#i am an eepy little guy okay
starstruck149 · 1 year
There is something about band campt that sucks the energy out of my bones. We got a new director this year so this year I mean that in a good way. He actually let's us have 10 minute breaks every hour
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bamgamronpa · 6 months
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am I a Gemini Home Entertainment character.
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ceilingfan5 · 11 months
make it count
"problem" for @taznovembercelebration
Kravitz thought he was already having a weird night, but the guy tumbling out of his closet was, honestly, a real surprise. 
“AUGH, FUCK,” Kravitz says, flawlessy parried by closet guy’s “FUCK, AUGH.”
Kravitz steps back. Too far. The bed catches his ass, which hopefully looks like he sat down intentionally and didn’t reverse kneecap himself. Closet guy straightens up, long, gorgeous hair all over the place, and he spits hair out of his mouth and eyes Kravitz, steely, but also nervous, like Kravitz might be angling to kick his ass. 
Kravitz might. He hasn’t decided yet. He’s a little panicked, and he doesn’t like, WANT to call the cops, obviously, but there’s a fuckin’ dude in his closet and he’s been home for like three hours now. He’s played dad rock as high as his phone could go and danced in his boxers, and showered, and changed into pajamas, and eaten popcorn like both a horse and the tender but misunderstood delinquent girl feeding that horse and maybe that’s not necessarily something he wanted some kind of malignant fucknugget to witness.
“Who the fuck are you and how did you get in my apartment??” he demands, grabbing the nearest heavy object and brandishing his shitty lamp that makes an annoying noise when it’s on like it’s some kind of newfangled glaive-mace. 
“Who the fuck are you and where am I?” closet guy retorts aggressively, in a funny accent Kravitz can’t really place. Maybe it’s fake. Is this guy fucking with him? He’s too tired to be fucked with. He won’t allow it. 
“My apartment, asshole, keep up!” 
“Answer the first question!”
“You first!” Kravitz juts with the lamp, which is unfortunately a little flaccid, what with its flexible spine and all. He should have grabbed a shoe and just chucked it. 
“I don’t remember what you said!” the guy admits, which, okay, Kravitz kind of gets it, and it’s sort of hard to stay serious, even with his hackles up as they are. “Why are you dressed like that?”
“I’m in my pajamas!” Kravitz says, defensive. He knows the old, old Death Note t-shirt and Jack Skellington pants, which he got from the defunct K-mart mumble years ago, are not like. Flattering. BUT!! Listen. His vintage monogrammed pjs are in the dirty pile. And the dirty pile has gotten a little big, cause things have been nuts at work, and he’s worn out and exhausted and other words for fuckin’ wiped. What is it people say now. Eepy? Baby you’d best believe he’s eepy to the core like some kind of fucking blood disease. 
Man. Maybe he should get his vitamins checked. 
But also fuck you, closet guy, he’s in his own home, and no one was supposed to witness him tonight. He’s done being seen and perceived. You hear him? Done!
“Is that…so.” The guy squints at him. Kravitz would be assuming what the fuck he’s judging Kravitz on, but he kind of got lost in the attractive freckles and his long elegant fingers, and the gap in his teeth. And the hair, despite the fact that it is still all over the place, isn’t a minus. “I am Taako, prince of the elves.” 
“Oh, okay, and we’re back to zero,” Kravitz says, cheerfully realizing he’s going to have to fucking call 911 because he truly cannot figure out what the better option is. Except. He’s going to get strangled in his fucking Death Note t-shirt from 2013 because his goddamn Jack Skellington pants don’t have pockets and his phone is in the kitchen, actually, and they may not put that in his eulogy but everyone is going to know anyway, because of cringe osmosis. 
He doesn’t usually believe in cringe. Funny what imminent death does to your philosophy. 
“Why is that?” Taako squints at him, tucking hair behind his ears. And, shit, maybe he’s done costume work for whatever the fuck this is, maybe he’s had some insane plastic surgery, but his ears truly are crazy pointy. Not even elf in a movie pointy, like ten, twelve inches long, and they flick when Taako touches them. Kravitz reorients some facts, none of which add up, and he struggles.
“I’m Kravitz,” he says, against both his good judgement and his judgement he uses when his good judgement is dirty. 
Taako squints at him harder. Kravitz wonders if he should put the lamp down, especially considering it knocked over his wifi router which is blinking frantically like some kind of crying electric beast, but honestly whatever at this point. Like, is he going to die? Shit, then at least he doesn’t have to work tomorrow, you know? Sorry mama, he promises he cares, mostly. 
“Assistant head of sales,” he adds. Taako considers this at length. 
“I think I took the wrong portal,” he decides. He turns back to the closet, which reveals that he has a tail, actually, for real, as far as Kravitz can gather, and puts his hands on his enticing hips in frustration when he finds Kravitz’s bullshit mess of Work clothes, Dress Up clothes, Play clothes, and Nobody Can See Me Fuck Off clothes. And also four wigs, his heated blanket, the printer he’s mad at, an embarrassing amount of hangers,  and two paper boxes full of dumb garbage he can’t let go of from two moves ago. And some glitter. Shut up is why. 
"What the fuck is going on?" Kravitz demands. 
"Well," Taako says, with deep conviction, and doesn't finish. He turns back to face Kravitz. That tail flicks dismissively, still somehow incredibly appearing to be legitimate. Kravitz eyes him over, takes in his elaborate and scrumbled suit-gown of purple and gold gossamer and his thighs high boots and his golden eye makeup and also the way he keeps glancing at Kravitz's pajama pants. 
"Well?" Kravitz prompts. "You realize you're in Austin, Texas?" 
"Nah, uh," Taako looks a little pale now. "Chaboi was in Phandolin, in uh, Faerun, the fuck is a Texas?" 
So true. 
"Don't you dare tell me you hopped through a portal in my closet like reverse Narnia." 
Man. Maybe Kravitz will hit him with the lamp. Shame he's so pretty. 
"I don't have time for this," he mutters. "You always watch those fantasy movies and they just handle it, but I don't have- what am I supposed to do, call in an elf prince personal day? If I'm going to take an elf prince personal day you can bet- sorry, I…" Kravitz winces. Just because he wants this to be fake doesn't mean there isn't a situation at hand. 
"I mean, Taako is all for an elf prince personal day if it means what I think it means." Taako grins, showing surprisingly sharp teeth, which Kravitz feels totally regular about, no details thanks. "I was running from some assholes who wanted to murder me. I mean, I don't necessarily think monarchy is the way of the future either, but you don't see me assassing about it." 
"Well, no monarchy here." Kravitz can't help but be glib. He finally puts the stupid lamp down. Just on the bed. No way he's sleeping anytime soon. This makes the cord pull taut. His sad router just slumps onto the floor. Taako jumps and inspects its flashing lights, alarmed but also kind of fascinated. 
"No?" He glances at Kravitz, and back at the lights. "Sick. That sounds easier."
"Well, it's not like there's no- we don't have to do politics. Hey, Taako, if I take this as nonfiction, which I am not committed to, and do not faint, which I am also not committed to, what the fuck am I meant to do next?"
"I mean either we take that elf prince personal day, really make it count, or uh, you magic me back home, mister?" 
"Magic isn't real!" Kravitz runs his hands down his face, excruciatingly aware of the comedy of the situation. 
"Ah," Taako says, really tasting the gravity here. "Guess there's no option but to fuck me." 
"Now hang on," Kravitz says, struggling not to laugh. 
"No, I'm right, probably." 
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
thoughts on transman yamato and transwomen ace? (ik yamato is already canon so this is mostly just thoughts on transwomen ace lol)
I feel like if I think too much about Ace being a woman my lesbian heart won't be able to handle it but. But yeah. My thoughts are very-- Positive. Dying of lesbianism here.
I've always considered Ace transmasc but this is so good too??? I believe Ace as a woman would like. Be the same. But woman. Kind of like Luffy ngl. The thing with ASL is that Ace comes out as a woman and the other two are like "Oh cool! *change pronouns when talking to her*" and that's kind of. The whole thing for them? They're extremely supportive and WILL beat the shit out of you if you say something about their sister. But. Like. Ace is already the one beating people up for that so they don't need to worry--
Thinking about Ace coming out like, time after the sake thing and Luffy telling her that they need to do it again because "We swore we were brothers but!!!! I want to drink sake with you again and swear you will always be my older sister!!!!!" and it melts Ace's heart completely. Not to mention that now nobody fights about who's the oldest because now Luffy has an older sister and an older brother!!
Makino would be the sweetest soul to her,,, She teaches her stuff and Ace is always asking her things to be more of a ""real woman"" and Makino is like ???????? "what do you mean real woman, sweetie, it doesn't matter what you do and how you look like as long as you're comfortable!! Don't let other people tell you otherwise!!" and Ace realizes that's the type of girl she wants to be to become a good older sister to Luffy. Supportive and kind and herself even if a lot of people won't see her the way she is.
Ace goes through life so not giving a shit-- I think she is the same except that when she wins fights and people think she is a guy she is just like "haha a woman beat you up fucking loser" and when people realize she is a girl they're all like "noooo cover your chest that's indecent!!" and she's so confused and angry because why is it okay to do so when they think she is a guy but it's wrong when they find out she is a girl???? She goes boobs out everywhere fr fr.
I think Ace is the type of saying "I can't have surgery and boobs so I'm just gonna do so much exercise my chest will look huge" and she is so committed to that. Good for her.
And!!!!!! When she meets Yamato??? And Yamato tells her he is a guy??? Ace is like "OH ME TOO ME TOO I AM A GIRL AND PEOPLE CONSTANTLY THINK I'M A GUY IDK WHY" and they have their "we the same fr" and fall in love bc no matter the gender Yamace is always canon. `You have this cool but a bit of a failgirl Ace and her tall af cute boyfriend. Boy who says teehee x Girl who laughs like a lunatic.
Also, I think her relationship with Roger would change a bit? And she already loves her mom but she would do it now even more because she would feel like-- More connected to her experience as a woman? I think Ace should wear a little flower in her hair just like Rouge, too.
And not to be depressing af but when Marineford happens and everybody treats her as Roger's SON she is having the worst time of her life for so many reasons. And Luffy just tells everybody he sees that Ace is not a guy and he might be in the middle of saving her but he will fight people so they refer to her right.
Idk I think there are more things to say but I am eepy and I just woke up. But I absolutely love this and Ace as a trans girl lives in my mind rent free.
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ananxiousgenz · 6 months
for anyone who is actually reading these in order: they are not in any real kind of order. I am simply writing as the inspiration comes to me so the scenes are all over the fuckin place. also if this isn't as good as the prior parts, i apologize, i am eepy and my brain isnt working very well
@smidgen-of-hotboy and @ceaseless-watchers-special-girl psppsps come get your juice (@urjover and @one-joe-spoopy and @waters-and-the-wilde you guys can come read this too!!)
part 1 and 2 are on my account somewhere
the world straighted up and took notice the day peter nureyev walked into that bar.
well, maybe not the world.
but fate certainly did. and so did juno steel. and maybe that's close enough.
it was another day like they had all been in that eternal winter: windy, overcast, and grey, with a kind of chill that doesn't nip as much as sink its fangs into your bones and never let go. he'd come into the bar for the same reason everyone else had, juno assumed, trying to get out of the wind and cold and warm up a little. but there was no warmth to be found here. no true relief from the constant cold that had been the norm for years.
spring had disappeared. and the world had never really quite recovered from its loss.
juno wasn't discouraged, though. he knew there had to be a way to fix it, and then it came to him while he was stacking crates out behind the bar a few days ago. a simple song popped into his head, and when he sang it. oh, when he sang it. it was like spring with all of its warmth and goodness and chaos had come back into the world for just a moment. and then the moment was over, and juno left with the knowledge that maybe, just maybe, he could fix things. the song needed work, certainly, but even as it was, it could fix a lot.
not everything, but a lot. he knew deep down some things could simply never be fixed.
he was musing about how to continue the song while wiping down one of the bar tables that seemed to be perpetually sticky with old beer and fading finish when the door creaked open, announcing a new customer. the work never stopped here, did it? no matter, he'd get to them in a minute when he was finished with this table and then he'd-
he glanced up at the new customer and suddenly found himself rooted to the spot, heart pounding and face flushed.
he was.... he was.........
this new customer was quite possibly the most stunning man juno had ever seen. his hair was mussed from the wind outside and his face was flushed with cold. standing tall and lean in an oversized traveling coat, features sharp and clever as he spoke with juno's coworker at the bar. a streak of dirt rested on his cheek just below his wire rimmed glasses as he wriggled his warm leather gloves off.
he was clearly tired. everyone was. hard times do that to a people. but this man wore the exhaustion like a fine diamond bracelet, made for him in a way that complimented his countenance perfectly.
he was beautiful.
and that made him dangerous.
not that juno cared. he was quite fond of danger.
the man finally sat down at a table and sighed deeply, propping his head up on his hand as he waited for the drink he ordered. juno simply kept staring. he wasn't quite sure what to do next outside of stare. a thousand words were flooding his brain and all of them were stuck in his throat.
rita, his coworker, noticed. "you really wanna talk to him, dontcha boss?"
juno could only nod. dammit, why couldn't he say anything??
"then go DO it, boss!! whataya waitin' for?"
he opened his mouth to make some snappy remark, but nothing came out, so he just closed his mouth and nodded.
"oh, and mista steel?"
"yes, rita?"
"don't come on too strong, okay? I know you get a little excited about meetin' pretty people sometimes-"
"oh gods, rita, that was one time!!"
"well, it still cost lil old rita about a week's wages to replace the whiskey bottles you shattered from bein' so clumsy, so don't do it again!"
juno rolled his eyes and grabbed the stranger's drink to set down on his table. it was only a few steps to move, but somehow it felt like crossing mountains and rivers. juno's hands were shaking by the time he finally reached the man's side.
"ah, thank you, darling."
gods. even his voice was stunning. low and even and smooth as glass.
juno didn't even realize he was staring again until the man looked at him, slight concern etched onto his features. "are you alright? do you need something from me? I'm quite sure I paid at the bar but if you're looking for a tip-"
"come home with me." the words were out of juno's mouth before he could even think about them.
the man's eyebrows shot up and juno felt his face redden. he was quiet for a moment before responding. "you want me to go home with you?"
"i don't even know who you are."
"i'm juno. i'm going to marry you."
there was another pause and internally, juno cringed. the one chance he gets to talk to someone attractive and he can't even act like a normal human being. of course it would be like this.
the man studied him for a moment before leaning back towards the bar to look at rita, who had been studying this interaction with all the curiosity of a child watching rabbits in the forest. "is he always like this?"
rita nodded vigorously. "absolutely, mista stranger-guy."
the man nodded thoughtfully before turning back to face juno. "i'm peter. peter nureyev."
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Part One of Two, because I'ven't done one of these in forever and have a backlog of quotes lol
"Unfortunatey his lifeless corpse is lifeless" - Adam Raucous cheers of "Lenin" - Blue "Wouldn't you like to know fed boi" - Blue @ Gansey "Look [I] can't help [I’m] a shopaholic, okay?" - Henry  "The whole thing behind buttchugging" - Kavinsky "Okay Squidward" - Henry "Little known red gem fact: the gem is red" - Ronan "Have depression? Just sleep! Have exams coming up? Just sleep! 50,000 dollars in debt? Just sleep it off!"- Ronan "If you're sleeping you can't hear the IRS” - Ronan "I am a tree person basically" - Blue "[Gansey] has [Ronan] trained" -Kavinsky   "Very craisin" - about Gansey’s brain "THE JORTS ARE BACK" - Henry "Bugs are like fish, they don't have feelings" - Ronan "The land animals are safe, the fish have sinned" - Ronan "Too big to be an ankle biter, it's a calf biter now" - Ronan about Blue "Oh damn, diva down for real this time" - Henry "Silly little guy. Don't mind him and his icbm shaped suitcase" - about Nathan "Ga[nsey] pulled a Karen moment"   "You can't spell arson without sin" - Ronan "Advanced eepy" - about Adam, or Ronan, or Declan. Really just take your pick lol "If there's no blood, there's no bood alcohol level" - Kavinsky "Raised by my father's wife" - Kavinsky "How dare you say the fuck word to my small approachable [Noah]" “The reservation at Yapplebees is over!" - Blue kicking her boys out of Nino’s at closing time “Woke Lewis Caroll be like: Jab-her woke-he” - Henry “On the girl math glaive grind” - about Henessey “[Ronan] goes straight for pride month” - Henry “My girl does not have kind eyes” - about Blue “The middle-aged mother thing, which is look at me” - Adam “I love when 18 year olds are in kindergarten” - Kavinsky “Henchson” - about Declan “If [you] had a fursona, it’d probably be one of the anti-drug PSA animals” - Henry @ Gansey “I see pretty people, I say AWOOGA!” - Adam “Since when do we have a murder limit?” - Ronan “I’m not well versed in hot dog” - Gansey’s rich ass “So anyway, I got rizzed up on Microsoft Teams” - Adam “Me when I’m straight” - Henry
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bug-bites · 1 year
whatcha lookin at buddy? :3
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tw: none!! just some silly fluffy romantic hcs, also not edited bc im just an eepy lil guy
pairing: rodolfo "rudy" parra x gn!reader
summary: uhhh your boyfriend shares his silly little late night habit with you or something
characters: rodolfo "rudy" parra
notes: i never know what to title these things also i know the formatting is ugly!! i wrote this in my notes app and was too lazy to make it look decent,, <(_ _)>
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rudy never was one to sleep early, in all honesty he seemed to do the complete opposite. he would always go to bed hours later after you. you never understood why.
it wasn't anything that made you suspicious, he wouldnt go far, most of the time he would still be at home, just outside. it was just odd, but it didnt seem like anything bad?
one night you woke up and there was an unfamiliar emptiness beside you, rudy wasnt there next to you like he was right before you fell asleep
its the middle of the night what else would this guy be doing at 2am??
so you're panicking a bit, you wake up and your boyfriend isnt next to you. sure maybe hes just pissing but you're tired and logic isnt the first thing that comes to mind
you call out for him, your throat a bit dry after you've just woken up and it comes out a bit more panicked than you intended
you sit up, eyes scanning the room looking for him- any sign of him
a sigh of relief leaves your lips, he's there. he's in your bedroom, back turned to you as he gazes upwards, out the window.
as soon as he hears his name his head whips around, why are you panicking?? whats going on?? did something happen? did you have a nightmare? most importantly, are you okay?
but he hears your sigh and you mumble something under your breath. he closes the curtains and walks towards you, gently cupping your cheek
"qué pasa?" "sorry i just- you weren't next to me and i just panicked" "nothing to be sorry for."
his voice is soft, barely above a whisper. he runs his thumb along your cheekbone, holding your cheek so tenderly it feels like you're about to melt
"it's okay. im right here."
"what were you doing?" you ask him, its about damn time he tells you anyways and you're getting curious about his strange nighttime habit "you'll find out tomorrow. its better if its a surprise." he kisses your forehead and climbs back into bed with you. "what if i dont want it to be a surprise?" "well thats not up to you. now go to sleep, cariño"
one his arms snake around your waist, the other making its way under your head, like a pillow but better
the next night, as soon as it gets dark he finally lets you in on his not so secret secret.
he grabs your hand, your fingers intertwining with his and leads you outside to a picnic blanket
"its a bit late for a picnic." you say with a yawn
he rolls his eyes as he walks over to the blanket, lying down flat on his back. you do the same, curious to what his next move was.
"stop looking at me and look up" he says with a chuckle
you listen to him and look up, hundreds of stars scattered in the distant sky. its calm, the sounds of the crickets chirping, his hand in yours, your back flat against the picnic blanket, its so serene you almost forget to breathe
"i used to do this all the time when i was younger." rudy says, breaking the silence "i would set up a mat outside and me and alejandro would lie there for hours until my mamá would yell at us to come back inside"
you look over at him, just for a second and catch him smiling as he reminisces
"i like to look at the stars when i get overwhelmed. reminds me i how small i am in the universe" "thats a bit melancholic, dont you think? the idea that we're so much smaller than the universe. like we dont matter as much as we think" you say, "i dont think of it like that. its like the world is bigger than my problems, it continues and theres so much more than just my troubles." he replies, eyes fixated on the stars "well when you put it that way, it sounds pretty nice"
the next few minutes are spent with rudy teaching you some basic constellations like the big and small dipper and then moves onto the more complex ones like ursa minor, andromeda and orion.
each constellation he points out comes with a story, as great as they look you cant help but watch him as he tells you all about them. its something he loves so deeply, you can tell from the way the corners of his mouth turn upwards as he describes them to you, the look of amazement in his eyes even though he's seen the stars hundreds of times. you cant help but fall more for him with every word he says
"i wish we met earlier. before when i was younger you could see so much more than just ...this. i wish i could've shown it to you" his tone becomes slightly bittersweet.
you don't exactly know what to say, you just wrap an arm around his torso, you mutter a soft "i know" right before you press a kiss to his cheek
the next time you two go stargazing its when you go camping together, although sure its not just in your backyard its as close as you can get with just enough clarity in the sky to see everything rudy wanted to show you :]
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taglist: @pygm4li0n
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hehe..... ari.......... i am already here...... knife and fork in hand............... gimme food gimme lore. how did you and mister sweetheart mister laios mister oblivious meet?????? was it a meet-cute, or a meet-ugly perhaps???? like an accidental meet-ugly????? he bumped into you and spilled his food all over you???? i could see that i think it would be qwfully cute actually:333 anyway hehehehe please indulge me i really wanna know more abt the two of you!!!! - @teddybeartoji
MICKEY . you work fast ……. i have to respect it…….. BUT WAHHHH THIS MADE MY BRAIN SPIN SO FAST :(((((((( sniffle . i love him. I HAVE MANY THOUGHTSS pls bear with me my sweet sunflower…….
here is a snack for you while you read :33 🥪 and a kiss on the cheek. mwah!!
OKAY SO . i’m very fond of the meet-ugly idea….. thank you for the free lore i’m a tiny pigeon eating crumbs straight from ur hand 🐦🐦 NO BC. it feels so fitting doesn’t it…… a pair of losers stumbling into each other’s lives………. we’re both at some adventurer’s restaurant stop and i trip over his foot and drop my plate of food . and he apologizes. and i’m like . ah . he’s cute. (puppydog effect 💔)………. and i end up joining his party somehow. i don’t think it’d take a lot of convincing tbh i’m susceptible to manipulation and peer pressure at any given moment 🙏🙏 maybe it’s like… right after the falin thing. and they’re desperate to fill up their party. and i’m just like . okay yeah. bc i wanna see the dragon + laios has bewitched me 😔😔
….. actually this got me thinking abt . what kind of adventurer i’d be …. and as much as i love & adore playing as the knight-esque sword guy when it comes to rpgs….. realistically i feel like i’d be a magic user …. or a bowman ….. or a rogue like chilchuck . a bard ??? 👀 maybe ????? ANYWAYYYY that’s not important i just think it’s fun 2 think abt :333 (which class do u think you’d be mickey 🎤🎤 i need to know!!!!)
AND THEN . yeah. i’m just….. crushing on him. i think. and the more i get to know him the more i’m like. i need him to be happy. i need him to succeed. i want to stay by his side . etcetc…… down horrendous in other words <///3 and he’s just so oblivious yk???? marcille and chilchuck get it immediately and they’re both like . my condolences. he’s happily married to monsterkind 😐😐
BUT LAIOS IS JUST . he’s just so caring….. yk……….. makes me food and pats my head and drapes a blanket over me when i get sleepy . ik i’ve already said it but!!!! i rlly do see arilaio as a black cat/golden retriever kinda deal…… w me being . very eepy all the time . a little grumpy. i just feel like that side of me would peek out around him bc he’s big and safe and warm :3 i’m normal abt him btw .
i’m already starting to get 2 into it so i’ll stop myself BUT. i do also wanna say!!!! this is . a yapper/yapper dynamic…….. bc i feel like we’re both good listeners. but also yap a horrific amount when it comes to smth we love 😭😭 yk how he is abt monsters….. i’d be the exact same way but like . w books. or games. or whatever. so it’s just him teaching me abt monsters while i look up at him w hearts in my eyes + me rambling abt smth or another while he gives me Intense Eye Contact and asks follow up questions <3333333 OK I’M DONE . he just. he is….. the way he is . which is perfect . 😔😔
anyway !!!!! THANK YOU SM FOR THE QUESTION MICKEY….. 🥺🥺🥺 you’re the sweetest little guy ever and i hope you know i love you <3 i hope you’re resting a lot and soaking up the sunlight!!!! and i hope you sleep so well tonight :3 i’m tucking you gently into bed as we speak!!! bringing you extra blankets and fluffy pillows and a big cup of jasmine tea <33333
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this is literally arimickey + laios btw <333333
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spamtoon · 3 months
DCRC Week 3 Paperinik
i'mmm fumnking late again but its okay its okay this is a little treat after homework alright. ohohoh. i get to like chill and relax and think about this funny silly comic okay. once again goofy liveposting
ah yes out of everything you've faced evronians little boy duck is the worst thing there's been. i mean like yes he DID kick ass with those uno weapons but like
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goofy ahh stances. this is how a grunt trinity should be i htink. these are the beaglevronians in my heart
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the fucking way uno's literally just like nuh uh! nuh uh! i'm so.look at him. look at uno he's so fucking goofity. donald is so tired.
Why is the other panel fucking phrased with m.egavolt connotation I'm so mad. its beautiful i'm so fuckin gmad sorry i'm thinking about mega.volt you know how it is
donald forgot to bring his weapons. megav.olt moment
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dammmm okay. work it girl. at first i was literally like aw come on dont introduce a human looking character and then she just does that. alright. i can get down to this.
i could call a tow truck... but then my heroic repuattion would suffer... its okay duck avenger darkwing rode around with a random trucker guy once and got called a vampire in terms of reputation you're fine.
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donald??? getting rest???? now that's crazy...
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uno's fucking five head and smug ahh talking. i love you uno...
xadhoom and her fucking fire hands she's so. she's sooo
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the fucking way the little action panel goes and then ends with donald fucking. steam rolling the evronians
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she... i do not have anything to add i am just listening and seeing where this goes okay. the fucking scene where donald takes care of her and she's just like "?????" im so
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i do noooot like the humans on this page but ITS OKAY BECAUSE TRIPLETS!!!! HI TRIPLETS oh my cog bucees is real
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ohhhhhh she's so silly i love her actually. the way she gobbles that baking soda you go girl
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no eay oil... spamtoon g spamtoon reference..
okay so. theyre trapped there. and the thing is gonna be they have to like work together to. stretch the bubble or something. another issue where im like alright how are they gonna write themselves outta this one
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omg she used to be green holy fuck i love her. omg. ouhghgghhghgghh... i feel like that could have been built up to more with the way they did it in this issue and how easily they solved it but like oh. ooh. makes me wonder if her planet was the one the evronians were invading in the beginning. when scientist characters...
the fucking way they just had uno pop the bubble. shoutout to xadhoom just casulaly killing evronians. and duck avenger being like alright. the fucking way she ouhgohgohghghghgh she so angy...
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im so mad the fucking cheerful little walk. she's so happy. i'm so... she would have sacrificed herself.......... uno's fucking eyes being alligned like that i'm so. donald saying Glom
HOORAY okay good issue. i love her i enjoy her character but i also feel like it was rushing a few things in terms of pacing y'know? but maybe thats because im like. tired as of reading this and need to go to eepy town but hey! thats paperinik! farewell gamers maybe i'll read don rosa and the next issue of paperinik tomorrow but lorrrrrd knows if i will
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fence-time · 1 year
Okay so I am eepy, as usual, but a headmate made a joke about making a Tangdubs fankid and I felt like inflicting that on you for fun.
If they had a kid, they'd be so obnoxious about it. Like just showing them in so much love.
Impdubs might be annoying, but I think Tangdubs gets to be even more annoying as a treat <3
- Sincerely, a very eepy lad that just woke up (and is about to go back to sleep)
Yeah- okay so they said this as a joke -….. well uhhhhh- @itstaisstuff and I may have taken it and ran with the idea… sorry but also not really ^^
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Yeaaahhhhh…. Anyways here’s our little guys , we may be a bit insane :3
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fancytube064 · 7 months
Juno Lore… please 🙏
oh lord this might be a rant of a post but here we go! (Disclaimer! I am a very shitty writer, juno is probably under the category of a MarySue, and this is just a for funisies character!)
Okay so let's start at the very beginning, Junos mother, Annabella valentine had a "strange" encounter with a mysterious man in the woods one day, becuase who wouldn't want to get down and dirty with a 7'3 guy with horns when your in loveless marriage to a preacher? Anyway she ended up getting pregnant and 9 months later out pops a little baby girl, Juno orchid valentine (yeah her mom was SOOO creative with her name guys (I say as if I didn't name her) )). Around 4 years later, Annabella is "mysteriously" drowned in the lake near the community church! Leaving poor little 4 year old juno in the care of her father, Issac Jr valentine. And let's just say... Issac isn't exactly the best father... or a decent one at that. Juno was mainly neglected in her childhood or was beaten if Issac deemed her indeed of a punishment, even if she had done no wrong. And no one believed little juno that her daddy, the kind hearted preacher of the Arlen gerogia church! She didn't have nuch friends in her school years either, the kids at her school assumed that she was tattle tail and was stuck up all because she was the preachers kid, but she didn't mind. She preferred being alone, all she needs is a good book to keep her company (NERD). A little later on in life, around 12, juno met this weird skinny kid at church camp one summer, a tall scraggly boy named Jonathan kenny-crane. They ended up creating a bond with one another over their shared trauma and love for reading. They would start hanging out in secret after that summer, exploring abandoned buildings and going to the library together. ANOTHER TIME SKIP WOW WEE!! At 17 Juno ran away from her home and father, leaving for gotham city. For awhile juno simply worked as a body guard,finding she had a strange amount of natural strength. But body guarding didn't pay that well, now did it? Juno was offered a job at the age of 20, kill a rival mafia boss for someone and receive 2 thousands dollar in cold hard cash. This kicked off her career as an assassin for hire. Juno slowly built a name for herself over 8 years in the mercenary community, she was surprisingly good at what she did, atleast for an amateur. She ended up catching the attention of slade wilson, who offered to train her. She trained under him for a few years before going back to working as an assassin. By that time she was 32.
Alright that's all I got for now I'm eepy
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hyperfixated-homo · 1 year
😈 - is Mikey a little shit
❓️- what role does Casey play in your au? does she come up at all?
❓️- do the horror boys still fight the regular villains after they get back from their horror-verses? how would that play out with their changed personalities (personalities might not be the word I'm looking for but you get the idea)
😈 - mikey isnt a little shit in this verse unfortunately :( he had to grow uo and be independent so quickly because of his trauma that he finds it a bit hard to be jokingly mean or annoying.
❓- ooh!!! okay SO. since i am incapable of creating an original villain, my boy shreddy is going to be the big bad, with the foot clan backing him up for Chaos Reasons. casey, much like in the show, originally starts off in the foot before joining forces with the hamatos in order to stop the shredder. she becomes an official member of the clan, eventually. which means an initiation process, eventually. long story short, her horror genre is splatter (basically any horror that focuses solely on BLOOD and GUTS and GORE)
❓- i believe i write an answer to this in my discord. i’m gonna copy paste it here because i eepy :)
1. I think that at first, it’s actually only Mikey that wants to fight crime when he comes back. Since he had to deal with so many criminals back in his au, he really wants to try to help fix this world and avoid letting them fall apart like his own did. I imagine the others would join in for no other reason than wanting to support him. Leo and Donnie don’t really care what they do? But they’ve both found it easier to not have breakdowns when they’re outside the lair. Raph wants to keep his brothers safe, so he usually follows along.
So fun fact (that idk if i ever mentioned) the boys are 13-15 when they leave their respective dimensions. Which means that they only start fighting crime once they come back. Which means the villains didn’t know them before they became like this. All this to say, they are SIGNIFICANTLY scarier to them than they are in the canon show, but it’s not because they knew them before. It’s because holy shit these fucking kids will actually kill me what the fuck. What the FUCK.
How it goes depends on who they’re fighting. Draxum is suprisingly equal to them in terms of how they fight, and usually only escapes due to quick thinking and luck. The smaller villains (eg Warren, Repo Mantis, those crab guys whos names I can’t remember for the LIFE of me) are pretty much a nonissue. Except Hypno. I might explore that a bit later. The foot are actually quite easy to thwart, though none of them know quite what the Foot are doing anyways, so that doesn’t mean much.
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
HELLOOO WAVES WAVESSS I READ CHAPYER 1 OF ROSES LETS GOOO I am also very Eepy bc I just came back from work so I don't have that big of an ask bUTTTT this chapter was great holyshit I'm so excited to read spruce and snowflakes analysises like holyshit there is so much food, all of the little hidden meanings in everyone's words?? Like bro. Bro. I feel like every single word was consciously decided and well thought out. Every little thing is important and that is one of my FAV things in fics. I feel like there's gonna be a lot of foreshadowing in this fic. Also oooh :00 Tommy's playing a bigger part than I was expecting, I am now so?? Curious? Omgggg
God I am eating up these vibes so much Bee I love this so much already actually like this is SO lovely, reminds me a lot of the high fantasy novels I used to read which are my fav vibes ever :)) def like late summer reading eueueu this is gonna be fun to reread I can already tell omgomgomg
Why do I feel like Wilbur being blinded by the sun is going to play a bigger part in the story . You've mentioned it twice now I am Staring
Uhm I'm worried by Wilburs sheer amount of confidence about Niki being chosen. Makes me think maybe, just maybe, he is wrong
oh man I already love tntduo in this I am so excited rahhsss
I love Phil
Also . Is Wilbur. Is he saying. Is he saying Phil is THE most powerful man . I am eyeing him. I am eyeing him so hard
"Of course I trust him" what if I cry .
Ranboo once again a spy LMAOFJFKGKGK I feel like everyone's gonna get war flashbacks to stars dhfjfkfk
Ooohhh mannn the tension is already high oohhh mannn I am so scared for this fic /pos
I'm so excited actually like . So excited. I am also incredibly tired so this is shorter than my normal asks FHFJ but just know that I am actually. Like. Holy shit I love this so much already Bee idk how to express this I'm so excited omhogmgogmg
This fic is already so cool. Like. Aaaaaaaaaaa
Okay I'll end this before I repeat myself for the thousandth time BUT JUST KNOW I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS. A LOT OF FEARS
Also I'm not going to be surprised if this ends up being my fav long fic from you. Like I am so biased towards medieval vibes but I also just?? Idk I'm really enjoying this first chapter and all of the levels of complexity that's involved. I just think this fic is going to be very, very fun :))
now that i've finished rose ch 2 i'm scrolling way back in my asks to answer some rose asks so hi icy :)
oh yeah writing rose so far is very much like writing stars in the sense that i have to be so careful about every word i use. I think things over so much and the dialogue especially has to be so carefully balanced. tbh it kind of makes it maddening to write but it's worth it it's worth it
I tried to keep tommy's level involvement a bit of a secret until I posted the first chapter, but yeah, he's actually a major player in this. I can't wait for you guys to meet him next chapter rose!tommy is going Through It
soooo glad you like the vibes I'm having so much fun with it so far. I can't wait to get more immersed in the atmosphere of everything
the sun can blind you when you look at it from a certain angle idk maybe I just thought it was a fun description and there's nothing else there :)))
rose!tntduo are SO fun you guys don't even know
if two people have a gun, who is the most powerful person? the one who pulls the trigger or the one who tells them where to point and when to shoot?
rose!sandduo makes me eat the walls phil trusts his son and loves him so much but also ohhhh their dynamic is so complicated
LMAO LOOK i didn't make ranboo a spy on purpose to reference stars it just sorta worked out that way c!ranboo is just a little hypocrite like that
i'm so glad you're enjoying it so far!! it's definitely going to be a brain shift going from glass to this and I'm already feeling the struggle but once I switch over I know I'm gonna get so into it I'm so excited to dive into this world and to hear everyones thoughts
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hoperoiselover · 1 year
TW: child abuse, swearing, religious themes, Scopophobia, Alcohol, smoking, mental breakdown, Scotophobia, manipulation
stay safe <3 also i want to make a shout out to the comment on AO3 that said, "Eliana, leave ur man, and come be lesbians with me", you have no idea how much I love this comment
“Why am I missing over TWO HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS IN MY ACCOUNT?!” Mervin screamed at Eliana making her jump and scoff.
“Your account? You mean ours. And shut you-”
“NO NO NO. NOT OURS. JUST MINE. I changed the pin, so only I can access withdrawals,” Mervin glanced at Eliana and opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of booze.
“WHAT?! MERVIN, YOU KNOW I NEED ACCESS, SO I CAN BUY FOOD FOR US,” Eliana snapped, she snarled at her husband.
“It’s your fault Eli. Now you have to ask me when you need money, or when I let you have money,” Mervin opened the bottle, and swished it side to side. The alcohol spun in the bottle.
“Th-this... THIS IS FUCKING INSANE! I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO ASK YOU OR WAIT FOR YOUR PERMISSION TO BUY THINGS THAT WILL BENEFIT US!” Eliana slammed the broom on the floor, and swung her arm to the side.
“SHUT UP! Look, you’re fucking hiding something from me Eli… and trust me… trust me. When I find out what it is. Ohh… you’re going to fucking pay,” Mervin whispered into her ear and grinned.
Eliana froze and grinded her teeth together, “I fucking h-hate you…”
“And I hate you more sugar plum,” Mervin hummed, walked away, and took a sip from his bottle. His dress shoes making a tapping noise as he stepped on the wood floors.
Eliana cursed under her breath and leaned against the kitchen counter. She took a shallow, shaky breath and cried to herself as she covered her face with her hand.
“D-damn you Mervin Marshall…. D-damn you…” She was pissed. This man. A person she had loved so dearly… turned into a fucking bastered.
Eliana screamed and hit her fists down against the marble countertops. They stung in pain, and Eliana growled through her teeth. She hated that man with her entire being. She would kill him if she could, yet Eliana could not. Not when she had a son to protect and now another little one to worry about… Jonah… Adam… may god protect those two. Eliana promised to try her best. Her heart pounding in her chest as her ears rung with rage. God bless this mess.
Jonah had been covering Adam’s mouth with his hand. The screaming from the kitchen made him shake. Adam stared at the door with confusion and frustration. “Shhh go to the closet…. Hide in there…” Jonah whispered to Adam. This was the quietest Adam had ever heard Jonah’s voice.
Adam wanted to stay with Jonah. He fidgeted with his hoodie as Jonah lowered his hand from Adam’s mouth.
“B-” Adam cut himself off. The sound of dress shoes on wood soon became more apparent. Jonah’s face looked terrified. He grabbed Adam’s wrist, shoved him into the closet, and closed it before Adam could react.
Jonah’s door opened, a man in his late thirties holding a bottle of booze stood tall in front of the small child, “Jonah, what are you doing?”
Adam watched from the closet’s crack. He kept quiet and watched, a slight tremor in his hand.
“O-oh, I was just playing with my toys, Pops…” Jonah looked at his father, his posture straight and his playful demeanor seemed to melt off of him.
“Mmh, playing? Okay son… Say, can you do your old man a favor?” Mervin sat on Jonah’s bed, kicking a toy car to the side.
“O-oh! S-sure… What is it, Pops?..” Jonah looked at the toy car as it rolled to a stop. Jonah’s voice was laced with anxiety.
“Jonah, eyes on me when I’m talking. Come sit with me,” Mervin snapped his fingers at Jonah, and patted the bed where he wanted Jonah to sit.
“S-sorry Pops…” Jonah looked back at his father and sat next to him on his bed, “S-so what is th-the favor?..”
Mervin smiled and placed the bottle of alcohol on Jonah’s nightstand, “Well, your Mother spent money on something today, yet I have no idea what it could be… do you know what she spent it on?” Mervin grabbed a cigarette pack from his suit pocket and took a cigar out. He shoved the pack back into his pocket.
Jonah made a nervous humming sound as if he was thinking. “Ummm, nope! I don’t know what Momma spent money on… sorry Pops..”
“Hmp.. I figured,” Mervin grabbed a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigar. He closed the lighter, shoved it in his pocket, and placed the cigar in his mouth, inhaling the fumes and blowing them out a few seconds later.
“Jonah, you know how I feel about liars…” Mervin grabbed Jonah’s jaw with his free hand, his breath reeked of booze and tobacco, “So don’t be a fucking snake.”
Jonah gasped and whined, “B-but Pops…. I-I don’t know… h-honest! I-I don’t like liars either…” Jonah didn’t try to pull away from his father’s grasp, he only shook and let fate take its unfair course.
Adam watched in anger. He wanted to protect Jonah from that man, but he stayed put… Adam’s feet felt like they were stuck in concrete.
“Sure kiddo. Sure… You’ll believe whatever I say, and just nod your little, naive head. You don’t know anything really, do you?” Mervin hummed and shook Jonah by his jaw a bit. He looked down at Jonah with soft eyes. There was something off about them. They way his eyes never shone unless he was drunk, or how he only smiled when he got his way.
“You know that I love you right Jonah?” Mervin let go of Jonah’s jaw and patted his head, entangling his fingers through Jonah’s dark brown hair.
“Pops… of c-course I do…I-… I love you too…” Jonah rarely heard Pops say ‘I love you’ to him, “P-pops are you and Momma okay?...”
Mervin chuckled slightly, “Don’t you worry your stupid little head. I have everything under control…” Mervin looked away from Jonah and took another inhale from his cigar as he patted Jonah’s head more aggressively.
“O-okay Pops…” Jonah held in a cough and winced at the pressure being applied to his head.
The two sat there as Mervin continued to smoke his cigar, the smoke filled Jonah’s nose and lungs. He coughed into his sleeve and Mervin looked at him.
Adam felt like coughing too, but he did not want to be caught by Jonah’s Dad. He muffled his cough with his sweater and whined.
Mervin sighed and looked at the closet for a bit.
“Jonah you know you can’t hide anything from me right?” Mervin put his hand on Jonah’s shoulder, and held his cigar in between his fingers.
Jonah whimpered softly and flinched, “Y-yes Pops… I know..”
“Then who is in your fucking closet.” Mervin smiled, his voice low and rough.
Jonah looked at Mervin with horror. He tried to look confused, but he would be lying and lying was bad. Yet he could not let Adam be found, “W-what?... What d-do you mean Pops?...”
Jonah fidgeted with his fingers, and he could feel anxiety grabbing at his chest, squeezing his frame, and trying to make him break.
Adam’s eyes widened and he stepped back. Would the man open the door? What was going to happen? Could he trust the man? He stepped into the corner of the closet and closed his eyes shut.
“Who. Is. In. Your. Closet.” Mervin stood up and gripped tighter on Jonah’s shoulder.
Jonah winced and shook softly, “N-no one…”
“BULLSHIT! I SAW SOMETHING FUCKING MOVE! I HEARD THE COUGHING!” Mervin pushed Jonah aside harshly and walked over to his closet, swinging it open.
“Ow! P-pops!..” Jonah cried and looked at his father with tears in his eyes.
There was ‘no one’ in the closet. Mervin growled and slammed the closet closed. He looked back at Jonah with rage.
“You and your goddamn mother, always hiding shit from me,” He walked back to Jonah and loomed over him.
Jonah was confused and scared. Where was Adam? Did he leave? Jonah looked up at Mervin with wide fearful eyes, tears making their way in them. He whimpered as his posture shrank, and his optimistic self was gone.
“MERVIN LEAVE YOUR SON ALONE. GO GET DRUNK SOMEWHERE ELSE YOU HYPOCRITE!” Eliana had heard Mervin’s yelling, and she had rushed over to Jonah’s room, swinging the door open and bringing the hostile attention towards her and not her son.
“Oh my FUCKING GOD. ELIANA MIND YOUR GOD DAMN BUISSNESS AND FUCK OFF FOR ONCE!” Mervin rolled his eyes and turned towards his wife.
Jonah shook and whimpered the tears in his eyes started to roll down his cheeks.
“YOU CAN YELL AT ME ALL YOU WANT BUT DON’T… DON’T YELL AT OUR SON!” Eliana walked in the room and pointed at her husband.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE, POINT AT ME. YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN ME,” Mervin’s yelling made Jonah cover his ears and cry. He wanted to hide and be comforted by his mom and Adam...
“SHUT UP MERVIN. YOU’RE AN AWFUL MAN. YOU’RE A SMOKER, ALCOHOLIC, ABUSER, AND AN ASSHOLE… YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELF! SO SHUT UP, GET OUT OF JONAH’S ROOM, AND GO SUCK A DICK FOR ALL I CARE!” Eliana wanted to slap Mervin. Her teeth made an awful grinding noise as locked her jaw in rage. She couldn’t believe the audacity this man had.
“...Why do I bother letting you stay here with this mistake?” Mervin spat his words at Eliana and growled. His cigarette separating the two.
“And why did I marry you?” Eliana spat back with the same anger in her voice.
“Because I gave you something you’d never have alone,” Mervin grinned and grabbed the bottle of alcohol. Jonah’s cries accompanied their yells and toxic words like a tragic opera.
“And what could that possibly be?” Eliana snarled.
“A son.”
Eliana looked at Mervin with rage, “Shut up. He’s the only good thing you’ve done in your life. Don’t ruin him.”
“He’s our son. So I'm allowed to do what I want, just like how you spoil him rotten,” Mervin rolled his eyes and inhaled another puff from his cigar.
“...” Eliana looked to the side.
“Ah, ah, ah, look at me when I’m talking to you,” Mervin smiled and used the side of his hand to make Eliana look at him.
Eliana scoffed and slapped his hand away, “Just… get out.”
Mervin chuckled softly, “Sure Eli, and make that brat shut up.”
“Shut up yourself,” Eliana mumbled and walked over to Jonah, picking him up and bouncing him gently.
Mervin left the room and slammed the door shut, his dress shoes’ tapping got more faint the further he got.
Eliana sighed and looked at her son sadly, “Shhh,... it’s okay…. He’s gone… don’t worry… Momma’s here… I got you baby…”
Jonah hiccuped and sobbed as he hugged his Momma, his cheeks had tear tracks and his eyes were puffy and red.
“Adam?.. Where are you honey?..” Eliana looked around the room for him.
There was no response except Jonah’s cries. The poor boy shook in his mother’s arms and sniffed. The closet’s doors slid open and Adam peeked from the door crack. Eliana frowned sadly at the poor boy. Adam was shivering, and he too was crying.
“Oh Adam… come here chico…” Eliana sat on the bed and held her son close, providing a free arm for Adam.
The boy went over to her, got on the bed, and hugged her and Jonah. He shivered and whimpered.
Eliana’s heart broke, “It’s okay… you’re safe with me… my sweet boys… you’re safe…” She rocked the boys gently and hummed to them. They were too young to be going through this, and Eliana felt like she was a part of the problem.
“A-adds?...,” Jonah whimpered and sniffed, looking at the blonde. He felt Adam’s hand touch his back along with his mother’s.
“M-mhm…” Adam nodded as he hugged the two.
Jonah sobbed softly and tightened his hug.
Eliana continued to hum softly and started to run her fingers through their hair. She smiled softly at the two boys and kissed their foreheads.
“Sleep chicos…You deserve to rest,”
Jonah sniffed and cuddled closer to his Momma. He was so grateful for his mother. She was like a guardian angel to him. Then again, aren’t parents supposed to be guardians? Adam looked at Jonah, then to Eliana, receiving a warm smile from her, and he felt safe for once. The Angel’s eyes seemed to disappear and all there was left watching over him was Eliana.
Adam closed his eyes, leaning his head against Jonah’s shoulder. He slowly drifted off to sleep. Adam’s body ached, and his eyes burned. The love he felt from Eliana’s comfort felt almost nostalgic: like a lost memory. Her fingers ran gently against his scalp making him yawn. He knew love like this before, but who gave him that love? Adam knew only one life, so why did he think there was another one before the T.V, before The Angel got him, before Jonah and Eliana? Maybe he was going crazy, but that was okay, because whatever happened before happened. Now he could start something new and be with new people who cared about him. Adam smiled softly as he let sleep take over his mind.
Tomorrow was another day.
The small bedroom was quiet, the only noise that broke the silence was the crickets coming from outside. Mark layed wide awake in bed, Cesar sleeping next to him. He hated the night and the dark, but his nightlight and Cesar’s company made the night more bearable.
Mark held his dog plushie close to his chest. His mind felt like tv static, anxiety making it hard to breathe. He quietly prayed to himself, he didn’t want to wake up Cesar. The dark was filled with all sorts of creatures that fed off of people like Mark; those who still believed. Sarah believed in the boogeyman and fairies while Make knew of the true monsters and demons that littered the house when everyone else was asleep.
He could not stay still anymore. Mark crawled out of his bed, his feet sent a shiver up his body when they touched the cold carpet. He went over to his window and stood on the little lion stool.
Outside the house was lifeless. The orange light coming from the lamp posts made the streets look like a horror movie. Mark whimpered quietly. He knew going outside at night would only lead to being exposed to those monsters he hated yet feared so much. The graveyard taunted him. When Cesar and him had left, he swore he could feel something pulling at his lungs. The feeling of eyes watching him only faded when he stepped inside his house. He shivered and got down from the stool.
Mark looked at his bedroom door. It was slightly opened. He liked it like that, yet at the same time he wanted to close it. Reason being he felt like he could notice the monster before it entered his room but if he closed the door he might be stuck with the monster. He sighed and whined softly, his green eyes filled with worry.
Mark walked over to his door and peeked out of his room and into the dark hallway that led to the void filled stairs. He shook softly, pulling on his hoodie strings for comfort.
Mark looked back at the sleeping Cesar who was now cuddling with Mark’s plushie. He felt some tension fall off his shoulders just for it to come back when he heard the floorboard creak. Mark gasped and jumped, turning his attention to the dark hallway and he stared. Mark’s breathing was uneven, his mind screaming at him to go back to bed with Cesar. Yet the boy couldn’t. His feet were stuck in the carpet, as if its fibers wrapped around his legs like a vine.
He could hear it.
Can you hear it?
“Come join us.”
“We can be a happy family again.”
“Join us.”
“We have missed you.”
“Our baby boy.”
“Wake Sarah and Cesar, I’m sure they would love to join us too.”
“Join us.”
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no significant harassment and unparalleled innocence for the character bingo:3
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nsh.. oh my siggy, my nish, my green bean, my funny little guy. daddy/mommy issues is on by default, this is an iterator we're talking about. i am addicted to traumatizing them until i see the rot sig headcanon. talk about rot sig and i'll kill you i love him too much. i could fix them. i could give him a good tight hug and tell him it's okay to need someone to be there for them the way he's there for everyone else and. god i love him so bad. if you even care
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INNOCENCE. MY TERRIBLE CREATURE. MY EEPY. they should be allowed to bite and kill. i'll fix her. i'll make him worse. my take on them is so far from the original bc there is one thing in the original </3. he's like yura beletsky to me. i could hunt them down like a cat decimating native songbirds. i'm doing this to her
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they're everything to me <3
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