for walks and meals - he didn't expect you to actually live here while he was gone, and he wasn't sure how it made him feel. He'd never had anyone else spend the night. Hell, no one ever visited, besides the rare occasions of the rest of the 141 stopping by. Even then, they never stayed for longer than a conversation or two.
But, once he took a second to think about it, he realized it might be better if you did stay - at least, while he was on missions. Riley would be bored out of her mind if she was alone that long, especially after spending the past several weeks with Simon constantly there. It would be good for someone to be there when he wasn't, and you seemed like you would be the best person for that, of course.
"Sure, 's fine." He said, rubbing the back of his head. "Just don't touch my shit in there."
"Don't worry about that..." You said quietly, "catch me dead and cold before I touch a 3-in-1 anything."
He chuckled and rolled his eyes. It was refreshing that you could handle his gruffness - most people treated him like a landmine, never wanting to say the wrong thing and set him off. You seemed to have taken life by the horns, like you weren't afraid to bite back at someone. He wondered if that was all for show, or if you really would snap back if he was to test you...
He pushed himself off the counter and reached into the drawer behind him, pulling out a spare key. He walked over to you and held it out. You were just about to take it, when he suddenly yanked it back.
You faltered. "Sorry...?"
"You lose this key..." Simon began lowly, "n' I'll frame you for murder. Understood?"
You gaped, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. He didn't really mean that... did he? You waited for him to laugh and say he was just joking... but he never did. His eyes bored into yours so intensely, making you shiver, as he waited for you to answer.
"Y-yes, sir. Understood." You said, voice wavering a bit.
He grunted in satisfaction, then handed you the key. You let out the breath you had been holding, then cautiously took the key, before immediately attaching it to your lanyard. You didn't want to take any chances at losing it - not after Simon's threat. You took a deep breath and smiled at him, trying to dust the exchange off of your shoulders.
"You can come 'round tomorrow after o' nine hundred, I'll be out by then." He said, turning sideways to moce past you and heading towards the door. You followed behind and rubbed Riley's head when you passed her; she let out a contented sound.
"Feel free t' use the kitchen if you'll be stayin' overnight." He opened the door for you and leaned against it.
"Will do, thank you!" You chirped, hovering on the landing outside of his house, right were you were two days ago. "Thank you for showing me around - good luck on your- mission- deployment, thingamajig!"
He huffed. "Promise I will, luv."
Your spine tingled in response to his comment. Get it together, don't get your knickers in a twist over a client. You thought. You straightened your posture and cleared your throat.
"Well, see you around!" You said with a smile, then hopped down the steps to your car.
Simon waved, taking a moment to watch you pull out of his driveway. He shut the door and leaned back against it, exhaling slowly through his nostrils.
He was an observant man - he had to be, with his occupation. Your reaction to being called "luv" didn't fly over his head. And it's not like Simon didn't know the effect he had on women... he knew how he looked, how he presented himself, and he saw the reactions it got him.
But with you, something felt different. He saw your reaction, and a part of him wanted to chase after it. To see what you would do if he continued to apply pressure to your weak spots. Would you blush? Would you call him out? Would you drop the gig altogether?
He thought about how easily the word "sir" had rolled off of your tongue. He thought about how you would look, all tuckered out on his couch, donned in whatever pajamas you decided to wear, your face peaceful and expression soft as you slept - he imagined you in his shower, the room filled with warm steam and the scent of your shampoo, water hitting your skin as you-
Riley barked, making Simon jolt where he stood. She stared at him, ears turned to the side as she whined. She could always tell when he began to dissociate, and knew just as much as he did that it wasn't a good sign.
Simon sighed, running a hand down his face. "Get it together, fuckin' creep." He muttered to himself. "I need a bloody hobby, f' Christ's sake..."
He blamed it on the upcoming mission. He would typically stress about it beforehand, and if there was anything else that could occupy his mind, he would fixate on it. Right now, unfortunately, you were the victim. But he buried it deep down into his subconscious - it wasn't fair to you.
He pushed himself off of the door and headed towards the washroom, adjusting his crotch as he went. He figured he should at least tidy it up a bit, since you would be using it. The only other people who had been in there were Johnny and Captain Price, and of course, they never cared if there were trimmers on the counter, or if the mirror had splotches from toothpaste residue.
Hopefully, he'd forget all about you - at least, while he was on the mission.
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Taglist: @my-queen-rhaenyra-targaryen @jisungswiftie @sweet-tooth4you @kennyis-aloser @hyyyxr @lahniu @dory-98 @naradae
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mead-iocre · 3 months
A Girl Just Wants To Be Spoilt | Leah Williamson x Reader
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synopsis: just leah handing over her gold amex card. yep.
warnings: none :)
wc: 860 words
“This is such a waste of time” You hear your girlfriend mutter to herself from behind you, but you pay her no mind. You were far too interested in choosing which lip gloss to get. Leah and you were currently in Sephora because she had to go shopping for a new outfit for an event she is invited to attend later that week. After a quick lunch, you all but dragged your reluctant girlfriend into the beauty store. 
Leah didn’t mind makeup, and lately with the media and events that she had to do, she was almost used to sitting in a makeup chair and having a makeup artist work on her face. However, outside of the events, Leah kept her face bare and makeup-free. You, on the other hand, were makeup obsessed. You spent an hour longer than your girlfriend when it came to getting ready in the morning because you had an entire skincare and makeup routine. 
“Oi! Quit it!” You playfully slap your girlfriend’s hand away when you see her reach for the open samples of eyeshadow palettes. Knowing how bored your girlfriend was getting, she was probably going to try some shit like wipe the eyeshadow on your arm or something. The blonde pouts, but follows dutifully behind you when you move over to the other section. 
“Oh this one’s quite nice” Untwisting the lipgloss sample, you glance the back of your hand only to frown when you see that there is no space to swatch the product. Checking the other hand, you see it’s already full of other lipstick and lipgloss swatches too. 
You were just about to put the lipstick down when your girlfriend practically thrusts her own hand out in front of you. “Use mine”
“Thanks, baby” Giving her a sweet smile and a kiss on the corner of her lips, you happily swipe the lipgloss wand on the back of her hand. You tilt your head, inspecting the colour before you shake your head. “That’s a nice colour…but would I wear it often?” You mutter more to yourself.
Turning back to the wide selection of lipglosses, you pick up another tube only to swatch the sample on the back of the blonde’s hand again. Leah rolls her eyes. “what, am I just your personal tester now?”
You turn to your girlfriend, patting her cheek lightly before kissing her right on her pouty lips. “you did offer, baby.”
Leah rolls her eyes at you but you can see a smile forming. “Whatever. Make it quick”
“Which one should I get, Lee?” You hold up two lipglosses. Instead of an answer, Leah only looks at you with one sharp eyebrow raised. “Is that a trick question?”
Your eyebrows furrow. “What is?”
Your girlfriend gestures to the lipglosses in your hands. “They’re the same fucking colour, darling”
You wave the two very different colours of lipglosses in the air. “They are not– this one’s more peachy and this one is more pink. Now pick one for me, please! I only want to get one since it’s so bloody expensive”
The blonde groans, and runs a palm down the side of her face like this is the most tedious task in the entire world as if she doesn’t chase a ball for a living. 
Before you could say another word, Leah grabs both of the clearly different lipglosses from your hand and then turns to the selection of lip products on display. She grabs a few more of the tubes in different shades, chucking them in the basket without even a second glance, and then makes a beeline straight to the checkout counters.
You jog to catch up to her, just as she greets the lady at the counter. “Lee, I only wanted to get just one–” You reach into the basket, intending to pull out the other twenty products that weren’t the ones you came into Sephora to buy.
But Leah grabs your hand, halting your actions. She brings out her wallet from her back pocket. "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about, baby. I've got it– and since I'm paying, we’ll take it all” She smiles at the lady at checkout, nodding at her to continue scanning what was probably the ninth lip product by now. 
You didn’t even want to glance at the screen as it totals your purchases– it was probably close to half of your monthly rent. You suddenly found the floor much more interesting.
“…the lady needs your card, darling”
Your head snaps up. You stare at your girlfriend, eyes wide in bewilderment. Did her shiny gold amex card ayment not go through? Is she making you pay for— a quick glance at the screen— £400+ worth of lip products? Is she playing some sick joke by making you pay for it after realising she doesn’t want to spend four hundred pounds on lip products that weren’t even for her—?
but it’s as if your girlfriend can read your mind, because all she does is chuckle and pull you close with an arm around your waist. Leah leans in right by your ear and whispers “your Sephora rewards card, baby. wouldn’t want those points to go to waste”
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(also i might’ve changed ending after posting lol so if you read the OG ending, lucky you but shhhh!)
bro leah in a suit lately got me feeling some type of way. she's definitely the type to spoil her partner in every way thanks to that dyson headphones check 💰
might start doing these shorter blurbs more often :))
-- kisses, butter.
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nonuify · 5 months
ᝰ.ᐟ 🦢 — K.MG ; ! honey moon dream
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nsfw is included ! minors do not interact 18+. [ smut,fluff ] ꩜ | requested but couldn’t find the req.
“ the morning after you & your new husbands flight to the santorini islands, you must say you’re excited for your new life with him but not as much as having intimate time with him ”
waking up to a naked mingyu was the best thing you could ask for, his big built muscular back just adds up to your obsession with him.
after staring for a good minute, thinking about things you shouldn’t have but hey you’re on your honeymoon right? having… well interesting thoughts is apart of it but the bigger part is doing those thoughts, you knew you were will have some intimate time as you’d like to call it.
“mingyu darling wake up“ you spoke, breaking out of your thoughts, trying to wake up your lover who is one heck of a heavy sleeper, after some attempts of waking him up he finally opened his eyes , groaning, voice groggily as he replied “mm what time is it“ rubbing his eyes “9 am, love” you kissed his cheek.
“It’s too early, let’s just stay in bed baby” you said to him as he pulled you over to sit on his lap.
your babydoll white nightgown which was quite short in mingyu’s eyes, hunched up as you were sitting on top of him, & the white paired stockings did him no good either.
leaning for a kiss, mingyu quickly deepened it. you let out a soft sigh, loving his pretty lips on yours, suddenly he cut the kiss shortly which caused you to give mingyu a whiny why, “doll as much as i want to continue this, we have a reservation at a yacht today didn’t you know?” ah yes with many of your lovers perks, he was rich, filthy rich. hell you two came here from the classiest airlines & first class seats of course.
“ugh fine” you rolled your eyes getting off him, “lose the attitude, sweet wife” he told.
fuck.. that was so hot of him you thought as you walked to the bathroom doing your daily beauty routine & taking a quick shower.
walking out of the soothing shower, you dried your hair out, while mingyu took your place for showering, you eventually went out & got ready for the luxurious boat ride you guys will be staying in for about two days you remember him saying.
packing up clothes for the little trip, you packed essentials, you wore the star of the show was your little bikini, the color was a beige but with a very little color of pink. It was basically a thong for the bottom part & for the top part it had a string the could be taken off easily if you pulled it.
after being done with packing you wore a cute see through thin strap-yellow with a flower print dress it had on it, it was so light with sheer fabric that you could see your bikini bottom showing.
you looked & felt absolutely gorgeous it complemented your skin so much, & trust mingyu loved it more when he saw it on you he stopped for a moment to take a good look, speechless was an understatement for him.
“earth to mingyu???” you smiled waving your hand infront of his face, the wedding ring on it snapped him out to reality, he still couldn’t believe he wifed you up.
“m’sorry baby couldn’t resist you just look so gorgeous” he grabbed your hand & kissed the big diamond ring that was adorned by your finger “shall we mrs.kim?” he looked at you “we shall mr.kim” you giggled, holding his hand while he showed you the way out.
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the car ride to the to the beach decks of the yacht waiting for you was absolutely ethereal you couldn’t even believe it was real, the blue & white decorated living units & shops you passed through, the blue beaches you could see it was perfect, this was perfect, the life you have right now made up everything you’ve been through, as long as you had mingyu.
finally after what seemed an hour you’ve arrived to your destination.
seeing the staff waiting for you on the boat, they welcomed you gifting yours & mingyus heads with a flower crowns, the pretty flowers had a coloration range from yellow to pink to white, it matched with your choice of clothing so well.
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sounds splitters & splatters across the pool that was caused by your beloved husband, while you sat on the beach chair laying down on your stomach, reading a magazine or book.
“cmon baby join me!” you heard him yell, “no I’m fine like this” turning your head & looking up at him then smiling but it quickly faded when he decided to splash some water on you “you idiot!” you screamed “oops sorry baby it was by accident” he smiled, he by 100% mean it. “just shut up let me relax” you shushed him.
you wanted to feel comfortable even more you took off your dress with it came off the top of your bikini, I mean hey it is your yacht technically, your boobs out in all its glory, it almost immediately caught your husband’s attention “what the fuck do you think your doing?” he said clearly not mused by your tricks, coming out of the pool & grabbing the towel to cover you up “what I only wanted to get comfortable gyu” you tilted your head batting your eye-lashes “yeah but I don’t want the staff ogling your tits” he spat “fine fine m’sorry gyu” you snaked your hands around his clearly wet neck “god your lucky I love you” you chuckled.
after the pool you both took a shower, then you wore a simple black panty with a matching long sleeve, I mean it was your normal sleep-wear, you were thirsty though, you went to of course get some refreshing water to cool your throat, greeting a staff, you swore he looked at your ass but you shrugged it off not caring until.. you head a slight raised voice by none other than mingyu “y/n!”.
your turned your head meeting an angry mingyu “we need to talk in private” he grit his teeth, fake smiling to the staff the was joining you in the kitchen, dragging you to the master -room you’d sleep in.
“you know first I forgave you but walking out with your ass out to everyone see really y/n?”he held your waist pulling you closer, you began to be nervous but you’d still hold your ground ”I didn’t know he’d be here mingyu!” you told truthfully but fully liking mingyu’s mini rage fest “really cause the yacht seems to be full of staff” he continued, you were weak to him when he was like this you had to apologize “fine! m’sorry okay I just didn’t think about it I was thirsty” you mumbled but he sure did catch what you said “oh doll, when I’m done with you won’t be able to think” moving his veiny hands to your back stroking it, then moving to your butt & squeezing it.
you jumped a little bit, not gonna lie when he said that, you panties were soiled by the wetness it hit it with, “gyu, please don’t tease I’ve wanted you all day” you pouted “awh trust me, you’ll get what you want & more” with ease he ripped the fabric that once was covering your private part, the air hit your wet cunt making you sigh, he tapped on your thighs signaling you to jump & put your legs around his waist.
he moved to bed quickly, letting the duvet hit your back when he placed you, he hovered over you, admiring your face then smiling, but it wasn’t just a normal smile it was a you’re fucked smile “how ‘bout you give me your ass f’me baby” you responded with a nod then following what he said, you got on all fours.
he stopped for a second, making you whine.
then a spank came landing on one of your cheeks but not just with his hand with a belt.
a whole fuckin belt.
“how much should I give you, baby? have you been a good little pup for me?” he spoke out saying ‘pup’ he only called you that when the both of you are alone, fucking obviously.
you thought for a bout a second “you know I like it when I get my answer, you’ve already got me on a bad temper baby, wouldn’t wanna push it even more mh?” spank ! another hit landed on the flesh of your bottom as you moaned.
“whatever you’d like min” you answered. slightly peeking to see his face, he was amused by your answer “good choice doll”.
ten. ten in total he gave you after he was done he stopped to admire the work he’s done your abused ass painted with a series of purple & red colors then looking down at the arousal spewing from your pussy till dripping down your thighs. “you know you should walk out with panties again but now they’ll see who gets to fuck this ass.” he chuckled.
“how bad do you want my cock in you pup?” “s-so bad min, you don’t even know how I just need it s’bad, need you filling me up with your b-babies !!” you begged tears flowing from him spanking you till now you begging him to fuck you stupid.
“god haven’t I god such a dirty mouthed pup?” he pulled your hair roughly then lined his huge member to your pink little hole “guess I have to fuck you dumb, to get those bad little words out of you.” he then thrusted in you with no hesitation, you moaned out his name loudly, as he thrusted more in you, the ah’s & curses coming out of both of you, he looked down to see your ass shaking to when he thrusts in you fuck he loved seeing that, knowing his pretty little wife is all his, he moaned & went harder
skin slapping was heard filling the room, you were feeling amazing, finally you’ve been waiting all day to fucked by your husband & him being jealous by the staff member just made you crazy, you loved how he was protective of you, you also loved how he isn’t afraid to show the dumb of a man he’d like to call by making you scream his name while his dick was abusing your hole.
“f-fuck my pretty little wife taking me up so well?? s-shit can’t wait f’him to hear how my dump pup is getting all loud f’me hm?” he said as his two fingers went to roughly rub on your puffed up clit.
you felt a knot tying through your tummy, a sign that you’re really close “hmph g-gyu so close!” you moaned loudly as the orgasm rushed through your body, spilling all over your thighs, once you were done cumming he pulled out of you “my pretty pup you did so good” he praised you as you smiled “but think you could do one thing f’me?” you tilted your head before you could speak he put his legs between your stomach hovering over it.
squeezing your breasts he put his cock between them then moaned a fuck!.
he thrusted in & out of your tits, pretty pink little tip peeping out & hitting your chin. “god those tits were made f’me hm!” fuck he loved fucking your tits even before you married he always came on them loving the feeling when your two boobs squeezed his cock to a perfect level, that he could sit like this for hours, he loved seeing your fucked out face, knowing you’d be 100x aroused when he’s doing so.
he sped as he caught up on his orgasm then cum was all over your tits.
“shit you look so pretty like this.” he commented “o-only for you min” you said panting, “let’s go get cleaned up” he picked you up bridal style, funny how you were a bride two weeks ago.
at the end you two did not get washed.
instead you guys fucked for a couple of rounds till his & your cum was mixed & getting out of your swollen cunt.
! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ thank you for reading >ᴗ< !! hope you like this anon !!
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baldval · 6 months
Do you have an Head Cannons on morning or night routines for the cast?
This stuff has been very fun to read :) keep making things! (No pressure ofc just fun to see people being creative)
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characters: vox, husk, valentino, lucifer, adam
warnings: slightly ooc adam (lets be fr this man does NOT wash his face)
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☀︎ vox wakes up at 5 am
☀︎ he says he needs to "seize the day"
☀︎ he probably got that from the time you watched dead poets society together
☀︎ of course, he clearly took the movie differently
☀︎ you'll wake up some time after him, to find him already working
☀︎ "you know, you talk about 'seizing the day' yet i don't see you really enjoying it"
☀︎ "that's because you hadn't woken up yet" he walks towards you as he pulls you by your waist and kisses you
☀︎ leaving his coffee cup in a nearby table
☀︎ "how many already?" you ask, nudging towards the cup
☀︎ "only like- 3, i think?"
☀︎ that man is addicted to coffee it's crazy
☀︎ as the sun rises higher in the sky, you find yourself looking for vark's leash
☀︎ ready for your daily walk to the park
☀︎ hand in hand, you stroll as you chat about nothings
☀︎ sometimes you don't even have to talk
☀︎ you simply find his presence comfortable
☀︎ and he very much finds yours comfortbale as well
☀︎ genuinely, you and husk could spend hours laying together in bed
☀︎ secretely, husk is one of the clingiest people you'll ever meet
☀︎ he's just that good at hiding it
☀︎ and at that moment, both of you cuddling in the bed, he knows he doesn't have to hide it
☀︎ he honestly doesn’t care the position, he’ll big spoon, little spoon,
☀︎ really just likes to be able to see you
☀︎ and he loves when you play with his fur
☀︎ sometimes, he'll play with the fabric of his clothes ☀︎ “husk that tickles stop,” you says one night, between giggles, as he plays with the hem of your shirt
☀︎ but truly, you enjoy his touch above everyhting
☀︎ he looks so happy and adorable
☀︎ really, he’s just obsessed with you
☀︎ if you’re happy he’s happy.
☀︎ valentino is the type to drag you to keep sleeping
☀︎ especially if you have something else to do
☀︎ one morning, you and him are curled up together in bed
☀︎ he’s scratching at the nape of your neck, playing with your hair
☀︎ he has your favourite stuffed animal held to his chest in a vice grip with his other arm
☀︎ you kiss his chest, falling in and out of consciousness
☀︎ that day you had a very important work meeting and you were probably going to be late already
☀︎ "val, please. you know this is important"
☀︎ he groans as he shifts in your embrace
☀︎ "at least kiss me goodbye"
☀︎ the kiss is long, soft, loving
☀︎ he still presses a million kisses to your crown before you’re gone
☀︎ he texts you nonstop
☀︎ before you're already there, you have 14 texts from him
☀︎ i know this is morning routines but let's say you come back early enough to find him still laying in bed
☀︎ still hugging your stuffed animal
☀︎ "seems like you love that thing more than me"
☀︎ "you know, i can't seem to get out of bed whenever this thing is near me"
☀︎ referring to the stuffed animal
☀︎ “really? why not, val?”
☀︎ “i think it's 'cause it smells like you.”
☀︎ waking up besides him is always a surprise
☀︎ he's probably the biggest fan of cuddling
☀︎ it doesn't matter what position you fell asleep in
☀︎ you could've been meters apart in bed, backs turn against eachother
☀︎ you'd still wake up with him wrapped around you in some way
☀︎ "hey," you murmur
☀︎ he turns around to face you
☀︎ "morning," he mumbles
☀︎ a big smile on his face as he just looks lovingly into your eyes
☀︎ you nestle closer, comfortable in his warmth
☀︎ minutes pass in comfortable silence
☀︎ his breaths syncing with yours, creating a rhythm of their own
☀︎ before you know it, you're asleep again
☀︎ you won't realise how or when it happened but suddenly you are alone in bed
☀︎ lucifer already changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, did his hair...
☀︎ to this day you still don't know if it has to do with his powers or if he's just incredibly fast
☀︎ all you know is that, after you're done tidying yourself up, there's breakfast ready
☀︎ if there's something lucifer loves in this world, it's cooking breakfast
☀︎ especially if he's cooking breakfast for you
☀︎ you enter the kitchen to find him mixing something up that smells amazing
☀︎ you hug him from behind as his smile grows
☀︎ "look who's up"
☀︎ "this smells amazing"
☀︎ he turns around to meet your eyes, holding your face with his hands
☀︎ "you're amazing"
☀︎ you cringe a bit at his cheesiness but can't help blushing as he places a kiss on your nose
☀︎ adam is definitely a slow morning person
☀︎ and even more so when you are with him
☀︎ the alarm will go off and he will immediately roll over and take you in his arms and cuddle up with you
☀︎ "adam!"
☀︎ you'd giggle as he buries his head in your neck and mumbles
☀︎ "five more minutes"
☀︎ you'd run your hands through his hair as he'd press a couple kisses to your neck
☀︎ you'll stay like this for about ten minutes or so.
☀︎ and eventually you get into the habit of setting your alarm a little bit earlier, so you can make sure you have time for adam's morning cuddles.
☀︎ when you are finally able to drag yourself out of his arms, you get out of bed and he follows a few minutes later
☀︎ you brush your teeth and hair in tandem
☀︎ and he often likes to nudge your elbow, causing you to smear toothpaste on your cheek
☀︎ cue his familiar giggling
☀︎ you take turns washing your face and doing your morning skin care
☀︎ whoever does theirs first makes the coffee for the both of you
☀︎ after lounging on the couch together drinking your coffee, you make breakfast
☀︎ you do most of it while adam 'helps'
☀︎ his way of helping often includes his arms wrapped around your waist as he hugs you into his chest
☀︎ sometimes swinging you side to side
☀︎ or squeezing you to make you laugh
☀︎ he is a food thief as well
☀︎ he can't wait until it's done he has to eat it as soon as he see's it
☀︎ the two of you eat breakfast together, often with your feet intertwined under the table, or your leg's propped up on his lap
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kat-mobile · 3 months
Hi! I saw that your requests were open so I'll just drop this off here ~
Jake seresin and female reader just with some morning fluffy type cuddle stuff - maybe a little spice if you're comfortable with it !
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
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A/N: When I tell you that I used to be obsessed with this man, like full on obsessed. Once in summer 2022 I spent 12 hours on tumblr reading jake seresin fanfic 😭. To my anons I am working on all your tommy shelby requests, I just did this one first because it's my first Jake request and I love him very much!! Hope you like it ❤️❤️
You were rudely pulled from your beauty sleep by the shrill ring of Jakes alarm, the clock on your nightstand showing it to be 5am, way too early for anyone in their right mind to be getting up. Sadly though, your boyfriend was not in his right mind as he actively chose to get up at this absurd time everyday to get to the gym before making his way to base. You groaned, rolling over and away from the clock to bury your face into your pillow and block out the noise as he reached over you to turn it off. At least he actually woke up today, he has a terrible habit of sleeping through alarms, always the extremely loud and early ones. He had to slap the top of the clock a few times but eventually the room fell quiet again and you prepared yourself to be pushed away so he could get up to dress and leave.
However, this morning he surprised you by pulling you close and winding his arms tighter around your waist, lowering his head down and smushing his nose into the crown of your head whilst he was at it. San Diego was hot this time of year and lying flush with the human furnace that is Jake Seresin was not helping, but you didn't have it within you to move, letting your pleasure overshadow your discomfort. It wasn't long before you started to drift off back into a state of sleep, safe and content in Jakes arms, but the pilot quickly grew bored. Humming a tune into your messy bed head and gently tapping along to a beat only he could hear against your hip bone, he finds ways to pass the time, always having to be doing something, always has to be moving.
Jake is someone who likes a schedule, he likes to know what he's doing and when he's doing it, it helps to ease the stress of the job. But if jake is skipping his daily routine of leaving you to lay in a cold bed in favour of the gym... well let's just say you're not complaining.
You know that soon enough Jake will still have to leave your carefully crafted bubble, needing to arrive at Base for half 6, but you push that thought to the back of your mind and shift your body to twist to face him. Keeping your eyes firmly shut but leaning up and stretching your neck to pepper little, soft kisses along the underside of his jaw, you bring a hand up to ghost along his side, returning his embrace. Kissing upwards until you finally meet his lips, legs intertwining with his, a lazy smile stretches across his face. He has to get up in roughly less than twenty minutes but for now he's more than happy where he is, holding you close and slowly drifting in and out of consciousness, being lulled by the sound of your gentle breathing. 
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starry-eyedblog · 9 months
okay ahem i was thinking about roomates!soap and gaz !! they are like very overly touchy and obsessed with you, literally can't keep their hands off you while you three are on the couch watching a movie. a bit insane and gross sometimes too BUT i love them very much. DO YOU SEE MY VISION HERE!! i don't think i am explaining it well BUT YEAH >:3
ruru!! i'm so happy yer free from jail, vry glad to have you back<3
and omg i'm actually frothing at the MOUTH i see your vision so clearly. why is this so hot?? i actually need them so badly. hope i do the idea justice !! (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
warnings/tags: roommate! soap x roommate! gaz x reader, non con/dub con, groping, pervy/creepy behaviour, slight manipulation/guilt tripping, mentions of panty sniffing
you had moved into a new flat a few weeks ago, managing to snag a pretty big place for a cheap price. when you saw the amount on the post advertising it online, your eyes almost bulged out of your head and you rushed to contact the owners, which turned out to be two handsome men a few years older than you.
what was not to love of the place? close commute to your work, cheap, spacious and two very good looking men living there too. honestly it felt like a setup but you didn't question it, and your application was immediately accepted.
so in no time flat you were moving in, setting up all your own furniture with the help of both your roommates. and after a week of getting comfortable and your roommates keeping a good distance from you while you settled in, they finally asked you to join in with them on their activities that have always been just for the two of them. the first, was film night.
"every friday night, we have film night. snacks, drinks, shitty films. it's our routine, and now you're here, we thought you should be included." gaz had told you on thursday morning, an easy smile on his face as he stood leaning on the kitchen counter, eating toast in just his plaid pyjama trousers hanging low on his waist with everything else on show. it was very difficult to avoid oogling at his chest as you responded. "so-sounds great, i'll uhm pick up some snacks after work tomorrow." you ushered out.
it's now friday night at half nine and the three of you are huddled up under soft blankets on the pretty spacious couch with you squished in the middle of them. there wasn't any need for them to have their bodies so close to you, but you didn't say anything. gaz had his arm resting on the back of the couch, around your head which made you blush slightly, even though it was just for his own comfort.
you're only fifteen minutes into the film, some popcorn in your hand with eyes glued to the tv when you feel the first touch. it's a big, warm hand pressing at your thigh. you jump, head whipping round to soap who smiles innocently at you. his hand grips your thigh and you whine, stumbling out a response.
"soap, wh-what-?" you try to ask but soap shushes you up quickly, "shh hen, tryna watch the film." he points to the tv with his free hand, no longer looking at you. not even a minute later, another hand coming from the other side of you is now squeezing at the inside of your thigh.
your head whips round to face gaz instead, your eyebrows scrunching up in confusion. "why are y-" before you can get another word out, gaz is also shushing you and instead facing the tv - just like soap.
you try not to think about it too much, as they both seem to be enamoured with the film playing in front of them and uncaring of the fact both of their hands are gripping at your thighs that borderlines on just a wee bit too tight.
as the film continues, you start to forget about the weight of their hands on your thighs but that doesn't last long until both hands are moving again, one going to your front while the other slides back to rest on your arse.
your cheeks instantly flare pink as you sputter out words, trying to ask what they are doing. "ain't doing anythin', you're jus' too sensitive love. keep watchin' the film alright? me and johnny really want you to take movie night serious, can you do that for us?" gaz asks with a pout, guilt tripping you with his adorable puppy face that will soon become a recurring issue for you.
you find your head nodding slowly, eyes turning back to the tv once again as their hands start to fondle you. soap's hand teases at your cunt through your joggers, cupping it every now and then while gaz grabs and almost kneads at the soft skin of your arse, fingers slipping the joggers down enough that he can touch warm flesh.
it doesn't take long for you to be a whimpering mess on the couch, trapped between the two burly men who give you no respite, rough overworked hands fondling you so meanly and roughly, without care for your sensitive body.
"gu-guys the film, i thought you wan-hghh wanted to watch it." you splutter, head rolling back onto the shoulder of gaz who's on your left. "aye we do, so quit yer yapping quien." soap grumbles, leaving a sloppy wet kiss on your neck, eyes not even looking at the tv.
it doesn't take long for gaz's fingers to work their way down your joggers and push aside your flimsy underwear, a dry thumb pressing against your asshole that has you squirming, hips bucking to get away. gaz's other hand keeps you pinned down firmly with no issue, watching the way your mouth falls open to let out confused sounds of pleasure and pain.
as gaz does this at the back of your body, soap fondles with the front of you, hand slipping down your underwear to press at your clit which makes you moan out-loud, eyes fluttering shut. "dove, please. we haven't seen this film before, been waiting awhile." gaz complains, nibbling at your ear and you feel as if all your nerves have been set on fire. the guilt and pleasure swirls through your turned on body, mind starting to become foggy as they continue their groping.
you bite down on your bottom lip harshly, teeth digging into the skin and causing little tears. tiny droplets of blood stain your bottom lip as you sit there like a doll for them, your fuzzy brain desperately trying to focus on the film but at this point any ideas you had about the plot or characters has left you and replaced with the way your body is being groped at by your two new roommates.
soon soap's fingers are slipping past your folds and caressing your hole that seems to grow wet from the touch, even though it's a natural human body instinct, soap takes it that you're enjoying his and gaz's caressing which just feeds into his gross mindset.
"fuck gaz, should feel how wet they are. fuckin' turns em on being groped." soap moans deeply, one thick finger slipping into your wet hole that immediately clenches down on the intrusion. "that so? we picked the right one tav." gaz smirks at his friend, pulling his hands out of your joggers to then shove his dry thumb into your mouth roughly.
"suck lovie." he stated, watching the way your teary eyes didn't move away once from the tv while your mouth gently sucked on the digit. soon he slipped his thumb out and pressed it against your hole once again, but this time he gently started to edge his spit soaked finger inside which had your body flinching. you had never experimented back there, so this was a very new sensation.
"never had anyone back here, eh?" gaz jokes with a mean chuckle which soap joins while thrusting one finger meanly into your tight cunt that leaks around his hand. another finger is soon added, thumb pressing against your clit. you feel absolutely ashamed, your body enjoying the touch while your mind is conflicted.
before you can think much more about how wrong this is, how your roommates have ganged up on you to touch you without any consent, your stomach tightens and your cunt clenches down on soap's two fingers. your asshole pulses around gaz's thumb as your orgasm washes through you and your eyesight blurs from the intensity.
as you whimper and gasp on the couch, hips bucking and writhing to try get away, both men watch in awe as you cum. the film is long forgotten now, playing quietly in the background as it illuminates the room. once your orgasm finally comes to an end, your body slumps back into the couch, eyes half lidded and body limp while your roommates remove their hands out of you.
soap is the first to taste your sweet nectar, long tongue wrapping around his middle finger and sucking off your juices. he moans and pants like a dog in heat as he tastes you on his tongue, and it isn't long before gaz is whining for his turn. soap reluctantly pulls off and rests his ring finger on gaz's plump lips, watching the younger man slowly open his mouth and welcome his finger inside. his tongue laps up the wetness, hips bucking up from need as he drinks down everything he can just off soap's finger.
after a minute, soap is pushing gaz off with a chuckle. "alright calm yersel gaz." he says, and gaz rolls his eyes. "you're just the same." he grumbles quietly before turning to you, smiling at how out of it you are, still limp against the couch.
thankfully both men pull your underwear back up and clean you up, but not without leaving messy hickeys all over your neck and shoulders to claim you as theirs.
and no one needs to know, certainly not you, that through this week of you settling in - where they kept their distance so you were comfortable, they weren't actually keeping faithful to that promise. they already managed to slip a few dirty pants out of your bedroom to sniff and huff at while jerking the other off at late hours into the night, as well as spying on you when showering.
but this was just the start of their creeping on their new pretty roommate.
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carmenberzattosgf · 8 months
please expand on the cockwarming thing im CURIOUS
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED ANON!!! Biggest shout out to @hrryshoney for helping me flesh out this idea ily
Warnings: cockwarming and consensual somno under the cut!
I think Carmen is low key obsessed with cock warming. The feeling of you wrapped around him– he could spent HOURS in your cunt.
If he’s in his office late working? He’s going to ask you to sit on his cock until he’s done with paperwork. It’s almost routine. You take off your pants, pull your underwear to the side, and sink down onto his cock. You bury your face in his neck while you try not to squirm around him. Oh and he’s quick to correct you if you do squirm a bit too much. “Be a good girl and stay still.” If you’re misbehaving, he’ll even hold you hips still with his strong hands.
I just think he loves behind inside of you. He loves being close to you at all times. You two could be sitting on the couch watching tv and he would call you over to sit on his lap. Sometimes… this ends with him fucking you hard on the couch, but other times it’s just so he can hold you and feel close to you.
Now for the idea that has been giving me serious brain rot. You brought it up to Carmy that you would be okay with him using you in your sleep. He’s hesitant as hell about it. He’s scared he’ll hurt you or make you uncomfortable. You reassure him that you’re okay with it, but Carmy just kinda keeps it in the back of his head for awhile.
That is until he gets back really really late one night from work. He spent an extra few hours in the kitchen working on some new recipes. He’s been thinking about you all day, and missing you all day. He’s not surprised when he gets home and finds you asleep. It’s nearing two am.
After he takes a quick shower and changes into some different clothes, he heads to bed. He pulls back the covers fully expecting to just lay down and crash, until he sees you. You’re in one of his favorite T-shirts and nothing else.
But, Carmy still being Carmy, is anxious about trying the somno thing, so he crawls into bed with you, trying to ignore his hard cock. He’s almost asleep when he hears you whimper. It takes him hearing a few more whines leave your throat, and your ass grinding into him before he realizes you’re having a wet dream.
Carmen cannot take it anymore; his self restraint collapsing in an instant. He kicks off his boxers before lining his hard cock up to your entrance and slowly sinks into you. Your cunt is so wet and warm around him he has to fight back moans so he doesn’t wake you up. You’re still asleep when he bottoms out.
He wraps his arms around your waist and settles into you. The sound of your moans picks back up again as you shift on his cock in your sleep. Your eyes flutter open, lazy with sleep. “Carm-“ your voice whines out. You can’t really think of a full sentence. All you know is that Carmy is deep inside of you and has his arms wrapped around you.
He speaks, voice soothing as one of his hands goes down to steady your hips. “Shhh baby. Go back to sleep, just needed you to keep me warm. I’ve got you sweetheart, go to sleep.”
And with that you fall asleep in Carmy’s arms and sleep better than you ever have before. When you wake up… he is still inside you… and very hot morning sex likely occurs
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bunnisari · 1 year
can you write plug!connie but he yo baby daddy, love your work btw <3
WARNINGS ✩ — mom!reader(i got insane baby fever n i wanna be a stay at home mom so bad 😔), fluff, nothing honestlyyy
YOU woke up to the blaring sun in your face, causing you to scrunch your eyes up. It was 8:45 am. The usual time you wake up on the weekends. Yes the weekends. Being a stay at home mom, you were always up on your feet. Taking care of things at home while Connie took care of everything else.
Your body was locked in place from moving. Your daughter, Celeste, was wrapped around you from the back, squished between Connie who was facing you, his long arm wrapped around you both. You shook your head, assuming Celeste climbed in the bed in the middle of the night like she always does.
You slowly pried their arms off of you, leaving them quietly sleeping in bed. You headed to the bathroom, getting yourself ready for the day.
After a steamy shower and you’re 5-step skincare routine, you went to go make breakfast, deciding to make a standard breakfast.
Meanwhile, an hour and a half later, Celeste walked down the stairs, her teddy bear locked in her arms. The sound of Destiny’s Child filled her ears as she approached the kitchen island, struggling to lift her five year old body onto the chair.
“Morning mama, want some fruit?” Your daughter immediately smiled at the kiss pressed onto her forehead.
Celeste loves both of her parents, of course. Even as a five year old she knows all the stress you endure. But she’s never seen you cry, well she’s seen you cry over heels but that’s besides the point. She’s never seen either of her parents give up or argue. Even if she saw you upset at her dad, you always resolved the issue.You and Connie set your daughters standards very high.
“Yes pleaseee” She flashes a smile, very similar to Connie’s.
After preparing breakfast, you finally prepared the plates. “Mommy can I give daddy breakfast” Celeste speaks from across the island, now standing. But you can only see her puff of hair as it shows over the island.
You nod, grabbing a tray from the pantry and putting Connie’s plate on it. “Be careful” You warned, handing her the tray.
“Of courseeee” She dragged out. Man was she obsessed with that word.
Celeste carefully walked up the stairs, walking very slowly and steadily. She made sure his fruit wasn’t touching his bacon and his bacon didn’t touch the whipped cream on his waffles, just how he likes it.
“Daddyyy it’s morning time” She sung out as she stood next to the bed. Connie stirred in the bed, feeling it empty.
He looked over to his daughter, seeing her hold a tray with food and a huge smile on her face. Always smiling.. “Thank you babygirl” He grabbed the tray from her, immediately digging in. “Where’s your mom?” Connie asked Celeste as she climbed into bed beside him, stealing a piece of bacon from Connie’s plate , earning a side eye.
“She’s probably in the garden now but like um..um..are we still going to the mall today?” She took her time, smacking her teeth multiple times.
Connie shook his head at the little girl, “You are just like your mom mhm”
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“DONT step on my shoes. My dad bought them and they’re custom made.” Celeste sassily crossed her arms over her chest, yelling at her distant “cousins”.
You and Connie decided to stop by the cookout Ony was throwing, Connie doing a couple of drops as well. There were kids there so nothing crazy would happen, Connie trusted his best guys with his two favorite girls so he felt okay with leaving.
“Oh yeah? My dad is like the biggest strongiest coolest ever!” One of the kids of a family friend argued. “Strongiest isn’t even a word” Celeste rolled her eyes. “That’s why my dad gave me this!” Celeste pulled out an one hundred dollar bill out of her pocket, causing the kids the gasp.
“Woah she’s like rich” One boy said from his spot on the floor. Celeste smiled, stuffing it back into her pocket. “Yeah so don’t act like I don’t have motion!” Celeste copied the word that she always heard her dad say around her.
Truth be told, Celeste was a bit….egotistical. I mean come on Connie Springer is her father. To her parents she’s an angel but once she’s around kids her age, she’s talking about how big the Eiffel tower really is and how clear the water is in Fiji.
She’s a spoiled brat, just like you, in every single way.
After playing for hours, Celeste dramatically laid across your lap. “When is dad coming back” Just then she jumped up, seeing the sight of her father.
“Hi daddy!” He lifted her up into the air before just holding her on the side of his waist. “Hey princess, you have fun?” She hummed, nodding her head before he placed her down.
“Hi A-armin” Celeste waved while looking up, her face growing hot. Armin was Celeste’s first crush. “Hey little one” Armin smiled down at the child, patting her head before handing her a $5 bill. “I hear the ice cream truck, why don’t you get yourself something”
Celeste couldn’t stop her smile, her kiddy crush feeling much more like true love. She ignored her fathers scowl and hugged the blonde’s legs before running off to the front yard with Onyankopon and a group of kids.
“Calm down boy, it’s just a silly little crush” You walked over to Connie, handing him your cup to sip out of. Your hand went around his waist, pulling him into a side hug.
“She’s only five. She doesn’t need any crushes, especially on Armin” Armin jerks his head back at the emphasis on his name.
“Acting like i’m ugly or something” He shook his head before greeting some other people. “Y’know she thinks he looks like a disney prince or something. Anyways how was your run?” You walk infront of Connie, grabbing his hand. He trailed behind you with the cup still in his hand. His eyes were glued to your butt in the skin tight sundress. “Hm baby?” You ask completely unaware. The weather was breezy and dawn had settled in, painting the sky purple and blue.
“Y’know I still want a son as well?” Connie completely ignored your question, his front pressing up against your back as his hand trailed down to your butt, lightly squeezing.
You jumped, gasping out “Connie there are innocent children here!”
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lurochar · 4 months
A Daily Stroll
Based on the Alastor comic
Warnings: I am really really bad at writing at headcanons it seems
It was a daily routine for you and Alastor to go on strolls around the streets of Hell. Despite the fact you and Alastor having been together for almost the entirety of his reign as an Overlord, Sinners still have trouble seeing the sadistic Radio Demon in any part of a romantic relationship.
You were Alastor’s assistant in life, but never married. Of course, there were questions about your exact role, as there were scandalous rumours flying about. Alastor paid you well enough that you could support yourself.
You were murdered about five years after Alastor’s own death by one of his victim’s family members, believing you were his accomplice.
It was one of his few regrets, not confessing to you. He just didn’t want to drag you down with him if he did ever get caught for his crimes. He’s honestly surprised to find you in Hell, but now he has his second chance and he isn’t wasting it.
You accept and so your daily life as the wife of the Radio Demon begins.
Everyday, you and Alastor go to the same cafe with the same shaky nervous waiter. Alastor just ‘tsks’ at you when you throw a few crumbs of your meal at those hungry-looking birds watching your every move. “Darling, don’t waste food on those filthy scavengers.” It doesn’t take him long to join you if the food isn’t to his liking, though.
Next on your stroll, is a park where naturally flowers bloom, which is a rarity in Hell. In life, Alastor had given his mother flowers on the regular and you red roses in particular. Now, he can no longer touch any flower without them immediately wilting, which is quite the shame.
You had long since noticed his annoyed sneer when yet another rose withered in his fingers and you smiled, reaching into your coat. “It took me a while, but I finally learned to make this!” You said excitedly. “Please, bend down for me!”
Alastor’s eyes gain a curious look, but he does as you ask and bends down. A brow raises when he feels you tying something around one of his ears and watches as you stand back and seem to stare at him proudly. “Now what is this?” He reaches up to feel what it is.
You reach into your coat again. “Paper flowers.” You hold one out for him to see. “I know, it’s not as pretty as the real thing. But… but I thought I should try something?”
“It’s lovely, Darling.” 
And so is your proceeding smile.
Cannibal Town is both charming and daunting. Your tastes are not the same as Alastor’s and it’s always a bit unpleasant to see a group of Sinners feasting upon some poor soul unfortunate to wind up as their dinner, but this is Hell and you are no judge.
“Morning, Alastor~♡!” 
It was a swarm of women with hearts in their eyes and blood dripping down their faces and Alastor politely bows his head in return. “Good morning, ladies.” His ear, with the paper rose still tied around it, twitches at your laugh. He’s only being a gentleman, after all. He can’t ignore a greeting from a lady. “Give Rosie a hello from me!”
“Popular as ever, I see.” You say teasingly as Alastor veers you away, not wanting to deal with flirting women when he was out with his wife. “I guess that’s what I get for marrying a celebrity, hmm?” 
He’s content you’re secure enough not to be jealous – he couldn’t even fathom the thought of ever straying from you.
“Speaking of celebrities…” You cough, noting the demons who are just staring blankly into the windows of the stores you both are passing. You grimace and Alastor sneers at the sight of Vox on the TVs. “Is he still…?”
“Madly obsessed with the both of us? Very much so.” Alastor grips his microphone cane harshly, his voice breaking the hypnotizing spell on the two Sinners standing there. “There really is nothing good on these picture box shows, hmm?” The demons instantly run. “Come, Darling. No need to waste time here. A new meat shop has opened and I would like to try it.”
You both stroll along until you reach the meat shop Alastor was talking about. There was a boar butcher, who looked nervous at the sight of the famous Radio Demon. “My good man. I do hope you have fresh venison! My wife and I are partial to it, you see!” Alastor grins and the butcher shudders.
The meat is packed quickly and you and Alastor are on your way out of the shop, passing a lamb Sinner. It only takes a moment, but screams are heard and you both stop and you can see Alastor’s smile is tense. That butcher was a fool, it seemed. You both are back in the shop to see the lamb being choked by the butcher.
“You know, I do really hate those who can’t show a little more respect to those of fairer means.” Alastor is shifting into his more demonic form and you are left to comfort the lamb. “It’s rather distasteful. LIKE BAD MEAT.” Now the butcher is the one screaming and you usher the crying lamb out of the shop.
It’s not long at all before Alastor exits with a bloody bag in hand. “It’s not as tasty as venison, but won’t boar do for tonight’s dinner, Darling?” He grinned and you laughed nervously, blinking when the lamb shyly pulled on your arm with tears in her big eyes.
“T-thank you for saving me!” She squeaked. “How can I repay you? This happens to me a lot.” She confessed. “I’ll give my soul for protection.” 
You are taken back by her blunt offer, but Alastor is used to this sort of thing and it’s clear he does not see any worth in the lamb’s bid and he summons a card out of the air to hand to the lamb. “My dear, go to Cannibal Town and ask for Rosie. Perhaps she can be of some assistance to you? Do keep that card on you, otherwise you will end up as mutton.” Alastor sends the lamb off on her way.
“So kind of you, Alastor~”
It was just another daily stroll with your Radio Demon.
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jals-stuff · 6 months
a routine.
Orter Madl x f!reader
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Obnoxious, sour, call him whatever you want, Orter Mádl couldn't care less about what people thought of him. You can’t help but wonder if that’s what you find attractive, or if you just have a thing for authoritative, serious-looking jerks (because I do).
Warnings: slight angst? orter is a jerk, hurt (just a bit) with comfort, reader being too nice.
Word count: 3.4k words
Note: again with no sleep, sorry for any spelling mistakes, don't stone me to death. thought about making a part 2 for this, no clue yet let me know what y'all think. (i swear i have never simped for a man that hard before)
definitions at the end, but it doesn't matter if you don't read them so no worries! enjoy-
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Indeed, Orter was a man who would sweat for the status quo to be protected. If this man had his name on an alignment chart, the creators would have to make up something like “lawful lawful”. That is how lawful Orter Mádl gets. It didn’t matter to him how people perceived him, or whispered to each other whenever they saw him walk through the large corridors of the Bureau of Magic. Few things mattered to him in fact, but if he had to put them into a list, it would look like this:
Making sure rules and order are respected
Staying undisturbed during working hours (and out of working hours, too)
Not doing anything unnecessary.
He had a very specific routine he followed almost perfectly everyday, and so far, nothing had pushed him to change it. No one had, either, because from an ordinary person’s point of view, Orter was nothing else than a sour workaholic, strict, obnoxious man. Most women (and some men as well) who worked at the Bureau always seemed to look to the ground when crossing his path, while the other ones were too busy gossiping about him being a potential serial killer, since he was “so calm and quiet”. But one (wo)man’s trash is another (wo)man’s treasure and surely enough, you were one hell of a hungry raccoon lady. 
You had been working at the Bureau for almost a year now, and since the very first time your eyes had landed on him, you knew he was the one you wanted. And since that day, you were one of the only people who even dared speak to him— if you don’t count the other Divine Visionaries as people (because Kaldo’s… obsession¹ with honey made him a creature, and not a human being, we have to be honest here). 
You’d always greet Orter when meeting him in the morning, or wish him to have a nice break time when he’d actually allow himself to take a break, and he would simply greet you back, always giving you the same confused look. Simply seeing him illuminated your days and kept you going through your seemingly unending workload. Yet, as much as you enjoyed these small interactions, the same couldn’t be said about him. 
Orter didn’t dislike these despite the way he looked down at you everytime you greeted him. He simply wasn’t used to such… fervour² from any of his other colleagues. You were certainly very passionate, and he had to put in a lot of effort not to just immediately send you away whenever you’d bring him coffee when you had free time or simply try to chat a little when you were to give him a report. 
It wasn’t against you or anything specifically, but Orter was a firm believer that saving energy was the move. After all, why bother doing anything that is unnecessary? 
Even if it, indeed, was nothing personal, you were pretty much everything he disliked. Noisy, talkative, full of energy, sPEED, and quite naive as well. The embodiment of a child who has been given too much sugar and is now experiencing the zoomies. 
And so, like an uninvited grain of sand in his eye, you slithered your way into his daily routine. Each morning, before entering his office, he knew he would encounter you at this specific time of the morning shift, by turning this corner. It happens everyday, and it will happen again today. He knows you get your break at 10:05 am and usually will knock on his office door at exactly 10:11 am to bring him your reports as well as some coffee you grabbed for him.
He knows that in the afternoon, usually between 3:48 pm and 4 pm, you’ll find an excuse— any excuse to bring him some pastries, or any kind of snack with another cup of coffee, but this time a bit more sugary. 
He has gotten used to it now, but he still cannot quite understand why you’re spending so much energy on him, and when Orter doesn’t understand something, he gets frustrated. He does not often interact with anyone, and so the fact that people around him might have feelings is completely unbeknownst to him, or so it seems. 
It’s approximately 4pm on that day and, as usual, you knock on his door. He looks up from his paperwork and just mutters to come in, knowing damn well it’s you. But this time, you’re not bringing any coffee or snacks. You just hand him a report you had written, as usual, and he notes that you look a little nervous.
You patiently wait for him to read through your carefully written report. He gives a nod, not even a word, as usual, and this time, instead of immediately leaving, you decide to speak up.
“Umm..” you start, and you start wondering whether this is a good idea or not. He’s looking at you now, in all of his cold, emotionless expression. “So… would you maybe… like to have your coffee break with me this time…?” you ask, looking away a little bit.
He leans against his chair’s backrest at the suggestion. He could definitely use a break and some coffee right now, but he isn’t sure if he can take the amount of energy you’ll be talking with for the whole duration of your time together.
“With you?” He asks, and you’re unsure if he means this in a mocking way, or if he’s just asking. You shyly nod and he adjusts the position of his glasses a little bit. “I could use a break,” he starts “but I’m not sure I can handle more of your… eagerness to converse³.”
It hurts quite a lot; you knew Orter had always been blunt, but to hear it from his mouth was something else. Were you really bothering him that much? Maybe he didn’t mean it in a bad way? After all, he did have a lot of work, and of course he’d like to free his mind a little bit and enjoy peaceful silence with his afternoon coffee. He quickly takes note of your nervous squirming and your lack of response.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” he finally says after what seemed like an eternity “I don’t want this headache to get any worse.”
A headache. Was this really all you were to him?
“I.. can stay quiet if you’d like me to, but I would really like to have—”
“No, thank you. I’ll have coffee on my own. ” He cuts you off, looking back to his paperwork, probably very oblivious to the fact that he just hurt you deeply. “I don’t understand why you’re so eager to interact with me when all I’m really asking for is to be undisturbed.” Was it personal, or was it because of his lack of human interaction? Well, both meant the same to you, if you really were the only person he interacted with, it was directly against you.
You didn’t know what to say. You wouldn’t give up on him, of course, but your entire personality had just proven to be a nuisance to him, and you weren’t sure how you’d recover from this one. You had been standing for a minute, looking at the ground in front of his desk, before his authoritative voice you loved so much pulled you out of your overthinking.
“Anything else?”
You shake your head ‘no’ and promptly exit his office now. It sounded clear to you that you were a disturbance to him, and it was the complete opposite of what you wanted to be. But again, no matter how bad his rejection felt, you decided you’d be a little more like he wished you’d be: invisible, silent.
You made a mental note to change your behaviour around him and stop being so clingy and noisy all the time, then maybe, if you destroyed this personality of yours he seemed to loathe, maybe he would look at you. Even just once.
Orter arrives at the Bureau the next day as usual, and already knows you’ll be just around the corner where he meets you everyday. He gives a sigh and walks around… to find no one. He blinks a few times in surprise, but simply assumes you’ll be somewhere else, ready to greet him…. But there’s no sign of you. Or rather there is one, but it’s only the usual morning coffee you give him, and it’s sitting on his desk inside his office. You, on the other hand, aren’t here.
“Probably a different schedule today.” he thinks and quickly dismisses it to sit at his desk and remove his coat. He takes a few sips of the warm coffee and sighs before diving into his unending paperwork again.
As expected, there is a knock on his door at 10:11 am. He lets you come in and is pleased to see you’re still bringing him some coffee, along with your usual report. You quietly greet him and hand him the papers as you put the tall coffee cup on his desk, and await his review. Again, he gives you a nod and puts the papers back into his drawer, and as he looks up from his paperwork again to listen to your usual morning talk, he’s surprised to see you leave his office without a word.
“Probably has more work today.” he thinks, dismissing the change in your behaviour as the man sinks into his paperwork once more. You, on the other side, are only hoping your efforts aren’t vain. You’ve practised staying silent for a bit and you think you’re nailing it, honestly. All for the sake of the obnoxious, lawful man.
It doesn’t occur to him even once that you might be in emotional pain from his words; he isn’t well versed with other people’s feelings— and probably not his own either. You probably have more work today, and that’s why you’re not as talkative as usual. Or maybe you’re tired. Are you sick?
He stops himself for a second and takes off his glasses to rub his eyes a little; no. No, no. It shouldn’t matter to him whether you are ill or simply tired. He has too much work to do to care about one of his coworkers.
Roughly around 3:50 pm, you knock on his door again, bringing in the usual pastries and sweet coffee. Now, he’s wondering which excuse you found to visit him as he crosses his hands on his desk and looks at you intently.
His eyes on you start to feel uncomfortable. It’s like he’s tearing your soul open and trying to figure out what’s going on in this little skull of yours⁴, and really, it isn’t just an impression. He was expecting you to ask him out again, or talk about the weather, complain about your workload, but none of these words escape your mouth. A simple, polite “have a good afternoon”, and you’re gone immediately.
Your schedule must really be something else for you to quit pestering him about your state of mind like you used to do. But again, he takes a bite of the delicious pastries you brought him, and keeps working in religious silence as he occasionally takes a sip of the sweet coffee you delivered.
Time flies fast, and it’s already evening. You clock out, as one does, and as you walk away from your office, you encounter Orter, who seems to be clocking out at the same time. And this is when the overthinking kicks in. Is he going to think you waited for him? Will he believe it was a mere coincidence? What if he thinks you’re being clingy and annoying for clocking out at the same time? 
But your thoughts come to an end as he simply walks away without a word; maybe he just doesn’t care. Right, maybe he just doesn’t care. It probably didn't matter whether you were quiet or talkative, hyper or calm. He probably didn’t care.
The next morning, you arrive earlier at the Bureau, as you did yesterday, and fulfil your morning routine: getting a few snacks for yourself, and a tall coffee for Orter. But unfortunately, the cafeteria is a bit more crowded than usual, and you end up exiting it at the same time you usually did. 
He encounters you again at the very same corner, and he is now convinced you simply had a rough schedule yesterday, but as he was about to greet you, you simply hand him the coffee and walk away towards your office without a word. 
The day goes on like the previous one; you barely exchange any words with him, and he makes no effort to change this. You’re quiet, reserved now, and you just internally pray that he will like you more. This isn’t you, but you will be whoever he wants you to be, if there’s the slightest chance that he will look at you.
What you were completely clueless about was how this little change of yours was affecting him. At first he didn’t think much of it, but he had gotten used to your nonstop talking, to your cheerful voice when you greeted him, and to the very specific hours you’d come to visit him and ask him out or talk about everything and nothing. 
Orter was going nuts. The routine he had gotten used to was crumbling for reasons unknown, and he couldn’t understand why, it was beyond his power. The grain of sand in his eye⁵ had become an entire desert, and the frustration was great enough that he could barely focus on his work anymore. Something was missing. He needed to figure it out quickly.
His focus was long gone, and all he could think about was why the usual, cheerful girl who always greeted him with a smile and warm coffee had become so… dull and painfully normal. Had you been sick the whole time? Why did he even care in the first place?
But as much as he disliked admitting it, he had grown quite fond of your behaviour, even though his words had proven to oppose this fact. He needed to make sure of what was lacking in his daily routine now. You were still here, you still brought him coffee everyday, did your job correctly… What could be missing?
His mind was a complete mess and he could not get you out of his head for some reason, which made him even more annoyed. You were such a headache and a nuisance, right? He couldn’t possibly be going insane from the lack of… you?
As usual, at 10:11 am sharp, you visit his office with your daily report and his coffee. This time though, he doesn’t take the papers from your hands and just crosses his legs, looking straight into your eyes. “I would like you to read it out loud for me.”
Read it out? You ask yourself, why couldn’t he read it himself? But again, we are talking about Orter Mádl; this man could tell you to get on all fours and bark, and you would gladly do it without giving it a second thought.
“...right.” You started, a little confused at his sudden request. “The Bureau’s investigation on Magol Castle…”
Your words grew distant to him, but not your voice. He wasn’t listening, he was listening. He felt himself oddly soothed at your tone, for once, as he kept trying to find this missing piece of the jigsaw. But it was as if his focus had returned and he could finally get back to work. As soon as you stopped talking, he extended a hand for you to give him the reports, and you did.
“Good, very good. I’ll read it again later.”
You stood in awe for a second; Orter had just praised you. Your efforts were working, and now you just had to keep going and stay quiet most of the time. You gave a polite nod and walked away from his desk. 
That was it. You were the missing piece. But it made no sense, since you hadn't left, you were still here with him at the very moment... but then why did it feel like you weren't?
You turn around as you hear him speak and you just stand there, waiting for him to keep going. The silence is heavy and it seems like an eternity before he finally speaks up again.
“You’ve been… quiet.” He remarks, his eyes never leaving yours, and you couldn’t tell whether he meant this in a good or a bad way. Of course, his expressions always suggested that everything he said was to be taken in a bad way, but you knew better than to assume anything, especially about Orter Mádl. “Why?” he asks, and there’s an undertone of desperation in his voice. He sounds like he’s at his wit’s end.
At this point, you can’t really do anything else than speak up and tell the truth, can you? So you take a few steps towards his desk and nervously fiddle with the hem of your shirt.
“I… do not wish to be a nuisance or give you a headache.” You simply reply, in all of your honesty, and he looks at you, clueless and distraught now. Was that the reason why you had been silent the entire time? Were you driving him completely crazy because of what he said to you?
He buries his face in his hands and sighs. His glasses were slightly falling from his nose now that his hands were rubbing it entirely. You walk around his desk and gently push his glasses back in place, his state worrying you a little bit. You had never seen him being affected by anything before, so you were a bit confused.
“Are you alright..?” You quietly asked, not daring to touch him too much, lest he’d find you clingy, but the man sighed loudly once again and cleared his throat, his hands crossing against his desk again.
“You are driving me insane, (Y/N).”
You’ve never heard him speak your name before, and it felt… rather nice. You couldn’t tell if his words were meant to be good or bad though, so you only stood next to him and waited for him to speak up again. An uninvited feeling of guilt made its way to your heart and you couldn’t help but feel like all of this was your fault. You only wanted him to look at you, to make his life a little easier… but instead, you had somehow wrecked it.
After what seemed like an eternity, Orter was still dead silent, and you had to do something.
“I… I’m sorry…” you mutter quietly, not fully sure of what you did, but feeling the urge to apologise anyway. His state was more than concerning and you were the cause for it. “I… meant no harm, with whatever I did to you…”
And then something hits him. A feeling he’s probably rarely felt before: guilt. He looks up at you, and you clearly look like you’re holding back your tears as you shamefully look away from him. It takes all of his energy not to get angry— but at himself this time. He was the one who caused this situation, not you.
“It wasn’t your fault, only mine.” He sighed as he took off his glasses and started wiping them to distract himself from your sad expression that was awakening a myriad of new feelings within him. “I shouldn’t have said those things. I… did get quite used to your company. Please, feel free to speak as much as you want.”
He looks up at you, and despite the fact that he still isn’t smiling, his eyes are softer now, his expression is gentler and his voice has lost its authority. He is just asking you to speak to him. It isn’t even an order, he is actually pleading.
You can’t help this slight blush from creeping up to your cheeks as you try to regain your composure. You had gotten praised by Orter today, and he even pleaded with you and apologised? It was clearly your lucky day, so you thought you might as well try your luck. You cleared your throat a little.
“A-hem… so… maybe you… would like to have coffee with me this time?” You ask, timidly.
Orter merely chuckles, still not letting his face sport the ghost of a smile. He simply pushes his glasses up to his nose and stands up, pulling his coat back to his shoulders. 
“I would love to.”
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¹: this man will cover his sashimi in honey and proclaim it’s still edible.
²: read → insistence. 
³: nonstop yapping.
⁴: empty, hollow. Not a single thought behind those eyes— or so he thinks.
⁵: you, sorry.
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hurts2think · 2 months
Or young bridget x fem reader where the reader is like the sister of the white rabbit and the reader and bridget is supposed to go somewhere important and reader is so stressed out bc of time yk and theyre late and she want everything to perfect and all and then bridget comforts her. Maybe her nickname for reader could be bunny or something
🎀Young!Bridget Hearts x Reader🎀
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Bridget Hearts x Fem!Reader
Plot: You are The White Rabbit's sister and also Bridget's girlfriend! She's planning a party and asked you to help! Until you two start running late you might need some comfort from your pink girlfriend...
Word Count: 1.4k
Extra: I was kind of nervous writing for Bridget so this isn't my best piece but I hope you still find it enjoyable <3
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Getting invited to social gatherings wasn't something that typically happened to you. Well, it was more like you always told people you were too busy so they stopped inviting you. And that was pretty much okay with you. You always had a full schedule, something marked on the calander everyday of the year. It was a little obsessive. Though no one was surprised, you were the sister of the White Rabbit afterall. You two had a lot in common, though he was already graduated highschool.
But today was special. Your girlfriend, Bridget Hearts, was holding an end of the year party and she practically begged you to clear your day for it. How could you say no to her? So naturally you cleared the day. You woke up bright and early, did your morning routine and set off to the dorm's kitchen. She wanted you to help with some of the baking she was doing before the actual party.
The party was at 4 pm and it was currently 9 am, which gave you 7 hours to do everything she wants to get done. Well, more like 6 hours, 57 minutes, and 33 seconds to get it all done. You had just checked your pocket watch a dozen times on the way to the kitchen.
You had dozens of watches but the pocket watch was particularly your favorite. It was gold and in the shape of a heart, Bridget got it for you on your one year anniversary a month ago. It was the sweetest gift you've ever received.
"Oh! You're here just in time!" Your girlfriend greeted you with a bright smile and hugged you the moment you walked in before pulling away, "I'm about to get started on the cookie dough. Could you start with the cupcakes?" She gestured to the baking ingredients and equipment she had neatly set out.
"Of course," you smiled softly in return. You weren't nearly as good of a baker as Bridget but you were always happy to help when you could. She always gave you tips on how to improve and you never forget a single one of them.
The two of you started your respective tasks while Bridget rambled on about how excited she was to host her first party and that people actually said they planned on showing up. You listened intently, you were a great listener, and you especially loved listening to her. Her voice was so sweet and always full of energy, you found it so very charming.
And of course baking with her was such a charm in itself. You always somehow ended up making a mess and she would giggle as she helped clean you up. She would tell you how happy she is that she has someone to bake with and share her passions with. Making her happy made you just as happy.
After a couple hours of making cookies, cake, cupcakes, and decorating them in colorful frosting and toppings, it was starting to near 4 pm. It was 3:28 and the two of you still had to go and change for the party. You had slowly became more and more anxious at around 2 and everything wasn't finished, but you didn't say anything since Bridget was having such a good time. But now it wasn't hard to tell how antsy you were getting.
You kept obsessively checking your watch, fidgeting with your hands, eyes darting around, and your breaths getting heavier.
"Are you okay, Bunny?" Bridget asked, putting a gentle hand on your back. Her voice and expression was now filled with concern rather than excitment and it made you feel guilty.
"No no! It's fine! I'm fine. It's just uhm." You checked your pocket watch again, "It's... 3:29 now. And.. well.. we still have to uh get dressed and you know be ready but it's almost 4 and..." You stumbled and raced through your words.
Bridget immediately put a comforting arm around you to try and help comfort, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that late already. I promise it'll be okay, we'll make it." She smiled.
You forced a smile back and though you wished her words comforted you, you were still pretty nervous. Anxiety was always something you dealt with. Not necessarily social anxiety, but it's always affected your life and made you overreact to small things. You felt bad for making her worry but you couldn't help it.
"Hey, deep breaths, okay?" Bridget said. She took a deep breath to guide you and you took one as well then you let the breath go. And after a couple you started feeling a little better, but still quite worried.
"Thank you, Bridget..." You say, looking at your watch again. 3:31. "Can we leave, now?" You asked, looking back into her eyes.
Bridget perked up, "Oh of course! Let's go now! We can carry the treats with us." She gave a comforting smile and grabbed the tray of cookies and cupcakes while you grabbed the cake.
On your way out, you tried to be careful but you couldn't help and speed walk to Bridget's dorm. You had already left the outfit you were going to wear in her dorm because you planned on getting ready together so it was nice to know you didn't have to rush to your dorm before hand.
The two of you made it to her dorm and set the treats down on her table. She grabbed her dress and went behind her folding screen to get dressed and do her hair and makeup quickly.
While she did that you looked yourself in the mirror and started fixing up your hair and using some light makeup to look more refreshed. You'd have to wait until she was done to get dressed which usually you didn't mind but you two were about to be late...
Once you were at least semi-satsified with how you looked, you started pacing back and forth, occasionally bouncing on your toes nervously. You didn't want to rush Bridget because you knew how perfect she wanted this to be, but you felt the anxiety taking over your body again. Until Bridget finally walked out.
She was beautiful. She was always beautiful, but the way her pink perfect curls were decorated with gold hair accessories, and her dress that was just above her knees with the bodice in the shape of a heart made your own heart skip a beat.
"Wow... You look.. so beautiful." You said, looking at her with such genuine admiration.
She bashfully smiled and twirled to show off the full dress, "Thanks, Bunny... The dress used to be my mom's."
You took a step closer to her and took her hands into your own, "It's beautiful on you." You couldn't stop yourself from leaning in and kissing her.
Bridget smiled into the kiss before pulling away after a short minute, "Hurry! Get dressed! We might be late." She said with a grin and skipping over to the treats to pick them up.
Grabbing your own outfit and rushing behind the folding screen to get dressed, you finished much faster than Bridget. Once you came out, adjusting your clothes, she smiled.
"Wow, I'm so lucky I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world." She smiled, holding the tray of cupcakes and cookies.
Your face heated up and you smiled, "That's impossible, because I have the most beautiful and caring girlfriend in the world." You declared, picking up the cake and opening the door with your free hand, holding it open for your girlfriend.
She giggled and walked out, "We can argue all day about this once we actually get to the party. Come on! We only have a few minutes."
The two of you ran all the way to the courtyard and got there at 4 pm on the dot. People were only just arriving as you set out the treats in the decorated courtyard and greeted everybody. You were grateful to have such a kind girlfriend who wasn't annoyed with your anxieties and instead helped you with them. Even if she couldn't always calm you down completely, everything felt so much better just knowing that she was there for you. That she would do anything to make you feel better.
And you'd happily do the same for her.
You danced with Bridget and she was more than pleased with how well her first party turned out but she was even more happy that you were there for her as well.
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fastboatsmojito · 1 month
And they were ROOMMATES - Luca x reader one-shot
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|AN; basically influenced by the entire short n’ sweet album 💋
|WC;4k ish
|CW; smut BTC, roommate trope obviously, some annoyance and frustration in general and also sexually lmao, vibrator + masturbation + getting caught sorta kinda, uh ruined orgasm just for a moment + general desperation, touch-starved characters, fingering SORRY im obsessed with his hands, annoying horny mfs, brief pnv eventually but I got lazy at the end, soft dom?? Luca <3 🙂‍↕️
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You groaned and shoved a pillow over your face as you were subjected to listening to the blender at 7 am. Your roommate was currently in the kitchen overworking himself once again, blissfully unaware of your annoyance.
You took the pillow off of your face as soon as it stopped, opting to stay in bed to complain instead of walking all the way into the kitchen.
“Luca! Can you please be insane a little quieter? I don’t have a class for two more hours.”
“Oh shit, my bad!” He called back, focusing on something else for just a few moments before moving back to the blender, pressing the button for the softest option this time.
You just got comfortable before the distant whirring started again. perfect.
You fell asleep eventually, holding the pillow over your ears. The muffled buzzing of your alarm barely enough to wake you up just over an hour later. You moved the pillow away from you, alarm now blaring in your ears as you quickly leaned over to turn it off.
Yawning before you looked at the time; 8:45. You had just five minutes to make it out the door before you’d be really late. Later than your usual ‘just make sure to eat before class’ late.
“Fuck.” You groaned as you rushed out of bed, grabbing whatever clothes were cleanest and closest to your bed. You hastily moved through your typical morning routine, grabbing your bag before dashing to the door.
“No breakfast?” Luca was still in the kitchen, covered in sugar and glancing at you as he was making your apartment smell mouthwateringly delicious.
“No time. Your fault by the way.” You pointed at him, shaking your head as he put a hand to his heart.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, just had to fix up a recipe I’ve been working on.” He wiped his hands off before grabbing a banana and tossing it to you.
“Just don’t let it happen again, chef.” He nodded and smiled at the name.
“I won’t.. probably.” He whispered the last part, looking down as you rolled your eyes and walked out.
You walked back into your apartment after your class was over and shrugged your bag off by the door, rubbing your sore neck as you walked into the kitchen for some lunch. It was quiet and cleaned up so you assumed Luca was at work.
You had homework to do but figured some food and a nap was more pressing, quietly making yourself a sandwich and grabbing a drink before moving to your room.
You put on your usual comfort show and sat in bed after throwing on some comfier clothes, enjoying the peace that came with having an apartment off campus.
That morning wasn’t the first time Luca had gotten a little too into his work and disturbed your sleep but his work schedule and cleaning habits made up for it.
He takes up space in the kitchen a lot but he always cleans up after himself, oftentimes sharing some food he brought home from work as a wordless thank you for putting up with his early morning chaos.
You weren’t perfect either, procrastinating long enough to cause plenty of late nights reading, writing; and pacing in the living room that bled into his said early mornings.
You had a few arguments about both of your faults, usually ending in both of you apologizing and trying to figure out a plan to fix it for the future. Clearly they haven’t worked very well but you were still getting used to him. Used to each other, including your weird, occasionally annoying habits.
You finished your lunch and tried to take a nap before your next class, closing your eyes and sighing into your pillows as you tried and failed to get comfortable.
Usually you had no problem falling asleep; Imagining some faceless entity in whatever romantic scenario you could think of lulling you off, but now you were getting increasingly frustrated as you couldn’t turn your brain off.
Anxious thoughts racing through your brain were making it impossible to relax; Are you doing enough? Do your friends really like you?
The repetition was making you second guess yourself and stress out too much to sleep. You felt exhausted, eyes heavy and drooped but you still couldn’t fall asleep.
You rolled around on the bed, irritated sighs falling from you as you finally accepted the defeat. You were tense, stressed out and frustrated, racking your brain for solutions.
You reached into your nightstand for a hair tie when you found just what you needed; your vibrator. Duh. It’s been a while since you used it so it hadn’t crossed your mind, getting caught up in your work and forgetting to take some time for yourself.
You took it out, placing it on the bed beside you before you put your hair up and laid back down.
Similar to how you slept you usually imagined some faceless figure moving their warm hands over you instead of your own, sometimes dreaming up the face of whatever celebrity had caught your eye recently.
As you moved under the covers, hands slowly making their way down your body to tease yourself, you closed your eyes and found yourself thinking of someone you hadn’t anticipated.
Hands rougher and bigger than your own moving over you as you imagined him lying behind you, leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck as you sighed into him.
“Luca,” You gasped, your hands paused and you opened your eyes quickly, surprising yourself by saying it out loud. Oh. You sat up for a moment to think.
Okay weird, but it didn’t mean anything, really. You were just desperate and he’s a familiar face. People have thoughts like this about people they’re just friends with all the time. It’s normal. There was no reason to punish yourself for something you couldn’t control.
You shook it off, taking a moment to relax again as you grabbed the toy next to you.
You were so close. Soft breaths and sighs leaving your mouth as the muffled buzzing sound filled your ears. Your body relaxing as you got closer and closer - until you heard your name followed by a knock at your bedroom door. The sudden sound surprising you and pulling you off of the edge you were about to fall over.
You moved quickly, turning your vibrator off and tossing it on the bed somewhere before fixing your pants and standing up.
You opened the door, warm face accompanied by a clear look of annoyance.
“Hey! I just uh,” He stopped himself to look at you, taking in your disheveled, tense figure.
“You just what?” Your voice was full of irritation, crossing your arms as he leaned in the doorway.
“Right. I just- I was about to go to the store for a few things if you need anything?” He asked, eyes looking into your own as he focused on not staring at the thin line of black peeking over your sweats.
“Oh I don’t need anything, thanks.”
“Of course. Did your uh, class get cancelled?”
“The one at 1? No, why?”
You leaned over, glancing at your alarm clock, you were about to be late for the second time partly because of him.
“Shit.” You mimicked your morning with a few less steps, throwing on your shoes and grabbing your bag before walking to the door when you realized you forgot your phone in your room.
Luca was already on it - walking into your room and reaching over your bed to grab it, where it had been lying right next to the vibrator you just put down a few moments before.
You walked in to him glancing at it for just a second, grabbing your phone and walking it to you with a grin he was trying to hide behind his hand.
“What?” You took your phone from his hand and rolled your eyes.
“I didn’t say anything.”
You walked back to the door as he followed you, pulling your tote up to your shoulder when you got there.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
He laughed softly as you turned to glare at him.
“I’m sorry I just didn’t realize I was interrupting something-“
You stopped him with a shake of your head, biting your tongue to hide your smile as you opened the door.
“Shut the fuck up.”
By the time you got out of your final class of the day it was almost 5, you were still tense, and stressed out. The pestering heat between your legs driving you even crazier after the man flooding your thoughts had unknowingly ruined your form of stress relief.
You stopped by a cafe on the walk home, ordering a sandwich and an iced tea. While you waited you texted a friend of yours, wanting a second opinion.
Elena; I don’t think that’s weird, is he hot?
:I mean YEAH, but that’s not the point?
Elena; Okay so he’s hot, single, and he cooks for you? I’d be dreaming about fucking him too
You giggled when their message came through, fidgeting with a straw wrapper in between texts.
;But what if it’s weird? We live together and I’d like to continue having a place to live
Not to mention the lack of sleep I’m already getting because of him.
Elena; Noise complaints aside, if he’s as nice as you say he is I really doubt he’d kick you out for that Plus if he did you could always move in with me !
;Then we’d both be losing sleep. I think I just need to talk to him about it
Elena; well I think you should just fuck and get it out of your system
You left them on read as your order was called, grabbing your food and walking back to your apartment.
You walked in and put your bag down, sighing when you saw Luca in the kitchen.
He looked up from whatever he was making as you glanced at him before grabbing a glass.
“Woah, what’d I do now?”
“I didn’t say anything.” You mocked his sentence from a few hours before, pouring yourself some water before walking around and pulling out a chair from the island he was working on.
He was chopping some vegetables while a pot of water on the stove was simmering. “Pasta?”
He just nodded as he continued, the smell of onion and garlic filling your nose as you decided to start working on a research paper you had due soon.
You got up to grab your laptop before sitting back down. You could never work in your room without falling asleep and the calming sounds of the kitchen were enough to keep you focused.
You stretched your arms after opening your laptop, rubbing over where your neck meets your shoulder before getting to work.
“Tense?” He was standing over the island as he started on a sauce, glancing up at you with a smirk as you worked.
“You’re such a dick.” You replied, eyes focused on the words in front of you, not looking at him until he was turned away from you.
He went to grab something from the spice cabinet, your eyes falling to the hem of his shirt as he reached up, giving you just a peek at his happy trail. Your eyes followed him as he moved back in front of you, mind stuck on the thought of your hand moving under his shirt.
It was no more than a few seconds but he caught you staring, smiling as he ‘stretched his arms’ to give you a better view. His shirt moved up just above his stomach, giving you a direct view of his abs, successfully distracting you from your work.
He moved his arms down, shaking his head when you sighed and looked back at your laptop, placing his hands on either side of it to look at you.
“What?” You leaned back in your chair, glancing at him before looking down at your hands.
“I didn’t say-“
You shut your laptop and stood up, moving your hands as you suddenly went on a tangent. You planned on just talking to him about it but the exhaustion was getting to you, your words rushing out one after the other.
“You’re so fucking frustrating, Luca. You’re distracting and you use the fucking blender at seven in the morning and you’re used to it so it doesn’t bother you but it bothers me,” He was just looking at you in surprise as you started pacing around.
“you apologize and cook me food and clean and that should all make up for it but it can’t because you’re also really hot. And I can’t even do anything about it because you’re my roommate and you’re usually here when I’m here so it’s not like I can just deal with it myself or fuck someone else.”
Your hand moved to your head as you continued, avoiding his eyes until you were done.
“You know, I’m trying to actually graduate but if I’m not sleeping and I can’t even get off around here without you interrupting me I’m going to fail my classes and get kicked out-” You took a deep breath as he walked closer to you, taking your laptop out from under your arm and placing it on the table beside you and looking into your eyes.
He spoke before you could finish,
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was upsetting you that much, the last thing I want is to add stress to your life. I’ll go to work earlier and work on it there so I don’t wake you up. I’ll figure it out, I promise.”
He sounded the most sincere you’ve heard him since you moved in. You nodded and he grabbed your hands to pull you into a hug, your heartbeat getting faster when he put his arms around you. He smelled faintly of pasta dough, reminding you of the food that was probably burning now.
“I think your pastas fucked.” You said, pulling away from him. He looked at his watch and walked back into the kitchen.
“Nah, its still got a minute or two. Hungry?”
The way he was looking at you as you ate was making you nervous and desperate. You always hated when people watched you eat, but you assumed he just wanted to know if you were enjoying his food.
You gave your ‘compliments to the chef’ to no avail, he continued to look up at you between bites like he’d miss something if he didn’t.
He reached for his glass and you stared at his watch, silver sparkling on his wrist. There was an energy you couldn’t place as both of you finished, eyes on your plate as you could feel his gaze over you.
“Done?” His voice brought you out of your head, soft tone he reserved just for you echoing in your head as you nodded, handing your plate to his outstretched hand.
He brought your plates to the sink as you sat, wondering if you should get back to your paper.
“You want some cake?” There was that tone again.
You got up and walked into the kitchen, sitting on the counter in front of him as he grabbed the cake he put aside before you got home, icing it in silence as you watched him. His controlled, steady movements in the kitchen were making you dizzy.
“Try this for me?” A common request, he usually let you try whatever new dessert he was working on; he liked your honesty. So you did, opening your mouth for a spoon, when you got an icing dipped finger in your mouth.
You looked at him in surprise for a moment before grabbing his wrist and obscenely licking the icing off while you looked into his eyes. You let his finger drag over your teeth as you pulled it out, licking your lips as you let go of his wrist. He was looking at you so intensely, you wanted to know what he was thinking.
“So you think I’m really hot, do you?” He grabbed one of your hands, putting it to his mouth as he kissed over your knuckles. You could feel your heartbeat speeding up once again as he moved his mouth up your arm, open mouthed kisses placed over your skin as he went, stopping when he got to your shoulder.
“Yeah I mean, I also mentioned you were really fucking frustrating, if you remember.”
He laughed softly at that, thumb stroking over your hand as you pressed your thighs together for some semblance of relief.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered, kissing your shoulder between each word. The hand that wasn’t in his own was gripping the counter you were sat on, restraining yourself from jumping onto him like a dog.
His other hand moved to push your hair away from your face, exposing your neck to him. The back of his hand rested right over your pulse point as he leaned back to take you in.
“You really are tense, d’you want some help with that?” You didn’t trust your voice to be stable at this point, nodding under him as he moved both of his hands to your shoulders. The hand you weren’t using to steady yourself moved to his forearm as he started gently massaging your muscles.
Your eyes were closed as you leaned into him, focusing on breathing through your nose so you didn’t moan at the soft touch.
“Does that feel okay?” He was closer now, smooth, deep, voice close to your ear as his hands continued easing the tension out of you.
“Mhm.” His hands felt so warm over you, for the first time in a while you didn’t feel like you were carrying weights on your shoulders.
He moved one of his hands to your jaw, thumb moving to let out the lip you were absentmindedly holding between your teeth.
“It’s okay, darling, if it feels good I want to hear it.” He places a soft kiss to your jaw before moving his hand back, making you close your eyes again at the sweet gesture.
You leaned your head back when his hands moved to the back of your neck, letting out a soft sigh as you melted into him.
Your mouth was open then, stress and quick breaths leaving your body with every stroke of his hands.
You were adjusting your hips to gain some friction when one of his hands moved to support your head as the other moved to the outside of your thigh.
He lifted your head, resting it under your ear when you looked at him. His grip on your thigh tightened as he smirked at the desperation on your face.
“Luca, please.” You wrapped a hand over the wrist on your thigh while the other moved to the hem of his shirt, pulling him closer to you.
“Now who’s being loud in the kitchen?”
“Fuck you.” Your voice fell short of the bite you anticipated, desperately breathing over his mouth.
“I think you’d like that.” Your hand moved to his back, pushing his lips into your own. The kiss felt hungry, messy, exactly what you needed. Both of your hands moved to his face, deepening the kiss as his hand on your thigh moved to slot between your legs so he could stand between them.
You couldn’t get him as close as you wanted, wrapping your legs around his hips to sloppily grind into him as you moaned into his mouth, letting go of any promise you made to yourself to stay calm.
His hand moved up your thigh while the other moved to your waist, keeping you in place. Your whole body felt hot, trying to keep your mouths connected as his hand rested on your inner thigh right under where you could feel your pulse.
“You okay? Do you still want this?” His reassuring nature still present as you’d basically beg him to fuck you at this point.
“I still want this.” Your voice almost sounded like someone else’s, whiney and desperate as you tried to move towards his hand.
“Good.” He punctuated with a kiss to the corner of your mouth. He lifted you up, wrapping his arms around you as he carried you to your room, trying to keep his eyes open as you started to kiss his neck.
He laid you down on your bed, hands moving over the soft sheets under you.
“Soft bed.”
“Thank you.” You laughed softly before he moved his hands over your body, from your shoulders to the waistband of your pants, pausing for a second to look at you.
“Luca - please touch me already.”
“Okay, okay. I got you, I’ll make you feel better, promise.”
He pulled your pants and underwear down at the same time, goosebumps showing up on your skin as the cool air hit you.
“Have you been this wet all day? Poor thing.”
One of his fingers moved between your lips, collecting some of the wetness there and bringing it to his mouth as you gasped at the sudden action.
He cleaned off his finger as you’d done to the same one earlier, dragging the wet digit up your inner thigh and pushing it into your soaked cunt.
You moaned at the intrusion as he added a second one, slowly dragging them in and out, separating them to let you feel the stretch of his fingers.
He pressed into your clit with his palm as his fingers moved, kissing over your stomach and softly biting at the skin over your ribs. He kept moving up, nose and mouth pressing into your skin as he continued to draw moans and praises out of you.
The vibrator you were using what felt like forever ago was still on the bed next to you, he leaned over to your ear as he grabbed it,
“Think I should use this on you, love? Finish what you started earlier?” He stopped his fingers for a moment so you could answer
“Please.” You whined, moving your hips up into his hand.
“I know, I know. You want it so bad don’t you?” Your eyebrows scrunched together as you nodded, closing your eyes and letting your head hit the pillow under you as he turned the toy onto the lowest setting and placed it onto your clit.
Easing the tension out of you as he began to move his fingers again, curling them up and making you gasp at the sensations. You felt insane. He was all you could feel, see, hear, he was everywhere.
“Luca- Luca I’m so close, please-“ you were murmuring between moans, begging for permission you didn’t know you needed.
His face was right over yours, kissing along your hairline as the hand that wasn’t inside of you rested on the side of your neck, thumb stroking over your throat lightly.
He was kissing your face, your temple, your cheeks, your nose, and your lips, capturing the breaths falling from your lips. “You’re doing so good, darling. Let go for me. I got you, you can take it.”
You came soon after, his fingers mixed with the vibrations from the toy assaulting your clit sending you over the edge. Tension you didn’t know you were holding leaving your body as he worked you through it, your brain finally turning off.
Once you were shaking and grabbing his wrist he removed his fingers and turned the toy off, tossing it back in its original place on the bed.
“Feel better?” He asked, face still close to your own as he placed soft kisses all over you. You hummed, hand moving to his hair to lightly scratch his head.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him into you and helping him out of his pants. You slowly moved your hand over his hard dick through his boxers, granting you the sound of him moaning into your open mouth.
You pulled him out and stroked his leaking cock over your sensitive before slowly pushing him into you, both of you groaning into each others mouths as he stretched you open.
“Now I feel better.”
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I’ve been looking at this too long and I can’t tell if I love it or hate it
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jensensitive · 3 months
It's not always an easy thing to make breakfast in the morning when there's so many people around. Jostling for what exactly everyone's individual tastes are wanting that morning, or not wanting, or just how much coffee is left, or where the tea went, or who did the dishes last night and why there's stuff on your favorite mug. It's good though, he likes it. It feels right, having his family so close to bug him. He doesn't really like peace and quiet as much as he does the people he loves making themselves known in his life and routine. And the smell of coffee and feeling like it's a new day worth waking up for because everyone's there and alive. Right now it's just him and Sam in the kitchen, but your little brother being annoying is all just a part of it.
"You're like a middle aged divorced guy obsessed with his car, but without the excuse of ever actually having been married."
"Who wouldn't be obsessed with my Baby, she's hot as hell."
"She's never gonna love you back, Dean."
"Hey, that's not nice, I treat my girl right. Take her out on the town. Just last night, she and I went for a nice long drive, real romantic like."
Sam snorts.
Mary walks into the kitchen.
"Hey, mom, there's coffee if you want some. I'm doing pancakes, whether Sam wants 'em or not, you up for pancakes?"
"Always. I'm not gonna say no to pancakes."
"See, that's the right answer, Sam."
"Whatever, I just don't wanna throw up in the middle of my run."
"Seems like there's an easy solution to that where you still get pancakes," Dean quips.
Mary makes herself a cup of coffee at the kitched counter and grabs the milk beside Dean to put some in her mug.
Dean turns back from flipping the pancakes to look back at Sam. "Are you just bugging me about this because you've finally got a girlfriend so now you've got some kind of leg to stand on in how much of a loser I am?"
"Oh, I always had that leg to stand on."
"Sam." Mary chides.
"Sorry, Mom, I'm just messing around."
Dean smiles at Sam getting talked to. "He's just jealous of me and my girl and our long and loving commitment."
"Yeah, real jealous." Sam rolls his eyes. Dean is drinking his coffee, but he knows Sam is rolling his eyes.
"I took her out last night. " Dean offers a low whistle. "You should have seen her, man. Making heads turn left and right, she's still got it."
"Yes, she's so pretty, she's so hot, she's so stunningly blah blah blah, you understand how weird you sound, right?"
Mary smiles. "I think it's sweet. He really likes her. What did you guys do together last night."
Sam groans. "Not you too, come on."
"Took her out for a nice dive-in dinner, curly fires and a burger, with the tray that clips to the window of course, only the best for my girl."
"How romantic." Sam deadpans.
"Then we went for a nice long drive, just us and some Zeppelin, yknow. You gotta have some quality time."
Mary nods. "Your father and I used to do something very similar," Mary answers with a gleam in her eye.
"Yeah, see she gets it." Dean gestures from Sam to Mary.
"It's weird, you both are weird and I'm not participating in your perverse afflictions."
"Zeppelin never sounds better than on my Baby's tape deck."
"Yeah we know you really love a big deck." Sam snorts at himself.
"Yeah whatever." It's Dean's turn to roll his eyes.
Mary turns to him. "So what's her name, when am I gonna meet her?"
Sam starts coughing somewhere in the background.
Dean is just lost. "Huh? Who?"
"Your girlfriend. No pressure or anything, but I'd love to meet her, see who's stolen my son's heart."
Sam barks out a laugh. Dean just blinks. "Huh?"
"She thinks you were talking about an actual human woman, you weirdo." Sam spells out like he's a complete idiot. He might feel his ears turning bright red at the realisation.
"Oh," he chuckles awkwardly. "No, no woman."
"No, he doesn't date actual women anymore, only personified objects that he gives female pronouns."
"Dude, shut up, it's not that weird."
"He was talking about his car."
He should just say it. "Actually." Why shouldn't he just say what he's thinking. "Well, it wasn't just me and Baby, we might have drug Cas along, heh." He huffs at himself awkwardly. " I mean why would I need a girlfriend, I have Cas," he says it like he's joking, so he is. "And my Baby. What more could I want than that."
Sam just sighs deeply like he does when he doesn't think one of Dean's jokes is funny. Well, to be fair, it wasn't.
Mary just lays a hand on his on the counter. "You sound like you're happy." She smiles at him. "And I've already met Cas and Baby, so you don't even need to introduce me."
Sam is just shaking his head as if they're still joking, but Mary is looking at him, and actually seeing what he's saying. And he has to give her hug and try not to cry. "Thanks, mom."
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celesthysaturn · 27 days
Note: Meme, rant, Headcanon Yandere, One shot Yandere
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Even though my obsession with yanderes is just my favorite entertainment in my world of fanfics and ASMR so I can escape the reality where there is no one who loves me intensely and even fantasize my darkest desires without guilt, I'm feeling very stressed about life that I take. I barely sleep or even eat properly besides my precious coffee in the morning ☕ (I lost a lot of weight because of this, which is not normal).
So, deep in my heart, I wonder what it's like to have a yandere in real life who was so obsessed with me that I was his priority and treated my health and well-being as if it were the most precious thing he needed to take care of. .
So, if he sees my current situation, I think he would go crazy 🤭
Dude, I almost passed out at school because I hadn't eaten or slept in days, besides, I study during the day so and I'm still doing an internship, I'm definitely going to end up being admitted. I think he needs to come help me immediately
Do you also feel tired and needy? So here's a Yandere Headcanon for you 🫵
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Paternal/maternal and obsessive yanderes who are shocked when they discover that you are slowly killing yourself (or rather, have stopped taking care of yourself) and see that your mental and physical health is eroding because of the life you have decided to lead
Paternal/maternal and obsessive yanderes who see no other option and now they themselves will have to take care of you for you, and so, they finally decide to kidnap you.
Paternal/maternal and obsessive yanderes will make you completely dependent on them for your new life routine and even your basic needs. This means that they will bathe you themselves, dress you in comfortable and climate-appropriate clothes, cook and feed you in your mouth, make you take medicines and vitamins, take you punctually to medical appointments, blood tests and therapies (or perhaps they will do the exams themselves). Oh! Don't forget the main thing, lots of love and affection even if you refuse ♥️
Paternal/maternal and obsessive yanderes who will suffocate you with lots of affection, kisses and hugs, or at least, will try to demonstrate their great love for you in soft and attentive touches, looks and ears that are totally helpful to what you do and will talk to you every night how special you are to them, how precious you are
Paternal/maternal and obsessive yanderes that after 3 months of extreme care, he finally feels more comfortable letting you do your basic needs alone, but with their supervision, but you will still continue to live with him, you will only be able to leave for a while limited and will not allow you to do something that is not good for your health such as sleeping late, eating a lot of junk, accidentally hurting yourself, walking barefoot, otherwise he will go crazy once again and the whole childcare routine will start all over again
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Everything is so peaceful, my body feels relaxed and fresh as if I had taken a delicious bath and received a massage right after. As I lie in a soft bed, on warm, clean duvets and pillows in a silent, soft environment that smells like chamomile (when was the last time I cleaned my room?), everything made me stay in the position I'm in for hours and with eyes closed to relax in this very pleasant moment, maybe I should even go back to sleep.
For a small moment, I seem to have finally escaped my daily problems and routine, as that infernal alarm clock hasn't gone off yet... wait, where am I?!!!!!!!!
I finally realized why everything is so good...
"Good morning, sweetie. How's my sweetie feeling?" The stranger appeared at the bedroom door, which had been open the entire time, and walked towards me subtly as if approaching a fragile and injured animal. Soon, he sat on the side of the bed I was on and placed one of his warm, wet hands on my forehead.
"Your body temperature is normal, your face looks healthier, and your dark circles are gone. It seems like you rested very well, I feel so relieved!" Giving a sigh of satisfaction, and then he placed a kiss on my forehead with that same hand gently grabbing my chin with his thumb on mine. He kept his loving, soft gaze on me.
"Where am I?" My question was automatic, I didn't know if I remained paralyzed or jumped out of bed to run towards the bedroom door that had been open the whole time, suspecting that he was watching me since I was still sleeping, or was already prepared to attack me. rock when I finally woke up.
It wouldn't do any good anyway, since he would have locked all exit access to the outside and would already be prepared for any attack or kidnapping outbreak.
"You are in my house, or rather in our sweet and cozy home that I have prepared for us for the rest of our lives from now on."
"H-What do you mean? What's this story?"
"It's for your own good, Sweetheart, I couldn't bear to see my baby having such a hard and unfair life on the outside..."
"You should't..."
"No, honey, it's YOU who shouldn't do this to me. I believed that you could be independent and take care of yourself while I finished all the plans for us to have the dream life when we could finally move away from this society and all the tiring life and stressful while I would take care of everything to support and protect our home and you would be my beautiful homely wife and totally spoiled by me." He paused, panting after his harsh speech, and slowly calming down. Now, his welcoming expression now seemed like a frightening and overbearing father/mother. "But after I saw you killing yourself to have a minimally comfortable life, I will have to take this position and you will live the life I prepared for you and me from now on."
So, he got up, walked out of the room and then, within a few seconds, came back with a bowl of soup, glass of water and pills all on a tray. I was too shocked to react.
"Your stomach must be empty after you slept so much and ingested all the sedative I gave you." Sitting once again on the bed, now, even closer as he places the tray carefully on his lap, his right hand taking my cheese again with his thumb on my cheek with a firmer grip and the other hand dipping the spoon into the vegetable soup and lifting it towards me. His loving and welcoming gazes were even more intense.
"Now, my Sweetheart, be obedient and open your mouth ♥️"
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Note: Don’t forget to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest 😉
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