#i am in no way a moodboard(?) maker
olderthannetfic · 7 months
People going to you to say they didn't like a book instead of just posting that in their own blog and blocking the rabid fans is so fucking sad to me. Is this where we're at? Instead of blocking the sea of lost teens and 20-somethings in the dark academia tag who try to use "dark academia" as a substitute for having to develop their own interests and hobbies, we're now going to whisper on anon, "I don't like this one book"? That's how scared of negative interaction people are? It's the dark academia fandom. They're morons. They don't even argue with you that The Secret History is good, they reply with your post quoted and emojis inserted inbetween every sentence and think they're big smarty smart-smarts who showed you, or they say you didn't get it. "The fandom is absolutely insane" by what metric? Speaking as someone who's been sent suicide bait, death threats, rape threats, pictures of dead animals, Holocaust pics and actual CSEM by other fandoms, if you're too afraid of someone replying, "wow lmao ur not smart like us u no get it" or spamming your original post's text with emojis, maybe you're not old enough to be on tumblr or be reading a book aimed at adults.
The fact that people are now so afraid of pushback that they won't even say they dislike something off anon is honestly really pathetic. This is like people on Reddit who say, "I wouldn't say this if I weren't deleting my account later today, but I don't like MCU movies." It's the same vibe and I have the same question: you know you can just block people if they cry about shit you say, right? I got sent a dead rat once by a Yandere Simulator fan and the police + a restraining order is basically blocking but for RL, but most people in the fandom for The Secret History aren't going to actually interact with another person. They don't even usually bother to write fic or make art for it, they just repost quotes from it with some pics they swiped off of Pinterest for it.
Those are the people who you're so afraid of that you can't even say, "I don't like a book" lest they hurt you. You're afraid of Pinterest moodboard makers who ask things like, "what religion is the most dark academia? I want to convert to that" with a straight face who think wearing a white button-down shirt and brown pants makes them the embodiment of wealth and class and quiet luxury.
As someone who's actually had interactions with crazy fans IRL - especially Star Wars fans, as they're almost all frothing at the mouth to rant about how much they hate Star Wars - I am happy to report that this is a survivable thing and not one you need to be so afraid of that you don't dare mention it for fear of backlash.
Speak freely. Block people. Move on. Their tears are embarrassing for them, not you.
I spent some time in anon spaces, and it felt like a nice break at the time... but I have to say, I really notice the difference now that I'm findable again. For all the shit that comes my way, a hell of a lot of people have tried to befriend me over the last few years. I wouldn't have met any of them if I hadn't been visible.
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worshipper-status · 5 months
Literally so happy because my God is actually excepting of my obsession, but I’d kinda like to know how to worship him better less directly? (Ie. tips on digital alters/general worship tips?)
An excuse to ramble! Thank you :D
Worshipper's Guide to Indirect Worship
This is going to be my sfw guide for less direct methods of contact and digital altars, I may make an nsfw guide at some point on my own as a counterpart to this but for now...
(long post below)
Digital Shrines
Digital shrines are a good format for indirect worship, because you can curate it from anywhere, and no one will know. Technically I have two digital altars but one is more a back up of the other. One is I have a folder on my computer that contains all the media of the shrine, and the shrine itself is on my personal discord server. Usually I separate the shrine itself into media, devotionals, personal devotionals, writings, and links by using different discord channels. The channels breakdown like this for me:
Media: photos and videos of solely them
Devotionals: images I find on the internet that I feel embody our relationship, media created by someone else. Also picrews usually
Personal Devotionals: Visual media I have personally made to embody our relationship and can take full credit for creating. (This is a specific folder I made just to keep my art and others art separate)
Writings: Poems, songs, rambles, gushing, fantasies, etc. Any thought you have about them that's important enough to write down, put it here.
Links: I use this as a dumping ground for ideas I got from articles, purchases I want to make, or anything that requires a link to something else but directly relates to my worship of My Goddess.
Tumblr can also be a general dumping grounds kind of shrine, where I would not be too honest tbh, but it's a start. I prefer keeping my shrines private for the most part. My general advice is to stay away from tumblr for everything because you're not going to feel 1000% comfortable expressing your worship to its full extent because of the possibility of it being found by strangers. Also some things are just tmi to be honest. I have writings in my folder documenting times me and My Goddess have banged in detail so I don't forget. Tumblr doesn't need that kind of detail on here. So try and keep shrines at least somewhat private for your own sake. People are dicks.
As for advice for things to do to worship indirectly (and this goes hand in hand with the shrine a little bit) here's a list with general advice and ideas:
Scrapbook/Junk Journal about them (I'm biased this is a personal favorite of mine). Get a notebook, some scrapbook supplies, and either dedicate it to photos of your beloved or journal about any time you guys interact in ways that feel meaningful to you! I keep one physical scrapbook that I use for collages for My Goddess's photos, and am planning to start a junk journal for more writing purposes. I'll probably solely be using it to write about personal interactions with My Goddess, and on slower days, things I love about Her in general. It's both kinda a traditional journal and a part of my obsessive behaviors. You can also do stuff like this digitally with moodboard and collage makers like Canva which have free options.
Document about them. This is kinda vague so I'll explain. As part of my shrine, I have a document I'm building dedicated to bullet note points about My Goddess. If She randomly drops a fact on me about Her childhood, or Her interests. I write it down there so I don't forget. I want to be a good worshipper so I want to be an expert in everything about Her. I usually use a note taking app for this that I can organize into subgroups. Notion is a favorite of mine (despite them selling their soul to the AI overlords sigh) because it allows a lot of creative freedom in organizing the documents AND it's linked to my email so I can't lose it. Obviously, a google doc will accomplish the exact same thing, however my entire personality type is best described as extra, so I have to do things with extra effort at all times.
Write for them. This is where my pagan background kicks in a little bit, but in certain pagan traditions, especially stuff like Hellenic Polytheism, writing hymns or poems or songs for the gods was very important to their practices. So why not write those things for your God? It doesn't need to be shared, it can be bad, it can be whatever it wants to be. What I usually do, is I write poems for My Goddess, and keep them in my junk journal or digital shrine, depending on if I'm working physically or digitally, and if I'm feeling brave I'll share it with Her, but most times, they stay hidden in the depths of my shrine stuff.
Biggest overall piece of advice, create for them. Nothing shows devotion, quite like the personal experience of making something for someone else even if they never see it. Honor the Gods with the act of Creation, ya know?? It doesn't even have to require you to be good at drawing or whatever. Are you someone who gardens? Name a plant after them. Like makeup? Figure out what makeup styles they prefer on your chosen gender and wear those all the time, even if they're not there to see. Sewing? Make a stuffed animal of them. Speed runs? Dedicate every run to them, create a record for them. It can be as big or as mundane as you want and none of it has to be outwardly expressed to the other person. Just dedicate whatever hobby you have to them, and suddenly you'll have tons of shrine material.
Now for the quick part, of this!
General Worship Tips! (These are more indirect tho)
When getting dressed, pick outfits you know they'll appreciate. (Just please don't sacrifice your personal style for this)
Capitalize their name/title no matter what. They deserve the respect of one extra button push.
Write letters, even if you live close, even if you see them everyday, and even if you never send them. Use this as a format to express your emotions unbarred.
Save every photo they send you of themselves. If you need to edit people out of the photo do it, but you better be saving every instance of themselves they give you.
Fill your space with things that express yourself yes, but also have stuff that reminds you of them. Do they have a favorite animal? Buy those kinds of stuffed animals. They say they like certain types of aesthetics? Put some of that decor in your space.
I don't paint my nails, but if you do, paint them their favorite color.
Have dedicated jewelry pieces for them. While My Goddess did not give it to me, I have a memory of them associated with a bracelet I wear every single day. You can just buy a piece of jewelry and assign it as a symbol to them. They don't have to know.
Interact with their interests, with passion. Do your best to care about everything they care about. It'll give you guys tons of stuff to do, and help you understand them better.
Make pinterest boards dedicated to certain moments you want i.e. first date, wedding, future house/apartment dreams, pets you want with them, nursery room ideas, etc.
Make playlists dedicated to them.
Alright that's all I really have for right now! I hope some of this advice has been helpful and at the very least legible lol. I hope everything with you and your God goes well! If you want any more advice do not be afraid to ask me more questions :)
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i04rei · 1 year
★ moot appreciation time ! ★
- give a couple moots and says some things you love about them !!
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@y0oni3 ੭ you’re literally the sweetest ever! You’re always liking all my posts + reblogging them and you always comment something so sweet on my mbs it makes me smile everytime. I love you and thank you for your support bestie
@v6que ੭ one of my favourite accounts in the whole of tumblr. Your account is so aesthetically pleasing to look at its so freaking gorgeous. And your dividers help me so much to create cute moodboards, and I love you for that, pls don’t stop making them or I’m actually gonna cry
@nothanxxxxx ੭ literally the best bg moodboard maker!!! All your moodboards are so gorgeous I literally gasp when I look at them, cuz how are they so perfect (teach me your ways cuz my bg account is flopping hard)
@haelyubi ੭ one of my favourite people, you’re so sweet and I love how you always dm me asking how I am it’s so cute! Also love when you comment on my moodboards it makes me so happyyy. Please come back to posting cuz I miss your gorgeous moodboards so much
@agsthv ੭ all, literally all your moodboards make me cry. They’re so fucking gorgeous AHH. Will always be your #1 supporter. I love youuu
★ @chaey2k @ecojinri @florietas @haeivn @iluvrei @jnssite @k-yujin @lorlita @mazeui @ningrlz @n-ebullosa @ojiito @plwstic @sseulr1n @sakkurada @tzulipss @v6mpcat @webzzo @w-eons @wonk1s @wiotas @yeon-n @y2qi @yeonzzen ੭ more accounts I absolutely love with all my heart, I love you so much guys (+ more) <3
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trekkiemoodboards · 23 days
Making a pinned - ooh! I've had an idea for a pinned joke i can make a moodboard out of. I hope people get into this, I'm having such fun already
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Okay, pinned post.
This blog will post a prompt once a week for September! The first prompt is;
Girls night
The next ones will be;
Montgomery Scott
Blue Shirts
Questions and details
TOS only?
I'm a tos baby so I'll be posting with tos in mind, but you're welcome to fill the prompt in any way you like. Some of the prompts will likely feel tos specific, just fyi
Shipping content?
Go for your life. But please remember that not everyone ships what you ship and be kind to people posting different stuff
Copyright concerns around moodboards
As long as you aren't using it to make money, I think we're comfortably within the transformative legal domain. So you can use anything you like. I suggest, personally, that you don't use other people's fanworks without their permission in your moodboards just out of politeness
How do I make a moodboard?
If, like me, you've never made one before this event (I'm flying blind and it's so fun!) here are my tricks for a quick and nasty moodboard. I'm sure the pros do something better. I downloaded an app that collages the pictures for you. And it comes with little filters and pictures you can add lol, so that was lucky. The one I got is called Collage Maker and it's free. In terms of picture sourcing, in just googling that shit, it's breezy
How do I post?
On your own blog and tag me or send me a link. Or if you're shy you can submit it to this blog and I'll post it. Totally up to you. And please, have a look through this blog and enjoy some other moodboards!
Who are you?
I am @sleepymccoy
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arcielee · 10 months
Ewan Mitchell is so overrated im sick of seeing him all over tumblr.
Hey anon. Respectfully, I disagree.
Ewan girlies have been recycling what little content we had for 13 months straight (shout out to our gif, meme, and moodboard makers for keeping us fed! 💜) so I definitely think we deserve a treat.
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If this means new content until our brains implode, so be it (I, for one, am ready for the sweet embrace of death by babygirl posts). However, you have a way to monitor your dashboard content!
You can always unfollow blogs or just go to your Blog Settings -> Account (The essentials) -> and scroll to Content you see to filter out tags.
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This will allow you to hide it all away until he returns to Derby (which, again, I hope is never 🥰).
I hope this helps!
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beautifulchris · 1 year
mischief managed
pairing: han jisung x gn!reader
wc: 3,2k
featuring: lee minho, kim seungmin, sf9’s chani, nct’s jaemin
summary: jisung tries to break every single rule with you
genres: hogwarts!au, partners-in-crime!au, ravenclaw!jisung, slytherin!reader, fluff, comedy
warnings: swearing
notes: I wanna apologize to jaemin for doing him so dirty, my baby doesn’t deserve this sdjkfqlk feedback is always appreciated! moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland
tag list: @badwithten @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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On the King’s Cross train station on your very first day, you almost missed the train because your dad absolutely wanted to take the best pic of his precious kid going to the mythic Hogwarts school. So you ended up in an almost empty compartment. The other compartments around were full and there was just this boy alone.
“Hey, can I sit here?” You probably startled him because he looked up at you with wild eyes but instantly smiled at your sight.
“Yeah, sure.”
“What are you doing all alone?” you asked as you sat in front of him.
He shrugged. “Looking at my chocolate frog cards collection.”
“Wow, nice. Can I see?”
He handed them to you, “Yes, of course. I’m Jisung by the way.”
“I’m Y/N.”
Since that day, you were inseparable and soon became partners-in-crime. Being put in different houses didn’t stop you.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿ฺ
After learning Alohomora in charms class, you wandered in the castle to find a forbidden office to open and what better one than the caretaker’s where a whole lot of interesting things were stored?
There, you found a few dungbombs that Jisung instantly took, confiscated brooms and chains. A lot of perfectly polished chains hung on the walls.
“I understand why he doesn’t stay here often,” you snorted and returned to your inspection. In a dusty cabinet named ‘Confiscated and Highly Dangerous’, you found an old piece of blank parchment. It was mysteriously well conserved taking into account where it was so you put it in your pocket. Further inspection will be done to know how a simple parchment could be ‘highly dangerous’.
“I’m kinda disappointed. Sure we’ll use the dungbombs wisely but I thought there were more interesting treasures.”
“Don’t be so down yet Ji, I found a mystery to resolve. Let’s go before we get caught.”
Fortunately, you didn’t get caught. You both went to your common room, being a quiet place with almost no students at this hour. You showed Jisung the parchment and counted on his intelligence and logic to figure out how it worked. After a few minutes, he looked up at you and smirked.
“I feel like it’s in good hands now.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Instead of answering, he put his wand out of his pocket and pointed it to the parchment.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” he simply said. You were going to question him when the parchment caught your eye. Ink was spreading on the paper and soon you could read:
“Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present…”
“The Marauder’s Map,” Jisung whispered with stars in his eyes.
“What is this? Open it!”
Jisung did as told and both of you were dumbfounded by what you discovered. A map of the whole school, including the secret passages that are hidden within its walls and the location of every person in the grounds, portrayed by a dot. This map, a true masterpiece, within your hands was a disaster for everyone else.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿ฺ
Three years later, you knew everything you could possibly have learned about the school. Neither Ravenclaw or Slytherin could win the house cup as long as you both were in Hogwarts. No matter the amount of effort Seungmin, Changbin and Minho would make to earn points, they could never make up for your wickedness. You did earn points sometimes in classes when you answered correctly to a teacher’s question and you weren’t the only one to lose points either so you didn’t feel so bad. You did lose more points than you earned but shhh. Let's not talk about that.
One day, on your way to the lake after lunch, Gryffindor Jaemin called your name so you stopped in your tracks and waited for him to join you.
“Hey, Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to study with me after class? For transfiguration.”
Uh. Jaemin has never been your friend and the most he ever said to you before now was “Get out of my way, filthy Slytherin.” the second day of your first year. Therefore you were startled, to say the least. Plus you wanted to study with Jisung, not some acquaintance you never talked to and weren’t interested in.
“Not really, I already have plans for tonight. Thank you for the offer though.”
You tried to sound as nice as you could but without much convection and left before he could reply. A few meters away, Jisung saw the whole scene and wondered what you had told him because he looked displeased. He joined you and you smiled at him before intertwining fingers.
The next day, Jisung and you were sunbathing with a nice autumn breeze on a bench in the courtyard when someone came in front of you, preventing the sun from warming your face. You opened your eyes and were met with Jaemin and a few of his friends.
“Can you move please?” you politely demanded, since you didn’t want to start anything.
“Are you dating him?” he asked, pointing at your best friend.
“Then why did you reject my date proposal?”
Oh my god. Really? You were going to put him in place but Jisung’s mocking laugh stopped you.
“Really dude? You want to do this here?”
“I don’t think you’re in the conversation.” Jaemin’s glare didn’t please you.
“Should’ve asked to talk to Y/N in person then instead of creating unnecessary drama.”
Jaemin looked like he was going to throw hands so you spoke before it went too far.
“Guys, let’s stay civil here. I rejected you cause I’m not interested in you, there's no other motive. Now can you let us be?” His friends laughed at him and you could swear you heard one of them say something about a bet.
“Wait, asking Y/N out on a date was a bet?”
“And what about it?” Jaemin said cockily. Jisung was fuming and you were disgusted by the boy.
“Can’t you respect people? No one deserves to be a bet’s victim. You guys suck.”
He scoffed. “I’m sure you’re the type of guy who hides when it comes to fight.”
“Try me.” You knew by his glare that he wasn’t playing anymore. Jaemin was smirking but not for long.
“Let’s duel.”
Jisung was so fast to put his wand out, it surprised Jaemin. You tried to stop them but it was useless because their pride was at stake.
Before you could blink, Jaemin ended up mouthless and you heard a woman screaming but you didn’t listen, being amazed by the spell’s effect. Jisung took your hand and ran through the corridors, hearing the professor yelling she would remove twenty points from his house.
You managed to catch your breath while Jisung was answering an easy riddle —for him— to enter the Ravenclaw common room.
“I can’t believe you really did it.”
“He challenged me! You know I can’t say no to that,” Jisung sighed.
“I know. That was brilliant, by the way.” You sat on one of the comfortable chairs like you lived there —it wasn’t totally false— and you were followed by your partner-in-crime.
“Thanks! I practiced this one a lot, I couldn’t wait to use it for real.”
“I hope you didn’t do anything foolish,” said a voice behind you.
“Oh, Seungmin! I didn’t see you there.” Jisung turned around and smiled. Seungmin was reading a book in a blue armchair. He closed it and gave his attention to his friends. “I hope you’re not hoping too hard.”
“How much?”
“What do you mean?” Jisung’s innocent act didn’t work since the second time he used it but he was still trying three years later.
“Twenty,” you answered. Seungmin gave Jisung a look and he shrugged.
“It was fun and I don’t regret it.” He folded his arms and pouted like a grounded kid.
“Of course you don’t,” Seungmin loudly exhaled.
“You’ll make it up for it, won’t you?”
Seungmin sighed deeply. He felt like he had to work twice as hard to win back the points Jisung made their house lose but it was never enough. “I always do, but don’t you think you should calm down a bit?”
“Absolutely not. There’s still a lot of rules Y/N and I haven't broken yet, so many adventures and exciting moments to live.” Jisung smiled widely at you while Seungmin implored you with his eyes to stop him. Your gaze went from one to another without really knowing what to say and before you could, someone sat next to Jisung and typed on the table.
“What mischief are you going to commit today pals?” It was Chani, one of the chasers of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and a fellow 4th year.
“Hey Chani! Already done, Jaemin asked for a duel and I used Oscausi on him.”
“Oh I don’t know th-” Chani started.
“OSCAUSI? Jisung, are you crazy?” Seungmin got up so fast he startled everyone, including others around him.
“Don’t worry, he got his mouth back,” Jisung waved his hand with indifference, Jaemin deserved it after all. “Eventually.”
“You’re going to be the death of me, really.” Jisung and Chani just laughed at that and Jaemin unofficially became your target for a lot of future mischief.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“I haven’t lost any points in days, maybe I should start to pay attention in arithmancy class.”
It was this time of the year where the air was so cold you just stayed in your or Jisung’s common room and studied to prevent boredom.
Jisung pulled his robe hood over his head and gently slapped you in the back of the head. “Transfigure this quill into a rat and put it onto Jaemin’s head.”
“I mean, yeah, that’s a funnier idea.”
You lost ten points for it but you found it so fun you were back on track until the next cold day.
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You always loved the Ravenclaw common room. You didn’t dislike the Slytherin one, but it was cold and unfriendly when you weren’t a Slytherin yourself. Plus you loved warm places. What you liked the most about the Ravenclaw common room was the domed ceiling painted with stars. You could literally watch it for hours until having to go to your own dorm to sleep. If you weren’t friends with Jisung, you probably would never have been able to lose yourself in the stars because you weren’t that close with Seungmin or Chani and you didn’t really know any other Ravenclaws.
You were currently lying down on one of the couches, your head on Jisung’s lap, helping each other revise (yes, it happens!) for the history of magic test about the goblin rebellions you would have the next day, more concentrated on the stars than the subject. It was calming and it helped you stress less about the tests.
“Where’s Muffin?” you asked out of nowhere.
It made Jisung flinch but when didn't he? Just like she knew her name, she appeared next to you, purring loudly. You put her on your belly and patted her head lovingly.
“Don’t forget she’s my cat,” whined Jisung as he closed his book and put it on the coffee table next to the couch.
You smirked. “Don’t be jealous cause she loves me more.”
The elegant Siberian cat got up and rubbed herself against your best friend’s chest, waving her tail on your face.
“You were saying?”
You rolled your eyes and opened your transfiguration book which was on the floor. It was going to be a long night and you’ll probably have to go back to your dorm after curfew. Bless the marauder’s map in those moments.
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The Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was coming up and Jisung had to practice more than usual as the seeker. He was going to play against Changbin after all. They both were really good so you wondered who would win the match. Gryffindor had won the first match against Slytherin and Ravenclaw won the one against Hufflepuff thanks to Jisung’s agility and speed.
You always followed Jisung at his training, it was the only moments he wasn’t trying to break the rules. He was pretty serious about Quidditch actually, even if after each training since your 3rd year, you went to drink a mug of butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks with Chani. It was like tradition.
The day of the match, you cheered on your team and your friends, so basically both teams. The competitive mindset of the two seekers could be felt from afar, everybody knew the match was going to be intense. At the end, the score was 350-200 for Slytherin, because Yugyeom, one of the Slytherin beaters, sent a bludger on Jisung’s broom, causing him to spin around and allowing Changbin to catch the golden snitch. It was a good game and Jisung didn’t fall so it was a double win.
Of course you would say that cause you're a Slytherin.
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Ravenclaws shared the defence against the dark arts class with Slytherins so, naturally, Jisung and you were seated together.
“Hello everyone! Today’s lesson is about acromentulas.” As the professor proceeded with his lecture, you felt your strong partner-in-crime shiver in his seat. You looked at him and were surprised by how much he looked terrified of acromentulas, not that you could blame him, these giant spiders were scary as hell.
“You okay there, bro?” He didn’t answer and was so pale you thought he was going to faint. You tried to comfort him but he was frozen.
The professor, not giving a care about what was happening in front of his face, decided to show some photos of acromentulas and as if it didn’t trigger Jisung enough, he eventually showed a real one in a big cage. From what you’ve seen in your books, it was nearly a teen so it wasn’t that big compared to his adult size but it was still big enough to scare the hell out of Jisung. He literally fell off his chair and the sound made the professor pay attention.
“Jisung? What happened?”
“He’s really scared of acromentulas, sir. Can you please put it away?”
“Oh. Yes, of course.”
While the professor finally put it away, you helped Jisung sit back.
“You okay?”
“Not really. That shit’s so grim.”
“I know, take deep breaths. It’s gone, everything’s alright.”
His breathing was unsteady for a few moments but he quickly got his composure back.
“I’m sorry Jisung, didn’t mean to frighten you. Class’ dismissed. Except you, Jisung.”
Everyone left except Seungmin, who checked on his friend, Jisung and you.
The professor went to his office and came back with chocolate.
“Here, eat this, you’ll feel better. I didn’t know it was this horrifying for you.”
He accepted the chocolate and ate it slowly. “It’s okay, you couldn’t know. Arachnophobia isn’t cool.”
“I won’t show any spider in this class from now on, I promise.”
“Thank you sir.”
“You can go now, drink water and rest.”
As you left class, Jisung whispered in your ear. “I don’t need water, I need a good butterbeer.”
You both chuckled and, after saying bye to Seungmin who certainly left to go to the library to do his homework, went to the Three Broomsticks using the secret passage beneath the one-eyed statue by the stairs of your last class to drink one or two mugs of butterbeer.
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Two months before the end of the year, Jisung had the baddest yet boldest idea so far. It was remarkable how he never failed to impress you.
“I’m going to use this potion on Jaemin, he’ll definitely leave you alone after that.”
“He left me alone after I put a rat onto his head but suit yourself, bro.”
You were hiding behind stairs on the third floor, waiting for Jaemin to walk down. Jisung was holding his flask tight in his hand. When you heard people talking, you discreetly looked up and saw Jaemin. Jisung didn’t hesitate and before you could react, his flask was emptied on Jaemin’s head. His hair slowly stood on end but it wasn’t all, it also turned into candy apple red. He somehow added Colovaria to the hair-rising potion and you were about to congratulate him when you got a glimpse of Minho upstairs.
Jaemin left, horrified, to the nearest bathroom to see the damage while Minho was casually walking down the stairs. Jisung lost his smile when he saw him and swallowed hard. Once arrived at your height, he opened his mouth.
“Rules are put in place to prevent hundreds of magically gifted hormonal hazards from accidentally turning themselves into sharks or losing an eye, or provoking the wrath of a giant spider, or blowing themselves up, or whatever. But here you are, trying to break every single one of them.” You almost felt relieved he didn’t scream at you.
“Look, I’m stupid, okay? And stupid people do stupid things. That’s a fact.”
You could have laughed at his excuse if Minho wasn’t staring at both of you like he was about to end you. He wasn’t generally scary but he was a prefect so when you did something wrong… well, let’s say you better not be seen by him.
“Do you use this lame excuse every time you do shit?”
“My other excuse is that it was Y/N’s idea but no one buys it.”
You looked at him in disbelief. Of course no one bought it, you were more like his sidekick than the mastermind.
“Not surprising. Anyway, fifteen points from Ravenclaw. I would have taken twenty but adding a transfiguration spell to a potion was really clever.”
He asked Jisung for a favor, talking privately in the nearest classroom for a few minutes. Then Minho left and Jisung came back to you with a big smile and you high-fived him. The Marauders Map usually prevented incidents like this and he wasn’t near this place when you last checked the Map. Minho literally came out of nowhere.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
On a fine and warm day, as Jisung and you successfully pranked Jaemin for the umpteenth time that year, he turned to you still laughing.
“You know what’s the strength of a duet? It’s to be two.”
“Thank you for your encouraging words. I now know you need me,” you winked.
The laughter slowly died down and the atmosphere became somehow serious. He sat on a bench and you joined him.
“Are you kidding? I’ll always need you.”
“Always? Sounds like a really long time,” you chuckled, more to tease him and put aside the fact that you need him just as much.
“Just wishing we’ll stay together forever,” he blurted out, his eyes concentrating on his shoes.
“You’re sweet. I would love that too.”
He lifted his head and looked you in the eye.
“Really? No need for the Imperius Curse then?” You blinked a few times, about to smack him when he smiled wildly. “Just kidding, I would never.”
“Anyway, go train for the match against Gryffindor, wouldn’t want Mark to catch the snitch before you, would you?”
“Won’t happen.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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problematicfactive · 1 year
I've had a few people mention the things I post about can apply to more than just factives. Specifically, people mentioning that these things are true and and helpful for fictives to.
I would like to say now, to the people who feel the need to "open my eyes to the problematic fictives" that
That is the point.
I genuinely and honestly in the most non offensive, non rude, trying my best to be understang way, do not understand how you all do not understand that.
This blog exists to teach people that problematic factives aren't that bad. And the fictives are finding that... the experiences are.. similar? Dare I say... the exact same in some cases!? Its- it's almost like.. there's a reason for that.
Yes! Problematic fictives exist too! I know that! But Problematic fictives do not get BANNED from "Problematic introject friendly" servers by Jeff The fucking Killer FOR BEING INTROJECTED FROM A SERIAL KILLER??? WE ARE LITERALLY ONE IN THE SAME AND I AM THE ONE GETTING KICKED OUT FOR EXISTING???
You can go to a stimboard maker and in most cases (granted, yes, everyone has boundaries and this could totally be against a person's boundaries) get a Jeff the Killer, a Ticci Toby, an Ayano Ayishi, etc etc Problematic fictive stimboard made and it wouldn't be a problem. Most of us? we can do that. We can't request stimboards or moodboards or art. We can't post fun headcannons about or dress up as ourselves.
Granted, a lot of us are introjected from someone the system knew in real life and you can't just blast information about your past abuser or your mom, those of us who have infamous serial killer or abuser etc sources are treated like actual shit for something we can't control. And it is so, so, SO crazily often BY problematic fictives. If I had a dollar for every time I was kicked for a server for being me when the mod team had creepypasta, danganronpa, minecraft character thing and whatever else in their system, I would be able to buy all the problematic factives some decent human rights.
This stuff CAN apply to problematic fictives too!
That DOESNT mean it is FOR you
Until you can learn to treat us like actual people, I think you can suffice to have ONE blog not cater to you. I can help you find 50 who will cater to you either way.
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ravennaortiz · 7 months
New Story Idea Moodboard!
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Sooooo, I've been playing around for awhile with my OC Widow Maker ever since I mentioned her in this little Jax Ramble. I knew she was going to be a female assassin with a hardened heart and a buried past with layers like an onion so to speak.
This morning on my way to work it hit me What if shes a cop...but not just a cop, shes in the FBI. Using her job to help hide her crimes/ do away with evidence etc. Why stop there though? What if she works with the clubs...... but they don't actually no her full identity? What if she's estranged from her family and her brother is a certain AB shot caller in Stockton?
So I have a full outline done, made this mood board and am two chapters in!
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magicxc · 11 months
Hills and Valleys
Synopsis: Legend has it that Halloween is strictly for the scares. With ghouls and goblins, vampires and werewolves, witches and broomsticks, who could disagree?
However, all this friend group wanted was a little trick or treat. Sprinkle in a few party favors, loud music and a cabin in the woods, the myth was bound to come true.
Lurking around the corner is danger like never before, eager to bring this night to a bloody finish.
So join these friends as they fight to make it through a Hallween they’ll never forget.
Word Count: 3506
Warnings: murdaaaa, tha big reveal
Chapter 6 - Jasons POV
A/N: this is legit like my 5th attempt at uploading this damn fic. From the warnings to the word count to the moodboard to the story all the way down to the fucking tagsssss 😩 I am TIRED. Almost turned my phone into jello over Dumblr. So please, enjoy; cause tears def went into this.
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Series Masterlist
“What’s with the scrutiny all of a sudden?” Emery challenged. “You know I could say the same for you Jason, the same for all of us really; cause where was anyone when our friends were fighting for their lives?” she sniffled. “All we have to do is sit here til sunrise and we can’t even do that.”
As annoying as I find Emery, she made a decent point. Where was I? Where was anyone and how did this manage to happen unheard? Do I actually believe Lorenzo did it? Not really. He’s lost arguably the two closest people in his friend group, cradling Stephanie in his arms for God knows how long. For a second I almost believed he’d break through the window if it meant he could reach out and hold Julianna much the same; his behaviour eerily composed, reminding me of the calm before the storm - and what a shit storm it’s turned out to be.
Serving in the military, I was taught to survive in extreme atmospheric conditions; training to fight in places as scorching as the desert and as icy as the snow. Our exercises also saw us in unsturdy places such as the choppy currents of the water, arms linked together as we floated on the surface for hours. The sky was no exception either, learning to parachute from altitudes so high the air was all but limited. It wasn’t my dream to fight for this country but, life happens. And while it did come with its perks, I wouldn’t recommend any sane person to join. I’ve scraped so many bodies off the battlefield and sent so many others to meet their maker, I’ve become somewhat desensitized to death - learning to keep calm during the most chaotic and life threatening moments because it’s only then that I was able to live to tell the tale. And that’s what I’ve been attempting since we all found ourselves locked in this place - surviving, lending out my experience to the team who quite frankly doesn't deserve it at this point. All I can do is stay calm long enough to see this night through.
“I think we should waterboard the fucker.”
And here the fuck we go. I’ve never pegged Lynn for such a firecracker but I get it. After all, this night is drawing all sorts of emotions from people: showing our true colors when the universe dangles something so priceless before us.
It's been said that about 1800 people have jumped from the golden gate bridge, yet only 35 have survived the fall. And each person that’s survived has explicitly stated that they regretted jumping halfway through the fall, realising, in the face of imminent danger, just how solvable all their problems seemed. Much like tonight, in what happened to be a party gone horribly wrong, recovering bodies littered around the house like candies during an easter egg hunt, only then do you realise how desperately you want to live. Many people are familiar with the term fight or flight, but what goes most overlooked is a secret third thing - fear. Fear so intense it freezes you to one spot like a deer in headlights, too afraid to move from the oncoming beams of tragedy. But another emotion fear pulls from us is survival, an emotion so fierce that you’d find yourself doing just about anything to have it; even going as far as to commit interrogation tactics of torture.
“Exactly which fucker are you referring to?” Emery questioned.
“Whoever the fucker is responsible for this mess.”
“Go ahead and point them out for us since you know every damn thing.”
They’re on their own with this one. I can't deal with the bickering. I'm used to organized and thought provoking responses in such situations; my irritation rising the more it sinks in just how wet they are behind the ears.
“Lorenzo, you’re one more insult away from me socking you in the face.”
“Whatever Lynn, what you should hit is the books you dumbass,” he retorts.
Throwing her shoe at him, it just barely misses his face; Emery stepping in to call them both childish.
“So help me God if you don’t get your shit together, I’m gonna whoop you like your parents should have.”
“Fuck you Lenny, at least my parents were active enough in my life not to let me get raised by the help.”
“Parent,” Lorenzo enunciated. “Had your dad been able to afford the help, maybe your mom would’ve stuck around you motherless bitch.”
Well shit.
“Jason, do something!”
“Right, uhhh all shoes in the middle of the floor,” I instructed.
I don’t know why Emery insists on calling me out. Everyone, despite tonight’s circumstances, in this room is responsible for their own actions. Yet she expects me to jump in the middle of their bullshit every time. I don't know what kind of savior complex they have going on, but I won’t be a part of it. I barely want to be with sugar at this point.
“Lenny you motherfucker, two parents plus the help and yet no one taught you what it means to have common decency; no wonder women can’t wait to get rid of you.”
“Well if it isn’t the whore of Babylon here to teach us a lesson about keeping partners. Tell you what, you teach me how to keep a woman and I’ll teach you how to get rid of the clap.”
“Sex shaming is not cool,” Emery criticized.
“And neither is half the things that's been flapping past Lynn's lying ass lips,” Lorenzo retorted. “If you’re gonna be biased, do so from the corner of the room, cause you’re at about arms length right now and that’s not good for you.
“Would you seriously hit me?” she ridiculed.
I would.
“Are you surprised Em, this is the same piece of shit who yanked Julez arm so hard, it left bruises.”
“You dramatic whore, no the fuck I did not.”
“And that was in front of an entire crowd, who knows what you’re capable of behind closed doors huh? Drowning? Slicing?”
“Sounds like you’re in the mood to find out.”
“Tell me their last words to you as you watched them fight for their lives you piece of shit.”
Oh my God.
“Shut your mouth Lynn.”
“Tell me every horrifying detail about what fucked you up so bad that you’d turn on your own friends in such a way.”
“I won't ask you again.”
“Steph probably begged you to finish her off didn’t she? Eager to get the hell away from you and your perverted advances.”
For a big guy, Lorenzo’s pretty damn swift. Maybe it’s because all those drinks are still sloshing around in my bloodstream but my cat like senses wasn’t quick enough to catch him.
Angrily lunging toward Lynn his hands are tightly wrapped around her throat, arms trembling from the forceful hold. Beads of sweat drip down his forehead, while spittled foam gathers at the corners of his mouth. Blinking away tears, thick veins line the surface of his neck, incoherent mumbling tumbling past his lips.
Sugar desperately beats at his arms, struggling for air he refuses to give her and my anger shoots through the roof, their foolishness pissing me off for the final time. It takes both me and Emery to tear Lorenzo away from sugar, his grip firm and unrelenting. For a second I feared that he actually intended to kill her. Once we finally manage to drag him away, it takes me putting my full weight on this man, using one of my hand to hand combat moves to lock him into place.
Pinned beneath me, I scream to Emery to grab anything strong enough to tie his arms together. She brings me back one of the kitchen towels and I roll us sideways so that she can wrap it around his hands.
“I - I can't do it, he won’t stop thrashing his arms.”
“For fucksake Emery TRY, there’s only so much I can do right now.
With lots of wiggling and flailing, Emery manages a decent enough knot for me to turn him over and reinforce it. Sugar finally catches her breath before storming into the kitchen.
We sit Lorenzo in a chair while Emery tries to coax him into comfort. Standing up, he head butts me in the face, my nose immediately leaking blood from the impact. My fist returns the favor, knocking him back into the chair. Emery harshly tugs on my elbow, begging me to stop, and it takes everything in me to do just that because this fight was about to turn real unfair, real quick.
Dragging my arm across my face, I look about the room for anything to tie down his legs to the chair, coming up with some loose cloth, which undoubtedly was a part of someone’s costume.
“Fuck all of you,” Lorenzo screams.
“No Lenny, fuck you,” sugar screeched, thumping back to the room; a pitcher full of water cradled between her hands.
“Woah, woah, woah LYNNLEY. Are you fucking serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
“This is Lenny, the same Lenny we’ve known since middle school.”
“People change Em and I'm about to show you just how much.”
“Sugar, maybe we should-“
“Shut up, all of you.”
“I know there’s been a lot said tonight, some things in particular we can never take back,” Lorenzo sighed. “And I know tensions are high right now, but are they so high that you’d all sit there and watch me die.”
“Lorenzo, no one’s gonna kill anyone man.”
“It’s WATERBOARDING, you of all people should know that it can very well get fatal.”
“Enough of this.”
Grabbing a fistful of his hair, she pulls his head back, pouring enough water on him to drench his clothes, before being snatched away by Emery.
It's not nearly enough to kill him, but it does make for some discomfort, much like accidentally snorting a noseful of water once you dive inside a swimming pool. It burns but that's about it.
Coughing through his discomfort, I listen as sugar and Emery go back and forth over the severity of it all; and I briefly contemplate killing myself if it means that I won't have to deal with their nonsense. I honestly don't know if I can make it to sunrise like this and by the looks of it, neither will they.
Their bickering finally subsides, them agreeing only to question the man and nothing more. Of course Lorenzo detests it, that for no other reason than a hunch he’s guilty and lowkey he’s right. But then again, I'm not inserting myself into their madness. They’ve made it this far in this fucked up friend circle, they can make it the rest of the night.
“So lemme get this straight, you went upstairs to find cell signal and somehow found yourself next to a knife stricken Steph?”
“Lynn, ask your damn question.”
“How did you end up there and why?”
“My phone fell out of the window and I was looking for someone elses to use. It just so happened that Steph was the first person I found.”
“I think we should stop asking who may have done it, but why?” Emery proposed. “I feel like if we can figure out who had motive, we can narrow it down.”
“Well this is a pretty fucked up way to narrow things down. I'm literally tied to a chair.”
“That's because you choked me.”
“And I’ll do it again, you’ve been out of pocket since this whole thing started. How do we know you’re not the killer huh?
“Because I’m holding back from killing you now,” she shrieks.
Spitting, the thick glob lands directly on her chest, sugar all but emptying the contents of the pitcher onto his face; angrily clomping back into the kitchen to no doubt fill it again, but not before slapping him across the cheek.
Wet and stinging, that's quite the combination. I fear this has gone on long enough and it's only escalating. As much as I wanted to stay out of it, I think I better intervene.
Following sugar into the kitchen, I try to talk her out of this crazed state, her dazed pupils letting me know that she’s too far gone for reason. Pushing past me, she heads back into the living room where we see Emery struggling to untie the knots off Lorenzo, his violent coughing trying to dislodge the water that seeped into his lungs.
“The hell does it look like I'm doing Lynn, this is mad and it needs to stop now.”
“Not until I get some answers.”
“People who talk, talk after their first contact with water,” I bargained. “And he’s not talking.”
“All that means is we have to get him talking then.”
“OR, it means he didn’t do it. You pour a bucket of water over someone’s nose and they’ll tell you whatever you want to hear if it means you’ll stop.”
“And yet you did it anyway,” she glared.
“There was a time where I would’ve died for all of you. I found a family in you guys and it filled a void I didn’t even know I had. And in one night, one measly fucking night I lose it all,” Lorenzo whimpered. “My best friend gets murdered without us ever properly mending things between us. I had to watch the love of my life die in my arms. And now, my other friend is actively trying to kill me, disregarding our decade long friendship all in the name of anger.
“Lorenzo, you did this to yourself!”
“LYNN, how fucking cruel can you be?”
“It’s alright Em, I’ve been known to be a bit of an asshole, though I’d like to think I meant well,” he bitterly chuckled, snot trickling down his nose. “Do me a favor and survive this fucked up night, cause God only knows who Lynn will turn on next. Not to mention that fucker over there,” he says, head nodding toward me. “Ain't it a little odd how all of this starts happening the moment he shows up? Yet I'm the one you helped him strap down to a chair. They ask what would you do for a klondike bar, but you better start asking what would Lynn do for a piece of dick, cause apparently it’s kill for it.”
“Lorenzo, I'm actually on your side. The only reason you’re even tied to that chair is because you attacked two people in this room,” I defended.
“And what's the reason I'm being waterboarded huh? Who weaseled that thought in her mind? You say you fight for your country? Motherfucker you can't even fight for the people in this room, but you like what’s happening huh?
“Not at all man.”
“We get it, I'm a dumb hoe, but you’re about to be a dead one if you don’t fess up.”
“And then what? You’ll let me go free?”
“Jason, please help me untie him,” Emery pleaded.
“Em don’t you fucking dare.”
Lunging toward her, hands get tangled into hair and nails get scratched into skin before I can get between them. It takes more strength than I care to give to hold Emery back, both she and sugar throwing around insults.
“Lynn I swear, you’re more trouble than you’re worth,” Lorenzo taunted. “YOU ARE THE CUM SHOT YOUR MOTHER SHOULDVE SWALLOWED. It would’ve saved your dad a lifetime of headaches and your mother the embarassm-“
Lorenzo’s words get cut off by the splashing of water, his gurgling noises buried under the guzzling of the pitcher. Emery goes wild, hitting my chest repeatedly and I toss her to the ground, jetting over to the scene behind me. Slapping the pitcher from Lynn’s hands, it's on the verge of empty, nothing but a trickle left inside as it splatters to the floor.
Lorenzo’s body furiously thrashes around, his chest caved in and head hung over with water spluttering from his mouth in an attempt to rid it from his body.
“Shit, Lynnley what the fuck did you do,” I screamed.
Emery is struggling to undo the knots, but all she’s doing is pulling them tighter together. I race over and lean the chair forward, hoping for gravity to expel some of the water from his airway, his body jerking about minorly.
“Why are you just standing there, find something to cut him loose.”
Scrambling into the kitchen, I hear dishes clinking and slamming together before Lynn comes running out with a knife, slicing through the cloth as best she can. The kitchen towel, since it was the thickest, took the longest and by the time we got him out the chair and on the floor, his fits has ceased.
Getting into position, I lock my hands together and press down on his chest, 30 times just like we did in training.
“Emery, once I count to 30 I need you to tip his head back and blow two big breaths into his mouth okay.”
“And what do I do?”
“Stay the fuck over there, I doubt he’d want your help at this point,” Emery yelled.
We do five sets of 30 compressions. The CPR forces out some of the water but Lorenzo is still unconscious.
“Why isn’t it working?” Emery wails.
“Why are you stopping, keep going.”
Pushing against my chest, Emery restarts CPR.
“The lungs are about 9 inches in height, that's a little under a foot.”
“Nobody cares, just fucking help me.”
“The pitcher that Lynn poured over his face looked to be about 64 ounces and she did it twice. That was enough water to fill his lungs three times over.”
“We can do it, I know we can,” she croaked.
“There's no amount of CPR that can expel that much water. And his lungs are so heavy they’re actively swelling as we speak.”
“We won’t know unless we try Jason, you get the mouth and I’ll get the chest.”
“Blowing air into his already expanding lungs won't help Emery.”
“Am I supposed to just watch him die then?” she chided. “Isn’t there a way to drain it?”
“I'm no doctor and neither do we have the tools or the sterile space to do that.”
“Fuck a sterile space!”
“Not only would you infect him but stabbing anything in his chest to ‘drain it’ will only make him bleed out. We would need a very specific and precise needle.”
“No, we can do it,” she answered, starting the compressions again.
The splattering of liquids on the floor lets me know that Lynn has just emptied the contents of her stomach, but I'm in no mood to comfort.
“The body works in 3’s. Three days without water, three weeks without food, and three minutes without air. It’s been about seven now.”
“Shut up.”
“Lorenzo’s lungs are so heavy they’ve probably detached from his windpipe. That, coupled with no oxygen to his brain…at least he was unconscious before it happened.
“Jason either you help me or you leave,” Emery threatened, fat teardrops rolling down her face in droves.
There’s five stages of grief and they’re at the first one. Back against the furniture, I hold my head in my hands, listening to sugars light whimpers and Emery's ragged breathing.
She tires herself out with compressions, fists flying to his chest, pleading for him to wake up. Hands clutched over her ears, sugar rocks back and forth, mumbling out apologies, expletives, and frustrations; guilt no doubt eating her alive.
Hands dropping to my pocket, I rummage around for anything I can chew on, ready to get out of here and never see these people again. Fingers slipping free with the peppermint goodness, I unwrap it and pop it in my mouth.
Some minutes pass by, how many I don't know and the night grows quiet. As tragic as it’s been for everyone, this minute's peace brings about a small sense of tranquility. There’s the occasional sniffle and I watch as the sky transitions from pitch black to a pale pink, the telltale sign of the sun about to rise.
“At least his parents will be home soon right?” sugar questions.
“Yep, right in time enough to see their only son sprawled out on the floor and his friends scattered across the property. So much for the new owners, their home just turned into a crime scene.”
“Do you have any more gum?” Emery asked, voice sore from crying.
Tossing it in her direction, she catches it, face upturned once she removes the wrapper.
“Eww, Jason what the fuck, who the hell buys brown gum? What kind of flavor even is this?”
“It's peppermint,” I answered, popping a bubble.
“Still weird, I haven’t seen this shit since-“
The words die on her tongue. She looks up to me, revelation fresh on her features, which slowly etches into panic, as a sinister grin makes its way onto mine.
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redrattlers · 2 years
Hey Em!! Imma just so some random ones okay here goes: 7, 28, 33, 45, 55, 64, 70, 89, 94, 100, 111, aaaaand 107. Love u! 🧡
hi aria! thanks for stopping by 🥰 hope you’re doing well!!!
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
definitely not! i’m not in a place where i’m actively dating rn and there’s no one in my life i could see myself with in such a short period of time!
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my sister, my group of friends from uni, my teammates and probably @httpsgfg too ❤️
33. Spell your name with your chin
let’s do redrattlers cause em is a little short : treseastlkersd LMAO
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
responsibilities and commitments?
55. Favourite blog?
tough question cause i don’t tend to have favourites in life in general but here’s a few blog i particularly enjoy on tumblr dot com. meg @kaleidoscopeminds won the title of my favourite gif maker in 2020 and i haven’t looked back since. i think molly is the person i prev tags the most, i love everything that’s going on at @burstingsunrise 🫶 jess @daydadahlias makes me laugh a lot! i really really really love moodboards and anyone who makes them, @calumsash @chamaleonsoul @crossedwiress @sunfleursky @satellitesunset @takemyhandlrh @bleachswing come to mind rn! and many many other wonderful people including you, gonna stop here before i start listing all my mutuals gshdhd
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
it’s always funny for me to look back on my first kiss cause it was with my girl best friend when i was 16, and i didn’t start questioning my sexuality until i was in college. it’s the kind of thing where i was just happy it happened with someone i trusted and felt good and safe with. little did i know lmao
89. Name a person you hate?
no one gets that information for free gshdhdh
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
way too many!! i live in canada, i’m basically in sweaters and hoodies at all times for half of the year
100. How are you feeling?
maybe a little lost rn? i have a lot of really great things going on my life that will come to an end soon and it’s the whole, “what i am gonna do now” that’s looming over my head constantly. sometimes it scares me and other times it’s exciting, so lots of mixed feelings!
111. Do you have trust issues?
yea, it takes me a lot to fully trust someone, i protect my heart a lot and don’t give too much of myself away at first. it’s something i’m working on cause i do really love connecting with people and sometimes it feels like i’m doing myself a disservice by being this way
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
send me an ask?
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hansolz-moved · 2 years
or just take the support in whatever form you receive it and don’t be ungrateful.
hi anon ! I took some time before replying to this to collect my thoughts but here we are :D
so for me this is very deliberate wording. immediately jumping to ungrateful because I think posts should be reblogged is pretty ridiculous imho! so id like to break it down for you
i used to make moodboards and icon / header packs! some of my most popular posts from that time have 523 and 401 notes respectively. out of these 532 notes, 28 were reblogs, 494 were likes and one was a reply. and out of the 401 notes 36 were reblogs and 365 were likes. some of those posts have as few as 4 reblogs. this is extremely frustrating because it means my content was enjoyed but not deemed worthy of spreading. i would see it used on twitter and on discord or even reposted without credit because the time I took to compile it was never taken into account. it was always brushed off as 'easy to do' and as such simply not worthy of proper engagement.
when a post is reblogged, it is boosted to other blogs and as such to the dash of people who follow that blog. that's new, fresh engagement and new exposure, every time. that engagement is also going to push your post up in the search results, but unfortunately, most of the time people are not going to go searching for posts to like/rb and instead they will reblog what is already on their dash. this is why that engagement is so important for content creators of all kinds.
it is nice to receive likes, yes. and I will happily admit that since getting into a new type of content creation, my reblogs are not that bad but I am typically receiving double what I receive in reblogs in likes alone. having nearly 600 notes for not even a third of them to be reblogs can be frustrating because i know that my content is not receiving as much new exposure as it could. I do this to have fun, not to be famous on Tumblr of all sites but I have to admit that it feels wonderful for people to engage with my content and appreciate it.
likes are awesome !! they really are !!! but ultimately they do not really help content creators gain or maintain any type of footing in the community. especially not because a lot of people have their likes hidden. if I receive 200 likes on a post, 100 of those people will have their likes hidden and that's being stingy with the numbers tbh!. out of those 100 people with visible likes, maybe 5 or so people will go through their likes at any given time and if they're an avid user of Tumblr, that has to be done pretty quickly for them to see my post. chances are they don't engage with it, meaning that even though it adds to my numbers and its a nice gesture... it's essentially pointless.
on the flip side, if I get 100 reblogs and each of those blogs has, on average, 5 active followers; that's a shit ton of blogs I am suddenly visible to. not all of them will choose to interact with me or my content and that's okay because it still gives me visibility and that is extremely important.
personally, I like and reblog. if I haven't reblogged something, I queue it. but honestly , if I had to choose the way people engage with my posts I would rather them just rb if they're going to choose one! it helps me massively and I am ever grateful for the people who rb my posts because I immediately see the engagement from their following whereas I gain little to no fresh engagement from reblogs alone.
ccs; writers, gif makers, gfx artists, etc etc etc all spend a ridiculous amount of time doing what we love to do, and no, we are not entitled to anything from anyone but to say that if you enjoy our content and benefit off of it (if you're using it as an icon somewhere else, or saving it onto your phone to be your wallpaper, or showing your friends, or getting the feels from it because that fanfic was just so <333333 then you're benefitting from it!) ... then you can give us a boost. especially if you are consistently enjoying our content.
the bottom line is that the reblog system keeps this site going. if we keep going down this path then all of these content creators you know and love are going to get frustrated and leave when the only form of engagement truly benefitting them dwindles even further. and I can't say I blame them because ill be right there with them
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sophsun1 · 1 year
Hey. What would you do if you had an idea (a good one) but then thought it wasn't good enough?
Hey anon!
I'm assuming you mean in regards to gifmaking?
My rule has always been to first and foremost create for me. If it's an idea that makes me happy, that I've been inspired to put into action then that's what matters. I am my own target audience.
Of course you want other people to enjoy your work, but if you get lost in thinking "Is it good enough for them? Will people think it's lame?" etc you'll just get bogged down in insecurity and nothing would ever get made. That's not to say I haven't done that before, let me tell you anon, every content creator be that fic writer, gif maker, moodboards/aesthetics blog etc has had that exact thought "What if my idea sucks?"
I go through that every time I make a gifset or come up with an idea, right up until the moment I hit post. I'm going through it right now with my own content. I can't tell you the amount of gifsets I've made and then ended up deleting but it's part and parcel of creation.
My advice would be and I do this myself, is to make it. You initially came up with it and thought it was a good idea, so go back to that feeling and trust it. Remember we create for free, it's supposed to be fun, you are your own boss lol. Then keep it in your drafts, take a break from it and go back to it a while later and sometimes looking at it with fresh eyes can change your perspective on it.
Ultimately you may decide you're not happy with it and that's okay you don't have to post it, you might even end up being inspired to look at it from a different angle and a new idea can form. In my case one of the fandoms I create for is dead. I am the only gifmaker, my sets don't hit the heights of thousands of notes and reblogs (likes vs reblog ratio in general is another story, support your content creators pls!) but I keep making them because ultimately I enjoy it and I always love seeing people create, it's not about the shiniest, brightest or most popular content for me. It's knowing someone went out of their way to make something related to their hyper fixation out of love and that will always make me smile ☺
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mandms-blog-of-silly · 9 months
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❗️❕️This is getting an update! Hang tight!❕️❗️
☆~🌈 Welcome to My Blog!! <3
☆~ I made this blog to embrace all the weird things about me so it's honestly centered around whatever I want it to be!!
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☆~🌈 Hi!! I'm M&M!!
☆ I use any pronouns {They/she/he} and use neo/xeno pronouns {Rainbow/Rainbowself, Color/Colorself, Dolly/Dollyself, Flitter/Flitterself, Toy/Toyself, Kitty/Kittyself, Bows/Bowself, Kissy/Kissyself}
☆ I'm Agenderfluid and Rainbowgender and Dollgender!
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☆ I'm an Oriented AroAce and Pan! I experience Eriattraction or Tertiary Attraction {Platonic, aesthetic, or sensual}
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{Here's My Pronouns Page!}
☆ I'm a minor‼️
☆ I'm Autistic and have ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression! I also have Functional Neurological Disorder and am chronically ill!
☆ My likes and hobbies include: Art, music, Kandi jewelry, makeup and fashion {in the most kidcore maximilist way, lol}, collecting various trinkets, whatever the Nostalgia aesthetic encompasses for me.
☆ My SpIns and current Hyperfixations include: The Phantom of The Opera {Mainly the 1990 Miniseries}
☆ Please send me asks!! I love them!! <3
☆ Feel free to DM me but I'm akward and bad at keeping up with messages so please be patient! <3
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☆~🌈 I'm a self-shipper, age regressor, otherhearted and posic+!!
☆ My Selfship and F/O list:
☆ My Agere info:
☆ My hearttypes:
☆ My Posic+ Companions:
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☆~🌈 {My Tag System}
Rambles: #🛼|That'sDefinitelyTalking
Important stuff: #💫|Important
Vents: #🌟|Blah
Reblogs: #🪀|Reblogs
My Tag: #🌈|M&MCore
Mutual stuff: #🫶|MutualPit
Asks: #🪁|M&M'sAskbox
Art: #🎨|M&M'sArts&Crafts
Creations: 🌈|M&M'sCreationPit
Stimboards: #🫧|M&M'sStimboards
Moodboards: #✨️|M&M'sMoodboards
SpIns/Hyperfixations: #🔫|It'sInfodumpTime
Selfship: #💙|ShipShipHooray
Imagines: #💭|M&M'sImagines
Reblog games: #👾|M&M'sReblogGames
'Reblog-esque': #🚀|TellMe!!
Gushes: #💕|GushCentral
Crushes: #💌|PassingNotes
Posic+: #🎀|InanimateAffections
Hearted: #💗|PartOfMyHeart
Agere: #🍭|Littlest
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☆~🌈 Let's be friends!! :)
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☆ Credit!
Dividers: GifCities!!
Gif: Tumblr!!
Blinkies: Blinkie.Cafe!!
Picrew: Baby Carrot Outfit Maker!!
Pics: The one on the far left is me and the rest are off of Pinterest!!
☆ Everything else was made by me!! :)
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saunne · 1 year
Happy Storyteller Saturday to you baby bro ♥
I've always wanted to ask what was your process to decide some of your characters traits (physical, state of mind, ...) and if some of them were instantaneous or if you had to think about it a lot !
It's not Saturday anymore - because I actually went to sleep at a respectable hour for once - but here I am, on this lovely sunny Sunday, to answer you. Glad to see you again in my asks Big Bro ! 😊
I actually explained my character creation process to someone once but I don't think I've ever told you, so it's going to be fun.
So, as you know, I'm a very active daydreamer. You could easily put my photo next to the phrase "having your head in the clouds" and no one who knows me would bat an eye.
In general, no character starts completely created. They all go through a stage I call "Shadow", where they linger at the edge of my consciousness and my imagination. In general, a Shadow has a few Things to them. An eye color, a random fact, a garment, a way of moving or speaking, a smell, a precise scene or an interaction with another Shadow / Character having acquired substance....
Some Shadows remain only Shadows, never acquiring the necessary substance to become Characters. Either because the few Things that animate them are not enough to trigger my inspiration to give them the means to acquire substance, or because they prefer to remain Shadows, often because they are waiting for a WIP idea that suits them better.
As for gaining substance and becoming Characters, to put it mildly : they haunt me. They make sure that I don't forget them, they make themselves known until the scene that gave birth to them lengthens, that their facial features are defined, and their personalities are woven with nuances and tastes. I can also speed up the process by intentionally focusing on a Shadow and using visual representation to give them substance. Like by using a character maker to find their physical appearance, making a moodboard on Pinterest or just taking a nap and letting them invade my dreams.
Also, I tend to hoard everything I come across that reminds me of a Shadow, whether it's music, quotes, images… so in general, it never takes too long for a Shadow to become a Character. The fastest was half an hour while the longest was 3 whole fucking months (Enid, I love you but also, fuck you).
But to take a concrete example : Kaltain, from my Erasde project. Kaltain's Shadow was born from the association of the smell of bitter almond with the fact that it was the smell of cyanide, a particularly striking phrase in a Naruto fic I was reading at the time and a vision of pink eyes. She also hung around Toska's Shadow a lot and when Toska started taking substance, she followed. Even now that she's a Character, I still get new info like the "she likes oranges" that I wrote because of a very vivid scene of her enjoying it while sitting at her table in Toska's greenhouse. It was a very vivid dream because I woke up with the taste in my mouth and the feeling of sticky juice on my fingers.
But now, you asked for an answer, you have a novel. I hope that answers your question 😊✨
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sierice · 3 years
How in the everloving f*ck do people make such pretty moodboards
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paganani · 5 years
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