#i also have 2 3 7 and 0 waiting in the wings to be played
aroaceofdiamonds · 9 months
Is it a gamer thing, an autism thing or an autistic gamer thing to research into the lore of a game so intensely it seems like i've played it when i haven't, proceed to buy the game because i love the lore and then never get round to playing it because i'm too busy absorbing even more lore
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squashsiteblog · 5 days
Nash Cup : Quarter-Finals
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4pm  Katie Malliff (ENG; 38) VS. Marina Stefanoni (USA; 58)
The quarter finals kick of with our #2 seed Katie Malliff taking on #8 seed Marina Stefanoni. This is Katies first NASH Cup and Marina’s 5th consecutive visit. Her first was the first event she participated in outside the US.
The first game is a back and for the battle with long controlled rallies. Neither seems to get too aggressive. They position well and prepare for each shot waiting for an opportunity to go for a winner. There are a series of shots won with killer drops which leave Marina up 9-8. First game goes to Marina. Squash TV is down, so I’ll beef up the notes for game 2.
Katie grabs the opening point but is leaving Marina on the T and pays for it. 1-1. Marina plays with a very calm demeanor which could be unsettling to some opponents. 2-2. Katie raises her shot forcing Marina back and providing opportunities to mis-direct.5-3 Katie. There will come a point where Marina needs to step up the aggression, but for now she continues to glide across the court with patience. 6-4. A fantastic back and forth rally finished with 3 drop shots moves us to 6-5. A couple of missed shots brings things to 9-5. Katie is winning, but she is also working at least twice as hard. Time will tell if it’s the right strategy for Marina. 10-6. Marina leaves a drop along and the game ends 11-6. We are at 1-1.
Katie has an approach that works and is sticking to it. She gets up 4-0. Marina jumps back with a pair, but then catches tin. 6-2. Marina has started to pick up the pace and is moving faster, but needs to gain more of the wins. 7-4. A long rally and missed drop by Katie. 7-5….7-6. Gears have shifted and the rallies are getting faster and stronger. A great winner from Marina ties things up. She gets the opportunity to go ahead with an overhead smash but catches tin. Then a weak boast in the back corner comes up short. 9-7 Katie. A great straight drop down the right wall and Katie is up 10-8. Nice drop from Marina. 10-9. Katie wins 11-9 and is up 2-1. Squash TV is fixed.
Marina grabs the first 2 points in game 3. She maintains steady control, still patient, but making more winners. Both players are working hard. I don’t think there has been a single let called. 9-3 Marina. Looks like yet another game 5. Good thing tonight is booked for 60 minute courts…..we’re already going to be running late. 10-3 and a great cross drop ends it. 11-3 Marina. 2-2.
The NASH Cup has had 32 matches so far….this is the 10th one going 5. Both players jump to an aggressive start. Katie was showing some wear at the end of game four and is looking to pick up a lead she can defend. 1-0 Katie. Some great length is forcing some misses on both sides. 3-2 Katie. Katie picks up a stroke as a ball bounces loose form the corner….that may be the first request. This a great battle. Long rallies and both are chasing everything. 6-5 Katie. Marina makes an amazing dive to save the tight drop, but Katie is there to hit it back. 7-5 A perfect front right straight drop from Katie. 8-5. Now a hard left corner straight drop from Katie 9-5.  We’ve seen bigger comebacks this week, but this is Katie’s to lose. A no let call on a nice boast from Katie and it’s 11-7. 3-2 Katie.
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5pm  Yahya Elnawasany (EGY; 39) VS. Mohamad Zakaria (EGY; 64)
Stingray Hanebury back for another match write up. This will be the match report you didn’t know you needed in your life.
Tonight’s match will be a special one: Elnawasany vs Zakaria aka the Phoenix
This match features two very likely future world top 10 players and maybe even a future world champion. As expected, the club members are wagering beers by the dozen.
The beginning of the first game is neck and neck until at 5-5 the Phoenix wings a big point and celebrates with a loud cheer that gets the crowd going.
Up 8-5 and the Phoenix is looking impossible to put away despite Elnawasany often looking in control of rallies.
At 10-8 the Phoenix plays a backhand reverse boast to win the game. He cheers gladiator style as the crowd erupts.
I don’t know about you, but seeing a a 17-year-old play squash at this level really makes you ponder what you’ve done with your life thus far…
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Also of note, Elnawasany chooses not to come off the court after the game. Power move? We shall see.
Second game sees the Phoenix take an early lead to 5-2. Elnawasany is composed but frankly seems like he isn’t sure what he can do to win.
The phoenix gets up 10-4 and tries to get some quick points to close out the game but Elnawasany doesn’t allow him the easy points and comes back to 10-7 playing some very tight squash. But the lead was too large and the Phoenix takes it go up 2-0.
Third game and Elnawasany takes and early lead 3-0. A good and necessary start for him if he wants to give himself a chance of winning.
But the lead is short lived, and the Phoenix ties it up 3-3.
The Phoenix rides a wave of confidence to a 10-6 lead, helped a bit by two or three questionable calls from the refs. Elnawasany comes back to 8-10 but the Phoenix takes it on a stroke for 11-8.
A fantastic match and the crowd, if disappointed, is only so because they wanted to see more of this excellent squash.
This is match reporter Stingray Hanebury, signing off until next time.
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6pm  David Baillargeon (CAN; 42) VS. Sanjay Jeeva (MAS; 67)
Game 1 - David wins 11-6
Game 2 - The two left handers start with a long rally, many hits down the right wall. Sanjay wins the first point. Soon 3-1 for David with a couple of errors from Sanjay. It’s 4-2 for David when he loses a let call. Both players are finding the tin. At 7-5 David wins a let call but loses the next point. They tie at 7-7. A stroke called in David’s favour and soon 9-8 in his favour. They are tied at 9-9. David hits tin. Sanjay is ahead 10-9. A drop shot wins it for Sanjay 11-9. 
Game 3 - 
They tie it up at 1-1.  David wins a stroke call, and the score is 4-2 in his favour. Again, they get tied up at 4-4. Sanjay pulls ahead at 6-4. Then 9-7 for him. David ties it up at 9-9 with a hard shot to front right corner. Sanjay wins the next point. And his final cross court clinches his win ... Sanjay wins 11-9.
Game 4 - Sanjay's short game quickly gives him a 3-0 lead. But David's tenacity allows him to catch up and tie at 3-3. Then 4-4. Sanjay's strength appears to be his ability to take a hard shot and make a soft return, low as a drop shot for a winner. They tie again at 8-8. Then 10-8 for David who wins the final point and the game ... David wins 11-8.
Game 5 - It is tied 2 games each. This is the tie breaker. Both players are now up to full speed. Collisions are few and they show each other mutual respect. Sanjay wins the first 3 points. A long rally at 4-1 for Sanjay and then he wins the next point. Sanjay serves at 7-3. Soon 10-4 for Sanjay. A stroke is awarded to him and Sanjay wins the match 11-4.
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6pm  Grace Gear (ENG; 44)  VS. Marta Dominguez (ESP; 61)
Game 1
The game is starting quite fast with short rallies and the score is quickly 2-2.  Both players are moving well on the court. The players so far seem very evenly matched with the score 6-6.  The players both have a great ability to quickly change the speed of the ball n a single shot - well done by both.  As this game is progressing Grace seems to be in control of the speed of play - Marta is doing a lot of running around the court to retrieve the shots of Grace.  However, Marta prevails 11-7.
Game 2
As this game is progressing along again Grace has Marta on the run I would say.  And her shots continue to have Marta on the run in this game and the score is reflecting that - currently 6-1 for Grace.  With the score 10-4 Grace is definitely outplaying Marta in this game and Marta banging the wall on her way out of the court shows her displeasure in her play in this game.  She was most definitely outplayed and the score reflects this - Grace won 11-4.
Game 3
What I find interesting in this match is that there has been very little interference between the players and very few lets - I believe only one let at this point in the games.  Perhaps I spoke too soon - this match with the score 5-4   has had the players run into each other now several times and I would say the ref has been consistent in his determinations.  Again, Grace has Marta on the run around the court.  Grace definitely takes more risk in getting the perfect shot which costs her points even though she has the advantage of movement on the court.  The score is now 8-8.  And Grace takes the third game 11-8.
Game 4
Grace is quickly up 4-1 and again the accuracy of her shots has Marta on the run.  A great get by Grace has her now leading 6-4.  Her agility on the court is wonderful to watch.  The score is now 9-5 for Grace and her play is superior to Marta's.  Match point for Grace now.  And she won 11-5.  Great play by Grace!!
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7pm  Torrie Malik (ENG; 54) VS. Caroline Fouts (USA; 92)
Game 1 - Malik wins the opening point. They tie it up at 3-3. Stroke call in Fout's favour. Collisions are common. They tie it at 5-5. At 8-6 Malik is showing more strength and tighter shots. Then 10-6 and wins at 11-7.
Game 2- The speed is picking up and Fouts is moving faster but Malik continues to lead. At 5-3 another collision occurs and a let is called. Fouts wins the next two points and it is tied at 5-5. Malik pulls ahead at 7-6.  Then 9-6  for her. Then 10-6. Fouts responds and the score is 10-9.  Then tied at 10-10.  Malik wins the next point. Stroke for Fouts and its now 11-11. A no-let is called and Malik wins 13-11.
Game 3 - They are tied at 2-2. Malik continues to show a little more power and Fouts continues to have trouble getting around her. Several mistakes later and the score is 7-4 for Fouts. Again mistakes are made and the tin  is hit. Soon it is tied at 8-8. Next point Malik. Tied again at 10-10. And again at 11-11. A drop winner for Malik. Then tied at 12-12. Stroke to Fouts. Tied 13-13. Advantage Fouts. Tied 14-14.Tin shot for Malik. A second tin shot for Malik and Fouts wins 16-14.
Game 4 - Two collisions and a stroke is awarded Malik who goes up 5-0. A drop from Fouts and it is 5-1. More tin and it is 6-1 for Malik. Then 7-1 Malik. A low drop from Fouts and it is 7-2. Malik falls and it is 7-3. Soon 8-3 for Malik. She then makes a power shot winner for 9-3 score. Then 10-3. And Malik is a winner at 11-3.
7pm  Leung Chi Hin Henry (HKG; 48) VS. Joseph White (AUS; 84)
I am looking forward to watching Leung play again this evening as I watched his match yesterday against Kareem.  Leung is ranked 48th while Joseph from Australia is ranked 84th.
Game 1
Game one started with a couple of quick short rallies with Leung up quickly however as the game went on the rallies became very long.  Leung was definitely outpowering and using more tactical shots to win the first game decisively 11-2.
Game 2
Well Leung is quickly up 9-3 in game two and the rallies are much shorter and Leung is definitely in control.  And Leung wins quickly 11-5.  He is definitely showing his superiority against Joseph.  I believe his superiority will continue into Game 3 with a quick exit for Joseph in this match.
Game 3
A great nick in the corner has Leung win the point to tie white 1-1 early in the match with two quick rallies.  It seems like Joseph is hurting - very time there is a break in the action he is bending over a fair amount - perhaps it is nothing.   A great rally - very long - and the point goes to Leung - now 5-3 for Leung.   The game has become closer with the score now 7-7.  The score is now 9-7 for Leung and Joseph seems to be getting frustrated - the match is almost over.  It is now match point for Leung - the skills level of his shots is definitely making the games difficult for Joseph.  and Leung wins 11-8 - the match is over.
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8pm  Georgia Adderley (SCO; 33) VS. Saran Nghiem (ENG; 67)
Game 1 - appears to be an even match at 2-1 for Georgia. At 7-2 Georgia is showing dominance. Again at 9-5 Georgia is still in the lead.  Both players hit the ball equally well, but Georgia seems to be moving slightly faster.  A long rally and it is 10-6.  Then 10-7. Georgia makes an unretrievable boast and wins the game 11-7. 
Game 2 - It is 3-1 for Georgia and the speed is picking up.  Saran hits the tin, and the score is 5-2 for Georgia. Two great drops from her and the score is 5-4. At 7-5 Saran hits tin. Then a mishit. It is tied at 7-7. Saran hits it out. Then can't get to the next shot. It is 9-8 for Georgia.  Then 11-8 for Georgia. 
Game 3 - and the game keeps heating up. The pace is faster and the stretches for retrieves are more impressive. They are tied at 2-2. A low winner for Georgia and the score is 5-3 for her. Georgia blocks a shot and wins the point. Now 6-4.  A good mix of cross-courts and rallies up and down the wall. Great stretches from Georgia. She wins a long rally down the left wall. It is 8-6 for Georgia. An error from Saran. Soon 10-7 for Georgia. Then 10-9 for Georgia. Saran is under great pressure to win this game but ends up hitting tin. Georgia wins 11-9.  
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9pm  Curtis Malik (ENG; 40) VS. Cesar Salazar (MEX; 53)
Game 1:
0-0 (Malik serves): Malik starts with a precise serve, quickly asserting control with deep drives and sharp drops that force Salazar into defense.
3-0 Malik: Malik dominates early with effective shot placement, keeping Salazar on the back foot.
7-4 Malik: Malik maintains his control with powerful and strategic shots. Despite Salazar's attempts to counter, Malik's consistency prevails.
10-5 Malik: Malik earns multiple game balls with commanding play, applying constant pressure on Salazar.
11-6 Malik: Malik converts his first game ball with a well-placed drop shot, taking the first game 11-6.
Game 2:
0-0 (Malik serves): Salazar opens the second game strongly, quickly taking a 4-0 lead with precise shots and aggressive play.
4-0 Salazar: Salazar controls the game with effective drops and drives, putting Malik on the defensive.
4-2 Salazar : Malik begins his comeback with two quick points, adjusting his play to apply pressure.
10-7 Malik: Malik storms back from 4-0 down to take a 10-7 lead, earning three game balls with sharp, tactical plays.
11-7 Malik: Malik converts his third game ball with a decisive shot, taking the second game 11-7 and leveling the match at 1-1.
Game 3:
0-0 (Malik serves): Malik comes out aggressively in the third game, taking a commanding 5-0 lead with high-speed, relentless play.
5-2 Malik: Salazar briefly responds with two quick points, trying to make a comeback.
9-5 Malik: Malik continues his dominance, scoring to reach 9-5 and earning five match balls with his powerful play.
11-5 Malik: Malik takes the match with a final score of 11-5, converting his first match ball and securing a 3-0 victory with a dominating performance over the 6th-ranked Caesar Salazar from Mexico.
Final Score: Curtis Malik wins 3-0 (11-6, 11-7, 11-5)
0 notes
hanafubukki · 2 years
Emoticon anonie account reveal hahaha  (*´∇`)ノ
I hope you don't mind chatting with me now that you know my real account, but please call me emoticon anonie I love the name so much  (●´ω`●)ゞ♪
OH Ace has got his UM before school theory?
Ace my dear if you betray us I won't let you eat cherry pie for the rest of your life  (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
Yes god who knows how long will it tooks for Chapter 7 appear. No Diasomnia content (ノn`*)
And we will meet our old friend cliffhanger ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ
I HAVEN'T BUT WOW THE THEORY SOUNDS COOL. Chernabog Lilia, i'll keep that in mind and search for it. (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧
Oh I love the idea that Mickey will help us beats Lilia it would be EPIC (。>‿‿<。 )
I wonder what will the next vision will be  (*≧∀≦*)
And the angst, sad back stories (╯︵╰)
Let's cry together for the angst 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
SIDKGHKIROFI chapter 4 whole new World I love that reference (*´▽`)ノノ
DIASOMNIA EVENT YESS!!  Ah I would love fairy gala Diasomnia as well it would be epic  (☆/>u</)
Woah going to after glow Savanah would be epic!! ( ✧Д✧)
Of course I don't mind ☺️👏🌺, I love chatting with you 💚💕 and of course! I love the nickname too 👏🤝🌺
I really hope its not true 😭😭, like fine have your UM but dont betray us. you were. one of there firsts we met at NRC dont do this to us 😭😭😭 It's bad enough that grim could betray us dkdkfjhkj I am going to take all the cherries away and have riddle keep him in a collar 😤😤😤
OH! can we talk about Epel's UM? omg that scene with epel and rook was so so so good and then we have vil and epel reunion and my heeeaarrrtt. FREAKING SLEEP KISS, OMG THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT on this feral child jsjndjkhsh
#FAIRYGALAMALLEUSPLEASE 🤲🤲 kdjdskklkjkl we’ll find out soon I think. they are going to release the monthly calendar soon and everyone is on the edge of their seats just waiting 
I got your back emoticon anonie, here's the link
my first thought process after seeing it was... “huh, kind of explains his cooking honestly” my second thought process was “THE FACE THAT HIS HAIR WINGS COULD BE HIS HORNS LMFAOOO”
Maybe Mickey will come in at the end of chapter 7?? or also, they could aways add him in beating Grim 🤔🤔 after all, his image gets clearer every chapter we see him and every OB. I’m kind of fond of the episode mickey theory with twist, though I haven't played that game. 
here's a few links with it 1, 2, 3, 
I just saw the 3rd link today....imagine if we are a mirror of mickey....ha ha ha....ha ha.... *jumps off a cliff* I REALLY HOPE NOT SJKLJDKJJDJLFJLKFJ
Imagine if Idia’s OB form is a giant version of Cerberus?!?!?! but like, a mech form or something because idia is an otaku and into electronics.....
OMG ANONIE I just thought up of something! you know that memory wipe thing that idia mentioned? and how it works on humans? but it can affect fans weirdly??? OMG WHAT IF IN A PREVIOUS TIME LOOP LILIA WAS GIVEN THAT AND THATS WHY HE HAD MEMORY PROBLEMS?? and then you take into he fact that some theories say that he knows about the time loop and OMG WHAT IF HE DID TAKE IT?? WHAT IF HE TOOK IT WILLINGLY SO HE wouldn't have to deal with the time loops happening over and over and feeling helpless??? 😭😭😭😭 because we know one of the theories is that leona gave up trying and became lazy because he he's aware of the time loop too! AHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭
the angst back stories is going to end me 😭😭, its okay anonie, we’ll be okay. we just need to prepare lots of napkins and some comfort food and we’ll be okay. famous last words right? 
I kind of wish we get that Hercules and river of styx scene as a flashback. because I want idia to go and save his brother. WHEN HE SAID THAT ORTHO WAS JUST A MACHINE TO HIM I WAS READY TO FIGHT HIM 😤😤 I want him to redeem himself. and maybe, I was thinking, maybe the two ‘souls’ of ortho will combine? 🤔 or something? but still, im so sad. stupid idia 
I hope they kind of somehow mentions the jasmine-afar scene lololol 
imagine Yuu, just out here starting to sing Disney songs? lolol like during ignihyde they start singing do the distance or something??
fairy gala diasomnia would be so pretty, malleus, or Lilia, or sebek 😭😭 most likely it would be Lilia because sebek recently got and SR and so did Malleus ...though Lilia did have groom SR...
yes! half the reason I want to go to afterglow savamah is because of Cheka and I want to meet his parents, and also FIGHT EVERYONE THAT WAS MEAN TO LEONA. COME AT ME BRO. maybe meet Ruggie grandma too or something.
IMAGINE IF rook just pops up in the middle of the event?? and everyone is shocked and are like, why are you here???? and rooks like, “its my home to lolol”
we might end up with RSA vs NRC 👀👀 isn't the huge magift tournament coming soon? maybe even chapter 7? 🤔🤔 imagine the dorm leaders on a team 👀 they'll kill each other 😂😂
imagine the fourth years come back 👀👀 
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mamahersh · 3 years
The Road to Hell (is Paved with Good Intentions) Chapter 7
“Season 8 was well underway, and the server’s first conflict is bubbling just under the surface. But BDoubleO can’t worry about that right now because he has an Etho to find so they can work on the Horse Course together. However when Xisuma calls a surprise server meeting on behalf of EvilXisuma, BDubs gets his answers about where Etho’s been in the worst way possible.”
(CW: angst, mild torture)
Chapter rating: T
Nice long conclusion chapter to make up for the short one yesterday! From BDubs view, plus nHo hurt/comfort (emphasis on comfort)!
As in all the previous chapter posts, if you’ve enjoyed the ride I took direct inspiration from this oneshot on AO3! Please give them some love and appreciation.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6
It had taken days before Xisuma figured out what EX had done to the server that had caused the respawns to break in the way that it had, and how to fix it. However, figure it out and fix the problem he did, and with respawn mechanics back to normal, everyone who had died and respawned during the glitch was able to reset their health completely. And properly set their respawn points as well, since part of the glitch seemed to be that people’s respawns were being set as they were dying. But the biggest adjustment in the days after EX had caused havoc was trying to help Etho recover.
While Etho seemed relatively ok once he was able to talk again (his tongue and all his other lingering injuries were fully healed with the fixing of the respawn, though figuring out a way to get him to respawn was both more difficult and less difficult than BDubs had expected); BDubs was hearing from Iskall that all was still not right with the world. Normally, Hermits would let current season basemates/regional allies/faction mates do the heavy lifting of any emotional or mental stress that a particular Hermit experienced on the daily unless the Hermit asked for help from specific Hermits. But in this case, BDubs felt he should invite Etho to an nHo reunion/get-together. Even if Etho didn’t necessarily need the reunion, BDubs knew the rest of the nHo did. 
They had all been in various states of hysterics by the time they had gotten Etho out of the restraints and the death loop he had been locked in. BDubs had been the first person to breach the room, with Iskall and Beef right behind him. Beef had blocked up the water to stop the cycle as Iskall and a recently arrived Cleo began breaking restraints while BDubs clutched Etho’s freed hand (thinking back, he probably shouldn’t have. Etho’s hands had looked hardly better than the rest of his mangled flesh. He also wasn’t sure how they managed to get his wrists detached from the cuffs, as his arms and wrists were still solidly clipping into the restraints). Hypno had fiddled with the camera and looked over the speakers, before he managed to get everything deactivated and convinced the remaining Hermits to gather at Cleo and Joe’s base. By the time the Hermits were assembled at Joe and Cleo’s base, and Etho had been safely transported from the floating box, Doc was a hissing mess, Beef was greener than normal as his stress seemed to activate the alien transition, and BDubs had resorted to constantly checking his clock (a nervous habit he had picked up from 3rd Life, but the less he thought about that hell server the better). Etho had been quickly whisked away by Iskall to their shared base, but was just as quickly relocated to the Spawn Egg; as neither had wings, and Etho wasn’t nearly healthy enough to try and scale his own base in the sky. Plus, being at the Spawn Egg had the added benefit of easy access by the rest of the server so that other Hermits could stop by and check in on Etho’s progress while they all waited for Xisuma to fix the respawn mechanics. BDubs stopped by once while Etho was recovering. It was a little out of his way when trying to visit the Yes Wings Club, but figured he might as well since he hadn’t seen Etho since they had saved him 2 days before. 
Etho looked about what he had expected to be honest. Since they were worried about whether a normal respawn would register his tongue being gone as normal if they healed it properly with potions, the other Hermits had determined to wait on healing him till after he had properly respawned. That left him bedridden till the server was fixed though, which no one was happy with. BDubs was told later that supposedly Etho had understood during the few times he was lucid enough to listen to someone during that time. While he had been there though, Etho had been solidly asleep, Iskall asleep himself by Etho’s bedside. BDubs had taken a moment anyway to sit on Etho’s other side and just quietly talk to him about what he had been up to in the day or two since they had saved him. Iskall had come to briefly to see who had been talking, before settling back into his chair to rest.
BDubs had left pretty quickly, if he were being honest. Seeing Etho as vulnerable as he was left BDubs feeling a bit ill. After that, it had only been a day or two more of anxiously waiting for Xisuma to fix the server before they had been able to get the other Hermits respawned properly. (There had been several deaths during the time the respawns had been on the fritz, including a couple during the search from fall damage.) But when it came to Etho, they had tried to explain what needed to happen during one of the next times he was awake, but he had been becoming more unresponsive the longer he had been bedbound. So with heavy hearts, it had been decided that Etho needed to respawn as soon as they could decide a way to do so. After much debate between Iskall and Xisuma, it was decided that a quick anvil to the head would suffice.
It was told to BDubs later that Etho had respawned a few paces from the bed he had been sleeping in at Spawn looking incredibly confused and lost. It took close to a half hour to explain what had happened to him before him and Iskall went back to their shared base. And if Iskall was to be believed, it sounded like Etho hadn’t slept since the first night back. Which was almost a week ago. Not that many of the other Hermits were doing better. From the sounds of the grapevine, Mumbo still blamed himself for what had happened to Etho, and despite apologizing and promising Etho a cut of all his profits that season to make up for his decision (which he had been told Etho had forgiven Mumbo for and told Mumbo to keep the profits as he was just respecting Etho’s choice) he insisted on trying to find ways to make it up to an increasingly exasperated Etho. (Which BDubs noted was somewhat out of character, since Etho almost never missed a chance to keep someone in his debt and exploit them for his own projects). Other than Mumbo, Doc had been reported also to not have been sleeping as much, but instead he worked on his most recent engineering marvel. Beef had been throwing himself almost entirely into setting up his own shop outside the Derpcoin market to sell his own brand of non-evil cat food. BDubs knew that Beef was taking the whole: “Derpcoin is actually evil not even a meme” thing incredibly hard, since his whole thing this season had been going over to the dark-side as an alien (which BDubs still didn’t understand how that had started in the first place). BDubs himself was doing just fine thank you very much! Sure, he’d been struggling with sleeping at night himself (every time he closed his eyes he could see Etho strapped to that chair and drowning again), and yeah, he’d been trying to work on the shopping district by the mountain instead of the Horse Course (he had heard from Iskall that Etho had been working on something outside the base, and BDubs had a sneaking suspicion he knew at least one of the projects Etho’d been working on). But he definitely wasn’t nearly as bad as the other members of the old nHo. Definitely. He couldn’t lie to himself, they were all having a bad time. 
So, as BDubs was wont to do, he took things into his own hands and sent invitations to all the nHo members to come by his base for a get together. The date was set, and he visited every member in person leading up to the event to make sure they were coming, no excuses! (He knew it was particularly urgent as when he went to check on Etho, he finally found him sleeping in one of BDubs’ builds next to the horse course, and when he got Etho awake, he cracked exactly 0 height jokes until he tried to get Etho to come by later and it was a height joke every minute. The height jokes were BDubs’ way of figuring out how nicely Etho wanted to play. The less the better.)
But now the day had finally arrived, and BDubs welcomed each one of his friends into his base with open arms and a smile. First to arrive was Beef, seeing as he was closest. Then Doc. Then as BDubs was debating messaging Iskall to find Etho for him, the man himself showed up on BDubs’ doorstep. Everything went off without a hitch in the beginning. They all were able to reconnect and chat about bases and projects they were working on; Doc with his redstone magic he was getting from his friends on another server, Beef and his efforts to create a new kind of cat food, Etho and his many projects ranging from an inventory sorter to the horse course, and BDubs with his latest shop attempts in the Big Eye Crew shopping district. (It was good to see Etho making fun of BDubs’ attempts at making a redstone shop. Etho hadn’t heard of it yet, and it was a delight to see him light up while joking about what BDubs could possibly make with redstone that even someone like Grian couldn’t do themselves.)
It all comes crashing down when Etho asks Beef more about the cat food. Specifically what was wrong with the old cat food. 
Now Beef hadn’t expressly said that he had been working with EX for having a cat food stand at the Evil Emporium; but he had implied that his previous cat food flavor would be going on the back burner. What they all had assumed was that Etho at least generally knew most of the gossip on the server. But what BDubs should have guessed was that Etho had been very absent this season, and unless the current events were directly affecting his plans, he had never been one for being up to date on server events. So BDubs should have guessed that Etho asking about cat food would only end in a bittersweet ending.
“So Beefers, you said something about your cat food getting a new recipe… What happened with the old recipe? Not up to snuff?”
“I will have you know that all my cat food is premium and delicious, and I will not have you slandering it in this way,” replied an overdramatic Beef. 
The nHo chuckled at his antics before Etho came back with, “Well if it wasn’t the quality then what was it? Now you have me intrigued.”
Beef shrugged. “I just wanted a cat food to really call my own is all.”
Etho gave him a look. “Wouldn’t the other cat food be yours too?”
“Well…” Beef looked deeply conflicted. BDubs decided to say it for him. “He was working for the Evil Emporium since he started to change into… I guess it’s an alien?”
Etho stilled at the name, and the rest of the group held their breaths. “Ah,” he replied, suddenly tight as a bowstring.
“Which is why I’m making a new brand of cat food, one which I’ll be selling from a shop near my base for diamonds,” soothed Beef, trying his best to keep Etho away from bad memories.
“I can see why you changed brands then,” replied Etho through a forced calm. He was not subtle in the least however. Bdubs wondered if the hurt in Etho's eyes was from the idea that his closest friend had supported the monster that had hurt him, or the idea that his friend would completely change his plans for the season due to one off script incident? Bdubs had a feeling it was definitely the former.
(BDubs had asked Xisuma after all was said and done if he remembered anything leading up to them being in front of the screen at his base. X had said the last thing he had remembered before that was meeting up with EvilX to discuss business strategies before blacking out after their customary greetings. He explained it had happened before, but he had somehow never thought much of the memory gaps. However, he agreed with the rest of the Hermits that had talked with him about it that it was a problem that would need to be investigated because it sounded like mind control. And a player that could control the server admin was a force too powerful to allow free. Or at the very least, a player that needed to have some very hard limits as to what they could do placed upon them.)
“You know, Etho, have you been ok?” asked Doc hesitantly. BDubs hoped that Doc knew what he was doing, because Bdubs was definitely lost.
Etho looked a bit like a cornered animal at the moment as he looked between the 3 of them like they had betrayed him. “Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?”
Doc gave him a look that BDubs thought was completely justified. “Etho, you went through an incredibly traumatic experience only a week or so ago. It is completely fine if you aren't doing ok.”
Etho sighed. “And what would you even do if I wasn't ok?”
Doc gave a hissy whine and moved from where he had been situated to sit close beside Etho. “Well, we'd figure out what we can do to make it a little closer to being ok.” He looked down at his lap. “I know I've been struggling with sleep recently, so I understand at least if you aren't sleeping either.” Etho looked vaguely stricken.
“You were part of the group that was watching, weren't you?” BDubs watched as Etho began to close off. Doc just nodded miserably. “And the two of you?”
BDubs felt gutted, knowing that Etho either didn't remember him breaking in to save him and holding his hand; or was purposefully ignoring the memory. “I stopped you from drowning more by blocking up the source block...” muttered Beef, looking pretty hurt himself.
“I found your enclosure and got the search party together to come finish breaking you out; and was there next to Beef when he was saving you,” finished Bdubs, a bit more of the hurt shining through because he couldn't hold a poker face even if his life depended on it. But also, Etho needed to see that he wasn't alone, in a lot of ways.
Etho looked appropriately chastised, if also incredibly grateful. “Thank you, all of you.” He leaned lightly into Doc's shoulder; the most affection he would normally show to anyone. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you 3, so thank you. Thank you so much.” They all politely ignored the sniffling coming from behind the mask, though Beef situated himself on Etho’s other side, and BDubs decided to try and strategically place himself on the floor in front of Beef so that if Etho wanted to lean a leg against him, he could. BDubs was so tempted to drape himself over Etho’s legs, but he had a sneaking suspicion that Etho probably wouldn’t handle being immobile in a sitting position well for the foreseeable future. However he was vindicated when his hair was playfully ruffled by an Etho hand as the 4 of them devolved into just sitting with each other. 
BDubs should have guessed that Etho wouldn’t stay down long however, as Etho (after inconspicuously wiping the corners of his eyes dry) said, “so, who wants to help me prank the Boatem Crew?” BDubs could feel the devious smile creeping across his face.
“Now you’re speaking my language Canada boy!” Etho wheezed a quiet laugh above him. 
“You sure you want to be slinging that kind of slander at me short stuff?”
“SHORT STUFF?!?!” BDubs got up in a huff. “I’LL SHOW YOU SHORT STUFF, YOU DAMN BEAN POLE!” Beef, Etho, and Doc all burst into chuckles, leaning into the couch as they tried to get themselves under control. “YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, DO YOU? Ooooooh, you are all playing a dangerous game!”
Etho and Doc proceeded to laugh harder, leaning against each other. “What are you going to do BDubs, bite our ankles?” asked Beef before breaking down laughing again. 
“I’LL BITE YOUR ANKLES JUST WATCH ME!” and with that, BDubs was all over Beef, trying to get a solid shoulder punch in, but being thwarted at every turn. A stray punch at Doc, and suddenly everyone but Etho was rolling around the floor trying to playfully murder each other. Etho wheezed in laughter at their antics, and expertly avoided getting added into their mischief by eventually hopping up a ladder to the next floor and watching from the opening.
Eventually they managed to settle down, and by the time they had gathered themselves enough, it was night time. BDubs, with a lighter heart than when he had let in all his friends earlier in the day, said goodbye to them with promises that if Etho really was serious about pranking the Boatem Crew, the nHo would be right by his side. They left one by one, first Doc (who complained that he was already behind schedule on his build), then Beef (who playfully recommended Etho come help him run his shop if he wasn’t too busy helping Iskall dye prismarine), and lastly Etho. But before Etho departed, he said, “you know, I already thanked you, but I feel I should do it again.” He met BDubs’ gaze. “Thank you so much for finding me. I don’t know how that would have ended if you hadn’t caught sight of that place”. 
BDubs was humbled by Etho’s gratitude, though he still replied with, “You’re my friend Etho, of course I would give it my all to find you. I’m just happy we were able to do so before it was too late. And if you ever need to get away from it all, it’s pretty nice out here once you get past all the big eyes.”
Etho wheezed a chuckle in response, a hidden smile brightening up the corners of his eyes. “Sure, I’ll keep that in mind. You take care of yourself now, you hear? I don’t want to be hearing of too many shenanigans from you, ok?”
BDubs laughed in response, and nodded. “Can do! And you do the same, ok?” He let the humor drain a bit, a more serious tone shining through. “If things get bad, please let someone know. Doc knows what happened, and he would be able to tell you who else was there that you could talk to if you needed it.”
Etho nodded. “Yeah, yeah. If it gets bad I always have Iskall and you guys.” Etho glanced at a clock in his inventory. “Looks like I should be off. If I start now, I should be able to get back before sunrise.” Etho waved goodbye as he turned to go.
“Stay safe! I’ll see you around then,” called out BDubs as he watched Etho quickly jog to the nearest source of water. Then, once acquired, he flew with the flick of his trident, starting his way back to the nether portal so as to make it back to his base safely.
BDubs went to bed that night content knowing that if Etho ever needed the help, he knew who he could reach out to.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #97: Nightingale
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making everyone’s favorite medical practitioner and biting enthusiast, Florence Nightingale! The good Ms. Flo is the most skilled nurse in Chaldea, with a variety of techniques to deal with disease and ill health on and off the battlefield. She’s not afraid to use them, so try not to get sick.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: RUN! It’s a creature legally distinct from Godzilla!
Race and Background
Nightingale’s a Human, and the variant version gives her +1 Wisdom and Charisma, as well as Insight proficiency and the Crossbow Expert feat. Some settings allow for pistols, but some don’t, and we’re playing it safe here. That feat means you can attack multiple times in a turn with a crossbow, attack within melee range without disadvantage, and if you’re holding a crossbow in your off hand and another weapon in your main hand, you can attack with the weapon as an action and the crossbow as a bonus action.
Nightingale might be a nurse, but she spent most of her time patching up wounds in the army, and the Soldier background gives her proficiency with Athletics and Intimidation, both things she pretty good at.
Ability Scores
Make sure your Wisdom is as high as possible for the best medicine checks and spellcasting. Make your Dexterity the second highest to multiclassing, damage, and to keep your AC up (that’s not exactly heavy armor). Your Charisma is next, you can be “persuasive” when you want to be. And by that I mean you’re terrifying. You may be pretty lucid, but you’re still a berserker; that means you’re hard to take down, and that means your Constitution should be next. Your Strength is pretty low. We don’t need it, but you’re still a berserker, so we’re dropping Intelligence instead. You don’t really care about topics other than medicine, so it’s not like you’ll be using it that much.
Class Levels
1. Cleric 1: Shockingly, the nurse is a Cleric. However, you know the best way to avoid infections to kill anything that could infect you, which definitely makes you more of a War cleric than a life one. As a war cleric, you start out proficient in martial weapons, which means we don’t have to jump through hoops to get your hand crossbow like we did with Shirou’s weapon. You’re also a War Priest, meaning a number of times per day equal to your wisdom modifier you can attack as a bonus action after attacking with your main action. This means you can still have two attacks per turn without having to dual wield like your feat wants you to.
You also learn Spells that you can cast and prepare using your Wisdom. You also get Domain Spells, which always count as prepared and you don’t have to spend prep time getting, like Divine Favor and Shield of Faith. The former makes your gun run a little hotter with radiant damage for up to a minute, and the latter gives a creature extra combat awareness, boosting their AC for up to 10 minutes.
You can also prepare spells outside your domain; healing spells are an obvious choice, but you should also check out Detect Poison and Disease and Purify food and Drink to make sure you have some antidotes on you.
Finally, you also get cantrips. Guidance adds 1d4 to an ability score, so long as they follow your directions for fluids and bedrest. Mending puts two things back together (it’s intended for nonliving things, but I’m sure it works fine on limbs too). Spare the Dying is what you’re actually supposed to use when people’s limbs come off, stabilizing creatures at 0 hp so they don’t have to worry about death saves.
2. Cleric 2: Second level clerics can Channel Divinity, either Turning Undead to make those that fail a wisdom save of DC 8 plus your wisdom modifier plus your proficiency, or making a Guided Strike, adding 10 to your attack roll. Some times the most effective way to end a disease is to end the person it’s afflicting.
3. Cleric 3: At third level you get second level spells, like Magic Weapon and Spiritual Weapon. Despite the similar names, the former improves your existing weapon a bit and makes it magical to avoid resistances, and the latter makes a brand new weapon that you control as a bonus action each turn. Along with your domain spells, you also get the performance enhancing drug Enhance Ability, the tranquilizer Hold Person, and more Protection from Poison.
4. Cleric 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to become a Healer. Now when you stabilize a creature using a healer’s kit they regain 1 HP, and you can spend a use of a healers kit to heal a creature for 1d6+4 HP, plus an extra amount of HP equal to their maximum number of hit dice. This healing can only be done once per short rest for each creature. Doctors gonna doctor.
Also grab Thaumaturgy so your Angel’s Yell can carry further.
5. Fighter 1: Bouncing over to fighter gives you a fighting style, like Unarmed Fighting, which gives you unarmed attacks that deal bludgeoning damage, but more so if you’re not holding your crossbow at the same time. Guns are nice, but sometimes you’ll have to get physical. You also gain a Second Wind, letting you heal yourself as a bonus action. This means you can save your regular materials for your party members.
6. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge, making it a lot easier to heal and shoot people at the same time once per short rest by adding an extra action to your turn.
7. Fighter 3: Grab the Banneret as your subclass to gain a Rallying Cry. Now using your Second Wind also heals your party members for a little bit as well! It’s not much compared to healing spells, but sometimes you run out of slots.
8. Cleric 5: Back in cleric now, your Turn Undead becomes Destroy Undead, instantly killing any undead monsters with a CR of less than 1/2 when they fail their save. You also get third level spells like Crusader’s Mantle and Spirit Guardians. The former causes everyone’s guns to run hot with radiant damage even if they’re using a sword, and the latter summons a couple angelic guards to protect your patients. If you find yourself in a lot of close-quarters combat, you can also use Spirit Shroud for some extra enemy control and damage.
9. Cleric 6: At sixth level you can Channel Divinity twice per short rest, and gain an new option to do so. You can bestow your War God’s Blessing on nearby creatures, spending your reaction to add 10 to their attack roll.
10 Cleric 7: Seventh level clerics get fourth level spells, like your domain spells Freedom of Movement and Stoneskin. The former helps you gnaw off your arm like a rabid coyote to escape capture, and the latter gives you all the relevant benefits of raging without stopping you from casting spells. By that, I mean it gives a creature resistance to nonmagical physical damage types. But you’ll have plenty of competition for your concentration, because you can also cast Aura of Life and Aura of Purity this level. One gives creatures in it resistance to necrotic damage and instantly revives non-hostile creatures who’ve been downed, and the other prevents diseases, weakens poisons, and empowers your party against most status effects.
11. Cleric 8: At this level, you can finally use an ASI to improve an ability score, bumping up your Wisdom for better healing and more bonus action attacks. Your Destroy Undead also bumps up to CR 1, and your Divine Strike makes your weapon attacks a little stronger once per turn. Turns out guns are stronger than crossbows, who knew?
12. Cleric 9: Ninth level clerics get fifth level spells. Flame Strike can be one of those neat little bottle-shaped grenades, and you also get Hold Monster for an even stronger tranquilizer. Beyond that and some healing spells, there isn’t really much at fifth level that screams Nightingale to me, but feel free to play it by ear.
13. Cleric 10: At tenth level you can use Divine Intervention to ask God for a bit of assistance in keeping your dumbass party alive. You can use this once per long rest, but also have to wait a week after it succeeds. Since you’re a full level of spells behind regular spellcasters right now, calling in a favor from time to time might come in handy.
You also pick up your last cantrip; Toll the Dead is another solid way to finish off diseased or injured enemies before they can spread whatever’s affecting them to the party, dealing more damage to creatures who are missing HP.
14. Cleric 11: Eleventh level clerics get sixth level spells, and like last time there’s not much specifically at this level that caught my eye. But that’s only if you’re playing the character religiously close to canon, and you probably shouldn’t be if you want to jive with the rest of the party. Or maybe you’re all playing expies of other characters, idk live your life.
15. Cleric 12: Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity for better gunplay and AC.
16. Cleric 13: Now you have seventh level spells, and unlike the last few levels, there’s spell outside of your usual healing you might want to check out. Temple of the Gods. lets you build your own temple within a cube of 120′. It lasts 24 hours per cast, but casting it once per day for a year in the same spot makes it permanent. Inside the temple, extraplanar entities can be kept out of it if they fail a charisma save, and they also get 1d4 subtracted from their attacks, checks, and saves while inside. The temple is immune to divinations spells, and the temple also boosts the power of healing spells cast inside of it. Great for giving your keep it’s own medical wing.
17. Cleric 14: Fourteenth level clerics have a Destroy Undead that affects creatures of CR 3 or lower, and their Divine Strike becomes a little more powerful as well. You just learned how to build hospitals from nothing, not every level can be a massive leap forward.
18. Cleric 15: You pick up eighth level spells this level. By this level, most spells are a bit too flashy to fit into Nightingale’s toolkit, but Holy Aura still manages to do it. Creatures within 30′ of you glow, and get advantage on all saves. On top of that, attacking creatures have disadvantage, and fiends and undead have to make a constitution save or become blinded for the duration of the spell.
19. Cleric 16: Use your last ASI to bump up your Constitution for more HP and better concentration saves.
20. Cleric 17: At seventeenth level, your Destroy Undead gets even stronger, you get ninth level spells, and most importantly, you become an Avatar of Battle, granting you a permanent resistance to nonmagical weapons. Effectively, you’re always raging, but still have access to your spells.
You’re something of a tough nut to crack, especially for a healer. You’ve got quite a bit of health for a cleric, ways to heal yourself and the party at the same time, and a sort of permanent rage damage resistance going on at the end of it.
Despite being a healer, you’re also pretty skilled in ranged combat, with plenty of ways to add more damage to your crossbow bolts. You might not have multiple attacks like most fighters, but you make your shots count. This also means you don’t have to be quite as deep in combat as your standard “mace and shield” cleric.
The healer feat and your Rallying Cry give you access to nonmagical healing. This is most likely to be a niche skill, but sometimes you’ll have to deal with anti-magic zones or low-magic settings, in which case you’ll still be able to shine.
Despite us putting several levels and feats into making your crossbow good, you’ll still always have to deal with the fact that it’s nowhere near as strong as a fighter’s would be. It’s fine for emergencies, but you probably won’t be the standout damage dealer of the group.
Bumping over to fighter for a couple levels also prevents you from getting the Cleric capstone, and they have a really good one. Guaranteed divine intervention is nothing to sneeze at.
You don’t really wear armor, and you don’t get anything like monks or barbarians do to offset that fact, so if you’re playing to character your AC is abysmal. Like I said earlier though, feel free to put on a breastplate or something, there’s no wrong way to play D&D. Except for in person, and not wearing a mask.
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Trails of Cold Steel IV
Been about a week or so since I've beaten it and I have thoughts. Lots of them. I don't expect everyone to agree or for my thoughts to be fully coherent, but here we go:
1. Gilliath Osborne is a fucking asshole. Holy shit, he is the worst father of all Zemuria, hands down. Abandons his son at 5 years old after his push into politics got his wife killed and his son nearly killed, then doesn't even tell him that he's his father until a traumatic moment happens. Then, he proceeds to use his son as a tool in his expansionist policies, followed by using him to cause the end of the fucking world. On top of that, his wife was 10 years his junior, so we can potentially add him being a creep depending on how old he was when he met his wife. 0/10, complete and total fucking asshole to the very bitter end.
2. Black Alberich's an asshole too. Second-worst father of all Zemuria, if only for being responsible for spawning Alisa Reinford rather than being an absolute, complete dick (Not to say that he isn't, he is). A shame that we only get glimpses of Franz Reinford towards the end, as it would've been a lot more interesting to learn about him directly.
3. Cedric Reise Arnor is a dick. But he's an interesting, entertaining dick. He is someone that has a very interesting story development throughout the four games that make up ToCS and I'm fascinated by where he's going to go now that he's a member of Ouroboros. Plus, it's nice to see Shirley take him under her wings in solidarity with folks that underwent trauma.
4. Rufus Albarea is the worst brother in all of Zemuria. Like, holy shit, how much of a shitbag do you have to be to basically throw all that nobility out the door to stab a teammate in the back? Glad he got arrested. Also, an excellent performance from D.C. Douglas, who shows off why he's so good at playing upper-crust assholes, on top of robots. There's a reason why Legion and Albert Wesker are his best known roles and him playing Rufus and Valimar showcase both sides easily.
5. The Black Workshop level is one of the most fun levels to play in ever. You have to switch between three different parties, manage orbment levels, and get to see Rean at his most evil & lost-looking ever so far. Him looking all hollow-like? Niiice! But more importantly, the gameplay there was so much fun. The salt pillars are a close second for fun levels to play.
6. Fighting the true final boss was equally awesome. It reminds me of the Bizarro Sephiroth fight where you're fighting with 3 parties and you're fighting different sides of the final boss. It's an awesome mechanic and I love setting up my parties to kick ass. Roselia and Vita in the same party? Absolutely dangerous and fun.
7. Machia Regnitz is the most terrifying accountant-looking inspector from the Government Accountability Inspectorate one will ever meet. Imagine being a regular person working, only for him to show up to inspect your workplace. Then, when your workplace fails the inspection, he immediately starts blasting away with multiple guns. This is a PTO day if I've ever heard of one.
8. I'm honestly glad that we got to see the normal ending first before we can see the golden ending, as it allows us to see what happens if we don't get that Earthen Prison to trap Ishmelga in it.
9. Crow Armbrust is what I'm talking about when it comes to someone that is a likable character that did some really shady shit. Yes, he was a terrorist, but you understood and got why he did what he did. It didn't exactly justify his actions, but you got where he was coming from. On top of that, he holds a lot of respect for those that he works with, from his teammates in the Imperial Liberation Front to Class VII to even his peers with Towa, George, and Angelica. He never crossed what could be considered a moral event horizon, where he could be considered irredeemable. In short, he's not Goro Akechi.
10. The voice acting for all the games is top-notch. Props to the folks that did the voice casting for each and every role because every last one of the parts played by the actors was perfect. This was a voice dub that was done so perfectly that turning on the Japanese voices seems offensive in comparison, and not just for this game, but for all four games. This is a voice dub that deserves all the love and respect it earns because it is such a flawless performance from everyone. And even the voices that do falter a bit is not enough to take away from how good it is.
11. If you haven't played any of the Trails of Cold Steel games, what are you waiting for? They are worth it. All four are available on PS4 and PC. You owe it to yourself to play these games now. If you love a turn-based JRPG that will take a decent amount of time to play, then this is the game for you.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
I don’t know if this extensive reading has helped but I FEEL like it has helped lol. When I started 小王子 how long was it taking a chapter? Just under 5 minutes per page right?
Well I know I got faster than that. Today my Internet was down so while waiting for things to restart and load and stuff I read like 5 chapters of the book. I read them out loud (just a handful of words I didn’t know how to say out loud). I was reading at slow but steady speaking speed so that’s still faster than 5 minutes a page. Ok I just timed myself to test it and I am taking 2 minutes to read a page, and I would guess 3 minutes if I slowed down to consider a bit more on the sayings/less familiar hanzi. That’s better then the 4.5-5 minutes I started at! So I must’ve picked up some words from this book. So I would say... yes a little extensive reading seems to be helping reading speed. Also! I have 16 pages to go! This story is so short. It is sweet and odd and so human though maybe that is why it’s remained loved like Alice in wonderland. (Fun fact I also read 2 chapters of Alice in wonderland in French this week and it is just as bizarre to me as when I watched the movie as a kid, But I do think in book form if I were 6-9 I would’ve related more since Alice’s POV in the story is pretty relatable... and when I was a kid and watched the movie I just did Not relate aha).
Anyway from 4.5 minutes to 2-3 is great!
What I did with graded readers/extensive reading this month, that I am hoping is why this helped:
Read graded reader (butterfly lovers, Pleco, 500 unique characters) - not hard but very satisfying to finish it and read it quickly when it used to take me 40 minutes to read a few Pleco pages of it). So that was a few thousand words comprehensible extensive reading.
Read another graded reader, chinese short stories. While I think it’s good as a study companion, a lot of very specific words which I tripped on (antique coins, being scammed). Which was fine I just think it was not the funnest reading material? It was mostly graded reader though I had to look up a couple handfuls of words.
Read a little of my 500 character Sinolingua reader (2 stories). Also read through the back of it which has all the words in the book, and the HSK 3 words included in the book - I knew all those words but it was a nice refresher. Mostly it was just nice to see how much easier these stories were to read compared to when I first got the book. (I would recommend these books as readers if you want something for adults and in short segments, the short stories are simplified prose from established authors, and the quality of storytelling can therefore be felt a bit. They feel more meaningful as short stories and therefore enjoyable if a bit basic (since they’ve been simplified). You can tell though compared to the Chinese Short Stories book above, which was probably written by a teacher/language textbook maker and not necessarily a literary writer.
Read mandarin companion journey to the center of the earth. 450 unique characters. Another easy read that felt really nice, compared to when I first read a mandarin companion book.
Started reading 小王子 on paper, so extensive reading with little word look up (I’ve looked up less than 10 words so far when reading on paper - notable words I looked up because it frustrated me I didn’t know them: 悲伤,惊奇,惊讶,匆匆,逐渐,观察,测试 a lot of these because I know I’ve seen these Hanzi before I just never remember specifically like 惊讶 惊奇 what the difference is or guan pronunciation 观察 or 测 I tend to forget when it’s not in 测试). I started reading it because it’s supposed to have around 2000 unique words (so not too many), and be pretty easy reading level (so a bit easier than 活着 which is the novel Chinese learners often get recommended). Basically, this was the extensive reading book choice step up from graded readers - it’s got a bit over 1000 unique hanzi, not an overwhelming amount of unique words, but it is not a graded reader so if it goes well I could jump to other stuff of similar or slightly less “ease” while still having it feel this “easy” to read (and hopefully take days to read instead of months).
Started reading 笑猫日记之会唱歌的猫 in Pleco, so clicking words I didn’t know (though this one only had a word or two a page unknown). I saw it recommended on a Chinese learners form as easy reading material after graded readers, and I agree! It’s very easy to read! I could understand it without clicking words but it is nice to understand fully since it’s convenient, and look up the pronunciation etc. I read 8 chapters so far. I also listened to a few chapters after reading, but idk if it helped at all.
15 ish chapters into 小王子 I found it online and reread 4 chapters with a click dictionary for unknown words. It was nice just clarifying the word pronunciations and fuzzy bits, also the online translation was different so seeing the difference on how they decided to word it (mostly just seeing synonyms used instead or different sayings for certain parts). I listened to a couple chapters audio afterwards, idk if it helped.
Unrelated, but I did listen read to 5 chapters of 默读 mainly following the Chinese text so, idk if that would’ve helped my overall reading at all (I want to say no but I did notice in general much more general gist comprehension of lines in MoDu then last time I read a couple months ago - although listening to the audio and being able to glance at the English for unknown words of course also makes things much more comprehensible that’s why listen reading method is the structure it is ahh).
Listened to some audio for 小王子 during work because I happened to find it, for chapters 1-4. Just playing in the background. I looked at the text while listening to one to match pronunciation to some words, since the chapter was like 5 minutes long in listening. Again interesting to see their word choice since It was yet another translation (I think I like my print books translation best).
Back to reading print 小王子 today and I think the audio beforehand did help me with being able to pronounce more of what I’m reading. Read like 4 chapters in one short break, another 3 chapters just now. While I don’t know how well the reading speed will translate to reading harder stuff like guardian (which was oddly also taking me 5 minutes a page? Why is that my default speed?), my reading speed doing extensive reading on “stuff mostly easy” to me has increased noticeably. (Fun fact when I read English technical text like psychology and physics books and educational etc I think my reading speed is it’s like 10-20 pages an hour... I do not read non fiction very fast).
So anyway, my goal with extensive reading easy material this month was to see if I could push UP what my starting base level “easy” material is.
What I used to do is practice with an “easier text” (which was still pretty hard for me tbh) and then once it got bearable (took 30-40 minutes to read instead of an hour), I’d switch to a harder material that took me 1-1.5 hours to read. Then when I’d burn out, I’d go back to that “easier” text until it got easier at 20-30 minutes to read. Then I might pick a harder base reading text (usually what used to be the hard one that would now take 30-40 minutes to read), and find something even harder. Lately that has been 寒舍 as my “easier” text, taking 20-30 minutes a full chapter (2 mini chapters), and 天涯客 as my harder text at 30-40ish minutes a chapter. And yes, at this point I could pick something harder but they’re both hard enough I was just sticking to them. You might notice none of these were actually easy for me though, my actual base easy materials were still graded readers, and manhua. So I want to push that upward until there’s some “easier” material below 寒舍 that I can be built up to and read easily Without a dictionary aid. So I can have a solid base that’s reliable. Hanshe is an “easier” practice material but it’s not necessarily something I can read extensively with ease. But if I keep pushing up the difficulty of what I can extensively read, bit by bit, I will eventually Get it to hanshe (or a little below it realistically but still firmly in regular-webnovel-exist at the reading level). I will not get faster at reading these hard things unless my base level of reading is both higher and already a reasonable speed. (I’m guessing anyway??).
Well happy to say this plan is working. I guess the advice articles I read were right somewhat. I knew graded readers could drag you from 0 beginner to some reading ability, since It’s what I originally did with Chinese (and even French sort of). But I was very quick about it because I’m impatient and easily bored by too-easy things apparently lol. I read 1 mandarin companion graded reader (the 300 word Sherlock Holmes one), a couple chapters of 2 other graded readers, then started on a random webnovel (the bl 他们的故事 which somehow thankfully is on the easier end for novels) and looked a lot of words up to get through. But I did not think to try to “match my reading level and increase gradually” in regular novels, even tho if it works for graded readers it probably works for regular stuff!
And in school in our native languages, that’s why our elementary schools had libraries, and we read books for our age group and the chapter books we read were much easier than what we read as teens or what adults read! I remember bunnicula and cat wings those were not hard but they were chapter stories. Then I remember Dracula and hg wells and mark Twain in high school and how they felt a bit Hard despite me being one of those kids rated at college reading level in 3rd grade. Now as a kid? I had the same tendencies I do now, so I’m not surprised I always jump in the deep end and Try to read hard stuff (and it must help since it’s part of why I got good at reading my native language, and definitely has helped my chinese and french). I would be like 7 and pick up a mitchner novel of My dad’s (is that the author of stuff like Alaska etc?) and I’d read a couple pages and feel drained trying to follow it and give up. Or the huge The Witching Hour by Anne Rice, or HG Wells History of the world, or the biography of benjamin Franklin, I never finished any of these or had any idea what they were about I just got curious and opened up a couple pages every now and then. Yet somehow that must’ve been part of why my reading level so early on was considered “good”? I’m guessing.
But I wasn’t actually good at reading in the sense of doing it often or fast until my dad started reading to me at like age 8-9 I think it was Harry Potter which at the time worked out since the books got harder each time, and also my dad reads out loud slow just like he tutors slow lol so eventually I read myself so he’d stop boring me (I love him and loved the bonding time I’m sure but truly i just apparently always liked jumping in the deep end). Eventually his strategy Im guessing to get me to read slightly harder stuff each time worked, because by books 4-5 I read each in 2 days. He was so impressed because before that I couldn’t read long books and not fast, and that’s when he thought I got good at reading. Looking back lol it’s actually so funny? How much work he had to do to get me to read and how what ended up working I still sort of do now. He started me on Hop on Pop as a kid as my first book cause One Fish Two Fish bored me and I thought jumping on a dad was funny, and he did that just to do something to get me to pick up a book lol. Then he got me that digital book toy they had back then where you had a real book but it was in a digital holder and if you clicked words with the pen it read them out loud. Literally how I learn Chinese now... he really got me digital equivalent to graded readers back then ToT. And just like as a kid I still pick up stuff way beyond my level and just read a couple pages at random. It’s just. Kind of funny to me how much I didn’t really change that much after all ToT
BACK ON THE TOPIC OF APRIL PROGRESS lol ok. I listened to Guardian ep 1 today just in the background so no subs etc and I was Floored by how much I completely understood. I’ve been listening to SpoonFed chinese again (15 audios listened to this month), but I’m floored if it made a difference?! Since I was mostly listening in the background not focusing and missing some stuff. Idk if it made a difference, or listening reading method just that 1.5 hours I did this month or what. Or if my listening skills have been this decent I just don’t test them since I usually watch shows with hard Chinese subs (and read the subs), or watch shows with English subs. So like. Anyway mejo back in what was it august 2019 when I started studying? Would be so happy. Back when I started watching guardian and only knew ni hao and xie xie and zai jian.
Also I can’t even remember now if I did extensive reading guardian (after reading the English translation), this month too or just last month. But I’m sure that helped and I should test general reading sometime of a priest novel. Like.. literally what kicked off the “I should extensive read more” this month is me Desperately wanting to kick up my reading speed after the horrific 25 page guardian chapter I read that took like 1.5 hours.
4 notes · View notes
cmescapade · 4 years
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my long overview/review of ‘Star Wars: Journey to Batuu’ after forcing myself to play it almost nonstop
so i said i was going to amend what i said in response to this ask after playing to min/max shit so here is a tldr version of my opinion after playing:
I consider this pack to be a 2/10; It's enough to kill time as a temporary distraction, but not for long. There’s absolutely no replay value after going through all those missions as each outcome is ultimately the same by faction. There also doesn’t seem to be any negative outcomes for each prompt in the little “choose your adventure” pop ups--And if there is, it is extremely low since I have never gotten a negative outcome. 
The aspirations are fair, and are the only things I found in this pack that’s anyway redeemable since I believe the rewards can be used well in conjunction with general solo/super-sim gameplay.
kinda sat on this for a while bc i wasn’t sure if i should post something so lengthy but then i remembered this is my blog n i can post my left toe if i wanted to
even tho i would never post a pic of my left toe anyway
.......at least for free. With the right price, however....
anyway more details under the cut if you’re interested bc i like to ramble :))
I decided to split this into 5 sections to organize my thoughts a little better. I’ll be separating my thoughts on each faction, the ships as a rabbit hole, the faction missions, the star wars aspirations, and then the breakdown of my 2/10 rating. 
1. Factions
When you travel to Batuu, the game gives you a starting “mission” or quest to get you acclimated to the areas, and each area has a specific Faction associated with it.
And yes, you cannot live anywhere, nor are there any lots, as was already stated.
Every area has a similar makeup which has:
Control Panels
Supply Crates
1 non-rabbit hole area
1 interactable ship
The Black Spire Outpost is the biggest area and has:
Two places to grab food, three if you count the Cantina
Aside from the Cantina, the other areas are rabbit holes
The two eateries are:
Docking Bay 7
this one has the most food options
you’ll never go hungry in batuu because the cheapest items on the menu are Outpost Popcorn Mix and Water at 0 credits lmao
the other two foods not shown in the screenshot above are Yobshrimp Noodle Salad and Braised Shaak Roast
Ronto Roasters
This food place has two of the same options Docking Bay 7 has as well as two additional food items
Oga’s Cantina
The only area that you see the inside of
yea the bar serves batuu-only drinks too
also where you find the guy who would give you Scoundrel missions, Hondo Ohnaka.
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You can essentially max your Scoundrel reputation without it hindering whichever side you wanna take, and you can keep it when you essentially max out your rep on either the Resistance or the First Order.
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There aren’t any real pros to being a Scoundrel aside from some socialization interactions. It doesn’t do anything for initial Batuu gameplay aside from unlocking Scoundrel outfits in CAS and some upgrades for your droids, but this goes for all of your options (Resistance, First Order, & Scoundrel).
The Dwelling
This is a rabbit hole where your sim goes to sleep, pee, or shower… If not the closest bench. 
It’s located opposite to the Cantina. 
If you’re ever lost, there’s a spire you can sit/nap on right in front of it–or you can just wait till your sim wants to pee. 
they’ll automatically run there 
that’s… how i found it, tbh
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Dok Ondar’s Den of Antiquities
Another rabbithole
This place sells items you can use to complete missions, like Dataspikes and a couple of Lightsaber parts
Majority of the inventory are decorative stuff to bring back with you
Savi’s Workshop
Right behind the antique shop is the lightsaber place where you can find more hilts, kyber crystals, and display cases for your lightsabers.
You can also click on the shop to start a lightsaber challenge.
Outside this area, you have the First Order District which has more supply crates and control panels than the other two neighborhoods, and a lot more activity–Makes sense since this is basically the hub for the First Order in general. 
There’s only the Droid Depot in this area, and the only real shop that has use for credits. Food wise, there’s a food stall, and if your sim is stinky or tired, they’d basically disappear for a few minutes to recharge and come back. 
Droid Depot
Each faction has specific Droid personality traits
Aside from “voices,” these personalities don’t do much
I guess the First Order one is a lot more zap-happy though
The Resistance Camp is even smaller. Like the other areas, it’s littered with supply crates, but only has one control panel and no shops. However, there’s a rabbit hole toward the back in the Caves.
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This doesn’t lead you to anywhere interesting, and it’s just another ‘choose your own adventure’ kind of thing. 
2. Ships
In the Black Spire Outpost, you’ll find the iconic Millennium Falcon. You can do kessel runs and explore in the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca if you have a high Scoundrel reputation. 
However, although I said you get to ride with Chewbacca, you don’t ever see him come out 
He just kinda……………..stays there
and the prompts tell u he’s there
n ur gonna have to go with it and use the power of your imagination to believe he really do be there
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In the First Order District, there’s the TIE Echelon, which functions the same way as the Millennium Falcon… But, you can’t do anything outside of exploring or using it for missions. This is how the X-Wing Starfighter in the Resistance Camp functions as well. 
It’s all pretty copy and paste, but w/e, that’s how EA does it  
3. Missions
There may be several different missions per faction, but to no one’s surprise, they’re all literally the same one but worded differently.
Regular missions only have one plus (+) and one negative (-) icon
Regular Scoundrel missions only have one plus icon and no negatives since they don’t impact other factions
Each faction has a regular mission that pertains to:
Obtaining information
Exploring with the faction’s designated ship
Stealing from Supply Crates
Hacking a Control Panel
Yes………………….They’re very repetitive
You don’t have to do all of them though
You can spam the same one over and over as long as it fits the time slot
For example, the Resistance’s ship exploration mission is limited to only the day time and seems to disappear when it gets late in game
also there’s an error with the TIE Echelon where it’s missing a whole ass prompt
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……As you can see, the options make no sense because the prompt is the same one that came before it 🥴
Story Missions are the only missions that seem to differentiate from each faction.
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All missions that pertain to the “story” are indicated with prerequisites of higher ranks within the faction
All of them give a double boost toward your faction
If it’s a Resistance story quest, it’ll always increase hostility from First Order members
Vice versa for the First Order faction
The Scoundrels are neutral, and do not impact any faction 
It’s only the Resistance and First Order factions that have very similar plot lines
but I’m guessing it’s only like that since they’re supposed to follow the vague cause/effect the two of them have?
4. Aspirations
The initial Aspiration you get when you pick the Star Wars umbrella in CAS (or in game) is “Hope VS Order.” After completing this one aspiration, you unlock the 3 that pertain to each faction.
Paragon of Hope
Resistance aspiration
Reward trait gives a boost to Charisma skill building
This is probably nice for those careers that need Charisma to be high, like the Political and Business branches
Enforcer of Order
First Order aspiration
Lowers chances of “Death from Anger”
Since I like killing my sims, I think this aspiration is pointless lmao
Galactic Privateer
Scoundrel aspiration
“Sleight of Hand” reward trait
Unlocks pickpocketing outside of Criminal branch usage
Best one here tbh
Works outside of Batuu, you’ll steal simoleons instead of credits
Also you can cheat whenever u play Sabaac and no one will notice
5. Reevaluation of Initial Opinions
I’ll be going through my initial list from my Response to the Ask I got before. I originally stated that it seemed promising and it was a 3.5~4/10.
Aesthetics/Visual: my opinion is unchanged, it still made me sad i can’t have a little shanty house out there or rent a garbo lot, 0.5/5
The longer I played, the more I didn’t find any new animations
The lightsaber sparring slowly began to look like a mash between GF and RoM duels after a while
I still hate that the areas were beautiful (+0.5) but the interactive places forced cutaway
why do you wanna ruin my screenshots like this, man
CAS/BB still is hard to integrate–Unless your sim is a geek with figurines, the ship models might be nice to add to their collections
I don’t have a follow up for that, sry
Gameplay: uhhh at least i found something i could use outside of Batuu, 1.5/5
I think that playing 3984729847 repetitive missions for a long period time really orientated me to the whole map
…but the fact that i had trouble the first time around still makes it not-user friendly
the issue I had with the resistance members not having an icon? It’s a thing, I guess
The resistance quests take you on a weird trip to “prove” yourself so i guess the icons are supposed to show that they’re “not” resistance members or something idk
they’re supposed to be the sneaky underdogs who wanna do good or w/e
I guess that’s immersive…….. +0.5
sry im first order trash
they also have “Ignite the Spark” and “Ask about Missions” both leading to the same mission screen……………….
convenience?? i guess??
missions are still confusing, made worse when the game itself glitches up a storm
there was one mission where i had to go to the cantina to find someone
and they wouldn’t spawn within the time frame………….
i had to go in and out for like 3 days until they actually spawned
i only knew this bc i arrested half the people in the cantina while i was bored
so anyone without a red bar was probably them lmfaoo
also, as i stated above……. there’s some mission errors in the prompts 
Currency is still worthless.
Everything can be done by purely stealing from supply crates
Credits are only worth to blow it off on sabaac! 
The only real need for credits is to have 1,000 so u can buy a droid
Then slam the rest of those credits on the table to bet bajillions on a game of sabaac!
Aspirations………. Useful +1
Despite them being sorta niche, they’re pretty decent
Can abuse the rewards for optimal gameplay for a super sim
Honestly i just love the pickpocketing reward off the Scoundrel aspiration, just because it works outside of Batuu (and that he didn’t have to be in the Criminal career for it either)
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In total, my personal rating for this pack is 2/10.
It was nice, but I don’t really see this pack being replayable, considering that i did everything there was to do on Batuu in a single trip. Sure I could’ve taken my time, but since everything would end up the same anyway, it felt like it was set up to be a one-time gig. 
At least with JA you’re moderately forced to return so you can collect treasures that are RNG–In JtB, you can snatch up all that you need on Batuu from grinding everything like a nutcase. There’s also chances of failure in JA, but on Batuu that percentage is almost little to none. The most you’ll ever get is a dazed moodlet that barely lasts, a negative relationship, and being escorted to a loading screen.  
I feel like this pack could be a little better if there were more risks involved, but there are barely any that I encountered. It’s just another weird, rehashed cash grab by EA.
17 notes · View notes
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine
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This trainer +20 developed by CheatHappens for game version 521158. November 1 2020:Cheat Engine 7.2 Released for Windows and Mac: I'm proud to announce that Cheat Engine 7.2 has been released. Money is an important commodity in the game and using this civ 6 gold cheat you can get unlimited money. '));return t=btoa(t),t=btoa(t[0]+t),n+t}(e.href)}))}function r(){var e=document.getElementById('download_link');if(e){var n=e.getElementsByTagName('a');n.length>0&&(e=n[0])}return e}function o(){var e=! Cheat Engine will show quite a lot of values now - in my case it was around 50. Click “… Also, check out my patreon for progress updates and prerelease binaries (which you can also get if you where to compile ce yourself) How activate the script ? Unlimited Money Cheat for Civilization VI.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine 6.4
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engines
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine 6.4
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine Rebuild
Civ 5 Cheat Engine Gold
Civ 6 Cheat Engine Gold Address
Civilization 6 Gathering Storm Gold Cheat Engine
Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. If you experience any difficulty in the game «Sid Meier’s Civilization 6» (2020) or just want to have fun, this cheat is created specially for you! Press alt+tab in-game to access cheat engine.
Civilization 6 Cheats: More Science = Higher Progress Science performs one of the most important functions in all Civilization games - it develops (unlocks) your technologies. As a result - you get units and new abilities for your citizens. Code: Select all Game Title: Civilization VI - Gathering Storm Game Version: (521158) Game Sponsor: Fennix102 + daipm (XP1 and XP2) Process Name: CivilizationVI.exe Relevant Info: 64bits/TBS/New Engine Script Version: 3.10-AOB CE Version: 7.0 Release date: 24-Oct-2020 Author: Recifense History: 22-Oct-2016: Preliminary Release 1 (7 features) 24-Oct-2016: Preliminary. Firstly you need a freeware called Cheat Engine which you can download from here cheat engine. Domination is the usual military-style way to win but it costs a lot of money. Add text damnit, the steam browser is bugged With the vast realm of Civilization 6, its no surprise you’re looking for some cheats to help you on your way.
scripts dont seem to work anymore. Many improvements and features to make your gaming better Resources: Diplomatic Favor Firstly you need a freeware called Cheat Engine which you can download from here cheat engine 1. Added an AVX2 version of CE, which will speed up all those floating point operations CE does so much... Symbolhandler can now have the following types in front of pointers : (BYTE), (WORD), (DWORD), (QWORD), (CHAR), (SHORT), (INT), (INT64) to typecast the pointer to a value of that type, Structure dissect can detect vc++ and object pascal classnames now, Dissect code now also detects references to strings, Sorting the addresslist now sorts faster and more properly with regards to groups (depends on the level your current selection is), Rightclick the addresslist header to bring up a menu which allows you to disable sorting, The chosen floating point rounding type is now saved in the registry, You can now use (addresslist description) as an address, DBVM doesn't activate the TSC hook by default. 4. Select the Civilization 6 process. Und mit Pokémon (...) mehr, Dieser Charakter in Watch Dogs: Legion war so nicht beabsichtigt.In Watch Dogs: Legion sollen alle Charakter (...) mehr, Cheats und Trainer für ein leichtes Spiel, Einsteiger-Guide: Tipps und Tricks für einen erfolgreichen Start, Das Aufbaustrategiespiel - jetzt auch für Konsole, Anno 1800 | Kartennummer anzeigen und beste Karten, Anno 1800 | Baupläne für effiziente Produktionsketten. Multiply 20 by 256 which is 5120 and type in the values 4700 and 5500 - click on 'Next Scan' like 2 times. Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition Trainer v100.12.3552.0, Subnautica: Below Zero Trainer (Oct-2020 37024), NumPad 3: Fast Build Buildings and Wonders.
if (UserWidth <= 1024) Selected Unit: Unit Can Level Up Therefore you multiply 10 by 256 which is 2.560 and search for a value between 2.000 and 3.000 (just switch 'Scan type' to 'Value between' to be able to enter two values) just to make sure to hit it. 3. Resources: Gold Select the Civilization 6 process. added ansicode character support for textRect, added loadFromStream and saveToStream to the RasterImage class, added readAnsiString and writeAnsiString to the Stream class, Better document the mode field of createFileStream, Added the DrawItemEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system, Added the MenuDrawItemEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system, Added the ContextPopupEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system, Created a new Diagram class group which can allow you to create graphs and diagrams, Memoryrecord.DropDownValue and DropDownDescription work now (still RO), Stackview can now show by reference , previously it did nothing, the 'resume thread' in the threadlist now resumes threads instead of freezing them, fixed an error popping up when editing registers with no debugger attached, getNameFromAddress will not show userdefined symbols when symbols are disabled, Waiting till all symbols have been loaded has been removed, Launching structure compare from dissect data now only needs 1 address, though it's recommended to have at least 2 each, Code completion in lua engine is now more smoother, You can now compare traces generated by the tracer, Threadlist window now has a copy to clipboard, Structure compare now digs deeper into pointers, Pointerscan import/export now works with newer types as well, Added rudimentary sort to the structure compare window (based on levelwidth only), Referenced strings now also shows if it's unicode, Formdesigner now has a context menu to add undocumented controls, added getWriteLog (Let's you get the writelog and activate it), HexadecimalView: added the OnCharacterRender and OnValueRender events.
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Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Cheats
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Enable Console
Start by head to the following file location:
C:Users[USER NAME]DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Civilization VI
Now, make a backup of the AppOptions.txt file. Open that file and scroll down to the [Debug] section of the file. Look for a line containing the following text:
EnableDebugMenu 0
Change the 0 in that text so that it reads 1, and start playing the game like usual. Then press ~ (TILDE, THE KEY ABOVE TAB) to access the debug console.
Easy Deity Win (Exploit)
You can win the game on Deity difficulty and score some easy achievements by taking the following steps:
Choose your civilization.
Create a custom game with only “Score Victory” checked, and change the turn limit to 1.
Load the game and choose the Found City option.
End your turn as soon as the option becomes available.
You win the match, just like that, and you will unlock numerous achievements. This works on any difficulty setting.
Reveal the Entire Map
Use a text editor to edit the “Config.ini” file in your Steam Apps folder or the “DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Civilization 6” directory.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine 6.4
Find the “DebugPanel = 0” line and change it to “DebugPanel = 1”
Save and close the “Config.ini” file.
While playing the game, press ~ to display the debug panel.
Select “Reveal All” to reveal the entire map.
There are also other debug options you can enable.
Now you can easily access Debug Console in Civilization VI in-game. In order to activate it you just need to PRESS TILDE “~”. It will open a Debug Window, from there select “Reveal All” option.
Trading Glitch
When trading with the AI, you can use two major glitchs:
1- Give any strategic or luxury resources and as much gold per turn as possible, then click the option whatwill you give me for this?, the AI will break and will offer insane amounts of goldand gold per turn just for the resource.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engines
2- Ask for whatever you want from the AI (cities included) and start putting gold (not gold per turn, only normal gold) untilthey accept the deal, then reduce until you’re as close as possible to the required amount, Ex: 25890 Gold of 26000 required, and click on the option make this trade equitable, this will break the AI and will ask an amount of gold per turn proportional to how close you were to the real price. (I bought 5 cities for 3 gold per turn and a jeans in emperor difficulty). This glitch can also be used in multiplayer matches that include AI, but will surely get patched soon.
Early Domination
If you want to enjoy Civilization 6’s battle systems, it’ll be best to pick up the Aztecs, Scythia, or the Spartan Greece. Aztecs allow your own territories to have more tile improvements as their Eagle Warriors convert slain units into Builder units. Meanwhile, Scythia’s units have bonuses against targeting wounded enemy units. Lastly, the Spartan Greece units generate Culture per enemy unit killed. Waging war in the earlier eras yields fewer Warmonger penalties, so feel free tosiege other Civilizations or City States if you need something from them. If you manage to take every Capital or wipe out every leader in the match, your Civilization will attain the laborious and difficult Domination Victory.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine 6.4
Camera keys
With Civilization VI now out in the wild, one of the biggest gripes is the camera control not being mapped to WASD. The good news is that camera keys can be changedwith some simple file editing. To change the camera control keys do the following: ..SteamsteamappscommonSid Meier’s Civilization ViBaseAssetsUI
Open the “WorldInput.lua” file in a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ Find the DefaultKeyDownHandler section Find the line if( uiKey Keys.VK_UP ) and then make the changes as follows if( uiKey Keys.VK_UP or uiKey Keys.W) if( uiKey Keys.VK_RIGHT or uiKey Keys.A) if( uiKey Keys.VK_DOWN or uiKey Keys.S) if( uiKey Keys.VK_LEFT or uiKey Keys.D)
Next you need to add the same entries above to the DefaultKeyUpHandler section. Note that you will also need to rebind the default Attack and Great Works default keys to something else so your new camera keys do not conflict.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine Rebuild
Rename Cities
1) Go to the Civilization VI installation folder – C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonSid Meier’s Civilization VI.
2) Go to Base > Assets > Text > install language – ..SteamsteamappscommonSid Meier’s Civilization VIBaseAssetsTexten_US.
3) Then open the file named “CityNames_Text.xml” with any text editor, then search for the city/civilization that you want to rename. Change the name there and save. Once you are all done reload the game and you will find your city name changed.
Disable Unit Auto Cycle
Go to ..UsersDocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Civilization VI
Then open “UserOptions.txt”
After that go to “line 60” then change “AutoUnitCycle 1” to “AutoUnitCycle 0”
Save the file “UserOptions.txt”
Once you are all done then save (Ctrl + S)
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Now you are all set to enjoy the Civilization VI game without Unit Auto Cycle.
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It’s end. I hope “Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Cheats, Cheat Codes” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.
Civilization 6 Gathering Storm Gold Cheat Engine
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monstersdownthepath · 5 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Yhidothrus, the Ravager Worm
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Chaotic Evil Hybrid Fiend* of Age, Time, and Worms
Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Repose Subdomains: Ancestors, Demon, Entropy, Murder
The Complete Book of the Damned, pg. 104~105
Obedience: Meditate in a closed coffin partially filled with leech-infested mud or worm-infested soil. During the obedience, you must swallow or inhale at least a dozen living leeches or worms. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against effects that cause magical aging, slowness, or anything that damages, drains, or penalizes ability scores.
Oh man that’s a painful Obedience. Not only have you got to lug around a coffin big enough to fully enclose you, but you have to lug around a coffin packed with a dozen pounds of soil that’s filled with squirming things. I won’t even get into how to hide this ritual from prying eyes or explain yourself if you get caught because it’s basically impossible to do if you’re in a Good-aligned party. If you’re among Evil, you can at least have your allies stand guard while you go eat your breakfast in the seclusion of your coffin so that no innocent civilians see you. Also, hefting that thing around basically necessitates some sort of extradimensional space, or a luggage-strewn cart and a very good cover story if gate guards check the contents out and spot it.
Yeesh, the logistics of this are giving me a headache. A normal funeral-grade coffin is usually as weighty as the corpse it’s meant to contain, but you can likely get by with a shoddy and lightweight one you’ve made yourself. In fact, the Worm may find that charming! Especially when you fill it with dirt and start eating worms in its name. Keeping the coffin filled with life is likely going to be a hell of a project in and of itself, basically necessitating turning the thing into a terrarium; make sure to weatherproof your coffin or it’s going to rot from the inside-out before you even make it a few months into your new faith! The Worm may offer a more generous interpretation of ‘closed’ if your coffin has worm-eaten holes in it, but the more they chew through it, the more likely it is the thing will break open like cheap plywood the next time you lay down.
All that trouble however is worth it, even before getting into the Boons. The benefit from the ritual is huge, basically giving you a +4 on saves versus just about every status ailment in the game, because it says “ANYTHING” that damages, drains, or even penalizes ability scores. Not only are poisons, diseases, and most curses affected, but frightened, blinded, exhausted/fatigued, negative levels, grappled, and many more conditions inflicted as secondary effects from enemy attacks can be more easily resisted thanks to the protection the Worm offers, and this is ON TOP OF the extra resistance versus Slow effects and magical aging. So, yes, this is an A+ benefit!
So lets see what kind of Boons the great devourer of time has to offer...
Boons are acquired slowly: the first once you reach 12 hit dice, the second at 16, and the third at 20. However, the Evangelist, Exalted, and Sentinel Prestige Classes can be entered as early as level 7; doing so grants you the Boons at levels 10, 13, and 16 instead. Servants of demons may also take the Demoniac Prestige Class; you don’t get the Boons any faster than E/E/S, but you may select which Boon set you get, and you get cool demon-related powers!
*Yhidothrus is technically both a Demon Lord and a Qlippoth Lord. This has no effect on whether or not you can enter the Demoniac Prestige Class, but it’s worth noting that its true loyalties will likely lay with the True Rulers of the Abyss. I’m mentioning this because it’s another cute little detail a DM can play with and a character can consider. 
Boon 1: Consumption of the Worm. Gain Corrosive Touch 3/day, Acid Arrow 2/day, or Vampiric Touch 1/day.
Nice! Except for Corrosive Touch, I mean. It’s a melee touch spell that deals only 5d4 damage and, while that may be helpful when you need to break an object, but unless you’re an Evangelist-Fighter/Barbarian, there’s probably someone in your party better at breaking things. Both Acid Arrow and Vampiric Touch are better, with VT granting you some much-needed vitality when trapped in an enemy’s melee radius, and Acid Arrow’s low damage somewhat mitigated by the fact that it’s ongoing and stacks with itself.
Three damage spells with very obvious uses. Makes them easy to cover and move on, at least! I’d personally stick with Acid Arrow unless you Evangelized yourself from a more melee-oriented class.
Boon 2: Nightmare Below. You gain a burrow speed of 30ft that can be used to tunnel through sand, mud, soil, or other soft substances. You have +10 to Stealth checks while burrowing. Once per hour as a standard action, you can burst from the ground with a terrifying roar; all creatures within 30ft of your emergence that were unaware of your presence must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Cha mod) or be stunned for 1 round and shaken for 2d4 rounds after. The burrow speed is an Extraordinary, but the emergence ability is a Supernatural mind-affecting fear effect.
I appreciate that there’s no indication as to how your character burrows, so I assume you move just like a worm does, slinking through the ground like an accordion. However, note that the burrowing IS an Extraordinary ability, not a Supernatural one, so there’s some sort of physical action going on that you presumably need at least one limb for. Perhaps you’re just eating the dirt?
Anyway, a semi-permanent burrow speed--and a decently speedy 30ft one, at that--rates pretty high on ‘things that are spooky for players to have’ because of the nonsense players can think up. Grappling someone and dragging them underground and leaving them there is just one of the many shenanigans you can pull. Being more than 5ft underground makes you immune to a great many attacks and spells, making it a solid defensive option too! However, as strong as this ability could be, it’s held back by something that’s extremely important:
You can’t see anything while underground.
Creatures that can burrow normally navigate by Tremorsense or the power to see through earth, but unless you’re a really weird race or have specific and rare magic items/effects on you, you’re as blind to your enemies as they are to you. That puts a huge damper on an otherwise incredibly powerful ability, because it forces you to rely on an above-ground ‘spotter’ to help you find your way around... Unless, of course, you pop your head out like a meerkat every so often to check on your surroundings, but that also runs the risk of ruining your terrifying arrival.
The terrifying arrival is a pretty good initiator, if we’re being honest. Sneaking around and seeing where your foes are clustered before burrowing over to that spot is a decent way to have a bunch of them trip over their own feet trying to get away from you... Or, rather, not getting away at all due to the supernatural stun. Stunning even one or two enemies out of a group of 6~10 during the surprise round means two less enemies get to roll initiative before being cut down. You have to give up your standard action to do it, but it’s a decent Save-or-Suck if your allies are waiting in the wings, ready to pounce when you explode from the ground like the world’s filthiest jack-in-the-box.
Boon 3: The Very Worm That Gnaws. When you perform your Obedience upon attaining this Boon, you are devoured utterly by the worms, your consciousness transferring into the swarm. You gain the Worm That Walks Template. Creatures that become shaken by your Nightmare Below emergence are also sickened for 1 minute.
Alright, alright alright alright ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT
This represents one of the very, very few ways for a player character to obtain a Template this powerful without jumping through some pretty hefty hoops. I mean, yes, you have to serve the Ravager Worm for years and years without being put down permanently, and you also have to meditate in a wormy coffin for more or less the entire time... But by god does it ever pay off.
Worm That Walks is one of the stronger Templates one could ever hope to obtain. Not quite on the level of the Vampire or the Lich, but certainly in the upper tiers, and with fewer obnoxious weaknesses! You become immune to physical single-target spells and effects, as well as spells/effects which target a specific number of creatures, such as Disintegrate and Magic Missile due to your wormy constitution, though you remain vulnerable to mind-affecting effects or effects which attack your senses. However, a great number of powerful effects such as Slow, Finger of Death, Harm, and most forms of Smite simply do not work against your innumerable tiny bodies, which can die off in droves without harming your overall consciousness. In fact, the worms comprising your form breed with such alarming swiftness that you gain Fast Healing equal to your CR (which is typically roughly equal to your level, but you gain an automatic +2 from the Template) and they reflexively dodge out of the way of incoming attacks so fluidly that they grant you DR 15/--.
Yes, you read that right. Fast Healing 18 (at least) and an insurmountable DR 15. If you were the party caster before becoming an Evangelist, you are no longer squishy in the gamer sense of the word. And if you were the party tank? You’re basically indestructible now, aside from your unfortunate weakness to area-of-effect attacks (from which you take half-again as much damage). The DM should be wary of people wanting to worship the Ravager Worm, if only because of how hair-pullingly resilient a WTW can be if played right. You even overcome the WTW’s biggest weakness, in that once they drop below 0 HP they become permanently staggered and lose access to all of their defensive abilities (including Fast Healing and DR), because Nightmare Below allows you to dig down to safety until you can recover.
I really don’t want to stretch this little article any more than I should, despite the fact that a character becoming a Worm That Walks is a huge can of worms that deserves a lot of explanation, but here: Take a look at the Template’s page again for yourself. Just take a look at all the stuff you get! I will close with a note for DMs though: if you find yourself needing to keep an unruly PC in check, note that their life becomes inextricably linked to the Ravager Worm’s will now. As written, you do not lose the template if you fail your Obedience (which, by the by, is much easier to perform now that you are the worms)... But failing too often for too long could cause Yhidothrus to simply cease providing you with divine energy, unbinding your mind from the worms and killing you instantly before pulling you into its Abyssal palace.
Boon 1: Blessing of the Worm. Gain Ray of Enfeeblement 3/day, Gentle Repose 2/day, or Slow 1/day.
In case you forgot that Yhidothrus was related to time, here’s a good reminder! Gentle Repose is a bit of an odd duck since the Worm holds dominion over the negative aspects of time’s passage, such as the wearing down of one’s body and mind as the ages move on. Stopping time from devouring the dead, then, is strange for the Worm to grant.
And I wouldn’t take Gentle Repose or Ray of Enfeeblement, either, since Slow is available and can completely turn an encounter on its head with a single casting. That’s all you get, but that’s all you really need. This one was easy to do, too, letting us move on to the meatier Boons here...
Boon 2: Curse of Brittle Bones. 1/day, you can cast Heightened Bestow Curse at 7th level as a spell-like ability. This curse is unique, advancing the victim to venerable age and imposing a -6 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution without granting them bonuses to their mental ability scores. These penalties do not stack with age-related penalties already present.
The save DC against this ability is 17+Cha mod, a high enough save that whoever you swat with it will likely struggle to surmount it. However, this is a touch attack negated by a successful save with an effect that does not instantly end combat on its own, which you all know by now is something I do not like seeing. Age penalties can’t reduce a victim’s stats below 1, and while this is a curse effect and not listed as an aging effect, it’s commonly accepted that Constructs, Undead, Outsiders, and Dragons simply do not age as mortals might and thus this curse would have no effect on them.
However, NONE of those creature types are inherently immune to aging effects unless it is specifically mentioned in their individual sheets. They can still experience the ravages of time, they just have to be magically forced to do so. especially in the case of Dragons (which normally get more powerful as they age) and Outsiders (which remain in physical stasis until something forces them out).
In case that’s not a convincing enough argument, the language of the ability is also important; the curse advances the target to venerable age, but it’s a separate sentence entirely that says “this curse imposes a–6 penalty to the target’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores,” which requires emphasis as it clarifies that it is the curse itself which brittles the victim’s bones, rather than their new head of gray hairs.
... anyway, all that being said, I still don’t really like it. Probably the most important part is the fact that -6 Dex means -3 AC and -3 to Reflex saves, while the penalty to Con means the victim loses 3 HP per HD they have. It combos well with stat-damaging poisons or spells, but on its own it’s pretty underwhelming.
Boon 3: Call of the Worm. 1/day, you may place your hand to the ground and whisper a prayer to the Ravager Worm. This acts as Summon Monster IX as a spell-like ability, except it always calls an avatar of Yhidothrus (an Advanced Fiendish Purple Worm) to your aid. 
THIS, however, is anything but underwhelming. Aside from SM9s painful casting time of one full round (which can be mitigated by using it just before combat, or to initiate), being able to call a CR 14 encounter to your side even once a day is pretty big for a Boon. Sadly not as meaty as some final summons, as a Purple Worm is little more than an enormous tube into which enemies are shoveled (as you can read here), but the Advanced and Fiendish Templates at least give it a few new toys to play with in the form of a +2 to all the numbers it hits enemies with and a +2 to its AC. Fiendish also grants it 10 Resistance to both Cold and Fire, DR 10/Good, Spell Resistance 16, and a further +1 to attack and damage rolls versus Good targets.
If you need enemy mooks to back off, an enormous Purple Worm will either send them scattering or swallow them all down one by one. There’s also the potential to use it as an enormous battering ram, slamming its cow-sized head through walls and doorways because, lets be honest, a 35 in Strength means that only mithral and adamantine really stand a chance of keeping a Purple Worm out of whatever location you’ve decided it very much deserves to be in.
Given the casting range of SM9, ‘location’ can also mean ‘directly next to the enemy’s backline.’ Just note a few important things: While this is a spell-like, it has built-in somatic and verbal components in that you must put one hand on the ground and you must be able to speak a prayer to Yhidothrus. No having the monstrous aspect of your lord come to your rescue while you’re bound and gagged! Secondly, since it’s specifically a summoning, it can be dispelled or banished with relative ease. It also only lingers for 1 round/level, unlike a Called creature would, so you likely only get to summon the beast for one big battle.
Still, though, how many priests can summon a reasonably powerful facsimile of their own god to their aid? I think the fact it looks like Yhidothrus is a nice touch, though it’s a bit of a flavor snarl since no one has ever seen the back end of the Ravager Worm, while a Purple Worm very obviously has a backside (that’s where the stinger is).
Boon 1: Hasten the End. Gain Expeditious Retreat 3/day, Silence 2/day, or Sands of Time 1/day.
I’ve spoken of Sands of Time before, so I won’t reiterate much here other than I wouldn’t take it when Silence is an option. Expeditious Retreat also pales in comparison to the tactical applications of Silence, since you can slap the dampening field on yourself or an ally to assist with sneaky sneak missions... Or, you know, slapping it on your hulking martial self and then charging at the enemy caster to tie them up for the rest of combat. The number of spells that can solve that situation which can also be used in Silence can be counted on one hand with fingers left over, and it quickly spells death for the poor fool you slither towards.
Silence ends encounters, is what I’m saying, and can sometimes do so without even offering a saving throw. Faced with that kind of utility, why take something as paltry as +30 to your walking speed, or waste your valuable action making a touch attack that may end up doing nothing?
Boon 2: Specter of Time. As a swift action after confirming a critical hit with a weapon against a living foe, you may instead deal normal damage and force the target to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + Cha mod). Failing the save causes the victim to painfully advance into the next age category, taking all the penalties to their physical ability scores but gaining no benefits from their advancing age. This is a curse effect which lasts for 24 hours, and the creature returns to their normal age if they die. A venerable creature (this does not include creatures who have become venerable through a means beyond natural age, or this ability, such as through Sands of Time) that fails a saving throw against this ability is immediately slain and can only be raised with Reincarnate, Wish, Miracle, or True Resurrection.
And here’s even more reason to not take Sands of Time, it doesn’t even work with this ability!
Not to say that this ability is particularly good, mind. You need to confirm two or even three critical hits to kill most creatures, and confirming two or three critical hits will typically kill the creature through damage anyway. I do appreciate that there’s no per-day limit on this ability, letting you just use it whenever you have the swift action to do so and potentially swatting some stats off an enemy at the cost of damage... provided you can make it past their Fortitude. Yeah, complete negation by a save really makes Big Damage more attractive in most cases, except for the times when you can’t kill a creature through damage alone (such as if you have nothing to overcome a creatures Regeneration). This ability does get better if you have a crit build, obviously, but again--once you have a crit build in place, why would you want to do less damage?
That being said, critting an enemy that’s already venerable and forcing them to save or die is satisfying. The ancient warlord facing you in single combat, the elderly wizard who stepped a little too far forward, the old Rogue ready to teach you a new trick (play dead)... Just swatting the life out of them with a confirmed crit is tasty, especially since them being venerable means a -6 to Constitution, and thus a -3 to Fortitude saves in the first place.
Boon 3: End Time. "You can call upon the Ravager Worm to temporarily consume time itself in an area surrounding you. You can cast Time Stop once per day as a spell-like ability. When you use this ability, those in the area of effect are subjected to a powerful vision—that the world they are in becomes wrapped in the endless coils of the Ravager Worm. The affected creatures never glimpse Yhidothrus’s head, and know only for the brief instant of eternity they spend in your Time Stop area that the world around them is fully wrapped in the coils of something more foul than they even imagined.“
I quoted this directly from the book/website rather than simplifying it for a few reasons, mainly because it’s difficult to simplify this down. Why? Because Time Stop is not an area of effect spell. It affects you and ONLY you, speeding you up to the point that everything else appears to have stopped moving. Other creatures are not affected and do not even realize what you’ve done because, for them, basically no time passed at all.
This ability is worded as though it reverses how Time Stop works, instead trapping everyone around you in stopped time for a subjective few seconds while you slither off to do your evil deeds, subjecting them to the knowledge that the Ravager Worm exists and has circled the whole of Golarion a thousand times over. In fact, looking into it, NO version of Time Stop works like this ability’s wording suggests it does; D&D 3.5 and 5th Edition and Pathfinder 1st Edition all note that Time Stop affects only you. 
The ability says “consume time itself in the area surrounding you,” which would seem to indicate that time only stops for a small section of the land containing you, but gives absolutely no details about how big this area is. For the sake of saving myself further headaches and further article space uselessly hammering against this concept, we’ll say that time only stops for an area that is 300ft around you. That way, everyone in that area (including your allies!) knows something is truly, deeply, and terrifyingly wrong. If people in the area weren’t alerted to your presence before, they will be now, provided they don’t immediately flee because--honestly--suddenly having your field of vision dominated by endless greasy coils of a pitch black worm and being forced to Know that their world is caged by this horror? Terrifying enough to make the weaker-willed quit on the spot. There’s no mechanics attached to this vision, but I like to think of it as the mother of all intimidation tactics.
Let me put it this way:
You can force your enemies to come to terms with the fact that Pathfinder is a cosmic horror story.
And that’s beautiful! Did you think your petty squabbles actually mattered in the face of the machinations at play beyond this pathetic world? No. And I’m here to tell you that, personally. I’ve appeared in your throne room to do so!
And that’s all you, the martial Sentinel, can really do with Time Stop, because without any easily-deployed traps, scrolls, or magic items or whatnot, you can’t actually make use of the rounds of freedom like a caster could. If you were a martial caster before entering Sentinel, good on you! You’ve got some extra rounds to get your buffs going! But for Barbarians, Fighters, and other Hit Things Hard classes, you don’t really get as much out of this as you may believe. Except, again, scaring the absolute everything out of everyone in the area not expecting their vision to suddenly be overwhelmed by nightmares.
Just... warn your allies ahead of time. Or don’t! It’s funnier that way!
You can read more about it here.
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rajrag66 · 4 years
Indian Expeditions Down Under
There is a certain allure to cricket played in Australia. This could be attributed to the massive iconic venues, sunny weather when it is cold and dreary in most parts of the world, revolutionary television coverage pioneered by channel 9 and sporting wickets.
As the test series gets under way in Sydney with the 1st ever day and night match between the two countries, my mind goes back to the battles waged down under since I started following cricket in the 70s. The Aussies were practically invincible at home for most of that decade as they humiliated their bitter rivals England in 74-75 & the mighty Windies in 76-76. I still recall hearing about the exploits of Lillie, Thompson & the Chappell brothers through the crisp commentary of  Alan McGilvray & Jim Maxwell on Radio Australia short wave.
There had been only 2 previous tours by India to Australia in 1947-48 & 1967-68. On both occasions, the hosts had won 4-0. Therefore history was against the tourists, when they visited Australia at the end of 1977 after  a gap of 10 years, However India were up against a severely weakened team due to the exodus to Kerry Packer’s world series cricket. Only Thompson resisted the temptation of joining the Packer bandwagon and a 41- year old Simpson was recalled after several years of retirement to captain a young and virtually unknown team. It still turned out to be a close series with Australia winning 3-2. Simpson apart from marshalling his young troops well, also scored an epic 176 in the 2nd test at Perth and 100 in the final test in Adelaide with 539 runs in the series. Australia won the first 2 matches at Brisbane and Perth narrowly by 16 runs & 2 wickets respectively. Tony Mann became only the second batsman in test history to score a century as a night watchman at Perth.  India came back strongly with thumping wins at Melbourne & Sydney, as the Indian spin trio of Bedi (captain), Chandra & Prasanna wove their magic for the last time in their illustrious careers. Chandra picked up 12 wickets at Melbourne as he bowled India to victory. The final test at Adelaide went down to the wire with Australia romping home by 47 runs as India almost reached the massive 493 set for victory.  India felt the absence of a genuine fast bowler and in hindsight could have included Kapil Dev who was just making his mark in domestic cricket. Gavaskar scored 3 consecutive centuries and was well supported by Vishwanath and Mohinder Amarnath, all three finished with over 400 runs in the series. The Aussies uncovered a number of new talents during that series such as Peter Toohey, Rick Darling, Wayne Clarke, Graham Yallop, Gary Cozier & Craig Sarjeant.
The Packer boys had come back by the time India toured next in 1980-81. Thompson & Ian Chappell were no longer playing, but the home team had Len Pascoe, Alan Border, Kim Hughes, Graeme Wood  & Rodney Hogg to support stalwarts such as Greg Chappell, Lillie & Walters. The tourists made a shaky start losing easily in Sydney and scrapping through to a draw in Adelaide. Sandeep Patil was the hero at Adelaide with a blistering 174 after being knocked down by Len Pasco in the previous match. India defied expectations with a thrilling victory in the 3rd test at Melbourne to draw the series. Vishwanath whose place in the team was in doubt, silenced his critics with a brilliant century at the MCG. Gavaskar almost forfeited the match when he forced his partner Chetan Chauhan to walk off the field after an altercation with the opposition following a doubtful LBW decision. Luckily the manager Wing Commander Durrani intervened to cool things down. Chauhan who had a brilliant series was unlucky to miss out yet again on a well-deserved century. India successfully defended a meagre target of 142 thanks to the brilliance of Kapil Dev who braved a knee problem with pain killer injections to finish with figures of 5 for 28 as Australia was skittled out for 83. Kapil was ably supported by Dilip Doshi and Karsan Ghavri who bowled Greg Chappell round his legs in the 2nd innings. In addition to the test series, there was also a tri-series ODI competition featuring New Zealand as well. As was expected, the Indians who were still finding their feet in limited-over cricket did not fare well in this series. It was a treat to see the highlights brought by channel 9  for the first time during the 80-81 series. Even in those early days, their coverage was really innovative and brought out a different dimension to watching the game on TV.
After a gap of 5 years, India toured again in 1985-86. At the beginning of 1985, India stunned the cricketing world again in the ODIs. Following on from their shock win in the 1983 world cup, they won the world championship of cricket which was likely a mini-world cup  and held to mark the 150th anniversary of the European settlement in Victoria. The enduring image of the win was the Indian team going around the MCG ground after easily winning the final against Pakistan, in the Audi car won by Ravi Shastri who was declared the champion of champions. We were privileged to watch most of the matches in that tournament live and by then the channel 9 coverage had evolved considerably. Messers Greig, Lawry & Benaud delighted Indian fans with their magnificent commentary and insight into the game.
The 1985-86 tour was a tale of missed opportunities as India could not get over the line in at least 2 matches. They were foiled by some stoic resistance from the Aussies especially the captain Allan Border. Gavaskar scored 2 centuries and others like Amarnath & Srikkanth piled on the runs against a relatively weak attack. Craig McDermott was the only potent bowler on the Aussie side and they were still in a rebuilding phase after Kim Hughes had quit  the previous summer. Steve Waugh made his debut in the 2nd test and showed early glimpses of his talent . The other newcomers like  David Boon, Geoff Marsh and the beanpole like fast bowler Bruce Reid were to be become mainstays of the team in future years. India did very well in the ODI tri-series which also featured the Kiwis. They however could not beat the Aussies in the finals.
The next series in 1991-92 was quite a let-down for the Indian team which could not quite match a strong home side led by Allan Border with experienced cricketers like Boon, Marsh, McDermott, Merv Highes & Dean Jones. Mark Taylor who was establishing himself in the team had a brilliant series with 422 runs second only to David Boon who finished with 556 runs. Shane Warne had the most inauspicious start to his career at Sydney and his bowling was taken to the cleaners by Ravi Shastri who scored a double century. The saving grace for India was the batting of Tendulkar who displayed his prodigious talent in no small measure with 2 brilliant centuries.The other big gain for India during the tour was the emergence of Srinath as a genuine quick bowler following in the footsteps of Kapil Dev who still a force to reckon with on the tour capturing 25 wickets. Manoj Prabhakar also ended with a creditable haul of 19 wickets. In the tri-series which followed also featured the West Indies, India managed to reach the finals but were no match for the Aussies who won easily. Kris Srikkanth won 2 player of the match awards during this tournament on the last international tour of his career. The world cup which was the climax of a long Australian summer was also a disappointment, with the only bright spark for India being the victory against the eventual winners Pakistan. 
India had to wait almost 9 years for their next tour in 1999-2000. This was a very low-key series and the Indian team led by Tendulkar was no match for the Aussies. Bret Lee who was at his peak  broke the left thumb of the Indian opener Sadagopan Ramesh and along with McGrath proved lethal for the Indian battsman. India lost all 3 tests by huge margins despite Tendulkar’s determined displays. Ponting, Langer, Waugh & Gilchrist dominated the Indian bowling.The tri-series one-dayers featuring Pakistan were equally disastrous with India notching a solitary win in 8 matches.
The tour in 2003 was a watershed in India’ test history abroad. Well led by Sourav Ganguly, India proved they were no pushovers any more overseas. Ganguly set the tone for the Indian performance by scoring a brilliant 144 in the first test at Brisbane, which was drawn. Rahul Dravid’s brilliant double century to match Ricky Ponting who achieved the same feat and 6 for 41 by Ajith Agarkar helped them register a historic win in Adelaide. Australia came back strongly to win the next test at Melbourne. India almost won the final test at Sydney, which was Steve Waugh’s last match and he signed off with 80 in the 2nd innings. India had earlier posted a mammoth 705 for 7 in the 1st innings thanks to 241 from Tendulkar and 178 from Laxman.
It was mixed bag in 2007-08 and the tour was shrouded in controversy The second test in Sydney marred by poor umpiring decisions against the visitors, also saw the Monkeygate scandal when Harbhajan Singh was charged with racial abuse against Andrew Symonds. Harbhajan was suspended from the next test, which  was revoked after  a protest by India. Steve Bucknor who made some contentious decisions was stood down by the ICC from the next match at Perth, which also created a controversy. The Sydney test had a dramatic climax, with Michael Clarke getting 3 wickets in the last over of the game. India went into the Perth test  down 0-2  after losing the 1st test at Melbourne by a massive 371 runs and the 2nd test at Sydney by 122 runs despite gaining a substantial  1st innings lead. The tourists stayed alive in the series winning the Perth test  mainly due to some splendid bowling by the young Ishant Sharma. His spell in Perth against Ponting arguably the best batsman in the world at the time is still a vivid memory. Sehwag made a triumphant comeback with 151 in the last test in Adelaide, which ended in a draw. Laxman who relished batting on the hard wickets continued his dominance over the Australia bowlers. He finished 2nd in the batting averages after Tendulkar who got over 500 runs with 2 centuries. Kumble’s leadership during a difficult series was commendable and he also led the bowling averages with 20 wickets second only to Brett Lee with 24 wickets. India lost the series 1-2, but had the consolation of winning the tri-series that followed, which also featured Sri Lanka.
The tour in 2011-12 was a rather forgettable affair and capped a miserable year following India’s crushing defeat in England that summer. Two legends Dravid & Laxman retired after the Aussie series. They will be remembered as much for exemplary conduct as for their sublime batting skills. Their record match winning 376 run 5th wicket partnership in Eden Gardens against Steve Waugh’s men in 2001 is the best in Indian test history. The 2011-12 series also saw the coming of age of Virat Kohli who resurrected his career with a brilliant 116 in the last test at Adelaide. This could not prevent India reeling to a 4th loss and a series whitewash. They also finished last in the tr-series also featuring Sri Lanka.
The 2014 test series was preceded by the one of the biggest tragedies in cricketing history. The young and promising life of Philip Hughes was cruelly cut short after he died following a head injury during a Sheffield shield match. The series was slightly delayed and itinerary rearranged as this extremely unfortunate event cast a pall of gloom. India almost pulled off a sensational win in the 1st test at Adelaide chasing 364 to win falling short by only 49 runs. Credit for this goes to Virat Kohli who scored a sensational 141 to add to his 115 in the first innings. Kohli also deputised as captain for the injured Dhoni, before taking over on a permanent basis after the 3rd test at Melbourne when Dhoni announced his retirement from test cricket. Murali Vijay was another big success scoring a century in the 2nd test as well as coming close to 3 figures on two other occasions with 99 &  80. India drew the last 2 tests after  losses at Adelaide & Brisbane. India had a disappointing tri-series featuring England, losing 3 of the 4 matches. They also failed to defend the world cup held in Australia in 2015, losing convincingly to the hosts in the semis after a promising run including a quarter-final win over Pakistan.
India created history during the 2018-19 tour by finally winning a test series in Australia 2-1. The biggest hero from an Indian point of view was Cheteshwar Pujara who ended with 3 centuries including a brilliant 199 in the last test at Sydney. He was ably supported by Kohli, debutant Mayank Agarwal & the young Rishabh Pant who also got a century in the last test when India scored a mammoth 622 for 7 in the 1st innings. Bumrah was sensational with the ball and was ably supported by Shami & Kuldeep Yadav. India also won the ODI series that followed the tests 2-1 ending possibly one of their best ever overseas tours. The only slight disappointment was the absence of Warner & Smith who were serving their suspension due to the ball tampering incident in South Africa. This should not detract from the merit of India’s performance.
It has been bit of a roller coaster ride for the Indian team down under over the years. In the same vein, they had a fairly rough start in the ODI series this time, salvaging some pride in the last match after losing the series. However they made up with a brilliant 2-1 victory in the T20s, which saw a new star in the horizon in the form of the debutant T.Natarajan. Kohli who was in top form in the T20s, will be missed both as a captain and batsman when he is away on paternity leave after the 2nd test. The experience of Pujara and Rahane will be needed in the absence of Kohli. India will also be hoping that the younger batsmen like Mayank Agarwal and Shubman Gill make a substantial contribution. Ishant Sharma who has been a star against Austraia will also be sadly missed, but hopefully Bumrah and Shami  will repeat their performance from last time. Fans on both sides will be hoping that this rivalry which is the next biggest after the Ashes lives up to its billing.
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mrsvasiliev · 5 years
Guess what I did instead of working on that Shobbs fic?
So instead of writing that fic I promised @thefuckingwarship, I compiled a list! A list that is fueled by my love for Jason Statham.  But this is not a typical “actor crush” where I think an actor is hot or charming. This is what I call a “dad crush” where I often find myself wishing his badass characters would be my dad. It probably has to do with the fact that he spends two movies bonding with little Chinese girls. As a former little Chinese girl, I am very affected. So I made a list, with notes, ranking every character I’ve seen him play in order of my dad preference. Please feel free to add to this or disagree with me. I’d love to hear other people’s opinions on his dad potential.  (I’ll get back to working on that fic I swear!)
Ranking: My order of preference for how much I want them to be my dad. Not necessarily logical. Not fully based on other ratings.
Fun factor: how much fun you have when you are with him. How funny/cool they are. Does not indicate care/ reliability/ bond.
Dad factor: reliability. emotional availability. protectiveness. General dad qualities. 
1. Jonas Taylor - charming and good with kids. Not an “emotionally stunted tough guy”. Has good healthy relationships with everyone. Lives in a world where it’s “take your kids to work day” every day, which means awesome ocean adventures and learning how to fight sharks. Fun Factor: 10/10   Dad Factor: 9/10
2. Phil Broker -  Like Jonas, he is also good with kids, emotionally available and balanced.  Stay at home dad, with dad powers at 1000%. Will rescue you single-handedly from kidnappers. Will go horseback riding with you after school. Will do literally anything for you, from kicking asses to licking boots. Loses first place to Jonas because he has no personality/hobbies outside of being the best dad ever. I can see the relationship being a little suffocating as you grow older. Won’t take you on cool adventures like fighting biker gangs and blowing up meth labs, because he’s too protective. :( Fun Factor: 7/10   Dad Factor: 100/10
3. Luke Wright - Cool, laid back dad. Treats you as an equal. Will respect your autonomy and intelligence. Happy to let you spread your wings, but always there to catch you when you fall. Will run your enemies over with a car several times.  Fun Factor: 7/10   Dad Factor: 10/10
4. Deckard Shaw - Displayed a lot of cool uncle vibes with baby Brian, so definitely great with kids. Psycho-bananas for family. Probably will be a very involved and protective dad. Unlike Phil, who completely divorces himself from his job to be a dad, being a badass assassin is basically the Shaw family business. You will learn how to make bombs and kill people. Will have many cool adventures saving the world. Fun Factor: 15/10   Dad Factor: 8/10
5. Jensen Ames - Good solid family man type. Works hard to provide for you. Breaks out of jail and murders people to get daughter back. Will raise you in a dystopian Mexican junkyard. Fun Factor: 2/10   Dad Factor: 9/10
6.  Rick Ford - Most embarrassing dad ever! You will probably not survive past puberty because you would have died of embarrassment at some point. Will tackle being a dad with as much intensity and enthusiasm as everything else. Honestly kind of cute in his earnestness. Fun Factor: 4/10   Dad Factor: 11/10
7. Danny Bryce - Emotionally stunted tough guy. Is responsible and competent. Like Phil, he leaves his badassery behind for his family, so no awesome adventures. :( Cares about you in his own gruff way, but has trouble expressing it probably. You can always depend on him. Fun Factor: 4/10   Dad Factor: 7/10
8.  Turkish - Great sense of humour, cool dude, seems like a good time to be around. Hustling to make a living and provide for you. Lost to Danny because he is a little bumbling and not very competent. You might lose your dad because he got killed by gangsters or arrested by the police. Fun Factor: 7/10   Dad Factor: 6/10
9. Lee Christmas - Lee seems like a cool dude too. Not around a lot, but shows a genuine desire for family (i.e. the Lacy debacle). Would treasure his relationship with you. You’ll have a good time whenever he is around, but he would be gone for months at a time. Expect to have 20 badass, doting aunts/uncles. Fun Factor: 7/10   Dad Factor: 4/10
10. Quentin Connors - Intelligent and competent. He has a sense of loyalty but ultimately is selfish and a little narcissistic. Not a good man. But he does have one billion dollars. My moral compass kind of goes haywire from the magnetic pull of one billion dollars. Fun Factor: 7/10   Dad Factor: 4/10
11. Tony Leather - Family man with questionable priorities. Claims to be pulling jobs to provide for his family, but clearly attached to his criminal buddies and lifestyle. Disregards his wife's concerns and protests. Tony cares about his family but can’t prioritize it over the con. Good with his kids though. Fun Factor: 5/10   Dad Factor: 4/10
12. Chev Chelios- Human disaster. Trying to improve himself. Probably not a responsible dad, but will make an honest effort. Will bring you to some horribly inappropriate places. Will let you get away with a lot. Fun factor: 6/10  Dad factor: 4/10
13.  Jack Crawford - Obsessed with finding his partner’s killer. You’ll always take a backseat to the case. Total disappointment of a dad. Does care about you and will try, but expect to be tossed to the side as soon as he gets a lead. Fun Factor: 2/10   Dad Factor: 3/10
14. Bateman - Loving guy. Seems smart and charming. Like Christmas, he has a longing for family and will likely treasure his relationship with any children of his. Is, unfortunately, a crackhead, therefore cannot be trusted to be responsible for kids. Fun Factor: 5/10   Dad Factor: 2/10
15. Nick Wild - Has a strong sense of loyalty and responsibility. But is also a self-destructive, compulsive gambler. Is definitely an “emotionally stunted tough guy”. Will care about you, but will not be emotionally available. Can count on him to avenge you for your murder at least. Fun Factor: 3/10   Dad Factor: 2/10
16.  Bacon- Immature, deadbeat dad. Seem like the type of guy who dumps the heavy lifting of parenthood on his partner. Will be around to play with you when it’s convenient for him. More likely to hang out with his mates. Maybe 1 hour/week of dad time. Fun Factor: 4/10   Dad Factor: 1/10
17. Tom Brandt - Another entry for embarrassing dads as well as “emotionally stunted tough guy” dads. Total fashion disaster. That lumpy-ass-old-man-sweater with baggy sweatpants?!! Ewww…. No social grace or manners. Will kill you with embarrassment just like Rick Ford. Proven time and again to be prone to excessive violence. A domestic abuse case waiting to happen. Fun Factor: 0/10   Dad Factor: 1/10
18/19 Arthur Bishop/ Handsome Rob - Does not know you exist. You don’t even know their name. Your mom doesn’t know their name either. Fun Factor: 0/10   Dad Factor: 0/10 (Resurrection does not exist to me)
20. Joey Jones (Smith) - Clearly cares about his family. Provides for you. Protective too. Has debilitating PTSD. Lives in self-imposed exile. Would be a great dad if he weren’t so FUCKING SAD and full of self-loathing. Could be #4 or 5 if he got help. Fun Factor: -100/10   Dad Factor: 5/10
BONUS: Frank Martin - Ultimate responsible parent. Has a lot of rules. Tells you to take your feet off his furniture. Will complain about you getting his upholstery dirty. A constant air of exasperation. Uses “I’m going to count to three” as a threat. Will make you get to the airport 3 hours early and sit in the terminal. Will drop you off at school, appointments, and extracurriculars with military precision. Fun Factor: 3/10   Mom Factor:10/10
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thefinalkey16 · 5 years
KH3 Re:Mind spoilers/Reactions
So Xemnas gave the order?? To find the box?? But why??
So did Xigbar actually lose the box? YOU HAD ONE JOB
Oh we’re starting HERE HUH
I forgot how pretty the graphics are
Why is Riku so pretty???
Nomura really went “this DLC is about SOKAI and I’m gonna make sure you KNOW IT.”
Nomura really cares about his ship and I appreciate it so much
I love the music in this game so much
Why does MOM adopt smol children lol
It bothers me that MOM has no actual face behind the hood. It’s like Ansem’s original form
So Xehanort is where Xemnas’s confusion of the heart comes from lol
I’m sorry, Xehanort is more powerful than darkness?
I’m sorry MOM is too scared to take off the coat???
MOM is a psychology teacher who gets exasperated by his dumb students
A lost..Master?
Well we know where Xehanort got the hands behind the back walk from
I’m 100% sure that MOM told him his name was “Noneya,” and it took a few decades before he realized what he actually said
I’m sorry they have holograms??
Did they actually call him Riku Replica lol
Wait they were actually nobodies
“Why we have assembled here,” because Xemnas and Sora destroyed your sick castle
Poor Terra got possessed TWICE?
Demyx! You get Demyx!
I’m sorry 20??
No. I
Oh so they don’t actually remember Xion
Does.. does Xigbar remember Xion?
Wow they got Vexen just to get his daughter in their gang. How rude
Xehanort fell asleep while they chatted I’m cackling
Crazy old man
Now when do I get to save Kairi? :3c
“Back so soon?”=you died again?? You’re lame
Chirithy is a mood
Sora you watched your GF get shattered
Oh so that’s why Sora dies
Oh my god he’s Sailor Pluto
Lose powers? He’s done that so many times 😂
Getting banned from one world? He had a phone and friends with gummi ships lol
NOOO VEN That still hurts to watch
Wow he’s a ghosty ghost
Oh I love Ven’s heart station so much
Wow Vanitas really said that Ven is Baby
Also wow Vanitas is protecting Ven’s heart and I love that
I beat him by using Meow Wow. meow wow is best boy
Oh no oh no it’s this pet
Gotta love Big Bro Lea
I forgot they call him Axel
It’s Donald’s Safrifice ;-;
Donald Really channeled his inner Molly Weasley and said “Not my son you WITCH.”
Also aw Sora got to see what Donald did for the first time
Poor Aqua ;-; this is the moment where everyone hates her for
Also aww she trusts Kairi to protect them
We love Big Sis Aqua
I’m literally screaming and I scared my grandma
Oh my god She lost Kairi and she immediately went to Sora cause she knew she’d be safe there ;-;
Namine’s Really here bringing everyone together
Agsisgsjdg I forgot Terra can do the keyblade whip thing lol
AND the cannon
Wow they’re really fighting in the sky
Anyone else getting Star Wars vibes
I still hate Terra’s pants
Imagine your heart crushing your body. Like really
Wow Sora you’re so cocky
I forgot that Marluxia is an Ouran Host Club character
Wait, that Mickey finisher was new, wasn’t it?
Okay but I still have no idea what Xemnas did to Luxord
Cards: *Appear*
Sora: PTSD from watching his friends get destroyed from the cards in the manga
Mickey: *is captured*
Sora: PTSD intensifies
I’m really happy that we get to replay all of the Organization battles, they’re so much fun!
I’m so soft for Replinami ;-;
He loves her so much, and all he wants is for her to be safe and happy ;-;
Ven: we aren’t the same. You’re Edgy. I’m Baby
Aqua when Sora appears: TWO Baby’s :0
“If I’m a traitor, then Kairi’s the trump card.” LEA DRINKS RESPECT KAIRI JUICE
Aww Kairi’s so confused. She doesn’t see how she could be a trump card ;-;
Ohhh Isa’s jealous.
Jealousy mode has been activated in Isa
“Yup” Kairi really just wants this over with so she can go home 😂
The way Kairi’s face lights up at seeing Sora gives me life.
Wow Xemnas was really hurt by Axel’s betrayal. Frankly? I’m shocked.
Xemnas does NOT drink Respect Xion juice
Lea cares about the small girls he adopted as his little sisters
Wow Nomura really got tired of people dissing Kairi so he amped her up with cool stuff
“Oh? Tired of Kairi not doing anything?” Heres her literally overpowering Xemnas and him having to restrain her with a stop spell and magic to stop her
Oh and in case you think she’s weak? Here’s the same thing for Sora too.
God I love Nomura
Oh my god she’s in so much pain because of the darkness
I can not believe i was forced to relive watching Kairi die
I love Donald and Goofy so much ;-;
They aren’t gonna leave their son alone
Also wow Xehanort was just staring there forever
Getting KH1 vibes with this
“The heartless that is radiating light” how is that possible??
Okay but this is such a good parallel to the first game, with him saving Kairi ;-;
Except for the fact that HEARTLESS SORA DIDNT GET BEAT UP
Okay so her heart is a thassala shell. Will we have to collect the pieces to make her wayfinder?
Oh my god I see the thing at the top of the screen. We totally are making her wayfinder ;-;
Okay so I love the puzzles they have here
I’m sorry you hid her heart? What are you, five?
What do you MEAN almost out of time?!
Oh no not these guys again
So many keyholes
Oh my god Lea is so overwhelmed lol
Okay so for the team ups, I love how all of them were mix and matched from the trio’s
I loved Terra and Riku, the Master and apprentice
I loved Ven, Roxas, and I can’t remember who else was in it. “Thanks Roxas.” “Youre welcome. You’re not too bad yourself.” THAT WAS ADORABLE
Xion, Aqua and Mickey being mages and protecting everyone
Aqua and Lea, him trying to talk and Aqua telling him to shut up and focus
We now present: Kingdom Hearts 3: connect he dots
Connect. Connect the dots. Get it?
“I can do this.” YES YOU CAN
I’m sorry you think I want to play as Sora? After waiting my whole life to play Kairi? HA
Seven wishes saved me in that fight
Now we just need Rikai and Sorikai and it’ll be complete ^^
“I was trying to give you some privacy” awwww
Chirithy has my soul and I love it
Every scene with Chirithy adds 7 years to my life
Afsjsgsajg Sora DONT PUSH THE CAT
Aaand he’s gone and I’m crying again
Oh my god Riku and Terra being bro’s are my favorite thing
Wait what are they gonna do
OH they’re going to search for Sora!
“The Twilight Town gang” ITS OFFICIAL
They’re searching her heart?
Riku’s been all ALONE
Battalion oh my god lol
I’m mad about Kairi being asleep for a year though
Wow. A video game inside of a video game
I spent the rest of the day failing the Data battles and making funny Data Greeting pictures. Hopefully I’ll be better st the battles tomorrow!
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke Reviews Xtra: The 10th Kingdom Part 2
Part 2 Starts With The Evil Queen Digging Up All Her Mirrors..
As Virginia's Iron Shoes Are Ready For Her To Wear, However A Box That Smells Like Leather
Yeah, Trolls Have An Affinity Toward Leather, Go Figure...
Falls Right Through The Window, The 3 Trolls Fight Over It And Knock Themselves Out In The Process...
Flying In To Save Virginia, Virginia's Less Than Trusting Of Wolf As The Last Time She Saw Him He Tried To Eat Her Grandmother But Giving His Word That She's Safe With Him, He Goes To Find A Way Out Only To Notice The Troll King's Magic Shoes...
Telling Her To Leave Them As They'll Make Her Want To Wear Them All The Time She Seems To Do Just That As They Get Out Of That Castle...
Wanting To Go Back To The Snow White Memorial Prison To Rescue Tony, Wolf Is Resistant At First But Eventually Says Okay But They Have To Avoid The Roads And Instead Cut Through Beanstalk Forest...
Once There, They Find A Statue Of Jack From Jack And The Beanstalk, This Leads Wolf To Tell Virginia Why The Trolls Hate Wendell And That's Because Wendell Has A Fertile Kingdom And They Have A Polluted Disgusting Kingdom...
Oh No, Somebody Call Captain Planet!
But Wolf's Words Fall On Deaf Ears As Virginia Is Gone Which Can Only Mean One Thing...
She Stole The Troll King's Magic Shoes!
But Despite That Wolf Eventually Finds Her As The Shoes Magic Doesn't Last Long. Taking The Shoes Away From Her After A Short Struggle, Virginia Tries Everything She Can To Try To Get Them Back Even To The Point Of Seduction...
But Despite Being Attracted To Her, Wolf Knows It's The Shoes Doing The Talking And Not Her...
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But With The Troll King And His Kids Closing In, Virginia And Wolf Decide To Climb A Beanstalk Where They Get To Know Each Other A Little Better As They Spend The Night From Above...
The Next Day, Believing Security Around The Prison To Be A Joke, The Warden Decides To Have The Prisoners Clean Out The Cellar Where The Mirror Is So New Security Measures Can Be Put Into Place...
Realizing That's Where The Mirror Is, Wendell Puts Tony's Name On The Work Detail, However, When He Finds Mirror, The Warden Tells Him To Throw It In The Boat Or Else He'll Throw Him And Everyone Connected To The Chain He's On Into The Ocean...
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So, Tony Throws It Into The Boat Where By Some Miracle It Doesn't Break...
Put Back In His Cell, Tony Discovers That Acorn And Clayface Have Created A Tunnel Out Of The Prison, Asking Him To Let Him Come With Them, They Say Yes...
However, Tony's Escape Might Be A Bit Premature As Virginia And Wolf Arrive To Get Tony Out Of Prison By Using The Troll King's Magic Shoes...
Once Inside, They Get Wendell From The Warden's Office Despite Wolf Knowing That With Him The Shoes Will Lose Their Magic Quicker And What Do You Know? He's Right As Once They Reach Tony's Cell The Shoes Lose Their Magic...
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But As They Crawl Through The Tunnel, They're Blocked By Tony's Big Butt As He Got Stuck In The Tunnel When Attempting To Escape...
Maybe Tony Should Follow Winnie The Pooh's Example And Do Some Stoutness Exercises...
(Start At 0:51, End At 2:07)
Eventually Getting Tony Out Of The Tunnel, Father And Daughter Are Reunited As Tony Tells Virginia About The Mirror Being Placed On A Barge, However When They Go To Get It They It, They Discover That Acorn Used The Barge To Escape, Taking Everything Including The Mirror With Him...
Getting On A Boat To Follow Acorn, They're Spotted By The Trolls Who Attempt To Virginia And The Others But They Manage To Get Away To The Troll King's Displeasure, But He Has Bigger Problems Right Now As He's Contacted By The Evil Queen...
Wondering If The Troll King's Children Have Caught Wendell, He Tells Her No, As She Orders Him To Send His Children After Them And To Return To His Palace Until Further Notice...
But Saying He Doesn't Take Orders From Her, He Swears That If She Contacts Him This Way Again, He'll Kill Her...
Reading One Of His Self Help Books, Wolf Takes The Opportunity To Get Rid Of The Troll King's Magic Shoes Which Pisses Virginia Off To No End At First But Guessing That She Was Going To Wear Them Tonight, He Tells Her That While Magic Is Nice It's Very Easy To Get Addicted...
This Leads Her To Ask Wolf Why She Wasn't Able To Resist The Shoes But He Was? To Which He Believes The Reason To Be That Virginia Has A Strong Desire To Be Invisible...
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Tired Of Waiting For The Evil Queen To Take Over Wendell's Kingdom, The Troll King Declares War On The 4th Kingdom And Challenges Wendell To Face Him In 7 Days Or He'll Claim It As His Own...
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The Next Day, Wolf Wakes Virginia And Tony Only For Tony To Discover A Golden Fish In A Glass Case. Named The Golden River Gold Fish, Wolf Tells Tony And Virginia That This Is The Famous Anything You Touch Will Turn To Gold Fish...
With Tony Seeing Untold Possibilities With The Fish, Wolf And Virginia Tell Him To Just Leave It Alone
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Contacting The Troll King In The 4th Kingdom, The Evil Queen Is Rightfully Pissed At Him For Obeying Her Orders And That If He Stays There, The Coronation Will Be Cancelled And Her Plans Will Be Ruined...
But Having No Interest In Leaving The 4th Kingdom, She Hangs Up On Him So She Can Consult With Her Mirror, Who Tells Her That Wendell Is Travelling Down The River Toward Her Castle With 3 Others, 1 Who Can Talk With Him And 1 Who Can Hurt Her...
Asking To See These People, The Mirror Tells Her That He Can't Show Them To Her But Knowing That Wolf Is With Them, She Tells The Mirror To Focus On Him...
Oh, God The Bee Gees Running Gag Is Back...
(Start At 0:46, End At 0:49)
Contacting Wolf As He's Shaving, He Just Tells The Queen To Go Away And Leave Him Alone Before Tony Enters And Hangs Up, Washing His Face Off As He Leaves...
However As Tony Looks For Food, He Decides To Go Back To Look At The Golden Fish Only To Break The Glass By Coughing (Of All The Luck) And Sticking His Pinky Inside The Fish Gaining The One Time Ability To Turn Something Into Gold...
All I Can Say To That Is Thank God He's Not Dr. Evil Or Else He'd Turn Himself Into Gold...
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Meanwhile At The Queen's Castle, Dog Wendell Pees On A Post...
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As The Evil Queen Tries To Convince Him That He's Not A Dog But Prince Wendell, Ruler Of The 4th Kingdom And That In Order To Be Crowned King He Must Show Bravery, Loyalty And Intelligence...
Why Can't They Do It The Wakandan Way And Challenge Someone To Single Combat?
Finding Acorn's Barge At A Town, Near The Queen's Castle, Wendell Goes Off On His Own To Investigate The Castle (As He Can Sense His Body There) While Tony And The Others Go To Get The Mirror From Acorn...
However, When They Arrive, They Find Acorn And Whatever Junk Was On-Board Gone, With The Person Who Now Owns The Barge Telling Them That He Traded It For The Guy's Horse And Carriage, Which He Took Through The Woods...
But Despite Virginia And Wolf Wanting To Leave For The Woods Immediately Tony Asks For 15 Minutes To Find Wendell...
And Speaking Of Wendell, The Queen Is Giving Dog Wendell An Eating Lesson As The Trolls Arrive To Give Her An Update On Their Search For Wendell Which Goes Nowhere...
Telling Them To Not Return Without Wendell Or She'll Make Them Eat Their Own Hearts, The Trolls Leave Believing That Meeting Didn't Go Well...
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Finding Himself, Wendell Tries To Get Dog Wendell To Reach Him But Unfortunately They're Unable To Touch So Wendell Goes Off To Get Help, But As He Goes To Find Tony, Wendell Is Found By Tony, The Trolls Also Find Him...
This Leads Tony To Do Something We Don't See On Screen But We Know He Did Something...
Finding Virginia And Wolf, Tony Tells Them That He Defeated The Trolls However When He Shows Them How, We See That Tony Not Only Turned Them Into Gold But Wendell As Well...
Summoning Her Huntsman (Played By Rutger Hauer)...
(Start At 0:13, Stop At 0:43)
The Evil Queen Tells Him That Neither Wolf Or The Trolls Have Captured Wendell And Whoever Is With Him Is About To Enter His Forest. Swearing To Find Them, He Leaves...
About To Enter The Forest, Virginia And The Others Run Into An Old Beggar Woman, Who's Hungry For Food, But Where Wolf And Tony Are Not So Charitable Virginia Gives Up One Of Their Bacon Sandwiches They Made Earlier...
As A Reward, The Woman Tells Them That Acorn Took The Main Road Through The Forest But She Warns Them To Get Off The Road At Once As Someone Is Following Them With The Intent To Kill Them...
This Gets Wolf Remembering That This Forest Is The Domain Of The Huntsman Who Serves The Queen, So Taking The Old Lady's Advice, They Stray From The Road And Go Through The Forest...
Coming Across A Gypsy Camp, They Try Going Around But They're Unfortunately Caught By Gypsies Who Seem Pretty Nice At First As They Invite Virginia And The Others To Join Them For Dinner...
Oh, And I See They're Having The Remains Of The First Trailer For Sonic The Hedgehog For Dinner...
Asking Tony To Sing In Return For Their Hospitality We Get The Most Groan Worthy Version Of Gypsies Tramps and Thieves Ever...
Cher Must Be Vomiting After Hearing That...
Finding A Bunch Of Talking Birds In Cages, Wolf Tells Virginia They're Magic Birds That The Gypsies Break Their Wings Off To Sell For Millions To Rich People To Absorb Their Magic...
Why? What Does The Magic From These Birds Do?
Coming Out Of A Carriage An Old Gypsy Tells The Gypsies To Set Up A Table For Fortune Telling...
But While Tony's Fortune Is Nothing To Tell About, Virginia's Sees The Gypsy Asking For A Lock Of Her Hair (Which Will Come Back To Bite Virginia In The Ass) As She Tells Virginia That She's Full Of Anger As She's Never Forgiven Her Mother For Leaving Years Ago...
Something Her Grandmother Mentioned In Part 1 That I Thought Wasn't Worth Mentioning Till Now...
She Also Tells Virginia That She Has A Great Destiny One That Stretches Way Back In Time...
With Virginia Leaving, It's Wolf's Turn To Have His Fortune Told, But It Doesn't Go The Way He Wants It As The Gypsy Tells Him That She Saw A Young Girl Dead And A Fire With Him To Burnt On It...
Remember This Fortune As It Will Be Further Developed In Part 3...
Knowing That Wolf Is A Wolf From The Fortune, This Leads Wolf To Reveal That The Gypsies Grandson Is Also A Wolf...
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Allowing Virginia And The Others To Spend The Night, They Attempt To Sneak Out Early The Next Morning, But Virginia Just Can't Leave The Talking Birds To Die So She Frees Them All Only To Be Seen By The Head Gypsy Who Sends The Other Gypsies After Them...
But While They Manage To Get Away From The Gypsies, The Head Gypsy Uses The Hair She Cut From Virginia To Curse Her...
But Don't Worry About The Gypsies Becoming A New Threat As They're All Killed By The Huntsman...
Continuing On Their Journey, Wolf And Tony Start To Notice That Virginia's Hair Has Grown Slightly Since They Left The Gypsy Camp Which Leads Wolf To Theorize That The Gypsies Have Cursed Her..
By Nightfall It Starts To Rain, As Virginia's Hair Has Grown To Length Of Rapunzel's. Luckily, They Come Across A Cottage That's Been Abandoned For Years, Going Upstairs They Find Seven Beds Which Leads Them To Realize That This Cottage Once Belonged To The Seven Dwarves...
Starting A Fire, Tony Asks The Question That We've Been Dying To Have Answered, What Happened To Snow White After She Married The Prince?..
This Leads Wolf To Tell Them That She Became A Great Queen And One Of The Five Women Who Changed History..
With The Women Being, (Aside From Snow White) Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood?, Gretel From Hansel And Gretel? And Rapunzel...
Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella And Rapunzel, I Can Handle Being Queens But Having Red Riding Hood And Gretel Is Like Making Alice From Alice In Wonderland A Princess In Kingdom Hearts, It Doesn't Work...
The 5 Of Them Formed First 5 Kingdoms And Brought Peace To All The Lands. But Now They're All Mostly Dead, I Say Mostly As There's Rumors That Cinderella Is Still Alive But If She Was, She'd Be Over 200 Years Old...
(Acting Like Joey Lawrence) Whoa!
Virginia Spends The Night Talking With Wolf About Her Mother Which Just More Exposition At This Point...
But Waking Up Virginia Finds That Her Hair Is All Over The House, And What's Worse It's Growing Up The Stairs...
They Try Using Cutting Tools To Cut Virginia's Hair But Nothing Can Cut Through It...
It's A Curse For A Reason, You Morons...
Worried About Dying With Long Hair, One Of The Birds Virginia Saved From The Gypsies Helps By Telling Them That A Woodsman With A Magic Axe That Can Cut Through Anything Lives In This Forest And With It They Can Break The Curse...
However, Wolf Smells The Huntsman And Decides To Bury Virginia, Tony And The Golden Wendell In Holes While He Leads The Huntsman In A Circle..
But It Sadly Doesn't Help As Virginia Sneezes Revealing Their Location To The Huntsman...
Forced To Run, Tony Gets Away To Tell Wolf What Happened While Virginia Gets Caught By The Huntsman And Is Taken To His Headquarters, Which Finally Ends Part 2...
To Be Continued...
1 note · View note
commandertheory · 5 years
M20 Commander Set Review
For each new set, I write an article discussing the new legendary creatures and the nonlegendary cards that I think will be relevant in Commander. 
The Commanders of Core Set 2020
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There are a lot of cheap multicolor creatures that generate value (Harmonic Sliver, Knight of Autumn, Qasali Pridemage, Renegade Rallier) in these colors, as well as a ton of strong sac outlets like Evolutionary Leap, Birthing Pod, and Greater Good. Basically, you’ve got everything you need to make a sweet recursion engine, plus you can use all the sac outlets you’re already running to enable sac fodder combos like Karmic Guide/Reveillark, Karmic Guide/Saffi, Reveillark/Saffi, Sun Titan/Saffi, Sun Titan/Gift of Immortality, Boonweaver Giant/Gift of Immortality, Renegade Rallier/Saffi, etc etc etc.
Sample list: Rienne, Angel of Rebirth
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I’m really not a fan of ETB commanders since they all run the same cards (blink engines, sacrifice+reanimation engines) and if you don’t draw your engines they don’t do anything. Say what you will about the original Kaalia, but at least she fixed the weaknesses of her tribe; this Kaalia just gives you a handful of cards you can’t cast.
She is, however, quite good in the maindeck of a Kaalia 1.0 deck.
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Self-mill is super important in this deck. The more you mill, the more likely it is you’ll have some fodder to exile, so I’d run Mesmeric Orb, Hermit Druid, Deadbridge Chant, Life from the Loam, Undercity Informer, and Altar of Dementia, for sure. 
Legendary lands are great in this deck, and there are a ton of cheap legends in these colors that interact with the graveyard, like Storrev, Teshar, and Meren. There are also some great sac outlets on legendary creatures, like Yawgmoth, Krav, the Unredeemed, Sidisi, Undead Vizier, God-Eternal Bontu, and Izoni, Thousand-Eyed. Finally, there are just a ton of value commanders in these colors like Azusa, Captain Sisay, Reki, Tymna, The Gitrog Monster, as well as a ton of powerful planeswalkers like Elspeth 3.0, Ugin 1.0, Liliana Dreadhorde General, etc.
Sample list: Kethis, the Hidden Hand
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Cheap red cantrips and looting spells are very good here, since they’re card neutral and usually mana-neutral. Other cards that trigger when you cast noncreatures, like Monastery Mentor, Saheeli Sublime Artificer, and Young Pyromancer are also solid. I really like Bident of Thassa, Coastal Piracy, and Kindred Discovery in a deck with so many evasive tokens, and Cathars’ Crusade, Coat of Arms, and Shared Animosity will help you kill people really quickly.
There are a couple of Spirit token generators that are worth running because they’re so efficient that they are either mana neutral or mana negative, like Midnight Haunting and Promise of Bunrei. Tectonic Reformation is good for dumping excess lands and helping you find more gas.
Jeskai Ascendancy does literally everything.
Sample list: Kykar, Wind’s Fury
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These rewards are not good enough to incentivize committing to Elementals. Shooting something once and a Retreat to Kazandu will not make you feel smart for forsaking the other 300 creature types in Magic.
It doesn’t help that the most powerful part of the card has nothing to do with Elementals, as the smart way to build this guy seems to be Tatyova + Red. It’s also a little weird that the best reason for adding Red to this deck’s color identity is Omnath, Locus of Rage; if you really want to make 5/5s, why not run that Omnath as your commander?
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I think this is a combo commander masquerading as a value commander. You can spin your wheels for a while by controlling the board with Reclamation Sage and Shriekmaw, but eventually you’re going to draw some combination of Peregrine Drake/Great Whale/Aluren/Cloud of Faeries and Shrieking Drake/Cavern Harpy/Dream Stalker/Cloudstone Curio/Deadeye Navigator and get infinite mana and bounces for your other ETB creatures. Or you can just draw Palinchron.
Sample list: Yarok, the Desecrated
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There are some solid flying token generators in monowhite (although probably not as many as you’d expect), as well as hate bear flyers like Hushwing Gryff, Linvala 1.0, Aven Mindcensor, Remorseful Cleric, Selfless Spirit, flyers that generate value like Pilgrim’s Eye, Bygone Bishop, Skyscanner, and anthem flyers like Archangel of Thune, Celestial Crusader, and Angel of Jubilation.
Because Sephara has 7 power, you also have the option to try to go for a Voltron win using haste granters and cards that grant double strike.
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The 6 CMC, 5 toughness, 4 power, 3-cost activation, draw 2, discard 1 is super cute. I think this deck is mostly counterspells, cheap cantrips to sculpt your hand, mana acceleration, and ways to grant him haste, and I don’t think it’s that hard to fix the list so that the proportions of different mana costs make it easy to find Exodia without gumming up your development.
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Black has 15 ways to pay life without restriction (i.e., without requiring you to pay mana, tap the card, or do anything else), most of which you could justify playing in this deck.
You don’t even have to worry about protecting this guy, as once he resolves and turned your life outlet into a Yawgmoth’s Bargain, he’s done his job and you will probably win that turn.
Sample list: Vilis, Broker of Blood
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Like Sephara, the 7 power pushes me towards a Voltron strategy, and Red has waaay more haste granters than White does. The free board control is a nice way to help your deck interact with your opponents even as you devote most of your resources to the Voltron plan.
The combination of 17 life per swing and the ability to kill anything with Drakuseth’s flame breath makes Basilisk Collar an attractive addition to this deck, but I’m not sure I’d run equipment that only granted deathtouch or only granted lifelink.
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Most Green hydras become playable when they cost four less, so it’s not hard to fill out the tribal theme. The rest of the deck is ramp to help you get Gargos down early and effects that target your creatures to enable Gargos’s trigger. Effects that grant Gargos hexproof or indestructible are great because they protect him from spot removal while also getting you a fight trigger, and cards like Hunter’s Insight, Hunter’s Prowess, and Soul’s Majesty, while normally great when you have an 8-power commander, get even better when they also let you eat an opponent’s creature.
Sample list: Gargos, Vicious Watcher
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This guy is useful if there’s a specific land you want access to every game. Imo, the best lands to build a deck around are Volrath’s Stronghold, Academy Ruins, and Hall of Heliod’s Generosity, but the one people seem to be most interested in is Maze’s End. 
In addition to helping you get to the End every game, Golos can help you hit 10 gates pretty quickly if you run a bunch of blink effects (in this case, I think I would run the instant-speed ones, rather than build around repeatable blink engines). Note that although there is a danger of hitting multiple Gates if you activate his ability, potentially preventing you from winning with Maze’s End, you do get to be unlucky once, thanks to the 11th Gate, Gateway Plaza. You can also reduce the danger by running additional land drop effects or by waiting to activate him until you’ve blinked him, activated the Maze, or otherwise thinned your deck of Gates to reduce your odds of a bad flop.
I’m not sure what the rest of the deck will look like once you fill out the blink spells and extra land drop effects. Bog standard 5C control with a little bit of land recursion?
The Maindeck Cards of Core Set 2020
In this set review, I’ll be using two five-point rating scales to evaluate the nonlegendary cards, one that measures how many decks a card is playable in (we’ll call that “spread”), and one that measures how powerful it is in those decks (”power”). Here’s a brief rundown of what each rank on the two scales means:
1: This card is effective in one or two decks, but no more (ex: The Gitrog Monster).
2: This card is effective in one deck archetype (ex: self-mill decks).
3: A lot of decks will be able to use this card effectively (ex: decks with graveyard interactions).
4: This card is effective in most decks in this color.
5: Every deck in this color is able to use this card effectively.
1: This card is always going to be on the chopping block.
2: This card is unlikely to consistently perform well.
3: This card provides good utility but is not a powerhouse.
4: This card is good enough to push you ahead of your opponents.
5: This card has a huge impact on the game.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
The 0 ability will not be that hard to pull off in Karlov or Kambal or Oloro, but even in those decks, it’s not that much better than a Tragic Arrogance or an Hour of Revelation, and those cards will always work.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
At first, I was ready to dismiss this guy, but then I realized that he’s joining the ranks of a very strange sort of combo enabler. Most things that produce tokens when things die say “nontoken”, but Bishop is one of a handful of cards that specify a creature type (the others being Rotlung Reanimator, Xathrid Necromancer, and Requiem Angel). This means that if you can overwrite the type of the token (via Conspiracy, Xenograft, Arcane Adaptation, or by editing the token maker’s text with Artificial Evolution), you get infinite sac fodder (note that xenograft and arcane adaptation don’t work with Requiem Angel). It’s also worth noting that Divine Visitation serves as an additional overwrite effect for both Bishop of Wings and Requiem Angel, although it doesn’t combo with the Reanimator or Necromancer.
Unfortunately, we don’t currently have a critical mass of this type of creature converter, nor do we have a critical mass of the creature overwriters, but both categories are worth paying attention to because they bring this creature sacrifice combo deck closer to viability. 
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
This isn’t worth it if you are just holding up two white to save some guys in case someone wraths, but it could be good if your deck has easy access to a sac outlet. G/W decks can combine it with Eternal Witness for a recursive loop, while W/U decks can use Archaeomancer.
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Spread: 4
Power: 3
Love seeing White getting ways to remove things that aren’t just more O Ring variants. I’ll happily play this for the ETB trigger in many White decks, but it’s especially good if you have a way to blink or reanimate it; it’s especially good in B/W with Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead, and Necromancy. When Cavalier dies, get back your reanimate enchantment from graveyard, use that to bring this guy back, get his ETB trigger again, rinse and repeat. With a sac outlet, it’s 1B: Beast Within.
In monowhite, it also works pretty well with Gift of Immortality and a sac outlet, since you can keep sacrificing it and returning it with the Gift to Beast Within a ton of permanents and recur a bunch of artifacts/enchantments. Then if your opponents ever kill it for real before the Gift returns itself, you can get back the Gift to use on another creature.
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Spread: 1
Power: 1
Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis have huge asses relative to their mana cost, and might be interested in trying for big butt voltron. They’re also on color for Assault Formation, High Alert, uncommon Huatli, Treefolk Umbra, and Arcades, the Strategist.
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Spread: 4
Power: 2
If you’re running enough steal effects to reliably get the end step trigger, you can go ahead and run this guy (Thada Adel seems especially good, since stealing Sol Rings helps you cover this guy’s huge mana cost). He also works really well with blink/reanimation engines. However, if you’re not running any engines and he’s one of your only steal effects, then I dislike him because he compares so poorly to Gilded Drake.
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Spread: 4
Power: 2
The fact that Blue has other cards that do the same thing without preventing sac outlet recursion makes me low on this card. Also, unlike the other Cavaliers, abusing its ETB trigger doesn’t do much unless you also have access to some shuffle effects, since you’re going to be seeing a lot of the same cards over and over. 
However, this is decent in Yennett, since it can set up the top of your library and is itself an odd card.
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Spread: 2
Power: 1
I’d probably run this in Naban, might run it in Azami, wouldn’t run it in Inalla.
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Spread: 4
Power: 3
This card seems pretty sweet. Getting to drop the first card after a board wipe is a huge upside, and although it’s no Cyclonic Rift, it seems like a decent way to reset the board while putting you a little ahead of everyone else.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
The first option is terrible, but the second could be useful. March of the Machines is a liability on your opponents’ turns because it opens them up to board wipes, but this card offers a one-shot March by turning all your mana rocks and crappy tokens into copies of your biggest artifact creature. Also, if your Urza deck is having trouble winning the game, you could use this to make all your 0-mana artifacts into Karnstructs and kill everyone.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
Crystal Shard/Erratic Portal redundancy for bounce combos (e.g., Archaeomancer variant and Time Warp variant).
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Spread: 2
Power: 1
The main purpose of running an Archaeomancer variant is so you can combo off with Time Warp effects; adding extra value and P/T for extra mana does not make the card better; it makes it significantly worse because the cost of operating a bounce engine loop goes up significantly.
However, this can itself be the engine if you have a cheap blink spell like Essence Flux. Rasputin Dreamweaver and Lavinia of the Tenth sometimes run these types of cards and it’s not a huge burden to run extra turn effect, so there may be a pretty low-cost way to set this combo up.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
A cheap, evasive Pirate works well in both Edric and Beckett Brass.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
Although this can always hit commanders, I still think this is a bit too situational to be worth running in most decks. However, if your commander needs Stifle effects really badly (Lord of Tresserhorn, for example), it’s nice that there’s extra utility stapled to this one.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
It’s not a very interesting card, but the rate is good; I’d run this if I had a cheap blue commander with flying.
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Spread: 4
Power: 3
So the base case is really good, as there is lots of sac fodder (and ETB floaters) in black, as well as some powerful creatures with CMC 3 or less (such as Fleshbag/Merciless Executioner/Plaguecrafter).
If you’re in Blue/Black, there’s also combo potential with Phantasmal Image or Mirror Image, since these creatures can enter the battlefield as the Cavalier, get sacrificed to a sac outlet, then bring themselves back with their own death trigger. Repeat for infinite of whatever your sac outlet generates (as well as infinite free Bone Splinters).
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
If this were just swampfall - draw a card it would be quite playable, but the ability to control the board really pushes this over the top. I would happily run this in any monoblack deck.
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Spread: 1
Power: 1
I’ve considered running Necromancer’s Assistant in Hogaak as a way to get delve fodder while providing a body for convoke; this is a solid upgrade for that role.
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Spread: 1
Power: 4
Sorcery speed all but guarantees your opponent is going to draw the card they tutored for before you get the thing you wanted, which is a nightmare scenario.
Fortunately, reader stormcrowlegend pointed out that this card is awesome in my Circu Citadel Combo list, since top-of-library tutors are actually better than tutors that put cards into your hand if you’re in the middle of comboing off with Bolas’s Citadel. Plus, you can use Circu to mill your opponent’s top card once they stack it with Scheming Symmetry.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
I’m a little skeptical that this is going to be good in Edgar because that deck favors a low curve and this is one of the most expensive Vampire lords, but it could push out a worse 4-drop.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
I don’t like this in Horde of Notions or Omnath, Locus of Rage, since they have better options for ramp and their elementals are big enough that they don’t care that much about the anthem. Marath is better at going wide with elementals, but I’m still skeptical that you would play this card when your deck has access to all the great anthems in Naya colors.
However, I think this card could make sense in Valduk, since he doesn’t have access to green, and he ideally makes a bunch of elementals each turn, so the buff could go pretty wide.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
There aren’t that many elemental token generators out there, and this card is cheap, makes elementals every turn, and kills them off. I think Omnath, Locus of Rage might play her just for the double Bolt action, and the -2 won’t be totally dead in a deck that favors land ramp spells over permanent-based ramp.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
Six mana is a lot, and although the -3 is nice, the -X is not very relevant and the emblems are more annoying than powerful in a 40-life format. I think she’ll create a lot of ill will among your opponents without being strong enough to adequately protect you from them.
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Spread: 3
Power: 3
This card rips. It sculpts your hand on the way in so you can avoid flood and dump reanimation targets, grants itself and the rest of your team haste if you’ve got extra mana lying around, casually hoses planeswalkers, and burns the heck out of your opponents. This card is going to be best in decks that can abuse both the ETB and dies trigger (Feldon of the Third Path being the deck it is most suited to), but I think I’d happily run this card for the ETB and activated ability in most monored and Red/White lists.
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Spread: 3
Power: 2
Only discarding mountains and red cards means that I would only be comfortable running this in monored decks, but I’d probably run it in every monored deck. It prevents you from flooding out, it’s a discard outlet for decks that care about it (such as Feldon of the Third Path), and it gets rid of worse rummaging effects that you’re probably running, like Tormenting Voice and its ilk or Throes of Chaos.
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Spread: 3
Power: 2
This card seems generally good in monored lists, and specifically good in Neheb 3.0, where you can farm the discard trigger pretty easily. I’d also run this in both Beckett Brass and Neheb 1.0, since he’s one of the best Pirates and one of the best Minotaurs.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
It might be solid in Omnath 2.0 since it represents 3 lightning bolts in addition to the 1/1s. It could also be good in Zada, Purphoros, and other Red decks that just need a lot of bodies.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
There are only 10 guys that are really worth getting back in Horde of Notions, but Omnath 3.0 can easily grow this guy big enough that he can get back practically anything.
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Spread: 4
Power: 2
A five-mana ramp spell is pretty far below the curve for Green, and I still don’t understand why it exiles itself for its Reclaim effect when the White and Black members of the cycle are way more combo-riffic but aren’t similarly nerfed. The self-mill is nice, but it’s not enough to bridge the gap between this card and the many more powerful Green value creatures at a similar price point.
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Spread: 3
Power: 3
It’s no Weathered Wayfarer, but this card still kicks ass. If your deck has any lands that are important to its functioning (e.g., Gaea’s Cradle, Volrath’s Stronghold), this card is a must-have. It’s especially good in decks like Gitrog and Lord Windgrace that can recur lands from the graveyard or get value when they go there.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
I think I like this guy in Sidisi 1.0 and Tana, since he can help you get them down on turn three and then, conditions permitting, taps for two on turn four.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
Until Wizards atones for Ulrich, the only deck that will want this is Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
Most token decks and elfball decks ought to be able to make use of the first ability. As for the second, Anthousa and Gargos explicitly reward you for targeting your creatures with spells, and Rhonas the Indomitable decks tend to run lots of fight/punch spells to make use of his deathtouch and indestructbility.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
This card is really useful for assembling combos, but the rate is not great. If you’re just trying to toolbox, I’d run one of the many more efficient green creature tutors instead.
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Spread: 3
Power: 2
This may be a good option for monogreen decks that can’t easily deal with creatures, and of course you’ll run it in Gargos.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
Bird tribal is terrible and Spirit tribal doesn’t exist, so there’s not much room for this card. If we ever get an apology commander for Kangee, this card will probably make the cut.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
The format has gravitated away from 5-mana do-nothing enchantments over the years, but there are certainly a lot of BG decks that can farm its trigger.
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Spread: 1
Power: 3
I think it may be good enough for the Everything Tribal deck I cooked up recently. It generates value by itself and the deck has a ton of other Elementals in the form of changelings.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
This could be sick nasty in commanders that can easily discard a ton of cards, like Neheb 3.0, Varina, Malfegor, Borborygmos 2.0, and Kozilek 2.0.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
Nahiri the Lithomancer, Balan, and Nazahn will probably run this because they can cheat it onto something. Sram might want this because it’s a cheap equipment, and he draws so many cards that eventually you’ll find your Puresteel Paladin or Sigarda’s Aid to cheat the equip cost.
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Spread: 3
Power: 3
I’ve enjoyed using Voltaic Key as an additional mana rock in decks with lots of rocks that tap for two or more mana; this provides some redundancy and the second ability may be useful in decks built around the Kozileks and Ulamogs.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
Amazing in mono-brown lists, and rad in mono-white/red lists trying to fill in the gaps with artifacts. It also seems very good in Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain, since it drops your chance of whiffing down to almost zero.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
Combos with Teshar, a sacrifice outlet, and a 0-CMC artifact creature.
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Spread: 4
Power: 3
I would find room for this in any monocolor deck and in select other decks that care about lands (such as the Gitrog Monster or Lord Windgrace).
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
Monocolor decks are running too many basics to get 7 lands with different names, and the heavy multicolor decks that have lots of different lands are going to be unwilling to give up a land slot for something that only produces colorless. Monobrown decks, which run almost 100% utility lands and don’t care about colored mana, are in the best position to use this.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
Lotus Vale sees play in a surprising number of decks, including Titania; Hokori; Gitrog; Teferi, Temporal Archmage; Lord Windgrace; Muldrotha; and Derevi. Estrid the Masked can also get extra value out of her untap ability if she’s masked a land that taps for a bunch of mana,
This card is mostly an upgrade, so I imagine it’ll replace or complement Vale in those decks.
Wrapping Up
Please let me know if you think I missed any relevant cards or if you disagree with any of my ratings. Thanks for reading!
46 notes · View notes
jessahmewren · 5 years
“i didn’t know it could be like this”/ Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Chapter 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Summary:  Roger and John don't really understand the Dom/sub scene, until they meet two Doms who actually care, or that fic where Rog and John are in a bad situation until Brian and Freddie show them what good sex is all about. 
Rated E: for Exceedingly smutty from the first sentence
Chapter 1 of ?
Pairings: Freddie Mercury/John Deacon, Brian May/Roger Taylor, Roger Taylor/John Deacon, eventual puppy pile (It’s Poly y’all)
Words: 3081
Also on AO3  
*space for youngsters to scroll past, and please do*
Roger pulled off the man’s cock with a sputtering gasp, working to keep his head up.  His vision swam, blurry with unshed tears. 
“Chin up, cutie,” the gruff voice above him commanded, and he obeyed, tears dripping from his lashes as his head went back in time to catch the warm load that painted his face white. 
Roger sank bank on his heels, his wrists bound behind his back.  The man’s hands on him were rough, fingers twisting in his blond hair as he forced his face up. 
“Such a slut for my cock, huh?”  The hand in Roger’s hair tightened until he squeaked out a weak ‘yessir.’
The man leered, a low chuckle bubbling from his chest, and unbound Roger’s hands.  Without a word he left him kneeling where he was, come and tears dripping from his chin and onto the lime green carpet. 
John’s arms shook, his head tucked between his shoulders as the two men took turns pounding into him.  Their thrusts were shallow and sloppy, and to John, at least, it was clear they had never done this before.
Of course, they wouldn’t touch his cock.
He had chewed his lip raw from the discomfort of them rutting into him, their sweaty bodies draped over his, heavy and suffocating.  John bit back whimpers and silently prayed to anyone listening that they would finish soon. 
“Let’s flip him over,” one of them said, out of breath.  “I wanna see his face.” 
Dutifully, John rolled onto his back, wincing as they roughly entered him again.  The larger man slapped John suddenly on the thigh, making him jump.  “Say something bitch,” he taunted, “aren’t you enjoying yourself?”
John swallowed nervously.  “Yes sir, very much,” he managed.  “Keep fucking me sir.  I love it.” 
After all a client was a client, and you had to keep them happy. 
“You damn right you love it, you whore.” 
John’s eyes welled, but he blinked the tears away.  One day, he would stop being so sensitive.  He clenched the bedsheets, trying to relax as the man jerked his hips, gasping and rutting his way through his orgasm.
Brian set his guitar down and sighed.  “That’s the third bassist this week Freddie.  And we can’t keep relying on the drummer down at the pub to practice with us.” 
Freddie put the mic stand back into its base.  “Darling, relax.  Everything’s going to fall into place!  We’ve got fliers up all over campus.”  The singer winked at Brian.  “What we need is a night out.” 
Brian shook his head, his curls bouncing.  “Oh no.  We don’t have the money for that Fred.  And I need to study, anyway.” 
Freddie pouted.  “You’re always studying!  A little hedonism is good for the mind.”  He grabbed Brian’s arm.  “Come on love.  Off we go.  Into the night to see what it holds for us.” 
Brian reluctantly followed Freddie to their beat-up van, secretly hating how the charismatic singer could talk him into anything.
John and Roger met downstairs for their weekly meeting with the club manager, Ray Foster.  He was an outright creep, but he did keep everything running well and was quick to supply the club goers (employees and patrons) with whatever they needed.  As long as you didn’t find yourself alone with him for too long, he was tolerable. 
“It’s Saturday night, gents.  Big fucking night around here, as usual.  Look your best, be your best.  Make the customer happy.  Any problems, report them straight to me.  Anyone have any questions?” 
They both shook their heads, quietly holding hands on the couch.  John had met Roger at Club Orchid, and he had taken John under his wing.  Both of them were painfully new to the Dom/sub scene, but had caught on pretty quick.  It was pretty much sink or swim, and both of them desperately needed the money. 
John and Roger broke apart before heading to the lounge, each of them giving the other an appraising look.  Roger was wearing a pair of tight leather pants and a sheer shirt.  His blond hair was tousled and lustrous, and the way it caught the light almost gave him a halo.  John's short shorts accentuated his bum, and the billowy white shirt he wore was half open.  They smiled at each other. 
This was John’s favorite part of the evening…just hanging out with Roger, drinking and waiting on clients.  Drugs were available to workers as well, but John never took them.  He did drink though. It helped take the edge off.  And he rarely held back. 
“So where are you taking me,” Brian finally asked Freddie, noticing they were headed downtown. 
Freddie smiled.  “Well, I figured it was about time we got back on the scene.” 
Brian nearly choked.  “You mean, THE scene?  NO, Freddie.”
“Darling, you can’t let one bad experience put you off!  You are one of the most splendid Doms I’ve ever seen.” 
Brian was shaking his head.  “This isn’t a good idea, Fred.”                  
Freddie was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel and humming.  “It’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time.  We’re in for the night of our lives.” 
They pulled up to Club Orchid, and Brian's frown only deepened. 
“Don’t give me that look, Bri,” Freddie began.  It’s technically not prostitution.  There’s a cover charge, and then you get inside and do whatever you want.  If you leave a tip, well you leave a tip.” 
“Freddie—“ Brian began, rubbing his hand over his face.
“It’s done, my darling.  We’re already here.  Might as well enjoy ourselves.” 
Walking into the club was a little disorienting at first.  It was almost like a parlor, set up with couches and chairs and a little receiving desk.  Deeper inside the club, though, it was dark, with purple and blue lights in the corners that emitted a soft glow.  There was music playing, but surprisingly to Brian, it wasn’t too loud. 
And there were men everywhere.  Tall men, short men--of all shapes, sizes, and colors--leaning over small tables, drinking, laughing, and chatting.  Freddie smiled, adjusting the collar of his jacket.  “What a garden of forbidden fruit,” he muttered to himself. 
He was the first one to step out, easily charming himself around the room.  Everyone he spoke with, of course, was happy to see him and went out of his way to be accommodating and polite. 
Brian was somehow stuck to the wall. 
It was a bit overwhelming, suddenly, to be back on the scene so quickly.  To be gone for so many months, and then to be thrust back in, with all of these partners to choose from.  Brian thought briefly of simply walking out. 
Then men started walking up to him, and strangely he felt a bit better…more comfortable.  Until a blond came up to him in a sheer shirt and large blue eyes and he lost the ability to breathe. 
“Hi there.”  The blond flashed a shy smile.  His lips were full, and he had a small collar seated around his neck. 
“Hi,” Brian managed.
“I’ve never seen you here before,” the blond flirted.  “And I would’ve remembered you.” 
Brian swallowed thickly, already growing hard in his pants.  “Never been here before.” 
Then he laughed.  The blond laughed, a throaty sort of laugh, but somehow still high and lilting, before placing his arm on his.  “Well, do you want to get to know each other better?” 
Brian nodded dumbly before letting the blond lead him upstairs.  “I didn’t catch your name,” he asked stupidly as the door opened in front him.  
“It’s Roger,” the blond purred as he reached for Brian’s fly.  “And that’s all you need to know.”
John stirred his drink, staring down into the fruity concoction a little woefully.  So, he wouldn’t get a client tonight.  It shouldn’t cut into his and Roger’s rent money too much, not if they cut back on food.  He couldn’t resist a sigh. 
“Well hello darling!  I haven’t spoken to you yet.” 
John looked up at the sugary sweet voice to find the most beautiful man he’d ever laid eyes on.  Sparkling brown eyes, tan skin, long dark hair sweeping his shoulders.  John usually wasn’t attracted to people who came in the club, but…
“What has you looking so glum, sweetheart?”
John forced a smile onto his face.  “Oh, it’s nothing.  I’m John, by the way.” 
Freddie smiled, then took the hand and kissed it.  “John.  It’s lovely to meet you.  But it didn’t look like nothing when I sat down,” Freddie prodded. 
John quirked his mouth.  “You wanna go upstairs and talk about it?” 
Roger settled on his knees, the rug burn comforting and familiar.  “There’s toys in the dresser,” he said as he looked up at the curly-haired man.  “I’m yours for the hour.”  
His blue eyes lowered to Brian’s cock, pulling it out of his pants before the man could say anything. 
“Whoah, we need to have a talk first,” Brian said, panting. 
“Condoms, and lube,” the blond said, shaking his head. “Bedside table.” 
“No,” Brian said as he pulled the blond off of his knees.  “About limits.  And about your safeword.” 
Roger just looked at him in confusion. 
Brian sat down on the bed, his head in his hands. 
“Roger, have you never had limits?  Things that you definitely aren’t comfortable with?”
The blond just shrugged.  “I didn’t know I could.” 
Brian grimaced.  “Oh you poor dear.  I’m so sorry.” 
Roger looked at him strangely.  “Have I done something wrong?”
Brian just shook his head.  “No. Everyone else did.” 
Roger was still standing there looking at him sort of helplessly, so Brian decided it was time to take control.  “I want you strip Roger, and then lie down on the bed.”
Roger dutifully complied, and Brian took the opportunity to fully appreciate the young man’s pale, perfect skin and his slender physique. 
Brian palmed his growing erection, clearly visible where he reclined on the bed.  He wanted very badly to praise the young man, but he didn’t know his needs yet, so he bit his tongue. 
“Alright Roger, come lie down on the bed,” he said as he gently patted the spot beside him.  When Roger was in place, he went to the dresser and withdrew a blindfold and some soft cotton rope. 
“Think of a word that you can remember,” Brian said, “and if things get to be too much and you need me to stop, just say that word and things will stop, no questions asked.  That word is called your safeword.  Ok Roger?” 
Roger blinked up at him with those liquid blue eyes.  “You won’t be mad if I say it?” 
Brian smiled.  “No, of course not.  I have one too.  Mine is dessert.  If I say the word dessert, everything stops.  Now what about you?” 
Roger finally smiled.  “Rainbow,” he said. 
“Ok Roger now what’s mine?” 
“Dessert,” Roger said. 
“And yours is rainbow,” Brian said. 
Roger nodded. 
“Good, we have an understanding.  Now Roger, I’m going to put this blindfold on you.  Is that alright?”
Roger smiled, his tongue stuck cutely between his teeth.  “You don’t have to ask, it’s your hour.” 
Brian tutted.  “I do have to ask.  Because good sex is always consensual.  So is that OK with you?”
“Yeah,” Roger finally said. 
Brian blindfolded Roger and then bound his hands, again asking his permission to do so.  He could tell this type of communication was a foreign experience for Roger, who was probably used to men having their way with him and then just leaving.  It made Brian unspeakably sad. 
Brian looked down at the blond, the red silk blindfold over his eyes and his arms tied over his head, and something twisted in his gut.  “You’re so beautiful,” Brian whispered, as he trailed over Roger’s chest, eliciting a gasp from Roger. 
“You want me to suck your cock,” Roger whispered. 
“I want you to stop talking,” Brian said flatly.  “You’re being very naughty, speaking out of turn, and you’ll need to be punished.  Say you’re sorry.”
“I’m sorry sir,” Roger responded immediately, jerking as Brian plucked one of his nipples. 
“On your knees,” Brian commanded.  “Elbows together so you can lean on them.” 
Roger did as he was told, bum in the air with his back arched in a beautiful bow.  When the cool sensation of Brian’s lubricated fingers hit his rim, his whole body jumped. 
“Easy now, love,” Brian soothed, “nice and easy.”  One finger went in easily, making teasing circles against Roger’s walls.  A little puff of air escaped Roger’s lips, and he immediately clamped his mouth shut tight. 
“Have you been told to be quiet love?”  Brian frowned.  “I would love to hear you sing.”  He slipped another finger in, aiming for that little bundle of nerves. 
Roger tensed immediately, crying out as Brian began working him open in earnest now.  “Wh-what was that?”  Roger’s legs were trembling, and tears were straining his voice. 
Brian couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  “Don’t’ tell me you’ve never had your prostate massaged before.”  For some reason, Brian felt like crying.  “Why, you’re practically a virgin.” 
Tears soaked the blindfold as another shudder of pleasure shot through him.  Then Brian removed his fingers, and a strange calm settled over Roger. 
“On your back,” Brian said roughly.  He was touching himself with his slick fingers, almost ready to come apart. 
The blindfold slipped free, and Brian’s hands were on him. 
“You’re so good for me,” Brian murmured into his neck, “so good,” the praise falling so easily from his mouth whether the young blond was ready to receive it or not.  The slick fingers settled around Roger’s cock, and Roger jerked into them, his breath hitching. 
“I usually don’t…no one ever…”
“Shh baby,” he cooed as he slowly worked him.  “Let me take care of you.” 
Brian spread the precum already gathered over Roger’s aching cock, easing the way for his able fingers, applying delicious pressure up and down the throbbing member. 
And Roger began to cry. 
With his head buried in the curly-haired man’s shoulder, slowly fucking up into his hand, he cried.  Because no one had ever cared enough to treat him like this before, and their hour was almost up. 
Freddie slammed John against the back of the door, his hand going down to grab his ass.  “I gotta say I got the belle of the ball,” he said between wet kisses.  “Can’t wait to get you out of these little shorts.”
“Yessir,” John gasped as Freddie lightly pulled his hair, leading him in the direction of the bed.
“We use the traffic lights, OK,” Freddie got out between kisses.  He was tugging on the edge of John’s shirt, his hands under the hem. 
“You know, green, yellow, and red,” Freddie said distractedly.  He was busy getting John naked, and missed the question in his voice.
“Oh, right,” John said, not knowing in the slightest what he was talking about, but afraid to lose a client. 
Then Freddie gasped, and John remembered. 
He should’ve just given him a blow job. 
“Oh, darling.”
John put his arms around himself, as if that would do anything to hide the deep angry gashes on his back and buttocks.  Tears began to well up in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” he said to Freddie.
Freddie could feel the rage building just beneath his skin, manifesting itself in a slight tremble in his limbs.  “You have nothing to be sorry for my dear.  The bastard who did this and then left you like this is the one who should be sorry.”  
John ducked his head, a tear escaping his thick lashes. 
“Come on,” he said as he put his arm around the young man’s shoulders.  “Let’s get these tended too and then we’ll have a cuddle, hmm?”
John sniffed, looking at him through his long silky hair.  “A cuddle?”  The concept seemed so foreign.
Freddie smiled.  “Go ahead John and lie down on the bed.  I’ll get us a blanket.”  Freddie rummaged around in the dresser drawers until he found some cream.  It was a little late to tend John’s wounds, but he couldn’t not do anything.  And it would be soothing. 
Freddie settled on the bed, the pot of cream in his hands.  He looked at the brunet, spread on his stomach with his hair spilled around his shoulders.  He was certainly a lovely young thing, and so trusting.  It was a shame he had been mistreated so. 
John couldn’t stifle a moan when the cool cream hit his burning skin.  He relaxed even further into the bed as Freddie treated the ugly wounds, causing Freddie’s mouth to twitch. 
“You’re breathtaking John,” he whispered.  “No one should’ve ever done this to you.  Not ever.” 
“I’m ugly,” John said quietly.  “And I deserved it.” 
“Darling.”  Freddie nudged him where he lay on the pillow.  He could tell the young man was crying from the quiet sniffs he was making.  “Turn over.  Look at me.” 
John obeyed, turning over to look at Freddie.  His eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, but his lips were full and sweet. 
“Why do you think you deserved a punishment like this, love?”
John averted his eyes, almost afraid if he divulged his reasons he would be punished again.  “I couldn’t swallow,” he said as he chewed his lip.  “He wanted me to swallow, and I had to spit it out.”  John looked nervously at Freddie.  “It was an accident,” he added as an afterthought.
Freddie felt heart flip at how vulnerable he looked lying there making his confession, which was no confession at all.  This rare flower deserved nothing but to be loved and cared for, not to be used night after night. 
“John, darling,” he said as he ran a hand through his hair.  “May I blow you?”
John’s eyes grew wide.  “Why?” 
Freddie chuckled good-naturedly.  “Because it’s my hour and that’s what I would like to do.”  Freddie smiled at the timid young man.  “Is that OK with you?” 
John nodded, a bit dumbstruck.
Freddie’s mouth sank onto John’s cock, hot and heavenly, and John instinctively arched into his mouth.  Freddie held his arms, letting his hips move, allowing him the freedom to fuck up into his mouth, to wiggle and writhe like it was the first time he had ever been touched.  Maybe it was.  Freddie didn’t care.  He just knew he wanted to do it again and again.  But his hour was almost up. 
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