#i am so paralyzed with how much agony i am feeling
wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Bring Me Home Arc 3 Part 1
Happy WIP Wednesday! So last week, we had a tie between Bring Me Home and Answer My Call. The tie breaker didn't come in until Monday after I'd already finished the entire Bring Me Home chapter and half the Answer My Call one.
So y'all will be getting two fic upates today then I'm going to sleep. I'm tired after a full day of work with a call out. XP
If you want a say in next week's update, vote in the poll!
Welcome to Arc 3 of Bring Me Home! 🎉🎉🎉
Story Summary: Danny's parents find out his secret. It doesn't go well. But he's not alone. His friend Tim Drake, better known as Red Robin, and the Young Justice will not let him suffer.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: fanon-typical violence. This is my dissection fic, but I don't think I crossed the line into graphic. Let me know if you disagree.
Arc 1: AO3
Arc 2: First, Last
Danny waved goodbye to Sam and Tucker as he made his way home from school. They had a long weekend and he planned to fall into bed and take a long nap. And then maybe grab some midnight tacos as Phantom for dinner.
He hummed as he thought about how awesome those tacos would taste when reached his home. Still lost in his daydreams, he unlocked the door and pushed it open.
Only for electric pain to shoot up his arm. Danny screamed, paralyzed to the spot. He tried to pull his hand back, but something held him in place. He fell to his knees, arm still held out and radiating pain through the rest of his body.
“What? Danny!”
“M-mom?” he forced out between cries. “Hurts!”
He could feel his transformation tugging on his core and he tried to force it back.
“Jack! Quick, it’s Danny!”
“Please,” begged Danny. Even kneeling was getting to be too much. Blackness was threatening the edges of his vision so he closed his eyes. He had to keep from transforming. He had to.
He didn’t even have the breath to scream anymore.
He heard his dad’s voice. There was a flash of light. And then nothing.
The first thing Danny was aware of was that everything hurt. His muscles were aching and his right arm was practically numb. The next thing he noticed was that he way lying on something hard. He tried to roll over, only to realize he was strapped down. And not just at his wrists and ankles, but also at his waist and neck.
His eyes flew open in shock and he yelled in panic. Had Vlad gotten him?
“It’s awake, Mads!”
Orange filled his vision as his dad leaned over him.
“D-dad?” asked Danny. He felt his core humming in his chest. His core, not his heart. He twisted his head just enough to see a black jumpsuit.
He was Phantom. His parents knew.
His dad’s face contorted with anger, an expression he’d never once seen there before. “Don’t you dare call me that, impostor! What have you done with my son?”
“Dad, it’s me. I swear. I—I can explain.” He tugged on his restraints, trying to phase through them. Only to scream as the anti-ghost shielding shocked him.
His mom’s steps echoed from out of sight. “You aren’t escaping us that easily, ghost,” she spat the last word. “How long have you been possessing Danny?” She finally came into view, goggles blocking her eyes and her mouth hard.
“I’m not possessing him, I am Danny!”
She sneered. “Jack, now.”
“Release our son!” shouted his father. Then he pulled out a spray can and held down the nozzle.
Danny saw the mist approach him and scrunched his eyes closed as he turned his head to avoid the spray. But of course it was impossible. He whimpered as it settled on him, tiny pinpricks of burning. As he lay there, the feeling grew more and more intense until he couldn’t help but cry out.
And that’s when he breathed it in.
It was all agony, inside and out. The mist settled in his lungs, pure fire trying to melt core.
With a flash of light, he was Danny Fenton again. His heart beat in his chest and his lungs screamed for oxygen. The pain didn’t go away, but it lessened. Danny gasped in deep breaths, his limbs shaking in their restraints as he tried to push through the pain.
“Did it work?” asked his dad.
Fingers brushed his hair off his forehead. “Sweetie? Are you back with us?”
Danny opened his eyes, tears gathering and looked up at the face of his mother.
Her expression turned from hope to hatred so fast he thought he was dreaming. “Green eyes, Jack. The ghost is just trying to trick us.”
“The ghost repellent has never failed before. How are you surviving, ghost?”
Danny screwed his eyes shut so he wouldn’t have to see his parents’ faces. “It’s me, I promise. It’s me. I’m alive. I’m alive.”
“Stop lying!” screamed his mom.
Then he felt a sharp pain in his side, followed by a wave of agony. He felt like he was being electrocuted again. In defense, he transformed back into Phantom—his ghost form was so much more durable.
But the pain only got worse. He screamed. His wail was crawling its way up his throat, only to fizzle out into a wave of electricity when it hit the anti-ghost restraint strapped around his neck.
“Loud, isn’t it?” asked his father.
“Let’s shut it up, Jack,” said his mother.
“No, no please. It’s me, Danny!”
They ignored him, though. The pain stopped just long enough for him to gasp in a few breaths. Then piece of metal was being fixed under his jaw and over his mouth. His head was yanked up so it could be strapped in the back. Danny tried to yell into the muzzle, but it muffled all sound.
After that, he lost track of what they did. So many inventions were taken out, used, and discarded. Anything to destroy the ghost part of him or force him out of his living body.
He wished he could obey. That he could just be their son again and not Phantom. But he’d learned many times over the last three years that it was impossible. He was both Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom and spitting himself apart would only ever lead to destruction.
He didn’t know how many times he was forced into a transformation as his body tried to choose the form more resistant to the torture. It didn’t seem to matter, though, if he was Fenton or Phantom. His parents would check his eyes or use the ghost tracker and then the next wave of pain would wash over him.
Eventually, however, even his parents ran out of inventions to use.
“This isn’t working, Jackie.”
“What if we can’t force it out, Mads? What next?”
“We’ll cut it out. You know we’ve long hypothesized about the existence of a ghost heart. What better way to test our hypothesis than cutting the parasite out of our own son?”
Danny’s eyes flew open and he tugged with aching muscles, twisting as much as he was able. His muffled protests were ignored just as much as his words had been.
“Where do you think it’s hiding its heart?” asked his dad.
“We’ll use the Fenton Scanner to find the areas of densest ectoplasm concentration and search each of them.”
His mom stalked out of sight and Danny could hear her rummaging through various bins and cabinets looking for the scanner.
His dad, however, stared down at him, eyes hidden behind his goggles and his mouth in an uncharacteristic frown. “If you’re still in there, Danno, we’re gonna get rid of it. We’ll free you, son.”
Danny wanted to tell him he wasn’t trapped, to say again that he was himself, whatever he looked like. But all he could do was whimper and blink away the tears.
Then mom was back, a small scanner in her hand. She pointed it at Danny and he tensed, expecting more pain.
But he felt nothing. Soon enough, the device beeped and she waved over his dad.
“Look at this, sweetie. It’s working better than I expected. Only two main areas of ectoplasm concentration: his brain and his chest.”
“That’s awfully close to his heart, Mads. I don’t know if we can remove it without hurting Danny.”
“If we don’t remove it, he’ll be dead anyway!” Her last word caught on a sob.
Danny was crying in earnest now, too. This couldn’t be real. It just couldn’t. How long would it take anyone to even notice? Jazz was away at college, Tucker had plans with his parents all night, Sam was trying to get along with her parents to get out of a rich-person function later in the month, and he and Tim didn’t have a check-in until Sunday.
Could he survive his parents for two whole days until then?
He forced his eyes open to see his parents hugging. All he wanted was to be between them, caught up in their embrace. But instead he was strapped down to a hard, cold table.
They separated.
“Hold him still, Jack,” said his mom.
So Danny did the opposite. He ignored the ache of his muscles, the way they protested, to twist and yank and move as much as he could.
But his father’s hands were big and he was strong and Danny was tired. When his dad spread his hands over his shoulders and pressed, Danny couldn’t fight back. Above him stood his mom, holding a scalpel that glowed green.
Danny closed his eyes tightly when he saw her lower the blade. He couldn’t watch this. Then agony as it sliced through his skin.
Danny screamed into the muzzle. The pain was so intense that he could focus on nothing else. He didn’t know if his parents were talking to each other. He didn’t know what they were finding inside of him.
Instinct forced him to hide his core, to push it smaller and disguise it. But he knew that nothing would stop his parents forever.
He had no way to judge the passage of time. It felt like an eternity; it felt like a second.
Then the hands on him ripped away suddenly and new shouts, new voices, rang out in the lab.
Danny blinked his eyes open to see Sam and Tucker above him. Sam was paler than he’d ever seen her and Tucker didn’t look any better. He tried to talk to them, but the muzzle still covered his face.
Sam turned her head away and shouted, “Kon!”
A moment later, Superboy was landing next to her, his face grim. Then Danny’s restraints, muzzle included, fell to pieces. He was free.
He pushed himself up, needing to see, only to cry in pain and fall back down when the cuts on his chest protested the movement.
Sam and Tucker shouted at him, told him to stay still. Their words were fuzzy and hard to focus on. Everything was hard to focus on. But in the brief moment of time he’d been able to see more than the ceiling above him, he saw Tim in full Red Robin get up using his staff to keep his parents away.
Tim was here. And the world went black.
I no longer tag, but if you want notifications when I update, check out the Subscription Post.
After about 40k of writing, we're finally back to the scene that started it all! Only now with 4x the number of Young Justice on hand. About three years have passed between Arc 2 and Arc 3, so they've all gotten quite close. There's group chats. So many group chats. Danny's met more members of the Young Justice (and I may write a few of those meetings in the future which is 80% why I decided to make this a series rather than a single work on AO3).
But on the rescue team we've only got Red Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, and Impulse.
I'm about a third of the way through with major edits for Arc 2. So I'll probably start cross posting to AO3 quite soon! Main changes are in what Tim tells Bruce about where he is and what he's up to.
190 notes · View notes
starcrossedxwriter · 6 months
Wicked Fantasies Part 10 (MBJx Black OC)
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A/N: sooooo this is just nonstop angst. Hence the gif selection and I am sorry lol we get into some tough shit. So warnings include: severe depression and negative self talk, harassment, etc. But as always enjoy! And remember… I’m a HEA girlie through and through ☺️
Hell on Earth was the only appropriate descriptor for the last 24 hours of Raven’s life. Trapped in her apartment due to the spectacle of paparazzi camped outside her building, her only activity was laying in bed unmoving hour after hour in the fetal position. She was grateful to Melody for taking her shift, she did not know if she would have been able to find the strength to get up to go anyway.
Raven tried her best to avoid social media but laying in her bed staring at the ceiling did not provide much distraction from the agony that coursed through her. This hurt eclipsed any pain from a physical wound that she had ever felt. It was paralyzing. And scrolling, even if she had to wade through stories and commentary on her own life as if she were a fictional character from the world’s latest Netflix obsession, offered some reprieve from thinking about him.
He consumed her every thought despite wanting nothing more than to rid her brain of him. But his claws were in too deep and even blocking his number had not offered relief when the only thing she wanted was to seek comfort from him. Her heart ached for him as if it would never be right again without his presence, his touch. But her brain would not allow her to call him or even unblock him. He was the curse, the disease… she certainly would find no cure in him.
The negative orator in her head called him a liar, reminded her that she did not deserve him and he knew it, which was why this all happened in the first place. So she stayed in her small ball in the corner of her bed fighting the urge to call him or break down into sobs again.
Her roommate checked on her every couple of hours and that was the sum of her human interaction since she left Michael’s house. She did not want to see or talk to anyone. So she didn’t. Her phone remained on DND, every call and text going unanswered. She knew she only had a few more days of this. The library had taken her off the schedule for a week, citing a need to figure out how to deal with the safety concerns this situation brought. But Raven knew the truth, the only available solution would be to let her go. Another job down the drain because of her terrible choices, because the only setting she seemed to know was self destruction.
That was all she knew how to do it… ruin her own life and the lives of everyone around her. She did not even speak to her family anymore and still knew, from her sister’s nonstop texts and calls that she didn’t respond to or answer, that even they were feeling the burn of her choices. Of course, Kiara was not wasting the opportunity to snag herself another 15 minutes of fame but she did not say anything worse than what Raven had already seen from strangers or did not already believe about herself.
Tears sprang to her eyes as thought about her own role in every bad turn and mistake her life had taken that led to this moment. She could blame Michael and her family but perhaps it was finally time to own that they were all right: it was her. She was the problem.
She chose to sell her body, even when she was in college as a dancer, to make a quick buck. She chose to do the same as an adult, she chose to enter into Michael’s ring of lies and she let him play as the fool. She could hate him but that meant she would also have to hate herself.
And acknowledging her hate for him was far less excruciating than examining how she brought this collapsing building right down on herself.
“What happened?”
“Damn, nigga. Can I get through the front door first or get a hello?”
Michael let out an impatient sigh and shifted out of the way so Alex could walk into his foyer. He had been a nervous wreck since she called an hour prior asking if she could swing by the house to talk. He had deleted social media from his phone so he did not have to see the vitriol being hurled at Raven. He did not care what people said about him but Alex literally had to stand over his shoulder and watch him delete every app to stop him from responding to every disgusting comment he read about her.
While his plan may have worked in popular media outlets and with sensible people online, he severely underestimated the contingent of very loud incels and pick-mes who would blame Raven regardless of how the story was presented to them.
“My bad. Hey. What happened?” he asked again, his tone signaling that he was not in the mood for Alex’s signature attitude. He needed answers and he needed them now. He would have time for pleasantries again and everything else when Raven forgave him. Or even just answered his phone calls and texts.
Michael gestured for Alex to follow him to the kitchen where he had been helping his mom and dad cook dinner. Or rather helping in between wearing a hole in his floor due to his incessant pacing and complaining about when Alex would arrive.
“I”m not gonna show you unless you calm the fuck down.” One side glance from his mother had Alex cringing at herself. “Sorry, Ms. Donna.”
The older woman merely nodded as she returned to her task of chopping vegetables.
“Well, I’ll start with the good news. I checked in on all your endorsements and deals and they said as long as this situation doesn’t evolve any further, they have no interest in dropping you. People still love you for some reason. And it’s been a week, so if old… partners were going to come out, they would’ve. All our Creed 3 press is still set but I had to do some rearranging now that the Oscars are set for the second weekend in March. So you’re going to Mexico City this weekend to get a head start. And we still have your interview slate for the Oscars set. You’re in for a busy six weeks… I know what’s going on with Raven is a lot but I need your head in the game, Mike. Seriously.”
“Alex! I don’t give a fuck about an interview schedule. What did you hear about Raven?”
“You know it’s literally my job to manage your career, not your continuously screwed up love life, right? Sometimes I worry you have it confused. But yes, I do have news on Raven too. Which is mostly… well all bad news. Most of the conversation has moved on. People are still attacking her on social but that’s not all that surprising. Vultures are still circling her apartment, not as many but a couple every day. Today was the first day she left the house in a week to go back to work. But… she got fired.”
Michael paused his pacing in shock. He knew how much that job, however she came to need it, meant to Raven. It had been a refuge during one of the most painful times in her life and his actions had stolen that from her.
Alex scoffed. “I told you our plan wouldn’t be without consequences, Mike. It just had the least amount of them. You can’t be surprised. She worked at a public library with kids and the entire world found out she was a prostitute. She was probably an at-will employee so they don’t even need a reason to fire her. But paparazzi surrounding her job every day and idiots calling to campaign to get her fired is more than enough for most places. But that’s not… that’s not the worst part.” Alex’s stiletto tipped nails tapped against her screen a few times before she tossed it down on the kitchen island. “A contact at TMZ sent me a video a couple hours ago. They aren’t gonna post it,” she assured him. “But there were plenty of cameras so someone else might. Just forwarded it to you.”
Michael moved quickly to open his email, his body equally wrestling between wanting to see whatever this was and being afraid to. But he knew he did not have a choice. He took a deep breath to steady himself as he pressed play on the video. The TMZ reporter had their camera trained on Raven as she tried to fight her way out of the back exit to her car in the parking lot. It was from earlier today, Michael realizing that she must have gone into her shift only to be let go. However, she was not simply fighting through a sea of flashing lights and insensitive questions. There was also a small group of men hurling insults at her as she fought through the crowd.
“I guess niggas really don’t be having jobs cause who has the time to post outside of someone else’s job to harass them?” Alex muttered to no one in particular as Michael’s attention and focus remained trained on the video.
The words of everyone else in the video were just static to him because his eyes and attention were squarely set on Raven. His soul felt as if it was splintering into millions of pieces as he watched her. Despite the meticulous makeup painted and her stoic poker face, Michael could still see the sorrow and exhaustion in her eyes. He had seen such a look in her eyes before and it hurt then, but now it was somehow worse. A fatal wound because this time, it was his fault. He would not need a video for that look to haunt him for the rest of his life.
He continued watching despite wanting nothing more than to get in his car and race to her apartment. The video was chaotic as the cameraman tried to keep up with the mob of cameras and people and keep the focus on the woman at the center of the storm. Michael did not understand what happened when Raven suddenly stopped moving, her poker face gone as one of pure terror took over.
Michael’s eyes frantically searched the frame of the video for what changed, even pausing it for a moment, until he noticed a hand wrapped tightly around her upper arm. He watched as she frantically pulled against the force of the person but their grip was too tight. And he could hear the whimper of pain in her words as she begged him to let her go.
The altercation did not last long when one of the cameramen was able to break the man’s grip on her and Raven scurried off to her car, her eyes brimming with tears.
Michael forced his phone to go to sleep as he squeezed it in his fist. Michael usually existed at an emotional equilibrium but his rage felt all consuming. Is this what seeing red felt like? When your anger was so blinding, you could not see or think of anything that did not fuel that fire? The entire internet had become Inspector gadget to find Raven’s job and address to harass her but would they do the same for that guy? Someone who tried to do her harm? Michael merely wanted five minutes alone with him to exercise all that rage at someone who deserved it.
He did not say a word as he marched past Alex and out of his kitchen to the foyer where he kept his car keys and wallet. He grabbed both and angrily stomped out to the garage, his thoughts set on nothing other than seeing Raven. Even if he was only able to lay his eyes on her for a moment, he needed to see her. In the flesh.
“Michael! Mike! Stop! Stop!!” Alex raced after him, quickly catching up with him despite her high heels. Her hand grabbed the door of his car before he could fully climb in. “Where are you going?”
“To Raven’s.”
Alex’s arm jerked the car door away from him as he tried to pull it closed. “You need to give her time. You’re probably not the nigga she wants to see at her door right now. And… there are still cameras around her house. You don’t need -”
“You think I give a fuck about someone seein’ me go there?? Get outta my fuckin’ way, Alex. Now.” His voice lost its usual kind tone as he glared at her, his barely contained rage seeping out into the garage around them like thick smoke.
Alex’s grip loosened but she did not acquiesce fully. “At least let me come with you.”
Their standoff continued for mere seconds before he caved and gave her a few moments to get into the passenger’s seat. If allowing her to go with him was the only way to see his girl then he would let her ride along. But she would not be able to stop him from doing a damn thing, he knew that much.
They did not speak as he raced through LA to get to Raven’s apartment. He did not wait for Alex to get out or say anything as he walked into her building and made a beeline for the elevator. Before he knew it, he was banging on her door like the police had shown up.
“Ok calm down, we don’t need the whole damn floor filming this for that damn clock app,” Alex grumbled, Michael essentially ignoring her as he continued banging until the door flung open.
Her roommate stood there, a confused look on her face for a moment, before she glanced over her shoulder in the direction of Raven’s closed door.
“I need to see her.”
“I don’t think she’s up for visitors,” the young woman responded, her tone leaving little room for arguments. She tried to close the door but Michael stuck his foot in the doorway and stopped her.
“She doesn’t have to talk to me but I need to see her. Let me in.” Michael knew he had no right to demand entry into someone else’s home but he was at a loss, his hands were tied.
“What he means to say,” Alex stepped forward, pulling Michael back slightly, “is that he just wants to see she is ok after today with his own eyes. And then we’ll leave, I promise. Two minutes, that’s all we want. Please?”
“I’m not gonna force her to see you. You can wait here while I ask.”
She left them at the doorway to show themselves inside as she went to knock on Raven’s door.
“Raven? Can you come out here?”
He heard shuffling from behind her closed door before it cracked open. He could not see her but he could hear her voice, small and broken. A sound he never wanted to hear again. He was supposed to be the solution to her pain, not the cause of it.
“I d-don’t want to see him.”
“I just need a minute, Rae!” Michael did not wait for the invitation as he walked up to her door and gestured for her roommate to move out of his way. “Just let me see you… please.”
Raven leaned her head against the door frame as she debated whether to comply. Something in her demanded that she slam the door in his face. But her first on her doorknob merely shook as if she could not force herself to do it, her limbs refusing to obey her brain’s orders. She did not want to see him.
Whatever bandage she was using to stop the bleeding of this wound was immediately ripped off and her hurt flowed once again like blood at his mere presence. She could not even look at him, or rather was afraid to. Afraid that if she looked into those eyes, she would believe whatever sad tale of love and care he brought to spin for her this time. She could not fall for that again. With him or anyone else. And yet, her body still wanted to run to him and jump into his arms, bury her nose into the nape of his neck and breathe in him. His signature cologne, his natural musk that had grown to represent a sanctuary for her.
She forced herself behind the ice walls she had spent a week building. She was too weak to survive without them. Those barriers and their harshness were the only thing that had dragged her out of bed to go to her shift, which lasted a total of an hour before she was fired. She was not surprised but preparation had not made it an easier experience. She had been proud of herself for holding it together, walking out with her head held high. That is, until the utter debacle outside the library.
Michael had always been the one who the barriers came down for. But now, his presence made them grow higher and higher as if to protect David from Goliath.
She stepped back and opened the door just enough for her face to be seen. She did not look at him though, keeping her eyes trained on the wall behind him.
“What? The paparazzi videos aren’t enough? Need to see your destruction in person? There, you’ve seen me. Now get out.”
Her voice was cold, colder than he ever knew her to be toward anyone much less him. It was being stabbed in the chest and having the knife twisted for effect. Made all the worse by the fact that she could not even look him in the eye.
“Rae… baby girl, please. I just want to make sure you are alright after today… between the library and that guy. Just want to make sure you aren’t hurt.”
A mere week ago, Raven would have melted like a childish lovesick school girl at “baby girl,” at his care and devotion to her. But today, her heart had to remain cold for her own preservation, safely tucked behind the ice walls she erected.
“Don’t call me that. You don’t get to call me that. And it’s not the first job I’ve lost, I’ll survive. Whether or not I’m hurt or employed shouldn’t matter to you. You made it clear you don’t care.”
“It does matter to me. You matter to me. Did he hurt you?”
“Bruises heal… This one will too. It’s the other wounds I’m not sure about,” she muttered, more to herself than him. “You want me to read you some of my DMs? Compared to what they all say they want to do to me, I got off easy with a bruise. So now you know. I don’t want to repeat myself again. Get. Out.”
“I’ll do anything, Rae. Just talk to me, hear me out. I didn’t mean for this o-or any of this to happen like this. Let me fix this. Or at least let me protect you.”
She shook her head, refusing to listen to a word he had to say. In one ear and out the other. It was all lies. “No. You can’t fix this. I don’t want your words, your lies, your apologies, or your protection. I don’t want anything from you ever again. You wanted me out of your life just like everyone else I know so you got your wish. Come back here again and I’ll call the police.”
And with that, she slammed her door in his face, leaving him standing awkwardly in the living room with Alex and her roommate. He simply stood there like a statue, mouth agape with his apologies on the tip of his tongue, staring at her closed door for a few moments.
“You heard her. You should go.”
With her roommate’s echo, Michael forced his legs to move. However, before he could get far, he stopped and grabbed a spare piece of paper and pen that was left discarded on their counter. He jotted down his number and pushed it into her hand.
“Tiffany, right?” At her nod, he continued. “I’ll give her space cause that’s what she wants. But anythin’ happens like today again, call me. Please.”
The young woman eyed him intently and stowed the paper away in her pocket before Michael walked out of the door with Alex in tow. As they stepped into the elevator of her building, Michael unleashed his pent-up frustration by punching a hole into the side of the elevator, an action that only caused a rippling pain to shoot up from his knuckles.
“Well that was decidedly stupid. You’re gonna have to get that looked at.” Alex shook her head. “She’s not ready yet, Mike. And for once, you’re not in control of how this goes. She needs time. Give it to her. But she’s ok today, that’s all that matters.”
Michael’s unbruised hand massaged his knuckles as they walked to his car. He sat in his seat silently for a few moments.
“You think she’s still in danger?”
“I think people on the internet often forget the people they’re attacking are real people. Most of this will stay online and be fine but we can’t predict the people who’ll do what that guy did today and take it to the real world. There’s just… no way of knowing.”
Michael sighed and nodded. “Get me a list of bodyguards. Vetted. She doesn’t want to see me, fine. But she’s gonna get protection whether she likes it or not.”
“You can’t force her to have a bodyguard.”
“You got me in Mexico City, Paris, London, New York, and Miami for the next month. You think I’m steppin’ on a damn plane with niggas tryin’ to attack her? Get me the fuckin’ list.”
“I know shit is fucked right now, Michael, but you can’t stop working just because your girlfriend is mad at you.”
“I don’t care about work right now, Alex!”
“Maybe you should! Maybe I shouldn’t be the only one holding your fucking career and reputation together while you spend all your energy making bad decision after fucking bad decision.”
Michael’s entire body whipped around to face the passenger seat, the anger he had pushed down beneath the surface already bubbling to the top. He was a powder keg and unfortunately, Alex was the spark.
“Oh so all of this is my fault?? Tasha fuckin-”
She threw her hands up in the air. “Stop blaming Tasha! She’s trash, she fuckin’ sucks and backed you into a corner but it’s not all on her, Mike! I’m not one of these fuckin’ yes men whose gonna shield you from accountability just to pad your fuckin’ giant actor ego. You fucked up, Michael. You. You could’ve ended it with Tasha as soon as you realized you were in love with Raven, but you didn’t. You strung her along because it was easier than admitting your feelings. You could’ve taken any of the millions of opportunities to admit what was going on to Raven like I told you and you didn’t. You wanted to play big man and stick it to Tasha instead of focusing on the person that actually mattered. And you didn’t want to admit that you were still talking to her. You didn’t leak this out of some purely noble intentions. This didn’t just happen to you. You caused this because as good of a guy as you are, you always do what is easiest for you instead of what is hard. So you and Tasha made this fucked up bed together. Own that shit and stop wallowing in it like a fucking bitch baby.”
His grip on the steering wheel was nearly painful as her harsh words sank in. And as difficult as they were to hear, as much as they clashed against the narrative he was clinging to, he knew they were not untrue. While it was far easier to lay the whole debacle at Tasha’s feet, he knew he was not blameless in what happened. But he had underestimated how torturous it would be to see the consequences of his own actions, how it would gnaw at him day in and day out. And the only way he was even surviving day to day was wrapping his brain tightly in the narrative that he did what was best. Without that protective blanket, he did not know if he could survive seeing the destruction he caused.
“Damn tell me how you really feel.” He banged his fist on the steering wheel a few times. “I just… I feel like I can’t do shit else till I fix this. Till she forgives me.”
Alex took a long deep breath before reaching over and squeezing his hand. “I know… but her forgiving you and you fixing the damage this all caused may not be the same thing. You don’t get to control when she forgives you and your life can’t stop until she does. If she does. Fix what you can, keep showing up where you can, and the rest is on her.”
“And if she doesn’t?”
“Then she doesn’t. And that has to be ok too.” She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text. “I’ll have the list of bodyguards for you by noon tomorrow. Just promise me you’ll get on that plane on Friday? And that your head will be focused on your career, not her. Give me six weeks Mike. Press tour, world premiere, Oscars and then you can chase after her like a lost puppy all you want.”
“Yea I promise. I know how hard you’ve worked for all this… ain’t gonna let you down, Alex.”
“I get paid either way. You earned this. Care more about not letting yourself down.”
And with that, Michael peeled off the curb of Raven’s apartment building and started their trek back to his home. The entire ride Alex’s words tumbled in his brain. He had been so focused on convincing Raven to forgive him when he did need to give her space, as excruciating as that was for him. But space did not mean he could not work to fix the very tangible things his decisions had ruined for her.
“Did you ever get that list of Black agents and publishers that rep fantasy novels?” he asked randomly as they pulled back into his spot in the garage.
“Yea, pulled it a while ago.”
Michael walked Alex to her car, which sat out in front of his house.
“Good. Any on the list you particularly like?”
“One of them’s a friend and if I’m being honest… She is the list.”
“Aight. Let’s game plan that on the plane ride after our interview prep”
Alex leaned against the hood of her car, smiling at him. She patted him on the arm and gave him a smile. “There’s the Michael B Jordan I attached my career to. Welcome back.”
He merely rolled his eyes and smiled. He was a man of action. He would wait a hundred years if that was how much time and space Raven needed. But her not wanting to see him did not mean he could not continue to be what he had always been for her: the first person who took care of her.
A knock at Raven’s door forced her out of bed. She had not made much effort to leave the comfort of her own bed since losing her job. She had been able to save up enough from her dates with Michael to save a decent safety net. She would have a couple months before she needed to think seriously about what was next and how to pay rent. She savored the cushion. Her thoughts were an utter mess so she certainly was not mentally strong enough to plan.
As she walked to her front door, her phone started vibrating.
She had been avoiding her calls like she was the bubonic plague. She knew why she was calling. To gloat and rub salt in Raven’s wounds. She could almost hear the vitriol Kiara would throw at her without even answering the phone. So she didn’t. She did not care to. She decided to just wait her out, if she ignored her calls enough, she would eventually give up… right? After all, it had almost been two weeks.
Raven had not heard from her dad at all, which she did not know whether to be thankful for or add that to the list of wounds that would not close. Some small part of her would have hoped that, despite them not speaking since the holidays, that he would check in on her after all of this. But she had done all of them a favor when she cut them off. They wanted her out of their lives and she wanted them out of hers. She knew she should no longer care what either of them thought of her.
She sent her call straight to voicemail as she opened her door to find an extremely tall, brooding bald man with shades standing outside her door. He kind of reminded her of what a secret service agent in movies looked like.
“Can I help you?”
“Are you Raven Turner?”
“Why do you want to know?” She kept the door knob in her hand in case she needed to push it closed. She thankfully had not had any crazies approaching her at home, small comfort. But perhaps, that was about to end.
“My name is David Brooks. I’ve been hired to be your bodyguard. May I come in?” Raven’s eyes grew wide as he tried to make a step over the threshold to her apartment. She immediately stepped into his path, using her body and the door as shields.
“You think I’m just gonna let you in cause you say you’re a bodyguard?? I didn’t hire a bodyguard. And I don’t need one. So you could be a serial killer with an elaborate ruse for all I know. Leave.”
“You should know that no serial killer would choose a ruse so specific. And apartments are a foolish place to murder someone, too many eye witnesses. And if I was here to harm you, I’d already be inside. Your door certainly would not stop me.”
“You know you are not really inspiring trust, right?”
“Apologies. It is just frustrating how obsessed the average American woman is about being murdered by a serial killer when statistically, it will never happen. But I digress. Just because you do not believe you do not need a bodyguard, does not mean you don’t.” He reached under his arm and handed her a neat folder of papers. “Resume, background check… much of which is redacted. Security reasons. And he said you would be a reluctant principal so I included the latest research and data on how cyber attacks and stalking can turn violent. Now have I inspired trust?”
Raven took the folder out of his hand and flipped through it quickly, her small stature still blocking his entrance to her home. Her eyes skimmed each page, which included everything about this man except his damn social security number. He seemed legit and even the parts that were not redacted in black highlighter seemed terrifying. But she did not budge from her protective stance in front of her home. She still did not understand.
“Who even hired you??” There was no one in her life that cared enough or could afford to hire her a bodyguard. Well no one except…
“Michael B. Jordan. Any other questions or may I come in so we can discuss your security? Do you do this often? Talk to people in your doorway? Because that will need to end immediately.” His eyes glanced up and down the hallway of her apartment.
Raven let out a deep exhale of frustration and stepped aside, allowing him in. Mainly because she did not want their standoff to continue in her hallway for one of her nosy neighbors to see.
“Don’t get comfortable… you won’t be staying.”
How dare he? She thought to herself. Why can’t he just leave me the fuck alone!
She angrily grabbed her phone off of the kitchen island where she had discarded it. She was too pissed off to feel many other emotions about hearing his voice as she unblocked Michael’s number and hit the call button. She had not spoken to him since he showed up at her apartment days prior.
Ice walls, ice walls, she told herself as she prepared to hear his voice. She forced herself not to read into the fact that it only rang once before his voice started to fill her ear.
“Rae! Lis-”
“Fire him,” she demanded, cutting him off. She had no desire to hear anything he had to say to her.
There was a still beat of silence before Michael’s voice filled her ears again, steaming with the dominance she once craved and yearned for.
“I’m not kidding, Michael.”
“I ain’t laughing, Raven. You aren’t ready to talk to me, you aren’t ready to see me, fine. But I’m not gon’ let you fend off paparazzi and randoms alone. And I can’t be there. So he stays.”
Anger coiled in her belly causing her to immediately raise her voice. Every fiber in her being hated him.
“So he can report my every move back to you?? Fuck no. And fuck you. The only reason I would need protection is because of what you did. I’ll never be ready to talk to you and I want nothing from you.”
She could tell this was a losing battle but she fought regardless. She could not handle this shadow following her every second, a visual reminder of him and the fact that he cared about her. But everything in her told her that he didn’t care about her. His actions had made that abundantly clear. This was nothing more than a complex manipulation… like everything else he had done to her since the night they met.
“He’s not obligated to report anythin’ back to me, I promise. I’ve dealt with the paparazzi and crazy fans longer than you. It actually can be dangerous. And I’m traveling and doing all this press so it’s not gonna die off until I’m out of the spotlight in a few weeks. So until then, he stays.”
Raven forgot that Michael was officially on his giant world press tour for Creed 3. A part of her wanted to ask him about it, hear how it was going and how he felt. But she could not allow that either. She did not care about his career. She did not care about him anymore.
“I don’t need anymore help and if I did, I certainly wouldn’t want it from you.”
He let out a sigh that sounded almost… sad? Raven shook her head. She was not going to give in, waver, or break. He was one of the best actors of her generation and that was all this was: an act.
“I deserve that shit. I know it. But I’m not gonna apologize for carin’ about you even if you hate me.”
The back of her eyes stung at his words. She despised it, she did not want to feel this for him. He had destroyed her and she vowed never to let him close enough to do it again. Or anyone for that matter. But perhaps her resolve was not as steadfast as she desperately wanted to believe it was. Her heart may have been willing to hear him out again, but her stubborn brain refused to allow her to give in.
“I do… hate you,” she whispered, hating how clear her emotions were in her tone. Hearing his voice cracked something open inside her and all those walls were starting to crash around her.
“I know… but I’ll never stop, Rae. Never stop lovin’ you and carin’ about what happens to you. Hate me all you want but that’s it.”
She shook her head, even though she knew he could not see it.
Lies. It’s all lies. He doesn’t care. No one does. So stop kidding yourself.
The back of her hand quickly wiped away the few falling tears before she sniffled slightly and cleared her throat. She refused to give in. He did not love her, he did not care about her. That’s the only thing she knew was real. The rest was lies.
“You don’t care what happens to me,” she responded definatively. “No one does,” she repeated the menacing voice in her head that forced her insecurities and hard truths to the surface of her brain. “Hell… I don’t anymore.” Her voice trailed off slightly.
“Rae…” Whatever rebuttal he had started to form in his brain at her first statement faded away like a sandcastle swept in a tidal wave at her words. Did she really think that? Believe that no one in the world cared about her? Did she really no longer care about herself? Those words struck fear in his soul.
“Tell me how I can fix it, baby. Please. Tell me what I can do for you to forgive me.”
Her entire body sagged against the weight of her kitchen counter. She let the phone fall from her ear as a sob bubbled to the surface. She forgot about the GI Joe soldier who was standing in her living room awkwardly pretending as if he could not hear them.
“I-I don’t know if y-you can fix this, Michael. N-Not what you did b-but this exhaustion. I’m just… tired,” she wiped her eyes. “I’m tired o-of reaching out and getting swatted away… I’m tired of being disappointed b-by people. I’m t-tired of forgiving a-and piecing myself back together just to be pushed down and b-broken again. I-I h-have to f-find the fucking energy to pick up the p-pieces of my l-life y-yet again because I d-don’t… have any choice. B-But I d-don’t have enough… to do that a-and figure this out right now. I c-can’t think about forgiving you until I stop feeling…. this … exhausted.” Her words were barely audible as her emotions made her throat too tight to speak.
Another sob broke its way through before she forced her to clear her throat before she stood up straight. She could not do this, could not talk to him and let the door even crack. The wound still hurt too much.
“Goodbye, Michael.”
Raven hung up and blocked his contact once again. She glanced at her new shadow, who now turned his attention back to her.
“I can’t do this right now. I’m not leaving the house today so come back tomorrow and we can talk.” She did not wait for him to agree. “Get out.”
He seemed wholly unperturbed by her rudeness, she was clearly not his first “reluctant principal.” He merely nodded and walked to her front door, leaving the folder and his card with his cell phone number with her.
Raven marched into her bedroom and slammed her door shut, the chorus of sobs she was holding in finally breaking from the surface. Two weeks, only two weeks had passed and she just did not want to feel this anymore. This destruction. The wreckage of her life simply felt too great to rebuild. And there did not seem to be any light at the end of this particular tunnel.
The days marched by at a slow pace as Raven tried to do what she told Michael: pick up the pieces to her life. Her day to day now included her own personal GI Joe who followed her everywhere she went. And drove her everywhere she went. Which, admittedly, was not that many places. She did not have a job and she had few friends in LA so she spent most of her time in her apartment, occasionally venturing out for necessities. She imagined she was the easiest and most boring person David had ever protected.
Though they had gotten off to a rocky start, Raven had to admit that she felt safer when she did leave her home with him by her side. And he was not overbearing or bothersome. He had a few rules, which were easy enough for her to follow. And he promised that he would not report her every move back to Michael. She was not sure if she believed him fully but he seemed sincere enough.
She still thought about him, a ghost haunting her every passing thought. Thoughts that were only amplified as pictures and clips from his press tour went viral all over social media. She had tried her hardest to avoid them but sometimes she found her eyes lingering on a reel or tik tok featuring him. She never quite listened to what he was actually saying, she merely just studied him. The way he laughed with his entire body, the spark in his eyes as he talked about his craft and his passion.
He seemed happy… without her, a realization that always made her close whatever video it was and want to curl back up in her bed.
She did not want to miss him, she did not want to still be in love with him. But she still felt everything, all of that love and every ounce of the hurt.
An unknown number covered Michael’s face in the video she was silently watching. Unknown numbers were a mixed bag these days but something in her told her to answer it. It was an LA number, if that made her feel any better about it.
“Hi, may I speak with Raven Turner?”
“This is she.”
“Hi Ms. Turner. My name is Angelina Smith, I’m the founder of The Spark Agency. We rep Black authors across fiction from contemporary to fantasy and sci/fi. I’ve been looking for new talent and a friend of mine passed along your name to me. You have a few minutes to chat?”
Raven’s eyes grew wide. She did not need to race to google to know who Angelina Smith and the Spark Agency were. They were the first, and one of the only, major Black-owned literary agencies and one of the only that almost exclusively repped Black and Brown authors. She had queried damn near every agent there when she first finished her manuscript but none of it worked out.
“Wait… you’re THE Angelina Smith?? If this is an elaborate prank…” Raven muttered, her brain already forcing her to temper her hopes and dreams. It would not surprise her if this was some insane tik tok prank or ruse to humiliate her. A month ago, she would have never considered that but now? She did not put much past people anymore.
She laughed. “No, I promise this is not a prank. I read your book… you’re incredibly talented. I work closely with Del Rey, Penguin House’s fantasy imprint, and I think your book and series would be perfect for them.”
“Yes. Could you come down to my office one day this week? Maybe tomorrow? You’re based here in LA too, right? We can also do something virtual if you’re not in town though. I would love to just chat about your vision for the series and see if we could be a good fit? And if it is, start to discuss all the business stuff. My least favorite part, to be honest,” she chuckled. “Can you give me your email?”
Raven rattled off her email quickly, still shocked and confused as to what was even happening right now.
“Ok great, my assistant will send you a calendar invitation and information. I have to jump but I'm looking forward to meeting you. Talk tomorrow.”
And with that, the call ended, leaving Raven with extreme whiplash as she tried to process what even just happened. She let out a breathy chuckle as she wondered if her life was about to turn around for the better. She did wonder how she even found her book, published under a pseudonym so it would not have been that easy to find. And she had basically been told her career in publishing was dead without hope of resuscitation so why would one of the most successful Black agents in publishing even want to waste their time on her?
A war raged as she tried to decide if this was really real. But a ding of her email let her know that it was legit. She studied every aspect of the email from email addresses to signatures, using LinkedIn and other investigative searches to verify her assistant’s existence as a person and everything checked out. If this was a ruse, it was the most elaborate one she had ever seen. It seemed… legit?
The smallest sprout of hope bloomed in her belly at the thought. Perhaps her life was not completely and totally destroyed. Well it was, but for the first time in a month, she did not see only despair ahead. She saw a path to build something new out of it.
“Raven! Angelina,” the tall, lean, and insanely gorgeous woman glided to her office door to greet Raven like she was floating on the air instead of walking in her incredibly high Louboutins. She held out her hand, Raven shaking it enthusiastically. “It is so great to meet you.”
“It is great to meet you too. And sorry,” she wiped her sweaty palm against her dress. “Kinda nervous.”
Angelica waved her hand dismissively. “No need to be nervous. I’ll be honest, I truly rarely say this but I’m already sold on you… just gotta sell you on me,” she winked.
“You’re the first agent to show interest in my work in years… and not to sound like a complete fan, you’re every author’s dream. Hardly need to sell me on you or your agency.”
“I know a diamond when I see one,” she shrugged. “Please sit,” she gestured toward the comfy white couch in her corner office, each woman sitting on each side.
“Not sure about a diamond,” Raven muttered. Her shoulders sagged a bit as she chewed on her lip. This was her dream but all night she had grappled with one thing, one thing that would kill their working relationship before it even began. Her reputation.
“I am so appreciative of this… And honestly, just knowing that someone of your caliber sees the value of my work would be enough. I mean you are amazing a-and your agency has repped some of my favorite authors. And this is such an honor.”
“How do I already sense a but coming?”
Raven smiled sadly. “But I don’t want you to waste your time. I doubt any publisher’s gonna want my name attached to them.”
Angelina stood up and walked over to a small table, pouring two glasses of brown liquor from a decanter she had sitting there. She returned to her perch on the couch, handing Raven one of the glasses.
“Do you think I would personally reach out to you without asking around about you? Without doing a google search? You don’t get to be me without doing your due diligence and I do mine. I know everything ‘your name’ comes with and I still called you. I won’t presume to know everything but I heard enough to know that what your last publisher did to you was not on you or right. Publishers can preach about caring about marginalized voices all they want but it’s still hard to be a woman, a black woman, in our industry. So when a phenomenal black writer gets labeled difficult? I… know what that means. And as for your situation now… well, I like an author with an interesting story,” she shrugged, though interesting was not the word Raven would have used to describe her own story. “But since you think I need convincing about you, let me ask you this… why did you want to be a writer? And why fantasy?”
Raven’s hands anxiously twisted in her lap as she thought about it. “A lot of reasons but mainly… all books are windows… a peek behind the curtain into another life, another time, another reality. But for me, fantasy books were always more? They were doors, a real escape into another world where life was limitless and the powerless underdog could be more. That you could fall but there’s always a reason to pick yourself back up and try again until you don’t fall anymore. And when I wrote my first short story, I realized they were also mirrors, a chance to examine yourself and your own life…” Raven’s hand picked up the hardback copy of her book that sat between the two women. “And heal wounds. Or at least start the process. And when I was old enough, I just realized I didn’t want to just be escaping into someone else’s world. I wanted to escape into one of my own creation too.”
Angelina smiled and nodded. “And that’s what all the due diligence in the world can’t tell me but the only thing I really need to know. I don’t care about anything other than whether this is your passion. And whether you are good at it. Check those boxes and I can work magic with anything, trust me. And as for your concern about publishers, I will admit that I may have been a bit overzealous but I already put feelers out and have three publishers, including Del Rey, who want to meet with you. Your old publishing house even reached out but I didn’t respond. My first response was to tell them to fuck off but wanted to check with you first.”
“Fuck off is pretty polite for what I want to say to them,” Raven muttered under her breath.
“Then fuck off it is.” The two women shared a knowing smile before Angelina continued.
The rest of the meeting was a dream, Raven forgot how amazing this all felt. Even the mundane legal stuff sparked an excitement she had not felt in such a long time. And now she had three meetings on the books to shop her book and an agent again, a book she thought she was not going to be able to do anything with ever again.
“Ok, I think that’s all I need for today. One thing, they’re gonna want book 2 fairly quickly. Any deal we get will include a reprint of this one but they’re all gonna want a first draft as soon as you can get one. Maybe let’s check in again on your progress on March 15? Gives you about a month.”
Raven grimaced on the inside. She had half of her second book done years ago and the doc sat unfinished and untouched ever since she lost her deal. Even with this surge of hope and new energy, she did not know if her creative juices were even still there. However, she did not voice any of those concerns to Angelina. How could she tell this badass woman that she was putting her name on the line for her and Raven did not even know if she could write anymore?
“Sounds good. I can do that,” she lied.
Or at least, we can try… and pray.
“Ok great. Jason will be bombarding your email over the next week with invites and such but I think we’re in good shape. We’ll send over my contract. If you have a lawyer, have them look it over. It’s standard in my opinion but I encourage all my authors to read it with a fine tooth comb and send back notes. It was great meeting you, Raven. I look forward to working with you.”
They shook hands once more before Raven stood to walk out of her office. However, at her door, Raven paused and turned around.
“I’m sorry… Can I ask you one more thing?”
“Of course.”
“How did you… find my book? I wasn’t querying or anything. It’s not even sold in stores anymore.”
“Oh, a good friend of mine passed a copy along. Said you had gotten the rights back recently and thought I might be interested. One thing I’ve learned is to never doubt Alexandra Williams. She knows how to spot rare talent and she was right, per usual. It’s infuriating really,” the woman laughed.
Raven used her hand on the doorknob to steady herself as her words hit her. She supposed she should not have been shocked but she was. A million questions ran through her brain. Why had he done that? What did he hope to get out of it? Was this another manipulation or a sign that he truly loved and cared about her? That he really wanted to fix all of this?
“Sorry… I may have wrongly assumed she or Michael told you I was gonna reach out.”
Raven realized that her internal monologue was clearly showing across her face. She quickly shook her head and replaced her perplexed look with a fake smile. “No, no. Don’t apologize. They probably wanted it to be a surprise. Thank you… again.”
“Thank me when we get you a deal,” she winked at her before giving her a wave.
Raven nodded and saw herself out, realizing that now… she actually had to do something. No more wallowing in bed and watching sad movies. Her life was back in motion and if she did not pick up her feet to keep up, she would ruin this second chance too.
She shot David a quick text asking him to pull around to pick her up. She had a book to write.
Michael was pitfully scrolling through his camera roll as Tessa came up behind him and slid into the open seat next to Alex on their jet. Tessa had been a bright spot on this press tour, keeping him engaged and laughing as much as she could. He was grateful. However, when he was alone or in spaces like this with no cameras, the melancholy always settled back in and he found himself seeking out Raven. Now that was simply a text that went unanswered, a wall of blue messages on his end. However, they did go through… which was an improvement.
Since he could not see her, he resorted to scrolling back through his phone and studying every photo or video they took together. His favorites were their trip to Paris. He looked at those pictures and videos more and longer than he should have, made all the more painful by the fact that he was on his way there before heading to London. He had hoped she would be beside him on this particular stop of his press tour, and had hoped she would get to experience Paris again with him.
But this time, the most romantic city in the world would merely feel like a cruel joke. When he examined her in those photos, each one resurfacing memories that he clung to like a buoy in the open ocean, they only made him fall deeper in love with her. It was as if he could see their love story play out in front of his eyes. And he always went back to Paris because it was such a clear turning point for them, the moment everything changed and they started to fall. The descent had been beautiful and he had savored every moment of it. He could see the love she held for him etched in her eyes, the longing that he had doubted was real back then. But now, it was all he could see… all he could focus on.
“Stare at your phone any harder and it might burst into flames,” Tessa joked as she sat down across from him.
Michael chuckled and tossed his phone down in the empty seat next to him, slumping back pitifully.
“My bad. Just…”
“Miss her?”
“Yea. Doubt she misses me though.” He mused, thinking back to their last two conversations, neither of which went well.
When he had made his choice, there had not been a world where he thought he would not be able to mend whatever it damaged between them. Conceited and cocky? He could own that now but his ego often was outsized. But now, he questioned whether there was a path forward for them at all? If he had done too much damage? Every night when he laid down for a precious few hours of sleep, her words tumbled and tossed in his brain matter. He had never heard her sound so… depleted as she was during their last phone call. He was trying, as much as he could from afar, but he did not know if it would ever be enough.
“Wouldn’t be so sure of that. I only met her once but that woman is just as in love with you as you are with her. Those feelings just don’t disappear because she’s upset. Give her -”
“Time. I know,” he muttered angrily. “Just don’t know if there’s enough time to fix how I fucked this up, Tess. She said she’s too tired to forgive me. And the crazy thing is, I can’t even be mad at that. If I had her life, I would be fuckin’ tired too. I just wish she would let me talk to her, you know? Explain or something.”
Tessa reached over and squeezed his hand. “I know but you’re doing what you can. Show her that you care about her and maybe that’ll soften her up enough for a conversation later.”
“And,” Alex interjected. “If it at all gets you out of this relentlessly annoying funk, Angelina texted and said she and Raven had a great meeting yesterday. So one thing’s working out.”
“See?” Tessa, forever an optimist, smiled widely. “Progress. Keep showing up for her.” Tessa leaned back and studied him for a moment, her eyes filled with introspection that made Michael sit up a bit straighter.
“What’s that look for?”
“No, just… I’ve known you for a decade and I just have never seen you like this before.”
“What? Acting like a bitch?” he grumbled, tossing Alex a side eye that she only rolled her own eyes yet.
“No. This serious… this mature… vulnerable. It’s a new side of you that I’ve never seen and the whole world sees it too. It’s really nice and refreshing.”
“Yea, well it’s all her.”
“Does she know that?”
But before he could ask her what she meant, Tessa’s agent called her over to discuss something, leaving Michael alone to ponder his own thoughts.
Almost two weeks went by and the document on Raven’s computer remained unchanged. She stared at the screen for hours a day, willing the prose of her novel to leap out of her brain and onto the page but nothing. She reread the words she wrote years ago and none of it even sounded good to her anymore but she did not know how to fix it. Her backspace button saw more love than any other key on her keyboard. Hour after hour marched on and she had nothing to give. Her characters did not even seem to live in her head anymore. When she tried to tap into their thoughts, their lives, and intentions… all she heard was silence from them and the loud roaring of her own problems. They were still there but it was as if they were miles and miles away with too many barriers for her to access them. And if she could not access them, she could not write an authentic story that a publisher would ever want or readers deserved.
Had she gotten a second chance only to realize there was no point? How could she turn a draft around in a quickly dwindling time frame when she had not written a single thing?
And she could not even blame her writer’s block on anyone. It was all her, her brain and insecurities reeking havoc on her ability to do something that had once been as second nature as breathing. And all her thoughts, of course, just charted a path back to him. Always.
She knew Michael arranging that meeting had been an olive branch, his attempt at fixing things between them. And while part of her was grateful, another part was frustrated that the only reason she was getting her shot back at being an author was because of his connections. Hell, she would still be trapped with her own publisher if it was not for him. Did she want her future success and career to be built on his support? Something about it felt… wrong. Like accepting it was forgiveness she was not ready to offer him yet.
She slammed her computer shut in frustration, an unanswered email from Angelina getting an update on her draft. It would just have to stay on read, Raven decided as she sulked in bed. This was her least favorite part of the day… when she gave up trying to force words to appear on the page and curled back into her spot in bed. That’s when all the negative thoughts caught up with her the most and she had no distractions to help her, tormenting and taunting her with how much she did not deserve him. Or anything good in her life.
Even with this new book deal, she was bound to ruin it at some point right? That was all she knew how to do. The sun was starting to set, dimming the light in her room. Sitting there, without her job, students or Michael to distract her, made it that much harder the fact that all roads led back to one central problem: her. And that was not something Michael could fix. Hell, she did not even know how to fix that. Was she even fixable? Or would she just continue to destroy everything in her life forever?
She was about to get up and force herself to watch tv as a distraction when her phone rang.
Raven perhaps foolishly thought her sister would simply give up. She could not even count how many times she sent her calls to voicemail but that did not deter her. Kiara demanded that she be given her moment to revel and gloat. Despite wanting nothing to do with or hear a thing from Kiara, Raven knew she was merely kicking an inevitable can down the road. She was a dog with a bone and she would never stop until Raven gave her the attention she demanded.
Perhaps Raven really was a masochist because despite how low she was already feeling, she decided today was the day to stop punting her sister and just get the beating over with.
“Oh so you finally decide to answer my fucking calls? Weeks later?”
“We made it pretty clear where we stood at Thanksgiving. I just knew you wouldn’t stop calling so… say what you wanna say so we can all move on?” Raven could not keep the exasperation out of her voice. She did not need a big speech or lead up. Let’s just get right to the point.
“Not talking all that big shit now, huh? You know… I always knew you weren’t shit but prostitution? Findin’ new ways to embarrass dad and I every day, huh?”
“Yep, so what do you want me to say, Kiara?”
“Just wondering if you’re finally ready to admit what I’ve always known?”
Raven’s eyes clenched shut. “And what’s that?”
“That you were the biggest mistake mama ever made. All you’ve ever done is ruin my life from the minute you were born. Daddy is fuckin’ disgusted with you. You thought you could snag a big nigga like Michael but he just realized what I already knew. You don’t deserve shit, let alone him. Who knows, maybe I’ll give him a call. He’s havin’ his big movie premiere tonight, finally dumped his dead weight. Maybe we can see how he does with a real woman, not a fuckin’ slut.”
Raven’s head thudded against her headboard lightly as a few stray tears fell. She wiped them away and cleared her throat, forcing the words out of her throat. She was broken but she refused to break down in front of Kiara of all people.
“Fine. You’re right,” her voice filled with such sorrow and resignation that Raven almost did not recognize herself. “Satisfied?”
There was a pause as if Kiara was surprised at her response. But that’s what she had wanted, right? To hear Raven humble herself, admit that she was every horrible thing Kiara, her dad, and now the whole world thought she was.
“That’s what you wanted, right?” she repeated out loud. “That you’re right and I’m the villain and all your hate and vitriol toward me for my entire life is justified? Well, you’re right. You can’t hate me more than I hate myself and I deserve all of it. You are right. So congrats. You won. Oh and if you want Michael, you can have him. I’ll send you his number.” Raven did not even bother waiting for Kiara to speak before she hung up and threw her phone down.
Her head fell into her knees as sobs raked through her body, she did not even know her body could produce anymore tears. How had she not dried herself out? That last statement was an utter and complete falsehood. She did not want Michael anymore, or rather, she simply convinced herself she should not want him anymore. Her body still yearned for him like an addict searching for their next fix. But it would be a cold day in hell before she served him on a gilded platter to her sister of all people. And even though she hated him more than anyone in this world, she knew that was not his way.
But everything else? She meant every word. She hated herself and her life. And it was overwhelmingly excruciating to feel 30 years of hatred flood her brain all at once.
“Fuck! Enough of this,” she muttered. She could not sit there, lay around ruminating in her pain and suffering all night. Especially not when Kiara had just reminded her that Michael was having one of the biggest night’s of his career, a night she had once been so excited to experience by his side.
She needed to forget. Forget him, forget her pain… forget all of it.
She went into her closet and pulled out a bodysuit and jeans. She threw on makeup as quickly as she could, freshened up her hair and texted David that she wanted to go out. He was still sitting in his car outside watching her building, as he would until she went to sleep. But tonight, she did not plan on going to sleep anytime soon, she needed release.
And release is exactly what she would find as she made David drive around until she spotted a hole-in-the-wall bar downtown. It was old and grimy and the perfect escape. There were no lying millionaires to be found in a place like this, just regular men who would think nothing of fucking Raven in the bathroom or the back of their car or wherever her drunk mind encouraged them to go.
“Hey, welcome to the Griffin,” the bartender offered as Raven sat down at the bar. “What can I get you?”
“Hey… ummm can I just have tequila with pineapple juice? Double. And just keep ‘em coming.” She handed him her credit card to start what she knew would be a regrettably large tab in the morning. But she could not have hoped to care.
He merely nodded in agreement before quickly mixing her simple but effective poison of choice. She damn near drank it like a shot, throwing it back before signaling him to make her another. And with every disgusting bottom shelf sip of tequila she took, she felt it. Release.
“Congrats, baby. The movie was amazing,” Michael’s mother kissed him on the cheek.
“Thanks, ma.”
There was a certain sorrow in his voice that he found hard to hide now that he had returned home from his Creed 3 World Premiere. Two weeks of traveling non-stop and he was finally home. Only home simply reminded him of one person now. Raven. It was the biggest night of his career and he spent the entire night wishing she was by his side, musing on what she would think of specific scenes or the movie overall. Her opinion was the only one he found himself even caring about. The insane pace of his press tour had taken his mind off Raven to a degree. But being back in LA for a few weeks head of the world premiere and the Oscars pushed all those thoughts front and center again.
And it was clear to every person around him, which is why his cast and team did not press him when he declined attending the after party he was hosting and paid for.
“I know it’s hard without her, baby. But celebrate the moment, your moment. If she’s meant to be yours, she’ll come back around.”
His mother squeezed his hand before following his father up the stairs to their bedroom. Michael sighed and nodded. That’s what he kept telling himself this entire time but it was not working anymore. He just wanted to hear her voice, even if all she wanted to do was yell at him. He could take it, handle it. It was the silence that was harrowing, that felt too heart-wrenching to contend with.
This press tour had proven one thing to him - Raven had unlocked a side of him that he had never had before. This was his most open and genuine, most real moments he had offered the public. And people noticed, noticed that he was different, more serious, vulnerable, and open about himself, his work, and his craft. Raven had brought all that out in him. And he wanted her by his side to revel in it with him. He wanted people to know that it was her who caused that, who split him open and made him stop hiding.
His phone rang, Michael’s heart nearly stopping as David’s name slid across his screen. The man had never actively reached out to Michael since his first day guarding Raven. Though Michael paid for his services, he made it clear that he did not want reports unless they were threats to Raven’s safety, physical or otherwise. And so, he had taken David’s silence for what it was: a sign that Raven was safe. And that was all he could ask for. But the man reaching out to him foretold bad news, he knew that much.
“She alright??” Michael asked immediately, his feet already moving toward his keys to get in his car.
“Depends on your definition. We’re at a bar downtown and she’s… well, she’s been here for hours. It’s a dive bar so there aren’t many people here, no cameras. But she’s completely wasted. Like refusing to leave wasted. I told the bartender to cut her off after this drink bu-”
Michael loosened his bow tie and grabbed his keys. “Text me the address.”
“Already sent.”
Michael was not sure what to expect when he finally made it downtown and parked his car. He checked David’s text two or three times, shocked to believe a bar could exist in such a rundown building that did not look safe, much less occupying a functioning business. But David had sent the correct address, the faded, grungy and dilapidated sign of The Griffin hanging above the door.
Michael knew he looked out of place as he pushed his way inside, his body still donned in a perfectly tailored royal blue tuxedo. But thankfully, the bar was not crowded, just a few folks hanging around the bar and booths. But he only had eyes for one person like a moth to a flame, a young woman wildly dancing in the corner near the jukebox.
Despite the carefree smile on her face and swing in her hips, Michael could still see the dimmed spark in her eyes from across the dimly lit bar. He had not laid eyes on her in so long and just seeing her was like someone breathed new life into his body. The rough seas of his soul calmed, even just for a moment, before worry consumed him.
Was this normal for her since they broke up and stopped speaking? Getting completely drunk at dive bars? He could count on one had the number of times he had seen her tipsy, let alone drunk. But this was beyond anything he had ever witnessed with her but a scene he knew all too well with himself: someone trying to numb their pain with liquor and a good time. And it always worked, he knew, until the sun came up and the hangover set in and the pain rushed back tenfold. He chased that serene, weightless, painless feeling night after night for years. He had to learn the hard way that numbing the pain did not stop or heal it, it just made it hurt more later on when you finally confronted it. He refused to let someone as pure as Raven fall into the same trap he did.
He made his way across the bar, only stopping to speak to the bartender. “How many drinks she had?”
The bartender, a graying white man, glanced up from where he was wiping down the soiled bar. His eyes grew wide for a moment, clearly recognizing Michael, before he answered.
“Uhhh… I’m sure she lost track. The one in her hand is number 7. And her last. The guy with her told me to cut her off.”
Michael let out a low whistle and grimaced. There was not a world in which she didn’t feel that in the morning. He pulled out his credit card and slid it across the bar to the man. “Pay her tab with this for me, aight?”
“Yes sir. You’re my favorite villain in Marvel by the way…” he offered with an enthusiastic smile.
“‘Preciate you.” Michael walked over to where Raven was dancing and where David stood protectively by, the young woman still not even noticing him. More of the drink in her hand landed on the dirty floor of the bar than it did in her mouth when she tried to take another sip.
Michael rushed forward and skillfully slid it out of her grasp, Raven whipping around to find him behind her. Her smile immediately fell as she looked him up and down.
The drunk version of her wanted to be excited to see him but the sliver of her logical brain that remained reminded her that the only reason they were drinking was to forget him and the destruction he caused. How could she be so weak as to even care that he was there?
“W-what are you doing… here?” she slurred, her hand making a grab for her drink, which he held just out of her grasp.
“To take you home that’s what. You’ve had enough. Unless you wanna end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning?”
She merely shrugged as she continued to dance. “Can’t be any worse. I’m having… a good time. Unlike him,” She turned to David and smiled. “He’s sooooooooo uptight. You know… h-he doesn’t even smile. Like ever? And has a lot of thoughts… on serial killers, w-which is strange. Come on, David.” She called over to him from his stance in the corner, which gave him a full view of the bar. “Dance with me,” she tried to walk over to him in her high heels but stumbled, Michael quickly grabbing her around her waist and pulling her against his chest. “I-I’m fine, I’m fine.”
“No you aren’t. Come on.”
“You… two are… no fun,” she moaned pitifully. However, she did not fight against Michael’s strong grasp as he led her out of the bar and to his ferrari.
It took him longer than it should have to just get her in the car. However, once she was settled, he went into the back and grabbed the spare gym bag he kept there and dumped all the clothes out before putting it in her lap like a makeshift bucket. Though he knew he could just take her to his condo, he wanted to care for her at his home, which was a longer drive. And as much as he adored her, getting the interior of his brand new and very expensive custom car cleaned when all that alcohol inevitably showed up in a different, less desirable form was not on his to-do list for tomorrow.
Raven’s wild and uninhibited drunk persona continued for most of the ride as she demanded he turn on some “tunes” for her to listen to, singing loudly and off-key to every song she pulled up on his Spotify. It would have been cute if the entire situation had not been so concerning.
By the time they reached his house 30 minutes later, the height of her drunkenness had worn off and her persona had settled into a decidedly somber one.
“You hold your liquor better than I thought you would,” Michael remarked as he helped her up the stairs to his master suite.
“Only… long enough not to throw up in your fancy car. Can’t m-make the same promise… for your carpet if you keep moving this slow.”
That did make Michael pick up his pace a bit, immediately taking Raven to his bathroom and gently sitting her down. He made quick work of taking off her shoes and pulling her hair back with the hair tie on her wrist just in time for her to bury her face in the toilet.
Michael rarely got sick from alcohol but he had never been more thankful for his high tolerance of liquor as he essentially watched her body perform an exorcism. He only left her once to get her water and make a cup of tea to settle her stomach but even in his giant house, he could hear the faint heaving as he made his way to the kitchen.
When he returned with her water and tea, Raven was sitting with her head propped up on his toilet seat, gingerly wiping a few tears from her eyes.
“I-I’m sorry…” she pushed out. “Having my ex have to take care of me is a… fucking new… low.”
Michael felt like she had sucker punched him with the word ex. He supposed that was what they were, no matter how much he did not want that to be true. But it did not hurt any less.
“Don’t apologize.” He wet a washcloth with warm water before wiping her face. “Better?”
“Yea… c-can’t imagine there’s anything left in my body,” she mumbled. She stared at him for a moment before saying. “You shouldn’t’ve come. I told him not to tell you where I went.”
“Tonight was the first time he called me. I only just got back to LA this week for press and the premiere. He was just worried about you. Don’t think he expected me to actually show up.”
She eyed him up and down, for the first time realizing he was in a pristine deep royal blue tuxedo. She could not stop the passing thought on how good he looked.
“How was it?” At his confused expression, she amended. “The movie… how was it?”
He scoffed, even in this state, she cared about how his movie went. She always spoke about how she did not deserve him but from where he sat, it was the other way around.
“Don’t really care to talk about the movie right now, Rae. Want to talk about you.”
“Well I don’t wanna talk about me o-or think about me. Hence all the alcohol my body just ejected. So how was the movie?”
He slid down onto the floor next to her, setting the pajama set he had pulled out for her next to him.
“It was good. I’d already seen it but seein’ it on a big screen, watchin’ my family see it. It was surreal.”
“A-and the press tour?”
“Good. Busy. Not done either. Alex secured an interview with Oprah, which is hella dope… bout the movie and Oscars. So it’s been good. Hard without the one person I needed though.”
She scoffed, finally feeling strong enough to stop using his toilet as a literal crutch. She forced herself to scoot away, now leaning her back into his standing tub across from him.
“Didn’t need me. No one does,” she muttered, taking a sip of the tea he sat out for her.
Ginger tea, perfectly made just as she liked it. God, why was he like this?? So perfect and attentive even when she wanted to hate him?
“That’s not true. Tell me what’s goin’ on, Rae? I… I’ve never seen you like this. Never seen you drink this much or talk like this.”
“Maybe you don’t know me that well…” she muttered as she played with the material of his rug beneath her.
“I think I know you pretty well and this ain’t you.”
“I… finally talked to my sister today. A-and she just voiced what I already knew but had never said out loud. All I do is ruin things… people. Hell, I’m about to ruin this book deal you got it… I can’t even write anymore. Destruction follows me like a damn fire everywhere I go, burning everything I touch. I just… didn’t want to be me for a while? Didn’t want to be weighed down by that.”
“You didn’t ruin me.”
“If you had never met me, your face wouldn’t have been plastered across TMZ for carrying an unconscious woman out of a hotel…. If you’d never met me, you’d be blissfully enjoying your moment right now instead of taking care of a pathetic girl you dumped.” She paused, her fingers twirling around the fraying threads of the hole in her distressed jeans. “If I hadn’t been born, my family would be whole a-and happy. If I had just said yes to that asshole, I’d still have my career and I wouldn’t have resorted to prostitution. I-If I hadn’t decided to make a quick buck, I wouldn’t have disappointed my students a-and everyone I know. A-and it was easy to blame you when e-everything happened,” she whispered as tears streamed down her face, as the drunk facade gave way to the brokenness and pain she tried to numb. “It was easy to act as if this w-was all your fault. But it’s me. I’m the problem.”
She raised her hand to stop him. “Don’t pretend it’s not true… this is all my fault.” He watched as she held the soft cotton in her hands, her fingers rolling over it. A tear fell from her eyes, splashing onto the heather gray material. She lifted her eyes, her first time looking him in his eyes. “W-was any of it real? W-what we had?”
“All of it was real. Every bit of it. I love you with everything in me, Rae. I hate that you don’t believe that, that I made you doubt it. But it’s true. You can’t ruin me when you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“A-and Tasha? D-do you love her?”
Michael’s eyes grew wide. “Fuck no. I swear. I… messed up. Completely fucked up. I… thought I was helping you by dealing with it on my own and I let my anger at Tasha and fear of hurting you push me to do just that. I hurt you. And I’ll do anything to mend what I broke.Because you’re my world, Raven. You have to believe that. What can I do to make you believe that?”
Michael watched as her shoulders shrugged forward, collapsing under the weight of the day and everything. She pulled her knees into her chest, resting her head on her knees. “I d-don’t know if I can believe anything anymore.
“Then I’ll spend the rest of your life and mine helping you believe it. Whatever it takes.”
Raven stood up, ignoring the dizziness the sudden movement caused as she made a beeline for his bedroom door. She thought she could do this but she couldn’t. She couldn’t be here with him, listening to his promises. Not when the voices in her head loudly clashed against his words like metal against metal. Most of her brain that still loved him with everything in her screamed at her for pulling him away from one of the biggest nights of his career, chastising her for ruining yet another thing for him. And the louder part that demanded she despise him yelled that all of his promises were a lie, nothing he said was real. They weren’t real.
She did not deserve him and he was just propping her back up so he could knock her down again, he would never keep those lofty promises. That’s what everyone in her life did and she was too bruised to be anyone’s punching bag anymore. He was just a fantasy she tried to will to life but was never real.
She grabbed her clutch and phone that Michael had discarded on her bed. She did not care how her body swayed slightly and was still off kilter. She could stay awake long enough to call an uber and get herself home.
“What are you doing??”
“Going home. I c-can’t do this. You shouldn’t have come tonight. You s-should be out celebrating your big night, not here taking care of me.”
“The fuck? Raven, put the phone down. I ain’t lettin’ you Uber home like this.”
“You don’t care!”
“Stop sayin’ that shit!” he rushed forward and ripped her phone out of her hands, closing the Uber app. He knew it was wrong but he also knew her movements and reactions were too slow for her to stop him.
She tried to snag it from him, the actor easily holding it above their heads and utterly out of her reach.
“Stop wasting your time on me, Michael,” she hurled at him, her eyes clenching shut in her exasperation. “G-Go be with Tasha o-or some model or some woman actually worth your time. A woman you actually want. We both know that’s not me. So let me go, please. T-this… the promises, t-the disappointment, it hurts too much.”
“Be mad at me. Push me away all you want. Fine, I deserve it. But do it because I fucked up. Because I lied and kept the truth from you and tried to protect you and disappointed you just like everyone else. I can learn to live with that one day. But I can’t and won’t live with you doing it because you still believe you don’t deserve me! Because that’s not true.”
“Why w-would I believe you deserve me??! What future could we… ever have together when the world knows you a-and however many men they believe paid me for sex?? What kinda future is that for us?? People a-are calling you the greatest actor of a fuckin’ generation. You’re about to interview with fuckin’ Oprah literally this week! And what am I? A prostitute with no family and 3 failed careers under her belt?? A failed author who can’t even write a sentence now, much less another book. What kinda future would we have when you didn’t even think I w-was strong enough to tell me your secrets, your problems?? This whole situation, YOUR actions, proves that WE WEREN’T REAL!” she exploded, her drunkenness fueling the first time she voiced her true feelings out loud to anyone. “None of it was real. And the moment it got real, the moment shit got hard, you didn’t confide in me, you didn’t trust me, you threw me to the wolves because you knew what the rest of the world knows… I don’t deserve to be here i-in this part of your life! Th-This house… y-your family… your real life?? I don’t fit here anymore, Michael! I n-never did.” She took a deep shuddering breath before continuing.
“So I’m asking you… begging you to just… let me go. L-Let me go back to my…” she chuckled. “Insignificant life as Pluto o-or the side character. Please. B-Because I can pick myself b-back up a-and force myself to keep moving, force myself to keep going a-and b-be alone for the rest of my life a-and live in the shadows. But I can’t do that with fake promises, promises of m-more when it isn’t real… because w-words a-and promises a-aren’t real a-and they aren’t enough a-anymore. I can’t k-keep putting my faith in fantasies only for reality to knock me down again. Because I d-don’t think I can get back up again. I-I’m tired, Michael. This is it, this is all I have left. So please… just let me go.”
Michael slightly stumbled back in shock, the raw hurt in her voice almost too agonizing to feel. His arm came down but his grip on her phone was almost crushing. Though he wanted to respect her wishes, he also knew… there was not a world in which he could let her go truly. He loved her too much. His world rose and set with her. He used his knuckles to wipe his own tears away.
“Raven… please. J-just give me a chance to show you that I’m real, that what I feel for you is real. Because I would give up all this shit, every last bit of it for you. I’m at the height of my career and all I can think about is you. All that matters is you.”
She shook her head and held out her hand for her phone. “I wish… I wish I c-could believe you. But I don’t know if I can.”
With that, Michael’s grip loosened just enough for Raven to grab her phone and purse and start to walk out the door. However, as she pulled open the door, Michael’s hand grabbed the frame to stop her.
“I can keep working to fix what I did. I can show you that you’re my world, that you’re my Sun and that my world revolves around the very look on your face. I will happily show up at your doorstep everyday with actions and proof of how much I love you… how much I fucking breath for you. And I will. But I can’t make you believe it. I can’t make you believe you deserve it. That’s the one thing I can’t do here. I-I’ll never let you go, Rae. My heart will always be yours.” He bowed his head, every word felt like a sharp knife leaving his throat, agony to force out. But he knew it had to be said. “But I c-can’t force you to believe that you own my heart and deserve it or that you’re worth everything to me. I can do everything in my power to show you I’m worth one more fall but you have to jump. So if and when you believe what I know is true about you and us, I’m ready to jump again.”
And with that, he let her go, allowing her to open the door fully and leave. Every step she took further away from him caused the sorrow he felt to grow to unspeakable heights. At one time, he thought this pain could not have gotten worse. But this was far worse.
Tag List: @readinghere2023 @blackerthings @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @physicxal @purplehairgawdess @miyuhpapayuh @rueruesclues @geemamii @certifiedlesbianbaddie @pipsqueak-98 @nyifly22 @destinio1 @twocentaur @gopaperless @musicisme333 @roguekiki @majesticbrownjawn @taurusqueen83 @mysteryuz @miamormilan @itsknor-thedeep @naj-ay444 @mads-grace4 @nayaesworld @kholdkill @msniaimani @nccu-rnc @apenasumlug4r @dezzy154
I promise yall… it’s gonna get better LOL This is really the worst it gets! Our girl is just feeling the weight of it all and is sad but she is a survivor 💪🏾
Y’all were hard on my girl last chapter - how are we feeling?? Still mad at her? Still mad at Michael? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! *disappears* lol also it was really hard to post this from my phone 😭 won’t do that again hahaha
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kingdomhate · 11 months
Happiness and Tears (Part Four)
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Jack looks from Penny to Puttnam, his expression pleading. "Listen, I'm not going through with this. Clay is my friend!" Penny rolls her eyes and Puttnam looks away. "I'm not doing this.." Penny looks away and then snaps her head back. "Look, you would still be sent to jail either way. It was your idea." Penny argues, her eyes on fire.
Clay's eyes, the only part of his body he can move due to the anesthesia, flicker frantically back and forth. "What the.... how can this happen?! What about Y\N?! We're gonna get married!" Clay screams, but it's all in his head. His jaw is completely paralyzed. Clay could feel the tears pricking in his eyes, the thought of dying, like this... You'd never know. How can people you've known for a good while be so heartless? The feeling of nausea stopping Clay from attempting to fight the paralision.
"Penny, he's not even awake!" Jack practically screams, his eyes desperate but determined. "How could you actually carry this out if he's not awake? He doesn't know!" As Clay listens, he can feel himself moving, his hands coming to his face, ripping off the tape on his eyes, removing the IV's and sitting up. All while Jack, Puttnam and Penny argue.
Clay stands up, his eyes red and puffy as the tears settle and reduce, replaced by pure rage. He looks down at the surgery table, to see himself, eyes open and wide, but body paralyzed on the table, chest open. Clay abandons the sight to circle around a pleading Jack, "How could you have come up with this idea?!" Clay demands, but he knows Jack cannot hear him. With a heavy and remorseful sigh, Clay sulks out of the room, his feet hitting the cold, hospital tile floor with a sense of hopelessness. But the hopelessness is not why he's walking down this hallway for, no, it's you.
Clay makes his way to the waiting sections, and he sees you as well as his mother, you both were sitting next to each other, your bag clutched tightly in your hands, so much so your knuckles were white. His mother was in no better condition; her face was red and puffy, her lipstick slightly smeared, no doubt due to how many times she's wiped her forehead in pure agony. Clay approaches you, his heart filled with nothing but love and helplessness. He slowly places his hand on your cheek, trying his best to manage a soothing caress, but he could see his hand shaking as it made contact with your angelic skin. "I'm sorry." He whispers, bending down in front of you, taking your hand in his. "I'm sorry we couldn't live the life we wanted, the life you deserved." He squeezed your hand, the tear in his eye falling to the floor.
"I'm so sorry, Y\N..." Clay looks at you, his eyes as remorseful as he reminisced his visions of everytime he ever saw you. His eyes frantically snapping shut as he leaned back, sitting on the tile in front of you, his knees up to his chest as his hands tangle in his hair. Sobbing, he mutters sorry over and over. His head jerks up, his eyes stopping at his mother as he tries to imagine what his mother would say. What would she say? "Remember, Clayton, you are nothing like your father." No, that's not what he needs.. "Clayton, where do you think you would be if you did not have to suffer some kind of pain?"
Was that it? Clayton stood up, spun around and practically ran back to the operating room. ".....Inject it." Penny's voice commanded. Clayton threw the door open and walked back to see himself on the operating table, again. Jack took the heart, a syringe handed to him by Puttnam and hesitated shortly before injected it. Clay's anger was fueled yet again.
Your POV
You have been waiting for what seemed like forever, before you see Jack approach you, and you jump up, meeting him halfway."Is he alright? Is he safe? Please tell me he's okay, please.." Jack's face was solemn, despite your best attempts at pleading. Lilith did not get up, but she watched closely. "I'm sorry, Y\N. I really am." Your world crashed. Everything became distorted as Jack went to put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You sunk to your knees, hand in your hair. Lilith rose to her feet, striding over to the both of you. "Listen here. You get back in there and save my son." She commands, voice a deadly low. "I'm sorry, ma'am. We can't. It was a bad heart." Lilith's teeth clench. "I said, go save my son." She says, her voice as firm and stern as ever. Jack just stands there for a moment, before trying again, but Lilith turns to you. "Come here." She commands and you get to your feet and follow her. "Get me one of Clay's pill bottles." She says, extending her arm.
"What? M-Miss Beresford, I c-" Stopped short by Lilith's intense gaze as she turned her eyes to yours. "Now." She growls. Your hands shake before reaching down into your bag and grabbing a random pill bottle, handing it entirely to her. She takes it, looks at you once more before going to the cafeteria area. "One coffee." She places the right amount of money on the counter and goes to a table, sitting down and resting her head against the pure white concrete pillar conveniently placed next to her.
Jack doesn't bother staying for any longer, sensing that you need time to yourself and heads back to the operating table. He was ashamed of himself. More than he'd ever been. He killed a man. An innocent one. One he had befriending, one who was scheduled to be married. Just starting his life, getting ready. A tear prickles at the sight of Clay, eyes lifeless under the tape, and chest opened, the heart he poisoned not beating. How could he have done this? For the debt, to repay it. Penny smiles at him, Puttnam going outside to find Dr. Lupin, still on the phone somewhere near the waiting area.
"You did good. No one will know." Penny promises him, the smile vibrant on her twisted face. Jack knows, and the words stab his heart like he stabbed the syringe into the perfectly healthy heart that was supposed to help Clay. Lilith was handed her coffee, and she looked at the pill bottle in her hands, before opening it, and popping one. Then two. Three. Four. The whole bottle. Then drinking the coffee. It was all only a matter of time. In minutes, Clay was looming over his lifeless body again, shaking his head.
He began walking home, leaving the hospital, and once he did, everything came back to him. The epiphany of knowing he died because a group of doctors he trusted planned all along to kill him. He opened the door to his house, and began ascending the stairs, curling up on his bed, his hands folded below between head and pillow.
As his eyes slowly closed and sleep consumed him, he heard a familiar voice. "Hey, Clay." His mother said, and Clay's eyes opened immediately. "What are you doing here?" He looked at his mother's figure in the bedside chair, a soft smile on her face. "You need to come back." Clay scoffed lightly. "How? In case you haven't noticed, I'm dead, Ma." Lilith looks at him seriously. "And what about Y\N? Are you just going to leave her all alone?" Clay frowns. "How, Mom? How can I go back to her if my heart is poisoned?" Lilith smiles, leaning forward in her chair. "I'm here. You go back. Use my heart." Clay stops, his eyes gazing into hers intently. "Mom...."
You sit down and then see the doctors rush out, and they stop at you. "Where's Lilith?" They question at once and then stop as they see Dr, Neyer, Lilith's surgeon boyfriend, walks out with Lilith's dead body. "What happened?!" Penny questions but Dr. Neyer pushes passed and starts for the Operating Room, pulling up another table, placing Lilith on it and getting ready in his doctor attire, squeezing on his gloves and mask, he uses a scalpel to open Lilith's chest. "And what do you think you're doing?" Puttnam says, wanting to step in. Penny stops him and glares at Jack, before they both began to make a break for it. Jack stays for a few more seconds and then heads to his office.
Dr. Neyer transfers Lilith's heart into Clay and the poisoned one into Lilith. Dr. Lupin comes back inside. "What'd I- Oh, hello!" He says with a bit of a chuckle, oblivious to the situation. "Get over here." Dr. Neyer instructs and Dr. Lupin complies, grabbing a fresh pair of gloves and putting them on. "Ready the electric shock." Dr. Neyer instructs, and once more, Lupin complies. Dr. Neyer diligently works on rewiring the heart into the empty spot of Clay's chest. A minute or so later, he notices the heart isn't beating, he instructs Lupin to initiate the electric shock and it doesn't work. "Again." Neyer commands and the electric shock is initiated again, and again and over again, boosted up and then seemingly not working. "I'm sorry, sir... he's gone." Lupin says solemnly. But Neyer demands the electric shock again.
The police are called to the scene, as you call them, under the suspicion something was not right. Especially after seeing Dr. Carver and Dr. Puttnam bolting down the staircase together. The police arrive and search, to your surprise, the two doctors are caught and arrested, apparently after a police offer separately talked to Jack, who spilled everything. Hearing the news stopped your heart, and you couldn't believe ANY of it. But there it was, as clear as day, the evidence and confession.
Minutes after the police arrest Penny, Puttnam and Jack, Dr. Neyer emerges, a happy but tired smile on his face. "We did it." He announces to you, and you tilt your head before realizing; Lilith asked for those pills so she could could save Clay. Tears ran hot down your cheeks as you hugged the surgeon. It was over. An hour later, you were allowed to see Clay.
"Hey, gorgeous." He smiles and you sniffle, wrapping a gentle arm around him, kissing him feverishly. "What's wrong?" He asks, but you decide not to tell him. Not now. "I love you." You tell him, kissing him once more and intertwining your hands together on the recovery bed. "So much." He smiles at you, squeezing your hand. "I love you more."
*2 1\3 hours after initially being pronounced dead by doctors Harper, Carver and Puttnam, Clay would survive his heart transplant.*
This took an hour and a half!
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podcastenthusiast · 1 year
I dunno why I wrote this instead of like a nice lighthearted story about Astarion getting a sunburn or something.
Anyway here's the aftermath of the night Cazador carved the Infernal binding into his back. Lots of sibling interaction.
Pain is a strange thing. Given a long enough span of time, it can become almost pleasurable, or at least a neutral sensation. You feel the hot sharp sting of Cazador's blade cut into your back over and over. But you are disconnected, floating above it all.
You're quiet now, tears running down your cheeks. You loathe giving him the satisfaction of seeing you weep but it is beyond your control at this point--an automatic physical response to prolonged, overwhelming agony.
Your body is motionless under his hands. If you move, he will have to start over again.
"I suppose that will do. You may return to the dormitory, boy."
He sounds vaguely disappointed. A poem, he'd told you. Somehow you have failed as a canvas for his artistic mutilation. Too much avoidable editing, perhaps. You wonder why he didn't simply paralyze you, but you suspect he enjoys finding reasons to punish you. Perhaps this was a punishment? Whatever the cause, if any at all, you are relieved to be spared the kennel.
"Yes, Master," a hollow voice replies. You realize it is your own. Just like the blood on the carpet. You wonder if you will be made to clean it later.
Dismal gray light mocks you through the wondows. Dawn. He spent an entire night engaged in bloody composition, your pale skin vellum for his creative vision.
You stagger, legs shaking, to the room you share with your siblings. It is a miracle you manage the stairs without falling. Or you assume you do; there is a momentary lapse of consciousness and you find yourself curled up tightly in a ball on one of the bottom bunks, your back to the wall as if that could protect the tender flesh from anyone wishing to do you further harm.
Yet even in suffering you aren't afforded any privacy. Your sister's soft voice drifts in like the tide.
"My last mark was an alchemist's apprentice. She... well, I have a healing salve. It's yours, if you'd like. I owe you for stitching up my arm."
She is clever to disguise her kindness, although you both know better.
"You're my favorite, Dal," you say, barely more than a whisper. It hurts to speak. Your throat is so raw from screaming.
"Mhm. I need to assess the damage."
You hear Dalyria stifle a horrified gasp when she sees what he did to you. You feel disgusting. Ashamed.
Always a doctor, you think with admiration. It must be nice to know yourself. Your world has become so small, the person you once were such a distant memory.
The brisk professional detachment in her tone is oddly comforting. With great effort, you maneuver yourself onto your stomach. You are already shirtless, which is fine; just the idea of fabric touching your maimed back, or what's left of it, makes you feel a bit faint.
"Brother... gods..."
Her voice sounds brittle, choked: the air of unshakable physician's confidence is suddenly gone. There is only your little sister here, teetering on the edge of tearful. You can't bear it. You've cried more than enough for yourself tonight already.
"Come now, darling, none of that," you soothe, all false cheer. "No sense letting some--frankly probably mediocre--poetry upset you, hm?"
She's seen you wounded before, obviously. They all have countless times. You wound each other and yourselves, on his orders or sometimes just because you csn, because you're starving or viciously bored, and that's only when the master and that bloody skeleton can't be bothered. Dalyria no doubt contended with worse injuries in her mortal life, too. She can bear the sight of your blood easily enough.
Why, then, is this particular instance so different? What does she see etched on your flesh?
"Tell me, Dal, be my mirror. Is it... Am I hideous?" you ask, terrified to lose the one asset of real value you have anymore.
"Of course not, brother," she says. How bizarre it feels for you, an expert in deception, to be the one lied to. "But...this might be beyond a salve."
"Try," you plead with her, hoping it sounds more like a command. You are desperate for any relief from the waves of nauseating pain breaking over you.
The healing salve is cool against your skin and somewhat numbing, easing your aching muscles, but it is not itself magical. The deep cuts do not mend. You suspect Cazador's blade probably was enchanted to prevent effective healing. He wouldn't want to risk having his hard work undone by a pilfered potion.
"It will scar, I'm afraid," she says, as if you aren't painfully aware of that fact.
"As he intended."
She hums whilst she works. Sometimes you like to imagine there are simple things like that Cazador can't take from you all. But the truth, you know, is that he could if he desired it. Could render you mute, mindless thralls if he didn't relish the sound of your screams.
"Oh hells, what's Astarion done now?"
Great. Petras. There is a voice you wouldn't mind never hearing again. Just when you were beginning to believe you might be able to rest a little.
"Shut up," you snap. Your nerves are frayed. He would be wise not to test your extremely limited patience right now.
But wisdom has never been your brother's strong suit.
"Just saying If you didn't give so much lip maybe the master wouldn't have to beat you too badly. Even dogs can learn that eventually."
"Thank you, Petras, as ever a bastion of wisdom," you say through gritted teeth.
"What did you call me?!"
"Enough, you two! Please don't fight," Dalyria begs, like always.
"I deliver twice the marks he does," Petras insists, which you doubt is true given his everything. He'd have to knock out half of his targets and drag them here. "Still struts about like he fucking owns the place only to roll over for the master--"
"Look at him, brother! His back..."
"I'm right here, you know," you say, but it doesn't matter.
Your siblings fall silent. A heavy silence, tomb-like. He has seen Cazador's masterpiece. Finally something shuts him up.
"Oh. Fuck," Petras breathes after a moment. He's verging dangerously on sympathetic. It's too much.
"Damn it, what?! Haven't you ever seen a man flayed before? Is his poetry really that awful? Gods, it's a tasteless limerick, isn't it."
You laugh, bitter and dry, because otherwise you think you'll fall apart. You wish they would all stop looking at you.
"I don't know," your sister says. "I can't read these symbols. Perhaps Aurelia--"
"Must we show absolutely everyone?" you protest.
"Well, I've never seen anything like it," your idiot brother adds unhelpfully. "Seriously, what did you do? Leon, come look at this!"
Wonderful. You're starting to feel like a sick art exhibition. Exposed. It would be funny were it not tragically happening to you. You don't think your siblings would actually harm you in this vulnerable state, not without a direct order. Well, maybe that oaf Petras.
"Master carved him up like a goose," Petras explains to your newest brother once he, too, has beheld the gruesome spectacle that is your tattered skin.
"Why? I mean, there must be a reason. Did you break a rule? Were you caught reading again?"
"He doesn't need a reason," you remind your brother.
Leon is not stupid; he's just scared. He still believes this torture was justified somehow, the logical consequence of failure or willful disobedience, that any sense can be made of the master's capricious moods. He needs to believe it can't happen to him--or especially not his young daughter. You let go of such silly notions a century before Leon was born.
"What does this mean, then?" he wonders quietly. "For the rest of us?"
Even with your face pressed into the pillow, you know what their expectant silence means. They are looking to you for answers. Guidance. How to protect themselves. You understand the master's cruelty as well as one could, having endured his sadistic whims longer than any of them.
"This hasn't ever happened before," you admit. "I don't know why he did it or what he might be planning next. And no, I didn't disobey. I doubt it means anything at all."
"I know what it means."
Violet, right on cue. Mischievous eyes and that stuffed owlbear clutched to her chest, you're certain.
"Astar-ion has been cho-sen," your sister declares. Sings, really. Her voice is sickly sweet. Sugar laced with poison.
"Chosen?" Petras scoffs. "Sure. Perks of being the master's special little bitch--"
You spring up from the mattress completely without thought, like you've been compelled to act, but it is only rage driving you to grab your brother by the throat and pin him roughly against the wardrobe. It all happens so fast Dalyria doesn't even scream.
"Say that again," you snarl. "I dare you."
You recognize the briefest flash of fear in Petras' eyes. Perhaps he has a shred of respect for you after all, deep down. He clearly envies you, the deluded fool.
"Get off me!"
He pushes you away from him and, still weak, you stumble and fall flat on your back. Your vision goes white with seering pain; a wretched keening whine escapes your lips. You don't move to get up. You're not entirely sure you could. Dalyria rushes to your side, wringing her hands.
Violet, standing in the doorway, giggles and takes off running down the hall. Petras storms after her, furious, with Leon trailing uncertainly behind them.
Dalyria sighs--such a profoundly tired sound you feel it resonate in your bones.
"You look like a dying animal," she says affectionately.
"I feel like one."
She offers a hand. Helps you up from the floor.
"Ignore him. Please. At least until you heal," she implores you. "I won't have you undoing my efforts. You shouldn't let Petras get--"
"Under my skin?"
"I was not going to say that," she says, glancing away, sheepish. You don't know how she lures anyone back here when she can't lie to her own family.
"You were."
"Was not."
You both switch from Common to Elven, then you trip her up with Orcish.
"You're impossible!" Dalyria pouts. But your sister is smiling. A rare sight indeed. You tuck it away somewhere deep within your dead heart, for safekeeping. "Now please rest. Doctor's orders."
You feel cold. Afraid. Slightly delirious with pain and exhaustion, you ask, "What if I'm dying?"
Her expression softens. She isn't smiling anymore.
"You're not going to die," she says. Then, quieter, as you slip away into a trance: "Death is a mercy not meant for us."
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vincord · 1 year
do you have any other songs you associate with milgram ... (blinks cutely)
I listened to the songs by ashbury heights you mentioned in one of your previous posts and they all fit SO WELL?? I was mind blown
Not really, to be honest :[ That is, they won't cause a mind blown like Ashbury Heights songs, I guess. The songs I wrote about earlier are suitable for Kazui in my opinion with absolutely every line and sound. In the rest, which I will write, I prefer to ignore some of the lines. Sorry. Almost all of my song associations are related to the Kazui's case, so. idk why. __ "S.T.O.P. The Sun" and "Sometimes" by And One. (Initially, I only thought about the first song, but after the last answers to the questions where Kazui talks about his father, I realized that "sometimes" is also incredibly suitable for him)
I mean
Daddy said that I'm a good boy, 'cause I always did his will, But I can't remember, Was it me? How did I feel? I call them family, But in the heart of hearts I know, There's something wrong with me, What can I do?
IT'S ABSOLUTELY HIM!!!!1!! PLEASE!!! and I say this not only because he is my highest kin and because I really feel this song. absolutely not. _ And sometimes I think about "Advance" by Diorama. I'm not sure I got the lyrics right. seem to me somewhat confusing and complicated + not in my native language. But I like to associate this song with him too.
Life-recovering sleep Reveling in self-contained illusions Illusive flowers obey the dawn Is it my way ramifying before me Paralyzed with sadness here I am Carry me - anywhere and she'll be waiting Let me be - resting by her patiently and Maybe she - will shatter all the truth inside my Agony - a promised word to save the silence
It's like a hope that marriage with Hinako and she herself will somehow help him and save him from torment, but this does not happen. _ Of the songs in Russian, I like to associate with him "Love Songs" by Ug 404 and Leg Band. (The first line of the song contains a mention of self harm and I prefer not to take it into account, unlike the rest of the song)
The walls are aggressively pressing We are just the cogs of the system I can't save you And there is no warmth and there is no hope either Only for you in the dark will I turn on the light
the realization that both are trapped, but Hinako is still dear to him as a friend and he cannot leave her.
+ "Lights" by Grandfather's Sweater. This song has already appeared here.
__ I would also like to mention Fuuta and Kotoko. I associate both of them with the songs of the russian band Pornofilmy (don't let the name fool you. they don't sing about something obscene). The songs of this band are about politics, simply put. Injustice of the authorities, inaction of the police, or vice versa, abuse of authority, despair and so on. It is difficult now to insert lines of text from some of their songs into the post for example. It's just hard for me to listen to these songs, but it seems to me that they are very suitable for these two.
__ Maybe there would be more examples here if I could listen well to foreign languages (I mean, I perceive a foreign text normally and an approximate translation immediately goes through my head. but in the case of songs, when you need to listen to it, there are problems with fast processing of information. so). Still, I listen to a lot of songs, but I don't always listen to the lyrics. Maybe sometime in the future this list of associations will be replenished.
Thank you for this question!! I am VERY glad that you asked it. I hope I haven't loaded you with too much information ^^' I waited a whole year in the fandom to write a huge canvas of text about song associations. no jokes
and it's not really a song association or anything. but
I spent my days by the red lights And I was bored to tears A never saw a shade of green I never shifted gears
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"Traffic" by Ashbury Heights.
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My Life in Letters
Dear reader,
My life has been consumed with the notions and the anticipatory motions of inconclusive tests, and lifeless doctors offices, for the past four years. To deromanticize it, I have been begging and pleading with doctors and various professionals for four years; begging and pleading for at least one person to believe me.
If your life were a book, and you’d reach the teenage chapters, what would you expect? Well, I certainly had high expectations . Growing up I was obsessed with “coming of age” style movies. Most parts of my childhood were spent romanticizing and fantasizing about the kind of life, the kind of person I’d be when I was a teen. And I know it sounds silly, but to me all I ever wanted in life was to grow up. All I yearned for is a way to go to high school, make friends, attend parties, join clubs, and maybe even find someone to love. I know that no two teenage experiences are the same, but at least those people had the opportunity to be teenagers, I wasn’t given the option to have an all American high school experience. I wasn’t that lucky.
Your teenage years are meant to start out as a blank canvas, waiting for you to paint it with colors of experimenting, socializing, learning, growing, and self discovery. And while my canvas had hints of those colors too, it was unfortunately overshadowed by streaks of sorrow, agony, pain and grief.
We all understand how devastating and detrimental grief can be, but nothing can prepare you for the heartbreak that comes along with grieving the person you could’ve been. How gut wrenching it is to grieve lost experiences and stolen opportunities. How soul shattering it is to grieve the chubby-cheeked, blonde-haired child in me that died each time my voice was disregarded by someone in a white coat telling me there was nothing they could do to help me.
This isn’t a letter of hate directed towards any doctors or the medical community, no, this is a letter to raise awareness. Awareness for rare disorders, syndromes, diseases, chronic pain, and chronic illness is crucial in vocalizing the need for funding towards research. It’s crucial in attempting to improve access to treatment and getting the proper care for individuals. It’s crucial in shortening the diagnostic process, and it’s immensely crucial in ending the stigma that comes with living with one of these.
Awareness in general holds a special place in my heart; it’s one of my main motivations in life. It’s personal to me, for if the doctors around me understood the disorder I have, I wouldn’t have lost half a year paralyzed and bedridden when I was only 15 years old.
I think it’s safe to say living with chronic pain of any kind is awful, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. However, no one really mentions how painfully isolating it can be. To put it simply, living with chronic pain, chronic illness, is exhausting. It’s taxing, both mentally and physically. The average person doesn’t understand that chronic pain steals so much from you, and the fact I have come to that realization so young isn’t fair. I shouldn’t be battling eight separate diagnoses at seventeen. But I am.
There’s this feeling that comes and goes, that originates from the depths of me. A feeling I’m more acquainted with than the friends I grew up with. It’s beautifully tragic, magically horrific; it’s tear jerking, mind numbing hopelessness that is all consuming. I guess that’s part of why I’m writing this letter, because finding a community that understands exactly what you’re going through; that relates to a mutual understanding of your experiences is incredibly validating, and helps ease that hopelessness just a little bit. Living with a rare disorder, disease, syndrome, chronic pain, chronic illness is extremely isolating, so when you find people who understand your pain, understand your sorrows, understand your grief, it’s a major relief.
I also wanted to write this to serve as a form of healing for me, because while I live with eight separate diagnoses , I am not them. You see, I was diagnosed with amplified musculoskeletal syndrome at 15. That same year I was diagnosed with Functional neurological disorder and chronic regional pain syndrome. A few weeks short of my 17th birthday I was diagnosed with post orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, a day later diagnosed with chronic fatigue. Fast forward a few months later, and I was diagnosed with chronic autoimmune urticaria; I’m currently undergoing tests to determine if I have hypermobility ehlers dohlers syndrome as well as mast cell activation syndrome.
Sometimes I wish I wasn’t surrounded by the diagnostic process, and often more times than not wish I didn’t have to beg to get diagnosed in the first place. But when the anxiety clears, and the overthinking pauses, I realize that I’m not defined by my diagnosis.
Yes, they’re a part of me, but they aren’t me.
I am so much more than my disorder, than my disease, for I am creative and intelligent, compassionate and kind, resilient and optimistic, beautiful and wise.
Throughout these past four years of being in constant pain, sitting through countless doctors appointments, awaiting for the results of tens of inconclusive tests, feelings of pure hopelessness, fatigue, fear and anxiety. I have come to the conclusion that when you allow yourself to be defined by your diagnosis, that’s when you lose the battle to it.
I’ll never know the reason why you picked up this letter, perhaps you like the cover art. Or maybe, a friend recommended it; maybe you live with one of the conditions I have and are looking for someone to relate to. Whatever the case may be, I’m glad to have you here. My hope for you is to immerse yourself into my experience, and maybe learn a little on the way.
Happy readings,
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Dunno about anyone but the song Bad Apple!! Gives me the vibe of a pinning sherlock struggling with his feelings...idk I have no one else to talk about Johnlock stuff irl lol
Ever on and on I continue circling With nothing but my hate In a carousel of agony 'Til slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing And suddenly I see that I can't Break free, I'm
Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity With nothing but my pain and a paralyzing agony To tell me who I am! Who I was! Uncertainty enveloping my mind 'Til I can't break free and
Maybe it's a dream, maybe nothing else is real But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel So I'm tired of all the pain, all the misery inside And I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night
You could tell me what to say, you could tell me where to go But I doubt that I would care and my heart would never know If I make another move, there'll be no more turning back Because everything would change and it all would fade to black
Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night? Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light? Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay or should I go? I've forgotten how to tell, did I ever even know?
Can I take another step? I've done everything I can All the people that I see, they will never understand If I find a way to change, if I step into the light Then I'll never be the same and it all will fade to white
Ever on and on I continue circling With nothing but my hate In a carousel of agony 'Til slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing And suddenly I see that I can't Break free, I'm
Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity With nothing but my pain and a paralyzing agony To tell me who I am! Who I was! Uncertainty enveloping my mind 'Til I can't break free and
Maybe it's a dream, maybe nothing else is real But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel So I'm tired of all the pain, all the misery inside And I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night
You could tell me what to say, you could tell me where to go But I doubt that I would care and my heart would never know If I make another move, there'll be no more turning back Because everything would change and it all would fade to black
Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night? Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light? Am I hurting, am I sad? Should I stay or should I go? I've forgotten how to tell, did I ever even know?
This time you're not hurting me! This time I will take a stand! All the hatred in my eyes building up an evil plan Standing lonely in the night, with the darkness by my side Looking deep inside myself, and revealing only fright
If I make another move, if I take another step Then it would all fall apart, there'd be nothing of me left If I'm crying in the wind, if I'm crying in the night Will there ever be a way? Will my heart return to white?
Can you tell me who you are? Can you tell me where I am? I've forgotten how to see, I've forgotten if I can If I open up my eyes, there'll be no more going back 'Cause I'll throw it all away and it all will fade to black
So I'm back here once again, so I'm back here once again Can I ever make a change? Will my heart begin to mend? Would you love me if I go? It feels like a heart attack But still everything's the same and it all just fades to black
[Lyrics from MusixMatch]
Hey Lovely!
Ah, you didn’t give me an artist, but this was the first result google gave me and DAMN WHAT A FUCKING BANGER!!!!!!!!! This is a GREAT song!!! I LOVE catchy dance music like this, and, even if it’s the wrong song, this one REALLY feels like Sherlock to me. I love it SO much. Thank you for adding it!!
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GEAR- A Poem
Spinning wildly here, attached to this machine that spews out its results
I can’t remember the last time I was content not moving
Can’t remember the last time I didn’t need to hear the sound of metal clanging 
Or didn’t need to smell the smog that it produced
Day in and day out, no matter how many orders I’ve helped fill
Or how much surplus stock overflows this store room
I’ve never felt like it’s enough
I’ve never felt like what I’ve produced is at its best
More to be done, more space to clutter
I run myself to the point of rust, to wear, to strain
And when I finally do take a second to pause and glance
All I see are spaces that need to plugged
Bare spots on the floor that need to be covered
Room for a box more here, a pallet there
Even when the boss comes in waving their arms
Proclaiming that I’ve done enough, there is enough
I never believe them. 
Even when the room is finally stacked to the brim
And there is no work to be done, no space for that work to be placed
Any fulfillment I feel is short lived compared to the unbearable darkness when the warehouse lights go out
And those mountains of boxes seemingly vanish in the shadows. 
I feel exposed, agoraphobia creeping in
Left alone with nothing but my thoughts, terrifying thoughts that overshadow the tangible darkness
And I question my value, pondering what I am and what I can do if not move, work, grind. 
Every moment in this state is agony
Every moment in this state is numbness
Every moment in this state is emptiness
Every moment in this state is restlessness
How long do I sit here? Is it mere minutes? Hours? Days?
I have an itch, one that cannot be soothed.
I want to move, need to move. 
The silence is deafening. 
And then the lights suddenly flicker back to life
The boxes are gone, the store room empty
Except for an endless list of orders I need to fulfill
And suddenly it’s just too much, too overwhelming
And now the boss is yelling, screaming at me to get back at it
But I can’t move. I’m paralyzed. 
Anxiety floods my senses, guilt wracks my conscience. 
The list growing longer by the second
But here I sit, frozen.
Knowing the minute I start up again, I won’t be able to stop
Not for nourishment. 
Not for my sanity. 
So I sit here and wait for the inevitable kick of panic that will set me in motion again. 
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self-loving-vampire · 2 years
The lyrics on the English dub of Bad Apple!! are actually really, really different in tone from the subtitles I grew up listening to.
The dubbed version sounds significantly angrier and more bitter than the one I remember, which was more apathetic and detached.
This is not to say that either version is, and I also don’t know enough Japanese to know what the best translation of the song even is, but they both feel different enough that I find it worthwhile to compare.
I do prefer the subtitled version both due to familiarity and just having previously experienced something much more aligned with the lyrics though.
Even in the midst of flowing time
Look, listlessness dances round and round.
Ever on and on I continue circling 
With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony
(Listlessness is a feeling of lacking energy and enthusiasm. More like the apathy of a deep depression than anything intense like hate or agony. This immediately makes the dubbed version significantly more emotional.)
I can’t even see my heart,
As it withdraws from me, and I don’t care.
Even if I don’t make a move...
I keep being swept away through the cracks of time.
I don’t give a damn about anything around me
I am me, and that’s all there is to it.
Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing
And suddenly I see that I can't break free, I'm
Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity
With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony
To tell me who I am, who I was
Uncertainty enveloping my mind
Till I can't break free, and
(The dub once again highlights the experience of intense pain while the sub simply describes an emotional deadening so complete that the character just accepts it without concern.
The dub version also identifies with and the pain and clings to it for a semblance of identity, while the other version remains rather apathetic to everything and asserts identity in the most straightforward, least exhausting way while also subtly giving the impression that the person is disconnected from society and marked as “other”.)
Am I dreaming? Am I seeing noting?
My words are useless, even if I were to speak them.
Sadness only leaves me exhausted
And I’d rather live my days feeling nothing.
Maybe it's a dream; maybe nothing else is real
But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel
So I'm tired of all the pain, of the misery inside
And I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night
(Both versions seem to be dissociating hard, and the overall meaning in these lines is actually very close. 
However, the subtitled version gives me more of a feeling of someone who has already chosen detachment rather than yearning for it.)
Even if you told me those bewildering words
My heart would be elsewhere, not listening.
If I were to make a move on my own, and change everything
I’d still turn it all black.
You can tell me what to say; you can tell me where to go
But I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know
If I make another move there'll be no more turning back
Because everything will change, and it all will fade to black.
(Both characters have become emotionally disconnected from others, but there’s another thing here that feels very different. In the original, the character seems resigned to the “black” outcome in a way that implies some degree of self-loathing and hopelessness, not merely anxiety about doing something irreversible.
“Fade to black” also carries different very connotations than “turn it black”.
One other thing that is important to note is that the character is also apparently currently neither fully black or white, but torn between the two. They worry about turning black if they move, and later wonder with no small amount of uncertainty if they might be able to turn white if they feel.)
Is there a future for someone like this?
Do I belong in this world?
Does my heart ache now? Do I grieve now?
I simply know nothing about myself.
Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night?
Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?
Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay, or should I go?
I've forgotten how to tell. Did I ever even know?
(These are also very similar, both dealing with the uncertainty of continuing to exist in a state of intense emotional detachment and becoming unable to notice or identify one’s own feelings at all. Both sets work really well, but there are still some differences.
Notably, the first line seems to be wondering about the entire category of person the character finds themselves in, rather than their own personal survival. It makes it more of a philosophical question about the nature of their experience than a practical one about their personal prospects. 
This further adds to the general feeling that this is a deeply disconnected and emotionally exhausted person saying these things.)
Merely walking leaves me exhausted
So how could I care about anyone else?
If even someone like me could change
Were I to actually change, I’d turn white.
Can I take another step? I've done everything I can
All the people that I see I will never understand
If I find a way to change, if I step into the light
Then I'll never be the same, and it all will fade to white.
(Both versions are very tired and emotionally separated from others, although the sub version has more explicitly stopped caring about that.
Both of them seem to want, on some level, to change and reach towards what they see as the light. However, the dub version sounds kind of anxious about this outcome too while the sub version just sounds uncertain about it being realistically possible.
Even while separated from their heart, the character is not entirely empty. Part of them still seems to want to change, to do something about the growing void they had previously embraced as more tolerable than sadness.)
If I make another move, if I make another move
I’ll destroy it all, I’ll destroy it all
If I grieve, if I grieve
Would my heart turn white?
If I make another move, if I take another step
Then it all would fall apart. There'd be nothing of me left
If I'm crying in the wind, if I'm crying in the night
Will there ever be a way? Will my heart return to white?
(Both characters seem concerned that taking an action would destroy the comfort of apathy and wonder if letting their painful emotions out is going to actually change them. 
The emptiness is getting to them and they are considering if they should call their heart back even if it would mean experiencing pain again, even to the point of potentially breaking. They are also not certain that this would even work.)
I still know nothing about you, nothing about myself
Nothing about anything at all.
If opening my heavy eyelids means I’ll destroy everything
Then let it all turn to black!
Can you tell me who you are? Can you tell me where I am?
I've forgotten how to see; I've forgotten if I can
If I opened up my eyes there'd be no more going back
'Cause I'd throw it all away, and it all would fade to black
(The differences here at the end are particularly significant. While the sub version seems to be primarily recognizing their disconnection from others and their own feelings, the dub version sounds more generally confused and lost.
But most importantly, the sub version seems to have the resolve to try to take another step regardless of how destructive that is. They embrace the possibility of destroying everything and “turning black” in their effort to retrieve their heart and change their situation.
Maybe there is no way for someone damaged like this to turn white, maybe there is no place in the light for someone like that, but they are still going anyway. “Fuck it, we ball.”
In contrast, the dubbed version continues to waver even at the very end. They still have some hope of turning white and have not made peace with the idea of turning black, so they just continue in that empty but comfortable state indefinitely.)
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beesonhoneytoast · 24 days
Hello everyone Pro-palestine ,
I’m Noha from Gaza, Mother of martyr and wife of martyr .
17 people of My family was forcibly displaced from their homes to the southern Gaza Strip, and they now live in a small tent , The occupation completely destroyed our house and our business and we no longer have anything that we used to own.
MY mother suffers from joint pain and back cartilage pain. Also, she had surgery before the war to remove a tumor in the intestine 💔!!️ and she needs to continue her treatment.
As for my middle brother, Darwish,He has a family of 10 people, he is paralyzed in his right leg, he suffers from severe leg pain.  Two months before the war, he had surgery in Egypt to implant a joint in his leg, and he was supposed to return to Egypt to continue his treatment, but the war prevented him from doing so, so he urgently needs to go to Egypt to continue his treatment.
As for me, I lost my small and beautiful family in the 2014 war, which consists of my husband and my only child, whom I gave birth to after 7 years of deadly waiting and a very long and expensive treatment journey. He was only two and a half years old. I lost him and did not hug him enough to forget the agony of waiting for him to come. I also suffered injuries, which resulted in several operations on my right leg and other parts of my body, the effects of which I still suffer to this day. So, I don't want to experience what it's like to lose someone I love again. It's a very painful feeling. Please save my family.
Life here is unbearable, especially tent life is very difficult, and the situation is getting worse every day.
I urge you to support us to save our lives, Your support is our only hope for survival after losing everything.
We hope you will continue to support us by donating or sharing to help save and rebuild our lives. Every contribution matters, much appreciated
Many thanks to everyone who supported us.
hi noha,
I am so so sorry about what happened to you. I can’t imagine how much pain you went through with losing your family.
I pray for all families in Gaza.
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Cookies that taste like 2021
I'm wearing shit that cuts off the circulation to my wrist so I can cover up the result of my longing, I was feeling a pain on the right side of my head that spreads through my neck and runs all the way down my spine until it reaches my hip, oh God, my fucking hip, I could never recover from that fucking injury. It doesn't bother me anyway.
How I wish I could just sleep, although I think sleeping is what's killing me.
I don't understand what this moment in my life is about, I'm just trying to let everything follow a natural course, the course it should follow, but this fucking feeling persists that they are constantly stabbing my insides and sticking little pins into the edges of my eyes. and in the back of my head, it feels like my tear ducts are burned and the scab has been ripped off the burn, leaving in its wake a terrible burning sensation that paralyzes my jaw and seems to coordinate with the pain of constantly scratching a fresh cut on inner part of my wrist. The aroma of my mother's room infested by the smell of wet earth from that morning in March 2021, along with the smell of smoke from a December bonfire in 2022, when I was harassed by a fucking demon of sleep paralysis, that inspired me to write a creepypasta, cables about to be burned by the heat of the early spring of 2023 and KitosCell, the fucking aroma of KitosCell.
The same thing always happens. It's always the same.
That impulse to tear my veins persists in me in the first second in which a lump begins to form in my throat and I feel how my eyes without realizing it make a superhuman effort to contain the blood, only to minutes later struggle to get all the poison out. and after so much agony… I give in.
I don't avoid it.
It won't matter at the end of the day.
But I should keep my promise of sobriety because the heat is becoming even more unbearable. I hate the damn helplessness and frustration that seems to be metastasizing throughout my brain.
It doesn't matter anymore.
It seems like I always come back to the same place, I don't know how that makes me feel. Fuck everything.
What did I do? What am I doing wrong?
After wasting a full day and a lemon pie, as a final lucidity I resign myself to eating cookies and jam while drinking coffee and listening to My Chemical Romance.
I dissociate for a moment and images of previous years and things I never truly experienced come back to me and I consider the idea of ​​finishing everything on Sunday night.
What a waste.
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lover-of-dusk · 1 year
Does anyone else feel this way, or is it just me? Venting post.
(WARNING: might be triggering for some people. Discussion of depression and S*****dal thoughts, among other things.)
In the world I live in, it seems like there’s no escape. There’s no help or hope. There’s only misunderstanding, judgment and isolation. No matter how much these people insist otherwise, it feels as though I will never be loved. I will never be understood, or find my tribe. Do I give up hope, or keep pushing? I’m so tired. I wish that socializing would come freely for me. I’m so sick of being “other”, but that’s the only way to describe me. The outcast, the one with too many boxes checked. Too many thoughts and interests to be part of one group. That should be a good thing, right? Not really. On one hand, some people admire me, think I’m super smart. On the other hand, I do too much. I’m too all over the place, my head firmly cemented in the clouds. They lock me up because I’m not like everyone else. I wasn’t the goody-two-shoes, God-fearing, keep-in-line-and-be-quiet little girl I was supposed to be. I’m not even the good, charitable Christian woman who will marry a man, bear his children and bend to their every need. Instead, I’m the free-thinking, easily emotional, mentally fucked-up, genderfluid sapphic freakshow I am. I’m not even welcome in parts of the LGBTQ+ community, or the black community, or any community for that matter. But I think that’s everyone.
But why should I be ashamed of who I am? Why does everyone say I need help, but no one does? Why do they just foister me off to someone else, or smother me to the point that I can’t even tell who I am until I leave them?
It does nothing to explain my struggles to someone else because I can’t seem to do it right. I’m either wound up in self-pity or self-loathing. There’s nothing in between. My brain doesn’t let me feel the pain, the embarrassment or any other negative feeling when it’s not happening in that moment. Only in the dark hours of the night am I allowed to feel those things. They come at me like huge waves of water rushing over a tiny defenseless lifeboat on the sea. And no matter how hard I want to, no matter how much I need to, I can’t sob, I can’t scream, I can’t move. I’m paralyzed in those moments of pain and agony.
Why do I need to be fixed? Why do I have to go through therapy for something I can’t control, much less change? Why can’t I just be?
I don’t think I’ve ever truly sobbed, even when someone dear to me dies, or I’ve been so frustrated with everything that I wanted to join them. I’ve come so close to it though. I’ve hurt myself, I’ve wanted to die, I’ve ridden the waves of pain and euphoria, constantly changing from day to day, moment to moment. Never have I truly, gut-wrenchingly sobbed before. I’ve wanted to sob, at first, to prove that my feelings were valid enough to take heed of. So, my family would stop blaming me for the pain and embarrassment I’ve caused them in the past, so my teachers would help me when I couldn’t help myself. So anyone would take me seriously. Now, I want to sob because it may let me rest for once. To get all of the anger, the depression, the anxiety, the numbness, all of it out of me. Just to let me breathe. The silent tears do nothing for me anymore, because the feelings are stronger than them. Numbness kills those tears just like they were ants and it was a giant’s foot. Effortlessly. I want, no. I need something strong enough to kill those feelings, so I can finally rest easy. So I can get up every morning and move forward. What an amazing feeling it would be, to get up every morning, do everything that I needed to do, without effort or fail. Would I be loved more, be accepted more if I could do this? I’m not sure, but I feel that it may make my life a little bit easier if not a lot.
You, reader, may look through this and say, “This person definitely needs therapy.” However, you don’t know that I’ve been in therapy for 13 years at this point. I’ve been through psychiatric wards to residential facilities, and no one seems to be able to fix me. No one has cracked the code to my crazy brain yet, not fully. I’m exhausted from the necessity of explaining myself, of telling my therapists and the staff at psych wards and residential facilities how I feel. I don’t want to be patronized. I don’t want to be less than, or humiliated, or to be considered incapable of being an adult, because I’m not. I just want to be able to be considered a functioning individual worthy of other people’s time. Not just some patient of a therapist or mental hospital, or someone with mental illnesses. It hurts me when people say that it makes sense that I’m autistic, I have bipolar, or anxiety or ADHD or any other illness that I’ve been formally and informally diagnosed with, because they put me in a box and automatically shove me in with people who can’t function, who need supervision 25/8 just to make sure they don’t hurt themselves. I’m sick of being the only one in a room who understands what it’s like to be someone like me. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of having too many questions and not enough answers.
 Why is it so hard for me to explain things to my mom? Why is it so hard for her to understand? Why is it so hard for anyone to understand? Why do I have to be around people constantly, telling them all of my trauma and struggles just for them to label me as mentally ill and, by extention, untrustworthy of opinion, or too mentally unstable to be taken seriously?
On the flip side, why am I expected to be an outgoing, completely perfect carbon cutout of a “model citizen”? Why do I have to be just like the curated images on social media? Why can’t I make mistakes? Why can’t I be imperfect, with differing or ambiguous opinions? Why do I have to know everything about other people’s struggles and hardships when no one shares them with me? Just because I didn’t know about Stonewall for the first 16 or 17 years of my life, or about certain microaggressions (I’d been dealing with microaggressions my whole life, by the way) or the fact that id been raised by Republicans who lived and breathed Fox News and slightly distasteful humor doesn’t make me a shitty person who deserves to die a horrible death. 
Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way. I just want to know if anyone else knows what this feels like, or can at least understand where I’m coming from. Sorry for the vent, but I'm really needing someone else who's not a therapist to tell me I'm valid in this.
EDIT: I'm also sick of people telling me to "suck it up" and move on, too. Tell me how, then. Tell me how to suck up my literal shitshow of a brain and be a perfect human being when I have so much shit in my brain. Sorry, this seems like it's going on too long, but that should be it in terms of ranting for now.
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rantformemommy · 2 years
I don't know why I've been feeling sad lately. And not the type of sad where you're on the brink of tears every minute of every day, but the type that tightens around your heart. The type of sadness that upsets your stomach and makes every bone in your body ache for something that isn't there, and you're not even sure what's missing. There is a sense of loss and longing ruminating in the far corners of my psyche, a yearning with no distinct purpose. Do I simply want to be loved? Remembered? What do I want?
It's always hard to put into words this soul-crushing agony other than it feels like I'm paralyzed. Not only am I exhausted every morning when I wake up, tired every night and stressed out enough to put anyone else into a coma, but this unbridled pain is debilitating in every other instance. It's a pain that I can't even imagine how to get rid of, let alone imagine myself without. I often wonder if I was born with this hole in my chest because I cannot remember a time I didn't feel like this.
A part of me wants to cry for something. Belonging, maybe. Even among my family I feel unwanted. I love them so much and I feel like, besides maybe my mother and father, I'm never seen. I feel isolated from all of my friends and my loved ones. I even feel like my partner has distanced himself from me again and I don't know what I did wrong this time. How do I fix something I don't know how it got broken in the first place?
Not to pull a T-Swift, but maybe I am the problem. Maybe there is something just innately wrong with who I am as a person. If there were a painless way to leave my existence, I would have taken that road years ago. Now, I'm an adult with so much fear and pain in my heart that I would rather wither away to a place where I can only hope no one remembers me.
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avenger!reader who suffers from depression and is really hard on herself/themself and blames themself after a mission went wrong and locks themselves out, bucky is worried abt them and comforts them
Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count:3102 (wow I went off the rails a bit huh 😅)
Warnings: self-blame, mentions of death, nightmares, panic attacks, breakdown, lots of tears, this one’s really angsty, flashbacks, some fluff/comfort but so much angst
A/N: I loved this request and had a great time writing it. This one’s a lil more angsty than I usually do and deals with some heavier themes than some of my other ones, so please take care of yourself and heed the warnings. I love you guys so much!
There was nothing you could have done.
You were the first off the quinjet, anxious to get out of the unbearable silence.
You kept your head down as you walked quickly to your room, trying to make as little noise as possible, stumbling to get into your room as fast as possible, locking the door behind you as you let the tears fall.
You looked up at the ceiling, trying to stave off your breakdown as you tried to keep taking even breaths.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” you said in a small voice.
“Yes?” the AI responded.
You took a shaky breath, trying to keep your voice even. “Turn on soundproofing, please.”
“As you wish. I am picking up on signs of distress, would you like me to call Sergeant Barnes?”
You shook your head violently at the thought of anyone, especially your boyfriend seeing you like this. “No.”
“Are you sure? Would you like me to call -”
“Don’t let anyone in this room.”
“As you wish, Y/n.”
You heard a noise indicating that the room had been soundproofed.
And you lost it.
You brought a hand to your face and sank back against the wall, shoulders shaking with the force of your sobs. You pushed yourself back against the wall, trying to ground yourself. Your mind flashed back to the mission you had just returned from and you let out an agonizing scream.
You’ll never forget the looks on their faces.
“Y/n, come on we have to go!”
“Wait - no I almost have them!”
“Help us - please - no don’t go!”
Blood curdling screams that didn’t belong to you, followed by your own.
A building had collapsed on an innocent family in the aftermath of the fight. You tried to get them out, but you were too late, Steve pulling you away at the last second before you were taken out too.
You were so angry, you had been so close - if you had seen them sooner, if you had just a few more seconds, maybe you could’ve gotten them out.
The last thing that they saw was their only hope being pulled away from them before being suffocated.
You were the last thing they saw, you had promised to get them out.
And you had lied to them.
The last thing they felt was hope that they’d see another day. No - the last thing they felt was betrayal and fear when they realized that one of the world’s greatest heroes couldn’t be their hero too.
The moments that had followed were a blur, your eyes frozen on where their eyes had been, shock coursing through your veins. You had seen someone die before but...not like that. Not when you could’ve maybe saved them.
The shock quickly bubbled into anger as you turned to Steve.
“Why the FUCK would you do that? I could’ve saved them!”
“You would’ve died Y/n!”
“If you hadn’t been distracting me then maybe I would’ve gotten them out in time!”
You had angry tears in your eyes, hitting Steve’s chest and doing exactly nothing to his broad form while he tried to console you.
“Get the fuck away from me! I could’ve saved them, this is YOUR fault.”
The ride back was silent. No one dared to talk to you about what had happened. You felt bad after a while but you couldn’t apologize without completely crumbling. If you opened your mouth you were certain that sobs would come rather than words.
You did feel horrible for what you said, because it wasn’t true. It wasn’t Steve’s fault.
It was yours.
So you waited until you returned to the privacy of your room, screaming bloody murder over the guilt you felt. Replaying what had happened, telling yourself everywhere you had gone wrong, every hesitation that could’ve given you an extra few seconds.
You felt like you’d never stop seeing their eyes, paralyzed by fear.
You were the last thing they saw, and now you would remember their last moment for the rest of yours.
You couldn’t imagine the amount of pain and fear they had felt when they realized they weren’t getting out of the rubble alive. That they would die as a part of a warzone they didn’t intend to be a part of. The feeling of hope draining from their bodies, blood running cold as they realized they had mere seconds left.
“No!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, body curling in on itself as you drew your knees in and wrapped your arms around your torso, sick to your stomach.
This was your fault, and you would never forget it.
The rest of the team had sighed as they watched you get off the quinjet, walking a bit too fast to be alright. They shared concerned looks with each other, watching your form disappear into the compound.
You weren’t okay, but after what had happened when Steve tried to approach you, they thought it best to give you some space.
The rest of them entered the compound, going their separate ways as Steve sat to down and ran a hand down his face, trying to get his mind off of what had happened. He was shaken up too, but he couldn’t lose you like that. You would die protecting strangers, and while he thought that was noble, he wondered when there wouldn’t be someone to pull you out in time.
Bucky had come down to check on you, knowing that the team had gotten back from a mission. But before he could knock on the door, F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke. “Sergeant Barnes, Y/n has requested that she not be disturbed.”
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, both in concern and confusion. Usually when a mission hit you hard, you would talk to him about what had happened. So either you were just tired, or this was worse than it had ever been.
He clenched his jaw and stood there for another few moments before he walked away, heading towards anyone who may be able to tell him what happened on the mission.
He came into the common room, seeing Steve doing a mission report. Well - the mission report was in front of him and he was staring blankly at it.
“Steve?” Bucky said softly, trying not to startle him.
Steve didn’t look up.
“Steve,” Bucky said a little louder.
Steve looked up from the papers, shaking his head slightly. “Hey, Buck. What’s up?”
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked, taking in Steve’s tired appearance and how his mind seemed elsewhere.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Steve said, barely looking at Bucky.
“You know, I’ve taken care of enough black eyes from mister back-alley hero to know when you’re not really fine.” Bucky said with a small smirk.
Steve’s eyes flicked up to Bucky’s as he sighed. “It’s not me you should be worried about,” he muttered.
“What happened?” Bucky asked.
Steve recounted the mission to his friend, Bucky getting increasingly concerned about you. He knew you had a tendency to blame yourself for different things, and he knew what blaming yourself for someone’s death was like, even if you couldn’t control the situation.
Bucky was brainwashed. You were too late. Two different things, but the survivor's guilt was excruciating.
“Is she okay?” Bucky asked nervously.
“She didn’t get hurt, if that’s what you mean,” Steve started, “but she seemed pretty shaken up. You haven’t talked to her?”
“She doesn’t want to be bothered,” Bucky said.
Steve nodded. “Just give her some time,” he said, worriedly.
Bucky nodded, though unconvinced. He bottled up his emotions until the two of you met. Ever since the two of you never kept anything from each other. And he knew that seeing someone die and feeling at fault for it could destroy you. He wasn’t sure if time and space was what you needed.
But it was what you wanted right now. So he wouldn’t get in the way.
Back in your room you were curled in a ball on the floor, sobs wracking your body as you lost all sense of time and space and all you knew was it hurt and if you closed your eyes they were right there and you couldn’t do anything about it. You had a hand pressed to your chest as you tried to breathe but eventually gave way to a new surge of agony when your mind went back to how people died and you couldn’t help them.
You tried to calm down but then your mind would remind you that they had a family and they would never see them again and it was your fault.
“Stop, please just stop,” you put your hands over your ears as you tugged slightly on your hair.
They died terrified.
“Please make it stop,” you sobbed.
You were supposed to help them and you failed.
“No, God, please stop…”
They died because of you
You had fallen asleep on the floor at some point, when, you weren’t sure, but you woke up to your own screams. You were drenched in a cold sweat, dried tears on your face and chest heaving as you tried to breathe. You brought your hands to your mouth when you realized it was just a dream, sobbing once again.
You didn’t know why these people’s death was hitting you harder than any other death you had seen. This wasn’t the first time you had seen people die - far from it. You’d killed your fair share of agents without a hint at remorse. Because they deserved it.
You’d seen buildings burn down, fall apart, innocent people die - but you’d never felt as responsible as you did this time. Because they were right there. And you were so close.
But they still died and you saw their last moments. And you were theirs.
And it was destroying you.
You didn’t leave your room the following day. Or the day after that.
Needless to say, the team was extremely worried about you. Especially Bucky.
He knew what survivor’s guilt could do to a person, and he knew being alone with your thoughts wasn’t helping. He also knew that pushing the topic could do much more harm than good, causing you to retreat further into yourself.
He tried texting you, wanting to let you know that he was there for you, that he was worried about you, and that he loved you.
None of them went though because your phone was off, you having not even looked at it since coming back from the mission.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. was still telling everyone that you did not want to be disturbed, as you had requested. Obviously Tony had the power to override the locks, but again, no one wanted to push you.
When it had been 3 days since you had seen any sunlight, Bucky had had enough. He knew you couldn’t be taking proper care of yourself and he couldn’t let you do that to yourself. He had Tony override your locks and he came to your door, knocking gently.
He knocked again, a little louder. “Y/n? I’m coming in, alright?”
Bucky took a deep breath before he opened your door slowly, peeking his head in. it was the middle of the afternoon and your room was dark, the only light coming from the hallway and from the cracks between the shades, which were drawn shut.
Bucky let himself in and turned on a lamp, shutting the door behind him. He looked at you with worried eyes as he took in your appearance.
You were pressed up against the headboard of your bed, knees drawn to your chest as you stared blankly, your eyes fixated on your bedsheets. Your eyes were red, face blotchy, your hair was a mess and you were still wearing your uniform from the mission.
“You shouldn’t be here,” you said quietly, voice raspy from yelling these past few days.
“Y/n -”
“Get out,” you said quietly, though not angrily.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, y/n.”
“Please,” you said, cursing yourself as your voice cracked. You didn’t want to breakdown in front of Bucky.
“It’s not your fault, y/n.”
You pushed yourself off of the bed, shaking your head. “I’m not doing this right now, Bucky.”
“You’re going to have to talk about it at some point, y/n.”
“Not if I can help it.”
“This kind of thing isn’t going to go away, okay? Time heals but not by itself.” You weren’t listening as you ran a hand over your face, overwhelmed.
“Please, talk to me y/n. You’re going to make yourself sick.”
“I’m fine.”
“This isn’t fine. Not taking care of yourself and living in the dark staring at the wall isn’t fine, y/n. Please, don’t hide from me. It’s just me, y/n.”
You shook your head, eyes glazed over like glass. “I could’ve saved them.” you said simply.
“Y/n, there was nothing -”
“BULLSHIT!” You yelled. “There had to have been something I could do, if I had gotten there earlier or - or if I had moved faster or been stronger then I could’ve gotten them out! It’s my fault they’re dead okay? I couldn’t save them and that’s my fault!”
Bucky walked over to you slowly, asking you to look at him. “It isn’t your fault, y/n. The building collapsed, no one could’ve gotten them out.”
“I could have saved them.” you said again, tears falling down your face. “I could have gotten them out. I was the last thing they saw and you know what I was doing? Being carried away like some coward. They died afraid because a superhero couldn’t save them. And that’s on me.”
Bucky shook his head slightly. “You can’t save everyone, y/n.”
“So what, am I supposed to choose? I’m supposed to choose whether I save people or move on because they aren’t part of the mission? Am I supposed to let them die?” you asked incredulously.
“You can’t risk your own life like that, y/n.”
“What? And pretend like my life is any more important than theirs?!” you exclaimed.
“Y/n -”
“No, why do I have the right to walk away from people because I’m afraid of getting hurt when they’re about to die? What gives me that right?”
“Because I can’t lose you!” Bucky exclaimed. “Yes, those people matter, but goddamn it y/n, you have helped so many people and you will keep saving so many people, but you can’t do that if you’re dead. We help who we can and mourn the rest. It’s not your fault that those people died. There was nothing that you could have done.”
“But if I had a few more seconds -”
“The building still would have fallen and you’d be asking yourself for a few more seconds. There is nothing you or anyone else could’ve done.”
You stayed silent, more tears falling from your eyes. Bucky pulled you in for a hug as your shoulders started to shake with more sobs. “I know it doesn’t make it hurt any less, but it’s not your fault.”
“I can’t stop seeing the look they had on their faces,” you shook your head. “Everytime I try to sleep I see them and I can’t make it go away. And I want to forget but I don’t deserve to and it hurts but I don’t deserve to forget.”
“I know, I know,” Bucky said, knowing all too well what being haunted by the fear on someone’s face was like. “But it’s not your fault. You didn’t let them die, y/n. You would’ve given anything to save them, if Steve hadn’t pulled you away you would’ve died with them. You didn’t run away even though you knew you would die if you stayed. You do know that right?”
“I don’t care.”
“I don’t think you mean that,” Bucky said softly. You felt new tears fall from your eyes as you hid your face into Bucky’s chest.
“You can’t tell me that nothing could be done. You can’t tell me that innocent people were going to die and that’s the way it has to be. That isn’t fair,” you spoke through your tears.
Bucky pulled back to wipe the tears from your face and look you in the eyes. “They were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and you did everything in your power to save them. It’s not your fault that you got there too late. Those HYDRA agents who destroyed the city - it’s their fault. Not yours.”
“I’m supposed to protect people,” you said as you shrugged and shook your head slightly. “If I can’t do that then what am I?”
“A person who is trying their best. You don’t always have to be everyone’s hero. You don’t have to take responsibility for everyone, that’s too much to expect of anyone. It’s not your responsibility to save everyone because you can’t. But you’ve saved so many people that would’ve died if you weren’t there. You are so important, but you have to stay alive to help more people.”
You took a shaky breath. “Those people were going to die no matter what,” you whispered, more to yourself than to Bucky. Your chest tightened again and you felt sick. “Oh my God,” you said, the acceptance of the fact brought on a new wave of emotions as your knees felt weak.
Bucky pulled you back into his chest again, rubbing a hand up and down your back. “It’s not your fault, y/n.”
“Then why does it hurt so much?” you sobbed against his chest.
“Because you have a good heart.”
You shook your head against his chest. “I don’t want one if it means it’s going to hurt this much.”
“It’s okay, y/n. It’s gonna be okay, I’ve got you.”
“Please make it stop. I don’t want it to hurt anymore.”
Bucky felt tears sting his own eyes at your pain, holding you tighter against him. He cleared his throat before saying “I can’t make it go away. But I’m here to hold you and do everything I can to make it better. I’m not going anywhere y/n.”
He held you against his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m not going anywhere.”
taglist: @buckys2thicc @babydaddy-buckybarnes @broadwaybabe18 @sup--ernova @fierylibraa @barnesplums @thatfangirl42 @abitgryffindorky @bucks-bunny @peggycarter-steverogers @buckys-blue-eyes @mardema @freigeistundanderes @strawberrimae @im-sick-of-failing
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peeterparkr · 3 years
All Too Well (Tom’s version.) prologue
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prologue: “Time won’t fly" ( it’s like I’m paralyzed by it.)
pairing: Tom Holland x Reader story summary: you’re reminiscing through your relationship right before the foreshadowed breakup. Wondering if it went wrong from the very start, a cautionary tale or if the problems came along the way. Perhaps the key to find back your way to him is going back through the nice things before the inevitable heartbreak comes. Or is it were your destined
chapter summary: you're drowning in memories songs to go with this: better man, all too well. (tv) word count: 1.1k
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chapter one
y'all thought perfidyl was sad? Oh, honey. (final coming sunday btw). This one will hurt like a bitch and I'm not even sorry. Thanks, Taylor Swift.
“Are you real?” You asked, staring into his eyes. The sun was bathing both of you, the window curtain only slightly opened and pathing it’s way all the way to his smile, the rest of his face darkened by the shadow.
His smile turned into a smirk, as a soft chuckle warmed his chest, “what do you mean?”
“I… don’t know,” you admitted, as your hand reached out for a curl out of place and then caressed all the way to his lips. “I feel like I made you up. Am I dreaming?”
He couldn’t be real. He just couldn’t be. And just for that moment you wanted to savor him. Memorize the crinkles by his eyes. So you could remember it, until the end of times.
“I—I can’t believe this is real, us, I mean,” you added.
His eyes blinked with embarrassment as a blush covered his cheeks. He bit his bottom lip and tried hiding the smile. “No, it’s… it’s real. I’m—I am real. I think.”
“Did you ever see it coming?” You asked.
“I didn’t but I wanted it,” Tom admitted.
You bit your lip, “if it ends, will you remember me?”
Tom blinked. “Why would it end?”
“Just promise me you’ll remember me.” You begged him. “At least in your dreams.”
Tom’s eyes turned into stars. “How could I ever forget you?”
He had. Probably. Words full of shit. He had once, he could easily forget you twice. He had selective memory it seemed.
The scene played over and over in your mind, playing tricks on you. A bitter taste remained on top of your tongue as you stared at the same bed, now empty. Now the window curtain was closed and the only light you could see was from the excuse of your home screen. The room was cold. Blue.
You were sitting on the floor, against some drawers that probably had more of your essence than you would ever have anymore.
You played with the sleeves on your sweater, as you saw the empty bed that missed someone. A bed that had been witness to the rise and fall of an empire where it’s king had deserted. A kingdom that now fell apart with agony and pain.
A slight of guilt, sadness, confusion and relief could be traced across the tears that were racing their way through to her face. You wondered how much time had gone by since the last time you saw him.
“Is this for real?” You had asked. “Please tell me it isn’t. Please tell me I made this all up in my head, please—“
“I—I’m sorry.”
He hadn’t been.
It had been a while. Not long enough but you felt like it’s been an eternity. And there was still a trace of him. You could swear that it was still there, his lotion, his steps, and you could hear him humming to himself. His laughing echoing in the background. Still haunting you.
But there was nothing. Tom was gone. For now, for good. And you wanted to look back at it, what led to the breakup, as if trying to go back to the past. Knowing too well you’d give up everything to change the ending. Thinking it had been your fault.
Maybe it had been.
He had moved on rather quickly. Funny. You were still stuck. Time had stopped for good. And you wondered if the sun would ever come back to you or if you had to deal with a cold room for good.
Tom didn’t want you, he never had. And you had to accept it. Or you had to, at some point.
You were too tired from listening to the sound of your own tears. You wondered if he would listen to a song about him if you ever dared to write one, you wondered if he would keep his promise of remembering you or if you had been just another boulder on his way. Perhaps your own perfume would be stuck on that red scarf he had borrowed from you. One which he still had.
Did he know that you’d give your everything to have him back? To not make him leave? And were you too stupid for it?
Your phone rang, for the third time today. You knew why your friends were calling. They were going to ask if you were okay. You weren’t.
You looked over to it, it wasn’t them.
Tom, it was Tom. And what was he calling for?
Was he as wounded as you were?
You took your phone and walked to your bed, falling down as a sob came out. You let it rang as a darkness hugged you in.
Did he know he had shattered your heart? He probably did know. He probably didn’t care. He never did, did he? He was so in love with himself that he never had time to fall for you.
He probably thought you were reduced to someone insane. And, most likely, you were. He had to thank you weren’t vengeful enough. Not yet.
How crazy were you for loving someone so intensely? How crazy were you for giving someone the world and falling apart when they took it away from you? How crazy were you, really, for losing your sanity seeing him with a smile on his face as you were drowning in your tears?
It’s not insanity. Is it?
But was it that now? Was it all reduced to heartbreak and pain and tears? Why were you only seeing it now?
How unfair.
Was the story really meant to fall apart or had you both been dumb enough to fuck it all up? Hadn’t Tom been sweet enough? Hadn’t he been a dream?
It had started out like one. Hadn’t it? From the very first night.
Or maybe it hadn’t been. Maybe you should’ve seen that he would be a nightmare from the very first night. You should’ve known he was trouble. But you still remembered it. Like a dream, still blurry and with some details that spared.
You wished you could change it, go back in time and warn yourself from the heartbreak you’d need to heal from. The subversion of your own clean heart.
How funny was it, he was calling now and he didn’t call that one time.
The very first night.
chapter one
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tag list and some friends: @noorrussell @nocturnalms @xxconfettiitsaparade @annathesillyfriend @butterflies-glitter @tomkindholland @the-salty-asian @words-to-accomplish-something @harryhollandsgirlfriend @bibliophilewednesday @tomhollandsbitch8 @boiolay @wizkiddx @spideyssunshine @parkertommy @erodasghosts @onewithnomightypowers @sunflowersandaydreams @tomshufflepuff @uglypastels @lilacsandwhiskey @badhollandfluff @saintlavrents @enilemes @white-wolf1940 @mannien @softholand @youcompletemesk @ughdangs@obiwanownsmyass @sleepingdancer @lonely-sag @n-pg-pw @readheadwriter @parkersroses @petesrparker @watermelonsponge @cherrygoldenn @a-daydreamers-day @marlenetough @mcu-spiderman
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden ----Anonymity Ch.10
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9
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The day shift gives you ample time and opportunities to walk around the castle. Within a week, you come to know every chamber and pathway you hadn’t previously crossed, intimately.
At first, you pictured making your escape through a weak point in its fortification. The walls are ancient; You would have bet money on one of its parts having given out in the passing of centuries and gone unnoticed. Now, you know such a thing doesn’t exist. It doesn’t really surprise you that Alcina has made sure the exterior is in the same excellent condition as the interior.
But it is a problem.
The walls are too big for you to scale. If there are any stepping points, you can’t see them from within. You tried over and over to at least peak out into the back yard, but the shrieks and growls of monsters had you immediately changing course.
You don’t know what those things are and you’re not eager to find out. According to the older maids, there are more of them deep in the dungeons. It is only a rumor, of course, since nobody has ventured down there and returned to tell the tale.
Which, taking the window bars into account… leaves only one way out.
The front door.
You are aware that Lady Dimitrescu and the daughters all have a key on them. You know from Cassandra those are the only copies. Nothing enters or leaves unless one of them allows it.
There is not a snowflake’s chance in hell you’re getting Alcina’s key. She will murder you on sight. Bela won’t do anything to disappoint her mother, so that rules her out, as well. Daniela is the one most likely to misplace it or be persuaded to give it to you, but the girl is as unpredictable as she is sly and you won’t risk your wellbeing for a distant chance.
That means…
Cassandra is the only way out, isn’t she…
You lay low and await an afternoon where the cold is downright bone-piercing. As warm as the castle is, with fireplaces burning everywhere, you can still feel the stinging kiss of the outside frost every time you so much as go near a window.
And it all comes full circle right back to the start; You in front of Cassandra’s bedroom door, trembling with anxiety like the very first time. It is oddly fitting, in a way, that the story of the two of you ends where it began.
For a moment, you almost marvel at how long ago it feels, now. But there is no time nor space in your heart for sentimentality anymore. You stand at the point of no return.
And you cross it as soon as you turn the handle.
Cassandra’s bedroom is softly illuminated by the dying embers of the fireplace. You walk forward cautiously, slowly, almost as if you’re expecting a landmine to go off at a single misstep. Except –well. A mine would be far more merciful. Just an explosion and then nothing. If Cassandra wakes…
You try not to think about it, lest your muscles lock in place.
Underneath the heavy covers of the bed, you see her, cocooned, pale fingers clutching tight at the blankets. It is too early for her to wake. She is deeply asleep, you tell yourself, simultaneously praying she doesn’t open her eyes.
You make it to her vanity, soundless. Her amber-jeweled choker and the necklace she and her sisters wear are neatly arranged, yet the key you’re looking for isn’t with them.
Shit. You inwardly curse, your hand shaking from the nerves. It means she’s put it in the drawer of her bedside table. It means you have to go next to her, to literally put your fingers in the sleeping wolf’s parted jaws and hope they don’t clamp down.
Easy, right?
An unsteady exhale later, you move further in and carefully kneel by the small furniture. Keep your eyes on the prize. Keep—
But you make the mistake of looking to the side.
Cassandra’s expression is not relaxed in sleep like how you remember it from the time when you would wake her up. Instead, her brow is furrowed, the line of her mouth pressed thin. She’s shivering, you realize, either from the cold or a nightmare or both. Shadows dance across her beautiful face.
Your first instinct is still to reach over and soothe her. You hate it, but you’ve accepted you won’t be over whatever it is you feel for her in quite some time.
It is not your place anymore to touch her, you remind yourself. You cannot ease her through her fears now that she has become your own.
With a clenched jaw, you force your body through the motions of opening the drawer and taking the key within.
At last. Your freedom is in your grasp.
And yet.
Shouldn’t you be happier about it?
Cassandra’s voice nearly knocks the air out of your lungs when it reaches your ears, faint. “No… please…”
You forget how to breathe for a couple of seconds. When your wide eyes shift to her, though, you realize she’s merely talking in her sleep.
Leave. Leave while you can.
But your chest constricts when you hear her sob. “…don’t leave me here… please…”
And out of all the possible things she could say, she utters those words and smashes your glass heart with a sledgehammer into a trillion pieces. The shards cut into you and it hurts—
You pause at the door. The corners of your vision have started to blur.
And then the world snaps, sharply, back into focus when her tone changes;
Your eyes lock, hazel to amber-grey, for a split second.
You run.
You don’t think you have ever ran this fast in your entire life. But it’s different now that it is about your life.
Adrenaline rushes throughout your bloodstream. You’re not thinking, just acting. Just fleeing.
Death, in the form of a black swarm, closes in on you with every rapid heartbeat. Cassandra is faster –she can fly and you’re only human—and at this rate you won’t even escape the corridor, much less the castle.
Flies break ahead of the rest and attach themselves to you. The sting of their bite at your nape and arms nearly has you howling in agony. She meant it when she said she would kill you herself. Not that you doubted it. Not for a second.
Because if Cassandra can’t have you, she will make sure nobody will.
You didn’t want to hurt her back the first time, but the stakes are too high now. You grab the nearest solid antiquity in your panic and throw it with all your might against the nearest window.
Glass shatters and the temperature plummets with it. Over your shoulder, you hear her scream. More out of rage than pain.
The flies biting at you drop to the floor, grey and paralyzed. You hear her shout pierce through your eardrums like a gunshot as you dash towards the turn—
“You won’t ever get to that door, Alexia!”
From the corner of your eye, you notice a blur coming towards you and instinctively drop down. A heavy thump later, your frantic eyes fly to the wall to see her sickle embedded halfway through a painting. If you hadn’t reacted in time, that would have been you.
Still, she can’t cross the hallway now, so you scramble to your feet and run while she takes the long way around. Question is, will you make it to the front door before she does?
It becomes a race where the winner takes all.
You practically jump down entire sets of stairs in your struggle for survival and you have no clue how you do it. You just know you can’t slow down for even a second.
The castle feels ten times as large as it actually is. By the time you descend the last staircase and the sound of buzzing insects grows in volume, the entrance is within sight.
You reach for another decoration and smash another window. Cassandra slows down, forced to materialize out of the swarm before she can’t will her body back together at all.
You shove the key into the lock and turn it.
Cassandra fights through the rush of frozen air, taking step after weighted step towards you—
“I won’t…let you leave here…alive.” she hisses, her teeth bared at you, skin growing too pale yet eyes blazing.
“I’m done being your prisoner.” you say back, voice hoarse and raw…
And you open the door. Steps taken backwards carry you away from her faster than she can make it to you. You can see her pain and her frustration, but they cannot compare to your own.
Your wounds ache from the frost.
Cassandra seems just about ready to leap at you even if it will certainly mean something very bad for her—
Until a black blur shoves her a dozen meters back. Bela’s back stands between you and Cassandra’s cracking form. Daniela soon lands off to the side, looking between the two of them.
“Get out of the way, Bela!” Cassandra snaps.
“It’s over.” Bela replies, a grave finality to her voice.
Your breaths are coming out in harsh puffs of smoke. You still have trouble believing that you did it. That they can’t follow anymore. You did it.
“Nothing’s over!” Cassandra snarls and lunges for her elder sister.
The blonde, deadly calm, grabs her by the neck in a choke-hold and drags her closer to the nearly-extinguished warmth of the fireplace. The way Cassandra thrashes in her arms is downright heartbreaking.
Daniela looks at you, almost saddened, then back at her sisters.
“Shh. Calm down, Cassandra. Let go. Mother will be here soon. Don’t let her see you like this.” Bela says. “If you’ve any parting words to say to Alexia, say them now.”
You’re shivering. The cold nips through every layer of clothes you’re wearing to bite straight at your flushed skin. But you don’t move further away. You wait. Why am I even waiting, though?
Realization slowly sinks in, you can tell from Cassandra’s expression. Beyond the wounded pride of the apex predator losing a fight to a rabbit… she understands that she will never see you again.
Bela releases her and steps away, adjacent to Daniela.
“You’ve earned your freedom, Alexia.” Bela speaks under her hood. “Nobody’s ever managed to escape, before. Respect.” In another life, maybe her and you could have been friends. Maybe.
“So you’re really… leaving?” Daniela’s lower lip is slightly jutted into a little pout. “I… who will I use to get on Cassandra’s nerves, now?”
“I’d say it’s been nice, but.” you speak up between pants, birthing forth puffs of smoke. “I was taken from my home and sent here as a slave, so.” You can’t help the bitter grimace.
Cassandra’s chest is heaving, yet she isn’t looking at you. It doesn’t look like she has anything to say to you, either. But you have words for her, because you need to get this out at last, you need to be free of this weight or you will never really have escaped this nightmare.
“Even as your captive, you know what I fucking thought? You three can be so beautiful when you toy with the idea of basic human empathy. I don’t know what you saw our time as, Cassandra, but I was genuinely attracted to you. I wanted to be together with you. At some point, I was even happy!”
You’ve inhaled so much icy air your lungs probably won’t be doing great for very much longer but God, this is so cathartic. And so enraging that she’s not meeting your eyes now, at the very end of it all.
“Look at me! I care for you, deeply, but I can’t do this anymore! I don’t want to live in a cage as a pretty sacrifice, with you as my jailer. I can’t. You don’t know how psychologically destructive it is. You don’t know what it feels like!” you end with a hitched shout.
You hear the ominous sound of heavy heels hurriedly descending the staircase. “By Miranda! What is going on— Cassandra?!”
All three daughters freeze up for a moment.
Then Daniela touches her head as though she’s having a migraine and Bela shuts her eyes tightly, shoulders tensed. And Cassandra… drops on her knees to the floor, gasping for oxygen, clutching at her temples.
Bela shakes her head to snap out of it. Daniela still looks dazed and afraid… but Cassandra is nearly crying—
And then, in her panic attack, she whispers; “Don’t abandon me like they did, Alexia.”
You don’t know who she means or what you’re doing, until you’ve dashed back inside and gathered her chilled form into your arms, tight. You keep her there like you wish someone had held you during your storms. It doesn’t matter that you’re so much weaker than Cassandra, when what haunts her is too powerful even for her to face.
Alcina extends her claws as she advances on you.
You could probably still get away if you make a run for it, but where will you even go, when your heart is right here with the woman in your arms? The world beyond the village died for you a long time ago. The village died in a literal sense.
You wanted to be free. But freedom and being with her aren’t mutually exclusive. Why did it take me this long to figure it out…?
Alcina is too close now. You turn to kiss Cassandra’s hair for what may be the last time. You do not let go.
Bela and Daniela step in front of you.
Alcina gives them a warning, narrowed look.
“Uh— you know what, I just stepped forward because I saw Bela move. Haha, nevermind.” The redhead retreats once more. Maybe you’d roll your eyes at her if you weren’t bracing for your execution.
“Bela… step aside.” Lady Dimitrescu’s tone leaves no room for disobedience.
The eldest daughter lowers her head and hesitantly opens the path, as well.
Alcina casts a deep shadow over you in her massive height and giant claws. You lock eyes with her briefly, with the last, flickering cinders of your courage. Then you shift your face down into Cassandra’s shoulder and prepare to be skewered through. Her fingers clutch you almost painfully close to her.
“As for you…” there’s a growl in Alcina’s voice that makes you cower in terror.
The horrible pain you expected takes a little too long to come.
“…you have backbone, little human, I will admit.” Is that… is that a smirk you hear in her tone? “And my daughters do seem to want you around…”
Cassandra slowly pulls away from you to look up at her in disbelief and you dare to open your eyes. The claws are still uncomfortably close to your face.
“I will take responsibility for the damage, mother. Just, please, let her stay with me.” Cassandra says.
“…Hm. Very well. I expect the windows repaired by dinner.” Alcina gracefully pivots and just like that, takes her leave.
You and the sisters are left there, unbreathing, unmoving, wondering what just happened.
“Too cold. See you at dinner.” Daniela is the first to speak up. She rapidly waves and disappears like she’s being hunted by an army.
Bela glances at you, then at her middle sister. “We need to talk. But later. For now, defrost.” She, too, disperses in a swarm of flies.
Cassandra, uncharacteristically vulnerable, looks into your eyes and brings a crystalline hand to your cheek. The soft way she does it, it may as well be the apology she is too proud to voice. You both lean towards each other, resting your foreheads together.
You have a lot to talk about. But there is time.
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