#also not me releasing a jeno work on hyucks bday
nczennie · 2 years
Part of a Hogwarts Collection Hogwarts!AU Pairing: Reader x Jeno Featuring: Ravenclaw!Reader, Hufflepuff!Jeno Genre: Angst Warnings: Language, brief non-detailed descriptions of a physical fight.
Taglist: @flower-lise @heyyyun @sunflowerhae @neocityfile @winc1ty @imgettinlocoloco @ashkuuuu @marklexleaf @cookydream @dnylwoo @sanisms @juoirs @luvdroids @yuxnan
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"Okay, I've got a plan" Hufflepuff!Jeno exclaims as soon as he plops his lunch down, joining his friends in the dining room. His friends eye him curiously as they wait for him to continue, unsure what this plan could be, or even what he would need a plan for.
"As you guys know," Jeno starts his speech and the others could already tell he was proud of what was about to come out of his mouth. "My last quidditch game of the semester is coming up on Friday, and we happen to be playing Ravenclaw". "And as you guys also know, the love of my life happens to belong to said house". Ravenclaw!Renjun rolls his eyes at his friend, picking up his drink to sip, already not impressed with the Hufflepuff's antics.
"Which means you'll be playing against her boyfriend!" Slytherin!Jaemin butts in, mouth full of his lunch. Jeno sends a glare to the boy, "That's besides the point, what really matters is that Hufflepuff with be hosting a party that night, no matter if we win or lose because it's the last game before break". "Ah," Slytherin!Haechan draws out, nodding his head as though he finally caught onto what his friend was suggesting, "That means Hyunjin will show up to the party with his girlfriend and you get to spend all night pinning over her from afar!" He finishes with sarcasm dripping from his voice and his smile.
Jeno was not amused by his friends, "Yeah, you would know a lot about that wouldn't you". Besides him Jaemin nearly spits out his drink as Haechan's smile drops immediately. At this Renjun's girlfriend speaks up from where she's sitting, the Slytherin girl wanting nothing more than to stop anymore drama after they had just started to patch things up, "Okay, stop it. Jeno ignore him, what does this have to do with whatever plan you were talking about". The Hufflepuff's smile returns to his face as he is reminded of what he originally wanted to say, "Well take a look at what I have to help me with the night", he smirks before reaching in the pocket of his black robe. Upon returning his hand, the others look closely and notice a small glass bottle, a cork as a lid holding in the golden liquid inside.
"What is th-" Haechan starts to question but his answer is already found when their Ravenclaw friend speaks up. "What the hell, Jeno!" Renjun exclaims, "Isn't that the bottle of liquid luck Karina won in potions!" The others gasp around him as they recall their classmate winning the small bottle as reward for completing the best brew in the class.
The Hufflepuff smirks as he seemingly finally got the full attention of those around him, "Yep, that's exactly what it is". Jaemin looks at the boy worriedly, "You stole it from her?" The boy shakes his head, putting the small potion back in his robe for safe keeping, "Of course I didn't, we made a deal".
His friends around him stay silent, looking at him expectantly to continue his story as he seems crazier and crazier by the second. "I happen to know Karina very well, and that includes knowing about her one-sided love for none-other than Ravenclaw's Hwang Hyunjin,"
"You've got to be kidding me," the Slytherin girl at the table speaks up.
"I know right, she's got awful taste," Jeno tsks taking a sip from the drink in front of him. "No Jeno," Haechan speaks up, "She means to say you can't seriously be working with Karina to break up a happy couple because of your guys one-sided crush". Jeno straightens in his seat, "Are you guys being serious? We're not doing anything weird, we're simply talking to them and if they decide we're the better choice for them that's on them". "But you're under the influence of magic," Rejun furrows his eyebrows. The Hufflepuff huffs out a sigh, rolling his eyes and loosening the tie on his neck making it obvious how annoyed he is with his friends and their lack of support. "It's not a fucking love potion, I'm just trying to have a conversation with her and I could use some more confidence". This time Jaemin speaks up, "Dude, you're using magic- no matter what kind it is, to speak to a girl to try to get her to date you. One, she already has a boyfriend, and two, you're not even going to be yourself when you drink that thing"! "You know what," Jeno stands abruptly in his seat, "Forget about it, forget everything I said." He gathers his stuff in a rush, "I would've at least expected some support from my friends". And with that he makes his way out of the dining hall, his friends watching his back unsure of what to do in this situation.
Friday rolls along before Jeno knows it and as he finishes his final game of the semester his confidence is on another level. Not only did they beat Ravenclaw, their first time this year, but if was he who scored the winning point. He was all smiles as he cleaned up in the locker room, even his friends had come to support him, all congratulating happily and promising to see him later on at the party Hufflepuff was holding. It was going to be the biggest party of the year, all houses coming together to celebrate the last quidditch game before break and to let loose before the examinations coming next month.
Jeno had just dressed in clean clothes and was running a towel through his hair, drying it as much as he could after his shower. "Hey man, you coming?" Jeno looks up to see his teammate Eric leaning down the row of lockers to check on him. He smiles and nods, "Yeah, just give me a sec to clean up my stuff here, I'll see you there". Eric gives him an over exaggerated thumbs up before his other teammate Chani leans over as well, "Don't take too long, you know the Slytherins will get all the good drinks as soon as possible and we don't want to miss out". Jeno smirks and waves them off, "Don't worry I won't be more than five minutes tops!" The other two boys leave their captain with a wave and Jeno listens carefully until the door shuts behind them leaving him alone.
He quickly leans over his bag, finding his robe and digging through the pocket to pull out the tiny potion he has obtained earlier in the week. He smirks as he opens the top, quickly glancing around him before quickly chugging the contents. He grimaces and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, shaking his head and returning the bottle to where it was hidden before. Jeno quickly grabs his stuff and makes his way out of the locker room, eager to wash the magic down with a drink.
Jeno feels amazing. He wasn't quite sure if it was the potion or the constant stream of people coming up to him and complimenting him on the game, but at this point he didn't care. His ego was at an all time high and he felt he could do anything- including talk to his crush in front of her boyfriend.
Catching a glance of the Ravenclaw couple across the room, Jeno stretches his neck to prepare himself before making his way over to the two. As he draws closer he notices the furrowed eyebrows of the girl as the boy seems to be whispering out words in a furious manner. He chuckles to himself, they must be having an argument, perhaps having seen Hyunjin and Karina talking earlier left the Ravenclaw girl is distress.
"Trouble in paradise?"
The two look over at the Hufflepuff boy who butted into their conversation, Hyunjin looking ready to end him while even the girl seems annoyed with her eyebrows drawn together and a frown etched on her face. "Jeno?" She questions, surprised to find him the cause of her current annoyance of being interrupted. Jeno lets out a chuckle, mouth moving into a smirk as he drapes his arm over Hyunjin's shoulder, "Rough day for you bud, first you lose the game cause you failed to block my shot and now you're stuck in an argument instead of enjoying the party!". The Ravenclaw girl stomach turns as she takes in the way Jeno is acting, sure they've only met in tutoring but she always considered him to be a kind easy-going person; nothing at all like his behavior now.
With a lack of response Jeno laughs once more hand coming up to ruffle Hyunjin's long hair. Not having his antics, the Ravenclaw boy gives Jeno a rough shove, "Don't fucking touch me". Jeno licks his lips, eyes moving to glare at his enemy, "Or what", he moves forward shoving the boys shoulders across from him. "You guys, c'mon stop". The Ravenclaw girl attempts to deescalate the situation but it seems her words fall on deaf ears. "You already lost the game and you'll sure as hell lose this fight too," the potion streaming through Jeno's blood seemingly rushing to his brain and cloudy his judgement and opening his mouth, "And that's not the only thing you'll lose, pretty boy" Jeno only takes a second to glance at the girl before Hyunjin comes barreling forward tackling the Hufflepuff to the poor.
"Hyunjin!" the girl calls out, "Stop! You guys!" she tries to move forward but her screams are unheard by the guys wrestling each other on the floor. Jeno can only hear ringing in his ears as he finally gets the advantage over the other boy, hand raising as he readies himself to throw a punch on the boy under him. However the blow never comes as his arm is yanked back, Jeno loses his balance as he was pulled back and off of Hyunjin. Looking up in frustration he sees Jaemin glaring at him, another presence comes to his left as he turns to see Haechan helping Jaemin pull their friend up.
He feels slightly dizzy and confused as he stands up with the help of his friends as he watches Hyunjin attempt to sit up with the help of the Ravenclaw girl and another Ravenclaw he recognizes as Sanha. He watches as she grabs his arm to stable him walking and he stomach sinks as the realization of it all. Jeno calls out her name, not knowing what he would actually say but anything for her to see his regret. Although it never comes because at the sound of it, she turns and sends the Hufflepuff a death glare dirty enough to make anyone tremble.
Jaemin gives the boy a rough pat on the shoulder clearly annoyed, "Looks like Hyunjin has the real luck here, huh?".
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