#i am feeling fitness in this chilis tonight...
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hotcinnamonsunset · 9 months ago
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taylor zakhar perez + men's health fitness
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angelsdean · 6 months ago
samwena magic shop owners. sam is always eager to help out customers and discuss the lore side of things. they host workshops after hours. sometimes kinky magic workshops. you know how it is
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disregardcanon · 2 years ago
yellowjackets full names i made up on my drive today
Shauna Elise Shipman- already had this one. I just like it idk what to tell y'all. elise sounds pretty with shauna
Jacqueline Kennedy Taylor- i'm sorry, but with jackie's parents? she was clearly named for jackie kennedy and i feel like they WOULD go that far.
Laura Lee- she doesn't have a middle name. her parents just gave her a first and last so that when she gets married to a man she can be Laura Lee Husband's-Last-Name.
Natalie Antonia Scatorccio- i don't remember which fic it was that used this one for "something catholic" but i love it. very pretty will keep
Misty Ann Quigley- it just feels like something that would be RIGHT for misty. something very generic that doesn't quite fit but isn't bad.
Vanessa Irene Palmer- I like the sound of it and i do feel like when van was born her mom would have been the type to think "VIP" as initials is really funny.
Taissa Nadine Turner- this one was also chosen for the initials because i feel like taivan both having that is cute. tai's initials are TNT and Nadine both sounds good with with other two and means "hope" which i feel like would fit with both her parents' dreams for her and taissa's personality. the girl just keeps going
Benjamin David Scott- i like the sound of it and it would be fun for his middle name to match a queer icon: david bowie
Akilah Nicole King- nicole means victory, which i think would be tragic with akilah who's trying so hard to keep going but we know won't make it. and king just sounds really good with akilah AND is a common name across the board
Mari Gabriella Flores- middle name is from the angel gabriel that declared to mary that she was gonna have a baby because mari "i hope that shauna doesn't die" being named after gabriel is PEAK comedy to me. also flores is one of my favorite hispanic last names and i want to give her flowers. on account of the pit
Genesis Stevie Kondo- okay look, i know a person named after genesis the band and the idea of gen being named after genesis the band AND stevie nicks is entertaining to me. also marie kondo and getting rid of stuff with care and kindness and poor gen is getting thrown out of the cast by being killed. do you see my Vision TM
Melissa Jean Collins- common middle name and last name that i thought worked well with hers
Kristin Cassandra Megat- i made this name up for god honoring cannibalism and i'm very fond of it for crystal <3
Charlotte Elizabeth Matthews- of course mr. matthews would give lottie both an incredibly bland and aristocratic sounding name. middle name comes from both elizabeth ii and it just sounding fancy
Travis Rosario Martinez- i know that rosario skews female, but it IS gender neutral still. and let me tell you, travis One of the Girls TM, virginity was jealousy guarded and then he was punished for having lost it being named partially after a famous devotion to the VIRGIN mary. i like the themes
Javier Alejandro Martinez- alejandro is very pretty, means warrior which is a sad sort of ironic, and then his initials are jam which makes me giggle
Jeffrey Lee Sadecki- lee is very common, very short, and could facilitate some funny moments with small callie where she mishears jeffrey as jeff lee or jeffrey as jeff free. and thinks her dad's name is either jeff lee sadecki or jeff free sadecki
Jacqueline Elise Sadecki- ha. ha ha. hahAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Simone Jada Abara- jada means wise, which is a trait i would associate with simone, and it also sounds good in there.
Samuel Isaac Abara-Turner- i am worried about sammy tonight in this chili's so i am giving him the worst curse i can on a christian child: naming him isaac after abraham's issac. i make things worse on purpose :)
Walter Ichabod Tattersall- he has no glory because he's just a weird little guy and i like that about him :)
Kevyn Ringo Tan- i am cursing kevyn with not only the y he already has but his parents being this type of beatles fan. idk i feel like someone using a y for kevin in the late seventies would be the kind of person to name their kid after ringo starr
Lisa Marie Hawthorne- giving lisa a very common middle name and a fancy, wasp-y last name complete with nathaniel hawthorne's generations away from puritanism guilt. it feels right with her mom being the way she is
that's it! that's the end of the characters i care enough about to do this for
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newzealandmozsombi · 3 days ago
Tasman days vol.2
Last night Peti joined me at the campsite, I made chili and we had a nice chat over dinner that ended quite late. Today we went to check out the local beach, Little Kaiteriteri cause it looked great based on pictures plus it felt a bit like an obligation to check it out since that’s what this area is famous for so after breakfast Peti packed up his car (he’s staying at another campsite tonight) and we drove to the beach (it would’ve been short walk, which I ended up doing when I came back to the campsite). It’s really cool, the campsite is pretty much on the side of a little inner bay (I am sure it has a more scientific name) which during low tide goes absolutely dry and two days ago when I arrived I am pretty sure it was dry and in the morning it was basically an “inner beach” and kids were swimming and having fun in there.
In the beginning we were only sitting at the beach which looked absolutely stunning by the way, yellow sand, turquoise water, blue sky and at first attempt I only dipped my feet in the sea and it felt cold but after going in a second time I realized that it wasn’t really that cold so after a short drive back to pick up my surf shirt (for tattoo protection) we ended up going for a swim. Since this Little Kaiteriteri is basically a bay within a bay the waves weren’t too big and we set out to swim to a tiny “island” (which is actually connected to land during lowtide as I found out in the afternoon). I went ahead and after a few minutes I reached the rocks of the “island” and climbed up a bit. Last time I had my feet in any kinda sea or ocean was quite a while ago, I reckon it was in the Adriatic Sea last May and even then I didn’t actually swim. Last time swimming in an any kinda sea let alone ocean…can’t even remember. Anyway, I almost immediately felt how exhausting swimming is and how weak my upper body is haha. Still, it was fun and while swimming the water definitely didn’t feel too cold and it made me feel like I am on a proper holiday!
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Here I gotta note that ever since I arrived there were of course warmer days but it never felt warm enough to make me feel like I can only survive the heat in a pool or in the ocean. Same applies fror today, sitting in the sand there was a light wind maybe 25-26 degrees absolutely perfect temperature, no crazy sweating or anything.
Long story short, it was really cool to go for a short swim and in the end the only casualties were my feet, with my right foot I kicked a big rock underwater and I managed to get rid of some “excess” skin from around my big toe and while I sanitized that and patched it up on the beach I forgot about my left foot which seems to have gotten a bit crispy in the sun. Oh well. Still, good day, well worth it. I thought I’d go biking in the afternoon but partly I wanna wait for my toe to recover a bit as well as I realized that this chill day was also much needed and I don’t have the urge to engage in any high intensity activities such as biking.
It’d be fair to ask why did I not take a single picture from the “left” side of the beach and the answer would be, I have no clue. I just forgot about it I guess?!..Looked too touristy maybe, too many people?!
Mandatory song recommendation:
Feist - 1234
I think Apple Music recommended this song based on previous songs with a similar style?!…not sure, I listened to it while patching up my foot today and I like it. Chill song with female vocals, fits the mood and the day.
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dilesxpressions · 1 year ago
Zachary Leung
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown 
My name is Zachary Leung. I am a 3rd Year Managerial Economics Major, pursuing a minor in Statistics. I am from San Francisco. 
2. What’s your roman empire? 
My Roman Empire is always “how much sleep am I able to get tonight and what time would I have to wake up?” I think about this a lot because if I don’t get enough sleep, my whole day is ruined. 
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received? 
The best compliment I ever received was from my roommate. He complimented my ability to be straightforward and not beat around the bush when resolving a conflict. This meant a lot to me since he doesn’t hand out compliments easily. 
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you? 
If my life was a movie genre, it would be a 2 hour long documentary. I feel like this genre would fit the best because my life is pretty boring. I’d like for Simu Liu to play me. 
5. What is something on your college bucket list? 
One thing on my college bucket list is to travel out of the country with the group of friends I made here at Davis and just have an overall memorable experience.
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.) 
My guilty pleasure is eating Trader Joe’s Chili and Lime rolled tortilla chips. 
7. What are your bad habits? 
One of my bad habits is not defrosting whatever protein I have in the freezer to cook for the next day. This is a bad habit because I always have to wait extra hours before I can start cooking my meal. 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics? 
My favorite song lyrics are from the song “Mind over Matter” by Young the Giant. The lyrics go: “And if the world don't break; I'll be shaking it; 'Cause I'm a young man after all”. The way the lyrics are sung give the song a nostalgic vibe and makes it a little sentimental to me. 
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take 
My unpopular opinion is that noodles are superior to rice. For me, noodles are more applicable for meals. For example, for noodles, you can always add extra ingredients which in turn, compliment the star of the dish; the noodles. You can also eat noodles on their own and they’re good as is. Regarding rice, you always have to have something to eat with rice and is typically the last thing you finish when eating a meal. 
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
One time where I had to step up as a leader was during my trip to Tahoe over the summer. My group of friends and I traveled in two cars but along the way to our destination, one of the cars suffered a flat tire. At the time, a bunch of us were all panicking on what to do since we were on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. We realized that there was no spare tire for the car so a bunch of us decided to call Tesla roadside assistance and Triple A. Tesla roadside couldn’t accommodate our needs but Triple A said they could help tow in three hours. However, during the call, they notified us that they had to tow the car since they couldn’t fix the flat tire on the spot. Having dealt with a flat tire before, I proposed the idea of taking the other car to the gas station to buy a tire repair kit. With limited time, I pushed for this idea and we all eventually agreed. After receiving the tire repair kit, we drove back to the spot of the scene and I used my nails to dislodge the nail that had punctured the tire. I then instructed my friend on how to use the tire repair kit to plug the hole. From there, we waited for the mechanic to arrive so that we could fill up the tire with air with his portable pump without having to tow the car back the opposite direction.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months ago
#while i do love the norman ratri theory / hc #specifically james bein his papa #matilda being norman’s mom is my favorite#mainly because . matilda #shirai please never ever reveal who the sister’s children actually are #bc if norman’s mom was someone other than matilda … it would be so over #but i think it’s like 99.9% matilda #because they were drawn together !! (via @sleepyhouzuki)
V compelling evidence (their noses, their brows, much to think about 🤔🤔)
#norman IS a ratri I will not accept anything else at this point #the dramatic irony shakespearean tragedy cycle of abuse-ness of it all is just. too good (via @hylialeia) --- #i Love the norman ratri theory #tbh i forget its a theory a lot of the time lmaooo #been thinking of a url to change to and norman ratri truther or smth like that was one of my ideas haha #maybe this is a sign (via @beachbunnymp4) --- I LOVE the demon world is under the ocean theory. It sounds so ridiculous, but when you look at everything it starts to make sense. Norman Ratri and Emma and Carol being related is not my favorite, but I like to believe those are very probable. (via @zazora) --- #Norman is a Ratri in some capacity - 👍 #(while being somewhat of a cousin of Peter and James though. one of his ancestors being of Ratri descent but not he himself lol) (via @officersnickers)
I'm not as big on James being his dad (opting for something more akin to what Snickers proposes; further propaganda here, here, and here) but we are all Norman Ratri truthers in this Chili's tonight 🤝
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While I've mentioned before I'm glad they didn't do anything with it in canon because Norman already has so much going on with him when Shirai was rapidly chopping off story branches in the back half of the series, I always think of this post addition by @bon-nii because it is emphatically captures the sentiment beautifully:
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Realest shit, and once he's aware of it he has to absolutely loathe it being one of the key components of it for me lol
#I don't really care for the 'x and y are biologically related' theories tbh because like. I don't care lol #But the others are fairly interesting #Leslie being Zazie would have been cool but Zazie is five years old it doesn't line up #I'm not really a fan of any of these theories I feel like they're grasping at straws hfjdjdj sorry- (via @darklight-owl)
's gucci dfkj in addition to seeing which fan theories I missed, I thought it was also an interesting way to gauge people's affinity for canon fidelity since that's what (most likely) drew people into the series initially, with potential sentiments of "I like the Emma and Carol are biological sisters theory because it would have the least bearing on the plot" to "I voted Leslie is Zazie because it would have been cool as shit," and everyone has a different tolerance of what strays too far for them (similarly, how far removed an AU is from canon before the characters stop being what you consider to be the characters and if that's a dealbreaker or not)
#The 'human character becomes a demon' one would be cool if we had an actual candidate #(Hey- no put season 2 down. I said put it down. Don't make me get the spray bottle) #I picked Adam being Norman but not in the way OP probably intended #I think Lambda might have been trying to clone the kids there and Do Things to them since birth to see what happens #But then again not sure if that lines up with the timeline either unless they took some dna sample from Norman before he was harvested #Unless he was given to Goldy Pond like. Right before Emma got there which is extremely unlikely (via @darklight-owl)
I think that fits into the all along category if I'm interpreting it correctly and we combine the clone theory and Adam = Norman theory, but I am tragically limited by the options limit kdsjf </3
But I think there's enough potential there that mucking up canon a bit would be worth it. (Also I say this all the time but the timeline for this series fucks me up so bad since canonically Adam and Norman could only have been at Lambda together for at max two months. What the fuck)
For humans turning into demons, the most common candidates I've seen are Emma, Norman, and Leslie.
#how to make me choose here because a lot of them are great! ^^' #Emma and Carol are (half-)sisters - 👍 #[Sister] is [Grace Field child beside Ray]'s biological mother - 👍 #voted for *Two other Grace Field kids besides Emma and Carol are biologically related* #Norman and Rossi being half brothers my beloved <3 #look at them and tell me I'm wrong #Rossi's so cute. I need more attention for him and what's the better way than to set him up with Norman as big bro? #some crazy theory - Jessica and Isabella either being half-sisters or cousins #(they look alike a lot I think) #making Ray and Gilda (my headcanon child for Jessica hehe) also related #their attitude your honor. please #another crazy headcanon of mine - Norman and Adam are somewhat clones. experiments. genetically worked on before inserted in a woman #(terrible wording I know) but so is Violet. she looks a lot like them I think and she's somewhat close to Adam. would be fun I guess? (via @officersnickers) --- #Tbh I think the theories where certain characters may be each other's half-siblings are my favorite ones #I like the one where it's about Emma and Carol specifically #Alright how about something a bit different since I also put in the fic I'm cowriting in #Matilda is Emma's biological mother #Mostly just from parallels in Isabella's side chapter #I think I did make a post speculating which kids belong to the 4 Sisters a long time ago (via @thathilomgirl)
If I could only choose one sibling connection between Emma & Carol or Norman & Rossi, I'd probably opt for the former, but with the latter pair both having white hair I've definitely seen that theory floating around too lol
I've never seen anyone put forth as Emma's mom besides Sienna though (mostly because of the hair rather than the irony of their contrasting personalities) so Matilda being her mom instead of Norman's is new. Same with Jessica as Gilda's mom, though I have seen Scarlet as either Don's or Phil's mom a lot.
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(Chapter 175)
And I have seen people note the similarities between Norman and Violet before, but never that she was included in the clone shenanigans too, so that's a neat addition.
*Either all along or post-escape **Through being the reincarnation of James, one of his parents being a Ratri, or one of his more distant relatives being a Ratri
Really interested in the Other option as someone who came into the fandom after the series concluded and possibly missed some that were popular for a time and then dropped like a rock in the collective fandom conscience after a certain point.
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the-prisma-system · 2 years ago
Just a friendly reminder that demigender is a full and valid identity all on its own ❤️
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isan0rt · 2 years ago
Okay I'm not even done I need to get these feels out I'm just.
It's just. Xehanort wasn't even actually the chosen one. He wasn't even chosen!! The prophecy was about fucking Sora the whole time!! They misread the fucking book and ruined this kid's life raising him in isolation trying to make him fit a prophesy that wasn't even about him, that was NEVER about him!!! None of that needed to happen to him, except that it was inevitable as soon as he was taken from his mother and thrust into a role that was never meant for him!!
He was NEVER CHOSEN, but he thought he was, and he was manipulated when he was at his most vulnerable by an adult who saw him as _useful_ to fool, who twisted the best parts of Xehanort into the very thing that doomed him, just like it doomed Baldr, and it worked because Xehanort really believed that the prophecy meant him! People believing what they want to believe to justify their actions after the fact applies to him too. He spends his entire life trying to be Sora, and the only reason Sora is ever able to fulfill the prophecy is he's left alone to have a normal childhood, because he doesn't have the weight of a prophecy or a bloodline hanging over him since infancy, because there's no one left but Xehanort and Luxu to even think to look for him, and Xehanort looks at him and refuses to see what's right in front of him, because if Sora is the chosen one, then Xehanort was himself just a dull, ordinary boy from the beginning, and he ruined his life for absolutely nothing.
I just. Xehanort was the scapegoat, from the beginning, just the SHEER INJUSTICE of that twist, that he was never anything more than a normal boy who was ruined by being thrust into a role that never fit him and never would, just has me so fucked up for Xehanort! The writing was incredible and I'm feeling all the things they wanted me to feel which was this tragedy was so pointless and also so inevitable and I am DESTROYED in this Chili's tonight about Xehanort Kingdom Hearts.
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goodvibesandsunglasses · 2 years ago
“Oh, she holds grudges the way others smile- very naturally and with minimal effort, unfortunately.” In all her years she could confidently say she’d never once found herself on the receiving end of Nadja’s wrath. Well, until tonight at least. “Once I tell her, we’ll both end up on her infamous list without a doubt. At best I’m your accomplice.” Dark hues widened slightly at the notion. Perhaps her friend was a bit more intense than she’d previously acknowledged? Seeing his smile filled her with the sudden urge to smoosh him with a cushion. It was all fun and games now, but just wait until the retaliation came! “I’ve only ever seen her do it to others, so all I can say is it will be very petty and possibly ruthless.” Pulling a bit of a face she weighed the options of being paranoid versus heavy denial and ignorant bliss.
From the way he questioned her she was certain he’d take the question only for him to agree and stand in the next breath. “Okay?” Biting her lip she slipped off the couch, curious to see what ingredients he kept spice wise. “Normally? No, but I didn’t want to disappoint after yours.” Usually she stuck to questions for the first few rounds to help break the ice and in all fairness- so had most people she’d played with. Linking her fingers behind her back she bit back a smile at the sight of not just chilies, but chilies that had been soaking. For a moment her mind blanked, barely registering mention of his old nanny as she realized what Ryan was about to do. “Are you sure you want to-” Before she could finish her sentence he swallowed a spoonful and her jaw dropped.
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Nia had to clamp a hand over her mouth to keep from bursting into titters. He really was mental! Trailing her touch up his back she rubbed in a soothing gesture all while trying to stay quiet. “I am so sorry. I thought you’d just eat a pepper, not drink the liquid!” Her words were breathless between laughs. “I don’t think water is helping you. You might need to eat a lemon.” For all she knew, her trying to help was only making her own future worse off. “Do you have a lemon? Or milk? I hear that helps? I think?”
His throat was on fire and it felt like the content of his stomach were threatening to come out the wrong way. Ryan knew that water wouldn’t do much for him, only calm the pain very briefly but it was the fastest way to get relief. Nia was close, trying to help as best as she could but the more she laughed, the more annoyed he got. He wouldn’t pretend he was annoyed at her -even though being laughed at wasn’t one of his favorite things- because he was actually just pissed at himself. It had been a very stupid move. He should’ve picked the question or at least it into a pepper as Nia just said.
“I have milk in the fridge”, he panted, still hovering over the sink. If there was something Ryan wasn’t used to, it was feeling ridiculous. However it seemed that Nia’s presence caused him to make stupid decisions, which if he got his way would keep happening for a while. He closed his eyes as the brief respite provided by water faded away, allowing the burning sensation to settle back. It felt like a case of heartburn in the making. “I’m going to need another shower”, he whispered. All he could do for now was to cling to shreds of dignity and wait for things to come back to normal. Surprisingly enough, though her fit of laughter made him feel cornered earlier, it now brought a smile to his lips. It seemed that his sense of humor hadn’t gone up into flames after all. “And you say Nadja is ruthless…”, he added “but you Nia, are the devil in disguise”.
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moorishflower · 2 years ago
Hii I was the voyeur!Dream asker (unless there were multiple, so I’m just A not THEE kwndlknd)
ANW I’m going feral over my ask. Scratch voyeur!dream just watching, His Majesty deserves to give detailed instructions in his mindfucky reverberating deep inside your head Voice. Just… shameless hob/corinthian smut with voyeur!dream watching and spitting instructions ///-///
I love your writing btw thank u 🖤
hey anon i just wanna say i feel seen, i feel heard in this chili's here tonight
cw for d/s tones and rough blowjobs. this is a spiritual successor to a sacred mutilation (now 100% cannibalism free!)
("Are you certain?" Dream asks. Asks between kisses peppered between Hob's shoulder blades, still buried in him, so deep that he can taste starlight in his throat. Asks again, "Are you certain," moving in him, again, still hard, still wanting -- he's fucked so wet and open that the shape of Dream's prick is scored into his flesh, he's breathing like a bellows into the pillowcase gone humid and damp with his spit. He's lost track of how many times he's come like this, Dream curved over him, hands over Hob's belly, clasped to him like a rutting animal. He'd asked for this, he thinks. He'd asked for satiety, for fullness, and Christ, but he's got it in spades.
"Yeah," he says, and hangs his head, and lets Dream fuck into him again, a slow rocking tide that drums up his blood, his prick so hard it hurts, every orgasm dry and unsatisfying until Dream is done with him. Until he's so full that he can't move for the satisfaction that drips from him. "I'm certain.")
The stained glass blooms prismatic and multicolored, shimmering facets of bruisy violets and claret reds, extending in fingered rays of light across Hob's bared and upturned throat. It gives the impression of welts, or wounds, of bloody edges and and scar tissue. Fitting, for what it is that kneels between Hob's spread knees.
"This is fucked up," the Corinthian mutters, and then adds, quickly, begrudgingly, "my lord." No deference colors those words -- Dream has long since grown accustomed to the barely-hidden disrespect of his most beautiful creation. Finds it, in its own way, charming. It is a symptom of the ways in which the Corinthian has changed, how humanity has delved into the heart of him, a subtle worm that Dream now hesitates, again and again, to remove. Hob likes him. Hob finds something that he needs here, in these almost-nightmares. Something profound and dangerous that Dream cannot give him, for he long ago carved out that part of his Endless flesh and hewed it into the creature that sits now with dogged attention, nude and with eyes and mouth sightlessly focused on Hob's trembling thighs, the restless shift of his calves, the heavy weight of his arousal drawn high against his belly.
"You may defer at any time. Those are the terms."
"Didn't say I don't like it."
Hob, listless, seeking, moans. The sound of their voices wrings it from him; he tilts his hips up, he sighs, he bites his lip.
(I don't really want to talk, he'd said, stroking his hand down Dream's back, counting the knobs of his spine, soothing and familiar. I just want to hear you. You sound different, there. More.
I am more, he'd said, and kissed Hob's gentle mouth, the softly grinning lips, the sharpness of the teeth behind them.)
"Touch him. Your hands, on his thighs."
"Boring," the Corinthian complains, but does as he's bid. He puts his hands, square and long-fingered, on Hob's knees, strokes them upwards to the largest muscle, quivering. There is only the sound of Hob's restlessness, the shift of his skin on the marble seat, the gentle clicking of the Corinthian's hunger. His fingers knead the tan flesh, and Hob's knees fall wider.
"A kiss, now. Gently, my nightmare."
The Corinthian bends his head down, obedient for once in his long existence, now that it means that he is allowed the possession of something, even if it is never fully, even if it is only for a time. He presses gilded-pink lips to Hob's thigh, chaste as a knight before his liege lord -- Hob inspires this loyalty in people. In all creatures, Dream thinks, seeing how the Corinthian's spine loosens and his eyelids droop in pleasure. Hob does not think of himself in this way often, but when he does there is a tinge of shame, of confusion, of monstrous longing. He does not realize that, in his hunger, he has tamed a far more subtle and dangerous beast.
"You may use your teeth. Softly."
The Corinthian makes a low and animal noise, presses his mouth to the juncture of thigh and pelvis and nips. Hob whines, high and thready, brings his palm to his mouth and covers it.
"No, Hob."
They are of one mind in this, temporarily united in longing: the Corinthian reaches, grabs Hob by the forearm and drags his hand back down.
"You desired no speech on your part, but I will not have you silent. Now, continue. Higher."
Hob puts his hand by his side, mouth open and panting as the Corinthian lips higher, up the line of his adonis' belt, leaving wet and stinging kisses where he goes, sucking marks into tanned skin, finding the places most sensitive to pain. The Corinthian has a strong jaw; every kiss leaves a subtle bruise. He reaches the crux of Hob's legs, and there he waits, all his mouths agape, tongue swiping out to wet his lips, over and over.
"Take him in your mouth. You may use your hands and teeth, but not to wound."
The Corinthian is a loosed hound; he lunges forward, a hand around the base of Hob's prick, holding it steady as he rubs his cheek against it, feline in his zealousness. His eyes extend their minute tongues, lick at the well of salt-bitterness at the head of Hob's arousal, frantic and burrowing creatures straining for more. Hob gasps, twisting towards and then away, his tender belly littered with reddening bites. The Corinthian needs no further demonstration of weakness, and follows the path of his eyes with his mouth, licking a hot stripe up the length of Hob's prick and then taking the head inside, all the lines of him gone slack in pleasure.
"You may touch yourself, little nightmare. But his pleasure is paramount."
"Mhm," the Corinthian grunts around his mouthful, and already his hand is between his legs, making a loose fist and fucking upwards, setting a rolling, tidal rhythm that counterpoints Hob's weak thrusts with squeezes of his hand. Hob makes soft noises, ah ah ahs, inarticulate and desperate. His testicles are drawn high and tight against his body; the Corinthian, too, has a frantic, gored energy to him. His fist flies between his thighs, and he drools freely around the mouthful of Hob's prick, holding himself still while Hob thrusts gamely into his throat.
"You may use your teeth." A reminder, at the sound of which Hob moans like he is dying, and puts a hand into the Corinthian's softly golden hair, and holds him steady while he fucks his mouth. They are beasts, wild and ravenous, but it is only when the Corinthian scrapes his teeth up the length of Hob's prick that one can see it, in the way Hob's eyes light from within, in the snarl that twists his mouth, in the tightening of his hand on the Corinthian's skull. He forces the nightmare's mouth down at the same time as he rocks upwards, the Corinthian's nose crushed in a rough press to his pelvis, both of them moaning, grunting, breathlessly hungry, and it is like this that Hob at last reaches his release, the Corinthian swallowing, again, again.
He steps within, enters fully this sacred and profane space, with the light of the stained glass leaving bloody runnels on the floor and Hob breathing in harsh staccato, his hand in the Corinthian's hair gentled, petting him over and over; the Corinthian's hand has stilled on his own prick, and he is whining, still holding Hob in his mouth. The sound emerges from his eyes in stereo, soft and high-pitched.
Dream leans down, his fingers lacing briefly through Hob's where they card through hair as soft and sunlit-golden as a wheatfield in summer. Hob smiles faintly, though his gaze is blearily distant.
"You've done well," Dream murmurs, and cups his hand to the Corinthian's cheek, feels where Hob is slowly softening in his mouth. "I'm proud of you."
He needs no further encouragement. The Corinthian comes in silence, his eyes slammed shut, his mouth full, and Dream pets him as he shudders through it, and marvels at how he, like all beasts before their masters, finally finds pleasure in his taming.
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Wifey comes home today and the dogs don't know it so they officially hit peak wretched baby behavior yesterday and have slumped into depressed baby behavior today. I do have work today but it's my short day so I'm thinking after I'm done with work and before I head to the airport with doggos to pick up wifey, I'll wash dishes and dogs.
That way wifey doesn't feel like the house is exactly as she left it you know? I definitely know it's not in worse shape I was very careful to always clean up my presence, but I want her to not have to clean up things that were here a week ago when she left either cuz that sucks and just because I was busy and had a hard time getting around to them shouldn't make them her problem. Most things like that aren't a big deal, or are things we specifically planned for (e.g. she emptied the litterbox right before she left and it's self cleaning so it only needs to be done once a week) but the dishes were a fluke that snuck by us in the last couple days before she left and then I literally never once had the spoons to get to them (heh) while Wifey was gone. Which I expected! I kinda figured that I would either do them all on Friday or maybe if I was very lucky do 1 round a dayon the others. So at least I'm on schedule lol.
Anyway, I did also clean the tub this week, and pick up the laundry in the bathroom, so I figure I might also do a quick wipe down in bathroom (sink, toilet, tub, sweep floors, take out trask) since it usually only takes 15 minutes and would make the whole room look really nice at this point. That plus shiny dishes and dogs is bound to make wifey happy coming home.
Anyway, my morning plans are as follows:
throw chili in the crock pot for dinner tonight
maintenance clean of bathroom
first round of dishes
take out the bedroom and bathroom trashes
refill pet water fountains
Extra Credit: unpack the monthly grocery grocery delivery and confirm their allergen listings
So far I'm over 100% on my tasks today and feeling great about it!
In the next hour I've got some work tasks to do, a little documentation stuff to prep for the day basically, and then it's off the the races for my short day with clients, my one on one, and then me getting the dogs ready for the evening!
Managed to finish all of my work prep stuff even the thing I was sure I wouldn't manage! So yay to that! We're still at "all essential AND all extra credit tasks completed" for each phase of my day so far, though obviously I'm not gonna elaborate on the work stuff for privacy reasons.
Feeling good about the day, feeling good about my ability to get shit down now that I've been back on my meds for a week, feeling pretty good overall! I do think I might be headed for a no show today but I'm fine with that because it'll just give me an extra 45 min for dishes and one less note to write before I switch over to household tasks this afternoon.
I am contemplating doing an extra credit task of throwing on new sheets and remaking the bed fresh and clean for wifey since Jaxxine crunched her yams all over this one all week on top of chewing on the fitted sheet like a pacifier to calm herself lol. But we'll see how that goes.
I've managed to get both blankets into the wash, and the quilt is already in the dryer, so I figure I'm definitely remaking the bed now. I'm most of the way through the tough jobs and then all that's left is the easy or fun ones. I do have to leave in about 3 hours tho, so I'm definitely running low on time. Gotta prioritize a bit and wittle down my remaining tasks. Dinner's all set but for some rice if we decide to make it. I may just empty the dish rack and not worry about washing a 3rd load unless I finish everything else in time. Jaxx definitely needs a bath next, then the tub a wipe down, the pets fed, and me a shower. At that point we're likely to be ok the edge of time so I'm thinking remake the bed and then kitty fun den and then prep the dogs for our trip.
After work plans are as follows:
2-3 more rounds of dishes 1 more round of dishes
bathe the lassie (START WITH THE LAD)
Feed the dogs dinner
bathe self
wipe down tub
build kitty fun den with dinner and treats
pick up wifey from her trip
Extra Credit: wash the blankets dry the blankets
Extra Credit: remake the bed with fresh sheets and blankets
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thero0ks · 4 years ago
Would You Want to Start Tonight? <Erwin Smith NSFW!>
Forgive us Commander for we have sinned.
Erwin wants to start a family. Erwin and the reader decide to get started.
Erwin is the king of dirty talk, and you can't convince me otherwise. Tried to make it a little spicey...let me know what you think.
Horror came across his face as she dumped ingredients in. A half used cookbook was thrown open, “half a teaspoon of chili powder.” He heard her scoff as she threw the spoon on the counter sprinkling the spice right from the jar. It wasn’t even a measuring spoon she’d been using. Just the smaller set of spoons they kept in the drawer. 
The only woman who could ever rattle that stoic face of his had somehow agreed to be his wife three years ago. His complete opposite, he found himself drawn to her spontaneous chaos.
He leaned against the wall watching her dance around the kitchen to music that was at a volume one would expect from a teenager, rather than a full grown woman. After receiving a content look from their dog she’d swooped in her arms to dance with, he couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at his lips. When she finally noticed his presence she placed the dog back on the floor who already looked eager for more of her attention. 
The warmth that came from her smile was drawing him to her. “Erwin, you’re home early.” On tiptoes to give him a kiss he felt her hands on his tie pulling him closer to her lips. The kiss was short and sweet, and he found himself following close behind her as she turned her attention back to the stove. Her hips fit in his palms as he rested his chin on her head. Liquid eyes observing the ingredients. His mind trailed back to the set of measuring spoons his mother had gifted her, it seemed he wasn’t the only one who didn’t fully understand the wild being in his hands. Somehow her dishes always turned out better than the recipes, and he quickly learned to not question her. 
“How was work?” She inquired, and this was his typical que to unload. He sighed, getting all his work troubles off his mind. She never understood his passion for work, but she supported him regardless. Different things made people tick, and Erwin’s was always work. “Mike thinks we can win the case, but it’ll be a gamble.” He concluded with a sigh. 
Pouring him a brandy she handed him the glass before gesturing to the table before bringing the plates over. “How was work for you?” He inquired as she poured a glass of wine.
“Ugh, don’t make me think of that place.” She groaned. 
“That good?” He couldn’t stop the smile at her dramatics.
She took a seat offering him a smile in return. “It was fine, I’d just rather not be there.” She said simply, taking a sip of her wine. 
“You know you don’t have to work, I make more than enough money.” He stated, eyeing her as she bit her lip.
“What else would I do? Besides, if I quit my mother would feel inclined to start asking about grandchildren.” 
Erwin’s eyes flickered up, watching her push her food around. “Would that be such a bad thing?” 
Surprised eyes observed him, “are you hinting at something?” 
Erwin shrugged, “we have been married for three years, I’ve settled into my career, we’ve bought a house...isn’t it the next logical step?” 
Erwin was always the planner. Everything had an order, and his life seemed to be stepping stones, every step marking a new achievement in his life. He’d always managed to stay on the straight and narrow. Perfect grades, perfect school, perfect job, and the perfect house. 
Y/N felt like he was always achieving the impossible. Whenever she created plans they tended to blow up in her face. Looking back at all of the choices she made there never was a mistake, life just decided to blow her completely off course, and she always found herself playing catch-up. Erwin being drawn to her like a magnet seemed like dumb luck. How did a mess like her fit into his perfectly tailored life?
“I know you’re worried you’ll be like your father, but I know you.” Erwin said softly, “you would be the perfect mother.” Those baby blue eyes of his didn’t hold a hint of doubt. He knew how to charm people with a simple gaze, he also knew how to use them to solidify a point. 
Y/N rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, “you didn’t know me before…” The statement died on her lips as she gripped her fork. 
Erwin’s eyes softened, “you’re right, because you aren’t that person anymore.” His voice was soft, and Y/N knew her resolve was crumbling. He knew the art of negotiating, that’s why he was so good at his job. He reached for her hand, stroking it gently with his thumb, “you take care of everyone, and you don’t see how perfect you are.” 
Glistening eyes snapped up at him, “you put everyone first, and can overthink yourself into oblivion.” He mused, his eyes were honest and full of adoration. “You always seem to know what’s truly important, whereas I tend to have a one track mind.” He said, running his fingers through his hair. He never was good at admitting his own shortcomings, he had a tendency to hold himself to an impossible standard. 
Erwin’s head snapped up, “okay? As in you want this?” 
Y/N nodded, “yes Erwin. I want this.” She said softly, and she soon found herself engulfed in his arms. 
Erwin was the catalyst that always drove her forward. Perhaps the reason her plans never worked out, was because that wasn’t what fate had in mind. Erwin seemed to always find the right timing on these things. He’d been the one to mention buying a house, and she’d initially agreed, because she thought it would make him happy, but as he pressed his lips against her’s she realized that she wouldn’t have had the courage to take the next step if he hadn’t already paved the way.  
Erwin cradled her face, and the excitement that flashed in his eyes brought a smile to her face. “Would you want to start tonight?” 
Y/N nodded, and found herself being lifted into his arms and carried up the stairs. Kisses being peppered down her neck. 
Her back made contact with the covers as Erwin hovered over her, capturing her lips with his. Running his tongue across her bottom lip she allowed him to deepen the kiss. She could taste Pinot Grigio on his tongue. Warm hands slid up her neck to entangle in her hair. Pulling away his eyes were clouded with lust, as he took in her disheveled appearance.
“Strip.” He ordered.
Loosening his tie with his free hand he watched her undress. Grabbing her wrists he slipped the silky material around her wrists before pulling tight. She let out a small squeak at the pressure, and saw the feral look in his eye. Running his hands up her body making sure to take his time whenever her body shuddered at his touch. 
Lifting her onto the bed his lips traveled down her naked flesh. Pushing her arms above her head so her breasts were on display. “You’re perfect.” He breathed, soft eyes flickering over the plains of her body. She was soft in all the right places, and he drank her body in like a man starved. 
His fingers ran over her breasts, causing her to arch into his touch. Desperate for more. A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as he leaned forward to capture a nipple in his mouth. A needy moan escaped her lips at the sensation, rolling her other nipple with his thumb it sent fire straight to her core. He continued his ministrations until she was squirming under him desperate for any friction between her legs. 
“Tell me what you want.” Erwin said, nipping her breast. 
“I want you between my thighs.” She begged, her wrists pulling at the restraints. 
Erwin pulled away, and she let out a small whine from the loss of contact. Her eyes were immediately drawn to his hands unbuttoning his shirt. Leaning forward to get a better view of his exposed skin, she licked her lips eager to see more of him. 
The man was sculpted like a Greek god. His muscles moved under his skin as he finished stripping his shirt.
Settling between her knees he ran his hands under her thighs. Gripping her thighs he tugged her to the edge of the bed. Glistening eyes gazed up from between her legs as he slowly kissed up her inner thighs.
Settling on her mound he placed a small kitten lick, causing her legs to flex with a sharp inhale of breath. A knowing smirk crossed his lips as he drew a finger down her slit. “Mmm already this wet?” Slipping a finger inside he started to work her until he slipped a second in. Heady eyes watched her squirm as he rubbed tight circles on her g-spot. Holding her in place he dipped his head to suck on her bundle of nerves. 
Thighs clamped around his head as she begged for him to continue. Promising she was so close to the edge. Feeling her pulsing around his fingers he drug out her orgasm until her juices ran down his face. She was panting when her thighs finally released him.
Shoving his fingers in her mouth she eagerly sucked, “am I going to feel those pretty lips on my cock?” Retracting his fingers for her to answer his thumb played with her bottom lip as his wet fingers gripped her chin. 
“Yes.” She whimpered, and he paused giving her a stern look. “Yes what?” 
“Yes sir,” she said leaning into his touch, eager to please.
“Good girl.” He mused, reaching for the tie, releasing the silk binding. He settled against the headboard as she climbed over him eagerly. Trailing her lips down his body, leaving soft nips eager to watch his body shutter. Settling between his thighs her eyes flickered up to see one arm propped behind his head, and piercing eyes watching her every move. His muscles shifted as he grew impatient of her staring, but predatory eyes dared her to keep looking, eager to punish her for teasing. Tentatively she sucked a hickey above his dick, and felt a large hand bury itself in her hair. 
Drawing her tongue up his cock she popped the tip in her mouth swirling her tongue. An exasperated moan escaped his lip, and Y/N loved how eager he was. Erwin ever the gentleman just gripped her hair allowing her to tease his length as she slowly bobbed her head. When she finally took him deep, she peered up at him to see his head thrown back, holding back from shoving himself deeper down her throat. It wasn’t until she started sucking with the bottom of her throat that Erwin’s grip on her hair tightened, and he couldn’t stop the “fuck.” that escaped his lips. Releasing him with a pop he stroked her face, dazed at how quickly she had brought him to the edge. 
Crawling up the mattress to settle between his thighs, he ran his fingers down her body. “You’re just asking to be fucked.” 
“Hands and knees.” He ordered pressing her face into the mattress. Running his dick  through her folds he felt her hips wiggle against him eager to feel him inside her. “Look at you cock starved.” 
“Please Erwin.” Y/N begged, gripping the sheets.
“Please what?” 
“Fuck me, please.” 
In one stroke he filled her. Her sharp intake of breath made his brain want to short circuit. “Fuck you’re tight.” He growled, feeling her grip him. Bringing his hand down on her ass she pushed into him, trying to pull him deeper. “That’s for teasing me earlier.” He said, gripping her delicate skin rubbing any sting it left into pleasure. He hadn’t planned on starting slow tonight, and by the way she was meeting his thrust she hadn’t either. The brutal pace he set had her mewling into the mattress as her hands gripped the sheets desperate for anything to ground her. 
Reaching between her legs he started rubbing quick circles on her clit. “I know you’re close baby, cum for me.” He murmured in her ear. Her breathing had progressively gotten shallower the closer she was to the edge. As soon as she heard those words a damn broke and her second orgasm washed through her. “Fuck you’re taking me so good.” He praised, and she felt his blond hair tickle her back as he leaned over her, the pleasure being too much as her orgasm pulsed around his cock. With a few more strokes he found his own release, cumming inside her. 
Pulling out he pulled her in close. “You did so good.” He hummed, kissing her temple. 
Soft eyes gazed up at him, “I love you.” She said softly, bringing a smile to his face.
He would never tire from hearing those words from her mouth. “I love you too.” He said, pulling her in for a kiss. 
“Let me run a bath.” He said softly, but she grabbed his arm before he could slip away. 
“Stay.” It came out as a content whisper. “For just a little longer.”
Erwin nodded, pulling her onto his chest. Stroking her hair as she traced shapes on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. The prospect of a family warming his heart. 
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apollostears · 4 years ago
anime: my hero academia
featuring: class 1a and aizawa
warning(s): cursing, crude humor, crack
plot: quotes from the US version of 'the office' that i think fits the class.
ADVISORY. this is for pure fun and a joke. please do not take these seriously!
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⇢ "would i rather be feared or love? easy. both. i want people to be afraid of how much they love me" - michael scott [ bakugo ]
⇢ "today, smoking is going to save lives" - dwight schrute [ iida ]
⇢ "sometimes i'll start a sentence and i don't know where it's going. i just hope i find it along the way." - michael scott [ denki ]
⇢ "i talk a lot, so i've learned to tune myself out" - kelly kapoor [ midoriya ]
⇢ "if i don't have some cake soon, i might die" - stanley hudson [ sato ]
⇢ "hate to see you leave, but love to watch you go. because of your butt" - michael scott [ mineta ]
⇢ aizawa, looking at a picture of his high school self: "there's just so much i need to warn you about." - jim halpert [ aizawa ]
⇢ "and i feel god in this chili's tonight." - pam beesley [ shoto ]
⇢ "what exactly is my responsibility here? to comfort heterosexual men?" - oscar martinez [ aoyama ]
⇢ "i wonder what people like about me. probably my jugs." - phyllis lapin-vance [ momo 😭 ]
⇢ "me think, why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick" - kevin malone [ koda ]
⇢ "the worst thing about prison was the dementors." - michael scott [ tokoyami ]
⇢ "the only problem is whenever i try to make a taco, i get too excited and crush it." - kevin malone [ kirishima ]
⇢ "i am a black belt in gift wrapping." - jim halpert [ shoji ]
⇢ "when you're a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates. my kids are going to be right about that." - pam beesly [ uraraka ]
⇢ "boy have you lost your mind? cause i'll help you find it!" - stanley hudson [ mina ]
⇢ "i'm not superstitious but i am a little stitious." - michael scott [ sero ]
⇢ "whenever i'm about to do something, i think, 'would an idiot (denki) do that?' and if they would, i do not do that thing." - dwight schrute [ jiro ]
⇢ "i am one of the few people who looks hot eating a cupcake." - kelly kapoor [ hagakure ]
⇢ "i am faster than eighty percent of all snakes." - dwight schrute [ asui ]
⇢ "do i look like someone who would waste my own time?" - robert california [ ojiro ]
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❧ le list of tags: @pimpnameyannie @olamidey @exomama-random@sweeneyblue1 @brownmochi @namjoonswifeyy @knjkitten @sunrayyellowhalo@supop @simplyskz-maya .
NOTE. omg these were so fun to make! i was cracking up the whole time lmaoo. pls watch this show when you have a chance! also, ya girl still shadowbanned so pls try to interact with this as much as possible <3
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vypcr · 3 years ago
𝐋𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
A compilation of lyrics from my playlists that are a Tory Vibe™ Also includes lyrics that fit various dynamics with other muses / characters.
This post is SUPER long whoops :)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐕𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬
❝ I am what I am and I'm good at it // And you don't like me, well that isn't fucking relevant ❞ - Smile, Wolf Alice
❝ Don't call me mad // There's a difference, I'm angry // And your choice to call me cute has offended me // I have power, there are people who depend on me // And even you have time you wish to spend on me // And now you all think I'm unhinged // But wind her up and this honeybee stings ❞ - Smile, Wolf Alice
❝ Rage is a quiet thing // You think that you've tamed it // But it's just lying in wait // Oh, rage // Is it in my veins? // Feel it in my face when, when I least expect it ❞ - Simmer, Hayley Williams
❝ Think I need a new body 'cause I bodied all these demons // But it took its toll and I just wanna smile while I'm screaming // I still got rage inside ❞ - Rage, Dirty Heads
❝ I disagree, everything you believe is a tragedy // I disagree with the way you keep preaching insanity // I disagree with all of the reasons you're mad at me // I disagree, everything in your life is a tragedy // Down, let it all burn down // Burn it to the ground // We'll be safe and sound // When it all burns down ❞ - I Disagree, Poppy
❝ My head and my heart hate each other // Can you keep a secret? Keep it undercover // Every day I wake up, it's a struggle, yeah // Love me when I'm under your spell // Hate me when I'm giving you hell // Judge me 'til you're blue like you love to do // You taught me how to hate myself, yuck ❞ - So Mean, Poppy
❝ She couldn't ever feel a thing // She couldn't hear herself think // Now she hates everything // How did she get here? // How did she get so mean? ❞ - So Mean, Poppy
❝ I'm getting to know her // And all of her anger // Picked herself up // Put her back together ❞ - Her, Poppy
❝ You don't know my mind, you don't know my kind // Dark necessities are part of my design // Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky and // Dark necessities are part of my design ❞ - Dark Necessities, Red Hot Chili Peppers
❝ You say // Come over baby // I think you're pretty // I'm okay // I'm not your baby // If you think I'm pretty // You should see me in a crown // I'm gonna run this nothing town // Watch me make 'em bow // One by one by one ❞ - You Should See Me in a Crown, Billie Eilish
❝ Take this pink ribbon off my eyes // I'm exposed, and it's no big surprise // Don't you think I know exactly where I stand? // This world is forcing me to hold your hand // 'Cause I'm just a girl, oh, little old me // Well, don't let me out of your sight ❞ - Just a Girl, No Doubt
❝ All the friends that said they were with you // Seem to disappear // Even the most focused of feelings // Now is not so clear // How can you just stand beside me // In my hour of need? // Well, the second cut is deeper // So you better let it... // Take my heart or take my hand // And keep your conscience clean // Well, I got a feeling it’s a burning desire // And I don't know what it means // So listen, are you looking in hell for heaven's key? ❞ - Heaven’s Key, Band of Skulls
❝ All that I want // Is to wake up fine // Tell me that I'm alright // That I ain't gonna die ❞ - Hard Times, Paramore
❝ And if I go out tonight, dress up my fears // You think I'll look alright with these mascara tears? // See I'm gonna draw my lipstick wider than my mouth // And if the lights are low they'll never see me frown // If I smile with my teeth // Bet you believe me // If I smile with my teeth // I think I’ll believe me // Oh please don't ask me how I've been // Don't make me play pretend // Oh no, oh what's the use? // Oh please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too ❞ - Fake Happy, Paramore
❝ Can't stay at home, can't stay at school // Old folks say, "You poor little fool" // Down the streets // I'm the girl next door // I'm the fox you've been waiting for ❞ - Cherry Bomb, The Runaways
❝ Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me? // Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me? // Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me? // Pointing fingers 'cause you'll never take the blame like me? ❞ - Gasoline, Halsey
❝ I'm a little spider spinning on a thread // I want to be immortal, different from the rest // Body like Athena, Arachne for my legs // I'm the type of monster you dream about in bed // Little warriors // Be careful who you trust // It's lurking in the dark // Arachnophobia, oh ❞ - Athena, Nova Twins
❝ You think I'm cute // But I could fuck you up // Yeah I got other plans // Oh say my name now // Don't make me wait now // You knew you weren't ready for a girl like me // My honey’s only sweet if you can take the sting  ❞ - Honey, Luna Aura
𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐲 & 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐲
❝ I've been hating myself // You're the only one who sees me for somebody else // When I'm hanging by a thread, a thread, a thread // I'll remember what you said, you said, you said // 'Cause it's all I've got ❞ - Hanging by a Thread, Des Rocs
❝ As long as I am loving you, you'll never be alone // As long as you keep wanting me around // But this is one trip you’re gonna have to take alone // When you come back, you'll find me here where I belong // As long as you are loving me, I know I'm not alone // Even if you’re nowherе to be found // Sometimes lifе takes you back to places you run from // I'll be right here if ever you come home ❞ - Find Me Here, Hayley Williams
❝ Lover, I feel your sorrow pouring out of your skin // And I don't wanna be alone // If I am tonight, I'll always be // So take from me what you want, what you need // Take from me whatever you want, whatever you need // But lover, please stay with me ❞ - Lover Please Stay, Nothing but Thieves
❝ Like a river flows // Surely to the sea // Darling, so it goes // Some things are meant to be // So take my hand // Take my whole life, too // For I can't help falling in love with you ❞ - Can’t Help Falling in Love, Kina Grannis (or Elvis but I’m biased for Kina’s version)
❝ And your heart will stay forever // When your last remains are few // In the dark, we dance together // And I'd like to be waiting with you // And the nights, they last forever // And days are always making you blue // In the dark, we laugh together // 'Cause the misery's funny to you // Oh, baby, you’re a haunted house ❞ - Baby You’re a Haunted House, Gerard Way
❝ Kissing in the acid rain // Heaven on her tongue again // The cutest couple in the halls of Hell ❞ - Cyanide, Creeper
❝ If I ever were to lose you // I'd surely lose myself // Everything I have found dear // I've not found by myself // Try and sometimes you'll succeed // To make this man of me // All my stolen missing parts // I've no need for anymore ❞ - Future Days, Pearl Jam
❝ When hurricanes and cyclones raged // When winds turned dirt to dust // When floods they came or tides they raised // Ever closer became us // All the promises at sundown // I've meant them like the rest // All the demons used to come round // I'm grateful now they've left // So persistent in my ways // Hey Angel I am here to stay // No resistance, no alarms // Please, this is just too good to be gone ❞ - Future Days, Pearl Jam
❝ I tried to find love // In someone else too many times // But I hope you know I mean it  // When I tell you you're the one that was on my mind, oh // In your eyes // I see there's something burning inside you // Oh, inside you // In your eyes // I know it hurts to smile, but you try to // Oh, you try to // You always try to hide the pain // You always know just what to say // I always look the other way // I'm blind, I'm blind ❞ - In Your Eyes, The Weeknd
❝ So much more than sense it // We can make all this hurt and pain disappear // If you listen just in my heart // You feel what I meant from the start // If you love me, come closer and hear my heart // How about we write a brand new story? // I'll bring my part, baby don't you worry // I couldn't stand it, if I lost you again // If you let me I'll hold you forever ❞ - Hear My Heart, Midnight Mantics
❝ And I've always lived like this // Keeping a comfortable distance. // And up until now I have sworn to myself // That I'm content with loneliness // Because none of it was ever worth the risk // Well you are the only exception. // I've got a tight grip on reality, // But I can't let go of what's in front of me here. // I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up. // Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream. // Oh, you are the only exception. ❞ - The Only Exception, Paramore
❝ But my sleepless nights are better // With you than nights could ever be alone // I was good at feeling nothing, now I'm hopeless // What a drag to love you like I do // I've been loved before, but right now, in this moment // I feel more and more like I was made for you // I'm sitting in my brother's room // Haven't slept in a week // Or two // I think I might have fallen in love // What am I to do? ❞ - Halley’s Comet, Billie Eilish
𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐲 & 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥
❝ He's found the answer that we lost // We're all weeping now, weeping because // There ain't nothing we can do to protect you ❞ - O Children, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
❝ He said, I'm gonna buy a gun and start a war // If you can tell me something worth fighting for // Oh, and I'm gonna buy this place, is what I said // Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head // Honey, all the movements you're starting to make // See me crumble and fall on my face // And I know the mistakes that I made // See it all disappear without trace ❞ - A Rush of Blood to the Head, Coldplay
❝ So cold I know you can’t believe it // Sometimes you gotta face the feelin’ // When you don’t care if you get up again // There’s a thousand things I will not understand // How you're dealin’ with the hell I put you through // If I had my way I would be right there next to you // Certain things in life you cannot change // Certain things // I hope you know I care ❞ - Yamaha, Delta Spirit
❝ I’ve been alone too many nights // Too proud to tell you when you’re right // A little patience would’ve helped me then // Locked like a brake has been the common standard // All the angels above the earth I beg // Send this message right into her head // Certain things in life I cannot take // When I’m away // I hope you know I care ❞ - Yamaha, Delta Spirit
❝ I was once like you are now // And I know that it's not easy // To be calm // When you've found something going on // But take your time, think a lot // Why, think of everything you've got // For you will still be here tomorrow // But your dreams may not ❞ - Father and Son, Cat Stevens
❝ How can I try to explain? // When I do, he turns away again // It's always been the same // Same old story // From the moment I could talk // I was ordered to listen // Now there's a way // And I know that I have to go away // I know, I have to go ❞ - Father and Son, Cat Stevens
❝ All the times that I've cried (Stay, stay, stay) // Keeping all the things I knew inside // It's hard // But it's harder to ignore it (Why must you go) // If they were right, I'd agree (And make this decision) // But it's them they know, not me (Alone) // Now there's a way // And I know that I have to go away // I know, I have to go ❞ - Father and Son, Cat Stevens
❝ I'm going away for a while // But I'll be back // Don't try and follow me // 'Cause I'll return as soon as possible // See, I'm trying to find my place // But it might not be here // where I feel safe // We all learn to make mistakes // And run from them, from them // With no direction // We'll run from them, from them // With no conviction ❞ - Misguided Ghosts, Paramore
𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐲 & 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤
❝ Hello again // Friend of a friend, I knew you when // Our common goal was waiting for the world to end // Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend // You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick, the past again ❞ - Black Sheep, Metric
❝ I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation // I've never been afraid of any deviation // And I don't really care if you think I'm strange // I ain't gonna change // And I'm never gonna care 'bout my bad reputation ❞ - Bad Reputation, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
❝ And I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation // The world's in trouble, there's no communication // And everyone can say what they wanna say // It never gets better, anyway // So why should I care about a bad reputation, anyway? ❞ - Bad Reputation, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
❝ What's wrong with you? You don't know the truth // Do you get the feeling someone's after you? // It's a tragedy, you will never see // Everyone around you is a casualty // CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS ❞ - Khaos x4, Poppy
❝ Poison the children // No peace of mind // Poison the family // Make the children cry // Poison the fountain // Empty your mind // Follow the leader // The leader is blind ❞ - Fill the Crown, Poppy
❝ Hands behind my back // I'm under attack // I will not react, I won't give you that // I'm up to my neck // Lost all self-respect // I don't want revenge // Just want it to end ❞ - Say Cheese, Poppy
❝ My brain is poisonous // My body is a mess // My heart is hazardous // Who could I be instead? // I tell everyone that I'm okay // But I'm ashamed // I'm afraid // And it all eats at me ❞ - EAT, Poppy
❝ When you crossed me // Didn't know what you had done // A chain reaction happened // And it's too late to run // You look at me, I look at you // And you know what I'm gonna do // When I see red, I go // And the serotonin will flow // And there's no bandage to lessen the damage ❞ - Lessen the Damage, Poppy
❝ Been through the wringer a couple times // I came out calloused and cruel // And both my friends know this very well // Because they went through it too // The three of us were initiates // We had to learn how to deal // And when we spotted a second chance // We had to learn how to steal // Hollowed out and filled up with hate // All we want is you to give us a break ❞ - Fast in My Car, Paramore
❝ No one's the same as they used to be // Much as we try to pretend // No one's as innocent as could be // We all fall short, we all sin // But now we aren't looking backward // We won't try raising the dead // We only see what's in front of us // We only see straight ahead ❞ - Fast in My Car, Paramore
❝ Let 'em have their time // Sit back and let 'em shine // Let 'em rise and rise // Cause one day they're gonna fall // Let 'em soak in the sun // Sit back and let 'em have their fun // Let 'em spill their guts // Cause one day they're gonna slip on 'em // Let 'em play their songs // Let 'em say what's right and wrong // Let 'em do their thing // Cause they'll never be you and me // We got our own style // We got a way of livin' life // If they can't get down // Well we don't need them around // Well I could be angry // But you're not worth the fight // And besides I'm moving on // I've counted to ten // And I'm feeling alright // And besides I'm moving on ❞ - Moving On, Paramore
❝ We are not brave, we are not wise // We stand at the end of the longest lines // But we stand here all together // We have been damned, we have survived // We came back to homes we don't recognize // But we return here all together ❞ - Zero Visibility, Rise Against
❝ Since I was born they couldn't hold me down // Another misfit kid, another burned out town // I never played by the rules and I never really cared // My nasty reputation takes me everywhere // When I look and see it's not only me // So many others have stood where I stand // We are the young // So raise your hands // They call us problem child, we spend our lives on trial // We walk an endless mile, we are the youth gone wild // We stand and we won't fall, we're one and one for all // The writing's on the wall // We are the youth gone wild ❞ - Youth Gone Wild, Skid Row
𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐲 & 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥
❝ I want you to stop insisting that I'm not // A lost cause // 'Cause I've been through a lot // Really all I've got // Is just to stay pissed off // If it's all right by you ❞ - Rose-Colored Boy, Paramore
❝ Just let me cry a little bit longer // I ain't gonna smile if I don't want to // Hey, man, we all can't be like you // I wish we were all rose-colored too // My rose-colored boy ❞ - Rose-Colored Boy, Paramore
❝ Leave me here a little bit longer // I think I wanna stay in the car // I don't want anybody seeing me cry now // You say, "We gotta look on the bright side" // I say, "Well, maybe if you wanna go blind" // You say my eyes are getting too dark now // But boy, you ain't ever seen my mind ❞ - Rose-Colored Boy, Paramore
❝ If you run away now // Will you come back around? // And if you ran away, // I'd still wave goodbye // Watching you shine bright. // No I think we're taking this too far // Don't you know that it's not this hard? // Well it's not this hard // But if you take what's yours and I take mine // Must we go there? // Please not this time. No, not this time. ❞ - Brighter, Paramore
❝ I never wanted to say this // You never wanted to stay // I put my faith in you, so much faith // And then you just threw it away // You threw it away ❞ - For a Pessimist I’m Pretty Optimistic, Paramore
❝ I can't call you a stranger // But I can't call you // I know you think that I erased you // You may hate me, but I can't hate you ❞ - Tell Me How, Paramore
❝ "I'd die for you" that's easy to say // We have a list of people that we would take // A bullet for them, a bullet for you // A bullet for everybody in this room // But I don't seem to see many bullets coming through // See many bullets coming through // Metaphorically, I'm the man // But literally, I don't know what I'd do ❞ - Ride, Twenty One Pilots
❝ My seat's been taken by some sunglasses asking 'bout a scar // And I know I gave it to you months ago // I know you're trying to forget it // But between the drinks and subtle things // The holes in my apologies // You know, I'm trying hard to take it back // So if by the time the bar closes // And you feel like falling down // I'll carry you home ❞ - We are Young, fun.
❝ You're never gonna get it // I'm a hazard to myself // I'll break it to you easy // This is hell, this is hell // You're looking and whispering // You think I'm someone else // This is hell, yes. // Literal hell. ❞ - We Don’t Have to Dance, Andy Black
❝ Summer has come and passed // The innocent can never last // Wake me up when September ends // Ring out the bells again // Like we did when spring began // Wake me up when September ends ❞ - Wake Me Up When September Ends, Green Day
𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐲 & 𝐒𝐚𝐦
❝ Stop, what the hell are you talking about? // Get my pretty name outta your mouth // We are not the same with or without // Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel // Top of the world, but your world isn't real // Your world's an ideal ❞ - Therefore I Am, Billie Eilish
❝ I'm so insecure, I think // That I'll die before I drink // And I'm so caught up in the news // Of who likes me and who hates you // And I'm so tired that I might // Quit my job, start a new life // And they'd all be so disappointed // 'Cause who am I if not exploited? // And I'm so sick of seventeen // Where's my fucking teenage dream? // If someone tells me one more time // "Enjoy your youth," I'm gonna cry ❞ - Brutal, Olivia Rodrigo
❝ All I did was try my best // This the kinda thanks I get? // Unrelentlessly upset // They say these are the golden years // But I wish I could disappear // Ego crush is so severe // God, it's brutal out here ❞ - Brutal, Olivia Rodrigo
❝ Stop, drop // And drag me into place // And lock the fire escapes // I'll break your pretty face // Oh, you clever little things // The sycophantic teens // What a precious basket case // You get everything you want // And money always talks ❞ - Choke, I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
❝ This isn't a fight to be won // Go on and give up the gun // If this is a test, with all due respect // You're not gonna fool no one // I'm everything she never was // Now everyone's out for my blood // Stop, you're making a scene // You're coming at me with blood in your teeth // You shouldn't be anything like me ❞ - Anything Like Me, Poppy
❝ If I'm a bad person, you don't like me // Well, I guess I'll make my own way // It's a circle, a mean cycle // I can't excite you anymore // Where's your gavel? Your jury? // What's my offense this time? // You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me // Well, sentence me to another life ❞ - Ignorance, Paramore
❝ You don't have to believe me // But the way I, way I see it // Next time you point a finger // I might have to bend it back // Or break it, break it off // Next time you point a finger // I'll point you to the mirror ❞ - Ignorance, Paramore
❝ I'm not angry anymore, // Well, sometimes I am. // I don't think badly of you, // Well, sometimes I do. // It depends on the day, // The extent of all my worthless rage, // I'm not angry anymore. // I'm not bitter anymore // I'm syrupy sweet. // I rot your teeth down to their core // If I'm really happy. // Depends on the day // If I wake up in a giddy haze // Well, I'm not angry // I'm not totally angry // I'm not all that angry anymore. ❞ - I'm Not Angry Anymore, Paramore
❝ You hurt me bad this time, no coming back // And I cried till I couldn't cry, another heart attack // If I lay on the floor, maybe I'll wake up // And I don't pick up when you call // 'Cause your voice is a gun // Every word is a bullet hole // Shot a hole in the sun // If I never look up maybe I'll never notice // And you, you want forgiveness // But I, I just can't do it yet ❞ - Forgiveness, Paramore
𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐲 & 𝐍𝐚𝐭
❝ If I had seen my reflection // As something more precious // He would've never // Mmm, and if my child needed protection // From a fucker like that man // I'd sooner gut him // 'Cause nothing cuts like a mother ❞ - Simmer, Hayley Williams
  ❝ I remember tears streaming down your face // When I said I'll never let you go // When all those shadows almost killed your light // I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone" // But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight ❞ - Safe & Sound, Taylor Swift & The Civil Wars
 ❝ Don't you dare look out your window // Darling, everything's on fire // The war outside our door keeps raging on // Hold on to this lullaby // Even when the music's gone ❞ - Safe & Sound, Taylor Swift & The Civil Wars
❝ Just close your eyes // The sun is going down // You'll be alright // No one can hurt you now // Come morning light // You and I'll be safe and sound ❞ - Safe & Sound, Taylor Swift & The Civil Wars
❝ Mother, make me // Make me a big tall tree // So I can shed my leaves and let it blow through me // Mother, make me // Make me a big grey cloud // So I can rain on you things I can't say out loud ❞ - Mother, Florence + The Machine
❝ Mother, make me // Make me a bird of prey // So I can rise above this, let it fall away // Mother, make me // Make me a song so sweet // Heaven trembles, falling at my feet ❞ - Mother, Florence + The Machine
❝ Well, I've been afraid of changin' // 'Cause I've built my life around you // But time makes you bolder // Even children get older // And I'm getting older too ❞ - Landslide, Dixie Chicks
❝ Mama, life had just begun // But now I've gone and thrown it all away // Mama, ooh, didn't mean to make you cry // If I'm not back again this time tomorrow // Carry on, carry on // As if nothing really matters ❞ - Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen
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theworldoffostering · 4 years ago
Sunday: First full day of re-entry
We took Christmas down and put it all away. Who decorates for January? If you do, I’d love to see some ideas. Specifically, I miss the twinkling Christmas lights since it is dark so early in the evenings in the Midwest. Without a fireplace, it’s nice to have some lights that add a little bit of cheer and cozy to so much darkness. In addition, I’d like to find a wreath (or two) for our front door (and porch door). What says January? Pine boughs and pinecones? Bonus, if you have links to anything.
I emailed each of my students individually to give them their class standing, remind them about a major assignment due tomorrow, and to try to create some connection with them in a fully virtual class that only runs three (intense) weeks. I also created a short video explaining an assignment, graded an assignment and made sure things were good to go to start the work week.
We attended virtual church, which is a lot of kid wrangling. We don’t force the kids to watch, but they either need to be quiet so we can listen/pay attention/participate, or find something to do in another room that is not disruptive. DH and I still spend more than 50% of the hour managing kids. At least in regular church, they could go to the nursery or their own kid classes, and DH and I could sit next to each other in mostly peaceful quiet. That said, we also couldn’t have attended a church in Florida so I guess it’s a toss up?
More laundry. Our new flannel sheets are on the bed. I think we did another four loads. It never ends. I’m so excited to crawl into bed tonight with cozy sheets!
The kids made taco soup (basically chili with corn and black beans). I created a menu plan for the week and grocery list. DH is out at the grocery store now.
DH did the Target Christmas returns (no small task) and took NB with him to buy him a pair of snow boots. NB has been asking to go in the snow, but despite two several pairs of hand me down boots we have at the house, none of them fit him—they’re all too small.
I listed some boots on Marketplace and sold one of two pairs. Pick up is scheduled for tomorrow.
I placed a Lands End order. I had ordered my mom a tote bag from there for Christmas, but it was HUGE. I am keeping that one, and ordering a new one for her in a smaller size.
It has been a collective effort working on getting short-term disability straightened out for DD. Her medical provider finally filled out the paperwork and Starbucks accepted it, but the doctor only wrote it for her hospitalization time and her in-patient program. Her therapist said she needed additional time before returning to work, but the therapist quit, and the doctor didn’t feel that DD needed more time or that DH needed FMLA to help care for her. She basically told me it wasn’t that big of a deal. Now I need to see if her GP will do paperwork for the remainder of the time she has been out of work. It’s never ending.
We opened gifts virtually with DH’s parents. My MIL asked me if I’ve lost weight. I basically checked out after that. DD commented on it later. Said it was “weird,” and she was clearly upset about it. I am too, but they’re in their 70s. They’re not changing. I have no idea how to navigate this, and I feel like if DH would have managed some of these things early on in our marriage that I wouldn’t be in this position. He is willing to step in now and say something, but again, they’re not going to change. I wish it didn’t bother me so much, but weight is very, very important to them. It’s such a different value system than I grew up with.
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utilitycaster · 4 years ago
Do you hate Yussa is a Dragon theories less or more than "Fjord is an alien" theories?
Oh, way less. I generally want a couple things of a theory for it to even be something I’d consider a theory vs. a headcanon or a wild-ass guess let alone something I enjoy:
Is it supported by canon evidence? If not, Is it at least not in conflict with canon evidence?
Does it answer a question that genuinely exists?
So to give an example of a good theory (that turned out to be true): The Traveler is Artagan.
Answers the question of “who is this deity who very few people know of, who appeared on the material plane relatively recently, and who seems to visit Jester in person, despite the existence of the divine gate?”
Supported by evidence: the personality of trickery matches up, his appearance in the material plane fits the known timeline from Campaign 1, pinged spells appropriately (ie, did not read as a celestial), Jester mentioned he told stories about the feywild, etc.
“Yussa is a dragon” does not answer any existing questions - everything about him can be fully explained by him being a high-level wizard. There’s no specific evidence that points to him being a dragon vs. being a high-level elven wizard, and I think the theory, as do most Secret Dragon Theories, detracts from how fucking cool he is as just like, a guy who knows magic.
However, there’s nothing that outright contradicts him being a dragon. There are things that to me strain credibility, and in my opinion most of the evidence put forth is grasping at straws, but if Matt was like “Yussa comes out of his Astral Projection and immediately turns into a gold dragon” I’d be a little miffed and moderately disappointed, but I’d have to acknowledge it was technically not in conflict with anything.
“Fjord is an alien” does not answer any existing questions. In fact it makes up fake questions to try and justify its own existence - there is nothing from Fjord’s backstory that is inconsistent with a half-orc who was left at an orphanage in Port Damali in infancy, he’s made a number of character choices driven by or fully in line with this backstory and displayed knowledge related to it, he’s within the normal size range for half-orcs, a generic southern British accent can be heard at various places within Wildemount and port cities to have a pretty diverse range of accents. Any question that “he’s an alien/from the moon” (or for that matter, “he’s from Tal’Dorei”) answers was asked because someone wasn’t paying attention.
It also lacks evidence as it hinges on, and I cannot stress this enough, the moronic-to-the-point-of-actively-causing-me-concern-about-science-literacy erroneous conflation of outer space and the astral plane. Again: It’s vitally important to me, a person who has a certain amount of science communication in her job description and who wanted to be an astronomer until she realized that it requires a PhD and not sleeping,, that people understand that outer space (the emptiness in the same dimension that surrounds a planet) and the astral plane (pure fantasy, a separate dimension within the multiverse in D&D canon) are different things. If you do not understand this distinction I am worried. For your brain. (If you are into this theory specifically because it is a crack theory and you’re like “guys...what if Fjord...were an alien *massive bong rip* *uncontrollable giggling*” but know what space is then I respect that choice even if it’s not the one I made.)
Anyway: those are kind of my three attitudes towards theories before we even get into like, personal preferences (ie, I tended to think Astrid genuinely didn’t want to set Caleb up and was trying to help while being a hugely fucked-up person, and am feeling very correct in this random place we planeshifted to that could, thematically, be a Chili’s, tonight, but I think a reading of her setting him up was, until last night’s episode, totally valid):
This is necessary and makes sense
This isn’t necessary, often is mostly wishful thinking and circumstantial evidence if any, but technically could be true (I’d call this more a headcanon than a theory tbh; also this is where I tend to relegate non-canon sunken ship stuff unless people get very bitter or very batshit or both which is a whole other thing outside the scope of whatever the fuck this is)
This isn’t necessary and actively is out of line with canon and established rules of the world (crack AU if understood as such; just...bad (subjective but I’m right) if not)
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