#i am upset gamers we are feeling it tonight
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pika-blur · 1 year ago
sega went you know what. were gonna make it 3 bosses with telegraphing issues actually
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lutawolf · 2 years ago
Between Us Episode 4 Commentary and Review
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For those that haven't read my other reviews. They can be found here. It's right underneath the UWMA reviews. In previous posts, I talk about how Win is possessive but not jealous. There is a difference, and I explain that here. Let me say that for those who are new to me. I am a kinkster, and I write from a kinkster perspective. This is, of course, artwork so it can be viewed differently by other people. However, I will say that kinksters don't hold some of the negative connotations that most view in vanilla relationships. So yes, my perspective tends to be vastly different.
Let's begin! I'm super excited while also nervous. WinTeam have amazing communication skills except for when they don't. I love this brother dynamic so much.
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Honestly, this is exactly how my siblings and I act. Grown up? What the fuck is that when a sibling is around?! Well apparently, Win. 🤣🤣🤣 Gamer Bro gives me only child vibes more than the oldest. Win is more like the oldest. Ahh, there is the big brother coming out. It's in there just well hidden.
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Is anybody else thinking about a certain Daddy scene? No, just me? 👀
T-Rex, if you haven't figured it out yet, you are an idiot. There has got to be something behind those fierce eyebrows. Apparently not. Congratulations, you've won the white crayon award. As in, he is not the brightest crayon in the box.
Awww, baby bro. You can be anything you want cause Win will make sure of it. They are cute, but damn is sunshine happy. Damn your younger brother knows more about love than you. You might know sex buddy, but you don't know intimacy. Listen to tiny bro. HAHAHA! Okay, sunshine is perceptive. I love it! And omg, the acting!! The way Win suddenly looks like he has been gobsmacked.
The alphabet gang. Um, was he expecting him to come? I thought we all knew he wouldn't. Oh, but he did come, and you guys owe your buddy an apology. There are so many side couples, though. Damn.
A locker full of drinks. That's more romantic than most guys actually get. I like it. Then, back to the group project. Bee is like bitches get out. Bee got one thing on his mind and it's a certain Prince. His crush is so obviouse.
Back to Team. Then to Win. Then back to Team. I'm getting whiplash, guys. Oh no, nightmares again. Win you might be upset now, but not for long. Sure enough, not for long.
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Tell us how you really feel Win. They already have sides of the bed. I love it. Ugh, I'm gutted. Look at that gentle touch and the arms open. He's asking. It's completely up to Team, but he's asking because he know Team needs it but won't ask. The soft smiles from them both. One is looking forward to holding the other, and the other is looking forward to finally having a good night's sleep. They both found comfort in each other. For different reasons, but they've found it.
Win like, I'll be your wife, husband, and daddy, but I'll be damned if I'm your mom. FYI, for an amazing read about why the intimate verbiage from Team to Win is so important, check out @notfreetoday and @ellaspore posts. Both can be found on the Coconuts Mafia side blog.
Look how soft Win is when he is with his brothers and Team. Not just anyone gets this side of him. Not even his close friends. That should tell you that Win has long since chosen Team even if he himself hadn't completely realized it. Team is me after a night of drinking. Crawl on the floor and totally excited about food. Now notice that Team brings up his mom and Pharm cooking for him, and that smile never leaves Win's face. Jealousy is not there.
Win is doing everything he can to extend the time he has with Team. That smile never left his face because the time he does have with him is precious to him. Team is just as into the time they have together. Look at him talking about a movie tonight. He himself extended their time.
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Win is having to work hard to get Team on the back of that bike. Team isn't an adrenaline junkie; he knows too much the consequences of that. He likes steady and steadfast. He craves security. Hai used the magic words, though. He said, "Trust me and come on." See how easily Team gives in. He is a brat through and through. He isn't happy about it, but he respects his Dom so fine. "Please drive slow, though."
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Win won because he got those arms securely wrapped around him. OMG, I love the casual touches. The arm over the shoulder. The natural intimacy. The way Team says Hia and gently pulls on the back of his shirt. I know that a lot of people are thinking of this as whining, but please note that a lot of Doms like to be addressed. That's what you do when you put the name or title first. It's hard to explain. Think of it as a letter, how you address a letter. To whom it may concern or the name. It's addressing, showing respect before just going into dialogue. Now, from my understanding of some kinksters on here, that is not as prevalent everywhere as it is where I am from. I do feel that is actually what Team is doing here with Win, though. A reminder of, yes, I recognize that you and I have a more intimate tie than most.
Yes, Win he digested all his breakfast. A lot of energy was put into holding onto you on that bike. Ahhhh, look at that naturalness again. Team just grabs Win's hand without issue, and Win naturally lets him.
Team is such a foodie. Don't stop him Win, for a foodie like Win it's an act of love. HAHA, you are all equal, huh? Team, you're an idiot. Why would Win care about how girls think of him. Win sets him straight, though, letting him know it doesn't matter what girls think of him. Yesssssss, and he fed him the shrimp. Look how happy Team is. Sharing food with a foodie is the ultimate act of love. Guys, I'm telling you. Food is its own love language. It engages the senses and creates a connection. When words are hard to use, it's an easy way to express oneself.
"I thought you wanted to go grocery shopping. Why aren't you buying anything." 🤣🤣🤣 He just wanted time with you, Team.
Looks are subjective girls!!! Please stop knocking yourself down. Yes, Phreuk, come cheer. Oh, look at that gentle hand to Menow's back. Ahhhh, so cute. I love all the little detailed touches!!!! I adore Phreuk. They are cute. I'm dying. That was smooth, dude. Don't even ask, just tell. Wait, who was arguing with me that Phreuk doesn't have it in him to be Dom???? Did you see that move. I am cackling. So cute!
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Here comes the possessiveness. Win isn't jealous of who Team is on the phone with. He is possessive of their time together. This is his time. Then he sees that Team is looking up movies, and they are back on track. I'm dying over the product placement of Iqiyi while I'm watching iqiyi.
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I love Win's "The audacity of this Bitch" face. 🤣🤣🤣 Even I'm laughing at you Win. Yeah, you are still cool but maybe not right now.
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Team is totally taking advantage of this, and I love him for it. Team is having fun, but you can tell he cares for Win. He changes the channel and easily agrees to keep it to himself. Then Win flashes back to talking to his little brother, and we get this beautiful sequence of love and adoration.
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Thank you, Ray of Sunshine! Again, with the casual touches and shared joy.
Ha! Win got Team back on the bike. Win wants to know if Team is used to the bike yet. Team brings up girls again, and Win is not understanding. See you guys, Team IS jealous. He is not secure in the knowledge that Win is his. Now, he could recognize this as a negative emotion and push those feelings down. The healthiest thing to do, though, is exactly what he is doing. Bringing them out into the open to be addressed. He isn't starting a fight, and he isn't accusing Win of anything. He is telling him what everyone says. Win says, "How can he help what other people think?" This isn't an unhealthy conversation. It's a healthy one because emotions are not getting bottled up.
T-Rex, are you trying to die.
Conversations goes right back to where it was with a lot of misunderstandings cleared up. See, intense but not unhealthy. They both walked away from that conversation happy.
The sub trio!!! Each of them teasing why having their own secrets. Run Pharm Run!
Dom trio!!! Look at you calling people out, Win. HAHAHAHA! Love Deans response. Oh, you wanna bring someone extra. 🤣🤣🤣 I love the fact that all of them went for kids from the same friend group!
Ohhh, they got questions about Team. Back off, you can't stop Win. Good, you told him you trust him. I really like that despite Dean being Win's bestie, he is a good guy. He cares about doing the right thing and being a good person. He isn't gonna just side with Win because he is his friend.
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"That's how our relationship started." "You started that way but how are you going to end?" "I don't know, but whatever we have right now it is already good." Ugh, how is Team gonna take that. He doesn't look so happy. He missed win saying it wasn't just about the sex and basically admitting he is head over heels.
When in doubt, head to your bestie. Ahh, what is love question. Team says that everything Pharm is describing can be attributed to friendships as well. Including theirs. Pharms says yes, but there are no feelings of possessiveness. 👀👀👀 Oh gee, who could have said something similar. 👀👀👀 hmmmmm. "Because you want to possess him." 👀👀👀
That face of Win's. Dead. But notice how Win waits until he is acknowledged. He doesn't but in to interrupt Teams time with Pharm. He can tell they are having a conversation. When he is acknowledged, he moves towards team, telling him, "Let's go home." Team agreeing but not moving fast enough so Win grabs him by the hand to take him away. I'm sure there will be some of you that think this is jealousy and you are wrong. It's possessiveness. Notice how Win tells Pharm that Dean will be out in a few minutes and how Pharm is smiling because he knows that this is Win being possessive. Win knows Pharm is Dean's. It's just that now it's his time with Team, and he is possessive of his alone time. Remember, Win isn't used to having something that is ALL his. And he doesn't desire to keep Team all to himself but be damned if he doesn't savor those moments when he does get him all to himself.
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Win is gone. Gone.
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We know why you like the bike Win. You ain't fooling, nobody.
OMG, this was such a good episode. And the side story!! So cute!!! I don't care that it was a promotion. It was adorable. Hope you guys enjoyed it as well 💜💜💜 As always, this is dedicated to my amazing followers and the Coconuts Mafia.
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whiteqnn · 4 years ago
PURE [3] - Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
A/N: Over 1 thousand notes. You guys are insane. I can’t see any other explanation.
Thank you so much for all the love and support under the previous parts, all those comments just absolutely made my day! I would never expect this story to receive such a positive feedback, which I’m extremely grateful for! 
Anyway, I decided to add some additional plot to this story - mainly, the sudden criticism and hate directed on Y/N after the last Among Us stream. I thought it would make things more interesting.
That being said, I hope you enjoy the third part ^^
part 1
part 2 
part 4 
part 5
PURE [3]
Y/N stared at her phone screen, reading through the latest tweets of her friends inviting their fans to watch their streams. It was Thursday evening and just as it was planned, everyone was getting ready for another game of Among Us. Just as she would do if it wasn’t for all those comments...
The last stream caused sudden, unexpected amounts of attention on her social media. She probably shouldn’t be that surprised by it, given the fact that by appearing in Sean’s and Felix’s videos she wasn’t all that strange to their fans. But people who watched Rae, Toast, or Corpse’s streams didn’t know her. And apparently, some of them weren’t that happy to see a new face among the group of well-known gamers. 
She always tried to avoid the unnecessary spotlight as much as she could, preferring to stay hidden somewhere behind other, much more popular streamers. And it never bothered her. She was never one to enjoy too much attention anyway.
That’s why when she discovered how upset, or even angry, some people were when she played with all those famous streamers, she was quite shocked, to say the least. 
Like all those comments under Poki’s tweet, in which she mentioned who’s gonna be playing this time...
“Duh, why’s that Y/N chick supposed to play with them again? There are at least hundreds of other, much more popular streamers I can think of who would be better than her.”
“Who the fuck is she anyway? Why’s she there?”
“lmao, some random girl who got lucky enough to know jacksepticeye. Don’t get why she’s playing with them though.”
Sure, she wasn’t as famous as Felix, or Sean, or Rae, or anyone else for that matter. Her audience wasn’t very small, but it was nothing compared to the number of fans other YouTubers had. It was understandable that most people didn’t know who she was, and didn’t understand why she was there in the first place.
She was, in fact, just some random girl who was lucky to have Sean as her friend. But in a group of such great and well-known streamers, she definitely stood out like a sore thumb. 
Y/N almost jumped in her seat when her phone beeped with a new message, Sean’s nickname showing up at the top of her screen. 
Jackaboy: We’re starting in a few kiddo
Jackaboy: But join the call now so we can both make fun of Felix
After the last game, she was so excited and couldn’t wait for this evening. She looked forward to cooperating with Sykkuno again, to arguing with Toast, to laughing with Sean and Felix, to murdering other people with Corpse... Yet now, all this excitement seemed to vanish just like the mood to play, let alone talk with other people. They would surely see right through her and try to make her spill the beans, which would ruin the stream. And the last thing she wanted was to ruin their game.
Jackaboy: You there Y/N??
She sighed, thinking of some believable excuse that wouldn’t arouse suspicion, but her mind was flooded with all those comments and DMs she received over those past days, which expressed nothing but hatred towards her. 
Y/N: I’m really sorry Sean, but I don’t think I will be joining you today... I don’t feel very well. 
She waited for Sean’s reply impatiently, expecting him to send her some angry emoji or tell her to move her ass and join the discord call. What she didn’t expect though, was that he would facetime her. 
Her first instinct was to throw her phone across the room as if it would make Sean stop calling. He wouldn’t stop unless she’d tell him the truth. 
So she cleared her throat and plastered the widest smile on her face, before answering his call.
“Alright, what is going on?” Sean asked right away, staring at her with his brows furrowed. He wasn’t in his recording room, but in his kitchen, which meant that he left his stream to call her. “And please don’t tell me you’re sick cause I won’t believe it anyway. And neither will Pewds.”
“I’m tired, Sean... I was working late again and I really need to rest.” she lied, trying to keep her voice steady and calm. She really didn’t want Sean to interrogate her now, not when his fans were waiting for him. “I’m sure you’ll find someone else though. Please tell the guys that I’m sorry”
“Y/N, c’mon, cut this bullshit. What’s wrong?” he asked softly, moving his phone closer to his face. “You know you’re a terrible liar, just tell me what happened. If you don’t wanna play then neither do I.”
“Sean, please don’t do it” she shook her head with a sigh. “Your fans are waiting for you, I’ll be fine.”
“Well they’re waiting for you too you dummy, I already promised them you’ll be playing with us tonight” he stated matter of factly, rolling his eyes. Y/N remained silent for a moment, and Sean suddenly furrowed his brows, narrowing his eyes at her in a suspicious look. “Did someone tell you something rude last time we played? Who and what?”
“What? No, Sean, oh my God. Everyone was super nice, it has nothing to do with the last stream... not with you guys, at least.” she mumbled under her breath, dropping her eyes from Sean’s confused face.
“What do you mean not with you guys? Y/N, what the hell happened?” he demanded, slowly getting more and more worried. She wouldn’t tell him though, too scared that Sean would just laugh it off, even though he also sometimes had problems with dealing with hate. And just as if he was reading her mind, Sean sighed, his face softening in a sad smile. “You’ve read the comments, didn’t you?”
She felt so stupid for being so easily offended by comments of some random people on the Internet, that she just nodded her head meekly, still looking anywhere but at the man. 
“Look kiddo... I’m not gonna tell you to get yourself together and just ignore them, cause it won’t help, and I know cause I’ve been there. Hell, I’m still there.” he chuckled to himself and continued “Anyway, you really shouldn’t be worrying yourself about people who don’t even know you. They don’t know you, Y/N, why would some complete stranger’s opinion matter to you?”
“They said I shouldn’t be playing with you guys... that I’m nothing but a burden and you should be playing with someone who’s at least recognizable.”
“Well excuse me Miss, last time I checked I could choose who the fuck I want to play with.” Sean scoffed, clearly irritated by such comments “You’re one of my best friends Y/N and I don’t give a fuck what some haters say. And neither should you.”
“Maybe you should just invite someone else... It would make everyone happy.” she muttered almost inaudibly, but Sean almost barked at her when he heard her words.
“I told you to cut that bullshit, Y/N! Everyone couldn’t wait for this game and now you wanna back out? C’mon, kid. Do you have any idea how heartbroken Sykkuno’s gonna be? When you left so quickly last time, he kept complaining that he has no one to team up with.” she couldn’t help but smile at that, letting out a tiny giggle. “And Corpse? Have you even seen his last tweet?”
“What? No, I- I don’t follow him...” she said, wondering what Sean was talking about. She quickly searched for Corpse on Twitter, still being on facetime with Sean, and her heart almost dropped when she saw the last tweet.
@.Corpse_Husband Really excited for tonight’s Among Us stream, 8PM PST.
Disguised Toast 
Mr Beast
and, hopefully, my partner in crime - Little Y/N 
She stared at the screen with her eyes widened, and her lips corners curling up in a small, bashful smile. It was so nice of Corpse to mention her as well, especially with the nickname that he seemed to like so much since their last game. 
“God, if you could see yourself right now. How’s it that my pep talk didn’t do shit, but Corpse’s tweet magically made you smile, ugh.” Sean reminded her of his presence, and she quickly returned to the call, trying to somehow control her burning cheeks. 
“It’s not like that, Sean, I really appreciate that you’re trying to cheer me up... I just didn’t expect your friends to like me...” she admitted quietly, and if Sean could, he would probably strangle her at that moment. 
“I just... what if they’re just being nice, but they don’t actually want me to play with them?”
“I’m done.” Sean groaned, shaking his head furiously. “Alright, here’s what you’re gonna do. You stay away from your phone, join the discord call, say hi to everyone, and we’re all gonna have fun, okay? If not, Pewds is gonna murder you, cause he was already growing impatient even before I called you.”
“I’m still not sure if that’s a good idea, Sean...”
“But I am sure, Y/N! Now come on, we’re playing in five. I’m telling everyone you’re joining as well.”
And before she could even reply, he hung up. Y/N groaned, rushing to her computer to turn it on. Now it would just be plain rude not to join the game, especially after Sean wasted his time talking with her, while he should be talking to his fans. Just as he suggested, she kept her phone far away from her desk, deciding to stay away from Twitter and all those comments for a bit. Maybe it would help her clear her mind and at least try to have some fun. 
An invite to the group call was already waiting for her, along with a message from Sean with a code to the game. Y/N put her headphones on before joining the call and quickly typing in the code. 
“... so let me repeat myself. I ALWAYS sound guilty, no matter what. Please, guys, don’t vote me out!” 
Y/N shook her head with a smile on her lips when the first thing she heard after joining the call was Felix’s pleading voice. Clearly, he was already trying to save his own ass even before the game began.
 Y/N could hear Sean’s loud voice as he commented on Felix’s plea with some snarky remark, later also catching the sounds of Rae’s laughter. Everyone was already there, they’ve been clearly waiting for her to join. 
“Hey, look who’s finally here! Hi Y/N!” Poki noticed her presence first. 
“Hello everyone” Y/N said, as shy and quiet as usual.
“Oh, Y/N! It’s so great to see you again, I was worried you weren’t joining us tonight” Sykkuno said, a pout clear in his voice. 
“WELL ABOUT DAMN TIME” Felix all but yelled, making her roll her eyes with a smile. “What did I tell you about being late?!”
“Give her a break Felix, her mic wasn’t working again... Luckily, I was there to save the damsel in distress” Sean said, and even though she couldn’t see him, Y/N was almost certain that he was smirking. 
“Yeah, I’m really sorry guys to have kept you waiting so long...” Y/N said, feeling genuinely bad. Maybe Sean was right after all? They could have just invited someone else, and yet they decided to wait for her.  
“It’s okay, you’re here now and it’s all that matters” a deep voice sounded out, and whether she liked it or not, Y/N grinned like an idiot with a blush rising up her cheeks. 
“Shit, here we go again...” Felix sighed, making everyone else laugh. Y/N bit at her lower lip, feeling her heart thump in her chest as she felt a sudden wave of courage, deciding to speak up despite her initial shyness:
“Well... I couldn’t just leave my partner in crime alone, right?” she asked, and she could swear she heard Corpse stutter as if he completely didn’t expect her to say that.  
“Ah yes, after all, killing wouldn’t be the same without her, right Corpse?” Toast teased, repeating Corpse’s words from the last stream. Everyone in the call laughed, Y/N included. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling, even though just mere minutes ago she was on the verge of crying. “It’s good to have you here, Y/N/N. Maybe I’ll actually get a chance to finally kill you this time.”
“Jesus Christ, Toast. You sound like a psychopath. Hey, I’m happy you’re here, lemme stab you in the back, please?” someone whose nickname was MrBeast spoke up with a chuckle, before directing his next words to Y/N “I believe we haven’t played together before, I’m Mr Beast, it’s really nice to meet you Y/N”
“Yeah, pleased to meet you!” another player, Logic, spoke up “I also didn’t have a chance to play with you yet, but I’ve seen Sean’s last stream... Let me just say, that Toast murder was absolutely perfect!” 
“Wow. And here I almost managed to block it out. I’m fucking traumatized Y/N, you should be ashamed of yourself” Toast scoffed over Felix’s laughter. 
“You should be proud of yourself!” Sean interfered “Just so you know lads, Y/N may seem like a little angel, but she’s a little demon. You’ve been warned.” 
“Yeah, she’ll charm you with her voice only to snap your neck next second.” Felix scoffed.
“Just like she did with Corpse!” 
“Charm?!” Y/N gasped, her cheeks burning.
“I don’t recall Y/N killing me...” Corpse said in his low voice. 
“I love how that’s the only thing he denied” Poki pointed out in a teasing voice, which only made Y/N sink further into her chair. 
“Can we please start the game now?” she asked in a pleading voice, hoping that everyone would stop making fun of Corpse and her. She could only imagine how uncomfortable he felt, for some reason being the target of their jokes... They must’ve made him feel awkward, right? 
“Jack, did you tell Y/N how we’re playing tonight?” Sykkuno asked, and she sighed in relief that they dropped the jokes. 
“Oh, right! So there’s this mod called proximity chat, where we’re able to hear each other as we pass by another person, and it seems quite fun so that’s what we decided to try out tonight.” Sean explained to Y/N, and before she could ask another question, he added “I’ve just sent you the link, it’ll take a minute to install it.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you Sean” Y/N said, before downloading the mod and quickly installing it. When everything was set and ready, she pulled up Among Us again and typed in the code, and the game finally began. 
“Holy shit!” 
“Guys this is so cool!” Sykkuno exclaimed, his voice so happy and excited that Y/N couldn’t help but giggle. 
“Okay, I’m scared now. I feel like encounters with Imposter are just gonna be perfectly cut screams” Felix chuckled, as they left the dropship and moved down the map. That’s when Y/N gasped in surprise, upon seeing the locations completely different than those she was used to.
“Wait- is that a different map?” she asked through her mic, hearing Toast’s distanced, devilish laugh. There was only Rae and Sykkuno beside her, as everyone else have already split up to do their tasks.
“Oh yeah, that’s Polus, it’s much more fun than the one we were playing in last time.” Rae explained happily and Y/N groaned. She didn’t know that map.
“Great. I don’t even know how am I supposed to do tasks in here...”
“Oh, it’s not that hard. They’re in most cases similar to those you already know, they only look a little bit different.” Sykkuno said in his kind voice, before asking “Do you want to team up again, Y/N?”
“I thought you would never ask Sykkuno” Rae chuckled under her breath.
“Yeah, that would be great! I need someone to show me around” she smiled. The trio finally moved from their spot beside the dropship and went to the left where, as Y/N later realized, was electrical. She quickly did her task in there, being under the watchful eyes of both Sykkuno and Rae.  
Before the latter could do his own task, the first body was reported.
“The body is in the lab” Felix said, and Y/N couldn’t help but smirk as she saw that it was Toast who was murdered first. One less person to accuse her or try to frame her, if he was the Imposter. 
“I just ran towards the lab from the left side, I only saw Poki on my way there” Corpse said right away, and the accused girl was quick to try and defend herself:
“Okay, I wasn’t in the lab, I was doing that engines task which is next to the lab.” 
“Did you see someone else there?” Jack questioned. 
“Nope, just me and the engines.” 
“Okay. Sykkuno, where are you?” the lime astronaut was next on Jack’s list of suspects, which made Sykkuno groan. 
“Why do you sound so suspicious right away?” he asked in disbelief, causing the rest to giggle “I was with Y/N and Rae all this time, we were all doing our tasks in electrical.”
“Is that true Y/N?”
“Yes Sean, that is true” she rolled her eyes with a laugh “I don’t even know this map, I have to stick with someone so I don’t end up like Toast.”
“Alright, what about rest? Logic? I think I saw you in admin but then you disappeared somewhere.” Felix said.
“Yeah I’m with Mr Beast in the office”
“That’s right” Mr Beast confirmed, which didn’t bring anything new to the investigation, so everyone decided to skip.
“Wo- Okay where are we now?” Y/N asked in surprise, when the new round began in some completely new place Sykkuno didn’t manage to show her yet. She could hear as Corpse laughed at her shocked voice, which made her smile widely.
“Yeah, I’m also not used to this new map yet” he admitted, his black astronaut walking up to her white one “Hey, wanna see something cool?”
*Meanwhile Sykkuno*
“Okay this is bad guys, we lost Y/N” Sykkuno said to his mic, running around the map to find the girl he was earlier teamed up with. “I thought she followed us when the new round began, but she must’ve gone the other way... What if she’s dead already? Not good, not good...” 
"Woah! This looks amazing! Is there some task here as well?”
“Yes, there’s temperature recording right here” Corpse said, standing by the lava pit, watching as Y/N’s character ran back and forth over the pool of lava. 
“I wonder if you could jump into it. What do you think, Corpse?” she asked curiously, standing close to the edge. 
“Not that I’m aware of it...” he mumbled coming closer to the edge as well “Why would you jump into it?” he asked with a half-smile on his face. 
“So Felix can’t stab me in the back.” she whispered, even though there was no one around them. 
“You think it’s him?” Corpse mirrored her voice, and she hummed in response “Why?”
“He’s constantly suspicious of everyone, last time we played he also kept interrogating us all, without even telling his own location.” she stated as if it was very obvious. Corpse couldn’t help but let out a laugh “What? Why are you laughing at me?”
“Not at you, Y/N. I’m just impressed by your investigation skills” he admitted “In that case, we better both jump in. Felix likes to frame other people.”
“You wanna jump into the lava with me?”
“Sure I do.”
“There you are!” Sykkuno’s lime astronaut came out of nowhere, followed by Mr Beast. Two of them walked up to Y/N and Corpse, and before the latter could even say anything, Mr Beast snapped Y/N’s neck.
“OH GOD, OH GOD” Sykkuno yelled in panic.
“KILL HIM CORPSE” Mr Beast screamed, frantically running around.
“What the heck?” Y/N stared at her screen in shock, her dead body laying over the lava pit. Mr Beast had already fled to the left, leaving her, Sykkuno and Corpse standing between two of them. None of them said anything for a moment before the black astronaut finally spoke up.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N” he kept repeating, regret clear in his voice. “And Sykkuno, I- I can’t even express how-”
He was cut off by Felix’s scream, who reported the bodies before Corpse could kill him as well.
“That is- I did not kill them” Corpse replied, calm as ever, as opposed to his frantic apologies. 
“Then why were you standing there?! Without reporting the bodies?!”
“I was... mourning their death.” he replied, which caused the whole group to burst out laughing. “Seriously guys, you think I would murder Sykkuno? And Y/N? I would never even think of hurting them.”
“The simp is strong, we get it, but it doesn’t really save your situation” Rae laughed. 
“Let’s kick him out guys, he can’t even defend himself” Sean chuckled, and everyone else didn’t need to be told twice. Soon enough, Y/N watched as Corpse’s black astronaut was thrown into the lava pit... Oh, the irony...
The game continued with her wandering around the map, doing the rest of her tasks to at least support somehow her fellow crewmates. She stumbled upon Corpse’s ghost at some point and laughed wholeheartedly when he started circling her little character in something she read as an attempt to apologize. 
A little while later another body was reported, this time it was Felix who lost his life. Y/N didn’t really focus on the conversation this time, glancing at her phone instead. There was this urge to reach for it and check how people reacted to her joining the game, but she kept repeating Sean’s words in her head. There was no point in worrying about the opinion of somebody who doesn’t even know her... or at least that’s what she tried to convince herself to think. 
Her attention was brought back to the game when she heard the sound of a new message from someone who was also dead. She clicked on the chat, seeing that it was one of the Impostors.
Corpse: :(
Corpse: I’m sorry 
Y/N thought it was sweet of him to apologize for it, even though it was his main goal to murder everyone after all. She believed he was genuinely sorry for it, just like she was each time she was an Impostor and had to kill somebody.
Sykkuno: Welcome to the afterlife, Corpse!
She laughed at Sykkuno’s constant happiness, which was evident even in his messages, before typing one as well:
Y/N: We’re all corpse here
Sykkuno: Oh, so it means we’re all really cool then ^^
Y/N: Fair point
Corpse: See Y/N
Corpse: I told you I would jump into the lava for you 
Y/N: You didn’t exactly jump...
Corpse: :(
Y/N: But let’s say it counts as well :)
Corpse: :)
Before they knew, the voting ended. Mr Beast was thrown into the lava, which ultimately lead to the victory of crewmates. Y/N cheered happily, when the blue sign appeared on her screen, right above everyone else who was innocent. 
“Yaaay, the first time I wasn’t killed in the first game!” Sean announced enthusiastically, his astronaut running around the dropship.
“Yeah, and the first time it went so fast...” 
“Right? Corpse, I’m disappointed in you. What happened to the King of Impostors?” Rae asked.
“Well.. no matter how good you are, you can’t always win, right?” Corpse replied calmly.
“Hmm, you seemed kinda absent-minded during the game, though...” Poki suggested with a smirk hiding in her voice, and Rae was very quick to pick on it.
“Oh, you’ve noticed that too? Almost as if he was distracted by something” 
“I don’t know what are you talking about” he chuckled nervously, and Y/N just sat in her chair confused about what was going on. “Anyway, who’s up for another round?” 
“Yeah, I have an idea” Sean said, effectively shutting everyone up “What if we play something along the lines of hide and seek? Let’s have one impostor, and everyone else needs to get their tasks done before he finds them.”
“That is...” Felix took in a dramatic breath “THE BEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD ABOUT”
“Yeah, I think it will be fun” Sykkuno replied. 
“It sounds really cool, but let’s maybe tell who’s the impostor? I think it would be more fair” Rae suggested. 
“I think it’s a good idea” Sean concluded, before changing the settings for one impostor only. Y/N waited patiently for the game to begin, and when she saw that she was a crewmate again, she sighed in relief. Only to gasp in a panic a second later...
“It’s me.”
Everyone stumbled out of the dropship as Corpse admitted that he’s the impostor. It seemed that knowing exactly who can murder everyone made the whole game a little bit terrifying...
“I don’t know where the heck I’m going” Y/N mumbled to herself with a nervous laugh when instead of doing her tasks, she searched for the perfect place to hide. When she entered security, she spotted Mr Beast fixing the wires, so she decided to join him.
“OH SHIT- god damn it, you scared me to death!” he all but yelled when she appeared next to him, doing her tasks. 
“Sorry” she giggled, quickly finishing the wires, before speeding out of the room. On her way to weapons, she stumbled across Felix’s dead body, and could hear some screaming in the background... but didn’t recognize who was murdered next. 
Y/N managed to do most of her tasks without meeting Corpse, whom she hoped not to see probably for the first time since they played together. She was just leaving decontamination when she heard Sean’s panicked laughter:
“...tee, bitches love me?”
“Wrong.” Corpse’s voice almost made her squeak in surprise, only to really scream when he suddenly snapped Sean’s neck. 
“Retreat, retreat!” Y/N laughed as she sped past oblivious Rae and Logic, Corpse hot on her tail. She quickly returned to the decontamination room, hoping to flee from her inevitable death, when Corpse’s black astronaut walked in, and the door closed. 
“Please don’t kill me” she chuckled, even though there was no hope for her. 
“Finish my lyrics, and I’ll let you live...” he began, and Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion “ I spilt wine...”
“Wait- what lyrics? You sing?” she asked, completely dumbfounded. Corpse was silent for a moment as if he didn’t understand her, before bursting out laughing “What’s so funny again? Corpse, come on!” 
“Yes, Y/N, I do sing, I was actually hoping you’ve heard some of my songs...” he admitted, still chuckling to himself. She felt a blush rising up her cheeks.
“Oh- I- I didn’t, I-... but I will, okay? I’ll do it right away!” she promised, quickly jumping up to grab her phone and listen to Corpse’s song. She was genuinely shocked, she would never expect him to sing! 
 She unlocked her phone with a wide, somehow nervous smile on her face, which, however, dropped the moment she saw her notifications. Hundreds of notifications. 
“You there, Y/N?” Corpse’s voice reached her after a moment, when she still didn’t say anything, just kept looking at her screen. “I hope my music isn’t so bad that you passed out from listening to it...”
She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, her phone gripped tightly in her shaking hands.
“Um, Y/N?” his voice became more worried now “Is everything okay?” 
Y/N cleared her throat and quickly wiped her eyes, closing them for a moment to steady her breathing.
“Yeah, all good Corpse” she forced herself to smile, so her voice wouldn’t sound weird. “Look, um, I need to leave, can you tell the others bye from me?” 
“Is something wrong?” Corpse asked confused.
“No, of course not!” she laughed through her tears “Something just came up and I really need to leave.”
“You sure you’re-”
“Bye Corpse. It was nice playing with you.” 
A/N: I hope you guys are not too disappointed in me... It didn’t turn out as I initially thought it would. Isn’t it too dramatic? And is this hate plot fine? Or is it not? What do guys you think? 
@slytherin-chan @pillowjj @afuckingunicornn @love-and-virtues @ignooynim @crapimahuman @hannahjsworld @laugh-like-the-moon @fallengoddess772 @kingric03 @dolphinpink310 @paigeyisme @bunnychano3o @dxrtygxrl28 @z-nyx @baby-iyania @trashygeek
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nagito-kissmaeda · 4 years ago
Arcade - Komaeda x Reader
ミ☆  Just a silly thing I wrote about an arcade employee being baffled while Komaeda clears out all the machines lol ミ☆ I’ve been feeling kind of down about my writing so i just wanted to do something fun. It’s not very good haha. I’m tired and i can’t write good asjfkakd
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Night shift at the arcade is usually pretty quiet. Most people start leaving around dinner time and while there are usually still some hardcore gamers lurking around until the AM, most of them only come in on Friday’s or weekends. So the job is usually easy breezy, most nights you lean up on the counter and browse the internet on your phone until your shift ends.
Tonight though, you have been acutely watching as this guy moves from machine to machine. Absolutely clearing them out. You’ve never seen anything like it. Presently, you are crouched behind a claw machine filled with Hello Kitty plushies as this guy slips two bucks into the Big Bass Wheel cabinet. Your eyes drift over to the last cabinet he used, the Wizard of Oz coin pusher. It is empty , you have never seen that happen in the whole time you’ve worked here. You weren’t even sure it could happen.
The guy spins the wheel, it spins and spins and spins. Jackpot. Your eyes narrow, a jackpot isn’t too uncommon, it honestly isn’t even worth that many tickets, but then he nonchalantly slides in another two dollars and hits jackpot again . This is starting to get suspicious.
The machine is spitting out tickets now, so many tickets. Even the guy looks surprised, you are definitely surprised. Two jackpots is not worth that many tickets, but they just keep coming and coming. Machine fault? Must be. The guy looks almost resigned at this point, sighing unhappily as the tickets keep spewing out, like they’re wasting his time and not like this was a superhuman feat of luck. Then, the machine starts smoking.
“Shit!” You hiss, jumping up from your hiding place behind the claw machine and dashing over to the guy before anything catches on fire. You’ve caught him by surprise, he probably didn’t realise you were following him around, “out of the way, please!”
He ducks out of the way, pulling his armfuls worth of tickets along with him as you switch the arcade cabinet off at the wall. The machinery inside stops whirring and the smoke calms down. You wipe your forehead with the back of your hand, you’ve never seen a machine fault this badly before, you were probably going to need to file an indecent report. What a pain.
“You okay?” You ask the guy. He is a lot taller up close, and the shock of messy white hair on his head only makes him seem taller. He sways like a palm tree in the breeze, clutching onto his massive wad of tickets for dear life.
“I’m sorry. I broke your machine.”
Oh...his voice is softer than you had expected it would be. The lights from a nearby Daytona cabinet are reflecting in his green eyes. You swallow, “You didn't break anything, machine fault, it happens sometimes.”
His eyes drift away from you and over to the cabinet, the smoke has stopped now, it doesn't look like there was too much damage, but he looks very upset about it anyway.
“Hey, seriously, dont worry about it.” You give him an awkward pat on his forearm, “The machines in here are really old, stuff like this happens all the time.”
“Oh...ah…” He bites his lip, “If you’re sure…”
You smile, “Yeah, don't even sweat it. You can keep the tickets by the way, once they're out of the machine it's a nightmare to get them back in again, so consider it an apology for almost setting you on fire.”
He laughs weakly, “Thank you.”
“Hey, uh…” You start, not so subtle eyeing his ticket collection. A decent chunk of it was from that Big Bass Wheel malfunction, an already exorbitant number was won legit. More than you had ever seen anyone win before, “are you a cabinet master?”
“Like, you know all the sweet spots on the machines. Technically not cheating, but not entirely legal either.”
His eyes widen, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No!” You shake your head at him, “You just won a lot of tickets is all. I’ve never seen someone win that many tickets.”
“I’m just really lucky. It’s all i'm good at, honestly.” He’s fiddling with the tickets in his arms, “My friend’s birthday is coming up and i'm trying to win her that Sailor Moon statue.”
It is true that there is a coveted Sailor Moon statue amongst the arcade’s prize collection. It’s huge, beautifully painted and according to your boss, incredibly rare . It’s been sitting there on the shelf for god knows how long, still tight in it’s shrinkwrap. Generally the most any player is able to afford is three or four sticky hands and a glow in the dark spider ring, but this guy is getting tantalisingly close.
You cross your arms and smirk at him, “You’re really that lucky?”
“Most of the time.”
“Okay then. You’re going to play Monster Drop next, it's the hardest cabinet we have.” You start heading over to the machine in the back of the arcade, it’s huge, you always forget how huge it is. The guy is diligently following behind you, shoulders hunched like he’s trying to make himself seem smaller. The pile of tickets in his arms rustling as he walks, “I’ve never seen anyone get a monster jackpot on this thing. Also my boss filled it with a bunch of different sized balls, so it's basically impossible to get a standard jackpot too, even after practicing at other arcades.”
“Hm. Is that really fair?”
You shrug a shoulder, “Nope. It’s big and loud, so lots of people want to play it and Boss doesn't want too many people winning. there's a catch though, raise the difficulty and you also raise the ticket payout. So if you manage to beat it, you'll be able to afford Sailor Moon.”
The current ticket payout is displayed in flashing red lights, 72,483 . With every failed attempt at hitting the monster jackpot the payout just gets higher and higher, those tantalising numbers draw in more kids hoping to be the one who gets lucky. A number that big means the cabinet has never been won, a smart arcade goer knows that a number like that means stay away.
“How do I play?” He asks, dropping his ticket collection on the ground at his feet.
“Ah, it’s deceptively simple.” You grab his hand and tug him over to the machine, gesturing up at where the balls drop down from, “You just need to press the button to let out a ball, and that’s literally it. The base of the machine spins around to make it harder to get the balls in. Monster jackpot is in the middle, so you would think a straight drop down would jackpot you every time but-”
He smirks wryly, “it’s never that easy is it?”
“Of course not! We’d never make any money if it was.”
He laughs to himself, pulling another coin out of his pocket and clinking it into the machine, “Ah, only one turn?”
You hold up a finger, “Just the one.”
He laughs again, “Brutal.”
“Very.” You take a step back to give him room to familiarise himself with the machine. Most people like to observe it from a few angles, take some time, watch at least one cycle before using up their one shot, “Good luck.”
He turns to you and smiles, “Thanks, but like i said, this is the one thing i'm good at.” He pushes the button, he isn't even looking at the machine, the rotating base hasn't even finished half a cycle. This guy is ballsy.
Despite his gumption, the ball falls a little short of the monster jackpot, “Aw, bad luck-” you start saying, but then it starts bouncing. Once off the base, three times off the sides, up high into the air and then plonk . Straight into the monster jackpot. All you can do is stare. Not only did he get the jackpot, he got it in a rigged machine while he wasn't even looking .
He laughs politely, the sound barely audible of the cabinet’s furious ringing bells and sirens signalling an impossible feat just happened here, everyone look! The tickets have started dispensing, with over 70k to print, it's going to be a long wait, “Jeez, that was scary. I almost thought my luck had run out there!”
He looks completely relaxed as he starts folding the fresh tickets into the neatest pile he can manage, “Are you a god or something?”
“Huh?” He says, blinking down at you, “That’s such a strange thing to ask me.”
“You just beat Monster Drop without looking . I’ve seen professional cabinet masters come in here and still lose after examining the machine for a good two hours!”
“Oh, no need to be impressed. I didn't actually do anything.” He smiles sadly and continues collecting his tickets, “It’s not really much of a talent, but i suppose it comes in handy sometimes.”
You clap a palm to your forehead, unable to believe what you are hearing, “You’re going to have enough tickets for the Sailor Moon statue and enough leftover for like...unlimited sticky hands.”
He taps a finger to his lips, “Oh! I would like some sticky hands.”
“How many?”
His brow creases as he considers it, “Three or four, i guess.”
“Three or-” you start laughing, “Buddy, i could pour the whole box into your bag if you wanted.”
“I don't think i need that many sticky hands, but it's very kind of you to offer.”
“We also have glow in the dark spider rings, and a robust selection of slinkies. Oh! If you really want to splurge we have a pair of slippers that resemble a character from Rick and Morty.”
He grimaces, “I would prefer the slinkies.”
You hear the arcade cabinet’s ticket dispenser finally come to a stop, and despite his good natured effort to collect the tickets in a neat pile, they are still all bunched up around his ankles. You are about to ask him another question when you quickly realise that the Monster Drop machine is now also smoking.
He sighs, “I should have known.”
You don't have time to look into that comment, you are too busy scrambling around to the back of the machine so you can turn the power off at the wall. Much like last time, you catch it before anything actually catches on fire. This has been a very eventful day.
“Hey, uh-” you start awkwardly, pulling yourself up from the ground and moving to help the guy contend with his ticket pile, “I finish in like half an hour...if you need help carrying your miscellaneous arcade prizes back to your car or whatever…”
He blinks at you as you both reach the prize counter and deposit the monstrous ticket collection onto the bench, “I should be okay on my own...but if you want to come I wouldn't mind, though I can’t guarantee I won’t set anything else on fire…” he chuckles nervously and you give him a quizzical look.
You do want to go with him, you aren't sure if it’s just a morbid curiosity about his luck with the arcade machines, or a fascination with the soft halo of white hair falling into his eyes, but you want to get to know him better, “I’ll come with you. You don’t have anywhere near enough fingers for all the glow in the dark spider rings I’m about to give you.” You say as you round the counter and start organising his tickets into more manageable piles.
He smiles, “that does sound like a good idea. I don’t want to drop any of my brand new sticky hands, after all.” He leans forward on the counter, blinking up at you. He’s got really pretty eyelashes, “I’m Nagito Komaeda, in case you were wondering.”
You laugh, “Nice to meet you, Nagito. Now give me 20 minutes to count all your damn tickets.”
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srose-foxfire · 4 years ago
“First Impressions” Part: 5 (Damirae)
Damian was glad his school day had finally ended. He was grateful he didn’t have to stay after for study groups, all he wanted was to be in his room and polish his sword. That was one of his favorite past times, his grandfather was an excellent swordsman though his father didn’t agree at it first he allowed Damian to receive lessons from his grandfather. Lessons in which were quoted as ‘self-defense,’ being a Wayne and the heir to his father’s company could one day misfortunes in which someone could try taking his life for money. His own father had to deal with similar hardships in the past and made sure his children received training in protecting themselves. Bruce had just hoped Damian had been taught by someone else, other than Ra’s Al Ghul.
Damian stretched out as much as he could in the limousine, while Alfred drove them back to the manor. He looked out the window, in four months he was going to graduate from Gotham Academy, then go off to Gotham University. Time seemed to pass more quickly now, before he even realizes it, he will be named CEO of Wayne Industries. His life goal’s, for the past few months he been debating if he could maybe have more than just inheriting his father’s company. Damian may never say it out load or even speak to his family about it, but Damian dreamed of having a family of his own. A wife and children, he would give his life for. Damian closed his eyes for a moment and just imagined what his future could be, and then she appeared. Raven.
The young Wayne unlocked his phone and opened up his photo gallery. He scrolled down to find the picture he had taken that one winter night. Raven had dared him to take a picture of their drinks together. It was silly thing but for her, Damian would do anything. Raven had been standing so close trying to make sure he got a perfect shot, at some pint Damian wanted to tell her she could lean onto his shoulder for comfort. But that idea quickly died.
Damian sighed, making Alfred look at him from the rearview mirror. “Everything alright, Master Damian?”
“Just lost in thought, nothing to concern yourself with Pennyworth.”
“Alright then. By any chance are you going to work on any school assignments when we arrive?”
“I finished every assignment already, I wanted to keep my weekend free so I can focus on other matters.”
“So, I assume you will be free?” Alfred shot Damian a quick glance over the rearview mirror again and the young Wayne only nodded at him. “I was wondering if you would help me with a small favor Miss Cass had left me with before she had left to buy some items for tonight.”
Damian didn’t want to do some chore Cass should had taken care herself instead handing it off to Alfred. “Sure, what would you like me to help in?”
“If you could help me entertain Miss Raven, till your sisters arrived?”
Raven was at the manor? Well that changes things. Damian did everything he could so he wouldn’t start grinning. Now that, would cause Alfred to question why the mention of his sisters’ friend would please him so much.  
When they arrived at the manor, Damian literally sprinted the steps towards the main doors. He speed-walked towards his room and threwhis bagpack not caring wherever it landed. Not wanting to waste any time, he didn’t bother changing out of his school uniform and ran to the one place he would always find Raven cooped up. The manor’s library. As he neared, he started slowing his pace as thousand thoughts bashed one another in his mind, what could they converse? Could they read a book together, could they talk about how their week had gone by, or-
Damian stopped when he heard that little battle tune, he knew too well thanks to Jon. He peeked his head from the doorway and found Raven cross-legged on a couch, looking down at her phone as she cursed under her breath. The game she was playing announced her hero had been slain, she let out an annoyed grunt and moved to place a lock of her hair behind her ear.
Damian came in and leaned against the doorway crossing his arms. Raven hadn’t noticed his presence just yet as she went to continue playing. She looked so cute. She was dressed in black tights and a navy-blue skirt, with a tucked in long button-white sleeve. Damian had to contain a chuckled when he noticed Raven was wearing miss-match socks. He liked the idea that Raven felt safe and comfortable to be in Wayne Manor, feel she can be herself with his whole family. Damian looked up when he heard Raven cursed again when the game announced she been slain again.
“I wouldn’t have imagined you be a gamer.” Damian said so calmly.
Raven looked up from her phone, “oh, hi Damian. I’m not much a gamer but Jon kind of got me into this game.” Damian could had sworn he saw her cheeks just flush a little. Raven sighed heavily in defeat, she looked up to Damian as he raised a brow. “Actually, I hear you’re a good assassin so maybe you can help me with my assassin hero? I keep getting myself killed.”
“My pleasure.” Damian walked over and watched as Raven scooted so he could sit down. Damian had to hold his breath in to make sure he still was in control of his body. He was afraid he start turning red or worse his heart would beat so loudly all of Gotham would know his secret affection towards her. Damian carefully took Raven’s phone and looked at what she was planning to do with this particular hero. “Well first mistake you did was you didn’t choose the correct battle spell; assassins rely on jungle in order to build quickly and cause more damage.”
“So, this spell is useless for her?”
“Somewhat, you used a spell that mainly used by mages and supports. What were you planning to build?”
“Cut me some slack! I normally mage so I had no idea what would be best!” Raven lightly punched his shoulder as she watched him sell some of the items she had previously build and prioritize buying other items.
“Next time build for these items; this one specifically will help you greatly to deal more damage and make use of her passive, she deals allot of damage when she is in stealth.” Damian demonstrated the assassin’s passive and gaining him a kill, a player from the enemy side got neared hoping to avenge their fallen comrade. Damian activated the assassin’s ultimate skill with little health, but now with greater power output was able to kill the enemy hero.
“You’re a better teacher than Jon. Thanks Damian.”
“I’m surprised you think so, Jon was actually the one to get me into this game.” Damian peeked over to find Raven was awfully close to him. He cleared his throat, “are you’re here for a sleepover?”
“Mm.” Raven continue to lean closer, her head was practically laying on his shoulder now. Damian was praying his face wouldn’t flush or that she wouldn’t hear his heart wanting to beat loudly. “Can I actually confess something to you?”
Damian helped the team win the match, he then handed Raven back her phone so she could receive her awards. “Please go ahead.”
“I am not sure if I will be welcomed after today.” Raven said silently, “when your sisters arrive, I plan to tell them the truth about Jasper Sky. I’m afraid they may get very upset with me and not want to be friends anymore. Which I understand, I did lie to them.” Raven turned off her phone and stared straight ahead, lost in thought.
Damian could tell this scared her, he didn’t know if she needed this from him, but he had to let her know she wouldn’t lose everything after today. He wanted to make sure Raven knew she still had a friend. “I will be your friend, so you still have me. Besides, if you tell them the truth and explain why you had to invent the perfect boyfriend like Jasper Sky, I’m sure they will understand. My sisters aren’t the type to hold grudges.”
“I hope you’re right, I like being friends with your sisters and… I like being your friend too. Damian, I want you to know that I am here for you as well. So, don’t hesitate in asking me for help.”
Damian could only nod at her, Raven turned her phone back on, she clicked a tab that allowed her to view the builds for each of the hero’s she played with. Damian watched her save the build he had built for her and saving it. He could only continue stare at her. Realization kicked in. Damian needed to tell her, now more than ever he needed to come clean of his own feelings for her. “Raven I-”
“We’re home!” Stephanie called out down from the hallway. Great his sisters were home.He almost had the chance to, to what? Tell Raven he loved her right before she may lose two friends? What was going on in his mind?!
“Rae-rae where are you?” Stephanie called out again somewhere down the hallway.
“She’s here Steph!” Both Damian and Raven looked up to find Cass at the doorway, holding plastic bags filled to the brim with facials masks and other cosmetics Damian assumed were for their sleepover. “Rae, I hope you’re excited for our slumber party! Sorry Dami no boys allowed. Well unless you let us give you a complete makeover.”
“Not in a million years.” Damian said so sternly.
“C’mon Rae, let’s get this party started!” Cass shouted cheerfully and she did a little wiggling dance with the bags swaying back and forth.
Raven exited the game and opened the messaging application, “I will be there in a bit, let me just send my mom a quick text and let her know that you guys arrived already.”
“No problem, Steph and I will get my room set-up. Don’t take too long.”
Damian watched his sister exit and then turned to watch Raven smile turn into a frown. “You okay?”
Raven clicked send to a message she had previously written out, she then looked up to him. Her amethyst eyes were on the brink of shedding tears. “Can you be there? I mean can you wait outside in case it goes bad and I lose them as friends? I don’t think I will be able to do this alone and I-”
“Raven.” Damian went and grabbed her hands in his. He gave her a gentle smile before pulling her in. He let go one hand and wrapped it around her back, pressing Raven tightly against him. “I am here for you.”
Raven whimpered and was clearly fighting off her tears. She was able to wriggle one hand free and wrap it around him tightly. “Thank you, Damian.”
A/N: I hoped you all enjoyed this update. Again we are drawing near to the end to “First Impressions”. I am very excited to share with you all what I have planned for this particular fic. What started out as a one-shot turned to multiple parts. Anyone wondering the mobile game I been referencing is called “Mobile Legends” (I am currently very much into 😅) Next update will be for “Under an Autumn Moonlight” and afterwards the first two chapters for my Dark Robin Au Fic. 
Till next time and thank you all for reading!
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volleyball-dontknowher · 5 years ago
Brat Tamer Kenma x reader
Warnings: NSFW, Oral (giving), spanking, degrading, edging, all but the se really
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“If I have to wait for you to open your stupid mouth and count one more time I am going to add ten,” Kenma growled before spanking you once again as you cried out the number eight quickly, trying your best to please him and end your punishment. You were splayed over his lap with your head face down in the sheets and your pants pulled just low enough that your ass was completely exposed to Kenma. 
 You hadn’t meant to make him upset with you, it just happened, you had forgotten his rule and now you were paying the price. He continued harshly smacking your ass before giving it a quick rub and doing it again. 
You caught yourself pleading his name over and over in hopes that he would at least take a second to let you breathe, but unlucky for you, he didn’t. Kenma kept spanking you mercilessly, smacking your ass quick and fast so every single one left a new sting. You started to tear up as his hand smacked your ass with everything he had. You tried to turn to face him as you screamed out “twenty,” knowing that it was the end of your punishment. Kenma pushed your head back onto the bed and before you knew it he’d pulled your pants back up and pushed you off of him. 
“If I catch you wearing panties to my office again I will not hesitate to punish you in front of the entire office, got it?” Kenma huffs while looking at you laying at his feet, “now be a good whore and go make dinner.” 
He pulls you into a quick kiss and massages your sore ass quickly before sending you on your way. You got up quickly and hurried to the kitchen to put food in the oven for the two of you. You stopped by Kenma’s work to surprise him today completely forgetting that he wanted you without panties every time you came because if you were going to come to his work and distract him he might as well lift your skirt and fuck you as the distraction.  Anything else you needed to tell him you could while bouncing on his length. So today when you showed up and he lifted your skirt to not only find you in panties but a pair of shorts as well, he was… unamused. You didn’t apologize or try and fix it either, you just sat there and stared at him in shock. In fact, you stood there for several moments just staring at him before he pointed to the door and told you that he would see you when he got home, he had work to do and you were nothing but a distraction at this point. You left his office unsure of what was going to happen next. After an hour or so Kenma texted you saying ‘be ready when I get home’ and you were. He got home and had you help him take off his jacket and shoes before laying you across his lap and spanking you. 
You were now in the kitchen tenderly rubbing your cheeks as you tried to soothe the burning heat from them. Kenma had gone to his gaming room and was setting up for a stream that was right after when dinner was supposed to be ready. You quickly chopped vegetables and got everything together before Kenma came into the kitchen to check up on you. 
He snuck up behind you and wrapped his hand around your throat as he pulls you back to him, “did my whore learn her lesson?” 
“Y-yes,” you stutter. 
Kenma abruptly smacks your cheek, not enough to hurt but enough to give you a warning, “excuse me?” he questioned.
“Y-yes sir,” you respond, trying to turn and look at him as your hands reach up to grab his. He was clearly sick of your antics and decided to push you forwards, chest over the counter, and give you one spanking. 
“Your job is to be my good girl, got it, keep your eyes on mine, or on the floor, and don’t think about trying to stop me. Finish dinner then we’re streaming,” he finishes before letting go of you and leaning up against the counter, eyes watching you intently. You pulled everything out and set the table for you both before plating the food and sitting down to eat. Dinner came and went as normal with idle conversation about what you both did today, plans for tomorrow, and what game Kenma is streaming. When you were done he smiled at you and offered to help with the dishes, you can’t help but smile at him. Kenma washed and you dried all of the dishes and it was cleaned up in no time. When it was time for Kenma to stream you typically went to the bedroom and did your own things, but tonight as you started to part ways he reached his arm out and stopped you. “I said WE were streaming tonight.” 
“Kenma no I’m not wear-” you stuttered. 
“Yeah that’s right, you won’t be wearing anything. I want you sucking me off while I record,” he replies nonchalantly. 
“But what if-” 
“Zip it whore,” he sighs before lifting his hand to instinctively grab under your chin. Familiar with the sensation you open your mouth and stick out your tongue for him, “good girl,” he coos, “now go sit in there on your knees until I’m ready.” You go sit next to Kenma’s favorite gaming couch on your knees for a couple of minutes, not daring to peak at your phone or even at anything that wasn’t the wall straight ahead of you. 
“Maybe you can be tamed.” “I can sir, I promise,” you beg hoping he notices how good you are being for him. 
He sits on his couch and pulls his sweatpants down just enough to expose his hardened length before flipping on the screen and the camera. Lucky for you Kenma was more of a shoulders up gamer so you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone seeing as you crawled over to him and started stroking him. Kenma gave you a quick glance down, showing little emotion, but you could tell he was enjoying it by the way his length twitched below your touch. You continued stroking him through his introduction and right as he pressed play you took him completely in your mouth, tongue swirling around his length. Kenma let out a little gasp before smacking you on the back of the head and continuing his game. You then started focusing solely on his head, alternating between hollowing out your cheeks as you bobbed your head as you swirl your tongue around his thick member and kitten licked his tip as you played with his balls. Kenma was euphoric but never flattered from his game once. You knew you should be a good girl and finish the job before leaving but you couldn’t help yourself from reaching behind him and looping your arms around his waist as you deepthroated him. This locked you in place and pulled his hips forward just enough that you could feel your nose against his skin as you held yourself down on his cock. Kenma let out a little squeak as his hand non-dominant shot to the back of your head and pushed you further onto his length, holding you there until the very last second before you had to come up for air. When you pulled off of his length you took a quiet dep breath before Kenma had a handful of your hair and pushed you back down on his length again, this time he gently rocked his hips forcing his length even further down your throat. Pulling off of him there was a trail of your saliva connecting his length to your lips and you had to restrain yourself from moaning at the sight. Kenma looked down and had to squeeze his eyes shut momentarily to prevent himself from giving anything away. Kenma was typically pretty quiet when it came to things like that but seeing you looking up at him in such an erotic way made him want to let out the deepest gasps and moans. Instead of moaning Kenma grabbed your hair and pushed you down one last time as his hips rolled up into your mouth as he shot hot cum down the back of your throat. You swallowed quickly before licking him clean and sitting back on your heels looking up at him. Kenma cups your face in his hand and rubs his thumb up and down your cheek before snaking his hand to your hair and grabs a fist full, he pulls on your hair and you crawl up onto the couch looking at Kenma expectantly. Kenma barely spared you a glance, instead, he pulled at your pants, clearly indicating that he didn’t want you in them anymore. You pull off your pants and panties and open your legs for Kenma, giving him a clear view of your exposed cunt and he looks down approvingly as his hand reaches to try and pull you closer to him. He scooches you closer and starts slowly rubbing up and down your exposed wetness with his middle finger teasing you slowly. You bite down on your bottom lip in order to keep from letting out a needy whine as Kenma played with your aching core. His fingers slid up and down your wetness a few more times, covering you in your juices before he started quickly rubbing your clit with his thumb and pumping two fingers into you. His eyes never once left the game as you felt yourself rocking up into his hand and biting down on your bottom lip in order to keep yourself quiet as you felt your orgasm coming. His fingers curled perfectly inside of you, hitting the spot he knows makes you scream every time. You felt the pleasure radiating through your body as your cheeks began to flush, you were right on the edge and you just needed him to rub your clit a little faster in order to feel the bliss wash over your needy body. You kept waiting for him to speed up the pace, but he never did, you were pent up and only growing more impatient. You reached one hand down to grab Kenma’s wrist in hopes he would see how desperate you are. Instead, what happened was way worse, he pulled his fingers out of you completely and smacked your throbbing cunt, completely ruining your orgasm. You wanted nothing more than to scream and beg him for your orgasm back, but the warning look he gave you quickly stopped you in your tracks. You dropped your head back onto the couch trying to regain your breath as you accepted your denied orgasm. 
Before you could fully relax Kenma was back playing with your throbbingclit, he began rolling it between his index and middle finger and tugging at it hard. Your body jolted in reaction as you felt yourself clenching around nothing, he knew what he was doing to you and you couldn't stand it. Your hands gripped at the armrest behind you as you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to focus on his fingers in order to cum. You were desperate and wanted to cum more than anything, the pleasure was clouding your mind and all you could think about was the building sensation at your core. You finally get a finger to enter your throbbing core and curl up perfectly to hit the spot and finally make you cum, except for it didn’t. His finger curled inside of you, but only because his other fingers stopped playing with your clit. You started rubbing yourself up into his hand in hopes for any form of friction you can get, but instead he pulls out of you once again and pushes your hips to the couch and moves his hand back to his controller, pretending that it is helping him play. 
You laid there trying to catch your breath for a moment before you sit up and watch as Kenma destroys the final boss and signs off of the stream. You sit there patiently waiting, knowing that he was going to be done soon. You pouted your lips and played with the hem of your shirt until you felt Kenma’s attention switch from the game to you. You gulped and looked at him nervously, you thought that you were good for him, but you could never tell what he wanted. Kenma didn’t say a word and instead pulled you onto his lap and gave you a gentle kiss. 
“You were so good for me doll, now I’m gonna make sure you can’t remember your name,” Kenma purrs before picking you up and carrying you back to the bedroom.
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cripplerage · 4 years ago
I need to go on a rant about my real estate so... cw for real estate, brief mention of c*m, homelessness and abuse, cockroaches, and capitalism.
I live in Queensland, Australia. I'm 19. I graduated highschool 2019, right before Covid. I tried to move out but failed because of covid and stayed living at my foster carer's. In around August, I had to leave suddenly due to the abuse in the home worsening. I was then couch surfing and ended up staying at my partner's parent's overcrowded house with him. Let's call my partner C. Not an ideal situation, but not on the streets either.
We couldn't stay for long, though, because they were moving and they couldn't take C or me with them. There were 2 problems with this:
1. It turns out that it's nearly impossible to get a rental without a renting history, which we obviously didn't have.
2. Our area began to face a very serious housing crisis.
We got more and more desperate, applying anywhere we could afford and reaching out to any and all organisations that might be able to help. In the end, we had one week left when we found out that one of C's siblings had once private rented a room from a guy, and the room was currently empty. Thank god. Again, narrowly avoiding living on the streets.
So, we now lived with someone I'll call A. And... it sucked. The room had a bunch of mold on the walls, A barely cleared any space for us in the kitchen, he would shave his whole head over the sink and never clean up the hairs (in the end, C did it.) He even would regularly leave his c*m unflushed in the toilet. Not to mention he said the rent would be one price before we moved in and then increased it after we moved in. And he tried to get us to lie to Centrelink that we were paying rent so that he wouldn't lose his benefit. AND he's a transphobic gamer man who screams slurs at people on Dota at all hours of the day/night.
But we had to stay, or we'd be homeless. Bit then it comes time to sign the lease, and the rent is increasing. A couldn't afford rent on his own. We don't want to stay that long obviously, so we're forced to move out so he can get someone who'll sign the lease with him.
Side note: when we moved put, he tried to get us to scrub the walls for him because he said it was our responsibility, even though it was the same as when we moved in. I was so mad at this point but also scared because he's a big man, so I planned on us leaving and saying we'd come back but then not. But after my foster carer secretly spoke with him, he mysteriously changed his mind... I guess she's not all bad!
Anyway, again, we're frantically searching for housing, though we had never stopped looking because we hated living with A. Again, nearly homeless. At this point, so many people were homeless that many of them had set up tents on the local showgrounds. Then, an organisation finally came through for us. All we had to do was sign a lease - it's a unit, we were saved!
This brings us to 3 weeks ago. The unit kinda sucks but we have no choice, so we sign. Luckily there isn't an end date, we just have to give notice when we leave. The unit is furnished - it's mandatory. It sounds like a good thing, but it means we're presumably paying extra rent for really crappy furniture and it has to stay. And when it needs fixing, we have to wait for the real estate to fix it.
So we discover, after moving all our cold food into the old shitty fridge with D-rock etched into it with a knife, that the fridge emits hot air instead of cold. It spoiled all our food. So we then have to rely on 2 minute noodles and takeout for over a week until the fridge is fixed. It turns out the issue was that the door jams just slightly open, so that even the light has turned off but it's not closed. We learn how to close it properly, and life goes on. Except the fridge is now only slightly cooler than room temp, and the freezer part is about as cold as the fridge should be. The doors had been closed properly, and the settings had actually been set on the coldest option - more than most fridges need and using more power.
So then we had to ask for another technician. They booked a time, but never showed up. It was too late in the day to call them before we realised they weren't just late. It's now been 3 weeks since we moved in and we still don't have a working fridge - we have to keep our milk in the freezer.
For context - we need a freezer. I have undiagnosed chronic pain. We don't know what it's from yet, but we do know that ice packs are the only thing that significantly helps. So you can imagine the fury I felt in bed one morning, in excruciating pain. I was unable to move; sobbing and nauseous, knowing that something as simple as an ice pack could make a world of difference... and not having any that were frozen because the freezer is broken.
On top of that, the washing machine didn't work, the toilet paper roll doesn't work properly, the blinds are very broken, the hanger rod in our cupboard is detached from the wall on one side, we have a cockroach infection that has been here since we arrived, and we have very loud possoms in the roof and even louder neighbours. All except the neighbours have been reported, only the washing machine has been fixed.
Which would be mostly ok in this timeframe. Except we've just been told that we have a house inspection in 2 weeks? The notice came less than a month after we signed the lease; the standard is 3 months. How are we supposed to be fully unpacked and tidy when we don't have a working fridge/freezer and I sometimes can't walk from the pain because of it?
I am just so mad and upset and I feel so helpless. I feel doomed to be in unstable housing forever. How can I focus on getting better when I literally found a giant cockroach on my pillow tonight???
By the way, we pay $210 a week for this shothole. And it's VERY small.
So anyway, this was part 1 of my war on capitalism and the government. And I didn't even MENTION the homelessness experiences I had as a kid. Let me know if you want to hear the injustices I've experienced in the health system, in the legal system, in the education system, or in the foster system next. Yes, I could write an essay on each of these... and I probably will.
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jaebaebie · 5 years ago
How I met your (very modern) mother
Felix “Just think about how this would be a nice story to tell our kids.. I am your soulmate after all.”
Who would’ve guessed that Y/N’s online gamer friend was her bias from stray kids?
5.37 PM
mydayqueen has connected
“Hey, Queen. Sorry, I gotta go now. You still coming on tonight?”
Your online friend, dabdude00, told you through the in game voice chat. A frown formed on your face. He was leaving you halfway through a match and you knew you were going to have to carry the team in a duos match. You could ask your other friends to play with you, but no one was as good (or as fun) as dab.
“I’m not really sure. I still have that test to study for. But I’ll try.”
You heard him snort from the other line, “You say that as you continue to wreck these noobs.”
“Someone has to show them how it’s done.” You replied, shrugging your shoulders proudly as you take note of your kill count. 10
It was fun to show off your skills to boys who expected you to be bad at the game. Many of the random teammates you met in the game were toxic and rude, not appreciating the fact that they were teamed with a girl. But then, once you’ve shown off, they’d suddenly fawn over you, mesmerised by your skills and the Victory Royale that appeared on their screens.
“Anyways, I’ll see ya soon.”
dabdude00 has disconnected
Dab was an exception. He wasn’t toxic like all the other guys you had encountered. He was nice since the first time the two of you met (online of course) and was even willing to teach you better skills. In three months, he had become your designated teammate. An online friend you told your stories and ranted to. He always listened, even throwing some sarcastic remarks from time to time to tease you because that’s how close you two have become.
Sometimes, you forgot that he was a complete stranger,, a stranger whose face and name you don’t even know. It would be nice to actually meet Dab in person. To see how he looks like. To witness how he was like in real life. But you could only imagine such events, knowing that your family and friends would kill you if you ever tried to meet up with someone you met online.
10.07 PM
After nearly three hours of studying for your upcoming test, your door bust open, revealing your very frantic and very excited bestfriend.
“Geez!” You exclaimed, unintentionally bringing your hand up to your chest in shock, “Ever heard of knocking, Jen?”
“I’m sorry! But look!” Jen jumped, waving two pieces of paper in the air. You rolled your eyes, laughing at your friend’s actions. Just as you were about to give her another remark, your eyes widened in realisation.
No way.
“YoU gOT ThEm?!!!”
“Nu-Uh. WE got them! We’re finally going to see them!” She yelled excitedly, pulling you up from you seat as the two of you began squealing together.
Once Jen had left your room, you quickly ran to your computer, no longer in the mood to study.
“Yo yo Dab!!” You exclaimed, immediately hearing him laugh from the other side of the screen as you barely even got your headphones around your head.
“Someone sounds excited. What happened to studying?”
“Studying? I’ve never heard of it! Guess who’s going to see her soulmate?” You couldn’t help but jump in your seat, still not over the fact that your bestfriend had managed to buy tickets for the both of you.
He chuckled, “Hmm. I guess you’re finally going to see Jae from Day6 huh?”
“No, silly! He’s my ultimate bias. This one’s different.” You argued.
“Why am I not surprised?” He teased. Funnily enough, you could imagine his actions towards you, despite not knowing how he actually looked like. He’d shake his head, smiling as he brings his hands up to his temple.
“So, who’s this lucky guy then?”
You smiled, looking up to the posters pasted on the wall right above your computer. A fluttery feeling spread in your stomach, spreading to your chest as you began to get excited once again.
“Felix from Stray Kids.”
10.48 PM
“I’m S T R E S S E D !!”
A week had gone by so quickly that you were panicking because you still had no idea what to wear the night before your fan-meet with Stray Kids. You had tried to call Jen for help, but she only stressed you out even more. She had everything planned out and organised, while you, on the other hand, were frantic and disorganised. Somehow, you were now getting help from the person who couldn’t possibly give it to you.
“Calm down, Queen. I-Felix would find anything you wear pretty.” Dab said, attempting to calm you down.
It turned out the Dab was somewhat familiar with Stray Kids. He claimed to have heard their music a few times and actually liked it. He even knew who Felix was, judging from his sudden choking when you told him who your soulmate was.
“That’s not the point, Dab! Come on, help me out.” You whined. You were stretching to reach for your clothes in your cabinet, not wanting your earphones to disconnect.
“Just wear something unique. Didn’t you say you have a panda beanie lying around?” He asked, and you nodded even though he couldn’t actually see you.
“Yeah. But that’ll make me look dumb.”
“No, it won’t. He’ll notice you when you wear that.” He replied rather convincingly. He sounded so confident and strong. We’re guys always this sure of themselves?
You stared at the panda beanie he was speaking of, frowning as you hesitated, “Are you sure?”
“Trust me, Queen. He’ll notice you.”
3.19 PM ~ the day of the fan meeting
You held their album close to your chest, trying to calm your breaths as you made your way towards the first member, following after Jen. Nearly all the members complimented your panda beanie, but you were too busy blushing to notice the cheeky smirks they were sending towards your ‘soulmate’.
He was the last one in the line of members. Your ears felt like they had been blocked by your own heartbeats and a lump had formed at the back of your throat. You were so nervous you weren’t even sure you could say a word. You watched as he bid Jen goodbye with a smile before he turned to you.
His eyes met yours, widening momentarily before he replaced them with the cutest eye smile.
“I like your panda beanie.” He complimented, taking the album from you. “I’m Felix, what’s your name?”
“I know.” You stuttered, making you want to melt into the floor.
“What?” He asked, leaning forward to hear you better amidst the loud squeals of the fans.
“I-I mean, I know you’re Felix. I’m Y/N.” You finally managed to mutter out.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N.” He replied with a smile wider than his last one.
“You too. You look so much better in real life, with your freckles and all that.”
God. What was wrong with you? For some reason, everything that came out of your mouth was just purely embarrassing.
He chuckled, and shivers went up your spine. It sounded way too familiar. Before you could ponder over it, you fell in love once again as he began to rub the small amount of foundation on his cheeks, allowing you to get a better look on his freckles.
“So, which one of us is your soulmate?”
You snorted, feeling your cheeks heat from embarrassment. Saying that he was your soulmate in front of him felt way too cringy for your own good. “It’s supposed to be you. But after seeing JeongIn, I think my mind’s changed.”
His jaw dropped and he scrunched his nose, pretending to be offended, “He must be one lucky guy then.”
“Truly.” You replied, laughing. Their manager gave you a signal, indicating that it was time for you to move on. You nodded, smiling as you took the album from him. He almost looked disappointed. But you were convinced it was just you being delusional.
“It was nice meeting you, mydayqueen.”
“You too, dabdu—- wait, what?!”
Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. There was NO WAY Felix had just called you your gamer tag. How did he know what it was? He stared at your expression, laughing with his head tilted back. The same action you always imagined Dab to be doing. The manager had called you once again, guiding you gently off the stage. Felix kept his gaze on you, the same cheeky smile on his face before he turned to the next girl, leaving you with the same confused and dumb stricken look on your face.
There was NO WAY Felix was dabdude00,,,, right?
12.03 AM
dabdude00 has sent you a party invite
You stared at your computer screen, biting the sides of your nails nervously. You were still completely taken aback by the day’s events. Felix was dabdude00. dabdude00 was Felix. You felt dumb and embarrassed. You always loved Felix’s deep and unique voice, yet, you’ve spoken to Felix the past three months and you never even recognised that it was him.
You groaned, rubbing your palms down your face as you recalled the fan meeting. He was giving you so many clues. ‘Soulmate’ and ‘Lucky Guy’. Those were words Dab used when the two of you spoke.
dabdude00 has sent you a party invite
You could barely even think about him without dying from embarrassment. How were you going to talk to him and pretend everything was normal?
dabdude00 has sent you a message
dabdude00 : Hey, you okay? Idk if you’re busy but it says you’re online..?
dabdude00 : Are you angry about today?
dabdude00 : If you are, I’m really sorry. I really didn’t mean to make you upset.
His response itself proved that dabdude00 was in fact Felix of Stray Kids. You sighed, confusing yourself even more. Any Stay would dream of this. Yet, you were ignoring his invites and messages because you were too busy being dramatic.
You threw your headphones on, finally mustering the courage to join his voice chat.
“Hey, Dab. Or Felix. Which one do you prefer?” You asked. Your voice sounded colder than you had expected.
“You sound upset. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to make you upset.” His voice was soft and small.
“N-No. I’m not. Just shocked and embarrassed.” You replied, trying to ease the tension that somehow managed to form through your headphones.
“Embarrassed? Why?” He asked, making you let out a cry,
“Because I literally called Felix my ‘soulmate’ in front of Felix! And I FANGIRLED to Felix about Felix and all that stuff! Why would you let me do that?” You exclaimed, feeling your cheeks heat up once again.
He laughed, “If it makes you feel better, I really liked it.”
“Sure, you did. Ugh! I’m so embarrassed, Felix! I literally hate you right now.”
You could hear him smirk from the other side, making you roll your eyes, “Really? If I remember correctly, this past week you’ve been bragging to me about how much you loved.. me.”
“—Shut up before I take your posters down.”
“Aww. You have posters of me?” He teased.
“Felix, I swear to god.”
He laughed once again, and this time you confidently imagined how he looked like. It sent the butterflies flying in your stomach and your head spun with joy.
“Calm down, Y/N.” He said,
“Just think about how this would be a nice story to tell our kids.. I am your soulmate after all.”
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gremlin-named-kas · 4 years ago
Do them all. Do it do it
Oh fuck me
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
Absolutely (it's my gf)
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Fuck no
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Damn right it is.
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
Sadly no
6. What are you excited for?
Eventually moving in with my gf.
7. What happened tonight?
Lol nothing. Came from work. Been watching futurama and random scary shit on youtube. Gonna smoke soon.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
I wouldn't say disgusting. Everyone deserves to get wasted every now and then.
9. Is confidence cute?
Yes but over confidence is gross
10. What is the last beverage you had?
Arizona Green Tea
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Not including parents, 1.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
All my jeans are skinny jeans.
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Either be at work, play some video games, or get stoned and watch a horror movie
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Idk prob food or gas.
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
Why yes. Yes I am.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Clothes? Absolutely. As a person hopefully for the better.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
My girlfriend @septempermental
18. The last time you felt broken?
Truly broken? Several years ago.
19. Have you had sex today?
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Uh no?
21. Are you in a good mood?
Currently yes.
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Have before. On purpose and on accident.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Honestly that's a good question that I don't know. But I don't think so. I think my eye color is unique to my family.
24. What do you want right this second?
I wanna get through all these fucking questions
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
I'd be upset prob.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Yes and no. Still got some pink in my hair but covid hair has really tried to grow out the pink.
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
Fuck no.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
I think today at work. Ill be honest. I got shit memory so I don't fucking know what it was.
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Oh absolutely. My gf and I are long distance. Miss the fuck out of her.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Everybody? No. It always depends on what someone did.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
Nah, he just got a little too drunk on our first date for me to continue it.
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
Absolutely she does. Love ya babe
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Nah had a coke the other day.
34. Listening to?
Easier to just link my playlist.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Prob haven't since college.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Prob in her bed or in her living room.
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
38. Who did you last call?
My gf.
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
My gf. But not for long (I was being an idiot)
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Because I love her.
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Good fucking question.
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Nah one live across the country from me. The other has covid.
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Oh absolutely
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don't go out of my way to tan. Don't wanna get my tats faded
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Not last night.
47. Who was the last person to call you?
A robocaller/spam call
48. Do you sing in the shower?
Nah got roommates.
49. Do you dance in the car?
Dance? No. Belt out singing? YES
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Yes. Used to go to ren fest all the time.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
A buddy took a portrait of me while we were urban exploring.
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Nah I love them.
53. Is Christmas stressful?
Can be depending on your situation.
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
The one my gf makes. It's an apple pie.
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Pokemon Master, pro skateboarder, pro gamer
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
All the time.
59. Take a vitamin daily?
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
62. What do you wear to bed?
63. First concert?
Rob Thomas. (Not by choice. First by choice was Foo Fighters)
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
Hot Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Neither. Can't eat nuts or seeds.
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Haven't really listen to Tswift enough to have a fav song. Have seen her live tho. She's really good live.
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
What ever makes them happy.
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Nah too dumb
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
74. What is your favorite book?
Perks of Being a wallflower
75. Do you study better with or without music?
With. But can't have lyrics. Lofi and orchestra soundtracks from movies.
76. Regularly burn incense?
Haven't in a while. But used to.
77. Ever been in love?
Currently am.
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
TSSF, NoFx, MGK, Green Day, Rage against the machine, too many more to count.
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Colorado Punk band In the Whale. They are fucking fantastic. Highly recommend them.
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
83. Can you swim well?
Absolutely. Surf every now and then too.
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
I hope so.
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
87. Ever won a contest?
Nothing major.
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
I don't like olives
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Uh who gives a shit. You do you.
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room? Where else would you have one?
92. Do you want to get married?
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gamerwoo · 6 years ago
Wonwoo: Out of Luck
Anonymous asked: hi :) do u have requests open? if yes, can i send u a prompt for a wonwoo smut? :D Ok, so the prompt is "give me your hoodie and fuck me in it" lol dont ask and maybe for gamer!wonwoo? 👀👀 If youll feel inspired for this, thank you! ♡
Tumblr media
Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/warnings: pro gamer/overwatch league au, a little bit of fluff n angst but like it’s honestly all just mostly smut lmao (fingering, oral)
Word count: 4,147
Summary: Wonwoo has a lot of weird superstitions as a pro gamer, but he has two big ones: fucking you in his jersey before any games he’s particularly nervous for, and always wearing his lucky sweatshirt under his jersey during every game. However, when his team loses for the first time to yours, he fears that his lucky sweatshirt has run out of luck. So you decide to put some of your luck into it.
a/n: since I already have a gamer!wonwoo series, I decided to just put it in that universe. hope you don’t mind, anon!! 
You walked into Wonwoo’s room after Minghao let you into their team house, the first thing greeting you being your boyfriend’s back. Of course, he was wearing his Serpents sweatshirt, which was completely black with the bright red printing. There were snakes that went down both arms, but the thing that your eyes were always drawn to was the ‘WONU’ printed on the back with his jersey number below it. Ever since the team manager gave the Serpents those sweatshirts before the recent season began about two months ago, Wonwoo’s worn it just about everyday.
“Doing something?” you asked with a small smirk.
Wonwoo turned, his glasses pushed up the bridge of his nose as he looked at you before he went back to scouring his floor that was already covered in clothes. He’d only been back in the team house for a couple months, but he already made a mess of his room.
“I can’t remember where my jersey went,” he replied in almost a mumble as he scratched the back of his head, making a bigger mess of his curly hair. “I didn’t leave it at yours, did I?”
“No, I gave it back after the Soonyoung incident,” you replied with a slight chuckle at the memory -- even if it did embarrass the hell out of you and you couldn’t look Soonyoung in the eyes for about two weeks. “Speaking of Soonyoung, is this why he won’t let you live with him and Chan?”
Wonwoo scoffed, bending over to shift through sweatshirts and t-shirts, “Please, have you seen his room? He’s messier than I am.”
“Why are you looking for your jersey anyway?” you questioned as you went to sit in his gaming chair, pulling your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. “You don’t play until Thursday, and it’s Monday.”
Your boyfriend turned to look at you, a smirk that made your stomach do flips gracing his face. His voice was lower when he spoke.
“We’re facing the NYXL on Thursday, and I need all the luck I can get until then -- starting today.”
You never knew what it was with Wonwoo loving to see you in his jersey -- and loving even more when you wore it while he pressed you into the mattress or bent you over his desk or had you in his lap in his chair -- but you never complained, and you especially weren’t now since you barely even had the time to see Wonwoo in person in the last two weeks.
In an instant, you were up and helping Wonwoo search for his jersey, making him laugh at your eagerness.
“I think Serpents versus Warriors is a match everybody always looks forward to,” you could hear one of the casters saying as your team walked through the crowd and up to the stage. “Because of the known relationship between WonU on the Sozhou Serpents and m0chi on the Busan Warriors, people look forward to seeing this game.”
“Yeah, there’s something about watching a couple kill each other in a video game that really seems to rile everybody up,” the second caster agreed. “The matches between Serpents and Warriors might be even more popular than seeing the two home teams go up against each other.”
You just smirked to yourself, giving hi-fives to the fans on either side of you. Yuta in front of you turned his head to give you a playful smile before he carried on to the stage, following Jihoon, Jeonghan, Mingyu, and Hongbin up to the computers. As you passed by Wonwoo who sat at the very end of his row of computers, you smiled at him and shot a finger gun at him, making him blush slightly and roll his eyes. 
It also made the crowd coo at both of you, which you ignored as you went to sit in your seat that was four away from Wonwoo.
Your coaches prepared you for this game ever since the Serpents’ first game. They were on a winning streak -- Wonwoo insisted it was the sweatshirt -- but your coaches were planning to bring that to an end. You and Wonwoo both knew well enough to not let the game get between you, which you learned that the hard way, so whether you beat him or not wouldn’t matter.
Keeping all of that in mind, you put on your headset and prepared for the game.
“So _____,” Mingyu spoke up, “what are the stakes between you and Woo?”
“What stakes?”
“If you win, are you getting a face full of mattress tonight?”
You heard the whole team groan, with Hongbin reminding Mingyu that their comms were being recorded, and Jihoon breathing out a, “Please just shut the fuck up.”
After the signing, you asked Mingyu to drop you off at the Serpents’ team house. You had been congratulated all night, as well as getting asked how Wonwoo was feeling about his team’s first loss of the season.
“Nobody likes losing, but he’s fine with it,” you shrugged even though you didn’t really get to see his reaction other than ‘shaking his hand’ at the end of the match which was actually him giving you a quick kiss and putting a childish pout on his face.
“He’s just happy he lost to his girlfriend rather than some other team,” Mingyu scoffed, sliding the poster he was signing over to Taehyung on his other side. 
But now you were able to have a real conversation with him about the game -- although, judging from the texts Chan sent you, you were sure Wonwoo was losing his mind for whatever reason. 
Not many people stayed at the team house anymore. Soonyoung and Chan had their own place they stayed when they did have to be in California for most of the year, Tao lived in his own apartment, and you had never really seen Sanghyuk around much at all. So as far as you knew, it was Wonwoo, Junhui, Minghao, and two or three other boys from the roster that you knew but only really interacted with while making the walk of shame out of the house in the morning. 
You went up to Wonwoo’s room, only to find it empty. You frowned, turning around and trying to think of where he would be. Did he even come home? Maybe he went to Chan and Soonyoung’s. 
“Hey, Hao?” you spoke up when you saw the Chinese player walking out of his room and down the hall.
He paused where you were, smiling at you, “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Where’s Woo?”
“Um...” he paused as he tried to think, his glasses starting to slide down his nose when he slightly scrunched his face. “I think we went to the practice room for a bit. He might be streaming or something. He was really sulky after the match, though.”
All you could do was sigh and thank Minghao before you made your way back downstairs and walked through the large house until you got to their practice room where they usually held scrims. You knew Wonwoo was probably upset over his weird rituals not working, but you’d also never seen him upset over losing before. You weren’t really sure what to expect when you saw him.
Entering the room full of computers, you saw only one person inside: Wonwoo. His back was to you while he clicked away at the computer, clearly in the middle of a game. He occasionally mumbled something to himself, but you couldn’t hear what it was. You just knew it wasn’t in reply to Twitch chat because he only had one monitor to work with in the practice rooms. 
“Hey, Wonwoo?” your voice was quiet and almost timid as you approached him. 
It wasn’t that you were afraid he would snap at you, but you were afraid of somehow upsetting him further since you were the one who ended his winning streak. 
He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair and knocking off his headphones as “DEFEAT” showed up on the screen. His head laid back against the chair as he groaned, rubbing his face with his hands as you continued to make your cautious approach.
“I lost it,” he groaned.
You shrugged, leaning back against the desk as you gave him an apologetic look that he couldn’t see behind his hands, “It was just one match.”
“No, I mean my luck!” he clarified as he dropped his hands and looked up at you with a pout that you couldn’t help but melt at. “My luck is completely gone! Now I’m on a losing streak!”
“I doubt your luck is gone, Woo,” you chuckled.
“You took it,” he whined, gripping your hips to pull you closer before he buried his face in your stomach. “Ugh, it was probably from Monday.”
“But you beat New York, remember?” you reminded him as your fingers moved to play with his hair. “We didn’t do anything after Monday.”
The two of you had a ‘no sex before we face each other’ rule because you refused to give Wonwoo any sort of luck -- even if you didn’t believe that sex or his dumb sweatshirt made him any luckier. But it also just made sex after your game that much better.
“That was the last of it,” he insisted, his voice muffled by your body. “The rest of it went to you.”
All you could do was laugh softly, “What do you want me to do about it?”
“Give it baaaaack,” he whined.
“Wonwoo, I--” you paused, suddenly getting an idea. It might’ve been pretty stupid since it would feed into both of his dumb superstitions, but you would still get something out of it for yourself. You smirked, lightly gripping your boyfriend’s chin to make him look up at you. “I have an idea...”
“Will it make me win again?” he asked, a pout on his face and even in his tone. “Will it make my sweatshirt lucky again?”
He instantly perked up, “What is it?”
You bent down, whispering as seductively as you could manage, “Give me your hoodie and fuck me in it.”
You felt Wonwoo stiffen, and a soft groan came from the back of his throat as his hands tightened on your hips.
“Oh my god, why didn’t I think of that before?” he asked, though it was mostly to himself. “Get the door, okay?”
While you rushed to the door to lock it, Wonwoo stood up and took off his Serpents sweatshirt, as well as his white t-shirt that was underneath. When you turned back around, you saw Wonwoo wasn’t making any moved to remove his black joggers even though you could already see a small bulge forming in them.
He gestured for you to take off your own shirt, which you quickly did as you walked over to him. Your Warriors jersey was dropped, landing carelessly on the floor while you reached to un-clip your bra as well and toss that over onto another monitor.
“Arms up,” he instructed with a soft smile as his eyes raked your naked torso.
You stood in front of him, arms raised over your head. Wonwoo helped put his hoodie on you, chuckling when your head poked out of the top hole with your hair a mess. You couldn’t help but giggle, pushing the hood back and fixing your hair as best as you could.
While you did that, Wonwoo’s fingers moved down to your joggers, tugging on them until they made it far enough past your thighs to drop to the floor on their own. You suddenly felt arousal shoot through you, the realization of what was about to happen in the Serpent’s practice room. Somehow, the fact it was in the practice room only turned you on further.
Wonwoo gently pushed you to sit down in the chair he was just sitting in. He would’ve preferred doing this in his room, but he didn’t want to make the trip through the house and up the stairs -- plus there was less of a chance of being heard in the practice room. Not that he really cared if you were heard in the moment, but it made things less embarrassing afterwards.
Dropping down to his knees, Wonwoo’s eyes never left you. His eyes scanned over your body and how you bit your lip in anticipation, watching his every move. His tongue darted out to went his lips, always loving the look of you in something that was his -- especially if it belonged to his team and had his name on it. He felt that it really drove home that fact that you belonged to him.
“You always look so good,” he mumbled, dipping his head down to your clothed core as he put one of your legs over his shoulder.
You sucked in a breath when you felt his finger hook your panties and push them to the side. One of your hands went to his hair when you felt his plush lips wrap around your clit, sucking and licking softly. The finger he used to move your underwear aside teased your entrance, making you wiggle your hips as much as you could just to get it inside you. Wonwoo chuckled softly, the vibrations against you making you moan out quietly as he slid his long digit in easily, curling it and pumping at a steady pace.
You swung your other leg over the arm of the chair, opening your legs further to give Wonwoo more access. He smirked against you, lifting his head a bit to speak.
You weren’t even going to deny it, nodding your head shamelessly. He couldn’t help but laugh deep in his chest before he brought his mouth back to your clit. He added a second finger, your other hand that was gripping the other arm of the chair going to his hair as well. You whimpered his name softly as he scissored his fingers inside you, feeling how wet you became so quickly. The room was quickly filled with squelching sounds as his fingers moved in and out of you, pumping at a faster pace.
“Wonwoo,” you whined, your head falling to the side as you watched him eat you out.
“Fuck me.”
Wonwoo’s eyes darkened, pulling away from you. His fingers slid out and he put them in his mouth as he stood up, seeming to decide how he wanted to do this as he sucked your arousal off of his digits. You stayed perfectly still as you watched him, waiting to see what he’d want you to do.
His eyes drifted to his phone that was still on the desk, softly buzzing and glowing to life with a text. With his glasses on, he could see it was from his groupchat with Soonyoung and Chan.
Hoshi: so
Hoshi: hows it feel to lose to your girlfriend
Hoshi: hows it feel to have your winning streak completely obliterated by your own girlfriend
Hoshi: 😏😏
You watched as Wonwoo’s eyes narrowed before he looked at you, almost glaring at you.
“Sit on the desk,” he ordered, nodding his head toward the space between two of the monitors.
You got up from the chair and positioned yourself on the desk between the monitors, your hands pressed on the space behind you to prop you up. You lifted your hips as Wonwoo hooked his fingers in your underwear, sliding them off your legs in record time. He had this new fire ignited in him that you’d seen before when you’d beat him at almost anything that you’d turned into a competition or when he had a particularly rough stream or match. It made you excited, arousal starting to drip down your thighs.
Wonwoo bent down to get a condom from his backpack before he stood up and pushed his joggers and boxers down just enough for his erection to spring free. He tore the condom wrapper open before he rolled the condom down his length, stroking it a few times to get it fully hard as his eyes scanned over you a few times.
“I can’t believe you ended my streak,” he grumbled, his eyes locked on yours as he stepped forward to align himself with your entrance.
You giggled softly with a cocky smile, “Angry?”
“No,” he scoffed as he thrust into your sharply, causing you to gasp and sit up straighter. He smirked at your reaction as he added, “just annoyed.”
He set a pace that was much faster than you anticipated, having to put your hands further back on the desk near the wall just to steady yourself. His hands gripped your hips tightly, keeping them in place while the rest of you rocked back with each snap of his hips. Your head dropped back, just inches from hitting the wall, while your eyes were half open to look up at him.
Wonwoo’s hands slid up from your hips, moving under the hoodie as they traveled up your torso and to your breasts. He kneaded them roughly, his thumbs rubbing over your nipples and making you moan out his name.
“Come on,” you breathed, a lazy smile on your face as you moved one hand to hold onto Wonwoo’s shoulder, your legs wrapped around him as well, “you can do better than that. I beat your team and fucked up your winning streak, and this is the best you can do?”
“Shut up,” he grunted, moving one hand out from under your clothes to put against your neck. He didn’t squeeze it, he just rested it there as almost a threat. 
“Holding back in-game first, and now this?” you teased, raising an eyebrow as a soft moan fell from your lips. You knew exactly what you were doing, and it was working judging from the way his eyebrows set lower on his face in concentration. “No wonder you lost, Woo.”
Wonwoo gripped your thighs with both hands, pulling you forward in a sharp tug. You slipped to your back on the table, nearly hitting your head as you gasped. Wonwoo’s thrusts sped up as he put one of your legs over his shoulder, drowning out any teasing words that you wanted to say and replacing them with mewls of his name.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asked, groaning at the way you clenched around him at this new angle. 
You nodded, shamelessly admitting it.
He bent over you, cupping your cheek with one hand while the other moved back to your hip, “You’re the biggest pain in my ass.”
His lips pressed to yours as his hips kept their fast, rough pace. One of your hands moved down to rub your clit in fast circles, chasing the high that you were so close to. His mouth moved down your jaw and to your neck, leaving wet kisses as he nipped and sucked at your skin.
“Fuck, I’m close,” he hissed.
“Me too...” you whimpered, raising your hips as best as you could in your current position.
Wonwoo sat up straight again, his fingertips digging into your hips as he moved his hips as quickly as he could. You could feel your eyes threatening to close as your orgasm approached, your back arching off of the table.
You came with his name coming out in a high moan, followed by whatever profanity your brain could think of, your eyes closing as Wonwoo rode out your high while also getting himself to his own. Feeling you clench around him pushed him over the edge, high, breathy moans falling past his lips as his hips began to stutter.
After the two of you had managed to come down, Wonwoo slowly pulled out of you and removed the condom, tying it up as he made his way over to the trash. He adjusted his bottoms while you just laid on the desk and tried to catch your breath.
“You alright?” he asked with a soft chuckle, leaning over to look at your face.
“Yeah,” you breathed, taking the hand he offered to help pull you up. “Feel better now?”
“I wouldn’t have been so worked up had it not been for your big mouth,” he told you with a laugh, poking your stomach as you stood up.
“Listen, we both needed it,” you insisted as you grabbed your underwear and put them back on before you put your own joggers back on. “Do you think your hoodie is lucky enough now?”
“Eh, maybe wear it for a little longer to make sure your luck rubs off on it.”
“You just like seeing me in your clothes.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“It’s all tied up, and this last round will decide who wins: the Suzhou Serpents or the Chengdu Hunters,” the castor announced as the clock counted down.
As always -- unless they were playing -- you went to the game with Hansol and Seungkwan. Despite the fact Seungkwan still insisted he wouldn’t root for “the enemy”, Hansol was very supportive and cheered for the Serpents anyway -- including the rival tank duo that Seungkwan still refused to warm up to.
“They’re close to winning,” Hansol said in your ear above all the yelling as the two teams ran out of spawn. “Do you think they’ll do it?”
“They better,” you sighed. “I can’t be forced to wear that sweatshirt 24 hours a day again."
While you did like wearing Wonwoo’s clothes, you didn’t want to be stuck in a hoodie when you were in LA. You had become a walking waterfall from how much you sweat just stepping outside, especially since the sweatshirt was black.
“I hope the Hunters win,” Seungkwan said for the umpteenth time, pouting as he watched the screen.
“You wanna see _____ in the Serpents jersey some more?” Hansol asked.
Seungkwan’s eyes widened, realizing it was a catch 22 -- he either wanted Wonwoo’s team to lose which would result in more Serpents apparel, or he wanted them to win which would mean he would be cheering for the enemy. You and Hansol just laughed at him before turning your attention back to the screen.
It was back and forth a lot, but it was finally down to 99% on each side. The Serpents had control of the map, but the Hunters could flip it at any time. You were standing up with half the crowd, shouting encouragement at the team you were rooting for. Hansol joined you, but Seungkwan stayed seated, contemplating his decisions.
Finally, somebody stepped too far off the point, and the overtime bar went down in a second, half the crowd going absolutely wild. The arena changed to the colors for the Serpents as the team stood and patted each other on the back for their victory. 
As the Serpents walked across the stage to shake hands with the other team, Wonwoo’s eyes met yours in the crowd, flashing you a wink.
You left with Hansol and Seungkwan while Junhui went down to be interviewed. You went to the lobby to wait for Wonwoo while a handful of fans had gathered around the three of you, asking for pictures and autographs that you smiled and agreed to.
Finally, you felt an arm wrap around your waist as lips pressed to your temple.
“You did it,” Wonwoo grinned, pulling you closer into his side.
“I’m glad that whole crisis is over,” you told him. “It was silly.”
“Oh, _____!” you heard somebody call your name.
You turned around to see Soonyoung jogging over to you with a smug grin -- only letting it fall when he saw Hansol and Seungkwan beside you. Still, he went up and stopped in front of you, giggling to himself before he spoke.
“You left something in our practice room the other day,” he told you.
Your eyebrows furrowed while Wonwoo just gave him a puzzled look. Nobody had known you were in the practice room except Minghao, but they assumed you were just in and out.
“I did?” you asked, sure that you had brought everything home with you.
Soonyoung reached inside his half-zipped backpack, pulling out a bra that he let dangle on his finger by the strap. Your eyes widened as your cheeks heated up.
“This,” he began, swinging it a bit, “was on my monitor.”
You quickly grabbed the article of clothing before stuffing it in the pocket of Wonwoo’s hoodie. Seungkwan and Hansol were snickering behind you, Wonwoo joining in even though he knew he’d gotten caught about having sex in the practice room. But hey, it wasn’t like his underwear was found in there by his friends.
You glared at your boyfriend, growling under your breath, “I’m getting you back for this.”
He just smirked, “Can’t wait.”
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nanamicide · 5 years ago
Red Butterflies - chapter 3
Here is the update, even if I still don’t think anyone is reading this fic here.
Read on AO3 
Juzo Sakakura was sitting on a chair, watching his friend pacing around the room. This was quite an usual occurrence, but this time, Kyosuke seemed more nervous than he usually was. He kept staring at him for a few more minutes, until the white-haired man returned his glance. Then, Juzo lowered his gaze and stared at his hands. Dammit, he thought, he knows exactly how I feel about him but I’m still acting as if I were supposed to hide it – as if he hadn’t told me that it was okay and he did return my feelings, but that I just had to be patient. On top of that, I’m just sitting here, in silence, when I know damn well that something is bothering him. It’s both because of and thanks to me that he’s in this position, but I’m still useless. I really don’t deserve to be his right-hand man, especially not when I’m acting like a silly school boy with a crush on the popular guy. I need to snap out of it.
He did eventually snap out of it, but as always, it was a second too late. Gekkogahara-san, their former classmate, had already made her way into the office. Kyosuke gestured for her to come closer, having her sit across from him, and right next to Juzo. As every morning, it was also Kyosuke who started the conversation going, while Juzo just sat there silently, cursing himself for not being more assertive in his presence and when he needed him:
“How was Kamukura-kun this morning?”
The question remained up in the air for a few more seconds than usual, as if Gekkogahara-san was thinking about what to say. Juzo was once again about to speak when she began typing. The voice of the avatar she used to communicate soon filled the room:
“I think we’ve finally begun to make progress. Kamukura-kun had a very light dream last night, but he didn’t want me to tell you about it. From what I understand, it’s related to video games. He said he saw a pixelated spaceship. There’s only one problem though, he said he doesn’t want to play video games again today. You know, the usual complaint about how boring it all is. Except he’s never made such a request about anything else you’ve had him do over the past year, so there has to be something going on.”
“Thank you, Gekkogahara-san. Was there anything else?”
“Well, I have a request, you know, as your former classmate.” Juzo noticed that she made her avatar, Usami, wink at Kyosuke. Even though she was constantly hiding behind that pink rabbit, he almost envied the confidence she’d gained through it.
“What would that be?”
“Don’t ask Kamukura-kun to play video games—”
“But you said they’re the reason for the recent progress.”
“If you force it on him, you’ll ruin that progress,” Usami’s high-pitched but soft voice explained. “I am as excited as you to see that Kamukura-kun may be secretly experiencing something other than boredom, but I don’t want to rush it. We don’t know what any of it means yet. It could be dangerous.”
Juzo threw a quick glance at Kyosuke, who seemed slightly annoyed with what he’d just heard. Despite that, the white-haired man complied, and told Gekkogahara-san that he would see her tomorrow morning at the usual time. And just like that, their former classmate was gone. It was just the two of them again. Juzo stared at one of the immaculately white walls of the office until he finally decided to speak:
“Are you going to listen to her?”
“She knows better, doesn’t she?”
“But you said that when the Kamukura ordeal would be taken care of we could finally—”
“Enough, Juzo,” Kyosuke snapped. “While it’s true that intend to step down from the position of chairman and to give it back to Kirigiri-san so that I can focus on my….” He paused, swallowing loudly, as if what he were about to say was wrong. “Personal matters, it doesn’t mean that I want to rush any of this. It would be bad if I handed this back to Kirigiri-san without making sure everything has been thoroughly dealt with. Kamukura-kun may not be a threat now, but that doesn’t mean he won’t become one in the future. You know how Kirigiri-san is. He lacks the strength of a true leader. I care too much about this academy to leave it before fully fixing it.”
Juzo’s heart sank as he heard his words. He felt like screaming at him, only to ask him if cared about anything other than that damn academy, and if he even cared about him. He wanted to tell him that they should forget about this academy, but he did none of it. Instead, he just nodded and went back to staring at the wall. He was tired of constantly having to put on this tough guy act, as if nothing affected him, but he had to. He was the Former Ultimate Boxer; the epitome of manliness. He couldn’t afford to let his feelings get the best of him. It had saved them against Enoshima, but it wouldn’t save them again. The only problem was that ever since he had confessed to Kyosuke, it had become harder for him to repress it.
“Very well, what can I do to help?”
Kyosuke slowly paced towards one of the shelves, pulling a file from it. It was labelled ‘Class 77’ and contained the profiles of all the students from that class, as well as Yukizome Chisa’s, their homeroom teacher. He placed the file on the desk and started flipping through it, and stopped on one page.
“This is Nanami Chiaki,” he spoke. “She’s the Ultimate Gamer. From what I have gathered from Matsuda’s notes on the Kamukura project, Hajime Hinata, Kamukura-kun’s vessel, used to be very close to her.” He tapped a finger on her picture, pointing at the hairclip. “I think that’s the spaceship Gekkogahara-san was talking about.”
“Why didn’t you tell her?”
“Because, I plan on going against what she said,” he whispered, now pointing towards the door and making Juzo understand that it was possible their former classmate was spying on them. He didn’t think she was the type to do that, but he knew how careful Munakata-kun was. “I will make sure they keep playing together, even today. But I need you to find out what game that hairclip comes from.”
Juzo wanted to ask him why, or how to go about it, but decided against it. He finally had a good opportunity to impress him again, and he wasn’t going to let it pass. After almost a year of constantly screwing up, he was grateful he had been given a simple enough task. He stood up, facing Kyosuke and lowering his gaze so as to stare in his deep blue eyes.
“I will bring that information to you before the end of the day,” he promised.
“Just don’t be reckless, I don’t want Gekkogahara-san to figure us out.”
Juzo gave his friend a quick nod, and stepped out of the office. In the hallway, he looked out the window. The sun was shining bright, bringing him that extra hope he needed to carry on with his task.
The bell rang, letting everyone know that the day was over. Chiaki stood up and waved goodbye to her classmates as she walked out the door. She stepped outside of the building, smiling as she felt the sunlight hit her pale skin. There was something else she wanted to do today: go home and play video games with Izukura. Despite the fact he’d been calling the games boring the entire time they were playing, she had a feeling that he would be online again tonight, and that she would finally get to beat him and show him that video games were fun. She wasn’t too sure why, but even though she didn’t know anything about the person hiding behind that username, she was intrigued by them. If she were entirely honest, part of her couldn’t believe that they were actually bored last night. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but she felt as though it was all an act. No one around her had ever been bored playing video games after all, not even her most inexperienced classmates.
As she was thinking about which games they would play tonight, she bumped into someone. Chiaki absentmindedly apologized before looking up at the person. All she saw was a mass of muscles, tan skin, and short, wavy green-ish hair. She quickly realized that she’d bumped into Juzo Sakakura-san, the headmaster’s right hand man. At that moment, she almost envied Komaeda-kun’s luck. This would have never happened to him.
“Are you okay?” Chiaki’s eyes widened, as she processed these words. Those were exactly the first words Hinata-kun had exchanged with her when they had first met. In spite of what she had promised herself yesterday, the memories that were suddenly flowing back made her upset.
“Yes, I should have watched where I was going. I’m really sorry,” she replied, walking away as quickly as possible. She didn’t want to be here. The sky was starting to turn a bright orange, just like it had on that evening. The setting was so similar that it was unbearable.
“Wait, you’re Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer, right?” She nodded, still unable to face him. “This may be a weird question,” he continued, “but I remember playing the game your hairpin is from as a teenager but I can’t remember its na—”
At that point, Chiaki’s brain tuned out. Why was he asking her about Gala Omega? Why did this moment seem to mirror her first encounter with Hinata-kun? Why was one of the most important members of the academy’s staff so interested in her all of a sudden? Had she really bumped into him, or had he been standing in her way so this would happen?  
“Nanami-san, are you okay?”
“I’m sorry, Sakakura-san, what was the question?”
“What’s the name of the game this is from,” he replied, pointing at her hairclip.
She tried to speak, but no sound came out of her mouth. The air she had inhaled in order to speak seemed to be stuck in her throat, forming a lump that made breathing harder than it had ever been. Chiaki wasn’t sure what was happening to her. She could faintly hear Sakakura-san calling her name, but the world around her seemed to be spinning. She dug her fingernails into her palms, as though she were trying to anchor herself to something. Her vision became blurry and, as she lost her balance, she was surprised not to crash onto the solid concrete beneath her. Instead, she felt something warm. A few seconds later, everything around her turned black. The last things she remembered were thinking about how much she wished she’d never met Hinata-kun, and hearing Sakakura-san muttering something about messing up.
Juzo cursed himself as Nanami-san’s small frame collided with his arms. He had no idea what had just happened, but he got that familiar feeling that always occurred after botching whatever mission Munakata-kun had assigned him. Yet, he knew it wasn’t too late. With all the buzzing from the students of the academy walking back to their dorms, his conversation with Nanami-san, and her eventually fainting had seemingly gone unnoticed. That meant he still had time to take her to the nurse’s office without being questioned by any of his former classmates. If he were lucky enough, Mikan Tsumiki’s shift would have started by the time he would reach the office. The Ultimate Nurse definitely lacked the confidence to go against orders, or to ask any type of question to anyone who gave them to her. It would be easy enough to ask her to hide this from others. Having a more concrete picture of what he was supposed to do now, Juzo rushed to his destination.
He eventually reached the nurse’s office, after what had felt like hours – though in reality, he knew it’d only been a few minutes. He had been on edge the entire time, scanning his surroundings before every step to ensure that he wouldn’t run into Gekkogahara-san, or worse, Yukizome-san. While it was the former that Munakata-kun had asked him to keep this a secret from, Juzo knew that he could always make up a story explaining why he had been with Nanami-san when she passed out if he saw her. That would probably stop her from being too suspicious or reporting anything to their boss. Besides, it was unlikely that she would even recognize Nanami-san, or know who she was. She hadn’t even mentioned her in her report to Munakata-kun. This would be okay. Yukizome-san, however, was too close to Munakata-kun to hide anything from him. She was still, even though he knew the other man had been avoiding her, his girlfriend, and she still called him every night. Juzo knew this because he usually was around when his crush’s phone would ring, and hearing him pick up and talk to her always made his stomach turn. He used to be able to deal with their relationship, but now that Munakata-kun knew how he felt and seemed to reciprocate, things were different.
Juzo gently opened the door to the nurse’s office without knocking, taking a glance inside. Once again, he ruined everything.
“Fuck,” he breathed, just loud enough for the head of blue hair that was inside the office to turn towards him.
“Wh-what happened to Nanami-san?” Tsumiki-san asked, rushing towards him.
Having lost all his composure after seeing Gekkogahara-san in the room, Juzo was unable to lie. “We were talking and she suddenly passed out,” he mumbled before pausing. The Ultimate Nurse had him lay the young girl on one of the beds. “It may be that she’s not eat—”  
“Well,” Usami’s voice chimed in, “this may be nerdview, but maybe whatever you were talking to her about stressed her out. You’re one of the higher-ups, it would make sense. I’ll do a little check-up when she comes to. Munakata-kun is waiting for you, anyway.”
“…Really?” Juzo, hesitated. He wanted to tell Gekkogahara-san that she was wrong, but he knew it was pointless. Besides, despite the fact she was communicating via her avatar, he felt like she knew something already. If she didn’t, she would have asked him what he had been talking to Nanami-san about. Staying here and protesting would only make things worse, so it was better to comply. Things were already bad enough as they were, but there was still a chance that Munakata-kun would never hear about this. “I’ll go then. Thank you.”
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zachsreaderinserts · 6 years ago
Taking a Stand
ship: platonic!bbs x male!reader
dialogue prompt: "No! I'm tired of doing what you tell me!"
warnings: abusive relationship, high school au, i poured my heart and soul into this, it felt really nice to write something like this
"Good morning, gamers," I mumbled, walking to our table in the cafeteria. My friends simply said their greetings back or just nodded at me, looking just as tired as I was.
Mondays were always hard on us, especially since we all were trying to keep up with our channels on the weekends. We all probably had a few hours of decent rest.
"Is everyone gonna be ready to upload our Prop Hunt video tonight?" Craig asked, pulling out the Uno cards. It was a tradition for us to play before school started.
"Yeah," Tyler muttered.
"Yup," Evan replied.
"I think so. I haven't had the chance to edit it yet." Brock gave me a look, that was between concerned and confused.
"You're usually the first one to finish editing out of all of us." I yawned, tears pricking my eyes.
"Angel called me last night. She was ranting and told me not to hang up, so I couldn't get to it." I missed the eye rolls and the silent scoffs that were passed around the group.
"You could've told her you had something to do." Marcel pointed out as the game had begun.
"She wouldn't be happy about it. I don't like upsetting her." I placed down the first card, nudging Brian to place his next. "I'll try to get it done before dinner."
"There's no pressure, L/n. Take your time." Jonathan reassured me, giving me a soft smile. His smile quickly melted away and before I could ask why tan arms wrapped around my shoulders.
"Y/n!" Angel, my girlfriend of one month, exclaimed. She pecked my lips, smiling happily. "Good morning, baby."
"Mornin', Ang." Looking back down at the table, I noticed it was my turn again and a plus two was laid before me. "Oh, you motherfuckers!" Everyone laughed as I pulled two cards from the deck.
"Don't curse, Y/n." Angel lightly patted my shoulder, giving me an admonishing frown. "It's just a game."
"Sorry, babe. It's just that my friends," I threw out a mock glare, "are little shits."
"I was wondering if you could walk me to my locker." I glanced over at my friends before looking at her. "Please, Y/n!"
"I really want to finish this game." I tried to reason, looking in the green eyes of my lover. "Can you wait until the second bell?"
"Y/n, I want to get there before Samantha and April do so we can catch up on some stuff." Seeing that I was still hesitating, she frowned again. "I bet Raymond would walk me to my locker." I turned back around, trying to hide my hurt expression.
"Yeah, I'll walk you." She clapped in excitement as I set my cards down. "See y'all at lunch." I tried to put on a smile, but it felt forced more than anything. Angel wrapped her hand around mine, leading me away from my friends.
Lately, I've been becoming less happy with Angel. She would give me little bits of an insult, leaving me to wonder if she meant it or not. And whenever I wouldn't let her have her way, she would just grow cold and serious.
But, I still liked her. She meant a lot to me. So, I took everything with stride.
My friends, on the other hand, didn't. Back at the table, all of them grew frustrated and angry with our relationship.
"I fucking hate her," Tyler growled, slamming down a blue card onto the deck.
"Join the club." Marcel sneered, glaring as Angel and I disappeared around the corner. "What does he see in her?"
"Maybe he's just staying for the sex." David pointed out, cursing quietly as a plus four was placed down.
"Y/n's too insecure for sex." Brian countered, crossing his arms. "Remember what happened when he had his fall out with Kyle? The whole reason it started was because Y/n refused to fuck him."
"Whatever it is, I hope it's good enough to justify her shitty behavior." Lui cut in, leaning against Evan. "Though, I doubt there's anything that really can justify it."
"We just gotta trust Y/n for now, guys." Brock sent everyone a reassuring glance. "I'm sure he knows what's best for him."
"Happy Valentine's Day!" I cheered, carrying an assortment of flowers and chocolates to my friends.
"Holy shit!"
"Oh my God!" Various noises of surprise came from them as I placed the stash on the table, grinning proudly.
"Let me hand them out first, children." They went quiet as I started passing around gift cards with a gift attached.
For Evan, I stayed true to his simplistic nature and got him a bouquet of various red flowers. Jonathan received a chocolate box full of bear shaped candies. I got Lui and Brock assorted flowers, which were in almost every shade of the rainbow. Brian and Craig got Starbucks gift cards while I got David and Marcel Visa gift cards.
The last gift was for Tyler, but it was hidden in a plain, black box.
"Okay, open that one under the table." He did as I said and once he opened it, he started laughing loudly. I started laughing at his reaction, slapping the table.
"Y/n, you didn't!" He pulled out a blue dildo, about the size of his forearm. Brock quickly rushed to hide it, laughing along with the rest of us.
After the short laughing fit, they began to read the cards I gave them, either tearing up or smiling at my genuine messages.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Y/n!" Angel gave me a kiss on the mouth, which made me flustered.
"Ah, Angel! Not in front of the guys!" She pulled back, looking dejected. "Sorry, but you know I don't like kissing in front of other people."
"But it's Valentine's Day!" She pressed, slowly getting visibly angry with me. "Shouldn't we be making out all day?"
"I'm just not comfortable with it." She gave me a glare and I sighed, getting sad. "Sorry, Angel."
"No... Don't be. Just-- Did you get me anything?" I lit up, seeing the opportunity to cheer her up.
"Actually, yeah! It's at my house right now, so if you wanna come over later--"
"You mean to tell me that you don't have a gift to give me during the school day?" I shut my mouth, looking at her in confusion. The table around us went silent.
"Is that 'boyfriend protocol' or something?" She huffed frustratedly, taking a step back and crossing her arms.
"Uh, yes! How am I gonna show everyone how good of a boyfriend you are if you don't have a gift during school hours?"
"I don't think you'd need to flaunt around how good of a boyfriend I am if you already know it." I shrugged, trying to keep the tears at bay. "I'm no genius or anything, but I think I'm a very good boyfriend."
"Nevermind, Y/n. I'm going to class." She hissed, storming off. I clenched my fists, trying not to cry in front of my friends.
"Don't listen to her, Y/n." Lui comforted, leading me back to the table. "She's probably on her period or something."
"I made her a painting of us. I worked hard on it and everything." My voice cracked as I folded my arms and laid my head down on them. "I thought she would appreciate it."
"I don't think you guys should keep dating." Evan rubbed my back while talking to me. "You both clearly aren't happy in this situation."
"No, no. I'll figure it out. I really want to keep dating her." I looked at him with a teary face. "I'm sorry for crying."
"Hey, don't be." David came over, sitting next to me. "Why are you saying sorry?"
"Are you fucking crying right now? That's for babies, Y/n! I'm not gonna date a man who cries like a damn baby after an argument." Angel ranted, pointing at my face.
"I have no clue." I lied, rubbing my eyes harshly.
y/ntheactualgod has logged onto: what's jon's sexuality??
miniladd: IT WAS ME
h20delirious changed the chat name to: craig has a micropenis
y/ntheactualgod: and i oop
iamwildcat: y/n if you say "and i oop" one more time i'm going to freak the fuck out
y/ntheactualgod: A N D I OOP
moosnuckel: now you gotta beat them up tyler you said it yourself
iamwildcat: i'm gonna kick your ass as soon as we get to school tomorrow
y/ntheactualgod: do it pussy
vanossgaming: can i record it for my channel?
basicallyidowrk: they're gonna be the next logan paul and ksi
thegamingterroriser: but who's who?
y/ntheactualgod: call dibs on being ksi
iamwildcat: call dibs on being ksi F U CK I DON'T WANNA BE LOGAN PAUL
daithidenogla: sucks to suck
y/ntheactualgod: hold on, angel's messaging me
angelbabycakes: Y/N Y/N Y/N
y/ntheactualgod: what's up sugar
angelbabycakes: can i come over?
y/ntheactualgod: to hang out at like 2 AM?
angelbabycakes: not to hang out silly i wanna take our relationship to the next level
I felt my heart stop in my chest as I read over what she sent me.
y/ntheactualgod: oh. um, hold on
basicallyidowrk: SEND US A SCREENSHOT
y/ntheactualgod: unknown.png
h20delirious: oh my god
luicalibre: do u wanna have sex with her?
y/ntheactualgod: uhhhhh not really if i'm being honest ITS NOT THAT I DONT LIKE HER I LOVE ANGEL BUT IM NOT READY FOR SEX
miniladd: that's fine y/n! nothing to be worried about. just tell her how you feel
y/ntheactualgod: im sorry angel, but im not ready for that yet
angelbabycakes: look out ur window :)
"She didn't," I whispered in horror, rushing to go peek out the window. In my backyard stood my girlfriend of three months, who smiled up at me. I saw her put her phone to her ear and my phone lit up with a call from her. Answering it with shaky hands, I looked down at her through the window.
"Hey, baby! Can you let me in?"
"Angel, I love you a lot, but I can't do this." My voice trembled with anxiety as I saw her face be pulled into a frown. "I'm so sorry, honey, but I just can't have sex with anyone right now."
"Why not! I've been dating your sorry ass for three months! The least you could do is make it worth my while!"
"Angel, I--" She let out an enraged yell, picking up one of my lawn chairs and throwing it across my backyard. I watched in horror as she practically messed up my backyard. "Angel, please stop!"
"I'm tired of dating your wimpy ass! I don't deserve to be with such an ungrateful boyfriend." And she hung up on me, storming out of my yard. My hands were shaking so hard, I dropped my phone. Sinking to the floor, I stuck my head into my knees and started sobbing.
Was I crying of fear or heartbreak? I couldn't even tell.
"Good morning, Y/n!" I yelped loudly as David clapped his hand on my shoulder. He pulled his hand away, looking at me concerned.
"Oh, hey David." My voice was scratchy from a lack of sleep, but I didn't let it stop me from talking. "Sorry, you just scared me."
"I'm sorry. You look like you just saw a ghost." As we walked over to the lunch table, I kept my eyes open for Angel, becoming more paranoid the further in we walked. "Where were you this morning?"
This morning was really rough for me. I decided to skip out on sitting with my friends to hide in the bathroom, out of fear that Angel would confront me about last night.
"I had a long night. Woke up late." I lied, weakly smiling up at my friend. "Hope you guys were worried about me."
"We kinda were. Especially after what happened earlier this morning." I looked away from David, seeing that we were nearing the lunch table.
"I'm fine," I reassured to him, rushing to go sit down. I missed the unconvinced look on his face as he walked after me. "Hey, guys."
"Y/n! Where've you been?" Evan called out, grinning as I sat between him and Craig.
"Late morning," I responded, pulling out a cup of jello from my lunchbox. "Who won Uno today?"
"Lui did. He was totally cheating, though." Tyler complained, making me smile genuinely. I felt myself relax a little around them as I opened up the cup.
"You're a winner in my heart, Ty--"
"Y/n!" I couldn't help but jump harshly as Angel called out my name. I managed to squeeze all the jello out of the cup and all over my hand. Angel's tan arms wrapped around my shoulders and she moved to peck my cheek. "I didn't see you this morning."
Was she choosing to forget about what had happened?
"Uh... I woke up late." I stuttered, looking at my now ruined jello. "Sorry."
"You should really be more responsible, Y/n." As she picked her hand up to move a piece of my hair, I couldn't help the tiny flinch. Luckily she didn't notice. "You wanna come over later to watch some Netflix?" She gave me a look similar to the one she wore last night when she first stood in my backyard, letting me know what she was implying.
"I'm sorry, Angel, but I got--"
"Let me guess. Homework? A recording session? Friends coming over?" She took her arms away from my shoulders, giving me a harsh glare. "You never have time for me."
"Angel, not here," I whispered, looking at the eyes of my friends watching us talk.
"Don't give me that BS, L/n! You don't care about me anymore!" She stood up to her full height, putting her hands on her hips. "Don't talk to me unless you wanna apologize." And she stomped away again, leaving me behind with an empty cup of jello and a hand covered in it.
"I'll be right back," I muttered, scared that I was going to start crying in front of the whole cafeteria. I speed-walked to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I let the tears slip down my cheeks and silently cried my heart out. My jello covered hand stained my shirt, but at the time, I didn't really care.
"Y/n? Are you in here?" I went silent, hoping that Brock would go away. "Y/n, I can see you sitting in there."
"Go away." My voice broke midsentence as Brock's footsteps came closer to my stall.
"Y/n, we just wanna help you." Jonathan came over as well. "Please come out."
"I-- I can't!" I yelled, feeling broken. "I'm trying so hard to make her happy and she just can't accept it! I've been letting her do as she pleases and it feels like she doesn't even listen to me. I don't want to cuddle with her and then she stops talking to me! I don't give her a gift during Valentine's Day at school and she yells at me! I say I don't want to have sex with her and she proceeds to trash my backyard! I'm so tired of not being enough!" I was gasping for air near the end, recognizing that I was starting to have another anxiety attack. I quickly unlocked the door and smashed into the nearest person's chest, sobbing heavily. They wrapped their arms around me, swaying back and forth as I let out month's worth of tears.
"We're here, Y/n. We've got you." Brian whispered. I felt another pair of arms wrap around us and soon, everyone joined in on the hug.
And for the first time in months, I felt safe and secure.
Once my crying had dialed down, we all separated. I wiped my face with my sleeve, trying to remove any remnants of tears.
"I'm sorry."
"Stop saying you're sorry for crying. There's no reason for you to say sorry when you're this mentally torn about something." Craig gave me a stern glare, holding me by the shoulders. "Why do you say sorry every time you cry?"
"I... I've been told that crying is considered being babyish." Evan huffed, rolling his eyes at me.
"So what? Showing emotions isn't being a baby. It's being genuine. If you hide your emotions, then you're just equivalent to a robot. You should be happy that you can express yourself so well. As cool as it would be to be a robot, I think it would get pretty boring." I smiled a little, sniffing.
"You think?"
"He's right, Y/n. Craig's expressive, but he lifts like a damn champion. And Tyler screams like a preteen, but he's just as strong as anyone else."
"Hey!" We all laughed at that.
"The point is is that you shouldn't feel bad for being emotional. It's a part of who you are." I nodded, feeling confident in myself. "Now, if I were to guess correctly, I'm assuming Angel told you that." My smile quickly changed to a frown.
"How'd you know?" I asked Marcel, to which Jonathan snorted at me.
"Your girlfriend's a douchebag, Y/n. I'm sorry, but it's the Gospel Truth." I just sighed, leaning against the wall.
"I know. But I love her." Brock grabbed my face gently, making me look in his eyes.
"Think of every moment you had with her that was happy." I looked up, trying to recall every moment.
When I asked her out. Our first date. The day we went on a road trip. Her aunt's wedding. My birthday.
"Now think of every moment that you weren't happy with her."
Our first fight. Meeting my parents. Valentine's Day. LAST NIGHT. NOT EVEN TWO MINUTES AGO--
"I have to go," I muttered, a sense of urgency and determination running through me. I slinked past everyone, rushing out of the bathroom and to the lunch room. They all followed me as I walked over to Angel's lunch table, where she turned to face me.
"Are you here to apologize?" I didn't even get to open my mouth when she spoke. "Well, too bad. I'm still angry--"
"No! I'm tired of doing what you tell me!" I cut her off, balling up my fists. "Last night, you trashed my backyard because I wouldn't fuck you! And you just yelled at me for saying no to hanging out after school. I've been doing everything for you when you wouldn't even do half of it for me!" The cafeteria went silent as I was speaking, watching us argue. And for once, I didn't care who saw me.
"How dare you, Y/n! I fucking love you!" She started tearing up, fake tears to get sympathy from me. "You're going to break up with me?!"
"Uh, yeah? Was that not clear?!" She closed her mouth, shocked by my rage. "If you fucking loved me then you would've respected the fact that I didn't want sex! You would've accepted my gift during Valentine's Day and you would've respected my wishes throughout the year of me saying no! But you didn't. Instead, you manipulated me continuously with no hesitation and it's because you can't seem to get in your tiny brain that not everyone owes you anything!" Tears leaked from my eyes, but this time, I didn't care who saw. "I'm done, Angel. I want everything I ever gave you back."
"You can't do that!" She grabbed my wrist, looking into my eyes. "Y/n, I love you!"
I looked down at my now ex-girlfriend, ripping my hand away from her.
"No, you don't." And with that, I left her behind, once and for all.
As I exited the cafeteria, I watched Lui come up and clap me on the shoulder, smiling at me.
"You did good, Y/n." I smiled. And it felt really great as a whole new feeling blossomed in my chest.
"Yeah. I did, huh?" Freedom. That's what this was. Freedom from months of torture. I wiped away tears, not feeling ashamed for shedding them. "You guys wanna go ditch for some Hardee's?"
"Hell yeah!"
"I'm down."
"I call shotgun!"
"I'm taking my car!" As the others rushed out, Craig stayed behind, turning to look at me.
"Are you okay?" Linking our arms together, I sighed happily.
"I'm feeling great."
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bloodlinesbabe93 · 7 years ago
Scared Chapter 2
I didn't sleep at all last night. I laid on the couch and listened to Adam as he snored the entire night. I was too afraid he'd try something if I fell asleep. I had decided to get up around 7, and go downstairs to eat breakfast before anyone else got up. I quietly slipped out of our room, making my way down to the lobby, where free breakfast awaited me. I loaded my plate and quickly ate all of it. I was starving from not eating the night before. 
I threw my plate away, and attempted to slip back into our room, before Adam woke up. but when I walked back in, he was already awake, and moving.
"good morning Olivia" he says gently. 
"good morning" I mumble. 
"we're gonna meet down in the lobby soon for breakfast if you want to join" he says. I thought about it for a second, and decided to go, I had already eaten, so the least I could do is drink some more coffee. he smiled when I agreed to go down to breakfast with them. 
"good morning guys" Roddy says as we enter into the lobby. where he and Kyle were already waiting. Bobby came down just a few moments later. The guys each fixed their plate of food, while I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at the table. 
"aren't you going to eat?" Adam asks as he walked over to the table. I shook my head and took a drink of my coffee. I could tell he had concern in his eyes.
"I already ate" I say quietly. I could tell that made him feel a little better, but i could he was unsure of whether or not he could believe me.  the others joined our table, each of them having the same look of concern on their faces. I knew I couldn't tell them. I couldn't break down my barriers. after they finish eating, we return to our rooms to get our bags, and load the car. I found out that today was strictly a travel day. we had to be in San Diego by tomorrow afternoon, which meant driving all day. 
I was exhausted. I hadn't slept since my nap last night when they stopped for dinner. and that only lasted maybe an hour. I knew I had to stay awake. I couldn't fall asleep around them. I didn't trust them. I walked back into the room behind Adam, finished packing my few last minute items, and started to wheel my bags out. once again walking behind Adam. as we got to the car, Adam took my bags and loaded them into the car while I slipped into my seat. this time being between Adam and Roddy. 
As Kyle started driving, I could feel my eyes getting really heavy. I was trying everything in my power to stay awake. 
"you look exhausted" Roddy says. all I could do was nod. 
"didn't sleep?" Kyle asks. I shook my head 
"let me guess, Cole's snoring kept you awake" Bobby says. I nodded again, not wanting to tell them the truth.
"sorry, next time wake me up so i'll stop" Adam says. 
"try and take a nap, we've got a long drive ahead of us" Roddy says
I knew I had to stay awake. i'd try to sleep some when they stopped for lunch, and dinner. each passing moment got harder and harder to keep my eyes open. but I knew I had to keep fighting it. 
"why are you fighting sleep?" Adam asks. I remained silent, afraid to speak. he continued to watch me as I fought to keep my eyes open. I could feel my anxiety level start to rise. I hated people staring at me. I could feel the tears starting to come, once I noticed that Roddy was also looking in my direction. I brought my knees to my chest. placing my head into my knees. this was one of my many defense mechanisms. i'd curl up in a ball. it helped me feel safer. 
"you okay?" Adam gently asks. once again I remained silent. afraid to speak, knowing they would hear the panic in my voice. I felt a hand on my back, which caused me to jump. Adam looked at me with worry once he saw the tears in my eyes. "Olivia, what's wrong" he asks. I shook my head this time unable to speak.
"dude leave her alone, you're just making it worse" Kyle says
great now they all think i'm a freak. I finally got my breathing under control. and the tears were almost gone. I put my feet back in the floor. sitting up in my seat. now I was wide awake.
"you okay?" Roddy asks gently. I nod. still not able to speak.
"I know you don't really know us that well yet, but whatever is going on you can talk to any of us. we care about you, and hate to see such a beautiful girl upset" Bobby says.  the others agreed with him. but I knew they had to be lying. me beautiful? yeah right. 
"he means it you know, we all really care about you, even though we just met you yesterday" Adam says. they wouldn't understand. I had to stay strong. no matter how genuine they sound.
"can we get to know you a bit?" Kyle asks. I sighed but slowly nod. 
"did you grow up a fan of wrestling?" Adam asks
"yeah, I started watching when I was 12" 
"who did you idolize growing up?" Roddy asks
"Mostly Eddie Guerrero, and Rey Mysterio"
"both great choices" Roddy says
"the feud they had in 2005 was what really got me into wrestling"
"so how old are you now?" Bobby asks
"25" I say quietly, knowing I was younger than all of them
 "when did you start wrestling?" Kyle asks
"when I was 19, just graduated high school, and didn't want to go to college"
"so you've been wrestling for 6 years?" Roddy asks
"yeah, actually last month was 6 years in the business."
"worst injury?" Adam asks
"I've never had a wrestling related injury, but I've broken both arms, and bruised my ribs" I didn't want to tell them about all the other injuries ive had from years of abuse.
"how did you get them?" Kyle asks
"I broke my arms by falling off a swing set, the left one when I was 4, the right one when I was 8. and my bruised ribs, I had just stepped on the slip n slide to go down again when someone hit me, I went flying in the air and landed hard on my back. it knocked the wind out of me. I don't know how I didn't get a concussion, my head hit the ground hard"
"oh my god, i'm glad you're okay" Adam says
"me too, that was the scariest injury I've ever had. just having the wind knocked out of me terrified me. and afterward being in so much pain, it was horrible"
"yeah, anything involving the ribs is not fun" Roddy says
"no it isn't"
"where did you grow up?" Adam asks
"born and raised in Cincinnati, but I just moved to Florida because of NXT"
"Cincinnati has some of the most passionate wrestling fans. I loved doing ROH shows there" Adam says
"yeah, I loved it. I worked for smaller promotions all around the Midwest, this is the first big time shot I've had."
"well so far you're doing great. you really took it to Nikki last night" Kyle says
"yeah until she threw me into the announce desk" 
"how are you feeling after that?" Adam asks
"my back hurts, but I've had worse"
he puts his hand on my back, and starts to rub it. but the action causes me to flinch
"oh sorry did I hurt you?" he asks
"no, I just scare easily"
"yeah we noticed, why do you get scared easily?" Bobby asks
"I don't want to talk about it. you guys wouldn't understand"
"hey just because we don't understand, doesn't mean we don't care or want to help" Adam says gently
"I guess without going into a lot of details, I've gone through too much, that nobody should ever have to go through."
"you don't have to tell us, but if you ever want to talk, we're here" Adam says, placing his hand on my knee. 
I could see just how genuine these four really were. I could feel myself starting to become comfortable around them. but I couldn't let my walls down. not after last time.
"what kind of stuff do you do when you aren't wrestling?" Bobby asks
"write, read, play video games, and sleep" 
"oh a gamer, nice. what do you play?" Adam asks
"grand theft auto, fortnite, call of duty. even though i'm horrible at all of them"
"you can't be that bad" he says
"oh I am"
"what kind of movies do you like?" Kyle asks
"I don't really watch movies, i'm still a kid and love Disney movies though. they're my favorite" I say quietly
"hey nothing wrong with that." Adam says
"do you have a favorite?" Roddy asks
"The Little Mermaid for sure, if I could turn into a mermaid and escape humans I would"
"hey we aren't that bad are we?" Adam says jokingly
"okay most humans. plus I love the water."
"good thing you live in Florida then, you're surrounded by water." Adam says
"I love the water, but hate the beach. I hate the sand"
"you're crazy, the beach is so relaxing" Roddy says
"i'd rather be in the mountains somewhere, with a swimming pool than surrounded by the ocean and sand"
"i'm going to have to change your mind about the beach" Adam says
"good luck with that" I say letting out a big yawn
"you know we still have a while to go, if you want to take a nap" Roddy says
"i'll be fine, maybe i'll be able to sleep tonight"
"you sure? you can rest your head on my shoulder if you want" Adam says
"yeah i'll be fine"
I however I wasn't fine. as I leaned my head back onto the headrest, I knew it would be a challenge to stay awake. since the conversation had died down, I had nothing to distract me. I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier, I felt Adam wrap his arm around me, and gently pull me so I could rest my head on his shoulder. I was to tired to even fight it. 
I was slowly letting my walls down. no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stay as strong as I was. they continued to break down the walls of my heart
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aurimeanswind · 7 years ago
Your E3 Predictions!—Sunday Chats—6/3/18
I’m very excited about this week’s Sunday Chats because it’s all about E3 predictions! This time next week, we’ll BE INSIDE E3! I’ll have seen Microsoft/EA/and Bethesda’s pressers come the next Sunday Chats, and I’ll be writing about them, probably! I may or may not do a Sunday Chats, but we’ll see!
To catch folks up, this week has been a full-force build up to E3 for me. A new Episode of Get Acquainted posted, with my friend Brandon Gann, who is just an incredibly wonderful and amazing loquacious individual, and we spend two plus hours talking E3! We had a ton of predictions and great conversations around all of them! You should give it a listen!
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On this week’s Irrational Passions Podcast we had my other good friend Logan Moore on to make some E3 BETS! Nabeshin was kind enough to put together 25 amazing bets for us and a ton of lightening round bets on top of that, and it was super fun. You can watch the video version of that WITH bonus content right now, and the fully edited version will post on Tuesday.
So it’s all about E3, but before we get to that, a little personal update.
Personal Update for June
So any one close to me will no that the last week of my life has been exceptionally difficult. Some folks close to me, both physically and emotionally have been making decisions that have been pretty toxic, I can’t lie. It’s led to a pretty unhealthy living situation that I’d rather not get into, and whether things blow over, get worse, I’m not sure. I obviously don’t want to spill any personal juice here, but anyone who has seen me out here tweeting like the dramatic boi I am on the inside about how I need some good vibes, that’s a general overview of the situation, if you were concerned.
I’m thankful for all my close friends out there texting me, checking on me, and making sure I am doing okay, even if I’m not. It is upsetting that this just so happens to coincide with the busiest time of the year in video games, so if this bleeds over into our content over on Irrational Passions I apologize. Sometimes its a bit unavoidable.
Anyway, I appreciate you all taking the time to interact and be a part of my silly Selfie Saturdays or Sunday Chats, it means the world. I’ve been working hard with the team @ Irrational Passions to make some really fun stuff, including a new show that acts as a spiritual successor to our roundtables from 2017 Game of the Year talks.
That’s all we need to dwell on in regards to the bummer business, let’s get to games!
What’s on Tap
So I just started this tonight and I have to say: right away I just love it.
The idea is you live in a small town that neighbors these ancient ruins that lead to these very dangerous dungeons, and once upon a time travelers and adventurers used to come here to explore those dungeons, and merchants would sell supplies and goodies to gear them up for those journeys. Eventually it grew too dangerous, but you are someone who Moonlights as an adventurer and runs a shop on the front end.
You dive into these dungeons and get awesome treasure and loot and goodies to then sell in your shop to expand your shop, get better weapons and armor, and continue deeper into the dungeons. It’s an amazing idea, and it’s executed on so well.
The game sustains such a great and rewarding loop, and it’s also got tons of charm and amazingly well executed on pixel art.
On top of that the UI is also just very good? It’s super slick and smooth. 
I’m only a couple hours in but I just adore it. Mike Burgess, producer at IP, did a video review on it that I saw the first cut of today and it’s actually what sold me on it. See it soon!
Detroit Become Human
I’ve already said so much about this game I’m exhausted. I love this game.
It has so many issues and in spite of all that, I genuinely adored my time with Detroit.
Our roundtable discussion was about this very game, so look for it soon.
Dark Souls Remastered
This game is still so good. I think I may like it even more than Dark Souls 3, a game I picked up just very briefly a few weeks ago.
I’ve now got the power to fast travel and am just warping around and exploring again. I even dipped my toe into the DLC area which I have never seen before. 
It’s excellent, and seeing it run smooth has been super rewarding for me, a longtime fan of the title.
Your E3 Predictions
Let’s get to it! This week, something I haven’t done in a bit, I asked you for your boldest E3 predictions, and while some of you gave me a good joke, a lot of you came back at me with some great predictions!
Let’s get into it!
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Remember to look for my tweet on Sunday afternoons/evenings with #SundayChats in it and respond to it with your reply to be a part of Sunday Chats!
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Now listen, I know this was clearly written as a joke Sam, but I think that this announcement is coming, just not here. It’s a PSX announcement, if ANY, because that’s the only place it can be really gernally accepted as an “announcement”. It’d get a big riot of an applause.
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I’d love this. I think they have such a “robust” (#branding) library of handheld games that it’d make too much sense to carry them over to their now partially handheld big console.
Will it happen? Well, I mean Nintendo has said no virtual console on Switch. But they’ve changed their mind, even if it has been rare, in the past before. While it could happen down the line, this up coming direct is about 2017, so I don’t think we’ll see it there.
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Nah John.
You need to stop.
But... Well
I mean maybe?
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Finally. Some announcements we, as “hardcore gamers” care about.
Some cars
On stage.
The cars have sex.
And birth a motorcycle.
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I love this Peter. I mean, for some reason I guess folks think that Emma Stone will be the female actress pulled into Death Stranding, and I think there will likely be a big female reveal at some point, I don’t know why everyone thinks it’ll be Emma Stone? I bet there is a good reason out there, I just don’t know. I’m not complaining, Emma Stone is great.
I am definitely with you on the “deep dive”, though I don't think there will be a long explanation of things, just a nice gameplay demo. My theory I posited on Get Acquainted was like an 8 minute trailer that leads into about four minutes of gameplay at the end, but it’s just enough cinematic that we’re convinced there will be no gameplay, and then BOOM. There is.
I could see them saying 2019 at the end too, though I doubt they’ll hit it.
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Nah of course. 
We talked about this on our show, obvs, everyone please go listen to it, but NO FINAL FANTASY 7. IT WONT HAPPEN. Square Enix needs to figure that shit out, and so they’ll come back to it when it, and more importantly, THEY’RE ready to.
Here’s hoping for some dope Xbox Avatars.
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I mean, it’s gotta be the time, right? I need to know what this Resident Evil 2 Remake looks like. I know the director was out there talking about it not terribly too long ago, and it just feels like ages since we heard about it. With Capcom announcing RE7 and then releasing it 6 months later, on top of Monster Hunter World’s recent success, they are on a great path! Time to continue it!
As for DMC 5 I mean everyone seems convinced it’s coming and I just don’t care.
I love the Rocksteady prediction, because they’ve been cooking that bad boy for a good long while. I hope it’s Superman because I have supreme faith they’ll knock it out of the park. Maybe even an origin story? I’d love to see Rocksteady do one of those.
And I do, also, believe that Shadows Die Twice is Tenchu.
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Dishonored getting a reboot I just don’t see happening. I think it’s time Arkane moves onto some new IP. Something that is hopefully a bit more eye-catchy so they get get back into a popular circle, then maybe spend a few years making iterations of that. Maybe in a few years past that they can return to Dunwall and take another crack at Dishonored.
Doom 2 can be wherever the hell it wants and I am HERE for it. But judging by the sounds of things that may not be at this E3, and that’s okay. It makes me sad, but it’s okay.
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Man. I fucking wish.
Them or Bioware. I’d love to have just an original story told at Hogwarts where you create your character and go through 7 years at the school and it’s great and it has dialogue wheels and it’s great. Feed me Bioware.
It’d never happen tho.
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This would be very cool. I feel like this Star Fox Grand Prix rumor is too big to ignore, but it’s still a little far fetched. I wonder how they’d sell it, if it is real.
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Honestly, not that far out there. Kingdom Hearts don’t give a fuck about Red Dead.
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Here is my thing, I just don’t think an ARMs character will make it into the Smash roster because no one cares about ARMs and I don’t think they’d be crazy interesting. Who would it be? Twintelle? I mean she is super cool, but who knows!
THey’d make great assist trophies, and I know that’s a slight but I’m sorry.
Anyway, if they put Banjo and Kazooie in I’d literally start crying right then and there, and it may happen, who knows, but I would. I’d cry.
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I think there could be a direct apology. It depends. I think within 15 minutes or so we will know if EA has changed their tone or not. Hell, within 2 minutes we’ll know. If they want to actually be well regarded, they need to start making big moves, and right now, they’re not. Period. Come out and own up to what you’ve done wrong, or GTFO. They need to make up ground on the PR front, even if they’re still making money hand over fist. 
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I’m sorry times are tough Silver, but know that I’m sending good vibes your way!
I wonder if Microsoft would make such a bold move. Regardless, it’s a great bold prediction. I hope that they are gonna give it some more time, and let this generation cook a little more. I’m digging my Xbox One X, and them implying a replacement is coming next year or so would bum me out.
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Finally. The battle Royale Battle Royale we’ve all been waiting for. 
And as the dust settles, there’s sha’boi Griffin. Standing on top. Winner of them all.
And let’s not front: I’d kill to listen to Donald Glover sing Parappa songs.
Thank you all so much for your predictions! I’ve had a ton out there all week, and the Get Acquainted Episode I think has them out there in the best way. Go check them out! Either way, I’m so excited for E3, not necessarily to see if my predictions came true, but just for the hype of it all and my inevitable editorial after its all said and done about my thoughts and feelings coming out of it.
So. Big Sunday Chats update. I may be making a BIG CHANGE to Sunday Chats in the coming weeks. There is some ironing out I need to figure out personally, but I just wanted to give you faithful readers a little heads up. This could be something that becomes a proper part of IrrationalPassions.com, and for that, I’m very excited. The biggest thing is it may mean I start soliciting questions on Saturday! Stay tuned for my twitter for that.
It wouldn’t be a big change for you all, so don’t stress about it too much, but I wanted to seed it out there.
I love you all and your support, especially in these dark dog days of summer I am in. Thank you for the perpetual good vibes. 
I hope you all are here for the E3 hype, but if not, that’s okay. Regardless, thank you for reading, and
keep it real.
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(the Naruto kick not only continues, but never ends.)
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Episode 12 - You Should Not Have Been Throwing My Name Out - Zac
With numbers dwindling, the votes are getting more intense. Nikias wins immunity and a plan is set into motion to blindside Olivia, who is viewed as one of the strongest players left. At tribal council, Abrielle plays her voting coin advantage but it fails. She pulls out her vote steal advantage as well, using Nikias’ vote to put a vote on Aly. Only Aly remained loyal to Olivia and Olivia was voted out 4-2-1 over Abrielle and Aly.
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“FINAL 7! This was a good wake up call vote btw, people talk and snitch and have their own agendas in this game. I think its pretty fascinating bc i don't think i have ever being less utr and still i think i am kind of am in people eyes? Idk, I think today was challenging bc I wanna be a gamer and creative with moves and I think it's fun but sometimes i feel bad for lying which make it hard for me at times to play this game”
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“Dear diary. Today I had yet another emotional meltdown and learned that I can trust none of the se bitches. It is very upsetting. I also fought some bitch after tribal who tried to bullshit me and I was not having it. Anyways I feel like I have hit rock bottom. When the person i trust the most is fucking Abrielle who is barely even around, you just KNOW something is wrong. Anyways, I will get back to crying about geting into conflict and about a korean singer calling out one of her band members for bullying her, attaching self harm pics of her arms. Good night heart heart purple heart green heart heart eyes emoji”
"Yesterday I was down yes. today I am still down. But I am here to get to work. It isnt worth shit for me to just coast and wait for people to come to me. i need to have an hand in my own future and I am going all out. If that gets me voted out, fine. so be it. but im going out fighting”
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“At this point of the game, I am thinking to use the fake idol only incase i have to do a damage control. However, I have lie way too much in the game and giving a fake idol to someone with out making sure that I am in danger it's like giving them a reason to not vote you in the end, you give them a reason to be bitter at you. I was trying and i will give it another shot to convince Olivia to take advantage of it and give it to someone. I want to go with Olivia to the end because I trust her the most out of everyone and it's the first time that I am so loyal to someone and it just feels right. I wanna see if there is anyway to convice her that i give it to her and she can give it to someone else, so the person who would use it could be bitter at her and while it would be my idea it would look like she did my dirty job which would make Olivia look weaker in the jury. However, Olivia is smart and at the moment she is not buying it. I am not planning to use it myself unless i have too“
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“ Normally I’m totally fine with mastermind. This version? Where we can’t see which ones are which? Absolute fucking hell”
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“ fuck. i hate it here, thank u “
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“f6 babyyyyy. omg i am so so happy that was sucha good timing“
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“It’s just like.. a battle of the good people left. These are all the people I felt the most genuine good vibes from and I like them all so much
“Constance- could maybe persuade him to vote me?
Vi- would most likely vote me
Adam-probably no chance in hell
Cori-would she even show up
Emma-mayyybe get her to vote me but that’s undecided
Josh-truly an unknown but he would probably vote for Nikias before me
I adore Nikias with my whole heart and I want him there at the end with me. This whole journey I’ve realized has just been about my friendship with him and if I lose to him I think I’d be ok. So I’d probably say Nikias and aly. Aly would be easy to beat I think and I think it’d come down to Nikias or I”
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“ I really went from being in the complete bottom to basically being in charge of starting the movement to try and blindside Olivia. I'm so proud of the game I have been playing like I really changed from the type of game I usually play. and this is just amazing. I would love to get to the final 3 but even if I get voted out tonight I'll be leaving with my head held high cuz I know I played my hardest. I genuinely feel so bad about voting Olivia. but if its gotta be done its gotta be done. I need to stop playing with my heart and start playing with my head “
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bonerhitler · 8 years ago
A Mild Critique of Gamers
I like video games. I like them a lot, they've been a pretty consistent hobby for most of my life. I don't define myself by them, however. I have many hobbies and I would find it incredibly awkward to try and define myself by any single one, I also find it incredibly awkward when people try to define me by a single interest of mine. So tonight I find myself writing about Gamers, people who have a strange fixation on a singular hobby of theirs and so frequently fall prey to the same social habits when their hobby is concerned.
First is, well, when the actual label of Gamer comes in. There seems to be so little consensus on who is and is not a gamer. Like with many similar arguments it ultimately comes down to groups of people not wanting to be associate with people they don't like, but still wanting to be able to claim membership of a shared group. Self professed Gamers will talk at length about how you can only be a gamer with dedication or skill put into a game, but turn around and say none of that matters if you play a genre or console they disapprove of. Mobile games in particular get a lot of vitriol on that front. You'll see people set their own arbitrary definitions and requirements for what makes a Gamer, but gladly turn on their own standards as soon as someone they, personally, disapprove of meets them solely so they can exclude that person from what they view as their private club.
Gaming isn't a private club. There is nothing gained by trying to force people out of it, at best they won't care  and at worst you succeed in what? Making someone who has zero impact on your life stop doing a thing they enjoy doing? There isn't a limited supply of video games either. People who do not like the same type of games calling themselves Gamers somehow won't reduce the number of consoles or games available for everyone to play. Of course this criticism goes both ways, if you find yourself getting really frustrated people don't think you're a “Real Gamer” then I just have one question; why do you care? It literally does no matter what anyone else thinks and anyone getting upset over arbitrary classifications over who is and is not part of a group of people who enjoy a hobby when they do, in fact, partake in that hobby should probably stop caring and just go back to enjoying their games.
So, with that little rant out of the way lets get on to something far more interesting. Awful spending habits, the defense thereof and overly defensive attitudes regarding. “It's no big deal, it's only five dollars I can afford that.” Who hasn't said that while impulse buying something cheap because it looked cool or interesting? What about ten dollars? Where is the cut off exactly? Personally speaking I have a hard time justifying random sixty dollar purchases, not because I can't afford it but because that's just a hefty price for something I haven't looked into at all. On the other hand there are legions of people who will think nothing of paying sixty dollars for a game solely because of a name attached to it or a company brand.
So what's wrong with blindly supporting something, even on relatively low scales such as the ten dollar value? Well, it's exactly what the publishers want. Pre-orders are one of the worst things games still do and while they've come under fire a lot recently given the recent hot topics of games like No Man's Sky I feel it's still important to reiterate why. When you place that pre-order, they've got their money from you. So they hype a game, they market it and they fill the public with half truths and cinematic trailers. We, as consumers, see very little substance of a game before release day now. Betas are more and more becoming marketing tools placed mere days before launch rather than actual development cycles used to, well, develop the game and demos are extremely rare because they simply aren't profitable for publishers. Recently some publishers have even gone so far as to express interest in no longer sending out early press review copies.
We, the consumers, are effectively blinded. No Man's Sky is still the posterchild for what happens when people buy into the hype, follow that line and never think for themselves. So many people pre-ordered and gave the publisher their money, they listened to every line from the interviews even though a lot of it turned out to be straight up lies and let themselves be led by the nose into a game that was nothing like it was advertised. Of course, not everyone was suckered into it. But what happened to those of us who weren't fooled by the trailers and interviews, the skeptics who would rather have waited and seen proof the game was what it was before going whole hog in on it? Well trying to explain why blindly pre-ordering a game is bad idea to someone who already has pre-ordered a game is a fools errand. In personal experience the most common retort to something as simple as “I don't think it's worth spending sixty dollars on a game that might not even come out on time” is a straight up personal attack implying I am too poor to afford the game.
Time and time again it's something that comes up with DLC purchases too, or kickstarter/patreon or even certain scam theoretical games that might not even exist. The idea that someone might willingly choose to not buy something, might even have valid reasons not to, seems to threaten certain Gamers. I won't even try to analyze why, no one could possibly reading this for arm chair psychology about spending habits. So I'm just going to finish this chunk off with this; if you're so insecure about your purchases that you feel the need to get angry and defensive about it, then maybe you should rethink it. Buying something just because you can isn't always a good idea and if someone else not buying a thing makes you feel unsure, then that's probably a sign.
Finally, and truthfully the topic I wrote this whole post to get to, is criticism. Gamers are notably anti-criticism while being incredibly vocal and opinionated. Sounds contradictory, sure, but it's not in the least. You see “This game sucks and I hate it, the creator should go kill themselves.” isn't criticism. It says nothing, it's just an angry fart into the void. I can not count the number of times I've been trying to get a good read on a game and most of the reviews were either “10/10 perfect in every way!” or “0/10 it sucks!” neither of these tell you anything, they contain no information. Summarily, no one actually cares about reviews like that. However, looking at reviews people will get really bent out of shape over an 8/10 review that details the reviewer's grievances with the game. Gamers tried to get a reviewer fired from a gaming magazine for giving Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess an 8/10.
You see, Gamers are in an incredibly strange position where they want their hobby to be taken seriously as art and as entertainment. They want it to be a genuine medium like film or music but they only want the recognition and respect. They don't want the critique that weeds out the shallow or poorly made products, no one wants to hear that a thing they like might be flawed because Gamers are incredibly prone to a tribalistic mentality, where anyone who isn't part of the Nintendo tribe is alienated and shouldn't be listened to but anyone who is part of the tribe should say nothing but what the rest of the tribe wants to hear. At the same time it's a very populist tribe, whatever game is new and coming out is the best thing and if you have anything negative to say about it then prepare to be a social pariah until the next new thing is announced. Then everyone will turn around and smugly talk about how that previous game was terrible all along and they'd never actually liked it, but oh man have you heard about this awesome new game coming out? It's going to be perfect.
This gets incredibly ironic given the drama that happens every few years when Gamers get incredibly upset over “Journalistic Integrity” in professional game reviews. The same people who will try to get someone fired for personally giving a game too high or too low a score, will turn around and try to hold other people accountable for their judgments of media. There is no journalistic integrity when it comes to video games, and most gaming magazines have realized this by now. Nintendo certainly realized it a long time ago. Gamers simply want to read opinions that agree with the views they've already decided are true, because facing the reality that they might like a thing with flaws, or that a shiny new thing coming out might not be what they wanted is difficult.
So, ultimately, what I'm trying to say with all this is that it's okay to not like things. It's okay to like things that are flawed or even bad. It's okay to admit they're bad even if you like them. It's even okay to not like popular things. Just don't let yourself get suckered into the hype, you all have brains. Start using them.
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