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millionsknives · 6 months ago
when will i finally learn my lesson and never go on the tumblr fyp
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bylertruther · 2 years ago
could u elaborate about your anger against buff will byers? genuine question, i dont mean to be rude! have a great day denise <3
mobile + sleep deprived so this is going to be All Over The Place but i'll list some thoughts in bullet points:
my anger isn't towards will being buff, my anger is over the fact that fandom has used noah schnapp's body type as a reason to mischaracterize will into someone that he isn't
finn has long hair and he's very skinny so he gets feminized by fandom a lot which bleeds into how fandom interacts with the character that he plays despite mike not having majority/majorly feminine traits
meanwhile noah grows up, goes through puberty, and gains a bit of muscle and suddenly will (in fandom's eyes) goes from being a sensitive, shy, sassy, and sweet kid to this macho guy that is super confident, super physically strong and athletic, and doesn't need to be saved or helped by anyone, and that literally sweeps people off their feet etc. like i'm sorry to tell you this but will is a damsel in distress lol. a HUUUUUUGE part of his character is that he was clocked way way way early as a young kid for being gay and that's why he got bullied. kids make fun of his clothes, they laugh at him, his father calls him slurs, teenagers and adults alike talk about him and his sexuality in a derogatory fashion, he gets called artistic and sensitive which in that era is the nice way of saying gay, etc etc. like. will turns into a scared hamster, he has the freeze response, he fights for his life but ultimately needs to accept help from others to save him, its about loving and being loved and allowing them to save you because there's nothing wrong with needing help, etc etc. like. will is canonically more effeminate than mike and yet bc finn is skinny with long hair and noah is bigger now people flip it around and that's just not who those characters are lol. they're CHARACTERS they're not finn and noah... and even then, noahs the one always wearing pink and wearing purses and who gets his (everything, really, but specifically) his sexuality picked the fuck apart bc of the way that he acts and so on and so forth. but, what...? he gets a couple of muscles and suddenly will is some macho hypermasc dude? why, because only skinny men can be seen as effeminate and sweet and sensitive and so on? since when is a body type a personality. its just so transparent that it's playing into the tiny subby girlboy x big buff hypermasc dom boy mlm stereotype and i Hate it.
another thing is that mike is always the one putting in the physical work, he jumps in without complaining, he helps carry people, he Knows How To Do Things etc etc while will is always the one off to the side letting everyone else work and when he Does do work it's the absolute bare minimum doing the easy part while sobbing and sighing and so on but... wait, noah has muscles so NAHHHH lets reverse it actually and make will the strong one and mike the weakling? why lol. what reason is there for this shift that came ONLY after noah's body changed.
mike is the knight in shining armor, he's the one that saves the damsel, he's the one that comes up with the plan and sees it through, he's the one trying his best even if he isn't always strong enough, he's the one protecting will with his body, he's the one hauling him up and moving him around, he's the one throwing hands IMMEDIATELY and throwing himself into the mix without hesitation, etc etc etc, meanwhile will is literally physically clinging to him, cowering behind him, looking to him to save him, and hyperventilating screaming crying whenever there's danger, and yet.... again..... after noah became no longer scrawny.... suddenly the roles in fanon got switched around? will literally draws mike as the guy standing in front of him, his knight in shining armor that he says has saved him in so many ways... and yet fandom wants to disregard that? just bc finn is skinny doesn't mean that mike isn't who he is. it doesn't mean that mike isn't capable and that he isn't the hero here. They Are Literally Characters they are not real they are not finn and noah they are CHARACTERS
they cast someone that was two years younger than everyone else with the babiest of babie faces for will because they wanted him to look a certain way and then when noah grew up they said they could either hide it or lean into it and guess what they did. they tried to hide it lmao. they put him in long sleeve shirts and baggy clothes (which laughably just made him look bigger lmao) and even asked noah to speak in a higher pitch. because guess what!!! noah is already not a Hypermasc Bodybuilder Worlds Strongest Man kind of guy, but will especially is NOT that. so why act like he is? will is Supposed to be the cute runt he represents so many things and included in that is innocence. everyone wants and has to protect him bc even though he's strong he still needs help. he cannot do this alone. the imagery of him being a speck compared to the mind flayer, a speck in the big big quarry, smaller than the rest of the party so much that he could literally disappear behind them, etc etc are all intentional.
like it just upsets me that noah gaining some muscle and growing taller made everyone turn will into someone that he isn't... there is nothing wrong with him being the way that he is and your body type does not change your entire fucking personality or life history....
(and you weren't being rude, you were just asking a question so don't even worry abt it!)
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johns-prince · 4 years ago
John also had a lovely mix of masculine and feminine physical traits, though this wouldn't become obvious until 1968. When he was on the skinny side (which I loved, sue me) you could tell how beautifully delicate and dainty his bone structure was, way more than Paul's imo. He had those gorgeous long legs and graceful narrow hips that you most commonly find in fashion models. And I love that until at least 1975, he showcased his body beautifully, especially those legs.
Ironically I feel as if people didn't embrace John's femme beauty as well as they did with Paul. I don't know why. Most people seem to prefer him with the more masculine look of 1966. Which was great as well, he was gorgeous but I am a big fan of the 1968 to 1974 run. Btw, note to fanfic writers: please, show John's body some love, I know Paul is stunning but it's kind of exhausting reading 10 pages about how pretty he is and when it comes to my boy John he barely gets a paragraph 😂
Alright, I feel like I’m probably gonna rub a lot of people in this fandom the wrong way with what I’m going to say but this is my blog and you did send this to my inbox so here we go; At the end of the days these are my thoughts and feelings and I might not articulate them very well or I often ramble till I do!
I have my issues, and a complicated relationship with 1968-70s John Lennon. I love John, and thought him healthy and just right in his body type, basically up until 1968, and it’s spotty onward throughout the 70s. To me, John was naturally masculine looking, there’s not exactly an era or year that I could give you like you gave me [Specifically 1966? What about his teddy boy days? All of the early 60s? Hell even throughout the 70s, to me John still was masculine looking to me] He was a bit awkward in his teenhood, but all the boys were, and gradually grew into his adult body. Boy was built and sturdy, naturally thick and strong. 
So we’re probably split on this, because while you see the positives in 1968-1974/70s John, I only really see the negatives. You say skinny, I say malnourished and/or sickly. Depressed druggie who was pushing everyone and everything he loved away, and becoming pathetically dependent on an individual like Yoko [and the other vultures during that time who were terrible influences] 
George was skinny, John was not well and either starving himself or simply using drugs and alcohol as the basis for his diet. And diets.. don’t even get me started on that, the diets he was on, the unhealthy lifestyle that his wife only seemed to enable and help him get on. 
When I look at George, sometimes I get the need to feed him, like an old Mexican mother. When I look at John, who’d lost an unhealthy amount of weight for what it looked like for his body type, I don’t see delicate and dainty bone structure. I see a man who just, he’s not well, something’s wrong.
I’ll give it to you that 1974 New York photoshoot looked very nice, he had muscle again in his arms, though he was still relatively skinny, he didn’t look sickly, or depressed. So I can give you that period during the 70s, I will give you that [hey he was away from Yoko during this no fucking wonder he looked pretty good here] and that shoot was definitely a model moment, wasn’t it? [Not like he didn’t have many of those moments throughout his life] 
So there moments in the seventies where I think John doesn’t look half bad? Even relatively fine? Certainly, I’m devastatingly attracted to this man, dear God almighty have mercy on my soul yes I am. So I’ll agree that yeah, there were periods during the 70s in which John seemed to hold himself fairly well, I’d still climb it.
But I’m at least willing to admit that when John started his spiraling, in 1968, that he was Not Okay. And I personally believe he wasn’t all that okay throughout most of the 70s too... Maybe my issue isn’t with him being ‘skinny’ as it is I don’t like the underweight/severely underweight look on John, I just don’t. The incredibly unhealthy way he went about losing weight... Physically frail doesn’t fit him, and it only upsets me whenever I see photos of him that show how thin his legs became or how you can see his ribs, just how wasted away he’d look at times throughout the 70s, up until the last days of his life. 
You want a “skinny” or ''skinnier'' John Lennon? A healthy, ‘’skinny/skinnier’’ John Lennon for his body type, is ‘66 and ‘67 in my eyes, and even then it wasn’t a radical change in weight loss; John still looked like John.
And speaking of 1968-1969, or the White Album era; don’t think it isn’t lost on me when I see people making light of John’s unhygienic appearance during the making of the White Album. Boy was depressed and hurting for whatever reason, again, spiraling, and getting lost in Yoko and heroin as a means of escapism and someone to tell him ‘it’s alright it isn’t your fault it’s everyone else’s fault’. Of course he didn’t care much for his personal appearance or hygiene... I will say I appreciate your appreciation for him during that period, instead of getting the whole ‘stinky/smelly rat man.’ Maybe I’m too much of a ‘’stan’’ but I don’t find it very amusing or endearing. 
Don’t find me mocking or ‘’teasing’’ Paul’s depressed ass and his appearance during the breakup period/white album era-- but I suppose it’s because Paul actually tried and wasn’t on hard drugs, and had a good wife, so he was able to wear his depression and struggle with alcoholism a bit better, hmm? I don’t like Paul’s beard simply because I know it was the result of his lack of energy, depression, and falling into the drink-- he simply didn’t feel the need nor had the energy to care for himself, so that’s why he let it grow out. I don’t like it because of that, but that’s as much as you’ll get from me. 
Anyway... Maybe I just don’t see John as characteristically feminine/effeminate as Paul, although he has his moments of acting and wearing clothes that are campy and elegant or give off a softer appearance, specifically around 1968 and throughout the 70s. But otherwise, I can’t agree, John didn’t have the same mixture, or balance of masculine and feminine traits as Paul-- and if it’s only made obvious during the downfall turning point of The Beatles and John (1968), then I don’t think that really counts as a ‘’lovely’’ mix of masculine and feminine traits for the reasons I mentioned. So I’ve got to disagree. John's always come off as much more masculine, or naturally masculine, both physically and characteristically, to me.
You know maybe it’s just the blogs I interact with, but I feel like it’s the other way around. I know I can sometimes come off as aggressive but at the end of the day I don’t necessarily care what one person thinks or believes, since it’s all relatively subjective to our own ideas of things and biases, etc... I have my thoughts and beliefs and theories and whether people agree or disagree with them on tumblr dot com... Well, what’re you gonna do? Nothing, it’s not my problem. 
What I 100% agree on you with is about showing Johnny’s body a bit more love and attention to detail when it comes to writing about him in fanfiction! 
There’s his auburn red hair, a darker ginger, which was thick and fun to watch as it lit up like fire when sunlight hit him, and could easily go wavy and curl when left unkempt and natural. The splattered and scattered galaxies of light freckles up and down his arms, his shoulders, his back, even a couple on his face. His aquiline nose, a relatively square jawline and facial structure, thick, heavy eyebrows which really intensify expressions of rage and hurt, almond shaped eyes which are the color of honey-amber when the light hits them just right and outlined with thick, long lashes, blind as a bat without his glasses but can give a mean squint which either helps scare off trouble, or brings it right to him, especially when he’s got thin bitten lips that could pull off a devilishly cheeky smirk or a no-good, charming grin to showcase teeth with the upper front turned slightly in towards each other, gives that imperfection which truly just perfects it-- a face like that of a tragic hero in a Greek Romance, distinctive and handsome. How he just oozed filthy sex and genuine trouble, sweaty leather and smoky dancehalls and rock & roll that crawls up your spine like an orgasm. Hips that could roll like Elvis and strong legs, thick thighs which would make a lovely place to sit. Broad shoulders, strong arms that could easily manage to lift you up and manhandle you in any way he’d like. Big hands, almost like shovels-- beautiful hands, with fingernails usually bitten short and occasionally had black ink or charcoal under them from when he’d be working on art, and rough, callused fingertips from playing guitar till they split and bleed, add a lovely roughness to any gentle touching he might do. A naturally thick midsection, a normal, healthy layer of fat which covers the sinewy just beneath. Any hair is light, light and lightly colored, on his arms and legs and chest. Cute tush, nice butt, a nice boy butt, slightly muscular bubble butt. 
Fun facts; he had the largest feet out of all four Beatles. John isn’t circumcised. John and George share the same height. John has a surprisingly long tongue. John’s skin tone may be light, but for comparison, he’s much tanner compared to Paul-- he’s a bit more olive or wheat to his skin tone, and tanned very, very well. John’s cheeks could become easily red though. John liked the scent of citrus to wear--  he was also self conscious about the fact he could easily sweat and so usually wore such colognes or scents, didn’t want to smell bad. He started smelling of witch hazel when with Yoko. Despite his issue with sweating, he didn’t smell bad naturally. John was a true romantic, being an artist outside of being a musician/rock and roller-- he just didn’t like to show it, and growing up in his time, you couldn’t. John’s a swimmer, he loved to swim and loved the ocean. 
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shookethbrooketh · 5 years ago
my pointless gatsby essay
a few days ago i mentioned that i was reading the great gatsby for class and that i wrote a paper on nick’s sexuality. some of you expressed interest in reading it, so now that i’ve finished reading the book and added in some feelings about the ending, i’m posting it so you all can read! 
a couple things: i literally wrote this for no reason. we had assignments similar to these for another book we read where i just wrote my opinions about one particularly stupid part of the book, and i wanted to it here so i just...did. if it makes the experience more hysterical for you, you should know that i let my teacher read this, and she read the beginning in the middle of my class (without my knowledge) yesterday and then i do not think she read any more. she agreed with me, though, so it’s a win. 
also, i actually honestly think nick is just gay, but the argument i made here is that he was bisexual because a) i was only about halfway through the book when i wrote the majority of this and at that time he seemed to be quite into jordan, and b) i really did not feel like trying to defend the point that he was not at all into women. you’ll be able to tell when you push ‘read more’ that i definitely had enough to say without that. it’s a solid 1250 words. have fun. 
The day I finished reading Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby, I took to Google in search of reassurance that other people were asking the same question I was. It became clear to me that I was not alone when I typed in “Is Nick fr,” and there it was: “Is Nick from Gatsby gay?” The answer is...complicated. Although he begins dating Jordan Baker midway through the book, there is still widespread confusion surrounding Nick’s sexuality. Why, you might ask? He’s got a girlfriend--end of story. Right? Wrong. Although life would be a heck of a lot easier if it did, human sexuality doesn’t work like that, so here we are. The fact of the matter is that Nick is a heavily closeted bisexual, and he is being absolutely used by Gatsby for that. 
There are a few non-Gatsby-related clues that Nick is bisexual. For starters, he introduces each new character, male or female, with intricate and often physical detail. He narrates effectively about the physicality of characters regardless of their gender; for example, this description of Tom: 
“Not even the effeminate swank of his riding clothes could hide the enormous power of that body--he seemed to fill those glistening boots until he strained the top lacing and you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body capable of enormous leverage--a cruel body.” 
This quote, quite frankly, made me violently uncomfortable the first time I read it, so clearly either Nick would not mind being taken down by Tom or we need to have a serious talk with F. Scott Fitzgerald. Not to mention the odd scene where Nick disappears for FOUR HOURS between midnight and 4:00 AM with the sole memory of standing beside a bed with a half-naked man who was earlier described as feminine and was holding  a “great portfolio.” Let’s just say that by the end of Chapter 2 some alarm bells were going off in my pea-sized brain. 
Now for the real argument: Nick is clearly infatuated with Jay Gatsby. He wrote two entire paragraphs--one in Chapter 3 and one in Chapter 4--simply about the captivating, caring nature of Gatsby’s smile. He even details later in Chapter 4 how he “held out” against Gatsby’s smile, as if it was some force drawing him into something he refused to be a part of. Overall, the entire situation of Nick and Gatsby’s first meeting screams “21st century fanfiction.” Simple, normal Nick gets invited to a fancy party and chooses to go. He starts talking to another simple, normal man who offers to take him out on the water in the morning, and it feels as if everything is falling together when suddenly he realizes his “date” is actually the party’s affluent host. He is left alone with the female friend he came with, and suddenly he becomes almost obsessed with the man he was speaking with, asking his friend about him with a sudden sense of urgency. I’ll be fair--that is an utterly ridiculous analogy. Still, it checks every box, and it seems as if Gatsby is as aware of it as I am. 
Gatsby has this odd mystery about him--every move he makes is tactfully chosen, and he seems to have a global knowledge of anything related to Daisy. Because of this, it is clear that the only reason Gatsby is friends with Nick and Jordan is because he believes he can use them to get closer to Daisy. He uses his inexplicable charm to draw Nick in and convince him to help Gatsby get the girl he’s been lusting after for years. In his one valid statement in the entire book, Tom told Nick this at the end of the book: “[Gatsby] threw dust into your eyes just like he did in Daisy’s…” This statement, in and of itself, can be taken in a romantic light, but it also shows how Nick has been a bit manipulated by Gatsby. I will acknowledge that Gatsby displays many extremely relatable qualities that come together to create a characteristic I like to call “disaster gay” (literally the entirety of the panic in Chapter 5). However, Nick is the only main character in the novel who displays heavy bisexual tendencies, and Gatsby seems to be using this to his advantage. 
Finally, Chapter 9 is an emotional experience for all of us. Nick is profoundly affected by Gatsby’s death as he is left to grieve almost completely alone. Although he says in Chapter 8 that he never really liked Gatsby, his narration in Chapter 9 tells a different story. Even with Gatsby gone, he feels as if it’s him and Gatsby against the world. He’s found himself suddenly in charge of Gatsby’s funeral, growing more and more distraught with each person that disrespects the dead Gatsby. Most tellingly, he feels as if he had to care for Gatsby, or at least find someone else to be with him. Nick has this inexplicable obligation to Gatsby that screams “unrequited love” forcefully at me until I become emotional. 
All this being said, the most interesting part about it all is that I’m completely and wholly wrong. Anyone who says that F. Scott Fitzgerald would have written a bisexual narrator in the 1920s is utterly kidding themselves. Human sexuality wasn’t even perceived as more than “one or the other” until much later in the 20th century. The truth of Nick’s sexuality lies not in the text but in the reader’s perception of said text. The simplest answer to this difference in perception and reality lies in the identity of the reader, but even that doesn’t wholly explain the situation. If the narrator were a woman, chemistry between her and Gatsby would be clear to many more readers. Of course, that shows that, as is, the perception of the relationship is dependent on the reader’s experiences in life; however, it also shows that some of the misconception lies in the general culture of the 21st century. 
The vast majority of the examples I provided for Nick’s bisexuality were really written to establish mystery surrounding Gatsby’s character (or simply because Fitzgerald’s writing was excessively descriptive). He clearly had no intention of sending the message that we receive today, but in 21st-century culture, mystery and romance are often intertwined. We’re so used to correlating mystery and romance that sometimes one can come off as the other. Regardless, the best part of fiction is that it’s completely fictional. Nick can be whatever readers make him into (aside from blatant, major misinterpretations), and choosing to spend my time after we finish the book reading academic papers about Nick’s sexuality is both well within my rights and perfectly valid. 
Some side notes: 
In my research for this, I ended up on Ao3--not to read anything (spoilers, y’know), but to see how many works there were on this and what specifically was going on there, but, despite my attempts, I still managed to spoil Gatsby’s death for myself. Just so we all know the sacrifices I’ve made here. || Update: Now that we’ve finished the book, I’ve taken to reading here, and I think this is what's going to keep me sane during what I’m choosing to call the coronacation. 
I’d also like to say that I’m very suspicious of Catherine and her tendency to run off to random places across the world with other women, but we never heard anything from here again, so this is all she gets.  
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noodleswithsoba-blog · 5 years ago
A Silver Whirlwind Chapter 2: The Razor’s Edge and the Fist of the Actor.
Deep in a construction site, Ohma, Ichiban, Kazuo, Akiyama, and Nogi stood before Lithito and some man with a shaved head and feminine lips, glasses twinkling in the oncoming gloom of a storm. He wore a suit and smiled venomously.
"Oh! Long time no see Mr. Nogi! I see that either the silver-haired boy or the gentleman with the seaweed hair is your replacement for Komada, but I feel bad for you if it's the boy, he doesn't have a well-defined aura," the man said, making Ichiban bristle and Ohma grabbed his arm.
The man noticed that movement, "By all means, go ahead and attack boy," he stated.
"Mr. Yoshitake, I'm terribly sorry, but Ohma here is my fighter, that's his student. Still, in light of that, I'll win today," Nogi stated with a smile.
"Oho! Still as confident as ever I see! But our Lihito here won't go down that easily," Mr. Yoshitake bothered Ichiban a ton. He felt his hair start to billow a little, and the man blinked.
"Did that strike a nerve on your young-old attack dog?" Yoshitake mocked, his words digging into Ichiban's skin, his teeth gritting as Kazuo flinched from the sheer murderous intent in those eyes.
"Ichiban, don't…" Ohma warned softly, "I'll handle Lithito," Ichiban sighed a little, backing down.
"I don't like this…" Ichiban mumbled, "Something about this… doesn't seem right…"
Kazuo placed his hand on the young man's shoulder, "Let's go find a place to see the match, Ichiban," he stated, "Hold on a minute… what is this match about anyway?" he asked.
"Oh, it's about property rights…" Akiyama supplied, but Ichiban wasn't listening. He was watching, high above them, kneeling on a support truss. He was watching his master warming up, and he needed utter silence to concentrate.
He breathed in, then out. Focusing on the small form of his master and his opponent. In this flow state, he can study them in relative peace. The crowd in the impromptu stands faded away as Ichiban needed to figure out the trick to Lithito's power.
'It's not the motion of the slash… and he doesn't grab it…' he thought, watching his master and his opponent stand across from one another like a few days ago... then, Ichiban's eyes started to track the melee, punching, kicking, a flurry of sheer power and speed from his master as Lithito blocked the storm of hits.
They were even, with Lihito's mass and shortened contact time to soften blows, it seemed that he was in for the long haul. Ohma was raining blows on Lihito, pinning him to the floor and raining blow after blow on the titan.
'But… something still doesn't feel right… Why did Mr. Nogi tell me not to tell Master Ohma about Lihito's ability? Wait… it's a test! Mr. Nogi chose Master Ohma over me because he knew that I knew something about Lihito's ability! Or not, well, I'm still a kid…' Ichiban thought, watching Lihito swing his hand and cut into Ohma's arm.
'Wait! That was… PINCHING STRENGTH! That wasn't a blade he used on Karaev… it was his fingertips! I get it now!' he thought, 'Master Ohma's been toying with him! He's done it a lot in my own training!'
His eyes trained on the Razor's Edge technique, modifying it with his hyper-photographic memory. He already knew the basic form of it, but adjusted it to be a distance-finisher. Because Ohma had already eliminated the space between him and Lihito after his trademark bravado.
And, with only a kick and a flip… Ohma Tokita stood victorious. Ichiban stood and cheered, his master had won easily! He was so happy that he hugged Ohma tightly after his match.
"Tch, that was small-fry…" Ohma tersely commented as Lihito was carried out. He pushed Ichiban off a little bit and smiled.
"You worry too much, Ichiban Tokita," Ohma said.
Ichiban grinned a little bit. But still, it seemed Ohma didn't want him to stick around, because the rest of the group left. He didn't sigh, but knew that if Ohma left without him, it was time for the training wheels to come off.
He started to train on his own, going out of the construction site. Kazuo wondered where Ichiban was.
"Ohma? Where's Ichiban?" the man wondered, adjusting his glasses.
"Figuring out what he wants to be," Ohma said.
Ichiban rocketed his fist into the thug's gut. The poor guy was sent tumbling back. The man got out a blade and Ichiban barely dodged, getting nicked on the cheek, remembering the Razor's Edge, but forwent it when the man surrendered.
He felt someone watching him, but shrugged it off as nothing. He walked out of the alleyway, dropping the bag of Jewelry back into the store the man stole it from. In the shadows stood a hooded figure.
They sighed and walked away.
Yoshiro Yoshitake dumped Lihito hard after the fight with Ohma. He sighed in frustration, he didn't have much to lose anymore, but that boy was interesting. Something about him screamed potential right into the effeminate man's face. Something his fighter liked. Takayuki Chiba was a muscular man, but hearing of the boy's ability to copy just as well, if not better than his own ability piqued his interest. So he urged Yoshiro to call him in.
Ichiban sighed, seeing the sign for that asshole's business that pissed him off. He still took the invite because he had nothing better to do. He went up the elevator and went to the main office, passing by some other employees. The secretary looked up at him, her eyes wandered on his muscles but he paid no attention. His eyes were trained on Yoshiro, who smiled widely.
"Ah, Ichiban-kun! Come in, come in! There's someone I'd like you to meet!" he said, the boy walked in, looking around with interest, seeing Chiba standing there, his brown eyes tracking the boy's movements. He had odd hair, parted in the middle, harsh eyebrows and a slight smile on his face.
"Oh, you're the weird aura I sensed? It's like mine…" Ichiban observed.
"Why yes, it's undefined, not solid and malleable. A true actor's aura, but… it's even odder, it's like there's some odd amalgam… may I test it?" Chiba asked, turning his head to look at Yoshiro. He nodded and Chiba launched at him with a few Bruce Lee-esque attacks, kiais and all. Ichiban barely dodged the attacks, barely expecting them but countering with a few blows from his style, his aura changing in response, knocking Yoshiro flat with how much of a kneejerk change it was.
'He's no ordinary actor! He combined the basics of Tokita's attacks with-' he saw a small blood splatter and Chiba was grinning.
"Ah! I see you now… you're a greenhorn trying to make a name for himself… since you clung to your master so tightly you want to break away and master a style that's all your own," he observed, holding out his hand for Ichiban to shake.
Yoshiro blinked, rubbing his eyes, did he see that right? Was that… Razor's Edge?! But how? Lihito's abilities are natural! What the hell was happening?! Chiba shook Ichiban's hand warmly, with a grin on his face.
In the days following Ichiban's new area of study, he worked on making his Steel Claws Finisher better, doing wrist curls and finger curls, making them stronger, and in effect making his striking speed even faster. Chiba was a strict teacher but allowed him to take breaks when needed.
Which wasn't often but Ichiban appreciated the gesture. He was shadowboxing like the classic boxers of back in the day one minute, fighting like an animal the next, then coolly dodging blows the next.
"My my! Seems like your student's taken quite the liking to you, Chiba!" Yoshiro exclaimed, Chiba, smirked.
"He's a perceptive and competent student, and I think he'll be a perfect competitor for the Annihilation Tournament," Chiba stated, "His copy abilities have improved significantly under my watch, and his repertoire grows with each passing day,"
"Then prove his strength to me and I'll let him compete," Yoshitake said.
"It will be done," Chiba stated, stepping out of the observation room to meet his student.
Ichiban finished with a spinning kick that put a dent in the wall. He went from just seeing a technique and roughly copying it to being reinforced over days and days, under a watchful eye and a strict teacher. From Boxing to Drunken Boxing, Ichiban incorporated the swaying, dizzy movements, and the fast speeds of kickboxing and regular jabs, ending it with his Steel Claw Finisher or a submission move.
"HWAAAAAH!" Chiba yelled, dealing a few blows, watching his student evade by dancing frantically on his feet, swaying and hopping at the same time. He went in with a right hook, switching to a Sumo palm. He missed and brought his other hand to smash against Chiba's arm.
Chiba and Ichiban clashed, "Win this and you'll get to compete against your old master!" he exclaimed, not expecting a strong flurry of kicks to be thrown at him, he spun out of the way, and a hand-to-hand exchange occurred with Ichiban stumbling away and throwing a dizzy punch as a feint.
Chiba didn't fall for it but still kept going, watching his student flow into elements of Drunken Boxing, yet his strikes were heavy and brutal. His speed picked up and it quickly evolved into a wildly breakneck style, combining and roaring into life was a semi-realized Chimera Style.
"Dah! Dah! YAAAH!" Ichiban yelled, kicking his master back and slashing upwards with Steel Claw. He got Chiba on the chin and he wound back for a final blow, being met by a grab and a throw from Ichiban, Chiba crashed to the floor. Ichiban advanced, keeping up his momentum.
"Ah! So you're figuring it all out!" Chiba snapped, sweeping him and seeing him bound backward, Chiba didn't see him fall but felt Ichiban behind him. Ichiban kicked him harshly and knocked him down. Ichiban stood, gasping and huffing, his fighting style took a lot out of him, he had to analyze the best way to counter his opponent while changing the way he attacked to best suit the situation, which meant every second he'd change his Style. He preferred techniques that flowed well into each other.
The Chimera Style was an amalgam of styles, the repertoire starting with the Niko Style, and being grown by watching Chiba do other styles and the other masters the actor 'Borrowed' from. Even adapting to the change in body mass, mannerisms, and height was an issue that Ichiban eventually smashed through. Yet, he won, and Chiba helped him up, "Hooray! Absolutely SPLENDID! Now, Ichiban, by the power invested in me as CEO of Yoshitake Real Estate, instate you as our Kengan Annihilation Tournament competitor! Now, all we need to do is figure out the epithet…" Yoshiro mumbled.
"Well… How about… The Chimera?" Ichiban suggested.
"Ah! Yoshitake Real Estate's Chimera! Very dramatic and very spine-tingling!" Yoshiro exclaimed as Chiba came in with some food, Ichiban tucked in and ate his fill with Chiba chuckling.
"Mm?" Ichiban grunted, "Yes, Master Chiba?"
"Remember to watch the other fighters closely, a good actor uses his surroundings and what he sees to his advantage, and watch the fights closely," Chiba advised, "You're young, determined. Many of them will see you as weaker or easy to defeat,"
"Yes sir," Ichiban stated. Chiba grinned and patted his student on the shoulder. Ichiban smiled and enjoyed his meal with his new master by his side. 'Master Ohma… no, Ohma Tokita… I'll be stronger than you one day! When that day comes… they'll be talking about it for generations to come!' he thought, grinning wider, his silver eyes flashing. The spark in his eyes never went away, and it pleased his master to see that it didn't.
"So, Ichiban, what is your goal? You never told me or Chiba," Yoshitake asked.
Ichiban looked up at the man with a wide smile, "To find my own strength, to figure out who I am as a person and maybe find where I came from," he stated, "Nothing lofty,"
"So humble," Chiba commented, "It's refreshing to see that young ones like you still exist,"
"Still, through the fires of combat?" Yoshiro asked, "For a young man such as yourself?"
Ichiban didn't care too much, "It's the only thing I'm good at, why change if it's not broken?" he asked.
Yoshiro nodded and Chiba too. They could both understand where he was coming from. Why change who you are when the person you are is okay on its own? Yoshiro decided to rib his young competitor.
"Maybe you'll find love, Hmmmmmm?" he wheedled. Ichiban blushed and shut his eyes, trying to bring himself back to reality. He was imagining his perfect girl already and he shook her out of his head.
"Q-quit it, Yoshiro Yoshitake!" Ichiban snapped, "Go… file stuff!"
"Alright, alright! Please, calm down! I'm just teasing!" Yoshiro yelped a little bit. Chiba smirked a little at that but stayed quiet. Ichiban sighed and crossed his arms.
"Still, maybe that too," Ichiban huffed. Soon, the day would come when he'd face his former master on the stage of the Kengan Annihilation tournament, where the strongest would face off and legends would be made. It was soon time to make the Chimera Style known to the masses.
"Still, the Kengan Annihilation Tournament is your proving ground, Ichiban, prove to them all the potential I see in you, and in your style and aura, and if you lose, you can try again," Chiba said,
"Act as a fearsome warrior and your enemies will tremble, and all war is based on deception," he reminded his pupil, "Sun Tzu knew much about deception, and it is an actor's duty to play their part, when we get there, it will be time to play yours,"
Ichiban bowed, "Yes, Master Chiba! I'll do my best!" he exclaimed, smiling. Chiba watched his pupil go off to somewhere he never told him about. Ichiban had somewhere to be. Not with anyone, but in a nice, quiet place in a field he liked. He sat underneath a tree, watching the sunset with a smile on his face, 'I always wanted to get stronger…' he thought, 'When I was little I was just an orphan on the streets… a survivor.' he sighed. He liked the feeling of the breeze on his face, the sound of the leaves rustling, and playing through his hair.
"Now I'm gonna get stronger… and even stronger… no matter what happens…" he sighed, watching the amber orb of the sun dip below the horizon. He reached out like he did when he was little and cupped his hand around the amber glow.
"I'll reach the stars," he stated. Ichiban only remembered one thing from his childhood before Ohma and before his fighting spirit ignited…
It was this tree. On this lonely hill in the middle of the urban chaos. The tree that was older than him that he sat under in the lap of a woman he barely remembered, holding him close, gently. If only he knew who he was. Would she be proud? Would they be proud? Whoever they were? Still… Ichiban still didn't know who he was before he lost them. Soon, he'd know. Soon, he hoped he'd know. The future cannot be built without the past and present working together.
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muses-run-wild · 6 years ago
So i’m going to test muses out on this blog and my OC blog because i already have so many muses on other blogs i think i’m going to make a mulit-muse blog. So here are the test muses i’m putting opens up for and a short bio. I’m putting this under a read more because it’s so long.
Red Dwarf fandom
Dave Lister - He the only human aboard the mining ship Red Dwarf. (Which is in space but i have a way to get him (and anyone else on this show) to most earth settings)  Now he spends most days with his Hologram roommate(rimmer). A humanoid mutated version of his cat. Also a mechanoid named Kryten they picked up along the way. He loves beer and curry. he thinks he's a great guitar player. He’s also kinda lazy.
Arnold Rimmer- He was a second technician on the mining ship red dwarf.  Now he is a hologram (hard light) brought back to keep Lister company. He loves the military. He can be self-loathing but also think he's the greatest thing around.  He’s annoying and has not really had any relationships. He’s got a lot of issues but he can be very interesting.
The drew carey show
Lewis kiniski-  He’s a janitor at DrugCo (though he has an IQ of 162). He’s kinda of a creep sometimes but has a great heart. He goes to Warsaw bar a lot with his three friends. He also is a Co-owner of buzzbeer. His best friend is Oswald.Lives above the Warsaw with Oswald
Oswald Harvery- His best friend would describe him as a man child stuck in a prolonged adolescence. He’s a Delivery driver for Global Parcel. He’s also a co-owner for Buzz-beer and a mess he Lives above the Warsaw with Lewis.
Drew carey- He has a sweetheart and works in an endless job going nowhere. (Human recourse at Windfred-louder a department store, He is the founder and co-owner of buzz-beer. He is constantly fighting with his co-worker MiMi pulling mean pranks on each other. He lives in the house he grew up in and sometimes wonders if his life is going to go anywhere.
Judging Amy
Sean potter- He works DCFS. He’s a hard-working guy who is also at odds a lot with his employee Maxine sometimes. Yet he regards her as a close friend. He is a sweet guy trying to find his backbone at work.
Maxine Gray- She is a mother of grown kids. She is a social worker at DCFS.  She is opinionated, strong-willed and kinda has anger issues. She does what she needs to do to help the families and kids even if it means bending things.
Jeff winger- He was once a smooth-talking Lawyer and after he was found out for a fake degree he ended up at Greendale. He can bullshit the day away. He egotistical and can come off as a d-bag but there is a heart under there. He will hit on anything thats hot.
Chandler bing -He had a boring job that he isn’t exactly a fan of. He lives with his best friend Joey. he is a  very sarcastic person with self-loathing tendencies. He childish at times. He freaks out pretty easily. He has an effeminate nature.
Buffy the vampire slayer
Spike- He is a vampire. He’s British a bit punk and can be a sarcastic ass. Depending on when you find him he’s obsessing over his love Drusilla or planning on taking down the Slayer.  He tends to let love control his life at times. If he cares about you he’ll do what it takes to make sure you’re ok.
Buffy- She was picked as the chosen one in high school. Now she’s buffy the vampire slayer. Her best friends are always there backing her up. She can be very sassy. Almost always had a one-liner. She had amazing strength and can kick ass. She falls in love hard and when it goes she tries to show it doesn’t hurt as much. She’s got a good heart.
Xander- He grew up being best friends with Willow. He was a basic horny teenager. He makes jokes constantly and is awkward.  He has gained a lot of confidence while working with buffy. He is always hitting on girls who are usually ones he can’t get. Yet being shot down never stops him. He’s usually seen as the loser of his friend group even though he has great skills.
The golden girls
Blanche-shes a southern bell. who is very much a daddy's girl. She can be very promiscuous. She tries her best to be the classiest person in the room. Even if her actions sometimes don’t prove that. She is the owner of the house that all of the girls live in. She is always lying about her age and does a lot of beauty treatments to keep herself looking young. She has 5 children. She loves doing things like dance class, plays, and community service projects. She was a Southern Baptist girl.
Dorthy-Shes a substitute teacher. She's strong, sarcastic, grounded and she also can be intimidating, Shes very smart. She was knocked up in high school by Stan and married him. She had 2 great kids. They got divorced later after stan cheated on her. She's very tall and had a deep voice. She can sing and is very funny.  She lives with her mother along with the other two roommates.
Rose- She is from St. Olaf and will never shut up about it. (Much to her roommate's dismay) She can seem naive and plain. Shes very kind. She can talk all day about the most bizarre stories. She’s crazy competitive.  She can take charge here and there. Shes easily scared. She’s also pretty agile. She’s good on the piano. she can be a push-over. she has trouble lying.  Shes Lutheran. She absolutely loves animals mostly from growing up on a farm. She had 5 kids with her husband Charlie. She’s worked at a grief counseling center. She loves doing charity work. She loves the tv show Miami Vice
Sophia- She was born in Sicily and references it a lot. She has no Scillian accent. Instead, she’s got a thick Brooklyn one.  She has 3 children. She had a stroke which is what everyone blames her uncensored comments on) She hates Shady Pines retirement home.  She sometimes hints that her family had Mod connections.  She believes strongly in ancient Scillian customs and traditions.  Also in the power of the Scillian curse.  She makes wise-cracks and brazen remarks.  She loves her roommates very much but they aren’t safe from her comments. She's the oldest in the house and everyone tends to see her as a mother figure. She loves giving advice which usually starts with “Picture it...”
J.D- A doctor at Sacred Heart. He tends to keep his head in the clouds daydreaming a lot. He’s obsessed with his hair. He’s very outgoing despite being physically and socially awkward at times. He’s clumsy. He loves Appletinis, Pirates, unicorns and cute things. He can come off Feminine.   His best friend is Turk who works in surgery. They are constantly doing stupid stuff together and have nicknames for each other.  He’s constantly out for Dr.Cox approval (Who mostly calls him girls names) His enemy is the janitor. Her got one older brother.
Perry Cox- A doctor at Sacred Heart. He tends to teach with tough love. He’s sarcastic and can be animated.  He’s bitter and more emotional then he’d like to show. He rants constantly and belittles people. He actually does care and wants to push people to be better. He even goes behind the Chiefs back to make sure people get the best care. He has a sister a born again Christian. He grew up with an abusive alcoholic father. He has intimacy issues.  He’s dedicated to his job so much it can cause problems. He works out a lot. Usually hates listening to peoples personal problems. He has a crush on a nurse Car;a probably cause she’s not afraid to push back. She's very strong-willed and empowered (Something seen in his ex’s) He does come to her for advice sometimes.  He likes nicknames that make him seem more important than he is. He likes Scotch on the rocks, the red wings, days of our lives, He hates a lot of things lets put it at that. He’s a leo. He stretches words.
House MD
House- a sarcastic and usually not so caring doctor (head of the Department of Diagnostic medicine) He knows many languages. (Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, Latian. He can also read some Hindi and Portuguese. He believes everyone lies. He can play the piano and guitar. He’s anti-social. He’s cynical. His closest friend is Wilson. He’s also showed some caring for his roommate at ward 6 Alvie. He belittles pretty much everyone. He walks with a cane after an incident that left him with dead muscle in it that they had to remove. This has caused him to abuse Vicoden.  He rides a motorcycle.  He hides from patients. He also takes crazy risks with them. He’s even used himself as a guinea pig for drugs and medical test. Some of these were to try to help his leg. others are to help patients or help with his curiosity. He is self-destructive. He tries to hide parts of his personality with his sarcasm. He seems like a narcissist. he hates most people. He is an atheist and has a lot of issues with religion. If he cares about people he tends to consider them idiots but kinda his idiots.  He doesn’t like showing affection. He’s shameless. He’s more concerned with the cases than the actual people. He likes only going by House. he’s constantly in the HR department for things he has done. He loves sneakers. He likes video games.
alvie- Juan Alvarez prefers to go by Alvie. He is Puerto Rican. He met House in the Mayfield psych ward. He is bipolar and when he's on the up he’s a chatterbox that likes to rap. Which is why he occasionally goes off his meds because it slows him down. He is very social and bonds to people fast. He makes impulsive decisions and will do a lot for his friends. (There isn’t much canon about him as he was only in two episodes. Also, i play him as trans)
Veronica mars
Veronica mars- shes a highly intelligent young woman. who helps her dad at his PI  work.  using the skills shes learned from her father she helps friends with cases and is sometimes hired by others.  She at one point was the most popular kids. thought she wasn’t really wealthy like them she was accepted because of who she dated. Her friend's mysterious death sent her into full PI mode.  She quickly became a “loser” After all the drama.   After a drama-filled party that really messed with her, she went from bight kid to cynical girl with contempt with fellow classmates.  She does eventually grow out of her cynicism a bit.  every time she thinks she can leave the sleuth life behind it pulls her back in. She has a sheriff at the Neptune police department that helps her get info. Shes sarcastic and always has something to say. Yet she has a good heart.
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cinnalock · 7 years ago
Quinn Rhea-Broderick Masterlist
((The collection of info/headcanons for Quinn. Like with some of my other OCs, I’ll make new, separate posts for any new headcanons for her, but then I’ll update this list as well so everything can be altogether for convenience.))
Quinn Rhea-Broderick is an albino with very short white hair, pale skin, and green eyes and she has a mole under her right eye. She’s tall (5’8”) and has a toned, but not bulky build with defined muscle structure.
Quinn is the only daughter of Martin and Charlotte Rhea. Martin was the former hero Black Corsair and had telekinetic-based shielding powers; he died when Quinn was a child by trying to smother an explosion that would’ve killed tons of civilians. This has made Quinn slightly resentful of heroes as she believes they’re glory-seekers who don’t care about the people they leave behind.
Charlotte re-married Aaron Broderick a few years after Martin’s death. Aaron is an ex-Marine and former championship boxer, but he settled down after marrying Charlotte and built a farm next to their house. Quinn was slow to warm up to Aaron, but with time and patience his presence helped her cope with the loss of her biological father.
Quinn dropped out of high school at age 17 to enlist in the Marines. She actively served 6 years before she started working at an autoshop in Sternbild for the brother of one of her commanding officers. The brother ended up attempting insurance fraud by burning the business a few months after she started. He was caught and arrested for this, and Quinn moved on to being a bartender and bouncer for a strip club afterwards.
Quinn’s NEXT ability is called “Feral” and it functions similarly to the 100 Power. While Feral is activated, Quinn gains immense physical strength, speed, and agility (though not to the same capacity as 100 Power) and heightened senses. There is no time limit to how long Feral can be activated, but when it’s deactivated it has a 4 hour “cool down” before she can use it again. The downside of Feral is that the longer she has it activated, the less rational Quinn gets as she slowly becomes a rabid beast. If she’s too far gone to know to deactivate Feral, the only way to stop Quinn’s violent behavior is to knock her out.
Quinn is a mechanical genius. It all started with her working on cars, tractors, and other farming equipment with Aaron but even as an extremely young teen the inner workings of machines just “clicked” with her. Her mother tried to convince her to go to college and get an engineering degree, but building and fixing machines isn’t her passion as much as it is a skill and a mild hobby at best.
She also has an extensive knowledge of agriculture due to her family owning a farm, and she knows how to cook very well because of her mother and step-grandmother, but doesn’t think she’s good since she’s not as good at cooking as they are. Their farm was relatively small and had cows and chickens, but was mostly a produce farm along with a few pecan and apple trees.
She owns an iguana named Charlie and an african grey parrot named Hilda. Hilda’s a very intelligent, but mischievous bird with a wide vocabulary due to Quinn leaving the TV on for her while she’s at work.
Quinn’s a former smoker and struggles with the addiction on a regular basis. She started in high school shortly before she dropped out and it got worse when she enlisted. Once she started working at the autoshop, she put in an active effort to stop. She’s quit for the most part, but she still has an electronic cigarette she uses if she’s desperate and it’s not uncommon to see a nicotine patch on her arm.
Quinn’s background music would be “Spiteful” by CFO$.

Quinn’s voice actor would be Ashly Burch (Cassie Cage, Mortal Kombat).

Quinn starts the series with short hair and starts growing it out through the timeskip.
Quinn enjoys drinking sweet tea, and God have mercy on any soul who brings her unsweet tea and sugar packets thinking it’s the same thing.
She spends a lot of her spare time at the gym or at a circus arts school where she takes classes in acrobatics and pole dancing.
Quinn’s favorite food is prime rib with horseradish sauce. (in reality her favorite food is basically horseradish and she’ll eat anything smothered in it, but she thinks it goes best with beef)
Martin, Charlotte, and Quinn are white. Aaron is half-black, half-Korean and Quinn is fluent in Korean because of him and his mother (her step-grandmother), but she cannot read Korean.
Martin’s parents live on the other side of the country. They grew distant with Charlotte and Quinn after Martin’s death, but became hostile towards Charlotte and harassed her via the phone and internet when she decided to marry Aaron and the family severed ties with them completely. Charlotte took Aaron’s last name, Broderick, but Quinn’s last name is Rhea-Broderick.
Quinn’s guilty pleasure is Animal Crossing (or at least a non-copyright T&B equivalent of it). She bought a 3DS specifically for New Leaf, but now anytime she’s staring at her phone there’s a 100% chance she’s playing Pocket Camp. Marjorie is the only one she speaks enthusiastically about the game with, but she’s horribly embarrassed about it in front of anyone else.
When Quinn becomes a hero herself, her hero name is Sergeant Wolf. “Sergeant” comes from her rank in the Marines, “Wolf” references her Feral ability. Quinn’s hero suit is similar to a military stealth uniform (imagine a hybrid between Omega Squad Teemo from League of Legends and Ana Amari from Overwatch) which includes a cowl with decorative wolf ears, bodysuit/fatigues, and a gas mask.
As a hero, Quinn tries to utilize her military training as best as she can and uses Feral as a last result. Her arsenal includes batons, pepper spray, tasers, and various firearms equipped with rubber bullets and concussion rounds.
Given the nature of her hero persona, part of Quinn’s hero duties involves being a presenter and educator in firearm safety programs.
She likes dark chocolate and puts candy bars in the fridge/freezer before eating them.
Since Quinn has albinism, her skin is extremely sensitive. She uses spray-on sunscreen if she goes out during heavy sunlight or otherwise wears lots of clothing and sunglasses. She and Marjorie (@eclatantfemme) also splurge on hypoallergenic and/or organic laundry and bath products because they like to have scented products, but can’t buy mainstream items that’ll break Quinn’s skin out.
Quinn is bisexual, though she was never a huge one for relationships as much as she was open to just casual sex. Her “type” was feminine girls and androgynous/effeminate/twink boys. Keith is her first boyfriend who’s considerably masculine, but it doesn’t diminish her attraction to him in the slightest.
For the most part, Quinn’s bad with electronics. Not with the hardware, just using them for personal reasons. She doesn’t get on the internet or check her email regularly or use social media. She doesn’t get the appeal of streaming sites like Netflix and doesn’t know how to set it up on the TV if someone asks to switch to it from the cable. If someone tells her she should learn how to do these things or get an account on a social site or lecture her about not checking her email, Quinn just shrugs them off.
Quinn’s image song is “Bubblegum Bitch” by Marina and the Diamonds.
I’m having trouble finding an anime faceclaim for her, but currently she looks most like Najenda from Akame ga Kill. After the post anime series timeskip, she grows her hair out similarly to Ria Iwamura from King’s Game.
Quinn and Marjorie’s apartment is impeccably clean all the time. Between Marjorie’s speed and Quinn’s military training, chores get done fast and efficiently before they ever have a chance to pile up.
Since Marjorie’s power gives her a hyper fast metabolism and Quinn’s a gym junkie, they have an entire cabinet and a drawer in their fridge dedicated to high protein snacks.
Both of them are mature in general, but the girls get childishly competitive when they get into eating or drinking contests with each other. There’s two buffets in Sternbild that have banned them and a few more that are weary of them ever coming back.
Quinn is aware that Marjorie is a strong woman who can take care of herself, but Marjorie is her sister and if you hurt her then Quinn doesn’t need Feral to turn your face into a bloody pulp (upset Marjorie then just go ahead and skip town or maybe flee the country, for your own safety). 
 Quinn has this ritual/joke with Marjorie’s partners where she tells them that they have to beat her in an arm-wrestling match before they can date Marjorie. She’s never enforced this, though, and it’s mainly just to show them that if they hurt Marjorie then how easily Quinn could hurt them back with how quickly she wins the matches. The only one that’s ever beaten her is Barnaby; since he and Quinn are both super serious when it comes to how much they care for Marjorie, they actually ended up breaking into Feral and 100 Power to try and win over each other. Barnaby actually accidentally broke Quinn’s arm in the process, but she wasn’t upset despite him being apologetic (and a bit horrified with himself for taking a “game” so far) and she doesn’t hold a grudge. In fact, she was happy he didn’t hold anything back since she felt it showed how serious he was about being able to date Marjorie.
If she were a Pokemon or a trainer, her type would be fighting.
At the Disney parks, her most favorite ride is Mt. Everest at Animal Kingdom. She also loves Dole Whip and churros (especially the special edition flavors) to the point where her companions have to remind her she should probably drink water and eat a vegetable at SOME point during the day.
Quinn’s really great at carnival games that involve tossing balls (shooting baskets, getting the ball in the milk jugs with the rubber rims, knocking down the stacks of bottles). She’s surprisingly bad at any games involving guns (the water squirters and the shooting range). The only arcade game she’s good at is skeeball because #BadAtTechnology
 Charlie’s a lot more docile than Hilda in terms of pet maintenance, but he’ll scratch at his terrarium (or just climb out) and crawl over to watch TV if cartoons are on because he likes the bright colors.
Speaking of Quinn’s pets, the two actually get along quite well despite being vastly different species. Even though Hilda loves causing chaos, one trick she actually obeys without question is when Quinn tells her to share their fresh fruit treats with Charlie; Hilda will fly over and drop the pieces in Charlie’s terrarium.
When talking about them, Quinn refers to Martin as “Dad” and Aaron as “Papa” (in the transition his name went from ��Mister Aaron” to “Papa Aaron” to “Papa”).
Despite being physically active for the most part, Quinn does actually read a lot when she gets the chance. If she’s warming up the treadmill or bike before really getting into her work out, if it’s a slow shift at work, or if she’s waiting for tasks to complete for Pocket Camp, she’ll have a book to peck through to keep from getting bored. Since she’s not always a consistent reader she doesn’t like anything too complicated to read so it’s easy to pick up and put down as necessary. She mostly reads memoir books or books written by celebrities and saves any story/plot-heavy books to read before she goes to bed.
Quinn had a couple of summer jobs in-between school years before she joined the military. The first was at a small frozen yogurt shop that closed down the following winter due to not enough business during the colder months. The second job was as an assistant to one of her classmate’s fathers, a wedding photographer (she has a good amount of wedding horror stories from that summer alone).
Regarding her second summer job, most of her responsibilities were helping carrying equipment and assisting with directing posed photos (like she’d be the person to throw the bride’s veil up in the air and then jump out of the shot for an in-motion picture). Her boss taught her the basics of how to use a fancy camera, but the knowledge didn’t stick, but she managed a video camera just fine so he’d let Quinn manage that part if a wedding video was part of the contract. A meal for each of them was also part of the contract and, if she could, Quinn took a tubberware container to take a piece (or two or three) of cake to take home for her and Marjorie to eat while they gossiped about the event. (“Yeah, the groom and best man getting into a fistfight was bad, but the real tragedy was the bride thinking that lime buttercream would go with german chocolate…”)
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