#i also impress them with my drawings of butts which they seem
ducktracy · 4 months
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this is how i bond with my older brother. he had a major Blues Clues fixation when he was young, i had/have a major SpongeBob fixation when i was young, there was a period in time where we communicated with each other almost exclusively in SpongeBob quotes. this is how i impress my family
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junosswans · 10 months
FMA sketches by Ace Attorney's character designer, Iwamoto Tatsuro
For the past week, Iwamoto-san has been posting sketches of FMA characters on his twitter as a part of his daily sketching challenge and they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
I really want to share his art over here and also translate his posts for you all because I think his commentaries are quite insightful for people who are interested in character design!
[Those who know their AA lore would recognize him as who voiced Edgeworth (Mitsurugi) in the games :3]
Anyways, below are his FMA sketches he's shared on twitter so far! (Contains: Ed, Hughes, Kimblee, Mustang, Breda) You can click on the dates to see their original post. I will add to this post if he shares any more sketches, it seems that he has been on an FMA roll xD
If you draw your favourite things out you will know them better! So, this is Edward Elric from #FullmetalAlchemist.
Even if you have decided on the pose you want to draw, it is better to sketch out these three first:
the moment before the pose is struck
the pose itself
the moment after the pose is struck
then decide which image works better for your art. I learned this from a really great senior of mine, and it is very solid advice.
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29/11/2023 (Translator's note: I decided to move this one to the top because it is my favourite. No I don't accept criticism.)
I have been drawing Ed's automail again.
I like it when the machine part has a distinctly different silhouette compared to the human body, so I added some original ideas to the design.
What design should I draw next? Perhaps I should draw the military uniform?
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# (combined two posts because they’re the progression of the same piece.) #
Again, it is the time of "drawing your favourite things to know them better!"
It feels so good to draw such great characters...
My Photoshop has been crashing for mysterious reasons the whole morning, and I tried to troubleshoot in the afternoon and it was a PAIN. Computers are really difficuuuuuuuult--
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Iwamoto-style drawing Masterclass: Bonus!
It is the "Give the leather and metal items a bit of flare/shine to immediately make the drawing look more complete"-jutsu!
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I wanted the clothes to give off an oversized, loose impression.
Canon Hughes didn't seem to be wearing a shirt underneath... hmm.
I am beginning to understand the structure of the military uniform better...
Realising the butt flap/cape didn’t actually connect to the upper jacket is a shocker to me.
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A continuation of yesterday's sketch
...or so I thought, until I realized how King Bradley and Kimblee during the Ishval war had a different overcoat design, in which they actually wore a single long coat instead of a separated upper and bottom set.
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When his clothes were unbuttoned, there was something that looked like an additional button on his right chest... I wonder if it could be fastened from the back?
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(Translator's note: sorry, I have no idea what button he's referring to here lol)
I like how each character's personality was expressed through the way they dress. Contrary to his appearance, this person was very intelligent, which makes him such a great character.
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paddockbunny · 4 months
Some people are really nuts aren’t they?
People are literally yelling at me telling me I’m wrong, “fucked up”, evil for saying I don’t like kids nor want to be around them. I feel like laying it out for them;
1. I have a condition and have gone through treatment which means it will be difficult for me to get pregnant naturally and IF I go through IVF and by some miracle conceive, my body will 85-90% will reject the pregnancy or I would be an extremely high risk pregnancy. SO, for me, children, babies and kids is VERY much a triggering subject as being told you probably can’t have them when it’s all anyone seems to talk about around you is DISTRESSSSSSSING. Why am I called weird, abnormal, “fucked up” and evil for putting myself first when I have been dumped by friends who don’t understand my condition, who didn’t care when I had surgery, who haven’t checked in on me once in three years but expect me to rush to see their kid, to hold their newborn for them, to want to spend a coffee date in a play park? You can’t pick me up and dump me because you have no one to hang out with on your mat leave. You can’t expect me to be ok always being in children’s zones (like suggesting I meet you at soft play? Like wtf?) and drool over your kids when you couldn’t even send me one text to ask how I am?
2. I simply don’t like babies & children AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. I don’t find myself maternal and don’t coo over a child - I do that over puppies and dogs and again, nothing wrong with that - because I simply think that’s weird (and awkward, for me personally). I don’t think having a boundary where you don’t wish to be around other people’s babies/children is a bad thing. It means you have a good relationship with yourself and you can draw a line. Sure it will butt hurt people but if they are your friends they should understand your stance on child interactions and appreciate you within their lives (I am lucky none of my friends want kids but if they do have them they are so much more emotionally intelligent than most and have no issues with boundries)
3. THE INTERNALISED MISOGYNY ! honestly do I even need to explain this one?! Men are NEVER questioned about not engaging with kids, wanting to be around them, not being paternal, like EVER! So whenever someone tries to put me down on the fact I don’t like kids I’m always wondering if they would ask a man the same thing? There’s been jokes on TV about men calling their kids all sorts of names (little bastard, a little sod etc) and women continue to laugh and call it real. They also don’t have issues with men continuing their lives albeit work, pub, hobbies, having a normal existence while they play the 50’s housewife at home because “that’s a woman’s role” (eye fucking roll). Insinuating another woman is somehow defective for not wanting to be around children IS INTERNALISED MISOGYNY!!!!! It’s insinuating women who can’t have kids are less than because what other purpose is there for women other than being baby machines? Go read the Handmaids Tale and come back to me on that one 😂 And the worst part, if you happen to be polite and try approach the subject by saying; “I’m sorry, I would love to catch up for a coffee but do you mind it just being us as I’m having a difficult time being around your child just now because I’m dealing with x,y, z and I think it would upset/trigger me” you are turned into the human embodiment of satan. If you’ve made it clear you’re struggling and a “friend” doesn’t respect your boundaries why keep them as a friend?
4. NOT EVERYONE LOVES YOUR KIDS AS MUCH AS YOU DO! Omg this! “It’s ok tho because you love them..they’ll be quiet” fuck offffff!!!!! Your toddler will not sit in a cafe for an hour or so without distraction and therefore YOU will be distracted for the entire time. It gives the distinct impression you don’t want to be there and you’re only doing it to fill your day. It’s happened to me before where unexpectedly a friend has shown up with their kid, spoken the whole time about the kid and how hard it is for them…didnt ask me one single question about how I was, not one, not even “how are you doing” and let me tell you, I’ve never seen them since (because I wondered when she would reach out etc and she never has so….her little old housewife life is so clearly more important than mine she needs me to do all the work even though she’s sitting around watching This Morning eating fucking hobnobs) You want to dote and drool over your kids then fine but why can’t you do that at home with your partner or family members? Why does everyone need to know the colour of your kids nappies and that they were violently sick all over themselves? FUCK! Does your filter go straight out of you as soon as you push one out or have I been friends with a complete stranger all these years?
I agree that everyone is at different stages and I’m not “shaming” mothers but simply asking for them to have some of the same compassion toward other women that they beg for themselves. No one is saying motherhood isn’t hard but shit, in comparison to what some others are going through it is fucking NOTHING!
And remember……there are women in Gaza right now pregnant, giving birth and have babies and toddlers too. Spare a thought for them instead of thinking about how hard you have it in your nice 3 bed house with a BMW in the drive way, food in your fridge and running water.
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lildevyl · 2 years
Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic Chapter 10: On Patrol
Summary: On one of their patrols, Nuke and Ender ran into one of L'Manburg's infamous Vigilantes.
Chapter inspired by Tommy's Ultra-Important Keychain by SeriouslyCalmmitous
TW: Not much in the Trigger Warning area for this chapter. Mention of Anxiety, and some Violence (not major but there is some in this), and Mild Threat.
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm slowly but surely writing some chapters so I can update weekly again. Not gonna lie, it's getting difficult where I want to go from here. I have ideas but I have no idea on where to put them.
So, if the story seems "Outta Place" in certain areas. I will try to piece them back together. Enjoy!
(East Side)
To say that Tubbo and Ranboo were nervous would be an understatement.  Tubbo felt like there were some kind of beehive in his stomach, the way it kept churning.  Ranboo’s anxiety kept flaring up, hands shaking, several what ifs kept going through his head.  Tubbo’s own anxiety wasn’t much better.
It’s been over a month since both Tubbo and Ranboo had seen Orcus and Siren come out of their apartment.  And when Nuke and Ender had asked Arachnid for help.  Tubbo secretly hoped that it was literally a misunderstanding on the Syndicate’s part.  That they just got the address confused, of their actual healer and wound up stumbling upon Tommy and Siren just used his powers to make Tommy forget the whole thing.  But until they hear back from Arachnid, that’s all Tubbo could do, was hope!
Which was why both him and Ranboo were standing on top of one of the apartment buildings on East Side.  Both of them needed a huge distraction to try and take their minds off of things until they hear back from Arachnid.  Tubbo had his radio out so they could hear what’s going on from the Cops Radios.
“Armed Robbery at 419 Main Street East Side, Monarch’s Clothing.  Suspects are armed and need to proceed with caution.”  Came over the radio.
Tubbo turned to Ranboo, it was time for Nuke and Ender.
(Monarch’s Clothing)
Earlier that day, Eret was smiling a mile wide as he read the News Report.  Two new Vigilantes were in town, Nuke and Ender and so far they made quite a debut!  Literally helping out one of L’Manburg’s top twenty Heroes, Arachnid.  Well they couldn’t have helped out a better Hero than them!  Arachnid was pretty neutral when it came to Vigilantes.  Now, if a Vigilante vandalized a certain property like say, Mixer, under a protest.  Then Arachnid would arrest the Vigilante or at least attempt to (after they were done laughing his butt off).  But if a Vigilante was actually protecting part of the City, then Arachnid would either let them be or actually offer to help.
Eret had to admit, they were actually kinda impressed with the new Vigilantes debut.  Not a lot of Vigilantes would take the risk of helping a Hero and being so exposed to the press.  Nuke and Ender on the other had no problem in doing just that.  With a little more practice and a few more years of experience Eret’s pretty sure that Nuke and Ender could be a good team for East Side.
“Excuse me, sir,” a man in a black pristine suit said, drawing Eret’s attention away from the computer.  “Do you know where I might be able to find the owner of this store?  I like to talk to her.”
Eret gave a condescending smile to the man.  It’s not uncommon for people to assume that the owner of a Fashion Store is a woman.  “I’m the owner of this store, and my name is Eret.  I also go by they/them.”  Eret offered their hand to shake the other guy’s hand.
“Oh of course, of course.  My apologies.  My name is Gene Torey and I have a proposition for you and your store!”  Gene says taking out his business card and handing it over to Eret.
Eret looked at the business card with a grim expression.  Ah, yes, he knew exactly who Gene Torey was.  He was the owner of Torey’s Fashion Studios, with several stores in West End and the Hero District.  There was even talk of him opening up a couple of new stores in the South Bay District.  Eret was anything but impressed.
Torey’s Fashion Studio was the utmost scum of the Earth in the Fashion Industry that Eret has ever met!  Torey’s would purposely hire new fashion designers straight out of college on internships, get them to sign prenups that their lawyers had drawn and never go over the specifics with the new interns.  And literally steal the interns designs!
Eret had the pleasure when one designer sought them out as Baron and explained the whole situation.  Torey’s Fashion Studio was holding a brand new intern's designs hostage.  It was either signed over the rights to all of their designs to Torey’s Fashion Studio or Torey’s Legal Team was about to Black List the new intern.  Meaning that the intern wouldn’t have been able to get a job anywhere in the Fashion Industry.
Oh yes, Eret was very familiar with them.  They’re surprised that Torey’s was still around after that scandal had made the news.
“Oh yes, I’m very familiar with Torey’s Fashion Studio.  You guys have stores in nearly all the districts.  What does this have to do with my shop?”  Eret demanded, throwing the pleasantries out the window.
“Well, we like to make your shop one of our own!  I think this place has great potential to be even more outstanding, don’t you think?”
“The answer is no!  Torey’s Fashion Studio is nothing more than a freakin’ scam in the Fashion Industry!  I’m surprised you guys are still around after the Baron exposed you for the frauds that you are!”  Eret said leaving no room for argument.
“Yes, well, the Baron ,” Torey spat.  “Had made a crucial mistake that came out in the courts.  You should really reconsider Mr. Eret.  I hate to see anything  .  .  .   happened to this establishment . ”
“Are you threatening me?”  Eret asked, raising an eyebrow.
“What?!  No!  Not at all!  It’s just that you know, East Side has a high crime rate -”
“Get out!”  Eret shouted, shoving Torey out the door.  “Get out now!”
(East Side, Later that Night)
Motha was flying around East Side enjoying the cool air under her wings, while patrolling.  Motha loved being a Vigilante!  It was so freeing and the best part was that she was able to finally do what the damn Hero Committee, the Order, wouldn’t let her do.  Be an actual Hero and help save lives.  Motha stopped on the roof of some random building and took a few deep breaths.  No use in getting worked up over some old memories.
Motha, like her brother Arachnid, signed up for the Hero Program, wanting to actually be a Hybrid Hero to show everyone that you can be something no matter what!  Well that dream came crashing down when Motha got a heavy dose of reality.  The so-called “Hero Committee” was nothing more than a bunch of old Heroes stuck in their ways!
There was so much politics and certain clicks that you had to be a part of in order to actually be taken seriously.  Not to mention that if the Hero Committee deems your power too “Weak” in their opinion, then you either don’t make it in the Hero Program or like what happened to Motha.  Just be pushed to the side as a Sidekick!
They didn’t even put her as a Hero but as a “Hero-in-Training.”  Translation: “We don’t think your Hero material but since you’ve managed to pass the Hero Program we’re going to have you stick by an actual Hero to learn from.”
Meaning, that you would be put with a Hero and the Hero is your boss and has full control of your pay and what not.  And you don’t even get any credit!  The Hero that you’re the Sidekick to gets all the credit, all the publicity, all the attention, all the perks, all the praise.  Even if you’re the one that saved the day or saved the Hero, you just got overlooked, glossed over, shunned, pretended you were never there.
So, Motha did something that was in the Order’s eyes considered the utmost traitorous and sinful act possible!  Next to actually becoming a Villain.  ( Huh, I wonder if Mom wouldn’t mind teaching me then? )  Motha actually quit!   She left the Hero Tower and became a Vigilante instead.  Of course the Order couldn’t take that lying down so what did they do?  They kept her on as a “Hero” even though her Prime Damn Hero License expired!   They still have her in the system as “Suspended Indefinitely” even though she fully left.  Handed in her resignation, flipped the one in charge of the Committee off and stormed out.  Never to be returned!
Sure she helped out a few Heroes in battle but that’s because the “Minor” Heroes needed help!  The top dogs were too busy doing whatever and of course the Hero Committee would always say, “Help is on the way!”  And it would take them a good half an hour or so to finally show up, defeat the Villain and get all the glory while the actual Heroes that did all the work got a slap on the back and half hearted, “Good Job!”
Yeah, to say Motha wasn’t happy or impressed was a freaking understatement!  Don’t get her wrong, Motha is super proud of her brother, Arachnid!  That dude went through so much just to get where he is!  And proved that he’s just as good as the “Dream Team” or whatever they want to call themselves.
Alright Motha, focus!  You need to calm down!  Yes, no one will hear this inner monolog rant but you need to focus!  You can’t stop crime if you're dwelling on old memories.  Suddenly a moth appeared and landed on Motha’s extended hand.
“Why hello there!  Find anything interesting?”  Motha asked.  The moth told Motha that there was a store about to be robbed.  It spotted a group of thugs heading towards Eret’s!
“Alright let’s go!”  Motha said, spreading her wings and taking off.
(Monarch’s Clothing)
It had been a long day!  Eret was still fuming from the audacity of Torey!  Oh Eret knew perfectly well what the so-called “Critical Mistake” was.  Torey’s Lawyers wound up scaring a few of the interns and literally paid for their silence and to drop the charges.  Luckily they weren’t able to scar them all off and the court proceedings went off without a hitch.  It was one of the most publicized court cases ever!
Eret had nearly gotten themself arrested just by showing up at the Courthouse  in full costume as Baron.  Luckily the Heroes understood that Baron was there for the Witnesses and was a Witness themself.  It was difficult when both Eret and Baron had to be at the Courthouse.  Good thing Eret was on Neutral Terms with a lot of Villains and the more “Villainess” Vigilantes.  Jester and McCormick had saved their butt during those times.
Oh Eret couldn’t wait to finally take down Torey’s Fashion Studio and expose them for the frauds that they are! After saving and sending their reports to their bookkeeper, shutting everything down and locking the safe and Office up.  Eret was about to lock up and then head home, when a crash from the front of the store caught their attention.  Heading to the front of the store, Eret saw a bunch of thugs ransacking the place.
Of course Torey wasn’t going to take Eret saying no and calling them out.  That was another thing about Torey’s that made Eret’s blood boil.  If there was any type of competition then Torey’s would make sure there was no competition by any means necessary.  Including staging a break in and destroying the place.
Eret hit the silent alarm, alerting the cops and was about to dash in the back and quickly change into his Baron costume.  When they heard a familiar female voice.
“Excuse me, but don’t you know it’s past closing time?”  Motha was standing in the doorway leaning against the door frame, arms crossed and what Eret could only assume a raised eyebrow.
One of the thugs charged at Motha and in three quick moves, the thug was down for the count.  And that was all it took, like a signal that was setoff, the group of thugs charged at Motha.  Hoping the numbers game would be enough.  Motha was holding her own, dodging and tanking many hits and strikes.  While landing mostly all of hers.  Then the door burst open and in came Nuke and Ender.
Eret just stood there and watched the fight unfold.  All three Vigilantes were doing well.  It was clear that Nuke and Ender have some training but not nearly enough.  Both of them at least were holding their own without having to rely on their powers.  In about ten minutes, Motha, Nuke and Ender were zip tying the thugs hands to the clothing racks (very clever) and taping weapons to the wall.  Then Motha came over to check on Eret.
“Hey, Eret!  Long time no see!”  Motha greeted.
“Motha, good to see you.  And you must be Nuke and Ender?”  Eret held out their hand.  “I’m Eret, I own this place.  You guys had quite a debut.”
“Eret here helps all Vigilantes with their suits.  In exchange we help keep an eye out for their business.”
“Well, it’s more than that!  You guys do what the Heroes are supposed to do.  Stopping Crime.  So, I offer my services as best as I can.”
“We’ll think about if we need an upgrade,” Nuke said.
“Alright, you guys need to head out before the cops show up,” Eret said.
And with that Ender grabbed both Nuke and Motha and disappeared in a cloud of purple particles.
Nuke - Tubbo Ender - Ranboo Motha - Martha (OC) Baron - Eret Arachnid - Spyder (OC) Mixer - Arden Weird (Mentioned) (OC based off my friend Arden @weirdmixofweirdness
Tagging: @weirdmixofweirdness, @nightfuryobsessed, @isa-ghost, @septic-dr-schneep, @tracobuttons, @a-humble-narcissus, @ghostsknewmynights, @luna-moonblood, @ashedflower
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Was at farmers market w my fam today,, can we get some Alien AU farmers market headcannons! Gai’s booth is probably popping w regulars! I bet a few wonder about his new Roomates,,, he seems to be especially close to one of em ;)
Ohhh, Gai’s regular customers are intrigued. There’s so many questions but they can’t ask half of them because that would be rude!
Vegtables are the main product at the booth, but Gai also has some honey from the bee’s he cares for which are a big hit with people.
For the first few weeks of Kakashi and Yamato’s time with him, Gai continues going to the market as normal but seems very distracted in his regulars opinion.
On the third week, he shows up with two new people tagging along. When people ask about them Gai says they’re visitors of his who have decided to help.
Yamato is surprisingly good at making sales. People tell him what they want and he starts talking about other vegetables that go really well with them, and ends up making more sales
With Yamato helping Gai sells even more than he usually does, which is really impressive since he already sells almost all of his product.
Kakashi draws more attention to the booth simply by existing. None of them understand it but people keep coming to the booth to try and chat with him.
When gai realizes what’s happening he hets a little bit jelouse. That’s his cute alien damn it, leave him alone.
There’s a booth that sells used books and you bet your butt Kakashi goes there every single week to pick out a new book. The owner recognizes him after the second week and starts giving him suggestions. His name is Asuma and he thinks Kakashi is the weirdest dude he has ever met. He loved it.
Absolutly everyone see’s the way Gai looks at Kakashi. It’s impossible to miss. There are literal heart eyes in his skull when he looks at Kakashi
There are of course some people who are jelouse of the affection Kakashi gets from Gai. People who have either dated Gai in the past, or tried to date him.
Gai does not care. He knows where his heart belongs and he never plans on taking it back even if Kakashi doesn’t love him back.
After a few months Kakashi actually ends up opening up his own booth. He sells little sculptures that Yamato cuts out of spare wood, and little stories that he writes. It’s Gai’s idea to open the booth and Kakashi doesn’t think he’ll sell anything.
He almost always sells out (he only ever has like five things)
People love the sculptures and the stories. They quickly become a very popular thing that people are hoping for the chance to get for themselves.
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useless-bi-otch · 2 years
Cookies'n Cream - Chapter 3
Last chapter / MasterList / Art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 3 - Accidental Success
"... And then, right in the middle of our conversation, enters the sugar shack's owner-"
"Cut that ‘sugar shack’ crap out, Rihito. It's getting on my nerves."
"What's getting on my nerves is your cigarette smoke. Put that shit out, otherwise they won't let us into the bar."
"Come on, guys, stop arguing! Just keep telling me about this Amazon woman that impressed you so much", Kaneda asks, excited, as the four of them walk through the crowded streets of central Tokyo. The fervor of the city didn't abate even at that time of night, and they wanted to take advantage of the relaxed atmosphere to put the struggles of life aside and drink till they dropped, at the nearest pub.
It had been three days since they'd visited the Heavy Bakery, and the brief tour was still an interesting enough topic for them to keep talking about. Especially on that day, when Kaneda had finally returned from his trip, and they could finally fill him in without forgetting a single detail.
"Amazon? That chick was a real, marble carved Greek goddess, dude!" Rihito describes, smiling widely "I'm not even into muscular girls and I thought she was smokin' hot, so make of that what you will. But anyway, she arrived at the bakery showing who's boss, putting Okubo on his place-"
"You too, asshole, don't think I didn't notice", Okubo grumbles, still staring at his phone’s screen. He hadn't taken his eyes off of it since the three of them met Kaneda at the train station.
"Did not! I just stood there staring at that five foot seven monument of pure hotness, in all her glory", He holds his hands out in front of him, drawing curvy shapes in the air. Himuro took a long drag on his cigarette, blowing the smoke to the side.
"You took that lady's measurements just by looking at her? How you haven't been arrested for harassment yet is a fucking mystery..."
"Gimme a break, pretty things are made to be admired. And she rejected me anyway" He sighs dramatically "And as I was saying, she put Okubo in his place-"
“Screw you.”
"And then she kept paying attention to Tokita. Seriously, how does that seaweed head manage to attract women with his presence alone? What does he have that I don't?"
“A nice face.”
"A hair that doesn't look like roadkill."
“Fuck you all!”
“It might just be that you're not her type, Rihito. Don't be offended", Kaneda tries to appease the situation, as usual. Rihito pouted.
"Still, it sucks to see that spawn of cthulhu having a queue of women lining up for him when it doesn't even look like he swings that way."
"Although there was a moment that raised our suspicions…", Himuro comments suddenly, to which Kaneda turns to him.
“What? Don’t tell me that he…”
"Yes. For a second he seemed less interested in the food and more interested in who was preparing it."
"He arrived at the sugar shack smelling of old lady perfume and everything, that son of a bitch."
"Enough with that 'sugar shack' shit, Rihito! It's fucking annoying!"
"Stop fighting and keep talking, please", Kaneda raises his voice when Rihito and Himuro started exchanging insults "Was Ohma really interested in the bakery owner?"
"Nah, we just had that impression at first because he was taking his time to order, and then he kept looking at the counter, right where miss Kanami was", Himuro throws his cigarette butt in a trash can, still glaring at Rihito from time to time.
"Not to mention that they also arrived at the bakery together…" Okubo comments, still distracted with his phone. Rihito completes with an eye roll:
"But then he ended up ordering the first whole sheet of the menu, and then he didn't pay attention to anything else. Kind of obvious that he was just flirting with the food on the counter. I'm telling ya, it's so unfair how the universe insists on smearing all this sugar on Tokita when he would probably only enter a strip club to ask where the kitchen is."
Himuro laughs softly, while Kaneda seems lost in his thoughts. Okubo, still with his eyes glued to the cracked screen of his flip phone, only realized that they had stopped walking when he bumped into Rihito, almost knocking him on his ass.
"Ow! Look where you're going, dumbass!"
“Sorry, man…”
"Take your eyes off that thing, dude. We just arrived", Himuro points to the pub's facade, decorated with red streamers that almost hid the narrow entrance "You brought money this time, right? I'm not going to buy you drinks just to be blamed 'cause you guys pissed in the bonsai pot or something..."
"Relax, we'll pay. Or rather, Rocky here will pay for me, hehehe. We made a bet to see if I could fit more than fifteen frankfurters into my mouth, and he couldn't believe it when I... Okubo?" Rihito calls when he sees that Okubo wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, following them into the establishment without even looking up "Hey! Are you listening to me? Okubo!" He takes the phone from his friend's hand, who jumps a little and raises his head, eyes wide.
"What the hell, Rihito! Give me back my phone!"
"Hell no! You're paying more attention to that fucked up screen then to us!"
 "Are you jealous? That 'fucked up' screen is prettier than your face. Now give it back, dammit!"
"Cut that shit out, everyone's looking at us", Himuro grumbles, unimpressed, while Kaneda calmly approaches them. Rihito lets out an indignant yelp as the shortest of the quartet snatches the phone out of his hand in a swift, ninja-like gesture.
"Dangit, Kaneda, I couldn't even see what was on that screen!"
“Eh, it's nothing interesting”, Kaneda unceremoniously hands the phone back to Okubo. He takes a deep breath, relieved.
"Thanks a lot, Kaneda..."
"He was just going to text a random woman, same old history..."
"Thanks a lot, Kaneda!", he repeats, this time in a furiously sarcastic tone. Rihito and Himuro widen their eyes a little, looking at each other.
"Hey, Himuro… is that what we're thinking?"
"Pretty sure it is... what other woman's number would he have on his phone other than his mother's?"
"Fuck off, both of you..." Okubo growls, rubbing his tired eyes, as Kaneda looks from him to the other two in confusion.
 "What? What are you talking about?"
"That's right, we still haven't told you about this super interesting part of our trip to the sugar shack- alright, alright, bakery! Holy shit, Himuro, stop kicking me!"
"Okubo got an admirer" Himuro explains, ignoring how Rihito was flipping him the bird with both his hands "With a phone number and all. And no, it wasn't raining cats and dogs when we left the bakery."
This time, Himuro had three birds being flipped at him, one courtesy of Okubo. Kaneda, as usual, ignores the exchange of obscenities, saying excitedly: 
"Hey, this is great! Better late than never, right?"
“Wow, Kaneda, thanks for the part that concerns me…”
"I mean, Himuro is the one who usually attracts admirers, while Rihito and you only get frustrated. I'm glad at least one of you managed to score..."
"Hey, come on now!" Rihito crosses his arms, sulking "I could have got that waitress' phone number if I wanted to."
"The girl looked like she was in high school, Rihito, get a fucking grip."
“That’s why I said ‘if I wanted to’!”
"Okay, now I'm curious! I want to hear more about this admirer", Kaneda pats Okubo on the arm, and he understands that his friend was, in his own way, trying to encourage him to participate more in their night out. He sighs. Maybe he really was paying too much attention to that phone.
"Alright... let's look for an available table, I really don't feel like sitting at the counter."
They sit at a small table in the farthest corner, seeking privacy and a blind spot away from the curious eyes that were still following them; their outrageous entry into the pub had not gone unnoticed. As they order, Okubo tells of his encounter with one of the bakery workers and the unexpected reaction she had to seeing him.
“She was really happy, bro. No joking. She asked me for an autograph and everything" He was saying, still looking a little dazzled by the fact "I get stopped once in a while on the street by male fans who recognize me, but by a female fan..."
"It's the first time it happens, right?"
"What? No, it's not! Counting her, this should be-"
"The second time"
"The third, at most."
"Go to hell, all of you!" He growls at Rihito and Himuro, who smirk.
"We're kidding, man, relax. As Kaneda said, ‘better late than never’" Himuro says calmly "And she was pretty cute too, that… what was her name again?"
"Uta Tomori", Kaneda is the one who answers. And when the other three turn to him, surprised, he explains: "It's the name that 'was written on the number to whom he was going to send a message, so I added two and two."
"Oh… well, yeah, that's the name", Okubo nods "And yes, she was really cute. Small, curvy, soft... exactly my type" He opens a dreamy smile "You wouldn't guess that she's a martial arts fan by just looking at her..."
"Or she may just know you thanks to her male relatives who follow the leagues on television. She must think you're handsome", Kaneda muses, to which Okubo shakes his head.
"No, she knew my epithet and everything, she's definitely a fan and… wait, do you think she thinks I'm handsome?" He puffs out his large chest, which makes Himuro and Kaneda laugh. Rihito just rolls his eyes.
"There's no accounting for taste, I guess..."
"Get a grip, envy will only make you look even uglier."
"Envy of what?" That fuckin' bolling ball head of yours?"
"The 'bolling ball head' here has a babe's number fully available, while you only have your thumb to suck on."
"Stop fooling around, you two, the waiter will be here with our drinks soon", Himuro grumbles when Okubo and Rihito start throwing paper balls made with pieces of napkins at each other. Kaneda just keeps smiling, commenting: 
"If she was brave enough to give you her number when you were accompanied, it's because she decided it was worth risking embarrassment to have a chance to talk to you again."
"Yeah...", Okubo smiles after dodging yet another paper projectile. He himself was still finding it hard to believe. He had been in a bad mood that day, after the embarrassment he had experienced in the bistro when he was rejected by those college students, but everything had improved after that girl had appeared before him. A fan, and a female one, who had not only asked for his autograph, but who was also interested enough to give him her number. Was that a sign that the universe had finally taken pity on him and decided to give him a treat in the form of a cute, nice girl who apparently had a crush on him? The thought only made his chest puff out more "She left the number on a spare napkin, all neatly wrapped, next to my donut. It even had a little heart drawn on the side, hehehe."
"That's nice! Have you been texting her then?"
"Uuh..." That made his smile falter "Hnn... actually I... I still haven't had the opportunity, you know..."
“Huh? We could’ve sworn you started texting her as soon as we got back from the bakery.” Rihito blinks, and Okubo scratches his scalp.
“I was going to, but… I still had a few things to ponder."
"Ponder? Why are you speaking like a pompous fuck now? Since when do we have to ponder to fuck a chick?" He asks with some indignation, to which the other three turn to him, Kaneda even widening his eyes a little.
"Good heavens, Rihito..."
"What, am I lying? When a girl gives her number like that, to a guy she just met, it's because she's only interested in one thing, and you know very well what. Himuro can testify to it" He points to Himuro, who raises an eyebrow.
“I mean, I can't say I disagree with that. At least in my case, that's what usually happens."
"Yeah, go ahead, rub your sex appeal in our faces like the conceited bastard you are."
“You're the one who used me as proof, you idiot."
"Hey now, don't get ahead of yourselves. You don't even know that girl to be saying these things..." Kaneda starts to say, but Rihito interrupts him unceremoniously, making a careless gesture with his hand.
"I don't need to, pal. I know the female mind very well."
"Yes, as much as you know about haircuts..."
"Shut up, Himuro! Anyway, I don't get what your hang up is, man. It's clear as day that this girl is dying to get frisky with you. Why do you need to 'ponder'?" He asks sarcastically, making quotation marks with his fingers "Just seize the fucking moment!"
Okubo looks at the phone's cracked screen, Uta Tomori's contact still highlighted there. 
"I mean, I don't doubt that, but I'm still not sure. She was so sweet to me, and on top of that she's my fan..."
"Do you want an even greater motivation than that?" Lihito opens his arms, smiling widely "This will probably be the most unforgettable laid of her life, man. Every chick nowadays dreams to be able to say that they climbed into their idols' bed. It's basically a trophy for her to show off. And a chance for you to hit the jackpot", He nudges his friend's arm, giving him a wink. Okubo ends up smiling, Rihito's words pleasing him quite a bit.
"Hehe.. I mean, you're not wrong. And it's not like I'd be forcing myself on her..."
"Nope! It would be one hundred percent consensual, a win-win arrangement for both parties. That said, what the fuck are you waiting for? Go give her a reason to brag to her friends. And then ask her if she doesn't have an equally cute friend to introduce me to, 'cause I'm in need of a “fan” like that too, hahaha!" He laughs out loud, and Okubo follows his cue, both exchanging a high-five. Himuro shakes his head, smirking.
"Welp, maybe that's exactly what you need. After all, when are you going to have an opportunity like that again? Go for it, partner."
"Thank you very much for the blessing granted, oh almighty Master of Gigolos."
The three of them kept cursing each other out, laughing out loud, and it takes them at least half a minute to realize that Kaneda wasn't joining them. He had his arms crossed, glaring at them. And he didn't look very pleased.
"Hey, Kaneda, what's up with that sour face?", Okubo lets out a laugh, but it sounded  uncomfortable.
"Yeah, man, don't get upset… maybe Okubo's fan has a friend she could introduce you to. One who likes short guys with slanted eyes and who make a living out of humiliating others in shogi matches..."
“I didn't expect such a thing from you guys. Especially from you, Okubo", Kaneda says suddenly, his tone hard, energetic "You disappoint me."
The three of them stare at him, stunned, Okubo's jaw actually dropping a little.
"Wait- no, dude, hold on. What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about your attitude", Kaneda points at him with a wave of his arm "This girl seems to really admire you. Are you really going to take advantage of her even after knowing that? And are you two going to enable him?"
Okubo, Rihito and Himuro stiffen, and the next second they're talking at the same time, trampling each other indignantly.
"Gimme a break, Kaneda! No one’s going to take advantage of anyone! Everything will be consensual, just as I said!" Rihito protests, and Himuro nods.
"Yeah, man. I have experience with these things, and believe me, these girls know exactly what they're getting into. They want it as much as we do. There's no innocent party here.”
"And I'll be respectful, dammit! I'll buy her some nice gifts, take her out to a fancy restaurant, pay for the best love hotel room, the whole package. She won't have anything to complain about", Okubo assures, to which Kaneda shakes his head.
"Except for the fact that her idol only saw her as some juicy piece of meat."
"What?! No, I'm...!", Okubo can't even find words to justify himself. He felt anger, indignation, and an extremely unpleasant feeling of shame, creeping up his neck and making his face and ears burn. Lihito takes the lead for him, snarling:
“You're being unfair now, man! Okubo is not that kind of person, and neither are we! But we deserve to reap the fruits of our efforts-"
"In the form of payment for our services, recognition and admiration. But this situation is different", ​Kaneda turns to face Okubo "Now answer me. How do you act with your male fans when they recognize you and come to talk to you?"
"Uh… well, I try to be nice, dammit! I sign autographs, take some selfies, maybe have a little chat with them if I can spare the time...", He shrugs "It's nice to see that I'm admired..."
"But you don't think, even for a moment, of 'taking advantage' of all this admiration, I suppose."
"Wha- Of course not! They're men, for fuck's sake!” He says indignantly, and Lihito nods vehemently.
"That's right! He’s not gay, at least not as far as I know!"
"That's not what I'm talking about…" Kaneda sighs "That's exactly the problem. You treat your male fans with respect, not expecting them to offer anything that benefits you in return. Why is it different with a female fan? Is she not worthy of the same consideration, by any chance?"
The table plunges into a very uncomfortable silence. Rihito opens and closes his mouth repeatedly, like a fish out of water. Okubo turns even redder, squeezing his phone tightly in his right hand. Himuro is the one who recovers the fastest:
"Look, Kaneda, I can see your point, but things are not that extreme. It's not cool to take advantage of a naive girl, that much is true. But we assure you that's not the case. She was a grown woman, she must've been over twenty-five or something. That is, big enough to make that kind of choice consciously. It's what a lot of my girlfriends do too, and you can be sure I don't take advantage of any of them."
"I know you don't, Himuro. But your case is also different" ​​Kaneda speaks more softly now "You've always been popular with women, in and out of the Kengan matches. Of course, they might admire your combat prowess, but you have to admit that it's the fact that you're good-looking that attracts them the most."
"Uh... well, yeah, I suppose...", Himuro looks to the side, scratching the back of his neck. Kaneda continues: 
"Okubo's case, on the other hand, is the complete opposite."
"What's that supposed to mean? Are you calling me ugly or something?!"
"Let me finish! What I mean is that this girl primarily admires your excellence as a martial artist. You said she even knew your epithet. She's not a groupie who simply drools over your muscles. She's a martial arts fan, someone who probably religiously follows your matches, your interviews, maybe even those funny videos you post online. She's someone who feels inspired by you, who feels motivated by you", He points to Okubo's chest with an intense expression "How do you think she would feel knowing that you, a fighter who she admires so much, only thinks of her as a one night stand and nothing else?"
Okubo couldn't think of anything to reply. Remorse, hot and corrosive, begins to bubble up in his stomach. He flinches, upset, as Lihito and Himuro exchange an embarrassed look.
"Ugh... you just had to go and play the part of the feminist ally, huh, Kaneda..."
"This isn't about feminism, sexism or any other 'ism', Rihito. I speak as someone who is also a fan of other martial artists", Kaneda shrugs "I'm putting myself in that girl's shoes. I wouldn't like to know that someone I admire thought these things about me."
"Okay, okay, I got it. You… you're right", Okubo sighs, defeated "That wasn't nice of me… but dammit, what's wrong with me wanting to have fun with such a nice babe? I swear I wouldn't disrespect her..."
“What if that's what she wants, Kaneda?", Himuro asks in a mild tone, to which Kaneda immediately replies: 
"In that case, he has to do things the right way. Treat her like you treat your male fans."
"Uuh... like... patting her shoulders and calling her 'bro'?"
"No! Treat her with respect, without expecting something in return", He explains. "Just be nice and talk to her. Talk about your matches and answer her questions, and then ask about her life too. Look for things you have in common and make it a fun experience for both of you. Be natural, be yourself."
"C'mon, man, you're basically asking him to stay single for the rest of his life!"
"Screw you, Rihito!"
The four of them laugh, and with relief, they realize that the relaxed atmosphere had returned to the table. The booze finally arrives, and they help themselves, realizing how thirsty that conversation had made them. They each take a sip, and then, Kaneda continues: 
"And if after all that she still wants to go to bed with you… well, then you can go right ahead. You will have shown yourself to be a nice guy, someone worthy of her admiration. She will come out of this with a great memory and only good things to say about you."
Okubo smiles, feeling much better. He had been hesitant all those days because his bad experience with that college girls at the bistro had made him afraid to approach women again, fearing an encore. But Kaneda's speech had rekindled that resolve within him, and in the right way, which was a relief.
“Yeah… thanks, man. Guess I was getting ahead of myself. But now I'm going to step on the brakes and do things the right way."
"That's the spirit!", Kaneda nods approvingly. Rihito shrugs.
"Eh, do it as you will. Just don't forget to ask her if she has any single friends she can introduce me to..."
"Alright, but what about texting her? Are you doing it or not?", Himuro asks, pointing to the phone. Okubo looks at the cracked screen, again unsure.
"Now? It's about eight o'clock, maybe she's already asleep…”
"Who the fuck sleeps at eight o'clock on a Saturday night, dipshit? She's definitely awake. Just text her!", Lihito insists, and Okubo snorts at him.
"Don't rush me, damn it!"
“If you don't want to text her, then call her,” Kaneda suggests, to which Himuro makes a face.
"Call her? Hell no, she'll think he's desperate or something."
"Maybe she'll think it's cute. Especially as a fan of his."
“But they haven't exchanged any messages yet. Jumping straight to calling might scare her.”
"Seriously, who comes up with these arbitrary rules anyway?"
"Society, my guy. Society."
"To hell with society! If you don't send this message soon, I will!", Rihito tries to take the phone from Okubo's hand again, to which he lets out a swear. A real tug war breaks between them, the poor phone right in the middle, in danger of being even more destroyed.
"Quit dicking around, you jerk!"
"Give me that shit!"
"No, fuck off!"
“And that's because they're not even drunk yet. Where did I let myself into..." Himuro sighs, to which Kaneda laughs.
"Hahaha, at least it's just a phone this time. It'd be worse if they were fighting over the last piece of meat. This table was going to get filthier than a-"
He is interrupted by the sharp sound of an electronic beep. Rihito and Okubo freeze, eyes wide. And then the four of them blanch as the unmistakable sound of an ongoing call begins.
toot… toot… toot…
"Fucking hell, dude!", Okubo screeches, horrified "Look what you did! You called her!"
"What I did?! It's your fault for not sending that fucking text sooner!"
"I'm going to smash your fucking face in!"
"Hang that shit up, Okubo!", Himuro exclaims anxiously, to which Kaneda shakes his arms.
"No, don't hang up!"
"You have to, it's too embarrassing!
"It's not! Seize the opportunity!"
"Shit, shit, she'll think I'm desperate or something!"
"You are desperate, dude, so just roll with it!"
"Shut up and give me that before I-"
“Please leave a message after the beep-”
It is Kaneda who ends the call before the answering machine beeps. The four of them stand there, panting hard, positioned like football players in a paused frame, the phone playing the role of the ball. The entire bar was staring at the absurd scene, and soon, their pale faces turned intensely red. They quickly returned to their seats, and Okubo was in possession of the phone again.
"Okay… okay… that was a close call…" Himuro pants, a hand on his chest "She must not be near her phone at the moment…"
"Thank fucking god…", Okubo sinks into his chair, to which Kaneda says:
"But she'll see the missed call anyway. She'll see the unknown number, maybe will even call it back..."
"She won't. Who the fuck returns calls from an unknown number these days?", Rihito runs his hands over his sweaty face, to which Himuro shakes his head and warns: 
"But she'll still recognize the number if you send her a text right away. Give her a day or two to forget, and then you can send it."
"Hell, I'll have to wait even longer… it's all your fault, you damned poodle head!", Okubo yells at Rihito, who responds by flipping him the bird.
“You're the one who's being a dumbfuck who can't even send a simple text!"
"C'mon, stop bickering. It's over", Kaneda smooths things over again "You got lucky this time, but you need to be more careful. Don't walk around with her contact open like that."
"I know, right! You look like one of those dumb teenagers who can't stop daydreaming about their crush..."
"Well, I'm gonna ‘crush’ your skull if don't shut your-"
“Dame da neeee. Dame yo, Dame na no yoooo…”
And the four of them cower, turning white with terror, when the phone starts to vibrate on the table. The name ‘Uta Tomori’ appears in large letters on the display, unmistakable.
"OH HELL NO!" Okubo shouts, grabbing the phone as if it were a bomb that he had failed to deactivate. And once again, chaos ensues at the table, the sweet sound of Baka Mitai in the background as an accompaniment.
“It’s her! Holy shit, she’s calling me!”
“Are you kidding me? Who the fuck returns an unknow number’s call? That chick’s crazy!”
“Don’t answer it, Okubo!”
“Answer it, she’ll think you’re ignoring her on purpose!”
“But I kinda am! What do I do?!”
“Decline the call!”
“Don’t do it!”
“Fucking do it!”
“You fuckers aren’t helping at all!”
“... Anta ga, suki de, sukisugiteeeee! Dore dakeee-”
And Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda hold their breath together as a panicked Okubo presses the green icon. The music stops and the call timer starts.
“... Hello?”
The female voice, a little hesitant on the other end of the line, seems to activate some area of ​​his brain, responsible for automatic actions. He answers, without thinking:
"Miss Uta Komori?"
Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda stare at him as if a second head has sprouted from his shoulder. They remain in absolute silence, eyes glued to the phone. About three seconds of silence pass. And then the four of them jump when a high-pitched squeal that probably startled the entire pub echoes.
"Aaaaah! Oh my- oh god, I can't believe it-" Something drops on the other end of the line, causing a muffled crash "I'm sorry, I- Mr. Okubo? Is that you?"
"Uh… yes! Yes it's me!", He says, a little too loudly, as he straightens up in his chair, the hand holding the phone a little shaky "Hey there! Sorry if I called at a bad time..."
"No, it's okay! I just got back from grocery shopping, I left my phone charging at home... oh, I- I wasn't expecting you to call me! I thought you were going to send a text or..."
"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you or anything..."
"You're not, I swear! I was just surprised... very surprised, actually, hahaha! But you won't hear any complaints from me. I mean, I... I was the one who gave you this number, wasn't I?"
She sounded a little shy but also very happy, her voice practically vibrating. Okubo looks up with wide eyes at the other three in disbelief. Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda gave him big smiles, Rihito making hurried gestures, pointing at phone. He wanted Okubo to put the call on the speaker. That's exactly what he does, leaving the phone on the table and gesturing for his friends to be silent.
"Well, I mean... yeah, haha! Sorry I didn't get in touch sooner, I've been kind of busy these last few days."
"That's fine, I know you’re a busy person, haha. Press interviews, your next fight coming up..."
"Yeah, I'm preparing myself for that. And speaking of the match... are you excited to see me fighting again?" He asks, trying to joke. Apparently it had been a risky gamble, considering the faces his friends made. He almost panicked again, but the fear is replaced by deep relief when she laughs happily.
"I sure am! I can't wait to see you fighting to keep your belt with all your might!"
"Leave it to me! I'll dedicate my victory to you”, He teases again, eliciting another one of those high-pitched squeals. Rihito and Kaneda laugh softly, while Himuro whispers “easy there, man” as low as he can manage. Okubo nods and takes a deep breath. He didn't want to seem arrogant in the first relaxed conversation he had with her. He continues:
 "But seriously, just knowing that I'm talking to a legitimate MMA fan makes me feel more motivated."
"A huuuge fan! I've followed you since the days when you practiced wrestling."
"And you also must have watched me scurrying to amateur boxing right after. I was kinda fickle back then, haha..."
"Oh no, I admire your dedication in specializing in as many combat modalities as possible! It's a sign of a determined person who knows he can always learn more and develop his skills. My dad says it's the mark of a fighter who recognizes his limitations and wants to be prepared for anything."
Okubo feels his cheeks hurt, his smile was so wide. He puts his hand over the speaker, saying in an ecstatic whisper: 
"Damn, she's so cute!"
The other three chuckle again, encouraging him with excited gestures. He turns his attention to the phone again.
"Haha, thanks! You speak like a true martial arts fan. It makes me wanna hear more about your opinions."
He hears a gasp on the other end of the line. When she speaks again, she sounded almost out of breath.
“Ooh, I…I'd love to talk more about these things with you, when…when you have a little time. I don't want to bother you..."
"Don't worry, you aren't bothering me in the slightest" He guarantees, sounding sincere "And speaking of talking more... that's exactly why I called."
There was silence again, and he could almost imagine her, speechless, struggling to find the words to respond.
"Oh... Really?"
“Sure!” He nods, looking up when Rihito catches his eye by waving a hand in front of his face. He whispers:
"Ask her out."
Okubo's eyes widen. What, already? They had barely started talking!
"Mr. Okubo? Are you still there? Hellooo?"
"Uuh- Yeah, I'm here! I, huuh..." He gets even more nervous when rihito and Himuro urge him more vehemently. Damn it, why wouldn't they leave him alone?! “I- I wanted to know if you… if you, uuh…
“… Do you have the bakery's Monday menu available?”
Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda looked at him in bewilderment, as if he was the biggest dumbass in the world. Okubo himself couldn't even believe what he had just said. Where the fuck had that come from?!
"What are you doing, you idiot?!" Himuro hisses, barely managing to keep his voice contained, at the same time that a perplexed Tomori on the other end of the line replied: 
"… I'm sorry?"
"Uuh… I mean..." Fuck, you imbecile, think of something quickly! "It's- It's 'cause I'm thinking of stopping by on Monday! I really enjoyed the whole '50's bakery' experience... and I'm not just talking about the food."
A few more seconds of silence passes. And then an overjoyed Tomori replies, her voice almost nasal: 
"Oooh yes, please, I'd love- I mean, we'd love that! We're going to have homemade sugar cookies, baked by myself, and we're also going to debut a new dessert! Come by anytime you like, I'll be- I mean, we'll be waiting!”
Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda sink into their chairs, perplexed. Okubo just nods, his heart nearly bursting out of his chest.
"You bet I will! See you on Monday then?
"Surely! I'll separate a ruby ​​chocolate donut just for you, haha!"
"Hehe, perfect! With sprinkles, do not forget. Good night, Miss Uta."
"Good night, Mr. Okubo..." Another three seconds of silence. And then she lets out an adorable little giggle "Oh, I thought you were going to hang up first! That's embarrassing hahaha!"
"And I thought you were going to hang up, hahaha!"
Rihito feigns violent retching, while Kaneda just chuckles. Himuro was still too stunned to have a reaction.
"Alright, alright, we hang up together then. Good night and sleep well."
"You too!"
And indeed, he ends the call at the same time as she does. He sets the phone down on the table, gripping his head in his hands and letting out a deep breath, sluggish from the jolt of adrenaline.
"Holy shit..."
"That's what I was going to say! What the hell was that?" Himuro exclaims suddenly "Monday's menu? Did Ohma die again and you embodied his spirit or something?!"
"Leave me alone! I got confused with all your signaling and shit!"
"No, you're just a huge idiot! Luckily, you thought fast and managed to come out on top by chance," Lihito throws his hands up, and then bursts out laughing "But everything worked out in the end! That girl sounded like she was on cloud nine, as we had predicted!"
"Yes! Man, I can't believe it...", Okubo groans, still smiling like an idiot, to which Kaneda intervenes: 
"Just don't forget our talk from earlier!"
"I won't, I promise. After all this ordeal, I'll do whatever I can to not mess this up."
"Good to know" Himuro picks up his glass, raising it in the air "Come on, guys, here's to Okubo's accidental success!"
The four of them cheered with a resounding “Cheers!”, then burst out laughing. Indeed, it had been a struggle, but it had been worth it in the end. Okubo just hoped he could get those butterflies in his stomach under control by Monday.
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ramblingaboutglee · 2 years
Should Kurt have been with Karofsky, Adam, Sam Blaine, Sebastian or Chandler? Which is the most interesting relationship? Which is the healthiest?
Ooh, interesting.
See, Sebastian interests me because the impression I get is that if you watched Glee at the time, the Warblers just have a whole subculture? Sebastian feels like such a minor character to me, the equivalent of let's say an S6 newbie or Sunshine, and yet he has a huge presence that feels more down to fandom than, like, anything in the show.
So with my usual 'I am weird and engage with Glee incorrectly' disclaimer noted, let's go! Overanalysis!
Karofsky - Romantically, no, honestly. I love the idea of them having a more solid friendship, especially with their past, but honestly I find that friendship stronger than a romance? Like, they definitely feel like they have different wants in a romantic relationship, so I don't know if they'd necessarily be compatible, but I like their dynamic.
Adam - Okay yes the rights issues with the song are gross, but also. look, guy sees a cute twink, invites him to watch his show choir, and attempts to seduce him via acoustic "I like big butts." It's a crime he's not more recognised that is just pure Glee right there. I do have a soft spot for his arc tbh, so much of S4 definitely felt rushed and like it didn't have the time it needed, but that vibe of the NYADA equivalent of Glee Club being something Rachel was paranoid of, there's some fun stuff there. Navigating adult life was always one of the interesting things to see, and I can see the draw. (Then again I also like Brody so I might just be wrong about S4 relationships)
Sam - Huh, I never really thought about them, outside of the very start? If what I heard about Sam originally being intended to be gay is right, I could see something interesting developing way back then. Maybe being more open at his last school, and needing to find new friends at McKinley. That angle I like, but I don’t necessarily know that I see Kurt with Sam after he got more fleshing out. Unless we go poly with Blam anyway. 
Blaine - Who’d ship Kurt and Blaine? Weird.  Okay, seriously. I answered an ask on Blaine a while back, but the short version is, yeah, they have great chemistry and help push one another which is kinda what you want from a relationship. Blaine presenting himself as more put-together than he is, Kurt getting to know him, and them figuring everything out. Obviously, great stuff. 
Sebastian - As above, I wouldn't have called Sebastian as, like, in the running? I could see it, but that's with the caveat that part of what I like with Sebastian is his development, the "It's funny until it's real," which is. so much of Glee in a nutshell. I think pairing Kurt with someone who's more of a cynic could make for something interesting.
Chandler - ...unironically thought they were cute that episode whoops. Like, clearly just Kurt unused to meeting other queer people, but was sweet, if. Kurt baby no.
So, all in all:
Healthiest - are people going to be made if I say Adam? Like, no slight on any of the other ships, but it was generally a pretty healthy, comforting relationship. Adam wanted Kurt to find something he liked, Kurt seemed to find him fun, and it gave Kurt something solid in New York to lean on. Compare to say, Klaine, they have way more friction because Blaine can be a bit of a hopeless romantic and sometimes sees things differently to Kurt, while Adam and Kurt seemed to generally be on the same page.  Which, Klaine is just how relationships can be, it’s something people have to work through. But as far as Kurt and Adam go, it’s... simpler, and sweet. I’d liken them to Sam and Rachel (...which feels like another controversial opinion but hey), they’re cosy, if maybe not the stuff of epic love stories. 
Most interesting - huh. I'm tempted to say Kurt/Sebastian despite barely thinking about them before making this post. They definitely seem like they'd play off each other well. Plus, realistically, non-canon ships are always going to be more interesting than canon ones because there’s so much more ‘What if?’  Kurt seems to be someone that has a paranoid streak himself, so pairing him with someone that can be as cutting as Sebastian would make for a new angle. (Plus Kurt/Warbler means you get the scene of the Warbler having abysmal fashion sense because they’re used to only ever wearing blazers) 
Should have been with - Chandler I mean, gotta say Klaine. Maybe they have friction sometimes, but that’s just what happens in good stories, and where development comes from. The fact they don’t stay the same, the fact they’re comfortable enough to be completely open with each other in order to find the points where they clash, and they have the willingness to try and grow. They complement one another so damn well, even if they never quite seem to be what the other expected.  Like, comparing to the above - Adam is cosy, but the storyline with him has nothing to do with the romance. And Sebastian, post-development sees him turn into Blaine anyway, and pre-development needs to go through a heck of a lot before I can see him and Kurt being in the same room without attempted murder.  As far as ships that feel like they have a shot of being endgame - ones where, if a show ended on them together, I wouldn’t be sat around with the feeling that it wasn’t enough of a journey, or it didn’t feel like it would last - Klaine win out. 
Thank you! I, er, hope overanalysis is what you want because if not boy did you choose the wrong blog. 
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cielhunternorwood · 6 months
So, this is going to be a strange bit of tangent-rant, what with all the Xitter-ing about Stellar Blade, sexualization, and whatnot. I promise, though, it's more random chatter than my own opinion on the matter (which is, more or less, idgaf). Reader beware.
For the unaware, Stellar Ass is an upcoming Korean video game starring a female main character modeled after a, well, model from Korea. However, the likeness isn't one-to-one, as there's some anime-ification going on with her face and hair, so there are definite liberties being taken with the character.
Naturally, though, people are less focused on her face and more focused on her butt and thighs, because her design is very much going into Hornyville in terms of accentuation, over-curvature, her swoocy movements, and her attire, or lack thereof.
Granted her butt and thighs are nowhere near as fantastic as Raiden from Metal Gear, but enough people have been chattering over her to trigger others who find this kind of design distasteful for many reasons. The thing is, it's a valid criticism to throw at a game, relying on some form of eye candy to draw people in.
It happens ALL THE TIME because that's what character design in games is about: making a character attractive and memorable to draw in the player and keep them hooked. It's not always sexy, though. Sometimes it's cute, sometimes it's cool, and sometimes it's just familiar to the player.
Having said that, it is also often a problem to design characters with sex appeal in mind, and it almost always involves female characters due to an inherent double standard that has yet to fade due to the many cultures that handle the issue in different ways.
Not that you can't make a sexy main character and still make them enjoyable to some extent as a character, but impressions will always be on visuals first, especially when knowing the persona of a character requires a time investment. In that way, a lot of the reactions based on appearance go both ways for equally valid reasons.
Similar complaints were made about Bayonetta and Nier: Automata, which are all equally valid, and could be made about the old Tomb Raiders if not for the rather cartoony cover arts (also that they toned down her boobs the more realistic they became in visual style). It's a means of hooking that is often used with a game that may not hit it off on gameplay alone.
The trouble is that the sexualized character can cause mixed signals, making an otherwise unremarkable game seem amazing because the sexy girl (or, rarely, guy) in the middle of the screen is triggering a positive reaction- brain chemicals, yada yada- from that alone. Hence why someone like me, who is asexual, generally is unaffected and has a more grounded opinion of such games.
I found Tomb Raider to be interesting to play, even if platforming in the remake was really buggy, forcing me to cut it short. Bayonetta felt too much like DMC 4 for me to actually buy the game, plus the magic hair idea and the heel-revolvers felt too dumb to me. Nier Automata was the first game to actually make my eyes hurt due to its washed out, sepia'd locations, and I found the game really boring even with its supposed "great story": it was just treading the old ground of other games that came before it without adding its own unique flair.
I can't help looking at Stellar Blade and thinking it'll be more of the same: people confused by their own excites into thinking a game is better than it is, much in the way the adrenaline rush of playing certain stupidly-difficult games can make you think a certain game is fun when it's actually badly designed and forcing you to win against unfair odds.
There's a lot of focus on how a game makes us feel when judging it, rather than judging it based solely on its status as a game. The fact that too many people can't separate their like or dislike of a game from its actual quality leads many to praise an otherwise bad game or condemn an otherwise good game, all over what the game makes them 'feel'.
To reel it back in, liking a game because it has a sexy character you want to watch and wank to, while I guess being fine, doesn't mean someone is wrong to criticize that design for being as such and further complain about 'oversexualization'. Especially when that sexiness is always the focal point of promotional media, cutscenes, animations, etcetera.
It's a very normal reaction to something that is still perceived as in the realm of sexism, sometimes because it comes from a culture that doesn't have the same values or progression as our own in that field. It's still a talking point that inevitably causes flared tempers, mainly because the people liking these sexy main characters feel attacked when the point is brought up.
Unfortunately, the defensive reflex really reveals more about them as a person than anything else, being unable to admit that 'Yes, this character is oversexualized, and I'm okay with that,' because the connotations to go with that are bad. It very easily lends to some extremist name-calling and labeling when the discussion should be focused on whether this is an okay thing in general or if it continues to promote an objectification ideal.
The problem then becomes the 'but it's a fictional character,' argument, which is a weak argument at its core due to the fact that separating fiction from reality relies on an individual knowing themselves in and out (which is impossible, mind you). However, a lot of what we like in fiction and onward is a translation of what we want subconsciously or would gravitate towards in reality because that's how the brain circuits are wired.
Again, this is focusing purely on the visual representation. For the pure reason that most consumers will always go for the instant gratification effect rather than hold off for the longer-lasting good effect. Part of why gacha games are so popular and addicting, but that's a subject for another time.
I guess, in the end, this tangent-rant is mostly a complaint that the problem isn't the character themselves but our unwillingness to have an actual discussion on how this can be a problem, how it may perpetuate a problem, and how it should be allowed to receive these criticisms, even if some of the complaints are plastered with buzz words or using it as basis for a really bad agenda.
We'll all love good-looking designs, be they sexy, cool, cute, or just reminiscent of someone we know, but we should always be willing to criticize them. Same for games. Your feelings for something and the quality of it are two entirely different things.
If you can't separate the two from each other, then either you need to learn how you can do that or simply admit your own bias and never render judgement.
Anyways, that's all I wanted to get out of my system. Again, my own opinion of Stellar Blade's MC is "I don't care," because I've seen enough of that kind of thing to just be numb to it. Also it's not as bad as a lot of character designs in Artery Gear and Nikke, or the stupid Nero Saber Venus look in Extella.
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nczennie · 2 years
Part of a Hogwarts Collection Hogwarts!AU Pairing: Reader x Jeno Featuring: Ravenclaw!Reader, Hufflepuff!Jeno Genre: Angst Warnings: Language, brief non-detailed descriptions of a physical fight.
Taglist: @flower-lise @heyyyun @sunflowerhae @neocityfile @winc1ty @imgettinlocoloco @ashkuuuu @marklexleaf @cookydream @dnylwoo @sanisms @juoirs @luvdroids @yuxnan
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"Okay, I've got a plan" Hufflepuff!Jeno exclaims as soon as he plops his lunch down, joining his friends in the dining room. His friends eye him curiously as they wait for him to continue, unsure what this plan could be, or even what he would need a plan for.
"As you guys know," Jeno starts his speech and the others could already tell he was proud of what was about to come out of his mouth. "My last quidditch game of the semester is coming up on Friday, and we happen to be playing Ravenclaw". "And as you guys also know, the love of my life happens to belong to said house". Ravenclaw!Renjun rolls his eyes at his friend, picking up his drink to sip, already not impressed with the Hufflepuff's antics.
"Which means you'll be playing against her boyfriend!" Slytherin!Jaemin butts in, mouth full of his lunch. Jeno sends a glare to the boy, "That's besides the point, what really matters is that Hufflepuff with be hosting a party that night, no matter if we win or lose because it's the last game before break". "Ah," Slytherin!Haechan draws out, nodding his head as though he finally caught onto what his friend was suggesting, "That means Hyunjin will show up to the party with his girlfriend and you get to spend all night pinning over her from afar!" He finishes with sarcasm dripping from his voice and his smile.
Jeno was not amused by his friends, "Yeah, you would know a lot about that wouldn't you". Besides him Jaemin nearly spits out his drink as Haechan's smile drops immediately. At this Renjun's girlfriend speaks up from where she's sitting, the Slytherin girl wanting nothing more than to stop anymore drama after they had just started to patch things up, "Okay, stop it. Jeno ignore him, what does this have to do with whatever plan you were talking about". The Hufflepuff's smile returns to his face as he is reminded of what he originally wanted to say, "Well take a look at what I have to help me with the night", he smirks before reaching in the pocket of his black robe. Upon returning his hand, the others look closely and notice a small glass bottle, a cork as a lid holding in the golden liquid inside.
"What is th-" Haechan starts to question but his answer is already found when their Ravenclaw friend speaks up. "What the hell, Jeno!" Renjun exclaims, "Isn't that the bottle of liquid luck Karina won in potions!" The others gasp around him as they recall their classmate winning the small bottle as reward for completing the best brew in the class.
The Hufflepuff smirks as he seemingly finally got the full attention of those around him, "Yep, that's exactly what it is". Jaemin looks at the boy worriedly, "You stole it from her?" The boy shakes his head, putting the small potion back in his robe for safe keeping, "Of course I didn't, we made a deal".
His friends around him stay silent, looking at him expectantly to continue his story as he seems crazier and crazier by the second. "I happen to know Karina very well, and that includes knowing about her one-sided love for none-other than Ravenclaw's Hwang Hyunjin,"
"You've got to be kidding me," the Slytherin girl at the table speaks up.
"I know right, she's got awful taste," Jeno tsks taking a sip from the drink in front of him. "No Jeno," Haechan speaks up, "She means to say you can't seriously be working with Karina to break up a happy couple because of your guys one-sided crush". Jeno straightens in his seat, "Are you guys being serious? We're not doing anything weird, we're simply talking to them and if they decide we're the better choice for them that's on them". "But you're under the influence of magic," Rejun furrows his eyebrows. The Hufflepuff huffs out a sigh, rolling his eyes and loosening the tie on his neck making it obvious how annoyed he is with his friends and their lack of support. "It's not a fucking love potion, I'm just trying to have a conversation with her and I could use some more confidence". This time Jaemin speaks up, "Dude, you're using magic- no matter what kind it is, to speak to a girl to try to get her to date you. One, she already has a boyfriend, and two, you're not even going to be yourself when you drink that thing"! "You know what," Jeno stands abruptly in his seat, "Forget about it, forget everything I said." He gathers his stuff in a rush, "I would've at least expected some support from my friends". And with that he makes his way out of the dining hall, his friends watching his back unsure of what to do in this situation.
Friday rolls along before Jeno knows it and as he finishes his final game of the semester his confidence is on another level. Not only did they beat Ravenclaw, their first time this year, but if was he who scored the winning point. He was all smiles as he cleaned up in the locker room, even his friends had come to support him, all congratulating happily and promising to see him later on at the party Hufflepuff was holding. It was going to be the biggest party of the year, all houses coming together to celebrate the last quidditch game before break and to let loose before the examinations coming next month.
Jeno had just dressed in clean clothes and was running a towel through his hair, drying it as much as he could after his shower. "Hey man, you coming?" Jeno looks up to see his teammate Eric leaning down the row of lockers to check on him. He smiles and nods, "Yeah, just give me a sec to clean up my stuff here, I'll see you there". Eric gives him an over exaggerated thumbs up before his other teammate Chani leans over as well, "Don't take too long, you know the Slytherins will get all the good drinks as soon as possible and we don't want to miss out". Jeno smirks and waves them off, "Don't worry I won't be more than five minutes tops!" The other two boys leave their captain with a wave and Jeno listens carefully until the door shuts behind them leaving him alone.
He quickly leans over his bag, finding his robe and digging through the pocket to pull out the tiny potion he has obtained earlier in the week. He smirks as he opens the top, quickly glancing around him before quickly chugging the contents. He grimaces and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, shaking his head and returning the bottle to where it was hidden before. Jeno quickly grabs his stuff and makes his way out of the locker room, eager to wash the magic down with a drink.
Jeno feels amazing. He wasn't quite sure if it was the potion or the constant stream of people coming up to him and complimenting him on the game, but at this point he didn't care. His ego was at an all time high and he felt he could do anything- including talk to his crush in front of her boyfriend.
Catching a glance of the Ravenclaw couple across the room, Jeno stretches his neck to prepare himself before making his way over to the two. As he draws closer he notices the furrowed eyebrows of the girl as the boy seems to be whispering out words in a furious manner. He chuckles to himself, they must be having an argument, perhaps having seen Hyunjin and Karina talking earlier left the Ravenclaw girl is distress.
"Trouble in paradise?"
The two look over at the Hufflepuff boy who butted into their conversation, Hyunjin looking ready to end him while even the girl seems annoyed with her eyebrows drawn together and a frown etched on her face. "Jeno?" She questions, surprised to find him the cause of her current annoyance of being interrupted. Jeno lets out a chuckle, mouth moving into a smirk as he drapes his arm over Hyunjin's shoulder, "Rough day for you bud, first you lose the game cause you failed to block my shot and now you're stuck in an argument instead of enjoying the party!". The Ravenclaw girl stomach turns as she takes in the way Jeno is acting, sure they've only met in tutoring but she always considered him to be a kind easy-going person; nothing at all like his behavior now.
With a lack of response Jeno laughs once more hand coming up to ruffle Hyunjin's long hair. Not having his antics, the Ravenclaw boy gives Jeno a rough shove, "Don't fucking touch me". Jeno licks his lips, eyes moving to glare at his enemy, "Or what", he moves forward shoving the boys shoulders across from him. "You guys, c'mon stop". The Ravenclaw girl attempts to deescalate the situation but it seems her words fall on deaf ears. "You already lost the game and you'll sure as hell lose this fight too," the potion streaming through Jeno's blood seemingly rushing to his brain and cloudy his judgement and opening his mouth, "And that's not the only thing you'll lose, pretty boy" Jeno only takes a second to glance at the girl before Hyunjin comes barreling forward tackling the Hufflepuff to the poor.
"Hyunjin!" the girl calls out, "Stop! You guys!" she tries to move forward but her screams are unheard by the guys wrestling each other on the floor. Jeno can only hear ringing in his ears as he finally gets the advantage over the other boy, hand raising as he readies himself to throw a punch on the boy under him. However the blow never comes as his arm is yanked back, Jeno loses his balance as he was pulled back and off of Hyunjin. Looking up in frustration he sees Jaemin glaring at him, another presence comes to his left as he turns to see Haechan helping Jaemin pull their friend up.
He feels slightly dizzy and confused as he stands up with the help of his friends as he watches Hyunjin attempt to sit up with the help of the Ravenclaw girl and another Ravenclaw he recognizes as Sanha. He watches as she grabs his arm to stable him walking and he stomach sinks as the realization of it all. Jeno calls out her name, not knowing what he would actually say but anything for her to see his regret. Although it never comes because at the sound of it, she turns and sends the Hufflepuff a death glare dirty enough to make anyone tremble.
Jaemin gives the boy a rough pat on the shoulder clearly annoyed, "Looks like Hyunjin has the real luck here, huh?".
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Copyright © 2022 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
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theflyingkipper · 2 years
why Rebbeca look like she almost has Gordon's attitude 😂 but anyway she look so good on your drawing style
ohhh thank you 🤗💕
making her look a bit more snooty/uptight was my intention, I dont like her bland happy-go-lucky personality
if we can show love to ONE snooty express engine, why not two ? and also because *ahem* girl characters who act arrogant rarely get redeemed or appreciated in spite of their attitude. and I feel girl characters in thomas kind of get stuck with this :) im nice personality, and I would like to give them more distinct attitudes because... girls have just as much variation and depth as boys why is this something that needs to be said
ANYWAY here is my take on rebecca in writing (+some of her development and relationships with other characters, especially Nia)
In my headcanon, Rebecca is more of a "little miss perfect" type, she has a clean record, excellent performance. shes a modern light pacific and she knows it . Her attitude actually drives Gordon a little insane because Rebecca seems to be stealing sir topham's good graces from him XD
(Thomas tells him not to be such a hypocrite.)
Rebecca has a few glaring problems that she masks with anger or indifference. she has mechanical trouble (wheelslip mostly) that can get especially bad sometimes, and if anyone points it out she tries to pretend she heard nothing.
[I like to think around this point (I should mention I dont have a clear timeline for anything I make I just have vague estimates of decades/time periods because ill make my head explode if I try) which is about the late 70s, is some years after Emily arrives. I really like the idea of Emily being a replica of a stirling single, rather than an original because its fitting of her attitude and ive seen a lot of REALLY detailed headcanons of it by various people.]
Emily and Rebecca butt heads at first. Rebeccas shiny and modern, while Emily's a thing of the past- and not even one deserving of high regard because she's a replica! The two start off HATING each other and Emily doesn't have anything nice to say about her to the rest of the fleet. And it's not like Rebecca has had any compliments to give either! She calls Rosie a latrine-mouthed three-humped camel.
Nia at this time is being switched around between jobs, and while Rosie is out of service, she gets to be station pilot at Tidmouth for a while.
(I HC that Nias paintwork and general upkeep wasnt too good before she was rehomed on Sodor, and at this time she's been NWR blue since her arrival)
Rebecca initially thinks the engine who will take over Rosie's shunting duties is Thomas, since she's told a "little blue engine" will be arriving to help. Since the last impression Rebecca had of Thomas was him telling Gordon not to be such a hypocrite, she expects he'll be waiting on her wheel and axle.
She realizes there's more than one little blue engine, and is surprised to see a long engine with 8 wheels, a cowcatcher and extra cylinders. Blue with red stripes, but not Thomas.
Nia greets Rebecca with her usual "how are your wheels? how are your axles and boiler?" And even agrees that her "three-humped-camel" joke was funny. Rebecca starts off thinking Nia's going to kiss up to her.
She is wrong 💕
Nia knows a thing or two about dealing with grumpy sticks in the mud.
Rebecca, several times, tries to push Nia's buttons. She implores "aren't you tired of pushing coaches around all day? Don't you want to see the world?" And expects Nia to get all puffed up. Nia says she's been all over the world, and likes to stay in one place for a change.
Throughout Nia's time as a station pilot, she learns that Rebecca is actually very insecure, and she can see how her wheels spin painfully if she starts too fast. She points this out once and Rebecca, who's been trying to hide this, and is at her wits end that day, just blurts out that it's nothing, nothings wrong with her.
Rebecca ends up damaging her drive wheels and axles after she fails on Gordon's hill and is shamefully sent for repairs at Crovan's gate. and Henry pushes her to the works.
While Rebecca's being loaded in, Henry tries to be kind and tells Rebecca that it isn't her fault she was built the way she was. Rebecca thinks:
what would you, a big strong Black 5 know about that? Aren't you lot Stanier's swan song?
She's achingly tired of engines noticing her faults, especially ones who perform mechanically sound and clearly wouldnt know a thing about what fronts she has to put up to stay respectable. She's pleasantly surprised (though she doesn't show it) that Henry does, in fact, know exactly how she feels.
Rebecca's damage is more severe than originally thought, and a more extensive overhaul is planned. She's hoisted in the air and much of her chassis is detached.
Meanwhile, Nia arrives at the works for maintenance and a new coat of paint. Rebecca watches from above as Nia's repainted in KUR colors.
Rebecca: That's a... distinct color. It's quite becoming. Nia: was that a compliment I heard? From you?
*Rebecca has to keep from spluttering.*
Rebecca: ...I know a nice livery when I see one.
Nia: (grinning) maybe you should get repainted to something nice and bright too. Like a bright yellow and red.
(She looks across the works at Molly and Rosie, who are trying not to giggle)
Rebecca: *gasps and scoffs* I like my paint the way it is, thank you very much.
Rebecca comes back from the works a different engine, still prone to bouts of arrogance and uptightness, but a much more understanding engine who doesn't have to put up such huge facades to be respected.
Over the next few years she ends up properly becoming friends with Nia, Gordon, Rosie, Molly, and Emily. I think the idea of she and Emily having a race and making funny banter would be amazing.
See, Mattel ???you can do cool and interesting things with your girl characters and Im only at the TIP of the iceberg with my Rebecca story ideas XD
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katzkinder · 3 years
So, kind of a fang related headcanons:
- Purposefully showing off your fangs sometimes can be a sign of confidence.
- regarding something I have noticed about my two favorite subclasses: Gil shows his fangs a lot, while talking and opens his mouth pretty wide. Ray on the other hand hardly shows his. I don't think, that his are that small, but more like he's hiding them. It's hard to put it into words tbh
- vampires that don't drink blood that frequently, will slightly file their fangs down, so they don't cut themselves that much.
- in old times, fang filing was used as a punishment. The difference between that and the one mentioned above, is that they were filed to the point of not even looking like fangs anymore
- soft biting without drawing blood is a way of showing affection
- something to add to the first point: fangs play a role when finding a partner in vampire society. So, it's quite common to show their fangs off as a way to impress a potential partner.
- the fangs of recently-turned subclasses aren't suddenly there, but instead grow over the next weeks. The process cause a strong itch on their gums, which causes some to start chewing on whatever they can get their hands on. Some go as far as to buy chew toys for dogs.
- since blood has a rather neutral pH value, vampires hardly get caries.
- regarding the point above: this also means that brushing their teeth isn't as common. Some subclasses do it out of habit, while others do it cause they dislike the taste of blood.
- it doesn't matter if you are a subclass now: if your teeth were sensitive to cold before, they will stay that way
- vampires actually have wisdom teeth
These are all I have for now. I'll drop by, if I get some more ideas! - Bunny
Oooh, I really like these!! To go with the confidence thing, baring your fangs can also be taken as a sign of hostility, so older, high society conscious vampires (like Lily) are careful not to smile with teeth and to cover their mouths when they laugh. Since the Alicein grow up alongside him, many of them end up picking up on these little habits of his even though they're human, but the extent to which they keep with them varies.
Showing off your fangs in a profile photo is probably pretty common for subclass who are explicitly dtf...
As for brushing the teeth more or less often... Vampires seem like they still experience hunger? So teeth brushing is, thankfully, still a regular habit... At the least, use a mint |D
Going through a secondary teething stage always sucks, especially for primary fangs. Thankfully sheds don't happen often if the teeth are well cared for. A second round of wisdom teeth tho... Fucking ow??
Thanks for the ask! Sorry it took a while to get to it; i haven't been on desktop much recently and answering longer stuff like this on mobile is a HUGE pain in the butt. I appreciate your patience!
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 4
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: mentions sexual experiences of reader before she was of age, discussion about sex lives, flirting, touching 
Song → 18 by Anarbor
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Next →Part 5
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Head resting in your hand and elbow resting on the counter, you huffed, still not used to the heat that accumulated in the store throughout the day and praying for just one customer to walk through the door so you could experience a refreshing blast of evening air. You supposed you could go outside yourself to cool off a little, like Keishin had previously suggested in lieu of sticking your head in one of the fridges, but being the only person at the store currently, you felt a little bad about leaving the building, even if it was just to step out front.
You were still trying your best to put on a good impression for Mrs. Sakanoshita—despite the rough first impression you had made on her son—and you knew the family store was precious, so you decided to suck it up for the remainder of your shift.
Without much to do, since you had completed your chores early, you remained seated at the front counter, bored out of your mind. That was, until your prayers were answered and you heard the front doors slide open.
“Hello!” you greeted happily, ready to welcome a customer. Your radiant excitement faded when you noticed it was just Keishin, however, and went back to slumping on the counter. “Oh, it’s just you.”
“Wow, those rapid mood changes must be why we’ve been so busy lately,” Keishin shot back at you, a cigarette hanging from his mouth like usual. “Will the girl behind the counter smile or frown at you? Maybe it’ll be both. Oh, how exciting!”
“Can it, dye job,” you grumbled.
Keishin feigned hurt, his hand resting over his chest dramatically as he pretended to have been shot. “Words hurt, you know. You’ve hurt me.”
“That doesn’t matter,” you told him, lazily gesturing around the empty store. “What does matter is that we’ve been dead for hours and I’m bored.”
Keishin poked his bottom lip out and faked a pout. “Awh, poor baby. Is getting paid to sit there and do nothing hard work? You must be exhausted. Poor thing.”
“I don’t get paid nearly enough to put up with you.” You reached across the counter to lightly smack his shoulder but he jumped out of the way just in time. “Seriously though, stay and entertain me for a while.”
“If you’re that bored, why don’t you dust the vents or something?”
You laid your head down on the counter and exhaled slowly for effect. “You know I aim to please but that sounds like hell. Can’t you just talk to me for like ten minutes? Tell me about your day or something.”
Keishin threw his head back and groaned loudly. “But I’m too hungry to think about anything other than food right now.”
“I’m hungry too but you don’t see me complaining about it.”
“No, you’re just complaining about everything else.” He leaned against the other side of the counter, his tongue flicking against the tip of his cigarette as he thought. “Actually, I’ve got a better idea.”
You glanced up at him, waiting for him to elaborate. “I doubt it but proceed.”
Done with your constant back talk, which was extremely common between the two of you ever since you had worked out your differences and agreed to the deal he had suggested, he took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke directly into your face. “Just shut up and listen, will you?”
You coughed when you accidentally inhaled the second-hand smoke. “If I get cancer and die, I’m haunting you.”
“Go ahead.” He didn’t pay any attention to the words leaving your mouth as he headed into the back room and shut off the store lights. Then, with his own set of keys in hand, he headed back toward the front of the store. “Come on.” He looked back at you expectantly when you didn’t immediately follow.
Confused, you slowly stepped around from the back of the counter. “Where are we going?”
“We’re closing up early and going to get something to eat.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, half of you wondering if this was some sort of employee test to see how responsible you were. “Are we allowed to do that?”
“I am, you aren’t,” Keishin said, beckoning you over to him. “But let’s just keep this between you and I, yeah? What my mom doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, it’s slow anyway.”
Taking off your white apron and grabbing your things, you reluctantly followed the older man out of the store and watched as he locked up behind the two of you. Anxiously, you shifted your weight from foot to foot. “Are you sure I won’t get in trouble for this?”
“I promise I won’t tell on you,” Keishin assured you as he stuffed the keys back into his pocket and dropped his cigarette bud to the ground before crushing it with his foot. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”
Falling into pace beside Keishin as the two of you set off down the sidewalk, you following his lead, you weren’t sure exactly sure what to say or even if you should say something. Never before had you and Keishin existed outside of the store together and it felt a little awkward. 
“So . . . is this like a date or something?” You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. What you had meant to come across as a casual inquiry ended up sounding more like a desperate girl clarifying what she meant to the boy she liked. You sounded like a child.
The corners of Keishin’s mouth curled upward and he shrugged. “Call it whatever you want.” He really didn’t seem to care one way or another. “Although, I’d be a horrible boyfriend if I didn’t take you out at least once . . . fake or not.”
You nearly choked on your spit at the use of the word ‘boyfriend’. Even though you had been pretending to date him for the purposes of changing your parents’ ideals for the past few weeks, you were still caught off guard every time Keishin referred to himself as your boyfriend—even though he was usually doing it to mock you. 
“Yeah, just awful,” you agreed halfheartedly. “Where are we going anyway?”
“This little place that I like,” he said, his answer extremely vague until he continued. “Best ramen I’ve ever had.”
After a few more minutes of walking, the two of you arrived at the place Keishin was talking about and he ordered two take-out bowls and paid for them both, insisting that you should try his regular order since you had never been there before. Not wanting to disagree because he was footing the bill, you let him do what he wanted and tailed him out to a picnic table outside like an obedient puppy. 
“It’s much too hot to eat inside,” Keishin reasoned as he plopped down on the opposite side of the picnic table from you. “Plus, it’s nice outside. Might as well enjoy the weather while it lasts, right?”
“Right.” You nodded.
While Keishin dug right into his meal, you sat still, hands in your lap, and watched him. One thing you had quickly come to realize was that Keishin was the perfect specimen for people watching, and not just because he was relatively easy on the eyes. He was an interesting person; for example, how he tucked half-smoked cigarettes behind his ear to smoke later or how he always wore a headband to keep his hair out of his face but vehemently refused to just cut his damn hair. 
Even though you bugged him about cutting his hair all the time, you secretly hoped he would continue to stand his ground and refuse because you wanted to see what he looked like with his hair down. You also wanted to run your hands through his hair—it looked soft and fluffy—but that was besides the point.
“Hey, it’s gonna get cold,” Keishin snapped you out of your thoughts, his mouth half full of ramen as he jabbed his chopsticks in your direction. “Don’t tell me you don’t like ramen. You should have said something before I ordered for both of us.”
Snapping out of your daze, you picked up your chopsticks and shook your head. “No, I like ramen.” You took a bite to prove your point. “Sorry, I was just lost in thought.”
Keishin waited for you to eat a little more before digging for your consensus. “Good, right?”
“Yeah, really good,” you agreed. “I always walk past this place but I’ve never gone inside.”
“I was the same way. It doesn’t really catch your eye, so unless you’re looking for it, it’s easy to miss,” he said. “Then one day my grandpa took me here for my birthday and I’ve been coming ever since.”
You snickered. “Popular date spot then?”
Keishin cocked a brow. “What?”
“I mean, if you come here a lot, I’m sure it’s a go-to for dates,” you continued. “It even comes with a wholesome story about how your grandpa introduced you to it. Ultimate chick magnet.”
Keishin just rolled his eyes at you. “You know, contrary to popular belief, most girls don’t like it when you take them out to eat cheap ramen on a picnic table that’s falling apart.”
You chuckled. “I wasn’t going to say anything about the table, but I’m pretty sure I have at least ten splinters in my ass by now.”
“Yeah, this thing is torture. So eat fast and then we’ll move to the park across the street or something.”
Shoveling the rest of your food into your mouth, you ate fast while Keishin stared you down, every second that passed introducing your butt to a new world of pain. As soon as you were done, Keishin took both of your take-out bowls and tossed them into a nearby trashcan.
“Well, sucks for all those other girls then, because that ramen really is amazing,” you said when Keishin returned, the two of you crossing the street and heading into the park. 
“Told you.” Keishin smiled. “I’m glad you liked it.”
Once in the park, which was empty considering it was dark out and most kids were in bed by then, the two of you picked a nearby bench that wasn’t splintering and took a seat. 
Drawing your knees up to your chest, you wrapped your arms around your legs and sighed. “Thanks for dinner.”
“Yeah, no problem.” He let his head fall back and looked up at the night sky. “Damn, I could really go for an ice cold beer right now.”
“Well, we could start heading back now if you want,” you suggested. “The beers at the store are extra chilly since I didn’t stick my head in the fridges to cool off today, despite how sweltering it was.”
Keishin laughed. “Well, thank you for that,” he drew in a deep breath and relaxed into the bench, deciding whether to get up or not. “Let’s stay here for a while longer though.”
Silence fell over the two of you as you stared up at the sky and listened to the sounds of Miyagi in the evening. You tried to remember the last time you had gone out like this—just going wherever you wanted and doing whatever you wanted. You couldn’t recall the last time . . . or even if there was a last time.
Tilting your head to look at Keishin, you smiled at the sight of him sitting with his eyes closed, arms crossed behind his head and head lolled back. He looked happy, almost as peaceful as he did when he was sleeping.
“Hey,” you whispered.
Keishin cracked an eye open to look at you. “Hmm?”
“Thanks for tonight.” You breathed in the scent of the night air and a feeling of content washed over you. “As you’ve probably already figured out, I don’t really have any friends. I don’t get to go out like this very often . . . or ever, really.”
“You don’t need to thank me. It’s what boyfriends are for, right?”
You giggled. “Well, considering you’re not my real boyfriend, I think a ‘thank you’ is in order.”
“Well, you’re welcome,” he caved. “Speaking of fake boyfriends, how’s it going with your parents?”
You let out a frustrated moan. “Oh, about as well as expected. When I mentioned I was seeing someone they bombarded me with a million questions, none of which were answered to their satisfaction.”
Keishin cringed. “So I’m that bad, huh?”
You scoffed. “If you think that’s bad, you should have seen their faces when I showed them a photo of you.”
Keishin let out a laugh. “Don’t tell me they weren’t fans of the piercings?”
“Oh, they weren’t fans of anything,” you said. “I think the only positive thing they could say about you was that you had a pulse . . . no offense.”
“Eh, no worries. At least they didn’t call me a burnout . . . then I would have started crying.”
“Hey!” You smacked at his shoulder again, managing to hit your target this time. “I said I was sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t pay for my therapy.”
“Yeah, well, if you need therapy I doubt I’m the biggest reason.”
“You really are so cruel to me. Do your parents know you facilitate abusive relationships?”
You closed your eyes and shook your head. “That insinuates I’ve had past relationships, or any real ones.”
Keishin craned his neck to look at you, eyes wide. “Wait, you’ve never been in a relationship before? Like never?”
“Nope. I don’t even have any friends, so what makes you think anyone wants to date the boring girl with the crazy parents?”
Keishin looked at you like you were some wounded animal he had just found on the side of the road. You could see in his eyes he was slowly coming to terms with just how isolating your life was. You could tell he felt bad, but the last thing you wanted was his sympathy.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that,” you told him. “I’m not completely pathetic, okay? I still went through my experimental phase like most teenagers do. I just had to be very sneaky about it.”
“You know, back of a car, other people’s houses when their parents were gone. As far as my parents know, I’m untainted . . . a precious, naive virgin. I’m just not very experienced.”
“I can imagine.” Keishin was a little thrown by the direction the conversation had taken, but you were both adults and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little curious, so he just rolled with it. “High school boys aren’t exactly known for being great in bed.”
The two of you let out a shared laugh at that. “You got that right,” you agreed. 
“So, wait, no relationships but you’ve had sex? So you’ve never been with someone you have a genuine connection with?”
You eyed Keishin, perplexed by the sudden sincerity in his words. “You didn’t peg me as someone who cares about that kind of stuff.”
“I mean, I’ve had my fair share of one night stands, sure, but I’m not completely heartless,” he said, the eye contact he was using while he spoke sending a chill down your spine. “It’s completely different when it’s someone you care about. The experience is something everyone should have at least once in their lives.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a genuine connection with anyone before,” you confessed, unsure why you were spilling some of your deepest secrets in public, on a park bench, to a man you had only known for a couple of months. “It’s kind of hard when everyone is held at an arm’s length away.”
Without warning, Keishin shifted closer to you and placed his hand on your face, the pad of his thumb ghosting over your bottom lip. “I . . . I don’t know what to say,” he breathed.
“It’s not sad, not for me at least. You can’t miss something you’ve never had,” you spoke softly, worried you might scare him away if your voice was too loud or if you made any sudden movements. “No best friends, no boyfriends. Just me, my parents, and everyone else.”
Keishin looked like he wanted to say something; in fact, he looked like he wanted to say a lot of things, but despite this, he remained silent. Maybe he was worried about offending you, or maybe he was finally understanding just how different you were from other people. Maybe he didn’t like different. 
“But now there’s you.” You flashed a small smile, hoping to draw him out of whatever mess was going on inside of his head. “I’ve never met someone like you before.”
“Someone like me?” he finally spoke.
You nodded as you placed your hand over the one he was resting on your cheek and held it. “I’m not your responsibility and yet you’re going out of your way to help me. Not to mention I don’t even deserve your help. You are the first truly selflessly kind person I’ve ever met. Thank you.”
“What if I’m not as kind as you think I am?” His hands found their way to your waist and he pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him. “What will you do then?”
“That depends on what you’re planning on doing.”
Hands running up your sides, Keishin dug his finger tips into your skin as you lowered your head toward his, mouths inches apart. “What if I took you home, laid you down, and took care of you like a boyfriend should?” You could feel his hot breath on your face as he spoke. “What if I took advantage of your lack of experience?”
“I would say thank you,” you said, inching closer. Before your lips met, however, you stopped yourself. “But I promised not to fall in love, and I think it would be awfully hard to keep my promise if you did that.” With that, you planted your hands on his shoulders and pushed yourself away from him before he could make a decision he would later regret. 
Standing up, you collected yourself and drew in a deep breath. As soon as you had detached yourself from Keishin, you could see the fog that had been clouding his judgement dissipating as he came back to his senses. 
“I should probably head home now.” You decided, not wanting to ruin the first actual friendship you had by doing something stupid and selfish. 
“Yeah.” Keishin nodded, slowly standing up as well. It was clear he was slightly embarrassed by his actions, but you also noticed the glint in his eyes that gave away the part of him that still wanted to take you home with him. 
Trying to immediately leave what had just happened in the past, you smiled and turned to start heading home, opting to take the longer way so you wouldn’t have to take the same route as Keishin. “Good night, Keishin.”
“Good night, Y/N.” You heard him call after you, but you didn’t look back at him. Instead, you kept walking, hoping the time apart would serve as a reset on your relationship and put things back to how they had been before that night.
A few weeks ago, you would have jumped at the chance Keishin had dangled in front of your face just now. But since then, you had realized he was more important to you than someone you could just throw away with a one night stand. And since there was no way the two of you could actually be together, this was the only option if you didn’t want to lose him.
If only someone had warned you that genuine connections were this complicated. 
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mummybear · 4 years
Help You Out
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Words: 3483
Warnings: Massage, Swearing, Smut, Major Dirty Talk (Really Guys What’s New?), Girl On Top, Topping From Bottom, Oral (Female Receiving), Biting, Slightly Possessive Dean, Multiple Orgasms. Think that’s it.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader, Mentions of Sam Winchester
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean’s back hurts after so many nights in different motels, so when he and Y/N are forced to share a bed she offers him a hand to get rid of the ache, will he agree to her help when he’s been so distant with her lately?
A/N: @spndeanbingo Square filled - Motel Room. And a big thank you as always to my amazing beta @negans-lucille-tblr
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Dean grumbles something under his breath, shifting awkwardly in his seat as he drives, mere minutes away from the motel. You couldn’t wait to get inside the room and take a shower, you were still feeling a little grimy from the previous motel, but luckily Sam actually seemed fairly impressed with the ones at this motel, and Sam Winchester was very rarely wrong when it came to showers.
“This bed better not be as bad as the last one, my back still hurts, damn lumps, I miss my-” Before he can finish his grumbling complaints, you cut him off already knowing what he’s going to say, safe to say this was far from the first time you’d heard it even in the past ten minutes.
“You miss your memory foam mattress back at the bunker, yes I know, and yes I also know that it remembers you.” You sigh loudly, before continuing with a lighter tone to your voice. “Look Dean, we’re here now, we can sleep for a bit then hit the road in the morning, okay?” You try and reason, doing your best to keep the annoyance from your voice.
Dean wasn’t much fun to be around when he was cranky and tired, nor when he was hungry for that matter. They were two of Dean’s biggest weaknesses. He kept insisting he was fine, but Sam and you had known better.
The two of you climbed out of the Impala and headed over to the main office, where a grumpy looking old man was thumbing through the paper.
“Good evening, could we get a double room please,” you ask as nicely as possible, the guy looks up and barely grunts, so you try a different tact, “two beds. One room.” You tell him, trying to keep the edge out of your voice.
“Only one double bed, one room.” The man tells you barely above a mutter, “take it or leave it.”
“We can go somewhere else,” Dean mutters quietly, turning to walk away from the counter. You frown in confusion looking back at Dean, with the key already in hand as you shake your head at the elder Winchester’s behaviour.
“We’ll take it.” You tell the man begrudgingly, not missing the slight hint of panic that flashes across Dean’s face when he looks back at you. You watch Dean with confusion as he turns and leaves you behind. You can’t put your finger on what the hell is wrong with him, and the last few days it has only gotten worse, but you follow him out of the office regardless.
You both grab your duffle bags from the Impala’s trunk, an uncomfortable silence surrounding the two of you, which was something you weren’t used to when it came to Dean, no matter how grumpy he was the two of you never really seemed to be affected, but the last few days you noticed there had been something that changed between the two of you.
When you stepped inside the room it already looked at least a little better than the last one you’d had to stay in. From what you can see the bathroom is cleaner and the bed looks a lot more comfortable and sanitary, though you were sure not all things would be coming up roses.
“You take the bed, I’ll take the sofa or something,” Dean offers, tossing his bag onto the small sofa, which was most definitely not going to work for a Winchester, not in a million years.
“Don’t be silly, Dean, we can share. We’re both adults. Or you can take the bed and I’ll take the sofa, because you couldn’t fit on that even if someone cut your legs off at the knees,” you half laugh, making your way into the bathroom with your own bag. Dean follows you to the doorway and leans against it. “Dean, it doesn’t make sense for us to stay here if you can’t even sleep. And I guarantee you, there is no way that you’re getting any sleep on that couch,” you reason, as you adjust the temperature of the shower and pull the curtain closed.
Dean scratches at the back of his neck and shifts awkwardly on the spot, “I uh, move a lot in my sleep, especially when I’m tired. Wouldn’t wanna hurt you or somethin’. I can just go sleep in the car.”
“Don’t make me throw you on that bed, we both know I can do it,” you warn him playfully, a little confused when you see a blush on his cheeks. You pull off your flannel and drop it to the floor.
“Now go get your butt in bed, please, we can share. But I draw the limit at you watching me get undressed.” You see him shift on the spot again. “I promise, if you get too aggressive at any point then I can sleep on the couch,” you assure him, finally earning yourself a slight nod.
“O-Okay, if you’re sure,” Dean stutters his half answer before stumbling out of the door and closing it behind him.
“So adorable sometimes,” you laugh to yourself, now fully undressed you climb into the shower, letting the hot water take you away for a little while.
By the time you come out from your shower Dean has collapsed on one side of the bed, fast asleep on his stomach, his jeans still clinging to his ankle as he groans something into the pillow his face is squished into.
You can’t help but admire the way he looks, even with his face pressed into the pillow he’s still one of the most handsome men you’d ever met. Those strong legs and the curve of his firm ass in those boxers, or the strong lines of muscle which are more visible in his back from this position, then of course, there’s dimples at the base of his spine that you’d never noticed before. His arms are under the pillow beneath his head, but you can see the defined muscles in them. You’d always had a thing for Dean’s arms, even though you’d tried not to let yourself look for too long, for fear he or Sam would catch you.
You shake yourself from your slight daze and throw your duffle down alongside Dean’s. Carefully tugging his jeans from his ankle and leaving them with the rest of his clothes, before pulling the covers over his body.
You freeze as he shifts in bed, worried that you’ve woken him up, but instead he curls slightly into the covers and onto his side, one arm beneath his pillow as he gets comfortable again. You breathe properly again when he settles, and you climb into your own side, pulling the covers up.
Dean’s body warmth and his light snores eventually lull you into a surprisingly peaceful sleep.
You practically jump awake from your peaceful sleep, it takes you a minute to remember where you are, then you hear that noise again, Dean’s angrily grumbling something beside you as he tosses and turns in bed.
“Dean? What’s wrong?” You ask quietly, voice still heavy and thick with sleep as you turn to look in his direction.
“Jus’ my fuckin’ back, sweetheart, sorry, go back to sleep,” Dean growls in sleepy irritation, throwing himself onto his back again.
You sigh and sit up, turning on the bedside lamp, “turn over, lay on your stomach. I can give you a massage. I’ve had to do it before, Dean, when I was on a hunt with a friend of mine who fucked up her shoulder.”
“I’ll be fine. Just go back to sleep. Besides, massages never work on me,” Dean argues, only annoying you that much more.
“Dean, stop arguing, just let me try and help for fuck's sake.”
“Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he grunts shifting onto his front.
You feel him stiffen beneath you as you straddle his ass, “just shut up grumpy ass. Listen to me, close your eyes and take a deep breath, relax,” you tell him as quietly as you can, trying to keep your voice soft, your ass hovering above his as you lean forwards and firmly grip his shoulders. He’s so tense and as you move your thumbs over his knotted muscles, you can tell you might be here a little while. Dean lets out a groan as you press and rotate your thumbs at the base of his neck, slowly making your way down his spine, digging into the knotted muscles as you move.
Well fuck, that may have been the sexiest noise that you’d ever heard. You try and ignore the way his groan shoots arousal straight between your legs, but you have to bite your own lip when you watch the way his hands fist at the sheets beneath him.
“How’s that feel?” you ask him, just above a whisper as your thumbs press into the muscles around his shoulder blades. Dean turns his head to the side and moans as you press against a particularly stubborn knot. You have to fight with yourself not to roll your hips against his ass.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’ve really got somethin’- Oh God,” he groans deeply and you swear your heart is pounding when he continues to talk in that same deep voice. “Your hands are like fuckin’ magic, I’m gonna have to listen to you more often.” He moans again as you move lower, sliding down so you're sitting on the backs of his thighs, your thumbs pressing into the bottom of his spine and the top of that firm ass of his.
You hate how shaky your voice is when you reply and how uncomfortable your panties have become. “Yeah, I guess you will. Glad you’re finally seeing sense.”
“You could charge for this, damn,” Dean rasps, as you lift yourself off of his thighs, terrified he’ll be able to feel how damp your panties are against his skin. You gently pull down the top of his boxers, digging your thumbs into the firm muscles feeling him relax under you. Then your hands move down further, gently pressing your thumbs under the curve of his ass and down his strong thighs.
“Holy fuckin’ shit, Y/N,” he all but growls and it takes every ounce of self control you have not to moan his name, practically biting into your tongue.
You take a deep breath and tap Dean’s shoulder gently before you lose your nerve, feeling the lump pressing at the base of your throat.
“You wanna turn over? So that I can do the front,” you explain just above a whisper, feeling him stiffen beneath you.
“That might not be such a good idea, Y/N,” he warns you, his voice taking on a deeper and rougher tone than before.
“Please Dean, thought we agreed you should listen to me more often,” you joke shakily; even you’re not sure if this is a good idea anymore. You think that you might know the reason he doesn’t want to turn over, but the thought alone only makes you want him to do it more.
“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he rasps, as you sit up a little higher, allowing him to turn onto his back beneath you. As soon as they’re able to, his big green eyes lock on yours, looking a little panicked, and you quickly notice that his face is flushed.
You gasp as you lower yourself into his lap, feeling the impressive bulge that’s currently pressing between your thighs. You do your best to ignore it as you press your thumbs into the front of his shoulders and down his collarbone and over his pecks, before looking into his eyes again. Safe to say that was a big mistake.
His big hands grip your thighs when you involuntarily roll your hips against him, feeling his thickness press against you clit. Your nails sink into his pecs and he moans your name, “feel better, Dean?” you ask barely above a whisper as his hands drag roughly up your thighs and grip your ass tightly, finally pulling a whimper from your parted lips.
“Oh yeah, so much better, sweetheart,” Dean all but growls, nails sinking into your ass as his grip tightens.
You slump forward, letting your hands rest either side of his head as you look into one another’s eyes. “Is this why you’ve been weird around me lately? Because your back hurts? Or does it have more to do with the raging hard on between your legs?” you question him, unable to stop the smirk from curling at your lips when his cheeks blush bright red.
“I uh… I guess the last one,” he tells you quietly, swallowing hard and squeezing your ass harder. You cock your eyebrow in confusion as you look down at him, “look, don’t laugh, but I’ve kinda had this… thing for you lately,” he tells you quietly, a look on his face that tells you he’s worried about what you might say.
“Show me then,” you tell him, biting into your grin.
You squeal in surprise when he practically throws you onto your back and is hovering over you seconds later, a smirk stretching over his plump lips.
“Oh, I’ll show you alright,” Dean all but growls, the nervous side of him has seemingly disappeared as he kisses his way down your neck. You whimper as he sucks a mark into the skin, and drags his teeth over your collarbone, continuing to leave his marks across your body.
Dean settles between your legs and tugs them over his shoulders. You sit up, unable to stop yourself from watching. His eyes remain on yours as his thick tongue moves through your slick, the heat in his gaze makes your stomach roll, and you can’t help but moan his name desperately when his tongue circles around your clit slowly.
Your fingers thread through his hair and your breath catches in your throat when he finally sinks two thick fingers into your wet heat. It’s been ages since you’ve been with a guy, and even longer since you’d been with someone who knew what he was doing - safe to say Dean was a guy who knew what he was doing. With that perfect mouth of his, he's alternating between kitten licks and nibbling and sucking at your sensitive bundle of nerves, and your entire body feels like it’s on fire.
“Dean, get up here, please, I need you inside me,” you whimper as he starts curling his fingers inside you, stroking against that spot which makes your toes curl and your eyes roll back.
Your fingers tighten in his hair, and Dean’s groan vibrates through your pussy, causing a shiver to edge its way up your spine.
He finally relents, easing his fingers from inside you and sucking them between his lips, throwing you a wink as he pulls them free with an audible pop.
“Want my cock that bad, do ya sweetheart?” Dean chuckles, kissing and sucking at your skin as he crawls back over your body.
“Yes I do, you dork. Now get up here and fuck me.”
You giggle when he practically pounces on you, his lips immediately finding yours in a frenzied kiss. Dean shifts between your legs and you hook them over his hips as the tip of his cock nudges at your dripping entrance. Your hands grip at his shoulders, nails digging into his skin, as he pulls away from your lips letting you both gasp for much needed breath.
Dean sits up on his knees, spreading them with his big hands and pulling you closer until your legs are pressed against his chest and your ass is resting on his thighs.
“Fuck, look at you sweetheart, so perfect, can’t wait to feel your tight little pussy wrapped around my cock.” Dean groans as he pushes forward slightly, and you feel your pussy stretch around the wide head of his perfectly thick cock.
You cup your tits, feeling your nails biting at your skin as Dean pushes forward a little further, until he’s fully seated inside you. Dean grips the tops of your thighs as he starts to move, slow and calculated, his grip tightens on you when you try to rock against him.
“Fuck, Dean, more please,” you whine loudly, feeling him hitting that spot repeatedly.
“Don’t worry baby girl, you’re gonna fuckin’ come all over my cock real soon,” he rasps, turning his head to nip at your calf as his thrusts speed up, one of his hands splaying over your stomach, and you swear you can feel his cock bulging under your skin. You look up at Dean in awe, feeling that familiar feeling rising fast, your pussy fluttering and your stomach tightening.
“I can feel my cock against my hand sweetheart, so fuckin’ deep inside your sweet little cunt. You gonna come for me? Wanna watch you bounce on that cock, you gonna do that for me, baby?” Dean rasps as his thumb starts to rub at your clit.
“Oh… oh God! Dean! Fuck anything you want… I’m gonna-” You cut yourself off with a silent scream, feeling your entire body go rigid as you gasp for the breath you don’t even know if you need.
You’ve not even had time to come down from your orgasm when Dean rolls you both over, so you’re on top and he’s on his back, a cocky smirk on those perfect lips of his. You slump forward slightly with your hands on his chest, still panting hard.
“So sexy when you come for me,” Dean purrs as you start moving your hips over him, rocking back and forth.
“Love your big cock, Dean, fills me so good,” you whimper, already feeling another orgasm burning just out of sight.
Dean brings his legs up higher on the bed, so his legs are spread slightly behind you. Your nails bite at his skin when you start to rise and fall over him, feeling his thickness fill you and leave you repeatedly, quickly picking up speed. Dean cups one of your breasts and pinches the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The slap of your skin against his mixes with your moans and whimpers and Dean’s grunts and groans.
“Gonna make me come, sweetheart, so fuckin’ close. Can’t wait to fuck you full baby girl, you’d like that wouldn’t you, huh? Wanna feel my come dripping from this tight little cunt? Wanna remember who made you scream like a little slut while we’re drivin’ home, don’t ya?” Dean all but growls, snapping his hips to meet yours with the end of every question. His fucking mouth and his perfect cock have you close to losing your damn mind.
“Yes Dean, please. I want it, wanna feel your cock for days. Give it to me, Dean. I need it, please, only a little slut for you,” you whimper feeling your arms shake as he pulls you flat against his chest.
His grip is unyielding as he grabs your ass tightly in those big hands of his, “gonna fuckin’ ruin you princess, ain’t nobody gonna fuck you like me.” He grunts possessively as his hips begin to slam up into you at an inhuman rate. You’re sure your heart is about to thud out of your chest, all you can hear is Dean and the blood that’s rushing through your ears.
Your orgasm sneaks up on you out of nowhere, squeezing tight around Dean’s throbbing cock. White light explodes behind your eyelids, but Dean doesn’t stop moving until you’re practically shaking on top of him, feeling his come trickling down between you.
“Fuck.” You gasp against his sweat slick chest, feeling his fingers running through your hair as he shushes you.
You’re surrounded by him in the best way, and you can feel your body beginning to calm down.
“One word for it,” he chuckles breathlessly, before finally opening his eyes and looking at you.“You okay?” he asks, voice still deep and thick with something so sexy you involuntarily shiver again as Dean rolls you both onto your sides.
“Best I’ve ever had,” you tell him honestly, watching the grin that spreads across his lips. “So, are you finally gonna quit acting weird around me?” you ask with a teasing smile.
“Probably not, sweetheart. You drive me crazy, in every way possible. Anyway, can’t be that bad if it got us here,” Dean grins, pressing a chaste kiss your lips.
“Well, I guess you got me there. You ever want another massage you know where to find me.”
“Oh, I will definitely be taking you up on that.” Dean smirks pulling you against him, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Now sleep, we’ve got an early start. I wanna see if we can make my memory foam remember you too.”
If you would like to be tagged in any of my taglists guys just ask! 
All Fic Tags: @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @cockslut-padalecki @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278 @peaches007 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1
Dean/Jensen Tags: @fandom-princess-forevermore @hobby27​ @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967 @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @maddiepants​ @spnfanfic-reblogs​ @holylulusworld​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @sonofabringmesomepie​ @deans-baby-momma​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @hhiggs​ @pisces-cutie​ @trina44sb @heartsaved​ @matsumama​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @beth-winchester21​ @doctor-hp-mcu​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @fanddoms4love​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @nihilismworld​ @bxbyizzy​ @noobwuvsj2 @lyarr24​
Pond Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean​ @manawhaat​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​  @nichelle-my-belle​ @notnaturalanahi​ @deanscarlett​ @roxy-davenport​ @impala-dreamer​ @samsgoddess​ @frenchybell​ @scorpiongirl1​  @deandoesthingstome​ @deansleather​ @curliesallovertheplace​ @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname​ @waywardjoy​ @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious​ @kayteonline​ @supernatural-jackles​ @wevegotworktodo​ @quiddy-writes​ @babypieandwhiskey​ @supermoonpanda​ @deanwinchesterforpromqueen​ @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog​ @memariana91​ @teamfreewill-imagine​ @chelsea-winchester​ @becs-bunker​ @castieltrash1​ @supernaturalyobessed​ @ruined-by-destiel​ @winchester-writes​ @evilskank-inthemegacoven​ @maraisabellegrey-blog​ @faith-in-dean​ @winchestersmolder​ @bennyyh​ @clueless-gold​ @deanwinchesterxreader​ @winchester-family-business​ @there-must-be-a-lock​ @just-another-winchester​ @cas-backwards-tie​ @winecatsandpizza​ @firefly-in-darkness​
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
(TW : Bullying)
Random and dark headcanons about Shuu Sakamaki
If you are not comfortable with those themes please just scroll, I don't want to make anyone uneasy, it's for fiction and fantasies only, Shuu is in NO WAY meant to be portrayed in real life, he is not a good person and none of his actions are acceptable.
In which you're a bride living in the Sakamaki manor :
- His voice is really low, much lower and raspier than his voice in the anime, it just makes more sense to me because he's always sleepy and horny, sadly he's the one who speaks the less (like, sir, just keep your mouth open and never shut up 👄🔪)
- He's just so disgusted everytime Reiji come near him that he's always scrunching his nose for a split second and then furrows his brows as if he smelled something bad but it's just Reiji (🤣🤣) and four eyes get even more mad.
- If your staring at him for too long he will stare back at you and look at you up and down. Now, there's two type of look, there is the "gtfo of my face, you're burning my eyes" (which is kinda hot in its own way 👉👈) and the "I'm horny as hell, keep staring at me I will mount you, female." And I don't know how, but he notice everything, you can try and  be unnoticeable by looking at him and then looking away but when your looking back at him again, he's staring right at your soul like 👁-👁 (sir pls stop you're scaring me)
- He have bedroom eyes like, 90 % of the times, Shuu always seems to be in his own reality with his closed eyes and earphones, he somehow look zooted (on sleep and sex uhu, anyways letmeshutup)
- He's the king of side-eye, if you bother his slumber he will give you the saltiest, hottest, coldest side-eye, it'll make you tear up. My theory is that he can make people crumble with just a look. (and that's on 💫trauma💫)
- Now that we're on the subject of tears, Shuu loves them (you monster) and try a lot of things mainly out of boredom and just to randomly see you cry because why not. And him being a teaser + dacryphilia is the worst thing you can ask for. Because when the oldest lay his interest on someone, I think that the rest of the brothers kinda back off to  not make him angry (they're not suicidal gud gud) so you're just getting bullied by him and everyone is just watching.
- For example when you walk past him, he'll pinch your thighs and it always hurts so bad and leaves red/purple spots or just grab your wrist and hold it really hard till you cry and beg him to not break it. And sometimes he'll just plainly ignore you which can be worst because it's always leaving you with the impression that something's gonna fall upon you when you least expect it. (Not mister playing as the Fates) And if you try to avoid him, he's going to catch up on it pretty fast and suddenly you're seeing him everywhere and he's not going to limit his torture to the manor, even in school he will find ways to terrorize you. He will say the lewdest, dirtiest things to you like its nothing or will just sneak up on you and touch your butt in the hall. (You need to keep an eye on him like the bogeyman). It's just a game for him, he's bored and you're the perfect prey to toy with.
- Yeah also he doesn't care about consent... just like the rest of his demonic gremlins of brothers, resisting him just makes it more fun for him. But if you are actually getting aggressive like pulling his hair, slapping him or scratching his skin he'll put out his knife (he gon look at you like dis 🔵👄🔵🔪) and will threatens to kill you really slowly. A thing about his knife, is that admin once said that he's carrying it everywhere, so he can just pull it out of idk where and rub it on your skin, threatening silently to slit your throat at any moment. There is always that one kid who like to draw on people's arms with a marker in school, Shuu does the same with his knife, you have little cuts here and there because of him.
- He's manipulative and merciless, you can pour your heart out to him and tell him how something just broke you and he's gonna look at you like "and what does it got to do with me?" or just fall asleep on you. He picks a lot on your insecurities just because he knows where it hurts (he doesn't really think it, he don't care lol) and will talk to you with such a mocking/condescending tone, as if your stupid and its not like you can complain about it.
- Shuu appears at the most random times and just ask you to do things that HE'S supposed to do. And you can either do your thing and he won't care or be bothered that you disobeyed and will punish you. Admin mentioned it often, how one of the scariest thing with Shuu is the unlimited feeling of uncertainty, you really never know. One day he's cool with you and the other he's not.
- Remember when Shuu talked about seduction ? He said that its the difference between him and Laito. Laito thrives off people's fear and disgust of him and he will force himself upon them, and with Laito, you're mainly scared of him. But with Shuu, there is something quite exciting about him being around you and just giving you his attention. (Idk how to explain it, it's the Shuu Effect 🦋) Sometimes you can even feel like you have a choice, when you really don't. He's guilt-tripping you a lot of the time and you don't realize it sometimes and think that it's your decision, but honey...
- When he starts to get use to you, use to you taking care of him and use to your presence that's when the trickiest part comes up. He can either, get bored of you so he'll probably leave you alone giving green signals to his brothers to do whatever they want (or he kills you) or he's falling in love.
- You know that he's falling in love with you when he's more around you to the point when he's the only face that you're seeing and his brothers are just avoiding you like the plague, everyone does, it's like, even humans have a gut feeling that being around you won't bring them good because of the scary demon behind you. (Well if you listen to him it's more of a "You're the one obsessed with me and not the opposite" but yk), he's going to insult you every ten seconds because you looked at an alive being "I'm not looking at you for ten seconds and you're already whoring yourself out ? Pathetic." (But really, it's the poSseSsiViTy), I can also see him as being more touchy in a way but it varies, it don't necessarily mean that Shuu would go tender on you.
- He built a wall around him (like attack on titan type of wall duh, Wall Maria I see you 🙄) to block and repulse any being who wants to be close to him, so when he realizes that he's falling in love with you (and hard because Shuu don't have the concept of limit) he will probably get scared and would try to back off, scare you, being even more brutal because he need to know, need to be sure, how willing you are to be with him. He can't handle a deception and also I feel like he is pretty aware of his mental state and he is deeply scared of losing you and losing himself completely in the same boat.
- When he starts to really care for you, I think that he will start to have nightmares again, especially about Edgar and other stuff involving you because how scared he is. Which bring me to an article that admin about Shuu mastering aftercare, it's 100% logic that he's with you and whispering sweet nothing till he sure that you are safe and asleep with him.
- When his shell starts to crack, it's when he's going to be as his probably most vulnerable state when you can just see how much the paranoia, the possessivity and all the trauma cloud his mind. He will still try to test you for some time and just kinda...still observing like a predator (but with more of a lovesick turn) till he's certain that you will not betray him. And don't take it personally, that's just how he is, everything has been taken away from him, all the happiness, all the color were sucked out of his life, and when there is a real opportunity of getting this happiness back he doesn't play. Literally, Shuu can not handle losing someone important again or he will go full-on Kanato insane. That's why he drown himself in sex and sleep, to not think, that's why he always have sound in his earbuds, to not hear the silence. Its not Shuu's fault that Edgar is dead, it's not his fault if the German shepherd got killed, it's not his fault if his mother didn't took care of his brother, but he'll still take the blame. (Well maybe not for Reiji but you get it.)
Thanks to everyone who manages to read it through and have a good day and remember that you're loved and worthy ❤😌
((I honestly LOVE how you emphasize the canon aspect that Shu has NO LIMITS. Or he LOVES you to the point of obsession, or no deal. That IS Shu... And I'm scared about the person I'm becoming but the ones about how scary he actually is while statically staring at you?... Was hot... O///O ???))
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sidespart · 4 years
The Fall of King Romulus part 4
Summary: Twin Princes Remus and Romulus are cursed at birth with Honesty and Obedience. When Romulus, who cannot disobey any order, is told to kill his brother the next time he lays eyes on him, he changes his name to Roman and runs away. Roman joins up with a misfit group of adventures and plans to never return to his homeland. But the fae have other plans for him...
Warnings (for whole fic not necessarily individual chapters): Violence, mind whammying/memory altering, curse of obedience related consent issues, references to sex, references to war related injuries/PTSD, references to child abuse/neglect (YMMV on that one but just in case), antagonstic-but-not-exactly villian!Janus, Extremly-moraly-dubious-but-not-exacty-unsympathetic-Remus
Pairings: Mostly Platonic LAMP and all the found family feels. Could be read as pre-slash.
Feedback appreciated.
Prologue     Chapter 1   Chapter 2  Chapter 3
“I will grant them handsome features and beguiling voices,” the maiden whispered, her own voice dripping with honey “that all who great them will be blessed from the meeting.”
“I told you it wouldn’t work!” Remus grinned smugly when Romulus was deposited back in in their room, their nanny shutting the door firmly behind him.
“Urghh.” Romulus whined as he hurled himself face first onto Remus’ bed, making his giggling brother bounce from the impact. “But it should have! It always does in the stories!”
What was the point of having a twin, Romulus wondered if they couldn’t even switch places to get him out of boring geography lessons?
Remus poked him until Romulus rolled over onto his side to pout at his brother.
“It’s because I’m better lookin’ than you.” Remus told him cheerfully.
Romulus thwacked him with a pillow. “We’re identical!”
“Doesn’t matter,” Remus grabbed a second pillow from the floor, “I’m still the cute one!”
“Are not!”
“Are too!”
“Are not!”
“Are to – oof!”
The pillow fight soon descended into a wrestling match, their shrieks and giggles echoing through the bed chamber.
Eventually they ran out of breath and Remus flopped back down on the bed, his legs hanging over the edge. Romulus collapsed on the floor amongst the fallen pillows, batted Remus’ foot away from his face and gazed up at the family portrait hanging above their fire place.
They were identical. The artist had taken care to draw the crown prince a little bigger than his brother, closer to the forefront of the picture, but even so; their hair, eyes, nose - everything was the same.
Romulus glanced up at his brother, who was currently digging snot out his nose with every sign of enjoyment. Romulus gagged. They were not the same -Remus was gross!  
Everyone said what a handsome young man Remus was growing up to be. How brightly his eyes sparkled.  How confidently he held himself, even as a child. They never said that stuff about Romulus.
Remus shone, even when he was being gross.
“Your voice is better.” Remus said suddenly, snapping Romulus out of his sulk.
“Your voice.” The older twin lent over the bed, staring his brother in the eye “It’s nicer than mine, ‘specially when you sing.” Romulus beamed, showing off his gap toothed smile. Their parents had hired teachers to drill both boys on the lute and harpsicord, but Romulus’ talent for singing was all him.
“You think so?”
“Yeah.” Remus smiled back at him. He’d lost a baby tooth that week too – one of his canines, giving him lopsided fangs. “And you’re way better at crying.”
“What! Well – your feet are stinker!”
“You’re worse at pranks!”
“Well you’re worse at fencing!”
“But l I’m the best at tickling!” declared Remus and leapt from the bed, pinning Romulus with his knee whilst his fingers attacked his brothers armpits.  The younger prince’s peals of laughter and cries for mercy were so loud nanny came rushing back to check on them, finding the future rulers of Notaleveale wrapped around each other on the floor, covered in dust and wearing matching smiles.
“I will grant them strength and creativity.” The mother smiled, she had a thousand eyes and all of them twinkled under the halls many candles “so that their rule will never be questioned.”
“Lord Venchi?”  Romulus asked.
The royal treasurer, normally one of the more composed members of his father council, was pacing the entrance hall alone, what little hair he had left sticking up in all directions as he tugged at it.
“Oh, Your Highness!” The he gasped when he caught sight of Romulus, “oh thank goodness! He-“
Romulus sighed. “What has my brother done now?”
Romulus had spent the morning on a rare visit into town, missing the days council meeting. It was completely unfair -  Romulus attended meetings almost daily, under Julius supervision, as part of his training to one day take over managing whichever aspect of the kingdom bored the future King Remus the most. They were mind numbingly dull sessions and it was only Julius’ steady glare that kept Romulus’ eyes open and his face attentive.
But today, visitors from the far south were attending. Which meant the session might actually be interesting. Which meant Remus got to go, and Romulus was immediately barred from entry. Instead, his father had asked him to represent the family at the ceremonial graduation of the latest batch of city watch recruits. So, instead of hearing tales from beyond the kingdoms borders, he had spent most of the day on a podium waving dispassionately at a crowd of braying onlookers.
It was always daunting, being around so many common folk. They lacked the decorum of the nobles at court. Whilst most seemed content to gape and sigh at him from a distance, there was always one who would shout out ‘my prince, look at me!’, ‘come here!’, ‘kiss my baby!’
Even with his fathers voice ringing in his ears – “no matter what you hear, stay by your guards side until you are back in the palace.” – Romulus had spent the day tense and unhappy, pinpricks of pain dancing in his skull. By the time he was allowed to speak he had quite forgotten his prepared speech and been forced to make up a quick poem on the spot. The crowd had seemed happy enough – the watch captain had tears in his eyes - but he knew neither Julius or his parents would be happy with his improvising once his guards had reported in.
He had hoped to get a few hours alone before the inevitable lecture, and were it anyone else he might have tried to sneak by without getting pulled into whatever chaos Remus had caused.
But Venchi was an old ally, one who had served his father wisely for years and who always took the time to compliment Romulus on his few measured contributions to the councils discussions, or to explain carefully any point he had missed.
He had also seen Remus at council. There shouldn’t have been anything left that the older prince could do to shock him to this extent.
“He-“ the old man looked like he couldn’t quite believe his own words, “He flipped the table.”
Romulus stared at him. The council table was ancient and enormous, made of a stone so old it’s real name has been lost. Moving it was impossible, the palace had practically been built around it.
“The Arkazeii  ambassador is being seen by a healer.” Venchi continued, “but I believe his foot Is broken, I-“
The side door behind them slammed open suddenly, crashing into the wall with enough force to make the hanging portraits shake. “I said.” Remus roared, a snarl on his handsome face, “Leave me alone!”
His voice was so forceful Romulus found he had taken three steps towards the main door before he stopped himself, face flushing. The order hadn’t been meant for him. Julius, who had clearly been chasing after the young crown prince, was now openly glaring down at Remus, two spots of colour high on his cheeks.
“Your highness I must insist-“
“Seriously?” Remus cackled, “You’re insisting?  Juju, honestly, I am not interested in what you have to say.” He barred his teeth at the King’s advisor, eyes wild,  “If my father wants me he can come get me himself but if not you can go and -oh.”
“Hello Remus.” Romulus sighed, giving the shortest bow he could get away with, “I hear your meeting went well.”
Remus eyes narrowed “Hello Romy, have fun getting your butt kissed in town?” he slug his arm around his brother’s neck, adopting a high pitched, sing song tone in apparent impression of the townsfolk “Oh Prince Romulus, you’re sooo clever and handsome and perfect. Won’t you pretty please sign an autograph and let me suck your di-“
“Your highness, please!” Venchi looked disgusted “There is no need for vulgarity.”
“Aww hey Vee! Wow, your hair is really going, you know the balder you get the more you look like my ballsack? Romy – I’m serious, picture him with two heads”  he held up his thumbs and index fingers and positioned them in front of the red-faced treasurer like a frame “I can’t be the only one that sees this.”
“You are.” Romulus snapped, shrugging his brothers arm off of his shoulders, “Did you really break the Arkazeii ambassadors foot?”
“The Arkazeii ambassador deserved it.” Remus snarled, good humour vanishing instantly. “They want to dig up Orenlla till it’s hollow. Use the rock to turn their sky black. Have you heard the stories outta that place? All the chickens are dying, ’s a travesty.”
“The chickens are- what? Just. Whatever. Not liking his trade ideas doesn’t mean you can hurt him!”
Remus eyes were always sparkling. Like a man on the brink of madness. “I can do whatever I want little brother.” He grinned at him with too many teeth, “you should try it sometime.”
“Your sons have all the makings of rulersss” the final fae smiled, her one golden eye glinting in the depth of her cloak. “My gift is for you. I give your children honestly and obedience.” She smiled sweetly, “May they bring you joy.”
“Your father is sick” Julius told him.
I know that Romulus thought but didn’t say. Watching the old man carefully.
They were in Julius practice room, at the top of the northmost turret, where Romulus had spent so much of his childhood.
“There is of course, still hope. And we have the finest healers, from every corner of the Kingdom.” Julius was pacing as he spoke, wringing his hands. It was profoundly odd, to see the old man so unsettled. But he had known Romulus’ father from when they were both boys. He loved him, as much as he was capable of loving anyone, and he loved the kingdom that he helped rule.
So Romulus found he wasn’t as surprised as he should have been with what Julius said next.
“Your brother cannot be allowed to take the throne.”
Since Romulus curse had been recognised, his parents had taken great pains to limit the brothers’ interactions, for both of their safety.
Remus could not keep a secret.
Remus was honest. He was honest at their mothers funeral when he’d announced to the mourners that she was ‘a bitch by anyone’s definition’ and honest later than evening when he’d sobbed into Romulus’ shoulder and cried that he would miss her.
He was honest when he announced to Romulus causally, over are rare shared meal, that he dreamed about killing him. “I’d do it with a morning star” he told him, slapping his spoon down onto the head of a roasted tomato and watching the red pulp fly about his plate. “Just like that.”
He was honest when he forced his way into Romulus’ room at night, shook him awake and told him, shaking, that the palace was haunted. That voices whispered to him from every corner - so loud that he couldn’t sleep.
He was honest when Romulus asked him, baffled, why are you telling me this. “I trust you.” Remus admitted, his voice thick, “You’re the only one I can trust.”
Just because he was honest, didn’t mean he was right.
Romulus gazed at Julius, his face carefully blank – a skill he had perfected over many council meetings.- and said “I don’t think you can order me to change our birth order.”
“No.” Julius smiled, and had the decency to look pained. “That’s not what I’m going to ask.”
In this room, Julius had tried every trick to strip Romulus of his curse. And when he failed, he’d dedicated himself to learning every possible way it could be exploited. In order to help protect him, of course.
“Sit there and listen to me until I finish.”
If Romulus didn’t hear an order in full, even if he could guess it, it could be ignored. As a child he’d sometimes escape his teachers simply by running away before they could give him the next task.
“The next time you lay eyes on your brother, kill him. Ensure no one can trace it back to you.”
Vague orders were still orders, and often more effective than those that were too direct. If he couldn’t prevent someone from seeing him, then he would have to kill the witness too in order to obey the instructions in full.
“Let no one know you did it. Tell no one of our conversation”
There was, by now, a long list of things Romulus was forbidden from talking about. It was one of Julius’ favourite orders to give.
“If anyone contradicts this order, ignore them.”
Contradictions were tricky. Normally the most recent order would take precedence, but often enough once the newer order had been completed, the old one would return.
“Do you understand me, Price Romulus?”
Romulus nodded and some of the tension left Julius’ shoulders.
He smiled at Romulus then, and lent over the bush back a strand of hair that had fallen across the young man’s face. He left his hand on Romulus cheek and gazed at him like he really was a kindly old mentor and Romulus his favoured pupil.
“This year, it will be the rise of King Romulus. You will be a just and fair ruler. I’ll make sure of it.”
As the second son of a King, Romulus future had never been certain.
His parents discussed it often. He should have become a commander in the army, or a leader of the church or married off to a neighbouring princess and become king in his own right. With all options too likely to lead to discovery however, it had been decided he would stay home, construct a reputation of studious detachment and become his brothers distant advisor.
Help him. Protect him.
Like Julius protected them.
Instead, Romulus ran away and became Roman.
Roman was loud and confident and sprouted poetry and song without hesitation. He basked in the attention from crowds and flirted  with every pretty face who crossed his path. He worked and earned for himself and argued back with anyone who disagreed with him and never sat still if he could help it. He kept Romulus and his memories of home buried so deep sometimes he forgot he’d ever had another name.
Even so, there had always been, at the back of his mind, the paranoia of this day. When he would be found. Recognised. Forced back to Romulus life.
He just didn’t think when it happened it would be so embarrassing.
They’d reached a fork in the road. The Marquis paused and whipped his head from side to side, presumably checking for witnesses although it looked more like he was trying to shake water free from his ears. He stepped in front on Roman.
“You.” He enunciated slowly and loudly “Turn left. Okay? Le – e -e f -t”
Roman stared at him.                                  
He had been kidnapped by an idiot.
With great deliberation he rested all his weight on one foot and turned left. And then kept turning, spinning in a circle a few times until the Marquis hissed “no!” and grabbed his arm.
And then dropped it immediately, wiping his hand on his sleeve.
“You. Just – follow me, alright? This way.”
Roman rolled his eye but did as he was told.  The man could have just told him in the beginning to follow him to wherever their destination was, and Roman would have done so. There was no need to give him a new instruction every few paces. But if the Marquis – what was his first name? Romulus must have known at some point – didn’t know the ins and outs of his curse then Roman wasn’t going to be the one to tell him.
They continued on, the Marquis stopping every three feet to stare at him, or repeat some instruction, or glare at a crumpled map in his hands. Roman despaired. Romulus had had a crush on this man.
At first, Roman assumed he would lead him towards the Royal Palace and present his find to the Princess or to whatever other Notalevealian nobles were already here for the coronation. But instead he tugged him away from the wider streets, back down hill towards the main sprawl of the city.
“Where are you taking me, villain?” Roman asked after twenty minutes of marching “because I’m pretty sure we’ve passed that street lamp three times already.”
“Somewhere where your little friend won’t be able to help you.” the Marquis muttered, glaring at the lamp in question.
Roman felt his heart freeze. His friend?
He supposed it made sense. There was no conceivable way they could have been followed in the woods. Not without Patton or Virgil noticing. The Marquis must have spotted him in the market and followed from there, which means he would have at least seen Logan, perhaps the others too since he had been at the tavern…
Although why would a noble be at the Stevangie street market?
He tried not to let his anxiety show on his face, puffing his chest out and summoning his most haughty glare.
“Listen to me, lordling, if any harm should come to them I will personally-“
“Them?” The Marquis stumbled, map fluttering to the floor. When he spun to glare at Roman his eyes were enormous. “How many are there?”
Roman blinked, haughty glare ruined by his genuine confusion. “Erm,” he tried “lots?”
The Marquis audibly gulped, but before Roman could even attempt to interpret that the man’s face brightened, his gaze caught on something behind Roman. He smirked, some swagger returning to his step.
“No matter.” He said and grabbed Romans arm, dragging him towards a nondescript building in the centre of the street, unlocking the door and shoving the bard through.
It was a bath house. The back entrance, perhaps, but the damp in the air and smell of scented soap was unmistakable.
Roman tried, in his sleep-deprived, underfed, over-stressed state, to come up with a reasonable explanation for this.
He had nothing.
“Shut up” The Marquis snapped. “Walk that way.” He pushed Roman down a long corridor, past arched doorways through which he caught a glimpse of the bathhouse proper, and into a dusty looking stairwell. He had produced a candle from somewhere, but the dim light did very little to illuminate anything as they gingerly picked their way down.
When they finally reached the bottom floor Roman squinted to see boxes and crates of empty bottles– a storage room? But he had no time to take it all in before he was being dragged through another pair of doors. Two more rooms and another set of stairs later and the Marquis finally stopped.
The room he’d led them to was hot and humid. Sweat dripped down Romans nose after only a few seconds. At first he couldn’t work out what the noise that filled the room was, until his eyes adjusted enough to see the tubes running from the floor to ceiling.
“You’re lucky to see this.” The Marquis had to raise his voice over the rush of running water to be heard “This room is a modern miracle – the lifeblood of the city!”
Steveange’s heated bath houses were famous. So much so even Virgil had heard of them, and he seemed to take pride in knowing nothing about the outside world. Roman had assumed the city must have been built on hot springs or some other natural source, but this was something else.
“The furnace is below us.” The Marquis explained, as he propelled Roman towards the back wall. “The pipes bring water from the river, it’s heated and pumped up and out to every bathhouse in the city.”
He grinned with something like pride as he tapped one of the  pipes above Romans head, making it sing, “Arkazeii engineering and Orenllan iron. Lined with Orenllan copper of course…give me your jacket.”
“But. Notaleveale doesn’t trade it’s ores” Roman blinked rapidly, trying to remove the sweat from his eyes, as he shrugged out of his jacket.
Jacket was a generous term – it was a silken red thing, better suited to performances than travelling. But he enjoyed the way it billowed as he walked. The Marquis took it and without so much as a moments respect for the garment, ripped one of the sleeves clean off.
“You’ve been away a long time.” the Marquis snarled, “you little fae touched traitor.”
Roman gaped at him, even as the man grabbed his right arm and began attempting to tie it to the nearest pipe.
“I used to look up to you” the Marquis continued, “you were everything a Prince should be. But you betrayed your father and put a curse of madness on your brother - all because of your own petty jealousy!”
He squeezed Romans wrist with enough force to leave bruises. And stepped back to admire his handywork. The silky material had no grip and it was painfully obvious the man was not used to getting his hand dirty. The resulting knot looked more like a bow. “You are no prince of mine.”
“Lucius.“ Roman knew he’d known his name. “That’s not true. That’s- that’s not even a clever story! Who came up with that?”
“Shut up.” Some of the panic from the journey had come back to Lucius’ eyes but it faded quickly “And don’t think you can scare me with my name, there is more iron in this room then anywhere else in the city.”
He grinned at Roman nastily. “Your little friends aren’t coming to save you.”
Roman stayed quiet, mind whirling. They thought Remus was cursed?
Well. He was. But not in the way Lucius seemed to believe.
They wouldn’t send a mad man to another kingdoms coronation would they? Had the seller actually been certain Remus was coming?
Tied up, exhausted and with a man who seemed to hate him glaring down, Roman started to giggle in giddy relief.
Lucius stepped back, looking unsettled, before reaching out, roughly grabbing Romans chin and shoving the remnants of his jacket into his mouth. “Stay here,” he told him, slowly and clearly “until I come back with your transport.”
He stood, taking the candle with him to the door. He paused for one moment before leaving, the flickering light illuminating a cruel smirk. “You had better hope I can arrange it before the furnaces come back on.” And he was gone.
Roman glanced above himself into the darkness, where his wrists were strapped tight to the currently cool metal. A rush of fear went through him, finally bringing him down from the giggling hysteria.
Alone In the dark, tried to think.
Roman was a bad friend. He lied to his companions as easy as breathing and took his own fears out on them.
Romulus was a bad prince. He had abandoned his kingdom and his subjects and allowed some sort of conspiracy to spring up in his wake.
But he was a good brother. Remus was alive. And he would stay that way.
After all, this afternoon he thought that Remus was here. That he would have to confront his past, escape the city, evade every member of the Notalevealian court and his  own friends and steal a horse.
Now all he had to do was get out of this basement and outwit one idiot who could barely tie knots and hadn’t even thought to pat him down to check for hidden daggers.
Easy-peasy he thought, his eyes fluttering closed as exhaustion finally overtook him.
Part 5
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