#i am giving her too many bitches but tbh she's got the pull
voiddemon · 2 years
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doodles including the most bullshit out there aus
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bookhighlightss · 2 months
Once upon a broken heart trilogy book review
★ Once upon a broken heart
1. Oh my lord he's just so fine. So hot. So sarcastic. If you couldn't tell already I love him. So much.
2. Okay um can I just say I hate one thing about Evangeline is that she has this "saviour I'm too nice" complex and tbh I don't fw that. SPOILERS AHEAD.
There's this scene where they are in a vampire's lair and she sees her ex lover or wtv and she wants to save him and jacks is all THIS IS A BAD IDEA DON'T FALL FOR IT and she obv like the main character she is goes like nooooo I will like girll fuck off he's a changeling nothing good will come out of this and quite obv he wants to bite her and jacks to save her gets his aarse bitten and shes like oh no I fucked up LIKE NO SHIT SHERLOCK YOU'RE SAVIOUR COMPLEX IS SHOWING but yea thas one thing that ticked me off.
3. Okay this book got me Outta my reading slump and it's like 300 pages so it's short and I finished it in 4 hrs so like I'd recommend this if you're like in a mood for a quick read.
4. The plot twists are twisting and it's so good with like the most shocking pcs of information and the way Evangeline pieces things together and it's just like damn everything's clicking now.
5. Lastly the " little " in front of the fox gets to me but the age gap is gapping ( iykyk ). Altho I think the book should have been lengthier considering the amt of things going on so it could be more descriptive but ig it's good bcs it's going so fast?
★ The ballad of never after
1. If I was crazy over the first book , I am absolutely psychotic over this book.
2. Okay so the first book they didn't have that much chemistry but oh god the second book made up for it in so many ways.
3. This is prolly the first book in reading which has the perfect slowburn like damn
4. SPOILERS AHEAD. OKAY SO the scene where he decides that saving Eva was more important than changing the timeline to meeting his love and not getting it wrong this time ...fuckkk that played with my heart like he knew he could never get that back and he was ready to still sacrifice his needs for eva only for her to lose her memories holy shitttt
5. Okay so at the end of the first book and the whole second book I felt SO FREAKING BAD for apollo I was like noooo I can't handle this triangle but thennn Apollo was like hehe I'm gonna be a little bitch so then I am so ready for when he gets killed if he gets killed bcs I need that man's head on the dagger desperately. He pulled the most heartless shit ever when eva went thru hell and back for him.
★ The curse of true love
1. Can I just say this book did not give what it was supposed to??? Like the chemistry just got lesser???
2. Okay the dagger scene was so hot tho. And the inn scene bcs damn.
3. Okay the way Evangeline remembered wasn't like SCENEMATIC enough ykwim??? Like I was expecting so much more and that was so less???
4. Okay one I'm more interested in lala's story??? Bcs genuinely what's going on there??
5. I HATE APOLLO. If I thought I was hating him in book 2 then it was loathe in book 3 for me. He just became so sick and twisted like it made me pukish. Kinda disappointed in the book but the last few chapters made up for it ig so yea
Overall I think the book needs HEAVY editing for it to give what it's supposed to?? Like ig the book is too short for such an intense plot I feel like Stephanie could've taken so much more out of this book than she did. And a part of me was waiting for eva to eventually become badass but she always stays the naive damsel in distress girl which kinda got to me bcs I'm all for super lit characters and a few things remain a mystery in this series. Like he's immortal she's not?? What are they gonna do?? She has magic in her blood and thas it?? They couldn't milk it further to make her super badass?? Overall plot is amazing but the story should have been written better
She's a Zionist. I just found that out when I was going thru Goodreads review and now I've got the ick bcs till now I was boycotting authors who are Zionist and to find out you just read a book by a zio just makes me sick to my stomach. I really this is a lie or sumn bcs I can't find any posts on twitter tt Tumblr and ig where it says shes a zio so idk I just saw a comment that said she's a zio and thas all so idk. Zionist authors immediately make me change perspective of the book. Was gonna read caraval but not anymore.
UPDATE did my research and found out she is promoting Sarah j mass who is a very proud Zionist among other things therefore it's an ick either way. Not reading caraval
Overall id give the series a 8.5/10
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vicewiccanblog · 3 months
.: My Deity :.
Welp, here we are. I'm going to reveal my deity to everyone. And I know that in the past, others have been supportive when I told them. But I know some may assume I am a 'faker', due to how common my deity is used by fakers. But you know what? This is my life, and my journey. So Imma be open about all of it, give myself some accountability and not shy away from the possibility of backlash.
(put under 'keep reading' because I want to build suspense hehe)
My deity is - Persephone.
Yep. That's the deity I said was with me since I was born, but only showed up when I opened myself up after years of letting my own darkness win. And I am not ashamed of it either. It truly felt like I was complete when she showed up to me, and ever since I know she's watching over me. Almost like the mother I never got growing up, and the 'femininity' I denied myself for so long due to my trauma. And she often laughs at my struggles, but it's more of a 'oh that is so cute I hope you keep on trying' kind of laugh. It doesn't feel malicious at all, just her way of encouraging me to keep on trying. She's letting me do things on my own, while being there in case I need any help. And I can talk to her whenever I want, though it's often a 'feeling' rather than simple words. And I understand her completely.
I had heard that deities appear as what we need in our journey. And truth is, I never had a real 'mother' in my life. The one I was born from didn't love me like I needed, and so I was lost in the world. My hatred and negativity reigned, my soul dark and not able to find any light. But after my mom died, I opened myself up...and Persephone appeared. She showed up in that dark void, revealing a beautiful grove with many flowers in it. And that dark re-formed, becoming my protector. It was literally 'light and dark', coming together to show me the way I needed to go. It was so beautiful, like I was finally home. And I cried, when I came back to reality. I finally felt happy.
Though, after that, I also got the presence of another deity - Athena. But it wasn't her, she just sent one of her messenger owls to make her presence known to me. It was made clear that I have the spirit of a warrior (makes sense because when I handle conflict I can be a real bitch), but my conviction is not strong enough for her to fully allow me to work under her right now. So I guess I have to find enough strength for her to accept me too, it feels nice seeing that I do have a lot of strength but just haven't reached my 'true self' yet. I still have those moments (quite often tbh) where my issues cloud my mind, making me blind to the truth and making me fall back into the dark.
I hope that I can prove myself to Athena. Persephone is just here being my 'mom', and my protector is right behind me like a shadow - forever on guard, keeping the darkness at bay as much as they can. And if I fall back into that sinking darkness, I will have them pull me out again. It's a constant struggle, but I have to believe in myself more than I ever have. Even if I fail, I can just pray to my deity for strength and have the both of them stay by my side through it all.
...and now I'm crying again. But it's a good cry. One that I need to let out.
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
i know you wrote it a while ago but im OBSESSED with the idea of a chainsaw man tlt au please grace us with that marvel
aaahhhaha thank you!! i have somewhat abandoned those doodles due to insecurity over my own drawing ability but i am SO happy that someone else likes the idea!
sorry for the late response i just had to sit on this and then very messily type up all my current thoughts (spoilers for both part 1 of csm and general tlt spoilers)
John Gaius as some sort of Makima role, obviously. manipulative, groomer, the whole nine yards. etc etc. harrow should get to eat him.
Gideon makes a contract with Harrow, at some point, when both their backs are against a wall. "ill give you my heart, in exchange come find me and remind me of who i was" anyway i think Harrow in every universe needs to be beset by the trauma of Gideon sacrificing herself for her. this could be a fun way to integrate Kiriona Gaia into it. Harrow goes to hell to find Gideon and remind her of who she was.
as much as I love Denji and Gideon parallels, i do see Gideon as a fiend in this AU. partly bc i really think Gideon needs to devestate harrow/save her life with a contract. but also bc weird golden eyes, check. weird head, also check (dunks on readheads sorry dslkjdlsk). maybe the dead body she's posessing knew Harrow briefly as kids back before she died, and then they meet again way later when they get teamed up. Gideon remembers Harrow briefly through her body's memories.
I see Harrow as a devil hunter in the kind of Deji role of uh getting massivly taken advantage of by John :(.
her whole family has a contract with the Bones devil or something like that but in SECRET that's like mostly a cover for how they also have a contract with some Unpeakable, Horrific, etc devil that they allow to posess them to prevent it from running amok or something. Harrow halucinates The Body as per usual
when harrow was 10 her parents killed themselves because Harrow got too close to the Unspeakable Horror they have a contract with. Harrow had to make another contract with another terrible devil to make it seem like her parents are alive, or something
idk i just think *slaps harrow* this bitch can fit so many contracts in her and all of them are terrible for her, but like, none of them fatal. she's just very juicy to devils. like how the future devil just wanted to live in aki's eye, some devils are just down to Be Around Her bc her life sucks and they think it's entertaining. so maybe that's why she's such a wet rat of a person i.e. she gave her physical strength and vitality in exchange for something or w/e.
ianthe and corona are pulling the same con as always. maybe corona is the opposite of juicy to devils and they just Dont want to make contracts with her. so ianthe does it all. everyone else is like "why doesnt the fox devil let corona use his head? she's hot?" but in reality ianthe is the one w the contract and the fox devil does not think she is hot. so she gets a foot. maybe babs is a fiend they somehow convinced to do everything fotr them? idk. it would be funny.
jeannemary and issac have to die tragically. sorry it's just their narrative role.
dulcinea/anyone from the 7th house made a contract with some sort of sickness devil that they let live in them and infect them in exchange for using the devil's powers. it's like, a family thing so dulcie didn't get much of a choice in the matter.
haven’t thought a bunch about the others but i think judith and marta both have fox devil contracts. marta gets the head. judith has a foot or something. camilla is contracted with the knives devil or something.
maybe the lyctors are like the weapon devils? hmm. have not thought in depth abt that tbh
palamades ghost devil contract or something like that
this is basically an exercise is like, how can i make all the tlt characters who die in canon, die very tragically in my au. it’s abt themes
the resurrection beasts are like the darkness devil. still in hell because they’ve never once been killed etc. 
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v-world · 2 years
RATING the characters of Bridgerton (s2)
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1) Lady Danbury - 10/10. What can I say, she's that b1tch in so many ways. Queen sh1t.
2) Daphne - 10/10. She is amazing, for lack of a better word. She could see through Anthony and Kate's pathetic facade. TBH though, they made it way too obvious. But she did something about what it is she saw and tried to convince Anthony to reconsider. She ATE.
3)Marina - a very generous 5/10. Her character just wasn't giving this time around. Probably because she wasn't the main focus but I just really didn't like her attitude towards Colin. It felt unnecessary. But shoutout to her for pointing out the he's had someone who cares for him all along. She pointed him in the direction of Penelope.
4) Colin Bridgerton - A hard 5/10. The ONLY reason I even gave him a 5 was because he 'protected' Penelope regarding the new Lord Featherington's schemes. But then he turned around and said that he wouldn't court her even in his bro's wildest dreams. Because first off, fvck him. She is a prize, and his dumbass can't even see that. His trashy ass kept leading her on halfway through the season AND I just don't respect his character.
5) Kate - 10/10. First off, she is GORGEOUS. She puts others before her (a feature in her character that puts her in a difficult situation/ position many times) but it's something in her that makes me adore her even more. I take siblings very seriously. And they did a wonderful job with her character and storyline. They showed she was willing to put aside her feelings for a man, for her sister. It was just beautiful.
6)Edwina - 10/10 because the queen loves her, she's so elegant and graceful and filled with beauty. Not just facial beauty (though she IS stunning), but her personality, it's beautiful as well. I am so happy she got a happy ending.
7) Eloise - There's nothing for her here.
8) Lady Violet Bridgerton - 9/10. She's a good mother. She too, as a good mother would, was able to see that he wasn't really in love with Edwina. And she did actually do something to make him reconsider as well.
9) Lady Portia Featherington - 10/10. Now I know what you're thinking. How does she get a higher rating than Lady effing Bridgerton?! Hear me out before you get all rowdy. Although she did make her daughter marry her cousin, and called her dumb and spineless ( in the sense that she is breedable and easy to manipulate) she made her do it for the sake of her and all her daughters. The whole season, really, she was just her looking out for her family. She really loves them and she loves them so much that she went to such lengths. In the end, she fvcked over the new Lord Featherington (putting aside her - what I think may be- feelings for him) and successfully protected her daughters. I think my favourite line of hers ever on the show is her response to Lord Featherington when he said "You are cruel." And she immediately responded with "I am a mother". I loved her character so much more when she said that. And that is because she aligns with me and my life and my views and what I admire. Good mothers willing to protect their children. No. Matter What. She's a bad bitch for letting Lord featherington think he was manipulating her (completely fallen for him) when really, it was her pulling the strings the entire time.
10)Lord Featherington - 0/10. He tried to manipulate Lady Featherington and he never even cared about her daughters, A.K.A his cousins!
11) Anthony - 1000/10. Great tension scenes and, might I say it, great sex scenes (and no, I'm not talking about his amazing sex game, I'm talking about how passionate it was and just... yeah. The girls that get it, get it.). Speaking of the tension, he was really great this season, because last season, all I could think was how he was just a fvck-up, who couldn't keep his pants on and get his sh1t together. I did not like him AT ALL. But now...now? Now I'm biting my lip and sweeping my hair behind my ear. I'm calling him... attractive. I'm.... yeah, y'all get it.
12)The Queen - I LOVE HER. Y'all can't say nothing to me, argue with your mom, not me. I love everything about her. Her sassiness. The way she knows her status and the way she uses it. I love her posh lifestyle and how tender she is towards someone when they've broken through her walls (specifically Edwina and Lady Danbury). Also, how cute is her and Lady Danbury's friendship? Lowkey goals.
~Thank you so much for reading~
If you agreed or enjoyed, please leave a like<3
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alovesongshewrote · 3 years
Headcannons of a heisnberg x plus size s/o? but like not insecure at all, will stamp on alcinas foot. Drink (maybe not as much as him lol). Slightly chaotic confidence that blows him outta the water. Cuz love karl, but someone needs to kick him in the ass sometimes lol and I think his S/O would be one to do it! <3 Love your work!!
Confidence is Key | Heisenberg HCs
i would like to note that my lovely assistant, @mxcheese the icon that they are, helped me co-wrote these, and i!! love them!!! every one say thank you cheese!
ANYWAY, thank you for requesting!! i hope we did your ask justice!!
taglist: @mxcheese @blixeon @prismarts  @chrysanthykios
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And yeah
It blows Heise way out of the water
You're thiccer than a bowl full of oatmeal and you love your body
Your body lets you do so many things
You’ll fight lady D, you’ll fight miranda, you’ll fight that boulder punching asshole
And you’ll do it for fun
One time alcina dared to make a comment
Not about you, about heisenberg, actually
And you did, in fact, step on her foot
You said, and i quote “oops”
All while she cursed your name lmao
A soldat came at you once and you fucking
Crushed its skull underfoot
A lycan caught you by surprise and you threw a chainsaw at it
(you didn’t use the chainsaw because you were surprised. throwing it was just as effective)
So yeah
Your body lets you be a badass
You’re so fucking strong, literally
If you were a canon character in the game, simps would beg you to step on them
And oh, yeah
Your body also allows you to drink heisenberg under the table
You don’t drink more often than he does
But when you do drink
You drink so much more
It’s pretty hot tbh
Heisenberg’s into it
He’s into you generally
You are
so different, y’know?
you aren’t like anyone else he’s ever met before, that’s for damn sure
It’s just
So clear
That you do not give a fuck what anyone else thinks
And you don’t take shit from anyone, including Heisenberg
Because you’re absolutely right, someone needs to kick his ass and that someone is you
When you first met him
Karl was a bit of a prick
Very much, “I am an all powerful lord, fear meeee”
Which you didn’t buy into at all
If he fuckin
Threatened to throw you to the soldats or whatever, you just went
“Do it, pussy.”
And he never did
In fact, he started to appreciate your general demeanor
You didn’t put up with his crap, and he really grew to love it
You were kind of like a common sense filter for him, too
“Hey, Karl, maybe don’t put that flamethrower next to the gasoline tank, ‘kay?”
“Karl, babe, you are not going to try and blow up Miranda’s little cathedral thing, we both know that won’t work.”
Like, shit
He comes to you one day with the fuckin
“Hey, there’s a really strong baby, we can use her as a weapon to defeat Miranda!” idea
And you went
“Are you shitting me? You realize you have a metal army, right? Plus those fuckin umbrella assholes hate Miranda, too, you could team up with them.”
He had to admit you were right about that and then change his plans
You just casually changed the outcome of RE8 with common sense, im proud of you
Your common sense isn’t the only thing Heisenberg likes, tho
Among other things
He enjoys holding you
And being held by you
Because while you’re a badass
You give the best hugs
He will use you as a pillow on the rare occasion that you can get him to sleep
And yes
He will grab you
Either to give you a lil squeeze or to pull you towards him
With your permission, of course
Bc, y’know
You can kick his ass
You can kick most people’s asses tho
He might actually
Be a little bit scared of you
Not because you’ll actually hurt him, but just because you’re a teensy bit intimidating
But yeah, anyway
Another thing he loves is like
Watching you work with heavy machinery
Or moving it
As i said, you’re fucking strong as hell
And he loves seeing you in your shared element
He loves hearing you yell
Which you have to do, sometimes, because the factory can get loud
But that’s not always why, sometimes you just get passionate
And other times you get mad
He just
Loves the sound of your voice
He prefers hearing you yell at other people or lords, but even if it’s directed at him, he’s into it
To quote my co-writer
(thank u cheese)
“You’ve got a fire in you that burns hotter than any furnace he’s used”
I fuckin love that line
You know how to cook
You will not hesitate to use actual fire and he loves it
He loves that you can cook, if you can cook, in general
Though he doesn’t love gettin fuckin
Smacked with a wooden spoon (gently)
When he tries to eat individual ingredients
He laughs it off tho
And you laugh it off, too
At least he’s never tried to eat soup with his bare fuckin hands like that one mf, ethan winters
He has tried to use his powers to get away with it though
It has never worked, but he tries anyway
And even if you can’t cook, like
He will still try to fuckin
Bug you
You’ll be working on some machinery, which, as i’ve said, he loves
And then he’ll just
Take away the wrench you were using
He doesn’t even need to physically go up and take it from you, he’ll just use his powers
He still gets smacked with a wooden spoon for that
He loves you and your badass and confident ways
He loves your body, and your mind
But really
It’s the confidence for him
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
Me and You Together
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A/N: Hello! I would like to say first of all that ^ is not my gif. I had it saved on my computer from somewhere and it just felt perfect for this. I do love my little sweet pea and frat boy Harry, but I also feel like I’ve done them dirty in this fic. I wanted to add more angst, but we all know I’m shit at that kind of stuff bc I’m soft at heart. Anywho, I really hope that you enjoy this and I just want to thank the lovely @stellarboystyles​ for putting together this little fic challenge. Congrats on 3 years babe! I hope that you like this story and that I have done this celebratory moment justice! 
Word Count: 11.9 k 
Warnings: Alcohol, smut, pining, Louis being a dickhead, a mean roommate
Trope: Best Friends to Lovers with Frat Boy Harry 
Prompt: “Just sit on my fingers. Yeah, just like that.” (this is all the way at the end tbh, just a heads up lol) 
P.s I know nothing about frat’s honestly and I just tried to avoid that the best that I could but fratboy!h lives in my mind rent free and I wanted to write it so....yeah.
Piper’s POV 
I rolled my head back on my neck, looking up at the ceiling as my roommate sighed. 
“Has anyone told you that you’re a selfish bitch?” Carli asked, her perfectly manicured nail resting on the cheap, wooden door of our dorm room. “I’m trying to unwind and relax after an extremely hard week and you’re ruining it for me.” 
“I live here too!” I felt my brows pull together in frustration as I adjusted my bag on my sore shoulders, shifting from foot to foot. “The least you can let me do is come in and change before you start fucking.”
“You’re killing my mood!” She groaned, holding her hand out. “Give me your fucking bag and tell me what you need.” 
“Tell me what you need or I’m shutting this door in your face, I swear to god.” She snapped, her brows arching up as she wiggled her fingers at me. “You have five seconds.” 
“Fine!” I said, shrugging my bag off my tired shoulders. “I need my purse, a black t-shirt, and a jacket.” 
She slammed the door in my face, flicking the lock as I brushed my hands over my face angrily. 
College was not supposed to be like this. 
The next four years of my life were meant to be spent making new friends and partaking in fun activities on campus. So far, the only person I knew was Carli and she most definitely hated my guts with a burning passion. I wasn’t sure why she hated me so much when I mainly kept to myself, hunched over my desk with headphones on for most of the night when I studied. I hardly ever talked to Carli besides the odd argument about my typing being too loud and my presence being too...obvious. I hated every second of college so far and this wasn’t helping me at all. 
I was moments away from having a breakdown, the build up creeping up my throat as I stood there in the hall, waiting for Carli as everyone else stared at my back. I tried not to let their prying eyes bother me, but I could feel the hairs standing up on the back of my neck as I crossed my arms over my chest. I tried to distract my mind, thinking about where I was going to go while Carli got her rocks off in our shared room. Maybe the library? Maybe a cafe?
Just as I started listing off cafes in my head, the door opened just a crack. 
“Here’s your stuff, don’t come home before midnight.” She stuck a hand out, her voice muffled by the door. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my things from her hands. “Bye, Pippi!”
“It’s Piper, you unbearable asshole.” I sighed, holding my stuff close to my chest as frustrated tears started to accumulate behind my eyes. “I hope you don’t have an orgasm.” 
I turned on my heels, ready to storm towards the communal bathroom so I could change and collect myself before leaving. I only made it halfway down the hall when I heard someone shouting behind me. I wasn’t sure they were actually calling out for me until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stopped in my tracks, sniffling as I reached up to wipe at my cheeks. 
“Piper, hold on.” The girl who was calling my name stepped in front of me, letting out a shuddery breath. She only had eyeshadow on one of her perfectly shaped eyes and a makeup brush in her hand as she stopped. “I just wanted to say that I am so sorry your roommate just did that to you. You can use my room to change if you’d like? I know the communal bathroom doesn’t always offer the most privacy and my roommate is never home. I’ll stand outside and everything!” 
“You don’t have to do that.” I sniffled before offering her a forced smile. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with teasing right now. “But thank you.” 
“I insist.” Her brown eyes looked softer as she spoke, her hand falling to her side. “My name is Eleanor. I think we have Modern English together.” 
“Piper.” I said. “Are you sure you’re okay with that?” 
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I don’t mind it at all, babes.” 
Eleanor left me in her room to get dressed, politely standing outside as I collected myself. 
I took a few deep breaths, trying to compose myself as I stripped out of the blouse I had been wearing all day. I pulled my black t-shirt on, huffing when I realized that this wasn’t the one I actually needed. This one was meant for darker jeans and a pair of heeled boots. This top was meant for parties and bars, not a cafe. The criss crossed pattern was far too fancy for a late night cup of coffee and a lonely piece of cheesecake. 
When I opened the door, my old shirt bundled up in my hand, I smiled at Eleanor. 
She looked over my outfit, her eyes growing wide. 
“You look great!” She said. “Do you have plans tonight?” 
“I was just gonna go to Fitz and Co for coffee and dessert.” I gave her a nervous chuckle, clutching my old shirt in my hands. “Probably going to wander around campus after to kill time.” 
“Don’t take offense,” She gave me a sweet smile, her accent growing thicker with each word she spoke. I hadn’t noticed it all that much before when my emotions were on overdrive and my mind was swirling with anger. “But that sounds absolutely dreadful and you deserve to have a little bit of fun. It’s Friday night for fuck’s sake and we’re in Uni!”
“I don’t really know anyone on campus.” I shrugged. “I’ve not made a ton of friends yet, you know?” 
“I do, actually.” She nodded. “If I had to say, you’re the first person I’ve tried to make conversation with since I’ve been here. I’m going to a party tonight because my boyfriend’s frat is hosting it, and he’ll just text me all night if I don’t go.”
“That sounds like fun.” I said. “Thank you for helping me out and offering me your room. I really hope you have fun tonight."
“Why don’t you come with me?” She asked. “I know frat parties sound horrible after all the stuff you see in films, and a lot of them are pretty shit, but I would love to have a drinking buddy.” 
“I don’t want to impose.” I said. “I’m sure you want to spend time with your boyfriend.”
“Nonsense, he sees me everyday.” She shook her head. “I would love to have someone to chat with that isn’t one of his football friends from back home.” 
“Um, okay.’” I shrugged. “I guess that’s not too horrible and I kind of owe you one.”
“You won’t regret it.” 
“So the house shouldn’t be too crowded.” Eleanor pulled her flannel tighter around her body, hunching over as the wind whipped around us. “A few of the guys are still out getting alcohol and people aren’t supposed to start showing up for another hour at least.”
“That’s good.” I nodded. “So why did you decide to come to school here?”
“Louis.” She said. “I couldn’t stomach the idea of being away from Lou and there are so many opportunities in America for both of us. He’s here on a footie scholarship and I’m here on a performing arts scholarship.”
“That’s really cool!” I exclaimed, my eyebrows raising up. “I didn’t peg you for a theatre nerd.”
“Just a tiny one.” She chuckled. “I’m more into the costumes than anything. Fashion has always owned my heart and my Mum took me to so many musicals as a girl. I figured I would combine my love for both and make it my career.”
“I admire that.” I said softly, glancing down at the sidewalk as we turned a corner. “So how long have you and Louis been together?”
“Four years.” She smiled. “We met on a holiday to London one summer and we’ve never let go of each other. Last year we went to the same University for our first year before deciding to come abroad and it was….magical.”
“He sounds lovely.” I said. “He makes you happy?” 
“He does.” She nodded, her lips pursing slightly as she tried to hide her smile. “He’s a proper gentleman, even when he’s being a bit too laddie.”
“I don’t even know what that means.” I chuckled and Eleanor joined in. “What is a laddie? Is that like Lassie, the dog?”
“Not like that dog.” She scrunched up her nose. “I think you call them ‘Bro’s’ over here.” 
“Ah, I do understand then.” 
Eleanor and I continued chatting as we walked down Frat Row. 
The houses were large, but they looked a little plain and rundown. I imagine having a group of rowdy, drunk boys living in a house without supervision didn’t do well for wear and tear on a house. Eleanor told me that the last house on frat row in the cul-de-sac belonged to pretty much the entire footy team with a few odd guys sprinkled in. 
When we arrived, my jaw nearly dropped to the ground. 
I was living in a tiny dorm room and these men were living like kings and a gigantic and modern house that looked brand new. Eleanor laughed as I took in the dark, blue-grey exterior. The shutters and the porch were both painted a dark, charcoal grey. We walked up the stairs and I continued to look around like a kid lost in a candy store. 
Maybe joining a sorority wasn’t a bad move?
“So, that is the living room and just down that first hall is the bathroom. I recommend going upstairs to Louis’ room if you want to use a clean and unoccupied bathroom.” She chuckled. “I’ll show you around upstairs later if you’d like.”
“This is the cleanest Frat house I’ve ever seen in my life.” I said slowly, looking around. “How is it so pristine?”
“A few of the guys are really obsessed with cleanliness and organization.” She chuckled. “Also I spend a lot of time over here, so I do what I can.”
“I would spend all of my time here, too.” I said. “Why are you even in a dorm if you could be here?”
“Rules.” She rolled her eyes. “Technically women aren’t allowed to be housed in a frat, which blows, but I understand it.”
“Well, I’ll pretend to be you and stay in your dorm if you want to fly under the radar and move here.” I teased, patting her shoulder. “It’s a win win for both of us.”
“I might take you up on that.” She giggled, guiding me through an open archway. “This here is the kitchen-”
“Ellie, s’that you!” 
Eleanor flinched at the booming voice from upstairs, her eyes casting up to the ceiling as she grumbled. 
“Bloody hell, these men,” She shot me a sympathetic look and I tried my best not to laugh softly at her annoyance. “Yes, Niall?”
“I need help.” This accent was slightly different than Eleanor’s and it almost reminded me of the guy on the lucky charms commercial. “I don’t know what trousers to wear, should I do these dark jeans or these plaid one’s.”
The voice was closer and closer with each word and suddenly, a half naked man appeared in the doorway, holding two pairs of pants as he looked down at them. He was wearing white boxer briefs and white socks, the rest of his pale and freckled skin on display. I had to admit that he was extremely attractive, chestnut colored hair on top of his head and a soft stomach rounded out with a matching chestnut happy trail dusting under his belly button. 
“Oh, hello.” He looked up, smiling at me with piercing blue eyes and extremely handsome features. I tried not to blush, my eyes glued to his. “Which one’s do ya think I should wear, love? Good to have an outsider’s perspective sometimes.” 
The sound of a door shutting behind us caused my head to snap around. 
This was more of a man standing at the opposite end of the kitchen, his chocolate colored curls framing his face and resting on his broad shoulders as he looked up at me. His face was perfect, adonis like features catching my attention and his bright green eyes causing my breath to catch in my throat. He offered me a small smile, his features soft as he cleared his throat. 
“Hello.” He said softly to me before his eyes darted up, looking behind me. “For fuck’s sake, Niall. Why are you nearly naked!” 
“I needed help!” I turned my head back towards Niall as his brows pulled together, his lips turning to a scowl. “I can’t decide what trousers to wear and Liam is no help!” 
“We have a guest.” The green eyed god spoke from behind me, but I didn’t dare turn my head. I was afraid that if I did, I would be stuck staring at him for the rest of the night. “Don’t be rude.”
I glanced over at Eleanor who lifted her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. 
I tried, again, not to laugh at her misery. 
“I swear to god, Niall,” She sighed heavily. “The least you could do is introduce yourself to the poor girl before you flash her.”
“M’Niall,” He rolled his eyes, looking over at me. “What’s your name, love?” 
Harry’s POV
“My name is Piper.” 
I stared at the back of her head, trying my best not to think about running my fingers through her soft curls that nearly matched the shade of my own. I inhaled sharply as I pressed my fingertips into the marble countertop below me. I had seen this girl, Piper, around campus before. I saw her flitting from building to building with her head tilted down and her headphones tucked in her cute little ears. I had a huge crush on this girl and now she was standing in my kitchen with my half-naked roommate and my best friend’s girl. 
This wasn’t a good thing at all.
“S’nice to meet you, Piper.” Niall winked at her and I rolled my eyes, shooting him a glare over the girls head. 
His brows furrowed and I gave him a pointed look before mouthing, ‘That’s the girl’.
Niall’s brows lifted up and he shot me a cheeky grin. 
He was the only one I confided in about my girl troubles. 
He knew all about the mystery girl that I passed by every day on my way to physics class and he had suggested to me several times that bumping into her was the best way to catch her attention. I declined, rolling my eyes at his childish suggestion. I had to admit though, if she had been in my class, I would have tossed paper at the back of her head to get her attention. 
It was a trick that never failed. 
“Well, I’m gonna go get dressed then.” He cleared his throat, glancing over at Eleanor. “Lou is stuck on the phone with his Mum, babe. I think he might need some rescuing if he’s going to join the party at all tonight.”
“Oh,” Eleanor stood straighter, glancing over at Piper. “I don’t want to leave Piper-”
“I can stay with her.” I cleared my throat, reaching up to fiddle with my hair as both girls turned to look at me. “I’ve finished my part of party prep, so I don’t mind.”
“Harry, I don’t know.” Eleanor said. “I’m already afraid Niall’s neon white body is going to scare her off. I don’t need you turning on your Cheshire Charm.”
“Oi, I resent that.” I narrowed my eyes at her playfully, trying to fight off my smile as she chuckled. “I won’t be turning on any charm tonight, love. I’ve got a big match to play tomorrow, remember? Gotta save my strength and energy if I wanna do well.”
“Alright, fine.” Eleanor sighed, turning back to Piper. “Are you okay if I disappear for a few minutes? I promise I’ll be right back.” 
“It’s fine.” Piper smiled at Eleanor, gently nodding her head. “Please, go ahead. I don’t mind waiting down here.”
“You’re sure?” Eleanor asked, her face laced with concern. 
“Positive.” Piper glanced over at me. “I think I’m in good hands with ol’ Cheshire Charm back there.” 
My smile was so wide that it hurt my cheeks. 
She was funny and gorgeous.
Eleanor glanced between the two of us before saying a quick ‘be right back’.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Piper turned around, her hands pressing against the countertop as Niall wiggled his brows behind us. He disappeared behind Eleanor moments later, leaving Piper and I alone in the kitchen. “Would you like a Whiteclaw?”
“Oh, sure.” She nodded, her eyes dropping down to her hands. “I would love one.”
“You seem a bit nervous.” I said, walking towards the fridge. “Do you have a flavor preference?”
“No.” She said softly. “And yeah, I guess I am a bit nervous. I’ve had a pretty tough day and I wasn’t exactly prepared to come to a frat party.”
“Why are you here then?” I asked, my eyes scanning the shelves until I landed on the one filled with canned drinks. I reached for two lime flavored cocktails, pulling them out before I shut the door with my hip. “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.” 
“Um, Eleanor extended the invitation and I kind of owed her one.” Piper smiled, taking the drink with a soft ‘thank you’. “My roommate is a bit of a dickhead and she kicked me out so she could get laid. Eleanor saw me in the hallway on the verge of a mental breakdown and we just...hit it off, I guess.”
“Sorry your roommate was a dickhead.” I smiled, letting my eyes roam over the soft features of her face. “I’m glad you and El hit it off though. It’s nice to have a new face around here.”
I let my eyes trail over the features of her face now that she was up close and personal. 
Her eyes were hazel, a soft golden hue to her irises. Her brows were thick and wild, but perfectly shaped. There were soft freckles peeking out from under her foundation and her cheeks were a soft shade of red. Her nose was soft and rounded at the end and I couldn’t help but think of hovering over her, brushing my own nose against hers as I thrust into her. 
I hated being a man sometimes. 
She was a beautiful girl and even in my head she deserved better than to be thought of that way. She was more than just a sexual object and she didn’t need some creepy frat guy thinking dirty thoughts about her only moments after meeting her. I cleared my throat, reaching for my drink. I took a long sip as she raised her brows, offering me a sly smirk as she sipped at her own drink. 
“Eleanor is a really sweet girl.” I rested my can on the marble countertop. “She’s been having trouble making friends over here, so it’s nice that she’s found someone to hang out with besides us.” 
“I really like her.” Piper said softly. “I’ve been having trouble making friends, too. I’m not really the best at putting myself out there, you know?”
“I think you’re doing just fine.” I flashed her a reassuring smile, noticing how her cheeks turned a shade darker. “I don’t think I’ve fully introduced myself, love. I’m Harry.”
“I’m Piper.” She held her hand out and I took it, giving it a soft shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Harry.” 
Her skin was so bloody soft, her hands a little cold and damp from the can she was holding. 
“You too.” I said. “If you need anything tonight, please don’t hesitate to find me. I know how overwhelming these parties can be and I’ll be happy to keep you company or walk you out for some fresh air if you need it.” 
“Thank you.” She said softly. “The same goes for you. If you need any company tonight, I’m your girl.” 
Just like that, my mind was back in the gutter. 
All I could hear in my head was the echoes of her sweet moans, her voice chanting over and over again ‘M’your girl, Harry. Yours’. I cleared my throat, giving her a tight smile as I tried to avoid thinking about her tucked in my sheets, writhing and gasping as I licked into her. 
I was so totally fucked.
“Piper, babe,” I laughed, holding her hips tightly as she swayed. “I think we should sit you down for a minute, yeah?”
“If I sit, I’ll sleep.” She whined, looking up at me with her sweet puppy dog eyes. “Where did Eleanor go?” 
“Eleanor is going upstairs with Louis.” I said softly, digging my fingers into the fleshy skin above the waistband of her jeans. “Do you want me to take you home?”
She pursed her lips, shaking her head as she pressed her hands into my shoulders. 
I knew exactly how we’d gotten here. 
The party was still going strong around us, people dancing and shouting as Piper swayed in front of me. I wanted so badly to brush her hair from her face and stroke the soft skin of her cheek, but I would never do something like that when she was this off her face. Holding onto her hips was already too intimate for my liking, but I was afraid she would topple over without some form of support. She swayed forward, her eyes face pinching up ever so slightly before she pressed one hand to her forehead. I frowned, pulling her closer as a group of guys rushed by.
If Niall hadn’t suggested we play four drinking games in a row, Piper and Eleanor might not have been off their faces within the first two hours of the party. I had to admit that I didn’t exactly mind taking care of Piper. She was a funny drunk, silly puns and snide comments slipping from her lips carelessly as she leaned against me. It was when her eyes started to drift shut and her body started to sway, that I started to worry about her. I pulled her into the kitchen alongside a giggly Eleanor, handing them both bottles of water while I quickly cooked up some pizza rolls that Niall had hidden in the freezer. Both girls ate between loud laughs, knocking into each other as I watched them with a small smile on my face.
 Seeing Eleanor happy made me happy, but seeing her happy with the girl of my dreams made me feel like I was on cloud nine. 
“Mate,” Louis’ hand clapped down on my shoulder and I turned my head as Piper’s body fell into mine. “I can take her off your hands. El told me they live in the same halls-”
“She can barely stand on her own, Lou.” I shook my head, glancing down as she rested her head on my shoulder. “Gonna go put her to bed in my room. I’ll sleep on the couch after everyone is gone.”
“Lock the door if you leave her up there.” Louis said. “I’m going back up to El in a minute, but I figured I should get some painkillers and water for the morning.”
“Bring some up for Piper?” I asked him. “I probably won’t leave her alone in there, knowing all of these jackasses are around.”
“Tell me about it.” Louis snorted out a laugh, shaking his head. “I’ll be up in five.”
I nodded, watching him disappear through the crowd of people in our living room. 
“Hey, love,” I said softly. “Gonna take you upstairs and tuck you in, okay?”
“Kay.” She mumbled, turning her head until her nose brushed against the column of my neck. 
I made a mental note to have a talk with her tomorrow about going places with strangers when she was drunk. I knew that I meant no harm, but we were still getting to know each other. It set off a level of worry that I only ever felt when it came to my Mum or Sister. It was almost a primal need to protect, my arms winding tightly around her as I guided her to the stairs. 
It was no easy feat to get her up the staircase, but when we finally made it to my room, she snapped into a more alert mode. She looked up, her tired eyes growing as wide as they could before she brushed some of her hair out of her face. She looked up at me, her eyes searching my face as I pressed my hand lightly to her lower back. 
“Thank you for taking care of me, Harry.” She said softly. “I’m really sorry I’m ruining your fun.” 
“Nonsense, love.” I shook my head. “S’just another party, there will be plenty more.” 
“Still.” She mumbled. “I don’t want to take your bed. Sleeping on the couch is bad for your back and I overheard that you have a match tomorrow.”
“S’alright.” I said. “I’ve slept on a floor before a match and still kicked ass, Piper. I don’t mind giving my bed up for a good cause.”
She let out an aggravated sigh, rolling her eyes at me. 
I tried not to smile as she grumbled under her breath, reaching for the doorknob to my bedroom door. I followed in behind her, flicking the light switch on before I shut the door behind me. Piper staggered a little and I hovered, my hands waiting to catch her should she fall. Instead, she stumbled over to my bed on bambi like legs, collapsing on the foot with a soft groan. 
“You need some help?” I asked her as she lifted her leg, struggling with her shoe. She merely waved her hand at me, shaking her head. “You want something comfy to change into? I’ve got sweats, shorts-”
“Sweats sound lovely.” She mumbled, a soft ‘aha’ falling from her lips as she finally tugged the shoelace of her boot out of a knot. “You’re a true gentleman, has anyone ever told you that?” 
“My Mum.” I chuckled, walking over to my dresser in search of comfy clothes. 
“S’good,” Piper sighed out as her boot hit the floor. “Hard to find a proper gentleman these days, Harry. I think Jude Law was the last of them.”
“I won’t argue with you there.” I shook my head, trying to contain my laughter as I sifted through my sweatpants. I settled on my favorite pair, the light grey fabric soft and worn. “Do you want a t-shirt to sleep in or a long sleeve shirt?”
“Um, t-shirt.” She mumbled. “Your room is lovely. Did you do all of the decorating yourself?”
“I did, yeah.” I nodded. “Brought a few key things from home, but I spent most of my money in Target when I got here.” 
“Amen to that.” She hiccuped softly. “I like your record player. I’ve always wanted one of those.”
“One day you’ll have to come up and listen to some records with me.” I glanced at her over my shoulder, noting how the corners of her lips ticked up into a girlish grin. “What kind of music do you like?”
“All of it.” She said simply, her voice trailing off. “I’ve always been a fan of classical music for studying. My mom calls me a psychopath.”
“They are known for indulging in the genre.” I snorted, pulling out a white t-shirt before I turned around. “I think that’s lovely, though. I’ve heard some good stuff from Bach in my music theory class and I have to say, it makes for good studying music.”
“That’s what I’m saying.” She said. “I love me some cello, mate.”
“Look at that.” I hummed out, holding the clothes out to her. “Got you talking like a proper brit now, don’t we. Didn’t even know what footy was at the start of the night.” 
“Piss off.” She grumbled, trying to hide her amusement as she mocked my accent. 
“I’m gonna run to Louis' room while you get dressed, okay?” I said. “Gonna steal you some makeup wipes from El’s overnight bag so we can take your makeup off. I want you to lock the door and don’t open it for anyone besides me. I don’t care if it’s Niall or god himself, alright?”
“Alright.” She whispered softly. “You’re really fucking nice, Harry.”
I tried to resist the urge to brush my knuckles over the soft skin of her cheek, but I couldn’t. 
I inhaled sharply as she closed her eyes, leaning into my touch with a soft hum. 
“I’ll be right back.” I said softly. “Lock the door.”
Piper’s POV 
Falling in love with Harry took me all of five minutes. 
I decided that it was physically impossible not to love someone so perfect. He was a real gentleman, keeping his hands in respectful spots even when I was falling all over him, drunk off my ass. I felt a little guilty about being so touchy-feely with someone I hardly knew, but I was comfortable around him from the start. He stood by my side for most of the night, talking with Eleanor and I as we tossed shots back like water. 
I stood up from the foot of his bed, fiddling with the button on my pants. My vision was most definitely blurry and my fingers were shaking as I swayed on my feet, but I managed to pull the button from the loop before I shoved my pants down my legs. It took a bit of wiggling to get my ass settled into Harry’s sweats, an article of clothing clearly meant for a man with no….assets. 
With a soft hiccup, I worked on my shirt, tossing it to the ground before I reached behind me to take off my bra. My drunk brain didn’t care about etiquette or embarrassment anymore. That all flew out the window with my third shot of tequila that Niall handed over. When I settled the fabric of Harry’s shirt over my tired limbs, I heard a soft knock at the door. 
I stumbled over, pressing my ear against the wood to hear who was there. I was plastered, yeah, but I remembered Harry’s speech about not opening the door for anyone. 
“Who is it?” I called out, my voice breaking just a little. 
“S’me.” I heard Harry’s gruff voice. “S’Harry.” 
I flicked the lock on the door, opening it up with a soft smile. 
Harry held up some makeup wipes and a bottle of water, flashing me a cheesy grin. I laughed, shutting the door and flicking the lock behind him again as he walked into his room. When I turned around, my arms crossed over my chest, he was looking at my body with soft eyes. 
“Everything feel comfy enough to sleep in?” He asked. 
“Yeah, thanks.” I nodded. 
“Alright.” He nodded, looking up at me with glassy jade eyes. “Let’s get you tucked in, shall we?”
I smiled, walking over to his bed. 
I picked the side farthest from the door and closest to the window. 
Harry pulled back the covers, waiting for me to climb in before he rested them over my legs. He set the bottle of water on the bedside table, two painkillers falling to the wood next to the plastic bottle. He sat down next to my legs, ripping into the makeup wipes with ease. I watched him pluck a sheet out before closing the pack back up, tossing it to the nightstand with the other items. I rolled my lips in as he turned towards me, holding the cloth out. 
“Do you want me to do it?” He asked. “Just so you know it’s all gone?” 
“Yes, please.” I nodded. 
I could take my makeup off in my sleep. 
I’d done it before, actually. 
But there was something about being doted on by Harry that I wasn’t ready to give up just yet. 
I preened as he wiped the cloth over my skin with gentle strokes, swiping away concealer and highlighter with ease. I let my eyes slip shut when he asked, his index finger gently brushing at the small bit of liquid liner and shimmery shadow on my lids. When it got to my lips, he did a few quick dabs before his touch was gone from my face all together. 
“All clean.” He smiled, tossing the wipe towards the bin in the corner of the room. “Alright, I’m going to tuck you in and turn on a movie. I’ll just be on the floor next to you if you need anything at all. Bathroom is through that door right there.”
“Don’t sleep on the floor.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m okay with sharing a bed with you, Harry. Friends do that all the time, don’t they?”
“But you’re drunk.” He said softly. “And I don’t want you to feel pressured or uncomfortable-” 
“I don’t.” I said. “From the moment we met, you’ve made me feel very welcomed and comfortable. I promise that I don’t feel unsafe or pressured in any way, Harry. If you feel more comfortable sleeping on the floor, then I understand, but I’m okay with you sleeping next to me.”
Harry reached up to rustle his long strands of hair, his curls flopping about as he looked at me with a curious gaze. He inhaled sharply, nibbling on his lower lip as I stared back at him with raised brows and an amused grin. 
“I’ll put a pillow wall between us and everything.” I said. “If it makes you feel comfortable.”
“I just don’t want you to wake up in the morning and freak out.” He said softly. “You’ve had a lot to drink and if you don’t remember any of this tomorrow, it might be a little scary to wake up with a strange man in your bed.”
“Well, it’s your bed.” I said softly. “And I’ve been worse off than this and still remembered what happened the night before, Harry. I come from a very small town where drinking is considered a sport. This is a regular Tuesday for me.”
“Alright.” He whispered through a breathy laugh. “But if you change your mind at any point through the night, feel free to kick me out of bed.”
“I won’t.” I rolled my eyes. “Get ready for bed, yeah? You’ve got a big day tomorrow and I can’t have you losing a match because of me. People will think I’m bad luck.”
Harry’s POV 
When I woke up in the middle of the night, our pillow wall was gone. 
Piper’s cheek was pressed into her pillow, soft puffs of air escaping her parted lips as she tightened her grip on my shirt. Her hand was resting on my tummy and her foot was hooked over my calf muscle, but she remained on her side of the bed. I lay there for a minute, watching her peaceful face as she slept. I tried to commit her features to memory, my heart squeezing in my chest as she shuffled around a bit. I rested my hand over hers, softly brushing my fingers over her knuckles as her body moved just a little closer to mine. 
The dry feeling in my mouth pulled me from my peaceful moment, urging me to go downstairs for my own bottle of water. It was silent in the house, no more music pumping through the speakers downstairs, and I felt safe enough to leave Piper on her own in my room without the doors locked. I would only be gone for a few minutes at the most, running down for water before I ran back up to curl back up next to the sleeping girl in my bed. 
When I made it downstairs, Louis was already in the kitchen.
“Hey,” I grumbled, walking over to the fridge. “What are you doing up?”
“Same as you.” He said. “Thirsty.”
“Hmm.” I nodded. “Eleanor still knocked out cold?”
“Yeah.” He chuckled. “Love that girl to death, but she snores like a bloody chainsaw.”
“That she does.” I laughed, pulling a water bottle out. “I’m glad she’s got Piper as a friend. It was nice to see her unwind tonight.”
“It was.” Louis nodded, pressing his hip into the countertop. “Piper likes you.”
I nearly choked on my water as Louis looked up at me. 
“What?” I asked. “How on earth-” 
“It’s obvious, mate.” Louis rolled his eyes, an amused grin on his lips. “She’s got a bit of a crush on you, but what girl doesn’t?”
“Lou-” I said slowly, my eyes narrowing. “Why do I feel like you’re about to give me a speech.”
“It would break my heart if Eleanor lost her as a friend, Harry.” Louis said softly. “She doesn’t have anyone over here and I at least have you and Niall, you know? If she lost Piper because you two decided to fool around and things ended badly-”
“That’s not what this is.” I said quickly. “And I don’t appreciate what you’re trying to say, either. I would never hurt Piper, or anyone, on purpose. She’s a very sweet girl and it just so happens that I’ve liked her for a while.”
“You know each other, then?” Louis brows arched up and I sighed. “Wasn’t aware.” 
“We don’t know each other, but I’ve seen her around campus.” I mumbled. “Always had my eyes on her, Lou. She’s fucking gorgeous.”
“Harry,” Louis said softly. “I’m asking you as a friend, please don’t get involved.” 
“That’s a shitty thing to ask.” My voice was hoarse. “It’s late and we’re both still pissed. I’m going to bed.” 
“Just think about it.” He said, knocking his knuckles against the countertop. 
Lucky for Louis, it was all I could think about for the rest of the night.
Piper’s POV 
When I woke up the next morning, I could feel Harry’s heartbeat against my cheek.
The annoying beeping of his alarm had me groaning and turning my face into his chest. I heard him mutter a soft series of ‘sorry’s’ before it turned off. Harry’s arm draped over my back, holding me against his chest as I closed my eyes again. I let out a soft hum as he brushed his fingers up and down my back, his chest rising and falling slowly under my head. 
“I see that we’ve lost the pillow wall.” Harry’s voice was deep and raspy, causing a shiver to run up my spine. 
“Sorry.” I whispered, lifting my head up as I pressed my palm to his chest. “I guess I tossed it aside in the middle of the night.” 
“You did.” He chuckled softly. “You pushed it down with your feet and then you pulled it out and chucked it because you were trying to get comfortable.” 
“You watched me?” I asked, blinking a few times to try and focus my vision as I rested my chin on the back of my hand.
“I felt you flopping around like a fish out of water and I had to check on you.” He said slowly, his own eyes still shut. “I fell back asleep and when I woke up for a wee you were snuggled so tightly against me that I could barely pry you off.”
“I didn’t know that I was a cuddler.” I mumbled softly. “I’ve never really slept in a bed with anyone else before.”
“Well, you can tick that box off of your bucket list.” He smiled, his fingers still brushing over my back as I looked down at him. “You staring at me?” 
“A little.” I confessed, a small smile creeping up on my lips. “Think you’re pretty.”
“Love,” He let out a breathy chuckle. “Easy.”
“What?” I asked, dropping my head back to his chest. “Why can’t I say you're pretty? We spent the night together, I’m allowed to compliment you a little.”
“Do you think it’s a good idea to flirt with me?” He cleared his throat, shifting around under me. I groaned, falling back to the pillow next to him. “Do friends flirt?”
I should have known better. 
There was no way on earth someone like Harry would want to be with someone like me.
“Friends can call each other pretty.” I said dejectedly, turning on my side. “And friends can cuddle, too.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better, you’re an amazing cuddler.” He said softly, pressing his palm to my bicep as he leaned over to kiss my temple. “You’re welcome to sleep more if you’d like, but I would love to take you out to breakfast.”
“Breakfast?” I turned my head, looking at him with furrowed brows. “I thought you had a match this morning?”
“I’ve got a few hours.” He rested his body next to mine, his head falling on the pillow next to mine lazily. “Eleanor will be at the match.”
“I know.” I whispered. 
“You should sit with her.” Harry smiled. “I would like that.”
“Okay.” I said softly as he snaked his arm underneath my own, curling it around my middle. I tried to fight off a smile. “Thought we were getting up?”
“Few more minutes.” He mumbled. “You smell nice. S’that your perfume or your shampoo?”
“Probably both.” I smiled, resting my palm over his forearm. “Both sweet pea scented.”
“Piper.” He mused. “Sweet pea.”
“What are you mumbling about?” I asked, trying to contain my giggles at his sleepy rambling. 
“Gonna call you sweet pea.” He mumbled. “Because your name starts with a P and you’re so sweet.” 
Fuck being friends. 
I liked this boy.
And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t ignore the fluttering feeling in my stomach. 
I was truly fucked.
Piper’s POV 
There were only a few seconds left in the match and our boys were killing it. 
Eleanor gripped my hand tighter as Louis shouted to Niall across the field. Seconds later, he was kicking the ball with the side of his foot. Harry was much closer to the goal, ready to land the winning kick into the goal. I looked at him, his chest heaving and his hairline coated in a thin sheen of sweat. His face was intense and it made my thighs clench ever so slightly to see him so serious. He was always so attractive in the middle of a game, his brows pulled together and his lips pinched tightly together. I loved watching him pull his hair up before a game, twisting the long strands around before he tossed it up in a bun on top of his head. 
“He’s got this.” I said. “Come on, Lou!”
“He’s gonna pass to Harry.” She shook her head. “He has to, babe. He’ll miss from back there.”
“They have five fucking seconds.” We always got a bit snippy during games, but never at each other. “It better be a flawless fucking pass.”
Louis passed the black and white checked ball to Harry with a swift kick and I held my breath, waiting to see what would happen. Harry pushed a guy on the opposing team gently with his shoulder, sliding low until his foot collided with the ball. Just as the last second ticked down, it collided with the net behind the goal and Harry collapsed on his back as players rushed around him. 
Everyone cheered loudly, Eleanor jumping up with a loud cheer alongside the crowd. I could barely move, my heart thumping so loudly that it was all I could hear. I watched Harry’s back flat on the ground, my eyes watering as he continued to stay still. When I saw him sit up, shaking his head, I finally took a deep breath. Moments later, Louis and Niall were lifting him up on their shoulders. 
“Thank, fuck.” I whispered, standing up next to Eleanor as I clapped. 
Harry’s eyes flitted to the stands, landing on mine with a wide grin. 
He was covered in mud and dirt, but he was fine. 
Eleanor grabbed my hand, guiding me down towards the field. 
She was quick to launch on Louis when her feet hit the grass and Niall was quick to run over and scoop me up. I patted him on the back, laughing as he shook me around in his arms. 
“We won!” He cheered. “We bloody won!” 
“I know!” I chuckled, brushing my hand over the back of his head. “I’m proud of you, Ni.”
He put me on my feet, pressing a kiss to my cheek before he turned around to Harry. He grabbed his best mate by the face, kissing his forehead before he ran off shouting something that was terribly hard to make out. I rolled my eyes, steadying myself on my feet. Harry walked over to me, holding his arms out with that same wide and cheeky grin on his lips. 
“Come give your best mate a hug,” He said. “Gotta thank my good luck charm.”
“Harry, no.” I said, holding my hands up. “You’re covered in mud and grass and- Harry!” 
I squealed, taking off on the grass as Harry chased me. 
I dodged a few members of the opposing team, apologizing profusely. 
It didn’t take very long for Harry to wrap his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. 
“I deserve a bloody hug, sweet pea.” He squeezed me tight. “I won!”
“I know, but you’re gross.” I groaned, dropping my head back. “You get to shower before we go to lunch and I don’t.” 
“You could always join.” He whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear. “Know you’ve been dying to see me naked, haven’t ya pea?”
“I will elbow you.” I grumbled, spinning around in his arms. “Don’t be a prick.”
“Just like watching you blush, Piper.” He reached over, pinching my cheek softly. “Where are we going for lunch today?” 
“Where do we always go for lunch?” I rolled my eyes. “Go on, get cleaned up so we can go.”
“Fine, fine.” He sighed. “I’ll see you in ten?”
“I’ll be here.”
I walked back over to Eleanor and Louis, my mind stuck on Harry’s cheeky comment. 
I hated when he did stuff like that. 
He was always toying with my emotions, pulling me to and fro like I didn’t have any feelings at all. He knew that I had a crush on him and he knew that it sucked for me to be so close, but I had the power to stop it at any time. The truth was that I couldn’t stomach the thought of being away from him like that. I wanted him in my life, no matter how I could have him. I walked towards Eleanor with a heavy sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as she kissed Louis deeply. 
Being around a couple constantly was torture when you weren’t apart of one yourself. Especially when the person you wanted to be a couple with was always around anyways. When the pair were done kissing, Louis ran off towards the stadium to take a shower in the locker room. Eleanor smiled over at me and I gave her a blank stare, my lips turning down. 
“What happened?” she asked softly. 
“He’s done it again!” I tossed my hands up. “He was all ‘you should come shower with me, I know you want to see me naked’. Isn’t he the one who keeps insisting we should just be friends?” 
“He’s an idiot.” She rolled her eyes. “I hate that he keeps doing this and I hate that you won’t let me talk to him about it.”
“I don’t want to come between you and an old friend, El.” I shook my head. “He’ll grow up eventually, I guess. If he doesn’t, I guess I’ll have to start moving on.”
“I think you two would be so perfect for each other, babe.” She sighed. “I don’t know what his deal is!”
“Has Louis said anything?” I ask softly. “I don’t want to pry but-”
“Not a word.” She said, her sympathetic grin causing my heart to sink. “He spends all of his time with you and we both know that he’s into you, but something is holding him back.”
“Yeah.” I grimaced. “I like him so much, El.”
“I know.” She frowned. “I wish I could smack some sense into that thick skull of his. I mean, men can be so daft and then they say we’re the complicated ones!”
“I know!” I exclaimed. “Anyways, you and Lou are still coming to lunch with us, right?”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “Louis is dying for a turkey apple sandwich.”
“That does sound good.” I hummed out. “I was thinking about soup, though, it’s freezing out here.”
“Oh, soup.” She groaned out. “That’s perfect,”
Harry’s Pov
I wrapped my towel around my waist, letting out a heavy sigh as I turned the faucet off. 
I hated what I was doing to Piper. 
My sweet pea.
I couldn’t help but rile her up like that, watching her face flush red as I whispered in her ear. 
Part of me was certain that I was riling her up so that she would make the first move. If that was the case, maybe Louis would realize that our feelings for each other were real. 
“Mate,” Louis said. “What was that on the field?” 
“What do you mean?” I asked, my brows furrowing as I walked up to my locker. “We won, Lou.”
“I meant when you were chasing Piper.” He said. “That was flirting, Harry.”
I snapped my mouth shut. 
If he heard the things that passed between Piper and I when we were alone, he’d be livid. 
It was borderline verbal sex with us sometimes, the tension so thick that it had her clamping her legs shut and me shifting in my seat. 
“Was just teasing her, Lou.” I rolled my eyes. “You’re not getting onto Niall for picking her up and kissing her face.”
“Niall means no harm.”
“And neither do I.” I shot him a glare. “Mind your mouth.”
“Why her, Harry?” He sighed. “You could have any bird or lad on campus and you want her, why?”
“Because she’s Piper.” I turned towards him. “She’s the one that I want, okay. I can’t tell you why I think about her every moment of the day or why I want to be with her, I just do. I want to be there for her and you’re stupid fucking fear for Eleanor is standing in my way.”
“You can do what you want.” Louis’ jaw tensed. “M’not standing in your fookin’ way, mate.”
“But you are!” I shouted. “You are because you know that I would never do anything to hurt you or El because you’re family to me. You asked me not to do something and I’m being respectful of that because I respect you. I can’t say that you respect me though, because you would never ask this of me if you did. Can’t you see that this is killing me?”
Louis let out a frustrated huff as I turned back to my locker. 
I grabbed my clothes, angrily pulling them on before I ran my towel over the wet strands of my hair. Piper would be pissed to see me pulling at my curls instead of properly scrunching them up with a soft t-shirt, but I couldn’t be arsed to care about that right now. I slammed my locker shut, hiking my bag onto my shoulder before I stormed out of the locker room. When I walked out onto the field, Eleanor and Piper were whispering amongst themselves. 
“I just don’t get it.” Piper let out a sad sigh. “I want-”
“I know, babe!” Eleanor interrupted her with a chipper voice, pressing her hand to Piper’s bicep with a wide smile. “I wish they still had pumpkin spice too, I already miss it.”
“You women and your pumpkin spice.” I grumbled, pressing my hand to Piper’s hip before I leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Know you miss it, Pea, but it’s peppermint season now.”
“You’re right.” She gave me a playful pout. “I guess I can survive with that for now.”
“Thatta girl.” I chuckled, pulling my hand back as she reached up to touch my hair. “What?”
“You didn’t scrunch your hair properly, H.” She sighed. “I’ve told you to take better care of these curls! They’re going to be frizzy when they dry.”
I licked over my bottom lip, resisting the urge to lean down and kiss the pout off of her lips. 
“Sweet Pea, I’m sorry.” I said softly. “I was in a little bit of a rush, yeah? Wanted to get my favorite girls to lunch.”
“In that case, I guess I can forgive you.” She mumbled. 
Piper’s POV 
I sipped at my peppermint latte as Harry tossed a french fry into his mouth. 
“So when are you all flying home?” I asked. “Only a few weeks left until Christmas and exams are almost over.”
“El and I are flying out next Friday.” Louis said, smiling over at his girlfriend. “I’m excited to see me Mum and sisters.”
“Me too.” Eleanor nodded. “Missed them all.”
“What about you, H?” I asked. 
“I decided to stay.” He shrugged. “I don’t want to disrupt my schedule mid year, you know? It’ll be hard for me to get back into things come January if I spend an entire three weeks vegging out with Mum and Gem.”
“Oh.” I said softly, my face falling as he cleared his throat. 
He was avoiding something and he was sad about it. 
“I’m not going home either.” I said softly. “Too expensive to fly around the holiday’s, you know? Don’t make nearly enough being a full time fan girl for the footie team.”
“Tell me about it.” Eleanor rolled her eyes playfully. “Who do I talk to about getting that raise I was promised.”
“Oh, you get plenty as it is.” Louis leaned forward, capturing her lips. “Pay you in love and other things.”
Harry let out a frustrated sigh, standing up from the table. 
“I’ve gotta go.” He pulled his wallet out, tossing twenty five dollars onto the table. “S’enough for both of us and the tip, Pea. I’ll see you later in Mcgregor Hall for our study session.”
“Bye.” He leaned over, pressing a sloppy kiss to my forehead before doing the same to El. 
I watched him storm out with a confused look on my face. 
“Should I not have asked about Christmas?” I looked at Eleanor with soft eyes. “I can’t….El, I can’t do this anymore.”
“Babe, it’s gonna be fine.” She said softly. “He’s just a bit moody today, isn’t he? Misses his Mum a whole lot, it has nothing to do with you.” 
“What are you two on about?” Louis asked, glancing between us. “Is something going on between you and Harry?”
“No.” I shook my head. “That’s the problem.”
“They have this chemistry and Piper really likes Harry, but he told her that being friend’s was their best option.” Eleanor explained softly. “Sometimes he’s sweet on her though and it makes her sad because she wants him.”
“El.” I mumbled, my cheeks growing warm. “He doesn’t need all of the details.”
“You like that miserable sod?” Louis asked. “You’re not worried about a relationship with him ruining your friendship?” 
“Not really.” I shook my head at Louis. “Harry and I will always be friends.” 
“No, I mean,” Louis sighed. “You’re not worried about it ruining you and Eleanor’s friendship?”
“No.” I said slowly. “What are you talking about?”
“I feel like if you and Harry were to break up, you wouldn’t want to be friends with El because he’s always around.” Louis said softly. “Wouldn’t that be hard?”
“For a bit, yeah.” I shrugged. “We’re both mature, though. I think we could work through any differences and remain friends.”
“Why are you being so nosy?” Eleanor narrowed her eyes, looking at Louis. “What have you done?”
“Nothin’!” Louis exclaimed. “I’ve not done anythin’.”
“Louis!” She cried out. “You’re lying to me.”
“M’not.” He fidgeted in his seat, avoiding her gaze. “Swear I meant well.”
“Louis, what did you do?” I asked softly, my heart dropping as he avoided my gaze. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything, I just…” He licked over his bottom lip, looking between Eleanor and I with wide eyes. “I just asked him to consider your friendship with Eleanor before making any moves on you. I didn’t want to see her lose her best friend, you know?”
“You’re a sodding prick, Louis Tomlinson.” Eleanor snapped. “You knew that Harry would respect that if you asked. He thinks of you as a brother and he would do anything for you.”
“I have to go.” I grabbed my bag and my coat. “I have to find Harry.”
“Go on,” Eleanor said. “I’ve got a very naughty boyfriend to deal with.”
The first place I ran to was the frat house. 
Harry wasn’t there and Niall hadn’t seen him at all. 
The second place I ran was the park on the far end of campus that we often spent weekends at.
He wasn’t there either. 
When I finally found him, I was only a little shocked. 
“You just played a match, mate.” I let out a relieved sigh when he snapped his head up, his eyes softening when he saw me. “What are you doing out here?”
“Just needed to clear my head.” He said as I walked closer. “Why are you here?”
“I had to see you.” I took a deep breath, swiping the ball from between Harry’s feet with a swift kick. It landed in the goal and Harry let out an amused, but breathy chuckle. “I’m getting good.”
“You’ve got a good teacher.” He snorted out a laugh. “Everything okay, sweet pea?”
“No.” I said. “You see, I’ve got this friend and he’s having some girl trouble.”
“Oh, yeah?” He asked. “What’s his deal?”
“He really likes this girl and he flirts with her all the time, but he hasn’t made a move.” I shrugged, glancing up at Harry. “There’s this other friend of theirs that asked an impossible favor of him and he’s being loyal, which I admit is admirable, but a little daft, as you would say.”
Harry’s Adam's apple bobbed up and down softly and he looked over my head. 
“He does sound quite daft, doesn’t he?” He let out a soft laugh, closing his eyes. “Piper-”
“It makes me love him more though.” I said softly. “The fact that he’s putting aside his feelings because he’s that loyal to the people he loves. It’s stupid, but really sweet.”
“You think so?” He asked, his eyes a little watery as he looked down at me. 
“I do.” I nodded. “Why didn’t you talk to me about this, Harry? We share everything with each other and-”
“This was the one thing I couldn’t tell you, pea.” He said softly. “I never wanted to hurt you and...I knew that this would.  I didn’t want you to feel like I was choosing something over you, because that isn’t the case.” 
“Harry, it’s okay.” I said softly. “I would have understood and I also would have had a very long talk with Louis about minding his own business, darling. You’re free to be with whoever you want and no one can tell you otherwise.”
“What if I want to be with my beautiful best friend, pea?” He reached up, brushing his thumb over my chin. “What if I want to be with the girl that stole my heart the moment I saw her?”
“Then make a fucking move, Styles.” I let out a breathy laugh as he leaned closer. “She won’t wait around forever. She’s a fucking catch and-”
Harry’s lips pressed into mine, cold and wet and perfect. 
I pressed my fingers into his shoulders, gripping his coat tightly with glove covered fingers. 
He tilted his head slightly, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of my lips. 
“You’re perfect, Piper.” His breath washed over my lips as I shuffled closer, desperately seeking his body heat. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” I said. “Just be with me, H. Be mine.”
“I’ve always been yours, Piper.” He brushed the tip of his nose over mine. “Always will be.”
When Harry’s lips pressed to mine again, something wet landed on my cheek. 
We both pulled back, looking up at the sky with wide smiles. 
“Snow.” I said softly. 
“Christmas miracle isn’t complete with snow, is it?” He teased, brushing his nose against mine. 
“Shut up and kiss me.” 
Harry’s POV 
Louis looked like a child who had just been told Santa wasn’t real when Piper and I walked back into the cafe holding hands. He shot me a soft look that said ‘mate, I’m really sorry for being a dickhead’ and I gave him a tight smile in response. We still needed to have a talk about everything, but there was no use in fighting over something that was in the past now. It felt good, sitting next to Piper as her boyfriend and not just her best friend. It was sudden and my mind was still reeling, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I walked her back to her dorm that night with a pout on my lips and our fingers tightly laced together. 
“I don’t want to say goodbye, pea.” I mumbled, my thumb brushing against her cheek softly as we stood in front of her door. “Just got you.”
“You’ve always had me.” She snorted out a soft laugh. 
“Never been able to make out with you, though.” I wiggled my brows. “Think we can finally carry through on all that sexual banter we’ve been partaking in.”
“Yeah.” She said quickly, her cheeks getting pinker. “But not tonight, H. Think we should take some time apart to think about things before we jump right in. It’s going to be a bit different now and I need to get used to the idea.” 
“Take as much time as you need.” I pressed my lips to hers in a soft kiss. “I’ll be waiting.”
I was only slightly regretting my words now. 
Everyone had left for Christmas and we had the house to ourselves. 
We were in the middle of a movie marathon in the living room, a few bottles of wine and takeout boxes scattered on the coffee table as we snuggled into each other. Piper’s head rested on my chest and her fingers rested against my stomach, slightly drumming over the bit of holiday weight I had put on over the last week or so. She looked so cute all snuggled up in my sweater and a pair of fluffy sucks, my sweatpants tucked into them carelessly. 
“You’re thinking too loud.” She whispered, lifting her head up. “What’s going on in your head, H?”
“Just thinking about how cute you are.” I smiled down at her. “You’re all snuggled up in my clothes with your pretty hair and your pretty eyes. I just can’t believe that I’m lucky enough to call you my girl.”
Her eyes searched my face as I reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“I want you.” She said softly. “But I’m scared.”
“I wasn’t…” I trailed off. “M’not trying to get in your pants, sweet pea. I just wanted you to know that I’m so in love with you.”
“And I’m in love with you.” She sat up. “And I would really, really like to show you how much I love you.”
“When you’re ready.” I said. “I know that you didn’t have the best first time and you’re a little nervous to dive back in, but I can wait. I want you to be one hundred percent ready when the time comes.”
She inhaled sharply before giving me a soft nod. 
“I love you.” I said, brushing my thumb over her bottom lip. “Get back over ‘ere, pea. Wanna snuggle you some more.”
Piper’s POV 
Harry was snoring softly in my ear on the couch. 
The sun had long gone down and the credits for The Holiday were rolling on the flatscreen in Harry’s living room. With a soft groan, I flipped around in his arms, nuzzling my face into his chest as he tightened his arms around me. The scent of his cologne filled my senses, nearly lulling me back to sleep. I was moments from falling back into dreamland when I felt something firm pressing between my thighs, causing my eyes to snap open. I pulled back to look at Harry’s face, his eyes still shut as he continued to softly snore. He was still fast asleep. 
I let out a soft gasp, my walls clenching down as I shifted against his thigh. I let out a soft gasp, my fingers tightening against his sweater as I stilled my hips. I tilted my head back, looking over his face as he slept peacefully. I didn’t want to wake him, but was done waiting. I wanted him. I wanted everything with Harry and I especially wanted to indulge passion filled moments with frantic hands and desperate kisses with a christmas film playing in the background. 
“Harry.” I said his name softly, my fingers trailing up his throat to cup his cheek. “Harry, baby, wake up.”
“S’wrong?” He asked, tucking his head down. “You alright?”
“I want you.” I said it softly, my heart pounding against my chest. “I’m ready.”
“Sweet pea, s’late.” He opened his eyes. “Are you sleep talkin’?”
“No.” I shook my head. “I mean it.” 
I rolled my hips, grinding my core against his thigh to really send the message through. 
“Piper.” He gasped, his eyes wide open. “Darling, what….what’re you doing?”
“Was trying to snuggle up to you and you put your thigh between my legs, H.” I said timidly, my face heating up under his gaze. His lips were curling into a soft smile and I bit the inside of my cheek. “It felt nice.”
“S’that why you want me?” He let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. “Needy girl.”
“Please.” I whispered. “I need you.”
“I’ve got ye’.” He leaned down, pressing a series of soft kisses to my lips. “Gonna push your pants down, okay?”
I nodded, but she shook his head. 
“If we’re doing this, I want to hear you.” He said. “I need you to say what you want.”
“Take my pants off.” I griped, tilting my head back.
“Good girl.” 
Two little words.
They sent a shockwave through my body, running straight to my core. 
I let out a soft whimper as he pushed at the waistband of my pants. 
“M’too tired to fuck you.” He said softly. “But I promise to make you feel so good, sweet pea. Gonna have you cummin’ fo’ me.”
I shifted my hips as he moved the waistband of my sweats to my thighs, his hand brushing up the skin of my leg to my hip. He gave it a soft squeeze as our lips collided and I squirmed beneath him. He pulled back, brushing his nose against mine with his eyes shut tight. 
“Do you want my fingers?” He asked me softly. 
“I do.” I nodded. “My fingers are too small and I can never get the angle right when I try.”
“Fuck, pea.” He groaned, opening his eyes. “You’re killing me, my love.”
“Just want to love you.” I pouted my bottom lip out. “Wanna feel good.”
“I know, darling.” He sponged a few soft kisses over my hairline. “Let me get on my back, okay. I want you to ride my fingers.”
Harry wrapped his arms around my body, turning onto his back. I fumbled, my chest pressed tightly to his as he let one of his hands trail over my bum. I whimpered when he tucked his fingers between the crease of my bum and my thigh, brushing the pads of his fingers over my lower lips. His other hand maneuvered its way between our bodies, his thumb brushing swiftly over my clit before it dipped towards my entrance. 
“S’this okay?” He asked. “You feel comfortable?” 
“Yes.” I nodded. “I’m good.” 
He inserted his thumb, pulling it out quickly before he slipped it back up to my clit. 
He rubbed soft circles over it as his fore and middle finger brushed over my entrance in a teasing manner. 
I rolled my hips, desperate to have them inside of me. 
“Yeah, just like that.” He said gruffly. “Ride my fingers, sweet pea. Take what you want from me.”
I gasped when he pushed two fingers into me, my slick walls stretching around them as I moved my hips. I pushed down as Harry curled his fingers up, stroking over that spongy spot inside of me. I moved my hips up, his fingers sliding out slowly before I fucked back onto them. He cooed, brushing the pad of his thumb over my clit in quick circles. 
“You’re so tight, Piper.” He whispered into my hairline as I gripped onto his shoulders. “You’re clenching my fingers so tight.”
“Feels so good, Harry.” I whimpered. “Wanna cum.”
“Are you close?” He asked, a teasing lilt to his voice. “My girl is so greedy, isn’t she? Gonna cum before I properly fuck her with my fingers becuase she wants it so bad, isn’t that right?”
“Yes.” I gasped against his throat. “I need to cum, Harry. It feels so good and I can’t...I need it, baby. Please let me cum.”
“Take it.” He said, sliding his free hand up to my hip. “Take it from me, Piper. Make yourself cum for me sweet pea.”
I felt my thighs clamping as he pressed harder against my clit, my hips stilling against his hand as he stroked that spongy spot inside of me. I felt my walls clenching down around his digits, my whole body warm as my mouth fell open. It was better than any orgasm I had ever experienced on my own and it had me crying out into the skin of his neck. He brushed his hand up my back, slowly slipping my fingers out as I started to come down. 
“You’re so good.” he whispered. “That was perfect, darling. Did so well for me, didn’t you, pea?” 
“That was nice.” I mewled. “Thank you, thank you-”
“Gonna treat you so good tomorrow, darling.” He promised, a sharp edge to his voice. “Gonna spend hours with my head between those pretty thighs and then I’m gonna fuck you like you want. Gonna have you screaming for me, sweet pea.”
I whimpered into his neck, nodding. 
“I want that.” I whispered. 
My eyes felt heavy as he started to pull my pants back up. 
“I love you so much, H.” I whispered, my eyes slipping shut as he covered me up. “Love you, darling.”
“I love you more, pea.” he whispered. “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
I drifted off to the sound of Harry’s voice, my face snuggling into his shirt. 
This was all I ever needed. 
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novantinuum · 3 years
The blorbo meme for your own OCs? (ones for specific fandom worlds or otherwise)
Ojhfhsdbhjg I will gladly!
(Note: There are a mixture of Steven Universe and Breath of the Wild OCs in here. I'll add photos after OC mentions so y'all have an idea of who I'm talking about. Most of these will be WIPs/sketches. Tbh some I've probably barely talked about on this blog, but let's go XD)
“Blorbo” Character Ask Meme
____ My blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
At the moment? Aryll Haywood, my version of Link's sister. Of all my OCs, she invades my thoughts the most, and is- quite honestly- probably the most fleshed out of all of the characters I've ever created. I think it helps that the very essence of her setting gave her an obvious life conflict to bounce off of... aka the loss of her entire town and family to the Calamity. There's a lot of juice to play with there, in imagining how an 11 year old girl would try (and fail) to cope with that. I can't wait to eventually share her full story- just a few days ago, I started officially writing the prologue for that long fic of mine!
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My scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
ASDshgjhdg is it a crime to ALSO say Aryll for this one? I would very much love to pick her up in my arms and swing her around like a parent with a tineee precious baby ;w;;;;;;;
Not really sure I have any other OCs who would count as "baby," a lot of the others are downright snarky motherfuckers, lmao.
My scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
I've grown quite attached to Arwel Haywood (Link and Aryll's father) while writing a bit of fic from his POV, (A FIC I STILL NEED TO FINISH, auUGHHHH! ! !!!!), and feel I don't think about him as much as I should. I need to flesh out his personality a bit more. So far, though... I am big uWU at the thought of him just,,, really, really loving his kids. I think he does have the tendency to push Link too hard too young with their training, and perhaps spends time with his son just a tad more than his daughter due to their shared interest in swordplay, but oh god does he do his genuine best with them, and I am HUGE a aAAA
(Not my art, but a preliminary Hero Forge model I did of him)
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My glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Taafeite, a fusion of my OC Jean Maverick and Steven Universe. They don't show up in their world very often- thus "obscure fave-" but when they do, it's sure to be quite a show. They're a big personality and very much enjoy being in the spotlight. Please don't underestimate their weapon. It may look like a glorified pizza cutter staff, but that bitch is fucking sharp.
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My poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Hmm. I don't think any of my SU or BotW OCs fit this category. The only OC I have that even remotely fits is... a VERY old pull... Aster, a Gravity Falls multiverse OC I had at one point but never did anything concrete with. Aster... was the one who was a mercenary working for Bill, charged with hunting Ford down during those 30 years he was lost in the multiverse. They... definitely kill, and definitely do MANY morally wrong things, but there's a depressing backstory to be told, and they eventually do experience Character Development™ and become a less Problematic person, ahahah.
(this art is old as Balls, i'm so sorry)
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My horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Jean Maverick. I, uh... outright amputate one of their legs in end-game content that I will probably never write out in full, so saying this is not a spoiler. I put them through so much bullshit, lmao. Trauma... self-loathing... I yeet them into the Gem war at one point... more trauma... meeting their mother WHILE experiencing trauma... homoerotic encounters with foes... oh yeah, they've got it all, shshgdhkkl
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My eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
jhhjsbdgj absolutely Morganite. Aka Jean's nemesis. Aka a gay ass motherfucker who was so lovesick for the concept of a romance that had long died in the war that she tried touching the sun and got burned. I kinda gave her a really depressing backstory, but she commits war crimes and is GemRacist™ though, which is why she's going to superhell. Byeee!
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rahleeyah · 3 years
Tbh I’m not even disappointed by the lack of eo because I was expecting it and assume it’s scheduling shit but THE PLOT HOLES Leah that shit was messy and not the fun kind??
where is Dana
What is Angela's deal, exactly? I think they wanted to keep her sort of grey, keep the audience wondering whether she was a villain or a victim but they gave her too much of both for her to be either and the end result felt, not nuanced and complex, but sloppy (although I do think her killing Richard was the best way to end him which leads me to my next point)
I think it is cheap as hell that we don't know for sure Richard is dead. Keeping him alive bc he's a fan favorite and they might like to bring him back one day if Dylan has time is utter bullshit bc it's a decision that has nothing to do with storytelling. The point of the second arc was to put the Wheatleys to bed and leaving it open ended doesn't give Elliot closure, and does a disservice to Angela, and continuing to drag out the repercussions of Richard's actions - when we still don't know why the FUCK he was so focused on Elliot in the first place like oh Elliot was part of the team investigating him why go after just Elliot that hard?? Why not someone else on the team? Why draw his attention??? Why go after such a high profile target when you know that's just gonna bring the heat down on you??? It makes no sense?? - feels repetitive and exhausting
None of Richard's choices make any sense
I mean turning Elliot into Cersei Lannister was kinda fun but still very ?????
Why was Richard so focused on proclaiming his innocence when he literally was responsible for killing Kathy. With Angela's help sure but still. Like yeah Lewis made Liv go on TV and confess to perjury but she very much did lie under oath like he was actually seeking the truth. Richard was clinging to a lie, why?? To salvage his good name??? What does his reputation matter when he's running away?? Like it just doesn't make any sense for Richard to be such a fucking crusader about his innocence; he's a messy bitch I'd think he'd use what he did to taunt Elliot instead
Bernie was never in any real danger, although she was scared, and Elliot's soul??? Richard never even tried to take it, bc Bernie wasn't really threatened and she was so fucking easy to find. While Elliot was obviously worried for her it all went down so quickly I had almost no emotional stake in it; it felt like there was zero risk, and bc there was no risk it felt pointless. You can't threaten to take a man's soul and then underwhelm the audience you gotta at least try to live up to your own hype. There was no attempt to follow thru on any of the bullshit Richard said
What the fuck with Jet and Malachi tbh that was some heterosexual nonsense and I'm not here for it
I am disappointed bc up til now oc has been my favorite child. It has been fun and exciting and fast paced and worth screaming over but last night was just a great big huh? That should have been two episodes. There were too many things they needed to do, too many questions they needed to answer, but they pulled an svu and just chucked it all together and then threw their hands up in the air
Now that I've said all that, though, I wanna say this. I fucking loved the Albanians. We had a whole group of secondary characters who were compelling in their own right and whose stories laid the groundwork for Elliot working through his own shit. That arc was fun and satisfying for me. So while the second Wheatley arc has been like. A great big pile of ????? I am looking forward to the third arc. Let's forget about that bullshit and see what's coming up next. What do Olivia and Denis Leary have in store for us.
Maybe now that the Wheatley arc is over Elliot really can grow. Maybe we can move forward from an unsatisfying conclusion into something fun and engaging.
Basically I've still got my clown makeup on
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samanthadalton · 4 years
So we meet again part 2
since a few of you guys wanted a part 2 i thought i would give it a go, hope you enjoy. I wanted to do a mix between past and present so i’ve stated which parts are the past etc also there’ll be a part 3 which will be the finale, I’ll write that soon 💜
pairings: Poppy x Bea 
taglist: @cloud9in @somewillwin @alleycat97 @baexpoppy @save-me-the-last-dance @helpconfusedpersonhere @dopeyouth @iamsimpforpoppy @alexlabhont @thedaft1 @veenast @cloakanddaggerthings 
wordcount: 3.4k 
slightly NSFW also there might be swearing, i can’t remember tbh (it’s like 2am rn im sorry) 
also part 1 is here in case you need a refresher💜
Bea and Poppy roll around in the bed, playfully, as Bea peppers kisses all over Poppy’s body, while pressing her body into the mattress. 
“Bea that tickles.” 
“Really?” Bea removes her hands from Poppy’s wrists and begins tickling her sides. 
“Please..stop..” Poppy says in between giggles and huffs. Eventually Bea moves her hands and is met with a pillow smashing into her face. 
“OW!” Bea cries out, as she rubs her face, a hint of a smile ghosts on her face. 
“I told you I hate being tickled,” Poppy huffs, expertly hiding her smile as Bea continues rubbing her face. “I’m sorry. Want me to kiss it better?” Bea pouts, nodding her head as she inches forward puckering her lips. Poppy rolls her eyes, placing a chaste kiss on Bea’s lips and just as she pulls away, Bea crashes her lips back into hers, eliciting a moan from the strawberry blonde. 
“That’s a kiss,” Bea teases, in retort Poppy playfully shoves her before leaning against the headboard. Bea lays her head on the pillow, shifting her body to face her girlfriend. “Hey can I ask you something?” 
“You’ll ask even if I say no,” Poppy jests. 
Bea leans up on her elbows, her expression sobering, “look Pops, these last two months have been amazing but I want to take you out on a real date.” 
Poppy groans, “not this again Bea.” 
“Hey, hey, let me finish,” Bea says pleadingly, Poppy rubs her temples, her silence indicating for Bea to continue, “I like what we have right now, just chilling and making out and stuff but I want to take you out on a real date. Somewhere public where I can show you off and make random strangers jealous of me because I’m dating the prettiest girl ever. All of this sneaking around is just reminding me of college.” 
As Bea climbs through Poppy’s window, her leg gets caught  in the curtains and she tumbles onto the floor, as the items on Poppy’s desk, plummet to the ground. 
“God damn it Farmsville, why not alert the entire sorority of your presence?” 
“Geez, it was an accident,” Bea dusts herself off, before picking up the fallen items and placing them back. “So what the hell is so urgent that you have me in your room at 1am and why couldn’t I go through the front door?” 
“Ew, don’t say it like that.” Poppy scrunches her nose up in disgust, “it’s not like that.”
“So why am I here?” 
“You’re number 1 at Belvoire now, think of this as my final consultation before you officially become queen.” 
“I was named queen the second they gave me the award, and I certainly don’t need any advice you have to offer.” 
Poppy visibly becomes irritated, her face etches into a scowl, “remember that I ruled this school for 3 years, and judging by recent events like your little plight with Kingsley, you’ve already got some enemies. Remember heavy is the head that wears the crown.” 
Bea lets out a humourless laugh, “don’t worry I have a plan.” Poppy raises an eyebrow, intrigued, “I’ll do the opposite of everything you did. I won’t backstab my friends, I won’t be a bitch to everyone and I’ll treat everyone with kindness and respect.” 
“Don’t forget Hughes, it was exactly that kind of subterfuge that got you in my spot in the first place.” 
“No, it helped me get into the top 15 I’ll admit, but everything else was careful strategy and just being a decent human being. You would be surprised how many people were desperate for your reign of tyranny to end.”
Poppy huffs, “funny how you act like people hate me so much when they would do anything just for a fraction of my attention.” Poppy takes a step forward, a sneer expression on her face. 
Bea snorts, “get off your high horse.” 
“Eurgh no farm jokes.” 
“I- I’m not going to even comment. So is that all you wanted or was there something else?” 
“What else do you think I want?” 
“I thought this was going to be about what happened at the fountain.” Poppy freezes for a split second, a blush creeping up on her cheeks, her mouth hangs open but no words come out. “Oh come on Pops, don’t act like you haven’t thought about what happened at least once or twice over the summer,” Bea flashes a smug grin which seems to bring Poppy back to reality. 
“Please,” she scoffs, “you’re giving yourself too much credit, that kiss was mediocre at best.”  
Bea raises an eyebrow, “liar.” Bea takes a step forward, “That kiss was mind-blowingly good. So good that on the first day back at Belvoire, you needed to make up a dumb excuse for me to sneak up to your room at 1am.” Poppy presses her lips together in a thin line, her eyes carefully roam Bea’s, waiting. Without any hesitation, Bea places her hands on Poppy’s hips, pulling her close to her as she presses her lips against Poppy’s, desire instantly building between the two of them. 
Poppy feels her eyes rolling to the back of her head, as Bea peppers kisses on her neck, and has to stifle a moan when Bea runs her tongue over her jaw. 
“Bea…stop with the foreplay.” Poppy feels Bea’s lips quirk up against her neck, but Bea continues kissing her neck, only frustrating Poppy more. “God Farmsville,” Poppy growls, she pushes Bea away from her and pulls her towards her bed, before straddling her lap. 
“Taking charge?” 
“I always take charge,” Poppy retorts, her lips ghosting around Bea’s until she playfully bites Bea’s bottom lip before sucking on it. “But I’m feeling nice today,” Poppy runs her forefinger down Bea’s body, evoking goosebumps, “so maybe I’ll let you be in control, just this once.” 
“So you’re planning on doing this again?” Bea teases as her lips quirk up into a wide grin as she flips their positions, pushing the strawberry blonde deep into her mattress, already locked in a passionate embrace before Poppy can retort. Bea places her hands around Poppy’s wrists placing her above her head, her eyes piercing into Poppy’s as she does so, in an attempt to demonstrate her dominance. Just as she leans in for another kiss, a loud series of knocks breaks them apart. 
“Hey P, you up?” Veronica’s voice rings through the room. 
Poppy silently motions for Bea to leave as she erratically flaps her arms towards the window. Bea wordlessly runs to the window and just as she’s about to climb out Poppy whispers, “don’t tell anyone about this, now hurry up.” 
Poppy averts her gaze from Bea, a guilty look on her face, “I’m sorry but college was different. I wasn’t ready for the world to know about us, I mean I barely understood what I felt for you.” 
Bea stares at Poppy with a hopeful look in her eyes, “but now you do.” She takes one of Poppy’s hands in hers, “look there’s no expectation to be super fancy, we can do something lowkey, just so we get a feel of being out together in public.” 
Poppy sighs, “fine.” Bea’s face lights up and Poppy can’t help but feel the butterflies in her stomach, “so where were you thinking?”
“I was thinking we would go to my restaurant.” 
“Digne d'une reine? That’s kinda high maintenance no?” 
“No, I meant Farmsville. I think it’s time for you to see the restaurant which you inspired.” 
Poppy bites her bottom lip, unable to stop herself from smiling, “okay.” 
A few weeks later, Poppy and Bea finally find the time out of their busy schedules to have their first date. As Bea leads Poppy into the small diner, Poppy stands awkwardly to the side as Bea leads her into one of the booths in the back. Poppy’s gaze darts around the room, wondering why the restaurant is so busy on a Sunday evening. 
“Hey, is everything okay?” Bea calls out to Poppy who looks lost in her own thoughts. 
“Yeah, great,” Poppy gives her girlfriend a small smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, as she nervously darts her gaze around the room, feeling as if all eyes are of them. 
Bea senses Poppy’s discomfort and reaches over the table, taking Poppy’s hand in hers, “hey if you wanna go…” 
Poppy violently shakes her head no, “no, I said it’s fine Bea.” She pulls her hand out of Bea’s and sits in silence until the waitress approaches the table handing the girls’ a menu each. 
“Hey Bea,” the waitress flashes the girl a bright smile, as she stands with a notebook in her hand. 
“Hey Cecila, how’s it going today?” 
“Not bad, it’s been kinda busy, but we miss seeing your face around here.” 
Bea lets out a small chuckle, “Don’t worry I’ll be back next week for a bit. I’m just glad we have you looking out for this place here otherwise it would’ve gone down in flames, literally. Jerry would’ve accidentally set fire to the kitchen if it wasn’t for you.” 
The waitress lets out a boisterous laugh, causing Poppy to furrow her brows as she reaches over, possessively interlacing her hand with Bea’s. “Hmm, funny.” The women stop laughing and look over to see Poppy’s unimpressed face. Bea expertly hides her smirk as she realises what’s going on. 
“Cecila,” Bea clears her throat, “this is Poppy-” 
“The girlfriend,” Poppy interjects. 
Cecilia gives Poppy a bright smile, “I was wondering when I was going to meet you! Bea would not stop talking our ears off about you.” Cecile playfully pushes Bea shoulder with her hand, “and she told me you were gorgeous but you are even more beautiful in person.” 
“Thanks,” Poppy bluntly replies, twirling a strand of her hair. 
“Well I’ll come back in a few minutes so y’all can look over the menu in the meantime.” Cecile gives a polite smile before moving to the next table. Once she’s gone, Poppy slips her hand out of Bea’s, but just as she lets go, Bea grabs her wrist pulling it back, a wide grin plastered on her face. 
“You’re jealous,” she says matter of factly. 
Poppy scoffs, “I don’t do jealousy, shut up.” 
Bea smiles, clearly enjoying herself, “yeah you are.” Poppy stares daggers at Bea, a scowl appearing on her face, “you don’t have to worry, I don’t think Cecile’s husband and kid would appreciate her leaving them for me.” 
“Yeah, she’s super straight, and married.” 
“Oh,” a blush appears on Poppy’s face as she looks away embarrassed. The strawberry blonde pulls away her hand as Bea loosens her grip on her wrist. 
“This isn’t the first time you’ve been jealous.” 
Poppy raises an unimpressed eyebrow at her girlfriend, “what the hell are you talking about?” 
“Come on, the Christmas party? Don’t tell me you don’t tell me you don’t remember.” 
As the months went on, Bea and Poppy would meet up a couple of times a week for casual sex. They had set some ground rules, they can only meet up in Poppy’s bedroom, no cuddling afterwards, Bea would either have to sneak out through Poppy’s window or through the back door of the sorority if everyone else was asleep, and  no feelings could be involved. Poppy had been adamant to Bea about how sex was only a release for her frustrations and for the girl not to read too much into it because it meant nothing. But the Christmas party was just the beginning of the lines starting to blur. 
Just as Bea enters the frat house, she takes in the spirited atmosphere of the party, the loud thumping bass music, drumming in her ears as she makes her way over to the drinks station, pouring a drink for her and Zoey. 
“It’s really loud!” Bea shouts over the music. 
“What?” Zoey replies, as she takes one of the cups from Bea’s hands. 
“Yeah totally. Hey I’ll catch up with you soon, there’s a super cute girl over there.” Zoey lumbers over to the other side of the room, leaving the girl on her own. For a while she mingles with a few different groups, an obligation for the queen of Belvoire, but when Veronica begins not so subtly flirting with Bea, she can’t help but flirt back, especially when Veronica looks this good. 
They standing in the corner of the living room, as Veronica begins whispering into Bea’s ear about the party and how idiotic the football team look while playing strip pong but when Poppy walks through the living room in a skin tight pink dress, all rational thoughts are thrown out of the window for Bea. 
As if she can feel the girl’s eyes on her, Poppy swings her hips slightly as she walks past, a glimmer of a smile of her face, as Bea’s eyes follow her until Veronica breaks her out of her reverie. 
“You okay?” 
Bea deftly glances at Poppy to see her casually talking with Chloe, paying no attention to her, “yeah I’m good. Dance with me?” She holds out her hand which Veronica accepts as Bea leads her into the makeshift dance floor. Veronica presses her body against Bea’s, her hips grinding into Bea’s front, Bea places her hands on Veronica’s hips, only enhancing the friction between them. 
Poppy looks over to see Bea and Veronica dancing together as feels a burning sensation in her chest, it wasn’t jealousy, she wouldn’t admit to that but she did not enjoy seeing Veronica rubbing herself all over Bea. She leaves the house pulling up Bea’s contact info and texting the girl to meet her in her room asap. 
“I’ll grab us some drinks.” Bea nods as Veronica stalks off towards the drinks table and when she feels her phone buzzing in her pocket, she pulls it out to see a bunch of messages from Poppy saying it’s an emergency. Bea makes her way to the door but Veronica steps in front of her, 2 cups in her hands. 
“Are you leaving?” 
“Yeah, I’m sorry I just have to be somewhere,” Bea darts out of the house, leaving an abandoned Veronica who stands near the front door, confused.
“What’s the emergency?” Bea pants as she runs into Poppy’s room, not bothering to knock, while Poppy is standing near the door and is almost rammed over by Bea. Without a word, Poppy pulls Bea in for a kiss, her hands eagerly hooking around Bea’s neck. 
“Hey, wait,” Bea pulls away, anger written in her face, “what the hell Pops, just stop for a second.” Bea slightly pushes the strawberry blonde back, as she looks down on her. 
“Just please Farmsville, no talking, just kiss me,” Poppy replies, her tone almost begging, almost. 
Bea hesitates slightly, she’s not used to seeing Poppy so desperate, but she gives in. Poppy kisses Bea with urgency, her tongue already tangling with Bea’s, as she moans softly into Bea’s mouth. Bea guides Poppy to the bed, still locked in a kiss as she runs her hands down Poppy’s body, before she moves her hands to her back and begins unzipping her. 
“In a hurry Farmsville?” 
“As sexy as you look in this dress, you look even hotter without it.” Poppy doesn’t say anything but she gives Bea a smile as Bea’s hands continue wandering all over her body. Bea’s fingers ghost around Poppy’s inner thigh, causing the strawberry blonde to squirm slightly, as her hips rise off the bed. 
“Hughes please,” captivated by her pleading, Bea gives her, her thumb begins circling around Poppy’s button as her fingers just tease her entrance. 
“Say my name,” Bea whispers in a low gruff voice and unhesitantly, Poppy moans out Bea’s name. Bea pumps her fingers into Poppy, as she kisses her intensely, even after she feels Poppy’s juices all over her fingers, she continues moving against her, letting her ride out her orgasm. Once Poppy slumps down on the bed, Bea places her fingers in her mouth, tasting Poppy’s desire before pulling the strawberry blonde in for one more kiss. Bea remembers the rules and slides off the bed looking for her clothes before Poppy’s soft voice calls out to her. 
“Did I stutter? Stay, it’s late so you might as well stay.” 
“That’s not in the rules.” 
Poppy becomes irritated as she frowns at Bea, “I was just trying to be nice but whatever, leave if you want.” 
Bea knits her eyebrows together, unsure of what to do but against her better instincts she slides back under the covers, while maintaining a safe and wide gap between her and Poppy. “Thanks,” she mumbles out as Poppy just hums in response. 
The atmosphere becomes dense with awkwardness, as they lay in the bed together, unfamiliar with this territory. It isn’t until Bea speaks out that the silence is broken. 
“Hey can I ask you something?” 
Poppy sighs heavily, “even if I say no you’ll still probably ask.” 
“Probably.” The girls slip back into silence until Bea turns on her side, facing the strawberry blonde. “Why did you pull me away from the party?” 
Poppy shrugs, “I was sexually frustrated and our agreement consists of us letting out those frustrations.” 
“But you seemed pretty okay to me, I mean I saw you talking with Chloe and then I was dancing with Veronica and-” Bea falls silent, realisation dawning on her. “You’re jealous.” 
“You know what, I changed my mind, get out.” 
“Come on, I was just dancing with Veronica, I wasn’t going to sleep with her.” 
Poppy glares at Bea as she narrows her eyes, “whatever. I don’t care what you do with her anyway.” 
The girls fall back into an awkward silence until Bea feels sleep creeping up on her. Just as she closes her eyes, she hears Poppy’s voice. 
“Bea, you awake?” 
“Hmm?” Bea humans quietly. 
“You awake?” Poppy whispers. 
“Yeah, I am,” she replies, fighting back a yawn, “what’s up?” 
“What do you wanna do once college is over?” 
Bea purses her lips in thought, “it’s kinda stupid, you’ll laugh.” 
“I probably will but tell me anyways.” 
Bea lets out a short laugh, “I've always wanted to own a restaurant.” 
“Yeah.” Bea turns over to face Poppy, she can only make out a few of her features in the dark, but she sees Poppy’s big brown doe eyes staring straight into hers, “I’ve found food as my comfort. My family loved to cook, and growing up on a farm meant we were surrounded by fresh ingredients everywhere. My mom actually taught me how to cook and I’ve been using them as guinea pigs to test out new recipes ever since.” Bea can see a smile appearing on Poppy’s face and can’t help but smile back as she reminisces about the past. “So what about you?” 
“My fate has already been written out for me. Take over the Min Sinclair business and rule the world basically.” 
“Is that it? You’ve never had any other dream?” Poppy shrugs. “Come on, there must be something.” 
Poppy sighs, “I like to draw.” 
“Really? Do you have anything you can show me?” 
“As if Farmsville, it’s private.” 
“Fine, it was worth a try.” 
The girls fall back into silence, only this time it isn’t awkward, it’s almost refreshing. After that night, their nights weren’t always physical, sometimes they would sit there and talk about everything and nothing, and they shared things even their closest friends didn’t even know about each other. 
“I was not jealous.” 
“Fine, whatever you say.” 
As the date continues, Poppy visibly relaxes, enjoying the atmosphere of the restaurant as well as the company, as soon she forgets all her earlier doubts and begins truly enjoying herself as she laughs along to Bea’s stupid jokes while telling a few stories and jokes herself. Once Bea pays the bill, after fighting with Poppy for five minutes about wanting to be the perfect gentlewoman, Bea takes Poppy’s hand in hers and leads her to the exit of the restaurant. 
“I have a surprise for you.” She gestures to the huge blank wall at the entrance of Farmsville. “Surprise!” 
Poppy raises an eyebrow confused, “it’s a blank wall wow,” she says her voice dripping with sarcasm. 
“Well it is for now until,” she twists Poppy around, pulling her back to her front, as she whispers against her neck, “you work your magical artist skills and turn it into something beautiful.” 
Poppy gasps as she turns to face Bea, “wait you’re letting me paint it?” 
“Yep, even though you didn’t show me any of your work, I know you’ll do something amazing here, I’ll even pay you if you want.” 
Poppy shakes her head, pulling Bea in for a long kiss, “you’re the best you know that.” 
“Yeah I am pretty awesome.” Poppy grins pulling Bea in for another kiss.
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betawooper · 3 years
rating every demon fight in kny bc i can
non-biased, completely objective rating (more or less) of every significant demon fight in kny based on a number of factors, including:
cleverness of fighting tactics
placement in the story’s timeline
integration of character backstories
cohesive themes between characters
by non-biased and objective i mean i’m not skewing the rating if a death felt fair or whatever
everything past where the anime ended will be under a read more so anime onlys who havent watched mugen train, youre safe lol
oh and i reread the manga like 20+ times (reread the latter arcs at least 40 times, haha hyperfixations am i right?) so be rest assured im not pulling these ratings out of my ass
also ill randomly be bolding certain phrases just to improve readability
anyways let’s gooooo
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kamado Tanjirou and Nezuko. Tanjirou is fending her off by putting the axe handle in her mouth, keeping her from eating him. End Image Description.]
i like how realistic it is, because yeah tanjirou would react the way to he did with zero fighting skills against a demon
very clear why tanjirou is fighting nezuko and shows a bit of worldbuilding on how normal people react to their family becoming demons
always nice to see worldbuilding
giyuu is the perfect example of a seasoned demon slayer who’s good at his job, and he juxtaposes tanjirou very well in that aspect
my only complaint is not directly in this fight itself but how nezuko is handled throughout the story as a whole
like bro, it is literally never explained why nezuko is different from demons
could have been easily explained if maybe her family’s ghosts like slapped her hand every time she wanted to eat a person but nope
she’s just built different lol
so yeah youll see future ratings get points docked off bc nezuko unlocks some secret power with no prior explanation other than she angy >:3
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[Image Description: Manga panel of a demon. The demon has a sharp-nailed hand over his neck and there are four text bubbles around him saying “But a wound like this... will heal in no time! See? The bleeding already stopped!” End Image Description.]
may be more forgettable compared to like rui but still good
tanjirou did exceptionally well in this fight and his ability to think on his feet is once again beautifully illustrated here (trapping this dude’s head against the tree trunk with the axe)
very clever
again, establishes more demon worldbuilding regarding regeneration and still being able to move without their head
and the demons burning in the sunlight thing since nezuko wasn’t able to show that
the ending where tanjirou hesitates to kill the demon also serves to show his sympathetic nature towards demons that will last throughout the entirety of the first 60-ish chapters
we’ll talk about what the hell happens to tanjirou after that
or not, it could honestly be its own post
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[Image Description: Manga panel of a many-handed demon. He has six hands around him, three of them covering his mouth while he chuckles, two of them grabbing his cheeks, and one holding on to the top of his head. There are two text bubbles saying “That’s how many of Urokodaki’s students I have eaten! I’ve decided to kill all of his students!” End Image Description.]
ooooh probably the first big fight against a demon in the series
oh yeah not doing the two random demons tanjirou one shot in a single blow bc eh
anyways hand demon’s pretty goddamn scary, considering the fact that this is the 5th demon or whatever tanjirou has had to face so far
very nice way to show us how much tanjirou’s innate intuition and all his other random abilities (sense of smell, hard forehead) can come together and help him decapitate this guy
i liked the mini history with urokodaki this dude had and why he had beef with our favorite mentor figure, it establishes that urokodaki was in fact a super good demon slayer and its cool to see that actually shown
i also liked that small moment of compassion tanjirou gave this demon, staying consistent with tanjirou’s established kindness
the demon’s sad tale with killing his own brother very much humanizes him when all the reader has seen up to this point is that this guy is a monster who eats people
sets up the theme of demons just being humans but being victims of circumstance that unfortunately doesn’t hold up as well in arcs past mugen train
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kamado Tanjirou fighting off three horned demons as they appear from below. There is a spiky text bubble saying “Three of them!!!” End Image Description.]
not my most favorite fight but it still portrays everything alright and im not allowed to let my personal opinions mess with the rating so
i like how tanjirou mentioned the fact that he trained in conditions similar to the bog and explains how he pulled off the whirlpool form
using past experiences to aid him in the present, nice nice
tanjirou and nezuko dont quite work together very well but its yknow the first mission so ill chalk it up to simple inexperience
also the way the muzan curse thingie was hinted at here? fantastic way of showing that little bit of demon worldbuilding
oh god, it mentions nezuko being stronger than normal demons
ok its not a problem here per say since i can still suspend my disbelief, but later on it just becomes a glaring problem that gets worse over time
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[Image Description: Manga panels of Susamaru and Yahaba. The first one is a joyful Susamaru about to throw a temari ball. There is floating text saying “Is she one of Kibutsuji’s minions?!” The second image is an annoyed Yahaba, holding one of his eye-hands to cover himself. There are two text bubbles around him saying “My kimono got all dusty. Tch!” End Image Description.]
why dont these bitches have a good looking panel together dammit
anyways amazing entrance, the way yahaba used his hand eyes to track down tanjirou is really neat
the synergy yahaba and susamaru have is incredible, its awesome dude, they work extremely well together and it shows
tanjirou actually mixing his water breathing forms together is a god tier move and i absolutely love how he can show off his ability to think on his feet once again
establishing how yushiro’s bda works early on is really well done
establishing tamayo as a fugitive this early on is also super well done
not to get into spoiler territory but both these things pay off
how tamayo ended up defeating susamaru is literally awesome in so many ways
shows off both how smart she is by exploiting the muzan curse
and speaking of the muzan curse, we actually get to see what happens to demons who even say his name, back when it was hinted with the swamp demon
tamayo is amazing dude, and we get some real evidence of the horrible suffering demons go through if they even accidentally attempt to betray muzan :D
now heres what keeps this fight from being perfect
nezuko somehow grew stronger against susamaru’s temari
with no explanation
which could have been easily explained if tamayo was like “oh yeah the drug also boosts a demon’s strength temporarily”
but nope
god, i just dont like how gotouge handles nezuko’s power boosts throughout the series bc like i said before
no explanation is given anywhere
this is a huge issue, this isnt a pokemon game, you cant just kill demons and get exp at the end of every battle, level up, get some sweet stat bonuses and move on
(actually if gotouge established that this is how nezuko grew in power, than all my complaints about this would be gone, im not even joking)
anyways i get that nezuko is supposed to be “special” but thats too vague of a descriptor
how the hell is she special? ya gotta be more specific and stick with that explanation or that suspension of disbelief is going to disappear
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[Image Description: Manga panel of a four-eyed demon with horns and a long tongue. He is crawling in an awkward position, one foot in front of his tilted head. There are two text bubbles around him saying “Heh, heh! I’ll slurpy slurp your brains out through you ear!” End Image Description.]
not much to say, showcases zenitsu’s true abilities really well
nicely done
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[Image Description: Manga panel of a big, single-horned demon. There are three text bubbles saying “You dodged! You’re awfully lively for a human! It’ll be a treat to carve away your flesh!” End Image Description.]
would have ignored this fight if not for the fact we havent seen inosuke fight before
it definitely shows how very fast-paced and wild inosuke is
no complaints here lol
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kyogai, a demon with tsuzumi drums attached to his shoulders. There are four text bubbles around him saying “Why?! Why does everyone keep sneaking through my house? It’s so aggravating. It’s my prey! It’s my prey! Found in my territory!” End Image Description.]
establishes marechi blood pretty early on, once again expanding the worldbuilding of kny which is always cool
interesting terrain where it’s always shifting, tanjirou once again proves his ability to adapt really quickly by altering one of his forms to work with the turning room
(man, i wish the form mixing/form modification thing carried on throughout the rest of the story, but it really didnt which is just a shame)
the injuries tanjirou had prior to this mission actually affecting him was a nice touch
oh yeah, kyogai gives us more worldbuilding (which is always nice) regarding the 12 kizuki, and the aspect of him being cast out due to being weak shows a lot about muzan’s indifference towards his own demons if they arent strong
his backstory being a failed writer once again humanizes kyogai as a former human being and not just a monster
tanjirou shows his sympathy and compassion again by not stepping on his written work and complimenting his bda
well, tbh tanjirou’s actions kinda came out of nowhere but its a very minor thing and not enough to dock a point off, like it didnt affect the outcome of the fight that much if at all
(so if you see future battles where points are docked off for things not logically making sense, its bc whatever nonsensical concepts were integrated into the fight actually turned the tide of the battle and thats a big no-no)
very good fight and if you remember how kinda bad tanjirou was at accurately slicing the swamp demon, you can see that he’s already improved leaps and bounds
im so proud of him
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kamado Tanjirou and the Mother Spider Demon. There is a light shining down from the top right on to the demon as Tanjirou slices her head off, rain following in his wake. There is floating text saying “Water Breathing: Fifth Form - Blessed Rain After the Drought!” around them. End Image Description.]
i mean does anyone disagree?
all the demon slayers getting their necks snapped by her threads was pretty horrific, probably more horrifying than anything else we have seen in the entire series if im gonna be honest
the death scene is probably the most beautiful one in the series
it reveals a water breathing form that we havent seen before thats the 5th form
as far as i know, no other breathing style has this merciful sword stroke so it shows a lot about the original water breather and what they might have been like
but enough about them, really the focus is on tanjirou bc this is like the best example by far of how kind and sympathetic he is to demons
dunno what else to say, its perfect
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Agatsuma Zenitsu performing Thunder Breathing 1st Form: Sixfold on a spider-like demon. Zenitsu is crashing through the roof of a shed, and a zig-zag path is left behind. There are sound effects all over the panel, saying “Bam!” in large font. End Image Description.]
chose a picture without a huge spider on it bc i would like to not scare myself half to death
anyways extremely amazing fight, showcases zenitsu’s immense talent and skill, adapting the 1st form of thunder breathing to be a more versatile move
theres a moment where his backstory with kuwajima and kaigaku were revealed and his hidden insecurities are out in the open which is super nice and further develops a character weve only considered as comedic relief until now
the anime made the backstory scenes and the killing scene so much cooler
while there is no thematic connection between zenitsu and the demon, it really isnt necessary to keep this fight interesting
anyways another pretty much perfect fight
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kamado Tanjirou and Inosuke slashing at the Father Spider Demon. The demon has blocked Tanjirou’s sword with his arm, and Inosuke is slamming both his blades down on the demon’s other hand. End Image Description.]
again, not my most favorite fight but it does everything right
i do have to say it was excellent how gotouge hyped up the father spider demon to be the big bad, only just so the plot twist later takes the readers by surprise
nicely done
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kochou Shinobu and the Daughter Spider Demon. Shinobu’s back is seen and her haori looks like a butterfly’s wings keeping her afloat as she holds her stinger blade out to the side. The demon looks surprised as blood gushes from her side, arm, shoulder, chest, neck, and forehead. There is floating text on the panel, saying “Insect Breathing - Butterfly Dance - Caprice!” End Image Description.]
first time weve seen shinobu and her fighting style
what i love most about this is how much it shows her true character, appearing as a carefree and naive individual so she seems underwhelming
then bam, reveals exactly how dangerous and uncaring she is of demons, listing out the specific ways she would torture the daughter spider demon in grotesque detail
her using poison to take demons by surprise is also super clever and brings back the worldbuilding established way earlier about wisteria being poisonous to demons
amazing integration of that concept
anyways this fight really encapsulates who shinobu is as a character and thats why it gets a perfect score
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Rui holding his hand out directly towards the viewer. There are two text bubbles around him, saying “Give me your sister. If you hand her over quietly, I’ll spare your life.” End Image Description.]
not only is it a super scary fight but there is a deeper conflict between rui and tanjirou, what it means to be family
they are opposites in the sense that while tanjirou believes love is what makes a family, rui’s subconscious desperation for an unbreakable bond drives him to use fear to keep his “family” together
excellent juxtaposition of their values, and this is only further emphasized when rui expresses out loud what he was going to do to nezuko
i also like the symbolism regarding rui’s bda, how he uses threads or the “familial” bonds to cut up his fake family with it if they act out of turn or annoy him
super neat detail
alright what i dont like about this fight is nezuko (again)
mostly her unlocking her bda to turn the tide of the battle bc her mom was like “yo, wake up, your brother is going to be killed”
feels... forced ig
her bda in general is confusing and not consistent
man, i wish i could make a stronger argument for this but i do believe the problem stems from the fact that we dont ever know what nezuko is thinking, and what she thinks of tanjirou specifically
if she even cares for him as a sibling or if shes only going along with what her family is saying to her, things like that which would have been fixed if gotouge actually gave her thoughts some screen time
so the action feels pretty shallow
im also conflicted over tanjirou somehow remembering how dance of the fire god works
on one hand, hes using past information and applying it in the current setting so he doesnt die, which is understandable
but on the other hand, this was a teeny bit random?
i think what could have fixed this is if there was a scene in the beginning of the series where tanjirou was performing it himself, like practicing before he actually had to do it for new years
so that when the rui fight rolls around, it would have felt less like throwing dry spaghetti at a wall
but yeah
overall super good fight, giyuu ending up having to kill rui instead of tanjirou was super good in that tanjirou didnt become a pillar this early in the series and to show how strong giyuu is
there are some odd bits regarding the ultimate “beheading” of rui using nezuko and tanjirous supposed bonds but it doesnt kill the fight entirely so it deserves its pretty high score
***under read more is manga-only fights so beware***
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Enmu holding his hand out directly at the viewer, with a mouth on the back of it. There is floating text to the top right of Enmu that says “Whispers of Forced Unconscious Hypnosis!” End Image Description.]
id say this fight is definitely overshadowed by the dream stuff prior to this but its pretty good in its own right
enmu fusing with the train was kinda confusing, like when was it established that demons could fuse with objects?
this worldbuilding element doesnt even appear again so yeah thats why it loses a point
how the kmbk gang end up defeating enmu is pretty sweet though, tanjirou using dance of the fire god to sever the neck bone was really nice and shows that him using the breathing style in the rui fight wasnt a one time thing
while kyojuro’s role was smaller in this part, the next part makes up for it so i cant complain
anyways ye, almost perfect score but its pretty good
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Akaza holding his hand out to the viewer’s left. There is a text bubble saying “Why don’t you become a demon?” End Image Description.]
this encounter is literally amazing okay?
after the crew kills the big bad, it seems like everything is fine
but plot twist, upper moon 3 appears out of nowhere
this is the first time the reader has seen an upper moon, let alone the 3rd/4th strongest demon in existence and the way gotouge handled this twist is fucking amazing
kyojuro’s death scene really shows just how human even the strongest pillars are against demons with incredible power
its just
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[Image Description: Manga panels of the obi-like demon. The first image shows the obi hung in the air and strung over each other like decorations, with women-shaped patterns in its folds. The second image is Hashibira Inosuke fighting the Obi demon which now has lips and eyes. There is floating text in that panel saying “Breath of the Beast: Sixth Fang - Jagged Gnaw!!” End Image Description.]
on to red light district
this fight is admittedly super forgettable and not very interesting at least compared to the main fight with daki and gyutaro
but it wraps up the sub plot of the women and uzui’s wives going missing so it gets a perfect score for not messing that up
oh and it establishes the stretchy neck thing daki has going on which is very good
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Daki and Gyutaro. Daki is sitting on Gyutaro’s shoulders. There is a text bubble on the top right that says “The two of us are one, after all.” as well as floating text that reads “The power of the irregular siblings...!? Next issue lead color and the fight reaches its climax!!” End Image Description.]
love how this battle challenges tanjirou’s sympathy and kindness towards demons, just simply bc daki and gyutaro are horrible people
(too bad nothing came of this, which ill explain in the hantengu portion)
daki and gyutaro are very good villains and kept this fight super interesting from start to finish
uzui acting as a foil to gyutaro is nicely integrated and properly shown with how jealous gyutaro gets over seeing uzui’s perfect form and stature
tanjirou not only mixes forms but mixes breathing styles as well, which is so fucking awesome
(too bad it was only used like once throughout the entire series, its quite unfortunate)
the super high tension right after inosuke gets stabbed and tanjirou wakes up was expertly portrayed and handled, it felt like the kmbk gang and uzui were actually going to lose
super awesome
the tanjirou and gyutaro parallels are expertly portrayed, with how gyutaro taunts tanjirou over failing to protect his little sister, and the more visual thing where tanjirou imagined his own neck underneath his blade, that was super duper nice
the ending is extremely tense and emotionally gripping, gotouge did a really good job with that artistically too
the demon mark acquisition scene was surprisingly not frustrating, considering that it wasnt really explained prior to the battle
i do think it has to do with how it was explained later just exactly how they worked so its not just some random thing gotouge pulled out of their ass
so pretty good
what i dont like is nezuko and her full power demon form
first of all where the fuck did that come from? she just got angry and suddenly shes as powerful as an upper moon
that doesnt make sense???
her extremely quick regeneration makes no sense
her ability to manipulate her blood’s properties makes no sense
and it doesnt even appear again so what was the point of that existing
none of this is even explained later which annoys me
that one part where tanjirou sings a lullaby to her to calm her down was alright ig but nezuko in this fight makes me extremely irritated and frustrated
just ugh
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Hantengu opening a shoji door. He is crawling inside, his hand in a gnarled, unnatural position. There is a text bubble saying “Eeeeeeek.” End Image Description.]
swordsmith village
this fight can go fuck itself /j
no but seriously it has so many problems that it would be shorter to name its redeeming qualities (which ill do later)
first off, the nezuko full power form thing again
i hate it so much with a passion
again, where did her ability to regenerate instantly even come from???? this is never explained, ever
and why did she cut herself on tanjirou’s sword anyway
did she somehow know that it was going to turn red if she burned it?
gotouge what the fuck, there is literally no reason why nezuko would do that and we cant even read her mind to see her thought process
gotouge hates nezuko, i swear
remember when i said uzui is meant to be a foil to gyutaro in the rld fight? its pretty obvious that those two are opposites, it was nicely done
... what the hell does mitsuri’s insecurities about strength have to do with whatever the fuck hantengu has going on (which is basically nothing)?
so no meaningful connection between mitsuri and hantengu
theres no meaningful connection between tanjirou and hantengu other than tanjirou getting pissed off for like the second time
also tanjirou’s thing with being kind and sympathetic to demons was entirely dropped at this point
but instead of it leading up to a corruption arc of some sorts, it just doesnt
like honestly if something actually came of that anger he exhibited in this arc and from red light district from this point forward story-wise, i would have counted this as an amazing writing decision
but it literally doesnt so who cares
(god, i really start to hate what happened to his character after this )
and genya’s revealed motivation also doesnt fit at all with hantengu’s thing, he’s not a foil, not a parallel, nothing, there is nothing
tanjirou being the catharsis for development for mitsuri and muichirou, who he has only talked to like twice
theres definitely a better way to handle those two’s developments without his help
like gotouge, you have a big cast of characters, use them lol
i want to kick hantengu in the face for being boring as fuck (at least his clones have cool looking weapons)
doesnt even have a proper backstory, just a single spread of him being blamed for shit as a human
like... thats it? this is upper moon 4 what the hell
theres no clever form mixing here at all (regarding tanjirou) which probably would have helped with foreshadowing the 13th form for dance of the fire god/sun breathing better
also gotouge established that as tanjirou’s thing and now he doesnt do that stuff anymore which sucks
oh hey remember when tanjirou actually learned how to do zenitsu’s speed boost thing?
if you didnt, i dont blame you bc it literally doesnt appear again, ever
you could argue that he adapted it into his “waltz flash” technique or whatever the fuck that is but the way it was integrated into this fight was like throwing dry spaghetti at a wall
which is just a shame bc its meant to be representative of how tanjirou and zenitsu are good pals but the way it was utilized is forgettable as hell
i absolutely loathe the crimson blade concept as a whole and im mentioning this now bc its going to come into play why future instances where this goddamn thing comes up again causes points to be lost
its inconsistent as fuck ill tell you that
at least some yoriichi stuff appeared here and not shoved into the final battle with everything else
so the yoriichi stuff later didnt come out of absolute nowhere
genya and mitsuri’s unique fighting styles expand the kny worldbuilding just a little more which is always nice
tanjirou got a cool sword out of this which would have been cooler if him and yoriichi had a deeper connection that was actually explored
but we didnt get shit so whatever
other people getting demon marks being revealed here is also okay so that again, the final battle isnt filled with absolutely everyone getting their marks at once
demon marks have their own slew of problems but its not as bad as the fucking crimson sword shit
god i hate the crimson sword shit
dude this section needs a tldr, even i cant sit and read through my shit
TL;DR - this fight sucks and crimson swords are bullshit (more on this later)
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Tokitou Muichirou and Gyokko. Muichirou is looking to the left while Gyokko is looking to the right, both with their backs to each other. There are mist clouds billowing in the foreground and background, as well as a slash mark going across Gyokko’s neck. End Image Description.]
this fight suffers from the same lack of cohesive themes through characters like the hantengu battle bc the antagonist is given nothing
but its better
we havent actually seen mui fight before so theres no consistencies that the reader has to keep track of for now
and there arent like 10 characters in the fight so this fight gets a lot of points just for being a lot more coherent
i do like that this fight shows just how good mui is that he can defeat an upper moon by himself
mui’s backstory is neat
gyokko’s bda is very interesting too
... thats pretty much it lol
ye, anyways not the best fight but not the worst fight either
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kaigaku holding the hilt of his blade with one hand. There is two text bubbles around him, saying “...As usual, you’re still shabby. It’s been a while, Zenitsu.” End Image Description.]
alright on to final battle arc
theres some good fights and then some really sucky ones, but this one was pretty incredible and very emotionally charged
theres a clear reason why zenitsu and kaigaku are battling each other (kai betrayed the corps and inadvertantly caused the only parental figure in zenitsu’s life to die, and zenitsu is rightfully pissed off about that)
the visual yin-yang symbolism is awesome too
zenitsu winning due to using the 7th form he created himself (which i have reason to believe was inspired by tanjirou) was the perfect ending to the fight, really couldnt ask for anything better and is a perfect example of how much of an effect tanjirou has had on zenitsu
the 7th form is what tanjirou’s waltz flash should have been lol
what keeps this fight from being absolutely perfect is lack of development prior to this conflict
(since the final battle arc is basically a culmination of all the hinted developments through the series, im going to actually factor in how much and how well these conflicts were foreshadowed)
anyways if we had actually seen zenitsu, kaigaku, and kuwajima actually interacting with each other and showing how they were essentially a family (not just through flashbacks), it would have made zenitsu placing the responsibility of killing kai onto himself a lot more tragic
but like, apart from brief flashbacks where zenitsu actually met kaigaku off screen and that one thing all the way back in natagumo where both kuwajima and kai were introduced, thats pretty much it in terms of thunder family development
so yeah its underdeveloped for sure
also one random thought, i personally think zenitsu should have gotten his demon mark in this fight, it would have been cool to see
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Akaza’s face. There are two text bubbles around him, saying “Okay, let’s get started. It’s time for the feast.” There is also floating text saying “The inspection of the strong has begun...” as well as a simple box on the lower left, denoting its the end of chapter 147. End Image Description.]
oh god please dont hate me for this
ill list the good things first how about that
this conflict was foreshadowed perfectly in mugen train, you bet the readers were expecting a tanjirou vs akaza battle after the death of kyojuro and gotouge delivered
akaza’s power is shown extremely well with how many close calls tanjirou and giyuu had while fighting him
akaza eventually giving up on his own volition was really nice and fit into the context of the battle very very well, like sure tanjirou and giyuu wouldnt understand why he gave up but us readers do know
akaza is a really good character and a good villain
now notice how im only mentioning akaza and not giyuu or tanjirou in the good aspects
bc those two are eh
no form mixing at all from either tanjirou and giyuu
i know i said form mixing was kind of tanjirou’s thing but you’d think giyuu would have gotten more creative with his moves once akaza said that he was getting predictable
(well he said he “ran out of water breathing forms” but same thing)
so its kinda bland lol
speaking of giyuu, his whole thing with his insecurities of being weak wasnt handled well (it was sort of immediately brushed off in pillar training, and its unclear what part of his character arc he was in)
like sure him announcing that he’s going to protect tanjirou is cool but it feels like he was haphazardly dropped into the tanjirou and akaza conflict
isnt he supposed to be both their foils? that wasnt really explored that well in this fight and theres no deep meaning behind him even being here just analyzing what he did in it
he could have been handled better or even given more focus is what im saying
the anatta state came out of nowhere, im sorry okay? just bc inosuke like barely hinted at not being able to sense grandma hisa bc she had no fighting spirit and tanjurou magically taught his son how to achieve this state doesnt mean it was properly integrated into the fight
if the anatta state was actually explored prior to this battle, i would have given it a pass but it just feels like a cheap and poorly developed trick to get around akaza’s technique development (which is overpowered as fuck might i add)
gotouge should have just given akaza a plausible weakness to his technique development instead, especially since they dont use or even mention the anatta state after this
the transparent world shit makes no sense but ill elaborate on that in the koku battle analysis
oh and this thing doesnt affect the score but why wasnt there a “yoriichi visage overlapping” moment when tanjirou was fighting akaza? hes an upper moon, he should have gotten those visions but he didnt
for some reason
anyways this battle was alright and has good set up but the middle and end parts didnt hold up as well bc random concepts were thrown at us without prior explanation or development
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Douma licking Shinobu’s butterfly pin. There are two text bubbles around him saying “Anyway, tonight is a good night. Such fine feasts keep showing up one after another.” End Image Description.]
damn, such an amazing fight
the build up to this was properly foreshadowed
shinobu finally showing her true anger after hiding it for so long is amazing
douma is a super interesting character and fantastic villain
shinobu showing off her true power and determination against douma was sooooo nice
shinobu’s poisonous body plan is so clever and so interesting
if i was to rate the shinobu part of the fight alone, it would have gotten a 10/10 no question
the reason why its knocked down a point is because of the kanao and inosuke part
dont get me wrong, the way kanao is able to hold her own against douma by herself is pretty cool, how shes meant to parallel douma with their similar struggles surrounding human emotions and demonstrate how she has grown as a person, how she regains the ability to cry
that shit is cool, inosuke also getting in touch with his emotions after learning what happened to his mom was super neat as well
bc this battle takes place in the final arc with everything else, there wasnt proper build up regarding many things, the kotoha reveal especially
so inosuke feels kinda forced into the kanao shinobu and douma conflict, similar to how giyuu felt forced into the tanjirou and akaza conflict
its quite unfortunate bc if the kotoha stuff was actually explored prior to the confrontation, this “forced” feeling would have disappeared
i know some people have suggested that the douma fight should have just been its own arc, and i very much agree, it would have certainly helped fix this problem regarding inosuke and kotoha
last random thought, i wish shinobu, kanao, and inosuke got their demon marks
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kokushibou looking directly at the viewer, holding the hilt of his blade as if he’s going to pull it out. There are text boxes around him saying “This... is Upper Moon One... He’s so different compared to the other Upper Moons. He looks so dignified and majestic.” The text boxes are narrated by Tokitou Muichirou. End Image Description.]
this fight is... mediocre
at least theres a more tangible connection between muichirou and kokushibou
even though that was handled kinda poorly
tbh there really was no point to revealing that mui is koku’s descendant like at all, it just had no significant bearing to the plot of the fight
sanemi’s backstory being here is... okay ig?
idk the whole shinazugawa conflict has fundamental problems that i just cant think of any other place to put it without changing the entirety of canon
the marechi blood concept coming back was nice though
genya is there
him getting his bda was cool and helped turn the tide of the battle in a satisfying way (before kicking the bucket but thats not the focus here)
gyomei is a hollow husk of a character who barely got anything at all
but his fighting style is extremely cool and conveys his immense power very well
oh and him and sanemi are amazing at working together, like better than giyuu and tanjirou, and better than kanao and inosuke
theyre that good yet pretty much nobody acknowledges it which is sad
koku himself is pretty interesting and pretty tragic, very nice villain
but everyone together?
gonna be honest but this is such a random collection of characters, there was basically no foreshadowing that these four were going to go up again kokushibou, they are not that connected very well
i know there was this one post that focused on the theme of family that was common in all 5 characters in the fight but its just not enough
it would have been more cohesive if gotouge emphasized gyomei, mui, sanemi, and genya being like different aspects of yoriichi coming together to kill kokushibou hundreds of years after yoriichi failed to kill him
lmao its not like the 4 of them defeated koku with the power of family or friendship, they just smacked him over and over with a flail, shot him with magical bullets, and stabbed a crimson sword into his abdomen
wouldnt have been too hard to switch over to koku’s pov and go “damn these bitches are like my stupid brother”
speaking of crimson swords
i fucking hate the crimson sword concept oh my god can i complain about it now? im gonna complain about it now
unlike demon marks, the crimson blades werent even given any proper conditions, you just hold the stupid thing hard enough and it somehow imbues it with magical properties with no logic behind those properties
what part of crimson swords completely destroys a demon’s body in an instant? even muzan didnt go through that process when he was almost killed by yoriichi so where in the goddamn fuck did it come from
it could be explained bc the sword was left in the same spot for a long time but this tactic doesnt even appear again in a meaningful way (didnt kill muzan when tanjirou and giyuu held the sword together) so what the fuck was the point of having this even exist
its so underdeveloped and confusing and i hate it
the transparent world stuff is also confusing as shit and its pretty much never explained how they work aside from the vague “close your mind” advice, like why did it exist, it did nothing to help the present day demon slayers
its just so... poorly integrated
yeah anyways this is around the same rating as the akaza fight but a little worse bc there wasnt that strong set up beforehand
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[Image Description: Manga panel of a bag getting ripped open, pieces of a wooden flute tumbling out. End Image Description.]
easily 10/10
this fight shows the tragedy of kokushibou giving in to his envy and hatred, when yoriichi cries over seeing his own family commit terrible attrocities against the people he wanted to protect
and yoriichi dies, now carrying the fact that he couldnt even save his own brother from the influence of muzan on his conscious forever
what a sad ending for yoriichi
and after koku angrily slashes apart yoriichi’s corpse, having him find and keep the flute he gave to him when they were kids to the present day gives him a small shred of humanity in the midst of his monstrous anger
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[Image Description: Manga panels of Nakime. The first one shows a low quality version of her playing her biwa. The second one is a close up of her eye. There are spiky text bubbles saying “It’s Upper Rank... 4!” End Image Description.]
no nakime backstory
not even a goddamn fight
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[Image Description: Manga panel of Kibutsuji Muzan in his white-haired, mouth-covered form. There are text bubbles around him saying “Not a single one was of use to me. I will crush the demon hunters tonight. I’ll massacre them all right now.” End Image Description.]
i have many complaints but ill try my best to not make this another hantengu rant section lol
first off, obanai deserved better
im serious, this poor dude was forgotten until pretty much the end when we finally get a backstory out of him
and then he died
what a waste of a potentially amazing character
mitsuri getting taken out early was ehhh
pretty sure someone else made a post about her supposedly being extremely strong but she was nerfed in this battle which i agree with
literally none of the pillars work together very well, like remember how i praised sanemi and gyomei for being super coordinated? lmao that doesnt exist anymore
you could say this is caused by desperation though and you wouldnt be wrong, its just boring to sit through
that causes issues bc this now basically requires the crimson sword and transparent world concepts to be there to spice things up
but in this fight, they do nothing in the long run (except for tanjirou using the crimson sword at the very very end)
youve already heard me talk about why those two things are super shittily integrated and i cant be bothered repeating myself so moving on
kanao, inosuke, and zenitsu
they... exist? they didnt do much tbh, which i guess is the point but like, now its boring again
nezuko could have been used as a potential way to raise the stakes and make things interesting again (like “ah shit, muzan might actually be unkillable if he gets nezuko but its okay bc shes not here- oh fuck shes here this is not good”)
but nothing came of her running off except confirmation that she became human again so whatever
uzui and shinjuro are useless, why werent they at the fight?
like they could have followed nezuko and contributed to the battle even a little but they just didnt and now theres literally no point to them appearing in this arc at all
wasted potential
i wish him going absolutely apeshit had actual substance behind it, like it being a part of his character arc or something
i remember having this one theory that he had a corruption arc (due to dropping his kindness thing towards demons) and i wanted this to be true so badly
but it doesnt exist
not with how the series ended
the only thing that saves this fight from being complete trash is tamayo’s poison thing being amazingly executed
and the part where everyone got blasted away, losing limbs and shit, that made things a little more interesting again
but thats it
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[Image Description: Manga panels of Kibutsuji Muzan, Tamayo, and Tsugikuni Yoriichi. The first one has Muzan and Tamayo, while the second one has Yoriichi pulling out his sword. There are text boxes saying “And the moment I met him, I understood that I was born into this world to defeat this man.” End Image Description.]
finally something good again
while short, that’s just the nature of all of yoriichi’s battles with demons
anyways pretty nice, theres a clear reason why this battle exists (shows the scenario that made the original breather get super close to defeating muzan in detail)
adding tamayo here was a nice touch
my only complaint is that it seemed extremely coincidental that yoriichi somehow developed a breathing style specifically countering muzan’s multiple organs without even knowing prior that he had all those brains and hearts floating around freely in his body
like thats kind of ridiculous, even for yoriichi whos supposed to be “blessed by the gods”
could just be me though
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[Image Description: Manga panels of Kamado Tanjirou in his demon form. The first image has his eyes closed. The second image has his eyes opened and the tumor on his face almost completely faded. There are text boxes around him saying “You will destroy the demon hunters in my stead.” End Image Description.]
hoo boy
ok first off, demon tanjirou lasted for 2 chapters
thats it
2 chapters
so thats already a problem
i am aware its meant to parallel the beginning of the series but also its ridiculous how completely vague and rushed this entire thing was
nezuko doesnt do shit through not just this battle but this entire arc which i already explained so not gonna go into it further
kanao magically having a demon cure on her made very little sense
the scene where tanjirou leaves muzan in purgatory is pretty but if you look at it in the context of everything else, its ambiguous and confusing
(if someone could explain it and see how it connects to the original theme of “demons just being victims of circumstance,” i would love to hear it)
actually you know what makes me so mad about this “fight” as a whole? there was so much potential to do more with this concept
and im not talking about him escaping and nezuko becoming a demon slayer roleswap au (even though its a pretty cool concept)
him becoming a demon could have been a metaphor for his lost kindness and sympathy towards demons halfway through the series
it could have been a punishment for letting his anger towards muzan cloud his judgement
it could have symbolized literally anything about him losing his humanity as he got stronger
but those three things are just scenarios from my head, they dont exist in this series just based off of what weve seen from these two chapters
its disappointing
the only thing keeping this from getting a 0 is the one part where inosuke couldnt chop off tanjirou’s head bc he cared about him too much
that at least shows inosuke had grown as a character
everything else is just meaningless and convoluted garbage and “convoluted” is not what you should be aiming for if this is supposed to be the ending of your series
early kny is very good, later kny is questionable and the ending is just a mess of wasted potential and disappointment
i get why gotouge had to have the transparent world ability, crimson blade ability, and the demon marks appear before they all appeared on yoriichi but theyre all just so underdeveloped and terribly handled in the battles they are used, it makes me want to kick a wall
like lmao, i could literally think of so many ways they could have been properly integrated, hell, im even writing a whole goddamn rewrite using my ideas for these three things (link to that is in my pinned)
just, god
if you want to debate over these ratings, my ask box is open ig? idk
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bular · 3 years
Welcome to Live Commentary
I had no one to talk to while watching the movie and I hate being alone with my thoughts so I wrote everything down in my notes app. It's not coherent! Enjoy!
Aw yeah 1.5 seconds of Bular that is all I needed! Might as well stop now I've seen my boy I'm satisfied.
Why is there a nearly 4 minute recap as if I haven't watched the show at least 50 times. I should be the one giving the recap.
The beginning felt a bit forced to me but maybe that's just me? Like they just tried to squeeze too many things into a small timeframe without any buildup, it just didn't really work. Congrats on the engagement! This is my OTP so I'm very happy! But it came out of nowhere.
Nari in Douxies body is so wrong and I love it and hate it at the same time (positive)
Eli is BIG. I knew he was gonna be tall but I was not prepared for that chiseled face. Or the fact that he stepped off the ship without glasses? I wear glasses and I would not choose to step off a spaceship blind.
OkAY who had mpreg on their bingo card?
AAARRRGGHH actually said a full sentence 🥺 there is no heterosexual explanation for this scene and I'm here for it
Arcadia being the center of the universe really does make a lot of sense. I hate how much sense it makes. Despise it.
Strickler in a Christmas sweater is something i didn't know I needed. Jim's jacket too but that's just adorable, Jim's adorable. Oh sweet baby you're about to get fucked over so bad.
Love seeing Barbara actively participating in battle too. Good for her! Power family!!
Where are the kids tho? Is NotEnrique babysitting? Either that or they hired the girl from the Incredibles movie.
Nomura is so talented I love seeing her fighting on the good side. I can't explain it but I love digitigrade legs they're just so pretty?? Aesthetically pleasing??? Fuck yeah, legg! I could watch Nomura run around and be badass all day.
Barbara does not deserve this I refuse to accept it. He's fine he'll be back they wouldn't kill two Changelings at once. Also Nomura is with Draal now I take no criticism.
So my favorite characters were Bular, Draal, Gunmar and Angor. And before this movie I always half-joked that everyone I love dies, how I still like Strickler and Nomura but apart from them all of my faves were killed in the very order of favoritism. AND NOW LOOK AT THIS. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LOVE A CHARACTER. MY LOVE IS TOXIC.
It's great tho omg
I didn't realize it was Gun Robot when I saw it in the trailer this is amazing
Okay but imagine you're chilling in your trollmarket minding your own business when some misfit group of strangers waltzes in, steals your favorite shiny and celebrates your death before running off
Nana better show up at some point to reunite with her boytoy, I'll cancel this entire franchise otherwise
Something bad is going to happen to Toby isn't it. He's getting too much screentime
Jim's hand got DEEP FRIED
We can play Scrabble okay if they don't free them (which they must) I want an after credits scene of them playing scrabble
Douxie and Nari's bond 🥺🥺🥺
Nari pls just say what you fuckin mean the world is ending
Oh god is she going to remember killing Nomura oh nooo
Claire don't make the portal you will die again. Your hair gon be white all over
I love how Darci is just with the school bus. Civilian girlfriend. But also love how the world is ending and Coach is like "fuck that I'm gonna teach these kids"
Does he know his son is pregnant
"Going back to the city where it's safe" buddy have you been to that city
Whatever happens, Nari has the coolest looking titan. Giant four legged gremlin. I'd adopt him.
Me: oh i love that titan
The titan 5 seconds later:
Did Nari just fucking die what the FUCK
Oh of COURSE the pages are stuck together RIGHT THERE
Seriously tho how do you not notice an entire nougat nummy in a book
Wait so Arcadia has another heartstone? Or OH SO IT'S ALIVE. OKAY GREAT. GUNMAR COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT HUH
Love how the Heartstone has been dormant/dead for months and apparently heard Blinky say it's alive and decided to wake up RIGHT THEN
Finally they're evacuating the city. This is like, the third apocalypse there. About time.
Okay so you can't pull Excalibur from the rock, but you CAN carve out the stone. Couldn't you just carve it off the sword as close as possible and like. Use that? Just swing the whole damn rock around?
God i can NOT get over Steve's pants. I mean I read a spoiler he was gonna be pregnant but I thought it was a prank or shitpost. I did not see this coming and I am never going to be over it. I love how he and Aja just roll with it and nobody else even cares. They've seen weirder stuff. So he's pregnant now. Whatever.
Jim's hand is bandaged and his ribs still hurt. I love that they're actually consistent with his injuries. I mean sucks for him but hell yeah for hero that doesn't always win!
Okayyy here comes the heartstone. Why not!
So if you kiss an Akiridion 7 times you will have 3-5 babies in a few hours. How are they not overpopulated?? Also Aja couldn't have WARNED STEVE BEFOREHAND?
Eli is so supportive omfg
So uh where are the babies gonna come out of? I'm not into mpreg how does this usually work
Oh good thing he happens to have 8 friends still alive. Otherwise this would've never worked. Nomura had to die otherwise there would've been 10 of them.
Why is everyone bowing to Jim? Did they rehearse this?
Stuart if you hadn't taken a bathroom break you would've thrown off the math and doomed the world. That was a poop of fate my man
Ahhh the signature quote. Where did Douxie and the Akiridions learn it? Did they rehearse this too? It's really cliché but I do like it tbh
If Strickler were dead we'd see more Barbara right?
Ah Jim just used she/her for Bellroc! Finally we're learning some pronouns. I've been wondering this whole time.
How are they not dying with all this lava?
She really just yeeted Varvatos
Did Claire just tell AAARRRGGHH to jump off the titan and he did it without question
I want to say I like Stuart and want him to have more screentime, but I won't say it because I don't want him to die
Jim's poor ribs
Toby can drive yoooo
Tobyyy you're scaring meeeee
So did they really need the different stone or was the amulet just waiting for Jim to choose death over giving up
I saw the armor before but it looks VERY COOL
Also I didn't mention this before but I love that they cut Merlin's name from the incantation. Good for them.
Toby you lost your helmet noooo
For real tho I'm terrified for Toby rn. I saw a comment somewhere earlier that just said "Toby no" with no context and I am AFRAID
So do Bellroc's eyes work after all? I thought she was blinded back in Wizards in the past.
Bellroc maybe screaming "i'm powerless" in front of your enemy isn't the best idea
She sploosh
How is he lifting Claire like that buddy you have bruised ribs and just got stabbed
This show really loves to give people more than the recommended amount of babies with no warning huh
She immediately knows which one is Eli Jr 🥺 okay listen I'm not the biggest fan of comic relief sideplot surprise babies, but I have to admit they're cute. Cute couple. Throuple. Eli is in on this. He even has a Junior.
Oh yea he better fuckin be alive I will commit murder
Unbecoming Part 2
So is Jim just gonna Groundhog Day it until everyone is fine? There's only 13 minutes left we're gonna need a bigger movie
Also I screamed so much about everyone's death and now everyone reading this after they already saw the whole thing is gonna shame me for clowning huh
The scene where Blinky is giving his goodbye speech, there are no babies and Steve has a round belly? Did he reabsorb them?? I mean I know Jim is about to un-birth them but he hasn't started yet
Oh they did NOT just do that. I though he was just gonna go back to like, the start of the movie maybe. Not all the way
Imagine being in your early twenties with as much trauma as this kid has and having to pretend you're 16 again
Somewhere Unkar is complaining because "oh sure NOW it's a good idea"
I know Jim is wondering where Toby is because he was there before. But before, he made an entire meatloaf AND did his homework before leaving the house, so honey maybe wait a minute
For a second I thought Toby wasn't gonna be there and Jim would return to the right time. But there he is!
Alright so they're in school now, did they take the canal and just didn't mention the amulet on screen or did they pass it as if the Unbecoming episode hadn't been that traumatizing? Jim you know what happens when you ignore it
Jim maybe you're being too obvious here lmao
Soooo. Anyway. These whole past years I've rewatched this show over and over and over again are cancelled now?
So we get the quote again. And Trollhunter Tobias is nice. Cool. Cool AU I mean, but I don't know. I don't knowwww. I've been way too invested in everything to just accept that it never happened?? So uh. Hm. How about this.
Strickler survived because fuck you, and Toby also survived and just has scars now. Maybe a wheelchair but he's fine, also he can use the Warhammer for super speed and make it awesome once he's used to it. Archie and Charlie get freed once they rebuild the bridge (and they were playing scrabble to pass the time). Nomura is still dead because she died on screen and I can't really deny that but she's with Draal so it's okay. Everyone is traumatized but they'll be fine. NotEnrique is still babysitting 500 babies and Steve is about to bring 7 more.
In summary, I reject Groundhog Day ending but everything else was great, as long as it actually happened. It was a good movie. But you can't just cancel years of passion. Having the prospect of a million "canon AUs" sounds great for writing but at the same time nooo you can't do that he didn't have to go back THAT far HHHHH
I liked the movie. It was a great watch and a satisfying end to a franchise, but I gotta say I do not fancy the ending of it so I will from now on be in denial. I honestly feel kind of betrayed that this show was my whole life for so long, I learned every smallest fact, and they basically deleted it from existence. I know what they were going for, I think, but no thank you I will be going with my own opinion. Still gonna rewatch it a few dozen times though ✌🏻
And that concludes my live commentary that was supposed to be a small handful of notes. Feel free to shame me for my opinions. See ya!
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cartoonfan101 · 3 years
So for whatever reason my Owl House fan musical post from August blew up so now that the first batch of songs came out, I’m going to rank them >:)
Also side note, if you saw the post I mentioned, let’s just ignore the fact that it’s not set up like an actual musical lmfao. I didn’t realize he was going to just make songs for specific moments
1. Half a Witch Willow (Willow meeting Luz for the first time) - okay so like I knew this was coming, and tbh Willow has never been my favorite character but Joriah fucking POPPED OFF with this one. The lyrics run beautifully and it was a literal masterpiece, not to mention I was literally in love with her singer. Amazing job.
2. Sweet and Sour (Luz seeing Amity read too kids in the library the first time) - THIS SONG WAS SO ADORABLE AND WELL WRITTEN. It made me very upset with the knowledge no one will ever look at me the way Luz looked at Amity in this… but at the same time that is the only reason why this song wasn’t first. I just felt like they tried too hard to hint at Luz’s future feelings towards Amity and everything was too soon, you know? But if they cut the song in half and spoke only about seeing Amity smile for the first time, they could use the other half for when she’s watching Amity post Escaping Expulsion to show the difference of “omg I didn’t know she could smile” to “I’m literally in love with her smile”, but that’s just a me thing. If it wasn’t for that it would be a literal masterpiece
3. Time to Luz (end of episode 1 when Luz chooses to stay at the Boiling Isles) - I wasn’t overly in love with this one BUT it was the funniest one. I also felt like the Luz vs Lose joke was stupid but besides that it was vocally and lyrically impressive. NOT TO MENTION the use of Ordinary in the music, which I know isn’t an original idea but I still loved it
4. Bow Down (King’s introduction) - wasn’t too in love with this one either but it perfectly portrayed King’s character in that moment, not to mention I loved the fact it seemed like every little kid solo in any musical to ever exist. The singer wasn’t the best (for this role in particular) but I can definitely see them being able to pull of King’s “epiphany” when Joriah (hopefully) writes that one
5. Not Getting Credit (Amity solo, post witches duel) - okay so like, I definitely wanted this one to be amazing, and I was… disappointed… for many reasons. To start I just felt like it didn’t 100% reflect Amity in that moment in time and I would have preferred him to go a different direction… and yes the direction I would have took was not adding the song at all. It wasn’t that bad, but I feel like it’s giving away too much of Amity’s character too soon. Part of the reason why I loved the scene between Luz and Amity at the end of that episode was because the first time I watched it, it made me want to know more about Amity. Why did she want to be recognized, why did she want to be in the emperors coven, etc. This song kinda got rid of my want to see more of her, you know? It was also not lyrically impressive and I feel like he either tried too hard or not enough… I am excited for another amity song tho
6. Eda the Owl Lady (Eda introduction scene) - just wasn’t impressed is all. It felt too much like if Grunkle Stan rewrote Human Stuff from the little mermaid musical (pretty much just scuttle singing about human stuff, a lot like the scene in the movie). Also wasn’t in love with Joriah as Eda in this, but they really redeemed themselves in the other songs
7. Think Inside of the Box (Camila telling Luz about summer camp) - I just didn’t like it. I literally hate Camila slander and while I know that’s not the direction it was going, there were some lines in the song that felt like they were trying to make her out to be a bitch. I also didn’t like how they just stuffed it with lines from the scene… like it was bad… but still nothing will be worse than-
8. Witch Duel (it’s in the name lmao) - when I saw they made this into a song I was so fucking excited cause I thought it was gonna be like the inner monologues of Luz and Amity with the chorus doing some cool harmonies in the background but do you know what I got. Do you wanna know? Do you really wanna know? I got a fucking rap battle. I know it was supposed to be funny but I wanted to cry. It was so underwhelming and disappointing. I mean… can you blame me?
Anyways, depending on how this post does (or if I’m lazy or not) I might do this when the next batch of songs comes out cause I missed doing analysis’ and giving people my opinions lmao. Anyways, don’t be scared to tell me your thoughts :)))
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bitchybutcher · 3 years
Texts I sent a friend the first time I watched The Boys, Season 1:
-        Butcher has said approximately 5 words
-        I’m already dead
-        I should not be this turned on by such a fuckin maniac
-        Oh ok so Homelander digs a mommy domme
-        Ok no but Annie needs a hug. She needs to be protected at all costs
-        Why is Hughie only hot covered in blood?
-        Deep needs to choke on a bag of dicks but also he’s an insecure baby who wants to feel important
-        I love Frenchie. I have nothing else to say about him I just love him
-        Butcher needs to stop saying things. Every time he opens his gob the fanny flutters get worse
-        I like this Mister Milk guy
-        Oh ffs Homelander is legit jealous of a baby
-        This subby bastard needs to go on fetlife or the femdom subreddit and get himself an actual mommy domme
-        Poor Hughie in the middle of this domestic between Frenchie and the Milk guy
-        FUCK Butchers chest looks good in this episodes shirt
-        Frenchie you perv no of course no cameras in toilets
-        OH his name is Mothers Milk not Mister Milk
-        The Maeve actress looks really familiar imma have to google to find out what else I’ve seen her in
-        Ohhhh Homelander is insane insane
-        I mean he’s pretty, and he’s hilarious, but WOW
-        He’s a lil off on the crazy/hot scale
-        Ohhhh no Atrain is a using BASTARD GIRL BEAT HIS ASS
-        Welp imma be listening to Butcher say “we’ve gotta get some” on a loop for days
-        Maeve is so sick of Homelanders shit
-        Yup I’m shipping Hughie and Annie hard. They’re so adorable and they both really just need a hug
-        Well episode 4 is officially my favourite:
He said my name
He sleeps nude
-        Oh ok so Deep is actually just a soft baby
-        He’s in therapy omg
-        He needs a hug
-        And he loves dolphins and he’s lonely oh man why am I feeling bad for this douche he assaulted Annie
-        Hughies phone beeps and immediately the guys are like “he got texted by a girl, look at his face, has to be”
-        Oh Frenchie is a subby boi too apparently
-        Kevin and his soft spot for dolphins is melting my heart this kid just wants to do good things and he really needs a cuddle
-        They’re on a bowling date oh my god they’re too precious
-        Oh dude I’m such a slut for Butcher this isn’t even funny
-        Homelander is insane and I adore that but also I’m LIVING for Maeve’s facial expressions when he’s on his bullshit
-        Frenchie is such a sweetheart with his lil home cooked meal and setting her cutlery properly
-        I feel bad for the female
-        Why does Hughie only have one jacket
-        Oh boy the Jesus nutters festival
-        Ngl the stretch Armstrong fella is kinda attractive
-        “You’ve done a murder, comparatively speaking, blackmail is a piece of cake”
-        Girl help I’m in love with a fictional unhinged angel muffin
-        Shapeshifter? Some kind of Antman type person??
-        More importantly how do I find a genie to make Butcher real cause no joke I love him
-        Oop Toni’s kiwi accent slipped out when he said mayonnaise
-        Homelander is the neediest little subby bitch boi I swear to fuckin god
-        Ooooo something shady with Becca…tenner bets it’s something to do with Homelander somehow
-        Ok so I adore Kevin the Deep. He’s comfort eating junk food and looks like he’s been crying cause of the dolphin
-        Aww Annie standing up for herself
-        Oh wait no ok she didn’t actually say who it was
-        I don’t know why I feel protective over Sad Kevin but he’s so sad and he’s so bad at doing good but he’s trying and dear lord he needs a cuddle
-        Hughie clapping Annie after she basically told them all to fuck off  😂
-        Butcher just weaponised a baby. What. Like it was a little gun
-        Homelander is NOT getting horny cause Stillwell called him a bad boy and started mommying him OMFG
-        And now she’s calling him her good boy with her shirt open
-        Subby boi and his mommy domme I FUCKING CALLED IT FROM THEIR FIRST SCENE
-        Bitch got gutted then just like eh no big lemme just knit my internal organs back together
-        Awww Kevin tryna do good again he’s so cute
-        Kevin is so bad on camera oh dear
-        He’s trying to apologise and he’s so bad at this
-        Who and what the fuck is Black Noir
-        Awwwwwww lil baby Homelander
-        They need to stop making me feel fuzzy over dickheads
-        Kimiko trusts Frenchie this is precious
-        Jamming out to the end credits song is one of the best parts tbh, the soundtrack is boss
-        I feel so bad for Kevin
-        He’s been exiled to Ohio and he’s sad
-        They didn’t even give him a plushie dolphin to cuddle
-        I’m rooting so hard for Hughie and Annie, this had better work out for them
-        Oh what I’d give to have Butcher stalking menacingly after me in a train station
-        Sixth sense guy doesn’t know how lucky he is getting cornered in a bathroom stall by the hottest psychopath on tv
-        Yeah I’d let him smash me on a sink any day
-        Oh no not more Sad Kevin
-        Traumatised baby needs someone to mind him
-        BUTCHER SHOT ANNIE?!?!?!?
-        Oh god Homelander in Syria this can’t be good
-        Aaaaaand more Sad Kevin
-        Yeah I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s doing the full breakdown shave
-        Oh no sad Annie
-        Atrain is gonna do himself an injury
-        Black Noir is hilarious even though they don’t say anything and have no face
-        Soooo he admits to creating supervillains behind her back, and she tops him? As reward??
-        This bish does remember what happened to Becca, right? Demon spawn clawing out of her
-        Frenchie and MM bonding in captivity 🥰
-        Ooooh conflicting stories re Homelanders baby
-        Not Hughie going in all badass and immediately getting creamed 😂
-        The retainer! Hughie is a genius
-        I mean he’s a dumbass
-        But so smart
-        Hughie: *firing machine gun* I’M SORRY I’M SO SORRY
-        YES ANNIE!!
-        Uh oh
-        Roided up Atrain
-        Oop heart attack
-        Oh fuck he melted her face
-        Butchers hurt little face nooo
-        Oh ok season 1 is over
-        …it’s 5am
-        Aaaaand I can see daylight
-        I’m very tempted to just pull an all-nighter and watch season 2
-        But bed also sounds nice
-        I think bed
-        Dream of Butcher
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kimvvantae · 2 years
You know, I know you are a great writer. I mean you wrote TML which I adore so much. And then Umbra please it’s so amazing💕 (I will scream in a separate ask about it in the future) but yesterday I read saudade after I saw that you are currently writing it and I couldn’t stop. I had to finish it late at night. And let me tell those are the best fics. I was so into this world. It’s so intriguing, so special, so well written. I am so in love💖
These two captured my heart. I mean it aches just to think about their tragic lovestory. I don’t know if it can get more sad then this. I am a sucker for it but please how much sadness can they bear. After every lightly fluffy moment, a wave of sadness washes over me. And I felt, I felt it in my bones. It tells a lot about your writing. I love your world building. The fusion between fantasy and non fantasy was excellent. A lot of times I was overwhelmed by the turns this story took. I love how I didn’t know what to expect when I started. And I love how you pulled the strings.
And of course I love the characters. They are the cherry on top. I can’t emphasize enough how glorious they are. They are so special. Not comparable to other ones I read about. A more special pair then them, hard to find if you ask me. They just match. In their sadness, in their stubbornness, in their willingness to help others even if they are hurting so deeply. The way they don’t give up even if the world is against them. They haven’t lost the last spark of hope yet. And while being similar in many ways, they are still their own person. They have flaws, I love how you pictured characters who are real. Humans or vampires👀 but they remain flawed no matter what. Chaeyoung wasn’t afraid to call her a selfish bitch and it felt so good to see real interactions. And their backstories, I love that we got to see why they are who they are. It’s great that we got the whole picture (I am so curious if we get two perspectives on the last chapter). And of course Chaeyoung, please she is such a cutie. She and Lisa are such an adorable pair.
It’s so worth it. I have no idea how it continues but I know that you will do an amazing job, no matter what. I just hope they have their happy ending. I don’t know how much I can bear. And take all the time you need to finish this masterpiece. It will be hard to say goodbye but I need to know what is still in store for them. Imam so excited. As previously mentioned I loved it so much. Thank you so much for spending so much time on it. The effort you put into it is seen, even if I can only imagine how much work it actually is. So if nobody told you this today. You are doing amazing. I hope you have a great week. Lots of love from me❤️‍🔥 Take care
🎀 (I don’t know if you remember me, it’s been an eternity tbh but I am still here and I still love giving long reviews about your amazing stories)
yes i remember you!!!!!!! glad to see you here again!!! so happy that you liked saudade too 😭😭 yes i'm working HARDDD to make a good ending for this series and i'm already excited to know your reactions about it!!!
yeah you made a good question - how much sadness can they bear? this is basically the main theme for the last part. can they bear more pain? can they stay away from each other? HOW can they be together considering everything seems to be against them? bro i want to answer these questions so bad 😭 i already spent too much damn time in character developing now it's time for RESOLUTIONS
i'm so happy that you mentioned chaeyoung bc she's like my fav character in this fic 🥺 she's the friend anyone would want to have! she'll be by your side when you need her, but she'll also call you out on your bullshit when you deserve it 😌 i really wanted the characters to feel flawed and real and i appreciate that you noticed it! adding flaws to characters is one of the most fun parts about writing (up there with world building imo) - flaws that make sense for them. i'll dive deeper into this aspect next chapter, but tae DEFINITELY has a controlling/possessive problem, because during his human life, everything was out of his control. he'll have to learn that he CAN'T control everything and that he MUST trust others sometimes. also oc still is a bit spoiled and selfish, and she'll also have to overcome these issues 😗
i don't want to spoil much more but uhhh i'm so excited to finish the last part already 😭😭 thank you so much for your review, it definitely motivated me to keep writing!!! tysm for reading & i hope you have a great week too 💗💗💗
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jjadegreen · 4 years
And that means making spooky aus for no reason other than fun<3
In summary- jjba part 1-6 but there’s no stands/Hamon and they all exist at the same time AND everyone is a spooky monster!!! I included as many characters as I could but it’s quite easy to run out of creatures, so bear with me on a few of them. Also the joestar bloodline is just gonna all be George Joestars kids because I said so!
Also, this is all really dumb but it’s just for fun so it’s ok💕
*minor TW for mentions of death!!! Nothing graphic but I’d rather be safe
Jonathan: Frankenstein
Not exactly like the traditional Frankenstein’s monster but whatever!!
Used to be a regular kid until he died in his 20s along with Erina :(
His father, who is still alive here, doctors the hell out of his dead son and boom. Franken-son.
Most body parts are his but he lost some in his death... so like, one of his legs is just some random guys.
He is still very Jonathan... a sweet boy... beloved.
He loves flowers and plants and such!
Married to Erina!!!
Joseph: werewolf
Tbh I just feel like werewolves give off himbo energy
Ran into some spooky woods next to the Joestar mansion as a kid and came home with a wolf bite and a cool new form
The exact same as regular Joseph but with more dog attributes
Our boy will chew on a bone if he finds one. He will chase tennis balls like his life depends on it.
Him and Caesar are rivals but the kind of rivals who fight on the weekdays and watch shitty romcoms together on weekends
Jotaro: merman
Ocean man....... take me by the hand...... lead me to the land.......
Ok but in all seriousness. You know why Jotaro is a merman. Silly little ocean man.
Edgy bastard but he will go entirely soft if you bring out a sea creature
I have 0 idea how he became this. He probably pissed off an ocean witch or something and she made him a merman
H20: just add water type transformation. If he touches water, BOOM now he has a tail
He does not let that stop him
Kakyoin is his best buddy!! He also hangs out w/ Polneraff and Avdol
Jolyne: witch
Jolyne is just a lesbian witch. Is that too much to want
Idk anything about witches so I dunno!!! Maybe she just like. Decided to be a witch. I think there are real witches and I don’t want to disrespect anyone
Although she is the Halloween-y, pointy hat, black robe witch. She makes potions and stuff.
She has diverted her potion experience into cooking
She makes THE BEST fucking pastries
Josuke: werewolf (like father like son)
Even tho Joseph is not his dad here they give off similar energies
Joseph bit him while they were arguing and boom boom werewolf
In a band!!! With oku, koichi and yukako!!
Rohan is their manager
Best friends with Okuyasu and Koichi
He will cry if he doesn’t eat for 4 hours
Giorno: vampire
Vampire for obvious reasons
He’s technically everyone’s nephew because he’s DIOs son (who is biologically a joestar here)
He’s not in the mafia! He just hangs out with the bucci gang!
Despite having the ability to make it seem like he knows what’s going on, he never does
Pudding cups are banned from the mansion because he will devour them in just a few seconds
Vegan, but will never pass up drinking the blood from someone he hates
You guys know I’d never stop at just the jojos
Erina: Frankensteins bride!
Died with Jonathan and was brought back the same way as him
Very close with Speedwagon
Speedwagon: former ghost hunter
Our man was a ghost hunter until actually meeting a ghost (probably Reimi) and deciding that maybe he could just be a normal man instead
He lives with the joestars because he’s really close with Jonathan and Erina
He and Will were a ghost/vampire hunting duo
Will Zeppeli: former vampire hunter (who is now a vampire lol)
Once Speedwagon decided to just be friends with all the monsters he followed
Caesar: vampire
Don’t ask why caesar is a vampire even though that’s DIOs thing. Caesar gives off vampire energy.
He acts like he hates Joseph but believe me they are in love
Him and Suzie Q are the most powerful friendship you could imagine
Suzie Q: fairy!
Just a little fairy girl! That is it!
Badass bitch. Probably uses her tiny size to steal from everyone
Smokey: literally a normal dude
Caesar was going to suck his blood but decided that Smokey was too nice for that date
The joestars of course got attached to him immediately
Kakyoin: Tree Nymph
His hair noodle is a branch that grows a cherry
Iggy: Cerberus type dog
Jotaros pet dog!!!
Absolute bastard
Avdol: Phoenix
Fire bird. Self explanatory.
Polnareff: centaur
Yes he still has the stupid hair. Would he be polnareff without it?
Avdol simp
Koichi: shapeshifter
He’s a shapeshifter because I said so even tho it makes no sense!!!
He does so many favours for everyone
In a band w/ oku, Josuke + yukako
Okuyasu: zombie
Why a zombie? Because Okuyasu has no brain
He’s a simple man. You put food in front of him and he eats it on sight
In a band w/ koichi, Josuke + yukako
Yukako: siren
I just feel like a long haired pretty woman gives off siren vibes
In a band!!! You have heard it three times you know the drill
Rohan: can transform into a dragon??? I guess???
I’m gonna be honest I’m just running out of ideas
Band manager
Tonio: can transform into a caladrius
@c-c-cherry told me this is some kinda healing bird??? I’m choosing to trust her don’t betray me Cherry
Reimi: ghost, obviously
No notes needed you get it. She’s a ghost
Mista: gargoyle
Stinky man!!! Stinky stone man!!! Never showers because he’s a stone man!!!
Bruno: angel<3
He’s already a perfect angel in the show why would I need to change that!!
Bruabba is canon He is married to Abbacchio
Abbacchio: demon
Goth demon man to contrast Bruno’s infinite light
He is married to Bruno because bruabba is real
Narancia: ghost
I’m literally just imagining narancia pulling so many stupid pranks as a ghost which is the whole reason I chose this for him
Fugo: reaper
Imagine like. Edgy son of the grim reaper who doesn’t want to be a reaper so he runs off and becomes friends with a wacky group of creatures. That’s fugo baby!
Trish: imp
Im almost out of ideas
Probably half human? Diavolo would definitely be an imp as well
This was very bad but fun
Thank u Cherry for being my emotional support while I tried to come up with so many different monsters
Also yes!! Some of them aren’t exactly monsters but I am just a little creature who doesn’t want to spent a week looking for the perfect monsters for every character
Love you all mwah mwah
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