#i also really want to get it out there that i despite sect leader yao
thesilversun · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Not doing the screenshots this week, just pasting it in, as I'm using ancient laptop. Still part 7 of Before the Dawn, but this probably the last Wednesday for part 7. Hoping to actually post that part this weekend. Then it will be onto part 8. (Also been working an exchange fic - but can't share any of that)
For this bit, Di Feisheng meets up with Wuyan, and plans are put in place.
No specific warnings apply. DFS is tired, sore and concern about LLH, but otherwise managing (mostly by ingoring tired and sore parts.)
Decision made, Di Feisheng returns to the overgrown seats in the little pavilion to wait.  
He doesn’t have to wait long. Despite the security in the palace, which must be high right now, Wuyan lands lightly on the path seemingly unbothered by it all. His choice of approach giving Di Feisheng enough warning not to be startled by him.  
“Mengzhu.” A small bow as he appraises how his sect leader looks. “What do you need?” 
Any concern that Di Feisheng had about how Wuyan has been is dispelled. He looks as he always does. Calm and ready to take whatever action is required of him. The relief almost make him want to hug him. Not that they’ve ever had that kind of relationship, not that he thinks Wuyan would even welcome it.  Too much time spent around Fang Duobing, he thinks, with rather less annoyance than he used to. Li Lianhua’s would be disciple really was just so eager with touches and hugs and smiles that it was infectious.  
Di Feisheng stands, ankles protesting once more at being made to bear weight. He knows how not to let any of it show on his face.  
“Jiao Liqiao took the Styx flower from me. If she’d wanted to destroy it she would have done so in front of me. So it will be hidden.” He has to believe that is true. Because if it isn’t, if it’s gone, then so is Li Lianhua’s last hope of a cure. He will die.   
Closing his eyes, Di Feisheng fights the sudden wave of dizziness that breaks over him. Perhaps standing up had been an error.  
“Mengzhu?” Wuyan’s hand comes to rest lightly on Di Feisheng’s arm. “Are you injured?”  
Although the answer is yes and he trusts Wuyan absolutely, still the words catch in his throat. It’s to himself that he can’t admit any weakness. Because if he does, if he allows himself that, he doesn’t know how to come back from it. So he can‘t. Not yet. Maybe not ever.    
“Shall I inform Yao Mo?”  
Opening his eyes, Di Feisheng lifts Wuyan’s hand from his arm. “No need. Find the Styx flower and bring it to me. You have three days. If you haven’t found it by then report what you have found.”  
He doesn’t say ‘be careful.’ For Wuyan to have lived as long as he has there must be an element of caution to how he approaches the tasks he is given. All the same providing him with extra information is necessary. “Do not touch the box directly, it was poisoned. It was how she killed the King of Yama.” 
Wuyan nods, nothing showing on his face as to whether the news of the death of the last of the three kings has affected him. Most likely he’d already known. It had been more than a week and Jiao Liqiao would have hardly been secretive about it. 
“Will you remain here for three days?” Wuyan asks, looking around the gardens.  
It’s a good question and one to which Di Feisheng doesn’t have an answer. Perhaps he will remain at the palace. Or perhaps Li Lianhua will want to get back to his ridiculous moving house or his Shiniang will want him to go with her to her mountain retreat or maybe they’ll all go back with Fang Duobing to Tianji Hall. There is no way of knowing where he will be in a few days time apart from not willingly letting Li Lianhua out of his sight. “I will call for you three days.”  
“Rest well.” There is an unspoken look of concern in Wuyan’s eyes as he salutes, then turns to leave. “I will return.”  
Di Feisheng lets him go. Wuyan had done the impossible in finding the Styx flower in the first place. To locate it from wherever Jiao Liqiao’s had concealed would be simple task in comparison. He trusts him to accomplish it and to bring back it to him. 
Only once Wuyan is out of sight does he allow himself to sag against one of carved columns that hold up the pavilion roof, exhaustion and pain threatening to drop him to the ground once more.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
nice! i will say, i have only seen the show so my opinions are based on that
okay so first off, i agree with you that both the usually portrayed versions of Niè Huáisāng aren't accurate. he's not helpless (though he certainly can seem so at points, i.e. when he and Wangxian are trapped in the cave with the stone fairy) but he's not a strategic mastermind either.
Niè Huáisāng, to me, comes off as impulsive and clever. he thinks quick, and in his younger years, he uses that mainly to avoid the things he has no interest in doing (cultivating, using his sabre- can't say i really blame him for that, given what Niè's usually end up succumbing to). in later years, he's surrounded by a bunch of things he never wanted to do (running the sect, being a leader in general, and paperwork), and he's still trying to avoid those things (playing dumber than he is, whining to Jīn Guāngyáo and Lán Xīchén because he knows they'll dote on him).
and i think, at least in part, avenging his brother is more impulsive than anything else and may not have, entirely, been something he wanted to do. the revenge, in the end, exposed a lot of Jīn Guāngyáo's secrets to several people, and i think Niè Huáisāng just kind of hoped one of them would be angry enough to kill Jīn Guāngyáo (or maybe that his brother’s fierce corpse would) and i really think, in that last moment, when he realized he went to all of this trouble and Jīn Guāngyáo wasn't going to die, he panicked and made someone else take care of the problem. but i also think, up until that moment, Niè Huáisāng was on the fence about killing Jīn Guāngyáo.
Niè Huáisāng wasn't shown to be a violent person in the show. he liked to catch birds, paint fans, and collect erotic novels. but, i can't believe he lost all attachment to Jīn Guāngyáo if it took him that long to actually get him killed. Huáisāng, like i said, is impulsive and even the smartest guy in the room (which, i say this with love, he is not) would have snapped, right then and there, and turned it into a fight. but he didn't. he dug into all of Jīn Guāngyáo's secrets and, yeah, he eventually exposed them, but i think part of him was looking for a reason; either a way to excuse or condemn Jīn Guāngyáo, something that would push him to one side of the fence or the other. and the other part of him was stalling and avoiding the problem until he absolutely couldn't.
sorry for the text wall. Niè Huáisāng is my favorite out of the show so i have a lot of feelings about him
oh these thoughts are so delightfully crunchy, and I think I largely agree with them, to a point. I know I mentioned somewhere else recently (at least, I think I mentioned it on tumblr, tho tbh it might've been through a discord conversation) that rather like nmj, jgy spends an awful lot of his time in the story un-murdered for someone whose opponent's intention was always to murder him. for nmj, I think he lives for as long as he does because jgy genuinely does not want to kill him despite multiple attempts on his life and enduring increasing pressure from his father to make it happen--up until nmj punts him down the jinlintai steps and humiliates him/his mother in front of the entire lanling jin sect.
(pausing here just to say: I am so sick and tired of the comments by the antis on this point that jgy did not deserve to seek any kind of retribution or vengeance in the face of this insult. like is it only fine when the gentry resort to violence to satisfy insults to their honour? anyway)
so, yes, I think I vibe with your point wrt nhs and his revenge quest! not only because I also agree that he just could not, and did not want to decide what to do, but because yes, he absolutely did care about jgy! I think those feelings are especially clear in cql given how the drama reshapes the relationship that jgy-as-meng yao has to the qinghe nie. he is nhs's body guard and protector (and, uh, babysitter), and I often think of that glimpse we are given of nhs anxiously pacing outside the throne room while nmj aggressively interrogates freshly-stabbed (to protect!! nmj!!) meng yao after wen chao's assault on the unclean realm:
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this 👆👆👆is not the behaviour of a little guy who is ambivalent or otherwise emotionally uninvested in the outcome of this interrogation. he is fretting! he is worried! and then afterwards when meng yao has been ousted from the nie, huaisang is the one who sweeps up to him to try to support his shoulders. because meng yao is still, you know, freshly stabbed by wen zhuliu in this moment. (you're welcome, da-ge. thanks for the banishment. could he have a bandaid maybe--no? no ok that's fine)
ultimately, tho, even if he waffles and can't make up his mind for over a decade, I do think nhs does want to kill jgy when he finally succeeds in doing it. and maybe he tells himself that he is doing it to avenge nmj, rather than for even more personal reasons (e.g., 'san-ge murdered da-ge, but he betrayed me') but let's be real, we will never know. whatever interiority nhs has, either in the novel or in the drama, remains hidden from the reader/viewer, and all we have to go on is the framing provided to us by the camera lens, and by what wwx shows us in the text.
and in cql, this is that glimpse we get of nhs's face right before he tricks lxc into stabbing jgy:
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(sorry you get my meme, I couldn't find my original screenshot womp womp)
anyway, that's the glower of a little guy who has decided he is definitely gonna do a murder.
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out-there-tmblr · 2 years
Xiyao wedding fix-it
It's interesting how writing a fix-it fic makes you work out the things you consider important to that character's happiness. Apparently, it's not enough for a JGY fix-it fic to get him out of Koi Tower and married to LXC. No, I also want him to remain friends with NHS.
The flight to Lanling left Jin Guangyao exhausted this morning. Now, he's hiding yawns behind his sleeve.
"Oh, no, san-ge," someone says from above him, waving a fan urgently. "Don't tell me you've succumbed to the Lan bedtime!"
Jin Guangyao does not point out that not everyone has the luxury of travelling by carriage. Not everyone can excuse a weak core and refuse to train. "I am a member of the Lan now."
Nie Huaisang gives a mournful shake of his head. As someone who prefers sleeping until lunch, he's never appreciated the Lan approach of early nights and early rising. "I said you should have joined the Nie."
"If only you'd had the foresight to propose to me," Jin Guangyao replies lightly and is rewarded with the sound of laughter behind Nie Huaisang's fan.
"Don't even joke about that. Our elders keep insisting da-ge should be meeting with matchmakers. They want me to go, too."
On the other side of the banquet hall, Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue are talking, sitting side-by-side and comfortably ignoring the rest of the crowd. Nie Mingjue is dressed finely but his pale face has a clammy sheen. Jin Guangyao's too far away to be sure, but he thinks Nie Mingjue's arm is trembling from how tightly his hand clenches his wine cup. Of course the Nie elders would start to raise concerns about succession. Nie Huaisang has never been a favoured choice to become sect leader. He's loved by his sect, but Jin Guangyao's overheard more than one elder discussing the hopeful possibility of Nie Mingjue having children to inherit instead.
"You could always approach it like Sandu Shengshou," Jin Guangyao murmurs.
"Be so disagreeable I get banned for life? I really don't think he did that on purpose."
"It was effective, whether it was intentional or not."
Nie Huaisang shoots him a sly look over the edge of his delicately painted fan. For a moment, it feels like being back in the Unclean Realm, the two of them standing around a brazier while other disciples fight with sabre in the freezing Qinghe winter. Exchanging quiet comments with someone else clever enough to follow them, sharing disbelief at Nie Mingjue's determination to work very hard without considering how effective that effort was. They were a similar age and despite their different stations, they found kinship while surrounded by disciples as honest, unsubtle and straightforward as their blades. If fate had taken different turns, he could imagine a life with Nie Huaisang, a marriage of strategic alliance that allowed Meng Yao to be useful and Nie Huaisang to be indulged. "Again, this would be solved if you thought to propose to me."
Nie Huaisang rolls his eyes. "Da-ge would never agree to that. He doesn't agree with you marrying er-ge, but Lans can be stubborn. And thinking of Lans, how is your marriage to our generation's most eligible bachelor? Does it live up to everything those Spring books promised?"
Jin Guangyao smiles sweetly. "I'm not answering that."
"San-ge, don't be such a bore. I can keep a secret."
"You can," Jin Guangyao allows, because when properly motivated, Nie Huaisang can successfully hide his illicit goods and fake his sabre practice, "but that doesn't mean you will."
"But think of those Lans. It's all height and shoulders and arm-strength. It's such a pretty package that also appreciates poetry and fine painting." Nie Huaisang gives a dramatic sigh that Jin Guangyao is almost sure he doesn't mean. Almost. "Shouldn't you share your tales of wedded bliss?"
There is a small part of him that is tempted to confide in Nie Huaisang, but Jin Guangyao has spent years keeping secrets from people he wishes he could trust. "It sounds like you should marry a Lan."
A considering hum. "Maybe if I could get a Lan to marry into the Nie. I really couldn't manage those bedtimes."
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Yao: Minshan, is everything in order for tomorrow's sect conference?
Su she: yes Huangdi.
Yao: delightful. We'll head to Moling later.
Xue yang: xiandu, your conferences are always great.
Su she: thank you yangyang. I leant from the best.
Mo xuanyu: see how beautiful the Jianghu is, when Yao gege is in control.
Su she: yes. Everything is just so positive.
Meng Shi: *enters* Yao'er. My baby.
Yao: A-niang.
Meng Shi: *kisses him on his forehead*
Aren't you the chief cultivator? Why is it happening in Moling?
Yao: because I have appointed Minshan as the chief cultivator, as I'm occupied with being Huangdi.
I think he's very brilliant and talented.
He has invented teleportatuon talismans and the Misty spell which disguises ones appearance and sword.
Meng Shi: ahh, how remarkable.
You make the best decisions.
But Yao'er I have one request.
Yao: what's that?
Meng Shi: I want you to host a conference and invite everyone in the Jianghu.
Allies, friends, family and enemies.
Yao: so be it A-niang. *smile*
Meng Shi: I want to see who has been insulting my son.
Xue yang: taihou, are you in your revenge era.
That's kinda badass though.
Meng Shi: I don't want revenge, but justice.
Meng Shi: Yao'er, what's the most open area in your Jing Manor?
Yao: the army training ground.
Meng Shi: well it will be held there.
Yao: mn. As you wish.
And everyone will be in attendance.
Su she: I'll inform them, Huangdi.
Next day.
The sect leader conference started! And everyone is present. Team dimple, Rusong, Lan xichen, Lan qiren Jiang cheng, the nie bros, wangxian, sect leader yao, sect leader ouyang, Zixuan, Zixun and even Jin guangshan.
(When Minshan has a sect conference, he would exclude guangshan and Zixun.)
There was this shelter in which A-Yao, Rusong, team d and Meng shi sat under~ while the imperial Mengs had attendants fanning them. Other than that, it was more cloudy than anything else and the cultivators comfortably sat adjacent to each other.
Yao: welcome dear cultivators to the annual conference. I know you're all accustomed and well adapted to your new xiandu. Yet I couldn't help but wish to revisit my old position.
Sect leader yao: guangyao cut to the crap already.
Meng Shi: emperor Guangyao.
Sect leader yao: *rolls eyes*
Who's the enchantress.
Jgs: my ex.
Sly: for real??? How did you get that?
Jgs: because I'm rich. And she's a pr*stitute
Sly: not anymore bro. She looks elite.
Jgs: because of that bastard.
Meng Shi: you were saying, Yao huangdi.
Yao: mn. Cultivators, is everything in good shape?    
Jiang cheng: yes Huangdi, don't worry.
Mingjue: are we still having a crowd hunt some time?
Yao: yes. With your Su xiandu.
Mingjue: ok.
Yao: please, fellow cultivators. I hope you maintain decorum and valour within the jianghu.
*elegantly takes his seat*
My A-niang, the goddess of Hulijings and empress dowager is back. And she wishes to speak to you.
Yao: make sure to be respectful or else I would punish you without hesitation.
Meng Shi: thank you, Yao'er.
Citizens of the cultivation world! I'm displeased with your mindset.
You dare bully the one who's your Huangdi and chief cultivator.
Sect leader yao: in what way did we bully him!
Meng Shi: do you really want me to read out the list?
Well ok then. You better listen carefully.
You and that evil Zixun had insulted and abused him. Perverted guangshan, you also did the same! Lan Wangji, you attacked him! Jiang bros and Nie Huaisang, you have poked your nose in his business.
And the list goes on.
Tell me, how is being successful despite birth wrong in your society. Why do you have to listen to everything that that yellow creature guangshan let out of his mouth.
Someone lower than you is shunned but one who's equal to you is praised.
Listen to me, despite A-Yao being born in a brothel, he's hulijing royalty. From birth! And so am i!
But you dare have him like a slave.
Xichen: *blushing* oh god. I think I'm in love with a royal hulijing. Heehee.
Mo xuanyu: why are you blushing, Lan lips. He's my Yao gege.
Xue yang: rude cultivators.
Su she: must be said. *blushing*
Meng Shi: now I, the goddess of Hulijings and empress dowager Meng Shi, demand to hear the insults you said about my son.
If you're so brave, you can say it to my face. And I don't believe that A-Yao had led a Jianghu filled with cowards!!
Cultivators: *trembling*
Jgs: meng shi is still kinda hot.
Ouyang zizhen: dimples. I mean empress dowager, I think that the sect leaders were just speaking their mind.
Meng Shi: well let them speak to me. I would love to hear their thoughts.
What do you think about your emperor.
Wait a sec.
*increasing in size*
While she grew into in more magnificent form, her glowing nine tails and ears appeared, her eyes glowed and nails became longer as well as embroidered by gems.
Sly: what kind of illusion this enchantress performed!
All fox spirits are so dangerous.
Zixun: I know right.
Su she: imagine Huangdi in this form.
Mo xuanyu: yeaa. He'll be so gorgeous.
Xue yang: ah yes.
Hauisang: I'm scared. Why did San ge's mom become a giantess.
Rusong: Nainai!! You look amazing!
Why are they afraid of my Nainai.
Xue yang: cuz they're a couple of cowards. 
Meng Shi: *sits and crosses her legs*
Zixun: *stood up and unsheaths sword* I'll tell you about your bastard son.
Meng Shi: can you talk without holding your sword like a toy? 
I know that Yao'er had sentenced you to 10 years under house arrest but we still invited you to the conference.
Zixun: I'm fed up of that son of a whore and his sidekick ruling the Jianghu. And I'm not afraid to cut off your tails.
Meng Shi: *bends the sword between her fingers.* cut them off with what?!
Zixun: you!! You ruined my sword!
Meng shi: now what were you saying about A-Yao.
Zixun: he's is a lowlife. My uncle's outside child.
I hate being related to that.
Meng shi: *Flicks him away with her giantess fingers.
Zixun: falls a few meters away from where he was standing.
Meng shi: Jail him in his room!!
Guards: *taking him up*
Zixun: let go of me!! Don't touch me!!
Meng Shi: anyone else?!
Mingjue: I hated how he killed one of my soldiers
Meng Shi: wasn't he insulting A-Yao, Nie gui fei?
Mingjue: Yao was my Deputy, and he shouldn't have done that!!
Meng shi: that's not what i asked.
A-Yao, I need your memory.
Yao: you're correct, A-niang. He called me the son of a whore, so I stabbed him.
Meng shi: so my Yao'er had to bite his tongue and let people bully him to keep your respect and false pride!
Mingjue: uh just let me explain.
Meng Shi: *thumps him away like Zixun*
Huaisang: DAGE!!!! 
Mingjue: *trying to get up* man she's strong.
Meng Shi: next!
Sect leader Ouyang: taihou, us Ouyangs have a healthy relationship with Yao huangdi.
Jiang cheng: yea same here.
Zixuan: you know, Jimu. He's my younger brother.
Wuxian: lianfang zun and I are cool.
Meng Shi: wei wuxian! I and your cultivator goons disrupted my temple! How dare you!
And Huaisang, what were you trying to dig up??
Huaisang: *crying* I'm sorry! I don't know anything!
Meng Shi: well I know. And I know that you and everyone else was trying to sabotage Yao'er, who was only doing a pious job.
Wuxian: we're sorry. I know we should have stayed out of his business.
Meng Shi: fine. You're forgiven, but huaisang isn't.
Huaisang: dang it.
Meng Shi: you have tried to usurp the empire and you vandalized a temple.
Zixuan: Jimu, I have Huaisang as a maid, so he won't trouble Foxy. I mean, Yao Huangdi again.
Meng shi: good.
Keep him occupied.
Meng shi: Lan Wangji.
Lan zhan: taihou.
Meng Shi: you like to stab things, don't you? 
Why did you attack him?
Lan qiren: taihou, Wangji was just doing his job! Look, your son had seduced Xichen already. We're on good terms.
Meng Shi: ah, you're pulling the inlaw card.
You and your nephew better treat him right.
And as for you Wangji, if you do anything to my son again, I'll make you his attendant.
Su she: *laughing evilly*
Lan zhan: but I'm a cultivator. I can't be a servant.
Meng shi: of course you can!!
And you'll learn some manners too.
Sect leader yao: I'm completely against him! He's from a place that's shunned upon. And on top of that he's  a fox spirit.
Hulijings are really corrupted.
Meng shi: *thumps him away*
Sect leader yao: *falls unconscious*
Jgs: Meng Shi. We meet again.
That Jin guangyao is ~~
Meng Shi: *thumps him away*
Meng Shi: Jianghu and Hulijings. Your Yao huangdi has restored my title and name back to honour.
Now I'll do the same with him, once again.
He's Meng Guang Zi Yao, also known as Jin Ziyao, the Jin Sect leader and Hulijing huangdi.
Former xiandu, as he passed it on to Su minshan.
Zixuan: *clapping* Ziyao!
Yao: *smiling*
Everyone else: *clapping along*
Jgs: *holding his head* Ziyao?! Never! He could never be equivalent to Zixuan!
Meng Shi: did I ask you to disrupt me!
Jgs: *whimpers*
Meng Shi: what's aching you? Old man!
Jgs: You can't just change his name!
Meng Shi: I named my son at birth. And I can do it again if I wish.
Meng Shi: a proper member of the Jin Sect and the sect leader must have the correct generational name.
A-Yao and Zixuan both run the Jin Sect while being emperors.
Their generational name is Zi. Hence Zixuan, Zixun....and Ziyao.
Afterwards, the Jin Sect will be led by the Ru. Hence Jin Rulan.
Taizi Dianxia Jin Rusong will support his cousin.
Jgs: that's ridiculous!!
Meng Shi: giving my son an outdated name isn't ridiculous?
Anyways, I love his name, as Guang means bright and brilliant. And you aren't bright at all.
Meng Shi: it fits my A-Yao more than it does to you.
Meng Shi: *morphs back to normal*
*sighs* well then. I hope you all enjoy the conference. *looking cute*
And do note if you're still degrading my son, I'll fight the entire Jianghu for him.
Sect leader Ouyang: how did you get so cute and innocent afterwards?
Jiang cheng: A-Yao is the same thing.
Mingjue: that's where he got it from.
Meng Shi: don't forget to grab some mooncakes on the way out.
Except for you, guangshan and sect leader Yao. You're not allowed to have anything tasty.
*cultivators leaving*
Yao: A-niang. What was that?
Meng Shi: justice. *touches his face*
Yao: means a lot.
Meng Shi: anytime dear. It's My job.
Yao: *smile*
Meng Shi: my sweet baby.
Zixuan: *hugs* Ziyao.
Cutie, why are you so emotional.
Yao:I just feel very happy.
Zixuan: aww.
Xichen: mother-in-law. I will~~
Team dimple: *jumping in front of him*
Su she: Huangdi is my lord. I'll make them respect him.
Xue yang: he's in safe hands with us.
Mo xuanyu: we really love Yao gege.
Xichen: *shakes his head*
Meng Shi: splendid.
I know that you three love and respect him.
Lan gui, what were you about to say?
Xichen: I was going to say that i will always protect him.
And support him as well.
Meng shi: awwww.
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you-dont-wanna-know · 4 years
You guys know what confuses me? The fact that everyone in the mo dao zushi was like Oh Wen Qing and Wen Ning didn't stop the Wens either so they don't really deserve to be free and roaming about. Like how is everyone gonna forget the fact that they literally helped The Yunmeng Trio and harboured them when they were declared as fugitives by the Wens and literally nursed them back to health and basically saved them even at the risk of their own safety? How did that not warrant a pardon, especially considering they hadn't really done anything wring such as murder either? I'm just so confused.
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aline-the-cat · 2 years
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Is the first time Wen Qing receives a petitioner, the Dafan Wen have been living in the Burial Mounds for almost a year now, along with all the other refugees and rogue cultivators that have arrived at the place, there are enough people in the community to actually be called a sect, so she, Meng Yao, and their Yiling Laozu have been working together to formalize it. Is good that Wei Wuxian has such a reputation as a granting wishes demon since most of their first night-hunts requests came that way, so after dealing with a certain number of fierce corpses, vengeful ghosts, and restless souls, the town of Yiling started to acknowledge them as cultivators, and their time as a proper sect began. Is also thanks to that, that Wen Qing and her family were able to start working as healers in town (giving the chance to the old one to finally retire)
Among the multiple hours of paperwork, organization, farming, and healing, the Yiling Laozu keeps granting wishes. It’s really not as divine or demonic as it may seem, is just Wei Wuxian having or inventing a talisman or array for almost everything and accepting any stray that comes wandering to their dark, foggy gates; every now and then others from the sect will let them in Wei Ying’s place, like a few months ago when Meng Yao came in with a young woman and another of Jin Guangshan’s bastards in tow. So it’s not unusual for their members to find someone near the Burial Mound’s shrine, waiting to have an audience with the Yiling Patriarch… like now.
Wen Qing sees a kneeling figure by the entrance of the Burial Mounds, she sighs as she readjusts her weekly purchases, as she comes close though her eyes widen. She wasn’t inside Wen Ruohan's inner circle for long, but it was enough for her to attend several discussion conferences as her uncle’s head physician, which was sufficient to collect information about every sect leader, their families, and head disciples, and enough to identify Madam Qin despite the cheaper-looking robes. Wen Qing sighs heavily again
“Excuse me” she calls suddenly, the Laoling's Sect Leader’s Wife doesn’t flinch out of pure grace, even so, Wen Qing notices a paleness to her skin that cannot be healthy… but what the hell is doing someone like her so far away from her home? “I’m sorry, may I help you with something?” she tries to channel her inner Meng Yao to assist the older lady (he is so charming when he wants to be, the fucker)
The woman looks at her for a while before also recognizing her
“Young Lady Wen” she whispers as she bows “We thought Wen Ruohan killed you and your branch” Wen Qing bows back as much as she can
“I was afraid he would, so we left” she answers honestly “Madam Qin, I wasn’t expecting to see you today” or never actually “Is there anything I can do for you?” the woman seems to straighten up
“I have a request for the Yiling Patriarch”
"I see..." Wen Qing nods “Follow me, please” she says as she opens the intricate wards Wei Wuxian put around the Burial Mounds years ago
Inside the 'village', she gives the purchases to her younger brother and guides the woman to the Demon Slaughtering Palace, specifically to Wei Wuxian’s office, she knocks three times, the exact amount to indicate she comes with an outsider. The door opens and the Yiling Patriarch is in full get-up, resentful veil and all
“Yiling Laozu” Madam Qin bows “I humbly ask for your aid”
Wei Wuxian exchanges a look with the healer. Granting wishes for years made him develop a weird sixth sense to figure out what people might ask of him, and now he suspects this wish in particular, might be one of those... sensitive content ones
“I hope you don't mind if Wen Qing stays?" he asks, his tone soft despite the slight changes thanks to his camouflage spell "Depending on the request I may need her expertise”
Madam Qin tightens her jaw but nods
“I wish to protect my daughter” she says and proceeds to tell her story. Wen Qing is horrified and more so at the fact that it doesn’t surprise her, god knows how many stories like that she heard and treat during her stay in Wen Ruohan’s court at the hands of Wen Chao and Wen Xu, and yet, apparently, Jin Guangshan’s past acts aren’t the worst part “My daughter is 15 years old,” the Madam’s voice trembles “is his daughter, even if he doesn’t know and he-“ her fists are practically white as she takes a deep breath to control herself “He always has this look with her recently in every conference, a predator looking at his prey, I should know since I was subject to that same look fifteen years ago”
Wei Wuxian frowns, anger barely contained to avoid overwhelming the ladies with waves of resentful and spiritual energy. He takes a deep breath
"This is a sanctuary," he explains the Madam "if you or your daughter are in need of help, the Burial Mounds will always be open for you..." he then lets a smirk take over his face even if it's hiding behind the veil "But I do have some things that could protect your daughter and have a little of payback, it won't restore what has been done to you neither bring justice but it can avoid future... incidents, now it's just about how much you are willing to pay" it has always been interesting to Wei Wuxian, what people is ready to give for their desires, it's something Wen Qing always scold him for, but that Meng Yao understandably shares with him
Madam Qin's expression turns stony
"To protect my daughter? Not even all the Jin's wealth would be enough" she declares "Name your price Yiling Laozu and I shall deliver... whatever it takes"
Sensing her determination, and with several flashbacks of Meng Shi and Mo Ning, Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian exchanged a slightly terrified thought: 'Mothers are scary'
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gloriousmonsters · 4 years
filed under ‘fics that i don’t know if i’ll write because i don’t know where it would GO but the idea is just really funny to me’: scenario where xue yang was basically supposed to leave out the front door and come back in thru the back when jgy publicly disowned him, and he got attacked by unrelated/not In the Know people which is how he wound up in that ditch, so jgy’s just been sitting in jinlintai like ‘...is he dead? no, he’s too mean to die. where is he doesn’t he know we have a work contract’ (xy doesn’t think work contracts are real. if he likes you very very much he will consider complying with it, but it’s like. a suggestion)
and in the second-ish year of xy living in Yi City sends su she to look for him like Could You Please Remind Him That As Per My Last Email He Was Supposed To Check In :) Thank You anyway sms manages to successfully hunt him up and is treated to the EXTREMELY fucking baffling sight of xy shopping for groceries. with a blind priest. and an extremely foulmouthed teen girl. xy is making frantic shushing motions at him. is this some kind of elaborate prank
(under the cut bc it got a bit long lol)
of course sms winds up invited to dinner because xxc is like ‘oh, a friend of... my friend! please join us!’ and sms is silently mouthing is that xiao fucking xingchen at xy and a-qing is losing her shit internally over New Suspicious Guy but can’t do anything about it and xy really doesn’t want sms to come to dinner because he’s out of that life now!! he’s gotta think of the family and he doesn’t want to come back for one last job! but he can’t say that without (a) being suspicious and (b) looking uncool so. dinner it is
but like, it’s FINE despite everything being super awkward until a-qing swears at the table and xxc apologizes and sms, without thinking, is like ‘it’s fine. some of my disciples come off the streets, i know what it’s like’
xxc suddenly gets interested and also lights up like--my friend, your friend is a sect leader? one who takes in children from the streets? sms, mildly panicked, is like uhhh yes, i started my sect pretty recently, have my default little speech about how i think inner/outer disciple separations and too much value placed on blood relation are both bad ideas. xxc is vehemently like i absolutely agree and this is about the time xue yang remembers right, he and song lan wanted to start a sect that was all equal and unaffiliated and shit, and his stomach drops. he tries to inject sarcastic commentary but it’s too late. sms and xxc are talking enthusiastically now
It Gets Worse because then sms has to bring up the watchtowers and xxc is like ‘....there’s a chief cultivator who implemented something like that? wow maybe things aren’t as bad as I thought’ which is just an open invitation for sms to wax fucking POETIC about jin guangyao, and xy is on the verge of stabbing him and taking what may come after when sms gets the utterly terrifying look of having had an Idea and says ‘actually, your friend and I met while working for him’
(xy is mouthing both what are you doing and i am going to fucking gut you across the table. sms ignores him, which is annoying. clearly two years have given him an unforgivable amount of confidence)
xxc is like ???! but quickly states that he didn’t want to talk about the past if his friend didn’t (thank you, daozhang) but sms is like ‘of course, we’ve just been quite worried about him--he did important work and then he vanished...’ significant pause ‘around the time jin-zongzhu came into the position and began to try and change things, so we thought...’ and xy is staring at him like. are you trying to imply I wound up in a ditch because someone attacked me due to working for an unpopular humanitarian leader. that’s the stupidest shit I ever--glances to the side, finds out that xxc is clearly coming to that conclusion too, and he looks fucking enchanted. he is clearly forming a whole possible narrative in his head where xy worked to improve the world and was just too humble to mention it or something
at this point xy starts trying to do some calculation in his head for a minute like ‘i mean did my corpse research indirectly contribute to all the front-facing nice shit a-yao does? i guess i killed a fair few political opponents and etc for him’ and doesn’t answer ‘he’s talking shit’ with quite enough conviction when xxc asks ‘my friend, is that true?’. it’s done for. xxc is convinced he had a Secret Noble Past now
and of course this is about the time sms swings into his ‘why don’t all of you come back to koi tower’ pitch with all the subtlety of someone trying to sell them on a pyramid scheme
xy’s pissed but also conflicted like... he did like working with a-yao, and more importantly he guesses that saying no would make things a lot less friendly between them, and xxc is clearly torn between not wanting to get involved in the world again but... if you have important work you could be doing, my friend... and a-qing could go to a Good School... and neither of you want to just. leave me behind (the one thing a-qing and xy are vehemently agreeing on) maybe... maybe we should think about it? a-qing is against it until sms, who’s managed to sink a few skill points into convincing kids that being a cultivator would be cool, actually, suggests that if she learned some cultivational skills she could hit people with her stick way more effectively, and then she’s conflicted too. although this whole thing seems super suspicious
at one point sms accidentally (’accidentally’) calls xy ‘chengmei’ and xxc is just quietly having a Moment over ‘oh my god his name relates to gentlemanly and helpful behavior that’s amazing...’ while xy fumes
this is point where i like. have no idea where it would really Go and a number of the places would be pretty dark, but in some other respects it could be a.... fix-it? fix-some-things-and-make-others-worse? but obv i have spent a While thinking about the first part so hopefully it can be exorcised from my brain now
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
For a prompt nmj/jzx-set during the sunshot campaign and that is all I have.
“I don’t know if I should be impressed, complimented, or insulted,” Meng Yao said, pouring a cup of tea and offering it to his sect leader.
“Oh?” Nie Mingjue asked, accepting it in one hand while he squinted at a letter held in his other hand. “What about? And please, no elegant indirectness – just tell me, or don’t.”
Meng Yao had the capacity for elegance that could match poets, but it would be entirely wasted on Nie Mingjue. “Word is that you’re fucking my half-brother as a substitute for me.”
Nie Mingjue choked on his tea, which was more or less what Meng Yao had intended, saying it at the exact moment he did. There were, he reflected, some joys to being straightforward.
“Other people say that you’ve already had me and are moving on to the next bit of meat,” he added, hitting Nie Mingjue on the back in what could, in a pinch, be described as trying to be helpful. “Either way, I’ve apparently whetted your appetite…”
“But we’re not sleeping together!” Nie Mingjue finally exclaimed.
Meng Yao wanted to roll his eyes at the man's naivete. First expecting that he could promote someone like him without it being commented on, then telling him to buck up and show them all to try to quiet down the rumors about him; as if something like that would ever work. “No matter what you do or say about it, Sect Leader, there will always be rumors –”
“But you like Xichen, don’t you?”
Meng Yao froze. He hadn’t realized that Nie Mingjue had noticed that. “…what?”
“Am I wrong? I thought that you were fond of Xichen, and he you, and of course Xichen is a friend of mine, so naturally I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were intent on pursuing a relationship with – have I said something wrong?” The great big brute asked, blinking confusedly at Meng Yao as if he hadn't completely upended his entire world in a few short words. “This is why I don’t talk about these things, it’s always a giant mess – you’re not interested in me, are you?”
“No,” Meng Yao said, because he wasn’t except in the way that he maybe was, a little. In his defense, Nie Mingjue was an extremely handsome man and Meng Yao could see doing all sorts of things to him, or having him do them to him, but in all honesty, Nie Mingjue was just too difficult for him to understand. What he couldn’t understand, he couldn’t manipulate, and Meng Yao liked being in control. “That's not the important part, though. Xichen likes me?”
“Naturally,” Nie Mingjue said, as if such a thing were obvious – it was not – and then added, “What do we do about the rumors? I won’t have them impacting your reputation.”
Meng Yao did really like Nie Mingjue sometimes. For all that he sometimes disdained the man as little more than a dumb slab of meat, it wasn't actually true - he had a brilliant grasp of strategy and tactics, a genius for cultivation, and personal charisma in spades - and moreover he genuinely wanted what was best for Meng Yao. A good quality for people to have. “Well, you could tell them that you weren’t sleeping with Jin-gongzi.”
Nie Mingjue was quiet.
“…unless you are?”
It was impossible. Surely he couldn't have pulled off a thing like that without Meng Yao noticing...!
“Just casually,” Nie Mingjue said, as if that were a defense. “And it has nothing at all to do with you! I wouldn’t do something like that. To you or to him.”
He wouldn’t, either, Meng Yao reflected. Of all the people in the world, Nie Mingjue was the least likely to use a person as a replacement for another – he was just too straightforward. If he liked someone, he’d pursue them, or he wouldn’t, and that would be that.
That being said…
“How did it start?” Meng Yao asked casually.
“Oh, you know,” Nie Mingjue said, which was unhelpful, because Meng Yao wouldn’t have asked if he'd known, and was obviously asking because he wanted to know. “It’s just casual. He’s rather terrified of turning into his father, you know.”
Meng Yao did not know, but that sounded – rather promising, actually. Scared people were people you could manipulate.
“So he prefers not to visit prostitutes?” he asked, fishing, and Nie Mingjue shook his head.
“He prefers to avoid young women altogether, despite being primarily attracted to them,” he corrected. “He doesn’t want to risk children out of wedlock.”
That seemed quite reasonable, really. Although going from being primarily attracted to young women to sleeping with Nie Mingjue seemed – rather a leap.
“Interesting,” Meng Yao said. “Does he –”
“Meng Yao. Is there a reason to your questions?”
Damn, he’d been too eager.
“Just curiosity.”
Nie Mingjue looked a little suspicious, but shook his head and allowed it. He was very indulgent with the people he liked, which was another feature of his that Meng Yao approved of – a feature Nie Mingjue's half-brother, Huaisang, was apparently always taking advantage of. And now, through an interesting twist, apparently also a feature that his half-brother was taking advantage of.
Very interesting.
The whole thing didn’t fit Meng Yao's perception of Jin Zixuan at all, though admittedly that perception was mostly just as a faceless obstacle between Meng Yao and his rightful inheritance. Nie Mingjue was a good judge of character (mostly), and having the sort of flexibility to put up with him suggested…well, Meng Yao wasn’t sure what. But perhaps he’d been a bit too hasty in writing Jin Zixuan off so quickly as means of getting in with the Jin sect…
“If you’re sleeping with him, he should come by regularly, right?” he asked, and Nie Mingjue nodded. Meng Yao smiled. “Could you introduce me?”
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
Perhaps you'd like a an ask that's not discourse related? If so, then I wanted to ask you if you know what jin zixuan thought of jin guangyao?
Hi anon,
I appreciate your non-discourse-related ask 😉. Your question made me realise that the novel seems to explicitly avoid giving us any real sense of what Jin Zixuan thought of Jin Guangyao, or how he reacted to the ways other people treated JGY. It seems that JZX remained unaware at the time that Meng Yao came on his birthday--and literally got kicked out. At Phoenix Mountain, JZX stops being mentioned after JGY appears and while his mother mistreats him--he’s only brought back into the narration at the very end to scream at JYL. JZX is also absent the night that WWX goes to Jinlintai to confront the Jins about Qiongqi path and in the direct aftermath. But let’s dig for crumbs and make sense of gaps, and let’s see what we can infer from them.
We know that, originally, Jin Zixuan was the epitome of the proud Jin: “The ways of the Jin Sect were proud, and Jin Zixuan inherited every single drop of this. With his high standards, he had been unsatisfied with this engagement since a long time ago.“ We could wonder if the circumstances of JGY’s birth would have been something JZX would have judged him for. We know that he took offense to WWX’s persona, although it is not spelled out exactly what offended him specifically: “Because of this engagement, Jin Zixuan had no positive impressions of the YunmengJiang Sect, and had frowned upon Wei Wuxian’s behavior since some time ago.“ However, it’s unclear whether the circumstances of WWX’s birth influenced how he perceived his behaviour. All we know for sure is that two other Jin family members--his father and Jin Zixun--never forgot about it and brought it up. We also know that in the past, JZX felt comfortable ignoring people’s good will towards him if he felt he was motivated in his view of them, as he did with JYL in the past:
Jin-furen had brought him to Lotus Pier a couple of times. Neither Wei Wuxian nor Jiang Cheng liked to play with him; only Jiang Yanli wanted to feed him the food that she made. Jin Zixuan, however, didn’t really like to pay her any attention.
At the same time, we do know that JZX had a sense of righteousness, what with him standing up against Wen Chao at Dusk-Creek Mountain. Likewise, we see with the soup incident that at least when it comes to a low-level cultivator who is a servant, a good deed done towards him without trying to gain his gratitude is enough to earn his respect, and for JZX to take action to raise the standing of that person:
Cleverly, the woman never acknowledged anything, but instead denied it ambiguously, her cheeks flushed, making it sound as though she was the one who did it, but didn’t want Jin Zixuan to know how much trouble she went through. And thus, Jin Zixuan didn’t force her to admit it any longer. However, in action, he had began to respect the cultivator. He began to pay attention to her, even raising her from a servant to a guest cultivator.
JZX even tells JYL: “Don’t think that just because you come from a powerful sect that you can steal and trample other people’s feelings. Some people, even if they come from poor backgrounds, their character are much better than the former’s. Please watch your conduct.” This underlines that, regardless of his upbringing, and perhaps even views that he might have held at some point in his life, at this point JZX seemed to want to judge others based on their character rather than their background. Of course, we can wonder if that reserve of good will would have extended to his half-brother, especially one that could try to take his place as the heir. However, considering the circumstances, from JGY’s birth to JGS’s decision to give him a name that did not align him with the same generation as JZX, we can wonder if anyone ever perceived then JGY as someone who could potentially become the next sect leader, as seen in this exchange between WWX and JC:
Jiang Cheng smirked, “Don’t carry your sword, then. It doesn’t matter. But don’t provoke Jin Zixuan from now on. He’s Jin Guangshan’s only son, after all. The future leader of the LanlingJin Sect will be him. If you beat him up, what should I, the sect leader, do? Beat him up with you? Or punish you?”
Wei Wuxian, “Isn’t Jin Guangyao here now? Jin Guangyao seems so much better than him.”
Jiang Cheng finished wiping his sword. After he scrutinized it for a while, he finally put Sandu back into its sheath, “So what, if he’s better? No matter how much better he is, no matter how clever, he could only be a servant who greets the guests. That’s all there is to his life. He can’t compare with Jin Zixuan.”
At Phoenix Mountain, while we do not see JZX say anything out of line to JGY, he is present while his mother and Jin Zixun disrespect him: and we get no reaction written for him while that takes place--he’s mostly licking his wounded pride. We also know that this disrespect by his family towards JGY was the norm, so we have to assume that JZX would have been a witness to it in other situations. In the context of that specific scene, it’s difficult to to infer something concrete from that silence: is it agreement? complicity? a certain indifference to JGY’s situation? an unwillingness of rock the boat or to seem to publicly challenge his mother? or simply him just being too self-absorbed by his romantic woes?
The next scene that would have made for an interesting case study is the night WWX comes to confront the Jins about the camp at Qiongqi Path. However, JZX is absent that night. Conveniently, or as a means to maintain a sense of ambiguity between him and WWX, we thereby do not know how JZX feels about what happened. He is also absent during the aftermath:  “At midnight, in the Golden Pavilion on JinlinTai sat over fifty sect leaders from sects of all sizes. Jin Guangshan sat in the foremost seat. Jin Zixuan was away [...].” (interesting that CQL added JZX to that scene). Which means he is not there to react to the mistreatment of JGY by others or to react to the way JGY is clearly lying for the purposes of manipulating the general opinion on WWX and save the Jin’s reputation.
We also do not get to witness the conversation that leads JZX to come to Qiongqi Path to try to stop Jin Zixun. All we get is a sentence of dialogue from JZX explaining that he thought JGY looked strange which prompted JZX tp questioned him questions (we of course know that JGY was purposefully acting that way to get JZX to go to Qionqqi Path, so it’s hard to take that as a sign of clear familiarity between them that would have allowed JZX to read hidden emotions from him). Did JZX ask out of specific concern for or suspicions of JGY? We don’t know! It is interesting to note though that, in this scene, Jin Zixun refers to JGY as “A-Yao”, which the narration contextualises by telling us that Jin Zixun started calling him in a more intimate manner despite the original contemps he had held for him. However, when JZX mentions JGY to Jin Zixun, he calls him “Jin Guangyao” (for reference, Jin Zixun calls JZX “Zixuan”).
All in all, we get very little from looking at JZX. However, there is something to be said in the absence of any specific grievances expressed by JGY towards him in terms of framing how JZX may have acted towards him when they were both at Jinlintai. Indeed, when Jin Ling asks JGY why he arranged for his father to go to Qiongqi path, meeting his death, JGY mentions the unfairness of the situation of both sons, but never brings up anything JZX did specifically to him. And we know that JGY has a great memory which allows him to hold grudges.
Suddenly, Jin Ling screamed, “Why?!” He stood up from beside Jiang Cheng. Eyes red, he rushed toward Jin Guangyao as he shouted, “Why did you have to do this?!”
Nie Huaisang hurried to pull back Jin Ling, who seemed as though he wanted to fight with Jin Guangyao. Jin Guangyao returned the question, “Why?” He turned to Jin Ling, “A-Ling, then could you tell me why? Why is it that even if I face everyone with a smile, I might not even receive the lowest form of respect, while even though your father was extremely arrogant, people flocked to him? Could you tell me why we were born from the same person but your father could relax at home with the love of his life playing with his child, while I never even dared be alone for long with my wife, shivering out of fright at first glance of my son? And I was ordered to do such a thing by my father as if it was natural—to kill an extremely dangerous figure who could flip out and conjure up a bloody massacre with his corpses anytime!
“Why is it that even though we were born on the same day, Jin Guangshan could host a grand banquet for one son, and watch with his own eyes how his subordinate kicked his other son down Jinlintai, from the first stair to the last!”
He finally revealed the hatred hidden deep within him. It wasn’t directed at neither Jin Zixuan nor Wei Wuxian, but rather his own father.
As a result, we might infer that, at the very least, JZX never directly acted towards JGY in a way that reflected how JGS or Jin Zixun (at some point) treated him. At the same time, it’s difficult to suggest that he stood up for him when other people disrespected him, and we know that JZX’s mother disrespected JGY in lieu of directing her anger toward the real culprit, her awful husband. Little seems to suggest that they grew intimate after JGY came to Jinlintai. It’s really hard to divine, as a result, what JZX might have thought of JGY.
The most interesting thing to take away from this is that it seems absolutely deliberate on MXTX’s part to show us as little as possible in terms of interactions between JZX and JGY. We can speculate as to why that is: to separate JZX from the machinations of this sect? to avoid giving us more ammunition to guess that JGY was behind JZX’s death? to ensure that WWX remains ambiguous towards JZX? or just as a means to avoid having to figure out how to work this dynamic into already complicated scenes and character relationships? etc.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 24, first part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff)
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Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Banquet Proposal
Manspreading Champion Jin Guangshan is trying to pressure Jiang Cheng into marrying Jiang Yanli into the Jin clan.  Because this is the cultivation world, where everyone reflexively agrees with the most powerful man in the room like he's Frank Sinatra and they're the Rat Pack, the whole room starts pressuring Jiang Cheng to agree.  
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Then Wei Wuxian comes striding in and suggests the radical idea of asking a woman's opinion about her own marriage. He tries to pressure Jiang Cheng into agreeing with him. Today is Pressure Jiang Cheng Day. Every day for the next several months is going to be Pressure Jiang Cheng Day.
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Jiang Cheng stands up and agrees that it should be left up to his sister, citing his late father's beliefs so that everyone will know that this unconventional behavior isn't his fault. This is a pickle for him; he knows his sister wants to marry Jin Zixuan, but it's not a good political alliance for the Jiangs right now, which is the opposite of the situation when his parents first made the match. While saying all this he takes the opportunity to get in a dig at Wei Wuxian for meddling.
Jiang Yanli sadly says, thanks for the offer, but the Jiang Clan is just coming back from being massacred, and I have, like, SO much laundry, I can't even. It's not that I don't want to be with you, Jixuan honey; I would just rather scrub blood off of the courtyard.
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Jin Zixuan suddenly realizes that being dumped in front of a bunch of your peers is not as fun when you’re catching instead of pitching.
Clan Leader Yao is completely flummoxed by this whole "let young people decide things" concept and hopes it goes out of fashion soon.
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The only really happy person in the room is Jin Guangyao, who is looking for a scapegoat for his upcoming villainy. Wei Wuxian will be a perfect fit.
(more behind the cut!)
Chillin Like a Villain
Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan have a villany-plotting conversation that's mostly as boring as every other villainy-plotting conversation.  
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Jin Guangyao starts the ground work for blaming stuff on Wei Wuxian, saying that Wei Wuxian was alone with Xue Yang back when the 4th chunk of Yin Iron went missing. This kind of harks back to that moment when Wei Wuxian searched Xue Yang (not, incidentally, alone) and XY asked if he wasn't worried about what people would say if they heard about it.
Jin Guangshan is pretty ready to think badly of WWX, who just crapped on his marriage plans, so he quickly decides that Wei Wuxian’s Yin Tiger amulet is made out of Xue Yang’s Yin Iron, not that it actually, like, matters where it came from? It’s all the same dang metal.
Back to Lotus Pier
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Then we get an establishing shot of the dock in Yunmeng and the subtitle unhelpfully says QISHAN. Not because the scene is in Qishan, but because there are red Wen banners flying that say 岐山 on them, so the subtitle is for the banner, not for the location. Not only are there Wen banners still flying despite their defeat, there are at least six Wen guards standing guard at the dock. Perhaps there is a teensy continuity error here.
The Yunmeng trio return to Lotus Pier with a group of disciples in tow. Leaving aside the boys' (apparent) stealth trip to the ancestral hall in Episode 20, this is their official return to their home and the seat of their clan, having survived the Wen clan's attempt to exterminate them.
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They are battered, bloodied, but not broken and one of them is also broken. But still persevering. I get choked up at this scene every time. Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian would be pleased with all three of them. Jiang Yanli has supported both of them through all the turmoil, giving them an emotional home even while they were homeless. Jiang Cheng has done the impossible, even more than he himself realizes. And Wei Wuxian has acted as a faithful servant, sacrificing a precious part of himself to save his clan leader.
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The place is a mess, with the evidence of a final battle against the Wens all over the place. As they look around Wei Wuxian thinks back on one of the many times that Jiang Fengmian paid attention to him instead of to Jiang Cheng, and smiles affectionately.   Wei Wuxian is consistently able to remember the good things and smile about them, even when those memories are overlaid by endless trauma.
The three of them look at the Wen symbol on the roof line and the boys get identically angry...
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...starting with the teeth of anger...
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...followed by the fist of anger.
It's a powerful moment; they still do have an awful lot in common, despite everything. Jiang Cheng uses his mother’s weapon to smash the Wen symbol and reclaim his home.
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Jiang Yanli:  The fuck!? Are you trying to slice my face off?
Back to Gusu
Next we get a nice fly-through of the Jingshi, where Lan Wangji is sitting in the side room playing guqin.  In later years he will move the guqin to the living room, while this room gains a wine-drinking table.  
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The Lan clan do love their knick-knacks, and this room features several. There's a teapot suspended from a chain over a brazier, with a tied-up fish sculpture for a counterweight, which is definitely not an indication of any future kinks. The brazier is surrounded by Zen sand with some surprisingly untranquil lines raked into it.  
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Lan Xichen has dropped by to tell Lan Wangji that the disciples are gossiping about him, saying he’s been checking out books from the library and practicing music. Seriously? The Lans are a sect that focuses on musical cultivation. Practicing music, verrry suspicious. Also, gossip is forbidden, but sure, check up on him.
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In response, Lan Wangji jumps right to "I want to enter the forbidden chamber of the Library"  Lan Xichen asks him why, and he says he wants more music scores.  Lan Xichen, who knows about the secret murder music book, isn't delighted with that answer.  Just then, Lan Qiren summons them, so they table the conversation to go see him.
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Lan Qiren talks about the battle they just went through, and says "I've heard about Wei Ying."  Everybody makes significant faces without clarifying what LQR actually heard about Wei Ying. Lan Qiren then philosophizes about how war is hell, particularly for idioms about eggs and nests. They need to go clean up the leftover resentful energy, but he's sending Lan Xichen on his own, while Lan Wangji gets to stay home and repair/rewrite all of the Lan rules.
Lan Qiren says a bunch of stuff to Lan Wangji about rules, being super hinty without actually coming to the point. He refuses to let Lan Wangji speak or ask questions, while he’s doling out punishment for, basically, thought crime. He wants LWJ to reject Wei Wuxian but he wants him to do it without being directly told.
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To make sure Lan Wangji is extra frustrated, he snarkily refuses to give him permission to read the forbidden books, asking him if he’s already read all of the books in the regular library. Surprisingly, he hasn’t yet; I guess he was busy winning a war while you were in a coma, jerkface.
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Lan Xichen is super on edge during this conversation--scared, even. He's trying to keep the peace, trying to keep Lan Wangji out of trouble, and avoid a confrontation. Lan Wangji is increasingly uninterested in peace, but he follows his brother's unspoken commands, and shuts up.
Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen both really fail as teachers here. Lan Wangji believes that resentful energy is bad. He believes this VERY STRONGLY.  He broke up with his boyfriend for a while because of it. They are punishing him for having doubts, and they’re not giving him any opportunity to talk through those doubts with them. I say “they” because Lan Qiren is the one giving the punishment, but Lan Xichen is silently assenting, and making sure Lan Wangji doesn’t argue.
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As they leave, Lan Qiren stops them to ask Lan Wangji if he understands why he's grounded, and Lan Wangji just looks at him without answering, which would be counted as sass when I was growing up.
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He face says he’s appropriately chagrined, but he’s not. Before the end of this episode, he's going to directly disobey Lan Qiren, and he’s going to go on disobeying him in the future, over and over again.
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Later, when Lan Wangji is alone with the pristine, definitely not in need of repair, rule book, he seems genuinely chagrined. He loves these rules, and has depended on them; that’s why he’s been a model disciple for so long, not because he fears his uncle’s punishments.
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But now he also loves Wei Wuxian. So some of these rules will have to be broken.
Clan Leader Jiang
The Jiang Clan are having the ceremony to install Jiang Cheng as leader.
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Wei Wuxian is sitting alone, away from all of the other disciples, watching the proceedings rather than participating. His placement in the ceremony is very strange for a head disciple.
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But it’s perfect for a ghost.
Later, Jiang Cheng is practicing his "yelly boss" leadership style, and being extra grumpy because Wei Wuxian is slacking off all the time. Jiang Yanli is having trouble deciding if she should be more worried about the brother with the drinking problem or the brother with the anger problem.  
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Jiang Cheng is miserable and feels completely unsure of himself but he's plowing the fuck ahead.
You might put your love and trust on the line It's risky, people love to tear that down Let 'em try Do it anyway Risk it anyway And if you're paralyzed by a voice in your head It's the standing still that should be scaring you instead Go on and Do it anyway Do it anyway
Help Me to Help You
Wei Wuxian is hanging out in a tavern window, being a thirst trap and hitting on passing Lans.  
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Lan Xichen joins him for a drink and a lecture. Things start off fairly well, with Wei Wuxian being impressed with his ability to drink wine, and attempting his usual flirt-tease-charm routine, bragging about smuggling wine into Cloud Recesses.
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Where Lan Wangji would be adorably flustered and hostile/sexy in responding to that, Lan Xichen just shuts him down with a look, and Wei Wuxian suddenly realizes that he's talking to an adult clan leader who isn't here for his shit, and is a lot more worldy than Lan Wangji is.
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Wei Wuxian knocks it off and apologizes. Then he talks fondly about Lan Wangji, saying he wants to come visit him, and daydreams cutely about dominating him  supervising his rule-copying work.
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LXC says that he should come listen to new music that LWJ has composed, and the tone of the conversation changes completely. Wei Wuxian is on his guard, and he's getting ready to throw down.  He asks if LXC came to Yunmeng specifically to hassle him, and LXC...kinda says no?
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Wei Wuxian smiles sweetly while he asks if everyone in the Lan Clan is a meddler.
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Lan Xichen has never encountered the nasty version of Wei Wuxian before, but he's a grown up, and he's very, very hard to provoke, unlike his brother. He cuts to the chase and says he's got something to say, whether WWX listens or not.
He says Wei Wuxian shouldn't be self-centered because the people he cares about are affected by his choices. This gets through to him, for a second. But then LXC offers to help him go back to sword cultivation, and Wei Wuxian is done listening.  
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He tells Lan Xichen he doesn't want to go back to sword work, and LXC is stunned into silence for a moment as Wei Wuxian takes his wine and starts to walk away.  Lan Xichen makes a last ditch attempt to warn him about the dangers of the yin tiger amulet, and WWX says he knows, but he wants to try to master it anyway. Then he leaves with a rude little wave, and no bow.
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This whole conversation seems like a disaster but Wei Wuxian does, in fact, remember Lan Xichen’s words, the next time he meets up with Lan Wangji.
Soundtrack: Do It Anyway by Ben Folds Five
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songofclarity · 2 years
I love how NMJ haters ignore the fact that I’m the last moments of his life when he realizes JGY is about to wipe out his entire sect, the head of the Tingshan He sect sort of invokes his name as a possible source of protection the lesser sects have against JGY’s tyranny, and the one they could count on to avenge them.
Villainous Friends is such a great extra chapter that I'm kind of insulted on Jin Guangyao's behalf when it's overlooked.
The reaction we get from He Su invoking Nie Mingjue's name is rather interesting:
Hearing him mention Nie Mingjue, Jin Guangyao raised his brows. Xue Yang laughed so hard he was about to flop over his chair. Jin Guangyao gave him a look before he turned around and replied calmly, "That's not the way to go about things, is it?" (ERS, ch. 118)
Xue Yang is going to bust a lung and Jin Guangyao is, at best, simply surprised. There is no hint of fear or worry here! And then Jin Guangyao proceeds to spin the twisted story that's going to the presses in the morning of how the Young Master tried to assassinate Sect Leader Jin and then the rest of his sect retaliated against Koi Tower's conviction, thus all of them deserving execution.
Jin Guangyao spins a story that even the likes of Nie Mingjue wouldn't be able to argue against, because he's left out crucial details.
He Su, "Utterly nonsense! Open your eyes and fucking look! There are nine-year-old children here! Old men who can't even walk!" (ch. 118)
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Jiang Cheng mocked, "Those sect leaders thought you gathered some leftover forces and crowned yourself king of the hill. So it's only the old, the weak, the women, and the children." (ch. 73)
And we all know the Jin and Jin Guangyao get away with leading both these massacres.
Although a really neat aspect of this scene is how even when Jin Guangyao holds a person's life and death in his hands, he still can't command their respect or fear.
Knowing he'd undoubtedly die, He Su was brimming with dread. Clenching his teeth, he roared, "Jin Guangyao! You'll receive retribution! [Your] dad is gonna die among prostitutes sooner or later, and you wouldn't meet a pleasant end either, you son of a prostitute!!!" (ch. 118)
It's a little like
Sword in his hand, [Meng Yao] stood amid a pool of blood, the corpses of two white-robed cultivators at his feet. He asked, still smiling, "Does anyone else want to say the word?" Nie Mingjue replied coldly, "Wen-dog." He knew that only death awaited him now that he was in Wen Ruohan's hands, which was why he didn't fear anything. If Wei Wuxian were the one in such a situation, he would've also cursed as awfully as he wanted to before doing anything else--he'd die no matter what. Despite this, Meng Yao only smiled, not at all angered. (ch. 49)
And also like
Looking down, Nie Mingjue shouted, "It's no wonder, coming from the son of a prostitute." … [Lan Xichen], "What happened this time?" Jin Guangyao, "Nothing. Brother, thank you for your advice." Nie Mingjue, "Don't hinder me!" Lan Xichen, "Brother, sheath your saber first--your mind is in turmoil!" Nie Mingjue, "I am not. I know what I'm doing. He's beyond hope. If these keeps on going, he'll do the world harm for sure. The earlier he's killed, the earlier we can relax!" (ch. 49)
Which is all rather clearly spoken by someone who is not relaxed and is feeling very threatened by Jin Guangyao.
Jin Guangyao was almost sobbing, "If [Nie Mingjue] could say such a thing when he was angry, then just how does he think of me on a daily basis? Is it that because I couldn't choose my background, because my mother couldn't choose her fate, I'll have to be humiliated by others throughout my whole life? If so, then how is Brother different from the people who look down on me? No matter what I do, in the end, just a sentence and I'm 'the son of a prostitute.'" (ch. 50)
Let's be honest, it's very funny for him to say 'no matter what I do they call me names' when the thing he is doing most often involves manipulating, torturing, threatening, and straight-up murdering people in cold blood.
[He Su] stammered for a while before eventually caving in, "I… I don't even know what happened, I don't even know!" Yet, at such a place, nobody would listen to his protests. Sitting before him were two villains who already treated him as though he were dead. What they enjoyed was precisely his dying struggle. Smiling, Jin Guangyao leaned back, waving his hand, "Hush him up, hush him up." (ch. 118)
Hush him up, hush him up! The only one who deserves to be heard and receive pity is Jin Guangyao, of course! /s
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veliseraptor · 3 years
Hi! Can you give a brief spoilery summary of the Untamed? I just read [the pretties from your posts] died? Oh no. I tried getting information through google but it’s confusing for someone who doesn’t know the characters.
oh lord. there are all kinds of ‘brief summaries of the Untamed’ out there but I’ve always found them vaguely irritating so...I guess that means it’s time for my comeuppance in the form of having to do it myself? I’ll do my best.
I didn’t know how detailed you wanted me to get so I decided to get pretty detailed, since you did ask for spoilery. so this is like. entirely spoilers. spoilers for everything.
also, you can use, if it’s helpful, my brief character overview (‘brief’) which includes some plot information, and could be useful as cross reference also. I’m playing pretty fast and loose with a lot of terminology for the sake of intelligibility, because otherwise this would get even longer and have a lot more links.
also, because you asked me specifically for this, it’s going to have some bias. I tried to keep my interpretive commentary to a relative minimum? but. uh. yeah.
the briefest basic plot overview is (going off The Untamed canon, which you will also see abbreviated as CQL from the pinyin transliteration of the Chinese title (Chen Qing Ling)):
Wei Wuxian, a cultivation (think, loosely, magic) prodigy and creator of his own particular style of cultivation, dies reviled by most of the known world. Sixteen years later he’s raised from the dead by Mo Xuanyu, an outcast and the bastard son of one of the leaders of the main sects of the cultivation world, in order to take revenge on Mo Xuanyu’s enemies (specifically his abusive family and ~an unknown person~).
And here is where we get into the details.
Pretty much immediately upon Wei Wuxian’s resurrection, people start dying at Mo Manor, before Wei Wuxian has even done anything, because of (it turns out) a very angry spirit of a semi-sentient weapon. Wei Wuxian books it out of town after his old best friend/crush Lan Wangji shows up to help the Lan ducklings he’s shepherding (including most notably Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi, the only named characters of that bunch), only to wind up running into him again on the road - and not only him, but his orphaned nephew (shorthand, go with it) Jin Ling (Wei Wuxian was responsible for his parents’ deaths) and Jiang Cheng, his martial brother who (at least according to rumor) killed him sixteen years ago and still bears a hell of a grudge. In order to save Jin Ling, Wei Wuxian summons the “Ghost General” Wen Ning, who was supposed to be destroyed and whose presence confirms his identity to a very pissed off Jiang Cheng. Lan Wangji recognizes Wei Wuxian as well. Wei Wuxian passes out.
followed any of that? no? that’s fine, because now we’re heading into a thirty episode flashback that’ll clarify some things. (but not before you forget a whole bunch of things from the first two episodes.)
I’m going to split this into arcs. I’m also going to put this under a read more, because...yeah, this came out to just a little over 10,500 words. I’m...sorry.
have fun?
Cloud Recesses Summer School Arc
The time card says “sixteen years earlier” but it isn’t sixteen years earlier because that would make no sense, but it’s better to give up on timeline now or you’ll just drive yourself nuts.
This is the part of the show where you meet the main characters, some of whom you saw earlier (notably Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian’s younger sort-of brother), and some of whom you only know from reference (Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian’s older sort-of sister) and some of whom are significantly important (Lan Wangji). You also meet Jin Zixuan, the snotty heir to the Jin Sect, who will be important later. Jiang Yanli is clearly into him and he seems to very much not return the feelings.
At this point, there are five main sects that the characters belong to. They are (with the characters you’ve met from them so far: the Jiang Sect (Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Yanli), the Nie Sect (Nie Huaisang, a flighty and sort of feckless fellow), the Jin Sect (Jin Zixuan, his social skills translator Mianmian), the Lan Sect (Lan Wangji, his brother Lan Xichen) as well as the Wen Sect (more on them in a moment). Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian meet and immediately...something. Wei Wuxian wants to make friends, and Lan Wangji seems to emphatically Not.
You also meet Meng Yao, who is Nie Huaisang’s brother Nie Mingjue’s right hand man, and also the bastard son of Jin Guangshan (the leader of Jin Sect). He is also the son of (using the words of literally everyone) a prostitute, which people remind him of at every possible moment, in case he was in danger of forgetting, or something. He and Lan Xichen have kind of a moment. 
Later on, members of the Wen Sect, led by Wen Chao storm in, posturing disrespectfully, and drop off Wen Qing to “learn” (but secretly she has a mission looking for the Yin Iron/Metal). The Wen are ascendant in power and seem to be flexing their muscle looking for trouble. 
Wen Qing comes as a set with her brother Wen Ning - the pair of them are from sort of...a secondary branch of the main Wen family, and she’s being coerced into supporting Wen Ruohan despite being not thrilled about it. Wei Wuxian bonds with Wen Qing’s younger brother Wen Ning, who has a weird situation that makes him vulnerable to possession (this is important later).
At one point Wei Wuxian proposes - in response to a question! He’s just being innovative! - to put it simply, necromancy, which is, to say the least, not a hit. Remember that for later!
Eventually, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian end up falling by accident into some ice caves, where they learn from one of Lan Wangji’s ancestors (Lan Yi, she’s cool) about the Yin Iron, of which she has a piece. It is an spiritually corrupted metal that can’t be destroyed so it was broken into pieces and hidden in different places. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji resolve jointly to find the other pieces.
Wei Wuxian, Jiang Yanli, and Jiang Cheng (henceforth “the Yunmeng siblings”) are picked up early by Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng’s dad (Jiang Fengmian) because Wei Wuxian causes problems both on purpose and not. Wei Wuxian, however, puts together that Lan Wangji is going off on his own chasing the Yin Iron, and ditches the rest of his family to go help.
Yin Iron Hunt Arc
Wei Wuxian meets up with Lan Wangji, who is not thrilled to see him (at least, apparently). They run into Nie Huaisang, who joins them. They come to a town where everyone seems to have vanished and there is nothing fishy going on in the cave with the statue that looks like a dancing lady at all. Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng leaves home to go track down Wei Wuxian and bring him back.
The statue comes to life, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji fight together to defeat it, and then a bunch of...undead villagers (sort of, they get better) attack them, only to be lured away by Wen Qing playing a flute (this ability will never be brought up again). Jiang Cheng reveals himself as having been hanging out watching this go down. Ultimately, by killing the Stygian Pigeon that belongs to Wen Chao, the villagers are freed and they move on.
After a brief stopover in a village, they hear some rumors about a haunted house and take off to go check it out. When they get there, everyone is dead and Xue Yang is on the roof just kind of vibing. Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan manage to get him pinned down and taken captive. This is important and not just because I said so.
Nie Huaisang, who Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Wangji ditched in town, arrives here with Meng Yao, who proposes bringing Xue Yang to Nie Mingjue for justice purposes (which when I write it like that sounds...um. moving right along), which is where everyone heads next, less Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan who have their own things to do. Wei Wuxian realizes that Xiao Xingchen had the same master as his mother, and gets really excited about it; it’s adorable.
They go to Nie Mingjue, who is talked out of executing Xue Yang because they’re trying to find out where he put the Yin Iron (which they figure he has, because reasons. there are reasons, I just don’t feel like going into it.) Lan Wangji leaves in the night without saying goodbye, and then Wen Chao arrives. He is accompanied by Wen Zhuliu, who is called the Core-Melting Hand for reasons that will be important later. There’s a fight, Xue Yang gets loose, and Nie Mingjue finds Meng Yao in a very compromising position (killing a captain of the guard and among a bunch of other dead bodies). He kicks Meng Yao out of the Nie Sect.
Meanwhile, the Wens attack Cloud Recesses. Lan Xichen’s uncle makes him leave to preserve himself and the most important texts. Everyone retreats to a cave that’s hidden and walled off; Su She (who was introduced briefly earlier) caves to threats to his life and tells the Wens how to get into the Lan’s cave sanctuary. Lan Wangji returns with Lan Yi’s Yin Iron and gives it and himself up to Wen Chao’s older brother Wen Xu to spare everyone else.
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian leave for home (Lotus Pier). We witness family dynamics, which are terrible. The Wens want everyone to send their kids, specifically their heirs, to be reeducated in Wen territory, but they’re not hostages, we swear. No, really.
Reeducation Camp Arc
To reeducation camp with the Wens we go! Where Lan Wangji is not looking so hot, and Wei Wuxian rapidly causes problems on purpose to try to get to talk to him, but mostly just ends up getting himself tossed in a dungeon where he gets attacked by a very bad puppet of a dog. Wen Qing has told Wen Ning not to associate with Wei Wuxian because they’re on thin ice with their boss (Wen Ruohan), but Wen Ning sneaks him some medicine against Wen Qing’s orders anyway.
They go on a hunt, with the non-Wens featuring as bait. Here is where you meet Wen Chao’s main squeeze Wang Lingjiao, who was formerly a servant. Everyone ends up in a cave that contains a creature whose name is unfortunately translated as “Tortoise of Slaughter.” we’ll go with “Xuanwu of Slaughter” instead, it feels better. Wen Chao and his accompanying entourage make a run for it and ditch everyone else in the cave; they manage to sneak out but Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji end up trapped with no way out. They team up and kill the Xuanwu, partially because Wei Wuxian acquires a very cursed sword. Afterward, he is feverish and asks Lan Wangji to sing - enter Wuji! their theme. You see Lan Wangji mouth that it is called “Wangxian” before Wei Wuxian passes out. (Yes, he did name his composition after their ship name. Aww.)
I’ve skated through that very fast but it is important because it’s like...the point where they seriously bond in a major way and it’s all very...like, there was only one bed only they’re trapped in a cave and injured and forced to rely on each other. So not actually really like that.
Wei Wuxian comes around outside of the cave with Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan, who brought help to rescue him and Lan Wangji; Lan Wangji, however, is gone.
Oh Shit Things Went Downhill Fast Arc
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian go back to Lotus Pier, where Wei Wuxian is in big trouble with Jiang Cheng’s mother (Yu Ziyuan, seen later emotionally terrorizing all her children), who already doesn’t like him and accuses him of bringing trouble down on them by defying the Wens. Jiang Cheng’s dad is terrible, Wei Wuxian reaffirms that he and Jiang Cheng will be Together Forever, you, the viewer, know that is absolutely not how that’s going to go.
Word comes that the Wen have attacked one of the smaller sects, and Jiang Cheng’s dad (Jiang Fengmian) goes with Jiang Yanli to talk to Jin Guangshan about how to deal with the Wens.
Then Wang Lingjiao arrives with word that they’re gonna be in big trouble if they don’t punish Wei Wuxian right now. Yu Ziyuan uses her lightning whip to beat the shit out of Wei Wuxian, but Wang Lingjiao wants her to cut off his hand. Then she makes the mistake of saying that they’ll be making Lotus Pier a supervisory office of the Wens, thank you.
Yu Ziyuan reacts...poorly, Wang Lingjiao calls on her backup Wen Zhuliu (and everyone else); seeing the writing on the wall Yu Ziyuan grabs Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng, puts them on a boat, and sends them away, bequeathing her sick-ass lightning whip (Zidian) to Jiang Cheng. They run into Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Yanli; Jiang Fengmian adds Jiang Yanli to the boat full of crying children and goes to sail back to Lotus Pier.
Lotus Pier falls, everybody dies, Jiang Cheng goes semi-catatonic and then disappears, having been captured by the Wens after going back for his parents’ bodies. (Which is more important than it probably sounds, from a Western perspective.) Wei Wuxian follows him and finds Wen Ning, who smuggles Jiang Cheng out and takes him, Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Yanli to Wen Qing for safekeeping.
Jiang Cheng wakes up; his golden core (the...thing that lets him do superpowered things, let’s go with that) was destroyed by Wen Zhuliu. Melted, if you will. And it’s not the kind of thing you can just, you know, fix. He descends into absolute despair as Wei Wuxian looks frantically for a way to fix it - and finds one! Though Wen Qing is not happy about it, she still agrees.
at this point we see the return of an old friend! Song Lan, who has a bloody bandage over his eyes, but has eyes that work, despite the fact that he was blinded by Xue Yang who also killed his entire temple. He explains that Xiao Xingchen said that he was taking Song Lan to his master Baoshan Sanren, the immortal who can cure anything, and doesn’t remember anything else.
Wei Wuxian takes Jiang Cheng to Baoshan Sanren to get his core back. Psych! It’s a lie that he totally made up to explain the fact that he’s actually getting his own core transplanted into Jiang Cheng in a highly experimental procedure. Importantly, Wei Wuxian does not tell Jiang Cheng this.
Post-surgery, rather battered Wei Wuxian gets caught by Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao, who torture him and then throw him into a place called the Burial Mounds, which is more or less what it sounds like, is Very Cursed, and from which no one has emerged alive. Then this happens:
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(I want you to appreciate how hard I’ve tried to not put any screencaps in here. but I had to do this one. I just had to.)
and you go oh shit and also well that’s sexy.
Jiang Cheng, delighted to have his core back, descends the mountain only to find that Wei Wuxian is...not there.
Cool! That seems fine.
Sunshot Campaign Arc
Timeskip to three months later! The rest of the sects have allied together to take down the Wen Sect (this is what ‘Sunshot Campaign’ refers to, because the symbol of the Wens is a sun). Things aren’t looking good for the Wens, including Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao. Wang Lingjiao hallucinates to the sound of a flute and ends up killing herself. Meanwhile, Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng have teamed up to look for Wei Wuxian. On their way, they start finding piles of Wen bodies killed in a mysterious and grotesque manner involving an unfamiliar method of cultivation.
(Side note: around now is where Jiang Cheng frees Wen Qing from where she was imprisoned by the Wens for being a dirty traitor during the war and gives her the comb of pining he bought way back in the Cloud Recesses arc, telling her that he will help her if she asks. This isn’t...exactly important, except I wanted to note it.)
Eventually, they find a house where Wen Chao has holed up with Wen Zhuliu, and watch as it’s revealed that he has gone through some nasty shit, is terrified and traumatized and badly injured. Ominous signs: begin to happen! Flames going out: happen! Shots of someone climbing slowly and menacingly up stairs: happen! 
Yeah, it’s Wei Wuxian. New and improved, darker and meaner and very sexy about it, and with a new sick-ass flute. He starts attacking Wen Chao, and when Wen Zhuliu moves to attack Wei Wuxian Jiang Cheng jumps down and hangs Wen Zhuliu with Zidian. Lan Wangji confronts Wei Wuxian about this darker and meaner version and Wei Wuxian breaks up with him; Lan Wangji leaves Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian to kill Wen Chao because the family that murders together stays together!
(They won’t, but.)
The war goes on, but the tides have turned, and the Wens are losing. Both of Wen Ruohan’s sons are dead. Soup drama happens here, which I don’t need to explain fully but it is clear that Wei Wuxian is extremely emotionally unstable, and also will no longer carry his sword despite everyone telling him he needs to carry his sword. All is not well with the Wei Wuxian! But nobody knows why. Lan Wangji’s repeated “LET ME FIX YOU” overtures are not well received. Lan Wangji also has a nice conversation about how the Lan rules did not prepare him for moral complexity.
Eventually Nie Mingjue proposes going to attack Wen Ruohan on his own while the others move on the Wen stronghold at Nightless City (at this point, they have received a map of Wen defenses from a ~mysterious spy~). Nie Mingjue is captured, and it is revealed that Meng Yao decided that after getting kicked out of Qinghe he could find a better boss somewhere else. Outside, an undead army shows up to kick everyone else’s ass. Things don’t look good for our heroes!
Wei Wuxian brings out his secret weapon the Yin Tiger Seal and...takes over the undead army. This is very troubling to everyone involved, but it does bring Wen Ruohan out to see what the deal is. Wei Wuxian delivers one of the sickest lines in the entire show:
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(i’m restraining myself! trust me! i am!)
so yeah, that’s a normal and reassuring thing to say.
And then Meng Yao stabs Wen Ruohan in the back. And that’s it for Wen Ruohan! Our major antagonist is dead! Surely everything will be fine now.
Well We Won the War, Now What Arc
[cracks knuckles] and here’s where the politics starts.
Ready and totally psyched to step into the power vacuum left by the fall of the Wens is Jin Guangshan! Leader of the Jin Sect, least impacted by the war by vitue of joining up late. He recognizes Meng Yao as his son now that he’s, like, someone that is valuable to him politically, and Meng Yao gets a commensurate name change > Jin Guangyao. Pretty much immediately Jin Guangshan starts manuevering to consolidate power - pushing to marry Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan, pushing to get access to Wei Wuxian’s Yin Tiger Seal, subtly undermining everyone else...the works.
Jin Guangshan is the worst, is what I’m saying here.
Meanwhile, Nie Mingjue is very unhappy about the whole “Meng Yao helping the Wens and fucking with him when he’s captured” thing, but then Lan Xichen (remember, Lan Wangji’s older brother) steps in and reveals that Jin Guangyao was a spy delivering information, actually, and also saved his life when he was on the run from the Wens, so don’t hurt him please. Nie Mingjue is still very suspicious, but he backs off. Subsequently, after agreeing to place the Wen (civilian) captives in a holding camp, Jin Guangyao has them killed (impliedly at the order of his father).
We are given cues that Jin Guangyao is bad news. Like, heavy cues. If you are me this makes you love him.
This is also where Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, and Jin Guangyao become sworn brothers, which is a big deal.
Meanwhile, back in Lotus Pier, Wei Wuxian is...not doing so hot! He’s drinking heavily, shirking his responsibilities in a way that is making Jiang Cheng particularly very upset with him, generally being weird and traumatized but nobody knows how to deal with that, or him. Then Jin Zixuan arrives to invite everyone to a special hunt being hosted by his father including Jiang Yanli because he, he means his mom, really wants her to be there.
The hunt goes great! By that I mean Jin Zixuan is a spectacular failure at expressing his feelings to Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian almost starts a fight with Jin Zixuan, Jin Zixuan’s enormous asshole cousin gets nasty until Jiang Yanli makes him apologize, in a seriously badass moment. The whole thing comes off with Wei Wuxian really not looking good, including his decision to ditch the celebratory banquet. But also Jiang Yanli getting a liiiiittle closer to something she wants (i.e. Jin Zixuan). Jiang Cheng is like “dude what the fuck” at Wei Wuxian and gets zero percent explanation. Meanwhile everyone in the vicinity pokes at his massive insecurities, because the cultivation world’s favorite activity is actually gossip.
Things only get worse at the very bad after party. This is where we meet Su She again, who has gone and founded his own sect! Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji are sort of bitchy about it. But the real issue comes when Zixun peer pressures Lan Xichen into drinking despite the fact that it’s pretty solidly against the rules of the Lan Sect. Lan Xichen does it with a very “fuck you” smile, despite Jin Guangyao’s attempts to forestall the situation.
(I feel like I have not expressed the relationship between Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen? It’s a whole thing. Let’s just say that it’s a fairly popular ship for a reason.)
Lan Wangji, however, is not as diplomatic as his brother.
And then Wei Wuxian arrives! To ruin another party. Because he found Wen Qing wandering around in the streets and turns out that Wen Ning was taken prisoner by Jin Zixun and friends and removed to whereabouts unknown. Wei Wuxian proceeds to give the sexiest countdown ever to annihilating Jin Zixun if he doesn’t tell him where Wen Ning is.
Wen Ning, unfortunately, is in a pile of bodies. Because the Jin have been...well, experimenting on Wen prisoners, basically. Wen Ning is...not dead in this universe because censorship, but everything makes more sense if you just say “he’s basically dead and Wei Wuxian resurrects him to fuck up everyone in the vicinity who was responsible for his death, which is...everyone other than the other Wens. Eventually Wei Wuxian stops him by yelling his second (courtesy) name that no one else has used for him in speech up to this point (Wen Qionglin), because love is stored in the name. Wei Wuxian gathers up the survivors and takes off only to run into Lan Wangji standing in his way.
They have a point of no return moment. Wei Wuxian basically says “let me go or you have to kill me” only it’s better than that because what he actually says is like “if I’m going to be killed I should be killed by you, then I would know it was right” and it’s a whole fucking thing and anyway Lan Wangji steps aside and lets them all go and it is quite literally “I’m not crying, it’s just raining on my face” except he is also crying.
Burial Mounds Arc
Wei Wuxian takes the Wens to the one place nobody’s probably going to follow them: namely, the Burial Mounds. Home sweet home!
Outside in the main world, rumors are flying about the army Wei Wuxian is building and the sect he’s planning to found and how ambitious he is and how he’s disrespecting Jiang Cheng and actually Jiang Cheng he probably never loved you anyway and is better and stronger and what are you good for, but I’m saying this out of concern and to be helpful (paraphrased from Jin Guangshan).
Accordingly, Jiang Cheng agrees to go and check things out and see what’s going on in Chez Burial Mounds. What is going on is basically a bunch of civilians eking out a very depressing living. There is also a child, a-Yuan, who is adorable. This will also be important later.
(are you keeping track of all this?)
Jiang Cheng also goes to see Wen Ning, who is...recovering from being dead/undead and Wei Wuxian is working on fixing him. Jiang Cheng says he has to die, and Wei Wuxian has to come home, and things are really bad, man, so stop worrying about these losers and avoid the entire cultivation world being really pissed with you, maybe?
Wei Wuxian isn’t going for it, and tells Jiang Cheng to cut him out of Jiang Sect in order to protect Jiang Sect’s reputation. It’s upsetting. They stage a very dramatic duel and Jiang Cheng announces that friendship ended with Wei Wuxian, he has no new friend actually.
This is also where Wen Qing significantly returns the comb of pining that Jiang Cheng gave her way back (remember that?) and is like. so you wouldn’t’ve helped me and Wen Ning actually, would you. And that is the end of Chengqing as a sidebar ship that never really sailed. Well done, you two.
Meanwhile, Jin Zixuan gets his shit together and proposes to Jiang Yanli by way of making her a lotus pond at Jinlintai. So that’s nice!
A bit later Lan Wangji comes to visit! Only it’s totally coincidental, he was just passing through, that’s all. He and Wei Wuxian hang out for a little while, pretending things are sort of normal, but they have to rush back to the Burial Mounds because the Wen Ning is out. They manage to get him under control and awaken him to proper consciousness again, though! Great! Things are looking up. :)
Lan Wangji does not stay for dinner, though. :(
In my notes I have written “meanwhile...political shitshow” and that is basically a summation of what’s up in places that aren’t the Burial Mounds. Specifically, Jin Guangshan, who seems to have deputized Jin Guangyao to do his dirty work generally, is making noises about how something needs to be done about that Wei Wuxian, and what about that Yin Tiger Seal anyway, doesn’t it seem Yin Iron-like, shouldn’t something like that not be in the hands of a random person? Probably it should be in someone else’s hands instead. Someone responsible with no ulterior motives. You know.
Also in here...somewhere, Mianmian tries to stand up for Wei Wuxian being maybe right about some things, gets shouted down, and decides to leave the Jin Sect entirely. Like...just walks out. Several people look at her like ‘you can do that?’, Lan Wangji is jealous, it is a total boss move. Mianmian hasn’t been a major character but this is important enough and cool enough that I had to mention it.
Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng come to Yiling (by the Burial Mounds) for a very secret rendezvous where Wei Wuxian gets to see Jiang Yanli’s beautiful wedding dress and eat some of her famous soup and it is very sweet and nice and Jiang Cheng is like “so do you have a plan for if everyone attacks you” and Wei Wuxian is like “absolutely. I will kill everyone is my plan.”
also possibly Jiang Yanli is already pregnant at this point??? she and Jiang Cheng are certainly exchanging a lot of conspiratorial smiles when she tells Wei Wuxian to give her future son a courtesy name.
She is for sure pregnant later, because there is a baby named Jin Ling who shows up! (Remember that name? No? He was the bratty teenager from episode 2.)  Jin Guangshan does not allow Jin Guangyao to hold the baby, for which he deserves what he gets. For Jin Ling’s 100 day/three month (again! timelines, fuck em) celebration, Jiang Cheng, Jin Zixuan, and Lan Wangji tag team to get Wei Wuxian invited, where he will come and it will be nice and everyone will discuss this Yin Tiger Seal issue like civilized people.
An invitation is sent for Wei Wuxian to come to the celebration! Wonderful! This is in no way going to go horribly wrong.
Oh Shit, Things Went Downhill Fast (Take Two) Arc
It goes horribly wrong.
On the way to Jinlintai to greet his new baby nephew, accompanied by Wen Ning, Wei Wuxian is confronted by - surprise! - Jin Zixun, accusing Wei Wuxian of putting a curse on him. Wei Wuxian denies it, naturally, since he didn’t. Jin Zixun decides the best way to deal with this situation is to kill Wei Wuxian, which will definitely break the curse that Wei Wuxian definitely cast on him.
He attacks, and Wen Ning goes Ghost General on everyone’s ass, and Wei Wuxian brings out his flute. Things are looking pretty hairy when Jin Zixuan shows up to call off the fight, trying to get Wei Wuxian to back down; he does not back down, because that would just mean getting shot full of arrows.
Wen Ning, who seems to have completely lost his mind, fists Jin Zixuan. Through the chest. This does, in fact, kill him.
His dying words are to say that Jiang Yanli is still waiting for Wei Wuxian to show up, just to make everything worse. Wen Ning kills Jin Zixun as well. This is not actually what Wei Wuxian wanted to happen.
Back at the Burial Mounds! In the wake of Jin Zixuan’s death, an ultimatum has been issued to give up the Wen siblings or else. This is pretty clearly (in my opinion) a pretext that doesn’t mean anything, but Wen Qing and Wen Ning have already decided to sacrifice themselves. Maybe they’re hoping it’ll work? Or at least that it’ll give Wei Wuxian some time? Wen Qing knocks Wei Wuxian out so he can’t stop them. The whole thing is really fucking heartbreaking.
Wei Wuxian comes around and goes to Jinlintai, where he sees Jiang Yanli, who is mourning her dead husband who got killed by her baby brother! Cool! She sees Wei Wuxian but he runs before she can say anything, partly because guards have been sicced on him. He is pretty clearly having a mental breakdown, hallucinations and all!
Cut to a gathering of...pretty much everyone important and all their followers at Nightless City, for a combination commemorating the dead/affirming the deaths of Wen Ning and Wen Qing/gearing up to kill Wei Wuxian.
Who spares them the effort of coming to find him by showing up on the roof! He proceeds to sic dark magic on everyone there except, conspicuously, for the Jiang Sect. Lan Wangji arrives to defuse the situation and fails to defuse the situation until Wei Wuxian hears Jiang Yanli calling for him.
Because she’s arrived on an active battlefield! Not her best idea but it’s not like I can actually blame her considering the week she’s having.
Wei Wuxian goes to look for her, as does Jiang Cheng who also heard her, and...suddenly loses control of his dark magic. Cool! One of the...undead? people there wounds Jiang Yanli. Even better! Jiang Cheng pleads with Wei Wuxian to get things under control, which he can’t! They have a moment while a lot of people around them are dying but you know what, they deserve it.
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because like literally a second later Jiang Yanli pushes Wei Wuxian out of the way of a sword meant to stab him in the back and instead takes it herself. And dies.
So. Yeah.
Wei Wuxian loses the last threads of his sanity and destroys the Yin Tiger Seal. While everybody is fighting over it, he goes over to the edge of a cliff, and now we’re back here where we started! With Lan Wangji clinging to Wei Wuxian’s hand as he dangles over the edge of a cliff and tells him to let go.
Jiang Cheng arrives to defuse the situation, by which I mean “he tells Wei Wuxian to go die and stabs down.” He only hits rock; Wei Wuxian breaks himself loose of Lan Wangji’s grip and falls. You are left on the image of Lan Wangji’s absolutely devastated face.
nice! great. well, that brings us up to speed for the flashforward to the future, where you have probably completely forgotten what happened in the first two episodes.
For instance: remember how we saw Wen Ning despite the fact that he’s supposed to be ashes? Yeah.
And We’re Back in the Present Now Arc (Good Times in Qinghe Arc)
For some reason this is the part of the show where I remember the least and it all kind of blurs together with the exception of one scene? so I had to go look at Wikipedia episode summaries to make sure I was putting things in the right order.
Back in the present at the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji discover that the very angry sword spirit last seen killing people at Mo Manor (remember that?) is pointing them in the direction of Qinghe (the Nie Sect territory). They leave to go there and run into Jin Ling, who semi-accidentally terrorizes Wei Wuxian by way of dog. 
By asking around, they also learn that there are rumors of a man-eating fortress in the woods, and that it hasn’t been dealt with because the leader of the Nie Sect is absolutely useless. The leader of the Nie Sect who is now - hey, been a while! - Nie Huaisang, since his older brother disappeared under mysterious circumstances after losing his mind years ago.
The dynamic duo go off to investigate the man-eating fortress, naturally, and what they find is a tomb full of swords and a wall full of skeletons, and also Jin Ling. 
They remove Jin Ling from the wall, Lan Wangji goes chasing a mysterious attacker, and Wei Wuxian takes Jin Ling to safety only to end up running into - oh boy! - Jiang Cheng. 
They have a calm talk about their feelings and address their dysfunction in a reasonable manner. 
Nope! Jiang Cheng corners Wei Wuxian with Jin Ling’s dog, throws a cup of tea at a wall, and yells at Wei Wuxian about how he both didn’t come home right away and also how he should die ten million times (no, like, actually). Fortunately, Jin Ling arrives, lies out his ass about how he saw Wen Ning to get Jiang Cheng to leave, and lets Wei Wuxian go. 
Back to that mysterious figure Lan Wangji went running after! Turns out it was none other than Nie Huaisang, who confesses - reluctantly - that the man-eating fortress belongs to his family and is a safe home for bloodthirsty swords after their owners die, which is a normal thing to get as a family heirloom. This is also where it becomes increasingly clear that (a) the sword spirit is Baxia, Nie Mingjue’s sword, and (b) Nie Mingjue is most likely hella dead, specifically murdered. 
With this new information, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian move on, tracking the directions of the angry sword spirit. They overhear some very depressing story about Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen, and Xue Yang, specifically how things turned out horribly for them (though without details), which drives Lan Wangji to drink.
Lan Wangji cannot hold his liquor, at all. Wei Wuxian takes his unconsciousness as an opportunity to flute Wen Ning to him again, and removes a massive metal needle from his skull, which fixes the whole “unconscious zombie” issue. Unfortunately, Wen Ning remembers nothing about what happened to him between going to Jinlintai with Wen Qing and when he heard Wei Wuxian calling by way of flute.
And now we have Drunkji, who is the most adorable, hilarious thing ever. He gives Wei Wuxian chickens, with utmost sincerity. They are wedding chickens. It is very important that Wei Wuxian have these chickens.
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This interlude is not important to the plot but it is hilarious. There is also a not hilarious interlude of Lan Wangji being very sad about how he didn’t help Wei Wuxian before, and also admitting that he likes rabbits. Again: not plot important. It is adorable. 
Wei Wuxian herds Drunkji back to the inn, where a mysterious masked man attempts to steal the pouch holding the angry sword spirit, but is driven off and teleports away. Remember this guy! He’s important.
The next morning, they set off and hit the road for a place called Yi City, which if you’ve spent any time on this blog you know is deeply important in my heart if not, like, in terms of show space.
Yi City Arc Yi City Arc Yi City Arc
yes this is three episodes but this is my summary post so I get to give it its own section if I want to.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji arrive at Yi City, which is empty, and very spooky. They run into the pack of juniors (Jin Ling, Lan Sizhui, sassmaster Lan Jingyi and consummate romantic Ouyang Zizhen are the named ones), and shortly thereafter into a whole bunch of undead. They also run into a ghost (???) girl who is blind and has no tongue. They also also run into Xiao Xingchen, severely wounded.
Psych! It’s Xue Yang in disguise and he has an undead Song Lan under his control. what a fun twist this is! and he wants one thing specifically: for Wei Wuxian to help him bring someone back to life. Problem is that their soul is in need of some serious super glue and super glue doesn’t work on souls.
Xue Yang informs Wei Wuxian that his consent is optional and he will be participating in Xue Yang’s necromancy experiment fantasies whether he likes it or not. Lan Wangji objects strenuously to this idea. While Lan Wangji is fighting Xue Yang and Wen Ning is fighting Song Lan (corpse fight! corpse fight!) Wei Wuxian herds the juniors into a safe courtyard where the corpses won’t go, led by the aforementioned ghost girl, who shows them a coffin.
the coffin has Xiao Xingchen in it. The actual real one. There’s a bandage over his eyes, because he doesn’t have any.
Wei Wuxian goes into the ghost girl’s memories in order to find out what happened using a technique called Empathy, and the next chunk of things I’m just going to tell in full chronologically even though there’s a break where you don’t see all of it until an episode later.
The ghost girl, a-Qing, is a con artist who pretends to be blind; she runs into Xiao Xingchen (who is actually blind) when she steals his money, and he just gives it to her after stopping someone else whose money she stole from beating him up. A-Qing decides they’re friends now. They’ve been traveling together for...some amount of time when they stumble on a badly injured man on the side of the road. Xiao Xingchen picks him up and takes him home with him (to an abandoned coffin house in Yi City). You get one guess who he’s rescued and who is totally psyched to discover that his life has been saved by Xiao Xingchen, who doesn’t know who he is, because he’s blind.
So you know, everything is coming up Xue Yang.
What follows is three years of domestic bliss, including hits like “entire villages dying by Xiao Xingchen under sort of suspicious circumstances” and “threatening grocers.” And then who should show up but Song Lan! Looking for Xiao Xingchen and he’s so happy to have finally found him.
Only he notices Xue Yang first.
A fight ensues, in which Xue Yang...sort of talks Song Lan to death by digging into the fact that Xiao Xingchen is blind because he gave his eyes to Song Lan, actually, and Song Lan hurt him so bad when they broke up, and because Xiao Xingchen is blind Xue Yang has been able to trick him into killing living people when he thinks he’s killing undead ones, and oooh do you feel bad now, well, guess what, you’re gonna feel worse when I poison you into becoming undead and cut out your tongue. :D
And even worse when this means that Xiao Xingchen stabs him because, you know, undead monster.
Cool! Things are going great.
Or they would be only a-Qing saw everything, reveals it to Xiao Xingchen, who puts it together and greets XueYang coming back from grocery shopping with a sword (rude). They break up, and by “break up” I mean “Xue Yang reveals his tragic backstory, Xiao Xingchen is not convinced that his tragic backstory means all the murder was justified, Xue Yang decides it’s time to make this all go nuclear.” So tells Xiao Xingchen about how he’s been killing people actually! And guess what, bonus, one of those people was your BFF/life partner/whatever, Song Lan. isn’t that amazing, Xiao Xingchen, isn’t that so cool--
Xiao Xingchen kills himself and this is, it turns out, Not What Xue Yang Wanted. So guess who’s in the pouch Xue Yang was hoping to resurrect? Yeah.
Back in the present, with help from a-Qing directing Lan Wangji, Xue Yang gets...hella stabbed, but not before he kills a-Qing. Song Lan, freed from Xue Yang’s control, kills Xue Yang.
Oh yeah, and then we see Xiao Xingchen tenderly laying pieces of candy on a bed, which is symbolically important, and also Xue Yang dies looking at the last piece of candy Xiao Xingchen gave him, and now I’m going to cry. anyway Yi City Arc, you’re welcome. Where the only person who survives did not, in fact, survive!
Oh, yeah, I guess it’s also important that there’s a headless body buried here and it gets...pretty conclusively identified as Nie Mingjue because the sword spirit (remember that?) takes the shape of his very distinctive large sword (Baxia). Also Xue Yang recreated the Yin Tiger Seal but it gets snatched away by the masked man from earlier. There’s also a bunch of stuff about the Yin Iron plot but you can ignore it, it doesn’t actually really matter that much.
Honestly at that point I was crying too much to pay a whole lot of attention to the whole point of them being in Yi City to begin with. So sue me.
The Plot Thickens, and Secrets Are Revealed Arc
Exeunt Yi City, rendezvous with Lan Xichen to discuss, obliquely, who could be responsible for Nie Mingjue’s death. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji delicately imply that maybe it was Jin Guangyao; Lan Xichen is unconvinced and informs us that there are no curse marks indicating that he’d teleported on Jin Guangyao’s body, he would know, and also they’ve been together every night so he wouldn’t have time to get up to shenanigans anyway.
Still, they go ahead together to ruin another party/investigate at Jinlintai, with Wei Wuxian safely in disguise (barely), unfortunately as Mo Xuanyu, who is not exactly welcome in the Jin Sect because he got kicked out of it earlier. Mo Xuanyu is a whole...thing that I’m not really going into here because the show doesn’t really get into it either.
Wei Wuxian ducks out to investigate, and in the form of an animated paper man, to the tune of music we have never heard before in this show and will never hear again (look, it’s just weird to me), goes sneaking into Jin Guangyao’s rooms to do some poking around. His investigations are interrupted when Jin Guangyao’s wife Qin Su, in a state of severe distress, returns, followed shortly by Jin Guangyao. They argue about an unknown revelation in a letter Qin Su received that has resulted in her being disgusted by...something, we don’t know what, and angry with Jin Guangyao. She accuses him of killing their kid.
Eventually he paralyzes her and removes her to a secret room through a mirror, which is a thing everyone has, especially one with a bunch of torture instruments and a body sized table with dried blood on it. Normal!
Remember how the body in Yi City was headless? Yeah, we found the head now.
And it’s time for another Empathy flashback! 
Empathy Flashback feat. Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao’s Bad Relationship Mini Arc
This time with Nie Mingjue (and Jin Guangyao). We see Jin Guangyao very quickly elevated from a servant who is spat upon by the other Nie cultivators to Nie Mingjue’s right hand man, like, literally in two seconds. Flash forward to episode 10 - remember that? - where Jin Guangyao has just been caught in a compromising murder position. Nie Mingjue accuses Jin Guangyao plotting all along and is a conniving little snake who was in league with Xue Yang (which is a thing that does not make sense, actually), and kicks him out.
We next see Nie Mingjue in Nightless City, having been captured and currently being taunted by a very sexy Meng Yao, who kills some other Nie cultivators and threatens to fuck up Nie Mingjue by shattering his sword (which would be catastrophic and is, we are informed, how Nie Mingjue’s dad died). Nie Mingjue is understandably rather displeased by this to the point of probable murder, though Lan Xichen reminds him (as he did in the previous scene) that Meng Yao was acting as a spy and Meng Yao argues that he needed to play his part.
The relationship between the two of them continues to deteriorate as Nie Mingjue becomes more unstable (something that just happens to the Nies by virtue of their cultivation style). That deterioration is being delayed by healing music from Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen teaches Jin Guangyao the healing music. Jin Guangyao seems to be possibly doing something not healing with the healing music.
This all escalates into a confrontation at the top of the stairs of Jinlintai, where Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao argue about class politics and justifiable violence (no, really) until Nie Mingjue explodes and kicks Jin Guangyao down the stairs. 
And then proceeds to, as Jin Guangyao looks on, have a qi deviation, which is...well, let’s just call it both a physical and a mental breakdown. Nie Huaisang arrives to see this happening, and while we saw this before and it looked like Nie Mingjue was threatening Nie Huaisang because he didn’t recognize him, this time it is more apparent that he’s directing it at Jin Guangyao.
Next we see, Nie Mingjue is chained to that body sized table in the secret room. Xue Yang is there, and uses Nie Mingjue’s sword to behead Nie Mingjue. He’s psyched as hell about it. If you’re me this is adorable.
And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming Arc
Flashback ends! And we are back in Jinlintai. Wei Wuxian goes to get Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen to storm Jin Guangyao’s bedroom, to which Su She objects, but Jin Guangyao eventually allows. They all file together into the secret room and look around, but there is no longer any severed head where Wei Wuxian left it. Whoops. 
Then Qin Su kills herself, Jiang Cheng arrives to defuse the situation while Jin Guangyao pleads innocent, and Wei Wuxian, by way of drawing his sword that nobody else could draw before now, reveals that he is, in fact, Wei Wuxian. Everyone in this room actually already knew this information except for Jin Ling, who is not thrilled to discover that his cool uncle is the guy who murdered his parents. Nobody else does a very good job of faking surprise.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian make a run for it only to be cornered on the stairs. Extreme romance ensues where Lan Wangji announces his intent to stand by Wei Wuxian forever against the world. 
This is where the “I was like, SCREAMS” meme kicks in.
Anyway, after that love confession (look, they can’t say ‘I love you’ but basically) in front of everyone, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian fight their way out together and are well on the way to freedom when Jin Ling stabs Wei Wuxian. 
Nobody is happy about this, including Jin Ling.
Wei Wuxian is okay overall, though he does faint and have to get swept off to the Cloud Recesses and undressed and redressed in Lan Wangji’s underwear. Don’t worry about it. And now it’s time to talk to Lan Xichen, who is currently feeling very “what the hell is going on, you have no proof and are accusing a person I trust completely of something horrible without any proof.” 
They still don’t have any proof, but Wei Wuxian reveals that in the flashback he heard Jin Guangyao playing the soothing music but different, and it comes out that there is evil Japanese music that can kill people and be used to poison someone slowly over time. It’s literally this post:
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Lan Xichen is not entirely convinced but agrees to investigate; Jin Guangyao comes to Cloud Recesses and has an absolutely heartbreaking conversation with Lan Xichen about how is our friendship over, Zewu--jun :( while Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji eavesdrop.
That conversation isn’t plot important either, I just personally find it very upsetting.
The Burial Mounds, Take Two Arc
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji leave the Cloud Recesses, heading toward the Burial Mounds because Jin Guangyao mentioned something being up there. But they end up meeting - surprise! - Mianmian, who is living her best life. This is mostly important because she is literally the only female character who makes it out of this show alive. 
She mentions that there’s been some trouble around the Burial Mounds, so they head in that direction, running into Wen Ning along the way, who has been following them around because he loves Wei Wuxian. The Burial Mounds are indeed full of active undead and they fight their way up to the old farming commune location, which is less empty than expected because there are a bunch of kids tied up in Wei Wuxian’s old lair/cave/house. Like, all of them. Including Jin Ling, who really is having a terrible time lately, and I just feel the need to note that sometimes.
As they free the children and start to leave, everyone else arrives with the plan of killing Wei Wuxian again, because once wasn’t enough and obviously he’s Up To No Good, where else would these corpses be coming from, huh? 
Speaking of corpses. 
A small army of them shows up! All the cultivators who aren’t children lose their powers! Everyone has to retreat back into the lair/cave/house where they’ll be safe! So this is all...going well.
Fortunately, everyone being stuck in one place gives Wei Wuxian the opportunity to get his Hercule Poirot on and walk everyone through a series of deductions to get them to a place of realizing that (a) they were poisoned by evil music, (b) the evil music came from Su She, (c) Su She is working for Jin Guangyao who (d) planned all of this whole ‘everyone is going to the Burial Mounds to get killed’ thing.
Su She panics, inadvertently reveals that he alone still has his powers, and teleports out. Wei Wuxian decides that a reasonable solution to all these problems is to make himself bait for all the undead so everyone else can make a run for it, because Wei Wuxian is kind of like that. 
It’s okay, though, he and Lan Wangji make a spectacular battle couple.
(Oh, yeah. Throughout here it is becoming increasingly clear that Lan Sizhui’s identity is Significant and actually we Might Have Seen Him Before.)
Back to Lotus Pier Arc, or Jin Ling Has a Very Bad Day, Continued Arc
Safely out of the Burial Mounds thanks to Wei Wuxian, everybody goes ahead and invites themselves back to Jiang Cheng’s house. To be fair, it is closest. 
My notes here say “Wen Ning figures out that Lan Sizhui is a-Yuan, Jin Ling has an emotional breakdown” which is a more or less accurate summation of the situation. Honestly, though, I feel so bad for Jin Ling at this point, he’s had an absolute nightmare of a month and then today happened and like. I feel for him.
But Wen Ning reuniting with the last remaining member of his family! Though he doesn’t...actally tell Lan Sizhui this, and Lan Sizhui doesn’t have any memories of his early years. 
Jiang Cheng reluctantly allows Wei Wuxian inside. Wen Ning has to stay on the porch, but Lan Sizhui stays with him to keep him company, because he is a good boy.
This next part...hoo boy. It’s a lot of exposition featuring two ladies who appear to relate their stories about Jin Guangyao, featuring the part where he murdered his father by using a bunch of sex workers (who then were murdered in turn, except for one), also involving necrophilia, and the one where Qin Su was Jin Guangyao’s sister, actually, and he knew it and still married her. Sect Leader Bad Takes says that’s probably why Jin Guangyao killed their kid, because children of incest inevitably have developmental problems? Yeah, sure, buddy.
Anyway, everyone starts shouting for Jin Guangyao’s head, which is very familiar to Wei Wuxian, who leaves in some disgust. While wandering with Lan Wangji, they wind up going to the family shrine (which is, to be clear, a pretty sacred place). Which is where Jiang Cheng finds them! And once again they have a reasonable and emotionally steady conversation.
Nope. Jiang Cheng talks shit trying to provoke a fight that Wei Wuxian won’t have. As he and Lan Wangji attempt to leave, Jiang Cheng pursues because he’s not done yelling dammit, lashing out with Zidian. Wei Wuxian faints, and Wen Ning arrives to stand in between him and Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng, holding Wei Wuxian’s sheathed sword (remember, the one nobody other than Wei Wuxian can draw). Wen Ning proceeds to initiate one of the single best devastating beatdowns of the show without laying a hand on Jiang Cheng, specifically by shoving the sword at Jiang Cheng and telling him to draw it, because hey you can do that now! Wonder why that is? Wouldn’t you like to know what’s going on there, Jiang Wanyin?
Remember way back when Jiang Cheng lost his core and got it back because Wei Wuxian gave him his core? Yeah, this is when he finds out about that. Psych! Your brother loves you and also the only reason you got to be as strong as you are is because he sacrificed himself for you! Which is also the reason why he took up demonic cultivation in the first place! 
Seriously, it’s so good, I love this scene. Probably one of my favorites in the whole show.
Jiang Cheng runs away; Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian have a moment on a lake where Lan Wangji indulges Wei Wuxian by eating stolen lotuses with him. It’s sweeter than it sounds when I put it like that.
Guanyin Temple Arc
oh god, how do I. how do I describe Guanyin Temple. partially this is hard because by virtue of censorship about dead bodies, among probably other things, there are huge gaps that make portions of it make no sense so I’m gonna go ahead and...fill in some of those that are intelligible pretty much only with some knowledge of book plot, imo.
Wen Ning, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian go to a place called Yunping because Jin Guangyao bought some land there for some reason. There they find a slightly suspicious temple (Guanyin Temple). They come back at night, leaving Wen Ning to stand guard, and spy on the courtyard, where a bunch of conspicuously armed monks are there, along with Lan Xichen aaaaand...Jin Guangyao. 
Jin Ling arrives! And decides it’s a good idea to climb over the wall. Wei Wuxian blocks someone from shooting him by using the bamboo flute he’s been using this whole time, so he now functionally has no weapon, and also he and Lan Wangji have been exposed, so now the two of them and also Jin Ling are in the courtyard. Lan Xichen admits he was tricked and doesn’t have any of his powers. Jin Guangyao threatens Lan Wangji into sealing his by threatening Wei Wuxian with a wire. It’s sexy.
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Everybody goes inside the temple, where several monks are digging up something ??? under the floor. This is never explained and that is because it is supposed to be Jin Guangyao’s mother’s body, and there are very strict rules I understand about what can be done with dead bodies in dramas like this one. Anyway, Jin Guangyao loved his mom very much and built a temple where she was buried where the statue has her face. He is exhuming her so he can take her body with him when he flees the country, which is what he was planning here. Of course, now he has a bunch of unwanted hostages (and one wanted hostage), which was not actually part of the plan.
The next person to join the party is an unconscious Nie Huaisang, brought in by Su She, who basically says “I have no idea what he was doing here but...here he is” and Jin Guangyao is like. Well, guess he’s here now. 
Next to show up is Jiang Cheng! Making an excellent and extremely dramatic entrance. Unfortunately, he still gets injured and taken down as Jin Guangyao starts poking at his very obvious emotional weak spots, including revealing that Jiang Cheng knows about the golden core thing. Wei Wuxian, who did not know that secret came out because he was unconscious at the time, goes “wait, what?” and thus ensues the epic emotional catharsis crying and yelling conversation I was waiting for for 47 episodes. Seriously, it’s really good. They end up in a place where all is not solved but things are...maybe a little better? 
Of course, they’re still hostages. 
Meanwhile, back at the dig site, something gets unearthed that is not Jin Guangyao’s mother’s body but is in fact a coffin with Nie Mingjue’s body, now complete with head, in it. The reveal also drops here that Su She has the marks that indicate he cast the curse on Jin Zixun that Jin Zixun accused Wei Wuxian of casting.
A very ugly argument ensues where everyone is poking at everyone else’s things that they’re sensitive about, until finally Lan Xichen recovers his powers and turns the tables on Jin Guangyao by putting a sword to his neck. 
The next part is basically...explaining how all the bad things that happened were Jin Guangyao’s fault? Or at least that’s the explanation given. I find it personally very frustrating as a narrative choice and sort of unnecessary, but maybe that’s just me. Anyway, Jin Guangyao is pleading for mercy from Lan Xichen, saying he’ll leave and never return, the whole thing is very emotional. 
We also find out that Jin Guangshan kicked Jin Guangyao down the stairs. People really need to stop doing that.
And now Wen Ning arrives! Punting Lan Sizhui in ahead of him. He is possessed by a very angry sword spirit (namely, Baxia). Lan Wangji cuts off Jin Guangyao’s right arm, because Lan Wangji likes doing that, apparently. Baxia-possessed Wen Ning then targets Jin Ling because Jin Ling has Jin Guangyao’s blood on him - only for Wen Ning to stop the blade with his bare hand and save Jin Ling’s life, because Wen Ning is both a badass and very good. 
Jiang Cheng throws Wei Wuxian his old flute, which he apparently has just been keeping under his bed or something for sixteen years, which is a thing that I will always never be over, and Wei Wuxian flutes the very angry sword into the Nie Mingjue-holding coffin.
Which would be fine, only then Nie Huaisang starts yelling about how Su She totally stabbed him, no, really, look, he’s bleeding. Baxia kills Su She. Then Wei Wuxian manages to put the sword back in the coffin, as well as the Yin Tiger Seal, and locks both away.
Everybody’s sitting down and recovering a little as Lan Xichen tends Jin Guangyao’s wounds. He turns around to get medicine from Nie Huaisang, who tells him to look out because Jin Guangyao is attacking you!!! 
Lan Xichen runs Jin Guangyao through. 
Oh boy.
Jin Guangyao is a little impressed about Nie Huaisang having been plotting this all along. Because he was. He absolutely was. He’s absolutely been planning this for years. Everybody needs a hobby.
But it’s Lan Xichen who he really addresses here, telling him that he’d never hurt him. The actual line really hurts but I’m trying to not reproduce lines here, except I am going to say that he drags Lan Xichen - still with a sword through him! - deeper into the temple and says “stay and die with me” as the temple starts to collapse. Lan Xichen, who was about to strike and presumably push himself away, lowers his hand, and Jin Guangyao abruptly pushes him away and out of the collapsing building.
(No, but seriously, it’s a lot.)
Thus ends Jin Guangyao. 
Outside in the courtyard, everyone’s taking a breather. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian stare longingly at each other across the room and say nothing. Jiang Cheng walks away and we learn that - surprise! - the reason Jiang Cheng was caught by the Wens way back when is because he was keeping the Wens from catching Wei Wuxian instead.
Everybody in this family in just a big circle of self sacrifice. In the words of Wen Qing:
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(Who misses Wen Qing? I do!)
Anyway, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian leave with each other, only to be caught on the road by Lan Sizhui and Wen Ning - Lan Sizhui, who has remembered that he was a-Yuan and finally someone tells Wei Wuxian this, and ahhhh, okay, I know what I said about limiting screencaps but I can’t not:
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Now that’s what I call a hug!
They part ways again, Lan Sizhui leaving with Wen Ning for some family time and for Wen Ning to find his own way. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian...seem like they’re going in different directions, but then they’re at Cloud Recesses together, playing music, hanging out, vibing. They talk to Nie Huaisang, but don’t directly confront him about his scheming. Mostly just making sure he’s not, you know, gonna do anything else.
Then Wei Wuxian leaves to go on a roadtrip to find himself. People really do not like this, but I personally really do like this, especially because the last shots of the show are Wei Wuxian playing his and Lan Wangji’s theme song (the one that Lan Wangji wrote, remember, from the cave? It’s come up a lot, I just haven’t mentioned it here), and when he finishes Lan Wangji’s voice says “Wei Ying” and he turns around and just like. Smiles. It’s scrunchy and happy and perfect.
Like this:
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aaaaaaand scene! fifty episodes later your life has been ruined and you will never be the same.
and the thing is that this is leaving out, like. a lot, and probably is biased because I focus on different things than another person would, &c &c, but at least it might be a starting point for...the entire plot.
and also congratulations if you made it this far, I am impressed. have a screenshot of wei wuxian as a reward, whose mental breakdown does make him look sexy
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you’re welcome.
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gingersnapwolves · 4 years
The Untamed, a brief summary [Part 1/6]
Okay my friends, I have heard your calls. Here’s my play-by-play version of The Untamed.
Note the first: I’m dividing it up into sections because it is, after all, a 50 episode series and I doubt anyone will want to wade through it all in one go.
Note the second: I am going to try to be as unbiased as possible. There are different ways to interpret some of the characters’ actions, especially later in the show when things get morally complex. You can find oceans of meta on this stuff, so I will try not to pick a side when at all possible. 
Note the third: I’m going to keep the tone pretty light and humorous. This show gets *dark* in the middle but y’all are reading a summary and I don’t want it to get too dry or too depressing. Please pardon me if I am flippant from time to time.
Part One: Sword Wizard School
I thought about doing a character guide but decided it would be easier to introduce you to characters as we meet them, because there are a LOT of characters. However, I am going to give you a brief primer on the important families/places.
Actually, let me back up a little further. The Untamed is a xianxia drama, so it’s about people trying to become immortal celestial beings. They fight monsters and do a lot of magic, and they live in clans/sects. A clan is a family. A sect is a cultivation style/school. The terms are often used interchangeably (even I’m guilty) but they are not exactly the same. Members of a clan will belong to that sect, but the sect will also take in outsiders to train, who are sect members but not clan members.
There are five Great Sects:
Province: Yunmeng; sect: Jiang, home: Lotus Pier
Province: Gusu, sect: Lan, home: Cloud Recesses
Province: Lanling, sect: Jin, home: Koi/Carp Tower
Province: Qinghe, sect: Nie, home: The Unclean Realm (this is not to say it is dirty, it’s from Buddhism and might also translate to ‘The Worldly Realm’)
Province: Qishan, sect: Wen, home: Nightless City/Nevernight (depending on translation) 
Here’s a map I made for my fic reference which shows roughly where these provinces are in relation to each other. I may have pretended they were cities in America so I could calculate mileage. Yes I am the world’s biggest nerd, thanks.
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H’okay! The show is not in chronological order but I am going in chronological order because the point is to make this simple for you. I’ll admit that I may not get everything 100% correct because it’s been a while since I watched parts of it but I’ll try.
Setting: Caiyi Town, [Gusu]
Meet Wei Wuxian. He is a 16 year old chaos gremlin with ADHD. He does not look 16 but actors in American dramas pretending to be teenagers also do not look 16 so we’ll let that go. He is with his adopted brother (also 16ish, but younger than Wei Wuxian) Jiang Cheng, and his adopted older sister, Jiang Yanli (probably about 6 years older).
Oh, right. Names. Most characters have two names, a birth name and a ‘courtesy’ name which is a fancy name they get when they’re old enough to get their swords and stuff. They also have titles. For the sake of not driving y’all crazy, I will choose the most commonly used name for the character and stick with it, and then give you a chart at the end so you’ll understand fanfiction.
Wei Wuxian and his siblings are headed to Sword Wizard School in Gusu, hosted by the Lan sect. Wei Wuxian is clearly planning to Be Himself during these lectures, and Jiang Cheng does Not Approve. Jiang Cheng is obviously very serious and concerned with appearances, which makes sense because he is the sect heir. As an adopted son, Wei Wuxian can goof off; Jiang Cheng does not have that luxury. (Wei Wuxian is the son of two of Jiang Cheng’s father’s friends, who died when he was young. More on this later.) Jiang Cheng reminds Wei Wuxian and the other disciples that are with them that they are representing the Jiang sect and they should make a good impression.
They don’t think they can get to Cloud Recesses before dark so they get rooms at an inn.
Jin Zixuan is the next fun character you’ll meet. He’s also 16 or thereabouts despite looking 24 at minimum. He is a sect heir to the Lanling Jin and he does not like being near or interacting with strangers. He pays the innkeeper to rent the whole inn and throw any other guests out. Is this a dick move? I’m trying to be unbiased here, so yes. Yes it is.
Wei Wuxian tries to flirt with a couple of Jin Zixuan’s retainers to get them to allow the Yunmeng siblings to stay, but Jin Zixuan decides to be a big jerk about it. Fun fact! Jin Zixuan is betrothed to Jiang Yanli! He is literally throwing his betrothed out of an inn so he doesn’t have to share a building with people. Wei Wuxian gets pissy and picks a fight with him but Jiang Yanli convinces him that he’s not worth it (although she is much nicer about it than any of us would be in her shoes), and they decide to head up to Cloud Recesses despite the time.
But alas! In their haste, they leave their invitation behind.
As the Yunmeng trio try to talk their way past the gate, Lan Wangji arrives. Also 16, he is your classic stoic, repressed gay, and is the younger brother of the Lan Sect leader. With him are a bunch of Lan cultivators and a guy on a stretcher who is clearly in rough shape. The Lan cultivators carry him inside.
Wei Wuxian, pure of heart and dumb of ass, decides that this is a great time to try to talk his way through the gate, figuring that Lan Wangji, being an important person, can let them in. Lan Wangji reacts about how you would expect a stoic repressed gay would to a cute boy flirting with him for the first time: uses a silencing spell on him, tells him he’s absolutely not admitted without their invitation, and locks them out. 
Jiang Cheng, who has spent the last 3 minutes desperately trying to get his brother to shut up before he gets them all in trouble, sends him back to town to find the invitation.
Int. Cloud Recesses [Gusu]
Lan Xichen, the head of the Lan sect and Lan Wangji’s older brother, is studying the guy they brought in, with his uncle. Lan Xichen is young for a sect leader (he’s only 19 in the book but probably 24-25ish in the show) and his uncle advises him a lot of the time. The guy they brought is kind of dead but also kind of not. They say a bunch of stuff you won’t understand if you have not seen xianxia dramas before. It’s not really important.
Ext. Cloud Recesses [Gusu]
Wei Wuxian has come back with the invitation to find the rest of his sect no longer waiting outside and all of Cloud Recesses sealed by wards. “Wards are made to be broken,” he says, demonstrating a clear lack of understanding of their purpose. It’s a good thing he’s here for school.
He breaks in, carrying a couple jars of liquor, only to find Lan Wangji standing guard. Lan Wangji reprimands him for breaking important Lan sect rules like a) not breaking and entering, b) not coming in after dark, and c) bringing alcohol, which is forbidden. Wei Wuxian offers him one of the jars because he is 16 and stupid and for some reason thought a bribe was what this situation needed. Lan Wangji pulls a sword on him, which is definitely a reasonable response and not because he has his first boner and he’s angry about it.
They have a sword fight, basically to a draw. Lan Wangji drags him in to see Lan Xichen, who clearly thinks this is hilarious. Wei Wuxian blames everything on Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji. He also says intelligent things about the not-a-corpse they’re examining, because the writers wanted us to know that he’s not a whole dumbass. Lan Xichen basically slaps him on the wrist, tells him to behave himself and sends him off to the guest house his siblings were given, and then teases Lan Wangji about Baby’s First Crush.
Ext, Nightless City [Qishan]
Nightless City isn’t actually nightless. It’s just never dark there because it’s on top of a volcano, because that’s where all the cool villains live.
This is the home of the Qishan Wen, who are Obviously Evil from the Black Outfits, Volcano Lair, and Shuffling Zombies. Their leader is Wen Ruohan. His personality is that he is evil. He’s saying a bunch of stuff you won’t understand yet and then sends his Obnoxious Son Wen Chao off to look for something. He also sends Wen Qing, who is related to him somehow, presumably. She asks if she can bring her brother, Wen Ning, and Wen Ruohan says sure because all he cares about is Being Evil in his Zombie Volcano Lair.
Int, Cloud Recesses [Gusu]
They’re all at the first lecture, and there’s a ceremony where each visiting sect presents a gift to Lan Qiren (the uncle/teacher). I think we might see what the Jin give him but I don’t care. Right now we’re talking about Nie Huaisang, the younger brother of the sect leader of the Nie sect. He is baby. He has brought a bird to class for no reason other than that he caught it and thinks it’s cool. Presenting to the dour and stern Lan Qiren makes him nervous.
With him is Meng Yao. Unlike everyone else you’ve met so far, Meng Yao is not a member of the gentry. He is the son of the Jin sect leader and a prostitute. (Yes, this makes him Jin ‘I can’t breathe the same air as commoners’ Zixuan’s younger brother.) When he was old enough to do Sword Magic he went to the Jin sect and asked for admittance, and his father had him thrown down a set of 200 steps because his father is an Enormous Douche. (That’s not biased. Hating this dude is one of the few things everyone agrees on.) Then he went to the Nie sect, and they said, “Sure, you can come in, but you’re not really a disciple, mmkay?” and he said sure. But he has worked his way up to being the assistant to the sect leader which is a pretty important position for someone with his background. 
Naturally, because Meng Yao is Not Like the Others, a few people take this opportunity to gossip and talk smack about him. Meng Yao is upset but tries not to look it. Lan Xichen takes a moment to reassure him, saying that the Nie sect leader had written to him about what a helpful and awesome assistant he had now, and that Meng Yao obviously lived up to it. Meng Yao immediately develops the world’s Most Obvious Crush Don’t @ Me You Would Too.
ENTER MR. OBNOXIOUS, AN IRON MAIDEN, and A PUPPY. Fortunately these are the last characters you’ll meet for a while.
The Wen sect shows up at the gates of Cloud Recesses like ‘what up, I got a big attitude and fuck you’. The gate dude tells them they can’t come in without an invitation, and Wen Chao attacks him because he was raised in a volcano and they go in anyway. With Wen Chao are Wen Qing and her brother, Wen Ning. They are actually pretty awesome, you just don’t know it yet.
Wen Chao busts in on the Saluting Ceremony just as Jiang Cheng is trying to present their gift, and immediately begins insulting everyone there. You should count yourself fortunate that you’re only reading this because Wen Chao is literally the most obnoxious character in this show. Anyway, Wei Wuxian decides to pick a fight with him even though this is *obviously* a stupid thing to do. (I love Wei Wuxian with my whole heart but he is so stupid at 16 lmao.) He calls Wen Chao out on interrupting Jiang Cheng. Wen Chao reacts completely rationally and calmly BAHAHA who am I kidding, he pulls his sword out. Everyone else pulls their swords out. Wen Qing looks like she has the world’s worst migraine.
Lan Xichen takes out his flute and plays eight seconds of music that makes everyone’s swords go flying into the ceiling. Had I mentioned how awesome Lan Xichen is? Because he is Awesome.
Wen Chao gets even more pissy but Wen Qing shuts him down, saying she and her brother are there for Sword Wizard School and she’s sorry her cousin is such an asshole. Lan Xichen tells them to ‘try to come on time’ tomorrow. Had I mentioned how awesome Lan Xichen is? It bears repeating.
Ext, Cloud Recesses [Gusu]
Wei Wuxian is making fast friends with Nie Huaisang. They decide to go fishing in one of the streams. He sees Wen Qing sneaking around and asks what she’s doing there. She blows him off.
Meng Yao stops Lan Xichen and says goodbye to him. Lan Xichen asks why he’s leaving so soon, and Meng Yao says that he can’t actually stay for the lectures, since he’s only an assistant to the Nie sect, not a disciple. Lan Xichen tells him that Nie Mingjue (the head of the Nie sect) is just and honorable and will surely reward him for working so hard. They make heart eyes at each other for like a solid thirty seconds before Meng Yao manages to leave.  I’m sorry, I’m trying to be unbiased. They gaze at each other longingly – no, shit, that’s still biased. They, uh, regard each other with mutual respect for thirty solid seconds and then Meng Yao leaves.
Meanwhile Jiang Cheng is Fretting about the fact that Wei Wuxian is Making a Bad Impression. He ain’t seen nothing yet. Jiang Yanli calms him down.
Wen Qing talks to her brother Wen Ning and is sad because he’s sick. She promises him that someday they’ll be able to leave Nightless City.
Int, Cloud Recesses [Gusu]
Lan Qiren is lecturing. Wei Wuxian proposes some casual heresy. Lan Qiren gets mad and tells him to copy the Chapter of Conduct a thousand times, and throws him out of class. Jiang Cheng tries to crawl under his desk.
Instead of going to copy lines, Wei Wuxian wanders off and meets A PUPPY, ie Wen Ning. He is practicing his archery. Wei Wuxian proceeds to help him with his stance and Wen Ning looks like he just discovered his bisexuality. Wen Qing sees them together and is clearly not thrilled. Wei Wuxian asks her why she’s always wandering around the back hills of Cloud Recesses and asks if she’s looking for something. She tells him not to be stupid and leaves with her brother.
Lan Wangji drags Wei Wuxian back to the library for his punishment. Wei Wuxian proceeds to spend the next few hours doing Everything That Is Not That, which culminates in him exchanging Lan Wangji’s book for some porn when he’s not looking. Lan Wangji tears the porn up and tells him to piss off.
Jiang Cheng: I hope you’re proud of yourself.
Wei Wuxian: I absolutely am.
They go back to their guest house. Wen Qing is there. She’s a doctor! Told you she was awesome. Jiang Yanli wasn’t feeling well and Wen Qing gave her some medicine. They talk about the fact that there aren’t lectures for a few days because Lan Qiren is off doing Official Stuff.
But there’s still fun to be had! There’s a water demon attacking people in the nearby town. Lan Xichen is worried that it’s serious and he’s going to go himself. Lan Wangji goes with him. Wei Wuxian asks if he and Jiang Cheng can go ‘get some practice’ as they fight lots of water demons in Yunmeng. Lan Xichen, remembering his brother’s obvious crush, says sure. Wen Ning wants to go too. So does Wen Qing. Lan Xichen suddenly feels like a chaperone on a field trip but says fine because he’s the cool older brother.
Wei Wuxian takes the opportunity to ask questions about the not-a-corpse from earlier. Lan Xichen politely tells him that’s it handled and not to worry about it. Wei Wuxian thinks there’s something he’s not telling him, and he mentions that to Lan Wangji, who agrees but won’t say so. Wei Wuxian can tell anyway because he’s learning to read Lan Wangji’s microexpressions.
They fight a water demon. Jiang Cheng gets injured and Wen Qing patches him up. He looks at her with puppy eyes. Some dumbass loses his sword in the water. Wen Ning tries to help him despite being uniquely unqualified to do so, and passes out. Wei Wuxian tries to rescue both of them, and Lan Wangji ends up rescuing all three of them despite clearly wanting to let the water demon eat them. Jiang Cheng buys a comb to give to Wen Qing but chickens out and doesn’t give it to her. Wei Wuxian deduces that Wen Ning’s illness is because of a previous bad experience with ghostly spirits or something, and gives Wen Qing a talisman to give to her brother that will help protect him from monsters. He says that no matter what she’s looking for at Cloud Recesses, he hopes the talisman will help Wen Ning.
Then he tries to buy Lan Wangji some fruit as a gift. Lan Wangji refuses to look at him. Lan Xichen starts mentally writing wedding invitations.
Ext. Nightless City [Qishan]
ENTER AN EDGELORD (sorry I forgot about him, in fact I think this happened earlier but the timing isn’t really important)
Meet Xue Yang. You have no idea who he is. Wen Ruohan is demanding he hand over something called yin iron. Xue Yang’s response to this is basically ‘choke me harder, Daddy’ and you’re left feeling vaguely disturbed.
Int. Cloud Recesses [Gusu]
It’s party time! Wei Wuxian smuggled some liquor back with him. He, Jiang Cheng, and Nie Huaisang get drunk. They give Jiang Cheng a hard time about his high standards for women.
Lan Wangji comes in like the hall monitor you hated in high school to break it up. Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang run away. Wei Wuxian uses a talisman on Lan Wangji to keep him from reporting them and make him take a drink of the alcohol. We all remind ourselves very firmly that he is only 16 and will do stupid shit, despite wanting to slap him. Lan Wangji has never had alcohol before and one drink makes him blackout drunk. Wei Wuxian has to babysit him for the rest of the night. Serves him right.
The next day, they’re all in trouble, even Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian tries to tell Lan Qiren that it’s not Lan Wangji’s fault, but Lan Wangji accepts his punishment anyway. They get hit with a stick a bunch of times.
Lan Wangji goes to recuperate in the cold springs. Lan Xichen, the world’s biggest troll, sends Wei Wuxian to do the same. Lan Wangji nearly has an aneurysm when Wei Wuxian tries to start taking his clothes off.
They get pulled underwater and end up in a cave. It’s a magic cave where only members of the Lan clan are allowed to be. To keep the cave from killing him, Lan Wangji wraps his Magic Forehead Ribbon around Wei Wuxian’s wrist. This is the same magic forehead ribbon he told Wei Wuxian ten episode minutes ago that only parents, spouses, and children are allowed to touch. Draw what conclusions you will.
There’s a ghostly lady in the cave who is Lan Wangji’s ancestor. She tells them Evil Is Abroad. A long time ago a dude named Xue Chonghai took a bunch of pieces of metal and filled them full of evil energy. Everyone banded together and killed him, but the metal couldn’t be completely destroyed, so it was split into ‘the cardinal directions’ and then sealed and hidden. Ah ha! This is what Wen Ruohan is looking for! It’s called Evil MacGuffin yin iron.
Wei Wuxian says if it’s so powerful, why don’t they use it to fight back? Ghost lady says she tried that but it’s too evil and it doesn’t work. She gives them the piece that was sealed in the cave and tells them to go fight evil together. Lan Wangji is glad it’s too cold to have a boner.
Except then she throws them out of the cave and onto dry land and Wei Wuxian lands on top of him and he definitely gets one from that. Sorry, Lan Wangji, I don’t make the rules.
They’ve been missing for two days and everyone is really upset, especially Jiang Cheng, who thinks Wei Wuxian was just goofing off.
Lan Xichen takes the piece of yin iron they got in the cave and seals it in a pouch. They discuss the fact that Wen Ruohan is clearly collecting the pieces of yin iron and this is Bad News Bears. The yin iron will respond to other pieces of yin iron so they decide they should use the piece they have to locate the other pieces.
But first, classes are over! Despite the fact that each of these events has led seamlessly into the next and it seems like they’ve been there a week, they’ve actually been there six months. If you dealt with the Teen Wolf ‘timeline’ I assume you can deal with that lmao.
There’s a lantern-lighting ceremony to celebrate. Wei Wuxian paints a rabbit on his lantern because there were a bunch of rabbits in the cave and Lan Wangji clearly likes rabbits. This makes Lan Wangji smile for the first time. They all light their lanterns and make a wish.
Wei Wuxian wishes he can stand with justice and live without regrets. Lan Wangji looks at him like he’s about to propose. Wen Qing wishes she could protect her little brother and that he’ll always be safe. Jiang Cheng looks at her like he’s about to propose. Nie Huaisang wishes he can pass his classes and get the hell out of high school. Truly, the most relatable.
But the moment is ruined because people start teasing Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli, asking why they didn’t light a lantern together and wish for a happy marriage. Jin Zixuan, the paragon of reacting reasonably to things, storms off. He tells his sect members he doesn’t want to hear about the marriage and they should stop bringing it up. Wei Wuxian overhears and they get into a fight. Jiang Yanli manages to get Wei Wuxian to back off.
The next day, Wei Wuxian is being punished for punching a jerk in the face. He is kneeling on the rocks of the courtyard. But he’s already gotten distracted because there’s an anthill and he has ADHD. Lan Wangji calls him ‘unteachable’ and stomps off, clearly mad at his boner like usual.
Because this is kind of important, the two sect leaders have showed up to hash it out. Jiang Yanli’s dad says ‘listen, if your son doesn’t want to marry my daughter, we shouldn’t force him’. Jin Zixuan’s dad says, ‘kids are stupid and they don’t know what they want’. Jiang Yanli’s dad says, ‘well I absolutely agree your son is stupid but he’s being a jerk to my daughter so why don’t we politely call this off before something happens that makes one of us impolitely call it off’, and Jin Zixuan’s dad agrees. Jiang Yanli is upset, although why she actually wanted to marry Jin Zixuan is beyond everyone involved, including the audience. Then again it can’t be easy to hear that some dude who has barely even met you has decided you’re not good enough for him.
Meanwhile, Wei Wuxian sees Lan Xichen telling Lan Wangji ‘be careful’ and correctly deduces that Lan Wangji is leaving with the yin iron to try to find the other pieces, while Lan Xichen stays behind to protect Cloud Recesses since the Wen sect thinks it’s still there. He leaves a note that says ‘gone monster hunting, meet you back at home!’ Jiang Cheng nearly has an aneurysm, especially when his dad is like ‘lmao that kid is such a dumbass’.
~end Sword Wizard School~
okay, guys, what did you think? was this helpful? could you follow it? was it at least vaguely entertaining? should I keep going?
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 years
On the other side
Asadbatman over on Twitter wanted to see the other side of the Clan Swap fic, where Jiang Cheng gets transported into Lan Wanyin’s body and where he meets Jiang Xichen. You can find “In every timeline” here and you should probably read that one first. This comes in at 12k.
Lan Wanyin is reading over a particularly insulting letter on his favourite pier, but even that does nothing to soften the frown on his face.
Sect Leader Yao really has a lot of nerve to send this letter to Jiang Xichen who—for all intents and purposes—is a goddamn war hero now, not even to mention the Sect Leader of one of the most powerful Sects out there.
Lan Wanyin takes a deep breath and decides to deal with that letter later—much later, if he can get away with it—before he turns his attention towards the lake in front of him.
It’s a rather calming sight, and one of the reasons why this is his favourite place in Lotus Pier. The lake stretches on for longer than the eye can see, and this close to the piers, there are dozens of lotus heads gently bobbing on the water and it’s so calming and relaxing that Lan Wanyin could totally drift off here.
Except that he still has work to do, because Jiang Xichen trusts him to deal with the paperwork and this part of running a Sect even though they are not married. Yet.
But Lan Wanyin will not allow anyone to say that he’s slacking off, and even though this is a private pier there is still a chance someone might catch a glimpse of him, and so he lets out another sigh as he picks up the next letter from the stack to his side.
He wonders if the stacks always get so high, but then he remembers fondly that there is almost nothing more Jiang Xichen hates doing than paperwork and with how victorious Yunmeng Jiang came out of the Sunshot Campaign it’s understandable that everyone wants to gain a favour with Jiang Xichen.
Lan Wanyin is very pleased that Jiang Xichen allows him to be the one to formulate very polite “Fuck off” replies to them, he’s not going to lie about that.
“What are you doing?” Jiang Xichen suddenly whines from behind him and drapes himself all over Lan Wanyin’s back.
“Doing the work you pushed off on me?” Lan Wanyin gives back without even putting the letter in his hand down.
He has gotten rather used to Jiang Xichen being as tactile as he is, and Lan Wanyin is enjoying it immensely, even though he would never admit it. He would blush his way through every single word of that sentence, he just knows it, and then Jiang Xichen would tease him about it, and Lan Wanyin would blush even harder.
He knows that from experience.
“But I didn’t mean you have to do the work immediately,” Jiang Xichen sighs, but he stays where is, with his arms around Lan Wanyin’s waist and his head hooked over his shoulder.
“I’d rather get it out of the way,” Lan Wanyin says, patting Jiang Xichen’s hand on his stomach.
“You’re all work and no fun, lately,” Jiang Xichen complaints and Lan Wanyin’s mouth twists with his words.
He knows that he hasn’t been the most fun to be around lately, but one of them has to take the task of leading a Sect seriously and it certainly isn’t going to be Jiang Xichen, no matter how effortlessly he still seems to fall into the role as Sect Leader.
Lan Wanyin puts it down to his rigorous training and Lan Wanyin did not receive the same training. He was never meant to be Sect Leader, so he has a lot to catch up to, he knows that. Especially since the wedding is still a few months away.
He just doesn’t want to embarrass Jiang Xichen with his ignorance before they are even tied together.
“If you keep this up, I’ll give you something to complain about,” Lan Wanyin says with less bite than he intended to, but then again he never can be really mad at Jiang Xichen.
To underline his threat he reaches out for Sect Leader Yao’s letter and waves it in front of Jiang Xichen’s face, who makes a grimace at that, but then hides his smile in Lan Wanyin’s neck.
“Feisty. I like it,” he mutters, and Lan Wanyin doesn’t mean to, but he freezes up completely.
With how Jiang Xichen is still pressed close to him, he notices it immediately of course and Lan Wanyin can almost hear him frown.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his voice low and soothing, and Lan Wanyin hates that he is still like this—that the doubt is still a niggling bud in his mind—but he also can’t help it.
“If you like feisty so much, you should probably go look for my counterpart again,” Lan Wanyin says, and this comes out much more bitter than he thought it would.
It’s too telling, he knows that immediately, and Jiang Xichen pulls away for long enough to make Lan Wanyin panic before Jiang Xichen simply turns him around and pulls him into a hug.
“I don’t want your counterpart,” Jiang Xichen tells him, his voice controlled and even, and despite the way Lan Wanyin clings to Jiang Xichen he lets out a bitter laugh.
“Yeah, right,” he mutters. “You wouldn’t even have noticed me if it wasn’t for him catching your eye,” he goes on, hiding his face much more firmly in Jiang Xichen’s chest, because he doesn’t want to know what kind of face he makes at that.
But Jiang Xichen is not letting him hide; he pushes Lan Wanyin away, so that he can look him in the eye when he next speaks.
“He might have managed to catch my eye, but it’s you who kept it for years now,” Jiang Xichen tells him and Lan Wanyin blushes at his words.
Jiang Xichen has never made a secret out of the fact that he fell head over heels in love with him, but his actions speak very loudly too.
Like the fact that he not only allows Lan Wanyin into his home and family, but that he also trusts him to lead the Sect together with him. Lan Wanyin knows how much Yunmeng Jiang means to Jiang Xichen and it regularly warms his heart to know that Jiang Xichen wants to share this with Lan Wanyin.
“Shut up,” Lan Wanyin grumbles slightly, but he’s very pleased by Jiang Xichen’s answer.
“Only when you stop being stupid,” Jiang Xichen gives back and brushes a kiss over Lan Wanyin’s cheek.
“I’m not stupid,” Lan Wanyin protests more out of reflex than anything else and then he sighs. “I know you love me and it’s stupid of me to still be jealous of my counterpart,” Lan Wanyin admits.
But knowing that he is unreasonably jealous and not being jealous are two completely different things and Lan Wanyin is not doing well with the latter part.
Jiang Xichen hums at his words and manhandles him around again, until Lan Wanyin sits with his back to Jiang Xichen’s chest and Jiang Xichen hugs him close.
“You never did tell me what happened in that other world,” Jiang Xichen lowly says and Lan Wanyin shrugs.
He doesn’t think anything that happened to him in that world is worth mentioning, but he guesses that Jiang Xichen has burned to ask this question for a long while now.
“Fine,” he sighs and pulls down Jiang Xichen so he sits pressed up to his back and he puts his hands over the arms around his middle. “I’ll tell you.”
Lan Wanyin wakes up to someone frantically calling his name.
“Jiang Cheng? Jiang Cheng, wake up right this instant! Jiang Wanyin! Don’t make your poor brother fret like this, come on. A-Cheng? Chengcheng?”
Okay, someone calling a semblance of his name, anyway.
Lan Wanyin groans slightly, before he blinks his eyes open, and his vision is immediately filled with a mop of unruly hair and a worried face of a person Lan Wanyin has never seen before in his entire life.
“Jiang Cheng?” the person asks him and Lan Wanyin pushes him away as politely as he can.
“No,” he says, immediately startled by how deep his voice is.
He looks down at himself, to figure out if there is a visible clue as to why he was unconscious, but when he sees dark purple robes he frowns. His frown only deepens when it feels like something vital is missing.
“What is going on?” he asks the other person, who is clearly not at all reassured now that he’s awake.
“Jiang Cheng?” he is asked again and Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“My name is Lan Wanyin,” he gives back and watches as the person goes pale at his side.
“Lan Wanyin,” he mutters and then he scrambles up to frantically gather a few papers.
Lan Wanyin watches him study them, seemingly more desperate the more he reads and when the guy looks at him Lan Wanyin can see something close to panic on his face.
“Oh fuck,” the guy mutters and then plasters a smile on his face so quickly it gives Lan Wanyin whiplash.
“I’m Wei Wuxian, nice to meet you,” he says, adopting a cheery tone that’s so obviously fake that Lan Wanyin cringes on his behalf.
“Where am I?” he asks, but when he looks around he can tell that this is the Jingshi, so he changes his question. “Why are you in my home?” he asks instead and watches as the smile on Wei Wuxian’s face falters dangerously.
“Your home, of course,” he mutters. “You’re Lan Wanyin and this is your home,” he goes on and Lan Wanyin bristles at his words.
“Yes, I am and yes it is. And I demand an explanation from you now!” he says, trying for a stern tone, but he knows it comes out much more wavering than he’d like.
“I’m sorry, this must be really stressful for you,” Wei Wuxian says, and he sounds so sympathetic that Lan Wanyin immediately has to bite back some tears.
“Just explain to me what’s going on,” he tries again and Wei Wuxian sighs, clearly about to give in, but before he can do that, someone slides open the door.
“Jiang Cheng? Wei Wuxian?” the newcomer asks and Wei Wuxian gives a fleeting smile to Lan Wanyin before he gets up and turns around to the new man that stepped into Lan Wanyin’s home uninvited.
He’s wearing the customary Lan white—he even has a forehead ribbon—but Lan Wanyin has never seen him in his life and he frowns at him. All that does though, is making it startling clear that he’s missing his own forehead ribbon, and suddenly Lan Wanyin feels entirely too naked.
“Lan Xichen,” Wei Wuxian says with a nod of his head. “Meet Lan Wanyin,” he then goes on with a nod towards Lan Wanyin, who is still on the ground, and Lan Wanyin scrambles to get up.
It’s a little bit strange, this new body; he seems to be taller and broader than he’s used to being and he fumbles around for a second before he falls into an appropriate bow.
“What is going on?” Lan Xichen wants to know, his expression bordering on outright pained and sad, and Lan Wanyin turns expectant eyes on Wei Wuxian because he is still expecting an answer to that very same question as well.
“It seems that my spell did not work as intended,” Wei Wuxian says with a wince and Lan Wanyin watches as Lan Xichen’s eyebrows rise on his forehead.
“What spell?” he asks with the voice of a man who is too used to dealing with mishaps and problems and keeping his own feelings on the matter very far removed, and Lan Wanyin frowns.
“Are you the Sect Leader?” he asks, because he has seen his brother make a very similar face when he’s faced with one of the junior disciple’s shenanigans.
“Technically I’m—it’s complicated,” Lan Xichen finally settles on, but when Lan Wanyin keeps his baffled expression he goes on. “I used to be,” he finally admits.
“Xichen-ge,” Wei Wuxian whispers, clearly a lot of history behind that one sentence, but Lan Wanyin is too stuck on the informal way with which Wei Wuxian refers to him.
“Where’s my brother? And how dare you refer to your elder as disrespectfully as that?” Lan Wanyin suddenly asks, filled with the desperate need to see someone familiar, to have his brother look out for him like he always does, and he doesn’t even care that his tone is very close to whining but he also has their Sect’s rules ingrained in his bones and he cannot let disrespectful behaviour like that stand without even trying to correct it.
“Lan Wangji?” Lan Xichen asks, clearly only guessing and Lan Wanyin nods frantically. “He’s out on a night hunt. It should still be a day or so before he comes back. He’s accompanying the juniors.”
“I want to see him,” Lan Wanyin says, knowing that he shouldn’t be making demands of people he doesn’t even know, but he needs to see a familiar face.
“We can’t call him back,” Wei Wuxian gently says. “We’ll have to wait until Lan Zhan returns on his own.”
Lan Wanyin freezes when he hears that name, because even he doesn’t dare to call his brother that and he can feel his temper spike again, before he takes a deep and calming breath.
“Could you please not refer to my brother like this? You have no rights to do so,” Lan Wanyin says in what he thinks is an appropriately calm voice.
“What should I call him then?” Wei Wuxian asks, a mischievous smile on his face. “Lan-er-gege?” he asks and Lan Wanyin goes hot under the collar.
“How dare you call me that?” he hisses out and watches as Wei Wuxian’s eyes go big and how Lan Xichen presses his lips together.
Lan Wanyin is not sure if it’s in an attempt to hide a smile or because to keep some words in.
“Wei Wuxian,” Lan Xichen reprimands him and Wei Wuxian does seem appropriately chastised, if only for a second.
“You’re the younger brother?” Wei Wuxian asks, clearly embarrassed for a moment and Lan Wanyin nods.
“I’m sixteen,” he answers and now both of them pale.
“Oh fuck,” Wei Wuxian answers and even though Lan Xichen doesn’t look like he would ever utter such crude words he nods with emphasis.
“Lan Wanyin, Wei Wuxian is Wangji’s husband,” Lan Xichen gently tells him and Lan Wanyin goes still.
His brother is way too young to marry but he guess that’s not the case in this world.
“How old is he?” Lan Wanyin carefully asks and Wei Wuxian shrugs.
“Over thirty. You are too, in the body you’re currently in,” he explains and Lan Wanyin needs to sit down for a moment.
This is not what he expected.
“I want to go home,” Lan Wanyin whispers, suddenly feeling small and young despite the body he is in, and he watches as Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian share a look.
“I’ll work on reversing the spell, but I don’t know how long it will take,” Wei Wuxian finally says and Lan Wanyin deflates.
“It’s probably best if we leave him to it,” Lan Xichen chimes in, giving Lan Wanyin a reassuring smile. “How do you feel about staying with me for the time being?”
Lan Wanyin is not feeling anything about that despite the aching urge to go home, so he simply nods.
“I’m sorry about imposing,” he says with a small bow and Wei Wuxian makes a startled noise at his side.
“If anyone’s imposing, it’s us, since we dragged you here against your will,” he says and Lan Wanyin wants to snap at him that he’s damn right about that, but he only nods.
Snapping would be rude, after all.
“Wei Wuxian will get you back home,” Lan Xichen promises and Lan Wanyin pretends that he doesn’t see how Wei Wuxian winces at that.
It doesn’t spark confidence in Lan Wanyin, but then again Wei Wuxian did drag him here, so he should be capable of sending him back too.
Neither of them comment on Wei Wuxian’s slip of face though, and when Lan Xichen motions for Lan Wanyin to follow him, he does so without another word.
The trek to Lan Xichen’s home is silent, but it’s not long before Lan Wanyin recognizes the path they are taking and unease grows in his gut.
Logically it makes sense that Lan Xichen would live in the Hanshi if he is the older brother, but Lan Wangji is very protective of his space—always has been—and so Lan Wanyin hasn’t set foot into the Hanshi more than a couple of times in his life.
The thought that he’s going to live there for the time being makes him feel slightly sick and he tries to subtly reach out for the trailing ends of his forehead ribbon, but of course his hands come back empty.
“It’s not much, but I hope you can relax here a bit,” Lan Xichen says as he invites him into the Hanshi, and Lan Wanyin hesitates a moment before he follows him inside.
“This is not where you usually stay,” Lan Xichen mildly observes and Lan Wanyin shakes his head. 
“My brother lives in the Hanshi,” he explains and Lan Xichen nods.
“I suppose that would make sense, if he is the older one this time,” Lan Xichen says with a shrug and then busies himself with getting some tea ready.
Lan Wanyin observes him, and he takes note of the slightly shaking hands and the way Lan Xichen avoids looking directly at him.
“I’m—I shouldn’t be here,” Lan Wanyin finally whispers, and Lan Xichen jerks with his words.
“Wei Wuxian will work very hard to get you back to your world,” he promises. “You’re occupying his brother’s body, he’s personally invested. It’s a good motivator,” Lan Xichen whispers and Lan Wanyin frowns at his tone.
“His brother,” he mutters and then walks over to the mirror in Lan Xichen’s home.
Lan Wanyin takes a long moment to simply look himself over and he’s not sure he likes what he sees. Jiang Cheng’s body is older—of course it is—but it’s also a lot broader than Lan Wanyin is used to. It seems battle hardened. 
His face at least is much the same—even though it looks empty without the forehead ribbon—though of course he seems more mature.
“Jiang Cheng doesn’t usually smile like you do,” Lan Xichen suddenly says from behind him and Lan Wanyin thinks that over for a moment before he schools his expression into a frown.
“That’s more like it,” Lan Xichen says with a wistful chuckle and Lan Wanyin keeps the expression for a while longer.
Jiang Cheng is still handsome, even with a frown, but it also makes him look fierce and unapproachable and Lan Wanyin doesn’t like that at all. He quickly drops the frown, watching as his features smooth out into his much softer ones.
“Do you want a forehead ribbon?” Lan Xichen suddenly asks him and Lan Wanyin whips around.
“What?” he asks, though he can’t deny that the answer would be a very resounding yes.
“I noticed you keep reaching out for it,” Lan Xichen explains and Lan Wanyin flushes when he realizes that he must have done it unconsciously. 
“I can’t take your forehead ribbon,” Lan Wanyin says, appalled at just the idea of it, but Lan Xichen shakes his head.
“I have some spare ones,” he says and walks away to retrieve one of those. “I used to look after this one rowdy kid,” Lan Xichen says with a smile when he sees Lan Wanyin’s confused look. “He needed a few new ones every day and I didn’t have the heart to throw them out once he grew up.”
“I see,” Lan Wanyin whispers and takes the offered ribbon with shaking hands.
He does quick work with tying it around his forehead and he has to admit that he does feel better once it’s tied snugly.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely to Lan Xichen and after one last look into the mirror—now much more familiar than before—he turns away from it.
“If Wei Wuxian is my brother in this world, then where is he in my world?” Lan Wanyin asks Lan Xichen, mostly to have something to talk about.
“I don’t know,” Lan Xichen answers with a shrug. “If Wangji is your brother in your world, then where am I?”
“I don’t know,” Lan Wanyin whispers. “I don’t even know Wei Wuxian.”
“You’re sixteen?” Lan Xichen wants to know and he hums when Lan Wanyin nods. “Did you participate in the classes already?”
“No,” Lan Wanyin mumbles. “They are about to start in less than two weeks. I’m going to miss them, aren’t I?” Lan Wanyin asks, and he feels strangely despondent at that thought.
He’s going to miss out on so much.
“Wei Wuxian will do his hardest to send you back. The classes last the whole summer, right? You’ll probably have some time to get to know the other students,” Lan Xichen tries to reassure him, but Lan Wanyin is not convinced. 
Wei Wuxian hasn’t looked all that confident before; he’ll probably be here for longer than either of them cares about.
“Jiang Cheng,” Lan Xichen suddenly says and Lan Wanyin tenses before he realizes that Lan Xichen doesn’t mean him. “Do you think he’ll be alright in your world?”
“I think so,” Lan Wanyin says without hesitation. “My brother will look after him.”
“That’s good then,” Lan Xichen says with a small smile and then he busies himself with the tea again.
They spend the rest of the afternoon with soft conversation, comparing notes on the different worlds, but it becomes clear to Lan Wanyin pretty quickly that Lan Xichen is skirting around a lot of topics.
Lan Wanyin is honestly too scared to ask and so he allows the topics to be shallow and safe.
Night has already fallen by the time footsteps approach the Hanshi and both Lan Xichen and Lan Wanyin perk up. 
There’s a polite knock on the door before it slides open and Lan Wanyin has to fight the rush of relief to see his brother.
“Xiongzhan,” Lan Wangji greets, and the word sounds exceedingly strange on Lan Wangji’s lips.
Lan Wanyin doesn’t even have time to process the fact that Lan Wangji is looking at Lan Xichen instead of himself, when he’s already bowing.
“Xiongzhan,” he says, too, and then he shrinks back when Lan Wangji gives him a bone-chilling glare.
“Wangji, this is Lan Wanyin,” Lan Xichen explains but Lan Wangji’s look only gets darker at that.
“If you have to marry anyone, why does it have to be him?” Lan Wangji asks and Lan Wanyin reels back as if he has been hit.
“Wangji,” Lan Xichen snaps, stepping closer to Lan Wanyin. “Do not forget your manners. This is Lan Wanyin from another world. One of your husband’s experiments went very wrong, and you would do well to be polite to our guest. To any guest.”
Lan Wangji doesn’t lose his hostile look, but he at least bows to Lan Wanyin, even if he doesn’t apologize.
“I’ll be checking on my husband then,” Lan Wangji says, immediately leaving the Hanshi and Lan Wanyin can do nothing but stare after him.
This is not how he imagined meeting his brother would go over and he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself now.
“I am so sorry,” Lan Xichen says. “There’s some history between Jiang Cheng and Wangji.” Lan Xichen winces at his own words and then goes on. “It’s still no excuse. He should at least remember his manners.”
Lan Wanyin can’t even nod at that, because he is still too shocked. He has never heard his brother sound that cold, not even when dealing with people he doesn’t like. To have it directed at himself is certainly an experience Lan Wanyin could have done without.
“I think I would like to sleep now,” Lan Wanyin eventually whispers and Lan Xichen’s face falls. 
“Should I send for some dinner first?” he asks, already half up, but Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“I just want to sleep,” he mumbles and Lan Xichen sighs.
“Alright,” he thankfully agrees and setting up a second bed is short work, so soon enough Lan Wanyin is laying down.
He doesn’t fight the urge to pull the blanket over his head and he also can’t help the few tears that escape, but he’s proud that he doesn’t outright sob, even though he absolutely feels like it.
He tries to convince himself that tomorrow will be better and that he will be back home soon, and Lan Wanyin falls asleep clinging to that hope.
Breakfast is a quiet affair. Lan Wanyin understands that it’s not quite acceptable for him to go to the communal breakfast, even though he would like that. But outsiders are not allowed and for all that Lan Wanyin is very much a Lan, Jiang Cheng—whose body he’s currently inhabiting—is most definitely not and so Lan Wanyin can’t go there.
Lan Xichen stays with him though and breakfast passes quickly like that.
Lan Wanyin is still thinking about his meeting with Lan Wangji—more like fretting over it—when they hear another set of footsteps approaching the Hanshi.
“Oh no,” Lan Xichen whispers, before he gets up, clearly recognizing the steps, but before he can reach the door someone knocks on it. Very insistently and loudly.
“Lan Xichen!” that person yells and Lan Xichen is quick to slide the door open, but he tries his best to block the person from looking inside.
“How dare you?” the person hisses and Lan Wanyin sees Lan Xichen wince.
“Jin Ling—” he starts, but Jin Ling doesn’t let him talk.
“You call my jiujiu away on urgent business and now you refuse to let him leave again? How dare you? Let me see him at once!” he demands and Lan Wanyin gets up, because he figures it’s kind of inevitable that he’ll have to introduce himself.
“Listen, Jin Ling, there’s been an accident,” Lan Xichen starts and Lan Wanyin thinks this might not be the best way to break the news to Jin Ling about his uncle.
“If he got hurt on your watch I will make you regret it,” Jin Ling says, and Lan Wanyin is surprised at the confidence with which he says it.
Lan Xichen shakes his head, but before he can figure out how to explain this to Jin Ling, he pushes his way into the Hanshi.
“Jiujiu!” Jin Ling calls out but when his gaze falls on Lan Wanyin he freezes.
“If you married Lan Xichen without telling me I will never speak to you again,” he then says, voice deceptively calm and Lan Wanyin rushes to clear the situation up.
“We didn’t marry,” he says and he’s proud that he only flushes a little bit.
A side-glance at Lan Xichen reveals that he’s doing much worse, because his face is bright red.
“Then what the hell is going on?” Jin Ling demands to know.
“Language,” Lan Wanyin says out of reflex and he is surprised at the pained look on Lan Xichen’s face at that.
“I’ll watch my language if you explain to me what you’re doing here, in Lan Xichen’s personal quarters, with what seems to be his forehead ribbon.”
“It’s a spare one,” Lan Xichen chimes in. “And he’s not actually Jiang Cheng,” he then belatedly says and Lan Wanyin thinks that maybe he should have led with that.
“What do you mean? It’s clearly my jiujiu,” Jin Ling says, already puffing himself up as if he’s gearing up for a fight.
“My name is Lan Wanyin. I’m from another world,” he rushes to explain but the frown on Jin Ling’s face only gets more pronounced.
“That doesn’t make sense,” he decides then and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“One of Wei Wuxian’s experiments went wrong,” Lan Xichen says and it seems like that makes much more sense to Jin Ling because his face falls.
“What?” he whispers and now Lan Wanyin can finally see that he’s just a teenager.
“I’m really sorry,” Lan Wanyin says but Jin Ling shakes his head.
“I want my jiujiu back,” he says and Lan Wanyin can understand that feeling—he wants his brother back, too—but there’s not much he can do about that right now.
“I wish I could just swap us back,” Lan Wanyin says. “But we have to wait until Wei Wuxian figures out how to switch us back.”
“How is my jiujiu? Is he alright?” Jin Ling wants to know, but it’s again something Lan Wanyin can’t tell him for sure.
“He should be. I was at home when it happened, so he should have woken up safe and sound. And there’s not much that can happen to him in the Cloud Recesses.”
“Does he have someone to look out for him?” Jin Ling asks, and his voice is small.
“Of course he does,” Lan Wanyin tells him, frowning when he sees Lan Xichen shaking his head at him. “My brother will make sure that he’s alright.”
“Your brother? Lan Xichen?”
“No. Lan Wangji,” Lan Wanyin says, smiling slightly when he remembers just how protective his brother can be and so he nearly misses the way Jin Ling’s face falls again.
“What?” he hisses and then whirls around to Lan Xichen. “He’s alone with him?”
“As far as I understand it, there is no Jiang Cheng in his world. Wangji has no reason to hold a grudge against him.”
“But you don’t know it,” Jin Ling bitterly says and then turns back around to Lan Wanyin.
“How can you be this calm? My jiujiu is missing and you’re not even doing anything” he asks them, but Lan Wanyin shrugs.
“There’s nothing much we can do,” he says, even though he wishes it were different too. “We just have to wait for Wei Wuxian to reverse the spell.”
“And you’re just okay with that?” Jin Ling asks, now turned towards Lan Xichen again.
“Like he says, there’s not much we can do,” Lan Xichen apologetically says but it seems to have been the wrong thing, because Jin Ling huffs.
“I hate you,” he hisses. “I hate you both and I want you gone,” he then adds towards Lan Wanyin and promptly storms out of the Hanshi.
His words sting, even though Lan Wanyin understands that his emotions are most likely running rampant right now.
“He doesn’t mean it,” Lan Xichen tells him after a long moment of silence. “He just loves Jiang Cheng more than anyone else in this world and he’s clearly not doing well with his absence.”
“I see,” Lan Wanyin whispers and he gets it.
He isn’t doing well without Lan Wangji either, but at least his manners prevent him from breaking down or lashing out like Jin Ling just did.
“He’ll probably be back soon to apologize,” Lan Xichen prophesises but Lan Wanyin doubts it. “His parents died and Jiang Cheng raised him. I know he taught him more manners than this, but Jin Ling is a very emotional boy.”
“You seem to know them very well,” Lan Wanyin says with a small frown and watches as Lan Xichen’s cheeks go slightly red.
“We are—were fellow Sect Leaders. It’s only natural that we got to know each other.”
Lan Wanyin doesn’t want to ask about his correction there, though he can’t deny that he is curious what could have possibly made Lan Xichen step down from that position. But Lan Wanyin is too polite to ask about something that so very clearly still brings pain to Lan Xichen, and so they fall into silence again.
It’s not uncomfortable—at least not entirely—but Lan Wanyin finds himself fiddling with the ring around his finger more than he probably should.
He didn’t yet have a chance to look at it clearly, but he figures there’s nothing else to do for now, and so he raises his hand closer to his face, so he can take a better look.
The motion gets Lan Xichen’s attention immediately of course, but he stays silent for now.
Lan Wanyin inspects the ring with the utmost care, and he realizes soon enough that it’s a spiritual tool, but he’s not sure how to use it or if he even wants to.
“It turns into a whip,” Lan Xichen eventually chimes in and Lan Wanyin startles slightly, he was that engrossed in the intricate details on the ring. “It’s the Yu family heirloom. Jiang Cheng got it from his mother. It’s called Zidian.”
“What form does the whip take?”
“Purple lightning.” Lan Xichen hesitates briefly. “Would you like to try it out?”
“I—" Lan Wanyin starts, but then he doesn’t know how to finish that. 
It’s likely that he will have more than enough time on his hands here, since he doesn’t have his usual classes or chores to attend to, but right now Lan Wanyin doesn’t feel like doing anything. 
“I would like to meditate,” he finally says, allowing himself one day off in all this madness.
Lan Xichen doesn’t seem like he minds that much, because he very earnestly offers to accompany him to the cold springs, and Lan Wanyin would love to tell him no, but he knows that he’s in the body of an outsider, so seeing him at the cold springs without proper supervision would probably upset other Sect members.
There is nothing for Lan Wanyin to do but to agree.
It’s not so bad, in the end, because Lan Xichen has a very reserved nature it seems—not unlike Lan Wanyin’s own—and meditating next to him is easy.
Easy enough that the day goes by quickly and before Lan Wanyin knows it, he’s back in the Hanshi, with only Lan Xichen as his company during dinner.
Lan Wanyin finds himself wishing that he could see more of his brother, but then he remembers the tense atmosphere and Lan Wangji’s cold stare and Lan Wanyin figures it’s better that Lan Wangji doesn’t come around more often.
He kind of wonders over Wei Wuxian’s absence—since he’s apparently inhabiting Wei Wuxian’s brother’s body—but when Lan Wanyin brings it up to Lan Xichen he simply shrugs.
“Wei Wuxian is most likely doing his level best to send you back,” he explains and Lan Wanyin can’t quite hide the bitter twist of his mouth.
It has nothing to do with returning him to where he came from; it has everything to do with getting Jiang Cheng back.
“He would do the same for you if Jiang Cheng was still here,” Lan Xichen says, clearly reading the thought right off Lan Wanyin’s face and not for the first time does Lan Wanyin wonder if he is just that easy to read or if Lan Xichen is that familiar with Jiang Cheng.
“He made a mistake and he’s rushing to fix it. Not to mention that it’s probably driving him insane that he can’t figure out why his original spell went so wrong,” Lan Xichen says but the exasperation in his voice tells Lan Wanyin that this isn’t the first instance of Wei Wuxian going mad over something he caused himself.
Lan Wanyin wonders how Wei Wuxian can possibly fit into the Lan Sect, but if he and Lan Wangji are married, then at least Lan Xichen must have approved of it.
That thought spirals into imagining if Lan Wanyin’s own brother would approve of him marrying someone like Wei Wuxian—not that Lan Wanyin can imagine himself doing so—and he gets hit with a wave of homesickness.
It ruins his appetite rather thoroughly.
“I’m tired,” Lan Wanyin says as he puts his bowl down, trying not to notice Lan Xichen’s worried gaze on him.
Lan Wanyin doesn’t wait for a dismissal, and simply gets up to retire to bed. He hears Lan Xichen rummage around, but the noises are quiet and unobtrusive and Lan Wanyin quickly drifts off, even plagued by worries as he is.
The days don’t pass quickly enough for Lan Wanyin’s taste and soon enough he feels trapped inside the Hanshi. He’s not used to being so idle; in his world he has duties to fulfil and classes to attend but here there is nothing for him to do but sit and wait, and he has never been good at either of those things.
“I think I want to practice with Zidian,” Lan Wanyin says apropos of nothing one morning and Lan Xichen doesn’t seem as startled by that as Lan Wanyin expected him to be.
“Of course,” he quickly agrees and Lan Wanyin narrows his eyes at him, watching as Lan Xichen smiles slightly.
“You’re not as different to Jiang Cheng as you might think,” he says with a shrug. “Both of you don’t deal well with just sitting around; I was just waiting for you to get bored enough to say something.”
Lan Wanyin blinks at that.
“I had duties in my world,” is what he finally says.
“And I’m sorry you can’t carry them out here. You can help me with some of the paperwork later, if you want. It’s nothing important, but it would give you something to do.”
Lan Wanyin doesn’t comment on the nothing important part, but he can’t deny that he’s curious. Lan Wanyin is absolutely sure that Lan Xichen used to be Sect Leader and to hear that his paperwork is nothing serious just feels wrong. Even if he no longer is Sect Leader, if he stepped down for whatever reasons, people should still seek him out for his expertise and knowledge.
Lan Wanyin is on the cusp of asking, when Lan Xichen abruptly turns away from him, walking out of the Hanshi and clearly expecting Lan Wanyin to follow him.
Lan Wanyin swallows his questions down and trails after Lan Xichen to the training grounds.
“Do you have a spiritual tool?” Lan Xichen asks him and Lan Wanyin nods.
“I play the xiao,” he says and Lan Xichen looks startled.
“You—of course you do,” he finally says and Lan Wanyin frowns at him until he explains. “I do, too. It truly does seem like you have my place in your world. Maybe I do have your place, then, in Yunmeng Jiang,” he muses and Lan Wanyin promises himself to find out about Lan Xichen’s whereabouts, once he’s back in his own world.
“How does this help me with Zidian?” Lan Wanyin wants to know, and shakes himself out of these useless thoughts.
He can do nothing as long as he’s here, in this world, so there’s no point in making plans for now.
“If you already know how to use a spiritual tool, channelling energy into Zidian will be easier,” Lan Xichen explains and Lan Wanyin flushes, because he should have realized that himself.
Lan Wanyin takes a deep breath and pushes his embarrassment far away, because it’s never helpful while practicing and instead he concentrates on channelling energy into Zidian, just like he usually would with his xiao.
It doesn’t take long at all for Zidian to spark purple and then suddenly it’s no longer a ring, but a whip in Lan Wanyin’s hand.
“Very good,” Lan Xichen says with a smile and then steps away from Lan Wanyin, clearly giving him space. “Try it out,” he encourages him and Lan Wanyin does just that.
Controlling the whip is much harder than he imagined it to be, though. He can feel some confused resistance from Zidian, and Lan Wanyin is surprised to find that the tool notices that he’s not its usual master.
Jiang Cheng really has quite the priceless weapon at his disposal.
During the course of the next hour Lan Wanyin whips himself on accident more often than he really cares to admit, but it only plays into his stubborn streak; he is going to master this tool, and if he comes out of it bloody, then so be it.
“I think you need to arch it further over your head,” Lan Xichen suddenly says from the side and Lan Wanyin startles so badly he nearly whips himself in the face.
He completely forgot that Lan Xichen was there.
“Sorry,” Lan Xichen says with a grimace.
“How would you know how to use Zidian?” Lan Wanyin asks him, frustrated by his lack of progress so far, so his voice comes out more biting than it should. He takes a deep breath to calm himself before he goes on. “Have you used it before?”
“No,” Lan Xichen rushes out, blushing at the suggestion. “But Wanyin and I fought in the same war; we have been on some night-hunts together as well. It’s hard to miss how he uses Zidian,” Lan Xichen explains and Lan Wanyin frowns at him.
He still tries to do what Lan Xichen told him to and to his surprise it works out quite well. Lan Wanyin is aware that his posture is not perfect, but he’s getting there and he thinks with a bit more practice he could master Zidian, especially now that it seems to have accepted him.
Lan Xichen continues to give him a few more valuable tips and while Lan Wanyin does try each and every single one of them out, he can’t help the nagging thought in his head when Lan Xichen keeps talking.
“You’re in love with him,” Lan Wanyin says out of the blue after yet another successful manoeuvre and Lan Xichen freezes on the spot.
“You are,” Lan Wanyin says, taking Lan Xichen’s reaction as confirmation and then he watches as Lan Xichen goes red, before all colour drains from his face.
“I am not,” he tries to deny, but it’s a little bit too late for that. “Why would you think that?”
“You don’t learn these kind of tricks by picking up on a few things during night-hunts,” Lan Wanyin says, calling Zidian back and returning it to its ring form. “To notice the things you notice you’d have to watch him pretty closely.”
Lan Xichen opens his mouth as if to argue, but he can’t seem to find his words and so in the end he simply closes his mouth again.
“Have you ever told him?” Lan Wanyin wants to know and is surprised by the bitter laugh Lan Xichen lets out.
“Of course not,” he whispers and then looks away from Lan Wanyin. “I’ve been in love with him for so long, but I never dared to say anything. And now it’s just—” he trails off with a shrug and Lan Wanyin wonders just what the hell happened for Lan Xichen to think like that but before he can ask anything else, Jin Ling approaches them.
“You can wield Zidian,” he says, and it sounds so accusatory that Lan Wanyin flinches.
“I���m sorry,” he apologizes and has half a mind just offering the tool to Jin Ling for safekeeping when Jin Ling lets out a rough breath.
“I’m here to apologize,” he says, not looking at Lan Wanyin directly, but he seems very determined.
“There’s no need for that,” Lan Wanyin says, because he can understand why Jin Ling freaked out when he realized that it wasn’t his jiujiu he was talking to.
“There is. It’s not your fault you’re here and I don’t hate you. I’m sorry I said it,” Jin Ling says, clearly uncomfortable with the apology, but he’s still doing it and Lan Wanyin thinks that Jiang Cheng really did a great job, raising him.
“It’s alright. Thank you,” Lan Wanyin says and once that is out, Jin Ling looks at him.
“I just miss my jiujiu,” he says, voice small, and Lan Wanyin notices yet again that Jin Ling barely looks older than Lan Wanyin is.
“I miss my xiongzhan too,” Lan Wanyin admits and Jin Ling nods.
“I’m sorry I can’t be around too much, but I have a Sect to lead, too,” Jin Ling says, and Lan Wanyin aches for him because no one that young should ever have to shoulder that kind of responsibility.
Lan Wanyin knows he couldn’t.
“It’s alright,” he says, because he guesses it’s only partly that, and mostly the fact that Jin Ling can’t bear to look at him and know that it’s not actually Jiang Cheng, and he’s not holding it against him.
Jin Ling nods brusquely at that, and then turns to Lan Xichen.
“I expect a proper courtship afterwards and you damn well better ask me for permission,” he hisses at Lan Xichen and then he simply stalks off again.
“Everyone seems to know you’re in love with Jiang Cheng,” Lan Wanyin mildly observes, thinking back to what Lan Wangji had said too and he watches as Lan Xichen blushes slightly again.
“It doesn’t matter. Jiang Cheng doesn’t know and he doesn’t feel the same way, and there’s no chance that will change now,” he gives back and he sounds more composed than Lan Wanyin expected him to.
“How would you know if you never confessed?”
“You’re not wrong. I have watched him a great deal. So trust me when I say that he doesn’t. Jiang Cheng is never subtle with his feelings and especially not when he loves.”
“Is he in love with someone else?”
“I don’t think so,” Lan Xichen admits.
“Then there’s hope for you,” Lan Wanyin shrugs, even though he can’t be sure of that at all.
He doesn’t know Jiang Cheng after all, but if he came here on Lan Xichen’s request—in a rush nonetheless, too, if he didn’t properly explain things to Jin Ling—then he must at least treasure their friendship.
“Thank you for saying that,” Lan Xichen whispers though he doesn’t sound convinced at all and Lan Wanyin turns away from him.
He doesn’t feel like practicing with Zidian anymore and the encounter with Jin Ling just reminded him who he is missing as well.
“I wonder how xiongzhang and shufu are doing,” Lan Wanyin mutters and startles when Lan Xichen puts a hand to his shoulder.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to go see Wangji, but we can go visit shufu,” Lan Xichen says and Lan Wanyin turns towards him, his eyes wide.
He hadn’t dare to ask after Lan Qiren, too scared that he wouldn’t like the answer, and since no one had brought him up either, Lan Wanyin had half convinced himself that Lan Qiren didn’t exist in this world at best or was dead at worst.
He never dared to contemplate this.
“Can we?” he asks and Lan Xichen nods with a smile.
“Of course,” he agrees and then leads Lan Wanyin away from the training grounds.
Lan Xichen doesn’t act like Lan Wanyin has to pretend with Lan Qiren, so Lan Wanyin guesses he must have been told about what happened.
His suspicions are confirmed when Lan Qiren greets them.
“Xichen, Lan Wanyin,” he says with a nod and they both bow to him.
“Shufu,” they say in unison and despite the tight feeling in his chest Lan Wanyin has to hide a smile.
“I’ll leave you to it then,” Lan Xichen says and promptly leaves Lan Wanyin alone with Lan Qiren who motions for him to sit.
“How are you doing?” Lan Qiren asks him and Lan Wanyin has to fight against the tears.
His uncle is exactly the same here in this world and Lan Wanyin feels so homesick, it threatens to overwhelm him.
“Good,” he somehow gets out, even though his voice is all choked up.
“I see you got a forehead ribbon,” Lan Qiren says, and while he doesn’t say it with any form of judgement Lan Wanyin rushes to explain.
“It’s not Lan Xichen’s! It’s a spare one! Nothing inappropriate happened.”
“A shame,” Lan Qiren mutters. “And here I thought the only nephew with taste would also finally be man enough to do something about it.”
Lan Wanyin presses his lips together, because apparently really everyone knows about Lan Xichen’s feelings for Jiang Cheng but when he sees the twinkle in Lan Qiren’s eyes he allows himself to smile.
“Maybe they will figure it out eventually,” he says and Lan Qiren sighs.
“Maybe,” he agrees, though it seems like he long ago gave up hope for that.
“Do you like Jiang Cheng? Would you approve of him?” Lan Wanyin asks, even though the answer seems pretty clear.
“Yes,” Lan Qiren easily admits and he doesn’t explain anything, so he really must hold Jiang Cheng in very high regards if he thinks it should be that obvious.
“He will come back to you all, soon,” Lan Wanyin whispers, hoping that he is missed in his own world just as dearly as Jiang Cheng is being missed here.
“He no doubt will,” Lan Qiren agrees but then he reaches out and cups Lan Wanyin’s cheek in his hand, stunning Lan Wanyin into stillness.
“But until then we’re all very happy to have you,” Lan Qiren says and Lan Wanyin swallows against his emotions. “Now,” Lan Qiren says and clears his throat. “How do you feel about a lesson?”
“I feel very good about that, shufu,” Lan Wanyin admits and when Lan Qiren falls right into explaining something Lan Wanyin feels settled.
It feels a lot more like home this way.
Lan Wanyin continues to spend his days training with Zidian before he goes to Lan Qiren for a lesson. Like this it doesn’t feel like he’s missing out on so much back in his own world, and the Lan Qiren of this world is just like the Lan Qiren of Lan Wanyin’s world.
Strict, but loving and Lan Wanyin wonders if he ever thought to appreciate that before.
He doesn’t see much of Lan Xichen for a few days, because he leaves Lan Wanyin to his own devices more often than not, but when he returns to the Hanshi in the evenings Lan Xichen seems troubled and stressed but he won’t talk about it, no matter how often Lan Wanyin asks.
Jin Ling seems to be staying in the Cloud Recesses, too, because he sees flashes of his golden robes more than once, but Lan Wanyin is in no rush to bother him again.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian continue to be evasive, but it’s not like Lan Wanyin saw much of them before so their absence doesn’t seem all that strange.
Until he walks back into the Hanshi, almost three weeks into his stay in this world, and everyone is there waiting for him.
So this must be what had Lan Xichen so stressed over the past few days, Lan Wanyin thinks as he settles down at the table, expectantly waiting for someone to say something.
“So,” Wei Wuxian starts, nervously fiddling with Lan Wangji’s fingers. “Here’s the thing. We decided to tell you a few things, since it seems like they might still happen in your world and we don’t actually want you to have to go through them,” he says and Lan Wanyin frowns.
“Does this have to do with all the topics you keep glossing over? Like why Lan Xichen is no longer Sect Leader and the history between Wangji and Jiang Cheng?” he asks and everyone nods at him.
So this is not going to be fun then, Lan Wanyin thinks and he is right.
It’s a nightmare, if he’s being honest, and his mind is reeling when everyone finally falls silent again.
“We’re sorry about simply dropping this on you, but we think it’s better if you know these things,” Wei Wuxian says with a wince and Lan Wanyin cannot believe that he was dead for sixteen years.
“I—” Lan Wanyin starts, but he doesn’t actually know what to say to any of that and so he falls silent again.
He compares the things they talked about to the political landscape of his own world, and he realizes that they are probably steering towards the same war. The Wens are trying to reach for power; Sect Leader Nie’s father already died and no one believed Nie Mingjue when he said that Wen Ruohan had a hand in that.
There will be a lot to do for him, once he gets back to his own world, Lan Wanyin realizes and he grows cold with horror at the thought that maybe he cannot prevent any of it.
“I need to talk to him alone,” Jin Ling suddenly says and glares at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, before his gaze goes a little bit warmer when he looks at Lan Xichen. “Would you allow us to talk here, for a moment?” Jin Ling asks, suddenly all polite, and Lan Xichen is quick to nod.
“Of course,” he says, as he gets up, doing his hardest not to meet Lan Wanyin’s eyes but before Lan Wanyin can say anything he, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian have left the Hanshi.
Jin Ling walks after them, making sure they really leave, before he puts up a silencing ward on the Hanshi.
“What else?” Lan Wanyin asks, rubbing his head, because this cannot be good.
If Jin Ling send everyone else away, this cannot be good at all and Lan Wanyin is not sure if he wants to hear it. His mind is already reeling and he still feels faintly sick from all the things he just heard, but Jin Ling fixes him with a hard glare.
“Jiujiu did not go back to Lotus Pier to retrieve his parent’s bodies,” he starts with, simply diving right in as it seems and Lan Wanyin frowns.
“But that’s what Wei Wuxian said.”
“Because he doesn’t know better. He thinks that’s what happened. But it’s not true. My jiujiu got captured because the Wen soldiers were about to capture Wei Wuxian and jiujiu distracted them,” Jin Ling says and Lan Wanyin is glad he’s already sitting down.
Jiang Cheng sacrificed himself to keep Wei Wuxian safe, only to have it all ruined when Wei Wuxian gave him his core.
“They don’t know?” he asks, even though the answer is obvious.
“No. Jiujiu never wants Wei Wuxian to know that and so you’re not going to tell him either.” There’s an underlying threat in his voice and Lan Wanyin is quick to nod.
“Of course not,” he agrees. “But why are you telling me this?”
“Because I don’t want the same to happen again,” Jin Ling says. “I don’t know about your relationship with your brother and I don’t know if there’s a Wei Wuxian in your world and if he has a brother, but maybe you should keep an eye out. They seem to think things are going to be the same in your world, and this is something you need to know as well.”
Lan Wanyin nods, his mind still spinning, and this new information does nothing to calm him down at all.
“Did he know he would lose his core?” Lan Wanyin asks and he watches in horror as pain flashes over Jin Ling’s face.
“He expected to lose his life,” he whispers and Lan Wanyin can’t even imagine how much Jiang Cheng must love Wei Wuxian to do something like that, expecting it to cost his life.
“I see,” Lan Wanyin whispers and wonders if he would be strong enough to do the same for Lan Wangji.
He hopes the answer is yes, but he also hopes he never has to find out.
“Thank you for telling me,” Lan Wanyin mutters and Jin Ling nods, before he destroys the talisman.
“I’ll get going then,” Jin Ling says, suddenly back to his awkward teenager self and Lan Wanyin musters up a smile for him.
“Have a safe trip,” he says, praying to all the gods he knows that the next time Jin Ling will see his jiujiu again.
“You too,” Jin Ling says, clearly not doubting for a second that Wei Wuxian will figure out how to send Lan Wanyin back and then he’s out of the door.
It’s not long before Lan Xichen comes back, but he’s still avoiding Lan Wanyin’s gaze and Lan Wanyin frowns.
“What is wrong?” he wants to know and watches as Lan Xichen flinches even as he plasters a smile to his face.
“You can request to be housed somewhere else until Wei Wuxian figures out how to send you back,” Lan Xichen says, his voice stiff and formal and Lan Wanyin’s frown only deepens.
“Why would I do that?” he demands to know and Lan Xichen shrugs.
“You heard what happened. I gave A—him the tool to murder my sworn brother and I never noticed a thing,” Lan Xichen says and Lan Wanyin pretends he doesn’t hear how his voice breaks over the almost uttered name.
“As did no one else,” Lan Wanyin hotly gives back. “So everyone else is at fault, too. And besides. He was your sworn brother, too, was he not? You should have been able to trust him.”
“I should have noticed,” Lan Xichen insists again, but Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“He shouldn’t have done it,” he counters, but now it finally all comes together.
If Lan Xichen thinks he is guilty—an accomplice, almost—then of course he would step down as Sect Leader. Of course he would think Jiang Cheng could never fall in love with him.
“You said Jiang Cheng and I are quite similar, right?” he demands to know and Lan Xichen jerks his head in a nod.
“Then he must feel the same about this. It’s not your fault. You were all deceived. I doubt he thinks of you like you seem to fear.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Lan Xichen says and it rankles Lan Wanyin to be spoken to like that. “It’s more personal for him. He lost so much because of what happened, because of what I allowed to happen.”
“Everyone allowed that to happen. Everyone who didn’t say a thing and simply followed. Do you think he’s angry at the whole world?” Lan Wanyin wants to know and he is almost relieved to see a small smile on Lan Xichen’s face.
“He’s angry a lot,” he whispers but then he grows serious again. “Our relationship changed quite a bit once the truth came out.”
“Could that maybe be because you went into seclusion and withdrew?” Lan Wanyin wants to know and Lan Xichen looks startled by that suggestion.
“I don’t—” he starts but Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“He came here when you wrote him, right? Didn’t he visit you before, too? I certainly wouldn’t do that with someone I hold responsible for a crime of any kind,” Lan Wanyin says, because he does feel pretty confident about that.
Lan Xichen swallows heavily before he nods once.
“Thank you for saying that. I will give it some thought,” he whispers and while it’s not exactly what Lan Wanyin wants to hear, it’s better than nothing.
Small steps.
Lan Xichen and Lan Wanyin have just settled down for a relaxing breakfast when Wei Wuxian barges into the Hanshi without properly announcing himself.
“Wei Wuxian,” Lan Xichen says, not as biting as Lan Wanyin would have expected, but then again Wei Wuxian seems too excited to properly remember his manners.
“I figured it out!” Wei Wuxian yells, disregarding yet another one of their rules and with every time that happens Lan Wanyin understands the pinched lines on Lan Qiren’s face more and more.
“You figured out what?” Lan Xichen asks, clearly practiced in wheedling out the necessary explanations of an excited Wei Wuxian.
“How to send you back, of course,” Wei Wuxian says with a maniac grin as he looks at Lan Wanyin. “Come, come, we gotta get started right now,” he rushes out and darts forward to take Lan Wanyin’s hand and drag him out of the Hanshi.
“Xichen-ge, you better wait here for now,” Wei Wuxian calls back when it becomes clear that Lan Xichen intents to follow them and when Lan Wanyin looks over his shoulder he sees the lost look on Lan Xichen’s face.
“Don’t worry,” he calls back, trying to sound more confident than he really feels, but Wei Wuxian’s manic energy doesn’t inspire trust at all.
Lan Xichen nods at him and doesn’t make a move to come after them and Lan Wanyin finds himself wishing that he could have said a proper goodbye to him.
Provided that whatever Wei Wuxian figured out actually works.
“Are you sure about this?” Lan Wanyin asks as he’s being dragged after Wei Wuxian, who nods so frantically that his hair goes flying.
“Of course I am! I never make mistakes,” he cries out and Lan Wanyin raises a very judging eyebrow at him. “Okay, maybe I do make mistakes, sometimes, rarely, but I promise you this will work out just fine. Don’t worry.”
Lan Wanyin of course still worries—how could he ever do anything else—but he also follows Wei Wuxian more freely.
He’s not surprised to be brought back to the Jingshi, but he is surprised to see that Lan Wangji is obviously missing.
“Can’t have any other qi mess up my careful planning,” Wei Wuxian cheerfully explains when he sees Lan Wanyin’s searching look and then he simply pushes him into the centre of the room.
There are papers strewn all over the Jingshi and Lan Wanyin’s fingers twitch with the need to tidy up in here, but then Wei Wuxian whirls around to him.
“Now, channel your energy into Zidian,” he demands just as some dark mist starts to swirl around Wei Wuxian.
Lan Wanyin has never seen demonic cultivation in person and it takes him a moment to shake off his instinctual horror but then he does as Wei Wuxian asked of him.
When Wei Wuxian’s and his energy come together the papers around him start to glow and Wei Wuxian lets out an excited yell.
“Yessss,” he hisses and then gently guides Lan Wanyin to lay down. “Tell your Lan Zhan hi from me,” Wei Wuxian says with a wink and it’s the last thing Lan Wanyin sees and hears before everything goes dark.
“You know the rest,” Lan Wanyin says, and sinks deeper into Jiang Xichen’s embrace, content to feel his heartbeat through his back, as he tightens Jiang Xichen’s arms around his middle.
Lan Wanyin can’t help but to appreciate his own forehead ribbon wrapped around Jiang Xichen’s forearm, but when he reaches out, Lan Wanyin fingers stray towards Zidian.
“That’s why we did so well in the war,” Jiang Xichen mutters and presses a kiss to Lan Wanyin’s head. “Because you knew what was going to happen.”
“Enough things were different that we still struggled,” Lan Wanyin says, feeling yet again like he failed everyone who died in the war.
He always gets upset over that, and his fiddling with Zidian gets stronger.
“Can you still wield it?” Jiang Xichen asks and swiftly slides the ring off his finger, before he puts it on Lan Wanyin’s.
“Xichen!” Lan Wanyin yells out in surprise, because it’s a family heirloom, and he really shouldn’t be holding it.
“Don’t you know that you can use it?” Jiang Xichen mutters in his ear and when Lan Wanyin tries to direct some energy into the ring, it promptly responds to him.
“Xichen,” he says, much more softly this time and Jiang Xichen noses at his cheek.
“What belongs to me also belongs to you,” he whispers and presses a kiss to the corner of Lan Wanyin’s mouth. “You should know that.”
“You should know that as well,” Lan Wanyin says and puts his hand over his forehead ribbon on Jiang Xichen’s arm.
“Oh, believe me, I do,” Jiang Xichen suggestively says and Lan Wanyin lightly slaps his arms, even as Jiang Xichen pulls him closer.
“But you know, I’m actually kind of upset now,” Jiang Xichen finally says after a while and drags Lan Wanyin out of his comfortable doze the soft murmuring of the lake lulled him in to.
“About what?” he whispers and turns his head so he can kiss the underside of Jiang Xichen’s chin.
“It’s clearly not me who caught your eye. You didn’t even know me. But from the way you talked about him it seems like Lan Xichen caught your eye.”
“Well, just like Jiang Cheng caught yours, right?” Lan Wanyin says and untangles himself from Jiang Xichen, just so that he can turn around and straddle his lap instead of sitting with his back to him.
“But it was me who managed to keep your eye, remember?” Lan Wanyin whispers into the space between them and he cannot believe how lucky he is when Jiang Xichen looks up at him with nothing but love on his face.
“Yes,” he whispers but when he strains up to get a kiss from Lan Wanyin he slightly leans back, just enough to stay out of reach.
“And you are the one who managed to keep my eye,” he tells Jiang Xichen and only when he sees the possessive happiness on his face does Lan Wanyin lean down and meet him in a kiss.
They get lost in it for a while, and when they finally part, Lan Wanyin moves around so he sits sideways on Jiang Xichen’s lap and can tuck his face into his neck more comfortably.
“I just hope that Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng figured it out on their end as well.”
“Well, Jiang Cheng seemed pretty flustered with me. I’d say chances for them are good,” Jiang Xichen says with a small laugh and Lan Wanyin hopes he is right.
Lan Xichen deserves to be just as happy as Lan Wanyin is right now.
Lan Xichen stares out over the water, thoroughly enjoying the silence at his favourite pier, even though the cold is slowly creeping in.
It’s been years since he came to call Lotus Pier his home, but there are days where he can barely believe that he got this lucky at all.
That Jiang Cheng came to love him back, even though Lan Xichen doesn’t deserve it. And he’s pretty sure that Jiang Cheng’s stay in the other world has something to do with it, even though Jiang Cheng never really told him exactly what happened there, always blushing furiously before changing the subject.
Lan Xichen wonders if they would be here like this, today, if that experiment hadn’t gone wrong and then he wonders if Lan Wanyin also managed to get this lucky in his own world.
He definitely deserves it.
“My light, what are you doing?” Jiang Cheng suddenly asks from behind him and Lan Xichen cranes his neck to look up at him. “It’s too cold still for you to sit like this,” he berates Lan Xichen, but Lan Xichen can see the blanket in his hands and he knows that Jiang Cheng is simply worried.
“Maybe you should keep me warm then,” he gives back and he feels entirely too indulged when Jiang Cheng immediately settles down behind him, putting the blanket over his front and pulling him into his chest.
“You’re going to get sick like this,” Jiang Cheng grumbles but he presses a kiss to Lan Xichen’s hair as he says it. “What are you doing here, though?”
“I was wondering about Lan Wanyin,” Lan Xichen admits and snuggles into his husband’s chest. “Do you think things on his end turned out okay?”
“You told him what to look out for, right?” Jiang Cheng asks and strokes his hand up and down Lan Xichen’s stomach in a soothing motion. “And I doubt he was stupid enough to disregard everything you said to him. It should be fine.”
Lan Xichen hums at that, because he hopes Jiang Cheng is right.
“Do you think he got as lucky in love as we did?” Lan Xichen asks after a while and he doesn’t even have to look at Jiang Cheng to know that he’s blushing again.
“No one is as lucky as we are,” Jiang Cheng says but then he sighs. “I would think so,” he then finally admits. “I might have been a bit careless with his forehead ribbon,” Jiang Cheng finally admits and it’s surprising enough that Lan Xichen turns around to him.
“You what?” he wants to know but he’s smiling giddily when he sees how embarrassed Jiang Cheng is about this.
“I met your counterpart,” Jiang Cheng admits. “Jiang Xichen.”
“Ah, so that’s where I went,” Lan Xichen nods, finally being able to put that nagging thought to rest.
“Yeah. You had your hair in Yunmeng braids and you were wearing purple,” Jiang Cheng admits and he reaches up to tug on Lan Xichen’s braided hair and then he smoothes his hand over Lan Xichen’s side, clearly appreciating the deep purple that his robes are.
There is still some blue mixed in, but it’s subtle enough that one might miss it on first glance, and Lan Xichen doesn’t mind it as much as he once might have thought.
His heart belongs to Jiang Cheng and that means his everything belongs to Yunmeng as well. It’s only fair that his look reflects that.
“And?” Lan Xichen probes when Jiang Cheng falls silent and then he can’t help himself because he simply has to kiss the blush on Jiang Cheng’s face.
“I was in a sixteen-year-old body,” Jiang Cheng says as if he needs to defend himself and his actions upfront. “There were a lot of hormones I wasn’t used to anymore.”
“And?” Lan Xichen asks again, a smile curling around his mouth because he might see where this is going.
“And Jiang Xichen was smuggling in alcohol past curfew and he was being a little shit and he looked so strange without his forehead ribbon. And I wasn’t used to mine,” Jiang Cheng mutters, clearly embarrassed beyond words and Lan Xichen laughs.
“So you gave him yours?” he snickers and Jiang Cheng pinches his side, before he chases away the sting of pain with a kiss.
“Maybe,” Jiang Cheng whispers against his lips and Lan Xichen hums.
“I thought you were different when you came back,” he admits and a tiny part of Lan Xichen can’t help but to wonder if they would be here at all if Jiang Cheng wasn’t forced into that other world.
If he ever would have come to love Lan Xichen on his own.
“Stop it,” Jiang Cheng chastises him and cups Lan Xichen’s face in his hand. “I love you,” he firmly states. “And I would have come to love you without those three weeks as well. I was already falling for you,” Jiang Cheng promises him and Lan Xichen has to blink back his tears.
Jiang Cheng does know him too well.
“And besides, you don’t have room to judge,” Jiang Cheng finally huffs out. “You gave me your ribbon as well, after all,” he says and tangles his hand in the trailing ends of the slightly purple ribbon Lan Xichen is wearing.
It’s not his Lan ribbon, that one is braided into Jiang Cheng’s hair like it should be, but it still sends a shiver down Lan Xichen’s back when Jiang Cheng lightly pulls on it.
“And you accepted it,” Lan Xichen gives back, because he still can’t believe that some days, but when Jiang Cheng smiles at him, all thoughts flee his mind.
“I love you,” Jiang Cheng whispers, straining up to kiss Lan Xichen, who happily leans into the contact.
He’s too busy kissing Jiang Cheng back to say the words as well, but Lan Xichen figures since he’s wearing purple, proudly displaying Jiang Cheng’s braids in his hair and with his forehead ribbon forever in Jiang Cheng’s possession, it should be more than clear.
He wholeheartedly belongs to Jiang Cheng. 
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scaredysap · 3 years
Hi sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask your opinion on the way Mingjue sometimes is characterized. Idk it bugs me soO bad when some people narrow him down to the -aggresive for no reason- guy when I just don't see it? Ofc he's flawed and is often harsh, his condition making it worse, but mostly he's had pretty valid reasons to react the way he has with everything JGY did.
Despite that, he's sometimes painted like the bad guy while Jgy like the poor little mew mew who happened to kill someone here and there...
I just think it's unfair because he's just? A nice guy when it comes down to it? Like he cares about common people, tries to do the right thing even if he sometimes fails, feels one thing and cries
Idk maybe I'm biased because he's one of my faves. I'd love to hear what you think on this though 👀💞
Ah, the dilemma of Big Bad Da-ge, my age old enemy. Now I see you mentioning him crying so I'm going to assume you come from/are referring to The Untamed canon. In which case: yeah, absolutely, I do not see the interpretation of Nie Mingjue as someone who is just always aggressive and angry for no reason.
The first time we meet him he istantaneously raises the self esteem of half the younger generation by complimenting them, then he casts fair judgement on Xue Yang in favour of keeping him imprisoned until he confesses where the Yin Iron is and also clearly trusts Meng Yao to keep this very important prisoner where he needs to be. So from the get-go we see a leader who is well loved by his people and outsiders and willing to listen when others point out good strategic decisions. AND later he also Lan Xichen in the middle of a war despite the fact that he refuses to tell NMJ who the spy is.
Now, when does NMJ start getting angry consistently? After finding one of his closest advisors frigging stab one of his own allies with a smile on his face. and then said advisor goes on to act as a secret spy and kill some more of NMJ's men. and then he gets promoted. you can see why that would rub someone the wrong way.
So Jin Guangyao isn't in a good light as far as NMJ is concerned and then the guy goes and consistlently keeps up the meek and diligent, harmless facade that NMJ has already seen through. And it gets on NMJ's nerves because deep down he is a straight-forward man, he probably doesn't appreciate JGY pretending like it's all bygones. And this is also when he starts having signs of qi deviation, to the point where LXC gets concerned and suggests playing a secret song of feeling to stave off his death. In novel canon I think JGY started by playing the right song and switched to the corrupted one later but in CQL he was always playing Turmoil, out to kill NMJ, even before the Stairs Incident.
All of this to say: I think boiling NMJ down to a dull, angry man is doing a great disservice to both him and the relationship he has with JGY. It is undeniable that NMJ tends to miss the intricacies of politics and societal pressure that JGY suffers from, mostly due to the fact that being sect heir and naturally talented, NMJ never had to deal with that sort of behavior. It is definitely a fault but not one that I think makes murdering him a warranted reaction.
I think if LXC errs too much on the side of assuming people are good, NMJ errs on assuming that people are fair. That if you just explain the situation, if you just work hard enough, you will be recognised. That if you told your tyrannical father why keeping a mass murderer like XY alive is a bad idea, said father would give you a fair shot at explaining and listen.
By the end of his life, NMJ could not have been in a good enough mental state to really think clearly so in CQL!canon I don't really hold his kicking JGY against him. I need to re-read the novel but that situation is different.
I am absolutely biased, I won't deny it. But in the end the thing that makes me believe that despite everything NMJ really was a good man not entirely controlled by his anger, is the fact that Nie Huaisang did everything he did to avenge him and give him peace. It was the filial thing to do but I don't think you go that far to avenge someone who was always looking down on people for not meeting his standards and raging all the time.
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randomshipshere · 3 years
MY OWN JGY headcanons:
JGY is the sole reason in all canon universes that JZX and JYL ever had a chance in getting together because of how much of a disaster JZX is. It's the very reason that JZX would come to refer to JGY as "A-Yao".
JYL and JGY were secret best friends because the Cultivation World wouldn't understand their friendship. They often teased each others disaster of a brother together, and in disguise would shop together. After her death, he harbored the blame and never forgave himself since.
JGY was actually born a whole two years before JZX was born but everyone literally assumed he was the younger brother because of his height and his flawless youthful skin. JGY doesn't correct anyone because of the complications it would have on the family line and honestly he gets a kick out of looking younger. (It's a brothel-learned thing.)
JGY actually has a strong Yunmeng accent that comes out when he's relaxed and irritated. The only few people in existence who heard him with that accent beyond childhood is Sisi, JYL, JC, JZX, Xue Yang, Su She and Mo Xuanyu. Each of them having different hilarious reactions. JC is the top contender because JGY doesn't speak like the men of Yumeng. He speaks like the women just as Sisi taught him, and you do not mess with the women of the piers.
In a modern reincarnated world, everyone hears that accent and the most horrified is WWX when JGY blasts at JC, making the former sect leader feel grateful he didn't go full Yunmeng woman on him at the temple, otherwise he'd be jumping into that coffin instead of him! And when he orders JC to "SIT YUR ASS DOWN YA DEFORMED-LOOKING LOTUS SEED REJECT, THAT EVEN A DYING HARLOT WOULDN'T EVEN SUCK ON!" WWX and JZX automatically sit down, too.
JGY identifies as androgynous, more specifically neutradrogyne so he (fine with any pronoun) isn't fixed on looking masculine or feminine, but will utilize society's view on gender to his advantage.
JGY didn't have a strong cultivation which held him back from being on the top 10 most handsome cultivators. But if he was, he wouldn't have made it anyway because he looked more 'Pretty' than 'Handsome' or as the female cultivators would put it, 'A Tragic Ambiguous Beauty', so they refer to him as the Special Exception.
JGY actually hates the color Yellow and gold (I don't take criticism) for how flashy and gaudy it can look. This being why he wears a lot of brown in order to neutralize the color. He actually very much prefers the Jiang's color purple. This being the reason why Su She's uniforms consist of both white and purple.
Unpopular opinion: JGY actually likes Su She a lot. Beyond the Lan Wangji hate, Su She is actually very humble, honest, compassionate, disciplined, loyal, etc. Su She learned these virtues from the Lan sect but had truly come to value these virtues throughout the war when he did the grunge work of helping citizens and the injured. It is also the time when he truly sees the flaws in the Lan sect for its detachment and so-called purity. In fact, his sect is made of a mixture of disciples and civilians without a home, so the Su sect isn't just a copy of the Lan sect but of other sects. But the copying of the Lan sect gets the most publicity so that is very much ignored. Of course Su She has his flaws where he has low self-esteem despite all he's accomplished and it fluctuates between having a superiority complex to self-sacrifice.
JGY always intended on murdering his father after WWX died because he didn't want another Wen Ruohan to rule the world, but he never had the courage to because he knew that even if he ran away, Nie Mingjue would hunt him down, possibly with the Cultivation World at his backing, to bring him to justice.
JGY knew from the start that NHS was gunning for him after his brother's death since he always made sure he knew where Nie Mingjue's body parts were. He just never expected for NHS to use LXC in the end for his vengeance, believing NHS would sympathize with LXC as a victim to his crime. He played the unknowing victim to NHS' vengeance and trapped himself with his brother so that NHS would continue to never have peace for a hundred years. (I think NHS intended for JGY to simply die by his brother's hand in order to find enlightenment but nope lol.)
JGY's work station is very organized, but if one were to look through it, they would find NOTHING in its intended places because JGY doesn't organize by dates, names or events. No. He organizes his work by how he feels. Like each section is organized by moods such as 'These old people I tolerate', 'the people I like', 'the people I love', 'these special facts and events that I would look back on when I'm bored', 'Papers that look important but it's really just to look like I'm working while secretly planning my perfect date or murder or both', and there's that very special section that is just 'BITCH'.
JGY, XY, MXY and SMS all have specific taste preferences. XY craves sweets. MXY loves sour. SMS has salt as his guilty pleasure. JGY is a freak who loves bitter food: Dark chocolate, Ginger, Alcohol, bitter melon, tea. That's because Meng Shi wanted him to remain as healthy as possible so a lot of MY's food growing up were very bitter.
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