#i am a winner and u are a loser
spinaldischarge · 7 months
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annakarenina · 6 months
not to be cheesy cringe and bare my ass in public but i dont think love is supposed to be a game bro…
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taketheringtolohac · 1 year
not to be crazy abt. haikyu on main but literally whenever they say oikawa tooru is not a genius I go crazy. like that part in the stageplay where they have iwaizumi narrating his backstory and have him say it. it’s fucking insane
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urhoneycombwitch · 4 months
Steve x reader smut, 1.3k
foreword: u know that scene from Euphoria where Elliot makes out with Jules’ hand as if it was her pussy… anyways Steve Harrington take it away!!! 🎤 (dedicated to 🦊 anon thank u for your wisdom)
Sure, the drinking and the dancing is a good way to pass the time, but you’re partial to the end-of-night rituals you and Steve have settled into over the years. Your personal afterparty usually involves a shitty romcom, occasionally some weed, and always snacks both sweet and salty to soak up the alcohol.
Steve’s parents are out of town again, so the two of you are down in the basement den, passing a joint between fingers sticky with candy film.
From all your years of reading Steve’s body language you can tell he’s pretty high- feet planted on the ground but head lolling against the back of the couch, hands lax at his sides. There’s a dopey grin on his face- practically primed for a shitty joke or annoying comment- and you let the smoke out with a huff, asking on the exhale, “What?”
“You owe me five bucks.” Steve presses the side of his head into the couch, looking at you with red-rimmed eyes, still smiling.
You scoff, leaning in to pass the joint back and swiping a handful of gummy bears from the coffee table while you’re at it. “Since fucking when?”
“Since I bought this from Eddie.” Steve waves the weed for emphasis before taking another hit, smoke curling from his nostrils. “You’re matching me in pace, princess. This joint was ten bucks- ergo, you owe me five.”
You cackle despite yourself- “Ergo? You’ve been watching too many Perry Mason reruns.” You know Steve’s not actually gonna make you pay for the weed, he’s just trying to rile you up, and the fact that it’s not working is getting under his skin.
He shrugs a shoulder, just shy of pouting. “Point still stands.”
“Well, you shoulda let me buy from him. Eddie always gives me discounts. On account of these.” Here, you straighten your spine and gesture to your chest- after all the night’s activity, your boobs are practically spilling out of your bra and t-shirt combo, skin glowing in the muted TV’s light.
Steve blinks, clears his throat, and busies himself by ashing the joint into a spare candy wrapper. “Uh huh. Right. I’ll be sure to remember your tits the next time I’m talking to Munson.”
“At least someone will be thinking of them.” You mean it as a joke, but your voice is a bit too mournful to be taken lightly.
“Ah, and you’ve been picking such winners, recently,” Steve intones, dryly. The pillow launched at his head in your poor attempt to hit him is easily batted away. “C’mon, sweetheart. You’ve been going out with total losers. Aaron Conroy? Jamie Porter? Wouldn’t trust either of those guys to find their own dicks. Let alone your whole… business.”
Steve’s aborted gesture to the general area of your jeans makes you guffaw. “Oh, and you’re the reigning expert on girls’ business?”
“Sure am. King Steve, after all.” Said king juts an overeager thumb into his chest, winces, then gives his hand a little shake.
“Mmhm.” You slide across the couch cushions to take the joint again, knee knocking into Steve’s. “I’m pretty good at it too, y’know.”
Steve stares with wide eyes as you suck smoke into your lungs, blinking owlishly before stuttering- “You- you’re saying you’re pretty good at eating pu- at eating girls out?”
Another cackle looses from your chest along with the smoke, you can’t help it- Steve looks so properly shocked. “No, Steve, obviously I meant sucking dick. Not that I’d be opposed, per se, to a girl’s… business.”
The word drips in irony and Steve scrubs a hand down his face in irritation as you settle against the couch next to him, brushing shoulders as you continue. “Just aren’t enough girls in Hawkins to go for. Who are both out and not my friends,” you amend, before Robin can be dragged into the conversation against her will.
“You wouldn’t go down on a friend?” Steve fidgets a strip of paper Clark Bar wrapper between his fingers, crinkling quietly while he waits for your answer.
The weed has settled in your system now, a haze in your veins as you stub the roach out and leave it on the coffee table. You settle back into the couch, suddenly aware of every point of contact- thigh to thigh, arm to arm, shoulder to shoulder with Steve, who’s seemingly paused his breathing.
“Uhm. Yeah. I’d sleep with a friend,” you say, staring at your lap, empty hands twisting around themselves.
The tension of the moment swells, you can feel it in your chest, even as Steve draws in a breath to muse, “Wonder who’s better at it.”
“Eating girls out?” You look at him to confirm, feeling a pang when you see the lock of chestnut hair that’s flopped from its place to rest against his forehead. “I mean… probably you. Seeing as you’ve got the most experience.”
Steve smiles, lazily, tipping his head in acknowledgement, then says, “I could teach you. If you wanted.”
If Steve feels the way you stiffen in response to his words he doesn’t point it out, instead tossing the wrapper aside in favor of taking your hand into his. “Only if you wanted, though.”
You start nodding before the words can come; a shaky “Okay,” and Steve’s wrapping two warm palms around your right hand, manipulating your fingers into making a fist.
“I like to start with kissing,” he says, voice low, gaze fixed on your combined hands. “Y’know. To work her up, get her wet.”
It’s not even technically dirty talk, but the pitch of Steve’s words make your thighs clench involuntarily, seeking friction. Steve brings your hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the base of your thumb, and your breath hitches.
“And then I… usually…” Steve trails off, and you can see the gears turning in his head at how best to teach. Apparently, he pegs you for a hands-on learner, because instead of words, he dips down to lick a stripe up the flat of your thumb.
Your mouth falls open as Steve licks deftly into the crease made by your thumb and index finger, curling the point of his tongue near the base again, your clit throbbing in response as if he was actually between your legs.
Steve makes out with your hand for what feels like hours, all sense of time warped by the heady weed. His mouth is warm and wet, saliva dripping through to your palm as he holds you in place despite your squirming.
What’s really turning you on is how into this Steve appears to be- his eyes are closed as if to savor the moment, brow pinched with pleasure, little noises from the back of his throat sending vibrations down your arm.
You fight the urge to sink your free hand into those silky brown locks; instead, your nails bite into soft skin as you clench a fist at your side, willing the subtle movement of your hips with each stroke of Steve’s tongue to stay subtle.
There’s an obscene squelching noise filling the otherwise quiet basement, and this seems to spur Steve on, suckling at your sensitive skin, heat coursing through your body as you gasp out, “Steve…”
He pulls off your hand with a wet pop, a string of saliva still connecting you both, his mouth a glistening half-moon in the low light before he swipes the back of his hand across it. “So. Yeah. Something like that. You taste good, by the way. Sweet.”
You fight with the hinge of your lower jaw to put it back in its place, breathing heavily as you wipe your slick-coated hand against the leg of your jeans. It leaves a wet patch- likely not the only one, if the heartbeat between your legs is any indication. “Probably the gummy bears.”
“Uh huh. You think you’re any better?” Steve’s got that easy grin back on his face, cheeks rosy, lips flushed with color, too.
A quick glance down confirms that he’s hard as a rock, sizeable outline of his cock visible through the denim, betraying the bravado in his stance.
Oh, you’re gonna wreck him.
With an easy grin of your own, you reach for Steve’s hand. “Dunno. Wanna find out?”
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milaisreading · 9 months
🌱🩷: Smn requested a pt2 of the U-20 team meeting crossdresser!Yn. So here it is!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Hmmm?" Sendou squinted his eyes as he observed the Blue Lock team.... well, the starters more than anybody else. They were all somewhat interesting, but also boring to some regards, yet he couldn't stop looking at them. Or, better yet, a certain person in the team. The (h/c) haired striker of the team certainly stood out, as he looked way more... softer(?) than the rest of his team. Even his movements weren't like those from the other guys.
"Hey, Sendou. Stop staring into space and listen to what Aiku is saying." Hayate said lazily as Teru and Teppei nodded their heads.
"Yeah, we need to win this game."
"Sae is already being annoying with how 'lukewarm' we are." Cho rolled his eyes as Niou sent the older Itoshi and Shidou death glares.
"Sorry... it's just... that Blue Lock striker over there is very odd." Sendou said as he discreetly pointed at (Y/n), who was busy talking with Hiori and Kurona about something.
"Odd? He is just standing." Niou pointed out.
"Also, you being distracted resulted in him scoring the 2nd goal." Itsuki added in.
Sendou blushed in embarrassment and glared at his teammates.
"Shut it! And he is odd. Even the way he is standing is odd. It's as if I am seeing one of those idol girls."
"You have completely lost it." Teppei said calmly.
"Maybe we should limit your TV and internet access." Teru suggested.
"What are you all talking about now?" Oliver raised an eyebrow as he and Miroku approached them.
"Sendou think that (L/n) guy is a girl." Hayate simply stated.
"I never said he was a girl! I just said he reminds me of those idol girls!" The boy flushed a bright red.
"Oookkay..." Oliver said as he looked over at the said player.
"Regardless, let's just play now. Sae is already being an ass to me."
"Deserved." Miroku and Niou added in.
As the 3 bickered, Sendou turned to look at the striker again. Sadly, this time, he wasn't as secretive, and Hiori noticed his staring, drawing (Y/n)'s attention to it. The two made brief eye contact, and Sendou swore he could feel his heart doing a flip or two as he stared into the player's eyes.
'Just what is it about you?'
Sendou thought that his encounter with the striker would end when the match ended, but no! They actually met up again at that karaoke bar, and again, Sendou had this weird feeling about the striker.
'He is just too perfect with girls... as if he knows first hand what they want to hear.' Sendou thought as he watched the boy's interaction with the two older girls. Meanwhile, Hayate, Teru, and Miroku were making fun of a pouting Oliver. Sendou watched as the striker's friends pulled him away from the girls.
"Stop being weird, Sendou." Cho warned the redhead.
"You are staring at the dude like he killed someone." Teppei noted.
"Please, whatever sort of weird feelings you have for him, sort it out. It's getting stressful to watch." Niou added in as Sendou flushed a deep red as he tried to deny that statement. Itsuki snickered a little.
"You do have a weird fixation." Miroku said, walking over to the group.
"Bachira, please don't make a scene!" (Y/n) yelled as he pulled him away from an argument with Oliver.
"He does remind me of a idol tho... I have to give it to Sendou for noticing it first." Hayate added in.
"Please don't tell me you have been staring too." Niou groaned.
"In my defense, he is cute." Sendou grumbled at the statement Hayate made, and got even more agitated as Miroku and Teru agreed.
"So, a bowling match it is!" Oliver exclaimed, getting the attention of the rest of the team.
"What?" Niou wondered.
"We agreed to a bowling match with you guys." (Y/n) spoke up as she tried to get Bachira off of her arm.
"Losers buy the winners food." The (h/c) haired striker finished.
"Well, in our case Reo is buying the food." Chigiri and Isagi snickered.
"Aiyah... I guess. Bachira, can you let go of my arm now?"
"No." The bicolored boy said, which caused Chigiri and Isagi to grab onto Bachira to pull him off of (Y/n).
"There goes my hoodie." She sighed as the U-20 team watched in amusement... well, except for Oliver.
"And you! Blue Lock's number 12!"
"Ha?" The four looked at him in confusion, as the U-20 team sighed in defeat.
"Here we go." Cho and Teru said quietly.
"When the bowling game ends... how about you be a good brother to me and tell me your tricks on how you swooned those two girls soe easily." Oliver grinned, putting a  arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.
"What?" The girl asked, dumbfounded by the statement.
"Why is he touching (Y/n)?"
"I don't know... doesn't he have a disease or something?"
"His breath probably smells, too." Isagi, Chigiri, and Bachira commented among themselves, trying to hold themselves back from ripping Oliver away from their striker.
"Eh... I don't know." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as Oliver pulled her out of the room.
"Hey!" The three Blue Lock players protested.
"Hold it right there! Where are you going with (Y/n)?!" Otoya's voice was heard from down the hallway.
"That's not how you hold a bowling ball, Hayate-san." (Y/n) noted as she watched the white-haired boy struggle holding the ball.
"What?" The taller raised an eyebrow.
"You need to grab tightly onto it with all 3 fingers... that's way too loose." (Y/n) showed the shaky hand that was holding the ball. Although she didn't play or like this sport much, she knew some rules.
"You might injure your hand like that." She said simply finished as Hayate observed her hand for a moment and then repeated the same hold.
"Welcome, let's have a fair game then." (Y/n) said as Hayate was about to say something, but the girl got pulled away by Nagi. The U-20 player watched with some new found interest the striker.
'Odd... but Sendou was right... there is something about the number 12 that isn't like the rest...' The white haired boy thought.
"You think that something is weird about him too, don't you?" Sendou suddenly spoke up from behind Hayate, who slowly nodded his head.
"There really is."
"Hey, you two! Focus! I need those tips from (Y/n)." Oliver warned the duo, who looked at him in confusion.
"I made (Y/n) promise to give me tips about girls, if we win." Oliver simply stated.
"You... are getting dating tips from your junior?" Cho asked in disbelief.
"This is gold. I wish I had my camera with me." Miroku chuckled as Niou held in a laughter. Teppei tried to calm everyone down, but he did find this whole ordeal funny.
"Shut it!" Oliver yelled with an embarrassed blush as Teru and Itsuki patted their captain's back, silently laughing as well.
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 months
Hey I requested that last yunjin x gn reader can u do another one where they’re sitting at home and he’s trying to help her come up with a song for the new album thank you
my victory - "my sugar" ~ h. yn.
a/n: thank you for the request, and i hope you enjoy this! it's a bit short, my apologies in advance, my allergies are kicking my ass 🥲 it's a bit different than your request so i hope that's alright!
tw: reader is a simp (aren't we all)
♡ Masterlist ♡
summary: yunjin has trouble drumming up inspiration (me too girlie) for song lyrics on her upcoming album. As her partner, you take it as your responsibility to help her get out of the house and find her groove. and you get to spend time with your girlfriend - a win-win scenario!
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"Babe, stop it!"
Yunjin's screech lands on deaf ears as you plant another wet kiss on her cheek.
"How am I supposed to focus when you-" She turns her head to face you, and you place a fleeting kiss on her lips, "now you're teasing me."
You lazily wrap your arms around her waist before pulling her away from the desk.
"C'mon, you've been looking at that laptop for hours and nothing has come to you. Why don't we go out for a bit so you can refresh your mind?" You suggest as she tries and fails to grab her laptop from the desk.
"I have to finish these lyrics before the deadline-" Yunjin tries to argue, but you shush her with another kiss to the lips.
"-which is a month away, and you're supposed to be relaxing when you're here visiting family and friends." You emphasize the word friends, as if the company that approved the trip wasn't already aware of your relationship.
You wanted to make the most of Yunjin being back in the States, but with her so focused on her group's upcoming comeback, you felt like Yunjin was with you without really being there with you.
"Alright." She reluctantly closes her laptop after you let her go from your arms. "What do you want to spend today doing?"
"You're such a fucking cheater." You scoff as you tally up the miniature golf score.
"You're the one who gave me the handicap." Yunjin accuses you as you roll your eyes.
"You said you were bad at mini golf!"
"I said I was bad at mini golf... when I'm without a handicap." Yunjin teases you as you finish adding the scores together.
"You failed to mention that when we started." You sigh as you show her the score card. "You got ten up on me, so you know what that means."
"I'm the winner?" She beams at you, and your crushing defeat is nothing compared to her happiness.
"You have to buy me a pity drink, as the winner."
"No fair!" She whines as you grab the car keys.
"It pays to be a loser." You shrug before unlocking your car.
"Cheers." You press your glass to hers. "To love, to us."
"And to sore losers." Yunjin jokes before taking a drink from her glass. "I'm glad you took me out for a date, babe."
"Me too, I can actually have some time with my girlfriend this week." You chuckle to yourself. "Feeling better now that you're out and about?"
"I am, despite your sarcasm, and I've got a few new ideas for that laptop." She presses a soft kiss to your cheek.
"Any of them involve me?" You lean in to kiss her on the lips before she pushes you away.
"None of them, actually." She scoffs after you kiss her. "But I haven't written any lyrics yet, so there's time for you to inspire a few."
You pull her in to another kiss to show your approval.
"Let's head back to my place so we can relax for a bit, and then you can write as long as you want, alright?" You pull her into your arms before she snatches the keys from your hand.
"One more drink?" She looks at you with pleading eyes.
"One more drink." You say confidently, as if the two of you aren't going to spend the rest of the night in each other's arms, the laptop and her work schedule long forgotten.
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kenlvry · 1 year
hiii hello if requests are open again can i request stan, kyle, and kenny making up with reader after a fight? ☺️ i love your works sm!
making up after a fight
an, HELLO YES REQUETS ARE VERY OPEN thankyou sm 🤭🤞 im reading this while listening to boombayah yall . gn reader ( use od girlfriend in kyles oh and 16/17) also their kinda a bitch but its all good in the end
you two fought again, i mean it wasn't the first time, you two don't usually fight and when you do its intense. you just found out mans still hasn't deleted some of his hoes contacts and still talks to them like???? you brought it up and he immediately apologized but you wanted to explanation, you bring up how this has happen before and he still hasn't deleted em "look baby i was lazy, i dont even talk to them" he said walking closer to you. you brought this up when he's with the others, and it got heated. it ended with you flipping him off and going back home, " we're not helping you again this time btw". you blocked him everywhere and refuses to meet his eye at school. you thought abt it and maybe you overreacted, you decided to apologize and search for him everywhere, then you saw him talking with alot of girls and you couldn't be more angrier, you confront him then and there "wtf ken?? this is literally what we talked abt? if you want to cheat atleast make sure i dont find out" you ran away, you were so devastated how could he? after everything :(( . immediately running to your room crying and cursing kenny out, your mother then knocks and opens your bedroom door "kenny is here honey, should i let him in?" "no let him die out in the cold ma" your mom shrugged and left, few seconds later the door reopened at it was kenny "what do you want?" you rolled your eyes and he walked over to you on your bed "please hear me out" "im not even kicking you out js talk" you said sitting properly on the edge of the bed "look babe about the contacts, i keep their numbers on my phone because i ask them abt girl tips.." he said while looking down in shame, you scoffed "are u joking? thats so obviously a lie" "check my phone then, you can scroll until the top of the chat" he said giving you his phone, and it's true, its mostly "what do i do if she has her period" or "what do girls like as a gift" and "if she says shes ok but put notation at the end what does that mean" you laughed at how cute that was but then you remember earlier, you immediately glare back at him and he understood "i asked them how to comfort you, im not good at this shit bae" you laughed again and he inches closer to you "i would never cheat on you, i love you too much and you know that" kissing you and you kissed back smiling in the kiss.
again, you two aren't one to fight bc there was nothing to fight abt, but recently all he talks about is cartman and he won't shut up about him, cartman this cartman that youre sick of it, so you talk it out with them. "what do you mean i talk about cartman all the time? i wouldn't give that bitch any of my time" he said looking at you from his computer, you sighed "our past three convos is about cartman and how you cant stand him, earlier at school when we walked home tgt you talked about him, yesterday all you could say was how cartman was this and cartman was that, am i your girlfriend or is he??" you scoffed, "look can we talk abt this another time? I'm about to 1v1 cartman and loser has to do what winner wants" he said turning back to his computer "this is literally what im talking about! you are so caught up abt him you dont even pay attention to me, have you even see my text to you?" he sighed "i did, about the ice cream right" you couldn't believe him rn "my fucking pet hamster died kyle????" you can't stand this shit anymore you left slamming the door at him. sheila asked you to drink with her but you just ignored her, what the hell is wrong with kyle? he could've atleast replied about your pet hamster, he knew how much it meant to you. at school you wouldn't even stand near him, you talked with the girls and sat near tolkien and you walked home with tweek. you got a call and it was cartman, the cause of your fight "what is it" "yo dawg, kyle asked me to tell you to meet up with him at the pond" you were confused "why" "idk, but bring protection, im sure he didn't bring any" he said laughing and you rolled your eyes ending the call. you put your jacket on and went out to the park, from afar you see him on the bench swinging his feet. "kyle?" he stood up "oh uh y/n, here" he gave you flowers and motioned for you to sit down, "im not good at this um" he played with his thumbs and was looking nervous ,you laughed a little "take your time". he sighed "y/n im sorry, I should've paid more attention to you and not cast you away like some stranger, im really sorry about your pet hamster too, i know how much he means to you." puting a hand on your thigh while looking at you he smiled, you smiled back "well it's going to take alot more than just a simple sorry" you said sarcastically and looked away , he laughed "well then, should we watch a movie?" he stood up and so did you. that day you two watched a movie and had the best dated ever.
recently life has been real shitty for stan, with his dad being a dead beat who won't shut up about his farm, cartman being a bitch in general and kyle not understanding what he's going through, its rough for him. he takes it out on you, he'd randomly lash out on you then say sorry which isnt even a good apology, he would ignore you and your texts and reply in two days time. you have had enough and went to his house to talk about it with him. "i dont get mad at you and i dont ignore you, your making things up y/n" you sigh softly at his remark "stan if i were to ask people what they think about us they would say we're just friends and not in a relationship, thats how much you fucked up" he stood up from his chair at your remark "how much i fucked up?? maybe you shouldn't have texted me so goddamn much , maybe you shouldn't bother me when i'm clearly in a bad mood, how is it my fault?" "this is exactly what I'm talking about, I didn't do anything and you act as if i committed third degree murder" he scoffed "fine then what do you want? to break up? if thats what make you so happy then we are over" he said and going back to his game "fuck you stan, you couldn't even try to communicate with me, i know ur going through some shit rn but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on me im not ur toy." you left his house and went home, can you believe the audacity this boy had? you blocked him everywhere and deleted his name in your bio, when people found out they comforted you, some even flirting with you, you dont want to be associated with him anymore. he however realises how much he fucked up and was regretting every decision he did that day, he tried to talk to you many times but your friends would always block his way to talk to you, you could care less. you went home alone one day and can feel a presence behind you, you walk faster each second and to one point running with the man running after you "y/n!" he yelled and you immediately recognise the voice, you look back to see stan panting with his hands on his knees, you sighed rolling your eyes "what now stan?" "please, just let me explain" you stayed silent. "im.. im sorry, i should've talked to you about the things i was going through, i was just going through a hard time and yes its not an excuse i know, i didn't talk to you about it because i was scared you'd tease me so i isolated myself thinking it was for the better but instead it created something worse" his eyes were glassy and he sniffled. "I can't forgive you just yet yk" crossing your arms, "i know, so please be my mine again i will make it up to you" his desperate face was the cutest and you agreed, he took you out on many dates and was replying often, he opened up to you and you two always helped each other when needed. he couldn't imagine loosing you again and he's going to make sure he doesn't anymore.
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beplerblurbs · 1 year
hello ! may i rq some head-cannons for ricky and gunwook with a flirty reader ?
reactions to a flirty y/n
pairings: VERY SHY BOYS !! ricky x gn!reader, gunwook x gn!reader, keita x gn!reader, gyuvin x gn!reader
genre: fluff!!!!! suggestive in keitas, slightest suggestiveness in rickys
warnings: you drink in keitas, implying sexual activities in keitas??
w/c: 2k
authors note: hiiiii anon thanks for the first request i'll try hard to give what u asked for! i like doing these reactions in sets of four so i'll add keita and gyuvin :P its a little rushed so forgive me
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it was korean thanksgiving and everyone had gone home. yet you and ricky being the only international trainees of your dorm, decided just to spend it together.
theres already been some tension during group practice, but nothing had been established. today you wanted to test the limits since it was just you two for a long weekend.
“okay everythings ready. we can start topping!” ricky cheered. you guys decided to do a pizza making competition, better tasting pizza wins, loser has to do something of the winners choice.
you guys start rolling out the dough and flattening it. both of you saucing your flat doughs at an equal pace. the similar pace had caused a conflict with the cheese though, you both grabbed it at the same time. your hand over his, but no one moving.
“you’re moving so quick, its not a timed competition,” ricky tried to be strong, but on the inside he was melting at your touch.
“mmm you should slow down too, your hand is really warm.” your sultry voice halted rickys brain function, it was enough for you to move his hand and take some extra cheese for your pizza.
he regained his composure and tried catching up to you because you were taking more toppings.
throughout, you kept knocking ur hip into ricky’s to distract him. he was playing along too, not without showing his blushing red ears.
“stop~ you’re so annoying y/n,” ricky grumbled, he was trying to put on his final details on his pizza but you kept tickling his sides softly. you were already done your pizza waiting for him to finish to put both in the oven together.
“okay…” you pout and turn to the counter sink, starting to wash some dishes. you knew he was joking but wanted to tease him a bit by acting upset.
“okay okay! i’m sorry, don’t be mad!” you felt ricky’s arms wrap around your waist, and the weight of his head on your shoulder, “get your saucy hands off me! freak,” you laugh and turn around, thankfully you had an apron on to stay clean. you both loved playful moments like these.
“i didn’t know you were so clingy,” you smile and poke his shoulder, “am i?” he genuinely asks, hoping your tone would indicate if his personality was a good thing or bad thing, “yeah but its cute so it’s okay… hurry! our pizzas need to be cooked!”
even though rickys ears are streaming from redness, he turns to quickly finish his pizza and you help each other put the pizzas in the preheated oven to cook.
once they’re done, you bring them out onto cutting boards, to cut and serve from the board since you guys were too lazy to plate it. your secret ingredient was brushing on some sweet and sour sauce on top of the pizza (a/n: its a really good dipping sauce u should try it).
ricky cuts up the pizzas and you both take a bite of your own pizza and then each others. by the time you’re half done your slice from ricky, he’s already finished two slices, relishing in your yummy cooking.
hes a talkative person but now that he knows he’s lost he can’t admit to anything. so you help him out, testing the upper limits of your guys’ relationship.
you come close to his body and lean over to whisper in his ear, “i really like you, ricky,” you can feel him tremble, gripping the counter, “but my pizza is way better.” you pull away, smirking knowing you’ve successfully broken him.
“god, you’re gonna kill me y/n.”
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"no, i swear he did it like this!"
"that doesn't make any sense though," you sigh, gunwook seems timid.
you were an established idol with 2 years of experience already. gunwook though? he was newly debuted and his manager said it would help solidify his reputation as an idol dancer.
right now, you guys were arguing between which move was correct to the original choreography video, your interpretation or his. its not exactly clear due to the low quality of the video, but the choreographer said he would come soon to help out anyways.
both you and gunwook were being stubborn about what you saw.
“i need a water break,” you walk to the back of the studio to get your waterbottle, gunwook does too.
you sit down on the bench nearby, gesturing gunwook to sit with you. he seemed afraid to go against a senior but didn’t want to stray from the choreo of an even more astonished kpop choreographer.
“look, i get it, you don’t wanna seem rude to me or our sunbae. so i’ll let you have the chance to fully explain why you think you’re right,” you close off your waterbottle and let him have the floor to talk.
he goes into detail about why his version makes the most sense and how well it relates to the story the choreographer is trying to portray. he gets up to show the dance move in slow motion
gunwook was both well-mannered and detailed, leaving no room for rebuttal. “wow, its like you’ve been on a debate team.”
“i have! we always won province championshi— thats not the point anyways y/n, do you see where im coming from?” he looks over his shoulder.
gunwook did have a fair point, he was also became more cute in your eyes. his passion for dance, his nerdy tendencies and his kindness kindled a warm flame in your heart. his attractiveness helped even more.
you stood up and walked up to gunwook, “okay, i’ll do it your way.” you leaned in closer to, his boba eyes widened as your face was mere inches away from his, his eys tracing down to your lips, “you’re lucky you’re cute y’know?” you know you’ve weakened him and let him go with a small smile.
“okay, let’s continue with practice,” your nonchalant manner caught gunwook off caught but he caught up to your pace when you played the music.
you adjusted to gunwooks moveafter practicing for about 30 minutes, and in the middle of cleaning the moves the choreographer came in.
you both bowed and dove straight into questions about the choreography.
“sir, gunwook and i were debating on this one 4-count, can you tell us which one in correct?” his simple nod led you to play the music and both you and gunwook show your two versions.
“wow, as per usual, y/n is correct. they’re very keen on the details and always on top of things.” the reassurance settled the debate between you two.
“ahh and gunwook convinced me i was wrong now we have to practice with my version.” you sigh and walked closer to gunwook, your presence seemed to be his weakspot, “maybe i shouldn’t let him off the hook very easily.”
the bright blush that gunwook’s cheeks grew was unavoidable. he couldn’t debate this one, he just accepted he was wrong. he found you really captivating and as a sunbae he had nothing but respect and attraction for you.
after practice, gunwook stopped you before you left with a snack from the vending machine in the building. “thank you for practice today y/n, i hope we can get closer m-maybe?” his nervousness at the end made him even more cute. he was whipped for you and no one could stop him.
“of course.” you smiled, taking the snack.
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keita was in the zone lyric writing for some upcoming collabs. he was an underground rapper and was seeking some inspiration, rather than being inside a cramped studio all day, he went to a pub.
it was moderately busy for a thursday night but keita was able to focus well. that was, until a bartender put a beer and some fries in front of him.
keita had already finished his drink but he never ordered another one. “oh sorry, i didn’t order this,” he tilted his head and pushed back the fries back to the bartender.
“sir, the pretty person there bought you this.” keita turns around to, well, you, a stunning person.
your attractive looks and sultry gaze as you stirred your own drink made keita blush and suddenly his hands felt clammy. he turns around to hide in embarrassment.
you frankly, find him endearing for it. you grab your drink and sit next to him at the bar. “hi handsome, got a name?”
keita tries to laugh off his nervousness, he didn’t want to ruin his chances by being weird, “keita, and yours is?” he tilts his head, “y/n.”
you end up asking about his notebook with lyrics and why he came out tonight and he answers with honesty.
“oh, for inspiration huh,” you say curiously, “maybe you’ll rap about me,” you giggle leaning in close, “you should memorize my face for better writing.”
you were coming on strong and keita couldnt handle his nerves, he wanted to show he could be strong too. he chugs his beer for some liquid encouragement, “don’t worry beautiful of course i will.”
your smile became bigger, not for the reason keita thought though. you took your thumb and wiped away the beer foam on his upper lip. he froze.
“sorry, you had a little something there cutie,” you lick off the remains off your finger.
keita grew even more red, not because of his asian glow but out of your bold flirting, he was loving the attention.
“you okay? nothing to be embarrassed about,” you say sipping your drink, “no you’re just so hot…” keita couldn’t believe how bold he was being now.
“maybe we can get out of here and see where this goes? how does that sound keita?” the way you said his name came out so seductive he couldn’t say no.
you took his hand and led him out the door, leaving the drinks and fries unfinished.
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being a barista in a cafe near the han river was gruelling work because of how busy it gets during weekends and afterhours.
the nice part was always the empty hours, usually morning weekdays, this is usually when retired folks or people living near the river on their morning runs. this is where you can take things a bit more slow.
while cleaning a counter you saw a tall young guy with brown fluffy hair come in, particularly with a cute dog. “awww whats their name?” you tippy toe to get a better look at the dog from over the counter, “eumppappa!” the dog owner said excitedly.
getting a better look at the boy you realised he was really cute and you wanted to shoot your shot. but with the cameras on and your manager having a surveillance obsession, you couldn’t be too obvious.
the boy tapped his chin before making a decision, “uhm~ i’ll do a ice caramel latte.” you punched it into the register and grabbed a cup, “name?” and he told you.
“gyuvin… such a cute name,” your mumbling was loud enough to where you saw the tips of gyuvins ears get red.
he waited for his drink, sitting and scrolling on his phone. oblivious to his opportunities to talk to you while the cafe was empty. so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
“order for gyuvin!” you said loudly, he grabs a tissue before taking his coffee but you stop him, “oh i got a tissue for you,”
“oh thanks but its okay,”
“just take the extra then,” you take his hand and put the tissue in it.
he could see the black ink that spelled out your phone number. he looked puzzled,
“ma’am, someones number is on it.”
“yes its mine”
“oh what? why?”
“it’s obvious, isn’t it?”
“no, why would someone give a stranger their num—“
“its because you’re cute and i wanna talk to you! just take it!” he was frustrating and embarrassing you at this point. gyuvin couldn’t be this oblivious, right?
“ohhh… you could’ve just told me. i think you’re cute too,”
nope, you were wrong, he was that oblivious.
“thank you but if my manager catches us, i’m screwed, go… go!” gyuvin wasnt catching the hint at first but then scrambled out with his dog.
later that night, he texted you and apologized for causing you trouble and you couldn’t help but laugh at his cute texting style and his apology
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
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p — HUENINGKAI × FEM!READER | g — fluffy <3 boyf!hyuka, hyuka's a shy boy 🛐🛐 , slight gamer!hyuka, domestic!au | w — kisses, mentions of food
a/n — kinda inspired by (nct)hyuck's old 24 hr relay cam ,,,,, enjoy !!!!
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after taking a nice shower, hyuka loves to have you sit in his lap and watch him play games on his pc <3 you've known hyuka to not be that fond of physical affection, usually asking him if he wants to receive a kiss from you or not? he never tells your pretty eyes no, asking him where you want him to kiss you, his big eyes staring at you so so so fondly— but that's besides the point, right?
burying his face in your neck, your t-shirt— now loose around the neckline from how many times you've worn it— exposing your shoulder skin so nicely for hueningkai to kiss !!! oh my, how he loves feeling your fresh scent waft around him, dumbing him, numbing his fingers and clogging his senses <3 and he asks you so nicely, “can I kiss you?” and you nod, a hand going over to ruffle his hair up j right while he presses shy kisses to your skin, cheeks burning because of how intimate he feels. hueningkai, who only loves to savor your love alone, never in public or around people. hell, just the mere mention of his girlfriend around people has him scrambling to hide a blush !!!
but moments like this, where the only sounds audible are his soft whimpers and sleepy kisses being pressed to your skin, is when hyuka feels so safe. just obsessed with you around him, increasing heartbeat pressing to your back when he hears you speak, and feeling the shape of his nose in your neck <3
and you tug on his hair occasionally, telling him, “hyuka, your game?” and he mumbles an “oh,” pulling his lips off you and resting his chin on your shoulder as he plays— & the stupid boy loves it when you ask him if you could play too, and that watching him was getting so boring..... and he's all, woah!!! she's into the same interests as I am!!!
and then hyuka teaches you how to play, focused fingers and a (bigger) hand on yours on the mouse— he doesn't really care if you're losing or winning, but just the mere idea of you wanting to spend your time with him, you wanting to love him and you just being all of HIS— just had him all dumb for you, didn't you? and your face when you'd finally win a game, telling you you're his fav girl & if you kept this up, you'd even be better than him !!! and he loves watching the way you get all shy at his praise, hand reaching over to playfully punch his shoulder, telling him to “shut up,” and “you don't acc mean that, you're just saying that cuz u love me.”
and he doesn't know what to admit, if he actually means it, or if he loves you— and the truth may tend to steer towards the latter, but you didn't mind that. not when hyuka would blush when he'd have to admit it, telling you to “shut up,” and just play the game. and you'd mumble a soft "I love you,” with a giggle, turning around to continue playing with his grip (subtly turning softer because it's you) on your own. and because you had your back turned, you didn't see how off guard you caught your boyfriend, him pressing his lips together at the sudden confession, feeling the heat rise in the room.
and when the two of you would be so tired of the same repetitive game— he'd ask if you wanted to order food? and you'd smirk slyly, asking him if he wanted to play a small game...winner gets the loser's tempura? and he'd nod a yes with a giggle, a finger playing with the hem of your shirt mindlessly <3 and you'd continue to explain how he'd have to order in a normal voice on call while you'd pepper his skin, only if he wanted to. and you'd see him go so red in the face, shyly nodding because of how exciting it sounded. he's played games like this with you before, but nothing sounded as exhilarating as this.
and during the call, you didn't hold back— nibbling softly on his earlobe and a hand playing with his hair, watching from the corner of your eyes how he bit his tongue, trying to stay focused and respond to the restaurant with a stable voice. and he'd be so red & stupidly burying his giggles the way you were kissing him just so nice on his neck, almost stumbling on his words on the call.
and he'd glance at you triumphant when the call ended, successfully keeping a stable voice and asking you to kiss him cuz he won, it's not like you're gonna say no to those lips, right? and he'd giggle at your sulking expression while he ate his your tempura, sliding them over to you and watching the confusion turn into a soft smile, telling you he loved it when you scowled so pretty— but he can't let you stay upset like that.
and eventually, he'd catch you falling asleep in his arms while he played, “just one more round,” neck weak and head jerking from the waves of sleep hitting you. and he'd softly push your head to rest on his chest while he placed a soft kiss to your forehead, feeling your cheeks stretch into a smile against his skin, telling you, “just a little longer, hm?”
and you'd fall asleep to the sounds of the soft clicks his equipment would make, creamy keys echoing at the back of your mind as you drifted closer to sleep— your eyelashes fluttered shut, warmth from hyuka's skin covering your body as your breathing slowed. cuddling up to him as his voice vibrated in his chest, cooing at how pretty you looked, all huddled up next to him <3 and he'd softly snap a pic, setting it his lockscreen, & making a mental note he'd show you your pretty face hidden in his chest tomorrow morning ,,,
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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livingddeadgirlrl · 21 days
challengers smut cuz duhhh… who would i be if i didn’t write about it.
i didn’t rly proof read. it’s 5 am. but enjoy!!
cw: breeding, mating press, threesome, oral… yeah
wc: 1.9k LMFAOOO
lmk if u want a part 2, left it open ended :P
something about you was different. i mean, who would’ve thought that the scary lookin’ girl was an insane tennis player. sure you had a bit of a temper when it came to the court, but you played damn well. you could always spare a few profane penalty points. you were always great at intimidating your opponent. your looks alone–sleek black hair, tied into twintails. a tattoo on the back of your hand, and others scattered around your body, begging to be found. those dark eyes filled with rage and mystery. there was something different about you.
it was the last set of your match against some painfully racist white bitch from arizona state, and you were obviously in the lead. it was her serve. she swung once, hitting the ball into the net forcefully, resulting in a low chuckle from you on the opposing side of the court. you weren’t scared. she served once more, finally actually making it across the net, and hitting an underhand to try to throw you off. you smacked a backhand aggressively, slamming the ball into her service box with a loud echo. that was the end of the match. “COME ON!!! that’s too easy!!” you laughed out, almost sinisterly. everyone cheered for you. you were that mysterious player from the bay that had just entered the tournament, blowing your way up and through the ranks. all of the guys were in love with you. you were powerful on the court, and off of it. shaking your opponent's hand over the net, you congratulated her sarcastically, a scowl painted on her face. ‘what a sore loser, and a racist,’ you thought to yourself.
now you found yourself at the party of champions. a room filled with the male and female winners of the tournament. you stood in the corner, swirling your drink in hand, gazing into the liquid. none of the other female champions wanted to converse with you. honestly, they were intimidated. although you had just joined, your reputation preceded all of the circulating rumors. downing the rest of your drink, you straightened out your dress, a black strapless one bordered with black lace. your hair was loosely curled and draped over one side of your shoulder, revealing your delicate collarbones. you made your way to the drink table, set on pouring yourself another. if no one wanted to talk to you, at least you were getting free alcohol. your hand hesitated over which to choose, finally landing on the vodka.
“i know that hand tattoo when i see it. you’re f/n l/n, right?” a soft yet daring voice stated from behind you. finishing your pour, you turned around, faced with two of the cutest little twinks. god how you just loved men. to the right stood the one with curly brown hair, sparkling eyes, and a sharp nose. the left, a cute little blonde, blue eyes, and a defined face. they both towered over you, shockingly.
“hm.. i know you.. ‘fire and ice,’ right?”
they both let out a soft chuckle at the title. “yeah, guess that’s us. you know us?” the blonde countered.
“mhm, you guys are the successful pair, course i do. congrats on winning, patrick and art..,” you sipped your drink, leaving a soft red stain from your lips on the glass.
“hey well, you too. we just wanted to say, we love watching you play. i mean, it’s not even tennis anymore. you’re playing a whole different game out there,” the brunette joined in.
you let out a soft hum of approval. they recognized you. you looked up from your cup with a soft smirk, your gaze bouncing between the two of them. they certainly were intriguing, on and off the court. seemed a little gay, too.
few more drinks in your system, and you were now on the bed of their hotel room, bated breath as they sat on opposing sides of you. whatever you had gotten yourself into, you were definitely in for a time. each had a hand up your dress and on your thigh, rubbing soft circles into your hips. you turned your head to face patrick, eyes fixated on his lips as you let them hover over his own for a bit to tease him. then, you turn to face art, not kissing patrick juuust yet. you press your lips to art’s, sucking on his bottom lip softly, causing him to let out a soft whine. it was so cute. patrick’s calloused fingers trailed up your torso and to your breast, pulling down the top of your dress slowly. he immediately cupped your soft and full breasts in his hands, inching his mouth closer to the skin, his breath slightly tickling your pebbled nipple. he latched onto it with his hot mouth, swirling your sensitive bud around with his tongue in a circular motion, making you moan softly into art’s mouth. you pull away from the heated kiss, a small string of saliva stretching from your connected lips. with an already hazy expression, you look down at their laps. god, they both had big dicks, both forming a substantial tent in their boxers, decorated with damp patches of precum. art’s fingers carefully unzipped the back of your dress, helping you pull it over your head as you lifted your arms. you lean on your side into patrick’s lap, helping him shift his boxers down his waist, allowing his hardened cock to spring out and almost smack you in the mouth. as you took his length in your delicate hand, art shifted his positioning to rest on his knees at the foot of the bed. with careful fingers, he hooked them under the black lace of your panties, shifting them to the side to reveal you in all of your holiness. your sweet, pink and puffy folds, already glistening with your slick. patrick’s hands laced through your silky hair, holding it back for you as you took his fat tip into your warm mouth. he leaned backwards on the bed, propping himself up on his elbow as he watched you, and the scene unfolding before him. you swirl your tongue around the swollen head of his cock, giving a few kitten licks. after being trapped in a mesmerizing trance, art finally dove practically head first into your dripping pussy, lips latching onto your sensitive clit, making you whimper softly with patrick’s length in your mouth. art traced his index and middle finger around your slit, teasing it softly as his tongue circled your puffy clit relentlessly, making you cry out softly as you gasped for air on patrick’s dick.
“go easy, art… can’t have her finishing just yet…” he groaned out in a husky tone, pulling you up gently off of his length by your hair. art chuckled lowly, crawling back up onto the bed beside you. he laid back, his back pressed against the headboard as he pulled you by your hips to sit on top of his lap. he pumped his cock a few times, positioning it against your slit as you look down at him with a half-lidded gaze. patrick rested on his knees right behind you, grasping onto your hips and slowly pressing you down, forcing you to take in art’s cock inch by inch.. oh so slowly. he pressed hot kisses to the crook of your neck, trailing down to your shoulder as art thrusted into you, the sound of skin slapping filling the room. fuck it felt so good. patrick’s hands cupped your tits again, massaging them roughly as they bounced up and down with the force of art’s plunges into your squelching cunt.
“fuck’she’s so tight… feels so good..” art muttered out, watching patrick grope your tits with his large hands.
“think i can fuck ya better, princess..?” patrick whispers, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. you let out a soft and incoherent mumble, unable to properly speak as art’s tip threatened that spongy spot of your pussy that made your head go blank with each growing thrust. art’s eyes were glued to the two of you above him–your head thrown back into patrick’s shoulder, hair cascading down his arm as you gasped softly for air. patrick’s rough fingertips making their way down to massage your clit, adding more pressure to that growing knot in your stomach. you let out another soft whine, pressing your fingertips into art’s abdomen to try to stabilize yourself, even just for a moment. patrick’s fingers traced upward to your lower stomach, pressing the outline of art’s cock as it reached even further, causing you to writhe softly in his grip.
“guess pretty boy got a pretty big dick, huh…” patrick teases softly, resulting in a breathless scoff from art.
art had heard enough of patrick’s remarks. he stopped his thrusts, picked you up from under your ass, and pressed you into the sheets. he was now looming over you, and folding your legs above your head. it’s a good thing you were flexible.. patrick moved to sit just above your head by the headboard, holding your legs firmly in position by your knees with the back of your head rested on his lap. oh god you were in for it now. art pressed a soft kiss to your lips before tapping his leaking cock in between your soaked folds again, sinking into you with deep pressure and determination. he had to make sure he bottomed out.
“m’fuck….!!” you mustered out in a shaky voice, your body twitching once again.
art immediately picked up the pace, pulling his cock out almost all the way and plunging back into you, causing an awfully lewd squelching sound to emit from your dripping cunt. you let out another soft cry, your head and eyes rolling back in patrick’s lap. patrick gently caressed the skin of your legs, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as you looked up at him with fucked out eyes. art was letting out a soft mixture of moans and whines now, pounding into you at a brutal pace with extreme fervor. he couldn’t pick a place to look at. your bouncing tits that matched his pace, patrick’s seductive expression as he watched his dick disappear in your pussy, or your desperate face– tears threatening to spill out of the corners of your eyes, your mouth hanging open, back arched as soft cries escaped. it was all so much. he felt it now. he pumped into you at an insane pace, his hips stuttering as he shot hot and thick ropes of cum into you, reaching so deep. he slowed his pace, giving a few more languid thrusts as he slowly pulled out, watching his cum explicitly drip out of your sore pussy.. boy was it a sight! patrick let go of your legs slowly, putting them back down on the bed in their normal position as he caressed your jaw softly, letting you catch your breath for a moment.
“my turn~” he crooned softly into the shell of your ear, his smirk hitting your soft skin, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
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masonmyluv · 1 year
Cutest way to say I love you
Pedri Gonzalez x vlogger!reader
Blurb/ One shot
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"Hello guys and welcome back to my channel! Today we have a very special guest...Pedri!!"
He clapped his hands and waved to the camera.
"Today we are going to do a very interesting challenge" you said. "Oh no" Pedri sighed. "The whisper challenge! So, we'll take turns in wearing headphones and the other person will say a sentence and we have to guess what they said! Easy peasy right?"
"Yeah" Pedri said. "Don't be grumpy" you said, poking his stomach. "Who guesses more words is the winner. Who should start?"
"Ladies first" Pedri grinned.
"What a gentleman" you rolled your eyes, putting the headphones on his head. "Hey!" "Sorry not sorry Pedrito. Now let me see what music to choose... Rosalia. Perfect" you said.
Y/N: I eat a burrito
Pedri: I go in rito? What the heck is that?!
Y/N: I eat a burrito
Pedri: I'm in a mojito???
"Okay okay... you suck at this" you laughed.
Y/N: I play for Barcelona
Pedri: you gay at zona??
Y/N: I play for Barcelona
Pedri: I playa for Bazona??
"Close..." you said after he took off the headphones. "0 points for me?" He asked with puppy eyes. "I'm sorry baby. You'll do better at other challenges" you pat his head. "I'm not doing any challenges with you anymore" he mumbled. "I heard that. Not so nice" you pouted, putting the headphones on.
"Let's see how's she's doing" Pedri grinned.
Pedri: I am your boyfriend
Y/N: Aim out boyfriend??
Y/N showed him her middle finger.
"You're so cute" Pedri uttered, brushing your cheek.
"Let's move on" you said. "As you wish princessa".
You didn't know why he seemed nervous about this second try. Did you overstep by wanting to do this challenge with him? Obviously the fans knew about you two, but you never said those three words.
Pedri: I love you
Pedri: I love you
Y/N: HUH???
Pedri: I L-O-V-E Y-O-U
Y/N: I love you? (you take your headphones off shocked)
"I love you too" Pedri smiled sheepishly. "You little bish" you said, punching his arm playfully. He leaned in, capturing your lips with his in a sweet kiss.
"This was all for today guys! Hope you liked it, don't forget to leave a like and subscribe to her YouTube channel. And write in the comments if you want me to do challenges with my girlfriend. See ya" Pedri said the outro while you stood there shocked and red as a tomato.
"That was real? Like it wasn't for the sake of the video?" You asked. "No, baby. I really love you" he said. "Yeah— but— why—" you tried to say. "Why I did it now and not other time? Well, I thought it would be cute" he said blushing. "So romantic" you battled your eyelashes to him. "Now come here and cuddle me! I lost" he said, dragging you in his lap. "Okay sore loser, I'm here" you said, pecking his lips.
Hope you like it 💙💙💙
Any feedback is appreciated 🫶🏻
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densi-mber · 7 months
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Just Give us a Reason to Compete
“I’m just saying, of the two of us, one is clearly a better speller than the other,” Deeks proclaimed as he and Kensi walked into the bullpen.
“Deeks, I misspelled one word. It’s not that big a deal,” Kensi insisted, tossing her bag onto her already crowded desk. Callen reached out to catch a bottle of lotion. “And that was autocorrect’s fault.
“Uh-huh. Sure.”
“Hey, guys,” Nell said. “Do we want to know what’s going on?
“Kensi can’t spell,” Deeks announced loudly, before Kensi could respond. She rounded on him with a glare, and Deeks grinned back at her. He could tell it wasn’t true anger, so he didn’t feel all that bad about teasing her.
“All right, that’s it. I challenge you to a spelling competition.”
“Ok, I’m in. What do I get if I win?”
“The knowledge that you’re the better speller?” Kensi said with a shrug.
“Nah, that’s not good enough,” Deeks decided. He thought for a moment. “If I win, I want control of the radio for a week.”
“Then I want you to make me frittata every morning for a week.”
“Deal.” Turning to face the rest of the team, who had been watching the conversation with varying levels of interest, Deeks asked, “Any other takers?”
Callen snorted. “Not a chance. Sam, you in?”
“Oh no, I already know my spelling abilities. I once won a state spelling competition in high school,” he said, a hint of pride in his voice.
“I thought you were a mathlete,” Callen commented.
“I was.” Sam jabbed a finger at him. “And no jokes.”
“I would never,” Callen said solemnly. “Though it is impressive that one man can hold so much geekiness within him. I think you’re running neck and neck with Beale.”
“He thinks that’s an insult,” Eric said wryly. “For the record, I am not beyond competing in a test of spelling acuity.”
“I would, but I don’t think you guys could handle it,” she responded.
“Ooh, that sounds like a challenge, Jones. Why don’t you put your money, or similar compensatory item, where your mouth is?”
Nell stepped toe-to-toe with Deeks, standing as tall as she could.
“All right Mr. Deeks. I’ll participate, but you’ll regret it. And if I win, the losers will write all my expense summaries for the next week.”
“It’s a deal,” Deeks agreed.
“Oh, you’re going down hard,” Kensi goaded him. “I’m looking forward to breakfast in bed.”
“Alright Kensi, your word is “onomatopoeia”,” Callen called out, waiting as Kensi stepped forward. He’d been assigned the role of choosing and assigning words, mostly because Sam refused.
Eric had dropped out after three rounds with the word chiaroscurist. Personally, Deeks thought he’d done it on purpose, in deference to Nell. Deeks had nearly lost it with lachsschinken, but somehow managed to squeak through solely by chance.
Kensi correctly spelled her word; she looked decidedly tense, biting at her thumbnail in between turns. When it came back around to her again, Callen gave her the word “arachnophagous”.
“A-r-a-c-h-n-o-p-h-a-g,” Kensi started, then hesitated. “u-s?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, that is incorrect,” Callen said, not sounding sorry at all. “Now it’s just down to Deeks and Nell.”
“Damn it!” Kensi hissed, plopping into her seat.
“I can’t believe I’m watching this,” Sam mumbled.
“You got this, Nell,” Eric encouraged, then shot Deeks an apologetic look. “Sorry, man.”
“It’s ok, brother. I understand.”
“Ok Nell, your next word is “budgereegah”.
“Now you’re just making things up,” Deeks muttered even as Nell rattled off the apparently correct spelling liked she’d actually heard the word before.
“Excellent. Deeks, yours is “sesquipedalian”.”
“Awesome. Uh, s-e-s-a-u-i—p-e-d-a-l-i-e-n”.
“That is…incorrect,” Callen called out. “Congratulations, Nell. You’re the NCIS Office of Special Operations’ inaugural spelling bee winner.”
“That implies there’s going to be another one,” Sam commented under his breath.
“Nicely done, Nell,” Deeks congratulated her, and Nell accepted the praise with a nod.
“Thank you. And thank you for the week of expense reports. I will enjoy going home early.”
“It won’t be so bad with Eric and Kens helping. Right, Kensi?”
“Right,” Kensi said with a grimace. “Congrats Nell, but I was really looking forward to those breakfasts.”
“Well, there’s always next year,” Deeks said brightly.
A/N: This one was a bit sillier, but I hope you still enjoyed it. I think the team would compete for anything under the right conditions. Also, some of the words I used were selected from the national Spelling Bees list.
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gaytotaldrama · 10 months
duncney week day 2: behind the scenes
we never get to see what duncan and courtney get up to after beth wins, so here's a taste.
duncney song of the day: 'nothing compares 2 u,' sinead o'connor (RIP)
also on my ao3!
"And the winner of Total Drama Action and one MILLION dollars is...BETH!"
The crowd erupted into cheers as Beth leapt to her feet, flapping her hands and looking on the verge of passing out, but Duncan stayed silent, slouching in the throne. He liked Beth, he really did. She was a good person. But it still hurt to lose out on the money...for the second season in a row.
The apparently real Brady was hugging his girlfriend around the middle so hard, he was lifting Beth off the floor, while Leshawna, Harold, Tyler, and Lindsay chanted Beth's name. Chris had barely thrown Duncan a second glance when it came down to it - the minute he'd read out the last vote, no one was paying attention to him anymore. Good, he thought. I like it that way. No cameras in my face to film my humiliation.
No one was paying him attention anymore...except of course, she was. The only person still seated, her beautiful face stained with blue ink - Duncan could just imagine her in the voting booth, impatiently shaking the pen and crying out with frustration when it inevitably exploded. Suddenly desperate to be on his feet, he stood from the too-narrow throne, moving over to her and offering his hand. 
"Wanna get out of here?" he asked.
"I don't usually go out with losers," she replied, lips twitching at the corners. She laced her fingers with his.
"Yet here I am asking you out." He pulled her up, brushing the hair out of her face, his knuckles coming away smudged and blue. "Seriously. Dinner or something? Let's get out of here."
Courtney grimaced. "The ink'll never wash off in time. You can come by my hotel room. We could order room service."
Duncan smiled at her, deciding he liked that better than being out in public. "First time we see each other in weeks and you're already trying to get me alone in bed with you."
"Shut up." She swatted his shoulder, but there was no real venom to it. "Come on, lover-boy. I need a shower. BY MYSELF," she quickly clarified, as Duncan opened his mouth to ask if he could join her.
Courtney's hotel room looked like no one was renting it out at all. The sheets were turned down, the desk pristine, Courtney's suitcase neatly tucked into a corner by the bed. It was very her, but Duncan had a flash of the rock n' roll challenge, the way she'd utterly trashed that set. He kind of wanted to see her do it again. He kind of wanted to help her.
He found a rerun of the third A Nightmare On Elm Street, settling back on the bed (sneakers still on, of course) while she hopped in the shower. The one girl was getting her head sucked into the TV box, and Duncan watched, half-interested. He'd seen it before, of course; it was just noise, to keep him distracted from his loss.
When Courtney finally emerged from the bathroom (shit, but the girl took long showers), her face was scrubbed pink and raw, the faintest trace of ink remaining under her skin. Duncan snorted, about to make a teasing remark, but somewhere in the middle of staring at the long brown legs coming out from under Courtney's towel, the words died on his lips.
"What are you looking at?" She gave him a once-over and wrinkled her nose. "I think you need a wash too, after that finale."
"Or," said Duncan, opening his arms in welcome. "You could just get over here and kiss me."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you," Courtney snarked, rolling her eyes. "But what makes you think I want - Gah! Duncan!"
He had grabbed her wrist and pulled her on top of him, grinning up at her like a cat. She hadn't blow-dried her hair yet. It was dark and limp around her shoulders, but Duncan didn't care. "If I had won the million," he told her, leaning in close so his lips brushed her ear and she shivered. "I would've spent so much of it on you."
"That's..." She bit her lip, flushing, and he knew he had her. "Well, you didn't win. So that hardly means anything now, does it?"
He shrugged. Somehow, that didn't seem to matter as much anymore. "I said if."
Her mouth opened like she was about to say something, but she seemed to think better of it, hesitating slightly before lowering her face to kiss him, long and slow. Their make-outs were so often harried and slightly destructive - somehow, he'd forgotten how incredible her other kisses could be.
She broke off first, nipping at his upper lip one last time before saying, "Now..."
"Yeah, Princess?" Whatever she was about to ask him, he would do it, no second thoughts. He would do anything, for her.
"Go take a shower or I'm kicking you out of my room," she told him, and he laughed. And so did she.
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Round 3 has finally come to a close. As usual I'll be taking a short break to get the next round ready, and will post the schedule a few days before it's set to start
But! Please enjoy the following playlist of all the round 3 winners aka the fan favorite Glee songs! Chosen by voters like you ♥️
Season 1 - 20 songs Season 2 - 34 songs Season 3 - 30 songs Season 4 - 22 songs Season 5 - 15 songs Season 6 - 7 songs
Full track list under the cut!
Don't Stop Believin (Pilot)
Bust Your Windows
Somebody To Love (s1)
It's My Life/Confessions
Halo/Walking On Sunshine
Hate On Me
Keep Holding On (s1)
Lean On Me
And I Am Telling You
Don’t Rain On My Parade (Rachel)
Express Yourself
4 Minutes
Run Joey Run
Jessie's Girl
The Boy Is Mine
Rose's Turn
Dream On
Another One Bites The Dust
Bad Romance
To Sir With Love
Empire State Of Mind
Me Against The Music
Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy
Sweet Transvestite
Time Warp
Teenage Dream (s2)
Start Me Up/Livin On A Prayer
Stop In The Name Of Love/Free Your Mind
Forget You
Valerie (s2)
Dog Days Are Over
Baby It's Cold Outside
Bills Bills Bills
Thriller/Heads Will Roll
Silly Love Songs
Take Me Or Leave Me
Don't You Want Me
Blame It
Tik Tok
Raise Your Glass (s2)
Loser Like Me (s2)
Ain't No Way
I Feel Pretty/Unpretty
Somewhere Only We Know
As If We Never Said Goodbye
Born This Way
Go Your Own Way
I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
For Good
It's Not Unusual
You Can't Stop The Beat
I'm The Greatest Star (Kurt)
Something's Coming
It's All Over
Last Friday Night
Uptown Girl
A Boy Like That
Hit Me With Your Best Shot/One Way Or Another
Rumor Has It/Someone Like You
Survivor/I Will Survive
We Are Young
We Found Love
Smooth Criminal
Never Can Say Goodbye
I Will Always Love You
Love Shack
Cough Syrup
What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)
Somebody That I Used To Know
Disco Inferno
How Will I Know
So Emotional
It’s Not Right But It’s Okay
Not The Boy Next Door
Shake It Out
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
New York State Of Mind
Crazy/U Drive Me Crazy
Barely Breathing
Don't Speak
Blow Me One Last Kiss
Hopelessly Devoted To You
Beauty School Drop Out
There Are Worse Things I Could Do
Holding Out For A Hero
Some Nights
Being Alive
Don't Dream It's Over
White Christmas
Don't Stop Me Now
Hung Up
Girl On Fire
Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone
Come What May
I Still Believe/Super Bass
For Once In My Life
Got To Get You Into My Life
Hey Jude
Seasons Of Love
I'll Stand By You (s5)
If I Die Young
Marry The Night
If I Were A Boy
I Believe In A Thing Called Love
More Than A Feeling
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
You Make Me Feel So Young
Best Day Of My Life
I Want To Know What Love Is
Home (s6)
It's Too Late
Hand In My Pocket/I Feel The Earth Move
Somebody Loves You
Take Me To Church
I Lived
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Hermes headcanonssssss yeeeee
Hello!!! Yes of course <3 Thank u for the ask and ur patience! xx it’s 4:23 am I hope these are good :)
this dude is crazy-good at food eating contests. he’s smaller than most of the other gods but don’t count him out. he’s traveled the world more than his peers have and there’s very little food from anywhere he won’t eat
wonder why he has so many twitter followers when he doesn’t tweet a lot? well, when he does tweet, they’re the wildest 16-piece threads you’ll ever read about the funniest things happening around the world
as much as he’s a god of thieves, he hates seeing struggling people have to resort to stealing, risking their lives to provide for themselves and children, so he helps out when and where he can
surprisingly, he’s a big reader. he has free time to kill when on the go sometimes, so he almost carries Athena’s latest book recommendation with him
he enjoys attending the summer Olympics, specifically the running track events. He blesses those who are gracious winners and good sport losers
I said it somewhere else, but he’s a great source for gossip since he’s always visiting the other gods with messages from the others. He supplies Hera with the latest news when he can. They get along well for this reason
He and Iris had a brief thing going on for a hot moment, but then they decided they were better off as friends and regularly keep in contact. (When they remember to)
He brings his kids at camp half blood THE best souvenirs from around the world, (and the other cabins are a little jealous). He tries to make sure they have those things because he wants the unclaimed kids to feel loved
He sends in anonymous funds to the national post office and other main delivery companies. Workers in the field who love their jobs, hate it but need to do it to support their family, and those in between sometimes find company monetary bonuses because of these donations
It’s damn near impossible to surprise him with a gift. Not only he a god of tricks and pranks (so he knows when he’s being played), but he also just knows as messenger god what’s in a package just by looking at it. But whether successful or not, he appreciates the gesture :)
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camzverse · 2 months
sorry for answering like two weeks late btw 💀💀💀💀 ignore rhattt
(i wanted 2 do all three but like theres practically no canon information about cassidy.. this shit a travesty forreal. like what do we even know about her besides some logbook and ucn stuff. Sighh............ so just mikey n roxy i GUESS)
favorite thing about them: either the way he just watches that little vampire soap opera every night (So silly) or the fact he can draw. his little drawings in the logbook...
least favorite thing about them: him being a little BITCH in fnaf4. he was straiggt up INFURIATING. if i ever encountered 1983 mike its ON SIGHT
favorite line: "he tripped and fell on freddys teeth not our fault" <-ITS SO FUNNY TO ME WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM . that or his whole "i should be dead but im not im going to come find you" speech it was pretty cool tbh. he ate
brOTP: Does he even have friends. wait do him and helpy count theyre so silly. freak corpse father and little toy bear son... im not sure what does and doesnt count as a brotp lmao
OTP: dont really care that much for shipping him but jeremike is soo fun :3 i like them
nOTP: ummm idk i guess just. Not the icky stuff yk. cant really think of anything else
random headcanon: i personally lov the idea that he kinda designed foxy. like he came up w the idea in like a drawing. i think its neat
unpopular opinion: idk exactly how unpopular this is but ive seen a loott of people saying it and. i dont think mike was mean 2 evan bc elizabeth died and he took it out on him or Whatever tf it is people think (i also dont even think she was dead at this point. imo) i think he was just mean bc. he just was mean yk. he just enjoyed being mean to ev and scaring him. as older brothers often do. i just dont think there was some deeper reason i really believe he was just being mean for the sake of fucking w his sibling. side note i dont think he ever wouldve taken it as far as the bite incident on his own i think that was jst a special case bc his bullying was being super enabled by his equally dickheaded friends. ykwim? not like he wasnt at fault he absolutely was but like i think it was a mob mentality kinda thing. if thta even makes sense. Anyway
song i associate with them: cop car by mitski.... something something "i will never die" Also michael afton + dog metaphor makes me insane
favorite picture of them:
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he is Lookingg..
favorite thing about them: i LOVE her design. and also her personality. shes just a really cool and interesting character as a whole i like what theyve done in creating her. Ok thats not really a fav thing ermm im gonna go w her design cuz it goes so hard
least favorite thing about them: shes a gregory hater and i cannot get behind that !! Sorry queen u fell off
favorite line: def either "sign up today and be a WINNER! nobody likes a loser 🙄🙄" (i love the way she says it its so funny 2 me) or "i remember because you are number one—twice :)" (aww CRIES)
brOTP: do her and cassie count. Theyre everything. i really do not think i am understanding brotp correctly but its not like theres that many options either. whatevr. OOHhhh yk what i really fw roxy-freddy friendship. their dynamic intrigues me....
OTP: also not big on shipping for roxy but i yhink roxica is cutee ^_^
nOTP: umm i have no idea actualky. lmao
random headcanon: she is a #lesbian she kisses girls shes a big fan of women etc u get it. also hc that when kids go in her green room and they play the racing arcade machine she starts backseat gaming them like crazy . shes just mad she cant play the game herself lmao
unpopular opinion: umm i dont think i really have one Question mark.. tbh i feel like people dont talk about roxy that much so im not sure what Is a popular opinion. people should talk about her more shes interesting
song i associate with them: what you waiting for by gwen stefani!!!!! actually bc of that one roxy drawing u made that had that song LOL
favorite picture of them:
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shes so cool..
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