#i am going to be delusional about this
seis-mic · 6 months
they r going to america in da3 i am foreseeing it……
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jayholdenworld · 3 months
Okay, so… I’m new in the Motorsport world, watching my first F1 season and everything, but who was going to tell me that Carlos Sainz Jr. was in the Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 in 2011? (The same category Lando won in 2016 and Oscar in 2019) And why I just discovered it when I needed to do a timeline of Oscar’s racing career for a fic about Animal Shifter!Oscar?
Like, if I try hard enough, I can find a connection between Carlos, Lando, and Oscar that could be older than Oscar being Lando’s fan and Lando fanboying over Carlos.
I can create a bigger red thread of destiny connection!!
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rosegoldtkachuk · 3 months
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Shoot me in the face
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FUCK IF THE TOUCHED SPEECH MADE MY HEART COMBUST THEN WHAT DID THE END OF DAYS ONE DO ???? such a perfect whole scene with the comedic greeting to the awkwardness to buffy basically calling him an idiot in 3 different ways (and using one of his made up words back at him) and then actually being real with spike and telling him their moment wasn’t just nothing but meaningful to her to spike telling her it was the best night of his life (twice he says this) and how he finally felt close to someone (and to her) and he is terrified (because he has loved her for so long and is used to it going nowhere and doesn’t want to push her after what he did) to buffy reassuring him he doesn’t have to be terrified to them actually starting the first real convo about THEM 
this scene is full of love but it rips my heart out and it is so angsty still because with the big battle incoming neither one of them knows who will end up alive after this (if they win) and if they will be both be alive after this  AND BUFFY’S FACE IN THE END (AND WHILE LISTENING TO SPIKE AND HER SOFT ’’SPIKE’’ WHEN SPIKE SAYS HE CAN’T DO THIS BEFORE OPENING UP TO HER)
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finncakes · 2 years
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bro would if we were the moral compasses of our group and we kissed...(and we're both tanks)?
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several-ravens · 4 months
post season 2 horny rant about elias don't click if it's going to upset you
MY HUSBAND. A MURDERER. who would have thought???
so it was him at the murderous end of that pipe. good for him
when i tell you i screamed when he walked into the room. i mean damn he can talk to me like that whenever he wants. HIS VOICE??? and that little evil speech at the beginning oooooh that's enough to kill me
maybe he didn't need to murder leitner as well but also who am i to stop him? like eurgh brotha eurgh but also ooooh baby heaven is a place on earth like that one remix that's on tiktok atm
AND because that wasn't enough, on top of being evil and fucked up he's also very powerful
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excuse me but that's hot af. his place of power should be me.
(i have a thing for evil powerful men in case that wasn't clear)
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buckera · 9 months
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I think this episode had a deleted scene of Eddie and Buck co-parenting Christopher or them talking about how Eddie and Ana had different ideas about how to treat Chris.
Especially since the whole episode was centered around parent-kid type of relationships and we've seen Christopher exactly zero times in the entire episode until that 3 seconds at the end.
Which feels very odd to me, considering what a big part of Eddie's character is that he's a single dad and how the next season literally starts with him having a panic attack about becoming a family with Ana. (And that if they're gonna pay the actors for appearances, they might as well give them some screentime to make their money's worth, right?)
I mean, it's clear that they are both referring to something specific yet we aren't shown what that is. It might've been something setting up the will and more buddie down the line, but after editing it might've came off too strong and on the nose, so they scrapped it.
(Which would then play into my other delusion that buddie was gonna go semi-canon at the end of season 6 and if so, then it might have had something to do with why Fox went and dropped one of, if not their MOST watched show(s) and biggest money maker and gave it to a rival network.)
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romance-rambles · 4 months
[modern] cael | should've said it to my face
After reading Cael's response to your comment, you eventually give into your impulsive thoughts and call him. It turns out to be a misunderstanding
2k, takes place during qixi event [minor spoilers for the card], misunderstandings + fluff, reader is mc, series: none
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DINNER TIME SEES YOU SCROLLING aimlessly through Lofter, in search of something to do.
You're sprawled across the couch on your back, knees bent, with a plate—stacked with airfryer dino nuggets and french fries—balanced precariously in front of you. The hand not occupied with your phone holds onto a half-empty soda can. When you remember to eat, you stick it in the gap between you and the sofa's backrest and pray it doesn't spill over again.
In the background, a movie you'd seen multiple trailers for in your spare time runs on the TV. For the first thirty minutes, it was rather entertaining, actually—for reasons beyond the absolutely stellar writing. It was, and is, filled with so many cliches, all dragged out and played entirely straight, that it makes you wonder if the writers had a checklist.
Then, your editor texted you around the time the couple had their first date and—well.
Though it turned out that the phone call she was asking for had nothing to do anything that would make a perpetually tardy artist quiver in fear, Beanie can attest to what a disaster the fifteen minutes before said phone call were.
Your shirt is still sticky from the spilt soda, and worse, the water you splashed on the stain has left you soaked. And on top of that, your shirt wasn't the only victim in this mess. Now, some of your nuggets carry with them a hint of sweetness—one that can't be attributed to the ketchup.
They're still good, you think stubbornly, glaring at someone imaginary sitting opposite to you.
You pull your legs closer, clearly disgruntled, and sit up straight. The artifacts of your makeshift party for one change positions with you, making you look less like a slob after work hours—even if that is what you were going for.
Because that someone imaginary looks suspiciously like Cael, with that close-mouthed smile that reeks of barely-disguised amusment. A menace with good publicity, though you'd take this Cael over the "old" one any day.
After all, this one is yours—to have, and to hold, for as long as you live.
You think of the characters in your latest manga, and of those last few pages; of the red dress the painter had picked out, and of where the spirit's—and yours—thoughts had gone. The ones you'd added as a bonus after dicussing a much happier ending with Cael. Frankly, it's the most self-indulgent thing you'd written since In Passing, except this time, you didn't bother holding back on your fantasies.
"Wait," you mutter, squinting down at an artwork from one of your mutuals on your phone. The poor dinosaur that gets offered up to your hungry belly this time is thankfully not one of the soggy ones. "Has he seen it yet?"
The answer to your question, once you regretfully pull your gaze away from the beautiful man you drew, and pull up your latest post on Lofter is yes.
hubby: This drawing is great.
A simple compliment, yet your spirits soar to never-before-seen heights. With your free hand, you cup your cheek; your pinkie finger can only partially hide the curved end of your lips. Then, like a thick veil, your hair falls over half of your face, prompting a small laugh from you.
As you tuck your hair behind your ear, you can't help but think it adds to the scene. The lovesick smile. His comment. The affection swelling in your fluttering heart.
You imagine the soft smile on his face when he saw your post and wonder why he isn't here to tuck your hair back for you.
Truth is, you'd never learned how to stop missing Cael, even after he'd returned to being a permanent fixture in your life. The only time you don't miss him is when he's in front of you—when you can wrap your arms around him, in a carefully struck balance of spoiled and loving, and hear his exasperated chuckle as he pulls you in closer.
Maybe that is why the words you write in response lack any double meanings.
you: @hubby But I feel that the person in the drawing is better than the drawing itself.
Tracing the silhouette of his hair, you think this is the Cael that comes closest to showcasing his ethereal beauty. All that practice through drawing the Silver Knight has left you as the most qualified person to make that judgement. It is with this thought in mind, and a puffed chest, that you wait for his response.
And Cael could be busy, for all you know. It could take a while for him to respond, for all you know.
Still, if you play your cards right, when you tell him how long you waited, he'll pat your head. And on your forehead, the heat from his loving kiss will linger for long after he pulls away.
You grin at the thought and scroll down.
hubby: Me too.
At first, you can only blink.
Me too, you repeat dumbly, tilting your head to the side. You must look like quite the catch, with three nuggets and countless fries stuffed into you face. ME TOO?
The vision of his faint smirk transforms your previously lovesick demeanor in an instant. Swallowing your food down, you glare at the snarky comment, thumbs hovering over the digital keyboard without a reply in mind.
It would've been better if he'd said it to your face. You could tackle him—maybe kiss the smirk off his face. Countless letters are typed out and erased within seconds of each other, simply because you can't settle on anything to say. The scowl on your face deepens as you swipe out of the app.
And you're not sure what happens after that, but when you come to, you find yourself staring at half of an objectively terrible selfie you'd taken with Cael—
And Ringing... written underneath.
When he picks up, the first thing Cael says is your name.
"What a coincidence." Your boyfriend chuckles softly. "I was thinking I wanted to hear your voice."
You fear the psychological damage is irreversible. Why did you call him again?
Oh, rig—wait a minute.
"Did you miss me?" you ask, not so much curious as you are delighted. "Wait."
Never let it be said that you don't have your priorities straight. You're sure anyone in your position would do the same thing. So, with a giggle—both at your snarky comment and at the prospect of being missed by Cael—you pull your phone away from your ear and make your earlier wish of seeing his face come true.
"Let me—" You adjust your bangs, knowing well the futility of doing so. "—Let me turn my camera on."
When you finally catch sight of his beautiful face, as the camera turns on, Cael is smiling gently.
Upon catching a glimpse of your current, haphazard appearance—the pile of hair tied up in some kind of half-bun, half-ponytail, the ratty old t-shirt that's simply too comfortable to part with, and, you realize embarassedly, the ketchup stains and nugget crumbs plastered all over your mouth—he shakes his head. Out of habit, his free hand hovers in the air for a moment before he puts it down. Even before he shoots you a helpless look, you can tell he's wishing for the same thing.
"You should—" Gesturing at his own mouth, free of crumbs, he tries to help you out. "Mhm, you got most of them."
For a party of one, you didn't find napkins to be a necessity—so, instead, you have to make do with your oily hands. It's hardly the most elegant side you've shown him, but you also know he's seen worse. And if he can still watch you fondly, frankly, you don't think you have a need to be concerned.
With a grimace, you brush the fallen crumbs off of your lap and onto the couch. You're going to have to vacuum it, unless you want it to be teeming with ants. The thought makes you shudder.
Cael's lovely voice cuts through the horrific visions of an ant takeover and replaces them with much more pleasant imagery. "What are you thinking about?"
"Ants," you say, without skipping a beat, then laugh. "Well, that and I have a bone to pick with you."
He blinks, looking as though he's desperately trying to surpass a laugh. "Alright. What is it?"
Upon studying his expression, you find that it's rather reminiscent of the one that'd pushed you over the edge. This time—perhaps because of the way the amusement glittering in his violet eyes makes them pop—you smile softly. Laying back down on the sofa, with your head comfortably resting against the armrest, you grin and start describing your dilemma.
"The truth is, I was fishing for another compliment," you tell him, as if offering him a carefully-guarded confession.
Your voice is suitably dramatic, with a sliver of faux mournfulness coming through. Unfortunately, you're not particularly good at faking tears—so it is all you have in your arsenal.
Cael looks down at you from the phone's screen, clearly exasperated. You bring your arms down to a more comfortable position and adjust some of your bangs. With the plate of nuggets still on your lap, you can't bend your knees as you'd like. As a compromise, you cross your legs over one another.
Finally, he breaks the silence.
"I'll make up for it, but—" Your boyfriend hesitates. "Nevermind."
Even though the hamsters in your brain have started sounding the alarms, even though you're certain he's messing with you, you still fall for it—hook, line, and sinker. It leaves you incapable of saying anything beyond but.
With an elegance you might've admired at any other time, he ignores your minor break in coherency. But the smile on his face is, for all intents and purposes, a grin, genuine but unfortunately tinged with amusement, and you can't find it in yourself to be too upset. You still remember his lighthouse comment.
You wonder if he'd notice if you took a screenshot. He did say he didn't like to use his deduction abilities on you.
Humming a song you'd texted him without explanation, he begins to ask, "How would you like me to make up for—"
"I was talking about the girl in the painting," he relents finally, softly smiling at you. You like to think your glare broke him down.
But the person in the drawing...
True, you'd never specified who you were talking about. Neither had he. It really is true what they say about assumptions, you think, aware that you can't quite think of an accusation that won't backfire on you.
So, like a gaping fish—maybe one swimming in warmer weather, if your warm cheeks are any indication—you gawk at him.
"Is that surprising?" he asks.
Deliberately, you turn your head away. To make yourself feel like a productive person, you pretend you're searching for your beloved cat, who must've slinked away at some point. Then again, you're pretty sure bribery goes a long way with Beanie—and no one's better at it than Cael.
Maybe Beanie would side against you instead.
"Maybe I haven't said it enough. That you're the most beautiful person I know."
As your mind slowly registers the words, you blink. Clearly, Cael hasn't spent enough time staring at a mirror. If he'd said woman, you might've debated for a bit before folding. You might've even seized the opportunity he's presented you with immediately.
Instead, you squint at him.
Surely, he hasn't forgotten how the students of St. Shelter Academia hold his beauty in high esteem. Or the many, perhaps unnecessary, compliments to his beauty in In Passing, even after you'd returned to Godheim. Sure, he might not have registered your unsubtle crush on him back then, but surely, now—
Maybe I'm the one who hasn't said it enough.
"That's right." You nod your head solemnly—as if you're unbothered by the thoughts running through your head—and hold up your pinky finger with a smug grin. "You should say it more. Pinky swear."
Despite the distance, he still holds up his pinky finger for you.
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smoshpostiing · 8 months
shayne on courtneys IG story for their friends movie premiere!!
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thebloodredraven · 6 months
The "why are people criticizing romance tarot readers, I don't want to do shadow work readings" shit I saw on here a few months ago did a lot to my psyche, mostly make me realize I should not be consuming that content as much as I have been over the past few years.
I also learned that anyone who has a problem with doing shadow work or self reflection readings but obsesses over romance are probably suffering with limerence like me and that snapped me tf awake
Edit: also what the FUCK do you mean "if this pile just sounds like it's describing yourself, that just means your person is mirroring you!!" NO???? THAT MEANS YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON YOURSELF BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE WHY ARE WE SAYING THIS TO IMPRESSIONABLE PEOPLE
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fffanii · 22 hours
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hello, you have reached the point in which the queue point has passed the date of ii16 coming out. now you will have to listen to me lose my mind and experience the stages of grief in the tags.
alt ver. ↓
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no but like. does bad know what that book meant. does he know. because if he did then he gave it to forever Anyway. he gave it to forever as part of a GAME. bad never tells people how he feels about them to their faces (rememebr the 14 elegant letters in festa junina! the 14 anonymous letters that were so fucking lovely!!) and he always plays with people and he gave forever a book. that says eu te amo. as part of a GAME.
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crystallinecardinal · 11 months
Secret Life session 4 has emotionally ruined me
I try to listen to Spotify and it’s like “songs recommended for you!!” And throws TONGUES AND TEETH and THE MOON WILL SING at me,,,, I will sob!!! I will break down!!!!!
Anyway yeah I’m handling Scar having to reject Grian’s offer to be friends because of his task well (lying through my teeth)
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aw man now i gotta go edit my wips and snippets now that i know Sally calls Howdy "Howardson". i've been having her call him "Howdell"
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itzshrike · 5 months
I might be a bit more delusional than usual but it really think rampart is going to have a redemption arc or something similar 😭
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suusoh · 2 months
sometimes i read my favourite johan fanfics again and the way people write the best psychology and mind games with him with pure talent and i'm out here writing him giving you the sloppy toppy 😭 like god DAMN what am I doing....
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