#i am at least pretty satisfied that i finally have some progress on my “am i ace” conundrum though
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kursedmayo · 11 months ago
I've already known I'm bisexual for a while but I'm also bye-sexual (on the asexual spectrum) now so. Yeah.
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zutaralesbian · 2 months ago
Fics I wrote this year/ao3 wrap up
This year was a very productive one for me in terms of fics. At least compared to previous years. Going to list and ramble a bit about them below
invisible string (tying you to me) (Fem! Gallavich) (One-Shot)
Summary: Lesbian Gallavich. After their fallout at the courthouse, Sandy encourages Mickey to date other women that aren’t Ian. It doesn’t prove to be easy.
(This was a late fic originally written for femslash February. Was my first time writing lesbian Gallavich but it likely won’t be the last. I have a couple planned for Femslash February this year)
the night before (Gallavich) (One-shot)
Summary: On the night before their wedding, Mickey sneaks in to see Ian.
(Short and sweet fluff. I was pleasantly surprised by the attention this one got though!)
my whole existence is flawed (you get me closer to god) (Villaneve) (One-Shot)
Summary: Fix-it fic where Villanelle fucks Eve after killing Helene, like god intended.
(Pure smut with some plot). Probably one of the most explicit fics I’ve ever written)
skyscrapers (Kandy) (Multi-chapter) (Complete)
Summary: Post S11. Mandy finally takes the plunge and accepts Lip’s friend request on Facebook. Afterwards, she stumbles across the profile of Karen Jackson. Gayness ensues.
(The fic I wrote this year that I’m most proud of tbh. Writing this made me love this crack ship even more. I may one day come back and write a one-shot sequel to this fic because I miss these versions of Mandy and Karen ❤️)
in the spotlight (Gallavich) (Two-Shot) (Complete)
Summary: Mickey is dragged by Mandy to a concert. The rest is history
(Celebrity! Ian AU. This one was fun to write. May eventually come back and make it into a series)
lost and found (Gallavich) (One-Shot)
Summary: Mickey’s cat is missing and he’s not taking it so well. Luckily, his neighbor from upstairs happens to have a bleeding heart and savior complex.
(Short and sweet. I wrote this for flufftober)
and the curtains fall (Gallavich) (One-Shot)
Summary: Mickey’s days are numbered. Ian doesn’t think he’ll cope well.
(Written for Angstober. But more bittersweet than full on angst/tragedy imo. Another one that I’m pretty proud of. Deals with old! Gallavich and cancer/chronic illness)
lifeline (Catradora) (One-Shot)
Summary: Post-canon. Adora gets hurt on a She-Ra quest. Catra doesn’t handle it well. Later, they have a much needed conversation.
(Another one written for Angstober. My first ever Catradora fic (a crime, I know) so it’s probably a bit rough around the edges.)
let your heart be light (Villaneve) (One-Shot)
Summary: After finding a particular photo in a box of Eve’s old things, Villanelle gets an idea
(I originally had this idea that I was going to write a bunch of Christmas fics for various pairings during the month of December this year. That…ended up not happening. But I at least finished this one! lol)
that pivotal moment (Gelphie) (Multi-Chapter) (In-progress)
Summary: Galinda gives Elphaba her first kiss and thus, sends herself straight into a gay panic.
(Was originally going to be a one-shot but has now turned into a multi-chapter. I am working on chapter 2 as we speak. It’s my first time writing for this pairing and so far I am truly grateful and surprised by the response it has gotten! I only hope I can keep people satisfied with the future chapters. Will end up on my 2025 list too because that’s when it’ll be finished)
Goals for 2025: I hope to keep up the momentum I had for fic writing this year into 2025. Or maybe even further improve on it. I think I might drift away from Gallavich a little and focus more on writing for wlw pairings like Catradora, Villaneve, or Gelphie. I will always love Gallavich but writing for wlw pairings is truly where I ultimately thrive/am the happiest.
Once I finish my current Gelphie WIP I hope to start and complete another multi-chapter fic in 2025. (For which ship, I’m not sure of yet. I have a few different ideas). I’ve also always thought it would be fun to co-write a fic with someone someday. Perhaps 2025 will finally be the year I do it.
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snazzy-suit · 11 months ago
LLoG Progress Update!
Oh dang, it's almost April already?! January went on seemingly forever, February passed pretty normally, and March lasted, like, a week. Time is soup.
Anyway, I'm unfortunately a little behind schedule, though not by much! I was hoping to start posting the new chapters by the end of March, but they're not quite ready yet. I still have some editing and continuity checks to do, but the good news is, everything is completely written! 🎉
...and it's even longer than I anticipated 😭 As of now, before editing is complete, the total word count for all the upcoming chapters is 50,700.
52,175 if I count the missing scene!
The last arc of what was SUPPOSED to be a short story turned into novel-length madness. Unbelievable! Why am I like this??
Here's where everything stands as of now:
Chapter 5.4 - Complete. Awaiting final continuity check. Word count: 8,220
Chapter 5.5 - Complete. Awaiting final continuity check. Word count: 7,104
Chapter 5.6 - Draft Complete. Undergoing edits. Current word count: 5,580
Chapter 5.7 - Draft Complete. Undergoing edits. Current word count: 8,097
Chapter 5.8 - Draft Complete. Undergoing edits. Current word count: 8,258
Chapter 5.9 - Draft Complete. Awaiting review. Current word count: 6,760
Chapter 5.10 - Draft Complete. Awaiting review. Current word count: 6,681
Some additional notes/tidbits:
Missing Scene - Takes place between the end of chapter 5.6 and about halfway through chapter 5.9. I couldn't figure out a way to include this that didn't feel jarring. If I like it enough, I'll post it separately from the main story. Current word count: 1,475
Chapter 5.7 is a flashback that was originally going to take place about halfway through chapter 5.6, but as you can see based on the word count, it got away from me. ^^' I decided to turn it into a separate chapter as a sort of "breather" between 5.6 and 5.8. I really enjoyed writing it, but there's a chance I may have to cut it from the main story if I feel it's too disrupting. If this is the case, I'll post it separately as another missing scene.
Chapter 5.4 is my white whale. It's undergone the most rewrites and is largely responsible for the long hiatus. I've found it's one of my least favorite chapters in this particular story and at this point I don't know if it's actually bad or if I'm just sick of looking at it 🫠
My disgruntled feelings for chapter 5.6 (the first half, anyway) rival that of chapter 5.4, which is unfortunate, because this chapter is supposed to be "The Big Reveal". Am I over-explaining things? Is this too vague? These are the questions I struggled with in this chapter and I don't know if I'll ever be satisfied with the results.
I never start a chapter knowing how long it's going to be. I just create an outline and go. As long as I check off all the major points in a satisfactory manner, I don't care if the chapter is 1,000 words or 8,000 words. That said, I try to avoid going over 10,000 words for any one chapter so as to not overwhelm readers (and myself) with a bunch of Things in a single sitting. So! When chapter 5.8 started cresting 15,000 words I was like "oh no" and immediately searched for a good spot to split it in two.
That's all I got for now! We're almost there, folks!
Tl;dr - if I don't start posting chapters by the end of April, feel free to shame me with an "L" in my DMs lol 🙈
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gasha40k · 1 year ago
I’ve been reading a lot of 40k fiction in between painting recently, and I’ve gotten a good bit of progress done on both. I’ll start with a little reading update.
Horus Rising
False Gods
Galaxy in Flames
Flight of the Eisenstein
First Heretic
Know No Fear
Butcher’s Nails
Wrath of Khârn
Khârn: Eightfold Path
I finished Betrayer just a couple days ago, and holy shit. What an incredible book. I am a strong Khârn stan (Argel Tal, too) and I am more convinced than ever that I’m a World Eaters gamer.
I plan to read the three (or four) Unremembered Empire books before I loop back to A Thousand Sons to read the “main” Heresy storyline through to Slaves to Darkness, and eventually Siege of Terra. But for now, I’m making a little detour through all of the books that Khârn takes center stage for, so that I can satiate the hyperfixation and figure out what he’s up to in the 42nd Millennium. I also plan to finish most of the World Eaters books, as that was the whole reason that I started reading the Heresy in the first place.
Betrayer is by far my favorite Warhammer novel. Fulgrim was my top for a while—I may be a closeted Emperor’s Children enjoyer, don’t tell Blood Daddy—but man. Betrayer blew it out of the fucking water. What an incredible ending to an incredible trilogy. My biggest takeaways were as follows: nobody fucking likes Angron, and Khârn is my favorite guy ever. Enough gushing, though. Time for painting stuff.
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The second Ultramarine I’ve ever painted, weirdly enough. My first Ultramarine was my first model, so my second being a keychain-corpse for a new army is weirdly sentimental
Since we’re on the topic of Khorne, I finished up the torso of my old school Daemon Prince. I’m exceptionally proud of this! I think the shading and blending is maybe some of my best, most advanced painting yet, and I pulled out just about every technique that I know for this thing. I even did a little drybrushing on the Necron skull. Here’s to hoping I can maintain this level of quality across the other pieces of this mini once I get some more primer.
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Getting some good use out of my technicals, and finally utilizing my skull box
Still on Khorne, here’s some more progress on those Bloodletters from last post. They’re just about done, complete with horn blending and everything. I’m planning on doing flaming blades for them, but I’ll have to buy some more paints before I tackle that. I’ve got a handful more of primed and based Bloodletters, so they’ll probably be my backup easy paint for a while. The bases are simple and easy to make, but decently visually effective, which I think is good and fitting for such a massed unit.
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Next up, I decided to give highlighting a go with one of my newer Thunderbearers, since I’m trying to boost my painting technique all around. This is definitely my best highlighting work yet, certainly leagues ahead of my first try from last year. I think he looks pretty clean!
I’m also experimenting with new photography backgrounds since I got kinda sick of having pasta or hamster cage cleaner or whatever the fuck in the background of my poorly lit update pictures. Think I may have stumbled upon a good method for backgrounds.
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I love you, empty white void
Last but certainly not least, I finished up the first bike for my lone Outrider Squad. I’m really happy with him, as well. The hardest part of painting these dudes is definitely base painting. They just have a lot of ground to cover with your brush so they absolutely devour paint, but it’s cool cause I finally finished him up after like, actual months of sitting half-painted in my vehicles box. I’m a particular fan of the little white lens glare in the top left of his eye. I just think it’s neat.
This unit is gonna be mad satisfying to finish, and I can’t wait to get more work done. In the meantime, I’m chugging away at my first 5-man Berzerker squad, including their bases, which are gonna be pretty unique. They’re like, black mountainous rocks littered with skulls and blood-stained snow. Alongside that, I’ve also been stripping my Custodes, so I’ll have a bit of an update about that next time, too.
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crystalelemental · 1 year ago
I have finished all of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters. That was pretty fun! Honest to god my initial reaction is to replay some of them immediately but I should probably put some distance on that. No promises. The last time I played most of these was...the GBA/DS remakes. So a while ago. Thoughts on each below.
Final Fantasy 1 Easily my favorite iteration of the game. I'm going to be honest with you, FF1 doesn't have a ton in its favor, but the game is simplified enough that, with the new mechanics, I can turn off all encounters, hit 4x EXP, just do boss fights, trapped chests, and forced encounters, and be done with the game in like 3 hours. If I'm ever just craving a quick thing, this is as quick as it gets, with none of the frustration.
Yeah, I'm gonna be honest, this is a common theme so to avoid repeating myself I'll say it once here: random encounters suck. It's why FF12 has been my favorite since it came out; I can just see where enemies are and explore how I wish, without getting bombarded by bullshit and back attacks and whatever else is going on. Turning those off as needed is divine. The tradeoff is that for some games, you then lose sense of progression and what level you are "supposed" to be at for what you're doing, and in those situations the 4x EXP is nice for quick grinding to catch you up. I will admit, however, that this can completely break the flow of the game, so I did try to keep encounters on at all times for most games, but I am more than satisfied going "fuck I'm lost again" and just turning off encounters for a minute while I get my bearings. This game just doesn't broadly appeal beyond its quick nature, so I'm more than satisfied just doing the boss run.
Final Fantasy 2 To avoid talking about the random chance level ups, I'm instead going to talk about two other things that make this my least favorite in the set: dungeon layout, and why you can't let me have things.
Dungeon layout is the fair criticism. Dungeons are overly complex and a pain in my ass to navigate. This is another I eventually broke and just turned off encounters while exploring, just because it was too many of them. Get the fuck out of my face, man, I'm trying to backtrack seven different staircases. Also the rooms. Almost all of them are empty, but you gotta check in case there's treasure, but if it is empty enjoy higher encounter rates for no real reason other than punishing your curiosity, you fool. It's just an overall frustrating experience with the randomness of stat boosts, and the pitifully slow grind of leveling spells.
The other is my own fault. Yeah, if there's one thing I remembered about this game from the Dawn of Souls era, it was the post-game heaven dungeon where you start as Minwu, and really want to be prepared. Early Mysidia felt like a must, and I decided fuck it, I remember how to do this, and prepared myself accordingly. Long story short, don't do this. You'll set yourself up for a position of being wildly overpowered the entire game, especially if you're an idiot, break after directions were given, forget where you're going and wind up going north to another high level area that gets you even more powerful, and now the whole thing is shot to shit. I like sequence breaking games, but I feel like this one is way more severe with any understanding of what you can get away with. And I will always optimize the fun out of my experience. Never let me do things.
Final Fantasy 3 This was my favorite experience. I played damn near the entire game without even touching the toggle for encounters. FF3 is a ton of fun. I enjoy getting to mess with customization options like the classes, and the lack of JP (ABP, whatever) makes it a lot more fluid. Sure, there's job level, but job level amounts to nothing. It's minor increases for the longer you work as that class, and it's nice but insubstantial. Which means it's fluid and engaging, because I can fun around and never find out anything too bad. Which is what I want; free flowing experimentation. I understand the original had some kind of penalty for job switching too often? Glad they got rid of that garbage.
If there's any strikes against it, it's class balance and the final dungeon. Crystal Tower into World of Darkness is like a 2+ hour affair, without save points, and Autosave doesn't carry over if you turn the game off. Do not do as I did and go in like an hour and a half before your usual winding down before bed time. You will not make it. Class balance is a bit of a mixed bag.
On the one hand, compared to 5, 3's classes tend to overlap a lot. The Earth Crystal is literally nothing but pure upgrades on early classes. Black/White Mage become Wizards gaining better offensive stats and more spell slots for higher tier spells, while Summoner is just Evoker with competence. Knight is just Fighter but better. Black Belt is just Monk but better. As a result, it distills into only a handful of meaningful distinctions anyway, with a couple offshoot classes that...suck. They suck. Ranger has no good weapons for late-game, Geomancer is a great mage alternative until endgame when everything's single-target, I have no idea what the point of Scholar is but I don't agree with it. I don't consider this a truly hideous detriment, but it lacks the same level of shenanigans 5 gets up to.
Final Fantasy 4 Fun fact: before 12 came out, this was my favorite, because I found it easy enough to be engaging, including the GBA superdungeon which was the only one I could beat, and Rydia was my baby child favorite. That last part is still true. The thing I didn't seem to remember is how...weird the story actually was. Like it's not particularly great. I don't think it's terrible, but it's not great. Mostly Kain's whole deal irritates me now.
But it is still fun! I think it's a much different experience. The moon still took forever to explore, but thanks to save points actually existing, you can break between things. Boss fights feel appropriately more difficult than most random encounters, with a decent number of gimmick bosses that require a bit more know-how to handle, and a few dungeons you can do out of sequence in the underground if you're ambitious. I think it's a very simple game to understand, with a pretty clear-cut approach to success. That said, there's like no customization. Characters are as they are, there's really nothing to consider aside from level. And your party is set, so there's no variation on what you can do.
Final Fantasy 5 5 was another really fun experience, though I cushion that with a major caveat. 5 was fun because of the toggle for 4x ABP, which made leveling jobs to find out what they did actually tolerable. Without this, job levels are unbearably hard to level up, with no indication of what you actually learn per level, that you may as well be shooting in the dark.
See, the fun of 5 is that you have your class, and you have one extra ability slot, taken from other class skills unlocked by leveling them up. For magic classes, that's "Magic Type Lv X," up to 6, where you can cast everything in that category. For physical classes, this is usually some form of "Equip my weapon type," alongside generalist skills. Some are better than others, and some are action commands that are much, much stronger, and are the basis for making really strong outcomes.
This is why I don't love the system as much as 3. To find out what you even have access to, you're made to slog through the physical classes to find out what other skills they're offering. Which takes somewhere around literally forever. Bosses will hand you like 5BP, for classes that need like 700 to max. If you don't know in advance where the good stuff is, there's a chance you've walked into options you don't need.
Granted, 5 is lax enough broadly that you can still make use of classes. Unlike 3's direct upgrades over time, 5 gives you almost all classes early, and all of them have interesting options for utility. So you can make use of anything. I think for my completionist ass, I'm looking at Omega and Shinryu and going fuck dude, how are you supposed to beat that without foreknowledge of some of the skills available? Wildly over-leveling? In a game with fairly poor EXP yields where I think I ended at around level 40? Not happening. Otherwise, the class imbalance isn't too bad, and is in some cases hysterical. You know there's a setting to toggle 4x gil received? Zeninagi on Samurai was already an instant-kill button half the time, and now you've made it a free action. Meanwhile summon magic late game feels kinda garbage. Flare and Holy outdamaged Bahamut no problem. It is really funny to see this reversal from 4. From Rydia's summons being bad all game because they're just overpriced spells on your Black Mage but endgame Bahamut being defining, to excellent low-cost AoE spells with good damage early and mid-game into kinda useless by endgame. It's just funny to see systems like these change over time, and how they try to adjust for balance.
I do think this was a surprisingly strong story and cast, too. I only remembered it being kinda goofy compared to the others as a kid, but having re-visited, I think it's a lot more earnest and impactful than I gave it credit for.
Final Fantasy 6 I'll be honest, it's very good, but depending on my mood, I'd say I like 3 and 5 better. I like being able to customize, and I think I actually like FF5's cast and story better than 6.
6 succeeds on being competent at everything, even if it's not the strongest in everything. Its story is well told and it sticks to its general themes of love and loss, and finding meaning in a bleak world. But I also think 5 did the "Defeat Nihilism through the Power of Connection" thing with a more diverse cast and emphasis on friendships and general human spirit, while 6 seems to focus more on romance and family in a way that makes a lot of character histories sound very same-y, in that a big chunk is "and then they died." There's a bit of customization, as far as selecting which members to bring along and how you distribute magicite for learning magic, but nowhere near the level of complexity you can find in 5. I'd also say the AP system in 6 is wildly slow, but at least there it's more concentrated to "just learn the spells you need" and you actually know exactly what you're signing up for. Though I personally don't care for making decisions between good spells or good stats early on, my min-maxing ass is bad with these kinds of things. I know it's a problem.
I do think it has an inverse problem to 5, where the random encounters feel devastating in several locations, but only one boss ever gave me any difficulty, and it was because I was suffering from success (It was the tunnel digger in Locke's route early game; turns out if you have the Hermes Sandals on him or Celes the Runic timing gets thrown off and it cooks you, but without that it's super easily won; my bad but for stupid reasons, I feel). Almost every game over was due to back attacks, which are damn near constant in this game. Some areas I counted and literally had more sneak attacks on me than regular encounters. Meanwhile, bosses go down like sacks of shit, because magic is hysterically overpowered. Yeah yeah, Kefka's god now or whatever, but can he survive Relm Dualcasting Flare for max damage twice per round? No, he's just going to eat shit from this level 40 ten-year-old? Radical. This may be personal preference, but if FF1's blurb wasn't an indication, I much prefer "easy encounters, difficult bosses." Ideally, no encounters. Just ping-pong me from boss to boss. I feel like I could actually do that in 6 if it wasn't for AP needed to learn spells.
Future Plans I'm thinking of getting 7 and 9 if they ever go on sale again. I really don't want to play 8. I remember playing 8, my wife had commented on it being a formative game for her so I played it long, long ago before we were even dating, but it was so bad I can't do it again. 10 I'm on the fence about, because I do like the gameplay for 10, but we tried watching a playthrough of 10 and she couldn't stand it so maybe not. My laptop is dying, and so is my wife's, so we've tossed around finally getting a proper PC that can like...play games and shit. So who knows, maybe I'll finally play past 12 in this series. Miracles do happen.
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lordmayokcorner · 2 years ago
aespa My World - Album Review
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-- image: euphoriazine --
After what feels like a lifetime, SM Entertainment’s aespa has finally dropped their new mini album My World. The group released a whopping 4 prereleases, always a red flag in my opinion. That said, I think that this EP has the potential to be a big hit among fans. This is a pretty noticeable departure from their original sound, but I see it as a good thing. Despite my bias being Ningning, we all have to admit that Blonde Karina is a massive slay. 
I’ll listen to each song 3 times and rate them afterward. Each song will be rated on a scale of 1-10 with 5 being completely neutral, 1 being my least favorite song, and 10 being the best songs ever. Please take my rating with a grain of salt, my goal is to be honest, no hate :)
Welcome To MY World (feat. nævis) - 8
First off, is that vocaloid I hear? Something similar nonetheless. We start off with a somewhat ominous but sweet guitar riff. When the refrain hits, the bass is incredible and super smooth. Ningning is killing it on the refrain! (or chorus depending on how you see it). As the song progresses, it continuously builds to hit harder and harder, adding drums, strings, more bass, synths, harmonies, backups, and the vocaloid-esque nævis lines. In the verses the autotune is quite excessive, but the chorus sounds more tasteful to me. That said, I still love this song!
Spicy - 9
This song has much more power than the previous. The sound design of the synth bass is seriously impressive and pleasing to the ear. The production is done by Moonshine, an absolute beast in the kpop scene. Peek-A-Boo, Naughty, and Forever 1, just to name a few. The rap in the verse feels like a cross between the Irene rap in Dumb Dumb and Robyn’s Konichiwa B*tches. The chorus slaps. So. Hard. All the pitch sliding in the vocals and synths gives this song a jazzy, danceable feel. There are elements of Illusion, but other than that it’s a new sound for aespa.
Salty & Sweet - 7.5
This song continues the trend of excellent sound design in the bass. The vocal processing is also quite nice. The master is a little quiet compared to the other songs which is a bit disappointing, but if you turn up the volume it’s just fine. This one reminds me a bit of Savage, and both of them aren’t exactly revolutionary, though I do prefer this song. The production is super satisfying, perhaps even more than Spicy, but the songwriting could use some work. A hard-hitting funky track that can be a little boring if you aren’t really focusing on the sounds.
Thirsty - 6
They’re going for a Red Velvet style R&B track here. It’s debatable whether or not they pull it off. I personally don’t think aespa is made for this style, but it does sound pretty good. Once again, heavy autotune that at times is distracting. I don’t think aespa really needs as much autotune as SM gives them! The production is also not quite as exquisite as the previous 3 tracks. I’m a sucker for this style though, being as much of a Reveluv as I am. 
I’m Unhappy - 7
Another R&B feel to this song. Aespa is really bringing the groove in this EP, I must say. I love the vocals, particularly in the chorus, my God! Everything besides the chorus doesn’t really stand out to me as much however. The rap parts aren’t that impressive, but that’s not necessarily the goal. The slight vocal fry and growl in the “I’m unhappy” just adds to the aggressively cool sound of the song. I think that Giselle and Karina in particular absolutely nail it. Thumbs up aespa 👍
‘Til We Meet Again - 5
The song begins with some beautiful bells, strings, and soft vocals. The acoustic guitar that enters afterward isn’t exactly for me though. The chorus cements this song as a power ballad. There’s nothing wrong with this song, I just don’t really see anything that notable in it. It’s a decent song, it just happens to be extremely similar to almost every end song ballad in kpop. I feel like there would be better ways to end this album, but this isn’t necessarily a bad way to do it. 
Final Thoughts
This must be the 10th time I’ve mentioned groove in this review, but this comeback really embodies the word. I certainly think this is a good direction for aespa. I like their older concepts too, but I think progressing as a group is very important. In my eyes, if they keep reinventing and developing their sound, they possibly have the ability to overtake groups with more defined, static sounds such as Blackpink, who they are often accused of imitating. That however is a whole other debate. I found this album to be generally impressive, particularly on the production side. SM undeniably has the best producers of the big 3, at least from my opinion as an amateur producer and sound designer. I give this album an overall score of 7, with my favorite song being the banger that is Spicy, the title track. Thank you for reading, let me know what your thoughts are on any of this!
- Maya
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unknowncolor · 5 days ago
Today was a kind of chill day. I finally got all the sweeping done today that I was supposed to do on Sunday. I'm satisfied with the progress I am making with regard to reducing my procrastination tendencies. There is still progress to go though. One thing I am not progressing on is not masturbating and my pornography addiction. Every time I feel like I am making some progress, I inevitably fall back into it. I make it a few days and then lose it. I just need to dust myself off and keep going. I have also been more mindful with my typing and -- other than this journal obviously -- have been trying to use the word I less. That is going moderately well. So, in summary:
porn addiction: not going good
duolingo: excellent
using I less: going pretty good
not procrastinating: going ok
job applications: just started, not the best
exercise: starting today maybe?
reading every day: going great
leetcode problems: going great
Today I said I joke in voice chat about Flop. It was not a very nice joke and it was rude in an attempt to be funny at the expense of Flop and Hokey. This was not a nice thing to do and I apologized to Hokey. Luckily she's pretty chill but I need to work on being nicer in general. Think before you speak, and ask yourself "does this need to be said? is it nice and compassionate?" If not then those things do not need to be said and they should instead be given to God for disposal.
I find myself straying away from being with my family. I am preferring alone time more. Time with just Mom is okay. Time with Les is stressful because I know I might have to say no to him and I don't want to let him down for some reason. Time with Grandpa is also stressful because he asks me computer questions. I can answer the questions easily but I feel bad because I think some of these issues could have been avoided if I had been more thorough in helping him search for a computer. Typing this out though, I think that this can be fixed by giving him full attention during his future upgrades and trying to fix these issues. He mentioned wanting more RAM and I have already found a new GPU that would work for his computer great. We have an appointment on Thursday together and I will pray for guidance and for help giving it my full and devout attention. My Grandfather deserves it and so does his friend.
Otherwise, I didn't do much of anything today. I played Skyrim a large portion of the day. I did laundry, including my new boxers and shorts. I am excited to try these new cargo shorts. I really need to finally get rid of those old shorts. In fact, I will do it right now; it has been done. Like the guy in AA I met in San Diego forever ago said (it makes me feel bad that I cannot remember his name!), the fix for being lazy is to just do "it" when "it"pops into your head. Just get up and get it done.
I feel bad because I am relying heavily on chatGPT for many of my leetcode problems. I try to figure the answers out for myself, and type out code. I also try to not have ChatGPT give me the answers and instead guide me in the right direction. But some of these problems I just find difficult to wrap my head around, especially the recursive ones. But there is also a voice in me that says if I keep practicing, eventually that will go away. Just keep at it and do your best and don't let your skills atrophy. Things will get easier if I just keep at it and try to not let the answers be handed to me.
Relationships elude me still. I know I need to get out of the apartment and start searching, but where? I finally submitted that application for volunteering, maybe that is the spark that starts this bonfire I desperately need. I had to admit my felony on the application, but maybe that won't be anything to worry about. At least I tried, and if this doesn't work then I can try again somewhere else. Don't give up -- helping those in need just feels like a thing I have to do.
That is 750 words! See you tomorrow if I remember!
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firefromthegodspro · 8 months ago
Final Game Jam Dev Log: It seems we have reached... an end
Greetings, greetings, fair Tumblr. Tis I, local crackpot wizard Fire. It's currently 2:30 in the morning, and as I type this part of the post, Messier Mystes' prototype is uploading to Itch.io for submission into the Jam!
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It's admittedly not... great, I did run out of time to get it to a point I wanted. But it is at the very least functional. Lacking cutscenes, balance, and quality. But functional.
Safe to say, this is the farthest I've gotten on a creative project not meant for a class, so I'm both relieved I managed to finish something (I am literally that one Jimmy Neutron villain IRL), and disappointed I couldn't even polish the vertical slice I made.
So before we talk about the bad, let's talk about the good!
I've literally never made a game before, so just the fact I did this is an accomplishment to me. Like genuinely. I was given RPG Maker MV in high school as a gift, and I've never been able to sit down and release something playable, so this was insanely satisfying! Even if I don't win anything or I get bad reviews, I'm just happy to be here.
Additionally, as scuffed as my Timetable system is, the fact I managed to make a semi-functional one abusing If/Else statements, Common Events, and Variables makes me proud. I problem solved, and while it is basic I think it's somewhat creative for my first foray into the engine.
Now onto the "what I'm disappointed about" section.
I am extremely disappointed that I didn't budget my time well at all. I really should've either chosen a smaller scope, or focused hard on a vertical slice, but I didn't manage to. It led to me cutting a lot of corners in the final hour, and I'm unhappy with it. It kinda sucks to me I didn't manage to even implement music or cutscenes properly, but its whatever.
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Enjoy this Rouxls Kaard gif as a line break.
SO! What are my plans for the future?
Well, near future, I'm taking a couple days and binging both FGO and Tsukihime. I managed to NP2 Arc on the Anniversary banner, so I feel obligated to consume her route in the VN as quickly as possible. I haven't exactly been only game devving, but I do wanna take a couple days and let my creative juices refill.
I'm bone dry, man!
Secondly, in the slightly less-near future, I need to focus on my novel. I've let Quest for the Sacred Sword fall by the wayside, and I wanna get more progress put into that before I hop back onto Messier.
But never fear! My middling Dev Blogs and game development talents will return.
In terms of what's in store for the future, obviously things like adding cutscenes... adding the Social Link-type mechanic, and all of that is on the docket. But I also need to redesign my dungeons to meet my initial vision for them. Additionally, while I might stick with the ad hoc bootleg Timekeeping system, I definitely want to refine it a bit more if I don't outright replace it.
I also need to seriously overhaul my spell list. I have a perfectly fine basic outline, but as I implemented it I realized I forgot to focus on where the spells would fall in the level tree...
Yeah, again, I've never really done this before.
So revamping that is a must.
I also need to improve my map designs. I have some pretty basic ones, but improvements can always be made, and I want to make them.
That all being said, I'll still be posting here, just not Game Dev stuff. Probably more random thoughts, novel updates, or random garbage essays I come up with about my hyper fixations. The Wordpress (with a total of 1 post) is going to go silent for now, and will return when important updates exist. I'm still going to be working on Messier slowly in the background, but I won't really talk about it until I have something significant to show off.
Whelp, as of this line its just shy of 2:50 and I have to be up at 8 for work. The game's uploaded and submitted by now, so I'm going to go crash.
Walking the path of heaven to rule over everything.
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year ago
Sail Away
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Man, it has been a clean minute since I've had the opportunity to post consistently. The tail end of this year has been absolutely ridiculous. Life comes at you fast and i have been run over (figuratively and quite literally, twice), so i can't tell you how happy i am to see 2023 give way to 2024. New year, new me, as they say. But, before we progress into the future, i wanted to at least tie up some loose ends here and there, starting with my grand adventure through Azur Lane. Contrary to my radio silence here, I've been pretty active on my weirdly chosen Gacha experience and have made quite a bit of progress since my last check in. I believe the last update i made was about two months ago and, in a gacha game, that's an eternity so, here i am, making up for that long ass gap in time. This is going to be a big one, so bear with me.
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This year has been kind of an Iron Blood drought and i hate. I am a KMS main and the lack of more Kraut girls has been hard. I appreciate what we did get, particularly the new Priority boats and Bismarck Zwei, but coming of last year where we were lousy with German content, this year was kind of a letdown. Still, I certainly capitalized on what was available, particularly grinding out those PR6 ships with fervor. I did notice coming up with Blueprints for those ships, after they were initially completed, has been like pulling eye teeth but i have made solid progress on that front. Felix Schultz and Hindenburg were completed fairly quickly and i was even able to stack up enough Blueprints to hit Felix with a Fate Simulation but i am SO far off of that for Hindy. Bro, these Rainbow PR blueprints are a CHORE to grind! I've been chasing Hindy's for months! The second she was completed, they just disappeared! It's like the game is forcing me to try and construct the other boats but, like, i don't wanna? I just want my goddamn Krauts to be the best they can be. Speaking of Fate Simulations...
Push It To The Limit
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Friedrich Der Grosse got one! Why the f*ck would you buff this powerhouse any further? I think this happened super early in the year but i can't remember. Obviously, i had the Blueprints to make this happen and i, for sure, pulled that trigger immediately. Fried was already a mainstay in my dock as she was before but after that unlock? Man, you'd be hard pressed to find a better ship to lead your KMS fleet. The Fate Simulation drops this year have been very interesting. Like, Fried got one early on, but then Prinz Rupprecht got one, too. We're talking a PR2 ship, followed relatively closely by a PR5? Like, Ruppie got hers before Aegir. How does that math work? WHY did the math work out like that? Aegir is a f*cking monster, but so is Fried, so if you're going to buff her, why not the other? I'm not complaining, i mean, i really am, but petulance aside, what since does this make? One Decisive per Faction a year or something? Shenanigans, sir, shenanigans.
Ultra Light Beams
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We had two Rerun events this year which allowed me to net two of the three missing UR ships i needed. I was able to pop both New Jersey and, more importantly, Shima-f*cking-zake! Bro, I've been chasing that rabbit since her initial run two years ago and finally - FINALLY - added her to my Sakura Empire dock. I cannot stress to you how satisfying it was when that reveal cut to her little intro animation. This sense of accomplishment just washed all over me. Actually, in hindsight, this has been the year of the UR. We had those Reruns, but we also got Unzen, Bismarck Zwei, Yorktown II (kind of), and Implacable, were all released this year. Obviously, i ran those Banners hard and popped them all but Manjuu didn't stop there. The current event, Light-Chasing Sea of Stars, is offering two UR entries for Eagle Union! I already rolled enough of the first, Guam, to fully Limit Break her. all that's left now is to grind out enough of those f*cking Bunbun UR Vouchers, to buy Laffey II. Considering I'm still chasing the ghosts of Vanguard and Kronshtadt, there's no way I'm going to miss the opportunity to add Laffey the 2nd in her native Event. Also, i miscounted the men. I was missing four URs initially. Thank god for the Lite Rerun.
Horrors of the Deep
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I have to say, that Tempesta dock got a huge biff out of nowhere this year. I thought it was just going to be Royal Fortune as a one off. Apparently, that was never the case. We got an entire Fleet of eldritch nightmares. These weird ass ghost ships got a whole as event unto themselves, filled with cannonballs and tentacles. That Tempesta and the Fountain of Youth minor event was quite interesting. I actually went into it rather haphazardly. I had no intention of actually completing it, i just wanted to pop Golden Hind. Ended up kind of completing the entire banner. As of right now, i have every available Tempesta ship and it feels odd? I never use them but they have become my third favorite Fleet in the game, based strictly on aesthetic. I'm particularly fond of Mary Celeste, Golden Hind, and Sao Martinho. Obviously, Royal Fortune, Adventure Galley, and Whydah, also chart up there but those first three? Yeah, i can count them in the upper ranks of my favorite ships, which almost exclusively consists of Iron Blood boats. I might, if i have time later, properly raise that Fleet up but i kind of feel like i have enough to do at the moment.
Spoils of War
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I've been playing Azur Lane for about three years now and, for the first time ever, i maxed out both oil and coins. I didn't even know coins had a cap. It was weird not being able to disassemble gear because i had too much cash. To be perfectly honest with you, i rarely have less than around four hundred thousand coins at any given time, mostly because the sh*t available for purchase with them, sucks. Who buys Blue Tech Boxes? Why would anyone invest in that? I mean, i get it, if you're brand new, you need all the equipment you can get but for someone like? Someone who stays gilded? Yeah, that's ridiculous. I ended up have in to cash out the entire shop, related it, and cash it out again, just to lose enough coin in order to continue the grind. All in all, even though the Events were kind of few and far in between, I had a pretty solid time with my money pit of a Gacha game. Azur Lane didn't come with the heat like last year but it was still a solid adventure worth giving a proper goodbye. 2024, you were definitely a mixed bag for me on those high seas but you were totally worth it in the end. Here's to the future and, hopefully, a few more UR Reruns and a couple more Iron Blood Carriers. Maybe combine the two and give me a goddamn Rainbow Kraut Carrier!
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smokeybrand · 1 year ago
Sail Away
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Man, it has been a clean minute since I've had the opportunity to post consistently. The tail end of this year has been absolutely ridiculous. Life comes at you fast and i have been run over (figuratively and quite literally, twice), so i can't tell you how happy i am to see 2023 give way to 2024. New year, new me, as they say. But, before we progress into the future, i wanted to at least tie up some loose ends here and there, starting with my grand adventure through Azur Lane. Contrary to my radio silence here, I've been pretty active on my weirdly chosen Gacha experience and have made quite a bit of progress since my last check in. I believe the last update i made was about two months ago and, in a gacha game, that's an eternity so, here i am, making up for that long ass gap in time. This is going to be a big one, so bear with me.
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This year has been kind of an Iron Blood drought and i hate. I am a KMS main and the lack of more Kraut girls has been hard. I appreciate what we did get, particularly the new Priority boats and Bismarck Zwei, but coming of last year where we were lousy with German content, this year was kind of a letdown. Still, I certainly capitalized on what was available, particularly grinding out those PR6 ships with fervor. I did notice coming up with Blueprints for those ships, after they were initially completed, has been like pulling eye teeth but i have made solid progress on that front. Felix Schultz and Hindenburg were completed fairly quickly and i was even able to stack up enough Blueprints to hit Felix with a Fate Simulation but i am SO far off of that for Hindy. Bro, these Rainbow PR blueprints are a CHORE to grind! I've been chasing Hindy's for months! The second she was completed, they just disappeared! It's like the game is forcing me to try and construct the other boats but, like, i don't wanna? I just want my goddamn Krauts to be the best they can be. Speaking of Fate Simulations...
Push It To The Limit
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Friedrich Der Grosse got one! Why the f*ck would you buff this powerhouse any further? I think this happened super early in the year but i can't remember. Obviously, i had the Blueprints to make this happen and i, for sure, pulled that trigger immediately. Fried was already a mainstay in my dock as she was before but after that unlock? Man, you'd be hard pressed to find a better ship to lead your KMS fleet. The Fate Simulation drops this year have been very interesting. Like, Fried got one early on, but then Prinz Rupprecht got one, too. We're talking a PR2 ship, followed relatively closely by a PR5? Like, Ruppie got hers before Aegir. How does that math work? WHY did the math work out like that? Aegir is a f*cking monster, but so is Fried, so if you're going to buff her, why not the other? I'm not complaining, i mean, i really am, but petulance aside, what since does this make? One Decisive per Faction a year or something? Shenanigans, sir, shenanigans.
Ultra Light Beams
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We had two Rerun events this year which allowed me to net two of the three missing UR ships i needed. I was able to pop both New Jersey and, more importantly, Shima-f*cking-zake! Bro, I've been chasing that rabbit since her initial run two years ago and finally - FINALLY - added her to my Sakura Empire dock. I cannot stress to you how satisfying it was when that reveal cut to her little intro animation. This sense of accomplishment just washed all over me. Actually, in hindsight, this has been the year of the UR. We had those Reruns, but we also got Unzen, Bismarck Zwei, Yorktown II (kind of), and Implacable, were all released this year. Obviously, i ran those Banners hard and popped them all but Manjuu didn't stop there. The current event, Light-Chasing Sea of Stars, is offering two UR entries for Eagle Union! I already rolled enough of the first, Guam, to fully Limit Break her. all that's left now is to grind out enough of those f*cking Bunbun UR Vouchers, to buy Laffey II. Considering I'm still chasing the ghosts of Vanguard and Kronshtadt, there's no way I'm going to miss the opportunity to add Laffey the 2nd in her native Event. Also, i miscounted the men. I was missing four URs initially. Thank god for the Lite Rerun.
Horrors of the Deep
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I have to say, that Tempesta dock got a huge biff out of nowhere this year. I thought it was just going to be Royal Fortune as a one off. Apparently, that was never the case. We got an entire Fleet of eldritch nightmares. These weird ass ghost ships got a whole as event unto themselves, filled with cannonballs and tentacles. That Tempesta and the Fountain of Youth minor event was quite interesting. I actually went into it rather haphazardly. I had no intention of actually completing it, i just wanted to pop Golden Hind. Ended up kind of completing the entire banner. As of right now, i have every available Tempesta ship and it feels odd? I never use them but they have become my third favorite Fleet in the game, based strictly on aesthetic. I'm particularly fond of Mary Celeste, Golden Hind, and Sao Martinho. Obviously, Royal Fortune, Adventure Galley, and Whydah, also chart up there but those first three? Yeah, i can count them in the upper ranks of my favorite ships, which almost exclusively consists of Iron Blood boats. I might, if i have time later, properly raise that Fleet up but i kind of feel like i have enough to do at the moment.
Spoils of War
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I've been playing Azur Lane for about three years now and, for the first time ever, i maxed out both oil and coins. I didn't even know coins had a cap. It was weird not being able to disassemble gear because i had too much cash. To be perfectly honest with you, i rarely have less than around four hundred thousand coins at any given time, mostly because the sh*t available for purchase with them, sucks. Who buys Blue Tech Boxes? Why would anyone invest in that? I mean, i get it, if you're brand new, you need all the equipment you can get but for someone like? Someone who stays gilded? Yeah, that's ridiculous. I ended up have in to cash out the entire shop, related it, and cash it out again, just to lose enough coin in order to continue the grind. All in all, even though the Events were kind of few and far in between, I had a pretty solid time with my money pit of a Gacha game. Azur Lane didn't come with the heat like last year but it was still a solid adventure worth giving a proper goodbye. 2024, you were definitely a mixed bag for me on those high seas but you were totally worth it in the end. Here's to the future and, hopefully, a few more UR Reruns and a couple more Iron Blood Carriers. Maybe combine the two and give me a goddamn Rainbow Kraut Carrier!
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hyperobsession · 1 year ago
Just read last published chapters of Komi Can't Communicate so here I am to scream my opinions into the void.
Firstly it is still ongoing so now I'm in waiting game with yet another manga.
Secondly great rom-com/coming-of-age story. The social anxiety of main and some supporting characters is described in such fine detail that you will find yourself in at least few of the situations shown in the manga. Character progression can be easily seen on the whole cast ,most clearly on Komi. And second main character Tadano is really relatable, mainly because he speaks about his emotion more than Komi. (Spoilers!) Both love triangles that happened so far were great. In first Tadano finally built up courage to confess to Komi (after 300 chapters! 💀) with help of the Mangabi's confession to him. And I personally related a bit too much with Kawai in some parts of second love triangle (Tadano and Komi are the rest of the triangle again). Most satisfying part of the manga is how Komi's and Tadano's relationship is advancing and how Komi can speak longer and with more people. And the 100 friends goal is pretty precise teller of Komi's goal and how close she is to it. Supporting cast is really numerous (because of the 100 friends goal) and I feel that mostly they are really interesting and fleshed out characters (maybe not the last few but that did not have enough pagetime). For example Katai is simple yet interesting character with similar problem as Komi but with very different outcomes of the noncommunication because of he looks a lot different than Komi. Manga in some chapters focuses on other people like Komi's brother or Mangabi's new relationship but it always circles back to the main pair in the next one. (Spoilers end!)
So all in all great reading, I would recommend this to all fans of rom-coms or coming-of-age stories. It really soothes the soul. Although it can shove romantic failings of the readers right into their face. I can't wait for the ending.
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futuresconnected · 1 year ago
Dec. 17th 2023: Yakuza Kiwami and Granblue Fantasy Versus
Happy Sunday everyone, and welcome to my inaugural journal entry in this project! Lets get into it.
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First up! Over the last few weeks I have been playing through Yakuza Kiwami, the 2016 remake of 2005's Yakuza by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios. I am still very much new to this franchise, but by the nature of being in and around many internet spaces that talk about Japanese games, I have come to know Kazama Kiryu (the main character of most of these games) as if he were a friend of my own.
I played the 7th game in the series, Like A Dragon, back when it came out in 2020, having played at that point half of Yakuza 0 in 2018 and enjoying my time with it even if I fell off and only just recently went back to it. I loved my time with Like a Dragon, and felt that despite a lot of the growing pains of that franchise moving from action-based to turn-based gameplay, RGG really had something on their hands with their new protagonist and game structure. However, I sure was missing a LOT of context, half-remembering playthroughs of Yakuza 4 watched on Youtube and the half-explained recaps of the other games that game provided. With that, I am endeavoring to make my way through this series before I play the upcoming Infinite Wealth. I have absolutely no aspirations to do it all before that game comes out, I think trying to shove six relatively similar games into a few months would be a fools errand, but I am setting a goal for myself to try and get through them all in the next year.
So after finally finishing my 5-year (on and off) playthrough of Yakuza 0 recently, I kept the momentum up and immediately booted up Kiwami. Without knowing much of what has been changed or updated from its original incarnation, my main thoughts at this point are that I am enjoying the combat in the game more than I expected, but I find that this game has a bit less of the heart of 0, at least as far as the substories are concerned. I feel that there were more memorable side characters and side plots in that game than in this one, while the main plot is still full of that same deeply dramatic goodness that I found in 0 and Like A Dragon.
However there are still some heavy hitters to be found in the side cast! The one that has been sticking in my mind strongly is the story of Rina, one of the cabaret club girls that Kiryu can "date" in this game. Rina comes out the gate swinging by letting Kiryu know that the main reason she took the job of cabaret hostess is because she's gay and gets to spend all her time surrounded by cute girls, while Kiryu (friend to all) is a bit confused but ultimately enjoys helping her sort out the joys and frustrations that she experiences as she tries her best to put herself out there and date some ladies.
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Her story really gets to the heart of what I have enjoyed about these games so much, and what makes Kiryu such a fun character to play. For as much time as he spends in the criminal underworld avoiding death at every turn, he's just as happy to make a new connection and do his best to help them get (or keep) their life on track as best he can. (Its also very funny that despite the above screenshot, you do get a gravure video of her as a reward at the end anyway, video games!)
My main other thoughts on this game are that I'm enjoying finding Majima around the city and beating him up, and the character progression feels pretty good once you get the ball rolling on new Heat Moves, more health and meter, and all that good stuff. I think I still feel that the combat in these games is distinctly OK, especially when I've played plenty of other combat-based RPGs that felt much tighter, more intuitive, and satisfying to pull off. However, seeing Kiryu absolutely beat the shit out of someone in a new way when you get a new Heat Move is always going to be fun, that ain't going away.
I'm a bit over halfway done with the main plot of the game, sitting in chapter 8 of 12 or so, and I'm certainly not going to try and go for full completion, but I plan to hit up the Pocket Circuit and do more of those quests, as well as getting more of the Dragon Style moves back from Majima's old mentor in West Park, so please look forward to my continuing adventures in this game.
FGC Corner!
I'll be wrapping up each week with a brief look at how things are going in my journey to be a competent player of Fighting games.
As we speak I am a Plat 3 Cammy in Street Fighter 6, the result of months of hard work and daily play, and I can see the path ahead of me to keep up that grind. The goal is to get to Diamond and eventually Master Ranks, and attend my first National Major at Combo Breaker 2024.
But for now there's a new guy on the scene, and his name is Siegfried.
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This guy has everything I want, which is mostly heavy armor and a big-ass sword to swing around! I've been greatly enjoying Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, and can already feel that this is gonna be a game i'm gonna devote some serious time to. I'm gonna start by learning Siegfried here, and also want to spend some time learning Cagliostro and Narmaya, two other characters that are in new archetypes for me. It's a real saucy game, and I can't wait to see how it develops!
That's all for now, thanks for reading through this. Let me know if you have any thoughts you'd like to share, and I'll see you next week!
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snake-and-mouse · 3 years ago
Hey, I see that you really love kimchay as a ship and I was just wondering what makes them so great to you. I'll be honest, out of all the ships on KP, they interest me the least and I'd love to be more invested in them. What's their appeal to you? (maybe it'll convince me to get more into them)
Hmmmm okay so this one takes some thought, and buckle down because it's going to get loooong and rambley lmao. For one let's start by saying I do not honestly think they are the best ship in the show, I do not talk about them the most and come up with more meta about them because I like them more than kinnporsche or vegaspete. When it comes down to it, I think I engage with them more because I'm more interested in how they actually develop and more invested in how they end, as well as the message their story tells. Which, yes is a little confusing as a distinction to make lol.
With kinnporsche and vegaspete, I usually come away from each new episode with an overall feeling of being satisfied with how they are progressing that doesn't particularly inspire the kind of fandom brainrot I have for kimchay. And, this may sound a little heartless, but quite honestly from a writing point of view I would have no objections to kinnporsche or vegaspete having an unhappy ending. In fact there were a few times where blatantly said I think Kinn dying would be a satisfying end to his storyline. Like yes it would emotionally cripple me 😂 I would mourn like Vegas with his fucking hedgehogs if any one on the main couples died or even if they broke up. But from a writing standpoint, it would not be a bad choice and I would respect it, and I really do tend to try and watch these shows with the mindset of both a fan and an author.
Kimchay tho? I've said from the beginning that this is a particular kind of narrative that seems so purposefully set apart from the rest of the story, so well positioned as this almost mirror world to the rest of the plot, that I both never know where it's going and am also so sure that the only satisfying ending could be a happy one. Mostly because Porchay, like I love Kim but most of the reasons I am obsessed with this ship are because Porchay is a very specific archetype of character that drives me insane.
I've compared him to Lan Sizhui from mdzs before, and it's pretty accurate, the child born into a dark environment who is both innocent and sheltered and yet intrinsically shaped by the tragic events of his life, his happy demeanor only one side of a coin, the other being a heartbreaking sadness and an untapped strength that the narrative is pushing him to finally use. Porchay is a cringey adorable inexperienced teenager, yes. But he is only just that if you only give him the briefest of passing thoughts.
Enter Kim, and as many wattpad y/n jokes as I've made, what Porchay has with Kim is in my opinion anything but a celebrity crush. Well, obviously it starts as that, but even then. Porchay gets his first interaction with Kim because he is someone who sees the details, the little things. He's not just another fanboy, he's studied Wik's music and videos like he's tried to get down to the marrow of how he ticks. And they have him say from the very first tutoring session, he's not just here for Wik, he's here for every side of Kim that he's willing to show. And he toes this perfect line between saying what he wants and never breaking Kim's boundaries and the growing comfort he gets around the teen. And you can see Kim completely falls for it. He's got practiced aloofness down to a fucking art, and yet we see it crack and show genuine amusement and fondness over and over again.
And with the later episodes we can see how big of a deal that is, because literally the only other time we see Kim lose his control is when he's angry. In my opinion, giving into positive emotions is a much bigger tell than giving into anger. Kim not being able to resist kissing Porchay says way more than him being willing to shoot someone for him, and this is also a message the narrative itself tells us.
Take kinnporsche for example. For them, the moments that mattered were the ones they gave into being soft, being tender, being open with each other. Stolen kisses, wandering hands, harsh words becoming private whispers. These were the moments that were ultimately rewarded. Kinnporsche is a show that says violence and pain can be your life but you can still find meaning in allowing in love and kindness. And it's why I really really believe kimchay can't have an unhappy ending, because this is not a show that punishes people for being like Porchay, it's a show that says the choices he's made are how you find hope.
So. Because I have to stop talking at some point. Kimchay. A story about a young man who was raised by his brother to be a kind, honest, loving person, who always reaches for what he wants and pushes the man he is falling in love with to open up and give into tenderness and honesty, while Kim fights every step and tries to remain the cold cruel person the world made him into. That is the story I am obsessed with, and why I love these two.
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neonscandal · 2 years ago
Manga With Me: JJK Crackpot Theories (But Maybe Not) Rapid Fire Edition
I have had a lot of thoughts lately without any time to properly articulate them so let’s start the new year off with a shotgun blast of my least founded hot takes because, why not? Some of them might have some context clues but others might just be ideas I know I’ll never use for fanfics so, now, we all have to suffer. Enjoy my “What Ifs” and weigh in with your own. 👇🏾
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⚠️ Spoiler warning: as these are rapid fire takes, covers info through current chapter of 209 and JJK0.
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Nobara isn’t dead, Megumi was just paying Yuji back with his vagueness.
I just think it would be such an unhinged turn of events for Nobara to be largely okay but Megumi played the long game because how dare Yuji go along with Gojo’s half baked plan and force him to feel things for a sustained period of time?? Like, no real benefit to the plot in concealing her status except as a prank. I feel like Akutami would totally pull something like that too just for the sake of trolling. But if she came back as a critical plot point!? Even better, she deserved more shine. We also haven't seen a satisfying end to Nobara's need to reunite with Saori so I won't confirm her death until it's conveyed explicitly.
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We haven't seen the best side of Miwa
I maintain the Akutami has been pretty good about tying in even the slightest of details (okay bit of dickriding here, I know). I've written about the fact that Miwa may not have such humble origins but I believe the last time we saw Miwa sets her up for a big awakening as well. The Tokyo and Kyoto schools differ in many ways as the latter tends to toe the more traditional line in agreement with the reigning jujutsu elders. Yaga, an indicator of the Tokyo school's tendency toward progressiveness, was considered odd with his cursed puppets and this eccentricity is foundational to those who work and attend the Tokyo school.
During Yuta's introduction, Maki makes it a point to mention that the weak always gather in packs, sorcerers and curses. We see countless times that Kyoto school executes as a pack, whether that is during the Goodwill Event or even when going after Kenjaku!Geto. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Gojo presses his students to go on missions appropriate for sorcerers of his caliber unsupervised. Where the elders and Kyoto seem to be intent on pacification and predictable power scaling, Tokyo is home to those the established order would consider abominations and would rather see gone. Those too weird (Yuji, Panda, Maki, the third years, I believe even Inumaki is a bit of an outcast) or those too powerful to control (Gojo, Yuta). So, the last time we saw little old Miwa... why was she alone? Because her powered up debut is loading. ✨
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Megumi will be the one to exorcise Sukuna.
This is perhaps the rawest of theories considering. But Megumi’s technique requires him to summon and effectively exorcise a different animal curse in order to successfully wield it. We saw the eldritch horror he summoned as a final “fuck you” before Sukuna intervened and saved him (seriously, what was that?). So what if Megumi, in the end has the power to exorcise and wield Sukuna (a la Rika to Yuta)? Like... is this the best case scenario to save our sunshine boy, Yuji? This theory is held together by silly string but I am going to stake it on the fact that we were given the hopeless backstory of Gojo and Geto as how things had gone wrong. As the reader, should we not expect that that new iteration of this dynamic would prove to be more victorious? I'm just holding out hope. *weeps in Itafushi*
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Megumi is an integral piece of the future of jujutsu and emotional damage is in the forecast
In many ways, this is already apparent. Gojo, following Toji's last directive, plucked Megumi and Tsumiki from their lives alone knowing the value of Megumi's technique and birthright. In cultivating Megumi's talent, we find out that centuries ago their ancestors were powerful enough to fight one another and we already know Gojo is OP. Megumi, unsure of himself and still developing will be a force to be reckoned with. We've seen it in glimpses already. This potential is something that Sukuna also covets which speaks volumes. We've seen with Gojo’s origin story (and Spider-Man) that great power leads to great responsibility. End game, I believe Megumi will be tasked with exorcising or killing Yuji out of necessity. But, if things in the box go horrendously wrong, I also think he'll be responsible for putting Gojo down. Hell, it might simply come down to a painful choice between Yuji and Gojo and we’ve already seen that Megumi trends toward Yuji’s preservation. I won’t say current events put a decision between Yuji or Tsumiki but 👀
Worse, I fear there will be a reckoning when he realizes he didn't have the full story behind what went down between Gojo and Toji. Either way, Gojo has cast Megumi as his equal and so has Akutami. Historically, this has ended tragically and Gojo's heart would simply be torn asunder to be undone by his own beloved protege.
Toji isn’t actually as much of a piece of shit.
This isn’t actually a plot development. I think we, as the readers, are meant to contextualize a few things to comprehend what may come to light about him. 1. He named Megumi “blessing” which leads me to believe that, while he was demonstrably awful, Megumi’s birth could have been a turning point. Tbh I think something happened to Megumi’s mom (well before Toji met Tsumiki’s mom) which sent him back down the spiral of being a degenerate and ultimately selling off his kid. I wonder how much the elders may have had to do with her death. Whether those be the Zenin or Jujutsu elders is really up in the air. 2. Akutami, in interviews, implied that Gojo wasn’t really a monogamous person in that they couldn’t see him settling down with one woman. Mind you, they then slowly reveal the deeper connection to Geto which fills in some gaps to what I'm considering a deliberate misdirection. So I’m wondering if the implication about Toji being a broke ass bum, while valid, has additional context yet to be seen.
Yuji hasn't seen the last of Yuko Ozawa
Again, this is a raw ass theory considering, I can't even lie and call it half baked. But wouldn't it be crazy if Yuko makes it to the end fight, perhaps similarly motivated as Kurusu with some cursed entity within her seeking Sukuna's head but she'll retain an affinity toward Yuji or something? Like why introduce her and that precious history with Yuji if she's not going to boomerang back into the story? Even if all she'll be is sentimental cannon fodder (I'm looking at you Junpei).
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intoxicatedeuphoria · 3 years ago
Tears of Themis Speculations: Beyond Chapter 8
Just finished re-reading the Main Story from Chapter 1 to 8 and I am once again blown away by MHY’s storytelling. In hindsight, the Chekhov’s guns (yes, there are A LOT!) were cleverly written into the dialogues and integrated in the character designs. It is possible to solve SOME of the mysteries if you carefully follow the clues that were spread throughout the chapters.
Chapter 8, in particular, is really, really good. There's no boring or wasted scene AT ALL. Everything is relevant to either the chapter’s case or the overarching plot. It is such a satisfying read because it gives a feeling of closure, but at the same time, it introduces new mysteries to be solved. It feels like a season finale tbh. We’ll probably enter a new arc in Chapter 9.
More raving and ranting about Chapter 8 and the overall plot under the cut. I’m writing my questions and theories here so I have something to refer to once new chapters are released :)
(Content not yet available on global server at the time of writing.)
Hands down, Chapter 8 is the best, and not just because it's a Vyn-centric chapter! I cried so hard over the NPCs’ story :( The plot is THAT good and the pacing is just right. I can’t recall a dull moment in the chapter, and there are 17 story parts, including the final trial!! Chapter 7 is great because of its plot twists and Marius was very cunning in it so it was amusing, but it can’t beat the thrill from reading Chapter 8 imo.
I think we might get a Svart arc since at the end of Chapter 8, the NXX team agreed that they've pretty much exhausted the Heirson-related clues located in Stellis City. They found out that the sample that Artem got from Jovi Vance (sent to him by Simon Bloodworth, the presumed dead Materials Director of Heirson) is a drug that contains NXX. This drug is more developed/sophisticated than the sample that Xiao Ren (no English name yet; Heirson’s lead researcher for the NXX-based “elixir of life”) gave them from the Heirson’s lab near the Opaline Village. They all reached the conclusion that there may be some other entity out there that’s secretly conducting research and development of NXX-based drugs and it looks like their progress is more advanced than Heirson’s.
Here are the some of the remaining leads (at least afaik) at the end of Chapter 8 along with my own speculations/theories:
#1. Simon Bloodworth: truly dead or still alive? He’s presumed dead, but his body was never found. He was the one distributing the NXX raw material in Stellis City after stealing some from the stocks procured by Tyson Turner (Heirson CEO) and Xiao Ren in the auction on Pluto.
How did Simon get the more sophisticated NXX drug and where did he get it from? Tracing Simon’s actions from the past few years may reveal the NXX distribution route from the source to Stellis City. Another point: why did he send the sample to Jovi Vance who claimed he never met the dead man? The answer to the second question is likely related to how and why Tyson suddenly became critically ill with gastric cancer.
#2. The illegal NXX trade on the Pluto cruise ship According to the transactions record/accounting book in the dead Svartian "art" (but really NXX raw material) dealer's room, it has been sold to quite a number of people for some time already. Selling art pieces is their front since there has to be a "legal" exchange of goods and currency that they can show if something happens, which is probably why participation in the auction onboard Pluto was necessary. In this way, they can legally argue that the onboard auction house is "clean" and no shady business is going on.
Now, all of these beg the question: where did the Svartian dealer get his stocks of the NXX raw material in the first place? Since this illegal trade has been going on for years already, there must be a constant source with a stable supply of NXX somewhere – could it be Svart? The fact that the product is sold by a Svart-national on a cruise ship owned by a nobleman from Svart is very suspicious.
#3. The connection between the NXX raw material trade and the Svart Royal Family We already know that a member of the Svart Royal Family owns Pluto from Vyn’s briefing at the beginning of Chapter 8. It was also revealed that the King is the supreme head of the Church of Svart so the latter may be involved in this nasty business, too. Does this mean the sale of NXX raw material has the Royal Family's/Church's "blessing" and/or “protection” because the trade has been going on onboard Pluto for years already?
Vyn received the special invitation to join the Pluto luxury cruise from his father because the latter wanted to investigate the auction on board after getting a tip. It seems like Duke Haspran is on a mission to uncover whatever it is the Svart Royal Family and the Church of Svart are secretly up to. Could this be related to why Vyn is in Stellis? OR maybe why he joined Giann von Hagen and Neil Hume to establish the NXX investigation team?
#4. The laboratory where Jerome Adams et al. are working We still have no idea where Jerome and his boss are working from. We know that Jerome has been in contact with Tyson and the latter wanted to take down “that investigation team” as seen in the opening scene of Chapter 5 (Part I). Xiao Ren from Heirson’s Opaline Village lab didn’t recognize Jerome when they met onboard on Pluto so they might be working for different organizations, although Jerome knew who Xiao Ren was. Jerome might be with either Crimson Biotech or Pax Pharmaceuticals (tho I am more inclined towards the former)... or another subsidiary of Heirson perhaps?
#5. The new character decked in a red suit A new character appeared in the final scene of Chapter 8, where he conversed with Jerome and his boss in the unknown laboratory. He seemed to know what Jerome did onboard Pluto, and was aware of the research they were conducting.
My guess is he’s affiliated with Crimson Biotech, probably its founder, Christopher Cromwell, who is mentioned in the Big Data Lab entry for Crimson Biotech Ltd (see below). If this were the case, then he could be involved in the international NXX trade since “the Cromwell family has been gradually shifting business abroad for the past decades” and Crimson Biotech is one of the two big companies, along with Pax Pharmaceuticals, who had access to NXX before it was banned 25 years ago due its dangerous effects on humans. It would’ve been easy to get away with it because the records of all the collected samples of NXX were lost in “the war” (mentioned by Vyn during MC’s briefing in Chapter 5 Part I). Also, there are very few organizations and institutions that have the technology to detect NXX. If we are to believe Marius’ claim that Pax has nothing to do with the illegal NXX trade and drug development, then it could be Crimson... or maybe some other international entity that is involved.
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I really hope there will be a Svart arc (or at least a chapter) because I want to see Vyn and Rosa/MC working closely with his father T__T Also, I want to know Vyn’s real reason for moving to Stellis and joining the original NXX team. How and where did he meet Giann? What were the meetings like with the founding members? I WANT SOME ANSWERS!! I’m looking forward to the day I return to this post to check which theories I got right ^__^
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lordmayokcorner · 2 years ago
UPDATE aespa My World - Album Review
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-- image: koreatimes --
After what feels like a lifetime, SM Entertainment’s aespa has finally dropped their new mini album My World. The group released a whopping 4 prereleases, always a red flag in my opinion. That said, I think that this EP has the potential to be a big hit among fans. This is a pretty noticeable departure from their original sound, but I see it as a good thing. Despite my bias being Ningning, we all have to admit that Blonde Karina is a massive slay. 
I’ll listen to each song 3 times and rate them afterward. Each song will be rated on a scale of 1-10 with 5 being completely neutral, 1 being my least favorite song, and 10 being the best songs ever. Please take my rating with a grain of salt, my goal is to be honest, no hate :)
Welcome To MY World (feat. nævis) - 10
We start off with a somewhat ominous but sweet guitar riff. When the refrain hits, the bass is incredible and super smooth. Ningning is killing it on the refrain! (or chorus depending on how you see it). In the verses the autotune is quite excessive, but the chorus sounds more tasteful to me. As the song progresses, it continuously builds to hit harder and harder, adding drums, strings, more bass, synths, harmonies, backups, and the vocaloid-esque nævis lines. The descending strings into the final chorus are the highlight of the entire song. Every single word and musical element of the last chorus feels intentional and precise. The previous sense of suspense has been supplemented with passion and power. This song is amazing, I have nothing else to say.
Spicy - 9
The tense suspense and power of Welcome to MY World is replaced by a hard-hitting funky beat. The sound design of the synth bass is seriously impressive and pleasing to the ear. The production is done by Moonshine, an absolute beast in the kpop scene. Peek-A-Boo, Naughty, and Forever 1, just to name a few. The rap in the verse feels like a cross between the Irene rap in Dumb Dumb and Robyn’s Konichiwa B*tches. The chorus slaps. So. Hard. All the pitch sliding in the vocals and synths gives this song a jazzy, danceable feel. Some parts feel a bit boring and repetitive, but the track is addictive nevertheless. There are elements of Illusion, but other than that it’s a new sound for aespa.
Salty & Sweet - 7.5
This song continues the trend of excellent sound design in the bass. The vocal processing is also quite nice. The master is a little quiet compared to the other songs which is a bit disappointing, but if you turn up the volume it’s just fine. This one reminds me a bit of Savage, and both of them aren’t exactly revolutionary, though I do prefer this song. The production is super satisfying, perhaps even more than Spicy, but the songwriting could use some work. The only part that I find to be all around incredible is the breakdown/refrain with the heavy synth stabs. A classic hard-hitting aespa track that can be a little boring if you aren’t really focusing on the sounds and production. 
Thirsty - 7
They’re going for a Red Velvet style R&B track here. They pull it off…mostly. I personally don’t think aespa suits this style, but it does sound pretty good overall. Once again, heavy autotune that at times is distracting. I don’t think aespa really needs as much autotune as SM gives them! The production is also not quite as exquisite as the previous 3 tracks. I’m a sucker for this style though, being as much of a Reveluv as I am. Very pretty and dreamy.
I’m Unhappy - 8.5
Another R&B feel to this song. Aespa is really bringing the groove in this EP, I must say. The verse has a nice fun light beat, the pre-chorus is smooth R&B, and the chorus is a combination of Spicy and Welcome to MY World in sound. I love the vocals, particularly in the chorus, my God! Other parts don’t really stand out to me as much however. The rap parts aren’t that impressive, but that’s not necessarily the goal. The slight vocal fry and growl in the “I’m unhappy” just adds to the aggressively cool sound of the song. I think that Giselle and Karina in particular absolutely nail it here. Relaxed and powerful, love it. Thumbs up aespa 👍
‘Til We Meet Again - 4
The song begins with some beautiful bells, strings, and soft vocals. The acoustic guitar that enters afterward isn’t exactly for me though. The chorus cements this song as a power ballad, but it’s not really a good one. There’s nothing very wrong with this song, I just don’t really see anything that notable in it. It’s a fine song, it just happens to be extremely similar to almost every end song ballad in kpop, and feels a bit cheesy. I feel like there would be better ways to end this album, but this isn’t necessarily a bad way to do it. 
Final Thoughts
This must be the 10th time I’ve mentioned groove in this review, but this comeback really embodies the word. I certainly think this is a good direction for aespa. I like their older concepts too, but I think progressing as a group is very important. In my eyes, if they keep reinventing and developing their sound, they possibly have the ability to overtake groups with more defined, static sounds such as Blackpink, who they are often accused of imitating. That however is a whole other debate. I found this album to be generally impressive, particularly on the production side. SM undeniably has the best producers of the big 3, at least from my opinion as an amateur producer and sound designer. I give this album an overall score of 8, with my favorite song being the opener, Welcome to MY World. Thank you for reading, let me know what your thoughts are on any of this!
- Maya
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