#i am truly pissed
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hermit-frog · 10 months ago
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zoey-withay · 14 days ago
Ok I'm actually going to blow a fuse over just how BADLY Dark Pit gets mischaracterized within fandom works (specifically in relation to Smash Bros)
Like I get from a basic look at his character design and name, obviously you're going to think he's an evil version/an opposite of Pit (think Dark Samus or Dark Sonic for example) but I think even the Kid Icarus fandom tends to forget how his whole existence and by extension his personality works.
Dark Pit came from the Mirror of Truth, which doesn't create an opposite version of the person who goes through it, but it reflects their true feelings and emotions (it's called the Mirror of Truth, what do you think it's going to reflect)
Dark Pit is the personification of Pit's repressed emotions, so whatever Pit feels deep down, is what Dark Pit puts on display, so the opposite could also be said, that the way Pit acts is how Dark Pit truly feels (they're opposites in that regard)
Dark Pit isn't some villainous asshole, because that would mean Pit is too. And Pit isn't some completely innocent little cinnamon roll, because that would mean Dark Pit is too. They are more similar than they and a lot of other people would like to admit. They are two sides of the same coin.
But I feel like this mischaracterization mostly comes from the Smash Bros community, which in all fairness to them, simply don't know Kid Icarus' lore. Which I'd totally understand if Nintendo wasn't feeding them this 'Dark Pit is a villain' propaganda (I use the term propaganda very loosely, can you tell I'm angered?)
Because if my memory serves me correctly, there have been multiple times where there will be those 'heroes vs villains' online Smash tournaments, and Pit and Dark Pit are always put as the 'hero vs villain.' And yes, I know that Dark Pit is an anti-hero in Uprising, but there is a clear difference between an anti-hero and villain (anti-hero -> good thing, bad reason ; villain -> bad thing, bad reason)
Not to mention that Uprising is about seven hours long, and Dark Pit is only in it for about three hours total, which honestly is not a lot of screentime for him. But in those three-ish hours, he has done more heroic things than any of the other villains/anti-heroes in Smash and I'd argue some of the heroes too have ever done. His good deeds outweigh his bad ones (he swallows his own pride to help Pit save Palutena, he puts his differences with Palutena aside to work together to save Pit's life by going to the Rewind Swing, he saves Pit from Hades' stomach, he once again puts his differences aside with Palutena to join Pit after Hades' defeat since she's the one who grants him the Power of Flight. And I would also like to mention that he did not instigate the fight throughout Chapter 6, Palutena and Pit started that)
Dark Pit acts the way he does because that's what people expect of him. They see him as a lesser version of Pit, so he's a kid who's gonna try and prove them wrong. He only picks fights with Pit because the first thing Palutena (who Pit openly loves and admires, which means Dark Pit deep down also still loves and admires her) says about him is that "he's fundamentally wicked and destructive and needs to be eliminated." Can you imagine the person you love, look up to and trust with your life say that about you? Sure, it might be another version of you, but it's still you. That's one reason why Dark Pit doesn't like Palutena (but that is a rant for another day where we bring the Pittoo nickname into play)
But I get it. It's easier to paint Dark Pit as a jerk and asshole character than exploring a complicated character with complex emotions and feelings that everyone disregards because it's just a bit too similar to how real people are in real life.
It's easier to say he's an edgy clone.
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1296-very-good-year · 4 months ago
Well... There goes all hope for limiting climate change. And a ceasefire for Gaza. And any checks on presidential power in the most powerful country in the world.
Trump is never going to prison. The Republicans are ready to dismantle the administrative state from day fucking one, unlike in 2016 when they had no idea what they were doing.
At the very least, I hope you are ready to fight to keep your rights, America.
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on-this-day-mcr · 2 years ago
On this day, May 22
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their fifth show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour in Milton Keynes, England. At this show, Frank Iero and Gerard Way wore T-shirts with the words “Piss” and “Vinegar”, respectively, and three tally marks were written on the drums. This show was the only show to feature a clip from the Nova “Rat Attack” documentary, played immediately before the show began. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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prince-of-elsinore · 1 year ago
thinking about how sam and dean were made responsible for each other's physical safety and lives in high-risk, high-stakes environments from such a young age from going on hunts together (with John) and even if John mostly tried to keep them and especially Sam out of the worst of it can you imagine knowing your sibling lives or dies on your watch while most kids are worried about who they're taking to prom good god no wonder these boys are not normal about each other
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millionsknives · 6 months ago
when will i finally learn my lesson and never go on the tumblr fyp
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auspicioustidings · 7 months ago
If you see a Call of Duty fanblog that claims they are or were in the military I can say that 99% of the time they are lying.
A cishet white man who had a good experience in the military will not engage in fandom and will only brutally make fun of it, if he had a bad experience he is nowhere near the fandom.
A cishet POC man is the same, it's just a lot less likely he had a good experience.
A cishet woman who had a good experience in the military is, almost certainly, an ultra conservative who would despise fandom spaces.
Anyone outside of the categories above 99% of the time did not have a good experience with the military. They may have PTSD not from war zones but from how they were treated in their own departments. They may engage with fandom, but they will never idolise these characters uncritically and are not going to joyfully make it a part of their online fandom personality that they are ex-military so can totally help you with details (which given that all branches of the military function totally differently and countries again function totally differently they can't).
As a good rule of thumb, if anyone on the Internet is making something about them that conveniently relates to the fandom they are in a major part of their personality, treat that claim as unverified and move on with your day. You do not owe strangers on the Internet your blind trust and they do not owe you proof of their claims if they are not actively hurting anyone with them. If you think they are using their claims to actively try hurting someone, block them. These people thrive on attention and negative attention spends just as good as positive, do not give it to them.
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acebytaemin · 7 days ago
just saw a guy on tiktok call jokić ‘unathletic’ i gotta delete that app off my phone
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hurglewurm · 9 months ago
local idiot experiences an emotion (hundreds dead, thousands injured)
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myundoesntknow · 2 months ago
i love when we don’t gender role wolfstar (i don’t mean that as anti feminine presenting or genderfluid sirius 🙏) and i love when we don’t make their sexual preferences their whole personalities or apply gender roles based on those preferences and i love when we let them take care of each other and we let them be balanced and equal and i love when they both are equally as gone for each other AND IT SHOWS and i love when they aren’t mischaracterised (although for that last one i do get that with a fandom that’s not reliant on canon there’s a lot of variations even within one common understanding)
yeah that’s what i like in this fandom. and i think im extra hugged when it’s not like that bc with those two characters (a) i see so much of myself in them and (b) they’re my most favourites and luckily the most popular fics in this fandom like the ones you get recommended upon joining are like this which makes me so happy but when people say they don’t like mainstream wolfstar i HATE to be that mf but i kinda get it and they might have their own reasons but these are mine. and its fandoms so really everyone should do whatever they want and its LAME lame that im even saying this and i’ll probably get over it and (just like everyone else) consume the content of people with the same understanding of them as me and let everyone else do their own thing because it’s LITERALLY about having fun i know i know im a loser but i did just want to put what I like out there for some reason idk it was an itch i needed to scratch by talking about it
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ari-the-meow · 4 months ago
im most likely not going to a ritual next year so im staying bitter and mad and making it everyone’s problem
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intraven6us · 4 months ago
3 in the morning rant but I'm sick of living in a fucking straight world! I'm sick of every piece of media in every advertisement, every theatre centering around heterosexual courting and and pairing ritual! I'm sick of every song on the radio about heterosexual love lust or heartbreak! I'm sick of listening to straight women whine about how their boyfriends play too much video games or watch too much porn or how their girlfriends are too emotional or can't take a joke! I'm sick of the pointless categorisation of everything into male and female! I'm sick of discourse and I'm sick of something as simple as cross-dressing or transitioning being something that turns heads! And I'm sick of everything queer that does end up in mainstream culture sanitised for the heterosexual audience! I don't want to have to behave myself and keep it pg at pride so that the straights deem us family friendly enough to endorse! And I'm sick of who I am being made out to be some twisted perversion of human! I'm sick of monogamy culture and marriage and the house with the fucking kids and dog! Just for once I want to live in a world where I'm not a freak or unnatural and I can be open about who I am and the experience of life I'm having and just talk about how my day was without having to censor how queer it was so my fucking straight colleagues and friends don't need it explained or need to be spared from the explicit and disgusting nature of my fucking life! I'm sick of the heterosexual life being shoved down my fucking throat since before I could even understand what the blue and pink characters on my children's cartoon was indoctrinating me into!
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fishpondfish · 6 months ago
i don't know if the fact that i'm not very excited about da4 indicates my mental health improving or deteriorating
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months ago
If u see me descend into madness or the sad in these few days it’s either because of my fever + cold that has made my brain fuzzy (and thus, susceptible to rollercoaster rides of emotions) or the way im knees deep in elden ring lores (which are both magnificent and also depressing)
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revvethasmythh · 6 months ago
actually losing it that i was JUST on the fence about getting the new covid shot because of its exorbitant cost, and then a few days later my brother has covid. god really said "i know paying for it was an L, but you did the right thing"
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not-handsome-enough · 1 year ago
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Working on a bull riding au with @stationoffixation check out his Toki
I didn’t base Murderfaces bull off of a real bull but rather a guy who got it in the nuts via a bull
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