#densimber day 14
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Sometimes the Customer’s Wrong
“Hey, how are we doing?” Deeks asked, popping in from the “Squid & Dagger” kitchen with a bucket of clean glasses.
Kensi was behind the bar, serving drinks and managing the other staff. She looked around the room; for one of the first times since they’d opened, most of the tables were filled. Several patrons also lined the bar.
“Good,” she answered. “We could use some more shot glasses though.”
“You got it.” He kissed her quickly, flashing her a playful smile. “Hottest bartender around.”
“Mm, the dishwasher isn’t too bad either.”
Deeks returned to the kitchen, and Kensi kept filling orders. She filled one of the waiter’s tray with beer for a table of boisterous couples, made a peach martini for a tiny girl sitting by herself at the end of the bar, and closed the tab for an older gentleman who’d spent three hours nursing a gin and tonic.
When she turned back around a few minutes later, a man in his later thirties or so leaned against the bar, one elbow propped on the surface. Kensi sighed internally; he’d already had several drinks and each time he returned, he grew more obnoxious. As did his drink orders.
Kensi offered him a courteous smile, remembering why she tended to let Deeks man the bar more of the time. He handled rude and annoying customers much better than she did, his natural charm coming out to play when needed.
“Give me a glass of Makers,” he said, throwing a couple bills on the bar. He winked knowingly. “You can keep the change.”
Sir, I’m afraid we don’t have that brand,” Kensi replied politely. Annoyances flashed across his face, and he leaned closer, his breath wafting unpleasantly through the air.
“What the hell kind of bar is this?” he slurred.
With a second look, Kensi noticed the glassy sheen to his eyes and slightly unsteadiness even with the bar supporting him. She hadn’t been keeping super close track, but thinking back, she thought he’d had five drinks.
“I’m sorry about that. We don’t get a lot of demand for certain brands.”
He made a sound of disgust. “Guess that’s what I get for coming to a little run down place like this,” he muttered and Kensi felt the muscle in her left cheek twitch a little. “Give me another bourbon then.” He smirked, licking his bottom lip in a way that made Kensi want to take a step back. She didn’t give any external reaction though.
“We have a policy against serving more than five drinks in an hour period,” Kensi explained. “Do you want some water or juice instead.”
“What the hell? If I want another drink, you pour me another drink!”
“I’m sorry.” Kensi gestured to one of the seats. “You’ll have to go somewhere else or wait another hour.” Personally, she hoped he left, even if it meant he took his forty dollars with him.
“Pour me a damn drink now!”
“Lower your voice or I’ll have to ask you to leave,” Kensi said firmly, nothing polite about her tone now.
Faster than she anticipated, he reached across the bar and grabbed her wrist. He had a surprisingly tight and painful grip. Glancing around, she saw a couple people eyeing them, but most either hadn’t noticed the disruption or didn’t want to get involved.
“Let go of me,” she said, surprised by how calm she sounded for how badly she wanted to punch him in his drunken face.
“What, or you’ll ban me?” He taunted. He squeezed a little tighter, his breath absolutely nauseating. “Or you’ll teach me a lesson? I bet you could, you little bi—”
“Get your hand off her before I do it for you,” Deeks warned from behind Kensi, his voice dangerously calm. She instantly relaxed at his presence.
The guy took one look at Deeks and straightened up, puffing out his chest. “I’d like to see you try. You don’t look like you could fight off a chihuahua.”
“I’d love to take you up on that challenge,” Deeks said, drawing up beside Kensi. “Or better yet, see her do it.”
Despite his bravado, the guy released her wrist when Deeks leaned in closer. He didn’t back up completely though, and he still had a stubborn look in his eye.
“You should also know that I’m a cop, and a lawyer, who will happily arrest you for assault and make sure you get the maximum sentence.” Pausing for emphasis, Deeks dropped his voice so it was that much more dangerous. “So, this is your final chance to leave before one of us kicks your ass.”
Eyes flicking between her and Deeks, the man bared his teeth, his nostrils flaring. After a second, he huffed, and grabbed the money off the bar, stuffing it in his pocket.
“What I need with your crappy bar anyway?” he grumbled. Sending them one last look of drunken disdain, he pushed through anyone in his way and exited the bar.
“Are you ok?” Deeks asked, pulling Kensi a few feet from the front, and lifting her wrist to examine it.
“I’m fine,” she assured him. She’d probably have a couple bruises by morning, but most of the pain had already dissipated. His brows furrowed a, and he exhaled heavily.
“I’m sorry I kind of “white-knighted” with that guy. I just saw him grab you and instinct took over. I know you could have handled it yourself.”
“It’s ok. I was trying not to cause an incident, but I probably would have ended up punching him in the end.” She kissed his cheek. “And it was kind of hot.”
Deeks snorted in surprise, lifting her wrist to his mouth. Something crashing brought them back to reality.
“Are you ok to keep going tonight?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Do you think we should be worried about that guy, though? I feel kind of bad about sending him out into public in his state.”
“I’ll pull up the security feed and get his plates. A Buddy from LAPD should be able to flag him for a DUI.”
“I love how your mind works,” Kensi said fervently.
A/N: Something must be wrong with me, because I almost forgot about the bar.
#densimber 8.0#densimber 2024#densimber day 14#ncis la fanfiction#marty deeks#kensi blye#the squid and dagger#mild violence#densimber#by ejzah
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Just Give us a Reason to Compete
“I’m just saying, of the two of us, one is clearly a better speller than the other,” Deeks proclaimed as he and Kensi walked into the bullpen.
“Deeks, I misspelled one word. It’s not that big a deal,” Kensi insisted, tossing her bag onto her already crowded desk. Callen reached out to catch a bottle of lotion. “And that was autocorrect’s fault.
“Uh-huh. Sure.”
“Hey, guys,” Nell said. “Do we want to know what’s going on?
“Kensi can’t spell,” Deeks announced loudly, before Kensi could respond. She rounded on him with a glare, and Deeks grinned back at her. He could tell it wasn’t true anger, so he didn’t feel all that bad about teasing her.
“All right, that’s it. I challenge you to a spelling competition.”
“Ok, I’m in. What do I get if I win?”
“The knowledge that you’re the better speller?” Kensi said with a shrug.
“Nah, that’s not good enough,” Deeks decided. He thought for a moment. “If I win, I want control of the radio for a week.”
“Then I want you to make me frittata every morning for a week.”
“Deal.” Turning to face the rest of the team, who had been watching the conversation with varying levels of interest, Deeks asked, “Any other takers?”
Callen snorted. “Not a chance. Sam, you in?”
“Oh no, I already know my spelling abilities. I once won a state spelling competition in high school,” he said, a hint of pride in his voice.
“I thought you were a mathlete,” Callen commented.
“I was.” Sam jabbed a finger at him. “And no jokes.”
“I would never,” Callen said solemnly. “Though it is impressive that one man can hold so much geekiness within him. I think you’re running neck and neck with Beale.”
“He thinks that’s an insult,” Eric said wryly. “For the record, I am not beyond competing in a test of spelling acuity.”
“I would, but I don’t think you guys could handle it,” she responded.
“Ooh, that sounds like a challenge, Jones. Why don’t you put your money, or similar compensatory item, where your mouth is?”
Nell stepped toe-to-toe with Deeks, standing as tall as she could.
“All right Mr. Deeks. I’ll participate, but you’ll regret it. And if I win, the losers will write all my expense summaries for the next week.”
“It’s a deal,” Deeks agreed.
“Oh, you’re going down hard,” Kensi goaded him. “I’m looking forward to breakfast in bed.”
“Alright Kensi, your word is “onomatopoeia”,” Callen called out, waiting as Kensi stepped forward. He’d been assigned the role of choosing and assigning words, mostly because Sam refused.
Eric had dropped out after three rounds with the word chiaroscurist. Personally, Deeks thought he’d done it on purpose, in deference to Nell. Deeks had nearly lost it with lachsschinken, but somehow managed to squeak through solely by chance.
Kensi correctly spelled her word; she looked decidedly tense, biting at her thumbnail in between turns. When it came back around to her again, Callen gave her the word “arachnophagous”.
“A-r-a-c-h-n-o-p-h-a-g,” Kensi started, then hesitated. “u-s?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, that is incorrect,” Callen said, not sounding sorry at all. “Now it’s just down to Deeks and Nell.”
“Damn it!” Kensi hissed, plopping into her seat.
“I can’t believe I’m watching this,” Sam mumbled.
“You got this, Nell,” Eric encouraged, then shot Deeks an apologetic look. “Sorry, man.”
“It’s ok, brother. I understand.”
“Ok Nell, your next word is “budgereegah”.
“Now you’re just making things up,” Deeks muttered even as Nell rattled off the apparently correct spelling liked she’d actually heard the word before.
“Excellent. Deeks, yours is “sesquipedalian”.”
“Awesome. Uh, s-e-s-a-u-i—p-e-d-a-l-i-e-n”.
“That is…incorrect,” Callen called out. “Congratulations, Nell. You’re the NCIS Office of Special Operations’ inaugural spelling bee winner.”
“That implies there’s going to be another one,” Sam commented under his breath.
“Nicely done, Nell,” Deeks congratulated her, and Nell accepted the praise with a nod.
“Thank you. And thank you for the week of expense reports. I will enjoy going home early.”
“It won’t be so bad with Eric and Kens helping. Right, Kensi?”
“Right,” Kensi said with a grimace. “Congrats Nell, but I was really looking forward to those breakfasts.”
“Well, there’s always next year,” Deeks said brightly.
A/N: This one was a bit sillier, but I hope you still enjoyed it. I think the team would compete for anything under the right conditions. Also, some of the words I used were selected from the national Spelling Bees list.
#densimber 7.0#densimber 2023#densimber day 14#densi#and co#ncis la fanfiction#marty deeks#kensi blye#Sam and Callen#Nell and Eric#team fic#ncis la#by ejzah
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Densimber Day 14 Creative Prompt:
“Get your hand off him/her before I do it for you.”
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Densimber Day 14 Creative Prompt
Team LA in competition. Could range from a more legitimate competition to the completely ridiculous.
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A Gift of Love
A/N: For this story, I’ve decided to revert to one of the AU Densi family I created. It’s not that I don’t like Rosa, but I think this concept works better with a younger child. My inspiration is the short story “The Gift of the Magi”.
“Daddy, where are we going?”
“To visit a buddy of mine,” Deeks replied, looking in the rear view mirror at 5-year-old Caleb. He had a Captain America book tucked under one arm, his eyes furrowed as he watched the scenery pass by.
“Is that why you brought a surfboard with? So we can go surfing?” he asked. God, Deeks loved his curiosity. He was never satisfied until he had all the answers.
“No, we’re not going surfing. We’re going to visit Jake to see if he wants to buy my surfboard.”
“But daddy, that’s your favorite one. It’s super special.” Caleb sounded horrified and when Deeks checked the mirror again, he saw his eyes were wide with something like horror.
“It is,” Deeks agreed. “But sometimes there are more important things.”
“Like paying bills?” Caleb asked softly. “I have some money if you need it.”
Deeks’ heart just about broke at the sincerity in Caleb’s voice. He would break his piggy bank open in a second if he thought it would help. Reaching back, he ruffled Caleb’s unruly blond hair.
“Oh kiddo, I appreciate that, but we got enough money to pay the bills. This is to get mommy a Christmas gift.”
“Alright, put your finger right there,” Kensi instructed, waiting for Caleb to place his finger in the center of a brightly wrapped package. Then she knotted a piece of red ribbon, gently nudging his hand out of the way. He watched with awe as she used the blade of her scissors to create little curlicues.
“Mommy, do you think dad will like it?”
“I hope so.” She was actually kind of nervous; this was more Deeks’ sort of thing than hers. When it came to presents, Kensi often struggled to hit the sentimental or meaningful note that Deeks managed so easily. “Just remember, it’s a secret.”
“I know. I’m the best at keeping secrets,” Caleb declared. Kensi almost chuckled at his confidence.
“Yeah, you are, Sweetie,” she said, kissing the top of his head. Sometimes she couldn’t believe this was her life. It wasn’t always easy, especially with pulling back from fieldwork, cutting hours, and with that, the hit to their income, but Kensi wouldn’t change a thing.
“So, what do you think?” Fluffing up the ribbon, Kensi held the wide, flat package up for Caleb to see.
“It’s perfect,” he decided happily.
Deeks wrapped his arm around Kensi’s waist, watching as Caleb assembled one of his presents, a marble run, in the middle of the floor.
“Are you ready for your present, Mr. Deeks?” Kensi asked mischievously.
“Definitely. Let me grab yours.”
They met back on the couch with each of their gifts, almost giddy in their anticipation.
“Open yours first,” Deeks urged. Kensi slid her finger index finger under the wrapping paper.
“Airplane tickets?” she said a moment later, sounding stunned. “Deeks, you got me tickets to go to Puerto Rico?”
“I knew how much you wanted to join the Cupcake Squad for their reunion vacation.” He shrugged.
“It’s amazing, but baby, the money,” she said, shaking her head. He scratched his head, screwing up his face.
“Yeah, I might have gotten a little creative for that part,” he admitted.
“Deeks, what did you do?” She gave him a warning look, and he reluctantly admitted.
“Sold a surfboard.”
“I have other ones. I barely used it anyway, because I didn’t want to wear it out,” he explained quickly. “I swear, I don’t mind.
Kensi was silent for a moment, her lips pressed together, then she hugged him unexpectedly. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now do I get to see what this massive thing is?” It was heavy too.
“Yeah, open it,” Kensi said. She watched him with excitement in her eyes, but also something that almost looked like slight apprehension.
He worked at the tape along the back, waiting until he had it all loose to let the wrapping paper slide off in one piece to reveal a white box. He lifted the lid, Kensi’s excitement catching on.
He was stunned into silence as he stared down at the painting inside. It was a hyper-realistic portrait depicting one of Deeks’ favorite family pictures. Caleb sat between them on, halfway on each of their laps. One arm was hooked around Kensi’s neck, while he leaned his head against Deeks’. They each had a hand pressed to his torso, completing the embrace. His favorite part though, was the utter happiness on each of their faces.
“Oh my god,” he finally muttered. “Kensi, this is…wow, uh, this beautiful.”
“It’s not too much?”
“No, it’s perfect.” He ran his hand over his mouth, nearly overcome. “It kind of makes my gift seem a little basic. Really upping the ante for next year.”
Kensi snorted, leaning her head against his. “You’re ridiculous. And I love you,” she said.
“So, uh, you want to tell me how you managed this? Cause this is really quality work.”
“You know all those nights when I said I was working out? I was actually training a couple clients at a martial arts gym,” she admitted. “Sorry I had to lie to you.”
“I’ll forgive you this time,” he teased. “Seriously though, this is amazing and probably one of the best, most thoughtful gifts anyone has ever gotten for me.”
“See, I told you he’d like it,” Caleb added, running over to sandwich himself between them. “And I kept all the secrets this whole time.”
“Yeah, you did,” Deeks agreed, tousling his hair. “Good job, buddy.”
He glanced over Caleb’s head, into Kensi’s eyes. Yes, this was everything.
#densimber 6.0#densimber 2022#densimber day 14#ncis la fanfiction#densi#au#Densi family#fluff#by ejzah
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A/N: For today’s prompt. We’re throwing it back to the days of the Squid and Dagger.
Deeks filled a glass with Yuengling and tipped the content of a drink shaker into a martini glass along with a miniature umbrella, and passed them to a couple sitting in the two center seats at the bar.
There were a few more people spread out on the main floor, which was typical for a Thursday evening. Kensi was bouncing between waiting on tables and managing the back since Roberta had taken the night off.
As he took a minute to dry a few shot glasses, he saw one of their regulars come in. She dropped in two to three times a week and usually stayed a few hours.
“Hey Leslie,” he called out as she chose a seat to the far right. Somehow she managed to look elegant sitting on a barstool, but that probably had something to do with the dress and heels she wore. “Is it going to be a Bloody Mary kind of night?”
“Hi Marty. I think I’ll go with a peach margarita actually,” she said with a wink.
“Ooh, changing it up on me. I like it. Be right back.”
“This is perfect,” she sighed when he brought the orange colored drink back. “Thanks, Marty. So, what have you been up to?” We haven’t had a chance to chat in a while.”
Deeks sighed deeply and braced his arms against the surface of the bar, thinking of all the craziness of work combined with trying to run a fledgling bar.
“Let’s just say I’ve been busy,” he decided. Most people thought he was a retired lawyer, who now did something in security. It worked well enough to explain his inconsistent presence at times, inability to go into great detail, and the frequent injuries. “How about you?”
“Good. Very busy. I know I shouldn’t compline about business, but I wish some of my clients weren’t so intent on making incredibly stupid life choices.”
“Pays the bills though,” Deeks said, chuckling. She acknowledged that with a self-deprecating smile.
“It does. You should consider joining my firm,” she offered, brushing a lock of dark hair behind her ear.
When Deeks started to shake his head, she leaned forward against the bar, lowering her voice enticingly. “You could have your own office, a full benefits package, and a business card to use at your own discretion.” She inclined her head playfully and took a sip from her glass. “And of course, the chance to see me on a daily basis.”
Deeks might have thought Leslie was joking, if it weren’t for her expectant look as she waited for him to reply. He rubbed his hands down the bar, dropping his head for a second before responding.
“Wow, that is an extremely, uh, generous offer, Leslie,” he said, meaning it. “But I quit law for a reason and if I was to return, it would probably in a much different capacity.”
Leslie gave him a mildly disappointed, but not entirely surprised look.
“Well, I had to try. From our little debates, I know you have what it takes. You would certainly be a credit to the profession.”
“Well, I appreciate it,” Deeks told her, smirking. “Though that credit card deal sounds pretty sweet.”
“Mm, well, the offer stands if you change your mind,” Leslie told him. She drained the rest of her drink and gave it a shake.
“Alright, what are you having this time?” Leslie considered his question with a tilt of her head.
“Surprise me.”
“Ooh, now you’re really going off script. Ok, I can handle that,” Deeks said, earning a grin from Leslie.
“And grab something for yourself on me,” she added.
“There you go, the Marty Deeks special,” he announced a few minutes later, setting a glass with a dark liquid in front of her, and a local microbrew for himself.
Regarding it suspiciously, Leslie gave it a careful sniff.
“This isn’t one of the concoctions you cooked up with your business partner, is it?”
“No,” Deeks assured her, chuckling at her grimace. She’d naively agreed to try a particularly poorly executed beer creation a couple months ago. “I promise there’s no seafood involved.”
Leslie took a cautious sip, sighing in relief when it turned out to be a mixed drink.
“So, what are you doing after work?” she asked, lightly resting her chin on her hand.
“Probably just go home. It usually takes a while to clean up after closing.” He glanced over at the couple to their left, but they seemed good on drinks and deep in conversation.
“Oh, I thought you might want to join me for a drink somewhere a little more private.” Something in her tone made Deeks straighten as he realized that he’d possibly misread the last 10 minutes.
“I don’t want to presume anything, but when you say drinks…?”
“I’m asking you out, Marty,” she confirmed, reaching out to brush the tips of her fingers across his hands. “You’re attractive,” Her eyes dropped from his face to his chest. “Intelligent, and, as you probably are perfectly aware, extremely charming.”
“Uh, again, that’s incredibly kind of you to offer, but I’m married,” he said, gently removing his hand as embarrassment flashed through him. Leslie’s eyes widened in surprise, which quickly turned to confusion.
“I didn’t realize. I’ve never seen you wear a ring.”
“Yeah, there’s a personal reason for that,” Deeks explained, not offering anymore. It seemed to encourage Leslie though since she brightened again, leaning towards him. She gave him a sly look.
“The kind of personal reasons where you are technically free to date someone else?” she prompted. “If you’re separated, or in divorce proceedings, I don’t mind.”
“My marriage is perfectly fine.” He kept his tone firm even as he tried to be gentle. “I’m ridiculously in love with my wife and I’m not looking for any other relationship.”
Without thinking he found Kensi in the middle of the room where she was chatting with a couple towards the back of the room.
“Oh my god,” Leslie murmured. He turned back to her and realized she’d followed his gaze. “You two are married. I should have known.” She shook her head, cheeks flushed.
“No, I need to go.” Without looking at him, she dug several bills out of her purse, and tossed them on the bar. “See you around, Marty.”
Deeks watched after her until the door closed behind her, then shook himself, and started wiping down the bar. Kensi slid next to him a couple minutes later.
“Hey, is Leslie ok?” she asked quietly. “I noticed she left kind of early for her and seemed upset.”
“Yeah, she uh,” Deeks ruffled his bangs and faced Kensi a little guiltily. “She kind of hit on me.”
“Oh.” Kensi sighed. “I wondered when that was going to happen.”
“Wait, you knew she liked me?” he asked, a little outraged. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It was easy to tell, Deeks, I thought you knew. She hung on your every word and the way she talked to you was completely different than anyone else.” Smiling gently, Kensi nudged his shoulder. “She lit up every time she saw you.”
“I just thought she liked talking to me,” Deeks said, feeling slightly let down. “I mean, before the whole hitting on me thing, she offered a sweet job with her firm. Though now in retrospect, that was probably in part due to the whole wanting to date me part.”
“I don’t think she’d be that frivolous,” Kensi disagreed. “Even if Leslie was partially motivated by her attraction, I’m sure she saw what I see in you every single day.”
“And what’s that?” Deeks asked, drifting closer to her. Kensi smiled softly, hooking her fingers through his belt loops.
“That you are caring, smart, and way too attractive for your own good.” She touched his cheek, eyes narrowing thoughtfully. “So, did you think about taking her up on her offer. For a job,” she clarified quickly.
“No,” Deeks said firmly, hugging her closer. “I have everything I want right here.”
#densimber 5.0#densimber 2021#densi#densimber day 14#marty deeks#kensi blye#the bar#ncis la fanfiction#by ejzah
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A/N: The return of our second favorite Russian criminal. For today’s prompt. This assumes that Deeks is able to attend FLETC or grandfathered into the NCIS for years of service.
“Congratulations Mr. Deeks, or rather Agent Deeks,” Hetty said grandly. He stooped to give her a hug, squeezing her as tightly as felt safe without hurting her.
“Thanks, Hetty. You really outdid yourself with this party. This is, wow, I definitely didn’t expect any of this.”
He turned to take in the elegant tables covered with white tablecloths and fancy appetizers and black and silver balloon. Through some magic, Hetty had somehow managed to arrange a banquet in his honor and invite several dozen law enforcement officers, Julia, and his mom all without him realizing.
“You have Nell to thank for most of this. She was very eager to make sure that everything was just so. And you deserve it.”
“Well, I still appreciate it,” he insisted. “Even though you almost gave me a heart attack when I first walked in.”
“Always so dramatic, Mr. Deeks. Now, you enjoy yourself. I saw Director Vance skulking by the dessert table and I’d like to have a word with him.”
Shaking his head, Deeks glanced around the room again. His mom was in what appeared to be a very animated conversation with Sabatino, a glass of white wine in one hand. He snorted at the vague look of discomfort on Sabatino’s face and wondered if he was being treated to a retelling of Deeks’ birth.
“Having a good time?” Kensi asked, coming up behind him. She rested her chin on his shoulder and loosely wrapped her arms around him.
“Honestly, I’m a little overwhelmed, but yes, I’m having a good time.” He craned his head to look at her. “Is it common practice to have a celebration when you become an agent?” Kensi shrugged.
“Not really. But you know people aren’t going to pass up the opportunity to have free food and drinks.”
“True.” She circled around to face him and brushed his bangs back, her smile nod.
“Plus, you’ve worked really hard to get here and deserve the recognition,�� she added. “I’m so proud of you baby.”
“Oh, it is indeed a impressive accomplishment, Marty.”
“Oh my god, no,” Deeks muttered, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. “Kensi?”
“Yup, it’s him,” she confirmed. He turned around slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Kirkin.” Anatoli Kirkin smiled at him, taking a step forward with his arms extended, like he planned to embrace Deeks.”
“Marty,” he said. Deeks took a step back while Kensi’s grip on his hand tightened. Kirkin looked mildly disappointed by their reaction, but didn’t attempt further contact.
What are you doing here?” Kensi asked. And more importantly, how did you even get in? This is a closed party.” Kirkin smiled at them benignly.
“I heard about this from a friend and just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to celebrate with you.”
“That’s, uh, that’s very kind of you Kirkin. I guess,” Deeks said as diplomatically as he could.
“And Kensi, as always it is a great pleasure to see you. I’m sure you’re taking good care of our Marty,” Kirkin continued. Deeks made a face at “our Marty”, but didn’t comment. Past experience had taught him that it was easier to go with Kirkin’s delusions most of the time.
“Thanks,” Kensi said with an awkward smile.
“That dress is absolutely divine. And Maaarty, that suit fits you like a glove. That blue brings out the color in your eyes perfectly.” Kirkin continued looking Deeks up and down and gave a shuddery little sigh.
“I see you cut your hair as well. It’s a pity to see those lovely curls, but I suppose in time it will grow again.” He suddenly moved forward again, apparently unable to help himself, and briefly made contact with Deeks’ cheek.
“Hey, no touching,” Kensi said firmly. She didn’t raise her voice, but Kirkin still blanched, obviously remembering suddenly that she could easily take him down without breaking a sweat or her platform stilettos.
“I apologize,” Kirkin murmured, looking a little embarrassed. He smoothed down his tie, drawing in a shallow breath. “It appears I’ve over stayed my welcome for today.” Deeks started to relax a little, until Kirkin added, “But I want to give you your present before you go.”
“What is it with you and presents?” Deeks asked, but Kirkin either didn’t hear him or was ignoring him. He reached into his suit jacket-Kensi tensed again-and removed a slim box from his inner pocket. As always, it was wrapped in the finest of papers and an ornate bow.
“A token of my deep and abiding affection,” Kirkin said solemnly, offering Deeks the package.
“Again, this really wasn’t necessary.” He really hoped it wasn’t another nude. It would just be like Kirkin to give him a handy wallet-sized print. With this thought in mind, he gingerly opened the box while Kensi peered over his shoulder.
Instead of something wildly inappropriate, he found a burnished platinum tie clip. It was surprisingly simple and in good taste with only the brand’s label on the front, in the far left corner.
Kensi made a slightly disappointed noise and he gave her a mildly disgusted look. Only she would be upset that Kirkin hadn’t gifted him with an imagined naked rendering of him.
“I figured it would be useful to you now that you’re an agent,” Kirkin explained hopefully. “There’s a small message on the back. I had it specially engraved.”
Deeks lifted it out, flipping it around to read the minute flowing script.
“To my dear friend Martin. Think of me when you wear this.”
“Oh, that’s actually pretty nice. Thanks, Kirkin,” Deeks said, feeling oddly touched.
“At least this way I can feel close to you even when society objects.”
“Society is the only one objecting,” Kensi said under her breath.
“As I said it was just a token of my affection. Now I really must be going. My men will be worrying about me by now,” he said. Then before either of them could react, he’d wrapped his arms around Deeks.
“Agh, ok we’re doing this. We’re really doing this,” Deeks groaned.
“Remember, I’m always a call away,” Kirkin whispered. He stepped back from Deeks, gripping his forearms firmly. “Goodbye Marty.”
As Kirkin walked away, Deeks finally let himself shudder.
“Are you ok?” Kensi asked, resting her hand on his chest.
“Yeah, I’m good. I might need to burn this suit though.”
“Let’s get you something to drink.” Kensi squeezed his arm soothingly, leading him towards a table loaded with large quantities of alcohol.
“Can you burn titanium?” he asked idly.
A/N: And as always, I have to throw in at least one “Maaarty” when writing Kirkin. Also, if you haven’t read my previous Kirkin stories-you should-I’ve written several where Kirkin gives Deeks a series of wildly inappropriate gifts.
#densimber 2020#densimber 4.0#densimber day 14#densi#marty deeks#kensi blye#Kirkin#ncis la fanfiction#by ejzah
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Densimber Day 14 Creative Prompt:
I always have to include some version of this. Deeks gets hit on, much to his embarrassment.
If there are any particular suggestion for stories or continuations of previous Densimber stories you would like to see, please let us know. As always, prompts should be centered on Densi if other characters are included. Thanks!
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Densimber Day 14: Writing Prompt
Deeks and Kensi run into Kirkin.
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Densimber Day 14 Creative Prompt:
Kensi and Deeks buy each other meaningful presents.
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